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Rebecca Bloomwood, the only child of blue-collar parents Joan

Cusack and John Goodman, who has been reborn as a Most Preferred
Customer through the miracle of credit cards. She begins with a narration
describing the nearly erotic bliss she feels while shopping, and we follow
her through store after store in an endless cycle of accessorizing outfits,
and then buying outfits to match the accessories. It's like the dilemma of
the 10 hot dogs and eight buns: You can never come out even at the end.
She dreams of working for a famous fashion magazine, but stumbles,
literally, into a money management magazine published by the same
company. How does this woman who knows nothing about money or its
management get the job? By impressing the editor (Hugh Dancy) with
her eccentric brilliance. Everything she does that's wrong turns out right.
Also she benefits from a brave roommate, Suze (Krysten Ritter), who
plays the Ethel Mertz role: co-conspirator and occasional voice of reason.
Meanwhile, the villainous bill collector Derek Smeath (Robert Stanton) is
on her trail, hints that breaking her legs is not out of the question and
eventually has one of the funnier scenes in the movie. After she gains
(highly improbable) international fame overnight on the basis of her
writing, it would destroy her, she fears, to be unmasked. Whether it does
or not, I leave it to your experience of cinematic plotting to determine.
Look. "Confessions of a Shopaholic" is no masterpiece. But it's funny,
Isla Fisher is a joy, and -- of supreme importance -- it is more entertaining
to a viewer with absolutely no eagerness to see it (like me) than "Sex and
the City" was. Also, no movie can be all bad where the heroine attends a
Shopaholics Anonymous meeting and meets a former Chicago Bulls star.
In a deal, she obtained cashmere sweater and a couple of Gucci boots, for
which she got into a fit with another client. In the long run she realized
that the Cashmere sweater and the Boots were not original which irritates
her. In the beginning of the motion picture, when she goes for her
prospective employee meeting, knowing the way that she didn't get into
Successful Savings, she sent a despise letter to Successful Savings and
another letter expressing her innovative perspectives on design to Allete,
a mold magazine, where she generally longed for working. In view of a
dismissal at work environment, Rebecca sent a letter to Successful
Savings just to get an even score. That demonstrates the immature
attitude and personality.

Rebecca herself never thinks that she is spending way too much on
shopping. She considers everything she spends is part of investing.
Sometimes she refers to purchasing bags and clothing as if they are for
future Christmas and birthday gifts for family and friends. “Then I have
to get Suze’s birthday present. I’ve actually already bought her a set of
aromatherapy oils – but the other day I saw this gorgeous pink angora
cardigan in Benetton, and I know she’d love it. I can always take the
aromatherapy oils back or give them to someone for Christmas.

These instances demonstrate that she didn't construct any of her activities
in light of reasoning or morality, but instead took impulsive choices all
through the motion picture. The way that she gave away her Bridesmaid's
dress of her closest companion's wedding, just to keep anther costly dress
to awe the Editor in Chief of Allete, demonstrates her impulsive nature as
she never figured it through that such choice may influence her
fellowship with Suze in light of the fact that to the extent Suze is
concerned, she was energized and passionate about seeing Rebecca in the
Bridesmaid's dress. Another instance from the motion picture which
demonstrates that her character is ID dominant is the specific certainty
that, when the debt collector calls her office to connect with her, she
consequently, deceived Luke Brandon, her manager, that Derek Smeath
(Debt Collector) is her ex who has been stalking her since the time she
broe ties with him, when in reality, she has never met Derek Smeath.
Rebecca has been hiding from Smeath just to avoid her installment of
dues, which normally demonstrates her immature instinct. She
continually misleads Smeath keeping in mind the end goal to pardon
herself from paying debts.

Her lies, truth be told, were not by any means reasonable. She would
utilize pardons like her grandmother's parachute didn't fly up and
therefore she kicked the bucket which implies that she wouldn't have the
capacity to meet Smeath. When her falsehoods were uncovered by
Smeath during a TV appear, keeping in mind the end goal to present
appropriate reparations to her oversights and to make things ideal with
the general population she hurt the most, Bloomwood, once more, settles
on an impulsive choice, by rejecting an occupation offer from Allete and
by selling off the entirety of her clothes, including her green scarf, which
goes about as her personality through her sections in Successful Savings.
Luke Brandon says ' Rebecca Bloomwood has disappointed me, however
the Girl in the Green Scarf never did'. This demonstrates her identity
through her segments denoted her personality which was unreal. In
reality, she was to a great degree impulsive.

