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Partnership and Corporation

Solution Manual

Chapter 1
Review of the Accounting Process

** Quizzers – Problems **

I. B – 25,000 B – 100,000

II. Maria Julieta Lopez Allera-Alegrado

Assets = Liabilities + Capital
Accrued Accounts Accrued Alegado
Cash A/R Income = Payable Expense + Capital Revenue Expenses
Beg. Bal. 150,000 80,000 = 48,000 + 100,000 122,000 (40,000)
AJE 5,000 (5,000)
(6,000) (6,000)
#2 (3,000) (3,000)
#3 15,000 (15,000)
8,000 8,000
149,000 72,000 8,000 42,000 15,000 100,000 130,000 (58,000)

A- 229,000 = 57,000 + 172,000

III. P. Amandoron Company

Current Assets 350,000
Property and Equipment 1,200,000 1,550,000
Less: Current Liabilities 125,000
Long Term Liabilities 575,000 700,000
Owner’s Equity 850,000 -D

IV. Ruben Realty Co.

36,000 = P3,000 x 5 = P15,000 - A

36,000 = P3,000 x 7 = P21,000 - B


V. Evelyn T. Alegre
Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity
Cash in Bank 850,000 + 30,000
Office Equipment 300,000 1,150,000 + 30,000
Office Furniture 60,000 = 60,000
1,240,000 = 60,000 + 1,180,000 - D

VI. Raul Langbid Co.

truck – P18,000 = P1,500 x 3 = P4,500
building – P15,000 = P1,250 x 3 = 3,750
12 P 8,250 -A

VII. Blas Sardido Co.

Sales (250,000 x P 15) 3,750,000
Cost of Sales:
Beg. Inventory -
Purchases (400,000 x P11) 4,400,000
Available for Sale 4,400,000
Less: Ending Inventory (150,000 x P11) 1,650,000 2,750,000
Gross Profit 1,000,000 - none of the choices

VIII. Alfredo Yao Co.

ERRATUM: Available for Sale P26,000 instead of P6,000

Beg. Inventory 15,000 -D

Purchases 10,000
Freight In 1,000
Available for Sale 26,000
Ending Inventory 5,000 -D
Cost of Sales 21,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 1

IX. Rolando Ibañez Enterprises
Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable
P35,000 BB BB 350,000 5,000 Write-off
Payment 25,000 20,000 On acct. Billing 100,000 145,000 - A
30,000 - A 300,000

X. Vicente Chotangco, Jr.

Accounts Receivable
BB 50,000 36,000
60,000 4,000 - A
110,000 40,000

XI. E. Detoya & Sons

Accounts Receivable
BB 100,000 2,000
100,000 69,000
80,000 Sales
49,000 Account Sales
90,000 Cash Sales
139,000 - B

XII. L. Caminade Enterprises

Accounts Payable
20,000 70,000 BB
50,000 Account Purchases
80,000 Cash Purchases
130,000 Total Purchases - B

XIII. Laureano Cacho Trading

1,240,000 – 100,000 = 1,140,000 = 228,000
5 years 5

Cost of Machine P1,240,000

Less: Acc. Dep’n. 228,000
Net Book Value P1,012,000
Sold at 960,000
Loss on disposal (P 52,000) - A

XIV. Santos Advertising Agency

1 – 30 days 31 – 60 days 61 days and over

Gomezano 10,000 20,000
SM Marketing 15,000 30,000 20,000
Yu and Sons 35,000 45,000 5,000
60,000 95,000 25,000
x 5% x 8% x 10%
3,000 7,600 2,500 = 13,100 – 8,000 = 5,100 - A

XV. Leopoldo Medina Trading

250 units x P31 = P7,750 P27,605 ÷ 835 x 315 = P10,413.86 Average

65 x 33 = 2,145 - 9,895.00
FIFO P9,895 - C P 518.86 bigger - B

XVI. Lucky Strike Co.

Beg. Inventory P 3,450,000
Purchases 2,740,000
Freight In 20,000
Purchase Ret. & Allow. ( 25,000)
Available for Sale P 6,185,000
Cost of Goods Sold:
Sales P4,500,000
Less: Gross Profit (40%) 1,800,000 2,700,000
Estimated Inventory, end P3,485,000 - A
Less: Actual Inventory after fire 2,948,000
Damaged by fire P 537,000 - C

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XVII. Universal Financing Co.
Principal P50,000 x 15% 90 days = P 1,875
360 50,000
P 51,875 MV -C

P 1,875 ÷ 3 x 2 = P1,250 - A

Interest Expense 1,250

Accrued Interest Expense 1,250

** Quizzers **

Test III
Manufacturing Income Statement Balance Sheet
Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.
1) Finished Goods, Beg. √
2) Finished Goods, End √ √
3) Goods in Process, Beg. √
4) Goods in Process, End √ √
5) Raw Materials, Beg. √
6) Raw Materials, End √ √
7) Factory Supplies Inventory √
8) Factory Supplies Used √
9) Salaries - Office √
10) Salaries - Factory √
11) Repair - Office Equipment √
12) Repairs - Factory Equipment √
13) Light and Water - Office √
14) Light and Water - Factory √
15) Tools Used √
16) Patents √
17) Amortization of Patents √
18) Purchases, Raw Materials √
19) Freight In √
20) Sales √

Test IV – Multiple Choice (Problem)

1. Raw Materials, Beg. P 120,000

Purchases, Raw Materials 110,000
Freight In 5,000
Available for Sale P 235,000
Less: Raw Materials, End 105,000
Direct Materials P 130,000 (B)

2. Direct Materials P 130,000

Direct Labor 308,000
Prime Cost P 438,000 (A)

3. Manufacturing Overhead:
Indirect Labor P 45,000
Indirect Materials 65,000
Amortization of Trademark 50,000
Real Expense - Factory 25,000
Depreciation - Factory 40,000
Factory Overhead P 225,000 (A)

4. Conversion Cost:
Direct Labor P 308,000
Manufacturing Overhead 225,000
P 533,000 (A)
5. Factory Cost:
Direct Materials P 130,000
Direct Labor 308,000
Manufacturing Overhead 225,000
P 663,000 (C)

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6. Cost of Goods Manufactured:
Direct Materials P 130,000
Direct Labor 308,000
Manufacturing Overhead 225,000
Factory Cost P 663,000
Add: Work in Process, Beg. 250,000
Total cost placed in process P 913,000
Less: Work in Process, End 275,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured P 638,000 (A)

7. Cost of Goods Manufactured P 638,000

Finished Goods, Inventory 170,000
Goods Available for Sale P 808,000
Less: Finished Goods, End 290,000
Cost of Goods Manufactured and sold P 518,000 (A)

Chapter 2
Partnership – Nature and Information

** Exercises/Problems **

2-1. Sanada and Estrebilla

Requirement 1: Cash 250,000
Merchandise Inventory 160,000
Sañada, Capital 410,000

Cash 380,000
Delivery Car 950,000
Estrebilla, Capital 1,330,000

Requirement 2:
Current Assets: Partners’ Equity
Cash P 630,000
Merchandise 160,000 P 790,000 Sañada, Capital P 410,000
Estrebilla, Capital 1,330,000
Non-Current Assets:
Delivery Equipment 950,000
Total Assets P1,740,000 P1,740,000

2-2. Maula, Montecina and Maceda

Requirement 1a: Cash P200,000

Furniture and Fixtures 120,000
Transportation Equipment 850,000
Accounts Payable P 100,000
Maula, Capital 270,000
Montecina, Capital 800,000

Jeremy Maceda was admitted in the partnership as an

industrial partner with a 15% share in profit.

Requirement 1b: Cash P200,000

Furniture and Fixtures 120,000
Transportation Equipment 850,000
Maula, Capital 270,000
Montecina, Capital 900,000

** (Same notation for Maceda)

Requirement 2:
Assets Current Liabilities
Current Assets Accounts Payable 100,000
Cash 200,000
Non-Current Assets Partners’ Equity
Furniture & Fixtures 120,000 Maula, Capital 270,000
Transportation Equipment 850,000 970,00 Montecina, Capital 800,000
Maceda, Capital -
Total Partners’ Equity 1,070,000
Total Liability &
Total Assets 1,170,000 Partners’ Equity 1,170,000

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2-3. Malquisto and Rocabo
Requirement 1: Debits:
Cash P 375,000
Accounts Receivable 90,000
Merchandise 420,000
Equipment 250,000 P1,135,000

Estimated Uncollectible P 1,000
Accumulated Depreciation 50,000
Accounts Payable 75,000 126,00
Account balance of Malquisto P1,009,000

Requirement 2: a) Malquisto, Capital 4,000

Estimated Uncollectible Account 4,000
b) Malquisto, Capital 30,000
Merchandise 30,000
c) Malquisto, Capital 20,000
Accumulated Depreciation 20,000
d) Malquisto, Capital 1,500
Accrued Utilities 1,500

Requirement 3: Est. Uncollectible Accounts 5,000

Accumulated Depreciation 70,000
Accounts Payable 75,000
Accrued Utilities Expense 1,500
Malquisto, Capital 953500
Cash 375,000
Accounts Receivable 90,000
Merchandise 390,000
Equipment 250,000

Requirement 4:
Malquisto and Rocabo
Statement of Financial Position
As of _________
Assets Liabilities
Current Assets: Accounts Payable 75,000
Cash 851,750 Accrued Utilities Expense 1,500 76,500
Accounts Receivable 90,000
Est. Uncollectible Account 5,000 85,000 Partners’ Equity
Merchandise 390,000 Malquisto, capital 953,500
Non-Current Assets: Rocabo, Capital 476,750 1,430,750
Equipment (Net) 180,000
Total Assets 1,506,750 Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity 1,506,750

(the account Accumulated Depreciation is no longer carried in the book of the partnership)

2-4. Malquisto, Beringuel and Alemanza

Requirement 1:
Adjusting entries in their respective Sole Proprietorship Book
Malquisto Beringuel Alemanza
1) Malquisto, Capital 4,000 Est. Uncoll. Acct. 500 Alemanza, Capital 1,500
Est. Uncoll. Acct. 4,000 Beringuel, Capital 500 Est. Uncoll. Acct. 1,500

2) Malquisto, Capital 42,000 Beringuel, Capital 60,000 Alemanza, Capital 45,000

Merchandise 42,000 Merchandise 60,000 Merchandise 45,000

3) Malquisto, Capital 5,000 Beringuel, Capital 100,000 Alemanza, Capital 5,000

Acc. Dep’n. 5,000 Acc. Dep’n. 100,000 Acc. Dep’n. 5,000

4) Cash 50,000 Cash 150,000 Cash 250,000

Malquisto, Capital 50,000 Beringuel, Capital 150,000 Alemanza, Capital 250,000

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Requirement 2: Closing Entries in their respective sole proprietorship book.
Malquisto Beringuel Alemanza
Est. Uncoll. Acct. 7,000 Est. Uncoll. Acct. 4,500 Est. Uncoll. Acct. 3,500
Acc. Dep’n. 185,000 Acc. Dep’n. 330,000 Acc. Dep’n. 180,000
Malquisto, Capital 1,556,000 Beringuel, Capital 1,625,500 Alemanza, Capital 1,246,500
Cash 950,000 Cash 850,000 Cash 750,000
A/R 70,00 A/R 90,000 A/R 25,000
Merchandise 378,000 Merchandise 540,000 Merchandise 405,000
Equipment 350,000 Equipment 480,000 Equipment 250,000

