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First edition

Steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Qualification and certification of
non-destructive testing (NDT) Personne1

Tubes en acier pour Service sous Pression - Qualifica tion et certifica tion
du Personne1 d’essais non destructifs (END)

Reference number
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ISO 11484:1994(E)


Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~........................~...........~.....~..........~...... 1

Normative references . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . .. .. . ... . . ... ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 1

Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~............................................ 2

Levels of competence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“............................... 2

Requirements and procedures for qualification and certification 3

Qualification requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~............................. 4

Qualification examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“.~..~............... 6

Certification . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. ... .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... . ... . . .. ... . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 9

Renewal of certification ,..,,..,,..,,.....~...........,,.~.............~.......... 10

10 Re-certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~............................... 10

11 Files ..,...,.,.,,.,.................~..........,....,................,~,,,,................. 10

Q ISO 1994
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1 211 Geneve 20 * Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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Q3ISO ISO 11484:1994(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 11484 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 19, Technical delivery conditions for
steel tubes for pressure purposes.


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.. .
ISO 11484:1994(E) 0 ISO

This International Standard concerns the qualification and certification of
personnel engaged in non-destructive testing (NDT) of steel tubes for
pressure purposes, including flat products used in the manufacture of
welded tubes.
lt has been recognized that within the steel tube industry worldwide, there
is a predominance of semi-automatic/automatic NDT equipment in use by
NDT personnel to establish product integrity, as opposed to principally
manual methods adopted in other industrial sectors. As a result, this
International Standard permits both employer and externaI/centraI quali-
fication and certification as parallel Options, subject to certain restrictions.
In the preparation of this International Standard, the requirements of
ISO 9712 have been taken into account or adopted where they apply.
However, it should be noted that the primary job-specific nature of the
NDT tasks performed by NDT Personne1 on steel tubes and flat products
used in the manufacture of welded tubes is clearly outside the scope of
ISO 9712 (see sub-clause 3.20 of ISO 9712:1992).
Thus, in the context of this International Standard, the requirements of
ISO 9712 should not be taken as basic or additional minimum require-
ments, but this does not preclude the right of any individual to apply for
and obtain qualification/certification in conformance with ISO 9712 as may
be appropriate in another sector.
lt is recognized that this International Standard may be applied to steel
tubes for non-pressure purposes, and other specific product areas as ap-


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Steel tubes for pressure purposes - Qudification and

certification of non-destructive testing (NDT) Personne1

1 Scope b) flux leakage (FT);

c) liquid penetrant (PT);

1.1 This International Standard describes the quali-
fication and certification of personnel engaged in d) magnetic particle (MT);
non-destructive testing (NDT) of seamless and
welded steel tubes, including flat products used in the e) radiographic (RT);
manufacture of welded tubes, for pressure purposes.
f) ultrasonic (UT).
1.2 lt specifies the training, qualification and certi-
fication requirements for three levels of NDT person-
nel competence to execute specific tasks in the NDT
of seamless and welded steel tubes, including the 2 Normative references
weld seam, and flat products used in the manufacture
of welded tubes. The following Standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
1.3 This International Standard permits both em-
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards
ployer and externallcentral qualification and certi-
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements
fication of NDT personnel as parallel Options in the
based on this International Standard are encouraged
qualification/certification process, subject to certain
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
specified restrictions.
cent editions of the Standards indicated below.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur-
1.4 This International Standard is intended to apply rently valid International Standards.
to NDT personnel performing the inspection of
seamless and welded tubes, including the weld seam, ISO 9002: -l), Quality Systems - Model for quality
and flat products used in the manufacture of welded assurance in production, ins talla tion and servicing.
tubes, using any of the following NDT methods:
ISO 9712:1992, Non-destructive testing - Quali-
a) eddy current (ET); fica tion and certifica tion of Personne/.

