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1. As per RA7160: Local Government Code of 1991, which of the following roles of the LGU’s
explains that Cities in the municipalities with enough resources can first pay for the land bought
by their constituents in cases when the national government is unable to release loans, and the
collect the amount at a later time from the agencies concerned?
a. source of interim financing
2. As per RA7160: Local Government Code of 1991, which of the following roles of the LGU’s claims
that they can buy and allot hectares of land for socialized or low cost housing, and make housing
packages suitable to the needs of their communities?
a. Direct housing provider
3. As per RA7160: Local Government Code of 1991, which of the following roles of the LGU’s
explains that LGU’s can take an active role after a community association has worked on its
tenurial security, where LGU’s can provide water facilities, provide the road network or do the
community’s storm and drainage cana?
a. Site developer
4. As per RA7160: Local Government Code of 1991, which of the following roles of the LGU’s claims
that city and municipal governments can also become partners of national government agencies
or private developer, where they can collaborate with a government or private organization to set
up and plan a sound housing program for the poor?
a. Partner through joint projects
5. Charged with the main function of coordinating the activities of the government housing agencies
to ensure the accomplishment of the National Shelter Program
a. Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council/Dept of Human Settlements and
Urban Devt
6. Identifies the key housing agencies in the Philippines and clarifies the roles of each agency under
the National Shelter Program.
a. Executive order 90
7. It is a comprehensive program that provides the people, especially the lowest 30%, with
adequate housing facilities affordable housing packages.
a. National shelter program
8. It is the category in the private sector wherein it consists of developers and builders
a. Output
9. Same sa 8
10. It is the category in the private sector wherein it consists of subcontracting and firms
a. Organization
11. Shall assist private developers to undertake low- and middle-income mass housing production
and encourage private institutional funds and commercial lenders to finance such housing
development and long-term mortgages through a viable system of guarantees, loan insurance
and other incentives.
a. Home Guaranty Corporation
12. Shall be the primary provider of funds for long-term housing mortgages for low and
middle-income private sector employees.
a. Social Security System
13. Sole regulatory body for housing and land development. It is charged with encouraging greater
private sector participation in low-cost housing through the liberation of development standards,
simplification of regulations and decentralization of approvals for permits and licenses.
a. Housing and Land use Regulatory Board
14. The following are Private Sector Representatives for Housing except:
a. Foundations
15. The following are the fund sources for Housing Finance except:
a. Cooperatives
16. The following are the funding agencies for Housing except:
a. None of the Above
17. The major home mortgage institution. Its initial main function is to operate a viable home
mortgage market, utilizing long-term funds principally provided by the SSS, GSIS and HDMF
a. National Home Mortgage
18. The objective is to uplift the conditions of the unprivileged and homeless citizens in urban areas
and in resettlement areas by making available to them decent housing at affordable cost, basic
services and employment opportunities.
a. Urban Development & Housing Act of 1992
19. The sole government agency engaged in direct shelter production. It shall focus its efforts in
providing housing assistance to the lowest: 30% of urban income earners through slum
upgrading, squatter relocation, development of sites and services and construction of core
housing units.
a. National Housing Authority
20. This agency also deals with issues of land use, zoning and subdivision of plots
21. What National Policies for Housing does not belong to the following?
a. National Housing Goals of 1998: Provision of Shelter for the need
22. What do you call the actions of government, including legislation and program delivery, which
have a direct or indirect impact on housing supply and availability, housing standards and urban
a. Housing Policy
23. What is considered as an action oriented 24-page document that provides the global principles,
policies and standards required to achieve sustainable urban development, to transform the way
we construct, manage, operate and live in our cities?
a. The New Urban Agenda
24. What is referred to as a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or voluntary
practice of governments and other institutions?
a. Policy
25. Which are not a key housing agency.
26. Which of the following is a key agency for Housing?
a. NHA
27. Which of the following key components of New Urban Agenda that will provide strategic direction
for the successful transformation of our cities explains that developing and implementing urban
policies that promotes cooperation among local-national government and builds multi-stakeholder
partnerships to enable them to achieve sustainable integrated urban development?
a. Urban policies
28. Which of the following key components of New Urban Agenda that will provide strategic direction
for the successful transformation of our cities involves the strengthening of urban and territorial
planning to best utilize the spatial dimension of the urban form and deliver the urban advantage?
a. Urban Planning and Design
29. Which of the following key components of New Urban Agenda that will provide strategic direction
for the successful transformation of our cities explains that strengthening urban governance and
legislation will provide directive to the urban development and the necessary stimulus to
municipal finance?
a. Urban Governance, rules and regulations
30. Which of the following laws explains that the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council (HUDCC) is hereby directed to take the lead in the identification of professional squatters
and squatting syndicates, monitor and launch operations, through the proper agency or body, to
curtail their activities?
a. RA8368: Anti-Squatting Law Repeal Act of 1997
31. Which of the following laws involves program covering all outstanding housing loans granted,
acquired and being serviced by the Home Guaranty Corporation (HGC)?
a. Ra9507: socialized and low cost
32. Which of the following laws is formulated to protect housing tenants from unreasonable rent
increases, and also benefits for both landlords and tenants in the way that it protects both parties
from conflicts when it comes to fulfilling each other’s obligations.?
a. RA9653: Rent Control Act of 2009
33. Which of the following laws reconstituted the HLURB into an adjudicatory body called Human
Settlements Adjudication Commission (HSAC) which shall be attached to the Department for
policy, planning and program coordination only?
a. RA11201: Human settlements
34. Which of the following thematic chapters with national agencies of The Philippine New Urban
Agenda involves diversified local and housing finance, sustainable local economic development,
and urban economy mainstreaming in development planning?
a. Urban Economy
35. Which of the following thematic chapters with national agencies of The Philippine New Urban
Agenda involves sector leadership, effective multilevel governance, improved local urban
governance capacity, and participatory and transparency mechanisms?
a. Urban Governance
36. Which of the following vital components of the National Shelter Program explains that in. order to
ensure the equitable distribution of housing benefits across the country, the NHA is hereby
tasked to implement cost-recoverable socialized housing projects in selected urban and
urbanizable areas in all congressional districts?
a. Local Housing
37. Which of the following vital components of the National Shelter Program involves land acquisition
and site for families displaced from sites earmarked for government infrastructure projects, those
occupying danger areas such as water ways, esteros, railroad tracks?
a. Resettlement Programs
38. Which of the following vital components of the National Shelter Program involves the
development of sites with housing component and the provision of serviced home lots through
joint-venture schemes with the private sector or local government units?
a. cost recoverable programs
39. Which of the following vital components of the National Shelter Program involves assistance to
organized community associations to acquire tenure and ownership of the land they are presently
occupying adverse against the interests of landowners.?
a. Community Mortage Program
40. Will continue to administer provident fund contributions collected from member employees and
employers, utilizing funds not required for provident benefits for housing loans for members, and,
in addition, will be charged with the development of saving schemes for home acquisition by
private and government employees
a. Home Development Mutual Fund

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