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1619 Project Podcast Activity

Episode 1: “The Fight for a True Democracy”

For this group activity, you will be working in groups of 3-4 to answer/discuss the
following questions about the podcast episode you listened to for homework. Follow the
instructions below to complete this activity.

1. Assign group roles. Your group should include:
○ A group notetaker (writes down what is discussed, who is assuming each
group role, etc. on the class Google or Word doc for the day)
○ A group speaker (will share what is discussed in the group with the class
following the activity)
○ A group task manager (keeps the group on task, also assumes role of time
keeper described below if only 3 people in group)
■ If you have 4 members, also assign a separate role of time keeper
(keeps track of time--let group members know when 5/10/15/etc.
minutes have passed)
2. Read through the reflection questions below and answer them as a
group. Remember to assume your group roles to ensure all questions are
answered, all answers are written down, and you all know who will speak in the
full class discussion.
3. You will have 15 minutes to complete this activity. After the 15 minutes
has ended, I will bring you all back to the main Zoom room to discuss your
group’s responses to the questions.

All groups will answer all three questions. Group 1 & 3 will present their answers to
question 1; Group 2 & 4 will present their answers to question 2; Group 5 will present
their answers to question 3. Record answers to questions here.
Questions for discussion:
1. How does this podcast episode share knowledge and information about American
history? Is this history different, similar, or the same to the history you were
taught previously in school/college? How so?
2. What techniques does Nikole Hannah-Jones use to convey this
knowledge/information? (storytelling, personal narratives, historical evidence,
etc.) Describe specific examples. Which of these techniques is most effective and
3. According to Nikole-Hannah Jones, the writers of the Constitution wanted to
create a country “defined by freedom.” However, the institution of slavery directly
contradicted the ideal of freedom. Based on this podcast episode, would you say
that the US is “defined by freedom”--past and/or present? Why or why not? Be
sure to include specific examples from our class discussions/materials and from
this podcast episode.

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