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October 2020- Edition

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journey, we provide them with the resources and guidance that will help them prepare according to their
personal needs and strengths. We at Nearpeer strongly believe and work towards giving students complete
control of their own studies. This is done by providing students:

1) High quality educational services which only require 2 things: a mobile phone/laptop/desktop computer and
good internet service

2) Financial savings since students will not have to pay any hostel charges, high academy fees, transportation
costs and the costs of books/notes

3) A chance to prepare for CSS exams in the comfort of one’s home, family and friends

4) Pre-recorded lectures which they can watch at any time, any where and in any order of course and syllabus

5) 24/7 contact with teachers through groups on Edmodo to discuss questions and share relevant knowledge
till the last exam day

6) Compiled notes and books which will save time from preparing own notes and searching bookstores for
relevant books

7) Wide variety of optional subjects along with free counselling to help our students select subjects suited to
their needs

8) A highly responsive platform open to suggestions and recommendations given by our students

9) A chance to prepare for the CSS examination while simultaneously working in jobs and/or studying to
complete educational degrees

10) A team of counsellors always available for students for their CSS educational, technical and moral support

All of these services, along with many more (such as assignments, quizzes, frequent live sessions etc.) are
provided to students till their exams end in February 2021 because we believe in being there with our students
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All of the benefits mentioned above give students the ability to study according to a single study plan rather
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toppers using CSS recommended material and other highly reliable material sources. Rather than having to go
to academies and then coming back home to cover personal study plans, students will be using Nearpeer in
their personal study plans. This will save preparation time which can be used for revision, past paper practise

September has arrived and we can completely understand student concerns and worries about scheduling
and being able to complete their preparation well in time before the CSS examinations in February arrive.
Therefore, we have prepared a highly effective timetable which students who register with us can follow to
have their preparation completed well in time.

REMEMBER, the key to passing CSS is following a carefully prepared study plan with the right resources.
Nearpeer provides you both.
Notes to the Timetable

This timetable is only suitable for students who register with Nearpeer courses because they will have access
to all of Nearpeer’s video lectures which will allow them to cover entire syllabuses in the time frames
mentioned in the table.

Exact topic division per day for every subject in the weekly plan should be done according to the course
video outlines available on Nearpeer’s website.

We have placed Current Affairs preparation in the end because the exam includes current events that occur
till the first week of December. This will allow students to have the most updated preparation of Current

For the daily work distribution, this is what we recommend to students:

Students having a job or university should study 4 hours per day from Monday to Friday and cover the
remaining hours on Saturday and Sunday to meet the weekly target.

Students can ask any course questions in the online groups they are added in with their instructors by
Nearpeer after they register. Our instructors will answer student questions there within a few hours.

Students shouldn’t worry if optional subjects haven’t been selected. This timetable allows students to start
their preparation with compulsory subjects, giving them time to select optionals till November.

Following this timetable will allow students to complete their syllabus a month before CSS exams. This
remaining month can be used to revise, solve past papers and practice writing.

Remember, you just need to relax and follow the timetable. Do not worry if a lot is left or if someone else has
done more than you. All you need to focus on is to start your preparation and complete it without giving up.
You will start feeling satisfied once you start meeting daily and weekly targets. The preparation and schedule
might seem overwhelming, but working hard now will be worth it once you join the Civil Service of Pakistan.

For further assistance, guidance and information, feel free to contact us.

Contact: +92 346 6833169

CSS Preparation in 4 Months with Nearpeer 3

1 The Nearpeer Study Timetable 4
2 Notes to Timetable 5

International 9
1 The world after Pandemic 10
2 Afghan Peace Talk: Is the War really Ending? 14
3 Assessing the Abraham Accord 21
4 The Bipolar State of International Politics: Fear vs Hope 25

Nearpeer Readings 28
1 How to make CSS schedule? A detailed guide. 29
2 Aap k Sawal, Hamary Jawab (CSS Online Registration) 30

National 34
1 Criminal Justice System of Pakistan 36
2 Hurdles to women empowerment 39
3 Populist Politics of Pakistan 45
4 Democracy in Pakistan: A Theoretical Framework 48

Essay Special 51
1 Types of Essays in CSS 52

Monthly Press Review 58

General Ability 76

Past Paper MCQs Compilation 79

CSS Magazine edition 3


Chapter 1
The world after Pandemic

Mariam Younas Bhatti


The world after Pandemic

One day, the battle against the novel coronavirus will be won. But the world that emerges may look very
different from the one we lived in before the pandemic began. Right now, a GLOBAL war is being waged against
a pandemic that may change the world. The crisis has amplified existing challenges and vulnerabilities that
require a global response.

The pandemic will change the future international order of the world and also several changes within the
states. Author of Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari, puts it well in a recent essay. He writes, “Many short-term
emergency measures will become a fixture of life. That is the nature of emergencies. They fast-forward
historical processes. Decisions that in normal times could take years of deliberation are passed in a matter of
hours. Immature and even dangerous technologies are pressed into service, because the risks of doing nothing
are bigger.” The coronavirus health crisis/emergency has for sure fast forwarded the historical processes.

Dynamics of International world order

The world is in fact passing through one of history’s most unsettled periods and a number of trends are being
observed reconfiguring the international landscape during the pandemic: retreat from multilateralism at a time
of multipolarity, anti-globalization sentiment, erosion of a rules-based international order, trade and
technology wars between big powers and the rise of populist leaders who reject internationalism, pursue
ultra-nationalist policies and act unilaterally. Therefore, the international world order is not likely to remain
the one based on globalization and internationalism. It will more likely be and internationalism confined within
nationalism and more autocratic governments.

Future of globalization
The ongoing crisis showed how interconnected and interdependent the
world is and that no country can deal with the challenge on its own. But it
also exposed the deep divisions between and within countries as they
struggled to confront the havoc wrought by an unforgiving enemy.

The COVID-19 pandemic will not fundamentally alter global economic

directions. It will only accelerate a change that had already begun: a move
away from U.S.-centric globalization to a more China-centric
globalization. In particular, the coronavirus pandemic had devastating
repercussions for corporations and businesses that have benefited from 11
CSS Magazine edition 3

economic interdependence supported by cross-border

supply chains. China is the world’s largest production
base, and lies at the heart of many supply chains. Since
the outbreak of this coronavirus, many companies that
had come to depend on China were hard hit.

In short, national borders may become less porous in

terms of industry and the movement of people when
compared to the 30 years of globalization seen since the
end of the Cold War, with sharper lines drawn between
domestic and foreign and a move away from dependence
on international relationships.

Declined importance of multilateral institutions

The pandemic has also put a deep question mark on the
authority and the existence of multilateral institutions.
The challenge to multilateralism and its institutions in recent years has not just come from Trump’s America
but other nations and regional powers too, who have acted unilaterally in defiance of established international
norms. Therefore, the wrangle between Trump and the WHO only shone another light on how multilateral
institutions are under profound stress in the contemporary international milieu. Weakened commitment to
multilateralism continues to be an unedifying feature of the global environment today.

Pandemic has served as a boon for digital Authoritarianism

The pandemic will strengthen the state and reinforce nationalism. Governments of all types will adopt
emergency measures to manage the crisis, and many will be loath to relinquish these new powers when the
crisis is over.

The case in study is China. While China’s anti-epidemic technologies may be helping some countries curb the
immediate threat of the virus, they also carry an inherent risk of co-optation by authoritarian regimes seeking
to consolidate authority. As China’s sophisticated public surveillance platforms—enhanced with AI technology,
location-tracking software, and personal data integration techniques—diffuse around the globe, recipient
governments gain access to a readily-used authoritarian toolkit that can be easily retooled from its original
public health purpose. This technology poses a particular risk to fragile democracies and countries in the
developing world, where civil society is weak but Chinese influence is growing.

In the Post-Pandemic World, Big Brother Will Be Watching

Governments around the world have assumed unprecedented control over their citizens’ daily lives in
response to the coronavirus. Get ready for the new normal: Opportunism and fear will lead many governments
to leave some of their newly acquired powers in place. Democracies and dictatorships alike have closed
borders, imposed quarantines, shut down much of the economy, and implemented a variety of testing, tracing,
and surveillance regimes in order to contain the infection. Those that acted fastest and adopted more stringent
measures have been most successful. Leaders who denied, dissembled, and delayed are responsible for
thousands of preventable deaths.

The Shape of Future Government Will Be

Forged in Asia
The coronavirus pandemic is set to usher in a new
era of bigger, more intrusive government in almost
every advanced economy—but that change will be
felt most dramatically in Asian nations that have long
prided themselves on their relatively lean, minimal
states. The pandemic will usher in a new era of
bigger, more intrusive government in almost every
advanced economy. 12
CSS Magazine edition 3

Local Government Will Emerge Stronger After the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing the quality of governments around
the world. Many national leaders have failed the test—in contrast to the
leaders of regions and cities, who have faced the pandemic head-on in
their communities, showed greater competence, and earned the trust of
their constituents. In the process, the virus is clarifying the division of
powers between different levels of government and strengthening the
hand of regions and cities. The virus is clarifying the division of powers
between different levels of government—and strengthening the hand of
regions and cities.

This Pandemic Can Serve a Useful Purpose

Three things seem apparent. First, the coronavirus pandemic will change
our politics, both within states and between them. It is to the power of
government that societies—even libertarians—have turned. Government’s
relative success in overcoming the pandemic and its economic effects will
exacerbate or diminish security issues and the recent polarization within
societies. Either way, government is back. Experience so far shows that
authoritarians or populists are no better at handling the pandemic.
Indeed, the countries that responded early and successfully, such as
Korea and Taiwan, have been democracies—not those run by populist or
authoritarian leaders.

THE future holds much uncertainty with an unfolding
health crisis convulsing the world. But the reality that
will continue to shape the post-pandemic world is this.
While unprecedented global cooperation and a
collective response will be needed to negotiate
multiple challenges — threats to public health,
economic recovery, food security, looming recession
and unemployment — many countries will tend to turn
inwards and act on their own. This paradox did not
emerge during the pandemic. It has been evident in
recent years but thrown into sharper relief by the
Covid-19 crisis

*Figure Retrieved from 13
Chapter 2
Afghan Peace Talk: Is the War
really Ending?
Anmol Iftikhar

Afghan Peace Talk: Is the War really Ending?

History took a front seat at the table this September 12, 2020 when Afghan enemies formally sat face to face
for the first time to embark on negotiations between the United States and the Afghan Taliban; and signed an
agreement aimed at securing an end to almost 20 years of violent conflict in Afghanistan what is now regarded
as the world's deadliest conflict. Afghan government representatives and Taliban members gathered in Doha,
Qatar for historic intra-Afghan talks. The warring sides discussed the key issues in the negotiations, including
a permanent ceasefire, the rights of women and minorities, and a political settlement. The fact of the matter
is to analyse whether these peace talks are going to provide any fruitful results or not. The militants had until
now refused to meet the government, calling them powerless and American "puppets". For now, it is a positive
step towards multilateralism and cooperation which is equally beneficial for all the parties and stakeholders
involved in this conflict. In the following article, it will be analyzed throughout by evaluating each actor’s role
regionally and internationally; Pakistan & India’s role would be discussed separately below.

FastFact 1:
For the current peace talk the Afghan team is led by
former intelligence chief, Mohammed Masoom
Stanekzai, while the Taliban chief negotiator will be
Sheikh Abdul Hakim, a hard-line cleric who has been
serving as the group’s shadow chief justice.

FastFact 2:
The Taliban and Afghan government will seek to
negotiate a political settlement that could end the
United States’ longest war.

FastFact 3:
This is the first time the warring parties in the Afghan
conflict are directly negotiating! 15
Domestic, Regional, & International Actors:
1. Domestic Actors
a)Taliban: Taliban leader has made demands for the release of captives in the U.S. and agreed in front of
Pakistani officials to sustain peace in upcoming years.
b)Afghan Government: It has been in desperate need of peace stability and offered a multilateral agreement
where brotherhood could sustain and peaceful coexistence occur.
c)Civil Society: has been a victim of all the vandalism occurring in the past 20 years, had high hopes from the
intra-Afghan peace talks and demanded their rights. The scattered refugees who have been struggling to find
homes and get to their original lands, are still kept away, their hopes lie in current peace talks.

2.Regional Actors
a)Iran: Iran is the foreign neighbour in the security dilemma which backs Afghan peace process that, "Iran has
always supported the peace process led by the Afghan government and we hope that intra-Afghan talks
pivoting around the legitimate government all political groups in Afghanistan and the Taliban will yield results
according to the Constitution; and peace in Afghanistan would stabilize the entire region". Furthermore, Iran
has economic strategic interests as it has replaced Pakistan as Afghanistan’s largest trading partner.

b)China: China has been a Pax Economica for Afghanistan and has so far avoided taking a visible leadership
role in Afghanistan. Its Afghanistan policy is driven by economic considerations for its “New Silk Road'' project
and focuses on safeguarding national security interests. China is Afghanistan’s third largest trading partner.
China has a vested interest in the success of the peace process and supports both the US and Russian
negotiations. Pakistan is one of China’s strategic partners; one could thus expect the country to have a
pro-Pakistan stance in the peace process.

c)Russia: Russia’s intervention in Afghanistan in 1979 gave rise to international jihad in Afghanistan and the
Muslim world and marked the end of the Soviet Union. In October 2001, Russia joined Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,
and Iran as one of the non-NATO countries to support the US-led anti-terror coalition to oppose the Taliban.
Russia has a vital interest in Afghanistan’s stability and territorial integrity. Russia does not want Afghanistan
to become a new focal point for transnational terror groups. Combatting terrorism and drug trafficking plays
hence an important role. In the “Moscow process”, a parallel effort to the US-led Doha process, Russia
succeeded in bringing conflicting parties in Afghanistan to the table with the Taliban. Russia’s legacy in
Afghanistan is mixed: while it introduced modern infrastructure, such as the Makryan housing quarter in
Kabul, it also introduced the Kalashnikov. 16
CSS Magazine edition 3

3.International Actors
a)United States: The US-Taliban agreement reached in February set out a timetable for the withdrawal of
foreign forces, in exchange for counter-terrorism guarantees. The US and its Nato allies agreed to withdraw
all troops within 14 months, while the Taliban committed not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group
operate in the areas they control. The US also agreed to lift sanctions against the Taliban and work with the
UN to lift its separate sanctions against the group, as well as cutting its troop numbers in the country from
about 12,000 to 8,600 and closing several bases. The deal also provided for a prisoner swap of about 5,000
Taliban prisoners and 1,000 detained Afghan security personnel.
b)Analysis: In exchange for removal from international sanctions lists, the Taliban must distance themselves
from al-Qaida and extremist elements within its own movement and ensure that the fight against
transnational terrorist groups in Afghanistan can continue.

Pakistan’s significant role:

“I am appreciative of the support of the

Pakistani government for the peace efforts as
well as the steps taken recently in terms of
bilateral relations.” - Dr Abdullah Abdullah,
Chairman [High Council of National
Reconciliation] of Afghanistan.

With the recent intra-Afghan peace talk,

Pakistan’s significant role has been lauded by US
envoys during a recent visit. Visiting delegation
from Washington appreciated Pakistan’s sincere
role in resolving the issue in a peaceful manner,

Military statement; validating PM Imran Khan’s vision for Afghanistan.

