Relationship of Stakeholders in Healthcare

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A study on the relationship of stakeholders at Yumedic

Submitted to
Amity University Jharkhand

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHE


Avinash Kumar


Under the guidance of


Industry Guide : SANKET KUMAR





I, AVINASH KUMAR, student of Masters of Business Administration hereby declare that the Dissertation
Department of Management, Amity Business School, Amity University Jharkhand, in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of degree of Masters of Business Administration, has not been previously
formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.

Amity University Jharkhand, Ranchi


Sign of the Student

Name of Student:- Avinash Kumar

Enrollment Number: - A35101919024




On the basis of Dissertation submitted by Anjali Sinha, student of Masters of Business

Administration , I hereby certify that the dissertation “A COMPARISION OF ATTITUDE
Department of Management, Amity Business School, Amity University Jharkhand in partial
fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of Maters of Business Administration is
an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful record of work carried out by
him/her under my guidance and supervision.

To the best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree or
Diploma to this University or elsewhere.

Amity University, Ranchi


Signature of Guide (Internal) Signature of Guide (External)

Dr.JULIE VARDHAN Name: ________________________
Professor Designation: ____________________
Amity Business School Ranchi Amity


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks
to all of them .I am highly indebted to our Prof. Dr. Julie Vardhan for her guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for her
support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my friends in developing the project and people who
have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

The role of data technology plays the vital role in all the sectors. It created a major impact even
on the healthcare sector. One among the monumental milestone is that the launch of Yumedic in
2019, previously referred to as The hello Doctor, received recognition and funding through
Government of Jharkhand’s Startup Initiative Program. these days in a very semi-urban town of
Dhanbad and Bokaro in Jharkhand, wherever booking appointments of doctors on-line was
virtually non-existent, Yumedic has been ready to produce a client base of 30k and increasing.
Yumedic is providing a software package platform in health care trade. Yumedic is an internet
tool that aids the medical practitioners and hospitals to manage their follow across the world. The
Indian Hospitals area unit ancient in their outlook and refuse to share medical data regarding the
patients even with the shut relatives of the patients or the patient itself. The flow of
communication between the patients and also the doctors is a necessary ingredient for the
medical treatment. The analysis and Development activities within the medical field area unit
increasing in a very multi fold manner. There area unit various specialties arising in attention
trade on an everyday basis. data explosion has become the development during this field.
Streamlining of this data revolution is that the would like of the hour. Otherwise, the patients are
going to be unbroken in dark regarding the innovations and inventions that area unit happening
within the field. The study aims to analyze the information noninheritable by the doctors and
hospitals regarding e health care and to see their awareness level regarding Yumedic. Karan Raj
Mehta is extremely successful in reaching personal doctors and clinics because those doctors and
clinics area open minded and that they have much completed the worth of the service. Integration
with the IT sector is that the order of the day. the final word objective of Yumedic is to supply a
holistic service for the patients to achieve the correct doctor at the correct time at the correct
place. to realize this, they fight to achieve as several patients as doable through all doable ways






