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Communication During Organizational Crisis – COVID-19 Response

Thomas Edison State University

MAN-373: Managerial Communications

24 April 2020


Crisis communication is one of the most crucial pillars of crisis management as providing

misinformation and communicated with no background research, facts, figures, and future

methodology may result in paranoia. This research talks about Andrew Cuomo’s crisis

communication, response, and his leadership skills during COVID-19. Andrew Cuomo is the 56 th

Governor of the New York City in the USA, which is being hit very hard with the COVID-19

pandemic. Under such circumstances, effective crises communication is imperative to avoid

confusion and panic, which further leads to deterioration of the situation. The report interprets

the crisis communication methodology that should be adopted to adequately respond during any

type of crisis. It explains the importance of managerial communication during a crisis and about

the importance of effective communication in a crisis to avoid and overcome fear and paranoia.

The report also looks at the literature available regarding the topic, and discusses different crises

management theories and approaches that are available in the modern world. It also highlights

the importance of social media in the context of effective crises management. The unfolding of

situation has been discussed in detail where Andrew Cuomo was faced with an inevitable crises

situation. It further adds how Andrew Cuomo has remained on the front for days and weeks

without showing any tiresome and exhausted looks, and despite florid language, he provides

valuable and insightful crisis communication lessons to communication professionals, public

speaking persons, and modern-day organizational leaders. At the end, the report provides

valuable insights, and recommendations related with how to best manage crises situation through

effective communication, and concludes how the New York governor has remained effective in

managing the crises at hand.



A crisis is referred to as all internal or external events that pose acute threats to living

beings, for the environment, for assets, or the reputation of a company or institution. Crisis

Communications or Crisis Public Relations indicates the publicity of enterprises, government

agencies, and other organizations in the context of crises. Crisis communication includes all

measures for communicative avoidance, early detection, coping, and follow-up of crises.

Effective crisis communication is very crucial for proactive prevention along with early detection

of crises, preparation for crises, acute communicative management of crises, and communicative

follow-up or evaluation of organizational crisis communication.

The aim of crisis communication and crisis management is important because it is

capable to minimize the observable or hypothetically expected loss of lives, finances, assets,

reputation, and trust due to the crisis among relevant stakeholders and community, and therefore,

to maximize the scope for achieving the shared goals of the organization/community under the

given conditions. Also, crisis communication aims to effectively disseminate information and

behavioral instructions in the context of a crisis (Asghar, 2020).

While keeping Andrew Cuomo’s crisis communication during COVID-19 in focus; this

report explains the crisis communication methodology that should be adapted to respond in any

type of crisis. The research asserts the significance of managerial communication during a crisis

and about the importance of effective communication in crisis to overcome fear and paranoia.

For instance, in New York City with a population of more than 8 million people, the

health officials are right now struggling beyond their means to treat more and more Coronavirus

patients. The state by now has 262,268 confirmed patients of the ongoing epidemic and 20,354

deaths reported. The number of people infected is getting doubled with every single day passing,

and the worst could still be expected if people continue to protest against social distancing and

lockdowns as mentioned by the New York State’s Governor – Andrew Cuomo. Andrew Cuomo

is receiving generous praise for his tremendous use of crisis communication skills.

Although there is nothing new that Cuomo is doing, his crisis communication skills are

giving serious goals to the current and forthcoming leaders because he knows what he is saying,

he knows how to take responsibility, he knows how to empathize, he knows how to make people

listen, he knows how to be clear and consistent, and most importantly, he knows how to respond

to the crisis. The world has seen great leaders begin to fade because of their inept response to the

crisis, but this time, we are seeing Andrew Cuomo becoming one of the best crisis leaders

emerging, and for sure his efforts will be remembered as significant lessons in Crisis Leadership.


