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TINGKATAN 1 NAMA : …………………………………………………..
MAC 2019 KELAS : ………………………………………………….
Kertas ini soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak

Arahan : Jawab semua soalan

(10 marks)

Answer all questions in this paper.

Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D. For each questions, mark the correct answer.

Questions 1-10

Question 1
Read the sign below and answer the question that follows


1. You will most probably find this sign

A. on a train
B. at a bus stop
C. at a taxi stand
D. along the road

Question 2
Read the text below. Then, answer the question that follows.

Tigers are superpredators and the largest and most powerful living cat species in the world.
Humans are the tiger’s only true predator, as tigers are often poached for their fur.

2. The word poached can best be replaced with

A. kept illegally
B. chased illegally
C. bought illegally
D. hunted illegally

Question 3
Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.

Topic : First Aid During Accidents

Speaker : Dr. Suraya Azmi from UKM Hospital

Date : 17 May 2008

Time : 2.00 p.m- 4.30 p.m

* Free hot beverages provided

3. Which of the following statements is true about the notice below?

A. Suraya Azmi is a doctor who needs first aid

B. The talk is related to giving first aid at home
C. The duration of the talk is two and a half hours
D. Participants must pay for the hot drinks served

Question 4
Read the advertisement below. Then, answer the question that follows.


4. The advertisement tells us

A. you can enrol anytime

B. only birds get a discount
C. you can enrol in the morning
D. those that enrol early pay less

Question 5
Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows.

Hi, Joe! Are you Sure, Sam. How

joining the holiday could I miss it?

5. Based on the dialogue, we know that Joe

A. not interested in joining the camp

B. inviting Sam to join the camp
C. definitely joining the camp
D. organizing a camp

Question 6
Read the message below. Then, answer the question that follows.

Dear Yee Ling,

Mark and I needed to leave early today due to an emergency. You will have to close the store today.
Please count the stock and rearrange the things neatly on the shelves.
Ernest Roy
Store Manager

6. What did Ernest Roy instruct Yee Ling to do?

A. Leave the store early that day

B. Sweep and clean the store properly
C. Count the stock and rearrange the goods
D. Count the stock and close the store early

Question 7
Read the headline below and answer the question that follows.

Families fear homes in danger of caving in

7. We can conclude from the headline that the families are

A. living in caves
B. living near the caves
C. afraid that the caves will collapse
D. afraid their housed will be destroyed

Question 8
Study the table below and answer the question that follows.

Year Male (years) Female (years)

1980 65.4 69.8
1985 66.2 70.7
1990 67.5 71.3
1995 68.2 72.2
2000 69.6 72.5

8. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Females have a longer expected life span than males

B. Expected life span for both sexes has increased steadily
C. More and more Malaysians live longer lives since 1980
D. In 2000, about 69.6 % of males lived till the age of 72.5 years

Question 9
Read the dialogue. Then, answer the question that follows.

My father is angry with Amin. He’s the black sheep of

the family

9. From her statement, we know that Amin

A. is successful
B. is wealthy
C. is the head of the family
D. is not doing well

Question 10
Read the notice and answer the question that follows.


1999 YAMANA 15 cc motorcycle. In excellent condition. First owner. Original paint. RM

1500 (negotiable). Ring Abdullah at 03-80599305 (after 6 p.m)

10. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The motorcycle has been repainted

B. The motorcycle is a brand new motorcycle
C. The seller of the motorcycle is the only owner
D. Prospective buyers can meet Abdullah after 6 p.m.

Section B
(20 marks)
The text below is about Pedu Lake

Question 11

Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of
the sentence.

Thinking of going on a vacation? Still search for the right location? e.g. searching

Make Pedu Lake your destination. Pedu Lake are a beautiful place for a (a) ____________

peacefully vacation. There is no rush and no traffic to annoy you, only (b) ____________

the singing of birds that will soothing your tired nerves. Situated in (c)____________

Kedah, Pedu Lake is a man-made lakes surrounded by traditional (d)____________

chalets. There are many scenic views and interesting things to did. (e)____________

You can relax and enjoys the view of Pakir Terbang, a mountain range (f)____________

situated just behind the lake. For those whom enjoy wildlife, you can (g)____________

participate in activity such as jungle-trekking, bird watching, camping (h)____________

and nature walks. You can also engaged in water sports and golf. (i)_____________

Whatever your choices, Pedu Lake are the place. It offers the most (j)_____________

relaxing vacation you can ask for.