Pakistan has been playing a significant role in maintaining peace in the region since 2015, however, after the
death of Taliban Leader Mullah Muhammad Omar, Islamabad and Kabul relations were weakened. However,
the recent agreement has again shed light on a strong contribution of Pakistan in making intra-Afghan peace
talks and making Taliban negotiations possible with the U.S. after constant requests. Hence, last month in Sept.
2020, current Taliban leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar came to Islamabad to meet Pakistani officials and set
an agenda to further process the peace talks. Therefore,in Qatar, the first country-wide ceasefire was
announced by intra-Afghan interest groups.

Pakistan’s influence on militant groups such as the Taliban is part of the principle of “strategic depth”
postulated by the Pakistani military. It serves as insurance in the event of military escalation with India.
However, criticism has been voiced on the Pakistani side that promoting militant groups has not created any
lasting advantages. Pakistan can continue to play the killjoy if it perceives its interests to be threatened. It is
therefore necessary to decouple the Afghan peace process from the India-Pakistan conflict. Moreover, the
intra-Afghan process must be complemented by a trilateral dialogue involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

India’s role: threat or cooperation?

US interlocutor for Afghan-Taliban talks Zalmay Khalilzad on 15th Sept. and shared details of the Afghan peace
process with India and urged Delhi to continue with its constructive role in the landlocked country. However,
Pakistan feels that India’s role could be a threat to Pakistan’s regional stability as well as India doesn't want
Pakistan to have a positive relation with Afghanistan which according to India’s fear, could result into
economic and strategic losses to India.

However, India is taking a low-profile approach to the Afghan peace process and exercising great security
policy restraint. It has instead established itself as a solid partner in development cooperation. India is the fifth
largest bilateral donor in Afghanistan; in the region, it ranks first, ahead of China and Iran. India is one of the
strongest proponents of the Afghan government in the peace process. India insists on an Afghan-led,
Afghan-owned, and Afghan-controlled peace solution, expressing its dissatisfaction that the Afghan
government was left out of the Doha process. With increasing Pakistan and Taliban cooperation, Taliban
involvement could mean serious loss of influence for India. 17
CSS Magazine edition 3

To the outside world, India propounds a purely development policy strategy. India maintains infrastructure and
education projects throughout Afghanistan, as well as diplomatic missions in Kabul which could further be a
threat to Pakistan’s relation with Afghanistan.

Peace talk Aspects: Hope?

1.Permanent Ceasefire: Meeting in Doha, Qatar and the announcement of complete; country-wide ceasefire for
the first time after two-decade long war has raised the bar for future regional and intra-Afghan stability

2.Rights of Women & Minorities: Afghanistan’s government as well as UN prospect demanded the right of
women which has not been granted to women for so long. Hence, it is also included in one of the aspects of
peace talks. However, Taliban leader’s demand has been to employ islamic state with complete islamic rules. To
this, many analysts still believe that women rights would be compromised.

3.Political Settlement: "The choice of your political system is yours to make & we believe firmly that protecting
the rights of all Afghans is the best way for you to break the cycle of violence." - The head of Afghanistan's peace
council Dr. Abdullah Abdullah said in response to Taliban Leader demand that Afghanistan should "have an
Islamic system in which all tribes and ethnicities of the country find themselves without any discrimination
and live their lives in love and brotherhood." - Taliban leader Mullah Baradar Akhund.

Analysis: Analysing the above mentioned prospects of Afghan peace talk, it seems to be a well-defined and
cooperative agreement. However, there are still bits of uncertainty to the gender discrimination issues as well
as the compromise between democratic and Islamic political settlement. It is the job of mediators as well as the
indicators of good governance to be implemented to the further assurance of peace sustainability. A settlement
must be inclusive of women, as without women, civil society and the state are more fragile and exclusive. A
settlement that does not protect women would render the sacrifices that so many have made
meaningless—and grant peace to the few while forgetting the many.

UNHCR & Afghan Refugees Problem:

Apart from the euphoria and amazement the peace talk brought to the region, it has raised the question of the
refugees all over again. There are almost 2.7 million registered refugees from Afghanistan! Four decades of
bloodshed have left millions of Afghans in exile, with neighbouring Pakistan and Iran showing tremendous 18
CSS Magazine edition 3

generosity and hospitality through the years. Yet the world’s attention – and crucially, its funding – has shifted
to other corners of the globe. Now, is the time to protect the Afghan refugees and make them go back to their
homes. - Antonio Guterres, 2020.

Taking in so many Afghan refugees has put an undeniable strain on Pakistan & Iran which are currently home
to 90% of the registered refugees worldwide.

But hosting Afghans has also brought benefits, said Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, as refugees and hosts
forged closer ties in various spheres of life. “This is a remarkable relationship that has endured,” he said.

We need to think of them as people and we need to deploy 21st century solutions. - Sania Nishtar
What's next?

The Taliban nonetheless perceive that they enter these talks in a strong position—but seriousness about the
process may not imply eagerness to compromise. A common Taliban view is that they have effectively won the
war, the U.S. will soon leave, and the Taliban will be left as the strongest Afghan party. For some, this means
they can demand predominance in any future government; for others, it means the main effort remains a
military victory; still for others, reaching some equitable settlement is important because the war may never
end without one. A successful deal will depend on the latter view prevailing. This in turn will depend on
negotiators from both sides finding a formula that satisfies just enough of the Taliban’s objectives to warrant
their stopping more than a quarter century of continual fighting. The regional states, especially India, Iran,
Russia, and China, are proponents of a peace process led by Afghanistan, but by this they really mean a security
architecture that remains within the regional sphere of responsibility and safeguards their national interests.
In future, they will have to be measured against their foreign policy actions. Lastly for Pakistan, rehabilitating
the Taliban is not necessarily advantageous: the Pakistani leadership would then have to deal with the Taliban
as an independent actor that plays by international rules. India, which has so far refused official contact with
the Taliban, would lose influence in Afghanistan if the Taliban were legalised. Hoping for the peace deal to
sustain, regional interests still lie and can enhance or even deteriorate conditions in upcoming years.

The writer is a freelance contributor and has done BSc in

International Relations from University of London.

*Figure Retrieved from | | | 19

Chapter 3
Assessing the Abraham Accord

Abdul Samad Khan

Assessing the Abraham Accord

The UAE_ Israel deal, recently extended towards Bahrain, to

normalize their ties brokered by USA appeals to different
stakeholders in a number of ways. The deal followed the
opinion of the UAE's ambassador to Washington Yusuf al
Uthaiba published in Hebrew language Israeli daily two
months before the deal was brokered calling the Israel's
annexation of the occupied Palestinian territory to be halted.
However, it indicated the possible normalisation of the
bilateral ties between the two states which had already been
observed in their covert cooperation in areas like security
and intelligence. The deal would normalize the ties between
UAE and Israel and will put a temporary full stop on Israel’s
annexation of its occupied Palestinian territory. The deal was
not rebuked by the majority in the Arab world. Only Turkey
came up openly against the deal. Similarly, Iran and
Palestinian did not render their nod to the deal. However, a
bulk of Muslim states including Pakistan sent a confused

The deal has multifarious implications for different stakeholders. Isreal has been endowed with the desired
recognition for its illegal status in the Muslim world especially in the Arab region. This normalisation may be
followed by other Arab states. The ties_normalisation initiative may prove cooperative in the de_ escalation
of growing tensions between Isreal and Iran. Internally, the deal may protect the Israel’s Prime Minister
Netanyahu from the possible trial in corruption cases. It will secure a massive support for the Netanyahu’s
administration in the Jewish community. Moreover, it will cover the failure of the Netanyahu’s
administration in handling the covid_19. Similarly, the deal will curtail the Jordan turning into a Palestine
_like state with annexation of the Jordan valley, the tussle between the hard-line annexationists and liberal
anti_ annexationists in USA. Joe Biden will be relieved of the annexation drama if he wins.

Similarly, the deal appeals to UAE in a plethora of spheres. UAE will get benefit from the normalisation of the
ties in the ways of technology, tourism and economy among others. UAE is said to have thrown its intention
of being the diplomatic and political master of the Arab world with the growing down play in KSA’s role in the
Gulf Council of Cooperation and the Muslim world. UAE is also opined to have penned down the deal to halt 22
the increasing influence of Turkey in the Muslim world and its infiltration in the Arab region. UAE seems the
emerging Turkish reality difficult to be halted by virtue of its Sunni nature and the growing economic entity.
The deal seems to be less concerned with the Israel matter than the prevention of the growing Turkish
power. Moreover, an opinion is put forward about the deal having little to do with the Iran's factor. Iran is
thought of being taken into confidence about the brokered deal in the foreign minister- level meeting
between Iran and UAE concluded four days before the said deal.UAE wants to promote cooperation
between Iran and Israel thereby reducing their tensions and curtailing the growing influence of Turkey.
However, it must be made clear that Iran has sent a strong response to the normalisation initiative while
rejecting it. It might be due to the UAE's intention to have a strong defensive and technological front against
Iran. In addition, UAE is conscious of the upcoming Presidential election in USA which, if Biden wins, would
be inimical to UAE's anti_Iran and Turkey approach. Likewise, the new player of this game Bahrain will avail
this opportunity in areas, inter alia, technology and economy.

Likewise, the normalisation initiative will edge Trump in his campaign for the upcoming presidential
election. The Jewish community will possibly come out to back Donald Trump in his run for the presidential
chair. The deal brokered by US is also an indication of the US’ decades long policy vis_a_vis Palestinian
conflict. The upcoming November will decide the future of the US-Iran tussle which would turn back to the
2015 P5+1 deal in case Biden wins. The relection of Trump is essential to the future of the Israel and Arab

Pakistan may revisit its decades long approach regarding its ties with Israel. Pakistan should visit its posture
vis-a-vis the isolation of Israel. It should ponder over the fact whether it got the desired outcomes while
hardening its ties with Israel. Pakistan should also consider whether Israel stopped its annexation of the
occupied territory. Moreover, it should also take into consideration whether the Arabs on whose will
Pakistan has stayed off recognizing Israel have remained off in their mutual ties with Israel. If not, then
Pakistan should visit its policy whereby it may achieve what it desires. Moreover, most of the Gulf Council
of Cooperation countries have bilateral agreements with India thereby getting them silent on the key policy
issue of Pakistan- Kashmir. Similarly, although KSA has refused opening up its ties with Israel openly, yet it
provides the air space to Israel to cross over it to UAE in addition to the trade and cooperation of KSA with

China is an emerging economic power by virtue of its key role in regional and global political set up. It has
various trade agreements with many Arab states and is also one of the largest oil exporters of the Middle
East. It has also initiated its multi-billion dollar project Belt and Road Initiative. Despite all this, it has cordial
ties with Israel and Arab world. It is trying to expend its soft power via investment and developmental 23
projects in the region and across it. It will intact its status quo vis_a_vis its approach to avoid any
undesired foreign involvement. Similarly, Russia is resurging militarily and is a key player in the Middle
Eastern region. It is supporting Assad’s regime in Syria against the rebels backed by the GCC bloc and
USA. The deal may reflect upon its regional and global stakes especially in the Middle East.

The deal is auguring major developments in the regional and global politics. This normalisation initiative of
bilateral ties may be followed by other Arab states. It will possibly help UAE in its intention to be the major
stakeholder in Arab politics. It may also fulfil desire of containing the growing influence of Turkey if it
succeeds in launching joint efforts with Iran and Israel. Similarly, Israel may get more Arab countries on its
back in addition to merits the deal will render the Netanyahu’s administration in its national politics. For
US, the deal has two sides: helping out Trump in his presidential election and secondly, the US's Iran policy
would depend on the forthcoming presidential elections which will affect the said deal- like initiatives in
future if Biden wins.

The writer is a freelancer and can be reached at

*Figure Retrieved from He is an MA degree holder from NUML Islamabad.
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Chapter 4
The Bipolar State of International
Politics: Fear vs Hope

Sir Awaid Irshad Bhatti

Chapter 3

The Bipolar State of International Politics:

Fear vs Hope
It is the inherent nature of man that he becomes vulnerable whenever faced with inexplicable adverse
circumstances. This phenomenon is precisely what happened post financial crisis of 2007 that not only hit the
US economy but also markets around the globe. Driving many people into sudden homelessness and poverty,
the crisis began to impact the domestic socio political scenario at close quarters. After that debacle and its
ramifications, the Western societies began to see a sudden influx of Syrian refugees and consequently began
to see a rise in the terrorist incidents that were merely news stories in their lives. Rather than political
analysts, I want you to assess these changes from the perspective of the small farmer in eastern France or
industrial worker in American Midwest. Surely, rhetoric that was used by opposition parties against status quo
became a reality for people as they saw their lives directly impacted by the negative consequences of
governmental decisions.

This is where politics comes in. It is the art of capitalizing on the mood of the populace and channeling it to
reflect in the electoral results. The disgruntled and disillusioned population needed the champions of change.
And change comes into major dimensions. Either you inculcate fear by indicating the worst possible scenarios
and using dramatic hyperboles or you can create an environment of hope where you can aim for corrective
actions that can ensure the prosperous inclusive society. Both of these electoral pitches are grounded in the
assumption that the current scenario is not optimal and stark interventions need to be sought. As the crucial
elections of United States approach, it is vital to fathom upon the changing realities of our society.

This conceptual idea of bipolar state of contemporary

international politics is rooted in the seemingly
unexpected election results around the world.
Consider the US to start off with, Trump manifested
the rhetoric of intimidation and ‘fear’ citing his
notorious Mexican wall and the muslin ban. Now
Biden and in the last elections Clinton became the
poster child for the status quo having served as the
former Vice President and former Secretary of State
respectively. Whereas contrary to all odds Bernie
surprisingly fared really well and continues to do so
on the premise of an ‘outsider’ inculcating ‘hope’.

In France, for the first time in the last several decades,

the mainstream Republican and Socialist parties lost
in the initial rounds. Whereas the new emerging En
Route party of Emmanuel Macron with the notion of
‘hope’ and Marine Le Pen one of ‘fear’ prevailed. In UK,
Jeremy Corbyn who was touted as a Socialist
struggling to garner support within the Labour party
fared surprisingly well on the premises of creating a
new inclusive route of British policies. In Greece with
Alexis Tspiras, in Canada with Trudeau and in Korea
with Moon Jae In, forces that were once considered
minnows for challenging the political incumbents
have trumped. 26
CSS Magazine edition 3

In the tumultuous world scenario, major changes in

domestic politics are expected. Whilst some
countries have shunned the nationalist and
ultra-right wing rhetoric, others have seemed to
have embraced it. In this time, it is thereby vital for
the political parties to recalibrate their approaches
to address the real grievances of the people or face
political repercussions. The growing awareness and
connectivity owing to the social media and digital
technologies has made access to information
ubiquitous. Ironically, still the access to credible
information is limited. Thus, perceptions in this
growing day and age matter.

All is not sunny as it used to be. Long standing

domestic party politics around the world is more
vulnerable now than ever to major changes. The
people on both sides of the spectrum have
understood that, it is time that the political leaders
also understand that too.

*Figure Retrieved from 27

CSS Magazine edition 3

How to make CSS schedule? A detailed guide.

Are you the one overwhelmed by the hefty amount of CSS syllabus? And is overthinking all your time in how
to make a schedule for CSS?

Well! You need not to worry anymore. Cause we are here to bump up your mood and get you started with
some experienced guidelines on how to make CSS study schedule.

Well, you will also get “Good” scores if you follow suit.

1) Make Short term Goals

The very first step is to make short term goals that will ultimately help you achieve long-term plans. Figure
out your strengths and weaknesses and start working on getting towards your primary target.

