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UN 5000 User’s manual

Chapter 8
Maintenance and
Trouble Shooting Instructions
SW version 41.304

Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Sheet

ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-1

8 Maintenance and Trouble Shooting Instructions ....................................................................................8-3

8.1 General .....................................................................................................................................................8-3

8.1.1 Why you should read this chapter ...........................................................................................................................................8-3
8.1.2 Safety regulations ....................................................................................................................................................................8-3
8.1.3 Consequences of negligence ..................................................................................................................................................8-4
8.1.4 Requirements for the personnel carrying out work..................................................................................................................8-4
8.1.5 Instructions for emergency situations ......................................................................................................................................8-5
8.1.6 Hotline......................................................................................................................................................................................8-6
8.1.7 Useful Addresses ..................................................................................................................................................................8-10

8.2 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 8-11

8.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................8-11
8.2.2 Operating conditions during maintenance work ....................................................................................................................8-11
8.2.3 Maintenance schedule...........................................................................................................................................................8-12
8.2.4 Three-monthly maintenance work (operating condition f) ...................................................................................................8-13
8.2.5 Annual maintenance work (during planned shutdown of the plant).......................................................................................8-16

8.3 Trouble Shooting ................................................................................................................................... 8-21

8.3.1 Principles of trouble shooting ................................................................................................................................................8-21
8.3.2 Working methods...................................................................................................................................................................8-22
8.3.3 Instructions on how to replace printed circuit boards ............................................................................................................8-23
8.3.4 Replacing Semiconductors of converters ..............................................................................................................................8-24
8.3.5 Hardware faults .....................................................................................................................................................................8-25
8.3.6 Event, Alarm and Fault messages.........................................................................................................................................8-28

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8 Maintenance and Trouble Shooting Instructions

8.1 General

8.1.1 Why you should read this chapter

Before you beginning the maintenance and corrective work read this manual carefully
in order to be able to do maintenance work of the converter in a safe and correct
manner. This chapter provides many hint and important information on how to perform
preventive and corrective maintenance.

8.1.2 Safety regulations

Extreme caution must be exercised when work is being performed inside the excitation
system cabinets. Severe personal injury can result from contact with the system’s
voltage carrying parts. For this reason, all components in the excitation cabinet with
voltages above 50 volts are designed to prevent accidental contact. The maintenance
personnel may not carry out any work inside the excitation cabinets without
appropriate training and without taking the necessary precautionary measures.
The following applies particularly in the case of high power excitation systems!
Components in the excitation cabinet (heat sinks, copper bus bars etc.) which are
directly connected to the secondary side of the excitation transformer and rotor field
winding voltage present extreme dangers of electric shock through contact. For this
reason, barriers have been installed to prevent accidental contact with these
components. This safety guard needs to be removed in order to carry out electrical
measurements while the installation is running. Extreme caution must be exercised by
the maintenance personnel. Only that work which is absolutely necessary should be
carried out.

Danger Enormously high short circuit currents can be generated

Electricity in the excitation cabinet due to the presence of the
secondary voltages of the excitation transformer and the
rotor field winding.

In particular, the field breaker and components in the field discharge circuit, which are
connected directly to the rotor field winding, present a great danger of electric shocks.
For this reason, the cabinets are fitted with safety guards to prevent accidental contact
with live parts.
If the removal of the safety guard is unavoidable, the personnel must be aware of the
dangerously high voltages and the enormously high short circuit currents and act
Warning signs are placed on all cabinet doors to warn of the operating voltages
present in the control cabinets (over 50 volts), but most importantly to warn of the
voltages occurring in the power section (possibly over 1000 volts) and the enormously
high short circuit currents. These signs are intended to prevent the doors being
opened during operation.

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Sign Meaning

Danger, High Voltage!

Maintenance work may only be carried out on the electrical system once the exposed
voltage-carrying parts have been completely switched off and protective grounds
installed. If this is not possible, the following special precautions must be taken:
• Access to the work area must be restricted by means of a safety zone (fence) with
a yellow warning sign "Danger! High Voltage".
• Countermeasures should be taken to prevent the system being switched on again
through a control error or by a third party after it has been switched off (e.g. prevent
switching on by means of key-switches, etc.).

8.1.3 Consequences of negligence

• Failure to comply with safety regulations can result in serious damage to the

Danger If the safety guards in the cabinets are removed while the
Electricity system is under voltage, there is an increased danger of
electric shock, not only to the personnel carrying out work,
but also to any third parties who approach the

If the scheduled maintenance work is not carried out, or is only partially carried out,
damage can occur which results in high repair costs. In particular, accumulations of
dirt and dust on the converter lead to a high risk of voltage flash-overs which can
cause enormous damage.

8.1.4 Requirements for the personnel carrying out work

• The maintenance personnel must be familiar with this document.
• They must be familiar with the operation of the installation and trained to carry out
maintenance and repair work.
• They must be familiar with the control elements, operation and alarm signals for the
excitation system, both on the excitation equipment itself (local control) and in the
control room (remote control etc., see operating manual).
• They must be informed about the power supply concept for the excitation
equipment as well as emergency shutdown measures and must be capable of
turning off the system in case of emergency.
• They must be familiar with the accident prevention measures at their workplace and
must be trained in first aid and fire-fighting.

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8.1.5 Instructions for emergency situations Instructions in case of fire

All personnel must know the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits and
know how to operate the fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are either halon,
carbonic acid (CO2) or foam based.

• CO2 fire extinguishers are intended for fighting fires in electrical installations and
may not be directed at persons.
• Foam extinguishers are intended for fighting fires in non-electrical equipment.
They may not be used to fight fires in electrical equipment. They may be directed at
In case of fire in the system:
First switch off excitation, either locally or from the control room, or if necessary
through the emergency shutdown mechanism (see operating manual). Then switch off
all power supplies to the system.
When fighting fires in energized cabinets, only use CO2 fire extinguishers, no foam,
no water! First aid measures at electrical installations

1. First switch off excitation, either locally or from the control room, or if necessary
through the emergency shutdown mechanism (see operating manual). Then switch
off all power supplies to the system.
2. Rescue the injured person from their dangerous location and lay them down flat.
Administer first aid in accordance with training and taking into account the
applicable rules for electrical installations. Call for emergency assistance.

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8.1.6 Hotline
If your local ABB service organization is not able to solve the problem, a hotline is at
your disposal every day for 24

Switzerland: Phone 0844 845 845

Other countries: Phone ++41 (0) 844 845 845

• Please prepare the following information before calling the hotline:

• Specify the location of the plant (customer, country)
• Specify the plant (Excitation system type, ABB order number, year of delivery)
• Your name and your phone/fax number
• Describe the problem as follows (use form1 next page)
What / When /Where / How / Why did it happen?

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Fault Description Form1/Page1

UNITROL Excitation System

Return to:
ABB Industrie AG, Service and Support ICS, CH-5300 Turgi/Switzerland
Fax: +41 56 299 30 00
E-Mail: PES.support@ch.abb.com

Company/Address: ........................................................................................................................

Location of plant:............................................................................................................................

Reporting person (Name/Phone/Fax) ............................................................................................

Type of plant: .................................................. Type of Excitation System:.................................

Serial number:................................................. ABB order number:.............................................

Year of delivery: .............................................. Date of provisional acceptance: .........................

Covered by warranty:......................................  Yes  No

1. Define the fault(s) by filling in page 2 and 3

2. At which operating phase did the fault occur? Please specify:

 during start-up  no load operation  parallel operation  after outage

reactive power = ….…..…..MVar power = ….…..…..MW line volt. = ……...…..kV

3. What did happen just before the fault has occurred? Please specify:

 lightning  voltage dip  start-up of other consumers

 others / please specify

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Fault Description Form1/Page2

UNITROL Excitation System

4. Brief description / Your comments:


5. When did the fault occur? (year, month, day, time) ............................................................

6. Did the fault occur the first time?  Yes  No

7. Could you localize and clear the failure and restart the system?  Yes  No

8. Do you need assistance by ABB Industrie AG?  Yes  No

9. Fault Indications

Fault Indications at the local Control Panel (press à or Ä to show additional faults)
No. Text
First Fault*

* first message on the display

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Fault Description Form1/Page3

UNITROL Excitation System

Fault indications at the local service Panel: Press “ACT” + to display the fault logger

Press to show additional faults

Indication in Channel 1
Time stamp Text

Indication in Channel 2
Time stamp Text

If you are equipped with CMT tool (see chapter 3) send the fault logger and parameter file
(*.qop) or fax the print of both files of channel 1 and 2 to our ABB office.

Fax: +41 58 589 30 00

E-Mail: PES.support@ch.abb.com

Date ................................................................ Signature ............................................................

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8.1.7 Useful Addresses
ABB Schweiz AG ABB Schweiz AG
Dept. ATPE Engineering Dept. ATPS Service and Support
P.O. Box P.O. Box
CH-5300 Turgi/Switzerland CH-5300 Turgi/Switzerland

Phone: ++41 58 / 589 24 86 Phone: ++41 58 / 589 38 41

Fax: ++41 58 / 589 23 33 Fax: ++41 58 / 589 30 00
Internet: www.abb.com/unitrol Email: pes.support@ch.abb.com

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8.2 Maintenance

8.2.1 Introduction
Although electronic components show no signs of wear and only slight signs of aging,
the excitation equipment contains a series of conventional electromechanical
components such as breakers, contractors and fans which are subject to a certain
amount of mechanical wear.
While in operation, the correct function of the control electronics is constantly checked
by automatic self diagnostic functions. Redundant circuits, such as the non-active
channel in the two channel version, are also monitored as far as possible. However,
protection equipment cannot be automatically checked, since it is only active in fault
situations. The periodic function checks serve to check this equipment and activate all
redundant circuits for test purposes.
In addition to the periodic check, a more thorough function check, as described below,
is required after cleaning work on components and/or plug-in assemblies.
Dust builds up in electronic circuits and in the converter due to air circulation.
Vibrations may cause screw terminal connections to be loosened.
High voltages and currents (direct current!) occur in the excitation circuit. Soiled
insulation increases the risk of serious damage due to voltage flashover. Periodic
maintenance of the system reduces this risk considerably.
This manual covers the maintenance work for normal operation. Special operating
modes, such as short-circuit tests, inputs etc., are not covered. Such operating modes
require extensive knowledge of all parts of the system (excitation, generator, etc.), and
should therefore only be carried out by a specialist.

8.2.2 Operating conditions during maintenance work

When carrying out maintenance work, attention should be paid to the operating
condition of the system when carrying out the various checks. A distinction is made
• c Shut down all power supplies (main and auxiliary power supplies) disconnected
Rem: Except power supply for stand still heater. Be also aware that the
auxiliary power of the control electronic may not be interrupted for more than
two days otherwise the fault logger information and timer get lost.
• d Auxiliary power supplies (battery and AC supply) present
• e Fan power supply present (test position)
• f Generator running in no load operation at rated speed
• g Generator in parallel operation (synchronised)

Note For each operation mode, observe safety regulations

(chapter 8.1.2).

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8.2.3 Maintenance schedule

Object Every 3 months Annual

Excitation transformer:
1 -Excitation transformer Check for dust, dirt Check for dust, dirt etc.,
only if >20 kVA etc., abnormal noises abnormal noises
2 - Fans • Check for dust, dirt • Check for dust, dirt
etc., normal airflow, etc., normal airflow,
abnormal noises abnormal noises
• Operating hours • Operating hours
3 - Filter cartridges Visual check (dirt, dust Visual check (dirt, dust
etc.) etc.)
4 - Heat sinks • Visual check (dirt, • Visual check (dirt,
dust) dust)
• Read temperature • Read temperature
Power switches, bus bars:
6 -Field breaker -Q02 -- Visual check (dirt,
charring etc.)
7 -Bus bars (if provided) -- Check all connections
8 -Insulators (if -- Check for dirt, dust, etc.,
provided) tighten connections
Control electronics:
9 -Printed circuit boards -- Visual check (dirt, dust,
10 -Function check Check redundant Check all redundant and
circuits safety circuits

The individual points in the maintenance table will be subsequently explained in more
detail. Both groups, 3-monthly and annual maintenance, will be handled separately.
The first group essentially only involves visual inspections, whereas the actual
maintenance work is listed in the second group.
The intervals in the maintenance schedule at which maintenance work is to be carried
out must be strictly adhered to, especially in the first year of operation. An optimum
maintenance interval can then be worked out on the basis of the results of the regular
inspections. In particular, the accumulation of dirt must be monitored in the first year of
operation. If a lot of dirt has accumulated, then the interval should be reduced; if the
level of dirt is very high, the IP mode of protection must be re-evaluated or changed.

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8.2.4 Three-monthly maintenance work (operating condition g )
Excitation transformer:
1 Visual inspection of the excitation transformer for dirt and abnormal noises.
2 Inspection of the converter fans for dirt, normal airflow and abnormal noises:
Since it is not possible to lubricate the bearings, fans with increased noise must
be replaced at the next overhaul.
Read operating hours of the fans using the service panel:

Converter # Signal #
1 Fan 1 10518
Fan 2 10519
2 Fan 1 10528
Fan 2 10529
3 Fan 1 10538
Fan 2 10539
X Fan 1 for additional converters 105X8
Fan 2 105X9

3 Checking the air filters for contamination: The filter cartridges are to be
changed if they are very dirty.

4 Check heat sinks

Read converter temperature using the service panel:

Converter # Signal #
1 Sensor 1 10516
Sensor 2 10517
2 Sensor 1 10526
Sensor 2 10527
3 Sensor 1 10536
Sensor 2 10537
X Sensor 1 for additional converters 105X6
Sensor 2 105X7

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Control electronics:
10 Function checks:

a Check the service panel: No fault should be indicated neither on the

service panel nor on the control panel. Check the function by switching
the excitation over to local control (see function description for service
panel UNS 0874 in chap. 3).

b Comparison of the measured values: The following measured values

appear either on the service panel or on the control panel and should be
compared with an independent measurement, e.g. those in the control
room or those for the 2nd channel, if provided. This should at least be
possible for the generator voltage and active power. If no measured
values are available for comparison for the other parameters, the
accuracy of the results must be evaluated on the basis of previously
measured values.
Signal # for
Service panel only
10202 U MACH kV Generator voltage
10211 I MACH A Generator current
10219 P MACH MW Active power
10221 Q MACH MVAR Reactive power
10506 U EXC V Excitation voltage
10502 I EXC A Excitation current
10504 U SYN V Converter supply voltage
10516 CONV1_1TEMP Converter 1 temperature
10526 CONV2_1TEMP Converter 2 temperature
10536 CONV3_1TEMP Converter 3 temperature
105X6 CONVX_1TEMP Converter X temperature
11007 AI4_ACTUAL Transformer temperature 1
11010 AI_OPT1_ACTUAL Transformer temperature 2
11013 AI_OPT2_ACTUAL Transformer temperature 3

c Test redundant regulation circuits (operating condition f or g )

setpoint by means of pressing the raise or lower button, the inactive
channel should follow the active channel. While balancing is taking
place, "XFER BLKD" is displayed on the 2nd line of the service panel.
This indicates that either the stand by voltage regulator (AUTO mode)
or the field current regulator (MANUAL mode) has not been matched to
the active regulator. If the “XFER BLKD” message disappears after a
few seconds then all redundant circuits in the single channel can be
considered functional.