Requirement 3: Compound Opening Journal Entry

Cash 3,000,000
Accounts Receivable 185,000
Merchandise 1,323,000
Equipment 358,000
Estimated Uncollectible Account 15,000
Malquisto, Capital 1,606,000
Beringuel, Capital 1,775,500
Alemanza, Capital 1,496,500

(Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment is no longer shown in the opening-entry)

2-5. Laureto and Auditor Partnership

Assumption 1

Requirement 1: Journal Entries to close their Respective Sole Proprietorships’ Book

Laureto Auditor
Accounts Payable 50,000 Accounts Payable 75,000
Notes Payable 20,000 Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 12,000
Interest Payable 500 Acc. Dep’n. – Equipment 40,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 10,000 Auditor, Capital 389,000
Accumulated Depreciation 15,000 Cash 186,000
Laureto, Capital 275,500 Accounts Receivable 120,000
Cash 125,000 Merchandise 150,000
Accounts Receivable 80,000 Equipment 60,000
Notes Receivable 50,000
Interest Receivable 1,000
Merchandise 75,000
Equipment 40,000

Requirement 2: Journal Entries to record investment in the Partnership Book

Laureto Auditor
Cash 125,000 Cash 186,000
Accounts Receivable 80,000 Accounts Receivable 120,000
Notes Receivable 50,000 Merchandise 150,000
Interest Receivable 1,000 Equipment 20,000
Merchandise 75,000 Accounts Payable 75,000
Equipment 25,000 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 12,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 10,000 Auditor, Capital 389,000
Accounts Payable 50,000
Notes Payable 20,000
Interest Payable 500
Laureto, Capital 275,000

Assumption 2
Requirement 1: Adjusting Entries
Book of Laureto Book of Auditor
Laureto, Capital 6,000 Auditor, Capital 12,000
Allowance for Doubtful Acct. 6,000 Allowance for Doubtful Acct. 12,000

Laureto, Capital 3,750 Auditor, Capital 7,500

Merchandise 3,750 Merchandise 7,500

Laureto, Capital 17,000 Auditor, Capital 8,000

Acc. Dep’n. Equipment 17,000 Acc. Dep’n. Equipment 8,000

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Closing Entries in their Respective Sole Proprietorship Book
Book of Laureto Book of Auditor
Allowance for Doubtful Acct. 16,000 Allowance for Doubtful Acct. 24,000
Acc. Dep’n. Equipment 32,000 Acc. Dep’n. Equipment 48,000
Accounts Payable 50,000 Accounts Payable 75,000
Notes Payable 20,000 Auditor, Capital 361,500
Interest Payable 500 Cash 186,000
Laureto, Capital 248,750 Accounts Receivable 120,000
Cash 125,000 Merchandise 142,500
Accounts Receivable 80,000 Equipment 60,000
Notes Receivable 50,000
Interest Receivable 1,000
Merchandise 71,250
Equipment 40,000

Requirement 2: Journal Entries to record investment in the Partnership Book

Laureto Auditor
Cash 125,000 Cash 186,000
Accounts Receivable 80,000 Accounts Receivable 120,000
Notes Receivable 50,000 Merchandise 142,000
Interest Receivable 1,000 Equipment 12,000
Merchandise 71,250 Allowance for Doubtful Accts. 24,000
Equipment 8,000 Accounts Payable 75,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accts. 16,000 Auditor, Capital 361,500
Accounts Payable 50,000
Notes Payable 20,000
Interest Payable 500
Laureto, Capital 248,750

2-6. Mendez and Salazar

ERRATUM: P300,000 cost of building was Salazar’s investment

Requirement 1a: Cash 300,000

Building 300,000
Furniture 70,000
Mendez, Capital 140,000
Salazar, Capital 530,000

Requirement 1b: Cash 300,000

Accounts Receivable 30,000
Building 300,000
Furniture 70,000
Accounts Payable 20,000
Mendez, Capital 170,000
Salazar, Capital 510,000

2-7. Dabucol and Miranda

Compound Journal Entry
Cash 220,000
Computer 550,000
Furniture & Fixtures 200,000
Prepaid Rental 6,000 566,000
Dabucol, Capital 410,000
Miranda, Capital

Dabucol Miranda Total
Cash 100,000 120,000 220,000
Computer 300,000 250,000 550,000
Furniture & Fixtures 160,000 40,000 200,000
Prepaid Rental 6,000 - 6,000
566,000 410,000 976,000

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2-8. Torralba and Rosada
Requirement 1:
Cash 85,000
Accounts Receivable 60,000
Merchandise 120,000
Equipment 150,000 415,000
Allow. For Doubtful Accounts 4,000
Acc. Depreciation 30,000
Accounts Payable 80,000 114,000
Torralba, Capital 301,000

Requirement 2:
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 3,000
Torralba, Capital 3,000
Torralba, Capital 15,000
Merchandise 15,000
Torralba, Capital 15,000
Accumulated Depreciation 15,000
Accounts Payable 4,000
Torralba, Capital 4,000

Requirement 3:
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 1,000
Accumulated Depreciation 45,000
Accounts Payable 76,000
Torralba, Capital 278,000
Cash 85,000
Accounts Receivable 60,000
Merchandise 105,000
Equipment 150,000

Requirement 4:
Cash (85,000+1/2 of P278,000) 224,000
Accounts Receivable 60,000
Merchandise 105,000
Equipment 105,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 1,000
Accounts Payable 76,000
Torralba, Capital 278,000
Rosada, Capital (1/2 of P278,000) 139,000

Requirement 5:
Torralba and Rosada Partnership
Statement of Financial Position
As of _________
Assets Liabilities
Cash 224,000 Accounts Payable 76,000
Accounts Receivable 60,000
Less: Allow. For Doubtful Accounts 1,000 59,000 Partners’ Equity
Merchandise 105,000 Torralba, Capital 278,000
Current Assets 338,000 Rosada, Capital 139,000 417,000
Non-Current Assets:
Equipment 105,000 Total Liability & Partners’ Equity 493,000
Total Assets 493,00

2-9. Galbog and Torrequemada

Requirement 1:
Glabog, Capital 15,000
Estimated Uncollectible Account 15,000
Glabog, Capital 30,000
Merchandise 30,000
Glabog, Capital 20,000
Accumulated Depreciation 20,000
Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 8
Requirement 2: Journal Entries to close the books of Glabog
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 15,000
Accumulated Depreciation 20,000
Accounts Payable 60,000
Glabog, Capital 670,000
Cash 320,000
Accounts Receivable 75,000
Merchandise 220,000
Equipment 150,000

Requirement 3:
Assets Liability
Current Assets:
Cash (P320,000 + P500,000) 820,000 Accounts Payable 60,000
Accounts Receivable 75,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 15,000 60,000 Partners’ Equity
Merchandise 220,000 Glabog, Capital 670,000
Non-Current Asset: Torrequemada, Capital 500,000 1,170,000
Equipment 130,000 Total Liability &
Total Assets 1,230,000 Partners’ Equity 1,230,000

2-10. Angie Aguilon Company

Requirement 1: Capital Contribution of Zulueta
Unadjusted capital of Aguilon 267,000
Accounts Receivable to be derecognized ( 25,000 )
Recognized prepaid expenses 13,000
Revaluation of Equipment 25,000
Adjusted Aguilon Capital 280,000

Capital contribution of Zulueta is equal to P280,000,Matching the adjusted capital of Aguilon.

Requirement 2:
Angie Aguilon Company
Statement of Financial Position
As of June 30 __________
Assets Liability
Accounts Payable 45,000
Cash 35,000 Accrued Expenses 18,000
Merchandise 185,000 Total Liabilities 63,000
Prepaid Expense 13,000 233,000
Non-Current Asset:
Equipment 120,000 Partners’ Equity
Acc. Depreciation 10,000 110,000 A. Aguilon, Capital 280,000
Total Assets 343,000 Total Liability & Partners’ Equity 343,000

2-11. Misamis Construction Supply

Requirement A: Hingco’s Capital Balance
Cash in Bank 420,000
Accounts Receivable 82,000
Merchandise Inventory 100,000
Equipment 130,000
Total Debit 732,000

Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 8,500
Acc. Depreciation 15,000
Total Credit 23,500
Hingco's Capital Balance 708,500

Barillo's Capital Balance

Cash in Bank 450,000
Accounts Receivable 60,000
Merchandise Inventory 250,000
Total Debit 760,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 7,500
Barillo's Capital Balance 752,500

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Requirement B: a) Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 8,500
Hingco, Capital 73,500
Accounts Receivable 82,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 7,500
Barillo, Capital 52,500
Accounts Receivable 60,000

b) Hingco, Capital 10,000

Merchandidse 10,000
Barillo, Capital 20,000
Merchandidse 20,000
c) Acc. Depreciation 5,000
Hingco, Capital 5,000

Requirement C: Cash in Bank 420,000

Merchandise Inventory 90,000
Equipment 120,000
Hingco, Capital 630,000
Cash in Bank 450,000
Merchandise Inventory 230,000
Barillo, Capital 680,000

Requirement D: Hingco and Barillo

Statement of Financial Position
As of July 31 20__

Assets Partners’ Equity

Cash in Bank 870,000 Hingco, Capital 630,000
Merchandise Inventory 320,000 Barillo, Capital 680,000
Equipment 120,000
Total 1,310,000 Total 1,310,000

2-12. Janulgue and Rota

Requirement 1:
Janulque's Book:
Janulgue, Capital 30,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 30,000
Janulgue, Capital 10,000
Acc. Depreciation 10,000

Rota's Book:
Rota, Capital 30,000
Merchandise 30,000
Accounts Payable 25,000
Rota, Capital 25,000

Requirement 2:
To record the contribution of Janulgue
Cash 180,000
Accounts Receivable 200,000
Merchandise 500,000
Prepaid Insurance 6,000
Equipment 70,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 50,000
Janulgue, Capital 906,000

To record the contribution of Rota

Cash 150,000
Accounts Receivable 100,000
Merchandise 620,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 2,000
Rota, Capital 868,000

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2-13. Medina and Loqueloque
Adjusting Entries in the books of Medina
Requirement 1: a) Medina, Capital 4,750
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 4,750
b) Medina, Capital 25,000
Merchandise 25,000
c) Acc. Depreciation 90,000
Medina, Capital 90,000
d) Medina, Capital 60,000
Accrued Rental Expense 60,000
e) Prepaid Expenses 25,000
Medina, Capital 25,000

Requirement 2: Loqueloque should contribute cash of P3,795,250 equal to the capital balance of Medina
computed as follows:

Capital balance of Medina before adjustment 3,770,000

Add: Adjustment 25,250

Journal Entries to open the book of the Partnership:

Requirement 3: Cash 4,845,250
Accounts Receivable 65,000
Merchandise 2,325,000
Prepaid Expenses 25,000
Store Equipment 850,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 9,750
Accounts Payable 450,000
Accrued Rental Expense 60,000
Medina, Capital 3,795,250
Loqueloque, Capital 3,795,250

