At Rest ... : (Cintaku Berawal Dari Gerbang Sekolah)

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( cintaku berawal dari gerbang sekolah )

"Kringggg" the school bell rang, the security guard immediately closed the gate .. Violin
woke up late .. he immediately rushed to go to school .. when he arrived at school the gate
was closed by the security guard, Violin asked the security guard to open the gate ..
Violin : "Sir, please sir, please open this gate, just this once I promise I won't be late again(wajah
memelas )”
satpam: "I can't , you're 10 minutes late"
Raka: "open the door sir ..(tangan di masukkan saku celana, dan bersikap cuek)”
satpam : “yes son.. (membukakan pintu gerbang)”
Violin : "Thank you sir, thank you too bro(sambil lari tergesa gesa) ”
At rest ...
Violin: "ehh, do you know what I experienced this morning?"
Harum, Yohana: “I don't know ..(muka flat) what is it ?? arcurious??
Violin : “emm should I tell you or not??(wajah nyengir)..?? “
Harum: "what ??"
Violin: "hehe, i am just kidding ... I was late for school ..."
Yohana: "yaahh, is that all? I think it's important .. ''
Violin: "The story is not finished yet, so the gate was closed with the security but there was an
upperclassman boy who helped me, ..(tiba2 tertuju pada satu pandangan dan menepuk tangan
ke 2 temannya)
that's the guy ... what do you think ?? wait a minute .. who is the girl next to him? " Harum: is
that the guy who helped you? That was my senior in elementary school, don't tell me you have
a crush on him ?? emmm I don't know, maybe that girl is his girlfriend .."
Violin : “(muka panik gelagaban) haa? Um ... umm. No, I was just amazed at him when he
helped me earlier.. his girlfriend ??!(wajah kaget)”
Yohana : “"heyy.. are you jealous ?(wajah nyengir sambil ketawa)”
Violin : “hisshh, what??... no.(salah tingkah).”

"Kringgg" the bell ends at rest .. Violin and her best friend go to class and follow the next lesson,
they have agreed that after school they will go to the cafe .. upon arrival at the cafe ..

Violin: "Hey rum, you said earlier that you were raka’s junior, what kind of person is he?? "
Harum: "he's really nice ... quite clever too, do you want to get acquainted with this guy ??"
Yohana: “why do you look shy vio?? You like him, right ?? "
Violin: "What the heck are you two ..."
Harum, Yohana: " just confess !! (membentak violin)”
Violin : “hisshh .. okay, I admit it, I have emmm ... I'm also amazed by Raka (tersipu malu) ”
Yohana: " finally, you confessed it ..."

The next day..

Yohana: "Ehh, let's get close Violin and Raka... what do you think rum?"
Harum: "okay.. But how to do that ?? "
Yohana: "Emm I think I know how to do it ..."
Harum: "What? please tell me .. "
Yohana: "let’s see ... hehe"
A few days later, 2 Violin friends made a plan for Violin and Raka .. Yohana and Harum made
2 anonymous letters addressed to Raka and Violin .. the two letters were placed on Raka's table
and on the Violin table, when Yohana and Harum put the letter on Raka's desk, Giselle and
Acel found out ...
Giselle: “What are you doing? letter? why is it on Raka's desk? Less students are in class.
How dare she give a letter to Raka. .(marah)”
Acel : "So the two people were in our class ?? what's in it ??(sambil mengambil surat dan
membacanya) hahahaaha it turns out to be sure about meeting (ketawa geli)”
Giselle : “hisshhh, why are you laughing? I'm angry, even kidding ..”
Acel : “i’m sorry .. (berhenti ketawa) calm down, I have an idea .. "
Giselle: "what?"
Acel: "We just follow raka to the park, so we know who wants to snatch Raka from you?"
tomorrow at school we will found her,”
Giselle: “okeeeyy I agree with your idea (senyum jahat)”
In the afternoon, in the park ..
Violin, Raka: "Oh, you ?? what are you doing here?(bersamaan wajah kaget)(Violin salting)
(Raka wajah Tanpa Expresi)”
Violin: (menunjukkan surat kepada Raka )
Raka : (menunjukkan surat kepada Violin )
Raka : (jalan menuju kursi di taman)
Violin : (mengikuti Raka)
Violin : “raka?...”
Raka : “what ? (nada cuek)”
Violin : “can we be friends??”
Raka : (memandang Violin lalu meninggalkan Violin)
Giselle, Acel : “(memandangi dari kejauhan sambil kesal)”

keesokan harinya ...

