Solutions For Statistics and Probability For Engineers

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A box in a supply room contains 24 compact fluorescent lightbulbs, of which 8 are rated 13-watt,

9 are rated 18-watt, and 7 are rated 23-watt. Suppose that three of these bulbs are randomly
selected. (Round your answers to three decimal places.)

a) What is the probability that exactly two of the selected bulbs are rated 23-watt?


The given box contains the following number of light bulbs:

1)8 13-W bulbs

2)9 18-W bulbs

3)7 23-W bulbs

Total number of bulbs is,

From these bulbs, three bulbs are randomly selected. Three balls from 24 balls can be selected in

different number of ways.

The probability of exactly two of the selected bulbs that are rated as 23-watt is,

From the available seven 23-watt bulbs, 2 can be selected in different ways. Also, from the

remaining 17 other type bulbs,1 bulb can be selected in ways.

Therefore, the required probability is calculated as follows:

Part a

The probability of exactly two of the selected bulbs that are rated as 23 watt is 0.1764.

b) What is the probability that all three of the bulbs have the same rating?


The probability of all three of the selected bulbs have the same rating is,

That is, event of selecting all the three balls from any one of the three rated balls.

So, three are different possibilities:

1)Select 3 balls from four 13-Watt bulbs in ways.

2)Select 3 balls from five 18-watt bulbs in ways.

3)Select 3 balls from six 23-watt bulbs in ways.


Part b
The probability that all three of the selected bulbs have the same rating is 0.0865 when three
bulbs drawn at random.

c) What is the probability that one bulb of each type is selected?


Find the probability that one bulb of each type is selected:

1)Select 1 ball from four 13-Watt bulbs in ways.

2)Select 1 ball from five 18-watt bulbs in ways.

3)Select 1 ball from six 23-watt bulbs in ways.


Part c

The probability when one bulb of each type selected is 0.2490.

d) If bulbs are selected one by one until a 23-watt bulb is obtained, what is the probability that it
is necessary to examine at least 6 bulbs?


The probability that at least six bulbs need to be examined to get one 23-watt bulb is,

This probability can be calculated by taking the complimentary probability of getting 23-watt
bulb within first 5 trials.

Part d

The probability that at least six bulbs need to be examined to get one 23-watt bulb is 0.1456.

A library subscribes to two different weekly news magazines, each of which is supposed to
arrive in Wednesday�s mail. In actuality, each one may arrive on Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, or Saturday. Suppose the two arrive independently of one another, and for each one
P(Wed.) = .3, P(Thurs.) = .4, P(Fri.) = .2, and P(Sat.) = .1. Let Y = the number of days beyond
Wednesday that it takes for both magazines to arrive (so possible Y values are 0, 1, 2, or 3).
Compute the pmf of Y.

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