This section discusses the theories and crisis management models that are used by

Andrew Cuomo to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. The concept of crisis originally comes from

the medical and health field to describe and manage critical conditions in terms of pandemic risk,

emerging infectious diseases, or the health care system. Apparently, anticipating and preparing

seems necessary to react better in the event of a crisis. The risk manager must, therefore, analyze,

assess, and prioritize the main risks, as well as, possible sequences of causes and consequences,

and find solutions, means of adaptation, and restoration (Asghar, 2020).

 The risk analysis process begins with the identification of the main objectives of the

entity that conducts it. Risk is relative. It is theoretically only serious if it jeopardizes the

achievement of one of these objectives.


 The next step is to assess a couple of things - the probability of occurrence / potential

severity. The risk manager will seek to counter the risks whose severity coupled with the

probability is the highest. For this, a separate evaluation of the two quantities will be

carried out according to objective and/or subjective criteria. 

 Once the risks have been classified, the risk manager will look for the levers for action to

counter them. This research will be conducted by analyzing the various cause and effect

relationships that can lead to the realization of the risk. This requires having means and

tools for monitoring and evaluation, and therefore, forecasting, and if possible


The Fundamental Crisis Management Approach

While depending on the type of generating event, and the impacts and consequences it

creates; a more or less serious crisis may occur, and the resolution of which requires a mode

of governance and a mode of communication specifically adapted to the situation. When the

event affects a whole range of activities, crisis management is generally accompanied by the

deployment of a continuity plan (which is part of the protection measures).Whatever type of

event you have to face, crisis management has certain permanent characteristics.

a. Diagnosis, Action, And Decision: It requires a capacity for diagnosis, good reaction, and

therefore, decision. The situation is above all, and an emergency. It is crucial to quickly

perceive the gravity of the situation, the priorities involved, and the decisions best suited

to the circumstances.

b. Organization: Crisis management also requires the responsible authorities to be able

to organize and bring together the efforts of the various parties involved. 


c. Communication: The crisis communication is fundamental in internal communication.

This is to allow the actions and optimize the reaction time communicating. The term is

used in external communication to alert and inform, as well as, to maintain

the confidence of the public for the future.

Three Crucial Steps to Crisis Management Approach

a. Anticipation: It aims to anticipate the possible occurrence of crisis-generating events by

implementing appropriate measures. These measures aim to reduce the probability of

occurrence determined during the risk analysis.

b. Forecast: It is the definition and location of the danger. There are unforeseeable dangers,

but preparing to manage a danger is the way to accelerate responses and resilience in the

event of a crisis of another kind. For example, preparation for a pandemic crisis

implements similar tools, mechanisms, and reflexes and in part identical to those that

would be necessary for the event of a nuclear war type crisis, or bioterrorist attack

(Asghar, 2020).

c. Protection: The objective of protection (e.g. civil protection in case of COVID-19) is to

reduce the severity and impact of the event (pandemic) when and if it occurs. The

protective measures (lockdowns, social distancing) are deployed, but they are unimportant

until the risk has materialized as they are designed to limit the impact and collateral


Crisis Communication & Social Networks


Crisis management based on social networks appears to be one of the emerging

dimensions of the 21st century. Apparently, with the advent of Web 2.0, as well as, large and

potentially very reactive social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, new ways of

communicating have emerged. Social networks and solidarity have always contributed to the

resolution or mitigation of serious crises. With social media networks, crisis management can be

quicker, more effective, and faster, down-up (by communicating the warning over internet users

and mobile phone users). Social media networks are also turning out to be very effective due to

their usability in crisis to communicate on the crisis and its evolution (in a more or less objective

and transparent way depending on the case). They allow multimedia, lateral, and heuristic

communication, sometimes very fast, possibly regular or even daily or almost

instantaneous. Social media networks also allow communication with faster feedbacks and

concerns addressed. Crisis communication has entered a new era since the advent of the internet

and in particular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Consumers, activists, and citizens

now have accessible media that is always available to express their dissatisfaction and mobilize

their peers through blogs, forums on major sites in addition to social networks. However,

traditional media must be remembered, which is also using the web as a source of

information. However, this increases the pressure on companies, and institutions because it

strengthens access to information, the reactivity requirements, and modifies the transaction

terms. We speak in this context of social media for emergency management. At the same time,

the crisis is probably the future of communication. This is where more and more communication

professionals consider, whose relation to time and work in crisis mode constitute the main

evolutions of an increasingly strategic profession (Coombs, 2014).

