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The World List of

hi'eatened Trees
orld Conservation Press 1991

The World Conservation Union
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UNEP-WCIVIC, Cambridge
The World List of Threatened Trees

Compiled by

Sara Oldfield, Charlotte Lusty and Amy MacKinven

World Conservation Press

The World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in Cambridge, UK, is a joint venture between three
partners in the World Conservation Strategy and its successor Caring for the Earth: lUCN - The World
Conservation Union, UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme, and WWF - World Wide Fund for
Nature. The Centre provides information services on the conservation and sustainable use of species and
ecosystems and supports others in the development of their own information systems.

Founded in 1948, The World Conservation Union brings together States, government agencies and a diverse

range of non-governmental organizations in a unique world partnership: over 895 members in all, spread
across some 137 countries.

As a Union, lUCN seeks to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the
integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically

The World Conservation Union builds on the strengths of its members, networks and partners toenhance
their capacity and to support global alliances to safeguard natural resources at local, regional and global

The World Conservation Union

Published by: World Conservation Press, Cambridge, UK.

ISBN: 1 899628 10 X
Copyright: © 1998 World Conservation Monitoring Centre and International
Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-

commercial purposes is authorised without prior permission from
the copyright holders, provided the source is acknowledged

Reproduction for resale or other conmiercial purpose is prohibited

without the prior written permission of the copyright holders. The
views expressed in this book do not necessarily reflect those of
WCMC or its collaborators

The designations of geographical entities in this report and the

presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any
opinion whatsoever on the part of WCMC
or lUCN or other
participating organisations concerning the legal status of any
country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries

Citation: MacKinven, A. (1998). The World List

Oldfield, S., Lusty, C. and
of Threatened Trees. 650pp. World Conservation Press,
Cambridge, UK.

Cover design: Trevor Bounford, Chapman & Bounford

Cover photo: Cucumber Tree Dendrosicyos socotrana by Tony Miller

Printed by: Unwin Brothers, Martins Printing Group, Old Woking, Surrey

Available from: lUCN Publications Services Unit

219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, CB3 DDL, UK
Tel: +44 1223 277894; Fax: +44 1223 277175




Why species information is needed 8

Collection and recording of information 9
Storing information 11
Application of the lUCN threat categories and criteria 12
Gaps in information 15
The species summaries 16
Summary of results 17
Uses 18
The conservation of tree species 18
International policy implications 19
The next steps 21



APPENDIX 1 Globally Threatened Tree Species of Australia 617

APPENDIX 2 Globally Threatened Tree Species of Japan 619

APPENDIX 3 Not Evaluated Globally Threatened Tree Species 621

APPENDIX 4 lUCN Red List Categories 629

APPENDIX 5 Standard Data Collection Form 645



I welcome this publication from WCMC of The World List of Threatened Trees. The importance of
this unique document is reflected in the comprehensive collection and methodological analysis of
information of the conservation status of tree species worldwide. The preparation of this work,
which documents the threatened status of around ten percent of the world's tree species, is an
impressive task, made possible through a collaborative and networking approach. has WCMC
worked closely with the Species Survival Commission of the World Conservation Union and has
successfully diawn together herbarium taxonomists, field botanists, forest genetic resources
specialists, foresters and conservation biologists to pool their collective expertise on the world's
trees in a remarkably short space of time.

Through forest genetic resources programmes initiated in 1991, IPGRI has forged linkages with

WCMC on this work, particularly in the process of the collection of information through
workshops in collaboration with and for the benefit of national programmes. Some elements of
IPGRI's activities on forest genetic resources which will benefit from the information in this
pubhcation are:

• Setting priorities for forest genetic resources conservation and use.

• Assessing patterns of species distribution, genetic variation and threats in forest

• In situ conservation: methodologies for assessing impacts of anthropogenic pressures in
forest ecosystems and trees.

• Ex situ conservation: practical procedures for seed handling, storage and germination of
species of high economic value in tropical forest ecosystems.
• Regional collaboration: networking and training activities in forest genetic resources.

Given the range and scale of threats to global forest biodiversity, the scope of forest conservation is

clearly broad and activities that focus on conservation of ecosystems, species and intraspecific
genetic diversity are all required. Within this broad approach, realistic targets are needed through
focusing on priority species, priority populations and the level and extent of genotypic variation. In
the location and assessment of diversity in forest ecosystems, IPGRI is looking at patterns of
genetic diversityand levels of genetic erosion. These vary according to the nature of different
forest ecosystems in different geographic regions and find their expression in the diversity of tree
species. We need systematic decision making for forest conservation and the collection of species
information is of great relevance in setting forest conservation priorities.

Information needed on the kinds of species, threats and levels of threat, conservation status of

and ex situ conservation activities and requirements. Economic data are also
species, in situ
needed. WCMC
has made major strides forward in locating this information on tree species and
encouraging others to develop more detailed national information.

I hope that the information contained in this publication and the supporting data management
resources developed by WCMC will make an important contribution to the planning and
implementation of forest conservation and sustainable management worldwide. We need to go
further in refining and developing the information but with this impressive start and working in
partnership with all key organisations we can give tree conservation the importance it deserves in
the twenty first century.

Abdou-Salam Ouedraogo
Forest Genetic Resources,EPGRI
Chairman, African Tree Specialist Group

The World List of Threatened Trees is the principal report from a three year project entitled the
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Trees, generously funded by the Government of the
Netherlands. We are most grateful for this financial support, and would like to express our thanks in
particular to Ton van der Zon, Gerrie Willems and Felix Hoogveld of the Netherlands Ministry of
International Affairs.

The Conservation and Sustainable Management of Trees project has been undertaken by a team
working at WCMC in collaboration with SSC Groups and other experts worldwide. The WCMC
team consisted of Sara Oldfield, Project Leader; Charlotte Lusty, Data Management Officer;
Martin Sneary, Information Analyst; Amy MacKinven, Research Assistant and Julie Reay, Project
Administrator. Many other staff members at WCMC have supported the development of the project
and particular thanks are due to Tim Johnson who supervised the project and to Harriet Gillett,
Manager of the Threatened Plants Database. Sam Kanyamibwa and Javier Beltran have assisted
with translation and communication with experts involved in the project in French and Spanish
speaking countries. In addition the following volunteers, temporary staff and students have worked
on the project at WCMC: Harriet Bison, Alejandro Flamenco-Sandoval, Kevin Holohan, Bill
Oates, Liz Porter, Gemma Smith and Simon Reeve.

Charlotte Lusty has compiled the majority of species entries contained within this book and has
reviewed the species data received from experts. She designed the standard data collection form
incorporating ideas from David Hunt, Susan Iremonger, Valerie Kapos and others at WCMC.
Martin Sneary has been responsible for the design and development of the Tree Conservation
Database from which the species summaries have been produced as direct outputs, with support
from Cardinal Consultants. Julie Reay has undertaken the formatting of this document for
publication. The species summaries were proof-read by Margaret Deith.

Fifteen consultants, either institutions or individuals, have been involved in the Conservation and
Sustainable Management of Trees and reviewing tree species data under
project, evaluating
contract to WCMC. We are grateful for all their work on the project. Joaquina Pires-O'Brien
played an important role in coordinating input from experts on the Brazilian flora. Dennis Johnson
coordinated the collection of data on palm species drawing on an extensive network of contacts.
Collaborative contracts with various national institutions proved to be successful in ensuring
linkages with the development of national biodiversity datasets. The contribution from experts in a
voluntary capacity has, in addition, been of major significance with, for example, many herbarium
botanists generously contributing their time to this tree conservation initiative.

SSC Groups have been closely involved in implementation of the project. Members of the Conifer
Specialist Group, Charied by Aljos Farjon, have held a series of meetings in the UK funded by the
project. They have used the standard data collection form to compile information on about 300 conifer
species and have decided to continue this procedure for futiu-e updating. Members of the Temperate
Broadleaved Trees Specialist Group, Chaired by Vicomte Philippe de Spoelberch, have provided data
on selected genera and species and have prepared detailed species case studies for publication in
Broadleaves, the Group's newsletter. Wendy Strahm has provided liaison between the project and the
plant conservation activities of lUCN and we are grateful for her support.

Craig Hilton-Taylor, of the National Botanical (NBI) of South Africa has coordinated the
assessment of Southern African trees. To do this he has drawn on the responses of
1 1 amateur and

professional botanists and combined this with information from NBI's Southern African Threatened
Plants Database (SARARES) and literature references. This conuibution is gratefully appreciated.
The World List of Threatened Trees

The experts listed below have ail made invaluable contributions to the project and we are most grateful
for the information and expertise they have provided. For the provision of moral support, guidance and
encouragement throughout the project we would like to express our particular gratitude to Peter
Ashton, Aljos Faijon, William Hawthorne, David Hunt, Jon Lovett, Adrian Newton and Abdou Salam

We also acknowledge with gratitude the provided by leading botanical and

institutional support
forestry institutes. Leiden's Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus and Missouri Botanical Garden have
been major sources of taxonomic and conservation status information on tree species of Southeast
Asia and Latin America respectively. Links with botanists working in the field have also been
facilitated gready by contact with these two institutions. A wide range of organisations responded to
the user needs survey undertaken in the early stages of the project and their information and
suggestions were all ^preciated.

The Forest Resources Division of FAO has been supportive of the project and a Memorandum of
Agreement has been developed between WCMC and FAO covering tree species conservation data
exchange. The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGIII) has also been involved in the
development of the project and we are grateful for the support of these two organisations.

The Plant Resources of South-East Asia (PROSEA) project has been an invaluable source of
information particularly on the uses of tree species. We are grateful for the cooperation with this
project particularly through its office at Wageningen Agricultural University in the Netherlands.

The Center for Plant Conservation has generously provided information and advice with regard to
trees of North America. The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) kindly provided a dataset of rare
trees of California for inclusion in The World List of Threatened Trees.

Information compiled by WCMC for the 7997 lUCN Red List of Threatened Plants formed an
important starting point for the World List of Threatened Trees. Harriet Gillett and Kerry Walter,
the editors of the Red List are thanked for their help with the Conservation and Sustainable
Management of Trees Project. The lUCN Red List was compiled in partnership with the following
organisations: Nature Conservancy (TNC); National Botanical Institute (NBI), South Africa;
Smithsonian Institution; Environment Australia Royal Botanic Garden; Royal Botanic Gardens,

Kew and NYBG - The New York Botanical Garden.

For their help in preparing The World List of Threatened Trees, we thank in particular all the
following experts who have participated in workshops, provided information and carried out
assessments of the conservation status of trees around the world: Tony Abbott, Dennis Adams,
Frits Adema, Javed Ahmed, Tania Ammour, Nguyen Hoang Anh, Robert Archer, Alberto Areces-
Mallea, Peter Ashton, Ake Assi, Lucia d'Avila, M
Tekin Babac, C.R. Babu, Kevin Balkwill,
Nguyen Tien Ban, Ninh Khac Ban, Angel Baiiares Baudet, Salomao Bandeira, G.M. Barroso,
Auriol Batten, David Baum, John Beaman, Henk Beentje, Peter Bellingham, John Benson, Keith
Bennett, Dr van der Berg, R. Bemal, Jurgen Blaser, Lynn Bohs, Wolfgang Bopp, Adam
Boratynski, F. Borchsenius, Philippe Bouchet, Loutfy Boulos, F.J. Breteler, Alvarez Brito, E. M.
Lammerts van Bueren, Ximena Buitron, Daniel Burke, John Burrows, P. Burrov/s, Fred Burton,
Eduardo Calderon Saenz, Bruce Campbell, A. Carlstrom, Eduardo Carque Alamo, Susan Carter-
Holmes, Freire de Carvalho, T.B. Cavalcanti, Jan Cerovsky, Andre Chanderbali, Miguel Chazaro,
Lillian Chua, R.C.K. Chung, Philip Clarke, Margarita Clemente-Muiioz, Elize Cloete, Allen J.
Coombes, Luis Corrales, Helen Corrigan, Patricia Craven, Quentin Cronk, Le Trcng Cue, Myriam
Cukier, Cristina M.C. Curi Silva, Eduardo Dalcin, Barbara van Dam, Doam Diem, Bob
Drummond, Tony Dold, Ali A. Donmez, J.L. Dowl, Pham Hoai Due, David Dupuy, Vu Van
Dzung, Arthur Ebgret, Sue Edwards, Peter Eddowes, F.B. Essig, Barry Evans, R. Evans, Peter
Evers, Aljos Faijon, Estrela Figueiredo, Jon Fjeldsa, Bryan Finnegan, Gennady Firsov, Jacques
Florence, S. Fontinha, Enrique Forero, D. Forman, Steve Fourie, M.P. Frankis, David Frodin, D.
Fuller, Fuh-Juinn Pan, Washington Galiano-Sanchez, Flavio Bertin Gandara-Mendes, Martin
Gardner, Giuseppe Garfi, Demetno Gaudagnin, C. Gemmill, Justin Geriach, Coert Geldenhuys,

Shahina A. Ghazanfar, Mario Gonzalez-Espinosa, Mauro Gonzalez, Peter Goodman, J.J. de

Granville, Alistair Griffiths, Ana Maria Guilietti, Nimal Gunatilleke, Adil Giiner, Norbert Hahn,
Stephen Halloy, Clare Hankamer, David Harris, Teresa Hart, William Hawthorne, A. Henderson,
Esteban Hemandez-Bermejo, William J. Hess, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Nick Hodgetts, Colin Hughes,
Jonathan Hughes, David Hunt, Dang Huy Huynh, Pierre Ibisch, R. Jardim, Jim Jarvis, Jose
Joaquim Campos, Peter MoUer J0rgensen, Bob Johns, David Johnson, Dennis Johnson, Piet C. de
Jong, Edith Kabesiime, Kees Kalkman, Martinus de Kam, Markku Kanninen, Anthony B.
Katende, Phan Ke Loc, Ronald Keay, Shirley Keel, Daniel Kelly, Michael Kessler, Paul Kessler,
Le Dinh Kha, Timothy Killeen, Yong Shik Kim, Naomi Kingston, K.M. Kochumenn, Herta
Kolberg, Patricia Koleff, Jan de Koning, J.-N. Labat, Peter J. de Lange, Severinn M. Ten Houte de
Lange, Antonio Lara, David de Laubenfels, J. Lejoly, Jinxing Lin, Silvia Llamozas, Jon Lovett,
Janell Loving, Pete Lowry, Jose Luis Vivero, Domingo Madulid, Robert Magill, Colleen
Mannheimer, Vongxay Manivong, Francisco Manuel Femandes, Alfred Maroyi, Manuel Marrero,
Nina Marshall, A. Mauchamp, Ruud van der Meijden, Wim Meijer, Brien Meilleur, Nico Mentik,
Jean Yves Meyer, Detlev Metzing, Ndjele Miandi-Bungi, David Middleton, Tony Miller, Martin
Mitre, Johanis P. Mogea, Norma M. Molinyawe, Brian Molloy, Sanjay Molur, Alex Montgomery,
Dora E. Mora de Retana, S. Moraes, C. Moya, Tom Miiller, Pugazhendhi Murugaiyan, Patrick
Muthoka, Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Dominique N'Sosso, Carlos Navarra Pereira, Cyril H. Nelson-
Sutherland, Adrian Newton, Geoff Nichols, Tony Nikolic, Dr Ngamusa, Nguyen Hoang Nghia,
Chu Tuan Nha, Kevin Nixon, L. Noblick, Hans Nooteboom, Michael Dates, Jeff Odera, Hideaki
Ohba, Jonathan C. Okafor, Salmon Okelo Achieng', Dr Ola- Adams, Abdou-Salam Ouedraogo,
Garth Owen-Smith, Angeles Padilla, Chris Page, Wayne Page, Fuh-Juinn Pan, Caroline Pannell,
Gilberto Pedralli, Tchouto Peguy, A.L. Peixoto, T.D. Pennington, J.P. Pereira Carauta, Oliver
Phillips, Patrick S.M. Phiri, Nguyen Thanh Phong, Tran Lien Phong, Christian Pilegaard Hansen,
Joaquina Pires-O'Brien, Derek Pomeroy, Darien E. Prado, H.J. Quero, Neptali Ramirez-Marcial,
Tony Rebelo, Fay Robertson, Maricela Rodriguez Acosta, W.A. Rodrigues, Cathy Rogers, Renaat
van Rompaey, J. Rosseel, John Rourke, Jens Rowher, Keith Rushforth, Mark Sandiford, L.G. Saw,
George Schatz, Nico Schellevis, Peter Schmidt, Klaus Schmitt, Jochem Schneemann, Chris
Schurmann, Robert Scott-Shaw, Kade Sidiyasa, N.M.F. Silva, Philippe de Spoelberch, J.S.
Siemonsma, Stella Simiyu, G. Sita, Tonny Soehartono, Nicholas C. Songwe, Marc Sosef, Stephen
A. Spongberg, F. Stauffer, Guy Sternberg, Wendy Strahm, Anukriti Sud, Weibang Sun, Cao Van
Sung, Terry Sutherland, Marianne Syrylak-Sandison, James Taplin, Philip Thomas, Lex Thomson,
Mats Thulin, Jonathan Timberlake, Duong Thi To, Roseli B. Torres, Piers Trehane, Thai Van
Trung, Nguyen Van Truong, Allan Tye, Christopher Uhl, Carmen Ulloa Ulloa, Johan van
Valkenburg, Israel Vargas, Nigel Varty, A.M.S. Vaz, Nohemy Elizabeth Ventura-Centeno, Carl
Vernon, Carlos Villamil, J.L. Vivero, Andrew Vovides, Harrie Vreeman, Steve Waldren, Alistair
Watt, Anna Weitzman, Pamela Wellner, Peter van Welzen, Marga Werkhoven, A. Whistler, Lee
White, Martin Wiggington, Win de Wilde, Gary Wiles, Claire Williams, Braam van Wyk,
Tetsukazu Yahara, Nelson Zamora, Elsa Zardini, James Zarruchi, Dr Zobeiry and S. Zona.

We record with great sadness that Salmon Okelo Achieng' was tragically killed during the time he
was endemic trees of Kenya. He was an enthusiastic
collecting data on the conservation status of
field worker and contributed considerably to the discussions at the regional workshop for the
project held in Harare in July, 1996, the first time he travelled out of his home country. We will
remember Salmon with gratitude for his contribution to African tree conservation.

We by the staff of the libraries at WCMC, the Department of

are grateful for the help extended
Plant Sciences, Cambridge University, and at the Cory Lodge, Cambridge Botanic Gardens.

Tony Miller kindly supplied the cover photograph used in the cover design.

Additional financial support for publication of this book by the Owen Family Trust is gratefully


The conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable management are internationally recognised as vital
global concerns. Identification of the components of biodiversity and the threats they face are
important steps in planning for conservation action. Tree species are ecologically, culturally and
economically valuable components of biodiversity and their conservation is essential to the well-being
of people in all countries of the world. With increasing general pressures on ecosystems and selective
pressures on species, it has become apparent that many tree species are threatened with extinction.
Information on the degree and extent of threat has, however, previously been scattered and scarce. The
World List of Threatened Trees presents the results of the first survey of the conservation status of
trees species worldwide.

Assessment of the conservation status of the world's tree species is a major task given the overall
number of trees believed to exist. The world's tree flora is estimated to total around 100,000 species. It

is not yet possible to give a precise figure because definitions of the term "tree" vary as do species
concepts. One definition of "tree" which is commonly followed in temperate regions is a woody plant
growing on a single stem usually to a height of over two metres. This definition has been adopted by
the lUCN/SSC Temperate Broadleaved Tree Specialist Group. The Group recently compiled a Hst of
temperate woody plant genera and estimated the number of tree species within these genera. This was
undertaken to establish the scale of the task of conservation evaluation for temperate tree species. The
tentative result was that there are 21,000 species in plant genera which are predominantiy woody and
temperate in distribution (Hunt, 1996). The richness of the world's tropical tree flora is much
greater and is we can only make an informed
also in greater need of taxonomic attention. In reality
guess at the number of tree species. Nevertheless there is an urgency to document all available

information on the growing number of tree species which are of conservation concern.

In evaluating the global conservation status of tree species the new lUCN Red List categories and
criteria have been followed. The general aim of the new FUCN system of categorising threat is "to
provide an explicit, objective framework for the classification of species according to their extinction
risk" (lUCN, 1994). The lUCN categories and criteria have been applied to a broad selection of
restricted range and exploited tree species as part of a major collaborative information gathering and
evaluation exercise. In pre-selecting tree species for conservation evaluation, species from all parts of
the world and most taxonomic groups were considered. Certain taxonomic groups were, however,
excluded for pragmatic reasons. These include tree ferns in the families Cyatheaceae and
Dicksoniaceae, tree species in the cycad families Cycadaceae and Zamiaceae, and arborescent
members of the Cactaceae family. It was anticipated that the conservation status of species m these
fannilies would be evaluated in parallel exercises by the appropriate SSC Plant Speciahst Groups.

As part of the conservation evaluation, the taxonomy and nomenclature of each of the tree species
categorised as globally threatened have been checked, wherever possible, against current literature or
by appropriate experts. Supporting information has been collected on the distribution, threats,
conservation measures, the habitat type of the species, the uses of the species, level of use and
more detailed information is available in electronic form in the Tree
ecological information. This
Conservation Database supplementing the summary information on individual species provided in
The World List of Threatened Trees.

Over 7300 tree species are documented as globally threatened in this publication (see Table 2), based
on the 1994 lUCN categories and criteria. In addition, in the Appendices, supplementary lists of
globally threatened trees are given. Appendix 1 is a list of Australian globally threatened trees prepared
for this pubUcationby Lyn Meredith, Threatened Species and Communities Section, Environment
Australia.Appendix 2 provides a list of Japanese tree species taken from the 1997 Red List of
Japanese Vascular Plants compiled by tiie Threatened Species Conmiittee, Japan Society of Plant
Taxonomists (Yahara, T. 1997). Unfortunately this publication was not available in time to prepare
The World List of Threatened Trees

species summaries for inclusion in the main

of the book. Appendix 3 provides a supplementary list
of tree species from other which are included as globally threatened in the 1997
parts of the world
lUCN Red List of Threatened Plants but which have not yet been evaluated against the new lUCN
categories and criteria. Generally this reflects lack of current information on the species concerned.

Taking all this information together, nearly nine percent of the world's tree flora is documented as
globally threatened with extinction. Given the economic and local value of tree species and their role
in defining ecosystems, this represents a profound diminution of the world's biodiversity. The
time of consolidated tree species conservation information should have a
availability, for the first
significant impact on international conservation policy and planning. It is hoped that this book will
highlight the need for sustained efforts to conserve maximum tree species diversity for the benefit
of people worldwide.

Evaluating the global conservation status of the world's trees

is clearly a major undertaking and has

only been possible through collaboration with a wide range of experts and institutions with local
knowledge of tree biodiversity. A full list of contributors is given in the acknowledgements section and
the assessors of the conservation status of individual tree species are noted with the species summaries.
The identification of a network of botanists willing to contribute their expertise to the conservation of
tree species is in itself an important factor in the promotion of global biodiversity conservation.


The need for sound biodiversity information on which to base conservation policy is now widely
accepted. The need for biodiversity information to support policy and management objectives for
tropical forests is, for example, highlighted in Box 1 . Biodiversity is generally considered at three
levels: the ecosystem, species and genetic resource level. As a broad indicator of the expression of
biodiversity on a global ecosystems are generally considered and ecosystem diversity is taken as
a measure of species and genetic diversity. This is partly because of the sheer complexity of

biodiversity below the ecosystem level, the lack of consistent and comparable information for most
groups of organisms and the need to make rapid progress in biodiversity assessment for conservation
action. Species information can, however, when organised in a coherent manner, following accepted
information standards, reinforce ecosystem information and provide a crucial link with information on
the component genetic resources. Various recent initiatives (SBSTTA, 1996; Van Bueren and
Duivendoom, 1996) have recognised that tree species diversity in particular can be used as a surrogate
good availability of tree species
for overall species diversity in forest ecosystems given the relatively
information. Information on the distributions and convergences of restricted range species can be used
to determine patterns of biodiversity.

Information on the threat status of species is essential in planning for conservation and sustainable
management of individual species and also for use as an indication of ecosystem status. Information on
threatened species is becoming increasingly available, at least for selected taxonomic groups. For
plants in general, many national lists of threatened species and plant Red Data Books have been
produced and recently the first international Red List of plants was pubhshed by lUCN (Walter and
Gillett, 1998). This global list represents many years of effort to record and collate the names,
conservation status and distribution of rare and declining plants. The database firom which the global
listwas produced and national Red Lists and databases vary in the extent to which they record habit.
Information on the habit, in other words whether the plant is a tree, shrub or herb, can provide an

important indication of the ecological role of the species. Information on tree species has been seen as
a particular requirement to support forest conservation policy but has not, until now, been readily
available at an international level.

Box 1. Biodiversity information for conservation and vtise use of tropical forests

Biodiversity information is needed to support the following policy and management


Land use planning for conservation and sustainable use of forest land

Designation and manageiiKnt of totally protected natural forest areas

Protection and reintroduction of endangered species

Support, adoption and documentation of indigenous management of tropical

rain forests

Use and valuation of non-timber forest products

Sustainable timber production

Rehabilitation and productive use of secondary forests

Van Bueren and Duivenvoorden, 1996


The starting point for the collection of information on the conservation status of trees has been data
holdings in the Threatened Plants Database maintained by WCMC. This records information on the
distribution, global and national conservation status of plant species worldwide and has been used to
produce the 1997 lUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. Important sources of conservation status
information within this database include the lUCN/SSC Plant Specialist Groups, individual experts,
national redlists and Red Data Books and, of major importance, the parmer organisations listed in the

acknowledgements section of this book.

Information on the conservation status of trees included in the Threatened Plants Database was
derived from various studies in addition to the general information sources referred to above. The
conservation status of temperate tree species was, for example, reviewed by WCMC
in collaboration

with the International Dendrological Society (IDS) and a Threatened Temperate Tree List was
pubbshed in 1990 (Lear, 1990). This was updated for an IDS Symposium held in 1994 (Lear and
Hunt, 1996). Information on the conservation stanis of conifer species has been developed by the SSC
Conifer Group (Faijon, Page and Schevellis, 1993, Faijon, 1996) and made available for incorporation
in the Threatened Plants Database. Information on the conservation status of tropical timbers in trade
was collected for the International Tropical Timber Organisation with data collection concentrating on
timber species of Southeast Asia and Africa (Oldfield, 1991). Collection of data on trees of Latin
America was subsequently undertaken by WCMC
with support from the Govemment. UK

When the tree species conservation survey was initiated, the Threatened Plants Database maintained
by WCMC contained records of about 5000 tree species, 4,000 of which are tropical and 1,000

temperate in distribution. Over 600 of these species were recorded as globally threatened using the old
lUCN categories of threat. Initial tasks in preparation for The World List of Threatened Trees were to
significant number of
identify and flag tree species in the Threatened Plants Database and to add a
tree species name and from various parts of the world. Main geographical areas for
distribution records
which tree name and were added initially include Ghana, Nigeria, East Africa,
distribution records
Madagascar and Indonesia. Additional tree species name and distribution records were added through
the electronic data merges in preparation for the 7997 lUCN Red Ust of Threatened
Plants. In the first
The World List of Threatened Trees

year of data collection, tree species records were increased from 5000 to 14,000. A list of 3200 tree
species recorded as globally threatened according to the old lUCN categories of threat was prepared
for review at a Technical Workshop held in Wageningen in November 1995.

Following the Technical Workshop, a data collection form was designed for experts to provide updates
to existing data holdings on tree species in the Threatened Plants Database, and to record new
information on species of conservation concern. This is reproduced in Appendix 5. Species were
selected for review if they were beUeved to be single country endemics, threatened in significant parts
of their distribution ranges or known to be widely exploited.

Standard data collection forms were sent to over 300 botanists or foresters with expertise in a particular
geographical area or taxonomic group of trees. In addition a series of meetings, workshops and
interviews was held to discuss the conservation status of tree species and to assign the lUCN
categories. Four international workshops were held. The first was the Technical Woricshop held in
Wageningen which was successful in refining the scope, objectives and methodology for data
collection. Three regional workshops have subsequently been held in Zimbabwe, July 1996; Costa
Rica, November 1996 and Viet Nam in August 1997. These workshops provided an opportunity for
participants to present and discuss national case studies on the conservation status of trees, to discuss
conservation status in relation to sustainability issues and to work on species conservation assessments
in small working groups. Training in the appUcation of the lUCN categories and criteria was provided.
The conservation assessments focussed on relatively widespread, exploited species which are difficult
to evaluate without information from a significant proportion of the species' range. The evaluations
were based on preliminary species profiles prepared by WCMC.

At the regional workshop held in Zimbabwe a draft list of globally threatened tree species occurring in
Africa was reviewed. A follow-up meeting was held during the AETFAT Congress in February 1997
to review African data collection and hold an inaugural meeting of the SSC African Tree Specialist
Group. Also following the Zimbabwe regional workshop, assessment of the conservation status of
trees of Southern Africa was coordinated by Craig Hilton-Taylor of the South African National
Botanical Institute. Data sheets for all tree species considered to be threatened in southern Africa
were sent to 23 amateur and professional botanists situated in Namibia, South Africa and
Swaziland. Documentation explaining how to fill in the data sheets and how to use the new lUCN
Red and Categories was provided. Each person was asked to fill in data sheets for
List Criteria
those species which they were familiar with in the field. Eleven people responded. Information
from the replies was combined with information from the National Botanical Institute's southern
African Threatened Plants Database (SARARES) and information from the literature to obtain an
overall assessment.

Discussions held with botanistsat the Rijksherbarium, Leiden and Missouri Botanic Garden have also

enhanced the tree conservation evaluation process. Botanists at the Rijksherbarium provided
information on the taxonomy and conservation status of trees in Southeast Asia. Assistance provided
by Missouri included information from various major checklist projects notably for Peru (Brako and
Zarucchi, 1996) and Ecuador (Jorgensen and Leon, in prep.) and the facilitation of contacts with
botanists working in many Latin American countries.

Collection of tree conservation information was also facilitated by collaborative arrangements with
national agencies. These have both provided information for the global tree conservation dataset and
stimulated the collection of data for national use. Examples include:

Production of A Draft Red List of Woody Plants of Uganda through a contract with Makere
University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, Uganda.

Support for the collection of information on endemic trees of Kenya by the Plant Conservation
Programme, National Museums of Kenya.

Collection of data on endemic tree species of Peninsular Malaysia through a contract with Dr
Lillian Chua, Forest Research Instimte of Malaysia.


Compilation of data on the conservation status of Panama's trees by Martin Mitr6,

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Pcinama.

Compilation of data on the endemic and indigenous tree species of the Seychelles by the
Conservation Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Planning and Environment,

Provision of information from a Mexican tree specimen database and conservation evaluation
by Dr Mario Gonzalez-Espinosa and Neptali Ramuez-Marcial, ECOSUR, Chiapas following
agreement with CONABIO.

Preparation of a list of rare and threatened trees of Suriname by Marga Werkhoven, National

herbarium of Suriname, updating the Rare and Endemic Plant Species in Suriname from the
Conservation Action Plan for Suriname (1990) and subsequent 1997 hst of Rare and Endemic
Plant Species in Suriname.

Provision of information on threatened trees of Viet Nam at the regional woricshop and
decision by Vietnamese botanists represented to adopt the new lUCN categories of threat and
apply them through the continuation of a national working group.

The SSC Plant Specialist Groups have been a major source of information and conservation
evaluations for The World List of Threatened Trees. Members of the Conifer Specialist Group have
used the standard data collection form to compile information on about 300 conifer species and have
adopted this procedure for future updating of conservation status information. Members of the
Temperate Broadleaved Trees Specialist Group have provided data on selected genera and have
prepared detailed species case studies for publication in Broadleaves, the Group's newsletter. In
addition over 300 palm species, identified as trees from an initial list of threatened palms, have
been evaluated using the standard data collection form by members of the Palm Specialist Group,
coordinated by Dr Dennis Johnson.

In order to supplement the information provided by experts, WCMC has reviewed a wide variety of
data sources including electronic databases, pubhshed Floras and Monographs, Red Data Books and
grey Uterature. On the basis of this information, conservation evaluations have been undertaken by
WCMC for species apparently of significant conservation concern. Wherever possible these have been
sent out for expert review. Compilers at WCMC also recorded supplementary information on ecology
and uses of species, drawing heavily for Southeast Asian species on the excellent PROSEA
Lemmens,1993; Lemmens, Soerianegara and Wong, 1995).
publications (Soerianegara and


Following the Technical Workshop in Wageningen, a new database was designed to record tree

species conservation information, resulting from the completed standard data collection forms.
Amendments to the species and distribution records were initially recorded in the Threatened
Plants Database maintained by WCMC,to ensure consistency with the broader global plant

conservation dataset. Subsequently tree species scientific and common names, distribution records
and in some cases use records were transferred electronically to a new Tree Conservation
Database. The design of the Tree Conservation Database took into account a user needs survey of
500 organisations carried out prior to the Wageningen Technical Workshop, and discussions with
FAQ and IPGRI concerning tree conservation data management. The potential for harmonised data
management with the following datamanagement systems was an important consideration.

REFORGEN database system, developed by the Forest Resources Division of FAQ, is a global
database system designed to house information related to the worid's forest genetic resources.

The World List of Threatened Trees

TREESOURCE, a global information system on forest genetic resources, represents a

collaborative effort between FAO, CIFOR, ICRAF and IPGRI, and has been designed to provide
readily, reliable and accessible information on forest genetic resources.

A further key consideration was the requirement for a distributed database which could be made
widely available in support of tree conservation initiatives. The database has been implemented using
the latest generation of Microsoft Windows based
software. It is designed to be simple to use and
conforming to recognised Windows standards. The choice of
intuitive in operation, as well as
software tool was further influenced by the abiUty to link with other applications, including
mapping tools. In addition, a Windows-style searchable help system has been developed. The
system is implemented in Microsoft® Visual Basic and Access.

The species suimnaries recorded in The World List of Threatened Trees have been derived directly
from the Tree Conservation Database which also records a considerable amount of supplementary
information on each tree species.


lUCN categories of threat have been in use for over thirty years and are widely recognised as a
standard for indicating the conservation status of individual species. The revised categories and criteria
pubUshed in 1994 (lUCN, 1994) were developed to make the threat categories more quantitative,
objective and equally applicable to all higher taxa of plants and animals. Under the new system, a
category can only be assigned to a species if one or more of five criteria apply. Thus in order to qualify
as CriticaUy Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable, evidence is needed to demonstrate that a species
is experiencing, to various degrees, at least one of the following:

Criterion A Population is seriously declining, or is expected to decline, at a defined rate.

Criterion B Population is localised, within defined limits, fragmented and declining.
Criterion C Population is small, according to specified numbers, and either declining at a
defined rate or declining and with a specified population structure.
Criterion D Population is very small, according to specified numbers, and acutely restricted,
within defined limits.
Criterion E Quantitiative analysis showing the probability of extinction.

The use of criteria helps both to guide the assessor and to give transparency to the evaluation process.
The mles for applying the lUCN categories and criteria are set out with explanatory notes in Appendix
4. Various criteria can be apphed to any one species. The extent to which different criteria have been
used in the tree species evaluations is summarised in Table 1. The use of Criterion E has been
negligible for trees.

Table 1. Use of Criteria


for the majority of tree species. Furthermore it soon became apparent that the longevity of tree species

poses a particular problem in application of the categories, with regard to interpretation of rates of
decUne. Guidelines were prepared by Charlotte Lusty to assist expert evaluations for tree species and
to help ensure consistency in application of the categories by different assessors, especially those
working in isolation. The guidelines for trees were developed from recommendations made by
WiUiam Hawthome, following a detailed review of the application of the categories to Ghanaian tree
species, and incorporated suggestions from other botanists using the categories for trees. The
guidelines provide both assistance with interpretation of the criteria through suggested supplementary
definitions of terms relevant to tree species and suggestions as to how different sources of information
can be used to aid the evaluation process.

In order to qualify as globally threatened based on population reduction (A Criterion), the population
of a species should have an observed, estimated inferred or suspected reduction of at least 20 percent
over the last 10 years or three generations. The expression of generation time as specified by lUCN,
1994 is the average age of parents in the population. Defining the generation time of a tree species is
very difficult given that the capability of reproduction in tree species varies widely according to the
age/size class of individuals. For evaluation purposes, the guidelines for trees suggest that where no
information is available the generation time should be taken as 50 years for most tree species, 10-20
for pioneer species or small trees, 100 years or more for slow-growing trees. Following this estimation
very many tree species potentially fall within at least the Vulnerable category given the rates of
deforestation, and therefore implied population decline, or the rates of exploitation of mature timber
trees, over the past 150 years.

Linking tree species distribution data with knowledge of the extent and decline of the ecosystem in
which the species occurs has been the means by which the lUCN categories have been most
commonly applied to trees. Criterion B and D are appropriately used for such cases where the threat
status is based on the geographical restriction of species.

GIS (Geographical Information System) analysis of species distribution information has proved to be a
very useful tool in applying Criterion B and Criterion D, Where species point localities, ideally based
on verified specimen data, can be stored in a GIS, data can be very successfully manipulated to assess
whether their AOO (Area of Occupancy) or EOO (Extent of Occurrence) are within the limits set by
the Criteria B and D. David DuPuy and Jonathan Hughes have evaluated the conservation status of a
subset of Madagascan leguminous trees in this way, combining species distribution data with
vegetation and substrate data in a GIS application.

The guidelines encourage evaluators to use all available sources of secondary information to assess the
situation faced by a particular species. In ideal circumstances information from verified herbarium
specimens and field survey of populations would be combined with general knowledge of vegetation
types and decline throughout the range of a tree species, together with information on levels of
exploitation through time where appropriate. Where such information is not available, however, it has
been possible, by examining geographical and altitudinal ranges, and habitat requirements of the
species, to make preliminary evaluations of the conservation status.

In general the categories have not been applied using fully quantifiable information. This is fully

compatible with the guidance provided by lUCN, 1994 which states that, the absence of high quality
data should not deter attempts at applying the criteria, as methods involving estimation, inference and
projection are emphasised to be acceptable throughout. Furthermore, given that data are rarely
available for the whole range or population of a taxon, it may often be appropriate to use the
information that is available to make intelligent inferences about the overall status of the taxon in
question. In cases where a wide variation in estimates is found, it is legitimate to apply the
precautionary principle and use the estimate (providing it is credible) that leads to listing in the
category of highest risk.

Although the new lUCN Red List Categories are much more objective than their predecessors,
there is inevitably considerable scope for subjectivity. Different expert assessors have applied the
categories with differing levels of confidence with regard to available information and different

The World List of Threatened Trees

degrees of optimism regarding future trends. This has even applied when different assessors looked
at the same species, where some, for example, have used Data Deficient and others have applied
Critically Endangered. Some assessors have felt that they should use Data Deficient unless there
have been recent field assessments of the species. This approach may be more appropriate where
there are active conservation monitoring programmes but generally a greater degree of inference
has been necessary. In such cases of divergent views the compilers have acted as referees and
applied the category which appeared more appropriate in consultation with the assessors.

The use of the Lower Risk categories has also varied according to the opinion of different
assessors. It is not always clear how much inference is appropriate to decide whether a species is
Lower Risk or Vulnerable, particularly with regard to Criterion A. The category Lower Risk:
conservation dependent should only be used for those species where a species-specific conservation
measure ensures that the species does not qualify for Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically
Endangered. Inclusion in a protected area is considered to be a sufficiently secure conservation
measure to prevent a species being in a higher risk category by some assessors but there has not
been uniformity of opinion on this issue.

Some assessors have probably followed the lUCN rules more rigidly than others. After careful
consideration, the compilers decided not to apply a blanket standardisation of the categories and
criteria across all tree species following the application by experts, although in some cases
adjustments to particular species have been made through consultation. The compilers do not have
the intrinsic knowledge of species in particular geographic regions and taxonomic groups which
may have contributed to the expert evaluations. The listing of species should be seen as a fluid
process, with scope for re-evaluations of species as more information becomes available, and as
further debate on the categorisation process takes place.

Particular mention needs to be made concerning the dipterocarp trees of southeast Asia. Over 250
of these species have been listed in the most threatened category of Critically Endangered, using
Criterion A. The basis for this assessment is the very rapid rates of forest loss in southeast Asia.
Criterion A measures decline rates for long-lived species, such as trees, over a period of three
generations. This amounts to at least 150 years for the dipterocarp species. Thus over 250 species
of dipterocarp are believed to have lost over 80 percent of their forest habitat over the last three
generations and are therefore listed as Critically Endangered. These listings might seem somewhat
out of place alongside most other species listed as Critically Endangered, which tend to occur in
tiny populations, sometimes of only a small number of individual trees. However, it is very
important to be clear that extinction times scale with a species' generation time, and not with
absolute time. All other things being the same, a long-lived species takes longer to go extinct than a
short-lived species. If one considers a time window that is short relative to the lifetime of the
species,one might miss the fact that it is in trouble, even if it is heading inexorably to extinction.
To take a simple example, if one counts the numbers of a short-lived species with four generations
per year and declining at 50 percent per generation, the population will have declined to 6.25
percent of the starting number one year. Conversely, a species with a long generation time
(say 100 50 percent per generation will exhibit almost no detectable
years), but also declining at
decline as measured over a one-year period. The listing of the dipterocarps is therefore more logical
and appropriate than appears at first sight.

Nevertheless, there is controversy concerning the use of Criterion A in this manner, and this is

being studied as part of the SSC's ongoing review of the Red List Criteria. Three areas are currently
being considered for possible revision of Criterion A: a) whether or not there should be a maximum
time-limit set for estimates of generation-time, to make inference and projection more restricted in
time for long-lived species and therefore more reliable; (b) the extent to which listing should
incorporate information on whether or not the decline is controlled or managed, and therefore how
likely it is to continue into the future; and (c) whether or not the current decline rates specified in
the criteria are appropriate.



The three year time period for preparation of The World List of Threatened Trees has allowed for rapid
assembly and review of currently available information on the conservation status of trees. There are,
however, clear information gaps. These result from lack of identified expertise on particular taxa or
geographical areas or lack of time for information to be compiled where experts were contacted in the
later stages of the data collection process. For some parts of the world and certain taxonomic families
information is not yet available on which to base sound conservation assessments. The design of the
data management system, the involvement of a wide network of experts and the further coordinated
development of the SSC Plant Specialist Groups, with capacity to manage their own decentralised
data, will allow continual updating of the global Tree Conservation Database.

Taxonomic uncertainty

In some cases it has been very difficult to apply categories because of taxonomic uncertainty. This is
the case for example with the genus Ardisia in the family Myrsinaceae. In Panama, alone, about 1 10
species have been described mainly on the basis of original collections which often did not have
flowers or fruiting material. There is a need for taxonomic revision taking into account the wealth of
unverified herbarium specimens. The situation is similar for many other genera of trees.

Areas which are poorly known

Papua New Guinea provides an example of a biodiversity rich country which remains pooriy explored.
As outlined by Frodin (1997) a relatively intense phase of biological study took place within the
country from 1946 through the 1980s. This generated various major pubhcations on vegetation,
biogeography and ecology but there has subsequently been a general decline in new research work and
particularly in botanical exploration in Papua New Guinea (Conn, 1994). Frodin (1997) notes that at
the present time, there is no crticial and effective study of trees for Papua New Guinea and little
prospect of one without substantial outside support. Given the low current exploration rate and the
serious research and documentation backlog in general the conservation status of tree species is one of
"data deficiency". Enough known, however, about certain timber species to apply the
is lUCN
categories and criteria and species summaries are included in the book for such species.

Scientiflc reluctance

In general there has been overwhelming support from the botanical community for the preparation
of The World List of Threatened Trees. There have, however, been instances where botanists were
reluctant to share unpublished information. This has resulted in some cases from a sense of
frustration with the difficulty of securing resources for the publication of taxonomic work and
equally with concerns about incorporating new species names which have not been previously
validly published in the scientific literature. In other cases herbarium botanists did not feel they had
sufficient field knowledge to make conservation evaluations.

Time constraints

Locating and compiling information on the conservation status of trees has proceeded rapidly in
preparation of The World List of Threatened Trees but unfortunately it has not proved possible to
develop or incorporate all the information located. More comprehensive evaluation of the conservation
status of tree species for many countries would add significant numbers of species to the list of
globally threatened tree species. Coujitries for which very little new information has been compiled
include Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Guatemala, Haiti, Korea, the Philippines and Thailand.
In some cases this was because of lack of time to establish contacts within the countries.

Information on African tree species, compiled in the early stages of data collection, has been subject to
a more extensive period of review. Less time was available to incorporate and review the more
extensive tree data for other tropical regions. Examples of countries for which data has only been

The World List of Threatened Trees

partially processed for this publication include Bolivia, Costa Rica, Japan, Mexico, Peru and Viet
Nam. To provide one specific example, the specimen database provided by ECOSUR provided a very
rich source of data. This database contains data from 14000 herbarium specimens for Mexican tree
species, with information on vegetation type, associated genera, and altitude. For each tree species
recorded in the database the new lUCN category was added by experts at ECOSUR and, with approval
from CONABIO, this data was provided to WCMC. Information has been added to the Tree
Conservation Database for endemic trees of Mexico but there has been no time to seek information on
the wider distribution and conservation status for non-endemic trees.


The main body of this book is the compilation of conservation summaries for the 7388 tree species
which have been evaluated as globally threatened. The summaries are arranged alphabetically by
genus. In order to reduce the size of the species accounts, scientific authorities for species names and
common names are not given although these are recorded in the Tree Conservation Database.

The threatened tree species included are those which have been evaluated as Critically Endangered,
Endangered and Vulnerable. Species which have been evaluated as Lower Risk: near threatened and
Lower Risk: conservation dependent are also included because, in most cases, the supporting
information suggests that these trees are of equal conservation concern to species in the Vulnerable
category. Furthermore summaries are also included for species evaluated as Data Deficient where it is

apparent that the species are in a precarious situation even though some needed of the
verification is
taxonomic status or further field investigation is desirable. Frequently these species have been referred
to as threatened elsewhere in the literature.

For each species the following information is given:

Botanical family name The standard followed for family and generic names is Brummitt,

lUCN Red List category and criteria These are reproduced in full with the explanatory
notes in Appendix 4.

Distribution The complete geographical distribution of species is recorded, as far as is

known. Biological Recording Units are generally given, following Hollis and Brummitt,
1992. The only changes from this standard are for the Provinces of South Africa, Eritrea
and the Democratic Republic of Congo (the former Zaire).

Conservation summary This is based primarily on information provided by experts in the

standard data collection forms (see Appendix 5), or from literature sources. In some cases
the summary has been prepared by the expert who has evaluated the species and in other
cases by the compilers at WCMC. Words which are preceded by an asterisk are further
defined in the glossary.

Assessor This is either the expert whom, or organisation or regional workshop which, has
assigned the lUCN category and criteria.

References The references relate either to botanical literature linked to the taxonomy,
nomenclature and distribution of the species or to the source of conservation information
including the conservation assessment.


Table 2. Summary of the number of tree species assessed according to the 1994 lUCN threat
categories for inclusion in The World List of Threatened Trees.

Globally threatened tree species

The World List of Threatened Trees

information has been collected. The relative importance of diiferent threats implied by the above table
should therefore be read with a degree of caution. It is interesting to note, however, the perceived

impact of felling as a major threat to tree species. This threat includes both clear felling and selective
felling. The fact that over 1000 tree species are considered to be globally threatened as a result of
felling reinforces the need for timber harvesting regimes to be managed on a sustainable basis taking
into account the impact on non-commercial species.


Information on use and level of use of tree species is recorded in the Tree Conservation Database. The
information collated on globally threatened tree species illustrates that 25 percent have at least one
recorded use. The use data remains incomplete but nevertheless Table 4 indicates the utility value of
the tree species which are threatened with extinction.

Table 4. The recorded uses of globally threatened tree species


infoimation is recorded in the Tree Conservation Database. It is apparent, however, that the majority

of globally threatened species are not subject to any specific conservation measures.

It is also apparent that many more tree species will be evaluated and recorded as globally threatened as
more information becomes available. The preparation of botanical checklists is a very important step
in the evaluation of conservation status. There is also a great need for more field data on the
conservation status and distribution of tree species.

Major efforts are needed to prevent tree species extinctions. The primary focus for action needs to be
at a national level through the actions of government agencies, NGOs and local resource managers.
International conservation instruments should reinforce these efforts and provide a broader policy
context for activities on the ground.


International policy for the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity has generally
concentrated on ecosystem prioritisation and action. In order to prevent the loss of tree species
diversity there is a need to shift the emphasis towards a complementary species-based approach.
The World List of Threatened Trees and Tree Conservation Database provide the information
resource to start doing so. The information now available can be used to refine implementation of
policy through, for example, the selection of conservation sites based on tree species diversity and
threat, the development of species indicators of ecosystem condition and the development of
sustainable use initiatives for economically valuable components of forest biological diversity.

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

The objectives of CBD are the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its

components and the and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of
genetic resources. Biological diversity, as defined by this Convention, includes diversity within
species, between species and of ecosystems. Forest biodiversity is recognised as a current priority.

Forests are the most biologically diverse terrestrial ecosystems. Although still rich in absolute and
relative terms, the biological diversity of all types offorests has been diminished by the impacts of
human societies. Those impacts are greater now than at any time in human and they are
still increasing. They are eroding contemporary forest biological diversity and challenging the
processes which maintain it in forest communities and their constituent populations. (SBSTTA,

Parties to the Convention have agreed that the ecosystem approach to the conservation of forest
biodiversity should be the primary framework of action to be taken under the Convention. Within
this framework priority activities relating to tree species include:

i. assessment of methodologies which improve the long-term persistence of genetic

variability within and between the populations of forest species,
ii. development of methodologies for reporting on the distribution of fragile species.

More broadly, Article 7 of the Convention calls for the identification by Parties of components of
biodiversity important for conservation and sustainable use having regard to:

Species and communities which are: threatened; wild relatives of domesticated or cultivated
species; of medicinal, agricultural or other economic value; or social, scientific or cultural
importance; or importance for research into the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity, such as indicator species.

The World List of Threatened Trees

Article 17 of the Convention calls for the facilitation of the exchange of information, from all
publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
taking into account the special needs of developing countries.

Actions to be taken to conserve biological diversity, in accordance with the provisions of CBD,
include the development of national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity (Article 6); establishment of protected area systems where
special measures need to be taken to conserve biodiversity (Article 8); adopt measures for the ex
situ conservation of components of biodiversity, preferably in the country of origin (Article 9);
promote and encourage public awareness and education on the importance and measures required
for biodiversity conservation.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

The main objective of CITES is to protect species of wild fauna and flora against overexploitation
through international trade, by means of international cooperation. Species which are covered by the
provisions of the Convention are included in appendices. To qualify for Appendix I, taxa must be
"threatened by extinction" and "are or may be threatened by trade". Species included in Appendix II
are those which " although not necessarily now threatened with extinction, may become so unless trade
in specimens of such species is subject to strict regulation in order to avoid utihsation incompatible
with their survival".

In 1994, the Parties adopted new criteria for amendment of Appendices I and II, and specified
information requirements for amendment proposals (Wijnstekers, 1995). The CITES listing criteria
were developed at the same time as the development of the 1994 lUCN Red List Categories and are
loosely related to them.

The CITES appendices include around twenty tree species which are traded internationally as timber.
They also include other tree species which yield medicinal products or which are in genera listed
because of the threat from commercial horticultural collection, for example succulent Euphorbia spp.
and Aloe spp. The provisions of the Convention and subsequent guidance on species listing do not
generally distinguish between different species groups in their application. There has, however, been
Convention as a tool to help conserve particular species
international debate about the suitability of the
groups. Increased interest in the use of CITES
for timber species over recent years has contributed to
this debate. Various amendment proposals have been submitted to CITES for timber species and have
been considered by the Parties at the Eighth and Ninth Conferences, prior to the adoption of the 1994
amendment criteria.

The CITES Timber Working Group (TWO) was formed at the Ninth Conference of the Parties to
review implementation issues relating to timber species, notably the control of parts and derivatives of
listed species, and relationships with other international organisations dealing with the conservation
and sustainable use of timber. The final report of TWO was endorsed by the Tenth Conference of the
Parties in Harare, June 1997.

In its final report the TWG

recommended that.- nuiny internationally traded timber species, boreal,
temperate and tropical, can be managed on a sustainable basis through the application of
appropriate silvicultural techniques, but that for other timber species such knowledge is currently
lacking; and that there may be timber species which are under threat because of detrimental levels
of use and international trade.

Consequently the TWG recommended that: The range states should pay particular attention to
internationally traded timber species within their territories for which knowledge of biological
status and silvicultural requirements indicates concern.


International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA)

The preamble of the ITTA, 1994 which came into force on 1 January 1997 notes the commitment
of members, made in Bali, Indonesia, in May 1990, to achieve exports of tropical timber

products from sustainably managed sources by the year 2000. One of the objectives of the
Agreement is: To encourage members to develop national policies aimed at sustairuible utilization
and conservation of timber producing forests and their genetic resources and at maintaining the
ecological balance in the regions concerned, in the context of tropical timber trade.

With regard and coordination with other organisations. Article 14 of the Agreement
to cooperation
Council (ITTC) shall make arrangements for consultation and cooperation with the
states that the
United Nations and its organs, intergovernmental organizations including CITES and NGOs. The
Organization (11 lO) shall, to the maximum extent possible, utilize the facilities, services and
expertise of existing intergovernmental, governmental or non-governmental organizations, in order
to avoid duplication of efforts in achieving the objectives of the Agreement.



At an international level, mechanisms for promoting the consei'vation of individual tree species and
areas of maximum tree species richness and diversity within forest ecosytems, need to be
developed. The CBD is currently the most appropriate policy instrument given the commitment of
parties to the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair
and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources. Furthermore
CITES can be used to ensure that commercially valuable globally threatened trees are traded
internationally at sustainable levels and ITTA can be used to ensure that sustainable forest
management and trade in forest products promotes the conservation of tree species.

The emphasis on implementation of CBD, CITES species selection and ITTA policy development
and projects is at a national level with international exchange of information, financial support and
technical expertise where appropriate. Subsets of information from the Tree Conservation
Database will be made available as tools for the development of national threatened tree lists on
which to base national policy and action. Convergence of national and international systems for
collection of information and categorisation of threat needs to be considered further identifying, for
example, which data elements are common requirements and guidelines for rapid collection of such
data.There is a need for flexibility and incremental development of conservation information systems
based on available knowledge.


The sharing of information between scientific and conservation institutions is important to build on
the resultsof the tree species conservation assessments and fill in current gaps on tree species
information as new scientific data becomes available. Baseline field survey is urgentiy required for
many areas and the collection of additional distribution data for species known or suspected to be
of concern. The spatial accuracy of current data can be significantly improved, and the application
of the lUCN threat categories reinforced, by the use of GIS linking herbarium, species inventory
and forest cover data. Enhanced use of distribution data will be particularly valuable in planning in
situ conservation measures for trees.

Research is urgently needed on the population biology and autecology of globally threatened tree
species. For practical application, research and information exchange are also needed on aspects of
sustainability relating to tree species utilisation, particularly for those species categorised as
Vulnerable. Silvicultural research and exchange of information on silvicultural techniques should

The World List of Threatened Trees

be components of this. The links between forest certification initiatives and the sustainability of
tree species should also be considered further.


Collaboration with international, regional and national agencies is essential in collecting information
on the conservation status of trees. The preparation of The World List of Threatened Trees has
fostered good links with international and national organisations, lUCN/SSC Specialist Groups and
individual experts. Further collaboration with IPGRI and FAO in relation to information systems for
tree species and their genetic resources (in turn linking with ICRAF and CIFOR) will be very valuable.
National herbaria are an essential source of primary information on the conservation of tree
biodiversity. Networking of information and expertise needs to be maintained and developed.

Education and awareness raising

A strong message to emerge from the preparation of The World List of Threatened Trees is that tree

species are threatened with extinction throughout the world. Numerically more species are threatened
in tropical regions reflecting the greater tree species richness in these regions. Nevertheless, the
potential for tree species loss is a universal problem and needs to be tackled in all countries and at all

levels. Information products are needed to convey the information in this book to a wide audience
including the managers of natural resources in rural communities. Local people may not always
appreciate that a species they harvest has a narrow geographic distribution and is wholly dependent on
local wise use for its conservation.

Conservation action

Above The World List of Threatened Trees should be used to develop conservation

action on ground. Urgent attention is needed to reverse the progression towards


extinction for Critically Endangered and Endangered tree species. Attention is also
needed to prevent Vulnerable species moving into the higher categories of threat In
some instances ex situ measures may provide important back up. In situ mechanisms
are generally the most appropriate way to conserve tree species either within
designated conservation areas or through sustainable use initiatives in the wider

The threats to tree species are increasing and conservation actions must consequentiy
be intensified. As Dallmeier, 1998, points out.

The loss of even one species diminishes the earth's store of biological diversity, for once
elinUnated, a species cannot be recovered or regenerated All possibilities the species had
for bettering life are gone, including its potential to provide the basis of life-saving
medicines or new or improved foodstuffs to feed a burgeoning human population.
Species losses are also felt at the genetic, community and landscape levels. When a
species is gone so is its genetic heritage.



Brako, L. and Zarucchi, J.L. 1996. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru.
Missouri Botanical Garden.
Brummitt, R.K. (comp.) 1992. Vascular Plant Families and Genera. A listing of the genera of
vascular plants of the world according to their families, as recognised in the Kew Herbarium,
with an analysis of relationships of the flowering plant families according to eight systems of
classification. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
van Bueren, E.L. and Duivenvoorden, J.F. 1996. Towards priorities of biodiversity research in
support of policy and management of tropical rain forests. The Tropenbos Foundation,
Conn, B.J. 1994. Documentation of the flora of New Guinea. In: C.-I. Peng and C.-H. Chou, eds..
Biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems: 123-156. Academia Sinica, Taipei (Institute of Botany,
Monograph Series 14).
Dallmeier, F. 1998. Measuring and monitoring forest biodiversity: the SI/MAB model. In:
Bachmann, P., Kohl, M. and Pai'vinen, R. (eds.) Assessment of biodiversity for improved forest
planning. Proceedings of the Conference on Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Forest
Planning, 7-1 1 October 1996, held in Monte Verita, Switzerland. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Faijon, A. 1996. A world list of threatened conifers: How much do we know? In: Hunt, D.R. (ed)
Temperate trees under threat. Proceedings of an IDS Symposium on the Conservation Status of
Temperate Trees. University of Bonn 30 September - 1 October 1994. Intemational
Dendrological Society, Morpeth
Faijon, A. Page, C.N. and Schevellis, N. 1993. A preliminary world list of threatened conifer taxa.
Biodiversity and Conservation 2: 304-326.
Frodin, D. 1997. State of knowledge of tree species in Papua New Guinea. In: Report of the Third
Regional Workshop, Hanoi, 18-21 August, Conservation and Sustainable Management of Trees
Project, WCMC, Cambridge.
Mollis, S. and Brummitt, R.K. (eds). 1992. World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant
Distributions. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. 2. Hunt Institute for Botanical
Documentation, Pittsburgh.
Hunt, D.R. 1996. The genera of temperate broadleaved trees. Broadleaves 2:4-5
IUCN.1994. lUCN Red List Categories. lUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Jorgensen, P.M. and S. Leon Y (in prep.) Catalogue of vascular plants of Ecuador. Monogr. Syst.
Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.
Lear, M.1990. The threatened temperate tree list. Intemational Dendrology Society Yearbook 1990:
Lear, M. and Hunt, D. 1996. Updating the Threatened Temperate Tree List. In: Hunt, D.R. (ed)
Temperate trees under threat. Proceedings of an IDS Symposium on the Conservation Status of
Temperate Trees. University of Bonn 30 September - 1 October 1994. Intemational
Dendrological Society, Morpeth
Lemmens, R.H.M.J. Soerianegara, I. and Wong, W.C. 1995. Plant Resources of South-East Asia
(PROSEA) 5(2) Timber trees: minor commercial timbers. Pudoc Scientific Publishers,
Oldfield, S.F.(Compiler). 1991. Pre-project study on the conservation status of tropical timbers in
trade. Prepared by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre under contract to the
Intemational Tropical Timer Organisation.
SBSTTA.1996. Biological diversity in forests. Note by the Secretariat. Convention on Biological
Diversity. UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2yi 1
SBSTTA.1997. Scientific, technical and technological advice on forest biological diversity, taking

account of research and technical priorities previously identified. Draft programme of work for
forest biological diversity. Note by the Executive Secretary. Convention on Biological Diversity.
Soerianegara, I. & Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Eds.). 1993. Plant Resources of South-East Asia (PROSEA)
5(1) Timber trees: major commercial timbers. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen

The World List of Threatened Trees

Walter, K.S. and Gillett, H.J. (eds.) 1998. 7997 lUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. Compiled by
the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. lUCN - The World Conservation Union,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Wijnstekers, W. 1995. The evolution of CITES. A reference to the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. A" Edition. CITES Secretariat, Geneva,
Yahara, T. etal. 1997. Red List of Japanese Plants. Japanese Agency of Environment.

Species Summaries

Abarema abbottii cipo, *cerrado or *campo rupestre, sometimes reaching

Leguminosae VUBl+2c an altitude of 1 100m.
Dominican Republic Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree restricted to broadleaved woodland on limestone Refs: 5994
soils in north-east Dominican Republic.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Abarema curvicarpa var. rodriguesii
Refs: 5994 Leguminosae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Brazil (Amazonas)
Abarema alexandri var. alexandri This forest tree is only known from the Reserva Ducke
Leguminosae LR/nt near Manaus, central Amazonian Brazil.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
One of two varieties of this Jamaican endemic, Refs: 5994
occurring in remaining areas of woodland or thicket on
limestone soils. Abarema fUamentosa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU Bl+2c
Refs: 5994 Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo)
A formerly common tree foimd in lowland wet Atlantic
Abarema alexandri var. troyana forest and *restinga along the coast of Bahia and
Leguminosae LR/nt Espfrito Santo.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
One of two varieties of this Jamaican endemic, Refs: 5994
occurring in remaining areas of woodland and thickets
on Umestone soils. Abarema ganymedea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 5994 Colombia, Ecuador
A lowland wet forest species, known only from two
Abarema bigemina disjunct collections, one gathered from North Antioquia,
Leguminosae VUAlc Colombia, the other from Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
Sri Lanka Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests Refs: 5994
of south-west Sri Lanka. This tree was found in 33 forest
localities in the recent National Conservation Review, Abarema josephi
including Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. Leguminosae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Colombia
Refs: 15431, 17195, 19112 A small tree known only from the type locality. It was
found in montane woodland near the west boundary of
Abarema callejasii Comisan'adel Caqueti.
Leguminosae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Colombia Refs: 5994
A small tree of montane rainforest only known from the
east slope of the Cordillera Central in Antioquia. Abarema killipii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 5994 Colombia, Ecuador
A small tree known from a single collection from
Abarema centiflora Caldas, Colombia, and from two localities on the eastern
Leguminosae VUBl+2c slope of the Ecuadorean Andes. It occurs in submontane

Bolivia and montane forest, meadows and open hillsides. Trees

A small tree known only from humid montane forest on sometimes survive forest clearing.
the east slope of the Bolivian Andes. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 5994
Refs: 5994
Abarema lehmannii
Abarema cochleata var. moniliformis Leguminosae VU D2
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Colombia
Brazil (Amazonas) A tree restricted to the margin of humid montane forest
This variety is extremely local in * terra firme forest in in the Cordillera Central in Antioquia.

Manaus. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 5994
Refs: 5994
Abarema leucophyUa var. vaupesensis

Abarema cochliacarpos Legurtiinosae VU D2

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Colombia
Brazil (Bahia, Espi'rito Santo, Parafba) A small tree or shrub restricted to an area along Rio
A tree or arborescent shrub of the Atlantic coastal forest, Vaup6s and Apaporis in Vaup^s.
disjunctly distributed from Parafba to Bahia. In Bahia, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
this species is also found inland on dismrbed *niata do Refs: 5994

The World List of Threatened Trees

Abarema longipedunculata is confined to Maxwell Hill in the state of Perak. The

Leguminosae LR/nt main threats to the tree come from expanding
Venezuela settlements and tourism.
Endemic to Bolivar in the Venezuelan Guayana, this tree Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
or shrub grows on rocky summits, cliff ledges and in Refs: 19073
gullies in the sandstone table mountains.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Abies beshanzuensis
Refs: 5994 Pinaceae CRDl
China (Zhejiang)
Abarema obovata Only five living specimens are known in the wild. The
Leguminosae VUBl+2c species occurs in mixed forest on Baishanzu Mountain.
Brazil (Minas Gerais) Expansive agriculture and fires, coupled with poor
A tree confined to wooded hillsides in east and north- regeneration, are thought to have largely been
centralMinas Gerais. responsible for the decline of the species.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 5994 Re/i;3630, 11725, 11847

Abarema oxyphyUUSa Abies bracteata

Leguminosae VU D2 Pinaceae LR/cd
Honduras USA (California)

Known only from a single collection dating from 1964, Confined to mountain ridges, the species is now known
this treeoccurs in mixed montane forest in the to be more widespread in the Santa Lucia Mountains

Cordillera Guajiquiro, south-west Honduras. than originally thought. Fire is a threat but the area is

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre generally inaccessible to grazing animals.

Refs: 5994 Assessor:SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs:31A. 13041, 19193
Abarema racemiflora
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Abies cephalonica
Costa Rica Pinaceae LR/nt
This tree is known from wooded hills near
only Greece (East Aegean Is)

Turrialba in Cartago and Villa Quesada in Alajuela. The species is known to occur on Cephalonia, Euboea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Peloponnesos.
Refs: 5994 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 13041
Abarema turbinata
Leguminosae VU Bl+2c Abies chengii
Brazil (Bahia) Pinaceae DD
A species restricted to the remnants of Atlantic coastal China? (Yunnan?)
forest and *restinga along the coast of Bahia between The populations in the wild remain unknown. The
14°andl6°S. species was described from a specimen in cultivation at
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Hilliers, UK. Repeated attempts to discover the

Refs: 5994 whereabouts of the wild population have failed.

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Abarema vUUfera Refs: 374, 13041
Leguminosae LR/nt
Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela Abies chensiensis ssp. chensiensis
A tree localised to periodically inundated riparian forest Pinaceae VU Alc+2c
in theupper tributaries of the Ri'o Negro in Venezuela. China (Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan?)
An imconfirmed variant of the species is also found The distribution of the subspecies is fairly wide and
growing in *lerra firme forest in the lower Rio Negro unresolved. Populations are scattered and confined to
basin in Brazil. areas of dense montane forest. Levels of exploitation of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the forest habitat have been high throughout the area.
Refs: 5994 Regeneration does not appear to be good.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Abdulmajidia chaniana /?c/r;374, 1818. 18751
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Abies chensiensis ssp. yulongxueshanensis
A small tree found in the lowlands and hill forests of Pinaceae VU D2
Pahang and Johore, up to 570m. Increasing settlement is China (Yunnan)
the principal pressure exerted on this already rare A relatively recently pubhshed name. The taxonomy
species. remains questionable. The population is restricted to a
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. small area of forest. Its status is not presently known but
Refs: 19073 Lijiangshan is one of the best preserved areas.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Abdulmajidia maxwelUana Re/j; 374, 7610, 13041
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A small tree occurring on steep ridges and hillsides in
submontane forest, at approximately 600m. The species

Species Summaries

Abies cilicica ssp. isaurica Abies guaXemalensis yar.jaliscana

Pinaceae LR/nt Pinaceae VUAld
Turkey Mexico (Jalisco)
The species appears to be endemic to Isaurian Taurus. The taxonomy of the variety is based on fallen cone
Assessor: SSC
Conifer Specialist Group material. It is common but foimd at lower altitudes,
/?e/jr;4863, 11888, 13041 which may leave it more vulnerable to exploitation. The
species 'CITES Appendix I.
is listed in

Abies durangensis var. coahuilensis Assessor: SSC Conifer Speciedist Group

Pinaceae VU D2 /?e/i.- 374, 3951, 5287, 13041
Mexico (Coahuila)
Occurring in a sparsely populated area, there are no Abies guatemaJensis var. tacanensis
obvious threats to the two or three subpopulations that Pinaceae VU Aid
exist. These are restricted to wet north slopes in two Mexico (Chiapas)
river valleys. The species is restricted to forest areas up to 3000m or
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group more. The taxonomy of the variety may be questionable.
/fe/i; 374, 13041 The species is listed in *ClltS Appendix I.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Abies fanjingshanensis Refs: 6541, 10722, 13041, 19161
Pinaceae EN Dl
China (Guizhou) Abies hickelii var. hickelii
A relict species occurring only in inaccessible areas on Pinaceae VUAld
Fanjing Mountain. grows on northern slopes at an
It Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca)
elevation of 2100-2300m, forming pure or mixed A variety which is found in very low densities and
stands. The populations are not obviously threatened but continues to suffer from extensive logging and habitat
there are unlikely to be more than 250 mature trees. loss.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs:3-74, 11847 /?e/i.- 374,6541, 13041

Abies forrestii var. georgei Abies hickelii var. oaxacana

Pinaceae LR/nt Pinaceae VU Aid
China (Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan) Mexico (Guerrero, Oaxaca)
Chinese taxonomists refer to this taxon as a species. A variety which occurs in very low densities and
Extensive forests of it were known to occur above continues to suffer from extensive logging and habitat
3000m in south-west Sichuan and north-west Yunnan. loss.
Large-scale deforestation and replanting with Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
commercial species have since taken place in the area Refs: 374, 10722, 11191, 13041
and populations have declined.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Abies kawakamii
/?e/i; 374, 11191,13041 Pinaceae LR/nt
Abies fraseri The species is widespread but appears to suffer from
Pinaceae VU D2 frequent fire damage.
USA (North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Populations are known from six peaks, including the Refs: 374, 6469
Smoky Mountains National Park. They are small,
windswept and unhealthy. Regeneration appears to be Abies koreana
poor. Pinaceae LR/nt
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Russia, South Korea
/?e/i; 374, 13041 The species is recorded from Cheju Island, Chiri-san,
Halla-san and Tokyu-san in South Korea and from the
Abies guatemalensis var. guatemalensis Sikhote Alin range in Russia.
Pinaceae VUAld Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico Refs: 11117,13041
The Guatemalan Fir is the southernmost member of its
genus. It was reported to be common until the 1 940s and Abies nebrodensis
large populations may remain in Honduras. There
still Pinaceae OR Dl
has b^n heavy timber exploitation throughout the range. Italy (Sicily)

There is disputable evidence that the remaining stands in Endemic to Sicily, the species is known from a small
Guatemala extend no more than 3ha. Isolated stands population containing less than 20 individuals. Only a
continue to be exploited heavily by local inhabitants and fraction of them appear to be reproductively capable. A
the deep fertile soils, on which the tree grows, are propagation programme is under way.
attractive to agriculturaldevelopment. Cone crops are Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
irregular and germination is poor. Programmes to Refs: 374, 4506, 7222, 19021
improve its status are being run by CAMCORE. Felling
is prohibited in some countries and the species is listed Abies nordmanniana ssp. equi-trojani
in *CITES Appendix I. Pinaceae LR/nt
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Turkey
Re/i; 374,3951, 13041 This taxon presently includes ssp. bommuelleriana,
which stands as a separate taxon in Turkey. Populations

The World List of Threatened Trees

are restricted to the northetn mountain slopes in Kaz— Abies squamata

Dagh and Ulu-Dagh. The stands appear to be reasonably Pinaceae VU Aid
extensive and healthy. China (Gansu?, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang)
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group A species confined to forest in an area which is
Refs: 374, 3489, 11888, 13041, 18751 experiencing high levels of deforestation and habitat
Abies nunadica Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Pinaceae VU D2 Refs: 374
This species is restricted to Mount Babor and Tababor, Abies veitchii var. sikokiana
and is highly scattered where it occurs. Recent collecting Pinaceae LR/nt
expeditions in the area uncovered only one plant. Japan
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group This variant is known from Shikoku Island. There are no
Refs: 374, 10598 obvious threats at present.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Abies pinsapo var. marocana Refs: 374, 6879
Pinaceae LR/nt
Morocco Abies vejarii ssp. mexicana
Although this variety is less threatened than the Spanish Pinaceae VU D2
variety, it is restricted to the Rif Mountains and is Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Le6n)
vulnerable to overgrazing. The taxonomy of this subspecies is questionable. It

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group occurs in the Sierra Santa Catarina, in a single locality
Refs: 374, 13041 that probably extends less than 100km'.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Abies pinsapo vsar. pinsapo Re/i:374, 6879, 13041
Pinaceae VU D2
Spain Abies yuanbaoshanensis
Three healthy populations are known. One in Grazelema Pinaceae CRBl+2c, C2b
National Park consists of a few thousand trees. China (Guangxi)
Overgrazing by goats, droughts and the threat of fire A relatively recently discovered species confined to
of all three populations.
affect the survival Yuanbao Mountain., which is outside the general range
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group of fir species. There are in the region of 100 individuals
Refs: 10625, 13041 mostly over 100 years old. Young trees are very rare and
regeneration is hampered by long coning intervals, seed
Abies pinsapo var. tazaotana predation by squirrels and competition with
Pinaceae VU D2 Sinarundinaria species. Effective protection of the

Morocco population given by the Forest Department.


This variety is locally common, perhaps numbering Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
2500 individuals, but restricted to between 1600 and Re/r; 374, 1818, 11847
2000m on Mount Tazaot.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Abies ziyuanensis
Refs: 374 Pinaceae CRBl+2ce
China (Guangxi, Hunan)
Abies recurvata var. recurvata An endemic of the Nanling range, where the species
Pinaceae VU D2 occurs in middle elevation mixed forest on Mount
China (Sichuan) Yinzhulao, Mount Shunhuang and Mount Erbaoding. As
A rare variety with a very restricted range confined to with A. yuanbaoshanensis, the distribution lies outside
Songpan. Var. emestii appears to be more widespread in the general range of fir species. Population density is
the west of Sichuan Province. low and regeneration is poor because of the long coning
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group intervaland competition with other plants.
«e/i; 374, 13041 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
/fe/i;374, 1818, 11847
Abies sibirica ssp. semenovii
Pinaceae VU D2 Abutilon sachetianum
China, Kyrgyzstan Malvaceae VUBl+2c
The known populations are confined to Talasskij Ala French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
Tau but they are suspected to extend into China. The Only recorded from the Marquesas, the species is found
species as a whole is considered threatened in China. in small populations on the islands of Eiao, Hatutaa,
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Hiva Oa, Mohotani and Nuku Hiva. Those on Eiao and
Re/i; 374, 13041,18751 Hatutaa are in a notably critical state. The species has
been propagated at the Museum of Natural History in
Washington, D.C. in the USA.
Assessor: Horence, J.
Refs: 14513

Species Summaries

Acacia albicorticata Acacia caraniana

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Leguminosae LR/nt
Argentina, Bolivia Somalia
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina A Somali endemic known only from areas of sparse
and Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected vegetation on gypsum hills in the north-east. The habitat
ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced by is vulnerable to degradation.
agricultural systems. Assessor: Thulin, M.
Assessor: Prado, D. Refs: 7550, 18665
Refs: 19122
Acacia cemua
Acacia ankokib Leguminosae LR/nt
Leguminosae LR/nt Somalia
Somalia A species which is endemic to northern Somalia in a
A species of restricted range, only known from semi- habitat which is vulnerable to degradation.
desert bushland, usually in rocky places on limestone in Assessor: Thulin, M.
north-eastern Somalia. The habitat is vulnerable to Refs: 18665
degradation. The tree is an important local source of
gum. Acacia condyloclada
Assessor: Thulin, M. Leguminosae LR/nt
/fe/i; 7550, 18665 Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
Restricted to limestone outcrops, this tree, characterised
Acacia aulacocarpa by its peeling bark, is known from two collections west

Leguminosae LR/nt of Ramu in Kenya, from parts of the Ogaden in Ethiopia

Australia, Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea and from northern Somalia.
In New Guinea, this tree of savanna and monsoon forest Assessor: Thulin, M.
up to an an altitude of 50m is restricted to Digul District Refs: 1330,6396, 10961, 12067
in Irian Jaya and the Oriomo River area in the Western
Province of Papua New Guinea. Part of the range is Acacia crassicarpa
subject to logging. Continued exploitation and habitat Leguminosae VU A 1 cd+2cd, B +2abcd

destruction have reduced the number of mature Australia (Queensland), Papua New Guinea
individuals and, if not halted, will render the species as a A tree of savanna woodland, monsoon forest and
whole vulnerable. More information is needed on gallery-type forest at altitudes of between 10 and 30m
populations in eastern and northern Australia. restricted to the Western Province, Papua New Guinea,
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. and Queensland, Australia. Logging
to is occurring and
Refs: 19114 the timber is actively sought-after.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Acacia belairioides Refs: 191 14
Leguminosae CRBl+2c
Cuba Acacia daemon
A very rare tree up to 7m tall, confined to the serpentine Leguminosae ENBl+2c
outcrop of Holguin Cuba. The habitat is
in north-eastern Cuba
severely degraded in most places, mainly due to grazing A fairiy uncommon tree, up to 5m tall, confined to the
and urbanisation. rocky serpentine of
Habana, Matanzas,
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Villaclara and Camaguey Provinces. These areas are
Refs: 9522, 16327, 19149 under constant pressure from cutting and clearing.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Acacia bucheri /Je/i;9522, 11403, 19149
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Cuba Acacia densispina
An uncommon tree up to 8m in height occurring in Leguminosae VUBl+2c
woodlands and dry forests over limestone and serpentine Somalia
bedrocks in the provinces of Guantinamo, Baracoa and Known only from central Somalia, this small tree is
Holgui'n. restricted to Acacia-Commiphora bushland in limestone
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. areas. Large-scale charcoal production is causing the
/Je/j.-9522, 11403, 19149 loss and degradation of the habitat.
Assessor: Thulin, M.
Acacia campbelUi Refs: 8697, 18665
Leguminosae VUAlcd
India (Andhra Pradesh) Acacia dolichostachya
A small tree distributed throughout much of Andra Leguminosae LR/nt
Pradesh in deciduous forest or thorny scrub, often on Guatemala, Mexico (Campeche, Quintana Roo,
black cotton soils. It has been heavily collected as a Yucat^)
fiielwood and its habitat has also declined in extent. Endemic to the Yucatto Peninsula, this rainforest tree is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre an important component of the canopy. The habitat is

Refs: 4799 generally disturbed and declining in extent.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5993, 19124, 19162

The World List of Threatened Trees

Acacia etilis Acacia moggii

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Leguminosae LR/nt
Argentina, Bolivia Somalia
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina A shrubby spreading tree known only from Acacia-
and Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected Commiphora bushland on limestone, south of Beled
ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced by Weyne. This habitat is vulnerable to degradation.
agricultural systems. Assessor: Thulin, M.
Assessor: Prado, D. Refs: 18665

Refs: 19122
Acacia montis-usti
Acacia ferruginea Leguminosae LR/nt
Leguminosae VUAlc Namibia
Sri Lanka A graceful tree, often branching from the base. It occurs
This tree was commonly found in the dry zone of Sri on granite outcrops, ridges and inselbergs from the
Lanka but it is now very rare. The wood is used for its Brandberg to southern Kaokoveld. Trees in the
medicinal properties. Twyfelfontein area are infested with insects, which may
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre have some effect on recruitment and population size and
Refs: 18796,19110 structure. Many mature trees died during the severe
drought in the 1980s. However, healthy levels of

Acacia flagellaris recruitment are observed in some subpopulations.

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
Somalia /fe/s; 689, 7550, 19218
A tree of exposed limestone ridges in low vegetation,
known only from north-eastern Somalia. It occurs in an Acacia ochracea
area less than 20,000km* and its habitat continues to be Leguminosae LR/nt
degraded and destroyed by overgrazing and overcutting. Somalia
Assessor: Thulin, M. Numerous were recorded in 1990 in the south-
is endemic. It occurs in Acacia-
west, where the species
Refs: 8697, 18665
Commiphora bushland, usually in shallow soil over
Acacia gaumeri limestone. Habitat destruction because of charcoal
Leguminosae LR/nt production and overgrazing is a continuing threat.
Mexico (Campeche, Quintana Roc, Yucat^) Assessor: Thulin, M.
A weedy tree, abundant in but confined to semi- Refs: 18665
evergreen forest and secondary formations in the
Yucat^ Peninsula. Acacia origena
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae LR/nt
Refs: 19162 Eritrea, Ethiopia, Yemen (Former North Yemen, Former
South Yemen)
Acacia koaia A species from the Welo and Hararge highlands of
Leguminosae VUAlce Ethiopia, west Eritrea and also across the Red Sea in
USA (Hawaii) Yemen. It occurs in upland wooded grasslands above
A taxon which included in the wider concept of A.
is 1700m.
koa. This is a small and gnarled form found in small Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
numbers in dry and open habitats on Molokai, Lanai, Refs: 1330
Maui and Hawaii.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Acacia pachyceras var. najdensis
Refs: 3372 Leguminosae LR/nt
Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia
Acacia manubensis An important component of and often the sole tree
Leguminosae VUBl+2c species in desert wadis and hilly areas, extending from
Somalia Egypt through Arabia into southern Iraq. The tree is very
Confined to semi-evergreen bushland on limestone in vulnerable to overcutting and overgrazing and appears to
the Al Miskat Mountains, this tree has the same common have become extinct in Kuwait. In the Negev Desert in
name and valuable gum as A. ankokib but it is Israel mortality rates have been observed to be as high as
ecologically distinct, occurring at higher altitudes. 60%, largely because road building has cut off vital river
Assessor: Thulin, M. beds. In other areas, such as the northern mountains of
Rc/i; 7550, 8697, 18665 Oman, populations are well established and not
Acacia mathuataensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae CR Dl Refs: 1517,2863,5100,6988

Only known from the type collection of 1947, the Acacia pennivenia
species was found in dense thickets on the summit ridge Leguminosae VU D2
of Moimt Numbuiloa, east of Lambasa, Vanua Levu. Yemen (Socotra)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree ofsubmontane dry woodland. The population is

Refs: 18818 stable and there are no immediate threats.

Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Re/j: 2354, 7550, 19083

Species Summaries

Acacia prasinata Acacia schlechteri

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Leguminosae DD
Ethiopia Mozambique
A species known only from areas of dry woodland or A species which is taxonomically unconfirmed and
semi-desert bushland in Afar and Shewa in Ethiopia. Its poorly known. It may represent A. burkei.
habitat is vulnerable to overgrazing and cutting for Assessor: Bandeira. S.
fuel wood. /?cA;5117,7550
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1330, 18523 Acacia venosa
Acacia pseudonigrescens Leguminosae VUAlc+2c
Leguminosae VU D2 Eritrea, Ethiopia
Ethiopia A woodland species confined to parts of west Eritrea,
A species with a very restricted range known only from Tigray and Gondar on the high plateau where the
a limestone area of succulent shrubland on the track to majority of the Ethiopian population lives. The northern
Kelafo in the Ogaden. The area, although susceptible to forestshave diminished most noticeably because of the
degradation, is relatively unthreatened. expansion of farmed land and human habitation and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre overcutting for fuelwood.
Refs: 1330, 5654, 7550, 18523 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1330, 18523
Acacia purpurea
Leguminosae VU D2 Acacia villosa
Mozambique Leguminosae VUBl+2c
A poorly known species, collected from waterside Jamaica
localities on the plains on the southern side of the Found only in St Andrew and St Thomas Parishes, the
Zambezi. species is locally comtron in thickets on gravel.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Bellingham, P.
/?e/f. 7401,7550 Re/i; 6057, 7980, 19116

Acacia robynsiana Acacia zapatensis

Leguminosae LR/nt Legu minosae ENBl+2c
Namibia Cuba
A bushy tree, frequently with upright or drooping whip- An endemic shrub, sometimes a small tree, confined to
like branches, occurring on granite outcrops, ridges and Matanzas Province in eastern
the Peninsula de Zapata.
inselbergs in Outjo and Kaokoveld Districts. General Cuba. Development for tourism is currently the major
habitat degradation through poor land management, threat to the species.
coupled with recent droughts may have affected Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
population size and recruitment. The species is not Refs: 11403. 18485, 19149
protected within any designated protected areas,
although it is given some protection on land registered Acalypha hontauyuensis
as conservancies or as hunting concessions. Its range Euphorbiaceae VU D2
extends up to the Angola border but, so far, it has not Taiwan
been recorded from Angola itself. An omamental shrub confined to Lanyu Island, where it

Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. is locally abundant in areas of dry scrub. None of the
Refs: 689, 7401, 7550. 19218 populations are protected and, in places, they are
susceptible to increasing settlement and cultivation of
Acacia roigii the land.
Leguminosae CRBl+2c Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Cuba /?c/i.- 3295, 7933. 19050
Very restricted in range, this endemic tree, up to 8m tall,

is restricted to the dry evergreen forests of Puerto Padre Acalypha lepinei

in north-eastern Cuba. The habitat is severely degraded Euphorbi aceae VU B 1 +2c
in many places because of cutting, grazing and French Polynesia (Society Is.)

settlement. Populations are recorded from Bora Bora. Raiatea and

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Tahiti, where the species is most seriously threatened.
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Assessor: Rorence, J.

Refs: 14513
Acacia sarcophylla
Leguminosae LR/nt Acalypha raivavensis
Somalia, Yemen (Socotra) Euphorbiaceae CR BI-k2c
A species found in northern Somalia and also on the French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)

island of Socotra. Habitat degradation largely from A shrub or shrubby tree recorded from Raivavae and
overcutting and charcoal production is a threat. Tubuai.
Assessor: Thulin, M. Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 7550. 18665, 19083 Refs: 14513

The World List of Threatened Trees

Acalypha rubrinervis mainly threatened by the uprooting of whole plants for

Euphorbiaceae EX ornamental use.
St Helena Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Formerly a rare shrub or small tree of thickets on the Refs: 3295, 6469, 8507, 19050, 19051
central ridge above 600m. It became extinct in 1870.
Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B. Acer caesium ssp. caesium
Refs: 19081 Aceraceae DD
China, India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, Uttar
Acalypha suirenbiensis Pradesh), Nepal, Pakistan
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 A large tree, relatively poorly known but distributed
Taiwan over a relatively large area from Pakistan to Western
Only known from the Taitung coast, this shrubby China. It was once common in the Western Himalayas,
species occurs abundantly in dry scrub in a single small usually found in open grassy places and in moist patches
location.There are no conservation or protection of broadleaved forest. Overexploitation of the timber for
measures in place and habitat clearance for agriculture commercial and local use has caused a decline in
or housing threatens much of the area. population numbers. Seeds and plants are also present in
Assessor: Pan, F.J. the ornamental trade.
y?e/j; 3295, 6469, 19050 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2538, 5995, 8507
Acanthopanax malayanus
Araliaceae LR/cd Acer duplicatoserratum
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Aceraceae VU B 1 +2ab
A small tree inhabiting montane rainforest in Pahang Taiwan
(Cameron Highlands) and Kelantan (Gunung Stong). Populations are scattered in central to northern parts of
The species is given a degree of protection, where it Taiwan in submontane broadleaved forest. Declines in
occurs within the permanent forest estate. numbers have been caused by the illegal digging up of
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. whole trees for the trade in ornamental plants. No
Refs: 8464, 19073 conservation or protection measures are in place in any
part of the species' range. A variety of the species occurs
Acanthophoenix rubra in Anhui, China.
Palmae CRBl+2c Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Mauritius, Reunion Refs: 8507, 19050
A palm tree of mixed moist forest, occurring between
250 and 650m in Reunion and south-west Mauritius. On Acer erythranthum
the latter island only a single population of 150 mature Aceraceae LR/nt
individuals in Etoile valley in the eastern range remains Viet Nam
viable. Regeneration is occasional and seed production A large tree occurring in Thua Thien-Hue, Gia Lai, Kon
is monitored. This species is widely cultivated in Turn and Lam Dong Provinces, usually in evergreen
gardens in Mauritius. forests above 500 m on deep fertile soils. Natural
Assessor: Page, W. regeneration does not appear to be good, despite good
Refs: 19118 fruit crops. The fine timber is used for construction and
making household appliances.
Acanthosyris asipapote Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Santalaceae VU D2 Refs: 11530,15357
A recently described species, known only from very few Acer longipes ssp. catalpifolium
sites in Santa Cruz. It appears to be a relict species, Aceraceae VU A led
occurring in the outskirts of a rapidly growing city. China (Guangdong, Sichuan)
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre This subspecies is recognised as a species in China. It is

Refs: 19180 recorded infrequently in the Chengdu Plain in Sichuan

and also in Guangdong. Apparently valuable as a timber,
Acca lanuginosa the species is threatened with overcutting and loss of
Myrtaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 habitat.
Peru Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A shrub or small tree known from only a few, possibly /?e/i.- 8507, 11847
only three, localities of low forest up to 2700m on the
eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes. Acer miyabei ssp. miaotaiense
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Aceraceae VUBl+2ce
Refs: 5435, 7980 China (Gansu, Shaanxi, Zhejiang)
A forest tree known from two main populations which
Acer buergerianum ssp.formosanum occur disjunctly and were previously known under two
Aceraceae CR C2a, Dl different species names, A. miaotaiense and A.
Taiwan yangjuechi. The former is confined to the Qinling and
Only two populations known, confined to small
are Bashan Mountains occurring singly or in small groves
areas of lowland evergreen forest in Wanli and showing poor regeneration and under some threat from
Yingshihchien in the north of Taiwan. The species is forest clearance. The second population contains two
individuals on Xitianmu Mountain to the east in

Species Summaries

Zhejiang. Although the seeds appear to be frequently Acioa cinerea

sterile, the population is given protection from felling or Chrysobalanaceae CRBl+2c
damage. Cameroon
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre This species has been collected only once from lowland
Refs: 1818,8507, 11847 rainforest, around the Bipindi area. It is not known
whether the population still exists. There has been much
Acer negundo ssp. mexicanum habitat loss through expanding agriculture.
Aceraceae VU B 1 +2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Refs: 12597
Tamaulipas, Veracruz)
A dioecious species, which grows along watercourses Acioa dichotoma
and streams in mountain areas, between 1500 and Chrysobalanaceae CRAlc, BI+2c
2400m. It is observed to be relatively abundant in Nigeria
Veracruz but in Jalisco it occurs only in state forest A species for which there is little information. Like A.
outside Tapalpa. Throughout the range it is suffering ekelensis, it is apparently endemic to the Eket area,
from habitat loss. where oil exploration operations have extensively, if not
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre completely, destroyed the habitat.
Refs: 8507, 15436, 16907, 19068, 19161 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 450, 2773
Acer oblongum var. membranaceum
Aceraceae CR B 1 +2d Acioa eketensis
India (Uttar Pradesh) Chrysobalanaceae CR A 1 c, B 1 +2c
One of the several varieties of a widespread species. It Nigeria
has been collected only a few times, from a single As with A. dichotoma, this species is poorly known and
locality on the upper ridges of the Mussoorie Hills, near endemic to Eket in south-east Nigeria, where the effects
Dehra Dun in Uttar Pradesh. It does not appear to have of oil exploration operations have caused the extensive,
been seen in the wild for 40 years. if not complete, destruction of the habitat.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2538, 4799 Refs: 450, 2773

Acer oblongum var. microcarpum Acmopyle sahniana

Aceraceae VU D2 Podocarpaceae VUDl+2
India (Aiunachal Pradesh) Fiji
Specimens from this tree were collected jus! once during The species appears to be restricted to forested ridges on
colonial times from subtropical pine forest in the two mountain tops in central Viti Levu. Very few
Mishmee Hills, Lohit District. The area is relatively individuals have been found and there is little evidence
remote but there is some concern that the forests have of regeneration.
become vulnerable to clearance for jhum or agriculture. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 9631, 13041, 18818, 19125
Refs: 2538, 4799
Acridocarpus socotranus
Acer undulatum Malpighiaceae VU D2
Aceraceae LR/nt Yemen (Socotra)
Turkey A small tree or shrub, occurring as scattered solitary
A tree of montane scnib, endemic to a small area in individuals in dry woodland or shrubland. There are no
Babadag, near Fethiye in Mugla. immediate threats.
Assessor: Guner, A. Assessor: Miller, A.G.
/?e/j.- 3489, 4863, 19165 Refs: 2354, 19083

Acidocroton gentryi Acronychia porteri

Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c Rutaceae LR/cd
Colombia Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
An endemic to Cundinamarca. Occurring throughout Peninsular Malaysia, this tree, of
Assessor: Calderon, E. up to 40m height, is found in moist forest up to an
Refs: 19069 altitude of 1060m. A protected population is contained
within Taman Negara National Park.
Acidocroton verrucosus Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 9199, 11647, 19073
Known only from Clarendon and Trelawny Parishes, the Acropogon aoupiniensis
species occurs in rare and local populations in remaining Sterculiaceae VUD2
areas of woodland on limestone rocks. New Caledonia
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Jaffre, T. et at.

/?e/i; 401, 7980 Refs: 10351

The World List of Threatened Trees

Aeropogon buUatus Actinodaphne campanulata var. obtusa

Sterculiaceae VU B 1 +2c Lauraceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia India (Kerala)
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Recorded only from the type locality, this variety occurs
Refs: 10351 on the Agastyamalai Hills in evergreen forest between
1000 and 1300m. Large areas have been exposed to
Aeropogon domatifer fires, grazing, the establishment of commercial
Sterculiaceae VU D2 plantations and cutting for fuel wood but about 1000km'
New Caledonia of forest are protected within sanctuaries.
Assessor: Jaffrfi, T. et al. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10351 /ff/i.- 4627, 19144

Aeropogon fatsioides Actinodaphne cuspidata

Sterculiaceae VU B 1 +2c Lauraceae CR Bl+2c
New Caledonia Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Known only from Ulu Bera in Perak, a single collection
Refs: 10351 of this small tree was made in the last century. It is
uncertain whether the collection locality is still forested
Aeropogon megaphyllus as there has been much settlement and forest clearance
Sterculiaceae VU D2 in the area.

New Caledonia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 10351
Actinodaphne ellipticbacca
Aeropogon veillonii Lauraceae VU D2
Sterculiaceae ENBl+2c Viet Nam
New Caledonia A small tree endemic to a single high mountain locality,
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Sa Pa in Lao Kai Province in north Viet Nam. It occurs
Refs: 10351 in subtropical open 1500m.
forests at about
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Acsmithia vUiense Refs: 848, 15357
Cunoniaceae EN Dl
Fiji Actinodaphne fragilis
A small gnarled tree growing in thickets on ridges and Lauraceae VU D2
crests in upland areas. The species represents the Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
easternmost member of the genus with definite Restricted to the Ulu Bubong Hills, this tree of lowland
occurrences on Viti Levu, Ovalau and Vanua Levu. forest has been collected twice only.
There are few trees in each location and the total Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
population consists of less than a hundred individuals. Refs: 8464, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i;5515, 6053, 18818 Actinodaphne johorensis
Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Actinodaphne albifrons Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Lauraceae VU Ale Known from very few collections from Pahang and
Sri Lanka Johore, this species occurs in lowland forest, which is
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of threatened by land conversion for agriculture.
south-west Sri Lanka. Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: $203, 17195
Actinodaphne lanata
Actinodaphne boumeae Lauraceae CR B 1 +2c
Lauraceae ENBl+2c India (Tamil Nadu)
India (Tamil Nadu) Endemic to the Nilgiri Hills, where the only recorded
A known from only a small area of *shola
small tree population occurred in *shola forest between 1500 and
forest above 1600m in the Palni Hills. Declines in the 1800m. There have been no records since 1889.
habitat have resulted in subpopulations becoming further Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
restricted. Refs: 14276, 19144
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 14276, 19144 Actinodaphne lawsonii
Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Actinodaphne campanulata var. campanulata India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Lauraceae VU Bl+2c A small tree of evergreen forest, known from scattered
India (Tamil Nadu) populations in the Western Ghats. It has been collected
A small tree of evergreen forest between 1200 and mostly from isolated peaksin the Nilgiris, occurring up

1800m. The main concentration of populations occur to 2500m. Populations have also been recorded from
along the Agastyamalai range. A collection has also outlying areas, mainly at high altitudes, from South
been made in an outlying area in the Elamalai. Kanara in Kamataka and the Anamalai range. The
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144

Species Summaries

habitat is threatened in places with clearance for the Adansonia perrieri

cultivation of commercial crops. Bombacaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Madagascar
Refs: 14276, 19144 Confined to the northern tip of Madagascar the species
is known from just five sites. Although further locations
Actinodaphne salicina are likely to be found the known populations are
Lauraceae ENBI+2c evidently very small; only one, at Ambondromifehy,
India (Kerala. Tamil Nadu) contains more than a dozen individuals. This region of
Only two collections of the species appear to have been northern Madagascar is considerably disturbed by fire
made. The type specimen was found in the Nilgiri Hills and the extraction of firewood and timber. Seed
in Tamil Nadu. A second occurrence has been recorded predation by rats also appears to be limiting the chances
from the north of the Travancore range in Kerala. of population recruitment.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144 Refs: 11959, 15649

Actinokentia huerUmannii Adansonia rubrostipa

Palmae LR/cd Bombacaceae LR/nt
New Caledonia Madagascar
A species of south-eastern New Caledonia, occurring on The species extends along the west coast from near
serpentine soils in wet forest at an altitude of 850-880m. Itampolo in the south-west to Soalala in the north-west,
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el at. occurring in spiny and dry forest. This wide distribution
Refs: 10351,19118 ensures the species is conservationally secure, although
populations north of Toliara are threatened with
Actinostrobus acuminatus destruction for charcoal production. There has been
Cupressaceae LR/nt considerable population declines in the past because of
Australia (Western Australia) the dramatic rate of habitat loss. The long generation
A shrubby tree which is confined to Western Australia. time of baobabs makes them more vulnerable. This
It is not heavily exploited but if fires were to increase species plays a significant role in providing important
the species might become threatened. resources for humans, lemurs, insects and other animals.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 374, 8843 Refs: 15649

Actinostrobus pyramidatis Adansonia suarezensis

Cupressaceae LR/nt Bombacaceae EN B I +2c
Australia (Western Australia) Madagascar
A shrubby tree confined to Western Australia. There are Until recently the species was thought to be restricted to
no obvious threats to the species other than its sensitivity the northern tip of Madagascar around the Bale
to fires. d'Antsiranana. A population since been found
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre further south in Mahory between Ankarana and
Refs: 374, 10488 Analamera Reserves. Its natural habitat is deciduous
forest on limestone, although small trees are also found
Adansonia grandidieri in disturbed sublittoral scrub. Individuals are found in
Bombacaceae EN A I c+2c local abundance but are regenerating healthily only in
Madagascar Mahory. The forest's proximity to a rapidly growing
A large tree collected from five locations distributed mining town leads to intensive wood and charcoal
between Lac Ihotry, near Morombe, and Bereboka, north extraction, grazing and hunting. Populations elsewhere
of Morondava. It probably occurred in dry deciduous are smaller, show few signs of regeneration and are
forest, frequently close to bodies of water, but mature threatened by the rapid depletion of the habitat through
trees are now largely found in degraded agricultural charcoal and timber production. The trees are protected
lands where regeneration is poor. It is the most from cutting, in places, because of their valued uses.
commercially valuable of the Malagasy baobabs on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
account of the high-quality oil that is extracted from the Refs: 14208, 15649, 19024
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Adansonia za
Refs: 14208, 15649 Bombacaceae LR/nt
Adansonia madagascariensis A species of dry or spiny forest, savannas and scrubland
Bombacaceae LR/nt from Andohahela and the Mandrare River in the south-
Madagascar west through southern and western Madagascar to the
Occurring in dry or moist forest, the species extends Boina region and the Sambirano River basin. It is less
from Antsiranana to the Sambirano region and perhaps abundant and restricted to riverine areas in the north-
Soalala. Occurrences in the south-east of the country west. The abundance and the wide range of the species
appear to be Adansonia za. Little is known of the ensures that it is relatively safe. However, several
conservation status but the clearance of the habitat has populations are threatened with forest clearance and,
been extensive in places. given the long generation time of the baobab and the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre dramatic habitat loss that has occurred in the past, the
Refs: 15649

The World List of Threatened Trees

species may be more vulnerable. It is a key species in Adinandra comeriana

providing nesting holes and perches for various animals, Theaceae VUBl+2c
as well as food for insects, birds and lemurs. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree occurring in lowland forest, hill forest and
Refs: 15649 occasionally along sandy river banks in Terengganu,
Pahang (Gunung Tahan) and Johore.
Adelobotrys panamensis Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Melastomataceae CRBl+2c Refs: 8464, 17140, 19073
Endemic to the mountains of El Cop6
Cocl6 Province,
in Adinandra forbesii
the species occurs in cloud forest, mostly on riversides, Theaceae LR/nt
to the north of the community. It appears to be common Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
in this small area. The forest here has been much A tree scattered in monsoon forest, savanna woodland

reduced by the increasing settlement of the area. and lower montane forest up to 1200m. In Papua New
Assessor: Mitre, M. Guinea, the population has suffered from logging
Refs: 16772 activities over recent years in the Oriomo River area.
Western Province, where the species was once fairly
Adenanthera bicolor common.
Leguminosae VU Ale Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Sri Lanka Refs: 19114
An endemic tree restricted lowland wet evergreen
to the
forests of south-west Sri Lanka. It was discovered in 25 Adinandra griffUhU
forests during the recent National Conservation Review, Theaceae EN A 1 c, B I +2c
including the Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. India (Meghalaya)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree confmed to Cherrapunji and ShongpUng
*e/j; 15431, 17195, 19112 forests.At Cherrapunji a cement factory has caused the
loss of habitat. The species has not been recorded since
Adenanthera intermedia 1938 and has clearly suffered from habitat declines.
Leguminosae VUAlcd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Philippines Refs: 2538
A timber tree, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation Adinandra integerrima
have led to considerable population declines. Theaceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
«e/i; 2072, 4919, 18088 Occurring in lowland, submontane and hill rainforests of
Kedah, Perak, Penang, Pahang, Johore and Singapore,
Adenium obesum ssp. socotranum this species can be found in state parks.
Apocynaceae VU D2 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Yemen (Socotra) Refs: 5550, 9199, 1 1647, 19073
A succulent tree whichis widespread on the plains,

foothillsand limestone plateau. It is very common in Adinandra parvifolia

some areas and because of its poisonous nature is Theaceae LR/cd
avoided by grazing animals. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Miller, A.G. This rare tree inhabits cloud forest between 1500 and
Refs: 2354, 6044, 19083 2000m in Kedah, Perak and Pahang. It receives a degree
of protection within the permanent forest estate.
Adenopodia rotundifolia Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Refs: 8464, 19073
Somalia, Tanzania
This species is known from southern Somalia and Adonidia merriUii
eastern Tanzania. It occurs in deciduous bushland or Palmae LR/nt
woodland in seasonally flooded areas. It is highly Philippines
restricted in occurrence, in a habitat which is A palm tree occurring in open forest on steep limestone
experiencing declines because of overcutting for slopes in coastal areas of Coron, Palawan Island. The
charcoal production and grazing. species is protected by its inaccessable location. The
Assessor: Thulin, M. supply of plants and seeds in the nursery trade appear to
/?e/i; 7550, 8697, 18665 be abundant.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Adinandra angulata Refs: 19118
Theaceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Aegiphila cuneata var. hirsutissima
A small tree of cloud forest, distributed between 1700m Verbenaceae VU D2
and 1800m, confmed to Pahang on Gunung Tahan, Peru
where it is protected within Taman Negara National A variety known only from the type collection taken
Park. from lowland Amazon forest in the department of
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Loreto.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984

Species Summaries

Aegiphila fasciculata Aegiphila skutchii

Verbenaceae VU Ale, C2a Verbenaceae VU C2a
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
A tree of middle elevation, occurring in areas of humid An uncommon species of humid forest, occurring at
forest, which are reduced in extent and continue to be medium elevation.
extensively degraded. Assessor: Nelson, C.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 13995
i?e/j.- 4861, 4974, 13995
Aequatorium asterotrichum
Aegiphila ferruginea Compositae VUBl+2c
Verbenaceae VUBl+2c Ecuador
Ecuador A species which is confined to upper montane forest of
This endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes the Ecuadorean Andes.
inhabits montane and upper montane cloud forest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
between 2500m and 3900m. Refs: 19119,19120
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119,19120 Aequatorium rimachianum
Compositae VU D2
Aegiphila monstrosa Peru
Verbenaceae VU A 1 c, C2a So far the species is known only from the type collection
Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico taken from rocky slopes between 2500 and 3000m in the
A small tree or treelet of wet thickets within thin forest department of Hu^uco.
or in second growth, principally in the Atlantic Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
lowlands. The habitat is reduced through conversion to Refs: 1984
Assessor: Nelson, C. Aerisilvaea sylvestris
Refs: 13995 Euphorbiaceae EN C2b, Dl
Aegiphila monticola The species is confined to an area no greater than 0.1km'
Verbenaceae VUBl+2c within swamp forest in Kimboza Forest Reserve (4km').
Ecuador The surrounding area is densely populated and there is

An endemic tree of Ecuador, inhabiting montane cloud strong pressure on the reserve because of the demand for
forest at altitudes between 2200 and 3000m in Cotopaxi land. The Tanzanian Catchment Forest Project employs
and Bolfvar. two forest guards to prevent illegal activities. This
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species is the only member of the genus.
Refs: 19119, 19120 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 16796
Aegiphila panamensis
Verbenaceae VUAlc Aesculus wangii
Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hippocastanaceae VUAIa,Bl+2a,Cl+2a
Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama China (Yunnan), Viet Nam
Although widespread, the species is never abundant, Populations areknown from south Yunnan and L4o Chi
occurring in remaining areas of lowland rainforest and Province in north Viet Nam. Trees occur singly or in
thickets, often in marshy places. groves in remaining areas of semi-evergreen
Assessor: Nelson, C. broadleaved forest on limestone mountains. The present
Refs: 13995 knowledge of the species distribution is not complete but
significant habitat declines are occurring in the areas
Aegiphila purpurascens where the species is known, largely because of
Verbenaceae VU B 1 +2c encroaching agriculture but also logging for timber.
Ecuador Assessor: Rushforth, K.
This Ecuadorean endemic inhabits cloud forest at Refs: 1818,6163, 11847, 19055
altitudes between 2440 and 2950m. It is currently known
only from Azuay Province. Aextoxicon punctatum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Aextoxicaceae DD
Refs: 19119,19120 Argentina (Chubut), Chile
A taxonomically interesting species, the only member of
Aegiphila rimbachU the family. Occurring in broadleaved evergreen montane
Verbenaceae VU B 1 +2c forest, its distribution is restricted in Argentina to the
Ecuador north-west of Chubut in Lago Puelo, probably in the

This endemic tree of Ecuador inhabits cloud forest at protected area of that name. Data are not yet available
2600m altitude in the High Andean areas of BoUvar on the status and distribution of the species in Chile.

Province. Assessor: Prado, D.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ue/i; 1262,5112
Refs: 19119,19120
Afrocarpus mannii
Podocarpaceae VU D2
Sao Tom« & Principe (Sao Tom6)
A montane species endemic, occurring in rainforest
above 13(X)m to the summit of the Pico. There is little

The World List of Threatened Trees

threat to the habitat, although there was extensive Afzelia xylocarpa

deforestation earlier in the century up to 1500m. Leguminosae EN A led
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
/?eA; 2421, 2773, 13041 A tree found diroughout Indo-China, where it grows in
dense forest, and in transitional areas between evergreen
Afrocarpus usambarensis and dry open dipterocarp forest. In Viet Nam the hard,

Podocarpaceae DD attractive wood is highly valued for carpentry. Because

Tanzania of high levels of exploitation and habitat loss, large trees

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group are scarce and hard to find.
Re/i; 374, 4391, 13041 Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
Refs: 848, 6646, 11530, 14573

Afrostyrax lepidophyllus
Huaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c Agathis atropurpurea
Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana Araucariaceae LR/nt
The species is rare, with a disjunct distribution. Australia (Queensland)
Populations are confined to areas of wet evergreen forest A timber species scattered in montane rainforest.
contained within Subri and Cape Three Points Forest Wherever logging is allowed exploitation has been very
Reserve in Ghana, in parts of the South West Province heavy and populations have declined. A large percentage
inCameroon and in Gabon in an area to the north and in of the forests is now protected.

Lop6 Forest Reserve. The forest has been converted into Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
a commercial plantation in Subri and in Cape Three Refs: 101, 3092, 13041, 17200
Points mining has destroyed areas of forest.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Agathis corbassonii
Refs: rm, 7142, 8854, 12061, 19043 Araucariaceae VU B 1 +2c
New Caledonia
Afielia africana Endemic to northern New Caledonia, this species is

Leguminosae VU Aid scattered in areas of lowland moist forest on non-

Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African ultramafic substrates. It is exploited for its timber, most
Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic heavily at a local level.
Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Refs: 10351, 12630
Togo, Uganda
A widespread species of dry forest and woodland which Agathis dammara
has declined in population numbers through exploitation Araucariaceae VUAlcd
of the timber for the international market. Brunei, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra),
Assessor: African Regional Workshop Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
Refs: 2362, 2773, 7550, 7808, 10961, 16021 The taxonomy and nomenclature of the species is sfill
widely confused with A. bomeensis and A.

Afzelia bipindensis philippinensis. Agathis species are distinctive, highly

Leguminosae VUAlcd sought-after and exploited for their valuable timber.
Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Large stands of have been completely
this species
Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Nigeria, Uganda extracted throughout much
range, most notably in
of its

A widespread rainforest species. It is heavily exploited Kalimantan. Exploitation continues to be heavy and
throughout its range for its valuable timber. In some regeneration in residual stands is insufficient to replace

areas there are reported to be few seed trees remaining. lost populations. In the past the tree has also been
Assessor: African Regional Workshop destructively exploited for copal. Plantations are now
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 14667, 17408 established.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Afzelia pachyloba Refs: 6845, 10938, 13041, 14573
Leguminosae VU Aid
Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Agathis endertii
Congo, Gabon, Nigeria Araucariaceae LR/nt
A rainforest species which is heavily exploited for its Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
commercial timber. Relatively few seed trees remain Although the species is widespread, it occurs in isolated
throughout its range. populations in moist lowland forest associated with
Assessor: African Regional Workshop sandstone *kerangas. The timber is heavily exploited.
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 17408 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Rc/i.- 374,6851
Afzelia rhomboidea
Leguminosae VU A 1 cd Agathis flavescens
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Araucariaceae VU D2
Philippines Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A slow-growing species scattered on low hills and ridges Less than 10,000 individuals are likely to exist in three
and temporarily inundated sites. The timber is regarded separate populations, occurring in moist montane forest.
as very valuable locally and, in the past, exploitation has Individuals frequently display yellowing leaves
been considerable in the Philippines. suggestive of poor nutrient conditions. The species
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Refs: 4919, 5550, 12937, 14573, 19057

Species Summaries

receives a degree of protection within the permanent Agathis moorei

forest estate. Araucariaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: SSC
Conifer Specialist Group New Caledonia
Refs:t%5\, 13041, 19073 Scattered throughout the northern half of the island, the
species is found in areas of lowland rainforest mostly on
Agathis kinabaluensis non-ultramafic substrates. Substantial declines have
Araucariaceae VU D2 occurred through overexploitation of the timber in recint
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) years. Copal is also extracted at moderate levels.
The species is only known from Mount Kinabalu in Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Sabah, where it is apparently relatively common in Refs: 10351, 12630
mossy ridge forest above 1500m. There is also a disjunct
population, which occurs within a highly restricted area Agathis orbicula
on the summit ridge of Mount Murud in Sarawak. This Araucariaceae VUBl+2c
latter occurrence has been refered to as A. orbicula by de Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Laubenfels. The Mount Kinabalu population is almost Ranging from southern Sabah to central Sarawak, this
entirely contained within a national park. The Mount tree is found scattered in relatively few locations in
Murud population is unprotected and the area is under rainforests and *kerangas on low mountains and
considerable pressure for development. plateaux. Levels of timber exploitation and the effects
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group on populations are little known but are likely to be
Refs: 6851, 13041, 19017, 19125, 19192 considerable.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Agathis lanceolata /?c/i.- 374, 6851
Araucariaceae LR/cd
New Caledonia Agathis ovata
A species endemic to New Caledonia, which occurs in Araucariaceae LR/cd
areas of rainforest on the southern ultramafic massifs. New Caledonia
The species continues to be over exploited. The species The is scattered in maquis shrubland in a few
is also sensitive to wildfires and in some places it has on ultramafic soils in the south. Pressures are
retreated to sheltered valleys. There is effective exerted by mining activities, fires and also by logging.
protection of populations occurring in Rivifere Bleu The species is slow growing but regenerates well where
Provincial Park. there is no burning. Populations in Rivifere Bleue
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Croup Provincial Park are effectively protected.
Refs: 10351, 12630 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 10351, 12630
Agathis lenticula
Araucariaceae VU D2 Agathis philippinensis
Malaysia (Sabah) Araucariaceae VU Alcd
Occurring in lower montane and possibly hill
forest Indonesia (Moluccas, Sulawesi), Philippines
forest, this large tree is known only from Mount Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Kinabalu and the adjacent Crocker range. Populations in Refs: 4919, 12937, 13041, 14573
the former are relatively well protected. The Crocker
range, however, is a large area with a pioorly defined Agathis silbae
boundary. There are frequent illegal incursions, mainly Araucariaceae VU D2
to remove timber from this species. Vanuatu
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group The Forestry Department in Vanuatu recognise this
Re/i; 374, 6851, 19125 species as asynonym of A. macrophylla, which in turn is
synonymous with A. vitiensis. The taxon encompassing
Agathis microstachya A. silbae according to the SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Araucariaceae LR/cd is confined to Santo Peak on the island of Santo.
Australia (Queensland) Logging is a major threat, but at present land disputes
As with A. atropurpurea, this timber species is found in have halted logging activities temporarily.
low densities in localised lowland rainforest. Logging is Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
heavy where the forest is unprotected. Before 1985 the Refs: 374, 1 1632, 12656, 19192
population had been halved by logging but 70% of the
forests are now protected. Agathis spathulata
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Araucariaceae LR/nt
Refs: 17200, 18170 Papua New Guinea
Scattered emergents survive in small exposed groves of
Agathis montana rainforest in the eastern highlands. Overexploitation of
Araucariaceae LR/cd the timber is a threat.
New Caledonia Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
A species restricted to high altitude rainforests on Mount «e/j; 374,6851, 13041
Pani^. It is locally abundant and in an area which is

relatively inaccessible and well protected. Agathis vitiensis

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Araucariaceae LR/nt
y?e/i; 2230, 9631, 12630 Fiji, Solomon Islands (Santa Cruz Is), Vanuatu
A massive tree and important timber species. It is found

The World List of Threatened Trees

in low densities. It could become of conservation Aglaia barbanthera

concern if logging were to become more intensive. Meliaceae VU Ale
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
;?e/i; 374, 13041,18818 This species is restricteil to primary forest in New
Guinea between 60 and 2(XX)m. Habitat loss threatens
Aglaia agglomerata this species.

Meliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Pannell, CM.

Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Refs: 6509, 19129
Endemic to the island of New Guinea, this tree is
scattered in lowland to midmontane primary and Aglaia basiphyUa
secondary forest. Habitat loss is a potential threat to this Meliaceae VUAlc
species. Fiji

Assessor: Pannell, CM. Found between 50 and 1075m, this primary forest tree is

«e/i;6509, 11145, 19129 endemic to Fiji. Habitat loss is a threat to this species.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Aglaia ahemiana Refs: 6509, 19129
Meliaceae VU Ale
Philippines Aglaia bourdillonii
A endemic to the Philippines. The species
tree is Meliaceae VUBl+2c
threatened by habitat destruction. India
Assessor: Pannell, CM. This species is restricted to the Agastyamalai Hills in
Refs: 6509, 19129 southern India, where large areas have been exposed to
fires, grazing, the estabhshment of commercial

Aglaia amplexicaulis plantations and cutting for fuelwood but about lOOOkm'
Meliaceae VU D2 of forest are protected within sanctuaries.
Fiji Assessor: Pannell, CM.
A Fijian endemic of dense forest, known only from three Refs: 6509, 19129
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Aglaia brassU
Refs: 6509, 19129 Meliaceae VU Ale
Australia (Queensland), Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua
Aglaia angustifolia New Guinea (North Solomons, Papua New Guinea),
Meliaceae VUAlc Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia This understorey tree is fairly common in lowland
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak), Philippines primary and secondary forest up to 500m. The main
A tree of primary forest and swamp forest up to 1450m, threat to the species is loss of habitat.
suffering from habitat loss. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Paimell, CM. Refs: 6509, 17200. 19129
/?e/i.-6509, 17140, 19129
Aglaia brownii
Aglaia apiocarpa Meliaceae VU Ale
Meliaceae VUAlc Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland), Indonesia
India, Sri Lanka (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
This species is found in wet evergreen forest, primary A small tree mainly found in coastal forest. Habitat
and secondary forest in southern India and Sri Lanka. It destruction is the main threat to the species.
is threatened by habitat destruction. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. /?e/j.- 6509, 19129
Refs: 6509, 19129
Aglaia ceramica
Aglaia archiboldiana Meliaceae VU D2
Meliaceae VU D2 Indonesia (Moluccas)
Fiji A small tree endemic to primary forest in the Moluccas;
A forest tree known only from three localities on Viti it is apparently confined to four localities.
Levu. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Refs: 6509, 19129
Refs: 6509, 19129
Aglaia chittagonga
Aglaia australiensis Meliaceae VU Ale
Meliaceae VU D2 Bangladesh, Taiwan, Thailand
Australia (Queensland) A small tree of lowland forest found along rivers and
This small tree occurs in lowland rainforest, coastal near beaches. It is named after the type location in
rainforest and complex mesophyll forest in the Cook Chittagong, Bangladesh. Habitat destruction is the main
District, Queensland. However, more information is threat to the species.
needed on the status of the forest in this region. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Refs: 6509, 7933, 19053, 19129
/Je/js; 6509, 19129

Species Summaries

AgUaa cinnamomea 1330m, confined to northern Borneo and the Philippines.

Meliaceae VU Ale Forest destruction threatens this species.
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Confined to New Guinea, this species is suffering from Refs: 6509, 19129
habitat destruction.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Aglaia cuspidata
We/i; 6509, 7510, 19129 Meliaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea
Aglaia coriacea A rainforest tree, known only from three localities.
Meliaceae VUAlc Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 6509, 19129
A small tree of primary lowland forest found in only a
few localities in east and central Peninsular Malaysia. In Aglaia densisquama
Borneo, this species is known only from the type Meliaceae VU D2
collection. It is threatened by forest destruction. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: Pannell, CM. A species, endemic to Sarawak, confined to primary and
/fe/r;6509, 19129 riverine forest.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Aglaia costata Refs: 6509, 19129
Meliaceae VU D2
Philippines Aglaia densitricha
A small tree endemic to the Philippines. It is threatened Meliaceae CR Dl
by habitat loss. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Pannell, CM. A small tree known only from the type collection found
/?e/i:6509, 11145, 19129 in 1953 along the Terengganu-Besut road. It may now
be extinct.
Aglaia crassirtervia Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Meliaceae LR/nt Refs: 6509, 19129
Brunei, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.),
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Aglaia edulis
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Myanmar, Philippines, Meliaceae LR/nt
Thailand Bhutan, Cambodia, China (Guangdong - Hainan), India
A widespread tree found in forest and seasonal swamp (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.), Indonesia
up to 1570m. Habitat destruction is a potential threat to (Bali. Java, Lesser Sunda Is., Moluccas, Sulawesi,
the species. Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar,
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam
Refs: 6509, 7087 A rare, scattered timber tree primarily found in
evergreen and primary forest along rocky coasts. It is
Aglaia cremea potentially threatened by habitat loss. This species might
Meliaceae VUAlc have some value as a fruit tree.
Papua New Guinea Assessor: Pannell, CM.
A small tree endemic to Papua New Guinea where it Refs: 4919, 6509, 1 1 145, 19129
grows in secondary forest and hill forest. The main
threat to the species is habitat destruction. Aglaia erythrosperma
Assessor: Pannell. CM. Meliaceae LR/nt
/?e/i;6509, 19129 Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Aglaia cucullata A large, occasionally emergent, tree found growing in
Meliaceae LR/nt primary and evergreen forest. It is threatened by habitat
Bangladesh, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman loss. It has potential as a valuable timber.
Is., Orissa), Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Java, Sumatra), Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak), Myanmar, Refs: 6509, 11145, 19129
Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand, Viet Nam Aglaia euryanlhera
This widespread tree is the only member of the genus Meliaceae LR/nt
found in areas of mangrove, nipah {Nypa frulicans) Australia (Queensland), Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua
swamp and estuaries. It provides an important timber for New Guinea
house, bridge and boat construction and is found in A small tree found in many forest habitats up to 2100m.
trade as Pacific Maple. Habitat loss is a potential threat. Habitat loss could threaten this species.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509, 7147, 9199, 1 1 145, 12937, 19129 Refs: 6509, 19129

Aglaia cumingiana Aglaia evansensis

Meliaceae VUAlc Meliaceae CR Dl
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines Fiji

A species of primary, secondary and gallery forest up to A forest shrub or tree conflned to the Mount Evans
range of north-west Viti Levu.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509

The World List of Threatened Trees

Aglma exstipulata Aglaia gracilis

Meliaceae LR/nt Meliaceae CR Dl
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Singapore, Fiji

Thailand, Viet Nam A small slender tree only known from two forest
This tree is quite common in the primary and secondary localities on Viti Levu.
forests of Peninsular Malaysia. It is potentially Assessor: Pannell, CM.
threatened by habitat loss. /?e/i.- 6509, 19129
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509, 9199, 11145, 19129 Aglaia grandis
Meliaceae LR/nt
Aglaia flavescens Indonesia (Sulawesi), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Meliaceae VU D2 Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea A tree apparently confined to primary forest, a habitat

A small tree confined to the island of New Guinea. So type which is being destroyed. A. perfulva may be
far it is known from only four localities. synonymous or possibly a subspecies of this taxon.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509, 19129 /?c/i;6509, 11145, 19129

Aglaia flavida Aglaia heterotricha

Meliaceae LR/nt Meliaceae CR Dl
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Tonga
Archipelago, North Solomons, Papua New Guinea), This species is known only from the type collection in
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) 1952 from Eua Island, Tonga. It might be extinct.
The wood of this common tree is used for construction Assessor: Pannell, CM.
of houses, tools and canoes. Habitat destruction is /?e/i; 6509, 19129
possibly a threat.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Aglaia hiemii
Refs: 6509, 11145, 19129 Meliaceae LR/nt
Aglaia forbesii Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Meliaceae LR/nt Occurring between 20 and 1700m, this tree is found in
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia primary and secondary forest and in old wasteland.
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Myanmar, Habitat destruction is a potential threat to the species.
Thailand Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Found up to 1000m, this widespread tree occurs in Refs: 6509, 11145, 19129
forest, and is potentially threatened by habitat loss.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Aglaia integrifoUa
Refs: 6509, 7087, 1 1 145, 19129 Meliaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea
Aglaia foveolata A small tree restricted to lowland deciduous hill forest in

Meliaceae LR/nt Papua New Guinea. So far it is known from only four
Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular localities.
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak) Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Occurring in lowland forest and swamp forest up to /fe/i.- 6509, 19129
1000m, this tree could be threatened by habitat loss.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Aglaia korthalsU
«e/i;6509, 11145, 19129 Meliaceae LR/nt
Bhutan, Brunei, India (Assam), Indonesia (Kalimantan,
Aglaia fragilis Lesser Sunda Is., Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia
Meliaceae VU D2 (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines,
Fiji Thailand
A forest tree endemic to Fiji. It appears to be confined to Found up to 1700m, this tree grows in primary and
a single locality, but may be extinct. secondary forest as well as peat swamp forest. Habitat
Assessor: Pannell, CM. loss could pose a threat to this species. The arillate seeds
Refs: 6509, 19129 of this species are dispersed by primates.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Aglaia glabrata «e/j; 6509, 7087, 19129
Meliaceae LR/nt
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan,
Moluccas, Sumatra), Aglaia lancilimba
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak) Meliaceae LR/nt
A fairly common tree of forest and *kerangas, possibly Indonesia (Bali, Lesser Sunda Is., Sulawesi), Malaysia
threatened in the future by habitat loss. (Sabah), Philippines
Assessor: Pannell, CM. A tree found in forest, including swamp forests in the
Re/i; 6509, 7087, 19129 Philippines, Bumbun Island of Sabah, Bali, Sumbawa,
Flores and Sulawesi of Indonesia. The species might be
at risk in the near future from habitat loss.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
;je/i; 6509, 19129

Species Summaries

Aghaa laxiflora Aglaia mackiana

Meliaceae VU Ale Meliaceae CR Dl
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) Papua New Guinea
A tree species restricted to the primary forest and A canopy tree most commonly found in mid-elevation
periodically inundated dipterocarp forest of Borneo, forest. Trees may be easily overlooked as this dioecious
excluding Sarawak. Loss of habitat threatens this species is only identified from the fruit. It is only
species. definitely known from the type locality. Additional
Assessor: Pannell, CM. collections, which differ from the type specimen but
Ue/r; 6509, 19129 may represent the same species, have been gathered
from three localities. Forest fragmentation is likely to
Aglaia lepidopelala impede reproduction as it has been found that pollination
Meliaceae LR/nt is most efficient when individuals are less than 250m

Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea apart. The enormous seeds are dispersed by cassowaries.
Fairly widespread but rare, this understorey forest Assessor: Pannell, CM.
species is restricted to New
Guinea where there is a Refs: 7510, 19129, 19139
potential threat from logging and forest conversion.
Assessor: Paimell, CM. Aglaia macrocarpa
Refs: 6509, 19129 Meliaceae LR/nt
Brunei, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Moluccas?,
Aglaia lepiorrhachis Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Meliaceae VUAlc Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines?, Singapore, Thailand,
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Viet Nam
A small tree endemic to the lowland and hill forests of A species of lowland, hill and ridge forest up to 1740m,
New Guinea. Habitat destruction poses a threat to this potentially threatened by habitat destruction.
species. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Refs: 6509, 7087, 8865, 9199, 11145, 19129
Refs: 6509, 19129
Aglaia macrostigma
Aglaia leptantha Meliaceae VU D2
Meliaceae LR/nt Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Indonesia (Java, Lesser Sunda Is., Sumatra), Malaysia This species is restricted to primary forest in Peninsular
(Peninsular Malaysia), Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia. It is known from only four localities.
Viet Nam? Assessor: Pannell, CM.
A tree occurring in many forest habitats and in seasonal Refs: 6509, 19129
swamps; habitat loss is the main threat to this species.
The wood of this widespread tree is used for furniture Aglaia malabarica
and house construction. Meliaceae CRDl
Assessor: Patmell, CM. India (Kerala)
/?c/j; 4919, 6509, 9199, 10547, 11145, 19129 A fairly common tree where it occurs, restricted to the
type locality in evergreen forest in northern Kerala.
Aglaia leucoclada There is also a second field record of an occurrence
Meliaceae VUAlc further north in Wayanad.
Papua New Guinea Assessor: Pannell, CM.
An understorey tree endemic to Papua New Guinea. Refs: 6509, 19129, 19144
Habitat destruction is the main threat to this species.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Aglaia malaccensis
Refs: 6509, 19129 Meliaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Aglaia leucophylla Malaysia), Philippines
Meliaceae LR/nt A timber tree of primary and secondary forest threatened
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra), by habitat destruction.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Philippines, Thailand Refs: 6509, 8865, 10547, 11145, 18327, 19129
This species, usually found in secondary forest, is

potentially under threat from habitat destruction. It is Aglaia mariannensis

used for house poles in Borneo. Meliaceae VU Ale
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Guam, Northern Marianas, Palau
/fe/i.-6509,7087, 11145, 19129 A variable species found in thickets and secondary forest
on the larger Marianne and Caroline Islands. It is
Aglaia luzoniensis threatened by habitat decline.
Meliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Patmell, CM.
Indonesia (Sulawesi), Philippines Refs: 6509, 15533, 19129
A small tree scattered in primary and secondary forest
near the mangrove zone. Habitat decline might threaten Aglaia membranifolia
this species. The wood is used for construction. Meliaceae VUAlc
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 2072, 4919, 6509, 1 1 145 This tree of primary forest between 330 and 500m, is

The World List of Threatened Trees

known only from five localities in Peninsular Malaysia Aglaia palembanica

and Sumatra. It is threatened by habitat loss. Meliaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Refs. 6509, 19129 Malaysia, Sarawak), Philippines, Singapore
A tree found in primary and secondary, moist, lowland
Aglaia meridionaUs forest; habitat loss could pose a threat.
Meliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Australia (Queensland) /?e/j. 6509,9199, 19129
A small, understorey tree endemic to the east side of the
Cape York Peninsula from Atherton Tableland south to Aglaia parksii
Mount Bartle Frere, where it occurs mainly in montane Meliaceae VU Ale
and ridge-top rainforest. Loss of habitat is the main Fiji, Papua New Guinea (North Solomons), Solomon

threat to the species. Islands (South Solomon)

Assessor: Pannell, CM. A small tree of lowland primary forest threatened by
/fc/i: 6509, 19129 habitat destruction.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Aglaia monozyga Refs: 6509, 19129
Meliaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Aglaia parviflora
Sabah) Meliaceae LR/nt
A small forest tree ascending up to altitudes of 2000m, Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas), Papua New Guinea
sometimes occurring in freshwater swamp forest. It is (Bismarck Archipelago, North Solomons, Papua New
confmed to Sabah and Kalimantan, except for a single Guinea), Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
collection from eastern Peninsular Malaysia. It is Widespread in the Moluccas, New Guinea and the
potentially threatened by habitat destruction. Solomon Islands, this forest tree could soon be
Assessor: Pannell, CM. threatened by habitat loss. The wood of this tree is used
Refs: 6509, 19129 for house construction in Papua New Guinea.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Agluia muUinervis /?e/j.-6509, 11145, 19129
Meliaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Aglaia penningtoniana
Singapore Meliaceae VU Ale
A timber tree of lowland forest, often on hillsides Papua New Guinea
threatened by habitat destruction. A taxonomically variable species endemic to Papua New
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Guinea where it occurs in rainforest from low to
Refs: 6509, 9199, 1 1 145, 19129 montane elevations. Potentially serious threats are posed
by selective logging and conversion of forest to
Aglaia odorata agriculture.
Meliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Cambodia, China (Guangdong - Hainan), Indonesia Refs: 6509. 11145, 19129
(Moluccas?), Laos?, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
A shrub or small tree found in the evergreen and Aglaia perviridis
secondary forest. It is an important ornamental species, Meliaceae VUAlc
commonly cultivated, especially the male specimens. Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India (Andaman and
The species status in the wild remains unclear. The Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.), Malaysia (Peninsular
wood is particularly good for turnery. Malaysia), Thailand, Viet Nam
Assessor: Pannell, CM. A common species found scattered in primary and
Refs:65W, 11145,19129 secondary evergreen forest on limestone. It is threatened
by habitat destruction.
Aglaia oligophytta Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Meliaceae LR/nt *e/i.-6509, 11145, 19129
Brunei, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.),

Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Aglaia pleuropteris

Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines, Singapore, Meliaceae CR DI
Thailand Cambodia?, Viet Nam
A species found in many forest habitats which are A small tree found only in south Viet Nam, although
threatened by habitat destruction. there are unconfirmed reports of an occurrence in
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Cambodia. It is only known from two 19th century
Refs: 6509, 7087, 7147, 9199, 19129 collections. This species might be extinct.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Aglaia pachyphylla Refs: 6509, 19129
Meliaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia Aglaia polyneura
(Peninsular Malaysia), Philippines, Thailand Meliaceae VU D2
A large tree found in primary forest, secondary swamp Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
forest and on forest margins. It is threatened by habitat A small, shrubby tree endemic to New Guinea. It is
destruction. apparently confined to two forest localities.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509, 10547, 11145, 19129 Refs: 6509, 19129

Species Summaries

AgUda puberulanthera Aglaia rubrivenia

Meliaceae VU D2 Meliaceae VUAlc
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea (North Solomons), Solomon Islands
A very small tree, endemic to New Guinea, found (South Solomon)
growing in the understorey of primary and montane Restricted to the Solomon Islands, this small tree is
forest. The species is probably confmed to only four found primary montane
in forest.
localities. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Refs: 6509
Refs: 6509, 19129
Aglaia rufinervis
Aglaia pyrifonnis Meliaceae LR/nt
Meliaceae ENBl+2c Brunei, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra),
Philippines Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak),
This tree is known only from two collections from Singapore, Thailand
Luzon. It was last collected in 1916 and may be extinct. A common tree found in both primary and secondary
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest. Habitat loss could pose a threat to this species.
Refs: 6509, 19129 Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509,7087,9199, 11145, 19129
Aglaia ramotricha
Meliaceae VUAlc Aglaia nigulosa
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan) Malaysia (Sabah, Meliaceae LR/nt
Sarawak) Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
An understorey tree restricted to primary forest on Malaysia, Sarawak)
limestone in Borneo. Habitat destruction is a threat to A small tree occurring in lowland and hill forest up to
this species. 830m; habitat loss could pose a threat.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
/?#.- 6509, 19129 Refs: 6509, 19129

Aglaia rimosa Aglaia saltatorum

Meliaceae LR/nt Meliaceae VU Ale
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas, Sulawesi), Papua New Fiji, Solomon Islands (Santa Cruz Is), Tonga, Vanuatu,
Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea), Wallis and Futuna Islands
Philippines, Taiwan Occurring in lowland forest up to 520m, this small tree
This shrub or tree is found in secondary forests along is threatened by habitat loss. The species was probably
rivers and in coastal areas. Habitat loss could pose a introduced to Niue.
threat. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Re/i; 6509, 19129
Refs: 6509, 11145, 19129
Aglaia samoensis
Aglaia rivularis Meliaceae LR/nt
Meliaceae VUAlc American Samoa, Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, North Solomons, Papua
A small, rheophytic tree confmed to riverine forest on New Guinea), Solomon Islands (Santa Cruz Is, South
sandy soils in eastern Borneo. Habitat loss poses a threat Solomon), Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Western
to the species. The wood is used locally for fence posts Samoa
in Sabah. A small tree occurring in primary and secondary forest
Assessor: Pannell, CM. up to 830m; habitat loss could pose a threat.
y?e/i.-6509, 11145, 19129 Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509, 16765, 19129
Aglaia rubiginosa
Meliaceae LR/nt Aglaia scortechinii
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Meliaceae VUAlc
Malaysia, Sarawak), Philippines, Singapore Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan) Malaysia (Peninsular
An emergent tree mainly found in freshwater peat Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
swamp forest, an area particularly vulnerable to This species is restricted to primary forest on limestone.
exploitation. The species is also found in dry heath It is threatened by habitat destruction.
forest, *kerangas, lowland primary forest and hill forest. Assessor: Pannell, CM.
The wood is used in house and boat building. Refs: 6509, 19129
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 5550, 6509, 8865, 9199, 10547, 11145, 12937, Aglaia sexipetala
18327, 19129 Meliaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Java, Sumatra), Malaysia
(Peninsular Malaysia), Papua New Guinea, Philippines?,
Singapore, Thailand
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
/?«/i; 6509, 7510, 9199

The World List of Threatened Trees

Aglaia silvestris Aglaia subsesilis

Meliaceae LR/nt Meliaceae VU Ale
Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Is., Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.), Indonesia This species is confined to primary forest between 430
(Irian Jaya, Java, Kalimantan, Moluccas, Sulawesi, and 840m in Sabah and Sarawak. It is threatened by
Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, habitat loss.

Sarawak), Papua New

Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, Assessor: Pannell, CM.
North Solomons, Papua New Guinea), Philippines, Refs: 6509, 19129
Solomon Islands (South Solomon), Thailand, Viet Nam
A widespread, variable species of various habitat types, Aglaia tenuicaulis
occurring up to 2100m. Habitat destruction could be a Meliaceae VU Ale
serious threat in the near future. An important source of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
timber. Sabah), Philippines?, Singapore, Thailand
Assessor: Pannell, CM. A variable species noted to be common in Peninsular

Refs: 6509, 7087, 1 1 145, 19129 Malaysia. Habitat loss is the main threat to this tree.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Aglaia simplicifolia We/i.- 6509, 9199, 19129
Meliaceae LR/nt
Brunei, India, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Laos, Aglaia teysmanniana
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Meliaceae LR/nt
Thailand China, Indonesia (Irian Kalimantan,
Jaya?, Java,

A widepread species found in the understorey of many Moluccas?, Sulawesi), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea?,
different forest types. Habitat loss could pose a threat. Philippines, Thailand
Assessor: Pannell, CM. A widespread tree of primary and secondary forest up to
Refs: 6509,10$!, 19129 1670m. Declines in habitat could pose a threat to this
species. Collections from the Moluccas and New Guinea
Aglaia smithii may represent a distinct species.
Meliaceae VU Ale Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Lesser Sunda Is., Moluccas, Refs: 6509, 19129
Sulawesi), Philippines
A small, locally common tree found in lowland primary Aglaia unifolia
and coastal forests. Habitat destruction poses a threat to Meliaceae CR Dl
the species. It is used for poles in Irian Jaya and for Fiji

temporary construction in the Philippines. A known only from the type collection taken
small tree
Assessor: Pannell, CM. in 1947 from a forest on the ridge between Mount
Refs: 6509, 11145, 19129 Nanggaranambuluta and Mount Namama, Viti Levu. It
is possibly extinct.
Aglaia speciosa Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Meliaceae VUAlc Refs: 6509, 19129
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah) Aglaia variisquama
Found between 5 and 2200m, this tree of primary and Mehaceae VU Ale
secondary forest is threatened by habitat destruction. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Assessor: Pannell, CM. Sabah, Sarawak)
Refs: 6509, 11145, 19129 A tree scattered throughout primary and secondary
forest, *kerangas, swamps and along rivers between 2(X)
Aglaia squamulosa and 430m. Habitat loss is the main threat to the species.

Meliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Pannell, CM.

Indonesia (Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Refs: 6509, 19129
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines
This widespread tree is found in primary and secondary Aglaia vitiensis
forest up to 2000m. Loss of habitat is a potential threat Meliaceae LR/nt
to the species. Fiji

Assessor: Pannell, CM. This endemic species is found in both secondary and
Refs: 6509, 19129 primary forests. Loss of habitat is a potential threat to
the species.
Aglaia subcuprea Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Meliaceae LR/nt Refs: 6509, 19129
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea (Bismarck
Archipelago, Papua New Guinea) Aglaia yzermannii
A tree of primary and secondary forest up to 2570m, Meliaceae VU D2
often in periodically inundated areas. The main potential Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
threat to the species is habitat destruction. The Solomon A small rheophyte, locally common but confined to
Islands specimen might be a new undescribed species. riverine forest on granite soils, especially next to the
Assessor: Pannell, CM. deeper areas of fast-flowing stony rivers. It is known
«e/i:6509, 11145, 19129 from only three localites.
Assessor: Pannell, CM.
Refs: 6509, 19129

Species Summaries

Agonandra loranthoides Aiouea macedoana

Opiliaceae VU CI Lauraceae VU D2
Honduras Brazil (Goiis)
A tree of open forest on dry lowland plains, frequently The type collection from Golds is the only record of this
affected by fires. species.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 13995 Refs: 7950, 7980

Agonandra macrocarpa Aiouea obscura

Opiliaceae VU C2a Lauraceae ENBl+2c
Costa Rica, Honduras Panama
A species of low elevations, occurring in rocky thickets Known only from a collection made in 1986, the species
along streams. Fires are a frequent threat. occurs on the southern Pacific slopes, south-east of
Assessor: Nelson, C. Palmar north, on steep slopes of evergreen lowland
Refs: 8100, 13995 rainforest.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
AgTostistachys coriaeea Refs: 15719
Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka Aiphanes duquei
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of Palmae VUBl+2c
south-west Sri Lanka. Colombia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A montane rainforest species, endemic to an area of
Refs:9\16, 17195 approximately 200 km' in the Cordillera Occidental. It is
primarily found in Munchique and Farallones de Call
Agrostistachys hookeri National Parks. Agricultural expansion and forest
Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c management activities are the principal causes of habitat
Sri Lanka loss.

A tree restricted lowland wet evergreen forest in

to Assessor: Bemal, R.
south-west Sri Lanka. During the extensive National Refs: 19069,19118
Conservation Review forest surveys, only four
individuals were found at a single locality in Ratnapura Aiphanes leiostachys
District. Palmae ENBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Colombia
Refs: S203. 17195, 19112 A species of broadleaved montane rainforest, occurring
Ailanthus altissima var. larmkai only in a few forest fragments in the Cordillera Central.
Simaroubaceae EN A 1 a, B +2ab
1 Increasing pressure is felt from habitat conversion to
Taiwan agriculture and plantations.
A Taiwanese form of a widely occurring and naturalised Assessor: Bemal, R.
species. Populations, containing few mature individuals, Refs: 19069, 19118
are restricted to submontane forest in the northern part
of the central mountain range. Declines in numbers have Aiphanes lindeniana
occurred because of habitat clearance for settlements Palmae VUBl+2c
and industrial plantations. No protection or conservation Colombia
measures are in place. A widely distributed endemic occurring in the montane
Assessor: Pan, F.J. rainforest in the central and eastern corc'illeras. The
Refs: 3295, 6469, 19050 habitat is gradually losing way to increasing agriculture
and forestry activities.

Aiouea angulata Assessor: Bemal, R.

Lauraceae EN Bl+2c Refs: 19118
Known only from the type collected in 1933, this species Aiphanes verrucosa
is restricted to submontane forest in Boyaca. Palmae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Calderon, E. Ecuador
Rc/i; 7950, 7980, 19069 Restricted to the Andes of south-east Ecuador, this small
palm tree is scattered in cloud forest and montane open
Aiouea bracteata forest between 2200 and 2800m. So far it is known only

Lauraceae VUBl+2c from two localities and one historical record. At least
Brazil (Sao Paulo) one of these populations has suffered from a severe
Known only from Sao Paulo, this species is confined to reduction in numbers from fire and felling. The species
gallery forest within the *cerrado. is expected to occur in more inaccessible areas of south-

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre east Ecuador.

Refs: 7950, 7980 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 19118

The World List of Threatened Trees

Alangium circulare west ParanS and west Santa Catarina in the basins of Rfo
Alangiaceae VU D2 Igua9U and Ri'o Uruguai.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small forest tree, apparently a component of Refs: 5994
*kerangas forest, known only from Bukit Siol, Sempadi
Forest Reserve and Gunung Pueh, 1st Division. Albizia carrii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VUBI+2c
Refs: 19017 Papua New Guinea
This endemic tree is so far known only from areas of

Alangium havilandii monsoon forest in the Port Moresby region and

Alangiaceae VUAlc Motupore Island.

Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This lowland tree is relatively common but restricted to Refs: 19140
remaining peat swamp forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Albizia edwarllii
Refs: 18327, 19017 Leguminosae VUBI+2c
Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Parana, Santa Catarina,
Alangium longiflorum Sao Paulo)
Alangiaceae VUAlc This species is restricted to Atlantic forest in the
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Atlantic-Uruguay River watershed, occurring in

Philippines Araucaria forest.

A tree of primary mixed dipterocarp forest, occurring up Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
to 1200m. It is found occasionally in Sabah and Refs: 5994
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Albizia ferruginea
Refs: 19017 Leguminosae VU Alcd
Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic,
Alberta magna Congo, Cote d'lvoire, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Rubiaceae LR/cd Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal) Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda
Largely occurring in KwaZulu-Natal but extending into A widespread and often common timber species which
the Eastern Cape, this species is found on the margins of has suffered heavy exploitation. Mature individuals are
small remnants of evergreen forest and on rocky scattered and becoming rare in places.

sandstone outcrops, often near rivers and streams. It is Assessor: Hawthorne, W.

vulnerable to the effects of fire and other habitat Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 14667, 15790, 17408
disturbances. Population numbers have almost certainly
declined for these reasons. In KwaZulu-Natal, the Albizia glabripetala
species occurs in a number of protected areas, of which Leguminosae LR/nt
at least one is managed to exclude fire. In the Eastern Brazil (Roraima), Guyana, Venezuela
Cape, there are populations in several protected areas, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
but the protected area system has vitually collapsed Refs: 5994
since 1994. Although legally protected, the bark is
widely used as a source of traditional medicine. The tree Albizia guillainii
is also commonly planted as an ornamental. Leguminosae CR B 1 +2c
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. New Caledonia
«e/i; 689, 7401, 19218 A species restricted to remaining fragments of
sclerophyllous forest.known from
Occurrences are

Albitia berteriana Noumea, Pouembout and Koumac. The habitat is

Leguminosae VU B I +2c unprotected and severely threatened by fires, grazing
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and encroaching agriculture.
An uncommon species of dry, evergreen forest found in Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

eastern and central Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola. Refs: 4492, 10351, 12630
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 19149 Albizia leonardii
Leguminosae VUBI+2c
Albizia buntingii Haiti
Leguminosae VU D2 A small tree, localised in dry thickets in the north-west
Venezuela of Haiti.
A small tree known only from the type locality in the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Maracaibo basin. Refs: 5994
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5994 Albizia malacophylla var. malacophylla
Leguminosae VU Alc+2c
Albizia burkartiana Eritrea, Ethiopia
Leguminosae VUB1-k2c Restricted to wooded grasslands in the western
Brazil (Parang, Santa Catarina) highlands of Eritrea, Tigray and Welo, this variety
A species of Araucaria woodland, foimd only in south-

Species Summaries

continues to lose large parts of its habitat to agriculture, Alectryon macrococcus var. auwahiensis
human settlement and overcutting for fiielwood. Sapindaceae CR Dl
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre USA (Hawaii)
Refs: 1330, 18523 A variety confined to East Maui, where it once occurred
in various forest types in Auwahi and Kanaio Districts
Albizia muUiflora var. sagasteguU between 790 to 1070m. The population size was
Leguminosae VU D2 reported to be large in the first half of the century bjt
Peru has subsequently declined to about nine individuals
A tree known only from the type collection, near San within 29ha of private and state-owned ranchland. Trees
Benito, in Cajamarca. are protected from damage by cattle but the population
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre suffers from an infestation of the black twig borer. The
Refs: 5994 species as a whole is protected by the US Endangered
Species Act.
Albizia obbiadensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae Vl)Bl+2c Refs: 3372, 19087
A distinct species of uncertain affinity. It is conflned to Alectryon macrococcus var. macrococcus
the coast, where it occurs in bushland on sand. Habitat Sapindaceae EN C2a
degradation is a threat. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: Thulin, M. This variety has been recorded from various lowland
/Je/S.- 7550, 8697, 18665 forest types in the Waianae and Koolau Mountains on
Oahu, in Waimea Canyon and Na Pali Coast State Park
Albizia plurijuga on Kauai, on Molokai and on the Honokowai Ditch Trail
Leguminosae ENBl+2c on West Maui. Oahu holds the largest populations,
Mexico totalling about 400 plants. Fewer than 100 plants exist
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzilez-Espinosa on Kauai and only a very few plants are known from the
Refs: 12985, 17165 other islands.It has disappeared from parts of its former

range and populations continue to be affected by insect

Albizia suluensis infestations, grazing feral ungulates, fire and
Leguminosae VU A 1 cd, B 1 +2a, C2a, D2 competition with introduced plants. It is protected by the
South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal) US Endangered Species Act.
Endemic to a small area in Hlabisa District of
the Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
northern Zululand, this tree occurs in forest, riverine Refs: 3372, 19087
thicket and open woodland. It was once very common
before the habitat became severely fragmented through Alectryon ramiflorus
agricultural and increasing
activities settlement. S api ndaceae EN B 1 -^2c
Frequent fires are also a problem in parts of the range. Australia (Queensland)
Recent assessments of the population have revealed no Occurring in rainforest in Childers District on the
evidence of recruitment. The bark is used as a source of southern coast of Queensland, the species is threatened
traditional medicine and the timber is used for making because of habitat clearance. Only a single population of
fijmiture. The species may be confused with the about 20 plants is known to be relatively well protected
introduced A. lebbeck, which has become naturalised within a state forest.
along the northern KwaZulu-Natal coast. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. ei al. «e/i; 4246, 17200
/ee/i. 689,7401, 16730,19218
Albizia tanganyicensis ssp. adamsonionim Alectryon repandodentus
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Sapindaceae VUBI+2c
Kenya Australia, Papua New Guinea
A rare endemic to central Kenya, occurring in open A small tree of scrub and savanna, only known from the
woodland on rocky domes or river banks. Declines in Port Moresby region and Motupore Island in Papua New
the extent of the habitat have been caused by cutting and Guinea and Murray Island in Australia.
changing land use. The population in Meru National Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Park is protected. The Plant Conservation Programme in Refs: 19140
Kenya is managing living collections and seed stocks.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Alfaroa hondurensis
Refs: 6396, 12067, 17859 Juglandaceae VUBl+2abcde
Albizia vaughanii This endemic tree occurs in mixed forest at high
Leguminosae CR Dl elevations. Population numbers are low and the habitat
Mauritius is in continuing decline. Some populations occur within

The largest population of just six individuals occurs in protected areas.

theTamarind Falls Gorge and another single tree is Assessor: Nelson, C.
known from lowland forest in Yemen. Natural Refs: 14487
regeneration appears to be non-existent. Two individuals
have been introduced into Mondrain Nature Reserve. Alfaroa mexicana
Assessor: Page, W. Juglandaceae VU B 1 -k2c

Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Mexico

Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
Refs: 10792, 14487

The World List of Threatened Trees

AUanblacHa stuhlmannii AUophylus agbala

Guttiferae VUBl+2c Sapindaceae VU D2
Tanzania Democratic Republic of Congo
This tall tree may be found in some abundance in moist A species restricted to areas of gallery forest in Ubangi-
upland forest only in eastern Tanzania. It is an important Uele.
source of oils and timber. Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 17185, 17951
/?e/i: 3356, 10961,11449
Allophylus aldabricus
AUanblackia ulugurensis Sapindaceae VU D2
Guttiferae VUBl+2c Seychelles (Aldabra)
Tanzania A small tree or shrub which occurs on most of the

A cloud forest species found in good numbers in the islands making up Aldabra, Assumption, Cosmoledo and
Astove. is a constituent of inland mixed scrub.
North Udzungwa, Nguru Mountains and Uluguru It

Mountains. Aldabra is protected as a Strict Namre Reserve.

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assumption has experienced strip-mining for phosphate
Refs: 3356, 7089 or guano and the other islands have been cleared to some
degree for the establishment of coconut and Casuarina
AUantospermum bomeense var. rostratrum plantations.

Ixonanthaceae EN B 1 +2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Malaysia (Sabah) Refs: 19027, 19062

This enormous sometimes reaching heights of 90m,


is so far known only from ultramafic soils around Allophylus chirindensis

Sandakan and Lahad Datu. Populations in localities to Sapindaceae VU D2
the south of Telupid have has most probably Mozambique, Zimbabwe
disappeared. Existing information suggests this species is endemic to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Chirinda forest in Zimbabwe and the adjacent

Refs: 19017, 19026 Espungabera forest in Mozambique. This area is very

restricted (6km2) and, although it has been disttirbed in

AUeizettella rubra the past by logging activities, it is now well protected.

Rubiaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Viet Nam Refs: 2044, 6725, 15360, 17335

Endemic to Viet Nam, the speciesis confined to a single

locality in Lam Dong Province (Lac Duong) in the Allophylus hispidus

south. Sapindaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
/fe/i; 848, 11530 A tree of lowland wet evergreen forest, endemic to
south-west Sri Lanka. The species occurred in a single
Allenanthus hondurensis plot in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve in the 1980s.

Rubiaceae VU C2a However, it did not turn up during the extensive

Honduras, Mexico National Conservation Review forest surveys,

A species occurring disjunctly, with populations in suggesting that extremely rare or possibly extinct.
it is

Mexico and Honduras. The species is found in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
deciduous forest in the Caribbean lowlands in Honduras. Rf/i.-9176, 17195, 19112
Assessor: Nelson, C.
Rc/i; 4974, 13995 Allophylus marquesensis
Sapindaceae DD
AUexis cauttflora French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)

Violaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c A shrub or small tree recorded from Fatu Hiva, Hiva Oa,
Ghana, Nigeria Tahuata and Ua Huka.
A small tree with a disjunct, Guinea-wide distribution. It Assessor: Florence, J.

is confined to areas of wet evergreen forest. Few records Refs: 14513

of it appear to exist. Extensive logging, mining and
clearing of the forest for cultivating crops have caused Allophylus pachyphyllus
considerable declines in the habitat. Sapindaceae VU B1-k2c
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Jamaica
Refs: 1577,8854,12061 A rare bushy tree confined to highland areas of
woodland on limestone in the parishes of Manchester
AUexis obanensis and St Ann.
Violaceae VU Bl+2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cameroon, Nigeria /?e/i; 401, 7980

A rarely recorded small tree of the violet family. It is

known from the contiguous forest area covered by the Allophylus rapensis
Oban Division of the Cross River National Park in Sapindaceae DD
Nigeria and Korup National Park in Cameroon. Areas French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)

outside the parks have been heavily deforested and This species is endemic to Rapa Iti.

cleared for agriculture and commercial crops. Assessor: Florence, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 14513

/?e/i.- 2773, 4977, 11504

Species Summaries

AUophylus rhoidiphyllus Alnus rruiritima

Sapindaceae LR/nt Betulaceae LR/nt
Yemen (Socotra) USA (Delaware, Maryland, Oklahoma)
A fairly common
tree, found in areas of submontane A shrub or tree, known from widely disjunct
woodland. under no immediate threat.
It is populations, occurring at the edges of ponds,
Assessor: Miller, A.G. streams or standing water. The current distribution is
Refs: 2354, 19083 thought to reflect remnant populations of a more
widespread Pleistocene or post-Pleistocene distribution.
AUophylus roigii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 19033, 19163
An uncommon shrub or small tree localised to a few Aloe ballii
sites in Pinar del Rio Province and the adjacent Isla de Aloaceae EN B1-k2c
Pinos. This species formerly occupied a much larger Mozambique, Zimbabwe
area in western Cuba. Not to be confused with A. ballyi this species is confined
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. to the cliffs in the lower Rusitu valley, south
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Chimanimani in Zimbabwe and adjacent Mozambique.
The species is listed in *CITES Appendix II.
AUophylus zeylanicus Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapindaceae VUAlc Refs: 2044
Sri Lanka
A tree confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests of Aloe ballyi
south-west Sri Lanka. Aloaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kenya, Tanzania
/?e/i; 9176, 17195 A rare tree aloe which smells strongly of rats. In Kenya
it is confined to dense bush near Mwatate in the Taita

AUophylus ziinmermannianus Hills. It also occurs further south in Tanzania in the

Sapindaceae VUBl+2c South Pare Mountains, Manyara escarpment, Ngubora
Kenya, Tanzania River and Lake Eyassi. This dry bushland is extensively
A shrub or tree confined to the forest at 375m in the The species is
exploited for charcoal production. listed
Shimba Hills in Kenya and to coastal forest patches in in *C1TES Appendix II.
Tanzania. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 6396, 12067
Refs: 3356, 5654, 6396
Aloe comosa
Attoschmidia glabrata Aloaceae DD
Palmae VU D2 South Africa (Western Cape, Northern Cape)
New Caledonia A single-stemmed aloe confined to a small area just
A localised species of north-eastern New Caledonia. It north of Clanwilliam, where it occurs in *karroid scrub.
occurs in wet forest, often on schists or mica-schists. Illegal collection and land degradation through
The edible heart is harvested locally. overgrazing and expanding agriculture may have some
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. impact on the species. No field assessments of the
Refs: 10351, 19118 population status have been made. The species is
included in 'CITES Appendix II.

Alloxylon brachycarpum Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al.

Proteaceae EN A2cd Refs: 689

Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas), Papua New Guinea
Confined to Western Province in south Papua New Aloe eminens
Guinea and adjacent Digul District, Irian Jaya, extending Aloaceae LR/nt
into the Aru Islands, this tree is scattered in lowland Somalia
rainforest and monsoon forest. The population around A tree aloe which was seen in considerable numbers in
the Oriomo River in Western Province, is a relatively 1995, but continues to be threatened by the destruction
restricted and confined to a fragile ecosystem, which is of the habitat to which it is confined in northern
under pressure from logging and destructive activities. It Somalia. The species is listed in *CITES Appendix II.

is expected that the population across the border into Assessor: Thulin, M.
Irian Jaya is similarly threatened. Refs: 18665
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Refs: 19114, 19147 Aloe helenae
Aloaceae CR Dl
AUuaudia procera Madagascar
Didiereaceae LR/nt An arborescent aloe, endemic to southern Madagascar,
Madagascar where two or three populations are known to occur in
A major component of dry scrub and forest in the thorny bush on sandy shores in the Fort Dauphin region.
extreme south of Madagascar, beyond the Tropic of Each population consists of less than 10 adult
Capricorn. The habitat type has been replaced by individuals. No regeneration has been observed. The
grassland over much of its range. The wood is useful species is listed in Appendix I of *CrrES.
and the species is a focus of silvicultural studies. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19205
Refs: 4628, 5651, 6161, 14208

77ie World List of Threatened Trees

Aloe khamiesensis Alphitonia entbescens

Aloaceae DD Rhamnaceae VUB1-h2c
South Africa (Western Cape, Northern Cape) New Caledonia
A single-stemmed aloe with a fairly restricted Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

distribution in the mountainous areas of Namaqualand Refs: 10351

and from near Calvinia. At some localities, the number
of plants have declined markedly as a result of Alphonsea kingii
unscrupulous collection. However, it is not clear what Annonaceae CR B 1 +2c
affect this has had on the overall population. The species Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
is listed in *CITES Appendix II. A lowland forest species known only by a single
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. collection from Kinta, Perak. The exact locality of the
Refs: 689, 19218 collection is uncertain. The Kinta area is now mainly
mined over and the survival of the species is doubtful.
Aloepittansii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Aloaceae CR A2b, B 1 +2e Refs: 8464, 19073
Namibia, South Africa (Northern Cape)
Growing up to 10m, this aloe is largely confined to an Alphonsea lucida
intensely hot and arid area in the Richtersveld in the Annonaceae VU D2
Northern Cape. There are records suggesting the species Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
extends as far north as Brandberg in Namibia, but these A very rare species, of lowland forest, collected only
need confirmation. A serious decline in the population twice, once in Perak and the other time in Pahang. It is
has reduced the numbers to less than 200 individuals. hoped the species is conserved in the protected area of
There is no recruitment and the older plants are dying. Maxwell's Hills. The collection from Perak possibly
There is evidence of baboons and porcupines gnawing comes from these hills.

the stems in up to a third of the population. The impact Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
of goats, donkeys and plant collectors may also be Refs:ll&], 19073
detrimental. It has been suggested that this species,
along with A. dichotoma and Pachypodium Alseodaphne dura
namaquanum, represents a keystone in the ecosystem, Lauraceae LR/cd
being one of the few perennial plants able to tolerate the Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
conditions and provide an important source of shelter, A lowland forest tree confined to the states of
nectar, food and moisture, especially to the avifauna. It Terengganu and Pahang. It is known only from a few
is listed in *CITES Appendix I. herbarium specimens, but there is hope that the species
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. receives a degree of protection within the permanent
/^e/i; 689, 19141,19218 forest estate. It could be a species of Dehaasia.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Aloe ramosissima Refs: 8464, 19073
Aloaceae VU C2a, D2
Namibia, South Africa (Northern Cape) Alseodaphne garciniaecarpa
A bushy aloe which is doubtfully distinct from A. Lauraceae LR/cd
dichotoma, except that the main stem rarely exceeds Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
60cm. It is confined to desert mountainsides and arid Confined to the lowland forests of Perak, the species
ravines in the Richtersveld of the Northern Cape and may receive a degree of protection within the permanent
southern Namibia. Some localities are affected by forest estate.
mining activities and overgrazing by Uvestock. Limited Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
field experience suggests there are few signs of Refs: 8464, 19073
regeneration. The species is listed in *CrrES Appendix
I. Alseodaphne hainanensis
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Lauraceae VUAIcd
Refs: 689, 19218 China (Guangdong - Hainan), Viet Nam
An important timber tree with a distribution restricted to
Aloe suzannae submontane rainforest on the mountains of southern
Aloaceae CR Dl Hainan Island and on Bu Kep Mountain in northern Viet
Madagascar Nam. It is a slow-growing tree which produces high-
An arborescent aloe confined to thorny bush on sandy quality wood, susceptible to overexploitation.
shores in the Amboasary region and Itampolo in south Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
and south-west Madagascar. Only a few adult Refs: 1818, 11847, 15357
individuals are known in each population and there isno
evidence of regeneration. The species has been Alseodaphne micrantha
cultivated from wild seed, but fewer than six reared Lauraceae VUBl+2c
plants exist in nurserys in Madagascar. The species is Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
listed in *CITES Appendix I. A scattered tree confined to lowland forest in Johore.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Most of the lowland forest has been cleared for
Refs: 19205 agriculture in this region, but the species may receive a
degree of protection within permanent forest reserves.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073, 19182

Species Summaries

Alseodaphne paUidosa Alstonia marquisensis

Lauraceae VUBl+2c Apocynaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
Confined to the swamp forests of Selangor and Perak, Populations occur on Fatu Hiva, Hiva Oa, Nuku Hiva,
the species is known only from a few collections. It is Tahuata and Ua Huka.
threatened by felling, but there is hope that the species Assessor: Florence, J.
receives a degree of protection within permanent forest Refs: 14513
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Alstonia penangiana
Refs: 17140, 19073, 19182 Apocynaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Alseodaphne rugosa This species is known from only two collections from
Lauraceae ENBl+2c Penang Island, where it is found in primary and
China (Guangdong - Hainan) disturbed forest.
Restricted to a small area of dense forest in Qiongzhong Assessor: Sidiyasa, K.
and Baoting Counties on Hainan Island, the species is Refs: 17692, 19046
exposed to the same levels of harvesting as A.
hainanensis. Alstonia rubiginosa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Apocynaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 1818, 11847 Papua New Guinea
Endemic to Papua New Guinea, this tree has been
Alsmithui longipes collected twice in areas of primary and secondary
Palmae EN Ale montane forest.
Fiji Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A monotypic genus, restricted to Taveuni, Vanua Levu. Refs: 17692, 19046
Populations occur on ridges and steep slopes in moist
forest. The habitat suffers some pressure from increasing Alvaradoa jamaicensis
agriculture and forestry activities. Simaroubaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: Fuller, D. Jamaica
Refs: 19118 The species is uncommon and local in woodlands and
thickets on rocky limestone in the central and north-west
Alsodeiopsis schumannii parishes.
Icacinaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Tanzania Refs: 6057, 7980
Endemic to eastern Tanzania, this species is confmed to
areas of upland moist evergreen forest in the Usambara, Alyxia taiwanensis
Uluguru and North Udzungwa Mountains. Apocynaceae EN Dl
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Taiwan
Refs: 3356, 18145 A single small population is confmed to Chingshan in

Alstonia annamensis the centre of the island, where it occurs in dry open
Apocynaceae EN B 1 +2c forest at 1 100m. The area is given no protection and is
Viet Nam somewhat threatened by increasing settlement.
To date this tree has been collected only three times Regeneration appears to be poor.
from a single locality of dry montane forest. Assessor: Lu. S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Assessor: Sidiyasa, K. Refs: 3295, 6469, 19050, 19051
Refs: 17692, 19046
Amanoa bracteosa
Ahtonia beatricis Euphorbiaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Apocynaceae VU D2 Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) A species found in swamp forest or along stream banks
Known only from the type locality, this small tree is in wet evergreen forest. It occurs in Ankasa Game
found in open woodland on Waigeo Island, where it is Production Reserve, along with A, strobilacea, in
locally common. Ghana, but is too rare to be recorded in forest
Assessor: Sidiyasa, K. inventories. Although it is common on parts of Mount
Refs: 14811,19046 Nimba in Liberia, the forest has been cleared extensively
by mining operations and by the effects of an increasing
Alstonia brevUoba population requiring land for farming.
Apocynaceae VU Bl+2c Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Papua New Guinea Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061
Collected only three times, the species occurs in
secondary and primary montane forest. Amanoa strobilacea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Euphorbiaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Refs: 17692, 19046 Angola (Cabinda), Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia
This species is restricted largely to swampy areas within
lowland evergreen rainforest. The general loss of its
habitat, because of commercial forestry activities and
mining, has continued at a considerable rate.

Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
«e/i: 2773, 8369, 12061

The World List of Threatened Trees

Amburana acreana Tawu, Kutzulunshan, Chachayalaishan and Lilungshan.

Leguminosae VUAld+2d The species is covered by Taiwan's Cultural Heritage
Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Mato Grosso, Rondonia), Peru Preservation Law and a reserve has been set up
Formerly abundant in non-flooded forest, this species specifically to conserve the remaining populations.

has been heavily exploited for its wood, used for making Assessor: Pan, F.J.

luxury furniture. In Rondonia the number of sawmills, Refs: 2106, 6469, 13041, 19050
which principally process A. acreana, increased
eightfold between 1975 and 1982. The species is now on Amentotaxus poilanei
the official list of threatened species compiled by Taxaceae VU Al c, B 1 +2c
*IBAMA in 1992. The taxonomic status of the genus is Viet Nam
not consolidated, there being confusion between this and A montane species, only known from Kon Turn
A. cearensis. Province in Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve.
Assessor: Varty, N. & D.L. Guadagnin Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 4870, 8815, 15478, 15539, 16123 Re/j.- 848, 1491, 11191

Amburana cearensis Amentotaxus yunnanensis

Leguminosae EN Alacd+2cd Taxaceae EN Ale
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru China (Guizhou?, Yunnan), Viet Nam
A frequent tree of *caatinga, occasional in the Andes, Confined to moist deciduous forest on limestone hills,
becoming rarer in deciduous forest further south into remaining populations are small and threatened. The
Argentina. An important timber source, all stands of forest habitat is being extensively cleared. The
large trees are being or have been destroyed, previously population in Viet Nam is confined to Hoang Lien Son
through mahogany logging and now through selective Nature Reserve and is considered to be in a critical state.

logging. Small trees grow around granite outcrops Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
where they are safe from commercial exploitation. Refs: 848, 1739, 1818, 11847, 13041, 15357
Regeneration appears to be poor where adequate
management is not in place. The taxonomic status of the Amesiodendron chinense
genus is not consolidated, there being confiision between Sapindaceae LR/nt
this speciesand A. acreana. China, Indonesia (Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop Malaysia), Viet Nam
Refs: 1262, 11936, 12268, 12837, 13295, 13947, 19170, A genus, probably monotypic, which is widely occurring
19179 in primary rainforest. In Viet Nam, it is a dominant
component of some forest localities and has been
Amentotaxus argotaenia observed to regenerate well, although population
Taxaceae VUAlc reductions have occurred. In China the species,
China (Fujian?, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei, recognised under the synonym A. tienlinensis, is
Hunan, Jiangsu?, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Zhejiang?), restricted to limestone areas in the Dayao Mountains,
Viet Nam Tianlin and Leye Counties in Guangxi and Luodian,
The status of this widely occurring forest species is Wangmo and Zhenfeng Counties in Guizhou. A valuable
affected by slow growth rates, infrequent regeneration, timber is harvested from the tree and in some places is
poor seed dispersal and predation by rats. Forest clearing overexploited.
and habitat modification have also contributed to Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population declines. Refs: 848,7673, 11847, 15357, 18389
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs:31i. 11191 Amoora dasyclada
Meliaceae VU Ale
Amentotaxus argotaenia var. brevifoUa China (Guangdong Hainan, Yunnan), Viet Nam

Taxaceae VUAlc A large evergreen tree of lowland tropical monsoon

China (Guizhou) forest and rainforest, known from occurrences in Menla,
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Menhai and Jinghong in south Yunnan and Hainan
Refs: 314. 11038, 13041 Island in China, and from populations in the northern
half of Viet Nam. The levels of exploitation both of the
Amentotaxus assamica tree as a timber and of the habitat in general have caused
Taxaceae VUAlc, D2 population declines throughout the species range.
China, India (Arunachal Pradesh) Assessor: Sun, W.
Two collections are known from moist deciduous forest Refs: 1818, 11847, 15357, 19055
in the Delei valley and a valley in the Dafla Hills in
India, and another single collection has been made from Amphitecna isthmica
Medog in China. Deforestation has occurred extensively Bignoniaceae A2c VU
in the area. Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Occurring in lowland forest, the species extends in range
Refs: 374, 5759, 13041 from Costa Rica to the Urabci region of north-west
Colombia. In Panama, populations are small and
Amentotaxus formosana scattered principally in the humid forests on the Pacific
Taxaceae CRC2a, Dl side, few collections coming from the Atlantic slopes. In
The species was previously recognised as a variant of A.
argotaenia. Populations are small and restricted to four
localities of cloud forest in the Hengchan Peninsula:

Species Summaries

Costa Rica populations are also largely confined to Che Anacolosa densiflora
Pacific side. Most parts of the range are experiencing Olacaceae ENBl+2c
moderate to high human impact. India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Assessor: Mitr6, M. A large tree, collected three times from separate
Refs: 7980, 16772 localitiesof lowland evergreen rainforest at the southern
end of the Western Ghats.
Amphitecna moUitae Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bignoniaceae EN CI Refs: 19144
El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
A cloud forest tree, occurring in a habitat which is Anaxagorea coslaricensis
rapidly declining through deforestation. Annonaceae EN CI
Assessor: Nelson, C. Costa Rica, Honduras
Refs: 730, 3917, 7980, 13316, 13995, 16973 A rare species of wet lowland forest.
Assessor: Nelson, C.
Amphitecna sessilifoUtis Refs: 13995
Bignoniaceae VU CI
Costa Rica, Panama Andira galeottiana
A cloud forest tree, distributed widely from mid to high Leguminosae VU Ale
elevations in Costa Rica but only in a restricted area of Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz)
high forest in Chiriquf and Bocas del Toro in Panama A canopy tree of remnant rainforest in the Gulf region of
near the Costa Rica border. Populations are relatively Mexico.
sparse, with few juvenile individuals. Most of the high- Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
altitude localities are contained within protected areas, Refs: 5993, 15791, 19124
but outside these populations are highly susceptible to
clearing and encroaching agriculture. Angylocalyx braunii
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Leguminosae VUBl+2b
Refs: 7980, 16772 Kenya, Tanzania
A species restricted to patches of riverine forest and
Amphitecna spathiealyx moist forest. Populations occur in the Tana River area
Bignoniaceae CRBl+2b and Kwale in south-east Kenya and in eastern Tanzania.
Panama Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
A single population is known. It occurs within lowland Rc/i: 3356, 6396, 10961
evergreen forest between 800 and 900m in the Altos de
Campana National Park. Attempts to locate it outside of Anibaferrea
the park have been unsuccessful. Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Mitr^, M. Brazil (Amazonas)
Refs: 5335, 7980, 13316, 16772 Restricted to high non-flooded forest, this tree is

endemic to the vicinity of Manaus, where increasing

Amygdalus korshinskyi human settlement is a serious threat.
Rosaceae VUAla Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Turkey Refs: 7950, 7980
This species is scattered in middle elevations in dry
areas. Population numbers have been observed to Anibaferrug}nea
decline through the effects of growing settlement and Lauraceae VU D2
agriculture, pests and diseases and industrial Venezuela
development. Known only from the type collection, the species
Assessor: Giiner, A. appears to be confined to high, non-flooded forests in
Refs: 3489, 19165 the Venezuelan Amazon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Amygdalus trichamygdalus var. elongata Refs: 7950, 7980
Rosaceae LR/nt
Turkey Aniba intermedia
Occurring within a restricted area of montane dry scrub Lauraceae VUBl+2c
and woodlands, the species is under some threat from Brazil (Bahia)
grazing and cutting. This species, endemic to Bahia, is fairly wide-ranging
Assessor: Giiner, A. but confined to an area which continues to be deforested.
Refs: 3489, 19165 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7950, 7980
Amyris polymorpha
Rutaceae VU D2 Aniba novo-granatensis
Cuba Lauraceae VUBl-h2c
This endemic tree only found in the remaining forests
is Colombia
of Cabo Cruz in Granma Province of south-eastern A high-altitude species, confined to Cauca and Meta.
Cuba. Its habitat is degraded in places. A ssessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Refs: 7950, 7980, 19069
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149

The World List of Threatened Trees

Aniba pedicellata Anisophyllea cabole

Lauraceae CRBl+2c Anisophylleaceae VU D2
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6)
A known solely from a type specimen collected
species A tree or shrub, known from two sites towards the north-
in 1938 from Rio de Janeiro. west of the island at altitudes of 1350 to 1410m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Populations appear to be healthy and regenerating. The
Refs: 7950, 7980 species produces a good wood which has moderate value
as a timber.

Aniba percoriacea Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Lauraceae VU D2 /fc/i.-2724, 19042, 19111

A species only recorded from the type collection, Anisophyllea chartacea
gathered at Tafelberg. Anisophylleaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 7950, 7980, 19196 A tree known only from the type specimen collected in
lowland mixed dipterocarp forest from UIu Balleh in the
Aniba rosaeodora Kapit District.
Lauraceae EN A 1 d+2d Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (AmapS, Amazonas, Paii), Colombia, Ecuador, Refs: 19017
French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela
Populations throughout the species range have seriously Anisophyllea cinnamomoides
declined because of rosewood oil extraction. Substantial Anisophylleaceae VU Ale
wild stands are believed to exist still which are
in areas Sri Lanka
unlikely to be exploited, but where there has been A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
exploitation the population is devoid of mature trees and south-west Sri Lanka.
significant signs of regeneration are absent. Trees of all Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
sizes are harvested indiscriminately, the whole tree and Refs: 15431, 17195
its roots being destroyed. The sole producer at present is

Brazil, although the species was wiped out through Anisophyllea curtisii
exploitation over large areas in French Guiana between Anisophylleaceae VU Bl-t-2a
1910 and 1930. Harvesting is costly and is taking place Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
in more and more remote locations concentrated around Occurring in rainforest up to 260m, the most prominent
Amazon tributaries, principally in Amazonas and Pari. threat to this species is the expansion of settlements.
Mobile distillation factories have also moved deep into Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
the forest and trees. Levels of exploitation have Refs: 19073
significantly declined with increased use of synthetic
oils, the current world market resting at about 100 Anisophyllea ferruginea
tonnes pa. Silvicultural studies are being carried out by Anisophylleaceae VU A led
*FCAP with the assistance of UK institutions. Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: Varty, N. A generally uncommon tree, occurring in mixed
Refs: 4506, 7950, 8815, 12109, 15539, 15714, 19069, dipterocarp forest up to 600m. It is locally abundant in
19077, 19095, 19179 places.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Aniba santalodora Refs: 19017
Lauraceae VU D2
Brazil (Amazonas) Anisophyllea globosa
This species is restricted to a small area of high Amazon Anisophylleaceae VU D2
forest and secondary growth. Malaysia (Sabah)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A open secondary vegetation known only from
tree of
Refs: 7950, 7980 its at the edge of a steep gully in Bengkoka
type locality
in the Kudat District.
Aniba vaupesiana Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lauraceae VU D2 Refs: 19017
Known only from the type specimen, this species is Anisophyllea grandis
confined to Vaup6s. Anisophylleaceae VUBI+2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 7950, 7980 A species of lowland and hill rainforest up to 700m,
threatened mainly by the expansion of settlements.
Anisophyllea apetala Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Anisophylleaceae VUBl+2a Refs: 19073
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A tree of moist lowland and hill forest. Anisophyllea impressinervia
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Anisophylleaceae VU D2
Refs: 19073 Malaysia (Sabah)
Known only from the type collection from Bengkoka in

Species Summaries

the Kudat District, this tree occurs in secondary lowland Anisoptera Uteris
forest atan altitude of 50m. Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd+2cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Sabah,
Refs: 19017 Sarawak), Singapore
A timber tree which is widespread and recorded in a
Anisophyllea nitida number of proposed reserve sites. The conservation
Anisophylleaceae VU D2 status of the tree results from land conversion and
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) destruction over the past century.
This species is highly localised and known only from Assessor: Ashton, P.
Kuala Penyu in south-west Sabah and the Niah area of Refs: 7673, 7875, 9169, 9199, 13857
north-east Sarawak, where it grows in lowland
secondary or disturbed mixed dipterocarp forest on Anisoptera marginata
sandy soils. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd-t-2cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 19017 A species of mixed peat-swamp forest and heath
forest.The timber is used for house construction.

Anisophyllea reticulata Assessor: Ashton, P.

Anisophylleaceae VU D2 /?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This species is known from only one collection on a Anisoptera megistocarpa
ridge top in hill forest at 180m, Endau State Park, Dipterocarpaceae CRAIcd-i-2cd
Johore. Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Singapore
Refs: 8464, 19073 A large tree scattered throughout mixed dipterocarp
foreston well-drained soi.. The habitat has been widely
Anisophyllea rhomboidea cleared and destroyed.
Anisophylleaceae VU Ale Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857
A shrub or tree of lowland mixed dipterocarp forest,
endemic to west Borneo. It is restricted to the 1st Anisoptera reticulata
Division of Sarawak and Kalimantan. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd'f2cd, HI
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Refs: 19017 A species of mixed dipterocarp forest, where it is

threatened by habitat loss.

Anisoptera costata Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd+2cd Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan,
Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Anisoptera scaphula
Sarawak), Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd
Viet Nam Bangladesh, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar,
A large tree of semi-evergreen dipterocarp, evergreen Thailand, Viet Nam
and humid lowland forest, which occurs on premium A species scattered in semi-evergreen and evergreen
land for agriculture. In some areas it is an exceptionally dipterocarp forest. Regeneration is poor.
rare tree; in the Philippines only a single collection Assessor: Ashton, P.
exists. It produces a major commercial timber, used for Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 19093
general construction, veneer and plywood. Some
populations occur within reserves. Anisoptera thurifera ssp. thurifera
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 10013, 13857, 14573 Philippines
This variety is found growing in the evergreen and semi-
Anisoptera curtisii evergreen dipterocarp forests. The species, as a whole,
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd represents the only dipterocarp which readily reinvades
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), cultivated land. The conservation status of the species is
Thailand based upon the rate of habitat loss.
A species which occurs in mixed dipterocarp forest, Assessor: Ashton, P.
mainly on coastal hills and inland ridges. The wood is Refs: 7673,9169, 13857, 14573
utilised. A. curtistii may hybridise with A. costata.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Annamocarya sinensis
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 14573, 18243 Juglandaceae ENBI-i-2cde
China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan), Viet Nam
Anisoptera grossivenia Occurring in small groves or as isolated individuals, this
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd relict species is recorded from a few forest localities in

Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, north-west Guangxi, south-east Guizhou, south-east
Sarawak) Yunnan in China, and from a few localised populations
A lowland dipterocarp forest species found growing on in north and west Viet Nam. In China the species has
sandy clay soils. Its timber is often used for plywood. been difficult to locate at recorded localities and the
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 11295. 13857,14573

The World List of Threatened Trees

habitat has decHned considerably with extensive Annona ekmanii

agriculture and logging. It is the only member of the Annonaceae VU D2
genus. Cuba
Assessor' Sun ^V A small tree locally confined to the serpentine plateau of
Refs: 848, ISl's, 11530, 11847, 15357, 19055, 19061 Nipe in north-eastern Cuba, where it occurs
Sierra de in
montane shrubwoods and forests on ferritic soils.
Annesleafragrans var. lanceolata Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Theaceae VU Ala, Dl Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
A species with scattered populations occurring on the Annona jamaicensis
eastern hills of theHengchun Peninsula. There are a few Annonaceae LR/nt
protected localities in Renting National Park. Elsewhere Jamaica
the species habitat is under some pressure from the The species is scattered in pasture margins and
establishment of industrial plantations and increasing woodlands on limestone in the central parishes.
land settlement and agriculture. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Refs: 6057, 7980
Refs: 3295, 19050, 19053
Annona praetermissa
Annona asplundiana Annonaceae VUBl+2c
Annonaceae VU D2 Jamaica
Peru The species is uncommon and confined to the St
A species, so far, known only from the type specimen Andrew and St Thomas Parishes, where it occurs on
collected from lowland Amazon forest in the department wooded hillsides. Almost all the forest in these parishes
of Loreto. is either severely degraded or destroyed.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Bellingham, P.
Refs: 1984 Re/j; 401, 5653, 7980, 19116

Annona atabapensis Annona spraguei

Annonaceae VU D2 Annonaceae VU Ale
Venezuela Panama
No collections have been made of this species since it Known only from the centre and east of Panama, the
was first discovered by Humboldt and Bonpland in species occurs in moist evergreen forest up to 1000m.
flooded riparian forest on the Ri'o Atabapo in Amazonas, The main populations are found within protected areas.
early in the 19th century. Elsewhere the habitat is susceptible to clearance and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre logging.
Refs: 19128 Assessor: Mitt6, M.
Refs: 1212,19m, 16172
Annona crislalensis
Annonaceae VU B 1 +2c Annona trunciflora
Cuba Annonaceae LR/nt
A rare tree, up to 8m found in montane shrubwoods
tall, Venezuela
and forests on ferritic soils derived from serpentine Endemic to the Venezuelan Guyana, the species occurs
bedrock in Sierra del Cristal, Sierra de Micara and the in secondary forest and riparian forest in the upper
upper Toa area in north-eastern Cuba. reaches of the Ri'o Parguaza in Bolivar and on Ri'o
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Sipapo near the confluence with Ri'o Orinoco in

Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149 Amazonas.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Annona deminuta Refs: 19128
Annonaceae VU D2
Peru Anodendron rhinosporum
At present the species is known only from the type Apocynaceae CR B 1 -h2c
collection taken from San Martin. Sri Lanka
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An extremely rare species scattered in lowland wet
Refs: 1984 evergreen forest in south-west Sri Lanka. It was not
found during the extensive National Conservation
Annona dolichophylla Review forest surveys.
Annonaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 15431, 17195, 19112
Currently known only from the type collection, the
species is found in lowland Amazon forest in the Anogeissus bentii
department of Loreto. Combretaceae ENBl+2e
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Yemen
Refs: 1984 One of the largest trees in Yemen. It occurs as ancient
solitary individuals or in small groups, restricted to the
large wadis which dissect the inhospitable limestone
plateau of the Hadramaut in South Yemen. Regeneration
is lacking in most areas.

Assessor: Miller, A.G.

Refs: 19083

Species Summaries

Anogeissus dhofarica Anthonotha nigerica

Combretaceae VUAlcd Leguminosae VUAIc
Oman, Yemen Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria
A common tree of deciduous escarpment woodland on A small forest tree with an apparently disjunct
the mountains extending from Dhofar in Oman to distribution, occurring in the remaining forest in south-
neighbouring Hauf in Yemen. It also occurs as an outlier east Nigeria and also in DR Congo, where the extent of
in Yemen Ras Fartalc. Trees near water-holes are
in its occurrence is not at present known. In Nigeria the
severely damaged and in other areas grazing pressure is occurs in the Oban
largest, if not only, intact population
high, especially in Oman, where there has been a sharp Division of the Cross River National Park. Deforestation
rise in the population. in the region has been extensive.
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 16380 Refs: 4911, 11504

Anonidium usambarense Anthonotha obanensis

Annonaceae EX Leguminosae VUBI+2c,D2
Tanzania Nigeria
A from 1910 is the only record of this
single collection This distinctive species is recorded soley from the Oban
species. It in the Usambara Mountains but has
occurred Division of the Cross River National Park. The
not been found again despite extensive botanical work in population is well protected but logging and conversion
the area. The forest has suffered from the encroachment of land to agriculture are extensive in the surrounding
of agriculture and commercial forestry but is now the area.
focus of a conservation programme. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 2773, 4977, 7550, 1 1504
Refs: 3356, 9302
Anthonotha vignei
Anopyxis klaineana Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Rhizophoraceae VU A led Cote Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, A species which is confined to riversides or swampy
Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan areas within lowland wet evergreen forest in Upper
A timber species which occurs in some abundance Guinea. Losses of this habitat through felling for timber,
especially in wetter evergreen forest. Habitat loss and mining and planting of commercial species have been
exploitation are serious threats in most places. Seeds extensive.
have poor viability and regeneration has been observed Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
to be poor. The genus is monotypic. /?e/i. 2773, 8369, 12061
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6128, 6718 Antidesma cruciforme
Euphorbiaceae LR/cd
Anthodiscus chocoensis Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Caryocaraceae VUCI A montane forest species, occurring between 1000 and
Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama 1400m in Perak and Selangor. The forest in these
The species is known mainly from the relatively large mountain areas is generally protected.
and protected populations in Costa Rica. Elsewhere Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
populations are small, scattered and show low Refs: 8464, 19073
recruitment. In Panama small populations are apparently
confined to Darien National Park. There are also Antidesma obliquinervium
occurrences in the Choc6 Colombia. The wood
in is Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
used both locally and commercially as fuel and timber. Philippines
Assessor: Mitr^, M. An endemic tree of Palawan, found in primary forests at

Refs: 7980, 10686, 14717, 16772 low altitude. The main island is declared a biosphere
Anthodiscus montanus Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Caryocaraceae EN B 1 +2c Refs: 4986
An endemic to BoyacS. Antidesma pyrifolium
Assessor: Calderon, E. Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
Re/s.- 4217, 7980, 19069 Sri Lanka
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Anthonotha lebrunii south-west Sri Lanka.
Leguminosae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Democratic Republic of Congo /?e/j; 9176, 17195
Known only from one locality, this species occurs in
part of the Forestier Centra] at Bumbuli. Pressures exist Antidesma subolivaceum
from overcutting and agricultural expansion. Euphorbiaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B. Philippines
*e/i;7550, 17185, 17951 Endemic to Palawan, the species is found in primary
forests atlow altitude.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4986

The World List of Threatened Trees

Antirhea aromatica provides an important food source to the mammal

EN Bl+2c community. It performs less well in burnt or heavily
Mexico (Veracruz) disturbed forests.

Three populations of a few mature trees, exist in central Assessor: Hawthorne, W.

Veracruz in deciduous thorn forest on karst hills near Refs: 2362, 2773, 6128, 6718, 14667

Jalcomulco and Apazapan. They are situated on

relatively inaccessible slopes, but trees still appear to be Aoranthe penduliflora
cut for the wood, which is used in house construction. Rubiaceae VUBl+2bc
Natural regeneration is evident and the species is being Tanzania
grown from seed at the Botanic Garden in Xalapa. A shrubby species known from remaining forest patches
Assessor: Vovides, A.P. largely existing within Forest Reserves. Populations are
known from Pugu and Rondo Forest Reserves. These
Refs: 7980, 10919, 19206
have both been heavily diswrbed in the past by a range
Antirhea jamaicensis of human activities including logging and agriculture.
Rubiaceae LR/nt Pugu is now part of an active conservation programme
Jamaica and the forest management activities in Rondo are
A tree useful for its wood, found only occasionally in discouraging local exploitation.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
woodlands on limestone in moderately wet areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?f/i; 3356, 8814
Refs: 6057, 7980
Apeiba intermedia
Antirhea portoricensis Tiliaceae DD
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c Suriname
Puerto Rico The species was described in 1925, based upon

A of moist forests with a localised distibution

tree in incomplete material from a single tree. It is possibly a
areas which have experienced habitat destruction. hybrid of A. glabra and A. petonmo.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i; 7931, 7980, 17124 y?e/i.- 6493, 7951

Antirhea radiata Aphanamixis cumingiana

Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c Meliaceae VU Alcd
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti Philippines
A tree of montane rainforest and submontane semi- A timber tree, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
deciduous forest, occurring in central and eastern parts habitat through logging and shifting cultivation

of Cuba and in the province of Pinar del Rio, and also have led to considerable population declines.
Hispaniola. The habitat of this species is under threat Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from felling. Re/j; 2072, 4919, 18088
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 19149 Apiopetalum velutinum
Araliaceae LR/cd
Antirhea sintenisU New Caledonia
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c Assessor: JaffrS, T. el al.

Puerto Rico Refs: 10351

A tree of moist forest with a localised distribution in
areas which have been experiencing habitat destruction. Apollonias barbujana ssp. barbujana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lauraceae LR/nt
Re/i; 7931,7980, 17124 Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.)
In Madeira the species has a sporadic distribution in
Antirhea tomentosa lowland forest and *laurisilva up to 1000m. In some of
Rubiaceae CRBl+2c the lower zones it is locally abimdant, and parts of the
Jamaica range occur within the National Park of Madeira. There
Until 1975 the species was known only from the type are pressures from grazing and burning throughout the
specimen collected in thickets in Trelawny Parish in island. A population also exists on Desertas Island in the
1780. It was rediscovered in an area which was being Madeira Group.
rapidly cleared. It is not known whether the species has Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
survived. Refs: 19131
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 401, 7980 Apollonias barbujana ssp. ceballosi
Lauraceae ENBl+2abcde
Antrocaryon micraster Spain (Canary Is.)
Anacardiaceae VUAlcd Previously referred to as a distinct species, this cloud
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of forest tree is confined to the island of Gomera. In the
Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda past the timber was heavily harvested. As a result,
Scattered throughout semi-deciduous forests in tropical populations are now small and fragmented. The major
Africa, this emergent species is heavily exploited for its threat at present comes from fire. The taxon is listed in
timber. It regenerates in canopy gaps and its fruit government legislation of 1991.
Assessor: Baiiares, A. el al.

Refs: 45\, 19022

Species Summaries

Aporosa fusiformis Viet Nam, where it is very rare and restricted to Tay
Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c Qu^g Nam in Da Nang.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
During the extensive National Conservation Review Refs: 848
forest surveys, only two individuals were found at a
single locality in the lowland rainforest of Kegalle Aquilaria beccariana
District. Thymelaeaceae VUAld
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia
Refs: 19112 This species occurs in primary and secondary forest,
sometimes in swamp forest, up to 800m. The fiingi-

Aporusa bourdiUonU infected heartwood, characteristic ofmembers of the all

Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c genus, has high commercial value for making incense,
India (Kamataka, Kerala) perfume and traditional medicine. Numerous trees are
A poorly collected species, reported from a few cut down, many uninfected, to harvest just a few

scattered locations in lowland rainforest. kilogrammes of the diseased wood. The increase in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre levels of trade over the past decade has resulted in
Refs: 19144 overexploitation throughout its range.
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Aporusa cardiosperma R^s: 1766, 19059
Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka Aquilaria crassna
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of Thymelaeaceae CR Alcd
south-west Sri Lanka. Cambodia. Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre The red list category is largely based on the situation in

Viet Nam, where the species is distributed sparsely but

Refs: 17195
widely throughout the country in primary and secondary
forest. Exploitation of the diseased wood for the
Aporusa elliptifolia
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c perfume industry has resulted in population declines
Philippines exceeding 80% over recent years. There is a strong
indication that the same losses are occurring in the rest
A Palawan endemic, confined to forested slopes at low
altitude. The main island is declared a biosphere reserve. of Indo-China. Other parts of the plant are also widely
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre used: the roots for incense, cosmetics and medicines and

Re/i; 4986, 5651 the bark for fibre.

Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
Refs: 848, 6646, 1 1530, 15357, 19060
Aporusa isabellina
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Aquilaria cumingiana

A lowland rainforest species, confined to a restricted Thymelaeaceae VU Aid

area in the Sungei Lebi Basin in south-east Kelantan.
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Moluccas), Philippines
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre A shrub or small tree of primary forest distributed in
East Kalimantan, the Moluccas and the Philippines. The
Refs: 8464, 19073
fungi-infected heartwood, characteristic of all members

Aporusa lanceolata of the genus, has high commercial value in the

VU Ale production of incense, perfume and traditional medicine.
Sri Lanka Numerous trees are cut down, many uninfected, to
lowland wet evergreen forests of harvest just z few kilogrammes of the diseased wood.
A tree confined to the
south-west Sri Lanka. The increase in levels of trade over the past decade has
resulted in overexploitation throughout its range.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9176, 17195
Refs: 1766, 19059

Apterosperma oblata
Theaceae VUBl+2c Aquilaria hirta
Thymelaeaceae VUAld
China (Guangdong, Guangxi)
Indonesia (Sumatra), Singapore
First discovered in the 1960s, the species is thought to
have become extinct in its original location on Mount A small tree occurring in lowland forest on hill slopes.

Hewei, which has been cleared of forest. Further The fiingi-infected heartwood, characteristic of all

members of the genus, has high commercial value in the

localities have been identified in Xinyi in Guangdong
production of incense, perfume and traditional medicine.
and Guping in Guangxi, where it occurs in the remaining
Numerous trees are cut down, many uninfected, to
forest below 600m. The genus is monospecific.
harvest just a few kilogrammes of the diseased wood.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
1818,11847 The increase in levels of trade over the past decade has
resulted in overexploitation throughout its range.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Aquilaria banaensae
VUD2 Refs: 9199, 19059
Viet Nam
A small tree or shrub which appears to be endemic to

The World List of Threatened Trees

Aquilaria malaccensis Aralia malabarica

Thymelaeaceae VU A led Araliaceae VUBl+2c
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India (Assam, Manipur, India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Meghalaya, Tripura), Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), An understorey tree, known from sparse collections
Iran, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, from submontane evergreen forest in the southern end of
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand the Western Ghats.
A large evergreen tree occurring in forests at the base of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
mountainous areas. For centuries the species has been Refs: 19144
traded internationally for the wood infected with fungi,
called agar or gaharu amongst other things; it is used as Arapatiella psilophylla
incense, perfume and in traditional medicine. Most of Leguminosae VUBI+2c
the agarwood on the market is collected from the wild Brazil (Bahia)
since the few plantations set up in the early 1900s are The species is endemic to areas of Atlantic forest in the
either under serious pressure or have been destroyed. south of the state.

The species is considered critically endangered in India Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and export has been prohibited. It is included in Refs: 19098, 19100
Appendix llof *C1TES.
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop Araucaria angustifolia
Refs: 1086, 5550, 5626, 6646, 8865, 9199. 9328, 10471, Araucariaceae VUAIcd+2cd
12959, 14490, 17140, 19058. 19059, 19209 Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Minas Gerais, Parana. Rio
de Janeiro?. Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao
Aquilaria microcarpa Paulo), Paraguay
Thymelaeaceae VU Aid Parana pine is the most important timber species in
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Singapore Brazil. Although an abundant species, it has undergone
This species grows in lowland forest up to 200m continuous decline in the extent of its occurrence
altitude. The fungi-infected heartwood, charactenstic of through logging. The original extent of Araucaria forest,
all members of the genus, has high commercial value in estimated at 200,000km'. is believed to have declined by
the production of perfume and traditional
incense, more than 80% in the last Rio Grande do
century. In
medicine. Numerous trees are cut down, many which was
Sul, for instance, the forest area, over half of
uninfected, to harvest just a few kilogrammes of the made up o( Araucaria, has plummetted from 40% land
diseased wood. The increase in levels of trade over the cover to 3% today. Araucaria forest in Sao Paulo
past decade has resulted in overexploitation throughout covers 4.3% of its original area. In addition, 3,400 tons
its range. per annum of fruit and seeds are collected for human
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre consumption. The Paraguay population is small and
Refs:9\99, 16104, 19059 confined to Alto Parana. Seeding trees are scarce. Small
relict populations, covering less than lOOOha, in north-
Aquilaria rostrata east Misiones, Argentina, are all that remain of the forest
Thymelaeaceae DD that in I960 covered 2IO,OOOha. The species is included
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) on the compiled by *IBAMA of threatened
official list
A rare submontane rainforest species, found only in Brazilian plants.
Pahang, at Wray's camp on Gunung Tahan in Taman Assessor: Varty, N. & D.L. Guadagnin
Negara National Park. The species taxonomic status is Refs: 4506, 5112, 7980, 8815, 11374, 13041, 13947,
doubtful. It is similar to A. malaccensis but the specimen 15539, 16595, 19124, 19179
material is too poor to verify the floral characters.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Araucaria araucana
«e/i; 8464, 8865, 19073 Araucariaceae VUAlcd
Argentina (Neuquen), Chile
Aquilaria sinensis Known widely as the Monkey Puzzle tree, this species
Thymelaeaceae VUBl+2cde ranges from the Coastal Cordillera of Chile to the Andes
China (Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan, Guangxi, in Argentina. The populations on the coast are restricted
Yunnan) and highly threatened. Andean populations are severely
An important source of medicine, the species is fragmented. Chile holds the largest populations, most of
restricted to Jinghong in Yunnan, Guangdong, including which are being illegally felled in and outside national
Hainan Island and Guangxi. It is mainly found in semi- park boundaries. The Chilean populations are listed in
evergreen monsoon forest up to altitudes of 400m. There *CITES Appendix I and the Argentinian in Appendix II.
is concern over the rates of exploitation and the damage Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
to trees incurred during the harvesting of the medicinal Refs: 5112. 7980, 1 1 1 47, 1 6328
balm. Habitat loss and clearance are also frequent.
Assessor: Sun, W. Araucaria bemieri
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 Araucariaceae LR/cd
New Caledonia
Aralia javanica Confined to areas of moist evergreen forest in the south,
Araliaceae VU Bl+2c this valued timber species is under some pressure from
Indonesia (Java) logging. It is well represented in protected areas
The species is synonymous with A. dasyphylla.
possibly including Rivifere Bleue Provincial Park and Montagne
It occurs in montane forests between 2000 and 3000m des Sources Nature Reserve, where it is safe from being
on Mount Papandayan, Malabar and Dieng. felled.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 9078 Refs: 10351,12630

Species Summaries

Araucaria biramulata fire and erosion. Mining

they are seriously threatened by
Araucariaceae LR/cd and the increasing settlement of the area are also
New Caledonia concerns.
Similar to A.bemieri the species is confined to areas of Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
moist evergreen forest in the southern ultramafic Refs: 10351,12630
massifs. It is under some pressure from logging and also
fires. Well-protected populations exist in Rivifere Bleue Araucaria muelleri
Provincial Park. Araucariaceae LR/cd
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group New Caledonia
Refs: 10351, 12630 The species is known from a few small populations in
maquis shrubland on ultramafic soils in the southern
Araucaria heterophyUa massifs. Growth and regeneration appear to be slow and
Araucariaceae VUBl+2c susceptible to the frequent wildfires. Effective protection
Norfolk Island is given to populations in Montagne des Sources Nature
The Norfolk Island pine has experienced large historical Reserve.
population declines in its natural range. Much of the Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
habitat continues to be converted into agriculture and «e/i; 374, 9631, 12630
human habitation. The species is very widely planted
throughout the world. Araucaria nemorosa
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Araucariaceae CR Bl+2c
Refs: 6144, 13041 New Caledonia
A single population exists at Port Bois£ on the southern
Araucaria humboldtensis coast. It is on private land and is vulnerable to fires,

Araucariaceae LR/cd felling and the expansion of human habitation, perhaps

New Caledonia also to potential tourism.
Occurring in cloud forest on three mountain ridges, the Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
species is localised but not threatened or declining. Refs: 10351, 12630
Severe drought in recent years may have caused the
death of about 10% of the Mount Humboldt population. Araucaria rulei
Regeneration on Montagne des Sources, where it is Araucariaceae EN CI
protected in a nature reserve, appears to be good. New Caledonia
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Occurring in small areas of maquis shrubland on the

Refs: 12630, 13041 ultramafic massifs in the north-west, the species has
experienced severe population declines because of
Araucaria hunsteinU nickel mining activities. Mining is now more strictly
Araucariaceae LR/nt controlled and there have been good results from

Papua New Guinea attempts to recolonise the mine spoil. However, this
Recorded to be the tallest tree in Malesia, reaching 90m species appears to regenerate poorly and grow slowly.
mainly in Fagaceae forest
in height, the species occurs None of the populations is protected.

between 520 and 2100m. It has been reduced to Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
scattered stands because of heavy exploitation of the Refs: 10351, 12630
good-quality timber. The species habitat is also
threatened by shifting agriculture, fire and damage Araucaria schmidii
caused by Small plantations of SOOOha exist
feral pigs. Araucariaceae VU D2
in Papua New Guinea and it has been introduced to New Caledonia
Australia, Fiji and Peninsular Malaysia on an A well -protected species confined to montane cloud
experimental scale. The export of Araucaria logs has foreston Mont Pani£. The area is inaccessible and not
been banned in Papua New Guinea. under threat. However, the species is confined to an area
Assessor: Conifer Specialist Group
SSC considerably less than 100km'.

Refs: 707,4506, 13041, 13204, 14573, 19147 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 12630, 13041

Araucaria laubenfelsii
Araucariaceae LR/cd Araucaria scopulorum
New Caledonia Araucariaceae ENBI+2c
A species scattered on the southern ultramafic massifs. It New Caledonia
is uncommon and confined to a few localities of Small populations occur in maquis shrubland on
submontane forest where wildfires can be a hazard. ultramafic soil in two or three sites on the north-east

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group coast. They are completely unprotected in a well-

Refs: 10351, 12630

populated area. Fire and mining activities are also causes
for concern.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Araucaria luxurians
Araucariaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 10351, 12630

New Caledonia
Small populations are confined fewer than five coastal
to Araiicaria subulata
of the island. None Araucariaceae LR/cd
sites on ultramafic soils in the south
of the populations is protected and in places, e.g. Plum, New Caledonia
Endemic to New Caledonia, the species is scattered in

the ultramafic massifs in the south. It occurs in

abundance in submontane forest and is well protected in


The World List of Threatened Trees

RivifereBleu Provincial Park and Montagne des Sources Archidendron pahangense

Nature Reserve. Threats exist from fire and felling. Leguminosae LR/cd
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 12630 Confined to the Genting Highlands, the species is found
in hill rainforest on sandstone between 600 and 1500m.
Arbutus canariensis There are pressures of increasing settlement and tourism
Ericaceae VU D2 development in the area, but a degree of protection is
Spain (Canary Is.) given to populations under the permanent forest estate.
Endemic to the Gomera, Hierro and
islands of Tenerife, Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Gran Canaria, this is known from
cloud forest tree Refs: 19073
approximately 10 populations, probably containing no
more than 10,000 individuals. Numbers appear to be Archidendropsis glandulosa
stable, although declining water availability and fires Leguminosae VUBl-^2c
may affect some areas. The species is listed in New Caledonia
govemment legislation of 99 1 1 A relatively widespread species, occurring in various
Assessor: Baiiares, A. et al. habitat types, thicket, maquis or gallery forest on rocky
Refs: 45\.15\2,\9022 ultramafic soils. Various threats exist from fires, mining
and agricultural encroachment.
Arbutus glandulosa Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.

Ericaceae LR/cd Refs: 10351, 12630

Guatemala, Mexico
A species of montane pine-oak forest, occurring from Archidendropsis lentiscifolia
central and southern Mexico to Guatemala. Parts of the Leguminosae VU B1-h2c
range are contained within protected areas but most New Caledonia
regions have experienced large-scale deforestation. The species occurs in a few localities in the north-west
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa of Grand Terre in maquis on ultramafic substrate. It is
Refs: 19161 nowhere protected and the habitat is exposed to threats
from fires, mining and clearance.
Arbutus pavarii Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.
Ericaceae VU D2 Refs: 10351, 12630
A species endemic to the Gebel Akhdar on the coast of Archidendropsis paivana
Libya. The population range and status are little known Leguminosae VU C2a
at present. New Caledonia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species can be divided into three subspecies, which
Refs: 195 take up distributions in the north-west, north-east and
southern regions of Grand Terre, including some of the
Arbutus xalapensis neighbouring islands. All forms occur largely in
Ericaceae LR/cd rainforest on ultramafic soils and are exposed to threats
Guatemala, Mexico from fire, mining activities and habitat clearance or
A species of montane pine-oak forest, occurring from degradation.
central and southern Mexico to Guatemala. Parts of the Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.
range are contained within protected areas but most Refs: 10351, 12630
regions have experienced large-scale deforestation.
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N, & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa Archontophoenix myolensis
Refs: 19161 Palmae VU C2a
Australia (Queensland)
Archidendron forbesii Restricted to an altitudinal range of350 to 400m, the
Leguminosae VUB1-k2c species occurs in riverine rainforest on metamorphic
Papua New Guinea rocks in the Myola area and Black Mountain in the
A late secondary tree scattered in lowland rainforest; it Kuranda range. The total population is estimated to
is confined to the Central Province. The species is contain 400 to 500 mature trees and remains
threatened by habitat destruction from felling and urban unprotected. Regeneration is good.
expansion. Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Refs: 19118
Refs: 19114
Arctostaphylos catalinae
Archidendron oblongum Ericaceae VU D2
Leguminosae VUBl+2c USA (California)
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) A shrub or small tree endemicto Catalina Island.
Endemic to the Solomon Islands, this large tree is Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
restricted to lowland rainforest in alluvial valleys. It is Refs: 19033
traditionally utilised as a timber for construction and
hiel. Ardisia alstonii
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrsinaceae VU A2c
Refs: 16292, 16612 Panama
The species occurs principally as a shrub, in areas of
semi-deciduous rainforest up to 1 100m in three
provinces in the east of Panama, including Chiriqui near

Species Summaries

the border with Costa Rica. The habitat is declining Ardisia colonensis
under increasing human activities, logging, agriculture Myrsinaceae ENBl+2bd
and farming. Panama
Assessor: Miti6, M. A scarce species of lowland moist open forest, known
Refs: 16772 only from a few collections in the region of Santa Rita in
Col6n Province. The area is relatively well studied. It is
Ardisia amplexicaulis also unprotected and has experienced an influx of people
Myrsinaceae ENBl+2c over recent years, resulting in the loss of a large part of
India (Kerala) the forest.
A poorly known species, occurring as a small tree in Assessor: Miu€, M.
submontane evergreen forest in the Western Ghats. Only Refs: 16772
two imprecise collections exist, one from the
Agastyamalai Hills and the other from the Wayanad Ardisia darienensis
area. Myrsinaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Panama
Refs: 19144 Collections have been made only in Darien, the type
collection coming from Darien National Park.
Ardisia antonensis Assessor: Mitre, M.
Myrsinaceae DD Refs: 16772
The species has been collected only once from the Ardisia dukei
province of Cocl^. No further records have beenmade, Myrsinaceae EN Bl+2c
but many more collections from the family await Panama
identification. The species has been found only in DariSn Province,
Assessor: M\u€, M. where it is present in reasonable numbers in Cerro Pirre
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 within Darien National Park.
Assessor: Mitre, M.
Ardisia blatteri Refs: 7980, 16772
Myrsinaceae EN B I +2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Ardisia eugenioides
Known from just two collections, the species occurs in Myrsinaceae ENBl+2c
submontane evergreen forest at the southern end of the Panama
Western Ghats. Known under the genus Ardisia in Panama, this species

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre isconfined to cloud forest between 2000 and 2600m in
Refs: 19144 Fortuna Forest Reserve and its vicinity in Gualaca,
Chiriquf Province. It is known only from a few
Ardisia brittonii collections and appears to be particularly sparse outside

Myrsinaceae EN B 1 •k2c the reserve boundaries, where the growth in ranching

Jamaica and agriculture has caused considerable habitat loss.
A small tree endemic to St Thomas Parish. Forest areas Assessor: Mitre, M.
in the parish have almost completely disappeared or are Refs: \6in
severely degraded.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Ardisia furfuracella
/fe/i; 401, 7980, 19116 Myrsinaceae VUCl
Costa Rica, Panama
Ardisia byrsonimae In Panama the species is known only from the Cordillera

Myrsinaceae CR C2b Central in the province of Chiriqui, where it occurs

Jamaica sparsely in various open forest and scrub types up to

The species is known from a single locality in Peckham 19(X)m, including areas opened up by ranching. It is a

Woods, Clarendon, where it occurs on a rocky limestone common plant within a restricted area of
Corcovado National Park in Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
hilltop at about 760m.
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. This is the only population which is protected.

Refs: 5653, 19085 Assessor: Mitr^, M.

Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772

Ardisia chiriquiana
Myrsinaceae DD Ardisia geniculata
Panama Myrsinaceae DD
Only two records of the species have been made since Panama
the type specimen was collected from Cerro Pate Macho Known only from the type specimen dated 1940, the

in Chiriqui Province. All records come from the same

species was collected from an area which is now a
region. Although it would be possible tentatively to
banana plantation. However, it is probable that the taxon
evaluate the species status as Critically Endangered, it represents a variation of another species.

may not be appropriate given that the species described Assessor: Mitre, M.
by Lundell are frequently identified as synonyms. Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772

Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Refs: 16772

The World List of Threatened Trees

Ardisia glomerata small area of forest between 800 and 100m. The area is

Myrsinaceae ENBl+2c becoming extensively convertedagriculture and

Panama pastoralism. It is supposed that the species will be found
All collections of the species come from two in neighbouring protected areas, Volc^ Banj National
neighbouring localities in the Valle de Ant6n in Cocl6 Park and Fortuna Forest Reserve.
Province. It is a relatively common component of Assessor: Mitr6, M.
undisturbed cloud forest between 600 and 1000m. This Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772
area of forest is gradually disappearing through
encroachment and, although at present unprotected, is Ardisia nigrovirens
being considered for designation as a protected area. Myrsinaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Pern
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 A Peru endemic, occurring in lowland Amazonian forest
in Hu^uco, Loreto and Madre de Dios.
Ardisia hagenii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrsinaceae DD Refs: 1984
The species has been collected only once from the Ardisia opaca
province of Chiriqui in 1940. Myrsinaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Mitr€, M. Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 Occurring in various forest types over a wide altitudinal
range, the species exists in sparsely scattered
Ardisia jamaicensis populations, except in Chiriqui Province, Panama, where
Myrsinaceae VUBI+2c it common. In Santa Rita, Col6n
appears to be relatively
Jamaica Province, Panama, the population is threatened by
Known only from localities in Westmoreland, Hanover extensive forest clearance. There are also records of
and St James, the species is infrequent and generally occurrences in Coto Brus in Costa Rica and in the Choc6
confined to rocky limestone hilltops. in Colombia.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 6057, 7980 Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772

Ardisia jefeana Ardisia panamensis

Myrsinaceae VU C2a Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c
Panama Panama
A cloud forest species, occurring commonly in the Originally known only from the type collection from
Cordillera de Cerro Jefe, including the Cerro Azul, and Cerro Hoqueta, the species name has now been attached
in the Serrania de Pirre, very close to the border with to a number of previously unidentified herbarium
Colombia. Much of the species range coincides with collectionsfrom the same region. The species occurs
eitherChagres National Park or Dari^n National Park. between 2000 and 2300m in cloud forest. There are
Assessor: Mitr6, M. populations recorded in Fortuna Forest Reserve and
Refs: 16772 Volc^ Bani National Park.
Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Ardisia martinensis Refs: 7272, 7980, 15310, 16772
Myrsinaceae VU D2
Pern Ardisia premontana
Known only from the type collection, the species is Myrsinaceae VU D2
found in * terra firme forest in San Martin. Ecuador, Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree currently known only from two collections from
Refs: 1984 the lower eastern slopes of the Andes at the rim of the
Amazon basin. The type was collected in central Peru
Ardisia maxonii and the other specimen is from southern Ecuador. The
Myrsinaceae LR/nt area is botanically undercoUected.
Costa Rica, Panama Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Usually known under the genus Ardisia, the species Refs: 1984,2909
occurs in the Cordillera de Talamanca in south-east
Costa Rica and western Panama, where it is fairly Ardisia rufa
common in areas of closed and open rainforest above Myrsinaceae EN C2a
800m. There are protected populations in La Amistad Panama
National Park and in the Valle de Ant6n in Panama. Originally collected from Cerro Punta in Chiriqui
Large populations also occur in Boquete and Volc^ in Province, the species is known
from few other
Chiriquf, Panama, but these are diminishing because of collections in the same region and from Cerro Azul in
agricultural development. Panamd Province. Although no further occurrences have
Assessor: Miti6, M. been identified, it is possible that populations exist in the
Refs: 16772 Cordillera Central in between these two areas. It occurs
in moist evergreen forest from 800 to 2500m and
Ardisia microcalyx appears to be uncommon.
Myrsinaceae ENBl+2b Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Panama Refs: 16772
Endemic to the mountains of Chiriqui Province, the
species appears to be fairly frequent but confined to a

Species Summaries

Ardisia scheryi Ardisia zakii

Myrsinaceae EN C2a Myrsinaceae VU D2
Panama Ecuador
Endemic to the Cordillera Central, the species is known This tree is known only from the type collection from
only from a few records, all originating from high- remnant cloud forest on steep slopes. Road construction
altitude forest in the province of Chiriqui. It is possible in the area has been responsible for the removal of a
the species range is more extensive but current considerable area of forest.
information suggests the species is rare and restricted in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
range. Refs: 2909
Assessor: Miti€, M.
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 Areca andersonii
Palmae DD
Ardisia scortechinU Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Myrsinaceae DD A solitary palm of lowland moist forest, often occurring

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) in limestone crevices. A single collection is also

A small, rare tree of lowland rainforest. recorded in Brunei.

Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Assessor: Dransfield, J.

Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 19118

Ardisia sonchifolia Areca chaiana

Myrsinaceae ENBl+2c Palmae DD
India (Kerala) Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Probably also extending into Tamil Nadu, the species A single-stemmed palm of lowland moist forest, often

has only been collected from scattered localities of located near river banks, on slopes or in open areas. It is

submontane forest in the Anamalai Hills. A single known occur in the Entiman-Lanjak Wildlife

occurrence is also recorded further south nearer the Sanctuary, and is in cultivation at Semengoh Arboretum
Travancore range. near Kuching, Sarawak. Forest management activities
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre are affecting some areas within the species range.
Refs: 19144 Assessor: Dransfield, J.

Refs: 19118
Ardisia squamulosa
Myrsinaceae VUAlcd Areca concinna
Philippines Palmae EN Ale
An endemic species to the Philippines. Rates of habitat Sri Lanka

loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to Endemic to Sri Lanka, this small clustering palm tree is

considerable population declines. restricted tolowland rainforest. Its habitat is threatened

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre by the expansion of human habitation. The seeds are
/ee/j; 2072, 4919 used locally as a betel nut substitute.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Ardisia subsessilifolia Refs: 19118
Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c
Panama Areca glandiformis
Occurring in cloud forest above 1500m, the species is Palmae DD
known from various localities in the Cordillera Central Indonesia (Moluccas)
and the mountains which divide the provinces of An endemic palm tree of the Moluccas, occurring in

Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro. It occurs in Volc4n Bani lowland Although it is likely to be threatened by

National Park and a small part in the south-east of La increasing agriculture and forest management activities,
Amistad National Park. more fieldwork is needed to assign a category.
Assessor: Mitre, M. Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 Refs: 19118

Ardisia urbanii Areca guppyana

Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c Palmae DD
Jamaica Solomon Islands
An uncommon tree confined to woodland on limestone A small palm tree of primary forest, endemic to the
in Trelawny. Solomon Islands, where it is under threat from logging,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre increasing agriculture and mining. Trees are planted in

Re/i: 401, 5653, 7980 sacred places and cemeteries.

Assessor: Dowl, J.L.

Ardisia websterU Refs: 19118

Myrsinaceae LR/cd
Ecuador Areca hutchinsoniana
locally common in Palmae LR/nt
This small understorey tree is

montane rainforest along streams, apparently only in the Philippines

Maquipucuna Forest Reserve. A pooriy known species found in only a few localities of

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre primary forest at low altitude in Mindanao.
Assessor: Madulid, D.
Refs: 2909
Refs: 19118

The World List of Threatened Trees

Areca ipot Aristeguietia discolor

Palmae VUAlc Compositae LR/nt
Philippines Peru
A species of streamsides and forest at low to medium A widespread species of *eirm forest and shrublands,
altitude. It is conflned to southern Luzon and is of endemic to the Peruvian Andes between 2000 and
significant importance as an ornamental. 4000m.
Assessor: Madulid, D. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19118 Refs: 1984

Areca macrocarpa Aristogeitonia monophylla

Palmae DD Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
Philippines Kenya, Tanzania
Very scanty information is available on the species. It Restricted to patches of dry forest or thicket on coral or
may be a variety oiA. catechu. Populations appear to be limestone, the species ranges from south-east Kenya into
confmed to lowland rainforest in Zambanga, Mindanao. north-east Tanzania in the Pangani River basin. There
Assessor: Madulid, D. are two other species in the genus, occurring in Angola
Refs: 19118 and Madagascar.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Areca parens Refs: 2074, 3356, 6396, 9198
Palmae VU Ale
Philippines Arthrocarpum gracile
A species of lowland rainforest, occurring along Leguminosae VU D2
streamsides, only in Camarines Province in Luzon. The Yemen (Socotra)
area is strongly affected by slash and bum agriculture. A small tree or shrub which occurs relatively commonly
Assessor: Madulid, D. in lowland and submontane woodland. It is an important
Refs: 19118 cattle browse.
Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Areca whitfardii Refs: 2354, 19083
Palmae VU Ale
Philippines Arthrophyllum montanum
There are two varieties, var. whitfordii and var. Araliaceae LR/cd
luzonensis, based on the size of the fruit. The species Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
occurs in several localities in Luzon and Mindoro in A small tree of moist montane rainforest in Terengganu,
areas of semi-swampy forest at low altitude. Slash and Kelantan, Pahang and Kedah (Gunung Jerai).
bum agriculture affects most localities. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: Madulid, D. Refs: 8464, 19073
Re/j; 19118
Arthrophyllum proUferum
Arenga listen Araliaceae VU D2
Palmae VU D2 PapuaNew Guinea
Christmas Island Known oiJy from two collections, this medium-sized
Endemic to Christmas Island, this palm tree is scattered tree isconfmed to submontane rainforest on steep slopes
in lowland rainforest on plateaux and terraces. Christmas in the Kuper range, Morobe District.
Island is only 140 km* and phosphate mining is a major Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
threat to all of the native flora. The species, which has Refs: 19031
only one flowering phase during its life cycle, is further
threatened by seed-predating crabs which limit the Arthrophyllum pulgarense
potential for regeneration. Araliaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Assessor: Johnson, D. Philippines
Refs: 19118 Endemic to Palawan, the species is found on the upper
part of Mount Pulgar at about 1200m. The main island is
Arenga wightii declared a biosphere reserve.
Palmae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Refs: 4986
A monocarpic palm of dense forest, occurring on slopes
between 150 and 1000m. It is threatened by logging Artocarpus blancoi
activities and increasing settlement and agriculture. Moraceae VU Aid
Assessor: Johnson, D. Philippines
Refs: 19118 This species of lowland seasonal forest and thicket is
used for timber and the production of pulp and paper.
Aristeguietia arborea Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Compositae VUBl+2c /?e/i. 4919, 12937
A tree species which is endemic to the High Andes of Artocarpus hypargyreus
Ecuador. Moraceae VUAlcd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi,
Refs: 19119, 19120 Yunnan)
A timber species which occurs in broadleaved deciduous

Species Summaries

woodland up to 1300m. Population numbers have Panama border. Although the entire population is
declined because of overexploitation and habitat loss. contained within protected areas, it is restricted in range
Assessor: Sun, W. and numbers, particularly of larger individuals.
Refs: 1818, 19055 Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772
Artocarpus nobilis
Moraceae VUAlc
Sri Lanka Aspidosperma megalocarpon
A tree restricted to lowland rainforest Apocynaceae LR/nt
in south-west Sri
Lanka. Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Suriname,
Refs: 15431, 17195
A common canopy tree of lowland seasonal rainforest.
Artocarpus rubrovenus The timber is exploited on a small scale. General habitat
losses have been considerable in the last 50 years.
Moraceae VUAld
Populations are considered threatened at a national level
in Ecuador, Mexico and throughout Central America.
A lowland forest species which yields keledang timber
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
used for light construction.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 3917,7140, 11449, 15037, 19161

/fe/j;4919. 11145, 12937

Aspidosperma polyneuron
Artocarpus treculianus
Apocynaceae EN A 1 acd-f 2cd
Argentina (Misiones), Bohvia, Brazil, Colombia,
Moraceae VU Aid
Paraguay, Peru
Peroba rosa is a popular timber tree, which has suffered
A valuable source of keledang timber, this species
intense exploitation anc' habitat loss over the past few
occurs in lowland forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
decades. The Brazilian populations are largely eroded.
Populations in Colombia are seriously threatened. In
Refs: 4919, 11145, 12937
Paraguay, the species was relatively recently described
as one of the dominant components of some areas of
Arytera nekorensis
forest, but here too rapid population declines have
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c
resulted in the species being hard to find and no longer
New Caledonia
commercially viable to exploit. In Argentina the species
Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al.
is rare and confined to the north of Misiones.
Refs: 10351
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
/fe/i. 4217,4506, 5112, 7980, 19069, 19179, 19210
Asimina tetramera
Annonaceae EN C2a
USA (Florida) Aspidosperma tritematum
A large shrub or small tree of scrub vegetation, Apocynaceae LR/nt
occurring near the Atlantic coast in Jonathan Dickinson Argentina, Paraguay
State Palm Beach County park and several
Park, a The species is restricted to lowland dry forest in the
privatelyowned areas. The total population consists of Chaco of Argentina and neighbouring Paraguay. The
about 500 plants. The plant is adapted to disturbance, in species range may be extensive but the ecosystem is
the absence of which it becomes shaded out by oaks and damage caused by human activities.
susceptible to
pines. Although protected in Jonathan Dickinson State Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Park, elsewhere stands have become confined and Refs: 1262,7980
scattered as the habitat has been cleared for commercial
and residential development. The species is protected by
the US Endangered Species Act. Asteranthe asterias ssp. asterias
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VUBl+2b
Refs: 7078, 8400, 19167 Kenya, Tanzania
This subspecies appears to be relatively widely spread
Aspidosperma curranii along the Kenyan coast down through Tanzania to
Apocynaceae VUBl+2de Zanzibar. It occurs in dry forests and Brachystegia

Colombia, Panama woodland.

Most records of the species come from Darifin National Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Park, where small populations occur in lowland Refs: 3356, 10961

evergreen forest. There is little human or other impact

here, although some small clearings have been made for Asteranthe asterias ssp. triangularis
cultivation. An occurrence is also reported from the Annonaceae VUBI+2b
UrabS region in Columbia. Tanzania
Assessor: Mitr^, M. An endemic to the East Usambaras, the species is

confined to patches of forest and also evergreen

J?c/i;4217, 15037, 16772
bushland on Sindeni Hill.

Aspidosperma daiienense Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke

Apocynaceae EN C2a Refs: 3356, 9302
Occurring in lowland evergreen rainforest, the species is
known only from the Panama side of the Colombia-

The World List of Threatened Trees

Asteranthos brasiUensis restricted to forest fragments in the middle Magdalena

Lecythidaceae LR/nt River valley. The timber is harvested for local use. The
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia, Venezuela main threats come from increasing agriculture and forest
A species which grows quite abundantly, but only in management.
flooded forest in the upper Rio Negro. Assessor: Bemal, R.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 19069, 19118
Refs: 1503,7980,9632
Astronidium degeneri
Asterogyne spicata Melastomataceae VU D2
Palmae VUBl+2c Fiji

Venezuela A shrub or tree often occurring in dry forest or forest

A palm tree of lowland rainforest, restricted to Guatopo edges along watercourses up to 900m. It is so far known
National Park and Cerro Bachiller of Miranda State. from a few collections from western Viti Levu.
Increasing settlement has caused habitat losses in some Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
areas. No reports exist of occurrences elsewhere in /?efj.- 5515, 6053, 18818
suitable habitat types.
Assessor: Stauffer, F. Astronidium floribundum
Refs: 19118 Melastomataceae CR Dl

Asterogyne yaracuyense A small tree known only from the type collection, which
Palmae CR Ale, Bl+2c, CI was gathered in 1927 from the south-eastern slope of
Venezuela Moimt Korombamba on Viti Levu.
A small palm, up to 5m tall, on
restricted to cloud forest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the mountain ridge of Santa Man'a and on La Chapa /?e/i.- 5515, 6053, 18818
ridge in Yaracuy state. Two years ago, a team from the
Herbario Nacional de Venezuela visited this area and Astronidium inflatum
foimd a massive deterioration of the habitat mainly due Melastomataceae CR Dl
to agriculture and logging. This tree was not found in Fiji

any of the neighbouring cloud forests and is presumed to Known only from Vanua Levu, the species occurs in
have a very restricted distribution. dense forest or thickets on crests or open hillsides
Assessor: Stauffer, F. between 700 and 1030m. Only a few sites are known,
Refs: 19118 each containing about 12 plants.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Asterophorum mennegae «e/i; 5515, 6053, 18818
Tiliaceae VU D2
Suriname Astronidium kasiense
This small tree of evergreen seasonal forest is known Melastomataceae CR Dl
from two
just collections. The type specimen was Fiji

gathered from a forest island in the Sipaliwini Savanna. The single collection known was gathered in 1934 on
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mount Kasi in dense forest between 300 and 430m. The
Refs: 1951 area has been exposed to mineral exploitation and the
species may now be extinct.
Astrocaryum alatum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae LR/nt /fe/i; 5515, 6053, 18818
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama
A small palm tree common in the fragmented lowland Astronidium lepidotum
rainforest found along the Atlantic coast. The main Melastomataceae CR Dl
threat is the expansion of human habitation. It is Fiji
possibly conspecific with A. alatum. A poorly known from the same
species, collected twice
Assessor: Henderson, A. below 200m near the copper mine at
locality in forest
Refs: 19118 Waimaro River, Viti Levu. It has not been seen since
Astrocaryum minus Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae CR Dl /fe/i; 5372, 5515, 6053, 18818
Brazil (Amazonas), French Guiana
An extremely rare single-stemmed palm of 2-5m height. Astronidium macranthum
The species occurs in the western Amazon basin and Melastomataceae LR/nt
more recently two individuals were discovered on the Fiji
Mont Grand Maroury, near Cayenne, French Guiana. Known from Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, the species
The principal threats to remaining individuals are fire occurs dry forest or forest edges up to 900m.
and logging. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: de Granville, J.J /Jc/i.- 5515, 6053, 18818
Refs: 19118
Astronidium ovalifolium
Astrocaryum triandrum Melastomataceae DD
Palmae ENBl+2c French Polynesia (Society Is.)

Colombia The species is known only from Raiatea.

A lowland rainforest palm, which occurs on alluvial Assessor: Florence, J.

plains or gentle slopes. Its distribution is currently Refs: 14513

Species Summaries

Astronidium pattidiflorum introduced Acacia species. The future of the species

Melastomataceae CRDl should be secure provided that an alien eradication
Fiji programme is maintained.
Known only from the type collection, the species is Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at.
confined to an area of dense forest, between 50 and Refs: 6S9,\92\i
150m, in the hills west of Waivunu Creek, Viti Levu. It

has not been seen since 1953. Atalaya natalensis

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapindaceae VU D2
*e/i; 5515.6053, 18818 South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)
A very scarce tree with a highly scattered distribution in
Astronidium saulae patches of coastal escarpment forest, from near Port St
Melastomataceae CRDl John's in the Transkei, Eastern Cape, northwards to
Fiji Ngome forest in Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal. It appears to
A slender tree localised in dense lowland forest at two be associated with granite outcrops, but at present is
sites on Levu. One site of 27 plants on the southern
Viti known from only five localities within an area of
slopes of Mount Korombamba was logged in 1980 but 100km'. Although most of the localities are contained
appears to be regenerating. The other site, consisting of within protected areas, the degree of protection afforded
20 plants within an area of 10 x 20m, exists at Navua. to them varies Uncontrolled
greatly. activities,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre particularly cutting firewood and timber, could
Refs: 5515, 6053, 15965, 18818 rapidly result in the local demise of the species.
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al.
Astronidium storckii Refs: 689, 19218
Melastomataceae LR/nt
Fiji gummifera
Except for the type collection at Ovalau, the species is Leguminosae EN Ale
known only from Viti Levu. It has been collected in Cuba
dense forest and thickets on crests and ridges between An uncommon tree, up to 7m tall, occurring in the dry

30 and 1153m. evergreen forests of Matanzas Province and eastern

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba. Habitat declines have been considerable over the
/?e/j: 5515, 6053, 18818 past decades.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Astronidium tomentosum Refs: 9522, 16327, 19149
Melastomataceae LR/nt
Fiji Ateleia popenoei
Relatively rarely collected, this shrub or small tree is Leguminosae DD
found in thickets on crests and summits, between 600 Bahamas
and 1200m. It occurs in a restricted area of Namosi There is little information on this endemic to the
Province in Viti Levu. Bahamas. There are still substantial areas which remain
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre undeveloped on the islands and the species is not
/?e/r; 5515, 6053, 18818 thought to be under threat.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Astronium urundeuva Refs: 10173, 19207
Anacardiaceae DD
Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia, Brazil (Bahia. Goi^, Ateleia saUcifolia
MaranhSo, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Piaui, Sao Leguminosae VUBI+2c
Paulo), Paraguay Cuba
A dominant component of *caatinga, also occurring A small tree, up to 8m
confined to the dry forests on

widely in *cerrado. It is commercially overexploited for the southern slopes of the Escambray mountain range in
the decay-resistant dense wood. Large natural stands central Cuba. The habitat is degraded in places and
have become scarce in places. All size classes are felling or forest clearance is a constant threat.
exploited for a variety of uses; small trees for fencing Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
and larger trees for railroad ties, posts and other Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149
construction work. Some taxonomists still refer to the
species under the small genus Myracrodruon. Ateramnus glandulosus
Assessor: Prado, D. Euphorbiaceae VU BI+2c
Refs: 1262, 4506, 5112, 11936, 12837, 13686, 14291, Cuba, Jamaica
15539, 19170 In Cuba this small tree is confined to the deeply eroded
haystack mountain ranges of Pinar del Rio Province and
Attdaya capensis the Isla de Pinos.
Sapindaceae LR/cd Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
South Africa (Eastern Cape) Refs: 19118,19149
A small tree found in forest and bush, often on steep
wooded hill slopes, in the vicinity of Port Elizabeth and Ateramnus integer
supposedly further eastwards in the Transkei, although Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
there are no records to confirm this. It has been recorded Jamaica
from several localities, at least two of which are now An uncommon species confined to remaining areas of

contained within protected areas. The extent of thickets and woodlands on limestone in the central and
occurrence and number of mature trees have declined as
a result of habitat loss through the invasion of

The World List of Threatened Trees

western parishes. General habitat declines have been at the Fairchild Tropical Garden, but the mature palms
considerable, mostly caused by increasing agriculture. do not flower.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 6057, 7980 Refs: 19118,19166

Athrotaxis cupressoides Attalea septuagenata

Taxodiaceae LR/nt Palmae DD
Australia (Tasmania) Colombia
A widespread taxon, which responds poorly to fires. Confined to Ri'o Miriti-ParanS, the species occurs in
About 80% of the population is contained within lowland rainforest. It has previously been listed as
protected areas. The genus is endemic to Tasmania and endangered according to the old lUCN Red List
comprises three species. Categories. However, it has not been possible to attain
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group an accurate reflection of the species' abundance and
/Je/i; 374, 13041,17636 status since it is located in a remote and poorly-visited
Athrotaxis laxifolia Assessor: Bemal, R.
Taxodiaceae LR/nt Refs: 19118
Australia (Tasmania)
The existence of this taxon is questioned by Tasmanian Attalea tessmannii
botanists, who believe it represents a hybrid of A. Palmae VSUvA
cupressoides and A. selaginoides. It is rarely Brazil (Acre), Peru
encountered and occurs only in association with one or Widespread in the western Amazon region, this palm
other of the latter two species. About 80% of the tree grows in lowland *terra firme rainforest. It is
population is contained within protected areas. The possibly of hybrid origin.
genus is endemic to Tasmania and comprises three Assessor: Henderson, A.
species. Refs: 19118
Assessor: SSC
Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 13041, 17636 Atuna cordata
Chrysobalanaceae VU D2
Athrotaxis selaginoides Malaysia (Sabah)
Taxodiaceae VUAlc This large tree is locally common on ultramafic soils up
Australia (Tasmania) to 1200m. It is endemic to Sabah.
Although 83% of the entire population is contained Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
within protected areas, the species has been observed to Refs: 19017
decline by 32% in less than ICX) years through the effects
of fire. No regeneration is evident after burning. The Atuna eUiptica
genus is endemic to Tasmania and comprises three Chrysobalanaceae VU D2
species. Fiji
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Endemic to Viti Levu in Fiji, this small tree has been
Refs: 31 A, 13041, 13789 recorded rarely from areas of open forest, often near
streams, below 100m. Trees have a number of uses: the
Athyana weinmannifolia timber is used locally for poles or posts, while the leafy
Sapindaceae VUBl+2ac branches can be used as thatch.
Argentina, Bolivia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina Refs: 18818
and Bolivia, the species is confined to an unprotected
ecosystem which is being rapidly replaced by Atuna indica
agricultural systems. Chrysobalanaceae ENBI+2c
Assessor: Prado, D. India (Tamil Nadu)
Refs: 12837, 19122 The species has been recorded only twice from a small
area of submontane evergreen forest to the north-west of
Atkinsia cubensis the Nilgiri range.
Malvaceae EN Ale Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cuba Refs: 19144
This tree was formerly common in areas of lowland
semi-deciduous forest throughout Cuba. As a result of Atuna penangiana
burning and grazing, the habitat has been largely Chrysobalanaceae VUBl+2c
replaced by secondary savanna. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. A tree endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, inhabiting
Refs: 19118,19149 lowland and hill rainforest.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Attalea crassispatha Refs: 5550, 19073
Palmae CR Dl
Haiti Atuna travancorica
A palm of lowland forest in river valleys, confined
tree Chrysobalanaceae ENBl+2c
to the south-west peninsula of Haiti. In 1996, fewer than India (Tamil Nadu)
30 individuals were found in two adjacent river valleys. Collections of the species are concentrated on the
The species threatened by encroaching agriculture and
is Travancore Hills, just to the north of Agastyamalai.
local exploitation of the edible seeds. It is in cultivation There is also a single record of it further north in the

Species Summaries

range. It was noted to be scarce at the turn of the century the south and south-east. It occurs in a number of
and few, if any, more recent records have been made, protected areas.
despite the area being relatively well surveyed. Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19098, 19103
Refs:6M\, 14276, 19144
Austrobuxus cracens
Aubregrinia taiensis Euphorbiaceae VU DI
Sapotaceae CRBl+2c New Caledonia
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana Assessor: Jalft6, T. et at.

Scattered in moist semi-deciduous forest, this large tree Refs: 10351

is very rare and declining in numbers. In Cote d'lvoire it

is known only from a few specimens in Tai National Austrobuxus montis-do

Park, a World Heritage Site, where its regeneration is Euphorbiaceae LR/cd
observed be poor. The habitat in both countries has
to New Caledonia
substantially decreased in extent because of logging and Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.

agricultural encroachment. It is the sole member of the Refs: 10351

genus and the only close relative of Breviea, which is
also a monotypic genus. Austrocedrus chilensis
Assessor: Assi, A. Cupressaceae VU Ale
Refs: 2773, 8854, 12061, 12822 Argentina, Chile (Biobio, Los Lagos)
A species of submontane woodland and scrub, known to
Aucoumea klaineana occur in two separate localities in Chile: Antuco in
Burseraceae VUAlcd Biobi'o and further south in Valdivia, Los Lagos, and
Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon also over the border in Questrihue in Argentina.
Okoume occurs abundantly in an area covering west and Declines in population numbers have been reported, at
central Gabon and small areas of neighbouring least in Argentina, caused by logging and habitat loss
countries. It continues to be Gabon's most important through fires, and replanting with exotic
commercial timber. Repeated felling has led to the conifers: 85% of the Argentinian population occurs
deterioration of the gene pool in certain areas. There is outside protected areas and is being actively exploited.
some concern as to the long-term status of the species. Insect predation of the seed is also, apparently, affecting
Assessor: White, L. regeneration in the wild and in small plantations.
Refs: 5595, 13947, 17408, 19043 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 4893, 1 1 147, 13041
Auerodendron jamaUense
Rhamnaceae VUBl-i-2c Austromyrtus horizonlaUs
Jamaica Myrtaceae VUB1-k2c
The species is confined to coastal woodlands on New Caledonia
limestone and sand dunes. Confined to a few locations in sclerophyllous woodlands
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre the species has experienced the severe reduction and
Refs: 6057, 7980 fragmentation of its habitat. It remains ineffectively
protected and threatened by fire, grazing and
Auerodendron pauciflorum encroaching agriculture.
Rhamnaceae CR Dl Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Puerto Rico Refs: 4492, \035\

A small tree from a single site of woodland on a
limestone cliff. There are 10 individuals in the Austromyrtus lotoides
population, the majority of which are on land owned by Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
a development company. The trees have not been seen to New Caledonia
seed but efforts are being made to cultivate the plant Confined to a few locations in sclerophyllous woodlands
from tissue culture. the species has experienced the severe reduction and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre fragmentation of its habitat. It remains ineffectively
Re/i.- 3786, 7980, 17124 protected and threatened by fire, grazing and
encroaching agriculture.
Aulacocalyx pollens ssp. pollens Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.
Rubiaceae VU D2 Refs: 4492, 10351
Sao Tom6 & Pn'ncipe
Rarely collected, the taxon is known from submontane Autranella congolensis
forest in two locations, S. Pedro and S. Nicolau. It is Sapotaceae CR Alcd
noticeably absent from recent collections, although large Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Nigeria
areas of Sao Tom6 remain to be explored. A relatively rare rainforest species. Heavy exploitation

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre for the timber is the main cause of its decline. The seeds
Refs: 2724 are used locally and traded as rattles for dancers.
Assessor: African Regional Workshop
A ureliana fascicuUUa Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 17408

Solanaceae LR/cd
Brazil (Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Avicennia lanata
Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo) Avicenniaceae VUBI+2c
A frequent species of Atlantic coastal vegetation types in Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Found throughout Peninsular Malaysia, this species

The World List of Threatened Trees

grows in open clusters in moist coastal forest. Tourism Ayenia laevigata var. laevigata
and housing developments are this species' greatest Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c
threats. Jamaica
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. The type variety of a shrubby endemic, which is
Refs: 5550, 11647, 17214, 19073 confmed to remnants of dry lowland thicket and
woodland on limestone in St Andrew and St Thomas
Parishes. Almost all forest areas have been deforested or
Axinaea merianiae severely degraded.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Bellingham, P.
/?e/i.- 401, 7980, 19116
An endemic of the High Andes in Ecuador, inhabiting
cloud forest between 2200m and 3715m in the provinces
Baccaurea glabrifolia
of Pichincha, Morona-Santiago, Gaidar, Azuay and Loja.
Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i. 19119, 19120
An endemic tree of Palawan, found on forested slopes at
low altitude. The main island is declared a biosphere

Axinaea nitUa reserve.

Melastomataceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

Peru Refs: 4986
Restricted to the departments ofAmazonas, Cajamarca
and Hu^uco, the species occurs at middle elevations in Baccaurea hookeri
disturbed areas of forest. Euphorbiaceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Refs: 1984 A rare species of lowland rainforest, recorded from
Perak and Johore in Peninsular Malaysia.
Axinaea pauciflora Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Refs: 9199, 17140, 19073
A which is endemic to montane
rare tree species forest Baccaurea latifolia

in theEcuadorean High Andes. Euphorbiaceae LR/cd

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120 A lowland rainforest species, which has been rarely
collected. In Peninsular Malaysia it is known from
Terengganu and Perak.
Axinaea sclerophylla Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Refs: 9199. 19073
A rare species of tree or shrub, restricted to the High Baccaurea odoratissima
Andes of Ecuador, where it occurs in the montane forest Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
zone. Philippines
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An endemic tree of Palawan, found on forested slopes at
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120 low altitude. The main island is declared a biosphere
Axinaea sessilifoUa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Refs: 4986
A rare tree species which is endemic to the High Andes Baccaurea potyneura
of Ecuador. Euphorbiaceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 2989, 6596, 19119, 19120 Records of the species come from Perak and Melaka.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Axinandra zeylanica Refs: 19073
Crypteroniaceae VUAlc
Sri Lanka Bactris coloniata
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of Palmae VUBl+2c
south-west Sri Lanka. Colombia, Panama, Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Occurring in lowland dry forest, the species is mainly
Refs: 9176, 17195
threatened by the loss and degradation of its habitat
through forest management activities, increasing
Ayenia laevigata var. acuminata agriculture and settlement.
Sterculiaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Bemal, R.
Jamaica Refs: 19118
A variant of a Jamaican endemic. It grows largely as a
shrub, in thickets on rocky limestone hillsides in Bactris jamaicana
Trelawny. Palmae VU A2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/Je/i.- 401, 7980 Restricted to John Crow Mountain and Cockpit Country,
this rare palm tree grows in submontane rainforest


Species Summaries

between 300 and 750m. The species can survive forest Badula platyphylta
degradation and destruction and is reputed to grow in Myrsinaceae EX
pastures. Mauritius
Assessor: Johnson, D. A cloud forest tree once known from the Savanne and
Refs: 19118 Mount Cocotte range. Recent searches for the species
throughout its known range have failed to uncover any
Bactris longiseta
Assessor: Page, W.
Palmae VU A2c Refs: 1411,9120,16426
Costa Rica
A small palm tree of lowland rainforest, occurring up to
Badula reticulata
1000m in Alajuela, Heredia and Lim6n. The species is
Myrsinaceae CR DI
scarce and threatened by habitat destruction and
Just five individuals appear to remain of this cloud forest
Assessor: Johnson, D.
treelet, three Savanne range, where an 8ha
in the
Refs: 19118
conservation area has now been
designated, and single
plants have been recently discovered at Macchabe and

Bactris nancibensis Mount Cocotte. No flowering or seeding individuals

Palmae CR Dl have been observed and propagation has not been
French Guiana possible.

A small multi-stemmed palm found in the understorey of Assessor: Page, W.

swamp forest. Only two specimens are known: Refs: 1411,9120,16426
occurring south of the Cayenne area. One has been
transplanted to Orstom Botanical Garden, where it has Bafodeya benna
been observed to flower. The other specimen is located Chrysobalanaceae VUBl-i-2c
close to a road where it may come under threat from Guinea, Sierra Leone
logging activities or clearing for settlement and A monotypic species endemic to upland areas between
agriculture. 700 and 1000m in Guinea and neighbouring Sierra

Assessor: de Granville, J.J Leone. There is little information on its population

Refs: 19118 status. Few areas exist which are not threatened with
overcutting and agricultural activities.

Bactris pickelU Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Palmae VUAlc Refs: 10090

Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Paraiba,

Pemambuco, Sergipe) Baikiaea ghesquiereana
A small palm tree, up to 2.5m tall, scattered in lowland Leguminosae EN Bl+2c
Atlantic and *restinga up to 500m.
rainforest Tanzania
Populations have been greatly reduced because of The only record of the species is from coastal forest in

building work and plantation agriculture near the coast. the Matumbi Namakutwa and Tong'omba
Hills, within

The species does not survive outside the rainforest. Forest Reserves (46km' and 25km' respectively). The
Assessor: Noblick, L. former is a productive reserve: forest on the plateau
continues to be cleared for agriculture and illegal
Refs: 19118
logging has been occurring in the more riverine areas.
The latter also experiences some agricultural
Bactris setulosa encroachment but its boundaries are being cleared,
Palmae LR/nt which will help to prevent further declines.
Colombia, Ecuador, Pern, Trinidad and Tobago, Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Venezuela Refs: 2459, 16796
A widely occurring palm tree of rainforest up to 1700m.
It occurs in many areas which have been subject to Baikiaea plurijuga
habitat clearance. Leguminosae LR/nt
Assessor: Henderson, A. Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
*e/i; 19118 The dominant species of lowland tropical forest on
Kalahari sands. Its timber is known as Zambezi teak.

The forests are now

and considerably
Badula crassa
diminished because of increased logging over the last 50
My rsinaceae CR C 1 , D
years. Older individuals are also scarce. However, the
Mauritius, Reunion
range of the species has declined fractionally as it can
A treelet known from two sites of rocky sclerophyllous
regenerate in modified habitat types and also coppices
woodland, one in Tourelle du Tamarin Mountain in the
south-west and the other, only recently discovered, in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Yemen. Neither population consists of more than 10
Refs: 16608, 17335
individuals. There has not been any seed production and
propagation by cuttings has failed. Information is
Baillonella toxisperma
lacking on the population on Reunion.
Sapotaceae VU Alcd
Assessor: Page, W.
Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Nigeria
Refs: 1411,9120,16426
Moabi is restricted to areas of primary evergreen and old
secondary rainforest. The species is overexploited for its

timber and is seriously declining in large parts of its

The World List of Threatened Trees

range. It is the second most important exported wood in Balthasaria mannii

Gabon. Amongst other local uses the tree produces Theaceae VU D2
edible oil which can fetch high market prices. Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6)
Maturation rates are slow: 90-100 years, and Endemic to Sao Tom6, this species occurs in rainforests
regeneration occurs under a closed canopy.
only from 1300m to the sumnut of Pico. There are no
Minimum exploitable diameters have been set in several significant threats, although the forest below 1500m was
countries. Baillonella is a monotypic genus endemic to largely cleared at the beginning of the century. The
the Guinea-Congolian Regional Centre of Endemism. genus is represented elsewhere only by an East African
Assessor: White, L. Afromontane species of restricted range.
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 17408, 19043 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2421
Balaka macrocarpa
Palmae CRAlc Balthasaria schliebenii
Fiji Theaceae LR/nt
A palm of submontane dense forest, confined to Viti Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania
Levu. Its habitat is severely reduced because of Isolated populations are known from forested areas in
conversion to agriculture and forestry plantations. the Uluguru Mountains, West Usambara Mountains and
Assessor: Fuller, D. the Albertine Rift. There is a distinct variance between
Refs:\9\\% the populations but it is not thought to be taxonomically
significant. The only other member of the genus is
Balaka microcarpa endemic to Sao Tome.
Palmae EN Ale Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Fiji «e/i.- 3356, 8814
Occurring in dense lowland forest over a very narrow
altitudinal range, the species is confined to localities on Banara brasiliensis
Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. Its habitat is severely Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2ac
reduced because of conversion to agriculmre and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
forestry plantations. Known only from Rio de Janeiro, the species has been
Assessor: Fuller, D. recorded from littoral habitats and small mountains. The
Refs: 19118 paucity of recent collections suggests that the species
has become scarce.
Balanops balansae Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Balanopaceae LR/cd Refs: 7980, 19099

New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at. Banara ibaguensis
Refs: 10351 Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
Balfourodendron riedelianum Assessor: Calderon, E.
Rutaceae EN A 1 acd+2cd Refs: 7980, 19069
Argentina, Brazil (Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa
Catarina, Sao Paulo), Paraguay Banara vanderbiltU
A common species of lowland forest along the banks of Racourtiaceae CR DI
the Parang and Uruguay River systems. It also extends Puerto Rico
into *cerrado. The species has become scarce in places A horticulturally attractive small tree, known from two
because of overexploitation of the timber and populations in the wild, accounting for about 18
deforestation, but it is still reported occur in
to individuals. One population occurs on a moist limestone
abundance in a large part of its range. The genus is hill, where it may be under potential threat from
under taxonomic review. quarrying. Grazing and farming are also concerns. The
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop numbers of plants in cultivation, mosdy located in
^e/i: 4506, 13947, 19179 Fairchild Tropical Garden, exceed those in the wild.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Baloghia pininsularis Refs: 17124
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia Banara wilsonii
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 10351 Cuba
An endemic shrub which rarely attains the size of a
BalsamocUrus camerunensis small tree. occurs in coastal and subcoastal dry

Rutaceae DD evergreen forests and scrub in the Puerto Padre area of

Cameroon, Central African Republic central Cuba. The habitat is severely degraded in many
A small forest tree known from occurrences at Batouri places and the remaining areas continue to be
and Bertona in the Eastern Province of Cameroon and susceptible to cutting and clearing. Development for
from Boukoko in Central African Republic. Little is tourism is the present major threat.
known on the status of the populations. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19149
Refs: 12597

Species Summaries

Baphia abyssinica Baphia latiloi

Leguminosae VUAIc Leguminosae VUAlc,Bl+2c
Ethiopia, Sudan Cameroon, Nigeria
A small tree, common in places, restricted to small A small forest tree which occurs within a range
enclaves of moist forest on the north-western highlands extending from south-east Nigeria just into Cameroon.
of Ethiopia and adjacent parts of Sudan on the Boma Populations in the Oban Hills, in Cross River National
Plateau and MountTomadur. Large expanses of this Park, are protected. There has been extensive
forest in Ethiopia have been replaced by coffee deforestation in the surrounding area.
plantations in the last two decades. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 4911. 11504
Refs: 1330,2361, 18523
Baphia leptostemma ssp. leptostemma
Leguminosae VUBI+2c
Baphia dewiUeana
Cameroon, Gabon
Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
A species of coastal forest occurring in one location in
Cameroon, Nigeria
easternCameroon and further south around Libreville in
A forest species scattered within an area extending from
Gabon. There have been large declines in the extent of
south-east Nigeria into Cameroon. It is not recorded in
this habitat,mainly through logging. The present status
the Oban and its habitat outside protected areas has
of these populations, if they are still extant, is uncertain.
experienced heavy declines because of logging and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
clearing for commercial and subsistence agriculture. The
Refs: 9001
present status of remaining populations is unknown and
may be more seriously threatened.
Baphia leptostemma var. conraui
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 11504
Leguminosae VU D2
A species for which there is little information and few
Baphia heudelotiana collections. It is found in the mountains in the west.
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guinea, Senegal Refs: 9001
A shrub or small tree of dry savanna and dry river beds,
known from few collections, the precise localities of Baphia macrocafyx
which are unknown. Leguminosae VUB1-H2b
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Mozambique, Tanzania
Refs: 2773 Ranging from south-east Tanzania to northern
Mozambique, this species is found only in patches of dry
forest. The habitat has suffered extensively from the
Baphia incerta ssp. lebrunii
exploitation of timber resources and agricultural
Leguminosae VU D2 encroachment.
Democratic Republic of Congo Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
This subspecies is endemic to the Kivu Plateau in DR
Refs: 1308,3356,10961
Congo, where it occurs in the transitional zone between
forest and savanna between 1000 and 1350m.
Baphia marceliana ssp. marquesii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 7550 Angola
Only a single collection has been made of this

Baphia keniensis subspecies.

Leguminosae VUBI+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Kenya Refs: 7550, 9001

A shrub or tree of riverine forest, endemic to the central

mountains of Kenya. Populations in Meru National Park Baphia obanensis
are protected, although tourism may some pressure
Leguminosae VUAlc, Bl+2c
on them. Elsewhere there is no protection and some Cameroon, Nigeria
threat from habitat clearance and land development.
A morphologically unusual and rare Baphia species,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
which is confined to an area extending from south-east

Refs: 1308,6396, 13072, 17859

Nigeria into adjacent parts of Cameroon. The Nigerian
population occurs in the Oban
Cross River
Hills, in
National Unprotected forest has been heavily
Baphia kirkii logged and taken over for cultivation.
Leguminosae VUBl+2b Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kenya?, Mozambique, Tanzania Re/i; 4977, 11504
The range of this coastal forest species extends from
eastern Tanzania and Mafia Island to northern Baphia pauloi
Mozambique. The populations in Mozambique may be Leguminosae EN C2b, Dl
extensive. Much of the habitat has suffered from Tanzania
conversion to agriculture and local exploitation. A coastal forest tree only known from Kimboza forest, a
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke 4km' patch of forest in the foothills of the Uluguru
Refs: 2459, 3356, 51 17, 7550, 8814 Mountains. The forest has been heavily logged for
valuable timber in the past and the planted Cedrela has
become invasive. The surrounding area is densely

The World List of Threatened Trees

populated and there is a strong demand for land to Basselinia favieri

cultivate. There are now two forest guards working Palmae VU Dl
under the Tanzanian Catchment Forest Project to New Caledonia
prevent illegal logging, cutting and encroachment. This species is confined to a small area on Mont Bani£.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

/?e/i; 2459, 5204, 16796 Refs: 19118

Baphia puguensis Basselinia humboUtiana

Leguminosae EN Bl+2c Palmae LR/cd
Tanzania New Caledonia
Endemic to the Pugu Hills, the population is likely to be Although the species is confined to a small area in the
confined to remaining forested areas contained
the south-east, it is effectively protected in a national park.
within the Pugu (22km') and Kazimzumbwi (49km2). Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

These areas are heavily disturbed by previous logging Refs: 10351,19118

and charcoal production, and by industrial, agricultural,
military and mining activities. A conservation Basselinia Uerata
programme and the employment of forest guards has Palmae VU D2
halted further exploitation. New Caledonia
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke A species occurring as solitary individuals in wet forest
Refs: 2459, 3356, 5204 on ridges on schist or mica-schist soils, confined to the
Baphia punctulata ssp. punctulata Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Leguminosae VUBl+2b Refs: 10351,19118

This subspecies is restricted to a single area of dry Basselinia porphyrea
coastal forest in south-east Tanzania. Palmae LR/cd
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke New Caledonia
Refs: 3356, 7550 A where it
localised species, confined to the south-west,
is found in wet forest on serpentine between 900 and
Baphia semseiana 950m. It is effectively protected within a national park.
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2b, D2 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Tanzania Refs: 10351,19118

A coastal forest species known from the vicinity of
Ifakara and Tiriani Fall in southern Tanzania. The area is Basselinia tomentosa
not well explored. Palmae VU D2
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke New Caledonia
Refs: 2459, 3356, 7550 This species is confined to a schistose ridge between
1000 and 1 100m on Mount Nakada.
Baphia speciosa Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al
Leguminosae VU D2 Refs: 10351, 19118
An endemic to north Zambia, where the species is Basselinia vestita
confined to a restricted range of scrub and thicket on Palmae VU D2
sandy soil occurring at altitudes between 900 and New Caledonia
1000m. Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10351

Refs: 7550, 9001
Bauhinia augusti
Barleria popovii Leguminosae VU D2
Acanthaceae VU D2 Peru
Yemen (Socotra) A known only from the type collection
species currently
Endemic to the Haggler Mountains, the species occurs taken from disturbed areas of lowland forest and
very rarely, as a small tree or shrub in montane thickets. shrublands in the Cajamarca region of the Peruvian
The populations are stable. Andes.
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19083 Refs: 1984

Barringtonia payensiana Bauhinia bowkeri

Lecythidaceae VU D2 Leguminosae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) South Africa (Eastern Cape)
An endemic of Peninsular Malaysia, confined to lowland Historically, this scrambling shrub or small tree was
primary rainforest in Selangor and Perak. This species is known from a few localities along the Eastern Cape
known only from two collections. coast (mainly in the Transkei), where it occurred in
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre riverine scrub. At present it is known from a single
Refs: 19073 locality, where there are 20 mature plants. It is probable
that the species will be discovered in other localities.

Species Summaries

The observed declines have been largely caused by Beccariophoenix madagascariensis

cutting for firewood and grazing by livestock. Palmae CRBl+2cd
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Madagascar
Refs. 689, 19218 Only two populations are known, occurring in Mantady
and the south-west. The timber, food and fibre are of
Bauhinia integerrima local use.
Leguminosae EN Bl+2c Assessor: Johnson, D.
Brazil (Bahia) Refs: 19118
The distribution of this species is restricted, occurring in
Atlantic forest in the south of the state. The habitat
appears to have been taken over by commerical crops Behaimia cubensis
and the current status of remaining populations is Leguminosae EN Alcd
uncertain. Cuba
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A slow-growing shrub or tree found only occasionally in
Refs: 19098, 19100 woodlands and dry evergreen forests on dog-tooth
limestone, rocky terraces and cliffs. The species has

Bauhinia loeseneriana been overexploited for its hard, precious wood.