4 ANALYSIS 19-30




The role of data technology plays the vital role in all the sectors. It created a major impact even
on the healthcare sector. The public health services are very scarce. Healthcare services starts
with the relationship and the mutual understanding between the patient and the doctor and all the
employees working in that sector. Doctor-patient relationship has always been a key factor in the
healthcare sector and play the foundation element of care. There is a mutual constant relationship
exist between patient and doctor when there is any medical need made by a patient. This
relationship forms one of the contemporary medical ethics. However, this relationship gives rise
to moral obligations of the doctor to put the welfare of the patient above their own interest. In
order to hold the best interests of the patient, a doctor is ethically required to use sound medical
judgment. Healthcare system in India has come a long way and has been observing ground-
breaking growth, especially, in the last era. The health care system is projected to provide better
services and resources to the healthcare. Including hospitals, clinics, health centers, nursing
homes and special health program in school, industry and community this system is growing its
relationship in very effective manner. Citizens today live in a high-tech environment with a
exhausting work life and hardly any time for physical recreation. Health system operates in the
context of socioeconomic and political framework of the country. The private sector incorporate
a virtual monopoly over ambulatory curative services in both rural and urban areas and over ½
hospitalization . Within the trendy in operation setting of labor, successful activity health care
needs collaboration, partnerships and alliances between numerous actors. one among the
monumental milestone is that the launch of Yumedic. Hospital chains are now looking outside
Tier-1 cities to spread their reach. Yumedic is one such chain which is focusing on Tier-II and
Tier-III cities. Yumedic previously the hello doctor was supported by the young enterpriser
Karan Raj Mehta . Yumedic is in providing a software package platform in health care trade.
Telemedicine is gaining popularity as seen as a relief to solve the urban-rural divide. It fosters
inexpensive consultation and diagnosis in remote locations using state-of-the-art Telecom.
Yumedic is an internet tool that aids the medical practitioners and hospitals to manage their
follow across the world. The doctors can also effectively manage the records and reports
concerning their patients. Yumedic additionally helps the patients by causation mobile and e mail
alerts regarding their appointments with the doctors. A chance of connecting the Health Care
suppliers with their patients, a concept of making subordinate in nursing system that will modify
the people to induce access to the simplest Health Care services at stripped-down value and
ample ease. the aim of Yumedic to form a positive modification altogether. A system that may
change however one hundred twenty five Million peoples would be obtaining access to Health
Care Services around them. Patients can make appointments with their desire clinic or hospital
24/7 with the doctor of their choice, easing the pressure on the reception and the telephone
system. Yumedic is a internet-based healthcare service provider with the help of government
designed to help in patient scheduling. Patient scheduling is an integral part of daily work for
healthcare professionals, from family practices to large clinics, from physician offices to
hospitals. Appointments must be coordinated and medical support staff and has to be constantly
visualizing all the new patients and doctors which are scheduled. The dynamic nature of

workplaces is fast the necessities for collaboration between numerous stakeholders(Doctors and
Patients) and healthcare sectors. It’s also helpful if patients provide basic information about the
explanation of their intended visit (e.g., stomach pains, headache, travel assessment, pregnancy
screening, and prescription refill). Patients can make appointments with their desire clinic or
hospital 24/7 with the doctor of their choice, easing the pressure on the reception and therefore
the telephone system. Yumedic may be a web-based healthcare service provider design to assist
in patient scheduling. Patient scheduling is an vibrant part of daily work for healthcare
professionals, from family practices to large clinics, from physician offices to hospitals.
Appointments have to be coordinated and medical support staff should be constantly attentive of
all new patients and doctor’s schedule. Yumedic allows users to settle on their own appointment
time from a wider range of accessible time nominate by the administrator. Aside from that, users
also can choose the doctors that are available to create a rendezvous with.

Need and Importance of the Study

The Indian Hospitals are conventional in their viewpoint and decline to share clinical data about
the patients even with the nearby family members of the patients or the patient itself. The
progression of correspondence between the patients and the specialists is a fundamental element
for the clinical treatment. The Research and Development exercises in the clinical field are
extending in a multi overlap way. There are various fortes emerging in medical services industry
consistently. Data blast has become the marvel in this field. Smoothing out of this data upheaval
is the need of great importance. Something else, the patients will be kept in dim about the
advancements and developments that are occurring in the field. Yumedic is currently spreading
quality clinical data to general society as a rule and the patients specifically. This paper puts
forth a sincere endeavor to assess the attempts taken by Yumedic in making mindfulness about e-
medical services among the clinical specialists.

Literature Review
The utilization of web medical care administrations can impact correspondence and connections
among patients and the specialists and can assist with making all the more simple way for the
patients to share their more delicate data. Practice suggestion: Implementation of versatile
wellbeing can uphold patients' self-adequacy, improve admittance to medical care benefits and
improve connections among patients and suppliers in walking and clinic settings. Shared
relationship among patient and specialists is an idea that give experiences into the benefits of
patient–supplier connections; in any case, the upside of this idea in medical care is restricted by
its theoretical vulnerability. Despite the fact that connectedness is generally used to depict other
social connections, little consistency exists among its definitions and measures. Medical services
in the India is progressing toward progressively coordinated essential consideration frameworks.
With this advancement comes a duty regarding suppliers to deliberately think about an
assortment of issues identified with moral direct.