1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 90021987)

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ISO 11484:1994(E) 0 ISO

ISO/IEC Guide 40:1983, General requirements for the 3.8 NDT method: A discipline applying a physical
acceptance o f certifica tion bodies. principle in non-destructive testing (e-g. ultrasonic
method, eddy current method, etc.).
EN 45013: 1989, General criteria for certification bod-
ies Opera ting certifica tion 0 f personnel. 3.9 NDT technique: A specific manner of utilizing
an NDT method (e.g. ultrasonic immersion technique,
ASNT Standard CP 189, Qualification and Certification eddy current concentric coil technique, etc.).
of Non-Destructive Testing PersonneL2>
3.10 capable: Having ability or skill to execute an
ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-l A.2) NDT task.

3.11 competence: Having sufficient NDT and prod-

uct knowledge.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the 4 Levels of competence
following definitions apply.
4.1 Classification
3.1 qualification: Demonstration/evidence of the
knowledge, skill, training, experience and physical NDT personnel certificated in accordance with this
capability required to perform specific NDT tasks International Standard shall be classified in one of
properly, with a view to achieving certification. three levels of competence (Level 1, Level 2 or
Level 3) with respect to specific NDT tasks to be
3.2 certification: Procedure providing a written tes- performed.
timony of qualification leading to the issue of a cer-
tificate by a certifying body. In addition, the further classification “trainee” is
specified for NDT personnel engaged in the testing
3,3 Certifying Body: Body operating in accordance of seamless and welded steel tubes, including the
wlth the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 40 as im- weld seam, and flat products used in the manufacture
plemented by the requirements of EN 45013 and of welded tubes.
ISO 9002 as follows:
All four classifications are defined in terms of NDT
a) an employer’s department independent of the task content, degree of responsibility, etc. in accord-
Production Department (e.g. QA/Technical); ante with 4.2 to 4.5.

b) an independent Certifying Body approved by the NOTE 1 It should be recognized that an individual hand-
relevant Accreditation Body. ling seamless and welded tubes and/or flat products used
in the manufacture of welded tubes in connection with
non-destructive testing equipment, or acting as the user of
3.4 Qualifying Body: Employer’s independent de-
automatic/semi-automatic test Systems is not required to
partment, a recognized authority or an external or- be qualifiedlcertificated under the requirements of this
ganization authorized to undertake the preparation and International Standard, since such an individual has no in-
administration of examinations which lead to the volvement in the adjustmentlset-up of the NDT equipment
qualification of NDT personnel, operating under the itself or the recording of test results.
aegis of the Certifying Body.
4.2 Trainee
3.5 employer: Corporate entity which employs NDT
personnel to execute NDT tasks for wages, salary,
This is an individual in the process of receiving training
fees or other considerations.
and experience with the aim of obtaining NDT
Level 1 qualification and certification, or for direct ac-
36 candidate: An individual seeking qualification
cess to NDT Level 2.
and subsequent certification.

3.7 set-up: Mechanical and/or electronie adjust- 4.3 NDT Level 1

ment of NDT equipment to establish the testing pa-
rameters and testing sensitivity required by the prod- An individual certificated to NDT Level 1 is qualified
uct specification. to carry out NDT operations according to written in-

2) American Society for Non-Destructive Testing.

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43 ISO ISO 11484:1994(E)

structions and under the Supervision of Level 2 or - establishing techniques and procedures;
Level 3 personnel. As appropriate to the testing
technique(s) being used, he/she shall be able: - interpreting Codes, Standards, specifications and
- to set up the equipment;
- designating the particular test methods, tech-
- to carry out the tests; niques and procedures to be used.

- to record and classify the results in terms of writ- He/she shall also have:
te n criteri a;
- the competence to interpret and evaluate results
- to report on the results in terms of written criteria. in terms of existing Codes, Standards and specifi-
He/she shall not be responsible for the choice of the
test method or technique to be used, or for the as- - sufficient practical background in applicable ma-
sessment of test results. terials, fabrication and product technology to se-
lect methods and establish techniques and to
assist in establishing acceptance criteria where
4.4 NDT Level 2 none are otherwise available;