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2b, D2
Tanzania Re/j;9522, 16327, 19149
Endemic to coastal forest in Tanzania, this species is
known only from four sites. One population is protected, Beilschmiedia ambigua
occurring in Rondo Forest Reserve (140km'), where
Lauraceae VUBl+2b, D2
human activities have caused extensive disturbance in Democratic Republic of Congo
the past but are presently discouraged by an active A rare species found in one locality of gallery forest
forestry programme. along the Pweto to Moba .-oad on the Marungu Plateau,
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke situated on the western shores of Lake Tanganyika.
Refs: 3356, 16796 There are serious threats of habitat degradation because
of logging and the erosion of stream banks caused by
Bauhinia mombassae cattle.
Leguminosae EN B I +2c Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
Kenya Refs: 17185, 17951
A small tree of rocky riverine areas, reportedly common
in places. Populations are known from Shimba Hills Beilschmiedia bracteata
National Reserve, Kaya Rabai, a locality along Mwache Lauraceae VU D2
River and Mkongani North. Of these four sites, only
Democratic Republic of Congo
Kaya Rabai is not legally protected. There is a threat of Known only from a single locality, the species exists in
habitat degradation and increasing elephant numbers
equatorial swamp forest along the Congo River in the
could also pose a problem. Lulonga region. Overcutting and encroaching agriculture
Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya are putting pressure on the habitat.
Refs: 19181 Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
Refs: 17185, 17951
Bauhinia paradisi
Leguminosae CR C2a
Honduras Beilschmiedia brevipes
A species of doubtful nomenclature, known only from Lauraceae VU D2
an area of dry submontane forest. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Nelson, C. Recorded from Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang bv a
Refs: 13995 single collection from each state, the species grows in
lowland forest between the altitudes of 30 and 60m. It
Beauprea congesta may receive a degree of protection within permanent
Proteaceae EN Dl forest reserves or virgin jungle, reserves.

New Caledonia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 10351

Beilschmiedia giorgii
Beauprea crassifoUa
Lauraceae VU D2
Proteaceae VU D2 Democratic Republic of Congo
New Caledonia A species which seems to be rare and known from a
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.
single locality in closed * terra firme forest north of the
Refs: 10351
Forestier Centrale at Likimi. There are some threats of
overcutting and encroaching agriculture. The leaves are
Beccariella brevipedicellata
popular locally for greasing the skin.
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
New Caledonia Ife/i.- 17185, 17951
The genus has been moved to Pouteria.
Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al.

Refs: 10351,10781

The World List of Threatened Trees

BeilschmUdia kweo found only in three localities in Ratnapura, Matara and

Lauraceae VUBl+2b Kalutara Districts.
Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A submontane forest in the
large tree confined to moist /?e/i;9176, 17195, 19112
East Usambara Mountains and the North Udzungwa
Belairia parvifolia
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Refs: 3356, 10961
Populations of this shrub or small tree are restricted to
Beilschmiedia mayumbensis
the dry forests and scrublands on limestone terraces in
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Pil6n in Granma Province. The species is still locally
Democratic Republic of Congo
common, but the habitat has declined and is threatened
A Mayombe endemic occurring in modified old forest in by overcutting and tourism-related development
the Luki area, where there is a forest reserve. The
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
surrounding area is densely populated and there are
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
heavy demands on the forest for timber and charcoal
production and also land for agriculture.
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B. Belonophora talbotii
/?e/5.- 7221, 17951 Rubiaceae VUBl-(-2c
Beilschmiedia membranacea The species range appears to be confined to the Oban
Lauraceae VU D2 Hills in Cross River National Park. Large-scale
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) deforestation and clearance for crops have taken place
A hill forest tree known only from two collections, extensively outside the park boundaries.
originating from Pahang and Perak. The species is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
believed to be protected in permanent forest reserves Refs: 2773, 4977
and/or Taman Negara National Park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Bennettiodendron cordatum
Flacourtiaceae VUB1-k2c
Beilschmiedia penangiana Viet Nam
Lauraceae CRBl+2c Endemic to north Viet Nam, the species is found in a
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) number of localities in Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Hoa
This species is known from a single collection from Binh and Ha Tay.
Penare Bukit, Penang at about 300m. Most parts of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/jt; 848. 11530
Penang have been developed since the collection was
made, so the species' existence is uncertain.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bentinckia condapanna
Refs: 8464, 19073
Palmae VUAlc
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Beilschmiedia ugandensis
A single-stemmed palm tree, confined to the southern
Lauraceae VU A2d Western Ghats, where it occurs on slopes in moist
Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Tanzania, evergreen hill forest. The species is locally traded as an
Uganda ornamental. It is also present in protected areas and
A species well known for its timber. It occurs in forests, planted in several botanic gardens.
usually in swampy areas. The tree is felled to make Assessor: Johnson, D.
dugout canoes. It is also used in mine
and as ashafts
Refs: 19118, 19144
fuelwood. The levels of exploitation, notably in Uganda,
as well as a general decline in the extent or condition of
the habitat, are major threats. Bentinckia nicobarica
Assessor: *MUIENR Palmae EN C2a
Refs: 9605 India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.)

A palm of importance ornamentally, known only from

Beilschmiedia vermoesenii Great Nicobar Island. No recent collections exist and
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2b, D2 increasing settlement has caused habitat losses.
Democratic Republic of Congo Assessor: Johnson, D.
A rare endemic to Mayombe, occurring in remaining Refs: 19118
areas of closed forest. This habitat has been greatly
reduced in extent because of logging and agriculture:
Berberis dryandriphylla
35% of the forest was under concession in 1980.
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
Berberidaceae VU B 1 +2c
Re/i; 5651, 17185, 17951
A species known only from the Andes in Cuzco,
between 2000 and 3000m.
Beilschmiedia zeylanica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lauraceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 1984
Sri Lanka
A tree occurring in lowland wet evergreen forest in
south-west Sri Lanka. During the extensive National
Conservation Review forest surveys, the species was

Species Summaries

Berberis nilghiriensis BerthoUetia excelsa

Berberidaceae CRBl+2c Lecythidaceae VUAlacd+2cd
India (Tamil Nadu) Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, AmapS, Amazonas, Maranhdo,
A poorly known species, recorded only once, from an Mato Grosso, Pari, Rondonia), Colombia, French
unspecified location in the Nilgiri Hills. Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A widely occurring emergent of the Amazonian forest,
Refs: 8483, 16435, 19144 the Brazil nut tree has experienced major declines in its

population because of deforestation. One of the greatest

Berlinia coriacea concentrations of trees exists in Tocantins valley where
Leguminosae VUBl+2ac various activities, from the construction of the
Nigeria transamazon railway to the building of a reservoir, have
Occurring inswampy forests, this small tree with showy brought about a shrinking in the gene pool. An area of
flowers is recorded only from south-western Nigeria. 200,(XX)ha in south Pard has been purchased by the
Large-scale deforestation and clearing for commercial government with the aim of settling landless farmers.
and subsistence agriculture in the country have caused a Trees remaining in the vast cattle ranches of Pari and
rapid decline in all forest types. Acre are neglected and dying. Large natural stands,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre however, still exist in northern Bolivia and the species is
Refs: 2773, 7550, 1 1504 locally abundant in Suriname. There are also various
populations in protected areas and on protected
Berlinia hoUandii corporate properties. The production of Brazil nuts more
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c than halved between 1970 and 1980, apparently because
Nigeria of deforestation. Almost all Brazil nuts consumed
A rare forest tree, apparently endemic to south-eastern around the world still come from wild trees. Little is
Nigeria. Current information indicates thatit does not known about the impact of seed gathering on
occur in the Oban Hills in Cross River National Park. regeneration, but it clearly can
be detrimental under
Unprotected areas have been heavily logged and cleared some regimes where agoutis, the natural disperser of the
for agriculture. the Brazil nut, are hunted or chased away. There have
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre been relatively few successes at establishing plantations.
Refs: 2173,1550. 11504 The sustainable harvesting of nuts by indigenous people
in extractive forest reserves offers the most promising
Berlinia occidentalis protection for the remaining natural stands.
Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B +2c 1 Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone Refs: 3791, 4506, 6493, 13947, 15539, 16121, 19170,
Confined to wet lowland evergreen forest from Sierra 19179, 19183, 19196, 19211
Leone to Ghana, this species is restricted largely to
swampy areas. The general loss of its habitat, because of Bertiera pauloi
commercial forestry activities and mining, has been Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
extensive. Tanzania
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. A small montane forest tree. It is known from the
yfe/i: 7550, 8369, 12061 Uluguru and Udzungwa Mountains Populations are
confined to Muraihara and Lulanda in the Udzungwa
Berlinia orientalis Mountains.
Leguminosae VUBl+2b Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Mozambique, Tanzania Refs: 3356, 10961
Populations are known to occur in dry forest in south-
east Tanzania and further south in neighbouring Betula browicziana
Mozambique. Betulaceae LR/cd
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Georgia, Turkey
Refs: 3356, 10961 A species of montane areas.
Assessor: Guner, A.
Bersama rosea /?f/i.- 3489, 4863, 19165
Melianthaceae VUBl+2b
Tanzania Betula halophila
A cloud forest species endemic to the South Udzungwa Betulaceae CRAla,Bl+2e,C2b,Dl
Mountains. China (Xinjiang)
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Only recently discovered, the species occurs in
Refs: 3356, 5204 Balibagai where it is the only tree species found in wet
alkaline land dominated by herbaceous vegetation. The
Bersama swynnertonii population was apparently reduced to one sprouting
Mehanthaceae ENBI-h2c, Dl stump when the site was taken over for farming.
Zimbabwe Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species apparently endemic to Zimbabwe, where it is Refs: 1818, 11847
rare,and confined to areas of moist forest. Populations
occur in Chirinda forest, on *kloofs near the Betula oycoviensis
Chimanimani Mountains and more commonly in forest Betulaceae VU Alae
near Stapleford. Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Poland, Romania, Russia,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sweden, Ukraine
/ee/i; 6725, 18965 A taxon of hybrid origin with parent taxa B. pendula and
B. szaferi, the second of which appears to be known only

The World List of Threatened Trees

from specimens in a botanic garden. The hybrid occurs occurs in the wild in several central European countries,
at forestedges and in birch groves wherever the two the parent species evidently do not still coexist in the
parent species have met in the past. In Poland the wild.
number of localities known has halved and the total Assessor: Boratynski, A.
population is now estimated to number 350 individuals. y??/i.' 2915, 4839
Regeneration is generally poor but has been observed in
certain places. Betula uber
Assessor: Boratynski, A. Betulaceae CR Dl
Refs: 2915, 5226, 5287, 7222 USA (Virginia)
Described in 1918 and subsequently thought to have
become extinct, the species was rediscovered along the
Betula pendula ssp.fontgueri
banks of Cressy Creek in 1975. The population is found
Betulaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2a in highly disturbed second-growth forest along a 1km
Morocco, Spain
stretch of the river owned by private and federal
A species of dry montane woodland occurring in three government parties. The number of individuals has been
mountain systems in Spain, the Sistema Central, Sierra
reduced from 41 to 1 1. Protective measures are in place
Nevada and Sierra de Cazorla and possibly also the and a large-scale replanting programme has resulted in
Sierra Moreno, and in the Rif Mountains in Morocco.
the establishment of 20 populations of subadult trees.
The populations are small and dispersed. The spread of The species is interfertile with B. lenta and introduced
housing developments, as well as decline in water
populations contain hybrids. It is protected by the US
availability, fires, and tourism, pose serious
Endangered Species Act.
threats. A reintroduction proganmie is being developed
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
at Cordoba Botanic Garden.
Refs: 6013, 19167
Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et al.

Refs: 1141
Bhesa ceylanica
Celastraceae VUAlc
Betula pendula var. parvibracteata Sri Lanka
Betulaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2a A fairly common species occurring in the lowland wet
Spain evergreen forests of south-west Sri Lanka.
A taxon restricted to areas of lowland dry forest along Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ri'o Estena in Monies de Toledo and to the Sierra de Rio Refs: 17195
Frio in the Sierra Morena. Some populations are
protected, others are exposed to housing and tourist Bhesa nitidissima
developments, declines in water availability and fires. Celastraceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et at. Sri Lanka
Refs: 11 A\ A rare species restricted to lowland wet evergreen forest
in south-west Sri Lanka. During the extensive National
Conservation Review forest surveys, only one individual
Betula raddeana was found in a single forest reserve.
Betulaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Georgia, Russia /?e/i; 3181, 17195, 19112
Scattered throughout pine, mixed or beech forest in the
subalpine belt of the central Caucasus range, this Bhesa sinica
widespread species is represented by relatively large Celastraceae CR Dl
population numbers but occupies a range which is China (Guangxi)
declining. The main threats to the species are grazing A relatively recendy discovered monoecious species
and cutting for timber and firewood. It is listed as rare known only from a single tree which apparently has
(Status 3) in the Red Data Book of Russia and USSR flowered and set seed, although seldom. It grows on a
and occurs in several reserves.
50m in Nankan near the
hillside at an altitude of coast.
Assessor: Firsov, G.A. As known, the tree is given no protection.
far as is
Refs: 1956, 19056 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 11847
Betula recurvata
Betulaceae LR/nt Bicuiba oleifera
Turkey Myristicaceae EN Ale
A endemic to Hatila National Park. Brazil
Assessor: Guner, A. & J. Zielinski This monotypic genus is quite widespread but restricted
Refs: 3489, 19165 to the threatened Atlantic coastal forests of south-east
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O.
Betula szaferi
Refs: 18187
Betulaceae EW
No wild populations are presently known, but there is a
Bidens hendersonensis var. hendersonensis
specimen planted in Krakow Botanical Garden. It is also Compositae VU D2
thought to be possible to reconstruct the taxon from the Pitcaim Islands
natural hybrid, B. oycoviensis, produced when B. szaferi
A caulescent shrub or tree endemic to Henderson Island

and B. pendula are crossed. Although the hybrid still and occurring with var. subspathulata in gaps in the
plateau forest. The population of both varieties together
is calculated to be about 40,(XX) individuals.

Species Summaries

Regeneration appears to be good, although the species •TROPICOS records the species from Honduras but
appears to be monocarpic. Henderson Island is a World nothing more is known about this occurrence.
Heritage Site. Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Assessor: Waldren, S. Refs: 3913, 7272, 7980, 16772
Refs: 12900, 13604, 16427

Bidens hendersonensis var. oenoensis Blakea granatensis

Compositae CR Dl Melastomataceae CRBl+2c
Pitcaim Islands
A caulescent tree or shrub endemic to Oeno Island,
An endemic to Cundinamarca.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
where it occurs in Argusia argentea/Pisonia grandis
Refs: 19069
formations. A botanical expedition in 1991 failed to find
any living specimens despite thorough searches. A
sterile specimen was found in 1997 in the south-west of
Blakea oldemanii
the island. Natural vegetation changes may be the cause Melastomataceae VUBI+2c
of the evident scarcity of the species. Henderson Island Ecuador
is a World Heritage Site.
Endemic to Pichincha Province, Ecuador, this small tree
Assessor: Waldren, S. & N. Kingston species inhabits cloud forest between 2500 and 3250m.
Refs: 5259, 13604, 19154 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
y?e/i.- 2989,6596, 19119
Bidens hendersonensis var. subspathulata
Compositae VU D2
Pitcaim Islands Bleasdalea papuana
This variety is endemic to Henderson Island and occurs Proteaceae EN C2a
with the type variety in open gaps in the plateau forest. Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papur New Guinea
The total number of individuals of the two varieties An uncommon species of isolated occurrence in lower
together has been be about 40,000.
calculated to montane forest on serpentine soils. It has been recorded
Regeneration appears to be good, although the species is from the Vogelkop Peninsula and Jayapura in Irian Jaya
possibly monocarpic. Henderson Island is a World and the East Sepik and Morobe Provinces in Papua New
Heritage Site. Guinea. It is threatened by habitat destruction.
Assessor: Waldren, S. Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Refs: 12900, 16427 Refs: 19114

Bikkia kaalaensis
Blepharidium guatemalense
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Rubiaceae EN C2a
New Caledonia
Guatemala, Honduras
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.
A rare tree of the Atlantic rainforest. In Honduras, the
Refs: 10351
species is known only from a single collection.
Assessor: Nelson, C.
Bikkia lenormancUi
Refs: 3977, 4491, 4974, 13995
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et at. Blepharis dhofarensis
Refs: 10351 Acanthaceae VUBl+2c
Oman, Yemen
Bikkia pachyphylla A species restricted to escarpment woodland in Dhofar,
Rubiaceae LR/cd Oman, extending into Hauf and Ras Fartak in southern
New Caledonia Yemen. In Oman, there has been a sharp population rise
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. in the areaand a subsequent increase in grazing pressure
Refs: 10351 and the cutting of wood for domestic use. The leaves
and fruiting heads of this species are used for animal
Biviniajalbertii fodder.
Flacourtiaceae LR/nt Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A.
Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Zimbabwe Refs: 16380
A tree of the evergreen forest, known from restricted
localities in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. It is a little
Blepharispermum hirtum
more widespread in Kenya in Diani, Mrima and Witu.
Compositae VUAlcd
The Madagascan material could be genetically different.
Oman, Yemen
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small sometimes dominant, in areas of
Refs: 6396, 19172
escarpment woodland in Dhofar, Oman, and
neighbouring south-east Yemen. In some areas,
Blakea brunnea
particularly in Oman, where there has been dramatic
Melastomataceae EN C2a vulnerable to overcutting
population increase, the tree is
Honduras, Panama
for domestic use.
In Panama the species occurs in cloud forest in the high
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A.
mountains of Chiriquf, Bocas del Toro and Veraguas
Refs: 16380
Provinces, occurring between 1500 and 2300m. It
appears to be more or less common but the area is

influenced by human activities and ranching.

The World List of Threatened Trees

Blepharocalyx cruckshanksU Boehmeria jamaicensis

Myrtaceae LR/nt Urticaceae LR/nt
Argentina (Neuqu6n, Rio Negro), Chile (Bi'obio, Jamaica
Coquimbo, La Araucania, Los Lagos, Maule, O'Higgins, A relatively commonly occurring species in secondary
Santiago, Valparaiso) thickets, along paths and gullies, generally on limestone.
The species occurs in wet or swampy areas in lowland Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest.The habitat is under particular pressure in the Refs: 6057, 7980
Metropolitana region (IV-VI) of Chile, mainly from
felling and clearing for agriculture and pastoralism. Bombacopsis quinata
There some confusion over the taxonomy. It appears
is Bombacaceae VU A led
that the same taxon occurs in Argentina as two species, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama,
Temu divaricatum and T. crucksanksii. Whether these Venezuela
are all the same entity remains to be confirmed. A taxonomically controversial species, which has a
Assessor: Gonz^ez, M. strong possibility of being sunk into Pachira.
Refs: 5\\2. 11140,16328 Distributed from southern Honduras to northern
Colombia and Venezuela, populations are fragmented
Bobea sandwicensis within remaining areas of seasonally dry lowland forest.
Rubiaceae VU Alee The species is threatened at the provenance level, most
USA (Hawaii) notably in the Choluteca valley in Honduras, eastern
A species occurring in dry to moist forest and on open, Nicaragua and northern Colombia. Burning,
sparsely vegetated lava flows up to 1220m altitude on overexploitation of the timber and increasing settlement
Oahu, Molokai, Lanai and Maui. The genus consists of and conversion of the habitat for agriculture are the main
four species endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. causes of population and genetic losses. Although
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurring in national parks, the habitat is relatively
Refs: 3372 poorly represented in protected areas. Much interest has
been generated in replanting programmes and various
Bobea timonioides involved in research into wild populations
institutes are
Rubiaceae VUAlce and the conservation of representative genetic samples
USA (Hawaii) of remaining populations in the form of, for example,
A species of dry to occasionally moist forest up to an clonal seed orchards. The species is grown in small-
altitude of 580m. It has been collected from Puna and scale species trials in Kenya and the Solomon Islands.
south Kona on Hawaii and on the southern
Districts Assessor: Sandiford, M.
slopes of Haleakala on Maui. There are also collections Refs: 4506, 5966, 6317, 12109, 14873, 15037, 19069,
elsewhere which may be assignable to the species. The 19130, 19152
genus consists of four species endemic to the Hawaiian
Islands. Bombax insigne var. polystemon
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Bombacaceae CR Dl
Refs: 3372 India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.)
A large tree known only from the type location on
Bocquillonia arborea Narcodam Island which covers an area of just 12ha.
Euphorbiaceae ENB1+2C Most of the island is designated as a wildlife sanctuary.
New Caledonia Recent explorations have failed to find the taxon.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10351 Refs: 4799, 7147

Bocquillonia castaneifolia Bombax mossambicense

Euphorbiaceae EN Bl+2c Bombacaceae DD
New Caledonia Mozambique
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. A species endemic to Mozambique. The extent of the
Refs: 10351 population and its known.
status are not
Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Bocquillonia longipes Ue/i; 5117, 18965
Euphorbiaceae EN Bl+2c
New Caledonia Bombax rhodognaphalon var. tomenlosum
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Bombacaceae VUBl+2b
Refs: 10351 Mozambique, Tanzania
A poorly known taxon confined to remnants of moist
Boehmeria australis var. dealbata lowland and submontane coastal forest, where it is
Urticaceae EN Dl relatively common. A population is known from
New Zealand (Kermadec Is.) Rungwe Tanzania and fiirther south
in in Mozambique
A small pioneer tree which is confined to Raoul Island up to the mouth of the Zambesi River.
of the Kermedec Group, the population on Macaulay Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Island having become extinct. It grows in forest ^e/i; 3356,8814, 18965
clearings and disturbed areas and appears to be
increasing in numbers since the removal of goats. Bonnetia bolivarensis
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Guttiferae VU D2
Refs: 1551,5563,9800, 19133, 19134 Venezuela
A species known only from a single locality in the
summit savanna of Ptari-tepui, in Canaima National


Species Summaries

Park in Bolivar. The habitat is very fragile. At lower Bonnetia kathleenae

elevations, out of the range of this species, pressures Guttiferae VU D2
exist from mining and tourism. Venezuela
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree known from only two localities in low
/?e/j; 5070, 13574 forests and thickets on the summits of Cerro Sipapo and
Cerro Autana (a single collection) in Amazonas State.
Bonnetia celiae Its range is contained within Sipapo Forest Reserve.

Guttiferae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Venezuela Refs: 5070
A small tree known only from two localities on Cerro
Yutaje in Amazonas, where it occurs in the fragile Bonnetia lanceifoUa
habitat of the *iepui summit. The area is a Natural Guttiferae VU D2
Monument but not otherwise protected. Venezuela
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A species which only rarely attains the status of a tree. It
/?e/i; 5070, 13574 is known from various localities on swampy flats or

savanna on the summit and slopes of a single mountain,

Bonnetia chimantensis Cerro Guaquinima, in Bolivar. The area is a Natural
Guttiferae VU D2 Monument within La Paragua Forest Reserve.
Venezuela Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species known only from three localities in fragile Refs: 5070
sumtnit savanna in Bolivar; Uaip^-tepui and Aprada-
tepui. It occurs in Canaima National Park, where mining Bonnetia maguireorum
and tourism are threatening habitats at lower elevations. Guttiferae VU D2
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Venezuela
Refs: 5070, 13574 This species is known from several localities on the

summit plateau and slopes of a single mountain, Cerro

Bonnetia cordifolia de la Neblina inside Serrani'a de la Neblina National
Guttiferae VU D2 Park, Amazonas State.
Venezuela Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree, known only from the type specimen, which Refs: 5070
was collected in 1974 from the summit savanna of Cerro
Guanacoco in Bolivar. The habitat is very fragile, Bonnetia muUinervia
although not imminently threatened. The area is given Guttiferae VU D2
the status of a National Monument but is otherwise Venezuela
unprotected. A woodland species known from three *tepui summits
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Bolfvar State: Ilu-tepui, Yuruani'-tepui and Sierra de
/fe/i- 5070, 13574 Lema, all of which are contained within the borders of
Canaima National Park. Mining and tourism threaten
Bonnetia fasciculata habitats at lower elevations.
Guttiferae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Venezuela Refs: 5070
A small tree collected from several localities in summit
savanna on the Chimant^ Massif in the Boli'ar region. It Bonnetia ptariensis
occurs within the Canaima National Park. Guttiferae CR Dl
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Venezuela
Refs: 5070 A species collected only once, in 1978, from a densely
wooded area on the summit of Ptari-tepui, Bolivar,
Bonnetia holostyla within Canaima National Park. It has not been seen
Guttiferae VU D2 recently despite efforts to locate it. It is clearly
Colombia extremely rare or perhaps even extinct.
A species known only from three localities in Amazonas Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and Vaup6s, Colombia. No habitat information is Refs: 5010. 1351
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Bonnetia rubicunda
Refs: 5010. 13574 Guttiferae VU D2
Bonnetia jauensis This species is known only from three localities in
Guttiferae VU D2 exposed summit areas at Roraima, Wokomung and
Venezuela Ayangaima.
A species known only from two localities in fragile Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
*tepui summit savanna in Bolivar. It occurs within J^ua- Refs: 5070
Sarisariiiama National Park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Borassodendron machadonis
Refs: 13574 Palniae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand
This palm species occurs in lowland rainforest up to
SOOm in northern Peninsular Malaysia and Peninsular

The World List of Threatened Trees

Thailand. A number of high-density populations are Boswellia ogadensis

known but they are somewhat threatened by forest Burseraceae VU D2
management activities and limestone mining. Ethiopia
Assessor: Saw, L.G. A distinct but little-known species which is recorded

Refs: 19118 only from the type locality near Webi Schebele River in
Ethiopia. It is confined to a small but relatively

Borassus madagascariensis undisturbed area of bushland on limestone slopes.

Palmae VUAlc Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Madagascar Refs: 1330, 18523
Endemic to western Madagascar, the species inhabits
lowland open forest along rivers, on alluvium. Boswellia pirottae
Encroaching settlement is the most imminent threat. Burseraceae LR/nt
Some consider the species to be conspecific with B. Ethiopia
aethiopum. Populations are isolated and restricted to woodland on
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje steep rocky slopes along the Tekeze, Abay and Gibe
Refs: 18986,19118 River systems. The human population and agricultural
activities are increasing in the area.

Borassus sambiranensis Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

Palmae EN Ale Refs: 1330, 18523
This majestic species is endemic to the lowland alluvial Boswellia popoviana
plains of north-west Madagascar. It has been poorly Burseraceae VU D2
collected. Fifteen mature individuals have been found in Yemen (Socotra)
Sambirano. Although seedlings exist there are no young A dry woodland species, endemic to Socotra. Some
suspected to prevent establishment.
trees. Fire is Boswellia species are exploited for the resin but none at
Assessor: Dransfield, J. &
H.J. Beentje a commercial level.
/J«/i; 18986,19118 Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Refs: 19083
Boronella koniamboensis
Rutaceae VUBl+2c Boswellia sacra
New Caledonia Burseraceae LR/nt
Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al. Oman, Somalia, Yemen (Former
South Yemen)
Refs: 10351 The largest and most widespread occurrence of the
species is in northern Somalia. It is also a dominant
Boscia arabica component of desert-woodland on the escarpment
Capparaceae VU Alcd mountains in Dhofar in Oman, extending into Yemen.
Oman, Yemen The resin provides incense, perfume and medicine. In
The species occurs in the foothills of the escarpment Oman the tree is so heavily browsed that it rarely

mountains in Dhofar, Oman, and neighbouring south- flowers or sets seed. Trees appear to be dying and

east Yemen. It is vulnerable to cutting for fodder, timber regeneration is poor.

and firewood. Trees are frequently damaged and Assessor: Thulin, M.
regeneration is not evident in several populations. The Refs: 6746, 16380
problem is more acute in Oman, where there has been a
sharp influx of people since 1975. Boswellia socotrana
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A. Burseraceae VU D2
Refs: 16380 Yemen (Socotra)
A dry woodland species, endemic to Socotra. Some
Boswellia ameero Boswellia species are exploited for the resin but none at
Burseraceae VU D2 a commercial level.
Yemen (Socotra) Assessor: Miller, A.G.
A dry woodland species, endemic to Socotra. Some Refs: 2354, 19083
Boswellia species on Socotra are exploited for the resin
but none at a commercial level. Bottegoa insignis
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Sapindaceae LR/nt
Refs: 2354, 19083 Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
A rare species of Acacia-Commiphora woodland. The
Boswellia elongata largest population occurs in central and southern
Burseraceae VU D2 Somalia. The species extends into small areas of the
Yemen (Socotra) Ogaden in Ethiopia and north-east Kenya. In places the
A dry woodland species, endemic to Socotra. Some habitat is under some threat of degradation because of
Boswellia species on Socotra are exploited for the resin farming activities and overcutting for charcoal
but none commercial
at a level. production.
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Assessor: Thulin, M.
Refs: 2354, 19083 Refs: 1330,6396,18665

Species Summaries

Bouireria baccata Brachyglottis perdicioides

Boraginaceae LR/nt Compositae LR/nt
Jamaica New Zealand (Nonh Is.)
A locally common species occurring in thickets and A small tree or shrub with a localised distribution only
woodlands on limestone, mostly in dry coastal or on the east coast of the North Island.
exposed areas. Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19133
Refs: 6057, 7980
Brachylaena huillensis
Compositae LR/nt
Bouireria velutina
Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa (KwaZulu-
Boraginaceae EN B 1 +2c
Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Province), Tanzania,
Uganda, Zimbabwe
Very restricted in range, the species occurs in low
A timber species occurring in various forest types from
coastal scrub on dog-tooth limestone in the area of Port
upland semi-deciduous forest to coastal dry forest or
Henderson Hill.
thicket. The wood is heavily exploitated in the wood
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
carving industries in Kenya and Tanzania. Populations
/fe/f.- 401, 5653, 7980
in South Africa are secure, with a number of
subpopulations occurring in protected areas. Dense
Brachychiton carrutherm stands have been recorded from the northern parts of
Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c,C2a Kruger National Park. Increased logging in Mozambique
Papua New Guinea may pose a threat.
A tree scattered in lowland coastal and monsoon forest, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
often in the transition zone between savanna woodland Refs: 4506, 13191, 14667, 19218
and lowland forest. It is mainly restricted to monsoon
forest in Central Province. Brachyotum gleasonii
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Melastomataceae VU Bl+2c
Refs:l9U4 Ecuador
A shrub or tree endemic to the montane and upper
Brachychiton velutinosus montane cloud forests of the High Andes in Ecuador.

Sterculiaceae VU B 1 +2c, C2a Populations are known to occur in the provinces of

Australia (Queensland), Papua New Guinea Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Caiiar and Azuay.
A lowland coastal and monsoon forest,
tree scattered in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
often in the transition zone between savanna woodland /?eA: 2989, 6596, 19119
and lowland forest. In Papua New Guinea, it is mainly
restricted to monsoon forest in Central Province. It Brachystegia bakeriana
occurs also on the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Australia. Angola, Zambia
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Confined to woodland on Kalahari sands in areas of low
Refs: 17200,19114 rainfall, this species occurs in Mongu and Senanga
Districts of western Zambia and adjacent parts of
Brachyglottis arborescens Angola. It is associated with Baikiaea plurijuga and is

Compositae ENDl frequently cut for charcoal production. Populations in

New Zealand (North Is.) traditional areas are given a degree of protection.
Endemic to Three King Islands, this small tree occurs on Assessor: Phiri, P.S.M.
steep scree slopes. In 1981 three populations of between
Refs: 6727, 7550
one and twelve scattered trees were recorded. The
islands are protected and goats have been removed. Brachystegia kennedyi
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Leguminosae VU Bl+2c
Refs:Wl, 17637, 19133, 19134 Cameroon, Nigeria
A tall straight timber tree of local cultural importance,
Brachyglottis huntii recorded from several localities of lowland rainforest,
Compositae VU B 1 +2c including Ejagham, Mamfe, Tabo-agbokem in
New Zealand (Chatham Is.) Cameroon. The largest and most stable population
A small tree, endemic to the Chatham Islands, where it
probably occurs in Cross River National Park in Nigeria.
has suffered the wholescale destruction of the forest Forest outside protected areas has significantly declined
habitat type. because of large-scale logging and clearing for

Assessor: de Lange, P.J. agriculture.

Refs: 902,9800, 19133, 19134 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 5595, 7550, 12597, 15251

Brachyglottis pentacopa Brachystegia nigerica

Compositae VU D2 Leguminosae VU B 1 -(-2c
New Zealand (North Is.) Cameroon, Nigeria
A small tree or shrub, known only from Mount Percy. An uncommon and large canopy tree, sometimes
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. gregarious near water. It is known from lowland
Refs: 19133 rainforest in southern Nigeria and the South-West
Province of Cameroon. One of the largest remaining
areas of forest is in the Oban Hills of Cross River

The World List ofThreatened Trees

National Park. Deforestation and clearance for crops Brassaiopsis minor

have been comprehensive outside protected areas. Araliaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 2773, 4977, 7550, 1 1504, 12597 A rare small tree, known from only two collections. The
species is confined to the lowland and montane
Brachystegia zenkeri rainforest of Terengganu, where it is protected in Taman
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Negara National Park.
Cameroon Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A timber tree restricted to remaining areas of Atlantic Refs: 8464, 19073
forest in Cameroon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brassaiopsis simplex
Ife/i; 5595, 5651, 15251 Araliaceae VU Bl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Brackenridgea palustris A small tree of moist hill forest. This rare species is
Ochnaceae LR/nt confined to Perak (Ulu Kerling, Slim Hills Forest
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia Reserve at 800m) and Selangor (Ulu Selangor at 400m).
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines, Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Singapore Refs: 8464, 19073
Usually found in lowland peat swamp and *kerangas
forest, the species has come under pressure from habitat Brazzeia longipedicellata
loss through most of its range. Scytopetalaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda
lfe/i;9199, 17140, 19017 Populations are known to occur in upland areas of
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Ishasha Gorge and
Brahea aculeata Budongo Forest Reserve in Uganda and also in eastern
Palmae VUAlc DR Congo.
Mexico (Durango, Sinaloa, Sonora) Assessor: *MUIENR
An endemic palm of open forest, occurring in very dry Refs: 9605, 9837, 10961, 16021
areas on rocky soils up to 600m. A local source of
forage and fibre, and also of ornamental interest. Brelschneidera sinensis
Assessor: Quero, H.J. Bretschneideraceae EN Alcd
Refs: 19118 China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei,
Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Taiwan,
Brahea edulis Viet Nam
Palmae EN CI Uncommon and thought to be getting rarer, the species
Mexico (Guadalupe Is.) is low to middle elevation forest in ravines
scattered in
Endemic to Guadalupe Island, this ornamental palm tree and by streams throughout south-east China extending to
is confined to dry scrub on rocky volcanic slopes and Lai Chau in Viet Nam and Taibei and llan Counties in
cliffs on the foggy north-west slope. Approximately northern Taiwan. Habitat loss and logging are the main
1100 moribund individuals were counted in 1988. causes of declines. The population in Viet Nam is
Introduced feral goats predate the seeds and are believed considered to be threatened and in Taiwan populations
to be inhibiting natural regeneration. are highly localised and contain few individuals. The
Assessor: Johnson, D. species is protected under Taiwan's Cultural Heritage
Refs: 19118 Preservation Law. The family is monotypic.
Assessor: Sun, W.
Brahea nitida Refs: 848, 1818, 1 1530, 11847, 19050, 19055
Palmae VU C2a
Guatemala, Mexico (Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Breviea sericea
Michoacan, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Sinaloa) Sapotaceae LR/nt
A palm of oak forest, occurring in dry areas on Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana
limestone hills between 900 and 1500m. Regeneration is Scattered in moist semi-deciduous forest from Cote
poor. d'lvoire to DR Congo, this species is relatively well
Assessor: Quero, H.J. represented in population
numbers. Its habitat has
Refs: 19118 substantially reduced in extent because of logging
activities and the encroachment of agriculture. It is the
Brahea pimo only species of the genus and the only close relative of
Palmae VU C2a the endangered Aubregrinia taiensis.
Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit) Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
A Mexican endemic confined to temperate and tropical Refs: 8369, 8854, 12061, 12822
pine-oak forest in areas near streams and on hillsides in
the west. Population numbers are small. Fibre from the Brexia madagascariensis ssp. mircrocarpa
leaves is traded in local markets and used locally in Escalloniaceae VU D2
handicraft. Seychelles
Assessor: Quero, H.J. Scattered individuals occur on the islands of Mah6,
Refs: 19118 Silhouette, Praslin and Felicity. Thought be once more
abundant, the subspecies is now restricted mainly to

Species Summaries

higher aJtitudes. Populations once known on Round and Brosimum utile ssp. magdalenense
Long Island are now extinct. These declines are Moraceae ENBl+2c
probably attributable to historical deforestation. Colombia
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles Endemic to Colombia, this subspecies is restricted to
Refs: 10610, 19025 BoyacS.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Bridelia kurzii Refs: 7980, 19069
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
India(Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is., Brownea santanderensis
Andaman and Nicobar Is. Nicobar Is.) -
Leguminosae ENBI+2c
A forest tree with populations on Kamorta Island in the Colombia
Nicobars and also on the Andaman Islands. Large-scale An endemic to Santander.
logging and conversion of the forest for agriculture have Assessor: Calderon, E.
caused the loss of the species habitat from much of the Refs: 19069
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Browneopsis excelsa
/?e/i; 4799, 7147 Leguminosae VU CI
Colombia, Panama, Peru
Bridelia moonii At present, the species is known from three isolated
Euphorbiaceae VU Ale localities in Darien in Panama, and from localities in
Sri Lanka Colombia and Peru. It occurs, occasionally commonly,
A tree confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests of in lowland semi-deciduous rainforest up to 600m. A
south-west Sri Lanka. small part of the Panamanian population is found in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Darien National Park. Elsewhere the habitat is exposed
Refs: 9176. 17195 to increasing agriculture and settlement.
Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Bridelia whitmorei Re/>. 7272,7980, 16772
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Brownlowia kleinhovioidea
Known only from the type collection, the species is Tiliaceae VU D2
found in lowland rainforest in Ulu Tembeling in Pahang. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
The area falls within a permanent forest reserve. Known from a single collection, this tree was found in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre lowland rainforest on Gunung Bubu, Perak.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 19073
Brongniartikentia lanuginosa
Palmae LR/cd Brownlowia velutina
New Caledonia Tiliaceae ENBl+2c
A species of wet forests on schists and siliceous soils, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
confined to the north-east. A very rare tree of lowland moist forest known only
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at. from Kuala, Terengganu.
Refs: 10351,19118 Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 8464, 19073
Brosimum glaziovii
Moraceae ENBl+2bc Brucea macrocarpa
Brazil (Parani, Rio de Janeiro Santa Catarina, Sao Simaroubaceae ENBl+2c
Paulo) Kenya
The habitat of this species continues to be rapidly This shrub or small tree is endemic to central Kenya,
destroyed. Populations are now very restricted and where it is confined to areas of riverine or swamp forest,
largely confined to the Serra do Mar. It occurs in Tijuca such as Kamiti, Thika Falls, Rojwero and Swamp
National Park and on the official list of threatened Kiambu. Population numbers are small and the habitat is
Brazilian plants compiled by *IBAMA. under pressure from increasing agricultural and
Assessor: Varty, N. settlement of the area. The Plant Conservation
Rf/j. 8815, 15539, 16123 Programme in Kenya maintains living and seed
Brosimum utile ssp. darienense Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Moraceae VUBl+2c Refs: 6396, 17859
The Panamanian form of a widely distributed species. It Brugmansia aurea
occurs relatively commonly in Kunayala Indigenous Solanaceae VUBl+2c
Reserve, including Puerto Obaldfa on the border with Ecuador
Colombia. Other collections from Coldn, Bocas del Toro This endemic of Ecuador inhabits the montane cloud
and Darien have not been identified down to the forest of the High Andes. Currently it is known to occur
subspecies level. in Imbabura, Pichincha and Tungurahua.
Assessor: Mitre, M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1980, 12584,16772 Refs: 19119, 19120

The World List of Threatened Trees

Brugmansia versicolor Brunellia ecuadoriensis

Solanaceae VU Bl+2c Brunelliaceae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Ecuador
A montane cloud forest tree, endemic to the High A tree species endemic to the montane forest zone of the
Andean areas of Pichincha, Ecuador. Ecuadorean High Andes.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119,19120 /fe/s;7980, 19119, 19120

Brunellia elliptica
Bruttellia acostae Brunelliaceae ENBl+2c
Bmnelliaceae VU Bl+2c Colombia
Ecuador An endemic to Norte de Santander.
A tree species endemic to the Ecuadorean Andes. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 19069
«e/i. 7980, 19119, 19120
Brunellia farallonensis
Brunelliaceae LR/cd
Brunellia almaguerensis
Brunelliaceae EN B 1 +2c Colombia
Although restricted to a small area near Cali, the species
An endemic to Narino.
is not threatened. The area is steeply sloping and
Assessor: Calderon, E. unsuitable for agriculture or other uses. It is also

AIM, 7980, 8869, 19069 protected within Farallones de Cali National Park.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980
Brunellia antioquensis
Brunelliaceae VUBl+2c Brunellia grandiflora ssp. grandiflora
Colombia Brunelliaceae LR/nt
An endemic to Antioquia. Peru
Assessor: Calderon, E. Relatively widespread, this subspecies occurs on the
Refs: 7980, 19069 eastern slopes of the Andes up to 2000m altitude in
disturbed areas and *terrafirme forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brunellia boqueronensis
Refs: 1984
Brunelliaceae VUBl+2c
Brunellia inermis var. inermis
An endemic to Antioquia.
Brunelliaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980, 19069
A variety of middle elevation forest currently restricted
to the departments of Cuzco, Hu^uco and Pasco.
Brunellia cayambensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brunelliaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 1984
A tree species endemic to the upper montane forest zone Brunellia Uttlei ssp. caucana
of the Ecuadorean High Andes. Brunelliaceae EN Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Colombia
^e/i;7980, 19119, 19120 An endemic to Cauca.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Brunellia comocladifolia ssp. boyacensis Refs: 7980, 19069
BruneUiaceae ENBl+2c
Colombia Brunellia macrophylla
An endemic BoyacS.
to Brunelliaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: Calderon, E. Colombia
Refs: 7980, 19069 A Colombian endemic, occurring only in Caquet^ and
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Brunellia darienensis
Refs: 7980, 19069
Brunelliaceae EN C2a
Colombia, Panama
Brunellia morii
The few collections known have come from the
Brunelliaceae EN C2a
Cordillera del Dari6n in Panama, and only recently from
Colombia. The species is scarce and highly restricted in
A cloud forest species, which is considered to be
distribution, occurring in evergreen rainforest between
endemic to Panama but possibly also exists in Costa
1000 and 1500m. Although the species range is entirely
Rica. Only a few collections are known from areas of
contained within a national park, there is still some risk
forest between 1000 and 2500m in the Central
of deforestation.
Cordillera. There are no protective measures in place
Assessor: Mitre, M.
and the habitat is somewhat exposed to clearing for
Refs: 7980, 16772
settlements and agriculture.
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 7980, 16772

. 1

Species Summaries

BrunelUa occidenlaUs Brunfelsia membranacea

Bninelliaceae VU Bl+2c Solanaceae VUBl+2c
Colombia Jamaica
An endemic to Valle. The species occurs locally in thickets on limestone in St
Assessor: Calderon, E. Andrew and St Catherine Parishes.
Refs: 4217, 7980, 8869, 19069 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 5653, 19085
BrunelUa ovaUfolia
Bninelliaceae VUBl+2c Brunfelsia portoricensis
Ecuador Solanaceae EN CI
A tree species endemic to the High Andes of Ecuador. Puerto Rico
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This small tree or tall shrub is located in at least 15-20
Refs: 19S0, 19120 sites of wet forest below 600m. There are about 300
individuals in total. Sexual reproduction appears to be
BrunelUa pauciflora successful. The major threat to the habitat is the
Bninelliaceae VU B 1 +2c establishment of commercial and forestry plantations.
Ecuador Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A narrow altitudinal range
tree species restricted to a in Refs: 19m. 17124
the High Andes of Ecuador.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brunfelsia splendida
Refs: 19119 Solanaceae VUBl+2c
BrunelUa penderiscana Known from occurrences in St Catherine, Clarendon
Bninelliaceae ENBl+2c and Trelawny, the species is uncommon and confined to
Colombia woodland on limestone.
An endemic to Antioquia. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Calderon, E. Refs: 6057, 7980
Refs: 7980, 19069
Buchanania barberi
BrunelUa racemifera Anacardiaceae CR B I +2c
Bninelliaceae VUBl+2c India (Kerala)
Colombia A hill forest species, known only from the type locality
An endemic to Cundinamarca. at Nadari, Travancore District. It has not been recorded
Assessor: Calderon, E. since colonial times.
Refs: 7980, 19069 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 14276, 19144
BrunelUa rufa
Bninelliaceae ENBl+2c Buchanania lanceolata
Colombia Anacardiaceae VUBl+2c
An endemic to Caqueti. India (Kerala)
Assessor: Calderon, E. A tree known from a few
of lowland dipterocarp forest,
Refs: 7980, 19069 scattered collections in Travancore
and Quilon Districts.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
BnineUia subsessiUs Refs: 19144
Bninelliaceae VU B 1 +2c
Colombia Buchanania platyneura
An endemic to Antioquia. Anacardiaceae VU D2
Assessor: Calderon, E. India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
Refs: 7980, 19069 A tall tree of evergreen forest, apparently known only
from the type collection.
BrunelUa zamorensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bninelliaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 4799
An endemic tree species of the Ecuadorean High Andes. Buchenavia hoehneana
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre Combretaceae VU B 1 +2d, D
«e/j;7980, 19119, 19120 Brazil (Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
In the last 20 years of herbarium collections and records,
Brunfelsiajamaicensis the species is notably scarce. It is restricted to remaining
Solanaceae VUBl+2c areas of Atlantic forest on the road to Engenheiro Passos
Jamaica in Sao Paulo, in Itatiaia National Park in Rio de Janeiro
A montane forest species occurring commonly near the and in Belmonte and Canavieiras in Bahia. The record
summit of John Crow Peak, scattered in southern from Itatiaia dates back to 1941
catchments and rare in northern catchments. Its Assessor: Silva, N.M.F.
restriction to altitudes above 1400m has led to the Refs: 7655, 19098, 19105
species escaping much of the disturbance at lower
elevations, although soil erosion and invasive plants still Buchenavia iguaratensis
cause habitat degradation. Combretaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Refs: 7980, 12564 First described in 1981 from a specimen taken from

The World List of Threatened Trees

scrubby vegetation in Santa Izabel, the species is poorly wood. One of the and also the largest unexploited

known. Only two additional collections are recorded, populations is newly established
said to occur in the

from earlier dates, one of unknown origin and the other Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco National Park, which covers
from Miguel Arcanjo. 34,410km', in south-east Bolivia.
Assessor: Silva, N.M.F. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19105 Refs: 11140, 11936, 19136, 19170

Buchenavia kleinU Bunchosia diphylla ssp. brevisurcularis

Combretaceae LR/nt Malpighiaceae EN C2a
Brazil de Janeiro, Rio Grande do
(Rio Sul, Santa Panama
Catarina, Sao Paulo) A lowland rainforest species, so far only known from
Assessor: Silva, N.M.F. Colon and Dari^n, being a little more abimdant in the

/ff/i.- 7655, 9173, 19105 latter. Small populations are protected in Dari6n
National Park. It is also suspected to be in Kimayala
Buchenavia pabstii Indigenous Reserve and perhaps also Colombia.
Combretaceae EN B 1 +2c Occurrences outside protected areas are exposed to
Brazil (Sao Paulo) habitat clearance.
Known only from the Linares Forest Reserve, the Assessor: Mitre, M.
species is extremely rare and has not been collected Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
since 1982.
Assessor: Silva, N.M.F. Bunchosia hartwegiana
Refs: 19105 Malpighiaceae DD
Colombia, Panama
Buchenavia rabelloana In Colombia the species is known from the Choc6 and
Combretaceae ENBl+2c Antioquia, appearing uncommon in both places. In
Brazil (Espfrito Santo, Sao Paulo) Panama, all of the collections are identified under the
Populations have been recorded at Boraceia Biological variety brevisurcularis, which is considered threatened.
Station, Salen6polis in Sao Paulo and Linhares Forest Further work is needed to consolidate whether the
Reserve in Espfrito Santo. It was last collected in 1985. separation into different varieties is valid.

Of the three collections from Salendpolis, the most Assessor: Mitr6, M.

recent dates to 1967. Refs: 15037, 16772
Assessor: Silva, N.M.F.
Refs: 19105 Bunchosia hartwegiana var. brevisurcularis
Malpighiaceae VU C2a
Bucida ophiticola Panama
Combretaceae EN A 1 c. B +2c1 Endemic to Panama, this variety is known from a few
Cuba collections gathered in the province of Dari6n, including
A shrub or small tree restricted in range to dry Dari^n National Park, and from a very sparse
serpentine shrubwoods of Habana and Matanzas distribution in the coastal zone of Col6n Province, where
Provinces. In the past this species was locally abundant, it is under particular threat from human activities.

but its habitat has declined considerably through Assessor: Mitre, M.

urbanisation, agriculture and grazing. Refs: 15037, 16772
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 19149 Bunchosia jamaicensis
Malpighiaceae VU B 1 +2c
Buddleja formosana Jamaica
Buddlejaceae CRBl+2ab Populations are restricted to woodland on limestone in
Taiwan Trelawny and St Ann.
Occurring of the island, this shrub or
in the eastern part Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
small tree found in small fragmented populations in
is Refs: 6057, 7980
lowland dry deciduous scrub. The loss of habitat has
been severe, caused mainly by increasing land Bunchosia linearifolia
settlement. Little regeneration is evident. No protection Malpighiaceae VU D2
or conservation measures are in place. Cuba
Assessor: Pan, F.J. An endemic shrub that rarely attains the size of a small
Refs: 3295, 19050 tree. It is occasionally found in the dry, thorny
shrubwoods on limestone in south-eastern Cuba.
Bulnesia carrapo Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Zygophyllaceae EN B 1 +2c Refs: 11403,18485,19149
Endemic to Colombia, the species is restricted to Bunchosia tutensis
localities in Cundinamarca and Tolima. Malpighiaceae DD
Assessor: Calderon, E. Panama
Refs: 19069 Known only from two collections from the Cerro Tute in
Verguas, the species appears to be confined to an area
Bulnesia sarmientoi which is not botanically well smdied.
Zygophyllaceae LR/cd Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
A Chaco endemic, moderately exploited for its fragrant

Species Summaries

Burckella sorei Bursera aromatica

Sapotaceae LR/nt Burseraceae VU B 1 +2c
Papua New Guinea (NorthSolomons, Papua New Jamaica
Guinea), Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Populations are confined to hillside woodland on
Confined to the islands of Bougainville in the North limestone only in the parishes of Hanover, St James and
Solomons and Guadalcanal in the South Solomons, this Trelawny.
timber tree is found mainly in primary lowland Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
rainforest. It is threatened by logging activities and /?e/j. 401,7980
overexploitation, especially as it occurs in a region
subject to heavy logging activities. Bursera holUckii
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Burseraceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 19114 Jamaica
Known only from St Catherine Parish, the species is
BurkiUanthus malaccensis confined to a few areas of dry thicket on rocky limestone
Rutaceae VU C2a hills. Collections are recorded from Port Henderson and

Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia Great Goat Island.

(ex), Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree from a monotypic genus. Solitary trees or /fe/i. 401, 5653

small groups of trees occur on stream banks, slopes and

on ridge tops in primary and secondary forest in lowland Bursera lunanii
areas. In Sarawak, the species is known from a single Burseraceae LR/nt
specimen collected in 1961 from primary riparian forest Jamaica
in the Labang Forest Reserve, Bintulu. The species is A species which is locally common in dry thickets and
now extinct in Peninsular Malaysia. woodlands on limestone near the sea.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 14541,19017 Refs: 6057, 7980

Burretiodendron esquirolii Bursera lonkinensis

Tiliaceae VUBl+2c Burseraceae VUBl+2c
China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan), Myanmar, Thailand Viet Nam
A tree of lowland deciduous forest, occurring up to A rare species restricted to primary and secondary
1 100m. The timber is commercially useful and rates of evergreen forest on limestone mountains in Nam Ha
logging, as well as general habitat loss, have caused (Phu Li), Ninh Binh (Pho Sau) and Ha Tay (Chua
considerable declines in the Chinese part of the range. Huong). Its status and distribution elsewhere are poorly
Information is needed on populations in Thailand and known.
Myanmar. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 848
Refs: 1818,2891, 11847, 19055
Bussea eggelingii
Burretiodendron hsienmu Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Tiliaceae VUAlcd Tanzania
China (Guangxi, Yunnan) The species is now thought to be restricted to
The centre of the species' distribution is in south-west undisturbed forest areas in the Rondo Forest Reserve
Guangxi, extending into limestone areas of Yunnan. (140km^). Severe disturbance of the habitat has been
Populations in Viet Nam represent a separate species. A caused by past activities, including logging of the largest
slow-growing tree, it is found, sometimes as a dominant East African population of Milicia excelsa, planting of
component, in lowland semi-deciduous woodland. exotic timbers, shifting cultivation and wood collection.
Regeneration is observed to be strong in forest gaps. Current forest management activities are unintentionally
The timber is highly valued, and in many parts of its discouraging local exploitation.
range mature trees have become very scarce or been Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
eliminated. There are several occurrences within nature Refs: 3925, 16796
reserves, including Ba Be National Park in Viet Nam.
Habitat loss and degradation have also contributed to the Bussea xylocarpa
decline. Leguminosae VU B 1 +2cde, D2
Assessor: Sun, W. Mozambique
Refs: 5054, 11530, 11847, 13838, 15357, 19055 This species is confined to a small area of woodland
along the Zambezi River, which is currently being
Burretiodendron tonkinense cleared for agriculture. Further indications as to the
Tiliaceae EN Aid extent of the species location and its reduction may lead
China (Guangxi, Yunnan), Viet Nam to a more serious status of threat.
The species is confined to forest in limestone areas Assessor: Bandeira, S.
extending from southern China to northern Viet Nam. /?e/i.-5117,7550
Considerable population declines have been observed
from overexploitation of the timber and lack of Butea monosperma var. hitea
sufficient regeneration. Leguminosae DD
Assessor: Ban, N.T. India
Refs: 848, 19060 A small tree of dry deciduous forest, occurring in central
India and Orissa, Gujarat and Maharashtra. About 20
fragmented populations are known within a range of less

The World List of Threatened Trees

than 20,(X)0km^. It is not known if population or habitat where the forest is also much reduced by illegal
declines have taken place. activities and encroaching agriculture.
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India /?c/i; 5651, 7058, 17610
Refs: 19209

Butia eriospatha
Buxus obtusifolia

Palmae VUAIc Buxaceae VU Bl+2b

Kenya, Tanzania
Brazil (Paranl, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina)
Typically a shrub, this species extends in a range from
A small palm tree of open forest and Araucaria forest
south-east Kenya through to south-east Tanzania,
between 700 and 1200m, restricted to southern Brazil.
Wild populations are declining, but the species is widely confined to pockets of dry coastal forest or wooded
Assessor: Noblick, L.
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke

Refs: 19118
Refs: 3356, 581 1, 6396, 12067

Butia purpurascens Buxus vahlii

Palmae VUBl+2c Buxaceae CR A2c, C2ab, DI
Brazil (Goifc) Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US) (ex)
A small palm tree known only from an area of *cerrado A shrub or tree of coastal limestone hills, restricted to
in GoiSs. The only confirmed population occurs near forested ledges and ravines. Reports of the species
Jatai, where individuals are doing well in an area occurring on St Croix in the US Virgin Islands date to
protected by the Brazilian military. Trees in nearby 700s and the occurrence
the 1 in Jamaica is also doubtful.
pastureland are not regenerating. Seed predation by bean In Puerto Rico, there are two locations: the nuclear
weevils is very high. power plant site at Rincon and Hato Tejas, Bayamon,
Assessor: Noblick, L.
consisting of 16 and 12 plants respectively. The Hato
Refs: 19118 Tejas population was larger but was partially destroyed
by limestone mining in the 1980s. The remaining
Buxus arborea individuals are threatened with development of a coal-
Buxaceae VUBl+2c fueled power plant, further mining and industrial or
Jamaica commercial developments. The species is protected by
A Cockpit Country endemic found in a confined area of the US Endangered Species Act.
remaining woodland on limestone in St James and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Trelawny. Refs: 7980, 14424, 17124, 19167
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
ZJe/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Byrsonima homeana
Malpighiaceae DD
Buxus citrifoUa Puerto Rico
Buxaceae LR/nt A very rare tree, localised on moist slopes in western
Colombia, Panama, Venezuela Puerto Rico.
The few reports of the species in Panama indicate that it Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
is uncommon and restricted to a narrow range, occurring
Refs: 3786. 5988, 7931, 17124
in the Canal area and in the provinces of Panami and
Col6n. In Colombia it is known from Cartagena and

Sucre, where it appears to be rare. The larger Byrsonima nemoralis ssp. dressleri
Venezuelan population is recorded under the genus Malpighiaceae CRBl+2c
Tricera. There are further suggestions of conspecific Panama
taxa occurring in the Caribbean. Although the species is known from various sites in
Assessor: Mitre, M. Panama and north Colombia, this subspecies is
*e/i; 3156, 7272, 16772 considered endemic to the Cordillera de Cerro Jefe, to
the north-east ofPanamS city. It is uncommon and in
Buxus colchica Cerro Azul has experienced considerable habitat loss
Buxaceae LR/nt through urban and industrial development. Most of the
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Turkey populations in Cerro Jefe are protected within Chagres
This understorey tree is a common species in ravinine National Park.
moist forest. It is in decline because of forest clearance Assessor: Mitr^, M.
and environmental changes. Refs: 7272, 16772
Assessor: Firsov, G.A.
Refs: 1956, 19056
Byrsonima ophiticola
Buxus nyasica
Malpighiaceae DD
Puerto Rico
Buxaceae EN B 1 +2ac As with B. homeana the species is rare and scattered on
moist slopes in western Puerto Rico.
A Malawi endemic known from two forest reserves
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
70km apart. Near Blantyre the species occurs on Mount
Refs: 3786, 5988, 7931, 17124
Soche in a forest that has been reduced to 1.5km' and
continues to suffer from illegal logging. A population
also occurs on Mount Chese in the Mulanje Massif,

Species Summaries

Byrsophyllum ellipticum to damage caused by feral animals and invasive plants.

Rubiaceae VU Ale The species is protected by the US Endangered Species
Sri Lanka Act.
A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
south-west Sri Lanka. Refs: 3372
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8203, 17195 Caesalpinia nhatrangense
Leguminosae VU D2
Byrsophyllum tetrandrum Viet Nam
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Apparently endemic to Viet Nam, the species is known
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) only from two localities, Ninh Ho& and Dien Kh^nh in
A small tree, known only from a few localities of Kh^h Hok on the east coast.
submontane forest in the Agastyamaiai Hills. Large Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
areas have been exposed to fires, grazing, the Refs: 848
establishment of commercial plantations and cutting for
fuel wood, but about lOOOkm' of forest remain protected Caesalpinia paraguariensis
within sanctuaries. Leguminosae VUAlacd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Argentina (Catamarca, Chaco, C6rdoba, Corrientes,
Refs: 10733, 19144 Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta,
San Juan, San Luis, Santa F£, Santiago del Estero,
Byttneria ivorensis TucumSn), Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay
Sterculiaceae EX Widely occurring and relatively common in the Chaco
Cote d'lvoire region, the species is found in lowland deciduous forest.
This species is only known from the herbarium It reaches the margins of its range in Brazil, where it is

specimen collected in 1896 from the edges of moist confined to Porto Murtinho. In Bolivia the species is
semi-deciduous forest. well represented in herbarium collections. Throughout
Assessor: Assi, A. its range it is exploited as a popular source of timber, but
Refs: 12822 the most serious threat is habitat loss.
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
Cabralea canjerana ssp. polytricha Refs: 1262,5112, 11936, 13661, 15377, 19170, 19179
Meliaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Goi^, Minas Gerais) Calaiola columbiana
The taxon is confined to a small area of submontane Icacinaceae ENBl+2c
*cerrado, where it is relatively safe from threat. Colombia
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A poorly known species, thought to occur in Valle.
«e/i. 5942, 7980, 12281 Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980, 19069
Caesalpinia echinata
Leguminosae ENAlacd Calliandra comosa
Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Minas Gerais, Leguminosae VU D2
Paraiba, Pemambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Jamaica
Norte, Sergipe) Known only from Manchester and Trelawny, the species
The exploitation of this species as a dyewood dates back is found on jagged limestone cliffs. The somewhat
to 1501. The original collectors of the dyewood were inaccessible distribution of the species habitat is likely to
called brasileiros, after whom the country is now have impeded excessive clearing.
named. Synthetic dyes only became available in 1875, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
by which time dramatic population declines had already Refs: 6057, 7980
taken place and continued to occur until the 1920s.
Natural stands were almost completely destroyed but Calliandra decrescens
some populations remained in a few areas on the coastal Leguminosae VU D2
plain, where they have since suffered from deforestation. Peru
The species is recorded in reserves in Bahia and A species known only from the type collection taken
Pemambuco. There is also a reinfroduction programme from lowland Amazonian forest in Loreto.
at Linareas Reserve and the species is listed on the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
official list of threatened Brazilian plants by *IBAMA. Refs: 1984
Assessor: Varty, N.
Refs: 8815, 15539, 16123. 19212 Calliandra paniculata
Leguminosae VU B I +2c
Caesalpinia kavaiensis Jamaica
Leguminosae CR Dl A species of scrub and woodland on arid rocky
USA (Hawaii) limestone, occurring in low-lying parts of Manchester
Currently fewer than 50 individuals are known. They are and Clarendon Parishes. The woodland has been
found in dry and moist forest in
restricted to populations extensively destroyed in this area since 1980, mainly for
the Waianae Mountains on Oahu, Hualalai on Hawaii the production of charcoal.
and on Lanai. Populations on Maui and Kauai are now Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
apparently extinct. Various factors have contributed to Refs: 5653, 19085
the decline, from overexploitation and habitat clearance

The World List of Threatened Trees

CaUiandra pilosa CalUtris oblonga

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Cupressaceae VU Ale
Jamaica Australia(New South Wales, Tasmania)
This species is endemic to Manchester Parish, where it is Previously known only from Tasmania, the species has
confined to arid hmestone rocks. been recently found in New South Wales (NSW),
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre although this could be a distinct taxon. The Tasmanian
Refs: 6057, 7980 populations are restricted to a small area of
sclerophyllous scrubland (< 100km') along the north-east
CaUiandra tumbeziana coast and about 12,000 mature trees have been counted
Leguminosae VU D2 in NSW along intermittent streams. Fires and conversion
Peru of the habitat to agriculture are the main threats to the
A species of submontane forest currently known only species. Some small populations occur inside protected
from the Tumbes delta in the north-west. areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 1984 Refs: 101. 17200

CaUicarpa ampla Callitris roei

Verbenaceae CR C2a Cupressaceae VUAlc
Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US) Australia (Western Australia)
A seemingly dioecious tree of lower montane moist Populations in the south-west appear to under threat
forest. InPuerto Rico there is a population of about 30 from logging.
individuals scattered in six or seven sites, mostly Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
contained within state forest land. Evidence of natural /Jf/i.- 4581, 8843, 13041
regeneration is absent and seed germination trials have
not been successful. Callitris sulcata
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Cupressaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 7980, 17124, 17540 New Caledonia
Occurring in mixed woodlands in valley bottoms, the
Callitris baileyi species is known from only a few sites in the north
Cupressaceae VU Ale which are prone to wild fires and disturbance. One site
Australia (New South Wales, Queensland) in the Comboui valley has beer, logged. Regeneration
As with all Callitris have declined
species, populations has also been noted as poor. No populations are properly
because of previous exploitation. Although protection is protected.
afforded in various national parks, the species is Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
vulnerable to grazing, logging and fire in the rest of its Refs: 10351, 12630
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Calocedrus formosana
Refs: 374, 15615, 17200 Cupressaceae ENBl+2b
CalUtris drummondU Occurring in mixed evergreen forest, sometimes cloud
Cupressaceae VUAlc forest, at medium elevations, the species is scattered in
Australia (Western Australia) isolated populations in the central and northern parts of
Populations in the south-west appear to be under threat Taiwan. Part of the range is covered by Shueipa
from fire and overgrazing. National Park. In other areas felling and forest
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group management activities pose threats.
/Je/i; 4581, 8842, 13041 Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Refs: 2106, 6469, 11191, 19050, 19051
Cupressaceae VUAlc Calocedrus macrolepis
Australia (New South Wales, (Queensland) Cupressaceae VUAlc
A species which is restricted in range and under some China (Guangdong - Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou,
threat from logging, fires and grazing. Yunnan), Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Throughout the species range, populations are rapidly
Refs: 101, 15615, 17200 being reduced to the more inaccessible areas where
logging and cutting are limited. It is still found
Callitris commonly in some valleys in Yunnan. In Viet Nam the
Cupressaceae LR/cd populations are small (EN D), but some are contained
New Caledonia within protected areas, such as Ba Vi National Park and
A shrub usually occurring in small populations which Bidoup Nature Reserve.
are limited to high altimde cloud forest in the southern Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
ultramafic massif.Slow growth and regeneration rates Refs: 374, 848, 1818, 11530, 13041, 15357
have been observed and there are some threats from fires
and tourism. Populations are effectively protected in Calodendrum eickii
Montagne des Sources and also Mont Humboldt Rutaceae CRBl+2c
Botanical Reserve. Tanzania
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Known only from the West Usambara Mountains, the
Refs: 9631, 12630 species occurs in montane Juniperus forest, which has
been reduced to 1 1% of its original cover because of the
establishment of commercial pine plantations and the

Species Summaries

excision of the Shume-Magamba Forest Reserve for restricted to areas being extensively logged and
local cultivation. therefore is threatened by felling and habitat loss.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Refs: 3356, 10961 Refs: 19031, 19113, 19114

Caloncoba lophocarpa CalophyUum caudatum

Flacourtiaceae VU D2 Guttiferae VU D2
Cameroon Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
A small tree of montane forest descending to 400m. A small tree collected only once, from Dalmar in
Occurrences have been recorded at Bangem, Mamfe, Geelvink Bay.
Bakossi Mountains and Mount Cameroon. Expanding Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
agriculture is the most serious threat to the habitat. Refs: 19031,19113
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 12597. 18965 CalophyUum chapelieri
Guttiferae VU Alcd
CalophyUum acutiputamen Madagascar
Guttiferae CR Bl+2abcde The species occurs in lowland rainforest in a range
PapuaNew Guinea extending from Vohemar to Manakara. The forest type
Known only from Rossel Island, this canopy species is is much reduced in extent. The wood is useful and the

found on ridges in coUine forest. The fragile ecosystem species is a focus of silvicultural studies.
of Rossel Island is possibly threatened by logging and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
mining for copper and gold. Refs: 6161
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.

Refs: 19031, 19032 CalophyUum colUnum

Guttiferae DD
CalophyUum bifurcatum Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Guttiferae VU D2 Endemic to New Guinea, this species is found in
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) lowland and hill forest up to an elevation of 500 m in the
A poorly known species collected only once from Japen Snow Mountains, Irian Jaya and the Western and
Island. Morobe Districts of Papua New Guinea. These areas are
Assessor: Stevens, P.P. poorly collected. It is suspected that the timber is traded
Refs: 19031 as "CalophyUum' in Papua New Guinea.
Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
CalophyUum bracteatum Refs: 19031, 19113
Guttiferae VUAlc
Sri Lanka CalophyUum confusum
A scattered species restricted to the lowland wet Guttiferae VU B I +2abcde
evergreen forests of south-wesi Sri Lanka. Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree known only from the New Georgia group in well-
Refs: 15431, 17195 drained, lowland, primary rainforest.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
CalophyUum brassii Refs: 19031, 19114
Guttiferae DD
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea CalophyUum cordato-oblongum
A montane forest tree known only from the Western Guttiferae VU Ale, Bl+2c
District inPapua New Guina and Irian Jaya mainly Sri Lanka
between 400 and 9(X)m altitude. Sterile material may be This uncommon tree is restricted to the lowbjid
incorrectly assigned to this species. rainforests of south-west Sri Lanka. The species has not
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. been refound in the Hinidumkanda Reserve even MAB
Refs: 19031, 19113 though the area has been carefully surveyed, possibly
due to disturbance caused by illegal felling. It has,
CalophyUum canii var. carrii however, been recorded recently during the extensive
Guttiferae VU D2 National Conservation Review forest surveys in several
Papua New Guinea forest reservesand proposed reserves.
A tree of lower montane rainforest that is found in the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Central and Northern Provinces between 1050 and Refs: 15431, 16916, 16943, 17195
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. CalophyUum cuneifolium
Refs: 19031 Guttiferae CRBI+2c
Sri Lanka
CalophyUum carrii var. longigemmatum A locally common to upper montane
tree restricted

Guttiferae VUBl+2abcde rainforest in Sri Lanka. km^ of montane forest

Only 31
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea remains in Sri Lanka. This species was not found during
This variety is lowland rainforest up to 300m
found in the extensive National Conservation Review forest
altitude near Jayapura, Irian Jaya and in the West Sepik surveys.
District of Papua New Guinea. It is a fme timber tree Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431, 18796, 19106, 19112

The World List of Threatened Trees

Calophyllum havUandii Calophyllum morobense

Guttiferae VUAlcd+2cd Guttiferae ENBl+2c
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Papua New Guinea
Sarawak) Endemic to Morobe Province, this tree occurs in
Restricted to north-west Borneo, this peat swamp lowland rainforest on alluvium, where it is under threat
species is cut for its bintangor timber. It is locally used mainly from logging.
for planks. Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19031,19114
Refs: 14573, 18327
Calophyllum nubicola
Calophyllum heterophyllum Guttiferae ENBl+2c
Guttiferae DD Panama
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Originally the species was known only from Cerro Jefe
This species is so far known from the Vogelkop but it has since been recorded close by in Kunayala
Peninsula and the Snow Mountains in Irian Jaya and in Indigenous Reserve. The species, occurring in lowland
the Western Province in Papua New Guinea. This semi-deciduous rainforest, is fairly common and its
species appears to grow into canopy trees on low ridges range is almost completely contained within protected
at 100m forms only shrubs and treelets on
altitude but areas. Outside these areas the habitat is declining
poor loam soils at 1200 to 1300m. This species is very because of increasing settlement of the land.
poorly known and probably undercollected. The Assessor: Mitr6, M.
taxonomic limits of this species are also unknown. Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19031,19113 Calophyllum obscurum
Guttiferae VUBl+2c
Calophyllum hirasimum Solomon Solomon)
Islands (South
Guttiferae DD Restricted to primary forest on ridges or flooded coral
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) platforms, this tree is found on the islands of Choiseul,
A locally abundant small tree confined to the Arfak Santa Isabel and Malaita.
Mountains and the Wissel Lake region. It occurs mainly Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Nothofagus-conifei forest. Refs: 19031, 19113
Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
Refs: 19031,19113 Calophyllum parvifoUum
Guttiferae VU D2
Calophyllum insularum Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas)
Guttiferae ENBl+2c A montane forest species known from only two
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) specimens, one from Gebeh Island of the Moluccas and
This tree is known only from the islands in Geelvink the other from Waigeo Island of Irian Jaya.
Bay, where it occurs in colline rainforest at Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
approximately 200 m altitude. Because of its restricted Refs: 19031, 19113
distribution and the possibility of exploitation, this
species is considered seriously endangered. Calophyllum persimile
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Guttiferae DD
Refs: 19031,19113,19114 Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua Guinea New
A rainforest tree occurring up to 560 m altitude near
Calophyllum laticostatum Kiunga. This species is poorly known and variation is
Guttiferae DD seen in the sterile material. The timber is probably
Papua New Guinea, Philippines? traded as calophyllum in Papua New Guinea.
A large tree foimd in well-drained lowland or lower Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
montane rainforest. This species is possibly traded for its Refs: 14573, 19031, 19113
Calophyllum timber in Papua New Guinea.
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Calophyllum piluliferum
Guttiferae DD
Calophyllum macrophyllum Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Guttiferae VU D2 A tree found in forest in or near swamps below 40 m
Indonesia (Moluccas) altitude in Digul, Irian Jaya and the Western District of
A very poorly known species of Gebeh Island, known Papua New Guinea; this area is poorly collected.
only from the type collection made last century. Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Refs: 19031,19113
Refs: 19031,19113
Calophyllum robustum
Calophyllum mooni Guttiferae VUBl+2abcde
Guttiferae VUAlc Papua New Guinea
Sri Lanka This uncommon found in lowland rainforest in
tree is
A species scattered in the lowland wet evergreen forests the Morobe and near loma in the Northern
of south-west Sri Lanka. District. It is vulnerable on account of restricted
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre distribution and possible exploitation. However, the
Refs: 17195 limits of this taxon are unclear.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Refs: 19031, 19113, 19114

Species Summaries

Calophyllum rufinerve Calophyllum walkeri

Guttiferae VU D2 Guttiferae VUAlc
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Sri Lanka
A very poorly known tree known only from Geelvink An emergent tree found in upper montane rainforests in
Bay, where it was found in Agathis forest at 400m Sri Lanka; it occasionally occurs in the lowland
altitude. rainforests.
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19031.19113 Refs: 15431, 17195, 17759, 19106

Calophyllum savannarum Calpocalyx atlanticus

Guttiferae VU D2 Leguminosae VU Ale
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Cameroon
A tree found in secondary forest and as the main A Cameroon endemic restricted to remnant forest.
component of forest clumps in secondary savanna. So Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
far it is only known from Japen Island and from an area Refs: 5595, 7550
near Jayapura.
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Calpocalyx brevifolius
Refs: 19031 Leguminosae VU D2
Calophyllum streimannU A tree collected from the sojth and known only from its
Guttiferae DD type locality. The species may be more widespread
Papua New Guinea given that the country's forests are relatively unexplored.
Known only from Morobe District, the species is rarely Many forest areas, however, are under concession to
collected, occurring on ridges and hillsides between 30 logging companies.
and 3(X)m, often associated with dipterocarps. Assessor: World Conservition Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Refs: 7550, 8506
Refs: \9Q3\,l9l\4
Calpocalyx cauliflonis
Calophyllum thwaUesU Leguminosae VUAlc,Bl+2c
Guttiferae VUAlc Cameroon, Nigeria
Sri Lanka A shade-bearing lowland forest species known from one
A species occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests outlying population west of the Niger River in Nigeria
of south-west Sri LaiJca. and otherwise confined to remaining forest in the east
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre extending into Cameroon. The most significant area of
Refs: 15431, 17195 forest is contained within the Oban Division of Cross
River National Park in Nigeria and Korup National Park
Calophyllum tomentosum in Cameroon. The forest habitat has been extensively
Guttiferae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 felled outside protected areas.
Sri Lanka Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
During the extensive National Conservation Review Re/j; 2773, 7550, 11504
forest surveys, this species was recorded in seven
forests. Calpocalyx heitzU
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VUAlc, B1-h2c
Refs: 15431,17759,19112 Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
Relatively restricted in range, this coastal forest species
Calophyllum trapezifottum occurs in the south of Cameroon on the border with
Guttiferae EN Bl+2c Equatorial Guinea and north of the Ogoou^ River in
Sri Lanka Gabon. Both populations are threatened because of the
A prominent species of upper montane rainforest, extent of felling and degradation of the habitat.
endemic to Sri Lanka, occurring occasionally in lowland Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
rainforest. The species was found in only three of the Refs: 15790
localitiessurveyed during the extensive National
Conservation Review. Calpocalyx klainei
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU Ale
Refs: 15431, 17195, 17759, 19106, 19112 Cameroon, Gabon
This species is easily confused with the more
Calophyllum waUense widespread C. dinklagei. It is confined to remaining
Guttiferae ENBl+2abcde areas of coastal forest in the south of Cameroon,
Papua New Guinea
(Bismarck Archipelago) extending into Gabon. There is a population in Lop6
A species restricted to lowland rainforest on ridges on Forest Reserve, a portion of which has become Gabon's
Manus Island. The habitat has been heavily logged and first national park. It is also locally common in the rabi-
degraded. Kounga area.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19031,19113, 19114 Refs: 8506, 19043

The World List of Threatened Trees

Catpocaiyx Utestui Calycorectes wurdackU

Leguminosae VU E>2 Myrtaceae VU D2
Gabon Peru
A small tree limited to two localities in mountainous The only record of the species is from the type
areas in the east and central south. Although the species collection, which was taken from lowland Amazon
may be found to be more widespread, given that large forest in the department of Amazonas.
areas of Gabon's forests are unexplored, these areas are Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
also largely under concession to logging companies. Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8506, 14958 Calyptranthes acutissima
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
Caipocalyx ngouiensis Jamaica
Leguminosae VU Ale An endemic to Dolphin Head and Bubby Hill where the
Cameroon, Gabon species is found in low numbers in wooded areas on the
In southern Cameroon this tree is known to occur in summit.
coastal forest extending inland along rivers. One Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population is also known in central south Gabon. Both Re/r; 401, 5653, 7980
areas of forest have been heavily degraded in places
where there have been logging and agricultural Calyptranthes arenicola
activities. Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba
Refs: 8506 A small tree, imperfectly known, described more than
half a century ago from El Morrillo in Pinar del Rio
Calycolpus excisus Province. Fieldwork is needed to confirm whether the

Myrtaceae VU D2 population still exists.

Cuba Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
A small tree known only from the deeply eroded Refs: 11403,18485, 19149
limestone mountains of south-western part of Sierra de
Nipe in eastern Cuba. Calyptranthes brevispicata
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Myrtaceae VU D2
Re/i.-9522, 11403, 19149 Peru
Currently recorded only from the type collection, the
Calycorectes australis species occurs in lowland Amazon forest in Loreto.
Myrtaceae ENBl+2acde Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina) Refs: 1984
Known from few collections, the species is confined to
areas of rainforest on the Atlantic coast. The type Calyptranthes capitata
specimen is from Santa Catarina and it has also been Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
found at Parati in Rio de Janeiro near the border with Jamaica
Sao Paulo. The species is distributed between 670 and 950m in St
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Ann and Clarendon Parishes.
Refs: 19097 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/j; 401. 5653. 7980
Calycorectes duarteanus
Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2acde Calyptranthes crebra
Brazil (Pari, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo) Myrtaceae VU D2
A tree or treelet, which occurs infrequendy in remaining Pern
areas of Atlantic forest. Known from the type, this species occurs in
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. lowland Amazon forest on white sand in Loreto.
Refs: 19097 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Calycorectes schottUmus
Myrtaceae CR B 1 +2acd Calyptranthes densiflora
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Myrtaceae DD
The species is known only from the type collection. Pern
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. This species is endemic to the lowland eastern slopes of
Refs: 19097 the Andes in Peru.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Calycorectes sellowianus Refs: 1984
Myrtaceae ENAlacd
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Calyptranthes discolor
Present information suggests the species endemic to
is Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Rio de Janeiro. It has been found in the P090 das Antas Jamaica
Biological Reserve and on Mage. The species is rare and confined to forested slopes on
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Dolphin Head. The habitat has experienced selective
Refs: 19097 logging and hurricane damage.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rf/i. 401, 5653, 7980

Species Summaries

Calyptranthts ekmanii Calyptranthes polyneura

Myrtaceae VU B 1 +2c Myrtaceae vU D2
Haiti, Jamaica Cuba
Confined to areas of wet woodland or thicket on An uncommon shrub or small tree confined to the
limestone, this shrubby species occurs in south-west serpentine plateau of Sierra de Nipe in north-eastern
Haiti and Portland in Jamaica. The habitat in both Cuba.
islands has suffered severe decline largely because of Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
forestry and agricultural expansion. Threats of cutting Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
and clearing are still strong in remaining wooded areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Calyptranthes portoricensis
/fe/5; 261, 401, 5653, 7980 Myrtaceae EN C2a
Puerto Rico
Calyptranthes Jlavo- viridis A poorly known species, which was recorded in 1981
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c from two localities in the upper regions of Monte del
Cuba Estado, Maricao.
This small tree, along with its relative C. arenicola, was Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
discovered many years ago at a single locality in Pinar Refs: 7980, 17124
del Rio Province. The site, near the Santa Cruz River,
has suffered severe degradation from settlement and Calyptranthes pozasiana
agriculture. Fieldwork is necessary to verify the Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
existence of this species. Cuba
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Many years ago this small tree was reported to occur
Refs: 11403,18485, 19149 locally in the Rfo del Medio region of Pinar del Rio
Province in western Cuba. The habitat in this area is
Calyptranthes johnstonii very disturbed. Fieldwork is needed to check whether
Myrtaceae DD the original population still exists.
Panama Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
This species is described on the basis of three Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
collections, allfrom south-west of Fort Sherman in the
Canal area. Other Calyptranthes in the same region are Calyptranthes rostrata
identified as other species. Myrtaceae EN Bl-t-2c
Assessor: M\U6, M. Cuba
Refs: 3467, 16772 A shrub, sometimes a small tree, endemic to the scrub
and karstic woods on limestone of Monte Verde in the
Calyptranthes kiaerskovii Nipe-Yateras District of eastern Cuba. Few collections
Myrtaceae CR Dl have been made of this species.
Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (British) Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
A small tree of moist forest or wet areas in dry forest. In Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Puerto Rico three sites, each containing a single
individual,were originally recorded, only one of which Calyptranthes sessUis
may be extant. A population on the offshore island
still Myrtaceae DD
of Vieques has been destroyed in the construction of a Peru
helipad. On Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands, A lowland forest species known only from Loreto and
there are several very small populations within the San Martin.
national park and there may be others still to discover. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
On Tortola, however, the population has not been seen Refs: 1984
for some time.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Calyptranthes simulata
Refs: 16898, 17124 Myrtaceae LR/nt
Calyptranthes luquUlensis Occurring in seasonally inundated areas and *terrafirme
Myrtaceae VU D2 known only from the departments
forest, the species is
Puerto Rico of Amazonas, Loreto and Madre de Dios.
An endemic to the Luquillo Mountains, occurring in wet Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
areas at middle elevation in the El Verde region. More Refs: 1984
information may indicate a more serious threat category
is appropriate. Calyptranthes thomasiana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae EN C2a
Refs: 5988, 7931, 7980, 12389, 17124 Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands
Calyptranthes nodosa Recorded as a shrub or tree, the species is known from
Myrtaceae VU BU2c scattered small populations in moist forest. There are
Jamaica about 30-50 individuals remaining in three localities in
A tree of moist thickets, especially along streams, found Puerto Rico. In the US Virgin Islands the best known
only in Trelawny and Clarendon. A doubtful record also population consists of 15-20 plants on Bordeaux
comes from Hanover. Mountain on St John. The site of the St Thomas
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre population is now developed and no plants remain.
«c/i; 401, 5653, 7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

except in cultivation. In the British Virgin Islands there grows in forested valleys between 150 and 480m. There
is thought to be a population of at least 100 individuals are constant threats of cutting or habitat clearance.
on Gorda Peak. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1818,11847
/?c/i.- 5988, 7980, 17124

Camellia fleuryi
Calyptranthes umbelUformis Theaceae VU D2
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Viet Nam
Jamaica A small tree which appears to be confmed to a single
The distribution of the species is disjunct, with locality between 800 and 1 000m at Dien Khanh in
populations - possibly representing different taxa - Khanh Hoa Province.
occurring in St James in the west and Portland in the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
east. The species is confmed to moist wooded Umestone Re/j.- 848, 11530

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Camellia gilbertii

Refs: 6057, 7980 Theaceae VU D2
Viet Nam
Calyptranthes uniflora A small tree, apparently endemic to Viet Nam, where it
Myrtaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b occurs at about 300m in Phu Tho in Vinh Phu Province.
Jamaica Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Known from only a single locality, the species occurs at Refs: 848
the base of a wooded limestone cliff in Cooks Bottom,
St Elizabeth Parish. Camellia grijsii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Theaceae VU Ale
/fc/j; 401, 5653, 7980 China (Fujian, Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi)
Confined to areas of evergreen broadleaved forest
Calyptranthes wilsonii between 150 and 5(X)m, the species occurs in a few
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c scattered locations in the east of China. The numbers of
Jamaica populations are steadily diminishing with increasing
Although the species appears to be locally abundant, it is habitat lossand disturbance.
confmed to mossy woodland areas between 450 and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
900m in Portland and St Thomas. Almost the entire Refs: 1818, 11847
forest in the latter parish has been either severely
degraded or completely lost. Areas in the former are also Camellia hengchunensis
reduced and threatened by forestry activities. Theaceae EN C2a
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Taiwan
/fe/i.- 6057, 7980, 19116 A species restricted to dry lowland forest on windward
hills and ridges Nanjenshan area on the Hengchun
in the
Camellia chrysantha Peninsula. The entire range is contained within Kenting
Theaceae VU A led National Park. Little regeneration is evident.
China (Guangxi), Viet Nam Assessor: Pan, F.J.
A shrub or small tree restricted to wet areas of forest Refs: 3295, 19050
below 500m in south-west Guangxi extending into Viet
Nam. Populations are given formal protection over much Camellia pleurocarpa
of the range in China but continue to be threatened by Theaceae VU D2
overcollection of seedlings and habitat disturbance. The Viet Nam
species was included in Appendix II of *CITES in 1985 A small tree which has been collected only from Hoi
and deleted from the Appendix in 1997. Xuan in Thanh Hoa Province, near the Laos border.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847 Refs: 848

Camellia crapnelliana Camellia puhipetala

Theaceae VUAlc Theaceae VUBl+2c,D2
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Zhejiang), Hong Kong China (Guangxi)
A species of the broadleaved forest, occurring along the A shnib or small tree known from two locations,
coast in Fujian, south-west Zhejiang, southern Long'an and Daxin, occurring in evergreen broadleaved
Guangdong and southern Guangxi. Populations are forest at the base of limestone mountains, between 190
steadily diminishing with increasing habitat loss and and 230m. There are constant threats of cutting and
cutting. habitat clearance.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 1818,11847 Refs: 1818,11847

Camellia euphlebia Camellia reticulata

Theaceae VU Ale, D2 Theaceae VUBl+2c
China (Guangxi), Viet Nam China (Yunnan)
A shrub or small tree found in northern Viet Nam and Although the species occurs widely in cultivation, wild
one location in Fangcheng, southern Guangxi, where it populations are restricted to mixed montane forest in

Species Summaries

western and central Yunnan, where they are in decline. Campomanesia hirsuta
The demand from the horticultural industry is causing Myrtaceae EN B t +2c
significant depletion of plants in the wild. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Assessor: Sun, W. Restricted to the mountains of Rio de Janeiro near
Re/i.l818, 11847, 19055 Petr6polis and Terez(5polis, this tree was last collected in
1968. It IS not known whether the species is still extant.
Camellia tunghinensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Theaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 Refs: 5435, 7980
China (Guangxi)
A shrub or small tree confined to Fangcheng in southern Campomanesia laurifolia
Guangxi, where it occurs in forest between 180 and M yrtaceae EN B 1 +2c
440m. There are constant threats of cutting or habitat Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
clearance. A forest tree apparently restricted to the mountains
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre around Rio de Janeiro. The most recent collection is
y?e/j; 1818, 11847 dated 1961.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cameraria microphylla Refs: 5435, 7980
Apocynaceae ENBl+2c
Cuba Campomanesia lundiana
A small tree, up to 5m tall, occurring in evergreen Myrtaceae EX
thorny shrubwoods on serpentine-derived soils in the Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
lowlands of Camaguey and Ciego de Avila Provinces. This species is known only from the type collection,

The species' habitat has been severely degraded and which supposedly came from Rio de Janeiro in 1825.
transformed into savanna by burning and grazing. Although this area has since been well studied, the
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. species has not been found again.
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5435, 7980
Campnosperma seycheUarum
Anacardiaceae ENBl+2c Campomanesia nerUflora
Seychelles Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
A tree scattered as isolated individuals or small groups Brazil (Parana, Sao Paulo)
in moist forest on Mah£. A single individual is also A tree confined to the remaining patches of coastal
known near Vallee de Mai on Praslin. Historical records forest in Sao Paulo and Parana. Large-scale destruction
indicate populations were once large but have declined of these forests has taken place over several centuries.
through heavy exploitation for fuelwood and timber Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
used in boat and house building. Natural regeneration is Refs: 5435, 7980
now rare and seriously hampered by the invasion of
Cinnamomum verum. The entire species range lies Campomanesia phaea
largely within Mome Seychellois National Park. Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Propagation from seeds is now being attempted. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles A small tree known only from sites near Sao Paulo city
Refs: 9859, 17229, 19023, 19025 and Serra dos Orgaos National Park near Teresdpolis in
Rio de Janeiro. It is also cultivated on a small scale for
Campnosperma zeylanicum its much appreciated edible fruits which are shaped like

Anacardiaceae VUAlc Indian clay pots, or cambuci, from which it derives its
Sri Lanka vernacular name.
A tree restricted to the lowland evergreen rainforests of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
south-west Sri Lanka. Refs: 5435, 7980
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431, 17195 Campomanesia proslhecesepala
Myrtaceae DD
Campomanesia aromatica Brazil (Minas Gerais)
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c The species is known only from made in the
a collection
Brazil last century at a location called Rio Manso in Minas
Restricted to Atlantic coastal forest in the south-east, the Gerais. There is more than one Rio Manso in the state
species has suffered from extensive reductions in and the species has not been found again.
habitat. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 5435, 7980
Refs: 19097
Campomanesia reitziana
Campomanesia espiritosanlensis Myrtaceae LR/nt
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Brazil (Santa Catarina)
Brazil Although common where it occurs, this small tree is

Restricted to Atlantic coastal forest in the south-east, the confined to a small area of coastal forest in Santa
species has suffered from extensive reductions in Catarina. The declines in this habitat over centuries have
habitat. been dramatic.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Assessor: Barroso, G.M.
Refs: 19097 Refs: 5435, 7906, 7980, 19097

The World List of Threatened Trees

Campomanesia rufa Campylospermum vogeUi var. molleri

Myrtaceae DD Ochnaceae VU D2
Brazil (Minas Gerais) Sao Tom6 & Prfncipe (Prfincipe, Sao Tom6)
This species is poorly known. It is apparently restricted A small tree which is found in three sites above 1300m,
to Minas Gerais, where it probably occurs in *cerrado where it occurs commonly in secondary forest
vegetation. Regeneration is good in at least one of the sites.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5435, 7980 Refs: 19111

Campomanesia schlechtendaliana var. Canarium fusco-calycinum

schlechlendaliana Burseraceae VUAlcd+2cd
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Malaysia (Sarawak)
Brazil (Parang, Rio de Janeiro) An uncommon tree endemic to Sarawak, where it occurs
An Atlantic coastal forest tree from locations in Parand in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest.
and Rio de Janeiro. The decline in its habitat has been Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
dramatic. Refs: 18327
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5435, 7980 Canarium kipella
Burseraceae ENBI+2c
Campomanesia sessitiflora var. sessiliflora Indonesia (Java)
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c This species is apparently sparsely distributed in hill

Brazil (Sao Paulo) forest on Mount Salak and near Pelabuhan Ratu. Both
According to current knowledge, two collections from areas, close to Bogor city, appear to be without official
the last century and one more recent collection, this protection and are susceptible to encroachment and
variety is confined to coastal forests in Sao Paulo and cutting.
Rio de Janeiro. The other varieties appear to be more Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
commonly collected and located in the interior. Refs: 9078
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5435, 7980 Canarium liguliferum
Burseraceae DD
Campomanesia speciosa Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
Myrtaceae LR/nt A lowland rainforest species known only from the
Peru Solomon Islands.
A small tree which has a relatively wide range on the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
eastern slopes of the Peruvian Andes. Recent collections Refs: 16292, 16612
have been few.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Canarium luzonicum
Refs: 1984 Burseraceae VU A led
Campomanesia viatoris Endemic to the Philippines, this tree occurs in primary
Mynaceae ENBl+2c forest at low to medium altitudes. The kedondong timber
Brazil (Alagoas) is used for light construction, a valuable oil is tapped
Apparently collected only twice, this rare species is from the tree and the seeds are edible.
poorly known but believed to be distributed in forest on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the banks of Rio Sao Francisco in coastal Alagoas. Refs: ICni, 1 1 145
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5435, 7980 Canarium ovatum
Burseraceae VUAlcd
Camptolepis ramiflora Philippines
Sapindaceae VUBI+2c A lowland primary forest tree, endemic to the
Kenya, Madagascar?, Somalia, Tanzania Philippines, valued for its kedondong timber and the
An evergreen tree of riverine forest.It occurs from commercially traded seeds called pilinuts. It is
southern Somalia along the lower Jubba River into commonly planted.
eastern Kenya and Tanzania. Although the range appears Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
extensive, populations are localised and confined to /?e/i.- 4919, 7673, 11145
disappearing habitat. Information on the possible
occurrence in Madagascar may alter the current status of Canarium paniculatum
the species. Burseraceae EN Alcde+2ce
Assessor: Thulin, M. Mauritius
Refs: 1308, 2361, 6396, 8697, 18665 Assessor: Strahm, W.
^c/jt; 9120, 16426, 19208
Campylospermum scheffleri
Ochnaceae VUBl+2b Canarium perlisanum
Tanzania Burseraceae VU D2
A species restricted to the East Usambara Mountains Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
within moist evergreen forest in upland areas. A small tree known from a single collection in moist
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke scrub on a limestone hill. Perils (Kaki Bukit).
Ke/i; 3356,8814, 11631 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073

Species Summaries

Canarium pseudodecumanum Canarium zeylanicum

Burseraceae VU Alcd+2cd Burseraceae VU Ale
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Sri Lanka
Malaysia, Sabah), Thailand A scattered tree confmed to the lowland wet evergreen
An uncommon large tree found scattered in primary forests of south-west Sri Lanka.
forest on undulating swamp land up to 280 m.The timber Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
is traded as kedondong. There is concern over its status Refs: 9176, 17195
in Sabah.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Canthium dicoccum
Refs: 7673, 11145, 17140, 19017, 19026 Rubiaceae VUAlc
Sri Lanka
Canarium pseudopatentinervium A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Burseraceae VU Ale south-west Sri Lanka.
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An uncommon tree restricted to lowland primary forest. Refs: 9176, 17195
In Sarawak, the species is only known from a single
collection from Belaga. Canthium Jtciforme
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae ENBI+2c
Ue^; 11145,19017 India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
This species is known from a collection taken from a

Canarium pseudopimela confined area of submontane forest in the Elamalai Hills

Burseraceae VU D2 and from an imprecisely recorded locality fiither south.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree known only from two collections, taken Refs: 19144
from lowland rainforest in Gunung Lambir and Gunung
Raya. Canthium glaucum ssp.frangula
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae VU D2
Refs: 19017 Kenya
A shrub or small known from Meru National Park,
Canarium pseudosumatranum where it occurs in Combretum woodland at 790m. More
Burseraceae LR/cd detailed on population numbers may
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) indicate a more serious threat category is appropriate.
This imperfectly known species is scattered in lowland The type subspecies is more widespread.
and hill forest of Perils, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sembilan and Pahang. The wood is traded as kedondong Refs: 6396
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Canthium impressinervium
Refs: 11145.19073 Rubiaceae VUBl+2b,D2
Canarium reniforme A coastal forest species known from three sites in south-
Burseraceae LR/cd east Tanzania. It has been collected from an unprotected
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) tract of forest on the Noto Plateau and from the nearby
A species of moist coastal hill forest, found in Perak and Rondo Plateau. Forest covering 140km' is protected in
Selangor. the latter site as a forest reserve. Much of it is heavily
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. disturbed because of previous logging, plmting of
Refs: 8464, 19073 commercial timbers, shifting agriculture and local
exploitation. The presence of an active forest
Canarium sarawakanum management programme is discouraging further
Burseraceae VU D2 exploitative activities.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Endemic to Sarawak, this small uncommon tree occurs /Je/i; 3356, 8814
in lowland to low submontane forest. So far collections
are known from Kapit, Lubok Antu, Gunimg Penrissen Canthium keniense
and Simanggang. Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kenya
Refs: 19017 A Kenyan endemic of dry upland forest, occurring in
localised populations in the Nairobi-Machakos region.
Canarium whitei The surrounding area is densely populated and
Burseraceae CR C2a agricultural activities, firewood collection and recent
New Caledonia droughts are causing habitat degradation.
A rainforest tree recorded from Rivi&re des Pirogues. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. Refs: 6396
Refs: 10351

The World List of Threatened Trees

Canthium kilifiensis Forest Reserve. Logging activities, shifting cultivation,

Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2c pole and fiielwood collection and the establishment of
Kenya commercial plantations have disturbed the forest
Confined to areas of Brachystegia woodland, this shrub extensively in the past. The presence of an active
or small tree is known only from populations in forestry programme is discouraging local exploitation at
Arabuko-Sokoke and Mangea. the present time.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke
Refs: 6396 Refs: 3356, 16796

Canthium montanum Canthium shabanii

Rubiaceae VUB1+2C Rubiaceae VUBI+2b
Sri Lanka Tanzania
This species was found in 10 forest localities, mainly in The range of the species appears to be confined to the
Nuwara Eliya District, during the extensive forest Usambara Mountains, where it occurs in moist montane
surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the forest.
National Conservation Review. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /fe/r; 3356, 8814
Refs: 19112
Canthium siebenlistii
Canthium neilgherrense var. neilgherrense Rubiaceae VUB1-k2c
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Tanzania
India (Tamil Nadu) Confined to the Usambara and Udzungwa Moimtains,
A small tree of montane forest, occurring in the Nilgiris the species is known from four moist forest localities at
and in the Agastymalai Hills further south. altimdes above 1000m: Shume-Magamba, Mwanihara,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myumbenito and Monga.
Refs: 19144 Assessor: Lovett, J. G.P. Clarke&
Refs: 3356, 10961
Canthium oUgocarpum ssp. intermedium
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Canthium suborbiculare
Kenya, Tanzania Rubiaceae VU D2
A subspecies of dry montane forest. A single collection Papua New Guinea
is known from south-west Mau in Kenya. In Tanzania This shrub or small tree is restricted to the Port Moresby
occurrences are known from Mount Kilamanjaro, region and Morupore Island, where it is found in
Kilomeni and the Nguru Mountains. savanna or scrub. It is known only from five or six
Assessor: Lovett,J. & G.P. Clarke collections.
Refs: 1308,3356,8814 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19140
Canthium pergracilis
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Canthium voUensenii
India (Kerala) Rubiaceae VU BI-i-2b
A relatively large tree, which has only been recorded Tanzania
from a small locality of lowland rainforest in south The species ranges in south-east Tanzania, where it
Kerala. occurs in moist semi-deciduous forest remnants.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. G.P. Clarke&
Refs: 19144 Refs: 3356, 10961

Canthium racemulosum var. nanguanum Cantleya comiculata

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Icacinaceae VU A led
Mozambique, Tanzania Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia?,
A variety from dry forest patches scattered in a Sabah, Sarawak)
relatively unexplored region extending from Kilwa in Scattered below 300m in primary freshwater swamp
southern Tanzania to northern Mozambique. forests and hill forests in drier areas, this tree is
Assessor: Loven, J. &
G.P. Clarke exploited for its highly valued timber. The heavy, hard
Refs: 1308,3356,8814 wood has a similar fragrance to sandalwood and is often
used as a substitute.
Canthium robynsianum Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c /Je/i; 5550, 6426, 12937
Kenya, Tanzania
Occurrences are recorded in the Usambara Mountains Capparis crotonantha
and Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania and in Arabuko- Capparaceae DD
Sokoke and Witu in Kenya, in Brachystegia woodland. Panama
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species is known only from the type collection in
Refs: 6396, 12067 San Bias. The specimen complete and was
is not
probably described erroneously as a separate species
Canthium rondoense from C. fitipes, which occurs widely in the same area.
Rubiaceae EN B 1 +2bc Assessor: Mitrfi, M.
Tanzania /?e/i; 7272, 7980, 16772
A coastal forest species which appears to be confined to
the remaining areas of undisturbed forest within Rondo

Species Summaries

Capparis discolor Capparis uniflora

Capparaceae LR/nt Capparaceae DD
Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama Panama
Ranging from the Gulf Region of Mexico to Colombia Originally collected from Cocl6 in 1941 and identified
in areas of lowland rainforest, the species is reported to as C.baducca, the specimen was redescribed as a new
be most common in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. In species, C.uniflora. No recent collections have been
Panama small populations have been recorded from the made and there is insufficient evidence to confirm the
provinces of Panama and Dari^n, including an taxonomy.
occurrence in Dari6n National Park. The Colombian Assessor: Mitrd, M.
population appears to be confmed to Antioquia. Refs: 7272, 16772
Throughout the species range the habitat has been
extensively cleared for agriculture, settlement and its Captaincookia margaretae
timber resources. Rubiaceae CRBl-i-2c
Assessor: MitrS, M. New Caledonia
Refs: 16772 A species from a genus endemic to New Caledonia. It is
confined to a small area of threatened sclerophyllous
Capparis mirifica forest. Fires, grazing and encroaching agriculture are
Capparaceae CR C2a continuous problems.
Panama Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

A small tree, known from very few collections taken Refs: 1833,4492,10351
from a small area of lowland semi-deciduous rainforest
to the north-east of the Panama Canal. The area has CaraipajaramiUoi
suffered much deforestation, although forest is protected Gutti ferae LR/nt
within the national parks of Chagres and Portobelo. Peru
Occurrences are evidently rare, but it is possible further A species of *terra firme forest occurring in the
exploration will uncover additional localities. departments of Loreto, Madre de Dios and Pasco.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1212. mo. 16772 Refs: 1984

Capparis moUiceUa Caraipa utilis

Capparaceae VUAlc Guttiferae VU D2
Mexico Peru
A relatively widepsread Mexican endemic, occurring in Occurring in *lerra firme forest on white sand, the
rainforest and also drier forest types in the Gulf region species is known only from the type collection.
and the Pacific slopes. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1984
Refs: 5993, 19124
Carallia calycina
Capparis pachyphylla Rhizophoraceae VU Ale
Capparaceae ENBl+2c Sri Lanka
India (Arunachal Pradesh) A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Once reported to be common along windswept steep south-west Sri Lanka.
cliffs and slopes, the species has not been recollected Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
since 1935 from the known localities in the Aka Hills Refs: 15431, 17195,17759
and Tuzu River Gorge. The area is remote and the
species is likely to be found again. Carallia diplopetala
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rhizophoraceae LR/nt
Refs: 4799 China (Guangxi), Viet Nam
Confined to the Shiwan Mountains in southern Guangxi,
Capparis panamensis the species appears to occur in such low numbers that
Capparaceae CR C2a repeated recent searches for it have failed. In Viet Nam
Panama it appears to be more widespread in secondary forest and

All collections of this species come from a small area of forest margins in central provinces and mountain areas.
lowland evergreen rainforest to the north-east of Panama Natural regeneration is reported to be good here.
City. The populations are small and strongly affected by Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
logging and other activities. There is a possibility that Refs: 1818, 11847, 15357, 19060
there are further populations occur in Chagres National
Park in south-east Col6n and around the Canal. Carallia euryoides
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Rhizophoraceae LR/nt
Refs: 1370,7980, 16772, 18416 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species of lowland and hill forest, rarely reaching an
Capparis sprucei altitude of 900m, occasionally found on quartz ridges.
Capparaceae VU D2 Populations are recorded in Selangor, Pahang and
Peru Johore, where it is protected in Taman Negara National
A species known only from the type collection from San Park.
Martin. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 1984

The World List of Threatened Trees

Carica jammcensis Cariniana pauciramosa

Caricaceae VUBl+2c Lecythidaceae EN B 1 +2c
Jamaica Brazil (Amazonas)
The species has a local distribution on rocky banks or in This species has only ever been collected from a single
thickets and pastures on coral limestone or sandy soils site of lowland rainforest along the Manaus to
near the sea. Itacoatiana road.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 6057, 7980 Refs: 1503, 5942, 7980, 9632

Cariniana ianeirensis
Cariniana penduUflora
Lecythidaceae EN Bl+2c
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Lecythidaceae CR Bl+2c
Brazil (Rondonia)
A species known only from four collections in the
Atlantic forests of Tijuca and Itaocara. Its proximity to
A species of savanna or open woodland, known only
from MutumparanS. Much of the natural vegetation has
Rio de Janeiro places it under serious pressure from
been lost to agricultural encroachment.
urban encroachment and recent intensive fieldwork in
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
the area has failed to find living specimens. Much of
Refs: 1503,3791,7980,9632
Tijuca forest is protected. The species is included in the
official list of threatened Brazilian plants compiled by
*IBAMA. Cariniana pyriformis
Assessor: Varty, N. Lecythidaceae LR/nt
/fe/i; 7980, 8815, 16123 Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, 'Venezuela
A relatively wide ranging species of primary forest. It is
Cariniana integrifoUa threatened at a national level in Colombia and is causing
Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c some concern in Venezuela. The wood has been
Brazil (Amazonas) commercially expoited but is considered hard to work. It
Confined to non-flooded forest of central Amazonia, has been cultivated outside its natural range in Jamaica,
near Manaus, the species is under threat from increasing Trinidad and Singapore.
land settlement and fires. It occurs in the Ducke Forest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Reserve. Refs: 1503, 5942, 7980, 9632, 12109, 19069
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1503, 5942, 7980, 9632

Cariniana uaupensis
Cariniana kuhlmannii Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Lecythidaceae CRBl+2c Brazil (Amazonas)
Brazil (Rondonia) The known distribution of this rainforest species is

A savanna tree, known only from the type collection confined to its type locality in Imeri.
from Campos dos Urupa's. There is a serious threat of Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
habitat loss through increasing land settlement. Refs: 1503, 3791, 5942, 7980, 9632
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1503, 3791, 7980, 9632 Carissa edulis var. sechelUnsis

Apocynaceae EN Dl
Cariniana legatis Seychelles
Lecythidaceae VUAlac The main population is confined to Silhouette. On
Minas Gerais,
Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Espi'rito Santo, Aldabra there are two trees and the population on Mah6
Paraiba, Pemambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo), became extinct by 1874, probably because of habitat
Colombia?, Venezuela? clearance. About 150 mature trees exist in total, a large
A large emergent tree, sparsely scattered in areas of population occurring at Mont Cocos Marrons. The trees
lowland non-flooded rainforest, such as Atlantic forest, were also felled in the past for of
the production
mesophyllous, riverine or hygrophyllous forest and aromatic oils fuelwood for copra dryers. All
semi-deciduous woodland. Large trees are also left populations are within areas which are given protection.
standing in agricultural areas and coffee plantations. Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
Populations frequently occur on fertile land and Refs: 10610
considerable habitat loss has caused declines in the
species. Carpinus putoensis
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop Corylaceae CR Dl
Refs: 1503,7980,9632, 11449, 19179, 19184 China (Zhejiang)
A single fenced tree is left in the wild on Mount Eroding
Cariniana pachyantha on Putuo Island in the Zhoushan Archipelago. Originally
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c, D2 occurring in evergreen broadleaved forest, the remaining
Brazil (Amazonas) tree now edge of a sparse mixed forest. The
exists at the
A large tree, endemic tolowland rainforest in Sao Paulo species monoecious.

de 01iven9a. It is known only from the type collection. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 1818, 11725, 11847
Refs: 1503, 3791 , 7980, 9632

Species Summaries

Carpodiptera mirabilis Choc6 in Colombia. There may some confusion with

Tiliaceae CRBl+2c populations of the closely related species, C.
Cuba amygdaliforme. The species is listed on Appendix II of
This beautiful tree is localised in montane rainforest on CITES.
limestone-derived soils within Guantanamo Province. Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
No flowering specimens have ever been collected. Refs: 7980, 14487, 16772, 19179, 19185
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 16327,18485,19149 Caryodaphnopsis cogoUoi
Lauraceae ENBl+2c
Carpodiptera ophiticola Colombia
Tiliaceae ENBl+2c An endemic to Antioquia.
Cuba Assessor: Calderon, E.
An uncommon shrub or small tree occurring locally near Refs: 19069
ravines and washes in the serpentine outcrop of Canasi,
Matanzas Province. The habitat is under constant threat Caryodendron angustifoUum
of being completely cut and cleared. Euphorbiaceae DD
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Panama
Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149 The species appears to be known only from the type
specimen, collected in Progresso in Chiriquf in the first
Carpoxylon macrospermum half of the century, although it possibly occurs in the
Palmae CR Dl Golfo Dulce area Costa Rica. Additional specimens
Vanuatu originally recorded as this species from other parts of
A palm tree of ornamental interest, confined to areas of Panama have since been identified as Senefeldera
lowland rainforest in Aneityum. Tanna and Futuna. lesticulata. It is not known whether the species is now
Approximately 40 individuals exist in the wild and extinct.
another 120 mature trees are cultivated around villages. Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Regeneration is moderate.The species is protected and Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772, 19177
the subject of a conservation plan managed by the
Vanuatu Forestry Department. Casasia longipes
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. Rubiaceae LR/nt
Refs: 19118 Jamaica
An uncommon tree found in remaining areas of
Caryocar amygdaliforme woodland on limestone in central parishes.
Caryocaraceae EN Bl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Colombia, Panama, Peru Refs: 6057, 7980
Apparently endemic to Colombia, the species is knovm
to occur in Antioquia, Boli'var, Caldas, Santander, Casearia albicans
Tolima and possibly CaquetS. The Peruvian distribution Racourtiaceae DD
requires confirmation. There may also be a collection Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
from Dari^n in Panama. The species is closely related to A small tree confined to the moist forest of Penang and
C. costaricense to such a degree that they may be forms Perak.
of the same taxon. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 7980, 19069, 19216
Casearia atlantica
Caryocar coriaceum Flacourtiaceae EN C2a
Caryocaraceae ENAla+2c Panama
Brazil Occurring chiefly along forested riversides, the species
A species of *cerrado, restricted to the Chapado do appears to be confined to the Atlantic side of three
Araripe in Brazil. provinces. The few living specimens known are sparsely
Assessor: Prado, D. scattered in forest that is not well studied and, in parts,
Refs: 1262,7980 disappearing through encroaching agriculmre and
Caryocar costaricense Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Caryocaraceae VUAlacd Refs: 7980, 12756, 16772
Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela
The species is known from scattered populations in Casearia coriifoUa
lowland evergreen rainforest. In Costa Rica occurrences Flacourtiaceae LR/cd
are very scarce and confined to protected areas. New Caledonia
Similarly in Panama, the species is restricted to Darien Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at.

and San Bias, where populations appear to be in a poor Refs: 10351

state with little evidence of regeneration. Levels of
exploitation of the timber are reported to be high but Casearia crassinervis
there are differences in opinion as to whether timber Flacourtiaceae VU D2
trade is a serious threat to the species. Habitat loss has, Cuba
however, been severe. Populations extend into the A shrub which sometimes reaches the size of a small
tree. Itoccurs in pine woodland and forest and is

The World List of Threatened Trees

confined to the mountains of the Nipe-Baracoa Massif in There have been no recent botanical surveys of the
eastern Cuba. island.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19&0. 19149 Refs: 2724

Casearia engleri Casearia mauritiana

Racourtiaceae VUBl+2b Flacourtiaceae CR Alee, Bl+2ce
Tanzania Mauritius
A montane forest tree restricted in range to the West Assessor: Strahm, W.
Usambara Mountains. Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 5020, 5204 Casearia megacarpa
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c
Casearia flavovirens Colombia
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c This endemic Colombian species occurs in Valle and
Indonesia (Bali, Java) Vaupes.
A species of various forest types occurring up to an Assessor: Calderon, E.
altitude of 800m in eastern Java and Bali. All forested Refs: 7980, 19069
areas at these elevations have experienced heavy
clearing and are under intense pressure from the Casearia mexiae
activities of local populations. Flacourtiaceae VU Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 7673, 9078 An endemic of Ecuador, inhabiting montane and upper
montane cloud forest. Currently this species is only
Casearia flexula known from the High Andean areas of Imbabura and
Flacourtiaceae DD Pichincha.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An uncommon shrub or small tree of submontane and Refs: 19S0, 19119,19120
hill forest confined to Kedah Peak. Similar specimens,
which could be this species, have been collected Casearia quinduensis
elsewhere in Peninsular Malaysia and in Sumatra and Flacourtiaceae EX
Borneo. Colombia
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. An extinct species, previously recorded in Tolima and
Refs: 8464, 19073 possibly Quindio.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Casearia kaalaensis Refs: 7980, 19063, 19069
Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia Casearia tinifolia
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. Flacourtiaceae EX
Refs: 10351 Mauritius
No specimens have been found since 1976.
Casearia lasiophylla Assessor: Strahm, W.
Flacourtiaceae DD Refs: 9\20, 16426, 19208
Brazil (Alagoas, Minas Gerais, ParanS, Piaui, Rio de
Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo) Casearia wiUiamsiana
Although the species is geographically widespread, its Flacourtiaceae CR C2a
distribution is discontinuous. It is found principally in Honduras
areas of Araucaria forest, but also in more open areas A species of *matorral, thickets and dry forest along
and pastureland. Occurrences are rare in Sao Paulo and rivers, at low to middle elevations.
questionable in Rio de Janeiro. It has, however, been Assessor: Nelson, C.
recently collected from Parang. Refs: 7980, 12756, 13995
Assessor: Torres, R.B.
Refs: 19098, 19099 Casearia wynadensis
Flacourtiaceae VU Bl+2c
Casearia macrocarpa India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Flacourtiaceae VU B +2c
1 A small tree of low to medium elevation evergreen
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) forest, occurring in scattered localities in Wayanad and
This small tree species is found only in areas of the Nilgiris with some outlying populations further
rainforest in Penang. south.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 19144

Casearia mannii Cassia aldabrensis

Flacourtiaceae VU D2 Leguminosae VU D2
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Prfncipe) Seychelles (Aldabra)
The species has been collected only twice and no This species appears on Assumption and all the main
information on its exact locality has been recorded. islands of Aldabra, except the western portion of Grand
Terre. It occupies crevices on limestone pavement
(platin) and on pinnacled micro-karst limestone

Species Summaries

(champignon). Aldabra is protected as a Strict Nature Cassipourea fanshawei

Reserve. Assumption has experienced some habitat Rhizophoraceae VU D2
clearance for strip-mining for phosphate or guano. Zambia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The type collection, made in Musondwa in 1958, is the
Refs: 19027 only known record of this species.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cassia artensis Refs: 18965
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia Cassipourea flanaganU
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Rhizophoraceae VU A2c
Refs: 10351 South Africa (Eastern Cape)
Found in evergreen forest along the Eastern Cape coast
Cassia aubrevillei and further inland, mainly in Transkei, the species
Leguminosae VUAlc, Bl+2c occurs in many localities which are supposedly
Cote d'lvoire, Gabon protected as demarcated forest. However, the system of
The distribution of this rare species is disjunct. It is protection has not been successfully upheld since 1994.
known only from lowland moist semi-deciduous forest Much of the forest, including that which is not
in Gabon and further west in Cote d'lvoire. This type of demarcated, is threatened by increasing settlement and
forest in the latter country has disappeared outside cutting for firewood and timber.
protected areas. In the former country forest areas are Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al.

unprotected, with the exception of the newly established Re/i. 689, 19218
national park at Lx)p^, and largely under concession to
logging companies. Cassipourea hiotou
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rhizophoraceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
Refs: 2773, 12822 Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
A tree which can be common where it occurs but is
Cassia fikifiki strictly confined to wet evergreen forests. In Cote
Leguminosae ENBl+2c d'lvoire it is restricted to the south-west, mainly in Tai
Cote d'lvoire National Park. This type of forest has reduced in extent
A species endemic to lowland forest in south-west Cote significantly because of logging and mining and also the
d'lvoire, between the rivers Sassandra and Cavally. establishment of industrial plantations.
Severe deforestation in the area has resulted in there Assessor: Assi, A.
being little forest outside Tai National Park. Re/t. 8369, 12061, 12822
Assessor: Assi, A.
Refs: 12822 Cassipourea obovata
Rhizophoraceae DD
Cassine koordersii Mozambique
Celastraceae CRBl+2c Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Indonesia (Java) Refs:5\n,\S965
It is known whether the species is still extant in the
wild. The only known location, which was situated in a Cassipourea subcordata
seasonally dry area in Pugur in the Lampesan Valley and Rhizophoraceae CR B 1 +2c
Watangan Hills, is now deforested. Intense population Jamaica
pressure has been the main cause of habitat loss. A small tree known only from an area of marsh and one
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre other site along a brook in limestone hills in Trelawny.
Refs: 9078 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Cassipourea brittoniana
Rhizophoraceae EN Bl+2c Cassipourea subsessilis
Jamaica Rhizophoraceae CR B 1 +2c
An uncommon tree confined to areas of woodland on Jamaica
limestone hills in Trelawny. A very uncommon tree endemic to Dolphin Head, where
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre it is confined to areas of woodland on limestone in the

/fe/j; 401, 5653, 7980 north-east.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cassipourea ekelensis Re/i. 401, 5653, 7980
Rhizophoraceae CRAlc
Nigeria Cassipourea swaziensis
Recorded only from Eket in south-eastern Nigeria, the Rhizophoraceae DD
habitat of this species is likely to have been destroyed by South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland
operations for oil exploration. A botanical survey of the There is taxonomic confusion over this species. Little is
area is required to ascertain whether the species is now known about its abundance and precise distribution. It
extinct. has been found on exposed quartzite rock ridges in only
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre three definite localities, where the habitat is under threat
/?e/s: 450, 2773, 11504 from cutting as a source of firewood and timber.
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al.

Refs: 6S9, 11785, 19218

The World List of Threatened Trees

Cassipourea thomasselii Pahang. The localities are given a degree of protection

Rhizophoraceae VU D2 within the permanent forest estate. However, large areas
Seychelles (Aldabra) remain threatened by encroaching agriculture.
A shmb or small tree which appears to be very sparsely Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
distributed in inland mixed scrub on Malabar, Polymnie Refs: 8464, 19073
and the west of Picard. The islands are under protection
in a Strict Nature Reserve and only Picard is inhabited Castanopsis waUichii
by of a research station.
staff Fagaceae VUBl-^2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Refs: 11577, 19027, 19062 This tree is found in the lowland rainforests of Kedah,
Penang, Perak, Selangor, Malacca and Singapore. Much
Castanopsis catappaefolia of the remaining habitat is under threat from
Fagaceae CRBl+2c development, although four small localities are
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) contained within forest reserves.
This lowland tree of open rainforest is known only from Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
the type collection, gathered in 1 886 from the district of ^c/j; 8464, 9199, 19073
Gopeng, Perak.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Catalpa brevipes
Refs: 19073
Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti
Castanopsis concinna
In Cuba, this small tree is known from the limestone
Fagaceae VUBl+2ce
hills of Baire on the northern side of the Sierra Maestra
China (Guangdong, Guangxi), Hong Kong
mountain range and from the dry forests on coastal
A tree known only from scattered small populations on limestone in Cabo Cruz. It has also been collected from
low-lying hills on the coast from the mouth of Zhujiang
Azua in the Dominican Republic and the Massif de la
River to Shiwan Mountain. Numbers are believed to be
Hone in Haiti.
very small and declining because of cutting for the
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
timber.Some populations, e.g. at Datan in Hong Kong
Refs: 7980, 8451, 1 1403, 18485, 19149
and Chengman in Jiulong, are protected.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847 Cathaya argyrophylla
Pinaceae LR/cd
Castanopsis curtisii China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan)
Fagaceae LR/nt A monospecific genus occurring in a few disjunct
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) localities in the eastern Dalou Mountains and in the
A medium-sized tree, distributed in lowland rainforest Yuecheng range. Around 30 small to medium-sized
areas in Perils, Kedah, Kelantan, Penang, Pahang and stands occur in areas which are fairly inaccessible. The
Selangor. Protected populations are found within Taman populations are well protected but there is concern that
Negara National Park. they will be replaced by faster growing broadleaved
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. species if regeneration continues to be poor.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 1818, 5624, 1 1847, 13041
Castanopsis kawakamii
Fagaceae LR/nt
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi), Taiwan, Viet Nam CavaniUesia platanifolia
A massive tree scattered in subtropical evergreen Bombacaceae LR/nt
broadleaved forest along the south-east coast of China Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru
and in Taiwain, and widespread in northern and central A widely distributed species, occurring in lowland
Viet Nam. Trees are heavily cut in many areas for the rainforest and in areas which have been disturbed or

timber, which is used in construction work. cleared of forest. The Colombian population is

Regeneration, at least in Viet Nam, is reported to be considered to be endangered. In Panama, the largest
poor and limited to forest edges. populations are found in the Canal area and in Dari^n. It

Assessor: SSC Temperate Broadleaved Trees Specialist is one of the few trees often left uncut after forest
Group clearance because its large size makes handling difficult.

Refs: 1818,6469, 11847, 15357 Solitary individuals and scattered populations are
distributed throughout the rest of Panama, and in

Castanopsis nephelioides neighbouring Central American countries it is relatively

Fagaceae VUAlc common.

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore Assessor: Mitre, M.
Occurring up to 16(X)m, the species is found in both Refs: 11449,16772,19069
open and closed rainforest in Kedah, Kelantan, Penang,
Pahang and Selangor. Cecropia longipes
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Cecropiaceae EN C2a
Refs: 8464, 9199, 1 1647, 19073 Colombia, Panama
In Panama woodland
the species occurs in moist forest,

Castanopsis scortechinii and scrub from the Canal area to Dari^n.


Fagaceae VUBl+2c Populations are small and dispersed and there are few
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) young individuals. A small part of the species range is
A rare tree occurring in the hill forests of Perak and

Species Summaries

contained within protected areas. More information is Panama. The timber is considered inferior to C. odorata,
needed on the population status in Colombia. but is sold with the latter in mixed batches.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
/?e/i; 7272, 7980, 16772 Refs: 4506, 5112, 7272, 7906, 9173, 11374,
11936, 12281, 14873, 19170, 19179, 19195, 19213

Ctcropia maxonii
Cedrela lilloi
Cecropiaceae DD Meliaceae EN A 1 a-t-2cd
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (Santa Catarina), Paraguay,
Occurring in Boquete in the province of Chiriquf, the
species has been collected only twice, although the area
A commercial timber species of montane forest,
has been relatively well studied. There is not enough
occurring between 8(X) and 3400m. Colonising land after
information to categorise the species as extinct and it is
substantial disturbances, the species occurs in large,
possible that more recent collections have been
almost monodominant stands. In many areas these have
identified under a different species name.
been drastically reduced, the largest now remaining in
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
regions of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
«<fj; 7272, 7980, 16772 Assessor: Llamozas, S.
Refs: 1262, 7980, 12281, 14040, 19121, 19170
Ctcropia muttiflora
Cecropiaceae LR/nt Cedrela odorata
Peru Meliaceae VU Alcd-K2cd
A lowland forest species restricted to the departments of Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize,
Amazonas, Cuzco and Juni'n. Bolivia, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El
Refs: 1984 Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe,
Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico
Cecropia tubulosa (Quintana Roo), Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru,
Cecropiaceae VU D2 St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Venezuela

Peru One of the world's most important timber species. It

Known only from the type collected in Hu^uco, this occurs in humid or dry lowland forest, preferring well-
species occurs in lowland rainforest. drained soils. Exploitation has continued on a large scale
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre over the past 2(X) years and the species is now widely
Refs: 1984 threatened at the provenance level. Large individuals
have become scarce, especially in Amazonia. Trees are
often cut opportunistically while other species, such as
Cecropia utcubambana mahogany, Amburana and Machaerium, are being
Cecropiaceae VU D2 sought-after. Natural regeneration is generally good, but
Peru there are reports of trees being felled before they reach
Recorded from the type only, this species occurs in maturity. Populations are protected within national parks
lowland rainforest in Amazonas Department. and agricultural landscapes. Attempts are being made to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre establish plantations throughout the tropics.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
Refs: 4147, 4217, 4506, 5519, 6602, 8503, 12109.
Cedrelafissilis 12281, 14873, 15037, 16235, 16261, 19170, 19179
Meliaceae EN Alacd-i-2cd
Argentina (Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, TucumSn), Bolivia, Cedrus brevifoUa
Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Colombia, Pinaceae VU D2
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Cyprus
Venezuela Only one population is known, from Mount Triphylos.
At one time an abundant and wide-ranging species in Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
lowland forest types. Populations throughout its range Refs: 374, 13041
have been decimated by overexploitation and habitat
loss. Overexploitation has resulted in the species Cedrus libani var. libani
becoming threatened in Colombia and Amazonian Peru. Pinaceae LR/nt
Most natural populations in Ecuador have been Lebanon, Syria, Turkey
destroyed. Some large trees remain in Cuyabeno but Although this variety is not threatened in Turkey, it is
they are being felled for export to Colombia. The species heavily threatened in Lebanon and extremely restricted
has become rare in BoUvia and is now only harvested in Syria.
opportunistically whilst mahogany, Amburana and Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Machaerium are being sought-after. It is apparently still
Refs: 374, 4506, 9058, 12984, 13041
abundant in the Regi6n Oriental in Paraguay, especially
along the Parang valley. Populations in Argentina are Ceiba rosea
restricted to the north, where they are partly contained Bombacaceae VU C2a
within subandean piedmont forest, a habitat which is Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
under severe threat. In Central America there are very Occurring in medium-altitude forest, the species is found
few individuals in Costa Rica, if any at all, and few in in scattered populations, which are never large, on the
Pacific side of the Cordillera Central throughout

The World List of Threatened Trees

Panama, and in the Choc6 in Colombia and Alajuela in introduced weeds. More detailed information on the
Costa Rica. Throughout the species range, there is species should become available to confirm this
evidence of medium to high human disturbance. In evaluation. The islands are designated as a national paik
Chiriqui, Panama, the population is affected by annual and biosphere reserve and work is being carried out by
burning. *CONAF to save the native plants. The genus contains
Assessor: Mitre, M. three species, endemic to Juan Fernandez.
Refs: 7980, 16772 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 324\, 14140
Celtis batansae
Ulmaceae VUBl+2c Centrolobium yavizanum
New Caledonia Leguminosae VU CI
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el at. Colombia, Panama
Refs: 10351 Known only from the province of Dari^n, the species is
uncommon and restricted to small groups of trees,
Celtis principally occurring in open woodlands at river edges.
Ulmaceae ENBl+2c Populations in Dari6n National Park appear to be
New Caledonia slightly more common and well protected. Also recorded
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. in Colombia, the species occurs equally infrequently in
Refs: 10351 the Valle del Cauca and the Choc6.
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Celtis jamaicensis Refs: 3156, 7272, 7980, 16772
Ulmaceae LR/nt
Jamaica Centronia brachycera
A species found occasionally in woodland on steep Melastomataceae VU Bl+2c
limestone hillsides in the central and eastern parishes. Colombia
General habitat declines have been considerable, mostly Endemic to Colombia, the species has been recorded
caused by increasing agriculture. from Cundinamarca, Huila and Santander.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 6057. 7980 Refs: 19069

Celtis lindheimeri Centronia laurifolia

Ulmaceae VUBl+2c Melastomataceae VU D2
Mexico, USA (Texas) Peru
A tree of brushlands and ravines, in Texas occurring A species known only from a single collection in
near San Antonio and Edward's Plateau and in Mexico Hu^uco Department.
confined to the north. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1984
«c/i; 3786, 7980, 19163
Centronia mutisii
Celtis luzonica Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Ulmaceae VU Alcd Colombia
Philippines An endemic to Cundinamarca.
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of Assessor: Calderon, E.
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation Refs: 19069
have led to considerable population declines.
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre Centronia peruviana
Re/i:4919, 12937 Melastomataceae VU Bl+2c
Centaurodendron dracaenoides A cloud forest species apparently confined to the
Compositae CRBl+2c department of Hu^uco between altitudes of 3000 and
Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is) 35CX)m in the Peruvian Andes.
Preliminary data indicate the species is confined to less Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
than numbers through the
ICX)km* and declining in Refs: 1984
effects of grazing by feral animals and spread of
introduced weeds. More detailed information on the Cephalomappa sinensis
species should become available to confirm this Euphorbiaceae VUBI+2c
evaluation. The islands are designated as a national paric China (Guangxi), Viet Nam
and biosphere reserve and work is being carried out by The species occurs in limestone areas in south-west
*CONAF to save the native plants. The genus contains Guangxi, China, and in Cao Bang in Viet Nam, where it
three species, endemic to Juan Fernandez. can become dominant in moist forest below 500m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Overcutting and use of the tree as cattle forage are the
Re/i; 3241, 5651, 14140 main threats. In Viet Nam seedlings and young trees are
abundant where the trees have been planted, but
Centaurodendron palmiforme regeneration in the wild is almost non-existent
Compositae CRBl+2c However, trees coppice well.
Chile (Juan Fernandez Is) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Preliminary data indicate the species is confined to less Refs: 1818,11847,15357
than 100km* and declining in numbers through the
effects of grazing by feral animals and spread of


Species Summaries

Cephaiosphaera usambarensis often only occur in low densities and in remote areas.
Myristicaceae VUBl+2b Parts of the Indian population are sometimes referred to
Kenya, Tanzania as C. griffithii.
A monotypic genus restricted to small areas of upper Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
moist evergreen forest in the Usambara Mountains, Refs: 374, 1818, 11 191, 1 1530, 1 1847, 13041
Southern Nguru Mountains, Uluguru Mountains and
Udzungwa Mountains. A population also occurs in the Cephalotaxus oliveri
Shimba Kenya. The timber, used for veneer, has
Hills in Cephalotaxaceae VUAld
been overexploited in the recent past and habitat China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan,
degradation has also caused population declines. The Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), India, Laos, Thailand, Viet
nearest relative is a small genus, Brochoneura, in Nam
Madagascar. Populations of this relict species are being rapidly
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke depleted through logging and clearing of the lowland
/fe/i: 3356, 11631,19181 moist forest habitat. The plant has strong sprouting
capacity but regeneration by sexual reproduction appears
Cephalotaxus fortunei to be slow, possibly because of its dioecious nature. It is
Cephalotaxaceae LR/nt also a rich source of the anti-cancer extracts
China (Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, cephalotaxine and harringtonine, but exploitation does
Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, not appear to be large-scale.
Zhejiang), Myanmar, Viet Nam Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 374, 1818, 11530, 11847, 13041, 15357
V?e/t; 374, 6190, 11191, 11530, 13041, 17186, 18751
Cephalotaxus wilsoniana
Cephalotaxus hainanensis Cephalotaxaceae EN C2a
Cephalotaxaceae EN A2d Taiwan
China (Guangdong - Hainan) Widely distributed but locally very scarce, the species
This species has previously been included in C. mannii occurs in areas of forest above 18(X)m which have been
and has likewise suffered population declines because of subject to extensive conversion into agricultural crops,
logging and more recently exploitation of bark and commercial plantations and settlements. There are
leaves which contain the valuable medicinal extracts, protected populations within Yushan and Taroko
cephalotaxine and harringtonine. It is endemic to, and National Parks.
widespread in, lowland forest on Hainan Island. As with Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
other members of the genus, the maturation rate of the Refs: 374, 2106, 13041, 19050
seed is slow and regeneration is relatively infrequent.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Ceratonia oreothauma ssp. oreothauma
Re/i; 848, 11191, 11847, 13041, 17186 Leguminosae VUAlcd
Oman, Yemen
Cephalotaxus haningtonia var. drupacea The main distribution of this species lies in the eastern
Cephalotaxaceae LR/nt Hajar Mountains in northern Oman in wadis and at the
China, Japan summit above 1500m. An isolated population is

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group recorded from Hadramaut in South Yemen. The eastern
*e/i.- 374, 13041,17186 part of the Hajar population is contained within Wadi
Siren Nature Reserve. In the north-west the population is

Cephalotaxus lanceolala not regenerating.

Cephalotaxaceae VU D2 Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A.
China (Yunnan), Myanmar? Refs: 13174, 16380
Although closely related to C, fortunei, this species is
considered to be a distinct taxon in China. It occurs in Ceratonia oreothauma ssp. somalensis
small groves within forested valleys up to 1900m in Leguminosae EN B 1 +2d, C 1 +2a, D
Gongshan County. An occurrence in Myanmar is Somalia
recorded, but there is no collected material from here. Less than 10 have been seen during the last 15
Exploitation of the taxon for the medicinal properties of years in escarpment area south of Mait. Two
its bark, and also of the habitat for its timber resources, individuals were seen in January 1997 south-west of
are the main threats to the species. Qandala some 280km to the east. More individuals are
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group likely to exist in both areas. The habitat and the wood
Refs: 1818, 11191, 13041, 17186 from this tree are used for multiple purposes and remain
Cephalotaxus mannii Assessor: Thulin, M.
Cephalotaxaceae VU Aid Refs: 13174, 18665
China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Xizang, Yunnan), India
(Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland), Myanmar, Viet Nam Ceratopetalum succirubrum
Although widespread, the species has become rarer Cunoniaceae VU A2cd
because of heavy exploitation, initially of the timber in Australia, Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
the 1960s, but now of the bark and leaves which contain In Papua New Guinea populations are mainly confined
medicinal extracts, shown to be effective against to Western Province, where they are scattered in primary
leukaemia and lymphoma. The populations in China rainforest or monsoon forest. They are confmed to an
area which is heavily logged. The wood is decorative

The World List of Threatened Trees

and exported in small quantities. Ongoing exploitation severe pressure from increasing agriculture. Adult trees,
will result in population decline and habitat destruction. although protected by law, are removed for ornamental
More information is needed on the population status in use. The leaves, too, are collected in large quantities for
Australia. use in religious festivals, although there is now
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. mounting pressure to halt overcollection.
Refs: 19114 Assessor: Bemal, R.
Refs: 19069, 19118
Cerberiopsis nerUfoUa
Apocynaceae ENBl+2c Ceroxylon sasaimae
New Caledonia Palmae CRBl+2c
The species is uncommon and confined to a small area Colombia
in the south-east of Grand Terre encompassing parts of A palm tree of montane rainforest, principally foimd in
the Ouinn6 valley and along the Coniboue River. the Cordillera Oriental. Trees survive in coffee
Assessor: iaiUi, T. et al. plantations. leaves are used in religious festivals.
Refs: 10351,12630 Assessor: Bemal, R.
Refs: 19069, 19118
Cerberiopsis obtusifotia
Apocynaceae VU B 1 +2c Cestrum chimborazinum
New Caledonia Solanaceae VU Bl+2c
A relatively widely occurring species confined to Ecuador
remnant patches of sclerophyllous forest along the An endemic of Ecuador currenUy known from the upper
northern half of the west coast. The habitat is montane cloud forest of Chimborazo in the High Andes.
fragmented and reduced in extent. Fires, grazing and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
encroaching agriculture are continuing threats. Refs: 19119, 19120
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Refs: 10351, 12630 Chaetocarpus coriaceus

Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sri Lanka
Cercidiphyllaceae LR/nt A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
China (Anhui, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, south-west Sri Lanka.
Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang), Japan Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A rare tree found in temperate beech forests in Japan and Refs: 9176, 17195
inremnant patches of broadleaved forest in China. The
main threat to the species is poor regeneration. The Chaetocarpus pubescens
katsura-tree an important timber species in Japan.
is Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Refs: 1818,4506,11847 A tree confined to the lowland rainforests of south-west
Sri Lanka. This species was not rediscovered during the
Cercis canadensis comprehensive National Conservation Review forest
Leguminosae EX surveys, suggesting it is either extremely rare or possibly
Canada (Ontario), USA (Connecticut) extinct.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 13404, 15828 «e/i;8203, 17195, 19112

Cercocarpus traskiae Chamaecrista bucherae

Rosaceae CRDl Leguminosae VU D2
USA (California) Cuba
A shrub or small tree, which is endemic to Catalina This shrub rarely attains the size of a small tree. An
Island. A single wild population exists, consisting of uncommon species, it is confined to the lowland
seven individuals in a canyon covering an area of serpentine shrublands of the coastal zone north of the
approximately 250m'. Moa Mountains. In some places the habitat is degraded.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 19033 Refs: 19149

Ceroxylon alpinum Chamaecyparis formosensis

Palmae ENBI+2c Cupressaceae VU Ala
Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela Taiwan
A species of montane rainforest. In Colombia, the A long-living emergent, which usually forms pure stands
species is particularly under threat from habitat in medium to high elevation cloud forest. Many large
conversion to agriculture, but trees survive in deforested trees were and exported as timber to
felled in the past
areas or coffee plantations. Regeneration is poor. Japan. Over a hundred large trees have been preserved
Assessor: Bemal, R. as a monument near Yuenyang Lake and Lala Mountain.
Refs: 19069,19118 Regeneration is good where it is not prevented by the
planting of commercial species and the invasion of
Ceroxylon quindiuense broadleaved species in the undergrowth. Plantations are
Palmae VUBl+2c now being established.
Colombia Assessor: Lu, S.Y. &
F.J. Pan
The national of Colombia, occurring
tree in montane Refs: 2106, 11847, 13041, 19050, 19051
rainforest in the Andes. The habitat has come under

Species Summaries

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Chamaesyce celastroides var. celastroides

Cupressaceae VU Alde+2de Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
USA (California, Oregon) USA (Hawaii)
Natural populations of Port Orford cedar are confined to One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and
coniferous forest in coastal areas from Coos Bay to Mad variable species. It occurs at low elevations on Nihoa,
River. International trade in the timber has put enormous Niihau and Kauai.
pressure on the remaining old growth stands. The spread Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of the introduced pathogen Phylophthora lateralis Refs: 3372
continues at a rapid rate and prevents successful
regeneration in many areas, especially those accessible Chamaesyce celastroides var. hanapepensis
by road. Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group USA (Hawaii)
Refs: 1222, \304l One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and
variable species. It is endemic to Kauai where it is
restricted to rainforest at high elevations.
Chamaecyparis obtusa yar.formosana
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cupressaceae VU Alacd Refs: 3372
Occurring in association with, but in a more restricted
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana
range than, C.formosensis, this variety is found moist
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
evergreen forest at medium elevations. It also provides a
USA (Hawaii)
more valuable timber, and rates of exploitation have in
One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and
the past been very high. Protected populations occur in
variable species. Approximately 10 populations,
Yuanyang Lake Reserve and Yushan National Park.
consisting of about 545 individuals in total, are located
Plantations have also been established. The species is
in coastal dry shrubland, principally at Kaena Point but
sometimes known under the name C. laiwanensis.
with small populations in Alau Gulch, Waianae Kai and
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Keawaula. Fires and alien species are the major threats
Refs: 374, 2106, 13041, 19050, 19051
to remaining populations.The variety is protected by the
US Endangered Species Act.
Chamaecyparis obtusa var. obtusa
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cupressaceae VUAlc Refs: 3372, 19168
There is concern over this species because of the extent
Chamaesyce celastroides var. laehiensis
of timber exploitation. Japan has apparently turned to
Euphorbiaceae VUAlce
importing C. lawsoniana from the USA because of the
USA (Hawaii)
low levels of supply of the native species. A ban on
One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and
logging is now in effect. Remnant populations are
variable species. It is known from low elevations on
known to occur in submontane forest in South Honshu,
Lanai and near Manawainui on East Maui.
Shikoku and Kyushu Islands.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 3372
Refs: 5287, 7222

Chamaesyce celastroides var. lorifolia

Chamaecyparis thyoides var. henryae
Euphorbiaceae VUAlce
Cupressaceae LR/nt
USA (Hawaii)
USA (Alabama, Florida, Mississippi) One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and
A variety which is very scattered in the drier parts
variable species. It is one of the dominant components of
ofTaxodium forests, but it is not under any threat.
high elevation dry forest on Maui and Lanai, on which it
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
has become particularly scarce. Disturbance caused by
^(fA.-374, 11886, 13041
grazing, conversion to pastureland and the invasion of
alien grasses, increasing the likelihood of serious fires,
Chamaesyce atoto
have all contributed to the decline in the habitat.
Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Refs: 3372
An endemic to Tahiti.
Assessor: Florence, J.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. stokesii
Refs: 14513
Euphorbiaceae VU Alee
USA (Hawaii)
Chamaesyce atrococca
One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 variable species. It is found in beach vegetation on
USA (Hawaii) Niihau, Kauai, Molokai and Kahoolawe. The habitat has
Known only from an area in the west of Kauai, the
been in rapid decline because of the spread of goats and
species occurs in various forest types up to an altitude of
other feral animals and invasive plants.
900m altitiude. A population once recorded in the north
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of the island near Kilauea is thought no longer to exist.
Refs: 3372
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372


The World List of Threatened Trees

Chamaesyce celastroides var. tomenteUa Chambeyronia Upidota

Euphorbiaceae EX Palmae LR/cd
USA (Hawaii) New Caledonia
One of the recognised varieties of a widespread and A species of schistose soils, restricted to the north-east

variable species. Specimens were known only from of the island.

Oahu. It has not been found in recent decades and is now Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

presumed extinct. Refs: 10351, 19118

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372 Charpentiera densiflora
Amaranthaceae EN Alee
USA (Hawaii)
Chamaesyce herbstii
The species is confined to Kauai, where it occurs,
Euphorbiaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2a, D sometimes as a dominant component, in *hala forest up
USA (Hawaii) to 250m along the Napall coast. The habitat has declined
Currently the species is known from four populations in
severely and is widely replaced by Introduced flora.
the north and central Waianae Mountains on Oahu. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
There are estimated to be fewer than 200 plants in total. 3372
The lowland rainforest habitat is steadily being degraded
by feral pigs and invasive plants. Protective and Chassalia albiflora
monitoring measures are being carried out on the Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
population in Pahole Natural Area Reserve. The species
is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
The range of the species Is confined to the East
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Usambara Mountains, where it occurs within moist
Refs: 3372, 12359, 19168
forests at altitudes of 800m to 1050m.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Chamaesyce olowaluana y?e/i; 3356, 8814
Euphorbiaceae VU Alee
USA (Hawaii) Cheirodendron dominii
This species was once common over a wide altitudinal Araliaceae ENBl+2c
range forming dry open forests up to 2800m on western USA (Hawaii)
Maui and Hawaii. Disturbance caused by grazing, One of the four endemic Cheirodendron taxa restricted
conversion to pastureland and the consequent invasion to Kauai. It is ecologically and altitudinally distinct

of introduced grasses increasing the likelihood of serious occurring in rainforest between 1525 and 1550m just

fires have all contributed to the decline in this habitat. below the summit of Mount Waialeale.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 3372 Refs: 3372

Cheirodendron forbesii
Chamaesyce rockii Araliaceae VU D2
Euphorbiaceae EN C2a USA (Hawaii)
USA (Hawaii) A tree known from three locations on Kauai Island. It is
Usually a compact shrub but sometimes a tree, the restricted to rainforest up to 890m on Mount Kahili,
species is confined to the Koolau Mountains on Oahu, Makaleha Mountains and the Powerllne Trail.
where it is scattered in rainforest, primarily along Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
cloudswept ridges up to 830m. Between 200 and 400 Refs: 3372
plants are estimated to exist in 1 1 populations, the
majority of which lie in the Kawailoa Training Area. Chelyocarpus dianeurus
The vegetation isbe damaged or degraded by
liable to Palmae LR/nt
feral goats, invasive plants and military activities. The Colombia
species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act. A single-stemmed palm of rainforest, occurring on well-
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre drained soils In the Pacific lowlands of Colombia. In
Refs: 3372, 12359, 19168 some undisturbed areas, the species occurs in abundance
and Is under little threat at present. Leaf sheath fibre is
Chamaesyce sachetiana used locally for pillow stuffing.
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Refs: 19118
The species is endemic to the Marquesas, occurring as a
herb, shrub or small tree in Eiao, Nuku Hiva, Ua Huka, Chiangiodendron mexicanum
Ua Pou in the northern group and Fatu Hiva, Hiva Oa Flacourtiaceae EN Ale
and Mohotani in the south. It is a strictly littoral species, Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz)
occurring from sea level to 450m on rocky beaches, This monotypic genus Is confined to the remnant
cliffs and rarely in secondary forest and abandoned
rainforest of the Gulf region of Mexico, only occurring
pasturage. In abundance In Uxpanapa. It is the only New World
Assessor: Florence, J.
member of Its tribe.
Refs: 19169 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
i?e/i. 5651,5993,7980

Species Summaries

Chimarrhis cymosa ssp.Jamaicensis restricted to a habitat which has been extensively

Rubiaceae LR/nt destroyed.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This subspecies is found infrequently in remaining areas Refs: 1030
of woodland on limestone in areas of high rainfall. Other
subspecies are confined to the Lesser Antilles and Cuba.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Chionanthus fluminensis
Refs: 6057, 7980 Oleaceae CRBI+2c
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)

Chionanthus adamsii
A species with a very local distribution. It was once well
collected, probably because of proximity to the city
Oleaceae ENBl+2c
of Rio de Janeiro. It does not appear to have been
collected this century.
Known only from Trelawny, the species is uncommon
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and restricted to areas of woodland on limestone
Refs: 1030
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/r; 401, 5653, 7980 Chionanthus jamaicensis
Oleaceae VUBl+2c
Chionanthus avUensis Jamaica
Oleaceae VU D2 This species is found only in areas of woodland in St
Venezuela Andrew Parish. Almost all forested areas in this parish
An evergreen tree, apparently restricted to a single are completely cleared or severely degraded.
location in forest on Cerro Avila in north Venezuela. Assessor: Bellingham, P.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?s/i.- 401, 5653, 7980, 19116
Refs: 1030

Chionanthus caudifolius Chionanthus lancifolius

Oleaceae LR/cd Oleaceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A rare tree inhabiting montane rainforest between 1210 A small tree of montane rainforest up to 1600m. It
and 1450m in Perak and Pehang (Cameron Highlands). receives a degree of protection within the permanent

Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. forest estate.

Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.

/Je/i; 8464, 9073, 19073
Chionanthus caymanensis var. caymanensis
Oleaceae VU D2 Chionanthus leprocarpa var. courtaltensis
Cayman Islands
Oleaceae ENBl+2c
Confined to Cayman Brae andCayman, the
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
species occurs in dry evergreen woodland on dolomite
A medium-sized tree, recorded from scattered localities
karst. Populations are stable and there are extensive
in the Agastyamalai Hills and in two sites in the
primary stands of the habitat remaining. However, if the
mountain ranges further north. It occurs in evergreen
trends in real estate development spread from Grand forest between 700 and 1 500m.
Cayman, there is potential for rapid deforestation.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Refs: 19137

Chionanthus caymanensis var. longipetala Chionanthus Unocieroides

Oleaceae EN Bl+2bcd Oleaceae ENBl+2c
Cayman Islands India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
The species is endemic to the Cayman Islands, occurring A species of lowland forest, recorded only rarely from
in dry evergreen woodland on dolomite karst. This scattered localities in the vicinity of the Agastyamalai
variety is confined to Grand Cayman, where the habitat Hills. Large areas have been exposed to fires, grazing,
has been 95% destroyed in the west. Clearing continues the establishment of commercial plantations and cutting
and trees are cut for fence posts and house construction. for fuel wood, but about lOOOkm^ of forest remain
No trees are retained for landscaping, nor are they being protected within sanctuaries.
replanted. There are, however, some areas where the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
taxon occurs abundantly and it is well represented in Refs: 19144
protected areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Chionanthus micranthus
Refs: 16261, 17038, 19137
Oleaceae VUBI+2c
Brazil (Bahia)
Chionanthus fiUfonnis
Endemic to the coastal forest of Bahia, this small
Oleaceae LR/nt
evergreen tree is little known and rare.
Brazil (Paranl Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1030
An evergreen species found in rainforest, often near
rivers, in south-east coastal Brazil. It is well collected
which may indicate that it is common. However, it is

The World List of Threatened Trees

ChionatUhus proctorii Chisocheton stellatus

Oleaceae CRBl+2c Mehaceae VUBl+2c,C2a
Jamaica Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
A poorly known and uncommon species. It is found on a Endemic to New Guinea, this tree of primary and
wooded limestone hillside in Westmoreland. secondary rainforest is known from only a few
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collections. In Papua New Guinea, the species was
«e/i.- 401, 5653, 7980 collected once in an area in Madang Province that is
subject to ongoing logging, including wood chipping
Chionanthus richardsiae operations. In Irian Jaya, the species is known oiJy from
Oleaceae VU D2 Geelvink Bay and Jayapura.
2^ambia Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
This species occurs in open bush, often on steep slopes Refs: 19114
on sandy or stony soil, but so far it is recorded only in
the vicinity of the Kalambo Falls. Chlorocardium rodiei
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lauraceae VU A 1 ad
Refs: 18965 Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela
Occurring in northern Brazil, Venezuela and the
Chionanthus spiciferus Guyanas, the species is a dominant component of a
Oleaceae VU D2 restricted belt of lowland rainforest on brown sand, and

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) is also found occasionally in other forest types. A large

A very rare tree confined to one locality in Selangor. part of the total population is confined to Guyana. The
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species is found in low densities in western Venezuela
Refs: 19073 and only in a small concentration along Maratakka River
in Suriname. The production of greenheart timber has
Chionanthus subsessilis declined significantly over the past 50 years. It is not
Oleaceae CRBI+2c known whether this represents falling supplies or just a
Brazil (Minas Gerais) greater interest in the plywood market. Regeneration in

Presumed to be an evergreen tree, this species was natural stands is very slow and poor germination success
collected only once, over a century ago, from Minas is inhibiting the establishment of plantations.
Gerais. Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 5672, 10263, 13947, 17854, 19159, 19179, 19196
Refs: 1030
Chloroleucon chacoense
Chionanthus tenuis Leguminosae VU A2c, B 1 +2ac
Oleaceae CRBl+2c Argentina Paraguay
(Salta), Bolivia,

Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) An endemic to a small area of subandean piedmont

A small tree which has been collected only once, over forest, occurring from north-west Argentina to Paraguay,

50 years ago, from remnant forest in Rio de Janeiro. possibly extending into Bolivia. It is a notably
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre uncommon tree within a habitat which is unprotected
Refs: 1030 and under constant decline with logging, encroaching
agriculture and pastoralism.
Chionanthus wurdackii Assessor: Prado, D.
Oleaceae VU D2 Refs: 1262,5994,7980
A tree known only from one location along Rio Chloroleucon eurycyclum
Maraiidn in the Amazonas region of Peru. Its wood has Leguminosae VU D2
been described as extremely hard. Venezuela
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This species is known only from the type locality, in the

Refs: 1030 lower Ri'o Paragua, Bolivar State.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Chisocheton pauciflorus Refs: 5994
Meliaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore? Chloroleucon extortum
A shrubby tree up to 16m tall, inhabiting moist lowland Leguminosae VU D2
primary forest up to an altitude of 550m. It can be found Brazil (Bahia)
throughout western and southern parts of Peninsular This species of semi-deciduous woodland is known only
Malaysia, in many areas which have been converted for from the type from north Bahia.
collection, gathered
non-forest land use. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Refs: 5994
Refs: 9199, 17140, 19073
Chloroleucon mangense var. tetrazyx
Chisocheton perakensis Leguminosae LR/nt
Meliaceae VU D2 Venezuela
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) A tree of xeromorphic scrub woodland endemic to
This tree grows up to 1 6m tall and is confined to the Bolivar.
upper hill forest on Maxwell Hill, Taiping, in the state of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Perak. Refs: 5994
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073

Species Summaries

ChloroUucon tortum flooded lowland forests in a few sites in western

Leguminosae CRBl+2c Amazonia.
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

A shrubby tree restricted to *resiinga and thickets on Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816
sandy soils along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre ChrysophyUum albipilum
Refs: 5994 Sapotaceae VU D2
Chloroxylon swietenia Apparently the species has not been recorded since it
Rutaceae VU Ale was first collected in the first half of the century from
India (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), San Martin, where it occurred in lowland rainforest
Madagascar, Sri Lanka between 400 and 800m.
East Indian satinwood occurs in dry mixed evergreen Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest. It is a slow-growing species which has become «e/i; 7980, 8816
very scarce in most areas because of timber exploitation.
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop ChrysophyUum arenarium
Refs: 6431, 8483, 15431, 17759. 18796, 19057 Sapotaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Ceaii, Maranh^o, Pemambuco)
Chodanthus monteciUensis Widely scattered in dry open forest locations, the species
Bignoniaceae CR C2a is relatively well collected aiid does not appear to be

Honduras declining in any way.

A tree of humid forest at high elevations. Its Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

nomenclatural status is somewhat uncertain. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 13995 ChrysophyUum azaguieanum
S apotaceae EN B 1 +2c
Chordospartium murilai Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Leguminosae CR DI This species is strictly confined to wet evergreen forest
New Zealand (South Is.) in Ghana and Cote where general losses of this
Confined to a site in Clifford Bay in Marlborough, only forest type have been significant over the past century. It
twelve wild plants survive in a remnant of coastal forest. is an understorey tree quite unlike other members of the
There are only two species in the genus, both endemic to genus.
New Zealand. Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Assessor: Oates, M.R. & P.
de LangeJ. Refs: 8369, 12061
/?e/5.- 902, 98(X), 10734, 17368, 19133
ChrysophyUum bombycinum
Chordospartium stevensonU Sapotaceae LR/nt
Leguminosae VU D2 Brazil (Amazonas), Peru
New Zealand (South Is.) A newly described species currently known from two
Endemic to Marlborough, this small tree usuallygrows main locations in the western Amazon. Several
inscrubby sites near streams, except in one area where it occurrences are recorded in non-flooded forest, usually
forms its own forest type. Surveys in the early 1980s on white sand in Loreto in Peru. The species also occurs
estimated a population figure of less than 200 further east in Brazil.
individuals in total, but the number has now increased. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Cen're
Habitat deterioration has resulted in the invasion of Refs: 7980, 8816
grasses and weeds in places, and regeneration is
sometimes prevented by grazing deer and livestock. ChrysophyUum brenesii
There are only two species in the genus, both endemic to Sapotaceae LR/cd
New Zealand. Costa Rica, Panama
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. A species mainly known from Costa Rica, but also
Refs: 902, 17637, 19133, 19134 occurring in Code in Panama. It is found in semi-
deciduous forest and in association with oak, ascending
Chosenia arbutifolia to l(X)m. It has been recorded in Santa Rosa, Braulio

Salicaceae VUAIc Carillo and Santa Ana National Parks in Costa Rica.
China (Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning), Former USSR Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
(Russia North, Sakhalin), Japan, North Korea Refs: 8816
Although occurring over a wide range, the species is
confined to lowland forest and is in severe decline ChrysophyUum claraense
because of loss and degradation of this habitat. Sapotaceae CRBI+2c
Regeneration is poor. The genus 's monotypic. Cuba
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A shrub or small tree known from coastal scrub and
Refs: 1818,9957, 11847, 13143, 16250 forest in Casilda, Sancti-Spiritus Province. The habitat
in this area has become severely degraded by urban
ChrysophyUum acreanum expansion and tourism. Another unconfirmed record of
Sapotaceae VU Bl+2c this species has been made from Pinar del Rio.
Brazil (Acre, Amazonas) Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
A timber species recorded from *vdrzjea and non- Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149

The World List of Threatened Trees

Chrysophyllum durifruclum Chrysophyllum lanatum

Sapotaceae CRBl+2c Sapotaceae ENBl+2c
Brazil (Amazonas) Colombia
A tree species of non-flooded lowland forest. It is known A newly described species, endemic to Colombia, and
only from the type collection from the north of Manaus. currentlyknown only from an area of montane rainforest

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. between 2700 and 3000m in Cauca.

Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Assessor: Calderon, E.
/?e/i; 7980, 8816, 19069
Chrysophyllum euryphyllum
Sapotaceae CRBl+2c Chrysophyllum lucentifolium ssp. lucentifolium
Colombia Sapotaceae LR/cd
A newly described species, known from the type Brazil (Bahia, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)
specimen, which was collected from C^sar some 50 The more restricted of the two subspecies. The taxon is
years ago and from one other collection from Bolfvar. It confined to the coast of Brazil between Bahia and Rio de
is recorded as a straggling treelet scattered on the forest Janeiro, where the lowland forest habitat has seriously

edge and in savanna. declined in extent and continues to be threatened by

Assessor: Calderon, E. development and settlement. It has been recorded in
Refs: 7980, 8816, 19069 Linhares Forest Reserve in Espirito Santo.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Chrysophyllum flexuosum Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Sapotaceae LR/cd
Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Sao Paulo)
Janeiro, Chrysophyllum ovale
A small tree of lowland coastal rainforest and gallery Sapotaceae LR/nt
forest in drier inland localities. It has recently been Bolivia, Brazil (Acre), Peru
collected from a number of new sites, including Ilha do A lowland rainforest tree recorded from separate
Cardoso State Park in Sao Paulo. one in Amazonian Peru and the other in the

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. border area between Acre in Brazil and Beni in Bolivia.
/?e/i; 1983, 7980, 8816 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?£/;. 7980,8816
Chrysophyllum hirsutum
Sapotaceae LR/nt Chrysophyllum paranaense
Costa Rica, Panama Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
A montane or cloud forest species recorded from a Brazil (Parand, Sao Paulo)
number of sites in Alajuela in Costa Rica and Cocl€, A tree confined to lowland evergreen coastal forest in an

Col6n and Panama Provinces in Panama. area where increasing development and settlement are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre causing serious habitat declines.
Refs: 8816 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Chrysophyllum imperiale
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Chrysophyllum parvulum
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro) Sapotaceae LR/nt
A large tree known from several sites of lowland Colombia, Venezuela
rainforest, one being a plantation, on the Atlantic coast. A tree which is currently known from two widely
The natural habitat of the species has been greatly separated areas, occurring in several sites in lowland
reduced in recent decades. evergreen rainforest in Carabobo and Lara in northern
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Venezuela and in a small endangered population in
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 montane forest at 2CX)0m in Valle in Colombia.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Chrysophyllum inomatum /fe/i. 7980,8816, 19069
Sapotaceae LR/cd
Brazil (ParanS, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina) Chrysophyllum pauciflorum
A small tree of coastal rainforest. The known range of Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
this species has increased. It also occurs in Ilha do Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US)
Cordoso State Park in Sao Paulo. A tree of semi-deciduous dry forest and thickets on hills

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. up to 750m. Occurrences are recorded from the

Refs: 1983,7980,8816 serpentine barrens in Puerto Rico and from St Croix, St

John and St Thomas in the Virgin Islands.
Chrysophyllum jan uariense Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapotaceae EX Re/j.- 7980,8816
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
A tree of lowland coastal rainforest. It has been collected Chrysophyllum revolutum
only from the type locality in Laranjeiras Forest, Rio de Sapotaceae VU D2
Janeiro, but it can no longer be found there. Peru
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A small tree known only from the region of Tarapoto in
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 San Martin, where it occurs in rainforest at an altitude of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i; 7980,8816

Species Summaries

ChrysophyUum splendens Cinnadenia malayana

Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Pemambuco) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species restricted to remaining wet coastal rainforest A newly described species, known only from two
in an area which is seriously threatened by increasing collections, found in hill forest in Selangor
and Negri
settlement and development. An occurrence is recorded Sembilan.
in the Linhares Forest Reserve in Espi'rito Santo. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 8464, 19073, 19182
Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Cinnamodendron corticosum
ChrysophyUum subspinosum Canellaceae VUBI+2c
Sapotaceae EN Dl Jamaica
Brazil (Bahia) The species has a local distribution confined to Portland
Little information is available on this species. It and St Thomas in remaining areas of rainforest between
apparently occurs in two sites of dry forest. 300 and 1000m. The habitat, especially in St Thomas,
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. has been heavily destroyed and degraded. Very little
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 forest remains.
Assessor: Bellingham, P.
ChrysophyUum superbum /?</i- 401,5653,7980, 19116
Sapotaceae CR C2b
Brazil (Amazonas) Cinnamodendron cubense
A lowland forest species, only known from the type Canellaceae ENAlc, BI+2c
collection made in 1941 in western Amazonia. Cuba
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A very rare tree found in rainforest and the upper limit
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 of the montane semi-deciduous forest in eastern Cuba.
Habitat declines have been severe in places.
ChrysophyUum viride Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Sapotaceae LR/nt /?eA.- 9522, 11403, 19149
Brazil (Espi'rito Santo, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Catarina, Sao Paulo) Cinnamomum balansae
A widely occurring species of the Atlantic slopes of Lauraceae EN A 1 cd, B 1 +2c
Brazil from Espi'rito Santo to Santa Catarina and ParanS. Viet Nam
It occurs in rainforest up to 1000m and also in A large tree restricted to lowland primary evergreen
periodically flooded forest. forest in H4 Tay (Ba Vi) and Ninh Binh (Cue Phuong) in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre northern Viet Nam. Very little habitat remains and the
Refs: 8816 species is also suffering from poor regeneration, with a
complete absence of seedlings and young trees under the
Chunia buckUmdioides canopy of parent trees. The durable wood is exploited
Hamamelidaceae VU Ale for construction and joinery.
China (Guangdong - Hainan) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conflned to Hainan Island the species is now only found Re/i; 848, 15357
on Dialuo Mountain and Jingfeng Mountain occurring in
forested gullies at altitudes of 6()0 to 700m. Populations Cinnamomum brevipedunculatum
in Ding'an Qiongzhong, Baoting and Yaxian have Lauraceae ENBl+2a
apparently disappeared. It is the only species in the Taiwan
genus. A tree of dry lowland forest, confined to the southern
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: part of the Hengchun Peninsula, partially contained
Refs:\%\Z,\\Ul within Renting National Park. Increasing human
activities, agriculture and settlement have caused
Chytranthus mannti extensive habitat losses.
Sapindaceae LR/nt Assessor: Pan, F.J.

Sao Tome & IMncipe Refs: 3295, 19050

A shrub or small tree collected numerous times. Its fruit

are edible and traded locally. Trees must be planted if Cinnamomum capparu-coronde
the resource is to be harvested sustainably over the long Lauraceae VU A 1 c, B +2c

term. Sri Lanka

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This uncommon tree is restricted to the lowland wet
Refs: 272A evergreen forests of south-west Sri Lanka. During the
extensive National Conservation Review forest surveys,
Chytranthus obUquinervis this species was recorded in 10 localities.
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kenya, Tanzania Refs: 17195, 17278,19112
A tree of dry forest, restricted to localised populations
on the East African coast. Pressures exist from a Cinnamomum chemungianum
growing human population and the demand for land to Lauraceae EN B 1 +2c
cultivate. India (Tamil Nadu)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Rffs: 6396, 12067 in the forest understorey at 1400m in the Agastyamalai
Hills. Large areas have been exposed to fires, grazing.

The World List of Threatened Trees

the establishment of commercial plantations and cutting Cinnamomum litseifolium

for fiielwood, but about 1000km' of forest remain Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c
protected within sanctuaries. Sri Lanka
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre During the extensive forest surveys conducted between
Refs: 19144 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review,
the species was found in three forest localities. It appears
to be locally common in Horton Plains National Park.
Cinnamomum citriodorum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lauraceae ENBl+2c /?c/s; 17759, 18796, 19112
Sri Lanka
A threatened species apparently restricted to Ramapura Cinnamomum macrostemon
and Monaragala Districts. It was discovered in only five
Lauraceae VU C2a
forest localities surveyed for the comprehensive
National Conservation Review. Although the species is widely scattered in low to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
medium elevation forest throughout the island,
Refs: 8203, 12129, 18796, 19112 populations are mostly isolated and under heavy
exploitation for the medicinal extract that can be
Cinnamomum fHipedicellatum obtained from the leaves and bark. Establishment of
EN B +2c industrial plantations and increasing land settlement
Lauraceae 1

India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) have also had an extensive impact on the habitat.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
A tree of submontane forest, known from three or four
collections from scattered localities at the southern end Refs: 19050, 19051

of the Western Ghats.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cinnamomum mairei
Refs: 19144
Lauraceae ENBl+2c
China (Sichuan, Yunnan)
Restricted to south-west Sichuan and north-east Yunnan
Cinnamomum heyneanum in submontane forest, the been
populations have
Lauraceae DD seriously reduced because of overexploitation of the
India (Kamataka) bark for medicinal use and habitat clearance.
A very poorly known species, recorded from a single Regeneration is reported to be poor and the species is
unspecified locality. being rapidly replaced by other broadleaved species in
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre places.
Refs: 19144 Assessor: Sun, W.
Refs: 1818, 11847,19055
Cinnamomum japonicum
Lauraceae LR/nt Cinnamomum mathewsii
China (Jiangsu, Zhejiang), Japan, North Korea, South Lauraceae VU D2
Korea, Taiwan Pern
A tree occurring in isolated populations on coastal A species known only from its type collected from
islands in China, throughout Taiwan and parts of North Amazonas Department in the Peruvian Amazon.
and South Korea and Japan. It is found in lowland Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
evergreen forest, where it is susceptible to habitat Refs: 1984
clearance and conversion to agriculture.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cinnamomum mercadoi
Refs: 1818,6469, 11847, 16250 Lauraceae VU Aid

Cinnamomum kanahirae
A timber species of lowland and hill forest, the bark of
which yields cinnamon. \
Lauraceae ENAlacd
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2072,4919
A tree of low to mid-elevation broadleaved forest.
Populations are scattered over a relatively wide range.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Cinnamomum micranthum
Lauraceae LR/cd
Refs: 6469, 19051
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi,
Zhejiang), Taiwan, Viet Nam
Cinnamomum kotoense Although relatively widespread in lowland rainforest,
Lauraceae CR C2a the species has experienced considerable habitat
Taiwan declines, largely because of conversion to agriculture.
A beautiful tree restricted to a few small populations in Remaining populations are believed to be well protected
lowland broadleaved forest on Lanyu Island. Although, in nature reserves.
there are up to 200 or more mature trees, only a small Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
fraction of that number set seed. The species is of local Refs: 1818,6469, 11847
importance as an ornamental and as a source of
medicine. Cinnamomum osmophloeum
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Lauraceae VU A 1 acd, B 1 +2a
Refs: 3295, 7933, 19050, 19051 Taiwan
An important source of medicine and spice. The species
is widespread in lowland broadleaved forest.

Species Summaries

Populations have come under heavy exploitation and Cinnamomum walaiwarense

have also declined in extent because of habitat loss. Lauraceae CR B 1 +2c
Assessor: Pan, F.J. India (Tamil Nadu)
/?e/i; 3295, 6469, 19050 A small tree known a single collection, occurring in a
restricted area of submontane forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cinnamomum parthenoxylon
Refs: 19144
Lauraceae DD
Indonesia, Malaysia (Sabah), Philippines, Thailand?,
Citharexylum quereifoUum
Viet Nam
In Viet Nam, although the species occurs commonly
Verbenaceae VUBl+2c
areas of evergreen rainforest in the north, exploitation of
the roots for their commercial essence has caused severe
A species confmed to the Peruvian Andes, recorded
from rocky areas of between 2500 and 4000m in
population declines, resulting in the species being
the departments of Cajamarca, Cuzco, Lima and La
criticallyendangered at a national level (CR Alcd).
Libertad. Extensive burning and clearing have caused
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
declines and fragmentation of the habitat.
Refs: 848, 9328, 12937, 15357, 19060
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Cinnamomum parviflorum
Lauraceae VUBl+2c Citharexylum rimbachU
Cuba, Dominican Repubhc, Haiti Verbenaceae VUBl+2c
A shrub or tree up to 15m tall, occurring in montane Ecuador
rainforest and cloud forest. It is uncommon in Cuba. This endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. inhabits montane cloud forest at 2500m in Bolfvar.
Refs: 19149 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119, 19120

Cinnamomum perrottetii Citharexylum suberosum

Lauraceae VUBl+2c Verbenaceae VUBl+2c, D2
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Peru
A medium-sized tree of montane forest, occurring in two A small tree apparently confmed to a single area of
main and Anaimalai range.
locations, the Nilgiri Hills disturbed between the altitudes of 2500 and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
3000m department of Apirimac in the Peruvian
in the
Refs: 8483, 16438, 19144 Andes. Extensive burning and clearing have caused
declines and fragmentation of the habitat.
Cinnamomum reticulatum Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lauraceae VU C2a, D2 Refs: 1984
Confined to the Hengchun Peninsula in the southern tip Citharexylum tematum
of Taiwan, populations are small and isolated, in dry Verbenaceae VU D2
forest on rocky seashores and coastal localities. Cuba
Observations of poor regeneration and habitat clearance An endemic shrub or small tree locally confined to the
for housing developments have led to concerns for the mountainous area of Nagua in the west of the Sierra
species. A population is recorded in Kenting National Maestra range in Granma Province.
Park Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Refs: 11403,18485, 19149
/Je/i;6469, 19050, 19051

Citropsis gabunensis
Cinnamomum riparium Rutaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c Ghana
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) A tree confmed to wet evergreen forest in an area which
Few collections of this riverine tree exist. It occurs in has experienced significant declines in this habitat
lowland to medium elevation forest along the coast and because of logging, mining and the commercial planting
Western Ghats. of exotics.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
/?e/j.- 6431, 8483, 19144 Refs: 6121, 12061,15251

Cinnamomum rivulorum Citrus taiwanica

Lauraceae CRBl+2c Rutaceae CR B 1 +2ab, C2a
Sri Lanka Taiwan
During the extensive forest surveys conducted between Once widely scattered, the species has become scarce
1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review, and confmed few isolated populations in lowland
to a
this species was found in only one forest locality in forest in the region of Hsinchu and Taitung. The future
Badulla District. prospects of its survival are poor as regeneration is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre severely hampered by the use of the tree as a rootstock
Refs: \9\\2 in citrus plantations and by the extensive loss of habitat.
Assessor: Pan, F.J.

Refs: 3295, 19050

The World List of Threatened Trees

Claoxylon ooumuense the plant are harvested for use, including the timber. It is

Euphorbiaceae LR/nt widely planted as a fruit tree.

French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic to Nuku Hiva. Re/j:848, 11530, 15357
Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513
Cleidion lemurum
Claoxylon ttntense
Euphorbiaceae CR Dl
New Caledonia
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Once known from the Caves of Hienghfene, the species
French Polynesia (Society Is.)
has not been foimd since 1871. It is questionable
Populations are recorded from Moorea, Raiatea, Tahaa
whether it should not now be considered extinct
and Tahiti.
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al.
Assessor: Florence, J.
/fc/i; 4492, 10351
Refs: 14513

CUmsena calcipHUa Cleidion lochmios

Rutaceae VU D2 Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Sarawak) New Caledonia
Restricted to the rocky limestone slopes between 150 Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.
and 300 m, this small tree is known only from three Refs: 10351
localities; Bukit Pa'it and Bukit Bra'ang in Kuching
District and Bukit Mentagai in Baram District.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cleidion marginatum
Refs: 19017 Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia
Cktvijajelskii Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

Theophrastaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 10351

A forest species, found between 2000 and 2500m only in Cleidion veillonii
the department of Cajamarca in the Peruvian Andes.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
New Caledonia
Refs: 1984
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

Refs: 10351
Clavija longifoUa
Theophrastaceae LR/nt
Cleistanthus bracteosus
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
to Peru, thefound in lowland
species is
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
rainforest in the departments of Hulnuco, Loreto, Madre
Confined to Perak, the species is recorded from just two
de Dios and San Martin.
localities of lowland rainforest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Refs: 8464, 19073

CUidiocarpon cavaleriei
Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c Cleistanthus coltinus
China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan), Myanmar, Viet Euphorbiaceae VU Aid
Nam SriLanka
This multi-purpose tree occurs in small populations in The endemic status of this tree is uncertain. In Sri
broadleaved forest on limestone over a relatively wide Lanka, this forest species is possibly extinct due to
range, covering parts of southern China, Son La, Lao overexploitation. It was not found in the recent National
Kai and Yen Bai in north Vietnam and northern Conservation Review forest survey indicating that the
Myanmar. In China, particularly over the past 10 years, species is either extremely rare or extinct. The
trees have been cut for timber at unsustainable levels. In conservation category is inferred from the situation in
Viet Nam the timber is said to be more rarely used Sri Lanka.
because of its susceptibility to insect and termite attack. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Seeds contain up to 30% edible oil. The genus contains Refs: 18796,19112
just two species.
Assessor: Sun, W.
Refs: 1818, 11847,19055 Cleistanthus evrardii
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
CUidiocarpon laurinum Democratic Republic of Congo
Euphorbiaceae EN B l+2c, C2a The species is restricted to a single locality in the

Myanmar, Viet Nam Maringa valley, where it occurs in dense swamp forest

There is some dispute over often associated with Gilheniodendron dewevrei. The
the wild origins of this
species, but
habitat is threatened by logging and agriculture.
it is generally believed to be the more
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
restricted in range of thetwo members of the genus.
Wild populations are recorded in Son La in Viet Nam Refs: 17185,17951

and in Myanmar in areas of evergreen broadleaved

forest from low to medium elevation. Various parts of


Species Summaries

Cleistanthus femtgineus forest in scattered locations in the Western Ghats.

Euphoibiaceae VU Ale Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sri Lanka Refs: 19144
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
south-west Sri Lanka. Cleistanthus membranaceus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Refi.- 9176, 17195 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A lowland rainforest tree, occurring between 90 and
CleisUuithus flavescens 150m in Penang and Perak. The species has been
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt collected few times.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Clonservation Monitoring Centre
A rare species of lowland rainforest in Perak and Refs: 8464, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cleistanthus parvifolius
Refs: 8464, 19073 Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Cleistanthus glandulosus A small tree of limestone forest in Gopeng, Perak. It has
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 been collected only once.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
A small tree of primary evergreen rainforest, known Refs: 19073
only from a single collection from Gunung Keledang in
Perak. Cleistanthus petelotii
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Refs: 8464, 19073 Viet Nam
A scarce tree, which appean. to be known only from H6a
Cleistanthus glaucus Binh (Mubng Thon, Luong Son: Lam Son) in north Viet
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Nam.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Confmed to Perak, the species is distributed in lowland Refs: 848
forest, below 200m, mainly on limestone.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cleistanthus robustus
Refs: 19073 Euphorbiaceae CR Bl+2c
Sri Lanka
Cleistanthus Idngii A tree restricted to lowland wet evergreen forests in
Euphorbiaceae LR/cd south-west Sri Lanka. This species was not found during
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) the recent National Conservation Review forest surveys,
A rare species of lowland forest and swamp forest, indicating that it is either extremely rare or possibly
occurring on limestone below 150m in Perak and extinct. Previously a population was known from
Johore. Kanneliya Forest Reserve.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 17140, 19073 Refs: 17195,19112

Cleistanthus lanuginosus Cleistanthus travancorensis

Euphorbiaceae LR/cd Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Confined to Mount Ophir in Johore, the species is Two collections of the species have been gathered from
scattered in submontane forest at 500m. The area is widely separated localities of submontane evergreen
conserved. forest at the southern end of the Western Ghats.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Ontre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 19144

Cleistanthus major Clermontia arborescens ssp. arborescens

Euphorbi aceae CR B 1 +2c Campanulaceae EN Alee
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) USA (Hawaii)
A small tree of primary evergreen rainforest, known One of two subspecies. An epiphytic or terrestrial tree
only from a single collection from Kemaman in south or shrub restricted to southern West Maui, where it

Terengganu. Its continued existence is somewhat in occurs in montane rainforest. It has been estimated that
doubt since the area has been under development of as much as 90% of the habitat has been logged and
various kinds and much of the forest has been cleared. converted into pastureland. Remaining areas are affected
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre by grazing feral pigs. The genus is endemic to the

Refs: 8464, 19073 Hawaii Islands.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cleistanthus malabarieus
Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 h-2c Clermontia drepanomorpha
India (Kamataka, Kerala) Campanulaceae EN B 1 -i-2c, C2a, D
Known from a few reports and even fewer herbarium USA (Hawaii)
specimens, the species occurs in low to medium altitude A terrestrial or epiphytic tree which is known only from
the summits of the Kohala Mountains on Hawaii, where
it is found in low boggy forest within an area of 26km'.


The World List of Threatened Trees

A survey in 1995 identified 200 individuals in five protected area of montane wet forest. There still exist
different populations.The area is state-owned and the areas of rainforest on East Maui where a population may
only site to harbour this unique habitat. The major yet be discovered. Attempts at propagation have so far
threats come from ditch management, invasive plants, failed.The taxon is protected by the US Endangered
feral pigs and rats. The species is protected by the US Species Act.
Endangered Species Act. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 3372, 19087
Refs: 3372, 19037

Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. oblongifolia

Clermontia grandiflora
Campanulaceae LR/nt
Campanulaceae VU Alee
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
This subspecies is confined to lowland rainforest on
The species occurs in rainforest or the margins of bogs
up to 197Sm on Molokai, Lanai and Maui Islands. Two Oahu Island.

subspecies are sometimes recognised, of which the type

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372
subspecies is locally common but confined to West
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Clermontia peleana
Refs: 3372 Campanulaceae CR C2a, Dl
USA (Hawaii)
Clermontia hawaUensis A shrub or tree which is epiphytic on tree ferns,
Campanulaceae VUAlce Metrosideros, Acacia or Cheirodendron species. It
USA (Hawaii) occurs in rainforest on the slopes of Mauna Kea and
A or epiphytic species confined to Hawaii
terrestrial Mauna Loa on Hawaii. A population on East Maui along
Island, where it occurs in Puna and Kau Districts in with another population on the northern slope of Mauna
rainforest from low to high altitudes. Much of the habitat Kea have been referred to as ssp. singutifera but both are
has been logged and converted into pastureland. now extinct. There are four remaining populations of the
Remaining areas are strongly affected by grazing feral species, numbering no more than a few individuals.
pigs. There is evidence of damage to the habitat caused by
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre feral pigs, rats and the illegal cultivation of cannabis.
Refs: 3372 The species is protected by the US Endangered Species
Clermontia lindseyana Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Campanulaceae ENBl+2c, C2a Refs: 3372, 19039
USA (Hawaii)
An uncommon terrestrial or epiphytic species occurring
in montane up to 2150m altitude. A single
rainforest Clermontia persicifolia
population remains on Maui on the southern slopes of Campanulaceae LR/nt
Haleakala. About 14 populations are known from Hilo, USA (Hawaii)
Kau and South Kona Districts on Hawaii. The total This or epiphytic species is found in lowland

population has been estimated to lie between 225 and on Oahu. It is recorded from both the Koolau
325 individuals. The major threats to the species are and Waianae Mountains, more commonly from the
invading alien plants, grazing and damage caused by latter.

domesticated animals and the feral pig. The species is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
protected by the US Endangered Species Act. Refs: 3372
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19039
Clermontia pyrularia

Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. brevipes

Campanulaceae CR C2a, Dl
USA (Hawaii)
Campanulaceae CR Bl+2c, C2ab, Dl A small tree restricted to Hawaii, where a single wild
USA (Hawaii)
This subspecies known from
population of three plants remains. Two populations
is a single population of
have been planted in exclosures at Hakalau, nearby.
about 20 individuals located in the south-eastern part
Invasive plants and the damage caused by feral pigs are
Kamakou on Molokai, where it grows on
thought to have contributed significantly to the species
forested slopes between 1 100 and 1200m altitude. Feral
pigs are an immediate threat to the population and rats
decline. It is protected by the US Endangered Species
may be predating the fruit and odier plant parts. The
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
taxon is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Refs: 3372, 19039
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19040
Clermontia tuberculala
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis Campanulaceae EN Alee
Campanulaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b, D USA (Hawaii)
USA (Hawaii) Confined to East Maui, this terrestrial species occurs in
This subspecies is one locality on West
restricted to montane rainforest, primarily along stream beds.
Maui, populations on Lanai and East Maui having Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
become extinct in 1913 and 1927 respectively. On West Refs: 3372
Maui the taxon was first collected in the 1980s and is
presently known from a single individual within a

Species Summaries

CUrodendrum calcicolum CUthra eoloradensis

Verbenaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c Clethraceae CRBl+2bc
Cuba Panama
A shrub or small tree up to 8m tall, endemic to the The species is known from a few collections all taken

coastal dry evergreen forests of western Cuba. Habitat from a small area of cloud forest around Cerro Colorado
declines have been great in the past decades; overcutting in Chiriquf. There is much activity in the area,
and clearing for urbanisation continue to be threats. particularly copper and gold mining.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 19149 Refs: 6067, 16772

CUrodendrum denticulatum CUthra crispa

Verbenaceae VU Bl+2c Clethraceae VU B 1 +2c
Cuba Ecuador
A small tree, of up to 10m in height, inhabiting semi- An endemic of Ecuador, currently known to occur only
deciduous forest on eroded limestone in eastern Cuba. in areas of montane and upper montane cloud forest in
The habitat in this region has been heavily degraded in Azuay and Loja.
places. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Refs: 19119
Refs: 16327. 18485, 19149
CUthra hendersonii
CUrodendrum gaUatum Clethraceae LR/cd
Verbenaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Yemen (Socotra) An uncommon shrub to small tree which resides in the
A small tree or shrub which is scattered in woodland understorey or in gaps of montane rainforest, also
areas throughout the island. Its timber is exploited at a occuring in secondary forests at high elevation. It is

local level. Populations are stable at present. given a degree of protection within the permanent forest
Assessor: Miller, A.G. estate.
Refs: 2354, 19083 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073
CUrodendrum glabrum ssp. minutiflorum
Verbenaceae VU D2 CUthra Javanica
Seychelles (Aldabra) Clethraceae VUAlc, D2
A small tree or shrub of inland scrub communities on the Indonesia (Java)
islands of Malabar, Polymnie, Picard, Grand Terre, The species is known only from a forested area near the
Assumption, Cosmoledo and Astove. It provides an lake at Taman Hidup in Dataran Tinggi Yang or the
important food for tortoises. The Aldabran Islands are Yang Plateau. The area is relatively isolated, although

under protection within a Strict Nature Reserve. Some logging has occurred in the past and commercial
disturbance has occurred on Assumption because of plantations have been established. Proposals to give the
strip-mining for phosphate or guano, and on Cosmoledo area national park status have failed. A variety may
and Astove, where areas have been cleared for the possibly occur on Lombok.
establishment of coconut and Casuarina plantations. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1011,9078
Refs: 19027, 19062
CUthra paralUlinervia
CUrodendrum Uucophloeum Clethraceae VUBl+2c
Verbenaceae VU D2 Ecuador
Yemen (Socotra) An endemic of Ecuador, found only in the provinces of
A small tree or shrub which is scattered in woodland Loja and Azuay where it occurs in montane and upper
areas throughout the island. Its timber is exploited at a montane cloud forest.
local level. Populations are stable at present. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Refs: 19119, 19120
Refs: 2354, 19083
CUthra tutensis
CUthra dUxandri Clethraceae DD
Clethraceae LR/nt Panama
Jamaica The species is known only from the type specimen
This species appears to be common to abundant, collected in 1975 from Cerro Tute in Verguas. It is not
especially above 1800m. The largest population occurs known whether the species still exists and the area is

in forest on the Grand Ridge, also in forest margins and little explored.
gaps. Hybridisation takes place between this species and Assessor: Mitre, M.
C. occidentalis. The lower altitudes has suffered
forest at Refs: 6067, 16772
more serious degradation because of logging and the
ensuing soil erosion and invasion of aggressive exotic Cleyera bolUana
plants. Theaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Dominican Republic, Haiti
/?e/i.- 6057, 7980, 12564 A cloud forest species which has been collected from
only six localities in Hispaniola. The two collections
from Haiti from the Massif de la Selle date back over 50
years. There is considerable pressure exerted on these

The World List of Threatened Trees

small forests because of the demand for farming land Cliffortiaarborea

and wood. It is unknown whether the populations Rosaceae VU Alcd
remain intact. South Africa (Northern Cape, Western Cape)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A *fynbos relic which occurs in *karroid vegetation
Refs: 13574 along the Great Escarpment from Beaufort West in the
east to near Sutherland in the west and northwards to
Cleyera cemua Calvinia. Information from local farmers indicated that it
Theaceae DD was once very common along the edge of the
Mexico (Oaxaca) escarpment. However, being the only woody plant in the
A montane forest species known only from the Oaxaca area, it was heavily used for firewood and reduced to
region of Mexico. Several localities are known but most five remnant subpopulations. Two of the extant
are not definite and more fieldwork is necessary to subpopulations are healthy, with a range of size classes
confirm the distribution of this rare species. present; one is also contained within a national park and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the other occurs in a local authority nature reserve.
Refs: 13574 There is no evidence of any further declines in recent
Cleyera japonica var. gramtiflora Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at.

Theaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 689, 19218

India (Meghalaya)
A taxon known only from a few localities in Meghalaya.
Clinostigma haerestigma
How many of the localities harlwur extant populations is

not known. No record of the taxon has been made since

Palmae DD
Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
1935 despite explorations in the area. The forest in
Meghalaya has been seriously fragmented and reduced
A palm tree of lowland Casuarina forest on ultrabasic
soils, restricted to south-east Santa Isabel.
to sacred groves in many places.
Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19118
Refs: 4799

Cleyera vaccinioides Clinostigma harlandU

Theaceae VUBl+2c Palmae LR/nt
Dominican Republic, Haiti Vanuatu
A species known only from five localities within cloud Endemic to Vanuatu, this palm tree occurs in wet
and pine forests of Hispaniola. The two Haitian rainforest on ridge tops and the adjacent steep slopes.
occur in the Massif de la Selle and Massif de la
localities The population is extensive with 100,(X30s of mature
Hotte and date back the 1920s. Considerable pressure is trees. Regeneration is good.
exerted upon these small areas of forest because of the Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
demand for farming land and wood. It is unknovra Refs: 19118
whether these populations remain intact.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 197, 13574 Clinostigma samoense
Palmae EN Ale
CUanthus puniceus Western Samoa
Leguminosae ENDl A palm confined to Upolu Island, Western Samoa. The
New Zealand (North Is.) major part of the broadleaved lowland forest habitat is
Occurring in scattered populations from Northland to now destroyed. Remaining populations appear to be
Hawkes Bay, the species occurs as a shrub or small tree healthy and stable, the species occasionally being quite
in scrubby forest margins and flaxland. About 200 plants common.
exist in total, most of these occurring within the Assessor: Whistler, A. & D. Johnson
boundaries of Urewera National Park. Browsing by Refs: 19118
goats, pigs, deer and possums and the illegal collecting
of seedlings have caused more recent declines in
Clinostigma savoryana
numbers. A popular ornamental plant with large bright
red flowers, it is possible that the Maori were partly
Palmae DD
Japan (Ogasawara-shoto)
responsible for previously known occurrences on
A rare palm tree of wet forest endemic to the Bonin
offshore islands, the East Cape and other parts of the
Islands. Very little has been published on this species.
North Island.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Refs: 19118
Re/i; 902, 4253, 15251, 17637, 19133, 19134

CUdemia crossosepala var. adamsU
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Leguminosae VU D2
Known only from the type, the species occurs in lowland
This variety occurs very locally in thickets on limestone,
rainforest inSan Martin Department.
only in Trelawny at about 680m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 1984
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085

Species Summaries

Cliloria woytkowslai Clusia havetioides var. havetioides

Leguminosae VU D2 Guttiferae LR/nt
Peru Jamaica
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in lowland rainforest in San Martin Department. Refs: 7980
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Clusia havetioides var. paucijlora
Clusia carinata Guttiferae ENBl+2c
Gutti ferae VU D2 Jamaica
Peru This variety is known from only a single locality on a
A lowland rainforest species which is known only from steep densely wooded hillside on Croft's Mountain,
the type collected in the department of Lx)reto. Clarendon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
^e/i; 401, 7980, 19085
Refs: 1984

Clusia clarendonensis Clusia havetioides var. stenocarpa

Guttiferae VUBl+2c Guttiferae LR/nt
Jamaica Jamaica
An uncommon tree occurring in woodland on limestone Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Qarendon, St James and Trelawny. Refs: 7980
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/ee/i; 401, 6057, 7980
Clusia longipetiolata
Clusia croatii Guttiferae VUBl+2c
Guttiferae VU A2c Panama
Colombia, Panama At present, the species is known only from the
Occurring in semi-deciduous rainforest above 50Om, the Caribbean coast in Bocas del Toro and Col6n, where it
species is found throughout Panama from Dariin, is scattered in lowland semi-evergreen or evergreen

extending into Colombia, to the border with Costa Rica, forest. The area is not well explored but available
possibly extending over that border as well. In places it information suggests the species is uncommon. A small
is relatively common but never abundant. Some population in Santa Rita, Col6n, is in grave danger of
populations are protected in national parks, but being cut down.
elsewhere the species is under pressure from mining for Assessor: Mitr6, M.
copper and gold, as in Cerro Colorado, and from Refs: 1212. mo, 16772
increasing settlement of the land in Cocl6. The only
known Colombian population is restricted to a very Clusia osseocarpa
small area. Guttiferae VU CI
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Colombia, Panama
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 Occurring in rainforest from low elevation to 1500m, the
species ranges from the Canal region in Panama to an
Clusia cupulata area just over the border with Colombia in the Choc6.
Guttiferae VU Ale Population numbers are not large but several of the
Panama localities are within protected areas. Increasing
Principally known from the centre-north of Panama, the agriculture, settlement and logging threaten areas of
species continues to be in found new sites, increasing its unprotected forest.
range so that it almost stretches from the border with Assessor: Mitre, M.
Costa Rica to the border with Colombia. No record of Refs: 1212.19^0, 16772
the species has been made in either of the latter countries
so far. It occurs almost exclusively in undisturbed Clusia portlandiana
up to 1200m. There are small populations in
rainforest Guttiferae VUBl-l-2c
Volcdn Baru and Chagres National Parks and Kunayaia Jamaica
Indigenous Reserve. Outside these areas the habitat is An epiphytic tree or shrub confined to mossy forest on
frequently threatened by settlement, logging and limestone in Portland between 450 and 750m.
extensive agriculture. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Mitti, M. /?c/i.- 401, 5653, 7980
/fe/i; 7272, 7980, 16772
Clusia pseudomangle
Clusia dukei Guttiferae VU D2
Guttiferae VU Ale Peru
Panama A cloud forest species which is endemic to the Peruvian
Largely growing epiphytically, the species is scattered Andes and has been collected only once, from the
diffusely in areas of moist forest from low elevation to department of San Martin.
1800m. It is recorded from localities throughout Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panama. Some populations are protected in national Refs: 1984
parks, others are seriously exposed to increasing habitat
clearance for settlement and agriculture.
Assessor: Mitre, M.
Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772

The World List of Threatened Trees

Clusia tarmensis Coccoloba Undaviana

Guniferae VU D2 Polygonaceae CR C2a
Peru Honduras
Known only from the type, the species occurs in lowland A tree restricted to the Atlantic drainage, occurring at
rainforest in the department of Junfn. low to middle elevations.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 1984 Refs: 13995

Cnidoscolus fragrans Coccoloba matudae

Euphorbiaceae EX Polygonaceae VUAlc
Cuba Mexico
Apparently endemic to the site where the capital city of A rainforest species with a distribution confined to high
Cuba was built, this tree was described from the area of precipitation forests in the Gulf region and from the
Regla at the eastern side of Habana Bay more than a Pacific slope.
century and a half ago. A wide area of several Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
kilometres around the harbour has been cleared and Refs: 5993
urbanised. There is very little chance of rediscovering
the species. Coccoloba plumieri
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Polygonaceae LR/nt
Refs: 11403, 18485,19149 Jamaica
A tree of moist savannas, thickets and woodlands on
Cnidoscolus matosii limestone in the central and western parishes. General
Euphorbiaceae EN Bl+2c habitat declines have been considerable.
Cuba Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This tree is locally restricted to coastal, dry, evergreen Refs: 6057, 7980
forests on limestone terraces in Maisf, eastern Cuba.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Coccoloba proctorii
Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149 Polygonaceae ENBl+2c
Cnidoscolus rangel A on limestone hills
large tree with a local distribution
Euphorbiaceae EN Bl+2c in St Elizabeth and St James. Population numbers are
Cuba very low. The habitat is severely degraded in places and
Confined to Pinar del Rio Province, this small tree under constant threat from cutting and encroaching
occurs infrequently in semi-deciduous forest on shallow agriculture.
soils or on bare, deeply eroded limestone rocks. Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Refs: 16327,18485, 19149
Coccoloba retirensis
Coccoloba cholutecensis Polygonaceae CRBl+2c
Polygonaceae CR C2a Cuba
Honduras A small tree described from a single locality in El
A scarce species of lowland dry forest, occurring on the Retiro, Santa Cruz, Pinar del Rio Province. The habitat
Pacific coast where fires and encroaching agriculture are been severely degraded.
in the area has
frequent threats. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 19149
Refs: 13995
Coccoloba rugosa
Coccoloba coriacea Polygonaceae EN C2a
Polygonaceae VU D2 Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US) (ex)
Cuba Originally described from a cultivated specimen, this
Endemic to a relatively small area in the north of Pinar beautiful tree occurs in the wild in semi-dry woodland
del Rio Province, diis shrub or small tree is confined to on coastal hills in the north-east and east of Puerto Rico.
sclerophylious evergreen scrub and woodland on The record from St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands
serpentine-derived soils in the Cajalbana range. dates from over 100 years ago and the habitat there has
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. largelybeen destroyed. The main extant population
Refs: 19149 Palmas de Mar, Puerto Rico.
consists of 121 plants in
There are thought to be a further three populations,
Coccoloba dariensis making the population total 400- 500 plants. Threats of
Polygonaceae LR/nt quarrying and development, especially of houses, tourist
Colombia, Panama facilities and roads, are apparent.
A relatively common lowland seasonal
species of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
rainforest, in Panama occurring in Darien Province, Refs: 7980, 17124
Valle de Ant6n in Cocl6, and the Canal area. Much of
the range lies within protected areas, outside which Coccoloba tiliacea
occurrences are less common. In Colombia, there are Polygonaceae VUBl+2ac
populations in the Choc6 and Valle de Cauca. Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
Assessor: Mitr^, M. Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina
Refs: 16772 and Bolivia, the species is confined to an unprotected

Species Summaries

ecosystem which being rapidly replaced by limestone soils in coastal areas. Little information is
agricultural systems. available on its conservation status.
Assessor: Prado, D. Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 19122 Refs: 19118

Coccoloba troyana Coccothrinax pauciramosa

Polygonaceae VUBl+2c Palmae VUBl+2e
Jamaica Cuba
Populations occur in two main areas, Trelawny and St Confined to Camagiiey, Holguin and Oriente in Cuba,
James, and Portland and St Thomas. They are confined this small tree grows in open forest on limestone hills or
to remaining areas of woodland on limestone and on serpentine savanna between 200 and 250m. The area
serpentine soils. Deforestation has occurred extensively of occupancy is small and populations are declining.
in the latter two parishes. Assessor: Moya, C.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19118
Rs/j: 6057, 7980, 19116
Cochlospermum tetraporum
Cocconerion minus Cochlospermaceae ENBl-t-2a
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
New Caledonia Within the genus, the species appears to have evolved in
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. isolation. It is endemic to the subandean piedmont forest
Refs: 10351 in north-west Argentina and Bolivia and appears to be
restricted to gypsum-based soils. The ecosystem remains
Coccothrinax borhidiana entirely unprotectedand threatened by agriculture,
Palmae CRBl+2c logging and pastoralism.
Cuba Assessor: Prado, D.
Occurring on raised limestone beaches near the sea, this Refs: 1262, 5112, 7980, II l40, 19122
palm is restricted to Matanzas. The area of occupancy is
less than 10km'. Coffea costatifructa
Assessor: Moya, C. Rubiaceae VU D2
Refs: 19118 Tanzania
This species was first described in 1994. It is known
Coccothrinax crinita ssp. brevicrinis from two localities: Mafia Island and the Selous Game
Palmae ENBl+2e,C2a Reserve, where it occurs in patches of forest, woody
Cuba savanna or Brachysiegia thicket.
A Cuban endemic found in lowland, seasonally flooded Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
savanna up to 500m. Habitat destruction and local Refs: 17153
exploitation of the plant parts are causing population
reductions. The species is traded locally as an Coffea fadenii
ornamental. Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2c, 02
Assessor: Moya, C. Kenya
Refs: 19118 Endemic to the Taita Hills, the species is scattered to
scarce in areas of moist montane forest. Populations are
Coccothrinax crinita ssp. crinita known from Mbololo, a protected reserve, and Ngangao.
Palmae ENBl+2c,C2a There is some habitat encroachment by local farmers
Cuba and settlers.

A Cuban endemic of lowland, seasonally-flooded Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

savanna up to 500m. Habitat destruction and local Refs: 6396, 17859
exploitation of the plant parts are causing population
reductions. The species is traded locally as an Coffea lemblinii
ornamental. Rubiaceae EX
Assessor: Moya, C. Cote d'lvoire
Refs: 19118 Known only from a single herbarium specimen, the
species is believed to be extinct.
Coccothrinax ekmanii Assessor: Assi, A.
Palmae DD Ue/i.- 2773, 12822
Dominican Republic, Haiti
A palm tree found in dry scrub forest on limestone on Coffea mongensis
rocky hills or near the sea. Little is known about the Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
species status in Dominican Republic but it is very likely Tanzania
to be threatened in Haiti. Known from the East Usambara, North Udzungwa and
Assessor: Johnson, D. also probably the Nguru Mountains, this species is found
Refs: 19118 in moist evergreen forest at altitudes of 1 150 to 1400m.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Coccothrinax inaguensis Refs: 3356, 8814
Palmae DD
Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands
This rare palm species occurs in scrub on sandy or

The World List of Threatened Trees

Coffea mufindiensis ssp. mufindiensis scale mining continue to put pressure on the species
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b could prove to be more threatened after
habitat. Its status
Tanzania necessary survey work.
A Tanzania endemic, this subspecies is restricted to Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
moist montane forests in the Kiboriani and Udzungwa /?(f/i: 6127, 8369, 12061
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke Cola bracteata
/?«/[. 3356,8814 StercuHaceae VUBl+2c
Coffea pocsii An endemic to Uganda, occurring relatively commonly
Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 in Kalinzu and Malamagambo Forest Reserve but scarce
Tanzania in Itwara Forest Reserve and elsewhere.
Described in 1994, this small tree is confined to dry Assessor: *MUIENR
evergreen forest, characterised by the frequency of Refs: 5654, 9605, 9837, 14667
Euphorbia and Encephalartos, in Kitulanghalo Forest
Reserve in the Morogoro region. Cola clavata
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sterculiaceae DD
Refs: 17153 Mozambique
Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Coffea pseudozanguebariae Refs:5\\l, 18965
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
Kenya, Tanzania Cola duparquetiana
A shrubby tree which is known from remnant dry forest Sterculiaceae VU D2
patches occurring in the Taita Hills in Kenya, and Gabon
further south in Tanzania and Zanzibar. This species has been collected only from Lastoursville,
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke where logging has been intensive and the forest is
Refs: 3356, 10961 degraded. The species may be found to be more
widespread in the country's relatively unexplored
Coffea togoensis forests, which, although extensive, are largely under
Rubiaceae VU Ale concession to logging companies.
Ghana, Togo Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree which is common but restricted to the Refs: 14958, 15790
southern dry forests of Ghana, from Tain II Forest
Reserve to the Volta region and extending into Togo. Colagigas
Dry forests have suffered the most serious losses of all Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c
the forest types in this area. They continue to decline Nigeria
because of fire, felling and agricultural expansion. Only recorded in south-eastern Nigeria, the largest, if
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. not only, population of this species occurs in the Oban
Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061 Division of the Cross River National Park. The areas
outside the park have been largely deforested and
Coffea zanguebariae planted with commercial or subsistence crops.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mozambique, Tanzania Refs: 2773, 4977, 1 1504
Ranging in a relatively unexplored area from southern
Tanzania in the Kilwa District to northern Mozambique, Cola glabra
this species is confined to patches of dry coastal forest. StercuHaceae VUBl+2c
The species is possibly cultivated in Madagascar. Nigeria
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke A small tree confined to the few remaining forested
Refs: 1308, 3356, 8814 areas in south-west Nigeria. Large-scale logging,
encroaching agriculture and the planting of commercial
Cola attiensis crops have resulted in large declines in the habitat.
Sterculiaceae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cote d'lvoire Refs:im. 11504
At one time widespread, this species has become rare
because of the extent of deforestation in the country. It Cola hypochrysea
occurs in remaining moist semi-deciduous forest, the Sterculiaceae VU Ale
large part of which now exists only in protected areas. Cameroon, Nigeria
Assessor: Assi, A. A species with a scattered occurrence in lowland
Refs: 2773, 12822 rainforest, especially in swampy areas or along river
banks. Its range extends from south-eastern Nigeria,
Cola boxiana (although itdoes not appear to occur in Cross River
Sterculiaceae EN Bl+2c National Park), to Cameroon, whereit has been recorded

Ghana from Japoma, Dibamba, Eseka, Kribi, Ebolowa and

Endemic to Ghana, this tree is generally rare and Campo. Unprotected areas have been extensively logged
confined to upland evergreen forest. It is most common and cleared for agriculture.
in the Atewa range and occurs in neighbouring forest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
management and large-
reserves. Farming, fire, forest Refs: 11504,12597

Species Summaries

Cola lelestui Cola phiUpi-jonesii

Sterculiaceae VU D2 Sterculiaceae ENBl+2c
Gabon Nigeria
Apparently the species is known only from the vicinity A shrubby species, which has to date been recorded in
of Lastoursville, where the habitat is largely disturbed. only a small area near Ikom which lies between the
Further collecting is likely to uncover additional northern and southern division of the Cross River
occurrences, but there is concern over the extent to National Park. Unprotected forest has been almost
which forest in Gabon is now under concession to completely felled up to the park boundaries.
logging companies. Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?e/i; 2773, 11504
Refs: 14958, 15790
Cola porphyrantha
Colalkae Sterculiaceae ENBI+2c
Sterculiaceae LR/nt Kenya
Gabon A tree of dense evergreen forest, collected only a few
A common species confmed to Lop6 Forest Reserve and times from Pangani, Longo and Magandi forests.
a SOkm radius around the northern boundary. Part of the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
range under concession to logging companies and
is Refs: 6396, 9198
there concern over future plans for intensive logging.

The species is notable in being wholly dependent on the Cola reticulata

lowland gorilla for seed dispersal. Sterculiaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Guinea
Refs: 14958 An uncommon small evergreen tree which is confined to
areas of upland evergreen forest in Cote d'lvoire, Ghana,
Cola lourougnonis and also on Mount Nzo in Guinea. These areas are under
Sterculiaceae ENAlc, Bl+2c pressure from fanning, fire, forest management activities
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire and large-scale mining.
The of moist semi-deciduous forest where this
sites Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
species was found in Cote d'lvoire have been felled. The /?e^5; 2773. 8369, 12061
habitat in Cameroon has also declined because of
logging operations. Cola scheffleri
Assessor: Assi, A. Sterculiaceae VUBl+2b
Refs: 12822 Tanzania
A species of moist semi-deciduous submontane forests
Cola mossambicensis occurring only in the Nguru Mountains and in the south
Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c of the Udzungwa Mountains at Kihanzi.
Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe? Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Occurring mainly in central Mozambique in areas of Re/i.- 3356, 8814
lowland forest, this species is severely threatened by the
decline in quality and conversion of its habitat for Cola semecarpophylla
agricultural purposes. Populations may also exist in Sterculiaceae LR/cd
southern Malawi. Cameroon, Nigeria
Assessor: Bandeira, S. A small tree of lowland rainforest and secondary forest.
^e/i; 51 17, 5654, 18965 The range extends from south-east Nigeria, including the
Oban Hills in Cross River National Park, to Cameroon,
Cola nigerica where is kr.own from several localities including

Stercuhaceae VUAlc Mount Cameroon, Korup National Park, Kribi,

Nigeria Kompina, Mamfe, Kumba and Campo. Unprotected
Records suggest the species is confined to the remaining forested areas have been heavily logged and cleared for
areas of lowland rainforest in southern Nigeria. agriculture.
Although it is said to occur frequently in parts of Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Shasha and Omo Forest Reserves, most of the latter Refs: 11504,12597,19092
forest has been felled and replanted with exotic timber
species. A protected population exists in the Oban Cola umbratHis
Division of the Cross River National Park. Forests Sterculiaceae VU Al c, B 1 +2c
outside protected areas are almost completely cleared Cote Ghana
and taken over by commercial and subsistence crops. Known only from Ghana but expected in Cote d'lvoire,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre this speciec confined to remaining patches of wet

yjefi; 2773, 4977, 11504 evergreen forest. Declines in this habitat type because of
mining, logging and commercial forestry activities have
Cola octoloboides been significant in the last few decades.
Sterculiaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Kenya V?e/i; 2773, 8369, 12061
A shrub or small tree, confined to a few forest patches or
shady crevices, including localities in Cha Simba, Cola usambarensis
Gongoni, Muhaka and Dzombo. Sterculiaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tanzania
Refs: 6396, 9198 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
/?e/S; 3356, 8814

The World List of Threatened Trees

Colea colei Colubrina obscura

Bignoniaceae EN Alc+2e Rhamnaceae VUBl+2c
Mauritius Jamaica
Assessor: Strahm, W. Confined to thickets and woodlands in limestone areas
/fe/i;9120, 16426, 19208 in the Cockpit Country, the species has experienced
widespread clearance of its habitat.
Colea seychellarum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bignoniaceae VU D2 Refs: 5653, 7980
Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as Colubrina opposUifolia
threatened by of its restricted distribution.
virtue Rhamnaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2a
Populations are healthy and stable. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre One of the hardest native woods, the species was heavily
Refs: 9859, 17229 harvested by ancient Hawaiians and isnow only rarely
found in dry to moist forest up to 920m altitude. There
Colona poUanei are 10 extant populations in theWaianae Mountains on
Tiliaceae LR/nt Oahu, in Kohala Mountains, Muana Loa and
Viet Nam Hualalai on Hawaii and a recently discovered individual
A small pioneer tree found in areas of lowland on Maui. It has been estimated that there are
secondary, disturbed and recolonising forest in Viet approximately 300 individuals. The spread of alien
Nam. Occurrences are recorded from several provinces. plants, damage caused by feral pigs and the black twig
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre borer are among the major threats to remaining
Refs: 848, 15357 populations. The species is protected by the US
Endangered Species Act.
Colpothrinax wrightii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae VUBl+2e Refs: 3372, 19039
A palm tree of lowland savanna on quartzine soils, racemosa
restricted to Pinar del Rio and Isla de Pinos. It is Leguminosae LR/nt
suffering from excessive exploitation of trunk wood, Madagascar
leaves and fruit for local use. Regeneration is poor. This species found in the north-west and south-west in

Assessor: Moya, C. Antsiranana, and from Morondava to Toliary in lowland

We/j; 19118 areas of primary *tropophilic forest, wooded savanna
and clearings. The wood is useful and the species is the
Colubrina anomala focus of silvicultural studies.
Rhamnaceae VU B 1 +2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 6161
A primary species of lowland evergreen rainforest,
confmed to the state of Perak. Habitat reductions have Combretocarpus rotundatus
been caused by logging and conversion to agriculture. Anisophylleaceae VU A led
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia
Refs: 8464, 19073 (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
This monotypic genus is restricted to all types of peat-
Colubrina hondurensis swamp forest throughout Borneo, Sumatra and
Rhamnaceae CR C2a Peninsular Malaysia. Larger trees occur in the wetter
Honduras swamp forests. The timber is used for railway sleepers
An endemic species found along rocky streams in dry and heavy construction.
forest at middle elevations. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 19017
Refs: 13995
Combretum hartmannianum
Colubrina nicholsonii Combretaceae VUAlc+2c
Rhamnaceae EN C2a, Dl Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan
South Africa (Eastern Cape) A distinctive species with long drooping leaves. It is a
A palaeoendemic confmed to riverine forest patches dominant component of Combretum-Terminalia
along the Transkei coast in close proximity to, or woodland and wooded grassland in the region of west
overhanging the water. It grows in shallow acidic soils Eritrea, Tigray and Gonder. Factors of agricultural
derived from sandstones.
Initially, only three very small expansion and increasing human activities are causing
subpopulations were known, each containing between declines and degradation of the habitat. The situation of
10 and 15 plants. Additional subpopulations have since C. rochetianum is the same.
been found, the largest of which is near Port St John's Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
where the species is described as locally common. No Refs: 5941
seedlings have ever been recorded and, although plants
flower prolifically, fruits are rarely seen. A population is Combretum mkuzense
found in Mkambati Game Reserve and demarcated in Combretaceae LR/nt
forest reserves, although protection measures in the Mozambique, South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)
latter have largely collapsed since 1994. A species of mixed woodland and sand forests in
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. northern Zululand and southern Mozambique. It grows
Refs: 689, 19218 in deep sand on the Maputaland coastal plain within

Species Summaries

60km of the coast. Plants have been recorded from helped get rid of infestations of the homopteran pest,
Mkuze Game Reserve and the species may also occur Onhezia insignis. The genus consists of four species, all
within Ndumu and Kosi Bay cnservation areas. Sand endemic to St Helena.
forest is under threat from cutting for firewood and Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
timber. The area is also increasingly threatened by Refs: 11891, 19071, 19081
settlement and agricultural activities. There is some
debate over the specific status of the taxon. Commidendrum rotundifolium
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Compositae EW
Refs: 689, 19218 St Helena
Formerly one of the common gumwoods occurring in
Combretum petrophibim dry areas. By the end of the 1 8th century stands were
Combretaceae LR/nt reduced to a few isolated localities and the species was
South Africa (Mpumalanga, Northern Province) considered extinct at the end of the 19' century. A tree
The species occurs on north-western or southern slopes was rediscovered on an inaccessible cliff at the southern
in mixed savanna. Specimens are often found growing edge of Horse Pasture in 1982 but by 1986 it had blown
between rocks, in fissures or along ledges in hilly and down in a gale. Some trees have been planted at
mountainous terrain. Populations are recorded from a Pounceys. The genus consists of four species, all
number of localities, some of which are protected areas. endemic to St Helena.
Outside protected areas, the species is showing some Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
decline because of wood-cutting activities. Refs: 995'i, 11891, 19081
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
/?e/i.- 689, 15561,19218 Commidendrum rugosum
Compositae VU DI
Combretum rochetianum St Helena
Combretaceae VUAlc-t-2c A low-domed shrub of the crown wastes. At one time it
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan became entirely confined to cliff localities. Since the
Reportedto be often common, this species is confined to extirpation of goats, population numbers are believed to
Combretum-Terminalia woodland in a relatively small be expanding. The total population size exceeds 1000
range covering west Eritrea, north-west Ethiopia and individuals, but most subpopulations are very small and
adjacent areas of Sudan. Agricultural expansion and restricted geographically, making them vulnerable to
human activities are causing declines in the extent of stochastic events. The species is able to tolerate severe
this habitat in the area. drought and saline conditions. There is evidence of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre hybridisation. The genus consists of four species, all

Refs: 5941 endemic to St Helena.

Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
Combretum tenuipetiolatum Refs: 9954, 11891, 19081
Combretaceae CR B 1 +2c
Kenya, Tanzania Commidendrum spurium
A small from Rabai and Mombasa over 70
tree collected Compositae CR Dl
years ago and also apparently from Potwe forest in St Helena
adjacent Tanzania. The Rabai forest is sacred. The other A small tree, known from just six individuals in the
occurrences, if they still exist, are far less secure. wild; Coles Rock, one old plant with three young
one at

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre ones at Mount Vesey and one fenced individual on a
/fe/i.-6396,9198 ridge between Cason's Gate and Oaklands. The species
has been brought into cultivation. In the past, fees were
Commidendrum robustum ssp. gummiferum recorded as growing on the tops of the highest
Compositae EX mountains. The wood was used chiefly as a source of
St Helena fuel. The genus consists of four species, all endemic to
Although it is doubtfiil whether any pure material of this St Helena.
subspecies still exists, its characters are frequently seen Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
in hybrid populations at Peak Dale. The taxon was at Refs: 995A. 11891, 19081
one time distributed on the central ridge between 400
and 700m. There is also a tree of questionable identity Commiphora alata
found in Deep Valley. The genus consists of four Burseraceae VU D2
species, all endemic to St Helena. Somalia
Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B. This species is confined to bushland on sand over
Refs: 19081 limestone in a small area in the south-west of Somalia.
The habita' is under pressure from degradation and
Commidendrum robustum ssp. robustum overcutting for charcoal production.
Compositae EN B 1 k2c Assessor: Thulin, M.
St Helena y?e/i.- 7620, 18665
Gumwood woodland covered over 60% of St Helena in
the I6th century. Extensive cutting of trees for their fine Commiphora albiflora
timber in the following centuries led to their reduction to Burseraceae LR/nt
a few small stands. Only two viable populations now Ethiopia, Somalia
remain in Peak Dale and Deep Valley, accounting for Occurring in Acacia-Commiphora bushland on
less than 2500 trees. Recent evidence indicates that limestone substrate, this small tree is known from
sheep grazing and competition with introduced plants scattered localities from northern and south-central
may be a problem. Biological control appears to have Somalia to Sidamo, southern Ethiopia. Habitat is being

The World List of Threatened Trees

degraded in places where there is overcutting for Commiphora hodai

charcoal production and the expansion of agriculture. Burseraceae LR/nt
Assessor: Thulin, M. Ethiopia, Somalia
Refs: 1330,7620 Although the species has a very restricted range in the
Ogaden in Ethiopia, it is widespread in Somalia. Its resin
is used locally for myrrh.
Commiphora campestris ssp. campestris Assessor: Thulin, M.
Burseraceae LR/nt
Refs: 1330,7620
A tree of Acacia-Commiphora bushland or open
Commiphora mafaidoha
woodland, which is found in two varieties, vars.
Burseraceae LR/nt
campestris and heterophylla. It occurs in abundance in
the Kibwezi-Taita area, where the two varieties coexist
A species conflned to the south-west in areas of
and interbreed.
*tropophilic forest up to 600m. A useful timber tree and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the focus of silvicultural studies.
/?e/i; 6396, 10961,17859
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6I6I
Commiphora chaetocarpa
Burseraceae VU D2 Commiphora monoica
Kenya, Somalia Burseraceae VU D2
A rare spiny shrub or tree. The only viable population Ethiopia
occurs in central Somalia in a few localities of bushland A species known from only five collections made in the
on gypsum soils. A collection was also made from a vicinity of the Sof Omar caves in dense woodland on
male plant, near Garissa in Kenya in open bushland on rocky limestone slopes. It is the only wholly monoecious

sandy soil. The habitat is under threat of degradation species in the genus.
from overgrazing and overcutting for charcoal Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
production. Refs: 1330, 13058, 18523
Assessor: Thulin, M.
Refs: 6396, 7620, 12067, 13058, 18665 Commiphora obovata
Burseraceae LR/nt
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
Commiphora ciliata A small tree with a fragmented range restricted to parts
Burseraceae LR/nt of the Ogaden in Ethiopia, central and northern Somalia
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and eastern Kenya. The habitat has been degraded in
Known from central and southern Somalia, parts of the places because of farming activities and overcutting for
Ogaden in Ethiopia and two localities in north-east charcoal production.
Kenya in Acacia-Commiphora woodland, this species is Assessor: Thulin, M.
restricted in rangeand rare. In places, the habitat is Refs: 1330,7620, 10961, 18665
degraded because of farming activities and overcutting
for charcoal production.
Commiphora omifoUa
Assessor: Thulin, M. Burseraceae VU D2
Refs: 1330,6396,7620, 12067, 13058, 18665 Yemen (Socotra)
Although widespread on coastal plains and foothills, the
Commiphora corrugata populations are generally scattered and small. Leaves are
Burseraceae LR/nt used as fodder for livestock. Increasing goat numbers
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia could cause the species to become more seriously
An unusual species on account of the characteristics of threatened.
its bark, leaves and stamens. Only a few localities are Assessor: Miller, A.G.
known in central and southern Somalia, in the Ogaden in Refs: 2354, 19083
Ethiopia and a small area in north-east Kenya. The
Acacia-Commiphora bushland habitat is vulnerable to Commiphora planifrons
overcutting for charcoal production and the expansion of
Burseraceae VU D2
agricultural activities.
Yemen (Socotra)
Assessor: Thulin, M. Collected only a few times, the species has a very
Refs: 1330,7620,18665 scattered distribution in moist woodland on limestone
and granite There are no immediate threats.
Commiphora guidottU Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Burseraceae LR/nt Refs: 2354, 19083
Ethiopia, Somalia
A species which widespread in Somalia and also
is fairly
Commiphora pseudopaolU
in adjacent parts of the Ogaden in Ethiopia.
It is found in
Burseraceae LR/nt
Acacia-Commiphora bushland, always on gypsum soils. Kenya, Somalia
Habitat is being degraded in places where there is
A spreading tree known from central and southern
overcutting for charcoal production and also an Somalia and from central Kenya in open bushland, often
expansion of agricultural activities.
on alluvium soils. Overcutting and grazing of this
Assessor: Thulin, M. habitat are threats.
Refs: 1330,7620 Assessor: Thulin, M.
Refs: 6396, 7620, 13058, 18665

Species Summaries

Commiphora socotrana Comocladia cordata

Burseraceae VU D2 Anacardiaceae VUBI+2c
Yemen (Sococra) Jamaica
A species of dry shnibland on the low-lying foothills Known only in Trelawny, the species is confined to
and plains. The gum is tapped for use as incense. At areas of woodland on limestone.
present the rates of exploitation are sustainable, since it Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
is restricted to the local level, but increased demand /?c/i.- 401, 5653, 7980

could potentially put the species at risk.

Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Refs: 2354, 19083
Comocladia parvifoliola
Anacardiaceae CRBI+2c
Commiphora sphaerophyUa
Endemic to Dolphin Head, the species is conflned to an
area of woodland.
Ethiopia, Somalia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fairly widespread in Somalia extending into Harerge in
/?e/i.- 401, 5653
Ethiopia, this tree occurs in wooded grassland and
bushland overlying limestone. There is some suggestion

that the species could be a form of the variable C. Comocladia velutina

erythraea. Anacardiaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Thulin, M. Jamaica
Refs: 1330,7620 This species is found along the south coast on dry
limestone. It is locally common in places.
Commiphora sulcata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Burseraceae LR/nt Refs: 6057, 7980
Only a few localities where this species occurs are
known. All are confmed to northern and central Somalia Conceveiba macrostachys
in bushland which is vulnerable to degradation. Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Thulin, M. Gabon
Re/i; 7620, 18665 A common tree confined to the central part of Lop6
Forest Reserve, extending a few kilometres to the south.
Commiphora truncata Part of the range is under concession to logging
Burseraceae LR/nt companies and there is concern over future plans for
Ethiopia, Somalia intensive logging.

A species of Acacia-Commiphora bushland overlying Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

limestone. It is fairly widespread in Somalia but known Refs: 14958
only from Harerge in Ethiopia. In places there is a threat
to the habitat from overcutting for charcoal production
Condaminea glabrata
and from expanding agricultural activities. The resin is
Rubiaceae VU D2
used locally as myrrh.
Assessor: Thulin, M.
A species which has been collected only once from the
Refs: 1330,7620
department of Hu^uco. There is some doubt as to the
taxonomic status of this Andean genus of just three
Commiphora unilobata
Burseraceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
Refs: 1984
Relatively wide-ranging, the species found in central is

eastern parts of Kenya, central and southern Somalia and

Condaminea macrocarpa
Sidamo in Ethiopia. In some areas the habitat is
Rubiaceae VU D2
vulnerable to degradation from agricultural expansion
and charcoal production.
A species which is recorded only from the type in
Assessor: Thulin, M.
Huinuco Department. There is some doubt as to the
Refs: 1330,7620, 18665
taxonomic status of this Andean genus of just three
Commiphora wightii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Burseraceae DD Refs: 1984
India (Gujarat, Rajasthan), Pakistan
A small tree occurring in dry zones from the Deccan and
west India to the north-west and Karachi, Sind and Condaminea microcarpa
Balochistan in Pakistan. The gum is of importance in Rubiaceae VU 02
international trade and it appears to be being extracted at Peru
unsustainable rates, causing declines, particularly in the A species which is recorded only from the type in
southern populations. In the northern parts of its Hu^uco Department. There is some doubt as to the
distribution remains
it relatively common. The taxonomic status of this Andean genus of just three
government of India has banned the export of the species.
species. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Refs: 1984
«e/j; 561, 7147

The World List of Threatened Trees

Connarus agamae Conostegia extinctoria

Connaraceae VU D2 Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Malaysia (Sabah) Colombia
To date this small tree is known only from Sandakan and An endemic to Tolima.
Mostyn of Sabah, where it is restricted to primary mixed Assessor: Calderon, E.
dipterocarp forest Refs: 19069
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19017 Conostegia grisebachii
Melastomataceae DD
Connarus brachybotryosus Jamaica
Connaraceae EN C2a The species is apparently known only from specimens
Guatemala, Honduras which originated from John Crow Mountains in St
A scarce species of the Atlantic wet lowlands of Thomas. This area has since been almost
Guatemala and Honduras. Continuing conversion of the comprehensively deforested and no living populations
habitat for agriculture has caused population reductions. are known. There is some question as to the taxonomy
Assessor: Nelson, C. of the species as it closely resembles C. balbisiana.
Rc/i; 7980, 13995 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Connarus popenoei
Connaraceae CR C2a Conostegia subprocera
Honduras Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Restricted to the Altantic wet lowlands of Honduras, the Jamaica
species occurs in low numbers in Lancetilla Biological An uncommon species, confined to moist thickets on
Reserve. limestone in Portland.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
/?e/i. 7980, 13995, 14911 Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085

Connarus wUliamsii var. wilUamsii Conostegia superba

Connaraceae VUBl+2c Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Colombia, Panama Jamaica
The main population of this variety is concentrated in A small tree of moist woodland areas below 750m,
the province of Dari£n in Panama, with additional found only Mary, Portland and St Thomas. The
in St
occurrences in the Canal area in Panama, and also just habitat, especially
in the latter parish, has been
over the border into Colombia, in the Serranfa del extensively destroyed and degraded.
Dari6n in the Choc6, and Urabi. Occurring in lowland, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
sometimes inundated, forest up to 300m, the species is «eA. 6057,7980, 19116
scarce throughout much of its range and only in Dari^n
National Park is there a well-protected population. Copaifera epunctata
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 7980, 16772 Suriname
A rare endemic of rainforest on iron-capped hills in
Conocarpus lancifolius Brownsberg.
Combretaceae LR/nt Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Somalia, Yemen Refs: 6493, 19196
A small tree from a genus of just two species. The
natural distribution is thought to be restricted to Copaifera panamensis
populations in the region of Woqooyi Galbeed, L-eguminosae VU A2cd
Togdheer, and Nugaal in Somalia and in
Bari Panama
Hadramaut in South Yemen. It occurs in cultivation Endemic Panama, the species ranges from Cocl6
elsewhere in East and North Africa and Arabia. Wild towards the Dari6n and San Bias. It occurs in
east, to
populations are confined to localities along water low numbers in lowland semi-deciduous rainforest,
courses in the semi-desert coastal zone. The wood of the sometimes inundated forest. Only in the Canal area does
damas tree provides excellent timber and charcoal. the species occur a little more frequently. Seedlings are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre notably scarce, indicating that regeneration may be poor.
Refs: 9059, 19083, 19108 The wood and resin are of commercial value but are less
commonly traded because the species has become rare.
Conostegia chiriquensis Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Melastomataceae VU CI Refs: 3156, 7272, 7980, 16772
For a short period, this cloud forest species was known Copaifera saUkounda
only from the mountains of Chiriqui. Populations have Leguminosae VU Aid
now been found in Bocas del Toro and the high Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone
mountains in the Canal region. There are occurrences in An Upper Guinea endemic, most abundant in moist
Volc&n Baru and La Amistad National Parks, one within evergreen forests. It can occur commonly and
3km of the border with Costa Rica. regeneration appears to be good. Exploitation of the
Assessor: Mitr6, M. timber, as well as habitat loss, throughout its range are
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 causing population declines.
Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Re/i; 2362, 2773,6128

Species Summaries

Copemicia brittonorum Preliminary data indicate the species is confined to less

Palmae VUBl+2e than 100km'. More detailed information on the species
Cuba should become available to confirm this evaluation. The
Las Villas and Pinar del Rio are the only known islands are designated as a national park and biosphere
localities of this palm tree. It occurs in lowland reserve and work is being carried out by *CONAF to
woodlands and in open wetlands. Local overexploitation save the native plants.
of the timber and leaf fibre is causing a decline in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population number and few individuals remain in the Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140
Assessor: Moya, C.
Refs: 19118 Coprosma rapensis var. benefica
Rubiaceae CR Dl
Copemicia ekmanii Pitcaim Islands
Palmae EN CI A small dioecious tree, endemic to Pitcaim. Only 10

individuals of flowering size were seen in 1997, and

Restricted to north-west Haiti, this palm tree occurs in these are mostly well scattered in the eastern half of the

lowland scrub on rocky shores near the sea. In 1996, a island in degraded areas of forest. Evidence of natural

field survey found about 1200 individuals in four

regeneration is limited to a single sapling.

populations, ranging from a single relict tree to healthy

Assessor: Waldren, S. & N. Kingston
populations numbering around 500. The leaves are used Refs: 19154

locally for thatching and the trunks are used for

construction; this exploitation is the major threat to this Coprosma taitensis var. glabrata
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Rubiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Refs: 19118 A shrub or small tree whi-h is known only from the
island of Raiatea in the Society Group.
Copemicia gigas Assessor: Florence, J.
Palmae VUBl+2e Refs: 14513
A palm tree confined to seasonally flooded woodland Coprosma taitensis var. oliveri
and savanna in eastern Cuba. It is suffering from
excessive local exploitation of the trunk wood and
Rubiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Society Is.)
The rarer of two varieties of the species occurring on
Assessor: Moya, C.
Tahiti. This taxon is also recorded from Moorea.
Refs: 19\\8
Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513
Coprosma cookei
Rubiaceae DD Coprosma taitensis var. raiateensis
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
Rubiaceae DD
An endemic to Rapa. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Assessor: Florence, J.
As with var. glabrata, the taxon is confined to the island
Refs: 14513
of Raiatea.
Assessor: Florence, J.
Coprosma esulcata Refs: 14513
Rubiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
Coprosma wallU
Populations are recorded on Nuku Hiva and Ua Pou. Rubiaceae VUBI+2c, D2
Assessor: Florence, J.
New Zealand (North Is., South Is.)
Refs: 14513
A small tree with divaricating branches, found in
lowland *kahikatea/matai forest, frost flats and
Coprosma oliveri
clearings. In the North Island only three localities are
Rubiaceae VU D2 known and occurrences have been recorded from
Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)
Nelson, Westland and Canterbury in the South Island.
A characteristic species of lower montane forest, a good There is evidence suggesting the species to be a poor
example of which is found at (Juebrada Villagra. competitor, suffering from the lack of periodic
Preliminary data indicate the species is confined to less disturbance and sites available for recolonisation.
than 100km*. More detailed information on the species Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
should become available to confirm this evaluation. The *c/j.-9800, 19133, 19134
islands are designated as a national park and biosphere
reserve and work is being carried out by *CONAF to
save the native plants. Cordeauxia edulis
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU A2cd
Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140 Ethiopia, Somalia
An important shrub or small tree species confined to
Coprosma pyrifolia semi-desert bushland from eastern Ogaden to central

Rubiaceae VU D2 Somalia. The seeds are highly nourishing and are

Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is) exploited to such levels that regeneration may be
A characteristic species of lower montane forest, a good hampered. The tree also provides valuable dry-season

example of which is found at Quebrada Villagra.

The World List of Threatened Trees

browse as well as and dye. The potential of the plant

fuel Cordia harrisU
The genus is monotypic.
as a food crop is being studied. Boraginaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Jamaica
Refs: 1330, 18665 A Cockpit Country endemic with a disjimct population
at the summit of Dolphin Head. Populations occur in

Cordia anisophyUa areas of woodland on limestone.

Boraginaceae VU A2cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panatna /?e/5; 401, 5653, 7980

Ranging from the centre of Panama to the border with

Colombia, the species occurs in lowland evergreen Cordia leslieae
forest. It is found in areas which are experiencing Boraginaceae CR B 1 +3bc
increasing urbanisation. Only the populations within Panama
Chagres National Park and Kunayala Indigenous The area from which this relatively newly described
Reserve are given some form of protection. species has been collected is geographically and
Assessor: Mitr6, M. altitudinally very restricted. The entire population is

Refs: 14407, 16772, 18039 contained Chagres National Park and is

somewhat threatened by encroaching settlement and
Cordia cicatricosa tourist activities.

Boraginaceae VU D2 Assessor: Mitre, M.

Peru Rc/i;4072, 16772, 18039
is known only from its
This lowland rainforest species
type, which was collected from the department of Cordia mandimbana
Loreto. Boraginaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mozambique
Refs: 1984 Known only from the type specimen, the species was
collected in 1941 from open woodland in the Ngami
Cordia clarendonensis valley.
Boraginaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Jamaica /fe/j. 5117, 18965
A Cockpit Country endemic which occurs rarely in open
woodland on arid hmestone between 400 and 760m, Cordia mukuensis
only in Clarendon and Trelawny Parishes. Boraginaceae VU D2
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. Democratic Republic of Congo
Refs: 5653, 19085 A species found only in rocky areas of savanna on Mont
Mukuen. The area is vulnerable to fire and overcutting.
Cordia correae Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
Boraginaceae EN A2c, E Refs: 17185, 17951
Described in 1988, this species is known only from a Cordia obovata
few collections taken from areas of evergreen rainforest Boraginaceae LR/nt
between 800 and 1000m in central Panama. There is a Oman, Somalia, Yemen (Socotra)
population within Chagres National Park, in Cerro Jefe. A species known from north-eastern Somalia and also
Other locations in Cerro Tute and in the Valle de Antdn, Socotra and Oman. Its habitat type is vulnerable to
which harbours the largest population, are strongly overcutting for wood especially for charcoal production.
affected by urban development and tourism. Assessor: Thulin, M.
Assessor: Mitre, M. Refs: 8697, 18665
Refs: 4072, 16772, 18039
Cordia platythyrsa
Cordia croatii Boraginaceae VU Aid
Boraginaceae VU A2c Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra
Costa Rica, Panama Leone
A species first described in 1988 and known only from a A timber species occurring in closed forest and
few scattered localities in Veraguas and Cocl6 in secondary formations. It regenerates well in disturbed
Panama and from larger populations in Costa Rica, forest: e.g. along logging roads. Exploitation is moderate
principally located in San Ram6n Forest Reserve. It is and the current threatened status of the species should be
restricted to cloud forest between 800 and 1200m. kept under review.
Assessor: MitrS, M. Assessor: African Regional Workshop
/fe/i:4072, 16772, 18039 Re/i; 2362, 2773, 6128, 6718

Cordia elUptica Cordia protracta

Boraginaceae LR/nt Boraginaceae ENBl+2bde
Jamaica Colombia, Panama
An uncommon species occurring in secondary rainforest Current information indicates that populations of this
on limestone and eastern parishes.
hills in central shrubby species are very scarce, occurring in lowland
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre evergreen forest in Kunayala Indigenous Reserve and
Refs: 6057, 7980 the Serranfa del Dari^n in Panama, and in the Chocd in
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772

Species Summaries

Cordia ramirezU Cordia valenzuelana

Boraginaceae VUBI+2c Boraginaceae VUBl+2e
Colombia Cuba
An endemic to Nariiio. An uncommon shrub or small tree confined to Rangel, a
Assessor: Calderon, E. small area in eastern Pinar del Rio Province. The species
Refs: 19069 has been overcut for its valuable timber.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Cordia sebestena var. caymanensis Refs: 16327, 18485. 19149
Boraginaceae LR/nt
Cayman Islands Cordia wagnerorum
Occurring in dry habitats on all three islands, this variety Boraginaceae CR Dl
is widespread and well represented in protected areas. Puerto Rico
There is potential for hybridisation to occur with the A straggling tree or woody vine of moist forest, known
type variety, which is being brought onto the islands for from no recent sitings but recorded in 1991 from the
landscaping. Import restrictions and growing interest in type locality on the El Toro Trail.
the propagation of native trees may help to avoid the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
problem. Habitat destruction is also extensive, but trees Refs: 3786, 5988, 7980, 17124
are often retained for landscaping.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cordyla haraka
Refs: 17038, 19137 Leguminosae VU A2cd
Cordia stuhlmannii An emergent tree confined to
low-altitude evergreen
Boraginaceae VU D2 humid Madagascar. The forest is
forest in north-east
Mozambique being degraded by exploitation and agriculture. Its
Two collections of this species were made from northern estimated range covers 20 000 km^ (*AC)0) and
parts of Mozambique 30 years ago, one from the includes some protected areas.
Reserva Florestal do Mucheve. The species occurs in Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
thicket on sandy soils and termite hills. Refs: 12353
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 5117, 18965 Cordyla madagascariensis
Leguminosae LR/nt
Cordia suckertii Madagascar
Boraginaceae LR/nt A deciduous tree, widespread in western and northern
Ethiopia, Somalia Madagascar. Its distribution is estimated to be 200,000
Scattered in central Somalia and adjacent parts of km^ (*EC)0) but is confined to highly fragmented areas
Ethiopia, the species is not widely spread. It is exploited of native vegetation. Several protected areas fall within
locally for the seeds, which are a good source of fat and its distribution.
protein. Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Assessor: Thulin, M. Refs: 6161
Refs: 1330, 18665
Cordyla richardii
Cordia tacarcunensis Legu mi nosae VU B 1 +2c
Boraginaceae DD Sudan, Uganda
Panama A savanna species known only from northern Uganda
The species has been collected only once, from an area and neighbouring Sudan.
of lowland rainforest near the Colombian border in Assessor: *MUIENR
Dari^n National Park. It is possible the population Refs: 9605, 9837, 10961, 16021
extends into Colombia but no record of the species has
been made since 1975. The locality has been opened up Cordyla somalensis
for agriculture somewhat. Leguminosae LR/nt
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Somalia
/?e/s;4072, 16772, 18039 One of the subspecies, ssp. littoralis, is confined to the
coastal dunes in southern Somalia and would be
Cordia troyana categorised as vulnerable (VU D2). However, the
Boraginaceae VUBl+2c differences between it and the type subspecies are not
Jamaica thought to be significant. The species occurs more
A Cockpit Country endemic recorded from Peckham widely from southern Somalia up to the eastern Ogaden.
and Douglas Castle Woods and other areas of woodland It is not common and its habitat is vulnerable to

on Umestone. There is evidence of cutting and degradation.

agricultural encroachment at both these sites. Assessor: Thulin, M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre ^e/j; 1330, 7550, 18665
Re/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Comus disciflora
Cordia urticacea Comaceae VU A led
Boraginaceae CRC2a Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas,
Honduras, Mexico (Guerrero) Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Sonora,
Assessor: Nelson, C. Tamaulipas, Veracruz), Panama
Refs: 3952, 3977, 13995, 18039 A cloud forest species with a wide range, extending
from northern Mexico through Central America. It is

The World List of Threatened Trees

mainly found the upper ranges of cloud forest,

in importantly a good-quality timber. Declines in the
pine-oak forest, between 1900 and
penetrating into number of mature individuals have been reported,
2250m. The timber is exploited and the habitat has caused largely by overexploitation. Habitat loss and poor
declined significantly. regeneration, apparently caused by the decimation of
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. GonzSlez-Espinosa seed crops by birds, are also thought to have contributed
Refs: 19203, 19206 to the present status of the species.
Assessor: Sun, W.
Comus monbeigU Refs: 1818,11847, 19055
Comaceae VUBl+2c
China (Yunnan) Corypha macropoda
A species of mixed montane forest or cloud forest, Palmae DD
occurring between 2800 and 3200m. Populations are India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
known from Weixi, Lijiang and Degin in north-west A palm tree known only from the middle and south
Yunnan. Rapid declines in numbers have been recorded, Andaman Islands. Its present status is unknown.
largely because of extensive habitat loss and degradation Assessor: Johnson, D.
in the last few years. No protection or conservation Refs: 19118
measures appear to be in place. The species is in
cultivation as an ornamental plant. Corypha microclada
Assessor: Sun, W. Palmae VU Ale, D2
Refs: 19055 Philippines
The species distribution is not confirmed. It appears to
Comutia obovata be confmed to lowland rainforest in Biliran Island.
Verbenaceae CR Dl Assessor: Madulid, D.
Puerto Rico Refs: 19118
A small of dry serpentine or moist limestone
locations. A total population of eight individuals is Corypha taliera
thought to be divided between three or four sites: Ri'o Palmae EW
Abajo, Aricedo Observatory, Barrenquitas and possibly India
in the state forest at Susua. This monocarpic palm tree is not known in the wild.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Specimens are growing in the Indian Botanic Garden
«e/j. 6107, 7980, 17124 and the Fairchild Tropical Garden.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Comutia thyrsoidea Refs: 19118
Verbenaceae LR/nt
Jamaica Corypha umbraculifera
Occurring in woodland margins on limestone hills, the Palmae DD
species is uncommon and exposed to frequent habitat India (Kamataka, Kerala)
degradation. A monocarpic palm of moist forest, restricted to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kamataka and Malabar coast of Kerala. It is difficult
Refs: 6057, 7980 to distinguish between wild and semi-wild populations.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Corokia macrocarpa Refs: 19118
Escalloniaceae LR/nt
New Zealand (Chatham Is.) Corythophora labriculata
This small tree actually occurs quite commonly on the Lecythidaceae VU D2
Chatham Islands, to which it is conflned. Populations Suriname
are, however, under great pressure from the continuous A relatively small tree of non-flooded rainforest, riverine
damage caused by browsing possums. or swamp forest, known from about 15 collections. The
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. genus is made up of four species.
Refs: 902, 5563, 19133, 19134 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3791, 7980, 9263, 19196
Corylopsis pauciflora
Hamamelidaceae DD Cossinia trifoUata
Japan, Taiwan Sapindaceae VUBl+2c
In Taiwan populations few and restricted to isolated
are New Caledonia
localities in broadleaved submontane forest in Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at.

Chingshuishan and Bashienshan. They are unprotected Refs: 10351

and regenerating poorly. Information is needed on the
population in Japan. Cotoneaster granatensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rosaceae LR/cd
Refs: 6469, 19050, 19053 Spain
Endemic to the Andalusian sierras, this shrubby species
Corylus chinensis occurs on calcareous and ultrabasic rocks. Most of the
Corylaceae EN A led population is contained within protected sites. It is a
China (Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, useful coloniser and stabiliser of eroding slopes.
Yuiman) Assessor: Vivero, J.L. el al.

A relatively widely occurring component of middle Refs: 7222, 7741

elevation broadleaved forest. Trees are fast-growing and
provide various commercially useful products, most

Species Summaries

Cotylelobium burckU threatens the species survival. It is included in the

Dipterocarpaceae EN Alc(l-t-2cd official list of threatened BraziUan plants compiled by
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) *IBAMA.
A tree that is locally common on giant podzols and poor Assessor: Varty, N.
sandy soils, often near the coast and in lowland heath Refs: 5901, 7980, 8815, 15539, 16123
forest. The wood is used for boat making. Some
populations occur within reserves. Couepia scottmorii
Assessor: Ashton, P. Chrysobalanaceae CRBl+2bd
Afe/i; 7673,9169, 13857 Panama
A scarce species which is confined to a small area of
Cotylelobium lanctolatum cloud forest between 800 and 1000m in the region of
Dipterocarpaceae VU A 1 cd, B 1 +2c Cerro Jefe, in the province of Panaml The whole
Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, species' range is within the boundaries of Chagres
Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore, Thailand National Park. Before the area was granted this status, a
This species is restricted to a declining habitat on sandy large part of the original forest was destroyed for
low hills. It is widespread but local, and recorded within housing and industrial developments. A single collection
some reserves. from Valle del Cauca in Colombia could possibly be
Assessor: Ashton, P. included imder this species.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 18327 Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 5970, 7501, 7980, 16772
Cotylelobium lewisianum
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlacd,Bl+2c Couratari asterophora
Sri Lanka Lecythidaceae CR B 1 +2c
A tree restricted to rocky ridges of highland evergreen Brazil (Bahia)
forest. Its wood is collected locally. This species was not This species is known only from the type collection,
found during the extensive National Conservation which was taken from fanning land.
Review forest surveys. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 3791, 5942, 7980, 9632

Refs: 15431, 13857, 19112
Couratari asterotrieha
Cotylelobium melanoxylon Lecythidaceae CRBl+2d
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd Brazil (Espfrito Santo)
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), A species known only from the type locality in Linhares
Singapore Forest Reserve.
Some populations of the species are known to occur in Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

forest reserves. Rc/s; 3791, 7980, 9632

Assessor: Ashton, P.
Ue/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Couratari atronnosa
Lecythidaceae ENBl+2d
Cotylelobium scabriusculum Brazil (Amazonas)
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B 1 +2c Confmed to non-flooded forests in the vicinity of
Sri Lanka Manaus, the species is threatened by flres and urban
A tree restricted to lowland wet evergreen forest, a expansion. An occurrence is recorded from INPA
habitat type that is foimd only in the south-western Experimental Reserve.
comer of the island. This species was not found in the Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
extensive forest surveys conducted for the National «e/i.- 3791, 7980, 9632
Conservation Review.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Couratari calycina
Refs: 15431, 17195, 13857, 191 12 Lecythidaceae VU D2
Couepiajoaquimie This rainforest tree has been collected only once, along
Chrysobalanaceae CR Dl the Bartica-Potaro road in 1933.
Brazil (Amap^) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species was described in 1991 from collections /fe/i; 3791, 7980
originating from Jari. So far only four individuals are
known. Couratari guianensis
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Lecythidaceae VU A2bcde
Refs: 19095 Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Pari, Rondonia), Colombia,
Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru,
Couepia schottii Suriname, Venezuela
Chrysobalanaceae VUAlc+2c A widespread timber species which has suffered serious
Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Rio de Janeiro) population declines because of overexploitation and
Little of the *restinga vegetation, to which the species is habitat loss, most particularly in Central America and
confmed, remains. The expansion of the tourist industry Brazil.
and holiday homes, as well as exploitation for fuelwood. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 4616, 4870, 5134, 5942, 9632, 10686, 12109,

14717, 17854


The World List of Threatened Trees

Couratari longipediceltata Coursetia brachyrachis

Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c, D Leguminosae VUBl-t-2ac
Brazil (Amazonas) Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
This species is known only from
areas of non-flooded Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina
forest in the of Manaus. Fires, felling and
vicinity and Bolivia, the species is confined to an unprotected
cutting the buttresses are the most major threats. ecosystem which is being rapidly replaced by
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. agricultural systems.
^e/s; 3791, 7980, 9632 Assessor: Prado, D.
Refs: 19122
Couratari prancei
Lecythidaceae CRBl+2d Coursetia hypoleuca
Brazil (Acre), Peru Leguminosae VUBl+2ac
A rarely collected species of non-flooded forest, Argentina (Jujuy, Salta, TucumSn), Bolivia
occurring in Acre and eastern Peru. The area is A tree or shrub, endemic to the subandean piedmont
threatened by increasing land settlement. forest of north-west Argentina and Bolivia. The
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. ecosystem is unprotected and, at least in Argentina, the
/?e/i; 3791, 7980, 9632 habitat is constantly declining because of encroaching
agriculture and other human activities. The species acts
Couratari pyramidata as a and is reported to be regenerating
Lecythidaceae EN B 1 +2c sufficiently. There is considerable interest in it as a
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) source for compounds which attack the AIDS virus.
At one time the species may have represented a Assessor: Prado, D.
commonly occurring tree. It is now confined to forested Refs: 1262, 13295
areas around Rio de Janeiro.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Coussapoa curranii
/Je/i; 3791, 7980, 9632 Cecropiaceae VU Ale
Couratari sandwUhU A scarce species of Atlantic forest in the north-east and
Lecythidaceae VU D2 south-east of Brazil.
Suriname, Venezuela Assessor: Carauta, J.P.P.
A poorly known species, collected only twice from areas Refs: 7980, 10481, 15717, 19101
of lowland non-flooded rainforest in the Venezuelan
Guyana and Suriname. Coussapoa floccosa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cecropiaceae VUB1-H2ab
y?e/i; 3791, 6493, 7980 Brazil (Minas Gerais)
Assessor: Pereira, J.P. el at.

Couratari scottmorii Refs: 79S0,\04%\, 15717

Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Costa Rica, Panama Coussapoa tolimensis
A large buttressed tree of evergreen lowland rainforest, Cecropiaceae ENB1-h2c
known from about four collections taken from a locality Colombia
in the Osa Peninsula
in Costa Rica and from single An endemic to ToUma.
San B1& and Dari^n in Panama.
localities in Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 19069
Refs: 3791, 4616, 7980, 14717
Coussarea klugU
Couratari tauari Rubiaceae DD
Lecythidaceae VU D2 Peru
Brazil (Amazonas, Par^) Occurring in Amazon forest, the only record of the
An infrequent species known from a few widely species is its type collection taken from the department
geographically separated collections from non-flooded of Loreto. There is uncertainty over the taxonomy. It

forest. may be treated as a variety of C. longiflora or a

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. synonym of C. benensis.
Refs: 3791, 5942, 7980, 9632 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Couroupita nicaraguensis
Lecythidaceae LR/nt Coussarea mexicana
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Rubiaceae VU Ale
Panama Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz)
Although widely occurring from El Salvador to Ecuador, This canopy tree is restricted to the remaining rainforest
the species is scattered sparsely in lowland semi- in the Gulf region, from southern Veracruz to the
deciduous rainforest, sometimes in swampy areas. It is adjacent states further south.
noted as common in Nicaragua and in Dari6n National Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Park in Panama. The habitat, especially where Refs: 5993
unprotected, is under pressure from increasing
settlement, logging and agriculture. Crcdbia atlantica
Assessor: Mitre, M. Leguminosae VU Ale
Refs: 1984,7980,16772 Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria
The distribution of this species is irregular from Cote

Species Summaries

Cameroon. Although generally uncommon, it

d'lvoire to throughout the range. Only two species have been
can occur in some abundance at certain sites, e.g. along described in this somewhat taxonomically unresolved
river banks. In Ghana it is best known from the Shai genus.
Hills. In Cameroon it is known only from an area along Assessor: Sun, W.
the banks of Sanaga River. Its forest habitat, particularly Refs: 1818,11847,19055
dry forest in Ghana, has experienced serious reductions
in extent, mainly because of agricultural expansion,
Craieranthus talbotii
settlement and fires.

Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Lecythidaceae VU Bl-t-2ac

Cameroon, Nigeria
Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061, 12597
An unusual small tree, which occurs in swamp forests in
an area extending from south-east Nigeria into
Crcdbia brevicaudata ssp. brevicaudata
Cameroon. The largest, if not the only, remaining
Leguminosae LR/nl
populations occur in the Oban Division of the Cross
River National Park in Nigeria and the contiguous
Relatively widespread in Kenya extending into north-
Korup National Park in Cameroon. Forests outside
east Tanzania, this subspecies occurs in evergreen
protected areas have largely been logged and cleared for
coastal forest and rocky woodland or bushland along
commercial crops and subsistence farming. This is the
only member of the genus.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Motiitoring Centre
Refs: 3356. 6396, 10961
/?e/j.- 2773, 4977, 11504

Craibia brevicaudata ssp. burttii

Leguminosae EN B I +2c Craterispermum longipedunculatum
Kenya Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Most specimens of the species in Kenya are ssp. Tanzania
brevicaudata. This subspecies survives only in coastal Endemic to southern parts of the Nguru Mountains and
forest patches near Kibwezi and on Emali Hill. northern parts of the Udzungwa Mountains, this species
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre isconfined to moist evergreen montane forest within a
Refs: 6396, 10961 very narrow altitudinal band.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Craibia brevicaudata ssp. schliebenii Refs: 3356, 5204
Leguminosae VU B I +2b
Mozambique, Tanzania
This subspecies occurs in dry evergreen forest at Craterispermum microdon
elevations between 1100 and 1800m in east Tanzania Rubiaceae VU D2
and the Gorongosa Mountains in Mozambique. Seychelles
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as

Refs: 3356, 10961 threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution.

Populations are healthy and stable.
Crcdbiodendron scleranthum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ericaceae VUBI+2c Refs: 16212, 17229

Viet Nam
Endemic to central Viet Nam, this large tree is scattered Craterispermum montanum
sparsely or found in dominant stands in dense evergreen Rubiaceae VU B I +2c, D2
broadleaved and mixed forest in Gia Lai, Kon Turn, Phu Sao Tom6 & IMncipe (Principe, Sao Tom6)
Yen and Khanh Hoa Provinces. The wood is used in A small tree, which was relatively well collected on

construction work and fiimiture-making. expeditions at the turn of the century and before. In the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre present day it number of
appears to be localised to a
/ee/i;848, 15357, 19060 primary forest sites at high altitudes (>IOOOm). The bark
is an important ingredient in a fortifying drink for

Craigia kwangsiensis swordfish hunters and also in an aphrodisiac drink.

Tiliaceae CRDl There is evidence that some trees are dying from
China (Guangxi) overcollection of the bark.

This species has been found at only a single locality in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Langping, growing in forest on limestone hills at 1400m. Refs: 2724, 10080, 19042, 19111

An extensive search in 1982 failed to relocate the

species. There are only two species in this somewhat Cratylia bahiensis
taxonomically unresolved genus. Leguminosae VU B I +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (Bahia)
Refs: 1818,11725,11847 Known from six sites, this newly described species is

confined to a small area of semi-deciduous forest in

Craigia yunnanensis central-southern Bahia. It can occur as a climbing shrub
Tiliaceae ENBl+2c or a treelet.
China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan), Viet Nam Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Small populations are scattered in RuiU, Malipo, Xichou Refs: 16095
and Lushui in Yunnan, in western Guangxi and Dushan
County in southern Guizhou, and in north Viet Nam.
The species habitat is monsoon between 500 and
1000m. It has been extensively cleared and degraded

The World List of Threatened Trees

Cremastosperma longicuspe bamboo thicket above 3000m. It is not known

Annonaceae VU D2 elsewhere.
Peni Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A genus endemic to the Andes. This species is known /fe/j; 1330, 11191,18523
only from the type, collected in Loreto.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Croton alienus
Refs: 1984 Euphorbiaceae EN Bl+2c
Cremastosperma megalophyllum Endemic to central Kenya, this shrub or small tree is

Annonaceae VU D2 restricted to humid areas of upland evergreen or

Peru secondary forest. Loss of habitat to create land for
A genus endemic to the Andes. This species is known agriculture and land settlement is the greatest threat to
only from the type, which was collected in Loreto. the species. There are protected populations in some
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reserves, such as Mount Kenya and Kakamega forest,

Refs: 1984 although some of these areas are being actively logged.
The Plant Conservation Programme in Kenya has raised
Cremastosperma panamense seedlings.
Armonaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panama /?c/i. 6396,9198, 17859
Although reported fix)m Panama, there is no information
in the literature or in herbaria in Panama to indicate Croton aubrevillei
where the species is located. Euphorbiaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c

Assessor: M\U6, M. Cote d'lvoire, Ghana

Refs: 6247, 16772 A rare species of wet evergreen forests. Reductions in
this caused by ntining and forestry activities

Cremastosperma peruvianum over the last few decades, have been significant.
Armonaceae VU D2 Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Peru Refs: 4108, 8369, 1 1530, 12061
A genus endemic to the Andes. This species is known
only from the type, which was collected in Loreto. Croton cordatulus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 1984 New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Critoniopsis sevillana Refs: 10351

Compositae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Croton dictyophlebodes
A tree species which is endemic to theHigh Andes of Euphorbiaceae VU Bl+2b
Ecuador. It is apparently restricted to montane forest in a Tanzania
narrow altitudinal range. Restricted to the West Usambara Mountains, this species

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurs within dry montane forest. It has a close affinity
Refs: 19119,19120 with C. sylvaticus.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Critoniopsis sodiroi «e/5.- 2074, 3356, 11631
Compositae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Croton jatrophoides
A which is endemic to the montane
tree or shrub forest Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
zone of the Ecuadorean High Andes. Tanzania
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A dry coastal forest species from eastern Tanzania, also
Refs: 19119,19120 said to occur in south-east Kenya.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Crossopetalum parviflorum Refs: 3356, 10961
Celastraceae LR/nt
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama Croton kelantanicus
A widely distributed species in Costa Rica, Nicaragua Euphorbiaceae VU D2
and Guatemala, also reporied from Mexico, and in small Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
populations in the provinces of Bocas del Toro, Panama A small tree of primary evergreen rainforest, collected
and the Canal zone Panama. Scattered in lowland
in only a single time from Kelantan.
semi-deciduous forest, the species is found in areas Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
which are experiencing high rates of settlement and Refs: 8464, 19073
human population growth.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Croton laurinus
Refs: 15037, 16772 Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Crotalaria exattata Populations are confined to areas of woodland on craggy
Leguminosae LR/nt limestone.
Ethiopia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
From the Kefa, Shewa, Bale and Sidamo regions this Refs: 6057, 7980
small tree occurs in the margins of upland forest or

Species Summaries

Croton lawianus Croton socotranus

Euphoibiaceae CRBl+2c Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
India (Kamataka) Yemen (Socotra)
A small tree of stunted montane forest, collected only This is one of the commonest trees on Socotra. It

once Bababudan range.

in the dominates all types of vegetation over much of the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre coastal plains and foothills. Trees are cut for
Refs: 19144 constructing roofs. Current rates of exploitation are
sustainable but increasing development of the island
Croton longipedicelUitus ssp. austrotanzanicus may place the species under greater risk.
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Tanzania Refs: 2354, 19083
A Tanzanian endemic which occurs in deciduous coastal
thicket and open woodland. It is known from two sites: Croton stelluUfer
Nakilala in Kilwa District and Lake Lutamba. Areas Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
around the latter were extensively cleared 50 years ago Sao Tom6 & Principe (Principe, Sao Tom6)
for the cultivation of commercial crops, leaving only a An upland tree with a relatively wide altitudinal range,
small area of forest contained within Litipo Forest principally occurring in secondary forest. Populations
Reserve. are recorded fromOque Pipi on Principe and Lagoa
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Amelia, Morro Miguel Angelo and Esperanca on Sao
Refs: 3356, 8814 Tome. Although trees have been seen to set fruit, no
regeneration is evident. The wood is valued as a timber.
Croton lucidus Areas on both islands remain to be inventoried and it is

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 hoped there are regenerating populations in existence.

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree of primary evergreen rainforest, known Refs: 2724, 10080, 19042, 19111
only from a single collection, gathered from Gunung
Pulai in Johore. Croton sulcifructus
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Refs: 8464, 19073 Yemen (Socotra)
The species is scattered, although occasionally common
Croton macrocarpus in areas of moist submontane woodland. There are no
Euphorbi aceae CR B 1 +2c immediate threats.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Recorded by a single collection, the species was known Refs: 2354, 19083
from an area of peat swamp forest at Telok in Selangor
which has since been developed for agriculture. Croton talaeporos
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Refs: 17140, 19073 Kenya, Somalia
A species confmed to bushland or woodland on the coast
Croton megalocarpoides of Kenya and southern Somalia. It occurs in abundance
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt near Kiunga.
Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania Assessor: Thulin, M.
At the north of the species range two populations occur Refs: 6396, 8697, 10961, 18665
in rocky places of semi-evergreen woodland and scrub
in southern Somalia extending into Kenya near Kiunga. Croton touranensis
Further south new locations have been found in Euphorbiaceae VU D2
remaining patches of forest in Lindi and coastal Viet Nam
Tanzania, possibly extending into northern This species appears to be endemic to Viet Nam, where
Mozambique. it is known from only a single locality in Da Nang.

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3356, 5654, 6396, 8697, 9198, 12067, 18665 Refs:S48, 11530

Croton phuquocensis Croton vaughanii

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Euphorbiaceae CR Ale, Bl+2e, C2ab, Dl
Viet Nam Mauritius
This species appears to be endemic to Viet Nam, where Only five individuals remain.
it is known from only a single locality in Kien Giang Assessor: Strahm, W.
Province. Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 848 Crotonogyne manniana
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Croton sarcocarpus Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Gabon, Ghana,
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Nigeria
Yemen (Socotra) An understorey shrubby tree restricted to but locally
The species is scattered, although occasionally common abundant in wet evergreen forest. The species is

in areas of moist submontane woodland. There are no relatively wide-ranging from Ghana to Gabon. Mining,
immediate threats. logging and other forestry activities, particularly in

Assessor: Miller, A.G.

