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Electro-Optic Imaging and Tracking Systems

Mark A. Richardson and David B. James

Department of Informatics and Sensors, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, UK


1 Introduction 1
2 IR Homing Missile Seekers 1 2.1 First generation seekers
3 Platform Survivability 6
Figure 1 is a block diagram showing the basic layout of a
4 Laser Applications 6
first generation seeker system. This type of system is often
5 Conclusions 12 referred to as a spin-scan seeker and is commonly found in
References 12 older generation IR seeking missiles which pose a significant
Further Reading 12 threat.
Infrared radiation from the scene passes through the dome
and is imaged via the cassegrain telescope onto a spinning
(rotating) reticle. The detector (usually uncooled lead sul-
1 INTRODUCTION fide) then converts this chopped IR signal into an electrical
signal. A pick-off is used on the reticle to enable phase sen-
In the Soviet/Afghan conflict, 250 soviet aircraft (fixed and sitive detection to allow the error signal to yield pitch and
rotary wing) were lost to IRSAMs and the Mojahedin com- yaw. An automatic gain control (AGC) is used to prevent
batants were poorly trained in their use. It is even claimed that saturation of the electronic amplifiers and filters. The gim-
up to 80% of all combat aircraft losses are due to IR missiles baled head allows fields of regard (FOR) typically in excess
(SAMs and air-to-air missiles) (Jane’s International Defence of 90◦ .
Review, 2004). Several different reticle designs have been developed to
In 1973 two Soviet made IRSAMs (SA-7) were discovered optimize their tracking capability with the one of the simplest
in Rome and their alleged target was an Israeli commercial referred to as the rising-sun reticle, see Figure 2. It consists of
aircraft. Since then it is claimed that 30 civil aircraft have been a null-phase portion that only transmits 50% of the radiation,
lost to IRSAMs, with the loss of nearly 1000 lives (Jane’s to set the AGC within the seeker and generate the phase with
International Defence Review, 2004). respect to the pick-off. The other section alternates between
In February 2003 a US Congressional Report claimed that 100 and 0% transmission to produce an amplitude modulated
the global inventory of shoulder launched SAMs stood at carrier. The closer the image is to the axis the smaller the
more than 500 000 and that 27 different militia and terror- amplitude of the square wave produced. Hence this produces
ist organizations possess them (Jane’s Intelligence Review, a time-referenced waveform that provides spatial information
2003; DelBoca, 2003; Hunter, 2002). of the image with respect to the optical axis of the seeker
(center of the reticle).
Legitimate targets are distinguished from background
IR sources by the degree of amplitude modulation. Large
sources, such as clouds, produce little (if any) modulation,

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
2 Radar

Figure 1. Block diagram of first generation (spin-scan) seeker.

as no single hot spot can be identified as the reticle rotates impact fuse and has a minimum engagement altitude of 50 m.
through its target sensing section. These types of weapon are often referred to as a man-portable
The uncooled lead sulfide detectors usually used in this air defense systems (MANPADs).
generation of seekers have a peak sensitivity at <3 ␮m. These Once this type of seeker has maneuvered the missile body
systems therefore typically operate in the near IR 2–2.7 ␮m so that the target is in the center of its field of view (FOV),
atmospheric window, which tends to limit such missiles to it suffers from axial insensitivity and starts to hunt back and
rear engagements as the detector can only discern the hot forth. This is a result of the seeker effectively losing all fine
metal parts of the engine and the hotter water emission in the directional information on the target because of a lack of
plume. amplitude modulation at the center of the reticle. This leads
Improvements to the rising-sun design included adding
curved radials to the reticle to reduce the chance of being
spoofed by straight edge IR emitters such as the horizon (see
Figure 3).
An example of a first generation IR missiles is the Strela-2
(SA-7 “Grail”). Originally fielded by the Soviet military in
1968, the SA-7 is one of the simplest versions of this type of
weapon (see Figure 4). Widely proliferated, it poses a major
threat to aircraft without any countermeasure (CM) systems,
although, it is limited to rear aspect engagements. It has an

Figure 2. Rising-sun reticle. Showing amplitude modulation and

null-phase sector. Adapted from Hudson (1969) c John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd. Figure 3. Improved first generation reticle.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
Electro-Optic Imaging and Tracking Systems 3

Figure 4. SA-7 a first generation seeker system.