Giselle : “heehh .. lo ..! do you want to approach Raka ?? you really dare .. !!
(membentak) ”
Acel : “anak kecil baru lahir aja, have dared to seize people's girlfriends!!”
Violin : “haah ?? what do you mean ? (muka polos)”
Giselle: “don't be hypocritical, you met Raka yesterday, didn't you? confess !!(marah) ”
Raka : (datang menghampiri Giselle, Violin.. dan menarik Giselle pergi)
Giselle: “hehh .. our business is not over yet !! remember that !!(menatap mata
Giselle: "What the heck?"
Raka: "calm down first .. okay, you don't have to think about the problem in the park yesterday,
we accidentally meet .."
Giselle: “haaa ?? accidentally ?? didn't you come because of that anonymous letter ?? after
all, what are you doing here ??(kesal) ”
Raka: "I thought you were the one who gave me the letter, that's why I came .."
Giselle: “hishhh .. aaaahh already, so I'm annoyed with you (pergi meninggalkan Raka)”
Violin looked sad when she heard Giselle's words at school earlier, she cried ... while Giselle was
still annoyed with Raka, Giselle vented her anger by partying at Acel's house ...
Acel: "here sell, drink first ... this drink makes you forget what happened in the day, let's be
happy ..(mengajak minum bersama) ”
Giselle : “(meminun minuman yang diberikan Acel)”
Acel : “gimana ? enak kan ? apalagi kalo ditambah ini ?? (menyerahkan bungkusan
berisi narkoba)”
Giselle : “enak juga nih, dapet dari mana lo ? masukin gih.. “
Acel : “(memasukkan narkoba ke dalam minuman) udahh ni gratis buat lo, tapi lain kali
lo harus bayar ke gue ..”
Giselle : “ohh okeyy, thanks yaa (senyum kepada Acel)”
Dirumah Violin..
Harum, Yohana : “(memencet bell pintu rumah Violin), Vio Vio..”
Mama Leica : “ehh kalian nak, ayo masuk sini....(mengajak masuk rumah)”
Harum: "tan, is there a violin?"
Mama Leica: "Ouch, sorry kid, Violin is taking violin lessons, maybe he'll come home soon .."
Yohana: "Ohh is that right auntie? yasudah like that .. "
Mama Leica: "just wait a minute, oo yes, auntie can you ask something?" Harum, Yohana: "Ask
what aunt?"
Mama Leica: “Violin has been feeling sad these days, do you know why Vio is sad ?? can you
aunty know ?? "
Harum: "emmmm .. actually .."
Yohana: “Actually Violin is in love with Raka, Raka is our senior .. but he was ignored by Raka's
sister, because yesterday Violin was angry with raka’s girlfriend. Maybe because of that she
became sad .. "
Mama Leica: "ohh that's the story .."
Harum: "Yes , sorry for making Violin sad ..."
Yohana: "but our intentions are good,..."
Mama Leica: "It's okay .."
Yohana: “Violin doesn't come here to, rum?(berbisik ke Harum)”
Harum : “yes, let's just go home .. we apologize to Violin tomorrow at school(berbisik ke
Harum, Yohana :”emm mrs.., we both go home first .. tomorrow we'll meet Violin at school ..
(sambil berpamitan)”
Mama Leica : “ohh okay, thanks for the story, be careful,,”
Harum,Yohana .(pergi meninggalkan rumah Violin)
The next day, Violin escorted her mother to school ..
Mama Leica: "So you don't want to tell me about it ...?"
Violin: "about what? there's no problem .. "
Mama Leica: "Do you need to find a guy whose name is Raka so you can confess
to Mom?"
Violin: "You know? Must be Harum and Yohana who gave that idea .. !! "
Mama Leica: "OK, don't be ashamed of Mom .. so which one is it ??" Violin;
"Emm is the one who walks with girls.. (menunjuk Raka dan Giselle)”
Mama Leica : “ohh he is, do you like him ??
Violin : “hihh mama apaan sih.. udah Vio turun dulu (cium tangan)”

