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Effective and Impact of Management Systems of Indian Professional

Educational Institutions by IT Services

Enamul Hoque 1
Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University,
Indore, (M.P.), India, E-Mail ID:

Technology is a gift from God. Technology has certainly changed our way of life. It has
affected different aspects of life and lifestyle in a new way. Today, technology plays an
important role in our lives. Only through technology is it possible that distances are no longer
an obstacle and education can be brought to the doorstep of the student. The impact of
technology can be felt in every possible field and one such field is education. The paper is a
conceptual attempt to explore new roles of technology in research, which has increasingly
become more than just a medium, as it has been described in the past.
Keywords: ICT, Technology, Education etc.

The twenty-first century era is often regarded as the age of technology. Technology, today,
plays a very important role in our lives. It is seen as the basis for the growth of an economy.
An economically weak economy can never grow in today's scenario. Because technology
makes our work much easier and time saving. The impact of technology can be felt in every
possible field such as education. Nowadays, every aspect of our lives is associated with IT.
Huge uses for IT are emerging around the world. However, the use of information and
technology is spreading its effects in every sphere of life. However, it has a significant impact
on education to make it significant and successful. The first use of computer in education in
1970. However, now computers and its technology are used in almost every educational
institution worldwide. Although technology is frequently used in various fields like research,
marketing, business, banking, administration, etc., the frequency of use of IT in education is
not very high. Today, the use of information technology in the education system has received
more attention in improving the quality of education as well as education. Various resources
are being used to improve the education system such as computers, internet, broadcasting
technology. In earlier days, teachers were not very much aware of the need to bring IT as a
necessary part of their daily work. Moreover, it was impossible to study there without
studying abroad. However, today's situation has completely changed. IT education makes it
possible by using various technologies such as online education, distance learning, computer
aided courses, etc. No doubt, computers have become essential for everyone in every field.
Teachers have now started using technologies like smart classrooms, LCD projectors,
laptops, memory sticks in their classrooms to create effective learning processes.

Impact of ICT on Education

It has been incorporated as part of the curriculum, as an instructional delivery system, as
a help guide and as a tool to improve the whole learning process. In earlier times, it was
used with the help of education or training workers work differently than before. In the
next; The minds of the students are eager to create curiosity in education. In both cases
there is a complete digestive tract help students better understand and grasp the concept.

History of Use of Technology in Education

Presentation-based technologies exist today in a many type of forms, such as audio and video
streaming or PowerPoint presentations, based on the idea that people can learn through
melodic and visionary reception. In the nineties, different types of educational institute had
computer-based learning systems. They are often based on constructivist and epistemological
teaching theories, focusing on teaching both abstract and domain-specific problem-solving
learning environments. The rise of multiple media and ubiquitous technologies in the 2000s
gave a new impetus to reading-reading theories in learning-within-context situations.
Students are now growing up in the digital age where they have constant different media
exposure. The effective use of IT resources such as virtual classroom has the great potential
to allow for participate the audience from all over the world. Moreover, IT allows making the
students as well as their parents to participate in the modern educational process.

Definition of the Term of Educational Technology

The term educational technology is defined as a synthesis of programs, methods and tools
that aim at the perception of education while changing the logical way of implementing the
process, while the rationalist refers to the process as a means to an end. All the media (tools)
that complement each other affect the more productive and successful in the learning process.
On the other hand, we must emphasize that the more definitions you employ in the
implementation of the learning process, the more efficient learning will be. Wide mediation
and eyes full, ears, touch, can realize the most complete learning, while memorizing or
storing learning to read in the head of students makes it longer and more efficient.
Implementing the learning process through educational technology will provide more.
Opportunities to achieve contemporary teaching but more efficient training of students can
still easily meet the demands and challenges of life. In the conventional teaching process of
learning the students were passive subjects who listened to the teacher’s explanation as the
only source of knowledge and wisdom in the classroom. The textbook has been used for
individual lessons at home and for homework.

