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Temporary and seasonal migration: Regional pattern, characteristics and

associated factors

Article  in  Economic and political weekly · January 2012


81 783

2 authors:

Kunal Keshri R. B. Bhagat

The Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute International Institute for Population Sciences


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Temporary and Seasonal Migration: Regional

Pattern, Characteristics and Associated Factors

Kunal Keshri, R B Bhagat

The regional pattern of temporary and seasonal labour 1  Introduction

migration in India assumes sharp focus when seen in the emporary migration, often used interchangeably with
circular, seasonal, short-term and spontaneous migration,
light of data from the 64th round of the National Sample
has been a subject of much discourse. According to Zelinsky
Survey. The phenomenon is more prevalent in rural (1971), all these movements, usually short-term, repetitive or
areas of the country’s northern and eastern states. This cyclic, having the common motive of a temporary change of
paper also examines the association between temporary ­residence, are circular in nature. Circular migrants follow a
­circular path and maintain continuous but temporary absences
migration and its determining factors, particularly
from their place of origin for more than one day (Hugo 1982).
economic status, landholding and educational levels. It Temporary or circular migration is a move made for a short
observes that there is a significant negative association ­period of time with the intention of returning to the place of
between economic and educational attainment and usual residence. An important group of temporary migrants
consists of seasonal migrants, who combine activity at several
temporary migration, both in rural and urban areas. In
places according to seasonal labour requirements (Keshri and
general, socio-economically deprived groups such as Bhagat 2010).
adivasis and those from the lower castes have a greater Prevailing regional inequalities and uneven development in
propensity to migrate seasonally, which also reflects its many Asian countries impel temporary internal migration from
agriculturally backward and poor rural areas. Temporary migra-
distress-driven nature.
tion has increased substantially in the last two decades in south,
south-east and east Asia (Brauw 2007; Deshingkar and Akter
2009; Deshingkar and Grimm 2005; Ha et al 2009; Lam et al
2007). Seasonal migration has long been a source of income for
rural households unable to support themselves through agricul-
ture. Households diversify their economic activities outside the
traditional agricultural sphere by sending out members to work
in urban areas in the lean period (Pham and Hill 2008). Accord-
ing to the school of New Economics of Labour Migration (NELM),
temporary migration is considered a risk diversification strategy
(Prothero and Chapman 1985; Stark and Bloom 1985; Stark and
Levhari 1982).
It is evident from the extant literature that temporary migra-
tion is one of the most significant livelihood strategies adopted by
the poorest sections in rural India, predominantly in the form of
seasonal mobility of labour (Breman 1978, 1996; Deshingkar and
Farrington 2009; Deshingkar and Start 2003; Haberfeld et al 1999;
An earlier version of the paper was presented at an “International Mosse et al 2005; Rao and Rana 1997; Rogaly 1998; Rogaly et al
Conference on Population Dynamism of Asia: Issues and Challenges
2001; Srivastava and Sasikumar 2003). People also move from
Ahead” during 11-13 July 2011 at the Department of Geography,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The authors are thankful rural areas to nearby or distant cities to find jobs in construction
to the participants for their feedback and suggestions, and they would or the unorganised informal sector (Breman 1994; Deshingkar
like to acknowledge Rajesh Kumar Chauhan and Gopal Agrawal for their and Farrington 2009; Haberfeld et al 1999; Vijay 2005). Mukherji
help in extraction of NSS data and Sanjay Mohanty and Kirti Gaur for (2006) has termed this distress migration, which, according to
their useful comments towards the improvement of the manuscript.
him, paves the way for urban decay by causing urban poverty,
Kunal Keshri (kunalkeshri.lrd@gmail.com) and R B Bhagat (rbbhagat@ unemployment and a shortage of housing. Breman (1994), on
iips.net) are with the International Institute for Population Sciences, the other hand, sees seasonal labour migration in western India
as an important survival option for landless labourers. Landless
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   january 28, 2012  vol xlvii no 4 81

