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School wise list for Back paper/ Supplementary Examination, held in July – August 2020

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1. AC432 Structure Design and Systems VII T
Professional Practice- II (Valuation & Contract
2. AC442 Documents)

1. BI142 Evolution of Interior Spaces-II T
2. BI172 Basic Structure Design T
3. BI242 Building Services-II T
4. ID132 Design Thinking T
5. ID142 History & Humanities-II T
6. ID222 Building Materials & Application-II T
7. ID242 Landscape for Interiors-I T

B. ARCH. (STAGE II) - SEMESTER - VII AD 431 – Structure Design & Systems VII
Objectives: Conceptual study of Advance Frame construction structures with reference to high rise buildings and surface
Unit – I: TIMBER STRUCTURES – BEAMS, COLUMNS AND ROOF TRUSSES Properties, strength and types of timber used as
structural components in timber construction – Permissible stresses in timber – Design of Columns and beams as per BIS
codes. Types of Timber Roof Trusses used for different spans.
Unit – II: Foundation and Pre - Stressing Raft foundations, Pre-stressing – Method and losses in pre-stressing, comparison
of RCC and prestressing, Pre-stressing systems. Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning.
Unit – III: Cantilever and Truss Types of roof trusses – Selection of trusses according to the span – Estimation of gravity
loads and wind loads, Use of BIS and book SP-38 in analyzing and design of trusses, gusseted plate connections (Theory
Only). Cylindrical, parabolic and flat arches, advantages and limitations. Beams and columns and various types of
supporting systems cantilever and propped cantilever. Continuous and fixed beams and their behavior under load.
Unit – IV: Shell Structure Simple framed structures and trusses-advantages and limitations. Conceptualizing and
understanding of surface structures – shells, domes and folded plates.
Outcome: Students will have understanding of advance frame construction, high rise building structure design, timber
structures and shell structure.
References:  V.S.Prasad, Structural Mechanics & Analysis,  B.C.Punmia , Strength of Material & Mechanics of Structure
(Vol. II), M/s. Lax Publications, New Delhi - 2010  C.S.Reddy, Basic Structural Analysis,  Ramachandra .S, Design of steel

School wise list for Back paper/ Supplementary Examination, held in July – August 2020

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structures Vol. I, Standard publication, New Delhi, 1992  Vazirani .V.N, and Ratwani .M.M, Steel structures, Khanna
Publications, New Delhi, 1995

1. Trees are generally classified, based on the mode of growth into:

a) 2
b) 6
c) 4
d) 3
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two types are endogenous (inward growth) and exogenous (outward growth).
2. What is the life time of a moderately durable timber?
a) 10-20 years
b) 1-5 years
c) 10-15 years
d) 5-10 years
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Answer: d
Explanation: The life time of high durability timber is more than 10 years, for moderately it is between 5-10 years and for
low, it is less than 5 years.
3. Which of the following is an example of soft wood?
a) Sal
b) Oak
c) Deodar
d) Mahogany
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sal, Oak and Mahogany are all examples of hard wood.
4. Which IS Code gives a classification of commercial timbers and their zonal distribution?
a) IS 620
b) IS 399
c) IS 401
d) IS 190
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Answer: b
Explanation: IS 620 gives details about wooden tools handles. IS 401 specifies about the preservation of timber and IS 190
about coniferous sawn timber.
5. IS 3629-1966 classifies timber into 3 classes based on:
a) Availability

School wise list for Back paper/ Supplementary Examination, held in July – August 2020