Figure 6. Wagon wheel reticle showing frequency modulation out-
to poor hit probabilities for engagements with even a small puts.
level of crossing rate. This axial insensitivity was removed by
rotating the optical axis as used in second generation systems. The reticle in the second generation system is usually
referred to as a wagon wheel reticle and can be seen in
Figure 6.
2.2 Second generation seekers When the target is on-axis a centered nutation circle is
produced, yielding a constant square wave (with no frequency
Second generation seekers (often referred to as Con-Scan) variation – this is the tone played into the earpiece of many
used a stationary reticle with a rotating optical system to yield systems). As the target moves off-axis a frequency modulated
a square wave on axis and hence remove the axial insensitivity waveform is produced. Again a pick off from the rotating
of the first generation systems. This can be seen in Figure 5, optical system is used to enable the computation of the axial
where the secondary mirror is tilted and the primary and sec- error in terms of pitch and yaw.
ondary mirror are rotated. This yields a nutation circle image More sensitive detector materials were also introduced to
motion on the stationary reticle. facilitate all-aspect tracking. These cooled detectors, used

Figure 5. Second generation seeker schematic.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
4 Radar

Axis of

Rotating Detect

Figure 9. Risley prisms to generate pseudo image scanning.

target is on axis, the system produces a square wave (four

equi-spaced detector outputs); where as when the target is
off axis, a frequency modulated square wave is produced
(unequal spacing of the detector outputs).
The Soviet Igla (SA-16 Gimlet) and Igla-1 (SA-18 Grouse)
are possibly this type of seeker as is the Chinese QW-2 and
Figure 7. AIM-9L a second generation seeker system.
the Pakistani-built Anza Mk 2.

materials such as indium antimonide for detection in the mid-

IR 3–5 ␮m atmospheric window (see Figure 3). Operating at 2.3 Third generation seekers
longer wavelengths allowed cooler parts of the engine, hot
parts of the airframe, and the cooler CO2 emissions in the The third generation seeker systems are often referred to as
exhaust plume to be detected, thus allowing wider angles of Pseudo Imaging Systems as they rely on creating a simulated
engagement. There are many options for cooling the detector, image of the target by moving the IR signal over the detector.
arguably the most common method is via a Joule-Thomson This is achieved by rotating a couple of offset mirrors or
(JT) cooler with a small bottle of argon or nitrogen or dry air. Risley prisms (see Figure 9) to produce a specified pattern on
An example of this second generation system is the ubiq- the detector. The shape of the scan pattern varies according
uitous AIM-9L (Sidewinder) see Figure 7. to the relative rotation rate and direction of rotation of the
Other examples of this type of system in the MANPAD mirrors or prisms.
role are the US Redeye and basic Stinger and the Soviet Scan patterns are optimized to meet various specifications
Strela-3 (SA-14). The Chinese QW-1 (Vanguard) is also prob- although the most widely used is the Rosette scan due to
ably this type of generation system, as is the Pakistani-built its re-visiting the axis after each petal of the rosette (see
version Anza Mk 1. Figure 10).
There is however another type of second generation (con- The major advantages of this type of system are increased
scan) seeker as typified by the French MANPAD Mistral. lock-on range and robustness to CMs in part due to the smaller
This still uses a nutation circle but does not have a reticle and instantaneous FOV of the detector.
instead has four detectors arranged in an open-cross forma- An example of a third Generation IR missile is the MAN-
tion to yield the FM output (see Figure 8). Again when the PAD Stinger-RMP (reprogrammable microprocessor). It has