An individual certificated to NDT Level 2 is qualified - a general familiarity with a variety of other NDT
to perform and direct non-destructive testing accord- methods;
ing to established or recognized procedures. As ap-
propriate to the testing technique(s) being used, - an ability to train Level 1 and Level 2 personnel.
he/she shall have the competence:
When so nominated, he/she shall train Level 1 and
- to choose the technique for the test method; Level 2 personnel and/or manage and supervise
qualification examinations (see 5.1).
- to set up the equipment;
5 Requirements and procedures for
- to perform and to supervise the tests; qualification and certification
- to interpret and evaluate test results according to
applicable Standards, Codes or specifications; 5.1 NDT Levels 1 and 2 personnel (see
figures 1 and 2)
- to define the limitations of application of the test-
ing method/technique(s) for which a Level 2 indi- All Level 1 and Level 2 NDT personnel shall be quali-
vidual is certificated; fied and certificated by one of the following parallel
- to adjust the operating Parameters of NDT adapted
to the Problems which are the subject of specifi- 51.1 Qualification/certification by the employer’s
cations or procedures; Qualifying Body

- to prepare written test instructions; The employer’s Qualifying Body, through the vested
authority of an NDT Level 3 individual, shall qualify
- to carry out and to supervise all Level 1 duties; NDT Level 1 and Level 2 candidates in accordance
with 6.2 and 7.1. Once qualified, NDT Level 1 and
- to train or to guide personnel below Level 2; Level 2 personnel shall be certificated by the em-
ployer’s Qualifying Body.
- to organize and report on NDT results.
NOTE 2 The Level 3 individual need not be in the per-
manent employment of the employer.
4.5 NDT Level 3
5.1.2 Qualification/certification by an
An individual certificated to NDT Level 3 shall have independent Certifying Body
competence in and be capable of:
NDT Level 1 and Level 2 candidates shall be qualified
- assuming full responsibility for a test facility and by a Qualifying Body under the aegis of the appropri-
staff; ate Certifying Body in accordance with 6.2 and 7.1.
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On completion of all the qualification requirements, a The requirements for eligibility of candidates seeking
certificate shall be issued by the Certifying Body. In Level 1 and Level 2 qualification are given in 6.2 and
addition, Certifying Body certificated Level 1 and the requirements for Level 3 are given in 6.3.
Level 2 personnel shall be further qualified by the
employer’s Qualifying Body in accordance with 7.1.2 6.2 Levels 1 and 2
and 7.1.3 to attest to the individual’s competence in
specific and practical aspects of the NDT tasks to be The minimum eligibility requirements for candidates
executed. Once further qualified, such NDT Level 1 seeking NDT Level 1 and Leve 2 qualification are as
and Level 2 personnel shall be certificated by the follows.
employer and thus hold dual Certifying
Body/employer certification. 6.2.1 Visual requirements

Near Vision acuity to Jaeger C iart J2 or equivalent,

5.2 NDT Level 3 personnel (see figure 3)
at not less than 30 cm in at least one eye, aided or
unaided, including sufficient colour Vision appropriate
All level 3 NDT personnel shall, in accordance with
to the NDT method being used, shall be verified an-
this International Standard, be qualified to the re-
nually under the responsibility of the employer. Failure
quirements of 6.3 and 7.2 (excluding the method-
to comply with this requirement will render the eligi-
specif ic and practical examinations) by an
bility invalid.
independent Qualifying Body (i.e. independent of the
employer of this candidate). The purpose of this re-
quirement is to attest the academic competence of 6.2.2 Basic education
NDT Level 3 personnel.
The minimum requirement is basic education in the
In addition to the above, a written testimony shall be form of attendance at primary and secondary schools
provided by the employer to the independent Certify- or education centres in accordance with the national
ing Body, that the qualified individual satisfies the statutory regulations. No level(s) of attainment in basic
method-specific and practical examination require- education is(are) necessary, however appropriate
ments of this International Standard. The individual proof of attendance is a requirement.
will thus be deemed certificated NDT Level 3 by the
independent Certifying Body, which is required to is- 6.2.3 Training
sue a Level 3 certificate.
Esch candidate shall provide evidente of successful
Once certificated by the Certifying Body, NDT completion of a training Programme in the applicable
Level 3 personnel, via the Qualifying Body, have a method approved by the Qualifying Body and accept-
vested authority to qualify NDT Level 1 and Level 2 able to the Certifying Body. The minimum training
personnel. periods for Level 1 and Level 2 are given in table 1.