Note The regulator takes some time to balance the redundant

regulator circuits.

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Note Under extreme operating conditions, the MANUAL channel
may not always track the AUTO channel because of its
restricted functions.

This test includes all redundant sensing circuits as well as the

redundant regulator functions but not the firing pulse circuits of the
double channel system. In order to test the redundant firing pulse
circuit the following test need to be performed.

Testing the channel change over (operating condition f)

If the “XFER BLKD” message disappears it is now possible to switch
over to the stand by redundant channel. The field current and generator
voltage may not change noticeably.

Note The control panel allows to change over to the stand by

channel by selecting the appropriate pushbutton on the local
control panel.
On the service panel there are no separate pushbuttons for
selecting the channels. The channel transfer is selected with
the signal MODE SELECTION (10302) when the service
panel is in LOCAL mode (see also function description for
the control panel UNS 0874 in chap.3).

If all changeovers proceed smoothly, then all redundant circuits can be

considered functional. If a changeover leads to a noticeable change in
operation, the cause of the fault is to be determined in accordance with
the chapter "Trouble Shooting"

Note After testing has been completed, make sure the AUTO
operating mode is selected.

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8.2.5 Annual maintenance work (during planned shutdown of the plant)
In addition to the usual 3-monthly maintenance work, the following checks should be
carried out:
Special attention should be paid to the circuit breakers. Visual inspections should be
carried out to determine whether dirt, dust or damage of any kind is present. In
addition, the amount of wear on the contacts should be checked. Circuit breakers
which are seldom used must be operated occasionally to prevent them jamming and to
ensure that switching speed is not reduced.

Excitation transformer >20 kVA:

1 (Operating condition c) Clean off dirt with a dry cloth, vacuum cleaner or
compressed air (not high pressure!). Do not use any solvents.


2 Inspection of the converter fans for dirt, normal airflow and abnormal
noises (operating condition d or e): Since it is not possible to lubricate the
bearings, fans with increased noise must be replaced.

a Door fans: Door fans must be replaced after approximately 40,000

hours of operation.

b Converter fans: Fans must be replaced after approximately 25,000

hours of operation.
Read operating hours of the fans using the service panel:

Converter # Signal #
1 Fan 1 10518
Fan 2 10519
2 Fan 1 10528
Fan 2 10529
3 Fan 1 10538
Fan 2 10539
X Fan 1 for additional converters 105X8
Fan 2 105X9

3 Inspect air filter for contamination (operating condition dor e): change the
filter cartridges if they are very dirty.

4 Inspection of the heat sinks for dirt (operating condition c): Clean with
brush and vacuum cleaner or compressed air (not high pressure!). On no
account use solvents!

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Danger Danger, high voltage, observe the safety regulations!

Read converter temperature using the service panel:

Converter # Signal #
4 Sensor 1 10516
Sensor 2 10517
5 Sensor 1 10526
Sensor 2 10527
6 Sensor 1 10536
Sensor 2 10537
X Sensor 1 for additional converters 105X6
Sensor 2 105X7

Circuit breakers:
6 Field breaker (Q02) (operating condition c): Check for dirt and contact
charring. Clean with a brush and dry cloth. If necessary, remove charring using
emery paper. Lubricate all sliding surfaces using an appropriate grease. Check
the arc chamber each time the breaker is tripped due to short circuit, remove
smoke residue and dust using compressed air, scrub off cinder. Consult the
separate maintenance instructions for the breaker.

7 Check screw connections (operating condition c): Check that all screw
connections on screw terminals, bus bars etc. are tight.

8 Check insulators for dirt and loose screws (operating condition c): If
necessary, clean with a dry cloth. We recommend that all screw connections
are checked (point 7 & 8) after the first year of operation, thereafter
approximately every 4 years.

Control electronics:
9 Check the printed circuit boards for dirt (operating condition c).

Dirt and dust should not accumulate on the printed circuit boards under
normal conditions. Use vacuum cleaner and soft brushes to clean the
boards. On no account use solvents!

10 Functional testing of the electronic circuits:

a Check the service and control panel (operating condition g).

- Status indication ok
- Perform lamp test on the local control panel
- No alarm displayed

b Compare measured values (operating condition g)

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10202 U MACH kV Generator voltage
10211 I MACH A Generator current
10219 P MACH MW Active power
10221 Q MACH MVAR Reactive power
10506 U EXC V Excitation voltage
10502 I EXC A Excitation current
10504 U SYN V Converter supply voltage
10516 CONV1_1TEMP Converter 1 temperature
10526 CONV2_1TEMP Converter 2 temperature
10536 CONV3_1TEMP Converter 3 temperature
105X6 CONVX_1TEMP Converter X temperature
11007 AI4_ACTUAL Transformer temperature 1
11010 AI_OPT1_ACTUAL Transformer temperature 2
11013 AI_OPT2_ACTUAL Transformer temperature 3

c Test redundant regulation circuits (operating condition f)

After a change in the regulator setpoint by means of pressing the raise
or lower button, the inactive channel should follow the active channel.
While balancing is taking place, "XFER BLKD" is displayed on the 2nd
line of the service panel. This indicates that either the stand by voltage
regulator (AUTO mode) or the field current regulator (MANUAL mode)
has not been matched to the active regulator. If the “XFER BLKD”
message disappears after a few seconds then all redundant circuits in
the single channel can be considered functional.

Note The regulator takes some time to balance the redundant

regulator circuits.

Note Under extreme parallel operating conditions, the MANUAL

channel may not always track the AUTO channel because of
its restricted functions.

This test includes all redundant sensing circuits as well as the

redundant regulator functions but not the firing pulse circuits of the
double channel system. In order to test the redundant firing pulse
circuit the following test need to be performed.

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Testing the channel change over (operating condition f)
If the “XFER BLKD” message disappears it is now possible to switch
over to the stand by redundant channel. The field current and generator
voltage may not change noticeably.

Note The control panel allows to change over to the stand by

channel by selecting the appropriate bushbutton on the local
control panel.
On the service panel there are no separate pushbuttons for
selecting the channels. The channel transfer is selected with
the signal MODE SELECTION (10302) when the service
panel is in LOCAL mode (see also function description for
the control panel UNS 0874 in chap.3).

If all changeovers proceed smoothly, then all redundant circuits can be

considered functional. If a changeover leads to a noticeable change in
operation, the cause of the fault is to be determined in accordance with
the chapter "Trouble Shooting"

Note After testing has been completed, make sure the AUTO
operating mode is selected.

d Check protective devices provided (operating condition d)

Note When carrying out function checks while the system is

switched off, the power section of the excitation transformer
must be isolated from the generator and AC and DC sources

Open the field breaker and install grounds on both sides of the exciter. The
regulator electronics continue to be supplied from the station’s battery through
the input circuit.

After switching over to local operation, the field breaker can be closed from the
control panel again when the system is under no voltage. The following
protection equipment and functions can now be tested, if they are part of the
system. The fault must be reset and the field breaker re-closed each time a
protection feature has been triggered.

Temperature monitoring of the excitation transformer (only with static

exciters): An overtemperature situation is simulated by disconnecting the
measuring cable on one side of the input terminals (see terminals plan).

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Rotor ground fault protection UNS 3020: Press the TEST key on unit -F75.
This has the effect of simulating a ground fault. This is indicated by the
illumination of the LEDs ST1 and ST2 on the unit itself. No signal to the
regulator electronics is triggered. To check the controller for a trip or an alarm
signal, the soldering bridge has to be swapped from S1202 to S1201 and the
external test input 3_09 must be activated (jumper from 3_08 to 3_09). For
further information, see "Instructions for installation and operation" for the unit
UNS 3020, HIER 95 140 E.
Restore the bridge to its original position after completion of the test.

Tripping through the generator protection: The external protection trip is

tested by placing a jumper between the corresponding terminals, or better yet
through a simulated triggering at the generator protection.

Internal protection trip: The internal protection trip is tested through

simulation of the internal monitoring functions.

e Verification of the external control signals (operating condition d): When

carrying out major overhauls, it is a good idea to test the inputs and outputs of
the controls. To test the inputs, locate the sources of the signals with the aid of
the hardware schematic diagram and simulate the triggering of the indicator
contact. The corresponding LED on the peripheral unit (U70, U71) must light up.
The external inputs can be located using the terminal diagram (from sheet 900)
and verified in the same manner.
The outputs include the commands and indicators for the field breaker (see
hardware schematic diagrams). The output to the control room can be
simulated on unit U70, U71 by jumpering the contacts.

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8.3 Trouble Shooting

Note Work may only be carried out on the converter cabinet if

the voltage carrying parts have been switched off on all
sides and earthed.
The personnel carrying out the work are responsible for this
themselves must follow the safety procedures described in
Chapter 1.

The following points must be observed before work is started on the excitation system:

1. Disconnect the supply voltage at the main switch. Voltage measurements

should be carried out to ensure that no voltage is still present.

Note: The field breaker must not be switched neither ON nor OFF while
voltage is present.

2. Measure the voltage between terminals of the main supply input (L1 - L2 - L3 –
PE). The measuring range of the voltmeter should be at least Uac = 1000 V.
Although the supply voltage has been disconnected with the main switch of the
excitation system, voltage may still be present from the auxiliary power supply.

Consult the supply circuit diagrams before commencing work!

Note: Are uninterrupted power supplies in use?

Danger Danger, high voltage:

Electricity As soon as voltage is present at the connections, the
input circuit is also live, even if the system is not switched

3. Voltage withstanding tests may not be carried out on any component of the

4. In general, due to the danger of static discharges, no components on printed

circuit boards may be touched. This applies particularly to CMOS circuits on
the printed circuit boards. Static discharge voltage can destroy these circuits.

8.3.1 Principles of trouble shooting

In most cases, the diagnostic displays can be used for preliminary tracing of faults.
These also allow faults to be reset without opening the doors of the system cabinets.
The following fault tracing method is based on a systematic tracing of the cause of the
fault. If spare circuit boards are available, the fault tracing is done by systematically
replacing boards. Special attention should be paid to the remarks in the trouble
shooting tables.

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In preliminary fault tracing, the possible fault location is traced mainly on the basis of
the fault message on the control or service panel or a source outside of the
UNITROL 5000 system.

8.3.2 Working methods

In most cases, it is possible to reset the fault message on the service or control panel
and try to restart the excitation system before attempting involved trouble shooting
procedures. If this eliminates the fault, the system will resume normal operation. If the
fault is still present, the fault signal will be tripped again.
Before the fault is assumed to lie within the UNITROL 5000 system, it must be
checked carefully that the fault signal was not caused by external faults.
If an alarm or fault occurs, an error code is displayed. This error code is stored in the
fault logger, together with the fault signal and event time. Previous alarm and fault
occurrences can be read from the fault logger and displayed, even if the original fault
indication has been reset.
The fault messages can be displayed on the control panel or using the CMT tool.
A fault can be reset by pressing the RESET button on the control or service panel or
using the CMT tool. Another possibility is to switch off the power supply for a short
time. If the fault has been removed, the UNITROL 5000 system will resume normal
Apart from fault announcement UNITROL 5000 provides also alarm announcement.
Alarms are also saved in the fault logger but need not to be reset. Alarms
automatically disappear as soon the alarm does not exist anymore.

Electrostatic sensitive devices

The CMOS components used on the control circuit boards can be damaged by
electrostatic discharges. Static charges are generated by friction of materials made of
synthetic fibres, for example.
In order to avoid damage through static discharge, the following rules must be followed
when handling the circuit boards:
• use an antistatic mat on a table near the cabinet and connect the mat’s earth cord
to the unit’s frame
• use a wrist strap which is earthed at the same point as the mat
• as an exception, if no wrist strap is available, discharge your own static charge by
touching an unpainted part of the cabinet before touching the boards
• keep spare boards and semiconductors in their original packages as long as

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Fig. 8-1 Connection of wrist strap

8.3.3 Instructions on how to replace printed circuit boards

Before replacing circuit boards, read paragraph 8.3.2 "Working methods" carefully.
1. Switch off the power supply before replacing the circuits.
2. Remove all flat cables and/or screw terminal blocks from the board. Remove all
screws holding the board.
3. Check that the new board and defective board have the same type designation or
that the new board is compatible with the defective one.
4. Compare the jumper settings, the components on solder posts (adjustable or
burden resistors) and the identification number of the exchangeable programmable
components (EPLDs) with those on the defective board. All settings must be
identical, otherwise correct function is not guaranteed.
5. For more information about settings and tuning please read chap.4

Note The settings applicable for your installation are entered in the
commissioning protocol. How to replace the COB board (UNS2880)

1. Replace COB type UNS2880

2. Switch on power supply to the electronics. The main circuits must remain

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3. Check the program version which is recorded in the Commissioning protocol,
with the following parameters:
Using the CMT software (Commissioning and Maintenance Tool) compare the data on
the original upgraded diskette with those on the board (upload, compare); see
description of the CMT software in chapter 3. If these differ, the program must be
downloaded from the current, updated original diskette onto the board using the CMT
software (download).
If no CMT software is included in the delivery, the parameters are to be compared with
the control panel UNS 0874 and the list in the commissioning protocol. If these differ,
another software version need to be downloaded. These can only be done from the
current, updated original diskette onto the board using the CMT software (download).

8.3.4 Replacing Semiconductors of converters Safety regulations

Danger Work may only be carried out on the converter

Electricity cabinet if the voltage carrying parts have been
switched off on all sides and earthed.
The personnel carrying out the work are responsible for
this themselves and must follow the safety procedures
described in Chapter 1.

Fuses may only be replaced and measurements carried out on semiconductors if the
converter has been disconnected beforehand by a circuit breaker or emergency switch.
In addition, to ensure the safety of personnel, a voltmeter should be used to check
whether any voltage is present at the input and output terminals of the converter.
Countermeasures should be taken to prevent the system being switched on again
through a control error or by a third party after it has been switched off. Carrying out measurements on the semiconductors

Short circuits can be detected using a standard multimeter. The semiconductor does
not need to be removed for this purpose.
The resistance between A (Anode) - K (cathode) - G (gate) must be measured on
every thyristor. When measuring the resistance between K - G, the firing pulse
connection to the CIN (Converter Interface) must be interrupted.
If a short circuit is detected, the input side of each converter must be isolated prior to
further trouble shooting. Burnt-out branch fuses indicate defective paths.
The defective thyristor branch can be identified using an ohmmeter. Fuses may never
be replaced without first checking the bridge circuit for short circuits!
The measured resistance values depend on the type of measuring instrument used
and on the type of thyristors.

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Typical values are: - A - K > 10 kΩ
- A - G > 10 kΩ
- 10 Ω < (K - G) < 100 Ω
Any defective thyristor need to be replaced. The procedure of the replacement is
described in the converter data sheet. This can be found in chapter 11
“Complementary Documents”.

