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An introduction to biomaterials

Biomaterials are materials (synthetic and natural; cells in culture, to assay for blood proteins in the
solid and sometimes liquid) that are used in clinical laboratory, in processing biomolecules in
medical devices or in contact with biological biotechnology, for fertility regulation implants in
systems. Biomaterials as a field has seen steady cattle, in diagnostic gene arrays, in the
growth over its approximately half century of aquaculture of oysters and for investigational
existence and uses ideas from medicine, biology, cell-silicon "biochips." The commonality of these
chemistry, materials science and engineering. applications is the interaction between biological
There is also a powerful human side to systems and synthetic or modified natural
biomaterials that considers ethics, law and the materials.
health care delivery system. This brief
introduction overviews some key characteristics
of the field of biomaterials and outlines issues Biomaterials are rarely used on their own but are
and major subdivisons. more commonly integrated into devices or
implants. Thus, the subject cannot be explored
Although biomaterials are primarily used for without also considering biomedical devices and
medical applications, they are also used to grow the biological response to them.

Some common medical devices comprised of biomaterials are illustrated here:


Biomaterials can be metals, ceramics, polymers, chemist, chemical engineer, electrical engineer,
glasses, carbons, and composite materials. Such mechanical engineer, materials scientist,
materials are used as molded or machined parts, biologist, microbiologist, physician, veterinarian,
coatings, fibers, films, foams and fabrics. ethicist, nurse, lawyer, regulatory specialist and
venture capitalist. This is only a partial list.
A biomaterial is a nonviable material used in a
medical device, intended to interact with It Uses Many Diverse Materials
biological systems. (Williams, 1987)
Biomaterials researchers and clinicians using
If the word "medical" is removed, this definition biomaterials will have an appreciation of
becomes more general and still quite useful. materials science and chemistry. Many different
synthetic and modified natural materials are used
If the word “nonviable” is removed, the definition in biomaterials and some understanding of the
becomes even more general and can address differing properties of these materials is
new tissue engineering and hydrid artificial organ important. A heart valve may be fabricated from
applications where living cells are used. polymers, metals, and carbons. A hip joint might
be fabricated from metals and polymers (and
A complementary definition needed to sometimes ceramics) and will be interfaced to the
understand an important aspect of biomaterials is body via a polymeric bone cement. In these
that of "biocompatibility." examples, a single device uses many different
materials, each with special properties and
Biocompatibility is the ability of a material to biological interactions.
perform with an appropriate host response in a
specific application. (Williams, 1987) The End product is the Development of
“ Appropriate host responses” include lack of
blood clotting, resistance to bacterial colonization Biomaterials by themselves do not make a useful
and normal healing. Examples of specific clinical therapy. The materials have to be
applications include a hemodialysis (artificial fabricated into devices. This is typically an
kidney) membrane, a urinary catheter or a hip engineer’s role, but the engineer might work
joint prosthesis. It is interesting that the closely with synthetic chemists to optimize
hemodialysis membrane might be in contact with materials properties and physicians to ensure
the patient’s blood for 3 hours, the catheter may that the device is useful in clinical applications.
be inserted for a week and the hip joint may be in
place for the life of the patient. The Magnitude of the Field is Generally
The definitions introduce us to considerations
that set biomaterials apart from most materials Lysaght and O’Laughlin (2000) have estimated
considered in materials science. that the magnitude and economic scope of the
contemporary organ replacement enterprise are
CHARACTERISTICS OF BIOMATERIALS AS A much larger than is generally recognized. In the
FIELD year 2000, the lives of over 20 million patients
will be sustained, supported or significantly
We’ve defined some terms and reviewed a few improved by functional organ replacement. The
specific examples. What are some characteristics impacted population grows at over 10% per year.
of the field of biomaterials? Worldwide, first-year and follow-up costs of organ
replacement and prostheses exceeds $300 billion
It’s Multidisciplinary US dollars per year and represents between 7%
and 8% of total worldwide healthcare spending.
Biomaterials science brings together researchers In the United States, the costs of therapies
from diverse academic backgrounds. They must enabled by organ replacement technology
communicate clearly. Some disciplines that exceed 1% of the gross national product. The
intersect in the development, study and costs are also impressive when considering the
application of biomaterials include: bioengineer, needs of the individual patient. Thus, the cost of