Refs: 2354, 19083

The World List of Threatened Trees

Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon, have caused the general Crudia zeylanica
decline and degradation of these forests. Leguminosae EX
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka

Refs: 450, 2773, 12061, 12597, 15251, 19043 A endemic to Sri Lanka.
large tree of the wet lowlands
The species been considered on the verge of
Crudia balachandrae extinction for over a decade, and as it was not found in
Leguminosae VU D2 the recent National Conservation Review forest survey it
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.) is likely to be extinct. A single tree was supposed to

This is the only species of the genus in India. It is rare exist in the Peradeniya Botanical Garden. However, it

and endemic to Great found

Nicobar Island where it is has not been refound in the garden despite an intensive
on forested slopes on the north to south road near South search.

Bay. There is evidence of insect damage on the flowers. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8203, 12129, 18796
Refs: 2609
Cryosophila bartleltii

Crudia brevipes Palmae ENAIc,Bl+2c,C2a

Leguminosae VU D2 Panama
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Occurring in lowland areas, the species is known only
A tree of lowland rainforest, confined to Tasek Glugor, from a few small scattered populations in the vicinity of
Wellesley Province, Penang. Only one collection of the Lago Alajuela. Much of the original habitat was flooded
species has been made. The area is under increasing by the construction of this artificial lake. Logging and
settlement. increasing agriculture and settlements are the principal
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre threats to remaining populations. One small population

Refs: 8464. 19073 is protected within Chagres National Park. The fibre is
locally traded.

Crudia glauca Assessor: Evans, R.

Leguminosae DD Refs: 19118
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This rare tree occurs in open forest on limestone hills, Cryosophila cookii
confined to Gopeng in the state of Perak. The area is Palmae CRAIc,BI+2a,C2a
experiencing mining activities and increasing settlement. Costa Rica
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. The most morphologically distinct species in the genus.

Refs: 8464, 19073 Individuals or small groups are scattered in Atlantic

lowland rainforest near Limon. The present adult

Crudia lanceolala population is estimated to number less than 100

Leguminosae VUBl+2c individuals. The range of the species is presumed to
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand have been larger in the past. Habitat conversion to
This tree is found in both Peninsular Malaysia and agriculture has caused major population declines.

Peninsular Thailand, inhabiting primary hill rainforest. Logging, increasing settlements and decline in

Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. dispersal/pollination agent populations have also

Refs: 8464, 19073 contributed to losses. The palm heart is eaten locally for
medicinal purposes. A few plants are protected in Tortu

Crudia penduliflora Guero National Park.

Leguminosae VU D2 Assessor: Evans, R.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 19118
This lowland rainforest species is confined to Mount
Ophir in Johore. Only one collection has been made. Cryosophila grayumii
The area is experiencing some logging and increasing Palmae CR Ale
settlement. Costa Rica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A single-stemmed palm of lowland rainforest, occurring
Refs: 8464, 19073 on limestone on the Pacific slope. Populations are small,
widely scattered and threatened by increasing agriculture
Crudia scortechinii and settlement and logging. There is a protected
Leguminosae VU Bl+2c population in Carava Biological Reserve.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Evans, R.
An endemic tree of Peninsular Malaysia known only Refs: 19118
from lowland and hill rainforest in the state of Perak.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Cryosophila guagara
Refs: 8464, 19073 Palmae LR/nt
Costa Rica, Panama
Crudia splendens A palm tree of lowland rainforest, a habitat which has
Leguminosae VU D2 greatly declined through conversion to agriculture.
Indonesia (Kalimantan) Large populations still exist in protected areas in Costa
This species is only known from the type collection. Rica, including Corcorado National Park, Carava
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Biological Reserve and Golfito Wildlife Reserve. The
Refs: 1766 heart of the palm is eaten locally for medicinal purposes.
Assessor: Evans, R.
Refs: 19118

Species Summaries

Cryosophila kalbreyeri Cryptocarya bitripUnerva

Palmae LR/nt Lauraceae EN Bl+2c
Colombia, Panama New Caledonia
A single-stemmed palm of lowland to submontane A single locality is known in the Kalou^holo valley
rainforest, ranging from eastern Panama to western where the species occurs in lowland forest on ultramafic
Madalena, Colombia. The Colombian populations have soils.
been divided into two subspecies, both of which are Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

considered endangered by the Institute de Investigacion Refs: 10351, 12630

de Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt.
Much of the original habitat has been converted for Cryptocarya eUiptifoUa
agriculture and the species has become rare or absent in Lauraceae CR C2a, Dl
places. In remote, undisturbed areas the species remains Philippines, Taiwan
relatively common. In Taiwan, the population is confined to areas of
Assessor: Evans, R. lowland broadleaved forest on Lanyu Island. The
Refs: 19069,19118 number of mature individuals is very small (<250). Poor
regeneration and housing developments cause the most
Cryosophila nana serious concern for remaining populations. Information
Palmae LR/nt is needed on the populations in Philippines.

Mexico (Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Nayarit, Sinaloa) Refs: 6469, 7933, 19050, 19051
Occurring on the Pacific coast, the species is found in
areas of dry deciduous forest, often pine-oak woodland, Cryptocarya ferrarsii
up to 1700m. Much of the original dry forest along the Lauraceae CRBl+2c
coast is cleared or greatly altered as a result of logging India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
and conversion to agriculture and settlements. A small forest tree, known o.ily from the type collection
Populations have become scarce or have completely on Middle Andaman Island. The forests here have
disappeared at lower elevations. In relatively declined significantly through large-scale logging. Intact
undisturbed areas in upper altitudinal limits, the species forest remains in Jarwa Reserve, which is unexplored
can be common. and may harbour further populations of the species.
Assessor: Evans, R. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19118 /?e/i: 4799, 7147

Cryosophila wilUamsii Cryptocarya mannii

Palmae EW Lauraceae LR/nt
Honduras USA (Hawaii)
The species is confmed to two widely-separated A rarely collected species known only from Kauai and
populations on the west side of Lago Yojoa, occurring in Oahu, where it occurs in various forest types.
lowland rainforest on steep slopes. The population at Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lago Yojoa is known to be reproducing and is given Refs: 3372
some protection within a forest reserve. Increasing
agricuture, settlement and logging have caused Cryptocarya membranacea
population declines in the past. The leaves are used Lauraceae ENBI+2c
locally for thatching and the palm heart is eaten for Sri Lanka
medicinal purposes. The flowers are unique in the genus A rare species confined to lowland wet evergrei^n forest
in their ascending rather than arching position. in south-west Sri Lanka. During the extensive National
Assessor: Evans, R. Conservation Review forest surveys, this species turned
/ie/r; 7645, 7724, 19118 up in only four forest localities.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cryptocarya anamaUayana «e/i;8203, 17195, 19112
Lauraceae ENBl+2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Cryptocarya palawanensis
A poorly known species of submontane forest, collected Lauraceae ENBl+2c
three or four times from three widely separated Philippines
localities. This Palawan endemic occurs in forest next to mangrove
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre stands at sea level. Mangrove areas continue to be
Refs: 19144 depleted by local people collecting firewood and
construction timber, despite their forest reserve status.
Cryptocarya beddomei The main island is declared a biosphere reserve.
Lauraceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Refs: 4986, 18088
Rarely collected, the species occurs in widely scattered
localities of submontane forest along the Western Ghats, Cryptocarya stocksii
from Kodachadri to the Agastyamalai Hills. Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Refs: 19144 A medium-sized tree of submontane forest. Little is
known about its habitat. It has been collected just four

times from four widely separated locations, from

The World List of Threatened Trees

Bababudan in the Kamataka to the Agastyamalai Hills in Cuminia femandezia

Tamil Nadu. Labiatae CRBI-t-2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is)

Refs: 19144 An arborescent species of Labiatae, confined to

remaining upper montane forest. Preliminary data
Cryptocarya wightiana indicate the species is confined to less than 100km' and
Lauraceae VUAlc declining in numbers through the effects of grazing by
Sri Lanka feral animals and spread of introduced weeds. More
A common tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen detailed information on the species should become
forests of south-west Sri Lanka. available to confirm this evaluation. The islands are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre designated as a national park and biosphere reserve and
/?e/j; 9176, 17195 work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the native
plants. The genus contains two species, endemic to Juan
Cryptosepabim diphyUum Fernandez.
Leguminosae ENBl+2ac Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Nigeria /?e/i: 3241, 5651
Records of this forest species are known only from
south-east Nigeria. It is not known from the Oban Cunninghamia konishii
Division of the Cross River National Park. Forest Taxodiaceae VU A lac
outside protected areas is almost completely cleared and Laos, Taiwan, Viet Nam
planted with commercial or subsistence crops. A good-quality timber tree, which is mainly known from
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurrences in evergreen submontane forest in northern
/fe/s; 2773, 7550, 11504 and central Taiwan. Many stands have been destroyed
by felling and replaced with commercial plantations in
Cryptosepabim tetraphyllum Taiwan. There is a protected population in Yushan
Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c National Park. More recently the species has apparently
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone been found in two small stands in the wild, in Houa
A rare tree which occurs in wet evergreen forests and Phan Province in northern Laos and at Bu Huong
along riversides in more deciduous forests. It ranges Mountain in Viet Nam. The species is sometimes
from Guinea to Sierra Leone. A general decline in this known as a variety or form of C. lanceolata.
habitat type has been caused by mining, logging and the Assessor: Pan, F.J.
establishment of commercial plantations. Refs: 374, 11191, 15357, 19050, 19051
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
/Je/i; 7550, 8369, 12061 Cunonia aoupiniensis
Cunoniaceae VU D2
CuUenia ceylanica New Caledonia
Bombacaceae VUAlc Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.

Sri Lanka Refs: 10351

A species occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests
of south-west Sri Lanka. Cunonia ouaiemensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cunoniaceae VU D2
Refs: 15431, 17195 New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.

Cuttenia rosayroana Refs: 10351

Bombacaceae LR/cd
Sri Lanka Cunonia rotundifolia
A subcanopy tree, restricted to the wet lowlands of Sri Cunoniaceae LR/cd
Lanka. It is commonly found in the Sinharaja Biosphere New Caledonia
Reserve. Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10351

Refs: 15431, 17195, 18515
Cupania mollis
Cuminia eriantha Sapindaceae LR/cd
Labiatae CRBl-i-2c El Salvador, Guatemala
Chile (Juan Fernandez Is) A abundant species of primary forest up to an
An arborescent species of Labiatae, confined to altitudeof 1200m in El Salvador. The habitat is under
remaining upper montane forest. Preliminary data great pressures from logging, fires, the growing human
indicate the species is confined to less than lOOkm^ and population and agriculture. The species regenerates well
declining in numbers through the effects of grazing by and is represented in protected areas.
feral animals and spread of introduced weeds. More Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
detailed information on the species should become /?e/j; 4862, 4974, 19030
available to confirm this evaluation. The islands are
designated as a national park and biosphere reserve and Cupaniopsis acuticarpa
work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the native Sapindaceae VU D2
plants. The genus contains two species, endemic to Juan Papua New Guinea
Fernandez. A small tree or shrub known only from the type
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collection from Central Province.
;fe/i; 3241, 5651 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18389, 19047

Species Summaries

Cupaniopsis buUata Cupaniopsis rotundifotia

Sapindaceae VU D2 Sapindaceae ENBl+2c
Papua New Guinea New Caledonia
A small tree found in secondary vegetation in Central Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.
Province, known only from the type collection. Refs: 10351
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18389, 19047 Cupaniopsis squamosa
Sapindaceae ENBl+2c
Cupaniopsis crassivalvis New Caledonia
Sapindaceae EX Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al.
New Caledonia Refs: 10351
A species once collected from an area north-east of La
Conception near Noumea. It has not been found since Cupaniopsis strigosa
1869 despite this being the botanically best known Sapindaceae VU D2
region of Grand Terre. Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Assessor: SalM, T. et al. This species is known only from the type collection
Refs: 4492, 10351 from Mount Bonthain.
Assessor: Adema, F.
Cupaniopsis euneura Refs: 18389, 19047
Sapindaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Cupaniopsis subfalcata
This species is only known from the type collection, Sapindaceae ENBl+2c
gathered from West Highlands Province. New Caledonia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al.
Refs: 18389, 19047 Refs: 10351

Cupaniopsis glabra Cupaniopsis tontoutensis

Sapindaceae EN B 1 +2c Sapindaceae ENBI+2c
New Caledonia New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al
Refs: 10351 Refs: 10351

Cupaniopsis globosa Cupheanthus microphyllus

Sapindaceae VlIBl+2c Myrtaceae VUBI+2c
New Caledonia New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al
Refs: 4492, \Q35\ Refs: 10351

Cupaniopsis mouana Cupressus arizonica var. montana

Sapindaceae EN B 1 +2c Cupressaceae vU D2
New Caledonia Mexico (Baja California)
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Very few trees remain in the area where the variety was
Refs: 10351 described. They are confined to steep slopes in San
Pedro Martfr. Large herds of cattle appear to be allowed
Cupaniopsis napaensis to graze indiscriminately even though the area has
Sapindaceae VU D2 national park status.
Papua New Guinea Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
This species is known only from the type collection, Refs: 6972, 11886, 13041, 18751
which was located in scrub near a dry creek in Central
Province. Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cupressaceae VU D2
Rt^s: 18389, 19047 USA (California)
This variety is known from four localities in the Piute
Cupaniopsis phanerophleibia Mountains and their vicinity. Some risk occurs from
Sapindaceae VU D2 fires, grazing and mining. Several occurrences are
Papua New Guinea contained within protected areas.
An understorey tree from Western Province, known only Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
from a single collection .
Refs: 374, 3786, 6972, 13041, 19193
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18389, 19047 Cupressus arizonica var. stephensonU
Cupressaceae VU D2
Cupaniopsis rosea USA (California)
Sapindaceae ENB1+2C Only two populations, approximately 1000 individuals,
New Caledonia exist in fire-prone areas within Cleveland National
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al. Forest and Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. The Conejo
Refs: 10351 fire of 1950 extirpated part of the population. Species
management guidelines are adopted in Cleveland

The World List of Threatened Trees

National Forest. There is a lack of agreement over the widely distributed, especially along a historic trade route
variety's taxonomic status, it commonly being to Sikkim. These trees may have been planted.
considered to hold species status. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 374
Refs: 374, 3786, 6972, 1 1886, 13041, 19193
Cupressus dupreziana
Cupressus atlantica Cupressaceae CR A2c, CI
Cupressaceae EN Alabc, Bl+2b, Cl+2a, Dl Algeria
Morocco Three populations, containing 153 individuals and
One or two small groves remain in dry woodland on covering, are thought to exist. The main
steep scree slopes in Oued n'Fiss Valley south of concentration is in Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, which
Marakech Mountains. Estimates of the area
in the Atlas has been designated a World Heritage Site. There is no
of occupancy have declined from 5500ha in 1950 to regeneration in the wild. It is believed that the water
1460ha in 1986, largely because of habitat degradation, table has sunk to an extent that impedes regeneration.
overgrazing and to some extent exploitation. The species has been successfully established in
Observations during a visit to the site in 1997 indicated a cultivation.
complete absence of natural regeneration. One Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
subpopulation fenced and attempts are being made to
is Refs: 374, 12567
replant the species but the rates of success are very low.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Cupressus gigantea
/?e/i; 374, 4506, 13041,19191 Cupressaceae VU Aid
China (Xizang)
Cupressus bakeri Confined to eastern Tibet, the species forms sparse pure
Cupressaceae VUBl+2bd stands along rivers on sheltered dry slopes. The largest
USA Oregon)
(California, individuals are said to be in a cemetery. Little
This species is known from nine scattered sites in north regeneration is apparent except in the Yarlungzangbo
California and the extreme south of Oregon. Only one of River basin but the tree coppices well.
them extends as far as two miles in length. Locations Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
once known have been lost. Although fire-adapted, it is Refs: 1818.11847, 13041
vulnerable to intense fires, which break out when the
fuel load has built up. Cupressus goveniana var. abramsiana
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Cupressaceae EN C2a
Refs: 13041, 18751, 19193 USA (California)
Commonly recognised as A. abramsiana, this variety is
Cupressus cashmeriana rare and confined to fewer than 10 groves in the Santa
Cupressaceae VU Bl+2c Cruz Mountains. Each population is thought to have
Bhutan, India (Arunachal Pradesh) fewer than 100 individuals. There are threats from
The natural distribution of the species is probably residential and agricultural developments, alteration of
confined to west central Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh fire regimes and introgression of conifer species, which

but it obscured by the widespread cultivation of the

is may also increase the risk from fires. None of the
plant. Populationsdo not appear to be large. populations is officially protected.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs:A23,l, 13041, 18751 Refs: 11886, 13041, 18751, 19193

Cupressus chengiana Cupressus goveniana var. goveniana

Cupressaceae VUAlcd Cupressaceae VU Dl
China (Gansu, Sichuan) USA (California)
A few locations are known where the species dominates Less than 1000 individuals are thought to exist in five
in mid-elevation coniferous forest on the flanks of popuations, in S.F.B. Morse Botanical Reserve, Point
gorges and arid valleys. Constant overcutting has Lobos Reserve, where the species is protected, and
eliminated the species in accessible sites and it is being along the coast in Mendocin and north-west Sonoma
replaced by thickets of other species. Counties. The coastal populations are sometimes known
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group as var. pygmaea.Vntxe are some pressures from local
/Je/i;374, 1818, 11847 development, altered fire regimes and possibly from
non-native plants.
Cupressus chengiana yar. jiangeensis Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Cupressaceae CRDl Refs: 11886,13041,19193
China (Sichuan)
This variant of the threatened C. chengiana is restricted Cupressus guadalupensis var.forbesii
to a single tree in Sichuan. It is monoecious. Cupressaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Mexico (Baja California), USA (California)
Refs: 374 Fewer than five occurrences are known in California.
One of them is relatively inaccessible but the others are
Cupressus duclouxiana susceptible to frequent wildfires and development.
Cupressaceae DD Individuals can be found along roadsides. Mexico also
China (Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan) harbours few, perhaps two, populations.
The native range of the species has not been resolved. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Large trees are known to occur in a remote part of Tibet. Refs: 6972, 11886, 13041, 18751, 19193
The largest population occurs in Yunnan, where it is

Species Summaries

Cupressus guadalup ensis var. guadalupensis the habitat have been cleared for agriculture, settlement
Cupressaceae CR CI and industrial development, possibly resulting in the
Mexico (Guadalupe Is.) species becoming fragmented and the subpopulations
A population of 200 is thought to exist in two small becoming isolated. Any developments at the type
stands. Regeneration is seriously hampered by goats. locality could seriously affect the species.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
Refs: 374 Refs: 689, 19218

Cupressus lustianica var. benthamU Cussortia ostinii

Cupressaceae LR/nt Araliaceae LR/nt
Mexico (Hidalgo, Puebia, Veracruz) Ethiopia
The species occurs in montane forest, in oak and An Ethiopian endemic, occurring abundantly in upland
mesophillous formations, in the border regions of savanna in the west. Increasing human population and
several Mexican states. their activities threaten the habitat to some extent,
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group especially in the north.
/?e/i. 374,6541,19161 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1330, 18523
Cupressus macrocarpa
Cupressaceae VU D2 Cuviera migeodU
USA (California) Rubiaceae vU B 1 +2b, D2
A widely planted and naturalised species which, in the Tanzania
wild, is restricted to two healthy subpopulations A species of dry forest or open woodland, known only
occurring in Point Lobos and Point Cypress. The former from Tendaguru.
is thought to contain between 500 and 1000 individuals. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Both are protected. /?e/i; 3356, 8814
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 7222, 11886, 13041, 19193 Cuviera schliebenU
Rubiaceae ENBI+2bc
Cupressus sempervirens Tanzania
Cupressaceae LR/nt Known only from Litipo (10km*) and Rondo (140km')
Greece (Crete), Iran, Turkey Forest Reserves, this species is relatively well protected.
The species is sometimes referred to in different Both forests have been extensively logged and other
varieties. Only var. horizontalis is believed to originate activities have contributed to large areas being dismrbed.
from the wild and therefore is the only taxon considered The demand for land for commercial and subsistence
in this context. The type specimen was collected from agriculture is also strongly felt but local activities and
Crete. Populations which are questionably wild are also encroachment are discouraged by the presence of forest
known from southern Turkey and northern Iran, where it management operations.
is very vulnerable. It is planted all over the Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Mediterranean. /fe/i; 3356,8814
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 3489, 4508, 5519, 7222, 16111 Cuviera lomentosa
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Cupressus torulosa Mozambique, Tanzania
Cupressaceae LR/nt A species confined to relatively unexplored areas of dry
Bhutan, China (Xizang), India (Jammu-Kashmir), coastal forest in Kingupira in Tanzania and northern
Nepal, Pakistan Mozambique.
Assessor: SSC
Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 374, 848, 7222, 1 1530, 13041, 16781, 18710 Refs: 1308,3356,8814

Cussonia bancoensis Cyanea aculeatiflora

Araliaceae VUAlc Campanulaceae VU D2
Ghana USA (Hawaii)
The only natural populations appear to occur in Ghana. A palm-like treerestricted to East Maui, where it occurs
Occurrences Cote d'lvoire are reported to be planted.
in between 945 and 1450m altitude on the
in rainforest
The species regenerates freely in a wide ecological windward slopes of Haleakala.
range, but is best established in upland evergreen forest, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
where there are threats from farming, fires, forest Refs: 3372
management activities and mining.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Cyanea arborea
Refs: 6127, 12061 Campanulaceae EX
USA (Hawaii)
Cussonia gamtoosensis A palm-like tree formerly known from a narrow
Araliaceae VUDl+2 altitudinalband in montane forest on the slopes of
South Africa (Eastern Cape) Haleakala on East Maui. It was last collected in 1928.
Occurring in thicket vegetation on stony hill sides, the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species, for many was only known from the type
years, Refs: 3372
locality. Three localities are now known. The species
does not appear to be very abundant, but it is difficult to
spot in the dense thickets where it grows. Large tracts of

The World List of Threatened Trees

Cyanea giffardii Cyanea marksti

Campanulaceae EX Campanulaceae EX
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
This species is known only from the type material, A small palm-like tree recorded in rainforest in Kona
which was collected in 1917 from a locality of rainforest District on Hawaii. No adult trees have been found this
near Glen wood on Hawaii. century, although a population was located of what
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre appeared to be precociously flowering juvenile
Refs: 3372 individuals.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. carlsonii Refs: 3372
Campanulaceae CR C2a, Dl
USA (Hawaii) Cyanea pohaku
A montane which is known to have
rainforest taxon Campanulaceae EX
occurred at only three sites on the western slopes of USA (Hawaii)
Hualalai on Hawaii. One population is found at This species has not been seen since it was first collected
Honuaulu Forest Reserve and another at Keokea, 45km in 1910. It was found in subalpine shrubland on
away. In addition two populations have been planted Puunianiau, a small cinder cone on the north-west slopes
within the native range, taking the total population size of Haleakala on East Maui.
to possibly more than 50 individuals. Invasive plants and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
grazing are a persistent problem. The subspecies is Refs: 3372
protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cyanea procera
Refs: 3372, 19039 Campanulaceae CR C2a, DI
USA (Hawaii)
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora A palm-like tree formerly foimd in the Kamalo region
Campanulaceae VU D2 on Molokai and thought be extinct until it was
USA (Hawaii) recently rediscovered at Puu O
Kaeha, west of Kamalo.
A palm-like tree which occurs in rainforest between A total of eight individuals have been found in three
12()0 and 1400m altitude on the windward slopes of populations in an area known to harbour feral goats. The
Haleakala on East Maui. species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 3786 Refs: 3372, 19040

Cyanea hardyi Cyanea pycnocarpa

Campanulaceae VU D2 Campanulaceae EX
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
Restricted to an area in the south of Kauai, the species Now presumed extinct, this species is known only from
occurs in forested valleys up to an altitude of 790m. the type material. It was collected on the Kohala
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mountains on Hawaii.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372
Cyanea horrida
Campanulaceae VU D2 Cyanea quercifolia
USA (Hawaii) Campanulaceae EX
A palm-like tree known only from East Maui, where it is USA (Hawaii)
restricted to and the margins of subalpine
rainforest A poorly known species which is recorded only from the
forest between 1520 and 2000m.
altitudes of type collection taken from an area between 915 and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1220m on the leeward slopes of Haleakala on East Maui.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372
Cyanea leptostegia
Campanulaceae VU D2 Cyanea solenocalyx
USA (Hawaii) Campanulaceae VU D2
This palm-like tree is confined to western Kauai, where USA (Hawaii)
it is found in moist forest 1000 and 1300m. Confined to Molokai, the species is found in rainforest at
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre medium elevation in the east of the island.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372
Cyanea macrostegia ssp. gibsonii
Campanulaceae EN Alee Cyanea stictophylla
USA (Hawaii) Campanulaceae CR C2a
The species is known from two subspecies, this one USA (Hawaii)
being the rarer. It is restricted to rainforest only on Lanai A shrub or tree of montane rainforest restricted to the
and has been collected very rarely in the last 50 years. slopes of Mauna Loa, whereit is now known from fewer

The type subspecies is endemic to Maui. than 20 individuals in three populations near Keauhou,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kohae and on Puuwaawaa. Another 46 individuals have
Refs: 3372 been planted in exclosures at Puuwaawaa and Kau

Species Summaries

Forest Reserve. Cattle grazing and trampling are major Cyclobalanopsis repandifoUa
causes for the species decline. It is protected by the US Fagaceae CR B 1 +2b, C2a
Endangered Species Act. Taiwan
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree with a scarce distribution in areas of lowland
Refs: 19039 broadleaved forest in Chinshuiying on the Hengchun
Peninsula. In the few populations known, regeneration is
Cyanea superba ssp. regina poor, seed crops appear to be frequently decimated by
Campanulaceae EX squirrels and other animals. No protection or
USA (Hawaii) conservation measures are in place.
A subspecies recorded from the Southern Koolau Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Mountains on Oahu, where it was last found in 1932 in Refs: 3295, 19050
lowland rainforest. It is protected by the US Endangered
Species Act. Cyclobalanopsis rex
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Fagaceae DD
Refs: 3372 China (Yunnan), Laos, Myanmar
In China the main populations are found at Mengla and
Cyanea superba ssp. superba Tengchong. They are extremely small and largely made
Campanulaceae CR C2a, Dl up of senescing trees in areas of monsoon forest on
USA (Hawaii) limestone hills. Regeneration is poor and the habitat
This subspecies is still extant, as opposed to ssp. regina. degraded. Information is needed on the populations in
It is known from two small populations, totalling fewer Laos and Myanmar.
than 10 plants, in the Waianae Mountains, one on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
federal property in Kahanahaiki valley and the other on Refs: 1818,11847, 19055
state land inPahole Gulch. Habitat degradation by the
spread of introduced plants is the most serious threat to Cyclophyllum tenuipes
remaining populations. Protective measures and planting Rubiaceae VU Dl
are being carried out at Pahole. The taxon is protected New Caledonia
by the US Endangered Species Act. Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10351

Refs: 3372, 19168
Cymbopetalum baillonii
Cyanea tritomantha Annonaceae VUAlc
Campanulaceae VU Alee Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz)
USA (Hawaii) Confined to the Gulf region, the species occurs in most
A palm-like tree 1080m
occurring in rainforest up to areas of remaining rainforest, extending as far north as
altitude in Waipio Mauna Kea and the windward
valley. northern Veracruz.
side of Mauna Loa on Hawaii. Damage by feral pigs has Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
been recorded at a number of sites where the species is Refs: 5993, 19124
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cymbopetalum mayanum
Refs: 3372 Annonaceae EN C2a
Guatemala, Honduras
Cyathocalyx olivaceus Populations are small and scattered in the Atlantic
Annonaceae LR/cd lowlands in of varying humidity. The habitat
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) continues to diminish through conversion to agriculture.
A tree locally common in the lowland and hill forests of Assessor: Nelson, C.
Maxwell's Hill, Perak, which is a protected area. Refs: 13228, 13995
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 19073 Cymbopetalum torulosum
Annonaceae VU A2c
Cyathocalyx scortechinU Costa Rica, Panama
Armonaceae LR/cd The main part of the species range occurs in areas of

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) lowland rainforest in Costa Rica, concentrated in the

A tree, restricted to lowland and submontane forest, region of Rio San Juan and La Selva Biological Station
known orJy from the states of Perak and Pahang. The in the north-west. In Panama collections have been made
locality in Perak is no longer forested. It does, however, in Chiriqui, near the border with Costa Rica. The
occur in Taman Nagara National Park and the protected populations here appear to be very restricted and under
forest of Mentigi in the Cameron Highlands. some threat from cattle ranching and conmiercial banana
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. cultivation.

Refs: 19073 Assessor: Mitrd, M.

/?c/i; 5125, 7980, 16772
Cybianthus cogolloi
Myrsinaceae VUB1+2C Cynometra beddomei
Colombia Leguminosae EX
An endemic to Antioquia. India (Kerala)
Assessor: Calderon, E. A large tree, which has only ever been recorded from
Refs: 19069 Tambacherry Ghat, where it was found in submontane
streamside forest. It has not been found since 1870,

The World List of Threatened Trees

despite intensive explorations. Forestry plantations are patch located 40km

away. The latter site has not been
now widely established where there was once primary visited recentlyand the forest may have disappeared.
forest. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 3925, 16796
/fe/i. 4799,8483, 19144
Cynometra gillmanii
Cynometra bourdiUonii Leguminosae CRBl+2abcde,C2b
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c Tanzania
India (Kamataka, Kerala) The species is known from coastal forest near Mkoe
A lowland forest tree which appears to occur in two from a single collection made in the 1940s. It is possible
main areas: in South Kanara, Kamataka, and in the the species habitat has been destroyed.
Agastyamalai range in Kerala. Widespread and Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
indiscriminate cutting and expansion of commercial Refs: 3925, 16796
agriculture have resulted in a significant reduction in the
extent of these forests. Cynometra inaequifolia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VUAld
Refs: 2538, 19144 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), Philippines,
Cynometra brachyrrhachis A small tree of lowland forest which is used as a source
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2bc, D2 of kekatong timber.
Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species is locally dominant in three patches of Refs: A9\9, 12937, 14573
coastal forest in the Pangani River basin. Two of them
are contained within forest reserves: Gendagenda Forest Cynometra longipedicellata
Reserve (27km'), and Tongwe Forest Reserve (12km'), Leguminosae VUBl-f2b
the remaining population occurs in the Pangani Falls Tanzania
forest (Ikm'), where a hydroelectric dam has been built. This species is largely known from areas of moist
The demand for agricultural land puts pressure on all lowland forest reaching 900m in the East Usambara
these sites. The species is also reported to occur in Moimtains. A population may also occur in the Pugu
lowland forest in the East Usambara Moimtains *FTEA Forest Reserve (22km') near Dar es Salaam.
notes this may be a species of Scorodophloeus. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke Refs: 3356, 3925, 5204, 5654
/fe/i; 3925, 5654, 16796
Cynometra lukei
Cynometra cubensis Leguminosae ENBl-i-2c
Leguminosae ENBl+2c Kenya, Tanzania
Cuba Formerly known only from Kenya, this riverine forest
An uncommon tree endemic to semi-deciduous forests, tree has recently been found in Selous National Park in
mainly in gallery communities along rivers and creeks in Tanzania. The Kenya population is small and confined
Pinar del Rio Province. Its habitat has suffered intense to the seasonally flooded banks of the Tana River, near
degradation from logging and the ensuing invasion of Wenje, where it is under some threat from increasing
exotic or secondary vegetation. human settlement and agriculture.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149 ^e/r.- 5654, 6396, 17859

Cynometra engleri Cynometra suaheliensis

Leguminosae VUBl+2b, D2 Leguminosae VUBI+2b
Tanzania Kenya, Tanzania
A species found only in lowland semi-deciduous forest The range of this dry coastal forest species extends from
in Sigi valley at the foot of the East Usambara Kwale and Kilifi Districts in Kenya into northern
Mountains. Tanzania Pangani River basin.
in the
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 3925, 5204, 5654 Refs: 3356, 3925, 5204, 6396, 7550

Cynometra falcata Cynometra travancorica

Leguminosae CR Dl Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c
Fiji India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
A slender tree, endemic to Fiji and known only from the A tall tree reported from about four scattered locations
two collections: the type was gathered from Viti Levu in in the Westem Ghats, occurring in lowland evergreen
1840 and the second collection was from Vanua Levu in forest on rocky slopes. In Kamataka the species occurs
1950. in Chikmagalur and in Kerala there are
Sollekallu in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre records from the Palghat area and also apparently from
Refs: 18818 the Travancore range. There has been much loss of
habitat because of road building, expanding agriculture
Cynometra fUifera and other developments.
Leguminosae CRB1-K2abcde Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Tanzania Refs: 14276, 19144
The species is locally dominant in a 0.25ha patch of
forest near Lindi and elsewhere only from a single forest

1 1

Species Summaries

Cynometra ubtgurensis Cyphosperma voutmelensis

Leguminosae EN C2b, D Palmae EN Dl
Tanzania Vanuatu
This tree is to Kimboza Forest Reserve (4km')
endemic A small palm tree scattered in rainforest on volcanic
at the foot of the Uluguru Moimtains. The forest is soils. It is restricted to the Cumberland Peninsula and
disturbed because of previous logging and the planting Espirito Santo. Less than 100 mature individuals are
of exotic species, including a Cedrela species which has known.
become invasive. The surrounding area is densely Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
populated and the demand for land to cultivate is strong. Refs: 19118
There are now two forest guards to stop illegal cutting
and encroachment. Cyrtandra denhamii
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke Gesneriaceae VU D2
Refs: 3925, 16796 Fiji

The species appears to be highly localised.

It is confined

Cynometra webberi to the islandof Ngau in Loma-i Viti, where it has been
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2b collected only twice from lowland forest in the hills
Kenya, Tanzania around Herald Bay.
A shrubby tree occurring in dry coastal forest patches Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
within an area ranging from Kwale and KiUfi Districts in Refs: 18818
Kenya into Tanzania. In some forest types it forms the
dominant canopy element. Soils with impeded drainage Cyrtandra elbertii
and unpredictable water supply are especially favoured Gesneriaceae VUBl+2c, D2
by the species. Indonesia (Java)
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke The only known location of this species is on Mount
/?e/i; 3356, 6396, 10961 Lawu, where it occurs in an area of forest from 1500 to
1700m. An area of 60km' on Mount Lawu is being
Cyphophoenix elegans proposed as a nature reserve. Pressures of encroachment
Palmae VU BI+2c and cutting are severe.
New Caledonia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This species is localised to the north-east on low-lying Refs: 9078
areas of schistose rocks.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. Cyrtandra feaniana
Refs: 10351,19118 Gesneriaceae LR/nt
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
Cyphophoenix nucele A shrub or small tree known from occurrences on Fatu
Palmae CRBI+2c Hiva, Hiva Oa, Nuku Hiva, Tauhata and Ua Huka.
New Caledonia Assessor: Florence, J.

The entire populationreduced to a small area of forest

is Refs: 14513
on raised coral on the north-east coast of Lifou in the
Loyalty Islands. Regeneration is poor. The only other Cyrtandra giffardii
species in the genus is also threatened and confined to Gesneriaceae EN C2a
north-east New Caledonia. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. A small shrubby tree which is now known from 1

Refs: 10351,19118 populations in montane rainforest on the north-eastern

slopes of Mauna Kea south to the eastern siopes of
Cyphosperma tanga Mauna Loa, including several populations in Volcanoes
Palmae CR Ale National Park. The species has disappeared from
Fiji previously known sites and habitat damage caused by
Only a few populations are known, confined to areas of feral pigs, along with the invasion of introduced plants,
dense forest on Viti Levu. Cutting by the Forestry continues to threaten remaining populations. Estimates
Department resulted in the serious depletion of one of the total population size lie in the region of 1000
population in 1970 and also continues to affect another individuals. The species is protected by the US
more recently discovered population. Seed crops of Endangered Species Act.
reasonable size appear to be extremely infrequent. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Fuller, D. Refs: 3372, 19039
Refs:(M5^, 19118
Cyrtandra kandavuensis
Cyphosperma trichospadix Gesneriaceae VU D2
Palmae VUAlc Fiji

Fiji A spreading tree or shrub, which is confmed to the

A few known from areas of dense

small populations are island of Kandavu, where it occurs on the summit and
forest between 600 and 760m on Vanua Levu and slopes of Mount Mbuke Levu.
Taveuni. Some areas are being cleared for coconut Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
plantations. Refs: 18818
Assessor: Fuller, D.
V?e/i; 6053, 19118

The World List of Threatened Trees

Cyrtandra nalewaensis where lower slopes have been cleared in places for
Gesneriaceae VU D2 agriculture. Populations in New Guinea are thought to
Fiji be widespread.
A shrub or small which occurs infrequently in
tree, Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
dense forest between 400 and 820m. It is rarely collected Refs: 374, 6851, 13041, 18751
and, so far, known only from eastern Vanua Levu and a
site in Taveuni. Dacrydium comosum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Podocarpaceae ENBI+2c
Refs: 18818 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A relatively rarely collected shrub or small tree, which
Cyrtandra spathacea grows on exposed ridges in stunted mossy montane
Gesneriaceae VU D2 forest. Populations occurring on the Gunung Tahan
Fiji Massif are protected within a national park. In the
A scarce but distinct tree species of dense forest between southern part of the species range, however, the habitat
500 and 750m. It has been collected just twice, once in is threatened by infrastructural development.

1933 on the slopes of Mount Mbuke Levu, on the island Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
of Kandavu, and once from near Lautoka, Mba, on Viti Refs: 6851, 13041, 15966. 19073, 19192
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Dacrydium comwalliana
Refs: 18818 Podocarpaceae DD
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Cyrtandra tavinunensis The species grows in some abundance in confined
Gesneriaceae VU D2 patches of cloud forest or mossy heath forest above
Fiji 1430m. Collections are few, largely because the area is
A shrub or tree which is endemic to the island of poorly explored.
Taveuni. Collections have been made from the regions Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
of Wairiki and Somosomo in dense forest between 700 /?e/i/ 374, 6851
and 850m altitude.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Dacrydium ericioides
Refs: 18818 Podocarpaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Cyrtandra tempestii A locally abundant tree of primary mossy forest,
Gesneriaceae VU D2 occurring on exposed ridges in two locations on Mount
Fiji Dulit and Meruong Plateau. It appears to be confmed to
An uncommon species restricted to Taveuni in dense The area could possibly come under the
ultrabasic soils.
forest 900m.
up to heavy logging regimes which have occured throughout
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the country.
Refs: 18818 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
/?e/r. 374,6851,19192
Cyrtostachys kisu
Palmae DD Dacrydium gibbsiae
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Podocarpaceae LR/cd
A palm endemic to the islands of Choiseul and Baga, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
where it is scattered in lowland to submontane A shrub or small tree, known only from Mount Kinabalu
rainforest. and the summit ridge on Mount Murud in Sarawak. In
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. the former location the species appears to be common at
Refs: 19118 high elevations, particularly on ultramafic substrates.
The population here is protected within the national
Dacrycarpus kinabaluensis park.
Podocarpaceae LR/cd Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Malaysia (Sabah) /fe/s; 374, 6851, 12121, 19125
A shrub or small tree, which is known only from
elevations above 2100m on Mount Kinabalu. Dacrydium gracilis
Populations are protected within the national park. The Podocarpaceae VU D2
species is thought to be susceptible to periodic droughts, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
but populations appear to have successfully survived A large tree with a distribution which appears to be
recent dry spells. highly localised within a narrow altitudinal range on
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Mount Kinabalu, the Crocker range and adjacent parts of
Refs: 6851, 13041, 19125 Sarawak. It is an integral part of the lower montane oak-
laurel forest. Trees are hard to distinguish from other
Dacrycarpus steupii Dacrydium species and so are likely to be cut wherever
Podocarpaceae LR/nt accessible for construction timber. Populations on
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Kalimantan, Sulawesi) Mount Kinabalu are almost entirely contained within the
A tree of submontane swamp or disturbed forest, where national park and so are relatively well protected.
it can form pure stands. In Kalimantan it was known Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
from a now extinct population near Balikpapan. In Re/t; 374, 6851, 12121, 19125
Sulawesi it is confmed to the Latimodjong Mountains,

Species Summaries

Dacrydium guiOauminii Dacryodes colombiana

Podocarpaceae CRBl+2c Burseraceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia Colombia
A rare rheophyte confined to a single river basin where An endemic to Boyacl
it grows in a restricted area of moist woodland. The Assessor: Calderon, E.
largest population occurs at Chutes de la Madeleine, Refs: 15343, 19069
which, although given the status of a botanical reserve,
is inadequately managed. The area is fire-prone, the Dacryodes elmeri
shnib layer has regressed with increasing numbers of Burseraceae VU D2
visitors and there is a threat of pollution from mining Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah)
operations upstream. This very rare tree is known only from a single
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group collection taken from lowland forest in Tawau, Sabah
Refs: 10351, 12630 and from Brunei.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dacrydium lycopodioides Refs: 18327, 19017
Podocarpaceae LR/cd
New Caledonia Dacryodes expansa
A New Caledonian endemic confmed to a few sites of Burseraceae VU D2
cloud forest in the southern massif, e.g. Mont Mou, Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Mont Humboldt and Mont Ningua. Populations are A small tree of lowland forestknown from a single
small and confined to high, usually inaccessible, collectionfrom Kuching, Sarawak and from Brunei.
mountain ridges. Regeneration does not appear to be Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
good. Refs: 18327, 19017
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
«e/i.- 9631, 12630 Dacryodes igaganga
Burseraceae VUAlcd+2cd
Dacrydium magnum Cameroon, Congo?, Gabon
Podocarpaceae LR/nt A timber species which is confmed to localities of
Indonesia (Moluccas), Papua New Guinea, Solomon lowland rainforest in Cameroon, Ngounii and Lop6
Islands Forest Reserve in Gabon and possibly Congo. There is
Populations are known from the islands of Guadalcanal, concern over the rate at which logging has taken place
Choiseul and Santa Ysabel in the Solomons, from the and the decline in the habitat. Lop6 is proposed for
Louisades in Papua New Guinea and Obi Island in the designation as a national park.
Moloccas. The species is scattered to locally common in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
areas of lowland rainforest, especially on ridge crests. /?e/i; 2773, 5595, 12509
Forest management and agricultural pressures
could cause rapid population losses to most or all parts Dacryodes kingii
of the range. Burseraceae LR/cd
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
/?e/i. 374,6851,19192 A small tree of late secondary and primary forest of up
to 600m altitude. This species is protected in Taman
Dacrydium nausoriense Negara National Park.
Podocarpaceae ENAlcd,Bl+2ce,Cl Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Fiji Refs: 19073
Endemic to the Nausori Highlands in western Viti Levu,
the species occurs in small stands within a closely Dacryodes macrocarpa var. kostermansii
confmed area. There is evidence that regeneration is Burseraceae VUB1-h2c
poor. The area is unprotected and the stands are open to Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah)
cutting, burning, agricultural and pastoral activities. Restricted to coastal mixed swamp forest, this variety is
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group known only from Kalimantan and from a single
;?e/i; 374, 9631, 18818 collection from Sabah.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dacrydium spathoides Refs: 7673
Podocarpaceae DD
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Dacryodes macrocarpa \ar. patentinervia
A poorly-collected species, known only from a small Burseraceae VUBl+2c
area in a remote locality along the Idenburg River in Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Western Irian Jaya. Further field work could reveal a Occurring in lowland to submontane forest, the variety
more substantial distribution. is known only from Bukit Hampuan in Ranau District, in
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Sabah, and from scattered populations in the 3rd, 4th
l?e/i; 374, 6851, 19192 and 5thDistrictsin Sarawak. It is also found in Brunei.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dacryodes breviracemosa Refs: 7673
Burseraceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Dacryodes multijuga
Known from a single collection this lowland rainforest Burseraceae VUD2
species is confined to Terengganu . Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Known only from the type collection, gathered at

Refs: 19073

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pehang in Jerantut, this rare species occurs in moist pollination.There is some debate about the taxonomic
forest at60m. placement of this species, it is maintained here as a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre monotypic genus.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al.
Refs: 689, 19218
Dacryodes puherula
Burseraceae VUBl+2a Dalbergia abrahamii
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Leguminosae ENBl-t-2abcd
A tree of moist forest up to 1000m altitude in the states Madagascar
of Perak, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Malacca. A tree known only froma few localities around
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Autsiranana Ankarana Massif in areas of
and the
Refs: 8464, 19073 limestone outcrops. Populations are fragmented and
much of the range is decreasing through forest
Dactyladenia dinklagei destruction. The main threat comes from selective
Chrysobalanaceae VU Ale, Bl+2c felling for timber and charcoal. Some localities are
Ghana protected in Ankarana Reserve.
An uncommon species restricted to wet evergreen forest Assessor: Du Puy, D.
in Upper Guinea. General losses to this habitat have Refs: 12353,19115
been caused by mining activities, logging and
commercial planting. Dalbergia acariiantha
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Leguminosae VU Bl+2b
Refs: 8369, 12061 Tanzania
This species is restricted to dry coastal forest patches in
east and south-east Tanzania.
Dactyladenia hirsula
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Chrysobalanaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 2459, 3356, 7550
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Rare and confmed to remaining areas of wet evergreen
Dalbergia albiflora ssp. echinocarpa
forest in Ghana and largely confined to Tai National
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2c
Park in south-west Cote d'lvoire, this species has
suffered extensive logging of its habitat, the effects of
A subspecies endemic to forest areas in southern
mining and the establishment of commercial plantations.
Nigeria. The extent of the habitat has unquestionably
Assessor: Assi, A.
declined as there has been large-scale deforestation in
/fc/s; 8369, 12061.12822
the last three decades.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dactyladenia laevis Refs: 2773, 5651, 7550, 1 1504
Chrysobalanaceae VU D2
Gabon Dalbergia andapensis
A small tree found only in the vicinity of Libreville. Leguminosae ENBI+2abc
Logging has taken place in the area and nearly all the Madagascar
remaining forest is under concession to logging A species confmed to north-east Madagascar in humid,

companies. It is possible, with further exploration, that broadleaved evergreen forest between the altitudes of
the species may be found to be more widespread. 400 and 5(X)m. This rare species is poorly known,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre apparently having a restricted distribution in an area of
Refs: 19043 declining forest.
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115
Dahlgrenodendron natalense
Lauraceae EN B I +2ae, C2a, Dl Dalbergia annamensis
South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal) Leguminosae EN Alcd
A palaeoendemic usually found on forest margins, both Viet Nam
next to and away from stream banks. A few individuals Endemic to Viet Nam, this small tree is scattered in
have been recorded from within climax forest, but these lowland dry open forest in Phu Yen and Kh^h H6a
were invariably very old and senescent. The species is Provinces. This endangered
species is by
known from a number of localities; it has not been found overexploitation for its valuable wood.
again at Ngoye forest, despite several searches and it is Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
probably extinct at this locality; there are at leasttwo Refs: 848, 19091
plants in the Nqutu area; a single large tree, which is
dying of old age, is in Umdoni Park; the largest number Dalbergia aurea
of trees are found in the renmant forest patches between Leguminosae VU D2
the Msikaba and Umtamvuna Rivers. The total number Madagascar
of mature individuals is estimated to be less than 200. A submontane, rainforest tree which has been collected
Regeneration from seed has not been recorded and only once from an area between the Marivorahona
plants in fruit are seldom recorded. This may be the
Massif north of the Tsaratanana Massif. This restricted
result of the synchronised dichogamy, where male and
area is little known but is suffering from a decline in
female flowers are produced at different times. Their natural vegetation.
isolated occurrence then provides Uttle chance of Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115

Species Summaries

Daibergia balansae 1000 and 1500m. Currently the only population known
Leguminosae VUAlcd can be found north of Lake Aloatra in a region with only
China, Viet Nam a few patchy forest remnants; these remnants are still in
Scattered in northern Viet Nam and China, this pioneer decline. This species is traded locally and nationally as
species grows in lowland and submontane moist forest. fuel and timber.
Its distribution has been reduced by shifting cultivation. Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Natural regeneration is strong on fallow land. It is Refs: 19115
grown on a small scale in mixed plantations as a host
plant for lac insects. Daibergia bracteolata
Assessor: Nghia, N.H. Leguminosae LR/nt
*e/i.- 6125, 19091 Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania
A lowland tree or scandent shrub, occurring in
Daibergia bariensis deciduous, seasonally dry forest and woodland. It is

Leguminosae EN A led widespread and quite common throughout western and

Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam northern Madagascar, as well as in localised forest
A tree widely distributed and scattered in lowland and patches in eastern Africa. However, this species
submontane broadleaved forest in Indo-China. There has distribution is highly fragmented largely because of
been a rapid decline in the number of large trees because extensive deforestation. A 20-50% population decline is
of overexploitation of the precious timber. It is protected expected over the next 100 years in Madagascar.
from illegal cutting in Viet Nam and occurs in protected Assessor: Du Puy, D.
areas. Refs: 6396, 7550, 12353, 191 15
Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
/Je/r; 848, 6125, 19091 Daibergia cambodiana
Leguminosae ENAlcd
Daibergia baronii Cambodia, Viet Nam
Leguminosae VUAlcd+2cd Widely distributed but scattered, this tree occurs in
Madagascar moist lowland forest. Its wood is valuable and continues
A widespread species confined to the lowland plains of to be exploited illegally.
eastern Madagascar; these forests have been greatly Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
reduced. This fine rosewood timber species grows in Refs: 19091
lowland rainforest, often in marshy areas and near
mangroves. Large individuals are rare because of Daibergia capuronii
overexploitation. Leguminosae EN B I t-2abcde
Assessor: Du
Puy, D. Madagascar
^e/i.-6161,9090, 12353, 19115 A rare species known from only four collections from
two localities in remnants of evergreen forest in central
Daibergia bathiei Madagascar between 1200m and 1300m. These forest
Leguminosae EN A led, Bl+2abcd, Cl+2a fragments are seriously threatened and declining.
Madagascar Assessor:Du Puy, D.
A tree confined few small areas of lowland,
to a Refs: 19115
evergreen, humid mainly along river margins to
the north and south of Toamasina, eastern Madagascar. Daibergia catipenonii
As a result of selective exploitation, this species is now Leguminosae VUBl+2abcde
very rare. Very few adult specimens have been recorded Madagascar
and the population is severely fragmented. This species A species restricted to remnants of evergreen forest
is a fine rosewood and is traded nationally and locally. around the capital, Antananarivo, and Lake Aloatra.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Some Manakambahin Natural
localities lie within the
Refs: 19115 Reserve, but other areas are exposed to exploitation and
Daibergia bojeri Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Leguminosae ENBl+2abcde Refs: 19115
A rare climbing species known from very few Daibergia chapelieri
collections in an area of eastern Madagascar largely Leguminosae VUAlcd+2cd
cleared of lowland forest. The total population is Madagascar
fragmented and few mature individuals remain. This species occurs in humid, evergreen forest up to
Assessor: Du Puy, D. 1000m altitude. Although widespread, it occurs mainly
Refs: 19115 in lowland forest which has been and continues to be
extensively cleared. This species is traded in minor
Daibergia boniana international, national and local markets.
Leguminosae DD Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Viet Nam Refs:\9\\5
Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
Refs: 19091 Daibergia chlorocarpa
Leguminosae VU Alacd+2cd
Daibergia brachystachya Madagascar
Leguminosae ENBl+2abcde A Madagascan endemic occurring in lowland,
Madagascar seasonally dry deciduous forest. Although fairly
This species occurs in evergreen, humid forest between widespread in western Madagascar, the primary


The World List of Threatened Trees

vegetation in this area has been extensively destroyed Dalbergia entadoides

and is still decreasing. The species is selectively felled Legutninosae DD
for timber and fuel for export. Protected populations are Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam
known from Ankarafantsika Natural Reserve, Namoroka Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
Reserve and Bemaraha Reserve. Refs: 19091
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115 Dalbergia eremicola
Leguminosae LR/nt
Kenya, Somalia
Dalbergia cochinchinensis
The largest population of this small tree occurs in Kenya
Leguminosae VU A led where appears to be quite conmion in bushland near
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam
Wajir. It also extends into a small area of southern
A large evergreen tree of open setni-deciduous forests. It Somalia.
is considered threatened in Viet Nam because of the Assessor: Thulin, M.
ratesof exploitation of the prime timber. In Thailand the
Refs: 1308, 6396, 7550, 18665
pressures on the species have also caused concern. The
species is the focus of an ongoing *IPGRI study of the
Dalbergia erubescens
distribution of genetic resources.
Leguminosae ENBl+2abcde
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Refs: 848, 6125, 11530, 15357, 19063
A species known from two remnants of submontane,
evergreen forest in a very restricted area of Ivohibe.
Dalbergia cuUrata var. cultrata Trees are selectively felled and the habitat is in decline.

Leguminosae EN A led Assessor: Du Puy, D.

Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Refs: 19115
This variety occurs in moist forests up to 1500m. In Viet
Nam, it is scattered from Dae Lac to Dong Nai. The Dalbergia funera
population has declined through overexpoitation of the Leguminosae DD
timber. El Salvador, Guatemala
Assessor: Nghia, N.H. In El Salvador the species is confmed to Santa Ana and

Refs: 6125, 9090, 19091 Chalatenango, where it occurs in pine-oak forest up to

2000m. There have been no recent reports of its

occurrence and the area is unprotected and susceptible to

Dalbergia davidii logging and expanding agricultural development. The
Leguminosae EN B I +2de, C wood is of wide importance in carpentry and
Madagascar constuction. Information is needed on the Guatemalan
Known only from a single locality, this tree occurs in population.
lowland, seasonally dry, deciduous forest in an area Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
where Dalbergia species are being selectively felled for Refs: 4862, 4974, 1 0395, 1 9030

the export market. Despite its presence in

Ankarafantsika Natural Reserve, the species is still
Dalbergia fusca var. enneandra
under threat from logging. Leguminosae VUBl-(-2c
Assessor: Du Puy, D. China (Yunnan)
Refs: 19115
This variety is confined to localities of lowland semi-
deciduous forest at Simao, Meijiang, Jianchen and
Dalbergia delphinensis Jinghong in southern Yunnan. Overcutting of the timber,
Leguminosae ENA2cd, BI+2bcde encroaching cultivation and habitat degradation have
Madagascar caused population reductions. The taxon has been
This species occurs in lowland, evergreen, humid forest observed to occur quite frequently in scrub, regenerating
in south-east Madagascar, near Taolanaro. Selective
after the destruction of forested areas.
felling for export, coupled with the fragmented and
Assessor: Sun, W.
declining state of the habitat has brought the species into
Refs: 1818, 11847, 19055
danger. Its restricted distribution coincides with a
proposed site for titanium mining, which threatens all
Dalbergia glaberrima
the remaining forest in the area.
Leguminosae VUBI+2de
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115 Two subspecies are recognised. Both have a restricted
range within declining areas of seasonally dry forest and
Dalbergia emimensis woodland on limestone outcrops. Trees are selectively
Leguminosae LR/nt felled to supply localand national markets. Populations
Madagascar are recorded in Ankarana and Bemaraha Reserves.
A widespread species, mainly found in rapidly-declining Assessor: Du Puy, D.
areas of deciduous, dry vegetation in southern Refs: 19115
Madagascar. The species is relatively common but
selectively felled for minor timber trade. Some localities Dalbergia glaucocarpa
are protected within Andohahela Natural Reserve. Leguminosae ENBI+2abcde
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115
Currently this species is known only from the Sambrino
margins of north-west Madagascar where it is
selectively felled for the local and national timber

Species Summaries

markets. The deciduous, seasonally dry, sandstone forest Dalbergia hutibertii

habitat of this species is severely fragmented. Leguminosae VUAlcd+2cd
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Madagascar
Refs. 19115 A tree restricted to deciduous, seasonally dry forest and
woodland on a few isolated limestone massifs in west
Dalbergia glomerata and north Madagascar. Although these areas are largely
Leguminosae VU Ale protected, selective felling still takes place and
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz) populations are declining. Protected areas in which the
A species, endemic to remaining rainforest in the Gulf species is found are Ankarana Special Reserve and
region, occurring as far north as southern Veracruz. Bemeraha.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 5993, 19124 Refs: 19115

Dalbergia greveana Dalbergia intibucana

Leguminosae LR/nt Leguminosae CR C2a
Madagascar Honduras
This species occurs in deciduous, seasonally dry forest There is some doubt over the nomenclature of the
and woodland up to 800m. Although widespread in species. It is confined to areas of medium-to high-
western Madagascar, trees are sought-after and elevation humid forest in Honduras.
selectively felled for the high-quality wood which forms Assessor: Nelson, C.
the bulk of timber wood exports from western Refs: 13995,14311
Madagascar. Population numbers have declined over the
entire range. Some localities are protected in Dalbergia latifolia
Ankarafantsika Nature Reserve and in Ankarana Special Leguminosae VU A led
Reserve. India (Andhra Pradesh, Kamataka, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu,
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Uttar Pradesh), Indonesia (Java), Nepal
Refs: 19115 Indian rosewood principally a species of monsoon

forests. Its of high commercial value and wild

timber is

Dalbergia hildebrandtU populations are widely overexploited. The species is

Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd protected under the Indian Forest Act, the export of logs
Madagascar or sawn timber being banned, but considerable pressure
The lowland dry forest and woodland habitat of this continues to be exerted by illegal felling.
species being gradually reduced and fragmented.
is Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Although widespread, the species is uncommon and Refs: 6431, 8483, 1 1 145, 14573, 16458, 17286, 19064
selectively felled for the valuable rosewood timber.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Dalbergia lemurica
Refs: 19115 Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd
Dalbergia hirticalyx A tree conflned to deciduous, seasonally dry forest on
Leguminosae ENBI+2bce sand in western Madagascar. Although apparently
Madagascar widespread, most records are from near Morondava,
Found in evergreen, seasonally dry forest between 900m where the habitat is being rapidly reduced and the trees
and 1100m, this species is known only from a single are selectively felled.
forest remnant at Tsiroanomandidy. The total population Assessor: Du Puy, D.
is selectively felled and the entire forest exploited. Refs:\9n5
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19073,19115 Dalbergia louvelii
Leguminosae EN Alcd-t-2cd
Dalbergia humbertii Madagascar
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2ab A species confined to the drastically reduced lowland,
Madagascar humid forests of eastern Madagascar. Populations of this
A deciduous tree known only from two locations within rare rosewood species are now severely fragmented and
a very restricted area north of Morondava. It covers an it is selectively felled for the export market.
estimated 1500 km' (*EOO) within a region of Assessor: Du Puy, D.
fragmented and declining native vegetation. Refs: 19115
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Refs: 12353 Dalbergia madagascariensis
Leguminosae VUAlcd+2cd
Dalbergia hupeana var. laccifera Madagascar
Leguminosae LR/nt A widespread species found along river margins in the
Laos, Viet Nam humid, evergreen forest of north and east Madagascar.
This species occurs along rivers and streams and on The extent of the forest is in decline and trees are
slopes in lowland and submontane moist forest in north- selectively felled for the timber.
west Viet Nam and Laos. Forest fragmentation and Assessor: Du Puy, D.
shifting cultivation are the main reasons for the decline Refs: 19115
of this variety.
Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
Refs: 6125, 19091

The World List of Threatened Trees

Dalbergia malacophyUa Dalbergia monticola

Leguminosae ENBl+2bc Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd
Madagascar Madagascar
Known only from a single locality, this deciduous A of evergreen, humid forest with an extensive
species is found in Mikea forest in south-west distribution along the eastern escarpment of
Madagascar and covers an estimated 2000 km' (*EOO). Madagascar, including areas with extensive forest cover.
The native forest in this restricted locality is undergoing However, this much sought-after rosewood is selectivey
gradual decline and selective exploitation for timber. felled for export and mature trees are considered rare.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat Many localities receive protection in Perinet/Andasibe,
Refs: 12353 Zahamena, and Ranomafana Protected Areas.
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115
Dalbergia mammosa
Leguminosae EN Alcd Dalbergia neoperrieri
Viet Nam Leguminosae VU AIcd+2cd
A tree scattered throughout broadleaved forest in central
and southern Viet Nam up to 800m. The entire
This species occurs in the lowland, seasonally dry,
population has declined through overexploitation of the
deciduous forests of western Madagascar. Only a few
valuable timber. The species is now legally protected,
isolated populations are known, mainly confmed to
but continues to be cut illegally.
specialised limestone habitats. The area of forest is
Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
declining and the species is selectively felled, although
Rtfs: 848, 6125, 15357, 19091
good populations are recorded at Bemaraha Reserve.
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Dalbergia maritima Refs: 19115
Leguminosae EN Alcd+2cd
Madagascar Dalbergia nigra
A lowland tree restricted to humid, evergeen, coastal Leguminosae VU Alcd
forest which has been almost completely destroyed. The Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de
remaining forests are seriously threatened by Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
exploitation and clearing. Selective felling for export, Brazilian rosewood is one of the most highly prized
fragmented populations and titanium mining activities woods in Brazil. The timber has been harvested since
threaten this endemic species. colonial times for high-quality furniture and musical
Assessor: Du Puy, D. instruments. The highest concentrations of the species
Refs: 19115 are located hygrophilous forest on rich soils in
southem Bahia and northen Espfrito Santo, where rates
of deforestation aie great. Regeneration appears to be
Dalbergia melanoxylon poor, possibly because of seed predation by rodents. It is
Leguminosae LR/nt found in a number of protected areas and it is listed on
Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central the official list of threatened Brazilian plants by
African Republic, Chad, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic *IBAMA. Listed in *CITES Appendix I.

Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Assessor: Varty, N.

Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Refs: 4506, 7980, 8815, 13947, 15539
Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
This species occurs in a range of woodland habitats in at Dalbergia normandii
least 26 sub-Saharan countries. Its timber, mpingo, is Leguminosae EN Alcd+2cd, Bl+2abcde
widely used in the wood carving industry and in musical Madagascar
instrument manufacture. Levels of exploitation are very A very rare species known from only two localities,
high and larger or suitably exploitable individuals are Antalaha and the Marie in north-east
Isle Sainte
becoming increasingly scarce. There is cause for Madagascar, where it inhabits very fragmented humid,
concern over genetic erosion in many populations. evergreen, coastal forest. This tree has been severely
However, as a species there is no imminent threat of exploited for the excellent quality of its rosewood.
extinction. Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19115
Refs: 6396,7550, 13370, 13947, 14418, 16021, 17335

Dalbergia odorifera
Dalbergia mollis Leguminosae VU Aid
Leguminosae China (Guangdong - Hainan)
Madagascar Confmed to Hainan Island, the species is known only
This widely distributed tree inhabits lowland, deciduous from stands of coppiced individuals in secondary forest
forest and woodland in western Madagascar. It occurs in
and scrub up to 600m altitude. Trees have been heavily
regions of rapidly declining fragmented forest. harvested for the timber and scented wood.
It is also
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
selectively felled for the high-quality rosewood timber.
Some populations within Refs: 1660,1818,11847
lie the boundaries of
Ankarafantsika Strict Nature Reserve.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Dalbergia oliveri
Refs: 19115 Legu mi nosae EN A 1 cd
Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
Scattered in dense evergreen and semi-deciduous forest
up to 1200m, the species occurs within a restricted

Species Summaries

distribution. Its beautiful red wood is overexploited. A Dalbergia retusa

protected population occurs in Nam C^t Tien National Leguminosae VU Alacd
Park. Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Assessor: Nghia, N.H. Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama
Refs: 3090, 6125, 18802, 19091 A dry forest species of the Pacific side of Central
America and Mexico. Exploitation as a timber is intense
Dalbergia orientalis and areas where the species was formerly widespread
Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd are almost completely exhausted. This is most notable in
Madagascar Costa Rica. There is a limited occurrence of the species
A little-known species distributed through eastern north of the canal in Panama and reasonably sized
Madagascar. This rare species natural habitat is populations are reported to be found still in Mexico. The
evergreen hutnid forest between 100m and 1200m habitat has been exploited for 400 years and continuing
altitude. Such forest is decreasing and this species is reductions are caused through cattle ranching and
selectively felled for timber. It is most frequently burning. The species responds well to periodic burning.
recorded around Fort Camot, east of Fianarantsoa. Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Refs: 7980, 14717, 15037, 19179
Refs: 19115
Dalbergia sambesiaca
Dalbergia peltieri Leguminosae DD
Leguminosae LR/nt Mozambique
Madagascar Assessor: Bandeira, S.
A widespread species of deciduous, seasonally dry, /Je/i; 5117,7550
lowland forest on sand in western Madagascar. The
species is still relatively common and less sought-after Dalbergia setifera
than other rosewoods because of its softer wood. It is Leguminosae ENBl+2c
mainly used for local construction purposes. Ghana
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Endemic to Ghana, this species is confined to areas of
Refs: 19115 dry forest at Sekondi. Habitat degradation has been
extensive, although the species' preference for rocky
Dalbergia pervillei sites lessens the threat of agricultural encroachment
Leguminosae LR/nt Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Madagascar Refs: 2773, 12061
A tree occurring in broadleaved, deciduous, seasonally
dry forest and woodland, usually between 50m and Dalbergia simpsonii
300m altitude. This locally common species is very Leguminosae VU D2
widespread in southern, western and northern Pern
Madagascar. However, the vegetation in this zone is A lowland forest species known only from the type
fragmented and the species is selectively felled. Some collection taken from the department of Loreto.
localities fall within protected area boundaries. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Refs: 1984
Dalbergia suaresensis
Dalbergia pseudobaronii Leguminosae ENBI-f2abcde
Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd Madagascar
Madagascar A tree occurring in lowland deciduous forest in the
Occurring in evergreen, humid forest between 50 and northern tip of Madagascar, around Antsiranana. The
1000m, the species is mainly recorded from northern extent of occurrence is very small, and the forest very
Madagascar. Little is known about its frequency, but fragmented within it. Selective felling of this species has
population reductions have been caused by selective drastically reduced the population.
felling for the high-quality timber, which is sold on Assessor: Du Puy, D.
national and local markets. Refs: 19115
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115 Dalbergia tonkinensis
Leguminosae VU A led
Dalbergia purpurascens China (Guangdong - Hainan), Viet Nam
Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd A tree known from scattered populations in areas of
Madagascar primary and secondary forest in Viet Nam and Hainan
Widespread in east, west and south-west Madagascar, Island in China. In Viet Nam heavy exploitation of the
where it is locally conunon. However, this species beautiful timber has led to considerable population
produces a notably attractive high-quality rosewood declines. Habitat loss on Hainan Island through logging
which is selectively felled, seriously reducing has also been significant.
populations. Some localities are in the protected areas of Assessor: Ban, N.T.
Ankarana, Namoroka and Bemaraha. Refs: 848, 6125, 1 1530, 15357, 19060, 19091
Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 19115 Dalbergia tricolor
Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd
A tree occurring in lowland deciduous, seasonally dry
forest and woodland. This uncommon species has a

The World List of Threatened Trees

distinct distribution. Selective felling in fragmented rosewood, but the stems are very sought-after locally for
vegetation is causing a reduction in the total population. construction and tool making. The vegetation in this area
Assessor: Du Puy, D. isvery fragmented.
Refs: 19115 Assessor: Du Puy, D.
Refs: 12353,19115
Dalbergia tsaratananensis
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2abcde Daniellia klainei
Madagascar Leguminosae LR/nt
Few populations are known and all are confined to Cameroon, Gabon
broadleaved, submontane, moist forest in the Populations in Cameroon have become reduced with
Tsaratanana Massif in Madagascar. Trees are selectively increasing exploitation of the timber. There are intact
felled and the habitat is in rapid decline because of stands in Gabon, where large tracts of forest have
increasing cultivation. remained undisturbed. This trend, however, is rapidly
Assessor: Du Puy, D. changing as almost all forest areas in Gabon are now
Refs: 19115 under concession to timber companies.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dalbergia tsiandalana Refs: 14958, 19132
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2abcde
Madagascar Daniellia oblonga
Very restricted, this poorly known species occurs around Leguminosae VU Ale
Soalala and Mahajanga in western Madagascar. The Benin, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Nigeria
coastal, lowland, moist forest habitat of this species is A large tree from Atlantic forest. Populations have been
very reduced and fragmented. This good-quality recorded in Benin, on the Nigerian border at Oueme, in
rosewood is selectively felled. Ikom in Nigeria, extending into Cameroon and Bioko.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Although information on the extent of the species range
Refs: 19115 and its status is incomplete, the habitat is known to have
decUned severely.
Dalbergia urschii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae ENBI+2abcde /?e/i.- 2773,7111, 11504

A tree known from only one locality in lowland, Daphnopsis calcicola
deciduous, seasonally dry forest near Antsiranana. This Thymelaeaceae VU D2
rare species is easily accessible, selectively felled and in Cuba
an area of forest degradation and clearance. A small, endemic tree locally restricted to the deeply
Assessor: Du Puy, D. eroded limestone mountains called the mogotes complex
Refs: 19115 in Vitiales, Pinar del Rio Province.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Dalbergia vacciniifolia Refs: 11403,18485,19149
Leguminosae VUBI+2b
Kenya, Tanzania Daphnopsis macrophyUa
A relatively wide-ranging species which occurs as a Thymelaeaceae VUBl+2c
scandent shrub in places. It is known from patches of Ecuador
dry coastal forest in south-east Kenya, at unusually high A tree of montane and upper montane cloud forest in the
altitudes in the Shimba Hills and at Taru. The range Ecuadorean High Andes.
extends south through coastal Tanzania to Zanzibar Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Island. Refs: 19119,19120
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 6396, 7550 Daphnopsis pavonii
Thymelaeaceae VU 02
Dalbergia viguieri Peru
Leguminosae VUAlcd+2cd Known only from the type collected in the department of
Madagascar Juni'n, the species occurs in forest between 2500 and
A poorly known rosewood broadleaved
tree, restricted to 3000m.
Madagascar. The species is
transition forest in north-east Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
known from only three rapidly diminishing sites, all of Refs: 1984
which are fragmented and isolated.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. Dasylepis Integra
Refs: 19115 Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2b
Kenya, Tanzania
Dalbergia xerophila An upland moist forest species known from the Taita
Leguminosae ENBl+2abcde Hills in Kenya, the West Usambara Mountains and Pare
Madagascar Mountains in Tanzania. There is also an unusual record
This species has a very restricted distribution in of occurrence at Nou in Mbulu based on a single
woodland and scrubland on sand, in south-east collection.
Madagascar. A shrubby species, not of export-quality Assessor: Lovett, J. &G.P. Clarke
/ee/i. 3356, 6396, 8814

Species Summaries

Dasymaschalon scandens Deckenia nobilis

Annonaceae VU B 1 +2c Palmae EN B2e+3d
Philippines Seychelles
This tree is endemic to Palawan, found on forested A palm tree, reaching up to 40m in height, scattered in
slopes at low and medium altitudes. The main island is lowland forest up 600m. Population numbers are
declared a biosphere reserve. declining as result of exploitation of the edible palm
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre hearts. Some stands are naturally protected on rocky,
Refs: 4986 inaccessible cliffs. The species is legally protected and
seedlings, raised in nurseries, are distributed to the
Davidia involucrata var. irtvolucrata public for planting.
Comaceae LR/cd Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
China (Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Refs: 19025,19118
One of the two varieties in this monospecific genus. It Degeneria roseiflora
occurs in small pure stands scattered over a fairly wide Degeneriaceae LR/nt
range in broadleaved forest between 1000 and 2200m. It Fiji

is a valuable ornamental tree and seed collecting coupled An endemic family of just two species. This species is
with high levels of habitat destruction, have caused the endemic to Viti Levu, Vanua Levu and Taveuni. It is
species to disappear from parts of its range. relatively abundant but being logged extensively.
Assessor: Sun, W. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 /?«/s. 5515,6053, 18818

Davidia involucrata var. vUmoriniana Degeneria vitiensis

Comaceae VUAlcd Degeneriaceae VU Dl
China (Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Shanxi, Sichuan, Fiji
Yunnan) An endemic family of just two species. This is the rarer
The more threatened of the two varieties in this taxon, occurring on Vanua Levu and Taveuni in small,
monospecific genus. Occurring in montane or cloud scattered populations.
forest with a distribution similar to as the type variant, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
populations appear to be less common. There is also a Refs: 1736,5515,6053,18818
keener demand the seeds and plants in the
horticultural and overcollection from wild
trade, Dehaasia acuminata
populations has reduced natural regeneration severely. Lauraceae CR A 1 c+2c, B I +2c
Assessor: Sun, W. Indonesia (Java)
Refs: 1818, 19055 A lowland forest species known from populations near
Pelabuhan Ratu and a formerly forested area near
Debregeasia ceylanica Pringombo. The current status of these populations is
Urticaceae CRBl+2cd unknown but they are bound to be affected by the almost
Sri Lanka complete clearance of their habitat.
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
south-west Sri Lanka. This species was not recorded Refs: 9078
during the extensive National Conservation Review
forest conducted between 1991 and 1996,
surveys Dehaasia chatacea
indicating that extremely rare or possibly extinct.
it is Lauraceae CR C2b, Dl
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Java)
Refs: 17195,19112 Little is known about this species other than that it was
collected only once before 1850, probably from forest in
Decatropis paucijuga west Java. Given the extent of habitat clearance, it is
Rutaceae EN C2a very likely this species is now extinct.
Guatemala, Honduras Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A scarce species, collected only once in Honduras from Refs: 9078
a locality in the Atlantic wet lowlands.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Dehaasia lancifoUa
Refs: 13995 Lauraceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Decazyx esparzae This rare species is confmed to the mountain forests of
Rutaceae CR C2b Perak and Pahang.
Honduras, Mexico Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 13995
Dehaasia pugerensis
Decazyx macrophyllus Lauraceae CR C2b, Dl
Rutaceae EN C2a Indonesia (Java)
Guatemala, Honduras This species has not been collected since the last
A species known from small populations, in lowland wet cenmry, when it occurred in lowland forest near Meru
mixed forest. Betiri National Park. Given the extent of habitat loss, it

Assessor: Nelson, C. is very likely that the species is now extinct.

Refs: 13995 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9078

The World List of Threatened Trees

DeinboUia longiacumimUa collected since 1870. The genus is endemic to Hawaii.

Sapindaceae LR/cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Democratic Republic of Congo Refs: 19034, 19039
A species endemic to the Forestier Central in the region
ofOfala. Delissea undulata ssp. undulata
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B. Campanulaceae CRBl+2c, C2ab, Dl
Refs: 17185, 17951 USA (Hawaii)
The only extant form of this species. It is represented by
DeinboUia moUiuscula a single Puuwaawaa on Hawaii. All other
tree at
Sapindaceae VUAlc,Bl+2c populations on West Maui, and on the slopes of Hulalai
Cote d'lvoire?, Ghana and Maima Loa on Hawaii are believed extinct. The tree
Confined to wet evergreen forest in Upper Guinea, this occurs in an area leased for ranching where it is imder

species has experienced general losses in habitat caused immediate threat from grazing, fire and also from
by mining, logging and the establishment of commercial invasive plants. Seeds have been propagated and planted
plantations. out in the area, increasing the population to
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. approximately 50 plants. The species is protected by the
Refs: 12061 US Endangered Species Act.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
DeinboUia nyasica Refs: 19034, 19039
Sapindaceae EN B 1 +2ac
Delonix baccal
A large tree, apparently known only from the type
Leguminosae LR/nt
locality near Mboma stream in the Thyolo region. Most
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
of the original forest in this area has been supplanted by
Occurring in Acacia-Commiphora bushland or riverine
tea estates and Eucalyptus plantations. In more recent
woodland, often on limestone, the species is confined to
years remaining forest areas have been steadily
an area extending from central and southern Somalia to
encroached upon for farming.
north-east Kenya and the Ogaden in Ethiopia. It is not
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7058, 18965
common and, in places, the habitat is severely degraded
by encroaching agriculture and overcutting for charcoal
DeinboUia rambaensis
Sapindaceae VU D2 Assessor: Thulin, M.
Refs: 1308, 1330, 6396, 8697, 10961, 13072, 18665
Apparently known only from Ramba, the species may be
found to be more widespread as large areas have yet to Delonix boiviniana
be explored. The future of Gabon's forest is uncertain as Leguminosae LR/nt
now almost completely under concession to logging
it is
companies. The taxonomic status of the genus is held in A deciduous woodland and forest species that occurs
question. throughout north, south and west regions of Madagascar.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre It is locally common and exists within protected areas
Refs: 15790, 19043 that are not imminently threatened.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al.
DeinboUia saligna Refs: 13856
Sapindaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria
An understorey species, a borderiine shrub or tree. It Delonix brachycarpa
occurs in rocky streamside forest in a few localities in Leguminosae LR/nt
Nigeria and Cameroon and is recently recorded in Madagascar
Ghana. Populations in unprotected forest have been This deciduous woodland species has a scattered and
exposed to extensive logging and clearing for widespread distribution across west, south-west and
agriculture. south-east areas of Madagascar. Its distribution is similar
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre to that of D. boiviniana and indeed it may not qualify as
/fe/i.- 450, 8369, 11504 a separate species.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al.

Delissea undulata ssp. kauaiensis Refs: 13856

Campanulaceae EX
USA (Hawaii)
Delonix decaryi
One of three subspecies. was known to occur in
Leguminosae LR/nt
rainforest near Hanapepe on Kauai, but no record
of it has been made since 1895. The genus is endemic to
Restricted to a narrow strip near the coast of south and
the Hawaiian Islands.
south-west Madagascar, this deciduous woodland
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species is extensive but occurs in areas imder increasing
Refs: 19034, 19039
threat from charcoal production. It is highly utilised
Delissea undulata ssp. niihauensis
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al.
Campanulaceae EX Refs: 13856
USA (Hawaii)
This subspecies was known only from a population
occurring on the island of Niihau. It has not been

Species Summaries

Delonix floribunda Delonix tomentosa

Leguminosae LR/nt Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Madagascar Madagascar
A deciduous woodland species that occurs commonly in This deciduous species, previously knowm only from the
the south-west and west of Madagascar. Its main type collected from the Ankara Plateau in the Boina, has
populations are in areas of the south-west that are being recently been reported from a small population on the
increasingly reduced for charcoal production. Ankarana Massif. Periodic fires on the Ankara Plateau
Assessor: Du Puy, D. el al. are a threat. Its location is very inaccessible and no
Refs: 13856 recent survey has been done.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al.

Delonix leucantha ssp. bemarakensis Refs: 13856

Leguminosae VU D2
Madagascar Delonix veluHna
Known only from a single herbarium specimen collected Leguminosae CR A2c
firom Tsingy de Bemaraha in west Madagascar, this Madagascar
deciduous woodland species occurs within a reserve Known from only a few small populations in north
where exploitation is limited because of the area's Madagascar, the main locality of this rare deciduous
remoteness. species is Orangea Peninsula, where it is severely
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre threatened by charcoal burning. It has been recorded
Refs: 13856 once from a protected site at Ankarana.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al.

Delonix leucantha ssp. gracilis Refs: 13856

Leguminosae VU B2c
Madagascar Delpydora macrophytta
Restricted mainly to south-west Madagascar, this Sapotaceae VU D2
deciduous woodland species is uncommon where it Gabon
occurs and is threatened by charcoal burning. From a genus of only two species, this tree is apparently
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et at. confined to the Libreville area. Its range may prove to be
Refs: 13856 wider as the forest is further explored. There is concern
about the extent to which logging concessions have been
Delonix leucantha ssp. leucantha made throughout the country.
Leguminosae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Madagascar Refs: 14958, 15790
Known only from a small population in west
Madagascar, this lowland deciduous woodland species Dendropanax alberti-smithU
occurs in a fairly inaccessible location within a reserve Araliaceae VU C2a
where it is not threatened. However, in a recent Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
botanical survey it was not recorded. The species is scattered in areas of evergreen rainforest
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al. up to about 1200m, principally on the Atlantic side of
Refs: 13856 Panama, and on the Pacific coast Colombia. There are
also reports of occurrences in Costa Rica. None of the
Delonix pumila populations appears to be large and they occur in areas
Leguminosae ENBl-<-2cde which are largely unprotected and prone to logging.
Madagascar Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Known only from two populations in south-west Refs: 16772
Madagascar, this species is restricted to areas of
xerophytic scrubland on La Table Hill, with a smaller Dendropanax blakeanus
population on the plateau above St Augustin. Threats to Araliaceae VU Bl+2c
the former population exist from road widening and the Jamaica
collection of mature individuals for the ornamental Apparently confined to John Crows Mountains, the
trade. Both populations are susceptible to (Ires and species has been recorded in few localities, one above
neither is protected. Ecclesdown and another at Proctor's Pool (a single
Assessor: Du Puy, D. et al. individual), in *elfin or moist forest on limestone.
Refs: 13856 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5653, 7980
Delonix regia
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Dendropanax cordifolius
Madagascar Araliaceae CRBl+2c
This deciduous species is native west and north
to Jamaica
Madagascar but is cultivated throughout this and many The species has been collected from wooded limestone
other tropical countries. The main native populations hillsides at the summit of Dolphin Head. Thorough
found around Antsiranana occur in areas that are searches for the species in 1989 failed to locate it. Apart
threatened from charcoal production. It is used widely as from habitat declines and degradation, it is possible that

an ornamental tree. Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 caused serious damage.

Assessor: Du Puy, D. et at. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 559, 1833, 13856 /ee/i; 401, 5653, 7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

Dendropanax darienensis collected in the department of San Martin in the

Araliaceae DD Peruvian Andes.
Panama Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The type collection for this species was supposedly Refs: 1984
taken from the province of Darien but the herbarium
specimen lacks details on the specific locality and the Dendropanax nutans var. nutans
collection number. There has also been a claim that the Araliaceae LR/nt
specimen originated from Cabo Corrientes in Colombia. Jamaica
Assessor: Mitr6, M. One of the two varieties of a species which is endemic to
Refs: 1212,19m, 16772 the Blue Mountains and John Crow Mountains. It grows
as a shrub or gnarled tree below 1700m on ridges,
Dendropanax fiUpes especially the Grand Ridge.
Araliaceae CRBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Jamaica Refs: 7980, 12564
A small tree or straggling shrub, endemic to the Cockpit
Country, where it occurs locally in woodland on Dendropanax nutans var. obtusifolius
limestone rocks. Originally recorded from four Araliaceae LR/nt
locations, attempts to find the species at three of these Jamaica
sites, Peckham Woods, Mango Tree Hill and Miss This variety occurs in montane forest at higher altitudes,
Laura's Hill, have failed. These areas suffer frequent above 1700m, in the Blue Mountains and John Crow
cutting and agricultural encroachment. Mountains.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i.- 401, 5653, 7980 Refs: 19m, 12564, 17743

Dendropanax grandiflorus Dendropanax ovalifolius

Araliaceae CRBl+2c Araliaceae VUBl+2c
Jamaica Jamaica
The species is known from four localities. At two of Recorded from the parishes of St Elizabeth and St
them, Peckham and Douglas Castle Woods, attempts to James, populations occur locally In woodlands on
find the species have failed. Another location on a ridge limestone, between 400 and 610m.
south of Sunbury is severely degraded by cutting and Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
intensive cultivation. The last site, on jagged limestone Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 17743, 19085
on White Rock Hill, appears to harbour a population
which is in good condition. Dendropanax pendulus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Araliaceae LR/nt
;?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Jamaica
A species which occurs as a shrub or small tree, mostly
Dendropanax grandis on ridge crests, especially the Grand Ridge in the Blue
Araliaceae CRBl+2c Mountains. It is locally common below 1850m.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A single sterile specimen is known from a ridge of Refs: 7980, 12564
woodland south of Sunbury, where the habitat has been
severely degraded by cutting and intensive agriculture. Dendropanax portlandianus
Another population is known in forest in St Ann Parish. Araliaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Jamaica
^e/j; 401, 5653, 7980 A shrub or small tree which has only been recorded from
Portland Parish in localised areas of moist mossy
Dendropanax hondurensis limestone forest between 450 and 600m.
Araliaceae CR C2a Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Honduras, Mexico Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
A tree of high-elevation cloud forest.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Dendropanax sessiUflorus
Refs: 13995 Araliaceae VU C2a
Costa Rica, Panama
Dendropanax lanceifoUus A species of rainforest or cloud forest, occurring from
Araliaceae VUBl+2c low altitude to 2000m. Its range extends from Costa
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Rica through Panama to the Kunayala Indigenous
A small tree of hill rainforest, confined to the state of Reserve, close to the border with Colombia. In Panama
Perak. most of the collections originate from Chiriquf. Only a
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. few populations are in protected areas and elsewhere the
Refs: 19073 species is threatened by logging and burning.
Assessor: Mitre, M.
Dendropanax marginiferus Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772
Araliaceae VU D2
A lowland forest species known only from the type

Species Summaries

Dendropanax swartzii Dendroseris macrophylla

Araliaceae DD Compositae CRBl+2c
Jamaica Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)
A taxon of doubtful validity, recorded from woodlands A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan
and thickets in wet areas in the John Crow Mountains. Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects
/fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980 of grazing by feral aiumals and spread of introduced
weeds. More detailed information on the species should
Dendroseris berteriana become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands
Compositae CR B 1 +2c are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve
Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is) and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the
A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan native plants.
Fernandez. Most of the species in the genus are now Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects /?c/i; 3241, 5651, 14140
of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
weMls. More detailed information on the species should Dendroseris marginata
become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands Compositae CR B 1 +2c
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)
and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan
native plants. Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects
/?e/j.- 3241, 5651, 14140 of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
weeds. More detailed information on the species should
Dendroseris gigantea become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands
Compositae CR B 1 +2c are designated as a nationa' park and biosphere reserve
Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is) and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the
A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees,endemic to Juan native plants.
Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects Re/i; 3241, 5651. 14140
of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
weeds. More detailed information on the species should Dendroseris micrantha
become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands Compositae CR B 1 +2c
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve Chile (Juan Femindez Is)
and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan
native plants. Fernandez. Most of the species in the genus are now
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects
^e/i.- 3241, 5651, 14140 of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
weeds. More detailed information on the species should
Dendroseris liloralis become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands
Composi tae CR B 1 +2c are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve
Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is) and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the
A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic tc Juan native plants.
FemSndez. Most of the species in the genus are now Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects /f</i. 3241,5651
of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
weeds. This species has been successfully cultivated and Dendroseris neriifoUa
thrives in some places where it has been planted. More Compositae CR B 1 +2c
detailed information on the species should become Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)
available to confirm this evaluation. The islands are A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endetnic to Juan
designated as a national park and biosphere reserve and Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now
work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the native reduced few individuals, largely through the effects
to a
plants. of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre weeds. More detailed information on the species should
Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140 become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve
Dendroseris macrantha and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the
Compositae CRBl-^2c native plants.
Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140
Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now
reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects Dendroseris pinnata
of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced Compositae CRBl-f-2c
weeds. More detailed information on the species should Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is)
become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now
and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects
native plants. of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre weeds. More detailed information on the species should
«e/i.- 3241, 5651, 14140 become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands

The World List of Threatened Trees

are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve Desmoslachys vogelii

and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the Icacinaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
native plants. Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A wet evergreen forest tree ranging from Ghana to
/fc/i; 3241, 5651, 14140 Cameroon. The species habitat has declined because of
mining and logging activities and the establishment of
Dendroseris pntinala commercial plantations.
Compositae CRBl+2c Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Chile (Juan Fernandez Is) Refs: 2773, 12061
A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan
Fem^dez. Most of the species in the genus are now Deutzianthus tonkienensis
reduced to a few individuals, largely through the effects Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced China (Guangxi, Yunnan), Viet Nam
weeds. More detailed information on the species should A species which occurs sparsely in the lower storey of
become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands primary or slightly disturbed forest. Its distribution in
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve China is restricted to a small area of south-east Yunnan
and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the and south-west Guangxi. In Viet Nam populations are
native plants. found in a number of northern provinces. Indiscriminate
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre cutting and degradation of the habitat has caused
/Jc/i; 3241, 5651, 14140 declines in the mature population. It is the only species
in the genus.
Dendroseris regia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Compositae CRBl+2c Refs: 1818, 10013, 11847, 15357, 19055
Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)

A genus of palm-like pachycaul trees, endemic to Juan Dialium bipindense

Fernandez. Most of the species in the genus are now Leguminosae LR/nt
reduced few individuals, largely through the effects
to a Cameroon, Gabon
of grazing by feral animals and spread of introduced A large canopy timber tree found in abimdance in
weeds. More detailed information on the species should lowland rainforest in Kribi, Ebolowa and Bipindi in
become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands Cameroon and Ogoue and Njole in Gabon. The rates of
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve harvesting of the timber are a primary concern
and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the throughout its range. Agricultural encroachment upon
native plants. the habitat is alsocommon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 3241, 5651, 14140 Refs: 12509, 12597, 15251, 15790

Dendrosicyos socotrana Dialium cochinchinense

Cucurbitaceae VU A2d Leguminosae LR/nt
Yemen (Socotra) Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
One of the very few species in Cucurbitaceae to grow to Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
the stature of a tree, it is also notable for its A large deciduous tree, highly valued for the timber.
common on
characteristic swollen trunk. Trees are fairiy Occurring in various forest types throughout Indo-China
the coastal plains and foothills, mainlyon limestone but south into Peninsular Thailand and Malaysia, the species
also in granite areas. The whole plant is cut and pulped is becoming rarer in many places because of
for livestock fodder. Although current levels of use are overexploitation. In Viet Nam, it is listed as threatened.
sustainable, there is a potential risk of increasing A protected population occurs in Kon Cha Rang Nature
livestock numbers placing populations under severe Reserve.
pressure. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Refs: 848, 11530, 14573, 15357
Refs: 2354, 19083
Dialium excelsum
Dennettia tripetala Leguminosae EN Bl+2c
Annonaceae VUAlc, B1-h2c Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda
Ghana, Nigeria The species occurs in Ituri forest in DR Congo, where
A small tree found in dry forest in Upper Guinea. Its the species is fairly common but scattered. Elsewhere it

habitat is most vulnerable to agricultural expansion and is found uncommonly in small populations in a few
the effects of high population growth and fires. localities in Uganda. General threats of mining,
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. overcutting for charcoal production and expansive
«e/i:8369, 11504, 12061 agriculture affect unprotected parts of the range.
Assessor: *MUIENR
Desmopsis dolichopetala Refs: 7550, 9605, 9837, 14667
Annonaceae CRC2a
Honduras Dialium hoUzii
Assessor: Nelson, C. Leguminosae VUBl+2b
Refs: 13995 Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania
A moist forest species which can occur in wetter or
riverine areas of dry forests. found in remaining
It is

forest patches in east and south-east Tanzania into

Mozambique. It has also been collected further north in

Species Summaries

limestone areas at Buda, Gongoni and Pangani in Kenya. Dichilanthe zeylanica

Assessor: Lx)vett, J. &
G.P. Clarke Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 3356. 6296, 10961 Sri Lanka
A tree confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Dialium lopense south-west Sri Lanka. This species was recorded from
Leguminosae LR/nt only five forest localities during the extensive National
Gabon Conservation Review forest surveys conducted between
An endemic species to Lop6 Forest Reserve, extending 1991 and 1996.
about 100km outside the reserve's boundaries. Part of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the range is under concession to logging companies and Refs: i203, 17195,19112
there is concern over future plans for intensive logging.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Dichrostachys dehiscens
Refs: 14958, 15790 Leguminosae VU D2
Yemen (Socotra)
Dialium orientale A fairiy common small tree or shrub, occurring in
Leguminosae LR/nt submontane woodland. Leaves provide good livestock
Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania fodder, and trees are frequently damaged to obtain them.
This species ranges along the coast in semi-evergreen Although under no current threat, there is a potential for
forest or bushland from north-east Tanzania, through livestock numbers to increase and put the species at
Kenya into southern Somalia. The fruits are edible and greater risk.
the wood used to make dhow ribs. Much of the habitat
is Assessor: Miller, A.G.
is threatened with overcutting and clearing. Refs: 19083
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Rtfs: 2361, 3356. 3925, 7550, 18665 Dichrostachys kirkii
Leguminosae LR/nt
Dialium travancoricum Ethiopia, Somalia
Leguminosae CRBl+2c A variable species known from central and southern
India (Kerala) Somalia extending to the eastern Ogaden in Ethiopia,
A large tree of lowland forest, endemic to a small area in where it occurs in dry deciduous bushland. In places the
the Travancore range, occurring at Ponmudi and habitat is suffering from degradation caused by
Ariankavu. It appears to have become extremely scarce. overcutting for charcoal production and by expanding
No collections have been made in the last 100 years. agricultural activities.
Only small remnants of forest now exist within its Assessor: Thulin, M.
former range. Refs: 1330, 18665
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4799, 19144 Dicraeopetalum capuroniana
Leguminosae VUBl+2abc
Dicellostyles axillaris Madagascar
Malvaceae CRDl Recorded from only a few scattered localities in a
Sri Lanka restricted area of southern Madagascar, this deciduous
An extremely rare lowland tree. No records were made tree occurs on sand near the coast. Its range is estimated
during the recent forest surveys by the National to be 16, 000 km^ (*EOO) in areas that are subjected to
Conservation Review, but there is a possibility that a continuing degradation. It is selectively felled for
population is located in the dry zone, which was not timber, with little or no conservation measures in
extensively surveyed. The only cultivated specimen, existence.
located in the Peradeniya Botanical Garden, died in Assessor: Du Puy. D. & H. Labat
1992. Refs: 12353
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8203, 12129, 18796 Dicraeopetalum mahafaliensis
Leguminosae VU B I +2abc
Dichapetalum bocageanum Madagascar
Dichapetalaceae VU D2 A xerophytic species restricted to the limestone
Sao Tom6 & Pn'ncipe (Sao Tomfi) Mahafaly Plateau of southern Madagascar, covering an
Little is known about the species. It has been collected estimated 18, 000 km^ (*E(X)). The area is already
twice. Large areas of the island remain to be explored, fragmented and grazed and is continuing to be cleared.
although most of the forest below 1500m was felled in A small area is protected beside Lake
the first half of the century. Tsimanampetsotsa.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor:Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Refs: 2724 Refs: 12353

Dichapetalum costaricense Dicraeopetalum stiputare

Dichapetalaceae VU D2 Leguminosae VU A2cd
Costa Rica, Nicaragua Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia
A newly described species occurring in cloud forest in There are reports of many trees in the Somalian
the Monteverde and Heredia Biological Reserve in population, but they are threatened by overcollection for
Costa Rica and from areas along Ri'o San Juan near charcoal production and also by habitat degradation. The
Cafio Chontaleiio in Nicaragua. species is also known from a single record in the eastern
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ogaden and one in an area of bushland on Umestone
Refs: 13112

The World List of Threatened Trees

north-east of Wajir in Kenya. It is the only species in the Dillenia ferruginea

genus. Dilleniaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Seychelles
Refs: 1308, 1330,6396, 13072, 18665 Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as
threatened by of its restricted distribution.
Dictyosperma album var. album Populations are healthy and stable.
Palmae CR Dl Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mauritius Refs: 9S59,\1229
A palm of submontane forest known only from
Florin Reserve in south-west Mauritius. Less than 10 Dillenia fischeri
mature individuals remain and there are no authenticated Dilleniaceae VU Alcd
reports of natural regeneration. The trees are protected in Philippines
a managed, weeded and fenced reserve. Seed production A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
is monitored. habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
Assessor: Page, W. have led to considerable population declines.
Refs: 19118 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
y?e/i.- 4919, 5651, 12937
Dictyosperma album var. conjugatum
Palmae CR Dl Dillenia luzoniensis
Mauritius Dilleniaceae VUAlcd
Restricted to I'ile Ronde off the north-east coast of Philippines
Mauritius, this palm tree has been reduced to a single A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
wild individual. Two trees survived until 1994, when a habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
cyclone killed one of them. Seeds were obtained from have led to considerable population declines.
the tree before it died and 25 offspring were raised. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
These individuals have been introduced to a 25ha island /?e/i.- 2072, 4919, 5651
reserve called lie aux Aigrettes. The remaining wild tree
produced seeds for the first time in December 1996. Dillenia megalantha
Assessor: Page, W. Dilleniaceae VU Aid
Refs:l9US Philippines
A timber species of primary lowland forest.
Dicypellium caryophyllaceum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lauraceae VU A 1 cd /?e/i.4919, 11145, 12937
Brazil (Amazonas, Maranh^o, Pari)
Most recent collections have come from non-flooded Dillenia philippinensis
forest in Tapaj6s in Pari. In the past, the species was Dilleniaceae VU Aid
known from Maranhao further north. Intense Philippines
exploitation of the bark to make essential oils has caused An evergreen tree which occurs in primary and
the species to become rare; there is 95.5% eugenol secondary forests throughout the Philippines. It provides
contained in the oil. The epithet is commonly spelled a useful timber and the fruits are edible and also have a
caryophyllatum. medicinal value.
Assessor: Pedralli, G. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7144, 7145, 15539, 16123, 19142 Refs: 49\9, 11145,12937

Didelotia idae Dillenia reifferscheidtia

Leguminosae LR/nt Dilleniaceae VU Aid
Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Philippines
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo A species of primary and secondary lowland forests. It is
This species ranges from Sierra Leone to Cameroon but exploited for its timber and edible fruits.
it is confined to wet evergreen and swampy forest. It Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
occurs commonly in parts of its range but the effects of Refs: 49\9, 11145,12937
mining, logging and commercial forestry activities have
caused significant losses in the extent of its occurrence. Dillenia triquetra
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Dilleniaceae CR B 1 -t-2cd
/?e/i; 7550, 8369, 12061 Sri Lanka
A tree restrictedto the lowland rainforests of south-west
Didelotia unifoliolata Sri Lanka. This species was scattered but fairly
Leguminosae LR/nt widespread in the lowland rainforests according to a
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire?, Democratic Republic of survey in the late 1980s, but it was not recorded at any
Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia?, Sierra Leone? of the forest sites during the extensive National
A relatively wide-ranging species, occurring from DR Conservation Review forest surveys conducted between
Congo to Ghana and possibly further west. It is confined 1991 and 1996, suggesting that this species is either
and scarce in wet evergreen has forest, which extremely rare or possibly extinct.
experienced general declines in its extent because of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
mining, logging and commercial forestry activities. Refs: 17195,19112
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: rm, 5595, 8369, 12061, 12597, 19092

Species Summaries

Dimocarpus longan have been successful. The species is believed to have

Sapindaceae LR/nl been a popular timber in colonial times.
China (Guangdong - Hainan) Assessor: Page, W.
One of the common and important components of low- Refs: 1411,9120,16426
elevation monsoon forests in the south-west of Hainan
Island. Large-scale logging has taken out a considerable Diospyros atrata
proportion of the population but trees are resprouting Ebenaceae VU Bl+2c
where allowed. India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre In Sri Lanka, a recent survey identified a total of three
Refs. 1818,11847 populations, occurring in wet evergreen forests in
Ratnapura and Kalutara Districts. In India populations
Dimorphocalyx beddomei are restricted to submontane forest at the southernmost
Euphorbiaceae ENBI+2c end of the Western Ghats, including the Agastyamalai
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Hills, where forest has declined in extent but is now
An understoreytree, recorded only from the protected within sanctuaries.
Agastymalai range in submontane evergreen forest. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lafge areas have been exposed to fires, grazing, the Refs: 12129, 15431, 18796, 19112, 19144
establishment of commercial plantations and cutting for
fiielwood, but almost 1 000km' of forest is now under Diospyros attenuata
protection within sanctuaries. Ebenaceae ENBl-i-2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre SriLanka
Refs: 19144 This tree was found to occur in only three forest reserves
during the extensive National Conservation Review
Diospyros acuminata forest surveys.
Ebenaceae VUAIc Assessor:World Conservatioi: Monitoring Centre
Sri Lanka R^s: 15431, 18796, 19112
A lowland rainforests of south-west
tree scattered in the
Sri Lanka. Diospyros barberi
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ebenaceae VUBl-i-2c
Refs: 15431,17195 India (Kerala. Tamil Nadu)
One of the trees endemic to the Agastyamalai Hills.
Diospyros acuta Large parts of the forest here have been affected by
Ebenaceae ENBl-i-2c fires, grazing, the incursion of commercial plantations

Sri Lanka and cutting for fiielwood. However, almost 10(X)km' of

A very rare tree restricted the lowland wet evergreen forest are relatively well protected within sanctuaries.
forests of south-west Sri Lanka. This species is known Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from four localities: Kanneliya, Kottawa, Badullakele Refs: S(iS\, 19144
and Dediyagala.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Diospyros barteri
/Je/t; 15431, 16943, 17195 Ebenaceae VUAlc
Cameroon, Ghana. Nigeria
Diospyros albiflora A species which can be found in a variety of moist forest
Ebenaceae VUAlc formations in populations on either side of the Dahomey
Sri Lanka Gap. General forest loss has been high in all three
A lowland rainforests of south-west
tree confined to the countries where it is found because of logging, mining,
Sri Lanka. oil exploration and commercial forestry activities.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Hawthorne, W.

Refs: 15431, 17195 ^e/t; 6197, 11504, 12061

Diospyros amaniensis Diospyros benstonei

Ebenaceae VU Bl+2bc Ebenaceae CR C2b
Kenya, Tanzania Papua New Guinea
A coastal forest species, often a shrub, known from Apparently confined to Misima Island in Milne Bay
populations in the Shimba Hills in Kenya and in north- Province, this small rare tree occurs in streamside
east Tanzania. It is closely related to the West African rainforest in a gorge. The population is threatened by
species D. gabunensis. mining and cutting for local use.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke Assessor: Eddowes. P.J.
Refs: 556, 3356, 6396 /Jefj; 19114,19147

Diospyros angulata Diospyros blancoi

Ebenaceae CR Dl Ebenaceae VU Alcd
Mauritius Philippines
A species now known from just a single female tree in A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
lowland forest at Magenta. The tree fruited for the first habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
time in five years in 1996 and again in 1997, which have led to considerable population declines.
suggests there is a male individual in the vicinity. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Neither natural regeneration nor ex situ propagation Refs: 5651, 10938

The World List of Threatened Trees

Diospyros blumutensis lowland forest was collected from Lenggong, Perak. It is

Ebenaceae VU D2 hoped that the species will be found in Piah Forest

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Reserve.

A tree known from a single collection taken from hill Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
forest on Gunung Belumut, Johore. The area is classified Refs: 19073, 19182
as a protected forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Diospyros crassiflora
Refs: 19073 Ebenaceae EN Aid
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo,
Diospyros boutoniana Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Nigeria
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c Virtually all large trees of this lowland rainforest species

Mauritius have been felled for the ebony wood, except perhaps in
A relatively common species of upland and mid the most remote parts of its range.
elevation forest in the south-west and occasionally in the Assessor: African Regional Workshop
east and northern ranges. The spread of invasive species Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 17408
and habitat degradation are causing considerable
concern. The species responds poorly to disturbance and Diospyros crumenata
appears to be regenerating insufficiently. Ebenaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Page, W. Sri Lanka
Refs: 1411,9120, 16426 This species was discovered in only two forest localities
during the extensive surveys conducted for the National
Diospyros capricomuta Conservation Review.
Ebenaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Tanzania Refs: 15431,19112
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 556, 3356 Diospyros daemona
Ebenaceae VU D2
Diospyros celebica Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Ebenaceae VUAlcd A lowland forest tree, known from four collections from
Indonesia (Sulawesi) northern Peninsular Malaysia. Populations may be
Occurring in lowland rainforest, the species is found conserved in the permanent forest reserves of Kedah,
only in central and northern Sulawesi. It has been Kelantan and north Pahang.
heavily exploited for its fine streaked ebony timber Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
which used for carving, inlay, furniture and musical
is Refs: 19073
instruments. The number of mature trees has declined
and large parts of the habitat have been converted to Diospyros ebenoides
crops. Felling of the species is now only allowed by Ebenaceae ENBl+2c
quota but continues illegally. Sri Lanka
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre In the extensive surveys conducted for the National

Refs: 4329, 11 145, 12937, 19048, 19065 Conservation Review, this tree was found in only three
forest localities in Kandy and Ratnapura Districts.

Diospyros chaetocarpa Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

Ebenaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c Refs: 15431,17759,19112
Sri Lanka
A rare tree endemic to the lowland wet
evergreen forests Diospyros ebenum
of south-west Sri Lanka. In the extensive surveys Ebenaceae DD
conducted for the National Conservation Review, this India, Sri Lanka
species was discovered in six localities in Galle and An understorey tree of dry evergreen forests. Since
Kalutara Districts. ancient times the species has been renowned for its
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre black wood and it is still regarded as the best
Refs: 15431,17195, 19112 commercial black ebony. Both India and Sri Lanka have
banned the export of this species.
Diospyros chrysophyllos Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Ebenaceae EN B 1 -k2c, C2a Refs: 11145,15431,16031
A small tree found extremely rarely in lowland to Diospyros egrettarum
intermediate evergreen forest in the south-west, east and Ebenaceae CRBl+2c
northern mountain ranges. The largest populations occur Mauritius
at Bel Ombre and at Femey, Mount (ireole. Natural Once a dominant coastal ebony, the species is now
regeneration observed and there are significant
is rarely reduced to fewer than 10 individuals on the mainland
pressures caused by the spread of invasive species and and a larger viable population on He aux Aigrettes, a
habitat degradation. It was heavily harvested
coral island off the east coast.
Assessor: Page, W. and firewood. The trees on He aux
in the past for timber

Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Aigrettes are now benefiting from a number of

protective measures, such as the eradication of exotic
Diospyros conformis plants and rats.
Ebenaceae VUBl-t-2c Assessor: Page, W.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 1411, 2000, 9120, 16426
Known only from a single collection, this tree of

Species Summaries

Diospyros ekgantissima confined to a few sites of lowland evergreen forest in the

Ebenaceae LR/cd south-west and also recently recorded on the east coast
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) at MontBris6e. The total population is estimated to be
A rare tree of Perak and Pahang found in lowland and less than 60, although only 42 trees are known at
hill forest up to 700m. The habitat is threatened by present. No regeneration is apparent. There are plans to
agricultural expansion and other developments, but it is plant trees from cultivation into managed reserves.
possible the species is conserved within the permanent Assessor: Page, W.
forest reserves. Refs: 1411,4506,9120, 16426
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 19073 Diospyros hirsuta
Ebenaceae vU Ale
Diospyros fastidiosa SriLanka
Ebenaceae VU D2 Endemic to Sri Lanka, this species is scattered in the
New Caledonia lowland wet evergreen forests.
Apparently only collected once in 1972 on the eastern Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
slopes of Mont Aoupini^ in an area of humid forest at Refs: 15431, 17195
600m occurring on an unusual and highly restricted
substrate. Diospyros impoUta
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Ebenaceae VUBI+2c
Refs: 10351, 12630 New Caledonia
Confined to sclerophyllous forest, the species occurs in a
Diospyros feliciana few locations on the west coast. The habitat is
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c fragmented and much reduced in extent, largely because
Guinea of agricultural activities, grazing and fires.
Endemic to Guinea, the species is confined to remaining Assessor: Jaffrfi, T. et al.
areas of upland forest. Refs: U92,\035], 12630
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10090 Diospyros insidiosa
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c
Diospyros gambletma Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Ebenaceae VU D2 A lowland forest tree confined to Pulau Tioman. Only
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) two collections have been made. The island is being
A rare species, confined to hill forest in the
Keledang developed into a resort and the chances of the
range, in the state of Perak.
Only two collections are conserving the species are remote.
known, both of them from the same locality. The forest Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
in the region is classified as protected. Refs: 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19073 Diospyros insularis
Ebenaceae EN A 1 cd+2cd, B I +2c
Diospyros gilHsonii Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago,
Ebenaceae EN A 1 cd+2cd. C2a Solomons), Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
Papua New Guinea A tree of primary lowland rainforest found in only a few
A tree scattered throughout the small coral islands in the localities in the Solomon Islands and New Ireland of the
Kiriwina (Trobriand) Group and the Louisiade Bismarck Archipelago. Overexploitation and logging
Archipelago, where it occurs in beach scrub on coral have resulted in the species becoming highly
limestone at sea level. It is heavily exploited by the local endangered, possibly critically endangered.
people for its black heartwood, which is used in Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
carvings, native hair combs and ceremonial pieces. Very Refs:\9\U
few mature trees, if any, remain.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Diospyros johorensis
Refs: 19U4 Ebenaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Diospyros greenwayi Known only from a single collection, this lowland forest
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c tree occurs in Gunong Panti Forest Reserve, which is
Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania now considered a conservation area by the Johore Forest
A shrub or tree confined to remaining patches of forest. Department.
Occurrences in Kenya are recorded from the Shimba Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hills, Buda and Witu. It is known from a number of Refs: 19073
forest reserves in Tanzania and is apparently newly
found in Somalia in the Jubbada Hoose region. The Diospyros katendei
demand for agricultural land exerts heavy pressure Ebenaceae CRBl+2ce,C2b,Dl
throughout the range. Uganda
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke At present the species is known from a single population
/Je/j; 556, 2361, 3356, 6396 of about 20 trees in upland evergreen rainforest in
cential Kasyoha-Kitomi. The area is designated as a
Diospyros hemiteles forest reserve and timber is being extracted.
Ebenaceae CR C2a, Dl Assessor: Katende, A.B.
Mauritius Refs: 5525, 5654
A species, probably a timber in the distant past, now

The World List of Threatened Trees

Diospyros kingii the forest. Forest management operations are now

Ebenaceae VU D2 discouraging any illegal encroachment or exploitation.

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
A species confined to hill forest in Perak, where it has Refs: 556, 5654, 16796
been collected three times. It is thought that the species
receives a degree of protection within permanent forest Diospyros margaretae
reserves. Ebenaceae VU Dl
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre New Caledonia
Refs: 19073 A species known from two small populations. At the
type locality in Kouaoua it occurs commonly in the
Diospyros koloensis rainforest understory on serpentine soils. In the second
Ebenaceae ENAlad, Bl+2ab,C2a location at Petit Koum it occurs with Agathis lanceolata
Taiwan in rainforest on granite.

An endemic to Lanyu Island off the south-east coast of Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Taiwan. It occurs in lowland broadleaved forest and has Refs: 10351, 12630
attracted considerable attention as an ornamental tree.
The populations are unprotected and under some threat Diospyros melanida
from encroaching settlements and agriculture. Ebenaceae VUBl+2cde
Assessor: Pan, F.J. Mauritius
Refs: 3295, 19050 A likely timber of past centuries this species is

commonly found in dry deciduous lowland forest mostly

Diospyros leucomelas in thesouth-west but also on the east coast and eastern
Ebenaceae VU Bl+2ce mountain ranges. Regeneration appears to be poor
Mauritius because of the invasion of exotic plants and also exotic
A relatively common species in lowland forests in the animals which destroy the seeds. In many places the
south-west and occasionally found in the eastern populations are reduced to scattered individuals or small
mountain ranges. Natural regeneration is poor and subpopulations.
appears to be hampered by the spread of exotic plants Assessor: Page, W.
and predation of the seeds by monkeys. Refs: 1411,9120,16426
Assessor: Page, W.
Refs: 1411,9120, 16426 Diospyros minimifolia
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c
Diospyros littorea New Caledonia
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c Several scattered localities occur on the west coast
Papua New Guinea confined to sclerophyllous forest. This habitat is
This tree is endemic to Motupore Island, where it is fragmented and massively reduced in extent because of
found in scrub vegetation. It was not found in the 1990 the effects of fire, grazing and habitat clearance.
expedition to Motupore Island. It is a segregate species Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

of the widespread D. ferrea. Re/s; 4492, 10351,12630

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19140 Diospyros molissima
Ebenaceae CR C2b
Diospyros loUnopsis Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Ebenaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b Confined to Adi Island in Kaimana District, this tree

Papua New Guinea occurs in rainforest below altitudes of 15m.

The only recorded occurrence of this tree is located in Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.

open hillside forest at Usino near the Bigei River in Refs: 19114
Madang Province. The population may no longer exist.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Diospyros moonii
Refs: 19114 Ebenaceae CRBl+2c
Sri Lanka
Diospyros macrocarpa Apparently restricted to a small conservation forest
Ebenaceae LR/cd reserve in Matara District, only a single tree was found
New Caledonia in the comprehensive forest surveys for the National
Relatively widespread on the Grand Terre and also Conservation Review.
occurring on He des Pins, the species has been found in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
diverse habitats including humid forest and degraded Refs: 15431,18796,19112
maquis on ultramafic or schist substrates.
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. Diospyros mun
Refs: 10351, 12630 Ebenaceae CR Alcd
Laos, Viet Nam
Diospyros magogoana A small, slow-growing tree endemic to Viet Nam,
Ebenaceae EN B 1 +2bc although there are reports of occurrences in Laos. Stands
Tanzania are found in the northern provinces of Ha Giang, Tuyen
The range of the species now appears be confined to to Quang, Lang Son, Hoa Binh, Ha Tinh and Quang Binh,
undisturbed areas within the Rondo
Reserve Forest where the species occurs on limestone mountains below
(140km'). Activities in the past resulting from logging 800m, and in the south in Cam Thinh Dong and Cam
and planting commercial timbers, shifting cultivation Thinh Tay communes. The glossy black timber is highly
and wood collection have caused extensive damage to valued and has been in great demand. Export is now

Species Summaries

banned. Populations in the wild are much reduced, but west Sri Lanka. Until recently, it was knovim only from
some are protected in areas, such as Cue Phuong Hinidumkanda Biosphere Reserve. Single collections
National Park. were made in both Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve and in
Assessor: Nghia, N.H. Kanneliya Forest Reserve.The forest on the south-
Rs/i.- 848, 11530 eastern slopes of Hinidumkanda is threatened by
encroaching slash-and-bum cultivation and illegal

Diospyros nebulosa logging, resulting from increases in human population

Ebenaceae VU D2 numbers in the surrounding area.
New Caledonia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species appearsbe known from just two
to Refs: 15431, 16916, 16943, 17195
collections taken from cloud forest on Mont Panie. The
area is given some protection as a special botanical Diospyros perplexa
reserve. Ebenaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al. New Caledonia
Refs: 10351,12630 A shrub or small tree confmed to five or six localities of
sclerophyllous forest in the west of Grand Terre. The
Diospyros neraudii habitat fragmented and massively reduced because of

Ebenaceae VU B 1 +2cde the of

effects fire, grazing and agricultural
Mauritius encroachment.
A small tree of moist evergreen submontane forest Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.
confined to the south-west and a few localities in the Refs: 4492, 10351,12630
east. Regeneration observed to be poor, especially in

areas to which exotic species have spread. Diospyros philippinensis

Assessor: Page, W. Ebenaceae EN Ale, Bl+2abc
Refs: 1411,9120, 16426 Indonesia? (Java?), Malaysia**, Philippines
A timber species occurring in primary lowland forest up
Diospyros nodosa to 200m. In the Philippines exploitation of the ebony has
Ebenaceae CR C2a, Dl caused the species to become lowland
rare; very little

Mauritius forestremains and records of Philippine ebony are often

The population is estimated to be very small, possibly from forest fragments smaller than 50 km^. Despite a
numbering The species occurs
less than 10 individuals. ban on log exports which came into force in 1989, there
in upland moist evergreen forest in the mountains in the have been reports of an illegal trade.
south-west and has also recently been found in northern Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
and eastern ranges. Regeneration is rarely apparent and Refs: 11145, 12888, 19066
is adversely affected by the spread of exotic invasives,

especially in the north. The species has not yet become Diospyros pterocalyx
established in ex situ collections. Ebenaceae VUBI+2cde
Assessor: Page, W. Mauritius
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 An occasional species of upland moist evergreen forest
found mainly in the south-west, but also in the eastern
Diospyros nummulariifolia and northern ranges. As field surveys are carried out, the
Ebenaceae EN B 1 +2c species continues to be found in new locations.
Sri Lanka Regeneration is not good and is hampered, especially in
A dry zone tree found in only five forest localities the north, by invasive plants.
during the extensive forest surveys for the National Assessor: Page, W.
Conservation Review. Refs: 1411,9120, 16426
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19112 Diospyros pulgarensis
Ebenaceae VUBl+2c
Diospyros oblongifoUa Philippines
Ebenaceae VU A 1 c A species of primary lowland forest in Palawan,
Sri Lanka ascending to 500m The main island is declared a
A found in 12 forest
tree localities during the National biosphere reserve.
Conservation Review. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?e/i. 4986,5651
Refs: 15431, 19112
Diospyros pustulata
Diospyros occulata Ebenaceae VUBl+2c
Ebenaceae DD New Caledonia
Tanzania A species restricted to sclerophyllous forest on the west
This species is almost indistinguishable from the West coast of Grand Terre. The habitat is fragmented and
African species D. troupinii. massively reduced in extent because of the effects of
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke fires,grazing and encroaching agriculture. It is a
Refs: 556, 3356 conspicous species and derives its names from blisters
on its leaves.
Diospyros oppositifolia Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Ebenaceae EN B 1 +2c /?e/i.- 4492, 10351,12630

Sri Lanka
An imcommon species of lowland rainforest in south-

The World List of Threatened Trees

Diospyros quaesUa Diospyros seycheUarum

Ebenaceae VUAlcd Ebenaceae VU D2
SriLanka Seychelles
Endemic to Sri Lanka, this large tree occurs infrequently Occurring on Mah£, Praslin, Silhouette and FeHcite, this
in lowland wet evergreen forest and in dry forest. The tree or shrub does not have a uniform distribution but

species is threatened by overexploitation of its valuable exists in numerous small populations in forest on

variegated timber and by poor regeneration. In addition, exposed rocky outcrops or in well-drained places.
the heartwood is used medicinally to heal wounds. It Regeneration appears to be fairly good and some
was found at 25 forest sites during the National populations are protected in national parks. Branches are
Conservaton Review forest surveys. frequently cut for the leaves and flowers, which have a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre medicinal value.
R^s: 15431, 17195, 19110, 19112 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9859, 16212, 17229, 19023
Diospyros revaughtmU
Ebenaceae VU Bl+2cde Diospyros shimbaensis
Mauritius Ebenaceae ENBl+2c
Generally found on exposed ridges and plateaux, the Kenya, Tanzania
species is relatively common where it occurs in the In Kenya this small tree occurs in moist semi-deciduous
south-west, less so in the northern ranges. Although the forest in the Shimba Hills National Reserve, Gongoni
trees fruit regularly and in abundance, regeneration Forest Reserve and Buda Mafisini Forest Reserve.
appears to be poor and populations are declining where Habitat loss and degradation has caused population
the habitat is susceptible to degradation. declines. More information is needed on the populations
Assessor: Page, W. in Zaraninge forest in Bagamoyo and in Mrora forest on

Refs: 1411,9120, 16426 Mafia Island, Tanzania.

Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya
Diospyros rheophytica Refs: 556, 3356, 5654, 6396, 19181
Ebenaceae CRBl+2c
Sri Lanka Diospyros tessellaria
A of forest
tree apparently restricted to a single locality Ebenaceae VU B 1 +2cde
in Ratnapura District. Only two trees were discovered Mauritius
during the extensive fieldwork carried out for the Once heavily harvested as a timber, this canopy tree
National Conservation Review. forms a dominant component of lowland evergreen
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest and upland rainforest in the south-west and

Refs: 15431,17759,19112 eastern mountain ranges. The habitat is declining and

regeneration is poor in areas which are degraded.
Diospyros riojae Assessor: Page, W.
Ebenaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 1411,9120, 16426
Mexico (Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, Veracruz)
The largest concentration of the species is confined to Diospyros thwaitesii
cloud forest on steep scarp slopes in the Sierra de Ebenaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
Tantima and Plan de Hayas in Veracruz. There a few
las Sri Lanka
individuals existing in Tamaulipas and Hidalgo. The A species confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests
population at the type locality in the Sierra de of south-west Sri Lanka. During the extensive forest
Chiconquiaco is now extinct and less than 500 surveys conducted for the National Conservation
individuals are suspected to exist in the two remaining Review, the species was found in six forest localities
Veracruz localities. The decline has taken place largely including the Sinharaja and Haycok Biosphere Reserves.
because of deforestation and agricultural expansion. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
There is no evidence of regeneration in one of the Refs: 15431, 17195, 19112
localities and attempts at propagation have so far failed.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Diospyros trichophylla
Refs: 81, 10480, 19206 Ebenaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
India, Sri Lanka
Diospyros rumphii A rare tree, restricted to the lowland wet evergreen
Ebenaceae DD forests of south-west Sri Lanka. This species was found
Indonesia (Moluccas, Sulawesi) in nine localities during the extensive fieldwork carried

A lowland forest tree exploited as an important source of out for the Sri Lankan National Conservation Review.
black and streaked ebony. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop Refs: 1065, 15431, 17195, 19112
/Je/i; 4734, 11145
Diospyros trisulca
Diospyros selangorensis Ebenaceae VU Dl
Ebenaceae VU D2 New Caledonia
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Only a single location is known where the species

Found in montane forest on Gunong Ulu Semongkok in occurs in dense forest on Mont Mandjdlia at 600m. Of
Selangor, this tree has been collected only once. the New Caledonian taxa in the genus, this species is
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. noted for its unique flower form.
Refs: 19073 Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al.
/?e/i;4492, 10351, 12630


Species Summaries

Diospyros vaccinioides have led to considerable population declines.

Ebenaceae CR A 1 ad+2bd, B 1 +2abc, C 1 +2ab, D Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
China (Guangdong), Hong Kong, Taiwan Re/i. 2072,4919
A heavily-exploited ornamental species. OvercoUecting
in Taiwan, has led to the complete absence of mature Diplodiscus scortechinii
trees in the wild. A population of unproductive Tiliaceae LR/cd
individuals, however, is believed to exist on a wooded Brunei, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak)
hillside in Fengkang. Populations are also recorded from A lowland forest tree known only from Keledang Saiong
Chuhai and Huiyang in China, and Hong Kong. Forest Reserve in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, Lambill
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Hill, Sarawak and the Andulau Forest Reserve, Brunei.
Refs: 3295, 6469, 8142, 19050, 19051 Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 8464, 19073
Diospyros veillonii
Ebenaceae CR Dl Diplokeleba herzogi
New Caledonia Sapindaceae VUBl+2ac
A shrub or small tree known from only about 20 plants Bolivia
at Gadji, near Paj'ta. It is conflned to sclerophyllous Endemic to the piedmont forest in Bolivia, the species is
forest,which has been in serious decline because of fire, confined to an unprotected ecosystem which is being
grazing by cattle and deer and vegetation clearance. rapidly replaced by agricultural systems.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. Assessor: Prado, D.
/?e/i; 4492, 10351,12630 Refs: 19122

Diospyros wtgirensis Diplopanax stachyanthus

Ebenaceae LR/nt Comaceae VUAlc
Kenya, Somalia China (Guangdong, Gu?jigxi, Guizhou, Hunan,
Occurring in dry bushland, this small tree is restricted in Yunnan), Viet Nam
range from north-eastern Kenya to neighbouring A small tree, widespread in submontane broadleaved
Somalia. It is very common near Wajir and is locally forest on limestone mountains in southern China and in
used for making walking sticks. The habitat is several localities in secondary forest in northern Viet
threatened with degradation through grazing and Nam. In China, declines in population numbers have
overcutting for charcoal production. been recorded in the last decade, caused largely by
Assessor: Thulin, M. habitat destruction. Traditional medicine may be
Refs: 6396, 18665 harvested from the bark, otherwise the tree is only cut
for fuelwood. The genus is monospecific.
Diospyros walkeri Assessor: Sun, W.
Ebenaceae VUAlc Refs: 1818, 11847, 15357, 19055
Sri Lanka
A lowland rainforests of south-west
tree confined to the Diplycosia pilosa
Sri Lanka. This species was discovered in 20 localities Ericaceae VUBl+2c
during the extensive National Conservation Review Indonesia (Java)
forest surveys. From Banten to Preanger the species is locally common
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre in montane forest remnants between 1200 and 2200m.
Refs: 15431,17195,19112 Its high-altitude distribution avoids the worst levels of
habitat clearance and cutting but the species habitat is

Diphasiopsis fadenU nevertheless under severe pressure.

Rutaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A rarely collected species of moist forest or thickets on Dipterocarpus alalus
rocky hills. Populations are recorded from Chyulu, Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c
Mbololo, Kasigau, near Murka and Ngulia. There are Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is.
only two species in the genus. - Andaman Is., Assam), Myanmar, Philippines,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Thailand, Viet Nam
Refs: 1308,6396 In Indo-China and Thailand the species occurs
gregariously along river banks, and in the Philippines it
Diplodiscus hookerianus is found in mixed dipterocarp forest. It is one of the

Tiliaceae EN Bl+2c main species of keruing timber in Indo-China and

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Thailand. Recently D. philippinensis has been
A very rare tree known only from a single herbarium discovered be conspecfic. The conservation
to status is
specimen which was collected in lowland rainforest on based on the rate of habitat loss.
the bank of the Kinta River, Perak. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. Refs: 3998,9169, 10013, 13857, 15754, 18243
Refs: 17140, 19073
Dipterocarpus applanatus
Diplodiscus paniculatus Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, Bl+2c
Tiliaceae VUAIcd Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Philippines A large tree endemic to Kalimantan.
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of Assessor: Ashton, P.
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation Refs: 7613,9169, 13857

The World List of Threatened Trees

Dipterocarpus baudii Dipterocarpus conformis ssp. conformis

Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd-h2cd, B 1 +2c
Cambodia, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia (Sumatra)
Thailand, VietNam This variety is confmed to lowland and hill dipterocarp
A species found scattered in the greatly reduced lowland forests in north-west Sumatra.
evergreen forests of South East Asia. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857

Refs: 3998, 6646, 7673, 9169, 13857

Dipterocarpus coriaceus
Dipterocarpus bourdiUoni Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 -(2c
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Malaysia)
A large tree endemic to the Western Ghats, occurring Assessor: Ashton, P.
principally in lowland evergreen forest in Kerala, with Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
one or two occurrences extending into Kamataka and
Tamil Nadu. The timber is used to make plywood. Dipterocarpus comutus
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd-f2cd
ife/i;3998, 13857, 19144 Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Malaysia), Singapore
Dipterocarpus caudatus ssp. caudatus The conservation status of this species is based on the
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B +2c
1 rate of habitat loss and conversion.
Philippines, Viet Nam Assessor: Ashton, P.
A lowland subspecies found locally in permanently wet Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 17140
zones. The timber is strong and used in heavy
construction. Wood-oil was also of commercial value in Dipterocarpus costatus
the past. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd-f2cd
Assessor: Ashton, P. Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is.
^e/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 - Andaman Is.), Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),

Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam

Dipterocarpus caudatus ssp. penangianus This species is widely scattered in lowland,
hill and

Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c upper dipterocarp forest. Natural hybrids are formed
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, with D. obtusifolius in Thailand and with D. gracilis in
Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia. Populations are
A lowland subspecies found on well-drained land in found within reserves.
humid areas. The strong timber is utilised for heavy Assessor: Ashton, P.
construction and the wood-oil once had commercial Refs: 3998, 7673, 9169, 10013, 13857, 15754, 16925
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpus costulatus
«e/i; 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd-(-2cd, Bl+2c
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Dipterocarpus chartaceus Malaysia, Sarawak)
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 (-2c A large tree exploited for the keruing timber. The
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand conservation status is based upon the rate of habitat loss.
A large tree of lowland dipterocarp forest or semi- Assessor: Ashton, P.
swamp forest. Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 6206, 6646, 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpus crinitus
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd-(-2cd
Dipterocarpus cinereus Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand
Dipterocarpaceae EX A large tree of mixed dipterocarp forest, important as a
Indonesia (Sumatra) source of keruing timber and also for various other uses.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Conservation status of the species is based upon the rate
/?eA: 7673, 9169, 13857 of habitat loss and conversion. Populations are foimd
within forest reserves.
Dipterocarpus concavus Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd-i-2cd, B 1 -h2c Refs: 11295,13857
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpus cuspidatus
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd,BI+2c
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Dipterocarpus conformis ssp. bomeensis Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae VU Alcd, Bl+2c /fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857

Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)

This subspecies is restricted to northern Borneo, where it Dipterocarpus dyeri
grows in mixed dipterocarp forest up to 800m. Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd-(-2cd, B 1 -f2c
Assessor: Ashton, P. Cambodia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar,
Refs: 13857, 14573 Thailand, Viet Nam
A lowland tree of semi-evergreen dipterocarp forest and

Species Summaries

Schima/bamboo forest. The conservation status is based A large tree found in lowland semi-evergreen and
on rates of habitat loss. evergreen dipterocarp forest. It is one of the important
Assessor: Ashton, P. sources of keruing timber in Indo-China and is often
Refs: 3998, 5550, 7673, 9169, 10013, 13857 used as a commercial grade plywood. The conservation
status isbased on rates of habitat loss. Some populations
Dipterocarpus elongatus are knownto occur in forest reserves.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Petiinsular Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 15754
Malaysia, Sarawak), Singapore
A large tree of secondary and primary forest and Dipterocarpus grandiflorus
freshwater swamp forest. The conservation status is Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd
based on rates of habitat loss. India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.),
Assessor: Ashton, P. Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Refs: 7673,9169, 13857, 18243 Sabah), Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,
Viet Nam
Dipterocarpus eurynchus A of the Pleistocene Sundaland, occurring
relict species

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c in primary semi-evergreen and evergreen dipterocarp

Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia forest. Substantial amounts of keruing timber and also
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak), Philippines large quantities of oleo-resin are harvested. The
A species with a localised distribution in mixed conservation status of the species is based on rates of
dipterocarp forest on leached clay soils. habitat loss and conversion. Some populations are
Assessor: Ashton, P. known to exist within reserves.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 10547, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 848, 3998, 6646, 9169. 9199, 13857, 17140
Dipterocarpus fagineus
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd Dipterocarpus hasseltii
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd
Sarawak) Indonesia (Bali, Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia
Assessor: Ashton, P. (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), Philippines, Thailand,
/?e/i. 9169, 10547, 13857 Viet Nam
A large tree of lowland dipterocarp forest, cut for
Dipterocarpus fusiformis keruing timber. It is recorded in the sacred forest of

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd,Bl+2c Sanggen, Bali, and some forest reserves. The

Indonesia (Kalimantan) conservation status of the species is based on the rate of
Assessor: Ashton, P. habitat conversion and loss.
/?e/i: 7673,9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5054, 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpus glabrigemmatus
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B +2c
1 Dipterocarpus hispidus
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Assessor: Ashton, P. Sri Lanka
Re/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 A species of the restricted lowland wet evergreen forest
in south-west Sri Lanka. It is reported to regenerate well.
Dipterocarpus glandulosus There are populations in some forest reserves.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B 1 +2c Assessor: Ashton, P.
Sri Lanka Refs: 13857,15431,17195
An emergent species found only in restricted lowland
wet evergreen forests on well-drained deep soils. Dipterocarpus indicus
Populations have been eliminated from many areas Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c
because of excessive tapping for resin. Regeneration is India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
also observed to be poor. Some populations are known A species found in lowland humid evergreen forests in
to occur in forest reserves. southern India. It regenerates prolifically in disturbed
Assessor: Ashton, P. areas. It is an important plywood species.
Refs: 13857,15431,17195 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 3998, 8483, 9169, 13857, 15754, 19144
Dipterocarpus globosus
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Dipterocarpus insignis
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Di pterocarpaceae CR A 1 bed, B 1 +2c
This species is locally abundant in mixed dipterocarp SriLanka
forest and heath forest. The species occurs in an area that has been proposed as
Assessor: Ashton, P. a reserve.
/?c/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 13857,15431,17195
Dipterocarpus gracilis
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd Dipterocarpus kerrii
Bangladesh, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c
Is., Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Tripura), Indonesia India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.),
(Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Malaysia), Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand Malaysia), Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam

The World List of Threatened Trees

A species which is locally common in lowland semi- Dipterocarpus rigidus

evergreen and evergreen dipterocarp forest. It is cut for Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c
keruing timber and is the main source of damar minyak Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak)
or guijun balsam in the region. A large tree which occurs locally in dry forest on coastal
Assessor: Ashton, P. hills. Some populations are found within forest reserves.

Refs: 3998, 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140, 19093 Assessor: Ashton, P.
/fc/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpus kunstleri
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd Dipterocarpus rotundifolius
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak), Philippines Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd,Bl+2c
The conservation status is based on rates of habitat loss. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A large tree endemic to Peninsular Malaysia and found
/?</i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 on coastal hills.

Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpus lamellatus Refs: 5550. 11647, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR Al cd+2cd, B 1 +2c, CI Dl ,

Malaysia (Sabah) Dipterocarpus semivestitus

Endemic to Sabah, the species is foimd in mixed Dipterocarpaceae CR A!cd+2cd, Bl+2c, CI, Dl
dipterocarp forest on low coastal hills. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A tree of lowland forest on almost swampy land. It is
/fe/i. 7673,9169, 13857 very close to exfinction because of the loss and
degradation of its habitat.
Dipterocarpus littoralis Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Bl+2c, C2a Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
Indonesia (Java)
Confined to Nusa Kambangan Island, Java, this species Dipterocarpus sublamellatus
is locally common lowland mixed rainforest covering
in Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd
an area of about 80km*. Despite the presence of three Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
high-security prisons and armed guards patrolling a Sarawak), Singapore
20kni' reserve, the tree is illegally harvested. In Peninsular Malaysia, this very large tree is an
Assessor: Ashton, P. important source of keruing timber.
«e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 17140
Dipterocarpus lowii
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Dipterocarpus tempehes
Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak) Indonesia (Kalimantan)
A large tree which is an important source of keruing A lowland species, which is locally abundant near
timber. Some populations of the species are found in freshwater swamps and streams. It is often used as
forest reserve. keruing timber in Sabah and parts of Sarawak, but is
Assessor: Ashton, P. mainly threatened by habitat loss.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 1(,11,, 13857, 18327
Dipterocarpus perakensis
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c, CI, Dl Dipterocarpus turbinatus
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd
A very localised species found in lowland dipterocarp Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is.
forest on coastal hills. - Andaman Is., Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Meghalaya, Tripura), Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet
«c/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Nam
A large tree found in mixed deciduous, evergreen and
Dipterocarpus retusus semi-evergreen exploited for the manufacture
forest. It is
Dipterocarpaceae VU Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c of commercial -grade plywood. The conservation status
China (Yunnan), India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, is based on the rate of habitat loss. Some populations are

Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, West Bengal), protected in reserves.

Indonesia (Java, Lesser Sunda Is., Sumatra), Malaysia Assessor: Ashton, P.
(Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Refs: 3998, 6646, 9169, 13857, 15754
A large timber tree which
widespread in moist

evergreen, sometimes semi-deciduous, montane forest. Dipterocarpus vaUdus

In China, the species is confined to an area of 30 km* in Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd
Yingjiang, where a nature reserve has been set up. The Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah), Philippines
populations in Viet Nam, restricted to northern This species occurs in both primary and secondary
evergreen or monsoon forests, have been reduced to at forest, especially along rivers and in freshwater swamps.
least half their original size. Its wood is used as keruing timber and large quantities
Assessor: Ashton, P. of wood-oil are extracted.
Refs: 1818, 3998, 5550, 7673, 9169, 11847, 13857, Assessor: Ashton, P.
15754 /fc/i.' 7673, 9169, 13857

Species Summaries

Dipterocarpus zeylanicus populations. The only other member of the genus is in

Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd Somalia.
SriLanka Assessor: Miller, A.G.
A canopy tree scanered in restricted areas of lowland Re/i; 2354, 7334, 19083
wet evergreen forest. It is also found as an emergent in
semi-evergreen moist forest. Regeneration is noted to be Dirachma somalensis
good. The conservation status is based on the rate of Geraniaceae EN C2b, DI
habitat loss and conversion. Some populations are also Somalia
known to exist in forest reserves. The wood is an The best known population, observed to have fewer than
important source of plywood in Sri Lanka. 10 individuals, occurs in bushland in Gawen Gorge, near
Assessor: Ashton, P. Hobyo. Although few pressures threaten this population,
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195 it remains unprotected. Other populations are thought to
exist. The species is taxonomically isolated. The only
Dipteronia dyeriana other member of the genus is endemic to Socotra.
Aceraceae EN Bl+2c Assessor: Thulin, M.
China (Yunnan) Refs: 9059, 18665
Known only from the counties of Mengzi and Wenshan
in the south-east of Yunnan, the species occurs at the Discoclaoxylon occidentale
edges of broadleaved evergreen forest between 1 800 and Euphorbiaceae VU D2
2400m. The habitat has declined in extent because of Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tome)
logging and clearing for agriculmre, but the area is now A forest tree, known only from a few herbarium
under protection. It is a prized ornamental plant and one specimens and thought be extinct until it was
of just two species in the genus. rediscovered in 1968. Populations have been located at a
Assessor: Sun, W. range of altitudes in Pico, Angolares and Monte Cafe in
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 two locations, one in Esperanca. The remaining
populations are now confined to higher altitudes which
Dipteronia sinensis have evaded deforestation.
Aceraceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
China (Gansu, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Refs: 2724, 10080
The more widespread of the two species in the genus. It Distylium gracile
occurs in small stands scattered in moimtainous moist Hamamelidaceae EN Aid, C2a
forest areas in the centre and south-west of China. Taiwan
Mature trees are said to be becoming scarcer because of A species localised in wooded limestone areas in Taroko
cutting. National Park, Hualien, eastern Taiwan. There is some
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre threatfrom mining activities and regeneration does not
Refs: 1818, 11847 appear to be good.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Dipteryx atata «?/i;3295, 19050, 19051
Leguminosae VU A led
Brazil Doerpfeldia cubensis
This tree, widespread in Brazil.
confined to *cerrado, is Rhamnaceae ENBl+2c
The species has suffered from habitat conversion for Cuba
agriculture. In addition, exploitation of its excellent A very uncommon tree found in coastal and subcoastal
quality timber and medicinal seeds has led to massive areas of eastern and south-central Cuba. The dry
declines in population numbers. evergreen forests where this species thrives have
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre experienced severe degradation in many places.
Refs: 4506 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
«e/i;9522, 11403, 19149
Dipteryx charapilla
Leguminosae VU D2 Dombeya aethiopica
Peru Sterculiaceae LR/nt
Known only from the type locality, the species occurs in Ethiopia
Amazon forest in the department of Loreto. A tree of dry Juniperus forest, margins and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre secondary forest. It is endemic and is found
to Ethiopia
Refs: 1984 in various localities in the western and south-west
Dirachma socotrana Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Geraniaceae VU D2 /?e/i.- 2361, 5941
Yemen (Socotra)
A small tree or shrub which is restricted to a few valleys Dombeya amaniensis
in the Eastern Haggler Mountains and adjacent Sterculiaceae VUBl+2b
limestone hills. The total was formeriy
population Tanzania
thought to consist of no more than 30 individuals. Three localities are known where the species is found in
Although severely geographically restricted, the species moist forest within a narrow altitudinal belt, between
actually occurs commonly in places and appears to be 900 and 1000m: the East Usambara Mountains,
regenerating healthily. There are no immediate threats to Makuyuni and Mahenge.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Re/j; 3356,8814

The World List of Threatened Trees

Dombeya longebracteolata populations in North Africa, in the Anezi region of the

Sterculiaceae VU D2 Anti-Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Thousands of
Ethiopia individuals exist on steep quartzite cliffs in inaccessible
Three localities in Kefa, Game Gofa and Sidamo regions gorges. These populations are likely to represent a
are known, where the species occurs in Combretum- distinct variant of the species. The species is listed in

Terminalia woodland. regional, governmental and international legislation. It is

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre widespread in cultivation, and reaches

Refs: 5941 maturity in 30 years. Dragon's blood had a wide range of
uses as a medicine, for staining violins and for
Dorstenia gigas embalming the dead. Its closest relative is the dragon
Moraceae VU D2 tree endemic to Socotra.

Yemen (Socotra) Assessor: Baiiares, A. et al.

The largest species in the genus, attaining a height of Refs: 7228, 13121, 19022, 19131, 19199
3.7m. The trunks are succulent and in drought years the
whole plant is cut and pulped as fodder for goats. During Dracaena Jloribunda
years of average rainfall populations are largely Dracaenaceae EN Alce-K2ce
untouched and unthreatened as they are confined to Mauritius
vertical cliff faces and areas inaccessible to grazing Assessor: Strahm, W.
goats. The species is found only on the Haggier Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208
Mountains. It is of great horticultural interest and could
potentially come under risk from overcollection by Dracaena ombet
enthusiasts. Dracaenaceae EN Alcd
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi
Somalia, Arabia,
Refs: 2354, 19083 Sudan, Uganda
A once widespread and abundant species known as the
DovyaUs xanthocarpa Nubian dragon tree, it has experienced population
Flacourtiaceae VU B 1 +2b declines throughout its range. Scattered individuals
Tanzania remain in inaccessible areas. The populations on the Red
A species, endemic to Tanzania, occurring in lowland Sea Hills and Jebel Elba in Sudan and Egypt are
dry forest in northern and central eastern areas. particularly threatened. Overgrazing, overcutting and
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke droughts have contributed to these declines.
Refs: 3356, 5020 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2361,5165,6988, 16021
Dracaena cinnabari
Dracaenaceae ENBl+2c Dracaena serrulata
Yemen (Socotra) Dracaenaceae EN A 1 abed
The dragon of Socotra. Occurring only at altitudes
tree Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen
above 500m in the centre and east of the island, the This taxon represents the populations of the dragon tree
species is widespread and dominant in areas of in the southern escarpments of the Arabian Peninsula.
woodland. Regeneration is very limited and generally The species, however, is likely to be taxonomically
confined tocliffs and boulders. Of its various uses it is indistinct from D. ombet. The Arabian populations are
most famously known as a commercial source of restricted to high altitudes in drier areas. In Oman trees
dragon's blood. Current exploitation is small-scale but on Jabal Samhan have been severely damaged in the last
there is potential for more harmful exploitation to take 10 years because of the cutting of leaves for camel
place. fodder. No regeneration is apparent anywhere within its
Assessor: Miller, A.G. distribution in Oman.
Refs: 2354, 19083 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 16380, 19083
Dracaena concinna
Dracaenaceae EN Alee Dracaena umbraculifera
Mauritius Dracaenaceae EX
The remaining populations of this species are now Mauritius
managed in reserves, which should halt previous It is possible there are complications in the taxonomy of
declines in numbers. The populations are very small and the species.
confined to a few tiny islands. Assessor: Strahm, W.
Assessor: Strahm, W. Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208
Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208
Drimys confertifolia
Dracaena draco Winteraceae VU D2
Dracaenaceae VUAlabcde Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is)

Cape Verde, Morocco, Portugal (Madeira), Spain A dominant species of lowland dry forest and lower
(Canary Is.) montane forest on Masatierra and Masafuera Islands.
The wild populations of the dragon tree have been in The extent of the forest has declined through the effects
decline for a long time. The species is present in five of of grazing by feral animals, spread of introduced weeds
the seven islands in the Canaries and the total population and soil erosion. Trees were cut in large numbers for
is reduced to a few hundred trees. In Madeira and Porto lumt)er in the past. Preliminary data indicate the species
Santo, it was once an important component of the is confined to less than l(X)km'. More detailed
vegetation in more arid areas but is reduced today to two information on the species should become available to
individuals in the wild. A survey in 1996 revealed new confirm this evaluation. The islands are designated as a

Species Summaries

national park and biosphere reserve and work is being inimdated areas or along streams. In Brunei the wood is
carried out by *CONAF to
save the native plants. considered to be the best-quality kapur timber.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Ashton, P.
Re/r; 3241, 5651, 14140 «e/r; 7673, 13857

Drymophloeus lepidotus Dryobalanops fusca

Palmae DD Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c, Cl.Dl
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Indonesia (Kalimantan)
A rainforest palm, occurring up to 600m, restricted to This species occurs locally on sandy, podzolic soils in
the Solomon Islands. The genus is in need of taxonomic heath forest.
revision. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. /JcA; 7673, 13857
Refs: \9n%
Dryobalanops keithii
Drymophloeus oUviformis Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, BI+2c, CI, Dl
Palmae DD Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Indonesia (Moluccas) A lowland species always found near water.
A single-stemmed palm of lowland rainforest, confined Assessor: Ashton, P.
to Ambon Island. The genus is in need of taxonomic Refs: 7673, 13857
Assessor: Johnson, D. Dryobalanops lanceolata
Refs: 19118 Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd
Indonesia (Kalimantan). Malaysia (Sabah)
Drymophloeus pachycladus This is the tallest recorded dipterocarp tree. Its kapur
Palmae DD timber fetches the highest prices in Borneo and the
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) species is also a major source of Borneo camphor. The
Confined to Makira Island, this palm tree is located conservation status of this tree is based upon the rate of
inland in moist lowland forest up to 600m. The genus is habitat loss and conversion. Some populations are
in need of taxonomic revision. known to occur within forest reserves.
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs:\9\\% Refs: 7673, 13857

Drymophloeus samoensis Dryobalanops oblongifolia ssp. oblongifolia

Palmae CRDl Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd
Western Samoa Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
A rare palm of montane cloud forest on Savai'i and Some populations are known to occur in forest reserves.
Upolu Islands. Natural disasters pose the most serious Assessor: Ashton. P.
threat. «c/i.- 7673, 9169. 13857
Assessor: Whistler, A. & D. Johnson
Refs: 19118 Dryobalanops oblongifolia ssp. occidentaUs
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd, Bl+2c
Drymophloeus subdistichus Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Palmae DD A large tree restricted to shallow acidic soils.
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Assessor: Ashton, P.
A palm tree, scattered in lowland rainforest. The genus /?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
is inneed of taxonomic revision.
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. Drypetes afzelii
Refs: 19118 Euphorbiaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Dryobalanops aromatica Extending from Sierra Leone to Ghana, this species
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd. Bl+2c occurs only in a restricted wet evergreen forest habitat,
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, generally along rivers.It is uncommon and has suffered

Sabah, Sarawak) from general declines in this habitat because of mining,

A very large gregarious tree, which provides most of the logging and commercial forestry activities.
kapur timber and camphor for Peninsular Malaysia and Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Sumatra. Small populations of the species have been «e/i; 2773, 8369, 12061
found in forest reserves. It has recently been determined
that D. sumatrensis is synonymous. Drypetes andamanica
Assessor: Ashton, P. Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 3738, 10547, 13857 India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
Endemic to South Andaman Island, the species occurs in
Dryobalanops beccarii areas of evergreen forest which have declined severely
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd+2cd in extent through logging activities. A relatively intact
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, tract of forest remains in the Jarwa Reserve where it is
Sarawak) possible the species occurs.
Distributed within Borneo, this locally abundant tree Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
occurs on leached sandy soils, sometimes in periodically Refs: 4799, 7147

The World List of Threatened Trees

Drypetes caustica populations are harboured in Konip National Park and

Euphoibiaceae EN Ale Abong-Mbang. It is relatively widespread in Gabon,
Mauritius, Reunion where large tracts of forest remain but are under
Assessor: Strahm, W. concession to logging companies.
Refs: 2046, 12470, 16426, 19208 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 12590, 12597, 12822, 19043
Drypetes cockbumii
Euphorbiaceae LR/cd Drypetes natalensis var. leiogyna
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
A relatively recently discovered species, known from Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania
areas of rainforest between 500 and 700ni in Pahang and A riverine forest tree, occurring in coastal areas from
Johore. The full distribution and abundance of the eastern Tanzania and Zanzibar just into Somalia. It is

species is still unknown. One locality in UIu Endau is threatened by localised habitat degradation. The type
protected withinEndau Rompin National Park and the variety occurs from Sudan to KwaZulu-Natal and differs
other inGunung Panti is also a conserved area. in having hairy fruit.

Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke

Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 3356, 9059

Drypetes detersibilis Drypetes nervosa

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Known only from Kuala Triang in Pahang, the species A primary species of lowland rainforest, recorded only
has been collected only a single time from forest on the from limestone hills in Perak.
banks of the Pahang River. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Refs: 19073
Refs: 8464, 19073
Drypetes obanensis
Drypetes gerrardinoides Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Euphorbiaceae VU Bl+2c Nigeria
Tanzania Endemic to the Oban Division of the Cross River
An endemic montane forests within the
species of dry National Park, this small forest tree is relatively well
Udzungwa Forest Reserve and Lulanda. It is abundant protected. Pressures from commercial logging and
but confined to a 70m elevation band. These forests have agriculture are very strong outside the park.
been heavily exploited and disturbed in the past but Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
active conservation programmes are now in place. Refs: 2113.4911. 11504
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
/fe/i; 3356, 8814 Drypetes oxyodonta
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Drypetes glabra Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 A species of lowland forest on limestone in Pahang.
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic to Sao TomS this
is known from
tree Refs: 19073
collections, both recent from Ilheu das Rolas,
and old,
Angolares, Ribeira Peixe, Lagoa Amalia, Bombaim and Drypetes palawanensis
Jou. The lowland localities are likely to have been lost in Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
the first half of the century when forest at these altitudes Philippines
was extensively cleared. Endemic to Palawan, the species occurs in primary
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest at low and medium altitude. The main island is
Refs: 2724, 10080, 19042 declared a biosphere reserve.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Drypetes henriquesii Refs: 4986
Euphorbiaceae VUDl+2
Sao Tome &
Principe (Sao Tom6) Drypetes pellegrinii
A tree of secondary forest, collected only twice, in the Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
last century from S. Nicaolau and more recently from S. Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Carlos. Areas remain to be explored, although most of Occurring only in Ghana and Cote d'lvoire, this species
the forest below 1500m was cleared in the first half of is found in areas of upland evergreen forest where it can

the century. be common in some areas. The effects of fire,

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre overgrazing, forest management activities and mining
Refs: 2724, 10080 have caused declines in the extent of the species' habitat.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Drypetes laciniata «e/s;6127, 8369, 12061
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon Drypetes perakensis
A species withfragmented distribution, which is
a Euphorbiaceae VUD2
sparse and confined to remaining areas of lowland moist Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
forest, mostly in protected areas. It is found between the A primary forest species, known only by a single
rivers of Sassandra and Cavally in south-west Cote
d'lvoire, including Tai National Park. In Cameroon

Species Summaries

collection from Perak. The exact locality remains Drypetes travancoria

unknown. Euphorbiaceae EN Bl-f2c
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. India (Kerala)
Refs: 19073 Known from a single collection, the species occurs on
the Tamil Nadu/Kerala border in lowland evergreen
Drypetts porteri forest.
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Tamil Nadu) Refs: 19144
Recorded only a few times, the species occurs in
scattered localities in low to medium elevation Drypetes usambarica var. mrimae
evergreen forest at the southern end of the Western Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Ghats. Kenya
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Endemic to Kenya, this variety is confmed to a few
Refs: 19144 remaining patches of lowland coastal forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Drypetes preussii Re/i. 6396,9198
Euphorbiaceae VUBI+2c
Cameroon, Nigeria Drypetes usambarica var. rugulosa
A rare species confmed to forest patches in south-east Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
Nigeria and neighbouring of Cameroon. The
parts Tanzania
largest remaining forested area is contained within Oban The species as a whole is confmed to a region covering
Hills in Cross River National Park in Nigeria and the eastern Tanzania and south-east Kenya. This variety is
contiguous Korup National Park in Cameroon. Outside restricted to the Lulanda Udzungwa range,
forest in the
these protected areas forest has been comprehensively where an active conservation programme is in place.
logged and cleared for agriculture. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?eA. 3356,8814
/?e/i; 4977, 11504

Drypetes usambarica var. stylosa

Drypetes riseleyi Euphorbiaceae EN C2b, Dl
Euphorbiaceae CR Dl Tanzania
Seychelles Confmed to moist coastal forest within Kimboza Forest
A Seychelles endemic confmed to the islands of Mah^, Reserve (4km'), this variety is similarly restricted in
Praslin and Silhouette, where it occurs sparsely in the range as other varieties of the species. The forest is
understorey of primary and secondary upland forest. The disturbed, mainly from previous logging activities, and
total population contains fewer than 50 trees. contained within a densely populated area where the
Overexploitation of the wood and loss of habitat are the demand for land is strong. Two forest guards are
main contributors to the historical decline in the species. employed under the Tanzanian Catchment Forest
Habitat degradation and low recruitment continue to Project to prevent illegal encroachment.
have an impact on remaining trees. Parts of the species Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
range are contained in Mome Seychellois and Praslin «(?/5. 3356,8814
National Parks and forest areas protected by the Nature
Protection Trust of Seychelles. Drypetes usambarica var. trichogyna
Assessor: Namre Protection Trust of Seychelles Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2b, D2
Refs: 9859, 17229, 19023, 19025, 19062 Tanzania
As with other varieties of this East African endemic, this
Drypetes sclerophylla taxon is restricied in range. It occurs from lowland to
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b submontane elevations of moist forest on two
in areas
Tanzania separate mountains. In the Udzungwa
range there are
A species of dry forest or woodland formations, endemic populations at Mwanihana and Chita and to the east in
to the coastal forests of Tanzania. Populations have been Malundwe National Park.
recorded at four localities: Lake Lutamba, which has Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
been cleared except for the lOkm^ of Litipo Forest Refs: 3356, 10961
Reserve, Namatogoro, Mpangapanga Ridge and
Nahomba Valley. Drypetes usambarica var. usambarica
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
Refs: 3356, 10961 Kenya, Tanzania
Restricted to south-east Kenya and eastern Tanzania,
Drypetes singrohoensis this variant occurs within moist forest at high elevations.
Euphorbiaceae VU Ale It is contained within reserves over most of its range.
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
A species which, although common in places, is found Refs: 3356, 10961
only in dry forest areas in southern Ghana and in moist
semi-deciduous forest between the rivers Bandama and Drypetes wightii
Nzi in Cote d'lvoire. Declines in this habitat have been Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
severe, mainly because of the effects of human India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
population growth, but also because of fires. A species of submontane evergreen forest, occurring in
Assessor: Assi, A. two main areas: in the west of the Nilgiri range and in
Refs: 6127, 12061, 12590, 12822

The World List of Threatened Trees

the Anaimalai range. Only a few collections are known. Duguetia schulzii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VU D2
Refs: 19144 Suriname
Endemic to Jodensavanna, the species is rare and
Dubautia arborea confined to areas of rainforest or savanna forest.
Compositae EN Alee Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
USA (Hawaii) /fc/s.- 942, 6493, 19196
A shrub or small tree of subalpine shrubland, woodland
and also alpine desert on Hawaii. It was once common Dulacia crassa
around the flanks of Mauna Kea but the impact of Olacaceae VU D2
grazing feral animals has severely restricted its Guyana
distribution. It remains locally abundant above Puulaau. This species is known from only two collections: one

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre from on the slopes of Mount Roraima and the
Refs: 3372 other from Kaieteur Savaima.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dubautia knudsenii ssp.filiformis Refs: 7980, 19158
Compositae ENBl+2c
USA (Hawaii) Duranta armata
One of three subspecies confined to Kauai. This one Verbenaceae LR/nt
appears to be the rarest, known from just two Peru
collections. Relatively widely ranging, the species occurs in forest
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre up to 4000m in the Peruvian Andes.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Dubautia knudsenii ssp. knudsenii
Compositae EN Alee Durio acutifolius
USA (Hawaii) Bombacaceae VUAlc
One of three subspecies confined to Kauai. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This understorey tree occurs on poor sandy and clay-rich
Refs: 3372 yellow soils, often in periodically inundated areas in
lowland rainforest. Wild specimens flower annually and
Dubautia knudsenii ssp. nagatae could contribute significantly to the development of a
Compositae EN Alee reliably flowering durian cultivar.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
One of threesubspecies confined to Kauai Island. Refs: 11145,18327
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372 Durio dulcis
Bombacaceae VUAlc
Dubautia microcephala Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Compositae ENAlce, C2a A large tree found scattered in lowland mixed
USA (Hawaii) dipterocarp forest. The fruit is sold in local and urban
Confined to Kauai Island, this shrub or small tree is markets, but the species is rarely planted because of its

infrequently collected and scattered in small numbers in short fruiting period. The wood
probably one of the
moist forest between 825 and 1275m. most important sources of durian timber in Sarawak.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Forest clearance and degradation because of agriculture
Refs: ZZll and logging are major threats to the habitat. In addition
from some genetic erosion.
this species is suffering
Dubautia reticulata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Compositae VUAIce Refs: 11145, 18327
USA (Hawaii)
A montane rainforest species confined to Maui Island. It Durio grandiflorus
appears to have been eliminated from the vicinity of Bombacaceae VUAlc
Puunianiau but remains locally abundant on the east side Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
of Koolau Gap. Restricted to the lowlandmixed dipterocarp rainforests
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of northem Borneo, this species has edible fruits which
Refs: 3372 are collected for consumption. It is only occasionally
cultivated e.g. in Brunei. The species is suffering from
Duguetia peruviana some genetic erosion.
Annonaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 11145,18327
A pooriy known species. It has been collected just once
from an unspecified location. Durio kutejensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Bombacaceae VU Ale
Refs: 1984 Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
Wild trees are confined to mixed dipterocarp forest on
the foothills of the mountains in central Borneo. The
natural habitat of this species is threatened by forest
degradation due to logging and shifting agriculture and

Species Summaries

in Indonesia there evidence of genetic erosion within

is Dyerophytum pendulum
populations. The is cultivated for its popular
species Plumbaginaceae VU D2
fruits throughout Malesia and are the most similar to Yemen (Socotra)
those of D. zibethinus. The species occurs as a scattered solitary small tree or
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre shrub in dry woodland or shrubland. At present
Refs: 11145, 18327 populations are under no threat.
Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Durio pinangianus Refs: 19083
Bombacaceae VUBl-t-2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Dyerophytum socotrana
A species of lowland hill forest on steep slopes. The Plumbaginaceae VU D2
habitat has declined through logging and increasing Yemen (Socotra)
settlement. A newly described species, which, like D. pendulum,
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. occurs as a scattered solitary small tree or shrub in dry
Refs: 19073 woodland or shrubland. At present populations are under
no threat.
Durio testudinarum Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Bombacaceae VUAIc Refs: 19083
Bi\mei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
Sarawak) Dypsis ambanjae
A species restricted to the lowland mixed dipterocarp Palmae CRD I
forests. It is occasionally cultivated for its edible fruit Madagascar
and the wood is thought to be used as durian timber. It is This endemic of the Madagascan rainforest has not been
possible that the species is conspecific with D. affinis. collected for over 80 years and is possibly extinct.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 11145,18327,19073 Refs: 19118

Durio wyatt-smithii Dypsis ambositrae

Bombacaceae DD Palmae CR DI
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Madagascar
The possible wild progenitor of cultivated durian, the Currently only known to occur in the central region near
only differences from the cultivated form being a shorter Ambositra, the species is found among rocks and in
calyx and more slender fruit spines. The species can be remnant of riverine forest between 1300m and 1500m.
locally common. There are possible occurrences in Assessor: Dransfield, J. &
H.J. Beentje
Sarawak and Brunei. Refs: 18986,19118
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: II 145 Dypsis ampasindavae
Palmae EN A led
DussiafoxU Madagascar
Leguminosae VU D2 This Madagascan endemic is known from only two

Peru locations in Nosy Be and Manongarivo Mountains on

Known only from the type, the species occurs in lowland steep slopes in moist lowland forest. Both sites are
forest in the department of Loreto. protected within Lokobe Special Reserve. However, tree
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre poaching does occur.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986, 19". 18
DutaiUyea amosensis
Rutaceae VU Dl Dypsis andrianatonga
New Caledonia Palmae LR/nt
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et at. Madagascar
Refs: 10351 A small branching palm, restricted to Manangarivo and
the Marojejy Massif in north Madagascar. Its habitat is
Dyera polyphylla open montane forest or heath, although occasionally it is

Apocynaceae VU A led found on rocks in denser forest.

Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia Assessor: Johnson, D.
(Sabah, Sarawak) Refs: 18986, 19118
Less well-known than the more common D. costata, this
species is scattered in swamp forest, peat-swamp forest Dypsis antanambensis
and *kerangas on groundwater podzols. The wood is Palmae EN Dl
traded as jelutong timber and trees are tapped for the Madagascar
valuable latex. The risk of extinction from A tree confined Mananara Avaratra Biosphere
overexploitation was recognised 60 years ago. Reserve, where it open rainforest on ultramafic
Populations in Sarawak are considered endangered. soils. There are fewer than 50 individuals in total,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre scattered between 250 and 290m on steep slopes and
Refs: 11145, 12937, 17214, 19II7 ridge tops.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 19118

The World List of Threatened Trees

Dypsis arenanim Dypsis ceracea

Palmae CRBl+2c Palmae CR Dl
Madagascar Madagascar
A littoral forest species, found near fresh water. It is This species is known only from moist lowland forest in
confined to an area lying between Soanierana-Ivango the Marojejy area and Betampona. It has not been seen
and Vatomandry. Population numbers are thought to be since 1949.
very low. Various developments and fires continue to Assessor: Johnson, D.
threaten the habitat. Refs: 18986,19118
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
/{e/j.- 18986,19118 Dypsis commersoniana
Palmae CRBl+2c
Dypsis basilonga Madagascar
Palmae EN C2b A little known Madagascan endemic from the south-
Madagascar eastern lowland rainforest. Most of the habitat has been
This tree is confined to small crown submontane forest cleared and the remainder is under intense pressure from
on gneiss in Vatovavy, Madagascar. the expanding human population.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986,19118 Refs: 18986,19118

Dypsis bejofo Dypsis confusa

Palmae EN Ale Palmae LR/nt
Madagascar Madagascar
An endemic of Madagascar, known from only two sites A Madagascan endemic of lowland rainforest in peat
of moist lowland forest in the bay of Antongil. swamps, on ridge tops or flat ground. Populations are
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje confined to Masoala, Mananara and Betampona. One
Refs: 18986,19118 site is protected.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Dypsis boiviniana Refs: 18986,19118
Palmae EN Dl
Madagascar Dypsis coursii
This palm of undergrowth inhabits open lowland
forest Palmae VU Dl
rainforest or sand forest next to black water and peat Madagascar
swamps. It is known only from three sites in north- A palm of moist montane forest or dense sclerophyll
eastern Madagascar, only one of which is protected. The forest on ridges, usually found on gneiss and quartzite
population is estimated to consist of SO individuals. between 900 and 1850m. The global population is
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje confined to the Marojejy area, which is restricted in size
Refs: 18986,19118 but protected.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Dypsis canaUculata Refs: 19118
Palmae CR Dl
Madagascar Dypsis crinita
The species has not been seen since 1951 and may Palmae LR/nt
possibly be extinct. Its flowers remain unknown to Madagascar
science. The two known collections were gathered
from An endemic palm of Madagascar, confined to areas of
lowland forest on sandstone which are
in locations lowland open forest in Manongarivo, Masoala Peninsula
geographically far apart, one in the Manongarivo area and Mananara Biosphere Reserve. Seedlings require
and another from Ampasimanolotra. frequent submerging in water, which may explain the
Assessor: Johnson, D. species' common occurrence by streamsides.
Refs: 18986,19118 Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 18986,19118
Dypsis canescens
Palmae CR Dl Dypsis decaryi
Madagascar Palmae VU Dl
This species has not been seen for over 50 years and Madagascar
may now be extinct. There is confusion over the type This species is confined to a small area of southern
locality, which could either be at Ambaliha on the Madagascar, in dry forest or bush on stony soils. About
Ampasindava Peninsula or Ambaliha on the left bank of 1000 individuals are thought to exist in the wild. Fire is
the Sambirano River. The habitat is defined as lowland a major threat and nearly all the seeds are harvested for
moist forest on sandstone. export. In cultivation the species is widespread and
Assessor: Johnson, D. grown in a wide variety of climates. It is listed in
Refs: 18986,19118 *CITES Appendix II.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986,19118

Species Summaries

Dypsis decipiens Dypsis ifanadianae

Palmae EN Dl Palmae OR Dl
Madagascar Madagascar
This species is restricted to central Madagascar, between A slender palm, known only from lowland rainforest in
Ankazobe and Fianarantsoa, an area prone to forest the Ifanadiana area, which is undergoing continuous
destruction and fire. The number of individuals in the deforestation. Fewer than 50 individuals are known in
wild is estimated at aboutlOO. They itihabit remnant total.

forest near streams or on rocky sites between 1400 and Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
2000m. Cultivation of the palm remains small-scale and Refs: 19118
the species is listed in 'CITES Appendix II.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Dypsis intermedia
Refs: 18986, 19118 Palmae CR Dl
Dypsis dransfieldii Fewer than 50 individuals are confined to a single
Palmae EN C2b locality of steadily dwindling lowland rainforest in
Madagascar Manombo in Madagascar.
This species inhabits a single site of littoral forest on Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
coastal white sand on the western side of Masoala Refs: 18986, 19118
Peninsula in north-east Madagascar. The habitat is
fragile and prone to grazing and clearance for agriculmre Dypsis interrupta
or settlements. Palmae CRBl+2c
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Madagascar
Refs: 18986,19118 An ornamental palm of hill forest undergrowth,
currently known only from a single collection in the
south-east of Madagascar around Ifanadiana and
Dypsis faneva
Ambinanindrano. The forests of Ambinanindrano are
Palmae EN Ale, CI gradually being destroyed by shifting cultivation.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
An endemic species confined to areas of littoral forest or
Refs: 18986,19118
lowland moist forest in Maroantsetra, Mananara and
near Fenoarivo. The lowland rainforest in these areas is
Dypsis lanceolata
not well protected. Fewer than 50 individuals are
Palmae VU D2
estimated to exist in total.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
This species is restricted to Grande Comore and Moheli
/fe/i. 18986, 19118
in the Comoro Islands. It inhabits rainforestbetween 500
and 1000m. Information is lacking on the current
Dypsis fasciculata population status and the species may be more seriously

Palmae VUAlc threatened.

Madagascar Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

A coastal forest palm, rarely extending inland, within an Refs: 18986,19118
area stretching from Antalaha and Marojejy to
Betampona in the north-east of Madagascar. The habitat Dypsis ligulata
is often affected by fires. Palmae CR Dl
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Madagascar
Refs: 18986, 19118 A tree last seen over 70 years ago in the lowland moist
forest of north-west Madagascar.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Dypsis heteromorpha Refs: 18986, 19118
Palmae DD
Madagascar Dypsis madagascariensis
A palm of moist montane forest, confined to Palmae LR/nt
Tsaratanana, Marojejy and Anjanaharibe in northern Madagascar
Madagascar. The area is not botanically well known. Although rare, the species is widespread in north-west
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje and western Madagascar. It occurs in moist rainforest
Refs: 19\\S and semi-deciduous dry or plateau forest up to 650m.
Populations are also found rarely in palm grassland, dry
bushland and coastal forest. The total population
Dypsis hovomantsina
consists of several thousand individuals. Habitat
Palmae CR Dl
destruction is reducing the number of populations.
Harvesting of palm heart and wood continues, even in
An impressive rainforest tree growing on steep slopes or
the single protected location in Lokobe Special Reserve.
ridge crests, known from Maroantsetra and
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Mananara. Both sites are under pressure from increasing
Refs: 18986,19118
agriculture. The known populations consist of few
Dypsis malcomberi
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje VU D2
Refs: 18986,19118
This palm is known only from Andohahela Special
Reserve, where it inhabits submontane moist forest on

The World List of Threatened Trees

slight or steep slopes, occasionally near forest streams. Dypsis oreophila

Assessor: Johnson, D. Palmae VUAld,Cl
Refs: 18986,19118 Madagascar
An endemic palm of Madagascar confined to areas of
Dypsis mananjarensis moist montane forest in Tsaratanana, Marojejy, high
Palmae VU Dl ground near Maroansteita and Mandritsara. The
Madagascar distribution is liinited and the palm heart is highly
This species is confined to lowland moist and dry forest esteemed, putting the species under considerable
remnants between Vatomandry and Talanaro in eastern pressure.
Madagascar. The entire area suffers high levels of Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
habitat destruction as a result of various anthropogenic Refs: 18986, 19118
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Dypsis oropedionis
*e/i; 18986,19118 Palmae OR C2a
Dypsis mangorensis This palm is known only from two sites on the western
Palmae CR Dl side of Madagascar's central plateau, inhabiting relict
Madagascar dry evergreen forest on steep-sided valleys between
A Madagascan endemic, confmed to littoral or lowland 1100 and 1450m. Neither population is protected and
rainforest in Mananara Biosphere Reserve. There is an their habitat is under severe threat from cutting and
old collection from the lower Mangoro River. Only a annual fires.
single sighting has been made recently, consisting of Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
fewer than 20 individuals in a forest patch surrounded Refs: 18986, 19118
by agriculture and imder threat of agricultural
conversion. Dypsis ovobontsira
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Palmae CR Dl
Refs: 18986,19118 Madagascar
A Madagasacan endemic, known from a single
Dypsis mcdonaldiana population of fewer than 10 individuals contained within
Palmae VU A2c Mananara Biosphere Reserve. It is foimd in moist
Madagascar submontane forest on ultramafic soil with a deep humus
A Madagascan endemic, confined to the mountains in layer.
the south-east, where it is found at rainforest edges Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
between 300 and 1 100m. The area of occurrence is small Refs: 18986, 19118
but partially protected.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Dypsis paludosa
Refs: 18986, 19118 Palmae VU Ale
Dypsis nauseosa An endemic palm, occurring along the east coast in
Palmae CR Dl small pockets of peat swamp developed on white sand
Madagascar adjacent to the beach zone and also foiud in swampy
A Madagascan endemic known only from two recent areas further inland. Although the coastal lowland forest,
collections, gathered in coastal lowland forest in which the species inhabits, is widespread it is threatened.
Fianarantsoa Province. Fewer than 20 trees are known to Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
exist and the area is being rapidly cut down. Refs: 18986, 19118
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986,19118 Dypsis pembana
Palmae VU C2b
Dypsis nossHiensis Tanzania
Palmae CR Dl An endemic palm of Tanzania, confined to lowland
Madagascar moist and littoral forest in Ngezi forest on Pemba Is. The
A timber species, confined to Lokobe forest in the north- population is estimated at 3000 individuals.
west, where a number of palm species are felled for Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
timber. Fewer than 25 trees have b^n counted. Refs: 18986,19118
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 1S9S6, 19\U Dypsis penieri
Palmae VU Ale
Dypsis onilahensis Madagascar
Palmae VU Dl An endemic palm of Madagascar, inhabiting moist forest
Madagascar between 150 and 800m, in Marojejy, Masoala and
A palm confined to north-west, west and south-central Mananara Avaratra. Despite its fairly wide distribution,
Madagascar, inhabiting riverine forest and evergreen the species is uncommon wherever it is found.
forest. Total numbers are estimated to be less than 1000. Overexploitation of the palm heart is a major threat.
The species is most abundant within the flood level on Assessor: Johnson, D.
the rocky banks of the Analabe River. The area of Refs: 18986,19118
occurrence is fairly large, but the habitat is prone to
outbreaks of fire.

Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje

Refs: 18986, 19118

Species Summaries

Dypsis pUuUfera individuals. The area is threatened by proposed mining

Palmae VUBl+2c operations for mineral sand (ilmenite ore).
Madagascar Assessor: Dransfield, J. H.J. Beentje &
This endemic palm of Madagascar is confined to moist Refs: 18986, 19118
montane forest in the Sambirano region, Marojejy and
Mantady. Harvesting of the palm heart continues even Dypsis scottiana
within Marojejy and Mantady protected areas. Palmae VU Dl
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Madagascar
Refs: 18986,19118 An endemic palm of south-east Madagascar, inhabiting
forest and heath scrub on white sand between 10 and
Dypsis prestoniana SlSm. The species range is small and the habitat is
Palmae VUDl under threat from mining operations and fire.
Madagascar Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
The does not exceed 200 individuals,
entire population Refs: 19118
confmed to the Midongy area. The former population in
Mahanoro appears to be extinct. In no part of its range is Dypsis serpentina
it protected. Palmae VU D2
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Madagascar
Refs: 18986, 19118 A palm confined to Mananara Biosphere Reserve in
Madagascar, where it is locally abundant in lowland
Dypsis procera rainforest on steep slopes and ridgetops on ultramafic
Palmae VUAlc soils, between 240 and 280m.
Madagascar Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
A Madagascan endemic, confmed to the area around Refs: 18986, 19118
Antongil. The lowland rainforest habitat in this area is

under threat from shifting cultivation. Dypsis singularis

Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Palmae CR CI
Refs: 18986, 19118 Madagascar
Confined to Manombo forest, the species inhabits
Dypsis psammophila lowland rainforest at the base of slopes. Shifting
Palmae CR C2a cultivation, fire and logging have gradually destroyed
Madagascar the forest. The number of trees remaining is estimated to
A palm confmed to east Madagascar, between be less than 100.
Soanierana Ivongo and Ambila-Lemaitso. The area of Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
occupancy is small, containing fewer than 100 trees and Refs: 18986, 19118
the lowland coastal forest habitat is being destroyed.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Dypsis tsaratananensis
Refs: 18986, 19118 Palmae DD
Dypsis rivularis This palm, endemic to Madagascar, has not been seen
Palmae EN Dl for 70 years. Mount Tsaratanana, where the species
Madagascar occurs, has not been visited for a long time. The palm
A palm confined to Mananjeba River, at Manongarivo heart is edible and highly esteemed.
and Ankarafantsika, where it inhabits streamside forest Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
between 130 and 300m. The total population is Refs: 18986,19118
estimated to contain less than 100 individuals.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Dypsis Isaravotsira
Refs: 18986,19118 Palmae EN A led
Dypsis sahanofensis This endemic palm is confined to Marojejy,
Palmae EN Ale Maroantsetra and Mananara, where it occurs in
Madagascar submontane primary woodland on steep slopes or
Formerly known only from the type collection of 191 1, ridgetop hollows. Population numbers are low and two
the species has now been found in an area of of the sites are under pressure from agriculture.
submontane rainforest on Mount Vatovavy, eastern Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Madagascar. Population numbers are low and the forest Refs: 19118
is unprotected, although local taboos do provide some

form of protection. The status will become critical in the Dypsis utilis
next few years if forest clearance continues. Palmae VU Alcd
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Madagascar
Refs: 18986, 19118 This gregarious palm is restricted to eastern Madagascar,
where it is restricted to only a few streamside sites of
Dypsis saintelucei swamp or moist forest between 950 and 1000m.
Palmae CR Dl Numbers are thought to be small.
Madagascar Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Confined to a single site in Sainte-Luce forest, the Refs: 18986, 19118
species is known from a total population of 50

The World List of Threatened Trees

Dysosma versipellis Dysoxylum turczaninowii

Berberidaceae VUAlcd Meliaceae VU Alcd
China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Philippines
Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang) A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
Although the species has a wide distribution, habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
populations are small and declining. It has a wide have led to considerable population declines.
altitudinal range within moist seasonal forest, sometimes Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
bamboo forest. Roots and seeds are commonly collected «e/i; 2072, 4919, 18088
for medicinal use, mostly at a local level.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre EccUnusa lancifolia
Refs: 1818,11847, 19055 Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Amazonas)
Dysoxylum angustifoUum A shrub or tree known from very few collections
Meliaceae VUBl+2c originating from permanently flooded forest in central
Philippines Brazilian Amazonia.
A species of primary forest, only found in Palawan. The Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

main island is declared a biosphere reserve. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4986, 18088 EccUnusa orinocoensis
Sapotaceae VU D2
Dysoxylum beddomei Venezuela
Meliaceae ENBl+2c A treelet with a distribution confined to a small area of
India (Kerala) periodically flooded sandy savanna in Amazonas.
Occurring in evergreen forest between 250 and 1200m, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the species has been recorded from only a few localities /?e/i; 7980,8816
in northern Kerala.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre EccUnusa parviflora
Refs: 19144 Sapotaceae VU D2
Dysoxylum ficiforme A newly described species, currently known from just
Meliaceae VUBl+2c two collections taken from a site of low forest over
India (Kerala) granitic rocks near Puerto Ayacucho.
At present five collections are known from scattered Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
localities in the Anamalai and Travancore ranges. The /?e/i.- 7980, 8816

species occurs in the canopy of submontane evergreen

forest. Ehretia glandulosissima
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Boraginaceae ENBI+2c
Refs: 19144 Tanzania
The species range now appears to be confined to the
Dysoxylum pachypodum undisturbed areas of Rondo Forest Reserve (140km').
Meliaceae CR Dl Logging, planting of commercial timbers, shifting
New Caledonia cultivation and wood collection in the past have caused
Collected very rarely and only recently from an area disturbance to much of the forest. Current forestry
near Sarram^a, the species has a precarious existence in management activities are discouraging illegal activities.
cultivated fields and also on river borders. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al. Refs: 10961, 16796
Refs: 10351, 12630
Ehretia scrobiculata
Dysoxylum palawanensis Boraginaceae VU D2
Meliaceae VUBl+2c Sao Tom6 & Principe (Prfncipe)
Philippines Itappears that only two collections have been made, one
A primary forest species, endemic to Palawan at low being from the coast where just one tree was located.
altitudes. The main island is declared a biosphere More detailed information is lacking. There have been
reserve. no recent botanical surveys of the island.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4986 Refs: niA

Dysoxylum peerisi Ekmanianthe longijlora

Meliaceae CRBl+2c Bignoniaceae EN Ale, Bl+2cd
Sri Lanka Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti
This rare treeis restricted to lowland rainforest in south- A tree confined to semi-deciduous forest in Cuba and
west Sri Lanka. It was not found during the extensive Hispaniola. In Cuba and Haiti, the species has
forest surveys conducted for the National Conservation disappeared from most places where logging, settlement
Review, indicating that it is extremely rare or possibly and agricultural expansion have taken place. In the
extinct. Earlier surveys located a population in Sinharaja Dominican Republic it has been reported only from
Biosphere Reserve. Sierra de Barahona.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 17195, 19112 R(?/i; 7980,8451, 19149

Species Summaries

Elaeagia ecuadorensis are localised in Peninsular Malaysia in Kelantan,

Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Terengganu and Perak.
Ecuador Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
This Ecuadorean endemic inhabits cloud forest between Refs: 8464, 15357, 19073
2250 and 3500m. Currently it is known to occur in the
High Andean regions of Morona-Santiago and Loja. Elaeocarpus beccarii ssp. beccarii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Elaeocarpaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 19119, 19120 Malaysia (Sarawak)
A few localities are known in the region of Kuching.
Elaeagia pastoensis The taxon occurs in primary lowland forest. Allforms of
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c this species are restricted in range.
Colombia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An endemic to Putumayo. Refs: 4074
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069 Elaeocarpus beccarii ssp. niteiu
Elaeocarpaceae VUBl+2c
Elaeagia uxpanapensis Malaysia (Sarawak)
Rubiaceae EN Ale A tree of Sarawak hill forest occurring in a number of
Mexico (Chiapas) localities in Lundu District. All the forms of this species
A relatively common tree of evergreen hill forest, are restricted in range.
confined to the Uxpananpa-Chimalapa region. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 4074
Refs: 5651,5993, 14953, 19124
Elaeocarpus beccarii ssp. sumatrana
Elaeagnus conferta ssp. dendroidea Elaeocarpaceae VU Bl+2c, D2
Elaeagnaceae CRBt-t-2c Indonesia (Sumatra)
India (Meghalaya) Known only from the type collection, this newly
This subspecies is confined to the Khasi Hills, where it described subspecies is found in lowland ridge forest in

occurs in hill forest. Only a single occurrence is known Sumatra.

and numbers are believed to be very small. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: miA
Refs: 4799
Elaeocarpus biased
Elaeagnus molUs Elaeocarpaceae ENBl+2c
Elaeagnaceae VUAlcd India (Tamil Nadu)
China (Shaanxi, Shanxi) Occurring on the fringes of moist evergreen forest at an
Restricted to Xiangning, Hejin and Yicheng Counties in altitude of 2150m, the species is confined to the Palni
Shanxi and Huxian County in Shaanxi, the species is and Kodaikanal Hills. It has not been found in recent
on mountain slopes between 800 and 1500m.
scattered years and may have suffered the conversion of its habitat
The numbers of large individuals and the overall natural to agricultural land.
extent of the species is declining because of overcutting. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 4199, 19144
Refs: 1818, 11847
Elaeocarpus bojeri
Elaeagnus tarokoensis Elaeocarpaceae CR Dl
Elaeagnaceae VUDl+2 Mauritius
Taiwan Fewer than 10 dwarfed trees are found in degraded
Endemic Taiwan, the species occurs in lowland
to forest cloud forest close to an Indian temple in the Grand
in a small area to the east around Tienshiang. Bassin. They are being closely monitored.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Assessor: Page, W.
Refs: 19053 Refs: 1411,9120, 16426

Elaeocarpus acmosepalus Elaeocarpus brigittae

Elaeocarpaceae VUBl+2c Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore Indonesia (Sumatra)
A medium-sized tree scattered throughout the freshwater A newly described species known from montane
and peat-swamp forest in Pehang, Selangor and Johore rainforest and mossy forest in Gunimg Leuser National
in Peninsular Malaysia, and parts of Singapore. Park in Sumatra.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9199, 19073 Refs: 4074

Elaeocarpus apiculatus Elaeocarpus catomala var. pustulatus

Elaeocarpaceae VUBl+2a Elaeocarpaceae VU Ale, Bl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Viet Nam Philippines
A large tree of primary forest, on valley and mountain A tree found in remaining upland forest in Mindanao,
slopes up to 330m. Regeneration under the canopy of Mindoro, Luzon and possibly Sibuyan.
wet forestsis reported to be profuse in Viet Nam, where Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
it known from Ninh Binh (Cue Phuong National
is Refs: 4074
Park), Thanh Hoa and Lam Dong Provinces. Populations

The World List of Threatened Trees

Elaeocarpus calomala var. viUosiuscutus Elaeocarpus eriobotryoides

Elaeocaqiaceae DD Elaeocarpaceae VU B I +2c
Philippines Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This variety is very poorly known and the status of any This endemic tree occurs in montane forests of southern
remaining populations in the wild is completely Peninsular Malaysia, up to 1510m. Its known localities
unknown. It was collected from Tayabas on Luzon. are under threat from infrastructural development.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 4074 Refs: 8464, 19073

Elaeocarpus ceylanicus Elaeocarpus fraseri

Elaeocarpaceae ENBl+2c Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Sri Lanka Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species found only at three localities during the Known only from Peninsular Malaysia, this montane
extensive National Conservation Review forest surveys. forest species is probably endemic to Eraser's Hill in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pahang. A more serious threat category may be
/fe/i; 8203, 18796, 191 12 appropriate pending further information.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Elaeocarpus colnettianus Refs: 4074
Elaeocarpaceae VU Dl
New Caledonia Elaeocarpus gaussenii
A species known only from on Mont Colnett
locations Elaeocarpaceae CR Bl+2c
and Mont Ignambi in the north-east of Grand Terre, India (Tamil Nadu)
where it occurs in some abundance in forest between Little is known about
this species. It has been collected
1000 and 1350m. just once or twice from a single locality of evergreen
Assessor: ]aiU€, T. et al. forest at about 1500m in the Western Ghats.
Refs: 10351, 12630 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i: 4799, 19144

Elaeocarpus cordifolius
Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd Elaeocarpus gigantifolius
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Occurring in open shrubland, this small tree is recorded Philippines
in Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak and one A tree definitely known from the 1909 type
location in Kalimantan. from steep sloping forest on Mount Apo on
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mindanao. The mountain has been relatively well-
Refs: 4074 visited. It also has national park status, although shifting
cultivation and illegal logging continue to take place.
Elaeocarpus coriaceus Other specimens from Leyte Island are similar but more
Elaeocarpaceae ENBl+2c material is needed to confirm they are same species.
Sri Lanka Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
During the extensive National Conservation Review Refs: 4074
forest surveys, this species was found in only two sites:
Horton Plains National Park and the Peak Wilderness Elaeocarpus glabrescens
Sanctuary. Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 191 12 A species found between 450 and 1830m within a range
extending from the Cameron Highlands to Gunung
Elaeocarpus cruciatus Angsi and Gunung Panti in Johore. It is locally common
Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd on Gunung Inas and Gunung Jerai in Kedah. Some areas
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) receive a degree of protection within the permanent
Occurring in montane and submontane rainforest, this forest estate.
uncommon species is found in Gunung Padang, Gunung Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Mandi Angin in Terengganu and Eraser's Hill, Gunung Refs: 8464, 19073
Ulu and the Kali/Genting Highlands in Pahang. It
receives protection within a national park and the Elaeocarpus glandulifer
permanent forest estate. Elaeocarpaceae VU Ale
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Sri Lanka
Refs: 8464, 19073 A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
south-west Sri Lanka.
Elaeocarpus dinagatensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Elaeocarpaceae VU D2 Refs: 9\16, 17195, 17759
Little is known about the present status of this lowland Elaeocarpus homalioides
species. was collected in 1919 from two small islands,
It Elaeocarpaceae DD
Bucas Grande and Dinagrat, off the north-east tip of Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Mindanao. A New Guinea endemic recorded from a few locations.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ithas not been collected in recent years.
Refs: 4074 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4074

Species Summaries

Elaeocarpus inopinatus Elaeocarpus pseudopaniculatus

Elaeocarpaceae VU D2 Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Sabah) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A known from one location in scrubby
small tree forest Occurring in primary submontane to montane rainforest
in Mount Kinabalu National Park. in the state of Pahang, the species is protected within the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre boundaries of Taman Negara National Park and within
Refs: 4074 the permanent forest estate.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Elaeocarpus integrifolius Refs: 8464, 19073
Elaeocarpaceae CR Dl
Mauritius Elaeocarpus recurvatus
The most recent population estimate, in March 1997, is Elaeocarpaceae VUBl+2c
51 individuals. Trees are found in small groups or as India (Tamil Nadu)
isolated individuals in upland evergreen forest in the Occurring in evergreen forest and *shola forest above
Black River Gorges, Macchabe and Brise Fer. There are 1800m, the species is endemic to the Anamalai range
also isolated trees in the northern mountain ranges. No and parts of the Nilgiris. Its habitat has been strongly
natural regeneration has been observed. affected by fire and conversion to commercial
Assessor: Page, W. plantations.
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
«e/i.-4799, 19144
Elaeocarpus miriensis
Elaeocarpaceae VU D2 Elaeocarpus reticosus
Brunei Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd
Known from just two collections, this species occurs Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
near river banks in valley forest in Tutong District in A shrubby tree, inhabiting moist forest between 1000
Brunei and in Sarawak. and 2000m on Gunung Rabong in Kelantan, Gunung
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Bubu in Perak, Gunung Tahan in Pahang and on Gunung
Refs: 4074 Blumut in Johore. Populations are protected in the
Taman Negara National Park and in the permanent
Elaeocarpus moratii forest estate.
Elaeocarpaceae VU Dl Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
New Caledonia Refs: 8464, 19073
A species described in 1982 and known only from the
location where the type specimen was collected on Mont Elaeocarpus royenii
Ignambi. Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Refs: 10351, 12630 A newly described species known only from the type
collection. It occurs along Bot River in Merauke
Elaeocarpus munronii District.
Elaeocarpaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Kamataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu) Refs: 4074
An uncommon tree occurring in evergreen and *shola
forest between 600 and 2000m over a wide range at the Elaeocarpus rugosus
southern end of the Western Ghats. Elaeocarpaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Refs: 4799, 19144 A tall tree up to 39m, inhabiting moist lowland and hill
forest. This tree can be found in Perak, Terengganu,

Elaeocarpus nanus Pahang, Selangor, Johore and Singapore. It is protected

Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd in Cameron Highlands Wildlife Sanctuary.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Scattered in moist forest between 1000 and 2000m, the Refs: 9\99, 19073
species is found in Perak, Pahang, Selangor and Johore.
Some localities receive a degree of protection within the Elaeocarpus sallehiana
permanent forest estate. Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 8464, 19073 A species inhabiting hill and mountain rainforest up to
1070m in Pahang and Terengganu. It receives a degree
Elaeocarpus prunifolius of protection within the permanent forest estate.
Elaeocarpaceae VUBI+2c Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Bangladesh, India (Manipur, Meghalaya) Refs: 8464, 19073
This species appears to be restricted to remaining sacred
groves of moist evergreen or semi-evergreen forest in Elaeocarpus simaluensis
the Khasi Hills and Manipur. Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Sumatra)
Refs: 4799 A species known from one location in swamp forest on
Simalue Island, north-west Sumatra.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4074

The World List of Threatened Trees

EUuocarpus submonoceras ssp. coUinus Highlands, Gimung Berebun. Protected populations are
Elaeocaipaceae LR/cd foimd within Taman Negara National Park and the
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) permanent forest estate.

A montane forest tree found in Kalimantan and the Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Mount Kinabalu region in Sabah. Refs: 8464, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4074 EUuocarpus teysmannii ssp. domatifena
Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
EUuocarpus submonoceras ssp.Jusicarpus Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Elaeocaipaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c Recently found and described, this tree is known only
Philippines from lower montane forest in Dumoga Bone National
A tree that is found in damp montane forest habitats in Park.
Mindoro, Negros and Mindanao. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 4074
Refs: 4074
EUuocarpus teysmannii ssp. moluccensis
EUuocarpus submonoceras ssp. ottganthus Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Elaeocarpaceae CRBl+2c Indonesia (Moluccas)
Philippines A variant known only from the type locality in the
This subspecies is known only from its type locality in Moluccas. It is said to be common where it occurs in
Zamboanga Mindanao, from where it was
District in thinned-out forest at the sides of a river.
collected at the beginning of the century. The monsoon Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest here has been almost completely degraded. Refs: 4074
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4074 EUuocarpus teysmannii ssp. morowalensis
Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
EUuocarpus submonoceras ssp. oxypyren Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Elaeocarpaceae VU B 1 +2c A lowland tree known only from a relatively recent
Indonesia (Bali, Java) collection made on a ridge top in Morowali in north-east
A forest tree restricted to a few locations in Java and Sulawesi.
Bali. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 4074
Refs: 4074
EUuocarpus teysmannii ssp. rhizophorus
EUuocarpus submonoceras ssp. procerus Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Elaeocarpaceae VU D2 Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Phihppines A tree known only from one collection from Minahasa,
A subspecies known only from the type locality in the north Sulawesi. There are reports from the early part of
Cuemos Mountains, from where it was collected in the century that it was plant^ and protected as a sacred
1908. New information may indicate that the species is tree. New information may indicate that a more serious
extinct or that a more serious threat category is threat category is appropriate.
appropriate. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 4074
Refs: 4074
EUuocarpus teysmannii ssp. teysmannii
EUuocarpus submonoceras ssp. submonoceras Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Elaeocarpaceae VUBl+2c Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) A Sulawesi endemic known only from Minahasa.
A tree known from primary forest Sumatra and
in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peninsular Malaysia, where it has not been collected Refs: 4074
since 1929.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre EUuocarpus venustus
Refs: 4074 Elaeocarpaceae VUBI+2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
EUuocarpus subviUosus A large tree of submontane evergreen forest. It is
Elaeocarpaceae VUAlc narrowly distributed in the southern end of the Western
Sri Lanka Ghats, occurring in Chimunji and Muthukuzhivayal and
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of nearby areas, where the forest has been extensively
south-west Sri Lanka. cleared for a hydroelectric project.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fc/i;9176, 17195, 18515 Refs: 10733, 14276, 19144

EUuocarpus symingtonii EUuodendron Umeanum

Elaeocarpaceae LR/cd Celasti^ceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Bermuda
A small tree of montane rainforest, distributed between Occurring, commonly, on rocky upland
1400 and 2200m at Perak in Gunung Bubu, Terengganu hillsides eastern end of the island,
throughout the
in Gunung Mandi Angin and Pahang in the Cameron Harrington Soimd, Walsingham and Abbotts Cliff, the
species is under no immediate threat. It is also widely

Species Summaries

planted in gardens and within its native range as part of EUipanthus beccari var. beccarii
a conservation initiative. Connaraceae VUBl+2c
Assessor. World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 19143 A small dioecious tree which occurs in mixed
dipterocarp forest on leached yellow soils in western
Elaeobima crispa Borneo. In Sarawak, the only known occurrence is in the

Sapotaceae LR/nt Kuching region.

Venezuela Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

The of the four species in the genus. It occurs in
rarest Refs: 18327, 19017
areas of periodically or permanently flooded forest
confined to Amazonas State. EUipanthus hemandradenioides
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Connaraceae LR/nt
/?efi.- 7980, 8816 Kenya, Tanzania
This species has a broken distribution, extending 700km
Elattostachys aiyurensis along the coastline. It is known from numerous localities

Sapindaceae VUD2 of coastal vegetation on white sands usually associated

Papua New Guinea with rivers or wetter areas.
A small palmoid tree known only from the type Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
collection from Madang Province. Refs: 1308,5654,6396, 14719
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18389 EUipanthus madagascariensis
Connaraceae DD
Elattostachys dzumacensis Madagascar
Sapindaceae VUDl The type collection was made a century ago in the north-
New Caledonia west of the country. The species has not been collected
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. again. Taxonomically, it strongly resembles E.

Refs: 10351 hemandradenioides, but until further material is

available no conclusions can be drawn as to the status of

Elattostachys erythrocarpum the species.
Sapindaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Sulawesi) Refs: 14719
Endemic to Sulawesi, this small palmoid tree has been
collected only a few times. Embelia upembensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 18389 Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia
Occurring in Brachysiegia woodland on lake shores or
Elattostachys goropuensis river terraces, often on termite hills, this species is

Sapindaceae VU D2 restricted to a small area stretching from northern

Papua New Guinea Zambia to Shaba Province in DR Congo.

Known only from the type collection, this small palmoid Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
tree occurs in Euphorbia-Ficus forest in the Northern Refs: 18965
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Embolanthera spicata
Refs: 18389 Hamamelidaceae VU D2
Elattostachys rubrofnictus An endemic genus to Palawan. The species is confined
VUBl+2c to Mount Victoria, where it is found along streams at
Papua New Guinea about 150m.
A rare understorey tree of lowland rainforest, often Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
found on riverbanks and near swamps. Refs: 4986
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18389 Emmenosperma pancherianum
Rhamnaceae VUBl+2c
Elingamitajohnsonu New Caledonia
Myrsinaceae VU D2 A species confined to a few localities in sclerophyllous
New Zealand (North Is.) forest. The habitat is fragmented and massively reduced

A shrub or small tree, representing a monotypic genus, in extent because of the effects of fire, grazing and
endemic to the Three Kings Islands. The 1981 Red Data encroaching agriculture.
Book of New Zealand records a colony of about 12 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

small trees in an isolated area of windswept scrub on «c/i; 4492, 10351

West Island. A precise population estimate is not

presently available, but the species is no longer Enantia kummeriae
dangerously low in numbers. Annonaceae VUBI+2b
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tanzania
/?e/i.-902, 17637, 19133 Unul recently this species was known only from the East
Usambara Mountains. Fallen fruits have now been found
in the Mwanihana forest, Udzungwa Mountains, where
the species is considered to be very rare. The forest in

The World List of Threatened Trees

both areas has suffered severe declines and Engelhardia mendalomensis

encroachment but is now relatively well protected. Juglandaceae VU D2
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 3356, 5204, 9302 This uncommon tree is known only from the type
specimen, which was collected an area of primary

Endiemdra lecardU mixed dipterocarp forest in Mendalom Forest Reserve.

Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
New Caledonia Refs: 19017
A species known from two upland locations on the
Plateau de Dogny and in Baakin, Canala. Englerodendron usambarense
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Refs: 10351, 12630 Tanzania
This monospecific genus is restricted to the East and
Endiandra scrobiculata possibly the West Usambara Mountains. Occurring in
Lauraceae VU D2 moist forest at elevations of 760- 1000m, the species has
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) suffered severe habitat losses and degradation in the
Found at 1200m, this montane forest tree is known only past.

from Eraser's Hill, Pahang. The area is under threat from Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
rapid development as a tourist resort. It is hoped that the Refs: 3356, 3925, 7550
species will survive in remnant forest.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Enicosanthum acuminata
Refs: 19073 Annonaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka

Endocomia canarioides A rare species restricted to the lowland wet evergreen

Myristicaceae VU Ale forests of south-west Sri Lanka.
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam? Refs: 15431, 17195
A widespread tree found in evergreen forest, open
bamboo forest and lowland rainforest below 300m. Enicosanthum congregatum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae LR/cd
/Je/s; 9199, 9603, 19078 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A very rare tree scattered in lowland forest. So far it has
Endocomia rufirachis only been collected from Perak and the Bukit Lagong
Myristicaceae LR/nt Forest Reserve, Selangor.
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
A tree found in lowland primary and logged-over forest. Refs: 8464, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1766,9603 Enicosanthum cupulare
Annonaceae VU D2
Endocomia virella Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Myristicaceae VU D2 The species is known only from lowland forest in Larut
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) in Maxwell's Hills, Perak, and Bukit Kajong in
A primary forest tree very localised within the Fourth Terengganu. Maxwell's Hills is a protected resort area.
Division, Sarawak and Beaufort Hill, Sabah. Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 1766,9603,19078
Enicosanthum fuscum
Engelhardia danumensis Annonaceae LR/nt
Juglandaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Malaysia (Sabah) Although few collections have been made, the species is
This tree of lowland mixed dipterocarp forest is known expected to be more widespread in areas of lowland and
only from the type collection found in the Ulu Segama submontane forest. It occurs in Kanching Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve. in Selangor and Gunung Bubu in Perak, where some
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre protection is provided.
Refs: 19017 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
/?c/i.-8464, 11449, 19073
Engelhardia kinabaUtensis
Juglandaceae VU D2 Enicosanthum macranthum
Malaysia (Sabah) Annonaceae VU Bl-t-2c
A rare tree of lowland mixed dipterocarp and Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
submontane forest, known only from the Mamut Copper This tree of lowland forest is known only from Larut in
Mine and the Mesilau area in Kundasang, Mount the Maxwell's Hills mountain range in Perak. This area,
Kinabalu. home to many endemic plants, is currently conserved
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and protected; however, with increasing tourism
Refs: 19017 Maxwell's Hills are likely be developed further.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 19073

Species Summaries

Enicosanthum praestigiosum Entandrophragma utile

Annonaceae VU D2 Meliaceae VU A led
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic
A tree restricted to the lowland swamp forests of south- Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria,
east Johore. A large part of the area is now being Sierra Leone, Uganda
developed. An important source of African mahogany, this
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. widespread species is heavily exploited throughout its
Refs: 17140, 19073 range. Genetic erosion caused by the depletion of mature
individuals from populations has taken place in most
countries. Local overcutting is also common in parts of
Entandrophragma angolense West Africa. Regeneration is good after disturbance and
Meliaceae VUAlcd the species is generally noted to be more light-
Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo,
demanding and tolerant of dry condibons. Growth rates
Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo,
are amongst the slowest in the genus and the seeds and
Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Gabon, Ghana, Guinea,
seedlings suffer high mortality rates because of insect
Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania,
attack. There are protected populations and felling limits
in various countries.
One of the main sources of African mahogany. The
Assessor: Hawthorne. W.
commercial exploitation of this timber species has
Refs: 2773, 6128, 6718, 12061, 13250. 14667, 16822,
resulted in the large-scale extraction of mature
individuals throughout its range. Significant genetic
erosion has been reported in some countries. It has the
Eribroma oblonga
potential to occur commonly and regenerates well after
Sterculiaceae VU Ale
logging damage but not after burning. The seed does not
Cameroon. Cote d'lvoire. Equatorial Guinea (Bioko).
appear to disperse over great distances and regeneration
Gabon. Ghana. Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
is poor away from parent trees. A slow-growing species.
A species of various rainforest types, locally common in
There are protected populations and felling limits in
places. Levels of exploitation for its timber are moderate
various countries.
and are contributing to the declines in population
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
numbers. The current category applied should be kept
Refs: 450, 2773, 3479, 4506, 6128, 6396, 6718, 10961,
under review.
Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Refs: 2773, 8369, 11504, 13013, 13947
Entandrophragma candoUei
Meliaceae VUAlcd Erica scoparia ssp. platycodon
Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Ericaceae LR/cd
Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria Spain (Canary Is.)

One of the major sources of African mahogany. The A species known from Tenerife, Gomera and Hierro,
species is widespread and heavily exploited throughout where it occurs in areas of woodland from low to
its range. Population densities are comparatively low medium elevation. It is listed in government legislation

and seed production is erratic, but regeneration appears of 1991.

to be good where parent trees remain and may also occur Assessor: Bariares, A. et at.

to some degree after burning. There are protected Refs: 19022

populations and felling limits in various countries.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Eriocoelum oblongum
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6128, 6718, 12061, 17408 Sapindaceae DD
Gabon, Nigeria
A little-known forest tree that occurs in south-east
Entandrophragma cylindricum Nigeria and also in Gabon. The Nigerian population to
Mehaceae VUAlcd date appears to be unprotected. Forest outside protected
Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic areas has been extensively logged and cleared for
Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra agriculture. In Gabon the species is found in Lop6 Forest
Leone, Togo, Uganda Reserve and most probably in other forest areas which
A major source of African mahogany, this species is have yet to be explored. There is concern about the
scattered in semi-deciduous forests and exploited degree to which forest is now under concession in
heavily throughout its range. Genetic erosion caused by Gabon.
the large-scale depletion of mature individuals from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
populations has taken place in some countries. In /?c/s; 2773. 11504
comparison with other species of Entandrophragma, this
species can occur in drier habitats, including abandoned Eriocoelum pungens var. inermis
fields, but it does not respond well to burning. Growth EN A B 1 -i-2c
Sapindaceae 1 c.
rates are amongst the slowest in the genus. There are Nigeria
protected populations and felling limits in various This variety has, until now, been recorded only from the
countries. coastal forests in the Eket and Degema area in the south-
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. east. The habitat of the Eket population has been
Refs: 2362, 2773, 3479, 6128, 6718, 12061, 15017, degraded, if not completely destroyed, by oil exploration
16021, 17408 operations. The other population is unprotected and its

habitat is vulnerable to severe degradation.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i; 450, 2773, 11504

The World List of Threatened Trees

Eriolaena lushingtonU threatened by grazing and quarrying. In cultivation there

Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c is some indication that the plants die before reaching
India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu) reproductive maturity.
Populations appear to be few and fragmented. The Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species occurs in lowland hill forest in various localities Re/i; 3786, 7980, 17124
in the Eastern Ghats. There have been steady declines in
the extent of the habitat. Erythrina elenae
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Refs: 4799 Cuba
A small tree, up to 10m tall, confined to shrubwoods and

Eriotheca pent viana forestson the southern slopes of the Guamuhaya Massif
Bombacaceae VU D2 of Escambray in Cienfuegos Province. Its habitat has
Peru declined through logging and cutting.
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
in lowland forest in the department of La Libertad. Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Erythrina euodiphylla
Leguminosae VU D2
Erithalis harrisii Indonesia (Java, Lesser Sunda Is.)

Rubiaceae LR/nt A rare species, known only from

a few herbarium
Jamaica specimens, the of which was collected in 1975. It

Known from the central parishes, the species is locally occurs in savanna areas in east Java and was once
common in woodland margins on rough limestone. collected on Timor in 1968. The Bali specimen is now
General habitat declines have been considerable. thought to belong to E. variegala. The species is

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre recorded in Baluran where it is

National Park,
Refs: 6057, 7980 potentially threatened by human encroachment and
competition with the introduced tree Acacia nilotica.
Erithalis quadrangularis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 9078
Known from Clarendon, Manchester and St Ann, the Erythrina haerdii
species is confined to woodland on limestone. General Leguminosae VU B 1 +2b, D2
habitat declines have been considerable. Tanzania
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species occurs in one locality of dry lowland forest,
Refs: 6057, 7980 at the eastern foot of the Udzungwa range. The forest is
under some pressure from agricultural encroachment and
Erythrina ankaranensis local exploitation.
Leguminosae ENBl+2abc Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Madagascar Refs: 2459, 3356
An uncommon tree of limestone outcrops in the
Ankarana Massif, north Madagascar. Its area of Erythrina hazomboay
occupancy covers an estimated 500 km' and is contained Leguminosae VU D2
within a protected reserve. Madagascar
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat Currently known from only four localities, this
Refs: 12353 submontane species is uncommon and localised in
stands of primary vegetation. Its range is broad,
Erythrina burana extending over 1000km' and it is Ukely that further
Leguminosae LR/nt localities exist. Populations are found in
Ethiopia Andasibe/Perinet Reserve.
Known only from an area of bushland between 1 350 and Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
2100m in Harerge, the species is relatively restricted in Refs: 12353
distribution but fast growing and under no present threat.
Cultivated specimens are found elsewhere in Ethiopia. Erythrina perrieri
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae OR C2a
Refs: 1330,4505,18523 Madagascar
Known only from a single location in an area of highly
Erythrina eggersii fragmented vegetation on Ankara Plateau, this species
Leguminosae ENDl occupies an area of approximately 100 km'. Trees are
Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US) very rare, scattered and low in numbers. The remaining
Occurring as a vine or tree, the species is known from a vegetation is declining rapidly as a result of burning and
small population of about 12 individuals in Nevarez, encroachment.
Puerto Rico, and from three to six isolated trees and a Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
core population of 30-50 trees in Virgin Islands Refs: 12353
National Park on St John. Plants elsewhere are believed
to be cultivated. The main population on St John is Erythrina sacleuxii
under little threat. Populations elsewhere are potentially Leguminosae VUBI+2b
Kenya, Tanzania
Ranging from south-east Kenya, through Tanzania to

Species Summaries

Zanzibar and Pemba Islands, the species is restricted to been collected five times within an area of 2500km'.
pockets of dry coastal forest. Although the habitat is affected by overgrazing and
Assessor: Loven, J. & G.P. Clarke agricultural activities in some places, the area is not
Refs: 3356, 6396, 10961 obviously threatened.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Erythrina schliebenU Refs: 1330,4505,18523
Leguminosae EX
Repeated searches for this species at its type locality Erythroxylum acranthum
have failed to rediscover it. It was collected in the 1930s Erythroxylaceae vU D2
in an area of forest on the sides of Lake Lutamba, which Seychelles (Aldabra)
has since been cleared. A frequent constituent of inland mixed scrub occurring
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke on the islands of Malabar, Polymnie, Picard, Grande
Refs: 2459, 16796 Terre, Michel, Assumption and Menai. The Aldabran
Islands are under protection within a Strict Nature

Erythrina lahitensis Reserve and only Picard is inhabited with a research

station. Areas of Assumption have been disturbed by
Leguminosae CRBl+2c
strip mining for phosphate or guano.
French Polynesia (Society Is.)

An endemic to Tahiti. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Assessor: Florence, J.
Refs: 19027

Refs: 14513

Erythroxylum echinodendron
Erythrina tuxtlana
Erythroxylaceae EW
Leguminosae VU Ale Cuba
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree of high precipitation rainforest, occurring in the
Refs: 11403,18485
regions of Los Tuxtlas, Tuxtepec and Uxpanapa-
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Erythroxylum incrassatum
Refs: 5993, 19124 Erythroxylaceae VUBl+2c
Erythrococca columnaris An uncommon tree confined to woodland on limestone
Euphorbiaceae VU Dl+2 in Manchester and St Ann.
Sao Tom6 & Pn'ncipe (Pn'ncipe) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree which is known from a single collection. More /?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980

detailed information is lacking. There have been no

recent botanical surveys of the island.
Erythroxylum jamaicense
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2724
Erythroxylaceae VUBl+2c
Known from Clarendon and St Ann, the species is
Erythrococca moUeri
confined to woodland on limestone hills.
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom^)
«e/i; 401, 5653, 7980
A relatively well-collected shrub or small tree, found in
wet and shady places in secondary forest between 500
and 1000m. Erythroxylum kochummenii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Erythroxylaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 2124, 10080 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A very rare species, known only from three collections
Erythrophleum fordii from Ulu Gombak Forest Reserve in Selangor,
Leguminosae EN A led Merlimau Forest Reiserve in Malacca and Ulu Lebir
China (Guangdong, Guangxi), Taiwan, Viet Nam Forest Reserve in Kelantan. Stricter conservation
A valuable timber tree. The Chinese populations are measures are required to secure these populations.
largely reduced to trees left standing around living areas. Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
The species' range in Viet Nam extends from the border Refs: 8464, 19073
with China to (^ang Nam-Da Nang Province. Occurring
in monsoon or rainforest up to 800m, it can form a
scattered dominant component. Plantations were
or Erythroxylum obtusifolium
established in the1950s to increase suppUes of the
Erythroxylaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
hardwood but demands are still in excess of what can be Sri Lanka
sustainably provided. A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of

Assessor: Nghia, N.H. south-west Sri Lanka. This species was found at 10
localities during the extensive National Conservation
Refs: 1818, 5054, 1 1530, 1 1847
Review forest surveys.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Erythrophysa septentrionalis
^e/i.-9176, 17195, 19112
Sapindaceae LR/nt
A species of dry Acacia-Commiphora bushland with a
rich shrub and forb layer in the eastern Ogaden. It has

The World List of Threatened Trees

Erythroxylum pacificum cloud forest, occurring between 1700 and 2100m in the
Erythroxylaceae VU D2 department of Amazonas.
Peru Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species from the coast in the department of Tumbes. It /?eA; 3791, 7980
is known only from the type collection.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Eschweilera beebei
Refs: 1984 Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Erythroxylum sechellarum Known only from Henri Pittier National Park, this cloud
Erythroxylaceae VU D2 forest species has been collected about three times, each
Seychelles specimen probably from the same tree.
A species with a widespread distribution within the Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Seychelles, occurring in rainforest on Mah£, Praslin, La /Je/j; 3791, 7980

Digue, Silhouette and several smaller islands. There are

no obvious threats and populations appear to be healthy. Eschweilera bogotensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 9859, 17229, 19023 Colombia
A small tree of non-flooded forest from sea level to
Eschweilera alvimii 1100m. About 10 collections have been taken from
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c localities in Valle and Cundinamarca.
Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Pemambuco) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species which is found scattered in lowland rainforest /?c/i; 3791, 7980
in north-east Brazil.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Eschweilera boUenU
Refs: 3791, 5942, 7980, 9632 Lecythidaceae VU D2
Suriname, Venezuela
Eschweilera amazonicaformis A small tree, known only from the type locality in the
Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 floodplain of the Zuid River in the Kayser Mountains.
Brazil (Amazonas) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species which has been collected several times from /Je/i; 3791, 7980
non-flooded forest around Manaus. It is present in
Ducke Forest Reserve, but elsewhere populations are Eschweilera carinata
under pressure from urban expansion and fires. Lecythidaceae VU BI-l-2c, D2
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Brazil (Amazonas)
^e/i: 3791, 7980, 9632 This species is confined to non-flooded forest in south-
central and south-west Amazonas.
Eschweilera amplexifolia Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Lecythidaceae CR Ale, E «e/j; 3791, 7980, 9632

The species is restricted to just three neighbouring Eschweilera compressa
localitiesof lowland semi-deciduous rainforest on the Lecythidaceae CRBl+2cd
Atlantic side of Panama. The largest population occurs Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
in Santa Rita, where increasing settlement of the area Confined to non-flooded forests around Rio de Janeiro,
has destroyed much of the remaining forest. The same the species range has been extensively reduced through
pressures are affecting the population along the highway urban expansion and exploitation.
from El Lano to Carti. A specimen collected in 1984 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

from Valle del Cauca in Colombia has also been Refs: 3791 , 5942, 7980, 9632
included in this species.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Eschweilera cyathiformis
/?e/i; 3791, 7980, 16772 Lecythidaceae LR/cd
Brazil (Amazonas)
Eschweilera atropetiolata A canopy tree of non-flooded forest, known only from
Lecythidaceae LR/cd the vicinity of Manaus, including occurrences in INPA
Brazil(Amazonas) Biological Reserve and Ducke Forest Reserve.
Although the species is restricted in range, occurring in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
non-flooded forest in the vicinity of Manaus, it is known Rc/j; 3791, 7980, 9632
from many localities, including the Ducke Forest
Reserve. Eschweilera fanshawei
Assessor: Hres O'Brien, J. Lecythidaceae VU D2
/Jc/j; 3791, 7980, 9632 Guyana
This tree has been collected only once, in 1947, from an
Eschweilera baguensis area of lowland non-flooded rainforest along the
Lecythidaceae VU D2 Bartica-Potaro road.
Peru Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A medium-sized tree, relatively newly described. It is /?s/i; 3791, 7980
known only from the type locality of lower montane

Species Summaries

Eschweilera integricalyx Eschweilera piresii ssp. viridipeUila

Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c Lecythidaceae CR Dl
Colombia French Guiana
A large canopy or emergent tree, occurring commonly in This subspecies is known solely from the type locality in
places, but collected rarely from Pacific coastal lowland moist forest surrounding Saiil. To date only two
Colombia in the departments of Choc6 and Valle. individuals have been located.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e(i. 3791.7980 /fe/j; 3791, 7980

Eschweilera jacquelyniae Eschweilera potaroensis

Lecythidaceae EN C I +2a Lecythidaceae DD
Panama Guyana
A species largely confmed to cloud forest on the A poorly known species, recorded only from the type
summits of mountains in the Cordillera Central in specimen, which was collected in 1943 from west-
central-eastern Panama. In localised areas it may be centralGuyana. More collections of flowering material
common, but on the whole it is not frequent. In Santa are needed to consolidate the taxonomy.
Rita and along the road from El Llano to Carti, in the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kunayala Indigenous Reserve, a large part of the forest Refs: 3191, 19SQ
has been destroyed. Small populations are protected in
Chagres National Park. Eschweilera punctata
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. Lecythidaceae LR/nt
Refs: 7980, 16772 Brazil (Acre), Colombia
This species occurs in periodically flooded forests of the
Eschweilera longirachis Amazon in Acre and Colombia.
Lecythidaceae DD Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Costa Rica, Panama Ife/j; 3791, 7980, 9632

The species is known from the type specimen taken
from Veraguas in 1974 and from a recent collection Eschweilera rabeliana
from Costa Rica. Similar specimens in the area have Lecythidaceae EN B I +2c. Dl
been identified as E. panamensis. Brazil (AmapS)
Assessor: Mitrd, M. A species known only from the type locality in non-
yje/j; 7980, 16772 flooded forest.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien. J.

Eschweilera mexicana /?e/i; 3791. 7980. 9632

Lecythidaceae VU Ale
Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz) Eschweilera rhododendrifolia
This rainforest tree is endemic to the Uxpanapa- Lecythidaceae VU D2
Chimalapa region, occurring m large but isolated Brazil (Amazonas)
populations. The Chimalapa area still harbours large This species has been collected from the roadside in
tracts of relatively undisturbed under
forest, but is non-flooded forests near Manaus. It is not known to
potential threat from proposed large-scale forestry and occur elsewhere.
development projects. Uxpanapa has suffered from Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

substantial habitat clearance for and

agriculture Re/i; 3791, 7980, 9632
settlement in the government relocation scheme. This is
the only member of Lecythidaceae in Mexico. Eschweilera rimbachii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c
Refs: 3791. 5651. 5993. 7980. 18150 Colombia, Ecuador
This species is known only from a few collections,
Eschweilera obversa gathered in western Ecuador and south-west Colombia
Lecythidaceae LR/cd from rainforest between 500 and 2000m.
Brazil (Amazonas. MaranhSo, Pari) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Populations are small but relatively widely scattered. An /?e/i; 3791. 7980. 10965

occurrence is recorded in Jari Genetic Reserve.

Assessor: Pires O'Brien. J. Eschweilera rionegrense
Refs: 3791, 5942, 7980, 9632 Lecythidaceae VU D2
Brazil (Amazonas)
Eschweilera piresii ssp.piresii This species is known from a single location in the upper
Lecythidaceae ENBI+2c Rio Negro basin.
Brazil (Pari) Assessor: Pires O'Brien. J.

Currently known only from one location on the Beldm- Re/i; 3791, 7980, 9632
Brasilia highway, this tree of periodically flooded forest
has experienced serious habitat loss over the last two Eschweilera rodriguesiana
decades. Lecythidaceae VU 02
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Brazil (Amazonas)
/ee/i; 3791, 7980, 9632 A species of non-flooded forest known only from the
vicinity of Manaus. It occurs in the Ducke Forest
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

/ee/j; 3791. 7980, 9632

The World List of Threatened Trees

Eschweilera rorcdmensis Esenbeckia leiocarpa

Lecythidaceae VU D2 Rutaceae VU Alcd
Brazil (Roraima), Venezuela Brazil (Bahia, Goi^, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de
A canopy tree, unusual in the genus in occurring at Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
submontane elevation. It has only been collected from The habitat of this species has been greatly reduced
cloud forest between 700 and 1500m on the Serra because of massive forest conversion over the last
Parima. century for agriculture, livestock and plantations. The
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. heavy, decay-resistant wood is of commercial value and
/?c/i; 3791, 7980, 9632 the last stands are gradually being cut down.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Eschweilera sclerophylla Refs: 4506, 7980
Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c
Colombia Esenbeckia pentaphylla ssp. australensis
A medium-sized tree, known from a few localities of Rutaceae VU BI+2c
lowland non-flooded forest in the departments of Valle Colombia, Panama
and Choc6. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 19069
/Je/j; 3791, 7980

Esenbeckia pentaphylla ssp.pentaphylla

Eschweilera squamata Rutaceae LR/nt
Lecythidaceae VU D2 Jamaica
French Guiana The Jamaican subspecies of a Central American taxon,
A canopy or emergent tree of non-flooded forest, occurring in woodlands, most commonly in the western
endemic to French Guiana. It has been collected from parishes.
two localities, one being in Saiil. Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre R^s: 6057, 7980
/fc/i; 3791, 7980

Eucalyptopsis papuana
Eschweilera subcordata Myrtaceae LR/nt
Lecythidaceae VU D2 Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas), Papua New Guinea
Brazil (Par4) This tree is locally common, sometimes forming pure
The species has been collected twice from forest margin stands, in scattered areas of rainforest up to 15(X)in. It
and savanna areas on Marajd Island. It is not known occurs in a small patch on Woodlark Island, in the
elsewhere. headwaters of the Watut River in the Morobe Province
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. and in lower montane forest in the Western and East
*e/j: 3791, 7980, 9632 Sepik Provinces. The species has been logged and
exported from Woodlark Island and occurs in areas
Eschweilera tetrapetala subject to further exploitation.
Lecythidaceae VU D2 Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Brazil (Bahia) Refs: 19114
So far the species is known from three populations in
non-flooded forests and roadsides in southern Bahia. Eucalyptus morrisbyi
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Myrtaceae ENBl+2ce
Refs: 3791, 5942, 7980, 9632 Australia (Tasmania)
Only four stands survive, all in southern Tasmania,
Eschweilera venezuelica largely on private land. Calverts Hill harbours the largest
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c population of 2000 trees. East Risdon Nature Reserve
Venezuela has fewer than 20 trees and the other populations are
A small tree, restricted to the lowland forest on the small and near roads. Agricultural expansion is the main
Caribbean slopes of the mountains of north-central reason for the species' decline.
Venezuela, from where it has been collected about four Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
times. Refs: 17200
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
J?e/i; 3791, 7980 Eucalyptus recurva
Myrtaceae CR Dl
Esenbeckia alata Australia (New South Wales)
Rutaceae ENBl+2c A shrub known only from two localities near
Colombia Mongarlowe in New South Wales. Apparently six
Endemic to Colombia, the species is restricted to individuals remain and are genetically very similar. The
Cundinamarca, Tolima and Valle. species has proved very difficult to cultivate.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19069 Refs: 17200

Esenbeckia berlandieri ssp. lUoralis Euchorium cubense

Rutaceae EN C2a Sapindaceae ENBl+2c
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama Cuba
A lowland tree of dry rocky hillsides. A monotypic genus endemic to the deepley eroded
Assessor: Nelson, C. 'haystack' karstic hills of Viiiales in the limestone range
Refs: 13995

Species Summaries

of Sierra de Los Organos, Pinar del Rio Province. recent collection was taken in 1965 from an area of
Assessor: Areces-Mailea, A.E. damp thicket at the base of a wooded limestone hill.

Refs: 11403, 18485,19149 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.

Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Euclea balfourii
Ebenaceae VU D2 Eugenia aboukirensis
Yemen (Socotra) Myrtaceae CR B 1 +2c
This is be taxonomically indistinct from E.
likely to to Jamaica
laurina. Both species are endemic to Socotra and This species appears to be known only from the vicinity
scattered in montane and submontane vegetation in both of Aboukir in St Ann Parish, where it occurs in
granite and limestone areas. There are no immediate woodland on a rocky limestone hilltop.
threats to populations. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Miller, A.G. /fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Refs: 2354, 19083
Eugenia aceitillo
Euclea laurina Myrtaceae EN Bl+2c
Ebenaceae VU D2 Cuba
Yemen (Socotra) An endemic tree confined to dry evergreen forest on the
This be taxonomically indistinct from E.
is likely to to limestone terraces of Cabo Cruz in Gramna Province.
balfourii. Both species are endemic to Socotra and The species is very uncommon aiid parts of Cabo Cruz
scattered in montane and submontane vegetation in both have been degraded by logging and cutting.
granite and limestone areas. There are no immediate Assessor: Areces-Mailea, A.E.
threats to populations. Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Refs: 2354, 19083 Eugenia acunai
Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2c
Eucommia ulmoides Cuba
Eucommiaceae LR/nt A shrub or small tree locally restricted to the rainforests
China (Anhui, Gansu, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, of Loma del Gato in the province of Santiago de Cuba.
Jiangxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang) Assessor: Areces-Mailea, A.E.
A species of a monotypic family, known from scattered Refs: 11403. 18485, 19149
populations occurring over a relatively wide range,
altitudinally, ecologically and geographically. Its range Eugenia acutisepala
is not clearly defmed because it has been widely utilised Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
and cultivated for the medicinal properties of its bark. Jamaica
Plantations are being established with some difficulties. A small tree or shrub found only in the parish of St
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Catherine, where it is confined to wooded limestone
Refs: 1818,11847 hills.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Eucryphia cordifolia /?</i. 401, 5653, 7980
Eucryphiaceae LR/nt
Argentina, Chile (Biobfo, La Araucania, Los Lagos) Eugenia acutissima
A highly exploited species of broadleaved evergreen Myrtaceae CR Bl+2c
forest. The largest populations are in Chile and are Cuba
considered to be under some threat because of the tree's An imperfectly known species, described from a
use as the major source of fuelwood and charcoal for specimen without flowers and fruits. It is a small tree,
southern Chile. The species is also used as a timber and apparently restricted to the type locality, Toscano in
in the tannery industry. Pinar del Rio Province. Much of the area has been
Assessor: Gonz^ez, M. cleared for and
settlement agriculture. No recent
Refs: 11140,13947,16328 collections have been made.
Assessor: Areces-Mailea, A.E.
Eucryphia glutinosa Refs: 11403,18485,19149
Eucryphiaceae LR/nt
Chile (Bfobfo, La Araucania, Maule) Eugenia amoena
Occurring at riversides or in swampy areas, the species Myrtaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
occupies a relatively small area of subandean forest in Sri Lanka
central Chile. It does not appear to be common or well Apparently restricted to the lowland wet evergreen
known. forests of Ratnapura District, the species was found in
Assessor: Gonzalez, M. six sites during the extensive forest surveys of the
Refs: 4893, 7980, 16328 National Conservation Review. Asian Eugenia are now
included in Syzygium.
Eugenia abbreviata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 15431,17195,19112
The species is apparently scarce, occurring in
Westmoreland, Manchester and St Catherine. The most

The World List of Threatened Trees

Eugenia ampHfolia experiencing forest clearance and increasing agriculture.

Myrtaceae LR/nt Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
Jamaica Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
A shrub or small tree, uncommon and confined to areas Refs: 8464, 19073
of woodland on limestone hillsides.
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre Eugenia calcadensis
Refs: 6057. 7980 Myrtaceae VUBI+2c
India (Tamil Nadu)
Eugenia arianae Collections have been made from areas of evergreen
Myrtaceae CR Bl+2abcde forest along Tamil Nadu/Kerala border at the
Brazil southern end of the Western Ghats. Asian Eugenia are
The species is known only from the type collection. now included in Syzygium.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19097 Refs: 19144

Eugenia bayalensis Eugenia camptophylla

Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Myrtaceae CRBI+2c
Cuba Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Known only from a few localities on karstic hills and A species known only by a single collection from
limestone plateaux, this uncommon shrub or small tree Gopeng District in Perak gathered in the 1 8th century. It
occurs on the border of Santiago de Cuba with Holguin. is unknown whether the species exists today. Asian

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.

Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073
Eugenia benjamina
Myrtaceae VUDl Eugenia caudata
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Myrtaceae VU Bl+2c
Found only in hill and montane forest in Perak, this tree Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
is threatened by the increasing settlement of the area. It Confined to montane forest between 600 and 1500m, the
is hoped the species is present in the protected forest species has been reported from Penang, Perak, Selangor
reserves. Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium. and Pahang. Despite montane forest being considered
Assessor: Kochununen, K.M. protected by the government, increasing developments
Refs: 8464, 19073 in the region are threatening the species. Asian
_Eugenia_ are now included in _Syzygium_.
Eugenia bojeri Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Myrtaceae CR Dl Refs: 8464, 19073
A species which has only recently been rediscovered Eugenia colipensis
since the 1960s, when the single known individual died. Myrtaceae VU Ale
A total of two trees have been found in the last two years Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz)
in a single locality of cloud forest on the southern slopes Endemic to the Gulf region, the species occurs in

of Mount Cocotte. They are being closely monitored. remaining rainforest, ranging as far north as northern
Assessor: Page, W. Veracruz.
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5993
Eugenia brachythrix
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Eugenia conglomerata
Jamaica Myrtaceae VU D2
A submontane forest in the western
tree confined to Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Blue Mountains. It has been reported from the A rare tree of lowland rainforest known only from three
headwaters of the Mabess River and also, very rarely, collections from Selangor, Malacca and Johore. The
from the Grand Ridge. species is threatened by increasing settlement and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre agriculture. Asian Eugenia are now included in
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 12564 Syzygium.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Eugenia brownei «e/jt.-9199, 11647, 19073
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Jamaica Eugenia cordifoliolata
Only known from the parish of St Elizabeth, the species Myrtaceae VU D2
is very localised along riverbanks at sea level. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. A tree known only from the type locality in Perak. The
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085 exact location has not been recorded. Asian Eugenia are
now included in Syzygium.
Eugenia burkiUiana Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrtaceae VU D2 Refs: 8464, 19073
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Confined to the lowland forests of Perak, this tree is
known only from a few collections in an area which is

Species Summaries

Eugenia cotinifolia ssp. codyensis Eugenia discors

Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Myrtaceae VU D2
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Peru
This subspecies is known only from a single collection A species known only from its type collected in San
in the south of Kamataka, an additional collection, Martin Department.
imprecisely located in the Nilgiris, and a record from the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Agastyamalai Hills. Asian Eugenia are now included in Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Eugenia eperforata
Refs: 19144 Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Eugenia coyolensis A tree of wooded limestone hillsides, found only in St
Myrtaceae CR C2b Ann Parish.
Honduras Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species of the dry Atlantic lowlands. There are doubts /fe/i; 401, 5653
surrouding the nomenclature.
Assessor: Nelson, C. Eugenia ericoides
Refs: 13995 Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia
Eugenia crassicauHs Asian Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium.
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at.

Jamaica Refs: 10351

Endemic to Portland, the species occurs at altitudes of
60O-900m. Much of the habitat has been affected by Eugenia erythrophylla
forestry activities and logging. Myrtaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)
/?e/i.- 401. 5653. 7980 A coastal forest species confined to sandstone
formations in southern KwaZulu-Natal
and the
Eugenia crenata Pondoland area of the Eastern Cape, usually found in
Myrtaceae VU B 1 +2c rocky situations near streams or along the upper edge of
Jamaica sandstone cliffs. It is recorded in two provincial nature
A shrub or small tree found uncommonly on steep reserves, a local authority reserve and a number of
wooded hillsides in Manchester, St Andrew and St demarcated forests. The latter forest patches do not
Thomas Parishes. It may represent a form of £. harrisii. receive as much protection as they did prior to 1994, and
The habitat in the latter two parishes has been almost they are increasingly being used as a source of firewood
completely cleared or severely degraded. and timber. Some forest patches are also threatened by
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre expanding settlement.
*e/j; 6057, 7980, 19116 Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

Refs:6i9. 19218
Eugenia cyrtophylloides
Myrtaceae VU D2 Eugenia excisa
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Myrtaceae EN Bl+2c
Although the species is known only from a single Cuba
collection in Gunong Tahan in Pahang, it is expected to A small tree confined to the karstic hill complex of
be locally frequent at the type locality within Taman Sierra de Nipe on the border of Santiago de Cuba and
Negara National Park. Asian Eugenia are now included Holguin Provinces. Habitat degradation has occurred in
in Syzygium. the accessible areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149

Eugenia daenikeri Eugenia floccosa

Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia India (Tamil Nadu)
Asian Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium. A forest tree endemic to the Agastyamalai Hills in
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al. southern India. Large areas have been exposed to fires,
Refs: 10351 grazing, the establishment of commercial plantations
and cutting for fuel wood, but almost 1000km' of forest
Eugenia discifera are now under protection within sanctuaries. Asian
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium.
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Known from two locations. Chimunji and the Sethur /fs/s; 5651, 10733, 19144

Hills, the species occurs very sparsely in evergreen

forest between 1300 and 1400m. The location in the Eugenia fulva
Sethur Hills has been converted into cardamom Myrtaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
plantations. Asian Eugenia are now contained within Sri Lanka
Syzygium. This species was found at nine localities during the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre extensive National Conservation Review forest surveys.
Refs: 1237,2538,19144

The World List of Threatened Trees

Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium. westof Hillsbrook.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431,18796,19112 >?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980

Eugenia gageana Eugenia hanisU var. grandifoUa

Myrtaceae CRBl+2c Myrtaceae CR B 1 +2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Jamaica
The single collection of this species, made last century, The locality of this variety is tmconfirmed. It was last
is probably from Maxwell's Hill in Taiping. The hill is reported in Egnor Gap in 1893. The species as a whole is
now being developed into a resort area. Asian Eugenia local in distribution and confined to Jamaica.
are now included in Syzygium. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre y?e/jt; 401, 5653, 7980
Refs: 8464, 19073
Eugenia harrisii var. hanisU
Eugenia gatopensis Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Jamaica
New Caledonia A tree confined to the Blue Mountains, where it occurs
Asian Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium. occasionally to commonly on wooded below slopes
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. 1650m, mostly in the southern catchments, where the
Refs: 10351 disturbance from encroaching agriculture has been most
Eugenia glabra Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Refs:19%Q, 12564
Sri Lanka
A species found at only three localities during the Eugenia heterochroa
extensive forest surveys carried out for the National Myrtaceae 'VU B +2c

Conservation Review. Asian Eugenia are now included Jamaica

in Syzygium. Known only from the parish of Clarendon, the species
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurs on wooded rocky limestone hilltops at about
Zee/i.- 15431, 18796, 19112 760m.
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Eugenia goniocalyx Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Myrtaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Eugenia hexovulata
A tree confined to montane forest at about 1500m in the Myrtaceae 'VU D2
Cameron Highlands and Eraser's Hill, Pahang. Both Peru
localities are hill stations which are being developed. Occurring in forest up to 15CX)m, the species is known
However, it is likely the species occurs in the high- only from its type collected in the department of Loreto.
altitude protected forests. Asian Eugenia are now Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
included in Syzygium. Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Eugenia hypoleuca
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Eugenia haematocarpa Sri Lanka
Myrtaceae ENDl A tree recorded only twice in a single locality in
Puerto Rico Knuckles State Forest, which covers 300km*, during the
The main population occurs in two colonies, totalling extensive forest surveys by the National Conservation
50-100 plants, in submontane rainforest in El Verde. A Review. Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
population of about nine adults is found at the edge of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Carite forest. There are no obvious threats to the El Refs: 19112
Verde colonies.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Eugenia indica
Refs: 7980, 17124, 17540 Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
India (Tamil Nadu)
Eugenia haniffii An known from
understorey tree of evergreen forest,
Myrtaceae VU D2 single from three different locations at the
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) southern end of the Western Ghats. Asian Eugenia are
A tree scattered in moist hill forest between 300 and now included in Syzygium.
450m in parts of Penang and Selangor. Both localities Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
are under plans for development. Asian Eugenia are now Refs: 19144
included in Syzygium.
Assessor: Kochummen, KM. Eugenia insignis
Refs: 8464, 19073 Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
Sri Lanka
Eugenia hanoverensis A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c Lanka. Previously recorded in Sinharaja and Haycock
Jamaica Biosphere Reserves, this extremely rare species was not
This species is confined to Hanover Parish, where it was found during the extensive forest surveys conducted for
collected in 1965 from a glade between limestone hills the National Conservation Review, suggesting that it

Species Summaries

might be extinct. Asian Eugenia are now included in extant populations are now restricted to Oahu, the
Syzygium. Molokai populations being replaced by fields of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre pineapples. Fewer than 220 individuals now remain in
Refs. 17195. 191 12 eight populations in the Koolau Mountains, where they
are threatened mainly by the destructive activities of
Eugenia isosticta feral pigs and by invasions of introduced plants. The
Myrtaceae LR/nt species is US Endangered Species Act.
protected by the
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This is an uncommon species found on lowland wooded Refs: 3312, 19041, 19168
limestone hillsides.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Eugenia lamprophylla
Refs: 6057, 7980 Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Eugenia johorensis Confined to areas of woodland on rocky hillsides along
Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2c the base of limestone cliffs, this tree is uncommon in a
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) habitat that is constantly vulnerable to cutting.
A very rare tree known from a single collection from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
moist submontane forest on Gunong Pulai. This area is /Je/t; 401, 5653, 7980
being developed into a holiday resort. Asian Eugenia are
now included in Syzygium. Eugenia lancetiUae
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Myrtaceae CR C2b
Refs: 8464, 19073 Honduras
Endemic to the wet Atlantic lowlands of Honduras, the
Eugenia jutiapensis species has a rare occurrence in Lancetilla Biological
Myrtaceae DD Reserve.
El Salvador, Guatemala Assessor: Nelson, C.
Restricted to the Pacific coast, the species occurs in Refs: 4974, 13995
lowland forest. recorded in El Imposible National
It is

Park in El Salvador. The habitat has been widely logged Eugenia laurae
and also affected by tourism and industrial Myrtaceae EN B I +2c
developments in places. More information is needed on Jamaica
the Guatemalan populations. A Cockpit Country endemic, known from localities in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Trelawny and Clarendon Parishes. The woodland in
/Je/i; 4862, 4974, 19030 Warsop, where the type specimen was collected, has
been severely degraded and attempts to find the species
Eugenia kaalensis have failed.
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
New Caledonia /fe/i.- 401, 5653, 7980
Asian Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium.
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el at. Eugenia linocieroidea
Refs: 10351 Myrtaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Eugenia kellyana The collection localities of this lowland rainforest tree
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c are being developed for agriculture and settlement. It is
Jamaica expected the species will be found in the nearby
The species has been reported in recent years from two production forest reserves in Perak and Selangor. Asian
locations, Hog House Hill and Holland Mountain, in Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
submontane forest on limestone in the John Crow Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Mountains. Refs: 9199, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Eugenia longicuspis
Myrtaceae VU D2
Eugenia klossii Peru
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c An Amazon forest species known only from the type
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) collection taken from the department of Loreto.
A tree known from a single collection from lowland Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
rainforest in Rantau Panjang in Selangor. The present Refs: 1984
existence of the collection locality is doubtful and the
species may be extinct. Asian Eugenia are now included Eugenia mabaeoides ssp. mabaeoides
in Syzygium. Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2c
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Sri Lanka
Refs: 8464, 19073 The species as a whole was found in only five forest
sites auring the extensive surveys carried out for the
Eugenia koolauensis National Conservation Review. Asian Eugenia are now
Myrtaceae EN C2a, Dl included in Syzygium.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree which, been collected from
in the past, has Refs: 15431, 17759, 19112
lowland dry forest in the north of the Koolau Mountains
on Oahu and from Maunaloa on Molokai. The only

The World List of Threatened Trees

Eugenia mabaeoides ssf. pedunculata Eugenia miUsii

Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Myrtaceae LR/nt
SriLanka Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
The species as a whole was found in only five forest Although scattered and rare in lowland rainforest in
sitesduring the extensive surveys carried out for the Kedah, Pahang and Selangor, the species does not yet
National Conservation Review. Asian Eugenia are now qualify as threatened. It is hoped there are populations
included in Syzygium. within the production forest reserves of these states.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Asian _Eugenia_ are now included in _Syzygium_.
Refs: 15431, 18796 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073
Eugenia mackeeana
Myrtaceae VU Bl+2c Eugenia mozomboensis
New Caledonia Myrtaceae EN C2b
Asian Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium. Mexico (Veracruz)
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et at. This shrub or small tree is now confmed to a single
Refs: 10351 locality near Mozomboa in the Sierra de Manuel Diaz,
where about 500 individuals survive on rocky shallow
Eugenia mandevillensis var. mandevillensis soils. The only
evident regeneration is vegetative from
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c stolons. There is great interest in the species as an
Jamaica ornamental and cuttings have been propagated at Xalapa
A shrub or small tree confined to areas of woodland on Botanic Garden.
limestone hillsides in Manchester Parish. Assessor: Vovides, A.P.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19206
/Je/j; 401, 5653, 7980
Eugenia myriantha
Eugenia mandevillensis yai.perratonii Myrtaceae DD
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Jamaica This species is known by a single collection from Perak,
Slightly more widespread than the type variety, this probably from hill forest, made during the last century.
taxon occurs in St Catherine and St Elizabeth, where it is It is uncertain whether the species still exists. The exact

uncommon and confined to woodland on limestone. locality has not been specified. Asian Eugenia are now
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre included in Syzygium.
Refs: 6057, 7980 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073
Eugenia marchiana
Myrtaceae LR/nt Eugenia ngadimaniana
Jamaica Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
In the westernBlue Mountains, the species is scattered Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
but moderately common in submontane rainforest, A tree confmed to freshwater swamp and lowland forest
especially on steep slopes in the relatively extensive in Kelantan and Johore. The species' localities are
forests of the northern catchments. vulnerable to development, especially the swamp forests

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of Johore which are being rapidly settled. It is possible a
/?e/5.- 7980, 19116 population exists in the productive forest reserves in
Kelantan. Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
Eugenia mexicana Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Myrtaceae VU Ale Re/i;9199, 19073, 19182
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz)
Endemic to the Gulf region, the species occurs in Eugenia nicholsii
remaining rainforest, ranging as far north as northern Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Veracruz. Jamaica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A poorly known species of Portland and St Andrews
Refs: 3467, 5993 Parishes. Populations are foimd at an altitude of about
1500m, where they are largely safe from high levels of
Eugenia micranthoides disturbance and human activity.

Myrtaceae VU D2 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.

Peru Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Known only firom the type collection, this species occurs
in Amazon forest in the Loreto Department. Eugenia nitidula
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae LR/nt
Refs: 1984 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A locally abundant tree confmed to montane forest on
Eugenia microcarpa Gunong Ines, Perak and the Cameron Highlands and
Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd Eraser's Hill, Pahang. The expansion of agriculture and
Brazil (Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro) settlement both threaten the habitat. Populations are
A rarely occurring species of Atlantic forest. It is expected to be found in protected forest reserves in
recorded from only two states. Perak and Pahang. Asian Eugenia are now included in
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Syzygium.
Refs: 19097 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073

Species Summaries

Eugenia noumeensis is hoped these forests will be preserved. Asian Eugenia

Myttaceae VU D2 are now
included in Syzygium.
New Caledonia Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
A species of sclerophyllous forest. It is known from only Refs: 8464, 19073
a few locations and its habitat is severely threatened by
fires, grazing and encroaching agriculture. Asian Eugenia plumbea
Eugenia are now contained within Syzygium. Myrtaceae vU D2
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs:U92. 10351 A single collection of this species was made in
submontane rainforest on Gunong Batu Puteh in Perak.
Eugenia oriies The locality is thought to be contained within the
Myrtaceae LR/cd protected forests of Perak State. Asian Eugenia are now
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) included in Syzygium.
A montane forest tree, restricted to Gunung Tapis, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pahang, and Gunung Belumut, Johore, at 900m. The Refs: 8464, 19073
habitat is generally threatened by the development of
resorts, but some areas are given a degree of protection Eugenia polypora
within protected forests. Asian _Eugenia_ are now Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
included in _Syzygium_. Jamaica
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. A tree of up to 20m, confined to a small area on the
Refs: 8464, 19073 Dolphin Head.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Eugenia pachychlamys /?e/i. 401, 5653, 7980
Myrtaceae DD
El Salvador, Guatemala Eugenia porphyrantha
A shade-loving tree which, in El Salvador, is confined to Myrtaceae VU D2
Chalatenango in various upland habitats from closed Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
forest to pastureland. More information is needed on the A tree of lowland and hill rainforest, known from Bukit
Guatemalan population. The fruits are edible and both Kutu, Selangor, and Raka Hill Forest Reserve, Pahang.
livestock and humans are believed to help in seed Both localities lie within the boundaries of protectol
dispersal. forest reserves. Asian Eugenia are now included in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Syzygium.
/Je/i; 4862, 4974. 19030 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073
Eugenia pahangensis
Myrtaceae LR/cd Eugenia praestigiosa
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Myrtaceae DD
Occurring in montane and alpine forest, this tree is Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
known only from Eraser's Hill and Gunung Tahan, A lowland rainforest species, known only from a single
Pahang, at about I500m. The species is protected in collection from Perak. The exact locality is unknown,
Taman Negara National Park. Asian Eugenia are now Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
included in Syzygium. Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Refs: 3467, 8464, 19073
Refs: 8464, 19073
Eugenia prasina
Eugenia paUidula Myrtaceae VU B 1 +2acd
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
This species is very rare, known only from a few Refs: 19097
collections from Perak and Pahang. It occurs in areas of
lowland which are threatened by encroaching
rainforest, Eugenia pseudoclaviflora
agriculture and increasing settlement. The area around Myrtaceae VU D2
Pondok Tanjong Forest Reserve in Perak, where a Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
collection has been made, is now fully developed. It is A lowland rainforest tree known only from a single
hoped that the population here has survived along with a collection gathered along the track to Gunung Tahan in
second population located along the banks of Semarang Taman Negara National Park. Asian Eugenia are now
River near Temerloh, Pahang. Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
included in Syzygium. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Refs: 8464, 19073
/Je/S;8464, 19073, 19182
Eugenia pycnoneura
Eugenia pearsoniana Myrtaceae EN B I +2c
Myrtaceae LR/cd Jamaica
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Endemic John Crow Mountains in Portland, the
to the
A tree of lowland and hill rainforest, recorded from species is uncommon and confined to areas of montane
Maxwells Hill, Perak, and Gunong Panti, Johore. Both forest at about 1 000m.
localities are now ecotourist destinations and as such it Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i. 401,5653,7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

Eugenia quadrata Eugenia rotundata

Myrtaceae VU D2 Myrtaceae VU A I c, B +2c

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Sri LatUca

Confined to a single locality, this species was found in During the extensive National Conservation Review
Larut in Maxwell's Hills, Perak. This area, although forest surveys, this species was found in seven sites.

protected as a nature reserve and water catchment, is Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
under development as a resort. Asian Eugenia are now Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
included in Syzygium. Refs: 15431,17759,19112
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 17140, 19073 Eugenia rufo-fulva
Myrtaceae VU Ale
Eugenia rendlei Sri Lanka
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c During the extensive National Conservation Review
Jamaica forest surveys, this species was found in 14 localities.

Confined to parts of the John Crow Mountains =n St Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
Thomas Parish, the species is uncommon and restricted Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
to remaining areas of moist forest at about 500m. Refs: 15431,18796,19112
Almost all of the forest in this parish have been
destroyed or severely degraded. Eugenia sachetae
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Re/i. 401,5653,7980, 19116 Jamaica
Occurring only in Trelawny, the species is known from
Eugenia rheophytica populations found on wooded limestone hills, between
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c 450 and 600m.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
During the extensive National Conservation Review Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
forest surveys, only one individual was foimd in a single
forest site in Ratnapura District. Asian Eugenia are now Eugenia salamancana
included in Syzygium. Myrtaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Panama
Refs: 19112 Known from the type collection of 1938, the
species remains poorly known. Other taxa of the same
Eugenia rhotnboidea genus have been collected in the same area.
Myrtaceae VU D2 Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 1212,19m, 16772
This tree is known from a single collection from Gunung
Mengkueng in Selangor; it was found in moist montane Eugenia salamensis
forest at 1300m. The locality is within a protected forest. Myrtaceae EN C2a
Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A species of moist wooded ravines or rocky hills and
Refs: 8464, 19073 dense wet mixed forest at medium to high altitudes. It

may be divided up into subspecies.

Eugenia rivulorum Assessor: Nelson, C.
Myrtaceae VU Ale Refs: 8100, 13995
Sri Lanka
During the extensive National Conservation Review Eugenia scalarinervis
forest surveys, this species was found in 13 localities. Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A lowland forest tree known by a few collections in two
Refs: 15431, 18796, 19112 separate localities in Perak. The species is threatened by
encroaching agriculture but it is expected to be found in
Eugenia rostadonis permanent forest reserves. Asian Eugenia are now
Myrtaceae DD included in Syzygium.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
A species known only from a single collection from Refs: 8464, 19073, 19182
Terengganu. Its exact locality is unknown. Asian
Eugenia are now included in Syzygium. Eugenia schulziana
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 8464, 19073 Jamaica
A small tree confined to wooded banks and hillsides in

Eugenia rottleriana Hanover and Westmoreland Parishes.

Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Tamil Nadu) Refs: ^0\, 5653
A small tree, known largely from and a few
field data
collections, occurring along Tamil Nadu/Kerala
border in submontane evergeen forest. Asian Eugenia
are now included in Syzygium.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144

Species Summaries

Eugenia schunkei few decades the effects of logging have been extensive.
Myrtaceae VU D2 An influx of people into the area also threatens the
Peru integrity of the forest.
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Assessor: Assi, A.
in Amazon forest in the department of Loreto. Refs: 2113, 12822
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Eugenia tahanensis
Myrtaceae LR/cd
Eugenia setosa Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Myrtaceae VU B +2c 1 A tree confined to montane forest in Gunung Tahan in
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Pehang. The area is protected within Taman Negara
Confined to Perak and Selangor, this tree occurs in peal- National Park. Asian Eugenia are now included in
swamp forest and sometimes in freshwater swamps. Syzygium.
Since the peat-swamp forests are no longer being Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
converted for agriculture, the species is considered to be Refs: 8464, 19073
less threatened than in the past. Asian Eugenia are now
included in Syzygium. Eugenia taipingensis
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Myrtaceae ENBl-^2c
Refs: 17140, 19073, 19182 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Found in lowland forest in Taiping, the only known
Eugenia singampattiana locality of this species has probably been cleared for
Myrtaceae CRAlc agriculture and human habitation. Asian Eugenia are
India (Tamil Nadu) now included in Syzygium.
The only collections of the species were made over 100 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
years ago in the Singampatti and Papanasam Hills. Dam Refs: 8464, 19073
construction at the latter locality and clearing for tea and
other plantations at the formermay have destroyed both Eugenia tecta
populations. The species may now be
Asian extinct. Myrtaceae LR/cd
Eugenia are now placed within the genus Syzygium. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mainly occurring in the mountain forests of Perak and
Refs: 2538, 19144 Pahang, the exact range of this species is uncertain as it
is poorly represented in herbarium collections. However,
Eugenia sripadaense the mountain forests are considered protected. Asian
Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2c Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
During the extensive National Conservation Review Refs: 8464, 19073
forest surveys, only five individuals were found in the
Peak Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary. Asian Eugenia ate Eugenia tekuensis
now included in Syzygium. Myrtaceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 19112 This lowland forest tree is known only from Kuala Teku
in Pahang, where it is contained within a national park.
Eugenia sulcivenia Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Jamaica Refs: 8464, 19073
This small tree was known to occur in montane forests at
about 1200m in St Andrew Parish. Almost all the forest Eugenia terpnophylla
below 1400m has been cleared or severely degraded. M y rtaceae EN B I +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 191 16 A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri
Lanka. During the extensive National Conservation
Eugenia swettenhamiana Review was found at three
forest surveys, this species
Myrtaceae VU D2 Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A single herbarium specimen of this species exists, Refs: 15431, 17195, 19112
collected from lowland forest in Gunung Pondok, Perak.
Asian Eugenia are now included in Syzygium. Eugenia tiumanensis
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae VUBl-t-2c
Refs: 8464, 19073 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
The species is known only from two collections from
Eugenia tabouensis Pulau Tioman. The island is developing rapidly into a
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c tourist resort. Asian Eugenia are now included in
Cote d'lvoire Syzygium.
An endemic to lowland evergreen forests of Cote Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
d'lvoire. It is known solely from remaining forested Refs: M64, 19073, 19182
areas between the rivers of Sassandra and Cavally,
largely contained within Tai National Park. Over the last

The World List of Threatened Trees

Eugenia umtamvunensis largely a recreational area. Asian Eugenia art now

Myrtaceae VU D2 included in Syzygium.
South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Nata!) Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
A coastal forest species confined to sandstone Refs: 8464, 19073
formations in southern K*aZulu-Natal and the
Pondoland area of the Eastern Cape, usually found on Eugenia woodburyana
forest margins but very scarce and scattered in Myrtaceae CR Dl
occurrence. It is not encountered as frequently as E. Puerto Rico
erythrophylla and regeneration appears to be poor, A slender tree with unusual winged fruit. A total of 45
although the seed set is viable. There are protected plants are contained within three populations. Threats
populations in at least two nature reserves and two from fire, mining, grazing and road building are evident.
demarcated forests. In places, it is threatened by cutting Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
for firewood and timber, and increasing settlement. ;?</i; 3786, 7980, 17124
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at.

Refs: 689, 19218 Eugenia zeyheri

Myrtaceae DD
Eugenia uxpanapensis South Africa (Eastern Cape)
Myrtaceae EN Ale, Bl+2c There is considerable confusion in the literature about
Mexico (Veracruz) the identity of this taxon and its correct distribution.
A species confined to rainforest in the Uxpanapa region More recent accounts indicate that it is confined to the
of Veracruz. The habitat is greatly reduced through EasternCape but absent from KwaZulu-Natal and
deforestation and clearance for crops, especially in the Mpumalanga as recorded previously. Herbarium
south where there are deep soils. specimens are also misidentified and there is little field

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre knowledge of the species.

>?e/i: 3905, 5651, 5993 Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

Refs: 689, 19218

Eugenia verdoomiae
Myrtaceae LR/nt Euodia lunuankenda
South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal) Rutaceae ENBl-h2c
A coastal forest species and attractive ornamental tree, India (Tamil Nadu)
confined to sandstone formations in southern KwaZulu- A poorly known species of forest margins, recorded
Natal and the Pondoland area of the Eastern Cape. It is from restricted areas of forest between 1 400 and 1 600m
found on forest margins and in the open on the banks in theAgastyamalai Hills and Elamalai Hills.
and islands of some of the larger rivers, where in places Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
it is locally common. There are recorded populations Refs: 19144
within three nature reserves and a few demarcated
forests, but threats of increasing settlement and cutting Euodia macrocarpa
for firewood and timber continue to put pressure on Rutaceae VU Ale
these remaining forest patches. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. ei al. An uncommon tree found in moist lowland and
Refs: 689, 19218 submontane forest in Kedah, Penang, Perak, Pahang and
Selangor. Increasing settlement of the area is the greatest
Eugenia virguUosa threat to the species.
Myrtaceae LR/nt Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Jamaica Refs: 1892, 8464, 14541, 19073
A widespread common component of most forest types
confined to the Blue Mountains and John Crow Euodia robusta
Mountains. Two varieties have been described but they Rutaceae LR/cd
commonly intergrade. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree of moist forest up to 1300m in Kedah,

«e/i: 7980, 19116 Perak and Singapore. Populations receive a degree of

protection within the permanent forest estate.
Eugenia virotii Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Myrtaceae VUBl-(-2c Refs: 8464, 9199, 14541, 19073
New Caledonia
Asian Eugenia ate now contained within Syzygium. Euonymus acanthocarpa
Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al. Celastraceae LR/nt
Refs: 10351 China (Anhui, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei,
Shanxi, Yunnan)
Eugenia watsoniana A species of ornamental interest. It is widely scattered in
Myrtaceae LR/cd moist semi-deciduous forest between 12(X) and 3000m.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Sun, W.
Restricted to lowland forest in Selangor, the species is Refs: 19055
experiencing rapid habitat loss through agricultural
development and increasing settlement. Ranching Forest Euonymus angulatus
Reserve, where the species has been recorded, is now Celastraceae VUBl+2c
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
A small tree of evergreen forest on slopes and river
banks, collected in the past from a number of locations

Species Summaries

in the Nilgiri Hills and apparently also from two submontane evergreen forest at two widely separated
locations in southern Kamataka. It is thought to have localities.

disappeared from a number of sites, mainly because of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
habitat conversion and possibly also fires. Refs: 19144
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2538, 19144 Euonymus serratifalius
Celastraceae ENBl+2c
Euonymus assamicus India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Celastraceae ENBl+2c A small understorey tree, recorded only three times:
India (Assam) once from an imprecisely recorded site in the
Recorded from the Delei Valley in north Assam in 1928, Agastyamalai Hills and elsewhere from isolated
the species occurred in thickets on a steep rocky slope localities in the Wyanad area.
but has not been found since. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 2538, 19144
Kefs: 2538
Euonymus thwaitesii
Euonymus glandulosus Celastraceae ENBl+2c
Celastraceae LR/cd Sri Lanka
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines A species found twice only in the extensive forest
A small tree found in hill and montane forest in northern surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
Borneo and the Philippines. It is widely distributed in National Conservation Review.
Sarawak, but restricted to Mount Kinabalu National Park Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Sabah. Re/5;8203, 18796, 19112
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19017 Euonymus walkeri
Celastraceae VU Ale
Euonymus lanceifolia Sri Lanka
Celastraceae VUBl+2c A species occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests
China (Yunnan) of south-west Sri Lanka.
The taxonomic status of the species is not resolved; it Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
may represent a variety of E. hamiltonianus. It is Refs: 17195
confmed to Mengzi in the where it is
scattered in areas of semi-deciduous forest between Euphorbia abdelkuri
2100 and 3CX)0m. In places the habitat has become Euphorbiaceae ENDl
degraded in the last few years and population numbers Yemen (Socotra)
are reported to be declining. Approximately 15 small populations, each of about 10
Assessor: Sun, W. mature individuals, are known, all confined to Jebel
Refs: 19055 Saleh on the western side of Abd al Kuri, an island to
the west of Socotra. They occur in dry semi-desert and
Euonymus morrisonensis are unthreatened at present. The species is subject to
Celastraceae VUDl+2 *CITES Appendix II controls.
Taiwan Assessor: Miller, A.G.
A species which is restricted to a narrow altitudinal Refs: 19083, 19197
range, occurring in open rocky habitats between 27(X3
and 2900m. Populations are found at distant localities, in Euphorbia ammak
Tatachia, Nengkaoyueh and Tienchin. There is little sign Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
of regeneration. Saudi Arabia, Yemen
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan A succulent tree, once an important component of the
Refs: 3295,6469, 19050, 19051 succulent shrubland between 1000 and 1500m. It has
now become scarce, particularly in Saudi Arabia and
Euonymus pallidifolia South Yemen, although it remains common in places in
Celastraceae CR A 1 a-^2d North Yemen.The species is subject to *CITES
Taiwan Appendix II controls.
A potentially valuable ornamental shrub, which is Assessor: Miller, A.G.
restricted to areas of evergreen forest on raised coral reef Refs: 19083, 19197
in the Hengchun Peninsula at the southern tip of Taiwan.
Populations are very small and suffering from poor Euphorbia apurimacensis
regeneration. The entire species' range is contained Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c
within Renting National Park. Peru
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Apparently confined to the department of Apurimac, the
Refs: 3295, 6469, 19050, 19051 species occurs in forest roughly between 1500 and
Euonymus paniculatus Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Celastraceae ENB1+2C Refs: 1984
India (Tamil Nadu)
A small tree, so far only collected twice from

The World List of Threatened Trees

Euphorbia arbuscula deer and the spread of introduced plants is causing a

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 decline in native flora. The species is protected by the
Yemen (Socotra) US Endangered Species Act.
The species is fairly widespread, occurring on coastal Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
plains and foothills in areas of dry woodland and Refs: 3372, 19035
shrubland. Trees are planted near settlements as dry
season fodder for livestock. There is also a doubtfiilly Euphorbia lividiflora
distinct variety which is rare and confined to higher Euphorbiaceae VU D2
altitudes. The species is subject to *CITES Appendix II Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
controls. Populations are few and disjunct. One is known in
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Mikindani in Tanzania and another in a protected area in
Refs: 19083, 19197 south-east Zimbabwe. Coastal populations in
Mozambique may be extensive but more information is

Euphorbia bwambensis needed to confirm their status and extent.This species is

Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c subject to *CITES Appendix II controls.