8.3.5 Hardware faults

For more information on the functions of the individual circuit boards and other
hardware, see Chapter 4, "Hardware Description". Fault messages on the COB board UNS2880

There are 2 seven segment displays which display the status of COB:
on the upper part left hand side of the control board indicating the COB Messages.
Alarms and fault messages are indicated in a periodically-recurring sequence (duration
of cycle = 0.7 sec.). In this way, the messages are transmitted step by step, with a
letter at the start followed by two or three numbers. The result is shown in the table
Example: If the display shows "E" for 0.7 sec., then "0" for 0.7 sec. and "1" for 0.7 sec.
After this, the sequence starts again from "E", i.e. the display is indicating error code
Note: In case of Alarm or Fault only the last entry to the Fault Logger is indicated. Use
the service Panel or CMT to see the other active Faults or Alarms.
COB Status:

0.7s 0.7s 0.7s 0.7s

Normal situation, no error no alarm

Wrong errovalue

Error Message (see below)

COB initializing

ARCnet initializing

Boot Strap Loader active

Other or no indication = Board Fault

Loading firmware

Alarm, number same as in fault logger. Alarm will be shown

only if no fault is active, see alarm table in chapter 8.3.6

Fault, number same as in fault logger, see fault table in chapter


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ARCnet Status:
on the lower part right hand side of the control board COIB indicating the ARCnet
Messages. The Start sequence is indicated in a sequence.

Normal situation, no error no alarm

Start Sequence

CIN Firmware not started

Not allowed Node Address

Same Node Address used more thane once

ARCnet controller is waiting for configuration from COB


No Bus access. No other unit connected or bus disconnected

Other or no indication = Board Fault

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-26 Table for COB hardware trouble shooting
The following table is intended to assist the user in interpreting hardware fault
messages from the 7 segment display at the upper part left hand side and contains
instructions on eliminating the faults.
Error Possible Error / Action
00 Boot FLASH memory test error
Operator Information
The test of the FLASH PROM failed, e.g. due to a defective system program
having been stored.

Trouble Shooting
• Replace the COB board UNS2880.
01 UNITROL FLASH memory test error
Operator Information
The test of the FLASH PROM failed, e.g. due to a defective system program
having been stored.

Trouble Shooting
• Replace the COB board UNS2880.
02 RAM memory test error
Operator Information
A fault was detected in the RAM memory circuit.

Trouble Shooting
• Try to restart the UNITROL 5000 system.

• If this error message appears again after restarting the UNITROL 5000
system, replace the COB board UNS2880.
05 No control program in memory
Operator Information
There is no system program loaded in the Flash PROM.

Trouble Shooting
• Because there is no program stored in the Flash PROMs (not even a boot-
up program), no new program can be downloaded.
• If the fault is repeated, replace the COB board UNS2880.
06 ASIC error
Operator Information
There is Fault of the COB ASIC occurred

Trouble Shooting
• Try to restart the UNITROL 5000 system.

• If this error message appears again after restarting the UNITROL 5000
system, replace the COB board UNS2880.

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Error Possible Error / Action
38 ARCnet DPRAM access error
Operator Information
There is no access from COB controller to the Dual Port Memory for the
ARCnet communication controller

Trouble Shooting
• Try to restart the UNITROL 5000 system.

• If this error message appears again after restarting the UNITROL 5000
system, replace the COB board UNS2880.
39 ARCnet Communication error
Operator Information
The ARCnet Communication from COB is disturbed

Trouble Shooting
• Try to restart the UNITROL 5000 system.

• If this error message appears again after restarting the UNITROL 5000
system, replace the COB board UNS2880.

8.3.6 Event, Alarm and Fault messages

There are different types of messages logged into the Fault Logger. A distinction is
made between the following types of message:
• Events are messages which are logged only into the Fault Logger. There is no
further message, either local nor remote displayed.
• Alarms warn of a malfunction. No protective function is tripped, nor the operation of
the excitation system is interrupted. The Common Alarm Relay is activated as long
the Alarm is present. If there is already an Alarm present, a „New Alarm“ indication
is given by resetting the Alarm Relay for 1s.
• Faults are divided into the following categories:
A) CH FAIL or CH Fault always relates to the physical channel where it occurs.
Depending on the hardware configuration, different actions take place:

1. Single-Channel system type S5x-….

Same actions as a fault.

2. Dual-Channel system type D5x-…

Loss of AVR controls by COB board and change over to the back up excitation
current controller EGC (limited operational control features).

3. Auto-Auto Channel system type A5x-…

Loss of AVR controls redundancy, the system automatically changes over to
the standby AVR channel with the same performance as before.

4. Auto-Auto Channel system with back up controller EGC type Q5x-…

For the 1st CH Fault, the reaction is the same than for an Auto-Auto
configuration A5x-. The 2nd CH Fault leads then to a change over to the back
up controller of the last active AVR channel as per single.
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B) FAULTS (TRIP) switch off the excitation system and protect it therefore against
damage. (Emergency STOP sequence depends on system configuration)
Every alarm and fault message is coded with an individual error code.
As soon as an Alarm or Fault occurs, an error code is generated. These error codes
are transferred to the fault logger together with the real time and date (yy-mm-dd-hh-
mm-ss.xx) of occurrence. Alarm and fault messages in the Fault Logger which have
occurred previously can also be read and displayed using the service panel or the
CMT tool.
Most of the Alarms are automatically reset by the system as soon as the fault is no
longer present. The remaining Alarms and all Faults have to be reset by the operating
personnel. These different resetting procedures are shown in the tables.
In the event of a supply voltage failure, the data in the Fault Logger an also the real
time clock function are kept further for at least 24 hours.
The COB control board has a seven-segment display which indicates the current
operating condition of the system. The error messages are described above.
Each Event, Alarm and Fault is coded as an individual error code. The signals
LATEST FAULT (11108) or LATEST ALARM (11109) display the error code. The fault
words FAULT WORD1 (11101), FAULT WORD2 (11102), FAULT WORD3 (11103),
the alarm words ALARM WORD1 (11104), ALARM WORD2 (11105), ALARM WORD3
(11106), ALARM WORD4 (11107) and the EVENT WORD (11111) contain the status
bits for all possible Faults, Alarms and Events in the UNITROL 5000 system. AVR control channels redundancy

The following terms are used in the description:
Channel: Physical AVR control channel which communicates with the
local control panel LCP, and/or service panel SPA and/or CMT
in the case described.
Active channel Preselected AVR control channel in operation
Standby channel The other AVR channel in standby mode.

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Fault Word 1
Channel 2 .
Hardware Channel 1
(Software not 1 Hard- and
shown, same as

Fault Memory

Fault Word 2

Fault Signals
Channel 1) .

Fault Word 3

Fault Logger

Fault Word 4

Alarm Signals

Fault Word 5


Fault Word 6

(-A20) .

DO 01 DO 01
DO 02 DO 02
DO18 DO18
UNS 2880 UNS 2880



EGC (-A10) EGC
UNS 2882 UNS 2882


Fail Fail
Ch2 Ch1

FIO1 (-U70)
UNS 0883

Fig. 8-2 Principle of Alarm and Fault handling

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-30 Converter Redundancy
The converter redundancy is handled completely independent from the AVR control
redundancy. I.e. any converter configuration can be combined with any AVR control
An evaluation Logic in each channel COB is summing the individual converter faults of
the same kind (e.g. all branch R+ faults of installed converters). A MAX value gate
evaluates for the biggest sum of each kind of faults.
3 thresholds SET_FAIL_LEVEL_1…._3 (Parameter 928…930) can be used to restrict
the operation in a n-1 configuration.
LEVEL1_CONV_FAIL: Default: not used, ALARM only
LEVEL2_CONV_FAIL: Default: not used, e.g. reduced ceiling or continuous Ie
LEVEL3_CONV_FAIL: Default: CH FAULT 34 „Exciter fault“
In case of LEVEL3 a channel transfer takes place prior to a final shut down, to exclude
the case when the firing pulses of the active channel are missing only (e.g. plugged
For the biggest sum greater than the set thresholds, the following signals are
generated. LEVEL2 is may be used by application, to restrict the operation limits (refer
to relevant application software diagram)

Converter Fault indication in Fault Logger and Panels:

In case of converter fault, there are always 2 entries to the Fault Logger with the same
time stamp:
1. Converter number:
ALARM 161…168 „Converter 1…8“ e.g. „Converter 3“
2. Kind of converter fault, e.g.:
ALARM 182 „Branch T- failure“
Note: If either one of above entries already exists in the fault logger (marked up by the
prefix +), then only the other one will be entered into the Fault Logger.
E.g. branch T- failure occurs first in converter No. 3 and later in converter No. 1, the
new entries is only:
15:13:00.0200 16 +Converter 1
14:24:21.0000 182 +Branch T-failure
14:24:21.0000 16 +Converter 3 Table of Fault and Alarm messages

The Alarm and also the Channel Fault messages in case of 2 Channel system do not
lead to interruption of operation of the excitation system. Nonetheless, the cause of the
message should be identified as soon as possible in order to guarantee perfect
operation of the excitation system.

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The messages are displayed in different forms:
Service Panel SPA UNS0874 (for more details see section 3):

1L 102.5% II 1L 102.5% II
*** WARNING *** *** FAULT ***
Alarm Text Message Fault Text Message

*** WARNING *** or *** FAULT *** is blinking

After operating 2 times one of the double arrow keys, the Fault Logger is entered and
the last entry is displayed with time stamp:

1L 102.5% II 1L 102.5% II
+Alarm Text Message Fault Text Message

With the ∆ arrow the Fault Logger history is displayed entry by entry. The time stamp
has the format:
YY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day, HH=Hour, MM=Minute, SS=Second, xx=decimal

1. The ALARM or FAULT code No. is not displayed and must be evaluated from the
ALARM or FAULT table sorted in alphanumeric order.
2. Only a “blinking” Fault (or Alarm if it’s not self resetting) can be RESET by RESET
key. Therefore the LOCAL mode is required by operating “LOC/REM” key.
If the Fault is still present, only the display is reset and the Fault message is
displayed again after approx. 60s. Most of the Alarms are self resetting. See Alarm
table below for more information.
3. Any accepted RESET action according 2. is entered to the Fault Logger with time

Local Control Panel LCP AF C094 Option

The local control panel can display up to 8 Fault Logger entries at the same time (8
rows). Only the ALARM or FAULT code No. and the same Text Message as in the
Fault Logger is displayed.

1. The messages are not sorted with respect to time of occurrence, as per Fault
Logger List, but only with respect to the BIT No. of the relevant ALARM or FAULT
Word. Use the Service Panel SPA or the CMT for time stamp and sequence

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2. The message texts, especially those of the “User Event” Blocks can be different
from Fault Logger message Text form, since the Text Library of the LCP can be
downloaded separately by the application engineer. Refer to the application
software diagram, to find the explanation of the “User Events”.
3. Fault and Alarm RESET sequence


LCP Local Control Panel FAULTS / ALARMS

5324 RESET 1
! OUT RESET 10352

1 10355 RESET



10372 5349
S 10377 LOCAL &


Alarm- & Fault Words

Fig. 8-3 Fault and Alarm RESET sequence

Fault Logger RESET is only possible if an Alarm or Fault BIT is set in the Alarm-
or Fault Words, and LOCAL mode is true. Therefore the LOCAL mode is required
by operating “Local” key.

4. Because of the Display Memory, the LCP display can contain already disappeared
(self reset) Alarms. Therefore push the Acknowledge key to clear or refresh the
LCP display.
5. Any accepted RESET action according 3. are entered to the Fault Logger with time

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CMT Option (for more details see section 3)
With the PC based CMT (Commissioning and Maintenance Tool) the content of the
Fault Logger can be Uploaded to the screen and also saved as an ASCII text file. The
format is as follows:
Fault logger 03/28/00 15:52:29

Date Time Code Description

Mon Mar 27 2000 16:12:56.1600 6 +Trafo overtemp. trip

Mon Mar 27 2000 15:30:27.9400 103 +Trafo temp. alarm
Mon Mar 27 2000 14:24:21.0000 110 +System restart

Fault Reset is analog to the Service Panel SPA when Control Panel is put to LOCAL

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The following table contains, in alphanumeric order, the Fault and Alarm texts which are
displayed on the control panels (Service Panel SPA and Local Control Panel LCP) and
after the „UPLOAD FAULT LOGGER“ in the CMT.

Message TEXT on Code Message TEXT on panel or Code

panel or CMT CMT
AI failed 123 Field overvoltage 35
AIO node fail 149 Fieldbus timeout 60
ARCnet node fail 195 Fieldbus timeout 122
Aux. AC fail 141 INIT values read 138
Aux. DC fail 144 Init values read, S2 130
Auxiliaries OFF 142 Inst.exc.overcurrent 2
Backup not allowed 134 LCP node fail 147
Backup read fault 18 Loss conv. Supply 23
Branch R- failure 184 Loss of exc. Channel 14
Branch R+ failure 181 Loss of exc. Trip 5
Branch S- failure 186 Loss of synchronism 140
Branch S+ failure 183 Machine P.T. fail 120
Branch T- failure 182 MUB fault/power fail 54
Branch T+ failure 185 MUB data fault 45
CH ARCnet fault 55, 155 Not configured ! 13
CH transfer failed 107 Not in synchronism 31
CIN failure 193 OC1 inverse time 106
COB power fail 1 OC2 inverse time 3
Common STBY fault 111 Overtemp Trip 188
Compounding trip 27 Overtemp. Alarm 187
CONV blocked 196 Panel disconnected 128
Conv fail level1 197 Param set 2 missing 132
Conv fail level2 198 RAM-backup failed 108
CONV isolated 194 Rotor ground fault 52
Converter 1…8 161…168 Rotor ground fault 152
Converter failure 43 Rotor overtemp. Trip 7
Cooling Alarm 189 Rotor temp. alarm 104
Cooling Trip 190 Snubber failure 192
Crowbar failed 135 Standby Alarm 119
Crowbar failure 50 Standby S5/D5 conf 12
Curr. equal. fail 179 Standby trip 137
Current Sensor fail 191 Start-up blkd extern 146
D/O driver fault: X1 32 STBY ARCnet fault 113
D/O driver fault: X3 36 System restart 110
DIO node fail 148 Temp 1 sensor fail 178
EGC Fault 153 Test supply 145
Exciter failed 124 Thyristor fuse fail 180
Exciter fault 34 Trafo overtemp. Trip 6
Exciter internal SC 40 Trafo temp. alarm 103
Exciter output SC 41 TRIP by EGC 53
Exciter overvoltage 30 User Event 1 21x
Exciter undervoltage 118 User Event 2 22x
Ext. CH fault 47 User Event 3 23x
f sensing failed 121 User Event 4 24x
FCB external OFF 143 User Event 5 25x
FCB failed 127 User Event 6 26x
Field flash. fault 28 V/Hz fault 46
Write backup alarm 136

The following Fault and Alarm tables contain, sorted per Fault Code:
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1. Fault and Alarm texts which are displayed on the control panels (Service Panel
SPA and Local Control Panel LCP) and after the „UPLOAD FAULT LOGGER“ in
the CMT.
2. Short description of the Alarm or Fault cause
3. Restrictions for the Alarm and Fault evaluations
4. Actions with respect to the used system configuration

Table Remarks:

1) Text for SPA, LCP Panels and CMT Fault Logger. LCP and CMT are showing
also the ALARM- and FAULT-CODE No.