Figure 8. Open-cross detector showing frequency modulation outputs.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
Electro-Optic Imaging and Tracking Systems 5

Figure 10. Risely scan patterns. (a) Linear; (b) rosette; (c) circular; and (d) spiral.

more robust flare rejection mechanism including using a dual array. A further development of this technology is likely to
mode IR/UV detector in its rosette scan. The UV detector see the use of multi-color infrared seekers thus increasing
looks for a negative contrast signal as the airframe blocks their defense against CMs. Although more robust and less
the Rayleigh scattered solar radiation. The IR signal from the susceptible to jamming, array seekers are currently far more
plume has to coincide with the recovery of the UV signature expensive to produce than all the earlier generations and have
for a valid target enable. The IR detector is JT cooled with not proliferated to the same extent. Image size and computing
argon and is operational in less than 5 s. See Figure 11. power is also an issue with this generation of seeker. Obvi-
It is also claimed by some that the Soviet SA-16/SA-18 ously the smaller the number of pixels in the image the easier
are also an example of this generation of seeker by virtue of the computation task but the poorer the resolution on the tar-
the fact that a UV detector is used in its CM (guard) channel. get. Figure 12 is an illustration of a typical target at range on
a starring array.
There are many examples of fourth generation IR mis-
2.4 Fourth generation seekers siles being produced. On the MANPAD front, the US Stinger
Block 2, which was to be fielded circa 2000, was to con-
The fourth generation of seekers are characterized by multi- sist of a 128 × 128 or 256 × 256 3–5 ␮m indium antimonide
element detectors that produce an image of the target on the staring focal plane array, primarily to increase its acquisition
focal plane. Often referred as Imaging Infrared (I2 R) seekers, capability (especially in ground clutter). This program was
the individual detectors can either be arranged linearly, with essentially put on hold due to cost implications. It is how-
a scanner to produce an image, or as a staring focal plane ever reasonable to assume that such a MANPAD could be
fielded relatively quickly (5 years) as evidenced by a similar
hold on the US anti-tank Javelin program. This has a staring
focal plane array in the seeker, and despite the hold has now
entered service with the US army.
Currently though, it is fair to say that most fourth genera-
tion systems are in the air-to-air role, for example:

Figure 11. Stinger-RMP a third generation seeker system. Figure 12. Illustration of a typical target on a staring array.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
6 Radar

r The German IRIS-T allegedly uses a scanning array of two commercial aircraft, are built with little to no considera-
staggered 64 element linear rows of indium antimonide tion of their infrared signature. Also the aircraft currently
detectors working in the 3–5 ␮m mid-IR region. It has an in-service (legacy platforms) are likely to remain in-service
180◦ FOR and an active laser fuze. for many years to come. Hence any modifications are likely
r The Israeli Python 4 has a stabilized seeker slaved to the to be appliquétechniques or require significant re-fit work.
pilots helmet mounted sight with 60◦ off-boresight capa- Any such techniques must also have little to no impact on
bility and allegedly uses a two color all aspect IR staring engine efficiency, mass and aerodynamic performance, oth-
array. (Python 5 is claimed to be a Hughes 128 × 128 erwise any fuel consumption issues would be viewed in a
staring focal plane array in three IR bands). poor light by operators who are already working in a highly
r The UK ASRAAM uses a 128 × 128 staring array of competitive commercial environment.
indium antimonide detectors working in the 3–5 ␮m mid-
IR region. It has an 180◦ FOR, can be cued by the pilot’s
helmet and has demonstrated the ability to select an aim 3.2 Maneuver
point on the target aircraft. It has an impact and active
laser fuze.
r The US AIM 9X (Sidewinder-Next Generation). Cur- In the military context this can clearly be a significant factor.
However, for commercial aircraft the ability to maneuver is
rently in its last year of Engineering and Manufacturing severely restricted. The standard final approach of a 3◦ glide
Development. It is alleged to have the same staring array path and standard departure profiles means that the threat
as ASRAAM and is cued by the pilot’s helmet sight. It footprint is extremely large and can be measured in tens of
claims its adaptive and advanced processing gives it supe- kilometers along the flight path direction7 .
rior target acquisition and IR CM rejection capabilities.