Congo, Uganda Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree with drooping branches which, Uganda, is in Refs: 1546, 5108,5117, 10961, 17190, 19172, 19197
confined to Cynometra forest in Semuliki, Bundibugyo
District. Regeneration appears to be poor. It is protected Euphorbia mayumathanii
within Rwenzori Mountain National Park.The species is Euphorbiaceae EW
subject to *CITES Appendix II controls. India
Assessor: *MUIENR The species was described in 1940 from three old
Refs: 1308,9605, 10961, 16021, 19197 specimens growing on a rocky ledge on the eastern spur
of a hill in Pallasana situated in the Palghat Gap. The
Euphorbia cussonioides vegetation is monsoon forest and succulent plants are
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c absent apart from this single species. It has been
Kenya postulated that the climate in the past was drier and this
A tree with succulent branches. It is endemic to localised small remnant of a previously xerophytic community
areas of dry or riverine upland forest. The species is survived because of its exposed position. Thorough
subject to *CITES Appendix II controls. searches have failed to locate any living wild specimens
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre today, although the species has been successfiilly
Refs: 1546, 6396, 9198, 19197 cultivated. The species is subject to *CITES Appendix II

Euphorbia doloensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Refs: 19029, 19197
This species is known only from the type collection Euphorbia meuleniana
which occurs in open Commiphora-Boswellia bushland Euphorbiaceae VU D2
on steep rocky slopes in the Sidamo region. Yemen
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from the Mahra region of South Yemen, the
Refs: 594\, 18523 species is scarce and scattered in a few dry valleys.
Further fieldwork is needed to estimate population sizes.
Euphorbia epiphylloides Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Euphorbiaceae EN C2a, Dl Refs: 19083
(Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
An unarmed succulent tree which was recorded, up to Euphorbia nigrispinioides
1977, as locally common in several localities. Recent Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
surveys have been less successful in locating the species. Ethiopia
In total no more than 250 plants exist around Saddle A species which is locally common on lava flows in
Peak on North Andaman, representing a serious decline open deciduous woodland. It is known from Shewa but
from original population numbers. There are no known its distribution may extend into Harerge and possibly

reasons for the decline as the area is relatively isolated Somalia.The species is subject to *CITES Appendix II
and unthreatened. controls.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19029 Re/j; 5941, 18523, 19197

Euphorbia haeleeleana Euphorbia noxia

Euphorbiaceae EN C2a Euphorbiaceae VU D2
USA (Hawaii) Somalia
A small dioecious tree occurring on two Hawaiian A laxlybranched, slender tree confined to a few
islands in lowland forest, both moist and dry. At present on rocky limestone soils with sparse bushland
15 populations, containing between 450 and 625 south of Bosaso and Qandala in north-eastern Somalia.
individuals, are recorded from the Waianae Mountains The habitat is under some threat from overcutting and
on Oahu and on the north-west coast of Kauai. All but overgrazing.
one of the localities are on state-owned land. The habitat Assessor: Thulin, M.
is steadily being degraded by feral goats, pigs and also Refs: 1546,8697, 18665


Species Summaries

Euphorbia obcordata area is legally protected, civil insecurity has led to a lack

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 of research and enforcement of protective measures. The

Yemen (Socotra) species is subject to 'CITES Appendix II controls.
A small tree or shrub, which has been collected on only Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya
a few occasions and is thought to be rare. Populations Refs: 1546,6396, 12067, 19181, 19197
occur on wooded limestone cliffs on the east of the
island. They are under no immediate threat. Euphorbia thuUnii
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Refs: 2354, 19083 Somalia
A jmall tree known only from a limestone escarpment,
Euphorbia santapauU vegetated with sparse low bushes, south of Dhurbo in
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2cd north-east Somalia. The area is vulnerable to
India (Tamil Nadu) degradation.
A succulent species localised to the sward-covered Assessor: Thulin, M.
summit of Mount Agasthya on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu /?c/i; 8697, 18665
border. Individuals in sheltered and moist
places. Most have apparently been destroyed,
localities Euphorbia uniglans
frequently because of accidental and intentional fires. Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Trees are also cut and dried to be used as firewood by Ethiopia
pilgrims trekking up to the temple on the summit of A species recorded only from a small area in Sidamo in
Moimt Agasthya.This species is subject to *CITES high Commiphora bushland.
Appendix II controls. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 5941, ISSli
Refs: 5651, 19028, 19029, 19197
Euphorbia vajravelui
Euphorbia sekukuniensis Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt India (Tamil Nadu)
South Africa (Mpumalanga, Northern Province) Endemic Tamil Nadu, this small succulent tree or
A small spiny succulent tree with a restricted shrub occurs in submontane forest. Populations occur in
distribution on a range of hills northwest of Lydenburg. Kalakkad Forest, Kodyar, Sirumalai and Highwavys.
Plants are found on rocky slopes and cliffs in shallow More detailed information is needed on their status. This
sandy and turfy soils, associated with mixed savaima species is subject to the provisions of *CITES Appendix
vegetation. The species is not threatened but it is listed II.

as protected.Any changes in land use could have some Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
impact. None of the localities are contained within Refs: 19029, 19197
conservation areas. The species is subject to *CITES
Appendix II controls. Euphorbia wakefieldii
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Euphorbiaceae EN B 1 +2c
Refs: 689, 14002, 19218 Kenya, Tanzania?
A succulent known from a population confmed
tree, best
Euphorbia smithii and limestone outcrops in the Mombassa-
to coral cliffs
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt Kilifi area in Kenya. There is also a record of an
Oman, Yemen occurrence in the South Pare Mountains in Tanzania.
Endemic to the escarpment mountains from Dhofar in The speciesis subject to *CITES Appendix II controls.

Oman to neighbouring south-east Yemen, this species is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
a common component of woodlands at lower altitudes. Refs: 1546,6396
There has been an influx of people into the area in Oman
since 1975 and a subsequent rise in grazing pressure and Euphorbia zoutpansbergensis
cutting of wood. Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A. South Africa (Northern Provine)
Refs: 16380 A small spiny succulent tree restricted to the
Zoutpansberg and Blouberg mountain ranges, where it
Euphorbia socotrana grows in sandy soils on rocky, sandstone slopes of
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 ridges and hills with a north and north-east aspect in
Yemen (Socotra) mixed savanna vegetation. Apart from slight pressure
Populations appear to be scattered and relatively rare in from succulent-collectors, no immediate threats exist.
areas of dry woodland and shrubland on granite and Any change in land use, however, would have a serious
limestone. They are under no immediate threat. impact because of the species' restricted range. The
Assessor: Miller, A.G. species is listed as protected, but it is not recorded from
Refs: 19083 any conservation areas. It is also subject to *CITES
Appendix II controls.
Euphorbia tanaensis Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el at.

Euphorbiaceae CR B 1 +2c, D Refs: 6S9, 14002, 19218

A medium-sized tree of semi-deciduous swamp forest,
confmed Witu Forest Reserve. The present population
estimate includes 20 mature individuals. Although the

The World List of Threatened Trees

Euplassa isemii Borneo, the decline of which was first noted in 1955.
Proteaceae VU D2 Population reduction caused by overexploitation and
Peru shifting agriculture has been noted in the following
This species is known only from its type collection taken regions: Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sabah, Sarawak and the
from the department of Jum'n. Philippines. Indonesia has banned the export of belian
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Sarawak has placed restrictionson export; Sabah
Refs: 1984 and Kalimantan continue to export it. Regeneration in
logged-over forests is Umited. So far the species is only
Euroschinus aoupiniensis planted on a small scale because the supply of seeds and
Anacardiaceae VUB1+2C seedlings is inadequate.
New Caledonia Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. Refs: 898, 3122, 7087, 7461, 12937, 13395, 14573,
Refs: 10351 17235, 19026

Euroschinus jaffrei Euterpe luminosa

Anacardiaceae VUBl+2c Palmae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia Peru
Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al. A clustered palm tree of great taxonomic interest,
Refs: 10351 restricted to Cordillera Yanachaga. It occurs in the
understorey of moist cloud forest between 2000 and
Eurya rengechiensis 2500m. The species range is extremely small and
Theaceae ENBl+2b threatened by forest clearance.
Taiwan Assessor: Henderson, A.
Only a few small populations are known in areas of Refs: 19118
lowland broadleaved forest at Lienhunchi in the centre
of Taiwan. There is little evidence of regeneration. None Excoecaria benthamiana
of the populations is protected. Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Assessor: Pan, F.J. Seychelles
Refs: 3295, 19050 Endemic to the Seychelles, the species occurs within a
very restricted area (<1000ha), on Mah6 and Praslin.
Eurya sandwicensis Populations are healthy and stable.
Theaceae VUAlce Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
USA (Hawaii) Refs: 16212, 17229, 19025
Apparently the species is uncommon and scattered on

forested ridges between 450 and 1600m on Kauai, Oahu, Exocarpos gaudichaudii
Molokai, Maui and Hawaii. Santalaceae EN Alee
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre USA (Hawaii)
Refs: 3372 This species is uncommon and scattered primarily on
forested ridges or in shrubland at medium elevations on
Eurycorymbus cavaleriei all main islands except Kauai.
Sapindaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Refs: 3372
Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan), Taiwan
A wide-ranging tree, and important fuelwood, of Exostema brachycarpum
lowland semi-deciduous forest, occurring up to 1600m. Rubiaceae LR/nt
Habitat declines have been extensive throughout the Jamaica
range. Some populations exist within protected forest. Occurring in central and western parishes, this tree has a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre local distribution confined to remaining areas of
Refs: 1818.11847,19055 woodland on limestone. General declines in the habitat
have been considerable.
Euryodendron excelsum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Theaceae CRDl Refs: 6057, 7980
China (Guangdong, Guangxi)
The species has been reduced to two localities, Exostema orbiculaXum
Yangchong in Guangdong and Pingnan in Guangxi, and Rubiaceae CRBl+2c
very few individuals which are found in open forest on Jamaica
hilly slopes between 50 and 150m. The remaining trees An uncommon species confined to Crown Lands in
do not appear to be protected and are close to villages, Troy in Trelawny.
where they are susceptible to cutting. The genus is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
monospecific. /?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847 Exostema triflorum
Rubi aceae VU B 1 +2c
Eusideroxylon zwageri Jamaica
Lauraceae VUAlcd+2cd A tree known only from St Ann and Portland Parishes,
Brunei, Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra), where it is restricted to sheltered moist woodland on
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines
Generally a species of lowland primary forest. Belian or
ironwood is one of the most renowned timbers of

Species Summaries

limestone at about 450m. Many areas have been logged Fagus hayatae
or taken over by commercial plantations. Fagaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Taiwan
JJefj; 401, 5653, 7980 The Taiwan beech found in broadleaved submontane

forest in the northernand southern parts of Chatienshan

Fagara externa and in smaller populations in Tungshan and Agushan in
Rutaceae VU D2 Ilan County. Populations are largely made up of old
Chile (Juan Femindez Is) individuals. Trees are slow-growing and regeneration is
A characteristicspecies of lower montane forest, poor, depending on the creation of gaps which are
endemic Masafuera Island. Preliminary data indicate
to currently being invaded by alpine bamboo and
the species is confmed to less than 100km'. More broadleaved species. The species is morphologically
detailed information on the species should become similar to and may turn out to be synonymous with F.
available to confirm this evaluation. The islands are lucida from the central provinces of China.
designated as a national park and biosphere reserve and Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the native Refs: 1818,3295, 11847, 19050, 19051, 19054
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Fagus longipetiolata
i?e/j.- 3241, 5651, 14140 Fagaceae VUAlcd
China, Viet Nam
Fagara mayu In Viet Nam this slow-growing tree is known only from

Rutaceae VU D2 Sapa and Moc Chau, where it is sometimes the dominant

Chile (Juan Femindez Is) species in dense subtropical broadleaved forest.
A characteristic species of lower montane forest, a good Regeneration is thought to be hampered by a thick layer
example of which is found at CJuebrada Villagra. of leaf litter on the forest floor. The wood is used to
Preliminary data indicate the species is confmed to less make fiimiture, implements and musical instruments.
More detailed information on the species
than lCX)km'. Assessor: Nghia, N.H.
should become available to confirm this evaluation. The Refs: 848, 4506, 1 1530. 15357
islands are designated as a national park and biosphere
reserve and work is being carried out by *CONAF to Falcatifolium angustum
save the native plants. Fagara is now included in Podocarpaceae VU D2
Zanthoxytum. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A rare tree of lowland rainforest, collected four times
Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140 from just two localities of rainforest near the coast at
Bintulu and Kuching. Its diminutive size and scarcity
Fagara mezoneurospinosa render it unlikely to be exploited.
Rutaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Cote d'lvoire Ue/j; 374, 6851, 19192
A rare species, known only from coastal forest in Cote
D'lvoire. This forest type has been severely degraded Faramea exemplaris
and depleted. Zanlhoxylum is now the accepted name for Rubiaceae VU D2
this genus. Peru
Assessor: Assi, A. Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Refs: 12590, 12822 in lowland Amazon forest in the department of Loreto.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fagraea carstensensis Refs: 1984
Loganiaceae DD
Papua New Guinea Fatsia polycarpa
A poorly understood species, collected twice from forest Araliaceae LR/nt
between 2(X) and 860m on Mount Carstensz and Mount Taiwan
Tamrau, Mimika District. Occurring in broadleaved forest up to 2800m, the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species is confined to the central mountain range.
Refs: 19031 Habitat destruction has been extensive but most intense
at lower elevations. The oiJy other member of the genus

Fagraea gracilipes is confined to Japan.

Loganiaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fiji Refs: 1818,6469,11847
A desirable timber, used for house posts and marine
constructions. It is sometimes locally abundant, Faurea macnaughtonii
occurring in dry dense forest and occasionally on the Proteaceae LR/cd
inner edges of mangroves on four of the high islands. South Africa (Eastern Cape, Western Cape, KwaZulu-
Cutting of trees in Mathuata and Mbua is restricted. It Natal, Mpumalanga), Swaziland
has become rare on Viti Levu because of cutting and A very widespread but scattered species occurring in
coastal developments. The populations on the north forests and on forest margins from near Knysna in the
coast of Vanua Levu are probably the least disturbed. Western Cape to Mariepskop in Mpumalanga (approx.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre 13 localities in South Africa). It is also recorded from a
Refs: 5515, 6053, 6433, 18818 single forest in Swaziland. All the subpopulations are
very small, except for a comparatively large and
vigorous subpopulation in Lilyvlei forest at Gouna near
Knysna in the Western Cape. Regeneration in all except

The World List of Threatened Trees

the latter subpopulation is non-existent, despite trees been effectively protected since 1994. Many forest
fruiting plentifiilly and the seed being viable. At one patches are under threat from people collecting firewood
time trees were harvested for their timber, but this is and timber and expanding settlements.
now strictly controlled. It is aprotected species over Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at.

much of its range and efforts are being made to improve Refs: 6S9, \92\S
the potential of recruitment. More research is needed to
establish the relationship between this species and other Ficus hlepharophyUa
Faurea species in East Africa, Madagascar and Moraceae EN Bl+2bc
Zimbabwe. Brazil (Roraima)
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et al.

Refs: 689, 16730. 19218 Refs: 2562

Femandoa lutea Ficus bojeri

Bignoniaceae ENBl+2bc Moraceae VU D2
Tanzania Seychelles
An endemic species of the Rondo Forest Reserve A species of the granitic islands, endemic to the
(140km^), limited to areas which remain undisturbed. Seychelles.
Logging, planting of commercial timbers, shifting Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
cultivation and wood collection have all contributed to Refs: 16212, 17229
the disturbance of forested areas within the reserve. The
stabilityof the remaining forest is maintained by the Ficus calyptroceras
presence of forest management activities which Moraceae VUBl+2bc
discourage local exploitation. Brazil (Bahia, Goi4s, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais,
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke PiauO
Refs: 5654, 16796 Assessor: Pereira, J.P. el at.

Refs: 2562
Ficus aguaraguensis
Moraceae VUBl+2ac Ficus chlamydocarpa ssp.femandesiana
Bolivia Moraceae VU D2
Endemic to the piedmont forest in Bolivia, the species is Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6)
confined to an unprotected ecosystem which is being A tree of secondary forest, occurring up to 1000m. It has
rapidly replaced by agricultural systems. been collected from four locations, S. Vicente, Jou, a
Assessor: Prado, D. site between Nova Moka and Bom Sucesso and also
Refs: 19122 Monte Caf6.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ficus andamanica Re/i.- 2421, 2724, 10080
Moraceae ENBl+2c
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.) Ficus cotinifolia var. hondurensis
A fig tree endemic to South Andaman Island where it is Moraceae EN C2a
sparsely distributed in remaining areas of evergreen Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
forest.Large declines in extent of the forest have been This variety occurs in mixed forest types of varying
caused by logging. humidity.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 4799, 7147 Refs: 2652, 13995

Ficus angladei Ficus cyclophylla

Moraceae CRBl+2c Moraceae EN Ale
India (Tamil Nadu) Brazil (Maranhdo, Minas Gerais, Parafba, Pemambuco,
A poorly known species which has been recorded just Pemambuco - Fernando de Noronha, Rio de Janeiro,
the once from an unspecified locality in the Palni Hills. Rondonia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre In the past the species has been confused with F.
Refs: 19144 caiappifolia or F. longifolia. It has a scattered
distribution in areas of Atlantic forest in the north-east
Ficus aripuanensis and south-east. Loss and degradation of habitat and poor
Moraceae EN B I +2bc regeneration have resulted in population reductions.
Brazil (Mate Grosso, ParS) Assessor: Carauta, J.P.P.
Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et al. Refs: 2562, 15717, 19101
Refs: 2562
Ficus faulkneriana
Ficus bizanae Moraceae CR C2a, Dl
Moraceae VU C2a Kenya, Tanzania
South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal) A strangler fig of coastal dry
open bushland. Populations
A species of coastal and riverine forest, mainly found in of extremely small size are known from Gongoni Forest
the Transkei, Eastern Cape, but also in southern Reserve and Dzirihini in Kenya. It was also recorded in
KwaZulu-Natal and in a disjunct subpopulation in Langoya Nwaganid in 1968. In Tanzania there are
Ngoye forest, northern KwaZulu-Natal. It is known from records from sisal estates in Pangani and Korogwe.
approximately six localities and does not seem to be These areas are in danger of being completely cleared.
common anywhere. Although a number of localities are Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya
in demarcated forest reserves, these reserves have not /?c/i. 6396, 19181

Species Summaries

Ficus hirsuta Ficus pakkensis

Moraceae LR/nt Moraceae VUBl+2bc
Brazil (Bahia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Rio Brazil (Maranhio, Par^), Guyana
de Janeiro, Sao Paulo) The Brazilian population is confined and declining.
A species which was once thought to be near extinction. Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et al.

Assessor: Pereira, J.P. el al. Refs: 2562

Refs: 2562
Ficus pulcheUa
FUus lapathifoUa Moraceae VUBI+2bc
Moraceae VU Ale Brazil (Maranhio, Par4, ParanS, Rio de Janeiro, Santa
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz) Catarina)
Endemic to the Gulf region, the species occurs in An Atlantic forest species which is threatened by loss
remaining areas of rainforest, ranging as far north as and degradation of the habitat and poor regeneration.
northern Veracruz. Assessor: Carauta, J.P.P.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 15717, 19101
Refs: 5993
Ficus ramiflora
Ficus lateriflora Moraceae ENBl+2bc
Moraceae CR C2a, Dl Brazil (Acre, AmapS, Amazonas, Roraima)
Mauritius, Reunion Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et al.

The Mauritian population consists of fewer than 10 Refs: 2562

individuals, only three of which have been identified
with complete confidence. Individuals are confined to Ficus reflexa ssp. seychellensis
extremely wet areas in forest in the south-west uplands. Moraceae VU D2
There is no available information on the population Seychelles
which apparently exists on Reunion Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as
Assessor: Page, W. threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution.
Refs: 141 1, 2000, 3476, 12646 Populations are healthy and stable.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ficus meizonochlamys Refs: 16212, 17229
Moraceae ENBl+2c
Cuba Ficus roraimensis
Confined complex of Sierra de Nipe on
to the karstic hill Moraceae ENBl+2bc
the border of the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Brazil (Roraima)
Holguin, this endemic tree is not well collected and its Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et al.

habitat has been degraded in accessible areas. Refs: 2562

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 11403, 18485,19149 Ficus salzmanniana
Moraceae ENBl+2bc
Ficus mexiae Brazil (Bahia)
Moraceae VUBl+2bc Assessor: Pereira, J.P. el at.

Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais) Refs: 2562

Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et al.

Refs: 2562 Ficus ulmifolia

Moraceae VU A led
Ficiis muelleriana Philippines
Moraceae ENDl An endemic to the Philippines. Rates of habitat loss
Mozambique through logging and shifting cultivation have led to
A shrub or small tree of moist deciduous woodland at considerable population declines.
about 600m, known only from two localities Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
immediately to the east and south of the Chimanimani Refs: 2012. 49\9, 18088
Moimtains in western Mozambique. This woodland type
is being extensively destroyed throughout south and Ficus ursina
central Africa. Although this area is largely unexplored Moraceae EN B 1 +2bc
and further populations may be foiuid, the species Brazil (Acre)
distribution is very restricted and the populations are Assessor: Pereira, J.P. el al.

unprotected and small, one locality containing in the Refs: 2562

region of 20 individuals.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Firmiana hcdnanensis
Refs: 11085,19172 Sterculiaceae VU B 1 +2c
China (Guangdong - Hainan)
Ficus mutabilis The southernmost member of genus. The few the
Moraceae VU Bl+2c populations known Hainan Island, where
are confined to
New Caledonia they occur in seasonal rainforest between 400 and 900m.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. etal. Extensive declines in the habitat because of logging and
Refs: 10351 agricultural expansion have caused populations to
decline throughout the species' range.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847

The World List of Threatened Trees

Firmiana rrugor taken up by remaining stands lie at 20,000ha, 15% of

Sterculiaceae EW their original size. Restrictions laid down by the Chilean
China (Yunnan) Government have not been adhered to and illegal
The only remaining which have been
trees are those logging in remote areas has been impossible to halt.
planted around temples and villages. Wild populations Today the best stands may be found between latitudes of
were once beheved to have existed in central and 41° and 42°S in the High Cordillera. Elsewhere
western Yunnan between 1700 to 2500m. The forests populations are small. The species is listed in *CrrES
here have been replaced by crops. The species remains Appendix I.

in cultivation, frequently planted as an ornamental tree. Assessor: Gonz^ez, M.

Assessor: Sun, W. /fc/i.-5112,7980, 11147, 13041, 16328, 19214
Refs. 1818,11847,19055
Fleurydora felicis
Fitchia cordata Ochnaceae VUBl+2c
Compositae CR Bl+2c Guinea
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Information on the population status is not available.
A small genus endemic to East Polynesia. This species is The species is endemic to upland forest. The pressure on
recorded only on Bora Bora. these few small remaining areas exerted by a dense
Assessor: Florence, J. human population is great. It is the only species in the
Refs: 14513 genus.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fitchia cuneata ssp. cuneata Refs: 2773
Compositae CR B I +2c
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Flindersia amboinensis
A small genus endemic to East Polynesia. This taxon Rutaceae LR/nt
represents one of two subspecies. It is confined to Indonesia (Moluccas), Papua New Guinea
Raiatea. A large tree, widespread but of sporadic occurrence
Assessor: Florence, J. throughout lowland and submontane rainforest on
Refs: 14513 mainland Papua New Guinea, Seram Island and
Tanimbar Islands of the Moluccas. The main threat to
Fitchia mangarevensis the species is logging. The wood has commercial value
Compositae EX as a veneer and is used to make high-class furniture.
French Polynesia (Tuamotu Is.) Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Occurring as either a shrub or small tree, the species was Refs: 19114
only ever known from Taravai in the Gambler
Islands.The genus is endemic to East Polynesia. Flindersia iffUdna
Assessor: Florence, J. Rutaceae EN A2cd, B +2c

Refs: 14513 Australia (CJueensland), Papua New Guinea

In Papua New Guinea, this tree is found in monsoon and
Fitchia nutans gallery forest up
50m. The species occurs in the
Compositae VU D2 Oriomo River ecosystem in Western Province, which is
French Polynesia (Society Is.) relatively restricted, fragile and threatened by logging
This species comes from a small genus, endemic to East activities. The above threat category applies only to the
Polynesia. It has been found only on Tahiti. population in Papua New Guinea. More information is
Assessor: Florence, J. needed from (Queensland.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Refs: 19114
Fitchia tahitensis
Compositae VU D2 Flindersia laevicarpa
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Rutaceae VUCI+2a
One of the six species in the genus, which is endemic to Australia (Queensland), Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua
East Polynesia. occurs only on Tahiti.
It New Guinea
Assessor: Florence, J. Found in monsoon, gallery and hill forest on elevated
Refs: 14513 ground, this large tree is threatened in New Guinea by
exploitation and logging activities. It has a sporadic
Fitzroya cupressoides occurrence in hill forest in Varirata National Park,
Cupressaceae EN A led Central Province, where it is hoped populations will
Argentina (Chubut, Neuqu6n, Rio Negro), Chile (Los survive. Its status in Australia is not considered in this
Lagos) evaluation.
Alerce has been logged since the middle of the 17th Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
century. The largest concentration of the species, at the Refs: 19114
southern end of the Chilean depression, was exploited in
the 18th and 19th centuries, leaving no remains except Flindersia pimenteliana
blackened stumps. By the early 1900s a third of the Rutaceae EN C2a
Fitzroya had been removed. In the 1930s
forests Australia (Queensland), Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua
motorised transport and the building of roads allowed New Guinea
access to the stands in the Coastal Cordillera and High A large tree foimd mainly in lower montane rainforest or
Cordillera. Exploitation continued in both of these areas in foothill rainforest. In Papua New Guinea, the species
at such intensities that chances of regrowth and is widespread but uncommon and sporadic. It has been
regeneration are anihalated. Present estimates of the area heavily exploited in the Bulolo/Wau region of Morobe

Species Summaries

Province. Populations on spurs and ridges of mountain Fordia lanceolata

ranges may be spared from future exploitation. The Leguminosae VUBI+2c
population status in Australia is not taken into Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
consideration in this evaluation. The species is scattered in lowland hill forest between
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. 500 and 700m. Continued settlement of the area has
Kefs: 19114 resulted in habitat declines.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
FUndersia schottiana Refs: 19073
Rutaceae LR/nt
Australia, Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Fordia ophirensis
This species is widespread in monsoon, hill and lower Leguminosae VU D2
montane Papua New Guinea, it was subject to
forest. In Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
exploitation in two major logging areas in Morobe and Occurring in hill forest, this small tree is confined to
Western Provinces. Populations in the ragged mountains Mount Ophir, Johore. Only two collections have been
of Owen Stanley range may be spared from exploitation. made, gathered from localities between 300 and 400m.
The above threat category refers to the species' situation The area is being increasingly settled.
in New Guinea. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Refs: 19073
Refs: 19114
Fordia pauciflora
Flueggea anatoUca Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Euphorbiaceae ENDl Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand
Turkey A small tree found in hill forests in Perak, between 1 50
A recently described shrab known from just a single and 300m. Main threats to the species include logging
locality in theKadincik Valley north of Mersin. About activities and increasing settlement of the area.
100 individuals have been estimated to exist in an area Populations are protected within forest reserves.
of one hectare within the grounds of a dam. The site has Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
been declared a nature reserve. Refs: 19073
Assessor: GUner, A. & J. Zielinski
Refs: 3736 Forestiera hondurensis
Oleaceae CR C2b
Flueggea neowawraea Honduras
Euphorbiaceae CR Dl A tree of submontane oak woodland and thicket.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: Nelson, C.
A large forest tree known from approximately 13 Refs: 8805, 13995
populations in north-west Kauai, the Waianae
Mountains on Oahu, Molokai, where the one specimen Frangula azorica
known has died, the south-west slope of Haleakala on Rhamnaceae LR/nt
Maui and the Kona coast on Hawaii. The total Portugal (Azores, Madeira)
population comprises of fewer than 50 individuals. The An endemic to the Azores, now probably extinct in
decline in numbers has mainly been caused by the black Madeira. occurs on all the /Korean Islands, except

twig borer {Xylosandrus compactus). The species is Graciosa and Corvo, in laurel-juniper forest up to
protected by the US Endangered Species Act. l(X)Om. appears to be a vigorous species which is
It little
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre affectedby habitat degradation.
Refs: iYll Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5281.1222, 19131
Fokienia hodginsii
Cupressaceae LR/nt Franklinia alatamaha
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Theaceae EW
Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Laos, Viet Nam USA (Georgia)
A common species with a wide range, although the exact A multi-stemmed shrub or small tree which has not been
extent of the truly wild populations is obscured by those seen in the wild since 1803. Originally occurring along
which have been planted. Large-scale logging has the banks of Alatahama River in Mcintosh County on
resulted in the species disappearing or becoming scarce the coastal plain of Georgia, the only known colony
in parts of its range, notably in northern Viet Nam
and occurred in acidic bogs heads of sand-hill
at the
southern China. Regeneration is fire-dependent and branches and was thought to have been brought to
appears to be good. The genus is monospecific. extinction largely through overcoUection by nurserymen.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Numerous expeditions to relocate the plant have failed.
Refs: 374, 848, 1818, 1 1847, 16925 It is now a popular garden plant.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fordia incredibiUs Refs: 2276, 19200
Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Fraxinus caroUniana ssp. cubensis
Confined to the state of Johore, this small tree occurs in Oleaceae VU D2
lowland forest up to 240m. Increasing agriculture and Cuba
settlement are causing habitat declines. A subspecies restricted to fenwoods and swamp forests
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. on peat on the Zapata Peninsula in Matanzas Province.
Refs: 19073

The World List of Threatened Trees

The habitat has been degraded by logging and charcoal Cuzco, Peru. Of the six Bolivian collections four were
production. made in 1866. expansion and local
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. exploitation and burning of forested areas have caused a
Refs: 19149 decline in the habitat.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fraxinus hondurensis Refs: 5070
Oleaceae CR C2b
Honduras Freziera campanulata
A rarely collected tree, found in groves near river banks Theaceae VU D2
and on forested plains at medium elevation. Ecuador, Peru
Assessor: Nelson, C. A montane or known only from two
*elfin forest species
Refs: 13995 localities: Hu^uco Peru and Loja-Zamora, Ecuador.
The Ecuadorean population is located within Podocarpus
Freycinetia auricuUUa National Park but the Peruvian one is unprotected and
Pandanaceae VUBl+2c vulnerable to habitat degradation.
Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This tree an endemic of Palawan, found in forests at
is Refs: 5070, 13574
low or medium altitudes. The main island is a biosphere
reserve. Freziera ciliata
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Theaceae VUBl+2c,D2
Refs: 4986 Peru
A cloud forest species known only from two localities in
Freziera alata Tumango in Hu^uco and Oxapampa in Pasco.
Theaceae VUBl+2c,D2 Collections have been few, illustrating that the species
Boh via may be very rare.
Records of three localities have been made within a Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
small area of cloud forest in the department of La Paz. Refs: 5070, 13574
Two of these are over 100 years old. The extent of the
forest in this area has declined because of widespread Freziera cordata
fires, encroaching farming activities and cutting for Theaceae VU B I +3abcd, D2
wood and charcoal production. Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known from only three localities, this species is found
Refs: 5070 in montane forests near volcanic summits. Populations
occur on Mome Anglais in Dominica, on Mount Pelde in
Freziera angulosa Martinique and Guanacaste in Rinc6n de la Vieja
Theaceae VUBl+2b National Park in Costa Rica. Although it has been
Bolivia expected to become extinct at more than one of its
A river orsubmontane forest species known from seven localities after volcanic eruptions, it continues to
localities in Beni and La Paz. Forests in the area have recover.
declined because of encroaching farming activities and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
cutting for wood and charcoal production. Refs: 5070, 10754, 14883
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5070, 13661 Freziera dudleyi
Theaceae ENBl+2cd
Freziera biserrata Bolivia, Peru
Theaceae VU D2 A known from only two localities:
cloud forest species
Costa Rica CordilleraVilcabamba in Peru and Sandillani in Bolivia.
An *elfin forest species known only from a single There have been no collections from Bolivia since 1866
collection made in 1984, from the Cordillera de and the original populations may now be extinct.
Talamanca. Agricultural expansion, cutting for wood and charcoal
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre production and fires have caused extensive degradation
Refs: 5070, 13574 and loss of this forest habitat.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Freziera caesariata Refs: 5070, 13574
Theaceae VUBl+2c
Bolivia Freziera echinata
A cloud forest species confined to a small number of Theaceae VU D2
from the La Paz region, where the extent of
localities, all Colombia
forest has been reduced by increasing fires, encroaching Known oiJy from the type specimen, this

farming activities and cutting for wood and charcoal morphologically distinctive species occurs within cloud
production. forest in Munchique National Park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5070 Refs: 5070, 13574

Freziera caloneura Freziera euryoides

Theaceae VUBl+2c Theaceae CR B 1 +2abcde
Bolivia, Peru Colombia
A cloud forest species known from several localities in This species is poorly known. The locality of the type
La Paz and Cochabamba in Bolivia, extending into collection dating back to the 18th century is unknown.

Species Summaries

Another locality in Valle is tentative. The species has Freziera jaramilloi

not been definitely collected for over 100 years and may Theaceae VU D2
now be extinct. Colombia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from the type, this species was collected in
Refs: 5070, 13574 1976 from the Choc6, between Alto del Gal^pago and
San Sos6 del Palmar. Fieldwork is needed to ascertain
Freziera ferruginea the current status of the population.
Theaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 5070, 13574
This species is known from only two localities in San
Martin and Loreto. No habitat information is available. Freziera longipes
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Theaceae LR/nt
Refs: 5070, 13574 Colombia
Occurring in this species is known from
cloud forest,
Freziera forerorum five localities inMagdalena, Risaralda, Cundinamarca
Theaceae CR Dl and Valle regions of Columbia.
Panama Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A cloud forest species, known only from the type Refs: 5070
locality on the summit of Cerro Tacarcuna in Dari^n. In
the late 1970s only three trees were counted. It appears Freziera obovata
that thesummit vegetation is dying of natural causes. Theaceae VUBl+2c,D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 4246, 5070, 7272, 12963 A small cloud forest species known from four localities
in Azuay and Loja regions of Ecuador. The
Freziera fiiedrichsthaUana populations may be more seriously threatened but
Theaceae LR/nt fieldwork is needed to give an accurate assessment of
Costa Rica, Nicaragua their status.

A relatively common species occurring in cloud forest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
on Mount Mombacho and Ometepe Nicaragua and
in Refs: 5070
various localities in Costa Rica. In parts of its range,
especially in Costa Rica its habitat has declined and Freziera parva
populations are threatened. Theaceae VUBl+2c,D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 5070, 8100 An known from only two localities
*elfin forest species
in Peru; Bongari in the Amazonas region (collected in
Freziera glabrescens 1915) and the Cordillera Vilcabamba in Cuzco. The
Theaceae VUBl+2bc forest in these areas has suffered from the encroachment

Bolivia of farming activities, burning and cutting for charcoal

Probably only two localities exist where this species production. These populations may be more seriously
occurs in deciduous forest. One is in Chuquisaca and the threatened but fieldwork is needed to give an accurate
other in Santa Cruz, mainly in Samaipata. Forest in this assessment of their status.
area has declined or become degraded because of heavy Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
exploitation for wood and the encroachment of fanning /Je/i; 5070, 13574
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Freziera punctata
Refs: 5070 Theaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Freziera inaequHatera Occurring in cloud forest, this species has been collected
Theaceae CRBl+2c in various localities in central Antioquia. Nowhere is it

Bolivia found be common.


A species known from a single locality near Mapiri in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
La Paz, most recently collected in 1939. Fieldwork is Refs: 5070
needed whether it is now extinct.
to ascertain
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Freziera retinveria
Refs: 5070, 13661 Theaceae VU D2
Freziera incana A poorly known species recorded only from the type
Theaceae VU D2 specimen, which was collected in Alto de Santo In6s in
Peru 1941.
An *elfin or cloud forest species known from three Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
localities: Vilcabamba in Cuzco, Pan de
Cordillera /?e/i; 5070, 13574
AziScar and Tumango. Encroachment of farming
activities, burning and overcutting for wood and Freziera revolula
charcoal production are causing widespread degradation Theaceae EN Bl+2c
of forested areas. Bolivia, Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree of primary cloud forest. It has been

Refs: 5070 collectedfrom just three localities. In Peru populations

ate known from Cordillera Vilcabamba in Cuzco and
Oxapampa in Pasco. In Bolivia it was collected over 50

The World List of Threatened Trees

years ago in the Mapiri region of La Paz. Forests in Freziera suberosa

these areashave been extensively degraded by Theaceae VU D2
encroaching fanning activities, fires and overcutting for Colombia, Ecuador
fuelwood and charcoal production. A cloud forest species occurring in three localities:
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tolima Colombia and from Cant(5n Montiifar in
Refs: 5070, 13574 Carchi and Playdn de San Francisco in Napo in Ecuador.
The Colombian collection dates back over 100 years and
Freziera roraimensis its present status is unknown, possibly extinct.

Theaceae CRBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Venezuela Refs: 5070, 13574
The exact location of this species is not known. The only
collections date back to 1 842 and are
have been
likely to Freziera subintegrifotia
taken from forests to the south of Roraima. Reports Theaceae CRBl+2c
suggest that this area is no longer forested because of Bolivia
heavy burning. Surrounding forests have not been Collections of this species have not been made for over
botanically well explored. 100 years since it was found in the Yimgas, La Paz. The
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre present status of its population is unknown but likely to
Refs: 5070, 13574 be seriously threatened, possibly extinct.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Freziera rufescens Refs: 5070, 13661
Theaceae VU Ale
Ecuador Freziera tomenlosa
A species noted for the good-quality charcoal it Theaceae LR/nt
produces. It is known from five localities in areas of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
primary or secondary cloud forest in Carchi, Imbabura, Although relatively widespread in areas of cloud forest,
Pichincha (Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve) and this species is rare wherever it occurs. In most of its
Tangurahua. Some of these collections date back over range the habitat has been degraded or destroyed
100 years and fieldwork is needed to evaluate the through burning and encroaching agriculture.
current situation. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 5070
Refs: 5070
Freziera uncinala
Freziera sessiUflora Theaceae VU Alc+2c
Theaceae VU D2 Bolivia
Colombia Several localities, the department of La Paz, exist
all in
Occurring in cloud forest, this tree is confined to three where this species can be found in areas of cloud forest
Las Orquideas Natural National Park, between
localities: This habitat has suffered from the encroachment of
Alto del Gal^pago, San Jose del Palmar in Choc6 and La agriculture and farming activities, burning and
Argentina in Huila. overcutting for wood or charcoal production.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5070, 13574 Refs: 5070

Freziera smithiana Freziera uniauriculata

Theaceae EN C2b Theaceae CR C2b
Colombia Bolivia
A poorly known collected in 1926
species once in Collected over 140 years ago in the department of La
Las Vegas, Santander.
thickets in the vicinity of Paz from forests above Sandillani, the current status of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre this species is not known but is likely to be seriously
Refs: 5070, 13574 threatened, possibly extinct. These areas have been
seriously degraded by encroaching fanning activities,
Freziera spathuUfoUa burning and overcutting for wood and charcoal
Theaceae EN C2b production.
Peru Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Little informationon this species is available. It has been Refs: 5070, 13574
collected only once in 1923 from Hudnuco.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Freziera varibrateata
Refs: 5070, 13574 Theaceae CR C2b
Freziera stuebelii This species is known only from the type collection
Theaceae CR C2b located in Suri-Negracota, in the department of La Paz
Colombia in 1928. The current status of the population is not
Known only from the type collection in Cerro Patascoy known and it is be seriously threatened,
likely to
in Putumayo, this species has not been seen in the wild possibly extinct. Forested areas have been seriously
since 1869. degraded because of encroaching farming activities, fire
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre and overcutting for wood and charcoal production.
Refs: 5070, 13574 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5070, 13574

Species Summaries

Freziera velutina Garcinia ajzelii

Theaceae VU D2 Guttiferae VU Alcd
Colombia Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
A small from the edge of secondary forest in an area
tree A species from dry forest fringes and forest outliers. It is
north-east ofCarmen del Atrato, Choc6. locally common but widely exploited as a source of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre chewsticks.
Refs: 5070, 13574 Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 1609,8369, 12061
Gaertnera rosea
Rubiaceae VUAIc Garcinia bifasciculata
Sri Lanka Guttiferae EN C2b, DI
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of Tanzania
south-west Sri Lanka. A species endemic to Kimboza Forest Reserve, which
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre covers just 4km' of dry coastal forest in the foothills of
^e/i; 9176, 17195 the Uluguru Mountains. Disturbance has been caused by
logging and planting of commercial timbers in the past.
Gaertnera temifoUa The surrounding area is densely populated and the
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c demand for land is strong. Illegal activities and
Sri Lanka encroachment are currently prevented by two forest
During the extensive National Conservation Review guards employed under the Catchment Forestry Project.
forest surveys, this species was found in only two forest Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
localities. It appears to be fairly common in the Peak Refs: 7089, 16796
Wilderness wildlife sanctuary.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Garcinia brevipedicellata
Refs: 19112 Guttiferae VUAIc,Bl+2c
Cameroon, Nigeria
Gaertnera walkeri The range of this small lowland rainforest tree extends
Rubiaceae VU A I c, B +2c
I from south-east Nigeria to Cameroon. Populations are
Sri Lanka recorded Oban Hills of Cross River National Park
in the
During the extensive National Conservation Review in Nigeria and in Korup National Park, Masaka-Batanga
forest surveys, this species was found in only four forest and the Douala area in Cameroon. Outside protected
localities. areas there has been extensive deforestation.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 191 12 Refs: 11504, 19092

Gatipea ossana Garcinia cadelliana

Rutaceae EX Guttiferae CRBl+2c
Cuba India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. -Andaman Is.)
Discovered in the early 19th century in the area of San A small tree endemic to South Andaman Island
Diego, Pinar del Rio Province, another record of this apparently occurring in evergreen rainforest. It has not
species was made in Habana. No collections or records been found since it was first collected and large areas of
have been made since. the species' habitat have been logged and cleared. Intact
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. forest remains in Jarwa Reserve, where it is possible the
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149 species may still be found.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Garcia nutans Refs: 4799, 7147
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
Colombia Garcinia clusiaefoUa
A small tree, endemic and relatively widely scattered in Guttiferae VU D2
moist forest in Colombia. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Calderon, E. A tree so far only known from Wray's Camp at Gichon,
Refs: 19069 Pahang at 900m. Only two collections have been made
but they are located within the boundaries of Taman
Garcinia acutifotia Negara National Park.
Guttiferae VUBI+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mozambique, Tanzania Refs: 8464, 19073
A dry coastal forest species which appears to be known
from relatively widely separated localities. The Garcinia costata
Tanzanian population is restricted to the highly Guttiferae VU D2
disturbed 22km2 patch of forest at the Pugu Forest Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Reserve, near Dar es Salaam. There are also occurrences Little information is on this species. It is
within the restricted coastal forests of Mozambique, known from two one from Ulu Merala Forest
where further fieldwork is needed to consolidate Reserve, Kedah, and the other from Maxwell's Hill,
whether the status of the species is more seriously Perak, where it is protected.
threatened. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 3356, 5204, 7089

The World List of Threatened Trees

Garcinia decussata Garcinia kingU

Guttiferae VUBl+2c Guttiferae EN Bl+2c
Jamaica India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)

The distribution is disjunct, with occurrences in A small tree of evergreen rainforest endemic to the
Clarendon, and Portland Parishes. The
Manchester Andaman Islands. Very little is known about the species
species is confined to damp shady woodlands on as has not been collected since it was first discovered.

limestone. The habitat has been severely degraded and Deforestation has been carried out on a large scale and
converted into coimnercial plantations in many places. few intact tracts of forest now remain.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6057, 7980 Refs: 4799, 7147

Garcinia diversifoUa Garcinia kola

Guttiferae LR/cd Guttiferae VU Alcd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana
A tree widely distributed but scattered in lowland to A widespread tree of evergreen forest. It is probably the
montane forest, where it is protected within permanent most important source of chewsticks. Overexploitation
forest reserves. has caused population declines. Seedlings are
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. uncommon and slow-growing.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
«e/i; 5651, 8369, 12061
Garcinia epunctata
Guttiferae VUAlcd Garcinia Unit
Ghana Guttiferae ENBI+2b
A species of evergreen Guineo-Congolian forests. Apart Taiwan
from serious habitat losses the species is heavily Restricted to Lanyu lowland
Island, the species occurs in
exploited, with G. qfzelii, as a source of chewsticks. broadleaved forest. The population appears
be healthy to

Assessor: Hawthorne, W. but it is unprotected and under considerable threat from

Refs: 8369, 12061 the expansion of housing and agriculture in the area.
Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Garcinia eugeniaefolia Refs: 3295, 19050
Guttiferae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Garcinia montana
Widely distributed, this species occurs in lowland and Guttiferae VU D2
submontane forest. Populations are conserved in Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
production and protected forests throughout the country. Known only from a single collection from Moimt Opiur
The species might be synonymous with G. rostrata. in Johore, this species was found in submontane forest.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Mount Oplur falls within the protected forests of Johore.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073
Garcinia hermonU
Guttiferae LR/cd Garcinia paucinervis
Sri Lanka Guttiferae ENBl+2e
An understorey tree confined to wet lowland evergreen China (Guangxi, Yunnan), Viet Nam
forest. It is frequent in many forest reserves including A timber species distributed in forest on limestone,
Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. rarely above 600m. Populations are confined to central
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Guangxi and to Malipo Yunnan, extending
in south-east

Refs: 15431,17195, 18515 into northern Viet Nam. Large

have been cut; very
few remain. Regeneration also appears to be insufficient.
Garcinia holttumii Assessor: Sun, W.
Guttiferae VU D2 Refs: 1818,11847,19055
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Confined to the summit of Gunung Belumut in Johore, Garcinia quaesita
this forest species is so far known from only three Guttiferae VU Ale
collections, all from the same locality. Gunung Belumut Sri Lanka
falls within protected forest. A species confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of south-west Sri Lanka.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431, 17195
Garcinia imberti
Guttiferae ENBl+2c Garcinia rubro-echinata
India (Kerala) Guttiferae VU Bl-h2c
Collected only once, the species occurs in submontane India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
evergreen forest in the Agastyamalai Hills. Large areas The species is largely contained within the Agastyamalai
have been exposed to fires, grazing, the establishment of range. Large areas have been exposed to fires, grazing,
commercial plantations and cutting for fuelwood, but the establishment of commercial plantations and cutting
almost 1000km* oi' forest are now under protection for fuelwood, but almost 1000km' of forest are now
within sanctuaries. under protection within sanctuaries.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144 Refs: 19144

Species Summaries

Garcinia semseii occurrences in the Western Ghats between Anamalai

Guttiferae VUBl+2b.D2 and Travancore.
Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A widely varying species known only from three Refs: 19144
localities of moist forest. An occurrence is recorded
from the Kimboza Forest Reserve, where 4km' of forest Garcinia zeylanica
within a densely populated area are protected by two Guttiferae ENBl+2c
forest guards. There are also populations in the south of Sri Lanka
the Nguru Mountains and possibly at Chita and Kihansi This species was discovered in only three forest

within the Udzungwa Mountains. The latter occurrence during the extensive surveys conducted for the

is strange for its high elevation and may be a distinct National Conservation Review.
taxon. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 15431,19112
Refs: 3356, 5204, 11631, 15251
Gardenia anapetes
Garcinia staudtii Rubiaceae CR Dl
Guttiferae VUAlc,Bl+2c Fiji

Cameroon, Nigeria A small tree of lowland dense forest, confined to south-

A morphologically distinctive species. It is confined to west Vanua Levu. Only two localities are known; one on
forested areas extending from south-east Nigeria to Mount Kasi where about 12 plants exist and the type
Cameroon. Populations are recorded in the Oban Hills of locality on Mount Seatura.
Cross River National Park in Nigeria and from Douala, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Edea and Korup National Park in Cameroon. Outside Ue/i; 5515, 6053, 18818
protected areas large-scale deforestation has taken place.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Gardenia brighamii
Refs: 11504,19092 Rubiaceae CR C2a
USA (Hawaii)
Garcinia terpnophylla var. tuuminata A small tree occurring in a once widespread but unique
Guttiferae VUAlc dry forest type. Although it must have been present on
Sri Lanka all of the main islands, the population is now reduced to
This variety occurs in the lowland wet evergreen forests numbers of trees at Honouliuli, Puukuua
single or small
of south-west Sri Lanka. and Nanahuli on Oahu, Mauna Loa on Molokai,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kanepuu on Lanai, Olowalu on West Maui and
Refs: 17195, 18796 Puuwaawaa on Hawaii. Deer and invasive plants have
contributed to the damage and loss of habitat. The
Garcinia terpnophylla var. terpnophylla species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Guttiferae VU Ale Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sri Lanka Refs: 3372
A variety occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests
of south-west Sri Lanka. Gardenia Candida
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae CR Dl
Refs: 15431, 17195 Fiji

The species is known only from the type collection,

Garcinia thwaitesii gathered in 1947 from the Seanggangga Plateau in the

Guttiferae ENBl+2c vicinity of Natua, Vanua Levu. Trees were reported to

Sri Lanka exist in patches of forest in open rolling country.

During the extensive forest surveys by the National Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conservation Review, this species was found in only Re/i. 5515,6053, 18818
five localities.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Gardenia gordonii
«e/i; 15431, 19112 Rubiaceae LR/nt

Garcinia travancorica Occurring in dense or open forest or on forest edges, this

Guttiferae VUBl+2c shrub or small tree is known from numerous collections
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) from the two largest islands and from Rambi.
Endemic to the Agastyamalai Hills at the southern end Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
of the Western Ghats, the species occurs in the margins /fe/j; 5515,6053, 18818
of submontane evergreen forest. Large areas have been
exposed to fires, grazing, the establishment of Gardenia grievei
commercial plantations and cutting for fiielwood, but Rubiaceae ENC2a
almost 1000km' of forest are now under protection Fiji

within sanctuaries. A shrub or small tree of lowland open forest and

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre thickets.It has been reported to be locally abundant, but

Refs: 5651, 19144 presently appears to be confined to a few small

populations in the west and north of Vanua Levu.
Garcinia wightii Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guttiferae VUBl+2c /?e/i: 5515, 6053, 18818
India (Kerala)
A lowland forest species, known from scattered

The World List of Threatened Trees

Gardenia hiUii sensitive to habitat disturbance. The main populations

Rubiaceae VUBl+2c are contained within protected areas.
Fiji Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
This lowland shrab or slender tree is recorded from open Refs: 9859, 17229, 19023, 19025, 19062
slopes in dry areas of Mathuata Province on Vanua
Levu, from forest on Kandavu and from Rambi Island. Gastonia lionnetU
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Araliaceae CR A2c, Dl
>?e/i. 5515,6053, 18818 Seychelles
At present the species is known from two mature
Gardenia mannU individuals in Mission C^se Dent on Mahe Island. One
Rubiaceae OR C2a is found in secondary forest, the other in a tea estate.

USA (Hawaii) There is evidence of seed germination but no yoimg

This species is known from scattered populations along plants are surviving. It has been suggested that the
the length of the Koolau Mountains, from Kaunala species is the result of a cross between G. sechellarum
Gulch and Kaunala- Waimea Ridge to Palolo, and in the and C. crassa and that may provide the reason why
Waianae Mountains, ranging from Haleauau Valley to recruitment is low. The results of research into the
Kaluaa Gulch on Oahu. The number of populations has genetic profiles of these species is soon to be made
steadily decreased. Of the remaining 27 populations, the available.
large majority consist of fewer than five plants and the Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
total number of individuals is thought not to exceed 100. Refs: 10610, 19023, 19025, 19062
The major threats come from feral pigs and invasive
plants. The species is protected by the US Endangered Gastonia mauritiana
Species Act. Araliaceae CR C2a, Dl
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mauritius
Refs: 3372, 12359, 19168 The known populations of this succulent heterophyllous
tree are very small. They occur in forest on the east coast
Gardenia remyi and in Yemen on the mainland and also on He aux
Rubiaceae VUAlce Aigrettes, where active management of exotic species is
USA (Hawaii) aiding regeneration of native species.
A lowland rainforest tree with an occasional distribution Assessor: Page, W.
on Kauai, Molokai, Maui and Hilo and Puna Districts on Refs: 1411,8106,9120,16426
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Gastonia rodriguesiana
Refs: 3372 Araliaceae CR Ale, Bl+2e, Dl
Mauritius (Rodrigues)
Gardenia storckii Less than 50 individuals exist in the wild as isolated
Rubiaceae LR/nt specimens on calcarenite and basalt, mainly on Plaine
Fiji Corail. Attempts at propagation have been successful
Confined to south-east Viti Levu, this slender tree and young specimens have been planted in the wild.
occurs below 150m in areas of dense, dry or secondary Assessor: Strahm, W.
forest. Refs: 9426, 16426, 19208
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ue/i; 5515, 18818 Gastonia sechellarum var. contracta
Araliaceae CRBl+2de
Gardenia transvenulosa Seychelles
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Found only in a single patch of moist forest near
Kenya, Tanzania Mission Casse Dent, this variety is presently protected in
In Kenya this shrubby species is known from the Mome Seychellois National Park. The most serious
Arabuko-Sokoke forest. It ranges south to south-east threats come from invasive plants and encroaching
Tanzania within dry coastal forest. housing developments. Work is being carried out to
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke consolidate the taxonomic status of the three varieties,
Refs: 3356, 6396, 8814 although material for var. curiosae is insufficient
Assessor: Carlstrom, A.
Gardenia vitiensis Refs: 10610, 19023
Rubiaceae CR Dl
Fiji Gastonia sechellarum var. curiosae
A tree or shrub of lowland areas near the sea, occurring Araliaceae CR Ale,Bl+2e,Dl
in open forest or on open slopes. It has only been Seychelles
collected from the eastern part of Mathuata Province in The species is known from a single small tree confined
Vanua Levu, where a few small populations are known. to arocky crevice on the island of Curieuse.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Regeneration is not evident and infestations of weevils
/Je/i; 5515, 6053, 18818 and other insects are a problem. Work is being carried
out to consolidate the taxonomic status of the three
Gastonia crassa varieties, although material from this variety is
Araliaceae VU D2 insufficient.
Seychelles Assessor: Carlstrom, A.
A typical understorey component of mist forests on the Refs: 10610, 19023, 19025
islands of Mah6, Praslin and Silhouette. Trees are locally
abundant and recruitment is good, but the species is

Species Summaries

Gastonia sechettamm var. sechellarum but it is not known how this population has been
Araliaceae VUAlc,D2 affected.
Seychelles Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
An understorey tree confined to remnant populations in Refs: 2909, 6362
moist forest on the islands of Mah6, Praslin, Silhouette
and Felicite. Most populations are contained within Geissanthus ecuadorensis
areas which are protected. However, poor recruitment Myrsinaceae VU Bl-i-2c
and the continuing marginalisation and degradation of Ecuador
the habitat continue to cause declines. Work is being An endemic tree of Ecuador, currently only known to
carried out to consolidate the taxonomic status of the occur in cloud forest between 2200 and 2600m in
three varieties, although material for var. curiosae is Bolivar and Loja Provinces.
insufficient Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Carlstrom, A. Refs: 19119, 19120
Refs: 17229, 19023, 19025
Geissanthus pichinchae
Gaussia attenuata Myrsinaceae VU B I +2c
Palmae VU Bl+2c Ecuador
Puerto Rico Endemic to Ecuador, the species is currently known only
A palm tree confined to steep-sided, extremely well- from areas of cloud forest between 2700 and 3400m in
drained limestone hills in Puerto Rico. Napo, Pichincha and Cotopaxi Provinces.
Assessor: Henderson, A. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19118 Refs: 19119, 19120

Gaussia gomez-pompae Geissanthus vanderwerffU

Palmae VUAlc Myrsinaceae LR/cd
Mexico (Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz) Ecuador
An endemic palm of Mexico scattered in forest in steep, A small understorey tree endemic to the south-central
rocky places on limestone soils. Andes in Ecuador. It is locally common in areas of
Assessor: Quero, H.J. *elfin forest and scrub cloud forest. A sizeable
Refs: 7980, 12985, 15251, 16516, 19118 population is protected in a national park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Gaussia maya Refs: 2909, 6362
Palmae VU D2
Belize, Guatemala, Mexico Geissois imthumii
A forest species, scattered in rocky places on limestone Cunoniaceae EN Dl
soils at low elevations. The population size is small. Fiji

Assessor: Quero, H.J. A small sturdy tree, usually foimd in dense forest
Refs: 19118 between 500 and 900m, only in northern Viti Leva,
principally in the vicinity of Nandarivatu. A single
Gaussia spirituana collection has also been taken from the Nausori
Palmae EN C2a, DI Highlands. Each locality harbours about 40-50
Cuba individuals, the total population probably not exceeding
An endemic to Jatibonico, a limestone plateau in central 200 individuals.
Cuba. Fewer than 150 mature trees remain in five Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
populations. yje/i: 5515, 6053, 18818
Assessor: Moya, C.
Refs:]9\\i Geissois stipularis
Cunoniaceae EN Dl
Geijera salicifolia Fiji

Rutaceae LR/nt Known only with certainty from Viti Levu, the species is
Australia (New South Wales, Queensland), New restricted to a few localities of dense, open or dry forest,
Caledonia, Papua New Guinea each containing 30-40 plants.
A timber species, which in New Guinea is mainly Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
confined to the BuloloAVau region of Morobe Province. /?e/i.- 5515, 6053, 18818
This region was once heavily exploited, logged and
converted into Araucaria plantations. It is not known Geissois superba
exactly how many mature specimens remain here and Cunoniaceae VU Dl
this subpopulation is considered to be critically Fiji

endangered. A small tree of dense forest or forest edges, only in Viti

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Levu. The total population consists of a few hundred
Refs: 19114 plants.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Geissanthus chattuayacus ^e/i.- 5515, 6053, 18818
Myrsinaceae VU D2
Ecuador Geissois temata var. minor
Known only from Volc^ Sumaco in Napo Province, on Cunoniaceae EN Dl
the eastern slopes of the Andes, the species occurs in a Fiji

very restricted area of lower montane forest. The This small gnarled tree is known from the two major
province has experienced considerable forest destruction Fijian islands. It occurs in dense forest and thickets on

The World List of Threatened Trees

exposed ridges and open slopes at comparatively high the six islandswhere it is known in Fiji. It may be more
elevations. Three or four populations are known, abundant on Tonga.
containing 50 plants each. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Re/i; 5515, 6053, 18818
Rc/i; 5515, 6053, 18818
Geniostoma rupestre var. rouffaeranum
Geissois temata var. serrata Loganiaceae VU D2
Cunoniaceae CR Dl Papua New Guinea
Fiji This variety is known from a single site, where it occurs
The only known collection was made in 1937 from commonly, on the banks of the Rouffaer River in
Waya Island, Yasawas. It was said to be locally common Jayapura District.
and used in house-building, but no additional material Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
has been gathered. Refs: 19031
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/r; 5515, 6053, 18818 Geniostoma stipulare
Loganiaceae EN Dl
Geniostoma astylum Fiji
Loganiaceae LR/nt Known only from four localities, this slender tree or
French Polynesia (Society Is.) shrub is confined to areas of undisturbed dense forest on
Populations occur on Moorea and Tahiti. Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. Each site harbours about 20-
Assessor: Florence, J. 30 plants.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/t; 5515, 6053, 18818
Geniostoma clavigerum
Loganiaceae CRDl Geniostoma umbeltatum
Fiji Loganiaceae VU D2
So far known only from north-west Viti Levu, the Papua New Guinea (North Solomons)
species occurs in dense wet forest between 800 and A small semi-erect tree found only once on Guadalcanal
1190m on Mount Evans and Mount Lomalagi. Each in hillside secondary forest on well-drained soil.
population consists of between 12 and 20 individuals. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19031
Re/i.- 5515,6053, 18818
Gentlea molinae
Geniostoma gagneae Myrsinaceae CR C2b
Loganiaceae DD Honduras
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) A species of submontane forest.
An endemic to Fatu Hiva. Assessor: Nelson, C.
Assessor: Florence, J. Re/s; 8553, 13995
Refs: 14513
Gentlea vatteri
Geniostoma hallei yar.fatuivense Myrsinaceae DD
Loganiaceae DD El Salvador, Guatemala
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) In El Salvador the species is confined to cloud forest,
An endemic to Fatu Hiva. where it ranges from 1500 to 3000m. Threats are posed
Assessor: Florence, J. mainly by fires and tourism. More information is
Refs: 14513 required on the population status in Guatemala.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Geniostoma hallei var. hallei Refs: 19030
Loganiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Geoffroea decorticans var. snbtropicalis
An endemic to Tahuata. Leguminosae VUBl+2ac
Assessor: Florence, J. Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
Refs: 14513 Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina
and Bolivia, the species is confined to an unprotected
Geniostoma hallei var. hivaoense ecosystem which is being rapidly replaced by
Loganiaceae DD agricultural systems.
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Assessor: Prado, D.
An endemic to Hiva Oa. Refs: 19122
Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513 Gesneria calycina

Gesneriaceae LR/nt
Geniostoma macrophyllum Jamaica
Loganiaceae LR/nt Known only from the northern parts of John Crow
Fiji Mountains, the species is found in areas of moist shady
A shrub or slender tree of lowland forest, thickets, rocky woodland on limestone.
areas or sea cliffs on limestone. Populations are rare on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/s; 401, 5653, 7980

Species Summaries

Gesneria calycosa within the 3300km' of Tai National Park, outside which
Gesneriaceae LR/nt deforestation and habitat degradation have been severe
Jamaica in the past three decades.
A small tree or shrub with populations occurring Assessor: Assi, A.
occasionally in western parishes in shaded gullies and on Refs: 2173. 12822
sheltered banks.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre GUbertiodendron splendidum
Refs: 6057, 7980 Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B +2c

Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Sierra Leone

Gesneria scabra \ar.fawcettii A gregarious tree, occurring in swamps in the restricted
Gesneriaceae CR C2b wet evergreen Upper Guinea region.
forest habitat in the
Jamaica Habitat declines have been caused by mining, logging
Once recognised as a distinct species, this variety is and commercial forestry activites.
known from just one collection on a damp shady Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
limestone bank in Westmoreland. Refs: 8369, 12061
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5653 GiUetiodendron glandulosum
Leguminosae VU A2c, B 1 +2c
Gigasiphon macrosiphon Mali
Leguminosae ENBl+2abcde This tree is confined to rocky wooded areas which are
Kenya, Tanzania sheltered from fire in a region in the south-west defined
A known from moist
species of ornamental interest, by three points, Kita, Bafoulab^ and K6m6ba. It is a
Mrima Forest Reserve, Marenje Forest
coastal forest in significant component of Kololo forest. The present
Reserve, Kaya Muhaka National Monument and population is a remnant of what was once a widespread
Gongoni Forest Reserve in Kenya and the Rondo species, which has declined because of climatic reasons
Plateau in Tanzania. Destruction and degradation of and fire. Although it flowers and fruits abundantly and
coastal forest is ongoing. germinates well, there is no evidence of colonisation in
Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya new areas.
Refs: 3356, 3925, 5654, 6396, 19181 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3640, 7439
GUbertiodendron bilineatum
Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B +2c I Ginkgo biloba
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone Ginkgoaceae ENBl+2c
Scattered along riversides in wet evergreen forest from China (Zhejiang)
Sierra Leone to Ghana, this species is very rare and has The wild populations of this widely planted ornamental
disappeared from previously recorded localities. Habitat are apparently confined to Xitianmu Mountain,
losses have been caused by mining, logging and Zhejiang, where they are scattered in broadleaved forests
commercial forestry activities. up lOOm. This is the only species in the genus. It is
to 1

Assessor: Hawthorne, W. long-living and has an ancient geological record,

/fe/j; 7550, 8369, 12061 appearing in the Jurassic. The species has been
widespread in cultivation for several centuries.
GUbertiodendron kUdnei Assessor: Sun, W.
Leguminosae VU D2 Refs: 1818, 11847
This species has been collected orJy from Libreville. Ginoria nudiflora
The habitat has been extensively logged. Much of the Ly thraceae VU A 1 c
forest in the country remains unexplored and relatively Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz)
intact, although large parts of it are now under A relatively widespread rainforest tree, endemic to
concession to logging companies. Mexico. It occurs in both Gulf and Pacific regions,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre sometimes in drier forest types.
Refs: 14958, 15790 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1966,5993, 19124
GUbertiodendron pachyanthum
Leguminosae VU D2 Gkditsia assamica
Cameroon Leguminosae VUBl+2c
A canopy tree endemic to Bipindi, where it occurs
large India
sparsely in lowland rainforest. The habitat is frequently Occurring in the Aka Hills, Naga Hills and Garo Hills,
cleared for agriculture and settlements. the species is found in open situations in evergreen
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest. No recent collections have been made and the
Refs: 12597 species is believed to have become scarce. Encroaching
agriculture has caused declines in the species' habitat.
GUbertiodendron robynsianum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Refs: 4799
Cote d'lvoire
A species of swampy areas. It is endemic to the GledUsia rolfei
remaining forest between the rivers Sassandra and Leguminosae EN Dl
Cavally. The largest part of the population is contained Taiwan
A species which is confined to the Hengchun Peninsula,
south of Fengkang. It occurs in lowland dry forest in

The World List of Threatened Trees

small populations, all of which are contained within Pitcaim Island, whereit is widespread in disturbed scrub

Renting National Park. Local people frequently collect and open There are relatively few large
wood for charcoal production. The habitat is also individuals, but many shrubby specimens which appear
believed be declining
to because of encroaching to have reached flowering age. Probably 500-lOCX)
settlements and grazing. mature individuals exist. The timber was heavily
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan exploited in the past for making into joists in
Refs: 3295, 9379, 19050, 19053 construction. There has also been considerable habitat
loss and degradation with the spread of exotic plants.
Gleditsia vestita Assessor: Waldren, S. & N. Kingston
Leguminosae CR Dl Refs: 13604, 19154
China (Himan)
A species reduced to two surviving individuals on the Glochidion eUipticum var. ralphii
south-east slopes of Mount Hengshan, where it reaches Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
the lower limit of mixed forest. The two trees are India (Kerala)
protected and attempts to propagate the species are Known from two collections, this variety appears to be
under way. endemic to the Travancore range, occurring in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre submontane evergreen forest.
Refs: 1818,11847 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Glenniea penangensis
Sapindaceae VU Bl+2c Glochidion grantii
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
A species which occurs throughout Peninsular Malaysia French Polynesia (Society Is.)
in lowland and hill forests up to 900m. Occurring in the same lagoon on the sister islands of
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Tahaa and Raiatea, the species is localised on the
Refs: 8464, 19073 summital crest of Mount Ohiri on the former and
scattered on the plateaux of Temehani Rahi and
Glenniea unijuga Temehani Ute Ute on the latter. The populations are
Sapindaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c fragmented and reduced in extent.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Florence, J.

A found mainly in the lowland wet evergreen

tree Refs: 19169
forests of south-west Sri Lanka. This rare species was
discovered in nine sites during the extensive forest Glochidion insulare
surveys conducted for the National Conservation Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Review. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The exact locality of the species remains unknown. It

/fe/i;9176, 17195, 19112 has been collected only once from primary forest in
Penang. Most of the forest in the area has been cleared
Glionnetia sericea for development.
Rubiaceae VU D2 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Seychelles Refs: 8464, 19073
Endemic to the Seychelles, the species occurs within a
very restricted area (<1000ha) on Mahfi and Silhouette. Glochidion johnstonei
Populations are healthy and stable. Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles India (Goa, Kerala)
Refs: 16212, 17229 Although relatively wide-ranging, the species is known
from only a few collections taken from areas of
Glochidion bourdillonii submontane evergreen forest.
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Kerala) Refs: 19144
A rarely collected species of forest margins, occurring
from low to medium altitudes at the southern end of the Glochidion manono
Western Ghats. Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Refs: 19144 Populations occur on Moorea and Tahiti, where the
species is most seriously threatened.
Glochidion carrickii Assessor: Florence, J.

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Refs: 14513

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Known only from two collections from a single locality, Glochidion nadeaudii
the species is confined to lowland forest in Gombak Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Forest Reserve, a permanent reserve in Selangor. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree, endenuc to Moorea, occurring in the north
Refs: 8464, 19073 between 420 and 800m. It is usually found in local
abundance in mesophyllous open forest on crests. The
Glochidion comitum populations are small and fragmented.
Euphorbiaceae EN C2b Assessor: Florence, J.

Pitcaim Islands Refs: 19169

A newly described species, apparently endemic to

Species Summaries

GlochitUon papenooense from submontane forest at the base of Eraser's Hill in

Euphoibiaceae CR B 1 +2c Pahang.
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
A shrub or tree at the edge of riverine forest, confined to Refs: 8464, 19073
a single locality in the Papenoo Valley. A hydroelectric
project has been responsible for the destruction of large Glochidion symingtonii
parts of the natural vegetation in the valley and the Euphorbiaceae VU D2
invasion of Miconia calvescens also presents a threat to Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
the survival of the species. Confined to Gunung Peninjau in Perak, the species has
Assessor: Florence, J. been collected twice from a single locality of forest at
Refs: 19169 840m.The area is contained within the protected forests
of Perak.
Glochidion pauciflorum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 8464, 19073
India (Kamataka, Tamil Nadu)
A poorly known species of montane forest, which has Glochidion tomentosum
been collected once from the Bababudan range and Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
twice from the Nilgiri range. It has also been recorded India (Kamataka, Tamil Nadu)
from an imspecified location in the Palni area. Occurring on forest margins, the species has been
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collected only rarely from sites at medium elevation in
Refs: 19144 southern Kamataka. It has also apparently been found in
the Travancore range.
Glochidion pitcaimense Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Refs: 19144
Pitcaim Islands
A small treeknown only from Henderson and Pitcaim Glochidion tooviianum
Islands. On
Henderson the species is relatively common, Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
numbering about 20,000 individuals in plateau and French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
beach forest. The population is smaller, with fewer than A small tree confined to the Toovii Plateau in the central
500 individuals, on Pitcaim, confined to remnant forest part of Nuku Hiva. It has been collected between 710
and scrub, where it is threatened with cutting and the and 1000m from primary riverine forest, on moist
spread of the invasive Syzygium jambos. No forested crests, secondary forest and relict forest
regeneration has been observed. Henderson Island is a within pasture land. Although restricted in range, the
World Heritage Site. species is relatively common.
Assessor: Waldren, S. & N. Kingston Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 5123, 12900, 14513, 16427, 19154 Refs: 19169

Glochidion raivavense Gloeocarpus patentivalvis

Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c Sapindaceae EN Ale
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) Philippines
Known only from the Tubuai Islands, the species is A rare tree restricted to the primary dipterocarp forests
recorded from Raivavae, Rumtu and Tubuai. of Mindanao. Samar, Leyte and Luzon.
Assessor: Florence, J. Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Refs: 12900, 14513 Refs: 18389

Glochidion rapaense Gloeospermum boretde

Euphorbiaceae LR/nt Violaceae CR C2b
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) Honduras
A shrub or very small tree of mesophyllous or riverine Only a small population is known, occurring in the wet
forest, humid rocks or cliffs in mountain or littoral areas. Atlantic lowlands.
It appears to be relatively common but never abundant. Assessor: Nelson, C.
Assessor: Florence, J. Refs: 13995
Refs: 19169
Gluema ivorensis
Glochidion sisparense Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Euphorbiaceae EN B I +2c Cameroon, Cote Gabon, Ghana
India (Tamil Nadu) This is a rare species confined to wet places in wet
The species occurs in a single locality of montane forest evergreen foiest on either side of the Dahomey Gap. Its
in the Nilgiris. habitat has been severely degraded through mining,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre logging and commercial forestry activities throughout its
Refs: 19144 range. It is the only member of the genus.
Assessor: Hawthome, W.
Glochidion stylosum Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061, 12509
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Glulapapuana
The species is known from a single collection, gathered Anacardiaceae VUAlcd+2cd
Indonesia? (Irian Jaya?), Papua New Guinea
Endemic to New Guinea, this tree grows in seasonally
inundated forest along rivers, in freshwater swamps and

The World List of Threatened Trees

on well-drained soils up to 50m. In Papua New Guinea it Glycosmis tomentetta

is restricted to Gulf and Western Provinces, which are Rutaceae ENB1-k2c
now subject to heavy logging activities. The timber is Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
sought-after for its decorative grain. A very rare shrub or small tree confined to a single
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. locality in Selangor.
Refs: 19114 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 14541,19073

Gluta travancorica
Glyphaea tomentosa
Anacardiaceae LR/nt
Tiliaceae DD
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
A well-collected species, endemic to submontane forest The range of this species is small and confined to central
running the length of the Agastyamalai Hills.
Mozambique. Information is too limited to evaluate the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Assessor: Bandeira, S.
/fe/i.- 5117, 18965
Glycosmis chlorosperma var. bidiensis
Rutaceae VU D2 Glyptopetalum lawsonU
Malaysia (Sarawak) Celastraceae VU Bl+2c
Known only from the type locality, this variety is found India (Tamil Nadu)

on limestone near the Bidi Cave, Kuching. Confined to the Western Ghats within an area stretching
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre from the Nilgiri Hills to a site at the north of Shencottah,
Refs: 19017 this understorey tree has been rarely collected from
scattered sites within submontane evergreen forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Glycosmis crassifoUa Refs: 19144
Rutaceae CRBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Glyptopetalum palawanense
Confined to the state of Malacca this very rare tree of Celastraceae VU B I -h2c
lowland rainforest is under threat from increasing Malaysia (Sabah), Philippines
settlement of the area. This small tree is known only from primary forest in
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Palawan in the Philippines and a single sterile collection
/?e/i; 8464, 14541,19073 from a coastal limestone ridge on Balambangan Island,
Sabah. The main island of Palawan is a biosphere
Glycosmis decipiens reserve.
Rutaceae LR/cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) «e/s; 4986, 19017
A species of rainforest and swamp forest, distributed in
the states of Terengganu, Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Glyptostrobus pensilis
Johore. A protected population is found in Taman Taxodiaceae DD
Negara National Park. China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan,
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Guangxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yuiman), Viet Nam
/fe/i; 8464, 14541,19073 The only extant species of a genus which was species-
rich in the Tertiary period. It is a prime timber tree,
Glycosmis longisepata scattered in south and south-east China in areas which
Rutaceae VU D2 are densely populated. Primary localities exist in the
Malaysia (Sarawak) Zhujiang Delta and the lower reaches of the Minjiang
A small forest tree known only from Mount Pueh. River. Populations in Viet Nam were once common but
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre are now reduced to fewer than 100 individuals in a few
Refs: 19017 sites of swamp forest in Dae Lac Province (CR Alcd).
The population in Krong Bak Nature Reserve is
Glycosmis monticola protected, but regeneration is reported to be non-
Rutaceae EN Dl existent.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
A shrub or small tree confined to hill forest on Mount Refs: 374,848,2901, 11191, 11530, 11847, 15357
Oplur in Johore State.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Gmelina hainanensis
Refs: 8464, 19073 Verbenaceae VU B U2c
China (Guangdong - Hainan), Viet Nam
In China the species is known only from rainforest in the
Glycosmis perakensis
mountain ranges of the south and west of Hainan Island.
Rutaceae VU D2
In Viet Nam it is recorded from (Juanh Ninh Province,
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
where it occurs in lowland evergreen monsoon forest.
A small tree of hill forest, confined to Bubu Forest
Although parts of the range are designated nature
Reserve, Perak.
reserves, the habitat is generally subject to logging and
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 14541,19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11530, 11847, 15357

Species Summaries

Gmelina Ugnum-vitrtum Gongrospermum philippinense

Verbenaceae QlDl Sapindaceae CR Ale
New Caledonia Philippines
Assessor: Jaffrfi, T. et at. This forest speciesis endemic to Luzon and known only
Refs: 10351 from one or two collections.
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Gmelina vitiensis Refs: 18389
Verbenaceae LR/nt
Fiji Goniothalamus calycinus
A relatively which supplies good furniture
tall tree Annonaceae VU D2
wood. It has been well collected from dense forest Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
between 90 and 900m in Viti Levu, Kandavu, Ngau and Confined to Terengganu in lowland forest, this tree is
Vanua Levu. mainly found on Bukit Kajong, which is a protected
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest.

Refs: 18818 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.

Refs: 8464, 19073
Goetzea elegans
Goetzeaceae EN C2a Goniothalamus gardneri
Puerto Rico Annonaceae EN B 1 +2c
A small understory tree of limestone forest, recorded Sri Lanka
from eight between 100 and 125
populations of This species was discovered in only four forest localities
individuals. They are and experiencing
unprotected during the extensive surveys conducted for the National
various pressures. Road widening destroyed six Conservation Review.
individuals, which have since been replaced by Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
numerous root suckers. Construction of a hotel complex, Refs: 15431,19112
pipe-laying and predation of flowers are amongst the
major concerns. Goniothalamus holttumU
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VU D2
/?e/S.-7980, 17124, 17540 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Confined to Fraser's Hill by the Selangor border, this
Gomidesia cambessedeana montane forest tree is known from a single locality. The
Myrtaceae EX main threat to the area is tourism. It is hoped that the
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) proposed route of a new highway which is planned will
The species was collected twice in the early part of the not affect the population.
19th century, but since then it has not been found. Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 19097
Goniothalamus hookeri
Gomidesia mugnifolia Annonaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c

Myrtaceae ENBl+2abcd Sri Lanka

Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) A tree confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
First described in 1857, the species has only recently south-west Sri Lanka. This species was discovered in
been rediscovered from a population in the Po^a d'Antas only six forest localities during the extensive surveys
Biological Reserve. conducted for the National Conservation Review.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19097 Refs: 15431,17195,19112

Gomortega keule Goniothalamus macrocalyx

Gomortegaceae EN A led Annonaceae VU Ala
Chile (Biobfo, Maule) Viet Nam
A species of taxonomic interest, belonging to an ancient The species appears to be endemic to a restricted area in
monotypic family. It is known from a very restricted the north, confined to the provinces of Ha Tay, Hoa
distribution in the Coastal Cordillera of central Chile, Binh and Thanh Hoa..
occurring in forest on the south-facing slopes of humid Assessor: Ban, N.T.
ravines. The populations are unprotected and under Refs: 848, 19060
threat from logging and forest management activities,
fire and agricultural encroachment. Goniothalamus majestatis
Assessor: Gonzalez, M. Aimonaceae VU D2
/ee/i;7980, 13628, 16328 Indonesia (Sulawesi)
A treelet restricted to the coralline limestone or
Gomphandra comosa serpentine soils of central and south-east Sulawesi. The
Icacinaceae VUB1-h2c species is only recently described and is known from
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is., three collections.
Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree of evergreen forest confined to the Nicobar Refs: 11509
and Andaman Islands. Large areas of forest have been
logged and lost to increasing agriculture and settlement.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4799, 7147

The World List of Threatened Trees

Goniothalamus montanus Gonystylus calophyUoides

Annonaceae VU D2 Thymelaeaceae VU Alc+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Sarawak)
Confined to montane forest in Ulu Brang in Terengganu A small tree found growing on the banks of rocky
and the Cameron Highlands in Pahang, this tree is streams. It is endemic to north-east Sarawak.
known only from two collections. Both localities fall Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
within protected forest. Refs: 1766
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Gonystylus consanguineus
Thymelaeaceae VUAlcd+2cd
Goniothalamus rhynchantherus Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Annonaceae ENBl+2c A lowland species, of primary or old secondary forest up
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) to 400m altitude, which is exploited for its ramin timber.
A species confined to the Agastyamalai Hills at the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
southern end of the Western Ghats, where it is scattered Refs: 1766, 14573
in afew localities of evergreen forest. Large areas have
been exposed to fires, grazing, the establishment of Gonystylus costalis
commercial plantations and cutting for fiielwood, but Thymelaeaceae VU Alc+2c
almost 1000km' of forest are now under protection Malaysia (Sarawak)
within sanctuaries. A small tree endemic to the lowlands of Sarawak.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring (Dentre
/fe/i; 2538, 5651, 19144 Refs: 1766

Goniothalamus saticina Gonystylus decipiens

Annonaceae VUAlc Thymelaeaceae VU Alc+2c
Sri Lanka Sarawak
This species was discovered in 13 forest localities during A small tree endemic to Sarawak up to 500m.
the extensive surveys conducted for the National Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conservation Review Refs: 1766
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431,19112 Gonystylus glaucescens
Thymelaeaceae VU Alc+2c
Goniothalamus simonsU Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Annonaceae ENBl+2c A small tree endemic to East Kalimantan. It has been
India (Meghalaya) recorded on a sandstone ridge at 400m.
A small tree of the Khasi Hills. It is known only from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the Lailad area of Nongkyllen Forest Reserve in Refs: 1766
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Gonystylus keithii
Refs: 7147 Thymelaeaceae VU Alcd+2cd
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Goniothalamus wynaadensis A tree scattered in the evergreen, non-inundated
Annonaceae LR/nt rainforests of Borneo. The wood is used as ramin timber.
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurring in the understorey of lowland evergreen forest Refs: 1766, 14573
up 900m, the species has been collected from
scattered localities along the Western Ghats from Gonystylus lucidulus
Wayanad to Anaimalai. Thymelaeaceae VU Alc+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 19144 A tree confined to the lowlands of Brunei and Sarawak.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Gonystylus bancanus Refs: 1766
Thymelaeaceae VU A led
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia Gonystylus macrophyllus
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak) Thymelaeaceae VU Alcd
A gregarious, often dominant tree of lowland freshwater Indonesia (Bali, Irian Jaya, Kalimantan, Moluccas,
swamp and peat-swamp forest. Populations have been Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
heavily depleted as the most important source of ramin Papua New Guinea (North Solomons, Papua New
timber. The species is also threatened in parts of its Guinea), Philippines?, Solomon Islands (South
range by habitat loss. A recent investigation by Dutch Solomon)
and Malaysian experts, following *CITES debates on A widespread tree occurring in primary forest reaching
the species, concluded that G. bancanus is not an altitude of 1500m in some areas. The species is
threatened with extinction in Malaysian swamp forests extremely rare in Papua New Guinea and occurs only on
although regeneration in overexploited forests may be a New Georgia and Choiseul in the Solomon Islands,
cause for concern. where it is locally common.
one of the important
It is

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre ramin timber species and the heartwood is used as
Refs: 7673, 14448, 14573, 17140, 19202

Species Summaries

incense. This species might eventually be split into Gordonia multinervis

several distinct species, as the present species concept Theaceae VUBl+2a
might be too wide. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This tree occurs in lowland and hill forest of Perak,
Refs: 1766,4919, 12937, 14573, 17140, 19147 Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Penang, Malacca, Johore
and Singapore. Encroaching settlements are the largest
Gonystylus nervosus threat to the species.
Thymelaeaceae VUAlc+2c Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Refs: 9\99. 17140, 19073
Apparently restricted to limestone hills, this small tree is

endemic to Sarawak. Gordonia penangensis

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Theaceae VUBl+2a
Refs: 1766 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
A small tree inhabiting open rainforest between 20 and
Gonystylus nobilis 500m in Penang, Perak, Pahang and Singapore.
Thymelaeaceae VUAlc+2c Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Refs: 9199, 19073
A lowland species endemic to Sarawak.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Gordonia scortechinii
Refs: 1766 Theaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Gonystylus pemlulus A very rare tree occurring scattered in the hill forest of
Thymelaeaceae VU Alc+2c Perak and Pehang.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
A small tree confined to the lowlands of south-west Refs: 8464, 19073
Assessor: VfoM Conservation Monitoring Centre Gordonia singaporeana
Refs: 1766 Theaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Gonystylus spectabilis A tree of moist forest up to 1300m, found in Perak,
Thymelaeaceae VUAlc+2c Pahang, Penang, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johore and
Malaysia (Sarawak) Singapore. Some areas receive a degree of protection
A lowland tree endemic to Sarawak. within the permanent forest estate.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 1766 Refs: 5550, 8464, 9199, 1 1647, 17140, 19073

Gonystylus stenosepalus Gordonia taipingensis

Thymelaeaceae VU A 1 c+2c Theaceae VUBl+2a
Malaysia (Sarawak) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A small tree endemic to Sarawak. This rare, medium-sized tree is confined to the hills of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre one forest reserve in the state of Perak. Tourism presents
Refs: 1766 the main threat to the species.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Gonystylus xylocarpus Refs: 8464, 19073
Thymelaeaceae VUAlcd+2cd
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Gordonia vUlosa
A tree of primary rainforest and heath forest up to 100m, Theaceae ENBl-i-2c
confined to western Borneo. The species is exploited for Jamaica
its ramin timber. A recent taxonomic revision includes this species in the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre relatively common G. haematoxylon but this
Refs: 14573 arrangement is disputed. The plant is stunted and seldom
exceeds 2m in height because it grows in nutrient-
Gordonia hirtella starved conditions on deep acid mor humus. Endemic to
Theaceae VUBl+2a the Blue Mountains, small populations are restricted to a
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) very small range in montane rainforests between 1550
A tree species occurring scattered in hill forest. and 1700m.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Assessor: Bellingham, P.
i?e/r;5550, 11647, 19073 Refs: 191 16

Gordonia maingayi Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum

Theaceae VU D2 Leguminosae EN A led
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of
This tree species is scattered on the ridge tops and Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria
hillsides of rainforests within a national park. Endemic to the Guineo-Congolian region, this timber
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. species is declining in population numbers because of
Refs: 8464, 19073 heavy exploitation and habitat loss. It grows in mature

The World List of Threatened Trees

little-disturbed lowland rainforest. In the main DR Grewia aldabrensis

Congo/Nigeria forest block it is generally rare or absent. Tiliaceae VU D2
Assessor: African Regional Workshop Seychelles (Aldabra)
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6718, 15790, 17408 A small slender tree with an occasional distribution in
mixed scrub. It is endemic to the Aldabras, where it
Grqffenrieda bella occurs only on Malabar, the east of Grand Terre and
Melastomataceae LR/nt Michel Island. The islands are protected within a Strict
Panama Nature Reserve and are uninhabited.
One of the most common cloud forest trees, the species Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
occurs above 800m in all provinces of Panama. It is less Refs: 19027
common in Cocl6, Panama and Bocas del Toro. There
are several occurrences in protected areas. Elsewhere Grewia bilocularis
populations come imder pressure from increasing habitat Tiliaceae VU D2
encroachment. Yemen (Socotra)
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Populations appear to be very scattered and scarce, but
Refs: 3913,7980, 15037, 16772 under no current threat.
Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Graffenrieda caudata Refs: 2354, 19083
Melastomataceae VU D2
Guyana Grewia goetzeana
A tree known only from the type collection, gathered in Tiliaceae DD
rainforest on the Pakaraima Mountains. Tanzania
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 9867 /fe/i.- 3356, 8814

Graffenrieda grandifoUa Grewia limae

Melastomataceae ENBI+2c Tiliaceae DD
Colombia Mozambique
An endemic to Antioquia. Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Assessor: Calderon, E. iJe/i; 5117, 18965
Refs: 19069
Grewia salicifolia
Graffenrieda robusta Tiliaceae VU D2
Melastomataceae DD Seychelles (Aldabra)
Peru An occasional constituent of mixed scrub found only on
This species is known only from forest between 1500 Malabar, the west of Picard, the east of Grand Terre in
and 2000m in the department of Hu4nuco region. the Aldabras and Menai on Cosmoledo. The Aldabran
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Islands are protected within a Strict Nature Reserve and
Refs: 1984 only Picard is inhabited with a research station.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Graffenrieda trichanthera Refs: 19027
Melastomataceae VU D2
Peru Grewia transzambesica
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Tiliaceae DD
in lowland rainforest in the department of Loreto. Mozambique
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Refs: 1984 Refs:S\\l, 18965

GraptophyUum repandum Grewia turbinata

Acanthaceae LR/nt Tiliaceae VU D2
Fiji Yemen (Socotra)
Apparently this shrub or small tree is endemic to Fiji, Populations appear to be very scattered and scarce, but
where it is known from dense forest in rocky places up under no current threat.
to 1 130m on the two and Ovaluau.
largest islands Assessor: Miller, AG.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 2354, 19083
Refs: 18818

Greyia flanaganii
Greenwayodendron suaveolens ssp. usambaricum Greyiaceae DD
Annonaceae VUBl+2b South Africa (Eastern Cape)
Tanzania A shrub or small tree which grows on rocky, grassy
A distinct form of a tropical African taxon, this hillsides in only a few restricted localities, all on private
subspecies occurs rarely within a 1 00m altitudinal belt land. No information is available on the size of the
of moist submontane forest on the East Usambara populations or degree of threat. The roots are reportedly
Mountains. Although forest loss and disturbance have used for traditional medicinal and magical purposes.
been severe and the surrounding area is densely Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. elal.
populated, an active conservation programme is now in Refs: 689, 17410, 19218
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 5204, 9302

Species Summaries

Grias colombiana Guaiacum couUeri

Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 Zygophyllaceae LR/cd
Colombia Mexico (Jalisco)
A small of lowland non-flooded forest, known only from Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
three collections from the Pacific coast. Rc/i; 81, 7588, 19203
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ue/i; 3791, 7980 Guaiacum officinale
Zygophyllaceae EN C2a
Grias haughtU Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados,
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic,
Colombia Grenada, Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe, St Martin-St
A Colombian endemic, collected relatively few times Barthelemy), Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat,
from non-flooded lowland forest in Antioquia, Caldas Netheriands Antilles, Puerto Rico, St Vincent, Turks and
and Santander. Caicos Islands, Venezuela, Virgin Islands (British),
Assessor: Calderon, E. Virgin Islands (US)
/?efjr; 3791, 7980, 19069 A slow-growing species of lowland dry forest, woodland
and thicket, frequently growing in coastland areas. The
Grias multinervia timber and medicinal resin have been traded for several
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c centuries as lignum- vitae and overexploitation has taken
Colombia, Ecuador place throughout the species' range. Populations are now
Known only from two collections, the species occurs in severely reduced in the Lesstr Antilles, Puerto Rico,
Cauca in coastal Colombia and in Los Rfos in coastal Barbados, Virgin Islands and Colombia and extinct or
Ecuador. almost extinct in Antigua, Anguilla and Barbuda.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Regeneration is good but growth is very slow. The
««/j.- 3791, 7980 species is listed in Appendix II of 'CITES.
Assessor: Americas Regiona.' Workshop
Grimmeodendron jamaicense Refs: 4082, 6602, 7630, 14301, 16327, 16987, 17678,
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c 19069, 19179
Local and uncommon, this Cockpit Country endemic is Guaiacum sanctum
distributed in forest on craggy limestone in St Elizabeth Zygophyllaceae EN C2a
and Trelawny. Bahamas, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Republic. El Salvador (ex), Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras,
Refs: 5653, 7980 Mexico (Quintana Roo), Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto
Rico, USA (Florida)
GrisoUea thomassetii A less valuable but rarely distinguished source of
Icacinaceae VU D2 lignum-vitae than G. officinale. Occurring in lowland
Seychelles dry forest, the species is now extinct or extremely rare
A tree endemic which was reported in
to the Seychelles, on most of the Caribbean islands. In Central America
1910 to be locally common on MahS and Silhouette. The and Florida remaining populations are confined to
population on Mah6 is now reduced to a single tree on restricted areas and continue to be threatened with
Mount Simpson, having declined through forest habitat loss or exploitation, e.g. in Guancaste in Costa
clearance at medium altitudes and degradation at higher Rica, El Salvador, Florida Keys. As with G. officinale,
altitudes. The species remains relatively common on both the timber and medicinal resin are of commercial
Silhouette and is present in forest areas protected by the use and have been traded for several centuries.
Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles. Regeneration is good but growth is very slow. The
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles species Appendix II of 'CITES.
is listed in

Refs: 16212, 17229, 19025 Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop

Refs: 197, 4147, 4974, 9254, 10197, 14717, 15037,
Grossera elongata 16327, 19179
Euphorbiaceae VU D 1 +2
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Principe) Guapira rotundifolia
This tree is known from a site above Neves Ferrieira. Nyctaginaceae LR/nt
More detailed information is lacking. There have been Jamaica
no recent botanical surveys of the island. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980
Refs: 2724
Guarea carapoides
Grosvenoria rimbachU Meliaceae VU D2
Compositae VUBl+2c Pern
Ecuador Apparently known only from the type collection, the
A species which is endemic to the High Andes of species is confined to the Peruvian Amazon at the mouth
Ecuador. of Ri'o Santiago.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119,19120 /?e/i; 7980, 12281

The World List of Threatened Trees

Guarea cartaguenya Guarea crislata

Meliaceae VUBl+2c Meliaceae VUBl+2c
Colombia, Ecuador Brazil (Amazonas), Peru
This species is known from few collections, gathered A species which is confined to forested areas from the
from rainforest flanking the base of the Pacific slopes of Javari River area between Brazil and Peru.

the Andes, occurring at the type locality in Valle, Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Colombia, and in Los Rios, Ecuador. /?e/i; 5942. 7980. 12281

Assessor: Calderon, E.
/?e/i.- 7980, 12281,19069 Guarea guentheri
Meliaceae VUBl+2c
Guarea casimiriana Brazil (Amazonas). Peru
Meliaceae VU D2 A species of western Amazonia, occurring in non-
Peru flooded forest from sea level to 600m.
Apparently known only from the type collection, this Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

small tree is confined to the Peruvian Amazon at Re/i; 5942, 7980, 12281
Yurimaguas in the department of Loreto.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Guarea humaitensis
^e/i; 7980, 12281 Meliaceae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Amazonas)
Guarea caulobotrys The species is confined to non-flooded forest in south-

Meliaceae VUBl+2c west Amazonia.

Colombia Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Endemic to Colombia, the species is known only from a Rf/i; 5942. 7980. 12281
few collections from the department of Valle on the
Pacific coast, probably occurring in rainforest. Guarea jamaicensis
Assessor: Calderon, E. Meliaceae VUBl+2c
/?e/i. 7980, 12281,19069 Jamaica
Known only from disjunct limestone localities in St
Guarea cedrata Andrew and St James, the species is uncommon and,
Meliaceae VU Ale particularly in St Andrew, has experienced almost
Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire, Democratic Republic complete destruction or degradation of its habitat.

of Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Assessor: Bellingham, P.

Uganda ««/i. 401,5653,7980, 19116
A timber species found in some abundance in moist
semi-deciduous forest and in the drier undisturbed areas Guarea juglandiformis
of moist evergreen forest. Levels of exploitation are Meliaceae VUBl+2c
moderate and the species often suffers from its similarity Brazil (Acre), Peru
to Entandrophragma angolense, resulting in it being Occurring in non-flooded forest, the species appears to
harvested with the same intensity. Regeneration is more be restricted to the extreme western part of Amazonia.
successful in undisturbed areas where there has been no Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

burning. Refs: 1984, 5942. 7980, 12281

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2773,6128, 12061, 13250, 14667, 16021, 17408 Guarea truicropetala
Meliaceae VU A2c
Guarea convergens Panama
Meliaceae VU D2 This scarce species has been collected throughout
Brazil (Amazonas) Panama, but only in areas of undisturbed forest of low to
This species is known only from non-flooded forest in medium elevation. There are occurtences within
central Amazonia. protected areas, but elsewhere the habitat is under severe
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. pressures. A site on the El Llano-Carti highway to the

/?e/i; 5942, 7980, 12281 north-east of Panami city is under threat of

Guarea corrugata Assessor: Mitre, M.
Meliaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 7980. 15037, 16772
A poorly known species, occurring in Valle, recorded Guarea macrophylla ssp. macrophylla
only from the type locality. Meliaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Calderon, E. Antigua and Barbuda. Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe,
/?e/i.- 7980, 12281,19069 Martinique, Montserrat, St Vincent, Virgin Islands (US)
Only known with certainty from the Lesser Antilles, the
Guarea crispa species occurs in remaining areas of lowland rainforest,
Meliaceae EN Dl The other subspecies are widespread
often at riversides.
Brazil (Amazonas) Amazon.
in the
Confined to non-flooded forest in central Amazonia, the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species is known from rare collections on the Manaus- Refs: 7980, 12281
Porto Velio road.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

«c/f; 5942, 7980, 12281

Species Summaries

Guarea mayombensis is scattered in non-flooded forest and has been collected

Meliaceae VUAlc rarely.
Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Uganda Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

A tree of mid-altitude rainforest. In Uganda it occurs in y?e/s. 5942, 7980, 12281

Ishasha Gorge and Kayonza forest in Bwindi
Impenetrable National Park. There are reports that Guarea velutina
regeneration is poor because seed dispersal agents are Meliaceae VUBI+2c
lacking. There no information on populations
is Brazil(Amazonas, Par^, Roraima)
elsewhere. If it is assumed that the species occurs in A species occurring in the middle and upper Rio Negro
Mayombe, populations there are under heavy pressure and adjacent Roraima territory. It has also been collected
from logging and overcutting for charcoal. once south of the Amazon in Par^.
Assessor: *MUIENR Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1308,9605, 10961, 16021 ^c/j; 5942, 7980, 12281

Guarea polymera Guarea venenata

Meliaceae VUBl+2c Meliaceae LR/cd
Colombia, Ecuador Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia
A tree known from only a few
of Pacific coastal forest, This imderstorey species, although locally abundant in
collections from the department of Valle in
taken places, is confined to western and south-western
Colombia and Esmeraldas in Ecuador. Amazonia.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

^e/j; 7980, 12281,19069 /?f/j; 5942, 7980, 12281

Guarea pyriformis Guatteria alutacea var. angustifolia

Mehaceae VUBl+2c Annonaceae VU D2
Costa Rica Peru
A medium-sized tree of lowland evergreen rainforest, A variety known only from the type collected from the
confmed to the Golfo Dulce area of south-eastern Pacific department of San Martin.
Costa Rica. The few collections made so far have all Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
come from streamsides or river banks. Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rc/i; 7980, 12281 Guatteria anomala
Annonaceae LR/nt
Guarea sphenophylla El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas,
Meliaceae VUBl+2c Tabasco, Veracruz)
Dominican Republic, Haiti A timber tree and dominant component of lowland
A shrub or small tree of forested limestone hills, seasonal rainforest. In Mexico, populations are restricted
collected from the Massif de la Hotte in Haiti and near to the Gulf Region, occurring commonly in remaining
Rinc6n in Dominican Republic. rainforest in the Lacandon region, and the Uxpanapa-
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Chimalapa region. Rates of deforestation have been very
Refs: 197,7980, 12281 high in all parts of the range.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guarea sprucei Refs: 4862, 4974, 5651, 7588, 19161
Meliaceae CR C2b
Brazil (Amazonas) Guatteria atabapensis
This species is known only from the type collection in Annonaceae LR/nt
the Rio Negro basin. Venezuela
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A treelet which occurs in shrub islands in white-sand
^c/j; 5942, 7980, 12281 savanna in a number of localities in Amazonas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guarea thompsonii Refs: 19128
Meliaceae VUAlc
Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic Guatteria augusli
of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria Annonaceae VU D2
Although moderately exploited, this species is less Peru
commercially important than G. cedraia. It occurs A species of submontane forest, known only from the
commonly in hilly moist evergreen forest. Growth is type collection from the department of La Libertad.
slow, reaching only 9fl. DBH in 200 years. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1984
Refs: 2773. 6128, 6718, 12061, 13250, 17408
Guatteria caUiantha
Guarea trunciflora Annonaceae VU D2
Meliaceae VUBl+2c Peru
Brazil (Amazonas, Par5), Peru This species is known only from the type collection
Despite its wide distribution in Amazonian Peru, Brazil, from the department of Loreto.
and the border area between Brazil and Guyana, this tree Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984

The World List of Threatened Trees

Guatteria diospyroides ssp. hondurensis Guatteria jefensis

Annonaceae CR C2b Annonaceae ENBl-f2bd
Honduras Panama
Assessor: Nelson, C. Only small populations are known, confined to areas of
Refs: 13995 lowland rainforest in Cerro Jefe. Several are contained
within Chagres National Park, but those elsewhere are
Guatteria dura increasingly threatened by encroaching agriculture,
Annonaceae LR/nt settlements and industrial developments.
Venezuela Assessor: Mitr6, M.
This species occurs along smaller rivers and creeks, Re/j.-7980, 12226, 16772
probably in seasonally flooded sites, ranging from
central to south-western Amazonas. Guatteria Juninensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VU D2
Refs: 19128 Peru
This species is known only from the type collection
Guatteria eriopoda from the department of Junfn.
Annonaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peni Refs: 1984
A species known only from the type collection from the
department of HuSnuco. Guatteria liesneri
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae LR/nt
Refs: 1984 Venezuela
A tree of riverine forests, with occurrences in Serranfa

Guatteria excelsa de los Pijiguaos in Bolfvar and in western Amazonas.

Annonaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 19128
This species is known only from the type collection
from the department of Hu^uco. Guatteria modesta
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VU D2
Refs: 1984 Peru
This species is known only from the type collection
Guatteria ferruginea from the department of Loreto.
Annonaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Suriname Refs: 1984
A species of no recorded locality, endemic to Suriname.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Guatteria panamensis
Refs: 19196 Annonaceae VU Bl+2de
Guatteria geminiflora Occurring inlowland evergreen forest, the species is
Annonaceae VU D2 known from few populations in the provinces of Los
Peru Santos and Bocas del Toro. There may be other
This species is known only from the type collection occurrences, possibly in Costa Rica. No specific
from the department of Amazonas. protection or conservation measures are in place and the
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre habitat is susceptible to logging and clearing in many
Refs: 1984 areas.
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Guatteria glauca Refs: 1212,19m, 16772
Annonaceae VU D2
Peru Guatteria stenopetala
This species known only from the type collection
is Annonaceae VU D2
from the department of Hu^uco. Venezuela
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Endemic to the Sierra de la Neblina in Amazonas, the
Refs: 1984 species occurs within a restricted altitudinal range in
lower montane Clusia forest. The area is protected but
Guatteria guentheri has suffered from fires and illegal mining.
Annonaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 19128
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
in the department of Loreto. Guatteria tonduzU
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae LR/nt
Refs: 1984 Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
Ranging from Costa Rica to Colombia, the species is
Guatteria insignis relatively widespread in areas of evergreen rainforest up
Annonaceae DD to 1500m. Populations in Panama are reported to be
Suriname healthy; certain areas are threatened with logging, while
A species of no recorded locality, endemic to Suriname. others are protected within national parks. In Costa Rica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19196

Species Summaries

the species is common at medium elevations. In Peruvian Andes up to 2500m.

Colombia the species distribution appears to be Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
concentrated in the Choc6, especially the UrabS area. Refs: 1984
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Re/i;7272, 15037. 16772 Guettarda retusa
Rubiaceae EX
Guatteria wUUamsU Cuba
Annonaceae LR/nt An endemic tree discovered in the mid 19th century in
Venezuela Loma Pelada, Los Palacios, Pinar del Rio Province.
A tree ofnon-flooded evergreen forest, occurring along Thorough searches for the species over the past 25 years
Ri'o Casiquiare in Amazonas. have been unable to locate it. Its habitat has been
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre severely degraded by cutting and clearing.
Refs: 19128 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 19149
Cuatteriopsis ramiflora
Aimonaceae VU D2 Guibourtia ehie
Peru Leguminosae VUAIc
This species is known only from the type collection Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia,
from lowland Amazon rainforest in the department of Nigeria
San Martin. A West African timber which occurs in moderate
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre densities in different forest types, from closed rainforest
Refs: 1984 to drier semi-deciduous forest. Exploitation rates of the
wood are high and causing population declines. The
Guettarda comata timber acts as a popular substitute for rosewood.
Rubiaceae VU D2 Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Peru /?e/i;2773,6l28, 8369, 12061. 12509. 19132
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
in lowland Amazon rainforest in the department of Guibourtia schliebenii
Loreto. There is uncertainty over its taxonomic status, as Leguminosae VUBl+2b
it may be conspecific with G. comosa or G. sericea. Mozambique. Tanzania
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A dry coastal forest species ranging from south-east
Refs: 1984 Tanzania into little-known areas of Mozambique.
Assessor: Lovett. J. & G.P. Clarke
Guettarda frangulifoUa Refs: 3356. 10961
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Jamaica Guibourtia sousae
This species is likely to be a minor variant of G. Leguminosae DD
argenlea. It is uncommon and local in its distribution. Mozambique
apparently confined to St Catherine, Hanover and No information is available on the location and habitat
Trelawny. of this species.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Bandeira. S.
Refs: 6057, 7980 /?e/i.-5ll7.7550

Guettarda longiflora Guioa acuminata

Rubiaceae CRBI+2c Sapindaceae EN Ale
Jamaica Philippines
There is little information about this species and no A smrJI tree found in secondary forest on Luzon and
recent collection material. It is, apparently, confined to Polillo. It isknown only from five collections.
St Ann and St Thomas Parishes and is evidently very Assessor: van Welzen, PC.
uncommon. Almost all forested areas below 1400m in Refs: 18389
the latter parish have been destroyed or severely
degraded. Guioa asquamosa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapindaceae VUBl+2c
Ue/i: 401, 5653, 19116 Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Is.)

Restricted to Timor and Flores, this small tree is known

Guettarda noumeana only from six collections.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
New Caledonia Refs: 18389
A species confined to a restricted area of sclerophyllous
forest in the region of Noumea. Fires, grazing and Guioa bicolor
encroaching agriculture are continual problems and have Sapindaceae VUAl,Bl+2c
caused a severe reduction in the habitat. Philippines
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. This species is only known from a total of seven
Refs: 4492, 10351 collections from Luzon, Mindanao and Sabtang. It has
been recorded in logged-over forest.
Guettarda ochreata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rubiaceae LR/nt Refs: 18389
This species is relatively widespread but confined to the

The World List of Threatened Trees

Guioa discolor Guioa myriadenia

Sapindaceae EN Ale Sapindaceae EN Ale
Philippines Philippines
Known only from four herbarium specimens, this small Endemic to Luzon, this forest species, known from 19
tree is confined to the primary dipterocarp forests of specimens, has not been collected since the 1940s.
Luzon and Samar. Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. Refs: 18389
Refs: 18389
Guioa normanbiensis
Guioa grandifoliola Sapindaceae VU D2
Sapindaceae CRBl+2c Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea Confined to the Milne Bay Province on Normanby
An extremely localised species known only fifom four Island, this tree is known from only four collections to
collections from lowland rainforest and advanced date.
secondary forest near the Buso River. Large areas of Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
lowland forest in Papua New Guinea are threatened by Refs: 18389
increased logging activity.
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. Guioa novobritannica
Refs: 18389 Sapindaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea
Guioa hospita A tree known only from the type specimen, collected in
Sapindaceae CRDl Casuarina rumphiana-dominated montane forest in west
Papua New Guinea New Britain.
The only record of this species is the type specimen Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
collected in 1890 in Gulf Province. Despite the area Refs: 18389
being relatively well studied, it has not been recorded

since. Guioa oligotricha

Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. Sapindaceae VU D2
Refs: 18389 Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
A known only from three collections, found
small tree,
Guioa malukuensis in lowland secondary forest in the Southern Division of
Sapindaceae VU D2 Irian Jaya and the Western Province of Papua New
Indonesia (Moluccas) Guinea. These areas are underexplored.
A tree known from two collections, both from Morotai Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Island. Refs: 18389
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Refs: 18389 Guioa palawanica
Sapindaceae CR Ale
Guioa melanopoda Philippines
Sapindaceae VU D2 A small tree or shrub endemic to Palawan, where it has
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) been collected only a few times in lowland forest on
A very localised tree, collected twice in the 1940s, found ultrabasic rock and in stunted montane rainforest.
in rainforest on river banks in Jayapura. Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. Refs: 18389
Refs: 18389
Guioa parvifoliola
Guioa moUiuscula Sapindaceae CR Ale
Sapindaceae VU D2 Philippines
Papua New Guinea This species was foimd only once on the dry slopes of
To date there are just two collections from the 1950-'60s the llocos Norte Province of Luzon.
of this understorey tree of alluvial swamp. The area is Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
not under threat but it is not well visited by botanists. Refs: 18389
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Refs: 18389 Guioa patentinervis
Sapindaceae VU D2
Guioa muUijuga Indonesia (Moluccas)
Sapindaceae VU D2 A small tree confined to the transitional area between
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) coral sand beach and open forest on nickel-rich soils. It

Known only from two collections from the early 1900s, is known from a total of seven collections from the
this small found in the rainforest/savanna
tree is islands of Ambon, Buru, Ceram and Obi.
transition zone on steep ground and in old secondary Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
forest. Refs: 18389
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C.
Refs: 18389

Species Summaries

Guioa paucijlora Gulubia hombronii

Sapindaceae VU D2 Palraae DD
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Solomon Solomon)
Islands (South
A shrubby tree only known from three disjunct Endemic to the Solomon Islands, this palm tree is
collections in an area is underexplored. scattered in broadleaved, swamp and cloud forest on
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. ultrabasic soils from 100 to 1500m.
Refs: 18389 Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
Refs: 19118
Guioa plurinervis
Sapindaceae VU D2 Gulubia microcarpa
Papua New Guinea Palmae VUAlc
To date this species is known only from three collections Fiji
from secondary hill rainforest in Milne Bay Province in A scarce species of steep forested slopes, occurring
Rossel Island. There has been littlecollecting from this between 180 and 260m, oijy on the islands of Viti Levu
island. and Vanua Levu. Some areas have been lost to
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. agriculture and logging.
Refs: 18389 Assessor: Fuller, D.
/fe/i. 6053, 19118
Guioa reticulata
Sapindaceae CR Ale Gustavia acuminata
Philippines Lecythidaceae VU D2
A secondary forest tree confined to the dimishing forests Brazil (Roraima), Venezuela
of Luzon. It has not been collected since the 1960s-'70s. This species appears to be restricted to non-flooded
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. forest between 1250 and 1300m in Amazonian Brazil
Refs: 18389 and adjacent parts of Venezuela.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Guioa scalariformis Refs: 1503,7980,9632

Sapindaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Gustavia dodsonii
A shrub or small tree restricted to primary montane Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c
forest of Morobe Province. It has been collected only Ecuador
twice. Known only from north-west Ecuador, this middle-
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre storey tree has been collected about five times from
Refs: 18389, 19189 areas of lowland non-flooded forest. It is apparently
uncommon. The high tensile strength of the trunk has
Guioa truncata resulted in the species being popular for local use as a
Sapindaceae EN Ale lever to lift heavy objects.
Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A of dense moist mossy forest found only on
tree Refs: 1503,3791,7980
Mindanao Island. Collected only twice, it has not been
recorded since the 1960s. Gustavia erythrocarpa
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. Lecythidaceae VU D2
Refs: 18389 Brazil (Par4)
An understorey tree, locally common but confined to the
Guioa unguiculata vicinity of the type locality in non-flooded forest in the
Sapindaceae VU D2 Tapajds River region.
Papua New Guinea Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

A small tree known only from four collections. Refs: 1503,7980,9632

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18389, 19189 Gustavia excelsa
Lecythidaceae EN B1-h2c
Guioa venusta Colombia
Sapindaceae VU D2 An endemic to the Magdalena Valley in Santander.
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Although it is a relatively common understorey tree in
Restricted to secondary scrubby vegetation on Schouten lowland non-flooded forest, it remains poorly known
and Japen Islands, this small tree has been collected and rarely collected.
three times,most recently in 1945. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. Refs: 1503, 3791, 4460, 7980, 19069
Refs: 18389
Gustavia foliosa
Guioa waigeoensis Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Sapindaceae VU D2 Colombia, Ecuador
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Occurring on the Pacific coast, the species has been
Known only from the type specimen, this small tree is collected twice from areas of lowland non-flooded forest
endemic to Waigeo Island, which is an undercollected in Valle in Colombia and Esmeraldas in Ecuador.
area. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: van Welzen, P.C. «e/i.- 1503, 3791, 7980
Refs: 18389

The World List of Threatened Trees

Gustariafosteri Gustavia nana ssp. nana

Lecythidaceae VU C2a Lecythidaceae DD
Panama Colombia, Panama
Occurring in semi-deciduous rainforest on seasonally A subspecies which is known in Panama solely from a
flooded plains, the species is restricted to Barro collection from Dari£n made in 1962. Similar collections
Colorado Island (BCI) and the surrounding area. The in the area have been identified as ssp. rhodantha. In
populations are small but almost every one is contained Colombia there is a collection of the subspecies from the
within a protected area, including one in Soberani'a Choc6 but no further information is available.
National Park. Only a population on the Gigante Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Peninsula at the south of BCI is under serious pressure Refs: 7980, 16772
because of the expanding human population.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Gustavia nana ssp. rhodantha
Refs: 1503,7980,16772 Lecythidaceae VU C2a
Colombia, Panama
Gustavia gracittima This subspecies is recorded from low to medium
Lecythidaceae ENBl+2c elevation rainforest, often along streamsides, occurring
Colombia largely in Colombia and extending into Dari^n and the
A small slender tree with an unconfirmed distribution in Kunayala Indigenous Reserve in Panama. The greater
lowland non-flooded rainforest in western Colombia, part of the range is in protected areas and the taxon is
possibly occurring also in Antioquia, Choc6 or Narino. reported to relatively common and regenerating well in
It been collected about four times. Cultivated
has places.
specimens are found in Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden, Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Singapore Botanical Garden and in Chelsea, UK. Refs: 7980, 16772
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 1503, 3791, 7980, 19069 Gustavia petiolata
Lecythidaceae ENBl+2c
Gustavia latifolia Colombia
Lecythidaceae CRBl+2c In Colombia, the species is recorded from the type

Colombia locality inlowland non-flooded rainforest in the Choc6.

Now possibly extinct, the species is known only from Assessor: Calderon, E.
the type specimen, which was collected from Refs: 1503, 3791, 7980, 19069
Assessor: Calderon, E. Gustavia pubescens
Refs: 1503, 3791, 7980, 19069 Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Colombia, Ecuador
Gustavia longepetiolata A rarely collected species of lowland non-flooded
Lecythidaceae EN Dl rainforest, confined to Pacific coastal Colombia and
Brazil (Pari) Ecuador.
A very small tree, known only from the type locality in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
non-flooded lowland rainforest in the Rio CuminS- Refs: 1503,3791,7980
Mirim region.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Gustavia santanderiensis
Refs: 1503,3791,7980 Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia
Gustavia longifuniculata Occurring in areas of non-flooded forest, the species is
Lecythidaceae CR B 1 +2c distributed disjunctly with occurrences in the Magdalena
Colombia Valley C6rdoba, Cundinamarca, Santander and
A poorly known species, recorded from approximately Vaup^s Departments in Colombia and in north-west
seven collections from lowland non-flooded rainforest in Amazonia in Brazil.
Santander. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Refs: 1503, 5942, 7980, 19069
Refs: 1503,3791,7980, 19069
Gustavia serrala
Gustavia monocauUs Lecythidaceae VU D2
Lecythidaceae ENCl+2a Ecuador
Colombia, Panama Known only from the type locality, the species occurs in
In Panama, the species is known from forest along the lowland non-flooded rainforest on the road from Chone
highway running from El Llano to Carti-Tupile in to Pichincha in Manabi. The area is contained within
Kunayala Indigenous Reserve. It is easily confused with Pedro Franco Davila Biological Station.
G. grandibracteata, which may explain why there have Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
been no recent collections in this region. The forest is Refs: 1503,3791,7980
rapidly disappearing and being colonised by
campesinos. The species has also been identified from Gustavia sessilis
recent collections in Antioquia in Colombia, and in Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c
Dari^n in Panama. Colombia
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Presently known only from the type collection, the
Refs: 1503,7980,16772 species confined to dense forest in Choc6.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 1503,3791,7980

Species Summaries

Gustavia speciosa ssp. occidentalis settlement. Agricultural activities upstream have also
Lecythidaceae VU B 1 +2c caused habitat loss through the siltation of rivers.

Colombia Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

A large tree, confined to the type locality on the Pacific Refs: 19218, 19220
slopes of Valle.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Gymnostemon zaizou
Refs: 1503, 3791, 7980, 8869 Simaroubaceae VU Bl+2c
Cote d'lvoire
Gustavia verticiUata A Cote d'lvoire endemic, confined to remaining patches
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c of forest between Cavally and Sassandra Rivers. The
Colombia, Panama largest and most stable forest is contained within Tai

The species has been collected relatively rarely from National Park. Lx)gging and the influx of people have
localities of lowland non-flooded rainforest in caused the rapid decline and degradation of forests
Cundinamarca and Tolima in Colombia and parts of elsewhere.
neighbouring Panama in Dari6n Province. Assessor: Assi, A.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Refs: 2773, 12822
Refs: 1503, 3791, 7980, 19069
Gynoxys azuayensis
Cyminda orbicularis Compositae VUBl+2c
Celastraceae VUBl+2c Ecuador
Cuba A tree species endemic to montane forest of the
A shrub which sometimes attains the size of a small tree Ecuadorean High Andes.
up to 5m tall. It is very restricted in the dry shrubwoods Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and shrublands on limestone terraces near the coast Refs: 19119, 19120
between Cajobabo and Jauco in Guantinamo Province.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Gynoxys chimborazensis
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Compositae VUBl+2c
Gymnacranthera canarica A species which is endemic to the High Andes of
Myristicaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 Ecuador.
India (Kamataka, Kerala) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A large tree found in the lowland moist dense forests of Refs: 19119,19120
Kerala, just extending into South Kanara in Kamataka.
Collected from widely scattered locations in the 19th Gynoxys colanensis
century, the species had not been collected for almost a Compositae VU D2
century and was suspected of being extinct until Peru
recently. Remaining populations appear to be extremely Known only from the type collection, the species is
rare and restricted. Further detailed information may found in *lerra firme forest above 2000m in the
indicate a more serious threat category is
that department of Amazonas.
appropriate.The seeds have been mistaken for nutmeg. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1984
«e/i;8295, 12114, 19144
Gynoxys cuicochensis
Gymnacranthera maliliensis Compositae VUBI+2c
Myristicaceae LR/nt Ecuador
Indonesia (Sulawesi) A tree or shrub species which is endemic to the High
This tree is restricted to primary and degraded forest on Andes of Ecuador.
ultrabasic soils in central Sulawesi, east of Malili. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sulawesi has the largest tract of forest on ultrabasic rock Refs: 191 19. 19120
in the tropics. It is, at least relatively, secure from
conversion to agriculture because of the ultramafic Gynoxys dielsiana
nature of the soil. Compositae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 4329, 8295 A tree or shrub species which is endemic to the High
Andes of Ecuador.
Gymnosporia bachmannii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Celastraceae VU A2c /?e/j. 19119, 19120

South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)

A shrub or rarely a small straggling tree, endemic to Gynoxys laurifolia
Pondoland in southern KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern Compositae VUBl+2c
Transkei area of the Cape. It occurs on
Eastern Ecuador
sandstone outcrops on the rocky banks and beds of A tree species which is endemic to the High Andes of
rivers and streams. It is present in most of the protected Ecuador.
areas in the region and also many of the demarcated Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest areas in the Transkei, which are ineffectively Refs: 19119,19120
protected and under threat of losing their habitat through
cutting for firewood and timber and increasing

The World List of Threatened Trees

Gynoxys rimbachu Hallea ledermannii

Compositae VUBl+2c Rubiaceae VUAlc
Ecuador Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire.
A tree or shrub species restricted to the montane or Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,
upper montane forest zones of the Ecuadorean High Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria
Andes. A gregarious forest species restricted to swampy areas,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre rivers and also coastal regions. Regeneration is good in
Refs: 19119, 19120 wet areas. It is able to reproduce vegetatively.
Overexploitation of the general-purpose timber and
habitat degradation in large parts of its range are causing
Gyranthera darienensis
population declines.
Bombacaceae EN C2a Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Refs: 2036, 6127, 7791, 8369, 12061, 15251, 17408
Originally known only from Kunayala Indigenous
Reserve and Darifin near the border with Colombia, the
Hallea stipulosa
species has now been collected from Veraguas, in
central Panama. Future collecting may reveal the species
Rubiaceae VUAlcd
Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo,
in between these areas. Populations are few and small
Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone,
and the habitat is frequently cleared for settlements,
Sudan, Uganda, Zambia
agriculture and ranching. There is a protected population
within the Dari^n National Park. Only two species exist
A widespread and important source of timber which
occurs most commonly in swampy areas. In many places
in the genus.
it suffers from overexploitation.
Assessor: Mitre, M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3156, 7272, 7980, 16772
Refs: 2773, 6127, 8369, 12061, 15251, 16021, 17408

Gyrotaenia microcarpa Halocarpus kirkii

Urticaceae LR/nt Podocarpaceae VUAla-i-2b
Jamaica New Zealand (North Is.)
An occasional species of the eastern parishes, where it Only a few populations are known, occurring in areas of
occurs in moist woodlands on limestone. forest up to 700m between the North Cape and the
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Coromandel Peninsula. Few seedlings and juvenile
Refs: 6057, 7980 plants are apparent and the species appears to be
dependent on disturbance (e.g. volcanic disturbance) for
regeneration. Most populations are within protected
Gyrotaenia spicata areas.
Urticaceae LR/nt Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Jamaica ^e/i.- 374, 8032, 13041,19126
Abundant where it occurs, the species is distributed in
central and western parishes in areas of woodlands on Hamelia papillosa
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6057, 7980
A Cockpit Country endemic occurring in the west-
central parishes on exposed craggy limestone cliffs and

Halesia macgregorii woodland margins.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Styracaceae VUAlcd
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Refs: 5653, 7980

A tree with a scattered occurrence in south-east China. It
Hampea breedlovei
is found in remaining areas of mid-elevation
Malvaceae VUBl+2c
broadleaved forest on slopes and valleys. Throughout its Mexico
range the species has been exposed to severe rates of Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
habitat clearance and logging. Re/i; 4105, 6308
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847 Hampea dukei
Malvaceae DD
Halfordia papuana Known only from Kunayala Indigenous Reserve, the
Rutaceae CR C2a species has not been collected since the type collection
Papua New Guinea was made in 1966. However, H. punctulata. a very
This tree is submontane and montane
scattered in similar species, has been collected in the surrounding
rainforest between 1200 and 2700m, mostly confined to area and other parts of Panama.
the BuloloAVau region in Morobe Province. The region Assessor: Mitr6, M.
has been heavily exploited, logged and converted into Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
Araucaria plantations. It is not certain how many mature
specimens remain but it is certainly less than 250. Hampea micrantha
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Malvaceae VUBl+2d
Refs: 19114 Panama
Recorded from the provinces of Col6n and Panama, the
species occurs in rainforest to 1000m, mainly in the


Species Summaries

central region of Panama and slightly to the east. The Haplocoelum trigonocarpum
major part of the range is contained within protected Sapindaceae LR/nt
areas, outside which the species occurs very rarely and is Kenya, Mozambique, Somalia, Tanzania
under severe threat from habitat clearance. A rare species with disparate populations confined to
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. pockets of forest, especially coastal forest. In Kenya it is
Refs: 7980, 13315, 16772 confmed to the Taita Hills. In neighbouring Tanzania the
species is thought to be less rare than originally
Hampea montebellensis suspected. The population in Mozambique is very poorly
Malvaceae EN B 1 +2c known.
Mexico Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzaez-Espinosa Refs: 3356, 6396, 12067, 18665
/fe/j; 6308, 12985
Haplolobus beccarii
Hampea reynae Burseraceae VU D2
Malvaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Sarawak)
El Salvador Endemic to Sarawak, this tree is known only from the
A rarely collected species, endemic to El Salvador
and type specimen collected in lowland forest on Mount
confinoJ to cloud forest in Monte Cristo, Metap^, Santa Matang.
Ana. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 18327
*e/t; 4105, 6150, 19030
Haplolobus bintuluensis
Hampea sphaerocarpa Burseraceae VU D2
Malvaceae EN C2a Malaysia (Sarawak)
Guatemala, Honduras Endemic to Sarawak, this small tree has only been
A tree confmed wet Atlantic lowlands, where it
to the collected once in a site of mixed dipterocarp forest in the
has experienced gradual habitat loss to encroaching Nyabau catchment area, Bintulu.
agriculture. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 19017
Refs: 13995
Haplolobus inaequifolius
Hampea thespesioides Burseraceae VU D2
Malvaceae CRBl+2c Malaysia (Sarawak)
Colombia Known only from the type collection, this tree was
Possibly now extinct, the species was known from a found in Sabal Forest Reserve in hill forest at an altitude
locality in Tolima. of 360m.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19069 Refs: 19017

Hannoa ferruginea Haplolobus kapitensis

Simaroubaceae VU Ale Burseraceae VU D2
Cameroon, Nigeria Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
A poorly known species, occurring only on Mount A rare emergent tree of lowland hill forest, so far known
Koloishe,Cross River State, in Nigeria and in from only four collections, two from Kapit in Sarawak
Cameroon. Updates on the taxonomy and species and two from Ranau in Sabah.
distribution will help to consolidate its status. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19017
Refs: 11504
Haplolobus leenhoutsii
Hannoa kitombetombe Burseraceae VU D2
Simaroubaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Sarawak)
Democratic Republic of Congo Known only by the type specimen, the species occurs in
A tree from upland gallery forest at the source of the mixed dipterocarp forest at 500m in Ulu Balleh, Kapit.
Muye River. It is known only from a single locality. The Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
area is vulnerable to overcutting, fire and agricultural Refs: 19017
Assessor: Ndjele, M.S. Haplolobus sarawakanus
Refs: 17185, 17951 Burseraceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Haplocoelopsis africana A small tree of mixed dipterocarp forest, known only
Sapindaceae DD from the type collected from Ulu Balleh of Kapit.
Angola? (Angola?), Kenya, Tanzania Another collection from Sabah might also be identified
In Kenya the species is rare and confined to groundwater as this species.
forest in Witu, Mangea, Shimba Hills and Marenji. It has Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
been suggested that the range of the species is more Refs: 19017
widespread, extending to Angola.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 5654, 6396, 12067

The World List of Threatened Trees

Haplorhus peruviana Hedyosmum burgerianum

Anacardiaceae DD Chloranthaceae ENBI-*-2cd
Chile (TarapacS), Peru Panama
Occurring as isolated individuals or in small groups, the Current information suggests the species is confined to
species is found in dry hot ravines in lowland areas, Cerro Colorado and Cerro Horqueta in the province of
ranging from south-east Peru to the Ariza Province of Chiriqui. The populations are large in places but
Chile. confined to a narrow altitudinal range, between 1500
Assessor: Gonz^ez, M. and 1900m. The area is unprotected and parts of Cerro
Refs: 4893, 7980, 12268, 16328 Colorado, in particular, are affected by mining for
copper and gold, and the impact of an expanding human
Haplormosia monophylla population.
Leguminosae VU Ald+2d Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone Refs: 6724, 7980, 8999, 16772
A lowland swamp forest species exploited for its timber.
There is little information on the status of populations or Hedyosmum correanum
their regeneration but expected that overexploitation
it is Chloranthaceae EN B I +2bcd
and habitat degradation are resulting in population Panama
declines. A shrubby species which occurs in small populations up
Assessor: African Regional Workshop to 3000m in cloud forest only in the mountains in the
^e/i; 2773,6128, 12590 west. Each collecting trip appears to uncover a new
population in a more remote area. There is also a report
Harpalyce mamana of a population in La Amistad National Parle on the
Leguminosae VU D2 border with Costa Rica. The habitat is generally
Cuba declining in extent, over much of the range, mainly
A small tree reaching Sm in height, confined to a small because of logging and mining for copper and gold.
area of arid evergreen shrubwoods and scrub on the Assessor: MitrS, M.
Maisf coastal plain, at the easternmost end of Cuba. Refs: 6724, 7980, 8999, 16772
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Hedyosmum mexicanum
Chloranthaceae VU Ale
Hebe barkeri Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas)
Scrophulariaceae VU D2 A scarce species of cloud forest or mesophyllous
New Zealand (Chatham Is.) montane forest.

Once a significant component of forests in the Chatham Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Islands, this small tree is now reduced to four Refs: I916I
populations and scattered isolated individuals. The
species is severely browsed by livestock and more Hedyosmum purpurascens
recently by possums. Chloranthaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Ecuador
Refs: 902, 5563, 17637, 19133, 19134 An Ecuadorean endemic, currently known only from the
High Andes in Loja Province. The altitudinal range of
Heberdenia excelsa the species extends between 2300 and 2900m.
Myrsinaceae VU CI Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.) Refs: 6724, 7980, 8999, 19119
An uncommon species of *laurisilva and, at higher
altitudes, cloud forest. Past exploitation of its habitat has Hedyscepe canterburyana
resulted in the reduction and fragmentation of Palmae VU D2
populations. *Laurisilva in Madeira is now said to be Australia (New South Wales - Lord Howe Is.)
increasing in extent, although areas close to habitations Endemic to Lord Howe Island, this palm tree dominates
are still under the threat of fire. The species occurs in palm forest on the slopes of Mount Glower and Mount
protected areas and regional legislation. Lidgbird. Lord Howe Island is a Worid Heritage Site,
Assessor: Baiiares, A. el al. most of which is a permanent park reserve.
Refs: 19022, 19131 Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 19118
Hederopsis maingayi
Araliaceae VUBl+2a Heinsenia dierviUeiodes ssp. mufindiensis
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
A tree of lowland and hills up to 6I0m in the states of Tanzania
Pahang, Kelantan, Kedah, Perak and Selangor. A moist montane forest tree, occurring at elevations
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. exceeding 1500m in three localities: Nyumbanitu,
Refs: 8464, 19073 Lulanda and west Mufmdi.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Hederopsis major /f«A 3356,8814
Araliaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This rare species, known only from a single collection,
is confmed to rainforest in Kelantan.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073

Species Summaries

HeUcia acutifolia HeUcia latifoUa

Proteaceae VU D2 Proteaceae LR/nt
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New
A small tree of secondary forest at 2040m, confined to Guinea)
Mount Victoria in the central district. A tree scattered on slopes and ridges in primary and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre secondary rainforest up to 800m in the Gulf, Central,
/fe/r; 7673, 19031 Milne Bay and Northern Provinces of Papua New
Guinea and New Britain of the Bismarck Archipelago.
Helicia albiflora This species has attractive wood.
Proteaceae LR/nt Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Papua New Guinea Refs: 19031,19114
A tree often found in Caslanopsis-Nothofagus rainforest
from 900 2000m. Known from the East and Western
to Helicia neglecta
Highlands, Morobe, Northern and Central Provinces of Proteaceae VU A 1 cd, C2a
Papua New Guinea. Its conservation is dependent upon Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago)
the conservation of its montane habitat. The attractive A tree of primary and secondary forest up to 400m,
wood has a decorative grain. which occurs only on New Britain and New Ireland in
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. the Bismarck Archipelago. It is potentially threatened by
/?e/j; 7673, 19031,19114 ongoing and future logging activities and encroaching
HeUcia ampUfoUa Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Proteaceae LR/nt Refs: 19031, 19114
Papua New Guinea
A primary or secondary rainforest or
tree occurring in Helicia peekelii
submontane from 600 to 1300m. It is known from
forest Proteaceae VU D2
the Eastern, Western and Southern Highlands, Madang Papua New
Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago)
and Morobe Provinces. The wood is very attractive. This lowland tree is known only from Namatanai, New
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Ireland, where it is thought to occur in coastal forest.
Refs:16n, 19031,19114 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19031
HeUcia australasica
Proteaceae VU C2b Helicia peltata
Australia (Northern Territory), Papua New Guinea Proteaceae CRBl+2abcde
A tree usuallyfound in patches of rainforest along rivers Papua New Guinea
and streams. In Papua New Guinea, it is known only Known only from a single location, Bisiatabu in the
from the Western Province. Its restricted occurrence Central Province, this tree occurs in forest at 450m. The

renders it vulnerable. The status of this species in habitat is threatened by logging and the increasing
Northern Australia has not been considered in this threat settlement.
category. Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.

Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. /?e/i: 7673, 19031,19114

Refs: 19031,19114
Helicia polyosmoides
HeUcia calocoma Proteaceae CRBl+2abcde
Proteaceae VUBI+2c Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago)
Papua New Guinea This small tree, restricted to Manus Island in the
Confined to the Morobe District, this tree is restricted to Bismarck Archipelago, occurs in ridge forest between
a small area of Noihofagus- dominated forest on ridges the elevations of 100 and 550m. This species may face
up to 1800m. The wood is considered attractive and has extinction through the commercial logging of its habitat.
a decorative grain. Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Refs: 19031,19114
Refs: 19031,19114
Helicia retusa
Helicia grandifoUa Proteaceae VU D2
Proteaceae VU D2 Papua New Guinea
Viet Nam Occurring in ridge forest between 1600 and 1900m, this

Apparently endemic to Viet Nam, this small tomedium- small tree found is known only from Milne Bay District.

sized tree is known only from Ba Vi, a number of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
localities in Hoa Binh and Cue Phuong in Ninh Binh. Refs: 19031
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 848, 15357 Helicia rostrata
Proteaceae VU D2
HeUcia insularis Papua New Guinea
Proteaceae ENBI+2abcde A known only from lower montane
small tree, so far
Papua New Guinea foreston Mount Dayman, occurring between 20(X) and
A small tree found in mossy forest on ridge crests at 800 2200m.
to 950m on Normanby and Fergusson Islands of the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
D'Entrecasteaux Group. Refs: 19031
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Refs: 19031,19114

The World List of Threatened Trees

Helicia shweliensis Helicoslylis heterotricha

Proteaceae ENBl+2c Moraceae EN B 1 +2bc
China (Yunnan) Brazil (Amazonas)
Confined to south-west and west Yunnan, the species A tree of non-flooded forest in the upper Amazon.
occurs in areas of monsoon forest between 1800 and Assessor: Pereira, J.P. et at.

2150m. The extensive loss of habitat caused by logging Refs: 7980, 15717
and conversion to agriculture has incurred losses in
population numbers and brought the species into serious Helietta glaucescens
risk of extinction. Rutaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Sun, W. Cuba
/fc/i; 1818,11847 A small tree restricted to the karstic block mountains
and limestone cliffs in the northern Sierra Maestra
Helicia subcordata mountain range, province of Santiago de Cuba.
Proteaceae CRBl+2abcde Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Papua New Guinea Refs: 11403,18485,19149
A tall tree found only once in mid-montane open forest
at 1350m near Wagau in the Morobe Province. Hemandradenia chevalieri
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Connaraceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 19031,19114 Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Occurring in wet evergreen forest, this species is known
Heliciopsis cockbumii from few localities in coastal Cote d'lvoire and Ghana.
Proteaceae VU B 1 +2c In these areas, the forest has severely declined in extent
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) through logging, commercial forestry and mining
A rare tree scattered in lowland and hill forest. So far it activities.
is known only from Keledang Saiong Forest Reserve in Assessor: Assi, A.
Perak, and Gunung Tapis in Pahang. Refs: 2773, 12061, 12822, 14719
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 19073 Hemandradenia mannii
Connaraceae LR/nt
Heliciopsis lanceolata Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Cote
Proteaceae ENBl+2c d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria
A species distributed in remnant hill forests in the A small tree which is very rare in places but ranges
vicinity of Bogor. It is unknown how much of the widely from Cote d'lvoire to DR Congo in moist
original population remains but the extent of habitat evergreen or semi-deciduous forest.
clearance and cutting has been extremely high. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8369, 12822, 14719
Refs: 1766, 15417
Henriettea granularis
Heliciopsis montana Melastomataceae CRBl+2c
Proteaceae LR/cd Cuba
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) An imperfectly known species found in semi-deciduous
A montane forest tree confined to Gunung Korbu, the forests on acid mainly along rivers and creeks.
Cameron Highlands and Fraser's Hill. This region is Degradation of the habitat has resulted in soil erosion
threatened by the expansion of human habitation and and the invasion of exotic species.
tourism. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. Re/i;9522, 11403, 19149
Refs: 19073
Henriettea membranifolia
Heliciopsis rufidula Melastomataceae CR A2c, DI
Proteaceae VU Bl+2c Puerto Rico
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak) A small tree of wet montane forest, with questionable
A species of seasonal lowland and montane forest records dating back to the 1960s from two sites in the
known only from Perak, Selangor, Trennganu and Cordillera Central. The populations have not been
Pahang in Peninsular Malaysia. A single collection has recently located.
been made from mixed dipterocarp forest near Belaga, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sarawak. /fe/i.- 3786, 7980, 17124
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 19073 Henriettea punctata
Melastomataceae VU D2
Heliciopsis whitmorei Cuba
Proteaceae LR/cd A shrub, less often a small tree, locally confined to the
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) karstic limestone range of Monteverde in the Nipe-
Rarely found, this forest species is known only from Yateras area of eastern Cuba.
Gunung Mandi Angin, Ulu Sungai Terengganu and Ulu Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Bendong Kemaman in Terengganu. Refs: 11403,18485, 19149
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 19073

Species Summaries

Henriettea squamata the rales of decline of the habitat have been considerable
Melastomataceae VU D2 and the species has disappeared from parts of its range.
Cuba Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An uncommon tree, up to 10m tall, restricted to the Moa Refs: 1818,11847
mountain group in eastern Cuba where it grows in
montane rainforest on serpentine-derived soils between Heritiera percoriacea
400 and 900m. Sterculiaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Indonesia (Java)
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149 This species is known only from Ujung Kulon and
Sukawayana, a remnant of forest near Pelabuhan Ratu.
Henriettella goudotiana The former population occurs in a national park but
Melastomataceae ENBI+2c continues to be threatened by illegal logging, ftielwood
Colombia collection and agricultural encroachment. The latter is

Endemic to Colombia, the species is recorded from unprotected and under intense pressure.
Cundinamarca, Huila, Meta and Tolima. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Calderon, E. Refs: 9078
Refs: 19069
Heritiera utilis

Henriettella ininensis Sterculiaceae VU Alcd

Melastomataceae VU D2 Cote Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone

French Guiana A timber species which occurs commonly, especially in

Described in 1988, this small tree is known only from evergreen forests. Exploitation rates are high and likely
the type specimen collected in Montagne Bellevue de to be unsustainable.
I'lnini. Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre V?e/i. 2773,6127, 12061
Refs: 9867
Hemandia beninensis
Heptacodium miconioides Hemandiaceae LR/nt
Caprifoliaceae VUAlcd Sao Tom6 & Principe
China (Anhui, Hubei, Zhejiang) Relatively well collected, most recently in Diogo Vaz in

A prized ornamental occurring in two main areas. It has 1972, the species occurs on cultivated or abandoned
not been found recently in the westernmost site in plantations. The original forest habitat was extensively
Xingshan, Hubei. In the east it is found in small numbers felled and cleared for agriculture in the first half of the
in woodlands or on the edge of evergreen broadleaved century.
forest. Population declines through indiscriminate Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
cutting have been recorded. It is the only member of the Refs: 2724, 10080
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Hemandia catalpifolia
Refs: 1818, 11847 Hemandiaceae VUBI+2c
Heritiera longipetiolata A tree which is locally common in the parishes of
Sterculiaceae VU D2 Portland and St Thomas by streams and in damp ravines
Federated States of Micronesia?, Guam, Northern in submontane woodland. Deforestation has almost
Marianas completely removed the habitat in the latter parish, areas
A medium-sized tree of moist forest on limestone cliffs in ravines probably representing the only lemaining
and coastal windblown sites. The species is known from fragments.
occurrences on Guam, Tinian, Saipan and Rota in the Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mariana Islands, and also possibly on Pohnpei in the Refs: 6057, 7980
Caroline Islands. There are about 1000 trees on Guam,
several hundred on Tinian and fewer than 100 on Hemandia cubensis
Saipan. The Rota population has not been found Hemandiaceae CR Bl+2c
recently. There is strong evidence to suggest that the Cuba
species is not regenerating. Seedlings and seeds are Known only from forests near the conical karst complex
predated by ungulates and crabs. The species is listed as of Monteverde in Guant^amo Province, this rare tree
endangered by the Guam government and two has not been collected recently. Disturbance has been
populations are effectively protected within military heavy where logging and agricultural encroachment
bases. have occurred.
Assessor: Wiles, G. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 2474,2627, 15533, 16676, 19175 Refs: 11403,18485,19149

Heritiera parvifolia Hemandia didymantha

Sterculiaceae VUBI+2c Hemandiaceae LR/nt
China (Guangdong - Hainan) Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
A species restricted to small areas of remaining forest This species occurs in lowland evergreen rainforest in
below 500m in the south of Hainan Island. It is a Punta Mona, La Selva, Golfo Duce in Costa Rica, near
common component of this habitat type and sometimes Almirante, Bocas del Toro in Panama and in an
occurs in pure stands. Regeneration is good. However, increasing number of of other countries.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 730, 1881, 3156, 3977, 7272, 14487


The World List of Threatened Trees

Hemandia drakeana Hemandia tahitensis

Hemandiaceae EX Hemandiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Society Is.) French Polynesia (Society Is., Tubuai Is.)
An exinct species, originally known from Moorea. Little is known about the populations of this species,
Assessor: Rorence, J. which are recorded from the island of Tubuai in the
Refs: 14513 Tubuai Group and from Raiatea and Tahiti in the
Society Islands.
Hemandia hammelU Assessor: Florence, J.

Hemandiaceae DD Refs: 14513

Known only from the type locality, the species is found Hemandia temarii
in an area of Cocl6 which is not well explored Hemandiaceae CRBl-i-2c
botanically but is being colonised by an
rapidly French Polynesia (Society Is.)

increasing number of settlers. It has been suggested that An endemic to Tahiti.

the species is actually a variety of H. didymantha, which Assessor: Florence, J.

is more widespread in Central and South America. Refs: 14513

Assessor: Mitre, M.
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 Herrania laciniifolia
Sterculiaceae CR B I +2c
Hemandia jamaicensis Colombia
Hemandiaceae LR/nt Endemic to Colombia, the species is restricted to
Jamaica localities in the departments of Cimdinamarca and
Known from western and north-westem parishes, the Tolima.
confined to areas of woodland on limestone.
tree is Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19069
Refs: 6057, 7980
Herrania umbratica
Hemandia mascarenensis Sterculiaceae EN B +20
Hemandiaceae EN Ale Colombia
Mauritius, Reunion Endemic to Colombia, the species is restricted to
The population on Mauritius is extinct and remaining localities in the departments of Norte de Santander and
populations on R6union have experienced severe Santander.
declines. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: Strahm, W. Refs: 19069
Refs: 9120, 12470, 16426, 19208
Hesperomannia arhorescens
Hemandia moerenhoutiana ssp. eUiptica Compositae CR C2a
Hemandiaceae ENBl+2c USA (Hawaii)
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) A small shmbby tree, occurring in scattered tiny
Endemic to the Tubuai Group, the subspecies is populations on forested slopes and ridges in the Koolau
recorded only from the islands of Raivave and Tubuai. Mountains, on Oahu, in Olokui Reserve on Molokai and
The latter population is poorly known. in West Maui Reserve on Maui. In total fewer than 100
Assessor: Florence, J. individuals exist in 14 populations. Goats threaten the
Refs: 14513 Molokai population and in other areas feral pigs and
invasive plants pose immediate problems. The species is
Hemandia stenura protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Hemandiaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama Refs: 19041, 19168
Closely related to H. didymantha, the species occurs in
lowland wet evergreen forest from Guatemala to CocM Hesperomannia arbuscula
in Panama. Compositae CR C2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre USA (Hawaii)
^e/i: 730, 3156, 7272, 14487 A small shmbby tree or shmb, known from scattered
populations in lowland rainforest in the central and
Hemandia stokesii southem Waianae Mountains in Oahu and from a single
Hemandiaceae VU D2 individual on West Maui. There are four populations on
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.), Pitcaim Islands Oahu, containing about 90 individuals. Feral pigs and
In the Pitcaim Group the species occurs only on introduced plants pose the most serious threats. The
Henderson Island. It is commonly found rooted in deep species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
crevices within a restricted range in the north-west of the Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
island. There are estimated to be 500 individuals here. It Refs: 3372, 19168
has been postulated that the Polynesian pigeon, now
extinct on the alone was responsible for
island, Hesperomannia lydgatei
The population on Rapa hi is poorly
dispersing the seed. Compositae CR B 1 +2c, C2b
known. Henderson Island is a World Heritage Site. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: Waldren, S. A small tree of dense wet forest known only from a site
Refs: 2818, 8306, 13604, I45I3, 17122 along Wahiawa Stream on Kauai Island. It is protected

Species Summaries

by the US Endangered Species Act. Hibiscadelphus giffardianus

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malvaceae CR Dl
Refs: 3372 USA (Hawaii)
The last of the original wild specimens on Mauna Loa,
Hexalobus mossambicensis Hawaii, died in 1930. Since then cuttings from the
Annonaceae DD species in cultivation have been reintroduced into a
Mozambique fenced area at Kipuka Puaulu, in Volcanoes National
A species of northern Mozambique. Information on the Park. Nine individuals remain here. They show some
species' range and habitat are inadequate. signs of damage by rats and pests. The establishment of
Assessor: Bandeira, S. a viable population in the wild may be hampered by the
/Je/i:5117, 18965 decline of the plants' likely pollinator, the Haiwaiian
honey-creeper species. The species is protected by the
Hexalobus salicifoUus US Endangered Species Act.. The genus is endemic to
Annonaceae EN B 1 +2c the Hawaiian Islands and is known from species which
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire are extinct or critically endangered.
Two isolated populations are known. In Cote d'lvoire, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the species is confined to swampy areas within Refs: 3372, 19037
remaining forest patches between the rivers Cavally and
Sassandra. The largest patch is contained within Tai Hibiscadelphus hualaUuensis
National Park. Logging and the influx of people have Malvaceae CR Dl
caused a rapid decline and degradation of the habitat. USA (Hawaii)
More information is needed on the other population in Originally known from three populations in Puuwaawaa
Cameroon. on Hawaii, the last known wild tree died in 1992. A
Assessor: Assi, A. small number of cultivated trees have been reintroduced
Refs: 12590, 12822 into two fenced sanctuaries. The species' natural habitat
is dry to moist forest on lava fields between 915 and

Hexapora curtisii 1020m. The only remaining patches are heavily

Lauraceae CRBl+2c threatened by fire, grazers, invasive plants and ranching
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) activities. The species is protected by the US
Known only from Penang Hill, this rare lowland forest Endangered Species Act. The genus is endemic to the
species may be extinct as most of Penang has been Hawaiian Islands and is known from species which are
developed. extinct or critically endangered.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 3372, 19037

Hibiscadelphus bombycinus Hibiscadelphus wHderianus

Malvaceae EX Malvaceae EX
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
Collected just once before 1868, the species is now A single tree was found in 1910 on the dry forest lava
presumed extinct. It was thought to occur in rainforest at fields of Auwahi on Maui. It has since died and the
Kawaihae on Hawaii. The genus is endemic to the species is presumed extinct. The genus is endemic to the
Hawaiian Islands and is known from species which are Hawaiian Islands and is known only from either extinct
either extinct or critically endangered. or critically endangered species.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring (Hentre
Refs: 3372 Refs: 3372

Hibiscadelphus crucibracteatus Hibiscadelphus woodU

Malvaceae EX Malvaceae CR Dl
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
A single tree was discovered on a dry slope of Puhielelu A small tree found in 1991. It is known only from the

Ridge in 1981. It has since died. Seeds were collected site of discovery in Kalalau Valley in Napali Coast State
but none have germinated. The genus is endemic to the Park on Kauai. Only four trees have been found growing
Hawaiian Islands and is known from either extinct or on cliff walls in montane rainforest. The main threats to
critically endangered species. the population come from feral goats and pigs and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre invasive plants. The species is protected by the US
Refs: 3372 Endangered Species Act. The genus is endemic to the
Hawaiian Islands and is only known from species which
Hibiscadelphus distans are extinct oi critically endangered.
Malvaceae CR Dl Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
USA (Hawaii) Refs: 19036, 19086
Occurring as a shrub or small tree, the species is known
from a single population of fewer than 20 individuals in Hibiscus amottianus ssp. immaculatus
a dry forest patch on the bluff above Koaie Stream in Malvaceae ENBl+2c,C2a,DI
Waimea Canyon on Kauai. It is protected by the US USA (Hawaii)
Endangered Species Act. The genus is endemic to the Formerly ranging from Waihanau Valley to Papalaua
Hawaiian Islands and is known from species which are Valley on East Molokai, the taxon is now reduced to an
either extinct or critically endangered. area stretching for 5km on the northern coast, where
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre three populations occur along the steep cliffs. There are
Refs: 3372 no more than 100 individuals in the area. Feral goats are


The World List of Threatened Trees

a major cause of damage to the habitat. The taxon is population consists of between SO and 100 plants. The
protected by the US Endangered Species Act. lowland rainforest habitat is frequently damaged by feral
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre pigs and invaded by introduced plants. The species is
Refs: 3372, 19040 protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hibiscus brackenridgei ssp. brackenridgei Refs: 3372, 19036, 19086
Malvaceae EN C2a
USA (Hawaii) Hibiscus waimeae ssp. waimeae
A sprawling to erect shrub or tree known from small Malvaceae LR/nt
populations restricted to dry forest and shrubland up to USA (Hawaii)
350m on Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii. This subspecies is distributed from Waimea Canyon to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the ocean-facing valleys in the west and south-west on
Refs: 3372 Kauai.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hibiscus brackenridgei ssp. mokuleianus Refs: 3372
Malvaceae ENBl+2c, C2a
USA (Hawaii) Hieronima crassistipula
A tree of dry forest and shrubland known from three Euphorbiaceae CR Bl-t-2c
localised two on Kauai at Lihue and
populations, Cuba
Olokele Canyon, and in the Waianae Mountains between A very rare tree of natural pine forest along ravines and
Kawaihapai and Puupane on Oahu. creeks in Pinar del Rio Province and on Isla de Pinos.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Population numbers are probably too low to ensure the
Refs: 3312 species' survival without intervention.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Hibiscus clayi Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Malvaceae CR Dl
USA (Hawaii)
Occurring as a shrub or tree, the species is endemic to Hieronima macrocarpa
Kauai where it has been recorded from a number of Euphorbiaceae VU B I +2c
locations in dry forest up to 350m. A group of four trees
Colombia, Ecuador
Assessor: Calderon, E.
in the Nounou Mountains appears to be the only
Refs: 4211. 19069
remaining population. The damage caused by cattle was
realised in 1928 when the species was first brought into
cultivation.That threat has been removed but the habitat Hildegardia cubensis
continues to be steadily degraded by the spread of
Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c
invasive plants, by feral pigs and potentially recreational
activities. A small number of individuals have been A found in lowland semi-deciduous forest on rocky
planted to augment the population in the wild. The limestone soils in eastern Cuba. Populations have
species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act. declined substantially in the past decades through habitat
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
clearance and burning for logging, grazing and
Refs: 3372, 19038 agricultural encroachment.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Hibiscus kokio ssp. kokio Refs: 19149
Malvaceae VUAlce
USA (Hawaii)
A variable subspecies known from scattered populations Hildegardia giUettii
in dry to moist forest up to 800m on Kauai, Oahu, Sterculiaceae EN C2b, Dl
Molokai and Maui. It is also presumed to be present on Somalia
Hawaii. fewer than 10 individuals have been
In the last 10 years
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre found, most of them in the vicinity of El Elian. Although
Refs: 3372 the true population size is likely to be greater, the tree
and its habitat are direatened with overcutting and
Hibiscus kokio ssp. sdntjohnianus grazing. The population is unprotected but local
Malvaceae EN C2a inhabitants are aware of its uniqueness.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: Thulin, M.
This subspecies is confined to forest in north-west Kaui, Refs: 18665
occurring up to 1 100m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hildegardia popuUfoUa
Refs: 3372
Sterculiaceae CR Dl
India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu)
Hibiscus waimeae ssp. hannerae
Endemic to the Eastern Ghats in Andra Pradesh and
Malvaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2a, D Tamil Nadu, the species is believed to have disappeared
USA (Hawaii) from all its recorded localities except for one on the
A rainforest tree confined to Kauai, where two
forested eastern slopes of the Kalrayans Hills, where
remaining populations occur in adjacent valleys,
about 20 trees survive.
Limahuli and Hanakapiai, on the north coast. An
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
additional population in Kalihiwai appears to be extinct
Refs: 4799
and after Hurricane Iniki the population in Hanakapiai
Valley was halved to about 25 plants. The second


Species Summaries

Himatanthus sUnophyllus Homalium dalzielii

Apocynaceae DD Flacourtiaceae VU D2
Suriname Benin, Nigeria
No locality is recorded for the species. A small tree recorded in Lagos in Nigeria and from Dja
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Kpoguidi in Benin.
Refs: 19196 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/s; 2773,7111, 11504

Hirtella enneandra
Chrysobalanaceae ENBl+2c Homalium gracilipes
Colombia Flacouniaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
An endemic to Valle. Tanzania
Assessor: Calderon, E. Known only from the type collection in Liwiri-Kiteza
/Jc/j; 5970, 7980, 19069 forest at Songea, southern Tanzania, the species occurs
in moist semi-deciduous montane forest.

Hirtella megacarpa Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke

Chrysobalanaceae VUBl+2b Refs: 3356, 5020, 5204
Rarely occurring in moist evergreen montane forest in Homalium henriquesii
two mountain ranges, this species is thought to be Flacourtiaceae LR/nt
sufficiently ecologically and geographically distinct Sao Tom^ & Principe (Principe, Sao Tom6)
from the related H. zanzibaricc to keep it taxonomically This species is present in all high altitude sites.

separate, although morphological differences are not Regeneration is reported to be good. The wood is used
substantial. In the West Usambaras a population is as a construction timber.
known in Shagai and in the Udzungwas there are Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
occurrences in Mwanihana and Nyumbanitu. Refs: 2724, 10080, 19042, 19111
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308,3356,11631 Homalium jainii
Racourtiaceae ENBl+2c
Holarrhena pubescens India (Tamil Nadu)
Apocynaceae EX Known only from the type collection, this canopy tree
Pakistan occurs in a restricted area of submontane forest in the
A small tree, once occurring in Nurpur, Tret, Murree Agastyamalai Large areas have been exposed to

Hills up to 1200m, now apparently extinct. fires, grazing, establishment

the of commercial
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre plantations and cutting for fiielwood, but almost
/fc/i; 4013, 5995 lOOOkm^ of forest are now under protection within
Holmskioldia gigas Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Verbenaceae CR B 1 +2abcde, D Refs: 19144
Kenya, Tanzania
Formerly known from a single individual in Kenya, Homalium juxtapositum
which was felled in the 1980's, the species is now known Racourtiaceae ENBl+2c
to occur in a 0. 1 ha patch of forest near Ngarama Forest New Caledonia
Reserve in Tanzania. Only a single individual exists. Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 10351

Rc/i: 5654, 6396, 16796
Homalium kunstleri
Homalanthus polyandrus Racourtiaceae VU D2
Euphotbiaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
New Zealand (Kermadec Is.) A very rare species of lowland rainforest, scattered in
A small pioneer tree found only on Raoul Island in the limestone areas in Kinta, Perak.
Kermadec Group. By the early 1970s only a few small Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
groups of trees had survived the damage caused by feral Refs: 8464, 19073
goats. A spectacular recovery in numbers has since been
made following the removal of goats. Homalium lacticum var. glabratum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Racourtiaceae VUBl+2ce
^e/i; 5563, 9800, 17637 China (Yunnan)
Remaining stands of this large tree are small and
Homalium betuUfoUum Mengla and Gengma Counties in
restricted to Jinghong,
Flacourtiaceae ENB1+2C Yunnan. The variety is a scattered component of the
New Caledonia upper canopy in monsoon or subtropical rainforest.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Large trees are increasingly scarce and continue to be
Refs: 10351 cut for the timber. Regeneration, too, is insufficient.
Protected populations exist in Xishuangbanna Nature
Homalium buxifoUum Reserve.
Flacourtiaceae EN B1+2C Assessor: Sun, W.
New Caledonia Refs: 1818, 11847,19055
Assessor: JaffrS, T. et at.

Refs: 10351


The World List of Threatened Trees

Homatium mathieiumum HomaUum spathulatum

Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c Flacourtiaceae EN Dl
New Caledonia Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. A very rare species confined to lowland rainforest on the
Refs: 10351 island of Pangkor, Perak. The habitat is threatened by
the encroaching settlements and tourism.
HomaUum ogoouense Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Flacourtiaceae VU D2 Refs: 19073
A species known from collections made around HomaUum taypau
Lastoursville in 1929-1930. A collection Wageningen
in Flacourtiaceae VU D2
comes from Echira. The area has been heavily logged Pitcaim Islands
and, although the species may be more widespread in Restricted to hillsides and valleys on Pitcaim Island, the
Gabon's relatively imexplored forests, most areas are species is still common and
dominates the
now under concession to logging companies. vegetation that remains. The population
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre consists of at least 2000 mature individuals. Loss of
/fc/i; 8415, 19043 habitat and spread of invasive plants have caused the
populations to be reduced to their present extent. In the
HomaUum patoklaense past the timber was also frequently cut for use in
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c construction work. Regeneration is strong from cut
Cote d'lvoire, Gabon stumps but rare from the seed.
Also known under the synonym, H. lastoursvillense, this Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species occurs in two disjunct populations. The Refs: 5658, 13604, 19154
threatened Cote d'lvoire population is restricted largely
to Tai National Park. Forested areas outside the park Homalium travancoricum
have been heavily logged and degraded. In Gabon the Flacourtiaceae VU Bl+2c
species has been collected only from Lastoursville, India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
where logging has been intensive. Although it may be Collections are recorded from the Travancore range
more widespread, most forest areas are now under down to the Agastyamalai Hills and field data have
concession to logging companies. identified further populations to the south of the Nilgiris.
Assessor: Assi, A. The species occurs in the lower storey of evergreen
«e/i.- 2773, 8415, 12822 forest, mainly at low altitudes.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Homalium polystachyum Refs: 19144
Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
New Caledonia HomaUum undulatum
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2a
Refs: 10351 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A small to medium-sized tree occurring mainly in
Homalium rubiginosum limestone hill forest in Kedah (Langkawi) and Perak,
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c where it is threatened by increasing settlement and
New Caledonia logging. It is unclear whether the species occurs in
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Peninsular Thailand or not.
Refs: 10351 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073
HomaUum rubrocostatum
Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c Hopea acuminata CR A I cd, B 1 4-20
New Caledonia Philippines
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. A widespread species in the greatly diminished
Refs: 10351 evergreen and semi-evergreen forests of the Philippines.
The lightweight merawan timber is used for the
HomaUum sleumerianum construction of bridges, ships and houses.
Flacourtiaceae VUBI+2c Assessor: Ashton, P.
New Caledonia «e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Refs: 10351 Hopea aequaUs

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, B 1 +2c, C
HomaUum smythei Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c An endemic tree found in mixed dipterocarp forest on
Cote d'lvoire, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone low hills, where the demand for agricultural land exerts
This species is confined to moist forest in the Upper a strong pressure on remaining forest.
Guinea region, from Guinea to Cote d'lvoire. In the Assessor: Ashton, P.
latter country the population is mainly contained within /Jc/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Tai National Park. Forested areas outside the park have
been widely logged and degraded. Hopea aUocoUina
Assessor: Assi, A. Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd, Bl+2c
Refs: 12822 Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
A large tree which is locally common on clay-rich

Species Summaries

hillsidesand spurs. An occurrence is recorded in a site Billiton and Banka.

proposed as a reserve. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. ^e/j; 7673,9169, 13857
Ue/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea brachyptera
Hopea andersonii ssp. basalticola Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc+2c, Bl+2c,Cl,DI
Dipterocaipaceae CRAlcd, Bl+2c Philippines
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) A species which occurs in lowland primary forests on
This subspecies, endemic to Borneo, occurs throughout Mindanao Island. It is seriously threatened by the loss of
mixed dipterocarp forest on rich clay soils. its habitat.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
*e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 /?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857

Hopea apiculata Hopea brevipetiolaris

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, B +2c
1 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,Bl+2c,Cl.Dl
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Thailand Sri Lanka
The species is probably a synonym of H. ohlongifolia. A species with an extremely restricted distribution,
Some populations are known within forest reserves. scattered in the remnants of lowland semi-evergreen
Assessor: Ashton, P. rainforest in the south-west comer of Sri Lanka. It was
*e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 discovered in only three forest localities within
Kurunegala District, during ihe extensive surveys
Hopea aptera conducted for the National Conservation Review. The
Dipterocarpaceae DD tree has little value as a timber because of its warped
Papua New Guinea bole.
Endemic to Papua New Guinea, this species forms pure Assessor: Ashton, P.
stands in secondary forest and is a locally important Refs: 15431,13857,19112
timber species.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Hopea cagayanensis
/fe/i; 7673, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd, Bl+2c
Hopea auricuUUa This locally abundant species is restricted to the
Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 c, B +2c
1 diminishing lowland primary forest of north-east Luzon.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Ashton, P.
This tree is restricted to hill forests in Peninsular /f?/s. 7673,9169, 13857
Malaysia. It is a small tree, that is not exploited.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Hopea canarensis
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae DD
India (Kamataka)
Hopea bancana A lowland forest species, collected only once from a site
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B +2c
1 near Kudremukh.
Indonesia (Sumatra) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Endemic to Sumatra, this species is seriously threatened «e/i. 3998, 13857, 19144
by the loss of its forest habitat.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Hopea celebica
Refs: 7673, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae ENAIcd+2cd,BI+2c
Hopea basHanica A species which is locally common in lowland semi-
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,Bl+2c,Cl,Dl evergreen forest.
Philippines Assessor: Ashton, P.
A species primary lowland
of forest, seriously fie/s; 7673, 9169, 13857
threatened by the loss of its habitat.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Hopea centipeda
Vfe/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae EN Alc-t-2c
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Hopea beccariana Occurs locally on river banks.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Thailand /?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Widespread on coastal and inland ridges, this tree is
an important source of heavy merawan timber and Hopea chinensis
dammar resin. Some populations are known to occur in Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd,Cl,Dl
forest reserves. China (Guangxi), Viet Nam
Assessor: Ashton, P. A relatively small evergreen tree restricted to monsoon
^e/i- 7673,9169, 13857 forest in the Shiwan Mountains. It provides a valuable
timber, renowned as 'ten-thousand year wood'.
Hopea biUtonensis Overcutting is a serious problem.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alc+2c, Bl+2c Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 1818, 1 1847, 13857, 15754
This species is locally common on the sandy islands of


The World List of Threatened Trees

Hopea cordata is confmed to lowland evergreen forest at the southern

Dipterocarpaceae CR AIcd+2cd, Bl+2c, CI, Dl end of the Western Ghats.
Viet Nam Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 13857, 19144
Refs: 848, 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea exalata
Hopea cordifolia Di pterocarpaceae VU A 1 d, B I +2e
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd,Bl+2c,Dl China (Guangdong - Hainan)
Sri Lanka A small tree of monsoon forest, only recently discovered
No evidence of the species was found during the in Yaxian County of Hainan Province. The degree of
extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and habitat disturbance suggests that most of the trees are
1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting secondary growth. The species has a good regenerative
that the species is either extremely rare or possibly capacity in its natural habitat. The population on Ganshi
extinct. Mountain is contained within a designated nature
Assessor: Ashton, P. reserve. The species presents several primitive features
Refs: 13857, 15431, 18796, 19112 which are of phylogenetic interest.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Hopea coriacea Refs: 1818,11847,13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c, CI, Dl
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Hopea ferrea
Found scattered on low hills and ridges, this slow- Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c
growing tree is exploited locally for house supports and Cambodia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar,
boat hulls. It is unlikely to survive logging activities Thailand, Viet Nam
because it doesn't reach reproductive age within a A commercially important timber tree, which is

logging cycle. commonly traded in isolation from other members of the

Assessor: Ashton, P. genus under the name malut.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Pefs: 7673, 9169, 10013, 13857
Hopea dasyrrhachia
Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Hopea ferruginea
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc+2c
Sarawak) Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia
The species is locally abimdant on limestone slopes. (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 11295,13857 Refs: 13857, 16104

Hopea depressinerva Hopea Jluviatis

Dipterocarpaceae CRBl+2c,C2a, Dl Dipterocarpaceae ENAlc+2c
Malaysia (Sarawak) Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
Restricted to *granodiorite hill slopes m western Sarawak)
Sarawak, this tree may already be extinct. This tree is recorded in sites proposed for reserve status.
Assessor: Ashton, P. The species is locally abundant, by streams.
y?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
«e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea discolor
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlbcd, Bl+2c,Cl,Dl Hopea foxworthyi
Sri Lanka Dipterocarpaceae VU D2
This species' distribution is extremely restricted, Philippines
occurring in pure stands on ridges in lowland wet Assessor: Ashton, P.
evergreen forests. It apparently regenerates sufficiently /?e/i; 7673,9169, 13857
This species was found in seven
in its natural habitat.
forests during the surveys conducted for the National Hopea glabra
Conservation Review. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd
Assessor: Ashton, P. India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tainil Nadu)
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 19112 Confmed to the southern end of the Western Ghats, the
species has been collected from scattered localities in
Hopea enicosanthoides low to medium altitude evergreen forest. The most
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc, Bl+2c northerly occurrence is recorded in the Nilgiri Hills, the
Malaysia (Sarawak) most southerly in the Agastyamalai range.
This small tree species is locally frequent in Sarawak. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 3998,9169, 13857, 19144
«c/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea glabrifolia
Hopea erosa Dipterocarpaceae DD
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 d+2d, B 1 +2e, C 1 D
, Papua New Guinea
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Known only from very few scattered records, the species «e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857

Species Summaries

Hopea glaucescens evergreen forest in Kodugu in the Western Ghats. It may

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc+2c, Bl+2c now be extinct.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. ;je/j; 4799, 13857, 19144
^e/j; 5550, 7673, 13857
Hopea johorensis
Hopea gregaria Dipterocarpaceae CR A I cd, B 1 +2c
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Indonesia A tree which is restricted to eastern Johore, often on hill
Assessor: Ashton, P. ridges. Some populations are found within forest
«e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Hopea griffUhii Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocaq>aceae VUAlcd+2cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak). Myanmar, Hopea jucunda ssp.jucunda
Singapore, Thailand Dipterocarpaceae CR A led
This species is locally common on leached soils, with Sri Lanka
some populations known to occur within forest reserves. Some populations are known to occur in forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 3998, 9169, 9199, 13857 Refs: 13857, 15431

Hopea hainanensis Hopea jucunda ssp. modesta

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Dipterocarpaceae CR A led
China (Guangdong - Hainan), Viet Nam Sri Lanka
A slow-growing tree, occurring in remaining areas of Some populations are known to occur in forest reserves.
lowland rainforest on Hainan Island in China and Nghia Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dan, Quy Chau, Quy Hop and Nhu Xuan and a few Refs: 13857
smaller localities in Viet Nam. The Chinese population
consists of several hundred mature trees, which are now Hopea kerangasensis
protected from cutting. The timber is highly valued in Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc, BI+2C
both China and Viet Nam. Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Assessor: Ashton, P. Sarawak)
Refs: 848, 1818, 11847, 13857, 15357, 15754 This species is locally abundant in Sarawak, with some
populations occurring in forest reserves.
Hopea helferi Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A I cd+2cd, B I +2c «e/s. 7673,9169, 13857
Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman
Is.), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Hopea latifolia
Thailand Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc,Bl+2c
A large tree found in semi-evergreen and evergreen Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
forests. The timber is valuable in the construction Sarawak), Thailand?
industry. This tree is locally common in lowland mixed
Assessor: Ashton, P. dipterocarp forest. I( is widely distributed in Peninsular
yfe/i: 2430,9169, 13857 Malaysia and is known to occur in a number of forest
Hopea hongayanensis Assessor: Ashton, P.
Di pterocarpaceae CRAlcd, Bl+2c,Cl,Dl Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Viet Nam
Endemic to Viet Nam,
slow-growing tree is valued
this Hopea longirostrata
highly for its hard, heavy timber,
which is included in Dipterocarpaceae CRAIcd,Bl+2c,Cl.Dl
Viet Nam's 'precious timber' group. Occurrences are Malaysia (Sarawak)
known from mixed forest at about 950m in Quang Ninh, This species is restricted to mixed dipterocarp forests in
Lang Son, Tuyen Quang, Ninh Binh and Nghe An Sarawak.
Provinces. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /fe/5; 7673, 9169, 13857
Refs: 9169, 13857, 15357
Hopea malibato
Hopea inexpectata Dipterocarpaceae CR A I cd, B +2cI

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, B1+2C Philippines

Papua New Guinea A widespread and locally common species.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
/fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Re/i; 7673,9169, 13857

Dipterocarpaceae CRBl+2c,Cl,Dl
India (Kamataka)
A relatively small dipterocarp found only once in


The World List of Threatened Trees

Hopea megacarpa Hopea nervosa

Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 c, B +2c I Di pterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Malaysia (Sarawak) Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
This species is locally frequent in mixed dipterocaq) Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
forest. This species is locally common on lowland clay-rich
Assessor: Ashton, P. fertile soil.
/?c/i: 7673,9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea mengerawan
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B 1 +2c Hopea nigra
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Di pterocarpaceae CRAlc,BI+2c
Sarawak), Singapore Indonesia (Sumatra)
Scattered throughout lowland mixed dipterocaip forest, A tree endemic to the lowland forests of Sumatra, where
this species is an important source of merawan timber it is severely threatened by the loss and degradation of
and also produces a good-quality dammar resin. It is the habitat.
also contained within a number of forest reserves in Assessor: Ashton, P.
Peninsular Malaysia. /fe/j. 7673,9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857 Hopea nutans
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c
Hopea mesuoides Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular
Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) A species of periodically inundated sandy soils, used for
A species of mixed dipterocarp and heath forest. The its good-quality giam timber.
habitat is threatened by clearance and degradation. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea oblongifolia
Hopea micrantha Dipterocarpaceae DD
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, B 1 +2c, C 1 , D Myanmar, Thailand
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, This species is very rare and restricted in range.
Sarawak) Assessor: Ashton, P.
A tree found in heath forest, where it is severely /fe/i; 3998, 9169, 13857,
threatened by habitat conversion and degradation. 18243
Assessor: Ashton, P.
«e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Hopea odorata
Dipterocarpaceae VU Alcd+2cd
Hopea mindanensis Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Is.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,Bl+2c,Cl,Dl - Andaman Is.?),Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Philippines Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam
This lowland primary species may already be extinct. This widespread tree usually occurs in lowland riparian
Assessor: Ashton, P. forest on deep rich soils. The Indian population,
/?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 however, occurs in moist evergreen forest at higher
altitudes, away from streams. It provides merawan
Hopea moUissima timber and the resin has economic value. In Viet Nam a
Di pterocarpaceae CRAlcd, Bl+2c, C1,D1 long period of selective logging has reduced the size of
China (Yunnan), Viet Nam stands to small groups of trees or isolated individuals.
Only recently discovered, the species occurs in Assessor: Ashton, P.
evergreen rainforest in south Yunnan and northern Viet Refs: 3619, 3998, 5550, 7673, 10013, 11727, 13857,
Nam. In China populations are disappearing because of 15357, 15754, 16925, 17140
deforestation and habitat degradation. Small stands still

exist in a number of provinces in Viet Nam. Hopea ovoidea

Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, BI+2c, CI. Dl
Refs: 9169, 11847, 13857, 15357 Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Hopea montana /fc/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CRB1+2C, Dl
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Hopea pachycarpa
Sabah) Dipterocarpaceae VU Alc+2c
This tree is found infrequently on hill slopes in Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
dipterocarp forest. Malaysia, Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A tree found in mixed dipterocarp forest. It is known to
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 occur in an area proposed as a reserve.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140

Species Summaries

Hopea parviflora most popular timbers for heavy construction work in the

Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2c Philippines.

India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Endemic to the south-west, the species is common and /fc/s; 7673, 9169, 13857
has a relatively wide distribution in evergreen, semi-
deciduous and deciduous moist forest from sea level to Hopea polyaUhioides
about 9(X)m. It appears to be regenerating well in the Dipterocarpaceae CR Alc+2c, BI+2c, CI, Dl
wild and provides a popular construction timber. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Ashton, P. Endemic to south Johore and under severe threat of
Refs: 3998, 8483, 13857, 19144 extinction, this dipterocarp species occurs on well-
drained lowland forest.
Hopea paucinervis Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae DD /fe/s: 7673, 9169, 13857

Indonesia (Sumatra)
This species is possibly extinct. Hopea ponga
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd,Bl+2c
*e/f.- 7673,9169, 13857 India (Goa, Kamataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil
Hopea pedicellata A gregarious tree, widely occurring in low to medium
Dipterocarpaceae EN A c+2c
1 altitude evergreen forest, especially along riversides.
Cambodia, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia Assessor: Ashton, P.
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Thailand Refs: 8483, 13857, 15754, 19144
A tree found in mixed dipterocarp forest. It is contained
within productive and protected forests in Peninsular Hopea pterygota
Malaysia. Dipterocarpaceae VUAlc+2c,BI+2c,CI,DI
Assessor: Ashton, P. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 18243 Locally common
in Perak forests, populations are also
known occur in forest reserves.

Hopea pentanervia Assessor: Ashton, P.

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, B +2c 1 «e/i; 7673. 9169, 13857
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
A species which occurs in highly threatened mixed peat- Hopea pubescens
swamp forests in northern Borneo. It is a popular timber Di pterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, B I +2c
for heavy construction. Some populations are known to Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
occur in forest reserves. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, this tree is often found
Assessor: Ashton, P. on and hilly well-drained land.
flat The species is

^e/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 relatively abundant in Pahang.

Assessor: Ashton, P.
Hopea philippinensis Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,Bl-K2c
Philippines Hopea quisumbingiana
This species occurs in the much-diminshed, non- Di pterocarpaceae CR B 1 +2c
seasonal evergreen forests of the Philippines. The tree's Philippines
small size allows only for small-scale exploitation of the A species known only from a single collection firom
merawan timber. Samar Island.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
V?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Refs: 9501

Hopea pierrei Hopea racophloea

Dipterocarpaceae EN Alc+2c, B1-h2c, CI, D1 Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd+2cd,Bl+2c
Cambodia, Indonesia (Sumatra), Laos, Malaysia India (Kamataka, Kerala)
(Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand, Viet Nam This tree is known from scarce and scattered collections
A relatively small dipterocarp, which found mainly in
is from evergreen forests at the southern end of the
lowland evergreen rainforest on sandy soils, and also in Western Ghats.
heath forest in parts of Indo-China. The timber is highly Assessor: Ashton, P.
valued in Viet Nam and Cambodia. Populations in the Refs: 3998, 9169, 13857, 19144
former are seriously reduced by past chemical warfare,
exploitation and habitat reduction. In Peninsular Hopea recopei
Malaysia the species is reported in several forest Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd, Bl+2c
reserves. Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam
Assessor: Ashton, P. The species is known to occur in forest reserves.
Refs: 848,7673,9169, 13857, 14573, 15357 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 6206, 13857
Hopea plagata
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, B1-h2c
Malaysia (Sarawak), Philippines
The preferred habitat of the species is semi-evergreen
forest and sometimes evergreen forest. It is one of the

The World List of Threatened Trees

Hopea reticulata Hopea suhlanceolata

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,Bl+2c,Cl,Dl Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale, B I +2c
Thailand, Viet Nam Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species of seasonal evergreen forest. A locally abundant tree found on undulating land and
Assessor: Ashton, P. low spurs up to 150m. The species is common along
Refs: 7673, 13857 river basins by Gunung Perak and Gunung Pahang.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Hopea samarensis Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,Bl+2c,Cl,Dl
Philippines Hopea sulcata
The species is under severe threat from the loss of its Di pterocarpaceae CR A I c, B +2c

forest habitat. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)

Assessor: Ashton, P. A gregarious tree which is locally common but restricted
/?e/r.- 7673, 9169, 13857 to forested ridges.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Hopea sangat /?«/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, Bl+2c, Cl.Dl
Indonesia (Java, Lesser Sunda Is., Sumatra), Malaysia Hopea tenuivervula
(Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale, BI-f2c
This tree is widely distributed, and locally common by Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
rivers. It is commonly cut as merawan timber. A tree of northern Borneo found growing in mixed
Assessor: Ashton, P. dipterocarp forest on low hills.

Refs: 3998, 5550, 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 17140 Assessor: Ashton, P.
/fe/j; 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea scabra
Dipterocarpaceae DD Hopea thorelii
Papua New Guinea Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc, Bl+2c
Assessor: Ashton, P. Laos, Thailand
/fe/i. 7673,9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
/ee/i; 13857
Hopea semicuneata
Dipterocarpaceae CR A I cd, B 1 +2c Hopea ultima
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Dipterocarpaceae DD
Malaysia) Papua New Guinea
A tree of lowland dipterocarp forest on clay-rich There is a possibility that this dipterocarp is extinct in
alluvium. It is cut for its giam timber. the wild.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857

Hopea shingkeng Hopea utilis

Dipterocarpaceae EX Dipterocarpaceae EN C2a, Dl
India (Arunachal Pradesh) India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
A small tree once locally exploited for house posts and This slow-growing species is restricted to a small area of
now thought to be extinct. semi-evergreen forest, usually near large rivers, in
Assessor: Ashton, P. Thenmala and the Silent Valley in Kerala, and in
Refs:\3S51, 15754 Tirunelveli and Courtallam in Tamil Nadu. It
regenerates copiously around the parent tree. Locally,
Hopea siamensis the wood is used in construction work.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc,Bl+2c Assessor: Ashton, P.
Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam Refs: 3998, 13857, 19144
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 9169, 13857 Hopea vaccinifolia
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlc,BI+2c,C2a
Hopea sphaerocarpa Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, B 1 +2c A tree which occurs in remaining patches of *kerangas
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) vegetation in Brunei and Sarawak. It is locally abundant

A tree of mixed dipterocarp forest, suffering from forest in heath forest.

degradation. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 1673.9169, \3857
Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Hopea wightiana
Hopea subalata Dipterocarpaceae EN Alc-(-2c, Bl-t-2c
Dipterocarpaceae ENDl India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) A relatively small tree, locally used for construction. It
A small tree, which is locally common but confmed to a can occur frequently and regeneration is observed to be

single locality in Selangor Province within the Kanching good.

Forest Reserve. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. I?c/j; 3998,9169, 13857
«e/i. 7673,9169, 13857

Species Summaries

Hopea wyatt-smithii Horsfieldia camosa

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 c+2c, B +2c
1 Myristicaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Kalimantan) Brunei. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
A species of mixed dipterocaip forest, under severe Sarawak)
threat from habitat degradation. Restricted to lowland areas of Borneo, this is a small
Assessor: Ashton, P. tree that grows in heath forest, wet *kerangas forest,
/Je/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 peat-swamp forest and Agalhis-Casuarina forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia ampla Refs:i\9, 1766
Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Horsfieldia clavata
A small tree known only from the type collection which Myristicaceae VU D2
was found in dense humid forest in Sepik Province. Papua New Guinea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A shrub or small tree which, although locally common,
Refs: 18674 has been collected only three times from tall lowland
forest on well-drained soils in the Northern Province.
Horsfieldia ampUformis Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 18674
Papua New Guinea
A small tree of lower montane rainforest, known from Horsfieldia coriacea
two collections, one from Sepik Province and the other Myristicaceae LR/nt
from Morobe Province. Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Endemic to central Sulawesi, the species is restricted to
Refs: 18674 primary and disturbed forest on ultrabasic soil.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia amplomontana Refs: 3597
Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sabah) Horsfieldia crassifolia
Endemic to Mount Kinabalu, the species is known from Myristicaceae LR/nt
four collections taken from primary and secondary Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan. Sumatra), Malaysia
forest. (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A lowland tree which is fairly widespread in marshy
Refs: 1766,3597 forest and freshwater peat-swamp forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia androphora Refs:3\9.9\99
Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Horsfieldia crux-melitensis
A montane forest tree, collected once from Sabah and Myristicaceae DD
three times from Sarawak. Papua New Guinea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree or shrub, which is restricted to mixed
Refs: 1766,3597 lowland rainforest in Morobe Province. It has been
collected only six times.
Horsfieldia ardisiifoUa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VUAlc Refs: 18674
A Philippines endemic found in lowland forests in moist Horsfieldia decalvata
valleys on the islands of Luzon, Mindoro, Sibuyan, Myristicaceae VU D2
Samar and Leyte. Indonesia (Moluccas)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A lowland forest tree known from single collections
Refs: 18674 from each of the following Morotai,
Halmaheira, Ceram and Ambon.
Horsfieldia atjehensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 17232, 18674
Indonesia (Sumatra)
A montane forest species known from a single collection Horsfieldia discolor
from North Aceh. Myristicaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia? (Sabah?, Sarawak?)
*e/i; 319, 10547 This species is known from the type collection, gathered
in East Kalimantan,and from some doubtful specimens
Horsfieldia bomeensis from Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei.
Myristicaceae VUAlc Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Refs:SHS
This species is apparently specific to primary lowland
dipterocarp forests. Horsfieldia disticha
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 1766, 3597 Brunei
A species of lowland rainforest, known from the type

The World List of Threatened Trees

collection inAndulau Forest Reserve and from another Horsfieldia hellwigii var. brachycarpa
specimen from Kuala Belait District. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Papua New Guinea
Refs: 1766,3597 This variety is known from only four collections from
northern Papua New
Horsfieldia elongata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 18674
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A small tree known only from the type collection from Horsfieldia hirtiflora
Eraser's Hill. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Sumatra)
Refs: 8148 A small tree which is known from just three collections
from Tapanuli and the east coast.
Horsfieldia flocculosa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU Bl+2c Refs: 3597, 10547
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, this tree is known only Horsfieldia iriana
from lowland and
rainforest swamp forest in Selangor, Myristicaceae VU D2
Negri Sembilan, Pahang and Johore. No recent Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
collections have been made of this species and it is This tree is known only from the type collection, which
threatened by expanding settlements and logging was gathered from a site in south-west New Guinea.
activities. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Refs: 18674
Refs: 319, 19073, 19078
Horsfieldia iryaghedhi
Horsfieldia fragillima Myristicaceae CRBI+2c
Myristicaceae VUAlc SriLanka
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan) Malaysia (Sabah, Endemic to Sri Lanka, this tree occurs in lowland wet
Sarawak) evergreen forest and disturbed forest. It is cultivated in
This tree is restricted to primary lowland dipterocarp Singapore, Penang and Java. This species was not found
forest and riverine forests. during the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre National Conservation Review, indicating that it is either
Refs: 1766,3597 extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia fulva Refs: 15919, 17195, 19112
Myristicaceae VUAlc
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Horsfieldia lancifolia
A rare tree occurring in lowland rainforest up to 200m in Myristicaceae LR/nt
Jambi Province, Sumatra, and Peninsular Malaysia. In Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Peninsular Malaysia the species is threatened by urban A endemic to forest areas on ultrabasic soils in
expansion and logging activities. central and south Sulawesi. Sulawesi has the largest tract
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O. of forest over ultrabasic soils in the tropics. The nature
Refs: 319, 11647, 19073, 19078 of the soil renders it unattractive to agriculture.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia glabra var.javanica Refs: 10148, 18674
Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Java) Horsfieldia leptantha
This variety is known from only two collections. Myristicaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Refs: 3597 This tree is known from six or seven collections from
primary and secondary forest areas in Vogelkop in Irian
Horsfieldia glabra var. oviflora Jaya and West Sepik in Papua New Guinea.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Java) Refs: 18674
Restricted to west and central Java, this variety has been
collected just five times from submontane forest. Horsfieldia longiflora
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 3597 Viet Nam
Collected only five times, the species appears to be
Horsfieldia gracilis restricted to submontane evergreen forests in Annam.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) Refs: 15919
A small tree found only once in primary lowland forest
in Sarawak. In addition, three slightly different Horsfieldia macilenta
collections have been identified as this species. They Myristicaceae VU Ale
may represent intermediates between H. paucinervis and Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
H. gracilis. Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A rare tree found growing in lowland primary mixed
Ue/i; 319,2147 dipterocarp forest and swamp forest. There are eight

Species Summaries

collections in total. HorsfieUia obscura

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 3597 Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia? (Sarawak?)
A species restricted to East Kalimantan (two
HorsfieUia macrothyna collections). It grows in lowland dipterocarp forest and
Myristicaceae LR/nt in ridge forest on limestone.
Indonesia (Sumatra) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree of submontane and riverine forest Refs: 1766,3597
apparently restricted to Mount Sago, central and
northern Sumatra. HorsfieUia obscurineria
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae ENBI+2c
Refs: 3597, 10547 Philippines
A small tree restricted to Luzon, where it has been
HorsfieUia mobucana var. moluccana collected just three times.
Myristicaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Moluccas) Refs: 18674
This variety is found in well-drained forest on Obi and
Morotai Islands. HorsfieUia obtusa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae DD
Refs: 18674 Malaysia (Sarawak)
This species is known from a single herbarium specimen
HorsfieUUa moluccana \ar. pubescens collected from Sarawak. Nothing is known of its
Myristicaceae VU D2 ecology or the specific location of the collection.
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This varietyis common in primary and secondary forest Refs: 1766,3597
on limestone, so far known from four collections from
the Vogelkop Peninsula. HorsfieUia oligocarpa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae LR/nt
Refs: 18674 Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
A tree of *kerangas and forest on poor soils confined to
Horsfieldia moluccana var. robusta Sarawak and Brunei up to 50m.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Refs: 1766,3597, 19078
Known from three collections from the Vogelkop
Peninsula and Batanta Island, the variety grows in HorsfieUia pachyrachis
lowland secondary and coastal forest on limestone. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Refs: 18674 A tree known only from the type specimen, which was
collected In Bukit Kelawai in West Kalimantan in 1939.
Horsfieldia monlana The area is relatively unexplored.
Myristicaceae LR/nt Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Refs: 1766,3597
A small to medium-sized tree found in montane and
*kerangas forest in northern Borneo. All the specimens HorsfieUia palauensis
from Sabah were collected from the vicinity of Mount Myristicaceae LR/nt
Kinabalu and they differ from the collections from Palau
Brunei and Sarawak. This tree is locally common in primary lowland forest

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and found only on the Palau Islands.

Refs: 1766, 3597 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 18674
HorsfieUia motleyi
Myristicaceae VUAlc HorsfieUia paUUicaula var. macrocarya
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Myristicaceae VU D2
An uncommon found throughout Borneo
species in Malaysia (Sarawak)
primary and disturbed lowland forest up to 600m. A variety found in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest and
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O. known from just two collections.
Refs: 3\9,\166 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 319
HorsfieUia nervosa
Myristicaceae VU D2 HorsfieUia pallidicauU var. microcarya
Malaysia (Sarawak) Myristicaceae VU D2
To date this species is known from just two collections Indonesia? (Kalimantan?), Malaysia (Sabah)
from primary forest in the First Division of Sarawak. This variety is known only from the type collected in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre lowland forest in west Sabah and one other dubious
Refs: 1766, 3597 collection from East Kalimantan.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

The World List of Threatened Trees

Horsjieldia pallidicaula var. paUidicaula It is known from five collections from Pahang and

Myristicaceae VU Ale Johore and from a single sterile collection from Jambi,
Indonesia? (Kalimantan?), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Sumatra.
A variety found in primary lowland and lower montane Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forests in Sarawak and west Sabah. The collection from Refs:3\9
West Kalimantan is doubtful.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Horsfieldia punctata
Refs: 3\9 Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Horsfieldia pandurifolia This species is apparently endemic to the Cameron
Myristicaceae ENBl+2c Highlands, from where it has been collected three times
China (Yimnan) in areas of lower montane forest on granite and in ridge
Endemic to southern Yunnan, occurring in Mangling, forest.
Xishuangbanna and Gengma, the species is scattered Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
sparsely in lowland monsoon forest. Most of the range is Refs: 3597, 15919
contained within nature reserves. Overcollection of the
seeds, which provide a commercial oil, and of the timber Horsfieldia reticulata
have caused declines in population numbers, particularly Myristicaceae LR/nt
in the number of fertile female trees. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: Sun, W. This lowland forest tree occurs throughout much of
Refs: 1818, 1 1847, 19005, 19055 Borneo, although it has not yet been collected in Sabah.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia paucinervis Refs:3\9. 1766
Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sarawak) Horsfieldia rufo-lanata
A small slender tree apparently endemic to Sarawak and Myristicaceae VU D2
known from just four collections. It grows in coastal Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
*kerangas and secondary forest on eroded white sand. Found in upper dipterocarp forest, the species has been
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collected just four times from Sarawak and Sabah.
Refs: 319, 1766 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/ee/j. 319, 1766
Horsfieldia penangiarta ssp. obtusifolia
Myristicaceae VU D2 Horsfieldia sabulosa
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Myristicaceae VU D2
This subspecies is known from four collections from Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Borneo. It is found in forest on hills and ridges. A tall tree found in lowland mixed forest, Agalhis forest
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and ridge forest with a restricted distribution. No recent
Refs: 2147 collections have been made.
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O.
Horsfieldia penangiana ssp. penangiana Refs: 3\9, 1766, 19078
Myristicaceae VUAlc
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Horsfieldia samarensis
A found in primary dry montane forest. It is known
tree Myristicaceae VU D2
from seven collections from Peninsular Malaysia and Philippines
Sumatra. This small treeis known only from the type, which was

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collectedon Samar Island.

Refs: 2147 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18674
Horsfieldia perangusta
Myristicaceae VU D2 Horsfieldia sepikensis
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Myristicaceae VU D2
A small slender tree known only from the type Papua New Guinea
collection from the Ulu Endau Forest Reserve. A tree found in both primary and secondary forest. So
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre far it is only known from three collections from East
Refs: 2147 Sepik Province.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia polyspherula var. maxima Refs: 18674
Myristicaceae VU Ale
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Horsfieldia sessilifolia
This variety is found in lowland mixed forest in Myristicaceae CR Ale, Bl+2e
Sarawak, Sabah and East Kalimantan. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Collected only once in 1971 from a threatened swamp
Refs: 3597 forest in Sarawak. Most of the peat-swamp forest in
Sarawak has been licensed for timber extraction.
Horsfieldia pulcherrima Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 /Je/j.-3l9, 1766,3597, 18088
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A rare tree of lowland primary forest and swamp forest.

Species Summaries

Horsfieldia sparsa Horsfieldia superba

Myristicaceae LR/nt Myristicaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia). Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Singapore, Thailand Singapore
An uncommon tree found in both primary and secondary A tree scattered in lowland, hill and swamp forest. This
dryland forest, as well as periodically inundated forest species has not been collected recently and it is
up to 350m. It is relatively widely distributed in threatened by increasing settlement and logging of the
Peninsular Malaysia, but known only from a single area.
collection in Peninsular Thailand, two collections from Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
northern Sumatra and one from Singapore. Refs: 319,9199, 17140, 19073, 19078
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O.
Refs:3\9.9\99 Horsfieldia lalaudensis
Myristicaceae VU D2
Horsfieldia splendida Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Myristicaceae LR/nt A tree collected four or five times in old forest at low
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, altitudes on mountain slopes in the Talaud Islands.
Sarawak) There is a collection from mainland Sulawesi, but it is
A endemic to Borneo, found in lowland mixed
species, held in some doubt.
dipterocarp forest, *kerangas forest and montane forest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
usually below 6(X)m but occasionally found at altitudes /ee/s: 4329, 18674
up to 1500m. The species has not been collected
recently. Horsfieldia tenuifolia
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O. Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 319, 1766, 19078 Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
An understorey tree of lowland dipterocarp forest
Horsfieldia squamulosa restricted to the Beaufort Hill and Jesselton in Sabah and
Myristicaceae VU D2 the First Division of Sarawak.
Papua New Guinea Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O.
A locally common understorey shrub or small tree Refs: 1766,3597
restricted to the Western Province and known only from
three collections. Horsfieldia tomentosa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae LR/nt
Refs: 8148 Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Singapore?. Thailand
Horsfieldia sterilis A tree of lowland and hill forest found up to 300m.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O.
Malaysia (Sabah) /?e/i. 319,9199
Locally endemic to Tawau, this small tree or shrub is

known only from four specimens. Horsfieldia triandra

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs:3\9, 1766 Indonesia (Sumatra)
A tree known from two collections in central and south
Horsfieldia subalpina ssp. kinabaluensis Sumatra.
Myristicaceae LR/cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak?) Refs:Z\9. 10547
This subspecies found in montane forest on Mount

Kinabalu and the surrounding area. A collection which Horsfieldia tristis

is doubtfully this species was taken from east Sarawak. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan. Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 1766, 3597 A species known from five localities in lowland forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Horsfieldia subtilis var. rostrata Refs:l\9
Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Horsfieldia tuberculata var. crassivalva
A variety of mossy montane forest, known only from the Myristicaceae VU D2
type collection from Etappenberg, Sepik Province. Papua New Guinea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A subcanopy tree known from three or four collections
Refs: 18674 from Misima, Tagula and Rossel Islands. The collection
from San Cristobal is doubtful.
Horsfieldia sucosa ssp. bifissa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VUAlc Refs: 18674
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah)
A subspecies found in lowland forest and Shorea Horsfieldia urceolata
laevifolia forest in east Sabah and east and south Myristicaceae VU D2
Kalimantan. Papua New Guinea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree or shrub which has been collected two or
Refs: 319 three times from lowland primary rainforest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8148

The World List of Threatened Trees

HorsJUUia valida There is an unconsolidated report that the species has

Myristicaceae VU D2 been found in Panama. Otherwise populations are
Indonesia (Kalimantan?, Sumatra) confined to Choc6, C6rdoba, Valle del Cauca and other
This tree is known from five collections taken from parts of Colombia and also Ecuador. Population
primary and ravine forest on the east and west coast of numbers do not appear to be large and much of the
Sumatra. A collection, which is only doubtfully this habitat is under threat from increasing settlement,
species, was taken from Mount Damoes, West logging and agriculture.
Kalimantan. Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 16772
Refs: 3597, 10547
Huertea cubensis
HorsfieUia xanthine ssp. macrophylla Staphyleaceae VU Bl+2c
Myristicaceae VU D2 Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) A rare tree found in the remaining stands of semi-
Only three collections of this montane forest species are deciduous forest on limestone-derived soils. Its habitat
known, two from east Sarawak and one from Mount has been severely degraded in most places in Cuba. It is
Kinabalu, Sabah. infrequently found on Hispaniola.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 3597 Refs: 19149

Horsfieldia xanthine ssp. xanthina Huilaea kirkbridei

Myristicaceae VU D2 Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Malaysia (Sarawak) Colombia
This subspecies is known fi-om only four collections An endemic to Magdalena.
from Mount Dulit, Sarawak. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19069
Refs: 1766,3597
Huilaea macrocarpa
Hortonia angustifolia Melastomataceae ENBl-t-2c
Monimiaceae CRBl+2c Colombia
Sri Lanka An endemic to Boayaca.
A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri Assessor: Calderon, E.
Lanka. Previously the species was found at a single Refs: 19069
locality within Sinharaija Biosphere Reserve. However,
it was not found during the extensive forest surveys Huilaea minor
conducted for the National Conservation Review, Melastomataceae EN Bl+2c
indicating that it is either extremely rare or possibly Colombia
extinct. An endemic species known to occur in Santander and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre possibly also Boyaca.
^eA;9176, 17195, 19112 Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069
Howea belmoreana
Palmae VU D2 Huilaea mutisiana
Australia (New South Wales Lord Howe Is.)
- Melastomataceae EN B 1 +2c
A palm tree, endemic to Lord Howe Island, found in Colombia
lowland and submontane moist forest between 100 and Endemic to Colombia, the species is recorded from
300m. A valuable ornamental, the seeds of wild trees are Boyaca and Santander.
collected and germinated, and the seedlings are Assessor: Calderon, E.
exported. The seed industry is strictly regulated. Lord Refs: 19069
Howe Island is a World Heritage Site, most of which is a
permanent park reserve. Huilaea occidentalis
Assessor: Johnson, D. Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 19118 Colombia
An endemic to Cauca.
Howea forsteriana Assessor: Calderon, E.
Palmae VU D2 Refs: 19069
Australia (New South WalesLord Howe Is.)

A palm tree endemic to Lord Howe Island, a World Huilaea penduliflora

Heritage Site. It occurs in lowland and submontane Melastomataceae EN Bl+2c
moist forest up to 300m. The seeds of wild trees are Colombia
collected and germinated, and the seedlings are An endemic to Huila.
exported. The seed industry is strictly regulated. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: Johnson, D. Refs: 19069
Refs: 19118
Humboldtia bourdillonii
Huberodendron patinoi Leguminosae ENBI+2c
Bombacaceae VUCl India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Colombia, Ecuador, Panama? Collections of the species were made at the turn of the
The species occurs in forest types of varying humidity. century from Peermade and Courtallum at the southern

Species Summaries

end of the Western Ghats. There do not appear to be any Hunga guitlauminii
more recent records and there is concern that extensive Chrysobalanaceae VUBl+2c
forest clearance and the spreading cultivation of New Caledonia
cardamom have caused serious declines in population Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

numbers. Refs: 10351

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2538, 19144 Hunga mackeeana
Chrysobalanaceae VUBI+2c
Humboldtia decurrens New Caledonia
Leguminosae LR/nt Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al.

India (Kerala) Refs: 10351

A common species of low to medium elevation
evergreen forest, confmed to southern parts of the Hunteria ghanensis
Western Ghats, ranging from the Anamalai Hills to the Apocynaceae ENAlc,Bl+2c
Travancore range. Ghana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Officially thisis a Ghanaian endemic but it may have

Refs: 2538, 19144 been overlooked elsewhere. It is confmed to extreme dry

forest in the south, where the effects of human
Humboldtia laurifoUa population growth and the expansion of agriculture have
Leguminosae VUAlc, Bl+2cd caused severe declines in the habitat. Most recorded
India (Kerala), Sri Lanka occurrences are in forest which is unprotected and has
A shrub or small tree recorded from two localities in the since disappeared.
Western Ghats and throughout Sri Lanka. In India it was Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
originally known to occur in shady places along Refs: 8369, 12061
streamsides up to 600m, but there have been no records
of it since 1874. It appears to be fairly common in Sri Huodendron parviflorum
Lanka, occurring in 66 forest sites according to surveys Styracaceae VU D2
conducted for the National Conservation Review, Viet Nam
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre So far recorded only from Viet Nam, this small tree
Refs: 14276.19112 appears to be restricted to Mong Cai in Quang Ninh, on
the border with China.
Humboldtia unijuga var. trijuga Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae CR B 1 t-2c Refs: 848
India (Kerala)
A small tree of submontane evergreen forest in the Hydnocarpus cucurbitina
Travancore range, which is known only from the type Racourtiaceae LR/cd
collection dating to the 19th century. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Occurring in rainforest below 210m, the species is
Refs: 2538, 6925, 19144 protected in Taman Negara National Park.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Humboldtia unijuga var. unijuga Refs: 8464, 19073
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Hydnocarpus fUipes
This variety is sympatric with var. trijuga, occurring in a Racourtiaceae VUBl+2a
small area of submontane forest in the Travancore range. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Since the type specimen was collected in the last A medium to large species inhabiting the moist lowland
century, a second record of the species has been made in and hill forests of Terengganu, Perak, Selangor and
an area close by. Pahang.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 2538, 19144 Refs: 17140, 19073

Humiriastrum melanocarpum Hydnocarpus hainanensis

Humiriaceae ENB1+2C Flacourtiaceae VU Alcd
Colombia China (Guangdong - Hainan, Guangxi), Viet Nam
An endemic to Valle. A tree of monsoon forest occurring at low elevation in
Assessor: Calderon, E. mountainous regions. The Chinese population is largely
Refs: 19069 found on Hainan Island, where levels of deforestation at
this altitude have been very high. In Viet Nam there has
Hunga cordata also been extensive declines in the habitat and the
Chrysobalanaceae ENB1+2C species is reported to be regenerating poorly. The timber
New Caledonia is used in industry and agriculture.

Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 10351 Refs: 1818,11847,15357

Hunga gerontogea Hydnocarpus humei

Chrysobalanaceae VU B1+2C Flacourtiaceae VUD2
New Caledonia Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. A small tree known from only two collections in
Refs: 10351

The World List of Threatened Trees

lowland open quaitzite forest in Lanit, Perak, and Klang Hydrochorea marginata var. scheryi
Gates, Selangor. Leguminosae LR/nt
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Venezuela
Refs: S464, 19073 A small tree or shrub so far found only along the
Orinoco River between Pto Ayacucho and Sanariapo,
Hydnocarpus kurzU Amazonas.
Flacourtiaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India, Myanmar Refs: 5994
Information from India indicates the species has
declined by 50% numbers in the last 10
in population Hyeronima clusioides
years. Fewer 20 locations are known in
than Euphorbiaceae DD
northeastern India, where the species is found in areas of Puerto Rico
evergreen forest between 200 and 800m. Oil is harvested A species of moist hills and mountain forests in central
from the fruits and traded locally. More information is and western Puerto Rica. The wood is good quality and
needed on the population status in Myanmar. used as lumber.
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India /?e/5.- 7931,7980
Refs: 19209
Hyeronima jamaicensis
Hydnocarpus macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa Euphorbiaceae VUBl-h2c
Flacourtiaceae VUBI+2c Jamaica
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) An uncommon tree, confined to moist woodlands on
The main concentration of populations occurs near limestone between 700 and 900m in St Andrew,
Muthukuzhivayal in evergreen hill forest. Large areas of Clarendon, St Ann and Portland Parishes. The loss of
forest have been destroyed for the Kodayar habitat has been particularly severe in St Andrew.
Hydroelectric Project and also for the establishment of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
plantation crops. Outlying populations exist further /?e/t.- 6057, 7980, 19116
north towards Anamalai. Fruits have been overcollected.
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Hymenaea lorrei
India Leguminosae VU BI+2c
/?e/i.- 561, 4799, 5651, 19144 Cuba
A tall shrub or tree restricted to the dry evergreen forests
Hydnocarpus nana and dry lowland shrubwoods of eastern Cuba. Habitat
Flacourtiaceae LR/nt declines have been considerable in both communities;
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) logging activities, agriculture and urban development
A shrub or small tree of lowland and hill rainforest. are resulting in land clearance and habitat degradation.
Populations are found in Selangor and Terengganu, Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
where they are protected within the boundaries of Refs: 9522, 11403,19149
Taman Negara National Park.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Hymenostegia aubreviUei
Refs: 8464, 19073 Leguminosae VU Ale, BI-t-2c
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria
Hydnocarpus octandra In Ghana this species occurs in the region of the
Flacourtiaceae VUAlc Krokosua Hills. It is also known in upland evergreen
Sri Lanka forest on the other side of the Dahomey Gap and in Cote
A lowland wet evergreen forests of
tree occurring in the d'lvoire. Farming, fire, forest management and mining
south-west Sri Lanka. are causes of habitat decline.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 8203, 17195 /fe/i.- 2773, 8369, 12061

Hydnocarpus scortechinii Hymenostegia bakeriana

Flacourtiaceae EN B 1 +2c Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Cameroon, Nigeria
A primary lowland forest species, found in two coastal Populations of this small forest tree are protected but
localities in Peninsular Malaysia. Increasing tourism and confined to the Oban Division of the Cross River
settlement in the vicinity are the main pressures faced by National Park and the adjacent Korup National Park in
the species. Cameroon. Large-scale deforestation has taken place in
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. surrounding areas.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2773, 4977, 7550, 11504
Hydrochorea acreana
Leguminosae DD Hymenostegia gracittpes
Brazil (Acre) Leguminosae ENBl+2c
A tree known from non-inundated Amazonian forest in Ghana
Acre. Until the fruit is discovered, there will be some Endemic to Ghana, this species is rare within a restricted
doubt as to the taxonomic placement of the species. wet evergreen forest habitat, which has declined in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5994

Species Summaries

extent because of mining, logging and commercial also a threat of hybridisation with the introduced H.
forestry activities. lagenicaulis. The species is of commercial interest as an
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. ornamental.
/?s/i. 2773, 8369, 12061 Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 19118
Hymenostegia talbotii
Leguminosae CR B 1 +2c Hyperbaena allenii
Nigeria Menispermaceae VU C2a
A little-known species, which has been recorded only Costa Rica, Panama
from Eket in south-east Nigeria. Oil exploration A lowland rainforest tree, occurring fairly commonly in
operations in this area have caused the destruction of the Valle de Ant6n area in Cocld and in populations of
most if not all the forest habitat. just a few individuals from Daridn Province, close to the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Colombian border in Panama, and in Puntarenas in
Refs: 450,2113, 11504 Costa Rica. Although it is possible larger populations
will be discovered, the species is poorly known in the
Hyophorbe amaricaulis lattertwo areas and under threat of habitat loss.
Palmae CRDl Assessor: Mitrd, M.
Mauritius Refs: 1212. 19S0, 16772
Only a single individual remains in Curepipe, south-west
central Mauritius, where it is now contained within a Hyperbaena jalcomulcensis
botanical garden. It is unlikely further individuals exist Menispermaceae VUBl+2c
in the wild. The
monitored regularly. Attempts at
tree is Mexico (Veracruz)
propagation have been unsuccessful. There is some Occurring in a range of forest types from evergreen
likelihood of hybridisation with other Hyophorbe rainforest to more deciduous forest, the species is
species native to the Mascarenes, which are grown in the confined to the central region of Jalcomulco, Rinconada,
area. Plan del Rfo and Sierra oe Manuel Diaz on karst
Assessor: Page, W. topography. The fragmented and widely

Refs: 19118 disturbed. There evidence of natural regeneration.


Attempts at propagation have failed.

Hyophorbe indica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae ENDl Refs: 19206
A palm tree of moist primary forest between 175 and Hyperbaena prioriana
600m, persisting in low numbers only. It is threatened Menispermaceae LR/nt
by the expansion of agriculture and human habitation. Jamaica
Assessor: Johnson, D. Known only from central parishes, the species is
Refs: 191 18 confined to rocky limestone woodland.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Refs: 6057, 7980
Palmae CR Dl
Mauritius Hyperbaena valida
A palm tree with a bottle-shaped bole, confined to Menispermaceae LR/nt
lowland palm savanna on Round Island. Fewer than 10 Jamaica
mature trees remain in the wild. Regeneration is A species confined to coastal vegetation on limestone. It

sporadic in situ, but is increasing since rabbits and goats is thought to be endemic.
were eradicated from the island. The island is a managed Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
reserve. Refs: 6057, 7980
Assessor: Page, W.
Refs:\<)\\% Hypericum balfourii
Guttiferae VU D2
Hyophorbe vaughanii Yemen (Socotra)
Palmae CRDl A in low montane shrubland
shrub or small tree found
Mauritius and dwarfHypericum-Crotonopsis shrubland. The
A tree of submontane evergreen forest. Only three wild populations are believed to be stable and under no
individuals known from Mare Longue Plateau,
are immediate threat.
Fixon, south-west Mauritius. The seed from wild Assessor: Miller, A.G.
specimens have produced numerous plants, which have Refs: 2354, 19083
been re-introduced into a managed forest.
Assessor: Page, W. Hypericum gnidiifolium
Refs: 19118 Guttiferae VU D2
Hyophorbe verschqffeltii A bushy tree known only from two disjunct localities
Palmae CR C2a beside streams, one in Wogera, on the Maye-Borhha
Mauritius (Rodrigues) Plateau in Tigray, and another in Choa in Shewa. It has
Fewer than 60 individuals remain in the wild, occurring not been collected recently.
in limestone areas of Grand Montagne, Anse Quitor and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ravine de la Cascade, St Louis. There is no evidence of Refs: 5941
regeneration and grazing pressures are strong. There is

The World List of Threatened Trees

Hyphaene dichotoma Ilex attenuata

Palmae LR/nt Aquifoliaceae VU D2
India (Gujarat, Maharashtra) Brazil (Amazonas)
A palm tree restricted to the coastal areas of Gujarat and So far the species has been found in only a small area of
Maharashtra between the latitudes of 18° and 23°. The montane forest in the Serra Pirapucu in Brazil, near the
area is mainly threatened by increasing settlement and Venezuelan border.
development. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Johnson, D. Refs: 19128
Refs: 19118
Ilex brevipediceUata
Ilex abscondita Aquifohaceae VU D2
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Venezuela
Venezuela Occurring in montane forest bordering streams between
A shrub or low tree, which is endemic to upper montane 1 1 00 and 1 200m, the species is known from Cerro
forest on the Sierra de la Neblina. The area is protected Marahuaka in Amazonas. The area is contained within a
within a national park. national park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19128 Refs: 19128

Ilex acutidenticulata Ilex canariensis

Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Venezuela Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.)

The species is so far known from two disjunct Occurring sporadically in local abundance, the
populations both occurring in upper montane forest, one species is found mainly lower altitudes in scrub and
on Cerro Marahuaka and the second further south on the *laurisilva. The latter habitat type may be increasing in
border with Brazil on the Sierra de la Neblina. Both Madeira, but throughout much of the range there are
areas are contained within national parks. pressures, particularly from grazing and fires.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Populations occur within protected areas.
Refs: 19128 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19131
Ilex aUiplana
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt Ilex caniensis
Venezuela Aquifoliaceae VU D2
Endemic Gran Sabana within Canaima National
to the Peru
Park, the species is found in riparian forest on sandstone A is known only from the type collection
species which
plateaux. The tourist industry is rapidly growing, with found department of HuSnuco.
in the
some damaging consequences. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1984
Refs: 19128
Ilex ciliolata
Ilex anonoides Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Venezuela
Peru The species is endemic to Bolivar, where it occurs in
This species is known only from the type collection semi-deciduous to evergreen submontane forest in an
from the department of Puno. area stretching from El Paujf to Uaipani near
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kavanay6n.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19128
Ilex aracamuniana
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Ilex cookii
Venezuela Aquifoliaceae CR C2a, Dl
A tree so far only known from a restricted zone of semi- Puerto Rico
open montane forest on Cerro Aracamuni in Amazonas. A small tree of cloud forest, known from a single tree
The area is protected within a national park. with four root sprouts on Cerro de Punta and a few small
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre plants and seedlings scattered along ridge tops on Monte
Refs: 19128 Jayuya in Toro Negro State Forest. The construction of
communication towers is likely to have destroyed a large
Ilex arisanensis part of the original population on Cerro de Punta.
Aquifoliaceae ENBl+2b Further development, road building and trampling
Taiwan threaten remaining plants. The species is thought to be
The species is restricted to the Arishan area, where it is dioecious, although male flowers have never been
scattered in mixed evergreen between 1500 and
forest observed. It is protected by the US Endangered Species
2200m. Populations are unprotected and the area Act.
susceptible to forest management activities and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
expanding settlement. Refs: 17124, 19167
Assessor: Pan, F.J.
/Je/i. 3295,6469, 19050

Species Summaries

Ilex costaricensis Ilex gleasoniana

Aquifoliaceae VU A2c Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama Venezuela
A species of evergreen moist montane forest or cloud A shrub or small tree, which is found in dwarf forests on
forest. The largest populations are in the Cordillera de *tepui summits, namely Cerro Coro Coro, Cerro Duida
Talamanca between west Panama and east Costa Rica, and Cerro Marahuaka in Amazonas. The latter two are
where they are contained entirely within protected areas. contained within a national park.
Other smaller populations exist elsewhere, including one Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in the Volcdn Mombacho in Nicaragua. In most of these Refs: 19128
sites the species is locally abundant. Unprotected forest
is under some threat from logging and encroaching Ilex grandiflora
agriculture. Aquifoliaceae LR/cd
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 1212. 14487,16772 A shrub or small tree of montane rainforest found in the
states of Perak (on Gunung Korbu), Pahang and Johore.
Ikx cowanii Populations receive a degree of protection within the
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 permanent forest estate.
Venezuela Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Known only from Cerro Huachamacari in Amazonas, Refs: 8464, 19073
the species occurs in a site of dense montane forest
along a creek at about 1800m. The area is contained Ilex guaiquinimae
within Duida Marahuaca National Park. Aquifoliaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Venezuela
Refs: 19128 A species of seasonally dry evergreen forest, occurring
between ICO and 9(X)m on Cerro Guaiquinima in Bolivar
Ilex davidsei State.
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Venezuela Refs: 19128
A slender tree, found only in the Rfo Pasimoni basin in
Amazonas State, where it occurs in periodically flooded Ilex harrisii
riparian forest. Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Jamaica
Refs: 19128 A montanewoodland species found in the Blue
Mountains, sometimes in abundance, on the Grand
Ilex ericoides Ridge and on steep slopes in the headwaters of the
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Clyde, Green and Mabess Rivers.
Peru Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree which is known only from the type collection ZJe/i. 6057,7980, 12564

from the department of Puno.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ilex holstii
Refs: 1984 Aquifoliaceae VU D2
Ilex/lorifera A species which is very similar to /. oliveriana and may
Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2c prove to be conspecific. It is known only from a
Jamaica restricted area of submontane forest on Cerro
A tree confined to areas of woodland on limestone in St Marahuaka in Amazonas State. The Duida Marahuaka
Ann Parish. National Park covers the locality.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
^e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Refs: 19128

Ilex gardneriana Ilex huachamacariana

Aquifoliaceae EX Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
India (Tamil Nadu) Venezuela
This species is known only from the type collection A shrub or of shrubby meadows and dwarf riparian
made in 1859 from *shola forest on Sispara Ghat in the and mossy generally on sandy soils. Disjunct
The area has been repeatedly explored but
Nilgiri Hills. populations, both of which are protected within national
no specimens have been found in the last few decades. parks, are known from Auy^n-tepui in Bolivar, and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cerro Huachamacari in Amazonas. The former may
Refs: 4799, 19144 prove to be a distinct taxon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ilex glabella Refs: 19128
Aquifoliaceae VU D2
Venezuela Ilex ignicola
Endemic to the Sierra de la Neblina, the species occurs Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
on forested slopes along streams between 700 and 800m. Venezuela
The area is protected within a national park. Occurring on Serranfa de los Pijiguaos in Bolivar State
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre and Cerro Aratitiyope in Amazonas State, the species is
Refs: 19128

The World List of Threatened Trees

found in submontane semi-deciduous and evergreen forest.

foreston igneous rock. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19128
Refs: 19128
Ilex lechleri
Ilex iUustris Aquifoliaceae VU D2
Aquifoliaceae LR/cd Peru
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) A species which is known only from the type collection
A shrub or small tree inhabiting rainforest up to 2000m from the department of Puno.
in Pahang.Terengganu and Perak. A protected Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population is found in Taman Negara National Park. Refs: 1984
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Ilex magnifructa
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Ilexjamaicana Venezuela
Aquifoliaceae ENBl+2c The species is known from localities of gallery forest or
Jamaica semi-deciduous to evergreen forest up to 1800m on
A rare tree, occurring in moist mossy montane forest in Cerro Pani, Cerro Ualipano, Cerro Yutaj6, Rfo Coro
Portland, with a recently discovered population at a Coro and Rio Parucito in Amazonas State.
lower altitude above Ecclesdown. The vegetation has Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
been heavily cleared for agriculture and forestry Refs: 19128
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ilex maingayi
/ee/s; 401, 5653, 7980 Aquifoliaceae VU Bl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Ilex jauaensis A small to medium tree inhabiting lowland forest in
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt swampy (peat swamp or the edge of mangroves),
Venezuela limestone areas (e.g. in Gopeng). The species is widely
A small tree of montane riparian forests, occurring on distributed along the west coast and in the south.
Cerro JSua and Serrania Marutanf in Bolfvar State. The Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
former is contained within a national park. Refs: 7673, 8464, 9199, 17140, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19128 Ilex marahuacae
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Ilexjelskii Venezuela
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 The species is endemic to montane slope forest on Cerro
Peru Huachamacari and Cerro Marahuaka in Amazonas State.
A species which is known only from the type collection Both areas are contained within Duida Marahuaka
from the department of Cajamarca. National Park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Refs: 19128

Ilex karuaiana Ilex marginata

Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Venezuela Venezuela
Occurring in dense riparian forest and semi-deciduous A shrub or tree of dwarf cloud forest and Bonnetia
and evergreen forest on sandstone, the species appears to shrublands, occurring on Auy^-tepui and Macizo del
be endemic to the lower slopes of Ptari-tepui, near Ri'o Chimant^ in Bolfvar State. Both areas are contained
Camay in Canaima National Park. within Canaima National Park. Tourism is a rapidly
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre growing industry with some damaging consequences.
Refs: 19128 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19128
Ilex khasiana
Aquifoliaceae CR Bl+2c, C2b, Dl Ilex mathewsii
India (Meghalaya) Aquifoliaceae VU D2
An endemic of the Khasi Hills, occurring in mixed Pern
evergreen forest between 1000 and 1500m. Only three A species which is known only from the type collection
of four trees are known, confined to Shillong Peak. from the department of Amazonas.
Regeneration is reported to be poor and the habitat has Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
declined in extent and quality. Refs: 1984
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in
India Ilex mitis var. schliebenii
Refs: 7147, 19209 Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2d
Ilex lasseri A distinct variant of a widely distributed and variable
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 montane tree. It is localised on forested ridge tops in the
Venezuela Uluguru Mountains and on the Lukwangule Plateau.
Known only from the vicinity of Kavanayen, the species Assessor: Lovett, J.& G.P. Clarke
is found on slopes in semi-deciduous and evergreen /?e/t: 3356, 5204, 13207


Species Summaries

Ilex nebttnensis Ilex pauciflora

Aquifoliaceae VU D2 Aquifoliaceae EN Dl
Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A shrub or tree, endemic to the Sierra de la Neblina on A small tree confmed to the hill forest of Penang Hill,
the Venezuela-Brazilian border, where it is found on Penang.
steep forested slopes along sandstone escarpments. The Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
area is protected within a national park. Refs: 18840, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs. 19128 Ilex paujiensis
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Hex palawanica Venezuela
Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2c, D2 A small tree of savanna and forest margins, found in the
Philippines Rio Icabaru basin and along Ri'o Paragua at the base of
An endemic tree to Palawan, occurring in dense thickets Cerro Guaiquinima.
on exposed ridges of Mount Pulgar at about 1200m. The Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
main island is a biosphere reserve. Refs: 19128
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4986 Ilex perado ssp. azorica
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
[lex pallida Portugal (Azores)
Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2bd A subspecies endemic to the Azores, whereit is one of

Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama the dominant components of remaining laurel forest on
A species of high-altitude cloud forest, occurring all the islands, except Graciosa. On Corvo only one

between 2000 and 3000m or higher. Populations are rare specimen has been reported and the population on Santa
and isolated. Regeneration appears to be good and large Maria is under threat.
fruit crops are reported. Most of the areas which the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species occupies are under protection within national Refs: 7222. 19131
parks. However, there are increasing threats of habitat
clearance for agriculture and logging. Ilex perado ssp. iberica
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Aquifoliaceae CRBl+2de
Refs: 7272, 14487, 16772 Portugal, Spain
A species occurring within a restricted area of the
Hex paraguariensis Sierras de Algeciras in the south of Spain, where it is
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt largely confined to forest patches in humid ravines and
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa inaccessible places. It is possibly also found in Portugal.
Catarina), Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay Of the various threats to the remaining plants, fire

An understorey tree of mixed Araucaria forest, appears to be the most significant. The Cordoba Botanic
occurring in the subtropical and temperate regions of Garden is carrying out work on the wild populations in
South America. For centuries the leaves have been used order to determine their status and to establish the
to make a tonic and stimulant drink. The rates of species in cultivation.
exploitation, in some areas, are believed to have caused Assessor: Vivero, J.L. el al.

a significant decline in population numbers. Plantations Refs: 7741

have been set up, but the demand for leaves is still,

apparently, greater than the supply from cultivated Ilex perado ssp. lopezlilloi
stands. Aquifoliaceae CR C2a, DI
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Spain (Canary Is.)

Refs: 4506, 7906, 9173, 1 1374, 1 1936 This species is restricted to just two populations in cloud

forest Garajonay National Park on Gomera, both

Ilex parvifructa consisting of very few individuals. A recovery plan has
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 been devised and the species is listed in government
Venezuela legislation of 1 99 1
A shrub or tree of broadleaved meadows and riparian Assessor: Banares, A. el al.

montane forests between 1600 and 1700m on Cerro Refs: 8716, 19022
Guaiquinima in Bolivar State. It is similar to and may be
conspecific with /. sleyermarkii. Ilex perado ssp. perado
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Refs: 19128 Portugal (Madeira)
Endemic to Madeira, this is a common tree of *laurisilva
Ilex patens and forest at higher altitudes. There is evidence to
Aquifoliaceae LRycd suggest that *laurisilva is expanding. The taxon occurs
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) within protected areas and is also covered by regional
A small tree of montane and submontane rainforest in legislation.
Pahang, Kedah and Selangor. It is protected in Taman Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Negara National Park and within the permanent forest Refs: 7222. 19131
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Ilex perado ssp. platyphylla
Refs: 8464, 19073 Aquifoliaceae VU C2a
Spain (Canary Is.)
A cloud forest species confined to parts of Tenerife and

1 .

The World List of Threatened Trees

Gomera, where it can be found in Garajonay National Ilex sclerophylla

Park. The populations are small and fragmented. The Aquifoliaceae LR/cd
species is listed in government legislation of 1991 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Banares, A. et al. A small tree which is distributed rarely in montane
Refs:&7\6, 19022 rainforest on Gunung Ledang in Johore and Ulu Brang
in Terengganu. Populations receive a degree of
lUxpolUa protection within the permanent forest estate.
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Venezuela Refs: 8464. 19073
A shrub or tree which occurs in forest and shrubby
savanna on *iepui summits and slopes in several Ilex sessilifructa
localities in Boli'var State. Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Venezuela
Refs: 19128 A shrub or tree which occurs in savannas and
submontane forest in the Ri'o Erebato basin in Bolivar
Ilex praetermissa State and in the Sierra de la Neblina in Amazonas State.
Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2c The latter is contained within a national park.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Known from only one locality, this uncommon shrub or Refs: 19128
small tree inhabits quartzite ridge in the hill forest of
Selangor. Ilex sideroxyloides var. occidentalis
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Refs: 19073 Jamaica, Puerto Rico
In Jamaica the variety occurs in thickets and woodlands
Ilex puberula in the eastern parishesand also Clarendon.
Aquifoliaceae VUBI+2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Jamaica Refs: 6057, 7980
This species is found in exposed montane thickets and
woodland on steep slopes. 1200 to 1500m, in St Andrew Ilex sintenisU
and Portland Parishes. Disturbance and clearing of the Aquifoliaceae EN C2a, Dl
habitat has been extensive but mostly at lower altitudes Puerto Rico
in more accessible sites. Occurring in dwarf or *eirin forest on mountain
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre summits, the species is known only from a restricted
Uc/s.- 401, 5653 area of the Luquillo Mountains within Toro Negro State
Forest. A total of 150 individuals exist within three
Ilex quercetorum populations. The forest has been cut through various
Aquifoliaceae VUAIc forest management activities and also in the
Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas) development of communication facilities. The species is
A montane forest tree, occurring in oak forest and protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
mesophyllous formations. It is known mainly from the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
populations in Guatemala but also occurs in the northern Refs: 19^0, 17124,19167
mountains of Chiapas, where the species is considered to
be vulnerable. Ilex sipapoana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Refs: 4914, 19 16 Venezuela
A montane forest and shrubland species, occurring in a
Ilex savannarum var. morichei locality east of Los Pijiguaos in Boli'var State and
Aquifoliaceae VU D2 elsewhere on Cerro Guanay and Cerro Sipapo in
Venezuela Amazonas State.
Endemic to Cerro Moriche in Amazonas State, the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
variety occurs in shrublands and broadleaved meadows Refs: 19128
between 1200 and 1300m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ilex spruceana
Refs: 19128 Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Ilex savannarum var. savannarum A lowland shrub or tree, which occurs in white-sand
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt savannas on exposed igneous rock and in riparian forest
Venezuela in a number of localities in Amazonas State.
This variety is known from areas of white-sand savanna, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
bordering streams or forests or in shrub islands. Refs: 19128
Occurrences have been recorded from Cano Yagua and
the basins of Ri'o Atabapo, Ri'o Guaini'a and Ri'o Ilex steyermarkii
Pasimoni in Amazonas State. Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Venezuela
Refs: 19128 The species may prove to be conspecific with /.

parvifrucla. It is known from Boli'var State, where it

occurs in forest from mid to high elevation at the base of

sandstone escarpments, such as those on Auy^-tepui,

Species Summaries

Gran Sabana and Toron6-tepui in Macizo del Chimanti. destroyed and the species has not been collected again
Much of the range is contained within a national park. despite thorough searches.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 19128 Refs: 11403,12801,19149

Ilex subrotutuUfoUa Ilextiricae

Aquifoliaceae LR/nt Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Venezuela Venezuela
Known fiom various localities in Bolfvar State, A shrub or small tree of montane thicket and riparian
including the Gran Sabana and Macizo del Chimanti. forest on sandstone. Collections have been made from
and on Cerro Sipapo in Amazonas State, the species Auyin-tepui and Macizo del Chimanti in Bolfvar State,
occurs in shrublands, swampy depressions in meadows both contained within Canaima National Park.
or savannas and at the margins of gallery forest between Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
SOO and 2200m. It is possible that the specimens from Refs: 19128
high elevations on the Macizo del Chimanti represent a
distinct species. Much of the range is contained within Ilex lobuana
protected areas. Aquifoliaceae VU Ale
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mexico
Refs: 19128 A tree of oak forest or mesophyllous montane forest, so
far known only from Mexico but possibly also occurring
Ilex subtriflora in Guatemala. The wood is used locally as a source of
Aquifoliaceae CRBl+2c fueland timber. There is an occurrence in El Triunfo
Jamaica Biosphere Reserve.
An extremely rare species, which is poorly known. It is Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzilez-Espinosa
confined to St Aim Parish and has not been recently Refs: 19161
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ilex trachyphylla
/fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Aquifoliaceae VU D2
Ilex sulcata A species which is known only from type collection
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt from the department of Cajamarca.
Venezuela Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A swampy
shrub or tree of shrubland, gallery forest and Refs: 1984
depressions in meadows at mid to high elevation.
Collections have been made on Auyin-tepui, Cerro Ilex vaccinoides
Venama, Gran Sabana and Macizo del Chimanti in Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2c
Bolivar State. Much of the range is contained within a Jamaica
national park. A locally common species, confined to primary and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre secondary montane forest at the headwaters of Green
Refs: 19128 River in St Andrews Parish. Occurring above 1800m,
the species' habitat has largely escaped the forest
Ilex takanensis destruction and degradation which have been extensive
Aquifoliaceae LR/cd at lower altitudes.

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

A montane species found on Gunung Tahan in Pahang /?e/i. 5653.7980, 19116
and on Gunung Rabong in Kelantan. This small tree is
protected in Taman Negara National Park and within the Ilex venezuelensis
permanent forest estate. Aquifoliaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Venezuela
Refs: 8464, 19073 Occurring in various and Amazonas
localities in Bolfvar
States, the species is found in *tepui meadows, dwarf
Ilextateana riparian forests, forested slopes and on the edges of
Aquifoliaceae LR/nt escarpments.
Venezuela Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A shrub or tree which has been collected from riparian Refs: 19128
and semi-open forest between 1400 and 1500m on Cerro
Aracamuni, Cerro Duida and Sierra de la NebUna in Ilex venulosa
Amazonas State. All the localities are contained within Aquifoliaceae ENBl+2c
national parks. India (Aiunachal Pradesh)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Endemic to the Khasi Hills, the species is known mainly
Refs: 19128 from populations in Sohrarim and Laaitlyngkot. These
areas have been drastically cleared and the species is
Ilex tematiflora believed to be very scarce now.
Aquifoliaceae EX Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cuba Refs: 7147
Described in the mid-1800s, this species was apparently
restricted to a single locality in Las Pozas, Pinar del Rio
Province. The type locality has been completely

The World List of Threatened Trees

Ilex vomitoria ssp. chiapensis high mountains in north Viet Nam: Son La, Tuan Giao
Aquifoliaceae VUBl+2c and Dien Bien.
Mexico (Chiapas) Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A medicinal plant, found scattered in dry montane forest Re/i;848, 11530, 15357
above 1500m in the high areas of Chiapas. The
taxonomic status of the subspecies may need Indigofera rothii
confirmation. The species is widespread in eastern North Leguminosae VU Ale
America. Ethiopia
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa An Indigofera species which reaches the stature of a
«e/j; 9312, 19161 small tree. It is conflned to upland scrub and forest

margins in an area where the majority of the Ethiopian

Ilex vulcanicola population lives.
Aquifoliaceae VU A2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Costa Rica, Panama Refs: 1330, 18523
A more common species than /. cosiaricensis. Although
it, too, occurs in high-altitude cloud forest, populations Indigofera socotrana
are also found below 1000m in Cerro Jefe and Cerro Leguminosae VU D2
Campana in Panama. In Costa Rica, the species is Yemen (Socotra)
reported to be abundant above 1500m, always within One of the few arborescent Indigofera species. It is

areas which receive some level of protection. scattered relatively sparsely in areas of submontane and
Populations within Panama are also entirely contained montane woodland.
within national parks or reserves. Despite this level of Assessor: Miller, A.G.
apparent protection, there still remain potential threats Refs: 2354, 19083
from logging and habitat clearance.
Assessor: Mitre, M. Inga allenii
Refs: 7272, 14487, 16772 Leguminosae VU A2c
Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama
Ilex williamsii In Panama, a large number of the original species'
Aquifoliaceae CR C2b localities have been converted into fields, especially
Honduras banana plantations, ranches and farms. A few collections
A seldom-collected species of cloud forest. are known from Cocl^ and some more doubtful ones
Assessor: Nelson, C. from Darien. In Costa Rica the species is fairly common
Refs: 8805, 13995 in the south-east and there are small populations in La
Selva and Lim6n. Recently the species has been
Illicium kinabaluensis recorded in Valle del Cauca, (Colombia.
Illiciaceae VU D2 Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Malaysia (Sabah) Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772, 19123
A small tree restricted to Mount Kinabalu, where it is

found primary forest between 1200 and 2000m.

in Inga amboroensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 19017 Bolivia
A tree known only from the type locality in the Ambord
Illicium peninsulare National Park, Santa Cruz. It occurs in montane
Illiciaceae LR/cd rainforest at 1380m.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A primary species of submontane rainforest, occurring Refs: 19123
between 800 and 1500m. Populations are found in a
Wildlife Sanctuary and in the protective forests within Inga andersonii
the permanent forest estate. Leguminosae VU D2
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Mexico (Jalisco)
Refs: 19073 A small tree, known only from the type locality in forest
in ahumid ravine.
Illicium tenuifolium Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Illiciaceae LR/cd Refs: 17165, 19123
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand
A species of hill forest and cloud forest, scattered in Inga approximata
Peninsular Thailand and Malaysia. Populations in Leguminosae VU D2
Peninsular Malaysia are contained in a national park and Bolivia
protective forests within the permanent forest estate. Known only from three localities in Cochabamba and
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Santa Cruz, this small tree occurs in cloud forest
Refs: 19073 between 2000 and 2500m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Illicium temstroemioides Refs: 19123
Illiciaceae VU D2
China, Viet Nam Inga aptera
A small tree, restricted to Hainan Island in China and Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Bahia)
Found below l(K)m, this small tree occurs in secondary

Species Summaries

vegetation derived from wet lowland rainforest in Bahia. Inga boUandii

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 19123 Brazil (Ceari, Rio de Janeiro?, Sergipe)
A species of hill forest occurring between 900 and
Inga arenicola 1000m. A collection labelled Rio de Janeiro is suspected
Leguminosae EN B I +2c to be misidentified.
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This treelet, up to 4m tall, is restricted to dense low Refs: 19123
arboreal *restinga near the coast of Rio de Janeiro.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Inga bracteifera
Refs: 19123 Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Costa Rica
Inga augusti An understorey tree in high rainforest endemic to the
Leguminosae VU D2 Osa Peninsula in south-eastern Costa Rica.
Peru Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Collected only twice, this small tree occurs in Refs: 19123
sclerophyllous bush in Hudnuco between 1800 and
2500m. Inga bullata
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Refs: 1984, 19123 Sao Paulo)
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro,
So far known only from a few collections from Rio de
Inga balsapambensis Janeiro and Sao Paulo, the species occurs in lowland
Leguminosae VU Ale, Bl+2c secondary forest and swampy areas.
Ecuador Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Restricted to the western slopes of the Ecuadorean Refs: 19123
Andes between 1550 and 1770m, this small tree occurs
on steep slopes in remnant forest fragments and Inga buUatorugosa
disturbed areas. This region was formerly covered in Leguminosae VU D2
cloud forest. Brazil (Pari)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from three collections from the River
Refs: 19123 Tapajoz in Pari, this small tree occurs in non-flooded
lowland forest.
Inga bella Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae ENBl+2c Refs: 19123
Costa Rica
A small tree found in gallery forest and secondary Inga cabelo
vegetation. It appears to be restricted to the Osa Leguminosae EN B I -t-2c

Peninsula. Brazil (Espi'rito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree of coastal rainforest confined to the states
Refs: 19123 of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Inga bicoloriflora Refs: 19123
Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Amazonas) Inga calantha
Apparently restricted to central Amazonas, this tree is Leguminosae VU D2
known only from a few collections from non-flooded Brazil (.Pati)
lowland rainforest near Manaus. A small tree of secondary forest on non-flooded land,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre known from just two collections from the middle
Refs: 19123 Tapajoz River.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Inga bijuga Refs: 19123
Leguminosae VU D2
Venezuela Inga calanlhoides
A tree known only from the type collection found at Leguminosae VU D2
2200m on Sororop5n-tepui in southern Venezuela. Suriname
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree known only from the type collection, gathered
Refs: 19123 from on Tafelberg in 1944.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Inga blanchetiana Refs: 15188,19123,19196
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Brazil (Bahia) Inga calcicola
A tree restricted to the threatened Atlantic coastal Leguminosae VU D2
lowland rainforest of Bahia. Mexico (Oaxaca)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Confined to the Tuxtepec District of Oaxaca, this

Refs: 19123 understorey tree occurs in lowland evergreen rainforest

on limestone. Although there has been extensive

The World List of Threatened Trees

deforestation, this area is perhaps less susceptible to montane forest on Dominica has largely escaped
development and clearance because of the difficulty of deforestation.
working on the karst substrate. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7424, 19123, 19124
Ue/S; 19123,19124
Inga dwyeri
Inga canonegrensis Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Leguminosae VU D2 Panama
Costa Rica A small tree of wet lowland and montane forest up to
A small tree known only from the type locality. It grows 900m, known only from central Panama.
on poorly drained flat land in rainforest near sea level in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Alajuela. Refs: 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 Inga enterolobioides
Leguminosae CR Bl+2c
Inga caudata Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Leguminosae VU D2 Known only from the type collection from Rio de
Brazil (Amazonas) Janeiro, this tree is likely to have occurred in rainforest
A species known only from
the type collection from Rio but its status and location, if it is still
present in
Maturac^ Amazonas.
in unknown.
existence, are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 Refs: 19123

Inga chiapensis Inga exalata ssp. umbilicata

Leguminosae VUAlc Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz) Costa Rica
A tree of deciduous forest on the northern edge of the A poorly collected subspecies known only from mixed
Central Depression in Chiapas and of high evergreen lowland rainforest up to 500m from the Osa Peninsula
rainforest in Uxpanapa in Veracruz. Half of the forest in and from a single collection from montane forest in San
the Uxpanapa has disappeared through land clearance Jos6.
for a government relocation scheme. This population is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
similar to and may prove to be /. dasycarp. Refs: 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 5651, 5993, 19123 Inga exfoliata
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Inga coragypsea Brazil (Espi'rito Santo)
Leguminosae VU D2 An understorey tree, found in rainforest on the coastal
Colombia plains and in hill forest up to 800m, endemic to Espfrto
Apparently restricted to the department of Santander del Santo.
Sur in Colombia, this small tree is known from two Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
collections, which were gathered between 1800 and Refs: 19123
1900m. There is no available information on the species
habitat type. Inga exilis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 19123 Brazil (Amazonas)
A small tree of lowland forest on *terra firme, known
Inga cuspidata only from the type collection from western Amazonas.
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panama Refs: 19123
A small tree confined to a restricted area of lowland
rainforest near rivers in central Panama. Inga extra-nodis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Refs: 19123 Ecuador
Found between 1700 and 2000m, this tree is restricted to
Inga cynometrifoUa the upper Amazonian slopes of the Ecuadorean Andes in
Leguminosae VU D2 disturbed areas, roadsides and pastures. This region was
Peru formerly covered in montane rainforest.
A small tree known from only two collections from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
rainforest at 250m in Juan Guerra in Loreto and from Refs: 19123
Rfo Huallaga in San Martin.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Ingafosteriana
Refs: 19123 Leguminosae VU D2
Inga dominicensis Known only from the type collection, this small tree was
Leguminosae VU D2 found in lowland rainforest between Shintuya and Manu
Dominica in Madre de Dios in 1974.
A small tree up to 4m tall, confined to montane Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
rainforest between 700 and 800m. The 40km' of Refs: 19123


Species Summaries

Inga gereauana Inga interfluminensis

Leguminosae VU D2 Leguminosae VU D2
Peru Colombia
A small tree of undisturbed lowland rainforest on non- A tall tree known orjy from the type collection, gathered
flooded land between 120 and 150m, known only from at 2100m in Antioquia.

a small area of Amazonian Peru near Iquitos. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19123
Refs: 19123
Inga ismaelis
Inga golfodulcensis Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B +2c

Leguminosae ENBl+2c Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz)

Colombia?, Costa Rica A tree of lowland evergreen rainforest in the Uxpanapa
A tree found in lowland evergreen forest up to 200m. In region of Veracruz and the Tuxtepec area of Oaxaca. It

Costa Rica, populations are restricted to the Osa grows on deep soils on limestone outcrops below 200m.
Peninsula and it is also apparently reported from The forest at Uxpanapa has been severely reduced
Colombia. through clearance for a government relocation scheme.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 ^e/i; 5651, 5993, 19123

Inga goniocalyx Ingajaunechensis

Leguminosae DD Leguminosae CRBl+2c
Colombia Ecuador
A species known only from two collections without A small understorey tree of seasonal lowland mixed
exact locality. forest,confmed to the lOOha Jauneche Reserve in Los
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rfos Province. The area is in a precarious position,
Refs: 19123 threatened by fires and encroachment.
Assessor: Pennington, T.D.
Inga grazielae Refs: 19123, 19217
Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Bahia) Ingajimenezii
Found below 100m, this small tree occurs in wet Leguminosae ENBl+2c
lowland rainforest and associated secondary vegetation Costa Rica
in Bahia. A understorey tree of seasonal semi-deciduous
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre rainforest, restricted to a small area of San Jos6
Refs: 19123 Province. It occurs within the CararS Biological
Inga hayesii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae LR/nt Refs: 19123
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama,
Peru Inga lacustris
Although for many years the species was thought to be Leguminosae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c
endemic to Panama, it is now known to range from Mexico (Veracruz)
Nicaragua to Peru, occurring in lowland semi-deciduous A small tree, restricted to an area of rainforest adjacent
rainforest, often at the edges of roads and in secondary to mangroves in the Los Tuxtlas region of southern
forest. In Panama and Costa Rica, and probably in other Veracruz.
countries, trees are found only in small numbers outside Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
protected areas. Re/s. 5993, 19123, 19124
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772, 19123 Inga lanceifolia
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Inga herrerae Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Leguminosae ENBl+2c A tree occuring in rainforest on hills between 900 and
Costa Rica 1 200m in Rio de Janeiro.
Endemic to Guanacaste Province, this localised tree is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
found in forest at around 400m. It is present in Rincon Refs: 19123
de la Vieja National Park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Inga latipes
Refs: 19123 Leguminosae ENBI+2c
Costa Rica
Inga hispida Restricted to Lim6n and Cartago, this tree occurs in
Leguminosae VUAlc montane rainforest between 450 and 1400m. Rates of
Brazil (Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro) habitat loss have been severe.
A small tree found in wet forest between 400 and 800m Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from Minas Gerais to Rio de Janeiro. Refs: 14487, 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 Inga lenticellata
Leguminosae VU Ale
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Apparently restricted to the states of Rio de Janeiro and

The World List of Threatened Trees

Sao Paulo, the tree is found in rainforest on hills and Inga martinicensis
along riversides up to 1000m. Leguminosae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring CenU-e Martinique
Refs: 19123 A shrub or small tree restricted to a small area of
rainforest between 600 and 700m.
Inga lentiscifoUa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VU Ale Refs: 19123
Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina)
Apparently restricted to Santa Caterina and Rio Grande Inga megalobotrys
do Sul, this species occurs in cloud forest and Araucaria Leguminosae LR/cd
forestbetween 900 and lOOOm. Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Confmed to flood plain forest between 350 and 400m,
Refs: 19123 this treelet, up to 3.5m tall, is known only from Manu
National Park in Madre de Dios.
Inga leptantha Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VUAlc Refs: 19123
Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)
A tree, reaching 6m in height, found in disturbed Inga mendoncaei
lowland wet forest from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Refs: 19123 A small tree of coastal forest between 500 and 1000m,
restricted to the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Inga leptingoides Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VU D2 Refs: 19123
Restricted Tafelberg Mountain, this small tree is
to Inga microcalyx
known from few locations of low bush or Ctusia bush.
a Leguminosae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Par5)
Refs: 19123, 19196 A small tree up to 8m tall, found only along the flooded
banks of the Amazon River in Pari.
Inga lUoralis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae ENBl+2c Refs: 19123
Costa Rica
Endemic to the Pacific drainage region of Costa Rica, Inga mortoniana
occurs in semi-deciduous forest extending into
this tree Leguminosae ENBl+2c
evergreen forest near the Pacific coast. Costa Rica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree, endemic to Costa Rica, confined to wet
Refs: 19123 montane forest between 900 and 1750m. An estimated
total of 1037km* montane forest remain in Costa Rica.
Inga macarenensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VU D2 Refs: 19123, 19124
A small tree known only from the type collection found Inga mucuna
at 1700m in dense mossy forest in Sierra de la Macarena Leguminosae VU Ale
Natiu^ National Park. Colombia, Panama
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Populations occur in lowland semi -deciduous rainforest,
Refs: 19123 rarely in secondary forest, throughout Panama and in
Choc6 and Antioquia in Colombia. The species is
Inga macrantha generally scarce except in the Canal area and in Dari^n
Leguminosae VU D2 National Park, Panama. Much of the unprotected forest
Venezuela at these low altitudes is exposed to increasing
This small tree is restricted to Isia Margarita off the settlement, farming and agriculture.
north of Venezuela. It grows in windswept
coast Assessor: Mitrd, M.
evergreen cloud forest between 400 and 850m. Refs: 7980, 16772
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 Inga multijuga ssp. aestuariorum
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Inga maritima Costa Rica, Panama
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c A dry forest tree found along rivers and the Pacific coast
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul?) at low altitudes.
A shrub or small tree confmed to *restinga, mainly in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rio de Janeiro, but also from Rio Grande do Sul, where Refs: 19123
a single collection has been made and provisionally
included in this species. Inga neblinensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 19123 Venezuela
This small tree is known from two localities on
periodically flooded gravel bars and in swamp forest up

Species Summaries

to 800m on the lower slopes of Cerro Neblina. from Cuzco and Manu National Park and Rfo Sotileja in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Madre de Dios.
Refs: 19123 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123
Inga pallida
Leguminosae VU D2 Inga poTtobeUensis
Bolivia Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Information on the species somewhat limited. It is
is Panama
thought to be a tree of montane forest and is currently Confined Panama, this tree occurs in gallery
to central
known only from the type collection from eastern and sandbars below 100m.
forest along rivers
Bolivia. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19123
Refs: 19123
Inga praegnans
Inga pauciflora Leguminosae VUBI+2c
Leguminosae VUAlc Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Panama Restricted to the state of Sao Paulo, this treelet occurs in
So far the species has been found only in Panama. It lowland rainforest.
occurs, nowhere abundance, in lowland rainforest
in Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
throughout the country. The larger part of its distribution Refs: 19123
coincides with areas experiencing an influx of people
and increasing agricultural and farming activities. It is Inga saffordiana
most common in the Canal area, where it occurs in a Leguminosae VU Ale
number of protected areas. Colombia, Panama
Assessor: Mitr6, M. In Panama, the species is known from a few forest
Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772, 19123 localities in Dari6n, incluaing Dari^n National Park.
Recent reports indicate the species also exists in the
Inga pedunculata Choc6 and Antioquia in Colombia. It doesn't appear to
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c be common at any of these sites and where the habitat is
Brazil (Bahia) unprotected it suffers increasing encroachment.
A treelet known from only two collections, one gathered Assessor: Mitr^, M.
from *restinga and the other from disturbed wet lowland Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772, 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Inga salicifoliola
Refs: 19123 Leguminosae VU D2
Brazil (Amazonas)
Ingaplatyptera Known only from the type collection, the species is
Leguminosae ENBl+2c locally common in forest on the lower slopes of the
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Cerro Neblina near the Brazilian Venezuelan border.
A tree known from several collections from Rio de Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Janeiro, where it occurs in rainforest on hills at Refs: 19123
approximately 1200m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Inga saltensis
Refs: 19123 Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
Inga pleiogyna Endemic to piedmont forest of north-west Argentina and
Leguminosae VUBI+2c Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected ecosystem,
Brazil (Bahia) which is rapidly being replaced by agricultural systems.
Apparently endemic to Bahia, this treelet is confmed to Assessor: Prado, D.
*restinga over white sand at sea level. Refs: 19122, 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 Inga santaremnensis
Leguminosae VU D2
Inga pluricarpellata Brazil (Par5)
Leguminosae VU D2 Apparently confined to the state of Pari, only a few
Peru collections of this small tree have been found in
A small tree known only from two collections from disturbed rainforest on non-flooded sites.
eastern Peru. It occurs in wet forest between 200 and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
300m. Refs: 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123 Inga seUowiana
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c
IngapoTcata Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Leguminosae LR/cd A shrub or small tree up to 2.Sm in height, found on
Peru sand dunes and in beach scrub, apparently only in Sao
Found between 350 and 400m in lowland flood plain Paulo.
forest, this recently described species is known only Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19123

The World List of Threatened Trees

Inga sinacae Inga tenuiealyx

Leguminosae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c Leguminosae VU D2
Mexico (Veracruz) Peru
Restricted to the Los Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, this Restricted to the Tarapoto region of San Martin, this
tree is found in evergreen rainforest up to 200m. Most small tree or shrub grows in dry low forest between 200
collections of this species were made near the Los and 300m.
Tuxtlas Biological Station. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19123
Refs: 5993, 19123
Inga tenuiloba
Inga skutchii Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Costa Rica
Costa Rica A tree of undismrbed lowland rainforest between 50 and
Known only from south-east Costa Rica, this tree is 150m, endemic to the Osa Peninsula in south-eastern
found in disturbed lowland to montane rainforest up to Costa Rica.
1300m. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19123
Refs: 19123
Inga unica
Inga spiralis Leguminosae VU Bl+2c
Leguminosae VU D2 Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo)
Panama A tree known from a few collections gathered from
This tree of wet lowland forest is restricted to central Bahia and Espfrito Santo.
rainforest in
Panama. It is known only from four collections. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19123
Refs: 19123
Inga xinguensis
Inga stenophyUa Leguminosae VU D2
Leguminosae ENBl+2c Brazil (Par4)
Costa Rica A recently described species known only from the type
A treelet, up to 2m montane and
in height, confined to collection found in non-flooded lowland forest on the
cloud forest in central Costa Rica between 600 and bank of the River Xingu in Pari
1200m. Only an estimated 1037km' of montane forest Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
remain in Costa Rica. Refs: 19123
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 14487, 19123, 19124 Inga yasuniana
Leguminosae LR/cd
Inga suberosa Ecuador
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2c An understorey tree, known only from non-flooded
Brazil (Amazonas) lowland rainforest in Yasunf National Park.
Apparently restricted to Manaus, this recently described Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
tree grows in mixed rainforest on non-flooded sites. It is Refs: 19123
known from two collections.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre acuminata
Refs: 19123 Leguminosae VU Aid
Inga subnuda ssp. subnuda A species which occurs in coastal forest. It yields
Leguminosae VUAlc valuable merbau timber used for high-quality furniture.
Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Parafba, Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pemambuco, Sergipe) /?«/>.- 4919, 12937
A of arboreal *restinga on sand, distributed near the
coast from Parafta to Espfrito Santo. In Espfrito Santo, Intsia bijuga
the species is also found in lowland rainforest near sea Leguminosae VU A led
level. American Samoa, Australia. BritishOcean Indian
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Territory (Chagos Cambodia, India,
Refs: 19123 Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Kalimantan, Lesser Sunda Is.),
Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Inga suborbicularis Sabah, Sarawak), Myanmar, Papua New Guinea
Leguminosae VUAIc (Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea),
Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais) Philippines, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands
An understorey tree of lowland rainforest up to 6(X)m, (South Solomon), Tanzania, Thailand, Vanuatu, Viet
restricted to Minas Gerais and the coastal zone of Bahia. Nam
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A lowland rainforest tree which produces one of the
Refs: 19123 most valuable timbers of South East Asia. The species
has been exploited so intensively for merbau timber that
few sizeable natural stands remain. Few plantations are

Species Summaries

established. In Peninsular Malaysia, trees are never Iryanthera obovata

common and rarely reach a commercial size. There are Myristicaceae VU Bl+2de
apparently good stands still in Indonesia and Papua New Brazil
Guinea. Assessor: Rodrigues, W.A.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19198
Refs: 559, 2625, 4919, 5054, 6156, 6161, 8058, 8865,
9199, 10571, 12779, 12937, 13662, 14011, 14573, Isoberttnia scheffleri
16765, 17140 Leguminosae VUBl-t-2b
lochroma lehmanmi A species of moist forest at a wide altitudinal range.
Solanaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke
Ecuador Refs: 1308,3356,3925,7550
An endemic of Ecuador, inhabiting cloud forest at

2850ni, in Chimborazo Province in the High Andes. Isolona congolana

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae LR/nt
Refs: 19119,19120 Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda
A useful tree occurring in areas of closed forest, often
lochroma longipes along rivers, largely in DR Congo, extending into
Solanaceae VUBl+2c Uganda.
Ecuador Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
An endemic of Ecuador, inhabiting upper montane
tree Refs: 1308, 10961, 16021, 17951
cloud forest in the High Andean regions of Carchi and
Pichincha. Isolona deightonii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VU A 1 c, B I +2c
Refs: 19119,19120 Ghana, Sierra Leone
This species is imcommon and confined to the wet
Ipomoea pulcherrima evergreen forest in Upper Guinea. The forest has
Convolvulaceae VU D2 declined over the past decades as a result of logging,
Peru mining and commercial forestry activities.

An arborescent Ipomoea species, known only from the Assessor: Hawthorne, W.

type collection which was taken from a savaima area /?e/i. 4108, 8369, 12061
above 1000m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Isolona dewevrei
Refs: 1984 Annonaceae VU B 1 +2bc, D2
Democratic Republic of Congo
Irvingia gabonensis A Mayombe endemic known from two localities in the
Irvingiaceae LR/nt Luki Forest Reserve. The habitat has been greatly
Angola, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of reduced by logging, charcoal production and agriculture.
Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Sao Tom6 & Prfncipe Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
(Prfncipe), Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda Refs: 17951
Tropical evergreen rainforest is the optimal habitat for
this species. However, it occurs also in gallery forest and Isolona heinsenii
semi-deciduous forest and is often found in towns or on Annonaceae ENBl+2b
the outskirts of villages. It is restricted to fairly wet, Tanzania
well-drained loamy to clayey soils. Population numbers Restricted to low-elevation forests, the species occurs in
have declined through logging operations, the expansion the East Usambai-a Mountains and Magombera.
of human settlements and poor natural regeneration. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 3356, 9302
Refs: 2773, 4506, 6127, 8369, 10961, 16021, 17408
Isonandra perakensis var. perakensis
Iryanthera campinae Sapotaceae LR/cd
Myristicaceae ENBl+2d Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Brazil A small tree of lowland rainforest, known under two
Assessor: Rodrigues, W.A. varieties. This variety is confined to the state of Perak. A
Refs: 19198 population is protected in Taman Negara National Park.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Iryanthera megistocarpa Refs: 19073
Myristicaceae CRBI+2bc
Panama Isonandra stocksU
Recorded very rarely, the species is known only from Sapotaceae ENBl+2c
the vicinity of thehighway which runs from El Llano to India
Cartf in die Kunayala Indigenous Reserve. This area has A small tree scattered in forest remnants in the Western
been well covered botanically and the low number of Ghats. Several occurrences recorded from the turn of the
collections of the species is a reasonable indication of its century no longer appear to exist. The most recent
scarcity.Moreover, in recent years the major part of the collections are from Bangare in Upper Bisle Ghat and
forest here has been cleared and the land colonised by the Bababudan Hills.

campesinos. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Assessor: Mitr6, M. Refs: 4799
Refs: 233, 7980, 16772

The World List of Threatened Trees

Isonandra viUosa Ixora brevipeduncuUOa

Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Rubiaceae QD
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
A species with a disjunct distribution, occurring in the An endemic to Tubuai Island.
Velligonda Hills in the south of the Eastern Ghats and in Assessor: Florence, J.
Quilon in coastal Kerala. Little is known of the present Refs: 14513
status of the populations as no record of them has been
made since 1923. Ixora calycina
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 4799 Sri Lanka
Apparantly restricted to the wet zone of Sri Lanka, this
Itaya amicorum species was collected in five forests during the extensive
Palmae DD fieldwork carried out for the recent National
Brazil, Colombia, Peru Conservation Review.
An understorey palm of lowland rainforest, confined to Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the western Amazon regions of Brazil, Colombia and Refs: 19112
Pern. In Colombia it is known from a remote locality in
a national park. At a local level the trunk is burned for Ixora degemensis
the production of salt and leaves are used for thatch. Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Bemal, R. Nigeria
Refs: 19118 A shrubby tree endemic, confined to an area on the coast
at Degema.
Iteiluma pinifotium Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c /?e/i; 2773, 11504
New Caledonia
The genus has now been moved to Pouteria. The taxon Ixora johnsonu
has been collected from Mont Poume and from maquis Rubiaceae CR B 1 +2c
in Koumea and a few localities in the vicinity. India (Kerala)
Assessor: Jaffre, T. el at. Known only from an imprecisely recorded location in
Refs: 10351,10781, 12630 the vicinity of Emakulam on the Kerala coast, it is not
known whether the species is still extant.
Ixonanthes chinensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ixonanthaceae VUAlcd Refs: 19144
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan,
Yunnan), Viet Nam Ixorajucunda
A small to medium-sized tree, which is widely scattered Rubiaceae VU Ale
in China, crossing the border into northern Viet Nam. Sri Lanka
Occurring in lowland monsoon forest, the species has A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
suffered extensive habitat loss. One of
major the south-west Sri Lanka.
populations is found on Hainan Island, which has Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
experienced large-scale habitat destruction over the last Refs: 9176, 17195
30 years. Other areas of forest are given protection.
Assessor: Sun, W. Ixora lawsoni
Refs: 1818, 11847, 15357, 19055 Rubiaceae ENBI+2c
India (Kamataka, Kerala)
Ixonanthes khasiana A small tree of submontane evergreen forest, known
Ixonanthaceae VUBl+2c from two records close to the Kerala-Kamataka border.
India (Assam, Meghalaya) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurrences are known from the Syreyngam, Khasi and Refs: 19144
the Jaintea Hills in Meghalaya and Bhutan Hill in
Assam. The species is found in rainforest over 10(X)m. Ixora malabarica
High rates of habitat loss have affected the entire range Rubiaceae VU B I +2c
and no collections appear to have been made more India (Kamataka, Kerala)
recently than 1937. A small tree, recorded from scattered localities of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre lowland forest along the coast.
Refs: 2538 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Ixora albersii
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Ixora marquesensis
Tanzania Rubiaceae DD
A moist montane forest species confined to the West French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
Usambara Mountains at Shagayu and Shuwe-Magamba. Populations are recorded from Fatu Hiva, Mohotani and
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Nuku Hiva.
Refs: 3356, 10961 Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513

Species Summaries

Ixora nigerica Ixora sL-johnii

Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Rubiaceae DD
Nigeria French Polynesia (Society Is.)