agricultural labourers in Gujarat, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, West which is the other important source of migration data, is mainly
Bengal and Jharkhand, who are trapped in debt bondage and be- concerned with current and permanent migration and does
long to the lower social strata (scheduled tribes and castes or STs not attempt to capture seasonal or short-term flows of labour
and SCs), migrate seasonally within or outside their states (Bre- (Chandrasekhar and Ghosh 2007; Keshri and Bhagat 2010).
man 1994; Deshingkar and Farrington 2009; Haberfeld et al There is thus a dearth of studies that provide a general picture of
1999; Jayaraman 1979; Rogaly 1998; Rogaly et al 2001; Vijay temporary migration at the national and state levels, which also
2005). For instance, the monsoon frequently fails in Panchma- examine its determining factors.
hals district of Gujarat and seasonal migration of the tribal popu- Against this backdrop, the recently available data from the
lation to nearby rural and urban areas is common (Jayaraman 64th round of the NSS (2007-08) provides a great opportunity to
1979). Similar circumstances prompt temporary migration study temporary migration in India. With a comparatively large
among tribal women in Jharkhand and West Bengal as well (Dayal sample size of temporary migrants, this data allows us to analyse
and Karan 2003; Rogaly et al 2001). Though such migration can be the phenomenon at the state level. Moreover, there is informa-
taken as a sign of dynamism, it has more to do with increasing tion on the destinations of temporary migrants, which makes
inequalities, agrarian instability and inadequate livelihood gen- studying streams of migration possible. The quality of the data
eration in many parts of rural and urban India (Chandrasekhar has also improved compared to the previous round.1 Therefore
and Ghosh 2007; Keshri and Bhagat 2010). this study aims to explore the pattern and state-wise intensity of
There are several demographic and socio-economic factors temporary migration and to examine its association with poverty,
such as age, sex, educational attainment, social group or caste, landholding and education after controlling for other socio-
religion, poverty and size of landholding that affect temporary demographic factors. As temporary migration in India is strongly
migration (Brauw 2007; Deshingkar and Grimm 2005; Deshing- influenced by seasons, the terms “temporary” and “seasonal” are
kar 2006; Ha et al 2009; Lam et al 2007; Pham and Hill 2008). used interchangeably. In this study, a temporary migrant is defined
Yang and Guo (1999) have found that in rural areas, the decision as a household member who has stayed away from his or her
of men to migrate is mainly moulded by community-level factors, village or town for one month or more but less than six months in
while among women, temporary labour migration is predomi- the last 365 days for employment or in search of employment.
nantly determined by individual characteristics. Among the broad
group of the underclass or the socio-economically deprived, 2  Data
which includes the poorest of the poor, the landless, illiterates or The present study utilises unit level data from the 64th round of
those with a very low level of education (say, primary school), the NSS, which is a large-scale, nationally representative, multi-
the SC/STs and Muslims, temporary migration is very high round survey (NSSO 2010). In this round, information on various
(Bird and Deshingkar 2009; Connell et al 1976; Dayal and Karan facets of migration was collected through a schedule on “Employ-
2003; Deshingkar 2006; Hugo 1985; Mosse et al 2005; Vanwey ment and Unemployment and Migration Particulars” (Schedule
2003). Poverty is supposed to be a key push factor in temporary 10.2). Two blocks were canvassed for the particulars and the
migration. Skeldon (2002) states that under certain conditions, ­survey was conducted in all states and union territories from
poverty may be the root cause of migration in some parts of 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 (the reference period of the survey).
the world, whereas in other parts, under different conditions, For Schedule 10.2 at the all-India level, 12,688 first stage units
the poor may be among the last to move. Brauw (2007) finds that (7,984 villages and 4,704 urban blocks) were covered. In the central
households having low annual expenditures are more prone to sample, the survey covered a sample of 1,25,578 households
migrate than others. (79,091 in rural areas and 46,487 in urban areas) and a sample
Some studies using data from the National Sample Survey of 5,72,254 persons (3,74,294 in rural areas and 1,97,960 in
(NSS) and Census of India have established that poor people are urban areas).
less mobile as far as permanent or semi-permanent migration is In this round of the NSS, voluminous data on short-duration
concerned (Bhagat 2010; Singh 2009), while Kundu and Sarangi movements or temporary migration was collected. Information
(2007) find there is no association between poverty and seasonal about temporary migrants was collected by asking heads of
migration across the urban centres. Recent work by Keshri and households whether any member had stayed away from the
Bhagat (2010), which utilises data from the 55th round of the NSS, village or town for a period of 30 days to six months during the
reveals that seasonal migration is very prevalent among those last 365 days in search of employment or for employment. Apart
belonging to the lowest expenditure quintiles, rural areas and STs. from this, information on the number of spells (staying away
States having a higher level of inequality show higher temporary from a village or town for 15 days or more was termed a spell),
migration rates. However, the data has some limitations because destination stayed at during the longest spell (such as, the same
the sample of temporary migrants is small and information is district, the same state but another district, another state, another
lacking on their destinations and occupations. country, and so on) and if worked, the industry worked in were
Despite large-scale temporary migration in absolute numbers, collected. In the previous migration-related version (55th round,
the phenomenon has not been adequately studied at the macro 1999-2000) of this survey, an attempt was made to identify tem-
level in India. This has possibly been due to the unavailability of porary migrants by considering people who had stayed away
national-level data or the very limited information collected by from their villages or towns for 60 days or more for employment
national surveys (as in the 55th round of the NSS). The census, or in search of employment (NSSO 2001). But in the 64th round of
82 january 28, 2012  vol xlvii no 4  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