2-14. Pamulagan and Salec-Amer

Requirement 1: a) Amer, Capital 10,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 10,000
b) Amer, Capital 2,000
Accrued Expense Payable 2,000

c) Amer, Capital 10,000

Merchandise P10,000

Requirement 2: Cash in Bank 543,000

Pamulagan, Capital 543,000
Cash in Bank 250,000
Accounts Receivable 100,000
Merchandise Inventory 95,000
Furniture and Fixtures 130,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 10,000
Accrued Expense 2,000
Accounts Payable 20,000
Amer, Capital 543,000

Requirement 3:
Assets Liabilities
Cash in Bank 793,000 Accounts Payable 2,000
Accounts Receivable 100,000 Accrued Expense 20,000
Allow. for Doubtful Account 10,000 90,000 Total Liabilities 22,000
Merchandise Inventory 95,000
Furniture and Fixtures 130,000 Partners’ Equity
Total Assets 1,108,000 Amer, Capital 543,000
Pamulagan, Capital 543,000
Total Partners’ Equity 1,086,000
Total Liabilities and
Partners’ Equity 1,108,000

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2-15. Degracia and Mascariñas
Mascariñas offered Investment:
Cash 200,000
Equipment 80,000
Total 280,000

Degracia's Adjusted Capital Balance:

Cash 80,000
Merchandise 175,000
Total 255,000

1/2 of P280,000 140,000

Degracia's adjusted investment 255,000
Reduction from Degracia's Investment 115,000

Composed of:
Cash 80,000
Merchandise 35,000

Requirement 1: 1/2 of Mascariñas offered Investment of P280,000 140,000

Degracia's Investment 255,000
Reduction from Degracia's Investment 115,000

Cash 80,000
Merchandise 35,000

Just to comply
Requirement 2: Estimated Uncollectible Accounts 15,000 with the
Degracia, Capital 85,000 requirements,
Accounts Receivable 100,000 these adjusting
Accounts Payable 60,000 entries were
Degracia, Capital 60,000 prepared. The
receivable and
Degracia, Capital 115,000 payable accounts
Cash 80,000 remain in the sole
Merchandise 35,000 proprietor’s
Requirement 3: To record contribution of Degracia:
Merchandise (175,000-35,000) 140,000
Degracia, Capital 140,000

To record contribution of Mascariñas:

Cash 200,000
Equipment 80,000
Mascariñas, Capital 280,000

2-16. Estalilla, Fortuna and Sonsona

Requirement A:
Capital balance prior to formation of the partnership:
Estalilla Fortuna Sonsona
Cash 30,000 70,000 40,000
Accounts Receivable 105,000 90,000 70,000
Allow. of Accounts Receivable (6,000) (4,000) (15,000)
Merchandise 150,000 280,000 120,000
Transportation Equipment 350,000
Acc. Depreciation (80,000)
Building 650,000
Acc. Depreciation (100,000)
Land 800,000
Accounts Payable (40,000) (50,000) (45,000)
Capital balances prior to formation 789,000 1,186,000 440,000

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Requirement B:
The new Capital balance after the revaluation of non-cash assets:

Estalilla Fortuna Sonsona

Cash 30,000 70,000 40,000
Accounts Receivable 105,000 90,000 70,000
Allow. of Accounts Receivable (10,000) (9,000) (10,500)
Merchandise 130,000 220,000 100,000
Transportation Equipment 350,000
Acc. Depreciation (100,000)
Building 650,000
Acc. Depreciation (50,000)
Land 850,000
Accounts Payable (40,000) (50,000) (45,000)
Capital balances prior to formation 815,000 1,171,000 404,500

Requirement C: a) Estalilla, Capital 4,000

Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 4,000
Fortuna, Capital 5,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 5,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 4,500
Sonsona, Capital 4,500
b) Estalilla, Capital 20,000
Merchandise 20,000
Fortuna, Capital 60,000
Merchandise 60,000
Sonsona, Capital 20,000
Merchandise 20,000
c) Sonsona, Capital 20,000
Acc. Depn.-Transportation Equipment 20,000

d) Acc. Depreciation.- Building 50,000

Estalilla, Capital 50,000
e) Land 50,000
Fortuna, Capital 50,000

Requirement D: Cash 140,000

Accounts Receivable 265,000
Merchandise 450,000
Transportation Equipment 350,000
Building 650,000
Land 850,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 29,500
Acc. Depn. –Transportation Equipment 100,000
Acc. Depreciation. –Building 50,000
Accounts Payable 135,000
Estalilla, Capital 815,000
Fortuna, Capital 1,171,000
Sonsona, Capital 404,500

Requirement E: Estalilla, Fortuna, Sonsona

Statement of Financial Position
As of 31 March 20A
Cash 140,000
Accounts Receivable 265,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 29,500 235,500
Merchandise 450,000
Transportation Equipment 350,000
Acc. Depreciation - Transportation Equip. 100,000 250,000
Building 650,000
Acc. Depreciation - Building 50,000 600,000
Land 850,000
Total 2,252,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 13

Liabilities and Partners’ Equity

Accounts Payable 135,000
Partners’ Equity
Estalilla, Capital 815,000
Fortuna, Capital 1,171,000
Sonsona, Capital 404,500 2,390,500
Total Liabilities & Partners’ Equity 2,252,000

** Multiple Choice (Problem) **

2-I. JJ Pawnshop
Q–1 B
Q–2 A

Assets 100% - 800,000 ► P480,000 ÷ 60% = P800,000 (B)
Liabilities 40% - 320,000 ► P800,000 - P480,000 = P320,000 (A)
Owner's Equity 60% - 480,000

2-II. Edulan, Tabarranza and Labasan

Q–3 C
Q–4 C

75,000 ÷1/5 = 375,000 (C) - equal to total capitalization of the partnership
- 75,000 - contribution of Tabaranza
÷ 2
150,000 (C) - each contribution of Labasan and Edulan

2-III. Santos and Bombeo

Q–5 C 350,000 - the cost of land when sold in that date is considered the fair market value
of the land

Q–6 200,000 cash

120,000 fair market value of equipment
320,000 (C)

2-IV. Kudemus and Rendon

Q–7 Kudemus Rendon
Cash 400,000 600,000
Accounts Receivable 120,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (1,200)
Merchandise 50,000 60,000
Building 1,050,000
Accounts Payable ( 300,000)
Total 558,000 + 1,410,000 = 1,968,000 (A)

Q–8 Rendon
Rendon, Capital 1,410,000
Add: Liability 120000
1,710,000 (B)

2-V. Dolor and Aleman

Q–9 The land should be valued in the partnership book at P200,000 (C)
Q – 10 Aleman’s capital account should be credited in the amount of P187,500 (B)
Q – 11 The capital account balances of Dolor’s capital account during the partnership formation would be P250,000 (D)

2-VI. Awayan and Nadua

Q – 12 Awayan Nadua
Accounts Receivable 80,000 95,000
Allowance 8,000 14,250
72,000 80,750 (A)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 14

Q – 13 Awayan
Cash 150,000
Accounts Receivable 72,000
Merchandise 125,000
Prepaid Expense 15,000
362,000 (A)

Q – 14 Nadua
Cash 120,000
Accounts Receivable 80,750
Accrued Expense 170,000
Prepaid Expense (10,000)
360,750 (A)

2-VII. Beceira and Obeso

Q – 15 Capital contribution of Obeso:
2 units Altis taxi 1,950,000
Less: Liability assumed by partnership 200,000
Obeso, capital 1,750,000
required additional contribution of Beceira x 20%
additional cash that Beceira should contribute 350,000 (C)

Q – 16 Cost of 2 units Altis 1,950,000

Less: Liability assumed by the partnership 200,000
Capital contribution of Obeso 1,750,000 (B)

Q – 17 Partner’s Capital Balances:

Cash (P350,000 + P350,000 700,000
2 units Corolla 1,340,000
2 units Altis 1,950,000
Accounts Payable (P250,000 + P200,000) 450,000
Beceira, Capital 1,790,000
Obeso, Capital 1,750,000

Beceira, Capital 1,790,000

Obeso, Capital 1,750,000
3,540,000 (D)

2-VIII. Rada and Besinan

Q – 18 Accounts Receivable 40,000
x Probability of Collection 70%
Estimated Realizable Value 28,000

Original balance of Allowance 3,000

Increased by 9,000 (A)
New balance of Allowance 12,000

Q – 19 At fair market value of P100,000 (B)

Q – 20 Cash 65,000
Accounts Receivable 28,000
Laundry Equipment 100,000
Accounts Payable (15,000)
Net Assets 178,000 (A) The amount of cash to be contributed by Besinan

2-IX. Basa and Alfeche

Q – 21 429,000 (C)
Q – 22 390,000 (B)
Basa Alfeche

Cash 145,000 160,000

Accounts Receivable 64,000 45,000
Merchandise 200,000 190,000
Prepaid Expense 20,000
Accrued Expense (5,000)
(C) 429,000 390,000 (B)
(39,000) Amount of cash to be deducted from Basa

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 15

Q – 23
Cash Balance of Basa 145,000
Excess Capital Contribution of Alfeche -39,000
Cash Balance of Basa 106,000

Cash Balance of Alfeche 160,000 (D)

Chapter 3
Partnership Operations

** Exercises and Problems **

3-1 Cebu Grocers

Requirement 1
Agreed Ratio
Matero 30% x 120,000 = 36,000
Bernacer 20% x 120,000 = 24,000
Selisana 50% x 120,000 = 60,000
Profit distributed 120,000

Requirement 2
Proportional Ratio
Matero 60/160 x 120,000 = 45,000
Bernacer 80/160 x 120,000 = 60,000
Selisana 20/160 x 120,000 = 15,000

Requirement 3
Income and Expense Summary 120,000
Matero, Drawing 36,000
Bernacer, Drawing 24,000
Selisana, Drawing 60,000

3-2 Cotabato Micro-Appliance Center

Cogollo Eruela Pedrosa
P/L Ratio ( in proportion to capital) 62.5% 37.5%
Profit P80,000
Share of Pedrosa (80,000 x 8%) (2) 6,400 (1)
Share of Cogollo (80,000 – 6,400 x 62.5%) 46,000
Share of Eruela (80,000 – 6,400 x 37.5%) 27,600
Profit distributed 46,000 + 27,600 + 6,400 = 80,000 (3)

3-3 Steve and Raymund

Income & Expense Summary P450,000

Steve, Drawing P229,500
Raymund, Drawing 220,500

Steve Raymund
Bonus to Raymund P67,500
Steve (P450,000 - 67,500 x 3/5) = P229,500
Raymund (P450,000 – 67,500 x 2/5) = 153,000
Total P229,500 P220,000

3-4 Musuan Supermarket

Requirement 1a
x 279,500 = 149,066.67
x 279,500 = 130,433.33

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary 279,500
Japad, Drawing 149,066.67
Ayuban, Drawing 130,433.33

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 16

Requirement 1b:
x 279,500 = 149,435.64
x 279,500 = 130,064.36

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary P279,000
Japad, Drawing 149,435.64
Ayuban, Drawing 130,064.36