This shrubby tree is endemic to southern Nigeria. An endemic to Huahine.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs:Tm, 11504 Refs: 14513

Ixora ooumuensis Ixora temehaniensis

Rubiaceae DD Rubiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) French Polynesia (Society Is.)

An endemic to Nuku Hiva. An endemic to Raiatea.

Assessor: Florence, J. Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513 Refs: 14513

Ixora pudica Ixora umbellata

Rubiaceae VU D2 Rubiaceae DD
Seychelles French Polynesia (Society Is.)

Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as An endemic to Tahiti.

threatened by of its restricted distribution.
virtue Assessor: Florence, J.

Populations are healthy and stable. Refs: 14513

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 16212, 17229 Jacaranda arborea
Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c
Ixora raiateensis Cuba
Rubiaceae LR/nt A small tree found in pine forests, serpentine
French Polynesia (Society Is.) shrubwoods and shrublands of the Sagua-Baracoa range
An endemic to Raiatea. in eastern Cuba. The habitat has been degraded in
Assessor: Florence, J. places. Logging and mining activities are constant
Refs: 14513 threats.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Ixora raivavaensis Refs: 7980, 19149
Rubiaceae LR/nt
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) Jacaranda mimosifolia
An endemic to Raivavae. Bignoniaceae VUBl+2ac
Assessor: Florence, J. Argentina (Catamarca, Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
Refs: 14513 The species is reported to be endemic to the endangered
piedmont forest of north-west Argentina and Bolivia, an
Ixora sauUerei ecosystem which is rapidly being coverted to
Rubiaceae EN B 1 +2c agriculture.
India (Tamil Nadu) Assessor: Prado, D.
A poorly recorded tree, occurring in the understorey of Refs: 5112. 8451, 14040, 15037, I9I22
montane forest in the Palni Hills.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Jacqueshuberia loretensis
Refs: 19144 Leguminosae VU D2
Ixora scheffleri ssp. keniensis This species occurs in *terra firme forest in the
Rubiaceae CRBl+2c department of Loreto. It has been recorded only from the
Kenya type collection.
A shrub or tree which is possibly extinct, originally Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
known from the north-east, east and south slopes of Refs: 1984
Mount Kenya between 1900 and 2100m in areas of
moist Ocoiea forest. Jacquinia macrantha var. clarendonensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Theophrastaceae CRBl+2c
Refs: 6396 Jamaica
This small tree is known from a rocky limestone hilltop
Ixora scheffleri ssp. scheffleri above 730m, and possibly from Peckham Woods in
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Clarendon Parish.
Malawi, Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A subspecies which appears to extend from Tanzania Refs: 5653, 7980
into Malawi, confined to the remaining moist forest
areas at submontane to montane elevations. In Tanzania Jacquinia macrantha var. macrantha
records are known from the East Usambara Mountains, Theophrastaceae VU B I -f2c
North Uluguru Mountains, Udzungwa Mountains and Jamaica
Rungwe Mountain. The species is endemic to Jamaica. The type variety is
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke found in crevices of precipitous rocks, where it is
Refs: 3356, 6396, 10961 relatively well protected from the extensive clearance
which has taken place in more accessible habitats.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5653, 7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

Jatropha buUockU between 2000 and 2700m in Zamora-Chinchipe.

Euphorbiaceae VU D2 World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mexico (Jalisco) R^s: 19119,19120
A relatively recently described species, occurring as a
small tree in deciduous forest in La Huerta on the coast Joseanthus chimboraunsis
of Jalisco. It is known only from the type locality. Compositae VU Bl-f2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 7980, 19068 A tree species which is endemic to the High Andes of
Jatropha chamelensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Refs: 19119
Mexico (Jalisco)
Described in 1982, the species is found in deciduous Joseanthus cuatrecasasU
Chamela Biological Station in La Huerta.
forest in the Compositae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 153, 15346, 19068 A tree species which is endemic to the High Andes of
Jatropha unicostata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt Refs: 19119, 19120
Yemen (Socotra)
Endemic to Socotra, this species is one of its commonest Juania australis
plants,co-dominating low-altitude succulent shrubland. Palmae VU D2
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)
Refs: 2354, 19083 Restricted to the Masatierra Island, this palm tree occurs
on steep slopes and ridges in lowland rainforest between
Joannesia princeps 190 and 900m. Felling of the tree has been prohibited.
Euphorbiaceae VUAlcd The Juan Fernandez islands are designated as a national
Brazil park and biosphere reserve and work is being carried out
A rainforest tree found in east Minas Gerais, north by *CONAF to save the native plants.
Espfrito Santo to the south of Bahia. The species has Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
been decline through forest conversion for agriculture,
in fic/j; 5651, 19118
livestock and plantation projects. In addition, it is
exploited for the valuable boleira wood. Jubaea chilensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Palmae VU Alcd
Refs: 4506, 7980 Chile
A palmtree of dry river valleys in the Andean foothills
JoUydora glandulosa and of open hillsides in seasonally dry regions.
Connaraceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 Populations were once relatively common between the
Cameroon, Nigeria latitudes of 32° and 35° south, but they are now confined
A which is known from four localities.
rainforest treelet to afew small areas. This species is felled as a source of
In Nigeria, it on the Obudu Plateau in Cross
exists only palm wine, which is reduced to make honey.
Rivers National Park, where it is confmed to forested Assessor: Gonzalez, M.
valleys. Damage to the habitat is incurred from frequent Refs: 19118
fires and also from encroaching agriculture, especially
banana plantations but also subsistence farming. In Jubaeopsis caffra
Cameroon, the species is restricted to the west, at sites Palmae VU D2
near Obang, Limbe and Ediki. South Africa (Eastern Cape)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A multi-stemmed palm confined to the north banks of
Refs: 14719 the Msikaba and Mtentu Rivers on the Transkei coast.
Records from the Mzintlava River near Manteku have
JoUydora pierrei not been confirmed and it is possible that this
Connaraceae VU D2 subpopulation was destroyed by deforestation. The
Gabon species grows from just above the water level to the tops
This treelet has been collected in rainforest near of steep forested sandstone cliffs, even in the salt spray
Libreville. The habitat is degraded where there has been zone. Reproduction from seed is poor, but plants sucker
logging. The species distribution may be more extensive vigorously. Both localities have been declared as
given that Gabon's forests are relatively unexplored. national monuments and although they are in a
However most areas are under concession to timber designated protected area, there is no management and
companies and their future remains uncertain. enforcement toensure effective protection. This species
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre is traded internationally on a small scale as an
Refs: 14719, 14958 ornamental and overexpioitation is a potential threat
The miniature coconut fruits are favoured by the local
Joosia standleyana people and baboons.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
Ecuador «e/i;389,689, 19118, 19218
An endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes,
currently known only montane cloud
firom an area of

Species Summaries

Juglans australis Juglans olanchana

Juglandaceae LR/nt Juglandaceae EN C2a
Argentina (Catamarca?, Jujuy, Salta, TucumSn), Bolivia Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua
A vigorous pioneer species, which is valued as a source A species of the Atlantic lowlands, occurring as distinct
of timber, medicine, fodder and food. It occurs in moist varieties.

montane forest in an area extending from north-west Assessor: Nelson, C.

Argentina to Tarya and Chuquisaca in Bolivia. Bolivian Refs: 13995, 18136
populations are facing heavy exploitation.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Juglans peru viana
Refs: 1262, 13295, 19170 Juglandaceae VU D2
Juglans califomica This species has been collected just once, from Lima.
Juglandaceae VUAlc Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
USA (California) Refs: 1984
The species may be divided into two varieties, vars.
califomica and hindsii, both endemic to California. Julbemardia magnistipulata
Walnut forest is a much fragmented and decling habitat, Leguminosae VU B 1 +2b
threatened in several counties by urbanisation, grazing Kenya, Tanzania
and possibly by the lack of natural reproduction. There This species is restricted to moist forest areas from
are just two or three stands remaining of var. hindsii, south-east Kenya to eastern Tanzania.
although it is widely naturalised in parts of California Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
and was formerly cultivated as a rootstock for / regia, Ue/j. 3356,6396, 10961
with which it readily hybridises.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Julostylis poh/andra
Refs: 19163, 19183, 19193 Malvaceae ENBl+2c
India (Kerala)
Juglans insularis Apparently collected only twice, the species is known
Juglandaceae VU B +2c
1 from two forest localities to the north and south of the
Cuba Travancore range.
An endemic tree, up to 30m tall, occurring in all types of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
seasonal forest, transitional between rainforest and semi- Refs: 19144
deciduous forest. The species is typical of pristine
communities and acts as an indicator of minimal Juniperus barbadensis
disturbance. The habitat, however, is one of the most Cupressaceae CR Dl
suitable for tropical agriculture. Undismrbed stands are St Lucia
very rare. Overcutting in the past and overgrazing today have led
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. to the confinement of the species to an inaccessible
Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149 rocky outcrop, where it occurs in a dwarfed form. It is
thought that forms growing to 15m were more frequent
Juglans jamaicensis at one time.
Juglandaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico Refs: 374
A large tree, occurring on all islands of the Greater
Antilles except for Jamaica, where it was reported once Juniperus bermudiana
but probably in error. In Puerto Rico, 10 trees exist in La Cupressaceae CRBl+2c
Sillade Calderon at 1000m. It is similarly uncommon on Bermuda
Cuba and Hispaniola but may be recorded under the Overexploitation in the past, as with / barbadensis, has
name J. insularis. The wet montane forest habitat has caused population reductions. However, the cause of
been extensively destroyed and degraded. more recent declines is an infestation of two accidentally
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre introduced scale insects. This species is marginally more
Refs: 6057, 7980, 8915, 17124 common than / barbadensis. A few stands remain in
undisturbed areas. Protection measures are helping in its

Juglans neotropica recovery, but the development of the island ensures that
Juglandaceae ENAlacd-f2cd the species will never take up its former range.
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
A highland species, with a scattered distribution on the Refs: 374, 4506, 9836
periphery of the Andes and in inter-Andean valleys,
often as isolated individuals in agricultural land. Juniperus blancoi
Declines in habitat have been considerable and the Cupressaceae VU D2
species continues to be exploited for its timber, which is Mexico (Durango, Mexico State, Sonora)
often used for decorative purposes. Its presence in the Very similar to J. scopulorum, this species is known
international timber trade is thought to be increasing. No from three locations, generally along streamsides in
commercial plantations have been established. The seeds montane pine-oak forest. It is locally common in
are also edible and marketed locally. Durango.
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 3014, 4217, 4870, 12109, 16093, 18432, 19069, Refs: 13041, 13205
19179, 19183

The World Ust of Threatened Trees

Juniperus brevifolia population structure. The variety may be dubiously

Cupressaceae EN B 1 +2c separated by bark characteristics.
Portugal (Azores) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
A shrub or small tree which forms a typical component Refs: 13041,13205
of remaining laurel forest, mostly above 500m. It is
found on all the Azores, except Santa Maria and Juniperus deppeana var. robusta
Graciosa. Continuous cutting of old stands for their Cupressaceae VUBl+2ce
high-quality wood has caused significant reductions in Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco)
the population. Sizeable trees are now rare and the Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
species is represented largely by shrub-sized individuals. «e/i; 374, 13205
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 314, 7222, \304l Juniperus deppeana var. lacatecensis
Cupressaceae VUBl+2ce
Juniperus cedrus Mexico (Durango, Zacatecas)
Cupressaceae VU CI This taxon is restricted, in the same way as var.
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.) patoniana, to areas where stands have been left to serve
Remaining populations are confined to dry woodland in as shade trees. The population structure is poor. The
inaccessible rocky areas of La Palma and Tenerife in the variety is dubiously separated by bark characteristics.
Canary Islands and only at higher altitudes on Madeira, Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
where a total of 39 specimens have been counted in the Refs: 13041, 13205
wild. The species is dioecious and dispersal between the
isolated populations is apparently failing because of Juniperus durangensis
declines in numbers in the avian-disperser population. It Cupressaceae VUBl+2c
is listed in regional legislation and populations are also Mexico (Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco,

protected within national parks. Sonera, Zacatecas)

Assessor: Bafiares, A. el al. A scarce species which favours openings in montane
Refs: 374, 13041, 19022, 19131 pine-oak forest. Up to 10 localities are known, but more
are likely to be found. It is possible the scarcity of
Juniperus centrasiatica collections is a of the
reflection species being
Cupressaceae LR/nt overlooked rather than low in numbers.
China (Xinjiang) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
An endemic to the Kuen Luen Moimtains. Refs: 374
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 13041 Juniperus ekmanU
Cupressaceae CR Dl
Juniperus comitana Haiti
Cupressaceae VUBl+2c A taxonomically questionable species. Occurrences are
Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas) recorded from Mome la Selle and Mome la Visite,
Although relatively widespread within its range, although the latter population is now thought to be
stretching from Comit^ in Mexico to north Guatemala, extinct.
the species has suffered population losses from Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
deforestation. It occurs on rocky hills in dry forests. /?e/i; 374, 9836, 13041
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374,4974, 13205, 19161 Juniperus gamboana
Cupressaceae VUBl+2c
Juniperus convaUium var. convallium Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas)
Cupressaceae LR/nt A tree of pine-oak forest, restricted to limestone
China (Sichuan, Xizang) hillsides. Deforestation continues to occur on a large
The species is found in an area extending from north- scale. The timber is used on a local scale.
west Sichuan into east Tibet. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 374, 13041, 13205, 19161
Refs: 374, 13041
Juniperus gaussenii
Juniperus convaUium var. microsperma Cupressaceae LR/nt
Cupressaceae DD China (Yunnan)
China (Xizang) A Yunnan endemic with a relatively restricted range.
A species which is endemic to the south-east of Tibet. Overcutting is a threat.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 13041 Refs: 374

Juniperus deppeana \aT. patoniana Juniperus gracHior

Cupressaceae VUBl+2ce Cupressaceae ENBl+2c
Mexico (Durango) Dominican Republic
This taxon is widely scattered on agricultural land in six Known from a locality near Constanza, Valle del Jaque,
main locations. Trees can be coppiced and large the increasing settlement of the area has reduced
individuals are left for shade, leading to an unbalanced populations of this species to less accessible or attractive
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 13041, 13205

Species Summaries

Juniperus jaUscana populations in Zimbabwe, the Republic of Congo and

Cupressaceae ENBI+2c Malawi are extremely small and threatened
Mexico (Durango, Jalisco) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
This species is restricted to two populations in montane Refs: 2361, 4506, 5108, 6079, 7222, 14667
pine-oak forest in Pueblo Nuevo, the Sierra Madre
Occidental and Cuale in Jalisco. These forests are Juniperus pnewalskii
experiencing rapid deforestation rates. Cupressaceae LR/nt
Assessor: SSCConifer Specialist Group China (Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan)
/fe/i; 374,6541, 13041 As with / pingii, the species is relatively rare but
apparently not overly threatened.
Juniperus komarovU Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Cupressaceae LR/nt Refs: 374, 13041
China (Sichuan)
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Juniperus recurva var. coxU
/fs/s: 374, 13041 Cupressaceae VUAlc
China (Yunnan), Myanmar
Juniperus lucayana A fairiy widespread variety of moist montane woodland
Cupressaceae VUBl+2c in Yunnan and north-west Myanmar. It has been
Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica harvested heavily in Yunnan but appears to regenerate
This species is now rare in Cuba because of past well.
overexploitation. It is technically extinct in Haiti and is Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
rarely seen in the Bahamas. Of all tree species in the Refs: 374, 13041
Blue Mountains in Jamaica, this is considered to be
under the most direct threat because of its value as a Juniperus saxicola
fuelwood and a timber. It has a local and scattered Cupressaceae VU 02
distribution, mostly on steep slopes. In the Blue Cuba
Mountains it occurs most commonly on southern slopes, A tree up to 10m submontane
tall, restricted to forest on
where deforestation is and once remote
prevalent the rocky ridges of Pico Turquino and adjacent peaks in
populations are now accessible by road. Regeneration is the Sierra Maesra mountain range in south-east Cuba.
spasmodic and young trees frequently colonise exposed Population numbers are low.
sites and landslides. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149
Refs: 374,9836, 16327, 19116, 19149

Juniperus standleyi
Juniperus martinezU Cupressaceae EN B 1 +2bc
Cupressaceae LR/nt Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas)
Mexico (Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco) An uncommon tree or prostrate shrub, occurring in
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group forest above 3000m. Less than a third of the original
/f«/i.- 431 1,6541, 13041 700km' extent of occurrence remains. The wood is
heavily exploited for local construction work and fuel,
Juniperus pingii and the scarcity of the tree has now led to municipal
Cupressaceae LR/nt boundary disputes. Trees are legally protected but the
China (Sichuan, Yunnan) law is not well respected. In the rainy season grazing by
A very rare species but apparently not under threat of sheep is heavy.
extinction. Deforestation is taking place extensively in Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
north-west Yunnan. There are some taxonomic queries Refs: 374, 536, 4974, 13205
about the boundary between this species and other
Chinese junipers. Juniperus urbaniana
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Cupressaceae EN B 1 +2c
/fe/i; 374, 13041 Haiti
Viable populations were recorded in 1984 in Pic la Selle.
Juniperus procera Since then attempts to find this shrubby species have
Cupressaceae LR/nt failed. It appears to be reduced to inaccessible areas.
Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Much of its habitat has been destroyed.
Kenya, Malawi, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen (Former North Yemen), Refs: 374, 9836
Widespread from Arabia to Zimbabwe, this large tree is Kageneckia lanceolata
found in mountainous areas on rocky ground, mostly Rosaceae VU Alcd
between 1750 and 2500m. Existing populations in the Bolivia, Peru
Arabian Peninsula represent a small fragment of the This species located at elevations in the dry
is Andean
woodlands that once existed. At lower elevations valleys and transition zones to the *pima, where
populations appear to be regenerating extremely pooriy, agriculturalactivity is most intense. Grazing, habitat
possibly because of climatic changes. Trees continue to clearing and collection as a fuelwood is affecting
be cut for fuelwood and timber at a local level, and in remaining populations. In areas where it was once noted
some places also for export. Changing land-use patterns, as abundant, the species is almost extinct. The hard
browsing, particularly by buffalo and elephants, and the wood is also popular for making ploughs, etc.
increase in plantations of fast-growing exotic species are Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
also contributing to the species' decline. Outlying Refs: 19180

The World List of Threatened Trees

Kalappia celebica Keteleeria davidiana yar.formosana

Leguminosae VUBl+2c Pinaceae CRBl+2c
Indonesia (Sulawesi) Taiwan
A monotypic genus, known only from a few collections, A close relative of K. davidiana in Yunnan,known from
restricted tolowland forest in the vicinity of Malili. This localities in the north and south, separated by 3(X)km.
large tree is locally valuable for its timber, especially for The populations are small, numbering fewer than 150
building ships and bridges. mature trees, and the lowland forest habitat is commonly
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre invaded by broadleaved species, leading to very poor
«e/i; 4329, 6426, 19072 regeneration. A reserve has been set up specifically to
help conserve the taxon. It is also protected under the
Kayea coriacea Cultural Heritage Preservation Law.
Guttiferae VU D2 Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Papua New Guinea Refs: 2106, 11191, 13041, 19050, 19051
This tree is found in Western District and has recently

been discovered on Sudest Island. It occurs in lowland Keteleeria fortunei

seasonally flooded or ridge forest. The taxonomic limits Pinaceae LR/nt
of the species are presently unknown. It could represent China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan,
more than one taxon. Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Hong Kong, Viet Nam
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 19031,19113 Refs: 1818,13041

Kayea macrophylla Khaya anihotheca

Guttiferae VU D2 Meliaceae VU Alcd
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire, Democratic
A small tree of lowland rainforest, known from two Republic of Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi,
collections: one from Geelvink Bay, Irian Jaya, and the Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda,
other from an area near Angoram in the East Sepik Zambia, Zimbabwe
District of Papua New Guinea. An important source of African mahogany, this species
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. is widespread in areas of evergreen forest. It is heavily
Refs: 19031 exploited, particularly
in East and West Africa.
Regeneration poor in places, especially where parent

Keetia koritschaneri trees are scarce, and serious genetic erosion is believed
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b, D2 to have occurred. This species is commonly confused
Tanzania with K. grandifoliola. There are protected populations,
A dry forest species confined to the Mombo Forest log export bans and felling limits in various countries.
Reserve, Makuyuni. Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 2773, 6128, 6725, 10961, 12061, 13250, 13370,
Refs: 3356, 10961 16021, 16822, 17408

Keetia purpurascens Khaya grandifoliola

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Meliaceae VUAlcd
Tanzania Benin, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo,
A Tanzanian endemic restricted to areas of dry forest in Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Sudan, Togo, Uganda
the east and south-east. An important timber species, commonly confused with
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke K. anihotheca but less widespread, occurring more
Refs: 3356, 10961 frequently in dry semi-deciduous forest and forest
outliers. Exploitation is heavy: extraction of mature
Kentiopsis oliviformis individuals from populations has been comprehensive.
Palmae ENBl+2c Regeneration poor away from parent individuals and
New Caledonia is best at savanna-forest boundary. Protected
Occurring in the lowlands, the species is restricted to a populations and log export bans are in place in various
small area of the south-west and centre of the island. countries.
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 10351, 19118 Refs: 2036,2773,6127, 11504, 12061, 14667, 16021

Kermadecia pronyensis Khaya ivorensis

Proteaceae VU D2 Meliaceae VU Alcd
New Caledonia Angola, Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon, Ghana,
A species known from four localities. One is in the south
near Prony and more recently the species has been
Liberia, Nigeria
The most important Khaya species for providing
recorded from the Boulinda Massif, where it is foimd in African mahogany. It is found in various habitat types in
diverse habitat types of maquis and forest up to an West and Central Africa but is most abundant in wet
altitude of 850m. undisturbed evergreen forest. Levels of exploitation are
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. very high. Little regeneration takes place after
Refs: 10351, 12630 disturbance. Individuals reach a seed-producing age at

Species Summaries

30 years, although large seed crops appear only at three apparently endemic to Davao Province of Mindanao
to four year intervals. Log export bans and legal Island.
protection exist in various countries. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: African Regional Workshop Refs: 18388
Refs: 2113, 6128, 6718, 8785, 12061, 13250
KibataUa macgregori
Khaya madagascariensis Apocynaceae VU D2
Meliaceae EN A led Philippines
Comoros, Madagascar Apparantly endemic to Sibuyan Island, this tree has been
In the north-west, the species occurs in Mahajanga, Port- collected only once in montane forest.
Berg6, Mitsinjo, Ambilobe and also on the Comoros; Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
further east on the mainland in Voh^mas, Ambila and Refs: 18388
Mananjary. Populations are found in rainforest, along
rivers, salt-water marshes and also in degraded forest. KibataUa merriUiana
Both habitat and trees have been heavily exploited. Apocynaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Philippines
Refs: 6161 A small tree endemic to the Philippines, so far found
only on Samar and Leyte Islands.
Khaya senegalensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Meliaceae VUAIcd Refs: 18388
Benin, Burkina Cameroon, Central African
Republic, Chad, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, KibataUa puberula
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Apocynaceae ENBl+2c
Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo, Uganda Philippines
A mahogany species, widespread in high-rainfall Restricted to Samar Island, this small evergreen tree
savanna woodland. Logging and local exploitation are occurs in dipterocarp forest on river banks between
largely uncontrolled and poorly monitored. In northern altitudes of 100 and 250m. It has been collected only
parts of the range exploitation may be leading to genetic three times.
erosion. Natural regeneration from the seed is poor but Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
does occur from suckers. Legal protection exists in Refs: 18388
various countries. Many uses of the tree, particularly the
medicinal properties of the bark, are documented. KibataUa stenopetala
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Apocynaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 2036, 2773, 4506, 5003, 1 1504, 14667 Philippines
Found in forest in the foothills of mountains in Luzon
KibataUa bomeensis and Mindanao, this tree is known only from three
Apocynaceae EN Ale herbarium specimens.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree or shrub foimd in swamp forest and heath Refs: 18388
forest near Kuching, Sarawak. The vegetation
surrounding Kuching is extremely threatened by urban KibataUa viUosa
encroachment. Apocynaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Refs: 18327, 18388 Sarawak)
An evergreen tree of swamp and montane forest, found
KibataUa elmeri in Johore in Peninsular Malaysia, Kalong and Marundi
Apocynaceae VU D2 in Sarawak and in west, east and south Kalimantan.
Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A montaneforest species known only from a single Refs: 18388
locality.Mount Bulusan on Luzon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre KibataUa wigmani
R^s: 18388 Apocynaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
KibataUa gUingensis Endemic to north-east Sulawesi, the species has been
Apocynaceae VU A I c, B I +2c collected several times from evergreen forest on
Philippines volcanic soils.
A tree of hill forest between
150 and 52Sm, found on the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
islands of Catanduances, Luzon, Leyte and Surigao. /fe/i; 4329, 18388
Trees are cut for timber.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kielmeyera peruviana
Refs: 18388 Guttiferae VU D2
KibataUa longifolia Known only from the type collection, this species occurs
Apocynaceae CRBl+2c in *terrafirme forest over 1000m in the department of
Philippines San Martin.
A tree, known only from the type collection, found in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest on deep rich soils at an altitude of 40m. It is Refs: 1984

The World List of Threatened Trees

Kingiodendron pinnatum Knema andamanica ssp. peninsularis

Leguminosae EN Alcd Myristicaceae VU D2
India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Thailand
A large tree sparesely distributed in evergreen hill forest This subspecies has been collected only four times from
and deciduous forest, occurring up to a 1000m over rainforest in Thailand, including some island localities.
range extending from South Kanara in Karnataka to the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
southern tip of the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu. The Refs: 10460
species yields useful timber, bark and resin. The
population has declined considerably because of Knema ashtonii var. ashtonU
overexploitation and habitat degradation. Regeneration Myristicaceae VU Ale
appears to be very poor. Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in This variety is found in primary forest in noithem
India Borneo.
yje/j.- 561, 4799, 19144 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10460
Kirkia burgeri ssp. somalensis
Simaroubaceae LR/nt Knema ashtonii var. cinnamomea
Somalia Myristicaceae VU Ale
Confined to northern Somalia, the subspecies is Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
threatened by habitat degradation caused by general A primary forest variety foimd in central-east
overcutting and grazing. Kalimantan and Sarawak.
Assessor: Thulin, M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/f</i; 8697, 18665 Refs: 10460

Kirkia dewinteri Knema austrosiamensis

Simaroubaceae VU D2 Myristicaceae VU D2
Namibia Thailand
A species of very arid savaima, confined to dolomite Known only from four collections, this tree is found in
mountain slopes in Damaraland, northern Namibia. evergreen forest in south-east Thailand.
There is possibly a new locality further to the east. The Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population size is small and overutilisation of the area or Refs: 10460
a natural disaster could result in its demise. There are
threats from increasing settlement and grazing by Knema bengalensis
livestock. It is protected by forestry legislation and to a Myristicaceae VU D2
certain extent by the inaccessible terrain in which it Bangladesh
occurs. If this new locality is confirmed, it will lie within This tree is known only from the type collected in the
a newly-formed conservancy. Chittagong District of Bangladesh.
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
«cA; 689, 19218 Refs: 5626, 10460

Knema alvarezii Knema celebica

Myristicaceae VU D2 Myristicaceae VU D2
Philippines Indonesia (Sulawesi)
This species is known from only two collections from This species is confined to lowland forest on ultrabasic
the Province of Nueva Ecija in the Philippines. soils in central Sulawesi, south of Lake Matano. There
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre are no occurrences north of the lake, where the soils
Refs: 10460 have a different origin. It is known from four
Knema andamanica ssp. andamanica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 4329, 10460
India (Andaman
and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.,
Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.) Knema communis
A rainforest tree found only on the Andaman and Myristicaceae VU Ale
Nicobar Islands. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Apparently endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, this
Refs: 10460 scattered species grows in lowland and hill rainforest up
to 270m. Expansion of settlements and forest clearance
Knema andamanica ssp. nicobarica are the main threats.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
India (Andaman
and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.), /ee/i;9199, 17140, 19073
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A total of six collections are known of this rainforest Knema conica
tree, from Nicobar Island, Pinang Island
taken in Myristicaceae VU D2
Peninsular Malaysia and Atjeh in Sumatra. Thailand
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree found in evergreen forest; known only from
Refs: 10460 the type collected in Chantabun, south-east Thailand in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10460

Species Summaries

Knema curtisu var. amoena has been collected only twice in recent years.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: de Wilde. W.J.J.O.
Brunei Refs: 9199, 10460, 17140
Very localised, this variety is known only from the type
collected from lowland forest in Brunei. Knema kinabaluensis
Assessor: de Wilde. W.J.J.O. Myristicaceae LR/cd
Refs: 10460, 19078 Malaysia (Sabah)
A montane species locally common and endemic to
Knema curtisu var. arenosa Mount Kinabalu and the surrounding area.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Kalimantan). Malaysia (Sabah. Sarawak) Refs: 1766, 10460
Endemic to Borneo, this uncommon variety is restricted
to sandy ridges. It has not been collected recently. Knema korthalsii ssp. rimosa
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 10460. 19078 Malaysia (Sabah)
A small tree of lowland primary dipterocarp forest
Knema curtisii var. paludosa endemic to east Sabah.
Myristicaceae VUAlc Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Sumatra). Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia. Refs: 19082
Sarawak). Singapore
A variety found predominantly in freshwater swamp Knema kostermansiana
forest, where it has been collected only infrequently. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan). Malaysia (Sabah)
Refs: 9199, 10460 A tree found in logged forest and riverine forest; it is
known from two from Sabah. a single
Knema emmae collection from Sarawak and another from north-east
Myristicaceae VU D2 Kalimantan.
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree of hillside forest, recently described and Refs:S15. 1766. 10460
known only from three collections from Bukit Tawau
and Keningau in Sabah and Gunung Maeru Tagal in Knema krusemaniana
north-east Kalimantan. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Refs: 2147 A recently described small tree, which has been
collected four times in the upper reaches of Katingan
Knema glauca var. riparia and Kahayan Rivers. It is locally common in secondary
Myristicaceae VU Ale forest.

Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

This tree is usually found in lowland primary riverine Refs: 2147
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Knema kunstleri ssp. alpina
Refs: 875 Myristicaceae LR/nt
Indonesia (Kalimantan). Malaysia (Sabah. Sarawak)
Knema hirtella var. pilocarpa A subspecies of submontane to montane forest in
Myristicaceae VUBl+2c Sarawak. Sabah and west and south Kalimantan.
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
This variety is known from occurrences in east Refs: 10460
Kalimantan, east Sabah and from a collection in
Sarawak. Knema kunstleri ssp. coriacea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU Ale
Refs: 10460 Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
A subspecies usually found in the threatened peat-
Knema hookerana swamp forests of northern Borneo.
Myristicaceae VUAlc Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Refs: 10460
Singapore. Thailand
A distinctive species which occurs from southern Knema kunstleri ssp. leptophylla
Peninsular Thailand to Sumatra; no recent collections Myristicaceae VU D2
have been made. Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Assessor: de Wilde. W.J.J.O. This recently described subspecies is known only from
Refs: 9199. 10460 the type collection. It was found in primary hill

dipterocarp forest in west Kalimantan.

Knema intermedia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae LR/nt Refs: 2147
Indonesia (Java. Kalimantan. Sumatra). Malaysia
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore Knema kunstleri ssp. macrophytta
Although fairly widespread in west Malesia. the species Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Sumatra)
Known only from the type collection from the Irdragiri

The World List of Threatened Trees

Uplands, the subspecies occurs in lowland swamp forest. Knema matanensis

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 10460, 10547 Indonesia (Sulawesi)
A tree, endemic to central Sulawesi, known only from
Knema kunstleri ssp. psendostettata four collections.
Myristicaceae D2 VU Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Kalimantan) Refs: 4329
A small tree known only from a single collection foimd
in primary dipterocarp forest at 1200m in Serawai, west Knema minima
Kalimantan. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brunei
Refs: 19082 Known only from a restricted area in south Brunei, this
small tree occurs inmixed dipterocarp forest on ridges
Knema lamellaria between 50 and 350m.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 19082
A species known only from a collection from
Terengganu and another from Pahang. Knema mixta
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 10460 Viet Nam
A montane forest tree that has been collected only once
Knema lampongensis in Annam.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra) Refs: 10460
A total of five collections have been found on the east
coast and Riouw Island off Sumatra and the Anambas Knema mogeana
Islands off Borneo. Myristicaceae VU Ale
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Refs: 10460 A small tree found in primary forest and mixed
dipterocarp forest.
Knema latericia ssp. latericia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU Bl+2c Refs: $15, \766
This subspecies is endemic to Palawan; it has been Knema muscosa
further divided into two varieties: var. latericia and var. Myristicaceae VU D2
subtilis. The variety subtilis grows in primary and Malaysia (Sarawak)
logged dipterocarp forest. This species is restricted to two collections from Mount
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Majau, Sarawak.
Refs: 10460, 19082 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1766, 10460
Knema longepilosa
Myristicaceae VU D2 Knema oblongata ssp.parriflora
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Myristicaceae VU D2
Known only from three collections, this small tree is Malaysia (Sabah)
found in hillside forest and occasionally mixed Known only from the type, this subspecies occurs in
dipterocarp forest in Fourth Division of Sarawak and primary forest in Sabah.
west-central Kalimantan. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10460
Refs: 2147
Knema oblongata ssp.pedunculata
Knema losirensis Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristicaceae LR/cd Malaysia (Sabah)
Indonesia (Sumatra) Known from three collections, this subspecies is found
This tree has been found only in northern Sumatra. It is in lowland primary forests in Sabah.
present in the Gimung Leuser Nature Reserves. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10460
Refs: 10460, 10547
Knema oblongifoHa
Knema mamiUata Myristicaceae LR/cd
Myristicaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Indonesia (Kalimantan) A rare tree found in moist forest up to 1700m. Although
Found in lowland Agathis forest on sand ridges in peat populations are generally threatened by increasing
forest, this tree is known only from three collections settlement and logging activities, the species is
from south Kalimantan. conserved in Taman Negara National Park, wildlife
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reserves and forest reserves.
Refs: 1766, 10460 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 10460, 11647, 19073, 19078

Species Summaries

Knema pachycarpa Knema poilanei

Myristicaceae VU D2 Myristicaceae VU D2
Viet Nam Viet Nam
Known only from the type collection, this tree is found Known only from type collection from Annam, this tree
inevergreen montane forest near Da Nang in Annam. was found montane forest in 1939.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10460 Refs: 10460

Knema pectinata ssp.pectinata Knema psilantha

Myristicaceae LR/nt Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
This lower montane subspecies is locally common in A tree known from two collections from the Thinl
Sarawak and Sabah. Division, Sarawak, a single collection from the Beaufort
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre District, Sabah, and a recent collection from east
Refs: 1766. 10460, 17176, 19078 Kalimantan.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema pectinata ssp. vestita Refs: 1766,2147, 10460
Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sarawak) Knema pubiflora
This subspecies appears to be restricted to the Fifth Myristicaceae LR/nt
Division, where it has been collected only three times. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A forest tree found in the Third Division of Sarawak,
Refs: 17176 Sabah and Kalimantan (including Nunukan Island).
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema pedicellata Refs: 1766, 10460
Myristicaceae VUAlc
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Knema retusa
A tree restricted to mixed dipterocarp forest up to an Myristicaceae VU D2
altitude of700m. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree known only from four collections from Perak.
Refs: 1766, 10460 The species is very rare and has not been collected
recently. It is not known whether it still exists.
Knema percoriacea for. fitsca Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 10460, 19073, 19078
This form is known only from the type collected in Knema riangensis
Bnmei. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia? (Sarawak?)
Refs: 10460 Known from three or four collections, the tree is known
from primary riverine forest in Bukit Raya, central
Knema pierrei Kalimantan, and from a slightly different collection from
Myristicaceae VU D2 Sarawak.
Viet Nam Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This tree is confmed to Cochinchina, south Viet Nam, Refs: 875
where it is known from five collections from lower
montane forest. Knema ridsdaleana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 10460 Philippines
A small tree, known only from the type collection, found
Knema piriformis growing by a stream on ultrabasic soil in Palanan, north-
Myristicaceae LR/cd east Luzon. The area receives limited protection as a
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) wilderness area, but continues to be threatened by illegal
The species is found in montane forest especially on and logging and expansion of settlements.
around Mount Kinabalu. A single collection has also Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
been recorded from Sarawak. Refs: 2147
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1766, 10460 Knema rigidifolia ssp. camerona
Myristicaceae VU D2
Knema plumulosa Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Myristicaceae VUBl+2a A subspecies of montane forest known only from a
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) single locality in the Cameron Highlands. The locality is
Foimd throughout Peninsular Malaysia, this species of under pressure from infrastructural development.
lowland and hill rainforest is declining through the Assessor: de Wilde. W.J.J.O.
expansion of human habitation and logging activities. Refs: 10460. 19073
There are no recent collections of this species.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Knema rigidifolia ssp. rigidifolia
Refs: 17140, 19073, 19078 Myristicaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This subspecies is restricted to the mountains of Pahang

The World List of Threatened Trees

and Selangor. The known localities are under pressure Knema stellata ssp. stellata
from infrastructural development. Some populations are Myristicaceae VU D2
contained within a wildlife sanctuary and protected Philippines
forests within the permanent forest estate. This subspecies is known from only five collections on
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. the Samar Islands.

Refs: 10460, 19073 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 10460
Knema ntfa
Myristicaceae VU D2 Knema stenocarpa
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) Myristicaceae VU Bl-f2c
This species occurs in Sarawak and Brunei. Philippines
Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O. This rare species is found on Sulu and Mindanao
Refs: 10460 Islands.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema saxatUis Refs: 10460, 19078
Myristicaceae VU D2
Viet Nam Knema stylosa
This tree is found in montane forest near Da Nang, Myristicaceae VU Ale
Annam. Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This primary forest tree is found in noith-east Sarawak
Refs: 10460 and Sabah.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema sericea Refs: 875, 1766
Myristicaceae VU D2
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Knema subhirtella
Known from five collections, the tree is found at the foot Myristicaceae VU Ale
of limestone mountains. Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An understorey tree found in mixed dipterocarp forest in
Refs: 1766, 2147. 10460 west Sabah and Sarawak.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema sessiflora Refs: 875, 1766
Myristicaceae VU D2
Viet Nam Knema tenuinervia ssp. kanburiensis
A montane forest species collected only twice, in Myristicaceae VU D2
Annam, Nam.
Viet Thailand
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Found in mixed deciduous forest, this tree appears to be
Refs: 10460 restricted to Kanchanaburi Province.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema squamulosa Refs: 10460
Myristicaceae VU D2
Viet Nam Knema tonkinensis
A tree, known only from the type collection, which was Myristicaceae VU D2
found growing in montane forest on rocky clay soil in Laos, Viet Nam
Aiuam in 1923. This tree occurs in montane forest in Upper Laos and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tonkin, Viet Nam.
Refs: 10460 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10460
Knema steenisii
Myristicaceae VU D2 Knema tridactyla ssp. pachydactyla
Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Is.) Myristicaceae VU D2
A tree only known from west Flores at about 800m. Malaysia (Sabah)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from the type collection, this small tree was
Refs: 1011,17176 found on a ridge at 400m in the Sugud Recreation Park,
Penampang District.
Knema stellata ssp. minahassae World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 19082
Indonesia (Sulawesi)
This subspecies endemic to north and central
is Knema tridactyla ssp. salicifoUa
Sulawesi, from where has been collected four times. It
it Myristicaceae VU D2
occurs on poor soils north of Lake Matano. There are no Malaysia (Sabah)
occurrences south of the lake, where the soils have a Known only from the type collection found south of
different origin. Tabilong in north Sabah, this subspecies was found on a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre 650m.
hill at

Refs: 4329, 10460 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 19082

Species Summaries

Knema tridaclyla ssp. sublaevis Koilodepas watlichianum

Myristicaceae VUAlc Euphorbiaceae LR/cd
Brunei?, Malaysia (Sarawak) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This subspecies is apparently restricted to the primary The species is confined to Penang Hill, where it is

lowland dipterocarp forests of the First LHvision, scattered in submontane rainforest. The locality is a
Sarawak. A collection from Brunei possibly belongs to conserved area.
it. Assessor: Kochummen. K.M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 5550, 11647. 19073
Refs: 10460. 19082
Kokia cookei
Knema tridactyla ssp. tridactyla Malvaceae EW
Myristicaceae VU Ale USA (Hawaii)
Brunei. Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) When first discovered in the 1860s, only three small
This subspecies occurs in the Forth Division in Sarawak. trees were found in relicmal dryland forest near Mahana
Brunei and west Sabah. in western Molokai. The site was central to a sheep tun
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the population wasdirectly affected by browsing
Refs: 10460, 19082 and trampling domestic and feral stock. By 1918 all the
specimens in the wild had died. Some years after, the
Knema uliginosa only known cultivated tree died without producing
Myristicaceae VU D2 viable offspring and the species was thought extinct.
Indonesia (Kalimantan). Malaysia (Sarawak) However, living material has been obtained from the
This species appears to be restricted to Sarawak and branch of a cultivated specimen discovered in 1970, and
west Kalimantan. It is known only from three grafted onto K. kauaiensis. The genus consists of four
collections. species, all endemic to Hawaii and either extinct or
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre critically endangered. The species is protected by the US

Refs: 1766. 10460 Endangered Species Act.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Knema viridis Refs: 3372, 19089
Myristicaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sarawak) Kokia drynarioides
This species is based on four specimens, all found in the Malvaceae CR Dl
Fourth and Fifth Divisions of Sarawak in lowland and USA (Hawaii)
hill mixed dipterocarp forest. A species from endemic to the Hawaiian
a small genus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Islands, reduced to a few individuals in dry forest on
Refs: 875. 1766 lava fields at Puuwaawaa and Huehue on Hawaii. It
persists in cultivation. The species is protected by the
KoanophyUon panamensis US Endangered Species Act.
Compositae EN CI Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panama Refs: 3372
Originally the species was thought to be restricted to
rainforest along riversand lakesides in the central parts Kokia kauaiensis
of Panama, including Altos de Campana National Park. Malvaceae CR C2a
Recent reports indicate that the species occurs in Bocas USA (Hawaii)
del Toro andl La Amistad National Park on the border At one time this species was known only from a single
with Costa Rica. Occurrences are uncommon and tree in Koaloha Canyon. It is now the most numerous
outside protected areas populations are severely member of the genus. At present six populations are
threatened by habitat loss. known from rainforest in Paaiki, Kuia. Mahanaloa,
Assessor: Mitr^. M. Kalalau. Pohakuao and Koaie Valleys in the west of
Refs: 16772 Kauai. All of these are on state land. Estimates of the
total population size range from 105 to 145. the largest

Koilodepas calycinum containing no more than 50 individuals. Invasive plants

Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c and the activities of feral goats, deer and rats are the
India (Tamil Nadu) major threats to remaining populations. The species is
Known from just two collections, the species occurs in protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
widely separated localities of submontane evergreen Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest. Refs: 3372, 19036, 19086
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 11373,19144 Kokia lanceolata
Malvaceae EX
Koilodepas ferrugineum USA (Hawaii)
Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c A species from a small genus endemic to the Hawaiian
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Islands. Originally known from the hills of Makaku,
There is some doubt over the continued existence of the Koko Head and Wailupe Valley on Oahu, it was first
species.It has been collected only once from lowland recorded in 1888 and became extinct shortly afterwards.
evergreen forest in Malacca. Most of the forest here has The species is protected by the US Endangered Species
been cleared for plantations or colonisation. Act.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464. 19073 Refs: 3372

The World List of Threatened Trees

Kokoona coriacea in Sarawak under the Wildlife Protection Bill of 1990.

Celastraceae VU D2 There is concern over its conservation status in Sabah.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak) However, Koompassia timber is currently gaining
This lowland forest species is known from the type importance in trade because of the shortage of heavy
collected from Perak, Peninsular Malaysia, and another hardwood timber.

recent collection from Niah Cave National Park, Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Sarawak. Trees of this genus are cut for mata ulat timber Refs: 4919, 12937, 14573, 17214, 19026, 19072
which is used locally. The species is threatened by the
large-scale clearance of the forest. Koompassia grandiflora
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd
Refs: 5550, 11145, 11647, 19017, 19073 Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
A primary rainforest tree occurring on coastal plain
Kokoona leucoclada and stony low hills in Vogelkop, Irian Jaya and

Celastraceae VU D2 the Morobe, Gulf and Central Provinces of Papua New

Malaysia (Sabah) Guinea. Observations of active exploitation for the
Endemic to Sabah, the species has been collected only timber of this species in Papua New Guinea were made
once from Ranau and once from Sandakan in lowland in the 1960s; the timber continues to be in high demand

forest. Trees of the genus are cut for mata ulat timber, and is heavily exploited in areas subject to logging. As it

which is used locally. The species is threatened by the occurs in primary forest and in readily accessible areas,
large-scale clearance of the forest. the species is considered highly vulnerable.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.

Refs: 11145, 19017 Refs: 14573, 19057, 19072, 19114

Kokoona littoralis var. hakoensis Koompassia malaccensis

Celastraceae VU D2 Leguminosae LR/cd
Malaysia (Sarawak) Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia
Locally abundant in Bako National Park, this variety is (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore,
found in heath forest. The species is cut for mata ulat Thailand
timber. This very large tree is found in freshwater peat-swamp

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre below 150 m. It is a useful timber species
forest, usually

Refs: 11145, 19017 for heavy construction. Koompassia timber is currently

gaining importance in trade because of the shortage of
Kokoona littoralis var. hngifolia heavy hardwood timber. It is protected in Sarawak under
Celastraceae VU D2 the Wildlife Protection Bill of 1990.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
This variety is known only from the type collection Refs: 2422, 9199, 12827, 12937, 14573, 17140, 17214,
found in lowland forest in Limbang. The species is cut 19057, 19072
for mata ulat timber for local use.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kopsia lancifolia
Refs: 11145,19017 Apocynaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Sabah)
Kokoona sabahana A tree known by only a single collection from Sabah.
Celastraceae VU D2 The taxonomy of this genus is in need of revision.
Malaysia (Sabah) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurring infrequentlyin lowland swamp and hill forest, Refs: 19117
known only from three collections from
this small tree is
Nabawan, Tawau and Sandakan. Kopsia lanitensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Apocynaceae DD
Refs: 11145,19017 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak), Thailand
A rare shrub to small tree found in lowland rainforest. In
Kokoona sessilis Peninsular Malaysia it is apparently restricted to the
Celastraceae VU A 1 c+2c, D2 Kledang Saiong range in Perak. The taxonomy of this
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) genus is in need of revision.
A rare tree inhabiting between 60 and 730m in
rainforest Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
the states of Kelantan, Terengganu and east Johore. It is Refs: 19073, 19117
protected in Taman Negara National Park, but elsewhere
is threatened by large-scale forest clearance. Kopsia profunda
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Apocynaceae DD
Refs: 5550, 8464, 1 1 145, 1 1647, 19073 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This species is known only from three herbarium
Koompassia excelsa collections. The taxonomy of the genus is in need of
Leguminosae LR/cd revision.

Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines, Thailand? Refs: 19117
One of the tallest rainforest trees ever reported, reaching
up to 85m, found along rivers and in valleys in lowland Kopsia scortechinii
primary forest and often in secondary growth. The trees Apocynaceae DD
are protected from cutting in Kalimantan because wild Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
bees often build nests in the branches. It is also protected A medium-sized tree of rainforest in Perak. It has been


Species Summaries

collected only once in 1878. The taxonomy of this genus Kraussia speciosa
is in need of revision. Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Kenya, Tanzania
/?e/i. 8464, 19073, 19117 A species confined to areas of moist coastal forest from
the Shimba Hills, Dzombo and Witu in Kenya to eastern
Kopsia singaporensis Tanzania.
Af)ocynaceae VU B 1 +2c Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore Refs: 3356, 6396, 8814
A tree of up to 5m height, occurring in lowland
rainforests and swamp forests of Perak, Selangor, Krokia pihtoana
Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johore and Myrtaceae VU D2
Singapore. The main threat is encroaching settlements. Cuba
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Very rare, this small tree is locally confined to parts of
Refs: 8464,9199, 17140, 19073 the Sierra de Nipe mountain range in Holguin and
Santiago de Cuba Provinces.
Kopsia sleesiana Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Apocynaceae VU D2 Refs: 18485, 19149
Malaysia (Sarawak)
This speciesis known from the type collection only. Labordia hirtella
However, the taxonomy of this genus is in need of Loganiaceae LR/nt
revision. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A species which is highly variable. Scattered individuals
Rtfs:l9\n are found in various forest types up to 1830m on eastern
Kauai, the Koolau Mountains on Oahu, Molokai, Lanai,
Kopsia tenuis Maui and Hawaii.
Apocynaceae VU D2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Sarawak) Refs: 3372
A species known from the type
only collection.
However, the taxonomy of this genus is in need of Labordia kaalae
revision. Loganiaceae EN C2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre USA (Hawaii)
A shrub or small tree restricted to the Waianae
Kostermansia malayana Mountains on Oahu, where it is found in diverse forest
Bombacaceae VUBl+2c types at altitudes between 450 and 950m.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This species occurs in areas of swampy hill forest. Refs: 3372
Habitat reductions have resulted from logging and
increasing agriculture and settlement. Labordia lydgatei
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Loganiaceae EN C2a
Refs: 17140, 19073 USA (Hawaii)
Known from few collections, the species is restricted to
Kostermanthus malayus the Wahiawa Mountains on Kauai. It is protected by the
Chrysobalanaceae ENBl+2c US Endangered Species Act.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Confined to a single locality on the Kedah-Perak border, Refs: 3372
this species occurs in lowland rainforest, where it is
under pressure from increasing settlement of the area. Labordia tinifolia var. lanaiensis
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Loganiaceae EN C2a
Refs: 19073 USA (Hawaii)
One of three varieties. Populations are known from
Kotchuhaea monlana rainforest on Lanai and from Mapulehu Valley on
Rubiaceae VU D2 Molokai.
Peru Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This forest species is recorded only from the type Refs: 3372
collection below 2000m in the department of San
Martin. There is some question about whether it is Labordia tinifolia var. wahiawaensis
synonymous with K. semisericea. Loganiaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2ab, D
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre USA (Hawaii)
Refs: 1984 The total population is restricted to private land along
forested streamsides in theWahiawa drainage on Kauai.
Kotschya platyphyUa Once estimated to contain 100 plants, only 20 or 30
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2b plants survived Hurricane Iniki. Feral pigs and invasive
Tanzania plants are the primary threats to the habitat. The species
A gregarious species,occurring in forest or grassland on is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
upland exposed ridges in the vicinties of Udzungwa and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Njombe in east Tanzania. Refs: 19036, 19086
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308,3356

The World List of Threatened Trees

Lachanodes arborea Ladenbergia stenocarpa

Compositae CR Dl Rubiaceae VU D2
St Helena Peru
Once a common tree, occurring on the central ridge The species is known only from the type collection from
between 600 and 800m, the species was thought to have the department of Cajamarca.
become extinct until three old trees and some seedlings Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
were discovered in 1976 in pastureland above Osbome's Refs: 1984
Cottage. Seedlings have since been raised and planted
out. It is a short-lived tree, which takes considerable Ladenbergia ulei
effort to conserve in cultivation. The genus is Rubiaceae VU D2
monotypic. Peru
Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B. A lowland grassland species which has been recorded
/?e/i;9954, 16700,19081 just a single time from the department of Loreto.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lacistema lucidum Refs: 1984
Lacistemataceae DD
Brazil (Pari, Sao Paulo) Laetia micrantha
An which is closely related to L
Atlantic forest species Flacourtiaceae VU Dl
pubescens, also an endemic to Brazilian Atlantic forest Panama
but more widely ranging in five states. The separation of The species is known only from a narrow strip of

the two taxa in Sao Paulo poses such difficulty that it is lowland semi -evergreen rainforest ruiming the length of
possible they may be considered taxonomically the same the province of Dari^n. A large part of the population
species. This taxon is recorded in Ilha do Cardosa State runs close to the border with, and is likely to extend into,
Park in Sao Paulo. Colombia. The species is uncommon but utilised locally
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre as a source of fuel and edible fruit. All known
Refs: 7980, 19099 populations are within Dari^n National Park, where they
are officially protected but under some threat from gold
Lacunaria panamensis mining and localised logging.
Quiinaceae EN C2a Assessor: Mitre, M.
Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama «e/i. 7272.7980, 16772
Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 7272, 7980, 13995, 14873 Lafoensia repUcata
Lythraceae VUAlac+2d
Ladenbergia aculifolia Brazil (Bahia, Brazilia Distrito Federal, Goi^, Minas
Rubiaceae VU D2 Gerais, Sao Paulo)
Peru A rainforest species with sparse distribution. Populations
A species which known only from
is the type collected in Atlantic forest have declined extensively, especially
in the department of Hu^uco. in Bahia, as the habitat has been cleared and logged.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Cavalcanti, T.B.
Refs: 1984 Refs: 19096

Ladenbergia ferruginea Lagarostrobos franklinii

Rubiaceae VU D2 Podocarpaceae VUBl+2ce
Peru Australia (Tasmania)
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Huon pine, one of the longest living trees in the world, is
in lowland rainforest along a riverside in the department found mostly in small stands in rainforest associated
of Puno. with the river systems of south-west Tasmania.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Populations retreated during the Last Glacial and were
Refs: 1984 heavily logged in the more recent past. Whilst most of
the range is protected within a Worid Heritage Site,

Ladenbergia gavanensis significant areas are open to the persistent threats of

Rubiaceae VU D2 mining, logging, hydroelectric schemes and fire regimes.
Pern A small proportion of trees are sexually reproductive in
The taxonomic status of the species is uncertain. It is one season, a disproportionate number of them being the
known only from the type collection from the oldest trees. Regrowth by vegetative reproduction is,
department of Puno. however, very strong.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 1984 /Je/i; 374, 8032, 18833

Ladenbergia pavonii Lagerstroemia anisoptera

Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Lythraceae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
An Ecuadorean endemic of the High Andean regions in This rare species is a small tree confined to the lowland
Imbabura, Morona-Santiago and Azuay. The habitat of tropical rainforests of north-west Peninsular Malaysia.
this species is cloud forest between 2260m and 3450m. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 19119,19120

Species Summaries

Lagerstroemia intermedia Lannea welwitschU var. cHiolata

Lythraceae VU B 1 +2ce Anacardiaceae LR/nt
China (Yunnan), Thailand Kenya, Tanzania
A species found at forest edges and along roadsides A forest tree existing in remaining areas of moist low-
between 800 to 1500m in south and south-west Yunnan altitude forest in south-east Kenya and eastern to south-
and north Tliailand. In Yunnan, populations are scattered west Tanzania. It is reported to be common in Diani in
and very small. It appears to be naturally rare but loss of Kenya. The type variety is distributed from Central to
habitat and cutting for fuelwood has contributed West Africa.
significantly to the present scarcity. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: Sun, W. /Jf/s. 2361,3356
Refs: 1818,11847,19055
Laplacea curtyana
Lagerstroemia langkawiensis Theaceae CRBI+2c
Lythraceae ENBl+2c Cuba
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) A very uncommon tree, up to 15m tall, occurring in
A rare species found in areas of limestone, quartzite and lowland and hill semi-deciduous forest of Pinar del Rio
shale on Langkawi Island, Kedah. This small tree is and the Isla de Pinos. The area is imder constant
scattered in open lowland rainforest, in an area which pressure from cutting and clearing. The accepted genus
continues to be developed for tourism and other land of the taxon is now Gordonia.
uses. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. *e/i: 9522, 11403, 19149
Refs: 8464, 19073
Laportea urentissima
Lagerstroemia minuticarpa Urticaceae ENBl+2c
Lythraceae ENBl+2c China (Guangxi, Yunnan), Viet Nam
India (Assam, Sikkim) Ranging in stature from a small shrub of 1 5m,
to a tree
Known from just two forest localities in Kerempani, this fast-growing species is a prominent component of
Assam, and Singtam, Sikkim, the species was last monsoon forest on limestone hills between 700 and
collected in 1938. lOOOm. Its range is concentrated in the border region of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Guangxi, Yunnan and Viet Nam. Additional populations
Refs: 4799 exist in the south-west of Yunnan. Continuous declines
and degradation of the habitat have caused the species to
Lagynias pallidiflora disappear from large parts of its range.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: Sun, W.
Kenya, Tanzania Refs: 1818,11847,19055
A species confined to areas of moist coastal forest from
the ShimbaHills, Buda and Arabuko-Sokoke in Kenya Larix decidua \ar. polonica
to easternTanzania and Pemba Island. Pinaceae VUBl-i-2c
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Poland, Romania, Ukraine
/fe/i; 3356, 6396, 8814 A variety with a patchy distribution confined to
remaining areas of natural forest. Young individuals
Lagynias rufescens ssp. angustiloba were noted as being rare as early as 1930. The forest
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b, D2 does not appear to be healthy and has been degraded by
Tanzania war and exploitative activities. Populations in the
Occurring in moist submontane forest, this subspecies is Carpathians may fare better.
known only from Mwanihana in the North Udzungwa Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Mountains. Refs: 374, 2162, 6858, 7222, 9887
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
*e/j; 3356, 8814 Larix griffUhiana var. speciosa
Pinaceae LR/nt
Lannea schweinfurthU var. acutifoUolata China (Sichuan?, Xizang?, Yunnan), Myanmar
Anacardiaceae LR/nt Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Kenya, Tanzania /fe/jr; 374, 11191,13041
A coastal forest taxon located in pockets of remaining
forest in a range stretching from south-east Kenya to Larix mastersiana
eastern Tanzania, Zanzibar and the Pemba Islands. The Pinaceae VU Alcd
type variety is widespread. China (Sichuan)
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Once occurring in large stands, the species has been
Ue/t; 3356, 6396, 8814 reduced to isolated sparse woodlands and mixed forest at
230O-350Om along various river systems. The habitat
Lannea transulta continues to deteriorate because of overcutting and
Anacardiaceae VU D2 logging.
Yemen (Socotra) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Scattered small populations occur in dry woodland and Refs: 11242,11847,13041
shrubland in mountain areas. They are under no
immediate threat. Larix potaninii var. himalaica
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Pinaceae VU D2
Refs: 2354, 19083 China (Xizang), Nepal?
A taxon restricted to the Himalayas in Xizang Zizhiqu,

The World List of Threatened Trees

apparently extending into Langtang Khola in Nepal. Lasianthus rostratus

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
/?e/i.- 374, 13041.18751 India (Kerala)
A small tree, known only from a few collections taken
Lasianthus ciUatus from forest between 6CX) and 1000m between the
Rubiaceae VU D2 Anaimalai Hills and the Travancore range.
India (Tamil Nadu) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree, mainly known from areas of submontane Refs: 19144
forest in the Nilgiris, but also recorded from a single
locality in the Anaimalai Hills. Lasianthus tomentosus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae EN Bl+2c
Refs: 19144 Indonesia (Java), Singapore
A species confmed to Mount Salak near Bogor city in
Lasianthus gardneri Java. The population occurs at 1700m. There are intense
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c pressures of habitat clearance, degradation and cutting.
Sri Lanka The Singapore record needs confirmation.
During the extensive National Conservation Review Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest surveys, this species was recorded in seven /fe/5; 9078, 9199

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lasianthus varians
Refs: 19112 Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Sri Lanka
Lasianthus grandifolius During the extensive forest surveys conducted between
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b, D2 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review,
Tanzania this species was found in three forest localities including

The only population known occurs at 2050m elevation the Peak Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary.
in moist evergreen forest on the North Udzungwa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mountains at Bandwa Refs: 19112
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 8814 Lasianthus waUacei
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Lasianthus kilimandscharicus ssp. laxinervis Tanzania
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b An endemic of the Uluguru Mountains, occurring in
Tanzania moist evergreen montane forest.
Confined to the Uluguru Mountains, this subspecies Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
occurs in moist evergreen montane forest. It is not, in Refs: 3356, 8814
fact, thought to descend from L kilimandscharicus and
may attain full species status. Lasiochlamys hurlimannii
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
/?e/i.- 3356, 8814 New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Lasianthus oliganthus Refs: 10351

Rubiaceae LR/cd
Sri Lanka Lasiochlamys mandjeliana
A small tree or shrub, restricted to lowland wet Racourtiaceae VU D2
evergreen forest in south-west Sri Lanka. It is a New Caledonia
dominant component in areas of Sinharaja Biosphere Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

Reserve. Refs: 10351

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 9176, 17195, 18515 Lasiochlamys pseudocoriacea
Flacourtiaceae VU D2
Lasianthus pedunculatus New Caledonia
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Tanzania Refs: 10351

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Rc/5; 3356, 8814 Lasiochlamys trichostemona
Flacourtiaceae LR/cd
Lasianthus rhinophyllus New Caledonia
Rubiaceae CRBl+2c Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.

SriLanka Refs: 10351

During the extensive National Conservation Review
forest surveys, only two individuals were found within a Lasiococca malaccensis
single forest reserve in Ramapura District. Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
/fe/i;8203, 18796, 19112 A species of lowland evergreen rainforest, known only
from a single collection from Batang Malaka Permanent
Forest Reserve in Malacca.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073

Species Summaries

Lasiocroton fawcettii in extent through increasing agriculture and settlement.

Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c It is traded internationally as an ornamental.
Jamaica Assessor: Johnson, D.
Occurrences are known from Westmoreland, Hanover Refs: 19118
and Trelawny Parishes. The species has a local
distribution, confined to areas of thickets and woodlands Latania verschaffeltii
on limestone. Palmae EN C2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mauritius (Rodrigues)
Refs: 6057, 7980 Confined to Fond la Bont6, Baie aux Huitres, remaining
populations account for about 500 individuals. There is
Lasiocroton harrisii almost no evidence of regeneration and the harvesting of
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c leaves for use as thatch is not controlled, despite
Jamaica regulations.
Similar in many respects to L fawcettii, the species Assessor: Johnson, D.
occurs in thickets on limestone narrow
hills in a Refs: 19118
altitudinal band in the parishes of Clarendon and St Ann.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Laurelia sempervirens
/?e/s.- 401, 5653, 7980 Monimiaceae LR/nt
Chile (Biobi'o, La Araucania, Los Lagos, Maule,
Lasiocroton macrophyUus OHiggins)
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt Restricted to central Chile, the species occurs in moist
Jamaica seasonal forest in the Coastal Cordillera, subandean
Frequently common, the species occurs in dry thickets range and central plains. It is of some importance as a
on limestone along the south coast. timber and is under threat from overexploitation in the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre north of its range.
Refs: 6057, 7980 Assessor: Gonz^ez, M.
Refs: 11449,16328
Lasiocroton trelawniensis
Euphorbiaceae EN Bl+2c Laurus azorica
Jamaica Lauraceae LR/nt
Confined to Trelawny, this species has a localised Morocco, Portugal (Azores, Madeira), Spain (Canary
distribution on a wooded limestone hilltop. Is.)

Assessor: Kelly, D.L. One of the major components of *laurisilva, occurring

Refs: 5653, 19085 over a wide altitudinal range. Threats exist from grazing,
fires and habitat conversion, but recent evidence
Lasiodiscus mildbraedii ssp.femigineus suggests the *laurisilva is now expanding.
Rhamnaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kenya Refs: 19131, 19199
A shrub or tree of lowland dry evergreen forest, known
from localities in Witu, Mangea and Arabuko-Sokoke. Lavoixia macrocarpa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Palmae CR Dl
ife/i; 6396, 12067 New Caledonia
An endemic to Mont Panic, occurring in wet forest on a
Lasiodiscus rozeirae steep rocky slope at 500m.
Rhamnaceae VU D2 Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at.

Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tome) Refs: 10351,19118

The species has not been found since it was collected in

1954 in the south-east of the island. It is not known Lebronnecia kokioides

whether there is still an extant population. Extensive Malvaceae EN Dl
areas of remote forest remain to be explored. There are French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
no obvious threats to the habitat at present. A small tree which at one time was thought to be
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reduced to a single individual surrounded by a few
Refs: 242\, 18501 seedlings on Tahuata. A small colony covering a few
hectares has now been found on Mohotane, a nature
Latania loddigesii reserve. Although feral sheep are present on the island,
Palmae ENC2a they appear to find the plant unpalatable.
Mauritius Assessor: Florence, J.

Remaining wild populations are confined to offshore Refs: 14513, 15251

islands, in coastal savanna. Regeneration has been good
since the eradication of goats and rabbits. The species is Lecaniodiscus punctatus
widely cultivated as an ornamental. Sapindaceae ENBl+2c
, Assessor: Johnson, D. Cameroon, Ghana
Refs:\9\\» Little is known about this unusual species. It is usually
I found near stream banks in moist semi-deciduous forest.
Latania lontaroides In Ghana, few localities are known, all contained within
Palmae EN Ale the vicinity of Baku and Supong Forest Reserves, where
Reunion deforestation has been severe.
Occurring on the coast between Petite lie and Saint- Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Philippe, the species was once common but has declined /fc/i; 8369, 12061, 15251

The World List of Threatened Trees

Lecointea ovalifolia Manaus, this species is under some pressure from urban
Leguminosae VU D2 expansion. It is known to occur in the Ducke Forest

Peru Reserve.
Recorded only from the type collection, the species Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

occurs in lowland Amazon forest in the department of /fe/r; 3791, 7980, 9632
San Martin.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lecythis retusa
Refs: 1984 Lecythidaceae LR/nt
LecomUdoxa nogo A canopy tree confined to non-flooded forest in central
Sapotaceae VU D2 Amazonia. It is found in the Ducke Forest Reserve and
Gabon INPA Experimental Reserve.
A species so far collected only from Feman Vaz. Forests Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Gabon have not been well explored botanically and it /?e/i; 3791, 7980, 9632
is possible the species is more widespread. Most areas,
however, are under concession to logging companies. Lecythis schomburgkii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 14958, 15790 Brazil (Roraima), Guyana
A small savanna tree, rarely collected and restricted to
Lecythis bamebyi Roraima territory in Brazil and adjacent Guyana.
Lecythidaceae VU D2 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Brazil (Amazonas) i?«/i.- 3791, 7980, 9632

Several collections have been made of this species, but it

is thought only to exist in three populations in open Lecythis schwackei

forest on white sand in central Amazonia. Lecythidaceae VU D2
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Brazil (Minas Gerais. Rio de Janeiro)
«c/5; 3791, 7980, 9632 Known from few localities, the species is scattered in
secondary deciduous forest and savaima-like vegetation.
Lecythis brancoensis Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
Lecythidaceae VUBl+2c /fe/i. 3791,7980,9632
Brazil (Roraima), Guyana
A small savanna tree, known from a few collections Lecythis serrata
from the Roraima territory of Brazil and adjacent Lecythidaceae LR/nt
Guyana. Brazil(Amazonas, Para, Rondonia)
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Evidence from collections indicate that this is a wide-
;?e/i: 3791, 7980 ranging sf>ecies, scattered in non-flooded forest.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
Lecythis lanceolata /ff/i.- 3791, 7980, 9632
Lecythidaceae LR/cd
Brazil (Bahia, Espi'rito Santo, Goifc, Pemambuco, Rio Leea tinctoria
de Janeiro) Leeaceae LR/nt
A relatively widely occurring species of Atlantic coastal Sao Tom^ & Principe (Sao Tom6)
forest. It is known to occur in Linhares Forest Reserve. This shrub or small tree is common and well known for
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. its various local uses. It occurs in secondary forest up to

Refs: 3791, 7980, 9632, 9866 1060m.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lecythis lurida /?e/!: 2421, 2724, 10080
Lecythidaceae LR/cd
Brazil (Amazonas, Bahia, Espi'rito Santo, Pari Leitneria floridana
Pemambuco, Piaui, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe) Leitneriaceae LR/nt
Although the species is wide-ranging, its habitat has USA (Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Texas)
undergone serious deterioration and declines. It is A shrub or small tree with a very scattered distribution
known to occur in the Jari Genetic Reserve and in in three widely separated areas. Occurring along muddy
Linhares Forest Reserve. riverbanks or in sawgrass marshes, usually within reach
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. of seawater inundations, the species is known from
Re/i; 3204, 3791, 9632 south-east Missouri and eastern Arkansas, where it is
locally common, south-east Texas, southern Georgia and
Lecythis parvifnicta northern Florida. There no evidence of any serious

Lecythidaceae VU D2 declines in the population. The family

is monotypic.

Brazil (Amazonas) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

A canopy tree, known only from central Amazonia, Re/i.- 9254, 19163
occurring in non-flooded forest.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Lemurophoenix halleuxii
/?e/i; 3791, 7980, 9632 Palmae ENAlc, Dl
Lecythis prancei An endemic palm of Madagascar known only from two
Lecythidaceae EN Dl populations, totalling an estimated 50 individuals. They
Brazil(Amazonas) occur in submontane primary forest on steep slopes and
Confined to non-flooded forests in the vicinity of in a deep narrow valleys at elevations between 200m

Species Summaries

and 450m. This species is used as an ornament for minor Leplostylis gatopensis
international, national and local trade. Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H J. Beentje New Caledonia
Refs: 18986, 19118 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Refs: 10351
Lennea viridijlora
Leguminosae VU A2c Leplostylis goroensis
Costa Rica, EI Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama Sapotaceae CR Dl
The distribution of this species apparently extends the New Caledonia
length of Central America from the border with Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.
Colombia to Mexico. The species occurs in lowland Refs: 10351
rainforest and is generally scarce outside protected areas.
Logging, encroaching agriculture and settlements have Leptoslylis multiflora
caused the habitat to decline. S apotaceae VU B I +2c
Assessor: MitrS, M. New Caledonia
Refs: 2965, 7980, 15037, 16772 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10351
Lepidothamrtus fonkii
Podocarpaceae VUBl+2c Leplostylis petiolata
Argentina (Chubut, Neuqu^n, Rio Negro), Chile (Ais^n, Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Los Lagos, Magallanes) New Caledonia
A dwarf conifer and the only member of the genus on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the continent. Its nearest relatives are in New Zealand. It Refs: 10351
occurs as a pioneer in upland scrub in acidic bogs, often
with Fitzroya and Pilgerodendron. The area is Lettowianthus stellatus
vulnerable to fires and habitat degradation. Annonaceae VUBl+2b
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Kenya, Tanzania
Refs: 278, 374, 5112, 8032. 15415 A monotypic genus, known from the Shimba Hills and
Miongoni in Kenya and areas of dry coastal forest in
Lepinia tcdtensis eastern Tanzania. The taxonomy of the Kenyan
Apocynaceae CR B 1 +2c population is not confirmed.
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
An endemic to Tahiti and Moorea. Refs: 3356, 9198, 9302
Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513 Leucadendron argenteum

Proteaceae VU D2
Leptactina delagoensis ssp. bussei South Africa (Western Cape)
Rubiaceae ENBl+2b Scattered subpopulations are known from the slopes of
Tanzania Table Mountain from Lion's Head to Orange Kloof,
Occurring in dry coastal forest, this subspecies is known Cape Peninsula. There are also several subpopulations,
from two populations confined to the remaining forested which have probably been planted, including those on
areas on the Rondo Plateau and Lake Lutamba. The the Helderberg, Simonsberg and Paarl Mountain These
forest on the Rondo Plateau has been heavily disturbed are excluded from the evaluation. The species grows on
by previous activities, especially logging and shifting moist, usually south-facing slopes, on granite clays in
cultivation. thought that only 5km^ of the original
It is mountain *fynbos and on the margins of afromontane
undisturbed forest remains. Forest management work in forest patches. Population counts indicate that there are
the forest reserve is discouraging further illegal activities more than 10,000 mature individuals. The expansion of
and encroachment. Lake Lutamba has been largely Cape Town and the establishment of tree plantations
cleared of forest except for 10km' contained within the continue to cause reductions in population numbers.
Litipo Forest Reserve. There is also concern in the mixing of genetic pools by
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke the extensive planting of the species and increased fire
Refs: 3356, 10961 frequency in some areas. Only about 10% of the
subpopulations are considered to be viable and are
Leptactina papyrophloea showing signs of active recruitment at present. Almost
Rubiaceae EN B 1 +2c half of the entire population occurs within protected
Tanzania areas, all of which suffer from invasions by alien plant
A coastal forest species, which is now thought to be species. Alien eradication programmes are in place.
confined to undisturbed areas of the Rondo Forest Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
Reserve (MOkm^). Disturbance in the past has been /?e/i; 689, 19218
severe as a result of logging, planting of exotic timbers,
shifting cultivation and wood collection. The presence Leucadendron discolor
of active forestry measures is helping to discourage local Proteaceae ENBl+2abc
exploitation. South Africa (Western Cape)
Assessor: Loven, J. &
G.P. Clarke A tall shrub, sometimes growing to the size of a tree,
/?e/j.- 3356, 10961, 16796 confined to the western side of the Piketberg range. It
grows on rocky soils derived from sandstone in
mountain *fynbos. The total population of between 1000
and 5000 mature individuals is fragmented into three or
four major subpopulations and a number of scattered

The World List of Threatened Trees

individuals, occurring within an area of 20km' (*MX>). generally reduced to inaccessible areas because of the
The species is threatened in the eastern parts of its range pressures of constant grazing.
by agricultural activities, particularly the planting of Assessor: Hughes, C.
fruit orchards. Frequent fires could also be a problem, as Refs: 10207
they may not allow the species sufficient time to
regenerate from seed. The only form of protection Leucaena involucrata
received is within private nature reserves. Leguminosae EN Bl-<-2c
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. ei al. Mexico (Sonora)
Refs: 689, 19218 This species is poorly known but seemingly very
restricted in range. During the last 50 years it has been
Leucadendron strobilinum recorded from a single site in central Sonora.
Proteaceae LR/cd Assessor: Hughes, C.
South Africa (Western Cape) Refs: 10207
A shrub or small tree confined to the Cape Peninsula,
where it occurs from Table Mountain to Kommetjie. It Leucaena lempirana
grows on south-facing, damp, rocky slopes in mountain Leguminosae VU Bl+2c
*fynbos. The larger dense subpopulations occur mainly Honduras
on the Table Mountain and Constantiaberg ranges, with A highly localised species confined to northern
the southern Peninsula subpopulations being small and Honduras in areas of degraded forest. The protection
scattered. The area of occupancy is only about 150 km' afforded the species within traditional agroforestry
and the estimated population is 5000 mature plants. systems mitigates the threats to remaining stands.
More than 50% of the subpopulations are protected in Assessor: Hughes, C.
nature reserves and there is no evidence for decline. Refs: 10207
Invasive alien species could pose a threat as scattered
pine trees have been recorded from a number of Leucaena leucocephala ssp. ixtahuacana
localities. Frequent fires could also be a problem, as they Leguminosae LR/cd
may not allow the species sufficient time to regenerate Guatemala
from seed. This subspecies is uncommon and confined to a habitat
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. which is restricted in extent and severely degraded.
Refs: 689, 19218 However, trees are protected and also cultivated in local
agroforestry systems for the production of pods bearing
Leucaena confertiflora var. adenotheloidea edible seeds.
Leguminosae ENB1-h2c Assessor: Hughes, C.
Mexico Refs: 10207
The more restricted in range of the two varieties of this
Mexican endemic. Few wild populations are known and Leucaena magnifica
there are strong pressures from grazing and collection of Leguminosae ENBl+2c,Cl+2a
the pods for their edible seeds. Trees are occasionally Guatemala
cultivated for the production of pods. The total population is restricted to fewer than 400
Assessor: Hughes, C. individuals, occupying an area of less than 400km' in

Refs: 10207 south-eastern Chiquimula. The species is unprotected

and exposed to pressures of grazing and habitat
Leucaena confertiflora var. confertiflora degradation.
Leguminosae VUAlc, Bl+2c Assessor: Hughes, C.
Mexico Refs: 10207
Geographically restricted, both the varieties of this
species are known from only a few wild populations. Leucaena matudae
Grazing pressure and the harvesting of pods for their Leguminosae ENBl+2c
edible seeds put considerable pressure on the remaining Mexico
populations. Trees are occasionally cultivated for the A species which is confined to a very small area of
production of pods. remaining dry forest. The stands are exposed to
Assessor: Hughes, C. pressures from grazing and habitat degradation.
Refs: 10207 Assessor: Hughes, C.
Refs: 10207
Leucaena cuspidate
Leguminosae VUAlc, Bl+2c Leucaena pueblana
Mexico Leguminosae VUBl-(-2c
A species confined to the forest understorey within a Mexico (Puebla)
restricted range. It is only occasionally found outside An endemic species of the Tehuacan Valley. It is never
forest areas. Grazing pressures have reduced the species found in abundance. Populations have been largely
distribution to less accessible areas. Trees are often reduced to areas which escape from the pressure of
protected within the traditional agricultural system. grazing.
Assessor: Hughes, C. Assessor: Hughes, C.
Refs: 10207 Refs: 10207

Leucaena greggii Leucaena salvadorensis

Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c Leguminosae LR/cd
Mexico El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua
A species restricted in range, low in numbers and The species occurs relatively commonly across southern

Species Summaries

Honduras and northern Nicaragua with a very restricted Libocedrus plumosa

population in eastern El Salvador. The habitat is Cupressaceae LR/nt
severely degraded in places but the species is frequently New Zealand (North Is., South Is.)
protected within traditional agroforestry systems. A lowland forest species with a wide but local
Assessor: Hughes, C. distribution, occurring from the North Cape to East Cape
Refs: 10207 in the North Island and in north-west Nelson in the
South Island. Regeneration occurs in disturbed sites.
Leueochloron foederale Many populations are found in protected areas. Others
Leguminosae VU D2 are exposed to forestry, agriculture and mining
Brazil (Brazilia Distrito Federal) activities.
Known onlyfrom Chapada do Contagem, Distrito Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Federal, the species is found in *cerrado and gallery Refs: 374, 13041, 13930, 19126
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Libocedrus yateensis
Refs: 5994 Cupressaceae VU B I +3d, C2a
New Caledonia
Leueochloron minarum The species is sparsely distributed in small areas of
Leguminosae DD lowland woodland or scrub, often on rocky slopes.
Brazil (Minas Gerais) Populations are restricted to two river valleys in the
A tree known only from two collections, the most recent southern ultramafic massifs and a single location in
dated 1906, taken from "campo in an unspecifled Roche Ouaifeme. The populations in Rivifere Bleue
location in Minas Gerais. Provincial Park are well protected, although situated
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre closely to the tourist facilities. Fire is a hazard
Refs: 5994 throughout its range.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Leucomeris decora /?e/i. 9631,12630, 14508
Compositae DD
China (Yunnan), Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Licania caldasiana
A small composite tree scattered in hot dry valleys. The Chrysobalanaceae EX
populations in China are confined to south and west Colombia
Yunnan and are steadily being reduced by local Assessor: Calderon, E.
exploitation of the wood for fuel and the bark for Refs: 5970, 7501, 7980. 19069
medicine. The distribution in Viet Nam is not known.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Licania chiriquiensis
Refs: 11847,19055,19061 Chrysobalanaceae CR C2a
Leucostegane latistipulata Only three collections of this cloud forest species exist:
Leguminosae VUBl+2c one from Cerro Colorado and two from Cerro Jefe.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Mining for copper and gold threatens the population in
Confined to the lowlands of Perak, this small Cerro Colorado. Cerro Jefe is contained within Chagres
understorey species is principally threatened by National Park.
increasing settlement. Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. «e/i; 7501, 7980, 16772
Refs: 8464, 19073
Licania conferruminata
Libocedrus austro-caledonica Chrysobalanaceae VUBI+2c
Cupressaceae LR/cd Brazil (Rondonia)
New Caledonia A newly described forest species, known only from
Usually a shrub, the species occurs in small populations Rondonia in Brazil.
in cloud forest on a few of the higher mountains in the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
south and on Mont Pa6oua in the north. Regeneration is Refs: 13176
evident in places but not on Mont Patoua where mining
and fires threaten the population. There are effectively Licania fasciculata
protected populations in Rivifere Bleue Provincial Park Chrysobalanaceae EN A lac
and Montagne des Sources Nature Reserve. Panama
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group A species of lowland semi-evergreen rainforest, which
/fe/i.- 9631, 12630, 14508 occurs in two neighbouring areas. One, in Santa Rita,
Colbn, has experienced an influx of people in recent
libocedrus chevalieri years, which has resulted in almost loss of the forest.
Cupressaceae ENBl+2de The other, in Kimayala Indigenous Reserve, consists of a
New Caledonia very small population. There is a considerable area of
Known only from the summits of Mont Humboldt and relatively unexplored forest and other populations
Mont Kouakou^, the species grows in high-altitude possibly exist.
maquis shrubland, where there is a high fire risk. Rates Assessor: Mitr6, M.
of growth and regeneration are slow. Both sites are Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
within botanic reserves.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
«e/i.- 10351, 12630, 14508

The World List of Threatened Trees

Licania intrapetioUuis var. brevis Lijndenia brenanU

Chrysobalanaceae VU D2 Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2b
Peru Tanzania
This variety is known only from lowland Amazon A tree of moist evergreen forest endemic to a narrow
rainforest in the department of Loreto. altitudinal range in the East Usambara Mountains.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1984 Re/j; 3356, 8814

Licania morii Lijndenia greenwayii

Chrysobalanaceae DD Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2b, D2
Panama Tanzania
The species has been collected only once, in 1975, Populations are known from the East Usambara
although a second collection found almost 90km away Mountains and Mount Mlinga, where they are confmed
was once thought to be the same species. The type to a narrow altitudinal range in moist evergreen
locality has not been revisited and it is not known submontane forest.
whether the species still exists. If it does, it should be Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
considered to be seriously threatened. «f/5; 3356, 8814
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 7501, 7980, 15037, 16772 Limnocitrus littoralis
Rutaceae ENBl+2c
Licania saiicifolia Indonesia (Java)
Chrysobalanaceae ENBl+2c Little is known about endemic to
this species which is

Colombia central Java, but it be seriously

is believed to
An endemic to Antioquia. endangered. There are intense pressures on remaining
Assessor: Calderon, E. areas of natural vegetation.
Refs: 5970, 7501, 7980, 19069 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9078
Licania vasquezii
Chrysobalanaceae VU D2 Linociera albidiflora
Peru Oleaceae CR Bl+2cd
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Sri Lanka
in swamp forest in the department of Loreto. A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lanka. Previously found in Kottawa, Hinidumkanda,
Refs: 1984 Sinharaja and Gilimale. This species was not found
during the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
Licaria cubensis National Conservation Review, indicating that it is either
Lauraceae VU D2 extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Cuba Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small, aromatic tree occurring in montane rainforests. Refs: 17195, 19112
This rare species is confined to the Sierra Maestra range.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Linociera ramiflora
Refs: 19149 Oleaceae DD
Philippines, Taiwan
Licaria velutina In Taiwan the species is restricted to Lanyu Island,
Lauraceae VUAlc where it occurs in very small numbers (<250).
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A large tree of high precipitation rainforest, occurring in Refs: 2072, 4919, 19050, 19053
the areas of Uxpanapa-Chimalapa and Los Tuxtlas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Linospadix microcarya
Refs: 5993, 15719 Palmae LR/nt
Australia (CJueensland)
Ligustrum microcarpum Confmed to north-east (Queensland, this small palm tree,
Oleaceae ENBl+2a up to 2m in height, is commonly foimd in lowland to
Taiwan montane rainforest near the coast. It is adequately
This species is confined to coniferous scrub at elevations represented in national parks and World Heritage areas.
above 2400m in the central mountain range. Populations Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
are fragmented and suffering from poor regeneration. Refs: 19118
Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Refs: 3295, 19050 Uppia saiicifolia
Verbenaceae VU C2b
Ligustrum pricei Ecuador (GalSpagos)
Oleaceae DD Endemic to the the species was
island of Floreana,
Taiwan reported to occur in some abundance in the first half of
Assessor: Pan, F.J. the century. Large numbers of trees were felled for
Refs: 3295, 19050 constructing houses during a period of settlement of the
island and the total population is now estimated to
include 2600 adult trees, most of which are located on

Species Summaries

the CeiTo de Pampa Bola. Regeneration is reasonable central regions, both the species and the habitat are
but there is a potential threat of colonization by Lantana uncommon. The pressures on remaining forest patches
camara and Psidium guajava. are very high, especially at elevations below 1400m,
Assessor:Mauchamp, A. el al. where the forest is almost completely cleared.
Refs: 9651, 14556, 18411, 19155, 19204 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Liquidtunbar orientaUs var. integriloba Uthocarpus curtisii

Hamamelidaceae VU A led Fagaceae VUBl+2c
Turkey Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
The Liquidamhar forests have been reduced from 63km' Populations are known from areas of lowland rainforest
to 13.5km' since 1945. Much of the land has been in Penang, Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu, Perak and
converted for agriculture. Trees are cut for firewood and Selangor. The species is also protected in Taman Negara
the resin is collected for the production of fixative in the National Park.
perfume industry. The species is now the target of a Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
special conservation programme. There is some Refs: 19073
uncertainty in the taxonomy.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Uthocarpus erythrocarpus
Refs: 3489, 4863 Fagaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
liquidambar orientaUs var. orienUUis A rainforest species, occurring up to an altitude of 900m
Hamamelidaceae VUAlcd in Terengganu, Pahang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan.
Greece (East Aegean Is), Turkey Much of the lowland forest has been converted for non-
In Turkey the Liquidambar forests have been reduced forest land use..
from 63km' to 13.5km' since 1945. Much of the land Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
has been converted for agriculture. Trees are cut for Refs: 19073
firewood and the resin is collected for the production of
perfume industry. The species
fixative in the Is now the Uthocarpus hendersonianus
target of a special conservation Fagaceae VU Ale
Assessor: Guner, A. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 1890,3489,19165 A medium-sized tree inhabiting montane rainforest.
Some localities are being cleared for agriculture despite
Liriodendron chinense being contained within the permanent forest estate.
Magnoliaceae LR/nt Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Refs: 8464, 19073
Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Vict Nam
The species is widely scattered in montane evergreen Uthocarpus indutus
broadleaved forest in the Yangtze River valley and Fagaceae VU B 1 -i-2c

further south to northern Viet Nam. Poor regeneration, Indonesia (Java)

extensive logging and clearing of the habitat have A relatively common species where it occurs in patches
affected populations throughout the range. It is a relict of remaining submontane forest up to 1800m on Mount
species from a once widespread and species-rich genus. Slamet and further west. This habitat has been almost
Assessor: Ban, N.T. completely cleared below 1400m and at higher
Refs: 848, 1818, 9274, 1 1530, 1 1847, 19060 elevations it is under severe pressure from the activities
of surrounding human populations.
IMchi chinensis var. eusponUmea Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c
China (Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan) Uthocarpus kingianus
A canopy tree of middle elevation rainforest known Fagaceae LR/cd
from several localities in the south-west of Hainan Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Island, and also from a single locality in Xuwen County, A tree of submontane and montane rainforest, found in
Guangdong. It is found below 800m in a habitat which the states of Pahang, Terengganu and Selangor. The
has experienced severe declines in extent over much of species is protected in Taman Negara National Park and
the taxon's range. in protective forest within the permanent forest estate.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 1818, 11847 Refs: 8464, 19073

Uthocarpus burkHlii Uthocarpus kingii

Fagaceae VU D2 Fagaceae VU B 1 +2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This tree is known from only one collection in the hill A tree of moist forest up to an altitude of1 200m, in the
forest of Fraser's Hill, Pahang, where it is reported as states of Perak, Terengganu, and Johore.
being common. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Refs: 8464, 17140, 19073
Refs: 19073
Uthocarpus kostermansii
Uthocarpus crassinervius Fagaceae ENAlc, Bl+2c
Fagaceae ENB1-h2c Indonesia (Java)
Indonesia (Java) A species confined to the west, where it occurs in
Occurring only in areas of primary forest in west and scattered remnants of hill forest up to 1000m. This

The World List of Threatened Trees

habitat has been almost completely cleared and mountain valleys between 800 and II 00m. There have
remaining patches are under extremely severe pressure been reports of population declines caused by large-
from the activities of local populations. scale logging and habitat degradation.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847
LUhocarpus kunstleri
Fagaceae LR/cd LUsea beddomei
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Lauraceae EN B 1 t-2c
A tree of primary and secondary forest, and also India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
swamps, up to an altitude of 300m. This species is The species has been collected twice from forest
recorded in Kedah, Kelantan, Perak, Selangor, Negeri between 1200 and 1350m, only in the Agastyamalai
Sembilan and Johore. Some localities are protected Hills. Large areas have been exposed to fires, grazing,
within Taman Negara National Park. the establishment of commercial plantations and cutting
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. for fuelwood, but almost 1000km' of forest are now
Refs: 8464, 17140, 19073 under protection within sanctuaries.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
LUhocarpus maingayi Refs: 19144
Fagaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) LUsea claviflora
A hill forest tree species from Kedah, Selangor, Negeri Lauraceae VU D2
Sembilan, Malacca and Johore. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Known only by a single collection from Perak, the
Refs: 8464, 19073 species was found in lowland forest in Taiping, Perak.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
LUhocarpus neorobinsonU Refs: 8464, 19073
Fagaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) LUsea dilleniifolia
A tree of moist submontane and hill forest. Most Lauraceae EN B 1 +2ce
localities are in protected forests within the permanent China (Yunnan)
forest estate. Endemic to south and south-west Yunnan, the species
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. occurs in dense monsoon forest in mountain valleys
Refs: 19073 below 800m. It is relatively uncommon and large trees

have been cut for their valuable timber. The most

LUhocarpus ovatis substantial remaining populations are confmed to nature
Fagaceae VU A led reserves.
Philippines Assessor: Sun, W.
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of Refs: 1818, 11847, 19050, 19055
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
have led to considerable population declines. LUsea foxUma
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lauraceae LR/cd
/fe/i; 2072, 4919 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Known only from Penang Hill, a conservation area, this
LUhocarpus platycarpus tree occurs in lowland forest.
Fagaceae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Indonesia (Java) Refs: 8464, 19073
Populations are confined to remnants of lowland forest
in the south-west comer of Java and to Nusa LUsea gardneri
Kambangan. The population on the Kambangan is Lauraceae VUAIc
relatively well protected by the presence of three high- Sri Lanka
security prisons. A reserve of 20km' is also patrolled by A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
armed guards. However, illegal logging continues. On south-west Sri Lanka.
the mainland the habitat is also under extreme pressure Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from local activities. Refs: 9176, 17195
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
LUsea glaberrima
IMosanthes capUulatus Lauraceae EN Bl+2c
Rubiaceae VUBI+2c Sri Lanka
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) The comprehensive forest surveys conducted for the
A small tree, poorly collected but recorded from a few National Conservation Review located this wet-zone
scattered localities of submontane forest from the species in four forest localities in Ratnapura and in a
Pushpagiri Hills to the Nilgiris and Anaimalai range. population consisting of five individuals in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rammalakanda Biosphere Reserve.
Refs: 19144 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rffs: 19112
LUsea auriculata
Lauraceae LR/nt LUsea gracilis
China (Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang) Lauraceae VU D2
A species with a scattered distribution in a few mountain Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
locations. It occurs in deciduous or mixed forest in A single collection of this species has been made in

Species Summaries

lowland forest Temengor, Perak. There has been

in Litsea longifolia
much forest conversion for agriculture
and it is uncertain Lauraceae VU Ale
whether the species still exists. However, some forest Sri Lanka
remains around Temengor, in which the species may A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
survive. south-west Sri Lanka.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 17195

Litsea hirsutissima Litsea nemoraUs

Lauraceae LR/cd Lauraceae ENBI-t-2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Sri Lanka
Confmed to the states of Perak and Kelantan, this hill This uncommon tree is confined to the lowland wet
forest species has been collected only a few times. It evergreen forests of south-west Sri Lanka. The species
does, however, occur in Taiping near Maxwell's Hills, was found in three of the sites surveyed by the National
which is a conservation area. Agriculture is a threat. Conservation Review, none of which is protected.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: $203, 17195,19112

Litsea imbricata Litsea nigrescens

Lauraceae EN B 1 +2c Lauraceae ENBI-*-2c
New Caledonia India (Tamil Nadu)
A species occurring in two upland one on
locations, A medium-sized tree, known only from the type
Mont Humboldt and the other near Ngoye. Mont collection taken from submontane forest near
Humboldt is a well-visited and tramped botanical Shencottah.
reserve. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al. Refs: 19144
Refs: 10351, 12630
Litsea pierrei var. szemois
Litsea iteodaphne Lauraceae ENBl+2ce
Lauraceae VUAlc China (Yunnan)
Sri Lanka A variety restricted to areas of monsoon forest between
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of 800 and 1500m in the counties of Menghai, Jinghong
south-west Sri Lanka. This species was found in 25 and Mengla. The timber and oil, which goes to make
localities during the forest surveys conducted for the perfume, are commercially valuable but population
National Conservation Review. numbers are very low for large-scale exploitation. The
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre loss and degradation of the habitat now appear to be the
Refs: 9\-!6. 17195, 19112 more serious threat.
Assessor: Sun, W.
Litsea leiantha Refs: 1818, 11847,19055
Lauraceae ENBl-i-2c
India(Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.) Litsea scortechinii
Endemic to South Andaman Island, the species occurs in Lauraceae CRBl+2c
scattered small populations in remnant patches of Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
evergreen forest. Large-scale logging has caused A lowland forest tree collected only once in Perak. The
significant population declines. locality isno longer forested but there is a possibility
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre that populationshave survived in surrounding areas.
Refs: 4799, 7147 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8464, 19073
Litsea leytensis
Lauraceae VU Aid Litsea travancorica
Philippines Lauraceae ENBl+2c
An important source of medang timber, this forest India (Kerala)
species has become rare. A medium-sized tree known only from three collections
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre taken from lowland forest at the base of the Western
/?e/s; 2072, 4919 Ghats in Travancore.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Utsea Ugustrina Refs: 19144
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Livistona alfredii
Occurring in submontane forest, the species is known Palmae LR/cd
from only a few collections from scattered localities in Australia (Western Australia)
Wayanad and the Nilgiris, the Palni Hills and Elamalai Endemic to Western Australia, this palm tree is scattered
range. in dry open forest between 100 and 150m. Potential
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre threats include fires, natural disasters and tourism. The
Refs: 19144 population is conserved within Millstream National
Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
Refs: 19118

The World List of Threatened Trees

Livistona carinensis Livistona tonkinensis

Palmae VUBl+2c Palmae DD
Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen (Former
South Yemen) Viet Nam
A palm tree occurring in lowland deserts. In Somalia, The description on which the species is based in
only 38 trees in two localities are known and there are insufficient.
no signs of regeneration. There are approximately 2000 Assessor: Johnson, D.
trees in three villages in Wadi Hadjen in the Jol, South Refs: 19118
Yemen, where regeneration is apparent but limited by an
excessive number of goats. The South Yemen Livistona woodfordii
populations are additionally threatened by local Palmae VU D2
overexploitation of the wood because of timber Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
shortages. There is no information regarding the A palm tree of lowland rainforest and swamp forest,
population status in Djibouti. restricted to Nggela Island.
Assessor: Johnson, D. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3768, 16980, 18665, 19118 Refs: 19118

Livistona drudei Uerasia assuensis

Palmae EN Ale Compositae VUBl+2c
Australia (Queensland) Ecuador
A palm tree of moist open forest up to an altitude of A species which is endemic to the High Andes of
ISOm, confined to an area extending from Kurramine Ecuador.
Beach and Hinchin Island southward to Conway Beach. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The main cause of population declines is land clearance. Refs: 19119,19120
The species is mainly found on privately owned land. It
is listed in the Nature Conservation Act ((^eensland) Lodoicea maldivica
1994. Palmae VU Alcd
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. Seychelles
Refs:\9\\S Famous for its distinctively large double nut, the coco-
de-mer occurs naturally only on Praslin and Curieuse
Livistona endauensis Islands and is now extinct on St Pierre, Chauve-Souris
Palmae LR/nt and Round Islands. Planted populations occur on Mah£
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) and Silhouette Islands. The long-term overexploitation
A lowland palm tree of open and closed forest, existing of the unusual nuts has virtually wiped out natural
in two disjunct populations. One population is in Endau recruitment. Fire is another major threat to the species.
Rompin State Park and the other is found in the coastal An important population at Fond Ferdinand has been
hills of south Terengganu. burnt repeatedly and the only significant adult
Assessor: Saw, L.G. population left is at Vall6e de Mai. The species is now
Refs: 19118 protected and the nut trade is legally controlled by the
coco-de-mer Management Decree of 1995.
Livistona mariae Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
Palmae LR/cd Refs: 19025, 19118
Australia (Northern Territory)
The entire range of this palm tree falls within Finke Loesenera kalaniha
Gorge National Park, where it occurs in dry sparsely Leguminosae VU Ale
vegetated habitats along creeks and watercourses. Cote d'lvoire, Liberia
Assessor: Johnson, D. A lowland forest species, confined to remaining forested
Refs: 19118 areas in Liberia and Cote d'lvoire.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Livistona robinsoniana /fe/i; 7550, 12590
Palmae VU Ale, D2
Philippines Loesenera talbotU
Endemic to the island of Palillo, the species has been Leguminosae VUAIc, Bl+2c
little studied. Its lowland rainforest habitat is under Cameroon, Nigeria
pressure from logging and increasing agriculture and In Nigeria this rare forest tree is known only from the
settlement. Oban Hills, where the population is protected within
Assessor: Madulid, D. Cross River National Park. The population in Cameroon
Refs: 19118 appears to be confined to Korup National Park. Areas
outside protected areas have suffered serious habitat
Livistona takanensis declines.
Palmae LR/cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 2773, 5595, 19092
A locally common palm tree of upper montane forest on
peat soils between 1000 and 1200m, restricted to Lonchocarpus calcaratus
Gunung Tahan within the boundaries of Taman Negara Leguminosae VUCl
National Park. Costa Rica, Panama
Assessor: Saw, L.G. In Panama, this cloud forest species is just known from
Refs: 19118 Valle de Ant6n in Cocl6, where it appears to be very
scarce and in some danger from industrial developments

Species Summaries

and other human activities. The species is more common Lonchocarpus phlebophyUus
in Costa Rica in the Cordillera de Tilar^ in Alajuela, Leguminosae EN C2a
where it less affected by external pressures and protected Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
by law. A tree of rocky dry hillsides in lowland regions.
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. Assessor: Nelson, C.
/fe/t; 7272, 7980. 16772 Refs: 4974, 13995

Lonchocarpus chiricanus Lonchocarpus retiferus

Leguminosae VU D2 Leguminosae EN C2a
Panama Honduras, Nicaragua
Until recently the specieswas known only from the type This species occurs in humid areas or near streams in
specimen collected on a 1911 expedition to Chiriquf. dry forest.
Last year the species was identified on the Isla de Coiba Assessor: Nelson, C.
in Coiba National Park, where it occurs commonly in Refs: 9076, 13995, 18427
rainforest along beaches and is protected.
Assessor: Miu€, M. Lonchocarpus sanctuarii
I?e/i; 7272, 7980, 16772 Leguminosae CR C2b
Lonchocarpus guatemalensis var. proteranlhus Occurring in thicket and forest, often near streams, the
Leguminosae DD species is reduced to remnant populations because of
Panama habitat loss.
Although, L
guatemalensis extends from Mexico to Assessor: Nelson, C.
Panama, var. proteranlhus has been collected only once, Refs: 13995, 18427
from Cocl6 in Panama. There have been no reports of
the taxon for almost 90 years and it is possible that it is Lonchocarpus santarosanus
now extinct. Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Mitr6, M. El Salvador, Guatemala
Refs: 1X12, 1990. 16772 There is no recent information on the status of the
populations in either El Salvador or Guatemala. The
Lonchocarpus kanurii species occurs in montane forest where it is evidently
Leguminosae LR/nt very scarce and under some threat from logging,
Kenya, Somalia agriculture, firesand forest management activities.
A species known from southern Somalia and adjacent Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
parts of Kenya in Acacia-Commiphora bushland on /ee/i; 4862, 4974, 19030

sand. The habitat is frequently degraded because of

overcutting and grazing. Lonchocarpus trifolius
Assessor: Thulin, M. Leguminosae CR C2b
/?cri; 6396, 8697, 18665 Honduras
A seldom collected tree, found in pine-oak forest.
Lonchocarpus miniflorus Assessor: Nelson, C.
Leguminosae EN C2b Refs: 8805, 13995
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua Lonchocarpus yoroensis
A relatively widely ranging tree of dry scrub on plains Leguminosae CR C2b
and hillsides, often in rocky areas. Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua
Assessor: Nelson, C. A rarely collected tree of dry forest.
Refs: 8100, 13995 Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 13995
Lonchocarpus molinae
Leguminosae CR C2b Lophira alata
Honduras Ochnaceae VU Alcd
A tree of low elevations, occurring in moist thickets Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic
along streams within areas of dry forest. of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia,
Assessor: Nelson, C. Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda
Refs: 13995, 18427 Azob£ is a pioneer species and occurs abundantly in wet
evergreen forest, which continues to experience large-
Lonchocarpus phaseolifoUus scale destruction. Slow growth rate, poor regeneration in
Leguminosae CR C2b less than optimum conditions and overexploitation as a
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, timber species are contributing to the decline in
Nicaragua population numbers through most of its range.
A tree found in thicket on lowland plains, sometimes Assessor: African Regional Workshop
along rocky creeks or on hillsides. Refs: rm, 6718. 9605, 12061, 17408, 19043
Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 13995 Lophopetalum sessilifoUum
Celastraceae VUAlcd+2cd
Malaysia (Sarawak)
A small tree, endemic to Sarawak, found in lowland
forest near rivers. It is locally frequent in west Baram.

The World Ust of Threatened Trees

All members of the genus are commercially valuable as Lunania cubensis

penipok timber. Flacourtiaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba
Refs: 14573, 18327, 19017 Populations of this tree are uncommon. The species is
restricted to areas ofmontane semi-deciduous forest in
Lovoa swynnertonii the Sierra Maestra mountain range.
Meliaceae EN A led Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Refs: 7980, 19149
Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
This timber species occurs sparsely in small patches of Lunania dodecandra
remaining wet evergreen forest in East and Southern Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
Africa. Populations in Mozambique and Zimbabwe are Cuba
confined to single localities: Garuso forest and Chirinda An endemic tree apparently restricted to the Baracoa
Forest Reserve, respectively. Habitat loss and excessive area of Guantanamo Province. The species has not been
exploitation of the seed-producing individuals are collected recently.
resulting in poor regeneration and a global population Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
decline. Plantations have been unsuccessful because of Refs: 7980, 11403, 18485, 19149
infestation by Hypsipyla.
Assessor: African Regional Workshop Lunania elongata
Refs: 4506, 5117, 6396, 6725, 10961, 14667, 17335 Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
Lovoa trichilioides This uncommon shrub or small tree is confined to
Meliaceae VUAlcd montane forest in the Guamuhaya Massif, Sancti
Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Spiritus Province. Cutting and logging are threats to the
Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, habitat of this species.
Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
African walnut or dibetou occurs in evergreen and Refs: 11403, 18485,19149
deciduous forest, generally in moist sites. Regeneration
occurs only in canopy gaps. Germination success is Lunania polydactyla
somewhat limited by short-lived seeds which are heavily Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c
predated. Exploitation rates are high. It is one of the two Jamaica
principal timber species in Congo. An unconunon of hillside woodlands in Garendon,
Assessor: African Regional Workshop Portland and St Thomas, occurring at aldtudes of 480 to
Refs: 2362, 2773, 6128, 6718, 8369, 10961, 12061, 900m. Logging and encroaching agriculture have caused
13250, 16021, 17408 extensive disturbance, causing almost complete loss or
Thomas in particular.
severe degradation of forest in St
Loxococcus rupicola Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae CRAlc Refs: 6057, 7980
Sri Lanka
A palm tree, occurring in moist closed forest between Lunania racemosa
300 and 742m. This monotypic genus is present within Hacourtiaceae VUBl+2c
the national ornamental trade and the seeds are used Jamaica
locally as a betel nut substitute. It occurs within An uncommon tree found woodland at about 600m in
Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. St Ann, St Mary and StThomas. Almost all forested
Assessor: Johnson, D. areas at this altitude have been removed or severely
Refs: 19118 degraded in the latter parish.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Loxopterygium grisebachti ^e/i; 6057, 7980, 19116
Anacardiaceae VUB1-k2c
Argentina, Bolivia Lupinus macbrideanus
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina Leguminosae VU D2
and Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected Peru
ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced by A small tree which is known only from the type
agricultural systems. collection along a riverside in shrubland above 3000m in
Assessor: Prado, D. the department of HuSnuco.
Refs: 12837,19122 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Ludwigia anastomosans
Onagraceae VUBl+2c Lyonia elliptica
Brazil Ericaceae EN Bl+2c
Morphologically a very distinct species from a Cuba
monotypic section of Ludwigia. It is rare and restricted Occurring only in rainforest on ferralitic soils near
to a few scattered individuals in black water streams of Monte Verde in the Nipe-Baracoa Massif, Guantinamo,
the ancient Planalto habitat of central Brazil, where it this rare shrub or small tree is very localised. Its habitat
stands above associated tree species and bamboo canes. is susceptible to cutting and logging.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 2744 «e/i; 7980, 19149

Species Summaries

Lyoniajamaicensis Macadamia neurophylla

Ericaceae LR/nt Proteaceae VU Bl+2c
Jamaica New Caledonia
Confined Blue Mountains, mostly in secondary
to the A species found rarely and confined to the southern
montane below 1650m, the species is
forest at altitudes massifs of Grand Terre, where it occurs largely on the
relatively common in southern catchments at forest coast in various types of moderate to dry habitats.
margins. It colonises exposed well-drained sites. Observations of hyper accumulation of nickel and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre manganese have led to considerable scientific interest in
Refs: 7980, 12564 the species.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Lyonia maestrensis Refs: 10351, 12630

Ericaceae EN Bl+2c
Cuba Macaranga beillei
A found in cloud forest on the
rare shrub or small tree Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
highest peaks of the western Sierra Maestra mountain Cote d'lvoire
range, Santiago de Cuba Province. A Cote d'lvoire endemic confined to coastal forests. The
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. species also occurs in Banco National Park, near
Refs: 19149 Abidjan, but it could have been introduced there. There

has been widespread degradation and loss of these

Lyonia octandra forests.
Ericaceae LR/nt Assessor: Assi, A.
Jamaica Refs: 2773, 12822
Endemic Blue Mountains, the species is generally
to the
rare, although locally dominant in a few sites on ridge Macaranga bicolor
tops, especially on the Grand Ridge. Euphorbiaceae VU Alcd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Philippines
/fc/j; 7980, 12564. 19116 An endemic species to the Philippines. Rates of habitat
loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to
Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. asplenifolius considerable population declines.
Rosaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
USA (California) «e/i; 2072, 4919
Restricted to the islands of Santa Cruz. Santa Rosa and
San Clemente, the subspecies is limited in occurrence Macaranga caudatifoUa
and threatened in parts of its range by damage caused by Euphorbiaceae VUAlcd
grazing animals. Feral herbivores have been removed Philippines
from San Clemente and stump-sprouting has now been An endemic species to the Philippines. Rates of habitat
observed. loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre considerable population declines.
Refs: 19193 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e^5: 2072, 4919, 5651
Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. floribundus
Rosaceae VU D2 Macaranga cogostiflora
USA (California) Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Endetnic to Santa Catalina Island, this subspecies occurs Philippines
in groves in moisthumid areas of canyons and mountain An endemic to Palawan, surviving in old clearings. The
sides,mainly on the Channel slopes. Increased control of main island is a biosphere reserve.
feral pigs and deer has brought about improved Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
regenerative capacity. Stump sprouting and seedlings Refs: 49»6. 565\
have recently been observed. The introduced Acorn
Woodpecker may also be causing damage by drilling Macaranga conglomerata
into tree trunks. The species' range has shown historical Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
declines, presumably as a consequence of climate Kenya, Tanzania
changes. A local offshoot of the M. capensis-M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre kilimandscharica complex, this species is restricted to
Refs: 19193, 19194 two montane forests. A small population is known from
the Taita Hills and another is found in the West
Maackia taiwanensis Usambara Mountains. It has been recorded as common

Leguminosae EN B 1 +2ab, C2a in the past, but recent tree plots suggest it is rare. The

Taiwan explosive increase in human population in the

A relict species confined to a small area of broadleaved surrounding area has exerted a heavy demand for wood
evergreen forest in the Yangmingshan area, northern and land.
Taiwan. The area is partially protected as a national Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
park. Refs: 3356, 6396, 9198, 12067
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Refs: 19050, 19051 Macaranga grandifoUa
Euphorbiaceae VU Alcd
An endemic species to the Philippines. Rates of habitat

The World List of Threatened Trees

loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to Machaerium chambersU
considerable population declines. Leguminosae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Panama
Re/S: 2072, 4919, 5651 The species is known from a collection taken from the

province of Panaml No further records of the species

Macaranga huahineensis have been made.
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772
A dioecious tree, to the central crest of
Huahine Nui, on Mount Mato Ereere and Turi. It is Machaerium cuzcoense
common or co-dominant in ridge forest between 390 and Leguminosae VU D2
669m. There are signs of a spreading invasion of Peru
Merremia peltata. A species of semi-deciduous forest, known only from
Assessor: Florence, J. the type collection in the department of Cuzco.
Refs: 19169 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Macaranga mauritiana
Euphorbiaceae EN Alee Machaerium glabripes
Mauritius Leguminosae VU D2
A pioneer which grows well in managed
species, Panama
reserves where weeding is carried out. Regeneration is This species was described from a collection made in
poor outside managed areas. 1908. No reports of the species have been made since.
Assessor: Strahm, W. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208 Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772

Macaranga paxii Machaerium nicaraguense

Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Leguminosae EN C2a
Cameroon, Nigeria Honduras, Nicaragua
Extending from south-eastern Nigeria to Cameroon, the This tree occurs on rocky wooded river banks and open
species found sparsely distributed in patches of old
is areas in pine-oak forest.
secondary and disturbed forest. There is a population in Assessor: Nelson, C.
the Oban Division of the Cross River National Park in Refs: 13995
Nigeria and in Cameroon the species is recorded in
Ebone, Mantoum and Mount Cameroon. Unprotected Machaerium viUosum
forests have been heavily logged and cleared for Leguminosae VU A led
agriculture. Brazil
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Fairly widespread within Brazil from Minas Gerais to
/?e/i;4977, 11504, 12597 Parani, this species is grows
highland dry forests.
Deforestation in this region has been severe. This
Macaranga quadricomis species is exploited for its timber which is used to make
Euphorbiaceae LR/cd fine furniture and veneer.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species of lowland to submontane closed and open Refs: 4506
forest, with an interesting distribution. There are two
main populations; one in mountain forest at Gunong Mackeea magnifica
Nuong in Selangor and the other in lowland seasonal Palmae VUBI+2c
swamp in south-east Johore. The Johore population is New Caledonia
being deforested for the construction of resorts and it is Restricted to north-east New Caledonia, the species
doubtful that the species will survive there. The forest at occurs in wet montane forest or gallery forest on
Gunong Nuong is protected. schistose rocks.
Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: Assessor: Jaffrfi, T. et al.
Refs: 8464, 19073 /?c/j; 10351, 19118

Macaranga raivavaeensis Macleania loeseneriana

Euphorbiaceae CRB1+2C Ericaceae VU B 1 +2c
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) Ecuador
An endemic to Raivavae. An Ecuadorean endemic of montane and upper montane
Assessor: Florence, J. cloud forest in the High Andes, known from the
Refs: 14513 provinces of Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha and Cotopaxi.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Macaranga taitensis Refs: 19119,19120
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Maclurodendron parviflorum
An endemic to Tahiti. Rutaceae VU D2
Assessor: Florence, J. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 14513 Endemic to the Kuching District, this small lowland tree
is known from only four collections found in primary

Species Summaries

*kerangas forest and secondary forest. uncommon and under some pressure of habitat loss,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre although the area remains relatively under developed.
Refs: 19017 Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 3969, 7272, 7980, 16772
Maclurodendron pubescens
Rutaceae VU D2 Macrolobium stenopetalum
Malaysia (Sabah) Leguminosae VU D2
Endenuc to Sabah, this tree is found in primary forest on Suriname
ridges and hillsides up to 140ni. It is found in Sandakan, This species is known only from the type locality at
Keningau and Lamag Districts. Tafelberg.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10348, 19017 Refs: 19196

MacTOcarpaea hartii Macrolobium taylorii

Gentianaceae VU Bl+2c Leguminosae VU D2
Jamaica Peru
A species confined to moist montane and submontane Known only from the type collection, the species is

forest, 1000 to 1400m, in St Andrew and Portland recorded from forest department of Hu4nuco.
in the
Parishes. Forest areas, in the former parish in particular, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
have been extensively destroyed or severely degraded. Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/ee/jt; 6057, 7980, 19116 Macropanax concinnus
Araliaceae VUBl+2c
Macrocnemum cinchonoides Indonesia (Java)
Rubiaceae VU D2 A widespread but uncommon species of damp montane
Peru forests above 400m. At lower elevation the species
Known only from the type specimen, this forest species habitat has been almost completely cleared.
was collected from Puno. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Macrosamanea macrocalyx
Leguminosae VU D2
Macrocnemum jamaicense Brazil (Pari)
Rubiaceae LR/nt A shrub or small tree, known only from Rio Xingu, near
Jamaica Altamira, growing on the margins of flooded forest.
This species occurs in rocky rainforest and in pasture Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
margins mostly in the north-central and eastern parishes. Refs: 5994
It is not common and habitat degradation has been
severe in places. Macrosamanea prancei
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 6057, 7980 Brazil (Amazonas)
Only know from sites along the Rio Araci in north
Macrocnemum pilosinervium Amazonas, this shrubby tree is found growing on
Rubiaceae VU D2 seasonally inundated white sand savanna and on sandy
Peru riverbanks.
This species is known only from the type collection Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
which was taken from a site in the department of Refs: 5994
Amazonas. It possibly represents a variety of M. roseum.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Madhuca aristulata
Refs: 1984 Sapotaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Macrolobium amplexans A small tree of rainforest, known from two collections:
Leguminosae VU D2 one from Perak and the other from Kedah.
Suriname Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species is known from the type locality on forested Refs: 8464, 19073
slopes in central Suriname and the Nassau Mountains.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Madhuca betis
Refs: 19196 Sapotaceae VU A led
Indonesia (Sulawesi), Philippines
Macrolobium pittieri This primary lowland forest species is a source of bitis
Leguminosae EN C2a timber and also medicinal extracts. In the Philippines
Colombia, Panama stands have been depleted by logging and shifting
Originally known only from a few records, all from agriculture.
Kunayala Indigenous Reserve, in recent years the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species has also been found in the Choco, Valle del /ee/i.-4919, 12937, 14573
Cauca and Antioquia in Colombia. There is a possibility
that there are populations in similar forest in Darien Madhuca boerlageana
Province, Panama. Where it is known, the species is Sapotaceae CR Alcd, C2ab, Dl
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas), Papua New Guinea
A tree of primary lowland forest in New Guinea and the

The World List of Threatened Trees

Moluccas. Papua New Guinea, this species is

In Madhuca insignis
extremely and known from a single sterile
rare Sapotaceae EX
collection made from the Vanimo area, West Sepik India (Kamataka)
Province. This part of Papua New Guinea is heavily The species is recorded from a single locality in
logged and there is grave doubt as to its continuing Mangalore in South Kanara District, Kamataka. It has
existence in this country. The above threat category not been found this century despite thorough searches.
applies to the situation in Papua New Guinea only. Only fragments of the original forest now remain.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19114 «e/j; 561, 4799

Madhuca bourdiUonU Madhuca longistyla

Sapotaceae ENAlcd,Bl+2c Sapotaceae VU B I +2c
India (Kerala) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) ,

The only were made in

collections of this large tree A large tree inhabiting lowland rainforest and
lowland rainforest in Ariankavu and Shendumi Valley in occasionally freshwater swamps. This species is
Quilon District and from further north in the Trissur confined to the state of Perak.
vicinity. It is not known to what extent the species has Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
survived the continued exploitation of the habitat and of Refs: 17140, 19073
the trees for timber. Repeated searches have failed to
find living specimens. Madhuca microphytta
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapotaceae EN B I +2c
Refs: 4799, 19144 Sri Lanka
A rare species which was found in only two wet zone
Madhuca calcicola forests during the extensive forest surveys conducted for
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c the National Conservation Review.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This rare tree is scattered in lowland limestone forests at Refs: 19112
Tasik Dayong Bunting in Langkawi, Kedah. The area is
under intense pressure for development. Madhuca moonii
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Sapotaceae VU Ale
Refs: 19073 Sri Lanka
A to the lowland wet evergreen
rare tree restricted
Madhuca cuprea forests of south-west Sri Lanka. During the recent
Sapotaceae DD National Conservation Review, this species was found in
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) 14 forest localities.
The species is confined to rainforest in Perak. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Refs: 8203, 17195,19112
Refs: 19073
Madhuca neriifoUa
Madhuca diplostemon Sapotaceae EN BI+2c
Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c Sri Lanka
India This rare species mmed up in only four localities in
The only record of the comes from a imprecisely
species Kalutara and Ratnapura during the comprehensive forest
located collection in the Deccan Peninsula. Botanical surveys conducted for the recent National Conservation
explorations in the Eastern and Western Ghats have Review.
failed to find the species. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Refs: 19112
«e/i; 4799, 18325 Madhuca oblongifoUa
Sapotaceae VU Aid
Madhucafiilva Philippines
Sapotaceae VUAlc This species occurs in primary lowland forest on the
Sri Lanka island of Luzon. The wood is a source of bitis timber
A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of but has very limited availability.
south-west Sri Lanka. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 14573
Refs: 9176, 17195

Madhuca obovatifoUa
Madhuca hainanensis Sapotaceae VU Aid
Sapotaceae VUBI+2cde Philippines
China (Guangdong - Hainan) A species of primary lowland forest on Luzon. The
A canopy tree of rainforest on the upper part of timber is used as bitis but is very limited in supply.
mountain slopes usually above 600m on Hainan Island Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
and in Quang Ninh Province in Viet Nam where it is Refs: 12937, 14573
found in forest below 1000 to 1200m. It provides a
useful timber and overexploitation of both the tree and
its habitat has caused considerable population declines.

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 1818, 11847

Species Summaries

Madhuca obtusifoUa Madhuca sessiliflora

Sapotaceae DD Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A very rare tree confined to the state of Perak. This is an uncommon small tree confined to shady, low-
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. lying, seasonally swampy forests in north-eastern
Refs: 8464, 19073 Johore.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Madhuca pasquieri Refs: 17140, 19073
Sapotaceae VU A led
China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan), Viet Nam Madhuca tomentosa
A large timber tree with a scattered distribution in Sapotaceae LR/nt
lowland primary forest in south-west Guangdong, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
southern Guangxi, Malipo and Pingbian in Yunnan and Occurring in freshwater swamps and near streams in
northern provinces of Viet Nam. Few large trees remain. lowland and hill rainforest up to 480m, the species is
Populations have been heavily exploited throughout the recorded from Temerloh in Pahang and east Johore. The
range. The species' range coincides with protected areas populations are protected within state parks and Taman
in both coimtries. Negara National Park.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 848, 1818, 11530, 11847, 15357, 19055, 19061 Refs: 8464, 11647, 17140, 19073

Madhuca penangiana Madhuca tubulosa

Sapotaceae LR/cd Sapotaceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A tree inhabiting rainforest between 150 and 1100m in A small tree inhabiting the primary rainforest up to an
Kedah, Penang and Perak. This species receives a degree altitude 540m in Johore and Terengganu. This species is
of protection within the permanent forest estate. protected in state parks, wildlife reserves and forest
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. reserves.
Refs: 8464, 14573, 19073 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 11647,19073
Madhuca peniciUata
Sapotaceae VU Bl+2a Maerua acuminata
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Capparaceae DD
A large tree up to 33m tall, inhabiting lowland and hill Mozambique, Tanzania
forest in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Perak, Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Rf/i. 5117,5654. 18965
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
*e/i.- 8464, 11647, 19073 Maerua andradae
Capparaceae DD
Madhuca ridleyi Mozambique
Sapotaceae VUBl+2a Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs:5\\l. 18965
A tree inhabiting late secondary and primary forests on
limestone areas at altitudes of 150 to 390m. This Maerua angolensis var. socotranum
species, occasionally growing on seasonally swampy Capparaceae ENBl-t-2c
land, can be found in Perils, Kedah, Upper Perak, Yemen (Socotra)
Kelantan and Pahang. An important timber tree with a scattered distribution,
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. declining in some areas. Recent rapid development
Refs: 8464, 14573, 17140, 19073 could result in a building boom which would put certain
pressure on remaining populations.
Madhuca rufa Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 19083
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This species is found in the lowland, primary forest of Maerua brunnescens
Perak. Populations are improtected and threatened by Capparaceae DD
increasing settlement and logging. Mozambique
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. It is likely that the species is confined to central
Refs: 19073 Mozambique but more fieldwork, especially in northern
regions, is required to consolidate the distribution and
Madhuca selangorica status of the species.
Sapotaceae LR/cd Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 5m,\S965
A tree of moist forest up to an altitude of 300m,
occurring only in the state of Selangor. Maerua elegans
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Capparaceae VU D2
Refs: 19073 Democratic Republic of Congo
The only known locality of this forest species is in

Upemba National Park, east of Lake Upemba. The

density of the human population is low and the threats

The World List of Threatened Trees

from agricultural encroachment and logging are at a Magnolia calimaensis

relatively low level.The crushed leaves are used to wash Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
infants. Colombia
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B. The accepted name for Dugandiodendron calimaense. It
Refs. 17185, 17951 isrecorded only from Valle.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Maerua scandens Refs: 19069, 19138
Capparaceae DD
Mozambique Magnolia calophylla
Assessor: Bandeira, S. Magnoliaceae VU Bl+2c
^e/j; 5117, 18965 Colombia
The accepted name for Dugandiodendron calophyllum.
Maesa velutina The species is recorded from Naraiiio. '

Myrsinaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Calderon, E.

India (Kamataka, Kerala) Refs: 19069, 19138
A small tree of lowland evergreen forest, very poorly
known and collected only once from North Kanara in Magnolia cararensis
Kamataka and once from an imprecise locality in the Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
Wayanad area in Kerala. Colombia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The accepted name for Dugandiodendron cararense.
Refs: 19144 The species is recorded only from Norte de Santander.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Magnistipula butayei var. greenwayi Refs: 19069, 19138
Chrysobalanaceae VUBl+2b
Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania Magnolia caricifragrans
The entire population of this variant is believed to be MagnoHaceae ENBl+2c
restricted to moist evergreen forest at relatively low Colombia
elevations in the East Usambara Mountains. A The accepted name for Talauma caricifragrans. The
population reported from the Katanga range in DR species is from localities
recorded in Boyaca,
Congo is considered to be distinct but the taxonomy is Cundinamarca and Norte de Santander.
not yet published. Heavy declines and exploitation of the Assessor: Calderon, E.
forest have occurred in the past. There is continued Refs: 19069, 19138
pressure from the growing human population but an
active conservation programme is now in place. Magnolia cespedesii
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Magnoliaceae CRBl+2c
/Je/i.- 1308.3356,10961 Colombia
The accepted name for Talauma cespedesii. The species
Magnistipula butayei var. sargosii is recorded from Cundinamarca and from a less definite

Chrysobalanaceae VU Bl+2c record in Boyaca.

Ghana Assessor: Calderon, E.
Although the species is widespread in Africa, from east Refs: 19069, 19138
to west, this subspecies is very rare. Few records of it

exist in Ghana, where it is believed to occur in a range Magnolia colombiana

of forest types. Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Colombia
/ec/i;2773, 8369, 12061 The accepted name for Dugandiodendron colombianum.
The species has been recorded only from Huila.
Magnolia amoena Assessor: Calderon, E.
Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 19069
China (Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Zhejiang)
A species known from small scattered stands, occurring Magnolia cubensis ssp. cacuminicola
in hilly lowland mixed forest in a restricted area just Magnoliaceae VU D2
south of the mouth of the Yangtze River. The species is Cuba
found nowhere in large numbers and collection of flower A rare tree of montane rainforest and cloud forest,
buds for medicinal purposes is believed to be affecting restricted to Baracoa in eastern Cuba.
the regeneration of the plant. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 9522, 19138, 19149
Refs: 1818,9274, 11847
Magnolia cylindrica
Magnolia boliviana Magnoliaceae VU Bl+2c
Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c China (Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang) A
Bolivia A tree known from a restricted area in the lower reaches
Originally described under the genus Talauma, the of the Yangtze River, where it occurs in thickets and
species is known only from forest in the foothills of open forest up to 1700m. Collection of the flower buds
Amboro Park and the Chapare region. Deforestation is for medicinal use and general forest clearance are
ongoing. believed to be having detrimental effects throughout the
Assessor: Ibisch, P.L. & I. Vargas species range.
Refs: 19138, 19180 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818,9274, 11847

Species Summaries

Magnolia dealbata Magnolia gustavi

Magnoliaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2b Magnoliaceae VU D2
Mexico (Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Veracruz) India (Assam)
About four or five relict populations exist in areas of A large tree confined to Makum forest in Assam.
cloud forest between 600 and 1600m. The largest Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
consists of between 80 and 100 individuals in disturbed Refs: 16640, 19138
cloud forest at Ixhuacan de los Reyes, Veracruz.
Numbers are very small in Oaxaca and Hidalgo. The Magnolia henaoi
reasons for declines have largely been habitat Magnoliaceae ENBI+2c
destruction, timber production and poor regeneration. Colombia
Approximately 1000 saplings have been produced ex The accepted name for Talaiuna henaoi. The species is
situ, some of which are being planted at Jardi'n Bot^ico recorded only from Huila.
Francisco Javier Clavijero. Assessor- Calderon, E.
Assessor: Vovides, A.P. Refs: 19069, 19138
/Je/i;81,4301, 16907, 19206
Magnolia henryi
Magnolia delavayi Magnoliaceae DD
Magnoliaceae ENBl-(-2c China (Yunnan), Laos, Myanmar, Thailand
China (Sichuan, Yunnan) Ranging from south-east Yunnan to north-east
Assessor: Sun, W. Myanmar, Thailand and north Laos, the species is found
Refs: 19138,19174 in dry monsoon forest on limestone at low to medium
elevations. The extensive clearing and destruction of the
Magnolia espinalU forest in China has resulted in populations there
Magnoliaceae CRBl+2c becoming scarce and threatened.
Colombia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The accepted name for Talauma espinalii. The species is Refs: 1818,9274,11847
recorded only from Antioquia.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Magnolia hemandezii
Refs: 19069, 19138 Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
Magnolia georgii The accepted name forTalauma hemaruiezii. The
Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c species is recorded from localities in Antioquia,
Colombia Qiomdi'o, Risaralda and Valle.
The accepted name for Talauma georgii. The species Assessor: Calderon, E.
has been recorded only from localities in Boyaca and Refs: 19069. 19138
Assessor: Calderon, E. Magnolia iltisiana
Refs: 19069, 19138 Magnoliaceae VU Bl+2c
Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco)
Magnolia gilbertoi A majestic tree which forms part of the mesophyllous
Magnoliaceae EN B 1 +2c montane forest in the Sierra de Manantl^ and Cacoma
Colombia in Jalisco. There is also a disjimct population in
The accepted name for Talauma gilbertoi. The species is Guerrero.
restricted to Risaralda and Valle. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Calderon, E. Refs: 7980, 19068
Refs: 19069, 19138
Magnolia kachirachirai
Magnolia griffithii Magnoliaceae EN A 1 d, C2a
Magnoliaceae DD Taiwan
India (Assam), Myanmar A species at the most southerly limit of the family's
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre range, in southern Taiwan from Taitimg to the
Refs: 19138 Hengchun Peninsula. Populations are healthy but
fragmented, occurring in areas of lowland broadleaved
Magnolia guatapensis forest. Kenting National Park covers part of the range,
Magnoliaceae CR B 1 +2c but elsewhere encroaching settlements are causing loss
Colombia of habitat.
The accepted name for Dugandiodendron guatapense. Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
The species is recorded only from Antioquia. Refs: 2428, 3295, 19050, 19051
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069, 19138 Magnolia katiorum
Magnoliaceae ENBl-t-2c
Magnolia guatemalensis ssp. hondurensis Colombia
Magnoliaceae EN C2a The accepted name for Talauma katiorum. The species
El Salvador, Honduras is known only from Antioquia.

A species of medium- to high-altitude mixed forest. Assessor: Calderon, E.

Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 19069, 19138
Refs: 13995, 15892

The World List of Threatened Trees

Magnolia lenticeUatum considerable population declines. There is some concern

Magnoliaceae VU B 1 +2c that the androdioecious nature of the flowering system
Colombia may be contributing to poor regeneration.
The accepted name for Dugandiodendron lenticeUatum. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species is recorded only from Antioquia. Refs: 1818, 2428, 9274, 1 1847
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069, 19138 Magnolia officinalis
Magnoliaceae LR/nt
Magnolia macrophytta ssp. ashei China (Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi,
Magnoliaceae LR/nt Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan,
USA (Florida) Zhejiang)
Endenuc to Florida, the species ranges from Leon and A very widespread tree endemic to China. It generally
Wakulla Counties westward to Santa Rosa County along occurs in broadleaved deciduous forest up to 2000m but
the southern half of the Florida Panhandle. A record in the rate of decline of forest and also the levels of bark-
Texas appears to be a misidentification. Occurring in stripping of the tree have led to the species becoming
broadleaved or mixed forest on ravine slopes and bluffs, rare outside cultivation. The species is frequently
the species is sporadic and scarce in distribution. It divided into subspecies but the differences between the
doesn't respond well to disturbance and competition with two forms are not thought to be sufficient for taxonomic
more aggressive plants. distinction.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rc/s;9254, 19138, 19163 Refs: 1818,9274,11847

Magnolia mahechae Magnolia omeiensis

Magnoliaceae CRBl+2c Magnoliaceae CR Dl
Colombia China (Guizhou, Sichuan)
The accepted name for Dugandiodendron mahechae. A species closely resembling M. nitida var. nitida,
The species is recorded orJy from Valle. confined to Emei Mountain, where only male
Assessor: Calderon, E. individuals have been found in an area of broadleaved
Refs: 19069, 19138 evergreen between 1000 and 1200m. It is
unknown whether further localities and female
Magnolia minor individuals exist. Logging appears to be continuing in
Magnoliaceae EN B 1 +2c the area and no special protection is yet in place to
Cuba ensure that the population remains intact.
A scarce tree of lower montane rainforest, confined to Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the Sierra Maestra. The habitat has been disturbed by Refs: 1818,2428,9274,11725
logging and overcutting.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Magnolia pacifica ssp.pticijica
Refs: 19138, 19149 Magnoliaceae VU D2
Mexico (Jalisco)
Magnolia narinensis A variety which appers to be known only from a few
Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c localities in ravines and gorges from Zapopan and San
Colombia Crist6bal.
The accepted name for Talauma narinensis. The species Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
is known only from Nariiio. Refs: 7980, 19068
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069, 19138 Magnolia panamensis
Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
Magnolia nitida var. lotungensis Panama
Magnoliaceae LR/nt Recently described, the species is presently known firom
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan, forest between 2000 and 26(X3m on the Cordillera
Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang) Central in Bocas del Toro and Chiriquf Provinces, right
Previously considered to belong to a separate genus up to the border with Costa Rica. There is almost no
Parakmeria, this variety is scattered over parts of central doubt that the species continues into Costa Rica on the
and southern China and Taiwan. It occurs in Cordillera de Talamanca, although it has yet to be
broadleaved evergreen forest below 1000m. The species collected here. There is a protected population in La
is thought to be scarcer now because of the affects of Amistad National Park.
logging and habitat degradation. Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 16772
Refs: 1818,9274,11847
Magnolia phanerophlebia
Magnolia nitida var. nitida Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
Magnoliaceae VUAlcd China (Yunnan)
China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Xizang, Yunnan), Myanmar The species is endemic to Maguan in the south-east.
The taxon occurs in montane broadleaved evergreen Assessor: Sun, W,
forest between 1400 and 1500m on Damiao Mountain in Refs: 19138, 19174
northern Guangxi, Rongjiang in south-east Guizhou,
various mountain localities in Yunnan extending into
Tibet and Myanmar. It provides a useful timber and its
exploitation as well as general habitat loss have caused

Species Summaries

Magnolia polyhypsopylla extract often used as a substitute for that of M.

Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c officinalis.
Colombia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The accepted name for Talauma polyhypsophylla. The Refs: 1818,9274,11847
species is recorded only from Antioquia.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Magnolia sororum ssp. sororum
Refs: 19069, 19138 Magnoliaceae VU A2c
Magnolia rostrata This subspecies is recorded from Chiriquf and Coc\6
Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c Provinces, where it occursin cloud forest between 1000
China (Xizang, Yunnan), Myanmar and 2600m. It is fairly common
in VolcSn Baru National
A montane forest tree, occurring between 2100 and Park and is expected be found in other protected
3000m within a small area encompassing western areas. The populations in Cocl6 are facing significant
Yunnan, Medog County in Tibet and north-east increase in the human population, and in industrial and
Myanmar. Overexploitation and detrimental harvesting tourist activities. The other subspecies is endemic to
of the bark are believed to have caused considerable Costa Rica.
population declines. Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 16772
Refs: 1818,9274,11847
Magnolia urraoense
Magnolia sambuensis Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c
Magnoliaceae VU C2a Colombia
Colombia, Panama The accepted name for Dugandiodendron urraoense.
Known under the genus Talauma in Panama, the species The species is recorded only from Antioquia.
occurs in small sporadic populations, usually in Assessor: Calderon, E.
inundated forest, in Dari^n National Park and slightly Refs: 19069, 19138
more frequently in the Serrani'a de Pirre, both in
Panama. In Colombia, populations are recorded in Magnolia virolinensis
Antioquia and more recently in Valle del Cauca. Outside Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c
protected areas the habitat has been extensively cleared Colombia
for settlement and agriculture. The accepted name for Talauma virolinensis. The
Assessor: Mitr^, M. species is recorded from localities in Boyaca and
Refs: 16772, 19138 Santander.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Magnolia santanderiana Refs: 19069, 19138
Magnoliaceae ENBI+2c
Colombia Magnolia wilsonii
The accepted name for Talauma sanderiana. The Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
species is recorded only from Santander. China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan)
Assessor: Calderon, E. There are scattered populations within the range of
Refs: 19069, 19138 western Sichuan, northern Yunnan and western Guizhou
in montane forest and thicket between 2000 and 3300m.
Magnolia sargentiana The forest has been extensively cleared and the bark of
Magnoliaceae EN B I +2c the tree is also exploited to a considerable degree.
China (Sichuan, Yunnan) Although it contains the same medicinal extract as M.
Assessor: Sun, W. officinalis, it makes a relatively poor substitute.
Refs: 9274, 19138, 19174 Assessor: Sun, W.
Refs: 1818,9274, 11847, 19174
Magnolia schiedeana
Magnoliaceae EN B 1 +2c Magnolia wolfii
Mexico (Guerrero, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Quer^taro, Magnoliaceae CR B 1 +2c
Sinaloa, Veracruz) Colombia
Remaining stands show signs of disturbance or cutting. The accepted name for Talauma wolfii. The species is
Regeneration is primarily vegetative, by resprouting recorded only from Risaralda.
from the roots and trunk bases. There appears to be low Assessor: Calderon, E.
fertility. Refs: 19069, 19138
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
Refs: 81, 15892, 16907, 19171, 19203 Magnolia yarumalense
Magnoliaceae CRBl+2c
Magnolia sinensis Colombia
Magnoliaceae VUBl+2c, D2 The accepted name for Dugandioderulron yarumalense.
China (Sichuan) The species is recorded only from Antioquia.
A species known only in Tianquan, Lushan and Assessor: Calderon, E.
Wenchuan Counties in Sichuan, occurring on the edges Refs: 19069, 19138
of forest and in scrub. The habitat has been cleared in
places and the trees may be detrimentally affected by
frequent bark-stripping. The bark contains a medicinal

The World List of Threatened Trees

Magnolia yoroconte MaUeastnim leroyi

Magnoliaceae VUAlc Meliaceae VU D2
Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Seychelles (Aldabra)
Veracruz) This shrub or small tree is foiuid infrequently in mixed
The species is mainly known from the critically scrub on Polymnie, the east of Picard and the east of
endangerd population in Honduras, occurring in medium Grand Terre. The islands are protected within a Strict
to high elevation mixed forest. The distribution Nature Reserve and only Picard has a population of staff
apparently extends to southern Mexico. from a research station.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 13995, 19138 Refs: 19027

Magnolia zenii Mattotus atrovirens

Magnoliaceae CR Dl Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
China (Jiangsu) India (Tamil Nadu)
Apparently only a single population exists containing 18 A lowland forest species which has been collected rarely
individuals at the type locality on the north slopes of from scattered localities along the coast and base of the
Baohua Mountain in mixed forest at an altitude of 220m. Western Ghats.
The area is a provincial reserve but no specific Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
protection is given to these trees. No natural Refs: 19144
regeneration has been observed.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Mallotus fuscescens
/?</i.- 1818,9274, 11847 Euphorbiaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka
Mahonia oiwakensis A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Berberidaceae VUBl+2ab south-west Sri Lanka.
Taiwan Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic mountain range on Taiwan, the
to the central Refs: 9176, 17195
species occurs in scattered populations in montane
coniferous forest and woodland scrub. Regeneration is Mallotus odoratus
reported to be poor and no conservation or protection Euphorbiaceae VU D2
measures are in place. Philippines
Assessor: Pan, F.J. An endemic species to the island of Camiguin. The
Refs: 3295, 6469, 19050 present population status is not known and may be more
seriously threatened.
MaiUardia pendula Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Moraceae CRBl+2c Refs: 4986
Seychelles (Aldabra)
A small tree known from just a few individuals in Mallotus oppositifolius var. lindicus
Takamaka Grove on Grand Terre, in the Aldabras. It Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
was once locally common but changes in the vegetation Mozambique, Tanzania
appear to have reduced the population significantly. The This variety occurs in south-east Tanzania and
island is protected within a Strict Nature Reserve and is Mozambique within remaining areas of dry coastal
uninhabited. forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 19027 Refs: 1308,3356,8814

Maingaya malayana Mallotus smilaciformis

Hamamelidaceae VU B 1 +2c Euphorbiaceae CRBI+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
An endemic species of Peninsular Malaysia, known only It is questionable whether the species still exists. It has

from Perak and Penang. This species inhabits primary been collected only once from primary areas of lowland
rainforest up to 960m. evergreen rainforest in Perak.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15251,19073 Refs: 8464, 19073

Malania oleifera Malmea cuspidata

Olacaceae VUBl+2c Annonaceae VU D2
China (Guangxi, Yunnan) Peru
An uncommon tree scattered in western Guangxi and This species is known only from the type collection,
Yunnan on limestone mountains up to 1640m.
eastern which was taken from the department of Loreto.
Wild populations are much reduced as a result of Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
continued logging and habitat clearance. A large Refs: 1984
population under protection in Longzhou Nature

Reserve. The genus is monotypic. It has long been Malmea gaumeri

cultivated as a source of oil for cooking and soap- Annonaceae EN Ale
making. Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas)
Assessor: Sun, W. A species with a restricted range, occurring in remaining
Refs: 1818, 11847, 19055

Species Summaries

areas of lowland seasonal rainforest. The timber is of Malus hupehensis

local use. Rosaceae DD
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa Japan, Taiwan
/J«(i; 13228. 19151.19161 In Taiwan the species has been foimd in a very restricted
area to the north of the island in the boimdary area
Malnua Uiophylla between Taipei and llan Counties. The population here
Annonaceae CR C2b consists of fewer than50 individuals, in forest between
Honduras 1700 and 1900m.
This species is known from a single collection dating Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from 1 890. It was discovered in Atlantic dry forest. Refs: 12135. 19053
Assessor: Nelson. C.
Refs: 13995 Malus komarovii
Rosaceae VUBl+2c
Mabnea pachileae China (Jilin), North Korea
Annonaceae VU D2 In China the species is confined to the Changbai
Peru Mountains, where it occurs infrequently in thickets
Known only from the type collection, the species is between 1000 and 1300m. Clearing and altering of the
found inlowland Amazon forest in the department of habitat are believed to have affected regeneration and
Hu^uco. caused population declines. Observations of the species'
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre resistance to cold has caused some interest in its
Refs: 1984 potential as an apple cultivar.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malouetia isthmica Refs: 1818, 11847
Apocynaceae VUCl
Colombia, Panama Malus sieversU
The species is distributed relatively widely in areas of Rosaceae VU B 1 +2c
lowland evergreen rainforest throughout the centre and China (Xinjiang), Former USSR
east of Panama and is also reported from San Josd del In China pure stands of the species occur in the Hi River
Palmar in Colombia. Populations do not appear to be Valley in the western part of the Tianshan Moimtains
large and some areas are threatened by deforestation. and on hillsides in western Junggar between 1 100 and
Assessor: Miiti, 1600m.
R^s: 7980, 15037, 16772 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847
Malpighia cauUflora
Malpighiaceae ENBl+2c Mammea grandifolia
Jamaica Guttiferae VU D2
Only three localities are known, containing small Papua New Guinea
populations in St Catherine and St Thomas. This small tree, known only from the type collection,
Deforestation has almost removed all forest areas below was found along Pinini Creek in the Gulf Province. The
1400m in the latter parish. taxonomic limits of this species are unclear.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Stevens, P.P.
^e/j.- 401, 5653, 7980, 19116 Refs: 19031, 19113

Malpighia harrisU Mammea immansueta

Malpighiaceae VUBl+2c Guttiferae ENAlac
Jamaica Panama
A slender shrub or tree, known only from populations in Almost all of the few existing collections of this species
woodland on limestone in Clarendon and St Ann. have come from an area of lowland rainforest along the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre highway running from Panami Province to the Kunayala
«e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Indigenous Reserve. The species is relatively common
where forest remains, but in the last 10 years an influx of
Malpighia obtusifoUa campesinos into the area has resulted in extensive
Malpighiaceae VUBl+2c deforestation.
Jamaica Assessor: Mitrd, M.
A small tree or shrub from Clarendon, St James and /?e/i;7980, 15037, 16772
Trelawny. where it occurs in woodland on limestone.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mammea malayana

Refs: 5653. 6057, 7980 Guttiferae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Malpighia proctorU This lowland forest tree is known only from two
Malpighiaceae CRBl+2c localities, one in north-east Pahang and the other in
Jamaica Perak. It is not certain that these localities are still

The type of the species appears to have been

locality forested, as the area is threatened by land conversion for
cleared for charcoal production. It is not known whether agriculture.
the species occurs elsewhere or whether it is now Assessor: Kochummen. K.M.
extinct. Refs: 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

Mammea novoguineensis nowhere abundant and the timber is available only in

Guttiferae DD small quantities.
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree that occurs in primary well-drained forest /fe/j.- 2698, 4919, 9570

between 60 and 420m. It is known from a few scattered

localities in an area that is poorly known. Mangifera andamanica
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Anacardiaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 19031,19113 India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)

A tree endetnic toAndaman and Nicobar Islands and

Mammea papuana restricted towet evergreen forests. Many of the forests
Guttiferae VU D2 of the Andaman Islands have been affected in recent
Papua New Guinea decades by overexploitation.
A rainforest tree known only from two collections from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
East Sepik. The taxonomic limits of this species are Refs: 4799, 9570
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. Mangifera austro-indica
Refs: 19031,19113 Anacardiaceae VU D2
India (Tamil Nadu)
Mammea papyracea A small tree noted for its conspicuous mass of flowers.
Guttiferae VU D2 The species occurs commonly in remnants of *shola
Papua New Guinea forest in Salem and Coorg Districts.
A small tree, known only from the type collection, found Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Buso, south of Lae in the Morobe District. Refs: 11278
Assessor: Stevens, P.F.
Refs: 19031 Mangifera auslro-yunnanensis
Anacardiaceae DD
Mammea timorensis China (Yunnan)
Guttiferae VU D2 There is very little known about this species on the basis
Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Is.) of a collection found in south-western Yunnan at
A Komodo, a national
species confined to the island of 15(X)m. It is even doubtful that the specimen fits the
park, and toWest Timor. limitsof the genus.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1011 Refs: 11278

Mammea usambarensis Mangifera blommesteinii

Guttiferae VUBl+2b Anacardiaceae EN Ale
Tanzania Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
The distincmess of this species from the West African Sabah, Sarawak)
species, M. africana, is considered to be doubtful. A rare tree known from only three collections in Sabah,
Populations in Tanzania occur in moist montane forest two from Sarawak, and single collections from Nunukan
in the West Usambara and South Pare Mountains. Island off east Kalimantan and Rotan Timggal Forest
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. It is usually found in
Refs: 3356, 5204, 7089, 10961, 1 1631 wet evergreen forest. The species has been reported to
be in immediate danger of extinction.
Mammea veimauriensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Guttiferae VU D2 /fe/i. 4377, 8969, 16394

Papua New Guinea

The description of this species is based on two Mangifera bullata
herbarium specimens. This tree is found along the Anacardiaceae DD
Veimauri River in lowland rainforest, where it is Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia? (Peninsular Malaysia?,
reported to be quite common. Sabah?)
Assessor: Stevens, P.F. A tree known from two sterile herbarium collections
Refs: 19031 from northern Sumatra and from dubious collections
from Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah. It is reported to be
Mangifera acutigemma fairly common in well-drained rainforest at 900m.
Anacardiaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Sikkim) Refs: 11278
The species based on a sterile herbarium specimen

collected from a mountain locality in Sikkim. Mangifera campnospermoides

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Anacardiaceae CRBl+2c
Refs: 1 1278 Indonesia (Kalimantan)
A distinctive which superficially looks like a
Mangifera altissima Campnosperma It is known from only a single
Anacardiaceae VUAld sterile specimen collected in well-drained wet evergreen
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Lesser Sunda Is., Moluccas, forest in Purukcau near Kelaseh in south Kalimantan at
Sulawesi), Malaysia Papua New Guinea
(Sabah), 260m. The forest near Purukacau has been destroyed
(Bismarck Papua
Archipelago, New Guinea), and the species may already be extinct.
Philippines, Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A timber species of lowland evergreen forest. It is Refs: 11278

Species Summaries

Mcmgifera casturi Mangifera lalijiwa

Anacardiaceae EW Anacardiaceae DD
Indonesia (Kalimantan) Indonesia (Bali, Java, Sumatra?)
Endemic to Kalimantan, mostly in the south, this tree There is some question over the existence of this large
produces delicious fruit but it is known only in forest tree in the wild. A population is known from an
cultivation. area between Semarang and Yogyakarta in central Java.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre There are also possible occurrences in Madura, Java,
Refs: 4377, 16394 Bali and Sumatra and perhaps further afield. In Java
encroaching agriculture and logging have almost
Mangifera colUna completely eradicated lowland forest. This species is
Anacardiaceae DD obviously highly valued for its fruit, which appears in
Thailand large quantities in local markets.
Restricted to Chiang Mai region in north Thailand, this Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
uncommon tree is found in montane, wet evergreen and /fe/s; 9078, 11278

deciduous forests.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mangifera macrocarpa
Refs: 11278 Anacardiaceae VU Ale
Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra),Malaysia
Mangifera dewildei (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), Singapore, Thailand
Anacardiaceae VU D2 A large tree, extremely scattered and localised within
Indonesia (Sumatra) lowland wet evergreen rainforest. The species is rarely
Found in lowland rainforest, this massive tree is known found in cultivation as it flowers and fruits infrequently
only from the type locality in North Sumatra Leuser and the fruit is rarely, if ever, eaten. It is possibly extinct
Nature Reserve at 400m. in Java. The lowland rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Borneo are threatened by conversion to agriculture
Refs: 1 1278 and forest degradation through logging.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mangifera dongnaiensis Refs: 7215, 9199, 9328. 9570, 1 1479
Anacardiaceae EN Ale
Viet Nam Mangifera minutifolia
A small tree, endemic to southern Viet Nam, restricted Anacardiaceae VU D2
to the diminishing submontane wet evergreen forests. Viet Nam
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre So far this species is known only from the type specimen
Refs: 9570 collected near Nhatrang, Armam.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mangifera flava Refs: 9570
Anacardiaceae VU B 1 +2c
Cambodia, Viet Nam Mangifera monandra
A rare species of mid-elevation wet evergreen forest, dry Anacardiaceae EN A led
deciduous forest and bamboo thicket, occurring in Philippines
Thailand and southern Viet Nam. Only a single A very scattered and uncommon tree found in wet
collection from 1918 is known from Cambodia. evergreen lowland forest on the islands of Luzon,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Samar, Lete, Ticae and Quimaras. The fruit has little
Refs: 9570 flesh and is eaten unripe. The timber is used for interior
finish and making furniture.
Mangifera hiematis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Anacardiaceae DD Refs: 9570
China (Guangxi)
This evergreen tree is so far only known from a region Mangifera nicobarica
in south-west Guangxi Province. Anacardiaceae ENBl-h2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.)
Refs: 9570 A scarce species which is known only from the type
locality in lowland mixed dense rainforest on the island
Mangifera indica of Great Nicobar.
Anacardiaceae DD Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
India Refs: 11278
The common mango has been cultivated for thousands
of years and now has a pantropical distribution. Wild Mangifera odorata
populations can be found in Assam, India and Myanmar, Anacardiaceae DD
especially the Assam-Chittagong There is a
Hills. Thailand?, Viet Nam?
protected population in the biosphere reserve on the This species has never been found in the wild and its

Mysore Plateau, India. The timber is also traded as origin remains a mystery. The fruit is popular and trees
machang. are commonly cultivated in eastern Asia in areas of high
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre rainfall, especially where M. indica can't be grown.
Refs: 4919, 5550, 9570, 11479, 12937, 15431, 16121, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
17759, 18327 Refs: 4377, 5054, 5550, 9199, 9570, 1 1278, 12937

The World List of Threatened Trees

Mangifera orophita Mangifera persiciformis

Anacardi aceae VU B 1 +2c Anacardiaceae DD
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) China (Yimnan)
One of the only mango species and one of the few A small tree found in the district of Funing in south-east
tropical fruit trees that can grow at high altitudes, up to Yunnan, south-west Guizhou and south Guangxi. It is
nOOm. It grows in wet evergreen forest in mountainous frequently found or planted near villages.
areas. This unique species opens up the possibility of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
cultivating mangoes in more temperate regions. Refs: 11278
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4377 Mangifera rubropetala
Anacardiaceae EW
Mangifera pajang Indonesia? (Sumatra?), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Anacardiaceae VU Ale Yet to be foimd in the wild, this species is cultivated
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, widely in Sabah, Sarawak and also south Kalimantan
Sarawak), Singapore and probably Sumatra. Its tasty fruit is similar to the
Restricted to primary lowland dipterocarp forests in common mango. adapted to wet lowland conditions
It is

Borneo, this tree is rare within its natural habitat type. and is best grown in areas without a pronounced dry
The only area where it is conunon
on the west coast is season.
plains of Sabah. It is found both wild and cultivated in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centi-e
Dayak gardens in the north-east and west of Kalimantan, Refs: 11278
but it is very rarely found in the south. It has not yet
been cultivated widely outside its natural range, Mangifera rufocostata
although, given the economic value and quality of the Anacardiaceae VU Ale
fruit, there is potential for more widespread cultivation Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
in South East Asia. It may hybridise with M.foetida. Malaysia, Sabah)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre One of the tallest trees in the genus, reaching 53m in
/fe/s; 7215, 8969, 9199, 9570 height, it is found scattered
lowland wet evergreen
forest in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. The
Mangifera paludosa species produces a sour-tasting fruit after a long dry
Anacardiaceae ENAlc+2c spell when other food is scarce.
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Singapore Re/i.- 4377, 8969, 11278
A tree found in freshwater marshy areas and mangrove
swamp in southern Peninsular Malaysia, Riau Islands, Mangifera simiUs
Bangka Islands,Jambi and Palembang, Sumatra. It is Anacardiaceae VUAlc
thought to be extinct in Singapore because of the Indonesia (Sumatra)
destruction of mangrove areas for urban growth. Restricted to south Kalimantan and Palembang in
Elsewhere it is suspected to be in real danger of Sumatra, this rare tree is found in lowland rainforests. It
extinction. An occurrence is recorded in Berbak Nature was introduced to Java, where it is now cultivated. The
Reserve in Sumatra. specimen from Sumatra is slightly different.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rtfs: 4377, 16394 Refs: 15991

Mangifera pedicellata Mangifera sumbawaensis

Anacardiaceae VU D2 Anacardiaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Java) Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Is.)
This species is found on the Karimun Djawa Islands, Restricted to montane wet evergreen rainforest, this
north of Java. It is cultivated in south Sulawesi. large tree is known only from the islands of Sumbawa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Rores. On the Lesser Sunda Islands, only small
Refs: 11278 isolated patches of tropical rainforests remain and only
an estimated of 210km* of montane rainforest is
Mangifera pentandra left. The have been degraded by human
original forests
Anacardiaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 activity or converted for agriculture.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), Singapore, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Thailand? Refs: 16394
The natural of this species is possibly
confined to wet evergreen lowland forest in the north of Mangifera superba
Peninsular Malaysia. It was once a common village tree Anacardiaceae EN Ale
in Peninsular Malaysia and old orchards are found in Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Peninsular Thailand. It is suspected that the interest in So far this species is known only from the lowland wet
the species is declining in favour of M. indica, although evergreen forests Peninsular Malaysia.
in It is one of the
it is still useful in improving the genetic stock of the most threatened mango species. A large part of the
common mango. habitat has been lost through clearance for agriculture,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre especially for large-scale cash crops.
Refs: 8969, 9570. 11 278, 1 1479 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i;9570, 11278, 19073

Species Summaries

Mangifera tmpa in south-east Yunnan and in Jingxi and Napo Counties

Anacardiaceae DD in Guangxi. The forests are unprotected and heavily
Indonesia? (Moluccas?) exploited for firewood and timber. This species provides
Very little is known about this species. a construction timber given particular preference by
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre local inhabitants.
Refs: 11278 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818,9274, 11847
Mangifera transversalis
Anacardiaceae VU D2 MangUetia ovoidea
Indonesia (Moluccas) Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
The species was originally described in 1755 as a China (Yunnan)
remarkable species with fruit hanging transversely off Assessor: Sun, W.
the stalks. It is recorded as being endemic to Banda- Refs: 19138, 19174
Neira Island and introduced to Amboina Island. In 1993,
this species was described by Kostermans based on a MangUetia sinica
small cultivated tree, which is reputed to be common on Magnoliaceae CR Dl
Banda-Neira Island. China (Yunnan)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A species known from a single which
Refs: 11278 consists of just seven mature individuals on forested
slopes between 1300 and 1550m on Caoguo Mountain
Mangifera zeylanica and Nanchang Mountain. No effective protective
Anacardiaceae VUAlc measures are in place and the area is open to cutting and
SriLanka clearance. Regeneration
is non-existent. The species
This Sri Lankan endemic is very rare and scattered in was previously known under the monospeciflc genus
both the wet and dry zones, in some places in designated Manglietiaslntm.
reserves. The produces tasty fruits but is not yet in
tree Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
cultivation. It could potentially contribute to the Refs: 9214, 11847
improvement of mango varieties. The bark is also
collected for its medicinal properties. Manilkara bella
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c
Refs: 9570. 11278.17195, 19110 Brazil (Espfrito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)
A primary forest tree, restricted to an altitudinal range
MangUetia aromatica between 600 and 700m on the Brazilian Atlantic coast. It

Magnoliaceae VU A 1 cd, B 1 +2cde provides an excellent timber. Overexploitation of both

China (Guangxi. Yunnan) the tree and the habitat as a whole has caused the species
Only a few scattered stands of this important timber tree to become scarce.
remain. The species is found in monsoon forest on Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

limestone hills between 800 and 1550m in a range Refs: 1983,7980,8816

stretching from south-east Yunnan to south-west
Guangxi. Several populations are reported to have Manilkara bolivarensis
become extinct in both provinces, largely because of Sapotaceae VU D2
overexploitation of the timber. Venezuela
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre The specieswas found some 30 years ago at the
Refs: 1818,9274, 11847 headwaters of Ri'o Pacairao in the Gran Sabana in
Bolivar, where it was confined to gallery forest at
MangUetia fordiana yar. forrestU 1 100m. It has apparently not been found since, but the

Magnoliaceae VUBI+2c area is protected within Canaima National Park.

China (Guangxi, Yunnan) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Sun, W. Refs: 7980
Refs: 19138, 19174
Manilkara cavalcantei
MangUetia grandis Sapotaceae VUBI+2c
Magnoliaceae VU Bl+2c Brazil(Amazonas, Par^)
China (Guangxi, Yunnan) Occurring in the non-flooded lowland forests of northern
Ranging from south-west Guangxi to south-east Brazil, this species is threatened primarily by logging
Yunnan, the species occurs in forested valleys on activities. It is present in the E>uke Forest Reserve near
limestone mountains between 800 and 1500m. The Manaus.
habitat has been extensively cleared and degraded, and Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

population declines have been reported as a result. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818,9274,11847 ManiUcara dardanoi
Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c
MangUetia megaphyUa Brazil (Pemambuco)
Magnoliaceae VUBl+2cde A small tree restricted to a small area of coastal forest
China (Guangxi, Yunnan) and old secondary forest in Pemambuco. The habitat is
The remaining populations are believed to be small. threatened by felling and increasing settlement.
They are restricted to broadleaved evergreen forest Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

between altitudes of 450 and 1500m on Mount Caoguo, Refs: 1983,7980,8816

where the species occurs with M. sinica. Mount Laojun

The y/orld List of Threatened Trees

Manilkara decrescens Cuba. also native to Jamaica. Although it is a small

It is

Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c tree, has been overexploited for its valuable timber.

Brazil (Bahia) Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.

A treelet which has been collected only once in 1982 «e/i; 7980, 8816, 19149
from the *restinga on the roadside between Maraii and
Campinhos. Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. wrightiana
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816 Cuba
This small tree is foimd in various sites throughout
Manilkara elata Cuba, both in coastal dry evergreen forests on limestone
Sapotaceae EN Ale, Bl+2c and in dry serpentine woodland. The habitat has suffered
Brazil (Bahia, Espi'rito Santo) severe degradation in many places and continues to be
The type collection originates from Bahia. The only threatened with cutting and burning.
other record was made in 1965, when the species was Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
reported to be relatively abundant in Linhares in Espi'rito «e/5; 7980, 8816, 19149
Santo. No recent collections in either location have since
been made and the species is reported to have suffered Manilkara kanosiensis
population declines. Sapotaceae EN Alcd+2cd, C2a
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Indonesia (Moluccas), Papua New Guinea (Bismarck
Refj; 1983,7980.8816 Archipelago, Papua New Guinea)
Relatively widespread but uncommon, this timber tree is

ManUkara excelsa scattered in primary lowland rainforest. It occurs mainly

Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c in areas where intense logging is being carried out, such
Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Para) as New Britain and New Ireland in the Bismarck
A large tree confined to periodically flooded forest on Archipelago and the north-west of Papua New Guinea.
the banks of the Tapaj6s River. It occurs within the Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.

boundaries of the Tapaj6s National Forest. Refs: 19114

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 ManUkara longifolia
Sapotaceae ENAlc, Bl+2c
ManUkara excisa Brazil (Bahia, Espi'rito Santo)
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c A lowland rainforest species, recorded to be abundant in
Jamaica Espi'rito Santo in 1965. This area has been heavily
A Cockpit Country endemic, confined to areas of cleared since and recent collections of the species have
woodland on limestone hills in Trelawny and St James. been rare.
It is a large tree, valuable for its timber. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Re/5; 401, 5653, 7980
Manilkara maxima
Manilkara gonavensis Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Sapotaceae CR Bl+2c Brazil (Bahia)
Haiti The species is confined to *restinga vegetation.
An imperfectly known species. The only information Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

availablecomes from the type collection, which was Refs: 1983,7980,8816

taken from Gonave Island in Haiti in the first part of the
century. Manilkara mayarensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapotaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 7980, 8816 Cuba
A shrub or small tree confined to the province of
ManUkara jaimiqui ssp. haitensis Oriente, where it occurs in montane serpentine
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c shrubwoods, mainly along creeks, ravines and
Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico? watercourses. Mining is a constant threat to its habitat.

A shrub or small tree of forest on rocky limestone hills Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
up to 400m. Collections have been made from two sites /?£/i; 7980, 8816, 19149
in Haiti and two from the Dominican Republic. There
are also unconfirmed reports of an occurrence in Puerto Manilkara muMJida
Rico. The timber is exploited locally but the destruction Sapotaceae EN Bl+2c
of the habitat is the main cause of concern. Brazil (Bahia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species has only been foimd once at Belmonte
Refs: 8816 Experimental Station in 1970.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. jaimiqui Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Cuba, Jamaica ManUkara nicholsonU
The subspecies occurs lowland semi-deciduous forest,
in Sapotaceae EN Bl+2bcde
which for the most part has been heavily degraded in South Africa (Eastern C!ape, KwaZulu-Natal)
A Pondoland endemic confined to sandstone outcrops in
southern KwaZulu-Natal around Port Edward and in the
eastern Transkei in the Eastern Cape. It occus as

Species Summaries

scanered single individuals on sandy soils among rocks lowland rainforest, also in Ilha do Cardosa Forest
on forest margins or streambanks. The few remaining Reserve in Sao Paulo.
patches of forest are under threat from cutting for Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

firewood and timber, agricultural activities and coastal Refs: 1983, 7906, 7980, 8816
development. This species is used as firewood and for
stickmaking. There are populations in two provincial ManUkara valenzuelana
nature reserves and a local authority reserve in Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c
KwaZulu-Natal, also in a game reserve and a few Cuba, Dominican RepubUc, Rico?
Haiti, Puerto
demarcated forest areas in the Transkei. Populations of this tall shrub or tree are found in areas of
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. coastal and subcoastal semi-deciduous forest in Pinar del
^e/j. 689, 19218 Rio and Oriente in Cuba. Two localities are recorded in
both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. There are also
ManUkara paraensis unconfirmed reports of occurrences in Puerto Rico.
Sapotaceae LR/cd Declines in the habitat have been large-scale because of
Brazil (Maranh^o, Mato Grosso, Par^) logging, charcoal production and increasing settlement.
The range of non-flooded
this species is restricted to Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
forest. Much of its range has been affected by large- Re/i;7980, 8816, 19149
scale deforestation. The species occurs in the Caxiuan^
National Forest. Manilloa schefferi var. peekela
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Leguminosae VU Alcd+2cd, C2a
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New
ManUkara pleeana Restricted to East Sepik Province, New Britain and New
Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c Ireland in the Bismarck Archipelago, this tree grows in
Puerto Rico lowland rainforest mainly in areas under siege from
A shrub or small tree of coastal woodlands on Umestone intensive logging activities. Its long-term survival is
only in Puerto Rico. A record of the species from St highly questionable.
John in the US Virgin Islands requires confirmation. Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19114
Refs: 7980, 8816, 16898
Maniltoa vestita
ManUkara pubicarpa Leguminosae LR/nt
Sapotaceae VU D2 Fiji
Guyana A forest tree of rocky slopes, occurring relatively
A tall tree, known solely from the type collection, infrequently on Viti Levu and Vanua Levu.
gathered 50 years ago from rainforest in the Kanuku Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mountains. Refs: 18818
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 8816 Mansonia altissima var. altissima
Sterculiaceae ENAlcd
ManUkara ntfula Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria
Sapotaceae LR/nt A moderately exploited timber tree. It occurs
Brazil (Bahia, Cear^, Paraiba, Pemambuco, Piauf, particurlarly in disturbed areas or light gaps in lowland
Sergipe) moist forest. Regeneration is good after disturbance.
Populations of this submontane forest species are Assessor: African Regional Workshop
numerous. However, recent collections have suggested a Refs: 2773, 6718, 71 1 1, 17408
decline in the numbers of individuals.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Mappia racemosa
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Icacinaceae VU A led
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica,
ManUkara spectabilis Panama, Puerto Rico
Sapotaceae CRBl+2c A relatively widespread tree of semi-deciduous forest. It
Costa Rica has been overexploited for its valuable timber in the
Recorded only from a single site, the species occurs in West Indies and is now reduced to very small
Atlantic coastal forest near Lim6n. The area was once populations on most islands: one tree on Jamaica, five
covered with lowland rainforest but is now largely trees on Puerto Rico. Logging and habitat destruction
disturbed. continue to pose a serious threat. More information is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre needed on the Central American populations.
/?e/i.- 7980, 8816 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 17124, 19149
ManUkara subsericea
Sapotaceae LR/cd MargarUaria anomala var. cheloniphorbe
Brazil (Parani Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Paulo) Seychelles (Aldabra)
The extent of occurrence of this species is relatively Occurring in inland scrub, this small tree or shrub is
wide. It is found in both *restinga vegetation and found on most of the Aldabran islands and also Menai
and Astove. The fruits are eaten and the seeds dispersed
by the blue pigeon. The Aldabras are protected within a
Strict Nature Reserve. Areas of Cosmoledo and Astove

The World List of Threatened Trees

have been cleared for the establishment of coconut and ultramafic soils. The number of individuals in all known
Casuarina plantations. sites is low.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Dransfleld, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 19027, 19062 Refs: 18986, 19118

Marila saramaccana Mastixia glauca

Guttiferae VU D2 Comaceae VU D2
Suriname Malaysia (Sarawak)
This species is endemic to an area around the upper Endemic to Sarawak, this species is known only ftom
Saramacca River. Mount Santubong in mixed dipterocarp forest at an
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre elevation of90m.
Refs: 19196 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18327, 19017
MarUa spiciformis
Guttiferae VU D2 Mastixia macrocarpa
Peru Comaceae VU Ale
Known only from the type collection, the species is Malaysia (Sarawak), Philippines
recorded from lowland forest in the department of This tree is known only from Luzon in the Philippines
Amazonas. and from Miri in Sarawak, where it grows in mixed
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre dipterocarp forest at 75m.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19017
Marlierea sintenisii
Myrtaceae VU D2 Mastixia macrophytta
Puerto Rico Comaceae VU A 1 c, B I +2c
An endemic to upper wet ridges in the Luquillo Sri Lanka
Mountains. More information may indicate a more During the recent National Conservation Review, this
serious threat category is appropriate. species was discovered in eight of the surveyed forest
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre sites.

Refs: 3786, 7931, 7980, 17124, 17540 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19112
Marojejya darianti
Palmae CRBl+2c, C2b Mastixia nimali
Madagascar Comaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
This sohtary species isknown only from a single site Sri Lanka
near Maroantsetra, in upland swamp in a valley bottom A lowland rainforests of south-west
tree confined to the
between 400m and 450m. Sri Lanka. This species was found in only 10 localities
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje during the comprehensive forest surveys conducted for
Refs: 18986, 19118 the recent National Conservation Review.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Marojejya insignis Refs: 17195,19112
Palmae VU C2a
Madagascar Mastixia tetrandra
An endemic palm of Madagascar, inhabiting rainforest Comaceae VUAlc
on ridge tops or steep slopes. Despite its wide Sri Lanka
distribution, ranging from Marojejy to Andohahela, the A tree occurring in the lowland rainforests of south-west
size of individual populations is small. The total number Sri Lanka.
of individuals is estimated at less than 2000. Harvesting Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of the palm heart continues. Refs: 9176, 17195
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986,19118 Mastixiodendron plectocarpum
Rubiaceae LR/nt
Masoala kona Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Palmae EN Ale Confined to south-west Papua New Guinea and south-
Madagascar east Irian Jaya, this large tree grows in lowland seasonal
A newly described known only from
species, currently moist forest. This species occurs in a large forest logging
the Ifanandiana area, where it inhabits rainforest on concession area of Papua New Guinea which is subject
sandy/quartz soils between 450 and 550m. The forest to ongoing exploitation for log exports; continued
and the populations in this small area are steadily exploitation will render it vulnerable.
disappearing because of shifting cultivation. Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje /ee/s; 19114,19147
Refs: 18986, 19118
Mastixiodendron stoddardii
Masoala madagascariensis Rubiaceae VU A 1 cd+2cd, B 1 +2abcde
Palmae VU Ale Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago, North
Madagascar Solomons), Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
This endemic palm is known only from Marojejy, A large timber tree of primary lowland rainforest,
Masoala and Mananara, inhabiting lowland rainforest on restricted to New Britain in the Bismarck Archipelago
dry hillside or swampy valley bottoms, occasionally on and the Solomon Islands. New Britain is one of the most


Species Summaries

intensively logged islands in the Bismarck Archipelago, Mayna suaveolens

thereby threatening this species with habitat destruction. Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c
The Solomon Islands population is also at risk from Colombia
logging activities. Endemic to Colombia, the species is recorded in
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Antioquia, Cundinamarca and Tolima.
Refs: 19114 Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980, 19069
Matisia txalata
Bombacaceae EN C2a Maytenus abbottU
Panama Celastraceae VU C2a
The species is restricted to areas of evergreen rainforest South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)
between 650 and 1000m in the Central Cordillera. A Pondoland endemic found in remnant evergreen forest
Populations are reported to be healthy, although much of patches between Durban in KwaZulu-Natal and Port St
the area has been by cattle ranching and
altered John's in the Transkei, Eastern Cape. It occurs in
increasing urbanisation. There is a record from La isolated groups as an understorey shrub or slender tree in
Yeguada Forest Reserve, which lies just to the west of coastal scarp forest, oftenon river banks. In two of the
the principal population. known have been chopped down at an
localities, trees
Assessor: M\\x€, M. alarming rate for local use as firewood and timber and
Refs: 7980, 16772 the habitat cleared for agriculture and settlement. A
large subpopulation is protected in the Umtamvuna
Matisia stenopetala Nature Reserve and plants also occur in the Mkambati
Bombacaceae VU D2 Game Reserve and a number of demarcated reserves in
Peru the Transkei. However, little protection is afforded to
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs these forests in the Eastern Cape. The species was
in lowland Amazon forest in the department of Loreto. previously confused with M. acuminata and could be
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre more widespread than is currently known.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at.

Refs: 689, 19218

Matudaea trinervia
Hamamelidaceae VUBl-t-2c Maytenus addat
Mexico Celastraceae LR/nt
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa Ethiopia
Refs: 12985 A Afromontane forest, especially along forest
tree of
margins, and also secondary formations. It ranges
Mauria killipii throughout the highlands. In the north the expanding
Anacardiaceae VU D2 human population and agricultural activities have caused
Peru a decline in the extent of the forest and continue to put
The species has been recorded only from the type pressure on the remaining habitat. Where the forest is
collection, which occurs above 1500m in the department cleared the tree is often left standing because of its

of Junfn. usefulness as a timber and firewood.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Refs: 1330, 18523

Mauria trichothyrsa Maytenus arbutifoUa var. sidamoensis

Anacardiaceae VU D2 Celastraceae VU D2
Peru Ethiopia
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs A variety known only from Afromontane forest and
in shrubland above 2500m in the department of forest margins in Sidamo and adjacent parts of Shewa.
Cajamarca. The type variety is not ecologically distinct and is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre widely spread from DR Congo and Tanzania to Saudi
Refs: 1984 Arabia.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mauritia carana Refs: 1330
Palmae LR/cd
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia, Peru, Venezuela Maytenus canariensis
Widespread but uncommon, this palm tree occurs in Celastraceae LR/cd
lowland forest on poorly drained white sand soils in the Spain (Canary Is.)

Amazon region. A shrub or small tree, locally common in scrub on steep

Assessor: Henderson, A. cliffs androcky areas. Endemic to the Canary Islands,
Refs: 19118 populations are found on all the main islands except for
Lanzarote. The extent of its known occurrence appears
Mayna pubescens to be expanding. The species is listed in government
Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c legislation of 1991.
Colombia Assessor: Baiiares, A. et at.

A small tree or shrub, endemic to Colombia, recorded Refs: 19022

only in Cundinamarca.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980, 19069

The World List of Threatened Trees

Maytenus clarendonensis Maytenus jefeana

Celastraceae LR/nt Celastraceae EN B 1 +2b
Jamaica Panama
Occurring in central parishes, the species has a local Only a few records of this species are known, all from
distribution confined to woodland on limestone hills. the same region from Cerro Jefe and Cerro Azul towards
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre the north-east of PanamS city. The species appears to be
Refs: 6057, 7980 rare and present in small numbers, threatened by a
growing urban population and various industrial
Maytenus crassipes developments.
Celastraceae LR/nt Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Jamaica «e/i.-7980, 15037, 16772
Known only from central and western parishes, the
species is found in woodland on rough limestone. Maytenus matudai
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Celastraceae VU B 1 +2c
Refs: 6057, 7980 Mexico
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzilez-Espinosa
Maytenus curtissii Refs: 4974
Celastraceae VU B 1 +2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand Maytenus microcarpa
This species, confined to Thailand and the northern Celastraceae VUBl+2c
states of Peninsular Malaysia, inhabits open and closed Jamaica
rainforest below 300m. It is occasionally found in A Cockpit Country endemic which is found in
coastal and limestone forest. Clarendon and Trelawny Parishes in woodland on
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. limestone.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 5653, 19085
Maytenus cymosa
Celastraceae EN Dl Maytenus oleosa
Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands Celastraceae VU A2c
(US) South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)
A species coastal woodland. The greatest
of dry A willow-like tree found along streams and rivers in
concentration on Gorda Peak in the British Virgin
is southern KwaZulu-Natal and eastern Transkei in the
Islands, where at least 100 plants exist. Elsewhere there Eastern Cape. It is often associated with Gymnosporia
are single trees, which may possibly have suffered in bachtnannii on the rocky banks and beds of rivers and
Hurricane Hugo, on St Croix and St Thomas in the US streams, confined to sandstone outcrops. The species has
Virgin Islands and a population of about 52 plants in two been recorded in fair numbers along several rivers in the
sites in Puerto Rico. Transkei. It is protected in the Umtamvxma Nature
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Reserve, Mkambati Game Reserve and several
Refs: 79iO. 17124 demarcated forest areas in the Transkei. In the latter, the
lack of effective protection, combined with rapid human
Maytenus dhofarensis population increases and proposed developments
Celastraceae LR/nt threaten this and many of the other sandstone endemics
Oman, Yemen (Former South Yemen) There are also threats from agricultural
in the region.
Occurring in woodlands and the drier
escarpment activitiesand increasing settlement in southern
summit plateau, this species is endemic to the mountains KwaZulu-Natal.
extending from the Dhofar region in Oman to south-east Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

Yemen. It is quite common but at risk from overcutting Refs: 689, I92I8
for domestic use, especially in Oman, where there has
been a sharp rise in the population since 1975. Maytenus ponceana
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A. Celastraceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 16380 Pueno Rico
A small tree of moist areas near Rorida amd Rfo
Maytenus harenensis Portugu6s, north of Ponce. The habitat is degraded and
Celastraceae VU D2 destroyed in places.
Ethiopia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree endemic to Harena forest, an Afromontane Refs: 5988, 7931, 7980, 17124
remnant of forest on the Bale Mountain. The forest is
disturbed by logging activities and the building of Maytenus stipitata
sawmills in the area has made the activity more intense. Celastraceae VUB1+2C
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mexico ((Chiapas)
Refs: 1330, 18523 Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. GonzSlez-Espinosa
Refs: 642
Maytenus harrisU
Celastraceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b
This small tree is known only from the type specimen,
which was collected in montane woodland in St Ann.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
«e/i; 401, 5653, 7980


Species Summaries

Mayttnus wUUamsU Meiogyne hainanensis

Celastraceae CR C2b Annonaceae VUAlcd
Honduras China (Guangdong - Hainan, Guangxi)
A cloud forest species of somewhat dubious Recorded under the name Oncodostigma hairumensie in
nomenclature. the China Plant Red Data book, the species is endemic
Assessor: Nelson, C. to Hainan Island, with the exception of a population
Refs: 2260, 13995 which apparently can be found at Hepu in Guangxi. It
occurs in dense montane forest in the Guoling, Limu,
Medemia dbiadensis Bawang and Jianfeng Mountains and also other
Palmae DD localities. Rapid population declines have taken place
Sudan because of increasing habitat loss through logging and
A taxonomically-unresolved species restricted to desert clearing for cultivation.
oases along the White Nile. There is some indication the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species is a small-fruited form of M. argun. No recent Refs: 11847,19090
collections exist.
Assessor: Johnson, D. Melanochyla fasciculiflora
/Je/i; 5165, 18839, 19118 Anacardiaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Medemia argun A species of lowland forest, known from only two
Palmae CRBl+2c collections, both from Rengom Forest Reserve, a
Egypt, Sudan permanent forest reserve in Johore.
Found in desert oases, this palm tree was rediscovered in Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Sudan 1995 in small fragmented populations. There
in Refs: 19073
are signs of regeneration and seeds have been collected
for cultivation. The populations in Egypt are assumed to Melanochyla longipetiolata
be similarly small and fragmented. Anacardiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Johnson, D. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
/?s/j.- 6988, 9920, 19118 A lowland forest tree known only from three collections
from Terengganu and Pahang. Populations are given a
Medusagyne oppositifolia degree of protection within permanent forest reserves
Medusagynaceae CR A2be, Dl although there is still a threat from logging.
Seychelles Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
The jellyfish tree comes from a monospecific family Refs: 19073
endemic to the Seychelles. The species is confined to
Mah6 where it occurs as scattered individuals or
Island, Melanodendron inlegrifoUum
in small groups on massive granitic outcrops at Bemica, Compositae VU Dl
Mount Sebert, Copolia and Mount Jasmin. The seeds St Helena
appear unable to germinate in the wild. It has been The most abundant of the endemic cabbage trees. A total
suggested that the species requires more humid of probably more than 1000 individuals grow in various
conditions than are found in the vegetated rocky fissures localities on the central ridge, principally Diana's Peak,
where it is growing. Actaeon, Cabbage Tree Road, near Sandy Bay, High
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles Peak and the Depot. Populations are healthy, appearing
Refs: 19023, 19025 to regenerate well, although under competitive pressure
from invading introduced species. The genus is
Medusandra richardsiana monotypic.
Medusandraceae LR/cd Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
Cameroon Refs: 995A, 11891, 19081
Endemic to the foothills of Mount Cameroon, the
species occurs commonly in lowland rainforest in Melicope balloui
relatively well-protected areas: Mokoko Forest Reserve, Rutaceae ENBl+2c,C2b
Korup National Park, Bamuko Forest Reserve and the USA (Hawaii)
Rumpi Hills Forest Reserve. Where populations are A small tree of montane wet forest on north-west
unprotected they are exposed to encroaching agriculture Haleakala, Maui. Sites where the species was
and land settlement. historically known to occur no longer appear to harbour
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre populations. Only
a relatively recently discovered
Refs: 12597 locality in the Kipahulu Valley in Haleakala National
Park still holds a population, which is estimated to
Megalopanax rex consist of fewer than 300 individuals. Feral pigs,
Araliaceae CR B 1 +2c, D although presently controlled, require constant vigilance.
Cuba The spread of introduced plants also presents a serious
A monotypic genus endemic to Cuba. Collections have threat to the long-term survival of the species. It is
been made in western Cuba but now this tall tree appears protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
to be locally confmed to the montane forests of central Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cuba, where only a few individuals have been seen. Refs: 3372, 19087
Fieldwork is needed to verify the number of remaining
trees to assess whether the population is capable of Melicope christophersenii
recovery. Rutaceae EN C2a
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. USA (Hawaii)
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Known only from the Waianae Mountains on Oahu, the

The World List of Threatened Trees

species is uncommon and restricted to rainforest and 2400m in a single locality in the Nilgiris.
between 910 and 220m from Puukaua to Mount Kaala.
1 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: ^199, 19144
Refs: 3372
MeUcope jugosa
MeUcope cinerea Rutaceae VUBl+2c
Rutaceae EN C2a Malaysia (Sabah)
USA (Hawaii) Confined to forest between 2250 and 2400m, this shrub
The main population occurs in the Waianae Mountains or tree is endemic to Sabah.
in lowland rainforest. There are also collections from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Manoa and Palolo Valleys in the Koolau Mountains and Refs: 19017
a tentative specimen from Maui.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Melicope kaalaensis
Refs: 3372 Rutaceae VUAlce
USA (Hawaii)
Melicope cruciata The species is endemic Waianae Mountains on
to the
Rutaceae EX Oahu, where it has been from lowland
USA (Hawaii) rainforest in an area extending from Puukaua to Piko
A small tree known only from a few collections, thought Trail.

to be taken from boggy rainforest above 1000m, in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kaholuamanu and Mount Waialeale on Kauai. It is now Refs: 3372
probably extinct.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Melicope knudsenii
Refs: 3372 Rutaceae CR C2a, Dl
USA (Hawaii)
Melicope fatuhivensis On Kauai a total of four isolated individuals are known
Rutaceae CRBl+2c from Olokele Valley and Waimea. On Maui, at one time
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) locally common, the species has been reduced to 20 or
The species is known only from Fatu Hiva in the 30 plants in two populations at Auwahi and Kanaio. The
Marquesas. The leaves are highly esteemed for their habitat has been steadily degraded by grazing and the
fragrance. invasion of introduced plants. The species is protected
Assessor: Florence, J. by the US Endangered Species Act.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19038
Melicope haleakalae
Rutaceae EX Melicope macropus
USA (Hawaii) Rutaceae ENBl+2c
A small tree or shrub last seen in 1919 at Ukuele, on USA (Hawaii)
Maui, where it was found in rainforest at 1220m. Endemic known from just a few
to Kauai, the species is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collections fromtwo localities, the Robinson's summer
Refs: 3372 house and Kaholuamanu.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Melicope haupuensis Refs: 3372
Rutaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b
USA (Hawaii) Melicope makahae
Originally known only from the type locality on the Rutaceae EN C2a
north side of Haupu, on Kauai, the species has now been USA (Hawaii)
found in Waimea Canyon. The first population no longer is endemic to Oahu, where it occurs in
This shrubby tree
exists and at the second site there are two trees 1.6km up to an altitude of 1220m in the Waianae
apart. The habitat is frequently degraded by feral goats Mountains from Palawai to Makaha Valley.
and the invasion of alien plants. The species is protected Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
by the US Endangered Species Act. Refs: 3372
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19038 Melicope mucronulata
Rutaceae CR Bl+2c, C2b, Dl
Melicope hawaiensis USA (Hawaii)
Rutaceae VUAlce A small tree forest, known from three
of dryland
USA (Hawaii) collections taken in 1920 from the southern slope of
A variable species of dry, and occasionally moist, forest Haleakala on East Maui, and from a single collection of
up to 1220m on Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii. The 1985 from Kupaia Gulch on Molokai. The Maui
habitat is extensively degraded because of the impact of population is likely to be extinct. The population on
cattle, feral herbivores and introduced plants. Molokai consists of just three individuals. Goats are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre evidently browsing the trees and there is an immediate
Refs: 3372 threat of invasion by molasses grass. It is protected by
the US Endangered Species Act.
Melicope indica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rutaceae EN Bl+2c Refs: 3372, 19087
India (Tamil Nadu)
A small tree of montane forest, occurring between 1800

Species Summaries

Melicope nukuhivensis to rainforest above 1070m, from Kalalau and Puuokila

Rutaceae LR/nt Look-outs.
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small glabrous tree or shrub, endemic to Nuku Hiva. Refs: 3372
Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513 Melicope quadrangularis

Rutaceae CRDl
Melicope obovata USA (Hawaii)
Rutaceae EX Known only from the type material collected in 1909
USA (Hawaii) from Wahiawa Bog on Kauai, the species had been
Presumed to be extinct, this species is known only from presumed extinct when a small population of 13
the type, of imknown locality but thought to originate individuals was discovered in 1991. Potential threats of
from Maui. overcollecting and invading alien plants are present. The
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 7274, 19038
Melicope orbicularis
Rutaceae EN C2a Melicope saint-JohnU
USA (Hawaii) Rutaceae EN C2a, Dl
A small tree endemic Maui, where it is restricted to
to USA (Hawaii)
medium-elevation rainforest from Pohakea to Endemic to Oahu, eight populations, containing fewer
Honokahua in the west and from Makawao to Kooiau than 150 individuals, are found in an area between Puu
Gap in the east. Kaua and Puu Kanehoa to Mauna Kapu in theWaianae
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and Kooiau Mountains. The species grows to an
Refs: 3372 elevation of 853m on forested ridges, feral goats, pigs
and invasive plants are continuing threats to the native
Melicope ovalis flora. The species is protected by the US Endangered
Rutaceae ENBl+2cde Species Act.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A species which once grew in the mountains above Refs: 3312. 12359, 19168
Hana, on Maui, from where the type specimen was
collected. Recent observations suggest that the taxon Melicope sandwicensis
occurs over an area of several hundred hectares in Rutaceae EN C2a
Kipahulu Valley, where it is said to be more common USA (Hawaii)
than M. balloui. The species is particularly vulnerable to A species confined to Oahu, where it is known from
seed predation by rats and insects. Invasive plants are populations occurringlowland rainforest in the

also prevalent in the area. It is protected by the US Waianae Mountains and from Kahana Iki to Waimalu in
Endangered Species Act. the Kooiau Mountains.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19087 Refs: 3372

Melicope pallida Melicope sororia

Rutaceae ENC2a, Dl Rutaceae VUBl+2c
USA (Hawaii) Malaysia (Sabah)
Originally known from localities on Oahu and Kauai, A shrub or small tree endemic to Sabah. It is restricted to
the species has been reduced to six populations confined forest between the 1500 and 2400m.
altitudes of
to the latter island. About 156 individuals have been Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
counted. The continues to be damaged by
habitat Refs: 19017
grazing feral animals and invasive plants. The species is
protected by the US Endangered Species Act. Melicope subunifoliolata
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rutaceae VUBl+2c
yje/j; 3372, 7274, 19038 Malaysia (Sabah)
Endemic to in primary
Sabah, this shrub or tree occurs
Melicope paniculata montane between 1200 and 2600m, descending
Rutaceae EX occasionally to as low as 180m.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Only three collections have been made of this small tree. Refs: 19017
These have been taken from populations on the upper
Lihue Ditch Trail at 875m and from Waihiawa Bog at Melicope tahitensis
580Tn. The species has not been found in recent years Rutaceae LR/nt
and is now probably extinct. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Populations are recorded from Moorea and Tahiti.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513
Melicope puberula
Rutaceae ENBl+2c Melicope waialealae
USA (Hawaii) Rutaceae EN C2a
A shrub or small tree reported to be scarce and restricted USA (Hawaii)
A many-branched shrub or tree which occurs in open

The World List of Threatened Trees

bogs and bog hummocks, including Wahiawa Bog and Meliosma youngii
an area ranging from Alakai Swamp to Mount Waialeale Meliosmaceae VU D2
on Kauai. Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Refs: 3372 in forest in the department of San Martin.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Melicope wawraeana Refs: 1984
Rutaceae VU D2
USA (Hawaii) Memecylon acuminatum var. acuminatum
A small forest tree known primarily from occurrences in Melastomataceae LR/cd
the Koolau Mountains and an occasional appearance in Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
the Waianae Mountains on Oahu. A single collection has A primary hill forest species, which is not restricted in
also been made from Wahiawa Bog on Kauai. range and occurs in protective forest within the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre permanent forest estate.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Re/i. 9199, 11647, 19073
Melicope zahlbruckneri
Rutaceae CRB1+2C, C2ab, Dl Memecylon amottianum
USA (Hawaii) Melastomataceae CRBl+2c
To date the species has been found in three locations on Sri Lanka
Hawaii. Only one of them, a fenced site at Kipuka A tree occurring in lowland wet evergreen forest in
Pualu, harbours an extant population, containing 30
still south-west Sri Lanka. In the past it has been found in
to 35 individuals. Regeneration appears to be taking Kottawa, Hinidumkanda and Kanneliya Forest Reserves
place. There are threats of leafhopper infestations, and in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. The recent forest
invasive plants and rat damage. The species is protected surveys conducted for the National Conservation
by the US Endangered Species Act. Review failed to find these or any other populations.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19037 Re/j;9176, 17195, 19112

Melicytus flexuosus Memecylon bequaertii

Violaceae LR/nt Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
New Zealand (North Is., South Is.) Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda
A shrub or small tree, occurring in scattered localities in Assessor: *MUIENR
the North and South Islands. It appears to be a poor Refs: 1308,9605,9837, 10961, 16021
competitor and has suffered from the lack of periodic
disturbance and available sites to recolonise. Memecylon candidum
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Melastomataceae VUBI-k2c
Refs: 19133, 19134 Cameroon, Nigeria
Confined to an area extending from south-east Nigeria to
Meliosma cordata Cameroon, this understorey tree is not uncommon. It
Meliosmaceae DD occurs and is protected in the Oban Hills in Cross River
Panama National Park. Outside protected areas deforestation has
A poorly known species, recorded only from the original occurred on a large scale.
collection from Cerro Tute in Verguas. It is possible that Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
a population still exists there. /?e/i.- 4977, 11504
Assessor: Mitre, M.
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 Memecylon cinereum
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Meliosma lirtearifoUa Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Meliosmaceae EN C2a A species of lowland hill forest, occurring along streams
Panama throughout Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. The
A species of lowland semi-evergreen rainforest, known habitat is under pressure from logging.
from two geographically close locations: one in Santa Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Rita in Col6n and the other in Cerro Azul in PanamS Refs:<)\99, 19073
Province. The population in Santa Rita is threatened by
increasing encroachment of the forest. More moderate Memecylon clarkeanum
pressures affect the larger Cerro Azul population. Melastomataceae VU Ale
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Sri Lanka
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 A tree scattered in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
south-west Sri Lanka.
Meliosma sirensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Meliosmaceae VU D2 Refs: 17195
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Memecylon corticosum
in *eirm forest in Hu^uco. Melastomataceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 1984 A hill forest species, which is not restricted in range and

Species Summaries

occurs in protected areas, such as national parks and Memecylon floridum

forest reserves. Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Refs: 8464, 19073 This species inhabits open and closed rainforest up to an
altitude of 1200m, in Peninsular Malaysia and
Memecylon cuneatum Singapore.
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Sri Lanka y?e/i; 9199, 19073
This rare species turned up in only four forest localities,
including the Peak Wilderness wildlife sanctuary, during Memecylon gardneri
the comprehensive surveys conducted for the
forest Melastomataceae CRBl+2c
recent National Conservation Review. Sri Lanka
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An extremely rare tree, occurring in lowland wet
Refs: 19112 evergreen forest in south-west Sri Lanka. In the past
populations were known from Kanneliya and Gilimale
Memecylon discolor Forest Reserves and Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, but
Melastomataceae EN B 1 -i-2c the species was not found in the recent forest surveys
Sri Lanka conducted for the National Conservation Review.
A rare species found in only two forest localities in the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
wet zone during the comprehensive forest surveys /Je/i;9176, 17195, 19112
conducted for the recent National Conservation Review.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Memecylon giganteum
Refs: 19112 Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Sri Lanka
Memecylon eleagni A rare species which was found in orJy four wet zone
Melastomataceae VU D2 forests during the extensive forest surveys conducted for
Seychelles the National Conservation Review.
Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution. Refs: 19112
Populations are healthy and stable.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Memecylon gracillimum
Refs: 16212,17229 Melastomataceae ENBI+2c
Memecylon elegantulum Only four trees of this species were discovered in a
Melastomataceae CR B 1 +2c single forest site during the recent forest surveys
Sri Lanka conducted for the National Conservation Review.
A species confined to lowland wet evergreen forest in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
south-west Sri Lanka. Although previously found at a /ec/i. 8203, 18796, 19112
single site in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, it was not
found again during the extensive forest surveys Memecylon grande
conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the National Melastomataceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Conservation Review, suggesting that the species is Sri Lanka
either extremely rare or possibly extinct. A rare tree confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of south-west Sri Lanka. This species was found in eight
Refs: 9116, 17195, 19112 forest sites during the extensive forest surveys
conducted for the National Conservation Review.
Memecylon ellipticum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c Refs: 17195,19112
Endemic to south-west
Sri Lanka, this rare tree is Memecylon hookeri
scattered in the lowland wet evergreen forests. This Melastomataceae VU Ale, Bl+2c
species was found in only four of the National Sri Lanka
Conservation Review surveyed forest sites. A species found in only 10 localities during the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre extensive forest surveys conducted for the National
/fe/i;8203, 17195, 19112 Conservation Review.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Memecylon flavescens Refs: 19112
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
India (Tamil Nadu) Memecylon hullettii
A species of high-altimde evergreen *shola forest Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
known only from Kundha and Avalanche in the Nilgiri Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Hills. It appears to have become extremely scarce and An endemic species of Peninsular Malaysia, where it is
has not been found in more recent decades despite confined to the lowland and hill rainforests of Johore.
repeated searches. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 17140, 19073
Refs: 4799, 16438

The World List of Threatened Trees

Memecylon kunstleri the extensive National Conservation Review forest

Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c surveys, this species was recorded in five forest
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) localities.
An endemic tree of Peninsular Malaysia, inhabiting Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
primary rainforest. Re/i;8203, 18796, 19112
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Memecylon rhinophyllum
Melastomataceae CRBl+2c
Memecylon lawsonii Sri Lanka
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c A tree restricted to lowland wet evergreen forest in
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) south-west Sri Lanka. It is apparently locally common
A small tree of submontane forest. It has been collected but confined to a single forest reserve. Only nine
only seldom from localities in the Anamalai Hills, the individuals were discovered in at a single site during the
Nilgiris and Wayanad area. extensive National Conservation Review forest surveys.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 832, 19144 Refs: 17195, 19112

Memecylon leucanthemum Memecylon rostratum

Melastomataceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
I Melastomataceae VUAlc
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
A species found in only eight localities in the districts of A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Kurunegala, Badulla and Monarangala during the south-west Sri Lanka.
extensive forest surveys conducted for the National Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conservation Review. Refs: 9116, 17195
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19112 Memecylon rotundatum
Melastomataceae VUAlc,BI+2c
Memecylon macrocarpum Sri Lanka
Melastomataceae VUAIc, Bl+2c During the extensive National Conservation Review
Sri Lanka forest surveys, this species was found in only six of the
A tree occurring in tropical wet lowland and montane sites.
forest. In the extensive surveys conducted for the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
National Conservation Review, this species was /?«/>. 8203, 18796, 19112
discovered in eight localities.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Memecylon royenii
Refs: 8203, 12129, 18796, 19112 Melastomataceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
Sri Lanka
Memecylon macrophyllum A species found in only six forest localities in Ramapura
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c District and in a single locality in Kalutara District
Sri Lanka during the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
During the extensive surveys conducted for the National National Conservation Review.
Conservation Review between 1991 and 1996, this Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species was discovered in only three forest localities. Refs: 19112
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19112 Memecylon sessilicarpum
Melastomataceae DD
Memecylon orbiculare Mozambique
Melastomataceae CR B 1 +2c Assessor: Bandeira, S.
SriLanka «e/i.- 5117, 18965
Only a single individual was found during the extensive
forest surveys conducted for the National Conservation Memecylon sisparense
Review. Melastomataceae CR B 1 +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre India (Tamil Nadu)
/?e/i;8203, 18796, 19112 The type locality is in Sispara in the Nilgiri Hills. The
species has not been found there since was first

Memecylon ovoideum discovered. It is possible the population has been wiped

Melastomataceae VU A I c, B +2c
1 out by the large-scale conversion of forest to plantation
Sri Lanka crops. Elsewhere there is an occurrence further south in
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of submontane forest in the Palni Hills.
south-west Sri Lanka. During the extensive National Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conservation Review forest surveys, this species was /fc/j; 4799, 19144
recorded in seven localities.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Memecylon subramanU
Refs: 8203, 17195, 18796, 19112 Melastomataceae EN B 1 -^2c
India (Tamil Nadu)
Memecylon revolutum A small tree of submontane forest, collected only from
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c the Agastyamalai range. Large areas have been exposed
Sri Lanka to fires, grazing, the establishment of commercial
A species apparently restricted to the wet zone. During plantations and cutting for fuelwood, but almost

Species Summaries

lOOOkirf of forest are now under protection within but affected to some extent by tourism.
sanctuaries. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /fe/i. 5651,9867
Refs: 19144
Meriania cuneifolia ssp. cuneifolia
Memecylon sylvaticum Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Melastomataceae VU Ale Ecuador
Sri Lanka This subspecies is endemic to Ecuador, where it inhabits
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of cloud forest between 1100 and 2200m in Zamora-
south-west Sri Lanka. Chinchipe.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Aisessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 17195 Re/i; 2989, 6596, 19119

Memecylon teitense Meriania cuneifolia ssp. subandina

Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Kenya Ecuador
A shrub or tree, endemic to forest at Ngangao and An endemic tree of Ecuador, occurring in montane cloud
Mbololo in the Teita Hills. forest between 11 00 and 2400m in Zamora-Chinchipe.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1308,6396,13072 /ee/s; 2989, 6596, 19119

Memecylon urceolatum Meriania drakei ssp. chontalensis

Melastomataceae VU A I c, B 1 +2c Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Sri Lanka Ecuador
This species was found in seven forest sites during the An endemic of the Ecuadorean High Andes, this small
extensive forest surveys conducted for the National tree inhabits montane cloud forest between 1600 and
Conservation Review. 2700m in Morona-Santiago, Loja, and Zamora-
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Chinchipe.
Refs: 19112 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/s; 2989, 6596, 19119
Memecylon varians
Melastomataceae VUAIc Meriania drakei ssp. drakei
Sri Lanka Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
A confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
tree Ecuador
south-west Sri Lanka. An endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes. This
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre subspecies inhabits montane cloud forest between 1600
Refs: 17195 and 2700m in Morona-Santiago, Loja, and Zamora-
Memecylon wallichii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c /fe/i; 2989, 6596, 19119
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
An endemic tree of Peninsular Malaysia, inhabiting Meriania furvanthera
primary rainforest up to 330m. Melastomataceae VUBl-h2c
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Ecuador
Refs: 8464, 19073 A small tree of montane cloud forest, endemic to the
Ecuadorean High Andes and currently only known from
Meriania ampla the provinces of Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ecuador /?e/i; 2989, 6596, 19119
A tree endemic to the High Andes of Ecuador. Currently
the species is known only from montane and upper Meriania grandiflora
montane cloud forest in Morona-Santiago Province. Melastomataceae VU C2a
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Costa Rica, Panama
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120 A few collections have recently been made between
1800 and 2000m on the Cordillera de Talamanca, mostly
Meriania campii within La Amistad National Park, Costa Rica. Elsewhere
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c the species is known from Panama in the Cordillera
Ecuador Central in Code towards the west, where it occurs fairly
An endemic of the High Andes of Morona-Santiago commonly in cloud forest above 800m. A number of
Province in Ecuador. The habitat of this species is cloud populations here are in reserves of various kinds. Where
forest between 1800 and 3350m. no protection exists the habitat is susceptible to
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre clearance and conversion into agriculture.
Refs: 2989, 6596, 19119 Assessor: Mitre, M.
Refs: 16772
Meriania crassiramis
Melastomataceae LR/nt Meriania leucantha
Guyana, Venezuela Melastomataceae LR/nt
A tree restricted to upland rainforest on Mount Roraima Jamaica
on the Venezuela-Guyana border. The area is protected The species occurs in the eastern half of the island in

The World List of Threatened Trees

moist thickets and forested areas. A variety is reported Meryta brachypoda

in Cuba. Araliaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.), Pitcaim Islands
Refs: 6057, 7980 A shrub or tree recorded from Raivavae, Tubuai and
Rapa Iti in the Tubuai Group and Henderson Island in
Meriania panamensis the Pitcaim Group. The Raivavae population is in a
Melastomataceae ENBl-)-2c critical state and the population on Henderson consists

Panama of fewer than six adult plants in tall forest on the north-
Up to tlie present, the species has been found only in west beach. Henderson Island is a World Heritage Site.
Chiriquf around Volc4n Bani, where it occurs in the Assessor: Florence, J.

highest part of the country in cloud forest between 1 800 Refs: 13604, 14513
and 3300m. There are tourism and agricultural
developments in the area which may affect certain Meryta choristantha
populations. Only part of the total population is Araliaceae VU D2
contained within Baru National Park. French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. An endemic to Rapa Iti.

Refs: 3913, 7272, 7980, 16772 Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513
Meriania peltata
Melastomataceae ENBl+2c Meryta drakeana
Colombia Araliaceae DD
Endemic to Colombia, the species is recorded to French Polynesia (Society Is.)

Cundinamarca and Valle. An endemic to Tahiti.

Assessor: Calderon, E. Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 19069 Refs: 14513

Meriania pichinchensis Meryta lanceolata

Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Araliaceae LR/nt
Ecuador French Polynesia (Society Is.)
A small tree, up to 6m tall, endemic to Ecuador. This Populations are recorded from Moorea and Tahiti.
species inhabits cloud forest at an altitude of 2750m, and Assessor: Florence, J.

at present is only known from Sucumbi'os Province. Refs: 14513

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/j.- 2989, 19119 Meryta lucida
Araliaceae VU D2
Meriania rigida French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c An endemic to Raiatea.
Ecuador Assessor: Florence, J.

An endemic tree of montane and upper montane cloud Refs: 14513

forest in the High Andes of Ecuador. The species is
currently known only from the provinces of Azuay, Loja Meryta mauruensis
and Zamora-Chinchipe. Araliaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre French Polynesia (Society Is.)
/?e/i; 2989, 6596, 19119 An endemic to Tahiti.
Assessor: Florence, J.

Meriania versicolor Refs: 14513

Melastomataceae CRBl+2c
Colombia Meryta raiateensis
Possibly now extinct, the species has been recorded only Araliaceae DD
from Cundinamarca. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Assessor: Calderon, E. Populations are recorded from Bora Bora, Huahine,
Refs: 19069 Raiatea and Tahaa.
Assessor: Florence, J.

Merrillia caloxyUm Refs: 14513

Rutaceae VUBI+2c
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia Meryta salicifolia
(ex), Sabah), Thailand Araliaceae CRBl+2c
Solitary trees of this monotypic genus are scattered in French Polynesia (Society Is.)
lowland moist primary and secondary forest on stream An endemic to Tahiti.
banks and hill sides. It has been collected only once, in Assessor: Florence, J.

Sabah from a stream bank in secondary forest in Refs: 14513

Sandakan. The durable, handsome wood has been used
in the past in Peninsular Malaysia to make small Meryta sinclairii
implements. It is now presumed to be extinct in this Araliaceae VU D2
region. New Zealand (North Is.)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species occurs in localised populations on the Three
Refs: 1685, 5550, 17140, 19017 Kings Islands and Whatupuke Island.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rc/5.- 902, 19133


Species Summaries

Meryta sonchifoUa Sri Lanka,this ironwood tree is threatened because its

Araliaceae VU B 1 +2c habitat being converted for rice cultivation. In the

New Caledonia recent National Conservation Review forest survey, only

Assessor: iaiixi, T. et at. four individuals were discovered in a single locality.
Refs: 10351 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431, 18796, 19104, 19112
Mesogyne insignis
Moraceae VUBl+2b Metaporana obtusa
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6), Tanzania Convolvulaceae VU D2
The bulk of the population is found in areas of moist Yemen (Socotra)
evergreen forest on the eastern mountains of Tanzania. An unusually arborescent member of Convolvulaceae.
Another population, which shows some morphological Populations are confined to scattered individuals along
distinctness and was originally published under the wadis in the dry west side of the island. It is one of the
name of M. henriquesii, occurs on the island of Sao only trees to remain green during the dry season and the
Tom6. The population here is small and found in areas leaves provide an important browse for livestock.
which were forest at the turn of the century but are now Assessor: Miller, A.G.
cultivated or secondary forest. The genus is Refs: 2354, 19083
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Metasequoia glyptostroboides
/?e/j;8814, 10080, 11631 Taxodiaceae CRAlc, C2a
China (Hubei, Hunan. Sichuan)
Mesua kochummenia Confined to slightly waterlogged areas of open forest,
Guttiferae VUBl+2c the species is known from sites in Shizhu in Sichuan,
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Lichuan in Hubei and Longshan and Sangzhi in Hunan.
Confined to lowland forest in south-east Johore and The subpopulations appear to have been reduced to a
south-east Pahang, the species occurs in areas which are few mature individuals. Surrounding areas are heavily
earmarked for development. It is also reported to be cultivated and there are poor prospects for naniral
present inEndau Rompin National Park. regeneration. All large trees are protected but the habitat
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. is not.

Refs: 17140, 19073 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group

Refs: 1818,11847
Mesua manii
Guttiferae CRBl+2c Metatrophis margaretae
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.) Moraceae DD
A small tree of evergreen rainforest, endemic to South French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
Andaman Island.The habitat has been severely Assessor: Florence, J.

deforested and no living specimens have been found Refs: 14513

since the type collection. It is possible that a population
Jarwa Reserve.
exists in die relatively intact Meleoromyrtus wynaadensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae CRB1-k2c
/?c/i.- 4799, 7147 India (Tamil Nadu)
A small tree from a monotypic genus The only
Mesua purseglovei remaining population apparently occurs at
Guttiferae VU D2 Theerthundamala in Cannanore District, where its

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) habitat is steadily declining. The populations in Wynnad

A montane forest tree known only from a single and Nilgiri Hills in Tamil Nadu are thought to have been
collection from 1500m in the Cameron Highlands, destroyed.
Pehang. The species is thought to be locally common. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
There are protected forests in the Cameron Highlands, Refs: 4199, 19144
but some areas are also given over to tea plantations.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Metrosideros bartlettii
Refs: 8464, 19073 Myrtaceae EN Dl
New Zealand (North Is.)

Mesua rosea A large tree, first discovered in 1975 near Cape Reinga.
Guttiferae LR/cd At present, the entire known population comprises 30
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) trees at three sites. The species is associated with
A lowland forest species, known from only a few streamsides or wetlands, a distribution which probably
localities in south-east Johore. Lowland areas in this reflects land clearance patterns rather than a genuine
state have been converted to agriculture.
largely preference. It favours dense forest, where
germinates it

Protected populations are found in Gunong Panti Forest In the the crowns of canopy trees such as Vitex lucens
Reserve and Gunung Belumut. TTie genus is currently and Beilschmiedia taraire. Further occurrences are
undergoing revision. expected to be discovered and recovery work Is under
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. way to ensure the survival of known populations. There
Refs: 17140, 19073 is from browsing pigs, possums and
particular pressure
livestock. Although widely cultivated, most ex situ
Mesua stylosa plantings are derived from a single tree.
Guttiferae CR A 1 c, B 1 -h2c, D Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Sri Lanka Refs: 902,9800, 19133, 19134
Restricted to swamp forest in the western lowlands of

The World List of Threatened Trees

Metrosideros humboldtiana Metteniusa huilensis

Myrtaceae LR/cd Icacinaceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia Colombia
A bushy shrub or tree occurring in the high-altitude Metteniusa is a small genus of trees, endemic to north-
maquis of various ultramafic massifs in the south, west South America. This species is recorded from
including Mont Humboldt, Pic du Rocher, Montagne des Huila.
Sources. The latter is a Strict Nature Reserve and Assessor: Calderon, E.
provides effective protection for the population. Refs: 19069
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el at.

Refs: 10351, 12630 Metteniusa santantUrensis

Icacinaceae VUBl+2c
Metrosideros ochrantha Colombia
Myrtaceae VU D2 Metteniusa is a small genus of trees, endemic to north-
Fiji west South America. This species is recorded from
This small tree is restricted to Mount Kasi and its Santander.
vicinity, Vanua Levu. Only the type collection is known. Assessor: Calderon, E.
It occurs in dense low forest between 300 and 430m. Refs: 19069
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18818 MezHaurus itauba
Lauraceae VU Ala
Metrosideros polymorpha var. newelUi Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname
Myrtaceae VU Alee Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
USA (Hawaii) Refs: 6493, 7957, 12109, 14291, 15478, 15714, 19179
This variety represents the most threatened of about
eight varieties of this widely dominating and variable MezUaurus navalium
Hawaiian endemic. It is restricted to remaining forms of Lauraceae VUAlac
forest and shrubland, usually along watercourses, from Brazil
low to middle elevation on Hawaii. Assessor: Pedralli, G.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19098, 19142
Refs: 3372
Mezzettia herveyana
Metrosideros punctata Annonaceae CR B 1 +2c
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
New Caledonia Known only from a single collection found in lowland
A bushy shrub or small tree which is well represented in forest in Malacca, it is uncertain if this species still
the southern ultramafic massifs and also on isolated exists.
massifs in the north. It occurs in low forest or maquis. In Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
many places the habitat is degraded and exposed to Refs: 19073
threats of mining, fires and clearance.
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Michetta aenea
Refs: 10351, 12630 Magnoliaceae EN B 1 +2c
China (Yunnan), Viet Nam
Metroxylon amicarum Assessor: Sun, W.
Palmae VU D2 /?e/i.-9274, 11530, 19174
Federated States of Micronesia
A palm tree endemic Ponape and Truk in the Caroline
to MicheUa coriacea
Islands. This scarce species is found in moist forest up to Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c
550m in mountainous areas which are remote and China (Yunnan)
unattractive for settlement. The species is known only from Xichou in the south-
Assessor: Johnson, D. east.
Refs: 19118 Assessor: Sun, W.
Refs: 19138, 19174
Metteniusa cundinamarcensis
Icacinaceae VUBl+2c MicheUa hypolampra
Colombia Magnoliaceae VU Ale
Metteniusa is a small genus of trees, endemic to north- China (Guangdong Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan)

west South America. This species is recorded from Scattered occurrences are known from Hainan Island,
Cundinamarca. southern Yunnan and south-west Guangxi. They are
Assessor: Calderon, E. restricted toremaining areas of lowland monsoon forest,
Refs: 19069 which have been severely reduced by high rates of
habitat clearance and logging. The species has some
Metteniusa edulis value as a source of medicine and condiment.
Icacinaceae VU Bl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Colombia Refs: 1818,9274, 11847
Metteniusa is a small genus of trees, endemic to north-
west South America This species is recorded from
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069

Species Summaries

Michelia ingrata areas of forest in the departments of Ancash, Cuzco and

Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c Hu^uco.
China (Yunnan) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Sun, W. Refs: 1984
Refs: 19138, 19174
Miconia aspratitis
Michelia odora Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Magnoliaceae LR/nt Ecuador
China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan, This small tree is endemic to the High Andes of
Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi. Yunnan), Viet Nam Ecuador, currently known only from areas of cloud
Previously known under the monotypic genus forest, between 2700 and 3400m, in Azuay Province.
Tsoongiodendron, this species is relatively widespread Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in lowland moist forest within an area extending from Refs: 19119, 19120
southern China to northern Viet Nam. Population
declines have occurred because of extensive logging and Miconia ayacuchensis
habitat clearance. Mature trees are said to be only rarely Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
encountered. Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A species which is known from *elfin forest in the
Refs: 1818, 9274, 1 1530, 1 1847 department of Ayacucho.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Michelia punduana Refs: 1984
Magnoliaceae VU Bl+2c
India (Meghalaya, Nagaland) Miconia bcaUoniana
A species of open sunny places in moist forest in north- Melastomataceae LR/nt
east India. There have been no recent collections and Per\j
both the species and its habitat are in decline because of Endemic to Peru, the species occurs relatively widely in
overexploitation of the timber resources. forest up to 2000m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2538 Refs: 1984

Michelia wilsonii Miconia barbipilis

Magnoliaceae ENBl-f2c Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
China (Hubei, Sichuan) Ecuador
A species restricted to mountainous areas on the south to A shrub or tree up to 3m tall, endemic to the High Andes
west fringe of the Sichuan basin and Lichuan in western of Ecuador and currently known from cloud forest,
Hubei. It occurs in moist broadleaved forest between between 2250 and 3450m, in the province of Morona-
700 and 1600m. Uncontrolled logging and habitat Santiago.
clearance are believed to have caused considerable Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population declines. /fe/i; 2989, 6596, 19119
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 9274, 1 1242, 1 1847 Miconia beneolens
Melastomataceae VUBI+2c
Michelia xanthantha Ecuador
Magnoliaceae ENBl+2c An endemic tree to Loja Province in the Ecuadorean
China (Yunnan) High Andes, inhabiting cloud forest between 1500m and
An endemic to Xishuangbanna. 3000m.
Assessor: Sun, W. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19138, 19174 Refs: 2989, 6596, 19119, 19120

Miconia abbreviata Miconia bipatrialis

Melastomataceae LR/nt Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Peru Ecuador
Relatively widespread, the species is endemic to lowland A shrub or tree endemic to Azauy Province in the High
forests of Peru. Andes of Ecuador, where it inhabits montane cloud
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest between 2400 and 3000m.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2989, 6596, 19119, 19120
Miconia aligera
Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c Miconia brevistyUs
Peru Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c
This species appears to be confined to Andean cloud Peru
forest above 2000m in the department of Cuzco. Presently known only from the department of Hu^uco,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the species occurs in forest and shrubland between 1500
Refs: 1984 and 2000m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Miconia alpina Refs: 1984
Melastomataceae VUBI+2c
Occurring above 3500m, the species is recorded from

The World List of Threatened Trees

Miconia caesariata Miconia cuprea

Melastomataceae LR/cd Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Ecuador
A species of tree or shrub, endemic to the Ecuadorean This endemic tree of Ecuador inhabits montane and
Andes, where it is confined to the area of the Sangay upper montane cloud forest in the High Andean areas of
National Park. The development of a road through the Azuay Province.
park threatens the integrity of the forest habitats. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19119, 19120
Miconia demissifotia
Miconia cajanumana Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Melastomataceae VU Bl+2c Peru
Ecuador A tree of montane forest above 3000m, recorded in the
An endemic of the Ecuadorean High Andes, currently departments of Cuzco and Pasco.
known to occur in areas of cloud forest, between 2200 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and 3200m, in the provinces of El Oro, Loja and Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Miconia dissimuUms
Refs: 2989, 6596, 19119, 19120 Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Miconia calophylla An Ecuadorean endemic of the High Andes, inhabiting
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c cloud forest between 2300 and 2800m in the provinces
Peru of Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe.
A species recorded from forest between 2000 and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
2500m department of Pasco.
in the Refs: 2989,6596, 19119, 19120
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Miconia dodsonii
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Miconia campii Ecuador
Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c A tree or shrub which is narrowly endemic to the
Ecuador southern High Andes of Ecuador.
A shrub or tree endemic to the High Andes of Ecuador. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Currently the speciesis known only from the montane Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120
and upper montane cloud forest of Morona-Santiago and
Azuay. Miconia floccosa
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120 Pea-
This species occurs in grassland areas between 2500 and
Miconia caslillensis 3500m in the departments of Juni'n and Pasco.
Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ecuador Refs: 1984
An endemic of the Ecuadorean High Andes, occurring in
montane and upper montane cloud forest in Morona- Miconia glandulistyla
Santiago, Azuay and Loja. Melastomataceae VU B I +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 2989, 6596, 19119, 19120 This Ecuadorean endemic inhabits cloud forest between
1600 and 3350m, in the High Andean areas of Morona-
Miconia castrensis Santiago and Zamora-Chinchipe.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ecuador Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120
A species of montane cloud forest, confined to Azuay
Province in the Ecuadorean High Andes. Miconia glyptophytta
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 19119,19120 Ecuador
An endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes. The
Miconia centrosperma species can be found in cloud forest between 2550 and
Melastomataceae EN CI 2750m in the province of Azuay.
Panama Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurring lowland forest or woodlands, the species is
in Refs: 19119, 19120
found in small localities along the road from El Llano to
Cartf-Tupile in Kunayala Indigenous Reserve. Other Miconia griffisii
undetermined collections, suspected to be this species, Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
come from the east, including some from Chagres Peru
National Park and Kunayala Indigenous Reserve. Within A species occurring in montane
forest above 3500m in
the confirmed range the forest continues to be destroyed the departments of Hu^ucoand San Manin.
by settlement, agriculture, farming and burning. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Mitrd, M. Refs: 1984
/fc/i; 6626, 7980, 16772

Species Summaries

Miconia hexamera Ecuador, where it is confined to cloud forest at 2400m in

Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Azuay Province.
Ecuador Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes, Refs: 19119,19120
inhabiting cloud forest between 2550m and 3350m in
Morona-Santiago, Catiar, Azuay and Zamora-Chinchipe. Miconia penningtonii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 19119,19120 Ecuador
An endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes,
Miconia huigrensis inhabiting cloud forest between 2800 and 3S0Om in
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Napo and Pichincha Provinces.
Ecuador Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic to Ecuador this species inhabits cloud forest Refs: 19119, 19120
between 1500m and 3400m. Currently it is known only
from the High Andean areas of Bolivar, Chimborazo and Miconia perelegans
Azuay. Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba
Refs: 2989, 6596. 19119, 19120 An uncommon endemic shrub or small tree, restricted to
savanna in northern Isla de Pinos. Most of the original
Miconia lachnoclada habitat in Pinus tropicalis fores' has been converted into
Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c pastures.
Peru Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Known only from the department of Ayacucho, the Refs: 11403,18485,19149
species occurs in forest on rocky slopes above 3500m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Miconia poecilantha
Refs: 1984 Melastomataceae EN B 1 -(2c
Miconia mediocris An endemic to Cundinamarca.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Calderon, E.
Ecuador Refs: 19069
An endemic of the Ecuadorean High Andes, inhabiting
cloud forest between 1000 and 3350m in Pichincha and Miconia poortmannii
Azuay Provinces. Melastomataceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120 Endemic to Ecuador, this species is found in areas of
cloud forest between 1000 and 2400m in the High
Miconia monzoniensis ssp. cuzcoensis Andes of El Oro Province.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120
This subspecies occurs in forest roughly between 2500
and 3000m in the departments of Cuzco and Pasco. Miconia pseudorigida
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 1984 Jamaica
A very uncommon small tree or shrub of mossy
Miconia namandensis woodlands on limestone, recorded only from Portland
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Parish between 450 and 760m.
Ecuador Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
An endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes, Refs: 5653, 19085
inhabiting cloud forest between 1 500 and 3200m in Loja
and Zamora-Chinchipe Provinces. Miconia quadrangularis var. glandulosa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Melastomataceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 2989,6596, 19119, 19120 Jamaica
The species is endemic to Jamaica. This variety is
Miconia nubicola confined to Portland Parish, where it occurs in mossy
Melastomataceae EN B 1 +2c woodland on limestone between 450 and 600m.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree or shrub of mossy montane woodland. It is /?e/i. 401,5653,7980

recorded only from St Thomas Parish between 1830 and

2000m. Miconia rimbachU
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. Melastomataceae VU B 1 +2c
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085 Ecuador
Currently known to occur only in the High Andean areas
Miconia pausana of Bolivar Province, Ecuador. The habitat of this species
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c is cloud forest between 2400 and 2600m.

Ecuador Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

A small tree, 5-6m tall, endemic to the High Andes of Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120

\ 359
The World List of Threatened Trees

Miconia sanUuitensis Microberlinia bisulcata

Melastomataceae VU A2c Leguminosae CRAlc
Panama Cameroon, Nigeria
Confined to the central region of Panama, extending a A valuable timber species endemic to remaining areas of
little to the east, the species occurs in lowland semi- coastal evergreen forest in Cameroon, apparently
deciduous rainforest. It appears to be fairly common in extending to the Oban Hills in south-east Nigeria. Large-
Santa Rita, Col6n, becoming rarer in other localities. scale habitat decline and exploitation have caused
Parts of the range come under heavy pressure from population declines. Populations are protected in Korup
increasing settlement of the area and related activities. National Park, Cameroon and Cross River National
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Park, Nigeria. The species has ectomycorrhizal
/fe/i; 6626, 7980, 16772 properties.
Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Miconia setulosa Refs: rm, 4977, 5595, 6718, 13013
Melastomataceae VU Bl-l-2c
Peru Microberlinia brazzaviUensis
Apparently restricted to the departments of Cuzco and Leguminosae VU Ale
Puno, the species occurs in forest between roughly 2500 Cameroon, Congo, Gabon
and 4000m. A speciality timber tree, restricted to areas of coastal
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest in Gabon, and neighbouring Congo. Populations
Refs: 1984 in many places are small and scattered, with less than
one individual per km'. Logging is currently not heavy
Miconia silicicola and populations appear to be stable in areas of Gabon.
Melastomataceae LR/nt The Cameroon occurrence is doubtful.
Guyana, Venezuela Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Confined to south Venezuela and south Guyana, this Refs: 1332, 7550, 15790, 17408, 19043
species is found in scrub forest and on the summit of
sandstone mountains in the vicinity of Roraima. The Microbiota decussata
area is protected but under some pressure from tourism. Cupressaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Former USSR (Khabarovsk, Primorski)
Refs: 9867 The present limited data suggest the species is endemic
to an area near the Suchan River in Skihote Alin
Miconia sodiroi Province.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Ecuador Refs: 1956, 13041
An endemic of Ecuador's High Andean region, at
present known only to occur in Pichincha Province. The Micrococca scariosa
habitat of this species is cloud forest between 1800 and Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
2600m. Kenya, Tanzania
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Restricted to dry coastal forest in limestone areas, the
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120 species ranges from Pangani and Gongoni in south-east
Kenya, through eastern Tanzania to Zanzibar.
Miconia superba Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Melastomataceae LR/nt Refs: 3356. 5654, 6396
Guyana, Venezuela
A montane species found in rainforest on the slopes of Microcos erythrocarpa
Mount Roraima on the border of Venezuela and Guyana. Tiliaceae VU D2
The area is protected but under some pressure from Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
tourism. An uncommon tree in the lowland and hill forests of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Fraser's Hill and the Genting Highlands. Both areas are
Refs: 9867 threatened by the encroachment of settlements and
Miconia thaminantha ssp. thaminantha Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Melastomataceae VUBl+2c Refs: 19073
A subspecies of cloud forest to 2500m, known only fiom Microcos globuUfera
the department of Cuzco. Tiliaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 1984 Confined to lowland moist forest on the west coast from
Perak to Johore, this tree is threatened by urban
Miconia villonacensis encroachment and habitat clearance.
Melastomataceae VUBI+2c Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Ecuador Refs: 19073
An endemic to Loja Province in the Ecuadorean High
Andes, inhabiting cloud forest between 2600 and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2989, 6596, 191 19, 19120


Species Summaries

Microcos laurifoUa of *campo rupestre on sandstone outcrops. Overcutting

Tiliaceae LR/cd is a particular threat.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

A tree of lowland rainforest widespread within Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Peninsular Malaysia.
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. MicrophoUs garcinttfoUa
Refs: 19073 Sapotaceae LR/nt
Puerto Rico
MicrophoUs brochidodroma Endemic to Puerto Rico, the species is a common upper
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c storey component of old secondary and undisturbed
Peru submontane forest in the Sierra de Naguabo and
A newly described tree known only from Loreto, where Luquillo Mountains.
it occurs in forest over white sand at altitiudes between Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
150 and 200m. y?e/j.- 7980,8816
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 7980, 8816 MicrophoUs gnaphaloclados
Sapotaceae LR/nt
MicrophoUs casiquiarensis Brazil (Bahia, Espirito Santo, Mato Grosso,
Sapotaceae LR/nt Pemambuco)
Brazil (Amazonas, Paii), Venezuela A tree of submontane *cerrado, *caatinga and rocky
Only a few collections have been made of this species, outcrops. It ranges from Pemambuco to Mato Grosso

which appears to be scattered sparsely from southern but the populations appear to be highly fragmented.
Venezuela to central Brazilian Amazonia in non-flooded Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

forest over clay up to medium elevation. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i- 7980, 8816 MicrophoUs grandiflora
Sapotaceae CRBl+2c
MicrophoUs caudata Brazil (Amazonas)
Sapotaceae CR B 1 +2d, D A single collection of the species is known, originating
Brazil (Amazonas) from Neblina National Park on the Brazilian side.
A newly described species of non-flooded Amazonian Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

forest, so far known only from the Manaus to Porto Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Velho road where the type was collected.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. MicrophoUs humboUUiana
/fc/j; 1983,7980, 8816 Sapotaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela
MicrophoUs compta A species of *igap6 forest and periodically flooded
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c savanna from the lower Rio Negro in Amazonas.
Brazil (Bahia, Rio de Janeiro) Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree known from a few scattered sites of coastal /Jc/i; 7980, 8816

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. MicrophoUs macrophyUa
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Sapotaceae CRBl+2c
MicrophoUs crassipedicellata The type, which was collected in the first part of the
Sapotaceae LR/cd century from an altitude of 1200m in Loreto, is the only
Brazil (Bahia, Espi'rito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo) record of this species.
A coastal forest species, ranging from Bahia southwards Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
to Sao Paulo. The species habitat has suffered greatly /fe/i;7980,8816
from intensive logging. A population occurs in Linhares
Forest Reserve. MicrophoUs madeirensis
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Sapotaceae LR/nt
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Brazil (Amazonas), Peru
A lowland rainforest species distributed in central and
MicrophoUs cyUndrocarpa western Amazonian Brazil and in Loreto in Peru.
Sapotaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (Amazonas), Peru /?e/i; 7980, 8816
Ranging from western Brazilian Amazonia to Loreto in
Peru the species occurs in lowland forest, usually in MicrophoUs maguirei
areas which are not flooded. Sapotaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela
/?eA; 7980, 8816 Occurring in non-flooded lowland rainforest, the species
is confined to a small area of southern Amazonas in
MicrophoUs emarginala Venezuela and neighbouring Brazil.

Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Brazil (Bahia) /?</i.- 7980,8816
A shrub or small tree, restricted in distribution to areas

The World List of Threatened Trees

MicrophoUs polita occurs in bush islands in the savanna or dwarf forest

Sapotaceae VUBl+2c along watercourses between 1 300 and 2000m.
Cuba Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A Cuban endemic confined to montane rainforests in Re/j; 7980, 8816
Oriente Province. This species has suffered from
overcutting. MicrophoUs venamoensis
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Sapotaceae VU D2
/Je/j; 7980, 8816, 19149 Venezuela
This species is respresented by two herbarium
MicrophoUs resinifera specimens, collected from wet montane mossy forest on
Sapotaceae VUBl+2b or near Cerro Venamo in Bolfvar.
Brazil (Amazonas) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Possibly not distinct from M. guyanensis, the species is Rc/i; 7980, 8816
known only from a few collections which have come
from non-flooded highland and lowland forest. The MicrophoUs wiUiamu
wood is said to be good quality but in too small a Sapotaceae LR/cd
quantity to be commercially valuable. Brazil (Amazonas, Parci)
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A species of scattered occurrence in non-flooded forest
Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816 on clay soil. It is known to occur in the Ducke Forest
MicrophoUs retusa Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2b Refs: 1983.8816,12109

Brazil (Amazonas)
A lowland rainforest tree, known only from the type Microstrobos fitzgeraldn
collection from the north-west of the Brazilian Amazon. Podocarpaceae EN C2a
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Australia (New South Wales)
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 A dwarf conifer, usually decumbent, confined to moist
montane scrub in an area between Wentworth Falls and
MicrophoUs nigosa Katoomba Falls in the Blue Mountains. A count has
Sapotaceae LR/nt been made of seven populations containing 455
Jamaica individuals. Populations are declining because of a
Occurring in central and western parishes, the species number of factors, including competition with invasive
has a sporadic distribution, mostly in open situations on plants and poor recruitment prospects on the sheltered
limestone hills. unstable cliffs and waterfall ledges where the species
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurs. Urban development is also threatening the
/?e/i; 6057, 7980, 8816 catchment area of the site. The genus contains only one
other species, which is endemic to Tasmania.
MicrophoUs spectabilis Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Sapotaceae VU D2 Refs: 10808, 17200
So far this species has been recorded only from the site Microtropis argentea
where was first collected in submontane rainforest
it Celastraceae VU D2
north-east of Luepa in Bolivar. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Found in *kerangas forest on a plateau in Belaga, this
/Jf/i- 7980, 8816 small tree is known only from a single collection.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
MicrophoUs splendens Refs: 19017
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela Microtropis bomeensis
A species known only with certainty from southern Celastraceae VU D2
Amazonas Venezuela and adjacent Brazil. Tentative
in Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
occurrences have been recorded from French Guiana A shrub or small tree abundant on Mount
and Amap^ in Brazil. Kinabalu, Sabah, where it grows
in *kerangas and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre montane forest up to an altitude of 24CX) m. In Sarawak,
Refs: 7980, 8816 it is known only from a single collection found in the
Lambir National Park.
MicrophoUs submarginalis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapotaceae ENBl+2b Refs: 19017
Brazil (Amazonas)
A newly described tree, so far known only from the type Microtropis densiflora
collection in non-flooded forest over sand in central Celastraceae ENBl+2c
Brazilian Amazonia. India (Tamil Nadu)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree, known only from a single imprecisely
/Je/i; 7980, 8816 recorded location in the Nilgiri Hills.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
MicrophoUs suborbicuUuis Refs: 19144
Sapotaceae LR/nt
In Bolivar and Amazonas, this small tree or shrub

Species Summaries

Microtropis fascicuUuis Mildbraedia carpinifolia

Celastraceae VU D2 Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b
Malaysia (Sarawak) Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania
Known only from five collections, this uncommon small A shrub or tree of dry coastal forest or open woodland,
tree is found in mixed dipterocaq) forest and *kerangas ranging from south-east Kenya to eastern Tanzania and
forest, usually growing near streams, up to 50Om. Zanzibar Island and possibly Mozambique.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett,J. &
G.P. Clarke
Refs: 19017 Refs: 3356, 8814

Microtropis grandifolia var. grandifoUa Milicia excelsa

Celastraceae VU D2 Moraceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Sarawak) Angola, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African
Endemic to Sarawak, this variety of lowland and hill Republic, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of
forest is so far known from only two specimens, one Congo, Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Ethiopia, Gabon,
collected from Bukit Panjo of Lundu and the other from Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda,
Lubok Antu. Sao Tom6 & Prfncipe (Sao Tom6), Sierra Leone, Sudan,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Refs: 19017 Iroko, although common and widely distributed in
different forest types throughout tropical Africa, suffers
Microtropis grandifolia var. longipetiolatus from heavy exploitation. East Africa was once a major
Celastraceae VU D2 source of the timber, which was used as a teak substitute
Malaysia (Sarawak) until supplies became short. West Africa continues to

A variety known from the type collection only. export large quantities of it. Some populations suffer
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre from gall attacks, especially in plantations, and its seed
Refs: 19017 loses viability quickly. Treer are often left standing after
land clearance and natural regeneration is good in open
Microtropis keningauensis places.
Celastraceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Sabah) Refs: 2036, 2361, 4506, 6127, 6244, 6396, 6718, 7791,
This uncommon shrub or small tree is known only from 9605, 15251, 16021, 17335, 17408, 19172
the lowland forest of Lanas, Keningau.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Milicia regia
Refs: 19017 Moraceae VUAIcd
Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Gambia, Ghana.
Microtropis rigida Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Senegal
Celastraceae VU D2 Logging companies do not distinguish this species from
Malaysia (Sarawak) M. excelsa. The rates of timber exploitation have a more
Endemic to Sarawak, this small tree of lowland and serious impact on this species, with its narrower
submontane known only from Bako National
forest is distribution within a region which has experienced

Park, Gunung Santubong and Mulu National Park. large-scale forest destruction.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Refs: 19017 Ue/s; 2773, 12061,15251

Microtropis sabahensis Miliusa nilagirica

Celastraceae VU D2 Annonaceae VUBI+2c
Malaysia (Sabah) India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Endemic to Sabah, this small tree is known only from A poorly known species, which occurs in the
the type specimen collected from Kinabatangan in understorey of stunted evergreen forest between 900 and
lowland and seasonal swamp forest. 1600m. Occurrences are sparsely scattered; three records
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre have been made in the Agastyamalai Hills and three
Refs: 19017 from sites further north, including the Nilgiri Hills and
the Kamataka and Kerala border.
Microtropis sarawakensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Celastraceae VU D2 Refs: 19144
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Endemic to Sarawak, this small tree has been collected Miliusa parviflora
only once in lowland forest near streams. Annonaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 19017 A species known from four localities in the Langkawi
Islands and Perils State. It is restricted to forest on

Microtropis tenuis limestone hills. These areas are rapidly being developed
Celastraceae VU D2 and destroyed by urban expansion.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Known from only a single collection, this small tree is Refs: 19073
confined to hill forest in Mount Tapis in the state of
Pahang. Miliusa zeylanica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae VUAIc
Refs: 8464, 19073 Sri Lanka
Until recently this endemic tree had gone uncollected for

The World List of Threatened Trees

over a century. This species turned up in 13 forest sites Catchment Forest Project. The other is restricted to low
during the extensive forest surveys conducted for the elevations in the Udzungwa Mountains.
National Conservation Review. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1308,3356,5204
Refs: 15431, 16943, 18796, 19112
MUlettia eriocarpa
MiUettia aurea Leguminosae VUBl+2b
Leguminosae EN Ale Tanzania
Madagascar A species of dry coastal forest endemic to south-east
A deciduous woodland species that is restricted and Tanzania.
uncommon. Its range extends 40, 000 km^ (*EC)0) but is Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
highly fragmented as a result of agriculmre and burning. /?c/i.- 3356, 5204, 10961
Recent cotton plantations have had a strong impact and
it is likely that at least 50% of the forest has been cleared MiUettia gaUiflagrans
or degraded in the last 100 years. This decline is Leguminosae VUBl+2c
continuing although this species is included within Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Ankarafantsika Reserve. A tree of lowland moist areas, confined to the Kluang
Assessor: Du Puy, D. H. Labat & Forest Reserve in the state of Johore. The principal
Refs: 12353 threat to remaining populations is logging.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Millettia bussei Refs: 8464, 19073
Leguminosae VUBl+2b
Mozambique, Tanzania Millettia hitsika
This species is restricted to areas of dry coastal forest in Leguminosae EN B 1 +2abc
Niassa Province, Mozambique, and south-east and east Madagascar
Tanzania. Recorded from only two sites, this eastern coastal forest
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke species confined to a forest remnant at Ambila-
Refs: 3356, 10961 Lemaitsu which extends less than 5(X) km' (*A(X>) and
suffers continual degradation.
MiUettia capuronii Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Leguminosae VU D2 Refs: 12353
Known from only three localities, this coastal forest Millettia lacus-alberti
species is confined to eastern Madagascar. Its range is Legumi nosae VU B 1 +2c
estimated to between 500 and 1000 km' (*AC)0), but
lie Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda
it is uncommon and the habitat is almost entirely An endemic to the Albertine Rift, confined to upland
destroyed, with only small vestiges remaining. forest margins along the Waki River in Uganda and
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat Lake Albert in DR Congo.
Refs: 12353 Assessor: *MUIENR
Refs: 1308, 9605, 10961, 16021
Millettia conraui
Leguminosae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c Millettia laurentii
Cameroon, Nigeria Leguminosae EN A led
A small forest tree, similar to M. macrophylla, with a Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo,
range extending from south-east Nigeria into Cameroon. Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
Unprotected forest has been heavily logged and cleared A species of Central African semi-deciduous, sometimes
for agriculture. swampy, forest. In much of its range it is threatened with
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre overexploitation for its decorative timber.
Refs: 11504 Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Refs: 7142, 11449, 12509, 17408
MiUettia decipiens
Leguminosae VU D2 Millettia macrophylla
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Leguminosae VU Ale, Bl+2c
This lowland rainforest species is known from only two Cameroon, Nigeria
collections from Kuala Dipong, Perak. The area is under A small forest tree which occurs in areas of remaining
increasing conversion to agriculture. forest, ranging from south-east Nigeria to Cameroon.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Unprotected forest has been heavily logged and cleared
Refs: 17140, 19073 for agriculture.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Millettia elongistyla Refs: 11504
Leguminosae VUBl+2b
Tanzania micans
Two populationsknown. One is restricted to
are Leguminosae VUBl-^2b
Kimboza Forest Reserve, which covers 4km' of moist Tanzania
semi-deciduous coastal forest within a densely populated A small tree restricted to remaining areas of dry coastal
area. The demand for land and wood is high but the forest and open woodland in east and south-east
forest is protected by two forest guards, employed in the Tanzania.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308,3356

Species Summaries

MiUettia mossambicensis southern population extends less than 500 kirf (*AOO)
Leguminosae DD and is threatened by mining.
Mozambique Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
A poorly known species of Zanzibar-Inhambane Refs: 12353
Assessor: Bandeira, S. MiUettia pterocarpa
/fe/j;5117.7550 Leguminosae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
MiUettia nathaliae A tree of primary lowland forest, confined to the state of
Leguminosae ENBl+2abc Perak, from where it has been collected three times.
Madagascar Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A deciduous woodland species known only from two Refs: 8464, 19073
localities restricted to the Ankarana-Analamerana
Massif of north Madagascar. It is uncommon, covering MiUettia sacleuxU
an estimated area of 500 km' (*ACX)), within which the Leguminosae VUBl+2b
forests are declining. It is included within Ankarana and Tanzania
Analamerana Reserves. A species that occurs in the lowland forests in the East
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat Usambara and south Nguru Mountains.
Refs: 12353 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308, 3356, 5204, 10961
MiUettia oblata ssp. intermedia
Leguminosae VU Bl+2b MiUettia schliebenii
Tanzania Legununosae VUBl +2b
A montane taxon confined to moist forests on the West Tanzania
Usambara Mountains. Uluguru Mountains and at A species endemic to south-east Tanzania, where it is

Lupembe Kipengere range.

in the confined to remaining areas of dry coastal forest.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Lovett, J. G.P. Clarke&
Refs: 1308, 3356, 7550 Refs: 1308.3356,7550

MiUettia oblata ssp. oblata MiUettia semsei

Leguminosae VUBl+2b Leguminosae VUBI+2b
Tanzania Tanzania
A subspecies confined to moist evergreen forest at A moist forest species of low elevation, endemic to east
submontane and West Usambara
altitudes in the East and south-east Tanzania.
Mountains. A doubtful record also originates from the Assessor: Lovett. J. & G.P. Clarke
Udzungwa Mountains. Refs: 1308,3356
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308,3356,7550 MiUettia sericantha
Leguminosae VUBl +2b, D2
MiUettia oblata ssp. stolzU Tanzania
Leguminosae VUBl+2b Two populations are known, both in moist lowland
Tanzania forest. One occurs at the foot of the Uluguru Mountains
A montane forest at altitudes of between
tree of moist and the other at Turiani.

1400 and 1500m on Mount Rungwe and along Mkenja Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
River. It is also apparently cultivated in Zambia. Refs: 1308,3356,5204,10961
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308,3356,5204 MiUettia taolanaroensis
Leguminosae ENBl+2abc
MiUettia oblata ssp. teitensis Madagascar
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2bcd, D2 A transitional forest species between dry and humid
Kenya vegetation, it is confined to an area of less than 500 km'
This subspecies is known only from the Taita Hills, (•AOO) in south-eastMadagascar. The area is under
occurring in remnants of moist evergreen forest. The threat from development, exploitation and mining, and
tree has many local uses and illegal exploitation of the the remaining forest is already highly fragmented.
wood continues. The habitat is also reduced through Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
encroaching agriculture, settlement, the planting of Refs: 12353
commercial species and road building. Seed and living
stocks are maintained under the Plant Conservation MiUettia unifoUata
Programme in Kenya. Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 1308,6396,17859 A lowland rainforest species, confined to the state of
Perak, where it is principally threatened by encroaching
MiUettia orientalis settlements, agriculture and logging activities.
Leguminosae EN B 1 +2abc Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Madagascar Refs: 8464, 19073
A coastal forest species known only from two restricted
sites: Nosy Mangabe & Antongil and Taolanaro. The

The World List of Threatened Trees

MiUettia usaramensis var. parvifoUa *caalinga in north-east Brazil. It is slowly declining as a

Leguminosae VUBl+2b result of exploitation for timber
and fiiel.
Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A shrub or tree from two locations in south-east Refs: 4506, 7980, 9902
Tanzania, one in Kilwa and the other near Lindi. It is
restricted to areas of dry coastal forest. Mimusops acutifolia
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Sapotaceae VUBl+2b
Refs: 1308,5204 Tanzania
This small tree or shrub is mainly known from a dry

MiUettia wameckei forest around Lake Lutamba. It may also be

Leguminosae VUAlc found in the East Usambara Mountains. The area around
Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Togo the lake has been completely cleared, with the exception
More information is needed on this species to confirm of a 10km' patch of forest protected as Litipo Forest
the status. It is not common and occurs in dry forests Reserve.
only in the Upper Guinea region. This type of vegetation Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarice
has suffered extensively from the effects of human Refs: 3356, 5204
population growth, agricultural expansion and fire.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Mimusops angel
/?e/i; 2773, 8369, 12061 Sapotaceae LR/nt
Mimetes arboreus A rare evergreen tree of dry and open riverine forest,
Proteaceae VU Dl+2 restricted to the north-eastern tip of Somalia.
South Africa (Western Cape) Overexploitation and degradation of the forest threaten
The species is confined to the Kogelberg range, where it the species.
occurs on the upper south slopes in seeps growing in wet Assessor: Thulin, M.
mountain *fynbos. It is usually encountered as single ^e/i; 2361, 8697, 18665
plants, although small subpopulations, never exceeding
100 individuals, are also known. There is a total of Mimusops penduliflora
approximately 500 maOire plants within an area of 10 S apotaceae EN B 1 +2d
km^ (*AOO). Populations may have been more Tanzania
extensive in the past and declined because of frequent The type specimen is the only record of this species. It
fires, to which the species is susceptible as it is a was collected from the bank of the Mbakana River in the
reseeder and takes eight years to reach maturity. All the southern Uluguru Mountains. It could represent a form
present localities are now in a strictly protected of a more widespread species.
conservation area, with a clear management policy Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
which controls the occurrence of fire and presence of Refs: 3356, 10961
alien invasives. However, this deliberate exclusion of
fire for many years may not have had a totally beneficial Mimusops riparia
effect because periodic fires are needed to ensure Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2b
recruitment. Kenya, Tanzania
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Two localities in Kenya known, where the species
Refs: 689, 19218 occurs in forest along the Lumaand Tana Rivers. The
range extends to eastern Tanzania, where populations
Mimosa caesalpiniaefoUa are restricted to remaining areas of moist forest.
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Brazil (Bahia, CearS, MaranhSo) Refs: 3356, 6396, 10961
A xerophytic species found growing mainly in deep
alluvial soils. It is suffering a slow decline through its Mimusops sechellarum
use as a timber, fuelwood and charcoal and through Sapotaceae VU D2
habitat loss and degradation. Seychelles
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A once important timber tree now restricted to scattered
Refs: 4506 stunted individuals in exposed rocky areas on the islands
of Mah6, Praslin, Silhouette, He Longue and Felicite.
Mimosa nothacacia The population on Curieuse is now extinct because of a
Leguminosae VU D2 fire. Seed predation by rats hampers regeneration in
Peru localised areas. The species isa good candidate for
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs reforestation projects.
in shrubland
in the department of Piura. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 9859, 17229. 19023, 19062
Refs: 1984
Minquartia guianensis
Mimosa verrucosa Olacaceae LR/nt
Leguminosae LR/nt Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French
Brazil (Bahia, CearS, ParaJba, Pemambuco, Rio Grande Guiana, Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname,
do Norte) Venezuela
Common on hillsides, this shrubby tree is found on A monotypic species, widespread in lowland moist
forest types from Nicaragua to Bolivia and Peru. It is
locally common in the Guianas and other countries but it
has become rarer in some areas where the wood is

Species Summaries

intensively harvested for local use, notably in Brazil and have led to considerable population declines.
Colombia. Seed-producing trees are sometimes low in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
numbers but regeneration does not appear to be Re/r; 2072, 4919, 5651
inadequate. The timber is scarce in international trade.
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop Mkilua fragrans
Refs: 730, 6317, 9867, 14717, 15037, 15478, 19069, Annonaceae VUBl+2b
19158, 19179 Kenya, Tanzania
A species from a monotypic genus, commercially
Mitranthes clarendonensis important for the fragrance of its flowers. The historical
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c interestand trade in the species may have caused its
Jamaica range to be artificially expanded. In Kenya it occurs in
Occurring in areas of wooded rocky limestone at about evergreen forest in two separate localities along the
760m, the species appears to be scarce and confmed to coast. Populations also occur in north-east Tanzania and
Clarendon Parish. Zanzibar and Pemba Islands.
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085 Refs: 2418, 3356, 6396, 8814

Mitranthes macrophyUa Molinadendron hondurense

Myrtaceae CRBl+2c Hamamelidaceae CR C2b
Jamaica Honduras
A small tree or shrub, which appears to have been found A tree of high-altitude mixed humid forest.
in only two locations in Trelawny. One is near a road Assessor: Nelson, C.
extension west of Troy and the other is in woodland on a Refs: 10147, 13995
rocky limestone hilltop.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre MoUia glabrescens
/fe/j; 401, 5653, 7980 Tiliaceae VU D2
Mitranthes nivea Described in 1842. this species has not been recorded
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c since the type collection from the Kwitaro River.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree or shrub found only in woodland areas on Refs:19S\
limestone hilltops in St Ann Parish.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre MoUinedia argyrogyna
/?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 . Monimiaceae LR/nt
Mitrephora caudata Although widely distributed in Atlantic forest in the
Annonaceae VUBl+2c south and south-east of Brazil, the species occurs
Philippines sparsely and populations are in decline because of
This tree is found at low and medium altitudes in forest extensive habitat loss and degradation.
in Palawan. The main island is a biosphere reserve. Assessor: Peixoto. A.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19102
Refs: 4986
MoUinedia butleriana
Mitrephora fragrans Monimiaceae CR C2b
Annonaceae VUBl+2c Honduras
Philippines A rainforest tree of the Atlantic lowlands.
This tree isendemic to Palawan, found in forest at low Assessor: Nelson, C.
altitudes. The main island is a biosphere reserve. Refs: 13995
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4986 MoUinedia engleriana
Monimiaceae VUBl+2c
Mitrephora grandiflora Sao Paulo)
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro,
Aiuionaceae VU B 1 +2c Occurring in areas of montane evergreen rainforest, the
India (Kamataka, Kerala) species is known from few localities and populations are
A poorly collected species, known from a few scattered believed to be small.
localities of lowland evergreen forest. In Kerala records Assessor: Peixoto, A.L.
have been made to the north of the Agastyamalai Hills, Refs: 19098, 19102
near Trissur, and in the Vavulmalai Hills. A single
collection also originates from central Kamataka. MoUinedia gilgiana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Monimiaceae CRBl+2c
Refs: 19144 Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
An understorey species which is confmed to Atlantic

Mitrephora lanota forest in Serra de Macae in Nova Friburgo. It is believed

Annonaceae VUAlcd to be naturally rare and only a few collections have been
Philippines made, dating from the 1800s and more recently between
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of 1987 and 1988. The locality is contained within a
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation

The World List of Threatened Trees

protected area and the species is included in the official populations. The species is on the official list of
listof threatened Brazilian plants compiled by *IBAMA. threatened Brazilian plants compiled by *IBAMA.
Assessor: Varty, N. Assessor: Varty, N.
Refs: 8815, 16123, 19102 Refs: 8815, 16123

Moltinedia glabra Monadenium arborescens

Monimiaceae VUBI+2c Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Brazil (Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro) Tanzania
A tree of potential horticultural interest. It occurs Originally described from a cultivated plant, the wild
sparsely in remnant areas of *restmga woodland. The population was discovered in 1990, confined to an area
habitat has been widely destroyed by urban expansion. of scrub on limestone in the Ruaha Valley. The area
The species is also suspected to suffer from habitat measures little more than a square kilometre and is
fragmentation because of its dioecious nature. It occurs situated a short distance from the main road. There is no
on the official list of threatened Brazilian plants current threat from collecting, but grazing and loss of
compiled by *IBAMA. habitat may be a problem.
Assessor: Peixoto, A.L. Assessor: Carter-Holmes, S.
Refs: 8815, 16123, 19102 Refs: 19160

Moltinedia lamprophylla Monadenium elegans

Monimiaceae CR C2a, Dl Euphorbiaceae VU D2
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Tanzania
Formerly known along streamsides, this understorey Occurring in the same area as M. arborescens in the
species appears to have become extremely scarce. Ruaha Valley, this species is more abundant and not
Extensive searches have located only two female restricted to limestone but more widely distributed on
specimens restricted to forest in Corcovado. One hillsides and the summits of the surrounding mountains.
specimen has, however, set seed, suggesting there is at Assessor: Carter-Holmes, S.
least a pollen-producing male individual in the vicinity. Refs: 19160
The species is included in the official list of threatened
Brazilian plants compiled by *1BAMA. Monanthocitnis oblanceolata
Assessor: Varty, N. Rutaceae VUBl+2c
/fe/i; 8815, 16123 Malaysia (Sabah)
Endemic to Sabah, this rather uncommon tree or shrub is
Moltinedia longicuspidata found in the understorey of lowland forest, usually on
Monimiaceae ENBl+2c slopes and ridges of low hills. Often this species is

Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) solitary or in small populations.

This rare understorey species is confined to streamsides Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in areas of humid forest in Macae, in Nova
Alto Refs: 19017
Friburgo. The locality is now protected and the species
is included in the official list of threatened Brazilian Monocyclanthus vignei
plants compiled by *IBAMA. Annonaceae EN B 1 +2c
Assessor: Varty, N. Ghana, Liberia
Refs: 8815, 16123 Once thought to be endemic to Ankasa in Ghana, this
understorey tree has now been found in Liberia. It

Moltinedia marquetiana occurs, but rarely, in wet evergreen forest.

Monimiaceae VU Bl+2c Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Brazil (Bahia, Espirito Santo) /Je/s; 8369, 8854, 12061
An Atlantic forest species which is restricted to localities
in the Linhares ReserveSanto and to forest
in Espirito Monodora junodii var. macrantha
on Mussununga. The subpopulations are reported to be Annonaceae DD
small. Mozambique
Assessor: Peixoto, A.L. Endemic to northern Mozambique. More fieldwork is

Refs: 19102 required to consolidate the range and status of this

Moltinedia ruae Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Monimiaceae CR C2b Re/i; 5117, 14416
Honduras, Nicaragua
Assessor: Nelson, C. Monodora unwinii
Refs: 13995 Annonaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Motlinedia stenophytla A forest tree, endemic to western Nigeria. Only a small
Monimiaceae ENBI+2ac area of forest remains and the extent of it continues to
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) decline because of logging pressures and the demand for
Known from a restricted area of Atlantic forest in Nova land for commercial crops and subsistence farming.
Friburgo, this species has yet to be collected or recorded Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
this century. The forest continues to be rapidly destroyed /fe/j; 2773, 11504
and recent surveys have failed to locate living

Species Summaries

Monopetalanthus compactus Montrouziera cauliflora

Leguminosae VU Ale Guttiferae VUBl+2c
Cote d'lvoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone New Caledonia
The largest part of the species' range lies in Liberia. It Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el at.
extends from the south-west of Cote d'lvoire towards
tip Refs: 10351
the Nimba region of Liberia extending into Sierra
Leone. Moratia cerifera
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Palmae LR/cd
Refs: 2773, 4979 New Caledonia
Restricted to north-east New Caledonia, the species
Monopetalanthus durandii occurs in wet forest on schistose soils between 500 and
Leguminosae VUBl+2c 800m.
Gabon Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.
Populations are known from Lop6 Forest Reserve and Refs: 10351, 19118
the relatively isolated Cristal Mountains, possibly
extending into the remnant coastal forest in Cameroon. Morinda asteroscepa
The habitatdegraded where logging has taken place.
is Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
A large part of Gabon's forest is now under concession Malawi, Tanzania
to logging companies. From Nchisi forest in Malawi to eastern Tanzania, the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species is restricted to areas of moist forest at medium
Refs: 1332,7550, 14958, 15790 elevations.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Monopetalanthus hedinii Refs: 3356, 10961
Leguminosae CRBl+2abcd,Cl+2ab
Cameroon Morinda trimera
This is most endangered member of the genus.
the Rubiaceae LR/nt
Recorded from small localities at Muyuka, Eseka, USA (Hawaii)
Kribi, Maleke and Lolodorf in Cameroon, the species Not an uncommon species. It is scattered, sometimes
may already be extinct from most of these sites. One dominating lowland rainforest in the Waianae
location is converted to agricultural land. Another Mountains and Koolau Mountains on Oahu, and also
remains forested but attempts to find the species have Lanai and Maui.
failed and the third location appears now have been Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
planted with bananas. It is closely related to M. heitzii Refs: 3372
but appears to grow to larger proportions and at a
relatively rapid rate. There is considerable interest in its Moringa arborea
potential as a plantation tree. Moringaceae vU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kenya
Refs: 1332,5595,12597 This species has been found only once in a site south-
east of Malka Man.
Monopetalanthus heitzii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae LR/nt Refs: 1308,6396,9198
Cameroon?, Gabon
A species confined to dry forest along the coast of Mouretia tonkinensis
Gabon following the Oguoo^ valley inland to Lop^ Rubiaceae VU D2
Forest Reserve. Suggestions that it occurs in Cameroon Viet Nam
have not been consolidated. It ranges over an area Apparently endemic to Viet Nam, where the species is
covering at least 70,000 km' in extent. The species is restricted to a single locality in Ba Vi, Ha Tay Province.
being felled for its timber, but the threat is not believed Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
to be substantial at present. The long-term survival of «e/i.-848, 11530
the tree and its habitat is uncertain given the extent to
which logging concessions have been made. Mouriri completens
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Melastomataceae EN B 1 +2c
Refs: 1332,7550 Colombia, Panama
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Monotes lutambensis Refs: 7980, 19069
Dipterocarpaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2b
Tanzania Mouriri e/narginata var. rostrata
An African dipterocarp. It is cited as occurring at Lake Melastomataceae EN B I +2c
Lutamba, where the only remaining forest is contained Cuba
within Litipo Forest Reserve (lOkm^). Logging, clearing This variety occurs very occasionally in dry serpentine
of the forest for agriculture and wood collection have woodland, mostly on deeper soils near ravines in
taken place in the past and continue to put pressure on Holgui'n, Pinar del Rio and Habana. Its habitat has been
the reserve. severely degraded in most places.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 10961, 16796 Refs: 7980, 19149

The World List of Threatened Trees

Mouriri panamensis some success

the survival of the species. There has been
Melastomataceae VU CI with propagation and plants have been reintroduced at
Colombia, Panama Kauhao Ridge. The species is protected by the US
Originallyknown only from Cerro Jefe, to the north-east Endangered Species Act.
of Panama city, the species has now been reported from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kunayala Indigenous Reserve and from Dari^n Province Refs: 19038
in Panama, and also Valle del Cauca and the Choc6 in
Colombia. It is sparsely scattered in lowland, often Mussaenda microdonta var. microdonta
inundated, forest, mostly within protected areas. Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Unprotected forest is exposed to logging and Tanzania
development. A small tree known from moist evergreen forest at
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. medium Shagayu in the West Usambara
elevations at
Refs: 7588, 7980, 10218, 16772 Mountains and Binduki in the Uluguru Mountains.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Mozartia emarginata /?e/i.- 3356, 8814
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Cuba Mussaenda monticola var. glabrescens
A rare shrub or small tree restricted to parts of the Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
serpentine range. Sierra de Moas, in Holgui'n Province. Tanzania
Disturbance has been heavy in places. A small tree confined to three patches of moist lowland
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. forest: Mvuma, Kiberege and Mohenge.
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 5204
Mozartia maestrensis
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Mussaenda monticola var. monticola
Cuba Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
A tree known only from montane rainforest on Sierra Kenya, Tanzania
Maestra in eastern Cuba. It occurs mainly along creeks The nominate variant of an East African endemic.
and watercourses. Populations occur in moist forest in the Shimba Hills,
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Gongoni and Pangani rocks in Kenya. They extend into
/?«/i.-9522, 16327, 19149 remaining forest patches in eastern Tanzania.
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
Mozartia manacaUnsis /fg/i; 6396, 8814
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Cuba Myodocarpus angustialatus
Confined to the montane rainforests of Sierra Maestra Araliaceae VUBI+2c
range in eastern Cuba, this tree thrives on shallower soils New Caledonia
and rocky outcrops. Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at.

