Unit One: WH Questions Review

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Unit One

Wh questions review
Who for a person "Who were you talking to?"
Whose for ownership "Whose shoes are those?"
What for a thing or object "What's in that box? "
Why for a reason "Why were you late?"
Which for a choice or amount "Which do you prefer chicken or fish?"
Where for a place / location "Where are you from?"
When for a time "When will we leave?"
How for a way or amount "How do you spell your name?", "How old are you?"

Complete the following questions with Who, Which, Where, What, Whose.

1.                  is your boss? Mr. Derek.

2.                  one is your car? The blue one.
3.                  is the teacher? In the yard.
4.                  are you watching? An old TV show.
5.                  car is red? Nora's.
6.                  is your name? Brian.
7.                  time are you coming? At 5 o’clock.
8.                  are you going? To the seaside.
9.                  is that boy? My son.
10.                is my book? It’s in the second drawer.
11.               dictionary is this? It's mine.
Complete the following questions with Who, Which, Where, What, Why, When,

1.                        are you crying? You should be happy instead.

2.                        is this blanket? If nobody wants it, I will use it tonight.
3.                        are we going on a vacation? We need to go before my school starts.
4.                        one of these candies would you like?
5.                        is responsible for breaking my vase?
6.                        are we going to do in summer?
7.                        did we have this photo taken? I can't remember.
8.                        has my laptop? I need to do my homework.
9.                        color would you like?
10.                        is Lindsay's birthday? It's next Sunday.
11. I don't understand                       she doesn't want to come with us.
Expressing likes: Expressing dislikes:

 I like… I don’t like…

 I love... I dislike...
 I adore… I hate…
 I ‘m crazy about… I can’t bear...
 I’m mad about… I can’t stand…
 I enjoy… I'm hopeless at
 I’m keen on…
 I'm good at
 I prefer
 Quite like
 I'm better at
The Present Perfect Simple Tense

To make the positive present perfect tense, use:

 'have' / 'has' + the past participle

Positive Positive Short Form

I have played I've played
you have worked you've worked
he has written he's written
she has walked she's walked
it has rained it's rained
we have travelled we've travelled
they have studied they've studied

The negative is really simple too. Just put 'not' after 'have' or 'has':
 Sub + (Have not / Has not) + The Past Participle

Negative Negative Short Form

I have not eaten breakfast today I haven't eaten
you have not been to Asia you haven't been
he has not seen the new film he hasn't seen
she has not played tennis she hasn't played
it has not snowed this winter it hasn't snowed
we have not slept all night we haven't slept
they have not tried the food they haven't tried
'Yes / No' Questions

(Have / Has) + Sub + Past Participle

have I missed the bus?
have you visited London?
has he worked as a waiter before?
has she met John?
has it been cold this week?
have we arrived too early?
have they studied English grammar before?

'Wh' Questions
Wh + (Have / Has) + Sub + Past Participle

where have I left my umbrella?
what have you done today?
why has he gone already?
where has she been in the UK?
why has it rained so much this summer?
what have we done?
where have they learned English before?


For; since; yet; never; always; so far; # times; many times; lately; recently;


Life experience. These are actions or events that happened sometime during a
person's life. We don't say when the experience happened, and the person needs
to be alive now. We often use the words 'ever' and 'never' here.

 I have been to Tokyo.

 They have visited Paris three times.
 We have never seen that film.

Since / For
Since : the staring point of the action / the time when the action started.
For : the period of time that the action took.

I've known Sam since 1992. = I’ve known Sam for 28 years.

Have / has never = haven’t / hasn’t ever

I have never eaten cheese = I haven’t ever eaten cheese

Make the present perfect simple. Choose positive, negative or question:

1. (she / pass the exam?)
2. (you / eat lunch yet?)
3. (he / read the newspaper today?)
4. (you / not / study French for ten years)
5. (they / be in London for six months)
6. (where / you / be?)
7. (we / not / go to Paris)
8. (she / not / see ‘The Lord of the Rings’)
9. (he / not / meet my mother)
10. (they / not / visit St. Paul’s Cathedral yet)
11. (what / she / eat today?)
12. (why / you / do your homework already?)

13. (how / she / make this fantastic cake?)

14. (why / I / miss the plane?)
15. (they / not / go to bed)
16. (it / rain a lot this week)
17. (they / use a credit card before?)
18. (we / have enough to eat?)
19. (she / not / play basketball before)

20. (I / wear a kimono)


Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

1. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys – I had to call my flatmate
to let me in.
2. I __________________ (lose) my keys – can you help me look for them?
3. I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.
4. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris.
5. I __________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she
died when I was eight.

6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a

7. I __________________ (play) hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!
8. She __________________ (play) hockey at school, but she
__________________ (not / like) it.
9. Sorry, I __________________ (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.
10. I __________________ (miss) the bus, and then I __________________
(miss) the aeroplane as well!
11. Last month I __________________ (go) to Scotland.
12. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He __________________ (go) to the shops.
13. We __________________ (finish) this room last week.
14. I __________________ (finish) my exams finally – I’m so happy!
15. Yesterday, I __________________ (see) all my friends. It was great.
16. I __________________ (see) Julie three times this week!
17. She __________________ (live) in London since 1994.
18. She __________________ (live) in London when she was a child.
19. I __________________ (drink) three cups of coffee this morning.
20. I __________________ (drink) seven cups of coffee yesterday.

