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0 User’s Manual

Copyright ©GexCon AS

Thursday March 12 2009


1 Introduction 1
1.1 About this publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 About this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Feedback from users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Getting started 7
2.1 Prerequisites for users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Hardware and software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Software installation and setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Running FLACS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 Help and support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Introductory example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3 CASD 31
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2 File menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3 Geometry menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4 Object window in CASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.5 Grid menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.6 Porosities menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.7 Scenario menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.8 Block menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.9 View menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
3.10 Options menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.11 Macro menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.12 Help menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.13 Potential bugs or problems with CASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

4 Flacs simulator 113

4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.2 The Run Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.3 Running several simulations in series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.4 Output variables in FLACS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.5 Files in FLACS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4.7 Output files from FLACS simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.8 Potential bugs or problems with Flacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
4.9 Warning and error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

5 Flowvis 155
5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.2 Creating a new presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5.3 File menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5.4 Edit menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5.5 Page menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5.6 Plot menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
5.7 Verify menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
5.8 Options menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
5.9 Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
5.10 Flowvis examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

6 Utility programs in FLACS 187

6.1 Geometry, grid and porosities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
6.2 Release source modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6.3 Modifying simulation files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.4 Post-processing of simulation data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

7 Best practice examples 205

7.1 Combined dispersion and explosion simulations with FLACS . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
7.2 Simulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
7.3 Equivalent Stoichiometric Gas Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
7.4 Dispersion simulation with wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
7.5 Hydrogen explosions and DDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

8 Technical Reference 221

8.1 Definitions and gas thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


8.2 Stoichiometric reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

8.3 Governing equations for fluid flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
8.4 Wall functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
8.5 Wind boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
8.6 Combustion modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
8.7 Modelling of jet sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
8.8 Numerical Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
8.9 Linux Quick Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

9 Nomenclature 237
9.1 Roman letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
9.2 Greek letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
9.3 Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
9.4 Dimensionless groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
9.5 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
9.6 FLACS variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

10 References 243

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 1


1.1 About this publication

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Copyright ©2009 GexCon AS
All rights reserved
Updated: January 26 2009
Typeset in Doxygen
Printed in Norway
Intellectual property notice
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written
permission from GexCon AS.
GexCon AS hereby grants permission to use, copy, and print this publication to organizations or
individuals holding a valid licence for one or several of the software packages described herein.
For further information about GexCon AS, please visit the web site:
Exclusion of liability
GexCon AS has distributed this publication in the hope that it will be useful, but without any
warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular pur-
Although great care has been taken in the production of this publication to ensure accuracy,
GexCon AS cannot under any circumstances accept responsibility for errors, omissions, or advice
given herein.
2 Introduction

Registered trademarks

• FLACS, DESC, CASD, and Flowvis are registered trademarks of GexCon AS.
• Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
• Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be
trademarks of their respective companies.

1.2 Preface

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods
and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flow, with or without chemical
reactions. Current use of CFD covers a broad range of applications, from fundamental theoret-
ical studies involving models primarily derived from first principles, to practical engineering
calculations utilizing phenomenological or empirical correlations.
Many of the hazards encountered in the society, and especially in the process industries, involve
accident scenarios where fluid flow in complex, large-scale, three-dimensional (3D) geometries
play a key role. FLACS is a specialized CFD toolbox developed especially to address process
safety applications such as:

• Dispersion of flammable or toxic gas

• Gas and dust explosions
• Propagation of blast and shock waves
• Pool and jet fires

The development of FLACS started in 1980 at the Department of Science and Technology at Chris-
tian Michelsen Institute (CMI). CMI established GexCon (Global Explosion Consultants) as a con-
sultancy activity under the Process Safety Group in 1987. In 1992, the Science and Technology
department at CMI became Christian Michelsen Research (CMR), and CMR established GexCon
as a private limited company in 1998. GexCon AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of CMR, and
holds the full proprietary rights to the CFD code FLACS.
The purpose of this manual is primarily to assist FLACS users in their practical work with the
software. In addition, the manual aims at documenting both the physical and chemical models,
and the numerical schemes and solvers, implemented in the CFD code. Ample references to
published literature describe the capabilities and inherent limitations of the software.

1.3 Acknowledgements

The development of the FLACS software would not have been possible without the generous
contributions received from supporting companies and government institutions throughout the
years. The activity started at Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI) in 1980 with the Gas Explosion
Programmes (GEPs), and FLACS-86 was the first version distributed to the supporting compa-

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

1.3 Acknowledgements 3

Figure 1.1: The M24 compressor module represented in FLACS-86

The development of FLACS continued with the Gas Safety Programs (GSPs) and related projects
up to around 2000:

• BP, Elf, Esso (Exxon), Mobil, Norsk Hydro, and Statoil supported the development of
FLACS-86 during the First GEP (1980-1986).
• BP, Mobil, and Statoil supported the development of FLACS-89 during the Second GEP
• BP, Elf, Esso, Mobil, Norsk Hydro, Statoil, Conoco, Philips Petroleum, Gaz de France, NV
Nederlandse Gasunie, Bundes Ministerium für Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Health
and Safety Executive (HSE), and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate supported the de-
velopment of FLACS-93 during the First GSP (1990-1992).
• BP, Elf, Esso, Mobil, Statoil, Philips Petroleum, Gaz de France, HSE, and the Norwegian
Petroleum Directorate supported the development of FLACS-94, FLACS-95, and FLACS-96
during the Second GSP (1993-1996).
• BP, Elf, Exxon, Mobil, Norsk Hydro, Statoil, Philips Petroleum, Gaz de France, HSE,
Agip, MEPTEC, and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate supported the development of
FLACS-97, FLACS-98, and FLACS-99 during the Third GSP (1997-1999).
• BP, TotalElfFina (TEF), Norsk Hydro, Statoil, Gaz de France, Philips Petroleum, Mobil and
supported the LICOREFLA project (2000-2001).

Since 2000, various Joint Industry Projects (JIPs), funding from the European Commission (EU)
and the Norwegian Research Council (NFR), and support and maintenance fees (S&M) from an
increasing number of commercial costumers have supported the development of the more recent
FLACS releases, including several specialized versions of FLACS, such as DESC (Dust Explosion
Simulation Code), FLACS-Dispersion, and FLACS-Hydrogen:

• FLACS-Dispersion and FLACS-Hydrogen became available in 2001.

• FLACS v8.0 came in 2003, including a test release of FLACS-Explo.
• FLACS v8.1 came in 2005.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

4 Introduction

• DESC 1.0 came in 2006.

• FLACS v9.0 came in 2008, including a test release of FLACS-Fire.
• GexCon also develops several in-house R&D tools, including FLACS-Explo, FLACS-
Aerosol, and FLACS-Energy.

GexCon is grateful to all companies, government institutions, and individuals that have partici-
pated in the development of FLACS. We intend to honour these contributions by continuing to
develop the software, and thereby contribute to improved safety in the process industries.

1.4 About this manual

This User’s Manual describes a family of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software products
from GexCon AS, generally referred to as FLACS:

• The preprocessor CASD

• The CFD simulator Flacs
• The postprocessor Flowvis
• Utility programs in FLACS such as:

– geo2flacs, gm, and Porcalc

– jet and flash
– rdfile, cofile, and comerge
– r1file, r3file, and a1file

These programs constitute a specialized CFD tool, FLACS, or ’standard FLACS’, designed to
study releases of flammable gas and gas explosions in complex congested geometries, both on-
shore and offshore. This manual also describes specialized versions of FLACS:

• FLACS-Hydrogen
• FLACS-Dispersion
• FLACS-Aerosol
• FLACS-Energy
• FLACS-Explo
• FLACS-Fire

A full version of Standard FLACS exhibits the full functionality of FLACS-Hydrogen and FLACS-
Dispersion, whereas DESC and FLACS-Fire are separate software products. FLACS-Energy,
FLACS-Explo, and FLACS-Aerosol are still in-house R&D tools. The acronym FLACS (FLame
ACceleration Simulator) refers to the complete package of software products, whereas the term
Flacs refers specifically to the numerical solver in the CFD code.
The latest release of FLACS is version 9.0 (FLACS v9.0). This version represents a major upgrade
to the graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and is the first version that runs under both the Linux and
Windows operating systems.
Getting started presents a detailed example for new users of FLACS, and Best practice examples
contains further examples that highlight various applications of FLACS, including some of the
specialized versions.
Technical reference contains technical reference material.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

1.4 About this manual 5

1.4.1 Printing conventions in this manual

• The symbol ’>’ followed by text in typewriter font indicates command line input, e.g.:
> command -options arguments (general syntax for commands)
> find -name flacs (command line input in Linux)
• The symbol ’∗’ followed by text in typewriter font field input commands, e.g.:
∗ exit yes yes
• The symbol→indicates a path through nested menu items or dialog box options, e.g.:
Scenario→Ignition→Time of ignition
• Certain features of the software may only be accessible through text file input, and the
content of a text file is also printed in typewriter font:
... ...
• The format for describing keyboard and mouse input follows the pattern:
• The use of bold or italic font emphasizes specific words or phrases in the text.
• The Nomenclature chapter lists the symbols and abbreviations adopted in this manual.

1.4.2 Special messages


Look out for the potential pitfalls pointed out by this heading!

Be aware of practical information pointed out by this heading.

Take notice of the points summarized under this heading.

See also:
Follow up the additional sources of information suggested by this heading if required.

1.4.3 Job numbers

The typical application of the FLACS software is to quantify potential consequences of industrial
accident scenarios involving compressible fluid flow, with or without chemical reactions. Proper
characterization of a particular problem may involve several simulations, and it is usually conve-
nient to organize the files from related scenarios in a dedicated directory. The individual FLACS
simulations are assigned job numbers, or simulation numbers, or simply jobs. A user may for
instance type:

> run9 flacs 010100

on the command line in Linux to start a FLACS simulation for job number 010100.
The job numbers are constructed from a six-digit string ijklmn, where traditionally:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

6 Introduction

• ij is the project number.

• kl is the geometry number.
• mn is the sequence number.

The default job number used in many of the examples in this manual is 010100, i.e. project 01,
geometry 01, simulation 00. However, each of the six digits in the job number may in principle
take on any integer value from zero to nine, and the references to project, geometry, and sequence
numbers only apply when the job numbers are derived from the file database in CASD.
Any updated version of this manual may be found on the FLUG web site.

1.5 Feedback from users

Feedback on the content in this manual is most welcome, and FLACS users may submit their
comments or suggestions by e-mail to:
When submitting comments or suggestion to the content of the manual, or when pointing out
misprints in the text, please indicate the relevant page numbers or sections, and the correspond-
ing version of the manual (date issued).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 2

Getting started
8 Getting started

This chapter describes the basics of setting up the FLACS software for new users, including rec-
ommendations concerning the user threshold, typical hardware requirements, and procedures
for installing FLACS on both Linux and Windows.

2.1 Prerequisites for users

Efficient use of FLACS does not require detailed knowledge about computational fluid dynam-
ics (CFD). However, users should possess some experience in the application of computers for
routine tasks, such as text editing. Proper interpretation of simulation results requires adequate
knowledge within the field of fluid dynamics. A suitable starting point for the novice in the field
of gas explosions is the Gas Explosion Handbook (Bjerketvedt et al., 1993) from Christian Michelsen
Research (CMR), and new users of FLACS should attend a three-day introductory course arranged
by GexCon AS (

2.2 Hardware and software requirements

FLACS v9 is available on Linux and on Microsoft Windows. The hardware requirements for
running the FLACS software depend to some extent on the size of the problem in question, i.e.
the number of grid cells required to resolve the computational domain properly. Most modern
computers, be it desktops and laptops, will perform well for small or medium sized problems.
A powerful screen card may be required to handle large geometries in CASD, extra memory
(RAM) is necessary for simulating large problems, and storage of large amounts of simulation
data dictates the requirements for disk space.
Hardware requirements:

• Processor: Intel or AMD ix86 32 bit, Intel EM64T or AMD64. Intel IA64 is not supported.
• Internal memory; 2GB or more recommended.
• Free harddrive capacity: 350MB for software installation and typically 100GB simulation
• Graphics card using NVIDIA chip set. Graphics cards using for instance ATI or Intel
chipsets are in general not supported.
• DVD-RW drive recommended.
• High resolution colour screen (minimum 19", 1600x1200, 24 bit color depth).

FLACS v9 has been tested on the following platforms.


• OpenSuse 10.0, 10.2, 10.3, 11.0

• CentOS 4.6, 5.1
• Ubuntu 7.10
• Fedora 8

Microsoft Windows:

• XP (32 bit)
• Vista (32 bit)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.3 Software installation and setup 9

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6, 5.1 is expected to be FLACS v9 compatible since it is compatible
with CentOS 4.6, 5.1.
For updated hardware and software requirements, please refer to GexCon’s website, .

2.3 Software installation and setup

A license server is necessary for running FLACS. This section presents FLACS installation, the
FLACS Licence Server and the FLACS Configuration Wizard that guides users through the basic
steps of setting up a FLACS Licence Server. All FLACS installations on a network acquire their
individual licenses from a central licence server, and only one FLACS License Server should
therefore be running on a given network.
FLACS is distributed in a single setup file.

2.3.1 On Linux

On Linux FLACS can be installed system wide, in which case FLACS will be available to all users,
or in a user’s home directory, in which case it will be available to this user only. Installing in users home directory

If only one person will be using FLACS, the software can be installed in this users home directory.
FLACS will by default be installed under /home/my_user/GexCon.
Save the installation package to a convenient location.
Make sure the file is executable:

> chmod u+x /home/my_user/flacs-v9.0-installer

Run the installation program:

> /home/my_user/flacs-v9.0-installer

Please follow the instructions given. It is recommended to keep the default parameters.
FLACS requires a license to run. The license is provided by a license server, which is installed on
only one machine on the local network. During the installation the user can choose to install:

1. Both FLACS software and FLACS license manager

2. FLACS license manager only

For a user home directory installation option 1 should be selected.

The FLACS license manager must be set up before using FLACS. Please refer to the section about
FLACS configure wizard. Installing system wide as super user

To install FLACS system wide, access to the system super user ("root") is required.
/path/to/installation is the path to the location of the FLACS installation package.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

10 Getting started

Change user to super user ("root"):

> su <give password>

Make sure the file is executable:

> chmod u+x /path/to/installation/flacs-v9.0-installer

Run the installation program:

> /path/to/installation/flacs-v9.0-installer

Please follow the instructions given. It is recommended to keep the default parameters.
FLACS requires a license to run. The license is provided by a license server, which is installed on
only one machine on the local network. During the installation the user can choose to install:

1. Both FLACS software and FLACS license manager

2. FLACS license manager only

Option 2 can be used to install a FLACS license manager on a system not running FLACS. Alter-
natively one FLACS workstation in the network can be set up to serve licenses to all other FLACS
installations in the network.
The FLACS license manager must be set up before using FLACS. Please refer to the section about
FLACS configure wizard.

2.3.2 On Windows

To install FLACS on Windows please double-click the installation package "flacs-v9.0-

installer.exe". This will start the installation wizard. Please follow the instructions given. It is
recommended to keep the default parameters.
FLACS requires a license to run. The license is provided by a license server, which is installed on
only one machine on the local network. During the installation the user can choose to install:

1. Both FLACS software and FLACS license manager

2. FLACS license manager only

Option 2 can be used to install a FLACS license manager on a system not running FLACS. Alter-
natively one FLACS workstation in the network can be set up to serve licenses to all other FLACS
installations in the network.
The FLACS license manager must be set up before using FLACS. Please refer to section Setting
up the FLACS license server.

2.3.3 Setting up the FLACS license server

FLACS version 9.0 has a completely new license server/manager system, which operates through
a network protocol. This means that the license manager can be installed anywhere on the net-
work, as long as it is available to the FLACS clients through the local network. The license man-
ager can be installed locally on the machine where the FLACS simulation software is installed, or

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.3 Software installation and setup 11

separately from the simulation software. Only one license manager should be running on your
network, and this is where the FLACS license is installed. All other FLACS installations should
be set up using this license manager.
After the installation is finished, the FLACS license configuration utility should start automat-
ically. In the event that this does not happen please start the configuration utility as follows,
depending on your installation.

> /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/bin/run configureWizard


> C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_v9.0\bin\configureWizard.exe

Alternatively it can be started from the FLACS Runmanager Help→Start Configuration Wizard.
If FLACS is installed system wide (installed as root), on Linux, the license manager must be
running as user root.
The configuration utility will guide you through the setup of the license manager. The config-
uration utility is also used to configure a FLACS installation that gets its license from a license
manager on a separate machine. Setting up the license server on client only FLACS installation

If a FLACS license server is installed and running somehwere on the local network, the FLACS
installation must be configured to connect to the license server.

Figure 2.1: Setting up the license server on client only FLACS installation Setting up the license server on a combined license server and client FLACS installa-

If there is no FLACS license server available on the local network, a license server must be in-
stalled. To install a license server together with the FLACS simulation software, on the same

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

12 Getting started

machine, please use the following procedure. Alternatively a FLACS license server can be in-
stalled on a separate machine, with or without FLACS software. Please refer to section Stan-
dalone FLACS license manager installation.

Figure 2.2: Setting up the license server on a combined license server and client FLACS installa-
tion (steps 1 and 2)

Figure 2.3: Setting up the license server on a combined license server and client FLACS installa-
tion (steps 3 and 4) Standalone FLACS license manager installation

It is possible to install the FLACS license manager only. This is useful if you would like to have
the license manager on a separate machine. To do this select the appropriate option during in-
stallation (see Software installation and setup).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.3 Software installation and setup 13

To configure a standalone FLACS license manager prompt the license manager for an activation
key, by running the following command in a terminal window.

> /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_LicenseManager/bin/FLMserver --get-ActivationKey


> C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_LicenseManager\bin\FLMserver.exe --get-ActivationKey

Send the activation key together with the IP address and license manager communication port
number to <>.
The communication port defaults to 25001. Please make sure that this port is available, and open
on your system. If you are not sure about this please contact your system administrator.
GexCon will, based on the activation key, create a license text file. This file must be saved to:

> /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_LicenseManager/license/license-server.flm


> C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_LicenseManager\license\license-server.flm

Note that when using a standalone FLACS license manager, the license manager must be started
manually each time the computer is restarted. This can be done using a startup script (not pro-
vided). Starting FLACS license manager as a service on Windows

The FLACS license manager can be started as a service on Windows using the following proce-

1. Verify that the FLACS License Manager is working properly as a desktop application
(a) FLACS software and license key must be installed (see procedure above)
(b) Test run FLMserver with the graphical user interface and then quit: > "C:\Program
(c) Make sure to quit FLMserver, the service will not function if there is a desktop FLM-
server running.
2. Download and install the Windows Resource Kit (rktools.exe)
(a) See the following links about Windows Services and related tools:
3. Install the FLACS License Manager service "FLMserver" using INSTSRV:
(a) > instsrv FLMserver "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource
(b) The service can be removed with > instsrv FLMserver REMOVE
(c) The path to srvany.exe might be different on your Windows installation

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

14 Getting started

4. Run REGEDIT to set up the details of the service

(a) It is strongly advised to backup your current registry before editing
(b) > regedit
(c) Locate and select the FLMserver key:
• "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FLMserver"
(d) Add one new value for FLMserver: Description
• Edit→New→String Value : "Description"
• Description = "FLACS License Manager service."
(e) Add one new key for FLMserver: Parameters
• Edit→New→Key : "Parameters"
– Add two new values for FLMserver\Parameters: Application and AppParam-
* Edit→New→String Value : "Application"
* Edit→New→String Value : "AppParameters"
* Application = "C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_-
* AppParameters = –without-gui
* IMPORTANT NOTE: options start with double dashes: –without-gui
• The service will start automatically on reboot, it can also be started/stopped man-
– Control Panel→Administrative Tools→Services

2.3.4 Setting up the FLACS environment

After installation FLACS programs can be accessed from the system menu, in the following loca-

Linux (KDE): Start→Applications→Edutainment→Construction

Linux (Gnome): Applications→Other
Windows: Start→All Programs→GexCon→FLACS_v9.0

Some systems may require the user to log out and restart before FLACS will appear in the system
Desktops that do not follow the standards will not install an icon in the Appli-
cations menu. This will happen on older distributions. In these cases, the user may be able to
install icons and associations manually. Refer to your GNU/Linux distribution vendor for details
on how to customize your desktop. FLACS User setup on Linux

For easy access to FLACS from the command line add the following text to you startup file.
If you use the csh/tcsh shell, edit or create the .cshrc file:

alias run9 /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/bin/run

If you use the bash shell, edit or create the .bashrc file:

alias run9=/usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/bin/run

FLACS programs can the be started by typing eg. run9 flowvis.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.4 Running FLACS 15

2.3.5 Uninstalling FLACS

Linux: Run the program "/usr/local/GexCon/".

Windows: FLACS can be uninstalled using Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs.

2.4 Running FLACS

A typical simulation session with the CFD code FLACS involves several steps. Assuming FLACS
is properly installed on the computer, including valid lisence files for the software, users can
initiate a FLACS session by clicking the FLACS icon on the desctop:

Figure 2.4: The FLACS icon

This should open the Run Manager window:

Figure 2.5: The FLACS Runmanager

Some of the main tasks of the Run Manager are:

• Starting the Licence Manager

• Starting the preprocessor CASD
• Running CFD simulations

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

16 Getting started

• Starting the postprocessors Flowvis

The preprocessor should start when clicking the CASD icon in the Run Manager:

Figure 2.6: The CASD icon

The CASD window looks like this:

Figure 2.7: FLACS preprocessor CASD

Work in CASD often involves opening the Database window from the Geometry menu:
The Database window looks like this:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.4 Running FLACS 17

Figure 2.8: Geometry database window

Typical tasks performed from the Database window include:

• Creating a new database and new geometries

• Opening existing databases and geometries

• Creating new materials (i.e. colours), or modifying existing materials

• Creating new objects, or modifying existing objects

The New Object button, available in the Objects tab in the Database window, opens the Object

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

18 Getting started

Figure 2.9: CASD object window

The main purpose of the Object window is to construct a new object, or to modify an existing
object. Users can build complex objects by adding or subtracting several insides (i.e. boxes or
cylinders). Any geometry can consist of one or several objects, or assemblies of several objects.
An alternative way of working with geometries involves geometry import using the geo2flacs
utility . However, this requires that a representation of the geometry already exists on a compat-
ible CAD format (typically Microstation or PDMS).
Apart from geometry building, the menus in CASD also perform the following tasks:

• Definition of the computational domain and the computational grid

• Porosity calculations with the utility program Porcalc, as well as porosity verification
• Scenario setup, including:

– Definition of monitor point locations, and selection of output variables

– Specification of boundary conditions
– Specification of vent panels and leaks
– Specification of fuel type
– Specification of ignition position and time of ignition

After defining the scenario, the next step is to run the actual FLACS simulations:

• Simulations can be started and monitored with the run manager

• The same operations can be controlled from the command line in Linux

> run9 flacs 010100

Note that the Run Manager also monitors the simulations while they are running.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.5 Help and support 19

The final step in a FLACS session is typically the presentation and verification of simulation re-
sults with the postprocessor Flowvis, as well as data extraction and reporting. The postprocessor
should start when clicking the Flowvis icon in the Run Manager:

Figure 2.10: The Flowvis icon

The Flowvis window looks like this:

Figure 2.11: FLACS postprocessor Flowvis

Some of the most frequently used features in Flowvis include:

• Verifying porosities in a geometry

• Creating scalar-time plots, 2D-plots, 3D-plots, ...
• Creating animations

Data reporting may also include the extraction of numerical simulation results with the utility
programs r1-file and r3-file. These programs run only from command line input in the current
version of FLACS.

2.5 Help and support

FLACS users can get technical support by contacting GexCon software department:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

20 Getting started

Phone: +47 55574330

Commercial customers are entitled to support and maintenance:

Support: Up to 70 hours of email or phone support per year

Maintenance: New releases of FLACS as they are made available

In addition to the above the user has access to the FLACS User Group web site, which contains
information about FLACS, including a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and a self support
portal where the user can search for answers (as of November 2008 GexCon is working on im-
plementing the self support portal, but a release date is not yet decided)
The support and maintenance requires the user to have a payed and valid support and mainte-
nance contract.

2.6 Introductory example

This chapter contains an introductory example. It gives a first impression of how to set up and
run a simple FLACS explosion simulation. For additional examples see sections Best practice
examples and Flowvis examples.

2.6.1 Things to keep in mind before you begin

FLACS is a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Explosion Simulator tool. The input to a CFD
calculation is:

• A geometry, either created manually for the specific purpose, or imported from a CAD
• A grid which divides the simulation domain into cells. In one cell a variable (eg. pressure)
does not vary in space. FLACS use a regular, Cartesian grid, which means box grid cells.
• Various scenario parameter, such as boundary conditions, monitoring point locations, gas
cloud size, position and composition, and ignition location.

All of the above is normally handled in the FLACS pre-processor CASD. The geometry is saved to
a file structure, called a file database. The file database file structure starts in a top level directory
given a name with suffix ".db". The file database should not contain user files, or files other
than those created by the file database interface in CASD.
In addition to the file database a number of other files are created before and during the simula-
tion. All files contains the job number, a 6 digit number. The following files are created as input to
the simulation (010101 is the job number).

cg010101.dat3 The grid file

cs010101.dat3 The scenario file
co010101.dat3 The geometry file. This file contains a snapshot of the geometry contained in the
file database.
cp010101.dat3 The porosity file, which is created by Porcalc. Please see section and Porcalc for

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.6 Introductory example 21

During the simulation a set of result files will be created:

r1010101.dat3 Scalar-time output from monitor points

r3010101.dat3 Field output at selected times. Needed to create 2D and 3D plots

rt010101.dat3 Simulation log file

FLACS can also create and use other files. Please see section Files in FLACS for details.
Due to the number of files created by each simulation it is important to create a good file struc-
ture of directories to keep track of the files. See section Files in FLACS for details and further

2.6.2 Initialising the work directory

As FLACS creates a relatively large number of files it is important to have a good system for book
keeping. It is recommended to start out with an empty directory. On Linux

Make a distinct directory (DIRECTORY_NAME) in which you perform the exercise:


Move into this directory:


Copy geometry files (notice the space before the ".").

> cp /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/doc/examples/ex2/*00001* .

Start up the FLACS runmanager:

> run9 runmanager On Windows

1. Make a distinct directory in which you perform the exercise: Open the file browser ("My
Documents") and choose File→New→Folder.
2. Copy files from C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_v9.0\doc\examples\ex2\∗00001∗
(∗00001∗ means all files containing the text "00001").
3. Start the FLACS runmanager by clicking the desktop icon, or go to Start Menu→All
Programs→GexCon→FLACS_v9.0→FLACS Runmanager.

2.6.3 Initialising and starting the preprocessor CASD

Use Run Manager → Tools → CASD (or click the FLACS pre-processor icon)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

22 Getting started Open and view the geometry in CASD (Move cursor to the CASD window)

1. choose OPEN in the FILE menu OR ∗ file open <CR> OR ALT-f o (<CR> means carrige
return, ie. the enter key)

• CASD Ask for opening an existing job file

2. choose 100001.caj <OK>

• CASD: Open jobfile 100001, using MOUSE+LEFT

3. if any error message appears click <OK>

• CASD: Ignore error message => error message

• CASD: Play with visualisation options, fly through geometry etc.

Figure 2.12: The geometry used in example 1 Make a grid for the simulation

Make a grid (mesh) for the simulation, calculate porosities (module dim.: 25.6m x 8m x 8m, origin
in corner below the control room).

1. Choose SIMULATION_VOLUME from GRID menu

• CASD: To enter the extension of the simulation domain

2. Enter -16 <TAB> -8 <TAB> 0 <TAB> 40 <TAB> 16 <TAB> 16 <OK>

• CASD: Volume is defined (16m out from vent, 8m to the sides; observe - sign)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.6 Introductory example 23

3. In GRID menu, choose DIRECTION X

4. In GRID menu, choose REGION and enter 56 <OK>

• CASD: 56 grid cells chosen (1.0m grid size).

5. Repeat steps for Y direction and use REGION 24

• CASD: 24 cells in Y-direction

6. Repeat steps for Z direction and use REGION 16

• CASD: 16 cells in Z-direction

7. In GRID menu, click INFORMATION, and <OK> to close window

• CASD: Check that grid dimension is 1.0m as intended

8. Choose SAVE from the FILE menu

• CASD: Save geometry and grid files

9. Choose CALCULATE from POROSITIES menu

• CASD: Map geometry information onto the grid, porcalc

10. Choose DISPLAY OFF in the GRID menus

• CASD: Don’t draw the grid anymore

Figure 2.13: Embedding the grid

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

24 Getting started

Figure 2.14: Porsity calculations using Porcalc Define explosion scenario

1. Choose MONITOR_POINTS in SCENARIO menu OR ∗ scen mon <CR>

• CASD: Define where to measure variables
2. Click <ADD>, <EDIT> and 0.8 <TAB> 4.7 <TAB> 7.9 <OK>
• CASD: Add and define location of monitor point 1
3. Repeat this for point 2 (12.3, 4, 0.1) and point 3 (24, 7.9, 7.9)
• CASD: To edit a non-highlighted monitor, click on its number
4. Click <OK>
• CASD: Close MONITOR_POINT window
• CASD: Define which variables to report at monitors
6. Click on <P>, drag mouse pushing MOUSE+LEFT across all monitors, <OK>
• CASD: Log pressure at all three transducers
7. Repeat for <PIMP> and <DRAG>
• CASD: Log pressure impulse and dynamic pressure, too
8. Click <OK> and choose SINGLE_FIELD_3D from SCENARIO menu
• CASD: Define variables for contour plots
9. Click on <P>, CTRL-<PROD>, CTRL-<VVEC>, <OK>
• CASD: Pressure, flame and velocity vectors. CTRL needed to select more than one
(NB! deselect when using the scroll bar)
10. Choose SIMULATION in SCENARIO menu OR ∗ scen sim <CR>
• CASD: Choose output and simulation parameters
11. Click on <NPLOT>, enter 50 <OK>, <OK>
• CASD: Increase number of contour plots, return to main menu
12. Click on GAS_COMP... in SCENARIO menu OR ∗ scen gas_c <CR>
• CASD: Define gas cloud loc., size, comp. and concentration
13. Click on <POS...>, 0 <TAB> 0 <TAB> 0 <OK>
• CASD: Position of bounding box describing gas cloud

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.6 Introductory example 25

14. Click on <DIM...>, 25.6 <TAB> 8 <TAB> 8 <OK>

• CASD: Dimension of gas cloud equals module dimensions

15. Click on <VOL...>, <METHANE> 91.7 <OK> <ETHANE> 7 <OK> <PROPANE> 1.3
<OK> <OK>

• CASD: Gas composition is defined

16. Click on <EQUI...> 1.05 <TAB> 0 <OK> <OK>

• CASD: Slightly rich gas mixture is chosen ER=1.05

17. Click on IGNITION in SCENARIO menu <POS...> 12.5 <TAB> 4.1 <TAB> 4.25 <OK>
<OK> OR ∗ scen ign pos 12.5 4.1 4.25 OK <CR>

• CASD: Define location of ignition (12.5, 4.1, 4.25)

18. Choose SAVE from the FILE menu

• CASD: Save all files, ready to run flacs

19. Minimize CASD

• CASD: Leave CASD for now, can be activated easily

Figure 2.15: Adding monitoring points

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

26 Getting started

Figure 2.16: Choosing variables for 3D output

Figure 2.17: Adding a gas cloud and choosing the gas composition

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.6 Introductory example 27

2.6.4 Start FLACS simulation

Select the job in Run Manager and click simulate (if job not visible, use add directory or if di-
rectory is already added, right click and rescan), check how the simulation starts up (click log

Figure 2.18: Running a simulation in the FLACS Runmanager

2.6.5 Study results in post prosessor Flowvis

Use Run Manager → Tools → Flowvis (or click the FLACS post-processor icon)

1. choose ADD from Page menu (or CTRL+a)

• FLOWVIS: Prepare first page

2. click MOUSE+RIGHT, choose PLOT_TYPE and SCALAR_TIME plot

• FLOWVIS: Plotting of time histories of variables

3. choose 100001 and P with MOUSE+LEFT, select all 3 monitors (drag mouse) <OK>

• FLOWVIS: Plot pressure time history at all monitors


• FLOWVIS: if simulation is running rescan will update plot

5. Choose MODIFY in the Page menu (or CTRL+m), enter <TAB> 1 <TAB> 2 <OK>

• FLOWVIS: divide page into 2 plots

6. Click at lower frame, then MOUSE+RIGHT, PLOT_TYPE, ANNOTATION_ST (or CTRL+0)

• FLOWVIS: show numerical values from pressure plots

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

28 Getting started

7. ADD page and do the same for the DRAG and PIMP variables
8. Choose ADD in Page menu (or CTRL+a), click MOUSE+RIGHT, PLOT_TYPE, 2D... (or

• FLOWVIS: prepare 2D contour plot

9. Choose 100001, P, click <OK>

• FLOWVIS: contour plot of pressure

10. click MOUSE+RIGHT, choose PLOT_DOMAIN, change k-index to 5 <OK>

• FLOWVIS: choose XY-cut plane through ignition

11. Click MOUSE+RIGHT, choose VARIABLE_APPEARANCE change Value Range Setting to


• FLOWVIS: choose a user-defined fixed scale for all time steps

12. Choose Min. Value as 0.05 and Max. Value as 2.0

• FLOWVIS: define the scale

Figure 2.19: Showing pressure-time curves with annotation in Flowvis

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

2.6 Introductory example 29

Figure 2.20: 2D cutplane plot showing over-pressures

Figure 2.21: Setting plot domain for a volume plot

Time steps can now be changed moving the bottom scroll bar to the right, page can be varied
using the right scroll bar.

1. Repeat this method for PROD and VVEC variables (these can be plotted on the same plot)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

30 Getting started

• FLOWVIS: visualize flame and velocity vectors

Try to show PRESSURE and PROD on the same page using PAGE MODIFY (use a fixed scale
for PROD from 0.15 to 0.2 and change Min. Color Index to 9 and Max to 10) Now that you are
familiar with Flowvis, try the volume plot menu to study the development of flame (PROD) and
pressure Use PLOT DOMAIN to narrow the view window and see below the ceiling

2.6.6 Study the effect of ignition location

Enter CASD, open the 100001.caj job-file, save this as a new job number e.g. 100002.caj Change
ignition location in order to study how pressures may vary with different ignition locations End
ignition (0.5, 4.1, 4.25), (job number 100002) Your own assumed worst-case location (job number
Report highest pressure achieved on monitor point
Make animation of either 2D or volume plots using the export menu (with all timesteps)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 3


The preprocessor CASD for the CFD simulator FLACS is used to prepare the input data, or job
data , that defines a FLACS simulation: geometry model, computational grid, porosites, and
scenario description. CASD is an acronym for Computer Aided Scenario Design.

CASD 4 released in 1994, use X11 graphics, but a new version is available based on QT
CASD 5 released in 2001, use Open Inventor graphics
CASD 6 released in 2008, use QT and Coin 3D graphics

This manual describes CASD 6, but the general functionality of CASD 6 is in principle the same
for CASD 4 and CASD 5. CASD 6 is fully backward compatible with CASD 4 and CASD 5.

3.1 Overview
This section provides a general overview of the functionality in CASD.

3.1.1 Starting CASD

Users start CASD by clicking the CASD icon in the run manager window:

Figure 3.1: The CASD desktop icon

or alternatively by executing the command:

> run9 casd6

on the command line in Linux.

3.1.2 CASD command line options

The following options can be given when starting CASD on the command line:

Option Description
-macro macro file name Read input from specified macro file
-numMat maximum number of materials Default is 50
-numObj maximum number of objects Default is 10000
-numAsis maxmimum number of Default is 3500
-stackAsis maxmimu number of nested assembly Default is 8
-noLock Turns of locking on the database files. Must
not be used if more than one user accesses the
database simultaneously. This option speeds
up the database operations significantly.
FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual
3.1 Overview 33

-display and others Linux: options accepted by X

Table 3.1: CASD command line options


run9 casd -numObj 20000 -numAsis 20000 -noLock


casd -numObj 20000 -numAsis 20000 -noLock

Alternatively the options can be set permanently in the FLACS Runmanager,

Options→Preferences. This will only apply if CASD is started from the Runmanager.

3.1.3 The main window in CASD

Starting CASD 6 opens the main window.

Figure 3.2: The main window in CASD

The main window is divided into the following parts:

• The menu bar

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


• The icon bar

• The command input field
• The geometry window(s)
• The status field

These parts are described in the following subsections.

3.1.4 The menu bar

The menu bar contains the following menus:

• File
• Geometry
• Grid
• Porosities
• Scenario
• Block
• View
• Options
• Macro
• Help

The options on the various menus are described in separate sections in this chapter.

3.1.5 The icon bar

The icon bar contains the following toolbars:

• Main toolbar, provides shortcuts to several of the commands on the meny bar:

– New, Open, Save, Save as, Import, and Result on the File menu.
– Database icon on the Geometry menu.
– Calculate and Verify porosities on the Porosity menu.

• Graphics toolbar, controls various features of the geometry window(s).

– View splitting.
– Rectangle zoom.
– Spinning (toggle on/off).
– Highlighting option, from filled only (0) to various degrees of contour highlighting

• Drawing toolbar, opens the plan drawing dialog box:

– Specifying file names for texture (e.g. drawings).

– File formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.1 Overview 35

3.1.6 The command input field

The command input field represents an alternative interface between the user and CASD, in
addition to the regular menus on the menu bar. The control input field contains a scrollable
command history list, and a current command context indicator (left side). The user controls the
command history list from the keyboard:

• UP: retrieves the previous line from the command history list
• DOWN: retrieves the next line from the command history list
• RETURN: processes the content of the command input field

Hence, the user can choose whether to use a menu options on the menu bar, e.g: File→Exit→Yes
(to exit and save) or to execute, after typing or retrieving, the following command in the com-
mand input field:
∗ file exit yes yes Command line input will in many situations be the most efficient way
to work with CASD, and other sections in this chapter present additional examples on how to
use this feature.
Examples: Using the command input field in CASD

• Select a box primitive in an object. The following command moves the box to (2, 2, 2), and
would cause the properties dialog to be shown

– ∗ edit properties 2 2
– This is because the position is not completely specified. The user does not have to
specify all parameters, but must include all values for the parameter specified.
• If the user wants to edit one of the last parameters in the dialog, it is not necessary to specify
all the parameters in front. The parameter name can be used to indicate which parameter
to edit

– ∗ edit properties size 2 2 2 vol_por 0.5

• The user can also supply the answer to a question in the input field. To delete an assem-
bly/instance, CASD will ask to confirm the operation. To avoid the question dialog, type
the following command

– ∗ geometry delete yes

– or shorter: ∗ ge de y
• To direct the output from a list to a file, append the file name after the list command. For
instance, to list geometries in the database, enter the following command, which will create
the text file outfile.txt

– ∗ geometry list outfile.txt

3.1.7 The graphical area

The graphical area in the main window displays the geometry and the computational grid. In
addition to the options on the View menu, there are several ways of manipulating the view:

• Rotation: MOUSE+LEFT
• Rectangle zoom: MOUSE+RIGHT+SELECT

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


• Splitting and closing views: MOUSE+RIGHT+SELECT

The use of these features are quite intuitive, and they will not be described in more detail in this

3.1.8 The message area

The message area in the main window contains information concerning the active database,
project, geometry, grid, and units.

3.1.9 Files in CASD

CASD stores job data on a set of files. For the arbitrary job number 010100, the most important
files are:

• Header file, 010100.caj: ASCII file created by CASD; defines the co, cg, and cm files used by
• Geometry file, co010100.dat3: binary file created by CASD; contains a list of primitives from
a CASD database that define the geometry; used by Porcalc and Flowvis.
• Grid file, cg010100.dat3: binary file created by CASD; defines the computational mesh; used
by CASD, Flacs, and Flowvis.
• Porosity file, cp010100.dat3: binary file created by Porcalc (typically from the Grid menu in
CASD); defines the porosities for each grid cell; used by Flacs and Flowvis.
• Polygon file, cm010100.dat3: binary file created by CASD; defines the polygon model; used
by Flowvis (if the file exists).
• Scenario file, cs010100.dat3: ASCII file created by CASD; defines the general scenario (mon-
itor points, output variables, fuel region, pressure relief panels, ignition position, etc.); used
by CASD, Flacs, and Flowvis.

The grid-file is also called the obstruction file, or co-file, and is not a direct input to the simulation; it
is however used by Porcalc when generating the porosity file. The File menu in the main window
contains commands for creating, opening, and saving the various job files. See section Files in
FLACS for further information.

3.1.10 Working with geometries in CASD

To implement the geometry model in CASD can often be the most time consuming part of a
project. For modern process facilities it may be possible to import a geometry from an existing
CAD model, but for many installations the geometry must be constructed manually from draw-
ings, photographs, etc.
A large projects, such as a full probabililistic analysis, can involve hundreds of CFD simulations,
and each simulation will typically produce 10-15 different files. Hence, it is very important to
organize the files in a well-structured manner.
The building blocks in a CASD geometry are instances of objects. The structure within an object
is a so-called Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) model, where simple solid primitives (boxes
and cylinders) are combined by Boolean operators (unions and left differences).
Objects in CASD can be either global or local. Several geometries can contain instances of the
same global object, whereas a local object can only be included in the geometry where it was
created. It is generally recommended to use global objects, and avoid the use of local objects.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.1 Overview 37

The list of information required to implement a typical process facility, such as an offshore oil
platform or an onshore process plant, is quite extensive:

• Plot plan
• Sectional drawings
• Piping plan
• HVAC layout
• Cable trays layout
• Framing plans
• Cladding
• Deck plan

Most FLACS users find it convenient to define standardized axis directions, and the following
convention is used by GexCon for typical process facilities:

• East-West along the x-axis, with positive x towards the east.

• North-South along the y-axis, with positive y towards the north.
• Up-Down along the z-axis, with positive z pointing upwards.

This results in a conventional right handed coordinate system, where the lower south-western
corner of the facility coincides with the origin (0,0,0).
Each object in a CASD database is assigned a material property, and each ’material’ is assigned a
colour hue from the 0-360° colour circle. Many FLACS users find it convenient to assign certain
hues to various structural elements, and the following convention is used by GexCon for typical
process facilities.

Hue Colour Description

0 Red solid walls and decks
30 Orange pressure relief and and
louvred panels
60 Yellow grated decks
120 Green anticipated congestion
180 Cyan equipment
200 Light blue structure
220 Medium Blue secondary structure
250 Dark Blue piping
300 Pink equipment
Table 3.2: Colour convention used by GexCon

A standardized colour scheme makes it more straightforward to review geometries from old

3.1.11 About congestion, confinement, and vents

In order to have a good representation of the effect of obstacles it is important that they are well
represented geometrically by the chosen grid. In most practical situations it will not be possible
to represent the smaller obstacles on the grid, these should still be included since they may be
treated by proper sub-grid models. Larger obstacles like the floor (or the ground), the ceiling, the
walls and larger equipment will be resolved on-grid. This means that they will be adjusted to
match the grid lines.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


The most challenging geometry to represent properly is repeated obstacles of the same size and
spacing as the chosen grid resolution, in such cases the user should consider to change the grid to
achieve a better representation. If this type of geometry is dominant it is of vital importance for
the accuracy of the result that the representation is good enough. In cases where such a geometry
is not dominant one may pay less attention to how it is represented. For normal offshore modules
there will be a range of subgrid sized obstacles which are more or less randomly distributed in
In many experimental setups one will find repeated obstacles of the same size. The basic research
on gas explosions past many years now has focused on the effect of obstacle arrays, perhaps to
a greater extent than on the effect of more realistic geometries. Both categories are important in
order to be able to validate tools like FLACS.
It is important to represent the vent openings of a semi-confined geometry properly. If obstacles
close to the outer boundaries are adjusted to match the grid, the effective vent area may be af-
fected. In order to verify that the representation of the vent openings is as good as possible the
user should check the porosity fields (using CASD or Flowvis).

3.2 File menu

3.2.1 New

Shortcut CTRL+N
Starts a new simulation job.
The New command in the File menu creates a new empty job. If there were unsaved changes to
the current job, a dialog box is displayed, asking about saving the changes.

3.2.2 Open

Shortcut: CTRL+O
This command opens an existing set of simulation files. The default selection is defined in a ∗.caj
The Open command in the File menu opens an existing job.
If you enter the file name in the command input field, the path must be encapsulated in apostro-
phes, for instance:
∗ open "../../Test/000000.caj"
If you select the command from the menu bar, or if no name is specified in the command input
field, the Open dialog box is displayed, allowing you to specify a path and file name to open.
By default, the file filter is initiated for selecting CASD job header files (type ∗.caj). But you
may also select a geometry file (type co∗.dat3). CASD will then open all files with the same job
If a geometry is open (in the database), the filter string will be constructed from the project and
geometry numbers. It is not possible to open a job that is not compatible with the open project
and geometry numbers.
If there were unsaved changes to the current job, a dialog box is displayed, asking about saving
the changes.
The geometry file is not read when a geometry is open in the database. If no geometry is open

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3.3 Geometry menu 39

in the database, CASD will display the contents of the geometry file in the graphic area after
successful open. The contents of the geometry file can be edited using the Edit File command in
the Geometry menu, see section Geometry menu.

3.2.3 Save

Shortcut: CTRL+S
Saves the current simulation job (i.e. the various files that define the job).
The Save command in the File menu saves the current job.

3.2.4 Save as

Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+S
The Save As command saves the current job under a new (user-defined) name (job number).

3.2.5 Import

Imports certain specifications from another simulation job (e.g. grid file, scenario file, etc.).

3.2.6 Exit

Shortcut: CTRL+Q
Exits the CASD software.

3.3 Geometry menu

CASD stores the geometry in a database, and on the geometry file (co-file). The commands in
the Geometry menu in the main window, except the Edit File command, are available when
connected to a database. The Save and Save As commands in the File menu writes the geometry
to the geometry file.
The building blocks in a CASD geometry are instances of objects. Objects can be global or local.
Several geometries can contain instances of the same global object, while a local object only can
be included in the geometry where it was created.
Instances can be grouped under assemblies. Several levels of assemblies can be created. Each
instance and assembly has a transformation matrix. The position, scale, and orientation of an
instance is the result of the matrices on all levels above the instance, in addition to the matrix for
the instance itself.
Each geometry is a member of a project. The project is the top level in the CASD data structures.
A project can own a number of geometries.
Instances and assemblies can be made invisible and visible using the following commands:

CTRL+I Make the selected assembly/instance invisible

CTRL+SHIFT+I Make the selected assembly/instance visible.