Requirement 1c:
No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan. 1 800,000 x 3 2,400,000
Apr.1 820,000 x 6 4,920,000
Oct.1 10,000 810,000 x 3 . 2,430,000
12 9,750,000
÷ 12
Average Capital of Japad 812,500

No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan. 1 700,000 x 3 2,100,000
Apr.1 20,000 680,000 x 7 4,760,000
Nov.1 25,000 705,000 x 2 . 1,410,000
12 8,270,000
÷ 12
Average Capital of Ayuban 689,166.67

P 812,500
x P279,500 = 151,227.80

x P279,500 = 128,272.20

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary 279,500
Japad, Drawing 151,227.80
Ayuban, Drawing 128,272.20

Requirement 1d:
Japad - P279,500 x 3/5 = 167,700
Ayuban - P279,500 x 2/5 = 111,800

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary 279,500
Japad, Drawing 167,700
Ayuban, Drawing 111,800

Requirement 1e:
Japad - P279,500 x ½ = 139,750
Ayuban - P279,500 x ½ = 139,750

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary 279,500
Japad, Drawing 139,750
Ayuban, Drawing 139,750

3-5 Mallari and Asuncion

Requirement 1a
Beg. Capital Ratio:
Mallari P 85,000 85,000/205,000 x P20,000 = P 8,292.68
Asuncion 120,000 120,000/205,000 x P20,000 = 11,707.32
P205,000 P20,000.00

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 17

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary 20,000
Mallari, Drawing 8,292.68
Asuncion, Drawing 11,707.32

Requirement 1b
Ending Capital Ratio:
Mallari P100,000 100,000/195,000 x P20,000 = P10,256.41
Asuncion 95,000 95,000/195,000 x P20,000 = 9,743.59
P195,000 P20,000.00

Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary P20,000
Mallari, Drawing P10,256.41
Asuncion, Drawing 9,743.59

Requirement 2a:
No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan.1 85,000 x 2 170,000
Mar.1 P15,000 100,000 x 10 . 1,000,000
12 1,170,000
÷ 12

No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan.1 120,000 x 9 1,080,000
Oct.1 P25,000 95,000 x 3 . 285,000
12 1,365,000
÷ 12

Mallari P 97,500 97,500/211,250 x P30,000 = P(13,846.15)

Asuncion 113,750 113,750/211,250 x P30,000 = (16,153.85)
P211,250 Loss P(30,000.00)

Journal Entry
Mallari, Drawing P13,846.15
Asuncion, Drawing 16,153.85
Income & Expense Summary P30,000
To distribute loss.

Requirement 2b:
Mallari - P30,000 x 4/5 = P(24,000)
Asuncion - P30,000 x 1/5 = (6,000)

Journal Entry
Mallari, Drawing P24,000
Asuncion, Drawing 6,000
Income & Expense Summary P30,000
To distribute loss.

3-6 Esmeralda and Besino

Requirement 1
Total Esmeralda Besino
Salaries 60,000 36,000 24,000
Interest on Beg. Capital 82,500 30,000 52,500
Remainder (60%-40%) 65,500 39,300 26,200
208,000 105,300 102,700

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 18

Requirement 2
Journal Entry

Income & Expense Summary P208,000

Esmeralda, Drawing P 105,300
Besino, Drawing 102,700

3-7 Gabayan and Domingo

Requirement 1:
Gabayan - P150,000/P330,000 x P110,000 = 50,000
Palatino - P180,000/P330,000 x P110,000 = 60,000

Requirement 2:
Total Gabayan Palatino
Salaries P 39,000 P 24,000 P 15,000
Remainder: 3/5 – 2/5 71,000 42,600 28,400
P110,000 P 66,600 P 43,400

Requirement 3:
Total Gabayan Palatino
10% interest P33,000 P 15,000 P 18,000
Remainder, Equally 77,000 38,500 38,500
P110,000 P 53,500 P 56,500

3-8 Cebu Vintage Car

Requirement A:
Total Deriquito Searez
Annual Salaries P 75,000 P 45,000 P 30,000
Interest on Beg. Capital 114,560 60,160 54,400
Remainder, Equally 260,440 130,220 130,220
P450,000 P235,380 P214,620

Requirement B:
Total Deriquito Searez
Interest based on Ending Capital P288,400 P146,400 P142,000
Annual Salaries 70,000 50,000 20,000
Remainder, Equally 91,600 45,800 45,800
P450,000 P242,200 P207,800

Requirement C:
Total Deriquito Searez
Annual Salaries P220,000 P120,000.00 P100,000.00
Bonus to Deriquito 112,500 112,500.00
Remainder, Average Capital 117,500 58,368.08 59,131.92
P450,000 P242,200.00 P159,131.92

Average Capital - DERIQUITO

No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan.1 P752,000 x 9 P 6,768,000
Oct.1 P70,000 682,000 x 2 1,364,000
Dec.1 P50,000 732,000 x 1 . 732,000
12 P8,864,000
÷ 12

Average Capital - SEAREZ

No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan.1 P680,000 x 2 P 1,360,000
Mar.1 P80,000 760,000 x 8 6,080,000
Nov.1 P10,000 750,000 x 1 750,000
Dec.1 40,000 790,000 x 1 . 790,000
12 P 8,980,000
÷ 12
Average Capital P 748,333.33

Deriquito - P738,666.67 ► P738,666.67/1,487,000 x P117,500 = P 58,368.08

Searez - P748,333.33 ► P748,333.33/1,487,000 x P117,500 = 59,131.92
Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 19
3-9 Universal Dry Cleaning Services
Case A: Total Español Rosada
Salaries Allowed P110,000 P60,000 P50,000
15% Interest 45,000 30,000 15,000
Remainder, Equally 5,000 2,500 2,500
P160,000 P92,500 P67,500

Case B: Total Español Rosada

Salaries Allowed P110,000 P60,000 P50,000
15% Interest 45,000 30,000 15,000
Remainder, Equally (25,000) (12,500) (12,500)
P130,000 P77,500 P52,500

Case C: Total Español Rosada

Salaries Allowed P110,000 P60,000 P50,000
15% Interest 45,000 30,000 15,000
Remainder, Equally (185,000) (92,500) (92,500)
P(30,000) P(2,500) P(27,500)

Case A:
Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary P160,000
Español, Drawing P92,500
Rosada, Drawing 67,500
Journal Entry
Income & Expense Summary P130,000
Español, Drawing P77,500
Rosada, Drawing 52,500
Journal Entry
Español, Drawing P 2,500
Rosada, Drawing 27,500
Income & Expense Summary P30,000

3-10 Añana, Beltran and Ventic

Total Añana Beltran Ventic
Annual Salaries P 75,000 P 30,000 P 25,000 P 20,000
20% Interest 20,000 20,000
Remainder 45,000 18,000 18,000 9,000
P140,000 P 48,000 P 43,000 P 49,000

3-11 Matuguinas and Rovelero

Total Matuguinas Rovelero
Annual Salaries P 80,000 P 30,000 P 50,000
10% Bonus after Salaries 10,000 10,000
18% Interest based on Average 101,250 17,250 84,000
Remainder, Equally (11,250) (5,625) (5,625)
P180,000 P 41,625 P138,375

No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan.1 P100,000 x 5 500,000
June 1 P20,000 80,000 x 4 320,000
Oct.1 P30,000 110,000 x 3 . 330,000
12 1,150,000
÷ 12
No. of Months
Debit Credit Balances Unchanged Peso Unit
Jan.1 P150,000 x 4 600,000
May 1 P50,000 200,000 x 6 1,020,000
Nov.1 P10,000 190,000 x 2 . 3,800,000
12 5,600,000
÷ 12

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 20

Matuguinas - P 95,833.33 x 18% = 17,250
Rovelero - P466,666.67 x 18% = 84,000

3-12 Robles, Saromines and Tiempo

Total Robles Saromines Tiempo
Bonus (20% of P250,000) 50,000 50,000
10% x P100,000 10,000 10,000
10% x P300,000 30,000 30,000
10% x P200,000 20,000 20,000
Salary Allowed 38,000 38,000
148,000 98,000 30,000 20,000
Remainder: (2:3:5) 102,000 20,400 30,600 51,000
As distributed 250,000 118,400 60,600 71,000

3-13 Gadiano and Alisuag

Requirement A:
Total Gadiano Alisuag
Salary to Gadiano P20,000 P20,000
10% bonus to Alisuag (10% x P60,000) 6,000 6,000
10% x P 85,000 8,500 8,500
10% x P150,000 15,000 15,000
Remainder: P49,500 P28,500 P21,000
Equally (Less than P30,000) 10,500 5,250 5,250
As distributed P60,000 P33,750 P26,250

Requirement B:
Total Gadiano Alisuag
Salary, Bonus and Interest
(same as in Req. A) P49,500 P28,500 P21,000
P30,000 (equally) 30,000 15,000 15,000
in excess of P30,000 (30%-70%) 500 150 350
As distributed P80,000 P43,650 P36,350

3-14 Comval Supermarket

Case 1:
Separis Barroga Total
Salary Allowance P 50,000.00 P 30,000.00 P 80,000
Bonus (5% of profit after bonus) 21,428.00 21,428
Interest Allowed on Beg. Capital 45,000.00 60,000.00 105,000
Remainder: (2:3) 97,428.80 146,143.20 243,572
As distributed P213,856.80 P236,143.20 P450,000

Bonus Computation:
Profit before Bonus P450,000 ÷ 105% OR B= 5% (P - B)
Profit after Bonus P428,572 = 100%
Bonus P 21,428 = P22,500 - .05B

B + .05B = P22,500
1.05B = P22,500
B= P22,500 = P21,428

Interest on Beginning Capital Balances

Separis = 15% x P300,000 = P 45,000

Barroga = 15% x P400,000 = 60,000

Case 2: Separis Barroga Total

Bonus (20% Profit – P140,000-Bonus) P 81,666.00 P 30,000.00 P 80,000

Salaries 60,000.00 21,428
Interest Allowed (10% of Ending
Capital Balance 28,000.00 60,000.00 105,000
Remainder: (4:3) 194,476.57 145,857.43 340,334
As distributed P364,142.57 P265,587.43 P630,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 21

Bonus Computation:
Profit before Bonus P 630,000 B= .20 (630,000 - 140,000B)
Less: Salaries (60,000 + 80,000) 140,000 = .20 (490,000 - B)
Profit after Bonus P 490,000 ÷ 120% OR = P98,000 - .20B
408,334 = P98,000
Bonus P 81,666 1.2
B= P81,666

Interest on Beginning Capital Balances

Separis = 10% x P280,000 = P 28,000
Barroga = 10% x P400,000 = 40,000
P 68,000

Case 3:
Separis Barroga Total
Interest Allowed on Average Capital @ 10% P 30,667 P 40,833 P 71,500
Salaries Allowed 80,000 70,000 150,000
Bonus 33,636 33,636
Remainder: 50%-50% 132,432 132,432 264,864
As distributed P276,735 P243,265 P520,000