Violin enters the classroom and puts down her bag, then Violin goes to the
library to read a book ..
Violin : “(sedang membaca buku)”
Raka : “are you alone.. ?(sambil menghampiri Violin)”
Violin: "Yes, you are alone too ??"
Raka: "Hmmm, can i sit here ??"
Violin: "Yes, please .."
Raka: "Hmm .. i’m sorry about Giselle yesterday ..."
Violin: "Yes, it's okay, I don't know if you have a girlfriend .."
Raka: "Actually, Giselle is not my gilrfriend, we just got close .."
Violin: "ohh is that right?"
Raka: "yapp"
Violin: "By the way, you don't care about me?"
Raka : “(tersenyum dan pergi meninggalkan Violin)”
Giselle : “(dari kejauhan melihat Raka dan Violin ngobrol, kesal, merobek robek kertas
yang dipegang)”
In the evening Acel and Giselle went to the discotheque, Giselle asked for the medicine that Acel
Giselle: "I want a cool medicine, I'm really dizzy ..." Acel: "calm down, I still have a lot of
supplies .."
Giselle: “I bought two packs (memberi segepok uang)”
Acel : “nihh sel.. (memberikan bungkusan) ayoo kita joget.. asik kan ??
“ Giselle : “(tersenyum)”
Beberapa saat kemudian...
Giselle : “(pingsan)’
Acel : “(panik) aduuhh ni anak pake pingsan segala lagi.. (mengambil HP dan menelfon Raka)
ka, lo cepet dateng ke tempat nongkrong gue..”
~via telephon .. Raka : ada apa ?
~via telephon.. Acel : Giselle pingsan, cepetan ke sini..
~via telephon.. Raka : oke, gue segera kesana..
Acel : “sel ?? bangun sel! (memegang badan Giselle)”
Giselle : “(setengah sadar) gue pusing banget nihh”
Raka : “udah,, kita bawa aja ke rumah lo..”
Acel : “iyaa ka ayoo buruan..”

Di dalam perjalanan...
Giselle : “ehh lo ka.. (sambil memasukkan narkoba ke dalam kantong jaket Raka)”
Raka: "don't move, just sleep"
Acel: "I just went home, thanks for waiting for us, I can take care of Giselle" Raka:
Raka : (ketika berjalan melihat Violin dan menghampirinya)
Violin : (melamun di taman)
Raka : are you alone ?
Violin: ehh kak raka..(kaget)
Raka : pake ni jaket ku..(mengulurkan jaket)
this cold night going to the park without wearing a jacket ...
Violin: it's normal ..
Raka: already using it, no problem ..
Violin: thanks.. how about Giselle? still angry with me?
Raka: it still looks, but don't think about it ..
Violin: I'm not feeling good I'm afraid .....
Raka: afraid that you like me?(sambil melihat violin)
Violin : ishhh kakak nih apaan sihh (ketawa)
Raka : bercandaa, hisshhh kamu lucu banget sihh (ikut ketawa sambil memberantakkan rambut
Violin: Ahh brother, I can just go home, okay? I brought the jacket?

