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Data Center Class

Ethernet: the Best Choice for Low Latency
Why not Infiniband? This This is all good for someone
question is often asked when a purchasing a low-latency cluster
INSIDE discussion about low-latency in the future, but what about
network architectures is being someone who needs to build a
had. Infiniband is fast, there is low-latency system today -
can Ethernet compete with no arguing that, and no getting whether for a high Frequency
around it. Infiniband has a very Electronic Trading system, or for
Infiniband in the low-latency
low latency. High Performance Computing
trading and high performance applications, what should they
computing markets? However, it is also difficult to bet do?
against Ethernet. Ethernet has
WHY received several orders of Let’s start by decomposing what
administrators and IT magnitude more investment makes Infiniband fast. In
professionals face a choice when than Infiniband and has understanding the core reasons
deciding whether to invest in thousands of engineers at many for low-latency forwarding we
Infiniband or Ethernet for their of the largest and best can then analyze recent,
low-latency networks. This companies in the networking shipping, stable Ethernet
paper addresses many of the industry developing Ethernet enhancements.
and developing on Ethernet.
characteristics of Infiniband that
Ethernet has also been a very Host Latency
have made their way into ‘fluid’ standard, one that has Infiniband Host Channel
Ethernet evolved from Half-Duplex, Adapters (HCAs) take data from
10Mb, Carrier Sense Multiple the wire and directly put it into
WHO CARES Access Collision Detection the operating systems user-
High Frequency Traders, busses, to switched, full-duplex, space without context switching.
operators of High Performance 10Gb structured topologies. IB does this with very low
Computing Systems, and anyone From networks where spanning- latency.
who wants to build a stable and tree blocked every possible path
scalable low-latency network but one, to networks where Today, with Ethernet Network
multi-chassis link aggregation Interface Cards with Kernel
makes all available paths in a Bypass and TCP acceleration in
structured topology useable for hardware Ethernet can deliver
data transmission. the same capability of
bypassing the O/S kernel and
Ethernet also enjoys delivering a low latency host
tremendous supplier and silicon interface.
diversity with many companies
actively investing in switching, Couple this with developments
systems, and NIC technologies. such as Remote Direct Memory
Infiniband has very few primary Access over Convergence
silicon suppliers, and those are Enhanced Ethernet
also now hedging with Ethernet (RDMAoCEE) and Ethernet will
offers. have equivalent capabilities.


Serialization Delay These three components that made
The second technology that makes Infiniband fast now exist within Ethernet.
Infiniband quick is serialization delay -
the time it takes to clock bits onto the Why is Ethernet a better choice?
wire. It used to be that 1GbE was With Ethernet a customer does not need
prominent in the HPC space, but now a separate network investment and
with 10GbE being very affordable it separate technology they need to learn,
reduces serialization delay by a factor of staff, and support. Every engineering
ten. student and MIS professional learns
about Ethernet, everyone in IT has
For instance a 100 byte market data experience with Ethernet. People
message transmitted on 10GbE, with all understand Ethernet.
necessary headers takes about 1.2
microseconds to serialize at 10Gb/s and Getting off of an Infiniband island out to
with one switch ‘hop‘ in the transit path other trading, storage, or computing
would take 1.8-2.0 microseconds to systems or even out over a Wide-Area
transmit. Infiniband would still be a bit Network is complex and involves multiple
faster here, approximately 500-600 gateways that slow down each
nanoseconds, however Ethernet has transaction and create choke-points in
clearly closed this gap considerably from the infrastructure. The same operation is
the 1Gb days. Recently some custom trivial with Ethernet, and is supported by
commercial silicon vendors have every networking vendor.
announced they were able to deliver end-
to-end latency over 10GbE of 1.2usec. The large majority of all traffic in the
world is IP traffic - it is the basis for
Cut Through Switching today’s Internet economy, and almost
When Infiniband was introduced it was all every application is designed to run on
one speed and had cut through switching IP. By contrast the Infiniband MPI
where Ethernet supported multiple speed acceleration is not effective for IP and
variants and was store and forward thus Infiniband has poor performance for
based. In a store-and-forward IP traffic. Any application based on TCP/
architecture the entire packet has to be IP, UDP, or IP Multicast should use
received in the Ethernet switch, 10GbE.
examined, and then forwarded out the
egress port. Cut-through switches Ethernet easily supports IP, Multicast,
receive just the header, make the and TCP - all necessary in many HFT
forwarding decision, and then pipeline and HPC environments, and required for
the rest of the packet directly to the globally addressing any host, server, or
egress port for much lower latency. storage node.

The Arista 7100 Series is based on a cut Summary

through switching architecture that With the right network interfaces
enables port-to-port switching latencies deployed in the server and the right
of less than 1usec in an 10Gb Ethernet switching choices Ethernet is more than
switch. capable of supporting any Infiniband


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