(10 marks)

The text below is about saving money

Question 12

Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of
the sentence.

Most teens want to save money this day, whether it is for computer, e.g.these

video games, the new phone, or that new branded luxury purse. Follow these (a) ____________

tips and you may end up with your dream item but some reward money (b) ____________

saved up. Figure out you allowance or payment, if you have a job, and (c)____________

assess your spending. Ask to mow lawns, did dishes, tutor your (d)____________

neighbours child or sell junk to others. Put all the money you have saved (e)____________

into a bank account or a container. You can bought your desired items, but (f)____________

make sure to stick to your monthly budget. Do not buy things that go below (g)____________

and beyond your spend budget, so that you can still save the balance of (h)____________

your money. Do not get sucked to buying new products that you do not (i)_____________

really need. Finish what your started. If you buy the new product you will (j)_____________

regret not having the thing you originally wanted.

(20 marks)

Question 13
Read the following text carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (j). Each of your answer should be not more than three words.

Holiday in Perak
I had a wonderful time exploring Taiping and Gopeng in Perak with my cousins. I took a train on Saturday morning on 19
June and was met by my uncle and aunt. My cousins were waiting at home finalising plans for a fun-filled week.
The following day was Sunday, so my uncle drove us to Taiping. We visited the Perak Museum. It is the oldest museum in
Malaysia. We also made a stop at the beautiful Taiping Lake Gardens which was built in 1880 on a site of an abandoned tin mine.
On Monday, we went to Kinta Nature Park in Gopeng. A tour guide took us around the wildlife reserve. There are over 100
species of birds and scores of other animals too.
After that, we visited the Gopeng Museum which located in an antique shophouse. There are various old-fashioned
household items and vintage furniture exhibited.
The next two days were spent in the company of my cousins. We went out for meals to sample the delicious local food.
On Thursday, I took a bus to return to Kuala Lumpur.

Districts visited

Holiday in Perak

Date of arrival
Mode of transportation
Date of departure
Mode of transportation
Places visited in Taiping
Exhibits in Gopeng Museum

(10 marks)

Question 14
Read the following text carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (j). Each of your answer should be not more than three words.

Dear Jeffery,
Last weekend, a group of Environment Club members went on a camping trip. I was very excited to go on the four-day,
three-night stay with my fellow members
Our first day was spent hiking through a jungle trail. We came to a stream, but it was in a poor state. There was a lot of
rubbish stuck along the bank. We picked up as much rubbish as we could find. After that, we hiked back to the campsite to wash
up and have lunch.
The following day, we visited an orang asli village. We helped the villagers to harvest fruits and vegetables in their farm.
We also went on a fishing trip with some of the villagers. They gave us a few tips to catch fish. When we returned to the village,
we had lunch together with the villagers. We also got a chance to eat the fish that the villagers had caught earlier.
On the third day, we went fishing. We used the tips we learnt form the villagers the day before. We did not catch as
many as we expected, but we caught enough for our lunch. We were then divided into groups. We built our own campfire and
cooked the fish. After lunch and a short rest, we went on a 20-minutes hike to a waterfall. The waterfall was picturesque. The
falling water created a beautiful mist. We swam in the cool water until it was time to return to the campsite.
On our last day, we went tree climbing. We took turns climbing a rope ladder to a wooden platform. The platform was
built on a tall, sturdy tree. We got a bird’s eye view of our surroundings. We recalled about the things we did on the trip. Then, we
returned to our campsite to pack.
I had lot of fun and gained many new experiences which I will cherish. Bye.
Your friend,

No of days


Day 1 Activities:
Day 4 Activities:

Day 3 Activities:
Day 2 Activities:
Visited an orang asli village
Swam at the waterfall
Had lunch with the villagers

(10 marks)

Section D
(20 marks)
Question 15
Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) — (j).


Located in Mulu National Park, this world’s largest cave passage is over 2 kilometers long and 174 meters high. Two to three
million bats from over 12 different species live here.