Considering, I would express that if there ought to be an event of Rebecca

Bloomwood, her ID superseded her sense of self and superego. She never
thought for a second purchasing new garments or embellishments. Her
life spun around unfaltering shopping and boundless obligations. She
couldn't keep herself from her hankering for shopping. Much the same as
a child, she would never think about the outcomes. She was lively, yet

Jung’s personality test includes the following aspects which shall be

covered in this section of the paper:
i. Extroverted v Introverted
ii. Sensing v Intuiting
iii. Judging v Perceiving
iv. Thinking v Feeling

The first of Jung’s general psychological types was the general attitude
type. An attitude, according to Jung, is a person’s predisposition to
behave in a particular way. There are two opposing attitudes: introversion
and extroversion. The two attitudes work as opposing, yet complementary
forces and are often depicted as the classing yin and yang symbol.

The introvert is most aware of his or her inner world. While the external
world is still perceived, it is not pondered as seriously as inward
movement of psychic energy. The introverted attitude is more concerned
with subjective appraisal and often gives more consideration to fantasies
and dreams.

The extrovert, by contrast, is characterized by the outward movement of

psychic energy. This attitude places more importance on objectivity and
gains more influence from the surrounding environment than by inner
cognitive processes.

Clearly, it is not a case of one versus the other. Many people carry
qualities of both attitudes, considering both subjective and objective
information.The third standard, Thinking – Feeling, addresses how a man
outlines information. Thinking proposes that a man settles on a decision
for the most part through logic. Feeling proposes that, when in doubt, he
or she settles on a decision in light of feeling, i.e. in context of what they
trust they ought to do. The fourth perspective, Judging – Perceiving,
reflects how a man finishes the information he or she has managed.
Judging infers that a man sorts out the dominant piece of his life
occasions and, when in doubt, clings to his designs. Perceiving
recommends that he or she is inclined to improvise and investigate
elective choices.

I solidly assume that Rebecca Bloomwood, immediately, is an

indisputable instance of extraversion. Her main wellspring of
essentialness is the outside world. She shops to check her place or
rather identity in the overall population, to be recognized in the
overall population. This is the inspiration driving why one would
see her swiping her charge cards at the store all through the film.
She doesn't consider or think before buying clothes and therefore
she can't be called an introvert. Furthermore, Rebecca, in my
opinion, fits under the category of sensing as she bases her
judgment and essential authority absolutely on the external world.
Each one of her exercises are driven by external forces. She
surrenders her bridesmaid's dress since she couldn't care less for it
knowing the route that in case she ever wears it, she wouldn't be
recognized in the overall population. She betrays Luke Brandon
about her being prepared to talk in Finnish because immediately
that makes her amazing and furthermore in light of the way that
this lie would get her into the colossal books for her interviews or
work posts. This clearly exhibits her sensing side.

 she fits under the category of feeling as she settled on her

decisions in perspective of feelings rather than logic. Her
consistent need to fit in the overall population or what may
individuals think of her if she couldn't wear dress to inspire them
or the manner in which that how she surrenders all her clothes
towards the finish of the film to fix her relationship are generally
instances which show her essential administration aptitudes under
emotional breaking point.

 I assume that Rebecca is the perceiving kind rather than judgment

as she is accessible to try different things with new choices or
options and is always inclined to improvise, be it her clothes or her
life. She would buy clothes according to the example. An
extraordinarily vital scene from the movie is the point at which the
Editor in Chief of Allete takes her out to a store and chooses
clothes for her, Rebecca, charmingly, picks clothes for herself, and
amazingly, she was successful in impressing the Editor in Chief.

Through this paper, it might be inferred that Rebecca's character

was dominated by her ID in view of her impulsive lead. In the
interim, if we consider the personality test laid around Carl Jung,
she is apparently an Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling and Perceiving
individual, due t the already said reasons.

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