Electronic application are presently being utilized in medical care administrations are turning
into the more reasonable route for patients in self-administration way. Beforehand, online
applications are not incorporated into medical care benefits and doesn't helps in building the
connection between different partners working for medical services administration, yet now is a
fundamental instrument to manage the patient toward wellbeing. These online application in
medical care isn't just to share wellbeing data at the purpose of-living, they additionally
incorporate wellbeing appraisals, customized wellbeing plans, and illness data, and furthermore
permit text informing correspondence between the patients and the different specialists who are
either have an organization with that electronic help or are some way or another associated with
that specialist co-op. Patients are bound to pose inquiries alongside having improved admittance
and with the assistance of online they will get speedier reaction time . Yumedic with the
assistance of the apparent multitude of partners which are facilitators improved capacity to
contact patients and improved precision of appraisal information. Albeit each online assistance
has their own constraints, yumedic shows that coming electronic innovation and text informing
can additionally improve more patients-specialists relationship. For this patients need to get
associated with the turn of events and mix of innovation to zero in applications on imaginative
manners to improve correspondence in medical services.

The specialist understanding relationship is advancing and changing through the effect of
numerous innovative, social and natural components. These components will be inspected,
particularly the effect of changing mentalities among more youthful ages of doctors and patients
who live in a data driven arranged world..

Objectives of the Study

 To analyze the relationship of stakeholders at YuMedic and in healthcare.

 Overview of relationship and working of stakeholders and YuMedic.

Partner with respect to medical care could be an individual, gathering of workers, patients,
and even low level representatives, specialists that aides is making medical services
administration more productive. Public wellbeing approaches, techniques, and plans are
bound to get actualized adequately if their turn of events and exchange is comprehensive of
all partners in and past the wellbeing area. This implies connecting all entertainers, by
methods for a wide interview, in important arrangement exchange to manufacture agreement
on the current circumstance and on the qualities, objectives and generally speaking approach
bearings that will control wellbeing strategy. A medical care association should answer to
sizable measure of outer partners. They establish 3 classes in their connections to the
association. The individuals who offer contributions to association. The individuals who
partake with it, the individuals who have explicit interest. The essential class incorporates
providers, patients, and cash network. The connection between the association and these
outside partners could be a ward (reliant relationship) one, as association relies upon them for
its endurance. Partners rely on the association to require their yields. The connection between
the association, and furthermore the partners that offer essential information is one in
everything about reliance. On a very basic level each gathering can't, or don't wish to, do
while not one another. The partners could likewise be immediate competitor for quiet (for
example elective medical clinic) or they'll be contender for stunning work force. Competitor
portion not might want each other to endure. Bunch region unit the legislature regulative
organizations, non-public certifying affiliations, gifted affiliations, fellowship, the media and
political group.

Types of stakeholders in Healthcare

 Policymakers. Policymakers are the type of stakeholders who helps in making the
framework which helps in providing healthcare service in the relevant cities.
“policymaker” is a synonym for “ministry of health” or whatever jurisdictional entity is
responsible for the health of the population. The policymakers derives data from various
patients, providers, and payors and further develop policies for the patients and hospitals

which includes their health and economic. Some of the major questions that are includes
in these polices are:

Who is eligible to receive care?

What care services are provided; how; where; by whom?

How are services paid for?

Are the services being delivered well? Are they accessible?

Are the needs of vulnerable or marginalized populations adequately served?

What health care concerns do we need to plan for next?

 Patients. We all—at some time—are patients. Patients are normally residents, and
citizens, and now and again citizens. Policymakers have a trustee obligation to this
populace, and the nation's arrangement structure is set up to profit patients. Patients get
care administrations from suppliers and are the recipient clients of the payors. Patients
likewise might need to get to data about their consideration through an electronic gadget
(e.g., PC, cell phone).
 Providers. Providers operationalize care conveyance inside the strategy system. They
give wellbeing administrations to patients and keep up wellbeing data about them. The
suppliers facilitate persistent consideration with different suppliers as care colleagues.
Numerous suppliers are free organizations that must deal with their own tasks and funds.
 Payors. Payors operationalize the budgetary components of the strategy system.
Payors select patients as recipients. They secure consideration administrations from
the suppliers in the interest of their patient recipients. They additionally should
assume the actuarial errand of guaranteeing the money related supportability of the
consideration program. They report to policymakers.