2) System Configurations S..., D..., A..., Q..., ..T-.. according to UNITROL 5000
Type Code

3) S1 = Step 1 If after an ACTION the same Fault is also TRUE in the active

S2 = Step 2 If after an ACTION the same Fault is also TRUE in the Standby


A Alarm: COMMON ALARM message to remote system

BT Backup Transfer: Emergency transfer to the EGC Backup Controller (i.e.

excitation current control)

C Converter Faults which are summed in the Fault Evaluation Logic. The
sum is evaluated to generate 3 level signals:
Sum >= SET_FAIL_LEVEL_1 (928) -> ALARM 197 "Conv. fail level 1"
and signal LEVEL1_CONV_FAIL (10925). (DEFAULT not used)
Sum >= SET_FAIL_LEVEL_2 (929) -> ALARM 198 "Conv. fail level 2"
and signal LEVEL2_CONV_FAIL (10926). (DEFAULT: not used,
depending on application, this signal is used to reduce ceiling capability
or max. cont. current)
Sum >= SET_FAIL_LEVEL_3 (930) -> CH FAULT 43 "Converter fault"
and signal LEVEL3_CONV_FAIL (10927). (DEFAULT not used)

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CT Channel Transfer: Emergency transfer to the STANDBY channel for a
A... Configuration (CH1->CH2 or CH2->CH1 transfer)

E Event: only logged into the Fault Logger, no further message to remote

I Ihibt of START-UP

MT Manual Transfer: Emergency transfer to MANUAL operation (i.e.

excitation current control). Prior to Manual Transfer, there is always an
emergency transfer to the Standby channel in the 2-Channel A5...

T Trip: Emergency Shut Down of the Excitation system (Excitation OFF,

Field Breaker OFF, TRIP message to remote system)

TC Transfer Converter: Emergency transfer to "Cold Reserve" Converter

4) RESET versions:

BOOT COB must be rebooted (Supply OFF->ON)

D Deblocking Fan: The fan failure deblocking could be modified by

application programming (ref to application Software). DEFAULT:
deblocking with normal Reset R.

R Reset, to reset the Fault condition, this category of Faults must be


S Self Reset, i.e. the remote ALARM message disappears after d.h. fault
condition isn't TRUE anymore. The Fault Logger is signing the entrance
as "+" and the disappearance as "-".

5) BIT within Alarmword 1...4 (AW1..4_xx) or Faultword 1...3 (FW1...3_xx). E.g.

AW2_0 = BIT = of Alarmword 2

6) Function blocked:

CF If already a Channel Fault present

SF If already a Standby Channel Fault present

I< At low excitation current

L During ON LINE operation (machine connected to grid)

M During Manual operation


OL During OFF LINE operation (machine not connected to grid)

PT During Potential Transformer fault (machine voltage signal failure)

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S In the Standby channel of a 2 Channel (A5...) Application

SO Trip Characteristic Offset in the Standby Channel to ensure Channel

Transfer prior to Trip (Standby serves as back up protection)

7) Message appears together with the message of the converter No. I.e. with the
Alarm No. "Conveter x" 161...168

8) Depending on the setting of the paramter type [1101, 05, 09, 13, 17, 21]
following actions are released:


MT, 3 = ALARM==A, 4 = EVENT==E

100) To prevent from tripping in case of Gate CTRL fault (e.g. missing output
pulses), there is an emergency channel transfer and/or transfer to the Back Up
EGC prior to the final TRIP cmd.

101) The preceeding Converter transfer with a ..T-.. Configuration 2 * 100%

converter redundancy (cold reseve) was not successful (ref. ALARM 124).

Note: the faulty branch No. will also be indicated on the Converter
Display Panel CDP.

102) To prevent from tripping in case of USYN Measuring X-ducer fault, there is an
emergency channel transfer and/or transfer to the Back Up EGC prior to the
final TRIP cmd.

103) In the case where the EGC is serving as Gate CTRL for fn<50Hz applications,
this signal is including also all Converter Monitoring signals. Ref. to Fault- and
Alarm list of EGC.

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Fault Table with short description, release conditions and actions depending on configuration

No. TEXT 1) Short description Blocked FW Actions 2) 3) Reset

(In Brackets) = Ref to parameter 6) 5) S5... D5... A5... Q5.. x5T-.. 4)
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
1 COB power One or more electronic supply FW1_0 T BT CT CT BT R
fail voltage(s) missing
2 Inst.exc.over Instantaneous overcurrent O FW1_1 T T T T R
current exceeding DELAY_IE_MAX
3 OC2 inverse Overcurrent "inverse time" step O, SO FW1_2 T T T T R
time 2 (Action by step 1, AL 108, was
not successful)
5 Loss of exc. Loss of excitation monitoring O, SO, FW1_4 T T T T R
trip step 2 (Action by step 1, CH OL, PT
FAULT 14, not successful)
6 Trafo Transformer Temp. level 1 FW1_5 T T T T R
overtemp. exceeded (PTC2 value or
7 Rotor Rotor Temp. level 2 O, I< FW1_6 T T T T R
overtemp trip RTEMP_DEG_FAULT (1010)
exceeded, actions after AL 104
not successful
12 Standby One channel in a double channel FW3_2 CT CT R
S5/D5 conf system is configured as single
channel (308)
configured ! the unit must be configured first
14 Loss of exc. Loss of excitation exceeding O, SO, FW2_5 T BT CT CT BT R
Channel DLY_UEL_MONITOR (905) OL, PT
(Level 2 ref. FAULT 5)
17 Type coding
18 Backup read Difference between paramter FW2_9 T BT CT CT BT BOOT
fault structure of firmware and
parameter FLASH PROM
20 Local &
23 Loss conv. Exciter supply is missing (USYN O FW2_14 T BT CT CT BT R
supply < UG at SHUNT supply config.)
27 Compoundin Missing Excitation support O, L, S FW1_9 T T T T R
g trip (compounding) exceeding
28 Field flash. Field flashing not successful O, OL, S FW1_8 T T T T R
fault within FLASH_MAX_TIME (305)
29 Exciter
30 Exciter Exciter supply voltage >130% for FW1_12 T T T T R
overvoltage more than 10s
31 Not in Gate controller out of OL FW1_13 T BT CT CT BT R
synchronism synchronism at normal supply
32 D/O driver Relay Driver of basic fast I/O FW1_14 T BT CT CT BT R
fault: X1 (FIO 1) fails
33 2 channel
34 Exciter fault "Ripple Monitoring" respons O, S, I< FW2_0 T BT CT CT BT R
exceeding DLY_CONV_FAULT
(411). 101)
35 Field Crowbar responded by negative O, S FW2_1 T T T T R
overvoltage overvoltage (Id>0) 102)
36 D/O driver Relay Driver of second fast I/O FW1_15 T BT CT CT BT R
fault: X3 (FIO 2) fails
38 Phase

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-39

No. TEXT 1) Short description Blocked FW Actions 2) 3) Reset
(In Brackets) = Ref to parameter 6) 5) S5... D5... A5... Q5.. x5T-.. 4)
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
40 Exciter Internal exciter branch S.C., no O, S, I< FW2_7 T T T T R
internal SC reserve available anymore
41 Exciter S.C. on exciter output detected O, S, I< FW2_6 T T T T R
output SC (DC leads, slip rings etc.)
43 Converter More conveter failed as set by S FW1_3 T BT T CT T CT T TC T R
failure SET_FAIL_LEVEL_3 (930), 100)
45 MUB data A/D conversion on the MUB FW3_0 T BT T CT T CT T R
fault board failed
46 V/Hz fault Machine voltage > as set V/Hz O, PT FW2_13 T BT CT CT BT R
characteristic + margin during
47 Ext. CH fault External generated Channel S FW2_12 T BT CT CT BT R
Fault responded (DEFAULT not
50 Crowbar More than one negative crowbar FW2_2 T T T T R
failure current cycle detected after
tripping of machine C.B.
52 Rotor ground Second level of external Ground FW1_7 T T T T R
fault Fault Relay responded.
53 TRIP by BACK UP Over Current Realy FW2_15 T BT CT CT BT R
EGC responded or Back Up Controller
(EGC) failed during operation
54 MUB Electronic supply missing or FW2_11 T BT CT CT BT R
fault/power WATCH DOG on MUB
fail responded (ref. To Fault No. 1)
55 CH ARCnet The ARCnet Communication of FW2_8 BT CT CT BT R
fault this Channel failed
60 Fieldbus Communication from COB to FW1_10 T T T T R
timeout user's fieldbus adapter failed
60 Fieldbus Communication from COB to FW1_11 T BT CT CT BT R
timeout user's fieldbus adapter failed
Multiple Faults:
CT Conditions TRUE in both T
BT and EGC failed (ALARM 153 T
"EGC failed")

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-40

Alarm Table with short description, release conditions and actions depending on configuration

Nr. TEXT 1) Short description AW Actions 2) 3) Reset

(In Brackets) = Ref to parameter No. 6) 5) S5… A5… CDP Fault LED's 4)
D5… Q5… x5E…, x5S…
103 Trafo temp. Transformer Temp. level 1 exceeded (PTC2 AW1_2 I A A S
alarm value or TRTEMP_DEG_ALARM (022))
104 Rotor temp. Rotor Temp. level 1 RTEM_DEG_ALARM O, I< AW1_3 I A A S
alarm (1009) exceeded
106 OC1 inverse Setpoint Ie-Limiter + margin was exceeded O AW1_5 I A, M A,CT,M S
time for more than DLY_IE_MONITORING (903)) T
107 CH transfer Not allowed status difference(s) between the SF AW2_15 I A S
failed 2 Channels of an A5… configuration
108 RAM-backup RAM Fault detected AW1_7 I A A BOO
failed T
110 System System BOOT event E E
111 Common There is a Standby Channel Fault present AW2_6 A S
STBY fault (CT according Rem. 3)). Ref. To FL of
Standby Channel
113 STBY ther is no ARCnet Communication to the AW1_0 A S
ARCnet fault STBY channelt (Ref. FAULT 55)
118 Exciter Converter supply voltage < U_SYN_MIN E E
undervoltage (406)
119 Standby ALARM present in the Standby Channel E E
120 Machine P.T. The machine P.T. signal is missing O AW1_13 I A A S®
121 f sensing Machine frequency signal is missing, but OL AW2_12 I A A S
failed AVG of P.T. signal is still >30%
122 Fieldbus Communication from COB to user's fieldbus AW1_6 I A A S
timeout adapter failed ((917)=EVENT or ALARM)
123 AI failed Output of at least one user AI < AW1_8 I A A S
xxxx_LIVE_ZERO (103, 106, 109, 1015,
1018, 1021)
124 Exciter failed Branch Failure (Ripple Monitor) for more than O, S, AW1_10 A A S
RIPPLE_TIME (405) detected. I<
127 FCB failed No feedback from FCB within 1s after AW1_15 I A A S
128 Panel Service Panel SPA UNS 0874 not connected EW1_x E E

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Nr. TEXT 1) Short description AW Actions 2) 3) Reset
(In Brackets) = Ref to parameter No. 6) 5) S5… A5… CDP Fault LED's 4)
D5… Q5… x5E…, x5S…
130 Init values The DEFAULT Parameter settings have been AW2_2 I A A S
read.S2 read and are active (COB Jumper S2 set)
132 Param set 2 Set 2 selected by PARAMETER_SET2 AW2_3 I A A S
missing (5326) or (11201) = 5 selected, but SET 2 is
133 Loss exc.
134 Backup not Trying to load the FLASH parameter set to O AW2_4 I A A S
allowed RAM, but this was blocked e.g. by
135 Crowbar No regular Crowbar reaction at deexcitation AW1_1 I A A S
failed process, or Crowbar Current Sensor CUS
136 Write backup The saving of parameter set to FLASH AW2_5 I A A S
alarm PROM failed
137 Standby trip TRIP signal generated by the Standby AW2_0 A S
Channel which is indicated as an ALARM in
the Duty Channel
138 INIT values The DEFAULT Parameter settings have been EW1_x E E
read read and are active!
140 Loss of Negative crowbar current cycle detected AW1_14 A A S
synchronism (induced by synchronous machine)
141 Aux. AC fail The 24V supply from AC source (Converter O. CF AW2_8 I A A S
Supply) is missing, but the USYN is still O.K.
142 Auxiliaries An external Aux. Circuit (within Exciter) is AW1_4 A A S
OFF OFF or failed, but START UP is still possible.
143 FCB external The field C.B. (FCB) has been tripped S, CF AW2_10 I A A S
OFF manually or by an external command
144 Aux. DC fail The 24V supply from DC source (Station CF AW2_9 I A A S
Battery) is missing
145 Test supply There is converter input voltage, but the O, S AW2_7 A A S
configuration is set for SHUNT SUPPLY
146 Start-up blkd An external Aux. Circuit (within Exciter) is AW2_13 I A A S
extern OFF or failed and START UP is blocked.
147 LCP node fail ARCnet Communication to Local Control AW4_7 A A S
Panel LCP failed
148 DIO node fail ARCnet communication to a digital I/O unit AW3_15 A A S
(UP C090) failed
149 AIO node fail ARCnet communication to an analog I/O unit AW3_14 A A S
(UA C095, 096) failed
152 Rotor ground Fist level of external Ground Fault Relay AW1_12 A A S
fault responded
153 EGC Fault The EGC Back Up controller is not available AW2_14 A A
155 CH ARCnet ARCnet communication from one COB to the AW4_4 A A S
fault other devices failed

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Nr. TEXT 1) Short description AW Actions 2) 3) Reset
(In Brackets) = Ref to parameter No. 6) 5) S5… A5… CDP Fault LED's 4)
D5… Q5… x5E…, x5S…
161 Converter 1 Fault indication from Converter No. 1 (+EG.1) AW4_8 A A S
162 Converter 2 Fault indication from Converter No. 2 (+EG.2) AW4_9 A A S
163 Converter 3 Fault indication from Converter No. 3 (+EG.3) AW4_10 A A S
164 Converter 4 Fault indication from Converter No. 4 (+EG.4) AW4_11 A A S
165 Converter 5 Fault indication from Converter No. 5 (+EG.5) AW4_12 A A S
166 Converter 6 Fault indication from Converter No. 6 (+EG.6) AW4_13 A A S
167 Converter 7 Fault indication from Converter No. 7 (+EG.7) AW4_14 A A S
168 Converter 8 Fault indication from Converter No. 8 (+EG.8) AW4_15 A A S
178 Temp 1 7) Tempertature sensing failed AW4_6 A A ALARM ALARM S
sensor fail
179 Curr. equal. 7) Automatic converter current sharing EW1_x E E
fail (equalizing) disturbed
180 Thyristor fuse 7) At least on of the converter branch fuses AW4_3 A A OFF, ALARM R,S
fail blown (not applicable with conv. type C3) FAIL
181 Branch R+ 7) R+ Branch failure detected by either I< AW3_2 A, C A, C R+ R+ R
failure "Conduction Monitor" (x5S..), or "Ripple
Monitor" (x5E.., x5T...)
182 Branch T- 7) T- Branch failure detected by either I< AW3_3 A, C A, C T- T- R
failure "Conduction Monitor" (x5S..), or "Ripple
Monitor" (x5E.., x5T...)
183 Branch S+ 7) S+ Branch failure detected by either I< AW3_4 A, C A, C S+ S+ R
failure "Conduction Monitor" (x5S..), or "Ripple
Monitor" (x5E.., x5T...)
184 Branch R- 7) R- Branch failure detected by either I< AW3_5 A, C A, C R- R- R
failure "Conduction Monitor" (x5S..), or "Ripple
Monitor" (x5E.., x5T...)
185 Branch T+ 7) T+ Branch failure detected by either I< AW3_6 A, C A, C T+ T+ R
failure "Conduction Monitor" (x5S..), or "Ripple
Monitor" (x5E.., x5T...)
186 Branch S- 7) S- Branch failure detected by either I< AW3_7 A, C A, C S- S- R
failure "Conduction Monitor" (x5S..), or "Ripple
Monitor" (x5E.., x5T...)
187 Overtemp. 7) Temperature level 1 MAX_CONV_TEMP AW4_1 A A ALARM ALARM S
Alarm (401) -10K exceeded
188 Overtemp 7) Temp. level 2 MAX_CONV_TEMP (401) AW3_8 A, C A, C OFF, OFF, R
Trip exceeded. Measures after Alarm 187 not FAIL FAIL
189 Cooling Alarm 7) Emergency transfer to converter block AW4_2 A A FAN FAN S