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b) Average life
c) Durability
d) Density
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are 3 classes-class I, class II and class III. Class I timber has an average life of 120 months or more, Class
II of 60 months or over, but less than 120 months. Class III has an average life of less than 60 months.
6. Which of the following is a type of non-refractory timber?
a) Semul
b) Teak
c) Sheesham
d) Sal
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bases on seasoning, timber has been classified into non-refractory, moderately refractory and eminent
refractory timber. Teak and Sheesham are examples of moderately refractory and Sal of eminent refractory timber.
7. Which of the below type of timber has Young’s Modulus greater than 9800 N/mm2, but less than 12600 N/mm2?
a) Average timber
b) Very good timber
c) Good timber
d) Light timber
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Answer: c
Explanation: Average timber has Young’s Modulus (E) varying between 6600 N/mm2 and 9800 N/mm2. Very good timber
has E greater than 12600 N/mm2. There is no classification as light timber based on E.
8. What is the density of a light timber?
a) 5.5 kN/m3
b) Less than 2.5 kN/m3
c) 2.5 kN/m3
d) Less than 5.5 kN/m3
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Answer: d
Explanation: Density of light to very light timber is less than 5.5 kN/m3. Moderate timber has density between 5.5 and 7.5
kN/m3 and heavy to very heavy timber has density greater than 7.5 kN/m3.
9. Hard wood is strong in tension and weak in compression.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Soft wood is strong in tension and weak in compression. Hard wood is equally strong in tension and
10. Exogenous trees are further divided into:
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
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Answer: c
Explanation: Exogenous trees are those in which trees grow outward. The 2 types are coniferous (evergreens) and
deciduous (broad leaf) trees.
11. Which of the below is a property of soft wood?
a) Medullary rays are less distinct
b) Annual rings are less distinct
c) Dark in colour
d) Close grained structure
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Answer: a
Explanation: The other 3 options are properties of hard wood. Soft wood is light in colour, annual rings are clearly visible
and it has resinous structure.
1. The surface of freshly cut timber should be:
a) Soft and shining
b) Hard and shining
c) Perfectly round
d) Light in colour
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dull appearance is a sign of defective timber. Soft surface is prone to attack by insects, fungus and is not a
good quality.
2. The quality of timber does not depend upon:
a) Maturity of tree
b) Time of felling
c) Type of tree
d) Size of tree
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Answer: d
Explanation: The size of a tree is not of much importance. The weight, maturity of tree matters and not length.
3. How should the smell of a freshly cut timber be?

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a) Sweet
b) Pungent
c) Unpleasant
d) Odourless
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Answer: a
Explanation: One can detect the quality of a timber by smelling freshly cut timber. Ideally, it should be sweet. Unpleasant
smell indicates decay of timber.
4. Where is the property of shock resistance an important parameter?
a) Furniture
b) Utensils
c) Tool handles
d) Doors
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Answer: c
Explanation: A good timber should be capable of resisting shocks. Tool handles, parts of motor cars, aeroplanes should
use timber that has good shock resistance.
5. Timbers with ___________ annular rings are generally the strongest.
a) Narrow
b) Wide
c) Distinct
d) Indistinct
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Answer: a
Explanation: Annular rings are formed every year and they consist of innumerable cells of fibres and tissues. Total number
of annular rings indicate an age of tree. Narrow annular rings indicate the strength of tree.
6. How can the quality of timber be checked via sound?
a) Timber struck by hammer
b) Timber tapped by hand
c) Timber knocked by chisel
d) Two timber pieces struck together
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Answer: d
Explanation: Just as in the case of bricks, two timber pieces are taken and struck against each other. A good quality timber
should make a clear ringing sound.
7. How should be the colour of good quality timber?
a) Light
b) Gradient
c) Dark

School wise list for Back paper/ Supplementary Examination, held in July – August 2020

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d) Brown
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Answer: c
Explanation: Heart wood consists of dead cells which are free from sap, hard, dark in colour. Hence, dark coloured wood is
preferred. Light colour indicates low strength.
8. Timber should be light weight.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Heavy and dense timber is the one used for all purposes. Light weight wood results in weak, unsound
9. Which of the below is true about good timber?
a) Elastic
b) Round fibres
c) Less cost
d) Less density
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Answer: a
Explanation: Timber should be elastic i.e., it should retain shape when load causing deformation is removed. A good
timber should have straight, compact fibres, moderate cost and high density.
10. The water permeability of timber is greater:
a) Along centre
b) Along Fibres
c) Along annual rings
d) Along bark
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Answer: b
Explanation: Water permeability of timber should essentially be zero. If it absorbs water, it is prone to decay. Fibres are
most porous.
Which is one of the most efficient types of timber roof trusses?
a) Raised Heel Roof Truss
b) Quadrangular Roof Trusses
c) Parallel Chord Roof Truss
d) Scissor Roof Truss
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Answer: a

