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I.Completeaza spatiile libere cu am/’m not, is/isn’t,

1.I ...... ten years old. (+)
2.Harry ...... my father. (+)
3.Snoopy ...... my dog. (+)
4.You ...... funny. (+)
5.James ...... a doctor. (-)
6.We ...... a family. (+)
7.Clive ...... my teacher. (-)
8. ...... Andreea seven years old?
9.Danny and Sammy ...... in the same class. (-)
10.My cat ....... white. (-)
11.Fiona and Bianca ...... sisters. (+)
12. ..... it cold today?
13.Paris ....... a country. (-)
14.I ...... sleepy. (-)
15.Lilian ...... hungry. (+)
II.Alege forma corecta.
1.Paul is/are a boy.
2.They are/is children.
3.It am/is sunny.
4.Lamia is/am my sister.
5.We is/are friends.
III.Traduceti in engleza.
1.Este insorit.
2.Imi este somn.
3.Noi suntem copii.
4.Will este tatal meu.
5.Ce mai faci?

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