Raka: OK, take care, okay, just bring it (tersenyum pada Violin)
Mama Leica: where did you come from?
Violin: the park ..
Mama Leica: Whose jacket is that ??
Violin: ohh this is raka jacket ma ...
Mama Leica: raka is again raka again ... here, i will wash it, tomorrow give it back to him ...
(mengambil jaket)
Violin : ohh iya nih mah..(menyerahkan jaket)
Mama Leica : (merogoh saku jaket) ini obat apa Vio ?
Violin : nggak tau mah, mungkin itu punya kak raka..
Mama Leica : jangan jangan ini narkoba ??
Violin : haa? Nggak mungkin ahh mah (pergi meninggalkan mamanya)
Mama Leica : tapi nakk, percaya sama mama.. (sambil melihat obat)
Ms. Violin has started to suspect Raka and is sure that Raka is not a good child.
Mama Leica: "Vio, don't forget to return Raka's jacket, say thanks too ..."
Violin: "Yes, ma. I'll give it back later "
Mama Leica: “Look at this, I don't believe that this is an ordinary medicine, it must be drugs or
something. From the beginning mom didn't like Raka's figure, try asking him "
Violin: "Mama, what the??., don't accuse me carelessly. Raka at school has never caused
trouble, Vio is not sure if Raka is cocky "
Mama Leica: “Whatever. Already hurry to go
"Violin:" Go first, ok? "
In school ..
Violin: " Raka!"(memanggil dari kejauhan)
Raka : “Eh, hai, Vio”
Violin : “Kak, ini jaketnya kemarin, makasih ya. Oya, kemarin ada ini di kantung
jaketnya, kakak sakit apa sih?”
Raka : “Iya, sama-sama. Hah ?? obat apaan emang ? coba kakak
liat..” Violin : “ni kak .. (sambil menyerahkan obat)”
Harum : “ehh vio.. ayoo ke kelas .. (menarik vio)”
Violin : “(meninggalkan Raka) udah dulu yaa kak..”
Raka : “(sambil bergumam) ini pasti perbuatan giselle..”
Gisella : “(menepuk pundak Raka) hei, Ka. Ngapain ngelamun disini..”
Raka : “ehh giselle.. ni punya lo ?? (memperlihatkan obat)”
Giselle : “ehhh ini.. iya ini punya gue.. lo simpen dulu aja yaa.. ntar gue ambil ke rumah lo..”

Sepulang sekolah, giselle menelepon acel.

Acel : “(menerima telepon) halo, sel, tumben nelpon. Ada apa??”
Giselle: “It's okay, I just want to tell you, I'm surprised,. How I'm not interested in Raka
anymore, I want to make him suffer .. "
Acel: "what? Didn't you first hate if girls get close to Raka ?? "
Giselle: "Yes, but since she paid too much attention to the new kid I didn't respect Raka
anymore .."
Acel: "What do you want, Raka?"
Giselle: “Anyway, let's see(menutup telepon)..”

That night, Giselle came to Raka's house to get the medicine

that was given to her ...
Police: "(knocking on door) excuse me .."
Raka: "(opening the door) yes, what is your interest, sir?"
Police: "Is this really Raka's house?"
Raka: "yes, right, with myself .."

Police: "Sorry, I have received reports that you are involved in the distribution and use of drugs. "
Raka: "haa ?? it's impossible, sir. I have never circulated drugs, let alone used them .. "
Police: "later you can explain it at the police station .."

The next day at school ...