the survey the minimum number of days was lowered to 30 days with less than 1 hectare as the reference category. Educational
to capture short-term movements more effectively. attainment is the other important indicator of socio-economic
The usual place of residence was defined in the NSS as a place development that has been found to be associated with temporary
(village or town) where a person has stayed continuously for six migration (Yang 1992). It was classified into four broad categories –
months or more. If a household member’s last usual place of resi- below primary (reference), middle level completed, and second-
dence, anytime in the past, was different from the place of enu- ary or higher educated (graduate and above).
meration, he or she was considered a migrant. The NSS used a In India, there is economic stratification of the population in
stratified multistage sampling design and appropriate multipliers accordance with various social groups and castes and this is re-
and weights have been used to generate national and state-level lated to migration, particularly in rural areas, as many earlier
estimates. Details of the multipliers and sampling weights used studies have found (Gnanou 2008; Haberfeld et al 1999; Keshri
are in the NSS report pertaining to migration (NSSO 2010). and Bhagat 2010; Mosse et al 2005; Vijay 2005). For a logistic
regression analysis, the social group STs was assigned as the
3  Analytical Strategy and Cataloguing of Variables reference category in a threefold classification of caste – STs, SCs,
The rate of temporary migration was calculated to study the pat- Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and others. Religion was also
tern and intensity of migration. The temporary migration rate for taken as a control variable with the categories Hindu (reference),
a category of persons or a region (say, district or state) for a speci- Muslim and Others. The last category consisted of all other reli-
fied period of time was estimated by the number of migrants of gious groups. For the variable sex, male was taken as the refer-
that category per 1,000 persons of that category in the region. It ence group. Marital status was also included in the model (with
was calculated using the following formula: single as the reference category). To know the likelihood of tem-