The Role of Computer and Information Technology (IT) in Education

In earlier days, computers were used in the classroom to teach the basic skills and provide the
knowledge of computer as per the curriculum. For example, word processors were used to
improve students writing skills. Teachers have played different roles in different areas of
computer and its technical education. This has dramatically changed the way we teach in the
classroom. Technology has proven to be extremely successful in educational management
applications such as planning, data analysis, etc. The first computer was introduced in the
field of computer education as the first student and teacher education program. Teachers
should use computer technology to reform technology methods and curriculum programs and
the author also presents a report on the use of computers in education. Computer has become
an important part of every walk of life such as on campus, at home and in office. Computer
and related technologies have been used in distance learning through various ways such as
Teleconferencing, video-conferencing, audio graphics, Teletext, video text, multimedia and
hypermedia, e-books, online database, online discussion, on-demand call in course etc.
Virtual classrooms play an important role in distance learning. Students can raise their doubts
and teachers can provide the solutions without going to one’s place.

Use of Computer in Education

The use of computers in education encourages a change in the concept of teaching, the
content of teaching, teaching technology and the relationship between teachers and students.
In contemporary education, computers play an important role in the development,
enrichment, and adaptation of time to meet the needs and interests of the users. Nowadays
computers have greatly facilitated the introduction of educational information. Popular
programs such as PowerPoint, Flash Player, Word, Excel, Access, Adobe, etc., have become
a great help for teachers in teaching. "MS Office", is more than education program it aims to
offer a wide spectrum of possibilities for work with computers. The influence of information
and communication technology is increasingly becoming wider in many social fields. The
need and reason for the application of information and communication technology in
education starts from preparing the youth for leadership success. A knowledge-based society
must have good communication skills, be well-informed and always interested in learning
new things. After the teacher displays various files and positively influences the use of
computers and information technology in the classroom to make the students clearer and the
classroom more interesting. Computers basically work to expand and build knowledge and
skills. Nevertheless, during computer classes, students use technology as a tool that can be
applied to a variety of purposes in the learning process. "Our aim was to encourage far higher
levels of active student engagement, where knowledge is obtained by sharing, problem-
solving and creating, rather than by passive listening. This classroom enables both active
engagement and equal access" by lead researcher, Liz Burdon Britain's Durham University
(2012). According to Y.Bo, computer technology should be used to reform the teaching
methods and curriculum program and the author also present a report on the usage of
computer in the field of education.

Education Technology Project in India

The Government of India under the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare recognizes the
importance of education technology for the quality improvement of education in 1971.
Technology included the Education Technology Project in the Fifth Five Year Plan. The
Education Technology Project was conceived as a broad-based and collaborative effort
between the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, the Indian Space Research Organization and other concerned agencies. It
covers the importance of inter-agency coordination, systematic planning, scientific evaluation
and effective use. Effectively this scheme has tried to expand to large groups, especially in
rural areas for the convenience of technology. Its goal is to improve the quality of education
at all levels, reduce waste and stagnation, and introduce new methods of teaching and
Future of Education Technology
In India, although educational technologies seem to be taken quite seriously by many state
governments and a few initiatives in the private sector, most of these programs are designed
to prepare students for the job market. Also, programs are software-centric, meaning they
emphasize learning a specific set of software tools. There is an urgent need to undermine this
technology and de-emphasize the learning of specific tools. Balanced generic curriculum,
where computers are sent to their proper place as tools and where they must expand the
horizons of other subjects. To enable technology in India, computer-based education system
has to be introduced from junior level so that students can become computer conscious from
a very young age and are not afraid to use teaching technology if necessary.

Computers and related technologies have revolutionized our lives. Now, information
technology is important in every running life. Undoubtedly, computers and information
technology have had a tremendous impact on our education system and various technologies
have been used to improve the teaching and learning process. Information technology makes
our education system interesting and effective. Students can learn better without getting
bored and frustrated. Technology has a positive impact on education and can have a negative
impact at the same time. This paper presents the current scenario of information technology-
based education system.

ICT in Education,Information and communication technologies in teacher education: A

Y. Bo, L. Y. Fang, L. Junsheng and S. Jianhag,”The Impact of Computer Based Education”,

International Conference on Information and Management Engineering,2011.

Durham University News, 2012,

H. Rahman, “The Role of ICT in Open and Distance Education”,Turkish Online Journal od
Distance Education(TOJDE),Vol.15,No.4,Oct.2014.

D. Geladze, “Using the Internet and Computer Technologies in Learning/Teaching Process”,

Journal of Educational Practice, Vol.6, No.2, 2015. -fields.
ing. Barnaul. p. 295.

About the Author

Enamul Hoque is a Research Scholar, Faculty of Education from Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore, (M.P.), India, E-Mail ID:

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