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Sentiment analysis
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree MBA-BUSINESS

Dr. Kusum Lata
University School of Management & Entrepreneurship

NAME:- Namrit mehta (2k19/BMBA/11)


We both students of MBA Business Analytics of 2nd year in university
school of Management and entrepreneurship, Delhi Technology University
will be using this opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who
supported us throughout the project.

We are sincerely grateful to Dr. Kusum Lata who guided us for the
completion of this report. We would also like to thank our teacher for
providing us with knowledge about the critical aspect of the topics related to
this report helping us whenever needed.

Namrit mehta

Sentiment analysis (also known as visual mines or emotional AI) refers to the use of natural language
processing, textual analysis, computational languages, and biometric to systematically identify, extract,
measure, and study the corresponding regions and details below. Emotional analysis is widely used in the
voice of client material such as reviews and research responses, online and social media, and healthcare
materials for applications ranging from marketing to customer services to medical treatment.

Analysis of social data from social media can also produce interesting results
details in the world of public opinion on almost any product, service or
kindness. Social data is one of the most effective and accurate indicators
of public sentiment. The explosion of Web 2.0 has led to an increase in activity in
Podcasting, Blogging, Tagging, RSS Contributions, Social Bookmarks, and
Social Networking. As a result, there was an explosion of interest in the public
mine these are used for a lot of ideas data. Sensory or Vision Analysis
Mining is a treatment for the ideas, feelings and humility of
text. In this paper we will be discussing a method that allows for use as well
translation of twitter data to get public comments.
Creating an emotional analysis system is the method to be used
moderately balances customer perceptions. This paper reports on construction
for emotional analysis, extracting and training a large number of tweets. Results
edit customer feedback via tweets for good and bad, namely
represented in a pie chart, in a web map, distributing the structure using php, css and html pages.

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