3.3 Weapons
Again in the military context, the location of the threat and
The are obviously many things that can be done to or the use of counter-fire may be an applicable technique, but
attempted by the aircraft platform in order to reduce the clearly this is not appropriate in the commercial world.
threat of attack and to mitigate any effects of such an attack.
This concept is usually termed Survivability. Some of the
options/concepts of survivability are shown in Figure 13.
3.4 Defensive aids system (DAS)

This is the area where the feed through from the military to the
3.1 Signature control
commercial sector may have the most benefit. Military sys-
tems could be adapted and fitted to commercial aircraft which
Clearly the reduction in infrared signature, in the waveband
could significantly reduce the likely effects of an IRSAM
in which the seeker is operating, could reduce the likely
attack. There would still clearly be issues in terms of cost,
success of the IRSAM. However most aircraft, especially
maintenance and maintenance time, mean time between fail-
ure, and any aircraft performance issues.


The variety and capabilities of lasers, since there first devel-

opment with the Ruby laser (λ = 693.4 nm) in 1960, have
increased dramatically the years. Lasers now occupy a place
in practically every home from the lasers in home entertain-
ment systems to laser pointers. However, it was with their
military applications that lasers are possibly best known. In
the following sections the common applications of lasers will
Figure 13. The concept of platform survivability. be presented.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
Electro-Optic Imaging and Tracking Systems 7

range accuracy. Most modern range finders use ns duration

Laser Telescope Laser light out pulses and contain autocorrelation algorithms to ensure that
it is the peak to peak time that is measured, further improving
Photodiode accuracy. Typical rangefinder characteristics are:
Range counter Amplifier r Moderate repetition rates, ∼1 Hz
r <50 ns pulse length
Gate r Divergence <0.3 mrad
r Nd:YAG technology, λ = 1064 nm
r Laser energy ∼50 mJ, ranges ∼kms.
Detector Laser light in

The beam divergence is a key parameter when applied to

Figure 14. Schematic of a laser range finder. range finding. Divergences of <0.3 mrad are vital in order
to ensure that the desired object is the only surface illumi-
nated. 0.3 mrad corresponds to an increase in beam size of
4.1 Range finding (LRF) 0.3 m km−1 of range. Hence, at 3 km the beam has grown by
nearly 1 m. Any larger divergence and the risk of over and
Prior to the development of laser rangefinders in the 1960s under spill become significant, potentially providing false
range finding to targets was performed with relatively crude signals from foreground and background surfaces.
techniques using marks on a reticule within a sight or by The first range finders used the Ruby laser (λ = 694.3 nm),
ballistic means using a secondary weapon with well charac- but this has been replaced by the mature Nd:YAG laser
terized flight properties (usually guns). With the advent of (λ = 1064 nm). Further developments in laser technology
the laser rangefinder it is possible to determine the range to have led to the development of rangefinders using the Erbium
an object to within a few meters. laser and Raman shifted Nd:YAG, both operating at 1.54 µm.
Laser range finding employs a pulsed laser (usually pulses This has been done since the human eye is particularly vul-
of <50 ns duration). A range finder schematic is given in nerable to laser induced damage from pulsed lasers if the laser
Figure 14. wavelength is transmitted by the eye, and hence focused onto
The laser pulse is emitted and the light is directed through the retina.
a telescope, often to reduce the initial divergence of the laser.
A small portion of the laser light (<1%) is sampled from the
beam using a beam splitter and direction onto a photodiode. 4.2 Light detection and ranging (LIDAR)
The signal generated is amplified and used to start a counter.
The emitted pulse is incident upon the object of interest The primary difference between lidar and radar is that lidar
and the light is scattered from the object. Some of the light uses a laser as the electro-magnetic radiation source and
will be directed back to the rangefinder which incorporates a hence, uses much shorter wavelengths. When using radar
detector. The signal from the detector is amplified and used wavelengths objects which possess a dielectric discontinuity
to stop the counter. reflect the transmitted wave. Hence metallic objects normally
Hence the system has determined, via the counter, the time produce strong reflections.
taken for light to travel to and from the target. From this, and Conversely non-metallic objects and materials produce
the velocity of light it is possible to determine the range, R, weaker radar reflections and some materials may produce
to the target. no detectable radar reflection at all, and are thus effectively
invisible at radar wavelengths. This is particularly true for
c(T1 − T0 ) very small objects such as aerosols (smokes, clouds, etc.).
R= (1)
2 This radar related problem may be solved by the use of the
shorter laser wavelengths which are more readily “reflected”
Where c is the velocity of light, T0 and T1 are the times from smaller objects. In reality the light is not actually
at which the laser pulse is emitted and detected respectively. reflected, but more accurately scattered from the objects of
The factor of 2 is used to take account of the double path, that interest.
is, out to the object and back again. The relatively narrow beam width and divergence of a laser
Pulsed lasers are used for range finding due their high peak and the potential to use short pulse lengths (down to 10−9 s in
intensities and the short duration of the pulse improves the most range finding applications) means that physical features

