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Students´ names: David Felipe Moreno Reyes Group 10-4

Passive voice activity

La voz pasiva se utiliza para mostrar mayor interés por la persona o cosa sobre la que recae la
acción, es decir el objeto de la oración, el cual pasa a ser el sujeto.
La voz pasiva se forma poniendo el verbo “to be” conjugado en tiempo de la oración activa y el verbo
principal escrito siempre en pasado participio. 

Video explicativo:


Voz activa:
Mi abuelo plantó este árbol: My grandfather planted this tree.

Voz pasiva:
Este árbol fue plantado por mi abuelo: This tree was planted by my grandfather

Active voice

Passive voice

Subject- verb to-be (tense) + verb in past participle + by…

Tense Simple Continuos Perfect

Present am, is, are, opened am, is, are, being opened have, has been opened

Past was, were opened was, were being opened had been opened

Future will be opened will be being opened will have been opene

En la voz pasiva, se usa
- By: para referirse a por quién (agente) se está haciendo la acción.
Ejemplo: The door was open by Mr. Black

- With: para referirse al instrumento, objeto o material que se utilizó para hacer algo.
Ejemplo: The door was open with a key

Let´s practice passive voice:

1. Rewrite and complete the following sentences using the passive voice. (Past Simple).
a. The toothbrush / invent / in the 15th century.
b. The first public basketball game / play / in 1892.
c. The first eyeglasses / wear / in the 1200s.
d. The first bicycle / ride in 1791.
e. The first CDs / sell / in the 1980s.
f. The first electric guitar / play / in 1923.
g. The first computer mouse / use / 1964.

2. Complete the negative sentences to practice passive voice, see verbs in the brackets. Use the
Past Simple.
a. My car was not repaired (not / repair) last week.
b. This song ________________________ (not / write) by John Lennon.
c. The phone ___________________________ (not/answer) by a young girl
d. The film ________________________ (not / make) ten years ago.
e. The tennis game ______________________________ (not /plan) for today.
f. The car ________________________ (not / damaged) in the accident.

3. Form the question.

a. Paper is made from wood. ____Is paper made from wood? _____
b. The telephone was invented by Mr Bell. ___________________________________________?
c. This picture was painted by Peter. ___________________________________________?
e. Champagne is made in France. ___________________________________________?
f. The letters will be sent next week. ___________________________________________?

4. Read the information in each box and write 5 sentences using passive voice.
introduce invent create patent design


1. Refrigerator Oliver Evans 1805
2. Sewing machine Thomas Saint 1790
3. laptop Adam Osborne 1980
4. Bicycle Karl von Drais 1817
5. Washing machine James King 1851
6. Airplane Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright. 1906
7. Light bulb Thomas Alva Edison 1879
8. Clock Christiaan Huygens 1656
9. Car Karl Benz 1885
10. Radio Guglielmo Marconi 1899
11. Stove Benjamin Franklin 1740
12. Telephone (Smartphone) Alexander Graham Bell/ IBM 1876/1992
13. Modern day shoes Jan Ernst Matzeliger 1883
14. Air conditioner Willis Carrier 1902
15. Television/Smart TV John Logie Baird / Philo Farnsworth 1926 / 2013
16. Camera Steven Sasson 1975
17. Memory card Roland Moreno 1982
18. Calculator Blaise Pascal 1642
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. Sentences are given in the passive voice, change them into the active voice.
Taken from:

1. English is taught by him.


2. Countries around the world are connected by Globalization.


3. Video games are being played by children.


4. A letter is not being written by her.


5. That book was written by him.


6. A new car was not bought by him.


7. By whom will be this work done?


8. The job has been finished by me.


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