2) Be an Early Riser
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise!

We know it is challenging to get out of bed early, but it is not impossible. Right?
And if you are the CSS aspirant, then you must give yourself a nice push.

The study plan plays a vital role in proper preparation. Gear up your timetable and routine in accordance
with your daily goal. A fresh mind grasp new things way too quickly than a tired one.

3) Making your Notes

Self-notes (detailed and one-liner) are going to be your life savior in the last hour of revision.

Never rely on other aspirants for their notes.

Keep this in your mind!

4) Read Newspaper Daily

Keep an update of what is happening nationally and internationally on an everyday basis.

You don’t need to cram all the news, but it is beneficial to get a know-how of everything in the news. This
will also help you in keeping an update of statistics, case study and reports for CSS preparation.

Cause the more you know, the better.

5) Stay Motivated
A sad reality is there are going to be some rough days. No added sugar coat!

But you should always remind yourself, “Why did you start in the first place”?

This trick will aid you in staying motivated as well as help you stay focused.

Hope this guide will help you organize and make your very own personalized study plan for CSS and gives
you a direction to work towards your strengths and weaknesses. A proper timetable will assist you in
completing your daily, weekly and monthly goals. Prepare your notes religiously and keep updating the

Last but not least, believe in yourself because you can, and you will ace the CSS exams. 29
CSS Magazine edition 3

Aap k Sawal, Hamary Jawab

(CSS Online Registration)
“Sir mainy abhi fresh graduation ki hai lakin abhi degree nhi mili, tou sir kya mai transcript par apply krskta

“Sir documents kon say submit krwany hain?”

A lot of such queries are popping in as the CSS online registration has started. Some very sane to some very
odd and dumb.

So, keep reading if you want to know what those queries are, and you might also find some handy
information regarding the submission of the application form.

Let’s begin by answering some of your top trending sawalat related to the CSS online registration procedure.

Starting with little sane questions first.

Which documents to submit?

You would have to submit the following khagzaat!

-Attested copy of your CNIC.

-Attested copy of your matriculation/O levels certificate and intermediate/Alevels certificate (Result
card/Marks sheets/Provincial certificate will not be accepted).

-Your recent 4 passport size pictures.

-Attested copy of your domicile.

-Attested copy of your degree(s).

-Certificate of disability from the competent authority (if applicable).

-Azad Kashmir applicants are required to submit the certificate from the Kashmir affairs division.

-Certificate of minority (if applicable).

-Government servants required to submit departmental permission certificate.

-No objection certificate if the applicant was ex-employee of armed of Pakistan.

-Attested certificate for Provincial/ Federal Tribal Areas candidates and those belonging to Gilgit-Baltistan.

Zaruri Hadayat: All the documents should be attested, including the passport size photos.
And attestation can be done by any 17th-grade officer.

If we do not have a degree, can we apply on a transcript?

Yes, you can apply on your current transcript if you have not gotten your degree yet. So no need to panic,
you can still appear in the exam. 30
CSS Magazine edition 3

How many seats are available?

Bht bacha hai bhai css deny wala!

Where the number of students that appear every year is always more significant, the seats, on the other
hand, are limited. The seats are allocated based on the passing stages. First, the students who clear the
written test and get qualified for the interview, they are assigned seats according to the merit. The merit is
then divided among 4 provinces and allocation happens (woman quota is available as well). But all in all, there
is no set figure so we cannot tell you an exact answer for this, the kind of response you are expecting.

Whose signature we need to do in the signature section on challan form?

Apny signature nahi krnay!

Yes, this signature section is not for you. This is for the bank ONLY.

Is it necessary to upload passport size picture with the blue background?

YES, it is essential. We know the passport size picture shows the ugliest you and how much you do not want
to show it. But the photo with the only blue background will be accepted.

The number of occupational groups? And how should we arrange them in

preference order?
There are total of 12 groups, and you can choose any. One thing here to note is that these group selections
won’t be the final, and you will be asked about it before the interview as well. After that, the groups will be
finalized and will be allocated according to the merit.

Can we change optional subjects once we have submitted documents in hard

No, you cannot change your optional subjects after you have submitted your application.

Jo chooses krlia hai bs krlia hai!

Note: If you really want to change your optional subjects then you need to request FPSC and send them a
written application. And this process takes around 2-months. So it is always suggested to avoid such

Does the centre of examination matter?

Why do you guys think that centre of the examination will matter? Do you guys have this perception that
perhaps “Kuch centres mai easy scene hoga (read: cheating scene hoga, I don’t know). What is it that really
makes you guys curious about exam centres? But to clarify, the examination center does not matter.

Which option GPA/Grade/Division on the form should I choose if my

graduation marks are in the percentage and not in GPA?
You should select “Division” category if your marks are in a percentage figure.

Is it essential to add sibling’s information?

Yes, you need to add all the information that is asked about your siblings. No questions asked! 31
CSS Magazine edition 3

Along with that, we are also getting some DUMB queries (Read: might be dumb for us but not for you, that is
why answering them here, nonetheless)

How to print the hard copy of the form?

Well, this sounds dumb if you have not filled the online form yet and has started conveniently asking about it
from others. So, the answer is when you submit the online application, there will come an option to
download it. Click on that option to download and then simply get it photocopied.

Attesting passport pictures will make the face blur and unclear.
Well, firstly this is not a question and secondly use little common sense and attest them at the backside of
the passport pictures.

And some particular questions as well such as,

I have a broken finger, what to do? Or I have a fallan disease what should I do
in that case?
So, questions like these are very specific, and we simply do not have any answer to these. Therefore, if you
have such particular queries related to the eligibility or associated with any other issue, then you need to call
on the official number of FPSC and get your answer from them, directly. 32
CSS Magazine edition 2


Chapter 1
Criminal Justice System of

Mam Zarbab Fatima 2019

Chapter 1

Criminal Justice System of Pakistan

Pakistan’s criminal justice system has become notorious, and rightly so, for its delays and inefficiencies. Not
only is it now known to be a tool for the powerful, but its performance has also resulted in individuals taking
law into their own hands. When discussing these issues, people tend to relate the matter to judicial reforms.
However, what they fail to realize is that the issue at hand is far broader than they believe it to be, expanding
over various institutions and departments. From reporting to investigation; prosecution to conviction, every
stage in the criminal justice needs reforms. In order to understand the shortcomings, one must study the
criminal justice system focusing individually on its three pillars i.e. the Police, the Prosecution and the

When asked the first thing that comes to an individual’s mind when he hears the word “Police”, one of the most
common answers in Pakistan is “corrupt”. It is wrong to generalize an entire institution in such a harsh way,
when many put their sweat and blood into their work but nonetheless, corruption is by far the biggest issue our
police force faces. This does not mean however, that the police only resort to this for benefiting their own
pockets. Police are often seen asking for asking for fuel money if the investigation requires travelling, the
reason being lack of basic funds. At many stations, severe lack of resources leads to officers paying for office
equipment themselves. Apart from corruption and budget, recruitment and training add to the long list of
problems. It is normally the senior officers who receive specialized and updated training even though the ones
who need it the most are those carrying out investigations; the junior officers. If we have a look at their
investigation methods, they are highly outdated considering we live in an era of forensic and digital
investigation. Not only this, but the evidence they manage to collect is often poorly recorded and stored,
whereas the crime scene is normally contaminated. It is surprising enough that although the investigation
procedure is one of the most crucial parts of criminal justice, investigating officers make up only a rough
thirteen percent of the entire police force.

After the investigation of a criminal case, the next step is to take the case to trial which is a decision that
ultimately rests with prosecutor. The prosecution is perhaps the most underrated part of the criminal justice
process even though it is them who makes a case presentable in court. It is the job of the prosecutor to present
the evidence against the alleged in court, and ensure this evidence is enough for conviction. However, like the
police, the prosecution faces severe lack of funds, especially since it has been separated from the police.
Induction of recruits with criminal expertise still remains one of the biggest challenges. Prior to induction,
there is no exclusive training for a lawyer that can enable him to become a better prosecutor. To make matters
worse, even after these young lawyers have been inducted as prosecutors, there is no specialized training
either. These prosecutors then have limited role and influence in the investigative phase which eventually leads

CSS Magazine edition 2

to a weak trial. If, on the other hand, prosecutors

were given this access, they would have been able to
advise the police timely and cases would not go to
court with insufficient evidence and witnesses who
constantly change their statements. Unfortunately,
in our country, cases are lost before they even make
it to court.

If a criminal case is able to make it past the police

and prosecution, landing itself in court, our
inefficient judiciary ensures it takes years for the
victim to get justice. Just like its predecessors, this
pillar too faces severe financial constraints with
insufficient number of courts and judges. However,
this problem is only one out of many. According to a
report by World Prison Brief, in 2019, pre-trial detainees in Pakistan’s Prisons made up 62.1% of the total
number of prisoners. This means that more than two-thirds of our prisoners have not even been proven guilty.
Instead, they are simply waiting for their case to be heard in court. One major reason for this is the frequent
adjournment of cases. According to a study conducted by the Legal Aid Office, on any given day, there was a
58.65 per cent chance that their case would be adjourned. Even if we manage to make enough courts and hire
enough judges, the expertise of these judges could still come under question. Many judges are fresh graduates
with minimal years of experience. They lack specialization, meaning they have acquired no special training in
either civil or criminal law. Topping this off are our outdated legislations, both substantive and procedural,
which have been amended far less than they should have been.

Analyzing these problems can make any individual

lose hope in Pakistan’s Criminal Justice System,
however, reform always needs to begin somewhere.
The first issue to tackle would be the budget
provided for this purpose but that too is related to
the economy and the financial stability of the
country. What needs to be emphasized the most is
the training of anyone recruited in this sector, be it
the police, prosecutor or the judge. Modern
techniques and specialization in their areas need to
be ensured so that a case can transition smoothly
from its investigation to the conviction. Special
importance needs to be given to the protection of
both judges and special witnesses, perhaps building
an efficient witness protection system of our own. All
three branches need to work with cooperation and
coordination, making the prosecutor involved since
day one. Apart from these institutional corrections,
our parliament must be able to set aside their
differences in order to make all necessary changes to
the legislation. It will indeed be a difficult journey,
however, this journey ought to begin sooner than

*Figure Retrieved from 38
Chapter 2
Hurdles to women empowerment

Abdul Aziz Khan

Chapter 2

Hurdles to Women Empowerment

Empowerment refers to provision of a particular status and power to an individual, group or a society.
Likewise, women empowerment revolves around increasing the strength, participation and importance of
women in various facets of the society w ultimately leading to the development of entire nation or a country.

A boom to the economic growth of any country greatly depends on to what extent the women of that
country are involved in the developmental tasks. Unfortunately, the role of women is masked and
unfortunately minimized by the patriarchal society around the globe. There are many barriers in empowering
women in any aspect be it socio-cultural, legal or political. Despite all the efforts being put in running the
campaigns in favor of women, their empowerment still seems like an illusion. There are inevitable variables
that are a hurdle to the women’s way up to the higher designations.

The factors, on which women’s professional surge relies upon, serves as a glass ceiling and a negative aura
which is backed up by many other strong cultural pillars which are discussed as following:

1. Gender discrimination:
A factor which has been prevalent globally since forever is negatively discriminating women on the basis of
their sexual identity. They are not given the leadership roles on the basis that they don’t have enough
experience of exploring the world outside the house chores. Despite being more qualified than most of the
men in any corporate region, women are deprived of the opportunities and tasks that could lead to
promotions and are confined to the side/routine tasks with no professional growth. They face disparity in
their payrolls. The basis of this thought is that men are more muscular, strong, outgoing and having more
experience. However, the decisions to be taken depend more on the intellect, non biasness and stable
decision making which could be found in any human being regardless of the gender.

2. Access to opportunities:
many women are not given the access to the opportunities to take part in the activities that would contribute
in the efforts to empower women. Few of the factors are discussed below:

A. lack of education:
This is one of the basic drawbacks of many societies in different parts of the world. Women are not given
equal access to the education due to the prevalent backward mindset. Among the children people prefer to
give their sons higher education and prepare their daughters for marriage.

B. family responsibilities:
women are over burdened with household chores and are being told to be good at them if they want to be
successful in their marital lives. They stand deprived of the opportunities to be professionally successful and
kept busy in homebuilding and raising their children. And if by any chance they get to struggle to make their
ambitions their professions, or leading in the jobs they are doing, they ultimately give up due to the
unmanageable burden on their shoulders.

C. female infanticide: 3. Security issues:

Again, illiterate mindsets are everywhere. People women are capable of performing office work as
steep below the humanity level when they decide well as far away field work but their security
to kill their daughters on their birth, and concern becomes a hot issue every time a woman is
sometimes even before they are born. They think selected for any critical task. Most common opinion
of them as burdens and this mentality is very is that they are not safe outside the boundaries of
common in Asia. their house or the workplace. They must be
guarded by a man so what’s the point of assigning
the task to any women when a man has to go with
her, said by many bosses. And it doesn’t stop here,
when women show courage and step out of their
patriarchal prisons, they get murdered in the name
of ‘honor killing’ by their fathers, brothers or
husbands. 41
CSS Magazine edition 2

A general survey was conducted on ‘social constraints faced by female personnel’ showing women are truly
held captivated directly or indirectly.

Keeping women away from opportunities does not only bar the growth of a nation but also demonstrates the
flaws of ‘the society collectively and how unfair dealings have become a societal mainstream. Raising the
voice for the rights of women is labeled negatively as feminism. Furthermore, men who actually have
implemented the true essence of their education and knowledge into the practical life and know the
importance of women, when they try becoming the backbone of women and support them, they are taken
aback by the negative pull they get to face. Hence, women empowerment is not a terminology but an uneven
path with variety of hurdles on its way to the final destination.

Women subjugation has been the most trending culture since the beginning of the humanity. In many parts
of the world, even today, women are considered as the oppressed group and with no signs of justice to be
given to them by the crippled, men dominant society. The same society is blinded by the power and rights
given to them, unaware of the fact that women form the basis of any society.
Modern world and the economy need to incorporate women in every single profession that leads to the
economical growth and development of a nation as a whole. And to see a revolutionary change, this is the
need of the hour to start educating women and make men aware of the importance of women

*Figure Retrieved from vvv
ding-working-women-goes-viral-online-twitterati-shower-praise-503309 42
Chapter 3
Populist Politics of Pakistan

Sir Awaid Irshad Bhatti

Chapter 3

Populist Politics of Pakistan

Throughout Pakistani’s history and its occasional democratic electoral process, the populace has sought to
punish the incumbent party for the shortcomings of the status quo. The limbo between PPP and PML N was
based on channelling those dissenting voices into voting results. Whilst, the incumbent party seems to
understand the concept of relevance by continuously mounting pressure on the opposing parties, it often fails
to understand how to communicate with the populace to convert mere positive sentiments into tangible votes.

Politics is not a game of facts, it’s a game of perception. The megaprojects, the epitome of misplaced priorities,
sell perfectly in the court of the people. Whilst me and you can agree or disagree on the state of hospitals in
KP, we cannot disagree on the presence and consistent use of the Metro bus. We, the intellectual political
analysts, are merely a tiny fraction of this electoral system. We can decipher what the PM says, but
unfortunately his points do not seem to resonate amongst the rural class of Pakistan that form the bulk of
voters in the nascent democratic structure of Pakistan.

