Alternative Verbs

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Verbs that can be used instead of:

to walk: amble, bounce, clump, falter, limp, lumber,

march, parade, mance, plod, stagger, stride,
stumble, scuff, stomp, swagger

to look: browse, consider, contemplate, gaze,

glare, glimpse,
gape, leer, outstand, outface, regard,
peek, peruse,
scan, stare, study, watch

to speak: admit, address, agree, analyse, blubber,

breathe, call, chant, explain, fuss, giggle,
groan, interrupt, judge, reply, sigh

to eat: binge, bite, consume, digest, dine, feast,

gobble, guzzle, nibble, wolf down, swallow

to drink: glug, gorge, gulp, neck, sip, slurp,



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