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
8 Radar

Figure 15. Schematic of a LIDAR system used to scan a scene. Figure 16. A Paveway laser guided bomb.

can be “mapped” with very high resolution compared to 4.3 Target designation
A simple LIDAR system relies upon the principle of laser Laser designation is the process whereby a munition is guided
range finding (already described above). The laser is used to onto a target using laser light scattered from that target. Laser
scan a scene and range measurements are taken at specific designation was first employed operationally in 1968 by the
angle intervals. This is shown in the schematic of Figure 15. USAF during the Vietnam War using a ruby pulsed laser to
In the case of very small objects, such as smokes, par- designate the target and modified bombs with seekers and
ticulates, droplets, and so on, the scattering process used is canards to detect the laser light and so attack the target. A
referred to generically as backscatter since the light detected typical modern example is the Paveway laser guided bomb
is scattered back toward the laser source (and detector). The (LGB), shown in Figure 16.
scattering processes are more accurately: The designation process involves a laser beam directed at
the chosen target; this may be mounted on the aircraft carrying
r Rayleigh scattering the bomb, or remotely located either on another aircraft or on
r Mie scattering and the ground. Normally the bomb is released and allowed to
r Raman scattering. freefall (or more accurately “glide”) in the general direction
of the target. The target is illuminated by the laser as the
bomb approaches. Pulsed lasers are used due their very high
Doppler LIDAR (also known as LADAR) is used to mea- peak intensities. A detector mounted on the bomb responds to
sure velocities by detecting the small Doppler shifts in the the laser illumination scattered from the target and steers the
frequency of the back scattered laser light. The frequency of bomb by activating canards on the bomb so that it “glides”
light “reflected” from a moving object is given by: toward to laser point. LGBs are not powered, nor are they
directed “down the beam.” They respond to light scattered

 v off the target. A typical engagement sequence is shown in
f = f0 1 ± (2) Figure 17.
Typical laser designator parameters are:
Where f0 is the frequency of the laser source, c the velocity
of light and v is the velocity of the object. The ± is present
r High repetition rates, up to 20 Hz
since “+” indicates the object is moving toward the source,
r Divergence ∼ 0.1 mrad
“−” indicates away. It should be noted that v  c, and hence
r ∼15 ns pulse length
f is small. That is, for visible light (λ = 500 nm) and a target
r Nd:YAG technology, λ = 1064 nm
traveling at 800 ms−1 (toward the laser), then f = 6 × 1014 Hz,
r Laser energy 100 mJ +
and f = 6.000 016 × 1014 Hz. Hence f = 1.6 × 109 Hz.
r Ranges ∼ 10 km.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
Electro-Optic Imaging and Tracking Systems 9

process there is a low probability of intercept (LPI) and the

technique may be considered to be covert.