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Use the Position command in the Geometry menu to change the position of the selected assembly
or instance.

3.3.1 Geometry Database

The first option on the Geometry menu in CASD opens the Database dialog box.

Figure 3.3: The geometry database window in CASD

In the Database dialog box the user can:

• Create a new database, project, geometry, or object.

• Connect to or save an existing database.
• Open or save existing, projects, geometries, or objects.
• Insert instances in a geometry.
• Define new materials or edit existing materials. Geometry tab

On the Geometry tab the user can create, open and manipulate projects and geometries. Projects
can be renamed and deleted, geometries can be renamed, copied and deleted. Objects tab

The New Object button in the Database dialog box opens the Object window. Materials tab

Each object in a CASD database is assigned a material property, and each ’material’ is assigned
a colour hue from the 0-360° colour circle. To define a new material click the New Material
button. The new material is defined by a name and a hue, a value between 0 and 360.

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3.3 Geometry menu 41

3.3.2 Creating a CASD database

To create a database choose Geometry→Database or type ∗ geometry database. The Geome-

try Database window is shown. Click the Connect button. A file selection dialog box is displayed.
Move to the directory where the database should be created, and write the name of the database,
e.g. my_database.db. Alternatively the database can be created using the command input: ∗
database create my_database.db, which will create a database in the current directory.
If the Geometry Database window is not open, choose Geometry→Database. Use the New Project
button to create a new project, or the Open Project button to open an existing project.
When a project is opened, a new geometry can be created clicking the New Geometry button, or
open an existing geometry clicking the Open Geometry button.
When an existing geometry is opened, the assembly/instance structure and all objects and
materials used are loaded into the CASD program. If the geometry contains many assem-
blies/instances, you may get an error message indicating that there were not room enough in
the CASD data structures. See section CASD command line options for information on how you
can use command line options to allocate more memory for these structures.

3.3.3 Connecting to a database

To create a new database, see section Creating a CASD database.

To connect to an existing database choose Geometry→Database or type ∗ geometry
database. The Geometry Database window is shown. Click the Connect button. A file se-
lection dialog box is displayed. Select the CASD_DB file on the database directory you want to
connect to.
If you enter the file name in the command input field, the path must be encapsulated in apostro-
phes, for instance:
∗ database connect "MyCasdDB/CASD_DB"

3.3.4 Creating a new or opening an existing object

You can create a new object clicking the New Object button on the Objects tab in the Geometry
Database window, or open an existing object using the Open button.
When you have completed the New or Open Object command, the object window is displayed.

3.3.5 Selecting a node and a subtree

At any time, a part of the binary tree is selected. It may be a single node, or a subtree containing
several nodes. If a subtree is selected, the top node is referred to as the selected node. In the
postfix string, the top node is the rightmost node in the subtree.
The selected subtree is highlighted in the graphic window, and underlined in the message area.
There are two different methods for selecting a subtree.

1. Click MOUSE+LEFT while pointing at a primitive. If several primitives are hit, they are
placed on a stack (list). Only one primitive is selected at a time. Press CTRL+TAB command
to parse this stack.
2. Use the following commands:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


CTRL+L Select the previous instance

CTRL+R Select the next instance

3.3.6 Maintaining a CASD database

The dbfutil program is available for creating and maintaining CASD file databases.

run9 dbfutil database command [option]


dbfutil database command [option]

The usage of this program is described in table Using the the dbfutil program. Make sure that no
other users are connected to the database when you execute this program.

Command Description
create Create database
destroy Destroy database
force Destroy database, override any errors
dellock Delete all locks. Use this command if files in
the database are still locked after a crash in
restoredep Restore dependencies. For each object in the
database, there is a file containing a list of all
geometries that contain instances of the
object. (Executing the Information command
in the File menu in the Object dialog lists the
contents of this file.) This file is used for
determining if the object can be deleted
when you execute the Delete Object
command in the Database menu. CASD
updates these files when required. But if a
problem should occur for some reason, the
restoredep command might help. It updates
the file mentioned above for all objects in the

restorehead Restore header files. This command resets

the process log file for the database. This file
contains a list of (CASD) processes currently
connected to the database.

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3.3 Geometry menu 43

list List the content of all table files, e.g. list O

lists all objects:
P List the content of all project table files.

O List the content of all object table files.

M List the content of all material table files.
G List the content of all geometry table files.

L List the content of all local object table

U List the content of all objects-used table
A List the content of all asis table files.

Table 3.3: Using the dbfutil program

We strongly recommend that you make backups of your databases on a regular basis.

3.3.7 Local objects

Local objects consist simply of one box or one cylinder. Use local objects to define entities like
walls, floors etc. Define global objects for more complicated things.
The name of a local object must start with an underscore character (_).
The Local Object command in the Geometry menu creates a local object, and one instance of it.
You can of course create several instances of the local object using the Instance command.
The Local Object command has two sub choices, Box and Cylinder. Select the appropriate primi-
tive type.
CASD will first ask for the material name. Enter the name of an existing material. The material
decides the colour of the object. If you haven’t defined any materials, use the New Material
command in the Geometry Database window to create one.
CASD will then ask for the sizes and porosities for the primitive. CASD creates an instance of the
object in (0, 0, 0). Use the Position or Translate command to move it to the correct position.
You can use the Properties command to edit material, sizes and porosities for a local object. The
Rename command changes the name of the object.

3.3.8 Global objects

A global object is edited in a separate object window. All the commands described in this chapter
refers to the menus in the object window.
Global objects can have instances in several geometries. The structure within a global object is a
constructive solid geometry (CSG) model where simple solid primitives are combined by means
of Boolean set operations. The primitives and operations are nodes in a binary tree where the
leaves are primitives and the internal nodes are operations.
Boxes, cylinders, ellipsoids, general truncated cones (GTC) and complex polyhedrons (CP8) are

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


the primitive types supported. The box primitive includes planes as a special case. Available
operation types are union and difference.


Only boxes and cylinders should be used in by default, but ellipsoids, general truncated
cones and complex polyhedrons can be used in special cases. These latter primitive types
have the following important limitations:

• No subgrid models, thus not contribution to turbulence and drag force

• Porosity calculation takes a long time for these primitive types. There should be no
more than 100-200 of these primitives in any given geometry

Figure 3.4: Supported primitive types

A root is a subtree that is not part of another subtree. The object typically contains several roots
during editing. But it must contain only one root when it is saved.
The postfix string represents a way of visualising the binary tree defining the object.
The postfix string for the open object is displayed in the message area in the object window. The
selected subtree is highlighted.
A material is assigned to each object. The material decides the colour of the object.

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3.3 Geometry menu 45

Figure 3.5: The binary tree for an objects, and the corresponding postfix string

3.3.9 Assembly

Opens a dialog box where the user can specify an assembly of several instances. Adding an assembly

Assemblies represents a way to group the instances in complicated geometries. The Assembly
command in the Geometry menu adds an assembly to the geometry. CASD will ask for the
assembly name. You must enter a name that doesn’t exist on the same level, see below. The
assembly is placed in (0, 0, 0). You can transform an assembly in the same way as an instance.
All geometries contains at least one assembly, called the top assembly. That assembly can not be
When you create an assembly, it is placed in the geometry structure depending on what was
selected on forehand. If an instance was selected, the new assembly is placed after that instance
under the same assembly. If an assembly was selected, the new assembly is placed under that
You can later rename the assembly using the Rename command. Selecting an assembly or instance

The selected instance, or all the instances in the selected assembly, are highlighted in the graphic
window. The name of the selection is written in the message area. The name is concatenated
from the geometry name, the names of all assemblies above the selected assembly/instance, and
the name of the selected assembly/instance. Each level is separated by a period (.). An example
is shown below.
Current Geometry Selection: M24.A1.COOLER-2

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Here, M24 is the geometry name, A1 is an assembly. The last part of the string is the lowest
level. In this example, it is an instance, identified by the object name, COOLER, and the instance
There are three different methods for selecting an assembly or instance. The first method is to
select from the graphic window. To do this, click MOUSE+LEFT while pointing at the instance. If
several instances are hit, they are placed on a stack. Only one instance is selected at a time. In
CASD4 use the CTRL+TAB command to parse this stack.
The second method is to use the following commands:

• Select the parent assembly: Press CTRL+U.

• Select the child assembly/instance: Press CTRL+D.
• Select the assembly/instance name: Press CTRL+F. You are asked to enter the concatenated
name to select.
• Select the previous assembly/instance on the same level: Press CTRL+L.
• Select the next assembly/instance on the same level: Press CTRL+R.

The third method is to use the List command in the Geometry menu to pop up a list of the
contents of the open geometry. You can use the mouse to select from the list.

3.3.10 Instance

Creates an instance in the current geometry and/or assembly. Adding an instance

To add an instance of an object, use the Instance command in the Geometry menu. CASD will
ask for the object name. You must enter the name of an existing object. The instance is placed in
(0, 0, 0). Use the Position or Translate command to move it to the correct position.
Alternatively the Instance button on the Objects tab in Geometry Datbase dialog can be used.
When a new instance is created, it is placed in the geometry structure depending on what was
selected on forehand. If an instance was selected, the new instance is placed after that instance
under the same assembly. If an assembly was selected, the new instance is placed under that

3.3.11 Local object

Creates a local object in the current geometry.

3.3.12 Delete

Deletes either the currently selected instance, local object, or the current assembly (must be

3.3.13 List

Lists all assemblies and instances in the current geometry, including modified positions.

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3.3 Geometry menu 47

3.3.14 Duplicate

Duplicates the selected instances in the current geometry.

3.3.15 Position

Defines the position of an instance.

3.3.16 Translate

Translates the current instance.

3.3.17 Rotate

The Rotate command rotates the selected assembly or instance. Note that CASD only accepts axis
parallel geometry. That means that the rotation angle must be a multiples of 90 degrees.

3.3.18 Scale

Scales the current instance by a certain factor in each spatial direction

3.3.19 Matrix

Specifies the transformation matrix of the current instance. This command is normally not used
directly, but is available for macro reading and writing.

3.3.20 Making an assembly or instance visible or invisible


This command lets the user make the current instance invisible/visible.

3.3.21 Select

Selects an instance in the current geometry through the following short cut options. See section
Selecting an assembly or instance.

3.3.22 Substitute

Substitutes all instances of one object in the current geometry with instances of another object.
The user specifies the name of the existing object and new objects.

3.3.23 Properties

Opens a dialog box where the user can observe and edit the properties of a local object.

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3.3.24 Rename

Opens a dialog box where the user can rename assemblies or local objects.

3.3.25 Object

Opens the currently selected object.

3.3.26 Edit file

The Edit File command in the Geometry menu makes it possible to edit the geometry file (co file)
for the open job. This command is only available when no geometry is open in the database.
The geometry is saved on the geometry file as one single object, when selecting Save in CASD.
Upon the Edit File command, an object window is therefore shown for editing this object, if
the geometry database is not available, or the user wants to make small modifications to the
geometry outside of the database.
Since the object structure lacks the assembly/instance mechanism, editing the geometry file di-
rectly without using the database is recommended only for geometries with a relatively small
number of primitives. For geometries with many primitives, the postfix string is long and diffi-
cult to manage.
Editing the geometry file for FLACS simulations may be advantageous when the user want to
test the impact of small changes in the geometry on the simulation results. Note that there is no
way to update the database from the geometry file.

3.4 Object window in CASD

The object window opens from the ’New Object’ button in the database dialog box.
The object window opens from the database window.

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3.4 Object window in CASD 49

Figure 3.6: The object window in CASD

The message area in the object window shows the postfix string.

3.4.1 File menu in the Object window

The options on the file menu in the object window are explained below.

3.4.2 Save

If the user is editing an object in the database, the Save command in the File menu saves the object
on the database.
If the user is editing the geometry file, the changes are stored internally in the geometry database,
and will be written to the file upon the Save and Save As commands in the File menu in the main
window. Exiting from the object window without saving, the changes are lost.
The object is stored only if it is consistent, that is if it has only one root. If the object is not
consistent, an error message is displayed, and a Union or Left Difference should be added.

3.4.3 Information

The Information command in the File menu displays a list of all geometries containing instances
of the open object.

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3.4.4 Exit

Upon the Exit command, CASD asks about saving the object, and then whether to exit from the
object. If the answer is yes to the last question, the object window is closed.

3.4.5 Edit menu

The options on the edit menu in the object window are explained below. Operations

The Operation command in the Edit menu changes the operation type if the selected node is an
operation. Properties

The Properties command in the Edit menu changes the primitive properties if the selected node is
a primitive.
If you have selected a subtree containing only one type of primitives, the Properties command can
be used for changing one or more parameters for all these primitives. Translate

Use the Translate command to translate the selected assembly or instance a specified distance in
each axis direction.
Use the Translate command in the Edit menu to translate the selected subtree a specified distance
in each axis direction. From To

Use the From To command to translate the subtree so that one specified position, the base point,
is moved to another, the target point. A dialog box for specifying the two positions is displayed.
A circle is displayed in the graphic window, indication the position being edited. CASD keeps a
list of positions used in the object. By pressing CTRL+L or CTRL+R, you can parse this list. The
coordinates in the dialog box is updated. Rotate

The Rotate command rotates the selected subtree. You must specify a base point for the rotation,
and the rotation angle. As for the From To command, you can parse the position list using the
CTRL+L or CTRL+R commands. Note that CASD only accepts axis parallel geometry. That means
that the rotation angle must be a multiple of 90 degrees. Scale

The Scale command is only legal when an instance of a local object consisting of a box is selected.

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3.4 Object window in CASD 51

The Scale command scales the selected subtree. You must specify a base point for the scaling,
and the scaling factor. You can parse the position list using the CTRL+L or CTRL+R commands Delete

The Delete command in the Edit menu deletes the last node in the postfix string, the selected
subtree or the current root. Note that if the postfix string for the object is consistent, it consists of
only one root. Therefore deleting the current root deletes the entire object. Mark

The Mark command is used in connection with the Substitute command. Select Mark command
to mark the subtree to be substitued with the subtree selected when the Substitute command is
selected. Substitute

The Substitute command in the Geometry menu substitutes all instances of one object with in-
stances of another object. You are asked to specify the two object names.
The Substitute command in the Edit menu substitutes the selected subtree with another subtree.
Use the Mark command to select the first subtree.
The substitute command implies the following steps. (Let subtree 1 denote the first subtree and
subtree 2 the second subtree.)

1. Make a copy of subtree 2 and give it a new identity, say subtree 3.

2. Delete subtree 1 from the postfix string.
3. Insert subtree 3 in the postfix string in the position where subtree 1 was situated. Duplicate

The Duplicate command in the Geometry menu duplicates the selected instance. You are asked
to enter the number of copies, and the distance between each copy in the three axis directions.
Click on Ok, and a dialog box pops up for each copy, allowing you to edit the position.
The Duplicate command in the Edit menu duplicates the selected sub tree. You are asked to enter
the number of copies, and the distance between each copy in the three axis directions. Union
operations are added automatically, so that the resulting sub tree includes the original one.

Creating pipe bundles Start with creating one cylinder with the appropriate diameter, length
and direction. Use the Duplicate command in the Edit menu to duplicate the cylinder in one
direction. Use the same command once more to duplicate the resulting row of cylinders in the
other direction.
If you need to change some parameters for all the cylinders, select the entire pipe bundle sub tree
and use the Properties command. If you want to change the distances between the cylinders, this
can be done by scaling the entire sub tree. Afterwards you can use the Properties command to
reset the cylinder diameters and lengths.

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52 CASD Material

The Material command in the Edit menu edits the material name for the object. You must enter
an existing material name. Matrix

The Matrix command was introduced to make it simple to create and run macros for creating


This command should normally not be used in interactive mode.

3.4.6 Add menu in the Object window

The options on the add menu in the object window are explained below. Box

The Box command in the Add menu adds a box at the end of the postfix string. A dialog box for
defining the box parameters is displayed. Cylinder

The Cylinder command adds a cylinder at the end of the postfix string. A dialog box for defining
the box parameters is displayed. Ellipsoid

The Ellipsoid command adds an ellipsoid at the end of the postfix string. A dialog box for defining
the ellipsoid parameters is displayed. Note warning about the use of ellipsoid. CP8

The CP8 command adds a complex polyhedron at the end of the postfix string. A dialog box
for defining the complex polyhedron parameters is displayed. Note warning about the use of
complex polyhedron.

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3.4 Object window in CASD 53

Figure 3.7: Definition of a complex polyhedron GTC

The GTC command adds a general truncated cone at the end of the postfix string. A dialog box
for defining the general truncated cone parameters is displayed. Note warning about the use of
general truncated cone.

Figure 3.8: Definition of a general truncated cone Union

The Union command adds an union operation at the end of the postfix string. This command is
only legal if the object contains at least two roots which can be connected by the operation. Left Difference

The Left Difference command adds a difference operation at the end of the postfix string. This
command is only legal if the object contains at least two roots which can be connected by the
operation. If using CASD4, use the Shade command in the View menu, to see the result of the
operation. Note that the right hand side operator of a difference operation must be a primitive. Copy

The Copy command adds a copy of the selected sub tree at the end of the postfix string.

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54 CASD Object

The Object command adds a copy of a specified object at the end of the postfix string.

3.4.7 Select menu in the Object window

The options on select file menu in the object window are explained below. Previous

Shortcut: CTRL+L
Selects the previous primitive or subtree Next

Shortcut: CTRL+R
Selects the next primitive or subtree Stack

Shortcut: CTRL+TAB
This command will parse (cycle through) the list of selected primitives or subtrees if more than
one is selected.

3.4.8 View menu in the Object window

The options on the view menu in the object window are explained below. Print

The Print menu allows exporting a screenshot of the CASD window into different formats:

• Postscript
• IV Examiner Viewer and Fly viewer

The default and most widely used viewer is the Examiner viewer. The Fly viewer can be used to
fly through the geometry. The XY, XZ and YZ views

The option XY View and XZ View display a projection of the geometry in the XY and XZ planes
respectively. The options YZ East View and YZ West View display a projection of the geometry
in the YZ plane along the positive and negative Y-axis respectively.

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3.4 Object window in CASD 55

3.4.9 3D View

The 3D View option displays a default 3D view of the geometry. Axis

The Axis option turns axis display on and off. Maximize

The option Maximize maximizes the visible window to display the entire geometry and grid. Grid Display

Three different options are available in the Grid Display menu:

• Off: The grid is not displayed. Only the geometry would be displayed.
• Working Direction: The grid would be displayed in the working direction only.
• All Directions: The grid would be displayed in the three directions. Annotation

The options in this menu are currently not used. Draw Style

Different options are available in this menu:

• Off: The geometry will not be displayed.

• Wireframe: Only the edges of the objects that compose the geometry would be displayed.
• Filled: Surfaces of the objects that compose the geometry would be displayed.
• Scenario Wireframe: Only the edges of scenario objects (for example, a fuel region) would
be displayed.
• Scenario Filled: Surfaces of scenario objects would be displayed. LOD and Properties

The LOD (Level Of Details) and properties menus control the details of the geometry displayed.

3.4.10 Macro menu in the Object window

The options on the macro menu in the object window are explained below. for more infromation
about CASD macros see section Macro menu. Run

Read a macro file defining a single object.

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56 CASD Record

Writes all commands given to a user specified macro file. Write Object

Writes a macro file containing the current object.

3.5 Grid menu

The simulation volume is divided into a set of control volumes by three sets of grid planes, one
in each axis direction.
There is always a current grid working direction, and a selected region of grid planes in this
direction. The current working direction is shown in the message area. The lines indicating the
selected region is highlighted.

3.5.1 Simulation volume

The Simulation Volume command lets you change the simulation volume extent in all three di-
rections. If you increase the volume, the original grid planes are kept, but one additional plane is
added in each direction. If you decrease the volume, planes outside the new volume are deleted,
and new planes are created on the volume borders.

3.5.2 Direction

The Direction command changes the working direction. Legal input is x, y or z. The Grid menu
commands Region, Add, Position, Move, Delete, Smooth, Stretch and List affects the grid planes
in the working direction.

3.5.3 Region

The Region command substitutes the selected grid planes by a new set of grid planes. CASD asks
you to enter the new number of control volumes in the region.

3.5.4 Add

The Add command adds a new grid plane in the working direction. You are asked to enter the
coordinate value for the new plane.

3.5.5 Position

The Position command lets you edit the position for the selected grid plane.

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3.5 Grid menu 57

3.5.6 Move

The Move command moves the selected grid planes a specified distance.

3.5.7 Delete

The Delete command deletes the selected grid planes.

3.5.8 Smooth

The Smooth command substitutes the selected grid planes by a new set of grid planes.
For the Smooth command, the sizes of the control volumes at each end of the region is kept
unchanged. The sizes of the control volumes between them varies gradually.
This function is typically used when refining the grid around a leak.

3.5.9 Stretch

The Stretch commands substitutes the selected grid planes by a new set of grid planes. This is
particularly useful when stretching the grid towards the outer boundaries.
The Stretch command has two sub-choices:

• Negative Direction (typically used at the boundaries at the negative end of the axis)
• Positive Direction (typically used at the boundaries at the positive end of the axis)

You must enter the size of the control volume at one end of the region, default is the current size.
Then you must enter a factor by which the sizes of the control volumes in the specified direction

Note that stretching of the grid should be avoided in areas of the simulation domain where
the main combustion is happening. The flame model in FLACS has been validated for cubical
control volumes, thus the user should not stretch the grid in areas where accurate results are
required. It is however good practice to stretch the grid towards the boundaries, to concerve
simulation time and computer memory.

3.5.10 Information

The Information command displays status information about the defined grid, while the List
command lists the grid coordinates in the working direction.

3.5.11 List

The Information command displays status information about the defined grid, while the List
command lists the grid coordinates in the working direction.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


3.5.12 Display

The Display command turns grid display off, displays the grid in the working direction only, or
displays the grid in all three directions.

3.5.13 Select

The selected region of grid planes is limited by two planes, the lower and upper limit. If only
one plane is selected, the upper and lower limit is the same grid plane. Grid planes are selected
using the following commands:

• Lower boundary

– Select the next grid plane: CTRL+RIGHT

– Select the previous grid plane: CTRL+LEFT
• Upper boundary

– Select the next grid plane: CTRL+UP

– Select the previous grid plane: CTRL+DOWN

3.5.14 Grid-related operations

3.5.15 Importing the grid from another job

Use the Import command in the File menu to import the grid from another job.
If you enter the grid file name in the command input field, the path must be encapsulated in
apostrophes, as described in section . If you select the command from the menu bar, or if no
name is specified in the command input field, the Import dialog box is displayed, allowing you
to specify the path and file name for a grid file. You will be asked to verify that the current grid
is overwritten by the grid from the specified file.

3.5.16 Saving the grid

The Save and Save As commands in the File menu saves the grid, together with the rest of the
job data. If the grid is changed, you will need to recalculate the porosities.

3.5.17 Grid-related utilities

FLACS is deleivered with a command line tool for creating an manipulating the grid. This tool
can be used to quickly edit or get information about the grid. Please see section gm for further

3.5.18 Grid guidelines

The grid resolution should be chosen to obtain a simulation result within an acceptable time
frame. In most cases a reasonably good result can be obtained on a coarse grid within less than
one hour (in some cases 5 minutes), and high quality results can normally be generated in a few
hours (or at least over the night).

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3.5 Grid menu 59

Never start a project with a calculation on a grid that will be running for days. If such long sim-
ulation times are necessary, always start simulating on a much coarser grid [even if this violates
guidelines] to check that the scenario and setup are OK.
The user should keep the position of the grid lines in mind while defining the geometry. The
geometry details such as walls and decks should be adjusted to the closest grid line when in-
putted. Thereby the user keeps track of the positioning instead of having the geometry moved in
an unwanted direction by the porosity calculation program.
In the grid embedding process, it is highly recommended to use Grid→Information in Casd to
check different aspects of the grid. Grid sensitivity tests are also recommended. Gas explosion simulations

The user should always apply cubical grid cells in the combustion region. Deviations from
this will give different flame propagation and pressures, and the validation work done is
no longer valid. Deviations of the order 10% in aspect ratio is OK, deviations by a factor
of 2 in aspect ratio is not OK. If one chooses not to follow this guideline, the results can be
somewhat improved by setting a fixed control volume size for the time stepping routine (see
section The SETUP namelist, example TIME_STEPPING=" STRICT:L_FIX=1.0" ).

Channels and confined vessels and rooms (filled with gas from wall to wall) must always be
resolved by a minimum of 5-6 grid cells in smallest direction if flame acceleration shall be modelled.
This also applies for pipes where flame acceleration along the pipe is of interest.
A pipe connection from one vessel to the next may have less grid cells across the diameter (but
preferably more than 1 CV) if only flame transport by pressure difference and not flame accelera-
tion along the pipe shall be modelled. Increase the inner diameter of angles and bends somewhat
when modelling pipes with cylinder minus primitives. Remember that one full grid cell is re-
quired inside the solid walls around " minus primitive holes" to ensure that the walls will not be
Unconfined gas clouds as well as partially filled clouds should have a minimum of 13 grid cells
across the cloud if both sides are unconfined, and a minimum of 10 grid cells in directions where
cloud meets confinement on one side (example vertical direction for dense gas cloud in chemical
It is not recommended to use non-cubical grids for explosion simulations. As they are often used
for dispersion simulations, the dispersion simulation results should be dumped, thereafter the
rdfile utility program should be used to transfer the results from the dispersion grid to a grid
better suited for explosions, see example below:

> run9 rdfile rd111111.n001 rd222222.n001

Here 111111 is the dispersion calculation job number and 222222 is copy of the job, in which the
grid has been modified to follow explosion grid embedding guidelines. The grid of job 222222
must be completely inside the grid of 111111.
The grid can be stretched outside the combustion region in directions where pressure recordings
are not of interest. In directions where pressure wave propagation is of interest, one should not
stretch the grid because this will reduce the sharpness and quality of the pressures.
A proper distance to external boundaries is important. At least 5-10 grid cells from vent opening
to external boundary should be used in situations where the external explosion is not important
(small vent area or strong turbulence inside vessel).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


In low-congested vessels with significant vent opening, external explosions and reversing of flow
may give a strong feedback into the vessel in connection with venting. To pick up this properly,
the distance to the external boundaries should be significant (maybe 3-4 times the length of the
EULER boundary will reflect negative pressures, which can destroy results when simulating far
field pressure propagation. In this case PLANE_WAVE may be recommended (but then the bound-
aries must be far away so no products from combustion reaches the boundaries). For unconfined
situations, try to have the same distance to boundaries in all directions (use stretching in direc-
tions with less interest in results). Blast wave propagation in the far field

Maximum control volume size should be 10% of gas cloud diameter:

max CV = 0.1 × ( gascloudvolume)1/3 (3.1)

The grid cells must be approximately cubical in explosion simulations and the cell size should be
maintained in directions of interest for blast propagation simulations. For vessel burst the same
guidelines applies. If the pressure is much higher than 10 barg, somewhat larger grid cells than
this criterion can be acceptable. Remember to use PLANE_WAVE boundary condition and proper
distance to the boundaries. Dispersion simulations near field

Calculations of flammable gas requires grid refinement near the leak. The area of the expanded
jet (at ambient pressure) must be resolved by one grid cell ( ACV < 2 × A jet ) except for low-
momentum releases of highly buoyant gases such as hydrogen where the guideline ( ACV <
1.25 × A jet ) should be followed. In most cases, a grid refinement near the leak helps in keeping
moderate calculation times while getting acceptable results.
Grid refinement guidelines for efficient simulation of high velocity jets recommend only refine-
ment across jet direction (not along). CFLC should be increased by refinement factor (CFLV
should not be changed). Smoothing from fine grid cells near jet to normal grid cells further
away from jet is recommended.
If the jet is not along the axes, is impinging or has a low momentum with positive/negative
buoyancy, then extending the refined region of the grid in one or more directions may be re-
quired. Refinement along the jet may then also be required.
If only far field concentrations are of interest, the refinement near the leak may not be needed.
Quicker calculations and less stability problems will be seen without the refinement.
For dense gas calculations, it may be a good idea to use a finer resolution in the vertical direction
near the ground than in the other two directions. Increase CFLC by this refinement factor.
Outside the main area of interest, further stretching to the boundaries is recommended to min-
imize the influence of the boundaries. If in doubt whether the distance to the boundaries in-
fluences your results, increase the distance further to check the sensitivity. The general recom-
mended procedure for setting up the grid is:

1. Cover the computational domain with a uniform grid

2. Refine the grid in the near region of a jet (perpendicular to the jet axis)
3. Stretch the grid outside the main region towards the boundaries

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.6 Porosities menu 61

3.6 Porosities menu

The Porosities menu supplies commands for calculating and verifying porosities.

Calculate This command starts the porosity calculation program, Porcalc

Verify This command starts Flowvis for porosity verification

3.6.1 Calculate

The Calculate command starts the porosity calculation program, Porcalc.

The version of Porcalc can be selected on the Preferences dialog in CASD. The default version
of Porcalc uses a resolution of 64, i.e. the control volume is divided into 64 parts when calculat-
ing the porosities. It can be useful (and necessary) to use the porcalc_16 version if the porosity
calculations are very slow, e.g. if the geometry contains slanted primitives.
If you are working with a multiblock simulation, only the porosities for the selected block are
calculated. Upon the Save and Save As command in the File menu, CASD will warn you about
blocks where the grid and/or geometry is changed since the last time you calculated the porosi-
Porcalc can also be started from the command line or the Runmanager.

3.6.2 Verify

The Verify command lets you view the calculated porosities. Flowvis is started for porosity ver-
ification. A 2D Cut Plane plot for the appropriate job is automatically created with volume and
area porosities shown. The Plot Domain dialog box pops up. This dialog box lets you select other
planes as wished.
By clicking inside a control volume, you can verify the porosity values for that volume.
If you are working with a multiblock simulation, only the porosities for the selected block are

3.7 Scenario menu

The purpose of this chapter is to outline how to edit the scenario sections. A short description of
each section and the impact on the FLACS simulations will be given. The scenario-file (cs-file) is
an ASCII file and it is easy to edit manually as well as using CASD.
The items in the Scenario menu are read from a scenario definition file. There is one default sce-
nario definition file, but several other choices can be activated by changing the scenario template.
This can be done using the Preferences command in Options menu. For instance, the default+1
template activates several advanced options, especially in the Simulation and Output Control sec-
tion. The current job should then be saved, closed, and reopened in order for the new options to
be available.
When a section has been selected, the items in the section are displayed as a list. The method for
editing a scenario section depends on the type of section.
Sections such as INITIAL_CONDITIONS and IGNITION contain a list of parameters, each with
one or more values. A parameter is selected for editing by clicking on it, or by typing the param-
eter name in the command input field in the main window.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual



contain a list of items, which can be selected. For some sections, each item has a subsection.
For SINGLE_FIELD_SCALAR_TIME_OUTPUT the user must select from a list of monitor points
for each variable selected. An item is selected by clicking on it, or by typing the item name in the
command input field in the main window. To select several items using the mouse apply CTRL
or SHIFT keys. If a selected option shall be deselected without selecting an alternative option,
deselect by clicking while pressing the CTRL key. Typing an item name in the command input
field in the main window selects/deselects the item if previously not selected/selected.
Importing the scenario from another job
Use the Import command in the File menu to import the scenario from another job. The user will
be asked to verify that the current scenario is overwritten by the scenario from the specified file.
Saving the scenario
The Save and Save As commands in the File menu saves the scenario (together with the rest of
the job data).

3.7.1 Monitor points

Monitor points are user defined locations in the simulation domain where one or more variables
are to be monitored during the simulation. The maximum number of monitor points allowed is
currently 1000. Positions for monitor points are given in the unit selected in Options Preferences
(normally meter)
When the user has defined all the desired monitor points, he/she may specify a list of variables
to be monitored and the relevant monitor numbers for each variable (see the next sub- section).
FLACS identifies the 8 surrounding control volume centres and writes an interpolated value of
the specified variables to the scalar-time output file (nodes on other side of wall or zero porosity
will not be used when interpolating).

The user should avoid putting monitor points exactly on a grid line or within fractions of a
grid cell size from a wall. Usually it is best to enter monitor points according to the grid, not
according to the geometry. E.g. if monitor points are placed on each side close to a solid wall
they may not necessarily be in two different control volumes (as was the intention). During
the porosity calculation the wall will be adjusted to the nearest control volume face (grid
line) and might therefore move to the wrong side of a monitor point! It may also be a good
idea to ensure that none of the monitor points are inside fully blocked control volumes.

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3.7 Scenario menu 63

Figure 3.9: Specification of Monitor Points

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


Figure 3.10: How to position the monitor points

3.7.2 Single field scalar time output

As indicated in the previous sub-section, the user must define all the monitor points and panels
before he/she can specify the list of output variables. For each output variable, the user may enter
one or more numbers indicating the monitor point number(s), or panel number if it is a panel
averaged output variable, for which you want this variable to be measured. An example from
a scenario-file section is shown below [NP identifies variable P (pressure) whereas NPP identifies
variable PP (panel pressure) which gives average pressure load across a surface described by

NP 1 2 3 4 5
NPP 1 2 3

This shows that pressure is reported for monitor points 1-5 and panel pressure is reported for
panels 1-3 (The definition of measurement panels is described in the section on Pressure Relief
To select more than 1 monitor point use CTRL+MOUSE+LEFT or CTRL+SHIFT+MOUSE+LEFT, or
simply drag the mouse over the list of monitor points while pressing LEFT. If a variable and mon-
itor points are selected by a mistake, these can be deselected by using the CTRL+MOUSE+LEFT to
deselect the last monitor point of a variable.

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3.7 Scenario menu 65

The most commonly used monitor point variables for explosion simulations are pressure (P),
dynamic pressure (DRAG), panel pressure (PP), pressure impulse (PIMP) and sometimes flow
velocity (UVW). For dispersion calculations volume gas concentration (FMOLE) and flow velocity
(UVW) are among the most commonly used variables.
The monitor point results for job 010100 are written to the r1010100.dat3 file which can be read
by Flowvis. If ASCII data is required, the r1file-utility program can be used (see the section on
FLACS utilities).
The first section on the scenario file defines the names and identifiers for all the variables which
may be selected for output from FLACS. In order to select alternative units for certain variables
(e.g. psi or kPa for pressure or K for temperature) the scenario-file should be manually edited.
The variable pressure is described in the top of the scenario-file as follows:

NP "P " 1 "(barg) " N


An output in a different unit (psig) can simply be obtained by editing this as follows:

NP "P " 1 "(psig) " N


Similar changes can be made for other variables and other units. Please note that the units of
time must always be seconds (however, it is possible to change them to ms in Flowvis).
A complete list of all variables available can be found in section Output variables in FLACS.

3.7.3 Single field 3D output

This is an output facility in FLACS which enables the user to generate plots of the spatial distri-
bution of the variables (e.g. cut plane plots and volume plots) at different moments in time. The
user needs to specify the list of desired variables for SINGLE_FIELD_3D_OUTPUT, an example
from scenario-file is shown below (here P, PROD and VVEC are selected in CASD):


To select more than one variable press the CTRL-key selecting variable 2 and 3 etc.
Please observe that when velocity vectors are selected for output (VVEC), directional velocities
U, V and W will automatically be selected. These should not be deselected while VVEC remains
selected (this is possible e.g. by manual editing of scenario-file), if this is done very strange
results will be seen in Flowvis as result file is not consistent with scenario file used by Flowvis to
interpret results.
The user should be aware that this type of output may give very large files (r3-files). If the user
wants to save disk space, the number of output variables and the number of time instants for
output must be limited. The r3-files are binary, if ASCII data is wanted the utility program r3file
can be applied.
The most commonly used variables for explosion modelling are pressure (P), flame (PROD), some-
times gas volume concentration (FMOLE), dynamic pressure (DRAG), maximum pressure (PMAX)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


and velocity vectors (VVEC). For dispersion FMOLE and VVEC will be the most common variables
to report.
In certain situations the variable PMAX may not be written to even if specified (zero results ev-
erywhere). This may happen if the simulation job requires more RAM than allowed (e.g. due to
self-defined limits in Linux)
To specify output times DTPLOT and NPLOT will normally be used (see section Simulation and
output control), and sometimes also cc-files (see section Runtime simulation control file). To
create animations it is normally recommended to have plots at 100-200 different moments in
time. When creating results files to be used for animations a combination of DTPLOT and NPLOT
is usually recommended for explosions, for dispersion only DTPLOT should be used.
Units of output variables can be changed using the technique described in the previous section.
A complete list of all variables available can be found in section Output variables in FLACS.

3.7.4 Simulation and output control

This section describes parameters for general simulation and output control. The default
scenario-file setup which is suitable for gas explosion simulations is listed below:

CFLV 0.5

In addition the following entries are available in the default+1 template:


For dispersion simulations, higher value of CFL numbers (20 and 2) are recommended. NPLOT
should be -1 (it has no meaning) and a finite value of DTPLOT should be given.
A detailed description of each parameter is given below. TMAX

This is the maximum time interval (seconds) that the simulation will last. For explosion simu-
lations, default value in CASD can typically be used. The default value set by CASD is -1, this
means there is no maximum time specified, and automatic stop criteria will be applied. Auto-
matic stop criteria will usually work well for explosion calculations. The simulation stops 20 %
after either

• 90 % of fuel is burnt or pushed out of the domain

• 50 % of fuel is burnt or pushed out of the domain (and average pressure becomes negative)

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3.7 Scenario menu 67

Automatic stop criteria can not be used for dispersion, and will also be less useful for some
special situations. If pressure If far-field blast pressures are of interest, the automatic stop criteria
should not be used as it may stop the simulation before blast waves have hit their target.
In a gas dispersion simulation TMAX will typically be from a few seconds to a few minutes. Sim-
ulation results are not affected by variation of this parameter. LAST

This is the maximum number of iterations allowed for the simulation. The default value set by
CASD is -1 that means that there is no limitation to the number of iterations. This value may be
changed if additional control of when to stop a simulation is required but this is generally not
used. CFLC

This is a Courant-Friedrich-Levy number based on sound velocity. The value of CFLC connects
simulation time step length to control volume dimension through signal propagation velocity (in
this case the velocity of sound), in the following way:
Each time step length is chosen so that sound waves may propagate only a limited distance,
which is the average control volume length multiplied by the value of CFLC. The default value
set by CASD is 5.0. The time step limit imposed by this criterion is normally dominant in the early
phase of an explosion, when flow velocities and combustion rate are still low (see also CFLV).
Simulation results may change with this parameter. Therefore, it is not recommended to change
this value for explosion simulations as the validation work is nullified. If convergence problems
occur (a rare occurrence), CFLC may be reduced by a factor of 2. However, other problems should
first be ruled out. Extreme changes of the CFL numbers (i.e. by an order of magnitude) are never
recommended for normal simulations.
Note that for multi-block simulations a maximum CFLC=0.5 should be used for the BLAST
blocks. It is recommended to use CFLC=0.2 in the BLAST blocks in order to ensure numerical
stability and good representation of the blast wave.
For dispersion simulations, a default value of 20 is normally recommended. This can be increased
by the grid refinement factor (if applicable) i.e. if the grid is refined near the leak by a factor of
5, a CFLC number of 20∗5 = 100 may be used (a lower value should be used in case of stability
For far-field blast simulations, this should be combined with STEP="KEEP_LOW" in order to
keep the time step short even after the explosion is outside the "core" area (more information is
given below). CFLV

This is a Courant-Friedrich-Levy number based on fluid flow velocity. The value of CFLV con-
nects simulation time step length to control volume dimension through signal propagation ve-
locity (in this case the fluid flow velocity), in the following way:
Each time step length is chosen so that the fluid may propagate only a limited distance, which
is the average control volume size multiplied by the Courant number. The default value set by
CASD is 0.5. The time step limit imposed by this criterion is normally dominant in the later phase
of an explosion, when flow velocities and combustion rate are high (see also CFLC).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


Simulation results may change with this parameter. Therefore, it is not recommended to change
this value for explosion simulations as the validation work is nullified. If convergence prob-
lems occur (rare), CFLV may be reduced by a factor of 2. However, other problems should first
be ruled out. Extreme changes of the CFL numbers (i.e. by an order of magnitude) are never
recommended for normal simulations.
For dispersion simulations, a default value of 2 is normally recommended (a lower value should
be used in case of stability problems). SCALE

This parameter is used to scale all linear dimensions in a scenario. This means that a 10 m long
explosion vessel is calculated as being 20 m long if SCALE is set to 2.0. Positions and sizes of
equipment, gas cloud, ignition region, monitor points, panels etc. are scaled accordingly. The
CASD default value is 1.0. This parameter will influence simulation results, typically explosion
pressures increase with increasing scale.
This is practically never used for realistic geometries. MODD

This is a parameter that may be used to determine how often data for scalar-time plots are written
to the results file during a simulation: data are namely stored every MODD timesteps. CASD
default is set to 1. This variable does not influence simulation results, only the amount of data
This is normally not used in explosion simulations, but a value of MODD=10 (or higher) may be
used for long dispersion simulations. NPLOT

This is a parameter that may be used to determine how often data for field plots are written to
file during a simulation: data are namely stored at given fuel levels where NPLOT
is the number of fuel levels equally spaced between zero and a maximum. Fuel level is defined
as the current total mass of fuel divided by the initial total mass of fuel. This output mechanism
is not active in the case of a gas dispersion simulation (leaks are specified). This variable does not
influence simulation results, only the amount of data stored. DTPLOT

This is the time interval (in seconds) for field output. This is useful in gas dispersion simulations
and also in gas explosion simulations when frequent output is required. Note that the field output
file will become very large if DTPLOT is set small. This variable does not influence simulation
results, only the amount of data which is stored. WALLF

This is a control switch that specifies the use of wall-functions in FLACS. Wall-functions are used
to resolve the effect of momentum and thermal boundary layers on the momentum and energy
equations in near wall regions. The following choices are available:

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3.7 Scenario menu 69

• 0 = OFF
• 1 = ON

The CASD default value of WALLF is set to 1. This parameter will influence the simulation results.
When WALLF equals 1 wall, functions are employed based on theory explained in [Sand and
Bakke, 1989]. A slightly modified version of this wall-functions procedure is employed when
WALLF equals 2. However, no validation work for WALLF=2 is available.
The default value of WALLF=1 should always be used. HEAT_SWITCH

This parameter is meant to control the activation of thermal attributes on objects in Flacs.
Default choice is zero (0) as large scale explosions is not much influenced by heat loss. Choos-
ing one (1) will let walls and objects have background temperature, and if gas temperature
changes, some heat transfer into or out of gas will take place. This is useful for small-scale
confined explosions and dispersion with important heat effects. This can be combined with
KEYS="RADIATE=04" in order to activate radiation heat losses (see below).
If heat switch is activated all solid surfaces will now be initialized with ambient temperature (in
previous versions of FLACS a cs [jobno].HEAT file had to be written). Further heat objects can be
specified at different temperatures, see manual.
Two models for radiation heat loss can be activated. One simplified model can be activated using
a "cs \e [jobno].RAD" file, see description in previous FLACS manual. Alternatively a 6-flux
model can be activated with the KEYS-string in the scenario-file or setup-file:


This model will calculate gas heat loss (and absorption/scatter) from radiation as well as radi-
ation from hot objects around. Walls absorb 100% of the incoming radiation and emit radiation
based on its own temperature. Symmetry planes will reflect 100%. TSTART

Only available in the default+1 template.

This variable makes it possible to specify a start time for simulation (-1 means not applied =>
default is zero or time of dump-file). If dump-file exists, one can still adjust TSTART, but the
previous history of the simulation can then not be kept using the KEEP_OUTPUT in a setup-file. TMIN

Only available in the default+1 template.

This variable makes it possible to define a minimum time for simulation. Automatic stop criteria
will not activate before TMIN has been reached (-1 means not applied). This can be useful in blast

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


Only available in the default+1 template.

This makes it possible to load a dump file directly from CASD (instead of using the cc-file). The
number of dump file should be specified here. STEP

Only available in the default+1 template.

It is possibility to give time stepping input (ref. Manual, options for TIME_STEPPING). The
options include KEEP_LOW that is recommended for calculations of far-field blast propagation,
and effectively prevents time step from growing when explosion calms down. Another option is


that instructs the simulation to use 1m grid size as basis for timestep (and ignore local grid re-
finement). This can be used instead of increasing the CFLC number as a result of grid refinement. KEYS

Only available in the default+1 template.

This provides the option for entering setup-file options directly in CASD, e.g.


for enabling radiation heat loss.

3.7.5 Boundary conditions

In the Boundary condition menu, the user must specific boundary conditions for the outer bound-
aries of the simulation domain. The lower boundaries in X- Y- and Z-direction are denoted by
XLO, YLO and ZLO respectively, and the upper boundaries likewise by XHI, YHI, ZHI. Recom-
mended boundary conditions are as follows:

EULER: Euler equations

NOZZLE: Nozzle formulation
PLANE_WAVE: Plane wave condition
WIND: Wind inflow or outflow

SYMMETRY boundary condition is generally not used for realistic geometries. In addition,
it is also possible to choose EQCHAR, and BERNOULLI, but these boundary conditions are not

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3.7 Scenario menu 71

• For most explosion simulations, EULER can and should be used.
• For wind and dispersion simulations, NOZZLE boundary condition (similar to EULER)
is more robust.
• PLANE WAVE boundary condition is recommended for explosion in low confinement
and for far field blast propagation. Boundary must be extended far outside the explo-
sion (Flames should not reach boundary).
• Different boundaries do not need to have the same condition.
• Boundary conditions try to model what happens beyond the boundary. Except for solid
walls, this is not straightforward. Sometimes the boundary condition will disturb or
even destroy a simulation. Then the user should:
1. Ensure that the chosen boundary conditions are those that fit best to the problem.
2. Consider to increase the Simulation volume and move the boundaries to regions
where less steep gradients will cross the boundaries.

The details of various boundary conditions are given below: Euler

The inviscid flow equations (Euler equations) are discretized for a boundary element. This means
that the momentum and continuity equations are solved on the boundary in the case of outflow.
The ambient pressure is used as the pressure outside the boundary. A nozzle formulation is used
in the case of inflow or sonic outflow.