NDT Level 3 personnel shall be nominated by the

employer in any one or more of the following categ- Table 1 - Minimum training period
ories: Level 2

a) testing;
b) training; 60
d Examining.
6 Qualification requirements 80
6.1 General
The periods given in table 1 include both theoretical
Candidates for qualificationJcertification in accordance and practical training.
with this International Standard shall have a combina-
tion of physical capability and basic education, to- Direct access to NDT Level 2 requires a minimum
gether with the necessary training and experience in training period of the sum of the hours given for Level
the applicable NDT method. 1 and Level 2.
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ISO 11484:1994(E)

It is cecognized that, in the testing of tubes and flat c) four or more methods: a reduction of 50 % of the
products used in the manufacture of welded tubes, sum of the periods required for each method.
specialized NDT skills and knowledge (e.g. automated
Systems) are required to achieve satisfactoty candi- In applying the above rules, under no circumstances
date Performance and the training Programme shall shall a candidate have less than 50 % of the minimum
be so structured to accommodate these specialized experience period requirement, as given in table2, in
requirements. any one method.

lt is recognized that in the testing of tubes and flat

products used in the manufacture of welded tubes
there is a predominance of automatic/semi-automatic
6.2.4 Experience
Systems and the total experience of the candidate
shall be so balanced to accommodate the day-to-day
Esch candidate shall provide evidente of having the
set-up of such Systems.
necessary experience in the applicable method with
respect to the basic techniques and specialized skills
required during the testing of tubes and flat products 6.3 Level 3
used in the manufacture of welded tubes. The mini-
The minimum eligibility requirements for a candidate
mum periods of experience for Level 1 and Level 2
seeking NDT Level 3 qualification are as follows.
are given in table2.
6.3.1 Visual requirements
Table 2 - Required minimum periods of
experience Visual requirements as specified in 6.2.1.

6.3.2 Basic education

a) Basic education as specified in 6.2.2, or

b) successful completion of at least 2 years of en-

gineering or science study at a nationally recog-
nized College, university or technical school, or

c) graduate of at least a 3-year course at a nationally

recognized engineering or science College or uni-

Work experience in months is based on a nominal 6.3.3 Training

40 h per week (175 h per month). When a candidate
is working in excess of 40 h per week, he/she shall Esch candidate seeking NDT Level 3 qualification shall
be credited with an experience period based on the supply sufficient evidente, to the satisfaction of the
total number of hours worked on the applicable Qualifying Body and acceptable to the Certifying
method. Body, that attendance at training courses on
NDT-related subjects has been undertaken, along with
Direct access to Level 2 qualification/certification re- participation in Seminars, conferences, etc. on NDT
quires a minimum experience period of the sum of and related subjects. No number of training hours is
the months given for Level 1 and Level 2. specified, due to the complex nature of acquiring
knowledge which may be accomplished in many dif-
When a candidate has obtained concurrently experi- ferent possible ways by a Level 3 candidate.
ence in two or more NDT methods covered by this
International Standard, a reduction in the total experi- 6.3.4 Experience
ence period required for each method is permitted as
follows: NDT Level 3 candidates shall provide evidente of
having the necessary experience in the applicable
a) two NDT methods: a reduction of 25 % of the method and in at least two other methods, one of
sum of the periods required for each method; which shall be essentially similar in objective to the
primab method (i.e. surface inspection or volumetric
b) three NDT methods: a reduction of 33 % of the inspect on) with respect to the specialized techniques
sum of the periods required for each method; and ski Is required during the testing of tubes and of
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ISO 11484:1994(E) 0 ISO

flat products used in the manufacture of welded 7 Qualification examinations

tubes. The minimum period of experience for Level 3
candidates is given in table3. The qualification examination shall consist of a general
and a specific examination and cover a given NDT
method as it is applied in the steel tube industry in-
Table 3 - Required minimum periods of cluding, where appropriate, flat products used in the
experience for access to Level 3 manufacture of welded tubes.