Nouns Adjectives
Amazement Amazing / Amazed
Beauty Beautiful
Excitement Exciting / Excited
Terror Terrifying
Pride Proud
Bravery Brave
Satisfaction Satisfying / Satisfied

Words and meanings:

1. Produce : to make something or bring something into existence.
2. Producer : a person who manages the making of a musical recording.
3. Musician : a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or
is musically talented. / a person who makes music.
4. Admire : to like / regard with respect or warm approval. / to think very well at
5. Contract : a written or spoken agreement to pay someone for doing / making
something (like music).
6. Talent : a skill.
7. Talented : very creative and skilled.
8. Perform : present (music / a play) to an audience.
9. Introduction : the action of introducing something. / the beginning of something.
10.Organization : an organized group of people with a particular purpose.
11. Think of : to have an idea and plan for it. (past form : thought of)
12. Turn into: to make someone or something change or develop into something
different. (turn ………. Into) (past form : turned into)
13.Best-selling : selling in greater quantities than others of the same kind.
14.Bring up : look after a child until it is an adult. (past form : brought up)
15.Give up on : stop having faith or belief in someone or something. (past form : gave
up on)
16.Sell-out : to sell all of the supply that you have of something. (past form : sold out)
The Past Continuous

The positive form:

(subject + was / were + v.ing)
Here's the positive form:
 I was sleeping
 you were working
 he was coming
 she was reading 'War and Peace'
 it was raining
 we were shopping
 they were watching a film

The negative form:

(subject + was not / were not + v.ing)
 I was not (wasn't) sleeping
 you were not (weren't) working
 he was not (wasn't) coming
 she was not (wasn't) reading 'War and Peace'
 it was not (wasn't) raining
 we were not (weren't) shopping
 they were not (weren't) watching a film

 'Yes / No' Question

(was / were + subject + v.ing)

 Was I listening?
 Were you working?
 Was she working?
 Was he living in Paris at the time?
 Was it snowing when you arrived?
 Were we eating?
 Were they studying?
'Wh' question
(Wh. + was / were + subject + v.ing)

 Why was I working?

 Where were you living?
 How was she travelling?
 Where was he going?
 Why was it snowing in the summer?
 What were we eating?
 Why were they studying?

Key words

All last night

All last week
All last month
All yesterday
All last year
All afternoon
All afternoon yesterday
All evening yesterday
From 2 o’clock to four
For a long time yesterday
Throughout the night
At ( hour) yesterday. Specific time.

It is used to show that an ongoing past action was happening at a specific moment.
While and when
1. An interrupted action ( while )
 (While) + (Past Continuous Tense) + (,) (Simple Past Tense)
 (Simple Past Tense) + (while) + (Past Continuous Tense)
 While I was making a birthday cake, a bee flew in the kitchen through the open
 A bee flew in the kitchen through the open While I was making a birthday cake
2. Parallel Actions ( while )
 (While) + (Past Continuous Tense) + (,) (Past Continuous Tense)
 (Past Continuous Tense) + (while) + (Past Continuous Tense)

 While I was relaxing at the hotel, Tom and John were surfing over the waves.

3. An interrupted action ( when )

 (When) + (Simple Past Tense) (,) (Past Continuous Tense)

 (Past Continuous Tense) (When) + (Simple Past Tense)

 When the doorbell rang, I was sleeping.

 John was playing the guitar when Linda came in.

4. followed actions ( when )

(When) + (Simple Past Tense) (,) (Simple Past Tense)

 When they went into the room, they saw the surprise.
 When the teacher summoned me, I put down my pen and handed my exam paper.
Make the past continuous (you need to choose positive, negative or question):
1. (he / cook)
2. (she / play cards?)
3. (I / not / cry)
4. (you / not / feel well)
5. (where / I / go when I met you?)
6. (she / not / sleeping at midnight)
7. (I / work?)
8. (you / sleep when I got home?)
9. (it / rain at lunchtime)
10. (what / you / do?)
11. (why / she / run?)
12. (you / not / read)
13. (how / we / do at that time?)
14. (he / not / watch a film at 3pm)
15. (I / do my homework at eight o’clock)
16. (where / it / rain?)
17. (you / shop when I called you)
18. (she / eat dinner when we arrived)
19. (he / live in Tokyo at the time?)
20. (it / rain?)
1. When I (do)_____________the washing-up, I (break) _____________ a plate.
2. While Tom (play) _____________the piano, his mother (do) _____________ the
3. He (drink) _____________some juice and then he (eat) _____________a few
4. I (have) _____________dinner when I suddenly (hear) _____________a loud
5. When my father (work) _____________in the garden, an old friend (pass)
_____________by to see him.
6. She (go) _____________to school, (take) _____________out her textbook and
(begin) _____________to read.
7. When it (start) _____________to rain, our dog (want) _____________to come
8. When Jane (do) _____________a language course in Ireland, she (visit)
_____________Blarney Castle.
9. When I (be) _____________on my way home, I (see) _____________an accident.
10.I (not / understand) _____________what they (talk) _____________about.

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