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H. H.

Signal Cartridge,
No. 197,339 Patented Nov. 20, 1877.


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Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 19,339, dated Noyember 20, 1877; application filed
September 10, 1877.
all whom it may concern: . .
known that I, HENRY H.
. It consists, third, in a pyrotechnic signal
shellor case, which is constructed to contain
the city and county of Washington, and S
the signaling composition and protect it from
trict of Columbia, have invented new and use injury, and which shell is adapted for use either
ful Aerial Signals, or Cartridges, or Shells, in a muzzle-loading or a breech-loading fire
-adapted to be projected from guns or other
fire-arms; and I do hereby declare that the It consists, fourth, in a pyrotechnic signal
following is a full, clear, and exact description shell having its propelling-charge of powder
of the salme, reference being had to the accom capable of ignition from the ordinary percus
sion-cap, dör firing-pin, or priming of ? firefºrm,
panying drawings, making part of this speci which charge, when ignited, sets on fire thé
Figurein1 iswhich-- .
alongitudinal central section of signaling composition. .
a gun-barrel as it appears when loaded with It consists, fifth, in a signal shell or case
one of my signals, or shells, or cartridges. with a capped or otherwise primed main pro
Fig. 2 is a section of the shell or cartridge as pelling-charge, and a fuse or quick-match, or
similar connection for communicating the fire,
it appears before it is loaded or filled, showing, in
also, a modified construction of the bottom, andproper time, to other charges, for igniting .
propelling the signaling composition.
adapting it for breech-loading fire-arms. Fig.
It consists, sixth, in a shell, as hereinafter
3 is a central section of the lower part of said described,
shell, showing another modification of a bot properly constructed to keep the
tom and a modification of the firing device. sitionsaid charges and their communicating compo
Fig. 4 is a bottom view of one of my signal in place. A.
It consists, seventh, in arranging the said
| cartridges. Fig. 5 is an illustration of the op charges for propelling and igniting the signal
eration of my invention. Fig. 6 is a chart of ing composition,
one of the signal-codes made for the use of my and the blocks of the said
signals. . .. signaling composition, with movable partitions
"My invention relates to an improvement on of incombustible material, whereby the sev
the stationally “Coston telegraphic night-sig eral blocks or charges of signaling composi
tion are ignited successively, and are kept prop
inals,” as now used in the United States and erly apartwhen ignited, and thus are prevented.
French naval service.
The nature of my invention consists, first, .from blending.
It consists, eighth, in a shell provided with
in a signal which shows colors while burning diaphragm for separating the powder-charges,
in the air, according to a given code, applied said diaphragm being sufficiently strong to
within a case which is adapted for being placed
in a gun or other fire-arm, and for having its sustain the shocks of the explosion on both
contents ignited by the spark or fire of the sides.
gun-cap or concussion produced by a firing signaling It consists, ninth, in a shell containing the
pia upon a cap or priming, and when thus ig composition, and an explosion-chain
inited has its signal composition projected into ber for its propelling-powder. ···
the air and set on fire by powder within the theBysignalingmy invention I am enabled to protect
conposition and the igniting
It consists, second, in a signal which shows fuse and propelling and expelling charges from
one or more colors while burning in the air, injury at all times, and an also enabled to fire.
constructed within a case which is adapted for the signals either from a muzzle-loading or a
being placed in a gun or other fire-arm, and breech-loading fire-arm, in any direction, and
for having its contents ignited by the direct to In airy desired altitude. . . .
the drawings, A represents a gun,- having
- --
fire of an exploded cap or primer on the gun
nipple, or on the end of the signal-case, and a barrel with a diameter of bore adapted for
when thus ignited is, with the case, projected the size of the signals, and an ordinary lock,
into the air, and While in the air has its burn lammer, nipple a, and vent (c. B is the case
ing signaling composition discharged from the of a signaling cartridge or shell, preferably
case, so as to signal ecording to a given code. made of metal, and of cylindrical shape. It.
2 192,859
has a central tube, b, and near the bottom a compositions, while the double lines signify
iiaphragmb'. The bottomb of the cartridge rifle-powder charges, Fig. 5 is intended to V
tnay be made of pasteboard when in the form illustrate the operation when the shell con
represented in Fig.1, or of tin or other suitable taining the signaling composition is fired
metal, when made in forms as in Figs, 2 and 3 bodily from the fire-arm. In this figure, A
of the drawings. The chamber (, formed be. represents a gun from which the case B is dis
tween the diaphragm b and the bottomb, is charged, which case itself is represented dis
filled with powder, and the center of the bot charging at a proper elevation, first the cap J,
ton l provided either with fulminate c, as and then the lights HFD, and the incombus
shown in Figs. 1 and 2, or with a gun-cap, c', tible blocks F G between them, -
placed in a receptacle, b, formed in the bot The special mode of signaling illustrated in
tomb, as in Fig. 3, for the purpose of ignit Fig. 5 possesses great advantages over the
ing the powder. In the first two cases the full stationary signals, because the point signaled
miliate is ignited by the firing of the cap (t”. from cannot be discovered by the enemy.
The third, as ill Fig. 3, is especially adapted Operation: The tape c is removed from the
for the use of breech-loading guns with cen bottom of the shell B, and the gun. A charged
tral firing-pills. I intend, in practice, to adopt with the shell. A percussion-cap, a, is then
any mode suitable for igniting the powder in exploded on the nipplea of the gun, the fire
the chaliber C. . . . . .. . . . of which cap ignites tle fulminate ? in the
The botton l (shown in Fig.2) is made the bottom l of the case B." This causes the pow
shape and size of an ordinary cartridge - bot der in the chamber C to explode and force the
tom for a breech-loader, and is slipped over the case or shell B out of the gun and up into the