These people are vexed by the long power outages, the plight of the farmers and growing unemployment. They
already have heard the rhetoric of corrupt politicians and how Nawaz and Zardari amassed wealth. Its not a
novel idea in Pakistani politics nor is it a surprise for many. The incumbent party does not merely have to sell
themselves on the basis of their honesty but rather on the basis of their service delivery to the people whose
threshold for development had been greatly reduced after the past governments. Similarly, electoral rigging is
not the problem that galvanises them to divulge from long standing party affiliations. What they care about is
how Imran aims to mitigate the actual problems they face. How he stands with the farmers when they
protested in Lahore, how he stands with the people of local businessmen as they protested against power
outages and how he stands with the young doctors when they were out in the streets.

This kind of politics is flawed in two ways. Firstly, it is against the principles of being the ‘voice of the people’
when you ask them to stand for your causes, no matter how trivial they may seem to the rural populace, and
isolate them when they stand for theirs. Secondly, politics is about doing the right thing at the right time. By
not capitalizing on these issues, Imran loses out an opportunity to garner mass political support that anxiously
aspires for.

You know why the narrative of “Roti, Kapra Makaan” by Bhutto yielded such a long lasting

unconditional support that is still leveraged by the PPP. It is because it resonated with the three basic problems
of the people. Showing documents on projector screens in mass gatherings in front of largely illiterate crowds 46
CSS Magazine edition 2

in rural Sindh and Punjab, can maybe fill ‘jalsas’ but

fails to convert that crowd into potential voters.

Filling the processions are important however utilizing

this crowd to sweep elections does not require just an
amiable and honest face but a clever politician. One
who is a man of the people. He needs to play the right
moves. Sleeping with the protestors on the street,
standing with the farmers in scorching heats might
not be comfortable but that is what is often needed to
paint a public image.

History remembers you if you stand on the right side

in bringing the country to prosperity. But history does
not remember you if you are never in a government
position to create that change in the first place. In
politics, if you want the legacy you aspire for, you need to understand that legacy is hinged on electoral
success. And having massive political gatherings and gaining massive electoral leads are two separate

Machiavelli famously remarked that in politics often facts matter less whereas the perception matters more.
This idea had been galvanising the opposition forces to convene high level meetings in Islamabad to ponder
upon the strategy after the PM gets disqualified.

As the local government elections approach, It is important to remember that the target audience for the
politicians and the bulk of the voter bank in the country belongs to the under -educated poor population. To
capitalize on the election result, it is important to understand their reaction to the country’s developments.
Regardless of the diatribe you get from the media analysts, leveraging on this voter group can land you into the
coveted government seats.

*Figure Retrieved from 47
Chapter 4
Democracy in Pakistan: A
Theoretical Framework

Hamza Ahmed

Chapter 4

Democracy in Pakistan: A Theoretical Framework

This is August 11, 1947. He has been elected as first president of the new constituent assembly. He is
addressing the newly born nation and he talks about religious freedom, tolerance, and an emphasis on a
federal state. He is the father of Pakistan: Quaid-e-Azam. The main keywords of his speech are: “You are free;
you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in
this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed- that has nothing to do with the
business of the state”. One can obviously construe the basic ideology, at the simplest level,of the father of the
nation: Democracy. Basically, democracy means, “the government of people”. Pakistan came into existence
to surge as a Democratic Republic. One point should be noted here is the difference of opinion regarding the
founding ideology of the country, i.e., whether it had to be a Secular State or the Islamic Republic. To indulge
in this discussion us out of the scope of this writing. Nevertheless, there is a consensus that Pakistan was to
be a democratic republic. The orchestration of a democratic republic has two main endeavours. First, there
ought to be a democratic culture and second is that there must be a democratic process.

Let's explore these two steps according to Pakistan. If one has a look at democratic culture; then, it is a
prerequisite for any country to be a democratic state. A democratic state entails social peace, economic
growth, and political freedom. Upon exploring these notions, one can get an overview of certain actions and
norms that ought to be ingrained in the social consciousness of the people. First, social peace ensures
religious tolerance which lessens the class-conflict between the masses. This direction, a well-organized
society with the insight of civic duties is formed. Subsequently, it also reduces the crime rate in society.
Second, economic growth is guaranteed with the inculcation of democratic culture in a society. People
become educated and it reduces the rate of unemployment in Pakistan. Third, when masses are
economically stable and they are well awared of the rights and duties, the political freedom in that state will
be ensured. Thus, democratic culture is essential to secure the penetration of democracy in its essence.

After a discourse on democratic culture, the comprehensive discussion on the democratic process is worthy
to discuss. The democratic process is the way, the political system chooses and replaces political
governments in a state. This process has three tangents which will enlighten the reader with regard to this
aspect. First, a free and fair system of periodic elections will assure the will of masses in the corridors of
power. Second, the presence of multi-party system should necessarily be there to depict the interests of the
people who belong to different social classes. Third, the party which represents the majority of population
ought to be there to run the apparatuses of the state. These are aspects that are considered to be a
foundation of the democratic process.

A complete discussion of two basic facets of democracy has compelled the writer to move on the main 49
CSS Magazine edition 2

exposition of this writing, i.e. apply the derived thesis on Pakistan. The country has faced numerous
challenges in becoming a democratic state. Historically speaking, Pakistan is still an immature state when it
comes to democracy. The country was incepted in vulnerable circumstances: Massive illiteracy, a bulk to
refugees, Indian hostility, a cold war, and a lot more that culminated into a battered democratic state. The
experts were opined that Pakistan will urge India for re-amalgamation in the near future. But this did not
happen. However, the country was plunged into a war with India when it was in the phase of management in
1948. This compelled Pakistan to invest in the military; inversely, the investment in sustainable development
was put on the back-burner. Due to this, the literacy level went down along with the dose of a staggering
economy; Pakistan lagged in developing a democratic culture. Furthermore, a political tumult further
deteriorated the miasma in Pakistan during the 1950s. This created a vacuum that attracted a force that was
military. Succinctly, the army coup was the result that thrashed democratic culture as well as the democratic
process. The political landscape beleaguered when the political parties were banned during the military
regime. Conclusively, in the beginning, Pakistan lacked democratic culture and that resulted in the loss of the
democratic process as well.

To move forward, democracy was mocked during those years by autocrats. Is this manner, the subsequent
political governments were following the vestige of authoritarian rule instead of majoritarian rule. Till 1990s,
the country has seen a political turmoil with unstable democratic state of affairs. Yet the current dilemma is
not much disappointing compared to the history of this nation-state. I would like to apply the thesis of
Francis Fukuyama in the current democratic enlightenment of Pakistani masses. Francis Fukuyama argued in
his magnum opus “Political Order and Political Decay” that a state where people start growing economically,
start getting educated, and socially conscious. After growing in these two main fields, they start demanding

their inalienable rights from the rulers. This whole

endeavour finalises the democracy in that state. One
can easily draw parallel between the thesis and the
current social environment in Pakistan. The people are
becoming economically strong as the middle class of
the country is rising above the horizons. They are
those who are getting educated and also spreading it.
For instance, the effective use of social media by this
class is holding the state institutions accountable. And
obvious misconduct or any other miserable
incident-such as motorway rape case-gets a massive
social media coverage within a few minutes. People
are now demanding their rights regardless of any
ethnic divide or any other barrier. This shows that the
scummbing democratic culture in reviving in the
country. To sum up, a strong democratic state will be
established and the so-called guardians will seek
someone to guard them in the near future quite

*Figure Retrieved from 50
Essay Special
Types of Essays in CSS
Sir. Abrar

CSS Magazine edition 3

Types of Essays in CSS

1-Issue based Essay/Expository Essay
2-Argumentative Essay


Issue-based Essay Argumentative Essay

Climate change: Threats and solu- When gold rusts, what shall the iron do

Crisis of good governance in Pakistan:

When life throws lemons, make
Need for Reforms & Institution

Global Power Dynamics & Pakistan’s Foreign Voilence is the last refuge of the
Policy Incompetent

Structure of an Outline:
(Argumentative Essay)

1st Para Introduction

2nd Para ‘What’ definition

3rd-5th Para ‘How and Why’ Main Arguments

6th-9th Para Case Studies

10th Para Inverse Logic

11th Para Recommendations

12th Para Conclusion

CSS Magazine edition 3

Structure of an Outline:
(Issue based Essay)

1st Para Introduction

2nd Para ‘What’ definition

3rd-8th Para Main Arguments

9th-10th Para Case Studies

11th Para Recommendations

12th Para Conclusion

Outline Examples:
1.Democracy is a culture, rather than a process.

1. A successful democratic system not only has a functional procedural democracy but also inculcates
democratic norms.
2. Democratic culture is the substance of democratic order that helps advance the country forward.
3. Democratic procedure devoid of democratic culture is not only undesirable but also dangerous.

II. What do the concepts of “democratic process”

and “democratic culture” entail?
1. Democratic system is composed of two components: process and culture.
2. Democratic process is the way political system chooses and replaces political government. It entails:
i. Periodic cycles of elections;
ii. Presence of multiparty system;
iii. Majoritarian form of government.

3. Democratic culture stands for progressive values that make political process fair and just. It implies:
i. Liberty and Equality;
ii. Diversity and Equity;
iii. Tolerance and Pluralism;
iv. Civic sense and Rule of Law. 53
CSS Magazine edition 3

III. Why is cultural democracy essential for the success of democratic system?
1. The grand promise of democracy – to achieve social peace, economic growth and political freedom for all –
cannot be realized through procedural democracy alone, and necessitates the development of democratic
values as well.

IV. How does democratic culture help realize the promise of democracy?
Social Peace: Values of equity, tolerance and pluralism create a cohesive social fabric where people are not
excluded or marginalized based on ascriptive status, such race, sex or ethnicity. This results in:
i. Lesser inter-group conflict,
ii. Greater cooperation and cultural harmony,
iii. Lesser crime and violence.

Economic Growth: The twin principles of liberty and equality ensures economic growth by creating a
system in which people are rewarded for their talent, hard work and intelligence. This leads towards:
i. Greater participation in workforce from all groups, including women and minorities.
ii. Greater participation leads market forces to enhance competition and innovation.

Political Freedom: Norms of civic responsibility and rule of law ensure a fair, transparent, accountable and
participatory political order. This creates:
i. Vigilant Public
ii. Greater Press freedom
iii. Restraint on the abuse of State power

V. Why is procedural democracy dangerous in the absence of

democratic culture?
1. In the absence of democratic culture, procedural democracy can morph into one of the following systems:
i. It can lead to majoritarianism and ‘rule of mob’ that persecutes minorities.
ii. It can turn into an aristocratic system that works only for the elite fragment of society at the cost of
collective interest.
iii. It paves way for demagogues to hijack democratic process and create authoritarian systems.

VI. What is the anecdotal evidence available to support the thesis?

1. The absence of democratic values in the German society allowed Adolf Hitler to acquire absolutist power
through a legitimate democratic process. He ended up orchestrating one of the largest genocides in human

2. Democratization of sub-Saharan Africa in the late 1980s has resulted in greater ethnic conflicts, political
violence and lower economic growth due to the legacy of colonialism that hinders the development of
progressive democratic culture.

3. Alternatively, the procedural democracy coupled with entrenched democratic norms in Nordic countries –
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland – has placed them in top 12 countries on Human
Development Index (HDI).

VII. How does the adage explain Pakistan’s troubled political journey?
1. One of the key factors that have created a tumultuous democratic order in Pakistan is the failure of State
and civil society to establish a vibrant culture of democracy in the country.

2. Pakistan’s undemocratic political culture – non-participatory, elitist and exclusivist– has created an
inefficient administrative and governance system.

i. This has historically led to unsteady economic growth, political instability, social strife and military
dictatorships in the country. 54
CSS Magazine edition 3

VIII. What can Pakistan and the developing world learn from the adage?
1. The development of democratic culture is an iterative process that involves both State and Civil Society.
2. Pakistan and other developing countries need to aggressively develop democratic norms via:
3. Progressive educational system,
4. Participatory forms of governance,
5. Greater provision of civil rights and liberties.

IX. Conclusion

2.Education makes a People easy to Lead and difficult to Drive;

Easy to Govern but impossible to Enslave”

1. Lack of education creates an apathetic, incompetent and subservient society.

2. Contrarily, education fosters mutual cooperation between the government and thepeople to promote
collective interests of the society.

3. Empirical and historical evidence suggest that the economic growth and spread ofcivil liberties are direct
outcomes of widespread education.

II. How does Education make a People easy to Lead?

1. Education is instrumental in imparting a sense of responsibility; thus, lack of education leads to poor civic

2.An educated society follows the lead of great reformers in order to achieve social progress
i. The Chinese polity under the leadership of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping transformed itself into one
of the most prosperous societies on modern times.
ii. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to lead an organized movement of Civil Rights due to the emancipative
consciousness imparted by education in African-Americans.

III. How does Education make it difficult for demagogues to Drive a Nation?
1. Lack of education impedes the critical thinking and rational reasoning among citizens. This makes it easier
for them to be manipulated by demagogues
i. It was easier for Adolf Hitler to propagate his vicious propaganda in Weimar Republic due to
widespread illiteracy and poverty.

2. A well-informed community is not swayed by incendiary rhetoric, making it easier for them to check their
populist impulses
i. In the same Germany, the Far-Right populist parties, such as AFD, have consistently failed to win
elections due to widespread education after WWII.

CSS Magazine edition 3

IV. How does Education make a country administratively easy to Govern?

1. Social ills such as crime, terrorism, tax evasion and corruption are rampant in societies that lack education,
making governance of such societies difficult.
i. High crime rate and low economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Somalia, Congo, Mali, Niger
etc., are strongly correlated with lower-levels of education.

2. Education creates a society of law abiding and productive citizens that spurs both governance and
economic growth.
i. The Nordic Countries — Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland— boast one of the best
educational systems, which causally explains their high ranking on Human Development Index (HDI).

V. How does Education make it impossible for autocrats to enslave a population?

1. It is easier for imperialists and autocrats to deny civil rights and liberties to uneducated people by
systematically disenfranchising them.
i. The system of Monarchy persisted till the end of Dark Ages precisely because widespread illiteracy
hampered people’s ability to organize for their rights.