EULER boundary condition may give too low explosion pressures in unconfined situations.
In such cases, the Simulation volume should be extended and the Plane wave boundary
condition should be applied. Nozzle

A nozzle formulation is used for both sub-sonic inflow and outflow and sonic outflow. This
condition is suitable for porous areas with small sharp edged holes or grids (e.g. louvres and
gratings). A discharge coefficient is calculated from the area porosity and a drag coefficient.
NOZZLE condition has shown to give a bit higher explosion pressures than EULER, but it is more


NOZZLE boundary condition may give too low explosion pressures in unconfined situations.
In such cases, the Simulation volume be extended and the Plane wave boundary condition
should be applied. Plane wave

This boundary condition was designed to reduce the reflection of the pressure waves at open
boundaries which occurs when using EULER or NOZZLE. The pressure wave reflection is caused
by setting a fixed pressure at the boundary. PLANE_WAVE boundary condition extrapolates the
pressure in such a way that reflections are almost eliminated for outgoing waves.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


The pressure might stabilize at a slightly elevated level after an explosion. For low confine-
ment scenarios it is recommended to use Plane wave boundary condition and to extend the
domain such that the total volume is about 100 times larger than the volume of the initial gas


In semi-confined situations where the boundaries are close to the vents, PLANE_WAVE should
not be applied. Wind

WIND boundary condition models an external wind field. Velocity and turbulence profiles are
specified at the wind boundaries, either by setting some turbulence parameters manually or by
choosing one of the atmospheric stability classes, see Pasquill class . WIND boundary conditions
are particularly applicable to dispersion scenarios. It is possible to apply WIND on both inflow
and outflow boundaries and on boundaries where the flow is parallel to the boundary.


In cases where a generated internal flow has a strong impact on the boundary flow, e.g. gas
explosions, WIND should not be used.

Figure 3.11: Specification of Wind boundary condition

Wind speed WIND_SPEED, U0 , is the velocity on the boundary at a given Reference height. It is
possible to set WIND_SPEED to positive, zero or negative values, but GexCon recommends to set
a postive value and use the Wind direction parameter to specify the direction of the wind. In case
of no wind, the user should consider to use another boundary conditions. A uniform velocity

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3.7 Scenario menu 73

profile is obtained by setting the Reference height equal to zero. Then the total volumetric flux
over the boundary is as follows:
V = U0 ∑ An β2n (3.2)

Wind direction WIND_DIRECTION is a vector and each component may be given a positive,
zero or negative value. The sign of this parameter determines the flow direction. A positive value
means wind flow in positive direction, that is inflow over the lower boundaries and outflow at
the upper boundaries. Wind at an angle different from axis directions may be specified using the

Relative turbulence intensity RELATIVE_TURBULENCE_INTENSITY, IT , is the ratio between

the isotropic fluctuating velocity, u0 , and the mean flow velocity U0 :
IT = (3.3)

IT will typically have a value in the range 0.0 to 0.1. This parameter is used to calculate the value
for turbulent kinetic energy, k = 3/2u02 , at the boundary.

It is not necessary to set RELATIVE_TURBULENCE_INTENSITY for inflow boundaries
when a Pasquill class is specified. When a Pasquill class is set, FLACS will automatically
create profiles for velocities and turbulence parameters at the boundary.

Turbulence length scale TURBULENCE_LENGTH_SCALE, ` LT is a typical length scale on the

boundary. It is used to calculate the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, ε at the bound-

Cµ k3/2
ε= (3.4)
` LT
For internal flows, the length scale should be about half of the hydraulic diameter. It is not
necessary to give a turbulent length scale when a Pasquill class is set.

Wind buildup time WIND_BUILDUP_TIME is the time velocities on the boundaries used to rise
from zero to WIND_SPEED. A value for WIND_BUILDUP_TIME larger than zero gives a smooth
start of the simulation. GexCon recommends to use WIND_BUILDUP_TIME and to start eventual
leaks after the wind field has reached steady state. Fluctuating wind

One can also specify fluctuating wind field from the boundaries using a setup-file. Two different
frequencies in horizontal directions and one in vertical direction are applied. This can be defined


FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


To change the frequencies of the fluctuations, more options must be specified:

AMP = 2.40, 1.90, 1.84
, 2.40, 1.90, 0.00
TAU = 15.0, 10.0, 10.0
, 70.0, 50.0, 0.0

Two different fluctuating periods are assumed along (15s and 70s) and across (10s and 50s) the
wind direction. In the vertical direction one period of 10s is used. Fluctuations are done as har-
monic periods with average velocity fluctuation equal to 2.4 (along), 1.9 (across) and 1.3 (vertical
direction, here constant is multiplied by square root of 2 since only one period is used) times the
friction velocity, u∗. Using TRACER mode when simulating dispersion

In flacs2.2.6 a new simulation mode called ’tracer’ has been implemented. In this mode Flacs will
only solve a passive transport equation. Below is an example of how to enable the tracer mode:


In the new scenario templates there is an option to define KEYS within the scenario file (no need
to use a separate setup-file). The above setup-file (or the KEYS-line defined in the scenario file)
will simulate normally until time=100s, thereafter only the fuel transport equation will be solved
(flow field will be kept constant). When the flow field equations are switched off at 100s, the time
step is at the same time increased by a factor of 5 if using the DT_MUL=Y:5 string.
This option can be useful when a dispersion of neutral gas (or small quantities of gas) shall be
simulated in an established wind field. This option should be used with care! Effect of temperature gradients

To simulate the effect of an inversion layer, it is possible to define a cold or hot temperature region
(layer) in FLACS. One can for instance define a cold valley by using the setup-file as described in
previous sections. Boundary conditions can not take a temperature profile. General considerations for boundary conditions

It is generally advantageous to place the outer boundaries of the simulation domain far away
from the geometrical extent, but limitations of memory and computing speed may restrict the
practical size of the problem, and in most cases one is forced to compromise between quality and

Solid wall boundary The solid wall boundary condition is straightforward to model. The ve-
locity vectors are zero at solid walls, both in the tangential and the perpendicular directions.
Hence, a zero gradient perpendicular to the boundary, or a fixed value, works well for the scalar
variables. Furthermore, wall-functions may improve the modelling of the flow in near-wall re-
gions, both at the outer boundaries and in the interior space.

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3.7 Scenario menu 75

External influences In cases where there are obstacles outside the vent openings of a semi-
confined volume they should be included in the total simulation volume, because they may have
an effect on the explosion. One effect may be that the total venting is reduced due to the external
obstacles, especially if they are large and are placed close to the vents. Since the vent flow is
changed, also the internal flow past obstacles is modified and the explosion becomes different
(higher or lower pressure results). An effect which also may be important is the appearance of
an external explosion which will start when the flame reaches any unburnt gas which may have
escaped through the vent openings. The pressure waves from the external explosion will prop-
agate back into the semi-confined volume and give rise to higher pressures there. The strength
of the external explosion will depend on the local turbulence in the external space, this again
depends on the properties of the vent openings and on any obstacles which may be positioned
in the external space.

3.7.6 Initial conditions

Initial conditions set values for turbulence fields, temperature and pressure at the beginning of
the simulation. Information about the gravity condtions, parameters for the atmospheric bound-
ary layer and the composition of the air is also set here.
The default values are as follows:


GexCon recommends to use the default values for explosion scenarios. Up-direction

This is a three-component vector defining the upward direction, i.e. opposite of the acceleration
due to gravity. The three components denote the spatial components x, y, and z, respectively. It is
possible to define any direction, not only directions aligned with the main axes. The vector does
not need to be of unit length. Gravity constant

GRAVITY_CONSTANT is the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration, normally 9.8m/s2 . Set-

ting a zero value for this parameter means that there are no gravitational influences on the flow.
Note that panels with inertia are also influenced by this parameter if the direction of panel release
is in the direction of the Up-direction, see also Pressure relief panels .

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

76 CASD Characteristic velocity

CHARACTERISTIC_VELOCITY, U0 , is used to find values for initial turbulence fields and it

should take a positive or a zero value. Relative turbulence intensity

RELATIVE_TURBULENCE_INTENSITY, IT , is the ratio between the isotropic fluctuating veloc-

ity, u0 , and the mean flow velocity U0 :
IT = (3.5)
IT will typically have a value in the range 0.0 to 0.1. This parameter is used together with Charac-
teristic velocity to calculate the value for the turbulent kinetic energy, k = 3/2u02 at the beginning
of the simulation. Turbulence length scale

TURBULENCE_LENGTH_SCALE, ` LT , is the length scale of the initial turbulence. A reasonable

choice for TURBULENCE_LENGTH_SCALE is a typical value for the grid size ∆ g . ` LT is used to
calculate an initial value for dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, ε:

Cµ k3/2
ε= (3.6)
` LT Temperature

The initial temperature, T0 in C ◦ . The default value is T0 = 20.0 C ◦ Ambient pressure

AMBIENT PRESSURE, P0 is the initial pressure in the simulation and the pressure outside the
simulation volume. The default ambient pressure is P0 = 100000 Pa = 1 bar. Air

AIR is used to define the composition of the air. "NORMAL" denotes a standard composition of
20.95% oxygen and 71.05% nitrogen in mole fractions. The composition of air can be changed by
setting an other oxygen content, either as a mole fraction:


or mass fraction:


Changing the air composition will influence the lower flammability limit and upper flammability

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3.7 Scenario menu 77 Wind boundary layer parameters

In the Wind boundary condition, the reference wind speed, U0 and the direction of the wind
are specified. In additions, information about the ground conditions is needed to setup inlet
profiles for velocity and turbulence parameters. It is possbile to specify an atmospheric boundary
layer stability class, Pasquill class. Then turbulence parameter profiles are generated at the wind
boundaries. If no Pasquil class is given, uniform values for k and ε are obtained on the boundary
according to the expressions in Relative turbulence intensity and Turbulence length scale.
The velocity profile at the wind boundaries is given by the following expression:
( ∗³ ³ ´´
ln z+z0z0 if z0 > 0
u(z) = κ (3.7)
U0 if z0 = 0

where z is the height abouve the ground, z0 is the atmospheric roughness length and u∗ is a
friction velocity. For the neutral and none Pasquill class, u∗ is defined by:

U0 κ
u∗ = ³z ´ (3.8)
re f
ln z0

Ground Height GROUND_HEIGHT is height above the ground where the boundary layer ac-
tually starts, for instance due to vegetation. Usually GROUND_HEIGHT=0.

Ground roughness GROUND_ROUGHNESS, z0 , refers to the aerodynamic roughness length .

Typical values for z0 are given in table Typical values for aerodynamic roughness length. z0
should in not be larger than the control volume height close to the surface. aerodynamic rough-
ness length should not be mixed with pipe roughnes etc., but a rule of dump is to relate z0 to the
average height ε g of the surface irregularities by z0 = ε g /30.

Terrain description z0 (m)

Open water, fetch at least 5 km 0.0002
Mud flats, snow; no vegation, no obstacles 0.005
Open flat terrain; grass, few isolated 0.03
Low crops; occasional large obstacles 0.10
High crops, scattered obstacles 0.25
Parkland, bushes, numerous obstacles 0.5
Regular large obstacle coverage (suburb, 1.0
Table 3.4: Typical values for aerodynamic roughness length

Reference height REFERENCE_HEIGHT, zref is the height relative to the ground where the ve-
locity equals the wind speed.

Latitude Due to the rotation of the earth, the height of the atmospheric boundary layer is much
larger at equator than at the poles. LATITUDE will only have an effect if a Pasquill class is chosen
and the simulation volume is very large (> 200 m) in the z direction.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


Surface heat P1 If the temperature and velocity are known at two different altitudes, for in-
stance from experimental data, it is possible to estimate the surface heat flux.
SURFACE HEAT P1 is a vector Z1 U1 T1, where Z1 is the altitude, U1 is the velocity at Z1 and
T1 is the temperature at Z1

Surface heat P2 SURFACE HEAT P2 is a vector Z2 U2 T2, where Z2 is the altitude, U2 is the
velocity at Z2 and T2 is the temperature at Z2. Z2 must larger than Z1 and U2 must larger than

Mean surface heat flux MEAN_SURFACE_HEAT_FLUX is the heat flux in W/m2 from the
ground to the flow. This is a parameter in the boundary layer profiles for the unstable Pasquill
class A, B, and C. MEAN_SURFACE_HEAT_FLUX will not apply as heat contribution from the
ground to the flow in the simulations.

Pasquill class Pasquill atmospheric stability classes is a method of categorizing the amount of
atmospheric turbulence present. Pasquill (1961) made six stability classes where:

A is very unstable

B is unstable
C is slightly unstable
D is neutral

E is slightly stable
F is stable

An overview when to apply the different Pasquill classes is given in table: Pasquill stability

Wind speed Day, strong sun Day, moderate Night, clouds Night, clouds
sun >50% <50%
< 2m/s A B E F
2 - 3 m/s A-B B-C E F
3 - 5 m/s B B-C D E
5 - 6 m/s C C-D D D
> 6 m/s C D D D
Table 3.5: The Pasquill stability classes

Ground roughness conditions At present the only option is:


3.7.7 Pressure relief panels

Pressure relief panels are commonly used in the process industry as a mitigating device in the
case of an explosion. When the pressure forces on the panel exceed a certain limit, the panel yields
and the pressure is relieved. In FLACS, special planar elements inside the simulation volume are

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3.7 Scenario menu 79

used to model the effect of explosion relief panels and yielding walls. They are specified as boxes
where one, and only one, of the three side lengths must be zero. In addition several parameters
such as the yield pressures, area porosities and drag factor may be specified.
A panel may be active or passive. An active panel will initially modify the porosity in the region
it covers, and again when the pressure difference over the panel exceeds the given limit. If the
initial porosity is set to 0 and the final porosity is set to 1 the panel will start as being closed and
end up as being open. This is how the behaviour of a real yielding panel is imitated. A passive
panel will never modify the porosity, but it may be used to monitor the same data as an active
panel. There are 5 different panel types (active panels):

Panel type Description

UNSPECIFIED Panel with linear displacement, full
parameter set
POPOUT Panel with a linear displacement, limited
parameter set
HINGED Panel with a rotational displacement, limited
parameter set
PLASTIC Simulates the presence of plastic sheets
(commonly used in experiments)
OVERLAY Panel properties are ’blended’ with existing
Table 3.6: Panel types in FLACS

Note that the PLASTIC and OVERLAY panels can not be chosen directly in CASD. It is possible
to edit the scenario file manually to use these panel types, by initially creating an UNSPECIFIED
panel and change it to the desired type. It is advised that only experts attempt to do this.
The edges of a panel will be automatically adjusted to the closest grid line. It is advised that the
user specify panels whose dimensions match the grid, either by adjusting the grid or modifying
the panel.
One topic which needs special attention is the presence of solid structures close to the panel area.
For example structural beams may constitute quite large blockages which must be accounted for,
especially since they also occur at the vent openings of typical offshore modules. In such cases
the panel area must be defined using several panels with solid beams in between. Smaller beams,
often an integral part of the support frame of the pressure relief panels, may be accounted for by
adjusting the final panel porosity for the panel itself.
In addition to different types of pressure relief panels, an INACTIVE panel used to monitor vari-
ables is incorporated in the FLACS code. Use an INACTIVE panel to measure for instance average
pressure across surfaces such as decks and walls. The panel will be available under Single field
scalar time output in the Scenario menu.
Note that if several panels are specified, they should not overlap each other anywhere (in the
model it is assumed that the panels are non-overlapping).
The full list of parameters from the scenario file is shown below. The type of the panel determines
which of these parameters are relevant.

POSITION 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (m)
SIZE 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 (m)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


WEIGHT 0.0 (kg/m2)

SUB_SIZES 1.0, 1.0 (m)

The parameters for specifying panel properties are described in the following sections. Insert

Integer identifying the panel. Position

Cartesian coordinates [m] of the corner of the panel (the corner with lowest value of the coordi-
nate in each axis direction). Size

The panel is assumed to be a plane of rectangular shape. The dimension [m] in each of the axis
directions is given. One dimension should be zero, this shows how the panel is oriented. If e.g.
the dimension in x-direction is zero, the normal of the panel points in x-direction. The other two
dimensions should be positive. The panel edges will be adjusted
to match the grid lines perfectly in the FLACS code, so it is advised that you only specify panels
which coincide with the grid lines, in order to avoid any confusion concerning the geometrical
representation of the panel. Material

Colour used when visualizing the panel as part of the geometry considered. Panel type

There are 6 different panel types described here. A panel is either active or passive. They are
listed and described in more detail below.

Inactive is a passive panel that does not affect the geometry or the flow field. such panels are
used to monitor certain variables

Unspecified is a panel with linear displacement when the panel yields

Popout is a panel with a linear displacement when the panel yields

Hinged is a panel with a rotational displacement when the panel yields

Plastic is a panel that imitates a plastic sheet (commonly used in experiments)

Overlay is a panel superimposed on other equipment

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3.7 Scenario menu 81

Inactive panel A passive panel, corresponding to the case when PANEL_TYPE equals
INACTIVE, does not affect the numerical simulation in any respect (neither the geometrical de-
scription including the porosities, nor the flow field), it is only included in order to monitor
variables related to the area which the passive panel occupies (e.g. area-averaged pressure over
all the control-volume faces of the panel). Only the parameters INSERT, POSITION, SIZE, and
MATERIAL are relevant when the PANEL_TYPE is INACTIVE.

Unspecified, Popout and Hinged panel An active panel (all the panel types except INACTIVE)
will in general affect both the porosities representing the geometry and the flow field. For the
active panels both an initial and a final area porosity value is given (open area divided by total
area). The initial porosity corresponds to the state of the panel before it has started to yield due
to external pressure forces. The final porosity corresponds to the state of the panel after it has
yielded completely due to pressure forces.
Note that each control-volume face covered by the panel is treated separately. Thus it is possible,
depending on the scenario, that one part of the panel is open, while at the same time other parts
are closed.
The way of using the initial and final porosities in the FLACS code depends on the type of panel
considered. In the case of the panel types UNSPECIFIED, POPOUT, and HINGED; for each control-
volume face which is covered by the panel, the porosity representing the panel is also the porosity
of the control-volume face, regardless of any other equipment or structure included in the geom-

Overlay and Plastic panel For a panel of type OVERLAY the value of the area porosity deter-
mined by the panel is multiplied by the value of the area porosity determined by other geometri-
cal objects (in the absence of any panel) giving the effective area porosity, for each control-volume
face covered by the panel. Let us consider an example where the final porosity of the panel is 1
(fully open). After the panel has yielded completely for all the control-volume faces covered by
the panel, the area porosities have the same values that they would have if no panel was included
in the geometry. So in this case other geometrical objects than the panel itself can not "blow out"
together with the yielding panel (cf. the comments above).
For a panel of type PLASTIC, and in the case of the initial area-porosity; for each control-volume
face which is covered by the panel, the porosity representing the panel is also the porosity of the
control-volume face, regardless of any other equipment or structure included in the geometry
(as in the case of the panel types UNSPECIFIED, POPOUT, and HINGED). Usually the initial area-
porosity of a PLASTIC panel is zero (completely blocked). If the PLASTIC panel has yielded
completely, the area porosities have the same values that they would have if no panel was in-
cluded in the geometry (as in the case of an OVERLAY panel with final area-porosity 1). Note
that for a PLASTIC panel the final area-porosity is always assumed to be 1, regardless of the
user-given value.
Panels of the types PLASTIC or OVERLAY are assumed to be light panels, and inertial forces
are neglected by the FLACS code during the dynamical process when the panel yields due to
pressure forces. In the case of panels of types UNSPECIFIED, POPOUT, or HINGED, inertial forces
are in general taken into account.

The PLASTIC and OVERLAY panels cannot be chosen in the present version of CASD. It is
possible to edit the scenario file manually to use these panel types, by initially creating an
UNSPECIFIED panel and change it to the desired type. It is advised that only experts attempt
to do this.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


The +IMP panel types The standard panel types will yield at a give negative or positive pres-
sure. In some situations it can of necessary for panels to also take into account the pressure
impulse. To activate this the user can add the suffix +IMP to the end of the panel type string, e.g


When using this the input to OPENING_PRESSURE_DIFFERENCES changes to

• Parameter 1 is yield pressure for both negative and positive direction [bar]
• Parameter 2 is yield pressure impulse both negative and positive direction [bar∗s]

The panel will yield if both the pressure and pressure impulse yield values are exceeded.
This is valid for panel types HINGED and POPOUT.

This functionality is not available through CASD. The user must manually edit the cs-file. Opening pressure differences

When the net pressure over the panel (pressure on the negative side relative the coordinate axis
minus pressure on the positive side, i.e. the net pressure from the fluid acting on the panel)
exceeds limits given by the user, the panel starts to yield. Two opening pressure-differences, in
units of [bar], are given by the user, the first corresponds to the case when the net pressure acts in
negative direction, the second when the net pressure acts in positive direction. If for example the
OPENING_PRESSURE_DIFFERENCES are given by -0.1 and 0.2, the panel starts to yield when the
net pressure is less than -0.1bar (negative direction) or greater than 0.2 bar (positive direction).
Note that the FLACS code makes the same interpretation of the input data, regardless of the
sign of the opening pressure-differences given by the user. Hence, if the OPENING_PRESSURE_-
DIFFERENCES were given instead by 0.1 and 0.2, or by 0.1 and -0.2, the effect on the numerical
simulation would be exactly the same. The opening pressure-differences must be given for the
active panels (all the panel types accept INACTIVE). Initial and final porosity

The initial area porosity [-] of the panel (open area divided by total area) corresponds to the
state of the panel before it has started to yield due to external pressure forces. Similarly the final
porosity corresponds to the state of the panel when it has yielded completely. In the case of
a PLASTIC panel, the final area-porosity should be set to 1 by the user in order to correspond
to how the FLACS code works (the final area-porosity is always assumed by FLACS to be 1,
regardless of the user-given value). Note that the way of using the initial and final porosities in
the FLACS code depends on the type of panel considered. See the comments above. The initial
and final porosity must be given for the active panels (all the panel types accept INACTIVE). The
value of the porosity range from 0 (totally blocked) to 1 (fully open). It is expected that the initial
porosity is less than the final porosity (the net pressure opens up the panel). If this is not the case,
the FLACS code gives a warning. Weight

The parameter WEIGHT is specified for the panel types UNSPECIFIED, POPOUT, and HINGED (for
the other panel types it is not relevant to specify this parameter). This parameter is the mass per

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3.7 Scenario menu 83

unit area [kg/m2 ] of the part of the panel that is moved when the net pressure acting on the panel
exceeds the opening pressure-difference given by the user. The value of WEIGHT is either zero or
positive. If the value of WEIGHT is zero, it is assumed in the FLACS code that the panel is so light
that inertial forces can be neglected during the dynamical process when the panel yields due to
pressure forces. If the value of WEIGHT is positive, the dynamics when the panel yields and part
of the panel is accelerated and move away from its initial position, is modelled in the FLACS
code. Note that when you specify the panel type POPOUT, the inertial forces must be there when
the panel yields, that is the WEIGHT must be a positive number. Note that it is only the part of
the panel that is accelerated and move away from its initial position, that should contribute to
the mass per unit area. The mass of a rigid frame that does not yield, should not be included. Drag coefficient

A dimensionless drag-coefficient [-] is given by the user for the panel type UNSPECIFIED (for
the other panel types it is not relevant to specify this parameter). The drag coefficient is used
when the drag force from the panel on the fluid is modelled (both before, during, and after the
panel has yielded). The value of the DRAG_COEFFICIENT is zero or positive. A typical value is
2.0 (the value 2.0 is set by the FLACS code as a fixed preset value for the panel types POPOUT and
HINGED). Maximum travel distance

The maximum travel-distance [m] is given by the user for the panel type UNSPECIFIED (for
the other panel types it is not relevant to specify this parameter). The use of the maximum
travel-distance is based on a rough approximation. The maximum travel- distance is the small-
est distance from the initial position of the panel to the position where the yielded panel no
longer affects significantly the effective area-porosity at the initial position of the panel. The
maximum travel-distance is used to model the effective area-porosity at the initial position of the
panel during the dynamical process when the panel yields. A typical value of the MAXIMUM_-
TRAVEL_DISTANCE is in the order of 1m (for the panel types POPOUT and HINGED there is an
in-built model in the FLACS code for the effective area-porosity that does not need a value of the
MAXIMUM_TRAVEL_DISTANCE as input from the user). Sub sizes

The parameter SUB_SIZES is given by the user for the panel types POPOUT or HINGED (for the
other panel types it is not relevant to specify this parameter). These panel types are assumed to
consist of sub-panels mounted on a frame. The width [m] and the height [m] of the sub-panels
are given by the user (it is assumed in the numerical model that all the sub-panels are of uniform
size). Both the width and the height should be positive. In the case of the panel type HINGED it
is assumed that each sub-panel turns on a hinge when it yields. The width of the sub-panel is
defined as the dimension in the direction normal to the axis of the hinge. It is important (since
it affects the model in FLACS) to specify the width of a HINGED panel first and then the height,
in the parameter SUB_SIZES (for a POPOUT panel it is of no importance which dimension that is
defined as the width).

3.7.8 Gas composition and volume

This section allows you to define a box shaped cloud region and the gas concentration and com-
position. The menu is shown below:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


POSITION_OF_FUEL_REGION 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (m)

DIMENSION_OF_FUEL_REGION 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (m)

The position of the cloud is the location of the minimum point (xmin , ymin , zmin ) of the box, and the
sizes (xsiz , ysiz , zsiz ) give the side lengths of the box (only positive values allowed for the sizes).
The gas composition is specified by entering volume fractions of the listed gas components, and
the concentration is given by the equivalence ratios (ER0 inside the gas cloud and ER9 outside)

CO 0.0
CO2 0.0 (inert)
H2S 0.0

The sum of the volume fractions does not need to be 1, FLACS will interpret the values as volu-
metric parts (normalization is done in FLACS by dividing each value by the sum of all values).
For a mixture of two or more gas components, the combustion properties are calculated as a sort
of average of all the selected components, taking into account the mole (volume) fraction and the
relative consumption of O2 (parameter a in the table above). This has shown to give the proper
blending of the component properties into mixture properties.
The laminar burning velocity of a gas mixture in FLACS depends on the concentration of the fuel
relative to the concentration of oxygen as well as on the type of fuel. A widely used measure for
the relative fuel-oxygen concentration is the Equivalence ratio (ER) which is defined as follows:
³ ´ ³ ´
m f uel /moxygen Vf uel /Voxygen
actual actual
ER = θ = ³ ´ = ³ ´ (3.9)
m f uel /moxygen Vf uel /Voxygen
stoichiometric stoichiometric

Now, the dependency of the laminar burning velocity (Slam) is illustrated for methane in the
figure below. The factor, ERfac, which is a function of ER and ranges from 0 to 1 is multiplied
with the tabular value of the laminar burning velocity for the gas component, thus a relation
between Slam and ER is established.
Each gas component has its own ERfac curve in FLACS. The next figure shows the laminar burn-
ing velocity curve as function of ER for all the gas components separately. Note that hydrogen,
acetylene and propylene have the three highest laminar burning velocities, and notably also the
widest range of flammability.
For a gas mixture the resulting curve is based on the blended properties of the components as
have been described initially in this section.

3.7.9 New gas data

The gas-data for flacs2.2.7 are found in " ∼flacs/FLACS/bin/files/gasdata2.2.7/" , these have
been adjusted for better conformance with published values (especially for the LFL and UFL

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3.7 Scenario menu 85

values). In addition, the model for the effect of inert gases on the flammability limits and burning
velocity has been revised.
The effect of inert gas on the flammability limits can be better understood by looking at the plot
Notice that He or N2 cannot be modelled as " fuels" in FLACS yet. H2O can now be modelled.
The two plots below show the effect of different inert gases on the laminar burning velocity of
methane at varying equivalence ratio (ER):

3.7.10 Leaks

Gas leaks occur quite frequently in many offshore and onshore installations and elsewhere, either
during production, processing or transport of the gas. Hydrocarbons and many other types of
highly flammable gases are present all over the industry and may be a source for potentially
dangerous gas explosions. In addition, spills of flammable liquids may cause accumulation of
explosive gas clouds under certain conditions. Experiments have clearly shown that even small
amounts of gas mixed with air at the right concentration can result in very strong explosions.
By using the dispersion and explosion simulation capabilities of FLACS it is possible to analyse
quite realistic scenarios, where the effect of a single gas leakage developing into an explosive
gas cloud and finally resulting in several possible gas explosion scenarios may be studied. One
primary interest may be to vary the leakage itself, changing the flow rate, location, and duration.
Other sensitivities may also be studied such as modifying the ventilation and wind conditions
for a given geometrical layout. Finally, the variation of ignition time and location may be made
during the explosion studies.
The release model for leaks in FLACS ensures that the desired mass flow or velocity of gas is set
at the control volume where the leak is located. Also other properties such as the temperature
and relative turbulence intensity and length scale must be specified. The figure below shows how
a jet is represented on the grid:

Figure 3.12: Leak definition

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


The area porosity of the open control volume face is adjusted to ensure that the flow rate is
correct. If the grid resolution is coarse compared to the size of jet orifice, a good representation of
the detailed flow in the near-orifice region is not possible. This may lead to excessive smearing
of the gradients of the flow. In such cases (which may be the normal practical case) one must
realize that the simulated gas concentration is locally underestimated, although the total amount
is correct. The grid resolution may be especially important for jets impinging on nearby walls
and jets with a strong cross-wind influence.
It is possible to specify one or more leakage points in a FLACS simulation. The leakage is in-
tended to model the flow of gas from a reservoir into the simulation volume, the available pa-
rameters controlling the leakage are shown next:

POSITION 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 (m)
START_TIME 1.0 (s)
DURATION 10.0 (s)

Remember to set the ER0 parameter under GAS_COMPOSITION_AND_VOLUME to a large
nunber if the leak is a pure fuel leak.

This command is used to insert a new leakage, the parameters for this leakage will be explained
in the following next pages. The maximum number of leakages is 50. Type

The type of leakage must be specified as one of the following:

DIFFUSE Low momentum point leak (deprecated)

JET Low and high momentum point leak (preferred)
AIR Similar to "JET", but leak mixture is air (ER9)
SUCTION Negative point source, i.e. removal of gas/air mixture
FAN Fixed momentum in CV

The pool leak is not specified in this menu but is rather defined using the cs.POOL and the
cl.POOL files (see section Pool setup file).

Diffuse The DIFFUSE leak is a no momentum (same velocity as surrounding flow) release of
gas into the grid cell chosen. One must give a direction, but this direction will not be applied.
DIFFUSE should normally not be used.

Jet Low and high momentum point leak.

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3.7 Scenario menu 87

Air Low and high momentum point leak of air (ER9).

Suction Negative point source, i.e. removal of gas/air mixture.

Air If a FAN with direction +X is specified, this will be translated into the string "!J+X=X:fan"
in the leak file. Fans should be along the axis directions. Leak build-up

Leaks previously were built up in a time equal to 1% of the leak duration, and thereafter immedi-
ately shut down when killed. Now the maximum build-up time has been set to 1s, the shut-down
has also been made smoother, with a gradual shut-down over 1s. These values can be changed
manually in cl-files. Leak concentration between ER0 and ER9

Concentration between ER0 and ER9 can be specified for a leak. The control string must be
changed manually.
Example: To get a concentration of 60% ER0 and 40% ER9 one must change leak control string in



"J+X:mix=0.6" Q8 and Q9 output

The rt.FUEL and rt.MON files have now two columns, called Q8 and Q9. These files are gen-
erated from GAS_MONITOR_REGION" in cs-file or cs-MON files. Q8 and Q9 is used to create
equivalent stoichiometric gas clouds from real gas clouds.

Q8 This column reports expansion weighted volume, i.e. closed volume equivalent cloud at
concentration for maximum expansion (normally near stoichiometry).
Q9 This column gives an improved version of Q5 for gases where maximum flame speed and
maximum expansion deviates. Q9 will for other gases be marginally higher than Q5.
For enclosed situations, and situations where combustion is much quicker than venting
(including quasi-detonation and flames faster than speed of sound ahead) Q8 will be a
recommended equivalent cloud size.
For well-vented situations we generally recommend to use Q9 (to replace Q5) as equivalent
stoichiometric cloud. Position

This menu is used to specify the leak position (in metres).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

88 CASD Open sides

The open sides indicates which side(s) of the control volume affected by the leak should be made
to open up as the leak starts (direction of the leak). OPEN_SIDES is a text string containing char-
acters taken from "+-XYZ". A leakage directed in the positive x-direction should have OPEN_-
SIDES = "+X". Several sides may be open for a single leak, e.g. OPEN_SIDES = "+X-X" or
OPEN_SIDES = "+XY-ZX". This will give two or more identical leaks Start time

This is the time (in seconds) when the leakage should start. Normally one would allow a certain
time for wind build-up prior to starting any leaks. Duration

This is the duration (in seconds) of the leakage. The finish time for the leakage is the start time
plus the duration. Hence, the user should set TMAX accordingly. The user should also note that
the build-up time of the leak is 1 % of leak duration (maximum 1 second). The Outlet menu

Users specify the leak conditions in the outlet menu, e.g.

AREA 0.1 (m2)

MASS_FLOW 0.0 (kg/s)
VELOCITY 10.0 (m/s)
DIRECTION_COSINES 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Outlet: area

The effective cross-section area A of the leak outlet must be specified for any type of leak. For a
specified mass flow ṁ (or volume flow V̇ and density ρ) the velocity u at the outlet should not be
above the speed of sound. The following relations apply for the conditions at the outlet:

ṁ = ρV̇ = ρuA (3.10)

Assuming ideal gas properties:

pV = n< T = < T = mRT (3.11)

where < is the ideal gas constant (8314.3 [J/kmole · K]), T [K] the and the specific gas constant R
is equal to the ideal gas constant divided by the molecular weight M, the gas density at the outlet

m p
ρ= = (3.12)
ṁ = ρuA Mass flow at the leak outlet (kg/m3/s)

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3.7 Scenario menu 89

ρ = p/( RT ) Gas density at the outlet (kg/m3)

p = p amb Pressure at the outlet is the ambient pressure (Pa)
R = </W Specific gas constant (J/kg/K)
W Mole weight for the given gas composition (kg/kmole)
T Temperature at the outlet (K) (0.0 °C = 273.15 K
u Velocity at the outlet (m/s)
The relations shown above may be used to ensure that the outlet conditions are set in a consistent
way. Outlet: mass flow

The user can specify the mass flow rate at the leak outlet here. Note that mass flow takes priority
if both mass flow and velocity are specified (see below). Make sure that the generated velocity is
not larger than the speed of sound (approximately 340 m/s for air). Setting the outlet area large
enough for a given mass flow rate causes the outlet velocity to be as low as desired. FLACS will
report the generated velocity on the log file (rt-file). The mass flow rate must have a positive
value (zero if not specified). Outlet: velocity

Instead of specifying a mass flow rate at the outlet (see above) the user may specify the velocity.
FLACS will report the generated mass flow rate on the log file (rt-file). If you specify both MASS_-
FLOW and VELOCITY then the mass flow rate takes precedence. The velocity must have a positive
value (zero if not specified). The specified velocity should be lower than the speed of sound. Outlet: relative turbulence intensity

This parameter must always be specified for a leakage. Normally a value in the range 0.01 to
0.10 will be appropriate. If the relative turbulence intensity cannot be obtained from any source
(literature or experiments) for the given leakage, the following rough classification may be used:

0.01-0.03 Low turbulence intensity

0.03-0.06 Medium turbulence intensity
0.06-0.10 High turbulence intensity

It is generally believed that the turbulence generated in the jet zone is less important than the
turbulence generated by the induced downstream flow field, in which case the k − ε model in
FLACS represents the actual modelling. It should be noted here that on the coarse grids nor-
mally used for dispersion calculations in large geometries the generated turbulence due to fluid
stresses may be underestimated, and since numerical diffusion may be high on such coarse grids
one might expect that the turbulent (or effective) mixing process is not represented with high
accuracy. Outlet: turbulent length scale

This parameter must always be specified for a leakage. It may be difficult to obtain the value for
the turbulence length scale. It is generally related to the size of the nozzle or the feeding pipe

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


for the leakage. A rough estimate is that the turbulence length scale is in the range of 10% to
20% of the nozzle diameter. When the turbulence length scale is small the dissipation rate of the
turbulence kinetic energy is large, thus the turbulence will dissipate quickly for small diameter
nozzles. In such cases, the turbulence generated by the downstream flow field is the important
factor, and the k − ε model in FLACS takes care of that. Outlet: temperature

This parameter must always be specified for a leakage. Outlet: direction cosines

This is a vector which may be used to define the direction of an oblique jet. The Vessel menu

This menu was developed to calculate the outlet conditions for a leak from a pressurized vessel.
Currently, it is not recommended to use the vessel menu. The Jet utility program should be used

3.7.11 Ignition

In case of a gas explosion simulation the user must specify the location and size of the ignition
source and also a time for the ignition to occur. The available parameters here are as follows:


RADMAX 99999.0 (m)

The ignition region can be a point, a line, a plane or a volume. Normally the user would choose
an ignition point (zero dimension), with ignition effected at time zero. The RADMAX parameter
will be ignored by all FLACS versions after 1998, but it is only present for backward compatibility.
If the ignition point is inside a partially blocked control volume, the flame might quench. It is
therefore not recommended to ignite inside a partially blocked control volume. But if the user still
chooses to do so, and if there are any problems to obtain a proper ignition and flame propagation,
the user might try to increase the DIMENSION_OF_IGNITION_REGION side lengths up to about
0.05 to 0.10 m.
Ignition in FLACS is usually set to occur in just one control volume. It is possible to define a larger
region for the ignition, but this is not advised. The time of the ignition may also be specified, this
is useful for igniting gas clouds which are generated during gas dispersion simulations. In a
normal gas explosion simulation the time of ignition should be set to zero.

The user should avoid specifying the ignition point exactly on a grid line, and should rather
specify it at the centre of a control volume. Usually, it is best to specify the ignition point
according to the grid, and not according to the geometry. For instance, if the ignition point is
placed on one side close to a solid wall,it may not necessarily ignite at that side of the wall.
During the porosity calculation, the wall may be adjusted to the nearest control volume face

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3.7 Scenario menu 91

(grid line) and might therefore move to the wrong side of an ignition point! It may also be a
good idea to ensure that the ignition point is not inside a fully blocked control volume.

Figure 3.13: How to position the ignition

3.7.12 Water spray

Water deluge systems can be an effective way to mitigate the consequences of gas explosions
in several situations. The mitigating effect has been seen in many experiments. However, the
phenomena related to the interaction between water sprays and an accelerated flow field and the
flame are quite complex. The explosion accelerates the flow as well as the water droplets. The
acceleration depends on the local flow conditions, and the droplet size. When hydrodynamic
forces become large enough to overcome surface tension, the droplets break up (again dependent
on the droplet size). When the droplets are small enough (either because the droplets produced
by the nozzle are small, or because large droplets break up into small droplets when the flow is
accelerated), they tend to reduce the burning rate due to cooling of the flame, and dilution of the
gas mixture by evaporation. However, large droplets in the flame region (before break-up of the
large droplets) tend to increase the turbulence level and thereby increase the burning rate. So
there are competing effects when using a water spray system. In some cases water spray may
even increase the maximum overpressure of an explosion.
The problem when modelling water sprays is how to represent all this on a coarse simulation
grid. It was necessary to do simplifications, and also to use experiments performed for tuning of
the models. Two distinct effects were identified.

1. The acceleration of the flames due to turbulence from the sprays and the presence of the

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


2. The reduction of burning rate experienced in certain situations because of the water sprays.

For each of the nozzles an acceleration factor, denoted F1, is determined. F1 is used to increase the
burning rate if any watersprays are present. A quenching factor, denoted F2, is also determined.
F2 is used to reduce the burning rate if the conditions for droplet break-up are present.

Due to model simplifications, there is no need for a very accurate positioning of the sprays.
In regions where sprays of the same type will overlap, the user should define one water
spray region for the whole system. If more than one waterspray region is to be defined, the
user should make sure that they do not overlap, as FLACS will then stop. In FLACS, the
droplets are assigned a velocity but the transportation of droplets is not modelled. Regions
where it is obvious that a lot of droplets will be transported ahead of the flames (for instance
directly outside vent openings), should be included in the spray region (i.e. larger water
spray regions should be defined).

The models are validated in stoichiometric gas concentrations in a 180 m3 vented box, with vari-
ous obstruction levels, in a 50 m3 model of an offshore module, and also in full- scale experiments.
It is reasonable to believe that the models represent mechanisms in connection to water mitiga-
tion well.
The water spray model implemented in the FLACS code is relatively simple. One or more non-
overlapping water spray regions are defined. In each region there is assumed to be droplets of
a given diameter (before break up), and a given water volume-fraction. If the relative velocity
between the droplets and the gas flow exceeds a so-called critical break-up velocity (depending
on the diameter of the droplet), it is assumed that the droplets break up.
Two non-dimensional factors are employed in the numerical model. When there is water in the
reactive mixture (i.e. inside a water spray region), this is assumed to enhance the burning rate.
Before break-up of the droplets, the burning enhancement-factor denoted F1 [-] (positive number)
is multiplied by the laminar burning velocity and added to the ordinary burning velocity (i.e. the
burning velocity employed in the FLACS code without any water spray, this burning velocity is
in general in the turbulent regime) to give the effective burning velocity with water spray. When
the droplet break-up criterion is fulfilled, the burning velocity (without break-up) is multiplied
by the burning reduction-factor F2 [-] (positive number less than 1), to give the effective burning

Swater = (Sturb + F1 · Slam ) F2 (3.13)

The water spray model is validated for explosions with stoichiometric fuel-air mixtures. For non-
stoichiometric fuel-air mixtures it is assumed that the pressure reduction caused by water spray
might be slightly under predicted.
Below is shown a list of parameters which may be visible on the scenario file:

POSITION 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 [m]
SIZE 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 [m]
VOLUME_FRACTION 0.2 [per thousand]
NOZZLE_TYPE "FACTORS: 10.0 0.3" [-]

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3.7.13 Insert

Integer identifying the water spray region considered. A maximum number of 25 regions may
be defined in the current version of the FLACS code.

3.7.14 Position

Cartesian coordinates [m] of the corner of the box-shaped water spray region (the corner with
lowest value of the coordinate in each axis direction). Make sure not to define any overlapping
regions. The FLACS code will assign the nearest grid line to your given position as the actual
position of the water spray region. In other words, FLACS will make the water spray region stick
to the grid lines.

3.7.15 Size

The dimension [m] in each of the axis directions is given for the box-shaped water spray region.
All three dimensions should be positive. Make sure not to define any overlapping regions, the
FLACS code will assign the nearest grid line to your given (position + size) as the actual (position
+ size) of the water spray region. In other words, FLACS will make the water spray region stick
to the grid lines. The FLACS code will issue an error message and stop if you have defined any
overlapping water spray regions. You should check the position and size parameters if this error

3.7.16 Volume fraction

Volume fraction [per thousand] of water, defined by volume of liquid water in litre divided by
total volume in cubic meter (one cubic meter equals 1000 litre), inside the water spray region.
Thus, if the volume fraction is 0 there is no liquid water, and if the volume fraction is 1000 there
is only liquid water. If this parameter is less than 0.01 (corresponds to a mass fraction less than
1%), the FLACS code will give you a warning that the water spray is assumed not effective in
the numerical model. As long as the volume fraction of water is larger than this small minimum
value, the water spray model in FLACS is effective (in the current version of FLACS the value
of the parameter VOLUME_FRACTION does not affect how the water spray model works, so any
value larger than the minimum value will give the same numerical results in the simulation).

3.7.17 Mean droplet diameter

The mean diameter [mm] of the water droplets before break-up due to acceleration of the gas
flow, is given by the user. In the water spray model it is assumed that all droplets have the same
size, and that the droplets are uniformly distributed in space inside the water spray region. This
is an approximation. In most real situations there will be a droplet size distribution, which in
most cases is non-uniform in space, i.e. the distribution may change from one region to another
In the water spray model, the mean droplet diameter is defined to be the so-called Sauter diam-
eter. This diameter is defined by the volume-based mean diameter cubed divided by the area-
based mean diameter squared. The Sauter diameter depends on the operating water-pressure
forcing water out the nozzle. The empirical relation

D = P−0.333 (3.14)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


( D in [mm] and P in [barg]) seems to give good estimates for the Sauter diameter over a range of
values for the water pressure, and for various nozzles. However, for some special nozzle types
giving very large (e.g. nozzle type LDN) or very small (e.g. nozzle type P120) droplet diameters,
this empirical relation may be less accurate. One may then try to estimate otherwise the Sauter
diameter for the water-pressure considered. You may use either your estimate or data given by
the vendor of the nozzle.

3.7.18 Nozzle type

The parameter NOZZLE_TYPE should be set equal to the text string "FACTORS: F1 F2" (note
that the double quote character " is included twice in the text string), where F1 and F2 are the
numerical values of the two factors. The two non-dimensional factors F1 and F2 are modelled

F1 = 14Uz β water (3.15)


F2 = (3.16)
Dβ water

where Uz [m/s] is the average droplet velocity vertically downward (absolute value),β water [per
thousand] is the water volume-fraction, and D [mm] is the Sauter diameter. How to obtain the
Sauter diameter (mean droplet diameter) is described above. If the nozzle spreads the water
horizontally, the droplets will soon fall down with a constant velocity (gravity forces are balanced
by drag forces). This constant velocity depends on the droplet diameter. It can be estimated from
the empirical relation

Uz = 2.5D0.94 (3.17)

where the units of Uz is [m/s] and the units of D is [mm]. For some nozzle types the droplets
leave the nozzle with a significant velocity component vertically downward. In this case the
average downward velocity should be estimated otherwise (giving a larger value than from the
expression above). The water volume-fraction is estimated by

n( Q/60)
β water = (3.18)
Xlength Ylength Zlength

where Xlength [m] is the length in x-direction of the assumed rectangular waterspray region,
Ylength [m] is the length in y-direction (it is assumed that the xy-plane is the horizontal plane), n
is the number of nozzles (it is assumed that all of the nozzles within the same waterspray region
is of the same type and with the same water flow-rate), and Q is the water flow-rate [litre/min]
for a single nozzle (thus Q/60 is the water flow-rate in units of [litre/s]). The water flow-rate
depends on the operating water-pressure. It is assumed that the flow-rate is related to the water
pressure P [barg] by

Q=k P (3.19)

where the so-called k-value of the nozzle depends on the type of nozzle considered.

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3.7 Scenario menu 95

3.7.19 Louvre panels


The louvre panel model has not been thoroughly validated, and some limitations have been
identified. Especially the thickness of the louvre slats (section Area porosity) does not seem
to have a large enough effect on the results. As the louvre panel model is relatively compli-
cated to set up, it is recommended to use a porous plate in most situations.