Direct access to Access to Level Under the requirements of this International Standard,
Level 3 (not 3 by Level 2 the Qualifying or Certifying Body has the authority to
holding Level 2 certificated
Education exempt individuals holding certification as in a) and b)
certification) candidate
below from the qualifying examinations according to
7.1, 7.2 and 7.4, as appropriate:
(months) (months)

Graduate of at 24 12 a) for Levels 1 and 2: in accordance with ASNT

least a 3-year Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1 A;
course at a
nationally recog- b) for Level 3: individuals holding a valid ASNT
nized engin- Level 3 certificate either in accordance with ASNT
eering or science Standard CP189, or as a result of the ASNT certi-
College or uni- fication Programme or a nationally recognized ac-
credited certification Programme.
Successful com- 48 24
pletion of at least
2 years of engin-
eering or science
study at a na- 7.1 Content of the examination for Levels 1
tionaliy recog- and 2
nized College,
university or The examination shall consist of a written Part, gen-
technical school eral and specific, and a Single practical part. The
72 48
practical patt shall be of sufficient duration, complexity
Basic education
(as per 6.2.2) and scope to verify adequately the candidate’s ability
to apply the NDT method and/or technique(s) to real
test situations.
If the College or university degree is issued in non-
destructive testing, the minimum period of experi-
ence required for access to Level 3 shall be reduced
by 50 %. 7.1 .l General written examination

Credit for work experience may be applied concur- This examination shall include a selection of questions
rently in two or more NDT methods covered by this of a general nature on the NDT method, prepared by
International Standard, with a reduction of the total the Qualifying Body. The required minimum number
required experience, as follows: of questions shall be as given in table4.

a) two NDT methods: 25 % reduction in total time

required; Table 4 - Required minimum number of
questions (general examination)
b) three ND7 methods: 33 % reduction in total time

C) four or more NDT methods: 50 % reduction in

total time required.

For case c), the candidate shall be required to show

that, for each of the methods for which he/she seeks
qualification, he/she has at least 50 % of the period
of experience specified in table3.
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0 IS O IS O 1 1 4 8 4 :1 9 9 4 ( E )

7.1.2 Specific written examination volumetric m e thod (UT, R T or FT) a n d o n e surface

m e thod (MT, P T or ET).
This examination shall include a selection of questions
of a specific nature o n the N D T technique(s), p r e p a r e d This examination shall b e p a s s e d first a n d is valid
by the Qualifying Body. T h e required m i n i m u m n u m - indefinitely.
b e r of questions shall b e as given in table 5.
b) Main-method examination for which the quali-
fication is sought.
T a b l e 5 - R e q u i r e d m i n i m u m n u m b e r of
questions (specific examination) This examination consists of:

Method Level 1 Level 2 1) a g e n e r a l examination covering basic k n o w -

l e d g e relating to the test m e thod applied (this
ET 15 15
Part, o n c e passed, is valid indefinitely);
FT 15 15
PT 20 15 2) a m e thod-specific examination relating to the
MT 20 15 application of the N D T m e thod to the tube in-
dustry, including the applicable Codes, stan-
RT 20 20
d a r d s a n d specifications;
UT 20 20
3) a practical examination concerning the draft-
ing of o n e or m o r e N D T p r o c e d u r e s or in-

This examination shall b e so structured as to verify 7.2.1 Basic examination

the candidate’s ability to perform testing of steel
tubes and, w h e r e appropriate, flat products u s e d in T h e examination questions shall b e selected from the
the m a n u facture of w e l d e d tubes, to record a n d to i n d e p e n d e n t Qualifying B o d y ’s collection at the tim e
analyse the resultant information to the d e g r e e re- of this examination. T h e required m i n i m u m n u m b e r
q u i r e d for the N D T level b e i n g sought, according to: of questions shall b e as given in table6.

a) for Level 1: written instructions;

T a b l e 6 - R e q u i r e d m i n i m u m n u m b e r of
b) for Level 2: written instructions, specifications, questions (basic examination)
C o d e s a n d S tandards. Part Field/Area Number