Social Media Networks Used by Andrew Cuomo


During the entire COVID-19 crisis, Andrew Cuomo has been found at the front

addressing every possible concern of the public considering the ongoing situation. He not only

provided the public with facts and figures but most importantly gave hope to the public, which is

much needed in situations like these. Andrew Cuomo and his media team is making the best

possible use of digital media to disseminate valid information and public warning. The governor

is using his official Twitter handle and Television as the primary medium to disseminate

information to the public and to communicate. However, his recorded video message and

screenshots of his Tweets are being posted multiple times on Facebook.


On March 1st, the New York State confirmed its first case of positive Coronavirus patient

and by April 23, 2020, there are more than 262,268 confirmed patients with 20,354 reported

deaths. During the entire situation, one man who has been criticized the most by his own

President Donald Trump but did not fall back from his commitment and untiring efforts is the

New York’s State Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo remained at the front line responding to the

crisis in the best of his capacity, and has been recognized as the modern crisis leader.

New York State Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo was the initiator of a large state hardship

plan coupled with large cuts to the health care budget. 

During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the governor is found very present at the front of

the public media briefings while calming and motivating his people. Where some are even

predicting the national fate for him due to his incredible crisis leadership, what’s earning Cuomo

all these applaud and praises is his effective crisis leadership and communication skills.

On March 16, New York State closes all of its schools and universities, bars and restaurants, then

cinemas and performance halls. Many other school districts, including those in Los Angeles,

Seattle, or Washington had already taken this step.

Although New York is a city apart in terms of population density; Cuomo’s decision to

close schools and establish containment came later than in other states where the virus was less

widespread. Ohio, for example, closed its public schools three days before New York, although

there have only been five confirmed cases. And California’s containment order was also issued

three days before that of the Big Apple. Although Andrew Cuomo decided for the lockdown a

little late, still he is at his best. Cuomo was still an excellent communicator and was up to the


With his stern appearance, Andrew Cuomo has remained on the front for days and weeks

without showing any tiresome and exhausted looks. He always looks prepared, composed, and

calm. As soon as New York becomes the epicenter of the pandemic, the governor brought all the

possible capacities to work to make sure to minimize the loss of lives and the impact of the

disease. Press briefings of Cuomo have been live broadcasted at the television and watched by

millions of people across the United States. Americans from other states also waited for Cuomo's

briefing only because of his style.

Analysis, Result & Crisis Communication Lessons Learnt from Governor Cuomo

Communication and public relation experts are repeatedly pointing Andrew Cuomo’s

response to the COVID-19 crisis as a major example of how leaders should be responding and

communicating to the public during a crisis. Cuomo’s press conferences have been analyzed by

experts to draw some insightful crisis communication lessons. Although the governor lacks

eloquent public speaking abilities and flowery language, his calm and composed communication

style helps the public calm down and hoping for the best with the strong belief that the

information conveyed to them is accurate and precise. Cuomo also shows that florid language is

also not a must for effective leadership. Some of the core crisis communication lessons learned

from Cuomo includes the following (Coombs, 2014).

a. Always Start with Correct Facts and Data

One thing that is very much noticeable in Cuomo’s crisis communication is that he

always begins his conferences with facts and figures. In a recent conference, he stated “New

York State had 53,000 ICU beds, and health experts predicted the state would need 140,000 over

the next 14-21 days. Also, he said, New York State was short roughly 30,000 ventilators to treat

acute cases of COVID-19”. Apparently, providing accurate numbers first give an impact that the

crisis leader is very much aware of the situation and he is doing efforts to curb the effect. It helps

people to get the precise idea about the severity of the situation and also help them compare the

results. Another important thing is that people want the core facts and not any sugar-coated

reassurances especially when the situations are too serious like this.

