Macro Project India Stats

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Adult (15+) literacy rate (%).

Total is the percentage of the population age 15 and above who can, with
understanding, read and write a short, simple statement on their everyday life. Generally, ‘literacy’ also
encompasses ‘numeracy’, the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations. This indicator is calculated by
dividing the number of literates aged 15 years and over by the corresponding age group population and
multiplying the result by 100.

Brazil: Data for 2005 is not available (due to not being declared). Data for 2019 is absent as the last calculation
was done in 2018. In all years, except 2012, there is an increase in the Literacy rate of adult (total) population.
The rate increases by a very small proportion each year. The average percentage increase is approximately 0.3%
every year in both of the cases. Hardly any gender gap can be seen as far as literacy rate of adult population is
concerned. The average gender disparity in case of adult population is 1.005% Adult female population is
relatively more literate than the male adult population. GPI greater than one is an indication that the gender
parity favors female. Till the year 2009, Adult GPI decreased to 1.0026, which again started increasing from
2010 and fluctuated over the following years. The adult GPI was 1.004473 in 2018. If we see the youth literacy

India: In case of India, data for just 3 years data is present which may not lead to accurate interpretation. The
gender disparity is substantial with lowest GPI of 0.676 in 2006. It can be seen by the fact that the value is much
lower than 1 which means indicates that the gender parity favors male over female. This is a result of
past/conventional societal norms of refraining girls from education. Although, there was a 11.18% increase in
2011 as compared to the level of GPI in 2006. The value is almost 0.8 in 2018 which is still far from achieving
a perfect equality. Althoigh th value Is relatively much higher in case of youth GPI, i.e, 0.84 in 2006 and 0.97 in
2018. The GPI of 2018 indicates a significant improvement. It is a result of successful implmentation of girl
child education awareness campaigns and brings India closer to achieving equality. Our conclusion from
comparing both the GPI’s(Adult GPI and Youth GPI) is a need for awareness in education for women too.

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