( )
Total number of migrants in a porary migration, the variable state/union territory was included
particular category in the models. Rajasthan was taken as the reference category
Temporary migration rate = × 1,000
Total number of persons in since its seasonal migration rates in rural and urban
that category areas are equal to the national average.
To study the regional pattern of temporary migration, state- Four different sets of logistic regression models were applied
wise estimates were generated. The sample was restricted to the for examining the associated factors of temporary migration. In
working-age population (15 to 65 years) for all bi-variate and model I, for which regression was run on the sample of the working-
multivariate analyses since temporary migration is mainly for age population of rural areas, MPCE, landholding and educational
employment (Keshri and Bhagat 2010; Yang and Guo 1999).2 attainment were taken into consideration. In model II, along
However, state-wise estimates were generated for the working- with MPCE quintiles, landholding and education, caste, religion,
age population as well as for all ages. Using the information on household size, sex, marital status and state were included as
destination during the longest spell, streams of migration were control variables. In model III, regression was run for the urban
identified. The variable for monthly per capita consumer expend- sample using the same variables as those in model I. In model IV,
iture quintiles (MPCE quintiles) was obtained by dividing the total the same set of variables as model II were included using the
household expenditure by the household size and then distribut- urban sample to assess the independent impact of these factors
ing households into five equal percentile groups. The quintiles on temporary migration. For ease of interpretation of the result,
were defined as lowest, lower, medium, higher and highest. only those states that were statistically significant were shown in
Binary logistic regression models were fitted to assess the ad- the logistic regression tables.
justed effects of socio-economic characteristics on the likelihood
of a person being a seasonal migrant.3 The outcome variable of 4  Results and Discussion
seasonal migration was coded in a binary form, that is, “1” if a
person was a temporary migrant and “0” if not. In the absence of 4.1  Regional Pattern of Temporary
income-related data in Indian sample surveys, the household and Seasonal Migration
consumer expenditure data of the NSS provides quite a close view Table 1 (p 84) presents the regional picture of temporary and sea-
of the economic conditions of households. Therefore, MPCE quin- sonal migration in India by showing the estimated number of
tiles were taken as a proxy of the economic condition of house- temporary migrants and temporary migration rate (migrants per
holds, as many recent studies have done (Banerjee and Raju 2009; 1,000 population) across states for all ages and in the working-
Keshri and Bhagat 2010; Kundu and Sarangi 2007). This was age population (15-64 years).
categorised into low (reference), medium and high for logistic There were a total of 1,36,21,100 temporary migrants of all
regression analysis. ages in India in the reference period 2007-08. This figure falls to
Connell et al (1976) argue that landholding is the primary 1,30,76,500 when only the working-age population is taken into
economic force that drives temporary migration in rural India. It account. Among the major states, the estimated number of tem-
is established that temporary migration is the main source of porary and seasonal migrants in the working-age population was
income for rural households who are unable to support themselves highest (20,85,600) in Bihar, followed by Uttar Pradesh (18,96,500),
through agriculture in their home communities, particularly West Bengal (15,28,400) and Madhya Pradesh (12,36,900).
those that have small landholdings or are landless (Hugo 1985; Migration rates were calculated to assess the intensity of migra-
Vanwey 2003). Variable landholding was included in the models tion, which was found to be highest in Bihar (50 per 1,000).
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   january 28, 2012  vol xlvii no 4 83
Table 1: Temporary and Seasonal Migrants, Temporary and Seasonal Migration Rate Figure 1: Rural-Urban Differentials in Temporary and Seasonal Migration Rate
(Migrants Per Thousand), National Sample Survey, 2007-08 (Migrants Per Thousand, Age-Group 15-64 Years), Indian States, National Sample
States Temporary and Seasonal Migrants Temporary and Seasonal Survey, 2007-08
(in Thousands) Migration Rate (per 1,000) India 6
India 26
All Ages Age Group 15-64 Years All Ages Age Group 15-64 Years 8
West Bengal
Bengal 37
Andhra Pradesh 789.5 725.8 10.5 14.2 Uttarakhand
Uttaranchal 2
Arunachal Pradesh 18.9 17.8 17.6 25.8 Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh 5
Assam 294.3 286.5 11.8 17.4 Tripura
Tripura 10
Tamil Nadu
Nadu 8
Bihar 2,125.7 2,085.6 28.2 49.9 16
Sikkim 0
Chhattisgarh 329.7 262.7 14.3 18.3 5
Rajasthan 6
Delhi 52.1 52.1 4.0 5.8 3
Punjab 7
Goa 8.2 8.1 5.7 8.0 Orissa
Orissa 6
Gujarat 1,147.8 1,107.9 23.2 33.8 Nagaland
Nagaland 66
Haryana 72.7 69.2 3.3 5.0 Mizoram
Mizoram 8
Meghalaya 5
Himachal Pradesh 29.6 29.4 4.7 7.2 21
Manipur 5
Jammu and Kashmir 102.7 101.9 12.4 18.6 5
Maharashtra 2
Jharkhand 539.6 530.8 21.9 35.9 8
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh 42
Karnataka 437.9 420.5 8.9 12.7 Kerala 4
Kerala 7
Kerala 132.0 127.2 4.4 6.3 Karnataka
Karnataka 6
Madhya Pradesh 1,262.0 1,236.9 20.9 33.5 Jharkhand
Jharkhand 44
and Kashmir
Kashmir 10
Maharashtra 728.1 682.1 7.7 10.7 Jammu 21
Pradesh 2
Manipur 8.6 6.8 4.3 5.1 Himachal 8
Haryana 2
Haryana 6
Meghalaya 25.8 25.7 11.1 18.0 7
Gujarat 51
Mizoram 4.4 4.1 5.0 7.0 Goa 4
Goa 13
Nagaland 32.8 32.6 34.0 48.5 Delhi 6
Delhi 3
Orissa 437.8 430.3 12.0 18.2 Chhattisgarh 4
Chhattisgarh 21
Bihar 12
Punjab 127.7 89.8 5.4 5.6 Bihar 54
18 Urban
Rajasthan 737.3 724.0 12.7 21.1 Assam
Assam 17
Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh 26
Sikkim 1.7 1.3 3.3 3.9 2 Rural
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh 19
Tamil Nadu 578.6 542.4 9.4 12.8
0 2020 4040 6060
Tripura 12.8 11.2 3.7 4.8 Migration rate (per 1,000)
Uttar Pradesh 1,974.4 1,896.5 11.6 19.6 Source: 64th National Sample Survey 2007-08, unit level data.
Uttarakhand 30.9 30.5 3.6 5.7 Figure 2: Streams of Temporary and Seasonal Migration in India according to Sex
West Bengal 1,569.4 1,528.4 20.0 29.3 (Age-Group 15-64 Years), National Sample Survey, 2007-08
India 13,621.1 13,076.5 13.5 20.5 5 Urban to urban 5 5
Total of migrants of all states may not equal to the all-India figure because it also includes the 2 Urban to rural 3 2
migrants from union territories.
Source: 64th National Sample Survey 2007-08, unit level data.