a substitute heart valve is roughly $4000. The These five characteristics of biomaterials
surgery to implant the device costs approximately science−multidisciplinary, multi-material, need-
$60,000. Reoperation for replacing a failed valve driven, substantial market and risk-benefit−color
will have these same costs and reoperations the field of biomaterials.
occur for 10% of all valve replacements.
Success and Failure are seen with BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE?
Biomaterials and Medical Devices
• Toxicology
Most biomaterials and medical devices perform
satisfactorily, improving the quality of life for the A biomaterial should not be toxic, unless it is
recipient or saving lives. Still, manmade specifically engineered for such requirements (for
constructs are never perfect. Manufactured example, a "smart bomb" drug delivery system
devices have a failure rate. Also, all humans that targets cancer cells and destroys them).
differ in genetics, gender, body chemistries, living Since the nontoxic requirement is the norm,
environment and physical activity. Furthermore, toxicology for biomaterials has evolved into a
physicians also differ in their “talent” for sophisticated science. It deals with the
implanting devices. The other side to the medical substances that migrate out of biomaterials. For
device success story is that there are problems, example, for polymers, many low-molecular-
compromises and complications that occur with weight "leachables" exhibit some level of
medical devices. Central issues for the physiologic activity and cell toxicity. It is
biomaterials scientist, manufacturer, patient, reasonable to say that a biomaterial should not
physician and attorney are: (1) what represents give off anything from its mass unless it is
good design; (2) who should be responsible when specifically designed to do so. Toxicology also
devices perform “with an inappropriate host deals with methods to evaluate how well this
response;” and (3) what are the cost/risk or design criterion is met when a new biomaterial is
cost/benefit ratios for the implant or therapy? under development.

An example involving left ventricular assist • Biocompatibility

devices (LVADs, sometimes incorrectly called
artificial hearts) helps to clarify these issues. The understanding and measurement of
There are many complications with LVADs biocompatibility is unique to biomaterials science.
including clotting, strokes, blood damage and Unfortunately, we do not have precise definitions
bacterial infection. A clinical trial called or accurate measurements of biocompatibility.
Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical More often than not, biocompatibility is defined in
Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart terms of performance or success at a specific
Failure (REMATCH) led to following important task. Thus, for a patient who is doing well with an
statistics (Rose, et al, 2001). Patients with an implanted Dacron fabric vascular prosthesis, few
implanted Heartmate® LVAD (Thoratec would argue that this prosthesis is not
Laboratories) had a 52% chance of surviving for "biocompatible." However, the prosthesis
one year, compared with a 25% survival rate for probably did not re-cellularize (though it was
patients who took medication (the common designed to do so) and also can throw off blood
therapy for congestive heart failure). Survival for clots (emboli), though the emboli in this case
two years in patients with the Heartmate® was usually have little clinical consequence. This
23% versus 8% in the medication group. Also, operational definition of biocompatible (“the
the LVAD enhanced the quality of life for the patient is alive so it must be biocompatible”)
patients – they felt better, were less depressed, offers us little insight in designing new or
and were mobile. Note that patients participating improved vascular prostheses. It is probable that
in the REMATCH trial were not eligible for a heart biocompatibility may one day be defined for
transplant. In the case of the LVAD, long-term applications in soft tissue, hard tissue, and the
clinical complications associated with imperfect cardiovascular system (blood compatibility).
performance of biomaterials does not preclude
clinical success overall. The LVAD is better than  Functional Tissue Structure and
the next best therapy. Pathobiology


