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¢ ¢

$ $ $ ¢$
$ ¢ $
$ $ ¢

Circle the correct answer. ¢

1. 1¢ 2. 1¢
5¢ 5¢
10¢ 10¢
3. 1¢ 4. 5¢
5¢ 6¢
10¢ 7¢
5. 10¢ 6. 60¢
15¢ 50¢
20¢ 40¢
7. 6¢ 8. 12¢
27¢ 17¢
28¢ 20¢
9. 30¢
Jenny has 45¢. The chocolate bar she wants
to buy is 85¢. How much more money 35¢
does Jenny need? 40¢
10. 85¢
Christopher has 50¢.
Wendy has 45¢. 95¢
How much money do they have altogether? 99¢

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