4.5 Dazzle

If an EO sensor is employed by a system then it is possible

that laser light may be used to cause dazzle within that sys-
tem. The requirement is that the laser light be in-band to the
sensor/detector. That is to say; that the sensor has a response
at the laser wavelength in use. Typical EO systems have the
wavelength responses given in the table below.

Figure 17. A typical laser designation and attack sequence. Approximate response
EO system region (␮m)
Although the repetition rate is given as typically 20 Hz it is
Human eye 0.4–0.7
common for the laser pulse train to be encoded, either by rep- Image intensifier (night vision 0.5–1 (actual response varies
etition rate and/or by the number of pulses within a “burst.” goggles) depending upon type)
Each LGB is then set to respond to a single encoded desig- Missile seeker (mid IR) 2–5
nator beam. By so doing it is possible to employ many LGBs Thermal imager (far IR) 8–12
within the same environment without the risk of them attack-
ing each other’s targets. A typical LGB engagement may last It should be noted that the systems listed may still allow
for approximately a minute or more as the bomb approaches laser light to be transmitted to the sensor across a wider
the target, however, the laser designator is typically only used wavelength band, but it is the systems response to the laser
for the last 5–12 s of the bombs flight. As with rangefinding wavelength that is required. Hence, the human eye will trans-
it is desirable to use a laser with a relatively low divergence mit light of wavelengths up to ∼1.4 ␮m, but the response is
in order to ensure that the target is properly illuminated by generally confined to the 0.4–0.7 ␮m region of the spectrum.
the laser as opposed to the foreground or background. Hence, light of wavelength 1 ␮m will be transmitted by the
For the reasons already discussed relating to laser human eye, but the observer will not see the light.
rangefinders, there has been a general move away from the The process of dazzle, or veiling glare, is simply the sat-
Nd:YAG (λ = 1064 nm) to the “eye safe” 1.54 ␮m wave- uration of a detector by incident light, be it laser or ambient.
length. In the case of most detectors dazzle thresholds of only a few
␮W cm−2 on the detector/sensor are necessary to cause some
level of saturation. These levels are very low in the range
4.4 Target marking of available laser outputs and it is reasonable to assume that
laser dazzle will be caused by relatively low output contin-
Laser target marking is the simple process of indicating an uous wave (or CW) lasers, such as laser pointers and some
object to friendly forces, without actually ranging or direct- CW laboratory systems. It should also be realized that daz-
ing munitions onto the point where the laser is incident. This zle is a temporary effect. Once the laser source is removed
is commonly done in the visible band using laser pointers from the scene the image should return to normal with no
and in the near IR using laser pointers in conjunction with permanent, or lasting effects. In the case of the human eye, a
image intensifiers (night vision goggles). These techniques non-permanent after image may remain for several minutes,
have utility where, for example, ground troops, equipped with even hours, after exposure.
an IR pointer wish to mark a target to accompanying aircraft Under dazzled, or saturation, conditions the detector sys-
whose pilots are using NVGs, but no laser guided munitions tem will be unable to detect any changes in the ambient light
are available. The key requirement is that the electro-optic levels in the region of the saturation since the laser light i
(EO) systems employed have a response at the laser wave- much more intense than the ambient background. As the
length in use. The technique has been employed where the incident dazzling power is increased the level and size of
enemy is known not to process appropriate EO systems to the saturated region will increase, though the nature of this is
detect the laser light. Hence, although technically an active dependent upon the type of detector in use.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
10 Radar

With the proliferation of inexpensive cw laser pointers

and their ease of use attacks on the airborne platforms have
become increasingly common across the world. To date hun-
dreds of pilots, both civil and military, have reported laser
“incidents” where they have been dazzled by laser sources
from the ground. For safety reasons these events have been
of significant concern, though no events to date have resulted
in the loss of any aircraft.