School wise list for Back paper/ Supplementary Examination, held in July – August 2020

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Explanation: This is one of the most efficient types of timber roof trusses, mostly because it brings a very good room for
insulation, but at the same time it also provides you with a very good system for structural support. It might require some
additional materials in order to make it bring the best results, not to mention that the costs can be a little higher when
compared to other truss types, but it does help you lower the energy bill value, so keep that in mind.
Foundations can be broadly classified under __________
a) Shallow foundation and Deep foundation
b) Pile foundation
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Foundations may be broadly classified under two heads: shallow foundations and deep foundations.
2. A foundation is said to be shallow if its depth is ________ than its width.
a) Equal to and Less than
b) Greater than
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Terzaghi, a foundation is shallow if its depth is equal to or less than its width. In the case of
deep foundations, the depth is equal to or greater than the width.
3. which of the following, is a type of shallow footing?
a) Spread footing
b) Pile foundation
c) Pier foundation
d) Well foundation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The shallow foundations are of the following types: spread footing (or simple footing), strap footing,
combined footing, and mat footing or raft footing.
4. Which of the below is the most commonly used shallow foundation?
a) Strap footing
b) Spread footing
c) Combined footing
d) Raft footing
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Answer: b
Explanation: In spread footing, load is transmitted through an isolated column or wall to the subsoil; hence this is most
common type of foundation.

School wise list for Back paper/ Supplementary Examination, held in July – August 2020

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5. The pressure intensity beneath the footing depends upon ___________
a) Rigidity of the footing
b) Soil type
c) Condition of soil
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Both from observations as well as the analytical studies from elasticity, it is known that the pressure
distribution beneath footing is not uniform and it depends on the rigidity of footing, the soil type, and the condition of the
6. Once the pressure distribution is known ___________ in the reinforced concrete footing can be calculated.
a) Bending moment and Shear force
b) Bearing pressure
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Knowing the pressure distribution is known, the bending moment and shear force can be calculated, and the
thickness of the structural member of the member can be calculated using properties of reinforced concrete.
7. In conventional design, allowable bearing capacity should be taken smaller than which of the following value?
a) Safe bearing capacity and Allowable bearing pressure
b) The pressure intensities beneath the footing
c) None of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In conventional design, the allowable bearing capacity should be taken as the smaller of the following two
values: i) the safe bearing capacity based on ultimate capacity, and ii) the allowable bearing pressure on tolerable
8. In cohesive soil, the pressure distribution beneath the footing is ___________
a) Linear
b) Non linear
c) Zero
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a footing rests on cohesive soil, the edge stresses may be very large, but the pressure distribution may
be considered to be linear.
9. When do strap footings are used in foundation?

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a) To transfer load of an isolated column
b) Distance between the columns are long
c) Two column loads are unequal
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A strap footing may be used where the distance between the columns is so great that the combined
trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow, with a high bending moment.
10. When two column loads are unequal, which of the possible footing can be provided?
a) Strap footing
b) Raft footing
c) Trapezoidal combined footing
d) Mat footing
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the two columns load are unequal, with the outer column carrying a heavier load,
1. The phenomena of development of internal tensile stresses in a concrete member by means of tensioning devices are
called as ____________
a) Pre-tensioning
b) Post-tensioning
c) Prestressing of concrete
d) Thermoelectric prestressing
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Answer: c
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is basic concrete, in which internal stresses of a suitable magnitude and distribution are
introduced so that the stresses resulting from external loads are counteracted to a desired degree.
2. In reinforced concrete members the prestress is commonly introduced by ___________
a) Tensioning the steel reinforcement
b) Tendons
c) Shortening of concrete
d) Rings
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Answer: a
Explanation: In reinforced concrete members, the prestress commonly introduced is by tensioning the steel reinforcement
while rings i.e stirrups are used while placing columns or foundation in structures, tendon is a stretched member of a
prestressed concrete element which serves the purpose of transmitting the prestress to concrete and shortening of
concrete phenomena occurs while placing of concrete.
3. Which of the following basic concept is involved in the analysis of prestressed concrete members?
a) Combined and bending stresses

