Aplicaciones y Servicios

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all files (all files (*) selection) or a specific selection of files. See Chapter, "Extensions for
User Files", on page 80 for an overview of the supported file extensions. The available drives
and directories and the files of the selected directory are displayed. The currently selected
path is displayed above the windows. If the area is opened several times, the path last selected
is displayed. Unlike the "File Select" window, the "File Manager" displays the full file names
including extensions. Working with the File Manager dialog 1. Accessing the "File Manager"
dialog (see "Accessing files with user data" on page 78). 2. Navigating in the "File Manager"
dialog. Operation is very similar to the operation of a standard Windows explorer. 3. Moving,
duplicating, deleting or renaming files To move a file, select the file and press the "Cut" button.
Mark the directory to which the file is to be moved and select the "Paste" button. If the target
directory already contains a file with the same name, a confirmation query is displayed to
confirm overwriting of this file. Perform the similar steps and cut/copy/rename/delete the file.
Tip: The operation corresponds to the Windows concept. 4. Creating a new directory Mark
drive or directory level where the new directory is to be created, select the "Create New
Directory" button and enter the name of the new directory in the entry window that opens.
Confirm with ENTER. Extensions for User Files The following table lists all available file
extensions for user files. Th

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