Separis Barroga
Jan.1 P300,000 x 12 = P3,600,000 Jan.1 P400,000 x 12 = P4,800,000
May 1 40,000 x 8 = 320,000 Sept. 1 50,000 x 8 = 200,000
Sept. 1 60,000 x 4 = (240,000) Nov. 1 50,000 x 2 = (100,000)
P3,680,000 P4,900,000
÷ 12 ÷ 12
P 306,667 P 408,333
x 10% x 10%
P 30,667 P 40,833

Bonus Computation:
Profit before Salaries & Bonus P 520,000 B= 10% (P – S – B)
Less: Salaries (80,000 + 70,000) 150,000 = .10 (P520,000 – P150,000 - B)
Profit after Salaries & Bonus P 370,000 ÷ 110% OR = .10 (P370,000 – B)
336,364 = 100% = P370,000 - B
Bonus P 33,636 P370,000 – 1.1
B= P33,636

Case 4:
Separis Barroga Total
Bonus (20% of Profit) P 80,000 P 80,000
Salaries Allowed 50,000 50,000
Interest Allowed on Beg. Capital at 10% 30,000 30,000
Remainder: (2:8) 48,000 P192,000 240,000
As distributed P208,000 P192,000 P400,000

3-15 Ceniza, Barredo and Labata

Requirement 1:
As 30% share is given to Labata, what is left is 70% which will be shared between Ceniza
and Barredo based on their old P/L Ratios. Therefore:
New P/L
Old P/L Ratio Ratio

Ceniza (3/5) = 60% x 70% 42%

Barredo (2/5)= 40% x 70% 28%
Labata 30%
Total 100%

Requirement 2:
Reported Profit P300,000
Overstatement of Inventory End, overstates Profit (30,000)
Understatement of Prepaid Expense (asset) results to
overstatement of Expenses (P10,000 - 1,000) 9,000
Understatement of Accrued Expense (liability) results to
understatement of Expenses (P8,000 - 5,000) (3,000)
Corrected Profit P276,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 22

Schedule of Profit Distribution:
Ceniza = 3/5 or 60% of P276,000 = P165,600
Barredo = 2/5 or 40% of P276,000 = 110,400

3-16 Sorima and Magalso

Requirement 1:
Reported Profit P150,000
1) Understatement of Inventory at the end results to Profit understatement 20,000
2) Non-recognition of Accrued Expense understates Expense and overstates Profit (5,000)
3) Non-recognition of Supplies Expense overstates Profit (8,000)
Corrected Profit P157,000

Requirement 2:
Total Sorima Magalso
Partners’ Equity – Jan. 1, 2009 P450,000 P250,000 P200,000
Add: Net Interest in Equity
Share in Profit 157,000 (40%) 62,800 (60%) 94,200
P607,000 P312,800 P294,200
Less: Permanent Withdrawal (50,000) (20,000) (30,000)
Partners’ Equity – Dec. 31, 2009 P557,000 P292,800 P264,200

3-17 Dipolog Grocers

Requirement 1:
Closing Entries

Merchandise Inventory, End 480,000

Sales 960,000
Purchase Return & Allowances 6,000
Merchandise Inventory, Beg. 510,000
Sales Discount 4,000
Purchases 700,000
Freight In 3,000
Income & Expense Summary 229,000

Income & Expense Summary 108,000

Salaries Expense 50,000
Freight Out 1,000
Taxes & Licenses 7,000
Supplies Expense 10,000
Depreciation 40,000

Income & Expense Summary 121,000

Pugoy, Drawing 49,880
Gargar, Drawing 41,950
Anguit, Drawing 29,170

Requirement 2:
Total Pugoy Gargar Anguit
Salaries to Partners P 50,000 P 30,000 P 10,000 P 10,000
10% Bonus (P121,000 - P50,000) 7,100 7,100
Pugoy - 20% x P63,900 12,780 12,780
Gargar - 50% x P63,900 31,950 31,950
Anguit - 30% x P63,900 19,170 19,170
As distributed P121,000 P 49,880 P 41,950 P 29,170

Requirement 3:
Statement of Changes in Partners’ Equity
Total Pugoy Gargar Anguit
Partners’ Equity –July 1, 2009 P215,000 P 75,000 P 80,000 P 60,000
Add: Net Increase in Equity
Share in Profit 121,000 49,880 42,950 29,170
Less: Drawing (30,000) (15,000) (5,000) (10,000)
P 91,000 P 38,880 P 36,950 P 19,170
Partners’ Equity –June 30, 2010 P306,000 P109,880 P116,950 P 79,170

Operating Expenses 211,000

Income & Expense Summary 284,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 23

** Multiple Choice Problems **

3-I Q-1. B 32,000/80,000 = 40%

3-II Q-2. A 3/P = 75000

P = 75,000 x 5/3= 125,000
125,000 – 75,000 = P50,000
Q-3. A 125,000

3-III Q-4. A Kenneth Peras – 120,000 x 33/3 = 40,000

Q-5. A Mark Peras – 60,000 + 40,000 = 100,000
Q-6. B Jean Pila – 120,000 x 20% (40/200) = 24,000

3-IV Q-7. A Zamora - 150,000/450,000 = 33 1/3

3-V Q-8 & 9 Torres Un Ardina

Profit 100,000 x 10% 9-B 10,000 8-B
100,000 – 10,000 x 35% 31,500
100,000 – 10,000 x 65% 58,500

3-VI Q-10. C 5,000 x 12 months = 60,000

Q-11 to Q-13 Total Diane Ysabelle
Salaries 120,000 60,000 60,000
Interest 8,400 5,250 3,150 (11 - A)
128,400 65,250 63,150
Bonus (200,000 – 128,430 x 10%) 7,160 7,160 (12 – A)
135,560 72,410 63,150
Remainder 64,440 38,664 25,776
200,000 111,074 88,926 (13 - A)

3-VII Q-14. C 98,000 + 3,000 – 5,000 = P96,000

Q-15. B 15/35 x 96,000 = P41,143

3-IV Q-16. A
Partners Salaries Interest Balance Total
Gregorio P15,000 P20,000 P 6,000 P 41,000
Jumawan 20,000 45,000 14,000 79,000
Totals P35,000 P65,000 P20,000 P120,000

Q-17. D
Partners Salaries Interest Balance Total
Gregorio P15,000 P20,000 ( 3,000) P 32,000
Jumawan 20,000 45,000 ( 7,000) 58,000
Totals P35,000 P65,000 (10,000) P 90,000

Q-18. A
Partners Salaries Interest Balance Total
Gregorio P15,000 P20,000 ( 31,500) P 3,500
Jumawan 20,000 45,000 ( 73,500) ( 8,500)
Totals P35,000 P65,000 (105,000) ( 5,000)

3-V Q-19. B
P20,000 + 30% (86,000 – 60,000)

3-VI Q-20. A
Sales P1,250,000
Inventory 100,000 P1,350,000
Cost of Sales ( 685,000)
Operating Expenses ( 450,000)
Profit P 215,000

Q-21. A
Bidad 2/10 x 215,000 = 43,000
Mondejar 5/10 x 215,000 = 107,500
Sarceno 3/10 x 215,000 = 64,500

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 24

Q-22. D
Partners Salaries Interest Balance Total
Bidad P 60,000 P45,000 ( 4,000) P101,000
Mondejar 60,000 - ( 2,000) ( 58,000
Sarceno 60,000 - ( 4,000) 56,000
Totals P180,000 P65,000 ( 10,000) P 215,000

3-VII Q-23. C
B = 20%
B = 20% (240,000 – b)
B = 48,000 - .28
B = .2B = P48,000
B = P48,000/1.2
B = P40,000

Q-24. C
Partners Bonus Balance Total
Carpeso P 40,000 P100,000 P140,000
Cabreros - 100,000 100,000
Totals P 40,000 P200,000 P240,000

3-VIII Q-25. B
Partners P/L Before New P/L
Zabalo .60 .18 .42
Perez .40 .12 .28
Delmonte .30

Q-26. B
Understated inventories 15,000
Accrued Expense ( 5,000)
Prepaid Expense 4,000
Increase in Net Income P14,000

Q-27. C
Reported Net Income P 450,000
Increase in Net Income 14,000
Corrected Net Income P464,000

Q-28. C
Partners P/L Ratio Net Income Share in Net Income
Zabalo .42 P464,000 P194,880
Perez .28 464,000 129,920
Delmonte .30 464,000 139,200

3-IX Q-29. B
B = 25% (NI – B)
B = 25% (240,000 – B)
B = 60,000 - .25B
B = 60,000 / 1.25
B = P48,000

3-IX Q-30. A
Partners Average Capital Salaries Balance Total
Linobo P24,000 P 60,000 ( 70,000) P14,000
Manansala 12,000 - ( 70,000) ( 58,000)
Aguillon 8,000 40,000 ( 70,000) ( 22,000)
Totals P44,000 P100,000 (210,000) ( 66,000)

3-XI Q-31. C
B = 20% (NI – B)
B = 20% (240,000 – B)
B = 48,000 - .2B
B = 48,000 / 1.2
B = P40,000

3-XII Q-32. C
Reported Net Income P105,000
Understatement of Inventory End 50,000
Unrecorded Expense ( 5,000)
Corrected Net Income P150,000
Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 25
3-XIII Q-33. A
Partners Old P/L New P/L
Go .50 .10 .40
Adia .50 .10 .40
Pactana .20
Q-34. C 40% x P150,000 = P60,000

Chapter 4
Partnership Dissolution – Change in Ownership structure

** Exercises and Problems **

4-1 Tan and Esparaguera

Esparaguera, Capital 200,000
Carreon, Capital 200,000

4-2 CSCV
Cañete, Capital 62,500
Saletrero, Capital 87,500
Cajegas, Capital 112,500
Villaplaza, Capital 262,500

4-3 Abuzo and Edulan

1. P187,500
2. Abuzo-Selling Partners
3. P12,500 personal gain
4. P187,500
5. P17,500 personal loss

Book Value of Interest Sold P187,500

Selling Price of Interest Sold 170,000
Loss on Sale of Interest P 17,500

4-4 Badoy and Yee

Total Partnership Interest P 300,000
Portion of Interest Sold 25%
1. Book Value of Interest Sold P 75,000
Selling Price of Interest Sold 85,000
2. Gain on Sale of Interest Sold P 10,000

Badoy, Capital 25,000

Yee, Capital 50,000
Gatmaitan, Capital 75,000

4-5 Hernandez and Gementiza

1. Hernandez, Capital 75,000
Santos, Capital 75,000
2. Gementiza, Capital 112,500
Santos, Capital 112,500
3. Hernandez, Capital 150,000
Gementiza, Capital 150,000
Santos, Capital 300,000
(converted into a sole-proprietorship)

4-6 JAR Partnership

Contributed Capital:
J P 250,000
A 250,000
R 500,000
Orbita 20,000
P1,200,000 x 20% = P240,000 – capital credit of Orbita
Contribution of Orbita 200,000
Bonus to New partner P 40,000

Cash P200,000
J 10,000
A 10,000
R 20,000
Orbita, Capital P246,000
Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 26
4-7 Ursua and Halangdon

Requirement 1: Ursua P 80,000

Halangdon 100,000
Gondales 70,000
Contributed Capital P 250,000
Requirement 2:
P250,000 x 40% = P100,000 – P70,000 = P30,000 bonus to new partner
(Her capital credit is bigger than her capital contribution, so bonus is given to the new partner)