4.6 Damage

The very high peak intensities associated with pulsed lasers

means that they are prone to producing permanent damage
Figure 18. Dazzle of a thermal imager in the far IR (8–12 ␮m).
in EO systems including the human eye. EO systems rely on
collecting light from a scene and focusing that light onto a
detector/sensor. This focusing process means that the light
Figure 18 shows a dazzled scene taken using a thermal intensity on the objective lens may increase by a factor of up
imager. The laser in use to achieve such dazzle might be a to 105 on the sensor; hence the sensor (or other focal plane
CO2 laser, since the output wavelengths would be detected optics) may be vulnerable to laser damage effects.
by the thermal imager. The image shows clearly the saturated Unlike dazzle (where the incident light must be “in-band”
region within the FOV and the loss of scene and detail is to the detector) for damage to occur all that is required is for
apparent. the pulsed laser light to have access to the detector/sensor
In Figure 19 dazzle of a color camera is shown using – response at the laser wavelength is not required. For the
a green laser pointer. This is of particular interest since laser pulse length regions most commonly encountered (10−6
this scene is similar to that which a person may perceive to 10−9 s) the laser damage threshold of most materials is
when the human eye is dazzled. However, under these ∼1 J cm−2 . The damage process itself is dependent upon
conditions it should be realized that the human aversion the material and is most commonly thermally driven, that
response may take effect and the laser light may be painful to is, the amount of laser energy absorbed as heat causes a
observe. expansion in a material over a very localized region. The
resultant thermal discontinuity causes damage or the temper-
ature rise may be sufficient to cause vaporization of a portion
of the material. This effect may be observed in the case of
retinal damage. Pulsed laser light is so hazardous that it is
required to be strictly controlled by safety standards, particu-
larly where exposure to the human eye may be an issue. The
human eye is particularly vulnerable to laser damage due to a
layer within the retina called the retinal pigmented epithelium
(RPE). This layer contains light absorbing melanin particles
in order to reduce stray scattered light within the eye. How-
ever, the RPE layer also absorbs incident laser light. Hence,
the melanin particles become heated and explode. The sever-
ity of the injury varies dependent upon exposure but 1 mJ
of laser light, focused within the eye onto the retina, will
cause a major hemorrhagic lesion. Such an injury is shown in
Figure 20.
The result of the injury of Figure 20 may be considered as
permanent, irrecoverable, blinding – though some peripheral
vision may remain. In the example shown the fovea and mac-
ula (where the photoreceptors – cones and rods are located)
Figure 19. Dazzle of a color camera using a green laser pointer. at the center of the image gathering retina have suffered a

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
Electro-Optic Imaging and Tracking Systems 11

