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Article  in  Management & Marketing · January 2007

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2 authors:

Claudia Tuclea Gabriela Tigu

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies


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Reader PhD Claudia-Elena ŢUCLEA
Reader PhD Gabriela ŢIGU
Academy of Economic Science, Bucharest

The traditional companies are built on familiar bedrock of buildings, plants,
and inventories. Competitive advantage is viewed in terms of scale and
volume stemming from high-capacity use of machine-based factories. Such
an approach fails to recognize how the leverage of knowledge is becoming a
key to long-term success. Nowadays, organizations must recognize that
power resides in the minds of their best people, who are diffused throughout
the business and the organizations are becoming more dependent on people
than ever before. The recruitment and the employment of knowledge workers
are becoming very important issues from Romanian managers. The
competitiveness is the only chance to deal with a very challenging market,
especially after European integration. In this paper we present the results of
a survey of the opinions of Romanian managers about the most effective
strategies for recruitment, motivation and retention the knowledge workers.
The study investigated two groups of managers: the first group included the
managers who never were involved in activities related to human resources,
and the second, the managers who have been involved. The managers from
the first group chose theoretical the strategies they considered most
effective; the managers for the second group indicated the strategies they

Keywords: knowledge management, human resources management

The definition of managing become almost instinctive and a part of

knowledge everyday work.” [7] Looking at an
“In the information age, a organization as being knowledge-based
company’s survival depends on its represents one of the fundamental shifts
ability to capture intelligence, transform to actually thinking. Making this shift,
it into usable knowledge, embed it as however, means a complete overhaul in
organizational learning, and diffuse it traditional management approaches
rapidly throughout the company. In (such as the recruitment, employment,
short, information can no longer be and management of knowledge
abstracted and stored at the corporate workers) and performance
level; it must be distributed and measurement (challenging such notions
exploited as a source of competitive as return on capital and budgetary
advantage.” [7] control).
Knowledge management has been The new language of the
described as “making the most effective knowledge-based company, intelligent
use of the intellectual capital of a enterprise, and learning organization
business. It involves wiring together the can be somewhat confusing. Terms
brains of appropriate people so that such as “intellectual assets (or capital)”
sharing, reasoning, and collaboration are frequently used interchangeably
with “knowledge-based assets”, its key processes. For example, it will
“information-based assets”, and track how much value-adding work is
“intangible assets”. being performed by its business units,
The traditional companies are built teams, and employees.
on familiar bedrock of buildings, plants,
and inventories. Competitive advantage Sources of knowledge
is viewed in terms of scale and volume Organizations can acquire and
stemming from high-capacity use of improve their collective knowledge in
machine-based factories. Service firms various ways including learning by
have similarly looked to large branch experimentation, from experience
networks to display their power. Such (especially from past mistakes), from
an approach fails to recognize the the experience of others, and by the
importance of the switch from tangible acquisition of top individuals or even
to intangible assets and how the whole businesses. The advantage of
leverage of knowledge is becoming key knowledge is such that a few
to long-term success. exceptional people can make an
The 3rd millennium organizations organization successful. Conversely,
must recognize that power now resides the loss of those people can cause it to
in the minds of their best people, who decline. It is therefore not surprising that
are diffused throughout the business. high-profile knowledge-based
Utilization of this knowledge, which is companies spend large sums of money
embedded in systems, databases, and and considerable amounts of time
core competencies, is the new source of attempting to recruit the best brains
competitive advantage [10]. available. Moreover, once the brains
It is rather ironic that as the have joined the company, they are
information age finally closes in around given intensive training, often under the
us, organizations are becoming more guidance of mentors. This development
dependent on people than ever before. is not confined to technical knowledge
Even today’s most powerful computers or laboratory experience. These
can’t match the intelligence of a worm. organizations drive their top knowledge
Their increasing ability to capture, worker to solve real operational
process, and distribute highly structured problems. Constant evaluation takes
information is a wonder of the age, but place. Knowledge-based businesses
businesses still require the intelligence are devoted meritocracies [10]. Human
and experience of human beings to turn resource managers will find themselves
that information into useful knowledge increasingly important members of the
and good decisions. As Peter Drucker team as rivalry between firms will focus
noted, “knowing how a typewriter works on acquiring the best potential
does not make you a writer. Now that “knowledge-stars” in the business.
knowledge is taking the place of capital The most known sources of
as the driving force in organizations knowledge are: creative problem solving
worldwide, it is all too easy to confuse (to produce current products);
data with knowledge and information implementing and integrating new
technology with information.” [3] methodologies and tools (to enhance
Knowledge-based competitive internal operations); and formal and
advantage can occur in many ways. For informal experimentation (to build
example, hotels can now create capabilities for the future). All these
personal profiles of guests and ensure activities are internal focused. The final
that their special needs are looked after activity involves importing expertise
across their global network. The from outside, particularly suppliers,
knowledge-based organization will also partners, customers, and other (often-
be able to monitor the performance of unconnected) organizations. The