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Refs: 10351

Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149
Myoporum rimatarense
MuUidentia castaneae Myoporaceae DD
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
Tanzania A species which has been recorded only from Rimatara
A shrub or small tree of dry coastal forest, endemic to Island in the Tubuai Group.
eastern Tanzania. Assessor: Florence, J.

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 14513

Refs: 3356, 8814
Myoporum stokesii
Muttidentia sclerocarpa Myoporaceae CRBl+2c
Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2b, D2 French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
Kenya, Tanzania The species has been recorded from Matotea and
Two localities are known where the species occurs in Maunganui on the island of Raivavae in the Tubuai
moist forest. One is in Kenya in Mkongani North and Group.
the other is in the East Usambara Mountains. Assessor: Rorence, J.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 14513
Refs: 1308,3356,8814
Myrceugenia bracteosa
Munroidendron racemosum Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
Araliaceae CR C2a Brazil
USA (Hawaii) The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile
Endemic once widely scattered, is
to Kauai, the species, and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised,
now confined to 15 populations mostly found on steep 1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where
forested cliffs or slopes at low elevation. It is restricted their occurrence is scarce.
to the Napali coast, Haupu range and Nounou Mountain, Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

each amounting to only one or two

population /fe/i.- 7980, 19097
individuals, with the biggest one containing fewer than
50 individuals. Invasive plants and animals, including a
longhomed beetle, rats and goats, pose serious threats to

Species Summaries

Myrceugenia brevipediceUata Myrceugenia myrcioides

Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd Myrtaceae LR/nt
Brazil Brazil
The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile
and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised, and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised,
1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where 1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where
their occurrence is scarce. their occurrence is scarce.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Assessor: Barroso, G.M.
Refs: 7980, 19097 Refs: 19097

Myrceugenia campestris Myrceugenia pilotantha

Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
Brazil Brazil
The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile
and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised, and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised,
1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where 1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where
their occurrence is scarce. their occurrence is scarce.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 19097 Refs: 7980, 19097

Myrceugenia femandeziana Myrceugenia rufescens

Myrtaceae VU D2 Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
Chile (Juan FemSndez Is) Brazil
A dominant species of lowland dry forest and lower The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile
montane forest on Masatierra Island The extent of the and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised,
forest has declined through the effects of grazing by 1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where
feral animals, spread of introduced weeds and soil their occurrence is scarce.
erosion. Trees were also cut in large numbers for lumber Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

in the past. Preliminary data indicate the species is Refs: 7980, 19097
confmed to less than 100km'. More detailed information
on the species should become available to confirm this Myrceugenia schulzei
evaluation. The islands are designated as a national park Myrtaceae VU D2
and biosphere reserve and work is being carried out by Chile (Juan FemSndez Is)
*CONAF to save the native plants. A dominant species of lowland dry forest on Masafiiera
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Island. The extent of the forest has declined through the
/Je/i.- 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140 effects of grazing by feral animals, spread of introduced
weeds and Preliminary data indicate the
soil erosion.
Myrceugenia franciscensis species is confined to less than 100km'. More detailed
Myrtaceae VU Bl+2acd information on the species should become available to
Brazil confirm this evaluation. The islands are designated as a
The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile national park and biosphere reserve and work is being
and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised, carried out by *CONAF to save the native plants.
1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
their occurrence is scarce. yje/s; 3241, 5651, 14140
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 7980, 19097 Myrceugenia scutellata

Myrtaceae VUBI+2acd
Myrceugenia kleinii Brazil
Myrtaceae VU Bl+2acd The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile
Brazil and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised,
The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile 1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where
and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised, their occurrence is scarce.
1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

their occurrence is scarce. Refs: 7980, 19097

Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 7980, 19097 Myrcia aWobrunnea

Myrtaceae VU D2
Myrceugenia miersiana Peru
Myrtaceae LR/nt Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Brazil in lowland rainforest in the department of Loreto.
The main centre of distribution of the genus is in Chile Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and Argentina. The Brazilian species are localised, Refs: 1984
1000km further north, in the south-eastern states, where
their occurrence is scarce. Myrcia almasensis
Assessor: Barroso, G.M. Myrtaceae VU D2
Refs: 19097 Brazil (Bahia)
Endemic to Bahia in Brazil, the species is presently
known from just two locations in *campo rupestre or in

The World List of Threatened Trees

sandy grassland. Evidence suggests that the species is Myrcia skeldingii

unusual for its family in possibly being dioecious. Myrtaceae EX
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Jamaica
Refs: 849 A population was once located in streamside thickets
along the Mason River on the Clarendon-St Ann border.
Myrcia calcicola No individuals have been seen or recorded since 1972
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c and the species is presently presumed extinct.
Jamaica Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Reported to occur in abundance, the species is confined Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
to areas of moist forest on limestone in Portland between
450 and 600m. Many areas have experienced logging Myrcia spUndens var. chrysocoma
and conversion to commercial plantations. Myrtaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 401, 5653, 6057, 7980 This variety is known only from the type collection,
which originates from lowland rainforest in the
Myrcia crassimarginata department of San Martin.
Myrtaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peru Refs: 1984
Apparently the species is known only from the type
collection, which was taken from lowland Amazon Myrcianthes callicoma
forest near Yurimaguas in the department of Loreto. Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Argentina (Tucumdn), Bolivia
Refs: 1984, 15371 Originally thought to be endemic to TucumSn in
Argentina, the species has recently been discovered in a
Myrciafosteri small area in Bolivia.
Myrtaceae VU C2a Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panama Refs: 5\\2, 19180
Ranging from the Canal area towards Darien National
Park in the east, the species is very common in places, Myrcianthes oreophila
such as Barro Colorado Island and the forest around the Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Canal. There are almost no populations outside protected Peru
areas or in disturbed forest. A cloud forest species of the Peruvian Andes, recorded
Assessor: Mitr^, M. from disturbed areas in the departments of Apurfmac
Refs: 7980, 16772 and Cuzco.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrcia grandiflora Refs: 1984
Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
Brazil Myrcianthes pungens
A rare species of Brazilian Atlantic forest. Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Brazil
Refs: 19097, 19098 Assessor: Barroso, CM.
Refs: 19097, 19098
Myrcia lineata
Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd Myrciaria cuspidata
Brazil Myrtaceae VU Bl+2acd
A rare species of Brazilian Atlantic forest. Brazil, Paraguay
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A rare species of Brazilian Atlantic forest.
Refs: 19098 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 7980, 19097

Myrcia paganii
Myrtaceae CR Dl Myrciaria pliniodes
Puerto Rico Myrtaceae VU Bl-t-2acd
Only two populations, accounting for 10 individuals in Brazil
total, are known from areas of moist limestone forest in A rare species of Brazilian Atlantic forest.
the west. No evidence of flowering or fruiting is Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

apparent. Both sites are on private land. Attempts at Refs: 19097, 19098
cultivation have been unsuccessful.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrciaria silveirana
Refs: 3786, 7980, 17124, 17540 Myrtaceae VU B 1 +2acd
Myrcia pentagona A rare species of Brazilian Atlantic forest.
Myrtaceae VU D2 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Peru Refs: 19097

Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
in lowland rainforest species in the department of Myrica rivas-martinezii
Lx)reto. Myricaceae CR C2a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Spain (Canary Is.)
Refs: 1984 A dioecious species which is found scattered mainly as
isolated individuals in cloud forest on the islands of La

Species Summaries

Palma, Gomera and Hierro. The total population size is collected from Basilan Island in 1912.
small and regeneration is poor. There is also evidence of Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
hybridisation occurring with M. faya. The species is Refs: 18022
listed in government legislation of 1991.
Assessor: Baiiares, A. et al. Myristica beddomei ssp. sphaerocarpa
/fcA- 451. 16500, 19022 Myristicaceae ENBl+2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Myristica agusanensis ssp. squamulosa A small tree restricted to the eastern slopes of the
Myristicaceae VU D2 Western Ghats in the Tinnevelly
District. This
Philippines subspecies has been collected only twice, in areas of wet
This subspecies is newly described, based on three evergreen forest.
herbarium specimens. It is found in lower montane Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest on the islands of Luzon and Sibuyan. Refs: 10148, 18022
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18022 Myristica beddomei ssp. ustulata
Myristicaceae EN BI-i-2c
Myristica alba India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Myristicaceae VU D2 This tree is found in montane wet and
relatively dry
Indonesia (Moluccas) evergreen forest in Kerala and East Madras. Only five
A small tree, found on limestone from four collections in collections are known.
Bacan, Obi and Buru Islands. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10148, 18022
Refs: SOU
Myristica bifurcata ssp. bifurcata
Myristica ampUata Myristicaceae LR/nt
Myristicaceae VU D2 Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas)
Australia (Queensland) This subspecies is locally common in forest on Morotai
Known only from four collections, this small tree is Island of the Moluccas and is also known from the
found locally in the lowland rainforest of the Mission Vogelkop Peninsula, Irian Jaya. It has been collected
Beach area of north-east Queensland. five times. The wood of the species is likely to be traded
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre as penarahan.
Refs: 10378 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: son. 11145
Myristica andamanica
Myristicaceae VUBl+2c Myristica bifurcata ssp. sulaica
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is.- Andaman Is., Myristicaceae LR/nt
Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.) Indonesia (Moluccas)
The only species in the genus to be found in the This subspecies is locally common in lowland well-
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. A handsome tree of drained forest on the northern Moluccan Islands (Sula,
evergreen hill forest, rainforest or mixed forest, it has Halmaheira and Obi). The wood of the species is likely
been collected a total of eight times, three times in the to be traded as penarahan.
19 century. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: SOU. 11145
R^s: 18022
Myristica brachypoda
Myristica arfakensis Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristicaceae VU D2 Papua New Guinea
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) The type species was gathered in 1955 in logged-over
A small montane forest tree known only from two forest near the Seribi River in the Gulf Province. It is the
collections from the Arfak Mountains in north-east only known collection of the species.
Vogelkop Peninsula. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1493
Refs: 1493
Myristica brevistipes
Myristica atresens Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristicaceae VU D2 Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea A small tree collected only on one occasion in tall
The type specimen is the only known collection of the foothill forest in the Central Province.
tree. It was gathered from lowland forest near the border Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of Papua New Guinea in south-eastern Irian Jaya. Refs: 1493
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493 Myristica buchneriana
Myristicaceae VUAld
Myristica basilanica Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Myristicaceae VU D2 Frequently found on ridge tops between 3CX) and 1300m,
Philippines this tree is an important source of penarahan timber.
A newly described tree known only from the type Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493, 11145


The World List of Threatened Trees

Myristica byssacea Province. It is known from only two collections.

Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Papua New Guinea Refs: 1493

A small tree of montane forest, known from only two

collections from the Northern Province. Myristica dactyloides
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae LR/cd
Refs: 1493 Sri Lanka
This Sri Lai\kan endemic is restricted to the wetter
Myristica ceylanica region of the island, where remaining rainforest covers
Myristicaceae VU Bl+2c an area of less than 1440km'. The species is locally
Sri Lanka common in lowland and montane rainforest and has
A rare tree confined to remnants of intermediate forest been collected many times. It is one of the dominant
and in drier gallery forest. It has recently been found in subcanopy species in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve.
seven forest sites during the extensive forest surveys Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
conducted for the National Conservation Review. Refs: 17195, 17759, 18515, 19112
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/j;9176, 17195, 19112 Myristica dasycarpa
Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristica coacta PapuaNew Guinea
Myristicaceae VU D2 Known only from the type collection, this subcanopy
PapuaNew Guinea tree was found growing on a ridge at approximately 50m
Known only from the type collection of 1968, this in the Waskuk Hills, East Sepik Province. Another
species occurs in degraded Fagaceous forest of West collection from Irian Jaya might belong to this recently

Sepik Province. described species.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493 Refs: 19084

Myristica colinridsdalei Myristica depressa

Myristicaceae VU D2 Myristicaceae LR/nt
Philippines Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Endemic to the Palanan area of north-east Luzon, this Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
recently described tree has been collected three times A tree restricted to lowland primary mixed dipterocarp
from lowland forest over ultrabasic soil. forest.

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18022 Refs: 18022

Myristica conspersa Myristica devogelii

Myristicaceae DD Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Indonesia (Sulawesi)
A species which provisionally unites three collections Endemic to forest on ultrabasic rock in central Sulawesi,

until further material becomes available. So far its this tree has been collected three times from the area
distribution is restricted to primary forest in the north of Lake Matano.
Vogelkop Peninsula. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 18022
Refs: 1493
Myristica duplopunctata ssp. duplopunctata
Myristica corticata Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristicaceae VU D2 Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah) A primary forest subspecies, known only from three
A tree of lowland primary forest and logged-over forest, collections from the coastal mountains of northern Irian
known only from a single collection from Brunei and Jaya.
four collections from Sabah. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1493
Refs: 18022
Myristica duplopunctata ssp. versteeghii
Myristica crassa Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristicaceae LR/nt Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Peninsular A tree of primary montane forest, occurring on the
Malaysia), Singapore northern side of the main range. It is known from four
This species is uncommon in lowland and hill forest. collections.
The wood has been used as penarahan timber. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1493
Refs: 9\99, 11145, 11647, 17140, 18022, 19073, 19078
Myristica extensa
Myristica crassipes ssp. marronia Myristicaceae VU Ale
Myristicaceae VU D2 Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Papua New Guinea A species of lowland primary forest. Five collections
This subspecies is foundin open montane Araucaria have been gathered from Sarawak, a single collection is

forest near creeks on Mount Suckling, Milne Bay

Species Summaries

known from Brunei and two collections have come from Myristica fugax ssp. septentrionalis
central and east Kalimantan. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Papua New Guinea
Refs: 18022 A tree occurring in foothill and montane forest in East
Sepik, Gulf and Madang Provinces, known only from
Afyristica fasciculata four collections.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Papua New Guinea Refs: 1493
Collected three times, this species is locally common in
primary and secondary forest in the upper Sepik River Myristica fusiformis ssp.fusiformis
region of Sepik Province. Myristicaceae VU 02
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Refs: 1493, 19084 A small tree found only once in Nothofagus forest in
west Irian Jaya.
MyristicafiUpes Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae DD Refs: 1493
Papua New Guinea
This tree is locally endemic to the Buso River area of the Myristica fusiformis ssp. pseudostipitala
Morobe Province. It has been collected six times in Myristicaceae VU D2
coastal swamp forest, river flat forest and lowland Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
secondary forest. This subspecies is known only from the type specimen,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collected from the lower Lorentz River in south-west
Refs: 1493 Irian Jaya.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristica fissurata Refs: 1493
Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Moluccas) Myristica gigantea
A lowland forest tree, known only from three collections Myristicaceae LR/nt
from Bacan Island. Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
Refs: 8013 A on flat land and hillsides up to 700m
large tree found
The wood is used as penarahan timber.
Myristica Jlavovirens Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 11145
Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
This tree, found in old primary forest, is known only Myristica globosa
from the type collection taken from the Kebar Valley in Myristicaceae LR/nt
the Vogelkop Peninsula. Papua New Guinea (North Solomons, Papua New
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Guinea), Solomon Islands
Refs: 1493 Confined evergreen rainforest up to 1200m, this tree
is cut forpenarahan timber.

Myristica fragrans Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Myristicaceae DD Refs: 11145
Indonesia (Moluccas)
The original source of nutmeg. It is thought to occur Myristica guadalcanalensis
naturally in the lowland forests of Banda Island in the Myristicaceae LR/nt
Moluccas, but it is now widely cultivated in the tropics, Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
becoming naturalised in many areas. A tree found in well-drained primary and secondary
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest endemic to the islands of Guadalcanal, Rennell
Re/j.- 3738, 8915, 18022 and Malaita.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristica frugifera Refs: 18252
Myristicaceae VUAlc
Philippines Myristica inaequalis
An understorey tree,of primary and disturbed lowland Myristicaceae VU D2
forest, found on the islands of Luzon, Leyte and Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Mindoro. It is known from five collections. A recently described species of ridge forest, known only
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre from the type specimen gathered in the Arfak
Refs: 18022 Mountains.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristica fugax ssp.fiigax Refs: 19082
Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Myristica incredibilis
A subspecies of primary and secondary montane forest, Myristicaceae VU D2
collected four times from localities near Isuarava and Papua New Guinea
Lala, Central Province. A tree known only from the type specimen collected on
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rossel Island. This island has a fragile ecosystem, with
Refs: 1493

The World List of Threatened Trees

very poor soils, which is possibly threatened by gold and Myristica lancifolia ssp. kutubuensis
copper mining and logging. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Papua New Guinea
Refs: 1493, 19032 A tentative new subspecies described from one
specimen. It occurs in primary forest over limestone in
Myristica inundata Southern Highlands Province.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
PapuaNew Guinea Refs: 1493
Known only from the type specimen, this species occurs
in seasonally inundated swamp forest in Kiunga, Myristica lasiocarpa
Western Province. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Papua New Guinea
Refs: 1493 A subcanopy species, occurring as solitary trees in
Noihofagus forest. It has only been collected only twice
Myristica kajewski ssp. kajewski from the Kuper range area of the Morobe Province.
Myristicaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Refs: 1493
A tree locally common in well-drained forest, restricted
to Guadalcanal and San Crist6bal. Myristica lepidota ssp. lepidota
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae DD
Refs: 18252 Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Moluccas)
This subspecies, known from five collections, is found
Myristica kajewski ssp. robusta in lowland rainforest in south-west New Guinea and in

Myristicaceae VU D2 Aru and Pulau Wokam Islands of the Moluccas.

Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A primary forest tree, possibly restricted to ultrabasic /fe/i;8013, 11145
soils. It is known from only two collections, both from
Choiseul. Myristica leptophylla
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae VU D2
Refs: 18252 Papua New Guinea
Known only from the type locality, near Busilmin, West
Myristica kjelWergii Sepik Province, the species occurs in secondary
Myristicaceae VU D2 regrowth at medium elevation.
Indonesia (Sulawesi) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A primary forest tree found in central and south-west Refs: 1493
Sulawesi, known only from four collections.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristica longipetiolata
Refs: 18022 Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristica laevis ssp. badia This forest tree is known only from three collections

Myristicaceae VU D2 from the islands of Luzon and Biliran.

Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree known only from the type collection found Refs: 18022
in hillside forest from south Surigao, north-east
Mindanao. Myristica lowiana
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristicaceae LR/nt
Refs: 18022 Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore
Myristica laevis ssp. laevis This tree is mainly found in peat-swamp forest; it is

Myristicaceae VU D2 rarely found on dry land. Trees are cut for penarahan
Philippines timber.
This subspecies known from only two
is collections Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from forest on Mount Sohoton, Samar Island. Refs: 9199, 11145, 12937, 18022
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18022 Myristica magnifica
Myristicaceae ENBl+2c
Myristica lancifolia ssp. australiana India (Kamataka, Kerala)
Myristicaceae VU D2 A large tree and dominant component of a restricted area
Australia (Northern Territory) of lowland evergreen swamp forest in the Agastyamalai
A locally common subspecies, described recently, found Hills. There are also two records of the species occurring
in lowland rainforest, monsoon forest and riparian in northern Kerala and North Kanara in Kamataka. Very
evergreen vine forest of the north-west Northern little of the habitat remains.
Territory, including Melville Island. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10148, 18022. 19144
Refs: 18251
Myristica maingayi
Myristicaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
This lowland species is found on hillsides and crests in

Species Summaries

Peninsular Malaysia up to 300m. Trees are cut for endemic to forest in the Central and Milne Bay
penarahan timber. There is also a single deviating Provinces.
collection from Sumatra. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1493
/?e/i.-9l99, 11145, 17140
Myristica olivacea
Myristica malabarica Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristicaceae VU B 1 +2c Papua New Guinea
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu) An understorey rainforest tree known only from four
A tree of swamp and other lowland forest types,
forest collections from near Amazon Bay, Central Province.
occurring in scattered localities in the Western Ghats. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The swamp habitat has been extensively drained for Refs: 1493
agriculture. There is additional evidence of low seed
viability because of unfavourable soil conditions and Myristica omata
pollination difficulties.The seed was once used as an Myristicaceae VU D2
adulterant of nutmeg and the plant is often grown as an PapuaNew Guinea
ornamental. Known only from the type specimen, the tree was
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in discovered in lowland rainforest in the Kiunga area.
India Western Province.
Refs: 561, 18022, 18325, 19144 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493
Myristica malaccensis ssp. papUlosa
Myristicaceae VU D2 Myristica ovicarpa
Malaysia (Sarawak) Myristicaceae VU D2
A newly described subspecies, known only from three Papua New Guinea
collections from Sarawak. This tree is known only from
the type collection. It was
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre found in lowland on Mount Don of Rossel
hill forest
Refs: 11145, 18022 Island. Rossel Island has quite a fragile ecosystem with
very poor soils; possible threats include mining and
Myristica mediovibex var. kosteriana logging.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Refs: 1493, 19032
A varietyknown from two collections, occurring in
primary forest along the Bodem River, Irian Jaya and Myristica pachycarpidia
East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Papua New Guinea
Refs: 1493 A tree known only from the type locality in oak forest
on Mount Dayman, Milne Bay Province.
Myristica mediovibex var. mediovibex Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 1493
Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
A single locality exists on mainland Irian Jaya and three Myristica papillatifolia
collections come from Japen Island. The species is Myristicaceae VU D2
reported to be locally common in primary forest. Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree found only once in valley forest near
Refs: 1493 Ingambit in the Western Province, near the border with
Irian Jaya.
Myristica mediterranea Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 1493
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Known only from three collections from the southern Myristica perlaevis
border between Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea, this Myristicaceae VU D2
small tree occurs in disturbed forest or semi-swamp in Indonesia (Moluccas)
valley forest. Discovered in 1990, this tree is known only from the
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre type collection found in the Ruwa catchment area of
Refs: 1493 Ceram.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristica millepunctata Refs: 18022
Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Myristica petiolata
A large tree known from two collections from montane Myristicaceae VU D2
forest in south-east Irian Jaya. Solomon Solomon)
Islands (South
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre A forest tree known only from two collections; Santa
Refs: 1493 Ysabel and Big Nggela Island.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristica nana Refs: 18252
Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea
A small tree, known from four collections, locally

The World List of Threatened Trees

Myristica philippensis undergrowth. The lowland forest in Bacan is rapidly

Myristicaceae VUAlc disappearing.
Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree restricted to the lowlands of Luzon. No Refs: 8013
recent collections of this species have been made.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristica rosselensis ssp. minutiflora
Refs: 11145,19078 Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea
Myristica piloseUa A tree occurring in rainforest on ridge crests between
Myristicaceae VU D2 100 and 300m. It is known from two collections, one
Papua New Guinea from Sudest Island and the other from Rossel Island.
A small tree known only from a site of Castanopsis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
forest at the junction of the Ugat and Mayu Rivers in Refs: 19082
Milne Bay Province.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristica rubrinervis var. duplex
Refs: 1493 Myristicaceae VUAlc, D2
Myristica pilosigemma A newly described variety foimd in rainforest, montane
Myristicaceae VU Ale, D2 and ridge forest on the islands of Palawan, Mindoro and
Philippines Leyte. It is known from a total of only five collections.
A tree restricted to Samar and Mindanao and known Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
from only two herbarium specimens. Rffs: 18022
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18022 Myristica rubrinervis var. rubrinervis
Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristica polyantha Philippines
Myristicaceae VU D2 So far this variety is known only from three collections
Papua New Guinea from Palawan, where it occurs in stunted montane
A canopy or subcanopy tree restricted to Goodenough rainforest, sometimes on ultrabasic rock. The main
Island, where it has been collected twice. The island is a biosphere reserve.
D'Entrecasteaux Islands harbour many locally endemic Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species and require botanical investigation. Refs: 18022
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493, 19032 Myristica rumphii yar. florentis
Myristicaceae VUBl+2c
Myristica psilocarpa Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Is.)

Myristicaceae VU D2 This variety is confined to montane forest on Rores

Papua New Guinea Island. It has been collected a total of nine times.
An endemic to Manus Island, this tree has been collected Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
twice in areas of lowland rainforest. Refs: 18022
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493 Myristica sarcantha
Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristica pubicarpa Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Myristicaceae VU D2 An understorey tree known only from the type collection
Indonesia (Moluccas) from mixed primary lowland forest in Sarmi, northern
So far the species is known from four collections, all Irian Jaya.
from Halmaheira and Obi. Solitary trees are found in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
both open and dense primary forest. Refs: 364\, 19084
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8013 Myristica schlechteri
Myristicaceae VU D2
Myristica pygmaea Papua New Guinea
Myristicaceae VU D2 The only specimen of this understorey tree was collected
Papua New Guinea in 1908 in forest near Pema, Morobe Province.
A small tree, endemic to Morobe Province, where it has Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
been collected twice in lowland rainforest and logged Refs: 1493
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myristica simiarum ssp. calcarea
Refs: 1493 Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Myristica robusta A forest tree, usually found on limestone; to date it is
Myristicaceae VU D2 known from west and north-east Kalimantan and west
Indonesia (Moluccas) Sarawak.
A distinctive solitary tree, known only from the type Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
collection, found in disturbed lowland forest with little Refs: 18022

Species Summaries

Myristica simulans Myristica tamrauensis

Myristicaceae VU D2 Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
The sole collection oftree was gathered from
this A small tree restricted to the Tamrau range of the
riverine rainforest at Modewa
Bay, Milne Bay Province. northern Vogelkop Peninsula, where it has been
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collected twice in primary oak forest.
Refs: 1493 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1493
Myristica sinclairii
Myristicaceae VU D2 Myristica teijsmannU
Papua New Guinea Myristicaceae ENBl+2c
A of five collections of this understorey tree have
total Indonesia (Java)
been gathered from Castanopsis forest, restricted to From Pacitan to Kawi the species occurs in mixed
Morobe Province. lowland forest up to 7{K)m. The habitat has been almost
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre completely cleared at this altitude and there is intense
Refs: 1493 pressure on remaining forested areas. There have been
no recent collections.
Myristica sogeriensis Assessor: de Wilde, W.J.J.O.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 9078, 18022, 19078
Papua New Guinea
Endemic to the Sogeri region of Central Province, this Myristica tenuivenia ssp. lignosa
shiub or small tree has been collected twice in foothill Myristicaceae VU D2
forest. Papua New Guinea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A subspecies of hill forest, known only from a single

Refs: 1493 collection from Fergusson Island and a single collection

from Rossel Island.
Myristica subalulata var. hagensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 1493
Papua New Guinea
This variety is found in montane Nothofagus or Myristica trianthera
Castanopsis forest. It is known from five collections. Mynsticaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Refs: 1493 Restricted to the Jayapura area, this small tree has been
collected twice from lowland periodically flooded forest.
Myristica subalulata var. leptantha Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 1493
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
A known from three disjunct localities of forest
variety Myristica tristis ssp. ingambitense
in the Vogelkop Peninsula, Irian Jaya, and Western and Myristicaceae VU D2
Sepik Provinces, Papua New Guinea. Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This subspecies is known from two collections from two
Refs: 1493, 19084 localities of secondary forest, one in south-east Irian
Jaya and the other in south-west Papua New Guinea.
Myristica subalulata var. pedunculata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae VU D2 Refs: 1493
Papua New Guinea
A small tree, known only from the type locality at a Myristica tristis ssp. louisiadensis
streamside in lowland rainforest in the Gulf Province. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Papua New Guinea
Refs: 1493, 19084 A subcanopy tree of lowland forest, known from a single
collection from Sudest (Tagula) Island and from one or
Myristica subcordata var. rimosa two collections from Rossel Island.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Refs: 1493
This variety is known from only four collections,
gathered in forest on bedrock on the Vogelkop Myristica tristis ssp. sessilifructa

peninsula. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Moluccas)
Refs: 3641 A solitary species, known from a single collection from
lowland forest on Bacan Island.
Myristica succadanea Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristicaceae LR/nt Refs: 18022
Indonesia (Moluccas)
A small tree of lowland and montane primary forest, Myristica ultrabasica
found on the islands of Temate, Tidore and Bacan. Myristicaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Refs: 8013, 17232 A tree restricted to forest over ultrabasic (nickel) soils of

The World List of Threatened Trees

central Sulawesi. It has been collected four times. Paraguay and northern Argentina. The expansion of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre agriculture has caused severe habitat loss in Argentina.
Refs: 18022 Assessor: Prado, D.
Refs: 1262, 5112, 7906, 9173, 12837
Myrislica velutina ssp. breviflora
Myristicaceae VU D2 Myrrhinium atropurpureum var. atropurpureum
Papua New Guinea Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
This subspecies is restricted to the West Sepik and Brazil
Western Provinces, where it has been collected five A monotypic genus which is divided into two varieties.
times in montane forest. This variety is restricted to *resiinga vegetation in Rio
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre de Janeiro. It does not appear to have been collected
Refs: 1493 recently. This habitat is in serious danger of
disappearing. The other variety is widespread in
Myristica verruculosa temperate and subtropical South America.
Myristicaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Refs: 5435, 7980
Known from five collections, this tree occurs in

secondary forest on limestone from the Vogelkop and Myrsine adamsonii

Bombarai Peninsulas. Myrsinaceae DD
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)

Refs: 3641 An endemic to Nuku Hiva.

Assessor: Florence, J.

Myristica warburgU ssp. hybrida Refs: 14513

Myristicaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea Myrsine andersonii
This subspecies is restricted to mixed primary montane Myrsinaceae CRBl-f2c
forest in the East Highlands Province, where it has been French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
collected twice, and possibly Sepik Province. Although little is known about the populations on Rapa,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the species is in a critical state on the islands of
Refs: 1493 Raivavae and Tubuai.
Assessor: Florence, J.

Myristica warburgii ssp. siphonantha Refs: 14513

Myristicaceae VU D2
Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea Myrsine brownii
This subspecies has been collected five times from the Myrsinaceae CRBl+2c
northern slopes of New Guinea. French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Little is known about the population on Tubuai, but the
Refs: 1493 species is critically threatened on the island of Raivavae.
Assessor: Florence, J.

Myristica xylocarpa Refs: 14513

Myristicaceae LR/nt
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) Myrsine bullata
A tree that occurs in well-drained forest and ridge forest Myrsinaceae VU D2
up to 250m on the islands of Santa Ysabel. San Crist6bal Peru
and Guadalcanal. A cloud forest species,
known only from the department
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of San Martin, occurring roughly between 30(X) and
Refs: 18252 3500m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myristica yunnanensis Refs: 1984
Myristicaceae CR Dl
China (Yunnan) Myrsine degeneri
A species recorded from four small localities in Mengla, Myrsinaceae VU D2
in Xishuangbanna, where it occurs in low-elevation USA (Hawaii)
humid monsoon forest. The species is extinct from two A small rainforest tree restricted to populations in

of these localities and approximately 20 trees have been Puukeahiakahoe and Kawai Nui on the summit of
recorded in remaining populations. They appear to be Koolau Mountains.
unhealthy and rarely set seed. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 3372
Refs: 1818, 11847, 19055
Myrsine diazii
Myrocarpus frondosus Myrsinaceae VU D2
Leguminosae DD Peru
Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), Brazil (Minas Gerais, Known only from the type collection, this cloud forest
Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa species occurs in the department of Amazonas.
Catarina, Sao Paulo), Paraguay Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A good-quality commercial timber tree, which is widely Refs: 1984
occurring within an area of seasonally dry forest
extending from the south-east coast of Brazil to

Species Summaries

Mynine femseei Myrsine mezii

Myrsinaceae LR/nt Myrsinaceae CR C2a
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
This is a shiub or small tree of bogs and streamsides A small tree known from the ridge west of Hanapepe
endemic to Kauai and known from several localities, River on Kauai. It has been postulated that the species
Wahiawa, Powerline Trail, the headwaters of Hanalei represents a hybrid between M. kauaiensis and M.
River and Kaloko Reservoir. wawraea, although the distribution of the latter does not
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre coincide closely with that of M. mezii.
Refs: 3312 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372
Mynine fosbergii
Myrsinaceae VU C2a Myrsine obovata
USA (Hawaii) Myrsinaceae DD
An uncommon species confined to Oahu, where it is French Polynesia (Society Is.)

known from populations in cloudswept forest along the The species is known only from Raiatea.
crest of the Koolau Mountains from the south-eastern Assessor: Florence, J.

end to Castle Trail. Refs: 14513

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372 Myrsine oliveri
Myrsinaceae VU 02
Myrsine gracilissima New Zealand (North Is.)

Myrsinaceae DD An endemic to the Three Kings Islands. Information

French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) from the Red Data Book in 1981 indicated that very few
The species is known only from Hiva Oa. individuals remained in coastal forest on Great Island.
Assessor: Florence. J. Current population figures are not available but are no
Refs: 14513 longer believed to be at a critical low.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrsine grantii var. tobiiensis Refs: 902, 17637, 19133
Myrsinaceae LR/ht
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Myrsine orohenensis
The species is known only from Nuku Hiva. Myrsinaceae DD
Assessor: Florence, J. French Polynesia (Society Is.)

Refs: 14513 The species is known only from Tahiti.

Assessor: Rorence, J.

Myrsine hartii Refs: 14513

Myrsinaceae CRBl+2c
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Myrsine ovatis var. ovalis
An endemic to Tahiti. Myrsinaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Florence, J. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Refs: 14513 Populations are recorded from Huahine, Raiatea and
Myrsine hosakae Assessor: Florence, J.

Myrsinaceae VU D2 Refs: 14513

Pitcaim Islands
One of the least common of the Henderson Island Myrsine pearce
endemics. Up 7000 individuals may exist, scattered in
to Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c
the plateau forest. The species is dioecious and may be Peru
suffering from the heavy predation of fruits, often before This cloud forest species is endemic to Cuzco, where it

they are ripe, by doves. Ex situ germination tests have occurs within the altitudinal range of 2500 to 4000m.
failed so far as many seeds appear to lack embryos. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Henderson Island is a World Heritage Site. Refs: 1984
Assessor: Waldren, S.
Refs: 12900, 13604 Myrsine petiolata
Myrsinaceae EN C2a
Myrsine knudsenii USA (Hawaii)
Myrsinaceae EN C2a Normally a shrub but occasionally a small tree the
USA (Hawaii) species mainly occurs in boggy shrubland and forest in
Endemic to Kauai, the species occurs in rainforest the eastern half of Kauai and along Alakai Swamp Trail.
between 1060 and 1220m in altitude in Kokee and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hanapepe Valley. Refs: 3372
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372 Myrsine raiateensis
Myrsinaceae DD
Myrsine longifoUa French Polynesia (Society Is.)

Myrsinaceae CRB1+2C An endemic to Raiatea.

French Polynesia (Society Is.) Assessor: Florence, J.

An endemic to Tahiti. Refs: 14513

Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513

The World List of Threatened Trees

Myrsine reynelii populations on Shikoku and Kyushu Islands in Japan

Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c because of the levels of exploitation. In Taiwan the
Peru species is known under the name N. formosensi. It is
A cloud forest species, known only from the department also known under the name of N. nagi, the species
of Piura. appears in populations in the northern end and southern
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre tip of Taiwan, separated by the central range of

Refs: 1984 mountains. Occurring in lowland mixed evergreen

forest, the species has come under from habitat
Myrsine rivularis declines. Whole plants are also dug
up for the
Myrsinaceae VU D2 horticultural trade. The species is recorded in Kenting
Peru and Yangmingshan National Parks.
Recorded only from the type collection, the species Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
occurs in forest up to about 2000m in the department of Refs: 374,6469, 11380, 18751, 19050, 19051
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Napoleonaea lutea
Refs: 1984 Lecy thidaceae CR A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Myrsine ronuiensis This species, along with N. reptans, is poorly
Myrsinaceae CRBl+2c documented and apparently confmed to Eket in south-
French Polynesia (Society Is.) east Nigeria. Oil exploration operations in the area are
The species is known only from Tahiti. causing extensive damage, to the habitat, if not it's

Assessor: Florence, J. complete destruction.

Refs: 14513 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 450.2m, 11504
Myrsine sodiroana
Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c Napoleonaea reptans
Ecuador Lecy thidaceae CR B 1 +2c
An endemic tree of Ecuador currently known only to Nigeria
occur in Pichincha and Cotopaxi. The habitat of this This species, along with N. lulea, is poorly documented
species is High Andean cloud forest between 1500 and and confmed to the Eket area in south-east Nigeria. Oil
3500m. exploration operations are causing extensive damage, if
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre not complete destruction of the habitat.
Refs: 19119, 19120 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fc/i; 450, 2773, 11504
Myrsine tahuatensis
Myrsinaceae DD Nargedia macrocarpa
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Rubiaceae VU Ale
An endemic to Tahuata. Sri Lanka
Assessor: Florence, J. A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Refs: 14513 south-west Sri Lanka.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrtus claraensis Refs: 8203, 17195
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
Cuba Nauclea diderrichii
Very uncommon, this shnib, sometimes a small tree, is Rubiaceae VU Alcd
confined to the coastal areas of Casilda in Sancti Spiritus Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo,
Province. Housing development and the expansion of Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon,
tourism have caused extremely severe habitat decline. Ghana, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone,
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Uganda
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 A widespread species which is found in low densities in
the wild. It is heavily exploited for its timber, which is

Nageia maxima used in general construction work. Regeneration is good

Podocarpaceae VU D2 in large canopy gaps but the species is outcompeted by
Malaysia (Sarawak) other pioneers after clear-felling.
An understorey tree of peat-swamp forest. Present Assessor: African Regional Workshop
information suggests the species is confined to the Refs: 2773,6718, 10961, 12061, 14667, 17408
Mujong River drainage and Bako National Park, but it is

possible other populations exist in nearby localities. The Nauclea gageana

area is vulnerable to disturbance from logging and Rubiaceae CRBl+2c
habitat clearance for agriculture. India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group A large tree collected from Middle and South Andaman
/fe/i; 374, 2226, 6851, 19192 Islands in the 19* cenmry. No record of the species has
been made since and little is known of its present status,
Nageia nagi if it still exists.

Podocarpaceae DD Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

China, Japan (Japan, Ryukyu Is.), Taiwan Refs: 4799, 7147
An important timber species occurring in moist forest at
various elevations in southern China, Taiwan and the
southern islands of Japan. There is concern for

Species Summaries

Naucleopsis oblongifoUa possible that this will increase as additional

Moraceae VU Bl+2bc undetermined material is studied.
Brazil Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Carauta, J.P.P. Refs: 7980, 9262
Refs: 15717, 19101
Nectandra baccans
Necepsia castaneifolia ssp. ehirindica Lauraceae LR/cd
Euphorbiaceae EN Dl Venezuela
Zimbabwe An evergreen species known from a few locations in dry
Endemic to Chirinda forest, this subspecies occupies an forest or cloud forest, between
750 and 2400m.
area of just 0.5km'. The forest has been logged in the Although there is considerable population pressure in
past and most heavily disturbed at the perimeter,
is much of its range, it is well represented in protected
where it from invasive species, drought and
is at risk areas.
fire. It is otherwise well protected and the population is Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
healthy. Other subspecies of this taxon are known from /?e/i.- 9262, 12663
Tanzania and Madagascar.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Nectandra barbellata
Refs: 6725 Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Brazil (Espfrito Santo, Sao Paulo)
Necepsia castaneifolia ssp. kimbozensis This forest species is known from just a few collections
Euphorbiaceae EN C2b, Dl in south-east Brazil, where the rates of deforestation
Tanzania have been considerable. Doubts as to its being a separate
The East African form of a taxon also occurring as a entityfrom the variable species N. puberula have been
distinct subspecies in Chirinda forest, Zimbabwe, and expressed.
thereafter only in Madagascar. This subspecies is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
confined to a 4km' patch of moist forest on limestone Refs: 7980, 9262
contained within Kimboza Forest Reserve. The
surrounding area is densely populated but two forest Nectandra bartlettiana
guards are employed by the Tanzanian Catchment Forest Lauraceae LR/nt
Project to prevent illegal activities. Venezuela
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke A relatively wide-ranging tree from lowland moist forest
Refs: 3356, 10961 on both de Mdrida in Venezuela.
sides of the Cordillera
This includes records from forest reserves, Ticoporo and
Nectandra angusla Caparo.
Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bolivia Refs: 7980, 9262
A species known from just three locations on the eastern
slopes of the Andes from central and southern parts of Nectandra bicolor
Bolivia. One of the most important timber trees in the Lauraceae ENBl+2c
area, it is being heavily exploited in at least one of these Panama
sites. It is closely related to N. longifolia, a more The species is known from just a small population
widespread species in the same region. confined to a unique low-altitude cloud forest on the
Assessor: Rohwer, J.G. Cerro Jefe. The area is well protected and essential as a
Refs: 7980, 9262, 12663 watershed. Very little is actually known about the
Nectandra apiculata Assessor: Mitrfi, M.
Lauraceae VU D2 Refs: 7950, 7980, 9262, 16772
Restricted to cloud forest, this species has been collected Nectandra brittonii
from just one on the Cochabamba to Santa Cruz
site Lauraceae VU D2
road. More material is needed to ascertain whether Bolivia, Peru
similar collections nearby are the same species. An understorey species, which occurs in disjunct
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre populations. The 1886 type collection is from La Paz. In
Refs: 7980, 9262 Peru, the tree has been collected in pastures and in tall
Nectandra astyla Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
Lauraceae VU D2 ^e/i- 7980,9262, 12663
A montane which is known only from the type
species, Nectandra brochidodroma
collection near Lauraceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 7980, 9262 A striking species on account of the leaf venation. It is

known only from the type collection in Manu National

Nectandra aurea Park. The park protects 15,328 km' of forest, although
Lauraceae LR/nt there are threats from oil exploitation.
Venezuela Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A gallery forest tree from the banks of the Orinoco. Its Refs: 7980, 9262
range covers an area greater than 20,000 km'. It is

The World List of Threatened Trees

Nectandra canaliculata Nectandra cufodontisii

Lauraceae VU D2 Lauraceae LR/nl
Ecuador Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama
A tree which is known only from the type collection A distinctive tree found only in montane and cloud
from Limonococha. forests from Palmira and Pofc through the Cordillera de
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Talamanca to the Chiriqui highlands in Panama. It has
Refs: 7980. 9262 also recently been collected from the Central Cordilleral
of Nicaragua. Much of its distribution lies in protected
Nectandra caudaloacuminata areas but there is still some threat of deforestation. It

Lauraceae CR B 1 +2c yields a hard yellow-wood.

Haiti Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This species is even less well collected than its close Refs: 9262, \25S1
relative N. pulchra. It is known only from the type
collection, which was made in 1929 on the Massif de la Nectandra dasystyla
Hotte. These forests are under considerable pressure Lauraceae VU C2a
from local exploitation and encroaching agriculture. Bolivia, Ecuador? (Ecuador?), Peru
Fieldwork is needed to confirm whether the population Occurring in moist lowland forest, this large-flowered
is still intact. and conspicuous species is known from only a few
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre locations in Loreto, including Alexander von Humboldt
Refs: 197, 7980, 9262 National Forest, and in Beni and Pando. A collection of
doubtful identity has also been found in Manabf in
Nectandra cerifolia Ecuador.
Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
Ecuador ^e/i.- 9262, 12663
A collection in *elfin forest on the western slopes of the
Cordillera de Cutucii was made in 1 976. No other record Nectandra debilis
of the small tree species is known. Lauraceae CR Ale
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Espi'rito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)
Refs: 7980, 9262 An Atlantic forest species, which hasn't been collected
for over 100 years. A tiny fraction of these forests has
Nectandra citrifolia survived the past centuries of deforestation.
Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bolivia, Peru Refs: 7980, 9262
This shrubby tree was originally described from an 1892
collection in Bolivia. Since then another population has Nectandra embirensis
been found along the banks of Ri'o Mayo in Peru. Lauraceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Amazonas), Ecuador, Peru
Refs: 7980, 9262 So far only three locations are known where the species
occurs in *vdrzea forest or rainforest at the mouth of
Nectandra coeloclada These include Ri'o Zubineta in Loreto, Peru, and
Lauraceae VU D2 Rio Envira in Amazonas, Brazil. Each population in
Ecuador each country is notably distinct.
An unusual Nectandra species on account of hollow
its Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
twigs. It occurs in humid forest in Jatun Sacha Refs: 9262, 12663
Biological Reserve. Collections from Morona Santiago
also seem to concur with this species. Nectandra filiflora
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lauraceae VU D2
Refs: 7980, 9262 Peru
A species which is known only from the type collection
Nectandra cordata in the Alexander von Humboldt National Forest, which
Lauraceae DD extends to 5708km'. Its inflorescence and pedicels are
Peru unlike any other in the genus.
A tree known only from the type specimen, which was Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
collected in 1933. Information on its ecology and habitat Refs: 7980, 9262
are lacking.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Nectandra fragrans
Refs: 7980, 9262 Lauraceae VU D2
Nectandra crassiloba A species known only from a collection, in 1989, from
Lauraceae VU D2 the Cordillera de Cutucu.
Ecuador Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurring as a tall tree in primary and secondary Refs: 7980, 9262
rainforest, this species is apparently confined to two
adjacent localities. Nectandra fulva
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lauraceae VU D2
Refs: 7980, 9262 Venezuela
Only one population is known. It occurs on the Ri'o
Mawarinuma near the Neblina Base Camp. The area is

protected within a national park but disturbances have

Species Summaries

been caused by gold mining, and pressures also exist corridor of forest now surrounded by pastureland and
from the influx of people. crops. More material is needed to confirm the species'
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurrence in the Sirena Field Station in Puntarenas.
Refs: 7980, 9262 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 9262
Nectandra gracilis
Lauraceae LR/nt Nectandra impressa
Ecuador, Peru Lauraceae DD
A newly described Amazon tree species, occurring in Brazil
seasonally inundated forest. The number of sites where This species is known only from the type specimen
it is found continues to increase. collected in the last century. It has not been foimd since
Assessor: Rohwer, J.G. and its locality in the wild remains unknown.
/?eA.- 7980, 9262, 12663 Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
*e/i: 7980, 9262, 12663
Nectandra grisea
Lauraceae VU D2 Nectandra japurensis
Brazil Lauraceae DD
Known only from one locality on the banks of Rio Brazil (Amazonas), Peru
Japur^, this species occurs in *vdrzea forest. The complete distribution of the species is not
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre consolidated. It occurs for certain in lowland forest sites
Refs: 7980, 9262 in the western Amazon. In Peru populations have been
recorded in Ipan'a in HuSnuco National Forest, near
Nectandra guadaripo Vitoc in Juni'n, and in three locations near rivers in
Lauraceae VU D2 Loreto. A population
occurs along Rio Japurd in
Colombia, Ecuador Amazonas Specimens with some similarities
in Brazil.
A tall tree of primary lowland rainforest, recorded from have been collected in two locations in the Peruvian
three localities along the western part of the Andes.
Colombian/Ecuadorean border. The species is Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
considered threatened by *INEFAN. Refs: 9262, 12663
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
*e/i: 7980, 9262, 19135 Nectandra krugii
Lauraceae EN A 1 cd+2c, B 1 +2cd
Nectandra herrerae Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Dominican Republic,
Lauraceae EN B 1 •t-2c Guadeloupe, Martinique, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto
Peru Rico
A small tree discovered near Aguas Calientes train This Caribbean forest tree ranges from Dominica (and
station in Machupicchu Historical Sanctuary. The cloud possibly Martinique) to western Dominican Republic.
forest extends c.3260 km^ and is heavily visited by The forest most of these areas has been heavily
tourists on foot and by train. Aguas Calientes is exploited. The was noted in 1896 as becoming
expanding rapidly as a tourist town. However, regular rare as a result of excessive exploitation and in the last
burning of the forest, including a very serious fire in 70 years it has only been collected in Puerto Rico.
1997, remains the greatest threat to the area. Assessor: Rohwer. J.G.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 197, 7424, 7980, 9262, 12663
Refs: 7980, 9262
Nectandra latissima
Nectandra heterotricha Lauraceae VU D2
Lauraceae VU D2 Bolivia
Peru Occurring as a small tree or shrub, this species is
A tree species conflned to a small area of forest in the confined to islands of forest in savanna in the province
Iquitos region. of Beni.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 9262 Refs: 7980, 9262

Nectandra hirteUa Nectandra leucocome

Lauraceae VU D2 Lauraceae EN B 1 +2c
Peru Mexico (Chiapas)
A newly described species which has been recorded A seriously restricted species, which with the more
from two sites in submontane forest. widespread N. ambigens. is the only species of the genus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre to produce pink flowers. It is recorded only from tall
Refs: 7980, 9262 evergreen forest in Chiapas. These forests, in particular,
have suffered dramatic declines in extent, largely
Nectandra hypoleuca because of land settlement and cattle ranching.
Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Costa Rica Refs: 7980, 9262
A Central American Nectandra species which is most
closely related to Amazonian species. This tree is known Nectandra longipetiolata
with certainty from La Selva Biological
Station from Lauraceae ENBl+2cd
secondary woodlands and alluvial forest along the Rio Costa Rica
Puerto Viejo. The area is protected but occupies a small This small tree is known from three collections from

The World lust of Threatened Trees

lower ridges in remnant primary forest near Lim6n. Nectandra obtusata

There has been large-scale conversion of these forests Lauraceae LR/nt
over the last SO years into pastureland. Colombia, Ecuador
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A tree species collected from southernmost Colombia to
Refs: 7950, 7980, 9262 Ecuador in Andean cloud and montane forests. The
number of collections in Ecuador appears to be
Nectandra matogrossensis increasing and part of the population is in Rfo Guajalito
Lauraceae VU D2 Roristic Reserve.
Brazil (Bahia, Mato Grosso) Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
Oosely related to N. globosa, this species is known from Refs: 7980, 9262, 12663
southern coastal Bahia and adjacent Mato Grosso in
gallery forest and also in secondary vegetation and Nectandra olida
cocoa plantations, where it is used as a shade tree. A Lauraceae VUBl-t-2c
disjunct and doubtful locality also exists 1800km inland. Ecuador, Peru
Assessor: Rohwer, J.G. A rainforest tree restricted to a fairly small range from
*efj; 7980,9262, 12663 southern Ecuador to northern Peru on the eastern slopes
of the Andes. Threats exist from fires and encroaching
Nectandra matudai farming activities.
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca) /fe/i; 7980,9262, 12663
Restricted to deciduous or secondary forests. There have
been considerable declines in the extent of the forest, Nectandra paranaensis
largely because of land settlement and cattle ranching. Lauraceae VU Alc-t-2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Parani, Sao Paulo)
Refs: 7950, 7980, 9262 A tree which is confined to primary rainforest in south-
east Brazil. In Sao Paulo it is restricted to Carlos
Nectandra micranthera Botelho State Park.
Lauraceae VU Alc+2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (Bahia) Refs: 7980, 9262
This tree species is restricted to the remnants of coastal

rainforest and the cocoa plantations which have taken Nectandra parviflora
the place of forest. With more up-to-date information a Lauraceae VU D2
more serious threat category might apply. Ecuador, Peru?
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This is a primary forest species, which is largely known
Refs: 7980, 9262 from the region of Ri'o Pastaza. Another slightly
different collection has been made in Loreto. Despite
Nectandra microcarpa intensive collecting in Ecuador the species has not been
Lauraceae LR/nt found to be more widespread.
Colombia, Peru Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
Occurring in lowland rainforest often along rivers, this /Je/i; 7980, 9262, 12663
shrubby tree is known from the edges of Rio Huallaga in
Peru and from a more doubtful collection in Colombia. Nectandra psammophila
A record which may be erroneous has also been made in Lauraceae EN Ale
Argentina. Brazil (Bahia, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Janeiro)
/?e/j; 7134, 7980, 9262 The *restinga vegetation to which the species is

confined being rapidly destroyed, especially in the

Nectandra minima region of Rio de Janeiro. Only four collections have
Lauraceae CR B 1 -k2c been made in the last 50 years.
Cuba Assessor: Rohwer, J.G.
The only collections of this shrub or small tree, from Isla /fe/r; 7980, 9262, 12663
de Finos and the adjacent mainland, were made over 50
years ago. Natural vegetation remains only where land is Nectandra pseudocotea
unsuitable for agriculture. Fieldwork is necessary to Lauraceae VU Alc+2c
determine how many individuals exist. Peru
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. This species is restricted to forest in the foothills of the
Refs: 7950, 7980, 9262, 19149 Peruvian Andes where fires are frequent. It is one of the
most distinctive species of its genus on account of the
Nectandra mirafloris pattern of glands in the stamens and staminodes.
Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Nicaragua Refs: 7980, 9262
A tree which is known solely from montane and cloud
forests in Nicaragua. Nectandra pulchra
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lauraceae CR B 1 +2c
>?e/i; 7980, 9262, 15719 Haiti
The species has not been collected since 1927, when it
occurred in the vicinity of Miragoane on Umestone
crags. Forest areas in Haiti have declined rapidly in the

Species Summaries

past century and the demand for land to cultivate this treemay now have been found in Panama. It occurs
continues to put pressure on remaining areas. in submontane forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i.- 197,7980,9262 Refs: 7980, 9262

Nectandra mmonensis Nectandra sordida

Lauraceae VUBl+2c Lauraceae VU Alc+2c
Costa Rica, Panama Peru
This tree species is confined to drier montane forests This species is relatively widespread, but restricted to
from central Costa Rica to Coc\6 in Panama. Much of remnant primary forest, mostly in coffee plantations.
the area is covered by La Amistad Biosphere Reserve The potentially unbalanced structure of the populations
but forest destruction in the past decades has been and their location put the species at risk.
considerable and pressures are still exerted by various Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
activities: expanding agriculture, logging, industrial Refs: 7980, 9262
plantations, oil exploration, hydroelectric projects.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Nectandra spicata
Refs: 7980, 9262 Lauraceae DD
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Nectandra rejlexa A species known only from the surroundings of Rio de
Lauraceae VU D2 Janeiro city, where it is under serious threat from habitat
Ecuador, Peru destruction. Additional material is required to confirm
This species is known from a few collections, each so its taxonomic status as separate from N. hihua and N.
different that they may be worthy of distinction. teucantha.
Populations are found in pastureland or primary forest. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
In Ecuador the species is found in the Cordillera de Refs: 7980, 9262
Cutucu. In Peru it has been collected from a location
near Quebrada, from Cajamarca and from three locations Nectandra subbullata
in Pasco. Lauraceae VU D2
Assessor: Rohwer, J.G. Venezuela
*e/i.- 9262, 12663 A tree species which is known only from the type taken
on the road from M6rida to La Azulita in 1982. It is very
Nectandra rudis closely related to the more widespread N. cissiflora.
Lauraceae VU Alc+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas) Refs: 7980, 9262
This species occurs in montane forests, which have
declined in extent and continue to be under serious Nectandra truxiUensis
threat of deforestation. Lauraceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Venezuela
Refs: 7980, 9262 A small tree known from several locations on the
Cordillera de M^rida in Venezuela.
Nectandra ruforamula Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Laurapeae LR/nt Refs: 9262
A tree species which is restricted to the lowland link Nectandra utilis
between the Orinoco and Amazon basins in Venezuela. Lauraceae ENBl+2cd
Its extent of occurrence covers in the region of Peru
50,000km^ This tree occurs in Andean forests in northern Peru. It is

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre known from only two locations and has not been
Refs: 7980, 9262 collected again for some years, which may indicate that
there has been a serious decline in the population. It

Nectandra salicina apparently has the reputation of being the most-used

Lauraceae LR/nt general-purpose timber in the Chachapoyas area.
Costa Rica, Panama Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
In Costa Rica and Panama the species is confmed to Refs: 19S0, 9262, \2663
montane forests, between 370 and 2000m. One
collection made in Mexico is probably a new species. Nectandra venulosa
This species does not appear to be rare where it occurs Lauraceae DD
but the dramatic declines in the habitat may qualify it for Brazil (Minas Gerais)
a threat category. It occurs in Rinc6n de la Vieja This is a poorly known tree species from Serra do Frio

National Park. in Minas Gerais. It is known from only herbarium

Assessor: Rohwer, J.G. specimens, the most recent of which is from 1 864.
Refs: 7950, 8100, 9262, 12663 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 9262
Nectandra smithU
Lauraceae VU Ale, B 1 +2c Nectandra warmingii
Costa Rica, Panama Lauraceae LR/nt
Originally recorded only from Costa Rican cloud forest. Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais)
An easily overlooked tree of gallery forest and dry forest

The World List of Threatened Trees

in the savanna regions of central Brazil. It is planted in Neea ekmanii

Brasflia Federal District. Nyctaginaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba
Refs: 9262 A tree up to 5m tall confined to Hanabanilla River valley
in south-central Cuba; this area is severely degraded by
Nectandra weddellii logging, agriculture, settlement and the construction of a
Lauraceae ENBI+2c river dam.
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
A species collected only from within a 250km radius of Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Rio de Janeiro city.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Neisosperma brevituba
Refs: 7980, 9262 Apocynaceae VU D2
New Caledonia
Nectandra wurdackii A species occurring in the north-east of Grand Terre.
Lauraceae VU D2 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Peru Refs: 10351,12630

A little-known species with only one recorded location,
in Amazon rainforest along Rfo Maraiion near Teniente Neisosperma brownii
Pingo in Loreto. Apocynaceae EX
Assessor: Rohwer, J.G. French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
^£/i; 7980, 9262, 12663 A species originally known from Nuku Hiva.
Assessor: Florence, J.

Nectandra yarinensis Refs: 14513

Lauraceae DD
Peru Neisosperma sevenetii
A species known solely from two collections in the Ri'o Apocynaceae ENBl+2c
Ucayali, one being in the Ipan'a National Forest. More New Caledonia
material would help determine its taxonomic position. This speciesis known from two recorded sites, one on

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre thesummit of Mont Ti^baghi and the other from an
Refs: 7980, 9262 unknown locality labelled Wagap on the east coast. Both
sites are unprotected and exposed to fires and
Neea acuminatissima encroaching activities.
Nyctaginaceae EN C2a Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.
Guatemala, Honduras Refs: 10351, 12630
Confined to the wet Caribbean lowlands, the species is
scattered in sparse populations, including a rare Neisosperma thiollierei
occurrence in Lancetilla Biological Reserve. Apocynaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: Nelson, C. New Caledonia
Refs: 13995 Found only in a small area of forest on Mont Koghi in
the south-west of Grand Terre the species is unprotected
Neea amplexicaulis and exposed to various threats, including tourist
Nyctaginaceae EN C2a activities.
Panama Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al.
Known only from a few records, the species is endemic Refs: 10351, 12630
to areas of lowland rainforest in Dari6n Province. It
appears to be uncommon and only in Dari6n National Neobalanocarpus heimii
Park is it relatively well protected. Elsewhere the threats Dipterocarpaceae VUAlc.d
of habitat clearance are great. There are no recent Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore (ex),
records of the species but much of the forest remains Thailand (ex?)
under-studied. A large tree now only extant in Peninsular Malaysia.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Populations in the southernmost part of Thailand and
/?eA;7980, 14453, 16772 Singapore are believed to be extinct. Chengal is a
The export of logs has been
valuable timber species.
Neea darienensis banned. The species is found in numerous protected
Nyctaginaceae VU A2c areas.
Panama Assessor: Chua. L.S.L.
Originally known from just Dari€n Province, the species Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 17140
now appears to have a sparse occurrence in lowland
rainforest, ranging from Dari6n National Park up to the Neoboutonia mannii
Canal area. Its distribution extends very close to the Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
border with Colombia. Most populations are contained Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria
within protected areas, outside which habitat loss has The species ranges from south-east Nigeria to Equatorial
been extensive. Guinea. Although habitat clearance and logging have
Assessor: Mitr6, M. caused declines in the extent of lowland forest
Refs: 7980, 14453, 16772 throughout its range, the species appears to be abundant
in secondary and disturbed forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 11504,12597

Species Summaries

NeocaUitropsis pancheri small and unprotected, in areas which are susceptible to

Cupressaceae VU A 1 c, B +2b
1 housing developments. Regeneration is poor.
New Caledonia Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
A useful tree prone to overexploitation and confined to a Refs: 19050, 19051
few populations in southern maquis, with a single
northern location on Mont Pa£oua. Most populations NeoUtseafischeri
occur in areas which are officially although frequently Lauraceae VUBl+2c
not effectively protected. Fire is and the
a constant threat India (Kerala, TamilNadu)
population on Mont Pa£oua is also threatened by mining Occurring from 1000m to 2500m, the species is endemic
exploits. to the Anamalai and Palni Hills.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ife/i; 9631, 12630. 14508 Refs: 19144

Neoharmsia baronii Neolitsea kedahense

Leguminosae CRBl+2abc Lauraceae LR/cd
Madagascar Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
An important coastal forest species known from only Confined to Gunung Terai in Kedah, this tree is
two highly restricted localities in the northern tip of scattered in montane forest at l(KX)m.
Madagascar near Irodo village. Its entire range is Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
estimated to be just 10 km' (*A0O) and only one site Refs: 8464, 19073
has been confirmed recently, on a small patch of highly
specialised vegetation that is threatened by disturbance Neolitsea moUissima
and exploitation. The site is not protected. Lauraceae VU D2
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Refs: 12353 Known only from Gunong Batu Puteh in Perak, this
montane forest tree is known from a single collection.
Neoharmsia madagascariensis The locality is within a protected forest.
Leguminosae VU D2 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Madagascar Refs: 8464, 19073
A deciduous species known only from the Bemaraha
Massif and Namoroka in west Madagascar, where it Neolitsea vidalii
occurs on exposed limestone. It is conHned to this very Lauraceae VU A led
specialised habitat, which is of little interest for Philippines
agriculture or exploitation. Both areas are reserves. An endemic species to the Philippines. Rates of habitat
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to
Refs: 12353 considerable population declines.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
NeohemsUya usambarensis Re/i. 2072,4919,4986
Sapotaceae VUBl+2b
Tanzania Neomitranthes cordifolia
Known from the West Usambara Mountains and also Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
sighted in the South Nguru Mountains, this species is Brazil (Santa Catarina)
locally common within a 200m altitudinal range in moist Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

forest.A monotypic genus. Refs: 19097, 19098

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Re/j; 3356, 8814, 11631 Neomitranthes langsdorfU
Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
Neolemonniera cUtandrifolia Brazil (Santa Catarina)
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone Refs: 19097

From an unusual genus of five species, this tree is found
at low densities in a few localities from Upper and Neosprucea sararensis
Lower Guinea. In Ghana, it occurs in Atewa and also Tiliaceae ENB1+2C
Cape Three Points and Ankasa Game Park Reserves. Colombia
Much of its habitat has been lost to agriculture, mining A Colombian endemic, found in Cundinamarca and
and logging. Population numbers have been observed to Norte de Santander.
decline rapidly. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Refs: 7980, 19069
Refs: 8369, 12061
Neostenanthera hamata
Neolitsea daibuensis Annonaceae VU A 1 c, B I +2c
Lauraceae EN C2a Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
Taiwan Ranging from Sierra Leone to Ghana, this species is
A shrub to small tree, which occurs in the understorey of largely confined to lowland wet evergreen forest. Loss
broadleaved forest between 1100 and 1300m in of its habitat over the past decades has been caused by
Nanfengshan and Chinshuiying. The populations are mining, logging and the establishment of commercial
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
I?e/i. 2773, 8369, 12061

The World List of Threatened Trees

Neostenanthera robsonti Neraudia ovata

Annonaceae LR/nt Urticaceae CR C2a, Dl
Gabon USA (Hawaii)
Collections are known from Lop6 Forest Reserve, Originally occurring from North Kona to Kau on
Lastoursville and Moumba. Logging has taken place in Hawaii, this dry forest species is now known from two
these areas and is expected to continue over the large populations of five and six individuals on privately
areas of forest which are now under concession to owned land in Kaloko and a US Army training area at
logging companies. Pohakuloa. There are persistent threats from browsing
Assessor: World Conservation Motiitoring Centre and habitat damage by feral goats and sheep, and
Refs: 14958, 15790 invasions of introduced plants. The species is classified
as endangered on the US Federal Register.
NeoveiUhia storckii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae EN Ale Refs: 3372, 19037
Endemic to Viti Levu, the species is reduced to a small Nesiota elUptica
area of secondary forest in Naitasiri Province. Over the Rhamnaceae EW
past few decades the decline in population numbers has St Helena
been rapid as the habitat has been logged and cleared for A small tree, once known fix)m localised populations on
cultivation of commercial crops, such as bananas. It is the highest parts of the eastern central ridge. It became
the only species in the genus. noticeably rare in the 19" century, when the population
Assessor: Fuller, D. was recorded as consisting of only 12 to 15 trees on the
/Je/i; 6053, 19118 northern side of Diana's Peak. A single was
discovered on a precipitous cliff near Diana's Peak but
NepheUum costatum died in 1994. Of the many attempts to propagate cuttings
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c from the tree, all but one have failed. The one cutting is
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) now a tree of 2m high in Scotland. It is suffering from a
A late secondary and primary species found in the fungal infection but has provided a limited source of
lowland open rainforest of Perak, Pahang, Selangor, seed for further propagation. In St Helena, the species
Negeri Sembilan and Malacca. was known to be pollinated by an endemic syrphid fly,
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. which also visits other endemic trees. The genus is
Refs: 8464, 19073 monotypic.
Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
NepheUum hamulatum Refs: 11891, 19081
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Nesogordonia papaverifera
A species of lowland open and closed rainforest on Sterculiaceae VU Alcd
sandy soils. This tree can be found in Kedah, Perak, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo,
Pahang, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca and Cote d'lvoire, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra
Johore. Some localities lie within the wildlife sanctuary Leone
in the Cameron Highlands. A timber which grows in dense stands,
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. commonly where savanna has been replaced by
in areas
Refs: 8464, 19073 forest. Regeneration is good in disturbed forest but
genetic impoverishment is reported in outlying parts of
Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum the species' range. Exploitation is moderate. Sometimes
Palmae LR/nt large individuals are left after logging.
Seychelles Assessor: African Regional Workshop
A palm endemic to Mahe, Silhouette, Praslin,
tree Refs: 2036, 2773, 4506, 6127, 6718, 12061, 17408
Curieuse and Ste Anne, where it grows abundandy in
lowland moist forest. Presently there is no threat to the Nesohedyotis arborea
species. Rubiaceae EN Dl
Assessor: Murugaiyan, P. St Helena
Refs: 19118 One of the commoner and keystone endemic trees of St
Helena, with 132 adult trees growing in damp tree-fern
Neraudia melastomifoUa thickets on the central ridge. The 24 subpopulations are
Urticaceae VUAlce small and clumped because of human land-use patterns.
USA (Hawaii) The species is dioecious, although males can set seed
A genus endemic Hawaiian Islands. This is the
to the occasionally, and a small part of the population is
most common of the species and the only one that currently reproductively isolated. It is polUnated by an

attains the stature of a tree. Populations are found in endemic syrphid fly, which is also known to visit other
rainforest up to an altitude of 1160m on Kauai, Oahu, endemic trees. The genus is monotypic.
and in Olowalu and Lao Valley on Maui. A single Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
collection was also taken from Olokui Plateau on Refs: 5556, 11891, 16700, 19081
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372

Species Summaries

Nesoluma nadeamlii Neuburgia tubiflora

Sapotaceae DD Loganiaceae VU D2
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Papua New Guinea
The genus is made up of the three poorly defined A shrub or small tree, so far known only from two
species. This represents the taxon endemic to Tahiti. collections taken in the Vogelkop District. It is reported
Assessor: Florence, J. to be common in young secondary lowland forest.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19031
Nesoluma polynesicum
Sapotaceae VU Alee Newtonia erlangeri
Cook Islands, French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.),USA Leguminosae LR/nt
(Hawaii) Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania
Populations, which are sometimes recognised as A tree of riverine or groundwater forest, extending into
separate varieties, have been recorded in the Tubuai periodically A
few localities are
flooded bushland.
Group, on Raivavae, Rurutu and Rapa, apparently on known in southernmost Somalia and from the Tana
Mauke in the Cook Islands and on all the main Hawaiian River in Kenya, where it can be locally dominant. It also
Islands with the exception of Niihau and Kahoolawe. On extends into north-east Tanzania. The habitat is reduced
Raivavae and Rurutu populations are in a critical state, and degraded through overcutting. The timber of this
but on Rapa they are imthreatened. In Hawaii the species species is used for construction work.
once formed a significant component of lowland dry Assessor: Thulin, M.
forest. It has become rare because of habitat loss, and is Refs: 9\5l. 12067, 18665
now restricted to remnant patches of forest on lava flows
and slopes which are less attractive for cultivation or Newtonia paucijuga
grazing. Leguminosae VUBl+2b
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kenya, Tanzania
/fe/jt;434,3372, 14513, 16551 Fairly common in places, e.g. Shimba Hills, this tree is
restricted to pockets of moist coastal forest from south-
Nesoluma st.-johnianum east Kenya to south Tanzania.
Sapotaceae VU D2 Assessor: Lovett. J. & G.P. Clarke
Pitcaim Islands Re/j: 3356. 6396, 10961
A common tree endemic
Henderson Island and co-
dominant with Xylosma suaveolens.
in the plateau forest Nicotiana africana
It also occurs in scrub vegetation and on cliff slopes. Solanaceae VUDI+2
The total population is estimated to number between Namibia
20,000 and 40,000 individuals and is under no threat at An unusual wild tobacco species confined to the
present. Henderson Island is a World Heritage Site. Brandberg, Erongo and Spitzkuppe Mountains in
Assessor: Waldren, S. northern Namibia. It occurs as a shrub or small tree of
Refs: 12900, 13604 2.5m in very arid *karToid shrubland in a semi-
desert/desert environment, usually in inaccessible, shady
Neuburgia alata areas between huge granite boulders where there is some
Loganiaceae LR/nt protection from human activities and browsing by
Fiji livestock. The subpopulations are so small that any
Occurring within a restricted area of south-east Viti natural disaster or human impact like mining could
Levu, the species is found in dense or secondary forest easily wipe them out. Nothing is known about its
up to 400m. reproductive strategy and few young plants have been
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre seen. Cross-pollination between the isolated localities
Refs: 5515, 18818 appears to be impossible, but there are no signs of any
genetic decline. Research is being carried out to assess
Neuburgia macrocarpa the potential of the species to improve cultivated tobacco
Loganiaceae LR/nl forms. Although not used today, it may have been used
Fiji as tobacco by early inhabitants.
A tree with a compact crown, occurring in dense or open Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
forest or forest edges up to 400m. So far populations are Refs: 689. 19218
known only from Vanua Levu at the type locality and
Viti Levu. Normanbya normanbyi
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Palmae VU Ale
Refs: 5515, 18818 Australia (Queensland)
An ornamental palm tree of coastal rainforest up to
Neuburgia macroloba 300m, restricted to north-east Queensland. This
Loganiaceae EN Dl uncommon species is in decline because of land
Fiji clearance. It is listed in the Nature Conservancy Act
A dense forest species, endemic to Taveuni. Small (Queensland) 1994.
populations of about 20 plants are known from each of Assessor: Dowl. J.L.
six sites. Refs: 19118
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/j; 5515, 6053, 18818 Northea homei
Sapotaceae VU D2
A common component of forest areas on Mah£. Praslin,

The World List of Threatened Trees

Silhouette, Curieuse and Felicite Islands. It occurs in Maui. The genus consists of four species, all endemic to
Mome Seychelloise National Park and seedlings are the Hawaiian Islands.
being used in a reforestation programme. The timber is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of high quality and diverse use. The main threat to Refs: 3372
populations comes from the pervasive spread of
introduced plants. The genus is monotypic. Nothocestrum longifoUum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Solanaceae LR/nt
Refs: 9859, 16212, 17229, 19023 USA (Hawaii)
A small tree or commonest in the genus,
shrub, the
Nostolachtna crassifolia occurring in rainforest up to 1620m on all the main
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c islands except Niihau and Kahoolawe. The genus
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) consists of four species, all endemic to the Hawaiian
A small tree of submontane forest, known only from a Islands.
few collections and field records in the Anamalai Hills Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and an imprecisely recorded location in the Refs: 3372
Agastyamalai Hills.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Nothocestrum peltatum
Refs: 19144 Solanaceae CR C2a, Dl
USA (Hawaii)
Nothaphoebe condensa A species of montane rainforest endemic to Kauai,
Lauraceae VUBl+2c where itknown from seven populations located at

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Kalalau Lookout, Awaawapuhi and Makaha Valleys,

Endemic to Langkawi Island, this species is known only Nualolo, Kawaiula and Waimea Canyon. The number of
from a single collection found in lowland seasonal individuals has declined to about 23 in total, largely
forest. Langkawi Island is being rapidly developed as a because of the impact of invasive plants, feral goats,
tourist resort. pigs, deer and jungle fowl. It is protected by the US
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Endangered Species Act. The genus consists of four
Refs: 8464, 19073 species all endemic to the Hawaiian Islands.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Nothaphoebe javanica Refs: 3372, 19038
Lauraceae CR C2b, Dl
Indonesia (Java) Nothofagus alessandri
A species known from a single specimen, collected from Fagaceae EN Alcde, B2cd
Mount Payung in Ujung Kulon National Park. It is not Chile (Maule)
known whether the species is now extinct. Endemic to Maule region, the species was once more
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre widespread but is now restricted to eight scattered
Refs: 9078 localities in a small area of deciduous forest in the
Coastal Cordillera. These stands all represent secondary

Nothaphoebe pahangensis growth from stump sprouts and between 1983 and 1991
Lauraceae LR/cd their extent of occurrence was reduced by almost 60% as
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) a result of the establishment of plantations of Pinus
A montane forest species confined to the Cameron radiata. About 13% of the species range is covered by
Highlands in Pahang. Mountain forests are protected protected areas. It is recognised as a very primitive
forests in Peninsular Malaysia. member of the genus.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Assessor: GonzSlez, M.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Refs: 4893, 11147, 16328, 19153

Nothocestrum breviflorum Nothofagus alpina

Solanaceae CR C2a, Dl Fagaceae LR/nt
USA (Hawaii) Argentina (Neuqu6n), Chile Maule)(Bi'obfo,
A stout tree which occurs only rarely, generally confined The species occurs in moist seasonal forest up to 1900m
to dry forestup to an altitude of 1 830m in the southern in both the Coastal Cordillera and Andes in Chile,
part of the Kohala Mountains, the northern slopes of extending into Argentina. Most of the lower elevation
Hualalai and Mauna Loa on Hawaii. Fewer than 50 forest has been logged and converted to agriculture,
individuals remain in six populations. Habitat especially in the northern part of the range, and also to
conversion for residential and recreational purposes, the Pinus radiata plantations. There are still extensive areas
invasion of introduced plants, fire and grazing have all of intact forest. The species is little represented in
contributed to the decline in the species. It is protected Chilean protected areas.
by the US Endangered Species Act. The genus consists Assessor: Gonz^ez, M.
of four species, all endemicHawaiian Islands.
to the «e/i.- 331, 5112, 16328
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372, 19039 Nothofagus baumanniae
Fagaceae LR/cd
Nothocestrum latifolium New Caledonia
Solanaceae EN C2a This species is a dotninant component of stunted cloud
USA (Hawaii) forest on ultramafic soils, restricted to three mountain
This small tree occurs between
in various forest types peaks. The species' range is not believed to have been
460 and 1530m on Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai and

Species Summaries

any more extensive in the past. It is effectively protected Notkopegia aureo-fulva

within Riviere Bleue National Park. Anacardiaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. India (Tamil Nadu)
/fe/i; 5300, 10351 Recorded only from the Tirunelveli Hills, this small tree
has not been found this century despite botanical surveys
Notkofagus discoidea of the area. Various developments have encroached
Fagaceae VU D2 upon and degraded the forest but there is still a
New Caledonia possibility that the species may be rediscovered.
This species is confined to a few small populations on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
ultramafic soils in the lowlands of the far south. Refs: 14276, 19144
Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.

Refs: 5300. 10351 Notkopegia beddomei var. wynaadica

Anacardiaceae ENBl+2c
Sothofagus glauca India (Kerala)
Fagaceae VU A 1 cd, B 1 +2c This taxon is poorly recorded, known only from a single
Chile (Bi'obfo, Maule, O'Higgins, Santiago, Valparaiso) site of submontane forest in Wynaad near the border
The speciesendemic to central Chile, occurring on
is with Kamataka.
thin or rocky soils up to 1500m in both the Coastal Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cordillera and the Andes. Almost all the pure stands in Refs: 19144
the coastal range, known as Maule forest, have been
logged and converted into Pinus radiata plantations. The Notkopegia castanaefoUa
Andean populations are presently under conversion. Anacardiaceae CR B 1 +2c
Since 1985 the woodchip industry has increased the India (Maharashtra)
demand for timber. Regeneration in old growth stands is A poorly known tree from an imprecisely recorded
very good. The species is rarely contained within localition on the border between Kamataka and
protected areas. Maharashtra.
Assessor: Gonzalez, M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4893, 1 1 147, 16328, 19153 Refs: 19144

Notkofagus X leonii Notkopegia keyneana

Fagaceae EN A led, B2c Anacardiaceae LR/nt
Chile India (Kamataka, Kerala, Orissa, Tamil Nadu)
A hybrid between N. obliqua and N. glauca. It is found A widely but sparsely scattered species, occurring in
only in areas where the two parent species meet in the areas of low- to medium-altitude forest in the Western
Coastal Cordillera and the Andes in Chile. Its Ghats.
occurrence in protected areas is rare and most areas have Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
experienced logging and clearing. Refs: 7147, 19144
Assessor: GonzSlez, M.
/?e/i;4893, 11147, 16328 Notkospondias staudtii
Simaroubaceae VUB1-h2c
Notkofagus nuda Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria
Fagaceae CR Dl Extending from Cote d'lvoire to Gabon, the species is
Papua New Guinea relatively widespread but rare within a rapidly declining
A tree known from a single collection found in mixed habitat. It occurs in semi-deciduous forest, which has

lower montane forest near the Tauri River Gulf in the been heavily logged everywhere. It is the sole member
Province, which is outside the general range of of the genus.
Notkofagus in New Guinea. A future taxonomic revision Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
may change the status of this species. Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061, 12590
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
/fe/i; 5300, 19114 Notkotsuga longibracteata
Pinaceae EN Ale
Notkofagus stylosa China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan,
Fagaceae VU D2 Jiangxi)
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) Although the species is widespread, it appears to be very
A species known from a single locality in the central rare and poorly collected. Deforestation is a threat in
mountain range of Irian Jaya. most of its range.
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
^e/t; 5300, 7154 Refs: 374, 1818, 11242, 13041, 18751

Notkofagus womersleyi Notospartium carmichaeliae

Fagaceae EN Bl+2c Leguminosae LR/nt
Indonesia (Irian Jaya) New Zealand (South Is.)
A locally common species, restricted to a single locality A small tree, known only from Marlborough, where it
of primary rainforest on Bukit Iran in the Kebar Valley occurs in valleys between the Wairau and Awatere
of the Vogelkop Peninsula. Its restricted occurrence and Rivers. The genus consists of three species, endemic to
narrow genetic base place the species in a precarious New Zealand.
state. Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. «e/j; 902, 17637, 19133
Re/i; 5300, 19114

The World List of Threatened Trees

Notospartium glabrescens can be good under favourable conditions. The tree is

Leguminosae LR/nt slow-growing; taking about 150 years to reach a

New Zealand (South Is.) diameter of 50 cm. The petaling timber is too scarce to
A small tree, confined to Marlborough, where it is found be of commercial importance. However, it is often
between Awatere and Kowhai Rivers. The genus traded with other medium and hard woods in mixed
consists of three species endemic to New Zealand. consignments. The wood is used for house posts and
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. heavy construction.
Refs: 19133 Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Refs: 5550, 9199, 9328, 1 1 145, 12937, 17140, 19017
Notospartium torulosum
Leguminosae LR/nt Ochna angustata
New Zealand (South Is.) Ochnaceae DD
Confmed found in one
to Canterbury, this small tree is Mozambique
main population near Peel forest and a few smaller A species confined to central coastal areas of
populations, occurring on steep rocky slopes in riparian Mozambique. More fieldwork is required to consolidate
scrub or on forest margins. An increase in farming has the status of the population.
caused a retraction of the species'. The total population Assessor: Bandeira, S.
consists of a few hundred individuals. Reproduction is ^e/s; 5117, 18965
sufficient in the main population. The genus consists of
three species endemic to New Zealand. Ochna beirensis
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Ochnaceae DD
Refs: 17637, 19133 Mozambique
Along with O. angustata, this species is confined to the
Nouelia insignis Mozambique. More fieldwork is
central coastal area of
Compositae LR/nt required to consoUdate the status of the species.
China (Sichuan, Yunnan) Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Shrubs or small trees are found singly or in small We/S; 5117, 18965
clumps, restricted largely to the lower reaches of the
Anning and Yalong Rivers and Jinsha River Valley Ochna rufescens
between 900m and 2800m. The main threat comes from Ochnaceae CR B I +2cd
firewood collection, but populations frequently occur in Sri Lanka
inaccessible places in rock crevices and on steep cliffs. A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Lanka. This species was previously found in Kottawa
Refs: 1818,11847 and Kanneliya Forest Reserves. However, it was not
again found during the extensive forest surveys
Nuxia glomerulata conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the National
Buddlejaceae LR/nt Conservation Review, suggesting that the species is
South Africa (Guateng, North- West Province) either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
A straggling shrub or small tree which occurs on ridges Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and hills between Pretoria and Zeerust in mixed Refs: 17195,19112
savanna. There may have been some decline in numbers
and the extent of occurrence because of agricultural Ochreinauclea missionis
activities and other developments. Its restricted Rubiaceae VUBI+2c
distribution also renders it vulnerable to any future India (Kerala)
developments in the area. It occurs in a privately owned Endemic to the Western Ghats in Kerala, the species
nature reserve and a local authority reserve. occurs in scattered pockets of evergreen forest along
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. streamsides. It is believed to have been wiped out from
Refs: 689, 19218 several locationswhere there has been logging, clearing
for commercial agriculture or other projects. The baik
Nyssa yunnanensis has medicinal value and the leaves are fed to livestock.
Comaceae CR B I +2c, C2a The genus is monotypic.
China (Yunnan) Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in
A species known from a small population restricted to India
Jinghong County in the region of Xishuangbanna. It /fe/i; 561,4799, 19144
occurs infrequently as a component of the upper canopy
of monsoon forest between 540 and 850m. Logging has Ochrosia borbonica
contributed significantly to the decline in the extent of Apocynaceae EN AIc+2ce
the species' range. The area is now under protection. Mauritius, Reunion
Assessor: Sun, W. Less than 50 individuals are known on Mauritius. The
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 species is also rare and scattered in forest on Reunion.
More information may indicate Critically Endangered is
Ochanostachys amentacea a more appropriate category.
Olacaceae DD Assessor: Strahm, W.
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Refs: 9120, 12470, 16426, 19208
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Singapore
A monotypic genus found scattered in the understorey,
occasionally reaching the canopy,
of primary and
secondary lowland rainforest, often mixed dipterocarp
forest. Natural regeneration is sparse and scattered, but it


Species Summaries

Ochrosiafatuhivensis OchrolhaUus blanchonii

Apocynaceae EX Sapotaceae ENS I •2c
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) New Caledonia
The species has been recorded only from Fatu Hiva. The genus is now included in Niemeyera.
Assessor: Florence, J. Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al.

Refs: 14513 Refs: 10351

Ochrosia grandiflora OchrothaUus francei

Apocynaceae VUBl+2c Sapotaceae VUBl^t^2c
New Caledonia New Caledonia
Occurring in lowland gallery forest on schist or The genus is now included in Niemeyera.
calcareous substrates, the species is known from four Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al.
main localities in the regions of Koumac, N6avin and Refs: 10351
Col d'Amien, and also on the We de Pins. All sites are
unprotected and exposed to threats, such as fire and Ocotea argylei
agricultural encroachment. Lauraceae VU D2
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Kenya
Refs: 10351, 12630 The species is possibly synonymous with O. kenyensis.

It endemic to areas of moist forest above 2200m at


Ochrosia haleakalae Posta Hill, Mau.

Apocynaceae EN C2a Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
USA (Hawaii) «eA; 6396, 9198, 17859
A tree scattered in dry to moist forest, often on lava,
between 700 and 1200m on East Maui. Two collections Ocotea basicordatifoUa
have also been made, from Pololu Valley and Kalopa Lauraceae ENB1^h2c
Gulch on Hawaii. It is reported to be in cultivation on Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Hawaii. This species is confined to a restricted area of Atlantic
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest on the Serra de Paranapiacaba in Santo Andr£.
Refs: 3372, 15251 There is a biological reserve here within the Serra do
Mar State Park. However, it is under serious threat from
Ochrosia kauaiensis uncontrolled industrial pollution. The species is included
Apocynaceae EN C2a in the official list compiled by *IBAMA of threatened
USA (Hawaii) Brazilian plants.
This tree is uncommon and conflned to Kauai Island, Assessor: Varty, N.
where it is lowland moist forest up to 350m on
found in /ec/r; 8815, 16123
on the slopes of Mount Kahili.
the Napali coast and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ocotea benthamiana
Refs: 3372 Lauraceae VUBl-t-2c
Ochrosia kilaueaensis An endemic tree of Ecuador, inhabiting montane cloud
Apocynaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b, D forest, between 2000 and 3000m in the High Andes.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Originally collected only from Puuwaawaa and Kipuka Refs: 19119,19120
Puaulu on Hawaii, the species has not been recorded
since the 1940s. It is possible that a population remains Ocotea catharinensis
in the former site but recent surveys in the latter failed to Lauraceae VUAlcd
uncover any remnant of a population. The montane Brazil (Parang, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa
rainforest habitat has been degraded by introduced Catarina, Sao Paulo)
plants, goats and fire. The species is protected by the US Formerly abundant, this slow-growing species has
Endangered Species Act. become rare because of the levels of exploitation of its

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre timber. Essential oil is also harvested from the bark for
Refs: 3372, 19039 the perfume industry. Its habitat also continues to to
decline, although several localities are protected within
Ochrosia nukuhivensis state parks and biological reserves. The species is

Apocynaceae EX included in the official compiled by *IBAMA of


French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) threatened Brazilian plants. There is also a suggestion
The species has been recorded only from Nuku Hiva. that populations exist in Misiones in Argentina and in
Assessor: Florence, J. Paraguay.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: Varty, N. & D.L. Guadagnin
Refs: 8815, 15539, 16123
Ochrosia tahitensis
Apocynaceae EX Ocotea clarkei
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Lauraceae LR/cd
The species has been recorded only from Tahiti. Mexico ((Thiapas)
Assessor: Florence, J. Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
Refs: 14513 Refs: 8553

The World List of Threatened Trees

Ocoleafoetens of only isolated individuals or small groups of trees. It

Lauraceae LR/nt yields a superior hardwood which is heavily exploited
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.) through most of its range.
One of the major components of *laurisilva. Populations Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in both island groups are scattered and fragmented as a Refs: 689, 2361, 6396, 6725, 10536, 10961, 16021,
result of past habitat lossand timber exploitation. The 19218
most serious threat in the present day is fire. The
population in the Canary Islands has not been properly Ocotea UmgsdorffU
censored but probably contains fewer than 10,(X)0 Lauraceae VU A led
individuals in total. It is listed in government legislation Brazil (Minas Gerais)
of 1991. In Madeira it is possible that population This species occurs in low densities in a restricted area
numbers are increasing with the expansion of laursilva. of *campo rupestre in the Serra do Cip<5. Trees are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre indiscriminately cut for timber resources, at levels of
Refs: 1512, 19022, 19131 Laws to set up the
exploitation that are unsustainable.
Serra do Cip6 State Botanical Park and to protect the
Ocotea gabonensis species are not yet well established. This species is
Lauraceae LR/nt included on the official list of threatened Brazilian plants
Gabon compiled by *IBAMA.
A Gabon endemic, so far found at Lop^ Forest Reserve Assessor: Varty, N.
and near Lastoursville. The habitat is degraded where /?e/i.- 7144, 8815, 16123
logging has taken place. The species may be more
widespread, given that Gabon's forests are relatively Ocotea otuzcensis
unexplored. These areas, however, are now largely Lauraceae VU D2
under concession to logging companies. Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A cloud forest species, which is known only from the
Refs: 14958, 15790 type collection from the department of La Libertad.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ocotea glaucosericea Refs: 1984
Lauraceae LR/nt
Costa Rica, Panama Ocotea porosa
Occurring in montane forest, this species is found only Lauraceae VUAlcd
in the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica and in the Argentina? (Misiones?), Brazil (Parand, Rio de Janeiro,
Chiriquf Highlands in Panama, where it is fairly Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo),
abundant Paraguay?
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre One of the dominant species of Araucaria forest, also
/fe/i; 8381, 12587 occurring in various other habitat types. The largest
populations occur in ParanS and north Santa
Ocotea harristi Catarina, where the species occurs
in almost pure stands.
Lauraceae CRBl+2c Although present in large numbers, the species is slow-
Jamaica growing and declining in numbers through timber
A species known only from the type locality in Peckham exploitation. In rates of extraction, the species is second
Woods. Much of degraded by cutting and
the area is only to Parang pine. Several localities are protected and
lower slopes are planted with Pinus caribaea. the species occurs on the official list of threatened
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazilian plants compiled by *IBAMA. Suggestions that
i?e/i.- 401, 5653, 7980 populations exist in Argentina and Paraguay need
Ocotea jorge-escobarii Assessor: Varty, N. & D.L. Guadagnin
Lauraceae EN C2a Refs: 4506, 8815, 14355, 15539, 16123. 19179
Honduras, Nicaragua
A species of mixed dry forest, occurring at middle Ocotea pretiosa
elevations. Lauraceae VUAlcd
Assessor: Nelson, C. Argentina? (Misiones?), Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais,
Refs: 1080, 6703, 7534 Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa
Catarina, Sao Paulo), Paraguay?
Ocotea kenyensis Commonly known under the name of O. odorifera, the
Lauraceae V U A 1 cd species is an important source of timber and essential
Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, oil. The species' distribution is discontinuous, occurring
Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa (Eastern in coastal forestswhich continue to be cleared despite
Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern legislative measures,and also in small woods and forest
Province), Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, formations on the southern Brazilian plateau. There is
Zimbabwe also some indication that it may be found in Misiones in
A timber species found in areas of moist forest in East Argentina and also Paraguay. Exploitation of the species
and South Africa extending into Central Africa. In some as a source of sassafras oil has been imcontrolled but
areas the populations are very small, e.g. the largely confined to Santa Catarina, which is the only
Zimbabwean population consists of four immature area to contain trees with sufficiently high safrole
individuals. The populations in South Africa are all content. Remaining stands are no longer capable of
contained within protected areas, but usually comprise sustaining high levels of utilization and no replanting
has taken place. Natural sources of safrole are still the
preferred source and it is likely that the market will turn

Species Summaries

to alternative plant species to replace O. pretiosa. The Octoknema orientalis

species is included in the official list of threatened Olacaceae VU Bl+2b
Brazilian plants compiled by *IBAMA. Tanzania
Assessor: Varty, N. This species is restricted to moist evergreen forest
Refs: 7144, 8815, 15539, 16123 between 1000 and 1200m in the South Nguni
Mountains, North Udzungwa Mountains and Mahenge.
Ocotea raimondii Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Lauraceae VU D2 Refs: 3356, 5204, 10961, 1 1631
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Oenocarpus circumtextus
in the department of Palmae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Colombia
Refs: 1984 This endemic Colombian palm is found in lowland scrub
in Amazonas, often in white sand areas or on rocky
Ocotea rivularis outcrops. The species is restricted to two remote
Lauraceae VU D2 localities, where few pressures are evident.
Costa Rica Assessor: Bemal. R.
A lowland rainforest species, known from the type Refs: 19118
locality near Esquinas, where it was once said to be
common, and also from Rinc6n. Oenocarpus makeru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Palmae DD
Refs: 12587,14311 Colombia
A palm of lowland rainforest, bordering areas of white
Ocotea robertsoniae sand. The species is known only from one location in a
Lauraceae VUBl+2c remote area of north-western .\mazonia.
Jamaica Assessor: Bemal, R.
The species is found in St Ann, St Elizabeth and Refs: 19118
Clarendon Parishes in areas of woodland on limestone.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Oenocarpus simplex
Refs: 6057, 7980 Palmae DD
Ocotea rotundata An understorey species of lowland rainforest, known
Lauraceae VUBl+2c only from an undisturbed remote area in the north-west
Ecuador Amazon.
A tree, growing up to 8m, endemic
High Andes of
to the Assessor: Bemal, R.
Ecuador. It inhabits cloud forest between 2640 and Refs: 19118
3200m in Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe Provinces.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Olax psittacorum
Refs: 19119 Olacaceae CR C2a
Mauritius, Reunion
Ocotea staminoides In Mauritius occurrences are known in seasonal forest in
Lauraceae ENBl+2c Simonet and Mome Seche. Around 50 individuals have
Jamaica been counted and regeneration is observed to be
An uncommon species found only in St Arm Parish. occasional. Information on the Reunion population is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre required. The fruits of the tree are believed to be a food
/?e/j; 401, 5653, 7980 for a rare endetnic parrot.
Assessor: Page, W.
Ocotea uxpanapana Refs: 1411,9120, 12470, 16426, 19199
Lauraceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
Mexico (Veracruz) Oldenburgia grandis
A common of riparian forest in the regions of
tree Compositae LR/nt
Uxpanapa and Los Tuxtlas. Half of the forest in South Africa (Eastern Cape)
Uxpanapa has disappeared through resettlement projects A shrub or small tree of potential ornamental interest,
in the 1970s. The forests of Los Tuxtlas are rapidly found along the Suurberg inland from Port Elizabeth to
disappearing and are considered to be extremely the mountains around Grahamstown. The species always
threatened. occurs on outcrops of quartzite in grassy *fynbos. Its

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre extent of occurrence is only about 500 km'. Although
/fe/j; 5651, 5993, 7980 there are threats from invasive alien species, especially
*wattles, and agricultural activities in places, there is
Ocotea viridiflora evidence of population declines.Most of the
Lauraceae VU D2 subpopulations occur on privately owned farms. Some
Costa Rica?, Panama plants are found in a national park and a few provincial
Confined to the Chiriquf Highlands in cloud forest, this and private nature reserves.
species is poorly understood. Undetermined specimens Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

from Costa Rica may also represent this taxon. Refs: 689, 19218
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/ee/i; 7144, 7980, 13228

The World List of Threatened Trees

Olea chimanimani Olearia polita

Oleaceae VU D2 Compositae EN C2b
Mozambique, Zimbabwe New Zealand (South Is.)

A species known only from the Chimanimani Mountains A tree restricted to a population of about 500 trees in
on the Zimbabwe-Mozambique border. It occurs fairly lowland beech forest in Nelson.
commonly on quartzite soils within a well-protected area Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of600km2. Refs: 902, 9800
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18965 Olearia traversii
Compositae LR/nt
Olea europaea ssp. cerasiformis New Zealand (Chatham Is.)
Oleaceae LR/nt Once one of the major components of forest on the
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.) Chatham Islands. Complete destruction of the forest type
This taxon now includes subspecies from both the has led to the species becoming rare and largely
Canary Islands and Madeira, the latter previously being confined to paddocks. There is evidence of some
known as ssp. maderensis. It is relatively abundant at regeneration.
low and medium elevation in dry woodland on most Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Canary Islands, on the south coast and some areas of Refs: 902, 5563, 19133, 19134
north Madeira and on Desertas and Porto Santo Islands,
where it is rare. The species is covered in regional Omalanthus stokesii
legislation and occurs in protected areas, but the habitat Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
continues to experience general degradation and declines French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)

through increasing house-building, fires and invasive An endemic to Rapa.

species. Assessor: Florence, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 14513

Refs:tl29, 19022, 19131
Oncosperma fasciculatum
Olearia angulata Palmae LR/nt
Compositae DD Sri Lanka
New Zealand (North Is.) A palm tree of the wet lowlands, endemic to Sri Lanka.
The taxonomic status of this species is dubious. Assessor: Johnson, D.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19118
/?e/i. 902, 9800, 19134
Oncosperma platyphyllum
Olearia chathamica Palmae VU Ale
Compositae LR/nt Philippines
New Zealand (Chatham Is.) A species of primary forest at low to medium elevations,
The coastal forests of the Chatham Islands were once confined to the island of Negros.
dominated by this small tree. The comprehensive Assessor: Madulid, D.
destruction of the forest type has reduced populations to Refs: 19118
scrubland on exposed cliffs, largely confined to the
south shore of Chatham Island, and on Pitt and South Ophrypetalum odoratum ssp. longipediceUatum
East Islands. Annonaceae EN B 1 +2d, C2b, Dl
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Tanzania
Refs: 902, 19133, 19134 An endemic to the Kimboza Forest Reserve, which
covers 4km^ of moist coastal forest on limestone. The
Olearia fragrantissima surrounding area is densely populated and there is a
Compositae LR/nt strong demand for land for cultivation. Two forest
New Zealand (South Is.) guards are employed by the Tanzanian Catchment Forest
Occurring in lowland forest and scrub in the east of Project to prevent illegal activities or encroachment. The
South Island, this small tree appears to be common in type subspecies is the only other member of the genus
most areas but is showing Uttle regeneration. In the and is sinularly restricted.
southern parts of its range it occurs on high-fertility Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
soils,which are highly sought-after by agriculturists and Refs: 3356, 5204, 9302
colonised by aggressive pasture grass.
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Ophrypetalum odoratum ssp. odoratum
Refs: 902, 9800, 19133, 19134 Aimonaceae VUBI+2b
Kenya, Tanzania
Olearia hectorii Ranging more widely than ssp. longipedicellaium, this
Compositae EN C2a small tree is often locally dominant within pockets of
New Zealand (North Is., South Is.) dry coastal forest, often on coral. Populations are known
Approximately 1000 individuals remain of this small from Diani, Jadini and Vipingo Kenya as
in south-east
tree, occurring in isolated populations in forest and scrub well as further south in eastern Tanzania. The genus is
on fertile soils. Regeneration is almost absent. monotypic.
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 902, 9800, 19133, 19134 /?e/i. 3356,6396, 8814

Species Summaries

Orania decipiens mountainous parts of Guatemala. The population in

Palmae LR/nt Mexico is considered endangered.
Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A primary forest species, endemic to Mindoro. /?e/>: 4974, 19161
Assessor: Madulid, D.
Refs: 19118 Oreopanax candamoanus
Araliaceae VU D2
Orania Umgisquama Peru
Palmae LR/nt Known only from the type collection, this species occurs
Madagascar in between roughly 2000 and 3500m
forest in the
A rare palm endemic Madagascar, known only in the
to department of Cajamarca.
north-west and east. This species inhabits lowland and Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
submontane rainforest between 40 and 550m. Refs: 1984
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: \9l\S Oreopanax cissoides
Araliaceae VU D2
Orania ravaka Peru
Palmae VUBl+2c Recorded only from the type collection, the species
Madagascar occurs in forest above 2500m in the department of
This Madagascan endemic is known only from lowland Cajamarca.
rainforest at three sites in the north-east. The total Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
population is estimated to consist of 500 individuals. Refs: 1984
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986, 19118 Oreopanax echinops
Araliaceae VU A 1 c
Orania sylvicola Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
Palmae LR/nt A species of oak forest occurring at medium elevations.
Indonesia (Java, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Its distribution extends from Sierra Madre in Chiapas,
Malaysia, Sarawak), Singapore (ex) Mexico to Honduras.
This palm tree confined to coastal rainforest up to
is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
200m. The population in West Java has been reduced to Refs: 19161
fewer than 200 individuals in a single locality. The
species is extinct in Singapore. Oreopanax ischnolobus
Assessor: Johnson, D. Araliaceae VU D2
/fe/S; 9199, 19118 Peru
A species of forest above 2500m, known only from the
Orania trispatha type collection from the department of Juni'n.
Palmae CRAIcd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Madagascar Refs: 1984
Fewer than 50 individuals are known from three
locations of lowland rainforest, all of which are under Oreopanax jelskii
threat of destruction. Araliaceae VU D2
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Peru
Refs: 18986, 19118 Recorded only from the type collection, the species
occurs in forest above 25(X)m in Cajamarca.
Oreomunnea pterocarpa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Juglandaceae EN C2a Refs: 1984
Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama
Although previously considered to be a Costa Rican Oreopanax klugii
endemic, it appears the species is also recorded in Araliaceae DD
Mexico and Chiriqui in Panama and hence could be Peru
distributed throughout Central America. It is sparse in A lowland forest species which is recorded only from
occurrence, usually found as isolated individuals in areas the department of Loreto. There are doubts over its

of moist and wet evergreen forest. Little is known of the taxonomic status and it is not included in the Flora of
regenerative capacity of the species, althoughit does not Peru.
appear to be strong. The timber is not heavily exploited, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
although it is traded to some extent domestically. The Refs: 1984
species is listed in Appendix II of *ClltS.
Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop Oreopanax lempiranus
Refs: 7980, 14487, 14717, 19179, 19185, 19186 Araliaceae CR C2b
Oreopanax arcanus Endemic to Honduras, the species is, so far, known only
Araliaceae VU Ale from an area of wet montane forest in Celaque National
Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas) Park.
Occurring in montane forest oak and mesophyllous
in Assessor: Nelson, C.
formations, the species is found in the Chiapas Refs: 2935, 10147
Highlands in Mexico, between 2000 and 2300m, and in

The World List of Threatened Trees

Oreopanax oerstediana Oriciopsis glaberrima

Araliaceae VU C2a Rutaceae LR/nt
Costa Rica, Panama Cameroon
A species of cloud forest, occurring between 1000 and Endemic to Cameroon, this small understorey tree
2500m in small, restricted populations. Despite the occurs locally in some abundance in lowland swamp
entire range coinciding with protected areas, there are forest at Bertona, Doume, Lomie, Akonolinga and
increasing threats of habitat logging and clearance. Sangmelima. The habitat is being lost to agricultural
Assessor: Mitr6, M. development in places.

Refs: 7272, 14487, 15037, 16772 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 12597
Oreopanax peltatus
Araliaceae VUAlc Ormocarpopsis aspera
Guatemala, Mexico Leguminosae LR/nt
Occurring from the Gulf region of Mexico to Madagascar
Guatemala, the species is found in areas of moist Widespread in central and west Madagascar, this
seasonal forest from medium to high elevations. lowland or submontane woodland species is uncommon
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and the remaining native vegetation is very fragmented
Refs: 5993, 19161 and continuing to decline.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Oreopanax raimondii Refs: 12353
Araliaceae VU D2
Peru Ormocarpopsis calcicola
Recorded only from the type collection, the species Leguminosae ENBl+2abc
occurs in forest above 2500m in the department of La Madagascar
Libertad. A deciduous woodland species restricted to limestone
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre outcrops in the Ankara Plateau of west Madagascar.
Refs: 1984 Although it occurs within the protected Namoroka
Reserve its range is restricted to an estimated 400 km*
Oreopanax sanderianus (*AOO) and areas outside the reserve are declining. It

Araliaceae VUAlc may now be restricted to a single locality within the

Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico reserve.
A scarce species of pine-oak forest and mesophyllous Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
montane forest. Refs: 12353
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzilez-Espinosa
Refs: 19161 Ormocarpopsis itremoensis
Leguminosae CRBl+2abc
Oreopanax stenophyllus Madagascar
Araliaceae VUBl+2c A sclerophyllous woodland species that is known only
Peru from the small marble outcrops to the south of
This cloud forest species occurs in forest between 3000 Amatofinandrahana on the eastern margin of the Itremo
and 3500m, in the departments of Cuzco and Puno. Massif in central Madagascar. These areas are being
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre actively mined for marble and the forest remnants are
Refs: 1984 also being rapidly degraded. Its range is estimated to be
less than 10 km' C'AOO). No protection exists in this

Oricia suaveolens area.

Rutaceae LR/nt Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Refs: 12353
Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
Widely occurring from Sierra Leone to DR Congo, this Ormocarpopsis mandrarensis
species is confined to the more restricted wetter Leguminosae VUBl+2abc
evergreen forests, which in certain areas have been Madagascar
heavily logged and destroyed by oil exploration, mining Known from only two localities, this deciduous
and commercial forestry operations. woodland species occurs in the upper Mandrare River
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre basin and Ihosy River valley of south-central
Refs: 2773, 8369, 1 1504, 12061 Madagascar. Its range is restricted to an estimated 1500
km* (*AC)0), where the vegetation is highly fragmented
Oricia trifoUolata and decreasing.
Rutaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Cameroon Refs: 12353
A small forest tree confined to Koiup National Park and
the Mount Cameroon area. It is sparsely scattered and Ormocarpopsis parvifolia
the habitat is declining through logging and the Leguminosae VUBl+2abc
expansion of areas under cultivation. Madagascar
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A xerophytic scrub and woodland species confined to a
Refs: 12597 small area of south and south-east Madagascar. Its range
is estimated to be 15, 000 km* (*EOO) and includes

Species Summaries

Andohahela Reserve (Parcelle 2). All vegetation in this state of Terengganu, in Peninsular Malaysia. It has been
area is fragmented and declining. collected only once and little is known about its

Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat altitudinal range. The area is under some pressure from
Kefs: 12353 increasing settlement.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ormocarpopsis tulearensis Refs: 19073
Leguminosae ENBI-i-2abc
Madagascar Ormosia hosiei
This scrubland species is confined to the Mahafaly Leguminosae LR/nt
Plateau between the Manombo River and Itambono China (Fujian, Gansu, Guizhou, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi,
Corridor, with an estimated range of 5000 km' (*EOO). Shaanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang)
The vegetation is fragmented, often disturbed and Populations are wide-ranging, but large individuals are
declining as a result of felling for charcoal and grazing. reduced to areas around temples and houses. The natural
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat habitat of this species is in low-elevation broadleaved
Refs: 12353 forest. Habitat conversion to agriculture and
overexploitation of the species for its timber are the
Ormocarpum caerulum main causes of population declines.
Leguminosae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Yemen (Socotra) Refs: 1818,11847
A small tree or shrub which is relatively common in
lowland and submontane woodland. It is an important Ormosia howii
cattle browse. Leguminosae EX
Assessor: Miller, A.G. China (Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan)
Refs: 19083 Despite extensive searches the species has not been
found again in the two localities where it has been
Ormocarpum dhofarense recorded, in Dialuo Mount Forest Region on Hainan
Leguminosae VU B I +2c Island and Yangchun County in Guangdong. It was
Oman, Yemen known to be restricted to montane rainforest, exposed to
A regional endemic from a small area of escarpment various threats of cutting and encroaching agriculture.
woodlands in Dhofar, Oman, and neighbouring Mahra, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
southern Yemen. Since 1975 the area in Oman has seen Refs: 1818, 11725, 11847
an influx of people and their livestock. There has been a
subsequent rapid increase in the cutting of wood and Ormosia jamaicensis
grazing. Trees are also browsed by livestock. Leguminosae ENBI+2c
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A. Jamaica
Refs: 16380, 17281 The species is known from a small range in Hanover in
woodland on limestone hillsides.
Ormocarpum sennodes ssp. zanzibaricum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VUBl+2b «e/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Kenya, Tanzania
A small tree found only in areas of dry coastal forest Ormosia polita
from the vicinity of the Shimba Hills in south-east Leguminosae VU B 1 +2c
Kenya, through eastern Tanzania to Zanzibar Island. Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke An endemic tree of Peninsular Malaysia, inhabiting
«e/i; 3356, 6396, 8814 primary lowland rainforest.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Ormosia cruenta Refs: 19073
Leguminosae DD
Panama Orophea palawanensis
Collected only twice from the provinces of Chiriqui and Annonaceae VU B 1 +2c
Cocl6, the species and its status are very poorly known. Philippines
Assessor: Miti€, M. is endemic to Palawan, found in forests at low
This tree
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14630, 16772 and medium altitudes. The main island is a biosphere
Ormosia gracilis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae LR/cd Refs: 4986
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species of submontane primary rainforest, occurring Orophea submaculata
up to 2000m. Some parts of the range are affected by Annonaceae VUBI+2c
increasing settlement and agriculture, but a sufficient Philippines
part of the total population is believed to be contained in A lowland forest species, confined to Palawan between
protective forests within the permanent forest estate. 2(X) and 450m. The main island is a biosphere reserve.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19073 Refs: 4986, 5651

Ormosia grandistipulata Orophea thomsoni

Leguminosae VU D2 Annonaceae EN B I +2c
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
This small tree or shrub is confined to rainforest in the Four scattered occurrences are recorded, in two cases

The World List of Threatened Trees

imprecisely, from the Anaimalai area and the Osmoxylon mariannense

Agastyamalai Hills. The species occurs in the Araliaceae CR C2b
understorey of evergreen forest between approximately Northern Marianas
500 and 1000m. Endemic to the island of Rota, the species is scattered in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre moist forest on limestone. There have been no recent
Refs: 19144 surveys but the population certainly contains fewer than
100 or possibly 50 trees, confined to an area of ISkm*.
Orophea uniflora Lack of regeneration is a serious problem but the causes
Annonaceae VUBl+2c are unknown.
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: Wiles, G.
An understorey tree of evergreen forest, ascending to Refs: 2474, 16676, 19175
1200m. It appears to be scattered sparsley in
altitudes of
the southern end of the Western Ghats, including Osmoxylon miquelU
Wynaad Biosphere Reserve.
in the Nilgiri Hills Araliaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Irian Jaya)
Refs: 14276, 19144 A sparsley branched tree, known fwrn only a single
imperfect collection of no precise locality. It is likely to
Orphanodendron bemaUi come from Triton Bay, Fakfak District.
Leguminosae CRBl+2c World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Colombia Refs: 19031
An endemic to Antioquia.
Assessor: Calderon, E. Osmoxylon reburrum
Refs: 19069 Araliaceae VU D2
Papua New Guinea (North Solomons)
Osmoxylon arrhenicum A small tree, so far known only from the type collection
Araliaceae VU D2 from the Malaita District.
Papua New Guinea (North Solomons) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Ontre
Endemic to Santa Isabel, this species is known only Refs: 19031
from the site where it was first collected in steep hill
forest at 700m. Osmoxylon whitmorei
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Araliaceae VU D2
Refs: 19031 Papua New Guinea (North Solom.ons)
A small tree endemic to coastal forest in Guadalcanal; it

Osmoxylon chrysanthum is known only from the type collection.

Araliaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Papua New Guinea (NorthSolomons) Refs: 19031
A small tree, known only from the type collection. It
was found in a riverine community on the debris banks Ostodes minor
of a deep gorge at 300m on Guadalcanal Island. Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Refs: 19031 A tree restricted to lowland wet evergreen forest in
south-west Sri Lanka. The species was previously found
Osmoxylon comeri in the Haycock (Hinidumkanda) Biosphere Reserve.
Araliaceae VU D2 However, it was not found again during the extensive
Papua New Guinea (North Solomons) forest surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
Endemic to Guadalcanal, this small tree is known only National Conservation Review, suggesting that the
from the type specimen collected at 1470m. species is either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/j. 19031 Refs: 17195,19112

Osmoxylon ellipsoideum Ostrya rehderiana

Araliaceae VU D2 Corylaceae CR DI
Papua New Guinea (North Solomons) China (Zhejiang)
A many-branched tree, presently known only from areas The wild population is now apparently confined to five
of secondary or disturbed lowland hill forest in the damaged individuals on Xitianmu Mountain. The trees
Milne Bay District. are protected but they do not appear to be regenerating
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre naturally.
Refs: 19031 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818,11725,11847
Osmoxylon lanceolatum
Araliaceae VU D2 Otoba acuminata
Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago) Myristicaceae LR/nt
An understorey tree, endemic and south New
to central Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama
Ireland where it occurs in ridge-top forest on limestone The species is fairiy common in lowland forest in Bocas
between 750 and 850m. del Toro in Panama and more Limbn in Costa
scarce in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rica. It is hoped that populations exist in La Amistad
Refs: 19031 National Park in between these two sites and
*TROPICOS also records the species in Ecuador.
Although this suggests the species' range is wide, the

Species Summaries

known populations are not large and the habitat is Ouratea patelliformis
greatly threatened. Ochnaceae DD
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. Panama
/?e/S.-7980, 15037, 16772 Known only from Pacora, in PanamS Province, the
species has not been collected since it was first
Otophora unilocularis discovered, despite the area being relatively well
Sapindaceae EX explored. A revision of the genus suggests that the taxon
China (Guangdong - Hainan) is just a form of O. lucens.
The species is now presumed to be extinct from its only Assessor: Mitr6, M.
known location in thorny scrub on the seashore in Foluo, >?f/i.- 7272, 7980, 16772
Ledong County, south-west Hainan. It was last seen in
1935. Ouratea quintasU
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ochnaceae vU D2
Refs: 1818,4246, 11847 Sao Tom6 & Prfncipe (Sao Tom6)
This small tree is known from coastal areas in Angolares
Ouratea amplectens and Diogo Vaz. The island remains unexplored in
Ochnaceae VU Ale, Bl+2c places, although most of the forest below 1500m was
Ghana, Liberia cleared in the first half of the century.
A species which occurs commonly but only within a Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
restricted and reduced area of wet evergreen forest. This Refs: 2724
habitat has
experienced significant pressure from
mining, logging and commercial forestry activities. Ouratea schusteri
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Ochnaceae VU B 1 +2c
/fe/j; 2773, 8369, 12061 Kenya, Tanzania
A species of moist forest with populations in the Taita
Ouratea cocleensis Hills, Kasigau, the Usambara and Uluguru Mountains.
Ochnaceae VU C2a Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Costa Rica, Panama Refs: 6396, 12067
A species of mid-elevation rainforest, which has been
collected from Valle de Antdn in Cocl^ and more Ouratea tumacoensis
recently from the province of Panami, including Altos Ochnaceae VUBl+2c
de Campana National Park, where the population is well Colombia
protected. Further investigation may reveal the species An endemic of Nariiio.
tobe more widespread. There are several undetermined Assessor: Calderon, E.
herbarium specimens, which may, prove identifiable to Refs: 19069
this species and a new record from Puntarenas indicates
the species range extends into Costa Rica. Oxandra leucodermis
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Annonaceae LR/nt
*e/i.- 7272, 7980, 16772 Venezuela
Occurring in seasonally flooded evergreen forest, the
Ouratea elegans species has been found in localities along Rio Casiquiare
Ochnaceae CR Dl and Rio Negro in Amazonas.
Jamaica Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
A single individual,which has not been satisfactorily Refs: 19128
identified, is the only currently known specimen of the
species. It is found in Copse Woods which is conserved Oxanthera aurantium
by the landowners. Disturbance has been limited to Rutaceae VUB1+2C
hurricane damage. New Caledonia
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al.
Re/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Refs: 10351

Ouratea insulae Oxanthera brevipes

Ochnaceae EN C2a Rutaceae VUB1+2C
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico New Caledonia
The species occurs in moist lowland thickets, often in Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al.
secondary growth. Refs: 10351
Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 13995 Oxanthera fragrans
Rutaceae EN Bl+2c
Ouratea jamaicensis New Caledonia
Ochnaceae LR/nt Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.
Jamaica Refs: 10351
A tree with an occasional distribution in central and
western parishes in woodland and pasture margins on Oxanthera neocaledonica
limestone. Rutaceae EN Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre New Caledonia
Refs: 6057, 7980 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

Refs: 10351

The World List of Threatened Trees

Oxanthera unduUUa Oxystigma msoo

Rutaceae CR Dl Leguminosae VUBl+2b
New Caledonia Kenya, Tanzania
The species was last seen and collected in the vicinity of This large tree is restricted to small areas of remaining
the upper Dothio. It is questionable whether it should moist or riverine forest from south-east Kenya to north-
now be considered extinct. east Tanzania. The only records from Kenya are from
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. Pangani and the Tana Delta.
Refs: U92. \035\ Assessor: Lovett,J. & G.P. Clarke

Re/i; 6396, 10351,12067

Oxera cauttflora
Verbenaceae VUBl+2c Ozoroa namaquensis
New Caledonia Anacardiaceae DD
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al. Namibia, South Africa (Northern Cape)
Refs: 10351 A poorly known multi-stemmed species apparently
confined to the lower Orange River Valley in the
Oxera crassifolut Goodhouse area of southern Namibia and the Northern
Verbenaceae LR/cd Cape. It is recorded from at least three localities in
New Caledonia *karToid shrubland in a semi-desert environment on non-
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. perennial tributaries leading down to the Orange River.
Refs: 10351 At one few plants were seen, but all were
locality only a
healthy and flowering profusely. Mining activities in the
Oxera macrocalyx area could pose a threat. One locality was beside a
Verbenaceae VUBl+2c former main road between South Africa and Namibia. It
New Caledonia is likely that this species occurs elsewhere and a field

Assessor: JafW, T. et al. assessment is required to determine its conservation

Refs: 10351 status.
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

Oxera ntida Refs: 689, 19218

Verbenaceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia Ozoroa reticulata var. nyasica
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al Anacardiaceae VU D2
Refs: 10351 Malawi
This is a variant of a very polymorphic species. The
Oxyanthus lepidus ssp. kigogoensis taxonomy may
need further confirmation. It is
Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2d, D2 apparently confined to patches of montane woodland on
Tanzania Mount Mulanje. There have been considerable declines
A small tree with a very restricted range, occurring in the extent of forest and woodland on the mountain in

within a 50m altitudinal belt in moist montane forest in the past, mainly through timber exploitation and also
Kigogo. fires, but there is now some degree of protection. The

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke conservation of remaining resources and prevention of
Refs: 3356, 8814 illegal activities are now a high priority.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Oxyanthus pyriformis ssp. brevitubus Rf/i; 5651, 15477, 18965

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Kenya, Tanzania Pachyanthus pedicellatus
In Kenya this taxon is recorded from dry forest on Emali Melastomataceae LR/nt
and the Mutito Hills at medium elevations. It is also Cuba
known from a similiar habitat in northern Tanzania. Occurring in montane rainforest especially along creeks,

Assessor: Lovett, J. G.P. Clarke& thisendemic shrub or tree is restricted to the Sierra
Re/i; 6396, 10351, 12067 Maestra mountain range in eastern Cuba. It is still fairly
common although in many places the species is

Oxyanthus pyriformis ssp. longitubtts becoming scarce.

Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.

Kenya Refs: 16327,18485,19149
This small tree is known only from areas of moist forest
in the Shimba Hills, Gongoni and Pangani. Only the Pachypodanthium barteri
Pangani site is unprotected. Annonaceae VU Ale
Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria
Refs: 6396, 19181 A swamp forest tree, which appears to be rare. It is

known occur from south-west Nigeria to Gabon. Most


Oxyanthus pyriformis ssp. tanganyikensis parts of the range have suffered large-scale declines in

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b its habitat because of logging and the demand for land

Tanzania for cultivation.

A shrub or small tree from eastand south-east Tanzania, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
restricted to moist forest or open woodland ranging from /??/!• 4108, 11504
low to medium elevations.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 8814, 10351

Species Summaries

Pachypodium namaquanum fuel wood, but almost 1000km' of forest are now under
Apocynaceae LR/nt protection within sanctuaries.
Namibia, South Africa (Northern Cape) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A spiny succulent tree recorded in •karroid shrubland «e/i; 5651, 14276, 19144
along both sides of the lower Orange River Valley from
the Tantalite Valley and Pella mountain range in the east Palaquium canalkulatum
to the Richtersveld, Huib-Hoch and Huns Mountains in Sapotaceae ENBI+2cd
the west. It has been recorded from more than 50 Sri Lanka
localities within an extent of occurrence of A lowland wet evergreen forest in
rare tree restricted to
approximately 15000 km^. The subpopulations on the south-west Sri Only three localities were
Namibian side of the Orange River are inaccessible and identified during the extensive forest surveys conducted
therefore generally secure. They are fairly large, with an for the National Conservation Review.
average density of between 625 and 1 100 individuals per Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
hectare. Similar densities, with a range of ages, are also Refs: 17195,19112
found on Pella Mountain. The species has been
subjected to much illegal collecting, especially in the Palaquium grande
Richtersveld. as plants are highly sought-after on both Sapotaceae VUAlc
the domestic and international markets. Artificially Sri Lanka
propagated plants are now widely available and the A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
demand for wild-collected plants has effectively been south-west Sri Lanka.
reduced. There are further threats from mining activities Assessor: Wortd Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Namibia and intense grazing and trampling of the Refs: 17195
surrounding vegetation by domestic livestock in the
Richtersveld, although this subpopulation is contained Palaquium impressinervium
within a national park and provincial nature reserve. Sapotaceae VUBl+2a
There are also low levels of recruitment in the latter Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand
subpopulation, apparently because of insect parasitism A very large tree of moist lowland and hill forest . The
of the seeds. The species is also protected by law in both timber traded internationally, but the greatest threat to
South Africa and Namibia and it is listed in *CITES the species is from the expansion of settlements.
Appendix II. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. Refs: 8464, 19073
/fe/i; 689. 19141,19218
Palaquium laevifoUum
Pachystela subverticillata Sapotaceae CRBl+2cd
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Sri Lanka
Kenya A species confined to lowland wet evergreen forest in
A coastal shrub or small tree up to 8m, confined to a few south-west Sri Lanka. Only three trees were found in a
isolated areas of moist or riverine forest and dense single proposed for reserve status, during the
bushl and/woodland. extensive surveys conducted for the recent
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre National Conservation Review.
Refs: 1308.6396 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 17195, 19112
Pachystigma loranthifolium ssp. loranthifolium
Rubiaceae VU BU2b Palaquium luzoniense
Kenya, Tanzania Sapotaceae VUAld
Ranging from south-east Kenya to north-east Tanzania, Philippines
this small tree or shrub is confined to patches of dry This primary forest tree is a source of red nato timber
coastal forest. and formerly provided gutta-percha for trade.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i.- 3356, 6396, 8814 Refs: 4919

Palaquium bataanense Palaquium mindanaense

Sapotaceae VUAId S apotaceae VU A 1 cd
Indonesia, Philippines Philippines
A large tree of primary forests, this species is a source of A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
red nato timber. habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre have led to considerable population declines.
/?e/j;4919, 12937, 14573 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4919
Palaquium bourdiUonU
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Palaquium neo-ebudicum
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Sapotaceae VU B I +2c
A relatively large tree, endemic to the southernmost part Vanuatu
of the Western Ghats in the Agastyamalai Hills. It has An endemic species to Vanuatu, occurring on the islands
been collected or recorded from approximately six of Erromango, Pentecost and Banks. It is not uncommon
localities of evergreen forest between 500 and 1 300m. but logging and habitat destruction have led to the
Large areas have been exposed to fires, grazing, the species becoming increasingly hard to find.
establishment of commercial plantations and cutting for Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 11632

The World List of Threatened Trees

Palaquium paucijlorum some places logging is threatening the habitat.

Sapotaceae VU Ale Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sri Lanka Refs: 1 1086
A tree confined to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
south-west Sri Lanka. Palicourea calycina
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 17195 Ecuador
An endemic of the Ecuadorean High Andes, inhabiting
Palaquium petiolare areas of cloud forest between 3200 and 3290m in the
Sapotaceae LR/cd provinces of Carchi, Imbabura, Bolfvar and Loja.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic to Sri Lanka, this canopy tree is restricted to /?e/j; 19119,19120
the wet lowlands. It is one of the dominant canopy
species in the Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve and also Palicourea consobrina
occurs in several other forest reserves. Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 17195.18515 Occurring between 2000 and 3000m, this forest species
has been recorded only from the department of Cuzco.
Palaquium philippense Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapotaceae VU A 1 d Refs: 1984
A medium-sized tree, of lowland primary forests, which Palicourea herrerae
isused as a source of nyatoh timber. Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 2072, 4919, 14573 Restricted to areas of cloud forest between 2500 and
4000m, the species is recorded in the departments of
Palaquium ravii Cuzco and Huancavelica.
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Refs: 1984
Collected twice, this relatively large tree is recorded
from two localities of lowland evergreen forest in the Palicourea latifolia
region of the Anamalai Hills. Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 19144 Recorded only from the department of Hu^uco, the
species occurs in areas of forest between 1500 and
Palaquium regina-montium 3000m.
Sapotaceae LR/cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 1984
Occurring in montane and submontane rainforest areas,
the species is protected within Taman Negara National Palicourea wilesii
Park and other protected forests within the permanent Rubiaceae VUBI+2c
forest estate. Jamaica
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. A locally common species, occurring in shady woodland
Refs: 14573, 19073 on Umestone or shale in St Andrew, St Thomas and
Portland between 280 and 1130m. Almost all the forest
Palaquium rubiginosum at these altitudes has been destroyed or severely
Sapotaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 degraded.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Bellingham, P.
A lowland wet evergreen forests of
tree restricted to the Refs: 6057, 7980, 17743, 191 16
south-west Sri Lanka. This species was found in eight
sites during the extensive forest surveys conducted for Pamphilia vilcabambae
the National Conservation Review. Styracaceae VU Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
Refs: 17195,19112 This species is restricted to cloud and *elfm forest
between 2000 and 30(X)m in the department of Cuzco.
Palaquium thwaitesU Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapotaceae VU Ale Refs: 1984
Sri Lanka
A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of Pancheria humboldtiana
south-west Sri Lanka. Cunoniaceae LR/cd
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre New Caledonia
Refs: 8203, 17195 Assessor: Jaffrfi, T. et al.

Refs: 10351
Palaquium zeylanicum
Sapotaceae VU D2 Pancheria multijuga
Sri Lanka Cunoniaceae LR/cd
A newly described species from lowland dipterocarp New Caledonia
forest in Morapitiya and Kanneliya Forest Reserves. In Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

Refs: 10351

Species Summaries

Pancheria robusta Pandanus gabonensis

Cunoniaceae LR/cd Pandanaceae VU D2
New Caledonia Gabon
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. A newly described species which is known only from an
Refs: 10351 area near Mbel. It may be more widespread given that

Gabon's forest are relatively unexplored. Most areas of

Pandanus aldabraensis forest, however, are now under concession to logging
Pandanaceae VU D2 companies.
Seychelles (Aldabra) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree of mixed and tall scrub found only in the Refs: 8572, 14958
Gionnet Channel and in the Takamaka area on Picard
and Grand Terre. The entire population occurs within an Pandanus haUeorum
area of less than lOOOha. The fruits are eaten and Pandanaceae VU D2
apparently dispersed by tortoises. The islands are Vanuatu
protected within a Strict Nature Reserve. Only Picard A species found only on Vanua Lava Island and at
has a small number of inhabitants in the research station. Tisbel on Malekula Island in medium-altitude forest.
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19027 Refs: 9000

Pandanus balfourU Pandanus homei

Pandanaceae VU D2 Pandanaceae VU D2
Seychelles Seychelles
Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as Once a dominant component of palm forest, the species
threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution. is now restricted to small riverine areas on Mah6,
Populations are healthy and stable. Silhouette, Praslin and Curituse. Historical clearance of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre mid-altitude forest has been the main factor causing the
Refs: 16212, 17229 species' decline. Invasive plants are the most serious
concern now. The species is present in several national
Pandanus carmichaelii parks.
Pandanaceae CR Dl Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles
Mauritius Refs: 16212, 17229, 19025
A low, sprawling shrub known only from a population
confined to marshland Le Petrin between 600 and
at Pandanus joskei
650m Although the plants appear to
in the south-west. Pandanaceae VU D2
flower and fruit regularly, no regeneration has been Fiji

observed. The species has not been successfully brought A species known from just two locations in Fiji, on
into cultivation. Mount Korobamba on Viti Levu and on Koro Island,
Assessor: Page, W. both at moderately high altitudes.
Refs: 1411,2026,9120 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 18818
Pandanus clandestinus
Pandanaceae LR/cd Pandanus kajui
New Caledonia Pandanaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Kenya
Refs: 10351 A tree with prop roots, endemic to central Kenya.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pandanus decastigma «e/r. 6396, 9151
Pandanaceae VU B 1 +2c
New Caledonia Pandanus lacuum
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Pandanaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 10351 New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Pandanus decipiens Refs: 10351

Pandanaceae VU B 1 +2c
Philippines Pandanus multispicatus
This endemic tree of Palawan occurs in thickets and Pandanaceae VU D2
forests low altitudes, often adjacent to mangrove
at Seychelles
swamp. The main island is a biosphere reserve. Usually a shrub less than 2m high, but occasionally
Assessor: World Con.servation Monitoring Centre arborescent, the species is endemic to the Seychelles.

Refs: 4986 Populations are healthy and stable.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pandanus decumbens Refs: 16212, 17229
Pandanaceae VUB1+2C
New Caledonia Pandanus palustris
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Pandanaceae CR Dl
Refs: 10351 Mauritius
Like P. carmichalii, the species, which in this case is a
tree growing to 10m, is found in the marshland at Le

The World List of Threatened Trees

Petrin. Isolated individuals also occur on river courses of An important tree for various uses: a source of fibre,
Mare aus Vacoas ('Lake of Pandanus'). Fewer than 20 thatch, wood and also a famine food.
individuals have been counted. No regeneration is Assessor: Florence, J.
observed and the plant has not been successfully brought Refs: 424, 14513
into cultivation.
Assessor: Page, W. Pandanus teuszU
Refs: 1411,2026,9120 Pandanaceae DD
Pandanus papenooensis The population in the wild is unknown. The species is

Pandanaceae LR/nt known only from herbarium specimens.

French Polynesia (Society Is.) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species is known only from Tahiti. Refs: 8572
Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513 Pandanus thomensis

Pandanaceae VU D2
Pandanus parvicentraUs Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tomfi)
Pandanaceae DD A tree known from several collections, both recent and
Gabon old, from Rodia, Uheu das Rolas and S. Antdnio de
The wild population remains unknown. The species is Mussacavu. Areas of Sao Tom6 remain to be explored,
known only from herbarium specimens. although most of the forest below 1500m was cleared in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the first half of the century.
Refs: 8572 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2724
Pandanus petersii
Pandanaceae VU D2 Pandanus verecundus
Mozambique Pandanaceae CR Dl
Scattered in woodland remnants in swampy or wetland New Caledonia
places, the speciesis confined to an area stretching from Assessor: Jaffrd, T. el al.

Namacurra Quelimane and the Zambezi Delta. The

to Refs: 10351
populations are unprotected and contained within a zone
which is under pressure from growing human Pappobolus sanchezU
populations and their activities. Compositae VU D2
Assessor: Burrows, P. Peru
Refs: 19172 Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
in cloudforest between 2500 and 4Ci00m in the
Pandanus pyramidalis department of Cajamarca.
Pandanaceae EX Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mauritius Refs: 1984
Originally known from marshland areas on the central
plateau, the last known individual died in 1995 of Paracalyx balfourii
disease. It is possible that the species survives in areas Leguminosae VU D2
which have not been surveyed. Yemen (Socotra)
Assessor: Page, W. A species of lowland dry woodland on Socotra and also
Refs: 1411,2026,9120 Samha, one of The Brothers. Its occurrence is very
scattered but populations are under no immediate threat.
Pandanus sechellarum Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Pandanaceae VU D2 Refs: 2354, 19083
Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as Parajubaea torallyi
threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution. Palmae ENBl+2c
Populations are healthy and stable. Bolivia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Endemic to the Bolivian Andes, the species is scattered
Refs: 16212, 17229 in dry forest on steep rocky slopes between 2400 and
34CX)m in inter-Andean valleys. There is little evidence
Pandanus taveuniensis of regeneration: most stands almost completely lack
Pandanaceae VU D2 seedlings and juveniles. Although local communities are
Fiji concerned about the species' conservation and two
A tree confined to Taveuni Island, where the population populations are now contained within a protected area at
is reported to be extensive. El Palmar, no research or action has b«in taken to deal
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre with the lack of regeneration.
Refs: 18818 Assessor: Moraes, M.
Refs: 19118, 19180
Pandanus tectorius var. uapensis
Pandanaceae DD
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
One of the numerous varieties of this Polynesian
species. It is known only from Ua Pou in the Marquesas.


Species Summaries

Paramachaerium schunkei Parashorea lucida

Leguminosae VU D2 Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B 1 +2c, C7a
Peru Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak)
This lowland Amazon forest species is known only from This species is found in mixed dipterocarp forest on
the type collection from the department of Hu^uco. hills.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Ashton, P.

Refs: 1984 /fe/j. 7673,9169, 13857

Paranecepsia alchomeifoUa Parashorea macrophyUa

Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b Dipterocarpaceae CRAIcd,BI+2c,C2a
Mozambique, Tanzania Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
A monotypic genus. It is found in remaining riverine A large timber tree which is confined to moist clay-rich
forest or thicket in eastern Tanzania extending south into soils in Sarawak and Brunei. An occurrence has been
north-east Mozambique. recorded in a proposed reserve.
Assessor: Lx)vett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 1308,3356,8814 /fe/t; 7673, 9169, 13857

Paranephelium hainanensis Parashorea malaanonan

Sapindaceae ENBl-f2c Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
China (Guangdong - Hainan) Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines
A species with a highly restricted range, valuable as a A very large dipterocarp tree of lowland primary forest,
timber and confined to woodland below 200m in Yaxian which is used as white seraya timber and is the most

County on Hainan Island. Scattered singly or in small important commercial timber of northern Borneo. This
stands, have become scarcer because of
individuals threatened species is located in a proposed reserve site.
cutting and habitat clearance. Remaining stands do not Assessor: Ashton, P.
appear to be protected in any way. Z^e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818, 11847 Parashorea stellata
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, Bl+2c
Parashorea aptera Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Thailand,
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Viet Nam
Indonesia (Sumatra) This slow-growing tree is found in seasonal lowland and
Found below 70m in eastern Sumatra, this tree grows on evergreen dipterocarp hill forest.
sandy on low hills.
soils Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton. P. /?«/5. 7673, 13857, 19093
/fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857

ParasUaxus ustus
Parashorea chinensis Podocarpaceae LR/nt
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd, C2a, Dl New Caledonia
China (Guangxi, Yunnan), Viet Nam A small shrub which parasitises the roots of
An emergent tree, reaching heights of 80m, in primary Falcatifolium laxoides. Although populations are small,
forest areas within Mengla, Maguan and Hekou in the species is widely dispersed in cloud forest and under
Yunnan, parts of south-west Guangxi and the northern effective protection in Rivifere Bleue Provincial Park.
provinces of Viet Nam. In China only a few large trees There are threats of mining in Mont Dzumac and Mont
are left, the Yunnan population being restricted to an Paeoua.
area of 20km'. Insect attacks, resulting in premature Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
fruit-fall, are frequent. In Viet Nam the species is Refs: 12630, 13041
sometimes found in pure stands. Populations have been
overexploited for their timber in both countries. Parathesis amplifolia
Assessor: Ashton, P. Myrsinaceae VU C2a
Refs: 848, 1818, 11847, 13857, 15357, 15754, 19055 Panama
Occurring in moist evergreen forest between 700 and
Parashorea densiflora 1500m, the species is known from two main areas, from
Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd, B +2c
1 Cerro Jefe in Chagres National Park and from Kunayala
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Indigenous Reserve. There are few collections but the
A tree scattered throughout the lowland dipterocarp forest is relatively extensive and well protected.
forest of Peninsular Malaysia, which is cut for gerutu Occurrences are also recorded in Fortuna Forest Reserve
timber. in Chiriqui and Valle de Ant6n in Cocl^.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Mitrd, M.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772

Parashorea globosa Parathesis aurantica

Dipterocarpaceae EN B I +2e, D Myrsinaceae VU Bl+2c
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) El Salvador
A tree suffering from degradation of the lowland Endemic to EI Salvador, the species occurs in
dipterocarp forest. Chalatenango, Los Esesmiles and in the east of la Palma.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857

TTie World List of Threatened Trees

It is found in montane pine-oak forest, where it is from which the specimen was collected is not
widely exposed to threats of logging, agriculture and known. The family in Panama is in need of taxonomic
pastoralism. revision.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 19030 Refs: 16772

Parathesis bicolor Parathesis vulgata

Myrsinaceae DD Myrsinaceae EN C2a
Panama Guatemala, Honduras
The species is known from three collections: the type Mainly occurring at middle and upper elevations of
from the El Llano-Carti highway, from Cerro Campana mountain slopes, the species is found in areas of
in Altos de Campana National Park and most recently in rainforest or cloud forest.
1982 from a collection without a named locality but with Assessor: Nelson, C.
co-ordinates which fall in the middle of the ocean. Refs: 13995
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 16772 Parinari argenteo-sericea
Chrysobalanaceae VU D2
Parathesis congesta Malaysia (Sabah)
Myrsinaceae VUBl+2c This tree, endemic to Sabah, is found in lowland forest
El Salvador and in forest along streams. It is known only from Lanad
Confined Chalatenango and El Imposible National
to Datu, Sandakan and Tawau.
Park, the speciesis scattered in forest areas up to 1200m. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The main threats to the populations are posed by habitat Refs: 19017
loss through logging, forest management activities and
the spread of agriculture. There are restrictions on these Parinari papuana ssp. salomonense
activities in the national park. Chrysobalanaceae VU Alcd+2cd, Bl+2abcde
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Solomon Islands (Santa Cruz Is, South Solomon)
Refs: 19030 A lowland rainforest tree restricted to the Solomon
Islands. It is locally common in parts of the New
Parathesis glaberima Georgia group. Populations are located in a prime
Myrsinaceae DD logging area and the tree makes up a fairly large
Panama proportion (6-10%) of the logs exported to Japan.
Known only from the type collection, gathered from Habitat loss is also a threat.
Cerro Tute in Veraguas in 1975. There are problems of Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
identification with the members of this family in Panama Refs: 19114
and a taxonomic revision is needed.
Assessor: Mitre, M. Parkia harbesonii
Refs: 16772 Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Parathesis panamensis Endemic to Palawan, the species occurs in areas of
Myrsinaceae DD lowland forest up to 150m. The main island is a
Colombia, Panama biosphere reserve.
The species is known only from the type collection, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
gathered in 1927 from Valle de Talamanca, Bocas del Refs: 49S6, 18088
Toro. *TROPlCOS records the species in Antioquia in
Colombia but no further details are known. Parkia korom
Assessor: Mitre, M. Leguminosae VU D2
Refs: 7272, 7980, 14873, 16772 Federated States of Micronesia
An endemic tree of the island of Ponape in Micronesia.
Parathesis seibertii It occurs in primary forest and provides a useful wood
Myrsinaceae LR/nt for constructing canoes. It does not appear to have been
Costa Rica, Panama collected in the last 50 years.
A common species of montane forest in Chiriquf, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Panama, occurring in Volc^ Bani National Park, La Refs: 6835
Amistad National Park, on both the Panama and Costa
Rica sides, and Fortuna Forest Reserve. It is also Parkia parrii
reported from Bocas del Toro, Panama, and in high Leguminosae CR Dl
areas of the provinces of Alajuela and Puntarenas in Fiji

Costa Rica. No record has been made of the species since the type
Assessor: Mitr6, M. collection, which was gathered in 1878 from Mbua
Refs: 16772 Province, Vanua Levu. At the time of the collection the
timber of the species was used for various purposes.
Parathesis tenuifolia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Myrsinaceae DD Refs: 6835, 18818
The species was described in 1971 on the basis of a Parkia parvifoliola
single collection from Bocas del Toro in 1928. The exact Leguminosae VU 02
A primary forest tree, which is known only from the

Species Summaries

island of Babeldaop in the Republic of Palau. It does not ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced by
appear to have been collected in the last 50 years. agricultural systems.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Prado, D.
Refs: 6835 Refs: 19122

Parkinsonin raimondoi Pasania dodonaeifoUa

Leguminosae LR/nt Fagaceae EN A I a, B 1 +2ab
Somalia Taiwan
Endemic to south-central Somalia, this species occurs in The morphological similarity of the species to P.
Acacia-Commiphora bushland on sand. The habitat formosana and the existence of intermediate forms raise
continues to be degraded and destroyed by increasing some doubt as to its current taxonomic status. Both
agriculture and overcutting, particularly in the vicinity of species are confined to the Hengchun Peninsula, this
Mogadishu. taxon occurring in localities of lowland broadleaved
Assessor: Thulin, M. forest in Tawu and Chinshuiying. The populations are
/ee/i; 7550, 8697, 18665 small and little regeneration has been noted.
Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Parmentiera cereifera Refs: 3295, 19050, 19051
Bignoniaceae EN C2a
Panama Pasania formosana
Wild populations of the species occur in lowland Fagaceae CR Dl
evergreen forest on the Atlantic coast, either side of the Taiwan
Panama Canal, in Col6n and Panama Provinces. It is not The notes under P. dodonaeifolia are relevant here. Both
a common species and in some places the habitat is taxa are restricted to the Hengchun Peninsula and are
under serious threat from logging. It is found in botanic morphologically closely related. This species is based on
gardens throughout the world. a single population of fewer than 50 individuals,
Assessor: Mitr6, M. confined to the windward slopes of Nanjenshan. Seed
/fe/j; 7980, 15037, 16772 crops appear to be poor and heavily predated by
squirrels. Little regeneration is evident. The location is
Parmentiera dressleri contained within Kenting National Park.
Bignoniaceae EN C2a Assessor: Lu, S.Y. &
F.J. Pan
Panama «e/i.-3295, 19050, 19051
The species is restricted to lowland evergreen rainforest
on the Atlantic side of Panami and Col6n Provinces. Paulownia kawakamU
Populations are small and rare within an area which is Scrophulariaceae CRAlace, Bl+2abc,C2ab
potentially highly vulnerable to logging and habitat Taiwan
clearance. Some occurrences coincide with protected Only 13 mature trees appear to remain in the wild in the
areas. Chiayang area. Central Cross Island, Hwy. The mixed
Assessor: Mitr^, M. evergreen forest habitat has been extensively destroyed
Refs: 14873, 15037, 16772 to make way for apple and peach orchards. The species
has also been overexploited in the past for its valuable
Parmentiera morii timber.
Bignoniaceae CR C2a Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Panama Refs: 3295, 19050
The few collections made all come from the same area
on a highway from El Llano to Carti. Trees are found Pauridiantha insularis
within deciduous rainforest between 250 and 400m. In Rubiaceae VU D2
recent years there has been much habitat clearance. It is Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tome)
possible thatthere are populations in the Kunayala A small tree of montane forest. It was collected from
Indigenous Reserve and Dari6n National Park, which Macambrara and Pico. No recent collections have been
would improve the species' status. made.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5335, 7980, 13316, 16772 Refs: 2724

Parmentiera stenocarpa PausinystaUa brachythyrsum

Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c Rubiaceae EX
Colombia Cameroon
A Colombian endemic, known only from Antioquia and The only evidence of this species is the type specimen,
Choc6. which was collected in 1746 in Bipinde in western
Assessor: Calderon, E. Cameroon. The species may be considered to be extinct.
Refs: 7980, 19069 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4509
Parodiodendron marginiviUosum
Euphorbiaceae VUBI+2c PausinystaUa lane-poolei ssp. lane-poolei
Argentina, Bolivia Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
and Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected The range of this rare tree is almost confined to medium
elevations in the Nimba Mountains in Liberia, possibly
extending into Sierra Leone. It is also recorded in wet
evergreen forest in Ghana. Mining for iron-ore, logging.


The World List of Threatened Trees

the establishment of commercial plantations and the Pavetta kyimbilensis var. iringensis
influx of people into these areas have caused large-scale Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
destruction of the habitat. Malawi, Tanzania
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. A shrub or small tree of moist montane forests, above
Refs: 2773, 4509, 8369, 12061 1800m. The variety is known from the Udzungwa
Mountains, Njombe and Rungwe Mountains in
Pavetta abyssinica var. usambarica Tanzania, also occurring in Malawi. The type variety is
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b more restricted in range.
Tanzania Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
A variety endemic to the West Usambara Mountains, y?e/i; 3356, 8814
where it is found in moist semi-deciduous forest at

elevations above 1675m. Pavetta kyimbilensis var. kyimbilensis

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Rubiaceae VUBl+2b,D2
Refs: 3356, 10961 Tanzania
A small tree or shrub known from a single population in
Pavetta axUlipara an area of moist montane forest on Mount Njombe in
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Tanzania. The other variant of the species is similarly
Tanzania restricted to East African montane forest but is more
Restricted to the South Nguru Mountains, this small tree widespread.
is located in a small area of moist forest at 1200m. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke Re/i- 3356, 8814
Refs: 1308, 3356
Pavetta lasioclada
Pavetta comostyla var. matengoana Rubiaceae VU A 1 cd, B 1 +2c
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b Cameroon, Cote d'lvoiie, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Sierra
Tanzania Leone, Togo
One of the two distinct variants of the subspecies Ranging from Guinea to Cameroon, this species is found
nyassica. This taxon is found only in a restricted area of in areas of upland evergreen forest. This forest type has
dry montane forest on Lupembe Hill. suffered from farming, fire, forest management activities
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke and large-scale mining.
/?e/i: 3356, 8814 Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 2773, 8854, 12061
Pavetta comostyla var. nyassica
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Pavetta linearifolia
Malawi, Tanzania Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
This taxon is the more widespread of the two variants of Kenya, Tanzania
the subspecies nyassica. It is distributed in two small Ranging from the lower Tana and lower Galana area in
areas of moist montane forest on Mount Rungwe in Kenya to eastern Tanzania, this small tree or shrub is

Tanzania and further south in Malawi. restricted to remaining areas of dry coastal forest.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1308,3356,8814 /?c/i.- 3356, 6396, 12067

Pavetta holstii Pavetta lynesii

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Tanzania Tanzania
Populations are known from the East Usambara Populations are restricted to areas of moist montane
Moimtains and the South Nguru Mountains. The species forest in Njombe, Udzungwa Mountains and Ukaguru.
occurs at medium elevations in moist evergreen forest. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 3356, 10961
Refs: 3356, 8814
Pavetta macrosepala var. macrosepala
Pavetta intermedia Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Mozambique?, Tanzania
Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda Restricted in range, this is a shrub or small tree found in
A difficult species to identify and apparently dry deciduous coastal thickets on sand. It is possible that
uncommon. It has a restricted range in eastern DR the range of this variety extends into Mozambique.
Congo, extending into Uganda. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: *MUIENR Refs: 1308,3356,8814
Refs: 1308,9837,16021
Pavetta macrosepala var. puberula
Pavetta johnstonii ssp. breviloba Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Tanzania
Tanzania, Zambia A variety restricted to coastal thickets in south-east
A dry montane forest shrub or small tree. Tanzania.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 10961 /?c/i.- 3356, 8814

Species Summaries

Pavetta manyanguensis Tanzania, where it occurs in patches of dry coastal

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b forest.
Tanzania Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
An endemic an area of moist montane forest
to at 1800m /fe/i; 3356,8814
on South Nguru.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Pavetta sphaerobotrys ssp. sphaerobotrys
Refs: 3356, 8814 Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
Pavetta moUissima A shrubby tree confined to a few localities of dry coastal
Rubiaceae VUAlc,Bl+2c forest in Kilosa.
Cote d'lvoire?, Ghana Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
A small tree of wet evergreen forest, mainly in Ghana, /?e/i; 3356, 8814
possibly extending into Cote d'lvoire. This forest has
declined in extent because of the effects of mining, Pavetta sphaerobotrys ssp. tamitca
logging and the establishment of commercial Rubiaceae VU Bl-l-2c
plantations. Kenya
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. A shrub or tree endemic to the lower Tana River, where
Refs: 12061 itoccurs in areas of riverine forest or woodland.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pavetta monticola Refs: 6396
Rubiaceae VU D2
Equatorial Guinea (Annobdn), Sao Tom6 & Principe Pavetta subumbeUtUa var. subcortacea
(Sao Tom6) Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
A small tree known from several collections, some Malawi, Tanzania
up to 1950m. Much of the rainforest
recent, in forest A taxon known from a single locality of moist montane
below 1500m on Sao Tom6 was felled in the first half of forest at Mufindi, Tanzania, and also from a population
the century. in Malawi.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 2724 Refs: 1308.3356,8814

Pavetta nitiSssima Pavetta tarennoides

Rubiaceae VUBl+2b, D2 Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Tanzania Kenya
A single population isknown from an area of moist A shrub or tree,rarely described as climbing, endemic to
montane forest at Mwanihana in the Udzungwa the Shimba Hills.
Mountains. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Refs: 6396
Refs: 3356, 10961
Pavetta tendagurensts var. glabrescens
Pavetta septum var. massaica Rubiaceae VUBI+2b
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Tanzania
Tanzania A variant of a Tanzanian endemic. It is known from dry
A small tree or shrub, known from a single site of dry lowland forest in Mlinguru, Tendaguru and the Rondo
montane forest in east Tanzania. Plateau.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Re/i.- 3356, 8814 «e/i; 3356, 8814

Pavetta septum var. septum Pavetta tendagurensts var. tendagurensts

Rubiaceae VUBI+2b Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2b, D2
Kenya, Tanzania Tanzania
In Kenya this variety has been recorded from A poorly known small tree or bush which is known only
groundwater or riverine forest and rocky bushland in the from the type locality at Tendaguru.
Taita Hills and Loitokitok. It also occurs in northern Assessor: Lx)vett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Tanzania. /fe/i; 3356, 8814
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 6396, 8814 Pavonia sptcata var. troyana
Malvaceae LR/nt
Pavetta sparstpila Jamaica
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b The Jamaican variety of a Caribbean species. It occurs in
Tanzania woodland on limestone in the central and north-western
A small tree or shrub restricted to moist evergreen forest parishes.
in theNorth Uluguru Mountains. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke Refs: 6057, 7980
Refs: 3356, 5204

Pavetta sphaerobotrys ssp. lancetsepala

Rubiaceae VUBI+2b
The range of this shrubby tree is restricted to north-east

The World List of Threatened Trees

Peddiea kivuensis Pentace excelsa

Thymelaeaceae LR/cd Tiliaceae LR/cd
Democratic Republic of Congo Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
The distribution of this species is limited. It occurs in Known only from Gunung Mandi Angin in Terengganu
lowland closed forest in the Forestier Central. and Gunung Tapis in Pahang, this large tree is common
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B. at 600m in moist montane forest.
Refs: 17185, 17951 Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 19073
Pelagodoxa henryana
Palmae CR Bl+2d Pentace exima
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Tiliaceae VUBl+2c
A monotypic palm genus restricted to Nuku Hiva in the Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Marquesas. It grows in rainforest at 40m. The main A tree found scattered within open forest, usually
threats are grazing by feral pigs and land clearance for occurring on the coastal hills of Penang, Perak and
agriculture and human habitation. Pahang.
Assessor: Johnson, D. Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 19118 Refs: 19073

PeUa obovata Pentace grandiflora

Rutaceae EX Tiliaceae LR/cd
USA (Hawaii) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A locally common tree found in open moist forests of
Refs: 3372 Bukit Bauk, Jerangau, Ulu Sungai Loh and Gunung
Mandi Angin in Terengganu.
Pellacalyx yunnanensis Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Rhizophoraceae ENBl+2c, C2a Refs: 8464, 19073
China (Yunnan)
An evergreen tree known only from two localities in Pentace microlepidota
Mengla County, where it occurs in dense monsoon Tiliaceae VUBI+2c
forest between 600 and 850m. The population has been Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
reduced to a few hundred plants, including a few Scattered and rare, this tree grows in lowland and hill

individuals within a nature reserve. forests. The timber is used locally.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 Refs: 19073

Pellegriniodendron diphyllum Pentace perakensis

Leguminosae LR/nt Tiliaceae VU D2
Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Gabon, Ghana Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Confined to areas of wet evergreen forest, where it can Scattered in lowland and hill open forest, this tree is

be common, this small understorey tree is found on both known only from Lanit Hills, Perak, where it is

sides of the Dahomey Gap. There has been significant threatened by tourism and expanding settlements.
loss of this forest in all countries because of mining, Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
logging and commercial forestry activities. It is a slow- Refs: 19073
growing species from a monotypic genus.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pentace strychnoidea
Refs: 8369, 12061, 12597, 19043 Tiliaceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Pennantia baylisiana An endemic tree most common in hill forest.

Icacinaceae CR Dl Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.

New Zealand (North Is.) /?e/i.-8464, 11145, 19073
A species which has only ever been known from a single
tree, discovered in 1946 on Great Island in Three Kings Pentagonia rubiflora
Islands Group. Although sexed as female, the tree has Rubiaceae DD
produced viable pollen and some seedlings have been Peru
raised ex situ. The decline of the species has been Known only from the type collection, the tree occurs in
attributed to habitat destruction as a consequence of lowland forest in San Martin. It is possibly a synonym of
human occupation and browsing by goats. P. velutina.
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 4253, 9800, 17637, 19133, 19134 Refs: 1984

Pentace acuta Pentapanax castanopsisicola

Tiliaceae VUBl+2c Araliaceae EN C2a
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Taiwan
A scattered tree of lowland and hill forest, known only Usually an epiphytic shrub, the species is scattered in
from Bubu Forest Reserve in Perak and Bukit Bauk small populations throughout themountaincentral
Forest Reserve in Terengganu. range. Occurring in broadleaved evergreen forest at
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. medium elevations, some populations are protected in
Refs: 19073

Species Summaries

Yushan National Park; others are under pressure from Pericopsis mooniana
encroaching housing developments. Leguminosae VUAlcd
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. &
F.J. Pan Federated States of Micronesia, Indonesia (Irian Jaya,
Refs: 3295, 6469. 19050, 19051 Java, Kalimantan, Moluccas, Sulawesi, Sumatra),
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), Palau, Papua
Pentapanax henyri New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka
Araliaceae LR/cd A fairly large tree mainly found scattered within coastal
China (Yunnan) forests. The species has been heavily exploited for its
Endemic of north-west and south-east Yunnan,
to parts beautiful timber, which is in great demand and realises
the species occurs in subtropical monsoon forest high prices. Supplies are limited and trade and export are
between 1200 and 2600m. Its bark is widely used, and in minimal. It is threatened further by poor natural
some instances overexploited, for its medicinal regeneration and lack of replanting. Very few stands
properties. There are several occurrences within nature remain in Sulawesi, it is thought to be almost extinct in
reserves. Sabah, and it is considered to be rare or vulnerable in
Assessor: Sun, W. Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan and Sri Lanka. In
Refs: 19055 Papua New
Guinea, this species is restricted to the
heavily logged Oriomo River in the Western Province,
Pentaspadon motleyi where it is possibly now extinct.
Anacardiaceae DD Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Indonesia (Irian Jaya, Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia Refs: 1517, 4329, 5550, 8203, 8865, 12779. 12937,
(Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak), Papua New 13395. 14573. 17991. 18796. 19026. 19112, 19114
Guinea (North Solomons, Papua New Guinea), Solomon
Islands (South Solomon) Peritassa killipii
In Papua New Guinea, this species occurs mainly in Celastraceae VU D2
primary forest on the banks of streams and rivers in the Peru
Gulf and Madang Provinces and Bougainville in the Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
North Solomons. It is under great threat from habitat in lowland Amazon forest in the department of Loreto.
destructionin these areas and is considered to be Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
endangered (EN C2a). The situation is likely to be Refs: 1984
similar elsewhere.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Perrottetia excelsa
Refs: 5550,9328, 11145, 12937, 17140, 19114 Celastraceae VU 02
Pera aperta There have been no records of the species since 1980.
Euphorbiaceae DD The two collections known are from the same site.
Panama Fieldwork is needed in order to ascertain wether the
Known only from the type specimen, it is uncertain species still exists.
whether the species is extinct or whether it has been Assessor: Mitr6, M.
incorrectly described as a separate taxon from P. Refs: 15991. 16772
arborea, which also occurs in the area. No specimens
have been collected since 1941. Perrottetia muUiflora
Assessor: Mitre, M. Celastraceae LR/nt
Re/s; 7272, 7980, 16772 Costa Rica. Panama, Venezuela
A cloud forest species which, in Panama, occurs in small
Perebea glabrifolia populations only in Chiriqui and Darien. In Costa Rica
Moraceae CR B 1 +2bc populations appear to be larger and scattered throughout
Brazil (Amazonas) the country at elevations above 1000m. Records also
There exists only one collection, made in 1932 from Sao exist from Venezuela and it is likely that the species will
Paulo de Olivensa. be found Colombia. Most parts of the range are
Assessor: Pereira, J. P. et al. protected, although extensive agriculture
is beginning to

Refs: 19S0, 15717 affect some high-altitude areas in Panama and Costa
Pericopsis elata Assessor: Mitre, M.
Leguminosae EN A 1 cd Re/5; 7272, 15991,16772
Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic
of Congo, Ghana, Nigeria Persea alpigena var. harrisii
A timber species, also known as Afrormosia, which Lauraceae LR/nt
provides an important alternative to teak. It is a Jamaica
gregarious species, restricted to the drier parts of semi- This variety is hard to distinguish from the type variety.

deciduous forests in Central and West Africa. Since Both are endemic to the Blue Mountains, this form
1948 trade in the timber has soared. Levels of apparently being locally common in montane thickets on
exploitation have been unsustainable in all countries and shale above 750m.
the species' habitat has declined. Regeneration is Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
insufficient to replace lost populations. The species is Re/j.- 6057, 7980, 12564

currently listed in *CITES Appendix 11.

Assessor: African Regional Workshop Persea brenesii
Refs: 4506, 6128, 6718, 8325, 8369, 14301, 17408 Lauraceae VU D2
Costa Rica
The species is known only from an area of wet

The World List of Threatened Trees

evergreen forest, occurring between 1100 and 1200m, Persea liebmanni

near La Palma de San Ram6n. It is possible that the Lauraceae VUBI+2c
taxon represents a unusual form of P. veraguasensis. Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Sinaloa)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzilez-Espinosa
Refs: 12587, 14487 Refs: 1857,16121,16794

Persea bullata Persea lingue

Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c Lauraceae LR/nt
Ecuador Argentina (Chubut), Chile (Bi'obi'o, La Araucania, Los
A small tree of the High Andes, endemic to areas of Lagos, Maule, O'Higgins, Santiago, Valparaiso)
montane and upper montane cloud forest between 2500 Distributed over much of the Central Depression up to
and 3500m in the provinces of Loja, Chimborazo and 900m in Chile, extending into Argentina, the species is
Zamora-Chinchipe. widespread but suffering from extensive habitat loss.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Logging, increasing agriculture and fires are the main
Refs: 19119,19120 concerns.
Assessor: GonzSlez, M.
Persea campU Refs: 5112, 5448, 7980, 16328
Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Persea obtusifolia
A small tree of cloud forest between 2400 and 2900m in Lauraceae VUBI+2c
the Ecuadorean High Andes, known only from Loja and Costa Rica, Panama
Azuay Provinces. Occurring in montane *elfm forest or drier sites at
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre higher elevations, the species is known solely from the
Refs: 19119, 19120 easternmost parts of the Cordillera de Talamanca,
extending into the Chiriqui highlands in Panama.
Persea floccosa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c Refs: 12587, 15037
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz)
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. GonzSlez-Espinosa Persea philippinensis
Refs: 1857, 10816, 16121 Lauraceae VUAlcd
Persea glabra An endemic to the Philippines. Rates of habitat loss
Lauraceae VU D2 through logging and shifting cultivation have led to
Brazil (Bahia) considerable population declines.
A shrub or newly described and known only from
tree, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the type collection, which was made in secondary Refs: 2072, 4919, 7673, 18088
vegetation at the edge of forest in Pico das Almas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Persea podadenia var. glabriramea
Refs: 15421 Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Mexico (Veracruz)
Persea indica Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
Lauraceae LR/cd Refs: 1857, 10816
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.)

The wild origin of the species is a little obscure. It Persea ruizU

appears to have been introduced to the Azores three Lauraceae VU D2
centuries ago. Occurrences on these islands are therefore Peru
excluded for the purposes of assigning an lUCN red list The species is known only from the type collection
category. On Madeira
and the Canaries, populations are taken from the department of Hu^uco.
known from remaining *laurisilva and cloud forest. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Although the extent of the stands is much reduced as a Refs: 1984
result of past exploitation of the highly valued wood, the
species is still abundant in parts of Madeira and the Persea schiedeana
Canaries. It is and occurs
listed in regional legislation Lauraceae VUAlc
within protected areas. Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Assessor: Banares, A. et al. Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, San
Refs: 5287, 7222, 19022, 19131 Luis Potosi, Veracruz), Nicaragua, Panama
Occurring throughout Central America and Mexico, the
Persea julianae species is confined to areas of forest above 1000m. It

Lauraceae VU D2 has become extremely sparse in some countries, such as

Suriname Costa Rica and Panama, and it is almost extinct in EI
A poorly known species which has been collected only Salvador.
from a single locality at 1200m on Julianatop. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 15037, 16121, 16772
Refs: 19196
Petrobium arboreum
Compositae EN DI
St Helena
The smallest of the cabbage trees. It is confined to damp
areas of relict tree-fern thicket or cabbage-tree woodland

Species Summaries

on the upper slopes of the above 600ni,

central ridge Phoebe boumei
principally at Cuckhold's Point, below Diana's Peak, Lauraceae LR/nt
Actaeon, above Grapevine Gut, Cabbage Tree Road. A China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou. Hubei.
total of approximately ISO plants exist. The genus is Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang)
monotypic. A valuable timber, widely occurring as single trees or in
Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B. groves in evergreen forest. Larger trees have become
>?e/i. 9954, 11891, 19081 rare in places where there has been exploitation. The
species' preference for fertile lowlands has also brought
Phaeanthus malabaricus it into competition with the expansion of agriculture.
Annonaceae LR/nt Plantations have been established.
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurring in evergreen forest up to about 900m, this Refs: 1818, 11847
small tree was originally thought to be endemic to a
small in Wynaad and Tambracherry. Further
area Phoebe chekiangensis
collections have extended the species' range in the Lauraceae VUBl+2c
southern end of the Western Ghats, down to the China (Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang)
Agastyamalai Hills. Much of the forest has experienced A large evergreen tree with a localised distribution in
large-scale encroachment throughout the range, but areas of evergreen broadleaved forest, where it

substantial areas are now protected. frequently occurs as a dominant component. The species
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre has been overexploited for its timber in most of its range
Refs: 4799, 19144 and the habitat has deteriorated in many places.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Phellodendron amurense var. wilsonii Refs: 1818,11847
Rutaceae DD
Taiwan Phoebe nanmu
A mixed submontane forest in the the
tree scattered in Lauraceae ENBl-^2ce
north-east. The bark has been a popular consliment of China (Xizang, Yunnan)
medicinal products for a long time. The present status of In Yunnan the species is known mainly from
the species requires further investigation. Forest populations in monsoon forest in the south and west. It
clearance and overexploitation of the bark are the main is only recorded from Meitus in south-east Tibet
causes for concern. (Xizang). During the last 10 years populations have been
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre declining because of overcutting. 'The timber is excellent
Refs: 3295, 19050 for building construction and fiimiture. Some areas of
forest are protected.
Phialanlhus jamaicensis Assessor: Sun, W.
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Refs: 1818, 11847,19055
This species is uncommon and confined to a nanow Phoebe poilanei
altitudinal range, between 240 and 270m, in dry thickets Lauraceae VU D2
on limestone in St Andrew and St Ehzabeth. Populations Viet Nam
have been recorded from the southern side of Lx>ng Apparently endemic to Viet Nam, the species is located
Mountain and Great Pedro Bluff close to the Chinese border in Phong The, Lai Chau
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Province, between 1 600 and 1 700m.
/fc/s; 401, 5653, 7980 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 848
Phialanthus revolutus
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Phoebe scortechinii
Jamaica Lauraceae LR/cd
Confined to coastal thickets, the species is very rare and Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
recorded only from St Catherine, Clarendon and Recorded only from Maxwell's Hill in Perak, this tree is
Manchester Parishes. scattered in montane forest. Maxwell's Hill is a protected
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre area.
*e/i; 401. 5653. 7980 Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Refs: 8464, 19073
Philippic nyassana
Ericaceae VU D2 Phoebe zhennan
Malawi Lauraceae VU Aid
Known from Mount Mulanje, this species is
only China (Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan)
scattered at the edges of montane forest and in the A valuable timber. Populations have been reduced in
adjoining grasslands. There are threats of fire and in extent and are now mainly confined to semi-natural
places encroaching agriculture and illegal collection of forest. Large individuals are left around temples, paries
wood. The area is protected and the conservation of and villages.
remaining natural resources and the control of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
exploitative activities are now a high priority. Refs: 1818, 11847
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5651, 18965 Phoenicophorium borsigianum
Palmae LR/nt
A forest palm tree endemic to the Seychelles. This

The World List of Threatened Trees

species is locally abundant and easily colonises bare Photinia serratifolia var. tomentosa
eroded lands. Rosaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Munigaiyan, P. India (Tamil Nadu)
Refs: 19118 An endemic to the Nilgiris, occurring in montane forest
above 1900m.
Phoenix rupicola Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae LR/nt Refs: 19144
India (Aiunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim)
A small palm tree of rocky slopes, occurring in the Phragmotheca rubriflora
lower Himalaya Mountains up to 4S0m. Increasing Bombacaceae VUBI+2c
settlement of the area is the main threat. Colombia
Assessor: Johnson, D. An endemic to Antioquia.
Refs: 19118 Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 19069
Phoenix theophrasti
Palmae LR/nt Phylica polifolia
Greece (Crete), Turkey (Turkey-in-Europe) Rhamnaceae CR C2a
A palm tree found in the sandy beds of temporary St Helena
streams up to 250m. On Crete, there are eight Occurring now
only as a low straggling bush, the last
populations; the largest contains a few thousand tree formspecimen died recently at Blue Hill.
individuals and is protected under Greek law. Four Populations have been reduced to dry locations on cliffs,
populations are known in Turkey. e.g. High Hill, Lot, between Distant Cottage and Asses'
Assessor: Johnson, D. Ears. Although there may be up to 100 plants, their
Refs: 19118 distribution is fragmented and they are vulnerable to
competition from introduced plants.
PhoUdocarpus kingianus Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
Palmae VUBl+2c Refs: 5556, 19081
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Restricted to swamp forest in Peninsular Malaysia, this Phyllanthus arbuscula
palm tree is threatened by rapid habitat conversion for Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
agriculture and urbanisation. Jamaica
Assessor: Saw, L.G. A variable species with distinctive populations in
Refs: \9US middle-elevation and montane woodlands on limestone.
In the western Blue Mountains, the population is

PhoUdocarpus macrocarpus restricted to a small area north of the Grand Ridge at the
Palmae VUBl+2c headwaters of the Mabess River.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A palm tree of swamp forest up to 500m, restricted to /?e/i; 6057, 7980, 12564
Peninsular Malaysia and Peninsular Thailand. Most of
the swamp forests are subject to forest conversion and Phyllanthus axiUaris
forestry activities. Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Saw, L.G. Jamaica
Refs:\9US Known only from Trelawny, the species occurs very
locally in dry scrubby woodland on rocky hillsides.
Photinia lasiogyna There is a constant threat of overcutting and encroaching
Rosaceae VU A led agriculture.
China (Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Zhejiang) Refs: 5653, 19085
A relatively widespread species, occurring in
broadleaved or mixed forest above 20(X)m. Habitat Phyllanthus cauUflorus
declines and degradation have reduced population sizes. Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: Sun, W. Jamaica
Refs: 19055 Populations are known from Westmoreland and
Hanover, where the species occurs locally in thickets
Photinia lasiopetala and woodlands on limestone rocks.
Rosaceae VUDl+2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Taiwan /?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Occurring in broadleaved evergreen forest above 800m,
the species is confined to a few populations in central Phyllanthus cladanthus
Taiwan. Part of the range is covered by Taroko National Euphorbiaceae LR/nt
Park. Other areas are susceptible to increasing housing Jamaica
developments. An uncommon slender tree, occurring in thickets and
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan woodlands on limestone, especially in wet areas.
Refs: 19050, 19053 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6057, 7980

Species Summaries

PhyUanthus eximitts PhyUostemonodaphne geminiflora

Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Lauraceae ENBI+2c
Jamaica Brazil (Espfrito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro)
Known only from Portland, the species occurs locally in Last collected in 1978, the species is concentrated
wet mossy thickets and woodland on limestone areas. around Rio de Janeiro, but is also known from forests
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. further inland.
Re/i; 401, 5653. 19085 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7145
PhyUanthus Jadyenii
Euphorbiaceae DD Phyllostylon orthopterum
Jamaica Ulmaceae VU Bl+2ac
A very poorly known species, recorded only from a Bolivia
single herbarium specimen. Endemic to the piedmont forest in Bolivia, the species is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre confined to an unprotected ecosystem which is being
Ue/5; 401, 5653, 7980 rapidly replaced by agricultural systems.
Assessor: Prado, D.
PhyUanthus gentryi Refs: 19122
Euphorbiaceae END I

Panama Phytloxylon arenicola

This shrub or small tree is known only from evergreen Leguminosae CRBI+2abc
rainforest, often on slopes, in the Serranfa de Pirre, close Madagascar
to the Colombian border. It is possible that the species A coastal forest and woodland species known only from
range extends into Colombia. Regeneration appears to Bale de Rigney and Bale d'Irodo forests in north-east
be good and the population is protected within Dari6n Madagascar, with an estimated range of less than 10 km'
National Park. (*AC>0). These areas are u.ider severe local pressure
Assessor: MHt6, M. from selective cutting and degradation.
Refs: 15037, 16772 Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Refs: 12353
PhyUanthus latifoUus
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt Phytloxylon decipiens
Jamaica Leguminosae ENBl+2abc
A shrub or small tree which occurs in some abundance Madagascar
in dry thickets on low limestone ridges, cliffs and ledges A deciduous woodland species known only from a very
in St Andrew and St Catherine. restricted area of north-east Madagascar. Its range is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre estimated to be 250km' (*EC)0) based mainly on old
Refs: 6057, 7980 records, and is likely to be considerably smaller. This
species is declining through habitat destruction and
PhyUanthus montanus selective cutting of its highly sought-after timber. It

Euphorbiaceae LR/nt occurs within Analamerana Reserve.

Jamaica Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
An apparently abundant species occurring in western Refs: 12353
and central parishes in woodland and thickets on
limestone. Phytloxylon penieri
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae EN A2d
Refs: 6057, 7980 Madagascar
A deciduous woodland species that is widespread but
PhyUanthus profusus uncommon in west Madagascar. Its range extends an

Euphorbiaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c estimated 10,000 km' (*AOO) but occurs within
Ghana, Guinea, Liberia extremely fragmented and decreasing patches of
A species confined to the restricted areas where wet vegetation. This species is selectively and intensively
evergreen forest remains in parts of the Upper Guinea felled for its construction properties and for fuel. A rapid
region. This habitat has been lost from the sites where decline is expected. It is found within some reserves
mining, logging and commercial forestry have occurred. such as Ankarafantsika, Bemaraha and Namoroka.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Assessor: Du Puy, D. H. Labat &
Refs: rm, 12061 Refs: 12353

PhyUanthus watsonU Phytloxylon phiUipsonii

Euphorbiaceae LR/cd Leguminosae CRBl+2abc
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Madagascar
Recorded only from north Johore and south Pahang, this Known only from a single recent collection, this
rheophyte is confined to forest on the banks of Endau deciduous woodland species occurs in a highly
River. The area is protected within Endau-Rompin populated area near a main road, south-east of
National Park. Antsiranana in north Madagascar. Its range is probably
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. considerably less than the estimated lOOkm' (*EOO), as
Refs: 17140, 19073 there are very few remnants of native vegetation in the
area. No conservation measures exist.
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat
Refs: 12353

The World List of Threatened Trees

Phyttoxylon spinosa Phytelephas seemannii

Leguminosae ENBl+2abc Palmae LR/cd
Madagascar Colombia, Panama
A deciduous species that is uncommon and restricted to A small tree of lowland rainforest. Large populations
two limestone outcrops in the northern tip of remain along some rivers on the Pacific coast of
Madagascar: Montagne des Fran(ais and Ankarana Colombia. Seeds are used for vegetable ivory, which is
Massif. Its estimated range is 100km* (*AOO) and traded at a minor international level. Conservation
includes the Ankarana Reserve. Selective and intensive activities are taking place, and a recent project on the
felling for its favoured construction properties mean it is sustainableuse of the seeds has resulted in local
expected to decline rapidly. awareness of the importance of the species and its
Assessor: Du Puy, D. &
H. Labat protection.
Refs: 12353 Assessor: Bemal, R.
Refs: 19118
PhyUoxylon xiphoclada
Leguminosae CR Bl+2abc Phytelephas tumacana
Madagascar Palmae ENBl+2c
An evergreen species last recorded over 40 years ago Colombia
from a single very restricted area estimated to cover less An endemic palm of Colombia, found in lowland moist
than 10km' at Tampoketsa d'Ankazobe in central forest on alluvial soils. Populations have been severely
Madagascar. The vegetation is extremely degraded and decimated by agriculture and are now restricted to only a
declining and few small remnant forested patches few rivers. The species has a variety of uses as a food,
remain. thatching and as a source of vegetable ivory. Utilization
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat and trade continue at local and minor international
Refs: 12353 levels.
Assessor: Bemal, R.
PhyUoxylon xylophylloides Refs: 19118
Leguminosae VU A2cd
Madagascar Picconia azorica
A widespread species in the evergreen, humid forests of Oleaceae ENBl+2c
north and east Madagascar, with a substantial population Portugal (Azores)
in the coastal forest in the south-east, north of Once dominant component of forest between 300 and
Taolaiiaro. This last population contains many 600m on all of the Azores, except Graciosa.
RTZ (QIT) titanium
individuals but will be felled for the Overexploitation of the wood and habitat loss have now
mines in the near future, reducing the known population led to the species becoming almost extinct on some
by at least 20%. The largest area of possible occurrence islands. It remains scattered in coastal forest consisting
includes Andasibe/Perinet, Montagne d'Ambre and mainly of introduced species.
Mont Tsaratanana Reserves. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat Refs: 1512, 5287, 7222, 19131
Refs: 12353
Picconia excelsa
Physokentia dennisii Oleaceae VUC1,D2
Palmae DD Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.)

Solomon Islands (South Solomon) The species has a fragmented distribution but still
A palm tree found in gullies and on lower hill slopes in appears to be relatively frequent in areas of cloud forest
damp shaded forests between 200 and 700m. above 1000m on the Canaries. It is rare and scattered
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. over a slightly wider altitudinal range in *laurisilva on
Refs: 191 18 Madeira. In the past it was exploited for its timber but is

now included in regional legislation.

Physokentia tete Assessor: Banares, A. et at.

Palmae LR/nt /fe/i. 4556, 19022, 19131

Endemic to Vanuatu, this palm tree occurs in rainforest Picea alcoquiana var. acicularis
and mossy cloud forest between 200 and 1 000m. It is Pinaceae VU D2
regenerating well. Japan
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. Endemic to the Yatsugadake Mountains this variety is
Refs: 19118 restricted to a small area (< 100km') of montane forest,
most of it being state forest. It provides a useful timber.
Physokentia thurstonii Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Palmae LR/nt Refs: 374, 13206, 18751

Small populations exist on mountain summits, such as Picea alcoquiana var. reflexa
Mount Kambalau, Mount Mariko, Mount Seatura and Pinaceae VU D2
Mount Son on Vanua Levu. There are also a few plants Japan
on Taveuni. Regeneration is apparent. Some areas are A few (<5) small populations in scattered locations are
affected by logging. confined to the volcanic Akaishi range of central
Assessor: Fuller, D. Honshu. They occur in mixed montane forest.
/Je/i; 6053. 19118 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
/?e/i; 374, 6879, 13206

Species Summaries

Picea aurantiaca populations at Cerro Mohihora in Chihuahua and in

Pinaceae ENBl+2abc south-east Arizona.
China (Sichuan, Xizang?) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
A species of montane coniferous forest confined to a Refs: 374, 6879, 8661, 17554
small area west of Kangding in Sichuan. Forests in this
area are increasingly under pressure from indiscriminate Picea farreri
logging. Populations have declined and, as yet, there is Pinaceae ENBl+2abc
no protection for the species. China? (Yunnan), Myanmar
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group This species is confined to coniferous montane forest in
Refs: 374, 11242, 1 1847, 13041 the Fen-Shui-Ling Valley at the China-Myanmar
border. There are unconfirmed reports of other
Picea brachytyla populations, some occurring further north along the
Pinaceae VU A led Salween-Irawaddy divide. Habitat loss and logging are
China (Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang, serious threats but the current situation is not known
Yunnan) because it has been impossible to visit the area.

A widespread species valued highly for its timber. It Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
occurs in montane coniferous forest, which is Re/i; 374,3812, 13041
experiencing increasing rates of logging and
deforestation throughout the species' range. Population Picea koraiensis \ar. pungsanensis
declines are not documented but are believed to be Pinaceae VU D2
considerable. North Korea
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group A useful timber tree which is restricted to a few
/?e/j.-374, 1818, 11847 localities of upland coniferous forest along the coast at
Keizanchin, Mount Pungsan and Hamnam. There are no
Picea brachytyla var. complanata known measures to protect tlie species.
Pinaceae VU Alcd Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
China (Sichuan, Yunnan), India (Arunachal Pradesh), Re/j. 374, 11117
A valuable timber tree, widespread but suffering from Picea koyamae
overexploitation and loss of the montane forest habitat to Pinaceae EN Dl
logging and clearing. Japan
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group An endemic to the Yatsugadake Mountains in central
Refs: 314. 6S19, 11847 Honshu. Fewer than 250 individuals have been recorded,
in small groves. It has been the case that after typhoons
Picea breweriana the timber is harvested and the area is replanted with
Pinaceae LR/nt commercial species.
USA (California, Oregon) Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
A species of conservation concern because of its Refs: 314. 13206
restricted range in the Siskiyou Mountains of south-west
Oregon and north-west California. It is limited to areas Picea likiangensis var. hirtella
of mixed conifer forest mostly on glacial moraines. It is Pinaceae VUBl+2c
too rare to be exploited for its timber but it is cultivated China (Sichuan, Xizang)
on a small scale as an ornamental plant. Part of the range This variety is restricted to high-altitude coniferous
is also managed as a wilderness area in the Siskiyou forests in the mountains Sichuan and
of west
National Forest. neighbouring Tibet. The tree provides a useful timber
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group and levels of exploitation of both it and the forest in
Refs: 13041 general have caused serious habitat fragmentation and
population declines.
Picea chihuahuana Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Pinaceae ENBU2e Refs: 374, 6879
Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, Nuevo Ledn)
A species known from about 25 sites, containing a few Picea likiangensis var. montigena
to several hundred trees, often in canyons or on moist Pinaceae ENBl+2a
north-facing scree slopes. Regeneration is poor and China (Sichuan)
inadequate. A continued decline in the population, A useful timber tree restricted to a small area of high-
especially of seeding trees, is expected. altitude coniferous forest in south-west Sichuan. Levels
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group of exploitation of both the tree and the forest in general
Refs: 374, 1539, 14683, 17554 have caused population declines. There are no signs of
the pressure easing and no protection measures are
Picea engelmannii ssp. mexicana enforced.
Pinaceae EN AIa,Bl+2abc Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Mexico (Chihuahua, Nuevo Le6n) Refs: 374, 18751
The main population of this subspecies occurs at the
type locality in coniferous montane forest in the Sierra Picea martinezii
de la Marta where it was nearly exterminated by a forest Pinaceae CRB1-k2c
fire in 1975. There are possibly less threatened small Mexico (Nuevo Le6n)
This species has been treated as a synonym of P.
chihuahuana. It is a timber tree confined to just two sites
of montane forest near streams in Nuevo Le6n. Timber

The World List of Threatened Trees

has been extracted in recent years in the larger of the of Kangding in south-west Sichuan. Levels of
two populations. The other population has fewer than 15 exploitation of the old growth coniferous forests are
individuals. Fire is the main threat. substantial and threatening the integrity of all
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group populations.
Refs: 17554 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 314. 11191
Picea maximowiczii var. maximowiczii
Pinaceae VUBl+2c Picramnia buUata
Japan Simaroubaceae VU D2
Two varieties are in the same situation of being confined Peru
to small and scattered populations in degraded montane Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
woodland on Fuji-San and Yatsugatake Mountains. Both in * terra firme forest in the
department of Loreto.
the habitat and the tree have been overexploited. Much Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of the habitat remains degraded and regeneration is poor. Refs: 1984, 17398
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
^e/j.- 374, 13041,13206 Picrasma excelsa
Simaroubaceae VU Alcd
Picea maximowiczii var. senanensis Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Januiica, Puerto Rico,
Pinaceae VUBl+2c St Vincent, Venezuela
Japan A single population, now thought to be extinct, was once
As with var. maximowiczii this taxon is confined to recorded from El Sabalo in Pinar del Rio Province,
small and scattered populations in degraded montane Cuba, where the habitat has largely been deforested.
woodland on Fuji-San and Yatsugatake Moimtains. Elsewhere in the Greater Antilles, the species and
Overexploitation of the tree and the habitat has occurred habitat have also suffered from overcutting. A record
in the past. Much of the habitat remains degraded and exists from northern Venezuela.
regeneration is poor. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 19149
^e/i; 374, 13041,13206
Pierreodendron kerstingii
Picea morrisonicola Simaroubaceae VUBl-t-2c
Pinaceae VUAlac Benin, Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Togo
Taiwan Occurring from Cote divoire to Beiun, this is an
One of the most important timber species in Taiwan. It uncommon species from a heavily exploited semi-
is usually associated with Tsuga chinensis in areas of deciduous forest habitat. The only other species in the
montane coniferous forest. Populations have declined genus, although apparently ecologically distinct,is very
because of overexploitation. There are records of the similar. If the two were
be taxonomically merged the
species in Yushan and Shueipa National Parks. species would be wide-ranging and at lower risk.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 374, 2106, 6469, 19050, 19051 Refs: 2773, 7111, 8369, 12061

Picea neoveUchii Pilgerodendron uviferum

Pinaceae ENBl+2ab Cupressaceae VUAIcd+2cd
China (Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan) Argentina (Chubul, Neuqu6n, Rio Negro, Santa Cruz),
The species is very rare and scattered within its range in Chile
montane coniferous forest on the southern slopes of the Large-scale destruction of the forest during colonial
Qinhng range. The forest has exfierienced large times and the widespread opening up of the lowland
reductions in extent and the entire population has areas have led to the extinction of the species from most
declined in numbers, especially at Neixiang. A good of its original distribution. It is slow to mature and its
stand is apparently still foimd in Xinja Shan. regeneration is very poor, especially under a canopy.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group The species is hsted in *CrrES Appendix I.

Refs: 374, 1818 Assessor: SSC

Conifer Specialist Group
y?e/i;278,374,5112,6036, 13041, 15251, 19179
Picea omorika
Pinaceae VU D2 Pilocarpus goudotianus ssp. heterochromus
Bosnia and Herzegovina Rutaceae CRBl+2c
The Serbian spruce is known from fewer than 1000 Colombia
trees, occurring in 60ha of montane forest entirely An endemic to Huila.
within Pancic Narodni
Nature Reserve in the Tara Assessor: Calderon, E.
Mountains. The only threat appears to come from Refs: 7980, 19069
competition with P. abies and Fagus orienialis. It is
widely cultivated. Pimento adenoclada
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 4978, 5287, 7222 Cuba
Endemic to Cuba, this shrub or small tree is confined to
Picea retroflexa coastal habitats in dry forests on limestone. Only areas
Pinaceae VU B I +2abc which are unsuitable for agriculture or inaccessible have
China (Sichuan)
A tall tree restricted to a small area of high-altitude

cloud forest along the Yalong River and north and west

Species Summaries

survived. Overcutting, burning and settlement are highlands of Cockpit Country.

constant threats. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. /f«/i; 401, 5435, 5653, 7980
Refs: 5435, 5651, 7980, 19149
Pimenta odiolens
Pimenta cainitoides Myrtaceae VU D2
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Cuba
Cuba A small tree restricted to the province of Baracoa. The
Confined to rocky montane areas in Sierra Maestra and habitat has experienced declines because of logging,
other mountain ranges in eastern Cuba, this species is overcutting, mining and tourism. Unspoilt areas remain
not well collected. There has been extensive habitat loss where the terrain is rugged and inaccessible.
from overcutting, mining and tourism but vegetation Assessor: Areces-Mallea. A.E.
remains in areas which are inaccessible or unattractive to Se/j; 5435. 7980. 19149
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Pimenta oligantha
Refs: 5435. 5651, 7980, 11403, 18485, 19149 Myrtaceae VU D2
Pimenta ferruginea Known only from Sierra de Nipe in the Oriente, this
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c shrub or small tree is pooriy documented and confmed

Cuba to a habitat declining through logging, overcutting.

A poorly known one location on
species, found only in mining and tourism. Only areas which are inaccessible
the coast in Pinar del Rio Province. Overcutting and remain relatively unspoilt.
tourism are the main threats but vegetation remains in Assessor: Areces-Mallea. A.E.
rugged and inaccessible areas. Fieldwork is necessary to Refs: 5435. 5651. 7980. 19149
locate viable populations.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Pimenta podocarpoides
/fe/j; 5435, 5651, 7980, 19149 Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Pimenta filipes A morphologically interesting species which is known
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c only from the type location, near a stream in Oriente
Cuba Province. The been extensively degraded by
habitat has
Endemic Cuba, this small tree is found in dry
to eastern logging, overcutting, mining and tourism. The spread of
forests, savannas and coastal areas. There is an invasive plants along streams is also a major threat.
unconfirmed record from a relatively inaccessible Fieldwork is necessary to search for populations in more
montane area in south-central Cuba. Logging, grazing, inaccessible, intact areas.
urban expansion and mining have significantly reduced Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
the original populations. Tourism is also a major threat. Refs: 5435, 5651. 7980. 19149
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Re/i; 5435, 5651, 19149 Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus var. hoehnei
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Pimenta haitiensis Brazil (Santa Catarina. Sao Paulo)
Myrtaceae VU D2 A coastal forest taxon, known from about four localities
Dominican Republic in Sao Paulo and Santa Catarina. Large-scale
A shrub or small tree restricted to a small area in deforestation and habitat degradation have occu-red over
Pedemales, where it occurs in a unique coastal the centuries. The type variety is found further inland.
xerophytic vegetation on 'dog tooth' limestone substrate. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
The leaves are a popular source of fragrance and are sold Refs: 5435. 7980
in markets. If exploitation increases, the species will
become seriously threatened. Pimenta racemosa var. hispaniolensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
«c/i. 5435. 7980, 10197 Dominican Republic, Haiti
A Hispaniola endemic found in remaining upland
Pimenta jamaicensis broadleaved forest in a number of locations. The decline
Myrtaceae LR/nt in the extent of forest has been drastic.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree resembling P. dioica, the source of allspice. It is Refs: 5435, 7980
restricted to the highlands of Jamaica above 600m. A
popular source of firewood but populations are probably Pimenta racemosa var. ozua
most seriously threatened by habitat degradation. Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Dominican Republic, Haiti
Refs: 5435, 6057, 7980 Endemic to north-central Hispaniola. this variety grows
in forest and woodland areas. The habitat has been
Pimenta obscura drastically reduced in extent. This species has a use as a
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c fragrance to a disinfectant called 'puro ozua'.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An uncommon small tree, closely related to P. dioica, Refs: 5435. 7980
the source of allspice. It is restricted to forest areas in the

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pimenta racemosa var. terebinthina Mexican states in coniferous montane forest. The
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c population is concentrated aroimd Mexico city and must
Dominican Republic be under great pressure from urban and other
Known only from the vicinity of Peninsular SamanS, developments. The timber is highly sought-after. More
this variety occurs in areas of forest on limestone. The information may indicate that a threat category is
forest has been dramatically reduced in extent and appropriate.
continues to be threatened by grazing, agricultural Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
encroachment and logging. Refs: 7980
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5435, 7980 Pinus balfouriana ssp. austrina
Pinaceae LR/cd
Pimenta richardii USA (California)
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c A number of isolated populations occur within protected
Jamaica areas in the Sierra Nevada at subalpine levels. The trees
A Jamaican endemic, known from just two locations of are extremely slow-growing and recruitment may be
upland forest in Cockpit Country. insufficient. Fire and grazing by wildlife are also
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre problems. Populations are being monitored and
/eeA; 401, 5435, 5653, 7980 protected against fire hazards.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Pinus albicauUs Refs: 314, 13041
Pinaceae VUAlc
Canada (Alberta, British Columbia), USA Pinus balfouriana ssp. balfouriana
A widespread species of subalpine and alpine
woodlands Pinaceae LR/cd
in the Cascades, Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains in USA (California)
the USA and parts of Canada. Infestations of the A few isolated populations occur at subalpine altitudes
introduced rust, Cronartium ribicola, have caused on the Klamath Mountains within USDA National
population reductions of 80 to 90%, especially in the Forest lands. The trees are extremely slow-growing and
northern wetter parts of the range. In addition, populations may be susceptible to fire and the grazing of
populations in national parks are adversely affected by wildlife. Old trees are protected from being cut or
fire-suppression regimes and predation by damaged.
Dendrococtonus ponderosae. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 13041
Refs: 13041
Pinus brutia var. eldarica
Pinus amamiana Pinaceae DD
Pinaceae VU D2 Afghanistan?, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran?
Japan The only certain population occurs on the Azerbaijan-
This species is known from scattered populations in Georgia border.
lowland coniferous woodland on Yakushima and Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Tanegashima Islands. It was formerly exploited and Refs: 314. 13041, 18751
seems slow to regenerate where conditions have become
exposed. Pinus caribaea var. caribaea
Assessor: SSCConifer Specialist Group Pinaceae VU Alc+2c
/?e/j; 374, 4506, 11191 Cuba
A heavily exploited taxon of lowland and hill pine forest
Pinus aristata and mixed oak-pine forests on slatey rocks, occurring in
Pinaceae LR/nt Pinar del Rio and Isla de Pinos. Burning and logging of
USA (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico) large areas of pine forest have transformed the habitat
A slow-growing species, usually occurring in open into savanna. Frequent fires also prevent regrowth of the
stands on high rocky slopes in the Rocky Mountains. species in favour of P. tropicalis.
Regeneration may be impeded by grazing hvestock. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Climatic changes may also be a factor. Most stands are Refs: 314, 8646, 13041, 19149
protected from cutting or damage.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Pinus cembroides ssp. lagunae
Refs: 7222, 13041 Pinaceae VU Ale
Mexico (Baja California Sur)
Pinus armandii var. mastersiana Although this taxon is not a valuable timber tree, it is the
Pinaceae EN Ale only pine in this remote region and is low
exploited at a
Taiwan level. It occurs in open stands in meadows or with oak
A timber tree endemic to Taiwan. Levels of exploitation above 1600m, mosdy in La Laguna, covering a range of
and the degradation of its montane forest habitat have about lOOkm^. The area is not protected and, although
caused substantial declines in the population. not easily accessible, it is susceptible to fire and
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group overgrazing.
Refs: 374 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 6004, 8475, 18751
Pinus ayacahuite var. veitchU
Pinaceae LR/nt
An important timber tree. It is scattered thinly in nine

Species Summaries

Pinus cembroides ssp. orizabensis Pinus fenzeliana

Pinaceae LR/nt Pinaceae LR/nt
Mexico (Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracniz) China (Guangdong-Hainan, Guangxi, Hunan), Viet Nam
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC
Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 7980. 8475, 13041 Refs: 374, 13041

Pinus clausa Pinus gerardiana

Pinaceae LR/nt Pinaceae LR/nt
USA (Alabama, Florida) Afghanistan, China (Xizang) India (Jammu-Kashmir),
The sand pine is a useful species of lowland open forest Pakistan
and scnib on well-drained soils. Although it is in part Populations are widespread in areas of montane open
dependent on fire for regeneration, it is also especially forest but they are small and low in density. In many
vulnerable to intense forest fires. There is no evidence to areas the seed crop is exploited unsustainably but the
suggest that populations have declined, as yet. effects on regeneration are not yet clear. In Afghanistan
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group plantations have been established to supply the seeds.
Refs: 374, 13041 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 256, 374, 4966
Pinus contorta var. bolanderi
Pinaceae LR/nt Pinus jatiscana
USA (California) Pinaceae LR/nt
A small tree endemic to the white
sand pine barrens Mexico (Jalisco)
along the Mendocino coast. The area comes under Confined to Sierra el Cuale in the north-west part of
various pressures from development, overland vehicles Sierra Madre del Sur, the species is present in mostly
and fires. undisturbed areas of submontane pine-oak forest.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Mining operations are undtr way in the area.
Rs/i; 374, 13041, 19193 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 6004, 7980
Pinus culminicola
Pinaceae ENBl+2bc Pinus krempfU
Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Le<5n) Pinaceae VUBl+2c
A decumbent shrub which occurs in monotypic stands Viet Nam
on exposed rocky summits of Cerro Potosf and The species is known only from localised populations in
neighbouring peaks, covering an area of several hundred Khanh Hoa and Lam Dong Provinces in the south. It
hectares. Growth and regeneration are slow and occurs within Nui Ba and Dao Ngoan Muc Nature
susceptible to fire. None of the populations is within a Reserves.
protected area. A road to an observatory gives easy Assessor: Loc, Phan Ke
access to the largest population. Refs: 848, 1 1530, 12455, 19044
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
/?e/i; 374, 1538,5194,7980 Pinus kwangtungensis
Pinaceae LR/nt
Pinus dabeshanensis China (Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan, Guangxi,
Pinaceae VUB1+2C Guizhou, Hunan), Viet Nam
China (Anhui, Henan, Hubei) The species' distribution is concentrated on the Nanling
Confined to upland mixed forest in parts of the range, but extends into Hoa Binh and Cao Bang
Dabieshan, mature trees are few and rates of Provinces in Viet Nam. It is thought to exhibit a wide
regeneration and growth are poor. ecological tolerance and frequently occurs in pure
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group stands, but much of the habitat has declined and
Refs: 1818,11847 populations are frequently reduced to steep cliffs or
inaccessible places. In Viet Nam the population numbers
Pinus dalatensis are low and declining (EN D).
Pinaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Viet Nam Refs: 848, 1739, 1818,9492, 11847, 15357, 19044
Until recently the species was known from only one area
of montane evergreen forest near Dalat. It has now been Pinus latteri
found in four adjacent provinces, extending into central Pinaceae LR/nt
Viet Nam, including four occurrences within nature China (Guangdong, Guangdong - Hainan, Guangxi),
reserves: Ngoc Linh, Chu Yang Sinh, Dao Ngoan Muc Myanmar, Viet Nam
and Nui Ba. Populations remain low in numbers and are Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
increasingly reduced to isolated areas. Refs: 374, 13041
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Uc/i; 374, 848, 4966, 15357 Pinus longaeva
Pinaceae VUBl+2e
Pinus densiflora yar.funebris USA (California, Nevada, Utah)
Pinaceae DD In most populations very old, senescent and even dead
North Korea, Russia, South Korea? trees predominate.These are some of the oldest trees in
Assessor:SSC Conifer Specialist Group the worid, reaching ages of 4870 years. Their growth
/?e/i;374,381I, 13041, 18751 rate is extremely slow. It is doubtful whether present
rates of regeneration are sufficient to replace the
population under present climatic and environmental

The World List of Threatened Trees

conditions. Most areas where the species occurs are Pinus nelsoni
protected and cutting or gathering wood is prohibited. Pinaceae VU C2a
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Le(3n, San Luis Potosf,
Refs: 314, 13041, 19193 Tamaulipas)
A unique species widely scattered in small populations
Pinus luchuensis on mesas and in high valleys in the Sierra Madre
Pinaceae LR/nt Oriental. Populations are not larger than several
Japan (Ryukyu Is.) mature trees and are restricted to limestone sites.
Confined to Luchu in the Ryukyu Islands, stands occur Overgrazing may pose a threat. None of the populations
frequently near sea-water. During and after the Second is protected.
World War trees were heavily harvested. The present Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
poor form of the remaining trees precludes further Refs: 374, 6004, 7980
exploitation. Plantations have been established.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Pinus nigra ssp. dalmatica
Refs: 374, 448 Pinaceae VU Bl-i-2c
Pinus massoniana var. hainanensis Known only from Brae, Hvar, Korcula and Pelijesac
Pinaceae ENBl+2b Islands on the Dalmatian coast, this subspecies occurs in
China (Guangdong - Hainan) stands above the Aleppo pine forest. There is evidence
A variety confined to two main locations in the Yajia that thisform hybridises with the mainland subspecies.
range on Hainan Island. It occurs individually or in Threats come from overgrazing and habitat degradation.
small clumps on the margins of tropical montane Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
rainforest and mossy summit woodland. There is a Refs: 5194, 5287, 6004, 7222, 13041
danger that the area will be taken over for commercial
forestry management. Pinus peuce
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Pinaceae LR/nt
«e/j.-374, 1818, 11847 Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Pinus maximartinezii Refs: 374, 4506, 7222, 13041, 13573
Pinaceae ENBl+2bc
Mexico (Zacatecas) Pinus pinceana
A total population of fewer than 10,000 trees exists, Pinaceae LR/nt
within an area of approximately lOkm^, in montane dry Mexico (Coahuila, Hidalgo, QuerStaro, San Luis Potosf,
forest on inaccessible summit ridges and eastern slopes Zacatecas)
of the Sierra de Morone near Juchipila. Regeneration is Trees are scattered in disjunct and small populations in
poor, possibly because the seeds are collected in submontane woodland or scrubland. The species is not
considerable numbers for food. Cattle grazing and fires under any protection anywhere but it occurs widely
also pose threats. The land is privately owned but formal outside areas where woodland resources are being
protection measures are being considered. exploited.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
/?f/i: 81, 374, 7980, 9300 Refs: 374, 6004, 7980, 13041

Pinus merkusii Pinus radiata var. binata

Pinaceae VUBl+2ce Pinaceae EN CI
Indonesia (Sumatra), Philippines Mexico (Guadalupe Is.)
An important timber tree known from open pine Two populations exist on Cedros Island and
woodlands Sumatra around Lake Toba following the
in Guadeloupe, which is an uninhabited island 250km off
mountains north-east, and also in the Philippines. High the mainland. Each contains in the order of 400 mature
levels of exploitation have resulted in populations being trees. Regeneration on Guadeloupe is seriously impeded
reduced to very low levels in the Philippines. In by feral goats. Attempts are being made to eradicate
Sumatra the timber continues to be extracted. The them.
effects on the population here are yet to be confirmed Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
but are not thought to be as severe. Refs: 6004, 7980, 13041, 19193
Assessor: SSC (Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 3091, 6405, 6646, 19093 Pinus radiata var. radiata
Pinaceae LR/cd
Pinus muricata USA (California)
Pinaceae LR/nt The type variety of this widely planted species is
Mexico (Baja California), USA (California) restricted to three main areas; in Ano Nuevo, Cambria
The species is known from occurrences on Santa Cruz and the Monterey Peninsula. Only half of the historical
and Santa Rosa Islands in California and further down range remains undeveloped on the Monterey Peninsula.
the Pacific coast in Mexico. Further land developments, genetic contamination, pine
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group pitch canker disease and forest fragmentation are of
Refs: 374, 4966, 7980, 13041 some concern.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 7222, 7980, 13041, 19193

Species Summaries

Pinus rzedowskii Pinus torreyana ssp. insularis

Pinaceae EN Dl Pinaceae EN Dl
Mexico (Michoacan) USA (California)
Three disjunct populations occur on Cerro Chiqueritas, Fewer than 250 trees exist in the coastal chaparral of
Cenx) Ocotoso and Puerto del Pinabete. Their Santa Rosa Island. The entire population is protected.
distribution is restricted to limestone outcrops among Coastal abrasion and fires pose threats.
huge above 2100m.
boulders The two smallest Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
populations contain fewer than 50 trees. Fire is a hazard Refs: 13041, 19193
but the trees are respected as being imique and are safe
from exploitation. Pinus torreyana ssp. torreyana
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Pinaceae EN C2b
Refs: 6004, 6541, 7980, 12985 USA (California)
There a very small population of fewer than 1000

Pinus squamata trees insuburban areas north of San Diego. Most of the
Pinaceae CR Dl population is protected within Torrey Pines State Park
China (Yunnan) but trees on unprotected land are highly vulnerable to
Discovered in moist montane woodland in Qiaojiaxian fire, recreation activities and urban development. There
in 1991 and described a year later, the species is so far has been a recent serious infestation of five-spined ips
known from a total population of 20 trees. More bark beetle in the park, but it is now apparently
fieldwork is needed to establish the health and status of contained.
this population and whether there are any more Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
subpopulations in the vicinity. The closest relative of the Refs: 13041, 19193
taxon is P. bungeana, which occurs 500km to the south.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Pinus wangii
Kefs: 13041 Pinaceae ENBl+2bd
China (Yunnan), Viet Nam
Pinus strobus var. chiapensis Highly restricted in range and population numbers, the
Pinaceae VUBl+2b species is confined to evergreen submontane forest on

Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebia, limestone mountains in Xicho and Malipo, south-east
Veracruz) Yunnan. There is a threat of continued logging. It is also
A valuable timber tree, now restricted to small remnant recorded in Viet Nam but the population there is poorly
populations in mixed or broadleaf montane forests. known.
Overexploitation and the subsequent degradation and Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
changes in the forest vegetation have caused the decline. Re/i. 374, 1818, 11847, 19044
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 3951, 6004, 7980, 13041, 18751 Piper amalago var. variifoUum
Piperaceae CR C2b
Pinus labuliformis var. henryi Jamaica
Pinaceae LR/nt This variety is known only from the type, which was
China (Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan) collected in Manchester. The species is endemic to
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Jamaica.
/?s/s.- 374, 11191,13041 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i.- 401, 5653, 7980
Pinus laiwanensis var. damingshanensis
Pinaceae LR/nt Piper augustum var. cocleanum
China (Guangxi, Guizhou) Piperaceae LR/nt
An endemic to the Damingshan. Panama
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Although the species ranges from Costa Rica to northern
Refs: 374, 13041 South America, this variant is thought to t>e endemic to
Panama, where it occurs in a number of provinces,
Pinus tecunumanii mainly in undisturbed rainforest up to 13(X)m. It is
Pinaceae VU A2c The taxon's range closely
scarce outside protected areas.
Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico approaches both national borders and possibly extends
(Chiapas, Oaxaca), Nicaragua, Panama into Costa Rica and Colombia, but is recognised there
A tree increasingly exploited for its quality timber. only at the species level.
Although the exact limits of its range are imperfectly Assessor: Mitr£, M.
known, the species is found in upland valleys and Refs: 7980. 16772
plateaux, often growing on deep rich fertile soil,
sometimes forming pure stands. These areas are Piper cordulatum
frequently cleared and replaced by secondary shrubland, Piperaceae LR/nt
with P. oocarpa. Trees are large with a notably straight Costa Rica, Panama
bole. The timber is highly valued in construction work. A lowland rainforest species, well distributed in
Plantations have been established but no conservation Panama, particularly in the Canal area and in a number
measures are in place. of national parks. In recent years it has also been
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group reported from Costa Rica in Corcovado National Park,
/?e/i.- 7980, 13041,16772 where it appears to be common.
Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Re/i; 7272, 7980, 16772


The World List of Threatened Trees

Piper distigmatum Piptostigma giganteum

Piperaceae DD Annonaceae VUBl+2c
Panama Nigeria
A doubtful species known only from the type specimen This species appears to be known only from the Oban
of 1950. Division of the Cross River National Park. Unprotected
Assessor: Mitr6, M. forest has been extensively logged and cleared for
/fe/j; 7272, 7980, 16772 cultivation.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Piper fimbriulatum /?e/s; 2773, 4977, 11504
Piperaceae LR/nt
Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama Piptostigma oyemense
Occurring over a wide altitudinal range, the species is Annonaceae VU D2
relatively common on the Pacific slopes of Costa Rica, Gabon
in all mountain areas of Panama and in the Choc6 in A species known only from a collection in Oyem in the
Colombia. Almost all localities in Panama are in areas of north, in an area which has been degraded to some
minimal human impact. degree. Much of Gabon's extensive forests have not been
Assessor: Mitr6, M. explored and are now under concession to logging
Refs: 16772 companies.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Piper lucigaudens Refs: 14958, 15790
Piperaceae LR/nt
Panama Pipturus argenteus var. argenteus
Common in places, the species is recorded from various Urticaceae VUBl+2c
provinces in Panama in rainforest, generally at higher French Polynesia (Society Is.)

altitudes, but ranging from sea level to 2200m. There are The species occurs on Moorea and Tahiti.
a number of occurrences in protected and
areas Assessor: Florence, J.

elsewhere in regions that are heavily influenced by Refs: 14513

human activities.
Assessor: Mitri, M. Pipturus schaeferi
Ue/i; 7272, 7980, 16772 Urticaceae VUBl+2c
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)

Piper lucigaudens var. aUeni Populations are found on the islands of Fatu Hiva, Hiva
Piperaceae DD Oa and Tahuata. The species occurs between 330 and
Panama 780m in humid or riverine areas of forest or
A doubtful variant of the species, which is known only mesophyllous forest, and also in open dry rocky areas
from a type specimen collected from Dari^n Province. It and basalt cliffs. It is relatively scarce and distributed in
is the only record of the species in the province. areas sensitive to degradation.
Assessor: MitrS, M. Assessor: Florence, J.

/fc/x; 7272, 7980, 16772 Refs: 19169

Piper verrucosum Pisonia donnell-smithii

Piperaceae LR/nt Nyctaginaceae VUBI+2c
Jamaica El Salvador, Guatemala
A tree with an occasional occurrence in central parishes A species occurring in areas of inundated and swamp
in remaining areasof woodland on craggy limestone. forest. Little information is available on the conservation
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre statusof subpopulations but the habitat has suffered
Refs: 6057, 7980 widely from logging, tourism and an expanding human
Piptadenia weberbaueri Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VUBl+2c Re/r; 4862, 4974, 19030
The species occurs in areas of grassland and shrubland, Pisonia ekmani
between 1500 and 2000m in the department of La Nyctaginaceae ENBI+2c
Libertad. Cuba
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A doubtful tree taxon found infrequently in Las Tunas
Refs: 1984 and Kogufn Provinces.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Piptostigma fugax Refs: 11403, 18485,19149
Annonaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia Pisonia gracHiscens
A species which can occur in some abundance, at least Nyctaginaceae CRBI+2C
in Ghana. It is generally confined to wet evergreen French Polynesia (Society Is.)
upland areas. Much of the forest in
forest, especially in An endemic to Tahiti.
this area hasbeen adversely affected by mining, logging Assessor: Florence, J.

and commercial planting operations. Refs: 1 45 1

Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Re/j; 2773, 8369, 12061

Species Summaries

Fisonia sechellarum Mexico and Guatemala. The habitat is considerably

Nyctaginaceae EN Dl reduced by the effects of growing agriculture and
Seychelles pastoralism.
A species known only from an area of 0.5ha in a valley Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
on Silhouette. The population is estimated to contain Refs: 19161
190 trees, many of which represent the same individual
and the genetic diversity is believed to be low. The area Pitavia punctata
falls within a forest protected by the Nature Protection Rutaceae EN A led
Trust of Seychelles. Numerous seeds are set but Chile (Bfobfo, Maule)
germination is poor. There has been no success in A species which is known from two regions in central
bringing the species into cultivation either. The tree's Chile, occurring in moist lowland forest in the Coastal
main pollinator (Epicroesa sp.) appears also to be its Cordillera. Populations are under threat throughout the
main seed predator. area, mainly from logging and forest management
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre activities.

Refs: 10610, 17229, 19025 Assessor: Gonzalez, M.

/Je/i;7980, 11147, 16328
Pisonia siphonocarpa
Nyctaginaceae DD PUheceUobium gracile
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Leguminosae VUBl+2c
An endemic to Moorea. India (Kerala)
Assessor: Florence, J. Known from seven collections, the species occurs in
Refs: 14513 scattered localities of evergreen forest at low to medium
Pisonia wagneriana Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Nyctaginaceae EN C2a Refs: 19144
USA (Hawaii)
Endemic to Kauai the species is restricted to forested PUheceUobium grisebachianum
valleys up to 650m from the Powerline Trail to the Leguminosae VUBl+2ac
Maunahina-Wainiha drainage. It is thought a collection Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
from Honopu Valley on the Napali coast may also Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina
represent this species. and Bolivia, the species is confined to an unprotected
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre ecosystem which is being rapidly replaced by
Refs: 3372 agricultural systems.
Assessor: Prado, D.
Pistacia aethiopica Refs: 19122
Anacardiaceae LR/nt
Eritrea (ex), Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Pithecellobium johansenii
Uganda, Yemen Leguminosae EN C2a
In the main part of its range in North and East Africa, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
the species is fairly abundant. There is an outlying A tree of the wet Atlantic lowlands, occurring in
population in Arabia, restricted to Jebel Iraf on the old Lancetilla Biological Reserve.
North Yemen-South Yemen border. The woodland here Assessor: Nelson, C.
is believed to be in good condition, although it may Refs: 13995
come under threat after the completion of a new road to
the area. The tree produces a high-quality gum mastic Pithecellobium pithecolobioides
and damage is frequently incurred from the tapping Leguminosae VUBl-t-2ac
process. The populations around Nairobi are said to be Argentina (Chaco, Corrientes), Paraguay
wiped out from overexploitation. The species is also An uncommon species, restricted to marginal forest
thought to be extinct in Eritrea. along banks of Ri'os Parana and Paraguay.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Collections appear to be declining in number and in
Refs: 1330,6396,19083 extent of occurrence. Existing threats to remaining
populations include dam construction, tourism and
Pistacia cucphuongensis fishing.
Anacardiaceae VU D2 Assessor: Prado, D.
Viet Nam Refs: 1262,7980
Apparently endemic to Viet Nam, this shrub or small
tree is confined to a single locality in Cue Phuong, Ninh Pithecellobium savannarum
Binh. Leguminosae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cuba
Refs: 848 Endemic to serpentine areas in south-east Holgufn, the
species occurs in a habitat which has been largely
Pistacia mexicana replaced by secondary savanna and pastureland.
Anacardiaceae VU Ale Populations have survived best near watercourses.
Guatemala, Mexico Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Occurring in dry montane scrub or pine-oak formations, Refs: 16327, 18485, 19149
the species is restricted in altitudinal range and
distribution. Populations are recorded from southern

The World List of Threatened Trees

PUhecellobium saxosum single specimen. It was known to grow on hot rocky

Leguminosae EN C2a slopes up to 2400m. Large-scale lime quarrying and
Guatemala, Honduras degradation of the habitat are likely to have contributed
A thicket species, usually occurring on rocky hillsides or to the decline.
plains, sometimes along creeks. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Nelson, C. Refs: 2538
/fe/i; 4974, 13995
PUtosporum fairchUdU
PUhecellobium stevensonii Pittosporaceae VU D2
Leguminosae EN C2a New Zealand (North Is.)
Belize, Guatemala, Honduras This small tree is endemic to the Three Kings Islands.
A tree restricted to mixed rainforest on Atlantic slopes. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Nelson, C. Re/i. 902, 9800, 19133
Refs: 13995
PUtosporum gatopense
PUtosporum aliferum Pittosporaceae ENBl-h2c
Pittosporaceae EN B 1 +2c New Caledonia
New Caledonia Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Refs: 10351
Refs: 10351
PUtosporum goetzei
PUtosporum artense Pittosporaceae VUBl+2d
Pittosporaceae VUBl+2c Tanzania
New Caledonia This species is restricted to the Uluguru Mountains,
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. where it occurs over 21(X)m in moist evergreen forest.
Refs: 10351 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
/fs/i.' 3356, 5204, 10961
PUtosporum brevispinum
Pittosporaceae CR Dl PUtosporum gomonenense
New Caledonia Pittosporaceae EN B 1 -f2c
Assessor: JaffrS, T. et al. New Caledonia
Refs: 10351 Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

Refs: 10351
PUtosporum coUinum
Pittosporaceae VU B 1 +2c PUtosporum linearifoUum
New Caledonia Pittosporaceae VU D2
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Malaysia (Sabah)
Refs: 10351 Restricted to the Bukit Ampuan area in Ranau, this tree
is found in hill forest up to 1200m.
PUtosporum coriaceum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pittosporaceae CR Dl Refs: 19017
Portugal (Madeira)
Few individuals are known in the wild, growing in deep PUtosporum muricatum
ravines in the *laurisilva. A new population has recently Pittosporaceae ENBl+2c
been discovered, but total population numbers do not New Caledonia
greatly exceed 30 trees. The entire range is contained Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.
within the National Park of Madeira, but there are still Refs: 10351
potential threats from fire and grazing. There is no
observed natural seed germination, the only regeneration PUtosporum napaliense
being vegetative. Efforts are being made to propagate Pittosporaceae EN C2a
the species, with limited success. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree scattered in disturbed *hala forest and
Refs: 19080, 19131 wetter vegetation up to 550m within an area stretching
from Limahuli to Hanakoa Valley in north-western
PUtosporum dalUi Kauai. The invasion of alien plant species has affected
Pittosporaceae VU B 1 +2c the habitat in many areas.
New Zealand (South Is.) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small tree confined to montane beech forest in the Refs: 3372
Tasman Mountains in north-west Nelson. Browsing by
deer and possum is heavy. PUtosporum obcordatum
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Pinosporaceae LR/nt
Refs: 902,9800, 17637, 19133, 19134 New Zealand (North Is., South Is.)
Occurring on both islands in lowland *kahikatea/maiai
PUtosporum eriocarpum forest, populations are scarce and small. In the 1981 Red
Pittosporaceae ENBl+2c Data Book of New Zealand there were estimated to be
India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh) fewer than 50 individuals in total. Regeneration is
A shrub or small tree recorded from Dehra Dun, reported to be good in places.
Musoorie and Sahastradhara, where it has become so Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
scarce that specific searches for it have failed to locate a Refs: 902.9800, 17637, 19133, 19134

Species Summaries

Pittosporum omatum Pittosporum tanianum

Pinosporaceae ENBl+2c Pittosporaceae EX
New Caledonia New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. The species was first discovered in 1988 from two
Refs: 10351 specimens contained within a small patch of
sclerophyllous forest on the island of Leprddour. Five
Pittosporum orohenense years later both
individuals died, one because the
F*i ttosporaceae VU B 1 +2c surrounding had eroded away. Intensive searches
French Polynesia (Society Is.) have failed to uncover additional specimens. Deer
This species is known only from Tahiti. plague the remaining fragments of forest, totalling about
Assessor: Florence, J. 5ha. Propagation of cuttings has failed.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Refs:U92. 10351
Pittosporum paniense
Pinosporaceae VU D2 Pittosporum terminalioides
New Caledonia Pittosporaceae VUAlce
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. USA (Hawaii)
Refs: 10351 A species scattered in dry to moist forest extending over
a wide altitudinal range. Populations are recorded on
Pittosporum patulum Lanai, Maui and from Kilauea around the leeward side
Pittosporaceae EN Dl to the Kohala Mountains on Hawaii.
New Zealand (South Is.) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Recorded as a small tree, the species is known from very Refs: 3372
few adult plants, occurring in beech forest. Seedlings
and saplings are heavily browsed by deer and possums. Pittosporum tumeri
Assessor: de Lange, P.J. Pittosporaceae LR/cd
Refs: 9800, 19133, 19134 New Zealand (North Is.)
A small tree growing on frost flats and in clearings in
Pittosporum pauciflorum montane forest. Browsing possums are causing damage
Pittosporaceae VUBl+2c to this species.
China (Yunnan) Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
The species is confined to areas of mixed montane forest Refs: 9S00. 19133, 19134
in Sichuan and north-west Yunnan. Extensive habitat
losses and the popularity of the species in traditional Pittosporum virgatum
medicine have caused the populations in the wild to Pittosporaceae LR/nt
decline. New Zealand (North Is.)

Assessor: Sun, W. The species has been recorded from the Auckland area,
Refs: 19055 the Coromandel Peninsula and Great Barrier Island.
Several hundred trees remain in the wild along forest
Pittosporum raivavaeense margins, in scrubland and regenerating 'kauri forest. It

Pittosporaceae CR B 1 +2c is abundant on Great Barrier Island. Habitat

French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) clearance for forestry and farming are responsible for
The species is known only from Raivavae. past population declines. Most of the remaining colonies
Assessor: Florence, J. are found on land administered by the Forest Service.
Refs: 14513 Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Refs: 902, 9800, i7637, 19133
Pittosporum senacia ssp. wrightii
Pittosporaceae VU D2 Pittosporum viridulattim
Seychelles Pittosporaceae CR B 1 +2c
Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as India (Tamil Nadu)
threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution. A small tree, currently known only from a single record
Populations are healthy and stable. from a locality at the base of the Nilgiris.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 16212, 17229 Refs: 19144

Pittosporum silamense Placodiscus attenuattts

Pittosporaceae VU D2 Sapindaceae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Malaysia (Sabah) Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Endemic to Sabah, this small tree of hill forest seems to Although supportive evidence to indicate population
be restricted to Mount Silam in Lahad Datau District. declines is not available, the loss of the habitat of this
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species has been severe. It is found in one remnant area
Refs: 19017 of coastal forest, which has been significantly reduced
by farming, fuelwood collection and forestry plantations.

Pittosporum stenophyUum It also occurs in moist evergreen or riverine forest.

Pittosporaceae ENB1+2C Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
New Caledonia Refs: &369, 12061,15251
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.

Refs: 10351

The World List of Threatened Trees

Placodiscus bancoensis limestone mountains and sununit plateaux. The

Sapindaceae VU A Ic, B 1 +2c populations are under no immediate threat.
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Found solely in Ghana and neighbouring Cote d'lvoire, Refs: 2354, 19083
this species is restricted of moist
to small areas
evergreen forest. Deforestation in this area has been Pladaroxylon leucadendron
caused by mining, logging and commercial forestry Compositae CR Dl
operations. St Helena
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. A small spreading tree, which is found in a number of
Refs: 8369, 12061 localities between 720 and 800m on the central ridge,
particularly at High Peak, from Mount Actaeon to
Placodiscus boya Cuckhold's Point, also at Cabbage Tree Road and
Sapindaceae VUBl+2c Diana's Peak. The total population size is probably less
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana than 50 individuals. Regeneration has been successful
Known only from Ghana and neighbouring Cote where invasive plants, such as New Zealand flax, have
d'lvoire, this species occurs in relatively dry or semi- been cleared. The genus is monotypic.
deciduous forest. It can be quite common but the Assessor: Cronk, Q.C.B.
restriction of the species' range and the severe losses of /?e/i. 9954, 19071, 19081

its habitat render it vulnerable.

Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Plagianthus regius var. chathamicus
Refs: 6127, 12061 Malvaceae LR/nt
New Zealand (Chatham Is.)
Placodiscus bracteosus This is the correct combination for the taxon P.
Sapindaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c chathamicus or P. betulinus var. chathamicus. It is a
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana large tree of inland forest, occurring commonly in a few
A species restricted to areas of moist evergreen forest in reserves.
Ghana and neighbouring Cote Losses in the
d'lvoire. Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
forest habitat have been incurred from mining, logging Refs: 902, 19133, 19134
and commercial forestry activities.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Plagiosiphon gabonensis
Refs: 8369, 12061 Leguminosae LR/nt
Placodiscus oblongifolius A Lop^ Forest
species found in areas of closed forest in
Sapindaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 Reserve, NdjoM-Koumamejong, Sindoro and near
Ghana Lastoursville. The habitat is degraded where there has
This a common tree in Ghana, but its range is restricted been logging. Gabon's extensive forests are relatively
to evergreen forests in the Upper Guinea region. A large unexplored and are now under concession to logging
part of the habitat has suffered losses because of mining, companies.
logging and commercial forestry activities. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Refs: 19043
Refs: 8369, 12061
Planchonella contermina
Placodiscus paniculatus Sapotaceae EN B I +2c
Sapindaceae VU D2 New Caledonia
Democratic Republic of Congo The genus is no longer considered valid according to
A species of the Forestier Central. It is restricted to a Pennington.
zone in the north-east where it is apparently heavily Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

utilised for arrow-making. Refs: 10351, 10781

Assessor: Ndjele, M.B.
Refs: 17185, 17951 Planchonella daenikeri
Sapotaceae ENBl-^2c
Placodiscus pseudostipularis New Caledonia
Sapindaceae EN B 1 +2c The species has been collected from forest on serpentine
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone in a few localities from the north and south, including
Like P. aitenuatus, this species occurs in remnants of sites on the lower slopes of Massif Tiebaghi and Mont
coastal forest, where the effects of farming, fuelwood Kaala. The genus has been transferred to Pouteria.
collection and commercial forestry have been severe. It Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

is also found in areas of less disturbed wet evergreen or Refs: 10351, 10781, 12630
riverine forest but only in the Upper Guinea region.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Planchonella kaalaensis
Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061 Sapotaceae ENBl-i-2c
New Caledonia
Placopoda virgala The genus is no longer considered valid according to
Rubiaceae LR/nt Pennington.
Yemen (Socotra) Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

A widespread species of low-altitude woodland and Refs: 10351, 10781

shrubland. It is abundant in places on the lower slopes of

Species Summaries

PlaUmus kerrii timber is attractive and has been heavily exploited in

Platanaceae VU Ale Costa Rica but there is no evidence of it being present in

Laos, Viet Nam international trade. The species is listed in Appendix II

A large tree distributed widely atlow altitudes in of *CITES.

northern provinces of Viet Nam and Vieng Chan in Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop
Laos. grows near streams on alluvium, gravel soils or
It «e/i; 4862, 7980, 14487, 19179, 19185, 19186
mud flats. Natural regeneration and coppicing is strong.
The wood is used only on a small scale because of its Platypterocarpus tanganyikensis
propensity for cracking and curving. In Viet Nam, the Celastraceae CR B I +2b, C2b
species has become threatened because of the rates of Tanzania
habitat loss. The species is known only from the dry montane forests
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of West Usambara. A substantial area of the forest in
Refs:M&. 11530, 15357 which it occurred was cleared in the mid-1960s and it
may now be extinct. The genus is monotypic. The
PUttycladus orientalis nearest related genus is Wimmeria in Central and South
Cupressaceae LR/nt America.
China (Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi), Iran, Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan Refs: 3356, 10961
The species is apparently quite widespread but the range
is confused by populations which may have been Platyspermation crassifotium
planted. It is very slow-growing. Escalloniaceae LR/cd
Assessor: SSC
Conifer Specialist Group New Caledonia
/?e/i.- 374. 1956, 13041 Assessor: Jaffri, T. et al.

Refs: 10351
Platydesma remyi
Rutaceae EN C2a Pleioceras orientale
USA (Hawaii) Apocynaceae VU D2
A shrubby tree found only rarely in rainforest up to Mozambique
1080m in theHamakua-Kohala area on Hawaii. Only two localities are known, where the species occurs
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre in lowland dry evergreen forest and deciduous coastal
Refs: 3372 forest on sand. One is within 200m of a new railway
Platymenia foliolosa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VUAlcd Refs: 18965
Brazil (Bahia, Ceari, Espfrito Santo, Minas Gerais,
Pemambuco) Pleiomeris canariensis
A widespread species found in diverse habitats and Myrsinaceae VU C2a
climates, ranging from lowland rainforest to *cerrado. Spain (Canary Is.)
Selective exploitation of the timber, coupled with poor Known only from Gran Canaria and Tenerife, the
regeneration, causing population declines, especially
is species exists in fragmented populations in inaccessible
in the coastal areas of Espfrito Santo. areas of dry woodland. It is listed in government
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre legislation of 1991.
Refs: 4506 Assessor: Baiiares, A. et al.

Refs: 19022
Platymiscium albertinae
Leguminosae CR C2b Pleiospermium longisepalum
Honduras Rutaceae VUBl+2c
Of somewhat dubious nomenclature, the species is rarely Malaysia (Sabah)
collected and confined to dry forest along creeks. The Endemic to Sabah, the species is found in primary and
population at the type locality has disappeared because secondary inland forest up to an elevation of 1 3(K) m. It
of urban development. is located in the foothills and low mountainous regions

Assessor: Nelson, C. of Kota Marudu, Ranau and Tambunan Districts and on

Refs: 13995,14311 the offshore islands of Pulau Banggi and Pulau
Platymiscium gracile Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VU D2 Refs: 19017
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Pleodendron macranthum
in lowland forest in the department of San Martin. Canellaceae CR Dl
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Puerto Rico
Refs: 1984 A small tree of wet to moist submontane forest. Only
three populations are known, accounting for 10-12
Platymiscium pleiostachyum individuals. There are two individuals in El Yunque. The
Leguminosae EN CI rest are found in Ri'o Abajo State Park.
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Occurring in remnant dry forests and woodlands on flat Refs: 7980, 17124, 17540
ground, including disturbed or secondary forest, the
species is scarce, individuals often show signs of genetic
degradation and regeneration is largely absent. The

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pleomele auwahiensis Plinia rupestris

Dracaenaceae VU Alee Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
USA (Hawaii) Cuba
A species restricted to remnants of lowland dry forest in An imperfectly known species known only from a single
centralMolokai and in more moist forest in Makawao locality in Cerro de Mendosa, Pinar del Rio Province.
and Olinda on Maui. Apparently the species is surviving precariously in a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre very threatened area.
Refs: 3372 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Pleomele femaldii
Dracaenaceae EN C2a Podadenia thwaitesU
USA (Hawaii) Euphorbiaceae CR Bl+2c
Endemic to Lanai, the species is confined to remaining Sri Lanka
patches of lowland dry forest. A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre south-west Sri Lanka. This species appeared to be fairly
Refs: 3372 common during a previous survey, but it was not found
at all during the extensive forest surveys conducted

Pleomele forbesii between 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation
Dracaenaceae EN C2a Review.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The main population is found in various lowland forest Refs: 17195, 19112
types in the Waianae Mountains on Oahu. There are
occasional occurrences also in the Kolau Mountains. Podocarpus acuminatus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Podocarpaceae DD
Refs: 3372 Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela
The species occurs in the Sierra de la Neblina, on both
Pleomele hatapepe the Brazilianand Venezuelan sides, and on Chimant^
Dracaenaceae VUAlce and south-west Amuri-tepui. All areas are contained
USA (Hawaii) within effective national parks.
This is a striking species which rarely flowers. It is Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
and other lowland forest types on Oahu.
restricted to dry Refs: 13041
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372 Podocarpus angustifolius
Podocarpaceae CRBl+2c
Pleomele hawaUensis Cuba
Dracaenaceae EN C2a A very rare tree, up to 10m high, occurring in montane
USA (Hawaii) rainforestsof Pinar del Rio Province and in the
A species of lowland dry forest on lava fields. It is mountain ranges of south-central Cuba. Its habitat is
currently recorded from six to eight populations in degraded in places and the species seems particularly
Puuwaawaa, the Kaloko/Kaloao area, the Kapua/Kahuku vulnerable to ecological impact.
area and on Holei Pali. Population estimates lie between Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
300 and 400 individuals. The habitat is threatened with Refs: 2479, 16327, 19149
conversion for residential or recreational use. Grazers,
invasive plants and fire are also problems. The species is Podocarpus annamiensis
protected by the US
Endangered Species Act. Podocarpaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre China (Guangdong - Hainan), Myanmar, Viet Nam
Refs: 3372, 19037 A tree scattered in forest areas on hillsides and ridges at
medium altitudes. Populations confined to the mountains
Pleurothyrium hexaglandulosum of southern Hainan Island in China are constantly
Lauraceae VU D2 subject to exploitation and have declined. Populations
Costa Rica, Panama elsewhere are also subject to heavy logging.
Two collections have been made of this understorey Assessor:SSC Conifer Specialist Group
tree. It occurs in lowland wet evergreen forest in Refs:31A. 1739,1818,5054, 11191, 11530
Puntarenas Province in Costa Rica and in Colon in
Panama. Podocarpus atjehensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Podocarpaceae DD
Refs: 12587, 15719 Indonesia (Sumatra), Papua New
The species occurs in the Gajo Lands in northern
Pleurothyrium roberto-andinoi Sumatra and the Wissel Lakes in Papua New Guinea.
Lauraceae CR C2a Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Honduras /?e/>: 374, 6851, 13041
This species occurs in areas of riverine forest at medium
elevations. Podocarpus bomeensis
Assessor: Nelson, C. Podocarpaceae DD
Re/i.- 7534, 13995 Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah)
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Re/j; 374, 1766,6851,13041

Species Summaries

Podocarpus costaUs there is a potential threat presented by the attractiveness

Podocarpaceae ENAlacd of the substrate for mining.
Philippines, Taiwan Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
The species occurs in dry coastal scrubland or low forest Refs: 374,6851, 12121, 19125
in rocky or cliff top locations, mainly in Lanyu Island,
Taiwan, and the Batan Islands in the Luzon Strait. The Podocarpus globulus
type collection was gathered from Luzon in the Podocarpaceae DD
Philippines. The natural stands present in Taiwan before Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
1980 have been reduced to a few individuals as a result Assessor:SSC Conifer Specialist Group
of whole plants being uprooted for the horticultural «e/i;374, 6851, 13041
trade. It is also a popular ornamental plant in the
Philippines. The species is subject to CITES Appendix I Podocarpus guatemalensis
restrictions. Podocarpaceae DD
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
/?e/i; 2106, 6469, 10938, 11314, 13041,19050,19051 Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela
A cloud forest species which has come under
Podocarpus decumbens considerable threat throughout its range. Logging,
Podocarpaceae VU D2 grazing, increasing settlement and agriculture have
New Caledonia brought about large declines in the habitat and reduced
A species known from just three sites of high-altitude populations largely to remote inaccessible places.
maquis in areas of high precipitation in the southern Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
ultramafic massifs. All three sites are relatively Refs: 374, 730, 3047, 4665, 10217, 13041, 15037,
inaccessible and well protected within Rivifere Bleue 18751, 19206
Provincial Park and Montagne des Sources Nature
Reserve. Podocarpus lambertii
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Podocarpaceae DD
Refs: 9621. 12630 Argentina (Misiones), Brazil (Bahia, Sao Paulo)
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Podocarpus deflexus Refs: 374,5112,5410, 16525, 19127
Podocarpaceae LR/cd
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Podocarpus laubenfelsU
A shrub or small tree of moist montane scrub, which is Podocarpaceae DD
confined to Gunung Tahan in Pahang, Peninsular Indonesia (Kalimantan)
Malaysia, and the Gajo Lands in north Suma'ra. The Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
former locality is protected within Taman Negara Re/t; 374, 6851, 13041,17855
National Park.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Podocarpus lophatus
Refs: 374, 6851, 8464, 13041, 19073 Podocarpaceae VU D2
Podocarpus dispermus Known only from two collections from a single locality,
Podocarpaceae DD is confined to the summit of Mount Tapulao
the species
Australia (Queensland) inLuzon. No recent reports have been made and it is not
The species is confined to the Atherton Tableland in known whether the population is still extant.
north-east Queensland. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Re/i.-374, 11314, 19192
;?e/i; 707, 13041, 17200
Podocarpus matudai
Podocarpus fasciculus Podocarpaceae DD
Podocarpaceae VU A led El Salvador. Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas,
Taiwan Puebla, Veracruz)
Although recognised as an endemic in Taiwan, Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
populations on the Ryukyu Islands in Japan are also Refs: 374, 4974, 5470, 8870, 10217, 13041
considered to belong to this species. In Taiwan
populations are found in the north-central region, and in Podocarpus micropedunculatus
the far south in Tawushan Nature Reserve. Regeneration Podocarpaceae DD
is poor. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 2106, 15406, 19050, 19051 Refs: 374, 1766,6851, 13041

Podocarpus gibbsii Podocarpus nakaii

Podocarpaceae VU 02 Podocarpaceae EN A 1 ad, C2a
Malaysia (Sabah) Taiwan
The entire range of the species is probably contained Endemic to Taiwan, the species is restricted to a small
within Mount Kinabalu National Park, where it is area in the centre of the island in Nan Ton County.
confined to forest between 1200 and 2400m on Populations are small and isolated in areas of
ultramafic substrates. The area is well protected but

The World List of Threatened Trees

broadleaved evergreen forest up to 1000m, where they low- to medium-altitude forest in the central Andes and
are under threat from increasing settlement, forest Coastal Cordillera, extending from Maule to Los Lagos
management and agricultural activities. (Regions VII-X). The habitat has been extensively
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan logged and replanted with eucalypts and Monterey pine.
Refs: 374, 2106, 6469, 1 1 191, 19050, 19051 Several botanical visits to the area have failed to find a
single large mature individual.
Podocarpus nubigenus Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Podocarpaceae LR/nt Refs: 4522, 13041, 16328
Argentina (Neuqu^n), Chile (Ais6n, Los Lagos,
Magallanes) Podocarpus sellowii
A common species of low- to medium-altitude forest. Podocarpaceae DD
Where it occurs in southern Chile there is the constant Brazil (ParanS, Sao Paulo)
threat of logging and commercial forestry activities, e.g. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
planting eucalypts and Monterey pine. Refs: 374, 16525, 16884, 19127
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 4665, 5 1 1 2, 1 3041 , 1 5384 Podocarpus smithii
Podocarpaceae LR/cd
Podocarpus pallidus Australia (Queensland)
Podocarpaceae DD The entire population is contained within the State
Tonga Forest Reserve on Mount Lewis near Mossman, where
An endemic to the east Tongan Islands. the species is scattered in montane rainforest in sununit
SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: localities. Felling is illegal without permission.
/fe/i; 374, 9695. 13041 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 3404, 7891, 13041
Podocarpus parlatorei
Podocarpaceae DD Podocarpus spathoides
Argentina, Bolivia, Peru Podocarpaceae DD
A cloud forest species threatened mainly by loss of Indonesia (Moluccas), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
habitat, although also an important commercial timber. Papua NewGuinea, Solomon Islands (South Solomon)
Populations in Argentina are very small and scattered. The is known from occurrences on Mount Ophir
Their exact locations are kept undisclosed for better in Peninsular Malaysia, Morotai in the north Moluccas,
protection. The species is listed in Appendix I of Rossel Island in the Louisiade Archipelago of Papua
CITES. New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 12453, 14040, 19127, 19179, 19185 Rc/i. 374,6851,13041,16612

Podocarpus pendulifolius Podocarpus subtropicalis

Podocarpaceae DD Podocarpaceae DD
Venezuela China (Sichuan, Yunnan)
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group The species is known only from Mount Omei in Sichuan
>?e/i.- 374, 541 1,13041 and Yunnan.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Podocarpus polyspermus Re/i; 374, 13041
Podocarpaceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia Podocarpus urbanii
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Podocarpaceae LR/nt
Refs:(>Z5\, 10351, 12630 Jamaica
The species is common to locally dominant in the
Podocarpus roraimae montane rainforests of the Blue Mountains. At very high
Podocarpaceae DD altitudes it is one of the commonest trees. Large
Venezuela populations exist on the Grand Ridge and in southern
The species occurs on Mount Roraima and the catchments. It is less common where slopes are steep or
mountains lying on the border between Venezuela and unstable.
Guyana. The area is protected, although it is under some Assessor: Bellingham, P.
pressure from tourism. /fe/i;374, 2479, 5214, 19116
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
/Je/i. 374,5411,12192, 13041 Poecilanthe ovalifoUa
Leguminosae VU D2
Podocarpus rusbyi Suriname
Podocarpaceae DD A rainforest tree, known only from an area along the
Bolivia Tapanahony River.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 314, 13661, 19127 Refs: 6493, 19196

Podocarpus saUgnus Poecilanthe parviflora

Podocarpaceae VUAld+2b Leguminosae DD
Chile (Bfobfo, La Araucania, Los Lagos, Magallanes, Argentina (Buenos Aires, Misiones), Brazil
Maule, O'Higgins) Information is limited, but indicates that the species is
A species which is said to occur abundantly in areas of endemic to an area extending from northern Argentina

Species Summaries

into the Rio Uruguay valley in Brazil. Polyalthia rufescens

Assessor: Prado, D. Annonaceae EN B 1 +2c
Refs: 1262,7134 India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
A timber-yielding species of evergreen hill forest in the
Poeciloneuron pauciflorum southern end of the Western Ghats. Populations are
Guniferae CRBl+2c recorded from Cochin and Travancore in Kerala and
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu. Cutting of the trees and
This species was collected just two or three times in 19th habitat clearance for the cultivation of commercial crops
century from areas of evergreen hill forest in Travancore have caused population declines.
and Tirunelveli. It was once a useful timber. The habitat Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
has been severely reduced in extent and recent botanical Refs: 4799, 19144
surveys have failed to locate any specimens. It is not
known for certain whether the species is now extinct. Polyalthia shendurunii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Annonaceae EN B 1 +2c
Re/j; 4799, 19144 India (Kerala)
A medium-sized tree collected only from a small area of
Polyalthia angustissima submontane evergreen forest in the Agastyamalai Hills
Aimonaceae DD on the Kerala/Tamil Nadu border. Large areas have been
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore, Viet Nam? exposed to fires, grazing, the establishment of
Occurring in lowland forest below l(K)m, this species is commercial plantations and cutting for fuelwood, but
known from localities in Johore and Bukit Timah Forest almost lOOOkm^ of forest are now under protection
Reserve in Singapore. More information is needed to within sanctuaries.
consolidate the species' occurrence in Viet Nam. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19144
Refs: 9199, 11530, 17140, 19073
Polyceratocarpus scheffleri
Polyalthia elmeri Annonaceae VUBl+2b
Armonaceae VU B +2c
1 Tanzania
Philippines Until recently this tall tree was known only from a few
This tree endemic to Palawan, located in thin forests
is collections from the East Usambara Mountains. It has
near seashore. The main island is a biosphere reserve. been subsequently discovered, in small populations, on
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the northern Uluguru and Udzungwa Mountains.
Refs: 4986 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 5204, 9302, 1 1631
Polyalthia glabra
Annonaceae CR B +2c1 Polylepis besseri ssp. besseri
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Rosaceae VU A 1 acd, B +2c1

Known only from two herbarium specimens, this tree Bolivia

was collected in lowland forest. The localities, one in A subspecies which frequently hybridises with related
Penang and the other in Malacca, are no longer forested. species. It is confined to Cochabamba and Chuquisaca,

Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. where it occurs in small stands totalling no more than a
Refs: 19073 few tens of square kilometres between 3(X)0 and 4100m.
Burning activities, combined with overgrazing, soil
Polyalthia hirtifolia erosion and firewood collection, continue to have a
Annonaceae CR B 1 +2c serious impact on remaining populations.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A lowland forest species, known only from a single «e/i;3104, 19020, 19067
collection from Pulau Betong Reserve in Penang. The
area is threatened by increasing settlement and it is not Polylepis besseri ssp. incarum
certain whether this species still exists. Rosaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Bolivia, Peru
Refs: 19073 A small tree growing in large stands on limestone hills,

confined mainly to the northern part of the Titicaca

Polyalthia pachyphylla basin, where it is the only naturally occurring Polylepis.
Annonaceae DD Other Polylepis species have been planted in the area
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) and the subspecies readily hybridises with P. racemosa
A lowland forest tree, recorded only from Larut in ssp. triacontandra. Populations in Bolivia may all be
Perak. Its unknown.
exact location is planted. It has been estimated that the stands cover
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. 166km* in total. Growth rates are fast and the tree is a
Refs: 8464, 19073 good candidate for reforestation programmes.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Polyalthia palawanensis Refs: 3104, 19067
Annonaceae VUBl+2c
Philippines Polylepis besseri ssp. subtusalbida
A tree endemic Palawan, found on dry forested slopes
to Rosaceae VU A 1 acd, B 1 -h2c
at low altitude. The main island is a biosphere reserve. Bolivia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This subspecies is variable and readily hybridises with
Refs: 4986 other Polylepis in its range. It is endemic to areas of

The World List of Threatened Trees

montane forest above 3000m in central Bolivia. Rres Polylepis multijuga

and overcutting are the main causes of concern. Rosaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Peru
/?s/j; 3104, 19020,19067 The most primitive member of the genus, confined to
two main locations, Chachapoyas in Amazonas, and
Polylepis crista-gaUi northern Cajamarca. It occurs locally in humid montane
Rosaceae VU A 1 acd, B +2c
1 forest.
Bolivia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This species was included within P. besseri. It is Refs: 1653, 3104, 6802, 19067
believed to be of hybrid origin. Small stands, totalling
less than 100km' in area, occur in central to south-east Polylepis neglecta
Bolivia above 3200m. At lower elevations, down to Rosaceae VU A 1 acd, B +2c

2500m, found in mixed Podocarpus-Alnus forest.

it is Bolivia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Recently discovered, the species occurs in more humid
Refs: 3104, 19020, 19067 areas of Podocarpus-Alnus forest, mainly in the
Chuquisaca and Cochabamba area. It rarely forms the
Polylepis hieronymi dominant component. Continual burning of large areas
Rosaceae VUBl+2c of vegetation, firewood collection and charcoal
Argentina, Bolivia production are causing the decline of these forests.
A small tree occurring in restricted areas of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Podocarpus-Alnus forest in central and south-east /?e/i;3104, 19020, 19067
Bolivia and north-west Argentina. Unusually for the
genus, it readily colonises open and disturbed areas, Polylepis pauta
where it is soon supplanted by slower-growing trees. Rosaceae VU Ale
This characteristic makes it useful in the reclamation of Ecuador, Peru
eroded slopes. The tallest of the Polylepis species. It is restricted to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre remaining small areas of mixed montane forest between
7?e/i; 3104. 6802, 19067 1800 and 3600m in northern Ecuador and in small areas
of eastern central and south Peru. The habitat is
Polylepis incana threatened mainly by fires, which are lit to support
Rosaceae VUAlacd grazing and which frequently encroach upon forested
Colombia? (Colombia?), Ecuador, Peru areas.
The from north
species' distribution is disjunct, ranging Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and central Ecuador to Ayacucho in Peru. Occurrences Refs: 3104, 6802, 12268, 19067
in Colombia and Bolivia are based on taxonomic
misconceptions. Trees occur in small stands, pure or Polylepis pepei
mixed with other Polylepis species, above 3300m. In all Rosaceae VUAlc
parts of the range the forests are severely affected by Bolivia, Peru
burning, as well as cutting for firewood and charcoal A small tree or shnib, rare and confined to a series of
production. Commercial logging of this species, along localities stretching along the eastern slope of the
with P. weberbaueri, has taken place within the Cordillera Real from south-east Peru to north-east
boundaries of Huascar^ National Park. The destruction Bolivia, in the transition zone between humid montane
of Polylepis forest in Huancavelica, Ayacucho and forests and"puna grasslands. Its habitat is highly
Cuzco has been particularly thorough. vulnerable to local activities, especially the fires which
Assessor:World Conservation Monitonng Centre are induced to support grazing and which frequently
Refs: 1653, 3104, 6802, 19020, 19067 encroach upon forested areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Polylepis lanuginosa Refs: 1653,3104,6802,19067
Rosaceae VUBl+2c
Ecuador Polylepis racemosa
An endemic tree of cloud forest in the Ecuadorean High Rosaceae VUAlc
Andes, currently known to occur between 2750 and Peru
3500m in Boh'var, Chimborazo, Cafiar and Azuay This is a variable species known from restricted areas of
Provinces. humid montane forest, occurring from northern Peru to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre north-west Bolivia. Subspecies in Bolivia are described
Refs: 19119,19120 separately. In the northern part of the range specimens
are almost exclusively cultivated. Natural stands occur
Polylepis microphylla from Hu^uco southwards, generally above 3200m. The
Rosaceae VUBI+2c habitat has greatly declined because of continual
Ecuador burning, cutting for firewood and charcoal production.
A cloud forest shrub, growing to 30cm in height, This species is fast-growing, more ecologically
endemic to Bolivar Province in the Ecuadorean High adaptable than others in the genus and a promising
Andes. candidate for reforestation and agroforestry.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 16239,19119 ^e/i; 3104, 6802, 12268, 19067

Species Summaries

PolyUpis racemosa ssp. lanata but their present status appears to be stable.
Rosaceae VU B I +2c, D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Bolivia Refs: 3104, 6802, 7980, 19020, 19067
This subspecies intergrades and hybridises with ssp.
triacontandra. It is known only from the wetter parts of PolyUpis tomentella ssp. incanoides
the Cordillera Tunari in Cochabamba, where it can form Rosaceae VU B I +2c, D2
a dominant element of the vegetation. The continual Bolivia
burning of vegetation is clearly causing the decline in A common tree, usually dominating, in a small area of
the extent of the forest. forest, totalling about 20km^ between 250O and 3400m
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre in the Cochabamba area. Burning activities are a major
/fe/i; 3104, 19067 threat to the habitat.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
PolyUpis racemosa ssp. triacontandra Refs: 3\04. 19067
Rosaceae VU B 1 +2c. D2
Bolivia PolyUpis tomentella ssp. nana
This subspecies intergrades and hybridises with ssp. Rosaceae CR B I +2c, C2b
lanata. It occurs within a small range above 3600m, at Bolivia
the upper limit of the humid montane forest in the A tiny shrub found in a very restricted mountainous
Cordillera de Apolobamba. It is a fast-growing and locality, south-east of Cochabamba in northern central
frequently planted tree. Continual burning, as well as Bolivia. It occurs in degraded woodland, covering an
cutting for firewood and charcoal production, are area of just 75ha, where it is affected by firewood
causing declines in the extent of the forest. collection and domestic grazing.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3104, 19067 Refs: 3\04, 19020

PolyUpis reticulata PolyUpis tomentella ssp. tomentella

Rosaceae VUBU2c Rosaceae LR/nt
Ecuador Bolivia
This Ecuadorean endertiic inhabits cloud forest between A vanable subspecies. It is relatively widespread,
2850 and 4300m in Napo, Pichincha, Tungurahua, occurring in dispersed stands between 3200 and 4500m
Chimborazo, and Azuay Provinces. in south-east Bolivia extending into north-west
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Argentina. There are some large stands, up to 60km^ in
Refs: 16239, 19119 area, growing on lava and pumice where they are safe
from burning.
PolyUpis rugulosa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rosaceae VU Ale /fe/j. 3104, 19020, 19067
Chile, Peru
Small and dispersed patches of the species occur in arid PolyUpis weberbaueri
regions above 3400m from Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna Rosaceae VUAlacd
and possibly Puno into northern Chile. It is generally the Ecuador, Peru
only tree in the area. The extent of the habitat is The distribution of this species is disjunct. Populations
declining, with constant overgrazing and overcutting for occur in humid montane forest above 3000m in central
firewood and charcoal production. and south-west Ecuador, and in Peru in the north-west
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and further south in the Cordillera Blanca and Cuzco-
Refs: 3104, 19067 Apurimac area. The species is particularly sensitive to
burning. A forest covering Mkm' in Cuzco was
PolyUpis subsericans completely destroyed by burning two years ago.
Rosaceae VU A 1 acd, B 1 -^2c Remaining stands are almost exclusively reduced to
Peru boulder-scree, stream ravines and rock ledges, where
Locally the species forms dense forest patches above they are sheltered from most fires. Both this species and
3400m, concentrated in Lima and adjacent lea, P. incana are being logged inside Huascar^ National
extending into restricted areas further east. Declines in Park.
the extent of the forest are being caused largely by Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
burning and charcoal production. Refs: 3104, 6802, 12268, 19020, 19067
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3104,6802, 12268, 19020, 19067 Polyscias aemiliguineae
Araliaceae CRAlc,CI-t-2a
PolyUpis tarapacana Reunion
Rosaceae LR/nt Assessor: Strahm, W.
Argentina?, Bolivia, Chile, Peru Refs: 12470, 16426, 19208
A small tree or shrub found only in sparse and scattered
stands in the volcanic Western Cordillera in the border Polyscias dichroostachya
regions of Bolivia, Peru and Chile. It is probably the Araliaceae EN Alc+2e
only tree in the world growing up to altitudes of 5200m. Mauritius
Locally it is of great importance as a source of firewood Similar to Tabemaemontana persicarifolia but rarer, the
and even of construction timber. Populations seriously species is found in small numbers in remaining dry
declined in the past (more than three generations ago) forest.
Assessor: Strahm, W.
Refs: 9\20, 16426, 19208

The World List of Threatened Trees

Polyscias farinosa Polyscias quintasU

Araliaceae LR/nt Araliaceae ENBl+2e
Ethiopia Sao Tome & Principe (Principe, Sao Tom6)
A tree known as the baboon's chair. It appears to be An upland forest tree known from a few sites above
confined to woodland along river systems. Although it is 1000m on Morro Claudino. Regeneration is reported to
by agricultural
distributed in an area heavily influenced be very feeble or non-existent in the five sites where it
activitiesand the expansion of the human population, has been studied. It yields a timber but not of great
regeneration is apparently good. importance.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1330,4505,18523 /fe/i;2724, 19042, 19111

Polyscias gracitts Polyscias stuhlmannii var. inarticulata

Araliaceae CR Dl Araliaceae VUBl+2b
Mauritius Tanzania
A small solitary tree occurring in Mondrain, Tamarind A doubtful variety of a restricted-range species. It is

Falls and Piton du Fouge Ridge Forest. These areas are scarce and confined to cloud forest at Shume-Mugamba
heavily invaded by exotic plants and animals. in the West Usambara Mountains. The area has been
Regeneration is poor and the number of adult trees is extensively converted to agriculture.
estimated to be less than 20. The species has been Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
propagated and reintroduced into Mondrain Nature Refs: 3356, 5204, 8221
Assessor: Page, W. Polyscias stuhlmannii var. stuhlmannii
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Araliaceae VUBl+2b
Kenya, Tanzania
Polyscias kikuyuensis This species occurs in the west Usambara and Uluguru
Araliaceae VUBl+2c Mountains and Teita. Threats exist from localised
Kenya habitat degradation and changes in land use and
Scattered in distribution but confined to wet upland management. The Usambara Mountains are the focus of
forest in central Kenya, this species is highly valued at a a conservation programme. The split into two varieties
national level for its timber. Exploitation and habitat loss may not be warranted.
have led to the species becoming rarer. The Kenyan Assessor: Lx)vett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Forestry authorities maintain plantations of it and also Refs: 3356, 6396, 12067
sell the seed. Populations in Mount Kenya National
Park and other forest reserves are legally protected. Polyscias tahitensis
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Araliaceae CR Bl+2c
Refs: 1308,6396,17859 French Polynesia (Society Is.)
An endemic of Raiatea and Tahiti.
Polyscias mauritiarta Assessor: Florence, J.

Araliaceae EN Alee Refs: 14513

Assessor: Strahm, W. Polysphaeria macrantha
Refs: 9120, 16426, 19208 Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Polyscias neraudiana Endemic to the East Usambara Mountains, this small
Araliaceae CR Dl tree occurs in moist evergreen forest at medium
Mauritius elevations.
A small tree known from fewer than 15 adult Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
individuals, confined to plateau regions and the flanks of Refs: 3356, 10961
the northern mountain range, including Le Petrin Nature
Reserve. The habitat is highly degraded and invaded by Pomaderris hamiltonii
exotic Although seed production has been
species. Rhamnaceae LR/nt
observed, there is no regeneration. The population in Le New Zealand (North Is.)

Petrin is fenced and weeded of exotic plants. A small tree occurring sparsely in the North Island.
Assessor: Page, W. Assessor: de Lange, P.J.
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Refs: 902. \9\33

Polyscias nothisii Pongamia velutina

Araliaceae VUB1+2C Leguminosae VU B 1 +2c, C2a
New Caledonia Papua New Guinea
Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al. A tree occurring in monsoon forest. Eucalyptus savanna
Refs:i^5(s, 10351 and swamps near mangroves along the coast of the
Central Province. Its restricted distribution, coupled with
Polyscias paniculata local exploitation, renders the species vulnerable.
Araliaceae EN Alee Assessor: Eddowes, P.J.
Mauritius Refs: 19114
Assessor: Strahm, W.
Refs: 9\20. 16426, 19208

Species Summaries

Pongamiopsis amygdalina Populus ilicifoUa

Leguminosae ENBl-t-2abc Salicaceae VUBl+2c
Madagascar Kenya, Tanzania
Known from only two localities, this deciduous Restricted to the Tana, Athi and Uaso-Nyiro river
woodland species occurs in limestone areas in the systems in Kenya and the Ruvu river system of
Ankarana Massif and Montagne des Fran^ais in north Tanzania, this species is one of the dominant
Madagascar. Its range extends less than 300km* components of riparian forest. The habitat is greatly
(*AC)0). Populations near Antsiranana are declining as a reduced and the species is notably scarcer. Seed crops
result of forest degradation and selective felling. are frequently washed away in annual floods after
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat vegetation clearance. In Kenya the habitat has also been
Refs: 12353 widely irrigated and cleared for settlement programmes.
On a local scale the species provides a wood preferred
Pongamiopsis viguieri for making dug-out canoes.
Leguminosae VU B 1 +2abc Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Madagascar Re/i.- 4506, 6396, 10961
This species is restricted to limestone outcrops in
Namoroka and Bemaraha in west Madagascar. Covering Populus mexicana ssp. mexicana
an estimated 2000km' (*AC)0), the population is Salicaceae VUAlc
declining, especially in the northern extremity Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz)
(Mahajunga), where it may now be extinct. A widespread endemic, occurring in rainforest
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat in theGulf and Pacific regions.
Refs: 12353 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5993, 17609
Popowia beddomeana
Annonaceae ENBl+2c Portlandia albiflora
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Rubiaceae CR C2b
A species confined to wet evergreen forest on the upper Jamaica
slopes of the Agastyamalai Hills at the southern end of A small tree or shrub known only from one locality in St
the Western Ghats. grows mostly in inaccessible and
It Andrews on limestone rocks and cliffs. Similar
undisturbed areas. Some parts have been exposed to specimens come from other parts of the island but their
fires, grazing, the establishment of commercial identity has not been confirmed.
plantations and cutting for fuelwood, but almost Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
1000km' forest are now under protection within Refs: 5653, 7980
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Portlandia grandiflora
Refs: 2538, 19144 Rubiaceae LR/nt
Popowia pauciflora This species is fairly common but confined to thickets
Aimonaceae CRBl+2c and woodlands on limestone. It is cultivated as an
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) ornamental in the Old World.
A tree known only from the type collection, found in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
lowland forest in Malacca. It is uncertain whether this Refs: 6057, 7980
species is still surviving.
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Portlandia harrisii
Refs: 19073 Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Popowia velutina Recorded from Clarendon and St Ann Parishes, this
Annonaceae CRBl+2c small tree or shrub occurs locally in thickets and open
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) woodland on limestone.
A rare lowland forest tree known only from two Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
collections from Gopeng in Perak. It is uncertain Refs: 5653, 19085
whether the species is still surviving as the locality from
which it was collected has recently been developed. Potameia lotungensis
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Lauraceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 19073 China (Guangdong - Hainan), Viet Nam
In Viet Nam the species is very rare, occurring only
Populus guzmanantlensis between 900 and 1 200m in Tam Dao in Vinh Phu in the
Salicaceae ENBl+2c north. On Hainan Island there are records of the species
Mexico (Jalisco) in Lo Tung.
So far the speciesis known only from the southern part Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
of the de Manantlan in Casimiro Castillo,
Sierra Refs: 848
Cuautitlin and Tuxcacyexco, growing in semi-deciduous
forest between 800 and 900m. Poupartia borhonica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Anacardiaceae CR C2a
Refs: 15436, 19068 Mauritius, Reunion
The Mauritian population is known from fewer than five
adult trees found in dry deciduous forest at the bases of
the Chamarel range, Mont Brisee and Mont Creole. The
species has also been propagated and reintroduced into

The World List of Threatened Trees

Mondrain Nature Reserve. A few plants are grown in a known only from upland dry forest in Amap^.
nursery and elsewhere on He aux Aigrettes. Information Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

is required on the population in Reunion. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: Page, W.
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Pouteria amygdatina
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Poupartia pubescens Belize, Guatemala
Anacardiaceae EN C2a The only certain occurrences of this tree are recorded in

Mauritius Pet6n in Guatemala and adjacent parts of Belize. The

Occurring as an occasional species in the south-west and species is found in seasonal semi-evergreen forest over
lower eastern mountain ranges, fewer than 250 adult limestone in sites up to 800m.

trees are beheved to exist. Browsing of the seedlings by Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
exotic deer is limiting regeneration. Refs: 8816
Assessor: Page, W.
Refs: 1411,9120,16426 Pouteria andarahiensis
Sapotaceae ENBl+2b
Pourouma hirsutipetiolaia ssp. hirsutipetiolata Brazil (Bahia)
Cecropi aceae VU B 1 +2c At present, the Mucuge region of Bahia is the only site
Colombia where this species is known. Logging is the most serious
Assessor: Calderon, E. threat to its dry forest habitat.
Refs: 7980, 19069 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Re/i.- 1983,7980,8816
Pourouma melinonii ssp. glabrata
Cecropiaceae VU Bl+2c Pouteria anteridata
Colombia, Panama Sapotaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Calderon, E. Venezuela
Refs: 7980, 19069 A newly described species of northern Venezuela.
Collections have been made from several localities of
Pourouma oraria lowland rainforest in Barinas, Falc6n, Yaracuy and
Cecropiaceae VU CI Zulia.