Louvre panels are common in offshore installations and also in land-based process industry. The
louvre panels affect the flow field both due to drag forces, and deflection of the flow downstream
of the panel, determined by the geometry of the louvre slats. A new subgrid model for flow
through louvres is described in detail in [Salvesen, October 1996]. Some validation exercises
using the new subgrid model are documented in [Salvesen, November 1996].
A louvre panel is assumed to consist of slats mounted on a frame. The louvre slats may have an
arbitrary form depending on the type of louvre panel considered, but it is assumed that the slats
of a louvre panel are more or less equal in shape, uniformly oriented, and uniformly distributed.
It is assumed that the velocity vector downstream of the louvre panel is forced to be within a
fixed plane (a mathematical plane of zero thickness) determined by the louvre slats, when the
flow exits the louvre, independently of the upstream velocity.
To be specific, let us consider an example: A louvre panel is oriented with normal in x- direc-
tion. The louvre slats define a plane with unit normal vector in the xy-plane, (− sin(q), cos(q), 0),
where q is an angle with absolute value less than 90°. The angle q is defined as the angle between
the slats of the louvre (assuming that the slats are more or less plane, or if they are curved that
they define a tangent at the exit on the downstream side) and the normal of the louvre (in our
example the x-axis). The assumption is that the projection of the downstream velocity vector for
flow in positive x-direction, on to the xy-plane, is directed a fixed angle q relative the positive
x-axis (corresponding to the tangent vector (cos(q), sin(q), 0)), independently of the upstream
velocity. How good this assumption is in practice depends on several factors: the form (plane
or curved) and the thickness of the slats, and how wide the slats are compared to the distance
between two neighbouring slats. The component of the velocity vector in z-direction, is assumed
to be unaffected by the presence of the louvre panel.
In the example above, a louvre panel is oriented in x-direction. It may also be oriented in y- or
z-direction. In general the louvre slats define two distinct planes, one plane for flow exiting in
positive direction and one plane for flow exiting in negative direction. Often these two planes are
identical. This is the case e.g. if the slats are of rectangular shape. But if the slats are e.g. V-formed,
the two planes are distinct. The two planes may be arbitrary oriented as long as two conditions
are satisfied: Firstly, none of the planes should coincide with the louvre plane itself (this would
imply that the louvre panel is completely blocked). In the numerical code it is checked that the
angle between the unit normal of the louvre plane and the unit normal of the plane determined
by the slats (for flow in positive or negative direction), is not too small, that is less than one
degree. Secondly, if the plane determined by the slats for flow in positive direction is distinct
from the plane for flow in negative direction, the vector cross product of the normal vectors of
these two planes should lie in the louvre plane (in other words, these two normal vectors and the
normal of the louvre plane all lie in the same plane).
Note that the subgrid model affects how the momentum flux is calculated for the face of the
staggered control volume adjacent to the louvre plane on the downstream side. The velocity of a
control volume is determined by a balance of momentum fluxes over all the faces of the control
volume. The subgrid model gives the momentum flux at the CV face adjacent to the louvre
panel, the momentum fluxes at the other CV faces are determined by the flow field otherwise.
A consequence of this is that the first velocity vector downstream of the louvre plane need not
be directed exactly according to the plane determined by the louvre slats, since the flow field

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


otherwise also affects the velocity vector.

In the subgrid model it is assumed that the total drag force can be represented as the sum of
three terms; drag due to acceleration of the magnitude of the velocity of the flow, drag due to
bending of the flow, and drag due to friction. In the description of these three terms below, it is
assumed that the flow is in positive direction (either x-, y- or z-direction). The subscript e (east)
corresponds to downstream values, the subscript w (west) corresponds to upstream values. A
similar description is valid for flow in negative direction (not given here). Drag (absolute value)
due to acceleration of the flow is represented by:
n o
FD,acc = Cacc max 0.05ρe [Ue ]2 − 0.5ρw [Uw ]2 (3.20)

in the case that the plane determined by the louvre slats for flow in positive direction is the same
as the one for flow in negative direction. Here ρ is the density, and U is the velocity vector. The
drag coefficient Cacc is typically set to 1. Note that no contribution from drag due to acceleration
is included if the norm of the velocity vector upstream is larger than the one downstream (this
would correspond to a pressure increase instead of a pressure drop over the louvre).
In the case that the plane determined by the louvre slats for flow in positive direction is distinct
from the one for flow in negative direction (e.g. if the slats are V-formed), it is assumed that the
drag is represented by:

· ½ ¾ ½ ¾¸
0 ¡ 0 ¡
FD,acc = Cacc max + max
0.5 ρint [Uint ]2 − ρw [Uw ]2 0.5 ρe [Ue ]2 − ρint [Uint ]2
¢ ¢
Here Uint is the so-called intermediate velocity vector in the plane determined by the louvre slats
for flow in negative direction. It is assumed that the velocity vector first is forced to be within this
plane, and then is forced to be within the plane determined by the louvre slats for flow exiting in
the positive direction.
Drag due to bending of the flow is modelled as:

FD,bend = 0.5ρw [Uw ]2 Cbend (α1 + α2) (3.22)

where α1 is the angle between the upstream and the intermediate velocity vector, α2 is the angle
between the downstream and the intermediate velocity vector, 0 ≤ αi < π, i = 1, 2. Note that
the intermediate velocity vector and the downstream velocity vector are identical when the two
planes determined by the louvre slats (for flow exiting in positive and in negative direction)
are identical (and then α2 = 0). The coefficient Cbend (units of 1/radian) could be estimated from
experiments or fine grid simulations. In the validation simulations a value of Cbend = 0.11/(π/4)
is used. This corresponds to a result found in the literature; a resistance coefficient for flow in
pipes of 0.11 for a bending of π/4radian. Confer [Salvesen, November 1996] for more details.
If the flow is neither bended nor accelerated, there is still a drag due to skin friction assumed to
be represented by

FD, f ric = 0.5ρw [Uw ]2 C f ric (3.23)

where C f ric is a drag coefficient.

The coefficients Cacc , Cbend , and C f ric are expected to depend on the specific type of louvre con-
sidered, and on both the Reynolds number and the Mach number of the flow. The direction of
the upstream velocity vector may also be of importance. To investigate how the coefficients de-
pend on the various parameters mentioned above, seems to be a challenging task. Performing

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3.7 Scenario menu 97

fine-grid simulations or experiments are ways of approaching the problem. In the present model
it is assumed that the coefficients depend on only the geometry of the louvre (neglecting the
dependence on the other parameters mentioned above).
If experimental values of the coefficients Cacc , Cbend , and C f ric are known for the specific type of
louvre panel considered, these values should be used in the numerical calculations. In many
cases only the so-called pressure-loss coefficient (sometimes in the literature it is also called
pressure-drop or resistance coefficient) is known from experiment. This coefficient is defined

pw − pe = 0.5ρw [Uw ]2 C pressure (3.24)

for upstream flow in positive direction with velocity vector pointing normally on the louvre
plane. In the case of flow with low Mach number (incompressible or nearly incompressible fluid),
the static pressure drop over the louvre panel is essentially balanced by the drag force (i.e. the
component of the force from the louvre on the fluid along the normal of the louvre plane) per unit
area (see [Salvesen, October 1996] for details). Thus for incompressible flow, when Uw = Ue , with
upstream velocity vector pointing normally on the louvre plane, the pressure-loss coefficient can
be related to the coefficients Cacc , Cbend , and C f ric by

C pressure = Cacc (1/(cos2 θ ) − 1) + Cbend α1 + C f ric (3.25)

where the relation |Ue | cos q = Ue is utilized (confer the example above). Here it is assumed that
the plane determined by the louvre slats for flow in positive direction is the same as the plane
for flow in negative direction. One approach is to set Cacc equal 1 (this value is supported by
theoretical considerations, cf. [Salvesen, October 1996] ), set Cbend equal zero or a guessed value
based on experimental results found in the literature (e.g. set Cbend = 0.11/(π/4) as described
above), and set C f ric so that the relation above is satisfied for given values of C pressure , Cacc , and
Cbend . Another approach is to set both Cacc and Cbend equal zero, and set C f ric equal C pressure . Both
these approaches are expected to give good results when performing simulations. If not even the
pressure-loss coefficient C pressure is known, one may use a guessed value for this coefficient
Values of the pressure-loss coefficient are reported in the range from 9.8 to 13.9 for commercially
available louvre panels for industrial use. So a value in the range, say between 10 and 11, is in
many cases expected to be a reasonable estimate for the pressure-loss coefficient.
An example of a setup for a louvre panel is shown below:

NAME "NoName"
POSITION 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (m)
SIZE 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 (m)

Character string identifying the louvre panel considered (not used by FLACS).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


Cartesian coordinates of the corner of the louvre panel (the corner with lowest value of the coor-
dinate in each axis direction). SIZE

The louvre panel is assumed to be of rectangular shape. The dimension in each of the axis direc-
tions is given. One dimension should be zero, this shows how the louvre panel is oriented, and
defines the louvre plane. If e.g. the dimension in x-direction is zero, the normal of the louvre
plane points in x-direction. The other two dimensions should be positive. MATERIAL

Colour used when visualizing the louvre panel as part of the geometry considered. Normal vector slats positive

Cartesian coordinates of normal vector of plane determined by the louvre slats (ribs) for flow
in positive direction. This vector need not be specified as a unit vector. But the normal vector
should not be parallel to the normal vector of the louvre plane. This would mean that the louvre
panel is completely blocked by the louvre slats (if e.g. the louvre panel is oriented in x-direction,
to specify the normal vector determined by the louvre slats as (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) would be an illegal
choice). Note that the normal vector need not lie in the xy-, xz-, or yz-plane. To specify the vector
as for example (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) would be a valid choice.
If for example the louvre panel is oriented in x-direction, and the normal vector determined by
the louvre slats is given by (− sin(q), 0, cos(q)) (here q is an angle with absolute value less than
90°), the interpretation is the following: The angle q is the angle between the slats of the louvre
(assuming that the slats are more or less plane, e.g. of rectangular shape, or if they are curved that
they define a tangent at the exit on the downstream side) and the normal of the louvre plane (in
this example the positive x-axis). The tangent vector in the xz-plane of the plane determined by
the louvre slats is given by (cos(q), 0, sin(q)). A typical value of the angle q would be -45°. This
would correspond to a case where the louvre panel is a shield for rain (assuming that vertically
upwards is in positive z-direction). Normal vector slats negative

Cartesian coordinates of normal vector of plane determined by the louvre slats for flow in neg-
ative direction. Similar comments apply here as those given above for NORMAL_VECTOR_-
In many cases this vector equals the normal vector for flow in positive direction. This is the case
if e.g. the louvre slats have a rectangular shape. But if the louvre slats are e.g. V-formed the plane
determined by the louvre slats for flow in negative direction is different from the plane for flow
in positive direction.
Note that the normal vector determined by the louvre slats for flow in negative direction should
lie in the plane defined by the normal vector determined by the louvre slats for flow in positive
direction and the normal vector of the louvre plane. If for example the louvre panel is oriented in
x-direction and the normal vector of the plane determined by the louvre slats for flow in positive

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.7 Scenario menu 99

direction lies in the xz-plane, then the normal vector for flow in negative direction should also lie
in the xz-plane. Drag coefficient acceleration

Drag coefficient Cacc of drag due to acceleration of the magnitude of the velocity of the flow. This
coefficient should be zero or positive. A typical value is 1 (this value is supported by theoretical
considerations). Further guidance is given above. Drag coefficient bending

Drag coefficient Cbend of drag due to bending of the flow. This coefficient should be zero or
positive. The units of this coefficient is (1/radian). Further guidance is given above. Drag coefficient friction

Drag coefficient C f ric of drag due to friction. This coefficient should be zero or positive. Further
guidance is given above. Area porosity

An area porosity of the louvre panel is specified. This is not a projected area porosity on to the
louvre plane (in many cases it is not possible to see through the louvre watching normally on it,
i.e. the projected area porosity is zero), but is viewed as the ratio of open area to total area in
a representative cut plane parallel to the louvre plane. If e.g. the louvre consists of rectangular
slats of thickness D uniformly inclined relative to the louvre plane and uniformly spaced with
centre/centre distance 4D, the area porosity is (4D − D )/4D = 0.75 (this value is independent
of the angle of inclination). If the frame of the louvre blocks the panel considerably, this may be
taken into account. If the blockage of the frame corresponds to an area porosity β f rame , the total
effective area porosity in our example will be 0.75β f rame
Note that in the subgrid model for louvre panels, the value of the area porosity affects the drag
force only indirectly. The drag force is determined by the drag coefficients, the configuration of
the louvre slats (determining the deflection of the flow downstream of the louvre), and the flow
field. The value of the area porosity affects how the fluxes (of mass, momentum, etc.,) are set
when solving the conservation equations at the louvre plane, and this will affect the flow field.
If the profile of the louvre slats has a complicated form, it may not be obvious how to estimate
the effective area porosity. If the area porosity varies in different cut-planes parallel to the louvre
plane, it is expected that a cut-plane with a minimum area porosity is the most representative.
The user may perform several simulations varying the value of the area porosity, if one wants to
investigate the sensitivity of the value of the area porosity on the numerical results. The limited
testing in the validation simulations reported in [Salvesen, November 1996], seems to indicate
that the maximum overpressure of an explosion simulation is in general not very sensitive to
changes in the value of the area porosity. In one scenario the maximum overpressure dropped
about 12% when the value of the area porosity was increased from 0.6685 to 1.0.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

100 CASD

3.7.20 Grating


The grating model should only be used in dispersion and ventilation simulations. The cur-
rent model is designed for flow through the grating, but the important effect on flame accel-
eration along the grating is not handled correctly. It is recommended to use a porous plate in
explosion simulations.

The static pressure-loss coefficient Cspl is defined by

∆p = 0.5ρ[U ]2 Cspl (3.26)

where ∆p is the pressure loss across the grating, ρ is the density, and U is the upstream velocity
component normal to the grating. The component normal to the grating of the force per unit area
from the grating on the fluid flowing through it, i.e. the drag force per unit area, is assumed to be
equal to the static pressure drop over the grating. The static pressure-loss coefficient is modelled

Cspl = f 1 ( Re ) f 2 ( β) f 3 ( M ) (3.27)

where the factor depending on the geometry, characterized by the area porosity β , is given by:

(1 − β2 )
f 2 ( β) = (3.28)

and the factor depending on the upstream Mach number M, and the upstream choking Mach
number M∗ (upstream Mach no. corresponding to choking at the grating) is given by:

f3 ( M) = ∗
M −M

The choking Mach number is related to the area porosity, M∗ = M∗ ( β). This relation is modelled

M∗ ( β) = 0.675β + 0.325β4 (3.30)

being a curve fit to experimental data.

The factor depending on the Reynolds number, Re , is modelled as a curve fit to experimental
results. The characteristic length used in the Reynolds no. is the diameter of the wire (or of
the rod if the grating is constructed by rods rather than wires). This curve fit and experimental
data are shown in the figure below. Further details about modelling drag forces for flow through
grating, are found in [Salvesen & Storvik, 1994].

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.7 Scenario menu 101

Figure 3.14: Factor f1 related to Reynolds number

Factor f 1 ( Re ) in pressure-loss coefficient as function of Reynolds number (logarithmic scale).

Both experimental data and a curve-fit to these data are shown.
An example of a setup for a louvre panel is shown below:

NAME "NoName"
POSITION 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (m)
SIZE 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 (m)

Character string identifying the grating considered. Position

Cartesian coordinates of the corner of the grating (the corner with lowest value of the coordinate
in each axis direction).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

102 CASD Size

The grating is assumed to be of rectangular shape. The dimension in each of the axis directions
is given. One dimension should be zero, this shows how the grating is oriented. If e.g. the
dimension in x-direction is zero, the normal of the grating points in x-direction. The other two
dimensions should be positive. Material

Colour used when visualizing the grating as part of the geometry considered. Area porosity

Ratio of projected open area of the grating divided by total area. Value between 0 and 1. Characteristic length

Characteristic length used in the Reynolds number, defined as the wire diameter (or similar di-
mension if it is not a wire, but a rod). A typical value of the characteristic length is 0.01m.

3.7.21 Gas monitor region

The GAS_MONITOR_REGION function is used for monitoring amount of fuel inside a module
or another user defined volume during a dispersion simulation. FLACS will write a text file
called rt010100.FUEL which contains a number of columns showing the amount of fuel inside
the defined volume. The columns Q8, Q9, [LFL:UFL], Q6/Q7 are used for risk assessments in
connection to dispersion studies and estimate of explosion severity and ignition probabilities.
If more than one region is needed the user must create a cs010100.MON file. Please see section
Monitor file for details.

3.7.22 Species

Gases not defined in FLACS can be defined manually. When defining a gas, a long list of vari-
ables must be defined. GexCon plan to provide templates for some of the typically used gases
later (e.g. ammonia and chlorine), however, in the meantime the user must define these gases. To
quickly increase the molecular weight of a gas, for a simulation in which pressure and tempera-
ture does not change too much, simply copy the properties of another defined gas when defining
the USERSPEC_1 gas.
These properties can be found by running a utility program called listspecie.

> run9 listspecie1.0 BUTANE


>listspecie1.0 BUTANE

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.8 Block menu 103

To define chlorine gas for a dispersion calculation (ignoring any kind of aerosol and condensa-
tion) simply modify the WFUEL from 0.581e2 to 0.709e2 when specifying the USERSPEC_1 fuel
in SPECIES menu of CASD. If proper compression and change of temperature is needed, mod-
ification of the HFUEL, AENT, BENT and DENT values is also required (this is more complicated).
Several of the parameters have to do with liquid properties of the fuel, this functionality is not
yet available and these are thus irrelevant.

3.8 Block menu

Analyzing the effects of far-field pressure waves can be of interest in many applications. The
multi-blocks option in FLACS allows performing far-field pressure waves, i.e. blast waves, stud-
ies. A description of the settings and running commands for the multi-blocks simulation in
FLACS is given here.

3.8.1 Defining a multiblock grid

Assuming a given geometry in the pre-processor CASD, a multiblock grid can be defined. By
default, in the sub-menu Select of the menu Block in the CASD tool bar, a block called super and
a block called FLACS are defined. The block called super needs to be selected to further define
the multi-block grid. The block named super will be referred to as SuperGrid in the following.
The extents of the SuperGrid domain (menu Grid and Simulation_Volume) defines the total size of
the simulation domain and the number of control volumes in the SuperGrid gives the number of
The block FLACS can be selected in the sub-menu Select of the menu Block. The position of this
block into the SuperGrid can be defined in the sub-menu Properties of the menu Block by specifying
the appropriate indices i,j,k of a SuperGrid cell. A grid relative to the block FLACS selected can be
defined in the usual way going in the sub-menu Region of the menu Grid. The following picture
shows a grid with four different blocks:

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104 CASD

Figure 3.15: A multi-block grid

Two different types of blocks exist:


Setup parameters for the simulation (ignition position, initial conditions,...) can only be defined
for a FLACS block. The ignition region must be contained in a single FLACS block and must not
be divided into several blocks.
The BLAST blocks are used to study the development of the pressure front only. The computa-
tions in a BLAST block are faster and require less memory than in a FLACS block. Combustion
processes should not occur in a BLAST block. Therefore, extra FLACS blocks might need to be
defined to contain the whole combustion area.
A block can be added through the sub-menu Add of the menu Block. The position in the SuperGrid
need to be defined. BLAST blocks are added by default. The type of block for the selected block,
can be changed in the sub-menu Properties of the menu Block. Finally, selected blocks can also be
deleted through the sub-menu Delete of the menu Block.

3.8.2 Running a multiblock simulation

Saving the multiblock setup generates a SuperJob number and one job number for each of the
blocks that have been defined. Once the multiblock setup has been saved, CASD can be exited
and the porosities computed for each of the job numbers:

> run9 porcalc 50000i

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.9 View menu 105


> porcalc.exe 50000i

where 50000i is the job number relative to the block i.

Assuming 500000 is the SuperJob number corresponding to the considered multiblock simulation,
the following command starts the simulation

> run9 flacs setup-500000


> flacs setup-500000

The file setup-500000 contains a list of job numbers and corresponding block type relative to the
SuperJob number 500000:

"500001" "FLACS"
"500002" "BLAST"
"500003" "BLAST"
"500004" "BLAST"
"500005" "BLAST"

3.8.3 General guidelines for multi-block simulations

The grid resolution in the explosion block should be reasonably fine, but it might be necessary to
use a coarser grid than the one generally used in explosion simulations. The block faces must fit
perfectly to their neighbors
The geometry should be as simple as possible at the block boundaries, if not the porosity pattern
might become different on the two sides of the boundary.
In BLAST blocks the porosity is either 0 or 1. For stability, the CFLC number should be 0.5 in the
BLAST blocks as well as in FLACS blocks due to the explicit coupling between the blocks.
In BLAST blocks the PLANE_WAVE boundary condition should be used (if not SYMMETRY). This
PLANE_WAVE condition should also be used in the FLACS blocks to minimize the influence of
the boundaries.
Both monitor point output and field output (r1- and r3-files) can be generated from a multiblock
simulation. For 2D field plots and line plots several blocks can be shown in one plot in Flowvis.
However, for volume plots only one block can be shown for each plot.
With BLAST blocks only a selection of the variables of the FLACS blocks exists. Variables like
PROD and FUEL should not be specified for output in BLAST blocks.

3.9 View menu

The View menu in CASD contains commands for manipulating the view.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

106 CASD

3.9.1 Print

The Print menu allows exporting a screenshot of the CASD window into different formats:

• Postscript
• IV

3.9.2 Examiner viewer and Fly viewer

The default and most widely used viewer is the Examiner viewer. The Fly viewer can be used to
fly through the geometry.

3.9.3 XY View, XZ View, and the YZ Views

The option XY View and XZ View display a projection of the geometry in the XY and XZ planes
respectively. The options YZ East View and YZ West View display a projection of the geometry
in the YZ plane along the positive and negative Y-axis respectively.

3.9.4 3D View

The 3D View option displays a default 3D view of the geometry.

3.9.5 Axis

The Axis option turns axis display on and off.

3.9.6 Maximise

The option Maximize maximizes the visible window to display the entire geometry and grid.

3.9.7 Grid display

Three different options are available in the Grid Display menu:

• Off: The grid is not displayed. Only the geometry would be displayed.
• Working Direction: The grid would be displayed in the working direction only.
• All Directions: The grid would be displayed in the three directions.

3.9.8 Annotation

The options in this menu are currently not used.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.10 Options menu 107

3.9.9 Draw style

Different options are available in this menu:

• Off: The geometry will not be displayed.

• Wireframe: Only the edges of the objects that compose the geometry would be displayed.
• Filled: Surfaces of the objects that compose the geometry would be displayed.
• Scenario Wireframe: Only the edges of scenario objects (for example, a fuel region) would
be displayed.
• Scenario Filled: Surfaces of scenario objects would be displayed.

3.9.10 LOD and Properties

The LOD (Level Of Details) and properties menus control the details of the geometry displayed.

3.10 Options menu

The user may select certain options under the Options menu in CASD.

3.10.1 Units

The user may choose between the following units for the spatial dimensions: millimetres (mm),
centimetres (cm), decimetres (dm), meters (m), and inches (in); the default option is meters.

3.10.2 Preferences

The users may set preferences for:

• General features: scenario template and version of Porcalc

• Colours: background colours for examiner viewer and fly viewer
• Performance: redraw options General

The user may chose between the available scenario templates in a drop down menu. It is essential
that the selected scenario template match the FLACS version to be used in the simulations.


New scenario templates will not necessarily work with old scenario files.

By ticking off the option ’Write polygons (cm file) when saving’, the polygons file read by Flowvis
will not be written. In case of a very complex geometry, ticking off this option allows Flowvis
loading the result files faster than if the cm-file were existing. The option ’Write polygons (cm
file) when saving’ should therefore be ticked off if the geometry is very complex. See also section
Polygon file.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

108 CASD Colours and Performance

Through these two menus the CASD window can be customized.

3.11 Macro menu

The Macro menu contains commands for running and recording macros.

• Run: This command processes all the commands on a specified file before turning control
over to the user again. If an error occurs, the processing is interrupted.
• Record: This is a toggle button for turning command recording on/off. When turning
recording on, the command requires a macro file name. All subsequent commands are
recorded on the specified file, until the recording is turned off.
• Write Geometry: This command writes the macro files needed to define the open geometry,
including global objects and materials. CASD asks for the path to a directory where the
files are placed. See section and for more information.

3.11.1 Run

To create a geometry from a set of macro files, use the Run command in the Macro menu. Alter-
natively use the command input to read the macro file geometry_name.mcr: ∗ macro run
If the project or geometry already exists in the database, an error message is displayed and CASD
exits from the macro.

Macro Description
geometry_name.mcr Creates a new geometry
geometry_name_materials.mcr Creates all materials used in the geometry
material_name.mcr Creates material (one file for each material)
geometry_name_objects.mcr Creates all objects used in the geometry
object_name.mcr Creates object (one file for each object)
geometry_name_instances.mcr Creates all assemblies/instance
Table 3.7: Macro files

If some objects or materials on the macro files already exist in the database, an error message is
displayed, and the object/material is not overwritten.

3.11.2 Record

The option Record is used to save a macro in a 000000.caj.mcr file, where 000000 is a given job
number. The macro file is written simultaneously as the user use CASD, thus this function acts
like a log of the performed actions.
This file can be read as executing a macro with the option Run.

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3.12 Help menu 109

3.11.3 Write geometry

The Write Object command in the Macro menu writes a macro file that defines the open object.
CASD asks for the path to a directory where the macro file is to be placed.
Note that this macro file must be started in the CASD main window.
The Write Geometry command in the Macro menu causes CASD to write a complete set of macro
files for the open geometry. The files include macro files which create the project, geometry, all
materials needed, all objects needed in addition to the assemblies/instances. The files are listed
in table Macro files created by the Write Macro command.

Figure 3.16: The macro file hierarchy

Note that the macro file format is not intended as a backup format. Future versions of CASD may
not be backwards compatible with the menu structure and commands in the current version.
The Copy command in the Database menu can be used to make a copy of a geometry within the
same project. The macro files created by the Write Geometry command in the Macro menu can be
used for copying the geometry from one database to another. They can also be used for copying
one geometry into another (existing) geometry.
To copy one geometry (geo1) into another (geo2) in the same database, open geo1 and execute
the Write Geometry command in the Macro menu. Exit from geo1 and open geo2. Create a new
assembly and execute the macro:

* macro run geometry_name_instances

Problems occur if geo2 contains local object(s) with the same name(s) as in geo1.

3.12 Help menu

The purpose of the Help menu is to provide the user with relevant information concerning the
general use of FLACS and the active FLACS licence.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

110 CASD

3.12.1 Online help

This menu opens this User’s manual in the default HTML browser on the computer (see the
Options menu for information on how to change the default HTML browser).

3.12.2 Quick reference

This menu opens a window summarizing various controls

Figure 3.17: Quick References

3.12.3 Licence terms

This menu opens a window that contains the FLACS licence terms.

3.12.4 About CASD

This menu displays the FLACS splash screen with information about the version of FLACS and
the version of CASD.

3.13 Potential bugs or problems with CASD

This chapter contains a list of potential bugs or problems with CASD, and some possible

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

3.13 Potential bugs or problems with CASD 111

3.13.1 Problem with macro files and local objects

Using the WRITE GEOMETRY option in CASD does not correctly write local objects. The trans-
formation matrix is missing, resulting in a faulty geometry when reading macro files back into

3.13.2 CAD import

Geometry can be imported from CAD programs. Please refer to section geo2flacs.

3.13.3 Heavy hydrocarbons C5H12 and upwards

Several vapours from hydrocarbons that are heavier than butane can be modelled, but combus-
tion properties have been copied from butane. Enthalpies for Dodecane have been copied from
Decane, and this may lead to strange results if burning Dodecane.

3.13.4 Reading old dump file

In previous FLACS versions the freezing point of water (0 °C) was defined to be 273 K, whereas
in the newest version this has been changed to 273.15 K. For wall temperatures it has always been
assumed that 0 °C translates to 273.15 K. The gas constant, <, has similarly been changed from
8314 J/(kmol K) to 8314.472J/(kmol K).
If an old dump-file is read in the new version of FLACS, small inconsistencies/disturbances may
be seen in the temperature field of this reason.

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112 CASD

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 4

Flacs simulator
114 Flacs simulator

This chapter describes various aspects the CFD simulator Flacs:

• how to start and stop a simulation

• how to monitor the progress of a running simulation

• a list of input files

• a list of output files

• a list of output variables

4.1 Overview

See Getting started for a detailed description of how to install FLACS and the basic steps to get
started using it.
On Linux it is recommended that the user defines an alias for running FLACS v9.0 programs:

> alias run9 /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/bin/run

On Windows a desktop icon for the Run Manager is created during the installation.

4.2 The Run Manager


> run9 runmanager


> "C:Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_v9.0\bin\runmanager"

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

4.2 The Run Manager 115

Figure 4.1: The FLACS Runmanager

4.2.1 Starting simulations

See Running FLACS for the basic introduction on how to get started using the FLACS package.
The FLACS simulator (Flacs) can be started from the command line or from the Runmanager.
The command to start a FLACS simulation from the command line:

> run9 runflacs 010101

4.2.2 Monitoring simulations

On Linux the user can use the tail command to monitor the progress of a FLACS simulation.

> tail -f tt010101

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

116 Flacs simulator

4.2.3 Check list for running simulations

The sequence of tasks involved in a general FLACS simulation includes:

1. Stating your problem

2. Defining sensitivities, or parameter variation
3. Defining and verify the geometry
4. Defining and verify the grid
5. Calculating and verify the porosities
6. Defining and verify the scenario
7. Running the simulations
8. Checking the simulation log files for errors
9. Presenting the results
10. Storing all data for later use

It is important to check the correctness of all input parameters.

Below is a recommended check list for basic QA of the simulation set-up:

1. Avoid large Courant numbers (CFLV and CFLC)

2. Locate ignition in an unblocked control volume
3. Locate monitors in unblocked control volumes
4. Define realistic discharge parameters for leaks
5. Verify vent areas
6. Verify gas composition
7. Avoid strong transient wind build-up
8. Check disk space and access rights
9. The required files:

• Grid file
• Obstruction file
• Porosity file
• Scenario file

4.3 Running several simulations in series

An efficient way to handle many simulations is to use run scripts (text file with commands).
Running many simulations in parallel may exhaust the computer memory and actually increase
the total computation time for the simulations. On Linux if the user wants to stop a running
process the kill command can be used, the ps command will report the process id of all running
processes. On Windows the Task Manager can be used.

See section Linux Quick Reference for useful Linux commands and examples on how to run
and monitor FLACS commands effectively on a Linux system.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

4.3 Running several simulations in series 117

4.3.1 Create and use run scripts

Flacs simulations are easy to run in batch, in parallel or series, using the Run mananger, however
if the user wants more control a run script can be created using a text editor, the script file my_-
runfile could look like this, on Linux:

#!/bin/csh -f

# Set up an alias for running the FLACS simulator:

alias my_runflacs /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/bin/run_runflacs

# Run the simulations in series:

my_runflacs 010101
my_runflacs 010102
my_runflacs 010103

Make the script file my_runfile executable:

> chmod u+x my_runfile

Run the script in the background, messages are sent to the file my_listfile:

> ./my_runfile >& my_listfile &

Similarly a bat script, my_runfile.bat can be created on Windows:

@echo off
rem Set up an alias for running the FLACS simulator:
set my_runflacs="c:\program files\gexcon\flacs_v9.0\bin\runflacs.exe"
rem Run the simulations in series:
%my_runflacs% 010100
%my_runflacs% 010101
%my_runflacs% 010102

Run the script, messages are sent to the file my_listfile:

> my_runfile.bat > my_listfile

4.3.2 Optimizing computer loads

In general Flacs simulations will use 100% of a single CPU core if available, thus optimal use of a
computer for runninig simulations is to start as many simulations in parallel equal to the number
of CPU cores available. It is however necessary to keep the total memory consumption within
physical computer memory. If this is not done the computer will start to use virtual disk memory,
which is significanly slower than physical memory. This will result in longer simulation time.
As a rule of thumb a simulation computer should have 2GB of memory per CPU core.

4.3.3 Stopping simulations

Flacs simulations can be stopped prematurely either by using the Task Manager (Windows) or
using a combination of the command line utilities ps and kill on Linux.
To find the Flacs simulation process ID (PID) run the following command on Linux:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

118 Flacs simulator

> ps -edlaf|grep flacs

This will list all FLACS related programs running on the computer. The PID is the number found
in the 4th column. Also note the user name of the process, which is found in the 3rd column. The
process can then be stopped using the following command:

> kill 1234

where 1234 is the PID.

Alternatively the simulation can be stopped by using the Runtime simulation control file (cc file).
Adding the following line to the cc file will stop the simulation at the time 123.4 sec:

TSTOP 123.4

4.4 Output variables in FLACS

This chapter describes the output variables that can be selected for output in selected monitor
points or over selected monitor panels (under ’Single Field Scalar Time Output’ on the Scenario
menu in CASD), or throughout the entire calculation domain (under ’Single Field 3D Output’ on
the Scenario menu in CASD).
The normal output variables in FLACS are:

Name Dim Units Description

H 1 (J/kg) Enthalpy
FUEL 1 (-) Fuel mass fraction
FMIX 1 (-) Mixture fraction
FVAR 1 (-) Mixture variance
K 1 (m2/s2) Turbulent kinetic
EPK 1 (1/s) Turbulence ratio
EPS 1 (m2/s3) Dissipation rate of
turbulent kinetic
GAMMA 1 (-) Isentropic gas
LT 1 (m) Turbulent length
MU 1 (kg/(m∗s)) Effective dynamic
OX 1 (-) Oxygen mass
P 1 (barg) Pressure
PMAX 1 (barg) Maximum pressure
DPDT 1 (bar/s) Rate of pressure rise
PIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Pressure impulse
PIMPMAX 1 (Pa∗s) Maximum pressure
PROD 1 (-) Combustion product
mass fraction
RFU 1 (kg/(m3∗s)) Combustion Rate

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4.4 Output variables in FLACS 119

RET 1 (-) Turbulent Reynolds

FMOLE 1 (m3/m3) Fuel mole fraction
FDOSE 1 (m3/m3∗s) Fuel mole fraction
RHO 1 (kg/m3) Density
T 1 (K) Temperature
TURB 1 (m/s) Turbulence velocity
TURBI 1 (-) Relative turbulence
VVEC 3 (m/s) Velocity vector
U 0 (m/s) Velocity component
V 0 (m/s) Velocity component
W 0 (m/s) Velocity component
UVW 1 (m/s) Velocity value
UDRAG 1 (Pa) Drag component
VDRAG 1 (Pa) Drag component
WDRAG 1 (Pa) Drag component
DRAG 1 (Pa) Drag value
DRAGMAX 1 (Pa) Maximum drag
UDIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Drag-impulse
VDIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Drag-impulse
WDIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Drag-impulse
DIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Drag-impulse value
DIMPMAX 1 (Pa∗s) Maximum
drag-impulse value
UFLUX 1 (kg/(m2∗s)) Flux component
VFLUX 1 (kg/(m2∗s)) Flux component
WFLUX 1 (kg/(m2∗s)) Flux component
FLUX 1 (kg/(m2∗s)) Flux value
UMACH 1 (-) Mach number
VMACH 1 (-) Mach number

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120 Flacs simulator

WMACH 1 (-) Mach number

MACH 1 (-) Mach number value
CS 1 (m/s) Sound velocity
TAUWX 1 (-) Wall shear force
TAUWY 1 (-) Wall shear force
TAUWZ 1 (-) Wall shear force
NUSSN 1 (-) Nusselt number
RESID 1 (-) Mass residual in
continuity equation
ER 1 (-) Equivalence ratio
ERLFL 1 (-) Equivalence ratio,
ERNFL 1 (-) Equivalence ratio,
flammable range
EQ 1 (-) Equivalence ratio,
finite bounded
EQLFL 1 (-) Equivalence ratio,
EQNFL 1 (-) Equivalence ratio,
flammable range
TMOLE 1 (m3/m3) Toxic mole fraction
TCONS 1 (mg/m3) Toxic concentration
TDOSE 1 (mg/m3∗minute) Toxic dose
PROBIT 1 (-) Toxic probit
PDEATH 1 (-) Probability of death
as function of toxic
Table 4.1: Output variables in FLACS

The panel output variables in FLACS are:

Name Dim Units Description

PPOR 1 (-) Panel average area
PP 1 (Pa) Panel average
PPIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Panel average
pressure impulse
PDRAG 1 (Pa) Panel average drag
PDIMP 1 (Pa∗s) Panel average drag
Table 4.2: Panel output variables in FLACS

The following sections gives a description of the most commonly used output variables.

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4.4 Output variables in FLACS 121

4.4.1 Mass fraction of fuel: FUEL

This is the mass fraction of fuel in the mixture of fuel, air, and combustion products. The fuel
may be a mixture of several components, such as hydrocarbons and hydrogen. Plots of FUEL are
useful for displaying the fuel cloud.

4.4.2 Pressure: P

This is the static overpressure (bar g). In a flowing fluid, the total pressure is the sum of the
static pressure and the dynamic pressure. The static pressure is isotropic, whereas the dynamic
pressure, caused by the relative motion of the fluid, is anisotropic. A pressure transducer placed
in a flow field will in general measure the static pressure and a certain portion of the dynamic
pressure, depending on the orientation of the face of the pressure transducer relative to the flow
direction. ’Head on’ measurements give the total pressure, whereas ’side on’ measurements give
the static pressure.

4.4.3 Pressure impulse: PIMP

PIMP is the time integral of the pressure:

Z t2
Ip = pdt (4.1)

The pressure impulse is simply the area below the pressure-time curve, and since it is the prod-
uct of pressure and time it holds information about both the amplitude and the duration of the
pressure-time curve.

4.4.4 Mass fraction of combustion products: PROD

This is the ratio of mass (kg) of combustion products per unit mass (1 kg) of the total mixture
of fuel, air and combustion products for each control volume. The combustion products consist
of carbon-dioxide and water vapour. Plots of PROD are useful for displaying the flame (or more
correctly the burnt volume).
See sections Definitions and gas thermodynamics, Stoichiometric reaction and Gas composition
and volume for more information on the reactions that convert fuel onto combustion products.

4.4.5 Gas density: RHO

The gas density is:

p = ρRT (4.2)

This is the fluid mass (kg) per unit volume (1 m3). The equation of state gives the relation between
pressure density and temperature.

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122 Flacs simulator

4.4.6 Gas temperature: T

This is the absolute temperature (K) of the fluid. See RHO above for a description of the relation
between pressure density and temperature. The temperature may be increased by compression
which converts mechanical energy into thermal energy, and by combustion which converts chem-
ical energy into thermal energy.

4.4.7 Velocity vector: VVEC

This is the entity which gives the three velocity components of the time averaged fluid flow. The
energy contained in the temporal fluctuations of the flow which are not captured using a given
spatial and temporal resolution is handled by a turbulence model. VVEC consists of the three
components U, V, and W. If you are editing the cs-file manually, always remember to include the
components if you have specified VVEC for output (CASD includes them automatically).

4.4.8 Drag value: DRAG

The drag value (in FLACS defined as drag force per unit area) is proportional to the dynamic
pressure for the fluid flow. The expression for the dynamic pressure is:

pdyn = ρu2 /2 (4.3)

An obstacle submerged in a fluid flow will interact with the fluid, thereby a drag force results.
The drag force may be measured in experiments and if the Reynolds number is high, the ratio
’drag force / dynamic pressure’ is constant:
Drag coefficient CD = ( FD /A)/(ρu2 /2)
Drag force FD = CD (ρu2 /2) A
The drag value is calculated by assuming the drag coefficient CD = 1 and the cross-section area
A = 1 , with this definition the drag value is the same as the dynamic pressure.

4.4.9 Drag-impulse value: DIMP

Drag-impulse value is the time integral of the dynamic pressure:

Z t2
IPdyn = pdyn dt (4.4)

The drag-impulse value is equivalent to the pressure impulse, with the difference that the dy-
namic pressure is being integrated instead of the static pressure.

4.4.10 Equivalence ratio: ER

The equivalence ratio, ER, is a measure of the concentration of fuel compared to the stoichiomet-
ric concentration, i.e. ER equals unity at stoichiometric concentration. If (F/O) is the ratio of fuel
to oxygen, the equivalence ratio is defined as follows:

ER = ( F/O)/( F/O)stoichiometric (4.5)

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For zero fuel, ER equals zero and for pure fuel ER goes to infinity.

4.4.11 Equivalence ratio %LFL: ERLFL

This is a measure for concentration of fuel compared to the LFL concentration, where LFL is the
lower flammable limit. The LFL value normally varies with gas type and oxygen concentration
(again depending on the amount of inert gases) in the mixture. In FLACS the fuel is always
mixed with air which has a preset oxygen concentration, so only the variation of LFL with gas
type remains. The definition of ERLFL is as follows:

ERLFL = 100 ∗ ER/ERLFL% (4.6)

4.4.12 Equivalence ratio, normalized DFL: ERNFL

The flammable range is defined to be from LFL to UFL, where LFL is the lower flammable limit
and UFL is the upper flammable limit. ERNFL is defined as follows:

ERNFL = ( ER − ERLFL)/( ERUFL − ERLFL) (4.7)

ERNFL is zero at LFL and one at UFL.

4.4.13 Equivalence ratio, finite bounded: EQ

This is a measure for concentration of fuel similar to the equivalence ratio (see ER above). Say
that (F/O) is the ratio of fuel to oxygen, then the finite bounded equivalence ratio is defined as

EQ = ( F/O)/[( F/O) + ( F/O)stoichiometric ] (4.8)

At stoichiometric concentration EQ equals 1/2. For zero fuel EQ equals zero and for pure fuel EQ
equals one.

4.4.14 Equivalence ratio, %LFL: EQLFL

This is a measure for concentration of fuel compared to the LFL concentration, where LFL is the
lower flammable limit. The LFL value normally varies with gas type and oxygen concentration
(again depending on the amount of inert gases) in the mixture. In FLACS the fuel is always
mixed with air which has a preset oxygen concentration, so only the variation of LFL with gas
type remains. The definition of EQLFL is as follows:

EQLFL = 100 ∗ EQ/EQLFL% (4.9)

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4.4.15 Equivalence ratio, normalized DFL: EQNFL

Equivalence ratio, normalized flammable range. The flammable range is defined to be from LFL
to UFL, where LFL is the lower flammable limit and UFL is the upper flammable limit. EQNFL is
defined as follows:

EQNFL = ( EQ − EQLFL)/( EQUFL − EQLFL) (4.10)

EQNFL is zero at LFL and one at UFL.

4.4.16 Panel average pressure: PP

This is the average pressure (Pa) acting on the panel surface in the perpendicular direction. It is
the sum of the directional pressure forces acting on the panel divided by the net surface area of
the panel (also accounting for the area porosity for each control volume). The sign of PP indicates
the direction of the total force, +/- along the positive/negative direction respectively.
The panel average pressure PP is calculated in the following way: For each control volume face
(CV face) covering the area of the panel considered, the net static pressure is calculated (static
pressure on the negative side relative the coordinate axis minus the static pressure on the positive
side). This net static pressure is then integrated over the blocked area of the panel and the integral
is then divided by the total blocked area of the panel, to give the panel average pressure PP. If
e.g. the area porosity of the panel is zero, the panel is totally blocked and the integral is divided
by the total area of the panel. And if e.g. the panel is totally open (area porosity one, no blocked
area), panel average pressure PP vanishes (is zero), since there is no blocked area to integrate
over (integral with respect to net static pressure over blocked area is zero). In general the panel
can be porous (partially blocked and partially open).

4.4.17 Panel average porosity: PPOR

This is the average pressure porosity, it is the amount of open surface on the panel divided by the
total panel area. Output of PPOR may be used to verify when the panel yields.

4.4.18 FMOLE and FDOSE

FMOLE is the mole, or volume, fraction of the gas in the gas/air mixture, and FDOSE is the inte-
grated (accumulated) FMOLE. For 60s dose for monitor points, you can simply export FMOLE to
ASCII-format using r1-file, import to excel, and subtract the FDOSE value of time-60s. The FDOSE
variable can also be selected for 3D output. If the user wants a contour plot of the 60s exposure
one or more plots must be selected for each 60s period. Using the r3file utility program one can
then generate new r3-files with FDOSE(time)-FDOSE(time-60s).
The utility programme r3file can generate the so-called dose (i.e. exposure) output:
FDOSE(t) = 0 FMOLE(t)dt
dose(t2) = FDOSE(t2) − FDOSE(t1)
(dose/time)(t2) = dose(t2)/(t2 − t1)
The times (t2 and t1) are taken from the output times with a certain integer interval given by the
option ’dose=’ or ’dose/time=’:

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4.4 Output variables in FLACS 125

dose=2 means that t2-t1 = 2∗DTPLOT, output is then dose(t)

dose/time=2 is similar, but you get (dose/time)(t) output

The following starting point is assumed:

• FLACS result files in the current directory, and

• FDOSE output at regular time intervals (e.g. DTPLOT = 60)

To generate the dose (i.e. exposure) output in a separate directory:

1. create the directory ’work’ and enter into it

2. run the r3file utility (assuming the job number is 010100)

> mkdir work

> cd work
> run9 r3file1.3 ../r3010100.dat3 format=r3file dose=1 name=NFDOSE force

Now the following files in the work directory can be found:

cgNFDOSE.dat3 -> ../cg010100.dat3
coNFDOSE.dat3 -> ../co010100.dat3
cpNFDOSE.dat3 -> ../cp010100.dat3
r3NFDOSE.dat3 -> a3010100.NFDOSE

The results can be viewed using Flowvis.


’region=’ cannot yet be used with the dose output.

4.4.19 Variables for toxic substances

It is possible to model the effect of toxic substances with FLACS. The toxic component is specified
in the section GAS_COMPOSITION_AND_VOLUME on the scenario menu.

The toxic substance variables are only available using the default+1 scenario template.