lower end of the case B, and thus serves to air, leaving the bottom behind. The said
centrally steady the case in the explosion explosion ignites also the fuse K, which as
clhamber of the gun: The fulminate c is pro sists the signal-shellinaseending to the proper
tected, during transportation of the shell, by a height, and then ignites the quick-match L.
strip of water-repellent fabric or paper, c, The quick-match I ignites the powder-charge
which is torn off before the signals are to be I, which explodes and throws off the cap J,
used. Above the diaphragmb another charge and ignites the other powder-charges ged by
of gunpowder, d, is placed. Above the pow. passing between the outside of the tube b and
der d, I place a block of composition, D, for'a the inside of the composition blocks, and thus
green light, Above the green light a block, the signal-composition blocks H F D are ig
E, of light incombustible material is placed, nited, and which, having been expelled from
and above this a charge of gunpowder, eitheli the case at a great elevation, are clearly seen
a block, F, of white-light composition; then at a great distance.
a block of incombustible material, G; then a The material used for the case B, tubel,
charge of gunpowder, g; then a block, II, of diaphragmb, and other parts of the cartridge.
red-light composition; then a loose diaphragm, may be any suitable metal, alloy, or composi
i, of incombustible matter; then a charge of tion. The ignition of the powder-charge in
fulminate, or gun or rifle powder, I; and, lastly, the chamber C may be effected by any other
a protecting-cap, J, of wood or other suitable suitable devices: .than the pércussion-cap and
material, which is partly fitted into the case firing-pin. . . .. . . .
B, and is provided with a chamber,- -j,-for -the- The incombustible blocks EG, whereby the
powder-clarge II. signal-lights are kept at proper distances
The diaphragm b and the tube bareformed apart, may be made of clay or any suitable
of one piece, or of two or more pieces very care 'composition, and of any proper thickness.
fully united, so as to afford no leakage to the I have described signals constructed in
fire of the exploding powder below, or of the shells or cases, which are projected into the
burning fuse in the tube b, The tube termi. air with the signals therein, and the signals
nates at the top of the diaphragm i, and it is, afterward expelled therefrom. I, however, do
part of its length, charged with fuse composi not confinemy invention to such signal-shells,
tion K, while the remaining upper part con as the construction of a capped or primed shell
tains a quick-match, Lu. . . with signals in it was not known prior to flhe
The described charges of the case B are invention thereof by myself, as I believe.
loosely fitted in place around the tube b, so Having described my invention, what Iclaim,
that an igniting-channel for the passage of the and desire to secure by. Tretters Patent, is
burning powder between the tube and the 1. An aerial pyrotechnic signal applied in a
blocks is formed, and so that they may easily case having a priming or cap, which is ignited
leave the case when exploded. : by the aid of the gun withiui which it is placed,
The colors or colored compositions D F H and is elevated into the air by the explosion of
are arranged according to a code for signaling gunpowder contained within the signal-case,
between different parties, and I have shown and which, when in the air and burning out.
in Fig. 6 a chart of a code for this purpose. side of its case, serves for signaling according
In this chart the colored compositions are to a given adopted code, substantially as de
named, and the blank spaces between then scribed. . . * . .. .
and above the diaphragm b'signifyincombus 2. A pyrotechnic signal which shows one or
tible compositions for separating the signaling more colors while burning in the air, applied
19,839 . 3
within a case which is adapted for being placed set of signa
inal-lights, substantially as and for
in a gun or other fire-arm and for having its the purpose set forth.
contents ignited by the ??irect fire of an ex 6. The shellorcase B, having the remova
ploded cap or primer on the gun-nipple, or on ble bottom b”, the diapluragim b", the tube b,
the end of the signal-case, and when thus ig. and the cap J, substantially as set forth.
nited is with the case, projected into the air, 7. In a projectile-case, B, and forward of a
and, while in the air, has its burning signal rigid diaphragm, b, the signaling composi
ing composition discharged from the case, so tions D FH, the intermediate incombustible . .
as to signal according to a given code, sub partitions E G i, and the gunpowder-charges
stantially as set forth. . . ... . . ." ?? . . . . . . . "
3. A pyrotechnic signal-shellorcasehaving d eg II, arranged substantially as and for the
purpose set forth. - .
signalingpriming on its bottom,
composition and
or 'composi 8. In the signal-carrying projectile-case B,
the diaphragm b, whereby the gunpowder
tions, and made of metal or other materialim charge for propelling the projectile in the air
pervious to water, said signal-shell being made and the gunpowder charge or charges for pro
either with or without a flange, and adapted pelling the signals into the air are kept sepa- .
for use either in a muzzle-loading or a breech rate from each other while not ignited, sub
loading fire-arm, and is expelled, either in part stantially as set forth. .
or whole, fromis the
gunpowder fire-arm
ignited, when its charge
substantially of
as de 9. A signal or signal compositions placed in .
a capped or primed case above a clarge of .
scribed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . powder, and kept apart from said charge of
. 4. A pyrotechnic signal - shell having its powder by means of a transverse separating
propelling-charge of powder capable of igni device integral with the case, substantially as
tion from the ordinary percussion-cap or fir described. . . .
ing-pin of a fire-arm, which charge, when ig Witness my hand, in the matter of my appli
nited expels the case, eitherin whole orin part, cation for a patent for aerial signals, or car
and sets onfire the signaling composition, sub tridges, or shells projected from guns or other
5. AðRimed or percission-capped. . ."shellhav. fire-arms, this 4th day of August, A. D. 1877.
stantiaNyas described
a charge of gunpowder for its own pro
a fire communicating and propelling ... Witnesses:
H. H. CosTON.
?uick-match, and a set of gunpowder CLARENÜE IPETERs, i
charges for the propulsion and ignition of a ". CHAS. BENNER.

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