For Level 2, the candidate shall demonstrate the abil- Qualif ication a n d
ity to p r e p a r e written instructions for Level 1. certif ication p r o - 10
W h e r e specimens a r e u s e d for the practical examin- Materials sci-
ation, they shall b e selected a n d verified by the A
e n c e a n d tech- 25
Qualifying Body. nology
Typical p r o d u c t
7 .2 C o n te n t o f th e e x a m i n a tio n fo r L e v e l 3
1 5 for e a c h test
G e n e r a l knowl-
B m e t h o d (total
T h e examination shall consist of the following written edge

a) Basic examination proving the candidate’s tech- All the questions shall b e multiple-choice questions.
nical k n o w l e d g e of m a terials science a n d tech- T h e total duration of this examination shall b e a
nology related to the activity of the candidate in s c h e d u l e d m i n i m u m of 2 h a n d a m a x i m u m of 3 h.
the qualification a n d certification System definec!
in this International S tandard, a n d g e n e r a l k n o w - 7.2.2 Main-method examination
l e d g e of the principal m e thod for which quali-
fication is sought a n d at least two other relevant T h e g e n e r a l examination questions shall b e selected
m e thods as C h o s e n by the candidate. T h e s e two from the i n d e p e n d e n t Qualifying B o d y ’s collection at
additional m e thods must include at least o n e the tim e of this examination.
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ISO 11484:1994(E) (8 ISO

The method-specific examination questions shall be A candidate for a practical examination may use
selected from the authorized Qualifying Body’s col- his/her own apparatus, as appropriate. The examiner
lection at the time of this examination. should investigate the reliability of the test apparatus
made available to the candidate, and unreliable ap-
The required minimum number of questions shall be paratus should be replaced as well as any apparatus
as given in table 7. that may be rendered unserviceable during the course
of the examination. Any item of apparatus brought by
a candidate that is unreliable or rendered unservicea-
Table 7 - Required minimum number of
ble during the examination should be replaced by the
questions (main-method examination)

7.3.1 Examination for Levels 1 and 2

The written and practical examinations shall be con-

ducted and supervised by at least one examiner
Chosen among NDT Level 3 Personne1 and designated
by the Qualifying Body. The examiner may be assisted
by one or more invigilators placed under his/her re-
sponsibility. The sole duty of the invigilator(s) is to
monitor that each candidate observes the rules of the
The questions shall be multiple-choice questions for examination and to report immediately any miscon-
the whole of Part Cl and for at least half of Part C2; duct to the examiner.
the remaining questions of Part C2, up to a maximum
of 10, shall require a written answer. 7.3.2 Examination for Level 3

The maximum duration of the examination for Parts The basic examination and the main-method examin-
Cl and C2 shall be 2 h each and 2 h for each ation shall be conducted and supervised by at least
procedure/instruction in Part C3, with a scheduled two examiners Chosen among NDT Level 3 Personne1
minimum of 1 1/2 h in each case. and designated by the Qualifying Body.

The examiners may be assisted by one or more

7.3 Conduct of examinations invigilators placed under their responsibilities.

All examinations shall be conducted at locations des-

ignated by the Qualifying Body. 7.4 Grading

At the examination, the candidate shall have in 7.4.1 Examination for Levels 1 and 2
his/her possession a valid proof of identification and
an official notification of the examination, which shall The general examination shall be graded separately
be shown to the examiner or invigilator on request. from the specific examination so that the candidate
may be examined later for certification in another part
Any candidate who does not abide by normally ac- of the tube industry or related industry without having
cepted examination rules during the course of the to repeat the general examination; thus a certificated
examination or who perpetrates or is an accessory to Operator changing from one part of an industrial sector
fraudulent conduct shall, at the discretion of the to another keeps the benefit of the general examin-
examiner, either be excluded from further partici- ation valid for all areas of the tube industry.
pation in the examination or be reported to the Quali-
fying Body, depending on the seriousness of the The composite g rade N shall be calculated in accord-
misconduct. In either case, the candidate has a right ante with the fol lowing formulae:
of appeal to the Qualifying Body.
for level 1: N = 0,25 IZ~+ 0,25 IZ, + 0,50 np
The examiner shall mark the written examinations
completed by the candidate; he/she shall judge and for level 2: N = 0,30 ng + 0,30 ~t, + O,40 nr,
mark the results of the practical examination accord-
ing to a written procedure which includes at least ten
sequential check Points, determined from within the is the grade for the general examination;
framework of the examination. This written procedure
shall be developed by the Qualifying Body. ns is the grade for the specific examination;
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0 ISO ISO 11484:1994(E)