Requirement 3:
Journal Entry
Cash 70,000
Ursua, Capital 9,000
Halangdon, Capital 21,000
Gondales, Capital 100,000

Requirement 4: Ursua P 80,000

Halangdon 100,000
Gondales 150,000
Contributed Capital P 330,000

P330,000 x 35% = P115,500 – P150,000 = P34,500 bonus to old partners

(His capital credit is smaller than his capital contribution, so bonus is given to the old partners)

Requirement 5:
Journal Entry
Cash 150,000
Ursua, Capital 10,350
Halangdon, Capital 24,150
Gondales, Capital 115,500

4-8 Beceira and Ytac

Requirement 1:
Casulla, Capital 120,000
Ytac, Capital 130,000
Sarno, Capital 250,000

Requirement 2:
Casulla, Capital 180,000
Ytac , Capital 195,000
Sarno, Capital 375,000

Requirement 3:
Casulla, Capital 48,000
Ytac, Capital 52,000
Sarno, Capital 100,000

Requirement 4:
Casulla, Capital 60,000
Sarno, Capital 60,000

Requirement 5:
Casulla, Capital 80,000
Sarno, Capital 80,000

Requirement 6:
Casulla, Capital 120,000
Sarno, Capital 120,000

Requirement 7: Casulla, Capital 240,000

Ytac, Capital 260,000
Sarno, Capital 300,000
Contributed Capital 800,000

800,000 x 1/3 = 266,667 – 300,000 = 33,333 bonus to old partners

(Her capital credit is lesser than her capital contribution, so bonus is given to the old partners)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 27

Cash 300,000
Casulla, Capital 12,500
Ytac, Capital 20,833
Sarno, Capital 266,667

Requirement 8: Contributed Capital - 800,000

800,000 x 1/4 = 200,000 – 300,000 = 100,000 bonus to old partners

(Her capital credit is lesser than her capital contribution, so bonus is given to the old partners)
Cash 300,000
Casulla, Capital (3/8 x 100,000) 37,500
Ytac, Capital (5/8 x 100,000) 62,500
Sarno, Capital 200,000

Requirement 9: Contributed Capital - 800,000

800,000 x 40% = 320,000 – 300,000 = 20,000 bonus to new partners

(Her capital credit is bigger than her capital contribution, so bonus is given to the new partner)

Cash 300,000
Casulla, Capital 7,500
Ytac, Capital 12,500
Sarno, Capital 320,000

Requirement 10: Casulla, Capital 240,000

Ytac, Capital 260,000
Sarno, Capital 350,000
Contributed Capital 850,000

850,000 x 30% = 255,000 – 350,000 = 95,000 bonus to old partners

(Her capital credit is lesser than her capital contribution, so bonus is given to the old partners)

Cash 350,000
Casulla, Capital 35,625
Ytac, Capital 59,375
Sarno, Capital 255,000

4-9 San Carlos Industries

Case 1: Nemenzo 200,000
Kwan 100,000
Gimena 100,000
Total Contributed Capital 400,000

400,000 x 1/4 = 100,000 – 100,000 = No bonus

(His capital credit is equal to his capital contribution, so there’s no bonus to both)

Cash 100,000
Gimena, Capital 100,000

Case 2: Nemenzo 200,000

Kwan 100,000
Gimena 120,000
Total Contributed Capital 420,000

420,000 x 1/4 = 105,000 – 120,000 = 15,000 bonus to old partners

(His capital credit is less than his capital contribution, so bonus is given to the old partners)

Cash 120,000
Nemenzo, Capital 9,000
Kwan, Capital 6,000
Gimena, Capital 105,000

Case 3: Nemenzo 200,000

Kwan 100,000
Gimena 100,000
Total Contributed Capital 400,000

400,000 x 30% = 120,000 – 100,000 = 20,000 bonus to new partner

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 28
(His capital credit of P120,000 is greater than his capital contribution of P100,000, so, bonus is
given to the new partner)

Cash 100,000
Nemenzo, Capital 12,000
Kwan, Capital 8,000
Gimena, Capital 120,000

Case 4: Nemenzo 200,000 x 25% = 50,000

Kwan 100,000 x 25% = 25,000

Nemenzo, Capital 50,000

Kwan, Capital 25,000
Gimena, Capital 75,000

Case 5:
Nemenzo, Capital 100,000
Kwan, Capital 50,000
Gimena, Capital 150,000

4-10 Carcar Ampao Factory

Assumption 1: Lapu-lapu 180,000 x 1/3 = 60,000

Lapu-lapu, Capital 60,000

Besario, Capital 60,000

Assumption 2: Lim 140,000 x 1/8 = 17,500

Lim, Capital 17,500

Besario, Capital 17,500

Assumption 3: Lapu-lapu 180,000

Lim 140,000
Besario 160,000
Total Contributed Capital 480,000

480,000 x 25% = 120,000 – 160,000 = 40,000 bonus to old partners

(Her capital credit is lesser than her capital contribution of P100,000, so, bonus is given to the
old partners)

Cash 160,000
Lapu-lapu, Capital 24,000
Lim, Capital 16,000
Besario, Capital 120,000

Assumption 4: Lapu-lapu, Capital 180,000

Lim, Capital 140,000
Besario, Capital 72,000
Total Contributed Capital 392,000

392,000 x 25% = 98,000 – 72,000 = 26,000 bonus to new partner

(Her capital credit is greater than her capital contribution of P100,000, so, bonus is given to
the new partner)

Cash 72,000
Lapu-lapu, Capital 15,600
Lim, Capital 10,400
Besario, Capital 98,000

4-11 Cacdac, Lopez and Cruz

Requirement A:
1. Capital Adjustments 6,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 6,000

2. Capital Adjustments 7,000

Merchandise Inventory 7,000

3. Capital Adjustments 4,000

Accumulated Depreciation 4,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 29

4. Cacdac, Capital 6,800
Lopez, Capital 10,200
Capital Adjustments 17,000

Capital Adjustments
(1) 6,000 17,000 (4)
(2) 7,000
(3) 4,000
17,000 17,000

Requirement B:
Post-Closing Trial Balances
Debit Credit
Cash in Bank 40,000
Accounts Receivable 50,000
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 10,000
Merchandise 63,000
Store Equipment 80,000
Acc. Depreciation 20,000
Accounts Payable 40,000
Cacdac, Capital 93,200
Lopez, Capital 69,800
Total 233,000 233,000

Requirement C:
a) Cruz is going to pay 40,750
Computed as follows:
Refugio, Capital (P93,200 x 25%) 23,300
Berhay, Capital (P69,800 x 25%) 17,450

b) Cacdac, Capital 23,300

Lopez, Capital 17,450
Cruz, Capital 40,750

4-12 Jadulco, Mabad and Anghag

Instruction No. 1:
a. Capital Adjustments 20,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 20,000
b. Capital Adjustments 20,000
Merchandise 20,000
c. Capital Adjustments 50,000
Accumulated Depreciation 50,000
d. Capital Adjustments 10,000
Accrued Expenses 10,000
e. Jadulco, Capital (30%) 30,000
Mabad, Capital (20%) 20,000
Anghag, Capital (50%) 50,000
Capital Adjustments 100,000

Instruction No.2:
New Capital of the Partnership
Jadulco, Capital (P400,000 – 30,000) = 370,000
Mabad, Capital (P280,000 – 20,000) = 260,000
Anghag, Capital (P150,000 – 50,000) = 100,000

a) P730,000 x 1/3 = P243,333

Jadulco, Capital 123,333
Mabad, Capital 86,667
Anghag, Capital 33,333
Cañete, Capital 243,333

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 30

b) Cash 200,000
Jadulco, Capital 9,250
Mabad, Capital 6,500
Anghag, capital 16,250
Cañete, Capital 232,500

Jadulco, Capital 370,000

Mabad, Capital 260,000
Anghag, Capital 100,000
Cañete, Capital 200,000
Total Contribution 930,000
x 25%
Capital Credit of New Partner 232,500
Capital Contribution of New Partner 200,000
Bonus to New Partner 32,500

c) Cash 200,000
Jadulco, Capital 4,200
Mabad, capital 2,800
Anghag, Capital 7,000
Cañete, Capital 186,000

Jadulco, Capital 370,000

Mabad, Capital 260,000
Anghag, Capital 100,000
Cañete, Capital 200,000
Total Contribution 930,000
Capital of New Partner 186,000
Capital Contribution of New Partner 200,000
Bonus to Old Partners 14,000

4-13 Bartolome, tan and de los Santos

Instruction No.1:
1. Capital Adjustments 10,000
Inventory 10,000
2. Prepaid Insurance 7,000
Capital Adjustments 7,000
3. Accumulated Depreciation 2,000
Capital Adjustments 2,000
4. Bartolome, Capital (50%) 500
Tan, Capital (40%) 400
Delos Santos, Capital (10%) 100
Capital Adjustments 1,000

Capital Adjustment
(1) 10,000 7,000 (2)
2,000 (3)
1,000 (4)
10,000 10,000

Instruction No.2:
2a) Adjusted Capital Account of the old partners
Bartolome (200,000 – 500) = 199,500
Tan (180,000 – 400) = 179,600
de los Santos ( 60,000 – 100) = 59,900

Bartolome, Capital 49,875

Chua, Capital 49,875

(P199,500 x ¼ = P49,875 - Interest Purchased)

2b) Bartolome 199,500

Tan 179,600
de los Santos 59,900
Chua 80,000

519,000 x 30% = 155,700 – 80,000 = 75,700 bonus to new partner

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 31
(Her capital credit is bigger than her capital contribution so, bonus is given to the new partner)

Journal Entry;
Cash 80,000
Bartolome, Capital 37,850
Tan, Capital 30,280
Delos Santos, Capital 7,570
Chua, Capital 155,700

4-14 Davao Commodity Sales

Requirement 1:
a) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 2,000
Capital Adjustments 2,000
b) Capital Adjustments 8,000
Merchandise 8,000
c) Capital Adjustments 2,000
Accumulated Depreciation 2,000
d) Accounts Payable 7,000
Cash 7,000
e) Unused Supplies 5,000
Capital Adjustments 5,000
f) Capital Adjustments 100
Unearned Interest Income 100
g) Saburnido, Capital 1,550
Cervantes, Capital 1,550
Capital Adjustments 3,100

Capital Adjustments
(b) 8,000 2,000 (a)
(c) 2,000 5,000 (e)
(f) 100 3,100 (g)
10,100 10,100

Requirement 2:
Statement of Financial Position
Assets Liabilities and Partners' Equity
Current Assets:
Cash in Bank 233,000 Liabilities
Accounts Receivable 30,000 Current Liabilities:
Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 3,000 27,000 Accounts Payable 33,000
Notes Receivable 10,000 Unearned Int. Income 100 33,100
Merchandise Inventory 72,000
Unused Supplies 5,000 347,000
Partners' Equity
Property And Equipment Calimpusan, Capital 178,450
Furniture and Fixture 50,000 Sala, Capital 165,450 343,900
Accu. Depreciation 20,000 30,000 Total Liabilities and
Total Assets 377,000 Partners' Equity 377,000

Requirement 3:
Cash in Bank 171,950
Banta, Capital 171,950
Computed as follows:
Saburnido, Capital (178,450 x 50%) 89,225
Cervantes, Capital (165,450 x 50%) 82,725

4-15 Ruben, Lacierda and Ordoñez

Requirement 1: V. Ruben, Capital 80,000
O. Lacierda, Capital 40,000
B. Ordoñez, Capital 30,000
Total Contributed Capital 150,000

150,000 x 30% = 50,000 – 30,000 = 20,000 bonus to new partner, Ordoñez

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 32

Requirement 2:
The capital accounts of Ruben and Lacierda were decreased by P12,000 and 8,000 respectively
because of the bonus they gave to Ordoñez.