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Nr. TEXT 1) Short description AW Actions 2) 3) Reset
(In Brackets) = Ref to parameter No. 6) 5) S5… A5… CDP Fault LED's 4)
D5… Q5… x5E…, x5S…
190 Cooling Trip 7) Entire converter block cooling system AW3_9 A, C A, C OFF, OFF, DF
missing FAN FAN
191 Current 7) CUrrent Sensor CUS from converter + or - AW4_0 A A ALARM ALARM S
Sensor fail output leads failed
192 Snubber 7) Converter block combined OVP fuse blown AW3_10 A, C A, C OFF, ALARM R, S
failure FAIL
193 CIN failure 7) Converter Interface CIN failed (HW or SW AW3_11 A, C A, C OFF, OFF, R
Fault, but CIN Supply is still O.K.) FAIL FAIL
194 CONV 7) Converter Isolator in OFF position AW3_13 A, C A, C ISOLAT ISOLAT R
isolated ED ED
195 ARCnet node 7) CIN ARCnet Communication to all other AW4_5 A A OFF, S
fail failed (system types x5E.. and x5T...) FAIL
195 ARCnet node 7) CIN ARCnet Communication to all other AW4_5 A A OFF, R
fail failed (Systeme x5S) FAIL
195 ARCnet node 7) CIN ARCnet internal failure AW4_5 A A OFF, OFF, R
196 CONV 7) CIN was blocking the firing pulses by local AW3_12 A, C A, C OFF OFF S
blocked Fault condition (Blocking by Application SW
197 CONV fail Sum, numbers of converter failed is at least AW3_0 A A S
level1 SET_FAIL_LEVEL_1. Ref. Remark. 3) C
198 CONV fail Sum, numbers of converter failed is at least AW3_1 A A S
level2 SET_FAIL_LEVEL_2. Ref. Remark. 3) C
199 Conv. fail
level 3
21x User Event 1 8) Ref. to Application SW diagram (SP-48) for
the meaning of this Event
22x User Event 2 8) Ref. to Application SW diagram (SP-48) for
the meaning of this Event
23x User Event 3 8) Ref. to Application SW diagram (SP-48) for
the meaning of this Event
24x User Event 4 8) Ref. to Application SW diagram (SP-48) for
the meaning of this Event
25x User Event 5 8) Ref. to Application SW diagram (SP-48) for
the meaning of this Event
26x User Event 6 8) Ref. to Application SW diagram (SP-48) for
the meaning of this Event

Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Sheet

ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-44 Fault and Alarm tracing instructions
In addition to showing the Fault or Alarm number and text, as well as the actions
following a Fault or Alarm depending on System Configuration (tables above), the
following tables also include instructions on how to locate the cause of the Fault or
Alarm. It is not feasible to provide exact instructions on fault tracing since, depending
on the application, the prerequisites depend on the environmental conditions and are
different for each installation. Other procedures are therefore possible and lead to the
same goal.
Error Possible reason / Action
1 COB power fail
Operator Information
The Control Board COB is supplied from MUB and has supply monitoring
functions for the following voltage levels:
Supply voltage Undervoltage trip limit
+/- 5 V +/- 4.55 V
+/- 15 V +/- 12.4 V
+ 24 V + 19 V

Trouble Shooting
Note: The MUB board, which supplies the COB has supply monitoring
functions too. If Fault 54 “MUB fault/power fail” is also present,
refer to that first.
• Reset the fault message. If the fault message is repeated, the fault may
lie in the COB board
• Check the connection between the MUB and COB board (X37).

• Switch off power supply to the MUB board.

Disconnect used I/O board flat cables X1…4, X12 connection to PSI or
EGC, Pulse Bus X13, 2Ch connection X18 and optional EGC
connection X5 from the COB board type UNS2880.
Switch power supply to MUB board on again.
If fault 1 "COB power fail" no longer appears, try to locate the source of
the fault by repeating the above test, but only plug in the connectors of
the flat cable connections one at a time. Other fault messages may
appear during this test, because off missing input signals. If this fault
appears when one off X1…X3 is plugged in and disappears when its
disconnected, this fault may be caused by a defective I/O interface FIO.
If this is true, replace relevant FIO Board.
If the fault cannot be traced in this way, the COB should first be
exchanged. If the fault is still present, the MUB board should be
exchanged. If this remedies the fault, try replacing the original COB

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-45

Error Possible reason / Action
2 Inst.exc.overcurrent
Operator Information
This is a very fast short circuit protection function. It protects against short
circuits inside or at the output of the converter as well as big transients in
the synchronous machine (3- or single-phase short circuits). The
excitation current was higher than the set maximum current I EXCITER
MAX VAL (402) for more than the set delay DELAY IE MAX (403).
Note: An optional provided Extended Gate Controller EGC serves also
as fully independent back up overcurrent relay (ANSI 50/51). If this
relay respond, COB logges this as Fault 53 “TRIP by EGC”
This function is also active at the Standby Channel of 2 Channel
system, but restricted there by an additional delay of 3*TSYN
(10/8.33 ms; 50/60Hz)

Trouble Shooting
Note: Short delay times are used in order to achieve converter
redundancy. Refer first to Faults 40 “Exciter internal SC” and 41
“Exciter external SC” if one those appeared.
• If the fault can be reset, check:
- wether there is an other converter system fault indicated. Trace those
- with a single converter used (type x5E….) or if redundancy was losst
already with TWIN converter (type x5T…), wether all thyristor fuses in
the converter section are OK (normally indicated by fault 34 "Exciter
- the converter is dimensioned correctly or that no changes in load have
occurred [normally protected by limiters and overcurrent protection
(Alarm 106 "OC1 inverse time“, Fault 3 "OC2 inverse time“)].
- converter output connections are OK.
- the field circuit is OK (no short circuits).
• If the fault message is repeated several times, the (remaining) converter
may be overloaded.
• Check the the current actual value I EXC RELATIVE (10503), the
burden signal on PSI and also the connection between the PSI and the
COB boards (X12), if signal does’t correlate to the real excitation
• Replace PSI, if burden signal not correct
• Check whether the setting of the parameter I EXCITER MAX VAL (402)
is correct.
• If the fault message is repeated, replace also the COB board.

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Error Possible reason / Action
3 OC2 inverse time
Operator Information
This fault message is generated due to automatic changeover to the
standby channel (if provided) or MANUAL mode initiated by alarm 106
"OC1 inverse time". This changeover failed to take place within 3 sec.

Trouble Shooting
• In addition to the checks for alarm 106 "OC1 inverse time", the backup
system (second channel) must be checked as follows:
Single and Dual Channel CTRL type S5x-…: and D5x…-
- MANUAL mode was also not able to take over control. This means
that there is a possibly fault in the gate control unit.
- Check excitation current signal as per Fault 2
- Replace the COB board.
2 Channel CTRL type A5x…:
- Even the standby channel and/or its MANUAL control were not able to
take over control. This means that there is a fault in the gate control
unit of both channels or manual control of both channels have been
above permissible operation point.
- Check the manual CTRL (set point, operation point, etc).
- Replace the COB board
5 Loss of exc. Trip
Operator Information
This fault message occurred due to previous initiation of CH fault 14
„Loss of exc. Channel“, changeover to second channel (config. A5x…) or
back up controller EGC (config. D5x-… ) failed to take place within 2 sec.

Trouble Shooting
• -Ref. to Fault 14 instructions (in both channel for config. A5x…)
6 Trafo overtemp. Trip
Operator Information
The temperature of the excitation transformer has risen higher than the
maximum permitted value set by TRTEMP DEG FAULT in case PT100
temp. sensors, or determined by the 2nd stage PTC elements
temperature in case of PTC are used in the transformer windings.

Trouble Shooting
• If this fault occurs without Alarm 103 "Trafo temp. alarm“ having
responded beforehand, then this fault may have been caused by a bad
connection to the PTC temperature sensor (a broken connection will
cause a trip!).

• If both stages have responded, follow instructions for alarm 103 "Trafo
temp. alarm“.

The exciter and synchronous machine must be shut down to prevent
damage to the transformer. Report the problem to ABB.
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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-47

Error Possible reason / Action
7 Rotor overtemp. trip
Operator Information
This is the 2nd stage of the temperature monitoring described under
alarm 104 "Rotor temp. alarm“. The measured temperature has reached
the set value RTEMP DEG FAULT (1010).

Trouble Shooting
• If the Fault and Alarm are triggered practically simultaneously (see entry
in Fault Logger), the measuring circuits for excitation voltage and
excitation current should be checked first.
• If there is a delay between the triggering of the fault and alarm
messages, for fault tracing follow Alarm 104 instructions.
12 Standby S5/D5 conf
Operator Information
The partner channel in a double channel system is not configured
correctly. Parameter 308 is set to either the values 0 (S5x) or 4 (D5x)
instead of 1 or 2 (A5x).

Trouble Shooting
• Set parameter 308 in the other channel to
1 if the other channel is channel 1
2 if the other channel is channel 2.
This fault will also occure if you prepare the system for maintenance work
in one channel. In order to block the defective channel, you will set
parameter 308 = 0 in the healthy, active channel. The inactive channel
will then by blocked and will display fault F12.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-48

Error Possible reason / Action
13 Not configured !
Operator Information
The system is not configured after the program has been loaded
("Software Update").

Trouble Shooting
• The system should be configured according to its function using
following parameters:
(Default=1 for normal 2Q application)
CH CONFIG (308). Single Channel (S5…), Channel 1 (A5..CH1) or
Channel 2 (A5..CH2).
For a "software update", refer to the document update.doc on the
installation diskette.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-49

Error Possible reason / Action
14 Loss of exc. Channel
Operator Information
The excitation dropped below the set limits START UEL MONIT (904) for
longer than the set delay DLY UEL MONITOR (905). This means that the
underexcitation limiter was not able to keep the excitation at the set
limiting characteristic [parameter REFx Q(P) LIM (1501-1505)] within the
set delay DLY UEL MONITOR (905) and margin START UEL MONIT
This causes a changeover to the standby channel (config. A5…) or Back
Up controller EGC (config. D5...). In Single Channel system type S5…,
Fault 5 "Loss of exc. trip" is given 2s after this Fault.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the converter supply. At SHUNT supply configuration, this is
normally indicated by fault 23 "Loss conv. Supply".
• If this fault was the result of severe voltage drop at the generator
terminals caused by an external fault (e.g. line short circuit), then no
fault is to be expected within the excitation system. Change back to first
channel or restart the system following a trip.
• It is possible that the underexcitation limiter is too sluggish or the gain
and/or boundary values are set too low. Check the relevant parameter
settings of the underexcitation limiter (Group 15) and monitoring (Group
• If the power supply is O.K., also check the gate control and converter in
accordance with the commissioning instructions (faulty converter
functions are normally indicated by fault 34 "Converter failed").
• In a 2 Channel system, changeover to the standby channel (second
channel) always has first priority. Check the relevant MUB transducer
function and output signals and the required signals
(I, P, Q, I SINPHI, I COSPHI) of Group 1 using the control panel or CMT
software, and compare them with those of the running (intact) channel
or Control Room instruments.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-50

Error Possible reason / Action
18 Backup read fault
Operator Information
This fault indicates that the parameter formats of the system program
(stored in Program Flash PROM) are not the same as the stored
parameter values (stored in Parameter Flash PROM).

Trouble Shooting
• Usually, this fault occurs after a download of a new program. In this
case, the problem can be solved as follows:
Save the new parameters to Parameter Flash using the command
BACKUPSTOREMODE (11201). Activate the command SAVE
PARAM1 SET. During saving, the display on the control panel first
changes to 8 = ERASING..., then to 10 = PROGRAMMING and finally
to 0 = NONE.
• It is possible that the Flash PROM(s) are defective. Replace the COB

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-51

Error Possible reason / Action
23 Loss conv. Supply
Operator Information
Single Channel system type S5x-...:
The converter supply voltage has temporarily dropped below the relative
synchronous machine voltage minus the margin set by parameter
Possible causes:
- Converter supply switched off
- Converter line fuse blown
- Excitation transformer secondary short circuit (including connections up
to converter input).
This monitoring is only active for SHUNT supply [see SUPPLY MODE

Trouble Shooting
• Check the whole converter supply system from the source to the
converter input of the faulty channel.
• Check the excitation transformer and connections up to the converter
input for short circuit.
• Check the actual value of the converter supply voltage U SYN
RELATIVE (10503) and U SYN V (10504) and compare them with the
real voltage at the converter input. U SYN RELATIVE (10503) is 100 %
at the set parameter value U SYN V NOMINAL (504).
U SYN RELATIVE (10503) drops several per cent with increasing
excitation. This must be taken into consideration when setting the
margin DEV U MONITORING (907).
• Check the connection between PSI and COB or EGC boards (flat
cables X12).
Replace the PSI, COB or EGC board. If EGC is provided in a 2 Channel
CTRL configuration, USYN signal is buffered in on EGC and fed over
EGC X121 to COB X12

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-52

Error Possible reason / Action
27 Compounding trip
Operator Information
The battery compounding was active for longer than the delay
CMPD MAX TIME (307) (only applies to indirect excitation systems with
shunt supplies). This message is only logged in the active channel of a 2
Channel system.

Trouble Shooting
• Check whether a generator short circuit occurred for longer than CMPD
MAX TIME (307).
• Check whether the compounding supply (batteries) is present.
• If the compounding effect is too great or too small, check the
compounding control circuit (external contactors etc.). Check the
compounding current at standstill by switching on the excitation.
Don’t use "TEST SUPPLY" from the auxiliary power circuit for this test,
nor simulate it.
• Check whether the parameters CMPD ON LEVEL (306),
CMPD MAX TIME (307) and SUPPLY MODE (901) have been set

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-53

Error Possible reason / Action
28 Field flash. Fault
Operator Information
The excitation system was not able to build up the generator voltage to
FLASH OFF LEVEL (304) within the maximum permitted field flashing
period FLASH MAX TIME (305). This message is only logged in the
active channel of a 2 Channel system.