is the grade for the practical examination A candidate who failed to obtain the passing grade for
(general and specific). the whole examination may take one, and only one,
retest in a maximum of two Parts, provided that the
To be certificated, a candidate shall obtain a grade of grade of each patt was at least 70/100 and that re-
at least 70/100 in each part of the examination and a testing takes place within 1 year from the failed
composite grade N of at least 80/100. examination date.

7.4.2 Examination for level 3 A candidate for re-examination shall apply for and take
the examination in accordance with the procedure
The grading of the basic and main-method examin- established for new candidates.
ations shall be made separately.

7.4.3 Basic examination 8 Certification

The composite grade NB of the basic examination sttall 8.1 Administration

be calculated in accordance with the following for-
mula: Based on the results of the qualification examinations,
NB = 0,5 nA + 0,5 ng the Certifying Body shall announce the certification
and issue certificates and/or corresponding wallet
where cards.

nA is the grade for the part A (see table 6); 8.2 Certificates and/or wallet cards
is the grade for the part B (sec table 6);
Certificates and/or corresponding wallet cards shall
To complete successfully this examination, the candi- bear:
date shall obtain a grade of at least 70/100 in each
part and a composite grade NB of at least 80/100. a) the name of the certificated individual;

b) the date of commencement of certification;

7.4.4 Main-method examination
c) the date upon which certification expires;
The composite grade NM of the main-method
examination shall be calculated in accordance with the the Ievel of certification;
following formula:
e) the NDT method;
nc1 + k2 + k3
N,", =
f) the tube sector(s) concerned;

g) a unique identification number;

nc1 is the grade for the Part Cl (see table7);
h) the signature of the certificated individual;
nC2 is the grade for the Part C2 (see table7);
i) a Photograph of the certificated individual; and
nC3 is the grade for the Part C3 (see table7);
j) the cold seal of the Certifying Body, cancelling the
To complete successfully this examination, the candi-
Photograph to avoid falsification.
date shall obtain a grade of at least 70/100 in each
part and a composite grade N,,,, of at least 80/100. To NOTE 3 By issuing the certificate and/or the correspond-
be certificated, the candidate shall successfully com- ing wallet card, the Certifying Body attests to the quali-
plete the basic and main-method examinations. fication of the individual but does not give any authority to
operate. The authorization to operate is the responsibility
of the employer.
7.5 Re-examination

A candidate who fails an examination must wait at 8.3 Validity

least 30 days Prior to retaking the examination. A
candidate whose examination results have not been The maximum period of validity of the certification is
accepted for reason of fraud must wait 1 year before for 5 years from the date of commencement of certi-
re-applying. fication indicated on the certificate and/or wallet card.
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ISO 11484:1994(E) 0 ISO

Certification shall be invalid: The individual shall meet the two criteria for re-
newal (see clause 9) and successfully complete
a) if the individual changes from the tube industrial a re-qualifying practical examination organized ac-
sector to another sector, in which case he/she cording to the simplified examination procedure,
shall successfully complete a supplementary acceptable to the Qualifying Body. If the individual
examination for the new industrial sector; fails to achieve a grade of at least 80/100 in the
re-qualifying examination, he/she shall apply for
b) if the individual becomes physically incapable of certification as per a new candidate.
performing his/her duties based upon the visual
examination taken annually under the responsi- b) For Level 3
bility of the employer or responsible agency.
The individual shall meet the two criteria for re-
newal (see clause 9), and either successfully
9 Renewal of certification complete a re-qualifying written examination
which includes 20 questions on the application of
After the first period of validity, certification shall be the test method/technique(s) and 5 questions on
renewed by the Certifying Body, or by the Qualifying this certification procedure, or meet the require-
Body as appropriate, for a new period of 5 years, ments of a structured credit System. If the indi-
provided the individual meets the following require- vidual fails to achieve a grade of at least
ments: 80/100 in the re-qualifying examination or does
not meet the requirements of the credit System,
a) he/she provides evidente of the last satisfactory he/she shall apply for certification as per a new
annual visual examination; candidate.