The parameter TOXIC_SPECIFICATION can be specified in one of the following ways:

• Selecting a predifined substance

• Creating a user specified toxic data file, and specifying the substance name
• Specifying the substance properties directly

The following predefined substances are available:

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126 Flacs simulator

Substance a b n Formula Molar Boiling

mass point (°C)
Acrolein -4.1 1 1 C3H4O 56.06 53
-8.6 1 1.3 C3H3N 53.06 77
Allyl -11.7 1 2 C3H6O 58.08 97
Ammonia -15.6 1 2 NH3 17.0306 -33.34
-4.8 1 2 317.32 200
Azinphos-methyl C10H12N3O3PS2
Bromine -12.4 1 2 Br2 159.808 58.85
Carbon -7.4 1 1 CO 28.010 -192
Chlorine -15.6 1 2 Cl2 70.906 -34.4
Ethylene -6.8 1 1 C2H4O 44.05 10.7
Hydrogen -37.3 3.69 1 HCl 36.46 -85.1
Hydrogen -9.8 1 2.4 HCN 27.03 26.0
Hydrogen -8.4 1 1.5 HF 20.01 19.54
Hydrogen -11.5 1 1.9 H2S 34.082 -60.28
Methyl -7.3 1 1.1 CH3Br 94.94 3.56
Methyl -1.2 1 0.7 C2H3NO 57.1 39.1
Nitrogen -18.6 1 3.7 NO2 46.01 21.1
-6.6 1 2 291.3 375
Parathion C10H14NO5PS
Phosgene -10.6 2 1 CCl2O 98.92 8
-2.8 1 0.7 299.70 162
Phosphamidon C10H19ClNO5P
-6.8 1 2 PH3 34.00 -87.8
Sulphur -19.2 1 2.4 SO2 64.07 -10
-9.8 1 2 C8H20Pb 323.44 84
Table 4.3: Predefined toxic substances

The user can specify one of these substances as the toxic component in scenario section GAS_-


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For a pure toxic release, specify ER0 = 1E+30, although the toxic substance might not be com-
bustible. This is not formally correct, but is a workaround and gives a mass fraction of one.
The alternative is to write a user defined toxic data file (./my_toxic_data.dat):

: substance , a , b , n , formula , MolarMass(g/mol) , BoilingPoint(°C)

"Acrolein" -4.1 1. 1. "C3H4O" 56.06 53.

The first sign in the toxic data file must not be space or tab. Comments starts with #, ! or ’ ’

The scenario specifiaction should then look like this (in this case there is also a fraction of methan
in the gas mixture):

TOXIC_SPECIFICATION "Acrolein, data_file=./my_toxic_data.dat"

The substance properties can be specified directly in the GAS_COMPOSITION_AND_VOLUME sec-


TOXIC_SPECIFICATION "probit_constants=-4.1,1,1,molar_mass=56.06"

Descrition of the variables used to monitor toxic substances can be found in the section Output
variables in FLACS.
The keywords for TOXIC_SPECIFICATION are:

substance =name of toxic substance (or formula)

probit_constants =a,b,n
molar_mass =M
data_file =name of the datafile (default toxic_data.dat)

The TOXIC_SPECIFICATION string is stripped of spaces and converted to lowercase before

parsing. The name of the datafile and formula are case sensitive.


The implemented models for toxic components are limited to substances with purly gaseous
behaviour. Toxic substances with a boiling point above ambient temperature will typically
spread as a mist and their toxic effect could for instance require direct skin contact. Such
effects are not currently handled by FLACS.

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128 Flacs simulator

A gas cloud with toxic components should not be specified in the GAS_COMPOSITION_-
AND_VOLUME scenario section. To specify a given mass fraction in a predefined gas cloud
use the cloud interface. Toxic dose TDOSE

Toxic dose TDOSE is defined as:

Z t
TDOSE(mg/m3 · minute) = C n dt

For constant C:
TDOSE(mg/m3 · minute) = C n · t Toxic probit function PROBIT

Toxic probit function PROBIT is defined as:

PROBIT (−) = a + b · ln( TDOSE) Probabilty of death as function of toxic probit PDEATH

Probabilty of death as function of toxic probit PDEATH is defined as:

· µ ¶¸
PDEATH (−) = 0.5 · 1 + er f √
where: Z x
2 2
er f ( x ) = √ e−t dt
π 0

4.4.20 Modifying names and units for output variables

It is possible to use alternative names for some output variables in FLACS. For example the
old DRAG name may be substituted by PDYN (dynamic pressure), and the units for the pressure
variables may be set in the VARIABLE_DEFINITION section (Pa, hPa, kPa, barg or mbarg):

New Old Units Description

P P (Pa) Static pressure
PIMP PIMP (Pa∗s) Static pressure
UPDYN UDRAG (Pa) Dynamic pressure
VPDYN VDRAG (Pa) Dynamic pressure
WPDYN WDRAG (Pa) Dynamic pressure
FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual
4.5 Files in FLACS 129

PDYN DRAG (Pa) Dynamic pressure

UDIMP UDIMP (Pa∗s) Dynamic pressure
VDIMP VDIMP (Pa∗s) Dynamic pressure
WDIMP WDIMP (Pa∗s) Dynamic pressure
DIMP DIMP (Pa∗s) Dynamic pressure
PTOT N/A∗ (Pa) Total pressure
PRIMP N/A∗ (Pa∗s) Total pressure
Table 4.4: Modified variables names.

N/A = not available

4.5 Files in FLACS

Input and output data for FLACS are stored in files. The name of each file consists of two parts
separated by a dot (.). The first part of the file name contains a two-letter prefix followed by the
6-digit job number. The second part of the file name, called the file type, contains a prefix of one
or more letters followed by one or more digits (dat3 for most of the files, n001 etc. for the leak
data files).
Summary of the files used by FLACS:

File name Contents of file

cs000000.dat3 Scenario
cg000000.dat3 Grid
cp000000.dat3 Porosities
co000000.dat3 Obstructions
cc000000.dat3 Runtime simulation control
cn000000.dat3 Time dependent CFL-numbers
cl000000.n000 Time dependent leak data
r1000000.dat3 Scalar-time output
r3000000.dat3 Field output
rt000000.dat3 Simulation log
tt000000 Simulation log, terminal printout
rd000000.n000 Simulation dump
rx000000.n000 Simulation save, temporary file created by
Table 4.5: Summary of files in FLACS.

Summary of the identification numbers used in the files:

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130 Flacs simulator

File name Meaning of file type digits

??000000.dat3 Number of dimensions (1, 2, or 3)
cl000000.n000 Number identifying a leak
rd000000.n000 Number identifying a Dump or Load
rx000000.n000 Number identifying a variable
Table 4.6: Identification numbers

4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations

This section summarizes the various input files to FLACS.

4.6.1 Obstruction file

Defines the geometry, contains a list of primitives (boxes and cylinders) from a CASD database,
generated by CASD, required by Porcalc and Flowvis.
File name template: co000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the co-file or obstruction file hereafter. It is a binary file
and will be generated when starting the Porcalc programme from CASD. It contains a list of
geometrical primitives (boxes and cylinders) which are extracted from the CASD database. The
co-file is not accessed by FLACS. The Porcalc programme will require read access for the co-file,
and it is also used by Flowvis when geometry is specified for a plot.

4.6.2 Grid file

Defines the computational mesh, generated by CASD, required by Porcalc.

File name template: cg000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the cg-file or grid file hereafter. It is a binary file and will
be created when using the grid definition menu in CASD. The grid file stores the computational
grid, i.e. the discrete representation of the simulation volume. The simplest form of a grid is a
uniform grid, where all control volumes have the same size and shape.
The figure below shows a two-dimensional section of a uniform grid, and illustrates the position
of the internal nodes and the boundary nodes relative to the grid lines.

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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 131

Figure 4.2: Section of a grid showing internal and boundary nodes

The numbering scheme for the nodes and grid lines may need some attention. In FLACS and
CASD one type of numbering is used, whereas in Flowvis a different type of numbering has
been adapted. The explanation to this is that FLACS and CASD have kept the original numbering
scheme which was developed initially, and at a later time when Flowvis was developed a new
and more intuitive numbering scheme was selected. Below is a table which shows the details of
the two numbering schemes:
Numbering schemes for nodes and grid lines:

Sizes Internal nodes Boundary Grid lines Used in

N = NX, NY, NZ 2 to N-1 1 and N 2 to N Flacs and CASD
M = N-1 1 to M 0 and M+1 1 to M+1 Flowvis
Table 4.7: Numbering schemes for nodes and grid lines.

The Flowvis number is one less than the FLACS and CASD number. This should be kept in mind
when setting up plot domains in Flowvis. (see section Flowvis for details).
The total number of nodes and control volumes will be the same for both numbering schemes.
Below is a figure showing a three-dimensional grid on a typical offshore module geometry.
In the figure above the grid is extended outside the module walls and also above the module
roof, this is because it was used for a multi-block simulation.

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132 Flacs simulator

In typical semi-confined geometries like an offshore module one may create a grid only covering
the interior including the outer walls of the module, but it is recommended to extend the grid
to improve the boundary conditions. In the cases of very open geometries and in multi-block
simulations one should always extend the grid well outside the main explosion area.
More information can be found in sections Porcalc and Calculate porosities.

4.6.3 Polygon file

Defines the polygon model used by CASD, used by Flowvis if present.

4.6.4 Header file

Defines the co, cg and cm files to be used by CASD.

4.6.5 Porosity file

Defines the porosities for each grid cell, calculated by the program Porcalc from the co and cg-
files, required by Flacs.
File name template: cp000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the cp-file or porosity file hereafter. It is a binary file and will
be generated when using the Porcalc programme.
It contains data which are calculated based on the geometry and the grid. FLACS will stop if the
cp-file is not accessible for reading. The cp-file is quite large, the size (in bytes) may be calculated
as follows:
SIZE = 10 · 4 · NX · NY · NZ

In order to save space the file may be deleted and regenerated when needed using Porcalc, or the
size may be reduced using the unix command compress, remember to uncompress the file before
using Flacs, CASD or Flowvis.

4.6.6 Scenario file

Defines the general scenario (monitor points, output variables, fuel region, vents, ignition posi-
tion, etc.), required by Flacs.
File name template: cs000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the cs-file or scenario file hereafter. It is a text file and will be
created when using the scenario definition menu in CASD.
The term scenario was defined in the introduction to this User’s Guide, briefly as being the set of
parameters which may be used to control the behaviour of a given FLACS simulation.
The first line of the scenario file identifies the file format, for FLACS v9.0 this is set to the following
text string: "VERSION 0.5". This must not be changed manually since it will be used by FLACS
to determine how to read and interpret the file.
Only the most recent format is described here.
The scenario file contains several sections, which are structured as follows:

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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 133


A section may contain several lines ...


Sections in the scenario file:


4.6.7 Setup file

This is an optional file used to set certain user-defined variables, such as constants in the com-
bustion model. FLACS Run manager detects the file automatically if the file exists in the same
directory as the regular job files. When using the run9 runflacs command the setup file must
be supplied as argument #2.

> run9 runflacs 010101 cs010100.SETUP

The setup file may contain the following so-called namelists: JOBSPEC, SETUP and
PARAMETERS. Note that the $ in the name list must be positioned in column 2 (only on cer-
tain machine types). The namelists may be entered in any order or may alternatively be left out

$END The JOBSPEC namelist

The available keywords in JOBSPEC and their default values are summarized below:

BLOCKS = " ", " "

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134 Flacs simulator



The meaning of the keywords is as follows:

Keyword Description
BLOCKS List of job numbers and block type for each
• there should normally be only one
FLACS block, but it is possible to use
more than one
• there may be zero or more BLAST
• a maximum of 10 blocks are allowed

IGNITION Job number for the block where ignition shall

• this must be a FLACS block

SYNC_OUTPUT Synchronize output (r3-file) so that all blocks

write at the same time:
• plots at same time can thereby be
shown properly in Flowvis

KEEP_OUTPUT Keep old results on existing r1-file and r3-file

(append new results):
• .TRUE. if you want to run a
continuation run
• .FALSE. if you restart a new scenario

RESET_LOAD Set equal to .TRUE. if you want to reset

initial condition at LOAD time:

• useful for starting an explosion after a

dispersion The SETUP namelist

The available keywords in SETUP and their default values are summarized below:


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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 135


These controls will assume default values if not specified by the user.
The meaning of the keywords is as follows:

Keyword Description
TIME_STEPPING Selection of time stepping method:
• STRICT:V_MEAN=<real_number>

EQUATION_SOLVER Selection of linear equation solver:


MASS_CONSERVATION Selection of mass conservation ’quality’:


COMBUSTION_MODEL Selection of combustion model:

• SIF (deprecated)
• BETA2 (deprecated)
• BETA1 (deprecated)

TURBULENCE_MODEL Selection of turbulence model:


DIFFUSION_MODEL Selection of turbulence model:


GASDATA_MODEL Selection of gasdata model, laminar burning

velocity as function of ER for the fuels:
• name of directory containing gasdata

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136 Flacs simulator

AIR Specification of O2 fraction in air (<percent>

is the fraction multiplied by 100):
• <percent>VOLUME
• <percent>MOLE
• <percent>MASS

AMBIENT_PRESSURE Specification of ambient pressure, the default

value is:

• 1.0E5

Time stepping for ventilation simulations It is possible to choose a time-stepping algorithm

which only includes the convective speed, by specifying TIME_STEPPING as ’STRICT:V_-
MIN=<real number>’. The CFL-number based on convective speed (CFLV) is given as usual
(in the cs-file). CFL-number based on speed of sound (CFLC) is not used (the value of CFLC given
in the cs-file is not employed). Acoustical waves are not sought resolved using this approach.
This criterion is intended as an alternative to the default criterion when the flow is station-
ary/slowly varying or nearly incompressible. It has been tested in wind/ventilation simulations.
It should not be used for an explosion simulation. A speed-up factor of ca. 8 is seen from test
simulations of wind/ventilation using this criterion compared to the default setup in FLACS.
However, the speed-up factor depends on the scenario.
When high-momentum leaks are modelled, the convective speed is relatively large, and the
speed-up effect when using this criterion may be limited in this case. To employ this criterion,
the user must specify a velocity V_MIN [m/s], for example as in ’STRICT:V_MIN=1.0’. This
velocity V_MIN is used by the time-stepping algorithm as a minimum speed when determining
the time-step, its value should be positive and not too small.
If a wind field is specified, a natural choice would be to set V_MIN equal the value of WIND_-
SPEEED, if no wind field is specified a value of 1.0 m/s for V_MIN would be a typical value.
Note that the value of V_MIN is in general only used in the initial phase of the simulation (when
normally a flow field is started from a condition at rest to ensure that the time-step is not too large
even though the velocity of the flow is zero or very small (when the default time-step criterion is
used the value of CFLC limits the time-step even when the convective speed is zero).

Note that the intention by using this time-step criterion is to speed up the calculation by
using a coarser resolution in time (longer time-steps), and this may change the simulation
results compared to a finer resolution in time (smaller time-steps) when the flow field is
transient. A typical choice of CFLV would be 1.0, a larger value of CFLV may lead to unstable
results (depending on the scenario). The PARAMETERS namelist

The available keywords in PARAMETERS and their default values are shown below:


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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 137

ER_LOW = 0.0
ER_HIGH = 0.0

Note that the values in the PARAMETERS namelist are numerical, not text strings as in the SETUP
The meaning of the keywords in the PARAMETERS namelist is as follows:

Keyword Description
ZERO_APOR Lower limit for area porosities, may be used
to avoid problems associated with small area

• 0.0 not in effect (default)

• 0.05-0.1 to avoid MASS_RESIDUAL

ZERO_VPOR Lower limit for volume porosities, may be

used to avoid problems associated with
small volume porosities:
• 0.0 not in effect (default)
• 0.05-0.1 to avoid MASS_RESIDUAL

ER_LOW Lower bound for ER range in

• 0.0 not in effect (using ER_LFL as

ER_HIGH Upper bound for ER range in

• 0.0 not in effect (using ER_UFL as

FLUX_CONTROL Controlling oscillating velocities on stretched

• 1 = normal (default)
• 2 = reduced to avoid oscillations

MAX_ITERATIONS Maximum number of iterations in the linear

solver, this may be used to speed up the
• 100 = high effort (default)
• 50 = medium effort
• 5 = low effort

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138 Flacs simulator

ERROR_LIMIT Error residual limit in the linear solver, this

may be used to speed up the computation:
• 1E-6 = high accuracy (default)
• 1E-4 = medium accuracy
• 1E-2 = low accuracy

ITERATE Residual limit in the linear solver, this may

be used to speed up the computation:
• 1 = normal (default)
• n = iterate n times (n>1)

TIMEORDER Discretization order of time differentials:

• 0 = 1. order (default), enforces
• 1 = 1. order, may use ITERATE > 1
• 2 = 2. order, may use ITERATE > 1

Changing the values in the PARAMETERS namelist will affect the accuracy and stability of the
code. In cases where the simulation gives MASS_RESIDUAL problems it may be beneficial to set
the values of ZERO_APOR=0.1 and ZERO_VPOR=0.1 (or similar values in the order of 0.01 - 0.1).
In cases with stretched grids one may see oscillating flow in where the ratio between smallest
and largest side length of the control volume is large, try to set FLUX_CONTROL=2 to avoid the
A speed-up of 10-20% may be achieved by changing the accuracy and effort level from high to
Increasing the ITERATE value will increase the calculation time drastically. The memory usage
will also increase when TIMEORDER is increased. In cases where a converged solution is not
achieved otherwise one may try to set TIMEORDER=1 and ITERATE=3. Note that this option is
still in the phase of testing and should be used with caution (it does not seem to help very much
at present state).

4.6.8 Example: using a setup file for vessel burst calculations

A region with given pressure and/or temperature has been available in FLACS for some time,
now this possibility has been further enhanced:

1. The region can also contain flammables (used for special shape clouds)
2. The calculation can be carried out using BLAST block only

The following setup-file will define a 12m diameter spherical high-pressure region at 300 barg
and 2500ºC to be calculated using the BLAST solver in FLACS. This is 4-5 times faster than
the FLACS solver, requires much less memory (i.e. larger jobs can be simulated), but does not
have panel and porosity functionality. If such functionality is required, one should instead use a
FLACS block (remove jobspec-section below).


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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 139

PFAC = 1
HPPOS = 44, 44, 0
HPSIZ = 12, 12, 12
HPEXP = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0
HPTYP = 1, 1, 1


BLOCKS = "900000" "BLAST"

Use short time step (of the order CFLC=0.05) and start FLACS with

> run9 flacs setup-file (the job number is given in the setup-file)

If the user wants to simulate the rupture of a pressurized vessel filled with evaporating liquid
(BLEVE), one should consider the following approach (not validated):

1. Use a vessel of larger dimensions with correct pressure and boiling point temperature.
2. Transfer all liquid into pressurized gas.

To create a cylindrical region instead of a spherical, HPTYP can be changed from 1,1,1 to 1,1,0
(vertical cylinder) or 0,1,1, (x-direction cylinder) etc.
If only a z>0 hemisphere is wanted, one can change the KEY string:


Explanation: HPCON=XYZF
X/Y/Z can have the following values (one for each direction XYZ):

’-’ (negative half),

’+’ (positive half) or
’=’ (both halves)

F can have the following values (FUEL lean or FUEL rich):

’0’ (lean, i.e. ER9) or

’1’ (rich, i.e. ER0) concentration of fuel

This is thus an alternative to the cloud interface described below. A hemispherical cloud at
ambient T and P with diameter 20m in origin can be defined like this:

PFAC = 1
HPPOS = -10, -10, 0
HPSIZ = 20, 20, 10
HPEXP = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0
HPTYP = 1, 1, 1


(HPTYP = 1,1,0 gives a vertical cylinder etc.)

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140 Flacs simulator

4.6.9 Cloud file

Optional file used to define fuel clouds of arbitrary shape.

File name template: cs000000.CLOUD
The cloud interface module in FLACS can be used to specify rectangular or other than rect-
angular shapes of clouds with uniform or non-uniform concentration of fuel. The cloud
interface module is automatically invoked if FLACS finds the file cs000000.CLOUD in the
working directory, where 000000 is a given 6-digit job number. The hull software estab-
lishes nearest neighbor connectivity for the scattered data points in the CLOUD file (see
A simple example of a CLOUD file defining a 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 0.34 m rectangular cloud of homo-
geneous concentration, is shown below:


9.2500 -0.8500 0.0240 1.0000
10.7500 -0.8500 0.0240 1.0000
10.7500 0.6500 0.0240 1.0000
9.2500 0.6500 0.0240 1.0000
9.2500 -0.8500 0.3640 1.0000
10.7500 -0.8500 0.3640 1.0000
10.7500 0.6500 0.3640 1.0000
9.2500 0.6500 0.3640 1.0000

In this file, the first line:


is a version identification for future compatibility checking and the value of 1.0 should be entered
to be consistent with future interpretation.
The third line defines the type of data object used:


The following data objects can be used with the cloud interface:

• POINT: the next lines contain points :N∗(x,y,z,f)

• TETRAHEDRON: the next lines contain points :4∗(x,y,z,f)
• HEXAHEDRON: the next lines contain points :8∗(x,y,z,f)
• ARRAY: the next lines contain points :NI∗NJ∗NK∗(x,y,z,f)
• FLUENT-UNS: the next lines contain FLUENT-UNS profile data
• (( : the start of FLUENT-UNS profile data

The sequences of coordinates follow the type of data object. The coordinate of the first point is:

9.2500 -0.8500 0.0240 1.0000

where the definition of each of the four numbers is:

• x = x-coordinate

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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 141

• y = y-coordinate
• z = z-coordinate
• f = fuel mass fraction

Several point sets or more generally several data object sets, can be specified by initiating the
sequence of coordinates by a

as on the fourth line of the example.

Additional options are available with the cloud interface, such as filters:

• ER_FLAT a b

This option filters the f-field with a cutoff value (a) and an insert value (b). If the option ’ER_-
FLAT’ is not specified the program does:
if (ERf<ER9) ERf=ER9; else if (ERf>ER0) ERf=ER0
and if the option ’ER_FLAT’ is given the program does
if (ERf<a) then ERf=ER9; else ERf=b, ER9<b<ER0
The cloud interface module can recognize ASCII data files of certain format, in particular the
FLUENT-UNS profile file format. Geometrical transformations to align the FLUENT coordinate
system with the one used in FLACS are available. These are:

• INIT: intialise the transformation matrix

• TRANSLATE tx,ty,tz
• SCALE tx,ty,tz,scale
• ROTATE tx,ty,tz,ax,ay,az,revolution,angle

4.6.10 Layer file

Optional file used to define dust layers and dust lifting parameters.
File name template: cs000000.LAYER

4.6.11 Events file

Optional file used to specify triggers and events.

File name template: cs000000.EVENTS

4.6.12 Heat file

Optional file used to specify heat transfer by convection.

File name template: cs000000.HEAT

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142 Flacs simulator

4.6.13 Radiation file

Optional file used to specify heat loss by radiation.

File name template: cs000000.RAD

4.6.14 Pool setup file

This is an optional file used to specify a liquid spill on the ground. The pool model is enabled by
setting : Run Manager → Parameters → FLACS version = pool.
File name template: cs000000.POOL
It is possible to define both a static pool and a spill that moves on the ground. For a moving
spill, the shallow-water equations are solved in two dimensions on the ground. Heat from the
ground, the flow above the pool/spill, and the radiation from the sun determine the evaporation
rate. The composition of the liquid equals that for the gas composition, see Gas composition and
volume. Remember to set


Input variables are given as follows:


MASS_POOL_0 = 0.0
DMDT = 400.0
RAD_I = 0.0
RAD_O = 5.0
XT = 0.0
YT = 0.0
ZT = 5.0
T_SOIL = 283.0
HEAT_SUN = 100.0
ROUGH_L = 0.001

• POOL_MODEL tells which pool model that should be used. POOL_MODEL=1 (PM1) is the
static circular pool with macroscopic correlations for the heat and mass transfer. POOL_-
MODEL=3 (PM3) refers to the spill model with a moving spill, where heat and mass trans-
fer is calculated locally in each control volume.
• POOL_GROUND describes the ground. Possible grounds are "CONCRETE", "AVERAGE",
ERAGE" (soil) work for PM1. If "USER" is specified, values for ground conductivity
"CONDUC_S" and ground diffusivity "DIFFUS_S" must be added to the setup file. It is
also possible to specify more than one ground property by doing as follows:

1. Give the general ground at the beginning of the text string: "GROUND1"
2. Specify the other ground and a box where this ground properties should be
used: "GROUND1,GROUND2 [x_low,x_high,y_low,y_high,z_low,z_high]". Example:
"SOIL,WATER[:: -1,0.1]". ":" means the entire range and can only be used for x and y

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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 143

Conductivities and diffusivities for predefined ground are given in Ground properties ta-
• START_POOL is the point in time when pool leakage starts and the pool starts to evaporate
• MASS_POOL_0 is the pool mass at time START_POOL [kg].
• DMDT is the mass rate inserted uniformly over the initial pool area [kgs−1 ].
• RAD_I defines the inner radius of the pool donut. (PM1) or leak donut shaped area. Use
RAD_I=0.0 is default and gives a circular pool (PM1) or leakage area (PM3) [m].
• RAD_O is the outer radius of the circular pool (PM1) or leak area (PM3) [m].
• XT is the x coordinate of the centre of the pool (PM1) or leakage area (PM3) [m].
• YT is the y coordinate of the centre of the pool (PM1) or leakage area (PM3) [m].
• ZT defines the altitude from where Flacs searches for the ground in the negative z-direction.
If ZT is inside an object, there are two possible outcomes:
1. If there is no gap below ZT, then ZT = ZMAX.
2. If there is a gap (free space) below ZT, then ZT is the altitude of the surface below the
• T_SOIL is the ground temperature [K].
• HEAT_SUN is radiative heat from the sun [Wm−2 ].
• ROUGH_L is the surface roughness. Default value is 0.0005 m.
• PLATE_L is thickness of the steel plate and it must be given an value when "PLATE" is in
• WATER_VEL = vel_x,vel_y is a two-dimensional vector describing the velocity of wa-
ter. Default value is 0.0,0.0 [ms−1 ].
• T_POOL should be given in the pool or leak temperature differs from the boiling point
temperature [K].
• CONDUC_S is ground conductivity when "USER" is defined in POOL_GROUND
[Wm−1 K−1 ].
• DIFFUS_S is ground thermal diffusivity when "USER" is defined in POOL_GROUND
[m2 s−1 ].

Ground Conductivity (Wm−1 K−1 ) Thermal diffusivity (m2 s−1 )

Concrete 1.1 10−6
Average/Soil 0.9 4.3 · 10−7
Plate 15 3.9 · 10−6
Insulated 0.0 1030
Water Heat transfer coefficient Heat transfer coefficient
Table 4.11: Ground properties

See also:
Example file included with the FLACS installation. Linux:

> cp /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/doc/examples/pool/cs000006.POOL .

Copy files from C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_-

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144 Flacs simulator

4.6.15 Pool leakage file

This is an optional file and it requires that cs000000.POOL exist and that Run Manager → Param-
eters → FLACS version = pool.
File name template: cl000000.POOL
The cl-file contains:

• Line 1: ’POOL LEAK FILE’

• Line 2: Number of variables
• Line 3: Name of columns. ’TIME’ should always be in the first column.
• Line 4 - : Values at different points in time.



’TIME [s]’ ’DMDT [kg/s]’
0.0 0.0
1.0 1000.0
100.0 1000.0
101.0 0.0
1200 0.0

Time in the cl000000.POOL is relative to START_POOL in cs000000.POOL.

See also:
Example file included with the FLACS installation. Linux:

> cp /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/doc/examples/pool/cl000006.POOL .

Copy files from C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_-

4.6.16 Leak file

Defines time dependent leaks of either fuel or suppressant – the number i = 1, 2, 3, ... identifies
the leak; generated by the Jet program.
File name template: cl000000.n001
For briefness this file may be called the cl-file or leak file hereafter. It is a text file and may be
generated using a text editor, it may also be generated using CASD which is the preferred way
to do it.
It is possible to simulate realistic leaks in FLACS. This is done by proper subgrid modelling of
the conditions at the leak outlet and by allowing time varying leak data and multiple leaks. The
position and direction vector for each leak must be specified on the scenario file. For each leak
there must exist one file cl-file containing the time dependent leak data. The leak number is used
as identification number in the file type.
The format of the cl-file is as follows:

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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 145

data (1-7)

The seven parameters that constitute the time dependent leak data are chosen so that it is possible
to specify rate, velocity, turbulence, and temperature for the leak. (at the nozzle throat) The names
in the file format described above have the following meaning:

Parameter Units Description

TIME (s) Time
AREA (m2) Area
RATE (kg/s) Mass flow
VEL (m/s) Velocity
RTI (-) Relative turbulence intensity
TLS (m) Turbulence length scale
T (K) Temperature
Table 4.12: Leak parameters

Details of the calculation of turbulent kinetic energy and its rate of dissipation from the set of
parameters listed above (VEL, RTI and TLS) are given for the WIND condition.
Line number one of the leak file contains the LEAK_CONTROL_STRING which is used to specify
the type of leak and the leak outlet. The following letters are recognized:

Letter Description
J Jet leak
D Diffuse leak
+ Direction is now positive
- Direction is now negative
X Leak through control volume face
perpendicular to the x-axis
Y Leak through control volume face
perpendicular to the y-axis
Z Leak through control volume face
perpendicular to the z-axis
Table 4.13: Leak control string letters

Diffuse leaks are handled by setting fixed values for the scalar quantities and introducing a mass
source equal to the specified leak rate at the leak node. The area porosity at the leak outlet is set
so that the specified area is obtained. A leak velocity that satisfies mass conservation is obtained
automatically through the flow field solution procedure.
Jet leaks are handled by setting fixed values for the scalar quantities and one or more of the
momentum components at the leak node. The area porosity is calculated so that the specified
mass flux and momentum flux is obtained. The mass conservation is not solved for at a jet leak
node during the flow field calculation.
The default leak type is diffuse (D) and the default direction is positive (+). Take care not to
specify a control volume face more than once. The following examples deal with the LEAK_-

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

146 Flacs simulator Example 1: Diffuse leak in positive x-direction

’X’ Example 2: Diffuse leak in all directions:

’D+XYZ-XYZ’ Example 3: Erroneous specification:


The following error messages would be issued on the log file(s) for example 3:



Note that the simulation does not stop unless severe errors occur. In example 3 the leak specifi-
cation would be taken as:


Note that the LEAK_CONTROL_STRING must be enclosed in apostrophes (’...’) and may contain
blanks. The maximum length is 16 characters.
Line number two contains the number of data values to be found in each of the next lines.
Line number three contains the names of the variables. The sequence of the variables is prede-
fined and may not be changed. The time will always be the first value on a line containing data
Line number four and onward contain values for each variable. As the simulation proceeds
the file will be scanned for new data values when old values expire. Intermediate values are
calculated by linear interpolation or time integral (as appropriate) between old time and new
A leak is started when the first time on its leak file is reached and is stopped when the last time
on the file is reached.
In the case of a jet leak the nozzle density, DENS, and pressure, PRES, are calculated as follows:



Where R is the specific ideal gas constant.

If the nozzle pressure is higher than the ambient pressure an analytic jet expansion will be calcu-
Note that the gas composition for each leak is taken to be the one specified by the equivalence
ratio for rich gas, ER0, and volume fractions given on the scenario file.
The leak position and direction vector is given on the scenario file. Note that the direction vector
does not need to be of unit length. FLACS will calculate the direction cosines by dividing each

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4.6 Input files to FLACS simulations 147

component in the direction vector by the length of the vector. The direction cosines are used to
modify the flow velocity and the area for the X-, Y- and Z- direction independently. This may be
used to simulate jet leaks that are not parallel to the main axes. It is noted that this option should
be used with care in cases where the grid resolution is coarse due to the fact that numerical
diffusion tends to smear out the jet. Example 4: Jet at 45.0 degrees:


Direction vector given as 1.0 1.0 0.0 Example 5: Jet at 0.0 degrees:


Direction vector given as 1.0 0.0 0.0

4.6.17 Runtime simulation control file

Optional file, can be used to define output, generate or load dump files, terminate the simulation,
etc. (further details can be found in the FLACS manual).
File name template: cc000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the cc-file or control file hereafter. It is a text file and may be
generated using a text editor. It is a facility for giving instructions to FLACS during a simulation.
Keywords and values may be given on the cc-file which will be read and interpreted each time
step. It may contain any number of lines. Each line shall contain a keyword followed by a value
separated by a comma (,) or a space ( ). Float values may be entered with or without a decimal
point, integer values are taken to be the integer part of a float value. The following keywords are
currently recognized:

Keyword Meaning
NLOAD Set load identification and load data at
simulation start
NDUMP Set dump identification
TDUMP Dump data at given time
IDUMP Dump data at given iteration number
FDUMP Dump data at given fuel level
TOUTF Write results at given time
IOUTF Write results at given iteration number
FOUTF Write results at given fuel level
TSTOP Stop simulation at given time
ISTOP Stop simulation at given iteration number
FSTOP Stop simulation at given fuel level
Table 4.14: Valid cc file keywords

Fuel level is defined as the current total mass of fuel divided by the initial total mass of fuel. For
gas dispersion simulations, where the initial mass of fuel is zero, the fuel level cannot be used.

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148 Flacs simulator

The control file is useful when you want to produce output that is not possible to specify on the
scenario file and when you want to monitor a simulation while it is running. The dump/load
option is one example of output and input that is not possible to specify on the scenario file. The
following examples shows how to use the cc file. Example 1

Contents of cc-file (including comments):

"NDUMP" 1 dump file name is "rd000000.n001"

"TDUMP" 0.20 dump when time is 0.2 s
"NDUMP" 2 dump file name is "rd000000.n002"
"TDUMP" 0.50 dump when time is 0.5 s
"TDUMP" 0.70 dump when time is 0.7 s

What happened:

1. The file "rd000000.n001" was written at time 0.20 s.

2. The file "rd000000.n002" was written at time 0.50 s.
3. The file "rd000000.n002" was written at time 0.70 s. Example 2

Contents of cc-file (including comments):

"NLOAD" 2 load file name is "rd000000.n002"

What happened:
The file "rd000000.n002" was read at simulation startup restoring the exact conditions at the time
when the file was written. Simulation output was appended to the existing result files. An error
message was given if the file did not exist.

4.6.18 Fuel file

Defines that the combustible dust.

4.6.19 Time dependent CFL file

Optional file used to specify time dependent CFL numbers (Please see sections CFLV and CFLV
for details).
File name template: cn000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the cn-filecn-file or CFL-numbers fileCFL-numbers file here-
after. It is a text file and may be generated using a text editor. It is a facility for giving instructions
to FLACS during a simulation.
High flow velocities and change rates and small control volumes put severe constraints on the
size of the time step in computational fluid dynamics. Using large time steps may cause the
solution to become unstable. However, to be able to simulate over a long period with todays
computer resources, it is necessary to maintain as large a time step as possible. During a gas

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4.7 Output files from FLACS simulations 149

dispersion simulation the stability requirements vary, characterized by stronger requirements in

periods of highly unsteady flows and weaker requirements in steady flow periods.
To be able to effectively simulate gas dispersion scenarios including high momentum jets a facil-
ity for specifying time dependent Courant numbers is available. FLACS will read time varying
Courant numbers from the cn-file if it exists. Courant numbers specified on the scenario file are
then overridden.
An example showing the format of the cn-file is given below:

data (1-3)

Line number one is intended to be just for the user’s information and contains no information to
the system other than being the first line.
Line number two contains the number of data values to be found in each of the next lines, in this
case the number of data values is 3.
Line number three contains the names of the variables. The sequence of the variables is prede-
fined and may not be changed. The time will always be the first value on a line containing data
Line number four and onward contain values for each variable. As the simulation proceeds
the file will be scanned for new data values when old values expire. Intermediate values are
calculated by linear interpolation or time integral (as appropriate) between old time and new
The cn-file must be generated manually using a text editor. It is advised that only experts make
use of the cn-file to change the default time setting in FLACS.

4.7 Output files from FLACS simulations

This section summarizes the various output files from FLACS simulations.

4.7.1 Simulation log file

Output log containing the information on the rt-file (and output messages from the operating
system); it can be useful to monitor the writing of this file during simulations:

> tail --f tt010100

This file is not created on Windows.

4.7.2 Scalar-time output file

Binary output file containing the value of parameters defined in the cs-file in the specified moni-
tor points, required by Flowvis for scalar-time plots (further details can be found in section Plot

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150 Flacs simulator

File name template: r1000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the r1-filer1-file or scalar-time output filescalar-time output
file hereafter. The values of selected variables for scalar-time output at selected locations (monitor
points) are written to the r1-file at a given iteration interval.
In the case of a simulation restart the r1-file will by default be deleted (i.e. old results are lost)
when using the 2.X file format (but it is kept when using the 1.2 file format). If you want to keep
the old results at restart you must set KEEP_OUTPUT=.TRUE. using a job file. During a LOAD an
existing r1-file will be scanned up to the time recorded on the specified dump file before any new
results are written. It is usually wise to make a copy of the original r1-file before a load/rerun is
The r1-files generally require modest amounts of disk space. The number of bytes in one data
record can be calculated from the following expression (the 1.2 and 2.X file formats have approx-
imately the same record size):

RecordSize4 ∗ (2 + SU M )

Where SUM is the total number of references made to monitor points and panels.

4.7.3 Field output file

Binary output file containing the value of parameters defined in the cs-file in all grid cells, re-
quired by Flowvis for 2D and 3D plots (further details can be found in section Plot type).
File name template: r3000000.dat3
For briefness this file may be called the r3-file or field output filefield output file hereafter. The
whole matrix of each selected variable for field output is written to the r3-file, when triggered by
one or more events (or signals). Simulation start and stop will trigger output as will the event
of passing certain fuel levels and time values. Runtime specified events may also trigger output.
A message is issued on the log file(s) for each event that triggers output. Several events may
happen to trigger output simultaneously, this will generate just one instance of output.
In the case of a simulation restart the r3-file will by default be deleted (i.e. old results are lost)
when using the 2.X file format (but it is kept when using the 1.2 file format). If you want to keep
the old results at restart you must set KEEP_OUTPUT=.TRUE. using a job file. During a LOAD an
existing r3-file will be scanned up to the time recorded on the specified dump file before any new
results are written. It is usually wise to make a copy of the original r3-file before a load/rerun is
The r3-files generally require large amounts of disk space. The number of bytes in one data record
can be calculated from the following expression (the 1.2 and 2.X file formats have approximately
the same record size):

RecordSize4 ∗ (2 + NX ∗ NY ∗ NZ ) ∗ NVAR
NVAR number of variables specified
NX,NY,NZ matrix dimensions

4.7.4 Simulation log files

Binary output log of general messages

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

4.7 Output files from FLACS simulations 151

File name template: rt000000.dat3

For briefness this file may be called the rt-file or log file hereafter. It contains a log of the messages
issued during a simulation. It is wise to check if any error messages have been issued. Error
messages are identified by "∗∗∗" at the beginning of the message, plain messages are introduced
by a space ( ) or a number sign (#).
In the case of a simulation restart the rt-file will be deleted. It is usually wise to make a copy of
the original rt-file before a load/rerun is performed.
The information on the log file is also written to a connected terminal (standard output) during
the simulation.
File name template: rt000000.∗ (new specific log files, see below).
Several log files will be generated when using FLACS, they are all text files and may be printed
as time series using common graphical tools (such as gnuplot on Linux or Excel on Windows).
The contents of each file is explained at the start of the file, below you will only find a brief
explanation of the new log files:

File name Contents of file

rt000000.CFL CFL-numbers and time step log file
rt000000.EQSOL Equation solver (residual) log file
rt000000.FUEL Amount of fuel log file
rt000000.MASS Total mass log file
rt000000.P Pressure log file
rt000000.dat3 The usual simulation log file
Table 4.15: Flacs log files

Note that some of the files listed above may not appear for a given installation, this is because
they are intended for debugging and testing purposes only. The most relevant file for a regular
FLACS user is the "rt000000.FUEL" file, where the amount of fuel in the simulation volume (total
amount and combustible amount) is logged.

4.7.5 General simulation log file

4.7.6 CFL log file

Output log of CFL numbers.

4.7.7 Fuel log file

Output log of the amount of fuel in the simulation volume.

4.7.8 Mass log file

Output log of the mass in the simulation volume.

4.7.9 Pressure log file

Output log of pressure.

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152 Flacs simulator

4.7.10 Simulation dump file

Creates a ’snapshot’ of the simulation at a selected time defined in the cc-file – the number i (i =
1, 2, 3, ... , 999) identifies the dump (further details can be found in the FLACS manual).
For briefness this file may be called the rd-file or dump file hereafter. It contains the information
necessary to restart a simulation from a given time required that the initial input data have not
been changed drastically. There may be more than one rd-file.

If you want to append new data to existing result files, do not change the output specification
or the grid or the geometry when using a dump file!

4.7.11 Monitor file

4.7.12 The frozen cloud concept

The frozen cloud principle assumes that for a given dispersion/ventilation scenario the variation
in fuel concentration is approximately proportional to the ratio [leak rate/ventilation rate]. This
concept may be used in the following way:

4.7.13 Example: dispersion and ventilation study

Prepare a FLACS dispersion/ventilation simulation in the usual way, say for run no. 123456
as in the following example. The simulation files for run no. 123456 should include the file
cs123456.MON (in addition to the other needed files, for example cg123456.dat3). The content of
the text file (could be edited with any text editor) cs123456.MON could be something like as in
the following example.

Note that you may have comment lines starting with ’#’

# name=<suffix>; output file will be named rt123456.MON.<suffix>
# start=x,y,z; start position of region in space considered, unit [m]
# end=x,y,z; end position of region in space considered, unit [m]
# see=1.0; in general this parameter is set to a fixed value 1.0
# mix=<fraction>; when the output in the file rt123456.MON.<suffix> is calculated,
# the extrapolated fuel concentration in every control volume is calculated
# as the fuel concentration of standard FLACS multiplied with the factor <fraction>

The file cs123456.MON will be automatically read by FLACS when the simulation for run no.
123456 is started. Three output files (text files) rt123456.MON.123455, rt123456.MON.123456,
and rt123456.MON.123457 will be generated. Output from these files can be used during e.g. a
probabilistic analysis. Using the frozen cloud concept, it could for example be assumed that the
output in rt123456.MON.123455 are approximately equal similar output that could be obtained
by a new full FLACS simulation with scenario equal run no. 123456 except that the leak rate is
reduced by multiplying with the factor 0.8 (ventilation and other parameters are kept fixed).

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4.8 Potential bugs or problems with Flacs 153

4.7.14 Simulation save file

Temporary file generated by DESC/FLACS in some situations (further details can be found in
the FLACS manual).
For briefness this file may be called the rx-file or save file hereafter. It is a temporary file that
FLACS uses to store intermediate data for output. There may be more than one rx-file. These
files are needed when time integrals of whole matrices are to be calculated. It avoids using large
amounts of core memory but accessing large files is slow compared to memory access. Note that
the simulation save files are only written if you have specified field output of variables that need
temporary file storage. These files are deleted when the simulation terminates normally. In cases
when the simulation is not allowed to terminate normally these files will exist after programme
stop, they must then be deleted manually. Existing temporary files may confuse the programme
at start-up. Below is presented a list of the variables that require temporary file storage when
specified for field output:

Name Description
NPIMP Pressure impulse
UDIMP Drag-impulse component x-direction
NVDIMP Drag-impulse component y-direction
NWDIMP Drag-impulse component z-direction
NDIMP Drag-impulse value
NRESID Mass residual in continuity equation

It is advised that the above listed variables are not specified for field output. The file handling
will increase the execution time for the programme drastically!

4.8 Potential bugs or problems with Flacs

This chapter contains a list of potential bugs or problems associated with the CFD simulator
Flacs, and some possible workarounds.

4.9 Warning and error messages

Flacs will write any error or warning messages to the Simulation log file. The following sec-
tions give a description of the most common warnings and errors, and possible causes and

4.9.1 Mass residual

The message "∗∗∗ MASS RESIDUAL =..." indicates that there are problems to achieve a converged
solution. If the mass residual is not too large (should be smaller than order of 1/10) or it does
not last for many iterations it may be ignored. The built in limit for the mass residual is rather
strict to enable an accurate solution over long time, a short lasting violation of the limit does not
necessarily lead to a suspect result.
There are several possible solutions to this problem

• Lower the CFLV and CFLC numbers. This will result in longer simulation time. It is rec-
ommended to try to divide both numbers by 2 in case of mass residual

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154 Flacs simulator

• Change the values of ZERO_APOR and ZERO_VPOR. (details)

• In cases with stretched grids set FLUX_CONTROL=2. (details)

4.9.2 Leak excess area

If a leak is defined with a larger area than the control volume face where the leak is located, the
warning "∗∗∗ LEAK EXCESS AREA ..." will be issued.
The solution is to:

• Increase the grid cell size where the leak is defined

• or redefine the leak so that the leak area is decrease

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 5

156 Flowvis

Flowvis is the postprocessor for the CFD-code FLACS, and is a program for visualizing results
from computer aided simulations of gas explosions, gas dispersion and multi phase flow.
Flowvis was originally developed for presenting output from the multi-phase simulation pro-
gram GALIFA (GAs LIquid Flow Analyser). This work was financed by Christan Michelsen Re-
search (formerly Christian Michelsen Institute). The basic concepts were based on experience
gained from developing and using the VIEW program which was the result visualization tool for
FLACS86 and FLACS89.
The development of Flowvis has been financed through several different projects (see Acknowl-
edgements), starting with the Gas Safety Programme 1990-1996.
This chapter describes the menus in Flowvis.

5.1 Overview
The user starts Flowvis either by clicking the Flowvis icon in the run manager window,:

Figure 5.1: The Flowvis desktop icon

or by executing the following command (in Linux):

> run9 flowvis

A Flowvis save file is called a presentation file, and has the suffix .pres, eg. "2D-plots.pres".
The command for starting Flowvis is usually

> run9 flowvis options

The only option available is -verify_por.

The purpose of Flowvis is to visualize simulation results from FLACS. The results from a simulation
are called job data in Flowvis and in this guide. The job data, which are stored on a set of files,
include grid, geometry ( obstructions), bulk data ( porosities), scenario and results.
The user visualizes simulation results by creating a presentation. A presentation contains one or
more pages, each containing one or more plots. Presentations can be saved on files. Available plot
types include curve plots, 2 dimensional contour and vector plots, and 3-dimensional volume
One page is displayed at a time in the graphical area. 220 range colours are available for producing
filled contours and shaded plots. In addition, a set of single colours are used for plotting curves,
text etc. Flowvis supplies functions for colour table manipulation. Different colour tables can be
used for each page within a presentation. In addition, the value to colour or phase to colour mapping
can be set individually for each plot.
Flowvis offers a high degree of flexibility with regards to combining different types of data (grid,
geometry, porosities, scalar variable, vector variable etc.) in one plot.