Requirement 3:
Ruben Lacierda Ordoñez
Capital 80,000 40,000 30,000
Bonus to Ordoñez ( 12,000) ( 8,000) 20,000
Balance 68,000 32,000 50,000

Requirement 4:
Cash 30,000
Ruben, Capital 12,000
Lacierda, Capital 8,000
Ordoñez, Capital 50,000

4-16 Mendez, Tirol and Lupot

Requirement 1: Mendez 200,000
Tirol 100,000
Lupot 125,000
Total Contributed Capital 425,000

425,000 x 20% = 85,000 – 125,000 = 40,000 bonus to old partners

Mendez P 40,000 x .75 = 30,000

Tirol 40,000 x .25 = 10,000
Bonus as distributed 40,000

Requirement 2:
Capital Bonus Total
Mendez 200,000 + 30,000 = 230,000
Tirol 100,000 + 10,000 = 110,000
Capital Account balance after the bonus 340,000

Requirement 3:
Mendez 200,000 + 30,000 = 230,000
Tirol 100,000 + 10,000 = 110,000
Lupot 125,000 - (40,000) = 85,000

Requirement 4:
Cash 125,000
Mendez, Capital 30,000
Tirol, Capital 10,000
Lupot, Capital 85,000

4-17 Jay, Mamaril and Chung

Requirement 1: Total Contributed Capital
Jay 120,000
Mamaril 100,000
Chung 80,000
Total Contributed Capital 300,000

300,000 x 1/3 = 100,000 – 80,000 = 20,000 bonus to Chung

Requirement 2:
Jay Mamaril Chung
Capital 120,000 100,000 80,000
Bonus to Chung (12,000) (8,000) 20,000
Balance 108,000 92,000 100,000 = 300,000

Requirement 3:
Cash 80,000
Jay, Capital 12,000
Mamaril, Capital 8,000
Chung, Capital 100,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 33

4-18 Butuan Internet Cafe
Case 1: Basarte, Capital 265,000
Silverio, Capital 185,000
Jostol, Capital 160,000
Total (3/4 capital after admission) 610,000
New capitalization after admission
(610,000/.75) 813,333
Required contribution of Balibay 203,333

Case 2: Basarte, Capital 265,000

Silverio, Capital 185,000
Jostol, Capital 160,000
Bonus 24,000
Total 634,000
÷ 75%
Share of New Partner after admission 845,333
Required contribution of Balibay 235,333

Case 3: Basarte, Capital 265,000

Silverio, Capital 185,000
Jostol, Capital 160,000
Bonus to new partner 10,000
Total 600,000
New capital after admission 800,000
Share of new partner after bonus 200,000
Less: Bonus to new partner 10,000
Required contribution of Balibay 190,000

Case 4: Basarte, Capital 265,000

Silverio, Capital 185,000
Jostol, Capital 160,000
Asset Revaluation 80,000
Total 690,000
New capital after admission 920,000
Share of new partner after bonus 230,000

Case 5: Basarte, Capital 265,000

Silverio, Capital 185,000
Jostol, Capital 160,000
Assets write down (50,000)
Bonus to new partner (40,000)
Total 520,000
New capital after admission 693,333
Share of the new partner after bonus 173,333
Less: Bonus to new partner (40,000)
Contribution of new partner 133,333

4-19 Independents Cases

Case 1
Lopez 800,000
Baya 1,200,000
Maguid 500,000
Total Contributed Capital 2,500,000

2,500,000 x 20% = 500,000 = 0 (No Bonus)

Journal Entry
Cash 500,000
Maguid, Capital 500,000

Case 2
Solis 40,000
Orbita 50,000
Tangaro 25,000
Total Contributed Capital 115,000

115,000 x 1/5 = 23,000 – 25,000 = 2,000 bonus to old partners

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 34

Journal Entry
Cash 25,000
Solis, Capital 23,000
Orbita, Capital 1,000
Tangaro, Capital 1,000

Case 3
Sison 45,000
Laranjo 40000
Morales 35,000
Total Contributed Capital 120,000

120,000 x 30% = 36,000 – 35,000 = 1,000 bonus to new partners

Journal Entry

Cash P 35,000
Laranjo, Capital 600
Sison, Capital 400
Morales, Capital 36,000

*** Multiple Choice Problems ***

Admission of a Partner in an Existing Partnership

4-I City Travel and Tours

Q-1 P800,000 x 1/4 = P200,000 (A)
Q-2 to be distributed to the selling partners (D)
Q-3 Gevera 1/5 x 75% = 15%
Tropico 2/5 x 75% = 30% (B)
Canque 2/5 x 75% = 30%
Aguilar 1/4 = 25%
= 100%
Q-4 210,000 x 25% = 52,500 - 210,000 = 157,500 (A)

4 - II Panganiban, Salisana and Berhay

Q-5 414,375 (C)
Q-6 Panganiban and Salisana (C)
Q-7 1,835,000 (B)


a) Capital Adjustments 5,000

Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 5,000

b) Capital Adjustments 15,000

Merchandise 15,000

c) Accumulated Depreciation 15,000

Capital Adjustments 15,000

d) Panganiban, Capital 2,500

Salisana, Capital 2,500
Capital Adjustments 5,000

Panganiban, Capital – 950,000 – 2,500 = 947,500 x .25 = 236,875

Salisana, Capital – 890,000 – 2,500 = 887,500 x .20 = 177,500
1,835,000 414,375 (C)

Panganiban Salisana Berhay

Capital after adjustments 947,500 887,500
Acquired by Berhay (236,875) (177,500) 414,375
710,625 P710,000 414,375 = 1,835,000 (B)

4 - III Southwxpressway Merchandising

Q-8 450,000 x 1/2 = 225,000 (B)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 35

Q-9 Book Value of Igao’s interest sold to Estroso 225,000
Cash proceeds from the sale 220,000
Personal loss to Igao 5,000 (C)

Q-10 Estroso should be credited by P225,000 equal to the book value of interest she acquired. (B)

4 - IV Southwxpressway Merchandising
Q-11 Espero 30,000
Aduana 45,000
Gelacio 20,000
Total Contributed Capital 95,000 (B)
Q-12 95,000 x 1/5 = 19,000 – 20,000 = 1,000 bonus to old partners (B)
Q-13 Espero 1,000 x 40% = 400
Aduana 1,000 x 60% = 600 (A)

4-V Ligsay, Emperado and Balagot

Q-14 Ligsay Emperado Balagot
Capital Balances 150,000 100,000 120,000
Understatement of Inventory 4,000 4,000 2,000
Understatement of depreciation (2,400) (2,400) (1,200)
Adjusted Balance 151,600 101,600 120,800

Q-15 Selling Price of share sold 35,000

Book Value of interest purchased 30,200
Gain on sale of share sold 4,800 (A)

Q-16 Balagot will share a capital credit of P30,200 (B)

4 - VI Galos and Villarido

Q-17 Galos 200,000
Villarido 160,000
Villanueva 110,000

470,000 x 1/4 = 117,500 – 110,000 = 7,500 bonus to new partner (C)

Q-18 Galos 7,500 x 60% = 4,500

Villarido 7,500 x 40% = 3,000 (A)

** Exercise and Problems **

Retirement or Withdrawal/Death, Bankruptcy or Incapacity of a Partner

4-1 Lacson, Joe and Ajoc

Requirement 1:
a) Joel Jo, Capital 85,000
Alex Ajoc, Capital 85,000
b) Joel Jo, Capital 85,000
Heginio Lacson, Capital 63,750
Alex Ajoc, Capital 21,250
c) Joel Jo, Capital 85,000
Marco Ocenar, Capital 85,000

Requirement 2:
Heginio Lacson 60,000
Alex Ajoc 140,000

Heginio Lacson 123,750

Alex Ajoc 76,250

Heginio Lacson 60,000

Alex Ajoc 55,000
Marco Ocenar 85,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 36

4-2 Esparaguera, Supapo and Ceniza
1. Ceniza, Capital 650,000
Cash 600,000
Esparaguera, Capital (2/6 x P 50,000) 16,667
Supapo, Capital (4/6 x P 50,000) 33,333

2. Ceniza, Capital 650,000

Esparaguera, Capital 16,667
Supapo, Capital 33,333
Cash 700,000

4-3 Tea for Snack House

Requirement 1:

Orcullo’s Withdrawal

Orcullo, Capital 80,000

Reyes, Capital 7,500
Lopez, Capital 7,500
Cash 95,000

Capital Balances
Reyes, Capital 92,500
Lopez, Capital 82,500

Requirement 2:
Orcullo, Capital 80,000
Cash 75,000
Reyes, Capital 2,500
Lopez, Capital 2,500

4-4 Long Live Enterprises

Requirement 1:
Mr. Dimamatay’s interest, Dec. 31, 2009 50,000
Add: Share in Net Income from Jan. 1-Feb.29 (20,000 x ½) 10,000

Requirement 2:
Dimamatay, Capital 60,000
Cash 60,000

Requirement 3:
Dimamatay, Capital 60,000
Buhay, Capital 60,000

4-5 Walangbuhay and Maylangit

Requirement 1:
Capital Adjustment 5,000
Allow. for Doubtful Account 5,000
Inventories 15,000
Capital Adjustment 15,000
Accumulated Depreciation 50,000
Capital Adjustment 50,000
Capital Adjustment 10,000
Accrued Expense 10,000
Capital Adjustment 50,000
Walangbuhay, Capital (60%) 30,000
Maylangit, Capital (40%) 20,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 37

Requirement 2:
Effects of Adjustments:
Decrease in Account Receivable (5,000)
Increase in Inventory 15,000
Increase in Equipment 50,000
Increase in Expense (10,000)
Total 50,000
P/L Ratio of Walangbuhay x 60%
Share of Walangbuhay on the adjustments 30,000
Add: Feb. 14 balance of Walangbuhay 950,000
Walangbuhay’s adjusted capital balance 980,000

Requirement 3:

Walangbuhay, Capital 980,000

Cash 980,000

Requirement 4:
Walangbuhay, Capital 980,000
Maylangit, Capital 20,000
Cash 1,000,000

4-6 Sianosa, Rosete and Facturan

Requirement 1:

Non-Cash Assets 56,000

Gatmaitan, Capital (25%) 14,000
Barroga, Capital (25%) 14,000
Dorado, Capital (50%) 28,000

Requirement 2:
Gatmaitan, Capital 56,000
Gatmaitan, Loan 9,000
Cash 16,200
Barroga, Capital 16,267
Dorado, Capital 32,533