Understanding Relationships

Patient- Clinical relationship

The patient-clinician relationship has both emotional and informational components.
Emotional care includes mutual trust, empathy, respect, genuineness, acceptance and warmth.
Cognitive care includes information gathering, sharing medical information, patient
education, and expectation management. Initially, our primary aim was to investigate the
emotional component of the patient-clinician relationship. However, most studies of the

patient-clinician relationship include both cognitive and emotional care, and consequently,
we expanded our focus to include these studies also. We note, however, that studies that do
not separately measure emotional care while investigating communication interventions leave
unclear which factor – emotional care or cognitive care – is responsible for any beneficial
effects. The boundary between cognitive care such as communications training and emotional
care that enhances the patient-clinician relationship is uncertain. For example,
communications interventions often train clinicians to ask more open-ended questions, to
resist interrupting patients, to identify and respond to patient expectations and fears, and to
check patients' understanding of the diagnosis and recommended treatment. While these
techniques are intended to improve the quality of information exchange, they are also likely
to produce richer interpersonal interactions. Indeed, any intervention designed to improve
communication if effectively employed is also likely to improve the quality of the
interpersonal relationship.

Patient-Provider Relationship
As healthcare evolves into a patient-centric model, patients’ needs change. They want more
than a cure to a problem or illness; they want an engaging patient experience and that begins
with a positive patient-provider relationship. Without it, steps in the treatment plan can be
mis-executed or not followed at all, leading to potential health issues.
In order to obtain that relationship, both parties must play their role, in order to achieve the end
goal, which is full health for the patient. Here are some of the actions both the physician and the
patient must carry out: 



In order to keep the patient engaged, the physician must inform him/her about their condition.
Most patients are uneducated when it comes to medical talk, especially if it’s a new illness or
pain. The physician must explain in detail what the problem is so the patient is fully aware of the
issue. Patient teach back is a good strategy to use, making the patient repeat the information back
to the doctor to ensure they have a high level of understanding (Heath).   


A general assessment of care quality and patient satisfaction showed that 65% of patient
satisfaction can be attributed to clinician empathy (Heath).  It can be very difficult to deliver bad
news to a patient; expressing empathy humanizes the physician and makes he/she appear more
trustworthy. Doctors, nurses and other clinicians are constantly giving horrible news and patients
know that, leading them to think their doctors do not truly care about them. Showing empathy

towards a patient increases the level of trust, which then increases the chance the patient will
follow through with prescriptions and treatment plans.  

Shared Decision-Making 

Because we operate on a patient-centered model of healthcare now, it is important that the

patient is involved in decision-making. Given the physician should always have the final verdict,
the patient must have a say in developing the treatment plan. This will keep the patient in the
loop, allowing the him/her to stay engaged with their treatment. A study found that shared
decision-making tools produced lower emergency department readmission rates. If a patient did
not like a treatment plan that they were given, it is likely he/she would not follow through,
putting their health back at risk. 



Patient activism is being knowledgeable about one’s health and health care and having the skills
and confidence to engage in self-management of chronic conditions. Unfortunately, many people
do not know basic health information about themselves. Only 57% out of population know their
blood type, and less than 40% knew their cholesterol and blood sugar levels. However, another
survey showed that 84% believe tracking their own health data and sharing it with healthcare
professionals would help them manage their health better. People must be more aware of their
health and talking to doctors is a great way to solve that; they can give patients all the data and
information they want to know. The first step in getting healthy is wanting to get healthy and
physicians are there to help. 


Patient trust in the physician was assessed immediately prior to the visit using a nine-item,
Likert-type response scale, the Patient Trust in the Physician Scale, developed for this study.
Items were selected based on the results from previous patient focus groups and previously
validated trust scales, to assess three previously identified key domains: honesty, competency
and agency/fidelity. The new scale was piloted for clarity and acceptability prior to being used in
the current study. Based on experience with similar scales, the Patient Trust in the Physician
Scale was expected to be moderately correlated with number of previous visits, patient
satisfaction and intended adherence to physician advice.


Types of Doctors-Patients relationships

MUTUALITY RELATIONSHIP A relationship of mutuality is characterized by the active

involvement of patients as more equal partners in the consultation and has been described as
a ‘meeting between experts’, in which both parties participate as a joint venture and engage
in an exchange of ideas and sharing of belief systems. The doctor brings his or her clinical
skills and knowledge to the consultation in terms of diagnostic techniques, knowledge of the
causes of disease, prognosis, treatment options and preventive strategies, and patients bring
their own expertise in terms of their experiences and explanations of their illness, and
knowledge of their particular social circumstances, attitudes to risk, values and preferences.

