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participating in joint staff training concerning energy

within ‘Energy is power’ project
17th – 23rd November 2019

13 teachers were surveyed

1. I have gained new skills concerning ecology and creative teaching:

a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.

2. Have you improved your English during the course:

a. very much,
b. much,
c. not much.
3. I think that my contribution of work during the course has been:
a. significant,
b. big,
c. very little.

4. In my opinion my lessons will become more attractive:

a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.

5. Has the theme of the course met your expectations?

a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.
6. Have the hours of the course been appropriate?
a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.

This part of the survey was only for Spanish teachers (5 teachers were surveyed).

7. Have you enjoyed cultural activities (e.g. visiting Polish places and
a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.
8. Do you think your knowledge of Polish culture has increased?
a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.

9. Has the hospitality of the host school been good enough?

a. yes,
b. no,
c. no opinion.
10. Comments concerning the course:

The course was interesting/attractive/great

I have learnt a lot
No comments

Additional comments of Spanish teachers: I discovered a great country,

very nice people.

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