Colombia, Panama, Peru Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

In Panama only two old collections are known but Ue/i; 7980, 8816
localities are unspecified. More recently the species has
been identified in Colombia, occurring quite commonly Pouteria arcuata
in primary forest in Choc6, BoyacS, Valle and other Sapotaceae VU D2
regions. The species has been recorded in Peru, but not Venezuela
frequently. The habitat is declining through much of the This species is known only from where
the site it was
species' distribution as a result of increasing settlement. first collected in lowland rainforest in Amazonas.
Assessor: Mitre, M. Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7272, 7980, 10481, 16772 y?c/i; 7980, 8816

Pouteria alnifolia var. sacleuxii Pouteria areolatifoUa

Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Sapotaceae VU D2
Tanzania Guatemala
A variety endemic to Zanzibar Island. It occurs in small Confined to La Cumbre in Pet6n, the species is found in

areas of moist semi-deciduous forest. lowland seasonal semi-evergreen forest.

Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i.- 3356, 8814 Refs: 7980, 8816

Pouteria altissima Pouteria arguacoensium

Sapotaceae LR/cd Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Colombia
Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, A species which appears to be confined to a restricted

Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra area on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda in Cesar. It is restricted to montane rainforest between
Occurring in drier areas of semi-deciduous forest, this 1 300 and 2300m.
timber species is widespread throughout the African Assessor: Calderon, E.
tropics. The species provides a general-purpose timber Refs: 7980, 8816, 19069

and overexploited in parts of its range. In the timber


industry, it is frequently confused with Aningeria Pouteria aristata

robusta (now P. aningeri). Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: African Regional Workshop Cuba
Refs: 2361, 6128, 6396, 8369. 10961, 16021 A shrub or small tree of coastal thickets and dry thickets
on limestone hills. It has been recorded from the

Pouteria amapaensis provinces of Pinar del Rio, Habana and Oriente and an
ENBl+2b unconfirmed report suggests it is also present in Las
Brazil (AmapS)
A treelet newly described as a species and, at present.


Species Summaries

Villas. The species is rarely seen today because of Pouteria bracteata

extensive habitat degradation. Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Colombia
Refs: 7980, 8816, 19149 A large tree, newly described as a species and so far
known with certainty only from the site where the type
Pouteria atabapoensis specimen was collected in montane forest on the Pacific
Sapotaceae LR/nt slopes of Colombia in Valle. It is a large tree.
Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela Collections do not seem to have been made in the last 50
Only few collections of this species are known. They
a years. A second specimen is similar but only tentatively
originate from the Rio Negro above Manaus in grouped with this species.
Amazonas, Brazil, and from further north along Rfo Assessor: Calderon, E.
Atabapo in Amazonas, Venezuela. /Je/i; 7980,8816, 19069
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
*e/i; 7980, 8816 Pouteria brevensis
Sapotaceae ENBl+2d
Pouteria austin-smithii Brazil (Pari)
Sapotaceae VU D2 Known only from a few collections in Breves, Marajo,
Costa Rica this species is confined to non-flooded forest. Increasing
A cloud forest species, endemic to Costa Rica and settlement of the area poses the most serious threat.
recorded from a few sites in Alajuela and Cartago. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Uc/i; 7980, 8816
Pouteria brevipetiolata
Pouteria bapeba Sapotaceae VU D2
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c,D2 Ecuador
Brazil (Bahia) A newly described species currently known only from
A tree species which is known only from the coastal the type collection from El Oro on steep forested slopes
rainforest of Bahia. at about 800m.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816 /fe/s. 7980,8816

Pouteria beaurepairei Pouteria briocheoides

Sapotaceae LR/cd Sapotaceae VU D2
Brazil (Parang, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao Guatemala
Paulo) Confined to a single knownpopulation in La Cumbre in
A lowland rainforest treelet, confined to an area where Pet6n, the species is component of seasonal semi-
logging activities are intense. A population is known to evergreen forest dominated by Manilkara zapota.
occur in Ilha do Cordosa State Park in Sao Paulo. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. /Je/i. 7980,8816
Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Pouteria buenaventurensis
Pouteria belizensis Sapotaceae LR/nt
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Colombia, Panama
Belize, Guatemala, Mexico Ranging from sea level to 2000m, the species occurs in
A tree known from few
collections. Occurrences have two main areas of wet rainforest: one in Panama in
been recorded in Tabasco, from Lake Izabal and the adjacent Col6n and Panama Provinces, the other in
Subin River in Guatemala and from an unknown locality Colombia on the Pacific side in Norte de Santander and
in Belize. Valle.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8816 Refs: 8816

Pouteria benai Pouteria buUata

Sapotaceae VU D2 Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
French Guiana Brazil (Parani, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Presumably a lowland forest species, known only from A tree which is restricted to coastal rainforest, up to
two collections. 900m. Relatively few collections have been made and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the continuing clearance of the habitat poses a serious
/?e/i; 7980, 8816 threat to any remaining populations. The fruit is

harvested locally.
Pouteria honneriana Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Sapotaceae VU D2 Refs: 1983,7980,8816

This species is known from just two collections from the Pouteria butyrocarpa
Cerros Campanquiz in Loreto. Sapotaceae ENBl-i-2b
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Bahia, Espirito Santo)
i?e/i; 7980, 8816 A large tree confined to a small area of wet coastal

The World List of Threatened Trees

forest between southern Bahia and Espfrito Santo. It is Much of the vegetation in the area is under threat from
harvested locally for thefruit, oil and wood. burning and clearance. The current status of the species,
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. if it is still extant, is unknown.
*c/5; 1983,7980,8816 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 8816
Pouteria calistophytta
Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c Pouteria coelomatica
Costa Rica, Panama Sapotaceae EN Bl+2c
Occurring in remnants of lowland forest, the species is Brazil (Bahia)
scattered in several localities in Costa Rica and Panama. The type collection occurs in a farming area and is the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre only known occurrence of this species.
Refs: 8816 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Pouteria cemmmaensis
Sapotaceae LR/nt Pouteria collina
Venezuela Sapotaceae VU D2
A shrub or small which is known from a few sites
tree, Colombia, Ecuador
of shrub savanna and periodically flooded areas in A Pacific coast tree with two populations, occurring in
Bolfvar. lowland rainforest in the Valle del Cauca in Colombia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and from submontane rainforest in Alto Tambo in
Kefs: 7980, 8816 Esmeraldas in Ecuador.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria capacifoUa Refs: 7980, 8816
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Ecuador Pouteria congestifolia
Confined of lowland rainforest up to 700m, the
to areas Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
species is found in a small area of Pacific Ecuador in Costa Rica, Panama
Los Rfos, where it is recorded from Rfo Palenque Occurring in montane rainforest, the species is found
Biological Station, and Pichincha. sometimes very
It is along the continental divide of Costa Rica and Panama.
common in pasture, where it is protected as a shade tree. Collections have been made from more than five
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre localities in Alajuela, Cartago and Heredia in Costa Rica
*e/i; 7980, 8816 and in Chiriquf and Cocl£ in Panama.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria chiricana /fe/i.- 7980,8816
Sapotaceae VU D2
Panama Pouteria crassiflora
Information on this species may not be complete. Sapotaceae VU B l+2c, D2
Collections have been made from the provinces of Brazil (Amapii)
Chiriqui and the Canal Zone from remaining areas of A species which is known only from Amapci in non-

wet lowland forest. There is a possibly erroneous record flooded forests. The most serious threat to the species is
from Costa Rica in the Flora of Panama checklist. logging.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 8816 Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Pouteria chocoensis Pouteria cubensis

Sapotaceae DD Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c
Colombia Cuba
There is very little information on this species, there A Cuban endemic confined to seasonal rainforest and
being only a single incomplete herbarium specimen. It the lowest elevation wet montane rainforest in the Sierra
was found in tall rainforest in the Choc6 region in 1946. Maestra mountain range between 200 and 900m. The
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre habitat of this rare tree has been degraded in many
Refs: 7980, 8816 places.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Pouteria cicatricata Rc/i; 7980, 8816, 19149
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Amazonas, Rondonia) Pouteria decussata
A newly described species. Historial collections indicate Sapotaceae ENBI+2c
the species' range to be greater than 20,000 km'. More Brazil (ParS)
recent collections suggest there has been a reduction in A few collections of this dry forest tree are known from
this area. north-west Pari. Records show it occurs in some
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. abundance in Jari on terraced hills, but its distribution is
Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816 highly restricted.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Pouteria cinnamomea Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Sapotaceae CRBl-i-2c
Peru Pouteria dictyoneura ssp. dictyoneura
Information on the species is poor. It is known only Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
from the type collection made at the turn of the century Cuba
in Cuzco, where it occurred in subxerophilous forest. The Cuban form of a Caribbean species, occurring


Species Summaries

infrequently in remaining areas of lowland semi- collections from non-flooded lowland forest in the Rio
deciduous forest over limestone. The tree has been Solimoes area in Amazonas.
overexploited for its valuable timber and a great part of Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

its habitat has been deforested. Refs: 1983,7980.8816

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
/Je/i; 7980, 8816, 19149 Pouteria furcata
Sapotaceae VUBI+2c
Pouteria espinae Brazil (MaranhSo, PiauO
Sapotaceae CR B I +2c A newly described species, scattered in dry lowland
Colombia forestand *cerrado. Some areas are under threat from
This species is apparently confined to a small area of expanding developments and land settlement.
Magdalena on the slopes of the Santa Marta range, Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

where it occurs in montane forest above 2000m. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: Calderon, E.
/?e/i; 7980, 8816, 19069 Pouteria gabrielensis
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Pouteria euryphylla Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia, Venezuela
Sapotaceae CR B I +2c Although occupying a relatively wide range in the
Panama Colombian, Venzuelan and Brazilian Amazon, the
Known only from the type collection, the species is species is actually known from only a few collections
recorded from rainforest at about 275m in Chiriquf. from *vdrzea forest below 200m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/j; 7980, 8816 /fe/i. 7980,8816

Pouteria exstaminodia Pouteria gigantea

Sapotaceae ENBI+2b Sapotaceae VU D2
Brazil (Amap£) Ecuador
A newly described species, at present known only from A canopy tree known only from lowland rainforest in
the site where it was first collected in non-flooded forest the Rfo Palenque Science Center in Pacific coastal
along River Vatuma. Ecuador.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 /?e/i; 7980,8816

Pouteria fiUformis Pouteria glauca

Sapotaceae VU D2 Sapotaceae VU D2
Costa Rica Peru
A newly described species, so far known only from the A newly described species of lowland swampy forest.
type gathering in Lim6n in Atlantic rainforest in the So far it has been collected from only two sites in
Hitoy Cerere Biological Reserve. Loreto.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i. 7980,8816 /fe/i. 7980,8816

Pouteria fossicola Pouteria gracilis

Sapotaceae VUBI+2c Sapotaceae VU D2
Costa Rica, Panama Peru
Distributed from central Costa Rica to central Panama, A newly described species, which has been recorded
the species occurs in lowland evergreen forest and only from the site where it was first collected in Tocache

seasonal semi-evergreen forest up to 600m. Collections Nuevo in San Martin in 1972. The population was found
have been made from Cartago, Puntarenas and San Jose in rainforest between 700 and 800m.
Provinces in Costa Rica and Cocl^, Col6n and Barro Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Colorado Island in Panama. /?c/>. 7980, 8816
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8816 Pouteria grandiflora
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Pouteria foveolata Brazil (Bahia, Pemambuco, Rio de Janeiro)
Sapotaceae VU D2 A species distributed in *resiinga, ranging over an area
Costa Rica, Nicaragua greater than 20,000 km^, assuming that populations still

A buttressed tree, newly described as a species. It is exist in the collection sites. Habitat clearance has been
confined to two main areas, in Chontales, Nicaragua, extensive and further evidence may reveal that the
and in Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica. Both species has been lost from some of these sites.

are near sea level in lowland rainforest. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre >?e/j; 1983,7980, 8816

Refs: 8816
Pouteria hotteana
Pouteria fulva Sapotaceae ENBI+2c
Sapotaceae ENBI+2d Haiti, Puerto Rico
Brazil (Amazonas) Populations have been recorded in forest over limestone
A species, newly described, known from just two

The World List of Threatened Trees

at about 12(X)m in the Massif de la Hotte in Haiti and in recorded in two or three widely separated sites, one in
Maricao Insular forest in Puerto Rico. San Martin in Peru, the others in La Paz in Bolivia.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
7?e/j; 7931, 8816 /fe/i.- 7980, 8816

Pouteria izabalensis Pouteria lucens

Sapotaceae LR/nt Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua Brazil (Amazonas)
Ranging from Guatemala to Nicaragua, the species A tree which is known only from *igap6 forest from
occurs in well-drained Atlantic forest near sea level. The upper Rio Negro and Rio Japur^ regions.
wood has been used for railway sleepers in Guatemala. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Refs: 8816
Pouteria macahensis
Pouteria juruana Sapotaceae EN Bl+2c
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Brazil (Bahia, Rio de Janeiro)
Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia The type specimen was collected in 1910 from Rio de
The species is known from two sites of lowland Janeiro. Otherwise known from Bahia, the species
Amazonia in Brazil and in the
rainforest in western occurs in *restinga vegetation and inland forests.
department of Putamayo in Colombia. More specimen Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

data are needed to confirm its taxonomic status. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816, 19069 Pouteria macrocarpa
Sapotaceae VUAla
Pouteria kaieteureitsis Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Par£), Colombia, Costa
Sapotaceae VU D2 Rica
Guyana The range of the species is extensive geographically and
A newly described species, which appears to be altitudinally. However, populations are rare and
confmed to a single population on the Kaieteur Plateau declining.
in savanna and low savaima forest. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1983,8816

Ue/i; 7980, 8816
Pouteria maguirei
Pouteria krukovii Sapotaceae LR/nt
Sapotaceae VU D2 Brazil (Amazonas), Venezuela
Brazil (Acre), Peru A component of *igap6 forest in southern Venezuela
Known only from two collections, the species is found extending to the upper Rio Negro in Brazil.
in lowland, periodically flooded forest at the mouth of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Macauhan in Acre, and from Yanomono Explorama yfc/j- 7980, 8816
Camp in Loreto, Peru.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pouteria micrantha
y?e/i; 7980, 8816 Sapotaceae ENBl+2c
Pouteria latianlhera A small tree apparently confined to submontane
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c serpentine forest in what is known as the *manacles in
Brazil(AmapS) the Sierra de Nipe, Oriente Province. The species is

A newly described species. At present it is known from poorly known and has been rarely collected.
only two sites in Amap^, in mixed lowland forest. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Re/j; 7980, 8816, 19149
Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Pouteria microstrigosa
Pouteria leptopedicellata Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Sapotaceae VU D2 Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Mato Grosso)
Costa Rica, Panama A newly described species with a restricted distribution
Confined to lowland and submontane rainforest, the in lowland rainforest, ranging from Bahia to Espfrito
species has been recorded in just two isolated sites: one Santo. The habitat has been extensively logged and
in Heredia in Costa Rica and the other from the Santa cleared.
Rita Ridge in Panama. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /Je/i.- 1983, 7980, 8816

Refs: 8816
Pouteria minima
Pouteria longifolia Sapotaceae ENBl+2c
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Brazil(Amazonas)
Bolivia, Peru A newly described species, the only records of which
A tree of montane forest, occurring up to 900m, in occur in two sites in the Rio Vaupes region in western
Amazonian Peru and Bolivia. Populations have been Brazilian Amazonia.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816

Species Summaries

Pouteria moaensis Pouteria pallens

Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Sapotaceae CR B I +2c
Cuba Brazil (Rondonia)
A small tree known only from Sierra de Moa in Oiiente A newly described species, currently known only from
Province, the site where it was first gathered in 1955. the site where it was first collected in 1963 from lowland
The main threat to the species is from the mining of the forest at Porto Velho.
ferritic soils. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Refs: 1983,7980,8816

/?e/i; 7980. 8816. 19149
Pouteria patUJa
Pouteria nemorosa Sapotaceae EN B I +2c
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Lucia
Bolivia Endemic to the Windward Islands in the Caribbean, the
A species with an anomalous floral structure compared species is found in lowland rainforest up to 600m. A
to the rest of the family. A
few recent collections now single population is recorded on each of Dominica,
indicate that the species is not as rare as was once Martinique, St Lucia and Guadeloupe, where the exact
assumed. locality of the species is unknown. Little rainforest
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre remains on Martinique. The species provides an
Re/j.- 7980,8816. 19170 excellent construction timber.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria nudipetala Refs: 8816
Sapotaceae VU D2
Brazil (Amazonas), Peru Pouteria peduncularis
Only three collections have been made of this species. Sapotaceae DD
They originate from periodically flooded or *vdrzea Brazil (Bahia)
forest at the mouth of Rio Embira in Amazonas, Brazil, A very pooriy known species. The only knowledge of it
and from upland forest in Loreto, Peru. comes from the herbarium type specimen, which was
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collected in the last century from a locality which has
/?e/i; 7980, 8816 not been precisely recorded.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria opposUifolia Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Amapd. Par^) Pouteria peniciUata
A species which appears to occur both moist and drier
in Sapotaceae VU D2
lowland forest types. It is harvested locally for the Guyana
timber. This species is known only from the site where it was
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. first collected in 1941 in forest on laterite.
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?c/i; 7980,8816
Pouteria oxypetala
Sapotaceae ENBI+2c Pouteria peruviensis
Brazil (Sao Paulo) Sapotaceae VU D2
Currently known from two collections taken from
just Peru
lowland secondary forest, this newly described species is Although the species known only with certainty from

threatened most seriously by increasing habitat clearance may be other collections from
the type collection, there
and settlement of the area. the Amazon which belong to this taxon. The type
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. specimen was gathered from rainforest in the Cerms
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Campanquiz in Loreto.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria pachycalyx V?c/!; 7980.8816
Sapotaceae CR B 1 +2d
Brazil (Espirito Santo) Pouteria petiolata
A newly described species. Resent information suggests Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c. D2
that it is confmed to lowland rainforest on sandy soils in Brazil(Amazonas. Par5)
Linhares Forest Reserve. A newly described species, confined to two localities of
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. non-flooded forests, including one in Ducke Forest
Refs: 1983.7980.8816 Reserve. The most serious threat comes from continuing
Pouteria pachyphylta Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Brazil (Amazonas. Rondonia)
A tree species which is confined to the Brazilian Pouteria pimichinensis
Amazon, where it occurs in periodically and Sapotaceae LR/nt
permanently flooded forest. The habitat is generally Venezuela
threatened by logging activities. This shrub or bushy tree is known only from populations
Assessor: Pires O'Brien. J. in Amazonas, occurring in savanna and occasionally
Refs: 1983.7980.8816 along flooded river margins.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/j; 7980, 8816

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pouteria pisquiensis Pouteria putarrun-ovi

Sapotaceae VU D2 Sapotaceae VU D2
Peru Brazil (Rondonia), Peru
A tree known only from the type specimen, which was A newly described species of non-flooded forest over
collected from lowland rainforest at Ucayali in 1942. sand. So far populations have been recorded from two
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre sites in Loreto in Peru, including the Jenaro Herrera

yje/i- 7980, 8816 Arboretum, and from Rondonia in Brazil.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria platyphyUa Re/i; 7980, 8816
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso), Peru Pouteria retinervis
A tree of lowland rainforest. Few collections exist, one Sapotaceae LR/cd
&x)m Jenaro Herrera Arboretum in Loreto, Peru, and Brazil (Amazonas), French Guiana
several from Amazonian Brazil. Occurring in the Saul area of French Guiana and along
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the Rio Negro in Amazonas, Brazil, the species is foimd
/Je/i; 7980, 8816 in non-flooded lowland forest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria polysepala /Je/j; 7980, 8816
Sapotaceae CRBl+2c
Brazil (Amazonas) Pouteria rhynchocarpa
A large tree. Its only known occurrence is at the mouth Sapotaceae ENBl+2c
of the Rio Javari in non-flooded forest. Mexico (Veracruz)
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. A newly described species so far known only from Los
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Tuxtlas Biological Station in central Veracruz, where it

occurs in lowland evergreen rainforest over black clay.

Pouteria psammophila Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sapotaceae ENAlc,Bl+2c /?e/i; 5651, 7980, 8816
Brazil CRio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
A tree of *restinga vegetation and granitic outcrops Pouteria rigida ssp. rigida
along the Atlantic coast. Large areas of the habitat are Sapotaceae LR/nt
being lost to housing, tourist and other developments. Brazil (Roraima), Guyana, Venezuela
The species is recorded in the llha do Cardoso State Park A small tree or shrub found in sandstone scrub and
in Sao Paulo. forest islands in savanna, dwarf mossy forest over
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. sandstone and Bonnetia forest up to 2200m.
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
«f/i; 7980,8816
Pouteria pseudoracemosa
Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2b, D2 Pouteria rigida ssp. tomentosa
Tanzania Sapotaceae LR/nt
A moist lowland forest tree known from three localities Venezuela
in Tanzania. A population is confined to Kimboza Forest sites of dwarf
This subspecies is confined to just a few
Reserve, 4km' of forest in a densely populated area. The forest orlow scrub on stony mountain slopes in Boh'var
demand for land is high but two forest guards prevent and Amazonas.
illegal encroachment and activities. There are also Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
populations also at low elevations in the East Usambara Refs: 7980, 8816
Mountains and North Udzungwa Mountains.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Pouteria rigidopsis
/fe/s; 3356, 8814 Sapotaceae LR/nt
Pouteria puberula A tree of wet montane forest and shrubby cloud forest,
Sapotaceae VU D2 confined to northern Venezuela, occurring in
Venezuela Anzo^tegui, Distrito Federal, Monagas and Sucre.
A newly described species, known only from the site Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
where it was first collected in 1977 in rainforest at 750m /fe/i; 7980, 8816
in Miranda.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pouteria rodriguesiana
/fefi; 7980, 8816 Sapotaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Amapi Pari), French Guiana, Suriname
Pouteria pubescens A newly described species known from several sites in
Sapotaceae VU D2 the Guianas and adjacent parts of Brazil,where it occurs
Brazil (Amazonas), Peru in lowland rainforest, usually on non-flooded land up to
This tree has been collected from just two sites so far, 700m.
one in the Jenaro Herrera Arboretum in Loreto, Peru, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and the other in Sao Paulo de 01iven(a in Amazonas, Refs: 7980, 8816
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/f; 7980, 8816

Species Summaries

Pouteria rufotomentosa damp valleys and along streamsides.

At present only
Sapotaceae VU D2 one in Izabal in Guatemala and
three sites are recorded,
Guatemala the other two in the Uxpanapa-Chimalapa region
A which appears to be confined to
rainforest species, between Oaxaca and Veracruz States in Mexico.
Baja Verapaz Guatemala.
in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /Je/i; 5651, 8816
Refs: 7980, 8816
Pouteria stenophylla
Pouteria sclerocarpa Sapotaceae EX
Sapotaceae LR/nt Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Colombia, Ecuador, Panama A tree known at one time to be confined to the coastal

A lowland rainforest species, known from scattered hill forest of Rio de Janeiro. Although the area has been
collections from the south of Panama in Dari6n Province visited numerous times by botanists, no recent record of
and from single sites in Amazonian Ecuador and the species has been made.
Colombia. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Refs: 8816
Pouteria subsessilifoUa
Pouteria semecarpifolia Sapotaceae CR B 1 +2d
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Brazil (Bahia)
Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Lucia, St Vincent A treelet
which appears to be confined to a small area of
An endemic of the Windward Islands in the Caribbean. sandy *campo rupestre vegetation, in marshy places,
Populations are recorded in Castle Bruce and St Davis near Mucuge.
Parish on Dominica, Mome Larcheux and La Trinit6 on Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Martinique and sites on Guadeloupe, St Lucia and St Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Vincent. It is a lowland forest tree and apparently
provides good construction timber. Pouteria tarapotensis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapotaceae LR/nt
««/i; 7980, 8816, 10754 Peru
Apparently a Peruvian endemic, although there are, as
Pouteria sessUis yet, unconfirmed reports of the species occurring in
Sapotaceae VU D2 Panama. Populations have been recorded from lowland
Peru sometimes periodically flooded, in Cocha
A newly described species, currently known only from Cashu in Madre de Dios, from the area of the
the type locality in lowland rainforest in Jenaro Herrera Yurimagunas in Loreto and from Tarapoto in San
Arboretum. Martin.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 8816 Refs:%%\()

Pouteria sUvestris Pouteria tarumanensis

Sapotaceae VU D2 Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2a
Costa Rica Brazil (Amazonas)
A newly described species, endemic to Costa Rica, A species confined to non-flooded forest over sand in
where it has been collected twice from lowland the centre of the Brazilian Amazon, especially in the
rainforest in Heredia. region of Manaus. Logging activities and fires in the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre area are the most serious threats.
/Je/jt- 7980, 8816 Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816

Pouteria sipapoensis
Sapotaceae VU D2 Pouteria triplarifotta
Venezuela Sapotaceae VU D2
A newly described species which, so far, is known from Costa Rica
just two collections in forest in southern Venezuela. The species has been recorded from a single location in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Puntarenas in wet hill forest at about 600m, near the
/fe/i; 7980, 8816 coast.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pouteria splendens Refs: 7980, 8816
Sapotaceae LR/nt
Chile (Valparaiso) Pouteria vemicosa
A morphologically distinct member of the genus, Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
confined to the coastal regions of central Chile, where it Brazil (Amazonas), Peru
occurs in rocky ravines and coastal scrub. A newly described species, as yet known from just a few
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre collections from lowland rainforest in Hu^uco in Peru,
^e/i; 7980, 8816, 11147 and from various localities, including Ducke Forest
Reserve in Amazonas, Brazil.
Pouteria squamosa Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 /Je/i; 7980, 8816

Guatemala, Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz)
A species of lowland evergreen forest, occurring in

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pouteria viUamUU The most serious threat is from mining activities.

Sapotaceae VUAld Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Philippines Refs: 1983, 7980, 8816

This species occurs in primary lowland forest on the
islands of Luzon and Siargao. Its timber is in short Pradosia kuhlmannii
supply but is traded as white nato, together with that of Sapotaceae ENBI-t-2c
other species of the genus. Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species is apparently confmed to lowland rainforest
Refs: 4919, 14573 in Rio de Janeiro, where urban expansion exerts
considerable pressure on the habitat. It has been
Povedadaphne quadriporata frequently cited from other Brazilian states but these
Lauraceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 records have not been authenticated and confusion with
Costa Rica another taxon is quite possible.
A species of wet submontane rainforest, known from Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

sites in the San Ram6n Forest Reserve, near Ciudad Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Quesada and east of Rfo Sarapiquf in Heredia Province.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pradosia montana
*e/i.- 2514, 7980, 12587 Sapotaceae VU D2
Pradosia argentea A newly described species of deciduous forest recorded
Sapotaceae EX from a small area on the dry Pacific slopes.
Peru Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
This species is known only from the type collection /Je/i.- 7980, 8816

from the Cajamarca area dating back about 180 years.

No record of the tree has been made since. Pradosia mutisii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sapotaceae EX
Re/j; 7980, 8816 Colombia
A very poorly known species with no precise data on
Pradosia atroviolacea locality or habitat. It has been described from four
Sapotaceae LR/nt collections made in the first half of the century.
Brazil (Acre), Colombia, Peru Assessor: Calderon, E.
A species of lowland periodically flooded or non- Re/i; 7980,8816, 19069
flooded forest in western Amazonia.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pradosia subverticillata
/feA;7980,8816 Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Brazil (Amazonas, Par^)
Pradosia cuatrecasasii A tree of the Brazilian central Amazon, known from just
Sapotaceae VU D2 a few collections taken from non-flooded forest.
Colombia Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

A large buttressed tree of lowland rainforest, currently Refs: 1983,7980,8816

known from just two collections from Valle.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Pradosia verrucosa
Refs: 7980, 8816 Sapotaceae CRBl+2c
Brazil (Pemambuco)
Pradosia decipiens A tree apparently confined to an area of seasonal forest
Sapotaceae CRBl+2a in the Pemambuco Highlands. The habitat is under
Brazil threat, particularly from agriculmral expansion.
The species is known only from the type collection from Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

non-flooded lowland forest in the Rio Taruma region Refs: 1983,7980,8816

near Manaus.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Premna grandifolia
Refs: 1983,7980,8816 Verbenaceae VUBl+2c
Cote d'lvoire
Pradosia glaziovii An endemic of the areas of remaining forest within the
Sapotaceae EX region of the Sassandra and Cavally Rivers. The largest
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) part of the population occurs within Tai National Park.
Two collections of this species were made in Rio de Outside the park the forest has been heavily logged and
Janeiro. The area has since been extensively visited and degraded.
no evidence of the species has been uncovered. Assessor: Assi, A.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 2773, 12822
Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Premna hans-joachimii
Pradosia granulosa Verbenaceae VU Bl+2b
Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2b Tanzania
Brazil (MaranhSo, Par4) Currently the species is known only from Mlinguru
A newly described species, which appears to be forest. This area has not been visited recently but, if it
confined to non-flooded forest in the north of Brazil. still exists, it is believed to be 10-20km from Lindi.
Specimens that possibly represent the same species have
been found on the Rondo Plateau, where 140km' of

Species Summaries

mostly disturbed forest are protected by the activities of Prismatomeris andamanica

a forest management programme. Rubiaceae CRBl+2c
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
Refs: 3356, 8814 Collected from scrub along the fringes of evergreen
forest in South Andaman Island, the species has not been
Premna maxima found again since it was first discovered. The habitat has
Verbenaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 declined because of logging and increasing agricultural
Kenya developments.
A buttressed tree of upland moist evergreen forest, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
confmed Meru and Marsabit. The
to small localities near Refs: 4799, 7147
timber used for inaking furniture and telegraph poles.

The population in the Marsabit National Reserve is PriUhardia affinis

protected. The species is also being propagated as part of Palmae CR A 1 ce+2ce, B 1 +2abcde, C 1 +2a
the Plant Conservation Programme in Kenya. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Confined to an area stretching from South Kona to
/?e/i; 6396, 10961, 17859 Punaluu, this tree is scattered inlowland open forest on
the leeward coast and in inland gulches. About 60 trees
Premna schttebenii are known in the wild, although some of these might be
Verbenaceae VUBl+2b aboriginal. Regeneration is limited. Severe damage is
Mozambique, Tanzania caused by and pigs. The species
rats is protected by the
A dry forest tree known from low elevations in the East US Endangered Species Act.
Usambara Mountains and at Lipindi in Tanzania. The Assessor: Gemmill, C.
species also occurs in Mozambique. Refs: 19118
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 10961 Pritchardia aylmer-robinsoiiii
Palmae CR Alace+2ce, Bl+2abcde, Dl
Premna szemaoensis USA (Hawaii)
Verbenaceae VU B 1 +2c Two individuals are confined to dry scrub on Kaali Cliff
China (Yunnan) on Niihau Island.
Widely distributed but confined to south and south-west Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Yunnan, the species is found in sunny open forest Refs: 19118
between 500 and 150Om. The main cause of population
reductions has been overexploitation of the timber, and Pritchardia elliptica
possibly also of the bark for medicinal use. Regeneration Palmae DD
is reported to be poor and few young trees can be found. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: Sun, W. Restricted to Kumoa Valley, Lanai Island, the species
Refs: 1818, 11847, 19050, 19055 was not found during a 1992 survey of the vicinity. The
taxonomy is questionable.
Premna tanganyikensis Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Verbenaceae VUBl+2b Refs: 19118
Mozambique, Tanzania
A scandent shrub or small tree. In Tanzania two Pritchardia forbesiana
populations are known from patches of dry coastal Palmae ENAlacd,Bl+2d,Dl
forest. One is recorded in the Rondo Plateau, where the USA (Hawaii)
little remaining undismrbed forest is protected in a A palm tree of wet montane open forest, restricted to
reserve with an active forest management programme, Mount 'Eke in the Honokohau drainage basin in west
which discourages any illegal activities or Maui. Populations are recovering well in areas where
encroachment. The other population is found at the feral pigs have been eradicated.
Mozambique border at Kitangari. The species is also Assessor: Gemmill, C.
found in Mozambique. Refs: 19118
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
7?eA; 3356, 8814 Pritchardia glabrata
Palmae EN Alce+2ce, Bl+2bcde, Dl
Prestoea tenuiramosa USA (Hawaii)
Palmae LR/nt A very small palm tree, known only from
lao Needle in
Brazil (Amazonas), Guyana, Venezuela Maui, open forest and scrubland at
restricted to moist
Restricted to the Guyana Highlands, this palm tree about 550m. Damage is caused by feral pigs, rats and
grows cloud forest between 1200 and 2000m.
in goats and competitive pressure is exerted by invasive
Assessor: Henderson, A. plants such as Rubus rosifolius.

Refs: 19118 Assessor: Gemmill, C.

Refs: 19118
Priotropis socotrana
Leguininosae VU D2 Pritchardia hardyi
Yemen (Socotra) Palmae CRAlce, Bl+2abce, Dl
A small tree or shrub which is scattered, occasionally USA (Hawaii)
common, in areas of moist submontane woodland. There A small palm tree, up to 5m high, scattered in wet open
are no immediate threats. forest between 500 and 750m along the Powerline Trail
Assessor: Miller, A.G.
Refs: 2354, 19083

1 1

The World List of Threatened Trees

on Kauai Island. Only 30 individuals are known in the feral pigs and goats out of the immediate area. The
wild and regeneration is limited. species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Assessor: Gemmill, C. Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Refs.\9\\S Refs: 19118

Pritchardia kaalae Pritchardia napaliensis

Palmae CR A I ce+2ce, B 1 +2abcde, C 1 +2a Palmae CR Alce+2ce, Bl+2abcde, Cl+2a
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
A palm tree of lowland moist forest on slopes and cliffs A palm tree of moist lowland forest, found along the
between 450 and 980m. Fewer than 130 individuals are Napali coast. Fewer than 90 individuals are left in the
known from five populations in the central and north- wild and regeneration is litnited, mainly as a result of
central Waianae Mountains. Regeneration is by seed seed predation by rats and goats. A few trees exist

predation by rats and goats. The species is protected by within an enclosure but the fence is not secure. The
the US Endangered Species Act. species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
Assessor: Gemmill, C. Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Refs: 19118,19168 Refs: 19118

Pritchardia lanmensis Pritchardia perlmanii

Palmae EN Alce+2ce, Bl+2abcde, Dl Palmae EN Alce+2ce, Bl+2abcde,Cl+2a
USA (Hawaii) USA (Hawaii)
A palm of lowland mesic shrubland, confined to an area Fewer than 500 individuals are scattered in moist
stretching from the upper Nannalli drainage gulch to the lowland forest in Waioli Valley on Kauai Island.
Waialala gulch. No regeneration has been observed and Regeneration is poor because of seed predation by rats
the species is suffering from seed predation by rats and and pigs.
deer. Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Assessor: Gemmill, C. Refs: 19118
Refs: 19118
Pritchardia remota
Pritchardia lanigera Palmae EN A2ce, Bl+2abcde, Cl+2a
Palmae ENBl+2c USA (Hawaii)
USA (Hawaii) A palm tree of dry lowland scrub, known from only two
Restricted to the Kohala Mountains on Oahu Island, this populations containing approximately 680 individuals.
small palm tree occurs in dense rainforest on a flat, The area is apparently free from feral animal. The

boggy plateau between 10(X) and 2000m. Populations species is proposed for inclusion in the US Endangered
are in decline and there is limited regeneration. Habitat Species Act.
degradation caused by pigs is the major threat to the Assessor: Gemmill, C.
species. Refs: 19118
Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Refs: 19118 Pritchardia schattaueri
Palmae CR A 1 ce+2ce, B 1 +2abcde, D
Pritchardia limahuliensis USA (Hawaii)
Palmae CR A 1 ce+2ce, B 1 +2abcde, C Only 12 individuals in three populations remain in the

USA (Hawaii) wild in areas of lowland moist forest between 600 and
Fewer than 1(X) individuals of this palm tree are known 800m on Hawaii. The remaining trees are threatened by
from Limuhuli Valley, Kauai, in lowland moist forest. seed predation, grazing and agriculture.
Regeneration is limited, mainly because of seed Assessor: Gemmill, C.
predation by rats and pigs. Refs:\9\\S
Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Refs: 19118 Pritchardia thurstonU
Palmae LR/nt
Pritchardia lowreyana Fiji

Palmae VU Alc+2ce, Bl+2abcde, Dl An important ornamental palm which is confmed to the

USA (Hawaii) Lau Group in eastern Fiji. The species is locally
Known only from a few localities in lowland rainforest abundant on limestone soils. It is widely cultivated.
near the northern shore of Molokai Island, this small Assessor: Fuller, D.
palm tree is not regenerating well because of seed /ee/i; 6053, 19118
predation by rats, pigs and goats.
Assessor: Gemmill, C. Pritchardia viscosa
Refs: 19118 Palmae CR A 1 acde+2cde, B 1 +2abcde, D
USA (Hawaii)
Pritchardia munroi A palm tree of open wet forest, restricted to the
Palmae CR A2ce, Dl windward side of Kauai Island between 500 and 700m.
USA (Hawaii) Only two wild trees were known until recently, when
A single wild tree remains in lowland dry shrubland on two more were discovered; one of which has been
the leeward side of Molokai Island. A second immamre harvested. Hurricane Iniki caused a decline in the
individual may exist. A fence has been erected to keep population. The current threat is seed predation by rats,

pigs and humans.

Assessor: Gemmill, C.
Refs: 19118

Species Summaries

Pritchardia waialealtana currently restricted to small areas of *campo and

Palmae VU A2ce, B 1 +2abcde, D savanna in the centre-south of Argentina.
USA (Hawaii) Assessor: Prado, D.
Endemic Kauai Island, this palm tree is scattered
to in ;?e/i.I262,5112,7134
wet lowland open forest between 450 and 800m. It is

threatened by seed predation by rats. Prosopis nigra

Assessor: Gemmill, C. Leguminosae DD
Refs: 19118 Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, C6rdoba,
Corrientes, Entre Rfos, Formosa, Jujuy, Salta, San Luis,
Pritchardia woodfordiana Santa ¥i, Santiago del Estero, Tucum^), Bolivia,
Palmae DD Paraguay, Uruguay
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) An excellent timber tree, which occurs in abundance in
Endemic to Nggela Island, this palm tree occurs in moist lowland dry forest types. It is exploited widely as a
open forest up to 20m. There is some indication that the timber, fuelwood and has various other uses.
taxon represents a form of P. pacifica. Assessor: Prado, D.
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. Refs: 1262,5112,17523
Refs: 19118
Prosopis tamarugo
Pritchardiopsis jeanneneyi Leguminosae LR/cd
Palmae CR Dl Chile (Tarapac^)
New Caledonia Found only in the northernmost province of Chile, the
The species occurs in the south-west on a steep slope on species occurs within a small area of dry woodland. It is

serpentine soils at 200m. an important local source of timber and fuel, and is even
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. cultivated on a small scale. Attempts to plant the species
Refs: 10351, 19118 within the area of its natural distribution have been
Prosopis abbreviata Assessor: Gonzalez, M.
Leguminosae VUBl+2c We/j.-4893, 16328, 17523
Argentina (Catamarca, Cdrdoba, San Juan, San Luis,
Santiago del Estero) Protea aurea ssp.potbergensis
A scrubland species restricted to semi-arid and arid areas Proteaceae VU D2
of central-west Argentina. Its distribution is highly South Africa (Western Cape)
fragmented within an area that has had a long history of This subspecies has a very restricted distribution,
human colonisation and pastoralism. confined to Potberg Mountain in De Hoop Nature
Assessor: Prado, D. Reserve in the southern Cape. It grows on the lower
Refs: 1262,5112,11140 slopes and flats at the base of the mountain in *fynbos in
both sparse and dense isolated stands. An estimated
Prosopis affinis 2000 plants exist within an area of 15 km' (*AOO).
Leguminosae DD There is no evidence of a population decline, but
Argentina (Buenos Aires, Cfirdoba, Corrientes, Entre frequent fires in the past may have had some impact.
Ri'os, Formosa, Santa F^), Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), The area is protected but being invaded by alien pine
Paraguay, Uruguay trees and *hakeas. Frequent fires could still pose a
Occurring in savanna and *campo, the species' range is threat, as they may not allow sufficient time for plants to
large but declining in the face of increasing agriculture regenerate.
and cattle ranching, as well as other activities. Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

Assessor: Prado, D. «e/j; 689, 19218

Refs: 1262,5112,7134,17523
Protea comptonii
Prosopis aWa Proteaceae LR/nt
Leguminosae LR/nt South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga), Swaziland
Argentina (Buenos Aires, Chaco, C6rdoba, Corrientes, There are two disjunct areas where the species is found;
Entre Rfos, Formosa, Jujuy, Salta, San Luis, Santa F6, one in the Kaapse Hoop and Barberton areas of
Santiago del Estero), Bolivia, Chile?, Paraguay, Peru Mpumalanga, just extending into Swaziland, and the
In recent years this timber species has been heavily other in KwaZulu-Natal with subpopulations in Vryheid,
exploited, notably in the provinces of Formosa, Chaco Louwsburg, the Itala Game Reserve and in Ngotshe
and Santa F€ in Argentina. The population structure is District. It is highly localised on steep south-facing
reported to be fundamentally changed and studies are slopes on quartzite outcrops in grassy savanna. It does,
under way to examine the consequences of these however, appear to be abundant or in pure stands in
changes. Populations in Bolivia are less rare and places. There is some evidence of decline in numbers
threatened. and extent of occurrence. The species is sensitive to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre frequent burning and appears to have low recruitment.
Refs: 1262,4870,5112,7134, 17523, 19180 Plants are also heavily grazed by large game animals
and the bark is removed for use in traditional medicine
Prosopis caldenia by local people. The species is legally protected
Leguminosae DD throughout its range. It also occurs in one publicly
Argentina (Buenos Aires, C6rdoba, La Pampa,
Mendoza, Rio Negro, San Luis)
At one time more widespread, the species was heavily
exploited in the past as a source of wood and fuel. It is

The World List of Threatened Trees

owned conservation area, where fire management and a single collection from Sempoma,
measures are in place, and also in a privately owned Sabah. The main island of Palawan is a biosphere
Natural Heritage Site. reserve.
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 689, 3344, 19218 /?e/j.- 4986, 19017

Protea curvata Protium correae

Proteaceae VU D2 Burseraceae VU A2c
South Africa (Mpumalanga) Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama
Only two subpopulations are known, both are confined The species has not been recorded in Panama since it
to dry summit ridges of schist hills on serpentine soils was first collected in 1968. It is known from various
on the Drakensberg Escarpment near Barberton. It collections in Nicaragua and Costa Rica and has been
appears in low numbers in mixed savanna. There is no reported from Colombia. In Nicaragua it appears to be
evidence of threats or population declines, but both relatively conunon but generally confined to forest
subpopulations are on privately owned land and could habitats, which are subject to increasing human
easily be destroyed by any change in land-use. disturbance.
Assessor Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Refs: 689, 19218 Refs: 11703,16772

Protea laetans Protium inconforme

Proteaceae VU D2 Burseraceae VUBI+2c
South Africa (Mpumalanga, Northern Province) Panama
Originally known only from a single locality at the Known only from Panama, the species is reported from
Blyde River Canyon on the Drakensberg Escarpment, four provinces, from the border with Costa Rica to the
the species has since been found at another site on the centre-east of the country. Occurring in forest types
escarpment north-east of Mariepskop. It is found on below 500m, populations in many parts of the species'
quartzite outcrops, where it forms an open Protea range have been strongly affected by encroaching
savanna woodland. One population occurs in a publicly agriculture, cattle ranching and increasing settlement.
owned conservation area and the other is in a privately There are populations within protected areas.
owned reserve. No threats are known and no decline has Assessor: Mitr6, M.
been recorded. The species' relationship with P. gaguedi Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772
will be described in a forthcoming revision of Protea
(Rourke in prep.). Protium panamense
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. Burseraceae LR/nt
Refs: 6S9, 15561, 19218 Costa Rica, Panama
The species occurs along the Atlantic slopes of Panama
Protea lanceolata in lowland evergreen rainforest and in Limdn and La
Proteaceae VUAlace Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Populations are
South Africa (Western Cape) noted to be large, healthy and for the most part
Found along the southern Cape coast from De Hoop to unthreatened.
Mossel Bay, the species occurs on calcareous white Assessor: Mitr6, M.
sands in limestone *fynbos and often at the ecotone with Re/j; 7272, 8100, 16772
thicket communities. Near Mossel Bay, it occurs on
gravels. Stands are very dense in places. The area of Protium pittieri
occupancy is approximately 1000 km'. Agricultural Burseraceae VU A2c, E
activities, particularly planting of cereal crops, and Costa Rica, Panama
coastal developments have resulted in the decline of the Populations in Panama are widespread on the Atlantic
species in places and this is likely to continue, especially side of the provinces of Veraguas and Bocas del Toro.
in the Mossel Bay area. More than half of the The species is also principally found on the Atlantic side
subpopulations are threatened by alien invasive species, of Costa Rica. Although numbers are small, the
particularly Australian Acacia species. A quarter of the regenerative capacity of the species appears to be good.
known subpopulations occur in protected areas. New roads have been built into Bocas del Toro, which
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. have opened up new areas for settlement and logging.
Refs: 689, 19218 Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 15343, 16772
Protium attenuatum
Burseraceae DD Protium tenuifoUum ssp. meleodU
Dominica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, St Kitts Burseraceae VU A2c
and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent Panama
A species endemic to the Lesser Antilles. The record for Endemic Panama, the species is recorded only from
Jamaica is based on a single collection from 1786. It is the provinces of Panamd and Dari^n. The collections
either erroneous or the species has become extinct. from Panama come from a restricted area and only a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre single population is so far known from Dari^n, within a
Refs: 6057, 7980, 10754 national park. Regeneration appears to be sufficient.
Assessor: Mitrd, M.
Protium connarifoUum Refs:19%Q, 16772
Burseraceae VII Bl+2c
Malaysia (Sabah), Philippines
A lowland forest tree, known only from Palawan in the

Species Summaries

Protium tenuifolium ssp. sessiliflorum island, the vegetation is threatened by timber thieves
Burseraceae VU A2c who are removing timber regardless of the armed guard
Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama patrol.
In Panama, the species is widely distributed, especially Assessor: Kalkman, C.
in areas of lowland evergreen rainforest on the Pacific Refs: 563. 9078, 19045
side, the largest populations being in the Canal and
Dari£n regions. Regeneration appears to be healthy here. Prunus africana
Elsewhere in the Panama and Costa Rica, populations Rosaceae VUAlcd
are sparse, showing little recruitment, and imminently Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of
threatened with deforestation in places. Congo, Equatorial Guinea (Bioko), Ethiopia, Kenya,
Assessor: Mitr^, M. Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sao Tom£ &
Refs: 7980, 16772 Prfncipe (Sao Tom6), South Africa (Eastern Cape,
Guateng. KwaZulu-Natal. Mpumalanga, Northern
PrumnopUys andina Province). Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda,
Podocarpaceae VU A led, C2a 2^ambia, Zimbabwe
Chile (La Araucania, Los Lagos, Maule) Also commonly known under the name Pygeum
A timber tree with a fragmented distribution in low- to africanum, this species widespread from the African

medium-altitude forest in the central Andean range. tropics to Madagascar and South Africa. Throughout
Populations are small, containing not more than a few much of its range, most notably Cameroon and
hundred individuals, and exploitation is at a high level Madagascar, the unsustainable exploitation of its bark
throughout the species' range, largely for the woodchip and to a lesser degree its timber have caused rapid
industry. population declines. It is some countries to be
too rare in
Assessor: Gonz^ez, M. of commercial use and is most commonly exploited for
Refs: 7980. 8136, 13041, 16328 the local market. An important element in the
ecosystem, it is reported to regenerate well. It is listed in
Pnunnopitys exigua •CITES Appendix II and protected in various protected
Podocarpaceae DD
Bolivia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 2361. 2773, 6396. 6718. 9605. 14778. 16021,
Refs: 13041 16730

Prumnopitys harmsiana Prunus caroUnae

Podocarpaceae LR/nt Rosaceae CRB1+2C
Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela Colombia
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group An endemic to Cundinamarca.
Refs: 2739, 3047, 3204, 4217, 4870, 5411, 12268, Assessor: Calderon. E.
13041,13661,19127 Refs: 19069

Prumnopitys ladei Prunus ceylanica

Podocarpaceae LR/cd Rosaceae ENBl+2c
Australia (Queensland) Sri Lanka
Endemic to Mount Spurgeon near Mossman, the species A rare species which was found in only three localities
is scattered in montane rainforest in summit localities. during the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
The entire population is contained within a state forest National Conservation Review.
reserve and felling is illegal without permit. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 19112
Wefi.- 7891. 13041, 17200
Prunus dementis
Prumnopitys standleyi Rosaceae LR/nt
Podocarpaceae DD Indonesia (Sulawesi), Philippines
Costa Rica This tree occurs in primary and secondary forest on
Endemic to Costa Rica, populations are known only volcanic and ultrabasic soils on Mindanao Island in the
from Volcan de Poas and Cerro las Vueltas. Philippines, and north and central Sulawesi. There have
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group been no recent collections from the Philippines and only
Refs: 13041 a few new collections from Sulawesi. Central Sulawesi
has the largest tract of forest on ultrabasic rock in the
Prunus adenopoda tropics.

Rosaceae EN A 1 c. B +2c
Assessor: Kalkman, C.
Indonesia (Java) Refs: 563, 19045
A small tree which confined to a few locations in the

greatly diminished lowland coastal forests of Java. It is Prunus emestU

known from 10 collections, most of which are from the Rosaceae CR Bl+2c
early 1900s; the last collection was made in 1960. Colombia
Populations are found in Ujung Kulon National Park and An endemic to Cundinamarca.
on Nusa Kambangan, an island which is controlled by Assessor: Calderon, E.
the Prison Service. Despite the very limited access to the Refs: 19069

The World List of Threatened Trees

Prunus grisea var. tomentosa forest management activities, as well as a decline in the
Rosaceae VU Aid availabilityof water.
Philippines Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et aL
An endemic variety to the Philippines. Rates of habitat Refs: 7741
loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to
considerable population declines. Prunus mirabilis
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rosaceae VU D2
Refs: 4986 Malaysia (Sabah)
This tree is endemic to Mount Kinabalu, where it is
Prunus Unabaluensis found in mossy forest. It has been collected just four
Rosaceae LR/cd times, the most recent collection dating to 1964. This
Malaysia (Sabah), Philippines species is protected in Mount Kinabalu National Park.
This tree is found on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, and has Assessor: Kalkman, C.
recently been discovered on Luzon in the Philippines. Refs: 563, 1766, 19045
The population within Mount Kinabalu National Park is
protected. Prunus odorata
Assessor: Kalkman, C. Rosaceae DD
Refs: 563, 1766, 19045 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
This species is confined to moist forest in the Cameron
Prunus laxinervis Highlands, of Pahang. Information on the
in die state
Rosaceae VU D2 taxonomy and conservation of the species is insufficient.
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) The area is experiencing increasing settlement and
This shrub or small tree is found in primary forest on tourism. Populations are thought to receive some
Mount Kinabalu and in West Kalimantan. On Mount protection within the permanent forest estate.
Kinabalu, this species has not been collected since 1930, Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
although the area is well explored. The only specimen Refs: 563, $464, 19073
from West Kalimantan was collected in 1989.
Assessor: Kalkman, C. Prunus pulgarensis
Refs: 563, 1766, 19045 Rosaceae EN Ale
Prunus lusitanica ssp. azorica A small forest tree known ftom only four collections
Rosaceae ENBl+2ce from mountains on Palawan and Luzon. Both islands
Portugal (Azores) have suffered from massive deforestation. No new
A low-growing tree which is found in deep narrow material of this species has been collected since 1965,
ravines and in stands of undisturbed laurel-juniper even though there have been collecting expeditions to
forest. Occurrences have been recorded from the islands Palawan since.
of Sao Miguel, Terceira, Sao Jorge and Pico but in Assessor: Kalkman, C.
recent years only a few specimens have been found on Refs: 563, 4986, 19045
Pico da Vara and Lombadas on Sao Miguel and on Pico.
Clearing of the habitat for agriculture and plantations, Prunus ramburii
and the invasion of introduced plants and animals, are Rosaceae VUBl+2c
the most serious problems. Spain
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre A species endemic to the Andalusian Sierras, occurring
Refs: 19131 in drymontane scrub, where populations are affected by
tourism and lack of pollinators. It is used locally to
Prunus lusitanica ssp. hixa make an alcohohc drink. A conservation plan for the
Rosaceae VU D2 species is being developed by Cordoba Botanic
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.) Garden.
In Madeira, the species is known only from a single Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et al.
location on the north coast in a small area of the Refs: 5287, 7222, 7741
laurisilva within the National Park of Madeira. There is
no regeneration by seed and only one stand of planted Prunus rubiginosa
specimens has produced seed crops. Only a few Rosaceae EN Ale
populations exist in the *laurisilva of the central Canary Philippines
Islands. A very rare forest tree known from only five collections
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre from Luzon, Mindoro, Sibuyan and Mindanao Islands.
Refs: 19131 Assessor: Kalkman, C.
Refs: 563
Prunus lusitanica ssp. lusitanica
Rosaceae EN A2c Prunus subglabra
France, Morocco, Portugal, Spain Rosaceae VU D2
Widely scattered in moist forest enclaves in the Iberian Philippines
Peninsula and in humid ravines in the north of the Rif A small tree restricted to forest on Mount Pulog and
Mountains in Morocco, the species represents a relict Mount Tabayog on Luzon. Despite Mount Pulog being
component of a Tertiary ecosystem which has retreated relatively well explored, the
species remains poorly
with the drying of the climate. Remaining populations known and has been collected only three times, most
are isolated and threatened with fire, overcutting and recently in 1968.
Assessor: Kalkman, C.
Refs: 563, 19045

Species Summaries

Prunus taiwaniana Pseudobombax argentinum

Rosaceae VU Dl+2 Bombacaceae DD
Taiwan Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia, Brazil (Sao Paulo),
Restricted to the northern part of the central mountain Paraguay
range, this ornamental tree occurs in isolated populations A scarce species of low to tniddle elevation forest types.
in mixed montane forest. The species is unprotected The Argentinian population is threatened because its

throughout its and observations indicate that

range habitat is rapidly being converted into cattle ranches.
regeneration is poor. The effects of increasing settlement Assessor: Prado, D.
of the land and forest management activities are also Refs: 1262.5112
threatening some populations.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Pseudocarapa championU
Refs: 6469, 19050, 19053 Meliaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka
Prunus transarisanensis A species restricted to the lowland rainforest in south-
Rosaceae LR/nt west Sri Lanka.
Taiwan Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A shrubby tree, endemic to Taiwan and widely scattered Refs: 9176, 17195
in the northern half of the central mountain range. It

occurs in forest between 1600 and 2800m. Pseudoeugenia tenuifoUa

Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan M yrtaceae EN B 1 +2c
Refs: 6469, 19053 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A lowland forest tree, known only from two collections.
Prunus tuifosa One collection originated from Kamasul Forest Reserve,
Rosaceae EN Alc+2c which is now being established as an artificial
Brunei?, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) plantation. It is hoped that there is a population within
This tree is confined to peat-swamp forest in Sarawak, the Virgin Jungle Reserve in Selangor.
although a similar specimen has been collected from Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
West Kalimantan on the border with Sarawak. It may Refs: 8464, 19073, 19182
also occur in Brunei Darusalaam. The peat-swamp forest
of Sarawak has been licensed for timber extraction. Pseudoglochidion anamalayanum
There has been no botanical collecting in the area since Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
1961. India (Tamil Nadu)
Assessor: Kalkman, C. A monotypic genus known only from the two collections
Refs: 563, 1766, 19045 from a small area of submontane forest in the Anamalai
Hills in Coimbatore District. There are large areas of
Prunus villegasiana intact and well-protected forest. However, despite
Rosaceae ENBI+2c repeated botanical surveys, the species has not been
Colombia found since 1912.
An endemic to Valle. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Calderon, E. /fe/i. 4799, 19144

Refs: 19069
Pseudolmedia hirtula
Prunus walkeri Moraceae EN B 1 +2bc
Rosaceae VU Ale Brazil
Sri Lanka A forest species known only from the coastal region
A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of between Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina.
south-west Sri Lanka. Assessor: Carauta, J. P.P.

Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre /?e/s.-7980, 15717, 19101

Refs: 15431,17195
Pseudopanax ferox
Pseudagrostistachys africana Araliaceae LR/nt
Euphorbiaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 New Zealand (North Is., South Is.)

Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea (Bioko, Equatorial A small tree with a local occurrence.
Guinea), Ghana, Nigeria, Sao Tome & Principe (Sao Assessor: de Lange, P.J.

Tome) «e/i.- 902, 9800, 19133

A species which is found mainly in montane forest in the
Lower Guinea region. In Nigeria it occurs only on the Pseudopanax giUiesU
Obudu Plateau, where fires and encroaching agriculture Araliaceae LR/nt
are causing damage to the restricted areas of remaining New Zealand (North Is.)

vegetation in forested valleys. An anomalous occurrence Thorough surveys have found this species to be
is known in Ghana, where it is highly localised but widespread. It occurs as a small tree or shrub in

common in evergreen rainforest along a river bank. regenerating *kauri forest and coastal shrubland in north
General threats from mining, logging and commercial Auckland. Regeneration is good and the species is often
forestry can affect these areas. This is the only species in planted as an ornamental.
the genus. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Refs: 902,9800, 17637, 19134
Refs: 2773, 8369, 8854, 11504, 12061

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pseudopanax scopoUae sandstone. The species occurs in the Umtamvuna Nature

Araliaceae VUBl+2c Reserve and in a number of demarcated forest areas in
New Caledonia the Transkei, which are no longer strictly protected.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Habitat destruction through cutting for firewood and
Refs: 10351 timber and increasing settlement could pose a problem
here, especially at forest margins.
Pseudophoenix ekmanii Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
Palmae CRBl+2c Refs: 6i9, \921S
Dominican Republic
This palm tree is restricted to dry lowland scrub on the Pseudospottdias microcarpa var. Mrsuta
Barahona Peninsula. The population has been depleted Anacardiaceae VU Bl+2c
by previous felling of trees for the production of palm Nigeria
wine. Present threats are grazing and agriculture. A variety which
is very similar to the Africa-wide type

Assessor: Johnson, D. variety. appears to occur in forest areas fringing


Refs: 19118 forest-savanna mosaic only in south-west Nigeria.

Forests in the country have been extensively logged and
Pseudophoenix lediniana cleared for commercial and subsistence agriculture.
Palmae CR Dl Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Haiti /?e/i: 2773, 11504
A rare palm tree restricted to dry scrub in river valleys in
the south-west peninsula. In 1989 only 30 trees were Pseudotaxus chienii
foimd in the wild. Locally the fruit is fed to livestock. Taxaceae EN Ale
Assessor: Johnson, D. China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang)
Refs: 19118 A generally rare and scattered species occurring in
densely forested areas in limestone gullies or on cliffs.
Pseudosalacia streyi In addition to habitat deterioration, the species appears
Celastraceae VU A2c to be suffering from inadequate pollination of female
South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal) plants.
A shrub or small tree, endemic to Pondoland in southern Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern Transkei area of the Refs: 1818,11191,13041
Eastern Cape. It is found along sandstone streams or in

moist places in evergreen forests, sometimes in small Pseudotsuga macrocarpa

groves, near the coast from Uvongo to Port St. John's. At Pinaceae LR/nt
many localities there is poor regeneration. It occurs in a USA (California)
number of publicly owned protected areas in the region, Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
including many of the demarcated forest areas in Refs: 374, 13041
Transkei, which are no longer strictly protected. Habitat
destruction through cutting for firewood and timber and Pseudotsuga sinensis var. brevifotia
increasing pose
settlement a problem here and in Pinaceae VU Bl+2c
southern KwaZulu-Natal. China (Guangxi)
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al. The variety is given species status in China. It is
Refs: 689, 19218 confined to areas of sparse forest on limestone hills in
south-west Guangxi and southern Guizhou. There is
Pseudosamanea cubana some overcutting.
Leguminosae VU Bl+2c Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Cuba Refs: 374, 1 1 191, 1 1847, 13041
Endemic to south-eastern Cuba, this tree grows in palm-
savanna and subcoastal dry evergreen forest. The good- Pseudotsuga sinensis var. gaussenii
quality construction timber has been overexploited for Pinaceae LR/nt
years. China (Anhui, Fujian?, Sichuan, Zhejiang)
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. The taxon is treated as a distinct species in China. Trees
Refs: 5994, 19149 are scattered on slopes and in valleys below 1500m in
south-east Anhui, north Zhejiang and Jiangxi. There is
Pseudosciadium balansae also a record from Jianning in Fujian. Constant
Araliaceae VU Bl+2c overcutting of the tree and its habitat are a threat and the
New Caledonia seeds are said to have poor viability. A substantial
Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al. population is protected in Lin'an County, Zhejiang.
Refs: 10351 Assessor: SS(i Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 11191, 1 1847, 13041
Pseudoscolopia polyantha
Flacourtiaceae LR/nt Pseudotsuga sinensis var. sinensis
South Africa (Eastern Cape, Western Cape, KwaZulu- Pinaceae VU A led
Natal) China (Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan,
A shrub or small found mainly on forest margins in
tree, Yunnan), Taiwan
the Transkei, Eastern Cape, and southern KwaZulu- The taxon is widespread, but scattered as isolated
Natal, with a disjunct distribution in the Noodsberg area individuals or in small stands, primarily on mountain
of KwaZulu-Natal and a very strange isolated ridges in mixed submontane forest. The Taiwan
occurrence on the Piketberg in the Western Cape. Many populations are known in the country under the synonym
of the subpopulations occur on soils derived from P. wilsoniana. They are restricted to the central and

Species Summaries

northern parts of the main mountain range, where the Psidium cinereum
forest is being extensively cleared for apple and peach Myrtaceae LR/nt
orchards. The timber is extracted extensively throughout Brazil
the species' range but most thoroughly in accessible Assessor: Barroso, G.M.
areas. Refs: 19097, 19098
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374, 1818, 2802, 19050, 19127 Psidium dumetorum
Myrtaceae EX
Pseudoxandra wiUiamsU Jamaica
Annonaceae VU D2 Once known from a restricted area of streamside thicket
Peru in Clarendon, the species has not been collected since
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs 1976 and is now presumed extinct. The habitat in the
in the departmentof Loreto. area has been completely cleared.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 1984 Refs: 5653, 19085

Pseuduvaria cerina Psidium harrisianum

Annonaceae VU D2 Myrtaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Jamaica
A lowland forest tree, known only from a single An uncommon small tree or shrub. It appears on wooded
collection gathered in Bukit Bauk Forest Reserve, a rocky limestone hilltops in the central parishes.
permanent forest reserve in Terengganu. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?e/s; 401, 6057, 7980

Refs: 8464, 19073

Psidium havanense
Pseuduvaria galeata Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Annonaceae LR/cd Cuba
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) An uncommon shrub or small tree restricted to the
Confined to south-east Johore, the collection localities of remaining dry evergreen scrub and scrub forests on
this lowland forest species are being developed for serpentine outcrops in the Habana and Ciudad de la
agriculture and resorts. It may occur in the permanent Habana Provinces. Habitat loss from cutting, burning,
forest reserves in this state. grazing and housing development has caused a decline
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. in the species.
Refs: 17140, 19073 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Pseuduvaria nervosa
Annonaceae VU D2 Psidium rostratum
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Myrtaceae VU D2
A tree known only from a single collection from the hill Peru
forests at Ulu Berang-tersat, Terengganu. It is hoped that This species is restricted to coastal forest in the
the species falls within the permanent forest reserve depanment of Tumbes.
system. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. Refs: 1984
Refs: 19073
Psidium rufum var. widgrenianum
Pseuduvaria praxnii Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd
Annonaceae VUBl+2c Brazil
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is., Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.) Refs: 19097, 19098

A species endemic to the evergreen rainforest of the
Andaman Islands and Great Nicobar Island. Large-scale Psidium sintenisii
logging has taken place on the Andamans and there is no Myrtaceae CR DI
doubt that the species has declined as a result. Puerto Rico
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A total of three or four very small populations are
Refs: 4799 known from mossy wet forest on summits and peaks,
principally in El Yunque. There is no evidence of
Pseuduvaria taipingensis regeneration.
Annonaceae LR/cd Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) /fe/i;7980, 17124, 17540
A locally common species restricted to montane forest
on Maxwell's Hill in Perak. This locality is going to be Psoralea arborea
developed as a tourist resort but most of the existing Leguminosae DD
forest will be conserved in the protected forests. South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland
Assessor: Kochummen, K.M. The taxonomy and true identity of this taxon is not ftiUy
Refs: 19073 resolved, especially its relationship with P. pinnata. A
previous account by Prof. C. Stirton indicates that urban
expansion, land drainage and dam building and frequent
fires are major threats to the species. However as no

The World List of Threatened Trees

infonnation can be traced on its precise distribution and Psychotria clusioides

abundance its conservation status must remain data Rubiaceae EN BI+2c
deficient. Jamaica
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at. A tree confined to rainforest on limestone in Portland
Refs: 689, 19218, 19219 between 530 and 600m.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Psychotria adamsonii /?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980

Rubiaceae DD
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) Psychotria congesta
The species has been collected only from Ua Pou from Rubiaceae DD
the Pepehitoua valley at about 760m. Jamaica
Assessor: Florence, J. There are no recent records of this obscure species. It is
Refs: 14513 believed to be endemic and is evidently very
uncommon. There is a possibility that it is conspecific
Psychotria alsophila with P. dolphinensis.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kenya, Tanzania Re/i.- 401, 5653
Known only from Ngangao forest in the Taita Hills in
Kenya and a slightly larger area in Tanzania, this shrub Psychotria cookei
or small tree is restricted to patches of dry forest at Rubiaceae DD
medium to high altitude. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke The species is known only from Raiatea.
/?</i. 3356,6396,8814 Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513
Psychotria atricaulis
Rubiaceae LR/nt Psychotria crassipetala
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c
The species is known only from Huahine. Kenya
Assessor: Florence, J. A shrub or tree to 1 2m, endemic to submontane forest in
Refs: 14513 the Taita Hills.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Psychotria beddomei Refs: 1308,6396,13072
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
India (Kerala) Psychotria cyathicalyx
Known only from the type collection, this small tree is Rubiaceae VU BI+2b
recorded from a restricted area of forest at medium Tanzania
elevation, in the Agastyamalai Hills. Large areashave A moist montane forest tree locally common in the West
been exposed to fires, grazing, the establishment of Usambara Mountains, the Uluguru Mountains and also
commercial plantations and cutting for fiielwood, but Mount Kilimanjaro.
almost ICXWkm^ of forest are now under protection Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
within sanctuaries. /fe/i; 3356, 8814
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i. 5651,19144 Psychotria danceri
Rubiaceae CRBl+2c
Psychotria bryonicola Jamaica
Rubiaceae CR C2b Previously the species was known only from the type
Jamaica specimen with no definite locality. In 1992 a population
There is very little information on this species. It was found in submontane rainforest on Holland
evidently occurs very rarely in Portland at 750m. Mountain.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i: 401, 5653, 7980 Refs: 5653

Psychotria cathetoneura Psychotria dasyophthalma

Rubiaceae VU D2 Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Cuba Jamaica
Confined to the forests of El Yunque de Baracoas in Known only from St Andrew and Manchester Parishes,
GuantSnamo Province, this shrub or small tree is the species is found in localised areas of dense thicket on
localised in a small area on limestone and dolomite. limestone hills.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149 «e/i; 401, 5653, 7980, 19085

Psychotria clarendonensis Psychotria deverdiana

Rubiaceae EN Bl+2c Rubiaceae ENBI+2C
Jamaica New Caledonia
Small populations are known only from Clarendon Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.
Parish, where they are restricted to rocky limestone Refs: 10351
hilltops at about 760m.
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085

Species Summaries

Psychotria dolichantha Psychotria globicephala

Rubiaceae LR/nt Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Jamaica India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Known from the central parishes, the species is not A shrubby species, collected from forest in
uncommon and occurs in thickets and woodland on approximately five localities between the southern
rocky limestone. Nilgirisand the Agastyamalai Hills.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6057, 7980 Refs: 14276, 19144

Psychotria domatiata Psychotria goetzei var. goetzei

Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Jamaica Tanzania
Confined to Portland, the species occurs in remaining A variant of an east Tanzanian endemic. This is a shnib
areas of rainforest and mossy thickets on limestone or small tree restricted to areas of moist evergreen forest
between 530 and 900m. over 1 100m in altitude.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 17743 y?e/i; 3356, 8814

Psychotria dubia Psychotria goetzei var. platyphylla

Rubiaceae VUAlc Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Sri Lanka Tanzania
A species occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests A variant of slightly lower altitudes than the type
of south-west Lanka.
Sri variety. confined to areas of moist semi-deciduous
It is

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre forest between 950 and 1650m.
^e/i; 9176, 17195 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Re/i; 3356, 8814
Psychotria elachistantha
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b, D2 Psychotria grandiflora
Tanzania Rubiaceae EN C2a
Endemic to the Uluguru Mountains, this species is USA (Hawaii)
confined to high elevations in moist evergreen forest. Endemic to Kauai Island, the species occurs in rainforest
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke between altitudes of 1040 and 1230m in Kokee and
/?e/j.- 3356, 8814 Alakai Swamp.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Psychotria foetens Refs: 3372
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Jamaica Psychotria grantii
An uncommon tree known only from localities in St Rubiaceae CRBI+2c
Elizabeth and St Mary. French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species is known only from Tahiti.
/fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980 Assessor: Florence, J.

Refs: 14513
Psychotria franchetiana
Rubiaceae DD Psychotria greenwetliae
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Rubiaceae VU D2
Populations are recorded from Moorea and Tahiti. USA (Hawaii)
Assessor: Rorence, J. A rainforest species known only in the vicinity of
Refs: 14513 Kokee.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Psychotria gardneri Refs: 3372
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Sri Lanka Psychotria guerkeana
A rare species found in only five localities during the Rubiaceae VU D2
extensive forest surveys conducted for the National Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6)
Conservation Review. A shrub or small tree collected several times, recently
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre mostly from Pico.
Refs: 19112 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2724
Psychotria glanduUfera
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Psychotria hanoverensis
Sri Lanka Rubiaceae CR C2b
A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of Jamaica
south-west Sri Lanka. It was found in only five forests in Confined to Hanover, the species is very uncommon and
the Ramapura and Matara Districts during the extensive littleknown.
forest surveys conducted for the National Conservation Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Review. /fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Refs: 8203, 17195, 18796

The World List of Threatened Trees

Psychotria hiemiana Psychotria nilgiriensis var. astephana

Rubiaceae VU D2 Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Sao TomS & Principe (Sao Tom6) India (Tamil Nadu)
A species found in forest in the south-west of the island A shrubby tree of montane forest, occurring above
in Porto Alegre and Monte Caf6. Areas remain to be 20(X)m. Only two collections are known, one from the
explored, although most of the original forest below Nilgiris and the other from the Palni Hills.
1 500m was cleared in the first half of the century. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19144
Refs: 2124, 10080
Psychotria pedunculata var. caudata
Psychotria hobdyi Rubiaceae LR/nt
Rubiaceae EN C2a Jamaica
USA (Hawaii) One of two varieties of a Jamaican endemic, this is the
A species very localised in distribution known only from less common one, confined to central parishes in
the Milolii-Kopiwai area on Kauai within an altitudinal margins of woodland on rocky limestone.
band of just 10m. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 6057, 7980
Refs: 3372
Psychotria peteri
Psychotria le-bronnecH Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Rubiaceae DD Tanzania
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.) A species with a very restricted range, known from a
Populations are recorded from Fatu Hiva, Hiva Oa and small area of moist evergreen forest between 900 and
Tahuata. 1000m in the East Usambara Mountains. Population
Assessor: Florence, J. pressure and the demand
for fertile land have caused a
Refs: 14513 reduction in the forest but a conservation programme is
now in place. There is a doubtful record from the
Psychotria lepiniana Uluguru Mountains.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
French Polynesia (Society Is.) JJe/j; 3356. 8814
The species is known only from Tahiti.
Assessor: Florence, J. Psychotria petitii
Refs: 14513 Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c, D2
Psychotria longipetiolata This species is confined to upland moist evergreen forest
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c in the Taita Hills.Specimens which are arguably a new
Sri Lanka and highly restricted species have been found at higher
Apparently confined to Ratnapura District, this rare altitudes in the same location. It is not possible to keep
species has been found in only three localities during the the seeds in long-term storage but the Plant
extensive forest surveys conducted for the National Conservation Programme in Kenya maintains a living
Conservation Review. collection.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rs/r- 8203, 18796, 19112 Refs: 1308,6396, 13072, 17859

Psychotria macrocarpa Psychotria plicata

Rubiaceae EN B 1 +2c Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Jamaica
This shrubby tree has been collected only once from A Cockpit Country endemic. It is uncommon and
evergreen forest in the Travancore range. confined to Trelawny and St Ann, where it occurs in
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre woodland on rocky limestone.
Refs: 19144 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Re/i.- 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Psychotria megalopus
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Psychotria plurivenia
Tanzania Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
A shrub or small tree from moist montane forest known Sri Lanka
only from the Uluguru Mountains, Mahenge and During the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
Kigogo. National Conservation Review, this species was found in
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke only four of the localities surveyed. It appears to be
/ee/j; 3356, 8814 restricted to the districts of Kegalle and Kandy.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Psychotria megistantha /fcA.-8203, 18796, 19112
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
Tanzania Psychotria pseudoplatyphylla
Endemic to the North and South Uluguru Mountains, Rubiaceae VUBI+2b
this shrub or small tree is confined to areas of moist Kenya, Tanzania
montane evergreen forest. Ranging from the Taita Hills in Kenya to north-east
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
«e/s; 3356, 8814

Species Summaries

Tanzania, this species is confined to areas of moist Psychotria tubuaiensis

montane forest. Rubiaceae DD
Assessor: Loven, J. & G.P. Clarke French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
;?e/i; 3356, 6396, 12067 An endemic to Tubuai.
Assessor: Florence, J.

Psychotria pulchra var. hispidula Refs: 14513

Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Jamaica Psychotria waasU
A variety of potential horticultural interest. It is known Rubiaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c
only from the parish of Trelawny from a locality at Sri Lanka
about 530m. During the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. National Conservation Review, this wet zone species
Refs: 5653, 19085 was found in only seven of the surveyed sites.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Psychotria siphonophora Refs: 19112
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Jamaica Psychotria woytkowskii
A limestone woodland species. It appears to have been Rubiaceae VU D2
collected from only a single location at about 600m near Peru
Troy. This species is known only from the type collection
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. taken from the department of Amazonas.
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Psychotria sordida
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c Psychotria zombamontana
Sri Lanka Rubiaceae LR/nt
A rare species found in only two wet zone forests during Tanzania, Zimbabwe
the extensive forest surveys conducted for the National Confined to areas of moist montane forest, the species
Conservation Review. occurs in east and south Tanzania, Malawi and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Zimbabwe.
Refs: 19112 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Re/i. 3356,8814, 13191
Psychotria speciosa
Rubiaceae CRBl+2c Psydrax fautknerae
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
The species is endemic to Tahiti. Kenya, Tanzania
Assessor: Florence, J. A species ranging from a few localities of dry coastal
Refs: 14513 forest or thicket in Kenya to areas of east Tanzania.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Psychotria stenophylla ;?e/i; 3356, 6396, 8814
Rubiaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka Psydrax kibuwae
This species was found in 17 localities during the Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b, D2
extensive forest surveys conducted for the National Tanzania
Conservation Review. A poorly known tree recorded only from the type, which
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre was collected at Kiwanda along the Sigi River in the
«e/i; 8203, 18796, 19112 East Usambara Mountains.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Psychotria tahitensis Refs: 3356, 10961
Rubiaceae CRBl+2c
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Psydrax micans
The species is endemic to Tahiti. Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Assessor: Florence, J. Mozambique, Tanzania
Refs: 14513 A dry coastal forest small tree ranging from south-east
Tanzania to Mozambique.
Psychotria taitensis Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 1308,3356,8814
A small tree of evergreen forest between 1400 and Psydrax paradoxa
1600m, endemic to Kasigau. Rubiaceae VUB1+2C
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre New Caledonia
Refs: 1308,6396,13072 Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et at.

Refs: 10351
Psychotria trichocalyx
Rubiaceae CRB1+2C Pteleopsis barbosae
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Combretaceae DD
An endemic to Tahiti. Mozambique
Assessor: Florence, J. Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Refs: 14513 «e/i; 5117, 18965

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pteleopsis habeensis most parts of the range there is no control over the rate
Combretaceae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2c of harvesting. Large individuals are repotted to be
Ghana, Mali, Nigeria suffering from fungal attack. Regeneration is sufficient
Three localities, which account for little more than a few but may be episodic, depending on fire or high rainfall.
square kilometres, are known: the Bandiagara scarps in Individuals are reproductively mature at 15-20 years
Mali, Yankari Game Reserve in Nigeria and the dry old.
forests of Bui and Akosombo in Ghana. In Yankari it Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
grows on rocky hills, in dense stands in an area that is Refs: 3344, 6723, 7550, 9090, 13370, 17335, 19172,
under pressure from encroachment. In Ghana the 19218
establishment of a plantation and the influx of people
into the area have caused declines in the species' habitat. Pterocarpus daWergioides
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Leguminosae DD
Refs: 6127, 7439, 8369, 12061 India(Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
Endemic to the Andaman Islands, this tree is found in
Pteleopsis tetraptera deciduous and semi-moist deciduous forests up to 100m.
Combretaceae LR/nt Trees are cut for narra timber.
Kenya, Tanzania Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
A species of coastal forest or scrub, occurring in a small ^c/i; 5651, 9090, 14573
area which is densely populated and much modified by
human activities. Pterocarpus indicus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU Aid
Refs: 6396,9198, 17787, 18829 Cambodia, India, Indonesia (Bali, Irian Jaya, Java,
Kalimantan. Lesser Sunda Is., Moluccas, Sulawesi,
Pteralyxia kauaiensis Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah),
Apocynaceae EN C2a Myanmar, Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago,
USA (Hawaii) North Solomons, Papua New Guinea), Philippines,
This species grows on slopes and ridges in various Solomon Islands (South Solomon), Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
lowland moist forest types. It is known from nine Thailand, Vanuatu, Viet Nam (ex)
populations, consisting of between 500 and 1000 A widespread tree found in lowland primary and some
individuals in total. The habitat continues to be degraded secondary forest, mainly along tidal creeks and rocky
by feral goats, pigs and invasive plants. The species is shores. Populations have declined because of
protected by the US Endangered Species Act. overexploitation, sometimes illegal exploitation, of the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre narra timber, as well as from increasing general habitat
Refs: 3372, 19038 loss. The Viet Nam population has been extinct for some
300 years. An extensive forest survey in Sri Lanka has
Pteralyxia macrocarpa failed to find the species and information on populations
Apocynaceae VU C2a in India, Indonesia and the Philippines indicate the
USA (Hawaii) species is seriously threatened. Exploitation of the few
An endemic to Oahu Island, where the species is known stands in Peninsular Malaysia may have caused
scattered sparsely in moist forest up to 730m in the its extinction there and what are believed to be the
Waianae and Koolau Mountains. largest remaining populations, in New Guinea, are being
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre heavily exploited. Cultivated populations are widely
Refs: 3372 distributed throughout the tropics.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Pterandra isthmica Refs: 4919, 5550, 6125, 6156, 6426, 8058, 9328, 10013,
Malpighiaceae EN C2b 10571, 12779, 12937, 14573, 17140, 19057, 19112,
Panama 19147
The species is known only from populations in the

proximity of the Cerro Azul to the north-east of the city Pterocarpus marsupium
of Panami. It occurs sparsely in semi-deciduous Leguminosae VU A led
rainforestbetween 600 and 900m. The population in Sri Lanka
Chagres National Park is well protected. This dry zone tree is declining in Sri Lanka, as it is

Assessor: MitrS, M. exploited for its timber and its medicinal bark and latex.
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1833,19110
Pterocarpus angolensis
Leguminosae LR/nt Pterocarpus mildbraedii ssp. usambarensis
Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Leguminosae VUBI+2b
Mozambique, Natnibia, South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal, Tanzania
Mpumalanga, Northern Province), Swaziland, Tanzania, The species is widespread, extending across the African
Zambia, Zimbabwe continent. This is a distinct subspecies, confined to moist
A key timber species throughout its distribution in lowland forest in eastern Tanzania.
woodland areas of East and Southern Africa. Large Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
stands are known to still occur in places, particularly in Refs: 1308,3356,7550,11631
protected areas in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia.
In most regions, however, the species has become less Pterocarpus santalinus
frequent, especially where it is heavily used by local Leguminosae ENBl+2de
populations. There are attempts to exploit remaining India
stands sustainably or at least in a regulated way, but in Red sandalwood is restricted to the southern parts of the

Species Summaries

Eastern Ghats, where it occurs in dry deciduous forest. inaccessible on limestone cliffs and summit ridges.
The commercially valuable for its timber and for
tree is There are few mature individuals and regeneration is
the extraction of dye. medicine and cosmetics. It has poor.
been overexploited in the past. International trade is now Assessor: Sun, W.
monitored through a *CITES Appendix II listing and Refs: 1818,11847,19055
plantations are being established.
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Pterostyrax psilophylla
India Styracaceae VUAIcd
Refs: 561, 1228, 6508, 18325, 19074 China (Guangxi. Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan,
Pterogyne nitens Relatively widespread, the species is found through a
Leguminosae LR/nt range of altitudes and in various forest types. It is,
Argentina (Chaco, Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, however, not common and believed to be becoming
Misiones, Salta, Tucum^), Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay scarcer because of habitat declines and degradation.
The species' distibution is contained within an area of Assessor: Sun, W.
seasonally dry forest, extending from northern Argentina Refs: 1818, 11847, 19055
into Paraguay and Boliva. The habitat is
unprotected and in decline because of logging and Plerygota bequaertii
encroaching agriculture and pastoralism. The species is Sterculiaceae VU A led
sought-after as a source of timber. In Bolivia it is one of Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic of
several species, native to semi-deciduous forest in Congo. Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria
eastern Santa Cruz, which are experiencing increased A timber species occurring in forest areas in West and
logging pressure. Central Africa. It is much rarer than, but commonly
Assessor: Prado, D. confused with, P. macrocarpa. The species appears to
Refs: 1262,4506, 11936, 19170 be suffering declines becajse of levels of exploitation
through most of its range.
Pterospermum kingtungense Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Sterculiaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2a Refs: 2773, 6127, 6128, 6718, 12061
China (Yunnan)
Confmed to Babianjiang in Yunnan, the species grows Pterygota macrocarpa
in forested valleys on limestone between 1400 and Sterculiaceae VU A led
1500m. There are very few adult individuals left, Cameroon, Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
although the trees which have been cut are resprouting. A common tree of dry forests. Exploitation for the
The area is not protected and is susceptible to cutting timber occurs at high levels throughout
range and its is
and disturbance. likely to be causing population declines. Regeneration is
Assessor: Sun, W. reported to be abundant in areas of logging damage.
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 2773, 6128, 6718, 12061
Pterospermum menglunense
Sterculiaceae CR B I +2c, C2a Ptilochaeta nudipes
China (Yunnan) Malpighiaceae VU Bl+2ac
A species confmed monsoon forest
to a single locality of Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
on limestone hills in Menglun, Mengla County. The Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina
population contained within Xishuangbanna Nature
is and Bolivia, the species is confined to an unprotected
Reserve and should be protected, although illegal cutting ecosystem which is being rapidly replaced by
is known to take place. agricultural systems.
Assessor: Sun, W. Assessor: Prado, D.
Refs: 1818,11847,19055 Refs: 19122

Pterospermum reticulatum Ptychopyxis triradiata

Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c Euphorbiaceae VUBI+2c
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Reported to have been frequent in the past, this endemic Only a single collection of the species has been made,
of the Western Ghats has become restricted to scattered gathered from Bota Kiri Forest Reserve in Perek. The
populations in lowland evergreen forest. Both the tree surrounding areas are being developed.
and its habitat have been extensively exploited. Assessor: Kochummen, K.M.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 4799, 19144
Ptychosperma bleeseri
Pterospermum yunnanense Palmae CR Ale
StercuUaceae CR C2a Australia (Northern Territory)
China (Yunnan) Restricted to rainforest near Darwin, this palm tree is
A Yuiman endemic known only from two locations, scattered in the lowlands 50m. The entire
up to
Yiwa in Mengla County and Youluo Mountain in population consists of approximately 500 mature
Jianghong County. The populations are relatively individuals and is believed to have stabilised since the
exclusion of feral pigs and water buffaloes from the
Assessor: Dowl, J.L.
Refs: 19118

The World List of Threatened Trees

Ptychosperma gracite Pyracantha koidzumU

Palmae EN Ala+2c Rosaceae EN Al acd+2bde, C2a
Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago) Taiwan
Confined to New Ireland
and New Britain, this palm tree The species range is confined to the valley between
is on both limestone and volcanic
scattered in rainforest Hualien and Taitung on the eastern side of the island.
soils. Populations have declined because of rapid and Shrubs are common in scrub along river banks and on
extensive deforestation for plantation agriculture. This lowland plains on sandy soils. No large individuals are
species can survive in open vegetation or in secondary found in the wild. Exploitation of the plant both for
forest if it is allowed to regenerate. commercial trade and at a local level has led to
Assessor: Essig, F.B. population declines. Field surveys indicate that seedlings
Refs: 19118 are scattered and few. No conservation or protection
measures are in place.
Ptychosperma hentyi Assessor: Pan, F.J.
Palmae EN Ala+2c Refs: 6469, 19050, 19053
Papua New Guinea (Bismarck Archipelago)
A taxonomically unique palm tree of lowland forest, Pyrenaria pahangensis
restricted to eastern New Britain. Rapid and extensive Theaceae LR/cd
deforestation for plantation agriculture has caused Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
population decline. A shrub or small tree confined to lowland rainforest in
Assessor: Essig, F.B. Pahang. This species is protected in the Taman Negara
Refs: 19118 National Park.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
FuUea perryana Refs: 8464, 17140, 19073
Cunoniaceae LR/nt
Fiji Pyrenaria serrata var. kunstleri
A fairly abundant tree, in forest and thickets on hillsides, Theaceae VUBl+2c
crests and ridges in eastern Viti Levu. A single Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
collection has been made in Ovalau. A variety found in lowland forest in Kedah, Perak,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Penang, Pahang and Selangor.
/?e/j; 5515, 6053, 18818 Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 19073
Punica protopunica
Lythraceae VU D2 Pyrus anatolica
Yemen (Socotra) Rosaceae LR/nt
The only congeneric relative of the pomegranate, P. Turkey
granatum. The species remains widespread throughout Assessor: Guner, A. & J. Zielinski
the island on granite and limestone, occurring either as /?e/i.- 3489,4863, 19165
isolated individuals or as a co-dominant in patches of
woodland or shrubland. Pyrus hakkiarica
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Rosaceae DD
Refs: 2354, 19083 Turkey
Assessor: Giiner, A.
Pycnandra kaalaensis Refs: 3489, 4863, 19165
Sapotaceae VU Bl+2c
New Caledonia Pyrus oxyprion
Occurring on ultramafic soils, the species is recorded Rosaceae LR/nt
from the base of various isolated massifs in the north- Turkey
west, such as the southern slopes of Mont Kaala and Assessor: Giiner, A. & J. Zielinski
Mont Poum. Refs: 3489, 19165
Assessor: Jaffr^. T. et al.
Refs: 10351, 12630 Pyrus salicifolia
Rosaceae LR/nt
Pycnocoma Uttoralis Turkey
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b Assessor: Giiner, A. & J. Zielinski
Kenya, Tanzania /?e/i; 3489, 7222, 19165
This species is restricted to areas of dry coastal forest,
often on coral, firom south-east Kenya to eastern Pyrus serikensis
Tanzania. Rosaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke Turkey
Refs: 3356, 8814 Assessor: Guner, A. & J. Zielinski
Refs: 3489
Pycnocoma macrantha
Euphorbiaceae VU Bl+2b Qualea calantha
Tanzania Vochysiaceae VU D2
Restricted to moist evergreen forest at medium Peru
elevations, this small tree is known only from the East Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Usambara Mountains and the South Nguru Moimtains. in Peruvian Amazon forest in the department of Loreto.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
««/5.-2074, 3356, 17190 Refs: 1984

Species Summaries

QuaUaimpexa the habitat is under threat from increasing settlement and

Vochysiaceae VU D2 industrial, touristic and agricultural developments.
Peru Assessor: Mitr6, M.
The species known only from
is the type collection Refs: 15037, 16772
taken from lowland Amazon forest in the department of
Loreto. Quararibea pendula
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Bombacaceae EN C2a
Refs: 1984 Costa Rica, Panama
The species occupies a small area between north-east
Quararibea aurantiocafyx Costa Rica and north-west Panama, where it is restricted
Bombacaceae EN C2a to lowland areas of semi -deciduous rainforest. In Costa
Costa Rica, Panama Rica only a few records exist, all in the vicinity of Rfo
A species of evergreen rainforest with a restricted Yorki'n, very near the Panama border. There are various
altitudinal range, occurring between 1000 and 120Om. In distinct occurrences in Panama, some in the the Palo
Panama the species is known only from a small Seco Protection Forest. Elsewhere the habitat is
population, containing few mature individuals, in the unprotected and extensively cleared for cultivating
Cerro Tute in Veraguas. It is a little more widely bananas, cocoa and other coirunercial crops.
distributed in Costa Rica, but again few mature Assessor: Mitr6, M.
individuals The Panamanian population is
exist. Refs: 7980, 16772
unprotected and under some threat from deforestation.
Further fieldwork is needed to search for populations in Quararibea platyphylta
the intervening zone between these two locations. Bombacaceae EN C2a
Assessor: Mitr^, M. Costa Rica, Panama
Refs: 7980, 16772 A lowland rainforest species. In Costa Rica several
collections have been made in Burica, Puntarenas, near
Quararibea dolichopoda the Panama border. In Panama collections have come
Bombacaceae EN C2a from the Atlantic slopes through the length of the
Panama country to Colombia, into which it possibly extends.
Endemic to Panama, the species is known from a few Populations are small and under pressure from
collections taken from lowland semi -deciduous increasing land settlement, logging and agriculture,
rainforest within an area stretching from the centre of particularly banana plantations.
the country to the Colombian border. It is not common Assessor: Mitre, M.
and in most parts of its range the habitat is declining Refs: 16772
because of the increasing settlement of the land,
ranching and agriculture. Only a small part of the Quararibea pterocalyx
population is protected within national paiks. Bombacaceae VU C2a
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela
/?e/i; 7980, 8153, 16772 Scattered as isolated individuals, the species is

distributed in lowland evergreen to semi-evergreen

Quararibea dolichosiphon rainforest, preferring humid or swampy zones. It is

Bombacaceae VU D2 recorded from Alajuela and Guanacaste Costa Rica, in

Panama from Bocas del Toro to Dariin in Panama, being present
This species is known only from the type collection in larger numbers in the Canal area and Barro Colarado
made in 1968. Island, and from Urab^ and other areas of Coloi.ibia. No
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre information is available on its distribution in Venezuela.
Refs: 15037, 16772 Throughout the range the habitat is affected by the
growing human population, agricultural activities and
Quararibea gomeziana logging.
Bombacaceae EN C2a Assessor: Miti€, M.
Costa Rica, Panama Refs: 16772
Resticted to lowland forest in an area extending from
north-west Panama to north-east Costa Rica, the species Quararibea sanblasensis
occurs in sparsely scattered small populations within a Bombacaceae EN C2a
rapidly developing region. Only a single population in Colombia, Panama
San Ram6n in Costa Rica occurs within a forest reserve. In Panama, the species has been collected only from San
All other populations are unprotected and under severe Bias, very close to the border with Colombia, in lowland
threatfrom agricultural and industrial developments, and semi-deciduous rainforest along river banks. There are
from urbanisation. reported to be a few dispersed individuals, including a
Assessor: Mitr6, M. very few adult trees. The species' range in Colombia is
Refs: 7980, 16772 restricted to a small area in Antioquia. Only the
Panamanian population is contained within a protected
Quararibea jefensis area. The tree provides medicine, food, fuel, timber and
Bombacaceae CR C2a oils at a local level.

Panama Assessor: Mitre, M.

The species has been collected only a few times, from Refs: 16772
lowland evergreen rainforest in two provinces. It does
not appear to be common, although its full distribution
may not yet have been revealed. Cerro Jefe is the only
protected area in which the species occurs. Elsewhere

The World List of Threatened Trees

Quararibea santaritensis Quercus benthamii

Bombacaceae CRBl+2c Fagaceae VU Ale
Panama Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca)
The species' based on a single collection
description is Until the taxonomy of Central American specimens is
from 1932. It came from an
area of deciduous woodland confirmed, the exact range of this species cannot be
in the Santa Rita Hills, Col6n. Much of this area has consolidated but could extend to southern parts of
been cleared for agriculture and grazing. Central America. Because of the rate of destruction of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the moist forest habitat in the last few decades the
Refs: 7980, 16772 species qualifies as threatened.
Assessor: Nixon, K. etal.
Quararibea velutina /?e/i; 7980, 9653, 19161
Bombacaceae VU D2
Peru Quercus boyntonii
Known only from the type collection, this Amazonian Fagaceae ENBl+2c
forest species occurs in Loreto. USA
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The status of this species is not well consolidated. It

Refs: 1984 appears to have become extinct in the areas from which
it was known. There is, however, a possibility that it

Quararibea yunckeri occurs in Mississippi and Lousiana.

Bombacaceae CR C2a Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Honduras Refs: 19145
A rarely collected species, of somewhat uncertain
nomenclature. Quercus brandegeei
Assessor: Nelson, C. Fagaceae ENBl+2e
Refs: 13995 Mexico (Baja California)
The species occurs in low density in a xeric habitat in
Quercus acerifoHa the foothills of the Sierra Lazaro. The area is subject to
Fagaceae ENBl+2c,C2b grazing pressure. Regeneration has not been observed in
USA (Arkansas) recent years.
Three localities of this species are known, two of them Assessor: Nixon, K. etal.
having been discovered recently, in open glades and /?e/i: 7538, 9653, 12945
shrubland in central-west Arkansas. The populations are
small, each numbering less than 500, but stable and Quercus brenesii
contained within a national forest. Data accumulated by Fagaceae DD
Stoynoff and Hess support the contention that the taxon Costa Rica
is a species and not a subspecies of Q. shumardii. A taxonomically doubtful species, apparently endemic
Assessor: Hess, W.J. to the department of Alajuela.
Refs: 8470, 10353, 19145 Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
Refs: 6678, 7538, 7980, 9653
Quercus arkansana
Fagaceae VU D2 Quercus buckleyi
USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Fagaceae VU D2
Mississippi, Texas) USA (Oklahoma, Texas)
Fewer than five localities of this woodland species are A tree confined to scrub on Edward's Plateau.
known to exist. Populations are thought to be declining Assessor: Nixon, K. el al.
because of habitat destruction, mainly through grazing Refs: 3786, 7538, 9653, 10353
and conversion to farmland.
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Quercus bumelioides
Refs: 9653 Fagaceae VU Ale
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas),
Quercus aucheri Nicaragua, Panama
Fagaceae LR/nt The montane forest habitat of this species has suffered
Greece, Turkey serious declines in past decades. The tree can grow to a
A small tree very similar to Q. coccifera. It grows in the large sizeand has obvious value as a timber tree.
Aegean region on the Greek islands and in Anatolia in Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
Turkey. Populations are localised and isolated. Refs: 730, 7538, 9653, 1 1715, 19161
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
R^s: 2915, 3489, 4863, 7538 Quercus cedrosensis
Fagaceae VU D2
Quercus x basaseachicensis Mexico (Baja California)
Fagaceae EN Dl A species restricted to a specialised sclerophyllous
Mexico ((Thihuahua, Durango) habitat at lowland to montane altitudes. Cedros Island
A hybrid between Q. rugosa and Q. depressipes known suffers from overgrazing by goats. More information on
from four sites in Chihuahua and one in Durango in the regeneration of this species may allow it to qualify
submontane woodland or scrub. The populations are for the status of endangered.
isolated and none are believed to be large. Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
Assessor: Hess, W.J. Refs: 7538, 8470, 9653, 12945
/fe/i; 7538, 9653, 19145

Species Summaries

Quercus cenioides Quercus dumosa

Fagaceae LR/cd Fagaceae ENAlc+2c
Spain Mexico (Baja California), USA (California)
The taxonomic status of this localised oak is uncertain. It A number of populations (e.g. Santa Barbara,
may be a hybrid. The taxon occurs in dry montane forest Hollywood and Griffith Park) have disappeared. The
in Catalonia, Aragon, Mallorca, La Rioja and Navarra, lowland scrub habitat of the remaining populations is
possibly extending into France. Fire, forest management under threat from pollution and the expansion of urban
activities and hybridisation pose threats to the taxon. and industrial areas.
Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et ai Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
/?e/i; 5287, 7222, 7741 Refs: 7538, 8470, 9653

Quercus coahuUensis Quercus engelmannii

Fagaceae DD Fagaceae VU Ale
Mexico (Coahuila) Mexico (Baja California), USA (California)
It is suspected that the species will prove to be Extensive declines of the sclerophyllous habitat of the
threatened when the area of occupancy is calculated, species have been observed over the past 50 years.
taking into account the altitudinal range of the species. Regeneration of the species is poor and the remaining
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. habitat under threat from grazing and urban,

Refs: 7538, 9653 agricultural and industrial developments. Only one tree
remains on Santa Catalina Isla.nd in California but part
Quercus convallata of the population on Santa Rosa is protected in the Santa
Fagaceae DD Rosa Plateau Reserve.
Mexico (Jalisco, Nayarit) Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.

The taxonomic status of this species is dubious. «e/s; 7538, 9653, 19193
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.

Refs: 7538, 9653, 14250 Quercus excelsa

Fagaceae DD
Quercus cosUuicensis Mexico (Jalisco, Veracruz)
Fagaceae VUBl+2e Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
Costa Rica Refs: 7538, 9653, 14250
Occurring in the montane forest of Volcan Irazu and
Cerro Chirripd, the species is restricted to an area of Quercus flageUifera
occupancy of less than 2000km'. Although deforestation Fagaceae VUAIc
has been extensive in the past, these areas are now given Guatemala
some degree of protection. Confined to the moist montane forests of east and
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. central Guatemala, the species has experienced declines
«e/i; 7980, 9653, 14487 in its habitat in the last 50 years. There are a number of
estimated rates of deforestation: all exceed an annual
Quercus deliquescens rate of one percent.
Fagaceae VU 02 Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
Mexico (Chihuahua) Refs: 7980, 9653
A species of dry montane scrub, known only from one
population system in the valley of Ri'o Concho and north Quercus galeanensis
along Ri'o Grande. Fagaceae VU D2
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Mexico (Nuevo Le6n. Tamaulipas)
/?e/j; 412,9653, 11715 A rare species, characterised by the leaves being
vertically appressed to the twigs. Occurring in
Quercus depressipes submontane to montane chaparral, it is two
restricted to
Fagaceae DD populations occupying a narrow band (150km x 10-
Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco, Zacatecas), USA 20km) from Galeana, Nuevo Leone, to the Miquihrana
(Texas) region in Tamaulipas.
A shrub scattered in montane grasslands over a wide Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.

range. Population sizes and declines are not Refs: 7538, 9653
documented. The US locality is vulnerable but
protected. Quercus georgiana
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Fagaceae ENBl+2ce
Refs: 7538, 9653, 10353, 1 1715 USA (Alabama, Georgia, South CaroUna)
Small isolated populations are restricted to granite
Quercus devia outcrops, occupying an area less than 500km'. The
Fagaceae VU D2 impact of tourism is considerable on Stone Mountain.
Mexico (Baja California) Drought; poor regeneration, soil erosion and compaction
Two or three populations occur in dry montane forest, are all weakening the status of the species.
where grazing pressure is high. The mainland Mexican Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
species, Q. viminea, may be synonymous, in which case Refs: 3786, 7538, 9653
the species would qualify for a status of lower risk.
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Quercus germana
Refs: 7538, 9653, 1 1715, 12945 Fagaceae VUAlc
A species of submontane seasonal dry forest, which has

The World List of Threatened Trees

experienced dramatic declines over the last few decades. taking into account the altitudinal range of the species.
Forest has been converted for agricultural use, especially Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.
coffee plantations. The trees are often decked with an Refs: 4934, 7538, 9653
array of densely packed epiphytes.
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Quercus ilex ssp. ballola
*e/j.- 7538,9653, 11715 Fagaceae LR/nt
Portugal, Spain
Quercus gracUiformis This species is present in a large part of the Iberian
Fagaceae CR C2b Peninsula within areas of lowland dry forest up to
USA (Texas) 2000m. It is locally abundant, forming extensive
One small isolated population exists in riparian oak woodlands in places. Populationsexposed toare
woodland in the Chisos Mountains. The locality is overcutting, fires, expanding agriculture and declining
threatened by the activities of tourists from a nearby water availability, but trees are legally protected
camping ground and by occasional drought. Previous throughout the range.
records from Mexico are erroneous. Assessor: Vivero, J.L. ei al.
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Refs: 7741
Refs: 9653, 10353
Quercus invaginata
Quercus guUelmi-treleasei Fagaceae DD
Fagaceae DD Mexico (Coahuila)
Costa Rica, Panama It is suspected that the species will prove to be
The taxonomic status of the species is uncertain. It is threatened when the area of occupancy is calculated
confmed to Chiriqui in Costa Rica and Cartago in taking into account its altitudinal range.
Panama in wet montane forests. Assessor: Nixon, K. el al.
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. /?e/>; 7538,9653, 1 1715
Refs: 7980, 9653
Quercus x macdonaldii
Quercus hinckleyi Fagaceae VU D2
Fagaceae CR A2b, B 1 +2cd USA (California)
Mexico?, USA (Texas) The species is restricted to a few scrubby localities in
A shrub with holly-like leaves, known from 1 1 isolated Santa Rosa, Santa Catalina and Santa Cruz Islands.
populations, nine of which are in the Big Bend Ranch Control of grazing and the removal of sheep have helped
State Natural Area. Most populations consist of fewer oak regeneration on Santa Cruz Island.
than ICK) individuals and cover an area less than five Assessor: Nixon, K. el al.
acres. Historical climate change is thought to be the Refs: 9653, 10353
main factor that has caused the species to become rare.
Hybridisation with other Quercus species, roadway Quercus macdougallii
construction, collecting by horticulwrists, drought and Fagaceae VU D2
grazing are threats today. Although acorn yields are Mexico (Oaxaca)
good, all reproduction appears to be vegetative. The A distinctive species known only from the type locality
species is protected by the US Endangered Species Act in the dry montane forests of Oaxaca. It has not been
and a recovery plan was devised in 1992. collected recently and it is biologically poorly known.
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Assessor: Nixon, K. el al.
Refs: 7538, 9653, 10353, 1 1683 Refs: 1538.9653, \\1\5

Quercus hintonii Quercus miquihuanensis

Fagaceae CRBl+2ac Fagaceae EN Bl+2e
Mexico (Mexico State) Mexico (Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas)
A submontane to montane dry forest species which is An endemic of Pena Nevada and Miquihuana, locally
confined to a small area (less than 10 x 10km) along a common in montane pine-oak forest and also chaparral,
road. Much of the area is in the process of conversion covering an area of less than SOOkm'. Logging activities
into avocado plantations and human settlements. and overgrazing threaten the habitat.
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Assessor: Nixon, K. ei al.
Refs: 4934, 9653 Refs: 7538, 9653

Quercus hintoniorum Quercus oglethorpensis

Fagaceae VU D2 Fagaceae EN B I +2ce
Mexico (Nuevo Le6n) USA (Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina)
A montane forest species occurring in two nearby This species is known from a small area in the piedmont
locations in the Sierra Lamata. of north-east Georgia, neighbouring western South
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Carolina and also from a disjunct population in
Refs: 9653 Mississippi. In total, approximately 1000 individuals,
covering an area of occupancy less than I50km^ are
Quercus hypoxantha estimated to exist. The most common habitats are
Fagaceae DD roadsides and old fence rows. A survey in 1 985 failed to
Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo Leon) locate 1 1 % of the previously known sites. Poor seed
It is suspected that this species will prove to be viability and chestnut blight are also reported.
threatened when the area of occupancy is calculated Assessor: Nixon, K. el al
Refs: 7538, 9653

Species Summaries

Quenus parvula yar.parvula felling and agriculture. The wood is considered a

Fagaceae ENBl-(-2ce valuable timber.
USA (California) Assessor: Firsov, G.A.
Two small populations on Santa Cruz Island and five or Refs: 7538, 14458. 19056
six populations in Santa Barbara County are known.
Occurring in maritime chaparral and pine forests, no Quercus x robusta
population extends over more than 1 0km'. Habitat Fagaceae DD
degradation and grazing are threats on Santa Cruz USA (Texas)
Island. This species is confined to the Chisos Mountains in
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Brewster County, where it is found in moist wooded
Refs: 3786,9653, 10353, 14430 canyons.
Assessor: Hess, W.J.
Quercus peninsulaiis Refs: 3786, 10353, 19145
Fagaceae DD
Mexico (Baja California) Quercus rysophylla
A montane species. The number of localities and Fagaceae DD
population status are unknown. Mexico (Nuevo Le6n, San Luis Potosf, Tamaulipas)
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. The known populations are small but their extent is not
^eTi- 7538, 9653, 12945 known.
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al.

Quercus perpalUda Refs: 4934, 7538, 9653, 1 1715

Fagaceae DD
Mexico (Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Quercus skinneri
Sonora) Fagaceae VU Ale
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas)
Refs: 7538, 9653 The species is widespread and often occurs in abimdance
in moist montane forests. It is also frequently planted.
Quercus petraea ssp. huguetiana General rates of deforestation in recent decades have
Fagaceae LR/cd caused significant population declines.
France, Spain Assessor: Nixon, K. et at.

Occurring in moist forest up to altitudes of 1800m, the Refs: 7538, 9653, 1 1715, 19161
species is abundant over a relatively wide range. It is
also legally protected in Spain. Quercus skutchii
Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et al. Fagaceae DD
Refs: 7741 Guatemala, Mexico (Chiapas)
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al.
Quercus praineana /fe/t; 7538,9653, 11715
Fagaceae DD
Mexico (Jalisco, Sinaloa) Quercus subspathulata
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Fagaceae VU Ale
/fefj; 7538, 9653, 17165 Mexico (Durango, Jalisco, Nayarit, Sinaloa)
A forest species which has suffered extensive
Quercus purulhana destruction of its habitat.
Fagaceae VUAlc Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.

Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas), Refs: 7538, 8470, 9653, 14250
A montane forest species, abundant in areas, but subject Quercus x tardifolia
to general declines in habitat. Fagaceae CR Dl
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. USA (Texas)
Refs: 4974, 9653, 1 1715, 19161 It is thought no more than five trees exist in dry montane
woodlands in the Chisos Mountains. The hybrid is a
Quercus rapurahuensis product of Q. hypoxantha and Q. gravesii. One of the
Fagaceae VU Ale parents is now absent from the area.
Costa Rica, Panama Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.

A moist forest species which has been subject to the Refs: 9653, 10353
general forest declines in this area. Further investigation
may show that the species is more seriously threatened. Quercus tomentetta
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Fagaceae VUBl+2ce
Refs: 7272,9653, 11715, 14487 Mexico (Guadalupe Is.), USA (California)
The regeneration of the species is hampered by
Quercus robur ssp. imeretina overgrazing in the dry forest areas to which it is
Fagaceae VUBl+2c restricted on the chaimel islands of California and
Georgia, Russia Guadelupe Island of Mexico. Populations on Guadelupe
A rare tree endemic to Kokhida in western Georgia, with Island, in particular, have declined dramatically in recent
a small part of the range extending into Russia along the years.
Black Sea coast. The population is declining through Assessor: Nixon, K. et al.

Refs: 5988, 7538, 7980, 9653, 10353, 19193

The World List of Threatened Trees

Quercus tonduzU Quiina schippii

Fagaceae DD Quiinaceae EN C2a
Costa Rica Belize, Guatemala?, Honduras
A species of uncertain taxonomic status, found in the A species of moist forest, collected only once in
mountains of central Costa Rica in Alajuela. One Honduras. Its occurrence in Guatemala is uncertain.
collection from 1896 is cited from Volcan Poas. Various developments are causing considerable loss of
Assessor: Nixon, K. et at. habitat.
Refs: 7538, 7980, 9653, 14487 Assessor: Nelson, C.
Refs: 13995
Quercus undata
Fagaceae DD Radermachera ramiflora
Mexico (Durango) Bignoniaceae LR/cd
Assessor: Nixon, K. el al. Malaysia (Sabah)
Refs: 7538, 9653 Endemic to Sabah, this tree is found in rainforest and
disturbed forest on hillsides up to 1500m, often on
Quercus uxoris ultramafic soils.It is known from Mount Kinabalu,

Fagaceae VU Ale Ranau, Kota Marudu and Mount Rara.

Mexico (Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The extent of population declines is not documented but Refs: 18327, 19017
the level of forest destruction has been dramatic.
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Ramosmania rodriguesii
Re/i; 7538, 9653, 17165 Rubiaceae CR Dl
Mauritius (Rodrigues)
Quercus vincentensis Cafe marron reduced to just one surviving individual.

Fagaceae VUAlc A fence is it and continuing damage has

erected around
El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico led to construction of a further three fences. Cuttings
Declines in population numbers have not been recorded have been propagated at Kew Botanic Gardens but
but the species occurrence in an area of extensive forest attempts at re-introduction had failed until 1996, when
destruction qualifies it as vulnerable. cuttings raised in Rodrigues successfully rooted.
Assessor: Nixon, K. etal. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7538, 7980, 9653, 19161 Refs: 18414, 19199

Quercus xalapensis Randia aculeata y^T.jamaicensis

Fagaceae VUAlc Rubiaceae VUBI+2c
Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz) Jamaica
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. The species as a whole is distributed from Florida to
/fc/i; 7538, 9653, 19161 Venezuela. This variety is endemic to Jamaica, where it
is found in small populations in thickets and woodland
Quercus zempoaltepecana on limestone in St Andrew and Clarendon between 210
Fagaceae DD and 790m.
Mexico (Oaxaca) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Nixon, K. et al. Refs: 6057, 7980, 17743
Refs: 7538, 9653
Randia pleiomeris
Quiina colonensis Rubiaceae DD
Quiinaceae VU CI El Salvador, Guatemala
Costa Rica, Panama A rare species of forest and woodland understorey.
A lowland rainforest species, occurring Col6n and
in There is no information on theof its populations
Cocl6 Provinces in Panama and in Heredia and but thelowland habitat has experienced extensive
Puntarenas, including a locality in Corcovado National declines, mainly through logging and expanding
Park, in Costa Rica. There are also specimens which are agriculture.
tentatively identified as this species in Kunayala Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Indigenous Reserve. In most of its range, the species Refs: 4491, 4862, 4974, 19030
appears to be uncommon and under considerable
pressure from increasing settlement, agriculture and Rapanea ceylanica
development. Myrsinaceae CRBl+2cd
Assessor: Mitre, M. Sri Lanka
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 A species occurring in lowland rainforest in south-west
Sri Lanka. In previous surveys populations have been
Quiina jaituttcensis located in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. However, the
Quiinaceae LR/nt species was not found during the extensive forest
Jamaica surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
A species with a local distribution confmed to north- National Conservation Review, suggesting that it is

western parishes in woodland on limestone. either extremely rare or possibly extinct.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6057, 7980 ^eA;9176, 17195, 19112

Species Summaries

Rapanea coclensis in Mozambique, and contains 150 plants. This

Myrsinaceae VU D2 subpopulation is under threat because of habitat
Panama clearance for subsistence agriculture within the reserve.
A species known only from two collections. Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre yje/j; 689, 3018,6809, 19118, 19218
Refs: 16772
Rauvolfia sachetiae
Rapanea giUiana Apocynaceae CR Bl+2c
Myrsinaceae VU A2c French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)

South Africa (Eastern Cape) Populations are known from Hiva Oa and Nuku Hiva.
A shrub or small tree which occurs in coastal forest and Assessor: Florence, J.

scrub on dunes or rocky outcrops from Humansdorp to Refs: 14513

Bathurst. Its range is slowly becoming fragmented by
coastal developments, especially the construction of Ravenea albicans
settlements and holiday resorts. The species occurs in at Palmae EN Dl
least two protected areas and possibly in a third. Madagascar
Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el al. A palm known from two recently identified localities in
Ue/i; 689, 19218 lowland moist forest on ultramafic soil. One population
contains up to 40 trees with trunks, 100 young trees
Rapanea perakensis without trunks and several seedlings.
Myrsinaceae LR/nt Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Refs: 18986,19118
A shrub or small tree inhabiting forested ridge tops
between 700m and 2100m. The species is recorded in Ravenea dransfieldii
Kelantan, Terengganu, Perak and Pahang and is afforded Palmae VU C2a
protection in Taman Negara National Park. Madagascar
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. A Madagascan endemic confined to moist forest in the
Refs: 8464, 19073 area between Marojejy Mountains and Ifanadiana.
Populations at Ifanadiana are under threat of destruction;
Rapanea seychellarum population numbers at each site are low.
Myrsinaceae CR Dl Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Seychelles Refs: 18986, 19118
The entire population amounts to fewer than 50
individuals. There are six sites on Mah£ and single sites Ravenea glauca
on Silhouette and Praslin. Montagne Planeau has a large Palmae VU Dl
and healthy population. Most other locations contain Madagascar
between one and five trees. No seedlings have been A Madagascan endemic confined to dry forest in the
reported. Populations are recorded within Mome centre and south. The status of populations in
Seychellois and Praslin National Parks and in forest Andringitra is unknown, no collections having been
areas protected by the Nature Protection Trust of made there since 1922. Elsewhere it is known only from
Seychelles. Isalo, where the population size is estimated to be made
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles up of a few hundred individuals.
Refs: 10610, 17229, 19025 Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986,19118
Rapanea striata
Myrsinaceae EN B I +2c Ravenea hiUebrandtU
India (Kamataka) Palmae EN Ale
The species is currently known from two records from Comoros
widely separated localities in submontane evergreen Confined to the islands of Grand Comore, Moheli and
forest in the Western Ghats. Anjouan, the species is considered endangered because
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre all forest in the Comoros Islands is under severe threat.

Refs: 19144 No collections have been made for a considerable time.

Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Raphia austraSs Refs: 18986,19118
Palmae DD
Mozambique, South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal) Ravenea julietiae
This very large palm occurs in swamp forest around Palmae EN C2a
Kosi Bay in northern KwaZulu-Natal, extending Madagascar
northwards along the coast of southern Mozambique, Occurring in moist lowland forest, the species is

occurring along river valleys, as far as Inhambane. The restricted to east MadagascarMananara between
plants flower once, after about 30 years, and then die Avaratra and Vangaindran. The population numbers are
after setting fruit. They can form very dense groves and very low; fewer than 50 trees have been counted. The
in some places they have naturalised after planting, e.g. more southern localities, where most of the trees are
at Mtunzini on the Zululand coast, which is now a found, are rapidly being destroyed.
national monument. The plants at Kosi Bay are not Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
under threat and are contained within a conservation Refs: 18986,19118
area, although local use of the plants is allowed. The 12
ha Bobole Special Reserve 40 km north of Maputo, is
supposedly the most southerly occurrence of this species

The World List of Threatened Trees

Ravenea krociana it inhabits flowing water to a depth of 0.5-2.5m along a

Palmae VU Dl+2 The population consists of about 450 trees.
single river.
Madagascar This aquatic environment is very changable and the
An endemic palm found only in one site at Andohahela palm is somewhat exposed and vulnerable.
in Madagascar, inhabiting submontane moist forest. Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
There are approximately 60 individuals at this site. Refs: 18986, 19118
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986,19118 Ravenea nana
Palmae ENBl+2c
Ravenea lakatra Madagascar
Palmae EN Dl A palm confined to eastern Madagascar, between
Madagascar Marojejy and Andohahela, where it inhabits montane
An endemic palm of eastern Madagascar, occurring cricoid bush or forest on rocky sites on gneiss and
between Andasibe and Vangaindrano. The species is quartzite. The species is known only from three
found in a very limited number of sites in moist lowland localities and has not been collected for 30 years.

forest on slight mid-slopes or ridge crests. Several of Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
these sites are being rapidly destroyed. The population at Refs: 18986,19118
Mantady consists of pruned rosettes as a result of the
harvesting of the young leaves for fibre. The two more Ravenea rivularis
southerly populations contain fewer than 20 trunked Palmae VU Ale
trees. Madagascar
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje An endemic palm of south-central Madagascar, confined
Refs: 18986,19118 to Mangoky and Onilahy River Valleys. Only two
populations are known, occurring in shallow standing
Ravenea latisecta water, river banks and swampy valley bottoms.
Palmae EN Dl Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Madagascar Refs: 19118
This speciesis known from a single population of four

trees Andasibe in Madagascar. The habitat is

at Ravenea robustior
submontane moist forest on steep slopes near the hill Palmae LR/nt
crest. Madagascar
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje A Madagascan endemic occurring in moist forest in
Refs: 18986,19118 valley bottoms near water or on hill crests up1000m.
Its occurrence, although widespread, from
Ravenea louvelii Manongarivo to Marojejy and south to Andohahela, is
Palmae EN Dl not common. The species is recorded in Ranomafana
Madagascar National Park, Marojejy, Manongarivo Reserve and at

Confined to Andasibe in Madagascar, this species Analamazaotra, but trees continue to be cut within the
inhabits moist forest on a steep slope near the crest reserves. If harvesting of palm heart and cutting for the
between 800m and 1000m. There are fewer than 25 timber continue at present rates, the status of the species
individuals with trunks and rejuvenation is minimal. The may become threatened.
population exists outside the protected area. Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje Refs: 18986, 19118
Refs: 18986, 19118
Ravenea sambiranensis
Ravenea madagascariensis Palmae VU Ale
Palmae LR/nt Madagascar
Madagascar Occurring in north-west, west and east Madagascar, the
An endemic of and east Madagascar, inhabiting
central species is found in various habitats, such as littoral forest
moist to dry hill forest on steep slopes or hill crests on white sand, dense moist forest, dry montane forest
between 25m and 1700m. The species is fairly and riverine forest remnants in the west. Although
widespread and in some areas locally common. One widespread, the populations are small and threatened by
population is protected in Mantady National Park. felliing, exploitation of the palm heart and increasing
Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje settlement.
Refs: 19118 Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Refs: 18986, 19118
Ravenea moorei
Palmae CR Dl Ravenea xerophila
Comoros Palmae EN Dl
Only two female palm trees are known from a patch of Madagascar
secondary submontane rainforest, last seen in October Known only from south Madagascar, between
1993. Ampanihy and Anpingaratra Mountains, the species
Assessor: Johnson, D. inhabits dry spiny bush or low dry forest on laterite or
Refs: 19118 gneiss. In recent studies two populations have been
located, consisting of 65 trunked trees and 80 seedlings.
Ravenea musicalis Overgrazing is destroying the Tranoroa site.
Palmae VU Dl+2 Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Madagascar Refs: 18986,19118
A true water palm, endemic to south Madagascar, where

Species Summaries

Ravenia biramosa var. peruviana said to have become more sporadic because of the
Rutaceae VU D2 extensive logging and clearing of the species habitat.
Peru The timber is used domestically.
A variety which is known only from the type collection Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
taken from Amazonian forest in Loreto. Refs: 1818, 11847, 15357, 19055
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Retrophyllum minor
Podocarpaceae EN CI (•2a
Ravenia swartziana New Caledonia
Rutaceae CRBl+2c Populations of this small rheophyte are very restricted in
Jamaica range, confmed to river banks and lake shores on the
This species is known only from the type, collected at Plaine des Lacs. Protection in the Chute de la Madeleine
the beginning of the century. Reserve is inadequate. There are threats from
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre fluctuations in the water table and exposure to fires.
/f«/S: 401, 5653, 7980 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Refs: 4391. 10351, 12630, 18751

Rawsonia burtt-davyi
Racourtiaceae VU B 1 +2bc, D2 Retrophyllum piresii
Malawi Podocarpaceae DD
Originally known under the genus Dasylepis, this tree is Brazil (Rondonia)
confmed to a small area of montane evergreen forest on An endemic to Serra Pacas Novos.
Mount Mulanje. Although the habitat is protected as a Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
have been significant declines in its
forest reserve, there /?c/i; 374, 4391, 19127
extent and quality because of exploitation for wood,
encroachment of subsistence cultivation and fire. Plans Retrophyllum rospigliosii
have now been drawn up to ensure the conservation of Podocarpaceae LR/nt
the remaining natural resources and the prevention of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
further illegal activities. Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 374, 3047, 4391, 10194, 18751, 19127
Refs: 10090, 18965
Reutealis trisperma
Rawsonia reticulata Euphorbiaceae VU Alcd
Racourtiaceae LR/cd Philippines
Malawi, Tanzania A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
A montane forest species, which is regarded as distinct habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
but strongly resembles R. burtt-davyi. A population have led to considerable population declines.
occursat the north of Lake Nyasa, the Tanzanian part of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lake Malawi, and the species is believed to range into Rc/i.- 2072,4919.5651.7673
northern Malawi.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Reynoldsia sandwicensis
Refs: 3356, 8814 Araliaceae LR/nt
USA (Hawaii)
Recchia simplicifolia A variable species of dry to occasionally moist forest up
Simaroubaceae ENAlc, Bl+2c to 8(X)m on Niihau. Oahu, Molokai, Lanai. Maui and
Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz) Hawaii Islands.
A rainforest tree confmed to high-precipitation forest in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
the Uxpanapa-Chimalapa region. This small genus is Refs: 3372
endemic to Mexico.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Reynosiajamaicensis
/ee/i; 5651, 5993, 7180 Rhamnaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b
Reevesia rotundifolia The only known locality exists in a woodland area on
Sterculiaceae CR B I +2c limestone in Hanover Parish, part of the Dolphin Head.
China (Guangxi) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species is few localities on
restricted to a /?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Shiwanshan. It is a scarce component of the understorey
in monsoon forest. Recent searches into some of the RhamneUa gilgitica
original locations have found the forest cleared and the Rhamnaceae VU D2
population destroyed. Pakistan
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre A large shrub or tree, usually growing up to 5 to 7m,
/fe/f; 1818,11847 known only from the type gathering in Gilgit between
1 600 and 2450m. The young shoots and leaves are used
Rehderodendron macrocarpum as fodder. More information may indicate a more serious
Styracaceae LR/nt threat category is appropriate.
China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan), Viet Nam Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
This is one of the dominant components of broadleaved Refs: 5995
semi-deciduous forest above 1200m in south-west
China, also occurring in scattered localities in northern
and southern provinces in Viet Nam. Stands in China are

The World List of Threatened Trees

RhamnUSum caloneurum native plants. There are two species in the genus, the
Rhamnaceae DD second being found on mainland Chile.
Panama Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
No new reports of the species have been made since the Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140
original collection was taken from Bocas del Toro. The
general area of collection has been little studied. Rhaptopetalum beUngense
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Scytopetalaceae VU D2
Re/i; 7272, 7980, 16772 Gabon
An endemic to the Belinga Mountains.

RhamnuSum dietyophyUum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Rhamnaceae EN B 1 +2c Refs: 15790
A shrub or tree, very rare and confined to upland Rhaptopetalum sindarense
woodland in rocky limestone areas in Manchester Scytopetalaceae VU D2
Parish. Gabon
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A species collected in areas of closed forest in Ngounye
/?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 and in Lop6 Forest Reserve. Much
of Gabon's forests are
poorly explored and it is possible the species has a
Rhamnus capraeifolia var. matudtd wider range. There is concern over the extent to which
Rhamnaceae ENBl+2c these forests are now under concession to logging
Mexico (Veracruz) companies.
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
^c/r; 7980, 11723 Refs: 7142, 14958, 15790

Rhamnus crenulata Rheedia aristata

Rhamnaceae LR/nt Guttiferae ENBl+2c
Spain (Canary Is.) Cuba
Endemic to the Canary Islands, the species is distributed Populations of this uncommon shrub or tree have been
fairlyabundantly in dry scrub. Housing developments, recorded from numerous localities of semi-deciduous
grazing and invasive plants all pose threats to the forest on limestone or serpentine in western Cuba. The
remaining populations. The species is listed in species is threatened by overexploitation, mainly as a
government legislation of 1991. source of medicine, and the habitat is threatened by
Assessor: Baflares, A. el al. urban development and conversion for agriculture,
Refs: 19022 ranching and tourism.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Rhamnus glandulosa Refs: 9522. 11403, 19149
Rhamnaceae LR/cd
Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.) Rhipidantha chlorantha
Occurring in undisturt)ed cloud forest or *laurisilva Rubiaceae VUBl+2b, D2
above 800m, this uncommon species is largely contained Tanzania
within protected areas. The greatest threat to remaining Endemic to the North Uluguru Mountains, this is a moist
populations comes from burning. It is covered by evergreen forest species recorded only at altitudes above
regional legislation. 1450m. The genus is monospecific.
Assessor: Bahares, A. el al. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 1512, 19022, 19131 Refs: 3356, 5204

Rhamnus integrifoUa Rhododendron album

Rhamnaceae VU D2 Ericaceae VUBl+2c
Spain (Canary Is.) Indonesia (Java)
Found only in the Cumbres and Barrancos in the south A montane forest species occurring between 1200 and
of Tenerife, the species occupies a wide altitudinal range 1700m in remaining forest patches in west and central
in dry woodland and scrub. Populations appear to be Java. These areas, although they are not as badly
stable, although restricted. It is listed in government affected as forest at lower elevations, are under severe
legislation of 1991. pressure from the activities of the surrounding human
Assessor: Baiiares, A. el al. populations.
Refs: 19022 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9078
Rhaphithamnus venustus
Verbenaceae VU D2 Rhododendron cyanocarpum
Chile (Juan Fernandez Is) Ericaceae VU D2
A tree of upper montane forest. Preliminary data China (Sichuan, Yunnan)
indicate the species is confined to less than lOOkm^. Known only from Diancang Mountain in Yunnan and in
More detailed information on the species should Muli in Sichuan, the species occurs as a shrub or small
become available to confirm this evaluation. The islands tree in remaining areas of forest above 3000m.
are designated as a national park and biosphere reserve Overcutting and loss of the habitat are causing
and work is being carried out by *CONAF to save the population declines.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1818,11847

Species Summaries

Rhododendron dalhousiae var. rhabdotum collection. The area has been designated as a nature
Ericaceae VU Bl+2c reserve and the species is in cultivated as an ornamental.
Bhutan, China, India (Aninachal Pradesh) Assessor: Sun, W.
An epiphytic shrub or small tree collected in 1915 from Refs: 1818, 11847, 19055
Bhutan and subsequently from Kameng District in
Arunachal Pradesh and China. Road building and other Rhododendron rex
developmental projects are threatening the Indian Ericaceae LR/nt
population. It is a prize-winning ornamental. China (Sichuan, Yunnan), India (Arunachal Pradesh),
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myanmar
^e/S. 3013,7147 A relatively widely occurring species in the wild and a
famous ornamental in cultivation. The status of the
Rhododendron fictolacteum population in China is believed to be endangered
Ericaceae LR/cd because of its restriction to small areas of subalpine
China (Sichuan, Yunnan) evergreen forest, where fires and cutting have caused
A species of subalpine coniferous forest, occurring population declines in the past 10 years. A population is

between 2800 and 3900m, in north-west Yimnan and protected inMount Wuliang Nature Reserve.
Muli in south-west Sichuan. Some of the sites are Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
designated nature reserves but the effectiveness of their Refs: 1619,1818,11847, 19055
protection should be monitored. Trees, especially the
larger individuals, have been heavily cut for fuelwood in Rhododendron subansiriense
places. Ericaceae VU D2
Assessor: Sun, W. India (Arunachal Pradesh)
/fe/S.18I8, 11847, 19055 This species is known only from the type specimen,

which was gathered from mossy forest above 2600m.

Rhododendron jucundum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ericaceae VU D2 Refs: 1619
China (Yunnan)
An endemic of Diancang Mountain in Dali, Yunnan. It Rhododendron wattii
occurs in subalpine coniferous forest between 3500 and Ericaceae VU D2
3900m, where it frequently appears crooked and India (Manipur)
contorted from the effects of strong winds and heavy A species known only from the type locality.
snow. The area is designated a nature reserve but, at Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
present, the management measures are not thought to be Refs: 1619
sufficient to ensure the species' protection.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rhododendron wUhelminae
Refs: 1818, 11847 Ericaceae CRD I

Indonesia (Java)
Rhododendron kanehirai This species has been found only once at 1350m near the
Ericaceae EW crater on Mount Salak. It may be a natural hybrid of R.
Taiwan javanicum and R. malayanum.
A beautiful ornamental shrub, which became extinct in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
1984 during the construction of a dam and the flooding Refs: 9078
of its only known locality in the wild at Feitsui. For
several centuries it has been in cultivation and is widely Rhodognaphalon breviscupe
planted in gardens around the country. Bombacaceae VU A led
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire. Democratic Republic
Refs: 19050, 19051 of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
A timber species of West and Central Africa. It occurs in
Rhododendron loerdngii various forest types, particularly secondary forest.

Ericaceae VUBl+2c Exploitation is moderate. Little is known about

Indonesia (Java) regeneration but it does not appear to be abundant and
This species is uncommon and confined to areas of growth rates are slow.

scrub or grassland on Mount Tlerep, Merbabu and Assessor: Hawthorne, W.

Sumbing. The soil is noted to be fertile. These areas, Refs: 2362. 6127, 6718, 1 1504, 12061, 17408
although less affected than those lower elevations, are

under severe pressure from the activities and demands of Rhodognaphalon mossambicense
the surrounding human populations. Bombacaceae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Mozambique
Refs: 9078 Assessor: Bandeira, S.
Rhododendron protistum var. giganteum
Ericaceae CR C2b Rhoiplelea chiliantha
China (Yunnan) Rhoipteleaceae VU B I +2c
Fewer than 100 trees are thought to exist in an area of China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan), Viet Nam
submontane evergreen broadleaved forest in Occurring as a canopy tree in montane forest, the species
Gaoligongshan in south-west Yunnan. This population is largely confined to southern China, with restricted

was rediscovered in 1981, 62 years after its first populations in Lao Cai and Yen Bai just over the border
into northern Viet Nam. Trees generally occur singly or
in small groups. The species is a dominant element

The World List of Threatened Trees

where recolonisation is taking place after forest Rhus brenanii

clearance. The family is monotypic. Anacardiaceae ENBI+2b
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tanzania
Refs: 848, 1818, 11530, 11847, 15357, 19055. 19061 A scandent shrub or a small tree known only from moist
montane forests in the Mbeya range and the nearby
Rhopatoblaste augusia Mount Rungwe. The forests are categorised as
Palmae VU Ale catchment forest reserves but fire is causing a decline in
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Nicobar Is.) their extent in the Mbeya range.
A palm lowland forest
tree of in the moist hill valleys Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
and slopes of Nicobar Island. Refs: 3356, 10961
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Refs: 19118 Rhus delavayi
Anacardiaceae LR/cd
Rhopaloblaste elegans China (Sichuan, Yuiman)
Palmae DD Ranging throughout much of Yurman and into Sichuan,
Solomon Islands (South Solomon) the species is found in areas of monsoon forest between
A primary forest palm tree found in the moist lowlands 1 100 and 2500m. The oil from the seeds is used in
of the Solomon Islands. cooking and soap-making. Seeds are collected in some
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. quantity for this purpose. Habitat declines are also
Refs: 191 18 extensive but most of the species' range is now
contained within nature reserves.
Rhopaloblaste singaporensis Assessor: Sun, W.
Palmae LR/cd Refs: 19055
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Scattered in lowland rainforest, this species is common Rhus glutinosa ssp. abyssinica
in south Peninsular Malaysia and in the remnant forests Anacardiaceae LR/nt
of Singapore. Healthy populations exist in protected Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan
areas. Outside the parks, populations are subject to Scattered populations occur in evergreen bushland on
forestry activities and are becoming locally extinct. the Gebel Elba in Sudan and Egypt, from the Tigray
Assessor: Saw, L.G. region norihwards through Eritrea and possibly into
Refs: 19118 Saudi Arabia. There is some intergrading with the other
subspecies to the south.
Rhopalostylis baueri var. baueri Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Palmae LR/cd Refs: 1330, 2361
Norfolk Island
This variety is now largely confined to rainforest in the Rhus thyrsiflora
national park on Norfolk Island. The Norfolk Island Anacardiaceae LR/nt
Group is a World Heritage Site. The species is widely Yemen (Socotra)
cultivated and traded as an ornamental. A fairly common
tree, found in areas of submontane
Assessor: Johnson, D. woodland. under no immediate threat.
It is

Refs: 19118 Assessor: Miller, A.G.

Refs: 2354, 19083
Rhopalostylis baueri var. cheesemanii
Palmae LR/cd Rhynchocalyx lawsonioides
New Zealand (Kermadec Is.) Rhynchocalycaceae VU A2c
This variety abundant in rainforest on Raoul Island of
is South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)
the Kermadec Group. Raoul Island is a nature reserve. A monotypic genus in a monotypic family endemic to
The species is widely cultivated and traded. Pondoland in southern KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern
Assessor: Johnson, D. Transkei area of the Eastern Cape, where it is found on
Refs: 19118 forest margins and along streams and rivers. It is locally
common in places, although there is poor regeneration at
Rhopalostylis sapida some sites. There are subpopulations in a number of
Palmae LR/cd publicly owned protected areas in the region, including
New Zealand many of the demarcated forest areas in Transkei, which
An ornamental palm tree found in lowland moist forest are no longer strictly protected. Habitat destruction
up 400m.
to through cutting for firewood and timber and increasing
Assessor: Dowl, J.L. settlement could pose a problem here and in southerti
Refs: 19118 KwaZulu-Natal, where there is also concern over
encroaching agriculture.
Rhus aucheri Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.

/^nacardiaceae LR/nt Refs: 689, 17410, 19218

An Omani endemic which occurs commonly on rocky Rhytidophyllum grande var. grande
slopes and in wadis in the foothills of the Hajar Gesneriaceae LR/nt
Moimtains in the north. Jamaica
Assessor: Ghazanfar, S.A. The type variety of a Jamaican endemic, locally
Refs: 16380

Species Summaries

common in clearings and glades in forest or sheltered Rinorea crenata

thickets on limestone. Violaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Costa Rica, Panama
Refs: 6057, 7980 Confmed to two forest refugia in Chiriquf and Dari6n in
Panama and also apparently in Costa Rica, this species
Rhytidophyllum grande var. laevigatum occurs over a wide altitudinal range, in the understorey
Gesneriaceae VUBl+2c of lowland forest and as an epiphyte in cloud forest.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
One of two varieties of a Jamaican endemic. It has a Refs: 5603, 7980, 14487, 16331
local distribution in St James and Trelawny, occurring in
thickets and on open banks on rocky limestone. Rinorea deflexa
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Violaceae ENBl+2c
*e/i.- 401. 5653, 17743 Ecuador
This small tree has not been collected anywhere other
Ricinodendron heudelotii var. tomentellum than the type locality in Chimborazo forest near
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b Atacama.
Kenya, Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A taxon of dry coastal forest distributed in the Shimba Refs: 7980, 16331
Hills,Rabai and Dzombo in south-east Kenya and parts
of eastern Tanzania. It has suffered from habitat Rinorea endotricha
degradation in much of its range. Violaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Guyana, Venezuela
Refs: 3356, 10961 Although relatively widely ranging, this understorey
species is confined to areas of primary forest in the
Rinorea antioquiensis lower Orinoco basin and adjacent areas in Guyana.
Violaceae EN B 1 +2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Colombia Refs: 7980, 16331
Although recorded as locally common, this small tree is
still known only from its type location in lowland forests Rinorea haughtii
in Nechf. Violaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Calderon, E. Colombia
Refs: I960. 16331, 19069 This species occurs in lowland rainforest. It is probably
endemic to north-west Colombia where it is known from
Rinorea bicomuta three locations in Nechf and the valley of the Rfo
Violaceae ENBl+2c Magdalena.
Brazil (Amazonas) Assessor: Calderon, E.
A treewhich is known only from the type collection Refs: 7980, 16331, 19069
made in 1927 near Tef6 on a forested river bank.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rinorea hirsuta
/?e/i; 7980, 16331 Violaceae LR/nt
Colombia, Panama
Rinorea brachythrix An understorey species of lowland rainforest. It appears
Violaceae VUBl+2c to be endemic to an area, exceeding 40,000km^, in
Panama Choc6 and adjacent forested areas in Panama, such as
A small tree, collected only from San Bl^ and Daridn in Nechi and Dari^n.
various seasonal and non-seasonal lowland forest types. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 16331
^c/i; 7272, 7980, 16331
Rinorea hymenosepala
Rinorea convaUarioides var. marsabUensis Violaceae ENBI+2c
Violaceae VU D2 Colombia
Kenya Closely related to the more widespread R. ulmifolia, this
A variety confined tosubmontane forest patches, which species is known from two locations: one in the northern

exist as islands surrounded by semi-desert vegetation, in forests of the Ri'o Magdalena valley and the other near
Marsabit and Mathews. The habitat is not greatly Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
threatened at present. Assessor: Calderon, E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 16331, 19069
Refs: 1308,6396,17859
Rinorea keayi
Rinorea cordata Violaceae LR/nt
Violaceae ENBl+2c Cameroon, Nigeria
Colombia The Nigerian population of this tree appears to be

A distinctive species which is known only from the type restricted to forested valleys on the Obudu Plateau, the
location in rainforest in the northern part of the valley of northern division of Cross River National Park. Parts of
Rio Magdalena in north-west Colombia. the forest are showing signs of fire damage and there is
Assessor: Calderon, E. growing pressure to convert areas into commercial
/Je/j; 7980, 16331,19069 plantations, especially for growing bananas. The species
also appears to grow in dense populations in various

The World List of Threatened Trees

forest types in Cameroon, on the central plateau as well Rinorea squamata

as in the coastal forest. Violaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
Refs: 2773, 4977, 9133, 1 1504 Well collected and apparently relatively abundant, this
understorey species occurs in primary or disturbed
Rinorea lauri/olia lowland to submontane rainforest between south-east
Violaceae ENBl+2c Nicaragua and Panama. It is also found in forest/pasture
Colombia margins.
This tree species is known only from the type collection, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
which was made in 1936 in the valley of Ri'o Refs: 9076, 13995, 14487, 16331
Assessor: Calderon, E. Rinorea thomensis
/fe/j: 7980, 16331,19069 Violaceae VU D2
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tomfi)
Rinorea longistipulata A species known from single collections made in the last
Violaceae VU D2 century from Saudade, Santa Ana, Batepa and S. Carlos
Brazil (Acre) and from a more recent collection from Santar£m. Most
Confmed to non-flooded forest, this species has not been of the original forest below 15(X)m was cleared in the
collected from anywhere other than its type locality. first half of the century.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
^c/i; 7980, 16331 Refs: 2724, 10080

Rinorea marginata Rinorea ulmifolia

Violaceae CRBl+2c Violaceae VUBl+2c
Colombia Colombia
A species collected only from the river banks of the A species which, although endemic to north-west
southern Ri'o Magdalena valley. Colombia, is relatively well collected in the Ri'o
Assessor: Calderon, E. Magdalena valley from Bogotd to Sierra Nevada de
Refs: 7980, 16331, 19069 Santa Marta.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Rinorea maximiliani /?e/i.- 7980, 16331,19069
Violaceae CRBl+2c
Brazil (Espirito Santo) Rinorea wcpanapana
The type locality, to which the species appears to be Violaceae VU D2
confm^, was discovered nearly 200 years ago in an area Mexico (Veracruz)
of coastal rainforest of Espirito Santo. An isolated and distinctive species of Rinorea, growing
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre in seasonal forest on karst limestone. It is known only
Refs: 7980, 16331 from the type collection of 1982, taken from Uxpanapa.
Although there has been much deforestation, the areas
Rinorea oraria on karst are generally unattractive to cultivate or log.
Violaceae VU D2 The species appears to be more closely related to
Venezuela paleotropical members of the genus.
A species which appears to be confined to its type Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
location on the slopes of the Coastal Cordillera in Refs: 5603, 5651, 7980, 8283, 16331
Venezuela, between 700 and 800m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rinorea villosiflora
Refs: 19»G, \632\ Violaceae ENBl+2c
Brazil (Maranh^o)
Rinorea pectino-squamata Apparently confined to the type locality along a road in
Violaceae VU D2 the estate of Santa Maria, this species occurs in non-
French Guiana flooded forest.
This species is known only from the 1982 type Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
collection, located along a road in northem French Refs: 7980, 16331
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Robinsonella brevituba
/?c/i; 7980, 16331 Malvaceae VU Ale
Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz)
Rinorea ramiziana A species of high precipitation rainforest, occurring in
Violaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c the Tuxtepec and Uxpanapa-Chimalapa regions.
Brazil (Espfrito Santo, Rio de Janeiro) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Confined to coastal forest refuges and savanna forest, /?e/i; 5651, 5993
the species is known only from the north of Rio de
Janeiro and Alegre.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 16331
Robinsonella mirandae
VUAlc, Bl+2c 1
Endemic to the Gulf region, this canopy tree is restricted
to remaining areas of rainforest.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5993, 14293

Species Summaries

Robinsonetta samaricarpa the type collection made in 1933 at the mouth of Rio
Malvaceae VUAlc Macauhan.
Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A large tree of high precipitation rainforest, occurring Refs: 4624, 6728, 7980
largely in the Uxpanapa-Chimalapa region.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre RoUinia centrantha
Refs: 5993 Annonaceae DD
Ecuador, Peru?
Robynsia glabrata The species is known from two disjunct locations in the
Rubiaceae VU Ale Amazon. The range may be found to be more extensive
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Nigeria after further collections have been fiilly determined. The
A species which is uncommon and located in the flower structure is the only feature that distinguishes this
severely degraded dry forests of southern Cote d'lvoire, species from R. cuspidata.
Ghana and Nigeria. These areas are vulnerable to the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
effects of population growth and associated activities. Refs: 6728, 7980
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
/f«/i: 2773, 8369, 12061 RoUinia chrysocarpa
Annonaceae VU D2
Rochefortia acrantha Ecuador? (Ecuador?), Peru
Boraginaceae VU Bl-t-2c A distinctive species, known only from the type
Jamaica collection, within a 50m altitudinal belt in the Peruvian
A small tree or shrub, which is restricted to areas of Amazon. Similar, but undetermined, specimens occur in
woodland on rocky limestone in Trelawny and Napo, in Ecuador.
Westmoreland. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 349, 6728, 7980
/?e/jr.- 401, 5653, 7980
Rolttnia ecuadorensis
RoVinia amazoniea Annonaceae VUBl+2c
Annonaceae VU D2 Ecuador
Colombia A tree species with a range covering less than 20,000
This is a rare species restricted to low altitudes in km', confined to lowland rainforest in Napo. It is found
Trap&io Amazonico. in the Jatun Sacha Biological Reserve.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2228, 6507, 6728, 7980 Refs: 2228, 6728, 7980, 18190

Rottinia andicola RoUinia ferruginea

Annonaceae LR/nt Annonaceae EN A 1 c+2c, B 1 +2c
Ecuador, Peru Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
montane forest, between 1200 and
Restricted to areas of This species grows to a maximum of 2m. It is very rare
1900m, the species has not been widely collected and restricted to forests around the city of Rio de
although it does have a relatively wide extent of Janeiro, where increasing urbanisation places it under
occurrence ( > 70,000 km'). serious threat. It has been found on the north side of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tijuca National Park.
Refs: 6728, 7980 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 6728, 6767, 7980
RoUinia bahiensis
Annonaceae VUBl+2c Rolttnia helosioides
Brazil (Bahia) Annonaceae CR Bl+2e,Cl, Dl
Confined lowland coastal forests, this small tree is
to Brazil, Ecuador
threatened with the loss of its habitat. It extends Current information states that this species is reduced to
probably just over 20,000 km'. a single tree in Jatun Sacha Biological Reserve, Ecuador.
Assessor: World Conservation Motiitoring Centre However, previous information suggests it may also be

Refs: 2228, 3912, 6728, 7980 found in Brazil.

Assessor: Buitr6n, X. et at.

RoUinia boliviana Refs: 2228, 6728, 6767, 7980, 19195

Annonaceae ENBl+2c
Bolivia Rolttnia herzogii
This species has only once been collected, in 1939 in Annonaceae LR/cd
Larecaja, La Paz. Bolivia, Peru
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This tree or shrub is recorded in forest and savanna areas
Refs: 2228, 6728, 7980, 17460 in two disjunct locations in Peru, including Tambopata
Wildlife Reserve, and in Bolivia.
RoUinia calcarata Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Annonaceae EN Bl+2c Refs: 6728, 7980
Brazil (Acre)
This is an imusual species, which is known only from RoUinia hispida
Annonaceae VU B 1 +2c
Ecuador, Peru
A small tree confined to an area possibly less than

The World List of Threatened Trees

20,000kin' in the Amazon of Peru and Ecuador. It Roltinia xylopufolia

occurs in Iparfa National Forest. Annonaceae LR/nt
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Brazil (Espfrito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Refs: 349, 6728, 7980 A small forest tree or shrub, which ranges over an area
greater than 40,000km'. It is also found on the margin of
RoUutia occidentaUs *campo cerrado.
Annonaceae VU B 1 +2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Argentina, Bolivia Refs: 6728, 7980
The species appears to be endemic to the piedmont
forest of north-west Argentina and Bolivia, an Romeroa verticiUata
unprotected ecosystem which is rapidly being replaced Bignoniaceae VU Bl+2c
by agricultural systems. Colombia
Assessor: Prado, D. A monotypic genus, confined to Magdalena Valley in
Refs: 19122 Boyac^ and Santander.
Assessor: Calderon, E.
Roltinia pachyantha Refs: 7980, 19069
Annonaceae ENBl+2c
Colombia Rondeletia adamsii
The species isconfined to lowland rainforest in Valle. Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
The site of a 1985 collection coincides with the Jamaica
proposed route for a road to a military base. An endemic to the Cockpit Country, occurring on rocky
Assessor: Calderon, E. limestone in Qarendon and Trelawny.
Refs: 6728, 7980, 19069 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Roltinia parviflora
Annonaceae LR/nt Rondeletia amplexicautis
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
A shrub or tree from forest in Rio de Janeiro. It is known Jamaica
from several locations and is not uncommon. Found in open glades or woodland on clay banks, the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre species is restricted to Trelawny.
Refs: 6728, 7980 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 401, 5653, 7980
Roltinia pickelti
Aimonaceae VU B 1 +2c Rondeletia brachyphyUa
Brazil (Parafba, Pemambuco) Rubiaceae EN Bl+2c
This small tree is restricted to a fairly small area (< Jamaica
20,000km') in the highly threatened "restinga vegetation Occurring in small numbers on rocky serpentine
on the coast of Paraiba and Pemambuco States. hillsides, the species is confined to the southern John
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Crow Mountains between 750 and 900m.
/?e/i.- 6728, 7980, 14516 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 17743
Roltinia rufinervis
Annonaceae DD Rondeletia cincta
Colombia Rubiaceae CR C2a
This species is known only from a small area along Rfo Jamaica
Magdalena north-west of Bogoti. There appear to be only a few individuals, confined to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the summits of Dolphin Head and Bubby Hill. There is
Refs: 2228, 6728, 7980, 14516 evidence of selective logging and some hurricane
Roltinia ubatubensis Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Annonaceae LR/nt /?f/i.- 401, 5653, 7980
Brazil (Sao Paulo)
A forest tree, endemic to Ubatuba. It may extend over an Rondeletia clarendonensis
area greater than 20,000 km' but there is evidence that it Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
is threatened. Jamaica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A rare small tree or shrub of exposed craggy sites on
Refs: 6728, 6767, 7980 limestone. It is recorded only from the parishes of
Clarendon and St Ann.
Roltinia velutina Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Aimonaceae LR/nt Refs: 5653, 19085
Colombia, Venezuela
Fairly wide-ranging, the species is found in low-altitude Rondeletia dolphinensis
forests inBoyaci to Barinas. Rubiaceae ENBl-t-2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Jamaica
Refs: 6728, 7980 A species known only from the summit slopes of
Dolphin Head, where it occurs locally in moist forest on
limestone between 450 and 500m.
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085

Species Summaries

Rondeletia elegans especially in the latter parish, has been destroyed or

Rubiaceae VUBl+2c severely degraded.
Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An uncommon tree or shrub, restricted to moist «e/i; 6057, 7980, 19116
secondary forest on limestone hills in Portland and St
Thomas between 360 and 680m. It resembles R. pallida, Rondeletia peruviana
an equally rare species, and may not be worthy of Rubiaceae VU D2
taxonomic distinction. The habitat, especially in St Peru
Thomas, has been almost completely destroyed or A species which is recorded only from the type
severely degraded. collection taken from Amazon forest in the department
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of Loreto.
We/i.- 6057, 7980, 191 16 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984
Rondeletia galeottU
Rubiaceae VU Ale Rondeletia portlandensis
Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz) Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
A species of high precipitation rainforest, occurring in Jamaica
the regions of Los Tuxtlas and Uxpanapa-Chimalapa. Recorded only from Portland, the species occurs in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre damp thickets and mossy forest on limestone. It has
Refs: 5993 recently been found above Ecclesdown.
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Rondeletia glauca Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Rubiaceae LR/nt
Jamaica Rondeletia racemosa
A scrambling shrub or tree, the species has a local Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
distribution inwoodland on sheltered limestone banks in Jamaica
St Catherine, Trelawny and St Ann. A of submontane forest in Portland, St Andrew and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre St Thomas. Almost all the accessible forest below
Refs: 6057, 7980 1400m in the latter two parishes has been destroyed or
severely degraded.
Rondeletia hanisii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rubiaceae LR/nt Re/i. 6057, 7980, 19116
A small unconmion tree or shrub, restricted to Hanover, Rondeletia subsessilifolia
Trelawny and St Ann, where it occurs in woodland on Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
limestone. Jamaica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Known only from Portland Parish, the species has a very
Refs: 6057, 7980 local distribution, confined to mossy thickets in wet
areas on limestone. There is also a putative specimen in
Rondeletia hirsuta the forest above Ecclesdown.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Jamaica Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
A small shrub or tree known only from Portland and St
Thomas, where it occurs between 120 and 550m in Roscheria melanochaetes
lowland forested ravines. In the more accessible places Palmae LR/nt
forest areas are almost completely destroyed or severely Seychelles
degraded. A common palm tree found in moist forest on steep
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre hillsidesand slopes. Populations are restricted to Mahe,
*c/j.- 6057, 7980, 19116 Praslin and Silhouette Islands. It regenerates well.
Assessor: Murugaiyan, P.
Rondeletia hirta Refs: 19118
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
Jamaica Rosselia bracteata
A small tree or shrub which is locally frequent in St Burseraceae VUBl+2c
Andrew and St Thomas and woodland on
in thickets Papua New Guinea
steep rocky slopes between 240 and 900m. Most of the A newly described genus, endemic to Rossel Island in
accessible areas of forest have been destroyed. the Louisiade Archipelago. The area was thickly
Assessor: Bellingham, P. forested a ce.atury ago.
Re/j; 6057, 7980, 19116 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 476
Rondeletia pallida
Rubiaceae VUBl+2c Rothmannia annae
Jamaica Rubiaceae VUAIa,Dl+2
Uncommon and confined to Portland and St Thomas, the Seychelles
species occurs up to 600m in woodland on hmestone, The only wild populations remaining are confined to the
especially where it is wet. Most, if not all, of the forest. Aride Islands. Populations on Mah6, Silhouette, Praslin
and Felicite Islands became extinct in the early part of
the century. A count has been made of 922 mature plants
which appear to be healthy and regenerating, although

The World List of Threatened Trees

recent declines in numbers are thought to have been landscapes between 350 and 420m. This species is
caused by shading from other species. Past dechnes on difficult to distinguish from the common R. regia.
other islands are probably attributable to widespread Assessor: Zona, S.
forest clearance. Parasitism by the mealy bug (Icerya Refs: 19118
seychellarum), although often stated as a contributing
factor, has little effect on the health and reproductive Roystonea princeps
capacity of individuals. Aride Island is a Special Palmae LR/nt
Reserve. Jamaica
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles An early pioneer which occurs in wetland areas below
Refs: 10610, 11417, 17229, 19025. 19062 10m in the Great Morass region of western Jamaica.
Two main populations exist, covering an area of less
Rothmannia macrosiphon than 400km*. The total population size is unknown but
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b estimated at between 5000 and 10,000 individuals.
Kenya, Tanzania Increasing settlement and the decline in soil water
A sometimes scrambling shrub or small tree. It ranges content are the main threats.
from moist coastal forests in Buda, Marenge, Shimba, Assessor: Zona, S.
Arabuko and Mangea in Kenya to areas of east and Refs: 19118
south-east Tanzania.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Roystonea regia var. hondurensis
Refs: 3356, 10961 Palmae CR C2a
Roupala brachybotrys This variety appears to be endemic to Honduras and
Proteaceae VUBl+2c confmed to a small area of humid forest in the Atlantic
Ecuador lowlands. The timber is exploited for construction work.
This Ecuadorean endemic inhabits cloud forest between Assessor: Nelson, C.
2600 and 2700m in the province of Azuay. Refs: 7645, 13995
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119,19120 Roystonea stellata
Palmae EN Dl
Roupala loxensis Cuba
Proteaceae VUBl+2c Confined to Yagiuma Terrace in the Maisf region of
Ecuador Cuba, this palm tree occurs in lowland open forest. For
This Ecuadorean endemic inhabits montane cloud forest the last four decades, its preferred habitat has been
in Loja Province. converted to coffee plantations. No trees were found in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1990 during a search of the area.
Refs: 19119, 19120 Assessor: Zona, S.
Refs: 19118
Roupala pinnata
Proteaceae VUBl+2c Ruagea microphylla
Peru Meliaceae VUBI+2c
This species is known from submontane forest up to Ecuador
about 3500m in Hu^uco. This endemic tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre inhabits cloud forest between 2200m and 2650m in Lx>ja
Refs: 1984 Province.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Roupala sphenophyllum Refs: 19119,19120
Proteaceae VU D2
Peru Ruagea ovalis
A species which known only from
is the type collection Meliaceae VU D2
taken from Amazon forest in Loreto. Bolivia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A rarely collected species confined to the eastern slopes
Refs: 1984 of the Andes in BoUvia.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Roystonea dunlapiana Refs: 19S0, 12281
Palmae ENBl+2c
Honduras, Mexico Rudgea microcarpa
In Honduras, the species occurs in humid forest in the Rubiaceae VU D2
Atlantic lowIands.The population is considered to be Peru
Critically Endangered (CR C2a). The wood is used for Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
construction. The only other occurrence is recorded in in submontane forest in the department of Hu^uco.
south-east Mexico. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 1984
Refs: 7645, 12985, 13995, 16980
Rudgea obesiflora
Roystonea lenis Rubiaceae VU D2
Palmae VU Dl+2 Peru
Cuba Known only from the type collection, this lowland forest
Confmed to Guant^amo Province, this early pioneer
palm tree occurs in lowland open forest and anthropic

Species Summaries

species was collected from the Amazon in Loreto. Rytigynia adenodonta var. reticulata
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Refs: 1984 Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia
This variant, as with the type variety, occurs in dry
Rudgea stenophylla montane forest in the Nyika Plateau and parts of
Rubiaceae VU D2 Tanzania. It is restricted to lower altitudes, from 1800 to
Peru 1950m.
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
in lowland forest in the department of San Martin. Refs: 1308,3356,8814
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Rytigynia binata
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
Ruellia insignis Tanzania
Acanthaceae VU D2 A dry coastal species endemic to east and south-east
Yemen (Socotra) Tanzania.
A small tree or shrub which is scattered, occasionally Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
common, in areas of moist submontane woodland. There /?e/i. 3356,8814
are no immediate threats.
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Rytigynia bugoyensis ssp. glabriflora
Refs: 19083 Rubiaceae VUBI+2b
Malawi, Tanzania
Ruprechtia apetala A shrub or small tree confined to areas of moist montane
Polygonaceae LR/nt forest in four localities, including Ukaguru, Rungwe and
Argentina (Catamarca, C6rdoba, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta, Songea in Tanzania.
San Luis, Santiago del Estero, Tucum^), Bolivia Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
A species of scrubland and woodland. Although Refs: 1308,3356,8814
occurring widely, it is found in areas which are heavily
degraded and overgrazed by goats, sheep and cattle. It is Rytigynia caudatissima
unknown whether the species is regenerating. Rubiaceae VU B 1 +2b, D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tanzania
R^s: 1262,5112, 19170 An endemic of the Udzungwa Mountains, restricted to
an area of moist montane forest at Sanje.
Ryania speciosa var. mutisU Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Flacourtiaceae EX Refs: 3356, 10961
A Colombian form of a widespread South American Rytigynia celastroides var. nuda
species. It is believed to have occurred in Tolima and/or Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Cundinamarca. Tanzania
Assessor: Calderon, E. A variety confined to dry coastal forest areas in east and
Refs: 7980, 19069 south-east Tanzania and on 2^zibar Island.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Ryparosa fasciculata y?e/t; 3356, 8814
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2a
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Rytigynia eickU
A small tree of Malacca and Pahang, inhabiting lowland Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
secondary forest up to 300m. Kenya, Tanzania
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. A shrub or small tree ranging from the forest fringes and
Refs: 8464, 19073 rocky bushland in the Taita Hills to areas of moist forest
at medium elevation in eastern Tanzania.
Ryparosa scortechinii Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Flacourtiaceae LR/cd Re/5.- 3356, 6396, 8814
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Inhabiting rainforest up to 900m, this small tree ranges Rytigynia hirsutiflora
from Penang and Kelantan southwards. Part of the range Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b
is contained within Taman Negara National Park. Tanzania
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. An endemic of the North Udzungwa Mountains, the
Refs: 8464, 9199, 17140, 19073 species is known from areas of moist montane forest at
Sanje and Udekwa.
Rytigynia adenodonta var. adenodonta Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Refs: 3356, SSH
Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia
The higher altitude variant of the species. Populations Rytigynia indula
are known from the Nyika Plateau within Malawi and Rubiaceae VUBI+2b
Zambia and further north in parts of Tanzania, where Ke:iya, Tanzania
there is dry montane forest. A shrub or small tree confined to a few areas of forest or
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke thicket in Kenya and to dry montane forest in Loliondo
Refs: 1308,3356,8814 and Ufiomi in Tanzania.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Qarke
Rc/j; 3356, 6396, 12067

The World List of Threatened Trees

Rytigynia ttchenoxenos ssp. glabrituba low elevations. It is used locally as a source of timber,
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b food, fibre and thatching.
Tanzania Assessor: Quero, H.J.
One of the subspecies of a Tanzanian endemic. It is Refs: 19118
found in moist montane forest at Mufmdi in the
Udzungwa Mountains and at Nditima along the upper Sabal pumos
Ruhudje River. Palmae VU Ale
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Mexico
Refs: 3356, 8814 An endemic palm of Mexico confmed to the Balsas
Valley, where it is found on sandy soils in the transition
Rytigynia ttchenoxenos ssp. ttchenoxenos zone between tropical deciduous forest and oak forest.
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b Increasing agriculture is causing habitat loss.
Tanzania Assessor: Quero, H.J.
Endemic to the South Uluguru Mountains, this Rffs: 19118
subspecies is restricted to high-altitude moist evergreen
forest. Sabal uresana
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Palmae VU Ale
Refs: 3356, 8814 Mexico
An endemic palm of Mexico, confmed to the Sierra
Rytigynia longipedicellata Madre Occidental, where it is scattered in thorn forest
Rubiaceae EN Bl+2bc and oak forest along watercourses.
Tanzania Assessor: Quero, H.J.
A species which appears now to be confmed to the Refs: 19118
remaining areas of undisturbed coastal forest in the
Rondo Forest Reserve (MOkm^). The forest has been Saccopetalum prottficum
severely disturbed by logging, shifting cultivation, wood Annonaceae VUAlcd
collection and plantation establishment in the past. The China (Guangdong - Hainan)
presence of forest management staff activities is helping An endemic of Hainan Island, confmed to remaining
to discourage local exploitation. areas of semi-deciduous monsoon and rainforest in
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke valleys below 500m. The species can occur commonly
Refs: 3356, 16796 and regenerates well, but it is cut for its timber and has
experienced rapid rates of decline in its habitat because
Rytigynia nodulosa of logging and the increase in the amount of land
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b coming under cultivation.
Tanzania Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An endemic of the cloud forests in the North Uluguru Refs: 1818, 11847
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Sageraea grandiflora
Re/i.- 3356, 8814 Annonaceae ENBl+2c
India (Kerala)
Rytigynia pseudolongicaudata For a long time the species was known only from
Rubiaceae VU Bl+2b collections taken in the 19th century from Konni forest
Tanzania in Quilon District, a large part of which has been logged
A shrub or small tree occurring in moist montane forest and replaced with commercial crops. The species now
areas in the Ukaguru Mountains, South Uluguru appears to be sparsely distributed in a few additional
Mountains and at Mwanihana in the Udzungwa localities of lowland forest in the area.
Mountains. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke Refs: 2538, 19144
y?e/i.- 3356,8814
Sageraea laurifolia
Sabal bermudana Annonaceae LR/nt
Palmae ENBI+2cd India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Bermuda Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
An endemic species confined to the few remaining Refs: 19144
patches of lowland dry or marshy scrub. The largest
population is in Paget Marsh. This ornamental palm tree Sageraea thwaitesu
is widely cultivated and traded internationally. Natural Annonaceae ENBI+2c
stands are protected under the Tree Preservation Orders Sri Lanka
and the Woodland Preservation Orders. A rare species found in wet and dry forest. During the
Assessor: Johnson, D. extensive surveys conducted for the National
Refs: 19118 Conservation Review, populations were found in single
localities in Ratnapura District and Anuradapura
Sabal gretheriae District.
Palmae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mexico (Yucat^) Refs: 15431,17195,19112
A palm confmed to the Yucat&i Peninsula, inhabiting
open disturbed herbaceous vegetation on sandy soils at

Species Summaries

Sakoanala madagascariensis Salacia miegei

Leguminosae ENBl+2abc Celastraceae VU B 1 +2c
Madagascar Cote d'lvoire
A coastal, evergreen forest species connned to only four Endemic to Cote d'lvoire, this species appears to be
known localities, all in fragments of now very restricted scattered throughout the country but only in remnants of
(200kni' *AC)0) and continually decreasing forest in primary Extensive logging in the coimtry in the
eastern coastal Madagascar, near Toamasina. Trees are decades has caused the rapid decline of forest.
last three
selectively felled for construction timber. Assessor: Assi, A.
Assessor: Du E^ly, D. & H. Labat Refs: 12822
Refs: 12353
Sakoanala viltosa ssp. menabeensis Salicaceae VUBl+2c
Leguminosae VUBl+2abc USA (Florida, Georgia)
Madagascar A small tree, confined to scattered sites from Pulaski and
A rare and poorly known woodland species confined to Early Counties in southern Georgia to Lake and northern
the coastal plains of western Madagascar, with a known Orange Counties in central peninsular Florida. It grows
distribution of 20 000 km' (*EOO). Vegetation in the in very wet soils, usually in dense swampy woods, often
area is already very fragmented and declining. at streamsides. About 12-15 sites are knovm, in some of

Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat which the species may now be extinct.
Refs: 12353 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9254
Sakoanala villosa ssp. villosa
Leguminosae EN Bl-f2abc Salix kusanoi
Madagascar Salicaceae EN C2a
A deciduous woodland subspecies confined to the
rare Taiwan
Ankarana Massif and around Antsiranana at the northern A shrub or small tree which occurs in two widely
tip of Madagascar, on limestone. Covering an estimated separated localities, one in the north-east and the other in
250km' (*AC)0), most of the area is very fragmented the southern tip of Taiwan. Populations are small and
and declining rapidly. The Ankarana population is isolated, occurring in wetland areas or of
at the side

protected within the Ankarana Reserve. rivers or ponds. A large part of the habitat has been
Assessor: Du Puy, D. & H. Labat converted into paddy fields, fishing ponds and houses.
Refs: 12353 No protection or conservation measures are in place.
Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Salacia lehmbachii var. manus-lacertae Refs: 3295, 6469, 19050, 19053
Celastraceae VU D2
Gabon Salix magnifica
An endemic of the Belinga Mountains. The vegetation in Salicaceae VU A led
some areas is degraded by agricultural encroachment. China (Sichuan)
Several other restricted-range variants of this species Confined to scattered localities in western Sichuan, the
exist because of the tendency for variable characteristics species is found in montane broadleaved evergreen
to stabihse when populations become isolated. forest in valleys by streams. Individuals are apparently
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre becoming scarcer in places because of the destruction of
Refs: 12323 the habitat. Populations on Mount Wolong are
undisturbed as this is one of the sites where the giant
Salacia lehmbachii yar.pes-ranulae panda occurs.
Celastraceae VU Bl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cameroon, Nigeria Refs: 1818,11847
This variety is localised in the remaining protected
forests in the Oban Hills, extending into south-east SaUx tarraconensis
d'Ebolowa in Cameroon. Forests outside these areas Salicaceae CRBl+2c
have been extensively felled and cleared for agriculture. Spain
Several restricted range variants of this species exist A small shrubby tree, known from dispersed
because of the tendency for variable characteristics to populations, generally consisting of between 10 and 40
stabilisewhen populations become isolated. individuals, within areas of sclerophyllous submontane
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre scrub in the coastal cordillera between Castell6n and
Refs: 4977, 12323 Tarragona. The opening up of forestry roads has caused
some habitat loss. Part of the range is protected within a
Salacia lehmbachii var. uregaensis national reserve.

Celastraceae VU D2 Assessor: Vivero, J.L. et al.

Democratic Republic of Congo Refs: 1512,7222,7741, 13560

This variety is known only from the type locality in the
Forestier Central. Several other restricted-range variants Sambucus palmensis
of this species exist because of the tendency of variable Caprifoliaceae CR C2a
characteristics to stabilise when populations become Spain (Canary Is.)
isolated. A dioecious species known from a few scattered
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre individuals in cloud forest on the islands of Tenerife,

Refs: 12323 Gomera, Gran Canaria and La Palma. It has a very poor
regenerative capacity and the few remaining populations
are threatened to a degree by fire, grazing and

The World List of Threatened Trees

overexploitation of the medicinal bark. The species is Santalum femandezianum

the focus of a rescue programme which is attempting to Santalaceae EX
establish new populations. It is also listed in government Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is)
legislation of 1991. Last seen in 1908, the species was cut to extinction for
Assessor: Baiiares, A. et al. its aromatic wood.

Refs: 8716, 10862, 16500, 19022 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/Je/i; 3241, 5651

Sambttcus tigranU
Caprifoliaceae VU D2 Santalum freycinetiamun var. lanaiense
Fomer USSR Santalaceae VU Alee
A shrub reaching 3m in height, restricted to dry, stony USA (Hawaii)
slopes in the resort of Arzni, Mount Aragaz, and the A relatively common species with three morphologically
Ervard Ravine, Armenia. It is a promising species for overlapping varieties. This variant is known from Lanai
forestry. and Maui, where it occurs in a unique dry forest type
Assessor: Firsov, G.A. which has steadily declined under the influence of
Refs: 19056 grazing deer and spreading alien plant species.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Samyda glabrata Refs: 3372
Flacourtiaceae VU Bl+2c
Jamaica Santalum haleakalae
There is little distinction between this species and 5. Santalaceae VU D2
villosa. Both are uncommon, small trees. This species is USA (Hawaii)
known from St Thomas and Portland, where it is Known only from Haleakala on East Maui,
this small
restricted to thickets on limestone in wet areas between shrubland on dry slopes up to
tree is scattered in alpine
altitudes of 250 and 900m. 2700m, especially in fogswept areas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Motiitoring Centre
Refs: 6057, 7980 Refs: 3372

Samyda villosa Santalum insulare var. hendersonensis

Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c Santalaceae VU D2
Jamaica Pitcaini Islands
There is little distinction between this species and S. A variety of a widespread Polynesian species endemic to
glabrata. It is uncommon and confmed to pastures, Henderson Island. In the plateau forests it is a semi-
thickets and woodland on limestone in Clarendon, decumbent tree, becoming more shrubby and scarcer in
Manchester and Trelawny. cliff and more open communities. The total population
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre size is calculated to be between 2000 and 4()00 plants.
Refs: 6057, 7980 The regeneration potential of the taxonis likely to be

affected by poor fruiting performance. It is also partially

Sandoricum vidalii parasitic, which hampers the cultivation of the plant ex
Meliaceae VU A led situ. Related taxa have been widely exterminated from
Philippines their range through exploitation for the perfume and
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of incense industry. Henderson Island is a World Heritage
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation Site.
have led to considerable population declines. Assessor: Waldren, S.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre «e/i.- 434, 8306, 13604
^e/j; 2072, 4919, 18088
Santalum insulare var. insulare
Santalum album Santalaceae LR/nt
Santalaceae VU Aid French Polynesia (Society Is.)
China, India (Kamataka, Tamil Nadu), Indonesia One of the numerous varieties of a variable species,
(Lesser Sunda Is.), Philippines found only on Tahiti.
Sandalwood is a hemi-parasitic plant which
is widely Assessor: Florence, J.

scattered in dry
deciduous forests. Regeneration is Refs: 14513
mostly vegetative by wood suckers or coppicing and is
very successful in places. Viable seeds are produced Santalum insulare var. marchionense
after five years and dispersed by birds. Fire, grazing and Santalaceae VU B 1 +2c
most importantly exploitation of the wood for fine French Polynesia (Marquesas Is.)
furniture and carving and also oil are threatening the One of the numerous varieties of a variable species. This
species. Export of the timber is banned from India but taxon was once abundant in areas of humid forest and
smuggling has assumed alarming proportions. was the main source of wood for early European
Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop colonists. Overexploitation led to extensive deforestation
Refs: 6426, 6431, 8483, 9328, 12937, 13285, 19075, and the reduction of the taxon to small remnants of its
19076, 19077 former population.
Assessor: Florence, J.

«e/i; 434, 14513


Species Summaries

Saatalum insulare var. margaretae Santiria nigricans

Santalaceae CRBI+2c Burseraceae VUBl+2c
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) Malaysia (Sarawak)
One of the numerous varieties of a variable species. It is Endemic to Sarawak, this tree is scattered in mixed
known from a small population at Tanga on Rapa Iti. dipterocarp forest up to 1600m. So far it known only
Assessor: Florence, J. from Sungai Jelalong, Selampit, Balingian, Mulu
Refs: 434, 14513 National Park and Lambir National Park.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Santalum insulare var. raiateense Refs: 19017
Santalaceae LR/nl
French Polynesia (Society Is.) Santiria rubiginosa var. latipetiolata
One of the numerous varieties of a variable species. The Burseraceae VU D2
main population occurs on Moorea. It is also known Malaysia (Sarawak)
from Raiatea, where its status is critically endangered. Endemic to Sarawak, this variety is known from only
Assessor: Florence, J. two collections from the Lambir National Park; it was
Refs: 14513 found in mixed dipterocarp forest on ridges at 250m.
Trees are cut for kedondong timber.
Santalum insulare var. raivavense Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Santalaceae CRBl+2c Refs: 11145,19017
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
One of the numerous varieties of a variable species. It Santiria rubiginosa \ar. pedicellata
occurs only on Raivavae in the Tubuai Group. Burseraceae ENAlc+2c
Assessor: Florence, J. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 14513 This variety is common in 'he threatened swamp forests
of Sarawak, a habitat type which has been licensed for
Santalum macgregorii timber extraction by the year 2000. The wood is cut for
Santalaceae EN A 1 cd, C kedondong timber; small amounts of Santiria timber are
Indonesia? (Irian Jaya?), Papua New Guinea exported to Japan.
A parasitic or semi-parasitic sf>ecies found in open Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
savanna vegetation and in savanna forest in gullies in the Refs: 10148, 11145, 19017
eastern part of Western Province and possibly also in
south-east Irian Jaya. As with all other sources of Santiria sarawakana
sandalwood, this species is overexploited for its scented Burseraceae VU D2
wood, which is used for incense, perfume, essential oil Malaysia (Sarawak)
and carving. In Papua New Guinea the exploitation This uncommon tree of lowland forest up to 120m is
began at the turn of the last century; now the resource is endemic to Sarawak. It is known only from two
greatly depleted as there are few mature trees or virgin collections, from the Miri and Sabel Forest Reserve.
stands. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Eddowes, P.J. Refs: 19017
Refs: 19114, 19147
Sapindus oahuensis
Santiria dacryodifolia Sapindaceae VU Alee
Burseraceae VU D2 USA (Hawaii)
Malaysia (Sarawak) The species is found in various forest types up to 61 Om
This small tree is uncommon in Sarawak, where it has in north-westernKauai and in the Waianae and Koolau
been collected only once from a ridge top at 14CX)m on Mountains on Oahu.
Ulu Sungai Maria, Lawas. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 3372
Refs: 19017
Sapium aubrevillei
Santiria impressinervis Euphorbiaceae VUAIc, BI+2c
Burseraceae VU D2 Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Malaysia (Sarawak) Restricted to wet evergreen forest, this species is known
Konwn only from the type, this small tree was found in from a few scattered populations, e.g. in Atewa and
old secondary forest near the Pamerario River at Bario Subri Forest Reserves in Ghana. It is also recorded in
in the Kelabit Highlands. Cote d'lvoire. In both countries these habitats have
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre suffered from the effects of mining, logging and
Refs: 19017 commercial forestry activities, e.g. parts of Subri Forest
Reserve have been deforested for industrial plantations.
Santiria kalkmaniana Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Burseraceae VU A1c-h2c Re/r; 6127, 8369, 12061
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Rarely occuring, this tree of lowland and hill forest is Sapium bourgeaui
known only from a few collections from Sabah and Eupnorbiaceae VU Ale
Sarawak. Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Endemic to the Gulf region, the species is restricted to

Refs: 19017

The World List of Threatened Trees

the remaining rainforests, ranging no further north than Saprosma scabridum

southern Veracruz. Rubiaceae EN Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Refs: 5993 Known from four collections in total, this endemic
species is restricted to the wet forests of south-west Sri
Sapium harrisU Lanka, two collections were made last century. The two
Euphorbiaceae LR/nt recent collections were found in forest reserves during
Jamaica the comprehensive surveys conducted for the National
A pioneer species of the Blue Mountains. It occurs in Conservation Review.
colonies in forest gaps and as sparsely scattered large Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
trees in submontane forest, especially on steep unstable Refs: 8203, 16943, 18796, 19112
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Saraca asoca
/Je/j; 6057, 7980, 12564 Leguminosae VU B I +2c
India, Sri Lanka
Sapium luzonicum Occurring in the south and central Western Ghats and
Euphorbiaceae VUAlcd Sri Lanka, this small tree has become threatened in some
Philippines parts of its range mainly through the loss of its habitat.
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of No populations were found in Sri Lanka during the
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and
have led to considerable population declines. 1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre the species is either extremely rare or possibly extinct. It
/fe/i; 4919, 5651, 12937 is commonly cultivated and regarded as sacred.
Medicinal extracts from the bark are commercially
Sapium saUense valuable and exported.
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in
Argentina, Bolivia India
Thought to be endemic to the piedmont forest of north- /?e/i;561,18325, 19110, 19112
west Argentina and Bolivia, the species occurs in an
unprotected ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced Saraca celebica
by agricultural systems. Leguminosae LR/nt
Assessor: Prado, D. Indonesia (Sulawesi)
Refs: 19122 This species, endemic to Sulawesi, is known from only
five collections; it is found near lowland streams.
Sapium triloculare Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b Refs: 4329, 19017
Kenya, Tanzania
A population has recently been found in remnant forest Sarawakodendron filamentosum
at Pangani Rocks, in Kenya. Otherwise the species is Celastraceae VU D2
known only from remaining dry coastal forest in east Malaysia (Sarawak)
and south-east Tanzania, A monotypic genus endemic to Sarawak. This small tree
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke grows in mixed dipterocarp forest and *kerangas forest.
Refs: 2074, 3356, 5204, 6396 It is known only from Nyabau Forest Reserve, Bako

National Park, Sri Aman and Bayai.

Saprartthus longepedunculatus Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Annonaceae CR Dl Refs: 19017
Apparently endemic to the Peninsula de Azuero in Sarcaulus inflexus
Panama, the species is known from the type collection, Sapotaceae VUBI+2c
dated 1968 from Punta Blanca, Tonosf, and from a Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso)
collection taken in 1997 from Cerro Hoya National Park, A tree of the central Brazilian Amazon, where it occurs
5km away. The species appears to be very scarce, in non-flooded forest. Logging activities are a threat to
occurring in lowland semi-deciduous forest. some populations.
Assessor: Mitr6, M. Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J.

Refs: 16772 Refs: 1983,7980,8816

Saprosma fragrans Sarcaulus oblatus

Rubiaceae VU Bl+2c Sapotaceae LR/nt
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Ecuador
A shrubby tree, poorly collected and recorded from few A tree of the Ecuadorean Amazon. It occurs in
scattered sites of low- to medium-elevation evergreen
forest between Travancore, the Nilgiris and the
submontane forest in Morona-Santiago and the north-
east of Zamora.
northernmost part of Kerala. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 8816
Refs: 19144

Species Summaries

Sarcaulus vestitus Sarcotheca monophyUa

Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c Oxalidaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Acre, Amazonas) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species confined to 'vdrzea forest in the western A tree scattered mainly in lowland secondary forest.
Amazon of Brazil. Logging activities are the most Threats include logging and urban encroachment.
serious threat to the area. Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Assessor: Pires O'Brien, J. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 1983,7980,8816
Sarcotheca ochracea
Sarcattbts wurdackii Oxalidaceae VU D2
Sapotaceae VU D2 Malaysia (Sarawak)
Peru This small tree of mixed dipterocarp forest is uncommon
At present known from just two herbarium
the species is and confmed to Miri, Binlulu and Tatau.
collections. The
specimens were collected from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Amazonas in Peru, where they were found in lowland Refs: 19017
rainforest near Teniente Pinglo.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sassafras randaiense
«e/i.- 7980, 8816 Lauraceae VUAIad
Sarcomelicope glauca A relict species confined to mixed evergreen forest
Rutaceae CRBl+2c above 1200m in the central and northern parts of the
New Caledonia main mountain range. Regeneration is rare and conflned
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. to gaps in the forest. Germinating seeds are frequently
Refs: 10351 eaten by birds. There are two other members of the
genus, which occur in China and North America.
Sarcomphalus havanensis Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
Rhamnaceae ENBl-t-2c Refs:(A(,9, 19050, 19051
An endemic shrub or small tree confmed to coastal Satakentia Uukiuensis
thickets and dry evergreen forest. This very rare species Palmae DD
has suffered from severe coastal habitat destruction Japan (Ryukyu Is.)

throughout its range. A palm tree endemic to Ishigaki Island and Iriomote
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Island in the southern Ryukyus. A reserve has been set
/fc/j; 9522, 11403, 19149 up to protect the populations on Ishigaki Island.
Assessor: Johnson, D.
Sarcotheca laxa var. brigittae Refs: 19118
Oxalidaceae VU B 1 +2c
Indonesia (Sumatra) Satranala decussilvae
Confmed to Aceh, Sumatra, this variety occurs in Palmae EN DI
lowland rainforest. Madagascar
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. Endemic to Manara Biosphere Reserve, the species
Refs: 19073 inhabits moist forest on shallow soils, overlying
ultramafic rock. A single population is known,
Sarcotheca laxa var. hirsula consisting of 30 trunked trees, 40 immature mdividuals
Oxalidaceae VUBl+2c and many seedlings.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Dransfield, J. & H.J. Beentje
Scattered in lowland rainforest, this variety is confmed Refs: 18986,19118
to Johore.
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. Saurauia aequatoriensis
Refs: 19073 Actinidiaceae LR/cd
Sarcotheca laxa var. laxa A tree species which is endemic to the Ecuadorean High
Oxalidaceae VUBl+2c Andes. It is confmed to the area of the Sangay National
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Park, where it is characteristic of dense cloud forest and
A variety confmed to north-west Peninsular Malaysia, subAndean forest. The development of a road through
where it is scattered in lowland moist forest. the park is a major threat to the integrity of these
Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. protected habitats.
Refs: 19073 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe/i; 5651, 19120
Sarcotheca laxa var. sericea
Oxalidaceae VUBl+2c Saurauia bogoriensis
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore Actinidiaceae CR B 1 +2c
This variety is confmed to east Peninsular Malaysia, Indonesia (Java)
where it occurs in lowland rainforest. Endemic to west Java, the species is known only from a

Assessor: Chung, R.C.K. 1975 collection made in the Ciapus Gorge on Mount
Refs: 9199, 19073 Salak near Bogor city. More information is needed on its
present status.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9078

The World List of Threatened Trees

Saurauia bracteosa continues to be the greatest threat to remaining forested

Actinidiaceae VU Bl+2c areas.
Indonesia (Bali, Java) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The species occurs throughout Java and also in Bali. Refs: 9078
Most of the forests in lowland areas have been cleared.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Saurauia oreophita
Refs: 9078 Actinidiaceae VU Ale
Guatemala, Mexico
Saurauia cauliflora A species of mesophyllous montane forest, occurring in
Actinidiaceae VUBl+2c the highlands of Chiapas and Guatemala. The habitat has
Indonesia (Java) been considerably reduced by logging, increasing
This species is confined to west Java. Most lowland agriculture and ranching.
forest has been cleared and population pressure Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
continues to be the greatest threat to remaining forested R^s: 19161
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Saurauia ntbens
Refs: 9078 Actinidiaceae LR/nt
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Saurauia lanceolata Occurring in rainforest between 850 and 1400m, the
Actinidiaceae VUBl+2c species is found at Eraser's Hill in the Genting
Indonesia (Java) Highlands, Pahang, and on Gunung Mandi Agin in
This species is confined to west Java. Most lowland Terengganu. Part of the range is contained within Taman
forest hasbeen cleared and population pressure Negara National Park.
continues to be the greatest threat to remaining forested Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
areas. Refs: 8464, 19073
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9078 Saurauia seibertii
Actinidiaceae EN C2a
Saurauia latipetala Panama
Actinidiaceae VU Ale Occurring in cloud forest between ICKX) and 2100+m,
Guatemala, Mexico the species is distributed in tne high mountains of
A species of mesophyllous montane forest or cloud Chiriqui and Bocas del Toro. Only a few collections
forest, occurring in the highlands of southern Mexico exist, taken from a very restricted but perhaps
and Guatemala. The habitat has been considerably insufficiently explored area. Regeneration is observed to
reduced by logging, increasing agriculture and ranching. be poor. A population exists within VolcSn Bard
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa National Park.
Refs: 19161 Assessor: M\ti€, M.
Refs: 7272, 16772
Saurauia leucocarpa
Actinidiaceae VUAlc Saurauia serrata
Mexico Actinidiaceae EN Bl-i-2c
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa Mexico
Refs: 14932, 19203 Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
Refs: 10079, 12985, 19203
Saurauia mahmudii
Actinidiaceae LR/cd Saurauia villosa
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Actinidiaceae VUBI+2c
This species is confined to open or closed rainforest at Mexico
an altitude of 1500 to 1900m in the Cameron Highlands Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
of Pahang. Populations are given a degree of protection Refs: 14932, 19203
within the permanent forest estate.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Sauropus assimilis
Refs: 8464, 19073 Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
Sri Lanka
Saurauia maiayana A tree occurring inlowland wet evergreen forest in
Actinidiaceae LR/cd south-west Sri Lanka. The species was previously found
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) in a single site within the Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve.
Occurring in hill and submontane secondary forest of the However, it was not found again the extensive forest
Cameron Highlands, Pahang, the species receives a surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
degree of protection within the permanent forest estate. National Conservation Review, suggesting the species is
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Refs: 19073 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 8203, 17195, 18796, 19112
Saurauia microphyUa
Actinidiaceae VUBl+2c Sauropus elegantissimus
Indonesia (Java) Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
A species distributed throughout Java. Most forest in Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
lowland areas has been cleared and population pressure The species has not been recorded since the type
collection was gathered from Ulu Gombak Forest

Species Summaries

Reserve in Selangor, despite intense botanical work in Scalesia baurii ssp. baurU
the area. Compositae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador (Galapagos)
Refs: 8464. 19073 Restricted to Pinz6n Island, the subspecies occurs in
areas of open woodland and scrub which are free of
Saxegothaea conspicua introduced herbivores. As long as goats and other
Podocarpaceae LR/nt grazing animals are denied access to the island, the
Argentina (Chubut, Neuqu^n, Rio Negro), Chile populations are likely to remain stable.
A relatively common tree occurring in medium altitude Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
deciduous forest. The habitat is extensively logged. The Refs: 19146, 19156
wood of this species is exploited but the associated
broadleaved species are more heavily harvested. Scalesia baurii ssp. hopkinsU
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Compositae VU D2
/Jefj." 727, 5112, 13041, 13295, 15415 Ecuador (GalSpagos)
Endemic to the islands of Pinta and Wolf, this shrub or
Scaevola chanii small tree forms part of the open imderstorey in dry
Goodeniaceae VU D2 deciduous steppe forest. The population on Wolf is not
Malaysia (Sabah) suffering from grazing damage. On Pinta, the species is
So far this small tree or shrub is known only from the relatively common but subject to damage by introduced
upper montane forests of Mount Kinabalu between the goats. Severe declines in this population were recorded
altitudes of 2500 and 3000m. in the 1970s. Since the goats have been more effectively
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre managed, a rapid recovery in population numbers has
Refs: 19017 been observed and the species is now believed to be
Scaevola muluensi Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Goodeniaceae VU D2 Refs: 5101, 14556, 19146, 19156
Malaysia (Sarawak)
The shrub up to Im high, is found on exposed ridges and Scalesia cordata
cliff faces of limestone. Only two collections are known Compositae ENBl +2c
from Gunong Api in the Gunong Mulu National Park. Ecuador (Galapagos)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A small tree which formerly made up extensive
Refs: 19017 woodland on the slopes of two volcanoes. Sierra Negra
and Cerra Azul on Isabela Island. A continuing decline
Scaevola verticUlata in the extent of the woodland is evident. Damage is
Goodeniaceae VU D2 being caused by introduced herbivores, invasive weeds
Malaysia (Sarawak) are causing habitat degradation and areas are being
Probably endemic, this very small tree or shrub is cleared by local inhabitants. There is also the constant
recorded only from Mount Tambuyukon in stunted threat of volcanic eruption.
subalpine vegetation on ultramafic soils at an elevation Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
of 2500m. Refs: 5101, 14556, 19146, 19156
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19017 Scalesia crockeri
Compositae VU D2
Scalesia aspera Ecuador (Galapagos)
Compositae VU D2 Most typically a bush, the species is confmed to areas of
Ecuador (Galapagos) lowland scrub on three of the GalSpagos Islands. There
A bushy species, restricted to two small populations, is a single population on North Seymour, two on Baltra

occurring in lowland scrub in north-west Santa Cruz and and several small populations on the north and east
Eden Islet. The former population is subject to grazing coasts of Santa Cruz. There is no firm evidence of
by introduced goats, but there is no firm evidence of decline, despite the damage caused by introduced
decline. herbivores on Santa Cruz.
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Refs: 19146, 19156, 19157 Refs: 19146, 19156

Scalesia atractyloides Scalesia divisa

Compositae CR Alace,Bl+2e,Cl+2b, Dl Compositae CR Bl+2bcde
Ecuador (Galapagos) Ecuador (Galapagos)
A single population of three individuals exists in a crater Restricted to the north-eastern half of San Crist6bal
on Santiago Island. In 1997, seven seedlings were also Island, the species, most typically occurring as a bush,
counted. The plants are subject to grazing by introduced has become scarce in areas where it was previously
goats, but a fence is imder construction to prevent recorded as abundant. Introduced goats, the main cause
access. A single plant has been raised in cultivation in of these population declines, continue to cause extensive
the Galapagos and the vegetatively produced offspring damage to remaining stands.
of two other adults are growing in Copenhagen Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Botanical Garden. Refs: 19146, 19156
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Refs: 19146, 19156

The World List of Threatened Trees

Scalesia gordiUoi caused by the damage from introduced goats. There is an

Compositae EN Dl added threat of volcanic eruption.
Ecuador (Galapagos) Assessor: Tye, A. & J.Loving
Confined to the south-west coast of San Crist6bal Island, Refs: 14556, 19146, 19156
this bushy species occurs in a single population of 200 to
300 individuals, including all age groups. The area is Scalesia pedunculata
susceptible to damage caused by introduced herbivores Compositae VU Alace+2ce, Bl+2abce
and also, to some extent, by tourism. Ecuador (Galipagos)
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Lx)ving One of the largest growing Scalesia species. It forms
Refs: 19146 compact woodlands in the highlands of San Cristobal,
Santa Cruz, Santiago and Floreana. Recent declines in
Scalesia helleri ssp. helleri the extent of this habitat have occurred because of land
Compositae VU D2 settlement, grazing and the spread of invasive plants.
Ecuador (Galapagos) These trends appear to be continuing. There is also a
A bushy species, existing two populations. On Santa
in potential threat from volcanic eruption.
F6 Island, although numbers have been
population Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
severely reduced by introduced goats, it is hoped they Refs: 14556, 19146, 19156
will fully recover now that the animals have been
eradicated from the island. The population on Santa Scalesia retroflexa
Cruz Island is very low in numbers and confined to the Compositae VU D2
south-east. Goats also cause damage here, but there is no Ecuador (Galapagos)
firm evidence of population declines. There is some Six small populations occur within 6ha of open forest
indication that this latter population actually represents a and scrub on the south-east coast of Santa Cruz Island.
hybrid form between helleri and retroflexa. About 4600 plants, including 1400 adults, are thought to
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving exist. Although there is evidence of damage by
Refs: 19146, 19156 introduced goats, there is no firm indication that the
population is declining as a result.
Scalesia helleri ssp. santacruzinua Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Compositae VU D2 Refs: 19146, 19156, 19157
Ecuador (Galapagos)
A bushy species, represented by several small Scalesia stewartii
populations principally confined to the south-west coast Compositae VU D2
of Santa Cruz Island, with a few individuals on La Fe Ecuador (Galapagos)
Islet. Although the Santa Cruz populations are subject to This tree species is restricted to a sparsely vegetated area
damage by introduced goats, there is no firm evidence of in the east of Santiago Island and to a population of
a decline. The species is used as a garden plant in Puerto fewer than 250 individuals on the neighbouring islet of
Ayora on Santa Cruz. Bartolom6. The Santiago localities are vulnerable to
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving introduced goats, although no decline in population
Refs: 19146, 19156, 19157 numbers has yet been documented.
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Scalesia incisa Refs: 19146, 19156
Compositae VU D2
Ecuador (GalSpagos) Scalesia villosa
Endemic to San Cristobal Island, this small tree is Compositae VU D2
scattered in a restricted area in the east. Trees are subject Ecuador (Galapagos)
to damage by introduced goats, but there is no firm Typically occurring as a bush, the species is found on
evidence of a population decline. Floreana Island and the islets of Champion, Enderby,
Assessor: Tye, A. &
J. Loving Caldwell and Gardner-near-Floreana. The population on
Refs: 19146, 19156 the main island is subject to damage by introduced
goats, although no decline in numbers has yet been
Scalesia microcephala var. cortUfolia documented.
Compositae EN Bl+2ce Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving
Ecuador (Galapagos) Refs: 19146,19156
One of two varieties, this tree forms woodlands on the
high slopes of the volcanoes Wolf and Ecuador on Scaphium longiflorum
Isabela Island. Introduced goats are responsible for Sterculiaceae VU Bl+2c
damage to the trunks of mature trees and the lack of Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
seedlings in the population. Volcanic eruptions pose an Occurring in swampy or semi-swampy rainforest in the
additional threat. states of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Johore,
Assessor: Tye, A. & J. Loving this tree is exploited as timber for major international
Refs: 14556, 19146, 19156 trade and as a medicine for minor international trade.
The greatest threats are increasing settlement and
Scalesia microcephala var. microcephala logging activities.

Compositae ENBl+2ce Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.

Ecuador (Galapagos) Refs: 8464, 19073
This variety occurs in populations on the high slopes of
Femandina Island and on Volcan Alcedo and Volcan
Darwin on Isabela Island. A continuing decline in
population numbers has been observed on Isabela,

Species Summaries

Scaphopetalum parvifoUum Sckefflera boitrdiUonU

Sterculiaceae VUBl+2c Araliaceae ENBI+2c
Nigeria India (Kerala)
This small forest tree is recorded from the Oban Hills, This shrub or small tree has so far been collected twice
within Cross River National Park. Unprotected forest from montane forest in the Travancore Hills in the
has been extensively logged and cleared for cultivation. southern Western Ghats.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Frodin, D.
«e/i.- 2773, 4977, 11504 Refs: 15926, 19079

Sckefflera agamae Sckefflera brenesii

Araliaceae EN A 1 c. B 1 +2c Araliaceae VU A2c
Philippines Costa Rica, Panama
This tree has been collected only once, 70 years ago, This species is relatively common in moist evergreen
from lowland forest on rocky hills in south Palawan. It is forest and woodlands in the low mountains of Heredia,
threatened by forest loss, although Palawan has Alajuela, Guanacaste and Limdn in Costa Rica. In
experienced less intense deforestation than the other Panama there are a few minor populations around the
Philippine Islands. The main island of Palawan is a Canal region and in the province of Panama and it is
biosphere reserve. expected to be found further west. Some localities are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre within protected areas, where regeneration has been
Refs: 4986 observed to be relatively good. Other areas are affected
by the growing settlement of land, logging and extensive
Sckefflera aJbido-bracteata agriculture.
Araliaceae EN A I c, B 1 +2c Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Philippines Refs: 7980, 16772
An known from only two
epiphytic shrub or small tree
from montane forest in the north-east of
collections Sckefflera capitulifera
Mindanao. This species has not been collected since Araliaceae VU D2
1912. Indonesia (Sumatra)
Assessor: Frodin, D. A small hemiepiphytic tree collected five times in
Refs: 4986, 19079 northern Sumatra. This distinctive species is found in

montane forest and along forest edges in deep ravines. It

Schefflera apiculata is found in Gunung Leuser National Park
Araliaceae DD Assessor: Frodin, D.
Indonesia (Moluccas) Refs: 10547, 19079
A shrub or tree found on Bacan, Halmahera. Temate and
Maluku, possibly extending to Waigeo, Irian Jaya. It is Sckefflera cepkalotes
known from only a few collections but this could be due Araliaceae ENBI+2c
to undercoUecting in the region. Varieties and Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak), Singapore
subspecies are likely to be identified when more A forest tree with a restricted and disjunct distribution. It
collections are made. is known from Penang Hill Reserve in Peninsular
Assessor: Frodin, D. Malaysia and a site west of Kuching in Sarawak, where
Refs: 17232, 19079 it is threatened by urban encroachment. The population

in Singapore is presumed extinct.

Sckefflera apioidea Assessor: Frodin, D.
Araliaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 9199, 19079
New Caledonia
A tree restricted to a very limited area of lowland forest Sckefflera ckapana
on the west coast, where habitat destruction has been Araliaceae VUBl+2c
considerable. No new material has been recorded since China (Yutman), Viet Nam
the late 1800s. There is a possibility that the species is Endemic to the Fan Ci Pan range, extending from
conspecific with S. veitchii, four specimens of which northern Viet Nam into Yutman, (Thina, this tree is
have been collected in the Bourail region. localised in forest between 1000 and 1200m.
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el at. Assessor: Frodin, D.
Refs: 10351,19079 Refs: 11530,19079

Sckefflera beccariana Sckefflera costata

Araliaceae VU D2 Araliaceae VU D2
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak) Fiji

This lowland forest species is known from two This localised tree is known from two mountain tops:
collections from Johore, Peninsular Malaysia, and two Tomauivi (Victoria Peak) and the west slopes of
disjunct, slightly differing populations in Sarawak. The Taveuni. It is confined to small areas of rainforest over
population in western Sarawak was rediscovered 62 900m. Its restricted distribution renders the species
years after it was found near Kuching, an area
first susceptible to stochastic events, but there are no direct
extremely threatened by urban expansion. A specimen threats at the present time.
collected in the late 1800s from Lingga Island is similar Assessor: Frodin, D.
to this species. Refs: 18818, 19079
Assessor: Frodin, D.
Refs: 17140, 19079

The World List of Threatened Trees

Schefflera curranii known only from a few collections, the last of which is
Araliaceae ENAlc, Bl+2c dated 1974.
Philippines Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A montane forest species found on ultramafic soils in Refs: 1984
central Palawan. It is known from only three herbarium
specimens and was last seen in the 1970s-'80s. Schefflera kontumenm
Assessor: Frodin, D. Araliaceae EN Bl+2c
Refs: 4986, 19079 Viet Nam
Very localised in the central highlands of Viet Nam, this
Schefflera diplodactyla small tree is known from a single collection. The area is

Araliaceae VU D2 relatively poorly explored.

Ecuador Assessor: Frodin, D.
Extremely localised in eastern Ecuador, this tree is Refs: 1 1530, 19079
threatened by increasing settlement and oil exploration.
Assessor: Frodin, D. Schefflera kuchingertsis
Refs: 349, 19079 Arali aceae CR B I +2c
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Schefflera doUchostyla This multi-stemmed tree, which can be epiphytic, is
Araliaceae VU D2 known only from an area extremely threatened by urban
Peru expansion near Kuching. It is known from a total of four
Collected only once or twice, the species is restricted to collections, two of which were recently gathered from
cloud forest in the Peruvian Andes in the departments of the Sumengo Arboretum.
Puno and Cuzco. Assessor: Frodin, D.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19079
Refs: 1984
Schefflera lukwangulensis
Schefflera euryphylla Araliaceae VU Bl+2b
Araliaceae VU D2 Tanzania
Peru Localised on ridge tops in upper montane forest, this
A cloud forest species, known otily from the department species is restricted to the north and south Uluguru

of Juni'n in the Peruvian Andes. Mountains, the west Usambara Mountains and south
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Nguru. Changes to land use and local habitat
Refs: 1984 degradation represent a threat. The Uluguru Mountains
are the focus of a conservation programme.
Schefflera euthytricha Assessor: Lovett, J. &
G.P. Clarke
Araliaceae DD «e/i; 5204, 8221, 11631
A small tree found in the lowlands of Viti Levu. Schefflera multifoliolata
Assessor: Frodin, D. Araliaceae ENBl-t-2c
Refs: 18818, 19079 Indonesia (Sumatra)
A montane forest tree restricted to Gunung Sibajak,
Schefflera fastigiata Sibalangit and Banda Baru of northern Sumatra. The
Araliaceae ENAlc,Bl+2c species' description was based on eight specimens, the
Indonesia (Java) most recent of which was collected in 1983. The
This species is found in forest remnants on Nusa population on Gunung Sibajak is close to a popular
Kambangan and possibly Ujung Kulon. It was last tourist destination near Medan. The habitat is also
collected in 1970. Nusa Kambangan
an island is threatened by shifting cultivation.
controlled by the Prison Service, with very limited Assessor: Frodin, D.
access. However, the vegetation of the island is Refs: 10547, 19079
threatened by timber thieves, who are removing timber
regardless of the armed guard patrol. Schefflera nanocephala
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Araliaceae LR/cd
Refs: 9078, 15417 Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Last collected in 1970, this small epiphytic tree occurs in
Schefflera gleasonii montane forest and forest edges north of the Genting
Araliaceae VU D2 Highlands Casino complex and the Cameron Highlands.
Puerto Rico Populations receive a degree of protection within the
A montane forest tree confined to ultramafic soils in the permanent forest estate.
central Punta range of Puerto Rico. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073, 19079
Refs: 7980
Schefflera nervosa
Schefflera harmsii Araliaceae VU D2
Araliaceae DD Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Peru This species is known from three distinct forms, which
A shrub or small tree of lowland forest on white sand. could possibly be described as separate species. All are
highly localised. The first form is confmed to the
Cameron Highlands; it has been collected twice from an
isolated area, most recently in 1938. The second form.

Species Summaries

last seen in 1977, is from the Genting Highlands resort Schefflera troyana
complex. The third form occurs locally in Terengganu, Araliaceae VU B I +2c
where is known from five collections, the most recent Jamaica
dating from the 1960s. A Cockpit Country endemic, found in low densities in
Assessor: Frodin, D. woodland and woodland margins on rocky limestone In
Refs: 8464, 19073, 19079 the central and west<entral parishes. The habitat is
under the constant threat of being cut or cleared for
Schefflera palawanensis agricultural expansion, e.g. at Peckham Woods.
Araliaceae EN Ale Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Philippines Refs: 5653, 7980
This suberect shrub or small tree reaches about 4m in
height. It is restricted to the north of Palawan, where it Schefflera urbaniana
occurs in forest on limestone. Habitat loss is a threat. Araliaceae VU D2
Assessor: Frodin, D. Martinique
Refs: 4986, 19079 A large tree, rare within dense humid forest, endemic to
Martinique. It is known from only four collections from
Schefflera palmiformis before the 1940s.
Araliaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Viet Nam Refs: 10754
This endemic tree is known from only a few collections
in an area experiencing extensive habitat decline. Schefflera veitchii
Assessor: Frodin, D. Araliaceae EN Bl+2c
/fe/j:5054, 11530, 19079 New Caledonia
This tree is lowland forest below 100m in
restricted to
Schefflera procumbens the coastal semi-dry region around Noumea and Anse
Araliaceae VU D2 Vata in south-east New Caledonia. A lot of urban
Seychelles development has taken place in this region. Anse Vata is
The species is confined to Silhouette Island, having a fully developed beach resort area and the species was
become extinct on Mah^ largely through the degradation last collected there in 1925. Itwas collected in 1926 in
of its habitat. The six remaining populations are stable the Montravel Reserve. It was introduced into
and confined to the main mountain ridges within an area cultivation in the 1860s in the UK, where it became a
of lOOha, which is under the protection of the Nature popular table pot plant. It may be
still in cultivation. The
Protection Trust of Seychelles. Attempts to bring the specimens from Bourail are most likely to be S.
species into cultivation have failed. apioidea.
Assessor: Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.
Refs: 17229, 19025 Refs: 10351, 19079

Schefflera pueckleri Schefflera wrayi

Araliaceae LR/cd Araliaceae DD
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A rare large shrub or small tree found in montane cloud A small tree known only from one specimen collected in
forest at about 1370m. Populations receive a degree of 1888 south of Ringlet. This remote locality has not been
protection within the permanent forest estate in Perak revisited.
and the Cameron Highlands in Pahang. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Refs: 8464, 19073, 19079
Refs: 8464, 19073, 19079
Schima wallichi \aT.pulgarensis
Schefflera seibertu Theaceae VUB1-k2c,D2
Araliaceae DD Philippines
Costa Rica, Panama Endemic to Palawan, the species is confined to mossy
In Panama the species is known only from the type scrub on ridges between ICXX) and 120(hn. The main
collection made in 1940. Despite considerable botanical island ofPalawan is a biosphere reserve.
activity in the area, it has not been found there again. It Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
is reported from the mountains of Alajuela in Costa Refs: 4986
Rica, but there is no additional information on this
population. Field investigations are needed to determine Schinopsis haenkeana
whether the species still exists or whether it is a Anacardiaceae VUAIcd
synonym of 5. sphaerocoma. Argentina (Cdrdoba, San Juan, San Luis), Bolivia
Assessor: Mitr6, M. A characteristic tree of the Chaco Serrano. In Argentina
Refs: 7272, 7980, 15926, 16772 populations range from the north-east up to San Juan,
San Luis and C6rdoba. The habitat is rapidly declining
Schefflera steamii throughout the range, particularly in Cdrdoba.
Araliaceae ENBI+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Jamaica Refs: 1803,5112, 13657
Endemic to Portland, this species occurs in moist
thickets on limestone above 600m. There is some
question of its being conspecific with S. sciodaphyllum.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
yje/i.- 401, 5653, 7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

Schinus engleri intense pressure from habitat clearance. It is a

Anacardiaceae DD monotypic genus.
Argentina (Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Entre R/os, Santa Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
F6), Brazil (Minas Gerais, Parang, Rio Grande do Sul), Refs: 19m, 12281,19069
Although widely occurring, the range of the species has Schoepfia arenaria
probably receded greatly with the spread and Olacaceae EN DI
intensification of agriculture. Puerto Rico
Assessor: Prado, D. A hemiparasitic tree, known from about four sites
Refs: 1262,7134 containing 120 individuals in total. Isabela harbours the
largest population. The Pinones population was heavily
Schinus gracilipes yar. pilosus hit by Hurricane Hugo, but has produced large seed
Anacardiaceae VUBl+2c crops as a consequence.
Argentina, Bolivia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina /?e/i; 7980, 17124
and Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected
ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced by Schoepfia harrisii
agricultural systems. Olacaceae VUBI-i-2c
Assessor: Prado, D. Jamaica
Refs: 19122 A Cockpit Country endemic, occurring in the parishes of
Clarendon and Trelawny on moist wooded limestone
Schinus longifalius yar. paraguariensis crags, between 600 and 900m.
Anacardiaceae VU D2 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Paraguay Refs: 5653, 19085
A species which ranges from Brazil to Argentina. This
taxon represents a localised variety which occurs in a Schoepfia multiflora
calcareous region in the upper reaches of the Rio Apa. It Olacaceae LR/nt
is known only from the type locality. Jamaica
Assessor: Prado, D. Known from the central parishes, the tree has an
Refs: 1262,7980 occasional distribution in woodland on rocky limestone.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Schinus pearcei Refs: 6057, 7980
Anacardiaceae DD
Bolivia, Chile (Atacama), Peru Schoutenia comerii
A dryland species, which appears to be scarce, Tiliaceae ENBl+2c
particularly in Chile, where it is restricted to the Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Atacama region. A rare tree of lowland moist forest known only from
Assessor: Gonzalez, M. Mersing and Mawai-Jemaluang, Johore.
Refs: 4870, 16328 Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Refs: 17140, 19073
Schinus venturi
Anacardiaceae VU B I +2c Schoutenia fitrfuracea
Argentina, Bolivia Tiliaceae LR/cd
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
and Bolivia, the species occurs in an unprotected A tree of lowland moist forest known only from Ulu
ecosystem, which is rapidly being replaced by Sungai Anak Endau, Pahang.
agricultural systems. Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
Assessor: Prado, D. Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 19122
Schoutenia kunstleri
Schippia concolor Tiliaceae VU Bl+2c
Palmae VU A2c Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Belize A rare tree known only from Penang, Perak and the east
An ornamental palm tree restricted to Mountain Pine coast from Terengganu to Johore, where it grows in
Ridge and Cayo District, where it is scattered in open lowland rainforest.
and closed dry forest up to 500m. The species is Assessor: Chung, R.C.K.
threatened by habitat destruction and encroachment by Refs: 19073
agriculture and forestry.
Assessor: Johnson, D. Schumacheria alnifotta
Refs: 19118 Dilleniaceae CR B I +2c
Schmardaea microphylla Only six individuals of this species were found in the
Meliaceae VU Ale Peak Wilderness Sanctuary during the extensive forest
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
A small tree which is becoming increasingly scarce, National Conservation Review, suggesting it to be either
occurring in the Andes from Venezuela to Peru. It is extremely rare or possibly extinct.
recorded from open pastures and dry forest at medium Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
elevation and from cloud forest at 2700m in Peru. Refs: 191 12
Naturally uncommon, the species has come under

Species Summaries

Schumanniophyton problematicum Sclerolobium striatum

Rubiaceae VUAlc, Bl+2c Leguminosae VUBl+2c
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana, Sierra Leone Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
A species known from the restricted wet evergreen Endemic to Atlantic forest in the one state in Brazil, the
forests of the Upper Guinea region. The extent of these species has suffered dramatic habitat declines.
forests have declined because of mining, logging and the Assessor: Vaz, A.M.S.
establishment of industrial plantations. Refs: 19098, 19100
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
/ee/i.- 2773, 8369, 12061 Scolopia oreophila
Flacourtiaceae DD
SeiadopHys verticiUata South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga)
Sciadopityaceae VU Alc+2c This species is confined to a small area in the northern
Japan Drakensberg mountain range, where it occurs as
A tree of low to medium elevations occurring in forested scattered plants in Afromontane forest patches. It is also
areas from Fukushima to Hiroshima on Honshu Island, said to occur in North-West Province, but this is highly
and also on Shikoku and Kyushu Islands. It provides a improbable. Two of the localities are in private nature
useful timber and levels of exploitation have been reserves. There are taxonomic problems with the
considerable. It belongs to a monospecific family. species, which need to be resolved before its
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group conservation status is assessed.
Refj; 374, 18751 Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. el at.
Refs: 689, 19218
Sclerocarya gillettii
Anacardiaceae VU Bl+2c Scolopia steenisiana
Kenya Racourtiaceae VU D2
Endemic to a small area in eastern Kenya, this shrub or Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
small tree occurs sparsely in localised areas of dry Known from only two collections, this tree can be found
bushland on red sand. in theopen limestone rainforests of lowland Kelantan.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 6396 Refs: 8464, 19073

Sclerolobium beaureipairei Scolosanthus howardii

Leguminosae ENBl+2c Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Jamaica
Populations of the species are principally confmed to A small tree or shrub which occurs very rarely on rocky
forest on the slopes of the Sena do Mar. limestone hills between 480 and 600m, only in the
Assessor: Vaz, A.M.S. parish of Trelawny.
Refs: 19100 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
>?e/i.- 401, 5653, 19085

Sclerolobium densiflorum
Leguminosae LR/nt Sebastiania alpina
Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Pemambuco) Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
Known only from a restricted distribution in Atlantic Jamaica
forest, the species has suffered dramatic habitat declines A montane rainforest species found unconunonly in the
and levels of exploitation. western highlands above 750m.
Assessor: Vaz, A.M.S. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19098, 19100 ^c/S; 401, 5653, 7980

Sclerolobium denudatum Sebastiania crenulata

Leguminosae LR/nt Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo) Jamaica
Confined to Atlantic forest in the states of Sao Paulo and This species is known from the woodland on the sununit
Rio de Janeiro, the species has suffered dramatic habitat of Bubby Hill. The area is susceptible to selective
loss and has been extensively exploited for its timber. logging and other disturbances.
Assessor: Vaz, A.M.S. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19098, 19100 /fe/t; 401, 5653, 7980

Sclerolobium pilgerianum Sebastiania fasciculata

Leguminosae EN B 1 +2cd Euphorbiaceae EN B I +2c
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Jamaica
A species of montane forest, confined to the slopes of A shrub or small tree confmed to a small area of
the Serra do Mar. woodland on limestone in Hanover.
Assessor: Vaz, A.M.S. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19100 ;?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980

The World List of Threatened Trees

Sebastiania howariiana Semecarpus auriculata

Euphorbiaceae CR B 1 +2c Anacardiaceae LR/nt
Jamaica India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Apparently, the species is known only ftom the Ramgoat The main concentration of the species occurs in low- to
Cave area in Trelawny. medium-altitude forest in Travancore, along the border
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre between Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Collections have also
/?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 been made further north in the Western Ghats into
Sebastiania huaUagensis Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae VU D2 Refs: 15106, 19144
This species is known only from the type collection Semecarpus coriacea
taken from the department of San Martin. Anacardiaceae EN Bl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Refs: 1984 During the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
National Conservation Review, this tree was found in
Sebastiania lesteri var. glabrata five localities, mainly in Nuwara Eliya District. It is

Euphorbiaceae CRBl+2c present in the Peak Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary.

Jamaica Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A variety or possibly a distinct species. It occurs in St Refs: 15431,17759,19112
Elizabeth, where the only known population is on Top
Hill. The area is susceptible to cutting and encroaching Semecarpus gardneri
agriculture. Anacardiaceae VU Ale
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
/fe/i.- 401, 5653, 7980 A tree restricted to the lowland evergreen rainforests of
south-west Sri Lanka.
Sebastiania lesteri var. lesteri Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Euphorbiaceae CR B 1 +2c Refs: 15431, 17195
One of two threatened varieties of a Jamaican endemic. Semecarpus marginata
It appears to be known from two populations. The one Anacardiaceae VU Ale
on Quaco Rock is probably extinct as the vegetation has Sri Lanka
been cleared, largely for charcoal production. There is A rare tree confined to wet evergreen lowland forest in
also a population along the road between Balcarres and south-west Sri Lanka.
Sunbury. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 15431, 17195
«e/i; 5653, 11802
Semecarpus moonii
Sebastiania spicata Anacardiaceae VU Ale, Bl+2c
Euphorbiaceae ENBl+2c SriLanka
Jamaica Apparendy restricted to wet forest in Galle, Kalutara and
Populations are restricted to Peckham Woods and Ratnapura Districts, this species was found in nine
Douglas Castle Woods. There is evidence of cutting and localities during the extensive forest surveys conducted
agricultural encroachment in both localities. between 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Review.
Uc/j; 401, 5653, 7980 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 12129, 15431, 18796, 19112
Securinega flexuosa
Euphorbiaceae VU A led Semecarpus nigro-viridis
Philippines Anacardiaceae VU Ale
A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of Sri Lanka
habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation This species is scattered in the diminished wet evergreen
have led to considerable population declines. lowland forests of south-west Sri Lanka.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Re/i.- 2072, 4919 Refs: 15431,17195

Semecarpus acuminata Semecarpus obovata

Anacardiaceae ENBl+2c Anacardiaceae VU Ale, Bl-t-2c
SriLanka Sri Lanka
During the extensive forest surveys conducted between A very rare species restricted to the wet zone of Sri
1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review, Lanka. Until the National Conservation Review forest
this species was found in four rainforest localities surveys of 1991-1996, this species went uncollected for
including the Sinharaja National Heritage Wilderness over a century.
Area. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 15431, 16943, 18796, 19112
/?e/i; 15431, 19112

Species Summaries

Semecarpus ochracea Semiliquidambar cathayensis

Anacardiaceae CRBI+2cd Hamamelidaceae LR/nt
Sri Lanka China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan,
An endemic species scanered in lowland wet evergreen Jiangxi, 23iejiang)
forest. It was not rediscovered during the extensive A tree of lowland forests and open woodland by
forest surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the streamsides. The species' distribution is relatively
National Conservation Review, indicating it to be widespread in southern China, extending into Lang Son
extremely rare or possibly extinct. and Son La Provinces in Viet Nam. However, it is
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre becoming scarcer because of overexploitation, habitat
Refs: 17195,19112 destruction and clearance for agriculture. The roots have
various important medicinal uses.
Semecarpus parvifolia Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Anacardiaceae VUAlc Refs: 1818,11847
Sri Lanka
A species occurring in lowland wet evergreen forests in Senecio lamarckianus
south-west Sri Lanka. A population has been discovered Compositae CR Dl
in the dry zone in Rahuna National Park. Mauritius
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Fewer than 12 adult individuals are known, most of
Refs: 15431, 16943, 17195 them in Piton du Fouge Ridge Forest. There is a chance
there are more individuals ir more remote areas. The
Semecarpus paucinervius species has been propagated from cuttings and
Anacardiaceae VUBl+2c introduced into Mondrain Nature Reserve.
Philippines Assessor: Page, W.
This tree isendemic to Palawan, found in forest along Refs: 1411,9120,15251,16426
streams, at about 100m. The main island of Palawan is a
biosphere reserve. Senna caudata
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Leguminosae VU C2a
Refs: 4986 Costa Rica, Panama
At one time the species was divided into the Panamanian
Semecarpus pseudo-emergina form, var. caudala. known only from the type collection
Anacardiaceae CR B 1 +2c from the province of Panama in 1911, and the Costa
Sri Lanka Rican form, var. diadema, with a fairly common
This species was recorded only once in Matara District occurrence in lowland rainforest in San Jos6 and
during the extensive forest surveys conducted between Puntarenas. There have been no further collections of
1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review. the species in Panama, despite the area round the type
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre locality being relatively well known.
Refs: 19112 Assessor: Mitre, M.
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
Semecarpus pubescens
Anacardiaceae VUAlc Senna dariensis var. hypoglauca
Sri Lanka Leguminosae VU C2a
A rare species, restricted to lowland wet evergreen forest Panama
in south-west Sri Lanka. The species is distributed in rainforest up to lOOOm
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre along the Cordillera Central, in the provinces of
Refs: 15431, 17195 Veraguas, Code and Panama. It is known from only a
few records, but a large part of these mountains remains
Semecarpus riparia poorly explored. The populations in Campana NationJil
Anacardiaceae ENBl+2c Park are well protected. In other areas there are strong
New Caledonia influences from encroaching settlement, agriculture and
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. ei al. pastoralism.
Refs: 10351 Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Refs: Xbni
Semecarpus subpeltata
Anacardiaceae VUAlc Senna domingensis
Sri Lanka Leguminosae VU B 1 +2c
A species occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti
of south-west Sri Lanka. Known in Cuba from a single locality in the coastal
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre areas of Daiquiri, Santiago de Cuba Province, this small
Refs: 15431, 17195 tree occurs infrequently in dry evergreen shrubwood and
shrubland on limestone. Its habitat type has been
Semecarpus walkeri degraded in many places. Tourism is the major threat in
Anacardiaceae VUAlc Cuba. The species is more widespread and more
Sri Lanka common in Hispaniola.
A species occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
of south-west Sri Lanka. Refs: 19149
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431, 17195

The World List of Threatened Trees

Senna muUijuga ssp. doylei Serianthes nelsonii

Leguminosae VU Ale Leguminosae CR DI
Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz) Guam, Northern Marianas
Confined to the Gulf region, this taxon occurs in A large tree of moist forest on limestone substrate. There
remaining rainforest from northern Veracruz are about 120 trees on Rota and only one remains on a

southwards. military base on Guam. Lack of regeneration seems to

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre be the main cause of the population decline. Possible
Refs: 5993 causes include insect predation on the seeds, ungulate
predation of the seedlings and seedling mortality caused
Sequoia semperrirens by introduced mealybugs. The population on Rota is

Taxodiaceae LR/cd likely to decline as older trees die. The species is

USA (California, Oregon) protected by the US

Endangered Species Act and in
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group government legislation in Guam and the Northern
Refs: 374, 3786, 7222, 13041 Marianas.
Assessor: Wiles, G.
Sequoiadendron giganteum Refs: 2196, 16676, 19175
Taxodiaceae VU A 1 cd
USA (California) Serianthes petitiana
An emergent of mixed montane There was forests. Leguminosae LR/cd
large-scale logging of populations between 1856 and New Caledonia
1955, but 90% of the population is now protected. Fire Endemic to southern Grand Terre, the species occurs in

prevention policy, causing a build-up of undergrowth, lowland rainforest and maquis formations on ultramafic
may have hampered regeneration in the past. Schemes to soil. Populations are believed to be effectively protected

improve management and to plant trees on cleared land in Rivifere Bleue Provincial Park.

are in place. Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group Refs: 10351,12630

Refs: 7222, 13041
Serianthes rurutensis
Serianthes calycina Leguminosae CR Bl+2c
Leguminosae VU C2a French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)
New Caledonia Little is known about the population on Raivavae, but on

A species which can be divided into two varieties, both Rurutu the species is in a critical state.
endertiic to New Caledonia. It occurs in lowland areas of Assessor: Florence, J.

maquis or forest on ultramafic substrate in the north- Refs: 14513

west of Grand Terre and possibly also on He YandS.
These areas are unprotected and exposed to various Serianthes vitiensis
threats from fire, mining activities and habitat clearance Leguminosae VU D2
or degradation. Fiji

Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Known only with certainty from Vanua Levu, the
/fe/s: 4492, 10351, 12630 species has been collected from forest near creeks on the
lower slopes of mountains in Mathuata Province.
Serianthes margaretae Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Leguminosae VU C2a Refs: 18818
New Caledonia
A species which appears to have two disjunct Sericanthe odoratissima var. odoratissima
populations. Both occur in littoral maquis on ultramafic Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
soils, one near Koumac in the north-west and the other Tanzania
further south on the east coast. The distribution of this small tree is not consolidated.
Assessor: Jaffrd, T. et al. There is a population at Amani and possibly another at
Refs: 10351,12630 Ambangula at medium elevations in moist evergreen

Serianthes melanesica var. meeboldii Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke

Leguminosae VU D2 «e/i; 3356, 8814

An inadequately known tree, similar to the type variety Sericanthe odoratissima var. ulugurensis
and collected only once from Rewa Province, Viti Levu. Rubiaceae VUBl+2b
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Malawi, Tanzania
Refs: 18818 This variant is more widespread than the type variety
and is restricted to montane forest at higher altitudes.
Serianthes myriadenia Populations are known from the Uluguru Mountains,
Leguminosae LR/nt Mount Rungwe in Tanzania and also from Malawi.
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is., Society Is.) Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
In the Marquesas the species is confined to Nuku Hiva. Refs: 1308,3356,8814
In the Society Islands, populations are recorded from
Moorea, Raiatea and Tahiti. The Raiatea population is Sericanthe toupetou
critically endangered. Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: Florence, J. Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
Refs: 14513 The range of this species is restricted to wet evergreen
forest in Cote d'lvoire and neighbouring Ghana. It is

Species Summaries

uncommon and has suffered from the significant meranti timber. There are populations also in forest
declines in its habitat caused by logging, mining and reserves.
expansion of commercial plantations. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. /?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
y?e^j: 6127, 12061,15251

Shorea agamii ssp. agamii

Sesbania coccinea ssp. atottensis Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Leguminosae DD Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
French Polynesia (Marquesas Is., Society Is., Tuamotu Populations of this species are known to occur in forest
Is.) reserves.
A shrub or small tree known from five varieties which Assessor: Ashton, P.
occur on various islands in the Marquesas, Tuamotu and /?f/i; 9501, 13857
Society Groups. Populations on Moorea, Raiatea, Tahiti,
Tetiaroa are apparently now extinct and on other islands Shorea albida
they are under some threat. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd+2cd
Assessor: Florence, J. Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 14513 A large timber tree restricted to Brunei, Sarawak and
West Kalimantan. It is a characteristic component of the
Sessea brasiliensis threatened peat-swamp forests, sometimes occurring
Solanaceae DD locally on podzolic in heath forest. An area of
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo) forest covering about 400,000ha in Brunei may now
An Atlantic forest species. contain the largest remaining undisturbed stand.
Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F. Regeneration is reported to be non-existent.
Refs: 19098, 19103 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673,9169, 13857, 19049
Shorea acuminata
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Shorea almon
Malaysia Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
A large dipterocarp of well-drained, undulating land, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), Philippines
which is cut for its light and dark red meranti timber. A large tree, found on hills in lowland mixed dipterocarp
Assessor: Ashton, P. forest. The red meranti timber is cut for plywood.
Ife/r.- 9509, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7613, 13857
Shorea acuminatissima
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd Shorea alutacea
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) Di pterocarpaceae VUAlc,Bl+2c,C2a,DI
An enormous tree, endemic to Borneo, found in lowland Malaysia (Sarawak)
mixed dipterocarp forest, often on hills and ridges near Assessor: Ashton, P.
the coast. The wood is used as yellow meranti. Some ^e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
populations are known to occur in forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea andulensis
/?e/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Shorea acuta A tree of mixed dipterocarp forest tree, suffering from
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd habitat conversion.
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Some populations of this species occur in forest Refs: 1613, 9\69, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea argentifolia
^e/t; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
Shorea affinis Sarawak)
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd A gregarious tree found on clay soils, exploited for its
Sri Lanka light red meranti timber. Some populations are known
Relatively widely distributed in what remains of Sri to occur in forest reserves.
Lanka's lowland wet evergreen forest, this dipterocarp is Assessor: Ashton, P.
found scanered on deep rich soils on hillsides. The /fc/j; 7673, 9169, 13857
species is one of the dominant canopy species in the
protected area at Sinharaja. However, it was not found Shorea asahii
during the extensive forest surveys conducted between Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a, Dl
1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review, Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
suggesting it has become extremely rare. A tree that is restricted to the mixed dipterocarp forests
Assessor: Ashton, P. of Borneo. It is directly threatened by logging operations
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 18515, 19112 because its reproductive cycle exceeds the logging cycle.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea agami «e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
This species, found on leached soils, is cut for its white

The World List of Threatened Trees

Shorea assamica ssp. assamica Shorea bentongensis

Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B 1 +2c Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale
China (Yunnan), India, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Myanmar Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia, this tree is locally
This gregarious tree occurs on slopes and along rivers in common deep valleys. The wood is used as white
lowland evergreen forest. The Chinese population is meranti. However, the tree is slow-growing and caimot
confined to Yingjiang and is threatened by conversion of withstand logging because the reproductive cycle
the forest to agriculture. In India the species is known exceeds cutting cycles.
from healthy populations, which are regenerating well. Assessor: Ashton, P.
The trees are cut for the commercially valuable Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
plywood. Populations of the species are known to occur
in some forest reserves. Shorea biawak
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Refs: 1818, 3998, 5550, 9169, 1 1847, 13857 Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Found in mixed dipterocarp forest, this tree is threatened
Shorea assamica ssp. globifera by forest conversion and habitat degradation.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Moluccas, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia /?e/i: 7673, 9169, 13857
(Peninsular Malaysia), PhiUppines, Thailand
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea blumutensis
Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd+2cd
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Shorea assamica ssp. koordersii A slow-growing species of lowland dipterocarp forest,
Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale threatened directly by logging; the tree is unlikely to
Indonesia (Moluccas, Sulawesi), Philippines reach reproductive maturity within a logging cycle. It is

Assessor: Ashton, P. currently being exploited for its yellow meranti timber.
/fe/t; 7673, 9169, 13857 The species occurs in some forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea assamica ssp. philippinensis Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CRAIcd, C2a
Philippines Shorea bracteolata
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd-t-2cd
/fe/s. 7673, 9169, 13857 Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Shorea astylosa Found mostly on well-drained lowland coastal hills, this
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led, C2a tree is heavily exploited for white meranti timber,
Philippines especially in Peninsular Malaysia.
An endemic tree species of the disappearing lowland Assessor: Ashton, P.
primary evergreen dipterocarp forests of the Philippines. Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 17140
The balau timber is used for good-quality construction.

Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea brunnescens

Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd+2cd,C2a
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Shorea bakoensis Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Dl Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Although the population of this species is extremely Shorea bullata
small, it does occur in a protected reserve. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd
Assessor: Ashton, P. Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 7673, 13857 A species of mixed dipterocarp forest. Some populations
also occur in forest reserves.
Shorea balangeran Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAIcd Re/j.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra)
This common tree of peat-swamp forest is a major Shorea cara
source of red meranti timber. Dipterocarpaceae DD
Assessor: Ashton, P. Indonesia (Java)
Re/j.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs:l3S51, 16172
Shorea balanocarpoides
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd Shorea carapae
Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd, Dl
Malaysia, Sarawak) Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
This tree grows on yellow sandy loam on undulating Endemic to ridges and hill forests in Peninsular
land and ridges. It is used as yellow meranti and the Malaysia, this tree is slow-growing and therefore
illipe nuts are collected locally. directly threatened by logging operations. The tree is cut
Assessor: Ashton, P. for balau timber.
Rs/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Rrfs: 7673, 13857

Species Summaries

Shorea chaiana Review, suggesting that it is either extremely rare or

Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd+2cd [)ossibly extinct.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refi.13857, 15431, 17195, 19112
Ifefi; 7673. 9169, 13857
Shorea cuspidata
Shorea ciUata Dipterocarpaceae EX
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd-t-2cd Malaysia (Sarawak)
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Refs: 5550, 7673, 1 1647, 13857
Shorea dasyphyUa
Shorea coUina Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd+2cd, C2a Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore This tree is found in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest
A lowland tree which is cut for red balau timber. It is on well-drained land and is cut for Ught red meranti

directly threatened by logging because its slow growth timber.

prevents the tree from reaching reproductive maturity Assessor: Ashton, P.
within a logging cycle. /fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9199, 1 1647, 13857 Shorea dealbata
Dipterocarpaceae CR AIcd+2cd, C2a
Shorea congestiflora Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Ehpterocarpaceae CR A led Sarawak)
Sri Lanka A tree that occurs locally on flat coastal swamps on
A characteristic remnant lowland wet
species of yellow sandy soils and on low hills. It is exploited for its
evergreen forest, forming one of the dominant white meranti timber. The species also is found in forest
components of the canopy in Sinharaja Biosphere reserves.
Reserve. However, it was not discovered during the Assessor: Ashton, P.
extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting
that the species has become rare. It is an important Shorea dispar
component of plywood, which is mainly used to make Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
tea chests. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. - An endemic tree of the threatened mixed dipterocarp
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 18515 forests of Sarawak.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea conica /ff/i. 7673,9169. 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led, C2a
Indonesia (Sumatra) Shorea disticha
This species found on undulating land near the coast.
is Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
It is threatened by forest conversion and degradation. Sri Lanka
Assessor: Ashton, P. A small tree with an extremely localised distribution in
/fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 areas of lowland wet evergreen forest. It is found in

Lenegal Kande Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve and has

Shorea contorta previously been reported from Kanneliya and Gilimale.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led The species is not of any economic importance because
Philippines of its small size and scarcity.
Endemic to the Philippines, this large tree is found in the Assessor: Ashton, P.
ever-decreasing lowland seasonal semi -evergreen Refs:n%51, 15431, 17195, 18515
dipterocarp forest. It is suffering from exploitation for
the light red meranti (or white lauan) timber. Shorea domatiosa
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd. C2a
yfe/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan). Malaysia (Sabah)
A tree occurring in lowland mixed dipterocarp forest.
Shorea cordata Assessor: Ashton. P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a Re/i; 7673. 9169, 13857
Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea dyeri
/?e/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Sri Lanka
Shorea cordifoUa A sizeable tree found scattered in the remnants of
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd lowland wet evergreen forest in the south-west comer of
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka. It is of local value as a construction timber,
A canopy species that is endemic to the remaining and occurs in some forest reserves.
fragments of lowland wet evergreen forest of Sri Lanka. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Signs of regeneration are meagre. This tree was not /fe/j; 13857, 15431, 17195

found during the extensive forest surveys conducted

between 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation

The World List of Threatened Trees

Shorea eltiptica Shorea farinosa

Dipterocaq)aceae CR Alcd, C2a Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Malaysia? (Peninsular Malaysia?), Myanmar, Thailand
Confined to the lowland mixed dipterocarp forests of Assessor: Ashton, P.
north-westem Kalimantan and western Sarawak, this Refs: 3998, 7673, 9169, 13857, 18243
tree is cut for red balau timber. Some populations occur
in forest reserves. Shorea flaviflora
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
*e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah)
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea faguetiana Refs: 13857, 18327
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Indonesia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Shorea flemmichii
Sarawak), Thailand Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a
This tree is often found on well-drained clay soils on Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
ridges and imdulating land. The wood is utilised as A lowland tree locally distributed on deep yellow sandy
yellow meranti timber. Populations have been found in soilsand coastal hills. It is often cut for dark red meranti
forest reserves. timber. The tree is slow-growing and directly threatened
Assessor: Ashton, P. by logging because it cannot reach reproductive maturity
Refs: 9169, 12937, 13857 within a cutting cycle. Populations are recorded fiom
some forest reserves.
Shoreafalcata Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR C2b «e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Viet Nam
Endemic to Viet Nam, this species may now be extinct. Shorea foraminifera
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a
Refs: 13857 Brunei
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea falcifera /?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Shorea foxworthyi
Malaysia, Sarawak) Di pterocarpaceae CRAlcd
This lowland species cannot withstand logging because Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Sabah,
of its slow growth. Balau consignments are often made Sarawak), Thailand
up of this species. A lofty tree that is a source of balau timber. Logging is a
Assessor: Ashton, P. serious threat because the reproductive cycle of the
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857, 18327 species exceeds the present cutting cycle.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea falciferoides Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Philippines Shorea gardneri
A massive tree of mixed dipterocarp forest on clay soils, Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
cut for balau timber. This slow growing species cannot Sri Lanka
reach reproductive maturity between logging cycles and A large tree confined remaining 700km' of
to the
is therefore threatened by logging activities. highland wet evergreen It prefers deep well-
Assessor: Ashton, P. drained soils. The timber is exploited for house building
/Je/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 and bridge construction. It was not found during the
extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and
Shorea falciferoides ss^. falciferoides 1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd that the species is either extremely rare or possibly
Philippines extinct.
This subspecies is restricted to the Philippines; it grows Assessor: Ashton, P.
in mixed dipterocarp forest and is confined to ridges in Refs: 13857,15431,19112
permanently wet areas.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea geniculata
Refs:95Q\, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
Shorea falciferoides ssp. glaucescens A large tree occurring in mixed dipterocarp forest on
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd leached yellow soils. It is valued as the most solid balau
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, timber in Brunei. Directly threatened by logging, trees
Sarawak) do not reach reproductive maturity in the time between
This subspecies is restricted to Borneo, where it grows logging cycles. Populations of the species occur in some
in mixed dipterocarp forest up to 600m. forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
/fc/j; 9501. 13857 *e/j; 7673, 9169. 13857

Species Summaries

Shorea gibbosa Shorea hopeifoUa

Dipterocaipaceae CRAlcd Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Singapore Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Philippines
An emergent lowland tree that grows on deep clay-rich A large tree often found along streams on clay-rich soils,
soils that is cut for its yellow meranti timber. The illipe it is a source of yellow meranti timber.

nuts are collected. Assessor: Ashton, P.

Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 2072, 7673, 9169, 13857
Refs: 9199. 13857, 16104
Shorea hypochra
Shorea glauca Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Dipterocarpaceae EN A led Cambodia, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand,
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Thailand Viet Nam
A semi-gregarious species that is found on rocky is foimd in semi -evergreen and evergreen
This large tree
hillsides and ridges. It is cut for balau timber. lowland dipterocarp forest. It produces a good-quality
Assessor: Ashton, P. resin (damar temak), which, in the past, was tapped
Re/i.- 7673, 91 69, 13857 commercially. The wood is used as white meranti
Shorea gratissima Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae ENAlcd, C2a Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
Sabah), Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand Shorea hypoleuca
A large tree found on well-drained soil in coastal areas, Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
felled for white meranti timber. Populations of the Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
species occur in some forest reserves. Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A slow-growing species of mixed dipterocarp forest,
Refs: 3998, 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857 directly threatened by logging activities because trees do
not reach reproductive maturity between the current
Shorea guiso logging cycles.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, «f/s; 7673,9169, 13857
Viet Nam
A lowland forest species from which red balau timber is Shorea iliasii

harvested. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd

Assessor: Ashton, P. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 19093 Assessor: Ashton, P.
/?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857

Shorea hemsleyana ssp. grandiflora

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a Shorea inaequiUUeralis
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
A localised subspecies found on shallow peat-swamp Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
and on leached sandy soils. The species as a whole is A species of the dwindling mixed peat-swamp forests,
protected for its illipe nuts in Sarawak. which is threatened by logging for its valuable
Assessor: Ashton, P. construction timber, semayur. It is unlikely to survive
Refs: 9169, 13857 logging because trees are slow-growing and do not reach
reproductive maturity within a logging cycle.
Shorea hemsleyana ssp. hemsleyana Assessor: Ashton. P.
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led, C2a Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
A species found on leached sandy soils and in shallow Shorea inappendiculata
peat-swamp. In Sarawak trees are protected for the illipe Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, C2a
nuts. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A tree found infrequently in lowland mixed dipterocarp
Refs: 7673, 13857 forest on coastal hills. It is cut for balau timber but its
slow growth does not allow it to reach maturity within
Shorea henryana the current logging cycle. Some populations are found in
Dipterocarpaceae EN A led forest reserves.
Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Assessor: Ashton, P.
Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Re/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
A tree of seasonal wet and dry evergreen forest. The
hard, heavy timber is used for ship building and, in the Shorea indupUcata
past, the resin (dammar) was tapped commercially. The Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, B 1 +2bde, C2a
species occurs in some forest reserves. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A tree which occurs in the transitional forest between

Refs: 9169, 12937, 13857 heath and mixed dipterocarp forest. Forest degradation
and logging have brought the species close to extinction.
Its slow growth makes it particularly vulnerable to the

affects of continual logging.

Assessor: Ashton, P.
«c/f.- 7673, 9169, 13857

The World List of Threatened Trees

Shorea isoptera dipterocarp forest of north-east Sarawak, Brunei and

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a south-east Sabah. It is exploited for its locally valuable
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) yellow meranti timber. Populations are recorded in
A lowland tree which is particularly threatened by some forest reserves.
logging operations because of its slow growth. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 1613.9169, 13857
Refs: 1673,9169, 13S51
Shorea lepidota
Shorea johorensis Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular A tree that occurs in lowland dipterocarp forest. The
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak) illipe nuts are collected on a small scale and the timber
A lofty tree that occurs locally on well-drained soils at is used as light red meranti. The species occurs in some
low produces a high-grade light red meranti
altitude. It forest reserves.
timber and for this reason it is a priority plantation tree Assessor: Ashton, P.
in Indonesia. Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
Assessor: Ashton, P.
/fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Shorea leprosula
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Shorea kuantanensis Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a Singapore, Thailand
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) This species is still foimd, sometimes in forest reserves,
The one locality in Kuantan, where the species was but it has a massive population reduction
discovered, has now been converted into a plantation. mainly because of the rates of exploitation of its light
Assessor: Ashton, P. red meranti timber.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857, 17140
Shorea kudatensis
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a Shorea leptoderma
Malaysia (Sabah) Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
An endemic tree, which has suffered high rates of forest Malaysia (Sabah)
conversion and degradation and may now be extinct. A tree endemic to the lowland forests of Sabah.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
V?e/i. 7673,9169, 13857 Rc/5; 7673, 9169, 13857

Shorea kunstUri Shorea lissophylla

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Sri Lanka
Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak) A small tree found in patches on shallow poor soil. It
A large tree specific to leached sandy clay soils, felled regenerates prolifically. The species was found in1 1 of

for its valued red balau or red meranti timber. Some the forests surveyed for the National Conservation
populations of the species occur in forest reserves. Review.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Rs/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 19112

Shorea ladiana Shorea longiflora

Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) Brunei. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Confined to the diminishing mixed dipterocarp forests of A yellow meranti timber species, endemic to Borneo,
north-west Borneo, this tree is directly threatened by found scattered on shallow peat or yellow sandy soils.
logging. Its slow growth and maturation rate make it Some populations of the species occur in forest reserves.
particularly vulnerable to continual cutting. Some Assessor: Ashton, P.
populations are found in forest reserves. Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P.
J?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Shorea longisperma
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a
Shorea lamellata Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Sarawak)
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd An enormous tree of the declining mixed dipterocarp
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) forests in Sumatra and northern Borneo. It is felled for
A large tree that found locally on ridges. The tree is
is yellow meranti timber.
cut for white meranti timber and the wood is tapped for Assessor: Ashton, P.
its clear resin in Borneo. /?«/>.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Shorea lumutensis
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
Shorea laxa Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Limited in its range, this timber species occurs along the
Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak) coastal hills of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
Confined to coastal hills, the species occurs in mixed

Species Summaries

Some trees are also found in forest reserves in this area. Shorea malibato
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CR A I cd, C2a
Refs: 5550. 7673, 9169, 13857 Philippines
This species occurs in non-seasonal evergreen forest in
Shorea lunduensis the Philippines. It is now very nearly extinct because of
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, C2a habitat loss.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Assessor: Ashton, P.
A tree confined to the diminishing mixed dipterocarp >?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
forests of Sarawak.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea materiaUs
«e/i: 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a
Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Shorea macrantha Malaysia. Sarawak)
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd.C2a A tree of remaining patchy 'kerangas vegetation on
Indonesia (Sumatra) Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, podzols and sandstone cuestas. It is cut for balau timber.
Sarawak) The population in Peninsular Malaysia has declined
This species occurs in the declining mixed peat-swamp because of overexploitation.
forests. The tree is exploited for its light or dark red Assessor: Ashton, P.
meranti timber and its edible illipe nuts. Refs: 5550. 7673. 9169, 13857, 17140
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140 Shorea maxima
Di pterocarpaceae EN A 1 c
Shorea macrobalanos Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a A relatively small tree that is scattered on hills and
Malaysia (Sarawak) undulating land. The timber is used as yellow meranti,
Endemic in Sarawak and eastern Kalimantan, this rare but its export has been banned.
tree is foimd on clay-rich soils on hill ridges. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857
/fe/j; 7673, 9169, 13857

Shorea maxwelUana
Shorea macrophylla Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale
Dipterocarpaceae VUAlcd Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Malaysia (Sarawak) One of the main balau timber trees, occurring locally in
This lowland tree is one of the fastest growing species of some abundance on low ridges. Some trees are found in
the genus. It is found frequently along rivers and in areas forest reserves.
which are periodically inundated. The tree is cut for its Assessor: Ashton, P.
light red meranti timber, but more importantly it is the Re/j.- 7673. 9169, 13857
major source of illipe nuts, which ensures its protection
under Sarawak's Wildlife Protection Bill (1990). Shorea megistophyUa
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Refs: 13857, 17214 Sri Lanka
An emergent tree, usually found by rivers and streams,
Shorea macroptera ssp. baillonii confined to the remaining 1422km' of lowland wet
Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd evergreen forest in Sri Lanka. Trees have been
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) selectively logged in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve. The
Some populations of this tree occur in forest reserves. species was not found during the extensive forest
Assessor: Ashton, P. surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
*e/i; 7673. 9169, 13857 National Conservation Review, suggesting that it is

either extremely rare or possibly extinct.

Shorea macroptera ssp. macroptera Assessor: Ashton, P.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 19II2
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Singapore, Thailand Shorea micans
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc, C2a
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857 Malaysia (Sabah)
A lowland tree found growing over the ultrabasic rocks
Shorea macroptera ssp. macropterifolia in Sabah, threatened mainly by forest conversion.

Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale Assessor: Ashton, P.

Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Re/i. 7673,9169, 13857
The species is recorded in some primary forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea montigena
«eA; 7673. 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Indonesia (Moluccas. Sulawesi)
Shorea macroptera ssp. sandakanensis A tree located in S. selanica hill forest.

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Assessor: Ashton, P.

Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah) /?e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P.
«e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857

The World List of Threatened Trees

Shorea mujongensis conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the National
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Conservation Review, suggesting that the species is
Malaysia (Sarawak) either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
A magnificent yellow meranti timber species endemic to Assessor: Ashton, P.
the fertile volcanic soils of the Hose Mountains in Refs:l3S51. 15431, 17195, 19112
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea ovaUs ssp. ovalis
yee/t; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
Shorea myrionerva Malaysia, Sabah), Singapore
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led, C2a A widespread subspecies that is found in lowland mixed
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, dipterocarp forest.
Sarawak) Assessor: Ashton, P.
A tree that is found on moist hillsides and along rivers. It Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857
is also found in some forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea ovalis ssp. sarawakensis
«e/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Shorea negrosensis Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Endemic to northern Borneo, this species is restricted to
Philippines lowland tnixed dipterocarp forest. Some populations are
A large, often gregarious, tree that occurs in the known to occur in primary forest reserves.
remaining lowland seasonal and evergreen dipterocarp Assessor: Ashton, P.
forest of the Philippines. The timber is used as red «e/i. 7673,9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea ovalis ssp. sericea
/?e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Shorea oblongifoUa This subspecies occurs in lowland mixed dipterocarp
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd forest.
Sri Lanka Assessor: Ashton, P.
This tree occurs mainly on hillsides and river banks in «e/s; 7673, 9169, 13857
remaining fragments of lowland wet evergreen forests.
Regeneration is somewhat sparse. Some populations Shorea ovata
occur in forest reserves. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Assessor: Ashton, P. Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Philippines
Refs: 12129, 13857, 15431, 17195 A widespread species which is cut for its dark red
meranti timber. The tree occurs in some primary forest
Shorea obovoidea reserves.
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a Assessor: Ashton, P.
Malaysia (Sarawak) Refs: 1613, 13857
This tree is found only in the threatened mixed
dipterocarp forests of western Sarawak. Shorea pachyphylla
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
/Je/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Brunei, Malaysia (Sarawak)
A valuable dark red meranti timber species that is
Shorea obscura restricted to the highly threatened mixed peat-swamp
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd forest, usually near the coast of north-west Borneo. It is

Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, particularly threatened by logging operations because it

Sarawak) grows too slowly to reach reproductive maturity

Populations of this species occur in some primary forest between cutting cycles.
reserves. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /ec/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Refs: 7673, 13857, 15598
Shorea palemhanica
Shorea ochrophloia Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak)
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) This large tree is a riverine and freshwater swamp
A species, found locally on well-drained undulating low- species, which is exploited for its red meranti timber. It
lying ground. The timber is used as red meranti. is protected under Sarawak's Wildlife Protection Bill
Assessor: Ashton, P. (1990) as a major source of illipe nuts.
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 13857, 17140, 17214
Shorea ovalifolia
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a Shorea pattescens
Sri Lanka Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a
A dipterocarp, confined to the lowland and hill wet Sri Lanka
evergreen forests of south-east Sri Lanka, which is close A dipterocarp restricted to the lowland wet evergreen
to extinction because of the loss of its habitat. This tree forests of Kegalle and the South Peak Sanctuary. The
was not found during the extensive forest surveys species is unable to reach reproductive maturity between

Species Summaries

the current cutting cycles.It was not found during the Shorea platycarpa
extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
that it is either extremely rare or possibly extinct. Singapore
Assessor: Ashton, P. A timber tree specific to mixed peat-swamp forest.
Refs:\i%51, 15431, 17195, 19112 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: IdTi, 9199, 13857, 17140
Shorea palUdifoUa
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, C2a Shorea platyclados
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
A treeof remaining fragments of heath forest in Indonesia (Sumatra)
Sarawak. It is mainly threatened by habitat degradation. A species found in hilly and mountainous areas on deep
Some populations occur in forest reserves. fertile soils. It produces a fine dark red meranti timber.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Some populations are found in primary forest reserves.
/fe/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673. 9169, 13857
Shorea palosapis
Dipterocarpaceae CR A led Shorea polyandra
Philippines Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
A large tree that is found throughout the Philippines on Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
well-drained soils in what Is left of the evergreen mixed An immense tree, endemic to Borneo, where it is locally
diptercarp forest. It is cut for its light red meranti timber. common on fertile clay-rich soil.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Ife/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 /?s/i;7673, 9169, 13857

Shorea parvifoUa ssp. parvifoUa Shorea polysperma

Dipterocarpaceae EN A led Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Philippines
Singapore, Thailand A tree, endemic to the Philippines, which occurs in the
The species is possibly the most common dipterocarp in remaining hill evergreen mixed dipterocarp forests. It is
Malesia. It is, however, heavily exploited as the main heavily exploited as the most important red meranti
source of light red meranti timber in South East Asia. timber in the country. Populations are recorded in some
Assessor: Ashton, P. forest reserves.
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.
/?c/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Shorea parvifoUa ssp. velutina
Dipterocarpaceae EN A led Shorea praestans
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
The species is possibly the most common dipterocarp in Malaysia (Sarawak)
Malesia. It is, however, heavily exploited as the main Confmed to mixed dipterocarp forest in central Sarawak,
source of light red meranti timber in South East Asia. this species is threatened by forest degradation.
Some populations occur in primary forest reserves. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /Jf/i. 7673.9169, 13857
^e/f; 7673, 9169, 13857
Shorea pubistyla
Shorea pauciflora Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, C2a
Dipterocarpaceae EN A led Malaysia (Sarawak)
Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Some populations occur in primary forest reserves.
Singapore Assessor: Ashton, P.
An immense tree of lowland and hill forest on well- /fe/i; 7673. 9169, 13857

drained soils. The species is exploited for its valuable

dark red meranti timber. Shorea quadrinervis
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Refs: 7673, 9169, 9199, 13857 Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Confined to north-west Borneo, this tree is one of the
Shorea peltata major sources of light red meranti timber.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Refs: 13857, 16104
A tree of mixed dipterocarp forest. Shorea resinosa
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Refs: 5550, 7673, 9169, 13857 Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia,
A tree with a local distribution in mixed dipterocarp
forest. The timber is used as a minor white meranti
timber. The main threat to the species is forest
conversion and degradation.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 5550, 7673. 9169, 13857

The World List of Threatened Trees

Shorea revoluta often the dominant species, occurs in lowland forest. It

Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a is exploited for its valuable red meranti timber.
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Assessor: Ashton, P.
A tree endemic to fragments of heath forest in northern /ee/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Assessor: Ashton, P. Shorea seminis
/f«/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Malaysia (Sarawak), Philippines
Shorea richetia A fairly large riverine tree, often occurring in patches in
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd, C2a lowland areas. The tree provides balau timber and illipe
Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sarawak) nuts, and is protected under the Sarawak's Wildlife
This treeis endemic to the threatened mixed dipterocarp Protection Bill (1990).
forests and heath forests of western Borneo. Some Assessor: Ashton, P.
populations occur in primary forest reserves. Refs: 7673,9169, 13857, 17214
Assessor: Ashton, P.
/fe/i. 7673,9169, 13857 Shorea singkawang
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Shorea rotundifoUa Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia),
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd Thailand
Malaysia (Sarawak) A dark red meranti timber species, usually found near
Endemic to Sarawak, this tree is found in mixed lowland streams. The illipe nuts are collected.
dipterocarp forest. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Re/i; 9501, 13857
«e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Shorea singkawang ssp. scabrosa
Shorea roxburghii Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Cambodia, India (Andhra Pradesh, Kamataka, Kerala, This subspecies is restricted to coastal Pahang and
Tamil Nadu), Laos, Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Terengganu, where it grows in forest on low hills.
Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam Assessor: Ashton, P.
A widespread dipterocarp, unusual for its adaptation to Refs: 950\, 13857
withstand adverse climatic conditions and soil types. It
occurs in dry evergreen or deciduous forest and bamboo Shorea slootenii
forest, often on sandy soils. In India, there are healthy Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
regenerating populations in the south. Some populations Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
are recorded in forest reserves. Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. This species is found on coastal hills, and in some
Refs: 3998, 7673, 8483, 9169, 13857 primary forest reserves.
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea rubella «e/j.- 7673, 9169, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, C2a
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Shorea smithiana
A species found on lowland coastal hills, sometimes Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
within primary forest reserves. Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A large tree of lowland areas, threatened by rates of
Rc/s; 7673, 9169, 13857 exploitation. It is the major source of light red meranti
timber for north-east Borneo. Populations are found in
Shorea rugosa some forest reserves.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a Assessor: Ashton, P.
Indonesia (Kalimantan) «e/i.- 7673, 9169, 13857
A large tree of mixed dipterocarp and heath forest, that
also occurs in some primary forest reserves. The timber Shorea splendida
is used as dark red meranti. Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Assessor: Ashton, P. Malaysia (Sarawak)
Re/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 A relatively small dipterocarp which occurs in river
forest. The tree provides a light red meranti timber and
Shorea sagittata is the one of the main sources of illipe nuts. It is

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd,C2a afforded protection by Sarawak's Wildlife Protection

Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Bill (1990).
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 7673, 13857 Refs: 13857. 17214

Shorea selanica Shorea stenoptera

Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Indonesia (Moluccas) Malaysia (Sarawak)
Endemic to the south-west Moluccas, this large tree. This timber species, locally common in the patchy
lowland heath forest, has been planted for its especially
large illipe nuts. This tree is protected under Sarawak's

Species Summaries

Wildlife Protection Bill (1990). Some populations also Shorea teysmanniana

occur in primary forest reserves. Di pterocarpaceae EN A 1 cd

Assessor: Ashton, P. Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia

Refs: 13857, 17214 (Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak)
A tree of mixed peal-swamp forest, exploited for its light
Shorea stipularis red meranti timber.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd Assessor: Ashton, P.
Sri Lanka Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
This species was discovered in only 12 of the forests
surveyed for the National Conservation Review. Shorea thorelii
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
Refs: 12129, 13857, 15431, 17195, 19112 Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Viet Nam
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Shorea subcyUmlrica Ue/i; 9169, 12937, 13857
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 cd, C2a
Malaysia (Sarawak) Shorea trapezifolia
A relatively small of mixed dipterocarp forest,
tree Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
threatened by the decline and degradation of its habitat. Sri Lanka
Assessor: Ashton, P. This tree is found in fragments of lowland and
^e/j; 7673, 9169. 13857 sometimes highland wet evergreen forest, usually on
deep soils. Most of the habitat has been converted into
Shorea submontana plantations, resulting in the species becoming localised.
Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd It forms one of the dominant components of the canopy

Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) in the protected area at Sinharaja. The timber is

A large dipterocarp that is locally abundant on high hills harvested mainly for plywood. Regeneration is good

in Peninsular Malaysia. It is cut for balau timber. where selective logging is taking place. No populations
Assessor: Ashton, P. were found during the extensive forest surveys
/fe/S;5550, 11647, 13857 conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the National
Conservation Review, suggesting that the species is
Shorea sumatrana either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd Assessor: Ashton, P.
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Thailand Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 18515, 19112
This tree can be found along the banks of slow-flowing
rivers. The population in south-east Peninsular Thailand Shorea tumbuggaia
appears to be extinct. It is exploited for its balau timber Dipterocarpaceae DD
and the illipe nuts are collected locally. India (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu)
Assessor: Ashton, P. A small tree which occurs gregariously on slopes and
Refs: 13857, 17140 peaks in dry savanna forest and dry mixed decidous
forest. The habitat is threatened with conversion to
Shorea superba agriculture. The wood is used for construction.
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd Assessor: Ashton, P.
Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Refs: 13857
A species of mixed dipterocarp which is the main
source of balau timber for Sabah. Logging poses a Shorea uliginosa
severe threat because the trees are unable to reach Dipterocarpaceae VU Alcd
reproductive maturity between cutting cycles. The Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatra), Malaysia (Peninsular
species is known to occur in some primary forest Malaysia, Sarawak)
reserves. Locally abundant in mixed peat-swamp forest, this
Assessor: Ashton, P. species cut for its dark red meranti timber.

/Je/j.- 7673, 9169, 13857 Assessor: Ashton, P.