activity of looking at “best practices” basis for creating the second dimension
within companies well known for for attachment – criteria for selection –
excellence in carrying out particular which includes skills, exceptional
processes is known as benchmarking. talent/potential and fit with a team or
Customers are invaluable sources of organisation. Thirdly, means of control
information about competitive products and co-ordination include direct
and services, and suppliers can provide monitoring or peer or cultural control,
useful feedback on the strength of reliance on professional standards, and
company’s internal processes. However, formal processes and procedures.
learning will take place only if feedback These dimensions were then placed
is documented as it is received and not into an organisational typology with the
doctored to reflect personal views or following models:
biases. • the ‘star’ organisation which recruits
Knowledge can also be shared top talent, pays very high wages and
between companies, particularly in joint provides resources and autonomy to
ventures. By pooling investments and perform;
sharing risks, each partner gains access • the commitment-based organisation
to a wider group of knowledge workers, where people want to work in the long
and by achieving critical mass in run;
research may well achieve break- • the bureaucracy where roles and
through that on their own would be functions are clearly prescribed with
unlikely. rigid project management techniques;
• the engineering model with a
The research results ‘skunk-works’ mentality and with high
The knowledge worker has binding energy;
individual and personal knowledge, and • the autocracy with a traditional
organisations are increasingly seeking instrumental and contractual basis for
ways of transforming this into shared work.
social knowledge deployed for Starting from this point of view, we
organisational goals [6]. Our reasearch investigated two groups of managers:
investigated human ressources the first group included the managers
strategies and practices for attracting, who never were involved in activities
motivating, and retaining knowledge related to human resources, and the
workers in Romanian firms. The second, the managers who have been
reserach followed in some extent the involved. The managers from the first
models of Frank M. Horwitz, Chan Teng group chose theoretically the strategies
Heng and Hesan Ahmed Quazi (2003) they considered most effective; the
[8]. managers for the second group
Our work considers local firms and indicated the strategies they have
has one key aims: to determine the best already applied. A structured
or the most effective HR practices for questionnaire was designed for
managing knowledge workers, for gathering data, with three major
proposing a schema for attracting, sections. The first covered
motivating and retaining these workers. organisational profile, including industry
Baron and Hannan (2002) [2] sector, firm ownership, number of
provide an instructive conceptual employees and the structure analyze of
framework with three dimensions of employees. In the second section, the
employment blueprints for success in deployment of knowledge workers as
high-tech start-up firms. First, a basis of full-time employees or as non-core
attachment and retention includes employees (such as sub-contractor,
compensation, quality of work and work consultant, part-time, fixed-term
group as a community. This is a key contract and others) was specified. In
the three and main section were listed Access to leading-edge
strategies for attracting, motivating and technology/products.
retaining knowledge workers. In the Retention strategies: 1.
each section there were 5 alternatives Challenging work; 2. Highly competitive
of choice and they had to indicate three, pay package; 3. Opportunities to
in the order of importance for them. develop in a specialist field.
The respondents are managers Conforming to these answers, the
included in a MBA program at the most effective strategies for attraction is
Academy of Economic Studies. Their related to a highly competitive pay
number is 42, divided in two groups: package and for the motivation is the
managers who never were involved in freedom to work independently,
human strategies design (19), and followed by the challenging work. Both
managers who participated at the of these strategies are related to the
elaboration of this kind of strategies (23). content of work, an important intrinsic
The managers from the first group motivation. Concerning the retention
choose the answers in a theoretical way, strategies, the challenging work is the
based on the literature information. The most important (an intrinsic motivator,
managers from the second group too). This conclusion confirm the
indicated, in fact, the decisions they Herzberg bi-factorial theory [5]: the
made during their jobs. All of them extrinsic motivators are responsible for
considered that they always choose the leaving, and the intrinsic motivators
correctly. After the responses analysis, explain the remaining.
there was an interesting discussion. There are some differences
Related to the first objective, the between industries and in a further
answers of the first group are the research we intend to develop this idea.
following: The conclusion is that the most
Attraction strategies: 1. Advertised popular strategies are not necessarily
jobs; 2. Internal talent development; the most effective. Organisations need
3. Used head hunters. to give more importance of what does
Motivation strategies: 1. Freedom and does not work. Romanian
to work independently; 2. Contact with managers are not so preoccupied to
top management; 3. Incentive bonuses. separate knowledge workers from the
Retention strategies: 1. non-knowledge ones, elaborating
Competitive pay package; 2. special strategies. This could be a
Challenging work; 3. Top serious hindrance to compete with
management support. European companies with more
It appears that the most popular effective practices and strategies in
strategies are the above mentioned human field.
strategies. During the discussions, the
respondents said they choose the Leveraging knowledge for
answers under the influence of competitive advantage
professional reviews, books and MBA Making knowledge-based
courses. investments cannot be just an act of
The second group indicated the faith; such investments must ultimately
following answers: Attraction strategies: bring financial rewards. Several firms
1. Very competitive total package on the have been pleased with their investment
labour market; 2. Internal talent in knowledge-based approaches,
development; 3. Reputation of notwithstanding the problems with
employer. definitions and measures. Most
Motivation strategies: 1. Freedom documented successes so far have
to plan work; 2. Challenging work; 3. been in deploying structural capital
(especially knowledge-based systems)

