Professional Goals 1

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Dana Visser


My Professional Goals

Goal #1: Connect with my students on a deeper level

I believe that strong relationships between teacher and student are crucial to a supportive and
successful learning environment. I will do my best to make individual bonds with each student
in my classroom in PSI. I not only want to be the teacher that focuses on academic
achievement, but know the students on a deeper level. I hope to be a teacher who students
feel comfortable coming to for advice and support in every aspect of their lives. I will
accomplish this goal during practicum by learning each student’s name by the end of
orientation day and consistently calling students by name to show I care. I will develop a get to
know you sheet for orientation day that students can fill out and I can use for reference of
student interests. I will then require myself to make small talk about student interests at least
three times a day in transitions, such as before and after class and at recess and lunch. By
practicing this, I hope to create stronger relationships with each and every one of my students. I
do not have a set target date to complete this goal as I want to continue to foster student
relationships throughout my entire practicum.

Goal #2: Communicate with TA and UC

Throughout my PSI, I hope to communicate positively and effectively with both my teacher
associate and my university consultant. I want to learn as much as I can through this
experience, so I would like to ensure I ask questions and communicate about my struggles
honestly. I believe that this strong communication with my mentors will not only allow me the
greatest chance for success in this practicum, but will also allow me to build deeper
relationships with them as well. I will do this by having small reflecting conversations at the end
of each school day with my TA about how the day went. I will encourage myself to write my
logs directly after school each day so I can use these reflecting conversations as sparks for
further written reflection. I will require myself to develop two questions each day in my
reflections that I can ask my TA the next morning. In terms of communication with my UC, I will
push myself to write weekly emails to my UC reflecting on the week’s experiences. I will also
encourage myself to consult with my UC about any questions or hesitations I may have to
ensure that I am using them as a resource. I hope that by pushing myself to constantly be
reflecting and sharing these reflections with both my TA and UC, that I will effectively foster
these relationships as well. I want to be consistent in my communications, so once again, I do
not have a set target date for this goal.

Goal #3: Make Effective Lesson Plans

Dana Visser

As I am just starting out with lesson planning, I hope to gain the ability to create the most
effective and efficient lesson plans that I can. I would like to create lesson plans that are easy to
follow for both me and my teacher associate. I challenge myself to develop lesson plans in
every subject to gain familiarity with program of studies across the curriculum. I will practice
lesson plans during practicum by consistently showing my TA and UC my draft lesson plans and
asking for any further ideas they have to make it better. I want to push myself to have lesson
plans done a week ahead so that I am able to add or edit them in response to the experiences I
have in prior lessons. I hope to push myself outside of my comfort zone in terms of subject and
push myself to teach at least one lesson in all four core subjects. I hope that by pushing myself
to do this, I am able to get more familiar with the corresponding program of studies and overall
get more comfortable in teaching the four core subjects. I would like to push myself to start
teaching lessons or mini-lessons as soon as I can during practicum, so my target date to
complete lessons in the core subjects will be three weeks into practicum.

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