Refs: 7673, 9169, 13857, 17140
Shorea symingtonii
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd Shorea waltoni
Malaysia (Sabah) Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd
This tree is endemic to the mixed dipterocarp forests of Malaysia (Sabah)
Sabah, where it is threatened by habitat conversion and This tree grows on well-drained ground in the lowlands
degradation. The species also occurs in some primary and is found in some primary forest reserves..
forest reserves. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /?e/i. 7673, 9169, 13857
/Je/i; 7673, 9169, 13857
Shorea worthinglonii
Shorea tenuiramulosa Dipterocarpaceae EN Alcd
Dipterocarpaceae CR C2a, Dl Sri Lanka
Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) Isolated patches of this species are found scattered on
This tree appears to be confined to dry coastal ridges. well-drained soil in remaining lowland wet evergreen
Assessor: Ashton, P. forests. Regeneration is poor. The species forms a
Re/i; 7673, 9169, 13857 dominant component in the canopy in the protected area
at Sinharaja. It was not found during the extensive forest
surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the

The World List of Threatened Trees

National Conservation Review, suggesting that the Sideroxylon anomalum

species is extremely rare. Sapotaceae VU D2
Assessor: Ashton, P. Dominican Republic
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 18515, 19112 A species known only from the site where it was first
collected in Barahona at about 700m.
Shorea xanthophytta Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlcd /?e/5.- 7980, 8816
Brunei, Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah,
Sarawak) Sideroxylon buUatum
A found in mixed dipterocarp forest on hills
tree that is Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
in northern Borneo. The wood is used as yellow meranti Jamaica
timber. The species also occurs in some forest reserves. Confmed found in wet areas
to Portland, the species is
Assessor: Ashton, P. of woodland on limestone, above Ecclesdown. The
/Je/j; 7673, 9169, 13857 habitat has declined and continues to be threatened.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Shorea zeylanica /?e/i.- 401, 3932, 5653, 7980
Dipterocarpaceae CR Alcd, C2a
Sri Lanka Sideroxylon capiri ssp. capiri
A tree occurring wet evergreen forest which becomes
in Sapotaceae LR/nt
an emergent at higher altitudes. The wood is used in Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan,
construction work. It was not discovered during the Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca)
extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and Occurring relatively widely, the species ranges from
1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting Jalisco to Oaxaca in deciduous forest from near sea level
that the species is either extremely rare or possibly up to 1600m.
extinct. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 7980, 8816
Refs: 13857. 15431, 17195, 19112
Sideroxylon cartilagineum
Sibangea pleioneura Sapotaceae LR/nt
Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c Mexico (Guerrero, Jalisco, Sinaloa)
Tanzania This small tree occurs over an area extending from
The East African member of this small tropical African Sinaloa to Guerrero, restricted to deciduous and semi-
genus. It is endemic to the North Udzungwa Mountains deciduous forest, frequently on igneous rock.
where it is found in moist evergreen forest at medium Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
elevations. /?e/i; 7980,8816
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
*e/i; 3356, 10961,11631 Sideroxylon confertum
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Sideroxylon acunae Cuba
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Not a well-known species, it is confined to the provinces
Cuba of Oriente and Pinar del Rio, where it occurs in forest by
Related to S. angustatum, this species is also confmed to mangroves and also in dry *manacales up to 900m.
Oriente Province. Overexploited for its timber has caused population
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre decline. Overcutting and clearing are constant threats to
Refs: 7980, 8816 the habit.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Sideroxylon altamiranoi Re/s. 7980,8816, 19149
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Mexico (Hidalgo, Quer6taro) Sideroxylon contrerasii
Confined to Hidalgo and (^er^taro States, the species Sapotaceae LR/nt
has been recorded only a few times in montane forest Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico (Hidalgo, Oaxaca,
and *matorral, from the lower limit of the pine-juniper Veracruz), Panama
belt. A rainforest species of lowland to medium elevation,
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre scattered sparsely over a wide range.
/Je/i; 7980, 8816 Populations occur on the Atlantic slopes of Mexico,
Guatemala and Costa Rica and more recently it has been
Sideroxylon angustum collected from Cerro Jefe in Panama.
Sapotaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cuba ;?f/i.- 7980, 8816

A shrub or small tree of dry thickets, apparently

restricted to the serpentine plateau of Sierrade Nipe Sideroxylon discolor
between 300 and 500m. So far it has been collected just Sapotaceae VU D2
three times. Some taxonomic confusion exists. Yemen (Socotra)
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Formerly known under a small genus Spiniluma, the
Refs: 7980, 8816, 19149 species is confined to the Haggler Mountains, from
where it has been collected twice. It occurs in moist

Species Summaries

seasonal woodland within a restricted range below where it occurs within restricted areas of forest between
1000m. There are no immediate threats to the area. More 600 and 760m.
fieldworlc is needed to estimate population numbers. Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Refs: 6057, 7980, 19085
Refs: 2354, 19083
Sideroxylon hirtiantherum
Sideroxylon dominicanum Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2 Guatemala
Dominican Republic This species is known from a single locality at La
A small treelet recorded, up to now, only twice from Cumbre, Pet^n, where it is confined to lowland
forest on limestone. rainforest dominated by Manilkara zapola.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Wortd Conservation Monitoring Centre
«e/i.- 7980, 8816 Refs: 7980, 8816

Sideroxylon durifolium Sideroxylon ibarrae

Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c Sapotaceae VU Bl+2c, D2
Belize Guatemala
A small tree which appears to be confined to the Jacinto Confined to lowland rainforest, this species has been
Hills in Belize, although a specimen collected in collected only a few times from its range in Baja
Chiapas in Mexico could possibly be the same species. Verapaz.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 8816 /Jc/i. 7980, 8816

Sideroxylon eucoriaceum Sideroxylon inerme ssp. cryptophlebia

Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Sapotaceae VU D2
Guatemala, Mexico (Veracruz) Seychelles (Aldabra)
Known only from a few collections, the species is A frequent constituent of mixed scrub on most of the
recorded from lowland rainforest in Nitio Perdido and islands in Aldabra, Assumption, Cosmoledo and Astove.
Baja Verapaz in Guatemala and from submontane Trees are frequently infested by woolly coccids. They
secondary forest in the Apatlanco area in Veracruz. also provide fruit for the blue pigeon. The islands of
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Aldabra are protected within a Strict Nature Reserve.
/ee/j; 7980, 8816 Strip-mining for phosphate or guano has taken place on
Assumption and areas of Cosmoledo and Astove have
Sideroxylon excavatum been cleared and planted with coconuts and Casuarina.
Sapotaceae EN Bl+2c The species is found on the African mainland.
Mexico (Guerrero, Oaxaca) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A newly described species of arid thom forest or oak Refs: 19027
foreston calcareous soil between I6(X) and 2000m. It is
known only from small populations in the Chilpancingo Sideroxylon jubiUa
area in Guerrero and south of San Marcos Arteaga in Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
Oaxaca. Cuba
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A valuable timber tree, up to 30m tall, fairly widespread
/fe/i; 7980, 8816 in thehumid mountainous areas of eastern Cuba, where
it grows in submontane and montane rainforest and
Sideroxylon fimbriatum seasonal evergreen forest. Population numbers continue
Sapotaceae VU D2 to decline because of overcutting.
Yemen (Socotra) Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Collected only a few times, the species has a very «e/f; 7980, 8816, 19149
scattered distribution in moist woodland on limestone
and granite hills. The populations are under no Sideroxylon mermulana
immediate threat. Sapotaceae VU C2a
Assessor: Miller, A.G. Cape Verde, Portugal (Madeira), Spain (Canary Is.)
Refs: 19083 The species is commonly known under the epithet
marmulano and may possibly be divided into different
Sideroxylon floribundum ssp. belizense varietieson different island groups, particularly the Cape
Sapotaceae VU Ale Verde populations. It occurs in lowland dry forest and
Belize, Guatemala xerophytic scrub. On the Canary Islands and Madeira
A rainforest species, confined to lowland limestone sites the populations have become small and fragmented, and
in Izabal and Pet^n, in Guatemala, and to Toledo in are under great pressure from grazing, burning and
Belize. The type subspecies is confined to Jamaica. habitat conversion. The species is covered by regional
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre legislation and occurs within protected areas.
/?e/i; 7980, 8816 Assessor: Bafiares, A. et at.

Refs: 1512, 16500, 19022, 19131

Sideroxylon floribundum ssp. floribundum
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Sideroxylon montanum
Jamaica Sapotaceae LR/nt
A taxon endemic to the central parishes of Jamaica, Jamaica
The species occurs over a wide range of altitudes and
soil types in the Blue Mountains. It is especially

The World List of Threatened Trees

common on the Grand Ridge and on steep, sometimes Sideroxylon slevensonU

unstable, slopes. At lower elevations there has been Sapotaceae VUBl+2c
logging. Belize, Guatemala
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre This species is restricted to Pet6n in Guatemala and
Refs: 7980, 12564 adjacent Belize. It is found in lowland rainforest
dominated by Manilkara zapota, ascending to medium
Sideroxylon octosepalum elevations.
Sapotaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Jamaica Refs: 7980, 8816
An uncommon species occurring in the central parishes
on well-drained rocky limestone. Simira wurdackii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rubiaceae VU D2
Refs: 6057, 7980 Peru
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Sideroxylon peninsulare in Amazon forest in the department of Loreto.
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mexico (Baja California Sur) Refs: 1984
A small tree or shrub, which is confined to two sites

along stream beds and gullies in the southern tip of Baja Sindora beccariana
California. Leguminosae DD
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Kalimantan), Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
««/j; 7980, 8816 Scattered in lowland dipterocarp forest, this imcommon
species, as well as others in the genus, may be seriously
Sideroxylon persimUe ssp. subsessiUflorum threatened by large-scale exploitation of forest.
Sapotaceae LR/nt Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Mexico (Chihuahua, Colima, Durango, Jalisco, Sinaloa) Refs: 662, 1766, 12937, 14573
This is the more localised subspecies of a widely
occurring Central American tree. Populations are found Sindora inermis
along watercourses in dwarf deciduous forest up to Leguminosae VU Aid
1200m, covering a range from Chihuahua to Jalisco and Indonesia (Sumatra), Philippines
Colima. The timber of this lowland forest species is used as
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre sepetir. The supply is very limited.
/??/j; 7980, 8816 Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
Refs: 2072,4919, 12937, 14573
Sideroxylon retinerve
Sapotaceae CR C2a Sindora javanica
Honduras Leguminosae VUBI+2c
A small tree, confined to an area of submontane pine- Indonesia (Java)
oak woodland and rocky thickets in central Honduras. A rare tree restricted to the lowland forests of Preanger
Assessor: Nelson, C. and Banjumas.
/fe/i; 7980, 8816, 13995 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 12937, 14573
Sideroxylon rotundifolium
Sapotaceae LR/nt Sindora supa
Jamaica Leguminosae VU Aid
This species is actually quite common where it occurs in Philippines
areas of woodland and thicket on limestone in central The timber of this species, found in Luzon and Mindoro,
and western parishes. is locally important and the wood-oil also has a variety
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre of uses.
Refs: 6057, 7980 Assessor: Asian Regional Workshop
/?e/i;4919, 12888, 14573
Sideroxylon rubiginosum
Sapotaceae CR C2a Sindora tonkinensis
Dominican Republic Leguminosae DD
A very poorly known species. The type and only Cambodia, Viet Nam
collection was taken from a hilltop in Santo Domingo in A slow-growing tree, sparsely but widely distributed in
the early part of the century. It has not been recorded remaining areas of primary and slightly disturbed forest
since. In Viet Nam, the species produces one of the best woods
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre in the coimtry and is becoming increasingly scarce.
«e/i; 7980, 8816 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs:S4S. 12563
Sideroxylon socorrense
Sapotaceae VU D2 Sinojackia doUchocarpa
Mexico Gigedo Is)
(Revilla Styracaceae VU D2
A tree known only from Socorro Island and the Revilla China (Hunan)
Gigedo Islands in humid forest up to 900m. A relatively newly discovered species, known only from
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre populations on Huping Mountain and Tienping
«e/i. 7980,8816 Mountain, where it occurs in forest areas between 400
and 800m. The former location is designated a native

Species Summaries

reserve, but the habitat in both areas is susceptible to Sloanea acutiflora

disturbance. Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Suriname
Refs: 1818, 11847 An upland rainforest tree, locally abundant in places. It
is endemic to Brownsberg and the Tapanahony River.
Sinojackia xylocarpa Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Styracaceae VU B 1 +2ce, D2 Refs: 19196
China (Jiangsu)
A dwarf tree restricted to a few localities close to Sloanea gracilis
Nanjing. It occurs on hillsides below 400m. Although Elaeocarpaceae VU D2
some populations appear to be protected, trees are still Suriname
susceptible to being cut for firewood. An endemic to Brownsberg.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/fe^.- 1818, 11847 Refs: 19196

Sinoradlkofera minor Sloanea lepida

Sapindaceae VU D2 Elaeocarpaceae VU Dl
Viet Nam New Caledonia
A small tree or shrub which appears to be endemic to Vo This species has been collected only rarely, perhaps
Xa, Nam Ha Province, in northern Viet Nam. twice. It occurs in dense raii.forest in Oua N6mi and M6
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ou^ in the north of Grand Terre.
Refs: 848 Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el at.

Refs: 10351, 12630

Sinowihonia henryi
Hamamelidaceae LR/nt Sloanea shankii
China (Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan) Elaeocarpaceae CR C2a
Confmed to central China, the species occurs in mixed Honduras
foreston mountain slopes and river banks between 1 100 A rarely collected species of lowland moist forest.
and 1600m. One population is believed to be protected Assessor: Nelson, C.
in Taibai Shan Nature Reserve. Elsewhere the species Refs: 13995
appears to be suffering from habitat degradation and
declines. It is the only species in the genus. Sloanea suaveolens
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Elaeocarpaceae VU Dl
Refs: 1818, 11847 New Caledonia
A species which appears to be known from a single
Siparuna eggersU location on Mont Tonine, where it occurs in dense forest
Monimiaceae VU Bl+2c on schist substrate between 800 and 1000m.
Ecuador Assessor: JaffrS, T. et at.

An endemic tree of Ecuador, inhabiting forest between Refs: 10351, 12630

60m and 2650m in Bolfvar Province.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Solanum betaceum
Refs: 19119,19120 Solanaceae DD
Argentina? (Jujuy?, Tucum^n?), Bolivia?
Siphoneugenia densiftora The native range of the tamarillo tree is not resolved. It

Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd is often thought extinct. Putative wild populations are

Brazil small, occurring in restricted areas in Argentina and
Assessor: Barroso, G.M. Bolivia. It widely cultivated in the Andes, Europe,

Refs: 19097, 19098 Africa and New

Zealand. Wild representatives are
important for the genetic improvement and
Siphoneugenia occidentalis understanding of cultivated forms.
Myrtaceae VUBI+2ac Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia Refs: 11906, 16093, 17611
Endemic to the piedmont forest of north-west Argentina
and Bolivia, the species is confmed to an unprotected Solanum buUatum
ecosystem which is being rapidly replaced by Solanaceae LR/cd
agricultural systems. Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Parand, Rio de Janeiro,
Assessor: Prado, D. Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo)
Refs: 19122 A relatively widely ranging species of Atlantic coastal

Siphoneugenia widgreniana Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F.

Myrtaceae VUBl+2acd Refs: 19098, 19103
Assessor: Barroso, G.M. Solanum cajanumense
Refs: 19097, 19098 Solanaceae LR/nt
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
A small tree of Andean forest, occurring especially on
the western slopes, between 1500 and 3000m, from
Columbia to northern Peru. The habitat is seriously
threatened by encroaching agriculture and fires. The

1 1
I 11

The World List of Threatened Trees

fruits aresweet and edible and are now being cultivated Solanum exiguum
in New Zealandas a possible commercial fruit crop. Solanaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre BoHvia
Refs: 7980, 9880, 11 906, 1761 A diminutive tree or shiub restricted to the valleys of
Rfo Beni and Rfo Chapare, where it is uncommon.
Solanum cinnamomeum Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Solanaceae LR/cd Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
The species appears to occur in isolated populations, Solanum fallax
including some in protected areas. Solanaceae LR/nt
Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F. Colombia, Ecuador
Refs: 19098, 19103 An unusual species restricted to ravines and forest
pockets in Jauneche forest in western Ecuador. It
Solanum circinatum ssp. ramosa endures a more severe dry season than other species in
Solanaceae VU B 1 +2c this section of the genus.
Colombia Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ranging relatively widely, the subspecies occurs in /fe/i; 7980, 9880, 17611
rainforest and cloud forest, in the valleys of Magdalena,
Cauca and Patfa Rivers. It is geographically isolated Solanum fortunense
from the more widespread type species. Solanaceae VU D2
Assessor: Calderon, E. Costa Rica, Panama
Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761 1, 19069 Panama may contain the only extant populations of this
rare species.The taxon is restricted to montane or cloud
Solanum corymbiflora ssp. mortoniana forest between 900 and 1800m. Further fieldwork may
Solanaceae VU D2 indicate that a more serious threat category is
Brazil (Parana, Santa Catarina) appropriate.
Two known, one in Parang, south-east of
localities are Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Curitiba, and one around Sao Joaquim. It occurs within Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761
an area of 10,000km', in clearings, thickets and waste
places in the dwarf montane forest. Solanum granulosum-leprosum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Solanaceae LR/cd
/fe/j;9880, 11906, 17611 Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F.
Solanum diploconos Refs: 19098, 19103
Solanaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Parang, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Solanum inaequale
Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo) Solanaceae LR/cd
This species has long been known under the name Brazil (Mato Grosso do Minas Gerais, Parani, Rio
Cyphomandra fragrans. It is found
clearings and in de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo)
and Araucaria
forest edges in Atlantic coastal rainforest A widespread species of montane forest.
forest, both of which have suffered heavy declines over Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F.
the past centuries. The fruit are edible and are being Refs: 7980, 19098, 19103
tried in New Zealand as a potential commercial crop.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Solanum latiflorum
Refs:9%ZQ, 11906, 17611 Solanaceae LR/nt
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Solanum diversifolium ssp. diversifolium Quite well collected and widespread, this small tree is
Solanaceae LR/nt confined to the remaining areas of Adantic coastal
Venezuela rainforest in the south-east of Brazil. This habitat has
Distributed in a restricted area of coastal Venezuela, this suffered large-scale destruction over the past centuries.
small tree colonises disturbed areas and light gaps in Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
cloud forest over 500m. Refs: 9880, I76I
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/Je/i; 7980, 9880, 17611 Solanum leucodendron
Solanaceae LR/cd
Solanum drymophilum Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro)
Solanaceae CR C2b Assessor: Carvalho, L.d'A.F.
Puerto Rico Refs: 19103
A spiny shrub or tree up to 10ft. It occurs in thickets at
the edge of pastureland, where it is vulnerable to cutting, Solanum melissarum
burning and development. A total of between 50 and 150 Solanaceae LR/nt
individuals are known from a single site. If allowed to, it Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Minas Gerais, Parafba,
has the potential to become a weed in disturbed areas. Parang, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, S3o Paulo)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A relatively widespread species of primary or secondary
Refs: 7980, 17124, 17540 forest, often in Araucaria groves, on the Atlantic coast.
Declines in this habitat have been dramatic.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 9880, 1761

1 1 1

Species Summaries

Solanum ovum-fiingiUae Brazilian coast, where this habitat is seriously threatened

Solanaceae CRBl+2c and continues to decline.
Brazil (Pemambuco) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A small shrub or herb which may be extinct in the wild. Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761
Collections, the last of which was gathered in 1933,
originate from coastal *restinga vegetation in Solanum tobagense
Pemambuco and *caatinga of Bahia. This is the only Solanaceae LR/ht
species in this section of the genus to be found in Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela
*caatmga. In the Guyana Highlands the species exists in two
Assessor: Bohs, L. populations on either side of the Orinoco Delta. Some
/?e/i.9880. 11906, 17611 differentiation has evidently arisen between the
populations but both are restricted to primary forest over
Solanum paralum 40()m or cloud forest.
Solanaceae EN Ale Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo) Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761
An unusual species which is morphologically specialised
to survive in *restinga vegetation along seashores. It is Sonneratia hainanensis
known from four collections, none more recent than Lythraceae CR Dl
1971, from isolated localities on the south-east coast, China (Guangdong - Hainan)
where the loss of this habitat continues to be dramatic. Only five specimens are known to exist, confined to
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre mangrove forest in Wenchang County, Hainan. The
Refs: 9880, 1761 species is adapted to immersion in salty water and
periodic drought. The seeds produced are minute and,
Solanum pinetorum although numerous, signs of regeneration are lacking.
Solanaceae LR/nt Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Parand, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Refs: 1818,11725,11847
Catarina, Sao Paulo)
The northern populations in Minas Gerais, Rio de Sophorafemandeziana
Janeiro and Sao Paulo are separated from those in the Leguminosae VU D2
south by 250km (and by morphologically different Chile (Juan Fernandez Is)
leaves and corolla). The species occurs in secondary Preliminary data indicate the species is confined to less
vegetation and disturbed areas in primary forest, coastal than 00km'. More detailed information on the species

cloud forest and Araucaria forest. Destruction of these should become available to confirm this evaluation. The
forests has been extensive. islands are designated as a national park and biosphere
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre reserve and work is being carried out by 'CONAF to
/?e/i;9880, 11906, 17611 save the native plants.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Solanum roseum Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140
Solanaceae VUBl+2c
Bolivia Sophora mangarevaensis
A cloud forest species which is restricted to a small area Leguminosae EN Bl-t-2c
in the department of La Paz, although it may appear in French Polynesia (Tuamotu Is.)

southern Peru. Habitat degradation has been caused by Endemic to Mangareva.

the expansion of agriculture and fires. This is one of the Assessor: Florence, J.

closest relatives to the tamarillo tree. Refs: 14513

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761 Sophora masafuerana
Leguminosae VU D2
Solanum sibundoyense Chile (Juan Fem^dez Is)
Solanaceae VU D2 Preliminary data indicate the species is confined to less
Colombia than 100km'.More detailed information on the species
A small cloud forest tree endemic to Sibundoy and should become available to confirm this evaluation. The
surroimding areas, where it occurs between 1400 and islands are designated as a national park and biosphere
2300m. produces some of the largest fruit in this
It reserve and work is being carried out by *CONAF to
section of the genus (which also contains the tamarillo) save the native plants.
and would be a good candidate for trial as a commercial Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
fruit despite its restriction to such a specialised habitat Refs: 3241, 5651, 7980, 14140
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sophora raivavaeensis
Refs: 7980, 9880, 1 1906, 1761 Leguminosae ENB1+2C
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.)

Solanum sycocarpum An endemic to Raivavae.

Solanaceae EN Ale Assessor: Florence, J.

Brazil (Bahia, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro) Refs: 14513

An unusual succulent species, which has become
specialised and is restricted to *restinga vegetation on
seashores. It ranges over about 1000km of the southern


The World List of Threatened Trees

Sophora rapaensis Sorbus arranensis

Leguminosae DD Rosaceae VU Dl
French Polynesia (Tubuai Is.) United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Assessor: Florence, J. Scattered trees are confined to small remnants of
Refs: 14513 woodland, mostly on inaccessible steep slopes, on very
acidic soils in northern Arran. About 500 plants remain
Sophora saxicola in the two known sites, most of the population being in
Leguminosae ENBl+2c Glen Diomhan Nature Reserve. Regeneration is believed
Jamaica to be insufficient for recruitment and grazing deer and
A rareand localised species, occurring on limestone sheep contribute to this failing. The species is apomictic
cliffsand ledges in Trelawny. A single tree is recorded and a fully fertile hybrid of S. aucuparia and S. rupicola.
on Mango Tree Hill, near Spring Garden, in low Assessor: Wigginton, M.J.
disturbed woodland. ;?e/i; 7222, 7801, 19148
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 5653, 19085 Sorbus austriaca ssp. croatica
Rosaceae LR/cd
Sophora toromiro Croatia
Leguminosae EW A Croatian endemic, restricted to Velebit Mountain,
Chile (Easter Is) fouiyl growing in montane and alpine open dry forest. It
A shrub or small tree. The last wild specimen was a is a slow-growing, xerophytic, heliophytic tree. The
plant in Rano Kao in 1935. A few plants still exist in species range is almost entirely within a nature reserve
cultivation in botanic gardens but attempts at and not considered to be of conservation concern.

reintroduction of the species on Easter Island have Assessor: Nikolic, T.

failed. Refs: 7222, 15608, 19070
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 7599, 7980, 15251 Sorbus badensis
Rosaceae VU D2
Sophora wightii Germany
Leguminosae ENBl-i-2c Endemic to the states of Bayem and Baden-
India (Tamil Nadu) Wurttemberg in southern Germany, this small tree or
Known only from the type collection, the species is shrub occurs in woodlands and scrub on upland slopes.
located in the north of the Nilgiris, occurring in montane It is an apomictic species of the 5. latifolia complex,
forestbetween 1350 and 2000m. originating from a cross between S. graeca and S.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre torminalis.
Refs: 19144 Assessor: Schmidt, P.A.
Refs: 1719,7222,15608
Sorbus amabilis
Rosaceae VUBl+2c Sorbus bristoliensis
China (Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang) Rosaceae EN Dl
A species occurring in small localised colonies in the United Kingdom (Great Britain)
margins or gaps of montane forest on Huangshan and Endemic to the Avon Gorge, both the Somerset and
Qingliang Mountain in southern Anhui, Lin'an and Gloucestershire sides, the species occurs on
Longquan Counties in Zhejiang and Chong'an County in Carboniferous limestone in woodland and scrub. A
Fujian. Some of these areas are designated nature population of about 1(X) plants exists and is increasing in
reserves. The degree of protection given to populations number. The species is apomictic and the product of
is however, largely unknown and the habitat continues hybridisation between 5. rupicola and S. torminalis.
to be cleared in places. Assessor: Wigginton, M.J.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?e/i; 7222, 7801, 19148
Refs: 1818,11847
Sorbus decipiens
Sorbus anglica Rosaceae CR B I +2e, D
Rosaceae VUDl Germany
Ireland, United Kingdom (Great Britain) An apomictic species of the S. latifolia complex, arising
A shrub or small tree occurring locally in small from a cross between S. aria and S. torminalis. It is
populations, usually on Carboniferous limestone, on the confined to submontane open woodland on one
edges of woodland or in scrub in Devon, north limestone hill in Burgberg, Thuringia State. At the
Somerset, the Avon Gorge, Wye Valley, Shropshire, beginning of the 19th century about 100 individuals
Brecon, Montgomery, Denbigh and Kerry. The total were counted, but now only 50 individuals remain
population numbers about 6(X) individuals, the largest within an area of less than 1 00km*.
subpopulation being on Eglwyseg Mountain in Denbigh. Assessor: Schmidt, P.A.
The species is well protected in a number of nature Refs: 1719
reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
Subpopulations have been noted to show some Sorbus eminens
variability despite the species being an apomict. It is the Rosaceae VUDl
product of a cross between S. aucuparia and 5. mpicola. United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. A woodland tree, occurring very locally on
Refs: 7222, 7801, 15608, 19148 Carboniferous limestone in the Wye Valley, the Avon
Gorge, other locations in Somerset, and also in Bangor
in North Wales, a population which was formerly placed

Species Summaries

under S. porrigentiformis. About 250 trees exist in total, sites. Thespecies is an apomictic product of a cross
the majority of which are in the Avon Gorge, where they between aucuparia and S. rupicola.
are under some degree of protection and constructive Assessor: Wigginton, M.J.
management. The species is apomictic. There appears to Re/i.- 7222, 7801, 19148
be significant variation between populations and further
studies are required to elucidate their exact origins. Sorbus maderensis
Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. Rosaceae CR Dl
Ue/i; 7222, 7801,19148 Portugal (Madeira)
Endemic to Madeira, the species is reduced to a single
Sorbusfranconica population of about 30 trees in a small area of montane
Rosaceae VU D2 woodland at 1500m. Recent grazing control has helped
Germany to improve the prospects of regeneration. There are still
A small tree or shrub, occurring in beech forest, pine potential threats from burning and collectors.
plantation on limestone and at forest edges in three small Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
areas in the state of Bayem, northern Bavaria. The Refs: 16500, 19080, 19131
species, an apomictic member of the S. latifolia
complex, is thought to have originated from a Sorbus muUicrenata
hybridisation event between S. pannonica or S. aria and Rosaceae EN Dl
S. torminalis. Germany
Assessor: Schmidt, P.A. Restricted to a single locality on the southern slope of a
Refs: 1719,7222, 15608 hill in Greifenstein near Blakenburg in the state of
Thuringia, this species occurs within an area of 100 km*.
Sorbus heitingensis It belongs to the 5. latifolia complex, originating from
Rosaceae VU D2 hybridisation between 5. aria and 5. torminalis.
Germany Assessor: Schmidt, P.A.
Confined to the limestone area between the villages of Refs: 1719,7222, 15608
Heilingen and Reinstadt of Thuringia, this
in the state
large tree has an extent of occurrence of less than Sorbus parumlobata
1 00km'. It is an apomictic species of the S. latifolia Rosaceae CR Dl
complex, originating from a cross between S. aria and 5. Germany
torminalis. This tree is restricted to the limestone slopes south of
Assessor: Schmidt, P.A. Amstadt in Thuringia. There are fewer than 50
Refs: 1719,7222,15608 individuals. It belongs to the S. latifolia complex,
originating from a cross between S. aria and 5.
Sorbus lancastriensis torminalis.
Rosaceae LR/nt Assessor: Schmidt, P.A.
United Kingdom (Great Britain) Refs: 1719,7222, 15608
A small tree of open woodland or woodland edges,
occurring on Carboniferous limestone in a number of Sorbus pseudofennica
sites within a 30km radius of Morecambe Bay. Most Rosaceae VU D2
sites are protected or inaccessible. The species is United Kingdom (Great Britain)
apomictic, originating from a cross between 5. aria and A small tree known from Glen Diomhan in Arran, where
S. rupicola. it occurs in scrub on steep granite crags and in remnant
Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. woodland on a stream bank. The area is remote and
/fe/i; 7222, 7801, 19148 designated as a nature reserve. Signs of regeneration are
evident but they are exceeded in rate by the natural loss
Sorbus leptophylla of old trees. Attempts at supplementing the existing
Rosaceae CR Dl population of about 500 individuals by planting young
United Kingdom (Great Britain) trees has met with limited success. The parent species
A sprawling tree known only from populations on shady are believed tobe 5. arranensis and 5. aucuparia.
crags of Carboniferous limestone at two sites in Assessor: Wigginton, M.J.
Breconshire, both of which are given some form of Refs: 1719,7222,7801,19148
protection.The population is stable and inaccessible to
grazing animals. The latest count uncovered 44 trees. A Sorbus pseudothuringiaca
small population of very similar trees found at Craig
is Rosaceae VUDl+2
Breidden in Montgomery. Further studies are needed to Germany
consolidate whether it belongs to this species. A shrub to medium-sized tree, confined to an area of

Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. less than 200km' mountain range of Frankische

in the

/fc/i; 7222, 7801, 19148 Alb in the state of Bavaria. It is an apomictic species of
the 5. hybrida complex, originating from a cross
Sorbus leyana between S. aria and 5. aucuparia.
Rosaceae CR Dl Assessor: Schmidt, P.A.
United Kingdom (Great Britain) Refs: 1719,7222,15608
About 20 trees are known in total from two sites on
Carboniferous limestone cliffs in southern Breconshire. Sorbus subcordata
Both locations are given limited protection as Sites of Rosaceae VU Dl
Special Scientific Interest and a small number of plants Germany
raised from seed have been incorporated into the Endemic to the state of Thuringia, this apomict is found
population. Quarrying has destroyed some of the former in a population of about 1(X)0 individuals, on the

The World List of Threatened Trees

limestone slopes south of Amstadt. It belongs to the S. extensively logged and cleared for cultivation.
latifolia complex, originating from a cross between S. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
aria and 5. torminalis. /?e/S.- 4977, 11504
Assessor: Schmidt, P.A.
Refs: 1719,7222,15608 Sorocea guiUeminiana
Moraceae VUAlc
Sorbus subcuneata Brazil
Rosaceae VU Dl An Atlantic forest species widely occurring in north,
United Kingdom (Great Britain) north-east and south-east Brazil. Populations have
Occurring in oak woodlands, this apomictic species is declined because of habitat loss and degradation and
confined to a small area along the Devon and Somerset poor regeneration.
coasts. Most of the small populations are stable, with Assessor: Carauta, J.P.P.
the one noted exception being the potentially threatened Refs: 15717, 19101
population above High Town in Minehead.
Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. Soulamea terminaUoides
/fe/i- 7222, 7801, 19148 Simaroubaceae VU 02
Sorbus velebitica Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as
Rosaceae DD threatened by virtue of its restricted distribution.
Croatia Populations are healthy and stable.
Taxonomically and nomenclaturally doubtful, the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species is in need of further investigation. Refs: 9859, 17229
Assessor: Nikolic, T.
Refs: nil, 15608, 19070 Soyauxia talbotii
Medusandraceae ENBl+2c
Sorbus vexans Nigeria
Rosaceae VU Dl+2 A small tree which is recorded only in south-east
United Kingdom (Great Britain) Nigeria. Unprotected forest has been extensively logged
A small tree, often multi-stemmed from the base. and cleared for cultivation. The family is endemic to
Populations occur in a small corridor of coast between West Africa.
Culbone in Somerset and an area just west of Trentishoe Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Devon, where the species grows mainly in oak Zfe/i.- 2773, 11504

woodlands. There are no obvious threats to the

populations, although inappropriate woodland Spachea correae
management and the spread of Rhododendron are Malpighiaceae VU CI
potential hazards. The species is apomictic. Costa Rica, Panama
Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. A scarce rainforest species, which in Panama is known
/fc/i; 7222, 7801, 19148 from only a few localities on the Atlantic slopes in the
provinces of Col6n and Bocas del Toro. The species is
Sorbus wUmottiana in danger of being lost from the Col6n localities because
Rosaceae CR Dl the forest has rapidly disappeared in recent years. There
United Kingdom (Great Britain) is thought to be an occurrence in La Amistad National
Known from both sides of the Avon Gorge in Somerset Park between Panama and Costa Rica and the species
and Gloucestershire, the species is one of the rarest extends north on both Atlantic and Pacific sides up to
Sorbus species in the UK. As few as 20 trees may the border with Nicaragua. Populations appear to be
remain woodland margins and on cliff edges with
in larger in protected areas, most notably in Corcovado
other rare Sorbus species. The area is managed so as to National Park.
conserve the rare plants. However, there have been Assessor: Mitr£, M.
recent reports of the illegal collection and cutting down Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772
of trees.
Assessor: Wigginton, M.J. Spathacanthus hahnianus
ReA; 7222,7801, 19148 Acanthaceae LR/cd
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua
Sorindeia calantha A species of moist seasonal montane forest or cloud
Anacardi aceae CR B 1 +2d forest. Although it is scarce, it is relatively wide-ranging
Tanzania and the habitat is well represented in protected areas.
Known only from a few collections, this species is Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa
confined to upper moist evergreen forest in the South Refs: 19161
Nguru Mountains.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Spathandra barteri
Refs: 3356, 10961 Melastomataceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Sorindeia mUdbraedii A species which is rare and confined to small areas of
Anacardiaceae VU B 1 +2c swamp or riverine areas within evergreen forest. These
Cameroon, Nigeria areas have suffered losses from mining, logging and
This small forest tree confmed to an area extending
is commercial forestry activities.
from south-east Nigeria to Cameroon, including Oban Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Hills in Cross River National Park, where the population Refs: 8369, 12061
is relatively well protected. Unprotected forest has been


Species Summaries

Spathetia coccinea Stadmannia oppositifolia ssp. rhodesiaca

Rutaceae CR Bl+2c Sapindaceae LR/nt
Jamaica Mozambique, South Africa (Northern Province),
The species has been recorded only from two localities Zimbabwe
on limestone hills within five miles of Troy and on Nowhere common, this subspecies is found relatively
Donkey Trail Hill. The areas are susceptible to cutting widely on hills in the Zimbabwe savaima, in adjacent
and encroaching agriculture. parts of Mozambique, Canicadoa and Rio dos Elefantes,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre and into Northern Province, South Africa. All the South
y?e/i; 401, 5653, 7980 African records are from Kruger National Park. Records
from KwaZulu-Natal need confirmation.
Spathelia glabrescens Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rutaceae LR/nt Refs: 689, 2044, 5108, 7401, 19218
A gregarious species found in hilly areas in the central Stahlia monosperma
parishes. A distinct but similar species appears to have Leguminosae EN B I +2c, C2a, D
been found in Trelawny. Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Occurring at the margins of mangroves and in coastal
Refs: 6057, 7980 extremely rare throughout its range.
forest, the species is
Rico fewer than 20 trees are thought to exist in
In Puerto
Spiraeanthemum graeffei Boqueron and Sabana Graride. The wood is used in
Cunoniaceae ENDl furniture-making.
Fiji Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A tree or shrub of dense forest and forest edges, Refs: 19iQ. 17124, 17540
occurring between 275 and 1050m. The species is
known with certainty only from a few populations of Staudtia pterocarpa
about 20-30 plants in Viti Levu, although it has been Myristicaceae VU D2
erroneously recorded elsewhere. There are recorded Sao Tom6 & Prfncipe (Sao Tom6)
occurrences in Nadarivatu and Tomaniivi Nature A timber species once of lowland forest. Individuals are
Reserve. now found in areaswhich have been settled and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre cultivated, as most of the original forest below 1500m
/?e/i; 5515, 6053, 18818 was cleared in the first half of the century.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Spiraeanthemum serratum Refs: 2724, 10080
Cunoniaceae EN Dl
Fiji Steganotaenia commiphoroides
A small tree or shrub of dense thickets on crests and Umbelliferae LR/nt
ridges, occurring between
100 and 1323m. Populations
1 Ethiopia, Somalia
are few and small, containing about 20-30 plants, One collection has been made in Ethiopia but otherwise
confined to Viti Levu and Taveuni. the species is endemic to southern Somalia. The habitat
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre is vulnerable to degradation caused by overcutting for
/?«/>; 5515, 6053, 18818 charcoal production and expanding agricultural
Spirotecoma apiculata Assessor: Thulin, M.
Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 8697, 18665
Widespread Sagua-Baracoa serpentine mountain
in the Stemmadenia pauli
ranges of north-east Cuba, this small tree is typical of Apocynaceae VU B 1 +2c
the pine forest belt between 600 and 900m and is also Costa Rica
found in the lowland serpentine shrublands in the An understorey shrub or small tree restricted to forest in
subcoastal zone north of the Moa Mountains. The Puntarenas Province.
species is not yet imcommon but has suffered from Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
overcutting and habitat loss. Refs: 15491
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 7980, 19149 Stemonoporus acuminatus
Di pterocarpaceae EN Ale
Spirotecoma holguinensis Sri Lanka
Bignoniaceae ENBl-t-2c A tree found only in small patches of remaining wet
Cuba evergreen forest above 600m. This species was found in
A small tree up to 8m tall, confmed to dry scrub and 13 of the sites surveys for the National Conservation
scrub-woodland communities in the serpentine areas of Review.
north-east Holgufn. Overcutting, overgrazing and urban Assessor: Ashton, P.
expansion have confined the population to small areas. Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 19112
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 7980, 19149 Stemonoporus affinis
Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale
Sri Lanka
Endemic to Hunasgiriya, this small semi-gregarious tree
is confined to the lower canopy of remaining patches of

The World List of Threatened Trees

highland wet evergreen This species was not

forest. species was found in only three of the sites surveyed for
found during the extensive Conservation
National the National Conservation Review.
Review forest surveys, indicating that it is extremely Assessor: Ashton, P.
rare or possibly extinct. /fe/S; 13857, 15431,19112
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 13857, 15431. 18796, 19112 Stemonoporus gilimalensis
Dipterocarpaceae CR A 1 c, C2a
Stemonoporus angustisepalus Sri Lanka
Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale A small tree known
only from Gilimale forest in
Sri Lanka Ramapura was not found during the extensive
District. It

A tree restricted to lower montane forest. During the forest surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
comprehensive National Conservation Review forest National Conservation Review, suggesting that it is
surveys, this species was found in only three localities in either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Kegalle and Ratnapura. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 13857,19112
Refs: 13857,19112
Stemonoporus gracilis
Stemonoporus buUatus Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale, Dl
Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka This species is known only from an area of river bank on
This dipterocarp was known from wet evergreen forest a tributary of the Kelani River. It was not found during
in Kanneliya and Hinidumkande, however it was not the extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991
found during the extensive National Conservation and 1996 for the National Conservation Review,
Review forest surveys, indicating that it is extremely suggesting that the species is either extremely rare or
rare or possibly extinct. Its taxonomic characteristics are possibly extinct.
doubtfully distinct from S. canaliculatus. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. /fe/i; 13857, 19112
/Jc/i.- 13857,19112
Stemonoporus kanneliyensis
Stemonoporus canaliculatus Dipterocarpaceae ENAlc, C2a
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka This species was found only once in Haycock Biosphere
An understorey tree with a clumped distribution in Reserve during the extensive forest surveys conducted
remaining lowland wet evergreen forest in south-west between 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation
Sri Lanka. This species was found in 1 1 forest sites Review, suggesting that the species is either extremely
during the extensive National Conservation Review rare or possibly extinct. The taxon is doubtfully distinct
forest surveys. from 5. reticulatus.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 19112 Refs: 13857,19112

Stemonoporus cordifolius Stemonoporus laevifolius

Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale Dipterocarpaceae EN A 1 c, B +2c1

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Localised on the southern slopes of Adam's Peak in This small tree was not found during the extensive forest
Ramapura District, this gregarious understorey tree surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
occurs in highland wet evergreen forest. It was found in National Conservation Review, suggesting that it is
three sites surveyed by the National Conservation either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Review. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Refs: 13857,19112
Refs: 13857,15431,19112
Stemonoporus lanceolatus
Stemonoporus elegans Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale, Dl
Dipterocarpaceae CRAlc Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Confined to remaining patches of lowland wet evergreen
A species restricted to the southern slopes of Adam's forest, the species occurs in small clumps on steep rocky
Peak at around 1000m. This species was found in three hillsides. It was found only once in Ramapura District
of the sites surveyed for the National Conservation during the extensive forest surveys conducted between
Review. 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 13857, 15431, 17759, 19112 Refs:l3&51. 15431, 18796, 19112

Stemonoporus gardneri Stemonoporus lancifolius

Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale, Dl
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
A small tree which dominates highland wet evergreen A very small tree which
is found in a few hillside and
forest at higher altitudes, sometimes extending into riverbank localities of lowland wet evergreen forest. It
montane forest on the south and east slopes of Adam's was found only once in Ramapura District during the
Peak and higher elevations of forest in Sinharaja. The

Species Summaries

extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and Slemonoporus reticulatus

1996 for the National Conservation Review. Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale
Assessor: Ashton, P. Sri Lanka
Refs: 13857,15431,19112 A small tree confined to ridge crests in the remaining
lowland wet evergreen forests of south-west Sri Lanka.
Slemonoporus latisepatus It was found in only two forests during the extensive

Dipterocarpaceae CR B 1 +2c, Dl forest surveys conducted for the National Conservation

Sri Lanka Review.
A single tree was found in Ratnapura District during the Assessor: Ashton, P.
extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and Refs: 13857, 15431, 17195, 191 12
1996 for the National Conservation Review.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Slemonoporus revolutus
Refs: 13857,19112 Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale
Sri Lanka
Stemonoporus marpnalis A small tree of highland wet evergreen forest, known
Dipterocarpaceae CRBl+2c, Dl from one ridge overlooking the Sinharaja forest. It was
Sri Lanka found only once during the extensive forest surveys
A spindly tree, known only from the type locality. This conducted for the National Conservation Review.
species did not turn up during the extensive National Assessor: Ashton, P.
Conservation Review forest surveys, indicating that it is Refs: 13857,15431, 19112
either extremely rare or possibly extinct
Assessor: Ashton, P. Slemonoporus rigidus
Refs: 13857,19112 Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale
Slemonoporus moonii Found only in the Ambaga>Tiuwa region, this small tree
Dipterocarpaceae CR C2a, Dl had been collected only twice, in 1852 and 1860, but in
Sri Lanka 1981 a population of several hundred trees was
Confined to the Kalutara District, this small shrub is discovered on the southern forested slopes of Peak
found in the understorey of swamp forests and in Wilderness between 1600 and 1800m. However, it was
marshy, periodically inundated areas near slow-running not found during the extensive National Conservation
streamlets. Most swamp forests have been converted to Review forest surveys, indicating that it is either
rice fields. It was found only once during the extensive extremely rare or possibly extinct.
forest surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the Assessor: Ashton, P.
National Conservation Review. Refs: 13857, 15431, 18796, 19112
Assessor: Ashton, P.
Refs: 9169, 13857, 15431. 17759, 19104, 19112 Stemonoporus scaphifolius
Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale
Stemonoporus nitidus Sri Lanka
Dipterocarpaceae CR Ale, Dl This small tree known only from the type collection. It

Sri Lanka did not up during the extensive National

This tree, known from a single collection, is limited to a Conservation Review forest surveys, indicating that it is
few patches of lowland wet evergreen forest on ridges. It either extremely rare or possibly extinct
was not found during the extensive National Assessor: Ashton, P.
Conservation Review forest surveys, indicating that it is Refs: 13857,19112
either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Slenanona panamensis
Refs: 13857, 15431, 18796, 19112 Annonaceae EN C2a
Costa Rica, Panama
Slemonoporus oblongifoUus Small populations exist in the Bocas del Toro in
Dipterocarpaceae EN Ale Panama, and in Sixaola in Costa Rica. They occur in
Sri Lanka primary forest, principally along streams, covering a
This small tree is sparsely distributed in remaining combined area of approximately 10,000 km*. The
patches of highland wet evergreen forest. It was found in by increasing habitat clearance
locations are affected
only two sites during the extensive forest surveys and logging. It is possible that further populations
conducted for the National Conservation Review. remain to be found.
Assessor: Ashton, P. Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Refs: 13857, 15431, 18796, 19112 /?e/i;7272, 7980, 16772

Stemonoporus petiolaris Stenocarpus dumbeensis

Dipterocarpaceae CR Alc+2c, C2a Proteaceae EX
Sri Lanka New Caledonia
A small tree endemic to Kitulgalaand Gilimale, where it This species has been collected five times in the region
grows on well-drained deep soil in lowland wet of Noumea above Ko^. Despite this being the
evergreen forest. It was not found during the extensive botpjiically best known area of Grand Terre, the species
National Conservation Review forest surveys, indicating has not been found since 1905.
that it is either extremely rare or possibly extinct. Assessor: Jaffre, T. et al.
Assessor: Ashton, P. «e/i; 4492, 10351,12630
R^s: 13857, 15431, 18796, 19112

The World List of Threatened Trees

Stenocarpus heterophyllus readily if damaged. A few plants are protected in the

Proteaceae ENBl+2c Groendal Wilderness Area. The Van Staaden's
New Caledonia Wildflower Reserve is not particularly well-managed at
Occurring in maquis, open forest and riverine present.
vegetation, the species is conflned to a few localities in Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et al.
the south-west. Ue/j; 689, 19218
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Refs. 10351, 12630 Sterculia cinerea

Sterculiaceae LR/nt
Stenocarpus villosus Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan
Proteaceae CR Dl The species apparently occurs disjimctly, with
New Caledonia populations in lowland wooded grasslands in eastern
A species restricted to the east coast, where it has been Eritrea and in Illubabor in the west of Ethiopia. It is also
recorded on ultramafic substrate towards Balade and reported in Sudan.
Canala. The last collection was gathered in 1860 and the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
species has not been found since. It is questionable Refs: 5941
whether it should not now be considered extinct.
Assessor: Jaffrfi, T. et al. Sterculia khasiana
^e/i.- 4492, 10351, 12630 Sterculiaceae EX
India (Meghalaya)
Stephanopodium magnifolium An endemic tree of the Khasi Hills in Meghalaya, where
Dichapetalaceae VU D2 it occured in subtropical forest between 1000 and
Brazil (Bahia) 1500m. There have been significant declines in the
A distinctive small tree known from one location in the extent of the habitat, largely caused by extensive
Uruf ua municipality of Bahia. agriculture and fires. The species has not been collected
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre since 1877 and is presumed extinct.
Refs: 13112 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 2538
Stephanostegia capuronii
Apocynaceae LR/nt Sterculia schliebenii
Madagascar Sterculiaceae VU D2
Confined to the east coast, the species occurs in three Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania
disjunct areas between Antalaha and Ambila. It is found Restricted to coastal forest, this species is known from
in sublittoral rainforest. The wood is useful and the only a few locations. In Kenya itoccurs in the region of
species is a focus for silvicultural studies. the Shimba Hills, and in Tanzania, Chitoa Forest
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Reserve (8km') is one of the two reserves which harbour
Refs: 6161 a population. The extent of occurrence in Mozambique
is little known.
Sterculia africana var. socotrana Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Sterculiaceae VU A2d, D2 Refs: 6396, 16796
Yemen (Socotra)
A variety which is endemic to Socotra. It occurs in dry Steriphoma macranthum
low-altitude woodland. The tree is important for its use Capparaceae DD
as animal fodder and also potentially as a source of Colombia, Panama
timber. Rapid development on the island may result in A poorly known plant, which has been collected just
extensive cutting of trees for construction work. twice. The type specimen was found in Pinogana
Assessor: Miller, A.G. District in Dari^n. The area, until now, has been difficult
Refs: 2354, 19083 to access and is little studied. A second specimen came
from Antioquia in Colombia in 1945.
Sterculia alexandri Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Sterculiaceae VU C2a, D2 Refs: 7272, 7980, 16772
South Africa (Eastern Cape)
A small tree found on forest margins, in scrub, and on Storckiella vitiensis
open slopes of valleys and ravines, sometimes near Leguminosae VU 02
stream banks, in only a few localities: Winterhoek Fiji
Mountains near Uitenhage, Van Staaden's Mountains Occurring on four of the high islands, the species is
near Port Elizabeth and near Kouga Dam at the start of found in dense forest along creeks, rivers and their
the Baviaanskloof It possibly occurs elsewhere in the tributaries. It has not been collected frequently.
remote Kouga Mountains and Baviaanskloof All the Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
subpopulations appear to be very small, with the one in Refs: 18818
Van Staaden's Wildflower Reserve possibly being the
largest and best known. Another subpopulation in the Streblorrhiza speciosa
Van Staaden's Valley was probably destroyed many Leguminosae EX
years ago when a national road was built. There is a Norfolk Island
threat of habitat destruction through increasing Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
settlement, industrial developments and frequent fires. /?e/j;3484, 11400, 13880
Recruitment appears to be low, although plants coppice

Species Summaries

Streblus sclerophyttus Review between 1991 and 1996. Previous surveys

Moraceae VU B 1 +2c recorded populations in Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve
New Caledonia and Gilimale Forest Reserve.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10351 /?c/i:9176, 17195, 19112

Strempeliopsis arborea Stuhltnannia moavi

Apocynaceae VU Bl+2c Leguminosae VUBl+2c.C2a.D2
Jamaica Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania
A Cockpit Country endemic found in areas of woodland The accepted name for Caesalpinia insolita, this taxon is
on craggy limestone. recognised as a new genus. It is known from a few
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre coastal forest fragments at Mwena River in Kenya and
Re/t; 401, 5653, 7980 in several sites on the coastal plain between Pangani and
Miligaji Rivers in Tanzania, including the relatively
Strychnos benthamii undisturbed Gendagenda Forest Reserve and a cattle
Loganiaceae VU Bl+2c ranch which may be added to the Sadaani Game
Sri Lanka Reserve. It is also reported from Madagascar.

This species has been found in only six forest sites Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
during the extensive forest surveys conducted for the Refs: 1308, 4506, 6396, 12067, 16796
National Conservation Review.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Stylogyne darienensis
Refs: 19112 Myrsinaceae DD
Strychnos chromatoxylon Collected only once, the species is restricted to a region
Loganiaceae DD which has been poorly explored until now. Stylogyne is

Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d'lvoire known from several collections in Dari6n, identified as
This species is severely restricted in the Upper Guinea other species.
part of its range, where it was found once in riverine Assessor: Mitr6, M.
forest in Bafmg, between Biankouma and Touba in Cote Refs: 16772
d'lvoire. In Cameroon and the Central African Republic
its status is not yet known. Styrax argyrophyllus
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Styracaceae VU D2
Refs: 12590, 12822 Peru
This species appears to be confined to the department of
Strychnos mellodora Cajamarca in the Andes, where it is known only from
Loganiaceae VUBl+2bc the type locality in submontane shrubland.
Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Although the species ranges from Kenya to Zimbabwe, Refs: 1984
it exists in small and restricted pockets of moist forest,

which have declined in extent over the past few decades. Styrax crotonoides
It has been found only once in the Shimba Hills in Styracaceae VU B 1 +2c
Kenya. In Tanzania it occurs in the East Usambara Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia), Singapore
Mountains, the North Udzungwa Mountains, where it is This species inhabits both closed and open lowland
very scarce, and the Ngurdota Crater on Mount Meru. rainforest and swamp or disturbed forests. Many such
The species is confined to Chirinda forest in Zimbabwe, have undergone conversion,
forests in the state of Johore
where there is a well-protected healthy population. It has particularly for housing developments.
also been recorded from Garuso forest in central Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Mozambique. /fe/i;9199, 17140, 19073
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 6396, 6725, 8814, 16232 Styrax ferax
Styracaceae VU D2
Strychnos millepunctata Peru
Logani aceae VU B 1 +2c So far known only from the type locality, the species
Cote d'lvoire occurs in lowland forest in the department of Junfn.
Represented by few known collections, this endemic of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Cote d'lvoire is scattered throughout the country in Refs: 1984
primary forest. Extensive logging has severely reduced
the extent of forest in the country in the last three Styrax foveolaria
decades. Styracaceae VU D2
Assessor: Assi, A. Peru
Refs: 12822 This species is known only from the type collection
from the department of Hudnuco.
Strychnos tetragona Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Loganiaceae CRBl+2c Refs: 1984
Sri Lanka
A tree confined to areas of lowland wet evergreen forest
in south-west Sri Lanka. Only a single individual was
found in Knuckles State Forest during the extensive
forest surveys conducted for the National Conservation

The World List of Threatened Trees

Styrax fraserensis also the North Udzungwa Mountains. All these localities
Styracaceae VU D2 are in densely populated areas but are relatively well
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) protected by guards or active conservation programmes.
A rare species occurring at 1300m on Erasers Hill, Assessor: Lx)vett, J. & G.P. Qarke
Pahang. The prime threat to this species is tourism. Refs: 3356, 8814
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Refs: 8464, 19073 Swaitdafistuloides
Leguminosae EN Alcd
Styrax Utseoides Angola (Cabinda), Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'lvoire.
Styracaceae VU D2 Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea,
Viet Nam Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria
A species apparently endemic to Viet Nam, where it is Although widespread in closed forests in West and
known only from Phu Loc in Lang Co in the centre of Central Africa, the species is not common. It is exploited
the country. at a moderate level as a decorative timber. There is also
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre evidence that regeneration may be hampered in places
Refs: 848 by the absence of its seed disperser, the elephant.
Assessor: African Regional Workshop
Styrax mathewsU Refs: 2773, 6128, 6718, 8369, 17408
Styracaceae VU D2
Peru Swartzia macrophyUa
Recorded only from the type collection, the species Leguminosae EX
occurs in submontane forest in the department of Colombia
Amazonas. Believed to be extinct, the species was recorded from an
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre unspecified locality, probably in Antioquia.
Refs: 1984 Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980, 8869, 17690, 19069
Styrax peruvianum
Styracaceae VU D2 Swartzianuda
Peru Leguminosae ENBl+2c
This Andean species appears to be confined to Panama
Cajamarca, where it has been recorded only from the A species which is known only from two localities, Isia
type collection taken from submontane shrubland. Col6n and Valle del Agua, in Bocas del Toro, where it
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurs, fairly commonly, in lowland evergreen to semi-
Refs: 1984 evergreen rainforest. There are some threats from
logging and encroaching settlements and agriculture.
Styrax portoricensis Assessor: Mitr^, M.
Styracaceae CR Dl Refs: 7980. 16772, 17690
Puerto Rico
A total of four individuals are known from a single site Swartzia oraria
of upper montane wet forest in the Caribbean National Leguminosae CRBl+2c
Forest. Colombia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An endemic to Valle.
Refs: 7980, 17124, 17540 Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 7980, 19069
Styrax socialis
Styracaceae VU D2 Swartzia rediviva
Peru Leguminosae VU D2
A shrubland species, known only from the type Suriname
collection in scrub occurring below 1500m in Cuzco An endemic species known only from the type locality
Department. along the Left Coppename River.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1984 Refs: 19196

Styrax tafelbergensis Swartzia robiniifoUa

Styracaceae VU D2 Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Suriname Colombia
A rare endemic, known only from Tafelberg, where it is Endemic to Colombia, the species is recorded from
found in creek forest near the Table Mountain. Cauca, Santander and Tohma.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Calderon, E.
Refs: 6493, 19196 Refs: 19069

Suregada lithoxyla Swartzia santandereasis

Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2b Leguminosae VU B1+2C
Tanzania Colombia
Restricted to patches of moist evergreen forest in eastern An endemic of Santander.
Tanzania, this tree is known from Kimboza Forest Assessor: Calderon, E.
Reserve, the East Usambara Mountains and possibly Refs: 7980, 19069

Species Summaries

Swida darvasica Remaining individuals are usually weedy trees or

Comaceae CR Dl bushes. Small quantities of timber from plantations are
Former USSR, Tajikistan occasionally available on the international market. The
A shrub reaching up to 4m or more in height, restricted species Appendix II of 'CITES.
is listed in

to a single location in Darvaz, Tajikistan, consisting of Assessor: Americas Regional Workshop

only a few plants. It can be easily cultivated and has Refs: 5519, 6602, 7630, 12281, 16261, 19178, 19179,
potential as an ornamental. 19187
Assessor: Firsov, G.A.
Refs: 4196, 19056 Syagrus botryophora
Palmae LR/nt
Swielenia humiUs Brazil (Bahia, Espfrito Santo, Sergipe)
Meliaceae VUAlcd A tree of Atlantic coastal rainforest. The species
Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, responds badly to forest clearance. Seed production and
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama seedling survival decline outside forest areas.
A species of dry deciduous forest, savanna, rough scnib, Assessor: Noblick, L.
rocky hillsides and cultivated fields. Trees are usually Refs: 19118
seen as scattered and isolated individuals, preserved in
cultivated land and pastures. Large specimens are rare. Syagrus glaucescens
The timber is used in local carpentry, but is of little Palmae VUAlc
commercial importance. The species is listed in Brazil (Minas Gerais)
Appendix II of *CITES. A small palm tree of *cerrado and *campo rupesire on
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre rocky outcrops, confined to Serra da Diamantina of
yje/j; 4974, 7980, 12281 Minas Gerais. Population numbers are declining at an
alarming rate. Only a few small trees remain and mature
Swietenia macrophylla individuals are almost completely absent from certain
Meliaceae VUAlcd+2cd rocky areas. There is evidence that adult palms have
Belize, Bolivia, Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, GoiSs, been collected, possibly transplanted into cultivation.
Maranh^o, Mato Grosso, Par4, Rondonia, Tocantins), Assessor: Noblick, L.
Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Refs: 19118
French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico
(Quintana Roo), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela Syagrus macrocarpa
A very large timber tree which has an extensive natural Palmae EN C2a
distribution in various forest types. This species is the Brazil (Espi'rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro)
most commercially important of the mahoganies. The The species is confined to Atlantic coastal forest. It is

level of exploitation has led to the exhaustion of supplies particularly rare in Espi'rito Santo. Trees are so sparsely
particularly in the northern parts of its range. The scattered that outcrossing may be seriously limited. No
ecology of northern populations is relatively well large populations are known.
understood whereas virtually nothing is known about Assessor: Noblick, L.
Amazonian populations. Basic inventories are lacking Refs: 19118
for most of its range. Good stands apparently still remain
in parts of Brazil and Bolivia. Regeneration of the Syagrus stratincola
species is stochastic, depending on large-scale
in nature Palmae VUBl+2c
disturbance. This ecological strategy makes mahogany French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname
vulnerable to logging regimes. Harvesting and A palm tree that occurs in fewer than 10 localities on
processing are generally only 50 percent efficient. granite outcrops in low transitional moist forest in the
There is, at present, little economic incentive to manage Guianas. In French Guiana one of these sites is in Las
natural stands sustainably. International trade in timber Neuragus Nature Reserve. Fire and poor regeneration
of the species is subject to the provisions of Appendix are the principal threats.
niof*CITES. Assessor: de Granville, J.J
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 19118
Refs: 1957, 4147, 4217, 4974, 5124, 6602, 9076, 12109,
12268, 12281, 14717, 14873, 15539, 16123, 19170 Sympetalandra schmutzU
Leguminosae VU 02
Swietenia mahagoni Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Is.)
Meliaceae EN Alcd A large tree endemic to Flores Is.

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Cayman Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Islands, Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Refs: 1011
Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe, St
Martin-St Barthelemy), Jamaica, Martinique, Symphonia globuUfera var. angustifolia
Montsertat, St Kitts and Nevis. St Lucia, St Vincent, Guttiferae DD
Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, USA Panama
(Florida), Venezuela Assessor: Mitr6, M.
The Caribbean mahogany is found on the Caribbean Refs: 15309, 16772, 17397
islands and also in south Florida in dry or moist forest,
often on limestone. Its natural distribution is hard to Symphyochlamys erlangeri
ascertain as it has been widely cultivated. It was the first Malvaceae LR/nt
mahogany to appear in themarket five
European Somalia
centuries ago. Natural stands are extensively exhausted A tree from a monotypic genus. It is confined to
and the species exhibits high levels of genetic erosion. southern Somalia where the habitat is extensively

The World List of Threatened Trees

degraded because of overcutting for charcoal production Symplocos carmencUae

and overgrazing. Symplocaceae VU Bl+2c
Assessor: Thulin, M. Ecuador
Refs: 8697, 18665 An endemic tree of Ecuador, currently known to inhabit
montane cloud forest in the High Andean areas of
Symplocos anamallayana Imbabura.
Symplocaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Refs: 19119,19120
A small tree of montane forest, occurring above 2100m.
Existing records and collections have all come from a Symplocos clethrifolia
restricted area within the Anamalai and Palni ranges. Symplocaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ecuador
Refs: 8483, 19144 This tree is endemic to the High Andes of Ecuador
where it inhabits cloud forest between 3000m and
Symplocos baehnii 3500m. Currently known from Morona-Santiago, Azuay
Symplocaceae VU D2 and Loja.
Peru Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Only the type collection is known. It was recorded from Refs: 19119,19120
the department of Junin.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Symplocos coccinea
Refs: 1984 Symplocaceae VUAIc
Mexico (Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz)
Symplocos barberi A cloud forest species distributed in the Siena Madre
Symplocaceae ENBl+2c Oriental. Its range has declined and populations are
India (Tamil Nadu) reduced to areas that have escaped agricultural
This species is endemic to the Agastyamalai Hills at the expansion, such as deep gullies.
southern end of the Western Ghats. Large areas have Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
been exposed to fires, grazing, the establishment of Refs: 81, 16907, 19206
commercial plantations and cutting for fuelwood, but
almost 1000km' of forest are now under protection Symplocos cordifoUa
within sanctuaries. Symplocaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Refs: 5651 During the extensive forest surveys conducted for the
National Conservation Review, this species was
Symplocos bractealis apparently locally common but occurred in only six of
Symplocaceae VUBl+2c the surveyed localities in the districts of Nuwara Eliya
Sri Lanka and Kandy.
In the extensive surveys conducted for the National Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conservation Review, this species was discovered in Refs: 15431,17759,19112
nine forest localities, mainly confined to Nuwara Eliya
District. Symplocos coronata var. coronata
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre Symplocaceae VU Ale
Refs: 15431,19112 Sri Lanka
A variety restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests
Symplocos breedlovei of south-west Sri Lanka.
Symplocaceae ENBl+2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Mexico Refs: 15431, 17195
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonzilez-Espinosa
/?eA; 3913, 9227, 19203 Symplocos coronata var. glabrifolia
Symplocaceae VU Ale
Symplocos calycodactylos Sri Lanka
Symplocaceae VUBl+2c A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) south-west Sri Lanka.
A species of hill and submontane forest up to 900m. A Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
few collections have been made, from the states of Refs: 15431, 17195
Kedah and Perak. Logging and increasing settlement are
the principal threats to remaining populations. Symplocos costata
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Symplocaceae VU Bl+2c
Refs: 8464, 19073 Indonesia (Sumatra)
Scattered in remnant montane and hill forest, the species
Symplocos canescens occurs from areas in the west to as far east as Gunung
Symplocaceae VU Bl+2c Telomojo. This habitat has been almost completely
Ecuador cleared in areas below 1400m and the pressures are
An endemic of the Ecuadorean High Andes, currently intense on remaining areas.
known to occur in areas of cloud forest between 2500 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
and 3400m in Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe Province. Refs: 18840
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119, 19120

Species Summaries

Symplocos cuneata var. acuta Symplocos lugubris

Symplocaceae VU Ale Symplocaceae VU D2
Sri Lanka Peru
A variety occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
of south-west Sri Lanka. in submontane forest in the department of Amazonas.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431,17195 Refs: 1984

Symplocos cuneata var. cuneata Symplocos macrocarpa ssp. kanarana

Symplocaceae VUAIc Symplocaceae VUBl+2c
Sri Lanka India (Kamataka, Kerala)
A tree occurring in the lowland wet evergreen forests of Although scattered over a wide area from north of the
south-west Sri Lanka. Kalinadi River in Kamataka to the Agastyamalai Hills in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kerala, the taxon has rarely been collected or recorded.
Refs: 15431, 17195 It occurs in evergreen forest up to 1000m. The type
subspecies is well collected but confined to the
Symplocos diversifolia var. appressa Agastyamalai Hills.
Symplocaceae EN B 1 +2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Sri Lanka Refs: 19144
The species was found in only two forest sites in
Ratnapura District during the extensive forest surveys Symplocos mezU
conducted for the National Conservation Review. The Symplocaceae VU D2
sites are not protected. Peru
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre A Peruvian endemic, known only from the type
Refs: 15431, 19112 collection from the department of Cajamarca.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Symplocos diversifolia var. diversifolia Refs: 1984
Symplocaceae ENBl+2c
Sri Lanka Symplocos molinae
The species was found in only two forest sites in Symplocaceae CR C2a
Ratnapura District during the extensive forest surveys Honduras
conducted for the National Conservation Review. The Assessor: Nelson, C.
sites are not protected. Refs: 13995, 15830
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15431,19112 Symplocos nairii
Symplocaceae ENBl+2c
Symplocos globosa India (Tamil Nadu)
Symplocaceae VUBl+2c A small tree of submontane evergreen forest, collected
Ecuador from two localities at the southern end of the Western
A cloud forest tree of the Ecuadorean High Andes, Ghats.
currently only known to occur in Cailar and Azuay Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Provinces. Refs: 19144
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19119.19120 Symplocos nivea
Symplocaceae EN B 1 +2c
Symplocos hispidula Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
Symplocaceae VUAIc This endemic tree is scattered in lowland primary forest
Sri Lanka in Penang and lohore. Both states are undergoing rapid
A tree restricted to the lowland wet evergreen forests of habitat clearance for increasing settlement.
south-west Sri Lanka. Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 8464, 19073
Refs: 17195
Symplocos octopetala
Symplocos junghuhnii Symplocaceae LR/nt
Symplocaceae EN B 1 +2c Jamaica
Indonesia (Java) Occurring in the western Blue Mountains and John
Occurring in the west in mixed montane forest at about Crow Mountains, the species has an occasional to
1750m, the species appears to be very rare.The pressures common distribution over most montane habitats
from encroachment and cutting exerted on the habitat at between 1 160 and 1700m.
this high elevation are less intense than at lower levels Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
but are still very strong. ^e/j; 401, 5653, 7980, 19085
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Symplocos oligandra
Symplocos longipes Symplocaceae ENBl+2c
Symplocaceae LR/cd India (Tamil Nadu)
Mexico An endemic tree of the Agastyamalai Hills at the
Assessor: Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-Espinosa southern end of the Western Ghats. The species has been
Refs: 3913.9221 collected only twice in areas of submontane evergreen
forest. Large areas have been exposed to fires, grazing,


The World List of Threatened Trees

the establishment of commercial plantations and cutting Symplocos lacanensis

for fuelwood, but almost 1000km' of forest are now Symplocaceae VUBl+2c
under protection within sanctuaries. El Salvador, Guatemala
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A cloud forest species confined to Monte Cristo and
Refs: 5651, 19144 Esesmiles in El Salvador. More information is needed
on the stams of populations. The main threat to the
Symplocos peruviana habitat is fire.

Symplocaceae VU D2 Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre

Peru Refs: 3913, 4862, 4974, 19030
Known only from the type collection, the species is

confined to the department of Cajamarca. Symplocos trichoclada

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Symplocaceae VUDl+2
Refs: 1984 Taiwan
Two sijiall populations are known to exist on Chiben

Symplocos pulchra ssp. coriacea Mountain in the south. Trees are scattered sparsely in
Symplocaceae ENBl+2c mixed forest between 1800 and 2100m. Regeneration is
India (Tamil Nadu) noted to be poor and no conservation or protection
A small tree, known from the type specimen
only measures are in place.
collected from a submontane forest in
restricted area of Assessor: Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan
the Agastyamalai Hills. Large areas have been exposed Refs: 19050, 19053
to fires, grazing, the establishment of commercial
plantations and cutting for fuelwood, but almost Symplocos tubulifera
1000km' of forest are now under protection within Symplocaceae VUBl+2c
sanctuaries. Jamaica
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An uncommon tree restricted to St Catherine and St
Refs: 19144 Ann Parishes.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Symplocos pyriflora *e/t; 401, 5653, 7980
Symplocaceae LR/cd
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Symplocos versicolor
A shrub or small tree of moist submontane rainforest up Symplocaceae CRBl+2cd
to 1450m. This species is found in Taman Negara Sri Lanka
National Park and in protective forest within the A species of lowland wet evergreen forest in south-west
permanent forest estate. Sri It has been recorded from several sites in
Assessor: Chua, L.S.L. Sinharaja Biosphere Reserve, but not during the
Refs: 8464, 19073 extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and
1996 for the National Conservation Review.
Symplocos rimbachii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Symplocaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 17195,19112
An Ecuadorean endemic, inhabiting cloud forest at Synadenium compactum var. compactum
2600m in the High Andean areas of Bolivar. Euphorbiaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Kenya
Refs: 19119,19120 Endemic to central Kenya, this variety occurs in riverine
or rocky sites in dry bushland. The habitat is threatened
Symplocos shilanensis by encroaching agriculture and land settlement in the
Symplocaceae EN B 1 +2ab, C area. The Conservation Programme in Kenya
Taiwan maintains living stocks for ex situ conservation.
Known only from the Nanjenshan area in the Hengchun Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peninsula, the species occurs in very small and isolated /?c/i; 6396, 10961,17859
populations in lowland forest. Little regeneration is
evident and the expansion of housing developments has Synapsis ilicifolia
caused declines in the habitat. The Kenting National Bignoniaceae ENBl+2c
Park covers the entire range. Cuba
Assessor: Pan, F.J. A rare shrub or tree, up to 15m in height, locally
Refs: 3295, 19050, 19053 confmed to small areas of karstic semi-deciduous forest
on Umestone cliff in Santiago de Cuba Province.
Symplocos sousae Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Symplocaceae DD Refs: 11403,18485,19149
Costa Rica, Mexico (Jalisco, Oaxaca)
A small tree of montane mesophyllous forest, between Synsepalum aubreviUei
2500 and 2700m. In Mexico it occurs only in the Sierra Sapotaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
de ManantlSn. More information is needed on its Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
distribution elsewhere. A small rare tree confined to wet evergreen forests in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Ghana and neighbouring Cote d'lvoire. Significant parts
Refs: 7980, 12985, 13361, 19068 of this forest have been lost to mining, logging and
commercial forestry activities.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
Refs: 2773, 8369, 12061

Species Summaries

Synsepaliun glycydonim only from the type collections. There have been large
Sapotaceae VUBl+2c declines in the extent of the forest habitat because of
Nigeria logging. It is not known whether the species is now
A small tree, apparently confined to the Oban Hills in extinct.
Cross River National Park. Surrounding areas have been Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
extensively logged and cleared for cultivation. Refs: ill, 4799
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i; 2773, 4977, 11504 Syzygium assimile var. acuminata
Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2c
Synsepalum kassneri Sri Lanka
Sapotaceae VU B 1 +2c The species was found in only three localities during the
Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and
Widely known imder the genus Afrosersalisia, this 1996 for the National Conservation Review. No
species is known from populations in the Shimba Hills information is available at the variety level.
in Kenya, coastal forest in Tanzania, Makunipini Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
National Park (1.5km') in Zimbabwe and the lower Refs: 15431,17759,19112
slopes of the Chimanimani Mountains in Mozambique.
It occurs in some abundance in some areas, especially Syzygium beddomei
towards the drier regions of forest, but it is being M yrtaceae EN B 1 +2c
actively cut in places (e.g. Mangea in Kenya). India (Tamil Nadu)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A relatively large tree of submontane evergreen forest,

Refs: 5654, 6396, 6725, 10781 known from a single collection in the Agastyamalai
Hills and from a less precisely located record in the
Synsepalum subverticillata Anaimalai range.
Sapotaceae EN B 1 +2c Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Kenya, Tanzania? Refs: 19144
A small tree of moist semi-deciduous lowland forest or
dense bushland. There are populations in Witu Forest Syzygium benthamianum
Reserve, Gongoni Forest Reserve and the Shimba Hills Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
National Reserve. It is also thought to extend into India (Kerala, TamilNadu)
Tanzania. The entire species range is contained within A small tree of montane forest, occurring in the Nilgiris,
protected areas, although there is no enforcement of the Agastyamalai Hills and a few scattered localities in
protective measures. between.
Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19181 Refs: 19144

Synsepalum tsounkpe Syzygium bourdillonU

Sapotaceae EN Bl+2c Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Cote d'lvoire India (Kerala)
A coastal forest species known only from Cote d'lvoire. A forest species recorded only from Merchiston in
Clearing and degradation of the forest have been Trivandrum District and Colatoorpolay in Quilon
extensive in the last three decades. This species has local District in a restricted area of forest. It is not known
importance as a food sweetener. whether any populations still remain. There has been
Assessor: Assi, A. much habitat destruction in places and the species has
Refs: 2113, 12822 not been collected since 1895.
Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
Syzygium ampliflorum Refs: 2538, 19144
Myitaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2b
Indonesia (Java) Syzygium caryophyllatum
The only known locality is in Mount Galunggung in Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
from 1300 to 1400m, where it may have suffered
forest Sri Lanka
damage from a volcanic eruption in 1982. The habitat is This species was found in three of the sites surveyed by
under constant pressure from the activities of the National Conservation Review. Apparantly it is
surrounding populations. restricted to forest in the wet zone.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs:9Cni, 19060 Refs: \9\\2

Syzygium ampUfoUum Syzygium chavaran

Myrtaceae VU D2 Myrtaceae EN Bl+2c
Fiji India (Kerala)
A shrub or slender tree, known only from southern Viti A lowland forest species, known only from the type
Levu of 50-429m.
in forested areas at elevations collection near the border with Tamil Nadu and from a
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre field record on the coast.
y?e/i; 9078, 18818 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Syzygium andamanicum
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
India(Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
Endemic to the Andaman Islands, the species is known

The World List of Threatened Trees

Syzygium cordifoUum ssp. cortUfoUum Syzygium firmum

Myrtaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c1 Myrtaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
A subspecies confined to lowland rainforest in south- A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri
west Sri Lanka. The species as a whole was found in Lanka.
only seven of the forest sites surveyed for the National Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Conservation Review. Refs: 15431,17195
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Ue/i; 15431, 17195, 19112 Syzygium gambleanum
Myrtaceae EX
SyTygium cordifoUum ssp. spissum India (Tamil Nadu)
Myrtaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c A small-leaved tree collected only once in montane
Sri Lanka evergreen forest along the Muthukuzki River in
This subspecies is restricted to lowland rainforest in Kannyakumari District. It is unlikely to be found again
south-west Sri Lanka. The species as a whole was found as the forest was extensively cleared for the construction
in only seven of the forest sites surveyed for the of the Kothayar Dam.
National Conservation Review. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 2538
Refs: 15431, 17195, 17759, 19112
Syzygium makul
Syzygium courtaUense Myrtaceae VU Ale
Myrtaceae CRBl+2cde Sri Lanka
India (Tamil Nadu) A tree confined to scattered locations in lowland
Recorded from a single locality in the Courtallam Hills, rainforest in south-west Sri Lanka.
the species has not been found for over 100 years despite Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
the area being accessible and visited by tourists. Refs: 15431,17195
Apparently it is in cultivation in Sri Lankan gardens.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Syzygium manii
Refs: 2538, 19144 Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
India (Andaman and Nicobar Is. - Andaman Is.)
Syzygium cyclophyllum A species known only from the type locality in semi-
Myrtaceae CRBl+2c evergreen forest on Middle Andaman There have
Sri Lanka been large declines in the extent of the habitat because
Only three trees were found proposed reserve
in a single of logging.
in Ratnapura District during the surveys conducted Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
between 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Refs: 427, 4799
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Syzygium micranthum
Refs: 19\\2 Myrtaceae VU Ale
Sri Lanka
Syzygium densiflorum A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Lanka.
India (Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Collected seven times, the species occurs in scattered Refs: 15431,17195
localities of montane forest, above 1500m, in the
Nilgiris, Anamalai and Palni Hills. Syzygium microphyllum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Refs: 19144 India (Tamil Nadu)
Known only from the type locality, the species is
Syzygium discophorum endemic to a small area at the margin of montane forest
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c in the Agastyamalai Hills. Although relatively intact,
Indonesia (Java) large parts of the forest have been affected by fires,
This species is confined to Mount Willis in central Java grazing, the increasing incursion of commercial
in forestbetween 1300 and 15(X)m. Strong pressures are plantations and cutting for fuelwood. More information
exerted by the activities of surrounding populations. is needed on the status of the species and direct threats
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre to its populations.
Refs: 9078, 19060 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5651, \9144
Syzygium fergusonii
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Syzygium minus
Sri Lanka Myrtaceae EN Dl
The species was found in three of the sites surveyed by Fiji
the National Conservation Review. It appears to be This small tree is confined to the Moimt Evans range on
locally common Knuckles State Forest.
in Viti Levu, where it is known from the type locality and
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre two collections gathered from crest thickets between 760
Refs: 19112 and 850m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 5372, 18818

Species Summaries

Syzygium myhendrae Syzygium phyllyraeoides

Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Myrtaceae CRBl+2c
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Sri Lanka
A poorly known species of submontane forest, occurring A rare tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west
at the southern end of the Western Ghats. Only two Sri Lanka and previously known from Kanneliya Forest
records are known, one from the Travancore range and Reserve. It was not found during the extensive forest
the other from the Agastyamalai Hills. surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre National Conservation Review, suggesting that the
R^s: 19144 species is either extremely rare or possibly extinct.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Syzygium neesianum Refs: 17195.19112
Myrtaceae VUAlc
Sri Lanka Syzygium pondoense
A tree restricted to lowland rainforest in south-west Sri Myrtaceae VU A2c, B I +3d
Lanka. South Africa (Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre A shrub or small tree growing among sandstone
Refs: 15431, 17195 boulders on islands in the bed of the Umtamvuna River
in southern KwaZulu-Natal and in a number of river
Syzygium occidentale valleys in the Port Shepstone area, including the
Myrtaceae VUAld Lusikisiki and Bizana Districts of the Transkei in the
India (Kamataka, Kerala) Eastern Cape. In places it occurs in abundance, but it is
A stnall tree of lowland riverine forest, known from susceptible to periodic flooding. The floods in 1978
scattered collections mostly from the southern end of the destroyed most of the plants in the Umtamvuna River
Western Ghats in Kerala but also from single isolated Valley, but the subpopulation was able to recover from
records in Kamataka. the few remaining Subpopulations are found in
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre two provincial reserves and a number of demarcated
Refs: 19144 forests, which are no longer strictly protected and under
threat from increasing settlement and cutting for
Syzygium ottganthum firewood and timber.
Myrtaceae VUBl+2c Assessor: Hilton-Taylor, C. et at.

Sri Lanka Refs: 6»9, 19218

ApparenUy confmed to Nuwara Eliya District, this
species was recorded from seven sites during the recent Syzygium ramavarma
National Conservation Review forest surveys. Myrtaceae VUBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Refs: 15431,19112 A medium-sized tree of submontane evergreen forest.
The main concentration of collections comes from the
Syzygium palghatense Agastyamalai Hills. A single collection has also been
Myrtaceae CR B 1 +2abcde made in the Anaimalai Hills.
India (Kerala) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A endemic
large tree to montane forest in the Palghat Refs: 19144
Hills. Recorded in the last century, it has not been found
since. The habitat is considerably reduced in extent and Syzygium rotundifolium
it is imknown whether the species is still extant. Myrtaceae VU A I c, B +2c

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka

Refs: 2538, 19144 This tree occurs frequently in upper montane rainforest.
It was recorded in nine of the sites surveyed from the

Syzygium parameswaranii National Conservation Review.

Myrtaceae EN B 1 +2c Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
India (Tamil Nadu) Refs: 15431,19106,19112
Known from two collections in two separate localities
on the border with Kerala, the species is poorly known Syzygium spathulatum
but appears to be confmed to montane forest in the Myrtaceae ENBl+2c
Agastyamalai Hills and Elamalai Hills. Sri Lanka
Assessor:World Conservation Monitoring Centre An endemic tree found in wet and dry forest in Sri
Refs: 19144 Lanka. The species was found in only five of the sites
surveyed for the National Conservation Review,
Syzygium phaeopkyttum including an occurrence in a strict nature reserve.
Myrtaceae CRDl Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Fiji Refs: 15431, 17195, 17759, 19112
A small tree of dense forest between 700 and 90Qm.
Only the type collection, dated 1934 from Taveuni, is Syzygium spissum
known. Myrtaceae VUBI+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Sri Lanka
Rffs: 5372, 18818 The species was found in only seven of the sites
surveyed for the National Conservation Review.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19112

The World List of Threatened Trees

Syzygium slocksu Syzygium wrightU

Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Myrtaceae VU D2
India (Kamataka, Kerala) Seychelles
A poorly known species, recorded twice from Endemic to the Seychelles, the species qualifies as
unspecified localities in the Wayanad area in Kerala and threatened by of its restricted distribution.
just over the border into Kamataka. It appears to occur Populations are healthy and stable.
in evergreen forest at about 800m. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre >?e/i;9859, 16212, 17229
Refs: 19144
Syzygium zeylanicum var. ellipticum
Syzygium sylvestre Myrtaceae ENBI+2c
Myrtaceae CRBI+2cd India (Tamil Nadu)
Sri Lanka A small tree, known only from the type collection taken
This species is confined to lowland rainforest in south- from montane forest in the Agastyamalai Hills. Large
west Sri Lanka. It was not found during the extensive areas have been exposed to fires, grazing, the
National Conservation Review forest surveys, indicating establishment of commercial plantations and cutting for
that it is either extremely rare or possibly extinct. fuelwood, but almost 1000km' of forest are now under
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre protection within sanctuaries.
Refs: 17195,19112 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Syzygium travancoricum
Myrtaceae CR C2a Tabebuia anafensis
India (Kerala) Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c
The total very small, numbering less than
population is Cuba
200. The sacred grove of Aickad is reported to harbour A shrub or small tree confined to Sierra de Anafe and
four individuals and another population of 15 to 20 trees other isolated limestone hills in Habana and Matanzas
has been seen at Guddrikal. The swampy wetland habitat Provinces. There are active limestone quarries in this
has been widely drained and converted into paddy fields. region.
Assessor: CAMP Workshops on Medicinal Plants in Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
India Refs: 11403, 18485, 19149
Refs: 561, 2538, 4246, 19144
Tabebuia arimaoensis
Syzygium turbinatum Bignoniaceae VU D2
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Cuba
Sri Lanka A small tree localised to the mountains of the
This tree was found in oiJy four of the sites surveyed for Guamuhaya Massif
the National Conservation Review. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 7980, 19149
Refs: 15431,19112
Tabebuia bibracteolata
Syzygium umbrosum Bignoniaceae VU D2
Myrtaceae ENBl+2c Cuba
Sri Lanka Confined to the northern karstic area of the Siena
A species found in only three of the sites surveyed Maestra in Santiago de Cuba Province, this uncommon
during the extensive National Conservation Review, one shmb or small tree occurs locally in semi-deciduous and
of which is a strict nature reserve. deciduous forest complex on eroded limestone.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 15431,19112 Refs: 19m 11403,19149

Syzygium utiUs Tabebuia dubia

Myrtaceae DD Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c
India (Kamataka) Cuba
A tree of evergreen forest, known from an imprecisely A canopy tree found mainly in montane serpentine
recorded collection taken from North Kanara. rainforest thriving on acid ferralitic soils in the Nipe-
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Baracoa Massif The species is not yet uncommon but
Refs: 19144 overexploitation and habit disturbance have caused a
decline in numbers. Logging, cutting and mining are
Syzygium wolfii constant threats.
Myrtaceae VU D2 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Fiji Refs: 7980, 19149
A Fijian endemic known from the type collection on Viti
Levu and five collections from Vanua Levu. The species Tabebuia elongata
occurs in dense or secondary forest, forest patches in Bignoniaceae ENBl-i-2c
open country, or on forested crests. Cuba
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre An uncommon tree endemic to the Nagua mountain
Refs: 5372, 18818 group in Sierra Maestra.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 7980, 19149

Species Summaries

Tabebuiafurfuracea eastern Cuba. Its habitat has been severely degraded in

Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c places by burning and cutting.
Cuba Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
A shrub or small tree confined to the Sierra de Nipe Refs: 7980, 19149
mountain complex in Holguin and Santiago de Cuba
Provinces. Logging and cutting have resulted in habitat Tabebuia shaferi
degradation in places. Bignoniaceae VUBl-i-2c
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Cuba
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 A shrub or tree widespread in many forest types. Its
habitat has been severely degraded in most places,
Tabebuia hypoleuca especially in western and central Cuba. Cutting and
Bignoniaceae VUBl+2c clearing remains a threat in the remaining areas and in
Cuba north-east Cuba mining is a major threat.
A tree endemic montane rainforests of Sierra
to the Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Maestra and other mountains in Guantanamo Province. Refs: 7980, 19149
The species is still fairly common but populations have
declined over the past few decades. Tabebuia striata
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. Bignoniaceae VU C2a
Refs: 7980, 19149 Colombia, Panama
In Panama, the species is recorded as locally common
Tabebuia jackiana around the base of the mountains in Puerto Obaldia in
Bignoniaceae VU D2 Kunayala Indigenous Reserve, near the Colombian
Cuba border, and from the north-east of Dari£n Province. It is
A small tree of subalpine deciduous forest on eroded more widely distributed on the Pacific coast and in
limestone, restricted to the 'mogote complex" in Pinar del Antioquia in Colombia, although these populations are,
Rio Province. The whole area is not well studied
apparently, not large.
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. botanically and it is possible the species is more
Refs: 7980, 11403, 18485, 19149 widespread. There is also little human impact, although
the cultivation of marijuana is increasing.
Tabebuia lapacho Assessor: Mitr6, M.
Bignoniaceae VUBl+2ac Refs: 5335, 7272, 7980, 16772
Argentina (Jujuy, Salta), Bolivia
Although in the past the species has been placed in Tabemaemontana antheonycta
synonymy with T. ochracea. the most recent work Apocynaceae VUBl+2c
suggests that it is endemic to the piedmont
a valid entity, Brunei, Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak)
forest of north-west Argentina and Bolivia. The A shrub or small tree occurring in the understorey of
ecosystem is entirely unprotected and in rapid decline as lowland forest up to 250m. So far it is known from a
agriculture expands. total of seven localities. In Brunei this species is
Assessor: Prado, D. confined to Mount Biang and in Sabah it is confined to
/ee/i; 5112, 7980, 19122 Kota Kinabalu.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Tabebuia oligolepis Refs: 7745
Bignoniaceae VUBl-(-2c
Cuba Tabemaemontana apoda
A species typically confined to the montane rainforests Apocynaceae CRBl+2c
of the Sierra Maestra mountain range in Santiago de Cuba
Cuba and Granma Provinces. This tree is not yet A small tree or shrub, restricted to lowland areas and
uncommon but habitat has been degraded in places and savanna in Sancti Spiritus Province. It has become rare,
cutting is still a threat. since much of the habitat has been converted to
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. agricultural land or pastures.
Refs: 11403,18485,19149 Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Refs: 11403,18485,19149
Tabebuia platyantha
Bignoniaceae LR/nt Tabemaemontana cordata
Jamaica Apocynaceae VUAlc
A tree sparsely scattered in central and western parishes Philippines
in woodland on limestone. A forest understorey species, often found along creeks,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre endemic Mindanao Is.
Refs: 6057, 7980 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 11A5
Tabebuia polymorpha
Bignoniaceae VUBl-^2c Tabemaemontana cumata
Cuba Apocynaceae ENBl+2c
Populations of this shrub or small tree are confined to Brazil
areas of bare limestone with dry littoral scrub woodlands A small tree found on * terra firme forest in the vicinity
on the coastal terraces and seaside karstic slopes of of Manaus.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15491

The World List of Threatened Trees

Tabenuumontana gamblti Malacca. Populations are protected in Taman Negara

Apocynaceae LR/cd National Park and within the permanent forest estate.
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) Assessor: Chua, L.S.L.
An understorey shnib or small tree which has been well Refs: 8464, 19073
collected in areas of submontane evergreen forest in the
southern end of the Western Ghats, occurring from Tabemaemontana remota
Anaimalai of the Agastyamalai Hills.
to the southern tip Apocynaceae VU B 1 +2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Indonesia (Sulawesi), Papua New Guinea
Refs: HAS, 19144 A shrub or small tree up to 10m high, occurring in
submontane scrub or forest. It is known from several
Tabemaemontana heyneana collections from Sulawesi and Rossel Island of Papua
Apocynaceae LR/nt New Guinea. The fragile ecosystem of Rossel Island is
India (Goa, Kamataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil threatened by logging and mining activities.
Nadu) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
A shrub or small tree, endemic to lowland south-west Refs: 7745, 19032
India, found in bush or forest up to 600m.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Tabemaemontana stenosiphon
Refs: 7745 Apocynaceae LR/nt
Sao Tom6 & Principe (Sao Tom6)
Tabemaemontana muricata A common upland forest tree widely distributed over the
Apocynaceae ENBl+2c island between 500 and 1 600m. The species regenerates
Brazil (Amazonas) well.
A small tree or shrub foimd in non-inundated forest near Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Manaus, Amazonas. Refs: 2724, 7745. 19042
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15491 Tabemaemontana wuUschlaegeUi
Apocynaceae LR/nt
Tabemaemontana ochroleuca Jamaica
Apocynaceae VUBl+2c Endemic to Jamaica, this shrub or small tree is found in
Jamaica forest on limestone between 350 and 900m in scattered
A shrub or small tree which is localised in areas of hill localities throughout the island.
forest between 300 and 500m on Dolphin Head, Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Hanover Parish. Refs: 7980. 15491
Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
Refs: 401, 5653, 7980, 15491, 19085 Tachigali tessmannii
Leguminosae DD
Tabemaemontana opposUifolia Peru
Apocynaceae VU Dl+2 An Amazon forest species, apparently restricted to
Puerto Rico Amazonas and Loreto Departments.
A shrub or small tree restricted to forest on limestone Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
hills. Refs: 1984
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 15491 Tahitia vescoana
Tiliaceae DD
Tabemaemontana ovalifolia French Polynesia (Society Is.)
Apocynaceae EN B 1 +2c An endemic of Tahiti.
Jamaica Assessor: Florence, J.

A small tree which is known from three collections Refs: 14513

taken from limestone hillsides on Dolphin Head,
Hanover Parish. Taiwania cryptomerioides
Assessor: Kelly, D.L. Taxodiaceae VU Aid
Refs: 401, 7980, 15491, 19085 China (Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan), Myaiunar,
Tabemaemontana persicariifoUa A large slow-growing tree from a monotypic genus,
Apocynaceae EN A 1 c, B 1 +2bce although the Chinese/Myanmar populations are
Mauritius, Reunion frequently refered to as T. flousiana. It is widely
A small tree distributed in areas of bush and forest from scattered as an emergent in mid- to high-elevation forest,
the coast to 1200m. It is very rare on Reunion but found usually with Chamaecyparis species. Population have
in greater numbers on Mauritius, where it still survives declined because of forest clearance and logging,
in small area of relatively undisturbed dryland forest. exacerbated by poor regeneration. Plantations have now
Assessor: Strahm, W. been established.
Refs: 2000, 7745, 9120, 12470, 19208 Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 374.6469. 11847, 19050, 19051
Tabemaemontana polyneura
Apocynaceae LR/cd Takhtajania perrieri
Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) Winteraceae EN Dl
A shrub or small tree inhabiting montane rainforest Madagascar
between 10(X) and 1300m in Perak, Pahang, Selangor, A monotypic genus, first discovered in 1909 in the

north-west of the island. Attempts to find the species

Species Summaries

again had failed until a healthy population of about 250 Tapirira bethanniana
trees was recently discovered in the Anjahanaribe-Sud Anacardiaceae VU D2
Special Reserve in the north-east, 150km from the French Guiana
original locality. A newly described species of primary rainforest,
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre endemic to French Guiana and principally found in the
Refs: 19107, 19190 vicinity of La Fumde.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
TalbotieUa eketensis Refs: 7980
Leguminosae ENBl+2c
Nigeria Tapirira chimalapana
A swamp forest foimd only in south-east
species, Anacardiaceae VUAlc
Nigeria. In Eket the habitat appears to have been almost Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz)
completely destroyed because of oil exploration A common canopy tree, endemic to the Uxpanapa-
operations. Elsewhere levels of logging and clearing are Chimalapa area.
high outside protected areas. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs:5(>5\
^e/S; 450, 2773, 7550, 11504
Tapiscia sinensis
TalbotieUa gentii Staphyleaceae VUAlc
Leguminosae CR A 1 c, B +2c
1 China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan,
Ghana Jiangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang)
Endemic to Ghana, evergreen tree occurs in tiny
this A widely occurring species sparsely distributed in the
stands inrocky areas of dry forest. Records from Yangtze River basin in moist forest, usually at
Cameroon appear to be erroneous. The original area of streamsides, on mountain slopes between 400 and
dry forest has been extensively destroyed by incursions 1600m. There is a long interval between fruiting
of people and subsequent exploitation of forested areas. seasons, which leads to naturally poor regeneration.
This species is very slow-growing and does not seem to Extensive disturbance, clearance and logging of the
have a dispersal mechanism. It is considered to be the habitat have caused population declines over most of the
species with the highest conservation priority within species' range.
Ghana. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Re/i; 1818, 11847
Refs: 2173. %S54, 12061
Tapura arachnoidea
Tannodia swynnertonii Dichapetalaceae VU D2
Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2bc, D2 Gabon
Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe A small forest tree, which is known only from a small
A number of small isolated populations exist. The area near Lastoursville. The area is under exploitation
Tanzanian population is confined to Mwanihana in the and there is a serious likelihood that the species' habitat
Udzungwa Mountains. In Zimbabwe, the species occurs is already lost.

in Chirinda forest, where it is a common understorey Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
tree, and in the Vumba Mountains, near Mutare, where Refs: 19043
one or two individuals have been recorded. Poorly
collected areas in Mozambique are expected to harbour Tapura carinata
additional populations. Dichapetalaceae VU D2
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Congo, Gabon
Refs: 3356, 5108, 6725, 10961 A species with a distinctive floral structure, known only
from two collections from areas of closed forest. Further
Tapeinosperma campanula collecting may extend the distribution. There is concern
Myrsinaceae VU Dl about logging and the extent to which forest areas are
New Caledonia now under concession to logging companies.
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el at. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 10351 Refs: 7359, 14958

TapiphyUum schtiebenU Tapura ivorensis

Rubiaceae EN B 1 +2c, C2b Dichapetalaceae VU A 1 c, B 1 +2c
Tanzania Cote d'lvoire, Ghana
The entire population is restricted to Litipo Forest A small tree confined to the restricted area of wet
Reserve, which covers 10km'. This is a unique, almost evergreen forest in Ghana and neighbouring Cote
completely deciduous patch of coastal forest. Logging in d'lvoire. This forest has been affected by mining,
the past has removed all valuable timbers and has now logging and commercial forestry activities.

been banned. There is some pressure from pole and Assessor: Hawthorne, W.
fuelwood collection inside the southern perimeter and Refs: 8369, 8854, 12061
also generally from the demand for land for the
cultivation of cash crops in the surrounding area. Tapura letestui
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Dichapetalaceae VU D2
Refs: 10961, 16796 Congo, Gabon
A species of semi-deciduous forests, known only from
two collections. It is possible that further collecting may
extend the distribution. There is concern over logging

The World List of Threatened Trees

and the extent to which forest areas are now under Tarenna monosperma
concession to logging companies. Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Refs: 7359, 14958 Poorly known, this shrubby species has been collected
just three times from the Nilgiris, the Anamalai Hills and
Tapura neglecta the Agastyamalai Hills.
Dichapetalaceae VU D2 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Gabon Refs: 427, 19144
A small forest tree or shrub, which, at present, is known
only from the two collections from Mandji and Ndjol6. Tarenna nilagirica
It is possible that the species may be found to be more Rubiaceae VUBl+2c
widespread. There is concern over logging and the India (Kamataka, Kerala)
extent to which forest areas are now under concession to A small tree of submontane forest, known from only a
logging companies. few collections, mainly from the Nilgiris but also from
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre scattered localities extending into southern Kamataka.
Kefs: 7359, 15790, 19043 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 19144
Tapura orbicularis
Dichapetalaceae VUBl+2c Tarenna quadrangularis
Cuba Rubiaceae VUBl-t-2b
Known from the montane edaphic climax
only Tanzania
shrubwoods and forests of Sierra de Nipe in Holgui'n An endemic from the Uluguru Mountains, restricted to
Province, this rare tree is suffering from habitat upper moist evergreen forest.
destruction resulting from logging and mining activities. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E. /?eA; 3356, 8814
Refs: 7980, 11403, 18485, 19149
Taxodium mucronatum
Taraktogenos annamensis Taxodiaceae DD
Flacourtiaceae VU A led Guatemala, Mexico, USA (Texas)
China (Guangxi, Yunnan), Laos, Viet Nam Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Populations in China are localised, occurring in Mengla, Refs: 374, 4974, 7395, 13041
Jiangchen, Hekou and Pingbian in south
Yunnan and Longzhou in south-west Guangxi. The Taxus brevifolia
species is said to be relatively common in central and Taxaceae LR/nt
northern Viet Nam. No information is available on the Canada (Alberta, Columbia),
British USA (Idaho,
populations in Laos. The lowland forest habitat has Montana, Oregon, Washington)
suffered large-scale clearance and conversion to Native populations have been under considerable
agriculture. Medicine and oil are harvested from the pressure from the scale of exploitation of the bark by
seeds. pharmaceutical companies. Plantation sources are now
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre available. The species occurs in various national parks in
Refs: 1818, 11847, 19055, 19061 the north-west.
Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Tarenna agumbensis Re/i; 374, 13041,18751
Rubiaceae ENBl+2c
India (Kamataka) Taxus floridana
A small tree, collected fourfrom separate
times Taxaceae CRB1-h2c
localities of evergreen forest in southern Kamataka. USA (Rorida)
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Populations are unhealthy and highly restricted,
Refs: 14276, 19144 occupying an area of less than lOkm^. They occur along
the Appalachian River on steep rocky bluffs. A lowering
Tarenna drummondii of the water table in this hmestone area may be
Rubiaceae VUBl+2b responsible for significant levels of stress and the
Kenya, Tanzania lowering of immunity to fimgal diseases in the members
A small tree or shrub known from areas of coastal forest of the population.
at Shimba, Mrima, Marenje and Miongoni in Kenya and Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
further south in east and north-east Tanzania. Refs: 374, 13041
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Refs: 3356, 6396, 8814 Taxus globosa
Taxaceae LR/nt
Tarenna luhomeroensis Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico (Chihuahua)
Rubiaceae VU D2 In north-east Mexico the species is locally common.
Tanzania Some interest has been shown by pharmaceutical
Known only from the type, this tree occurs at Luhomero companies in its medicinal properties. There is no
in moist forest at 1750m. evidence of active exploitation.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Assessor: SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Refs: 3356, 10961 Refs: 374, 1539,4974,5470, 10217, 13041

Species Summaries

Xylopia ettiolU to be poor. Some populations, e.g. in Florin and Le

Annonaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 Petrin Nature Reserves, are fenced and weeded of
Cote d'lvoire, Ghana invasive species. Information on the population in
A species restricted to small areas of wet evergreen Reunion has yet to be gathered.
forest in Ghana and neighbouring Cote d'lvoire. This Assessor: Page, W.
forest has declined through the effects of mining, Refs: 1411.2000
logging and other commercial forestry activities.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Xylopia talbotii
Refs: 8369, 12061 Annonaceae VU B 1 +2c
Xylopia hastarum Populations of this forest tree were known in Eket and
Annonaceae LR/nt Oban. The latter is relatively well protected within the
Jamaica 3000km' of the southern division of the Cross River
Declines have been recorded in population numbers. The National Park. The former is likely to have been
species is relatively widespread in woodlands on seriously or completely destroyed by oil exploration
limestone. The timber is widely used and the trees are operations.
frequently coppiced. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre /?e/5. 450, 2773, 11504
Refs: 6057, 7980
Xylosma boulindae
Xylopia lamarckU Flacourtiaceae VU Dl
Annonaceae CR Dl New Caledonia
Mauritius Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et at.

An estimate of fewer than 250 individuals exist in Refs: 10351

upland scrub and heathland on Mare Longue Plateau,
Macchabe, Mont Cocotte and Brise Fer in the south- Xylosma capillipes
west. Most areas are heavily invaded by exotic species Flacourtiaceae CRBl-t-2c
and no regeneration is apparent. Le Florin and Le Petrin New Caledonia
Nature Reserves, which hold small populations, are Assessor: Jaffr^, T. el al.

fenced and weeded. Refs: 10351

Assessor: Page, W.
Refs: 1411,9120, 16426 Xylosma crenatum
Flacourtiaceae CR C2a, Dl
Xylopia latipetala USA (Hawaii)
Annonaceae ENBl+2c A tree of montane forest up to 1065m. Populations are
Tanzania known from Nualolo Trail, Kokee State Park,
A single population is known and thought to be conflned Napalikona Forest Reserve and Mahanaloa Valley, each
to the undisturbed areas within Rondo Forest Reserve consisting of between one and six individuals. Invasive
(140km'). Large areas of the forest have been disturbed plants and damage caused by feral pigs are major
by logging, planting of commercial timbers, shifting threats. The species is protected by the US Endangered
cultivation and wood collection. Current forest Species Act.
management activities are discouraging the local Assessor: Worid Conservation Monitoring Centre
exploitation. Refs: 3372, 19038
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
/fe/i.- 3356,9302. 16796 Xylosma fawcettii
Flacourtiaceae LR/nt
Xylopia longifoUa Jamaica
Annonaceae EN C2a The species has an occasional distribution in the central
Panama parishes in thickets and woodland on limestone.
Known only from the Canal zone, the species occurs in Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
dense forest, largely within national parks. Despite the Refs: 6057, 7980
protected status of these populations, there is concern
that growing population pressure will result in much of Xylosma glaberrimum
this habitat being destroyed. Flacourtiaceae DD
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. Brazil (Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo)
Refs: 7980, 16772 The species is poorly known. Collections indicate that it

occurs in *restinga and other Atlantic forest types.

Xylopia pierrei Assessor: Torres, R.B.
Annonaceae VU A 1 a Refs: 19098, 19099
Cambodia, Viet Nam
Assessor: Ban, N.T. Xylosma grossecrenatum
Refs: 848, 19060 Flacourtiaceae CRDI
New Caledonia
Xylopia richardii Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al.

Aimonaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 10351

Mauritius, R6union
Generally a small shrub, but occasionally a tree, the
species is scattered throughout scrub and transitional
forest in south-west Mauritius. Regeneration is observed

The World List of Threatened Trees

Xylosma inaequinerrium Xylosma proctorii

Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia Jamaica
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. A Cockpit Country endemic, confined to areas of
Refs: 10351 woodland on limestone in Manchester, St Ann and
Trelawny Parishes.
Xylosma kaalense Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Flacourtiaceae VUBl+2c Refs: 5653, 7980
New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. el al. Xylosma ruizianum
Refs: 10351 Flacourtiaceae DD
Xylosma latifolium A species known only from the type specimen, which is

Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c recorded with no specific location.

India (Kamataka, Kerala) Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
The type collection was taken from montane forest in Refs: 1984
the Bababudan range. An occurrence has also been
recorded from Wayanad in Kerala. Xylosma serpentinum
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Flacourtiaceae VU D2
Refs: 19144 New Caledonia
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Xylosma molestum Refs: 10351

Flacourtiaceae VU D2
New Caledonia Xylosma suaveolens ssp. haroldii
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Flacourtiaceae ENDl
Refs: 10351 Pitcaim Islands
A dioecious tree, often partially decumbent, endemic to
Xylosma obovatum Henderson. The taxon on the Pitcaim Islands has yet to
Flacourtiaceae ENBl+2c be determined. On Henderson, it is widespread in
Colombia plateau forest and drier areas. The population on Pitcaim
An endertiic to Cesar. has declined through habitat loss and cutting. Very few
Assessor: Calderon, E. individuals there are expected to survive. The total

Refs: 7980, 19069 population is estimated to be about 10,000 trees. Seeds

are dispersed by the endemic fmit dove on Henderson
Xylosma pachyphyllum but on Pitcaim there is a distinct lack of frugivorous
Flacourtiaceae CR Dl birds. Henderson Island is a World Heritage Site.
Puerto Rico Assessor: Waldren, S. & N. Kingston
A very rare dioecious tree, occurring in Cambalache Refs: 8306, 13604, 19154
forest in moist submontane limestone forest and in
Maricao on serpentine gravel. Population estimates in Xylosma tuberculatum
1989 were put at 14 individuals in total. There are Flacourtiaceae VU D2
threats from cutting, burning and the development of the New Caledonia
area. Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 10351

Refs: 7980, 17124
Xylotheca tettensis \ar.fissistyla
Xylosma palawanense Flacourtiaceae VU B 1 +2b
Hacourtiaceae VU B 1 +2c Tanzania
Philippines This may only be a form of the more widespread var.
A Palawan endemic, confmed to remaining forest at low kirkii rather than a distinct variety. It is known only from
altitude. The main island of Palawan is a biosphere small areas of coastal forest at Bagamayo and in the
reserve. Pugu Hills, close to Dar es Salaam. Both areas are
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre disturbed by various human activities. The Pugu Forest
Refs: 4986 Reserve has an active conservation programme.
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Xylosma peltatum Refs: 3356, 5020, 5204
Flacourtiaceae CRB1+2C
New Caledonia Zanthoxylum albuquerquei
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al. Rutaceae VU D2
Refs: 10351 Pern
Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
Xylosma pininsulare inAmazon forests in Ucayali.
Flacourtiaceae CR B1+2C Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
New Caledonia Refs: 1984
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. et al.

Refs: 10351 Zanthoxylum atchoum

Rutaceae VU Bl+2c
Cote d'lvoire
A Cote d'lvoire endetnic, this species occurs commonly


Species Summaries

in wet evergreen forest. The rate of decline of in the ungulates and spreading invasive plants. The species is
extent of these forests has been severe in the last few protected by the US Endangered Species Act.
decades, largely because of logging. Remaining forested Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
areas are small and generally conflned to protected Refs: 3372, 19037
areas, especially Tai National Park.
Assessor: Assi, A. Zanthoxylum fagara ssp. aguilarii
Refs: 12822 Rutaceae EN C2a
Guatemala, Honduras
Zanthoxylum belizense A species of moist forest or thickets in ravines or
Rutaceae ENAlc, C2a sometimes dry hillsides.
Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Assessor: Nelson, C.
Nicaragua, Panama Refs: 13995
A tree of wet forest and thickets in the Atlantic
lowlands. Zanthoxylum ferrugineum
Assessor: Nelson, C. Rutaceae EN C2a
Refs: 13995 Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Nicaragua, Panama
Zanthoxylum brieyi A species of dry to humid pine forest, at middle
Rutaceae VU D2 elevations.
Democratic Republic of Congo Assessor: Nelson, C.
Little is known about the population of this species other Refs: 13995, 14487, 18416
than that it occurs in Luki Reserve in Mayombe. The
surrounding areas are heavily populated and pressures Zanthoxylum flavum
caused by logging, charcoal production and agricultural Rutaceae VU Ale
encroachment are severe. Anguilla, Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil (Amazonas), Cuba,
Assessor: Ndjele, M.B. Dominican Republic, Honduras, Jamaica, Puerto Rico,
Refs: 17951 St Lucia, USA (Florida)
A shrub or tree up to 15m tall, occurring in thickets and
Zanthoxylum chevalieri woodland on rocky limestone. In Central America the
Rutaceae VU A 1 c, B +2c
1 species is represented by a single collection from Swan
Ghana Island, Honduras. The species has been heavily
Not commonly recorded, this species occurs in exploited for its timber over a long period on all the
evergreen forest in rocky or upland areas in the Upper West Indian islands. Stands are now largely depleted of
Guinea region. The habitat has suffered from the effects mature trees and the timber is extremely rare in
of farming, fire, certain forestry management systems international trade.
and large-scale mining. Assessor: Areces-Mallea, A.E.
Assessor: Hawthorne, W. Refs: 3786, 6057, 13947, 13995, 19149, 19188
Refs: 8369, 12061
Zanthoxylum gentlei
Zanthoxylum deremense Rutaceae EN C2a
Rutaceae VUBl+2b Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
Malawi, Tanzania A species, of somewhat dubious nomenclature,
A species of moist forest of medium to high elevations. occurring in humid forest in the Atlantic lowlands.
There are populations in parts of eastern Tanzania and Assessor: Nelson, C.
Malawi. /?e/j; 4974, 13995
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
/?e/j; 3356, 8814 Zanthoxylum hanisii
Rutaceae VUBl+2c
Zanthoxylum dipetalum var. dipetalum Jamaica
Rutaceae LR/nt Until now, the species has been found only in low
USA (Hawaii) numbers in an area of humid woodland at 1060m in
The commoner variety of the two which are recognised. Portland Parish. Observations in the 1980s also indicated
Populations are found on Kauai, Oahu, Molokai and that it may occur in Clarendon Parish.
Hawaii in dry to moist forest from low to medium Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
elevation. Its wood was of great value in the past for Refs: 401, 3932, 5653, 19085
resonant kapa logs which were beaten for the purpose of
long-distance communication. Zanthoxylum hartii
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Rutaceae VUBl+2c
Refs: 3372 Jamaica
A species restricted to John Crow Peak, where it can be
Zanthoxylum dipetalum var. tomentosum common or locally dominant on karst limestone near the
Rutaceae CR B 1 +2c, C2ab, D summit. A few individuals were found on shale close to
USA (Hawaii) the limestone bluffs of the peak.
This variety is considerably rarer than the type variety. It Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
is known from approximately 24 individuals scattered Refs: 401, 3932, 4089, 5653, 19085
on lava fields at Puuwaawaa in North Kona District on
Hawaii. There are persistent threats from grazing

The World List of Threatened Trees

Zanthoxybim hawaiiense Zanthoxylum nadeaudii

Rutaceae EN C2a Rutaceae DD
USA (Hawaii) French Polynesia (Society Is.)
A species scattered
mainly in dry forest on lava flows up Populations are recorded from Raiatea, Tahaa and
to 1740m on Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii. Tahiti.
At least1 1 populations are said to remain on four of the Assessor: Florence, J.

islands, amounting to over 250 individuals. The majority Refs: 14513

of them are found on Hawaii at Puuwaawaa and
Pohakuloa and areas in between. Competition with alien Zanthoxylum negrilense
plants and feral and domesticated grazers continues to Rutaceae EN B 1 +2c
put pressure on the remaining populations. The species Jamaica
is protected by the US Endangered Species Act. Known only from Westmoreland Parish, the species
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre occurs locally in woodland on rocky limestone.
Refs: 19039 Assessor: Kelly, D.L.
«e/i.- 401, 3932, 5653
Zanthoxylum heterophyUum
Rutaceae CR C2a Zanthoxylum oahuense
Mauritius (Mauritius, Rodrigues), Reunion Rutaceae VU C2a
On Mauritius a population of fewer than 50 adult trees is USA (Hawaii)
estimated to exist in fragmented subpopulations in Trou A small tree of lowland rainforest confined to the
du Douce on the and Brise Fer Mountain in
east coast Koolau Mountains on Oahu.
the south-west. Habitat degradation and the spread of Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
invasive species appear to be limiting regeneration. Refs: 3372
More information is needed on the populations
elsewhere. Zanthoxylum panamense
Assessor: Page, W. Rutaceae EN C2a
Refs: 141 1, 2000, 9120, 9426, 12470, 16426 Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama
A species of uncertain nomenclature, found in monsoon
Zanthoxylum hoUzianum forest and semi-evergreen forest mainly on the
Rutaceae VUBl+2d, D2 Caribbean side.
Tanzania Assessor: Nelson, C.
Only four collections of this subspecies have been Refs: 13995
recorded from remaining areas of dry coastal forest or
bushland in south-east Tanzania. Zanthoxylum penjaluensis
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Rutaceae CRBl+2c
;?e/i; 2361, 3356 Indonesia (Java)
Few collections have been made of this species and they
Zanthoxybim integrifoliolum are all confined to Penjalu in forest at 720m. The habitat
Rutaceae DD at thiselevation has been almost completely cleared and
Philippines, Taiwan pressures on remaining areas continue to be extreme.
In Taiwan, the species is restricted to forest areas on Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Lanyu Island. Fewer than 250 individuals are thought to Refs: 9078
be in existence here.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Zanthoxylum procerum
Refs: 6469, 19053 Rutaceae EN C2a
Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
Zanthoxylum kauaense Nicaragua, Panama
Rutaceae LR/nt Found on both sides of the continental divide, this
USA (Hawaii) species occurs in monsoon or semi-evergreen forest and
Relatively widespread, the species occurs in forest of cloud forest.
various types over a wide altitudinal range on all the Assessor: Nelson, C.
main islands except Niihau and Kahoolawe. Refs: 13995
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 3372 Zanthoxylum psammophUum
Rutaceae ENBl+2c
Zanthoxylum Undense Cote d'lvoire
Rutaceae VUBl+2b A species which is rare and endemic to coastal forest in
Tanzania Cote d'lvoire. A significant part of these forests has been
Known from Mafia Island and parts of south-east cleared and degraded.
Tanzania, this sometimes scandent small tree or shrub Assessor: Assi, A.
occurs in dry coastal forest or bushland. Refs: 12822
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
«e/i.- 3356, 8814 Zelkova abelicea
Ulmaceae VU B 1 +2ce, D2
Greece (Crete)
A small tree endemic to Crete, occurring in small
numbers in 15-20 localities on the three main mountain
massifs, especially at the south-east comer of the
Omal6s Plain. There are differences of opinion as to

Species Summaries

whether the extent of the species' occurrence is These forests have declined heavily in the past because
regressing or not. There is no doubt that grazing goats of the increasing clearing of land for agiculture.
have a strong impact in places, but it has lessened over Continuing declines are prevented by the presence of
the past 80 years and the trees regenerate well by forest guards and active conservation programmes.
suckering. All shepherds' crooks in west Crete are made Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
from the wood. Refs: 3356, 5204, 10961, 1 1631
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1890, 5287, 7222, 16500, 19018, 19019 ZenkereUa perplexa
Leguminosae VUBI+2c
ZeUcova carpinifotia Tanzania
Ulmaceae LR/nt Known from only two sites this tree occurs in the
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Turkey Uluguru Mountains and Malundwe in areas of moist
Assessor: Giiner. A. & J. Zielinski evergreen forest at medium elevations.
Refs: 1956,3489,19165 Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Re/i; 3356, 8814, 11631
Zelkova sicula
Ulmaceae CR C2b, Dl Zeyheria tuberculosa
Italy (Sicily) Bignoniaceae VUAlcd
Between 200 and 250 individuals exist in a single Brazil (Espi'rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro,
remote population extending 200m along the banks of a Sao Paulo)
stream on the northern slopes of the Iblei Mountains. This pioneer species is found in rainforest, dry forest and
The areanow fenced to prevent grazing and any other
is "cerrado in south-east Brazil. This region is threatened
damage. Few flowering individuals have been seen in by encroaching agriculture, ranching and charcoal
the last six years and the fruit produced appears to be production, which is causing a decline in this species.
sterile. Reproduction is largely vegetative. Assessor: World ConservEtion Monitoring Centre
Assessor: Garfi, G. Refs: 4506
/?e/i. 6510, 19150, 19I5I
Zieria chevatieri
Z^nia insignis Rutaceae VUBI+2c
Leguminosae LR/nt New Caledonia
China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al.

Yunnan), Viet Nam Refs: 10351

A large tree concentrated in limestone areas at low
elevation. Populations throughout
are widespread Zimmermannia capUlipes
southern China and in several of the northern provinces Euphorbiaceae VUBl+2c
of Viet Nam. In China constant overcutting of the tree Tanzania
and its habitat has resulted in the species becoming The only populations known occur in areas of moist
scarce. The species is apparently not specifically evergreen submontane forest in the East Usambara
exploited in Viet Nam but is uncommon. It is the only Mountains.
member of the genus. Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre Refs: 2074, 3356
Refs: 848, 1818, 8911, 1 1847, 15357, 19055, 19061
Zimmermannia nguruensis
Zenkeretta capparidacea ssp. capparidacea Euphorbiaceae VU B 1 +2c, D2
Leguminosae VUBl+2b Tanzania
Tanzania A small tree, which appears to be known only from the
The type subspecies Tanzanian endemic.
of a type collection, occurring in upper moist evergreen
Populations are known from the Uluguru Mountains and forest in the South Nguru Forest Reserve.
South Nguru Mountains, where they are restricted to Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
moist montane forest above 1430m. Refs: 3356, 8814
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke
/?e/i; 3356, 5204, 8814 Zimmermannia ovata
Euphorbiaceae VU D2
ZenkereUa capparidacea ssp. grotei Kenya
Leguminosae VUBl+2b Endemic to the drier partsof Ngangao forest in the Taita
Tanzania Hills, the species is known only from a small population
The more northerly distributed subspecies of this containing few individuals. A population estimate may
montane forest tree. Populations are known from the indicate that a more serious threat category is

East and West Usambara Mountains. appropriate. Natural regeneration is not evident. The
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Plant Conservation Programme in Kenya is monitoring
Refs: 3356, 5204, 8814 the species.
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
ZenkereUa egregia Refs: 6396, 17859
Leguminosae VUBl+2b
A lowland forest species, restricted to the remaining
forested areas at the foot of the East Usambara
Mountains, Kimboza Forest Reserve at the foot of the
Uluguru Mountains and possibly also in South Nguru.

The World List of Threatened Trees

Zimmermannia stipularis Ziziphus robertsoniana

Euphorbiaceae VUBl-i-2b Rhamnaceae ENBl-t-2abcde
Tanzania Kenya, Tanzania
Restricted to eastern Tanzania, this species is found at Occurring in areas of moist semi-deciduous coastal
Mangalisa, Mpwapwa and Sao Hill in a montane dry forest, the species is recorded from Kaya Diani, Gongoni
forest habitat. Forest Reserve, Kaya Dzombo, Chale Island and Kaya
Assessor: Lovett, J. & G.P. Clarke Kinondo. More information is needed on the Tanzanian
Ue/j; 3356, 8814 population. The loss and degradation of coastal forest
continues at an alarming rate.
Zinowiewia costaricensis Assessor: CAMP Workshop in Kenya
Celastraceae LR/nt Refs: 6396, 19181
Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama
In Panama, the species appears to be at the limits of its Ziziphus talanai
range, occurring only rarely in Chiriquf. In other Central Rhamnaceae VU A led
American countries the species is widespread in lowland Philippines
evergreen rainforest between 1000 and 2500m. Most of A timber species, endemic to the Philippines. Rates of
the high-altitude locations are protected. habitat loss through logging and shifting cultivation
Assessor: Mitr6, M. have led to considerable population declines.
Refs: 358, 3156, 9076, 15037, 16772 Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
/?e/i. 2072,4919
Zinowiewia micrantha
Celastraceae DD Zollingeria bomeensis
Panama Sapindaceae CR B 1 +2c
The species is known only from the type collection, Malaysia (Sabah)
which originated from an area of Boquete, in Chiriquf, A large, very distinctive tree known only from a few
above 2000m. The taxonomic status of the species is collections near Tawau. There is a possibility that this
doubtful. The only other Zinowiewia specimens species is extinct, as it is suspected that the locality has
collected in the area are of Z. costaricensis. been deforested.
Assessor: Mitrfi, M. Assessor: Adema, F.
Refs: 7980, 15037, 16772 Refs: 18389, 19047

Ziziphtts Zollingeria dongnaiensis
Rhamnaceae VU Dl Sapindaceae DD
USA (Florida) Thailand, Viet Nam
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre In Viet Nam, the species is known from only two
Refs: 19164 localities, one on the mainland inBien Hoa and the other
on the island of Con Son.
Zidphus hutchinsonii Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Rhamnaceae VUAld Refs: 848
An endemic species to the Philippines. Rates of habitat Zygia lehmannii
loss through logging and shifting cultivation have led to Leguminosae ENBl+2c
considerable population declines. Colombia
Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre The species is known from Cauca according to
«e/i.- 2072, 4919 confirmed records and from Valle from less definite
Ziziphus mistol Assessor: Calderon, E.
Rhamnaceae DD Refs: 19069
Argentina (Catamarca, Chaco,
C6rdoba, Corrientes,
Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta, Santa ?t, Santiago del Zygia oriunda
Estero, TucumSn), Bolivia, Paraguay Leguminosae VU D2
Widespread and widely used, the species occurs within Peru
an area of considerable human disturbance in dry Known only from the type collection, the species occurs
subtropical forest in the Chaco. in lowland Amazon forest in Loreto.
Assessor: Prado, D. Assessor: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Refs: 1262,7980 Refs: 1984

Ziziphus pubescens ssp. glabra Zygogynum cristatum

Rhamnaceae DD Winteraceae VU B 1 +2c
Mozambique New Caledonia
Little information is available on this endemic of A notable species on account of its large flowers and
Mozambique. Few collections have been made. numerous petals. It is known from just two upland
Assessor: Bandeira, S. locations on ultramafic soils in the region of Kouaoua at
^e/j; 5117, 18965 M6 Ori and Ar^ha. The area is unprotected and exposed
to threats from mining activities, fires and habitat
Assessor: Jaffr6, T. e( al.

Refs: 10351, 12630

Species Summaries

Zygogynum oligostigma Zygogynum tanyostigma

Winteraceae EN B I +2c Winteraceae VUBl+2c
New Caledonia New Caledonia
Only a small tree or shrub. It is known from just two A small tree from wooded slopes on Mont Pani6,
collections from the Kouaoua area in relict lowland collected infrequently at various altitudes. Although the
forests and maquis on ultramaflc substrate. The area is area is given the status of a botanical reserve, it is
unprotected and exposed to threats from fire, mining thought that these plant populations are given
activities and habitat clearance. insufficient protection.
Assessor: Jaffr^, T. et al. Assessor: Jaffre, T. el al.
Refs: 10351,12630 Refs: 10351,12630

The World List of Threatened Trees

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cqffra, the
81 Vovides, A.P. 1981. Lista preliminar de 99-101.
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662 Hou, D. 1996. Caesalpinioideae. Flora
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Card. 75(2); 723-727.
TPU list of threatened plants of Chile.

730 Stevens, W.D. Flora de Nicaragua

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Draft CITES proposal by Botanical Survey of
preparation), (unpublished).
India to list Aquilaria malaccensis on
Appendix II. 3pp.
832 Chandrabose, M., N.C. Nair, & V.
Chandrasekaran. 1982. Two rare and
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842 Fukarek, P. 1959. Arbres et arbustes rares et

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menaces de de Yougoslavie. pp. 159-
la flore
India. 3pp.
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(Myrtaceae) and its lectotypification. Bull. Bat.
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(Myristicaceae). Blumea 32: 115-141.
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902 Given, DR. 1994. Letter to WCMC (Harriet
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Indonesia: Forest Research and Development D.K. 1989. On Viemamese
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Centre. 119pp. Amentotaxus. Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat. Paris
1030 Green, P S. 1994. A revision of Chionanthus
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Priogymnanlhus, gen nov. 49(2): 261-286. (Myristicaceae) in New Guinea anno 1994.
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Crias, Allantoma and Cariniana). Flora
Neotropica. pp. 270.

The World List of Threatened Trees

1512 Iriondo, J.M., L.J. De Hond, & C. CK5mez- 1739 Pham-Ho^g, Ho. (ed.). 1991. An illustrated
Campo. 1993. Current research on the biology flora of Vietnam. Saigon: Mekong Press.
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Mediterranean Basin and Macaronesia: a 1766 Whitmore, T.C., I.G.M Tantra. & U. Sutisna
database, (unpublished). Includes database (eds.). 1989. Tree flora of Indonesia. Bogor,
printout of 201 threatened species with details Indonesia: Forest Research and Development
of the organisation undertaking research. Centre. 429pp.
1803 Navarro, A.V. 1982. Annotations to: List of
1517 Anon. 1979. Tropical legumes: Resources for threatened plants of Middle America.
the future. Washington, DC: National
Academy of Sciences. 1818 National Environment Protection Bureau.
1987. The list of rare and endangered plants

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cutminicola. Madrono 23: 159-161. Academy Press. 96pp.

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1546 Carter, Susan. 1992. Annotations to: 1833 Mabberley, D.J. 1987. The plant-book.
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1551 Sykes, W.R. & I.A.E. Atkinson. 1988. Rare
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Africa. Ashford, Kent: English Ministry of the 1881 Forero,E &
A H Gentry. 1989. Lista anotada
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1609 Cunningham, A.B. 1993. African medicinal 142.
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Paris: UNESCO. 50pp. MontmoUin. 1996. Annotations to WCMC
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States: Lottjs Press. 221 pp. 1956 Borodin, A.M. et 1985. Krasnaya kniga

SSSR: redkie nakhodyashchiesya pod


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plants of South America - Peru. 101 pp. rastenii. - izdanie vtoroe [2]: tom pervyi -

vtoroi [1-2]. Moscow: Lesnaya

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Conserv. News 1(1): 38-42. Association, xx-332.

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1736 Smith, Albert.C. 1954. Botanical sttidies in 1972 Lundell, C.L. 1968. Studies of Tropical
Fiji. Smithsonian Report. 305-315. American plants - V. Wrightia 4(2): 79-96.

1738 Pennington, T. 1982. Annotations: List of 1983 Pires O'Brien, J. 1996. Data collection forms
threatened plants of Middle America. for Sapotaceae species in Brazil.


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Missouri Bol Card. 75(3): 1087-1144.
2230 Whitmore, T.C. 1 977. A first look at Agathis.

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A.R.K. Sastiy (eds.). 1987. Red 2915 Boratynski, A. 1997. Letter to Sara Oldfield
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2744 Ramamoorthy, T.P. & E.M. Zardini. 1987. 3090 Suvatti, C. 1978. Flora of Thailand. Bangkok:
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islands, (unpublished). Includes additions to Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Foundation for
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2863 Boulos, Loutfy. 1. Annotations to: the
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2891 Phengklai, Chamlong. 1986. Snidy in Thai 3156 Vallester, E. 1983. Annotations to:
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118. America.

2901 Westing, Arthur & Carol Westing. Endangered 3181 Gunatilleke, C.V.S. & I.A.U.N. 1987. Rare
species of Viet Nam. (unpublished). 7pp. woody species of Sinharaja rain forest in Sri
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R. Herbst. 1989. Checklist of native and 7620 Thulin, M. 1996. Email to Liz Porter
naturalized flowering of Hawai'i.
plants concerning the distribution and status of
Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 29: 1-87. selected Commiphora species. 2pp.

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Dichapetalaceae. Paris: Mus6um National 294pp.
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Bull. Sing. 35: 1-19. list of datasources for Spain. 64pp.

10351 Jaffre, T., P. Bouchet, & J.-M. Veillon. 1996. 10686 Anon. 1991. Estudio Nacional de
Threatened plants of New Caledonia: Is the Biodiversidad. 169-170.
system of protected areas adequate?
Biodiversity <t Conservation: 36. 10722 Ayensu, E.S. & R.A. DeFilipps. 1978.
Endangered and threatened plants of the
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Quercus species. Institution and World Wildlife Fund Inc.
10378 de Wilde. W.J.J.O. 1991. Conspectus of
Myristica (Myristicaceae) In Australia, with 10733 Henry, A.N. & M.S. Swaminathan. 1979. Rare
the description of a new species from or little known plants from south India. J.
Queensland. B/umca 36(1): 183-190. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 76(2): 373-376.

10395 Rodas. J. & J. Aguilar. 1980. Lista de algunas 10734 Purdie, A.W. 1985. Chordospartium muritai
especies vegetales en via en extinci6n. (Papilionaceae) - a rare new species of New
(unpublished). Zealand tree broom. New Zealand J. Bat. 23:
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genus Knema (Myristicaceae). Blumea 25(2); 10754 Fiard, Jean-Pierre. 1992. Arbres rares et
321-478. m^nac^s de la Martinique. Martinique: Soci6t6
des Galeries de Geologic et de Botanique de
10471 Hooker, J.D. 1872. Flora of British India. Fort-de-France. 152pp.
10781 Pennington, T.D. 1991. The genera of
10480 Vovides, A.P. 1987. Annotations to: List of Sapotaceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew &
threatened plants of Middle America. New York Botanical Garden. 295pp.

10481 Berg, C.C. 1988. Annotations to: List of 10792 Rzedowski, J. 1981. Annotations: List of
threatened plants of Latin America. threatened plants of Middle America.

10488 Marchant, N.G. et al. 1987. Flora of the Perth 10808 Leigh, John H. J.D. &
Briggs. 1992.
region. Perth: Department of Agriculture, Threatened Australian plants. Australian
Western Australia. 576 pp. National Parks and Wildlife Service. 120pp.

10536 Kemp, E.S. 1979. Swaziland. Part of appendix 10816 Conzatti, C. 1988. Flora Taxonomica
to: Possibilitiesand needs for conservation of Mexicana. Volumen 1. Mexico, D.F.: Consejo
plant species and vegetation in Africa, pp. Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia. 1064pp.
101-103. In Hedberg, I. (ed.). Systematic
botany, plant utilization and biosphere 10862 Baiiares Baudet, A. 1990. La flora amenazada
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. Almqvist & de los parques nacionales Canaries con
Wiksell International. especial referenda
al Parque Nacional de
Garajonay. (The threatened flora of the
10547 Whitmore, T.C. & I.G.M. Tantra (eds.). 1986. national parks of the Canary Islands with
Tree flora of Indonesia. Bogor, Indonesia: special reference to Garajonay National Park),
Forest Research and Development Centre. pp. 87-90. In Hernandez Bermejo, J.E.,
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10571 Papua New Guinea Department of Forests. Germany: Koeltz Scientific Books.
1989. Facts and figures 1989. Boroko NCD:
Papua New Guinea Department of Forests.

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10919 Castillo-Campos, G. &

D.H. Lorence. 1985. 11295 Giesen, W. 1987. Danau Sentarum WildUfe
Antirhea aromatica (Rubiaceae, Guettardeae), Reserve, inventory, ecology and management
a new species from Veracniz, Mexico. Ann. guidelines. Zeist, The Netherlands: World
Missouri Bol Card. 72: 268-271. Wildlife Fund. 284pp.

10938 Tan, B.C., E. Fernando, &

J.P. Rojo. 1986. An 11314 Laubenfels, D. de. 1978. The taxonomy of
updated list of endangered Philippine plants. Philippine Coniferae and Taxaceae. Kalikasan
Yushania 3(2): 1-5. 7(2): 117-152.

10954 Kim, Yong Shik. 1992. List of rare and 11373 Nair, N.C. & S.R. Srinivasan. 1983. On the
endangered plant species in Republic of rediscovery of Koilodepas calycinum Bedd.
Korea, (unpublished). 14pp. (Euphorbiaceae) and Holcolemma
canaliculatum (Nees ex Steud.) Stapf. ex
10961 Knox, Eric B. 1995. The List of East African Hubbard (Poaceae) from south India. Bull.
Plants (LEAP): An electronic database (Draft). Bot. Surv. India 24(1): 241-242.
11374 Ortega Torres, E., L. Stutz de Ortega, & R.
10965 Mori, Scott A. 1987. Annotations to: the Spichiger. 1989. Noventa especies forestales
conservation status listing: Lecythidaceae. del Paraguay. 218 pp.

11038 Lan, KM. 1984. A new variety of 1 1380 Li, H.-L., T.-S. Liu, T.-C. Huang, T. Koyama,
Amenlotaxus argotaenia. Acta & C.E. Devol. 1975. Flora of Taiwan. Taipei:
Phytotaxonomica Sinica 22(6): 492. Epoch.

11085 Launert, E. & G.V. Pope. 1991. Flora 11400 Given, D.R. 1975. Conservation of rare and
Zambesiaca. Volume 9. Ulmaceae, threatened plant taxa in New Zealand - some
Cannabaceae, Moraceae, Cecropiaceae, principles. Proc. New Zealand Ecol. Soc. 22:
Urticaceae, Casuarinaceae, Salicaceae, 1-6.
Ceratophyllaceae. London: Flora Zambesiaca
Managing Committee. 135pp. 1 1403 Borhidi, A. 1992. Letter to Hugh Synge
concerning conservation status of Cuban
11086 Verdcourt, B. 1993. A new species of plants. Includes annotations to 27 Aug 1991
Palaquium Blanco (Sapotaceae) from Ceylon. TPU printout for Cuba. 60pp.
ATewfiu//. 48(2): 342.
1 1417 Tyzack, S. 1987. Notes on Wright's gardenia
11117 Lee, Tchang Bok. 1983. Endemic plants and (Rothmannia annae), Aride Island, Seychelles,
their distribution in Korea. Bull. Kwanak (unpublished). Results of a population census,
Arboretum: 71-113. with notes on fertilisation, germination, and
dispersal. Management recommendations.
11140 Chebez, Juan Carlos & Eduardo Haene. 1989.
Lista tentativa de plantas vasculares argentinas 11449 Prospect. 1995. Species listing from the
en peligro de extincidn. (unpublished). 18 pp. PROSPECT database.

1 1 145 Lemmens, R.H.M.J., 1. Soerianegara, & W.C. 11479 Guan, S.L. 1987. Conservation of the mango
Wong (eds.). 1995. Plant resources of South- and its relatives in Peninsular Malaysia. Forest
East Asia No. 5(2). Timber trees: minor Research Institute of Malaysia. Worid Wildlife
commercial timbers. Leiden: Backhuys Fund Malaysia Project MAL 80/85. 29pp.
Publishers. 655 pp.
11504 Keay, R.W.J. 1989. The trees of Nigeria.
11147 Benoit, C. & L. Ivan (eds.). 1989. Libro rojo Oxford: Oxford University Press. 476pp.
de la flora terrestre de Chile. Santiago:
Impresora Creces Ltd. 157 pp. 11509 Kessler, P. 1996. Goniothalamus majestatis, a
new species of Annonaceae from Sulawesi,
11191 Mill, Robert R. 1994. Annotations to Conifers Indonesia. Blumea 41(1): 27-28.
- taxa Hsted on BG-BASE - status report as of
2 Febniary 1994. 43pp. 11530 Loc, Phan Ke. 1986. Lists of rare and
endangered plant species of Vietnam (1986-
11226 Lundell, C.L. 1974. Studies of American 1988). (unpubUshed).
plants, Vll. Wrightia 5(3): 51-72.
11577 Melville, R. 1970. Endangered plants and
11242 Wang, S.Y. 1986. List of threatened plants of conservation inislands of the Indian
China. (unpublished). List with lUCN Ocean. In Papers and proceedings of the lUCN
categories; endemism not given. 18pp. I Ith technical meeting. New Delhi, India, 25-
28 November 1969. Switzerland, lUCN. 103-
11278 Kostermans, A.J.G.H. & J.-M. Bompard. 107.
1993. The mangoes. London: Academic Press
Ltd. 233 pp.

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Maesen et al. (eds.). The biodiversity of
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species, (unpublished). 1-38.
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conservation status of trees in Vanuatu. 12067 Beentje, Henk Jaap. 1988. Atlas of the rare
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The World List of Threatened Trees

12389 Little, E.L. et al. 1974. Trees of Puerto Rico 12656 Uubenfels, D.J. de J. Silba. &
1987. The
and the Virgin Islands, Second Volume. Agathis of Espiritu Santo (Araucariaceae),
Washington, DC: USD.A. Forest Service. New Hebrides. Phytologia 61: 448-452.
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12453 Sachsse, H. & E. Schulte. 1987. Some Jenkins withreview notes on the species
important wood properties of the Bolivian sununaries for Neclandra. 2pp.
Podocarpus partatorei. Holz Ats Roh-Und
WerkstoffA5(\2y. 475-480. 12756 Sleumer, H.O. 1980. Flacourtiaceae. 499pp.

12455 Loc, Phan Ke. 1992. Conversations with Prof. 12779 Verdcourt, B. 1979. A manual of New Guinea
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12470 Dupont, J., J.-C. Girard, & M. Guinet. 1989. 12801 Synge, Hugh. 1992. Information collected for
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indigenes menaces k la Reunion. SREPEN &
Region Reunion Conseil Regional. 133 pp. 12822 Ak6 Assi, Laurent. 1995. Data collection
forms for tree species of Cote d'lvoire.
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resources of woody species, (unpublished). 12827 Comer, E.J.H. 1988. Wayside trees of Malaya.
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sobre Silvicultura y Mejoramiento Geneti co. 12837 Prado, Dari6n E. & Peter E. Gibbs. 1993.
Cief. Buenos Aires, 6-10 April 1987. Includes Patterns of species distributions in the dry
lists of commercially exploited timber trees. seasonal forests of South America. Arm.
16 pp. Missouri Bot. Card. 80(4): 902-927.

12563 Vu Van Dung & Vu Van Can. 1991. 12888 de Guzman, E.D., R.M. Umali, & E.D.
Endangered forest plant species in Viet Nam. Sotalbo. 1986. Guide to Philippine flora and
Ha Noi: Ministry of Forestry. Centre of fauna. Univ. of Philippines, Nat. Resources
Technical Scientific and Economical Management Center.
Information. 81 pp.
12900 St. John, H. & W.R. Philipson. 1962. An
12564 Bellingham, Peter The J. 1993. effects of a account of the flora of Henderson Island,
hurricane on Jamaican montane rain forests, South Pacific Ocean. Trans. R. Soc. N.Z. Bot.
(unpublished). Ph.D. dissertation. University 1(14): 175-194.
of Cambridge, UK. 41 pp.
12937 Erfurth, T. & H. Rusche. 1976. The marketing
12567 Barry, J.P. 1970. Essai de monographic du of tropical wood. (unpublished). FO:
Cupressus dupreziana A. Camus, cypres MISC/76/8.
endemique du Tassili des Ajier (Sahara
Central). Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique Nord 12945 Wiggins, I.L. 1980. Hora of Baja California.
Alger (,\:95-\l%. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1025pp.

12584 Berg, C.C. 1972. Olmedieae, Brosimeae 12959 lUCN ProtectedAreas Data Unit. 1987.
(Moraceae). 229pp. Directory of Indomalayan protected areas.
Bhutan. Draft. Cambridge, lUCN
12587 Burger, W. 1990. Flora Costaricensis. Conservation Monitoring Centre.
Lauraceae & Hemandiaceae. Fieldiana Botany
23: 138. 12963 Lucas, Grenville LI. & Hugh Synge (comps.).
1978. The lUCN Plant Red Data Book.
12590 Ake Assi, Laurent. 1988. Espies rares et en Morges, Switzerland: lUCN. 540pp.
voie d'extinction de la flore de la Cote d'lvoire.
(unpublished). 6pp. 12984 Giiner, Adil. 1996. Annotations to the
conservation status listing of woody plants of
12597 Peguy, Tchouto. 1997. Completed data Turkey.
collection forms for trees from the South West
Province. 12985 Secretaria de Desarrollo Social. 1994. Las
especies y subespecies de flora y fauna
12630 Laubenfels, D.J. de. 1972. Flore de la y acuaticas en peligio de
silvestres terrestres
Nouvelle-Cal6donie et d^pendances. Paris: extinci6n, amenazadas, raras, y las sujetas a
Mus6um National d'Histoire Naturelle. 167 pp. protecci6n especial y que establece
especiflcaciones para su protecci6n. Mexico
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Cronk, & J.A.N. Pamell. 1988. The
propagation of endangered plants in Mauritius. 13013 Wang, S. et al 1988. [The present state of
Moorea 7: 35-45. preservation of the precious, rare and
threatened plants in Hubei, as well as the
proposition for studying further these plants].
J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 6(3): 285-298.

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13661 Killeen, TJ. 1993. Guia de artxjles de Bolivia. 14040 Arce, S.J.P., C.S. Estenssoro, S.P. Ergueta. &
La Paz, Bolivia: Herbario Nacional de Bolivia. 1987. Diagndstico del estado de la flora, fauna
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13789 Cullen, P.J & J.B. Kirkpatrick. 1988. The
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differentiation of Athrotaxis cupressoides and Botanical Survey of India. 268pp.
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Rabevohitra. 1995. The genus Delonix 14301 CITES. 1992. CITES Appendices as of June
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13930 Allan, H.H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand. 14416 Paiva, J.A.R. 1970. Notes on Annonaceae.
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14418 Berhaut, J. 1971. Flore illustrfe du Senegal.
13947 Chudnoff, M. 1984. Tropical timbers of the Gouvemement du Senegal, Minist^re du
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Wisconsin: United States Department of
Agriculture. 464pp. 14424 US Department of the Interior. Fish and
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13995 Nelson, C. H. 1997. Threatened trees of threatened wildlife and plants: final rule to
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14002 Fourie, S.P. 1984. Threatened Euphorbias in 32575.
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Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 1(16): 1 19-153. genetic resources in Peninsular Malaysia, pp.
32-49. In Forest Genetic Resources
Information 14. Rome: FAO.

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(Apocynaceae), a new species from Irian Jaya,
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14883 Nicolson, D.H. 1977. Endemic species of
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Wageningen Agricultural University. 403pp. (Euphorbiaceae), nueva especie de costa de
Jalisco,Mexico. Bol. Soc. Bot. Mex. 42: 35-39.

The World List of Threatened Trees

15357 Chinh, N. N. et al. 1996. Vietnam forest trees. 15561 Matthews, W.S., A.E. Van Wyk, & G.J.
Hanoi: Agricultural Publishing House. 1-788. Bredenkamp. 1992. Endemic flora of the
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15360 Timberlake, J.R. &
P. Shaw (eds.). 1994. Africa. Biological Conservation 63: 83-94.
Chirinda forest - a visitor's guide. Harare,
Zimbabwe: Division of Research & 15598 Nooteboom, H.P. (ed.). 1987. Report of the
Development, Zimbabwe Forestry 1982-1983 Bukit Raya expedition. Leiden:
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15371 Spichiger, R., J. M6roz, P.-A. Lx>izeau, & L 15608 Tutin, T.G., N.A. Burgas, A.O. Chater, J.R.
Stutz de Ortega. 1990. Contribuci6n a la flora Edmondson, V.H. Heywood, D.M. Moore,
de la Amazonia Peruana. Genfeve: D.H. Valentine, S.M. Walters, & D.A. Webb.
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Czechoslovakia. 7 pp. 15615 Stanley, &
Ross. 1989. Flora of South Eastern
Queensland. Brisbane: Qsld. Dept. Primary
15384 Marticorena, C. 1986. Aimotations to: the Industries.
conservation status listing of threatened plants
of Chile. 15616 Ibanez, J.M. et al. 1989. Data on a population
of Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters.
15406 Villasenor, Jos6 Luis, Patricia D^vila, & £co/ogia 3: 99-106.
Fernando Chiang. 1990. Fitogeografi'a del
Valle de Tehuacin-Cuicatl^. Biol. Soc. Bot. 15649 Baum, David. 1995. A systematic revision of
Mexico 50: 135-149. Adansonia (Bombacaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot.
Card 82: 440-470.
15415 Stein,A.H. 1956. Natural Forests of Chile.
Unasylva 10(4): 155-161. 15714 van der Werff, H. 1994. Annotations - list of
threatened plants of South America. 159-165.
15417 Hommel, P.W.F.M. 1987. Landscape ecology
of Ujung Kulon (West Java, Indonesia). 15717 Pereira, J.P., C. Sastre, & S. Romaniuc. 1996.
Wageningen: Privately pubUshed doctoral Indice das esp&;ies de MorSceas do Brasil.
thesis. 206pp. Albertoa 4: 77-96.

15421 Van der Werff, H. 1993. Persea glabra, a new 15719 van der Werff, H. 1 988. Eight new species and
species of Lauraceae from Bahia. Kew Bull. one new combination of Neotropical
48(1): 25-27. Lauraceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 75(2):
15431 Dassanayake, M.D. & F.R. Fosberg (eds.).
1980. A revised handbook to the flora of 15754 Kostermans, A.J.G.H. (ed.). 1987. Proceedings
Ceylon. New Delhi: Amerind Publ. Co. of the Third Round Table Conference on
Dipterocarps. Jakarta: Unesco. 657pp.
15436 Organo del Gobiemo Constitucional de los
Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 1994. Dario 15790 Aubreville, A.& J.-F. Leroy. 1961. Flore du
Oficial de la Federaci6n. 3-24. Gabon. Published by the Gabon Government
through Museum National d'Histoire
15477 Leon, Chris. 1991. Conversation with Kerry Naturelle, Paris.
Walter concerning conservation status of
Ozoroa reticulata. 15791 Pennington, R. Toby. 1993. Manuscript (Ph.D.
dissertation) on Andira.
15478 Encamaci6n, F. 1983. Nomenclatura de las
especies forestales comunes en el Peru. Lima 1 5828 Argus, G.W & K.M Pryer. 1 990. Rare vascular
147pp. plants in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Museum
of Nature. 191pp.
15491 Leeuwenberg, A.J.M. 1994. A revision of
Tabemaemontana. Two. The New World 15830 Williams, L.O. 1967. Tropica! American
species and Stemmadenia. Royal Botanic plants, VIII. Fieldiana Bot. 31(10): 249-269.
Gardens, Kew. 450pp.
15892 Vdzquez-G, J. A. 1994. Magnolia
15533 Herbst, Derral. 1991. Annotations to WCMC (Magnoliaceae) in Mexico and Central
plant list for Guam. America: a synopsis. Brittonia 46(1): 1-23.

15539 IB AM A. 1992. Lista oficial de espies da 1 59 1 9 de Wilde, W. J.J.O. 1 984. A new account of the
flora Brasileira amea^adas de extin(ao. genus Horsfieldia (Myristicaceae), Pt 1.
(unpublished). 4pp. Gardens' Bulletin 31{2y. 115-179.

Data Sources

15926 Frodin, David. 1997. Conversation with 16239 Romoleroux, Katya. 1996. Rosaceae in the
Charlotte Jenkins concerning the taxonomy of High Andes of Ecuador, pp. 407-413. In
Schefflera species. Churchill, S.P. et al.(eds.). Biodiversity and
conservation of neotropical montane forests.
15965 Smith, Albert C. 1971. Studies of Pacific New York: The New York Botanical Garden.
Island Plants, XXII. Pacific Science 4; 491-
501. 16250 Ohwi, J. 1965. Flora of Japan (in English).
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.

15966 Whitmore, T.C. (ed.). 1972. Tree Flora of 1067pp.

Malaya - a manual for foresters Vol. 1. Hong
Kong: Longman. 470 pp. 16261 Proctor, George R. 1984, Flora of the Cayman
Islands. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew:
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genus Perrottetia (Celastraceae). Phytologia
57(3): 231-237. 16292 Whitmore, T.C. 1966. Guide to the forests of
the British Solomon Islands. Oxford: Oxford
16021 Katende, A.B. 1995. Annotations to: WCMC University Press. 208pp.
printout of Trees of Uganda dated 23 Nov.
1995. 137pp. 16327 Brito, A. A. 1995. Letter to Wendy Strahm
including annotations to: List of threatened
16031 Baldwin, M.F. (ed.). 1992. Natural resources trees of Cuba. 1-5.
of Sri Lanka: conditions and trends. Colombo:
Natural Resources, Energy and Science 16328 Gonzalez Cangas, Mauro. 1996. Completed
Authority of Sri Lanka. 280pp. data collection forms for tree species of Chile.

16093 National Research Council. 1989. Lost crops 16331 Hekking, W.H.A. 1988. Violaceae Part 1 -
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(Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), a new species McLeish, Tom A. Cope, Phil Cribb and Salim
from Bahia, Brazil. Kew Bull. 169-113. : H. Al Rawahi. 62pp.

16104 MacKinnon, J. & 1. Warsito. 1982. Gunung 16394 Kostermans, I. 1986. Annotations to: List of

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management plan. Bogor: UNDP/FAO. 40pp.
16409 Melville, R. & H.M. Heybroek. 1971. The
16111 Bokhari, M.H. 1975. A new record of elms of the Himalaya. Kew Bull. 26(1): 5-28.
Cupressus in SW Iran. Notes from the Royal
Botanic Garden Edinburgh 33(3): 445-447. 16426 Bosser, J., Th. Cadet, H.R. Julien, W. &
Marais. 1976. Flore des Mascareignes: La
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Plucknett, & Jennifer P. Talbot. 1992. Tropical Research Institute, Mauritius; ORSTOM,
forests and their crops. USA: Cornell Paris; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

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16427 Chepstow-Lusty, Alex. 1992. Letter about the
16123 Sociedade Botanica do Brasil. 1992. Centuria conservation status of plants from Henderson
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16435 Abraham, Z. & B.N. Mehrotra. 1983. Some
16172 Nooteboom, H.P. 1984. A new Shorea from observations on endemic species and rare
Java. Flora Malesiana Bull. 9(1): 44-45. plants of the montane flora of the Nilgiris,
South India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 3(3): 863-
16212 Friedmann, F. 1991. Annotations to 867.
Threatened Plant Unit printout for the
Seychelles (granitic islands) dated 12 Sep 16438 Jain, S.K. & A.R.K. Sastry (comps.). 1983.
1991. (unpubUshed). 6pp. Materials for a catalogue of threatened plants
of India. Howrah, Botanical Survey of India.
16232 Timberlake, Jonathan. 1996. Letter to Sara 69pp.
Oldfield hsting Zimbabweand tree/shrub
species which are threatened, endemic or of 16458 Lamprecht, H. 1989. Silviculture in the

restricted distribution. tropics. Germany: GTZ.

16235 Howard, Richard A. Ferns and flowering 16500 Anon. 1993. Draft Document - Trade status of
plants of Montserrat. (unpublished). 36pp. habitat directive species for inclusion in EC
trade regulation. 1-36.

The World List of Threatened Trees

16516 Quero, H.J. &

R.W. Read. 1986. A revision of 16884 Silba, J. 1984. An international census of the
the palm genus Gaussia. Syst. Bot. 11(1): 145- Coniferae. Phytologia 7: 3-79.
16898 Anon. Endemic flora of Puerto Rico and the
16525 Reitz, P.R. & R.M. Klein. 1966. Rora Virgin Islands.
Illustrada Catarinense Araucariaceae. Santa
Catarina, Brazil: Itaja. 45-47. 16907 Vovides, A.P. 1986. Relacidn de plantas
Mexicanas raras o en peligro de extinci6n.
16551 Rongo, Teariki. 1993. Cook Islands. Regional (unpublished). Veracruz; INIREB. 7pp.
Environment Technical Assistance Project.
16916 Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. & C.V.S. 1984.
16595 Ntima, O.O. 1968. The Araucarias - fast Distribution of endemics in the tree flora of a
growing timber trees of the tropics. lowland hill forest in Sri Lanka. Biol Conserv.
28(3): 275-285.
16608 Bingham, Mike. 1994. Letter received by Mrs
Caroline Gelderblom with comments on the 16925 Rao, Y.S. 1992. Forest news. Tigerpaper 4: 9-
WCMC printout for Zambia. 11.

16612 Hancock, I.R. & C.P. Henderson. 1988. Flora 16943 Green, Michael J.B. &
E.R.N. Gunawardena.
of the Solomon Islands. 1993. Conservation evaluation of some natural
forests in Sri Lanka. 163 pp.
16640 Jain, S.K. & A.R.K. Sastry. 1980. Threatened
plants of India: A state of the art report.New 16973 Berendsohn, W. 1987. Letter to Jane Villa-
Delhi: Botanical Survey of India and Man and Lobos.
Biosphere Committee. 48pp.
16980 Johnson, Dennis V. 1992. Annotation to
16676 Wiles, G.J., J.H. Schneinen, D. Nafus, L.K. printout: Palm database changes; New World.
Jurgensen, &
J.C. Manglone. 1996. The status, Group 3, July 1992. (unpublished). 4pp.
biology, and conservation of Seranthes
nelsonii (Fabaceae), an endangered 16987 United States of America. 1991. Proposal to
Micronesian tree. Biological Conservation include Guaiacum
officinale on Appendix II of
CITES. Submitted for 8th Meeting of
16700 Percy, D.M. &
Q.C.B. Cronk. 1997. Conference of the Parties to CITES, 2-13
Conservation in relation to mating system in March 1992, Kyoto, Japan, (uinpublished).
Nesohedyotis arborea (Rubiaceae), a rare 22pp.
endemic tree from St. Helena. Biological
Conservation Z0[2): 135-146. 17038 Burton, Fred. 1993. Letter to WCMC
including list of status of endemic plants in the
16730 Cunningham, A.B. 1991. Development of a Cayman Islands. 7pp.
conservation policy on commercially exploited
medicinal plants: a case study from southern 17122 Brown, F.B.H. 1935. Flora of Southeastern
Africa, pp. 337-358. In Akerele, O., Heywood, Polynesia. B.P. Bishop Museum Bulletin: 1-
V. &Synge, H. (eds.). Conservation of 386.
medicinal plants. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. 17124 Anon. 1992. Report on the rare plants of
Puerto Rico. Louis, Missouri: Center for
16765 Amerson, A.B., W.A. Whistler, & T.D. Plant Conservation, Missouri Botanical
Schwaner. 1982. WildUfe and wildlife habitat Garden.
of American Samoa. II: Accounts of flora and
fauna. Washington, DC, US Fish and Wildlife 17140 Said, I.M.& Z. Rozainah. 1992. An updated
Service. 151pp. listof wetland plant species of Peninsular
Malaysia, with particular reference to those
16772 Mitr6, Manin E. 1997. Completed data having socio-economic value. Asian Wetland
collection forms for trees of Panama. Bureau. 109pp.

16781 Stainton, J.D.A. 1972. Forests of Nepal. 17153 Bridson, D.M. 1994. Additional notes on
London: John Murray Ltd. 174pp. Coffea (Rubiaceae) from tropical East Africa,
^ewfiu//. 49(2): 331-342.
16794 Long, A. & M. Heath. 1991. Flora of the El
Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico:. 17165 McVaugh, R. 1974. Flora Novo-Galiciana.
Ann. Inst. BioL UN AM
Sev. Bot. 62(2): 133- Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan
172. Press.

16796 Clarke, G.P. & J. Lovett. 1996. Data collection 17176 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1981. Supplementary data
forms for tree species of Tanzania. on Malesian Knema (Myristicaceae) including
three new taxa. Blumea 27(1): 223-234.
16822 Styles, B.T. &White. 1991. Meliaceae in
Flora of Tropical East Africa. Rotterdam: A. A.
Balkema. 68pp.

Data Sources

17185 Mianda-Bungi, Ndjele. 1988. Catalogue des 17408 Hecketsweiler, P.H. 1990. Incomplete list of
plants end^miques du Zaire, (unpublished). the commercially exploited timber species of
Includes letter from author to Robert Madams. Congo (Brazzaville).
17410 Dahlgren, Rolf & Abraham E. Van Wyk.
17186 Tripp, K.E. 1995. Cephalolaxus. The plum 1988. Structures and relationships of families
yew. Amoldia 55(1): 2440. endemic to or centered in southern Africa.
Monogr. Syst. Bol. Missouri Bot. Card. 25: 1-
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Euphorbiaceae Part II in Flora of Tropical East
Africa. Polhill.R.M. (ed.). A.A. Balkema/ 17460 Fries, R.E. 1941. Neue amerikanische
Rotterdam/ Brookfield. Annonaceen. Arta Horfi Berg. 13(3): 103-116.

17195 Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N. & C.V.S. 1991. 17523 Anon. 1979. Prosopis species, pp. 153-161. In
Threatened woody endemics of the wet Tropical legumes: Resources for the future.
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17200 Briggs, J.D. & John H. Leigh. 1988. Rare or 17540 Martorell, L.F., A.H. Loigier, & R.O.
threatened Australian plants. Melbourne, Woodbury. 1981. Cat41ogo de nombres
Australia: CSIRO Publications. vulgares y cienti'ficos de las plantas de Puerto
Rico. Boletin 263, Universidad de Puerto
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fauna, (unpublished). Mayaguez, Estaci6n Experimental Agn'cola.
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(eds.). 1989. Tree flora of Indonesia. Bogor, 17609 Wendt, T. 1993. Composition, floristic
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17278 Kostermans, A.J.G.H. 1973. A forgotten 17610 Friis, I. 1989. A synopsis of Buxaceae in
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capparu-coronde Bl.). Ceylon J. Sci. (Bio. 293-299.
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J. Sultana (eds). 1989. Red (Solanaceae) and its species to Solatium.
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under threat. International Dendrological 17678 Chayamarit, Kongkanda. 1985. Studies in Thai
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Flora Neotropica. Monograph 1 227p. .

17398 Thomas, W.W. 1990. A new species of

Picramnia (Simaroubaceae) from Amazonian 17692 Sidiyasa, K. 1997. Revision of Alslonia
Peru. Brittonia 42(3): 171-174 worldwide. (Ph.D. thesis), (impublished).

The World List of Threatened Trees

17743 Adams, CD. 1971. Miscellaneous additions 18190 Fries, R.E.1939. Revision der Arten einiger
and revisions to the flowering plants of Anonaceen-Gattungen, V. Acta Horti Berg.
Jamaica n. Phyiologia 21(2): 65-71. 12(3): 289-577.

17759 Wemer, Wolfgang. 1995. Annotations to 18243 Smitinand, T. & T. Santisuk. 1981.
WCMC printout entitled 'Conservation status Dipterocarpaceae of Thailand with special
listing for Sri Lanka'. 85 pp. reference to silvicultural ecology. Malaysian
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17787 Wickens, G.E. 1971. Tropical African Plants:
XXXI. KewBull. 25(2): 173-190. 18251 Jessup, L.W. & W.J.J.O. de WUde. 1993.
Myristica lancifolia Poiret (Myristicaceae)
17854 Cremers, G. 1994. Annotations to: Threatened new to Australia. Blumea 38(1): 39-43.
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Repubhc of C^ngo.
18388 Rudjiman. 1987. A revision of Beaumontia
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1987. The ecology of Sulawesi. Yogyakarta: Agricultural University of Wageningen Papers
Gadjah Mada Univ. Press. 777pp. 85

18022 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1997. Notes on Southeast 18389 Adema, F., P.C Leenhouts, & P.C van
Asian and Malesian Myristica and description Welzen. 1994. Sapindaceae. Flora Malesiana.
of new taxa (Myristicaceae). Blumea 42(1): Leiden: Flora Malesiana Foundation.
18411 Hamann, 1991. Indigenous and alien
18039 Miller, J.S. 1987. Annotations to: List of plants in the GalSpagos Islands: problems of
threatened plants of Latin America. conservation and development, pp. 169-192. In
Heywood, V.H. & Wyse Jackson, P.S. (eds.).
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(eds.). 1991. The conservation atlas of tropical conservation and development. San Diego:
forests:Asia and the Pacific. London: Academic Press Inc.
Macmillan Press Ltd.
18414 Tirvengadum, D.D. 1989. Ramosmania
18136 Manning, W.E. 1957. The genus JugUms in rodriguesii, nouvelle mbiacfe end^mique de
Mexico and Central America. / Arnold Arbor. Rodrigues (Mascareignes). C.R. Soc.
38: 121-150. Biogeogr 65(.\): 13-20.

18145 Lucas, G.U. 1968. Icacinaceae in Flora of 18416 Holdridge, L. 1982. Annotations: List of
Tropical East Africa. Milne-Redhead, E. & threatened plants of Middle America.
Polhill, R.M. (eds.). Crown Agents for
Oversea Governments and Administrations. 18427 Standley, RC & L.O. Williams. 1952. Ocho
g^neros de iiboles y arbustos nuevos para
18150 Wendt, T., S.A. Mori, & G.T. Prance. 1985. A Centro America. Ceiba 3: 24-35.
new family for the flora of Mexico. Britlonia
37(4): 347-351. 18432 Anon. 1994. Collections of the US National
Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution,
18170 Boland, D.J., M.I.H. Brooker, G.M. Washington DC.
Chippendale, N. Hall, B.P.M. Hyland, R.D.
Johnston, D.A. Kleing, &
J.D. Turner. 1962. 18485 Borhidi, A. & O. Muiiiz. 1983. CatSlogo de
Forest trees of Australia. Melboum: Thomas plantasCubanas amenazadas o exdnguidas. La
Nelson & CSIRO. Habana: Acad. Ciencias de Cuba. 85pp.

18187 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1991. The genera of 18501 Figueiredo, Estrela. 1996. Plant Ufe:
Myristicaceae as distinguished by their Lasiodiscus. Gulf of Guinea Conservation
inflorescences, and the description of a new Newsletter. No. 3: 6.
genus, Bicuiba. Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 66: 95-
125. 18515 Zoysa, N. de & R. Raheem. 1990. Sinharaja - a
rainforest in Sri Lanka. Colombo: March for
Conservation. 61pp.

Data Sources

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Zemede Asfaw. 1992. The 18986 Dransfield, J. & HJ. Beentje. 1995. Palms of
status of some plant resources in parts of Madagascar. Royal Botanic Garden, Kew.
Tropical Africa. Botany 2000: East and 500pp.
Central Africa. NAPRECA Monograph Series
No. 2. Addis Ababa: NAPRECA, Addis Ababa 19005 aailc, T.W. & R.D. Dom (eds.). 1979. Rare
University. and endangered vascular plants and vertebrates
of Wyoming. 78pp.
18665 Thulin, Mats. 1996. Annotations to: the
conservation listing for trees of Somalia. 19017 E. Soepadmo and K.M. Wong. 1995. Tree
Flora of Sabah and Sarawak. Kuala Lumpur
18674 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1985. A new account of the Ampang Press Sdn. Bhd. 513 pp.
genus Horsfieldia (Myristicaceae). Pt. 2.
Gardens' Bulletin 38(1): 55-144. 19018 Rackhara, O. & J. Moody. 1996. The making
of the Cretan landscape. Manchester
18697 Hind, DJ.N. 1994. New
Compositae from the University Press. 237 pp.
Serra Do Grao Mogol (Mun. Grao Mogol,
Minas Gerais, Brazil) and the surrounding 19019 Zaffran, J. (ed.). 1990. Contributions 4 la flore
area. ^ewBu//.: 511-522. et i la v6g6tation de la Crete. Aix en Provence:
University de Provence. 615 pp.
18710 Hara, H., W.T. Steam, &
L.H.J WiUiams. 1.
An enumeration of the flowering plants of 19020 Kessler, M. 1997. Comments on the
Nepal. London, British Museum (Natural conservation status of Polylepis species. 2 pp.
19021 Trehane, P. 1997. Comments on Abies
18751 Faijon, Aljos. 1994. Annotations to: nebrodensis.
Conservation status listing of conifers of the
world dated 2 February 1994. 19022 Banares, A. et at. 1997. Completed data
collection forms for the trees of the Canary
18796 Wijesinghe, L.C.A., I. A.U.N. Gunatilleke, Islands.
S.D.G. Jayawardana, S.W. Kotagama, &
C.V.S. Gunatilleke. 1990. Biological 19023 Murugaiyan, P. 1997. Completed data
conservation in Sri Lanka (A national status collectionforms for tree species of the
report). Colombo: Natural Resources, Energy Seychelles.
and Science Authority of Sri Lanka. 64pp.
19024 Baum, D. 1997. Comments on a new
18802 Sutter, H. 1986. Annotations to: List of plants population of Adansonia suarezensis found in
in the WCMC database for Burma. Madagascar.

18818 Smith, A.C. 1979. Flora Vitiensis Nova: a new 19025 Gerlach, J. (ed.). 1997. Seychelles Red Data
Flora of Fiji. Hawaii, Pacific Tropical Botanic Book - 1997. Seychelles: The Nature
Garden. Protection Trust of Seychelles. 122 pp.

18829 Wickens, G.E. 1973. Combretaceae in Rora of 19026 Meijer, W. A conversation between
Tropical East Africa. R.M. (ed.).
Polhill, Amy MacKinven and Dr W. Meijer regarding
Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and possibly extinct trees of Sabah.
19027 Fosberg, F.R. & Renvoize, S.A. 1980. The
18833 Shapcott, A. 1991. Studies in population flora of Aldabra and neighbouring islands.
biology and genetic variation of the Huon pine Kew. Bull. Add. Ser. 7: 1-358.

(Lagarostrobos franklinii). Hobart: The

National Rainforest Conservation Program and 19028 Singh, M. 1997. Letter to Charlotte Jenkins
Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage, concerning the conservation status of
Hobait and Dept. of the Arts, Sports, the Euphorbia santapauii.
Environment and Territories.
19029 Singh, M. 1994. Succulent Euphoibiaceae of
18839 Andrews, F.W. 1950. The flowering plants of India. New Delhi, India 55 pp.
the (Anglo-Egyptian) Sudan. Arbroath,
Scodand: Bimcie. 19030 Nohemy Ventura, E. 1997. Completed data
collection forms for trees of El Salvador.
18840 Pamadjaja. 1988. Vegetation analysis and
mapping by remote sensing techniques as a 19031 Conn, B.J. (ed.). 1995. Handbooks of the Flora
database for the management of the Kerinci of Papua New Guinea. Melbourne University
Seblat National Park, Sumatra. Press. 1-292.

18965 ExeU, A.W., H. Wild, A. Femandes, J.P.M. 19032 Johns, R.J. 1993. Biodiversity and
Brenan, & E. Launert (eds.). 1. Flora conservation of the native flora of Papua New
Zambesiaca. Volumes published up until 1996. Guinea, pp. 15-75. In Papua New Guinea
London, Crown Agents. conservation needs assessment. PNG:
Government of Papua New Guinea.

The World List of Threatened Trees

19033 The Nature Conservancy. 1996. Natural 19045 Kalkman, C. 1997. Personal communication
Heritage Central Database. (Status and with Amy MacKinven concerning threatened
distribution data on North American plants, tree species in Rosaceae.
developed in collaboration with the
Association for Biodiversity Information, US 19046 Sidiyasa, K. 1997. Personal communication
and Canadian Natural Heritage Programs and with Kade Ph.D. student at
Sidiyasa, the
Conservation Data Centers, and North Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus, Leiden.
Carolina Botanical Garden Biota of North
America Program.) 19047 Adema, F. 1997. Personal conununication with
Amy MacKinven.
19034 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996.
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 19048 Anon. 1994. Proposal to include Diospyros
endangered status for the plant Delissea celebica in Appendix II of CITES.
undulata. US Federal Register 61(198):
53124-53130. 19049 Davies, J. 1997. Email messages from Jon
Davies regarding tree species under threat in
19035 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. Brunei, including Shorea albida, Agathis
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; bomeensis, DryobaUmops rappa.
determination of endangered and threatened
status for fourteen plant taxa from the Hawaiin 19050 Pan, F.J. 1997. Completed data coUection
Islands. US Federal Register 61(198): 53108- forms for Taiwanese trees.
19051 Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan. 1996. Rare and
19036 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. endangered plants in Taiwan I. 163 pp.
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants;
determination of endangered or threatened 19053 Lu, S.Y. & F.J. Pan. 1997. Draft copy of tare
status for nineteen plant species from the and endangered plants in Taiwan II.
island of Kauai, Hawaii. US Federal Register
61(198): 53070-53089. 19054 Flanagan,M. 1997. Threatened broadleaves -
Fagus hayalae Palib. Broadleaves, Newsletter
19037 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. of the lUCN-SSC Temperate Broadleaved
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; Trees Specialist Group 4: 5-6.
determination of endangered status for thirteen
plants from the islands of Hawaii, State of 19055 Sun, W. 1997. Completed data coUection
Hawaii. US Federal Register 61(198): 53137- forms for trees of Yunnan.
19056 Firsov, G.A. 1997. Completed data coUection
19038 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Recovery forms for Russian trees.
plan for the Kaua'i plant cluster. Portland,
Oregon: US Fish and WildUfe Service. 290 pp. 19057 Frodin, D. et al. 1997. Discussion of the
working groups at the Conservation and
19039 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. Recovery Sustainable Management of Trees workshop
plan for the Big Island plant cluster. Portland, held in Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Oregon: US Fish and Wildlife Service. 176 pp.
19058 Anonymous. 1997. Inclusion of Aquilaria
19040 US Fish and WildUfe Service. 1996. Recovery malaccensis in Appendix II of CITES - India,
plan for Molokai plant cluster. Portland, (unpublished).
Oregon: US Fish and WildUfe Service. 143 pp.
19059 Soehartono, T. 1997. The overview of trade in
19041 US Fish and WildUfe Service. 1996. Recovery Gaharu in Indonesia, (unpublished).
plan for Koolau Mountain plant cluster.
Portland, Oregon: US Fish and Wildlife 19060 Ban, N.T. 1997. Some remarks on the red Ust
Service. 124 pp. summary report. 1 pp.

19042 Rosseel, J. 1997. Email message to Charlotte 19061 Dzung. el al. 1997. Conversation vrith
Jenkins concerning endemic trees to Sao Charlotte Jenkins concerning tree species in
T01116. Viet Nam also found in Yunnan.

19043 Breteler, F.J. 1997. Letter to Charlotte Jenkins 19062 Geriach, J. 1997. CommenU on the trees of the
containing annotations to the draft species Seychelles and their evaluation according to
summaries for Gabonese trees. 1994 lUCN red list categories. 2 pp.

19044 Loc, Phan Ke. 1997. Letter to Sara Oldfield 19063 Phengklai, C. 1989. Personal conununication
containing a list of the threatened from C. Phengklai.
Gymnosperms of Vietnam and their lUCN red
Ust categories. 19064 Kumar, A. 1994. Personal communication to
M. Read and S. Oldfield.

Data Sources

19065 Sidiyasa, K. 1994. Utter to Sara Oldfield 19082 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1997. Further additional
le-.Diospyros celehica, Inisia bijuga and Intsia notes on Knema and Myristica
palembanica. (Myristicaceae).

19066 Madulid, D.A. 1996. Letter to A. MacKinven 19083 Miller, A.G. 1997. Completed data collection
dated 11th July, 1996 re; Diospyros forms and comments concerning the
pilosanthera and Diospyros philippinensis. threatened trees of Socotra and Yemen.

19067 Fjeldsi J. 1997. Comments on Polylepis 19084 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1997. The myrmecophilous
species and their evaluation. species of Myristica (Myristicaceae) of New
Guinea, (unpublished).
19068 Ch^izaro Bas^ez, M., J. Guerrero-Nuno & G.
Arcelia L<5pez-Coronado. 1993. 19085 Kelly, D.L. 1997. List of threatened U-ees in
Conserideraciones preliminares sobre las the Jamaican flora, not in 'Draft species
plantas end£micas, raras, vulnerables o en summaries; Jamaica' WCMC 24/04/97.
peligro de extinci6n de Jalisco, Mexico. (unpublished).
Tiempos de Ciencia 30; 11-19.
19086 US Fish and WildUfe Service. 1997. Draft
19069 Calderon, E. (comp.). 1997. Lista de plantas Kauai II; Addendum to the recovery plan for
Colombianas en peligro. July 1997 Version. the Kauai plant cluster. Portland, Oregon: US
Instituto de Investigacino de Recursos Fish and Wildlife Service. 80 pp.
Biologicas Alexander von Humboldt,
(unpublished). 14 pp. 19087 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Recovery
plan for the Maui plant cluster (Hawaii).
19070 Nikolic, T. 1997. Completed data collection Portland, Oregon; US Fish and Wildlife
forms on Croatian trees. Service. 130 pp.

19071 Smith, D. 1997. The progress and problems of 19089 US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Draft
the 'Endemic Section' of St. Helena Island. recovery plan for Kokia cookei. Portland,
OryjT 3 1(3); 218-224. Oregon; US Fish and Wildlife Service. 57 pp.

19072 Hou, D. 1996. Caesalpinioideae. Flora 19090 Kessler, P. 1997. Data collection forms for
Malesiana. Leiden; Flora Malesiana Malesian Annonaceae.
19091 Nghia, N.H. 1997. Completed data collection
19073 Chua, L. et at. 1997. Completed data forms for Vietnamese Dalbergia spp.
collection forms for endemic trees of
Peninsular Malaysia. 19092 Peguy, T. 1997. Comments from Thchouto
Peguy on the draft species summaries for
19074 Anonymous. 1997. Proposal in include Cameroon.
Plerocarpus santalinus in Appendix II of
CITES, (unpublished). 19093 Nghia, N.H. 1997. Letter to Sara Oldfield from
Dr.Nghia regarding threatened Vietnamese
19075 USDA. 1990. Proceedings of the symposium trees.
on Sandalwood in the Pacific. April 9-11,
1990. Honolulu, Hawaii 19095 Pires O' Brien. 1997. Additional information
on Brazilian tree species.
19076 Monk, K.A. et al. 1997. The ecology of Nusa
Tenggara and Maluku. Oxford: Oxford 19096 Cavalcanti, T.B. 1997. Completed data
University Press. collection forms for Lythraceae species in
19077 Coppen, J.J.W. 1995. Flavours and fragrances
of plant origin. Rome; FAO. 19097 Barroso, G.M. 1997. Letter to Joaquina Pires
O'Brien containing information on species of
19078 de Wilde, W.J.J.O. 1997. Annotations to draft Myrtaceae in Brazil.
species summaries for Myristicaceae.
19098 Varty, N. & Guadagnin, D.L. 1996. Annex 10;
19079 Frodin, D. 1997. Conversation with Amy Arboreal species of the Atlantic forests (from
MacKinven, regarding the conservation status Base de Dados Tropical of the Funfatao
of Schefflera. Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia 'AndrS
Tosello'). In Information sources on the
19080 Femandes, F. 1997. Restoration programme biology, conservation and trade of tree species
for Madeira's endangered plants. Plant Talk in Brazil Report for the Conservation and
10: 19. Sustainable Management of Trees Project.

19081 Cronk, Q.C.B. 1997. The endemic flora of St 19099 Torres, R.B. 1997. Completed data collection
Helena (in press). forms for species of Lacistema, Trema and
Flacourtiaceae in Brazil.

The World List of Threatened Trees

19100 Vaz, A.M.S. 1997. Completed data collection 191 19 Jorgensen, P.M. & C. Ulloa Ulloa. 1994. Seed
forms for species in the subfamily plants of the High Andes of Ecuador - a
Caesalpinoideae in Brazil. checklist. Denmark: Department of Systematic
Botany, University of Aarhus & Departamento
19101 Carauta, J.P.P. 1997. Completed data de Ciencias Biol6gicas, Pontificia Universidad
collection forms for species of Moraceae in Cat61ica del Ecuador. 443 pp.
19120 Jorgensen, P.M. & S. Le<5n In Prep.. 1997.
19102 Peixoto, A.L. 1997. Completed data collection Catalogue of vascular of Ecuador.
forms for species of Monnimiaceae in Brazil. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.

19103 Carvalho, L.d'A.F. 1997. Completed data 19121 Llamozas, S. 1996. Completed data collection
collection forms for species of Solanaceae in forms for tree species of Argentina.
19122 Prado, D.E. 1995. Selva
19104 Werner, W.L. 1989. AspecU of conservation contexto regional y de un
lista florfstica
of endangered plants in Sri Lanka. 35-40. ecosistema en peligro. In Brown, A.D. & H.R.
Grau (eds.). Investigaci6n, conservaci6n y
19105 Silva,N.M.F. 1997. Completed data collection desaroUo en selvas subtropicales de montafia:
form for species of Combretaceae in Brazil. 19-52.

19106 Werner, W.L. 1982. The upper montane rain 19123 Pennington, T.D. 1997. The genus Inga.
forests of Sri Lanka. The Sri Lanka Forester Botany. The Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. 844
15(3&4): 119-129. pp.

19107 Walker, M. 1997. This Week - Lucky fmd. 19124 Harcourt, C.S. & J.A.Sayer. 1996. The
conservation atlas of tropical forests: The
19108 Thulin, M. 1997. Email to Charlotte Jenkins Americas. New York : Simon & Schuster
withcomments on the status of Boswellia spp., Macmillan.
Conocarpus lanciifolius and WendUmdia
arabica. 1 pp. 19125 Beaman, J.H. 1997. Completed data collection
forms for conifers of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah.
19110 Hamilton, A. 1990. Provisional list of
endangered medicinal plants, (unpublished). 1 9 1 26 Molloy, B.P.J. 1997. Completed data
collection forms for conifers of New Zealand.
19111 Cukier, M. 1997. Technical report on the
status of a number of endemics to Sao Tom6. 19127 Gardner, M. 1997. Completed data collection
(unpublished). forms for South American conifers.

19112 Green, M.J.B. and E.R. N. Gunawardena 19128 Steyermark, J.A., P.E. Berry Hoist, B.K. &
(comps.). Designing an optimum
1997. 1996. Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana. Vol 2.
protected areas system for Sri Lanka's natural Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes Acanthaceae -
forests, (unpublished). Prepared by lUCN-The Araceae. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.
World Conservation Union and the World
Conservation Monitoring Centre for the Food 19129 Pannell, C. 1997. Comments regarding the
and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the threat status of Aglaia trees.
United Nations.
19130 Sandiford,M. 1997. Completed data collection
191 13 Stevens, P.F. 1997. Annotations to a listing of form on Bombacopsis quinata.
draft species summaries for New Guinea for
the Conservation and Sustainable Management 19131 Femandes, F. et al. 1997. Completed data
of Trees project. collection forms for the trees of Madeira.

19114 Eddowes, P.J. 1 997. Completed data collection 19132 Satabia, B. 1997. Letter to Sara Oldfield listing
forms for New Guinea. Cameroonian timber trees rendered vulnerable
through exploitation.
19115 Du Puy, D. 1997. Completed data collection
forms on Madagascan Dalbergia species. 19133 de Lange, P.J. 1 997. Threatened woody dicots:
candidate listings from the New Zealand
19116 Bellingham, P. 1997. Comments on tree Botanical Region, (unpublished).
species in the Blue Mountains.
19134 Gates, M.R. & P.J. de Langes. 1996. The
19117 Middleton, D. 1997. Conversation between current status of woody vegetation in New
David Middleton and Amy MacKinven Zealand. In Hunt, D. (ed.). Temperate trees
regarding the threat status of Apocynaceae under threat. Proceedings of an IDS
trees. symposium on the Conservation Status of
Temperate Trees, 30 Sept- 1 Oct 1994.
19118 Johnson, D. et at. 1997. Completed data
collection forms for palms.

Data Sources

19135 INEFAN. 1997. Especies maderables en 19152 Sandiford, M. 1997. Additional comments on
proceso de extincion que ameritan ser Bombacopsis quinata.
preservadas. (unpublished). Institute
Ecuatoriano Forestal y de Areas Naturales y 19153 Donoso, C. 1996. Ecology of Nothofagus
Vilda Silvestre. Sept 1997.( Governmental). forests in Central Chile, pp. 271-292. In
Veblen, T.T. et al. The ecology and
19136 Taber, A. G. Navarro &
M. Angel. 1997. A biogeography of Nothofagus forests.
new park in the Bolivian Gran Chaco - an
advance in tropical dry forest conservation and 19154 Waldrcn, S. & N. Kingston. 1997. Threatened
community-based management. Oryx 31(3): trees and shrubs of Pitcaim Island: update
189-198. October 1997. (unpublished).

19137 Burton, F. 1996. Completed data collection 19155 Tye, A. 1997. Amendments to the species
forms for tree species of the Cayman Islands. summaries of threatened trees of the
19138 Frodin. D.G. & R. Govaerts. 1996. World
checklist and bilbliography of Magnoliaceae. 19156 Eliasson, U. 1974. Studies in GalSpagos
plants.XIV. The genus Scalesia Am. Opera
19139 Mack, A. 1997. E-mail from Andy Mack Botanica 36
regarding the Aglaia mackiana. (impublished).
19157 Arsiniegas, M. 1996. Caracterizaci6n,
19140 Fortune-Hopkins, H. &
Menzies, J.I. 1995. evaluaci6n y conservacidn de cuatro especies
The Flora of Motupore Island. University of de plantas end£micas que se hallen en peligro
PNG Press. de extinci6n en las islas Galapagos:
Calandrinia galapagosa, Lecocarpus darwinii,
19141 Midgley, J.J. et al. 1997. Population ecology Scalesia helleri, Scalesia retroflexa.
of tree succulents (Aloe and Pachypodium) in (unpublished). Tesis de Ing. Forestal, Univ.
the arid western Cape: decline of keystone T6c. 'Luis Torres', Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
species. Biodiversity and Conservation 6: 869-
876. 19158 Hiepko, P. 1993. Olacaceae. Flora of the
Guianas. Koenigstein: Fed. Rep. of Germany:
19142 Pedralli. G. 1997. Comments on threatened Koeltz Scientfic Books.
species of Lauraceae.
19159 Chanderbali, A. 1997. Completed data
19143 Phillips, B.A. Data 1981.
sheet for collection form for Chlorocardium rodiei.
Etaeodendron laneanum A.H. Moore.
19160 Carter-Holmes, S. 1997. Completed data
19144 Ramesh, B.R. & J.-P. Pascal. 1997. Atlas of collection forms for 2 Tanzanian Monadenium
endemics of the Western Ghats (India). species.
Distribution of tree species in the evergreen
and semi -evergreen forests. Institut Fran^ais 19161 Ramirez-Marcial, N. & M. Gonz^ez-
de Pondich^ry. 403 pp. Espinosa. 1997. Completed data collection
forms of threatened tree species in Chiapas.
19145 Hess, W.J. 1996. Completed data collection
forms for Quercus acerifotia, Q. x 19162 Hawthorne, W. & C. E. Hughes. 1997.
basaseachicensis, Q. boytonii and Q. gravesii. Bioquality of the forests of Quintana Roo.
ODA Mexico: Quintana Roo Forest
19146 Tye, A. & J. Loving. 1997. Completed data Management Project. Biological Component
collection forms for Scalesia species on the Phase I . (unpublished).
19163 Flora of North America Editorial Committee.
19147 Eddowes, P.J. 1997. Letter to Sara Oldfield 1997. Flora of North America. Volume 3.

containing annotations to the 'Draft red list Oxford University Press.

summary report for Papua New Guinea trees'.
19164 Southeast Environmental Research Program,
19148 Wigginton, M.J. In Prep., (ed.). 1997. Red Florida International University and Center for
Data Book for vascular plants. 3rd edition. Plant Conservation. 1995. An action plan to
Peterborough: JNCC. conserve the native plants of Florida,
19149 Areces-Mallea, A.E. 1997. A listing of
threatened Cuban trees prepared for the 19165 Guner, A. 1997. Completed data collection
Conservation and Sustainable Management of forms for trees ofI\irkey.
Trees project.
19166 Timyan, J.C. & S. F. Reep. 1994.
19150 Garfi, G. 1997. Completed data collection Conservation status of Attalea crassipatha
form for Zelkova sicula. (Mart.) Buiret, the rare and endemic oil palm
of Haiti. Biological Conservation 68: 11-18.
19151 Bennett, K. 1997. Completed data collection
form for Zelkova sicula.

The World List of Threatened Trees

19167 U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of 19184 Weyland Vieira, M.C. 1990. Phytogeography
Endangered Species. 1991. Species accounts. and conservation of forests in Monte Belo,
WWW site, cited December 1997. URL: Minas Gerais - case study: Fazenda Lagoa. Rio de Janeiro

19168 US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Region. 19185 Blaser, J. 1996. Silvicultural considerations of

1997. Draft recovery plan for Oahu plants. listing timber species in Appendices I, II and
Portland, Oregon: US Fish and Wildlife IIIof CITES. Working document for the 2nd
Service. meeting of the CITES Timber Working Group,
19169 Florence, J. 1996. Gallicae Polynesiae florae
Praecursores. 1. Nouveaut6s taxonomiques 19186 Madrigal, Q.J. 1993. Aiboles maderables en
dans les Euphorbiaceae, Piperaceae et peligro de extinction en Costa Rica. San Jos£,
Urticaceae. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. section Costa Rica: INCAFO.
B. Adansonia 18(3-4): 239-274.
19187 Rodan, B.D., A.C. Newton & A. Verissimo.
19170 Killeen, T. 1997. Comments on the species 1992. Mahogany conservation: status and
summaries for Bolivia. policy initiatives. Environmental Conservation
19171 Dieringer, G. J.E. &
Espinosa. 1994.
Reproductive ecology of Magnolia schiedeana 19188 Hynn, J.H. 1994. A guide to useful woods of
(Magnoliaceae), a threatened cloud forest tree the worid. Portland, Maine: King Philip
species in Veracruz. Bulletin of the Torrey Publishing Co.
Botanical Club 121(2): 154-159.
19189 van Welzen, P.C. 1997. Comments on trees of
19172 Burrows, J. 1997. Comments and completed Sapindaceae in New Guinea.
data collections forms for species of Southern
Africa. 19190 Schatz, G.E. &
A. Ramisamihantanirina. 1998.
Takhlajania perrieri rediscovered. Nature 391:
19174 Sun, W. 1997. Conservation status of trees of 133-134.
Yunnan (mainly NW part). A report for the
Regional Workshop of the Conservation and 19191 Farjon, A. & A. Griffiths. 1998. Completed
Sustainable Management of Trees project, data collection form for Cupressus atlanticus.
19192 de Laubenfels, D.J. 1998. Completed data
19175 Wiles, G. 1996. Completed data collection collection forms for selected conifer species.
forms for threatened trees of Guam.
19193 Tibor, D. (comp.). 1998. Threatened tree
19177 Burger, W. & M. Huft. 1995. Euphorbiaceae. information from the California Native Plant
Flora Costaricensis. Fieldiana Botany 36: 169. Society, (unpublished).

19178 Carrington, S. 1993. Wild plants of Barbados. 19194 van de Hoek, R. 1997. Email to Amy
Hong Kong: Macmillan Press Ltd. 128 pp. MacKinven containing information on Santa
Catalina Island endemics.
19179 WCMC. (comp.). 1996. Report of the Second
Regional Workshop, held at CATIE, Tunialba, 19195 Buitr6n, X. 1996. List of endangered and
Costa Rica, 18-20 November 1996. possibly endangered species of Ecuador
Conservation and Sustainable Management of produced in the Workshop Flora Specialists of
Trees project, (unpublished). Ecuador for the National Biodiversity
Diagnostic, November 1996. (unpublished).
19180 Ibisch, P.L. & I. Vargas. 1997. Comments on
the species summaries for Bolivia. 19196 Werkhoven, M.C.M. 1997. Threatened trees of
Suriname. A list compiled for the WCMC/SSC
19181 Luke, Q. (ed). 1996. Conservation Conservation and Sustainable Management of
Assessment and Management Planning Trees project. (unpubUshed).
(CAMP) Workshop for selected species of the
Kenya coastal forests, (unpublished). National 19197 Carter, S. & U. EggU. 1997. The CITES
Museums of Kenya - Darwin course: Plant checklist of succulent Euphorbia taxa
conservation techniques for East Africa. 20-25 (Euphorbiaceae). German Federal Agency for
November 1996. Nature Conservation. 70 pp.

19182 Chua, L.S.L. 1997. Fax to Sara Oldfield 19198 Rodrigues, W.A. 1997. Information on
concerning the status of certain Malaysian tree Brazilian species of Myristicaceae.
19199 Anon. 1998. Mascarene survivor cloned. Plant
19183 Wickens, G.E. 1995. Edible nuts. Non-wood Talk: 15.
Forest Products 5. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. 197 pp.

Data Sources

19200 Spongberg, S.A. 1997. Franklinia alatamaha 19210 Atkin, J. 1998. Comments on tree species from
Marshall. Extinct in the wild: an early Paraguay.
example. Broadleaves. Newsletter of the
lUCN-SSC Temperate Broadleaved Trees 19211 Clement, C.R. 1991. Amazonian fruits: a
Specialist Group 5: 7-9. neglected and threatened, but potentially rich
resource. Diversity Magazine
19202 Clemente, M. (ed.). 1997. Actas de la Septima
Reunion del Comile de Flora, San Jos6, Costa 19212 Green, C.L. 1995. Natural colourants and
Rica 11-15 Noviembre 1996. 1 1 1 pp. dyestuffs. A review of production and
development potential. Non-Wood Forest
19203 Gonzilez-Espinosa, M. 1997. ECOSUR baso Products 4. Rome: Food and Agriculture
de datos. Organization of the United Nations.

19204 Mauchamp, A., I. Aldaz, E. Ortiz H. & 19213 Phillips, O., A. Gentry, C. Reynel, P. Wilkin,
Valdebenito. 1998. Threatened species, a re- C. Galvez-Durand. 1993. Table of the useful
evaluation of the status of eight endemic plants woody plot species at Tambopata, Madre de
of the Galapagos. Biodiversity and Dios, Peru, from a paper entitled "Quantitative
Conservation 7: 97-107. ethnobotany and conservation" submitted to
Conservation Biology, (unpublished).
19205 Anon. 1994. Proposal to transfer Aloe helenae
and A. suzannae from Appendix II to 19214 Golle, W. 1996. Exploitation and conservation
Appendix I of CITES. Ninth Conference of the of Fitzroya cupressoides in southern Chile, tn
Parties to CITES, Fort Lauderdale, USA. Hunt, D. (ed.). Temperate trees under threat.

19206 Vovides,A.P. 1998. Completed data collection 19216 Mitr6, M.

1998. Email to Charlotte Lusty with
forms for selected Mexican tree species. detailsof the relationship between Caryocar
costaricense and C. amygdaliforme.
19207 Hammerton, J.L. 1998. Fax to Sara Oldfield
concerning the endemic trees and shrubs in the 19217 Pennington, T.D. 1998. Letter to Amy
Bahamas and their status according to the MacKinven with comments on draft species
Department of Agriculture. summaries for Inga.

19208 Strahm, W. 1998. Correspondence with 19218 Hilton-Taylor, C. (comp.). 1998. Assessment
Charlotte Lusty containing preliminary of Southern African Trees for WCMC.
evaluations for tree species of Reunion,
Rodrigues and Mauritius. 19219 Stirton, C.H. 1989. A revision of Otholobium
C.H. Stirton (Papilionoideae, Leguminosae).
19209 Molur, S. & S. Walker (eds.). 1998. Report on Ph.D. thesis. University of Cape Town,
selected medicinal plants of Northern, (unpublished).
Northeastern and Central India resulting from
a Conservation Assessment and Management 19220 Jordaan,M. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the
Plan (CAMP) workshop, held in the Forest spiny members of the subfamily Celastroideae
Department of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow 21-25 (Celastraceae) in southern Africa. M.Sc.
January 1997. Zoo Outreach Organisation. thesis, University of Pretoria, (unpublished).




This list of globally threatened trees species of Australia has been prepared by Lyn Meredith,

Threatened Species and Communities Section, Environment Australia. The species included are
those which have a conservation rating which equate with the pre 1994 lUCN categories of E
(Endangered) and V (Vulnerable). The species list is derived from Briggs, J. and Leigh, J. (1996)
Rare or threatened Australian plants. CSIRO, Melbourne. 466pp. This national listing, ROTAP,
includes approximately 5,000 taxa of Australian native plants. ROTAP uses a binary coding system
for categorising threat developed and refined over several years but based on the lUCN categories.
Species in the supporting ROTAP database have been flagged as tr^es for inclusion in this
Appendix to The World List of Threatened Trees. Environment Australia has commenced
compiling a list of nationally threatened Australian plants according to the 1994 lUCN categories
and criteria, in cooperation with Australia's state conservation agencies.

Acacia araneosa Eucalyptus argutifolia Eucalyptus lateritica

Acacia auriculiformis Eucalyptus articulata Eucalyptus leprophloia
Acacia caenilescens Eucalyptus balanites Eucalyptus leptoloma
Acacia camei Eucalyptus beaniana Eucalyptus mckieana
Acacia cretacea Eucalyptus beardiana Eucalyptus merrickiae
Acacia crombiei Eucalyptus bennettiae Eucalyptus mooreana
Acacia georgensis Eucalyptus benthamii Eucalyptus morrisbyi
Acacia grandifolia Eucalyptus blaxellii Eucalyptus nicholii
Acacia latzii Eucalyptus brevipes Eucalyptus olivacea
Acacia perangusta Eucalyptus burdettiana Eucalyptus paedoglauca
Acacia pence Eucalyptus cadens Eucalyptus parramattensis ssp.
Acacia pubifolia Eucalyptus caleyi ssp. ovendenii decadens
Acacia wardellii Eucalyptus camfieldii Eucalyptus parvula
Acronychia littoralis Eucalyptus camphora ssp. relicta Eucalyptus phylacis
A tloxylon flammeum Eucalyptus cannonii Eucalyptus platydisca
Archidendron lovelliae Eucalyptus ceracea Eucalyptus pruiniramis
Archontophoenix myolensis Eucalyptus cerasiformis Eucalyptus pulverulenta
Austromyrtus fragrantissima Eucalyptus clandestina Eucalyptus pumila
Baloghia marmorata Eucalyptus conglomerata Eucalyptus raveretiana
Banksia brownii Eucalyptus copulans Eucalyptus recurva
Banksia verticiltata Eucalyptus coronata Eucalyptus rhodaniha
Bosistoa selwynii Eucalyptus crenulata Eucalyptus rhodaniha var. petiolaris
Bosistoa transversa Eucalyptus crispata Eucalyptus rhodops
Canarium acutifotium var. acutifotium Eucalyptus crucis ssp. crucis Eucalyptus robertsonii ssp.
Codonocarpus pyramidalis Eucalyptus crucis ssp. praecipua hemisphaerica
Cryptocarya foetida Eucalyptus cuprea Eucalyptus rubida ssp. barbigerorum
Cupaniopsis tomentella Eucalyptus dolorosa Eucalyptus rubida ssp. canobolensis
Davidsonia pruriens var. Eucalyptus glaucina Eucalyptus rubida ssp. septemflora
jerseyana Eucalyptus goniantha ssp. goniantha Eucalyptus scoparia
Diospyros mabacea Eucalyptus hallii Eucalyptus steedmanii
Diplogloltis campbellii Eucalyptus imlayensis Eucalyptus strzeleckii
Endiandra cooperiana Eucalyptus impensa Eucalyptus suberea
Endiandra floydii Eucalyptus infera Eucalyptus syrumdra ssp. synandra
Endiandra hayesii Eucalyptus insularis Eucalyptus terrica
Eucalyptus absita Eucalyptus johnsoniana Eucalyptus tetrapleura
Eucalyptus alligatrix ssp. limaensis Eucalyptus kabiana Eucalyptus virens
Eucalyptus aquatica Eucalyptus kartzoffiana Eucalyptus xanthope
Eucalyptus argophloia Eucalyptus langleyi Ftoydia praealta

Tke World List of Threatened Trees

Fontainea australis Macadamia tetraphylla Rislantia goutdii

Fontainea oraria Macaranga polyadenia Symplocos baeuerlenii
Fontainea venosa Mitrantia bilocularis Syzygium hodgkinsoniae
Hakea trineura Musa fitzatanii Syzygium moorei
Jagera javanica ssp. australiana Normanbya normanbyi Toechima pterocarpum
Uvislona drudei Ochrosia moorei Wodyetia bifurcata
Livislona mariae Oreodendron biflorum Wollemia nobitis
Lomatia tasmanica Owenia cepiodora Xanthostemon oppositifolius
Macadamia integrifolia Planchonella eerwah Xanthostemon youngii
Macadamia temifolia Pomaderris parrisiae



This list comprises tree species taken from the 1997 Red List of Japanese Vascular Plants

compiled by the Threatened Species Committee, Japan Society of Plant Taxonomists; Yahara, T.,
Kato, T., Inoue, K., Yokota, M., Kadono, Y., Serizawa, S., Takahashi, H., Kawakubo, N.,
Nagamasu, H., Suzuki, K., Ueda, K. and Kadota, Y. The species have been evaluated as globally
threatened (EW, CR, EN or VU) according to the 1994 lUCN Red List Categories.

Abelia chinensis var. iorumdra Dendrocacalia crepidifolia Lonicera linderifolia

Acer miyabei Deutzia uniflora Lonicera tiruterifolia var. konoi
Acer miyabei var. shibatai Diospyros eriantha Lonicera maackii
Acer oblongum var. itoanum Diplomorpha pauciflora Lonicera maximowiczii var.
Acer pycnanthum Discocleidion itmifolium sachalinensis
Ardisia montana Drypetes integerrima Lonicera ramosissima var. kinUensis
Barringtonia asiaiica Elaeagnus matsunoana var. Lonicera vidalii
Betula chichibuensis hypostellata Loropelalum chinense
Betula davurica Entada phaseoloides Magnolia pseudokobus
Betula ovalifolia Euchresta formosana Magnolia tomentosa
Bredia okinawensis Euonymus chibai Malus spontanea
Breynia formosana Euonymus oligospermus Maytenus diversifolia
Bryanthus gmelinii Euonymus yakushimensis Melastoma peniapetalum
Buxus liukiuensis Eurya emarginata var. minutissima Melastoma tetramerum
Buxus microphylla var. sinica Eurya zigzag Menziesia goyozanensis
Buxus microphylla var. insularis Evodia nishimurae Menziesia multiflora var. purpurea
Callicarpa formosana Fatsia oligocarpela Menziesia purpurea
Calticarpa kochiana Ficus iidaiana Menziesia yakushimensis
Callicarpa longissima Forsythia logashii Metrosideros boninensis
Callicarpa nishimurae Gardenia boninensis Morinda umbellata var. hahazimensis
Callicarpa oshimensis var. Gardneria shimadae Morus boninensis
okinawensis Geniostoma glabra Murraya koenigii
Callicarpa shikokiana Grewia biloba Myoporum bontioides
Caryopteris incana Celtis biondii var. Hydrangea involuculata Myrsine okabeana
insularis var. lakaraensis Osbeckia chinensis
Chamaedaphne calyculata Hydrangea liukiuensis Osmanlhus okinawensis
Chionanthus retusu Hydrangea serrala var minamitanii Osteomeles anthytlidifolia
Choerospondias axillaris var. Ilex beecheyi Paliurus ramosissimus
japonica Ilex dimorphophylta Photinia serrulata
Chosenia arbulifolia Ilex macrocarpa Photinia wrightiana
Cinruimomum daphnoides Ilex matanoana Picea koyamae
Citrus nippokoreana Ilex mertensii Picea maximowiczii
Citrus tachibana Illigera tuzonensis Picea shirasawae
Claoxylon centenarium Jasminum superfluum Pieris japonica var. koidzumiana
Colubrina asiatica Juniperus sibirica Pinus armandii var. amamiana
Corylopsis glabrescens Lagerstroemia subcostata Pittosporum beecheyi
Corylopsis gotoana var. pubescens Lespedeza bicolor var. melanantha Pittosporum chichijimense
Corylopsis spicata Ligustrum tamakii Pittosporum parvifolium
Crataegus chlorosarca Lindera communis var. okinawensis Planchonella boninensis
Crepidiastrum ameristophyllum Lonicera atpigena ssp. glehnii Planchonella obovata var. dubia
Crepidiastrum tinguifotium Lonicera alpigena ssp. glehnii var. Polyalthia liukiuensis
Cryptocarya chinensis viridissima Prunus incisa var. bukosanensis
Cyclobalanopsis hondae Lonicera cerasina Pseudotsuga japonica
Daphne pseudo-mezereum var. Lonicera chamissoi Psychotria homalosperma
koreana Lonicera chrysantha var. crassipes Rhamnella franguloides var.
Daphnimorpha capitellata Lonicera demissa var. borealis inaequilatera

The World List of Threatened Trees

Rhamnus calicicola Rhododendron osuzuyamense Spiraea media var. sericea

Rhamnus ishidae Rhododendron parvifolium Spiraea nipponica var. ogawae
Rhamnus kanagusuki Rhododendron pentaphyllum var. Spiraea salicifolia
Rhamnus liukiuensis villosum Stachyurus macrocarpus
Rhamnus yoshinoi Rhododendron sanctum Symplocos boninensis
Rhododendron amagianum Rhododendron sanctum var. Symplocos confusa
Rhododendron amamiense lasiogynum Symplocos kawakamii
Rhododendron boninense Rhododendron scabrum Symplocos pergracilis
Rhododendron dauricum Rhododendron uwaense Syzygium cleyeraefolium
Rhododendron degronianum ssp. Rhododendron viscistylum var. Terminalia nitens
mettemichii var.kyomaruense amakusaense Tilia mandschurica
Rhododendron dilatatum var. horeale Rhododeruiron yakuinsulare Tilia rufo-villosa
Rhododendron dilatatum var. Rhododendron yedoense var. Tripterygium doianum
satsumense pooukhanense Tsusiophyllum tanakae
Rhododendron enocarpum var. Rhusjavanica Vaccinium amamianum
tawadae Ribes ambiguum Vaccinium microcarpum
Rhododendron keiskei var. Rosa hirtula Vaccinium sieboldii
hypoglaucum Rubus chingii Viburnum boninsimense
Rhododendron kiyosmense ssp. Rubus lambertianus Viburnum carlesii
mayebarae Rubus tawadanus Viburnum koreanum
Rhododendron kiyosmense ssp. Salix hidaka-montana Vitex quinata
mayebarae var. ohsumiense Salix hukaoana Vitisamurensis var. shiragai
Rhododendron komiyamae Salix nummutaria ssp. pauciflora Vitisquinqueangularis
Rhododendron makinoi Salix rupifraga Weigela florida
Rhododendron mucronulatum var. Salix taraikensis Wikstroemia pseudoretusa
ciliatum Salix yezoalpina Zabelia integrifolia
Rhododendron nudipes var. Sophora franchetiana
Idrishimense Sophora tomentosa



The 1997 1 UCN Red List of Threatened Plants, published this year, includes tree species which are
categorised as threatened according to the pre 1994 lUCN Red List Categories. Although the list
was used as a basis for the work to compile The World List of Threatened Trees, not all of the tree
taxa included were evaluated for various reasons which are outlined in the introduction. The
following taxa represent those trees categorised as E (Endangered) or V (Vulnerable) in the 7997
lUCN Red List of Threatened Plants, which are believed to be taxonomically valid but which have
not been evaluated for the present publication.

Acanthaceae Mucoa pantchenkoana Jacaranda carajasensis

Parahancomia krukovii Jacaranda caucana ssp. calycina
Sanchezia klugii Parahancomia oblonga Jacaranda crassifolia
Parahancomia peruviana Jacaranda egteri
Actinidiaceae Petchia ceylanica Jacaranda ekmanii
Jacaranda grandifoliolata
Saurauia chaparensis AquifoUaceae Jacaranda intricata
Saurauia molinae Jacaranda montana
Saurauia oroquensis Ilex cassine ssp. mexicana Jacaranda rugosa
Ilex micrantha Jacaranda selleana
Anacardiaceae Ilex narmophylla Jacaranda subalpina
Ilex rarasanensis Parmentiera valerii
Astronium gracile var. acuminatum Sparattosperma catingae
Comocladia undulata Araliaceae Spirotecoma spiralis
Mangifera lamhii Tabebuia acunana
Poupartia castanea Cussonia kirtdi var. bracteata Tabebuia arianeae
Semecarpus supanduriformis Cussonia kirkii var. quadripetala Tabebuia hotelhensis
Dendropanax morbifera Tabebuia bureavii
Annonaceae Didymopanax gleasonii Tabebuia caleticana
Meryta angustifolia Tabebuia capotei
Anaxagorea silvatica Meryta latifolia Tabebuia conferta
Annona domingensis Oreopanax dussii Tabebuia cristala
Guatteria cargadero Oreopanax nicaraguensis Tabebuia del-riscoi
Melodorum fiiscum Polyscias rivalsii Tabebuia dominguensis
Miliusa tectona Sinopanax formosana Tabebuia jojoana
Orophea salicifolia Tabebuia multinervis
Orophea torulosa Betulaceae Tabebuia ophiolitica
Phoenicanthus coriacea Tabebuia paniculata
Phoenicanthus obliqua Betula apoiensis Tabebuia polyantha
Polyalthia angustifolia Betula megrelica Tabebuia reticulata
Polyalthia moonii
Tabebuia riodocensis
Polyalthia persicaefolia Bignoniaceae Tabebuia selachidentata
Popowia parvifolia Tabebuia zanonii
Sageraea listen var. andamanica Amphitecna costata Tabebuia zolyomiana
Sageraea reticulata Amphitecna macrophylla Tecoma tanaeciiflora

Stelechocarpus longipes Amphitecna megalophylla

Amphitecna silvicola Bombacaceae
Apocynaceae Amphitecna steyermarkii
Amphitecna tuxtlensis Durio macrantha
Jacaranda acutifolia Quararibea costaricensis
Alstonia curtisii
Jacaranda bullata Spirotheca rhodostyta
Aspidosperma chodatii

The World List of Threatened Trees

Boragiiiaceae Caricaceae Licania cuatrecasasii

Licania dodsonii
Bourreria radula Carica chilensis Licania grandibracteata
Cordia acunae Carica cnidoscoloides Licania heteromorpha var. revoluta
Cordia corallicola Carica horovitziana Licania indurata
Cordia decandra Licania lamentanda
Cordia iberica Caryocaraceae Licania littoralis var. cuneata
Cordia intricata Licania maranhensis
Cordia lauta Caryocar edute Licania miltonii
Cordia skutchii Caryocar glabrum ssp. album Licania nelsonii
Cordia suffruticosa Licania niloi
Cordia van-hermannii Cecropiaceae Licania occultans
Licania pakaraimensis
Bninelliaceae Coussapoa ferruginea licania retifolia
Pourouma bolivarensis licania riedelii
Brunellia boliviana var. boliviano Pourouma elliptica licania santosii
Bnmellia briquetii Pourouma herrerensis licania silvatica
Brunellia brunnea Pourouma napoensis licania spicata
Brunellia bullata Pourouma phaeotricha licania teixeirae
Brunellia carpishensis Pourouma stipulaceae Parinari alvimii
Brunellia comocladifolia ssp. Pariruiri brasiliensis
cundinamarcensis Chloranthaceae Parinari euadenia
Bnmellia comocladifolia ssp. Parinari littoralis

guadalupensis Hedyosmum goudotianum var.

Brunellia comocladifolia ssp. mombachanum Combretaceae
josephensis Hedyosmum pungens
Brunellia comocladifolia ssp. ptariana Terminalia bentzoe ssp.
Brunellia coroicoana Chrysobalanaceae rodriguesensis
Brunellia cuatrecasana Terminalia luteola
Brunellia culervensis Couepia bondarii Terminalia psilaniha
Brunellia cuzcoensis Couepia carautae Terminalia simulans
Brunellia dichapetaloides Couepia caryophylloides ssp. glabra Terminalia vitiensis
Brunellia diversifolia Couepia coarctata
Brunellia dulcis Couepia cognata var. major Compositae
Brunellia espinalii Couepia cognata var. membranacea
Brunellia foreroi Couepia exflexa Eupatorium borinquense
Brunellia gentryi Couepia insignis Fulcaldea laurifolia
Brunellia glabra Couepia longipetiolata Olearia pachyphylla
Brunellia hexasepala Couepia martinii
Brunellia hiltyana Couepia meridionalis Connaraceae
Brunellia hygrothermica Couepia monteclarensis
Brunellia integrifolia ssp. mollis Couepia nutans Connarus ecuadorensis
Brunellia latifolia Couepia parvifolia Connarus megacarpus
Brunellia littlei Couepia pemambucensis Rourea antioquensis
Brunellia oliveri Couepia platycalyx
Brunellia pallida Couepia recurva Comaceae
Brunellia pitayensis Couepia reflexa
Brunellia propinqua ssp. susaconensis Hirtella aramangensis Comus asperifolia
Brunellia putumayensis Hirtella bamebyi Comus kousa var. yaeyamensis
Brunellia rhoides Hirtella barrosoi
Brunellia stuebelii Hirtella conduplicata Corylaceae
Brunellia trianae Hirtella floribunda
Brunellia velutina Hirtella glaziovii Carpinus rankanensis var.
Hirtella insignis rankanensis
Buddlejaceae Hirtella liesneri
Hirtella orbicularis Dichapetalaceae
Buddleja longifolia Hirtella parviunguis
Hirtella pauciflora Stephanopodium angulatum
Burseraceae Hirtella racemosa var. Stephanopodium blanchetianum
glandiapedicellata Stephanopodium engleri
Crepidospermum cuneifolium Hirtella racemosa var. Stephanopodium estrellense
Crepidospermum multijugum glandipedicellata Tapura amazonica var. manausensis
Protium melinonis Hirtella racemosa var. hispida Tapura bullata
Protium nitidifotium Hirtella radamii Tapura colombiana
Protium pilosum Hirtella santosii Tapura ferreyrae
Hirtella suhglanduligera Tapura haitiensis
Capparaceae Licania bellingtonii Tapura juliani
Licania buxifolia Tapura lanceolala
Capparis nilida Licania cecidiophora Tapura peruviana var. peruviana
Forchhammeria polyandra Licania couepiifolia Tapura tessmannii

Appendix 3 Not Evaluated Globally Threatened Tree Species

The World List of Threatened Trees

Lauraceae Dimorphandra coccinea Swartzia gigantea

Dimorphandra dissimilis Swartzia grazielana
Aniba ramageana Dimorpharulra gigantea Swartzia haughtii
Beilschmiedia berteroana Dimorphandra ignea Swartzia hostmannii
Beilschmiedia miersii Dimorphandra jorgei Swartzia iniridensis
Caryodaphnopsis inaequalis Dimorphandra loretensis Swartzia jenmanii
Cinnamomum gUmduliferum Dimorphandra mediocris Swartzia katawa
Cryptocarya gregsonii Dimorphandra williamii Swartzia lamellata var. kaieteurensis
Licaria sericea Dimorphandra wilsonii Swartzia lamellata var. lamellata
Litsea mysorensis Erythrina acunae Swartzia latifolia var. latifolia

Mezilaurus caatingae Erythrina dominguezii Swartzia leblondii

Mezilaurus duckei Erythrina fUrcatifolia Swartzia leiogyne
Mezilaurus mahuba Erythrina greenwayi Swartzia littlei

Mezilaurus micrantha Hymenaea davisii Swartzia longicarpa

Mezilaurus opaca Loesenera walkeri Swartzia longipedicellata
Mezilaurus palcazuensis Lonchocarpus ferrugineus Swartzia longistipitata
Mezilaurus pyriflora Lonchocarpus monticolus Swartzia lucida
Mezilaurus quadrilocellata Lonchocarpus morenoi Swartzia macrostachya var.
Mezilaurus thoroflora Lonchocarpus pilosus glabrifolia
Ocotea caundato Lonchocarpus verrucosus Swartzia macrostachya var.
Ocolea laevigata Macrolobium costaricense kuhlmannii
Ocotea lancilimba Mora abbottii Swartzia macrostachya var.
Ocotea mascarena Neochevalierodendron stephanii macrostachya
Ocotea moschata Parkia bahiae Swartzia macrostachya var. riedelii
Persea meyeniana Parkia truncata Swartzia magdalenae
Persea nummularia Peltophorum berteroanum Swartzia maguirei
Persea shaferi Piptadenia hassleriana Swartzia mangabalensis
Persea urbaniana Pipladenia paraguayensis Swartzia monachiana
Pleurothyrium grandiflorum Pithecellobium abbotti Swartzia mucronifera
Pleurothyrium westphalii Prosopis atacamensis Swartzia oblonga
Prosopis rojasiana Swartzia pachyphylla
Lecythidaceae Prosopis rubriflora Swartzia parmcoco var. altsonii
Robinia viscosa var. hartwegii Swartzia panacoco var.
Eschweilera cabrerana Sabinea carinalis kamarangensis
Eschweilera calyculata Sclerolobium costaricense Swartzia panacoco var. panacoco
Eschweilera collinsii Sesbania goetzei ssp. multiflora Swartzia panacoco var. sagotii
Eschweilera hondurensis Stryphnodendron porcatum Swartzia panacoco var. sandwithiana
Eschweilera klugii Swanzia acutifolia var. leiogyna Swartzia panacoco var. tepuiensis
Eschweilera paniculata Swartzia acutifolia var. parvipetala Swartzia parvifotia
Eschweilera revoluta Swarlzia acutifolia var. submarginata Swartzia pemitida
Eschweilera rufifolia Swartzia acutifolia var. ynesiana Swartzia phaneroptera
Foetidia mauritiana Swartzia amazonica var. amazonica Swartzia piarensis
Foetidia rodriguesiana Swartzia amazonica var. cinerea Swartzia pickelii
Gustavia acuta Swartzia amplifolia var. rigida Swartzia pittieri
Gustavia flagellala var. costata Swartzia amshoffiana Swartzia prolata
Gustavia flagellala vai.Jlageltata Swartzia angustifoliota Swartzia racemosa var. klugii
Gustavia gentryi Swartzia anomala Swartzia racemosa var. major
Gustavia inakuama Swartzia apeiala var. blanchetii Swanzia riedelii
Gustavia parviflora Swartzia apiculata Swartzia roraimae
Gustavia tejerae Swartzia aplera Swartzia schunkei
Gustavia terminaliflora Swartzia benthamiana var. yatuensis Swartzia sericea var. emarginata
Swartzia brachyrachis var. Swartzia sprucei var. sprucei
Leguminosae colombiana Swarlzia trinitensis
Swartzia brachyrachis var. peruviana Swartzia ulei
Acacia mbuluensis Swartzia buntingii Swartzia vaupesiana var. glauca
Albizia aylmeri Swartzia cabrerae Swartzia vaupesiana var. vaupesiana
Amherstia nobilis Swarlzia caribaea Swartzia velutina
Caesalpinia barahonenensis Swartzia caudata Swartzia wurdackii
Caesalpinia buchii Swartzia costata Swartzia xanthopetala
Calliandra nervosa Swartzia cupavenensis Tessmannia martiniana var. pauloi
Cassia bucherae Swartzia curranii
Cassia scleroxyla Swartzia davisii Lythraceae
Cenlrosema seymourianum Swartzia dolichopoda
Cojoba chazutense Swartzia duckei Tetrataxis salicifolia
Copaifera camibar Swartzia fanshawei
Copaifera chodatiana Swartzia fimbriata Magnoliaceae
Copaifera langsdorffii var. glabra Swartzia floribunda
Coursetia polyphylla var. acutifolia Swartzia foliolosa Magnolia palescens
Dalbergia decipularis Swartzia fratema Magnolia poasana
Dalbergia fruiescens var. tomentosa Swartzia froesii Magnolia sororum ssp. lutea

Appendix 3 Not Evaluated Globally Threatened Tree Species

Pachylamax pleiocarpa Mouriri viridicosta Badula fragilis

Ossaea krugiana Badula muttiflora
Malpighiaceae Pachyanthus oteifolius Badula nitida
Tibouchina chamaecistus Badula ovalifolia
Bunchosia acuminata Votomita pubescens
Bunchosia articulata Myrtaceae
Bunchosia macilenta Meliaceae
Bunchosia pauciflora Amomyrtus luma
Bunchosia quaesitor Cedrela weberbaueri Calyplranlhes etegans
Bunchosia systyla Dysoxylum palersonianum Calyptranlhes krugii
Guarea costata Eugenia chrysobalanoides
Malvaceae Trichilia pachypoda Eugenia crassipelala
Trichilia stipitata Eugenia gryposperma
Dendrosida batesii Trichilia trifolia ssp. palmeri Eugenia jeremiensis
Dendrosida breedlovei Turraea decandra Eugenia oclopteura
Dendrosida parviflora Turraea laciniata Eugenia rodriguesensis
Hibiscus boryanus Turraea rigida Eugenia stahlii
Hibiscus columnaris Turraea trichopoda Eugenia stewardsonii
Hibiscus fragitis Eugenia vaughanii
Hibiscus genevii Meliosmaceae Monimiastrum fasciculatum
Hibiscus liliiflorus Myrceugenia acutiflora
Robinsonella erasmi-sosae Meliosma abbreviata Myrceugenia schutlzei
Sida eggersii Meliosma corymbosa Myrcia borhidii
Meliosma hachijoensis Myrcia edulis var. dominicana
Melastomataceae Meliosma nanarum Myrcianthes ferreyrae
Meliosma peytonii Myrcianthes fragrans var. simpsonii
Axinaea sodiroi Meliosma solomonii Syzygium balfourii
Dissotis aprica Meliosma vasquezii Syzygium bijouxii
Dissotis arborescens Syzygium cytindricum
Dissotis bussei Monimiaceae Syzygium populifolium
Dissotis glandulicalyx Syzygium vaughanii
Memecylon cordatum Tambourissa cocoltensis
Memecylon greenwayii Tambourissa pedicellata Nyctaginaceae
Memecylon myrtiforme Tambourissa quadrifida
Meriania acostae Tambourissa sieberi Guapira leonis
Meriania atmedae Tambourissa tetragona Guapira suborbiculata
Meriania amplexicaulis Pisonia costata
Meriania brevipedunculata Moraceae Pisonia suborbiculata
Meriania kirkbridei
Meriania toxensis Brosimum utile var. allenii Olacaceae
Meriania maguirei Dorstenia excentrica
Meriania parvifolia Ficus pseudopalma Dulacia tepuiensis
Meriania stellata Naucleopsis chiguita Heisteria asplurulii
Miconia chiriquiensis Naucleopsis jamariensis Heisteria maytenoides
Miconia foveolata Naucleopsis naga Heisteria skutchii
Miconia Julvostetlala Naucleopsis pseudo-naga Schoepfia tepuiensis
Miconia pycnoneura Naucleopsis riparia
Mouriri ambiconvexa Perebea guianensis ssp. hirsuta Oleaceae
Mouriri angustifolia Perebea guianensis ssp. pseudopeltala
Mouriri arborea Perebea longepedunculata Chionanthus acunae
Mouriri bahiensis Trophis cuspidata Chionanthus ayresii
Mouriri cearensis ssp. carajasica Trophis involucrala Chionanthus boutonii
Mouriri doriana Chionanthus broomeana var.
Mouriri exadenia Mjrricaceae broomearui
Mouriri floriburuia Chionanthus moncadae
Mouriri froesii Myrica califomica Fraxinus latifolia
Mouriri gonavensis Myrica phanerodonta Fraxinus papillosa
Mouriri gonavensis var. gonavensis Fraxinus texensis
Mouriri gonavensis var. hottensis Myristicaceae Osmanthus rigidus
Mouriri Umcifolia
Mouriri megasperma Oloba parvifolia Pandanaceae
Mouriri micradenia Staudtia kamerunensis
Mouriri micranthera Pandanus barklyi var. macrocarpus
Mouriri monopora Myrsinaceae Pandanus conglomeratus
Mouriri myrtilloides ssp. orinocensis Pandanus drupaceus
Mouriri obtusiloba Ardisia magdalenae Parutanus glaucocephalus
Mouriri pachyphylla Badula balfouriana Pandanus iceryi
Mouriri regeliana Badula borbonica var. borbonica Pandanus incertus
Mouriri steyermarkii Badula borbonica var. macrophylla Pandanus macrostigma
Mouriri tessmannii Badula decumbens Pandanus microcarpus

The World List of Threatened Trees

Pandanus obsoletus Rhizophoraceae Henriquezia nitida var. longisepala

Pandanus prostratus Hillia chiriquiensis
Pandanus spathulalus Cassipourea adami Ladenbergia laurifolia
Pandanus sphaeroideus Cassipourea firestoneana Mussaenda landia var. holosericea
Pandanus vandermeerschii Rosaceae Palicourea montensis
Palicourea ochnoides
Pellideraceae Crataegus pojarkovae Palicourea rigidifolia
Malus sylvestris var. microphylla Palicourea veraguensis
Pelliciera rhizophorae Prunus darvasica Platycarpum acreanum
Primus pruninosa Platycarpum duckei
Pmaceae Pyrus kawakamii Platycarpum egtandulosum
Platycarpum egleri
Pinus arizonica var. stormiae Rubiaceae Platycarpum froesii
Pinus brutia var. pityusa Platycarpum maguirei
Pinus bungeana Alseis dariensis Platycarpum negrense var. glaucum
Pinus torano Alseis peruviana Platycarpum negrense var. negrense
Pseudolarix amabilis Amaioua magnicarpa Platycarpum orinocense var.
Pseudotsuga japonica Antirhea obtusifolia grandiflorum
Tsuga chinensis var. oblongisquamata Bertiera bistipulata Platycarpum schultesii var. schultesii
Tsuga chinensis var. robusta Borojoa atlantica Psychotria calophylla
Borojoa panamensis Psychotria catillicalyx
Pittosporaceae Cephaelis croatii Psychotria croceovenosa
Chassalia boryana Psychotria hexandra var. hosakana
Pittosporum balfourii Chassalia capitala Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis
Pittosporum bracteolatum Chassalia coriacea var. coriacea Psychotria hexandra var. rockii
Chassalia coriacea var. johnstonii Psychotria hexandra var. st.-johnii
Podocarpaceae Chassalia grandifolia Psychotria nubiphila
Chassalia lanceolata ssp. lanceolala Psychotria ostaurea
Dacrydium leptophyllum Chassalia lanceolata ssp. latifolia Psychotria panamensis
Nageiafleuryi Chimarrhis microcarpa Psychotria pleeana
Podocarpus costaricensis Chione darienensis Psychotria quadrangulata
Podocarpus hispaniolensis Chione panamensis Psychotria santaritensis
Podocarpus humbertii Cinchona carabayensis Psychotria taurina
Podocarpus purdieanus Cinchona delessertiana Psychotria tutensis
Cinchona nitida Ramosmania heterophylla
Polygalaceae Cinchona rufinervis Randia mira
Coussarea durifolia Raritebe darienensis
Monnina idroboana Coussarea morii Remijia chelomaphylla
Monnina membranifolia Coussarea neei Rondeletia cooperi
Coussarea veraguensis Rondetetia kirkbridei
Polygonaceae Duroia genipifolia Rondeletia panamensis
Faramea bocataurensis Rondeletia platysepala
Coccoloba caravellae Faramea ovalis Rondeletia salicifolia var. salicifolia
Coccoloba fawcettii Faramea pauciflora Rudgea coronicarpa
Coccoloba priorii Faramea standleyaruz Scyphochlamys revoluta
Femelia pedunculala Scyphostachys peduncutatus
Proteaceae Gaertnera boivini Simira darienensis
Gaertnera calycina Simira maxonii
Helicia ceylanica Gaertnera crassiflora
Gaertnera hirtiflora Rutaceae
Quiinaceae Gaermera longifolia var. longifolia
Gaertnera longifolia var. pubescens Amyris madrensis
Froesia venezuelensis Gaertnera noddosa Erythrochiton incomparabilis
Gaertnera oxycarpa Esenbeckia comma
Rhamnaceae Gaertnera pendula Esenbeckia feddemae
Gaertnera quadriseta Esenbeckia macraniha
Colubrina cubensis Gaertnera truncata Esenbeckia nesiotica
Colubrina cubensis vai.floridana Genipa curviflora Euodia littoralis
Colubrina johnstonii Gleasonia duidana var. latifolia Euodia obtusifolia var. brachypoda
Rhamnus glaucophylla Guettarda amblyophylla Metrodorea maracasana
Rhamnus lindeniana Guettarda brenesii Pilocarpus demerarae
Rhamnus lojaconoi Guettarda cobanensis Zanthoxylum caudatum
Rhamnus pirifolia Guettarda cobrensis Zanthoxylum paniculatum
Rhamnus seravschanica Guettarda nervosa Zanthoxylum parvum
Ziziphus bidens Guettarda organosia Zanthoxylum pistaciiflorum
Ziziphus guaranitica Guettarda petenensis
Guettarda retusa Salicaceae
Guettarda roigiana
Guettarda sanblasensis Populus cataracti
Henriquezia jenmanii SalLx arizonica

Appendix 3 Not Evaluated Globally Threatened Tree Species

Salix paludicola Solanaceae TUiaceae

Salix planifolia ssp. tyrretlii
Satix sessilifolia Brunfelsia clarensis Neosprucea sucumbiensis
Salix siticicola Brunfelsia dwyeri Tilia chyugokuensis
Sapindaceae Brunfelsia lactea
Brunfelsia linearis Trigoniaceae
Hypelate trifoliala Brunfelsia picardae
Sapindus grandifolius Cestrum jimenezii Trigonia macrantha
Cestrum moaense
SapoUceae Lycianlhes beckneriana Ulmaceae
Lycianthes howardiana
Bumelia acunae Ampelocera glabra
Bumelia revoluta Sterculiaceae
Bumelia tenax Urticaceae
Bumelia thomei Astiria rosea
Chrysophyllum eggersii Ayenia cajalbanensis Obetia ficifolia
Diploknema siamensis Byttneria scopiura Rousselia erratica
Ecclinusa dumetorum Cola crispiflora
Labourdonnaisia glauca Dombeya mauritiana Verbenaceae
Lahourdormaisia revoluta Dombeya populnea
Lecomtedoxa heitzana Dombeya rodriguesiana Citharexylum sulcatum var. hirtellum
Madhuca kerrii Herrania bataensis
Madhuca punctata Sterculia zeylanica
Madhuca tokinsis Theobroma cirmolinae Gloeospermum sclerophyllum
Mimusops andamanensis Trochetia triflora
Leonii occidentalis
Mimusops erythroxylon Trochetia uniflora
Melicytus latifolius
Mimusops petiolaris Symplocaceae Melicytus novae-zelandiae ssp.
Mimusops zeylanica
Palaquium garrettii Symplocos ciponimoides Rinorea djalonensis
Palaquium punctatum Symplocos lanata
Payena thorelii Symplocos moaensis
Pouleria boninensis
Sarcosperma siamensis Theaceae Callisthene hassleri
Sideroxylon boutonianum
Vochysia duquei
Sideroxylon eriocarpum Eurya boninensis
Vochysia oppugnata
Sideroxylon galeatum Gordonia zeylanica
Sideroxylon grandiflorum Temslroemia elliptica
Sideroxylon majus Temstroemia heplasepala
Sideroxylon sessiliflorum Temstroemia rostrata
Tasmannia purpurascens
Sideroxylon tenax
Sideroxylon thomei Theophrastaceae
Simaroubaceae Clavija repanda
Porlieria chilensis

Picramnia dwyeri Thymelaeaceae

Picrasma cubensis
Simaba praecox Daphnopsis grandis



Prepared by the
rUCN Species Survival Corrunission

As approved by the
40th Meeting of the lUCN Council
Gland, Switzerland

30 November 1994

The World List of Threatened Trees


The threatened species categories now used in Red Data Books and Red Lists have been in place,
with some modification, for almost 30 years. Since their introduction these categories have
become widely recognised internationally, and they are now used in a whole range of publications
and listings, produced by lUCN as well as by numerous governmental and non-governmental
organisations. The Red Data Book categories provide an easily and widely understood method for
highlighting those species under higher extinction risk, so as to focus attention on conservation
measures designed to protect them.

The need to revise the categories has been recognised for some time. In 1984, the SSC held a
symposium, 'The Road to Extinction' (Fitter & Fitter 1987), which examined the issues in some
detail, and at which a number of options were considered for the revised system. However, no

single proposal resulted. The current phase of development began in 1989 with a request from the
SSC Steering Committee to develop a new approach that would provide the conservation
community with useful information for action pleinning.

In this document, proposals for new definitions for Red List categories are presented. The general
aim of the new system is to provide an explicit, objective framework for the classification of
species according to their extinction risk.

The revision has several specific aims:

to provide a system that can be applied consistently by different people;

to improve the objectivity by providing those using the criteria with clear guidance on how
to evaluate different factors which affect risk of extinction;

to provide a system which will facilitate comparisons across widely different taxa;

to give people using threatened species lists a better understanding of how individual
species were classified.

The proposals presented in this document result from a continuing process of drafting,
consultation and validation. It was number of draft proposals
clear that the production of a large
led to some confusion, especially as each draft has been used for classifying some set of species
for conservation purposes. To clarify matters, and to open the way for modifications as and when
they became necessary, a system for version numbering was applied as follows:

Version 1.0: Mace & Lande (1991)

The first paper discussing a new basis for the categories, and presenting numerical criteria
especially relevant for large vertebrates.

Version 2.0: Mace et al. (1992)

A major revision of Version 1 .0, including numerical criteria appropriate to all organisms
and introducing the non-threatened categories.

Version 2.1:lUCN (1993)

Following an extensive consultation process within SSC, a number of changes were made to
the details of the criteria, and fuller explanation of basic principles was included. A more
explicit structure clarified the significance of the non-threatened categories.

Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories

Version 2.2: Mace & Stuart (1994)

Following further comments received and additional validation exercises, some minor
changes to the criteria were made. In addition, the Susceptible category present in Versions
2.0 and 2.1 was subsumed into the Vulnerable category. A precautionary application of the
system was emphasised.

Final Version
This final document, which incorporates changes as a result of comments from lUCN
members, was adopted by the lUCN Council in December 1994.

All future taxon lists including categorisations should be based on this version, and not the
previous ones.

In the rest of this document the proposed system is outlined in several sections. The Preamble
presents some basic information
about the context and structure of the proposal, and the
procedures that are to be followed in applying the definitions to species. This is followed by a
section giving definitions of terms used. Finally the definitions are presented, followed by the
quantitative criteria used for classification within the threatened categories. It is important for the
effective functioning of the new system that all sections are read and understood, and the
guidelines followed.


and M. Fitter, ed. (1987) The Road to Extinction. Gland, Switzerland: lUCN.
Fitter, R.,

lUCN. (1993) Draft lUCN Red List Categories. Gland, Switzerland: lUCN.
Mace, G. M. et al. (1992) "The development of new criteria for listing species on the lUCN Red
List" Species 19: 16-22.

Mace, G. M., and R. Lande. (1991) "Assessing extinction threats: toward a reevaluation of lUCN
threatened species categories." Conserv. Biol. 5.2:148-157.
Mace, G. M. & S. N. Stuart. (1994) "Draft lUCN Red List Categories, Version 2.2". Species 21-
22: 13-24.


The following points present important information on the use and interpretation of the categories
(= Critically Endangered, Endangered, etc.), criteria (= A to E), and sub-criteria (= a,b etc., i,ii


Taxonomic level and scope of the categorisation process

The criteria can be applied to any taxonomic unit at or below the species level. The term 'taxon' in

the following notes, definitions and criteria is used for convenience, and may represent species or
lower taxonomic levels, including forms that are not yet formally described. There is a sufficient
range among the different criteria to enable the appropriate listing of taxa from the complete
taxonomic spectrum, with the exception of micro-organisms. The criteria may also be applied
within any specified geographical or political area although in such cases special notice should be
taken of point 1 1 below. In presenting the results of applying the criteria, the taxonomic unit and
area under consideration should be made explicit. The categorisation process should only be
applied to wild populations inside their natural range, and to populations resulting from benign
introductions (defined in the draft lUCN Guidelines for Re-introductions as " attempt to

The World List of Threatened Trees

establish a species, for the purpose of conservation, outside its recorded distribution, but within an
appropriate habitat and eco-geographical area").

Nature of the categories

All taxa listed as Critically Endangered qualify for Vulnerable and Endangered, and all listed as
Endangered qualify for Vulnerable. Together these categories are described as 'threatened'. The
threatened species categories form a part of the overall scheme. It will be possible to place all taxa
into one of the categories (see Figure 1).

FIgu* 1: Skuefcn of 9» ClIigoflM

Crffd^ EfidmQmd

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Role of the different criteria

For listing as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable there is a range of quantitative

criteria; meeting any one of these criteria qualifies a taxon for listing at that level of threat. Each
species should be evaluated against all the criteria. The different criteria (A-E) are derived from a
wide review aimed at detecting risk factors across the broad range of organisms and the diverse
life histories they exhibit. Even though some criteria will be inappropriate for certain taxa(some
taxa will never qualify under these however close to extinction they come), there should be criteria
appropriate for assessing threat levels for any taxon (other than micro-organisms). The relevant
factor iswhether any one criterion is met, not whether all are appropriate or all are met. Because
it will never be clear which criteria are appropriate for a particular species in advance, each

species should be evaluated against all the criteria, and any criterion met should be listed.

Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories

Derivation of quantitative criteria

The quantitative values presented in the various criteria associated with threatened categories were
developed through wide consultation and they are set at what are generally judged to be
appropriate levels, even if no formal justification for these values exists. The levels for different
criteria within categories were set independently but against a common standard. Some broad
consistency between them was sought. However, a given taxon should not be expected to meet all

criteria (A-E) in a category; meeting any one criterion is sufficient for listing.

Implications of listing

Listing in the categories of Not Evaluated and Data Deficient indicates that no assessment of
extinction risk has been made, though for different reasons. Until such time as an assessment is

made, species listed in these categories should not be treated as if they were non-threatened, and it

may be appropriate (especially for Data Deficient forms) to give them the same degree of
protection as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be evaluated.

Extinction is assumed here to be a chance process. Thus, a listing in a higher extinction risk
category implies a higher expectation of extinction, and over the time-frames specified more taxa
listed in a higher category are expected to go extinct than in a lower one (without effective
conservation action). However, the persistence of some taxa in high risk categories does not
necessarily mean their initial assessment was inaccurate.

Data quality and the importance of inference and projection

The criteria are clearly quantitative in nature. However, the absence of high quality data should
not deter attempts at applying the criteria, as methods involving estimation, inference and
projection are emphasised to be acceptable throughout. Inference and projection may be based on
extrapolation of current or potential threats into the future (including their rate of change), or of
factors related to population abundance or distribution (including dependence on other taxa), so

long as these can reasonably be supported. Suspected or inferred patterns in either the recent past,
present or near future can be based on any of a series of related factors, and these factors should be

Taxa at risk from threats posed by future events of low probability but with severe consequences
(catastrophes) should be identified by the criteria (e.g. small distributions, few locations). Some
threats need to be identified particularly early, and appropriate actions taken, because their eftects

are irreversible, or nearly so (pathogens, invasive organisms, hybridization).


The criteria should be applied on the basis of the available evidence on taxon numbers, trend and
distribution,making due allowance for statistical and other uncertainties. Given that data are rarely
available for the whole range or population of a taxon, it may often be appropriate to use the
information that is available to make intelligent inferences about the overall status of the taxon in
question. In cases where a wide variation in estimates is found, it is legitimate to apply the
precautionary principle and use the estimate (providing it is credible) that leads to listing in the

category of highest risk.

Where data are insufficient to assign a category (including Lower Risk), the category of 'Data
Deficient' may be assigned. However, it is important to recognise that this category indicates that
data are inadequate to determine the degree of threat faced by a taxon, not necessarily that the
taxon is pooriy known. In cases where there are evident threats to a taxon through, for example,
deterioration of its only known habitat, it is important to attempt threatened listing, even though

The World List of Threatened Trees

there may be little direct information on the biological status of the taxon itself. The category
'Data Deficient' is not a threatened category, although it indicates a need to obtain more
information on a taxon to determine the appropriate listing.

Conservation actions in the listing process

The criteria for the threatened categories are to be applied to a taxon whatever the level of
conservation action affecting it. In cases where only conservation action that prevents the
it is

taxon from meeting the threatened criteria, the designation of 'Conservation Dependent' is

appropriate. It is important to emphasise here that a taxon require conservation action even if it is

not listed as threatened.


All taxon lists including categorisation resulting from these criteria should state the criteria and
sub-criteria thatwere met. No listing can be accepted as valid unless at least one criterion is
given. more than one criterion or sub-criterion was met, then each should be listed. However,

failure to mention a criterion should not necessarily imply that it was not met. Therefore, if a re-
evaluation indicates that the documented criterion is no longer met, this should not result in
automatic down-listing. Instead, the taxon should be re-evaluated with respect to all criteria to
indicate its status. The factors responsible for triggering the criteria, especially where inference
and projection are used, should at least be logged by the evaluator, even if they cannot be included
in published lists.

Threats and priorities

The category of threat is not necessarily sufficient to determine priorities for conservation action.
The category of threat simply provides an assessment of the likelihood of extinction under current
circumstances, whereas a system for assessing priorities for action will include numerous other
factors concerning conservation action such as costs, logistics, chances of success, and even
perhaps the taxonomic distinctiveness of the subject.

Use at regional level

The most appropriately applied to whole taxa at a global scale, rather than to those
criteria are
by regional or national boundaries. Regionally or nationally based threat categories,
units defined
which are aimed at including taxa that are threatened at regional or national levels (but not
necessarily throughout their global ranges), are best used with two key pieces of information: the
global status category for the taxon, and the proportion of the global population or range that
occurs within the region or nation. However, if applied at regional or national level it must be
recognised that a global category of threat may not be the same as a regional or national category
for a particular taxon. For example, taxa classified as Vulnerable on the basis of their global
declines in numbers or range might be Lower Risk within a particular region where their
populations are stable. Conversely, taxa classified as Lower Risk globally might be Critically
Endangered within a particular region where numbers are very small or declining, perhaps only
because they are at the margins of their global range. lUCN is still in the process of developing
guidelines for the use of national red list categories.


Evaluation of taxa against the criteria should be carried out at appropriate intervals. This is

especially important for taxa listed under Near Threatened, or Conservation Dependent, and for
threatened species whose status is known or suspected to be deteriorating.

Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories

Transfer between categories

There are rules to govern the movement of taxa between categories. These are as follows: (A) A
taxon may be moved from a category of higher threat to a category of lower threat if none of the
criteria of the higher category has been met for 5 years or more. (B) If the original classification is
found to have been erroneous, the taxon may be transferred to the appropriate category or removed
from the threatened categories altogether, without delay. (C) Transfer from categories of lower to
higher risk should be made without delay.

Problems of scale

Classification basedon the sizes of geographic ranges or the patterns of habitat occupancy is
complicated by problems of spatial scale. The finer the scale at which the distributions or habitats
of taxa are mapped, the smaller will be the area that they are found to occupy. Mapping at finer
scales reveals more areas in which the taxon is unrecorded. It is impossible to provide any strict
but general rules for mapping taxa or habitats; the most appropriate scale will depend on the taxa
in question, and the origin and comprehensiveness of the distributional data. However, the
thresholds for some criteria (e.g. Critically Endangered) necessitate mapping at a fine scale.



Population is number of individuals of the taxon. For functional reasons,

defined as the total
primarily owing between life-forms, population numbers are expressed as numbers
to differences
of mature individuals only. In the case of taxa obligately dependent on other taxa for all or part of
their life cycles, biologically appropriate values for the host taxon should be used.


Subpopulations are defined as geographically or otherwise distinct groups in the population

between which there is little exchange (typically one successful migrant individual or gamete per
year or less).

Mature individuals

The number of mature individuals is defined as the number of individuals known, estimated or
inferred to be capable of reproduction. When estimating this quantity the following points should
be borne in mind:

Where the population is characterised by natural fluctuations the minimum number should
be used.

This measure is intended to count individuals capable of reproduction and should therefore

exclude individuals that are environmentally, behaviourally or otherwise reproductively

suppressed in the wild.

In the case of populations with biased adult or breeding sex ratios it is appropriate to use
lower estimates for the number of mature individuals which take this into account (e.g. the

estimated effective population size).

The World List of Threatened Trees

Reproducing units within a clone should be counted as individuals, except where

such units are unable to survive alone (e.g. corals).

In the case of taxa that naturally lose all or a subset of mature individuals at some
point in their life cycle, the estimate should be made at the appropriate time, when
mature individuals are available for breeding.


Generation may be measured as the average age of parents in the population. This is greater than
the age at first breeding, except in taxa where individuals breed only once.

Continuing decline

A continuing decline is a recent, current or projected future decline whose causes are not known or
not adequately controlled and so is liable to continue unless remedial measures are taken. Natural
fluctuations will not normally count as a continuing decline, but an observed decline should not be
considered to be part of a natural fluctuation unless there is evidence for this.


A reduction (criterion A) is a decline in the number of mature individuals of at least the amount
(%) stated over the time period (years) specified, although the decline need not still be continuing.
A reduction should not be interpreted as part of a natural fluctuation unless there is good evidence
for this. Downward trends that are part of natural fluctuations will not normally count as a

Extreme fluctuations

Extreme fluctuations occur in a number of taxa where population size or distribution area varies
widely, rapidly and frequently, typically with a variation greater than one order of magnitude (i.e.,
a tenfold increase or decrease).

Severely fragmented

Severely fragmented is refers to the situation where increased extinction risks to the taxon result

from the most individuals within a taxon are found in small and relatively isolated
fact that
subpopulations. These small subpopulations may go extinct, with a reduced probability of

Extent of occurrence

Extent of occurrence is defined as the area contained within the shortest continuous imaginary
boundary which can be drawn to encompass all the known, inferred or projected sites of present
occurrence of a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy. This measure may exclude discontinuities or
disjunctions within the overall distributions of taxa (e.g., large areas of obviously unsuitable
habitat) (but see 'area of occupancy'). Extent of occurrence can often be measured by a minimum
convex polygon (the smallest polygon in which no internal angle exceeds 180 degrees and which
contains all the sites of occurrence).

Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories

Area of occupancy

Area of CKCupancy is defined as the area within its 'extent of occurrence' (see definition) which is
occupied by a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy. The measure reflects the fact that a taxon will
not usually occur throughout the area of its extent of occurrence, which may, for example, contain
unsuitable habitats. The area of occupancy is the smallest area essential at any stage to the
survival of existing populations of a taxon (e.g. colonial nesting sites, feeding sites for migratory
taxa). The size of the area of occupancy will be a function of the scale at which it is measured,
and should be at a scale appropriate to relevant biological aspects of the taxon. The criteria
include values in km , and thus to avoid errors in classification, the area of occupancy should be
measured on grid squares (or equivalents) which are sufficiently small (see Figure 2).


Location defines a geographically or ecologically distinct area in which a single event (e.g.

pollution) will soon affect all individuals of the taxon present. A location usually, but not always,
contains all or part of a subpopulation of the taxon, and is typically a small proportion of the
taxon's total distribution.

Quantitative analysis

A quantitative analysis is defined here as the technique of population viability analysis (PVA), or
any other quantitative form of analysis, which estimates the extinction probability of a taxon or
population based on the known life history and specified management or non-management
options. In presenting the results of quantitative analyses the structural equations and the data
should be explicit.

The World List of Threatened Trees

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Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories



A taxon is Extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died.


A taxon is Extinct in the wild when it is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a
naturalised population (or populations) well outside the past range. A taxon is presumed extinct in
the wild when exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal,
seasonal, annual), throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should
be over a time frame appropriate to the taxon's life cycle and life form.


A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
in the immediate by any of the criteria (A to E).
future, as defined

A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of
extinction in the wild in the near future, as defined by any of the criteria (A to E).


A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk
of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, as defined by any of the criteria (A to D).


A taxon is Lower Risk when it has been evaluated, does not satisfy the criteria for any of the
categories Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable. Taxa included in the Lower Risk
category can be separated into three subcategories:

1 Conservation Dependent (cd). Taxa which are the focus of a continuing taxon-specific
or habitat-specific conservation programme targeted towards the taxon in question, the
cessation of which would result in the taxon qualifying for one of the threatened
categories above within a period of five years.

2. Near Threatened (nt). Taxa which do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but
which are close to qualifying for Vulnerable.

3. Least Concern (Ic). Taxa which do not qualify for Conservation Dependent or Near

Note: As in previous lUCN categories, the abbreviation of each category (in parenthesis) follows the
English denominations when translated into other languages.

The World List of Threatened Trees


A taxon is Data Deficient when tiiere is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect,
assessment of its risk of extinction based on its A taxon in
distribution and/or population status.
this category may be well studied, and biology well known, but appropriate data on abundance

and/or distribution is lacking. Data Deficient is therefore not a category of threat or Lower Risk.
Listing of taxa in this category indicates that more information is required and acknowledges the
possibility that future research will show that threatened classification is appropriate. It is

important to make positive use of whatever data are available. In many cases great care should be
exercised in choosing between DD and threatened status. If the range of a taxon is suspected to be
relatively circumscribed, if a considerable period of time has elapsed since the last record of the
taxon, threatened status may well be justified.


A taxon is Not Evaluated when it is has not yet been assessed against the criteria.




A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
in the immediate future, as defined by any of the following criteria (A to E):

A) Population reduction in the form of either of the following:

1) An observed, estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 80% over

the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and
specifying) any of the following:

a) direct observation
b) an index of abundance appropriate for the taxon
c) a decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of
d) actual or potential levels of exploitation
e) the effects of introduced taxa, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants,
competitors or parasites.

2) A reduction of at least 80%, projected or suspected to be met within the next

ten years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and
specifying) any of (b), (c), (d) or (e) above.

B) Extent of occurrence estimated to be less than 100 km' or area of occupancy

estimated to be less than 10 km\ and estimates indicating any two of the following:

1) Severely fragmented or known to exist at only a single location.

2) Continuing decline, observed, inferred or projected, in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence
b) area of occupancy
c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat
d) number of locations or subpopulations

Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories

e) number of mature individuals.

3) Extreme fluctuations in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence
b) area of occupancy
c) number of locations or subpopulations
d) number of mature individuals.

C) Population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals and either:

1) An estimated continuing decline of at least 25% within 3 years or one

generation, whichever is longer or

2) A continuing decline, observed, projected, or inferred, in numbers of mature

individuals and population structure in the form of either:

a) severely fragmented (i.e. no subpopulation estimated to contain more than

50 mature individuals)
b) all individuals are in a single subpopulation.

D) Population estimated to number less than 50 mature individuals.

E) Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 50%
within 10 years or 3 generations, whichever is the longer.

A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of
extinction in the wild in the near future, as defined by any of the following criteria (A to E):

A) Population reduction in the form of either of the following:

1) An observed, estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 50% over

the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and
specifying) any of the following:

a) direct observation
b) an index of abundance appropriate for the taxon
c) a decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of
d) actual or potential levels of exploitation
e) the effects of introduced taxa, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants,
competitors or parasites.

2) A reduction of at least 50%, projected or suspected to be met within the next

ten years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on (and
specifying) any of (b), (c), (d), or (e) above.

B) Extent of occurrence estimated to be 'ess than 5000 km' or area of occupancy

estimated to be less than 500 km , and estimates indicating any two of the following:

The World List of Threatened Trees

1) Severely fragmented or known to exist at no more than five locations.

2) Continuing decline, inferred, observed or projected, in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence
b) area of occupancy
c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat
d) number of locations or subpopulations
e) number of mature individuals.

3) Extreme fluctuations in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence
b) area of occupancy
c) number of locations or subpopulations
d) number of mature individuals.

C) Population estimated to number less than 2500 mature individuals and either:

1) An estimated continuing decline of at least 20% within 5 years or 2

generations, whichever is longer, or

2) A continuing decline, observed, projected, or inferred, in numbers of mature

individuals and population structure in the form of either:

a) severely fragmented (i.e. no subpopulation estimated to contain more than

250 mature individuals)
b) all individuals are in a single subpopulation.

D) Population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals.

E) Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 20%
within 20 years or 5 generations, whichever is the longer.


A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk
of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future, as defined by any of the following criteria (A

A) Population reduction in the form of either of the following:

1) An observed, estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 20% over

the last 10 years or three generations, whichever is the longer,, based on (and
specifying) any of the following:

a) direct observation
b) an index of abundance appropriate for the taxon
c) a decline in area of occupancy, extent of occurrence and/or quality of
d) actual or potential levels of exploitation
e) the effects of introduced taxa, hybridisation, pathogens, pollutants,
competitors or parasites.

Appendix 4 lUCN Red List Categories

2) A reduction of at least 20%, projected or suspected to be met within the

next ten years or three generations, whichever is the longer, based on
(and specifying) any of (b), (c), (d) or (e) above.

B) Extent of occurrence estimated to be less than 20,000 km' or area of occupancy

estimated to be less than 2000 km\ and estimates indicating any two of the following:

1) Severely fragmented or known to exist at no more than ten locations.

2) Continuing decline, inferred, observed or projected, in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence
b) area of occupancy
c) area, extent and/or quality of habitat
d) number of locations or subpopulations
e) number of mature individuals.

3) Extreme fluctuations in any of the following:

a) extent of occurrence
b) area of occupancy
c) number of locations or subpopulations
d) number of mature individuals.

C) Population estimated to number less than 10,000 mature individuals and either:

1) An estimated continuing decline of at least 10% within 10 years or 3

generations, whichever is longer, or

2) A continuing decline, observed, projected, or inferred, in numbers of mature

individuals and population structure in the form of either:

a) severely fragmented (i.e. no subpopulation estimated to contain more than

1000 mature individuals)
b) all individuals are in a single subpopulation.

D) Population very small or restricted in the form of either of the following:

1) Population estimated to number less than 1000 mature individuals.

2) Population is characterised by an acute restriction in its area of occupancy

(typically less than 100 km ) or in the number of locations (typically less than
5). Such a taxon would thus be prone to the effects of human activities (or
stochastic events whose impact is increased by human activities) within a very
short period of time in an unforeseeable future, and is thus capable of becoming
Critically Endangered or even Extinct in a very short period.

E) Quantitative analysis showing the probability of extinction in the wild is at least 10%
within 100 years.



The data collection form was designed specifically to provide a framework for experts to review
existing data as well as provide new data on threatened tree species. Several thousand forms have
been completed by over 300 experts and their contents entered directly into the Tree Conservation

Section 1 of the form was pre-fiUed with information from the Threatened Plants Database on

taxonomy, distribution and conservation status together with common names and uses where known.
Experts were asked to verify information in this section. Section 2 of the form was designed to record
the 1994 lUCN category and criteria and to record summary notes on the conservation status of the
species. Section 3 allows for the provision of supplementary information on uses, ecology and
bibliographic references.

The World List of Threatened Trees

Section 1 - Nomenclature and Occurrence |

Appendix 5 Standard Data Collection Form

Section 3 - Uses and Ecology


AETFAT Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa.
AOO Area of Occupancy, a term which is used in the application of the lUCN
Red List Categories. It is defined in Appendix 4.
Caatinga Xerophytic scrubland in areas of alternating flood and drought, found in
South America.
Campo An open formation, largely composed of shrubs and grasses, found in
South America.
Campo cerrado Savanna with trees, found in South America.
Campo rupestre An open formation on rocky soil in South America.
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
Cerrado A shrubby savanna-like vegetation, found in South America.
CIFOR. Center for International Forestry Research
CUES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora.
CNPS California Native Plant Society.
CONABIO Mexican Commission on Conservation and Use of Biodiversity (Mexico).
CONAF Corporacion Nacional Forestal (Chile)
csmo Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (Australia).
ECOSUR Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico).
EOO Extent of Occurrence, a term which is used in the application of the lUCN
Red List Categories. It is defined in Appendix 4.
Elfin forest Forest with a canopy about 5m high, gnarled growth; the highest of the
montane vegetation formations.
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
FCAP Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias do Para (Brazil).
FTEA Flora of Tropical East Africa.
Fynbos A term which refers to a flora and vegetation type unique to the South
African Cape; evergreen sclerophyllous shrubland.
GIS Geographic Information System.
Granodiorite Coarsely crystalline acid igneous rock.
Hakeas Members of the Proteaceae family.
Hala forest Coastal forest dominated by Pandanus tectorius, found in Hawaii.
Igapo An Amazonian forest or woodland type flooded by black waters.
IBAMA Institute Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturals Renovaveis
IDS International Dendrological Society.
INEFAN Institute Ecuatoriano Forestal y de Areas Naturales y Vilda Silvestre
ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agriculture
IPGRI International Plant Genetic ResoLces Institute.

ITTA International Tropical Timber Agreement

nrc International Tropical Timber Council.
ITTO International Tropical Timber Organisation
lUCN The World Conservation Union.
Kahikatea/matai forest A New Zealand forest type, consisting of Dacrycarpus dacrydioides and
Prumnopitys taxifolia

77ie World List of Threatened Trees

Karroid shrubland Arid shrubland, dominated by succulent species, found in the Karoo, a vast
arid plain in the South African Cape.

Kauriforest A forest type dominated by Agathis in South-East Asia and the Pacific.
Kerangas Heath forest of invariably low stature, lacking emergents and confined to
organic white sand and podsol soils. It occurs mainly on raised beach
terraces or on sandstone ridges and plateaux in South-East Asia.

Kloofs An Afrikaans word for a gully, ravine or valley, usually with steeply
inclined or rocky sides.

Laurisilva Evergreen laurel forest, e.g. in the Canary Islands.

Manacales A specific altitudinal zone in Cuba between 300 and 900m.
Mata do cipo Vine forest, largely confined to the Amazon.
Matorral A general term used in South America to described scrub or shrubland.
MUJENR Makere University Institute of Environment and Natural Resources
NBI National Botanical Institute (South Africa).
NYBG New York Botanical Garden.
PROSEA Plant Resources of South-East Asia.
Puna High Andean grasslands.
ResHnga Coastal dune woodland or scrub in areas of northern and eastern South
America and Mexico.
ROTAP Rare or Threatened Australian Plants (Australia).
SARARES Southern African Threatened Plants Database (South Africa).
ssc lUCN Species Survival Commission.
Sholaforest Patches of stunted evergreen hill forest with temperate and tropical
components, occurring in Peninsular India and Sri Lanka, usually restricted

to hill folds and surrounded by extensive grassy downs.

Tepui Tabletop mountains found in the Guyana Shield in northern South

Terra firme forest Upland, unflooded forest in South America.
TNC The Nature Conservancy (USA).
TROPICOS A nomenclatural database held at Missouri Botanical Garden.
Tropopbilic Pertaining to marked periodic fluctuations of light, temperature and
TWG CITES Timber Working Group.
Vdrzea An Amazonian forest type on sedimentary soil; subject to annual flooding
by white water.
Wallaba forest A forest type dominated by Eperua spp.
Wattles Acacia species.
WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre.


The World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in

Cambridge, UK, is a joint venture between three

partners in the World Conservation Strategy and its

successor Caring for the Earth: lUCN - The World

Conservation Union, UNEP - United Nations
Environment Programme, and WWF - World Wide
Fund for Nature. The Centre provides information
services on the conservation and sustainable use of
species and ecosystems and supports others in the
development of their own information systems.

Species Survival Cow

The Species Survival Commission (SSC) is one of

six volunteer commissions of lUCN - The World

Conservation Union, a union of sovereign states,

government agencies and non-governmental

organizations. The SSC's mission is to conserve
biological diversity by developing and executing
programmes to save, restore and wisely manage
species and their habitats. A volunteer network
comprised of nearly 7,000 scientists, field

researchers, government officials and conservation

leaders from nearly every country of the world, the
SSC membership is an unmatched source of
information about biological diversity and its

conservation. As such, SSC members provide

technical and scientific counsel for conservation

projects throughout the world and serve as resources

to governments, international conventions and

conservation organizations.

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