CONSUMERIST RELATIONSHIP A consumerist relationship describes a situation in

which power relationships are reversed; with the patient taking the active role and the doctor
adopting a fairly passive role, acceding to the patient’s requests for a second opinion, referral
to hospital, a sick note, and so on.

DEFAULT RELATIONSHIP A relationship of default can occur if patients continue to

adopt a passive role even when the doctor reduces some of his or her control, with the
consultation therefore lacking sufficient direction. This can arise if patients are not aware of
alternatives to a passive patient role or are timid in adopting a more participative relationship.

How Yumedic works in bringing better healthcare service.
Yumedic is one-stop answer for all medical care requires of any patient. With flawlessly
incorporated stages, and simple to draw in with any patients and specialists from level 1 city to
level 3 urban communities.

With Yumedic patients or ordinary client can ask, discover or counsel about medical services in
substantially more simple manner when contrasted with that of in customary methods of

Yumedic let patients to enquire about any medical condition either by legitimately conversing
with specialist organizations or by filling the necessary data that does exclude any close to home
or delicate data about that patients.

The quest for specialists, facilities, medical clinics and even the labs at any area including that of
level 3 urban areas have gotten substantially more simpler. Presently, patients can search for the
alternatives that are close by separating their decisions which help in refining the rundown of
specialists or centers/medical clinics based on their experience, forte and accessibility.

Yumedic helps their client in deciding for both free and paid discussion with specialists on
different medical issues. The stage guarantee a reaction to each question, bombing which brings
about a discount of cash paid.

With Yumedic, it gets easy to oversee every day arrangements and imprint accessibility to see
patients. Utilizing the versatile and web arrangement, specialists can improve client commitment
just as hold them with new offers and wellbeing exercises.

Specialists can make profiles and get recorded in the medical care information base of Yumedic.
There will be all insights concerning experience, history and audits. In view of the profiles,
patients associate with specialists to get discussion just as treatment. Specialists can give
arrangement according to the patient's condition. Additionally, remedies and reports are sent
through application and can be gotten to effectively whenever in the telephone.


Research Methodology: This project is designed and carried forward with the objective of
doing surveys on knowing about perceptions of working professionals upon the pay inequalities
in the workplaces. Both male and females samples was taken. This survey method helps to get
quantitative data collection to find out research analysis. Total 94 respondents were there. The
working professionals of different organizations were respondents.

Research Design: The study was based on survey method. The aim of the study is to find about
the mutual relationship between all the stakeholders which also includes patients and other
workers who play major role in providing best healthcare service with online based service
provider Yumedic by Karan Raj Mehta and Team.

Materials and Methods

The examination is led utilizing essential and optional information. The auxiliary information is
gathered from different distributed and unpublished sources. An organized survey has been
utilized to gather essential information from specialists and clinic heads. Straightforward
arbitrary inspecting technique was utilized to gather essential information. 150 polls were
disseminated and 94 were gathered by the specialist and each of the 94 surveys were picked with
the end goal of the examination.. The Cronbach's Alpha Criterion was applied to test the
unwavering quality. The worth was resolved as 0.926. This likewise clarifies that the assertions
in the surveys are perceived by the respondents at 92.6% level. The nature of the survey was
found and the test demonstrated high unwavering quality. The factors considered for the
investigation are fulfilling the typical likelihood dispersion. In light of the pilot study, the polls
were adjusted reasonably to incite reaction from the example gathering.

What actually is Research Design ?

A research design is an expansive arrangement that states destinations of examination venture
and gives the rules what can anyone do understand those goals. It is, at the end of the day, an all-
inclusive strategy for executing an exploration venture. The word 'plan' has different
implications. However, according to the subject concern, it is an example or a framework of
exploration task's operations. It is the assertion of basic components of an examination that gives
fundamental rules of leading the venture. It is same as the blue print of modeler's work.