2. Education emancipates people socially, economically and politically, which leads them to demand their rights
i. The spread of Democracy following the Age of Enlightenment was predicated on spread of reason and

VI. What can Pakistan learn from the adage?

1. Strengthening the education system in Pakistan will help the country in following regards, It will:
i. Curb the menace of crime, corruption and lawlessness
ii. Improve governance
iii. Strengthen civil society and culture of democracy

VII. Conclusion 56

Awaid Irshad Mubashir Iqbal Mubashir Iqbal

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Governance Criminology Topper* 2nd highest PSP, CSS 2019
and Public policies Criminology International Law

Muhammad Dawood Saleemi Syed Talaal Shah Hamza Abbas

2nd in CSS 2019 European Environmental
Sociology History Science 57
Press Review

CSS Magazine edition 3

Monthly Nevertheless, the Trump

administration is staying course
any separatism or unrest in
Xinjiang. That priority has

Press Review
with its initial plans to withdraw prompted the Chinese
all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by government to crack down on the
mid-2021. The move toward troop Uyghur Muslim minority, even

China’s Stake in
withdrawal will likely not change placing them in concentration
even if President Donald Trump camps in what is internationally

the Afghan loses his re-election bid this

November. His opponent, former
condemned as cultural genocide.
The same goal led China to offer
Peace Process Vice President Joe Biden, also to build key highway networks for
believes that American forces the Taliban to prompt the militant
need to be dramatically reduced group to reduce violence and
Afghanistan is already of strategic
to under 2,000 and that the establish peace in the country.
importance to Beijing. As U.S. troops
expensive war in Afghanistan
leave, China’s influence will grow.
needs to end. Although China has continued to
deny that Beijing is interested in
China’s President Xi Jinping and
An inevitable consequence of this building overseas military bases, it
Afghan Chief Executive Officer
U.S. retreat is that other great was reported early last year that
Abdullah Abdullah shake hands
powers will fill the military and China built a second foreign
during their meeting at the Great
economic vacuum left in military base in Tajikistan, near
Hall of the People in Beijing, China,
Afghanistan. China’s interest in the strategic Wakhan Corridor –
Tuesday, May 17, 2016.
Central Asia is far reaching and it the strip connecting Afghanistan
will look to use Afghanistan as a to China. The base is supposedly
Negotiations between the Afghan
corridor for its “March West.” The in place for counterterrorism
government delegation, comprising
only uncertainty is how this will efforts against Uyghur militants
government officials and civil
affect a future Afghan government and combatting other insurgents
society leaders, and the Taliban
and its development as a regional crossing the border into western
started last week in Doha, Qatar.
economic force. China. Similarly, in 2018, the
Representatives from the
Afghan Embassy in Beijing
international community visited and
Since U.S. Special Envoy Zalmay confirmed that China is helping
promoted a productive peace
Khalilzad embarked on his shuttle Afghanistan set up a mountain
process — showcasing the
diplomacy to encourage peace brigade in the north, but said that
complexity of the Afghan conflict.
talks in 2018, China and Pakistan there will no Chinese troops on
The signing of the U.S.-Taliban
have been inviting the Taliban to Afghan soil.
agreement this past February paved
discuss regional security and
the way for this direct dialogue,
stability within Afghanistan. However, there have been reports
prompting Afghanistan’s neighbors
Similar to the U.S., China worries from the Ministry of Defense in
to become more involved to prepare
about their internal security being Afghanistan that a Chinese expert
for an eventual U.S. withdrawal.
threatened by Afghan-based delegation visited Kabul and
terrorist groups. In exchange for discussed a location for the base
Even in a time of intense
China’s support for the Taliban to in 2018. Further plans have not
geopolitical competition between
be included in the Afghan been revealed. After the U.S.
the United States and China,
government, there is an withdrawal, Beijing’s intentions
stability in Afghanistan is one of the
understanding that the Taliban will become clearer and Kabul
few shared interests remaining. It is
must prevent Uyghur secessionist may be incentivized to accept
a task that requires international
groups from China’s Xinjiang military assistance — especially
support. The peace talks were
region from crossing the border since China has already asked for
delayed for over six months due to
and settling in bases in similar counterterrorism
argument over prisoner releases;
Afghanistan. guarantees from the Taliban —
meanwhile, the Taliban increased
This assurance is especially whether the civil war ends or
the severity of their attacks on
crucial to the Chinese Community continues.
Afghan security forces and civilians.
Party’s topline agenda to combat The U.S. withdrawal from 59
CSS Magazine edition 3

Afghanistan is not an anomaly but instance, in 2008, the Chinese to propel BRI. Furthermore,
part of a broader, bipartisan push Metallurgical Group Corporation Afghanistan’s ambassador to
from American policymakers to (MCC) and the Jiangxi Copper China confirmed that the country
withdraw forces from overseas Company Limited (JLC) is looking forward to having the
conflicts, even in the Middle East. consortium won a 30-year lease same kind of relationship China
Only a few hundred Americans are to extract the second largest has with Pakistan. Enhanced
left in Syria to protect oil fields copper deposit in the world Chinese development will most
and Trump and Prime Minister (valued at least $50 billion) for $3.4 likely also be in the form of loans
Mustafa al-Kadhimi of Iraq billion. In 2011, the China National to the various institutions of
recently stated that troop levels in Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Afghanistan.
Iraq will decrease to 3,000. This won a $400 million bid to drill
vacuum is widespread, and the three oil fields for 25 years, Michael O’Hanlon — a senior
recent Beijing-Tehran strategic containing roughly 87 million fellow and the director of
agreement is a testament to that. barrels of oil. However, the research in foreign policy at the
The security and trade development of the mine and oil Brookings Institution – argues
partnership outlines enhanced fields have not progressed at all, that once the U.S. withdraws, if
joint training and exercises, joint which has left the Afghan China makes smart investments in
research and weapons government frustrated. Afghanistan, it will be beneficial to
development and intelligence both parties. He states, however,
sharing. As China further postures China preemptively won these that Kabul must “be aware of the
itself in South Asia, Central Asia, contracts and are biding their financial terms; China tends to
and the Middle East, the influence time until Afghanistan becomes seek equity after providing loans
of the West will rapidly dwindle, more stable to conduct their with high interest rates that the
with Afghanistan no exception. economic operations. That also host nation sometimes defaults
helps explain the Chinese push to upon.”
China’s Rising Economic Presence quell violence by directly talking
in Afghanistan to the Taliban and offering them Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s industrial projects. Moreover, rejected loans from China before
modern-day silk road project – Beijing may very well be building a as he understands the crippling
the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – strategic relationship with Kabul debt and economic dependence
serves as the country’s foundation and the Taliban to ensure similar associated with it, a sentiment
to project massive economic contracts can be won in the future also pushed by Washington onto
influence coupled with enhancing to generate momentum for their Kabul. However, as the Americans
partnerships in security, trade, BRI expansion. leave, a future Afghan government
and energy. China’s flagship BRI may prove to be more inviting to
project, the China-Pakistan Since the launch and expansion of Chinese companies and assistance
Economic Corridor (CPEC), could CPEC, Beijing has gained influence for another nationwide
be expanded to Afghanistan to and leverage over Islamabad. reconstruction project. In
further connect the Central Asian China recently convinced Pakistan Afghanistan, peace is a
republics under a Chinese to open five key border crossings prerequisite to development and
umbrella. The primary reason with Afghanistan to facilitate China’s willingness to invest and
Chinese investment in bilateral trade and the transit expand displays the importance of
Afghanistan has been sluggish is trade of Afghan exports to India – Afghanistan as a military and
due to intense instability and decreasing Afghanistan’s economic corridor.
American presence, but those key dependence on the Chabahar port
aspects may suddenly change in in Iran. Pakistan’s willingness to Afghanistan’s Governance in the
the coming future. allow exports to rival India as Future
Afghanistan’s natural resources tensions escalate in the Kashmir The Afghan peace negotiations are
are estimated to be worth around region reveals China’s ability to riddled with uncertainties: when a
$1 trillion, and Chinese companies persuade regional partners to do ceasefire will occur, how long the
have been taking notice. For its bidding to set the foundation peace talks will take, and what 60
CSS Magazine edition 3

system of governance will be

formed. The Afghan peace team Brexit Is a to leave the EU have diverted
attention from the country’s
and the Taliban hold vastly Distraction underlying economic maladies.

from the
different beliefs about women’s Indeed, the past decade has seen
rights and autonomy, the role it lose its coveted place as one of
Islam should play in state affairs
United the world’s five largest economies
to India, and it is projected to
Kingdom’s Real
and how democracy should be
implemented. This gap in values drop out the top 10 by 2030.
will most certainly cause delays
and leave ordinary Afghans
Economic The COVID-19 pandemic has
frustrated. Woes clearly come at the worst possible
time. In the second quarter of
Once U.S. troops leave next year, 2020, economic activity shrunk by
The scars of the 2008 financial
the democracy Afghanistan about one-fifth, surpassing the 10
crisis haven’t even healed yet, and
manifested in the past two percent drop across nations in the
the United Kingdom’s economy is
decades may also begin to Organisation for Economic
now facing up to one of the G-7’s
gradually collapse. Corruption Cooperation and Development as
largest pandemic-induced
among high-level officials and a whole. The United Kingdom’s
economic slumps. The decline
limited government control in relatively lengthy lockdown and
comes alongside a potentially
most Afghan provinces have reliance on the hard-hit retail,
disruptive decoupling with its
proved that democracy in leisure, and hospitality sectors
biggest trading partner, the
Afghanistan has always been an were at play, alongside one of the
European Union, when the Brexit
illusion, meant to satisfy worst virus outbreaks across
transition period ends on Dec. 31.
expectations of the United States Europe. As the government’s
For some critics, the turmoil is
in order to continuously receive emergency grant and loans
just another chapter in the long
aid. Once the illusion fades, so will scheme begins to wind down in
saga of Britain’s demise on the
the act of protecting that façade. the coming months, a wave of
global economic stage. But
There will be a clash between redundancies and highly indebted
decline is not inevitable. For a
Afghans who want to expand and businesses will be left in its wake.
country well accustomed to
progress democracy and those And so, the prospect for a speedy
short-term crisis management,
who simply used it for political recovery looks bleak. And that’s
the United Kingdom will need to
capital and financial incentives. without even accounting for the
rediscover the sense of the long
risk of further waves of COVID-19
term if it seeks to refresh its
China’s growing influence in outbreaks, a disorderly no-deal
position as an economic
Afghanistan may even shift Afghan Brexit, or tax hikes to manage its
governance styles to resemble $2.6 trillion debt pile.
Beijing’s — one that is more
The United Kingdom’s
hierarchical and with autocratic The United Kingdom needs a plan.
finance-driven economy never
tendencies, a system that the Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s
truly bounced back after the
Taliban does not oppose. The next barnstorming victory at the polls
global credit crisis. Productivity
few years will be crucial in efforts in December may have closed out
growth—which is vital for
for rebuilding Afghanistan and the a chaotic period that included two
long-term improvements in living
people who call it home will finally general elections, several Brexit
standards—has been largely
know the truth: Will real change delays, regular ministerial
stagnant. Post-industrial northern
be ushered in or is this simply chopping and changing, and the
regions continue to lag behind
another familiar phase in the surge of a socialist-leaning
southern urban centers. Since
recent tragic history of the opposition party, but the
2008, growth in wages and
country? pandemic has since stifled
business investment has also been
attempts to move on. Meanwhile,
among the weakest across
the prime minister’s ambitions to
developed nations. Meanwhile,
Published in The Diplomat “level up” left-behind regions and
years of political tumult over how 61
CSS Magazine edition 3

unleash a “global Britain” after it Kingdom must also be fleshed out connect the country’s strength in
leaves the EU have been uplifting further and set in motion. Widely research to productivity- and
but lacking in specificity. Now, varying experiences of wage-enhancing activities.
between a terrible recession and globalization and technological Successive governments have
looming Brexit, the government change have turned the country discussed ad nauseam the need to
has a crucial introspective into one of the most capitalize on the United
moment to build a long-term geographically imbalanced Kingdom’s economic strengths
economic strategy. The economies in Europe, and to invest where it is weak. But
administration’s autumn budget, constraining its overall growth it never happens. Much
along with its plans to review potential. It is also one of the most parliamentary bandwidth has
departmental spending, will need centralized major economies in instead been absorbed by
to be its boldest in generations. the world, and devolving more elections and referendums. With
funding and power to its regions Brexit still looming alongside the
With the United Kingdom’s and nations could help them country’s worst public health
recovery already set to lag behind respond quicker to challenges. crisis in a generation, the capacity
peers—it will not return to Meanwhile, improving to enact long-term economic
pre-crisis gross domestic product infrastructure should be a key policies looks worryingly thin.
levels until around priority. Britain lags behind its Meanwhile, ending the
2022—economic Band-Aids and peers in the World Economic coronavirus economic rescue
bombast simply won’t do. Building Forum’s Global Competitiveness packages too early and attempting
on the country’s strong business Index for road, rail, and fast to refill public coffers too soon
environment should be a starting broadband connectivity. Enabling may also stymie the nation’s
point. The government should growth sectors, including the near-term prospects.
capitalize on the country’s digital and green industries, and
world-class legal and regulatory supporting exporters to access Yet as the government pulls the
frameworks—underpinned by its global markets after Brexit could next stage of its response to
top 10 ranking in the World Bank’s also spur jobs growth and renewal coronavirus together, it would do
Ease of Doing Business index—to beyond London and the country’s well to acknowledge that at stake
support British firms to grow. southeast. is more than just an economic
Although research shows the recovery from the pandemic. If
United Kingdom is considered The government will also need to Britain is to reverse its declining
among the best OECD nations at invest in skills. Access to science, economic clout on the world
starting businesses, it lags further technology, engineering, and stage, it must go beyond the short
behind in scaling them up. Part of mathematics talent is an ongoing term and consider rewiring its
this derives from issues accessing challenge, as is the need to economy for the long term.
finance. The British Business encourage lifelong learning to
Bank, the country’s economic make the United Kingdom’s Published in The Foreign Policy
development bank, has just a workforce more agile. Plans for a
portion of the assets that points-based immigration system
Germany’s KfW has to help after Brexit could help by placing
finance small businesses. greater emphasis on attracting
Likewise, after years of high-skilled global talent. The
underspending on technology and country’s world-class
management training, the British universities—located across all its
Treasury should look to regions—are also an advantage.
encourage business investment Investing in them as regional hubs
through tax credits to drive up could help support growth
productivity growth. nationwide by stemming the brain
drain of talent to London. Building
The agenda to overturn regional their ties to the business
disparities across the United community could also help 62
CSS Magazine edition 3

Decolonizing new categories. Create more

seats for Africa. Dilute the veto
Within African countries, only
Nigeria, with 10 years, comes
the United power exercised by the P5. close.