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5.1 Overview 157

Cut, copy and paste commands are available for both pages and plots. Geometric primitives can
be blanked to make a better view of data inside the geometry. The contents of the plots can be
rotated and mirrored.
Flowvis can export to several different formats, including image and video formats. Flowvis can
show animations directly on the screen, or write them to files.
Experimental data on ASCII files can be imported into curve plots. This makes it possible to com-
bine experimental and simulated data in the same plots.
If one wants to start Flowvis for porosity verification, a start-up option is available which instructs
Flowvis to automatically create a plot for this purpose.

5.1.1 The Flowvis window

The main window is displayed all the time while Flowvis is running. The window contains a menu
bar, a graphical area, a time slider, a page slider and a button row.

Figure 5.2: Flowvis elements

The user interface consists of a main window, and a set of pop-up dialog boxes. The main window is
displayed all the time while Flowvis is running. It contains a menu bar which lists the available
menus. One page at a time is displayed in the graphical area. In addition, there are sliders for
selecting which timestep and page to display, and several push buttons for eg. redrawing the
selected plot and for re-scanning the input files.
Many of the Flowvis commands have a pop-up dialog box associated with them. The dialog box
pops up when the command is selected. The main window does not accept input while a pop-up
dialog box is open.
Usually, only one dialog box is open at a time. But under certain conditions, for example upon an
error, a message dialog box may pop up in addition to the one already open. The message dialog
box contains a text and a push button labelled Ok. No other Flowvis dialog boxes takes input

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158 Flowvis

while this dialog box is open. The user must verify that the information is perceived by clicking
the Ok button. The message dialog box then pops down.
The Ok and Cancel push buttons are present in most Flowvis pop-up dialog boxes. Clicking the
Ok button applies all changes specified in the dialog box. The graphics are redrawn if applicable,
and the dialog box is closed. The Cancel button dismisses all the changes, and the dialog box is
closed. Many dialog boxes contain an Apply button in addition. Clicking this button causes the
selected plot or page to be redrawn with the current changes applied. The dialog box remains

5.1.2 The menu bar

The menu bar lists the available menus.

1. The File menu contains commands for opening, saving, exporting and printing the presen-
2. The Edit menu contains commands which manipulates both pages and plots.
3. The Page menu contains commands for manipulating the displayed page.
4. The Plot menu contains commands for creating and editing plots.
5. The Verify menu contains a command for verifying porosities, and other control volume
6. The Options menu contains toggle buttons for turning on and off the display of page head-
ers, implicit redraw and choosing between white and black background.
7. The Help menu contains on-line help and about Flowvis.

Not all menu items are available all the time while running Flowvis. This depends on the con-
tents of the current presentation and the selected page or plot. Unavailable menu item texts are

5.1.3 The graphical area

One page at a time is displayed in the graphical area. Either a page or a plot is selected at every
stage while running Flowvis, except when the current presentation is empty. If a plot is selected,
this plot is indicated by a frame surrounding the plot. If no frame is displayed, the displayed
page is selected.
A plot is selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT inside the plot. The displayed page is selected by
double clicking MOUSE+LEFT somewhere in the graphical area.

5.1.4 The Page slider

The Page slider is for selecting which page to display in the graphical area. The scale is only
visible if the current presentation contains more than one page. The pages are numbered from 1.

5.1.5 The Time slider

The Time slider is for selecting which time step to display. The scale is only visible if the displayed
page contains plots with data for more than one time step. The time steps are numbered from 0

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5.1 Overview 159

5.1.6 The Play / Pause button

The Play / Pause button starts an animation sequence of the current plot(s). Clicking the button
while the animation is ongoing, will pause the animation.

5.1.7 Add Page button

Shortcut: CTRL+A
This command adds a new page after the displayed page. The new page contains one plot.

5.1.8 The Previous Plot push button

Shortcut: CTRL+LEFT
Clicking the Previous Plot push button causes the selection of the previous plot. If the previously
selected plot was the first plot in the page, the page is selected. If the page was selected, the last
plot in the page is selected.

5.1.9 The Next Plot push button

Shortcut: CTRL+RIGHT
Clicking the Next Plot push button causes the selection of the next plot. If the previously selected
plot was the last plot in the page, the page is selected. If the page was selected, the first plot in
the page is selected.

5.1.10 The Rescan Data push button

Shortcut: CTRL+R
Clicking the Rescan Data push button causes Flowvis to rescan all data files referenced in the
current presentation. This makes it possible to view the output from a simulation while the
simulation is running.

5.1.11 The Redraw Plot push button

Shortcut: F5
Clicking the Redraw Plot push button causes Flowvis to redraw the selected plot.

5.1.12 The Cancel Redraw Button

Shortcut: ESCAPE
A time consuming plot operation can be interrupted by pressing the cancel redraw button.

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160 Flowvis

5.1.13 The pop-up menu

Some commonly used choices from the Edit and Plot menus are collected in a pop-up menu
available anywhere in the main window (press MOUSE+RIGHT).

5.1.14 Keyboard short-cuts

The following shortcut key combinations are available.

CTRL+N Create new presentation

CTRL+SHIFT+N Create new presentation in directory
CTRL+O Open existing presentation
CTRL+S Save presentation
CTRL+SHIFT+S Save presentation with file new name
CTRL+I Import file
CTRL+E Export presentation to image or movie format
CTRL+P Print presentation
CTRL+Q Exit Flowvis
CTRL+X Cut plot
CTRL+C Copy plot
CTRL+V Paste plot
CTRL+A Add a page to the presentation
CTRL+M Modify the page
Page Up, MOUSE+WHEEL Display previous page
Page Down, MOUSE+WHEEL Display next page
LEFT RIGHT, ALT+WHEEL Select previous/next time step
CTRL+1 Create new scalar-time plot
CTRL+2 Create new 2D cut plane plot
CTRL+3 Create new 3D cut plane plot
CTRL+4 Create new volume plot
CTRL+5 Create new scalar line plot
CTRL+6 Create new grid plot
CTRL+7 Create new monitor points plot
CTRL+8 Create new panels plot
CTRL+9 Create new particle traces plot
CTRL+0 Create new scalar time annotation
CTRL+LEFT, CTRL+RIGHT Select previous/next plot
F1 Online help

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5.2 Creating a new presentation 161

5.2 Creating a new presentation

This section introduces the structure of a Flowvis presentation. A Flowvis presentation is a col-
lection of plots showing the results from one or several simulations.

5.2.1 The structure of a Flowvis presentation

Flowvis can plot results from simulations located in the directory selected by the user. It is not
possible to include results from more than one directory in a single presentation. To work around
this limitation FLACS files can either be copied to a single directory, or on Linux, softlinks can be
created using the following command:

> ln -s ../simulations2/cs010100.dat3

Note that the command must be repeated for all neccesary file (cs, co, cp, cg, r3, r1 files).
To start a new presentation either choose File→New or File→New At. This will create an empty
presentation. The New At command opens a directory selection dialog enabling the user to select
the working directory. The New command will look for simulation results in the current directory,
that is the directory where Flowvis was started.

Only variables saved during a Flacs simulation can be plotted in Flowvis. If a variable is
missing, the simulation scenario must be edited using CASD and simulation must be run
over again.

• Pages are added by clicking the Add Page button, or CTRL+A

• Subdivide a page to have more than one plot by typing CTRL+M
• Add a plot by going MOUSE+RIGHT in the plot area, and select a plot type, or type for
instance CTRL+1 to have a scalar time plot

– A dialog where the user can select simulation number and variable to plot is show

• Modify the plot by MOUSE+RIGHT, selecting Plot Specifiaction, Plot Domain and Variable Ap-
• The presentation can be saved on file using the Save or Save As commands

HINT! It is not necessary to create a new presentation from scratch for each new simulation.
An existing presentation can easily be adapted to new simulations by using the Substitute Job

5.3 File menu

The File menu supplies commands for creating, opening, saving, exporting and printing presen-
The default file type for presentation files is .pres.

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162 Flowvis

5.3.1 New

Shortcut: CTRL+N
This command creates a new empty presentation. If there were unsaved changes to the current
presentation, a dialog box is displayed, asking the user about saving changes.

5.3.2 New at

Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+N
This command supplies the possibility to read data from a new directory. A dialog box for spec-
ifying the directory pops up. When a directory has been specified, Flowvis proceeds as for the
New command.
The New At dialog box is a File Selection Box. It lets the user traverse through directories, view the
subdirectories in them and select a directory.
A directory is selected by clicking in the list, or by typing the directory name in the Directory field.
To open the selected directory, click the Choose button.

5.3.3 Open

Shortcut: CTRL+O
This command opens an existing presentation file. The dialog box allows the user to specify
the path and file name for the presentation file. If there were unsaved changes to the current
presentation, a dialog box is displayed, asking the user about saving changes.

5.3.4 Save

Shortcut: CTRL+S
This command saves the current presentation on a file. If no file name has been specified, the
Save As dialog box is displayed. This command is available only when the current presentation
is not empty.

5.3.5 Save as

Shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+S
This command saves the current presentation on a new file. The Save Asdialog box is displayed,
allowing the user to specify the path and file name for the presentation file. If an existing file
name is specified, Flowvis displays a dialog box asking if it is OK to overwrite the file. This
command is available only when the current presentation is not empty.
The file selection box lets the user traverse through directories, view the files and subdirectories
in them and select files. A presentation file is selected by clicking in the lists, or by typing the
file name in the File name field. The selected file is opened by clicking the Open button or double
clicking the selected file name in the Files list.The Cancel button cancels the operation.

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5.3 File menu 163

5.3.6 Import

Shortcut: CTRL+I
This command imports data from an ASCII file into a Scalar Line plot, and thus makes it possible
to include experimental data in this plot type. This command is available only when the selected
plot is a Scalar Line plot.

5.3.7 Export

Shortcut: CTRL+E
This command exports the displayed page or all pages to various image and movie formats. This
command is only available when the current presentation is not empty.
The Export dialog box allows choosing between exporting the Displayed Page or All Pages, and
the Displayed Timestep or All Timesteps. The output formats are as follows:

Format Type Description

PNG Portable Network Graphics
GIF CompuServe graphics interchange format
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF
BMP Microsoft Windows bitmap image file
HTML Web Presentation
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group file
interchange format (Movie format)
MPEG4 Microsoft MPEG-4v2 video (Movie format)
DIV3 DivX ;-) (Movie format)
WMV7 Microsoft WMV7 (Movie format)
OGG Foundation video format (Movie
GIFAnimated CompuServe graphics interchange format
(Movie format)
Table 5.1: Flowvis export formats

Some formats might not be available on all systems.

The file name is derived from the presentation name. The page number and timestep number are
added to the name, and the file type depends on the selected device, see above. When exporting
all pages and/or timesteps, the file name contains formats for inserting the actual page and/or
timestep number in each file name (one file per. page/timestep). Note that the file suffix must
not be changed as this is what determines which image format to use for export.
During export the desktop must stay open, ie. you can not switch desktops. You can normally
cover the Flowvis window without creating problems for the export.
Note that the HTML export facility has a few limitations.

5.3.8 Print

Shortcut: CTRL+P
This command prints the displayed page or all pages, or creates a pdf (Portable Document For-

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164 Flowvis

mat) file. This command is only available when the current presentation is not empty.
The Printdialog box allows choosing between printing the Displayed Page or All Pages, and the
Displayed Timestep or All Timesteps.
To create a pdf file choose Print to file, and give the file a name with suffix ".pdf".

5.3.9 Exit

Shortcut: CTRL+Q
This command ends the Flowvis application. If there were unsaved changes to the current pre-
sentation, a dialog box is displayed, asking the user about saving changes.

5.4 Edit menu

The Edit menu supplies commands for editing the selected plot or page.
The Cut, Copy and Paste commands applies to the selected plot or page. If a plot is selected, this
plot is indicated by a white frame surrounding the plot. If no frame is displayed, the displayed
page is selected. A plot is selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT inside the plot, or by clicking the
Select Previous or Select Next Plot push buttons. The displayed page is selected by double clicking
MOUSE+LEFT somewhere in the graphical area.

5.4.1 Cut

Shortcut: CTRL+X
This command copies the selected page or plot to the clipboard, and deletes it from the presen-
tation. The command is not available if the current presentation is empty, or if an empty plot is

5.4.2 Copy

Shortcut: CTRL+C
This command copies the selected page or plot to the clipboard. The command is not available if
the current presentation is empty, or if an empty plot is selected.

5.4.3 Paste

Shortcut: CTRL+V
If the current presentation is empty, or if the displayed page is selected, this command is available
only if the clipboard contains a page. The command then inserts a copy of the clipboard page
after the selected page. If a plot is selected, the Paste command is available only if the clipboard
contains a plot, and the selected plot is empty. The command then copies the clipboard plot to
the selected plot.

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5.5 Page menu 165

5.4.4 Paste plot format

This command is available only if the clipboard contains a plot. The command copies the format,
or parts of the format, of the clipboard plot to the selected plot, or all the plots of the same type
in the selected page or the presentation.
The Paste Plot Format dialog contains two sets of buttons. The first are three radio buttons for
selecting the target for the paste operation. The format of the clipboard plot can be pasted either
to the selected plot only (if same plot type), to all plots of same the type in the displayed page, or to all
plots of same the type in the entire presentation.
In addition, there are toggle buttons for deciding which parts of the plot format to paste. The
options are found in the table below.

Name Description
Relative Timestep This is the timestep for the plot relative to
the timestep for the page
Rotation Matrix This implies the settings in the Rotate dialog
Variable Appearance This implies the settings in the Variable
Appearance dialog box
Utilities This implies the Utility settings in the Plot
Specification dialog box
Plot Domain This implies the settings in the Plot
Domaindialog box
Table 5.2: Paste plot format options

5.4.5 Substitute job

This command is not available for empty presentations. The command substitutes a job number
with another in all plots in the selected page or in the entire presentation.
The Substitute Job dialog box contains two text fields. One is for entering the job number to be
substituted, and the other is for entering the new job number. In addition, the dialog box contains
two radio buttons for selecting whether to apply the substitution only to the displayed page or
to all pages in the presentation.
Note that when substituting a job with one with greater grid resolution, the minimum and max-
imum grid indices in the plot specification is unchanged.

5.5 Page menu

The Page menu supplies commands for adding new pages, and editing the displayed page. The
number of plots in a page is defined by the subdivision in the horizontal and vertical directions.
A page includes a time specification which decides the time units used for the page, in addition to
minimum, maximum and delta timestep used for displaying the page.

5.5.1 Add

Shortcut: CTRL+A
This command adds a new page after the displayed page. The new page contains one plot.

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166 Flowvis

5.5.2 Modify

Shortcut: CTRL+M
The Modify command makes it possible to change parameters for the displayed page, such as
subdividing the page into several plots.
The upper frame is for Time Specification. It contains an options menu for selecting Time Units.
Available units are Seconds and Milliseconds.
The rest of the Time Specification area is included only if at least one plot in the displayed page
can be plotted for several timesteps. The next field is for editing the Minimum Timestep for the
displayed page. Another field shows the Maximum Timestep for which there are datas for this
page. The latter field is not editable. To modify the maximum timestep, press the Fixed toggle
button and modify the Fixedfield. In addition, the Delta Timestepfield decides the delta used when
printing all timesteps (using the Print command in the File menu).
The second area in the dialog box is the Subdivision of Page. This area contains two fields for
setting number of plots in the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) direction for the displayed page.
When a new page is created, it contains only one plot. Note that if the number of plots is reduced,
the remaining plots are deleted without any warning.

5.5.3 Single colours

This command modifies the single colours used in the displayed page.
It contains a set of sliders, a push button and a colour display in addition to the Ok and Cancel
push buttons. The first scale is for selecting a single colour index. The corresponding colour is
indicated by an arrow in the single colour display. The single colour display contains a horizontal
row of colour rectangles, one for each single colour. In addition to using the index slider, a colour
index can be selected by clicking the mouse in the colour display.
There are three scales for setting Hue, Light and Saturation for the selected colour. Pressing the In-
terpolate push button causes interpolation of the hue, light and saturation values from the second
to the last colour.

5.5.4 Range colours

This command modifies the range colours used in the displayed page.
At the top, there is an area called Range Colours Setup, which contains radio buttons for selecting
the number of different colours and the number of shades (light/saturation values) per colour.
There are a total of 220 range colours available. These can be organized as 220, 18, 12, or 6
different colours (hues) with 1, 10, 14 or 22 shades for each colour. The light and saturation range
is used for shading 3 dimensional plots.
The next area is labelled Hue for Range Colour, and contains two scales, one for selecting a range
colour index, and one for setting the hue for the selected colour.
The range colour display contains two horizontal rows of colour rectangles. The upper row con-
tains one rectangle for each range colour, while the lower row shows the light and saturation
range for the selected colour. The selected colour is indicated by an arrow. Other colour(s) are
selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT in or below the desired rectangle.
The next area is called Light and Saturation Range for each Colour, and contains scales for setting
the minimum and maximum light and saturation for each range colour.

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5.6 Plot menu 167

5.5.5 Header

This command turns page header on/off, and modifies the contents of the header.
At the top of the Page header dialog box is a toggle button for turning the dispay of page headers
on/off. This can also be done using the Header On command in the Options menu.
Below the Header On/Off toggle button is an area for deciding the contents of the page. These
settings can be applied to all the pages in the current presentation, or to the displayed page only.
The items that can be included in the header are the Flowvis version string, the current date, the
page number and a user defined string.

5.5.6 Next page

Shortcut: Page Down

Shows the next presentation page.

5.5.7 Previous page

Shortcut: Page Up
Shows the previous presentation page.

5.5.8 Next time step

Shortcut: RIGHT
Shows the next time step.

5.5.9 Previous time step (left arrow)

Shortcut: LEFT
Shows the previous time step.

5.6 Plot menu

The Plot menu contains commands for creating and editing plots.

5.6.1 Plot type

This command is available only if the selected plot is empty. The Data Selection dialog box pops
up after a plot type has been selected (and the selected plot type is not Annotation or Scalar Time
The following plot types are available in Flowvis:

• Scalar Line plot. This is a curve plot where the value of one variable is plotted along one grid
curve. Output from several simulations and for several phases can be combined.

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168 Flowvis

• Scalar Time plot. This is a curve plot where the value of one variable is plotted along the time
axis. Output from several simulations and for several monitor points can be combined in
one plot.
• Grid plot. This is a 3 dimensional plot of the grid.
• Monitor plot. This is a 3 dimensional plot where the monitor points are displayed together
with the geometry.
• 2D Cut Plane plot. This is a 2 dimensional plot of a grid plane, or part of a grid plane. The
plot can include output for none, one or two variables. If two variables shall be combined,
one must be a scalar variable and the other must be a vector variable. Scalar variables are
displayed using filled contours, and the vector variables are displayed as arrows. The plot
can include output from several simulations. Grid, geometry and porosities can be included
in the plot.
• Monitor Points, Ignition Region and Panels. The colours for the monitor points define the
point classifications as described above. This is also true for the ignition region if it is a
point and not a region. Only the points/planes that intersect with the displayed cut plane
are drawn. In addition, the geometry is now drawn in colours if no data is displayed.
• 3D Cut Plane plot. This is a 3 dimensional plot of a set of grid planes. The type of output is
identical to that of 2D Cut Plane plots, except that contour curves cannot be drawn, and the
geometry is drawn as a 3 dimensional shaded model. By combining many cut planes and
by limiting the visible value range for the scalar variable, a 3 dimensional view of the value
range is obtained (honeycomb plot).
• Volume plot. This is a 3 dimensional plot where the values of a variable are visualized as a
raytraced volume. Output for one scalar variable for one simulation can be visualized in
this plot type. A 3 dimensional shaded model of the geometry can be included.
• Particle Traces plot. This is a 3 dimensional plot where a velocity field is visualized by tracing
a set of particles in the field.
• Annotation plot. This is a text plot which extracts text information from other plots in the
same page. Repetition of the same text in several plots are then avoided.
• Scalar Time Annotation plot. This is a text plot which contains a table of minimum and
maximum values for Scalar Time plots in the same page.

A plot is selected by clicking the MOUSE+LEFT inside the plot, or by clicking the Select Previous or
Select Next Plot push buttons.
A plot is selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT inside the plot. If the selected plot is empty, it can be
defined using the Plot Type command in the Plot menu. The available plot types are described
briefly below.

Plot type Time No. of No. of Geometry Grid Porosity

specifica- jobs variables display display display
Scalar Timestep n 1 None (The None
Line abscissa is
a grid line)
Scalar Time n 1 None None None
Time range
Grid None n 0 Volume Volume None
Monitor None 1 0 Volume None None
2D Cut Timestep n 0-2 2D cut 2D cut 2D cut
3D Cut Timestep n 0-2 Volume 2D cuts 2D cuts
Volume Timestep 1 0-1 Volume None None

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5.6 Plot menu 169

Part. Timestep 1 0-1 Volume None None

Annota- Timestep 1 0 None None None
Scal.T. Time n n None None None
Annot range
Table 5.3: Summary of plot types in Flowvis

5.6.2 Data selection

This command is available only if the selected plot is not empty and not an Annotation plot. The
command lets the user change the selection of jobs, variables, phases, monitor points and panels
for the selected plot. Legal selections depends on the plot type.

Figure 5.3: Flowvis data selection

The box contains four lists:

Job Numbers Contains the job numbers for all scenario and grid files found in the current di-
Variables All variables that can be plotted. If a variable is not listed here, it was not selected for
output in CASD
Phases Selecting phases. This is currently not used in FLACS
Monitors Monitor points or monitor panels

Plot type No. of jobs No. of No. of phases No. of monitor

variables points
Scalar Line n 1 n 0
Scalar Time n 1 1 n
Grid n 0 0 0
Monitor 1 0 0 n
2D Cut Plane n 0-2 n 0
3D Cut Plane n 0-2 n 0
Volume 1 0 - 1 (scalar) 1 0

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170 Flowvis

Particle Traces 1 0 - 1 (vector) n 0

Table 5.4: Valid data selections depending on plot type

For Grid plots, 2D Cut Plane plots and 3D Cut Plane plots, several jobs which are part of one
multiblock simulation can be combined in one plot.

5.6.3 Plot specification

This command is available for all plot types except Annotation plots. The contents of the Plot
Specification dialog box depends on the plot type. It contains controls for manipulating value
range, the display of axis, geometry etc.

Figure 5.4: Flowvis plot specification

The contents of the Plot Specification dialog box depends on the plot type for the selected plot.
On top of the dialog box for all plot types that are drawn for one timestep at a time, there is a text
field labelled Relative Timestep. This is the timestep for the selected plot relative to the timestep
for the page.
Instead of Relative Timestep, the Plot Specification dialog box for Scalar Time plots contains an area
for setting the Time Range for the plot.
The Plot Specification dialog box for Monitor plots contains toggle buttons for turning on/off
projections of the monitor points to the xy-, yz- and xz-planes, and a toggle button for turning
geometry extent marking on or off.
The Plot Specification dialog box for all plot types has an area for selecting Utilities. The utilities
that are available for a plot, depends on the plot type. A short description of all the available plot
utilities is given below.

Utility Scalar Scalar Grid Moni- 2D Cut 3D Cut Vol- Particle

Line Time plot tor Plane Plane ume Traces
plot plot plot plot plot plot
Axis x x x x x x x x

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5.6 Plot menu 171

Legend x x
Scalar x x x
Vector x x x
Grid x x
Geom- x x x x x
Area x x
Vol. x x
Depth x x x
Trilin- x
Table 5.5: Plot utilities

Axis Turns on or off the display of the axis.

Legend Turns on or off the display of a legend explaining the meaning of a curve colour or font.
Scalar Legend Turns on or off the display of a legend annotating the value to colour or phase to
colour mapping.
Vector Legend Turns on or off the display of a legend annotating the value to colour and value
to vector length mapping.
Grid Turns on or off the display of the grid.
Geometry Turns on or off the display of the geometry.
Area Porosities Turns on or off the display of the area porosities.
Volume Porosities Turns on or off the display of the volume porosities.
Depth Shading Turns on or off depth shading. If depth shading is turned off, flat shading is
Trilinear Turns on or off trilinear interpolation. This type of interpolation gives a more accurate
reconstruction of the data. (It takes longer time to render the plot.)

5.6.4 Plot domain

This command is available for all plot types except Scalar Time, Monitor and Annotation plots.
The purpose of the Plot Domain dialog box is to define the part of the simulation volume to
On top of the Plot Domaindialog box is a list of all jobs included in the selected plot. One job is
selected at a time, and the controls in the rest of the dialog box applies to this job.
The Plot Domaindialog box for Scalar Line plots contains radio buttons for selecting the direction
of the grid curve to plot along. In addition, it contains scales for selecting the indices of the curve,

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172 Flowvis

and minimum and maximum indices along the curve. For 2 dimensional simulations, only the
minimum and maximum indices can be set.
The Plot Domain dialog box for Grid plots contains scales for selecting the minimum and maxi-
mum grid indices in each direction.
The Plot Domain dialog box for 2D Cut Plane plots contains toggle buttons for selecting plane
orientation in addition to scales for selecting the index of the plane, and minimum and maximum
indices in the plane. For 2 dimensional simulations, only the minimum and maximum indices
can be set. A dialog box for verifying porosities pops up upon clicking MOUSE+LEFT inside the
plot. The porosities in the indicated control volume is displayed in the dialog box.
For a 3D Cut Plane plot, the Plot Domain dialog box contains sliders for selecting the minimum
and maximum grid indices in each direction in the simulation volume. The user can specify
number of planes, step between each plane and start index for the planes to be drawn in each
direction, using the spin boxes.
For a Volume and Particle Traces plots, the Plot Domain dialog box contains scales for selecting
the minimum and maximum grid indices in each direction.

5.6.5 Variable appearance

This command is available for all plot types except Grid, Monitor and Annotation plots, given
that one (or two) variable has been selected in the selected plot. The content of the Variable
Appearance dialog box depends on the plot type. For example, the curve colours and legend texts
can be modified for curve plots.
Each page in a presentation has its own colour table, consisting of a set of single colours, and a
set of range colours. The single colours are used for plotting curves (Scalar Line and Scalar Time
plots), while the range colours are used for filled contours and shaded plots (2D, 3D Cut Plane
and Volume plots). There are a total of 220 range colours available. These can be organized as
220, 18, 12, or 6 different colours (hues) with 1, 10, 14 or 22 shades (light and saturation values)
for each colour. The light and saturation range is used for shading 3 dimensional plots. Scalar Line and Scalar Time plots

The Variable Appearance dialog box for Scalar Line and Scalar Time plots contains four areas. The
uppermost area is the Entry Listcontaining a list of all entries in the plot. The settings in the rest
of the dialog box applies to the selected entry.
Below the entry list is an area for Value Range, controlling the plotted value range for the selected
variable. The area contains radio buttons for selecting Linear or Logarithmic interpolation. Linear
interpolation is default. Logarithmic interpolation is not available for particle plots.
Below the interpolation buttons are radio buttons for selecting Automatic, Fixed, or Variable value
range. Automatic means that the minimum and maximum values used in the plot equal the
minimum and maximum values found on the data file (for all timesteps). Selecting Fixed value
range, and entering the desired minimum and maximum values, makes it possible to manually
control the plotted value range. For Automatic and Fixed value range, the plotted value range is
constant for all timesteps. Selecting Variable, makes Flowvis adjust the plotted value range to the
minimum and maximum values for the displayed timestep. Variable value range is not available
for Scalar Time plots.
The Single Colour Display contains one rectangle for each single colour. The single colour asso-
ciated with the selected entry in the entry list is marked with an arrow. Another colour can be
selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT in or below the desired rectangle.

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5.6 Plot menu 173

Below the colour display are two option menus for selecting Curve Type and Marker Type. The
Index scale can be used for selecting the single colour index for the selected entry. The legend text
for the selected entry can be edited in the Legend Textfield . 2D Cut Plane, 3D Cut Plane, Volume and Particle Traces plots

The contents of the Variable Appearance dialog box for these plot types depends of the contents of
the selected plot, but three areas are always present. The first is the Entry list which contains a
list of all entries in the plot. The settings in the rest of the dialog box applies to the selected entry.
The second area always present is the Value Range settings. This area is described in the previous
The third area always present is the Range Colour Display which contains two horizontal rows
of colour rectangles. The upper row contains one rectangle for each range colour, while the
lower row contains the light and saturation range for the selected colour. If the selected entry
is a variable plotted for only one phase, two arrows mark the colour range that is mapped to
the value range. If the current entry is a variable plotted for several phase, only one arrow is
displayed. It marks the colour used for plotting the current variable/phase combination. Other
colour(s) are selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT in or below the desired rectangle.
The contents of the rest of the dialog box depends on the entry that has been selected.
The selected entry is a variable plotted for only one phase
If the selected entry is a variable plotted for only one phase, two areas controlling the value to
colour mapping are included below the range colour display. The first one contains fields dis-
playing the Minimumand Maximum Values in the plot, and Indexscales for setting the correspond-
ing range colour indices.
The next area controls the Colours for Values less than Minimum or greater than Maximum. It contains
two sets of radio buttons. The first controls how to display values that are less than the minimum
value, and the second controls how to display values that are greater than the maximum value.
The alternatives are to display the value in the same colour as the minimum/maximum values, in
the previous/next colours in the colour table, or not to use any colour at all. The last alternative is
useful when making a honeycomb plot in a 3D Cut Plane plot (by specifying a fixed value range
less than the total in the Plot Specification dialog box)
If the plot type is 2D Cut Plane plot, and the selected variable is a scalar variable, an options menu
for selecting Draw mode is included in the dialog box. The available options for drawing sin-
gle phase scalar variables are Filled (filled contours), Contours (iso-curves), or Filled and Contours
(filled contours combined with contour curves). The Contours command controls contours and
contour annotation. The Contours dialog box is described below.
If the selected entry is a variable plotted for several phases, a scale and a text field are included
below the range colour display. The scale can be used for selecting the range colour index for the
selected entry, while the legend text for the selected entry can be edited in the text field.

5.6.6 Contours

This command controls contours and contour annotation in 2D Cut Plane plots. The command is
available for 2D Cut Plane plots with scalar variable output for one phase, and is only available
if the current 2D plot is drawing contours.
This dialog box controls contours and contour annotations in a 2D Cut Plane plot. To turn on
contour drawing, select Contours (iso-curves), or Filled and Contours from the Draw options menu
in the Variable Appearance dialog box.

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174 Flowvis

At the top of the dialog box is a scale for setting the number of contours. The next area is the
Contour List which contains a list of all contour levels. The settings in the rest of the dialog box
applies to the selected entry.
The Value at Contourfield is for editing the value of the selected contour, while the Linear Distribu-
tion push button is for performing linear distribution of all the contour values. Pressing the Clear
Annotationpush button clears all annotation for all timesteps.
To annotate a contour, press MOUSE+LEFT near the desired contour in the desired position The
contour annotation is only displayed at the time step for which it has been created. If the plot
is changed in a way that makes the annotation wrong, the annotation must be cleared first. A
pop-up dialog box reminds the user of this.

5.6.7 Vectors

This command is available for 2D and 3D Cut plane plots with vector output. The command
controls the vector scaling, the vector projection mode, the vector arrow type and the vector
legend contents.
At the top of the Vectors dialog box are two radio buttons for selecting automatic or fixed vector
scaling. Automatic, which is default, means that the vectors are scaled to fit the minimum control
volume sizes. Fixed means that the user specifies the scaling factor.
Below the scale controls are toggle buttons for controlling the vector legend. The user can select
to include or not include arrows and colour boxes in the legend.
The next control is for selecting projection mode. This is only applicable for 3D plots. The user
may then select to draw the real 3 dimensional vectors, or the projections of the vectors onto the
cut planes.
The last controls decides the arrow types and opening angles for the arrows.

5.6.8 Geometry appearance

This command is available for 3 dimensional plots containing geometry, and not containing grid,
porosities or variable(s). The Geometry Appearance dialog box contains one toggle button for
turning on/off geometry shading. When shading is turned off, the geometry is displayed as
a wireframe model. For plots containing grid, porosities or variable(s), only shaded geometry is

5.6.9 Blank and un-blank primitives

This command is available for 3 dimensional plots containing geometry. The command lets the
user hide selected primitives in the geometry plot.
The dialog boxes for blanking and unblanking are identical. When the dialog box is shown, the
geometry is drawn as a wireframe model. If the command is Blank Primitives, all visible (not
blanked) primitives are drawn. If the command is Unblank Primitives, all blanked primitives are
Primitives are selected from the graphical area by clicking MOUSE+LEFT on any point inside
the primitive. To simplify the selection, the dialog box contains push buttons for traversing the
primitive list. Pressing the Closer push button selects the next primitive in the direction towards
the user, while pressing the Farther push button selects the next primitive in the direction away
from the user.

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5.6 Plot menu 175

Pressing the Blank or Unblank Primitive push button marks the primitive for blanking/un-
blanking. Pressing the Apply push button redraws the wireframe model with selected primitives
This Unblank Primitives command is available for 3 dimensional plots containing geometry, and
where one or several primitives have been blanked. The command lets the user select primitives
for un-blanking in the selected plot.

5.6.10 Rotate

This command rotates the contents of the selected plot. The command is not available for empty
plots or annotation plots. 2D and line plots

While the mouse pointer is placed inside the Rotate dialog box, the following key functions are

X, x Mirror about x-axis

Y, y Mirror about y-axis
Z, z Rotate about z-axis in steps of 90 degrees.

Pressing the upper case keys gives rotation in counter-clockwise (positive) direction, while lower
case keys gives rotation in the clockwise (negative) direction.
The dialog box contains a push button labelled Default View. Pressing this button reinstalls the
default transformation for the plot. 3D plots

While the mouse pointer is placed inside the Rotate dialog box, the following key functions are

X, x Rotate about x-axis

Y, y Rotate about y-axis
Z, z Rotate about z-axis.

Upper case keys means positive rotation angle while lower case means negative.
The Rotate dialog box contains an options menu for selecting a projection. Available projections
are 3D View, XY View, YZ View and XZ View.
While rotating the plot, Flowvis draws a wireframe box marking the simulation volume extent
instead of the plot contents. The Apply push button causes the entire plot to be redrawn.

5.6.11 Particle traces specification

This command is only available for Particle Traces plots. To create a Particle Trace plot the variable
VVEC must be saved during the simulation and plotted in Flowvis.

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176 Flowvis

Figure 5.5: A particle trace plot

The Particle Traces Specification dialog box contains four frames. The first from the top is for
selecting Velocity Field Type, Trace Time, Number of Traces and Minimum Velocity. The next frames
are the Firing Specification, the Firing Volume Specification and the Animation Specification
There are two choices for the Velocity Field Type. Steady State means that the particles are traced
in a constant velocity field given by the current timestep. Transient means that the particles are
traced in a varying field from the current timestep to the last.
The innermost loop of the algorithm for drawing the particle traces is a loop through all particles
drawing the particle traces over a time interval given by the Trace Time. Pressing Ok or Apply
for Steady State draws only one trace. The Trace Time decides the length of the particle traces
directly. For Transient, the traces are drawn from the current timestep to the last. The No. of Traces
then decides the number of traces required for drawing the plot. A short trace time increases the
drawing time, but gives more accurate traces, and longer trace lines.
If the velocity of a particle gets lower than the Minimum Velocity, the particle is removed from
the plot and the trace of that particle is ended. In an animation, the particle disappears from the
The Firing Specification frame contains radio buttons for selecting Random or Fixed Firing Positions.
Random means that the particles are fired at random positions inside the volume given by the
Firing Volume Specification. The number of particles fired are given by the No of Particles field.
If Fixed firing positions is selected, the particles are fired from a fixed grid given by the No of
Particles in X, Y and Z-dir. fields, and the Firing Volume Specification (frame below).
The Animation Specification frame controls particle animation. The No. of Frames Between Firing pa-
rameter gives the interval at which Flowvis fires new particles. Flowvis then fires a new particle
for each particle that has been killed since the last time. The two next fields decides the minimum
and maximum lifetime for a particle. The Trace Time decides the duration of each frame. A short
Trace Time gives shorter traces.
An animation is started by pressing the Draw Frames push button. If the Record toggle button is

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5.6 Plot menu 177

selected, the frames are stored in memory, and can be replayed using the Play push button. The
frames may also be stored on files, by selecting the Record on files toggle button. The files are
stored on the directory where Flowvis was started, and named fl_framedd.png, where dd is
the frame number.

In the current version of Flowvis recording of particle plot images to file is not working.

Figure 5.6: The particle trace properties window

5.6.12 Next plot

Shortcut: CTRL+RIGHT
Choosing Next Plot causes the selection of the next plot. If the previously selected plot was the
last plot in the page, the page is selected. If the page was selected, the first plot in the page is

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5.6.13 Previous plot

Shortcut: CTRL+LEFT
Choosing Previous Plot causes the selection of the previous plot. If the previously selected plot
was the first plot in the page, the page is selected. If the page was selected, the last plot in the
page is selected.

5.7 Verify menu

The verify menu enables the user to have a detailed look at the area and volume porosities, and
coordinates for a geometry, and pick exact values from lines curves.

5.7.1 Porosities

This command is available only for 2D Cut Plane plots. In addition to porosities, this command
makes it possible to verify coordinates, areas and volumes for control volumes.
This command lets the user select a control volume and verify the porosities, areas and volume
for this control volume. Two dialog boxes pops up. One is the Plot Domain dialog box. It is used
for selecting the cut plane to view. The other dialog box is the Verify Porosities dialog box. The
selected control volume is shaded in the plot.
Since a 2D Cut Plane plot may include several jobs, the Verify Porosities dialog box includes
a field showing which job the selected control volume belongs to. In addition there are fields
displaying the selected control volume indices, and push buttons for navigating through the
control volumes.
The four next fields show the area and volume porosities for the selected control volume.
At the bottom of the dialog box are two push buttons for verifying Coordinates and Areas and Vol-
umes. Clicking the Coordinates push button makes the Verify Coordinates dialog box pop up. This
dialog box contains 8 x 3 fields showing the X, Y and Z coordinates for the eight corners of the
selected control volume. Clicking the Areas and Volumesbutton makes the Areas and Volumesdialog
box pop up. This dialog box contains 3 x 3 fields showing the X, Y and Zcomponents of the areas
in the three grid directions ( I, J and K). The last field shows the volume.
Flowvis can be started in a special verify porosity mode, from the command line by using the
following command line option.

> run9 flowvis -verify_por 010101


> flowvis -verify_por 010101

010101 is the job number.

5.7.2 Value on curve

This command makes it possible to verify the values in Scalar Time and Scalar Line plots.

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5.8 Options menu 179

The Values On Curve dialog box lets the user select a point on the abscissa (time for Scalar Time
plots and coordinate value for Scalar Line plots). The corresponding value, or values if several
curves, are shown in the value list in the dialog.
The point on the abscissa can be selected by clicking MOUSE+LEFT on the desired position in the
plot, or by typing the abscissa value in the input field in the dialog, and then pressing the Select

5.8 Options menu

Options are saved for each user under

Linux: ∼/config/GexCon/Flowvis.conf

Windows: In Windows registry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GexCon\Flowvis"

5.8.1 Header on

This option specifies whether a header is displayed on top of each page. The header contains
Flowvis version number, plotting date and page number.

5.8.2 Background white

By default the page background is white.

5.8.3 Redraw picture on OK

By default, the selected plot is redrawn when the user selects Ok from a popup dialog box which
changes the contents of the plot. This can be avoided by turning off this option. The time needed
for changing a plot through the use of several dialog boxes can thus be reduced.

5.8.4 Interpolate

Flowvis interpolates the results between grid cells, by default when showing 2D, 3D and Volume
plots. In some situations it can be necessary to turn this off, for instance when investigating
possible simulation errors.

5.8.5 Fonts

Font type and size can be changed separately for each of the text areas in a Flowvis plot. The font
setting is global for all plots and pages in the presentation.

Flowvis will not be able to scale all elements in the plots according to the size and type of the
fonts, thus in some cases the fonts will be covered, or cover the plot other graphical elements.
Clicking the Restore Defaults button will normally alleviate this problem.

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5.8.6 Plots

The Plots options enables some control of the position of plot elements, such as.

• Changing plot size

• Moving the plot on the page
• Moving and resizing the legend

In addition the user can select to have overrun text be highlighted to be warned if some text
elements are not shown on the plot.

5.9 Help
The Help menu gives access to the online help and license terms.

5.9.1 Online help

Shortcut: F1
The online help is shown in the Qt Assistant help browser.
In Qt Assistant the user has full access to a searchable index in addition to a full text search in the
user manual. It is possible to have several tabs open, create bookmarks and print selected pages.
The FLACS User’s manual is also available as a single file pdf (Portable Document Format).

5.9.2 Licence terms

Shows the FLACS license terms, including the specific license type for the specific FLACS instal-

5.9.3 About Flowvis

Shows about Flowvis dialog.

5.10 Flowvis examples

This section gives two examples on Flowvis use. Results from a FLACS simulation in the M24
module are used in both examples. The grid resolution is 40x13x12 m3 . The simulation files can
be copied from your FLACS installation directory.

> cp /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/doc/examples/ex1/*110101* .

Copy files from C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_v9.0\doc\examples\ex1\∗110101∗
(∗110101∗ means all files containing the text "110101")

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5.10 Flowvis examples 181

The simulation must be run before creating the presentation:

On Linux:

> cd <simulation file directory>

> run9 porcalc 110101
> run9 flacs 110101

On Windows start the FLACS runmanager, click the Add directory button, and select the directory
where the simulation files are located. Select the job number in the list, and click the Simulate
When the simulation has finished continue to the next section.

5.10.1 Creating a presentation with multiple plots

This example illustrates how to create a simple presentation from scratch.

In the examples, there are several tasks which implies the use of several dialog boxes to define a
plot. This can be time consuming because the plot is redrawn every time an Ok button is clicked.
To avoid this, turn the Redraw Plot On Ok option off (in the Options menu). Use the Redraw Plot
button in the main window when a redraw is wanted.
This example covers 2D and 3D Cut Plane plots, Scalar Time plots and Monitor Point plots.
The presentation shall contain two pages. The first shall contain 2 dimensional cut plane plots
(the JK cut plane with grid index equal to 20) showing the combustion product, pressure and
velocity at timestep 17. There shall also be a plot showing the position and orientation of the cut
plane compared to the geometry. The porosities in the cut plane shall also be visualized.
The second page shall contain a scalar time plot and a plot showing the positions of the monitor
points. At last, it is outlined how to adapt the presentation to the results from a new simulation.

1. Start Flowvis
2. Change directory to where the simulation results are

(a) Select the New At command from the File menu. The New At dialog box makes it
possible to navigate through the directory structure by double clicking on directory
names. When the desired directory is reached, press the Ok button.
3. Create a page

(a) Select the Add Page command from the Page menu. Select the Modify Page command
and change the subdivision of the page to 2 plots in X-direction and 3 in Y-direction.
4. Create a plot which shows the geometry and cut planes in 3 dimensions

(a) A 3D Cut Plane plot is used for this purpose. Click MOUSE+LEFT while pointing the
mouse pointer somewhere near the top left corner of the page. A frame indicates the
selected plot.
(b) Select the Plot Type command from the Plot menu. Select 3D Cut Plane plot from the
submenu. The Data Selection dialog box pops up. Select the appropriate job number.
When the variable list is displayed, select PROD (combustion product). When the Ok
button is pressed, a plot with default settings is displayed. This means that three cut
planes are displayed, one perpendicular to each axis direction.
(c) Select the Plot Domain command from the Plot menu. The Plot Domain dialog box pops
up. Set the number of IJ and IK planes equal to 0 (keep the number of JK planes equal
to 1). The Start Index for the JK plane is set to 20. Press the Ok button.

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182 Flowvis

(d) Select the geometry utility in the Plot Specification dialog box, and press the Ok button.
5. Some primitives need to be blanked to make it possible to see inside the geometry.
(a) Select the Blank Primitive command from the Plot menu. The geometry is redrawn as
a wireframe model.
(b) When the dialog box pops up, click MOUSE+LEFT while pointing the mouse pointer at
the roof of the geometry. The selected primitive is highlighted.
(c) Press the Blank Primitive button to blank the roof. Do the same thing to the XZ wall
closest to the viewer. If it is difficult to hit the wanted primitive when clicking, the
Closer and Farther buttons makes it possible to loop through all primitives intersecting
the mouse pointer position.
(d) The plot is redrawn with shaded geometry when pressing the Ok button.
6. Create an Annotation plot
(a) Select the plot to the right of the previous plot by clicking MOUSE+LEFT while point-
ing the mouse pointer somewhere in that area. Select the Plot Type command, and
Annotation from the submenu.
(b) The Annotation plot is now displayed. It contains the job number, iteration number,
time, minimum and maximum grid indices from the 3D Cut Plane plot. The corre-
sponding text is removed from the 3D Cut Plane plot which is redrawn because the
removed text makes room for larger graphics.
7. Create a 2D Cut Plane plot for visualizing the porosities
(a) Select the plot below the 3D Cut Plane plot. Select the Plot Type command and 2D Cut
Plane from the submenu. Select the appropriate job number in the Data Selection dialog
box, and press the Ok button.
(b) Select the Plot Specification command. Select the Area Porosities and Volume Porosities
utilities and deselect the Axis and Grid utilities. Press the Ok button.
(c) Select the Plot Domain command. Select the JK plane and the appropriate grid index
(20) using the I indexslider. Press the Ok button to see the result.
(d) Note that the Annotation plot changes when this 2D Cut Plane plot is created. In-
stead of the minimum and maximum grids indices, the Annotation plot now contains
information about the plane displayed in the 2D Cut Plane plot.
8. Create 2D Cut Plane plots of the combustion product and the pressure
(a) Select the Copy command from the Edit menu to copy the selected plot to the clipboard.
Select the plot to the right, and select the Paste command. A copy of the previous
plot is displayed. Select the Data Selection command from the Plot menu, and select
the combustion product (PROD) from the variable list. Press Ok and select the Plot
Specification command. Deselect the Area Porosities and Volume Porosities utilities and
select the Geometry utility. Press Ok to see the result.
(b) Copy this plot to the clipboard and paste it in the next plot. Select the Data Selection
command and select the P variable instead of PROD.
9. Create a 2D Cut Plane plot of the velocities
(a) Select the last plot in the displayed page and select the Paste command. The contents
of the clipboard is copied to the selected plot. Select the Data Selection command and
select the VVEC variable instead of PROD.
(b) To get longer vectors, select Variable Value Range in the Variable Appearance dialog box
and select Fixed Scale in the Vectors dialog box on the Plot menu. Set the scaling factor
equal to 1.5.
10. Add a new page
(a) Select the Add command from the Page menu. The new page is added after the previ-
ous. Modify the page subdivision to be two plots in Y-direction.