Research Design is a wide structure that expresses the complete example of directing exploration
venture. It determines targets, information assortment and examination techniques, time, costs,
obligation, likely results, and activities. Research Design is like wide arrangement or model that
states how the whole exploration venture would be directed. It is attractive that it must be in
composed structure and should be straightforward and obviously expressed. The genuine venture
is done according to the exploration configuration set down ahead of time..
Sample Design: A sample design is a positive arrangement for getting an example from a given
populace. It alludes to the plans and strategies to be continued in choosing test from the objective
populace and the assessment strategy recipe for registering the example measurements. Like for
this investigation we have focused on the individuals who are whichever way associated or
known to innovation or mindful of functions of medical care administrations like Doctors and
Middle matured populations.
Sample Size: we have taken sample size 94 respondents for this study. Sample size calculation
depends primarily on the type of sampling designed used for the study or research. It means the
number of participants or observations included in the study.
Sampling Method: The sampling method traces the manner by which the example units are to
be chosen. The decision of the examining technique is impacted by the targets of the exploration,
accessibility of money related assets, time limitations, and the idea of the issue to be researched.
All examining techniques can be gathered under two unmistakable heads, that is, likelihood and
non-likelihood inspecting. Sampling Method utilized for this investigation is Simple Random

Data Collection Method: Data collection is a cycle of gathering data from all the important
sources to discover answers to the examination issue, test the theory and assess the results. Data
Collection Methods can be separated into two classes: auxiliary strategies for information
assortment and essential strategies for information assortment. The information gathered for the
investigation comprises of both essential and optional information.

1. Primary Data: In this study primary data were collected through giving questionnaire.
Total 94 respondents were there. The working professionals of different organizations

were respondents. Primary Data can be divided into two groups: Quantitative data
collection method and Qualitative data collection method.
A) Qualitative data collection method – This method are based on Mathematical
calculations which is a market research method that focuses on obtaining data through
open-ended and conversational communication.
B) Quantitative data collection method – this method is more concerned with
discovering facts about social phenomena and assured a fixed and measuring reality.
It gathers data in a numerical form which can be put into categories, or in order. This
can be helpful in making graphs and tables of data provided.

2. Secondary Data: Secondary data refers to data which is gathered by a secondary party,
other than the user himself. Common sources of secondary data for social science include
statements, data collected by government agencies, organizational documents and data
that was basically collected for other research objectives. Secondary data for this study
was collected from: Websites
Secondary Data can be categorized into two types:
a) Published Sources
b) Unpublished Sources

Published Sources – Here data is usually gathered from the published sources like
articles published of local bodies and Central or Government bodies.

Unpublished Sources – Here data is obtained from several unpublished references like,
the research work which is conducted by teachers, professors and professionals. These
records are maintained by private and business enterprises.


A psychometric questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting feedback from the
working professionals. 94 working and non-workings were provided with questionnaires which
were belonging to different cities and work in different healthcare sectors. The analysis has been
done as per survey findings expressed in the form of charts.

Data Analysis Process

Data analysis is a cycle of gathering, changing, cleaning and displaying the information with
required data. The outcomes so acquired are conveyed. Information Analysis is in short a
technique for putting statistical data points to take care of the examination issue. It is imperative
to finding the responses to the examination question. Another critical portion of the examination
is the translation of the information, which is taken from the investigation of the information and
makes surmising and makes determinations. In many cases it gets hard to conclude the crude
information, in which case the information must be broke down and derive the consequence of
the investigation.

Above graph represent different age group taken part in this survey.

This include various age groups including 24yrs – 60yrs. They all where somehow connected or
are working in healthcare systems.

Above graph represent different cities from where people belongs

Including all the major cities across the country like Ranchi, Dhanbad, Jamshedpur, Gumla and
others in which Ranchi and Dhanbad are the most where respondents belongs to.

Above chart represent the average patients doctors handles per week

Out of 87 responses
34.5% of them handles less than 50 patients
29.9% of them handles patients between 50-100 per week which shows that there is the need of
web based healthcare service provider providing for providing better managing the better
26.4% of them handles between 100 to 150 patients every week
And 9.2% of them handles more than 150 patients.

This chart represent no. of employees working in the clinics and hospital from with the
responders are connected or working:

33.3% of have responded that less than 20 employees are working in their hospitals/clinics.
31% of them have responded that there are 20 to 40 employees are working in their respective
working place.
26.4 have responded between 40-80 employees are working in their hospitals and ,
9.2 % of them have responded for more than 80 employees.

