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This worksheet is designed to help you think about information you could include in your personal statement. We’ve included space for
you to write down any thoughts you have as you go along. More detailed advice and guidance about writing your personal statement,
including our UCAStv video guide, is available at

Writing about the course

Why are you applying for your chosen course(s)?

I was enjoying the Business and Business Environment courses at Kensington College. There are management roles in every sector of
trade on the planet, from small local businesses to large international corporations. My personal goal is to become a manager. I am
confident that if I will be accepted to Richmond University, I will be able to fulfil my dream.

Why does this subject interest you? Include evidence that you understand what’s required to study the course, e.g. if applying
for psychology courses, show that you know how scientific the subject is.

I am applying for a degree in Business because I have been engaged in work since my 16th birthday and have not stopped performing
some roles in several places of work. I've always been intrigued by the world of Business; being allowed to study A-level Business Studies
then confirmed my idea of pursuing a career in Business.I look forward to learning from a wide range of modules on the breadth of
business-related areas such as ethics, entrepreneurship and business analysis. I've been interested in learning about leadership styles in
my current Business Course, as well as market segmentation and finance.

Why do you think you’re suitable for the course(s)? Do you have any particular skills and experience that will help you to succeed
on the course(s)?

I am confident that during the HNC/HND programme, I accumulate the basic knowledge about Businesses which had an impact on
myself. It pushed me to apply for a degree in this field. I am an analytical person which I am looking, always, at the situation accurately,
trying to understand how it works, interpreting what it means, and then coming up with a thoughtful, intelligent response. I am applying
this concern naturally, instinctively both in personal and professional life. I love technology and, I think the desire to learn new things is
one of my strengths and also it comes with the ability to stay all the time up-to-date.
Do your current or previous studies relate to the course(s) that you have chosen? If so, how?

Through my college education I have built up a comprehensive understanding of concepts such as good corporate governance,
investments, valuation theory, asset pricing, market micro-structure, capital structure and dividend policy, human resource management
and marketing.
For me personally one of the biggest attractions to this subject is the bewildering array of career opportunities it offers to suit all
interests including business management and marketing and communication.

Have you taken part in any other activities that demonstrate your interest in the course(s)?

I work as an Inventory Clerk for a multinational company called Kuehne-Nagel. I recently obtained promotion to step up into my career
and to become a team leader. Working closer to my manager and been involved in the management activities makes me hope that in
one day, I will be in that position.Knowing what are the needs of the employees which every company should cover, I was the leader of
the meeting which had been talking about our needs and requests. I was obtaining all the requests thanks to the knowledge learned at
the college and, this makes me being concern that the theories learned can be applied.That's why I believe that after graduating, I can
apply for a management position and, I can obtain the position, thanks to the new pieces of knowledge learned.

Skills and achievements

Universities like to know the skills you have that will help you on the course, or generally with life at university,
such as any accredited or non-accredited achievements. Write these down here. Examples can be found at

During the HNC/HND, I've been involved very often writing essays and presentation. I think I am a good essay writer, paraphrasing and
also I am a confident speaker. I was enjoying doing researching and, also, I learn the importance of the notes and how to summarize
then into my understanding. Besides these, I am an independent learner which loves to read news, articles and books. Working as a
Clerk I developed skills like time-management, self-motivation and decision-maker. I am an organised person who loves the office to
look all the time clean and tidy.

Also think about any other achievements you’re proud of, positions of responsibility that you hold or have held both in and out
of school, and attributes that make you interesting, special or unique.

Since I was young, I learned to play the piano. This passion is always in my heart. When I came to the UK I easily found a job as a piano
teacher for Piano Step Music London. I couldn't keep the passion for a long time because it was a part-time job in the middle of the day. I
enjoyed the experience and I think this helps me to achieve the team leader position today because I am always calm and warm when I
have to explain to my colleges what is good and bad for our company goals. I am feeling like a driven person.Also, this connection with
music makes me be more sensitive with the people and I thinks it helps me a lot in order to maintain a long and stable relationship in the
business environment.
Hobbies and interests

Make a list of your hobbies, interests and social activities. Then think about how they demonstrate your personality,
skills and abilities. Try to link them to the skills and experience required for your course(s).

In my free time, I prefer to spend time in my garden with a good book and an ice-tea. I think allocating time reading it helps me to keep
myself busy, up-to-dated and always involved in my book. Also, I love to do sports which I think helps me to prioritise the essential tasks
during the day. I do gym and this is just a way to release all the thoughts and become more open-mind and ready for the next day

Work experience

Include details of jobs, placements, work experience or voluntary work, particularly if it’s relevant to your chosen course(s).
Try to link any experience to skills or qualities related to the course.

My employers have found me very reliable, hard-working and able to work with a close team of people. In one company, I have been
given managerial responsibilities, overseeing a team of five staff since we returned from furlough. I've been handling customer
complaints, investigating, checking stock, and making sure the business is working at a high standard. Knowing very well the company
policy helps me a lot when I deal with customers. When I applied for a team leader position, I was able to use the knowledge learned
from the college and converted into reliable answers which gave me the position.

Mature students

Explain what you’ve been doing since leaving education, and provide additional evidence to support your application. If you’re
not in full-time education, you should give details of any relevant work experience, paid or unpaid, and information about your
current or previous employment.

After I received a Baccalaureat Diploma. I started working as a sale assistant for Protect&Gamble. Through that job, I develop selling and
communication skills. After that, I found a better-paid job as a sale assistant for a campaign of perfumes in the airport. That job helps me
to improve my English. In Uk, I start working as a picker for Adelie Foods and, I worked as a sale assistant for Wenzel. During the time I
step up and, I work as a supervisor for a couple of hotels and, in present, I work as a team leader for a multinational company. All those
experience has grown in me, the dream that in the future I will become a successful and professional manager.
International students

Tell universities why you want to study in the UK and why you think you can successfully complete a course that is taught in
English. Say if some of your studies have been taught or examined in English and if you have taken part in any activities where
you have used English outside of your studies.

Pearson BTEC program offers me the possibility to develop and discover myself. I know that English is not my first language and I think in
order to success, English is a necessary skill. I work hard to improve my English. Before studying at Oxford College, I did the Adults
Learning English program. From the teacher recommendation, I put the accent on grammar lessons. I am feeling comfortable in this
country and I do think that in the UK the workers are more appreciate for them work than in my country. I am seeing myself here in the
future encouraging a successful career.

Future plans

If you know what you’d like to achieve after completing the course, explain how you want to use the knowledge and experience
that you gain. How does the course relate to what you want to do in the future?

I want to study Business because in the future I aim to be an independent woman, in charge of my own destiny. Working for a
multinational company makes me feel that a degree in international business will gonna help me to step up.I am ready for this challenge
in my life and know that I will work hard, thrive and develop as a result of undertaking a degree in Business and Management, as well as
contribute and give back to my University community.

Dos when writing your personal statement Don’ts when writing your personal statement

> Do use your best English and don’t let spelling and > Don’t exaggerate – if you do you may get caught out
grammatical errors spoil your statement. at interview when asked to elaborate on an interesting
> Do show that you know your strengths and can outline your
ideas clearly. Use words you know will be understood by the > Don’t rely on a spellchecker as it will not pick up everything
person reading your statement. – proofread as many times as possible.

> Do be enthusiastic – if you show your interest in the course, > Don’t leave it to the last minute – your statement will seem
it may help you get a place. rushed and important information could be left out.

> Do expect to produce several drafts of your personal

statement before being totally happy with it.

> Do ask people you trust for their feedback.

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