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1. There are ….

a. Five
b. Four
c. Six

2. Seven trees are…


3. The hat is number ….

a. six
b. five
c. four

4. Is it 9 ? balloons ?
a. yes, it is
b. no, it isn’t
c. yes, it is not

5. Colour of the elephant is ….

a. grey
b. blue
c. red

6. The colour of the sun is…

a. green
b. blue
c. yellow
7. The colour of the sea is…
a. green
b. blue
c. yellow

8. The chair is…

a. brown
b. blue
c. yellow

9. What color is it ?
a. It is red
b. It is yellow
c. It is white

10. Is the flower red ?

a. yes, it is
b. no, it isn’t
c. yes, it is not
11. I … eating fried egg
a. am
b. Is
c. Are
12. Dodo is eating
a. noodle
b. pizza
c. bread
13. Lina is eating a ….
a. Hamburger
b. Fried chicken
c. Noodle
14. Grandmother is eating …
a. Baked potato
b. Fried egg
c. Sausage
15. What are you eating ?
a. Baked potato
b. Fried egg
c. Sausage
16. Kemal is ……. to the music
a. reading
b. watching
c. listening
17. Akma is ……. the bicycle
a. reading
b. riding
c. writing

18. five plus two is ….

a. six
b. five
c. seven

19. The car is .

a. green
b. blue
c. yellow

20. Nina is eating.

d. green
e. blue
f. yellow

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