25 Rural to rural
Among the major states, Jharkhand (36), Gujarat (34), Madhya 29

Pradesh (33), West Bengal (30) and Rajasthan (21) also had a
high intensity of seasonal migration above the national average 52

(20). Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, and

Orissa showed moderate levels (15 to 20 per 1,000) of seasonal
migration. The remaining states had a low intensity of migration.
Among the smaller states, Nagaland had the highest migration Rural to urban

rate (48) while it was insignificant in the remaining north-eastern 67

states. Differentials across states were more or less similar when
we consider migrants of all ages. Most of the states had high 40
levels of intra-regional inequality and seasonal migration was an
important livelihood strategy during the agricultural lean season
with people moving to big cities in the same state or to other
states (Breman 1994; Deshingkar and Farrington 2009; Jayara- Male
Male Female
Female Total
Per cent distribution of migrants
man 1979; Rogaly et al 2001).
Source: 64th National Sample Survey 2007-08, unit level data.
Temporary migration in rural and urban areas had different
driving forces due to differences in the socio-economic status of migration rate (54), followed by Gujarat (51), Jharkhand (44),
the populations. Therefore it is imperative to analyse the phe- Madhya Pradesh (42) and West Bengal (37). In urban areas, Assam
nomena separately. Figure 1 shows the temporary migration rate had a high temporary migration rate (18), along with Bihar (12)
by place of residence across states. We find a significant differ- and Jammu and Kashmir (10). In general, rural areas had very
ence between the temporary migration rates of rural (26) and high migration rates compared to urban areas. In Jharkhand,
urban areas (6). In rural areas, Bihar had the highest seasonal Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal,
84 january 28, 2012  vol xlvii no 4  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan the migration rate (29 per 1,000). With an increase in landholding, the migration
in rural areas was many times higher than that in urban areas. rate decreased. The same did not hold true for urban areas.
Jammu and Kashmir, Orissa, Karnataka, Punjab and Uttarakhand Education is a reflection Table 4: Temporary and Seasonal Migration
also showed comparatively higher temporary migration rates in of socio-economical develop- Rate (Migrants Per Thousand) according to
Educational Status by Place of Residence
rural than urban areas. Interestingly, in states such as Assam and ment and a prime determi- (Age-Group 15-64 Years), National Sample
Nagaland, the urban temporary migration rate was higher than nant of the job a migrant Survey, 2007-08
Educational Status Rural Urban Total
the rural. The findings show that rural-urban differences in labourer is going to have. Below primary 29.1 7.8 25.7
migration rates were not very significant in the southern and As Table 4 shows, temporary Primary or middle level 27.9 6.2 22.1
north-eastern states. migration rates decreased Higher secondary level 16.8 3.9 11.1
Figure 2 (p 84) shows the distribution (percentage) of male with increasing levels of edu- Graduate or above 17.4 4.2 8.3
and female temporary and seasonal migrants according to the cation. We find that people Total 26.4 5.5 20.5
four migration streams in India. It is seen that overall more than who had less than primary Source: Same as in Table 1.
half the migrants were in the rural to urban stream, followed education showed the highest propensity to migrate. This trend
by the rural to rural stream. However, among females, the rural prevailed in rural as well as urban areas.
to rural migration rate was higher. The dominance of rural to As seen in Table 5, temporary migration rates of different
urban migration among males reflected the increasing differ- social groups varied considerably with it being very high among
ences between rural and urban areas in India in terms of income STs (45 per 1,000). The rate was 25 per 1,000 for SCs. In rural
and employment. The informal sector in urban areas attracts areas, STs had a higher rate Table 5: Temporary and Seasonal Migration