flexible and tough. A dialysis membrane must be

Biomaterials incorporated into medical devices strong and flexible, but not elastomeric. An
are implanted into tissues and organs. Therefore, articular cartilage substitute must be soft and
the key principles governing the structure of elastomeric. Then, we must address mechanical
normal and abnormal cells, tissues and organs, durability. A catheter may only have to perform
the techniques by which the structure and for 3 days. A bone plate may fulfill its function in
function of normal and abnormal tissue are 6 months or longer. A leaflet in a heart valve
studied, and the fundamental mechanisms of must flex 60 times per minute without tearing for
disease processes are critical considerations to the lifetime of the patient (realistically, at least for
workers in the field. 10 or more years). A hip joint must not fail under
heavy loads for more than 10 years. The bulk
• Healing physical properties will also address other
aspects of performance. The dialysis membrane
Special processes are invoked when a material has a specified permeability, the articular cup of
or device heals in the body. Injury to tissue will the hip joint must have high lubricity, and the
stimulate the well-defined inflammatory reaction intraocular lens has clarity and refraction
sequence that leads to healing. Where a foreign requirements. To meet these requirements,
body (e.g., an implant) is present in the wound design principles from physics, chemistry,
site (surgical incision), the reaction sequence is mechanical engineering, chemical engineering,
referred to as the "foreign body reaction.” The and materials science are invoked.
normal response of the body will be modulated
because of the solid implant. Furthermore, this • Industrial Involvement
reaction will differ in intensity and duration
depending upon the anatomical site involved. An A significant basic research effort is now under
understanding of how a foreign object alters the way to understand how biomaterials function and
normal inflammatory reaction sequence is an how to optimize them. At the same time,
important concern for the biomaterials scientist. companies are producing implants for use in
humans and, appropriate to the mission of a
• Dependence on Specific Anatomical Sites company, earning profits on the sale of medical
of Implantation devices. Thus, although we are now only learning
about the fundamentals of biointeraction, we
Consideration of the anatomical site of an implant manufacture and implant millions of devices in
is essential. An intraocular lens may go into the humans. How is this dichotomy explained?
lens capsule or the anterior chamber of the eye. Basically, as a result of considerable experience
A hip joint will be implanted in bone across an we now have a set of materials that performs
articulating joint space. A heart valve will be satisfactorily in the body. The medical
sutured into cardiac muscle and will contact both practitioner can use them with reasonable
soft tissue and blood. A catheter may be placed confidence, and the performance in the patient is
in an artery, a vein or the urinary tract. Each of largely acceptable. Though the devices and
these sites challenges the biomedical device materials are far from perfect, the complications
designer with special requirements for geometry, associated with the devices are less than the
size, mechanical properties, and bioresponses. complications of the original diseases.

• Mechanical and Performance Requirements The complex balance between the desire to
alleviate suffering and death, the excitement of
Biomaterials and devices have mechanical and new scientific ideas, the corporate imperative to
performance requirements that originate from the turn a profit, the risk/benefit relationship and the
physical (bulk) properties of the material. There mandate of the regulatory agencies to protect the
are three categories of such requirements: public forces us to consider the needs of many
mechanical performance, mechanical durability constituencies. Obviously, ethical concerns enter
and physical properties. First, consider into the picture. Also, companies have large
mechanical performance. A hip prosthesis must investments in the manufacture, quality control,
be strong and rigid. A tendon material must be clinical testing, regulatory clearance, and
strong and flexible. A heart valve leaflet must be distribution of medical devices. How much of an
advantage (for the company and the patient) will


be realized in introducing an improved device? establishing these standards. The costs to