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5.10 Flowvis examples 183

11. Create a Scalar Time plot of the Pressure

(a) Select the top plot in the page. Select the Plot Type command and Scalar Time from
the submenu. Select the appropriate job, the P variable (pressure) and the wanted
monitor points in the Data Selection dialog box. A sequence of adjacent (in the list)
monitor points can be selected by moving the mouse pointer over the items while
holding MOUSE+LEFT down. Several monitor points can also be selected by clicking
while holding the Ctrl key down. Upon Ok, the plot is drawn.
12. Create a Monitor Point plot showing the points used in the previous plot

(a) Select the bottom plot, and select the Plot Type command and Monitor from the sub-
menu. Select the appropriate job, and the same monitor points as in the previous plot.
(b) Press the Monitor Point Listtoggle button in the Plot Specification dialog box.
13. Save the presentation

(a) Select the Save command from the File menu. Since the presentation is new, no file
name is associated with it. The Save As dialog box is therefore displayed. Specify a
name and press the Ok button.
14. Adapt the presentation to the results from a new simulation

(a) Start a new Flowvis instance. Select the Open command from the File menu. Select
the file specified in the previous step. Select the Substitute Job command from the Edit
menu. Specify the previous and the new job numbers. Select the All Pages option and
press the Ok button.

Figure 5.7: The first page of the Flowvis presentation in example 1 (location of plots differs
slightly from text)

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184 Flowvis

Figure 5.8: The second page of the Flowvis presentation in example 1 (location of plots differs
slightly from text)

5.10.2 Creating a honeycomb plot

This example shows how to create a honeycomb plot by specifying a limited visual value range
in a 3D Cut Plane plot.

1. Create a 3D Cut Plane plot

(a) Open the presentation from the previous section.
(b) Copy the 3D Cut Plane plot from the first page.
(c) Add a new page and paste the plot from the clipboard.
(d) Select the Plot Domain command. Change the number of cut planes in each direction
to be equal to the number of grid indices in that direction. The number of grid indices
can be seen from the scales in the volume specification.
(e) Turn off the grid display in the Plot Specification dialog box.
2. Modify the variable appearance
(a) Select the Variable Appearance command. Select Fixed Value Range Setting, and set the
Fixed minimum value to be equal to 50% of the maximum value for All Timesteps. The
Fixed maximum value is set to be equal to that of All Timesteps. Set the Colour for val-
ues < min. to be None. Press the Ok button. The combustion product is drawn as a
honeycomb volume covering the volume where the combustion product is above the
specified limit.
3. Change the colour table
(a) To get more flame-like colours, select the Range Colours command from the Page menu.
Select the first index using the index slider. Set the hue for this index to be equal to 0.

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5.10 Flowvis examples 185

Select the last index and set this hue to be 60. Press the Interpolate button. Press Ok to
see the result.

Figure 5.9: The honeycomb plot

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186 Flowvis

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 6

Utility programs in FLACS

188 Utility programs in FLACS

This chapter describes the utility programs in FLACS. The user can run the programs from the
command line in the terminal window under Linux, or on the command line in the cmd window
under Windows. It is possible to start the cmd command shell from the FLACS Run Manager.
The utility programs are categorized according to application:

1. Geometry, grid, and porosities: geo2flacs, gm, and Porcalc

2. Release source modelling: Jet, Flash
3. Modifying simulation files: rdfile, cofile, comerge
4. Post-processing simulation data: r1file, r3file, a1file

6.1 Geometry, grid and porosities

6.1.1 geo2flacs

geo2flacs is a utility designed to import geometry from various 3D geometry formats to FLACS.
The following input formats are supported:

• Microstation dgn version 7

• AutoReaGas
• AutoCAD (when contained in dgn file)
• StereoLitography file (STL)

In addition to the dgn format geo2flacs can export from the prp format (Propagated steel, Frame-
works format, very similar to dgn format). Often the dgn files are accompanied by a drv file
(Design Review). geo2flacs can use the information in the drv file to group single primitives into
larger objects and give the objects the proper names.
The dgn file format can be produced by a number of different software packages. It is the native
format of Microstation, but ie. PDMS can be exported to dgn format using the PDMS module
Microstation can open AutoCAD files and save them in dgn format. The internal structure of the
geometry is not changed, and export from these types of files sometimes result in incomplete or
completely empty geometries.
The output format is CASD macro files. Usage

geo2flacs is a command line program using mandatory and optional arguments.

The conversion is a three-step process. During the export process itself the geometry files are
read via an input file.
Running the program with


option prints a help message:


> run9 geo2flacs --help

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6.1 Geometry, grid and porosities 189


> geo2flacs --help

The above command gives in the following output:

Usage: geo2flacs [OPTION...] DIRECTORY

Geometry conversion tool for FLACS. Converts Microstation,
AutoReaGas, STL, and other 3D geometry formats, to CASD
macro files.

-a, --noAlign Do not align objects to nearest axis

and allow irregular objects (special
version of CASD required)
-c, --create Create input file
-d, --minDia=DIAMETER Do not export objects with diameter
smaller than DIAMATER (mm)
-e, --export Start export of files
-f, --force Force delete output directory before
-g, --gexconCol Gexcon colour scheme
-l, --minLength=LENGTH Do not export objects with largest
length smaller than LENGTH (mm)
-n, --group=NUMBER Group NUMBER of primitives into one object
-o, --outdir=DIR Output sub-directory (default = out)
-r, --rotate=ANGLE,X,Y,Z Rotate geometry ANGLE degrees around (X,Y,Z)
-s, --translate=X,Y,Z Translate geometry (X,Y,Z) before export
-t, --terrain[=HEIGHT] Use HEIGHT as bottom value for terrain
-v, --verbose Produce verbose output (increase
diagnostic output)
-x, --addLength Add small length to cylinders with 0
length which would otherwise be skipped
-z, --buildingBase=Z0 Create buildings starting at Z0 (only valid for
Shape files)
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory

or optional for any corresponding short options.

Object type specification:

P: Piping
E: Equipment
S: Steel
R: Race Way
T: Terrain
B: Bounding Box

Specify option in the "geo2flacs_files.txt" file.

Report bugs to <>. Step-by-step procedure

1. Begin the export process by creating a new directory and copy all files to be converted to
this directory.
2. Run geo2flacs first time with argument -c: "<tt>run9 geo2flacs -c .</tt>". This will create
the input file geo2flacs_files.txt in the current directory.
3. Open the input file geo2flacs_files.txt in a text editor (eg. emacs, vi, pico, kwrite, etc and add
export arguments as described in section Input file parameters. Save the file.

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190 Utility programs in FLACS

4. Run geo2flacs again with argument -e to do the export: "<tt>run9 geo2flacs -e .</tt>".
This will create a sub directory out if it does not exist, and start the export. The exported
files are created in the out directory. If the out directory contains exported files geo2flacs
will exit without exporting. A log file geo2flacs.log will be created.
5. Start CASD, create a database and read the macro files created by geo2flacs. To do this go
Macro → Run ... and select the file 0-RunMe.mcr. The geometry will be read into FLACS.
Note that if the geometry has more than 10000 objects (2000 in FLACS versions prior to 9.0)
CASD must be started with arguments -numObj XXXXXX -numAsis XXXXXX, where
XXXXXX is the number of objects. The number of objects created is reported at the end
of the export. Input file parameters

If a dgn or prp file does not have an accompanying drv file geo2flacs must have information
about the type of geometry inside the file. This is done in the input file geo2flacs_files.txt. When
this file is initially created all dgn files without a drv file will have a trailing "-". Change the "-"
into one of the following letters.

Parameter Geometry type

P Piping
E Equipment
S Steel
R Race Way
T Terrain
B Bounding Box
Table 6.1: Input file parameters

The parameters P, E and S are most commonly used. R is used if the file contains only Race
Way elements. T is for importing grid or triangular terrain geometry. B can be used to export
geometry from files geo2flacs otherwise is unable to export from. Command line options

The following command line options are recognized by geo2flacs:

Short Option Long Option Description

-a –noAlign Do not align objects to
nearest axis and allow
irregular objects (special
version of CASD required)
-c –create Create input file
-d –minDia=DIAMETER Do not export objects with
diameter smaller than
-e –export Start export of files
-f –force Force delete output directory
before exporting
-g –gexconCol Gexcon colour scheme
-l –minLength=LENGTH Do not export objects with
largest length smaller than

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6.1 Geometry, grid and porosities 191

-n –group=NUMBER Group NUMBER of

primitives into one object
-o –outdir=DIR Output sub-directory
(default = out)
-r –rotate=ANGLE,X,Y,Z Rotate geometry ANGLE
degrees around (X,Y,Z)
before export
-s –translate=X,Y,Z Translate geometry (X,Y,Z)
before export
-t –terrain[=HEIGHT] Use HEIGHT as bottom
value for terrain export
-v –verbose Produce verbose output
(increase diagnostic output)
-x –addLength Add small length to
cylinders with 0 length
which would otherwise be
-z –buildingBase=Z0 Create buildings starting at
Z0 (only valid for Shape
-? –help Give this help list
–usage Give a short usage message
-V –version Print program version
Table 6.2: geo2flacs command line options

DIRECTORY is mandatory when using the "-c" or the "-e" argument. The directory can either be
the current directory (use ".") or any other directory (use full path or relative path).
Using the "-f" argument will force overwriting of any existing files in the out directory.
"-t HEIGHT" is used when exporting terrain data. If HEIGHT is negative use the long option, eg:


If one or more of the coordinates are negative when using the translate option the coordinates
must be specified like this:

-s "\-100,\-100,\-100"

Note the double quotes ("") around the coordinates.

The argument "-g" force geo2flacs to export geometry using the Gexcon colour scheme. By default
geo2flacs will try to preserve the colours found in the dgn file.
"-a" is a special purpose option that prevents objects from being rotated to the nearest axis. This
requires a special version of CASD and is not validated for general use.
"-v" will output as much information as possible during the export. Geometry verification

As with all conversion from one format to another the process cannot be guaranteed to produce
correct results. It is therefore very important to do a thorough verification of the geometry in

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192 Utility programs in FLACS

CASD. Because CASD only offers a subset of the functionality in most CAD packages some in-
formation will be lost and some information might be interpreted with errors.
It is important to have special focus on details having significant influence on the simulation re-
sults. These includes walls, decks (with and without grating) and major obstacles. The degree of
porosity of the grating can have a significant influence on explosions, but no porosity information
is exported. Problems and solutions

Note that geo2flacs is under continuous development. This means that the software will have
bugs, although Gexcon has done significant testing of the program to ensure that the program
will operate well in most situations. Contact GexCon if any bugs are found. GexCon will consider
fixing the bug if it is part of the core functionality of the program.

Increased diagnostic output geo2flacs will output information during the export. Increased
diagnostic is written if the "-v" option is used. This information can be redirected to a file by
using the ">" sign:

> run9 geo2flacs -v -e . > out.txt


> geo2flacs -v -e . > out.txt

This will create a file out.txt in the current working directory.

Dgn version supported The current version of geo2flacs supports dgn file version 7. Version 8
is not supported and must be converted to version 7 using Microstation.

Note about PDMS ExPlant-I There is bug in ExPlant-I that sometimes exports geometry in
a format that cannot be exported with geo2flacs. If an object is represented by only "Shape"
elements it will not be exported. How to fix this in ExPlant-I is not known to GexCon, but a
knowledgable ExPlant-I operator will be able to work around the problem.

6.1.2 gm

The gm program allows making grids by scripting. The following command starts the gm pro-

> run9 gm


> gm

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6.2 Release source modelling 193

The following sequence of commands creates a homogeneous grid of 1 m resolution in all direc-
tions over a simulation domain extending from 0 m to 10 m in all directions.

Executing "gm"
gm> x add 0:10:1
gm> y add 0:10:1
gm> z add 0:10:1
gm> save cg999999.dat3

The grid is saved in a file named cg999999.dat3. Assuming a 999999-job number this grid can be
used in a FLACS simulation. The gm program can read the FLACS cg-file and print the position
of the gridlines on the screen:

Executing "gm"
gm> open cg999999.dat3
gm> x print
x 11
0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000
gm> y print
y 11
0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000

More options are available with the gm-program and can be listed typing the command ’help’ in
the gm-interface:

gm> help

6.1.3 Porcalc

The Porcalc program starts either from the ’Calculate’ option under the ’Porosities’ menu in
CASD, or from command line input.

> run9 porcalc 010100


> porcalc 010100

6.2 Release source modelling

6.2.1 Jet

The jet program is used to compute the area and the subsonic velocity after shock of a jet issuing
from a high-pressure reservoir. The jet program is started with the following command:

> run9 jet < jet-in > jet-out


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194 Utility programs in FLACS

> jet < jet-in > jet-out

Below is an example of a basic jet-in file:

cl-file ! output format (-, *, cl-file, ...).

’METHANE=0.8,ETHANE=0.1,PROPANE=0.04,BUTANE=0.06’ ! gas type (AIR, METHANE, ...)
100 ! reservoir volume (m3)
50 30 ! reservoir pressure (barg) and temperature (C)
1 30 ! atmospheric pressure (bara) and temperature (C)
0 0 ! heat transfer coefficients (J/s) and (J/sK)
30 ! wall temperature (C)
0.1 0.62 ! nozzle diameter (m) and discharge coefficient (-)
0 ! start time (s)
1 10 ! time step (s) and number of iterations (-)
"+XJ" ! leak control string
1e-5 1e5 ! shutoff pressure (barg) and release mass (kg)
0.1 ! relative turbulence intensity RTI (-)
0.1 *D ! turbulence length scale TLS (m) + function

Most of the parameters can be defined intuitively, a brief description of the most unconventional
parameters is given below.
The first line says that the output of the jet program will directly be written with the format of a
cl-file, the leak file used to define gas releases in FLACS. This is the most useful output format
and it will be described further in the following.
The heat transfer coefficients do not need to be defined, the default zero values can be conserved.
The time step and the number of iterations control the duration and the times at which the prop-
erties of the jet will be written in the cl-file. In this example, the properties will be written in the
cl-file each seconds over a duration of 10 s.
The leak control string will be directly added into the cl-file for the definition of the direction of
the leak.
The output file generated by the jet program used with the previous inputs is:

Starting jet
Enter output format (-, *, cl-file, ...):
Enter gas type (AIR, METHANE, ...):
Enter reservoir volume (m3):
Enter reservoir pressure (barg) and temperature (C):
Enter atmospheric pressure (bara) and temperature (C):
Enter heat transfer coefficients (J/s) and (J/s/K):
Enter wall temperature (C):
Enter nozzle diameter (m) and discharge coefficient (-):
Enter start time (s):
Enter time step (s) and number of iterations (-):
Enter leak control string:
Enter shutoff pressure (barg) and release mass (kg):
Enter relative turbulence intensity RTI (-):
Enter turbulence length scale TLS (m) + function:
# gas type = METHANE=0.8,ETHANE=0.1,PROPANE=0.04,BUTANE=0.06
# mole weight = 21.093 kg/kmol
# heat ratio, kappa = Cp/Cv = 1.291 -
# critical pressure ratio = 0.547 -
# critical pressure = 0.827 barg
# pressure = 50.000 barg
# temperature = 30.000 C
# density = 42.679 kg/m3

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6.2 Release source modelling 195

# volume = 100.000 m3
# initial mass = 4267.876 kg
# speed of sound, M=0 = 392.713 m/s
# speed of sound, M=1 = 366.957 m/s
# pressure, M=1 = 26.919 barg
# temperature, M=1 = -8.460 C
# density, M=1 = 26.758 kg/m3
# maximum velocity = 1030.249 m/s
# effective diameter = 27.953 mm
# effective area = 613.675 mm2
# discharge coefficient = 0.620 -
# sonic massflow = 6.026 kg/s
# jet force = 3863.166 N
# pressure = 1.000 bara
# temperature = 30.000 C
# density = 0.837 kg/m3
’TIME (s)’ ’AREA (m2)’ ’RATE (kg/s)’ ’VEL (m/s)’ ’RTI (-)’ ’TLS (m)’ ’T (K)’
0.0000E+00 3.3311E-02 6.0258E-02 2.0741E+00 1.0000E-01 2.0594E-02 2.9086E+02
5.0000E-01 3.3311E-02 6.0258E+00 2.0741E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0594E-02 2.9086E+02
1.0000E+00 3.3280E-02 6.0209E+00 2.0739E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0585E-02 2.9080E+02
2.0000E+00 3.3219E-02 6.0112E+00 2.0734E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0566E-02 2.9068E+02
3.0000E+00 3.3159E-02 6.0015E+00 2.0730E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0547E-02 2.9056E+02
4.0000E+00 3.3098E-02 5.9918E+00 2.0726E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0528E-02 2.9045E+02
5.0000E+00 3.3037E-02 5.9821E+00 2.0722E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0510E-02 2.9033E+02
6.0000E+00 3.2977E-02 5.9724E+00 2.0718E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0491E-02 2.9021E+02
7.0000E+00 3.2917E-02 5.9628E+00 2.0714E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0472E-02 2.9009E+02
8.0000E+00 3.2857E-02 5.9531E+00 2.0710E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0453E-02 2.8997E+02
9.0000E+00 3.2797E-02 5.9435E+00 2.0706E+02 1.0000E-01 2.0435E-02 2.8985E+02
9.5000E+00 3.2797E-02 5.9435E-02 2.0706E+00 1.0000E-01 2.0435E-02 2.8985E+02

The first 15 lines of this file concern the input parameters defined in the jet-in file. The 34 follow-
ing lines summarize the properties of the jet and physical parameters used in the computations.
Finally, the last 15 lines constitute the cl-file that will be used by FLACS for a dispersion simu-
lation. Therefore, providing the fact that in CASD, for a job number 999999 a leak position has
been defined, this file (with the 49 first lines removed) can be renamed as cl999999.n001 and di-
rectly used for a dispersion simulation. In the new version of the jet program, specifying the
option -silent in the command line, automatically removes the 49 first lines of the output file. The
command line is:

> run9 jet -silent < jet-in > jet-out


> jet -silent < jet-in > jet-out

6.2.2 Flash

The flash program is a utility that computes the physical properties of flashing releases of pres-
surized liquefied gas. The term flashing is usually used to describe vapor formation by pressure
changes. Many materials (such as propane, ammonia or chlorine for example) commonly stored
as pressurized liquids in the industry can flash as released into the atmosphere.

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196 Utility programs in FLACS

For such pressurized storage conditions the release has, in the free atmosphere, the appearance
of a two-phase jet composed of droplets and vapor. The image below summarizes the thermody-
namic state of the material as the distance with the release location increases.

Figure 6.1: The Flash utility

The end of the near field region is defined as the position where all the liquid in the jet has
changed phase. At this position, denoted xf , the jet is in a single vapor phase and assuming that
all the required properties needed to define a gas leak in FLACS are known, the flashing release
can be treated as a so-called jet leak in FLACS.
The following command starts the flash program.

> run9 flash


> flash

The flash program can handle flashing releases of 9 different species, namely:

• acetylene
• ammonia
• butane
• chlorine
• ethane
• ethylene
• methane
• propane
• propylene

The following inputs are needed:

• Area of the exit orifice

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6.3 Modifying simulation files 197

• Temperature of the liquefied gas at the exit orifice

• Value of the discharge coefficient (by default this value is set to 0.62)
• Mass flow rate or pressure at the orifice
• Temperature of ambient air

Finally, from these five inputs the flash program gives the following outputs:

• Position xf where all the fluid is in a single vapor phase

• Area of the jet at the position xf
• Velocity of the jet at the position xf and mass flow rate
• Mass fraction of air and released material at the position xf
• Mass fraction of released material that rained-out and formed a pool on the ground.

In the previous list, the first three outputs can directly be used to define a leak in FLACS, the
fourth output allow deriving the value for the equivalence ratio of the released material in FLACS
and if significant, the last output should be part of a pool setup (see pool model).

6.3 Modifying simulation files

6.3.1 rdfile

The rdfile program is mainly used to adapt a certain dump-file to a new grid resolution. Consider
a job number 999999 with a given simulation volume and a given grid resolution. Consider a job
number 888888 with the same simulation volume than the job number 999999 but with a different
grid resolution. Assume that all the other parameters of the two job numbers are the same and
that a dump file rd999999.n001 exists. The following command creates a dump file rd888888.n001
from the dump file rd999999.n001:

> run9 rdfile rd999999.n001 rd888888.n001


> rdfile rd999999.n001 rd888888.n001

The command

> run9 rdfile


> rdfile

lists all the options available for use with the rdfile program:

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198 Utility programs in FLACS

Starting rdfile
FLACS rdfile (version 1.3, 2005-06-24)
Copyright 2005, GexCon AS
usage: rdfile in_file out_file [options]
options (enter in any order after file names):
force force overwrite
version=string set file version
setup=file_name use setup file
convert[=MIX,H,TAU] convert fields
block=number set block number
time=value set time
iter=value set iteration count

6.3.2 cofile

The cofile program extracts ASCII data from the FLACS geometry file co-file. The program reads
a co-file and writes obstacle size distribution to the screen. The specification of the option list=?
with the cofile program leads to the full list of primitives. The cofile program can also list the total
length of cylinders/boxes for each diameter size classes providing the option(s) classes_cyl=c1,c2„
or/and classes_box=b1,b2,.,.
The following command lists all the options available for use with the cofile program.

> run9 cofile


> cofile

The output of this command is:

Executing "cofile"
FLACS cofile (version 1.0, 2005-05-02)
Copyright 2005, GexCon AS
usage: cofile file_name [options ...]
options (enter in any order after file_name):
region=x,X,y,Y,z,Z region of interest
classes_cyl=c1,c2,,, classes of cylinders
classes_box=b1,b2,,, classes of boxes
inch=0.0254 set inch to meter scale
accu=0.001 set size accuracy
plot=0/1 plot=no/yes (using gnuplot)
list=0/1 list=no/yes
silent=1/2 do not write to screen/file

6.3.3 comerge

The comerge program is used to create new FLACS geometry co-files from existing co-files. Con-
sider a job number 999999 with a given geometry. The following command creates a new co-file
co888888.dat3 for the job number 888888:

> run9 comerge region=x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max co999999.dat3 co888888.dat3


FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

6.3 Modifying simulation files 199

> comerge region=x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max co999999.dat3 co888888.dat3

Note: To ensure that region=... is a single argument it must either be without spaces or embedded
between quotation marks.

> ... region=x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max


> ... "region= x_min , x_max , y_min , y_max , z_min , z_max"

but not

> ... "region = ..."

The geometry of the new job number 888888 is the same than the geometry of the job number
999999 in the region specified in the command line.
Several co-files from existing job numbers can be used to generate a new co-file. The command:

> run9 comerge


> comerge

lists all the options available for use with the comerge program.

Executing "comerge"
FLACS comerge (version 1.2, 2005-05-10)
Copyright 2005, GexCon AS
usage: comerge [transform] input_file[s] output_file [force]
enter transform before each input_file
force force overwrite
region=x,X,y,Y,z,Z region of interest
init identity transform
translate:tx,ty,tz translate in x,y,z directions
turn:axis,angle,x,y,z turn around axis at point x,y,z
axis = x/y/z, angle = +-90*N (+ is CCW)
skip:box skip boxes
skip:cyl skip cylinders
skip:col= skip objects with given colour hue
only:col= only objects with given colour hue
box=cyl convert boxes
beam=cyl convert composite beams (T/I/H/U shaped)
only only keep the converted objects
show show the objects to be converted
skip skip the converted objects
max_W=value set maximum beam width
min_L/W=value set minimum beam length/width ratio
min_T/W=value set minimum beam thickness/width ratio (box beams)
max_T/W=value set maximum beam thickness/width ratio (composite beams)

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

200 Utility programs in FLACS

6.4 Post-processing of simulation data

6.4.1 r1file

The r1file program extracts ASCII data from the FLACS r1-file. Considering a job number 999999
the basic command is:

> run9 r1file r1999999.dat3 name=NP force


> r1file r1999999.dat3 name=NP force

The previous command creates an ASCII file named a1999999.NP containing the time-history of
the variable NP measured at all the monitor points defined in the job number 999999. The option
force overwrites the file a1999999.NP if it already exists.
The name of the output file can be set using "output=". The following example generates a file
ABC.NP from a file r1999999.dat3:

> run9 r1file r1999999.dat3 name=NP force output=ABC


> r1file r1999999.dat3 name=NP force output=ABC

Typing the command:


> run9 r1file


> r1file

lists all the options available for use with the r1file program:

Executing "r1file"
FLACS r1file (version 1.0, March 1998)
Copyright 1998, Christian Michelsen Research AS
usage: r1file file_name [options ...]
options (enter in any order after file_name):
name=string variable name
output=string output file name
format=ascii/binary output format
force force overwrite
time=start,finish output time range
monitors=+-::,*,...? monitor point list:
=+- set, add or remove
:: first:last:step, positive numbers
* all (same as : or ::)
, separator
? last character, print monitor map
example "monitors=1:20,-3,5,7,+31,33"
example "monitors=2:10:2,13,19?"

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

6.4 Post-processing of simulation data 201

6.4.2 r3file

The r3file program extracts ASCII data from the FLACS r3-file. It may also process the data in
the r3-file. Considering a job number 999999 the basic command is:

> run9 r3file r3999999.dat3 name=NP force


> r3file r3999999.dat3 name=NP force

The previous command creates an ASCII file named a3999999.NP containing the values of the
variable NP over the entire simulation domain defined in the job number 999999. The option
force overwrites the file a3999999.NP if it already exists.
In addition to the extraction functionalities, the r3file program can process the data of the NF-
DOSE variable. Assuming a job number 999999 and that the file r3999999.dat3 contains outputs
of the variable NFDOSE at regular time intervals (i.e. the time intervals are given by the DTPLOT
variable in the cs999999.dat3 file) the r3file program can compute an average dose. For example,
considering the following command:

> run9 r3file r3999999.dat3 dose=2 name=FDOSE force


> r3file1.3 r3999999.dat3 dose=2 name=FDOSE force

This will produce an average dose over dose∗dtplot seconds which in our case gives a 20 s average
Typing the command

> run9 r3file


> r3file r3999999.dat3

lists all the options available for use with the r3file program:

Starting r3file
FLACS r3file (version 1.3, 2006-03-15)
Copyright 2005, GexCon AS
usage: r3file file_name [options ...]
options (enter in any order after file_name):
name=string variable name
output=string output file name
format=ascii/binary output format
force force overwrite
time=value output at time
interpolate[=0/1] time interpolation

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

202 Utility programs in FLACS

grid[=0/1] grid output

load=n### load rd-file.n###
dump=n### dump rd-file.n###
region=x,X,y,Y,z,Z region of interest
gridfit[=0/1] fit region to grid
dose=integer steps for dose
dose/time=integer steps for dose/time
dtplot=value time between plots
dteps=value time proximity
zero_apor=value apor<value : apor=0
zero_vpor=value vpor<value : vpor=0
small_por=value vpor<value : ?por=0
mix=value mixture mole scale
verbose[=0/1] verbose output

6.4.3 a1file

The a1file program is used to process ASCII files with multicolumn data. Consider a job number
999999 and an ASCII file a1999999.NP containing the pressure measurements at three different
monitor points. The following command writes the time-integrals of the pressure at the three
monitor points:

> run9 a1file a1999999.NP force integrate :1 :2 :3


> a1file a1999999.NP force integrate :1 :2 :3

The integrals are written in the file a1999999.NP.out. Here is another example with the a1file

> run9 a1file a1999999.NP force slope=0.25,0.75


> a1file a1999999.NP force slope=0.25,0.75

The previous example writes the slopes on screen (slope between 0.25 and 0.75 of maximum
value). Finally, the last example shows how to process data by combining columns of the data

> run9 a1file a1999999.NP force integrate :a=1-2


> a1file a1999999.NP force integrate :a=1-2

This last example, writes the time integral of the expression ’data in column 1 minus data in column
2’ into the a1999999.NP.out file.
The following command:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

6.4 Post-processing of simulation data 203

> run9 a1file


> a1file

lists all the options available for use with the a1file program:

Starting a1file
FLACS a1file (version 1.0, 2005-12-31)
Copyright 2005, GexCon AS
usage: a1file file_name [options ...]
options (enter in any order after file_name):
force force overwrite
clamp=start,finish use clamping
clip=start,finish clip data
scale=scale scale data
:1=2-3 calculate and output
:1 just output
slope=low,high calculate slope
integrate calculate integral

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204 Utility programs in FLACS

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 7

Best practice examples

206 Best practice examples

This chapter presents examples and best practice guidelines for FLACS. The examples include
simulations that require specialized versions of FLACS, such as FLACS-Fire or DESC.

7.1 Combined dispersion and explosion simulations with

There are at least three different ways to perform a combined dispersion and explosion simula-
tion in FLACS:

• Run a dispersion simulation where ignition time and position are set before you start
the simulation. If the fuel concentration at the ignition time and position is outside the
flammable region there will be no explosion. With this approach it is not possible to use the
WIND condition because it enforces a fixed velocity, which is not applicable in the explo-
• Run a dispersion simulation, look at the results and decide where and when to have the
ignition, rerun the dispersion simulation with ignition time and position set. Since you
have selected a proper ignition time and position there will be an explosion, but you have
spent a lot of extra time to rerun the complete dispersion simulation. With this approach it
is not possible to use the WIND condition because it enforces a fixed velocity, which is not
applicable in the explosion.
• Run a dispersion simulation, create simulation dump files at selected time instants, look at
the results and restart the simulation from the dump file with time closest to the desired
time of ignition. This gives you the flexibility to select several ignition positions without
having to rerun the dispersion simulations. You can monitor the progress of the dispersion
and decide to create dump files also after the simulation has been started (use the cc-file).
With this approach it is possible to use the WIND condition during the dispersion simula-
tion and to switch it off (change to EULER) for the explosion simulation.

7.2 Simulation Example

7.2.1 Initialization

It is recommended to start out with an empty directory for storing the files. Please note that if you
have followed the previous example in the beginning of this manual, you can skip this section.
Make a distinct directory (DIRECTORY_NAME) in which you perform the exercise:


Move into this directory:


Copy geometry files (notice the space before the ".").

> cp /usr/local/GexCon/FLACS_v9.0/examples/ex3/*00001* .

Start up the FLACS runmanager (this assumes that you have set up an alias run9 that points to :

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.2 Simulation Example 207

> run9 runmanager


1. Make a distinct directory in which you perform the exercise: Open the file browser ("My
Documents") and choose File → New → Folder.
2. Copy files from C:\Program Files\GexCon\FLACS_v9.0\examples\ex3\∗00001∗
(∗00001∗ means all files containing the text "00001").
3. Start the FLACS runmanager by clicking the desktop icon, or go to Start Menu → AllPro-
grams → GexCon → FLACS_v9.0 → FLACS Runmanager.

7.2.2 Wind and Dispersion Simulations

In the run manager, use Add Directory to find the folder that contains the geometry files. Use
Run Manager → Tools → CASD (or click the FLACS pre-processor icon). Open the file 200001.caj
(and ignore any error messages that appear). The geometry is a representation of a full-scale
process module. The dimensions are 28 m × 12 m × 8 m. Scenario

Monitor Points and Output Variables Define a regular pattern of 16 monitor points inside
module (X=3, 9, 15, 21, Y=2, 6 and Z=2, 6).
Measure FMOLE and UVW at monitor points (use SINGLE_FIELD_SCALAR_TIME_OUTPUT).
Remember to use your mouse to select all 16 monitor points.
Measure FMOLE, ER and VVEC for 3D-output (use SINGLE_FIELD_3D_OUTPUT). Remember
to hold the CTRL key while selecting multiple variables for output

Figure 7.1: Specification of Monitor Points

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

208 Best practice examples

Simulation and Output Control Choose NPLOT=0 and DTPLOT = 2.5, CFLC = 100 (increased
due to grid refinement, see below. For more details, see Section X.X.X in the manual) CFLV = 2.
Choose total simulation time TMAX=75.

Boundary Conditions Define Wind inflow from XLO and YLO, 2m/s diagonally [use Wind
Direction (1,1,0)], use Wind Build-up time = 0, NOZZLE at other boundaries.

Figure 7.2: Specification of Wind boundary condition

Initial Conditions Choose initial turbulence low for stability (CHARACTERISTIC_-

SCALE=0.01). Use Reference Height: 10, Surface Roughness: 0.01 (logarithmic wind profile),
and Pasquill class F. Leave the other parameters unchanged.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.2 Simulation Example 209

Figure 7.3: Specification of Initial Conditions

Gas composition Natural gas (91% Methane, 7% Ethane and 2% Propane) and set ER0 = 1e30
(pure gas release), Zero cloud size (no gas initially)

Leak In the leak menu, specify leak position as (X=6m, Y=5.05m, Z=2.38m). Leak direction +X
(use OPEN_SIDES). Start gas dispersion at T=10 seconds, with a duration of 40 seconds. The 10
second start time is chosen so that the wind field can reach steady state.
Click on OUTLET to open a new Window. Use a mass release rate of 4 kg/s through a 0.02m2
leak area. Set relative turbulence intensity = 0.2, turbulence length scale = 10% of leak diameter
= 0.014, Temperature = 20 °C, leave direction cosines as (0, 0, 0).

Ignition Specify an ignition time of 100 seconds (a random value after the end of the simulation
so that FLACS does not try and ignite the gas cloud). Leave the ignition position unspecified.

Gas Monitor Region Define gas monitor region to cover the module (X from 0-28m, Y from
0-12m and Z from 0-8m). Grid

Simulation Volume Choose a simulation domain extending from 32 to 60 (X), -28 to 40 (Y) and
0 to 32 (Z).

Grid Resolution Define a 1.333 m grid resolution in all directions (i.e. 3 grid cells for every 4
m). Stretch the grid from the module to the boundaries (use CTRL and arrow keys, see Section
REF for more details if needed).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

210 Best practice examples

Grid Refinement The grid needs to be refined across the leak in order to make sure that it does
not get strongly diluted. In this case, the area of the leak is 0.02 m2 . According to the requirements
presented in the section Grid guidelines, the area of a control volume near the leak should be
larger than 0.02 m2 but not larger than 0.04 m2. Therefore, in order to optimize the simulation
time, it is decided to refine the grid to 0.2m in Y- and Z-direction around leak. It should be kept
in mind that only the grid cell containing the leak and one neighbour cell on each side need
to be refined and then the grid resolution should be smoothly increased to the prevailing grid
resolution (i.e. 1.333 m). This is shown in the sketch below:

Figure 7.4: Schematic of grid refinement

The following steps should then be followed:

Y-direction Since the leak position is at 5.05 m, we need to manually create grid lines 3/2∗0.2
= 0.3 m from the leak position in both directions, i.e. 4.75 and 5.35 m. Change the grid direction
to Y and use Grid → Add to add these two grid lines. Select these two grid lines using CTRL
and arrow keys (a message in CASD in the yellow box below the geometry can confirm what
grid lines are selected). After selecting these two grid lines, use Grid → Region and enter 3 to
create three grid cells of resolution 0.2 m. The next step is to smooth the grid between the two
significantly different grid resolutions. For this purpose, we select the grid lines between -1.333 m
and 4.95 m. In this way, one fine grid cell is selected and selecting a grid cell 4-5 away provides the
possibility to achieve a reasonably gradual transition (the goal is that the grid resolution should
not be changing by more than 30-40 % from one grid cell to the next). This can be confirmed by
using Grid → Information. Another limitation in this case that we need to keep the grid line at
0 m (and 12 m) intact and therefore, we cannot select a grid cell beyond -1.333 m (and 13.333 m).
After these two grid lines have been selected, use Grid → Smooth. Repeat on the other side when
the grid lines between 5.15 m and 13.333 m are selected. Check Grid → Information to ensure
that the Max. percentage difference factor is acceptable.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.2 Simulation Example 211

Figure 7.5: Grid in Y-direction

Z-direction By a similar logic as above, we need to manually create grid lines at 2.08 and 2.68
m. Change the grid direction to Y and use Grid → Add to add these two grid lines. Select these
two grid lines using CTRL and arrow keys and use Grid → Region and enter 3 to create three
grid cells of resolution 0.2 m. For smoothing in the +Z direction, select the grid lines between
2.48 and 9.333 m and use Grid → Smooth. In the Z direction, it is not possible to use the smooth
command as there is only one large grid cell. In this case, select the grid from 0 m to 2.28 m and
use Grid → Stretch → Negative. Check Grid → Information to ensure that the Max. percentage
difference factor is acceptable.
The last step before starting the simulation is to make a cc-file. In the FLACS runmanager, click
on the dispersion job, click parameters, and edit cc-file and type the following (use capital letters
and extra line shift at the end of cc-file):


This gives 2 dumps at 40 and 55 seconds which can be used to restart the calculations.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

212 Best practice examples

Figure 7.6: Defining the cc file for dispersion simulation Simulation

Start the simulation by clicking on the job and clicking simulate in the runmanager. Results

The most important result from this simulation is the gas cloud distribution. This can be studied
in Flowvis based on the material presented in sections Flowvis examples and Introductory exam-
ple. 2D pictures of the gas cloud at times 40 s and 55 s are shown below. The concentrations are
plotted in the flammable range for natural gas (i.e. between 5 % and 15 % natural gas).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.2 Simulation Example 213

Figure 7.7: Gas cloud distribution in the flammable range at time 40 seconds

Figure 7.8: Gas cloud distribution in the flammable range at time 55 seconds

7.2.3 Explosion Simulations

In order to carry out explosion simulations (ignition of a realistic gas cloud produced as a result
of the release simulated above), copy files to new job (Use CASD to save as a new job number).
We have dumped the dispersion results at two discrete times: 40 s and 55 s. The gas cloud at 40
s is used to start an explosion job.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

214 Best practice examples Scenario and Grid

Use flowvis to find a suitable ignition position e.g. make contour (2D cut plane) of FMOLE or
ER in plane of leak (2.4 m) to find regions where concentration is close to stoichiometric (that is
expected to lead to Worst-case explosion pressure). In this case, based on the figure above, an
ignition position of (23, 4.5, 2.4) was chosen. Certain changes need to be made to the scenario
and the grid to make the job suitable for explosion simulations. The following steps should be

1. Change grid to uniform explosion grid e.g. 0.5 m (stretch from module to boundaries)
2. Simulation and Output Control: Change TMAX to -1, NPLOT = 50, CFLC = 5, CFLV = 0.5.
Change DTPLOT back to -1.
3. Change output variables (both scalar time and 3D): Use P and PROD (it is possible to re-
move the other variables)
4. Change ignition position (use step 2 above) and ignition time (40.05)
5. Save and calculate porosities

After that, the user should click on the job in the runmanager (if it is not visible, click on rescan
directory). Click Parameters and define a cc-file. The cc-file should contain only one line (the
user should remember to include an extra line in the end):


The last step is to generate a new rd file for restarting calculation based on the explosion job. This
transfers all required information from the dispersion grid to the explosion grid.
Linux: In terminal window, type:

> run9 rdfile rdXXXXXX.n001 rdZZZZZZ.n001

where XXXXXX is the dispersion job and ZZZZZZ is the explosion job. The user should make
sure that you are in the correct directory.
Windows: In command window, type:

> rdfile rdXXXXXX.n001 rdZZZZZZ.n001

where XXXXXX is the dispersion job and ZZZZZZ is the explosion job. The user should make
sure that you are in the correct directory.

7.2.4 Simulation

Start the simulation by clicking on the job and clicking simulate in the runmanager.

7.2.5 Results

It is possible to generate results using Flowvis. The scalar time plot of pressure at all monitor
points is shown below. It can be seen that the maximum pressure of 1.3 barg occurs at t = 40.34
second at monitor point 1.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.3 Equivalent Stoichiometric Gas Cloud 215

Figure 7.9: Overpressures at monitor points as a result of the explosion of the dispersed gas cloud
at 40 seconds

7.3 Equivalent Stoichiometric Gas Cloud

7.3.1 General Principles

For a dispersion study following a leak in a process area, the main evaluation parameter is the
size of the flammable gas cloud. In order to evaluate the hazard of a given gas cloud, we have
developed methods used for natural gas in the oil and gas industry that aim at estimating an
equivalent stoichiometric gas cloud with comparable explosion consequences. These methods
have been developed in order to reduce the number of simulations that need to be carried out
in order to do a thorough risk evaluation. The size of the equivalent stoichiometric cloud at the
time of ignition is calculated as the amount of gas in the flammable range, weighted by the con-
centration dependency of the flame speed and expansion. For a scenario of high confinement,
or a scenario where very high flame speeds (faster than speed of sound in cold air) are expected
(either large clouds or very congested situations), only expansion based weighting is used (de-
noted as Q8). For most situations lower flame speeds are expected and the conservatism can be
reduced. Here a weighting of reactivity and expansion is used (denoted as Q9). The Q8 and Q9
equivalent volumes can be defined as:

Q8 = ∑ V × E/Estoich (7.1)

Q9 = ∑ V × BV × E/( BV × E)stoich (7.2)
Here, V is the flammable volume, BV is the laminar burning velocity (corrected for flame wrin-
kling/Lewis number effects), E is volume expansion caused by burning at constant pressure in
air, and the summation is over all control volumes. Thus, Q9 cloud is a scaling of the non-
homogeneous gas cloud to a smaller stoichiometric gas cloud that is expected to give similar
explosion loads as the original cloud (provided conservative shape and position of cloud, and
conservative ignition point). This concept is useful for QRA studies with many simulations, and
has been found to work reasonably well for safety studies involving natural gas releases (NOR-
SOK, 2001). Figure 1 presents the pressure as a function of equivalent stoichiometric volume Q9
for several full-scale experiments carried out by HSE as a part of the Phase 3B project. It can be
seen that the pressure values correlate with the equivalent gas cloud sizes to a reasonable degree.

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216 Best practice examples

Figure 7.10: Overpressures predicted by FLACS as a function of equivalent cloud size compared
with HSE large scale experiments (Phase 3B project).

This concept has also been applied to hydrogen systems for the FZK workshop experiments and
has been found to give reasonably good predictions. Figure 2 shows the explosion pressure plot-
ted as a function of the size of the equivalent gas cloud, along with reference values calculated
by using a stoichiometric gas cloud of the same volume. This figure shows that this approach
gives a very good indication of expected overpressures (without initial turbulence, but with con-
servative cloud position and shape, and ignition location). Comparison with experimental data
revealed that in general, the simulations were able to predict very representative values of over-
pressures for both geometries and all release scenarios. More details can be found in Middha, et
al., 2007.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.3 Equivalent Stoichiometric Gas Cloud 217

Figure 7.11: Overpressures predicted by FLACS in the hood (red) and plate (blue) configurations
for “workshop” experiments carried out by FZK as function of estimated Q9 equivalent cloud
size for ignited leaks. Reference calculations with homogenous stoichiometric gas clouds are

7.3.2 Shape of Equivalent Gas Cloud

As a practical guideline, the user is recommended to choose the shape of the cloud that will give
maximum travel distance from ignition to end of cloud for smaller clouds. For larger clouds,
end ignition scenarios with longer flame travel should also be investigated. The cloud should
be made as a cubical rectangular box with assumed “planes of symmetry” towards confinement.
The aspect ratio for a free cloud should be 1:1:1, for a cloud towards the ceiling 2:2:1, towards
ceiling with one sidewall 2:1:1, etc. For a free jet in a less confined situation, the jet momentum
will usually dominate the mixing of the jet until the hydrogen concentration has become lean
unless the wind is very strong. The cloud should be assumed to be located a small distance
downwind of the jet, if possible conservatively towards obstructions/walls. Alternatively, for
a low momentum release in a confined situation with strong stratification, the cloud should be
assumed to cover full ceiling area (or area between beams). For highly buoyant gases such as
hydrogen, it can always be assumed that a confined and semi-confined cloud is located near the
ceiling or below any other horizontal confinement (a possible deviation from this may be large
liquid hydrogen releases in hot and dry surroundings).

7.3.3 Ignition of Equivalent Gas Cloud

For smaller clouds (flame travel less than 1m to open boundary), ignition with maximum distance
to edges of gas cloud is normally a conservative choice (for a cloud located in a corner, this means
corner ignition, not central ignition). This could be used to represent all scenarios. Alternatively
a distribution of ignition points could be applied. For larger clouds, a homogenous distribution
of ignition positions should be applied. It should be kept in mind that the gas clouds with the
possibility of the longest flame travel are often the most dangerous ones.
For a quantitative explosion risk assessment the explosion simulations should be performed with

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

218 Best practice examples

various idealized clouds of variable size and typically using stoichiometric concentration. For the
purpose of QRA, the distribution of ignition locations should be chosen to represent reality. If
there are one or more highly likely ignition locations that dominate the ignition frequencies, these
may be used. Otherwise, it should be assumed that a constant ignition source might lead to end
ignition (where concentration reaches LFL), whereas intermittent ignition sources will be more
arbitrarily distributed (with higher likelihood centrally in the cloud where concentrations are
above LFL). For stratified clouds, end ignition will mean ignition in the lower end of the cloud.
Two ignition probabilities should generally be established (probability for spontaneous ignition
should also be considered in case of hydrogen):

• PIconst = ignition probability from constant ignition sources (per m3 that is exposed to
flammable gas for the first time in the last 1 second)

• PIintermittent = ignition probability for intermittent ignition sources (per m3 flammable vol-
ume and second)

From the CFD calculations the volume of the gas cloud with concentration between LFL and
UFL will give the volume that may be ignited if exposed to an intermittent ignition source. This
information should thus be related to the intermittent ignition frequencies defined. In the case
of constant ignition source, the Q6 output from FLACS (or similar from another CFD tool) gives
the cloud volume that was exposed to flammable gas concentrations for the first time last sec-
ond. This information should be combined with the probabilities for ignition by constant ignition
sources. Thus for each time step (or each 1s) for each dispersion calculation, the probability for
ignition from spontaneous, intermittent and constant ignition sources should be established, and
this probability should be added to a gas cloud size class (based on corresponding Q8, Q9 or a
If gas cloud becomes rich (in a well mixed state, but more gas available than needed to fill room
with stoichiometric concentration) this may be represented either as a stoichiometric cloud or
as a rich cloud with a slightly higher reactivity than observed. This can be done by using the
flammable volume to establish the volume of the cloud and the flammable mass to establish its

7.3.4 Further Guidelines

As described above, for scenarios (cloud/congestion combinations) with low or moderate con-
gestion (or cloud sizes much smaller than room dimension, e.g. < 10%) where very high flame
speeds can be achieved, one should use Q8 value instead of Q9. To evaluate this, a number of
cloud sizes can be simulated to identify a critical cloud size, Qcrit, for which flame speeds ex-
ceed e.g. 200 m/s. For clouds with Q8 < Qcrit , the weighting procedure above can be applied,
for clouds with Q8 > Qcrit , one should apply the Q8 cloud as representative cloud size. For
vented rooms and other situations with a significant confinement, a weighting between Q8 and
Q9 volumes is suggested.
If the ventilation or a high-momentum leak (jet) creates a significant turbulence in the region
where ignition is expected, this turbulence should be defined as an initial condition for the CFD
solver. The main parameter that should be defined should be turbulent fluctuations (product
of characteristic velocity and turbulence intensity). The turbulent length scale should not be
assigned a too large value (As a guideline, maximum 10% of smallest cloud dimension and max-
imum 50% of grid cell size should be used).

