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Curriculum vitae


Personal information
First name (s)/ Surname(s) ANA-MARIA UDREA
Address 102 Santandrei Willage, Bihor County, Romania
Telephone Mobile: 0752-123.975
Nationality Romanian
Date of birth September 20th, 1986

Work experience
Date November 2010
Occupation or position held Accounts Payable UK&Ireland
Activities and main responsabilities Processing invoices
Name and address of employer Office Depot Service Center; Cluj Napoca
Type of organization or field of Service Center
Date June 2009 – May 2010
Occupation or position held Project Manager
Activities and main responsabilities Searching for grants, writhing projects proposals, writting press releases, organizing events for
the school.
I was member of The School` s Administrative Council starting February 2010.
Name and address of employer The International School of Cluj; Cluj Napoca
Type of organization or field of Education
Date January - May 2009
Occupation or position held Project Manager
Activities and main responsabilities Writting and coordinating projects, promoting the association, participating at tourism fairs
Name and address of employer Youth Hostel Association Romania; Cluj Napoca
Type of organization or field of Tourism
Date November 2008 - February 2009
Occupation or position held Project Manager
Activities and main responsabilities Writing and sending grants summaries to possible clients, Writing projects proposals
Name and address of employer Grant Consulting; Cluj Napoca
Type of organization or field of Management
Date July - September 2007
Occupation or position held Cashier
Activities and main responsabilities Invoicing products
Name and address of employer SC Metro Cash & Carry SRL; Oradea
Type of organization or field of Retail

Ana-Maria Udrea Curriculum Vitae, 2010 -1-

Education and training
Date 2008 – 2010
Type of qualification awarded Master’s degree
Principal subjects/occupational skills Sustainable Development, Institutions and Economic Development, Strategies and Policies to
covered Attract Foreign Direct Investmets
Final Thesis: The Costs and Benefits of EU Environmental Policy in Romania
Name and type of organisation Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, specialization:
providing education and training Sustainable Development, Cluj Napoca
Date 2005 – 2008
Type of qualification awarded Bachelor’s Degree
Principal subjects/ occupational skills Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Foreign Investments, International Economic
covered Transactions, Economic Doctrines
Final Thesis: The FDI` s Influence on Romanian Economic Growth between 1991 - 2005
Name and type of organisation Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, specialization:
providing education and training International Affaires, Cluj Napoca
Date 2001 – 2005
Title of qualification awarded High School Diploma
Principal subjects/occupational skills Romanian, French, English Languages, Universal Literature, History, History of Religions,
covered Francophone Culture and Civilization, History of the European Union
Name and type of organisation National High School "Mihai Eminescu", specialization Philology, Oradea
providing education and training
Education and training -„Public Speaking”, Organized by CODEX, Cluj Napoca, November 2008
-Participant at Public Consultancy regarding the programme Youth Innitiative, ANSIT Bistriţa,
Telciu, October 2008
-Participant at Summer School „Volunteering and Associativity”, Costineşti, August 2008
-Participant at ABC Business, organized by Junior Chamber International, Cluj Napoca, May 2008
-Participant at National Programme „ANSIT University”, North-West Region, (Programme
accredited by the National Counsil of Professional Adults Training) Telciu, May 2008
-Training „Project Management”, The Students' Cultural Center, Schulz Consulting, April 2008 (24
-„Business Management” Graduation Certificate through the „Real Business” simulation,
Contrast Management-Consulting, Bucharest, April 2008
-Participant at „Good To Go International”, organized by Business Club, Bucharest, April 2008
- „Genpact Career Academy” Graduation Certificate, Cluj Napoca, March-April 2008
-Training „ Organizational Management”, ANSIT Bistriţa, March 2008
-Participant at “Impact Marketing School 2007”, (for Granini), Bucharest, April 2007
-Participant at the seminars of the Summer University in Aix-en-Provence, France, August 2006
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) Romanian
Other language(s) French, English
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European Level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken Writing
interaction production
French B2 Advanced B2 Advanced B2 Medium B2 Medium B1 Medium
English C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced C1 Advanced B2 Medium
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences -Member of The Lingua Center`s Debating Club, Cluj Napoca, October 2008 – to present
(American and British Parliamentary debater and World Schools judge )
-Member of the Association „EcoEconomists Projects”, Cluj Napoca, January 2009 – to present
-Volunter at the "Cluj Student Month”, Cultural Subdepartment, May 2006, Career
Subdepartment, May 2007
-Member of the “Center for Health Policy and Public Health”, Center of Interdisciplinary
Research, Cluj Napoca, 2006-2007