(a) Objective lens Focal plane Imaging lenses Detector


Figure 20. A major hemorrhagic lesion caused by a pulsed laser. Figure 21. The phenomenon of retro-reflection: (a) on axis; and (b)
off axis.
massive injury. Whilst the injury will subside photoreceptors
are permanently destroyed. detection is apparent. All military platforms use EO sensors
retro-reflection detection may provide a simple counter to
camouflage. It should be kept in mind that retro-reflection
4.7 Laser retro-reflection detection detection itself is an active process and that if the laser wave-
length in use is in-band to the EO device detected then the
Of increasing interest is the process of retro-reflection detec- laser itself may be detected in turn. This lack of covertness
tion. This is simply the “cat’s eye” effect. may not be an issue where the site/region being defended is
All optical systems incorporate a detector or sensor. This is itself not covert. Also of concern is the fact that in order to
invariable located at a focal plane within the optical system, to detect a sight the sight must first be looking in the general
ensure that the image or scene is in focus when viewed. Imag- direction of the detection system, albeit probably anywhere
ine now that as light (photons) are incident upon that sensor in the FOV. Hence, a “coincident FOV” scenario is required.
that a portion of them, rather being absorbed and detected, Almost all optical systems/sights exhibit a retro-reflection
are instead reflected from the detector surface. If this is the to some degree since any surface close to a focal plane
case then imaging optics, such as lenses, will re-collect this will act as a source of retro-reflections (see Figure 22).
reflected light and direct it back to the source. This is shown The detectability of optical systems is given by the retro-
schematically in Figure 21. reflection cross-section. Retro-reflection cross-section, s, is
Figure 21 shows a simple optical system comprising an defined as the ratio of the reflected light per unit solid angle
objective lens, imaging lenses, and a detector. In addition an and the incident light per unit area. Hence s = IR (W str−1 )/
optical element is located at an intermediate focal plane. In I0 (W m−2 ). Hence the units of retro-reflection cross-section
reality this might be a graticule, aiming marks, or similar, are m2 sr−1 .
within the sight. In the Figure 21a the laser illumination (the
black solid line) is on-axis, hence the laser is in the center of
the systems FOV. The “rays” can be easily traced as a reflec-
tion (the grey solid line) arises from each focal plane surface.
In the lower figure the laser illumination is now off-axis, that
is, at the edge of the FOV. Despite this the light reflected from
the focal plane elements is still directed back to the source.
This is the key difference between retro-reflection and “nor-
mal” specular reflections: in the case of retro-reflections the
incident light is directed back to the source. This process is
used to advantage in reflective studs in the center and edges Figure 22. Retro-reflections from alligator eyes due to the camera
of road carriageways. The military utility of retro-reflection flash.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283
12 Radar

The typical retro-reflection cross-sections of optical sys- finding, LIDAR and target designation for laser guided muni-
tems might be: tions has been presented. The more novel laser applications
such as laser dazzle has been discussed, as well as laser dam-
r Human eye: 0.001 m2 sr−1 age. The laser also has a role to play in counter-surveillance,
r Sight (low): 10 m2 sr−1 where incident laser light may be retro-reflected from inter-
r Sight (high): 500 + m2 sr−1 nal, near focal plane surfaces within a sight.
r CCD array camera: 750 + m2 sr−1
r Image intensifier: 1000 + m2 sr−1
Signatures of specific sights are classified but this can be
taken as a guide. Nowadays it is likely that the signature of a DelBoca, R. (2003) (Vice-president of Infrared Countermeasure
Systems for Northrop Grumman Corporation) (March 2003)
sight may be specified during procurement and so measures Testimony to the House Transportation and Infrastructure
may be taken to reduce the sights signature. Committee – Aviation Subcommittee.
Besides the obvious military utility of the technique there Hudson, R.D. (1969) Infrared Systems Engineer Ring, Wiley.
has been increasing interest within the commercial world Hunter, T.B. (2002) The proliferation of MANPADS, Jane’s.
including counter paparazzi, VIP protection, general counter- Jane’s International Defence Review, April 2004.
surveillance, and even to detect concealed cameras in cinemas
Jane’s Intelligence Review, January 2003.
used to produce “pirated” films.

Anderberg, B. et al. (1993) Laser Weapons: The Dawn of a New
Since their first development in the 1950s IR seekers for Military Age, Plenum Publishing.
missile applications have demonstrated their viability. Their Hock, Richardson, Butters, Walmsley, Ayling, and Taylor (2005)
evolution from spin-scan reticle seekers to more advanced The MANPAD Threat to commercial aircraft. Battlefield Tech-
and robust imaging seekers has been presented, and the dif- nol., 8(2).
ferences between each technology type has been presented. Richardson, M.A. et al. (1997) Surviellance and Target Acquisition
In addition the principles of the common laser roles of range Systems, 2nd edn, Brassey’s.

Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Online © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article is © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in the Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470686652.eae283

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