Average no. of patients shows how organized and how important is the service for that
particular doctors or service provider. Larger the number longer the waiting for any

Out of 87 on an average 32% of doctors or healthcare service provider deal 5-10 patients on an
hourly basis.
On the other hand 27.6% of them deals with 10-15 %.
25.3% of them deals with only 5 or less than 5 patients in an hour.
While 14.9 % of them deals with more than 15 patients in an hour.

This chart shows about how many of them are aware of any software based service
provider like Yumedic and Practo which are web based service provider.

85.1% of total respondents are well aware of these service providers and
14.9% of them are fully or not aware of any of these service providers.

Above chart shows about how many of them take help of these service providers for
improving their relationship with the customers.

74.7% of total respondents agreed that they take help of these service providers
On the other hand 25.3% of them have yet not taken any help of these service providers.

Above chart shows that how many of them knows about the service provided by Yumedic.

Out of 87 respondents 86.2% of them know about the service provided by Yumedic and,
Only 13.8% of them are not aware of Yumedic services.

Since, Yumedic is new to this we have asked how they rate about the services provided by

More than 50% that is 53% of them have rated that the service provided by Yumedic is very
good which will boost the performance of yumedic.
33.3% have also rated good in terms of how they believe Yumedic is providing and
16.1% of them have rated not so good to their service.

Since Yumedic is web based healthcare service provider which also schedules time slot for
the patients we have asked them that if they like if Yumedic manages their time slot for the

81.6% of total respondents have agreed on the time management of Yumedic for their clinics or
18.4% of them stills manage their own time scheduling technique and have not taken help of any
health care service providers.

Yumedic is also so old organization and was started only a couple of years and above graph
shows from how long people are associated with the Yumedic.

35.6% of the total respondents are either associated or not associated with Yumedic
28.7% of them have joined within a year.

Findings of the Study

Yumedic is highly popular among tier 2 and tier 3 cities. Most of the new generation doctors
were willing to use Karan Raj Mehta but had problems with internet connection and use of a
desktop or a laptop. On realizing this issue, Yumedic developed an exclusive Tab for the doctors
and launched the same during June 2014. This product was a huge hit among the health care
individuals. Karan Raj Mehta is highly successful in reaching private doctors and clinics because
those doctors and clinics are much open minded and they have practically realized the value of
the service. In huge and multi specialty hospitals, the hospital administrative authorities are
responsible for patient management system and the doctors do not interfere on the same.
Yumedic is creating huge database on a everyday basis and the medical industry can use the data
for a marathon research in the field of healthcare industry.


The overall objective of Yumedic is to produce a holistic service for the patients to achieve the
correct doctor at the proper time and at the correct place. For achieving this goal, they are trying
to reach as many patients as possible in various tier 2 and tier 3 cities through all possible ways.
Yumedic with the help of stakeholders including patients themselves and the doctors working
towards creating awareness among the patients and also the health care professionals. Yumedic
will undoubtedly cover the way for overall development and expansion within the healthcare
industry. Today, the health care system is efficient and fast. Most of the illnesses require total
cooperation from the doctor and also the patient. Communication between doctors is that the
keystone of this cooperation. Years back, the struggle within the healthcare system was the
patient – doctor relationship. Doctors spent little time with their patients, and as a result, patients
weren't contended with what they received. Subsequently, all this has changed. the web has
brought forth credible changes in health care. Through the web, managed care has been easy and
up to straightforward. The amount of information available is endless, thanks to the availability
of this information there has been a dramatic change in how we use the drugs profession
particularly in relationships with the doctors. Historically, the medical community looked as if it
might be a problem that was held back only for doctors and other medical practitioners. Within
the increasingly competitive market of healthcare industries healthcare service providers should
concentrate on achieving high or excellent ratings of patient satisfaction to boost the quality of
service delivery, they need to characterize the factors influencing patient satisfaction which are
used as a way to assess the quality of provision. So on to grasp various factors affecting patient
satisfaction, Yumedic have explored various dimensions of the perceived service quality, as
meaningful and essential measures of patient perception of healthcare quality. Healthcare service
provider should be reliable and valid so as to exactly function and to grasp the foremost goal of
collecting patient’s feedback.




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