poor people from rural areas, mainly when there is a lull in of temporary migration (49) Rate (Migrants Per Thousand) according to
Social Group by Place of Residence (Age-Group
agricultural work. than SCs (30). Further, the 15-64 Years), National Sample Survey, 2007-08
results show that differen- Social Group Rural Urban Total
4.2  Characteristics of Temporary and Seasonal Migration tials among social groups Scheduled tribes 49.0 6.5 45.2
The relationship between poverty and migration has long been a were pronounced in rural Scheduled castes 29.9 6.7 24.8
subject of debate. It is well recognised that poor people migrate areas but less remarkable in Other Backward Classes 23.9 6.5 19.5
for survival within the country and this mobility is generally in urban areas. This confirms Others 18.0 4.3 12.2
Total 26.4 5.5 20.5
the form of short-term migration, even though the capacity to af- our proposition that the
Source: Same as in Table 2.
ford migration is low among the poor (Kundu and Sarangi 2007; poor and socially deprived
Skeldon 2002). In the absence of a direct measurement of in rural areas migrate more than others on a temporary basis. It
poverty, MPCE quintiles have been used as indicators to unravel could be said that poor and socially deprived classes are more
whether temporary mobility mobile because of the distress-driven nature of temporary
Table 2: Temporary Migration Rate
is higher among the poor or (Migrants Per Thousand) according to migration in India. Table 6: Temporary and Seasonal Migration
Rate (Migrants Per Thousand) according to
rich. Table 2 shows the cross- MPCE by Place of Residence (Age-Group 15- Table 6 shows temporary Religion by Place of Residence (Age-Group
64 Years), National Sample Survey, 2007-08
classification of migration MPCE Quintiles Rural Urban Total and seasonal migration rates 15-64 Years), National Sample Survey, 2007-08
rates according to MPCE quin- Lowest 44.8 8.3 40.6 by religion. The migrations Religion Rural Urban Total
Hindu 26.3 5.0 20.6
tiles by place of residence. Lower 32.1 6.2 25.6 rate was highest among
Muslim 32.4 7.5 23.2
The result showed that the Medium 23.8 4.6 17.0 Muslims (23 per 1,000), fol- Others 14.8 7.6 12.4
temporary migration rate Higher 17.4 5.0 10.2 lowed by Hindus (20 per Total 26.4 5.5 20.5
was very high (40) among Highest 11.3 2.3 5.8 1,000). The pattern was the Source: Same as in Table 1.
those in the lowest MPCE Total 26.4 5.5 20.5 same in rural as well as urban areas. Nevertheless, religious dif-
Source: Same as in Table 1.
quintile and it decreased in ferences were more prominent in rural than urban areas.
the higher quintiles. Among those in the lowest quintile in rural
areas, the temporary migration rate was almost 45 per 1,000 4.3  Factors Associated with Temporary
while it was 32 per 1,000 in the lower quintile and further and Seasonal Migration
­decreased with ­increasing MPCE. The trend in urban areas was We fitted various logistic regression models to examine the effect
similar but the degree of Table 3: Temporary and Seasonal Migration of economic factors while controlling for other social-economic,
change was smoother from Rate (Migrants Per Thousand) according to
Land Possession by Place of Residence
demographic and geographical variables (Table 7, p 86). In the
the lowest to the highest quin- (Age-Group 15-64 Years), National Sample rural sample, a statistically significant negative relationship be-
tile. Nonetheless, we find re- Survey, 2007-08 tween MPCE tertiles and seasonal migration was observed, which
Landholding (in hectares) Rural Urban Total
markable rural-urban differ- Less than 1 29.1 5.4 21.2
implied that persons belonging to lower income groups were
entials with respect to MPCE 1-4 18.4 7.0 17.8 more likely to migrate temporarily (in model I).
quintiles in migration rates. More than 4 10.9 11.9 10.9 Further, the likelihood of temporary migration declined with
On the whole, seasonal mi- Total 26.4 5.5 20.5 more land being owned by a household, which confirms previous
gration rates fell with an Source: Same as in Table 1. research findings (Connell et al 1976). A plausible explanation