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b) Principle stresses
c) Shear stresses
d) Overhead stresses
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Answer: a
Explanation: The basic concept involved in the analysis of prestressed concrete members is concept of combined direct
and bending stresses used for columns whereas principle and shear stresses are formed in case of tensioning the
prestressed and reinforced structures, overhead stresses are formed while the stresses in structures goes beyond safe
limit provided by different codes.
4. The prestressing of concrete member is carried out to reduce ___________
a) Compressive stresses
b) Tensile stresses
c) Bending stresses
d) Shear force
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Answer: a
Explanation: The prestressing of concrete members is done to reduce the compressive stresses developed in the concrete
members to the required extent while tensile stresses is the stress state where the length of member tends to expand in
tension side while the volume remains constant, shear forces and bending stresses occurs at the cross section of the beam
as the unbalanced vertical force and algebraic sum of moment of forces to right or left of section.
5. The earliest examples of wooden barrel construction by force-fitting of metal bands and shrink-fitting of metal tiers of
wooden wheels indicate the art of ___________
a) Prestressing
b) Tensioning
c) Stress
d) Straining
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Answer: a
Explanation: Wooden barrel construction by force-fitting of metal bands and shrink-fitting of metal tyres on wooden
wheels indicate the art of prestressing and it has been practiced from ancient times while the example of tensioning is
bracing for building and bridges whereas stress occurs in a member at a force per unit area and strain phenomena occurs
by change in length of a unstressed element.
6. The concept is used in many branches of civil engineering and building construction?
a) Reinforced concrete
b) Prestressed concrete
c) Steel concrete
d) Lump sum concrete
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Answer: b

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Explanation: Prestressed concrete is widely used in many branches of civil engineering and building construction and in
recent days it is experiencing greatest growth in the field of commercial building because of its acoustic properties and its
ability to provide long open space.
7. The attempt to introduce permanently acting forces in concrete to resist the elastic forces is ___________
a) Prestressing
b) Loading
c) Pre-straining
d) Bending
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Answer: a
Explanation: Freyssinet attempted to introduce permanently acting forces in concrete to resist the elastic forces
developed under loads and this idea was later developed under the name of prestressing while the loading and bending
phenomena occurs in a member while placing and during excessive loads and pre-straining occurs in prestressed concrete
8. In reinforced concrete members, the prestress commonly introduced is ___________
a) Tensioning steel reinforcement
b) Tensioning wood reinforcement
c) Tensioning rings
d) Tensioning plates
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Answer: a
Explanation: In reinforced concrete members steel is commonly used by tensioning steel reinforcement and Steel was
commonly used in reinforcement in earlier days and had several disadvantages in case of residential buildings.
9. Development of early cracks in reinforced concrete is due to ___________
a) Strains of steel
b) Stresses of steel
c) Ultimate load
d) Bending of steel
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Answer: a
Explanation: Development of early cracks in reinforced concrete is due to incompatibility in the strains of steel and
concrete and it was perhaps the starting point in the development of a new material like prestressed concrete.
10. Concrete is weak in?
a) Compression
b) Tension
c) Loading
d) Bending
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Answer: b