b) he/she provides evidente of continued satisfac-

11 Files
toty work activity without significant interruption
in the method/technique(s) for which he/she is The Certifying Body or the Qualifying Body, as appro-
certificated. priate, shall keep:
NOTE 4 A significant interruption means an absence or a) an updated list of all certificated individuals, clas-
a Change of activity which prevents the certificated individ-
sified according to level, test method and indus-
ual from practising the duties corresponding to the level in
the method and the industrial sector(s) for which he/she is trial sector;
certificated, for one or more periods for a total time ex-
ceeding 1 year, within the period of validity. Significant in- b) an individual file for each certificated individual
terruption does not include periods of holidays or absence and for each individual whose certification has
for illness or attendance at a training course, the duration been withdrawn, containing
of which is less than 1 month.
1) application forms;
If the criteria for renewal are not met, the individual
shall apply for re-certification. 2) examination documents, including question-
naires, answers, description of specimens,
records, test results, written procedures
IQ Re-certification and/or instructions and grade sheets;

Upon completion of each second period of validity 3) renewal documents, including evidente of
(every 10 years maximum), certification shall be re- visual acuity and continued work activity.
newed by the Certifying Body directly, or by the
Qualifying Body as appropriate, for a new period of Individual files shall be kept under suitable conditions
5 years on the basis of the following requirements. of safety and discretion for a period at least equal to
the total of the initial period of validity plus the re-
a) For Levels 1 and 2 newal period.


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ISO 11484:1994(E)

y --,--
qualif ication

Examina t ions

1 i$;;L 1 s;;ci;)c 1 P;;ct.i;;L /

Employer’s QuaLif ying Body
extemal Qualifying Body

Certification by
Certification employer’s Cer t if ying
(S.l.11 Body l3.3 all

/ \
1’’ Certificate of \\\
\ qualif ica tion ’
\ //

Certification by
Authorization employer’s Cer t if ying
(8.2, note 3) 0ody

// ” Certificate of \,
( authorization )
\ to operate ’
\ //

Figure 1 - Levels 1 and 2: Certification (Option 1) (see 5.1 .l)


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ISO 11484:1994(E)

qualif ication Basic Training
requirements education
(6.22) (62.3)

Examinations Examina tions

Method General Specif ic Practical

qualification (7.1.1) (7.12) (7.1.3)
Employer’s Qualif ying Body
Extemal Qualifying Body or
extemal Qualifying Body

Certification by
independent Certifying
(5.1.1) Body C3.3 b)I

/ \
// ’ Certificate of ‘1,
\ qualif ication /
\ //

Certification by
Authorization employer’s Certifying
(8.2, note 3) Body

/ \
// ’ Certificate of ‘\\
( authorization )
\ to operate 1’
\ /

Figure 2 - Levels 1 and 2: Certification (Option 2) (see 5.1.2)


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ISO 11484:1994(E)



r BW
l Examina tions
Basic Main method
General Specif ic Practical
(7.2.1) (7.22) (7.2.2) (7.2.2)
Method A/B Cl c2 c3
qualification External
(7.2) Qualifying
External Body or
Qualifying employer's Employer’s Qualif ying Body
Body Qualifying

Certification by
Certification independent
(5.2) Certif ying
Body C3.3 b)l

1’’ Certificate of \\\

\ , qualification /
\ //

(8.2, note 3)

1’” Certificate of \,
< authorization )
\ to operate 1’’

1) In this case, and in this case only, the employer’s Qualifying Body shall be accredited.

Figure 3 - Level 3: Certification


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ISO 11484:1994(E)

ICS 03.100.30; 23.040.10; 77.040.20; 77.140.30

Descriptors: pipes (tubes), metal tubes, steel tubes, seamless tubes, welded tubes, pressure pipes, tests, non-destructive tests,
personnel, qualification, certification, classification, training.
Price based on 13 pages
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