increase in the size of land possessed by households (Table 3). In may be that households with smaller landholdings try to diversify
rural areas, those belonging to households having less than their activities through seasonal migration to supplement rural
1 hectare of land had the highest rate of seasonal migration income in the agricultural lean season (Hugo 1985; Vanwey 2003).
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   january 28, 2012  vol xlvii no 4 85
Table 7: Results of Logistic Regression Analysis for Determinants of Temporary and Table 8: Results of Logistic Regression Analysis for Determinants of Temporary
Seasonal Migration in Rural Areas (Age-Group 15-64 Years), National Sample Survey, 2007-08 and Seasonal Migration in Urban Areas (Age-Group 15-64 Years), National Sample
Covariates Rural (N=235682) Survey, 2007-08
Model I Model II Covariates Urban (N=134922)
Model III Model IV
MPCE tertile
  Low® 1.00 1.00 MPCE tertile
  Medium 0.62*** 0.71***   Low® 1.00 1.00
  High 0.36*** 0.53***   Medium 0.62*** 0.65***
Educational attainment   High 0.52*** 0.58***
  Below primary® 1.00 1.00 Educational attainment
  Primary or middle 1.09*** 0.67***   Below primary® 1.00 1.00
  Secondary or higher 0.79*** 0.47***   Primary or middle 0.88 0.58***
Land possession   Secondary or higher 0.66*** 0.43***
  Less than 1 hectare® 1.00 1.00 Land possession
  1-4 hectares 0.70*** 0.77***   Less than 1 hectare 1.00 1.00
  More than 4 hectares 0.48*** 0.54***   1-4 hectares 1.31 1.33
Social group   More than 4 hectares 2.91*** 3.70***
  Scheduled tribes® 1.00
Social group
  Scheduled castes 0.60***
  Scheduled tribes® 1.00
  Other Backward Classes 0.52***
  Scheduled castes 1.71*
  Others 0.47***
  Other Backward Classes 1.70*
  Hindu® 1.00   Others 1.41
  Muslim 1.21*** Religion
  Others 0.81*   Hindu® 1.00
Size of the household   Muslim 1.30*
  Less than 5® 1.00   Others 2.19***
  5 or more 1.04 Size of the household
Sex   Less than 5 1.00
  Male® 1.00   5 or more 0.84*
  Female 0.13*** Sex
Marital status   Male® 1.00
  Single® 1.00   Female 0.17***
  Currently married 1.57*** Marital status
State   Single 1.00
  Rajasthan® 1.00   Currently married 0.85*
  Andhra Pradesh 0.77** State
  Assam 0.74*   Rajasthan 1.00
  Bihar 2.00***   Andhra Pradesh 0.37***
  Gujarat 2.09***
  Arunachal Pradesh 3.54*
  Haryana 0.31***
  Assam 3.83**
  Himachal Pradesh 0.50*
  Bihar 1.60*
  Karnataka 0.66***
  Haryana 0.40*
  Kerala 0.48***
  Maharashtra 0.40***
  Madhya Pradesh 1.30***
  Nagaland 12.98***
  Maharashtra 0.76***
  Punjab 0.34**
  Manipur 0.26*
  Meghalaya 0.73*   Uttar Pradesh 0.65*
  Nagaland 2.64**   Tamil Nadu 1.43*
  Orissa 0.59***   Jharkhand 0.20*
  Punjab 0.46***   Uttarakhand 0.28*
  Tamil Nadu 0.78**   Agea 0.98***
  Tripura 0.12*** *p<0.1,  **p<0.05,  ***p<0.001;  ® reference category;  a continuous variable;  only statistically
significant states are shown in the table.
  West Bengal 1.28***
  Chhattisgarh 0.61*** social group, religion, size of household, sex, marital status and
  Jharkhand 1.38*** state (model II). Nevertheless, those with less than primary edu-
  Uttarakhand 0.35*** cation were found to be highly mobile on a temporary basis com-
  Agea 0.96*** pared to those with middle-level education or higher. It could be
*p<0.1,  **p<0.05,  ***p<0.001;  ® reference category;  a continuous variable;  only statistically
significant states are shown in the table. inferred that the chances of temporary migration in rural areas
Source: Same as in Table 1. went down with an increasing level of education. These results
We also found a negative association between educational were consistent with earlier studies (Keshri and Bhagat 2010). It
attainment and temporary migration. It showed that those with a can be seen that the logistic regression results endorsed the
lower level of education had the highest propensity to migrate. bi-variate results relating to social group. STs were two times
These relationships were not distorted even after controlling for more likely to migrate seasonally compared to SCs and other caste
86 january 28, 2012  vol xlvii no 4  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