Trouble Shooting
• Check if field flashing supply (battery or AC line) is present and M.C.B.
–Q03 is closed.
• Check that the (AC or DC) field breaker is closed and that no de-
excitation command is in effective.
• Ensure that the field flashing current is sufficient to provide 5…10 V
supply voltage at converter input (setting of series resistor of the field
flashing module –A03).
• Check the field flashing circuit and the function of the field flashing
• Check the measurement circuits for generator voltage from the voltage
transformer to the software and the synchronous voltage from the
converter input terminals to the software. Use a multimeter to check
whether the real measured values correspond with the software signals
U MACH RELATIVE (10101) and U SYN RELATIVE (10503).
• Ensure that the parameters FLASH OFF LEVEL (304), FLASH MAX
TIME (305) and SUPPLY MODE (901) are set correctly.
In a static excitation system, the field flashing circuit may only be
activated for one minute per hour. After six (10 second) unsuccessful
attempts to activate, a period of at least one hour must be paused
before field flashing is attempted again.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-54

Error Possible reason / Action
30 Exciter overvoltage
Operator Information
The converter supply voltage, signal U SYN RELATIVE (10503), has
been higher than the limit of 130 % for 10 sec.

Trouble Shooting
• Check if there was (or is) a real overvoltage at the converter input.
• Check whether the displayed measured value U SYN RELATIVE
(10503) corresponds to the real converter input voltage. If not, check
setting of the parameter U SYN V NOMINAL (504).
• Check the hardware setting of the PSI board according to the "Test
• Check the EGC regarding the buffering of the USYN signal in a 2
Channel with back up CTRL configuration (Q5x-…). EGC input signal at
X12 must be the same as output signal at X121.
31 Not in synchronism
Operator Information
Although the converter supply is present, the gate control wasn’t line
synchronized any more.

Trouble Shooting
• If fault 23 "Loss conv. Supply" occurs with shunt supply configuration,
one phase (U or V) of the synchronous voltage is missing.
• Hardware fault on the COB board. The NMI signal for the CPU is
• Check the connection between the PSI and COB (flat cable X12). If the
fault occurs again, replace the PSI or COB type UNS2880 board. This
signal is fed via EGC in 2 Channel with back up CTRL configuration
(Q5x-…). EGC input signal at X12 must be the same as output signal at
32 D/O driver fault: X1
Operator Information
The relay driver on COB for the basic FIO connected to X1 is defective.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the connection between COB X1 and FIO X31 (flat cables)
regarding SC.
• If Fault can be reset after unplugging X1, replace basic FIO board
• If Fault can’t be reset after unplugging X1, the driver itself is broken and
therefore COB board must be replaced.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-55

Error Possible reason / Action
34 Exciter fault
Operator Information
Converter bridge interruption in the excitation system.
• Configuration x5E (a single converter is running only): interruption in at
least one thyristor bridge branch or a short circuit was switched off by
the relevant branch fuse(s).

• Configuration x5T (1+1 redundancy): A fault occurred in the active

converter, leads to change over to the "cold reserve" converter.

• Configuration x5S (n-1 redundancy): More than one parallel connected

semiconductors are lost or an internal short circuit was switched off by
the relevant branch fuse(s).

Trouble Shooting
• If Alarm 180 “Thyristor fuse fail” was also logged, trace the fault as per
Alarm 180 instructions.
• Check the phase sequence of the converter supply and that the
parameter PHASE SEQ CW (503) is set correctly. Check that the input
[SEL SEQUENCE] (5501) corresponds to the actual phase sequence.
• Check that all thyristors are fired correctly by checking converter output
voltage with an oscilloscope. There should be 6 pulses of same shape
during a supply voltage cycle (20/16.66ms; 50/60Hz).
• Check the gate connections between Gate Driver GDI and thyristor
• Check that the measured value U SYN V (10504) displayed on the
control unit corresponds to the real voltage at the converter input. If the
displayed value is lower, it is possible that a phase is missing. Check the
connections from COB X12 up to the PSI. In a shunt supply
configuration, this failure is indicated as Fault 23 "Loss conv. supply".
• Check branch fuses (type C3 having no fuse indicators)
• Measure the gate-cathode resistance of all thyristors (with an
ohmmeter). Compare these results and if one resistance value is clearly
higher than the others, exchange this thyristor as per specific converter
• If no thyristor fault can be found and the fault cannot be reset, also
check the connections between the current transformers and the PSI
board and between the PSI and COB (ev. via EGC) board. The ripple
voltage across the burden resistor must be less than 90 mVpp (<6 %
set system rated current I EXC SENS A (507)).
Replace current transformers (C.T.), PSI or COB board.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-56

Error Possible reason / Action
35 Field overvoltage
Operator Information
The field overvoltage protection (crowbar) was responding on a negative
field overvoltage [or also a positive overvoltage in case non polarized
crowbar current sensor is used and connected to OVP CURRENT (5901)]

Trouble Shooting
• Negative field overvoltage occurs if an interruption occurs in the power
supply or field circuit (e.g. fuses, circuit breakers)
- the function of the field breaker at the input or output of the converter
- connection line and insulation resistance of the field winding
• Positive field overvoltage is usually caused by a generator fault, which
induces negative field current, as pole slip, short circuit at the generator
terminals etc.
Check whether there is (or has been) a problem with the generator. If
no such situation exists, report the problem to ABB.
36 D/O driver fault: X3
Operator Information
The relay driver on COB for the extended FIO connected to X3 is

Trouble Shooting
• Check the connection between COB X3 and FIO (No. 2) X31 (flat
cables) regarding SC.
• If Fault can be reset after unplugging X3, replace extended FIO board
• If Fault can’t be reset after unplugging X3, the driver itself is broken and
therefore COB board must be replaced.
40 Exciter internal SC
Operator Information
This message comes from COB located EXCITER MONITORING, which
monitors for a single running converter (x5E… or x5T… configuration) or
if only one is left from x5S… configuration.

Trouble Shooting
• If Alarm 180 “Thyristor fuse fail” was also logged, trace the fault as per
Alarm 180 instructions.
• Check branch fuses (type C3 having no fuse indicators)
• Exchange faulty thyristor(s) as per specific converter instructions.

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Error Possible reason / Action
41 Exciter output SC
Operator Information
This message comes from COB located EXCITER MONITORING, which
can distinguish between internal and external SC.

Trouble Shooting
• Trace for an external short circuit fault between converter otput and field
43 Converter failure
Operator Information
Converter redundancy was lost completely and therefore the excitation
system was shut down. This fault message is always the result onto
previous converter alarm message(s).

Trouble Shooting
• Follow the trouble shooting instructions of the previous indicated fault
and alarm messages.
45 MUB data fault
Operator Information
The analog to digital data convertion on the MUB board has failed. The
board has to be replaced as soon as possible.

Trouble Shooting
• Reinitialize the MUB board (UNS 2881) by disconnecting and
reconnecting the power supply. Pull directly the connector block X1 on
the MUB board.
• The board may restart but will most likely fail again. Replace and return
for repair as soon as possible.

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Error Possible reason / Action
46 V/Hz fault
Operator Information
The machine voltage was higher than the V/Hz limiter characteristic (set
by parameters 1911...1913) plus the margin START V/HZ MON (912) for
longer than the set delay DLY V/HZ MONITOR (913). The V/Hz limiter
was not able to limit the machine voltage to the set V/Hz characteristic.

Trouble Shooting
• If everything else is O.K., it is possible that the safety margin or delay
time were set too restrictively.
• A voltage transformer failure was not detected correctly.

In MANUAL mode, the V/Hz limiter is blocked when ON LINE.

• If the system remains stable after transfer to the standby channels,

check the voltage transformer circuit, the AVR and gate controller of the
faulty channel. If it isn’t possible to change back to the original channel,
because the autofollower doesn’t work (no RDY XFER), or if the same
fault occurs again, then there could be a fault in the gate controller.
Check the relevant channel at the next shutdown.
47 Ext. CH fault
Operator Information
In an indirect excitation system each converter is directly associated to
one regulator channel. In this case, F47 indicates that the converter line
fuse or M.C.B. has switched off.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the protected components (converter) for overload, short circuits
etc. with reference to the hardware diagrams.
50 Crowbar failure
Operator Information
The monitor has at least 2 negative crowbar current pulses detected (the
1st current pulse released the Alarm 140 “Loss of synchronism”), although
the machine main breaker was tripped by the 1st. pulse. I.e. the converter
supplied current to the faulty crowbar.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the crowbar thyristor for negative current (positive overvoltage)
e.g. –V1 of UNS4016 or UNS4023, with reference to the hardware
• Replace the faulty thyristor according crowbar instructions

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Error Possible reason / Action
52 Rotor ground fault
Operator Information
The separate Rotor Ground Fault Relay level 2 tripped. The measures
after the Alarm 152 “Rotor ground fault” message were not successful.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the isolating resistance step by step from the field windings up to
the transformer secondary windings. Use a megger for this tests.
• Check the Ground Fault relay and it’s performance according separate
relay instructions.
53 TRIP by EGC
Operator Information
The Extended Gate Controller (EGC) has shut down the system (LED
“TRIP” on EGC ON) because:

When the EGC is in standby mode:

The back up over current relay (ANSI 50/51) was responding. The current
limiter could not keep the system within the safe current limit. This is
annunciated on the EGC by LED I>, t> (inverse time overcurrent) or I>>,
t< (instantaneous overcurrent)

When the EGC is active (and COB Fault logger is still alive):
1. The converter transfer because of an converter “branch S.C.” or
“branch not conducting” fault (on of the EGC LED’s BRANCH FAIL
R+…T- ON) in a x5T… configuration was not successful.
2. A “branch not conducting” fault (on of the EGC LED’s BRANCH FAIL
R+…T- ON) occurred in a single converter configuration (or no
converter redundancy anymore).
3. There is a converter output short circuit fault.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the system as per Faults 2, 3, 34, 40, 41
54 MUB fault/power fail
Operator Information
“Watch Dog” or power supply monitor of the MUB board responded.

Trouble Shooting
• Replace MUB board.

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Error Possible reason / Action
55 CH ARCnet fault
Operator Information
Data transmission to the CIN boards and to the other channel in a double
channel system has failed.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the ARCnet T-connector on X61 of COB boards (UNS 2880)
• Check whether both coaxial cables are correctly fit to the T-connector
• Check the 7 segment display for the ARCnet status (see also section
• Check the node addresses on the COB boards (UNS 2880). Channel 1
must be set to 1 (dez) and channel 2 to 2 (dez). For further information,
see also section 4 of this manual.
• Chck whether there is a termination element connected to both ends of
the ARCnet cable (normally one end is the LCP, the other end is the
last CIN board)
• Replace COB board (UNS 2880)

60 Fieldbus timeout
Operator Information
Transmission between COB and the bus adapter module is disturbed.
This fault is only generated when parameter FLDBFAULT MODE (917) is
set to CHANNEL FAULT or EXCITATION TRIP. The number of bad
messages before fault raising, is given by parameter 4007.

Trouble Shooting
• Ref to Alarm 122 instructions

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Error Possible reason / Action
103 Trafo temp. alarm
Operator Information
The temperature of the excitation transformer has risen higher than the
alarm level (determined by the first stage temperature monitoring
UNS 0006).
Try to prevent a trip due to maximum transformer overtemperature by
reducing the excitation current.

Trouble Shooting
• Check if the transformer was overloaded for a long time.
• Check transformer cooling and the ambient temperature around the
transformer. If the transformer is overheating despite normal
environmental conditions, the transformer may be incorrectly
dimensioned. An internal fault could also be the cause. Keep an eye on
the transformer temperature.
• Check transformer temperature. If the transformer temperature is not as
high as the alarm temperature, check the function of the PTC and
temperature relay UNS 0006. Detect overtemperature. This fault has to
be reset on the UNS 0006 itself.

• Check the wiring from the UNS 0006 to the PTC (a broken connection
will cause an alarm!).
104 Rotor temp. Alarm
Operator Information
UNITROL 5000 monitors the rotor temperature, which is calculated from
the excitation current, excitation voltage and the resulting field resistance.
Alarm is triggered if this value exceeds the set temp.
If SEL_RTM_MODE (1001) is set to ON/ALARM, there is only a new alarm
issued instead of a TRIP, when the 2nd level set by RTEMP_DEG_FAULT
(1010) is exceeded.

Trouble Shooting
• Check whether the rotor has been overloaded for a long time and
whether the rotor cooling system is working properly.

• Note: The calculated temperature value is very sensitive to fluctuations

in the measuring signal. Verify that the displayed field resistance
RF RELATIVE (11001) is comparable with other measured values (field
voltage / field current) in % (see parameter and signal list). If only
measuring drift is expected, tune the parameters of group 10 again. In
the event of transducer abnormalities (e.g. temperature fluctuations),
consult ABB service.

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Error Possible reason / Action
106 OC1 inverse time
Operator Information
The excitation current was above set limits START IE MONITOR (902)
during the set delay DLY IE MONITORING (903). This means that the
excitation current limiter was not able to limit the excitation current to the
set value of REF1 IETH (1301) or REF1 IEMAX (1303) within the set delay
DLY IE MONITORING (903). This caused a changeover to MANUAL mode
or the standby channel.

Trouble Shooting
• Single Channel system type S5x-...:
If the system remains stable in MANUAL operation, no fault is to be
expected from the gate control (thyristor firing). Try to switch back to
AUTO mode.
• Two-channel system:
• Changeover to the standby channel takes place first. If it is not possible
to switch back because the automatic follow-up control cannot follow (no
"Ready for transfer" RDY XFER TWIN (12120) or if the same faults
occur again, the fault could lie in the gate control or in the measurement
of the excitation current (section I EXC). Check the relevant channel at
the next shutdown.
Note: The standby channel receives I EXC signals from the active
• It is possible that the excitation current limiter is too sluggish or the gain
and/or boundary values are set too low. Check the relevant parameter
settings of the excitation current limiter (group 13, 19) and monitoring
(group 9).
107 CH transfer failed
Operator Information
The operating modes AUTO, MANUAL, excitation ON/OFF, superimposed
regulator ON/OFF and their pre-selection (COS PHI or Q-controller) are
the same for both channels and only one channel may be active.

Trouble Shooting
• Try restarting both channels at the same time.
• Notify ABB service if the fault occurs repeatedly.

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Error Possible reason / Action
108 RAM-backup failed
Operator Information
UNITROL 5000 detected a problem with its RAM circuit.

Trouble Shooting
• The RAM supply capacitor is empty (after long storage or standstill
period without COB supply). The board must be supplied for at least ½
hour to get enough RAM supply voltage.
• Shut down the whole excitation system and try to restart it.
• If the fault is repeated, replace the COB type UNS2880 board.
110 System restart
Operator Information
This is simply a display which appears following a cold start-up, but it is
stored in the fault logger.
111 Common STBY fault
Operator Information
The active channel has received the common CH FAIL (10342) signal
from the standby channel. This causes switchover to this channel, if the
necessary conditions are fulfilled (see Alarm 109).

