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Name: ______________________________ Year & Course: _______________________

Age (Optional): ______

Directions: Choose from the verbal indicators which you think and feel is right. Check (/) the number of
your chosen answer.

Rate Verbal Indicators:

5 - Very Much True

4 - Much True

3 - Moderately True

2 - Slightly True

1 - Not At All True

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1

1. I am happy the government implemented K -

12 curriculum.
2. It gives students more time to master
competencies and skills.

3. It gives enough time for learning

4. It allows learning for more holistic

5. Students are able to process competencies

and skills that are relevant to the job market.

6. The implementation of K-12 program has

helped to be prepared for entrepreneurship
or employment or higher education
7. It is an advantage for those who intend to
continue studying abroad because the
curriculum is almost parallel with other
country’s curriculum.
8. The graduates are prepared to seek higher

9. It gave students confusion on what course to

get for college.

10. The curriculum affected the human

development of the students.

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