This is the highest mountain in Malaysia and is part of the Kinabalu Park. It is home to unique and beautiful plants. Apart form
conquering the mountain, you will also get to see oak, chestnut and laurel trees. There are also many varieties of orchids and
pichter-plants around the park.

These trees grow along coastlines and help prevent erosion. They can adapt to the changing mix of salt water and fresh water.
Mangroves are an important sanctuary for various species of animals that live among their roots. Mangrove swamps can be found
in Langkawi Island, Bako National Park and Kuching Wetlands National Park.

This parasite flower is up to one meter in diameter but does not have any roots, leaves or stem. If that does not make it unique,
here is another fascinating fact. It only blooms for three to five days before it rots. The best place to see the world’s largest flower
is Gunung Gading national Park in Sarawak. You can also head to Taman Negara or other parks in East Malaysia to see them.

There are seven types of turtle species in the world and amazingly, four of them can be found in Malaysia. The hawksbill and the
green turtle nest within the Turtle Islands National Park in Sabah. These species as well as the olive Ridley and the giant
leatherback can be found in the waters off Peninsular Malaysia. If diving is your passion, head to Redang Island to see green and
hawksbill turtles as well as colourful corals and tropical fish.

Questions (e) to (h) : Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions below.
a) Where can you visit if you want to climb the highest mountain in Malaysia?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(1 mark)
b) How many species of bat lives in Mulu Cave?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(1 mark)
c) Where can we find Mangrove Swamp in Malaysia
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1 mark)
d) Which species of turtle can be found at Turtle Island in Sabah
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(1 mark)
e) What does the word They refer to?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1 mark)
f) Where can tourist go to see turtles nesting?
g) Where is the best place to see rafflesia in Malaysia?
.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)

h) What is ‘another fascinating fact’ about the rafflesia?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1 mark)
i) What is the title of this brochure
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….(1 mark)
j) Why are mangrove trees important to the ecosystem?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)
(10 marks)
Question 16
Read the letter from Sheela to Samaira.
Yesterday, I witnessed a snatch theft incident while waiting at the bus stop. A woman was getting down from a bus. She was
carrying two big bags in her right hand. Her handbag was on her left shoulder.
The woman stood by the side of the road. Then, two men on a motorcycle approached her. They talked for a minute. It seemed
that the woman was giving directions to the motorcyclist.
Suddenly, the pillion passenger grabbed the woman’s handbag and the two men sped away. The woman screamed in shock.
Several people at the bus stop ran to her aid. She was in tears as she related what had happened.
As I waited for my bus, I thought about how the snatch theft incidents could be prevented. We should not carry our handbag or
wallet in plain view. We should also be wary of strangers who approach us and be cautious when we are out and about.

Read the recount carefully and answer questions (a) – (i)

a) Where was the writer when the incident happened?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...(1 mark)
b) Who got down from the bus?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..(1 mark)
c) What was the woman carrying?
..................................................................................................................................................................(1 mark)
d) Where was the woman when the two motorcyclists approached her?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...(1 mark)
e) What did the motorcyclist do?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1 mark)
f) If you were at the bus stop, what would you do to help the woman?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1 mark)
g) According to the writer, how can a snatch theft incident be avoided?
i)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…(1 mark)
ii)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....(1 mark)
h) Suggest two other ways to avoid becoming a snatch theft victim
i)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(1 mark)
ii)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…(1 mark)

(10 marks)

(30 marks)
Question 17
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
While you were relaxing by the pool one day, you heard a scream. You turned to see a boy was struggling in the pool. A
lifeguard immediately jumped into the pool to save the boy. Write a recount of the incident for your school magazine.

holiday – saw lots of people – walked to buy snacks - swimming

pool packed on that day –– heard scream – shocked

saw a lifeguard – dived – the boy looked so tired as the lifeguard

helped him – several people – helped to calm the crowd

started – cough – relief – parents – thanked – praised – quick

action – lifeguard gave some advices – everyone swam happily –
went back – shared the incident with family

When writing out your recount:

- you must describe what happened
- suggest two ways to prevent accidents at the swimming pool
- add any other relevant information
- write in not less than 150 words
(30 marks)





































Disediakan oleh: Muhammad Azmeer bin Basir


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