Trouble Shooting
• Connect the control panel (or CMT) with the standby channel, which is
now the active channel, and read the entries in the fault logger.
• See also alarm 109.
113 STBY ARCnet fault
Operator Information
Data transmission to the other channel via ARCnet has failed. Emergency
changeover caused by a CH FAIL is still possible via the hardwire
connection (TCHFN), as is changeover to MANUAL mode.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the ARCnet T-connector on X61 of COB boards (UNS 2880)
• Check whether both coaxial cables are correctly fit to the T-connector
• Check the 7 segment display for the ARCnet status (see also section
• Check the node addresses on the COB boards (UNS 2880). Channel 1
must be set to 1 (dez) and channel 2 to 2 (dez). For further information,
see also section 4 of this manual.
• Chck whether there is a termination element connected to both ends of
the ARCnet cable (normally one end is the LCP, the other end is the last
CIN board)
• Replace COB board (UNS 2880) of the other channel

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-64

Error Possible reason / Action
118 Exciter undervoltage
Operator Information
The converter supply voltage has dropped below the set value U SYN MIN
(505) during operation (EXC ON). This event is entered in the fault logger
as an EVENT and does not lead to the generation of an alarm message. If
this is the only entry in the fault logger, the fault could have been caused
by line transients.
Note: This monitoring function is normally disabled by the DEFAULT
setting of parameter U_SYN_MIN (406)
119 Standby alarm
Operator Information
There is an alarm of some type present in the standby channel of a 2
channel system. This event (119) is only logged as an ALARM in the fault
logger for this channel.

Trouble Shooting
• Select the standby channel on the control panel or connect to PC (CMT
software). Read the entries in the fault logger.

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Error Possible reason / Action
120 Machine P.T. fail
Operator Information
• 3-phase shunt supply:
The measured generator voltage has dropped below the converter
supply voltage minus the margin set by the parameter
DEV U MONITORING (907). This means that there is a problem with the
measurement of the generator voltage. This fault message causes a
changeover to the second channel (if provided) or to MANUAL mode.
• All other supply modes:
(Only if the parameter SEL PT FAIL DYN (914) is set to "ON").
The dynamic P.T. monitoring system has been tripped by excessive
du/dt of the machine voltage, although no load changes had taken place
on the machine previously.
• User input IN PT FAIL (5906):
The input IN PT FAIL (5906) is available for the use of other P.T. circuit
monitoring functions (customer-specific application).

Note: To avoid this alarm during short circuit tests of the machine, set
parameter 915 to 0.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the voltages from the P.T. (generator terminal voltage) to the
software signal U MACH RELATIVE (10201) according to the hardware
diagrams. If everything is O.K., the setting of the dynamic P.T. failure
monitor may be too sensitive. Check the settings in accordance with the
instructions in the parameter list and commissioning instructions.
• Compare the measured values with values from other instruments
• Check the signal scaling of the machine voltage U MACH RELATIVE
(10201): This must be 100 % of the rated voltage.
• Check the ribbon cable connection from X31 on the MUB board
(UNS 2881) to X31 on the COB board (UNS 2880).

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Error Possible reason / Action
121 f sensing failed
Operator Information
Fault in the frequency measurement. The machine need only be shut
down if it is unstable (PSS blocked automatically).
The cause of this fault must be eliminated as soon as possible.
Trouble Shooting
• Check the ribbon cable connection from X31 on the MUB board
(UNS2881) to X31 on the COB board (UNS 2880).
• Replace the MUB board (UNS2881).

122 Fieldbus timeout

Operator Information
Transmission between the COB board (UNS 2880) and the bus adapter
module is disturbed (see operating instructions for bus adapter)

Trouble Shooting
• Check connection with the bus adapter.
• Replace the cable.
• Replace the bus adapter.
• Replace the COB type UNS2880 board.

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Error Possible reason / Action
123 AI failed
Operator Information
The value of an analog input dropped below the programmed live zero
The following inputs are monitored:
On the FIO board (UNS 0883)
On the MUB board (UNS 2881)
Live zero values are adjusted with parameters 103, 106, 109, 1015, 1018,
1021, 215, 219, 223 and 227.
Note: The analog inputs AI_OPT1, AIOPT2, AI4 are normally used for
temperature sensing of the excitation transformer and are by default
configured for PT100 or PTC sensors. These inputs have a special
monitoring function to detect a broken sensor wire. Therfore, with the
default settings and if there is no sensor connected to these inputs, there
will always be an alarm at power-up of the system.
This alarm is self resetting and will disappear when the signal becomes
lower than TRTEMP_DEG_ALARM (1022) for PT100 sensors or lower
than 3000 for PTC sensors.

Trouble Shooting
• Check all analog inputs to see, whether there is a broken connection.
• Check the programming and burden resistors of the analog inputs on the
FIO (UNS 0883 board), are the 0 Ohm burden resistors cut out
• Check the ribbon cable connection –W131 and –W132 from the first FIO
to the COB boards of both channels:
–U70:X31 to –A10-A1:X1 and
–U70:X32 to –A20-A1:X1
• Replace the first FIO board (UNS 0883) and the COB boards
(UNS 2880) if required.
124 Exciter failed
Operator Information
Converter type C1 ...C3
Interruption in a thyristor branch. This can also be the result of a short
circuit which was switched off by the fuses. Depending on the design, the
system can continue operation, possibly with reduced current.

Trouble Shooting
• The signal BRANCH NO (10515) indicates the defective branch. The
branch must be repaired at the next shutdown. See fault 34 for further

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-68

Error Possible reason / Action
127 FCB failed
Operator Information
The feedback signal "Field breaker closed" was not received within
1.4 sec. of the closing command being triggered.

Trouble Shooting
• If the field breaker did not close, check the wiring of the field breaker
control circuit according to the hardware diagrams.
• Check whether the coils of the field breaker (Q02) are damaged.
• If the field breaker did close, check the wiring of the feedback circuit of
the field breaker according to the hardware diagrams.
• Check whether the signal is correctly received by the binary input card
FIO (UNS 0883). Each activated input lits the corresponding green LED.
• Check the ribbon cable connections –W141, -W142 between the FIO
board (UNS 0883) and the COB boards (UNS 2880):
–U70:X41 to –A10-A1:X2 and
–U70:X42 to –A20-A1:X2

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Error Possible reason / Action
128 Panel disconnected
Operator Information
The control panel UNS 0874 was disconnected. If the excitation was
driven in LOCAL control, there will be an automatic changeover to
REMOTE control. If the excitation is already being driven in REMOTE
mode, only the alarm message appears.

Trouble Shooting
• Check connection between the control panel UNS 0874 and the COB
type UNS2880 board (flat cable X34).

• Replace control panel UNS 0874 or the COB type UNS2880 board.
130 Init values read, S2
Operator Information
During start-up (start of the system program), the default values were read
from the FPROM as a result of the hardware setting (jumper S2 on the
COB type UNS2880 board). This means that all the parameters have
been set to their initial values, and the customer-specific user parameters
are no longer effective.

Trouble Shooting
• If the initial values were downloaded intentionally, this alarm can be
ignored (don’t forget to reset the jumper (S2).
• If you did not wish to read the initial values, check the setting of the
jumper on the COB type UNS2880. For normal start-up (reading of user-
specific parameters), the jumper must be in the position 3-4 (right-hand
side). Shut down the UNITROL F system, fit the jumper in the correct
position and start up again.

• If the fault is still present, replace the COB type UNS2880 board.

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Error Possible reason / Action
132 Param set2 missing
Operator Information
Parameter set 2 was activated, either through the parameter
PARAMETER SET2 (5326) or by setting the signal
(5326). However, no parameters are stored in parameter set 2.

Trouble Shooting
• If it was your intention to use the second parameter set, check the
setting of the parameter PARAMETER SET2 (5326) and the signal
• Save the settings of the parameters selected as the second parameter
set by setting the signal BACKUPSTOREMODE (11201) to 2 = SAVE

• Replace COB type UNS2880 board.

134 Backup not allowed
Operator Information
Using the command BACKUPSTOREMODE (11201), an attempt was
made to load a parameter set from the FPROM under the wrong
conditions (e.g. field breaker was closed). If this is the case, the alarm can
only be reset again when the field breaker is open.

Trouble Shooting
• The field breaker must be open in order to load a parameter set.
135 Crowbar failed
Operator Information
Only with static field discharge circuit (without discharge contact):
There was no current feedback signal from the crowbar during field

Trouble Shooting
• Check crowbar current sensor up to firmware input ID>0 (5908) in case
of external current monitor, or the crowbar current signal I_CB_A
(10929) in case the CUS current sensor is used (the latter is the
standard UN5000 application).
• Check whether the crowbar is flashed correctly in the event of a field
breaker trip command.

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Error Possible reason / Action

136 Write backup alarm

Operator Information
The saving of the parameters with the command BACKUPSTOREMODE
(11201) failed.

Trouble Shooting
• Try to save the parameters again. If the alarm is repeated, the COB type
UNS2880 board must be replaced.
137 Standby trip
Operator Information
In a 2 channel system, a trip EXC_TRIP (10350) of some kind has
occurred in the standby channel. This event (137) is only logged as an
ALARM in the fault logger for this channel.

Trouble Shooting
• Select the standby channel with the control panel or connect to the PC
(CMT software) and read the entries in the fault logger.
138 Init values read
Operator Information
As a result of action by the operator (jumper on COB, CMT software or
control panel), the DEFAULT values are read into the system from the
program FPROM. This means that all the parameters are set to their initial
values and the customer-specific user parameters are no longer effective.
The default values were read into the system either following the user
command BACKUPSTOREMODE (11201) or following a download
(Note: RAM and FPROM parameter versions are not necessarily the

Trouble Shooting
• If it was your intention to read the initial values, this alarm can be
ignored. It will be reset by the next BACKUPSTOREMODE (11201).

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-72

Error Possible reason / Action
140 Loss of synchronism
Operator Information
Caused by loss of machine synchronism, there was at least one negative
crowbar current cycle detected (“negative” compared to normal (positive)
field current direction). This event normally opens the machine CB by
signal MAIN_CB_OFF (10924)
If there is more than one negative current cycle, then FAULT 50 “Crowbar
failure” is generated.

Trouble Shooting
• If the cause is assumed to be from excitation system, check
underexcitation limiter and loss of excitation monitor.
141 Aux. AC fail
Operator Information
One of the two redundant 24V power supplies to the control electronics
has failed. The system remains in operation and is supplied from the
backup battery. However, the redundancy is lost and this problem should
be solved as soon as possible.

Trouble Shooting
• Visual checks:
power supply unit –G05: is the green LED on?
circuit breaker –Q05 closed?
fuses –F15 O.K.?
• Check the AC input voltage on the power supply –G05, terminals (3,2).
• If necessary replace power pack –G05
With shunt excitation, this alarm is only released at EXCITATION ON.
142 Auxiliaries OFF
Operator Information
This alarm indicates that the miniature circuit breaker for one of the
auxiliary supplies is off.

Trouble Shooting
• Check all ciruit breakers in panel +ER.
• If the alarm is still present, check the wiring of this alarm circuit
according to the hardware diagram.
Alarm 142 is generated from input DI 14 on the FIO device (UNS 0883).
In normal condition , the input must be on 24V level. A 0V signal is
interpreted as alarm condition.

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Error Possible reason / Action
143 FCB external OFF
Operator Information
The field breaker has tripped without an opening order from the excitation
system. Two reasons are possible:
• The breaker was tripped by the generator protection system via the
corresponding input terminals on the excitation system.
• The breaker itself has opened without an opening command.

Note: This event is written to the fault logger to make a distinction

between internal and external trip orders.

Trouble Shooting
• Check whether the trip was issued by the generator protection system.
• Is the breaker equipped with an automatic overcurrent release? Is the
setting of the overcurrent release correct?
• Was the breaker opened manually by pushing the push-buttons on the
breaker itself?
• Check the auxiliary contacts of the breaker.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-74

Error Possible reason / Action
144 Aux. DC fail
Operator Information
One of the two redundant 24V power supplies to the control electronics
has failed. The system remains in operation and is supplied from the AC-
shunt supply. However, the redundancy is lost and neither the field
breaker nor the field flashing breaker could be reclosed after an excitation
trip. This problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Trouble Shooting
• Visual checks:
power supply unit –G15: is the green LED on?
circuit breaker –Q15 closed?
• Check the DC input voltage:
on the power supply –G15, terminals (3,2)
on the input terminals to the excitation system (see sheet 900 of the
drawing set)
• If necessary replace power pack –G15.
145 Test Supply
Operator Information
The excitation system with a shunt supply system was switched over to
auxiliary supply. The reference value for MANUAL mode is set to the
second preset value PRESET2 REF MAN (2108).

Trouble Shooting
• Switch over to normal mode = shunt supply
• Check the setting of the parameter SUPPLY MODE (901).

For safety reasons, the field breaker is automatically opened when
switching over and with indirect excitation.

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Error Possible reason / Action
146 Start-up blkd extern
Operator Information
This alarm indicates that the system is not ready for start-up. The following
reasons are possible:
• One of the cabinet doors is open
• The power supply to the converter fans is not ready because either fuse
F15 has operated or test switch S15 is in the off position
• The aux. DC supply from station battery 1 is not ready because circuit
breaker Q15 is open.
• The power supply to the rotor earth fault relais is missing (the rotor earth
fault relais is an option and may not be available in your system).

Trouble Shooting
• Check the above mentioned components

• If the alarm is still present, check the wiring of this alarm circuit
according to the hardware diagram.
Alarm 146 is generated from input DI 10 on the FIO device (UNS 0883).
In normal condition , the input must be on 24V level. A 0V signal is
interpreted as alarm condition.
147 LCP node fail
Operator Information
There is no answer from Local Control Panel (LPC) ARCnet node (AF

Trouble Shooting
• At commissioning check/set up the LCP node address to 10 decimal
• Check the LCP coaxial connector
• Check the LCP supply (display remains dark after operating of any
button and there is not any button LED ON)
• Replace LCP (Note: this must be loaded with the right alarm text library.
If no or mismatch alarm text is displayed, call for ABB service)

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Error Possible reason / Action
148 DIO node fail
Operator Information
There is no answer from any provided digital Field Bus Coupler (FBC)
ARCnet node (UP C090)

Trouble Shooting
• At commissioning check/set up the FBC No.1…4 node address to
33…36 decimal of the FBC’s (provided)
• Check all FBC’s coaxial connector
• Check all FBC’s supply
• Replace faulty FBC(s) (or possibly RIO, DIO if fault disappears after
disconnecting them from FBC)
149 AIO node fail
Operator Information
There is no answer from any provided analog Field Bus Coupler (AIO)
ARCnet node (UA C096)

Trouble Shooting
• Ref to 3.6.1 for ARCnet status indications by 7 segment display
• At commissioning check/set up the AIO No. 1/2 node address to 17/18
decimal of the AIO’s (provided)
• Check all AIO(s) coaxial connector
• Check all AIO(s) supply (7 segment display is dark)
• Replace faulty AIO(s)
152 Rotor ground fault
Operator Information
The separate Rotor Ground Fault Relay level 1 has responded. The
system continues to remain in operation, but this problem should be
solved as soon as possible in order to keep the insulation damages low.