Violin: “Rum, Yo, what's wrong? How come many have gathered together? What are you
talking about? "
Yohana: "You don't get any news?"
Harum: "Our school is being highlighted, labeled as bad by the media, this is all because of
Raka ..." Violin: "Sis Raka? How come?"
Yohana: “Kak Raka was arrested by the police because he was drugged. But surprisingly, sis
Giselle also disappeared. Even though the news said that it was Giselle who reported it to Sis
Raka .. "
Violin: "raka. That means it's true what mama said, drugs at that time were really drugs .. "
The police found new evidence in the Raka case, he was only assigned as a dealer not a user.
The police also received evidence that Giselle and her friend Acel were involved
drug trafficking. They finally got arrested ...
After school...
Violin: "Mom, do you love Vio?"
Mama Leica: “What are you talking about, son? Yes, it is clear that you really love vio .. "
Violin: "vio can I have one thing? Vio promise if you give me vio request, vio will follow what
you ask .. "
Mama leica: “vio, what's wrong? You say what is clear? Yes, mom wants to eat. What are you
asking for? " Violin: “Brother Raka is imprisoned, ma. Because of drugs .. "
Mama Leica: “raka ?? Mama already told you. "
Violin: “(interrupting the conversation) Mama, please redeem kak Raka from prison, vio wants
Kak Raka to be free. It's not raka's fault, he's just a victim .. "
Mama Leica: "Okay, Mama will free Raka. One condition, you go to school in America. Mama
doesn't like your current environment .. "
Raka, Giselle, and Acel are released from prison with the help of the Violin family, but Raka
doesn't know who helped him. Meanwhile, Giselle and Acel know that Violin was the one who
freed them. They have realized their mistake all this time and want to meet Violin to thank and
A year passed and Raka continued his studies at Semesta High School. It has been a long time
since he saw the figure of a Violin and he did not have the slightest suspicion because for him he
was not worthy of meeting the violin.
The next day
Chaca: "Sir, please open the door, please just this once"
Raka: "Sir, let him enter, please be informed, he's a new student" Mr. security guard: "Yes, den"
Chaca: “Thank you very much, Sis” (berlalu meninggalkan Raka) Raka : “(bergumam) seperti
Giselle : “(memperhatikan Chaca dan Raka dari kejauhan)”

And it turns out that Chaca and Raka are in the same class, day by day Raka
continues to pay attention to Chaca, deni is like seeing the Violin in Chaca .. he
is increasingly interested in Chaca's quiet person ... one day ..
Chaca : “(membaca buku di perpus)”
Raka : “are you alone ??”
Chaca : “(tersenyum)”
Raka : “can i sit here ??”
Chaca : “whatever..”
Giselle : “hai, ikutan dong. Kenalin namaku Giselle (tersenyum dan menjabat tangan Chaca)”
Chaca : “gue Chaca (tersenyum dan menjabat tangan Giselle)”
Giselle: "I pay attention, you personally look like my younger classmate ..." Raka: "Yes,
cell. No need to talk about him anymore .. "
Giselle: "I'm sorry, Ka. It's all my fault .. "
Raka: "(smile) I've learned to forget it, after all he's not here ..." Chaca: "What's wrong
with this? How come the atmosphere is tense like this .. "
Giselle: I want to say something to you, Ka. Actually, all of us can be free because of
Violin and her mother. But, on condition Violin has to move abroad to forget you .. "
Chaca: “Violin? Free? What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking
about .. "
Giselle: “It's okay. Cha. Nothing. I just pulled it out. (pergi meninggalkan Raka dan
Several days passed and Raka got closer to Chaca. They live their school life and finally they
graduate. Raka, Chaca, Acel, and Giselle have separated from each other and they are living
their own lives ....
7 years later ..
Currently Raka is the Head of the Foundation at SMA Semesta and many things remind him of
Violin. When his mind was full of Violin images he suddenly saw a girl arguing with a security
guard and trying to break through the gate .....
Ajeng: "Sir, please sir, please open this gate, just this once I promise I won't be late again
(pleasing face)"
satpam: "I can't, son, you're 10 minutes late"
Raka: "open the door sir .. (hands in the pockets of pants, and act indifferent)" Mr security
guard: "yes denn .. (opens the gate)"
Ajeng: "thank you sir, thanks too sir (while running in a hurry)"
Violin: "(from a distance seeing what happened to him before and walking towards him) thank
you sis (smiling) brother, it doesn't change okay, help people late (smiling sweetly)"
Raka: "(shocked and silent without words). vioo ?? you violin right ?? where have you been for
this ?? "
Violin: "I went to America to continue my studies, Mom told .." Raka: "to stay away from me ??"
Violin: "No ... that's not it, Mama already knows the truth of the story, I asked for it
sorry because you've accused kak raka .. "Raka:" ohh (smile) "
Violin: "mmmm .. (begumam) are you married?" Raka: "I'm waiting for someone from
America .."
Violin: "(smiling and touched"
Violin & Raka : “(Bergandengan tangan)”

The End

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