The improved device may indeed work better for comply with the standards and to implement
the patient. However, the company will incur a materials, biological, and clinical testing are
large expense that will be perceived by the enormous. Introducing a new biomedical device
stockholders as reduced profits. Moreover, to the market requires a regulatory investment of
product liability issues are a major concern of tens of millions of dollars. Are the regulations and
manufacturers. The industrial side of the standards truly addressing the safety issues? Is
biomaterials field raises questions about the the cost of regulation inflating the cost of health
ethics of withholding improved devices from care and preventing improved devices from
people who need them, the market share reaching those who need them? Under this
advantages of having a better product, and the regulation topic, we see the intersection of all the
gargantuan costs (possibly non-recoverable) of players in the biomaterials community:
introducing a new product into the medical government, industry, ethics, and basic science.
marketplace. If companies did not have the profit The answers are not simple, but the problems
incentive, would there be any medical devices, must be addressed every day.
let alone improved ones, available for clinical

When the industrial segment of the biomaterials The evolution of the biomaterials field, from its
field is examined, we see other essential roots with individual researchers and clinicians
contributions to our field. Industry deals well with who intellectually associated their efforts with
technologies such as packaging, sterilization, established disciplines such as medicine,
storage, distribution and quality control and chemistry, chemical engineering or mechanical
analysis. These subjects are specialized engineering, to a modern field called
technologies, often ignored by academic “biomaterials,” parallels the formation of
researchers. Also, many companies support in- biomaterials societies. A few important
house basic research laboratories and contribute biomaterials-related professional societies are:
directly to the fundamental study of biomaterials. American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
(ASAIO), founded in 1954; Society For
• Ethics Biomaterials USA, founded in 1975; The
European Society for Biomaterials, founded in
A wide range of ethical considerations impact 1975; The Canadian Society For Biomaterials;
biomaterials science. Like most ethical questions, the Japanese Society of Biomaterials; The
an absolute answer may be difficult to come by. Controlled Release Society, founded in 1978;
Some articles have addressed ethical questions The Biointerface Division of the AVS Science and
in biomaterials and debated the important points Technology Society.
(Saha and Saha, 1987; Schiedermayer and
Shapiro, 1989). SUMMARY

• Regulation Biomaterials may be the most multidisciplinary of

all fields. The impact to people and to commerce
The consumer (the patient) demands safe is huge. Because of this impact and
medical devices. To prevent inadequately tested multidisciplinarity, biomaterials is always an
devices and materials from coming on the exciting area for study and application.
market, and to screen out individuals clearly
unqualified to produce biomaterials, the United References
States government has evolved a complex
regulatory system administered by the US Food 1. Lysaght, MJ, O'Laughlin J. The demographic scope
and economic magnitude of contemporary organ
and Drug Administration (FDA). Most nations of
replacement therapies. ASAIO 2000; J46: 515-21.
the world have similar medical device regulatory 2. Rose, EA, Gelijns AC, PhD, Moskowitz AJ, MD,
bodies. The International Standards Organization Heitjan DF, PhD, Stevenson LW, MD, Dembitsky W,
(ISO) has introduced international standards for MD, Long JW, MD, PhD, Ascheim DD, MD, Tierney
the world community. Obviously, a substantial AR, MPH, Levitan RG, MSc, Watson JT, PhD, Ronan
base of biomaterials knowledge went into NS, RN, Shapiro PA, MD, Lazar RM, PhD, Miller LW,
MD, Gupta L, RD, MPH, Frazier OH, MD, Desvigne-


Nickens P, MD, Oz MC, MD, Poirier VL, MBA, Meier P. 6. Williams, DF. Definitions in biomaterials.
Long-term use of a left ventricular assist device for Proceedings of a consensus conference of the
end-stage heart failure. New England Journal of european society for biomaterials, Vol. 4. Chester,
Medicine 2001; 345:1435-1443. England, March 3-5 1986. New York: Elsevier, 1987.
3. Saha S, Saha P. Bioethics and applied
biomaterials. J Biomed Mater Res: Appl Biomat 1987;
21: 181-190.
4. Schiedermayer, DL, Shapiro RS. The artificial heart
For More information on related products, please
as a bridge to transplant: Ethical and legal issues at
click: Aladdin
the bedside. J. Heart Transplant 1989; 8: 471-473.
5. Society For Biomaterials Educational Directory
(1992). Society For Biomaterials, Minneapolis, MN.

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