Shanghai Alumni Primary School Student Card

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Shanghai Alumni Primary School

2020-2021 Primary 1 First Term General English Grammar Challenge (1)

Name:______________________ ( ) Marks:_______________
Class : _______________________ Time Allowed: 30 minutes
Date:________________________ Parent’s Signature:______

Part A. Fill in the missing letters. Write capital and small letters. (27% @3%)

Aa ________ Cc _________ Ee Ff Gg,

________ Ii _________ ________ Ll Mm Nn _________ Pp,
Qq ________ Ss Tt _________ Vv,
Ww Xx Yy and __________.

Part B. Here is your student card. Fill in the blanks with your information.
(15% @3%)

Shanghai Alumni Primary School

Student Card

Name: _____________________

Age: ____________

Class: ____________

Class number: ___________

Class Teacher: __________________

Part C. Read the webpage. Circle the words. (21% @ 3%)

Part D. Today is Foppy’s Birthday. Write a birthday card to him. Help Zappy
finish the card. (20% @ 4%)

1)_________ Foppy,

You are 2) __________ years old now.

Happy 3) _________________ !

4) _________,

Foppy 5) _________

Part E. These are the people at school. Who are they? Write the letters in the
boxes. (9% @3%)

A. class teacher B. monitress C. classmate D. friends

This is Tommy. He is my .

Kelly and I are .

This is Mr Mak. He is my .

Part F. Answer the following questions. (8% @4%)

1. Do you like going to school?

_______, _________________________________________________.

2. What do you do at recess?

I ________________________________________________ at recess.

P.3 (The End)

Shanghai Alumni Primary School
2020-2021 Primary 1 First Term General English Grammar Challenge (1)
Answer Key

Part A. (27% @3%) (need to get the pair right to get 3%)

Line 1: Bb, Dd Line 2: Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll Line 3: Rr, Uu Line 4: Zz

Part B. (15% @3%)

1. Students’ own answers 2. Students’ own answers 3. 1A/ 1B/ 1C/ 1D

4. Students’ own answers 5. Miss Wong/ Miss Li / Miss Chong / Miss Li

Part C. (21% @3%) (No marks for choosing more than one answer)

❶ ( I / We ) am Tina.
I ❷ ( is / am ) six years old.
❸ ( He / She ) is my classmate.
❹ ( He / We ) are in Class 1A.
This is ❺ ( Miss / Mr ) Jones.
❻ ( He is / She is / We are ) my class teacher.
❼ ( He is / She is / We are ) nice.

Part D. (20% @4%) (Deduct 1% for any spelling, capitalization mistakes)

1. Dear 2. two 3. birthday 4. From/ Love/ Best wishes 5. Zappy

Part E. (9% @3%)

1. C 2. D 3. A

Part F. (8% @2%)

(deduct 1% for any spelling / capitalization mistakes, Max -3%)

1. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Students’ own answers

2. Students’ own answers

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