Nations Means
But all of these measures are This poorly distributed allocation
tinkering. None are adequate. The is reflected in other parts of the
Abolishing the only way forward is to U.N.—in particular the

acknowledge the key difference secretary-general position itself.
between 1945 and 2020, Since 1945, four out of the nine

Five decolonization, and abolish the

permanent members of the
secretaries-general have been
white European men. There has
Security Council altogether. never been a Muslim
The inequalities of the past can’t Here’s why and how. secretary-general.
set the rules of the present. The roots of the U.N. are deeply U.N. leaders have sought to
colonial. Back in 1945 four out of address this by diversifying heads
This year, as the effects of the five members of the P5 were of agencies or
COVID-19 continue to be felt colonial states. Over the 75 years undersecretaries-general, but
around the world, leaders are of the U.N.’s existence, 80 former individuals are not the answer.
preparing to meet virtually to colonies have gained Take COVID-19. Despite an
mark 75 years of the United independence, from India to Ethiopian head of the WHO, who
Nations: its “diamond” Kenya, to Nigeria and Kazakhstan. might be expected to advocate for
anniversary. But 2020 has This has meant a significant shift the poorest countries in the
brought into focus some sharp in population terms. In 1945 the world, the only resolution the
issues around the U.N.’s P5—China, the United States, the P5-led Security Council has
effectiveness, including its United Kingdom, France, and unanimously adopted referring to
largest donor, the United States, Russia—accounted for 10 percent COVID-19 this year is resolution
pulling funds from the World of member states and over 50 2532—supporting a call made by
Health Organization (WHO). percent of the world’s population, the secretary-general in March
There were mounting problems within their empires. Now, the P5 for a global cease-fire to focus on
in the U.N. prior to this. The U.N. account for 26 percent of the efforts to fight COVID-19. This is
and its agencies are constantly world’s population, and just 3 important but hardly influential,
fighting for new money to cover percent of the U.N. member and it’s largely irrelevant to the
escalating costs of various states. thousands of people who have
missions such as on health, Even with the 10 additional since died prematurely due to lax
education, and peacekeeping, nonpermanent members of the COVID-19 responses and lack of
despite global improvements in Security Council—who have to international finance to manage
poverty. In terms of maintaining compete to be elected to sit on the impacts of required
peace and security—the U.N.’s the council for two years, which lockdowns in the poorest
record has been dismal—from costs millions of dollars in countries. Instead, African leaders
dithering over apartheid in South lobbying—Security Council seats have turned closer to the African
Africa, to Iraq, Rwanda, Yemen, are distinctly Eurocentric. As our Union’s Africa Centres for Disease
the 2008 financial crisis, and research shows, the Western Control and Prevention for
now, COVID-19. European and Others Group and COVID-19 advice, and to the
The typical responses to the the Eastern European Group unrepresentative yet powerful
U.N.’s failure have been to enlarge combined represent just 17.1 G-20 and IMF for financial
the P5, the five permanent percent of the global population, support, not the U.N.
members of the Security Council but they have held 47 percent of Why does this distribution
who represent the chief victors Security Council seats. matter? The shift in postcolonial
of World War II. Bring in other And within these groups, the big (and post-Cold War) membership
global powers such as India or countries almost always win. is essentially the U.N.’s only major
Turkey. Move around the Japan has spent 22 years on the shift in composition in 75 years.
representational seats and create Security Council. Brazil 20 years. Contrary to what many 63
CSS Magazine edition 3

observers—especially economists than on the principle of groupthink and hiding behind

like ourselves—might have us representation. At that time, after each other.
believe, there has not been a great emerging from World War II and These 15 countries, just as
economic rebalancing. Our meeting in San Francisco, the nonpermanent members have
calculations suggest—again leaders of the P5 felt themselves established precedent for doing
including former colonies—that to be responsible and capable, now, would need to be elected by
the P5’s share of global GDP in despite their colonial pursuits. others—they would need to prove
1940 was around 47 percent. While the economics might be the their worth to others. They would
Today, the P5 accounts for just 2 same, the potential member states need to build allies within the
percentage points more of that might be deemed responsible U.N., for instance within their
GDP—49 percent of the global or capable in 2020 are very groupings, and campaign to show
total. different to those in 1945. And they are indeed responsible and
Yes, China’s economic rise within they will likely be different in capable to be trusted to help the
the P5 has been notable—in fact, 2030, 2045, or another 75 years world tackle issues from poverty
doubling in economic importance ahead. With climate change, it’s and climate change to pandemics
from accounting for 14 percent to likely that our global crises will and financial crises. P5 members
33 percent of the P5’s total wealth. only become more complex over could thus arguably remain on the
But for the rest of the world, their the next 75 years. council, but they would need to
economic relationship with the P5 There is no country in the world compete and pitch to do so.
has hardly changed over the U.N.’s that deserves a permanent seat. While a 15-seat Security Council
75 years. Global economics and Veto-based decision-making on might initially seem large, a
the U.N. structure remain rooted behalf of others, as the Security council that aimed to be effective
in the power structures of 1945, Council does, should be earned, in decision-making while
despite the political and criteria for responsibility and embedding the principle of
independence. capability transparently collaboration would also
Has the P5’s U.N. status helped to demonstrated and rewarded. implement a rule that veto power
maintain economic imperialism, A reimagined structure for a can only be exercised by two
or has their economic might Security Council would see all 15 members together—i.e., any
helped them to maintain their seats being made temporary, for country would need to find
powerful U.N. positions? In some periods of five years to provide another supporter to oppose a
ways it is only the correlation that more continuity, with wide, decision. Preserving the veto
matters. The U.N.’s structural nonregional open competition for would also maintain its distinction
inability to compel the P5 each seat, alongside clear, from the General Assembly and
countries themselves to act monitored restrictions on from the pre-World War II League
decisively for the greater good is lobbying expenses and two-term of Nations, the U.N.’s failed
often acknowledged as a key limits within a cycle of 30 years to predecessor.
justification for change, but this is reward excellence while avoiding Detractors will immediately
often countered with economic domination. contend that the P5 will not
arguments that we are all better Such a structure would not be a accept this. Nor would they
off now. This counter does not toothless democratic body like the submit to decisions made by
hold water. The P5’s failure to U.N. General Assembly, where others. Indeed, some P5 members
distribute economic benefits to every country has one vote, have remained out of certain
the rest of the world despite regardless of its record, wealth, U.N.-based mechanisms for this
decolonization is also a structural population, or military might, and reason. Three out of the five
problem that justifies change. no country has a veto. Nor would permanent members do not
The answer lies in the geopolitical it be an easy and potentially recognize the U.N. General
ideals leaders set out back in 1945. diverse yet unaccountable Assembly-endorsed International
The Security Council was “coalition of the willing,” nor a Criminal Court (ICC) decisions.
conceived on a basis of supposedly elite and powerful Yet the ICC has made important
responsibility and capacity of grouping of countries such as the contributions to justice for
working collaboratively, rather G-7, BRICS, or G-20, subject to thousands, if not millions of 64
CSS Magazine edition 3

people. The U.N. can and does still will now have more room for remain far from power in a new
play a guardian role, even if P5 maneuver and might be tempted central government. The most
members remain outside. to intervene in Afghan affairs more hard-line elements of the
The world cannot take another 75 forcefully, both to protect its own predominantly Sunni Taliban,
years of unaccountability and domestic interests and to while perhaps not as zealous as
inequality. A reimagined, stronger undermine those of the United the ISKP, are poorly disposed to
structure has a chance of creating States. Iran, the region’s Shiite
a more fit-for-purpose and IN SEARCH OF STABILITY heavyweight—and the feeling is
adaptive U.N., ready to face the Tehran and Washington have mutual. Nonetheless, if working
challenges of the future. butted heads in many parts of the with a central government in
Middle East, but they share Kabul that contains elements of
Published in The Foreign Policy
common objectives in Afghanistan. the Taliban will help Tehran
Iran supported U.S. efforts safeguard its essential interests,
following the invasion in late 2001, Tehran is willing to do so. Indeed,

What Iran helping build the coalition that

would replace the Taliban in
in recent years Iran has tried to
repair and strengthen its
Wants in Kabul. In early negotiations after relationship with some factions of

Afghanistan the invasion, Iranian officials

insisted on the importance of
the Taliban through economic,
diplomatic, and security initiatives.
Negotiations to end the holding democratic elections in Iran’s main political and economic
long-running war between the post-Taliban era. Today, interests in Afghanistan include
Afghanistan’s central government neither Iran nor the United States maintaining access to the Afghan
and the Taliban slowly inch along, has any desire to see ISKP grow market for Iranian goods and
punctuated by spasms of violence. stronger in the country. guarding against instability along
The Taliban and the Islamic State Iran requires stability in its border. The Iranian economy is
Khorasan Province (ISKP) often lash Afghanistan. The two countries still suffering from the effects of
out with attacks on the Afghan share a porous border, and the U.S. sanctions and from the
security forces and civilians, with consequences of turmoil in disruptions of the COVID-19 crisis.
the ISKP frequently targeting Shiite Afghanistan often spill over into Officials worry that chaos in
communities. Any settlement will Iranian territory. Iran is home to Afghanistan might push another
likely require the United States to hundreds of thousands of Afghan wave of refugees across the border
withdraw most combat troops from refugees; it is also a key avenue for and that Iran will not be able to
the country. U.S. President Donald the smuggling of opioids to afford the disruption. COVID-19
Trump is eager to leave Afghanistan Europe. The two countries came has exacerbated long-standing
after nearly two decades and plans to the brink of war at the height of hardship and poverty among
to review several options for the Taliban’s rule in the late 1990s refugees in Iran who already
drawing down troop levels, when, in September 1998, the struggled for access to
something that could easily happen Taliban killed several Iranian employment and health care. Iran
by the end of the year. diplomats in the northern Afghan has deported thousands of
A reduced American presence city of Mazar-e Sharif. Iran’s Afghans, but more violence could
could provide Iran with an opening leaders vowed revenge and lead to a new influx. Therefore,
to expand its influence in deployed thousands of troops to Iran largely favors the status quo,
Afghanistan. Tehran has long been the border region. which at least provides a modicum
wary of instability in its eastern Lingering distrust of the Taliban of stability that allows Tehran to
neighbor—decades of conflict have informs Iranian thinking about the focus on other priorities deemed
driven hundreds of thousands of outcome of the intra-Afghan more urgent, especially as the
Afghan refugees into Iran—and so discussions at this stage. Tehran country grapples with another
far has refrained from taking the fears the most hardcore elements strong wave of novel coronavirus
kinds of intrusive actions there that of the Taliban and wants these infections and record-high daily
it has in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen factions, which are often close to death tolls.
where its proxies operate. But Iran Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, to There are, however, circumstances 65
CSS Magazine edition 3

under which Iran may feel Qaani with an understanding of killing of Major General Qasem
compelled to intervene in Afghan instability in the region and the Soleimani in early January, and
affairs. Tehran might do so if it threats along the border and also a they could very well decide to
finds unacceptable the central sharper sense of when open a front against Washington in
government that comes into place circumstances might require more Afghanistan. Iran might seek to
in Kabul after a negotiated forceful Iranian action. orchestrate a string of attacks to
settlement, one in which, for But perhaps the more likely means both speed the withdrawal and
example, hard-line factions of the for Iranian intervention is a make it seem that Iran played a
Taliban play a leading role and paramilitary force that Tehran has larger role in forcing the United
seek to challenge Iranian interests deployed elsewhere to great States to retreat. The attacks
in Afghanistan. effect. Iran has done an impressive could be sporadic and target U.S.
In that case, Iran could deploy job of raising battalions of Shiite supply and logistical lines used to
troops in western Afghanistan to foreign fighters to join the war in facilitate the withdrawal, evoking
serve as a buffer against any wider Syria. Many of these recruits come images of U.S. troops leaving
turmoil. Iran may also want to act from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Vietnam or Somalia and providing
if the Afghan government proves The Afghan fighters are organized Iran with a propaganda victory.
unable to effectively suppress the into the Liwa Fatemiyoun, a force Tehran could use Afghan Shiite
ISKP and the Islamist militant of between 10,000 and 15,000 men militias as proxies in order to
group continues to pose a direct that has seen combat in Aleppo, distance itself from overtly hostile
threat to Iranian interests as well Damascus, Latakia, and the actions. Through the Liwa
as to Shiite communities. In that Qalamoun region. Fatemiyoun and other militias, Iran
case, Iranian leaders may come to With the conflict in Syria could complicate U.S. interests in
the conclusion that its militias can potentially winding down, Iran Afghanistan by instigating attacks
better secure important sites and could redeploy Afghan Shiite against remaining U.S. assets and
roll back the ISKP than Afghan fighters to Afghanistan to extend local partners, or—more likely—it
security forces can. its reach throughout the region or could help secure parts of
A NEW FRONT? to check significant escalation Afghanistan, boost its own sway in
If Iran does decide to further from the ISKP. The terrorist group the country, and in so doing
insert itself into Afghan affairs, it has the ability to conduct further erode Washington’s
has potent instruments with which spectacular and awful violence, already waning influence.
to do so. The new commander of including horrific attacks in May Iran has spent billions of dollars to
Iran’s expeditionary Islamic that targeted a funeral procession arm, train, and pay thousands of
Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds and a maternity ward. At the foreign fighters in Syria, including
Force, Brigadier General Esmail moment, its fighters have Afghans. Qaani’s most important
Qaani, has long experience in remained mostly consigned to the task as Soleimani’s replacement
Afghanistan, where he played an eastern part of Afghanistan near will be managing the IRGC-QF’s
operational role in recruiting the border with Pakistan, far from relationship with these forces. His
Afghans to fight for Tehran in the Iran—but if that were to change, so experience with Afghan Shiite
Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s and to too would Tehran’s calculus. The fighters suggests that these
fight the Taliban in the 1990s. Iran Islamic State (ISIS) has proven it is militants in particular could be
provided intelligence and proxy both willing and capable of poised to play a more prominent
support for the U.S. invasion of launching attacks on Iranian soil, role in Iran’s foreign policy.
Afghanistan and backed the as the group did in July 2017. Whatever the shape of the future
process that followed to replace Proxy forces are central to Iran’s government in Kabul, Tehran will
the Taliban with a national unity foreign policy and grand strategy. keep a wary eye on its eastern
government. Qaani has deep The Quds Force has successfully border—where it may come to the
knowledge of the workings of the cultivated relationships with conclusion that the best form of
Iranian-Afghan border from forces throughout the Middle East, defense is intervention.
combating drug traffickers, from Hezbollah in Lebanon to the
smugglers, and other criminal Houthis in Yemen. Iranian leaders
groups. This experience provides are still smarting from the U.S. Published in The Foreign Affairs 66
CSS Magazine edition 3

PM at UNGA well as its continued oppression

against the Kashmiri civilians. Haven
Like in his maiden address at the
As the discussion ranges from
Kashmir, the pandemic, economic UNGA, PM Imran directly hit the
Indian leadership as well as the UN report says that the world’s
relief for developing world and
RSS’s “Nazi-like ideology” to seek poor are being held back down by
growing Islamophobia
“racial purity”. Expressing concern taxes, corruption and financial
at the growing hatred against crime
Prime Minister Imran Khan had
Muslims in India, he said it is “the
his second address at the United
one country in the world where A new report by the United
Nations General Assembly on
the state sponsors Islamophobia”. Nations says that more than $7
Friday. It was a virtual address as
In what constitute very unique trillion in private wealth is hidden
the ongoing 75th session of the
and just demands, he called for in haven countries, and that about
UNGA has been unprecedented in
universally outlawing “wilful 10% of world GDP is held
that the world leaders did not
provocations and incitement to offshore. “Corruption and tax
make an in-person attendance or
hate and violence” and said that avoidance are rampant. Too many
have face-to-face meetings due
the UNGA should “declare an banks are in cahoots and too
to the Covid-19 pandemic that is
international day to combat many Governments are stuck in
rampaging across the world —
Islamophobia”. A true Ambassador the past,” says Dalia Grybauskaite,
more intensely in the US, India,
of Kashmir, the premier once co-chair of the High-Level Panel
Brazil, Russia and several
again forcefully presented the on International Financial
European countries — and has
case of a people under forced Accountability, Transparency and
infected more than 3.2 million
occupation and subjected to gross Integrity to Achieve the 2030
people worldwide besides killing
human rights violations. Development Agenda (FACTI
nearly one million others. So like
Panel). Grybauskaite, a former
leaders from other countries, PM
In an apt conclusion, the PM president of Lithuania, believes,
Imran also sent a recorded video
urged the UN to be “fully “We’re all being robbed, especially
statement which was introduced
responsive to the challenges of the world’s poor.”
by a Pakistani envoy there and
our times”, insisting that “a The UN report says that the
then played in the UNGA Hall ‘as
comprehensive reform of the world’s poor are being held back
United Nations, including the down by taxes, corruption and
Security Council, is essential to financial crime. According to the
The issues the PM discussed this
promote greater democracy, interim FACTI report, govern-
time around included the Modi
accountability, transparency and ments lose $500 billion each year
government’s aggression in
efficiency”. due to profit-shifting enterprises.
occupied Kashmir as well as
Speakers at a related press
against minorities in India itself;
conference opined that poor
Covid-19 pandemic and Pakistan’s
countries could use that money to
successful response; growing
invest in infrastructure and
Islamophobia, especially amid the
development. The report
pandemic; the need for economic
estimates that money laundering
relief for poor countries
amounts to around $1.6 trillion
particularly affected by the
Published in The Express Tribune per year, or 2.7% of the global
pandemic; money-laundering and
corruption by the elite in
The UN panel, which was created
developing countries; dangers of
last year, includes former heads of
climate change; and illegal Israeli
state and government, central
occupation of Palestinian land.
bank governors, business and civil
The PM was, however, particularly
society leaders and prominent
hard-hitting when discussing
academics from around all over
India’s fundamentalist policies as 67
CSS Magazine edition 3