groups. Muslims were significantly more likely to migrate than 5  Conclusions

Hindus and others. The results also showed that males had higher Temporary and seasonal migration has long been an important
odds of migrating than females. This could lead to the inference income diversification and risk-coping strategy in many agriculture-
that males have higher chances of migrating temporarily when based economies in the developing world. In places where access to
other factors are controlled for in rural areas. non-agricultural employment is limited, or climate (or technology)
The results suggested that people from Bihar and Gujarat were prevents continuous cultivation, seasonal migration is often the
two times more likely to migrate temporarily or seasonally com- key to a household’s income during the agricultural lean season.
pared to those from Rajasthan (which has a temporary migration It is not only an important form of labour mobility in a country
rate equal to that of India). Rural inhabitants of Madhya Pradesh, with an increasing shift of the labour force from agriculture to
West Bengal, Nagaland and Jharkhand were more likely to migrate industry and the tertiary sector (Keshri and Bhagat 2010), but also
compared to the remaining states in the country. We found that critical to the livelihoods of socially deprived groups, especially
those belonging to economically backward and low-growth tribal people and those from rural areas who lack of employment
states had a higher likelihood of migrating seasonally. However, at their place of origin. This study presents regional patterns and,
Gujarat, a high-growing state, was an exception to this. This was more importantly, the socio-economic determinants of tempo-
probably because the state has had a history of seasonal migra- rary and seasonal migration in India more specifically.
tion from its southern and south-eastern parts that consist of dry, Regional variations in temporary migration are noteworthy in
hilly and tribal-dominated districts (Breman 1994; Krishna et al a country. Bihar, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, West
2003; Jayaraman 1979). Bengal and Nagaland have a very high intensity of migration. All
The logistic regression results for the urban sample were more these states either have a high level of intra-state inequality or
or less similar to that of rural areas with an exception pertaining a high proportion of STs and SCs. We observe stark rural-urban
to landholding (in model III) (Table 8, p 86). It was observed that differentials in the intensity of temporary migration, which may
those from households with more than 4 hectares of land had a be explained by differentials in levels of economic development in
higher likelihood of migrating seasonally. After controlling for rural and urban areas and the resulting availability of employment.
other socio-economic variables (in model IV), we find that in ur- Overall, temporary and seasonal migration declines with better
ban areas as well the chances of temporary migration decreased economic and educational status. In rural areas, those with in-
with increasing income. creasing incomes become less prone to migrate temporarily. Social
This result is in contrast to an earlier study pertaining to urban factors play a critical role in migration decisions. Those belong-
areas by Keshri and Bhagat (2010). Further, there was an impor- ing to STs have a higher chance of migrating seasonally than peo-
tant deviation from the findings on rural areas in that SCs and ple in any other social group. This finding corresponds to earlier
OBCs had higher chances of migrating temporarily in urban studies, which have documented that lower caste and tribal people
areas. The same was true of lower educational levels, which trapped in poverty have a greater propensity to migrate seasonally
meant urban inhabitants with less than middle-level education (Breman 1996; Deshingkar and Start 2003; Keshri and Bhagat
had higher chances of migrating temporarily. The results 2004; Mosse et al 2005; Rao and Rana 1997; Rao 2005; Rogaly et
suggested that urban people from Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Assam, al 2001). In short, the study concludes that temporary mobility is
Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland were more likely to migrate higher among the poorer sections of Indian society irrespective
seasonally than from other states in the country. of the level of economic development of the states concerned.

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Economic Reforms and Growth in India

Essays from Economic and Political Weekly
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sector, and uses data to evaluate the policies that have implicitly underpinned the changes.
Presenting a range of approaches, views and conclusions, this collection comprises papers published in the Economic and Political Weekly between the late 1990s
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