b. Make your Communication Personalized & Emphatic

Making communication personal helps people instantly connect and respond to the

speaker. Cuomo, at times, mentioned an example of his sister who was worried about getting the

COVID-19 test done when none was available in the state and also mentioned his concerns for

the health of his mother. This helps the public easily relate with the leader with a perception that

he can truly understand their problem, and he is just like them. This also gives hope to the people

because they get inspired thinking that if the leader can make it up despite all the issues why

can’t we (Michael, 2020).

c. Build Transparency, Accountability, and Trust


His confidence in the numbers with constant disclosure of the facts, and his forthrightness

reflect him as a transparent and trustworthy leader. Leaders, during the crisis, often believe that

disclosing facts would create panic, and often argue with a public representative saying that they

are wrong with the facts and he doesn’t trust them. But remember if a leader does not trust

people, he will never be trusted by people. Cuomo took full responsibility and demonstrated the

courage to be blamed for anything wrong while showing tremendous confidence in his decisions.

While announcing lockdown and quarantine, he said, “Lockdown and quarantines will cause

businesses to close, so if someone is unhappy, blame me”.

d. Embrace a Methodical Approach

As mentioned above, Cuomo followed a methodical approach. In his every press

conference, he followed the following three steps;

 He always discusses the problem. For instance, in his recent press conference, he talked

about a lack of coordination between hospitals.

 He then described the measures that need to be done. For instance, in the given case, he

said that effective coordinating steps need to be undertaken to overcome the problem.

 Then he provides the outcome i.e. by outlining the steps that he and others are required to

take (Ulmer, Sellnow & Seeger, 2017).

e. Share Stories & Experiences from the Past

Cuomo always gives the reference of past success. For instance, he quoted the example of

World War I, when companies like Ford, were given the order to produce things that were much

needed in war times. This not only helped keep the economy running but also gets the country to

win the war. He always quotes examples like this, because telling the success or failure stories

help people be more clear (Gallo, 2020).



Communication professionals, public speakers, and organizational leaders can learn

valuable lessons from Andrew Cuomo’s crisis communication style. The following are the

concluding remarks as well as recommendations.

 Fancy or flowery language, long lists of promises and heightened claims are not

necessary at all. All people who want to listen during the crisis are facts.

 Therefore, one must always have the latest, trustable facts and numbers to tell the public

in order to help them assess and quantify the situation. Don’t quote false figures if you

lack information, rather apologize and agree to communicate them as soon you get your

hands on them.

 Stay calm, composed, and focused, because your audience is listening to you to get hope

and inspiration.

 Match the tone of the time, and never talk with over-enthusiastic, over-happy, over-

concerned or over-saddened tone. Try to keep things as neutral as possible. Sounding

over-happy can divert people’s attention and they may tend to miss important information

for the future. The same can happen when you sound too sad. It may also create panic. A

neutral tone will keep the audience engaged in every situation.

 Follow a methodical approach; this will help people comprehend information more


 Show empathy to help people immediately relate and respond (Ulmer, Sellnow & Seeger,


The state governor Andrew Cuomo adopted all the essentials of crisis communication

effectively, and this is the reason that despite thousands of death and ongoing pandemic crisis,

people have hopes for brighter days ahead when this COVID-19 calamity will be over.


Asghar. F., (2020). This Is Cuomo’s Moment—And It Offers Essential Leadership Lessons.

Forbes. Retrieved on April 23, 2020

Coombs, W. T. (2014). Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding.

Sage Publications. Retrieved on April 23, 2020

Gallo. C., (2020). New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Just Gave a Valuable Lesson in Crisis

Leadership. Inc. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.

K. Michael. (2020). 5 Crisis Communications Lessons from Cuomo’s Coronavirus Response.

Glean. Info. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.

Ulmer, R. R., Sellnow, T. L., & Seeger, M. W. (2017). Effective crisis communication: Moving

from crisis to opportunity. Sage Publications. Retrieved on April 23, 2020

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