Trouble Shooting
• At next stand still, check the isolating resistance step by step from the
field windings up to the transformer secondary windings. Use a megger
for this tests.
• Check the Ground Fault relay and it’s performance according separate
relay instructions.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-77

Error Possible reason / Action
153 EGC Fault
Operator Information
The EGC is not longer available as a back up controller in a D5x-… or
Q5x schema. The “Watch Dog” of EGC controller responded.

Trouble Shooting
• In a double channel with back up configuration Q5X-…, use this channel
for operation to keep the EGC back up function in case of a later
emergency channel transfer to the channel with the healthy EGC.
• Replace the EGC board at next standstill.
• Under certain circumstances, it’s also possible to replace the EGC in
operation. Follow separate instructions.
155 CH ARCnet fault
Operator Information
Data transmission to the CIN boards and to the other channel in a double
channel system has failed.

Trouble Shooting
• Check the ARCnet T-connector on X61 of COB boards (UNS 2880)
• Check whether both coaxial cables are correctly fit to the T-connector
• Check the 7 segment display for the ARCnet status (see also section
• Check the node addresses on the COB boards (UNS 2880). Channel 1
must be set to 1 (dez) and channel 2 to 2 (dez). For further information,
see also section 4 of this manual.
• Chck whether there is a termination element connected to both ends of
the ARCnet cable (normally one end is the LCP, the other end is the last
CIN board)
• Replace COB board (UNS 2880)

161 Converter 1…8

….. Operator Information
168 There is an Alarm or Fault present from the converter having the displayed
No. This is always displayed together with at least one of the Alarms
178…196 with the same time stamp.
Note: If a further (later) Alarm of the same converter occurs before the
former Alarm(s) has been reset, this message is not repeated
anymore. Trace the Fault Logger upwards to find the No. of

Trouble Shooting
• Follow the instructions of the Alarm (Alarm 178…196) with the same
time stamp.

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-78

Error Possible reason / Action
178 Temp 1 sensor fail
Operator Information
The converter temperature sensor circuit is interrupted. Cooling air or heat
sink temperature monitoring of this converter is not longer possible. The
converter continues to remain in operation, but this problem should be
solved as soon as possible.

Trouble Shooting
• In cold standby converter schema x5T…, use the converter with the
healthy temperature monitoring. Toggle converter, by applying a pulse to
firmware input signal CHANGE CONV (5403), if the alarm is from the
running converter and the other has no alarm.
• Check, replace temperature sensor at next standstill or at isolated
• Replace CIN board at next standstill or at isolated converter following
separate instructions.
• Under certain circumstances, it’s possible to replace the CIN board
during system operation following separate instructions
179 Curr. Equal. Fail
Operator Information
The automatic converter current equalizing controller of a x5S…
configuration has reached its setting limit. I.e. fully current equalizing of at
least one branch is not longer possible by any reason. This entered to the
Fault logger as an Event only.
Possible reasons:
- Thyristor changed its characteristic
- Branch fuse overheated
- Poor contact (thyristor surface, fuse connection, bar connections)
- Bad positioning of the current sensors CUS (UNS0884)

Trouble Shooting
• To find the branch which causes the problem, read the “relative firing
delay” of each branch from signal CONVn_SEL_ACT (1051n3) where
n = No. of converter pointed, after selecting one by one branch (R+….T-)
by parameter SEL_ACT_CONV(n) (520). Use manual ctrl to get stable
excitation current. The results are indicated in µs. Compare the values to
each other. The branch with the longest delay has to be checked and
faulty elements have to be replaced at next stop (thyristor, fuse,
connection points)
• Check the feedback signals of the CUS at blocked converter while the
others are running. The signal should be as small as possible (<1% of
total current).

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Error Possible reason / Action
180 Thyristor fuse fail
Operator Information
At least one branch fuse is blown by internal short circuit or possibly also
by a short circuit on the d.c. output of the system.
After the fault is cleared the faulty branch is normally also indicated by one
or more alarm No. 181…186
Note: Not applicable for type C3 based converter, because they have no
branch fuse indicator switches

Trouble Shooting
• x5S… configuration:
The branch No.(s) is indicated by further alarm message(s) 181…186.
X5E… and x5T… configurations:
Only one branch No. can be displayed by COB’s “Ripple Monitor”. Check
also the other branches of the faulty half bridge.
• Check and replace faulty thyristors
• Check and replace blown fuses
• Check converter current equalizing control after next start

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Error Possible reason / Action
181 Branch R+/T-/S+/R-/T+/S- failure
….. Operator Information
186 Alarm No. FL, CDP Conv. UNL 133… Conv. Type
Alarm 181: Branch R+ F1, V1 F11, V11)
Alarm 182: Branch T- F2, V2 F12, V12)
Alarm 183: Branch S+ F3, V3 F13, V13)
Alarm 184: Branch R- F4, V4 F14, V14)
Alarm 185: Branch T+ F5, V5 F15, V15)
Alarm 186: Branch S- F6, V6 F16, V16)

CIN’s Conduction Monitor (x5S… configuration) or COB’s “Ripple Monitor”

(x5E…,x5T configuration) has a branch fault of a running converter
Possible reasons:
- Missing firing pulses
- Branch fuse blown (following a short circuit)
- Thyristor can not be fired
In a x5S… configuration, the converter continues to remain in operation.
In a x5T… configuration, there is a transfer to the standby converter.

Trouble Shooting
• Refer also to CH Fault No. 34 regarding Fault RESET for x5S… and
x5T… configurations.
• If there is no internal or external short circuit expected (fuse not blown):
Check at running converter the thyristor gate current using an isolating
current probe.
Note: there is converter supply voltage level at the GDI outputs as long
the gate lines are connected.
• If no gate current measured check the GDI output voltage after
unplugging the gate line, to distinguish between faults on thyristor or
CIN, GDI side.
• If no GDI output voltage measured, replace GDI and/or CIN following
extra instructions
• If GDI output voltage present, check thyristor gate connection, or replace
thyristor following extra instructions (only possible at stand still or with
isolated converter)
• If fuse blown: Check thyristor and replace fuse and faulty thyristor of this
branch following extra instructions. Check the thyristors of the other half
bridge branches too, regarding blocking voltages.
(only possible at stand still or with isolated converter)
• In case of external short circuit, trace the reason and rectify the problem

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Error Possible reason / Action
187 Overtemp. Alarm
Operator Information
The converter temperature measured on the heat sink (type C3 converter)
or in the cooling air above lower half bridge (type UNL 133… converter) is
higher than the temperature, determined by parameter MAX CONV TEMP
(401) – 10K. The converter continues to remain in operation

Trouble Shooting
• In cold standby converter schema x5T…, use the cold standby
converter. Toggle converter, by applying a pulse to firmware input signal
CHANGE CONV (5403), if the alarm is from the running converter and
the other has no alarm.
• Check the cooling system. Most probably the inlet air filters need to be
cleaned up, or the airflow is restricted by other reason.
• If the ambient temperature is above specified max., reduce excitation
• If the converter current is equal to the currents of other (x5S… config.)
but they have no alarm, check temperature measurement and rectify
problem according Alarm 178
188 Overtemp. Trip
Operator Information
The actions following Alarm 187 “Overtemp. Alarm” have not been
successful and temperature rose at least by another 10K and exceeding
the maximum temperature, determined by parameter MAX CONV TEMP
Action: Converter blocked (x5S) or transferred (x5T). Counted for Alarm
197, 198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43 “Converter fault”.

Trouble Shooting
• Follow Alarm 187 instructions

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Error Possible reason / Action
189 Cooling Alarm
Operator Information
The cooling redundancy has been lost and the back up cooling (standby
fan(s)) has been activated.
Possible reasons:
- Fan are not running any more because of bearing problems or dirty
inlet filters and consequently flap closed after dropping air volume.
- Motor c.b. tripped because of overload or it was manually opened.

Trouble Shooting
• In cold standby converter schema x5T…, use the cold standby converter
to have the full cooling redundancy again. Toggle converter, by applying
a pulse to firmware input signal CHANGE CONV (5403) if the alarm is
from the running converter and the other has no alarm.
• Check whether the fans(s) have been overloaded by airflow restriction.
Clean, replace filters if necessary.
• Replace the faulty fan(s) at next standstill (extra instructions)
• The fan box (UNL133…) can also be pulled out during system operation,
if the converter can be isolated, or if it’s well protected at open door (at
least IP 10)
• After rectifying the problem, this alarm must be RESET
• After replacing a fan, reset also the relevant “fan operating hour counter”
to zero. See Parameters 522…524
190 Cooling Trip
Operator Information
The cooling of a converter has been lost completely (single fan, no
redundancy available any more).
Possible reasons: see Alarm 189
Action: Converter blocked (x5S) or transferred (x5T). Counted for Alarm
197, 198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43 “Converter fault”.

Trouble Shooting
• As per Alarm 189 instructions.

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Error Possible reason / Action
191 Current Sensor fail
Operator Information
Either one of the 2 converter output current sensors CUS is out of
operation. The signal is at max. or min. limit
Status of CUS from +output: Converter STATUS WORD 1 Bit 6
Status of CUS from – output: Converter STATUS WORD 1 Bit 7
CUS + fail: This converter isn’t counted longer for the automatic current
sharing, i.e. the relative firing delays are frozen. Conduction
monitoring is blocked. The CDP Amp meter shows the value
from Arcnet divided by the number of running converters.
CUS - fail: Not used for EQ control, i.e. the relative firing delays are
frozen. Conduction monitoring is blocked. The CDP Amp
meter shows the value from Arcnet divided by the number of
running converters

Trouble Shooting
• Check CUS signals on CIN test points TP 601 (CUS +) or TP 602
(CUS+) to GND (2mV/A). If signal O.K. replace CIN board and if signal
not O.K. check, replace CUS and/or it’s connection cable at next
Note: CUS and it’s connecting cable can normally only replaced after
removing cabinet back panel, or after removing the converter itself (ref.
to extra instructions).
192 Snubber failure
Operator Information
The combined Snubber’s line fuse(s) are blown or the fuse link is open
(e.g. UNL133… converter).
Note: This Fault is independent counted from other converter faults (no
converter blocking).
Action: Counted for Alarm 197, 198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43
“Converter fault”.
Possible reasons:
- Short circuit in rectifier, capacitor, resistor or it’s connections.

Trouble Shooting
• The snubber is not in the save area. I.e. there is also no access after
opening of a provided converter isolator!
• Check the snubber components and connections regarding short circuit
and replace them at next standstill.
• Replace the blown fuse(s)

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Error Possible reason / Action
193 CIN failure
Operator Information
CIN board hardware or firmware fault detected. CIN supply is still o.k. and
therefore status was transmitted via ARCnet
Possible reasons:
- CURDIR control signal low, i.e. most probably pulse cable on X13
- CIN controller Watch Dog responded.
- ARCnet communication problem between CIN board’s or COB (see
also Alarm 195)

Action: Converter blocked (x5S) or transferred (x5T). Counted for Alarm

197, 198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43 “Converter fault”.

Trouble Shooting
• Check pulse cable connector X13
• Replace CIN according extra instructions. Under certain circumstances,
the board can also be replaced during system operation.
Note: CUS scaling parameters are individual saved in CIN’s FLASH prom.
Therefore use the FLASH from the former board, or CUS sensing
must be tuned at next standstill.
194 CONV isolated
Operator Information
The converter isolator has been opened.
Action: Converter blocked (x5S) or transferred (x5T). Counted for Alarm
197, 198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43 “Converter fault”.

Trouble Shooting
• After closing of the converter isolator, this Alarm is reset
195 ARCnet node fail
Operator Information
There is no ARCnet communication to the pointed CIN board.
Possible reasons:
- ARCnet connector X61 on CIN board disconnected
- CIN ARCnet controller failed.
x5E/T.. nur Alarm
x5S.. Converter blocked and therefore indirectly counted for Alarm 197,
198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43 “Converter fault” via Alarm
193 “CIN failure”, or CONV x P BLKD signal

Trouble Shooting
• Check ARCnet connector X61 on pointed CIN board
• Replace CIN as per Alarm 193

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Error Possible reason / Action
196 CONV blocked
Operator Information
Converter firing pulses has been blocked by any reason except if they
have been blocked by application programming or via extra CIN digital
hardware input. The reasons are indicated by at least one other Alarm too,
expect after power up of a CIN board, which must be RESET by LCP or
Action: Converter blocked (x5S) or transferred (x5T). Counted for Alarm
197, 198 “CONV fail level 1, 2” and Fault 43 “Converter fault”.

Trouble Shooting
• Follow the instructions of the other Alarm messages.
• RESET after first power up, e.g. after replacing a CIN Board
197 CONV fail level 1
Operator Information
The sum of the same kind of converter faults has reached the level set by
parameter SET FAIL LEVEL 1 (928).
Same kind of converter faults could be:
- Alarm 181…186 “Branch xx failure” (each branch No. is summed
- Alarm 188 “Overtemp Trip”
- Alarm 190 “Cooling Trip”
- Alarm 193 “CIN failure”
- Alarm 196 “Converter blocked”
- Alarm 199 “Converter isolated”
Action: In Default version not used. Ref. to application software regarding
signal 10925 connection.

Trouble Shooting
• Follow the instructions of the previous displayed converter Alarm

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Error Possible reason / Action
198 CONV fail level 2
Operator Information
The sum of the same kind of converter faults has reached the level set by
parameter SET FAIL LEVEL 2 (929).
Same kind of converter faults could be:
- Alarm 181…186 “Branch xx failure” (each branch No. is summed
- Alarm 188 “Overtemp Trip”
- Alarm 190 “Cooling Trip”
- Alarm 193 “CIN failure”
- Alarm 196 “Converter blocked”
- Alarm 199 “Converter isolated”
Action: In Default version not used. Ref. to application software regarding
signal 10926 connection.

Trouble Shooting
• Follow the instructions of the previous displayed converter Alarm
21x User Event 1 … 6
22x Operator Information
23x There are 6 USER EVENT blocks, which are only used by application
24x programming. The task of this blocks are documented in the application
software diagram.
25x Each block has a TYPE parameter, which determines the action after the
26x input is TRUE for longer than the set delay (parameter DLY). The setting
of the TYPE parameter determines also the last digit (x) of the Fault No.
as follows:

EXCITATION TRIP 1 Emergency excitation stop command
CHANNEL FAULT 2 Channel transfer at A5x… configurations
Transfer to back up control at D5x…
AVR FAULT 3 A5x..: channel transfer if Standby o.k.
transfer to Manual CTRL if no Standby available.
ALARM 4 Only a common Alarm message is given
EVENT 5 Only an entry to the Fault logger is made

Trouble Shooting
• Ref. to the application software diagram for the function of the USER
EVENT block(s) and trace the Fault regarding the given information

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ABB Schweiz AG 3BHS114940 E80 en 8-87

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