the world. The panel called on investment treaties” and a “fair literally subjugate them. The
governments to do more to system for adjudication of invest- Persian Gulf resultantly divides
address tax abuse and corruption ment disputes”. These may refer the GMER on ethno-sectarian
in global finance. to Pakistan’s recent troubles in lines, between Arab and
Prime Minister Imran Khan was international courts, but as we non-Arab, between Sunni and
one of the speakers at the virtual have said before, fair arbitration Shia!
launch of the UN report. He broke systems already exist. The prob- Pakistan is faced with a similar
down how about “$1 trillion is lem was that between judicial predicament. One of its most
taken out each year by these activism and political instability, critical internal fault-lines is the
white-collar criminals”, and there is no way to tell if a deal is scourge of ethno-sectarianism
insisted that “this bleeding of the truly good or bad. Still, we do which stubbornly refuses to die.
poorer countries must stop”. PM need serious reforms soon. Even This vulnerability has been
Imran also called for several developed world leaders such as exploited by the Indians through
reforms in the international Norwegian Prime Minister Erna a ruthless 5GW and hybrid war
financial system to address these Solberg admitted as much. She against it. India’s
problems. Chief among them was noted that financial secrecy and multidimensional assault on
the return of assets stolen from illicit frauds “always lock people Pakistan has included fanning
developing countries, including and countries in poverty, and ethno-sectarian issues too. It
the proceeds of corruption and have a severe impact on institu- unabashedly sponsors separatist
bribery. He called for offshore tions, governance, democracy, ethno-terrorist outfits like the
havens to impose criminal and and security”. Solberg’s concern BLA, BRA, BLF, PTM, Sindhudesh
financial penalties on financial that “the very few people who Liberation Army etc.
institutions, accountants, lawyers gain from illicit financial frauds do Sectarian/sub-sect disharmony
and others that use or assist in so at the cost of the many [which] too has been the bane of Pakistani
transferring such assets. undermines our promise to leave society. The presence of proactive
The Prime Minister also demand- no one behind” needs to be paid militant wings of sectarian
ed that the names of “beneficial attention to on a war-footing groups/sub-groups like the
ownership” of foreign companies basis. Lashkar e Jhangvi, Sipah e Sahaba,
must also be made available upon Sipah e Muhammad etc provide
inquiry by interested and affected ample hunting grounds for the
Published in The Express Tribune
governments. He also called for Indians to exploit. Ironically,
barriers on “profit shifting” — a these militant wings are fighting
common practice among multina- others’ wars on Pakistani turf
tional companies of internally Cancerous against fellow Pakistanis! This
moving profits from high tax
jurisdictions to low or no-tax ethno-sectaria environment is further vitiated by
Indian sponsored and abetted
ones to cut their tax bills. On a nism in terrorism. The RAW-NDS cabal

related note, he called for digital operates from Afghanistan (and
transactions to be taxed in the RAW from Iran too) and sponsors,
location the revenues are gener- Pakistan should draw the right funds, trains, equips, directs and
ated. He also urged more UN lessons from the epoch-making launches terrorist groups like
oversight of bodies investigating geopolitical developments ISIS-K, TTP, JuA, IMU, etc into
illegal financial flows. underway in the Greater Middle Pakistan for sabotage, subversion
All of these had the express or East Region (GMER). Unbridled and terrorist activities.
implicit backing of the report’s ambitions to dominate the region This conundrum thus portends a
authors, and it will be heartening and rampant ethno-sectarianism vicious three-dimensional threat
to see if they eventually turn into have caused unbridgeable to Pakistan’s solidarity, integrity
something more concrete. A few divisions amongst the Muslim and economic well-being
less workable suggestions, made states of the GMER. The US-Israel (BRI-CPEC). Each threatens to
by PM Imran, included the revi- Combine has pitilessly exploited harm Pakistan through its own
sion or discarding of “unequal these weaknesses to split and singular fanaticism. Their menace 68
CSS Magazine edition 3

will assume perilous dimensions elements to be exploited by the be provided promptly and on the
were they to crossover (Indian Afghanistan or Iran-based scene of occurrence. Matters may
machinations) and start operating terrorist elements. It must ensure only go to the formal
in each other’s domains—for or that the sleeper cells do not legal/judicial processes after
against one another, with or foment further trouble by having failed at this level.
without concurrence or consent! arousing ethno-sectarian Leaders of all religious/sectarian
Either way, they make for an emotions. The success of parties must be made aware of
explosive concoction which could Operation Rad ul Fasaad thus the latent dangers inherent in
create grave existentialist threats becomes imperative, inevitable. such sectarian strife in the
for Pakistan! Pakistan must establish and current strategic environment.
For the moment, the ethnic, assert its writ and control over all Jointly, they must promote and
sectarian and terrorist groups are ethnic and sectarian activities in ensure inter-sect harmony. They
largely operating independent of the country. It must continue to must be held personally
one another. Pakistan must carry out effective responsible for the (mis)conduct
ensure that it stays that way. Such counterterrorism operations of their followers. Pakistan must
crossover activities have taken inside the country. The fencing legislate control and strict
place in the erstwhile FATA on the borders with Iran and governmental oversight on all
during the mid-to-late 80s. Afghanistan must be completed, types of Madaris in the country.
Terrorists acting on behalf of the post haste. The Single National Curriculum is
erstwhile KGB-RAW-KHAD Of the three, the sectarian threat a step in the right direction and
Combine would move at night to is the most crucial to overcome. must include inter-sect harmony
fire mortars, rockets and heavy A well-structured, duly as an important part of the syllabi.
machine guns into a village of one authorised joint body must be All foreign funding to the Madaris
of the sects and then move and formed under the Ministries of and sectarian outfits must be
repeat the process in a village of Interior and Religious Affairs, outlawed. Any clandestine foreign
the other sect. This would create with a clearly enunciated or domestic funding that
a perception where both sects articulation of command. It must promotes or instigates sectarian
would feel that the other had comprise relevant government disharmony must attract the
attacked them and would lead to officials at the federal and provisions of the Anti-Money
unmitigated inter-sect violence. provincial levels, representative Laundering and Terror Financing
Similar exploitation is possible members of all sects/subsects laws; and where required, a
even today. The Indians could still and experts from all LEAs and proper diplomatic response. The
play one sect against the other, intelligence outfits. It must have Government of Pakistan may take
covertly or even overtly through sub-bodies at the division, district it upon itself to fund these
their sleeper cells or through the and lower levels for better Madaris equitably, if possible.
ethnic and/or terrorist outfits oversight, control and Media must be denied the leeway
operating from Afghanistan and management. It must be made to fan or arouse sectarian
Iran. In any case, these terrorist responsible for fostering peace differences, rather it be (t)asked
organisations have their own and harmony between the sects. to deliberately promote sectarian
religious/sectarian idiosyncrasies It must also be the first forum harmony. Distribution of all forms
and would not be too averse to where all complaints or disputes of hate or derogatory material
oblige. of a sectarian nature could be and instigation of inter-sect
Pakistan must guard itself against heard and resolved. It must have violence must attract the
this triple jeopardy, the oversight and primary authority harshest provisions of the
ethno-sectarian-terrorist threat. to adjudicate over such sectarian relevant anti-terrorism laws.
It must not allow any one of them issues. It must pre-empt sectarian United, Pakistan is invincible.
to reinforce the efforts of the disharmony through a Sectarian harmony reinforces all
other one or both. They must be well-considered plan of action. It its strengths. The enemy must
isolated and neutralised, must ensure that no sect feels not be allowed to create and/or
piecemeal. In particular, it must undone by the (mis)deeds of the exploit any cracks in our unity.
not allow the ethno-sectarian others. Dispute resolution must Pakistan needs a whole of the 69
CSS Magazine edition 3

nation approach to forestall these A repeat of history coalition which invaded

threats with rabid sectarianism The decision to sideline justice to Afghanistan in October 2001 allied
being the prime one! supposedly maintain security and with them against the Taliban. In
peace is not without precedent in 2007, after a US-backed
Published in The Nation recent Afghan history. government was installed in
Kabul, mujahideen leaders
During the Soviet invasion of involved in the 1990s civil wars

Clemency for Afghanistan (1979-1987), more

than 800,000 people lost their
passed legislation in parliament
granting them amnesty for their
the Taliban lives. The United States and war crimes. The justification given

will not lead to several Muslim countries

supported the mujahideen’s fight
for these laws was simple: if the
international community and the
peace in against Soviet forces. Both sides government of Afghanistan tried

regularly committed serious to bring them to justice, the
human rights abuses and mujahideen would provoke more
violations of international chaos and insecurity.
humanitarian law throughout the
Impunity only encourages armed
conflict. While the atrocities Hence, no transitional justice
groups to continue with their
committed by Soviet forces were measures were carried out,
violence against the civilian
widely reported on, war crimes thereby sacrificing accountability
committed by the mujahideen to maintain an illusory post-2001
during the same period were peace. Suffering for more than
When given a choice between
largely undocumented. two decades, the people of
security and freedom, people
Afghanistan who were the
always choose security. That is
After the withdrawal of Soviet primary victims of the
why so many dictators and
troops, infighting broke out mujahideen’s war crimes let go of
demagogues survive by creating a
between various mujahideen justice in the hope of security.
false sense of threat and then
groups which led to more war
presenting themselves as the
crimes being committed. In The absence of a transitional
February 1993, for example, the justice process against the
infighting between mujahideen mujahideen emboldened the
The same logic applies when
factions resulted in the Afshar Taliban and reassured its
people are given a choice
massacre, in which up to 1000 members that there would be no
between safety and justice. They
Hazara men, women and children consequences for their actions
would choose safety over justice.
were brutally murdered. and they continued to commit
In the case of Afghanistan, this
Intra-mujahideen fighting lasted ever more gruesome violence
has fed a continuous cycle of
from 1992 to 1994 costing up to against the Afghan people. In
violence over the past few
50,000 civilian lives. It is this other words, the impunity the
violence and upheaval that gave mujahideen enjoyed did not really
birth to the Taliban, which took bring peace to Afghanistan.
The absence of any legal
over Kabul in 1996 and
consequences for violence and
established an Islamic emirate. In This approach to war ethics is
war crimes has only further
August 1998, the Taliban executed problematic, not only because it
emboldened armed groups. The
between 2000 to 5000 civilians denies justice to the victims of the
release of Taliban fighters as part
from the Hazara ethnic group in Taliban atrocities but also
of an agreement between the
the northern city of because it strengthens the
United States and the Taliban and
Mazar-i-Sharif. Taliban’s capacity to prolong the
the continuing negotiations
war to achieve its goal of
between the armed group and the
The 9/11 attacks on the US turned establishing a theocracy.
Afghan government will not lead
the odds in favour of the same
to peace. Only a thorough
mujahideen as the US-led Transitional justice in Afghanistan
transitional justice process will. 70
CSS Magazine edition 3

The release of thousands of

Taliban fighters after the armed
The war crimes committed in
Afghanistan in the last four The little
group concluded an agreement decades by all parties can and talked about
side-effects of
with the US on February 29 this should be officially documented.
year has been justified as This would put an end to
necessary to jump-start peace
negotiations. However, the odds
widespread attempts to
whitewash history and force the
are against any permanent peace perpetrators of these crimes to
in the country. face some accountability. The economic impacts of the
Following the documentation of coronavirus are devastating
The Taliban will not give up these crimes, all political parties, communities in the world’s
violence because it knows that it including the communists, the poorest places.
is only through violent means mujahideen factions and the
In March, we predicted that the
that it can have any political Taliban, should officially apologise
70 million people fleeing violence
power. Even with its enormous to the people of Afghanistan in
and persecution across the world
corruption scandals and its own general and the victims of
would be hit hardest by the
track record of violence against violence in particular, to officially
coronavirus pandemic. I underes-
civilians, the government in Kabul acknowledge and atone for their
timated the impact of the disease.
is still preferred by 92 percent of past crimes.
Its knock-on effects are proving
Afghans, according to a 2015 poll.
more devastating than the virus
Any impunity the Taliban enjoys A public apology by leaders
will also motivate other groups to involved in war crimes has a
continue committing crimes precedent. During his 2013
This week my organisation, the
against the Afghan people. election campaign, President
Norwegian Refugee Council,
Ashraf Ghani’s running mate,
published a report, Downward
Because of this, calls are growing Abdul Rashid Dostum, issued an
Spiral, showing that the world’s
for the leaders of the Taliban to apology for being a part of the
most vulnerable communities are
be tried at the International 1990s civil wars. Dostum’s apology
facing a quadruple crisis because
Criminal Court (ICC). and pledge to never repeat his
of the COVID-19 pandemic: a
Nevertheless, Taliban leaders are past mistakes was welcomed by
health crisis, a hunger crisis, a
unlikely to face the court soon. many Afghans.
homelessness crisis and an
Not only the Afghan government
education crisis.
and its international backers The people of Afghanistan are
would be happy to give the once again being asked to choose
Based on research across 14
members of the group amnesty between justice and security.
countries, including a survey of
should they agree to make peace, While an acknowledgement of war
1,400 refugees and crisis-affected
the US itself is not willing to allow crimes and a promise by
people, we found a staggering 77
the ICC to investigate the crimes perpetrators to not repeat them
percent had lost their jobs or
its troops allegedly committed in would not heal the victims of
income since the start of the
the country. these crimes, it can be an
pandemic. The economic shock to
important step towards healing
already vulnerable communities is
Moreover, an ICC investigation at Afghanistan. If these steps are
pushing them further into desti-
this critical junction risks backed by a commitment by the
tution. For a Syrian refugee living
undermining the ongoing Doha international community to
in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, or a
peace talks, as it may discourage prevent further human rights
Yemeni mother forced to flee her
the Taliban from agreeing to violations in the country,
home because of air raids, even a
make peace. But there are ways Afghanistan can finally leave its
small loss of income can be
to achieve some transitional painful past behind and turn its
justice without insisting on an face towards the future.
Three out of four people hit
ICC investigation.
Published in The Al- Jazeera Most seriously, a hunger pandem-
ic is looming. The World Food 71
CSS Magazine edition 3