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Explanation: Concrete is not able to resist direct tension in comparison of its ability to resist direct compression because
of its low tensile strength and brittle nature, it behaves non linearly at all times because it has essentially zero strength in
tension it is always used as reinforced concrete, as a composite material and it is a mixture of sand, aggregate, cement
and water whereas structures are highly vulnerable to tensile cracking due to very low thermal coefficient of expansion.
In 1886, Jackson of San Francisco applied for a patent in which prestress was introduced by ___________
a) Tensioning the reinforced rods in sleeves
b) Tensioning the reinforced rings in sleeves
c) Tensioning the reinforced steel in sleeves
d) Tensioning the reinforced bars in sleeves
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Answer: a
Explanation: In present state of development in the field of prestressed concrete is due to continuous research done by
engineers and scientists in this field during the last 90 years while Jackson of San Francisco applied for a patent
“construction of artificial stone and concrete pavements”, in which prestress was introduced by tensioning the reinforced
rods set in sleeves.
2. In 1888, manufacturing of slabs and small beams using embedded tensioned wires in concrete was introduced by
a) Dohring
b) Karl marx
c) Emperger
d) Dischinger
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dohring of Germany manufactured slabs and small beams in 1888, using embedded tensioned wires in
concrete to avoid cracks, in 1923 Emperger of Vienna developed a method for making wire bound reinforced concrete
pipes, the use of unbounded tendons was first demonstrated by Dischinger in 1928 and Karl marx was a German
philosopher, economist, political theorist, sociologist, journalist.
3. An engineer mandl in 1896 put forward the idea to counteract the stresses acting due to ___________
a) Bending moment
b) Tension
c) Twisting moment
d) Loads
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Answer: d
Explanation: The idea of prestressing to counteract the stresses due to loads was first put forward by the Austrian
engineer Mandl in 1896 while bending moment, tension and twisting moment were considered as the basic concepts in
strength of materials and this is an extension to structures subject with a new idea of prestressing making adverse
advantages to the future structures.
4. In 1907, the losses of prestress due to elastic shortening of concrete was developed by ___________
a) Koenen

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b) Steiner
c) Darcy
d) Hygen
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Answer: a
Explanation: Koenon of Germany developed the subject by reporting in 1907, on the losses of prestress due to elastic
shortening of concrete and Steiner recognized the losses due to shrinkage of concrete around 1908.
5. The importance of using high strength concrete and high tensile steel was introduced by ___________
a) Freyssinet
b) Hooke
c) Vienna
d) Newton
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Answer: a
Explanation: Freyssinet in 1928-1933 has given the importance of using high strength concrete and steel in order to
various losses of prestress due to creep and shrinkage and he also developed vibration technique to produce high
strength concrete also manufactured double acting jack for stressing high tensile steel wires into the concrete structure.
6. The use of prestressed concrete in Europe and United states spread rapidly from?
a) 1945
b) 1935
c) 1933
d) 1944
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Answer: b
Explanation: The use of prestressed concrete spread rapidly from 1935 onwards and many long span bridges, industrial
shell roofs, marine structures, nuclear pressure vessels etc were constructed between 1945 and 1950 in Europe and
United states.
7. In words of Guyon, more than a technique prestress is a ___________
a) Principle
b) Base
c) Strong material
d) Life for structures
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the words of Guyon: “there is no structural problem to which prestress cannot provide a solution, and
often a revolutionary one, Prestress is more than a technique; it is a general principle” is the description or explanation
given by Guyon on prestressing.
8. Dischinger explained the use of unbounded tendons in the construction of ___________
a) Large bridges

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b) Small bridges
c) Sleepers
d) Roofs
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dischinger in 1928, has explained the use of unbounded tendons in the construction of large bridges of deep
girder type by this method, the losses of prestress are neutralized by placing the prestressing wires inside the girder
without any bond.
9. Vienna developed the method of wire bound reinforced concrete pipe by binding high tensile steel wires, the stresses
in that were ranging in between ___________
a) 170 to 900
b) 100 to 800
c) 160 to 800
d) 140 to 200
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Answer: c
Explanation: Vienna in 1923, has developed a wire bound reinforced concrete pipe by binding high tensile steel wires on
pipe and In this method it was noticed that the stresses of concrete was ranging in between 160 to 800 n/mm2.
10. Prestressed concrete is widely used in construction by ___________
a) Houses
b) Bore wells
c) Roofs
d) Nuclear pressure vessels
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Answer: d
Explanation: Prestressed concrete is used in construction of long span bridges, industrial roofs, marine structures, nuclear
pressure vessels, water retaining structures, railway sleepers etc and it also has a higher modulus of elasticity and small
creep strain, resulting in smaller loss of prestressing in the steel while prestressed concrete is one of the construction
material in building and bridge products around the world.

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