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Nombre: Ana Isabel Joachin Gutiérrez Date: 04/02/20

 Write each of the two sentences below as one sentence. Use the third
Conditional with ‘’had’’ (or hadn’t) + ‘’ wouldn’t have’’.

1. Sam didn’t get up early. He was late for work.

If Sam had gotten up early, he wouldn’t have been late for work.
2. We didn’t bring our umbrellas. We got wet.
If we had brought our umbrellas, we wouldn’t have gotten wet.
3. Jake didn’t study. He failed the test
If Jake had studied, he wouldn’t have failed the test.
4. I rode the bicycle. I fell off.
If I hadn’t ridden the bicycle, I wouldn’t have fallen off.
5. I met him yesterday. I knew his name.
if hadn’t met him yesterday, I wouldn’t have known his name.
6. The TV was broken. They were bored.
If the TV hadn’t been broken, they wouldn’t have been bored
7. Isaac sat under a tree. An apple fell on his head.
If Isaac hadn’t sat under a tree, an apple wouldn’t have fallen on his head.
8. Kevin got lost. He oried.
If Kevin hadn’t gotten lost, he wouldn’t have cried.
9. Jenny practiced a lot. She won the contest
If Jenny hadn’t practiced a lot, she wouldn’t have won the contest.
10. The firemen arrived. They put out the fire.
If the firemen hadn’t arrived, they wouldn’t have put out the fire.
11. That was a funny joke. I laughed.
If that hadn’t been a funny joke, I wouldn’t have laughed
12. We didn’t clean the room. It was messy.
If we had cleaned the room, it wouldn’t have been messy.

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