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

7.4 Dispersion simulation with wind 219

7.4 Dispersion simulation with wind

FLACS–Dispersion is a CFD-code for predicting the spread of flammable or toxic gases in com-
plex geometries or terrain, including density effects. GexCon released the first FLACS version
with dispersion capabilities in 1989, and since 2001 it has been possible to purchase dispersion
capabilities. All functionality of FLACS-DISPERSION is also found in the full FLACS version.

7.5 Hydrogen explosions and DDT

FLACS-Hydrogen is a CFD-code for predicting dispersion and explosion scenarios with hydro-
gen gas in complex geometries. Hydrogen has been available as a gas in FLACS since 1989,
and could be purchased as a dedicated tool since 2001. The validity was strongly improved with
FLACS 8.1 in 2005. All functionality of FLACS-Hydrogen can be found in the full FLACS version.
Important changes are carried out for hydrogen combustion properties:

• Modified laminar burning velocity curve, LFL has been reduced to 4%

• Adjustment to include effect of Lewis number (more than normal wrinkling on lean con-
centrations, less than normal wrinkling on rich concentrations)
• Stronger enhancement due to flame wrinkling (3.5 times increase in burning velocity with
distance from ignition point at stoichiometric concentration).
• Normal time step guidelines should be applied, i.e. CLFC=5 and CFLV=0.5

These changes are resulting from the recent active work on validation for hydrogen safety, both
within the activity supported by Norsk Hydro, Statoil and IHI, but also through work within
HYSAFE network. New experiments have become available. Much of the work behind is of
confidential nature, and it is not clear that we can share the validation data with all FLACS users.
However an extensive validation matrix has been simulated and we are quite satisfied with the
results simulating:

• 20m diameter hemispherical hydrogen cloud (large-scale laminar flames)

• 1.4m small-scale channel (different baffles, gas concentration, ignition location)
• 3D corner small-scale pipe arrays (different congestion, gas concentration, ignition)
• 30m tunnel FLAME facility (different venting, baffles, gas concentration)
• And more ...

Based on the results we consider the FLACS V8.1 performance simulating hydrogen comparable
to what is generally seen when simulating other gases.
The laminar diffusivity for hydrogen in FLACS may historically be somewhat too high. This
will only be important in situations with absolutely no turbulence, i.e. mainly in closed vessels
with no ventilation and weak temperature gradients. When discovering the possible error, the
constant was not changed in FLACS. Instead we included a possibility for the user to define the
constant for dynamic laminar viscosity manually through setup-file or KEYS-string in scenario-
The default constant for dynamic laminar viscosity in FLACS is 2.0e-5 (see below), a more correct
value is probably 0.6e-5.


FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

220 Best practice examples

7.5.1 Use normal time step for hydrogen explosion simulations

One important observation done is that you should not change CFLC-number (time step crite-
ria) when simulating deflagrations (explosions) involving hydrogen. We previously (last year)
recommended using a shorter time step for hydrogen simulations (CFLC=0.5), and we also have
been recommending this for far field blast calculations (CFLC=0.5). We have for a long time been
aware that shorter time-step in some situations will give different explosion development. Now
we have seen that results in hydrogen simulations become better keeping the normal time step.
For pressure wave propagation a distance away from the calculation there is a possibility to set
an option in the scenario-file that keeps a short time step when blast wave propagates away from
the explosion (STEP=KEEP_LOW). For multi-block simulations with BLAST solver you may still
need to use a short time step for stability reasons. Note that "STRICT:" is assumed as default
time stepping mode in the new version of Flacs. You may enter "NOSTRICT:" as your choice,
but this is normally not recommended.
For dispersion calculations we still recommend to use long time steps (CFLC=20, CFLV=2). With
local grid refinement (for instance near leak), we also recommend to increase CFLC proportional
to the grid refinement factor: CFLC=20 x CVnormal / CVfine. If stability problems occur (this
may well happen), it is recommended to reduce the CFLC and CFLV numbers by a factor in the
range of 2 - 4.
For explosive and vessel burst calculations it is recommended to use short time steps. The models
for handling explosives are not included in the standard version. It is recommended to set CLFC
and CFLV=0.025 when using BLAST solver, and slightly larger values could be used with FLACS
solver. Vessel burst calculations can be done as a normal FLACS calculation, then CLFC and
CFLV around 0.1 is recommended.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 8

Technical Reference
222 Technical Reference

This chapter contains an overview of the theoretical foundation for the FLACS software, includ-
ing physical and chemical models.

8.1 Definitions and gas thermodynamics

This section presents definitions of gas and mixture parameters and relations for ideal gases.

8.1.1 Definitions

Number of moles of species:

ni = (8.1)
Mole fractions:
Xi ≡ N
∑ i =1 ni
Mass fractions:
Yi ≡ N
∑ i =1 m i
Fuel-oxidant ratio:
( F/O) ≡ (8.4)
Equivalence ratio:
( F/O)
Φ≡ (8.5)
( F/O)stoich
Mixtures of fuel and oxidant are characterised by the equivalence ratio as follows:

Φ > 1 : Fuel rich mixture

Φ = 1 : Stoichiometric mixture
Φ < 1 : Fuel lean mixture

The mixture fraction, ξ, describes the degree of mixing between two well-defined states (0 and 1)
and is defined as follows:
φ − φ0
ξ= 1 (8.6)
φ − φ0
where φ is a general variable.
The progress variable χ tells how much of the potential fuel that has burnt and is defined as
χ= 0 ¡ fuel
1 − Y0
¢ (8.7)
Yfuel + ξ Yfuel fuel

8.1.2 Mixing of several gases

Mole fraction:
Yi /Mi
Xi ≡ N
∑i=1 Yi /Mi
Mass fraction:
X i Mi
Yi ≡ N
∑ i = 1 X i Mi

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

8.2 Stoichiometric reaction 223

8.1.3 Ideal gas relations

Ideal gas law for a mixture:

p = ρRT (8.10)
Ideal gas law for single specie:
pi = ρi Ri T (8.11)
Dalton’s law for a perfect gas:
Ru T
p= ∑ pi = V ∑ ni (8.12)
i =1 i =1
Isentropic ratio:
γ= (8.13)
Speed of sound:
p r
c≡ γRT = γ (8.14)
Mach number:
Ma ≡ (8.15)
¶γ ¶γ/(γ−1) ¶−γ/(γ−1)
µ ¶ µ µ µ
p ρ Y
= = = 1+ Ma2 (8.16)
p0 ρ0 Y0 2

8.2 Stoichiometric reaction

Combustion is oxidation of a fuel accompanied by the production of heat and light. In most
burning processes, air is oxidant. A simple main reaction can be written as:

Cnc Hnh Ono + aO2 → ncCO2 + bH2 O + Q (8.17)

This reaction is stoichiometric because there is neither fuel nor oxidant left after the reaction is
completed. The stoichiometric amount of oxidant on mole basis can be calculated by:

nh no
a = nc + − (8.18)
4 2
The combustion products produced in the reaction are water vapour (H2 O) and carbon dioxide
(CO2 ).
Some relations for mixing fuel with air are listed below. The mole fraction of O2 in air is set to
20.95%, which corresponds to a mass fraction of 23.2%. This is the normal air composition in
FLACS, see Initial conditions .
Stoichiometric oxidant-fuel ratio on mass basis:
rox = a (8.19)
Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio on mass basis:

rair = 1 + rox = 4.31rox (8.20)

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224 Technical Reference

Mass fraction of fuel given an equivalence ratio Φ:

Yfuel = (8.21)
Φ + rair

8.3 Governing equations for fluid flow

This section describes the mathematical model for compressible fluid flow used in FLACS.
Conservation of mass:
∂ ∂ ¡ ¢ ṁ
( β v ρ) + β j ρu j = (8.22)
∂t ∂x j V
Momentum equation:

∂ ∂ ¡ ¢ ∂p ∂ ¡ ¢
( β v ρui ) + β ρu u = − β v + β σ + Fo,i + β v Fw,i + β v (ρ − ρ0 ) gi , (8.23)
∂t ∂x j j i j ∂xi ∂x j j ij

where Fw,i is flow resistance due to walls and Fo,i is flow resistance due to sub-grid obstructions:
¯ ¯
¯ ∂β ¯
Fo,i = −ρ ¯¯ ¯ u |u | (8.24)
∂xi ¯ i i

σij is the Stress tensor.

Transport equation for enthalpy:
à !
∂ ∂ ¡ ∂ µ ∂h Dp Q̇
β j eff
( β v ρh) + β ρu h = + βv + (8.25)
∂t ∂x j j j ∂x j σh ∂x j Dt V

Transport equation for fuel mass fraction:

à !
∂ ∂ ¡ ∂ µ ∂Yfuel
β j eff
( β v ρYfuel ) + β j ρu j Yfuel = + Rfuel (8.26)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σfuel ∂x j

where Rfuel is the fuel reaction rate, which will be handled in combustion modelling.
Transport equation for the mixture fraction:
à !
∂ ∂ ¡ ∂ µ ∂ξ
β j eff
( β v ρξ ) + β ρu ξ = (8.27)
∂t ∂x j j j ∂x j σξ ∂x j

Transport equation for turbulent kinetic energy:

à !
∂ ∂ ¡ ∂ µ ∂k
β j eff
( β v ρk) + β j ρu j k = + β v Pk − β v ρε (8.28)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σk ∂x j

Transport equation for the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy:

à !
∂ ∂ ¡ ¢ ∂ µeff ∂ε ε2
( β v ρε) + β j ρu j ε = βj + β v Pε − C2 β v ρ (8.29)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σε ∂x j k

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8.3 Governing equations for fluid flow 225

The stress tensor in the above equations is given by:

à ! µ ¶
∂ui ∂u j 2 ∂uk
σij = µeff + − δij ρk + µeff (8.30)
∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xk

The effective viscosity is defined as follows:

µeff = µ + ρCµ , (8.31)
where the second term is known as the turbulent viscosity or eddy viscosity.
Flow shear stresses, Gs , wall shear stresses, Gw , buoyancy, Gb , and sub-grid objects, Go contribute
to the production of turbulent kinetic energy Pk :

Pk = Gs + Gw + Gb + Go (8.32)

The production rate of turbulent kinetic energy due to shear stresses appears from the derivation
of the transport equation and reads:
Gs = σij i (8.33)
∂x j
Production due to buoyant forces modelled by a simple gradient model:

1 µeff ∂ρ
Gb = − g (8.34)
ρ σb i ∂xi

The turbulence generation due to sub-grid obstructions is modelled by:

Go = Co β v ρ |~u| u2i f i (8.35)

where Co is a model constant and f i is a parameter depending on sub-grid objects.

The production of dissipation, Pε , is modelled as follows:

k ³ ´
Pε = C1ε Pk 1 + C3ε R f (8.36)
where the model for the buoyancy term follows Rodi (1980):

Gb |~u × ~g|
Rf = − (8.37)
Pk |~u| |~g|

In FLACS, the buoyancy terms Gb and R f are zero when products are present.

8.3.1 Turbulence model

Turbulence is modelled by a two-equation model, the k − ε model. It is an eddy viscosity model

that solves two additional transport equations; one for turbulent kinetic energy and one for dis-
sipation of turbulent kinetic energy. Following Boussinesq eddy viscosity assumption, an eddy
viscosity models the Reynolds stress tensor as follows:
à !
00 00 ∂ui ∂u j 2
− ρug
i u j = µeff + − ρ kδij (8.38)
∂x j ∂xi 3

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

226 Technical Reference

A few constants are included in the equations mentioned above. In FLACS, the following set of
constants is used, which agree with the model of Launder and Spalding (1974):
Cµ C1ε C2ε C3ε
0.09 1.44 1.92 0.8

In addition, there is a set of turbulent Prandtl-Schmidt numbers, σφ . Prandtl-Schmidt numbers

tells about the diffusion of the variable in question compared to the dynamic viscosity. The
turbulent Prandtl-Schmidt numbers are:
σh σfuel σξ σk σε σb
0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.3 0.9

8.4 Wall functions

Boundary layers are regions in the flow field close to walls and obstructions where there are
steep gradients and peak values for turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. Very close
to the wall surface dominates viscous forces over inertial effects. The motivation for using wall-
functions is to model the influence of the wall at a point a certain distance from the wall.
A dimensionless wall distance is defined by:

ρCµ1/4 k1/2 y
y+ = , (8.41)
where y is the distance from the wall point to the wall. Wall point is defined as the point closest to
the wall where transport equations are solved. The shear stresses caused by the wall are modelled
by:  u
 µy
 i
if y+ < E+
1/4 1/2
τw,i = ρui κCµ k
´ if y+ ≥ E+
 κE+ +ln y+
 ³

Then wall friction term in the momentum equation becomes:

Fw,i = − β v τw,i (8.43)

Production of turbulent kinetic energy in the wall point is modelled by:

if y+ < E+

 0
2 |~ 1/4 1/2
Gw = 2τ u | κC k (8.44)
w µ
³ +´
if y+ ≥ E+
 +
κE +ln

Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy is given a value at the wall point by solving the following
Z ycv
εw = εdy (8.45)
ycv 0
The integral is estimated by:
 ³ ´
 y1cv ρy + ε̄(ycv − y)
 if y+ < E+
εw =
µ h ¶
ky+ Cµ3/4 k3/2
³ +
´³ ´i ³ ´
1 y k +1 − k
 ycv 2µ ρyE+ − E+ − 1

ρ(y −y)
+ κ ln E+
+ ε̄(ycv − y) if y+ ≥ E+

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

8.5 Wind boundary 227

k +1 denotes the value of k and y+1 denotes the wall distance in the point beyond the wall point
in the opposite direction of the wall. ε̄ denotes the mean value of ε between the cell point and the
control volume boundary in the opposite direction of the wall.

8.5 Wind boundary

Wind boundaries reproduces the properties of the atmospheric boundary layer close to Earth’s
surface. Monin and Obukhov (1954) developed a theory to explain buoyancy effects on the at-
mospheric boundary layer and defined a charcteristic lenght scale:

ρ a c p Ta u∗3
L=− (8.47)

where Hs is the sensible heat flux from the surface and u∗ is the friction velocity. The Monin-
Obukov length is a measure for the stability of the atmospheric boundary layer. Table Monin-
Obukhov lengths and stability shows an interprentation of the Monin-Obukhov lenths with re-
spect to the atmospheric stability. (Bosch and Veterings, 1996)

Monin-Obukhov length Stability

Small negative, −100m < L0 Very unstable
Large negative, −105 < L < −100 Unstable /tr>
Very large, | L| > 105 Neutral
Large positive, 10 < L < 10 5 Stable
Small positive, 0 < L < 10 Very stable
Table 8.1: Monin-Obukhov lengths and stability.

In FLACS, the Monin-Obukhov length is estimated by using Pasquill classes, which is a method
of categorizing the amount of atmospheric turbulence present. The user have to give average
wind velocity, U0 , a reference height, zre f , an atmospheric roughness length, z0 and the Pasquill
class under Initial conditions. The velocity profile is logarithmic:
( ∗ ³ ´
u z + z0
ln z0 if z0 > 0
U (z) = κ (8.48)
U0 if z0 = 0

where, u∗ , the friction velocity. u∗ is generally given by:

´ U0 κ

 ³z
re f
if L > 0
ln + L5 (zre f −z0 )

∗ z0
u = U´0 κ (8.49)
 ³z
re f
if L < 0
−ψ1 −ψ2

ln z0

At present two friction velocities are used in FLACS. The expression in the friction velcoc-
ity equation above is used for k and ε. For velocity is the following friction velocity used:
u∗ = U0 κ/ ln(zre f /z0 ). This is due to the development history of FLACS, where a logritmic
velocity profile was implemented before the profiles for the turbulence parameters.

Table Wind profile parameters below gives an overview of parameters that are used to calculate
values for velocity, k, and ε at wind boundaries. ψ1 and ψ2 in the equation for the friction velocity

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

228 Technical Reference

are given by:

µ ¶
1 + ψ3 1 ³ ´ π
ψ1 = 2 ln + ln 1 + ψ32 − 2 arctan (ψ3 ) + (8.50)
2 2 2
µ ¶
1 + ψ4 1 ³ ´ π
ψ2 = 2 ln + ln 1 + ψ42 − 2 arctan (ψ4 ) + (8.51)
2 2 2
16zre f 1/4
µ ¶
ψ3 = 1− (8.52)
16z0 1/4
µ ¶
ψ4 = 1− (8.53)

Pasquill class Stability Boundary layer Ls zs

height, h
A Unstable 1500 m 33.162 m 1117 m
B Unstable 1500 m 33.258 m 11.46 m
C Slightly 1000 m 51.787 m 1.324 m
D Neutral 0.3u∗ Lf 1.0 m 0m
q ∗
E Slightly stable 0.4 u f L -48.33 m 0 1.262 m
q ∗
F Stable 0.4 u f L -31.323 m 0 19.36 m
Table 8.2: Wind profile parameters. Values for Ls and zs are taken
from Bosch and Wetering (1996) and orginates from the graphs of
Golder (1972). Values for h are taken from Han et al. (2000).

From the values in the wind profile parameters table, the Monin-Obukhov length can be calcu-
lated as follows (Golder, 1972):
1 1 z0
= log (8.54)
L Ls zs

The set of expressions for the wind boundary profiles for turbulent kinetic energy, k, and its
dissipation, ε proposed by Han et al. (2000) are implemented in FLACS. Different experssions
were proposed for for unstable and stable/neutral boundary layers. Unstable boundary layers
are caused by heat from the ground that increases the temperature of the air close to the surface.
Hence, the density close to the surface is less than the density of the air above, which gives an
unstable situation. The mean surface heat flux, q̇s , is therefore an important parameter when the
turbulence profiles at the inlet is estimated for unstable boundary layers. The inlet profiles for
ustable boundary layers (A, B, and C) are:

∗2 + 0.85u∗2 1 − 3 z 2/3
( ¡ ¢
0.36w L ¢ ´ if z ≤ 0.1h
k(z) = ³
2/3 2 (8.55)
0.36 + 0.9 hz 1 − 0.8 hz w∗2 if z > 0.1h
¡ ¢ ¡

and 
u ∗3
³ ¯ ¯2/3 ´3/2
1 + 0.5 ¯ Lz ¯ if z ≤ 0.1h

ε(z) = κz (8.56)
w ∗3
0.8 − 0.3 hz
¡ ¢

h if z > 0.1h
where the heat velocity , w∗ , is given by:
µ ¶1/3
∗ gq̇s h
w = (8.57)
T0 ρc p

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

8.6 Combustion modelling 229

where the air properties, ρ, and c p are obtained at ambient temperature T0 and pressure p0 .
Profiles for neutral and stable boundary layers depend on the friction velocity and the Monin-
Obukhov length as follows:
6u∗2 if z ≤ 0.1h
k(z) = ¢1.75 (8.58)
6u∗2 1 − hz
if z > 0.1h

u ∗3
1.24 + 4.3 Lz
¡ ¢
if z ≤ 0.1h
ε(z) = κz
u ∗3
¢3/2 (8.59)
1.24 + 4.3 Lz 1 − 0.85 hz
¡ ¢¡
κz if z > 0.1h

8.6 Combustion modelling

Ignition of a premixed cloud of fuel and oxidant may escalate to an explosion. Before escalation,
a steady non-turbulent premix of fuel and oxidant will burn with a laminar burning velocity:

S0L = S0L (fuel, Φ) (8.60)

The laminar burning velocity depends on the fuel and the equivalence ratio Φ. For mixtures with
fuel contents below the Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) or above the Upper Flammability Limit
(UFL), the laminar burning velocity equals zero, i.e. it will not burn. In an explosion, the flame
will accelerate and become turbulent. The turbulent burning velocity is much larger than the
laminar one due to much better mixing of reactants and products. FLACS uses correlations for
both laminar and turbulent burning velocities that origin from experimental work.
In industrial applications, the reaction zone in a premixed flame is thin compared to practical grid
resolutions. It is therefore necessary to model the flame. In FLACS, the flame zone is thickened by
increasing the diffusion with a factor β and reducing the reaction rate with a factor 1/β. Hence,
the flame model in FLACS is called the β-model.

8.6.1 The FLACS flame model

The diffusion coefficient D for fuel comes from the transport equation for fuel:
D= (8.61)

Furthermore, it is possible to define a dimensionless reaction rate W. In the β-model, D and W

are adjusted as follows:

l LT
W∗ = W
=W (8.62)
β ∆g
D∗ = Dβ =D (8.63)
l LT

From an eigenvalue analysis of the burning velocity (Arntzen, 1998), the following relation be-
tween the diffusion coefficient D and a dimensionless reaction rate W is obtained for χq = 0.05:

WD = 1.37Su2 = W ∗ D ∗ (8.64)

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230 Technical Reference

χq is the quenching limit of the progress variable χ. D ∗ and W ∗ depend on the grid size and the
burning velocity as follows:
W∗ = c1β (8.65)
D∗ = c1β Su ∆ g Dβ (8.66)

The reaction rate of fuel is modelled by the following expression:

Rfuel = −W ∗ ρ min δH (χ − χq ), χ, 9 − 9χ
¡ ¢

where δH is the Heaviside step function.

8.6.2 Burning velocity model

The burning velocity is laminar when the flame is smooth and governed by molecular diffu-
sion. This is typically the case in the very early phase of an explosion (e.g. spark ignition of
a combustible cloud under quiescent conditions). A short period of time after the ignition, the
flame becomes quasi-laminar when instabilities lead to wrinkling of the flame. After a transition
period, the flame reaches the turbulent regime.
The laminar burning-velocity depends on the type of fuel, fuel-air mixture and pressure. For each
fuel, the laminar burning velocities at different equivalence ratios are tabulated. The laminar
burning-velocity of a mixture of fuels is estimated by taking the volume-weighted average. The
pressure dependency on the laminar burning velocity is described as:
µ ¶γP
S L = S0L , (8.68)
where γP is a fuel dependent parameter. In the quasi-laminar regime, the turbulent burning
velocity is given by:
S LQ = S L + 8S0.284
L u00.912 l˜0.196
I (8.69)
The correlation for the turbulent burning velocity ST is a simplification of a general expression
presented by Bray (2000) and reads:

ST = 15S0.784
L u00.412 l˜0.196
I (8.70)

FLACS selects burning velocity as follows:

¡ ¡ ¢¢
Su = max S L min SQL , ST (8.71)

8.7 Modelling of jet sources

To model the conditions of a pressurised reservoir which is gradually emptied through a nozzle,
a simple procedure may be utilised which calculates the sonic flow rate through the nozzle. By
assuming isenthalpic expansion, it is possible to calculate expansion of a sonic flow analytically.
Further air entrainment can be accounted for using simplifying assumptions. Finally, the calcu-
lated mass flow mixes in a well-stirred reactor with a constant volume and a constant ventilation
rate. Additional values for the turbulence quantities must be calculated in order to use the data
Calculation of 5 stage analytic dispersion:

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

8.7 Modelling of jet sources 231

1. Reservoir (stagnation)
2. Nozzle (sonic)
3. Jet (outlet)
4. Air entrainment
5. Well-stirred reactor

Let Θ(u, h, T, p, ρ, A) be a vector describing the necessary leakage parameters, then

• Θ a refers to the ambient condition,

• Θ2 refers to the outlet condition,
• Θ1 refers to the nozzle condition and
• Θ0 refers to the stagnation condition.

Initial reservoir conditions:

Pressure: p0 is specified.
Temperature: T0 is specified
Volume: V0 is specified
Density: ρ0 = RT00
Total mass: m0 = ρ0 V0
Heat exchange coefficient: hwall is =specified.

Reservoir conditions at time t + dt:

Total mass: m0,t+dt = m0 − ṁ1 dt
Temperature: T0,t+dt = T0 − ( Q̇0 + ṁ1 h1 )dt
Wall heat flux: Q̇ = hwall ( T0 − Twall )
Density: ρ0 = m0 /V0
Pressure: p0 = ρ0 RT0

Nozzle (sonic) conditions:

Effective nozzle area: A1 is specified.
Temperature: T1 = T0 (2/(γ + 1))
Pressure: p1 = p0 ( T1 /T0 )γ/(γ−1)
Density: ρ1 = RT1
1 √
Sound speed: c1 = γRT1
Velocity: u1 = c1
Enthalpy: h1 = c p T1
Mass flow: ṁ1 = ρ1 u1 A1

Jet (outlet) conditions:

p1 − p2
Velocity: u2 = u1 − ρ1 u1
Enthalpy: h2 = h1 + 12 (u21 − u22 )
u2 − u2
Temperature: T2 = T1 + 12 1c p 2
Pressure: p2 = p a
Density: ρ2 = RT22
ρ u
Effective outlet area: A2 = A1 ρ12 u12
Mass flow: ṁ1 = ρ1 u1 A1

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232 Technical Reference

Air entrainment condition:

Pressure: p3 = p a
Temperature: T3 = Ta
Density: ρ3 = RT33
Velocity: u3 = u2 f2
ρ u
Effective area: A3 = A2 ρ32 u32
Mass flow: ṁ3 = ρ3 u3 A3

Well-stirred reactor condition:

Volume: V4 is specified.
Ventilation rate: V̇air is specified.
Incremented fuel mass: mfuel = mfuel + ṁfuel d f
Incremented air mass: mair = mair + ṁair d f
Incremented mixture mass: mmix = mfuel + mair
Density: ρ4 = V +(Vmmix
4 fuel +Vair ) dt
Total mass inside volume: m4 = V4 ρ4
Fuel mass: mfuel,t+dt = m4 m
Air mass: mair,t+dt = m4 mmair

8.8 Numerical Schemes

FLACS is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code solving the compressible conservation
equations on a 3D Cartesian grid using a finite volume method. The conservation equations
for mass, momentum, enthalpy, and mass fraction of species, closed by the ideal gas law, are
included. The conservation equations can be represented in general as:
à !
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
(ρφ) + (ρui φ) − ρΓφ (φ) = Sφ (8.72)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j

The in-house development started around 1980, primarily aimed at simulating the dispersion
of flammable gas in process areas, and subsequent explosions of gas-air mixtures. Hjertager
(1985, 1986) describes the basic equations used in the FLACS model, and Hjertager, Bjørkhaug &
Fuhre (1988) present the results of explosion experiments to develop and validate FLACS initially.
During the course of more than 25 years of development and evaluation of the FLACS software,
the numerical methods have been steadily modified and revised.
The inherent capability of FLACS has been performing explosion and dispersion calculations
to help in the improvement of oil and gas platform safety with initial focus on the North Sea.
Significant experimental validation activity has contributed to the wide acceptance of FLACS as
a reliable tool for prediction of natural gas explosions in real process areas offshore and onshore.
The numerical model uses a second order scheme for resolving diffusive fluxes and a second-
order κ scheme (hybrid scheme with weighting between 2∧ {nd} order upwind and 2∧ {nd} order
central difference, with delimiters for some equations) to resolve the convective fluxes.
The time stepping scheme used in FLACS is a first order backward Euler scheme. Second order
schemes in time have been implemented, but are generally not used due to short time steps.
Based on extensive validation, guidelines for time stepping have been established in order to
get accurate results. These are based on CFL-numbers based on speed of sound (CFLC) and
flow velocity (CFLV). For explosion calculations CFLC=5 and CFLV=0.5 must be applied (which
means that the pressure can propagate 5 cells and the flow 0.5 cells in each time step) to achieve

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

8.9 Linux Quick Reference 233

good results. For dispersion calculations, the guidelines are less strict as the results do not depend
much on the time steps. Normally it is recommended to increase the time steps by a factor of 4
(CFLC=20 and CFLV=2). When grid is refined near leak, it is also recommended to ignore the
refined region (i.e. multiply CFLC-number with the refinement factor).
The SIMPLE pressure correction algorithm is applied (Patankar, 1980), and extended to handle
compressible flows with additional source terms for the compression work in the enthalpy equa-
tion. Iterations are repeated until a mass residual of less than 10−4 is obtained.

8.9 Linux Quick Reference

This section summarises some relevant information for users that run FLACS under the Linux
operating system. Further information concerning Linux may be found at e.g.

8.9.1 Distributions

FLACS work on most recent Linux distrobutions. An updated list of distributions, on which
FLACS v9.0 has been tested, is given in Hardware and Software requirements.

8.9.2 Desktop environments

FLACS works independently of the Desktop environment. The most popular environments are:

• Gnome

Most of the developers at GexCon prefer KDE.

8.9.3 Shell

A command shell is command line interface computer program to an operating system (OS). The
most popular shells are:

• bash , setup file in home directory: .bashrc

• C shell , setup file in home directory: .cshrc

8.9.4 Text editors

To create, read, write, or edit text files, e.g. Flacs input file the user must know how to use a text
editor. Recommended text editors are:

• vi / vim
• Emacs
• gedit
• kate

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

234 Technical Reference


With Emacs: Remember to have an empty line at the end of the file. VIM adds an extra line

Notepad++ is recommended if you like to edit your text file in Windows. Notepad++ does
not change your text file, which can be the case for other editors.

8.9.5 Communication with other computers

• ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing com-
mands on a remote machine.
• scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh for data transfer.
• ftp is the user interface to the Internet standard File Transfer Protocol. The program allows
a user to transfer files to and from a remote network site.

8.9.6 Help in Linux

Most commands in Linux have related manual pages. These can be displayed by:

> man <command>

For instance:

> man ls

The help and info commands provide less extensive outputs than man, whereas apropos also
includes the man output for related commands. Most commands do also show help by writing

> <command> --help

For instance

> r1file --help

8.9.7 Useful commands

Recent commands are saved in a history file, located in the users home directory, and it is listed
with the command:

> history

User can define aliases. The alias commands are usually wanted to be executed every time a
shell is used and are therefore usually added to the shell setup-file (.bashrc or .cshrc). alias can
be used to make new short-cuts or to change output of already existing commands. The alias
syntax differ slightly from shell to shell. See:

> man alias

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

8.9 Linux Quick Reference 235

The cd command changes the working directory:

> cd DIR

To move to the parent directory:

> cd ..

ls lists contents of directories:

> ls

There are a lot of options to the ls command. See

> man ls

Other frequently used commands:

• chgrp : Changes group.

• chmod : Changes permissions.
• chown : Changes ownership.
• cp : Copies files from one place to another, or duplicates one file under a different name.
• diff : Compare files line by line.
• df : Keeps track of your hard disk space.
• du : Lists the file sizes in kilobyte.
• exit : Ends the application.
• find : Looks for files with particular content.
• free : Outputs the amount of free RAM on the system.
• grep : Finds words in files.
• gunzip : Expands files.
• gzip : Compresses files.
• kill : Terminates a process.
• less : Views file contents.
• mkdir : Creates directories.
• more : Views file contents.
• mv : Moves or renames files.
• ps : Lists running processes on the system.
• pwd : Prints the path of the working directory.
• rm : Deletes files permanently.
• rmdir : Deletes empty directories.
• tail : Views the last part of a file. It is an useful command for monitoring Flacs running
• tar : Assembles files into a package and extract a package.
• top : Provides live summary of running processes.
• | : Pipe command, used together with other commands.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

236 Technical Reference

8.9.8 Permissions

Permissions are best showed by an example with a directory containing only one file (file.txt)
and one directory (DIR). ls -al gives the following results:

drwxr-sr-x 2 idar gexcon 4096 2008-05-17 13:01 DIR/

-rw-r--r-- 1 idar gexcon 102030 2008-05-17 14:01 file.txt


• -rw-r-r- indicates the file permissions.

• 1 indicates that there is one file.
• idar indicates that the file belongs to the user idar.
• gexcon indicates the group.
• 102030 is the size of the file in bytes.
• 2008-05-17 indicates the date the file was created/modified/moved.
• 14:01 indicates the time the file was created/modified/moved.
• file.txt is the file name.

The first character in file persmission is ’d’ if it is a directory and ’-’ else. The next nine characters
indicate the permissions, where the first three are for the user that owns the file, the next three
are for the group, and the last three are for others. There are three possible attributes:

• r : Read permission.
• w : Write permission.
• x : Execute permission.

In the example,


only the user has both read and write permission, i.e. can modify the file. Members of the group
and others can read the file.

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 9

238 Nomenclature

9.1 Roman letters

A Area m2
a Moles of O2 in a stoichiometric reaction -
c Speed of sound ms−1
cp Specific heat capacity at constant pressure JK−1 kg−1
cv Specific heat capacity at constant volume JK−1 kg−1
C1ε Constant in the k − ε equation; typically C1ε = 1.44 -
C2ε Constant in the k − ε equation; typically C2ε = 1.92 -
C3ε Constant in the k − ε equation; typically C3ε = 0.8 -
CD Drag coefficient -
Cµ Constant in the k − ε equation; typically Cµ = 0.09 -
d Diameter m
D Diffusion coefficient m2 s − 1
f Sub-grid obstructions turbulence generation factor -
E+ Constant in wall functions; typically E+ = 11 -
F Force N
FD Drag force N
Fw Wall friction force N
F/O Fuel-oxidant ratio, see definition -
g, ~g Gravitational acceleration (scalar, vector) ms−2
h Specific enthalpy Jkg−1
h Heat transfer coefficient WK−1 m2
h Height of the atmospheric mixing layer m
Ip Pressure impulse Pa · s
IT Relative turbulence intensity -
k Turbulent kinetic energy m2 s − 2
L Monin-Obukhov length scale m
l Length m
l LT Mixing length in the β-model, l LT = Cµ k3/2 ε−1 m
M, Mk Molecular weight of a mixture, specie kgmol−1
m Mass kg
ṁ Mass rate kgs−1
N Total number density -
n Number density -
p Absolute pressure Pa
p0 Ambient pressure Pa
P Gauge pressure, overpressure Pa, bar
Q Heat J
Q̇ Heat rate Js−1
R, Rk Gas constant of a mixture, specie R = Ru /M Jkg−1 K−1
Ru Universal gas constant 8.314
Jmol−1 K−1
Rfuel Reaction rate for fuel kgm−3 s−1
r Radius m
rox Stoichiometric fuel-oxidant ratio on mass basis -
rair Stoichiometric fuel-air ratio on mass basis -
SL Laminar burning velocity ms−1
SQL Quasi-laminar burning velocity ms−1
ST Turbulent burning velocity ms−1
T Absolute temperature K
t Time s

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

9.3 Subscripts 239

U0 Reference, characteristic velocity ms−1

ui , ~u Mean velocity (ith component, vector) ms−1
u0 Root mean square of velocity ms−1
u∗ Friction velocity ms−1
V Volume m3
V̇ Volume rate m3 s − 1
W∗ Dimensionless reaction rate -
X Mole fraction -
x Length coordinate m
Y Mass fraction -
y Wall distance m
y+ Dimensionless wall distance in wall functions -
z Distance above the ground m
z0 Aerodynamical roughness length m

9.2 Greek letters

α Volume fraction -
α Thermal diffusivity m2 s − 1
β Transformation factor in the β-model, see The FLACS flame model -
βi Area porosity in the i th direction -
βv Volume porosity -
γ Isentropic ratio -
γp Pressure exponent for the laminar burning velocity, see correlation. -
∆ Control volume length m
δH Heaviside step function. δH ( a − b) = 1 if a ≥ b. δH ( a − b) = 0 if a < b. -
δij Kronecker delta function, δij = 1 if i = j. δij = 0 if i 6= j. -
ε Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy m2 s − 3
εg Surface roughness m
ζ Surface tension Nm−1
κ Von Karman constant; typically κ = 0.41. -
λ Conductivity Wm−1 K−1
µ Dynamic viscosity Pa · s
µt Dynamic turbulent viscosity Pa · s
µeff Effective viscosity, µeff = µ + µt Pa · s
ν Kinematic viscosity m2 s − 1
ξ Mixture fraction -
ρ Density kgm−3
σ Prandtl-Schmidt number, see overview. -
σij Stress tensor, see equation. Nm−2
τ Time scale s
τe Integral time scale in turbulent flows s
τw Wall shear stress Nm−2
Φ Equivalence ratio, see definition. -
φ General variable -
χ Progress variable, see definition. -

9.3 Subscripts

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

240 Nomenclature

a Ambient -
cv Control volume -
D Drag -
g Ground -
f Flow -
i Specie index, spatial index -
j Spatial index -
L Laminar -
n Control volume index -
o Sub-grid objects -
p Particle -
stoich Stochiometric -
T Turbulent -
v Volume -
w Wall -

9.4 Dimensionless groups

Bi Biot number, Bi = λ pp . -
Da Damköhler number, Da = τ τe . -
Fr Froude number, Fr = inertial force = l 2ug . -
gravity force
α Sc
Le Lewis number, Fr = D = λρc p D = Pr -
Ma Mach number, Ma = c -
Nu Nusselt number, Nu = hl λ µcp -
Pr Prandtl number, Pr = αν = λ -
Reynolds number, Re = inertial force = µ
Re -
Sc Schmidt number, Sc = Dν = ρD -
St Stokes number, St = τf -
inertial force ρu2 d p
We Weber number, We = = -
surface tension force ζ

9.5 Abbreviations

AIT Auto Ignition Temperature -

CAD Computer Aided Design -
CASD Computer Aided Scenario Design -
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics -
CFL Courant-Friedrichs-Levy -
CFU Central Processing Unit -
CMR Christian Michelsen Research -
CP8 Complex Polyhedron -
CV Control Volume -
DDT Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition -
DESC Dust Explosion Simulation Code -
DNS Direct Numerical Simulation -
ER Equivalence Ratio -
FLACS FLame ACceleration Simulator -
GTC General Truncated Cone -
HSL Health and Safety Laboratory -

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

9.6 FLACS variables 241

HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning -

LES Large Eddy Simulation -
LFL Lower Flammability Limit -
MIE Minimum Ignition Energy -
PI Ignition Probability -
QRA Quantitative Risk Analyses -
RAM Random Access Memory -
UFL Upper Flammability Limit -

9.6 FLACS variables

CFLC CFL number based on speed of sound -

CFLV CFL number based on flow velocity -
CS Speed of sound, c ms−1
DPDT Rate of pressure rise, dt Pas−1
EPK Turbulence ratio, kε s−1
EPS Dissipaton of turbulent kinetic energy, ε m2 s − 3
( F/O)
EQ Equivialence ratio, finite bounded, EQ = ( F/O)+( F/O) -
ER Equivialence ratio,¯ Φ¯ -
Rt¯ ¯
DIMP Drag impulse, 0 ¯~FD ¯ dt Pa · s
¯ ¯
DRAG Drag value, ¯~FD ¯ Pa
¯ ¯
FDOSE Dose, integral of mole fraction of fuel, o Xfuel dt s
FLUX Mass flux, ṁ
A kgm−2 s−1
FMIX Mixture fraction, ξ -
FMOLE Mole fraction of fuel, Xfuel -
FUEL Mass fraction of fuel, Yfuel -
FVAR Variance of mixture fraction, ξ¯2 -
GAMMA Isentropic gas constant, γ -
H Enthalpy, h Jkg−1
K Turbulent kinetic energy, k Jkg−1
LT Turbulent length scale, (output), l LT m
MACH Mach number, Ma -
MU Effective dynamic viscosity, µeff Pa · s
NUSSN Nusselt number, Nu -
OX Mass fraction of oxygen, YO2 -
P Gauge pressure, overpressure, P bar
PIMP Pressure impulse, t 2 Pdt bar · s
PMAX Maximum over pressure, Pmax bar
PROD Mass fraction of products, Yprod bar
RET Turbulent Reynolds number, µtLT -
RFU Combustion rate, Rfuel kgm−3 s−1
RHO Density, ρ kgm−3
RTI Relative turbulence intensity (input), IT -
T Temperature, T K
TAUWX Wall shear stress in x direction, τw,1 Nm−2
TAUWY Wall shear stress in y direction, τw,2 Nm−2
TAUWZ Wall shear stress in z direction, τw,3 Nm−2
TLS Turbulence lenght scale (input), l LT m
TURB Root mean square of velocity, u0 ms−1

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

242 Nomenclature

TURBI Relative turbulence intensity (output), IT -

U Velocity component in x direction, u1 ms−1
UDIMP Drag impulse in x direction, 0 FD,1 dt Pa · s
UDRAG Drag value in x direction, | FD,1 | Pa
UFLUX Mass flux in x direction, ρu1 kgm−2 s−1
UVW Absolute value of velocity, |~u| ms−1
V Velocity component in y direction, u2 ms−1
VDIMP Drag impulse in y direction, 0 FD,2 dt Pa · s
VDRAG Drag value in y direction, | FD,2 | Pa
VFLUX Mass flux in y direction, ρu2 kgm−2 s−1
VVEC Velocity vector, ~u ms−1
W Velocity component in z direction, u3 ms−1
WDIMP Drag impulse in z direction, 0 FD,3 dt Pa · s
WDRAG Drag value in z direction, | FD,3 | Pa
WFLUX Mass flux in z direction, ρu3 kgm−2 s−1

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

Chapter 10

244 References

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FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


a1file, 202 delete instance, 51

abbreviations, 240 delete subtree, 51
Aerodynamic roughness length, 77 diffuse leak, 86
air leak, 87 Dissipation, transport equation, 224
ASCII file, 200–202 dose, 124
assembly, 45 dumpfile, reading old, 111
average pressure, 124
axis show, 55 Enthalpy, transport equation, 224
Equivalence ratio , 222
best practice, 206 equivalent stoichiometric gas cloud, 87
beta model, 229 error, 153
blank, 47 example, 20, 180
block, 103 export, Flowvis , 163
Boundary conditions, 70 exporting geometry CASD, 106
Boundary, Bernoulli, 70
Boundary, Eqchar, 70 fan leak type, 87
Boundary, Euler, 70, 71 Flame model, 229
Boundary, Nozzle, 70, 71 flash, 195
Boundary, Plane Wave, 70 Flowvis, 156
Boundary, Symmetry, 70 Fluid flow equations, 224
Boundary, Wind, 70, 72, 227 font settings, 179
bugs and problems in CASD, 110 Fuel lean mixture, 222
Burning velocity, 230 Fuel rich mixture, 222
Fuel, transport equation, 224
CASD, 32 Fuel-oxidant ratio , 222
casd command line options, 32
cc file, 147 gas cloud, 83
CFLC, 67 gas cloud definition, 140
CFLV, 67 gas composition, 83
change colour table, 166 Gas Explosion Programme (GEP), 2
cloud file, 140 gas monitor region, 102
cloud interface, 140 gas position and volume, 83
cn file, 148 Gas Safety Program (GSP), 3
cofile, 198 Gas thermodynamics, 222
colour scheme, 37 geo2flacs, 188
Combustion modelling, 229 geometry appearance, 174
comerge, 198 geometry import, 111, 188
command input CASD, 35 geometry menu, 39
contours, 173 geometry, new, 40
geometry, open, 40
database maintenance, 42 gexcon colour convention, 37
database, connect to , 41 global objects, 43
database, creating, 41 gm, 192
dbfutil, 42 grating, 100
delete grid line, 57 Gravity constant, 75

grid, 56, 192 numercal schemes, 232

grid guidelines, 58
grid smooth, 57 object create, 41
grid stretch, 57 object open, 41
Ground roughness, 77 object, open, 48
online help, 180
heavy hydrocarbons, 111 optimize computer load, 117
hiding geometry, 174 options, 179
hinged panel, 81 overlay panel, 81

Ideal gas law, 223 panel drag coefficient, 83

ignition, 90 panel maximum travel distance, 83
import grid, 58 panel opening pressure difference, 82
import, Flowvis, 163 panel porosity, 82
inactive panel, 81 panel pressure, 124
Initial conditions, 75 panel sub sizes, 83
Initial temperature, 76 panel type imp, 82
instance, add, 46 panel weight, 82
interpolate, 179 panels, 80
invisible, 47 particle traces, 175
Pasquill class, 78
jet, 193 pdf, 164
jet leak, 86 plastic panel, 81
Jet sources, 230 plot domain, 171
job numbers, 5 plot specification, Flowvis, 170
Pool leakage file, 144
leak, 85 Pool setup file, 142
leak buildup time, 87 popout panel, 81
leak excess area, 154 porcalc, 61
license terms, 180 porsity calculation, 61
local object, properties, 47 Portable Document Format, 164
local objects, 43 position grid line, 56
LOD, 107 Prandtl-Schmidt numbers, 226
louvre panel, 95 pressure relief panels, 78
printing, Flowvis, 163
macro file, 108
Progress variable, 222
maintenance, 19
project, new, 40
mark subtree, 51
project, open, 40
Mass balance, 224
mass residual, 138, 153 Q8, 87
material, 40 Q9, 87
matrix, 47
Mixing of gases, 222 r1file, 200
Mixture fraction, 222 r3file, 201
Mixture fraction, transport equation, 224 range colours, 166
modify page, 166 rdfile, 197
Momentum equation, 224 rename, 48
Monin-Obukhov length scale, 227 rotate, 175
monitor panel, 79, 81 run manager, 15
monitor points, 62 run script, 117
move grid line, 57
moving plot elements, 180 scale object, 47
multiblock, 103 scenario, 61
scenario file, 132
new Flowvis presentation, 160, 162 script, 117

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual


select object, 47
shocked flow, 193
simulation volume, 56
single colours, 166
Speed of sound , 223
Stoichiometric mixture, 222
Stoichiometric reaction, 223
stopping simulations, 117
substitute job, 161, 165
substitute object, 47
substitute subtree, 51
suction, 87
support, 19

Toxic dose, 128

Toxic probabilty of death, 128
Toxic probit function, 128
toxic substances, 125
Turbulence model, 225
Turbulence viscosity, 225
Turbulent kinetic energy, transport equation,
two-phase flow, 195

unblank, 47
unspecified panel, 81
user defined species, 102
utilities, 188

value on curve, 178

variable appearance, 172
variables, 241
vector plot, 174
Velocity, friction , 227
ventilation time stepping, 136
verify porosity, 178
verify porosity option, 178
vessel burst, 138
visible, 47

Wall functions, 226

warning, 153
water spray, 91
Wind, 72, 77, 227
Wind buildup time, 73
Wind direction, 73
Wind speed, 72
windows service license manager, 13

FLACS v9.0 User’s Manual

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