Programme warned in June that ing to UNICEF. Three in four appeals for both 2020 and 2021.
the number of people severely respondents who had children This year’s $10bn appeal is
hungry could soar from 146 told us they were less likely to currently only 26-percent funded.
million to 270 million by the end send them to school because of Rich G20 and OECD nations
of the year. Our report found that their current economic situation, invested $11 trillion in stimulus
73 percent of people surveyed had brought on by COVID-19. The packages to save their economies,
had to cut meals for themselves right of these children to go to that is 100 times what aid organi-
or their families. These are people school and their future prospects sations need to help the world’s
already facing food crises because are being undermined. For those poorest.
of conflict, or natural phenomena children who relied on school
like droughts or plagues of meals for their nutritional needs, Second, G20 leaders must agree a
locusts. hunger also looms. comprehensive debt-relief plan
for conflict-affected and refu-
Many people we spoke to in We are creating a lost COVID gee-hosting nations. Even the
conflict countries say they are generation. World Bank has said there needs
more afraid of the hunger crisis An opportunity for political to be broader international action
brought on by COVID-19 than leadership than its existing loans and grants
they are of being killed by the It is understandable that coun- and those by other financial
disease itself. tries look inward and prioritise institutions. The G20 made this
The unfolding crisis of homeless- their citizens during a moment of happen during the 2007 financial
ness is another side-effect of the such global uncertainty. Rich crisis. It must do it again for
coronavirus. Seventy-one percent countries have raced to protect today’s unprecedented human
of respondents told us they had their people from the disease and crisis.
difficulty paying rent or other expand social safety nets as well
basic housing costs. Many report- as support businesses. Unfortu- Finally, G20 leaders must call for
ed having been evicted since nately, these are not options for extending social protection for
March. These are people who countries like Afghanistan or vulnerable communities.
have already had to flee violence Yemen. Displaced children, women and
and persecution, some multiple men are often discriminated
times. But COVID-19 is also a reminder against and stigmatised, excluded
We spoke to a refugee mother of that humanity’s problems do not from services and the labour
six in Uganda who was evicted stop at borders. Every part of the market. The governments hosting
because she owed $555 for four world has been affected by the them must include them in
months’ rent arrears. She had virus, and the same is true for its economic response plans and
been unable to gather enough economic impacts. Inward-look- social safety nets; they must
money to cover her rent since the ing policies will not solve global, protect them from eviction. And
pandemic hit. The money that interconnected problems. the governments without the
kept her head above water – resources to do this must get
remittances from family working Quick and decisive global action support from those better off.
in Australia – came to a halt. Her is required to stem the growing
situation is dire but, sadly, not catastrophe that crisis-affected The Riyadh gathering is a unique
unique. communities are facing. The G20 opportunity for the world’s
Another consequence of the loss countries will convene in Saudi powers to show international
of income for displaced people is Arabia in November. They should solidarity towards protecting the
that their children are even less take three concrete actions to world’s most vulnerable people
likely to go to school. At least a improve the lives of millions being against the impacts of COVID-19.
third of the world’s schoolchil- hammered by the economic It requires not only a recognition
dren – 463 million children impacts of the pandemic: of the problem but real political
globally – were unable to access First, they must commit to fully leadership to address it.
remote learning when COVID-19 fund the United Nations
shuttered their schools, accord- COVID-19 humanitarian aid Published in The Al- Jazeera 72
CSS Magazine edition 3

Geopolitics opponent to both of us.

Because of Pakistan’s geography,
backing of freedom fighters in
Afghanistan. The Central Asian
and Pakistan India feels severed from larger
Asia, especially from Iran and
states are also Russia’s near
abroad and for this reason Russia
Russia, whom it considered allies too does not want the US or India
Pakistan’s foreign policy is based till recently. India’s foreign policy to dominate Afghanistan. But
on advocacy of peace and parted from Russia when it more than anyone else, Pakistan
safeguard of friends and not on withdrew from Afghanistan and feels strangled by India from
oppression and aggression the weak alliance between India three sides if it succeeds to
and Iran cracked when India entrench itself in Afghanistan,
Every country has a unique decided to end oil trade with Iran and considers India’s presence in
geography and geopolitical under US-sanctions. After the Afghanistan an existential threat
positioning, but it is not always Russo-Afghan War, India hooked that has to be leveled at any cost.
possible for all states to harness up with the US in order to gain
their geopolitical positioning, influence in Afghanistan that Pakistan’s geography has also
either because they lack the could serve it as a jumping board brought it ever closer to China, as
political will to do so, or because into Central Asia. it offers China the shortest route
the overall regional or global to the warm waters of the Arabian
geopolitics suppresses such a will. Central Asian states gained their Sea. Because wars in the Middle
Nevertheless, understanding one’s independence from Russia in East impede other Belt and Road
geopolitical/strategic positioning 1990, when the Soviet Union’s routes to the Arabian Sea, China
is the first step in strengthening defeat in Afghanistan led to its has proclaimed CPEC as the
one’s standing in bilateral, dismantling. Because of the fact flagship project of its Belt and
regional and global relations. that Central Asia consists of all Road Initiative. But that is not all,
Sunni Muslim states, they have a for China Pakistan’s friendship is a
Pakistan’s unique longitudinal natural ideological bonding with dear one also because this
geography allows it to wash its Pakistan and Afghanistan as geographically contingent
shores with the Arabian Sea at its compared to Iran or the Arab bulwark alliance is proving to be a
south, and to shake hands with states that are further away. Vast partnership that can subdue
Central Asia at its north. hydrocarbon reserves were India’s ambitions to become a
Pakistan’s historical and identified in the landlocked states regional player. So, China and
geographical contingency with of Central Asia in the 1990s. Being Pakistan complement each other
Afghanistan has allowed it to deep inside Asia, they need a in demanding territories that
support the brotherly country in route to the sea to export their oil India has falsely occupied; and in
its fight for freedom from Russian and gas, and the route via the same vein while India sits on
and American occupations; our Afghanistan and Pakistan top of Pakistan’s waters coming
neighbouring with Iran in a becomes the shortest, best from Occupied Kashmir, China
unique way that is different from choice. sits on top of India’s waters
its Arab neighbours to its west, originating from Tibet.
allows us to have a relatively The 20 years of US occupation of
unbiased and even normative Afghanistan has delayed the So, as China shows high prospects
relation with it. possibility of such ventures, as for being the regional hegemon of
the US and its defence partner the coming decades, Pakistan has
At the northeastern and eastern India have endeavoured to lay chosen wisely to ally with it. As
proximities, Pakistan touches two siege to Afghanistan, not only to China grew economically, it also
giant states: China and India — get control on Afghan mineral garnered another vital ally, Russia,
two states with the world’s resources but also to become the who has opened its arms to
biggest populations and both sole trading partners with the several BRI projects on and
harbouring regional ambitions. Central Asian states, an ambition through its soil. The two,
China being Pakistan’s all-weather the US and India have failed to complement each other’s foreign
friend since the independence of accomplish because of Pakistan’s policies and repel a common
the two states and India being an 73
CSS Magazine edition 3

adversary, the US. Russia’s been forced to fight the proxy

coupling up with Iran and Turkey war in the Middle East. This
to take control of Syria makes for means that Pakistan’s foreign
an overall alliance framework that policy has been based on
Pakistan would comfortably fit advocacy of peace and safeguard
into. of friends and not on oppression
and aggression. That Pakistan’s
On the other hand, Turkey’s foundations are ideological, is at
opposite in the Islamic World, least shown in our foreign policy,
Saudi Arabia, is also a which has been outward and
long-cherished all-weather ally of far-reaching from the beginning,
Pakistan. The recent rift between and that its active posture has
the two states over support for accrued for it a global role that
the Kashmir Issue has raised awaits its ‘will’ and ‘realisation’.
some eyebrows, but that does not
undermine the long-standing Published in The Express Tribune
strategic alliance that Pakistan
enjoys with Saudi Arabia and the
Gulf states, wherein Pakistani
forces have trained their armies
and navies. For instance, the first
three chiefs of the UAE air force
were all officers of the Pakistani
air force.

The 41-state, Saudi-led Islamic

military alliance created in 2015 is
also headed by Pakistan’s former
chief of army staff General Raheel
Sharif. Though still at an infancy
stage, the alliance which is larger
than NATO (30 members), can be
a potential global force for
protecting the interests of
Muslim states. Pakistan’s
leadership of the Muslim ummah
is well-precedented, as our forces
have remained actively present in
war-fronts from Bosnia to Sri
Lanka and from Afghanistan to
Somalia, wherever we found the
chance to come to the aid of our

Pakistan’s refusal to partake in

the Saudi-Yemen war may have
estranged its relations with the
Saudis, but this also makes
Pakistan a normative between the
Shia and Sunni powers that have 74
Ability &
Past Papers
Mcqs Compilation

CSS Magazine edition 3

1. A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg

with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per 7. Two number are in the ratio 3 : 5. If 9 is
kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His subtracted from each, the new numbers are in the
profit percent is: ratio 12 : 23. The smaller number is:

A. No profit, no loss B. 5% A. 27 B. 33
C. 8% D. 10% C. 49 D. 55

2. The average monthly income of P and Q is 8. The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the other
Rs. 5050. The average monthly income of Q and two factors of their L.C.M. are 13 and 14. The larger
R is Rs. 6250 and the average monthly income of the two numbers is:
of P and R is Rs. 5200. The monthly income of
P is: A. 276 B. 299
C. 322 D. 345
A. 3500 B. 4000
C. 4050 D. 5000
9. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at
3. The average age of husband, wife and their intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 seconds
child 3 years ago was 27 years and that of wife respectively. In 30 minutes, how many times do
and the child 5 years ago was 20 years. The they toll together?
present age of the husband is:
A. 4 B. 10
A. 35 years B. 40 years C. 15 D. 16
C. 50 years D. None of these

10. A father said to his son, "I was as old as you are
4. A car owner buys petrol at Rs.7.50, Rs. 8 and at the present at the time of your birth". If the
Rs. 8.50 per litre for three successive years. father's age is 38 years now, the son's age five
What approximately is the average cost per years back was:
litre of petrol if he s2. The average monthly
income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average A. 14 years B. 19 years
monthly income of Q and R is Rs. 6250 and the C. 33 years D. 38 years
average monthly income of P and R is Rs. 5200.
The monthly income of P is:
Spends Rs. 4000 each year? 11. A is two years older than B who is twice as old
as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be 27,
A. Rs. 7.98 B. Rs. 8 then how old is B?
C. Rs. 8.50 D. Rs. 9
A. 7 B. 8
C. 9 D. 10
5. In a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and
water 2 : 1. If this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then the
quantity of water to be further added is: 12. What decimal of an hour is a second?

A. 20 litres B. 30 litres A. .0025 B. .0256

C. 40 litres D. 60 litres C. .00027 D. .000126

6. The fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 is:

A. 18 B. 24
C. 19 D. 20 77
CSS Magazine edition 3

13. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% 16. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the
apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had: selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then
the value of x is:
A. 588 apples B. 600 apples
C. 672 apples D. 700 apples A. 15 B. 16
C. 18 D. 25
14. If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as:

A. 4% of a B. 5% of a 17. When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner

C. 20% of a D. None of these loses 15%. At what price must that plot be sold in
order to gain 15%?

15. In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 A. Rs. 21,000 B. Rs. 22,500
years of age. The number of students above 8 years C. Rs. 25,300 D. Rs. 25,800
of age is of the number of students of 8 years of
age which is 48. What is the total number of
students in the school? 18. In an election between two candidates, one got
55% of the total valid votes, 20% of the votes were
A. 72 B. 80 invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the
C. 120 D. 100 number of valid votes that the other candidate got,

A. 2700 B. 2900
C. 3000 D. 3100
1. B 2. B 3. B

4. A 5. D 6. B

7. B 8. C 9. D

10. A 11. D 12. C

13. D 14. A 15. D

16. B 17. C 18. A 78
CSS Magazine edition 3

1. Association of Southeast Asian Nation 8.Who is current CEO of Drug Regulatory

(ASEAN) has _____ member states. Authority of Pakistan?
(A) 8 A. Mr. Asim Rauf
(B) 10 B. Mr. Aarab bin Saleem
(C) 12 C. Mr. Farman Aijaz
(D) 15 D. Mr. Sajid Ghani

2. East Asia boundary between Communist and 9.What is rank of Pakistan in Business
Non-Communist is called innovation index, 2020 compiled by World
(A) Bamboo Curtain Intellectual Property Organization?
(B) Iron Curtain A. 103
(C) Cactus Curtain B. 105
(D) Ice Curtain C. 107
D. 110

3. Bishkek is the capital of

(A)Tajikistan 10.How many districts are in Sindh?
(B) Kyrgyzstan A. 25
(C) Turkmenistan B. 27
(D) None of these C. 29
D. 30

4. Nelson Mandela International Day (or

Mandela Day) is celebrated each year on 11.Which Nation sells most Advanced Warship
(A) 18 June to Pakistan?
(B) 18 July A. USA
(C) 18 August B. Russia
(D) None of these C. China
D. None of these
5. The “Order of Rising Sun” is highest Military
Award of
(A) Russia 12.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to
(B) South Korea __________ family.
(C) Japan A. Hashmi
(D) None of these B. Quraishi
C. Makki
6. Pakistan’s first communications satellite, the D. Madni
PakSat–1R, was launched in
(A) April 2010
(B) January 2012 13. What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was
(C) August 2011 awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”?
(D) None of these A. Umar Farooque (R.A)
B. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
C. Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib (R.A)
7. What was the old name of Sri Lanka?
(A) Serendi
(B) Ceylon
(C) Lankadeepa
(D) All of the above 79
CSS Magazine edition 3

14. What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)? 21. Which country is also called the “Land of
A. Muhammad bin Ismaeel the Midnight Sun”?
B. Muhammad Ismaeel (A) Japan
C. Muhammad Ibraheem (B) Norway
D. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem (C) Netherlands
(D) South Africa

15. To what Prophet the Injeel was revealed by

Allah? 22.Which country is also called “Rainbow
A. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) Nation”?
B. Prophet Dawood (A.S) (A) Japan
C. Prophet Moosa (A.S) (B) Norway
D. Prophet Essa (A.S) (C) Netherlands
(D) South Africa

16. The world’s longest land border between the 23. “Netherlands” literally means
two countries is the border between (A) ideal location
(A) US and Canada (B) lower countries
(B) US and Mexico (C) mouth of land
(C) India and Pakistan (D) land of sun set
(D) South Korea and North Korea

24.Who was the first President of the

17. The world’s largest island is Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?
(A) Greenland A. Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Finland B. Quaid-e-Azam
(C) Indonesia C. Moulvi Tameez-ud-Din
(D) United Kingdom D. Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar

18.Which country is the largest archipelagic 25.After how many years Pakistan got its
country in the world? first constitution?
(A) Greenland A. 5 years
(B) Finland B. 7 years
(C) Indonesia C. 9 years
(D) United Kingdom D. 11 years

19. Indonesia is a country with around 26.What document was firstly drafted to give
__________ islands. pace to constitution making process?
(A) 10,000 A. Representative Act
(B) 11,000 B. Pakistan Act
(C) 12,000 C. Independence Act
(D) 13,000 D. Objective Resolution

20. The most dispersed country in the world is 27.When the Constituent Assembly passed
(A) Maldives the Objective Resolution?
(B) Indonesia A. 14th February 1949
(C) Malaysia B. 12th March 1949
(D) Philippines C. 9th June 1949
D. 15th August 1949 80
CSS Magazine edition 3

28.When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented

Bogra Formula in the assembly? 1. B 2. A 3. B
A. January 1953
B. April 1953 4. B 5. C 6. C
C. September 1953
7. D 8. A 9.C
D. October 1953
10. D 11. C 12. A

29.When first constitution of Pakistan was 13. B 14. A 15. D

A. 8th June 1956 16. A 17. A 18. C
B. 23rd March 1956
C. 14th August 1956
19. D 20. A 21. B
D. 25th December 1956
22. D 23. B 24. B

30.What is the other name of Mohammad Ali 25. C 26. D 27. B

Bogra Formula?
A. New Law of Pakistan 28. D 29. B 30. D
B. Pakistan Report
C. Third Report
D. Constitutional Formula 81

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