to improve customer service and understand that knowledge sharing is
relationships. as much a social activity as a technical
Many firms make large capital one and that computer network that
investments to support knowledge facilitate this kind of dialogue are likely
workers but fail to reap the rewards of to be (and seen to be) more effective
higher productivity. Managers cannot [9].
force knowledge workers to be more Chris Argyris notes that “twenty-
productive. In fact, more often than not, first century corporations will find it hard
knowledge is locked away inside remote to survive, let alone flourish, unless they
departments, business units, and get better work from their
especially communities of practice. In employees…employees who’ve learned
many cases this knowledge is fiercely to take active responsibility for their own
protected not only from competitors, but behavior, develop and share first-rate
also from colleagues in other parts of information about their jobs and make
the business. In this way many islands good use of genuine empowerment to
of knowledge are created, resulting in shape lasting solutions to fundamental
the proverbial wheel being reinvented problems. People and their attitude
many times over. remain at the center of the 3rd
Knowledge management is not millennium company. This journey into
another competitive weapon to be knowledge management begins with
extracted from the consultant’s toolbox. technology and leads inexorably to trust.
It is a long-term program, involving In other words, to maximize the
cultural change that goes to the heart of productivity of knowledge, bond of trust
organizational management. The need to be created between all
research into organizational learning is constituents – between shareholders
lighting the way. Understanding the and managers, between managers and
nuances of communities of practice and workers, between workers and
how to harness and spread their customers, and between business
strengths is the key issue. The partners. These are the alien to the
approach to IT investment must also culture of nowadays economy, and
adapt. Instead of proliferating represents one of the biggest
knowledge-based networks concerned challenges for aspirating the third
with the capture and distribution of millennium organizations” (Argyris,
information, organizations must now 1994) [1].


[1] Argyris, C., Good Communication that Blocks Learning, Harvard Business
Review, July-August, 73-88, 1994.
[2] Baron, J.N. & Hannan, M.T., Organisational blueprints for success in high-tech
start-ups, California Management Review, 44: 3, 8-35, 2002.
[3] Drucker, F.P., Managementul viitorului, Editura ASAB, Bucuresti, 2004.
[4] Dessler, G., Human Resource Management (8th Edition), New Jersey: Prentice-
Hall, 2000.
[5] Emilian, R., Tuclea, C., Managementul resurselor umane, Editura ASE,
Bucuresti, 2004.
[6] Frost, M., Managing knowledge workers, HR Magazine, May, 47: 5, 124-126,
[7] Hope, J. & Hope, T., Competing in the Third Wave, Harvard Business School
Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 1997.
[8] Horwitz, F. M., Heng, C.T. & Quazi, H.A., Finders, keepers? Attracting,
motivating and retaining knowledge workers, Human Resource Management
Journal, Vol 13 No 4, 2003, pages 23-44, 2003.
[9] Swart, J., & Kinnie N., Sharing knowledge in knowledge-intensive firms, Human
Resource Management Journal, vol.13. no.2., pg.60-75, 2003.
[10] Ţuclea, C., Management strategic, Editura Uranus, Bucuresti, 2003.


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