Ana-Maria Udrea Curriculum Vitae, 2010 -2-

Organisational skills and -Member of the organizational team of the „Yale versus Babes-Bolyai” event, (responsabilities::
competences accomodation, reservation of the Arcadia Center, transportation), Cluj Napoca, March 14-17th, 2009
- Project Manager at Economics Students Organization (local NGO), December 2009 –
December 2010
-Human Resources Manager, Economics Students Organization (local NGO), (responsabilities::
recruitment, selection, recruitmets interviews, meetings, motivating the volunteers, teambuilding,
training), April - November 2008
-Project Manager „Business SMART School”, financed by the Agency for Students' Support, with
a 10.000 lei budget, Cluj Napoca, September 20-25th, 2008 and 2010
-Co-writer and organizer of the project „Autumn School” “Eruditio”, financed by ANSIT (15.000
lei), ANT (6.100 lei) and SC Impact SA Bucharest, October 2007
-Project Manager “Economy for all”, financed by the Agency for Students’ Support, (2.000 lei),
first edition, April 2007 and organizer of the second edition, May 2008
-Member of AGA, Consortium Of Students’ Organizations, April - October 2007
Computer skills and competences Usage of computer: Advanced level (Microsoft Office) and I` m a computer and high tech fan
- Participation in the Training for Usage of the Internet in Business, organized within the
PHARE 2005 Project, Cluj Napoca, November 2005
Artistic skills and competences -Member of the acting class of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Cluj Napoca,
-Member of the Stand Up Comedy Group “Comedica”, Cluj Napoca, 2007
-I paint, write poetry and short stories
Other skills and competences I have deliver trainings for over 200 beneficiaries (august 2008 – to present):
- „Project Management” for NGO`s: STUDCARD, OSUT, Economics Students Organization,
„EcoEconomists Projercts” Association, CCDD, Students on Psychology Association
- Grants and Fundraising for: Youth Parliament, August 2008
Prizes - Excellence Scholarship from Babes-Bolyai University for research paper: „The costs
and benefits of EU environmental policy in Romania”, November 2009
- 2nd Prize, National Olympics for Economists Students, Section: Complexity of Economic
Systems, work title - „Impact of EU Environmental Policy on Water Quality in
Romania”, Ploieşti, October 2009,
- Award „Best Debut in Debate”; Yale versus Babes-Bolyai University, March 14, 2009
- Collaboration in the book „Economic Projects in Areas of Agri-food, Environment and
Tourism, Edit. Risoprint, ISBN: 978-973-53-0009-8, Cluj Napoca, 2009
- 3rd Prize, National Olympics for Economists Students, Section: Business Administration,
„Entrepreneurship and Economics”, Cluj Napoca, November 2008,
- Excellence Diploma for Business Ideas at the Summer School „Entrepreneurship and
Economic Development”, Cluj-Napoca, September 10-19 2008
- Participation at International Scientific Conference SECAAB 2008 held by Faculty of
Business Administration, Cluj Napoca, work title: ”Economic growth and FDI”, Cluj Napoca,
May 2008
- 1st Prize, National Olympics for Economists Students, Section: Management, work title:
„Communication in Project Management”, Târgu Mureş, October 26-27 2007\
- Participation at International Scientific Conference „European Integration - New
Challenges for the Romanian Economy”; work title „Growth and Trade”, Oradea, May 25-
26th, 2007
- 3rd Prize, National Olympics for Economists Students, Section: Management, work title:
„Leader or Manager”, Oradea, October 26-27th, 2006

References Provided By request

Ana-Maria Udrea Curriculum Vitae, 2010 -3-

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