4-7 Lopez, Albios and Aguhob

ERRATUM: Accounts Payable should be 90,000

Requirement 1:
a) Inventory 30,000
Lopez, Capital 13,500
Albios, capital 7,500
Aguhob, Capital 9,000
b) Equipment 20,000
Lopez, Capital 9,000
Albios, capital 5,000
Aguhob, Capital 6,000
c) Lopez, Capital 9,000
Albios, capital 5,000
Aguhob, Capital 6,000
Accrued Salaries 20,000

Requirement 2:
Lopez, Capital 114,500
Cash in Bank 50,000
Albios, Capital (25/55) 29,318
Aguhob, Capital (30/55) 35,182

(Note: Since this only a retirement of a partner, a partner’s deficiency will be considered as
his own loss and become the advantage of the remaining partners.)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 38

Requirement 3:
Statement of Financial Position
Assets Liabilities & Partners’ Equity
Inventory 180,000 Accounts Payable 90,000
Equipment 200,000 Accrued Salaries 20,000
Total Assets 380,000 Albios, Capital 116,818
Aguhob, Capital 154,182
Total Liabilities & Partners’
Equity 380,000

Chapter 5
Dissolution with Liquidation

Test I – True or False

1. True 9. True 17. False

2. False 10. False 18. True
3. True 11. False 19. True
4. True 12. True 20. True
5. True 13. True 21. False
6. True 14. True 22. True
7. True 15. True 23. True
8. True 16. True 24. True
25. True

Test II – Multiple Choice

1. C 6. B
2. B 7. C
3. B 8. C
4. A 9. A
5. A 10. A

** Exercises and Problems **

5-1 Centerpoint Commercial

Requirement A:
Centerpoint Commercial
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
40% 20% 40%
Non- Dizon, Dizon, Tamala, Dimalanta,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 30,000 340,000 49,000 20,000 95,000 100,000 106,000
Realization and Gain 350,000 (340,000) - - 4,000 2,000 4,000
Balances 380,000 49,000 20,000 99,000 102,000 110,000
Payment of Liabilities (49,000) (49,000) - - - -
Balance 331,000 20,000 99,000 102,000 110,000
Payment to Partners’ Loan (20,000) (20,000) - - -
Balances 311,000 99,000 102,000 110,000
Payment to Partners’ Capital (311,000) (99,000) (102,000) (110,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 350,000
Non-Cash Assets 340,000
Dizon, Capital 4,000
Tamala, Capital 2,000
Dimalanta, Capital 4,000
b) Liabilities 49,000
Cash 49,000
c) Dizon, Loan 20,000
Cash 20,000
d) Dizon, Capital 99,000
Tamala, Capital 102,000
Dimalanta, Capital 110,000
Cash 311,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 39

Requirement B:
Centerpoint Commercial
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
40% 20% 40%
Non- Dizon, Dizon, Tamala, Dimalanta,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 30,000 340,000 49,000 20,000 95,000 100,000 106,000
Realization and Loss 200,000 (340,000) - - (56,000) (28,000) (56,000)
Balances 230,000 49,000 20,000 39,000 72,000 50,000
Payment of Liabilities (49,000) (49,000) - - - -
Balance 181,000 20,000 39,000 72,000 50,000
Payment to Partners’ Loan (20,000) (20,000) - - -
Balances 161,000 39,000 72,000 50,000
Payment to Partners’ Capital (161,000) (39,000) (72,000) (50,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 200,000
Dizon, Capital 56,000
Tamala, Capital 28,000
Dimalanta, Capital 56,000
Non-Cash Assets 340,000
b) Liabilities 49,000
Cash 49,000
c) Dizon, Loan 20,000
Cash 20,000
d) Dizon, Capital 39,000
Tamala, Capital 72,000
Dimalanta, Capital 50,000
Cash 161,000

Requirement C:
Centerpoint Commercial
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
40% 20% 40%
Non- Dizon, Dizon, Tamala, Dimalanta,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 30,000 340,000 49,000 20,000 95,000 100,000 106,000
Realization and Loss 90,000 (340,000) - - (100,000) (50,000) (100,000)
Balances 120,000 49,000 20,000 (5,000) 50,000 6,000
Payment of Liabilities (49,000) (49,000) - - - -
Balance 71,000 20,000 (5,000) 50,000 6,000
Right of Offset - (5,000) 5,000 - -
Balance 71,000 15,000 50,000 6,000
Payment to Partners’ Loan (15,000) (15,000) - -
Balances 56,000 50,000 6,000
Payment to Partners’ Capital (56,000) (50,000) (6,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 90,000
Dizon, Capital 100,000
Tamala, Capital 50,000
Dimalanta, Capital 100,000
Non-Cash Assets 340,000
b) Liabilities 49,000
Cash 49,000
c) Dizon, Loan 5,000
Dizon, Capital 5,000
d) Dizon, Loan 15,000
Cash 15,000
e) Tamala, Capital 50,000
Dimalanta, Capital 6,000
Cash 56,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 40

Requirement D:
40% 20% 40%
Non- Dizon, Dizon, Tamala, Dimalanta,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 30,000 340,000 49,000 20,000 95,000 100,000 106,000
Realization and Loss 60,000 (340,000) - - (112,000) (56,000) (112,000)
Balances 90,000 49,000 20,000 (17,000) 44,000 (6,000)
Payment of Liabilities (49,000) (49,000) - - - -
Balance 41,000 20,000 (17,000) 44,000 (6,000)
Right of Offset - (17,000) 17,000 - -
Balance 41,000 3,000 44,000 (6,000)
Payment to Partners’ Loan (3,000) (3,000) - -
Balances 38,000 44,000 (6,000)
Deficiency of Dimalanta
absorbed by Tamala - (6,000) 6,000
Balances 38,000 38,000
Payment to Partners’ Capital (38,000) (38,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 60,000
Dizon, Capital 112,000
Tamala, Capital 56,000
Dimalanta, Capital 112,000
Non-Cash Assets 340,000
b) Liabilities 49,000
Cash 49,000
c) Dizon, Loan 17,000
Dizon, Capital 17,000
d) Dizon, Loan 3,000
Cash 3,000
e) Tamala, Capital 6,000
Dimalanta, Capital 6,000
f) Tamala, Capital 38,000
Cash 38,000

Requirement E:
40% 20% 40%
Non- Dizon, Dizon, Tamala, Dimalanta,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 30,000 340,000 49,000 20,000 95,000 100,000 106,000
Realization and Loss 40,000 (340,000) - - (120,000) (60,000) (120,000)
Balances 70,000 49,000 20,000 (25,000) 40,000 (14,000)
Payment of Liabilities (49,000) (49,000) - - - -
Balance 21,000 20,000 (25,000) 40,000 (14,000)
Right of Offset - (20,000) 20,000 - -
Balance 21,000 (5,000) 40,000 (14,000)
Deficiency of Dizon & Tamala
absorbed by Dimalanta - 5,000 (19,000) 14,000
Balances 21,000 21,000
Payment to Partners’ Capital (21,000) (21,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 40,000
Dizon, Capital 120,000
Tamala, Capital 60,000
Dimalanta, Capital 120,000
Non-Cash Assets 340,000
b) Liabilities 49,000
Cash 49,000
c) Dizon, Loan 20,000
Dizon, Capital 20,000
d) Tamala, Capital 19,000
Dimalanta, Capital 14,000
Dizon, Capital 5,000
e) Tamala, Capital 21,000
Cash 21,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 41

5-2 Watin – Veloso Partnership
Requirement A1:
Watin – Veloso Partnership
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
60% 40%
Non- Watin, Watin, Veloso,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital
Balance before realization 20,000 180,000 60,000 10,000 40,000 90,000
Realization and Loss 85,000 (180,000) - - (57,000) (38,000)
Balances 105,000 60,000 10,000 (17,000) 52,000
Payment of Liabilities (60,000) (60,000) - - -
Balance 45,000 10,000 (17,000) 52,000
Right of Offset - (10,000) 10,000 -
Balances 45,000 (7,000) 52,000
Additional Cash - Watin 7,000 7,000 -
Balances 52,000 52,000
Payment to Veloso (52,000) (52,000)

Requirement A2:
60% 40%
Non- Watin, Watin, Veloso,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital
Balance before realization 20,000 180,000 60,000 10,000 40,000 90,000
Realization and Loss 85,000 (180,000) - - (57,000) (38,000)
Balances 105,000 60,000 10,000 (17,000) 52,000
Payment of Liabilities (60,000) (60,000) - - -
Balance 45,000 10,000 (17,000) 52,000
Right of Offset - (10,000) 10,000 -
Balances 45,000 (7,000) 52,000
Deficiency of Watin
Absorbed by Veloso 7,000 (7,000)
Balances 45,000 45,000
Payment to Veloso (45,000) (45,000)

Requirement B1: SOLVENT

Journal Entries
a) Cash 85,000
Watin, Capital 57,000
Veloso, Capital 38,000
Non-Cash Assets 180,000
b) Accounts payable 60,000
Cash 60,000
c) Watin, Loan 10,000
Watin, Capital 10,000
d) Cash 7,000
Watin, Capital 7,000
e) Veloso, Capital 52,000
Cash 52,000

Requirement B2: INSOLVENT

Journal Entries
a) Cash 85,000
Watin, Capital 57,000
Veloso, Capital 38,000
Non-Cash Assets 180,000
b) Accounts payable 60,000
Cash 60,000
c) Watin, Loan 10,000
Watin, Capital 10,000
d) Veloso, Capital 7,000
Watin, Capital 7,000
e) Veloso, Capital 45,000
Cash 45,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 42

5-3 Sanciangko Commercial
Requirement 1:
Sanciangko Commercial
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
30% 30% 40%
Non- Accounts Pozon, Pozon, Selisana, Teque,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 45,000 127,000 62,000 5,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
Customer’s Collection 50,000 (57,000) - - (2,100) (2,100) (2,800)
Balances 95,000 70,000 62,000 5,000 32,900 32,900 32,200
Sale of Mdse. at a Loss 59,500 (70,000) - - (3,150) (3,150) (4,200)
Balances 154,500 62,000 5,000 29,750 29,750 28,000
Payment of Liabilities (62,000) (62,000) - - - -
Balances 92,500 5,000 29,750 29,750 28,000
Payment to Loan (5,000) (5,000) - - -
Balance 87,500 29,750 29,750 28,000
Payment to Partners (87,500) (29,750) (29,750) (28,000)

Requirement 2:
1) Cash 50,000
Allowance for doubtful Accounts 3,000
Pozon, Capital 2,100
Selisana, Capital 2,100
Teque, Capital 2,800
Accounts Receivable 60,000
To record collection from customer’s
account and charged off the balance.
2) Cash 59,000
Pozon, Capital 3,150
Selisana, Capital 3,150
Teque, Capital 4,200
Merchandise 70,000
3) Accounts Payable 62,000
Cash 62,000
4) Pozon, Loan 5,000
Cash 5,000
5) Pozon, Capital 29,750
Selisana, Capital 29,750
Teque, Capital 28,000
Cash 87,500

5-4 RNJ Trading

Requirement 1:
RNJ Trading
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
50% 20% 30%
Non- Accounts Suico, Suico, Cabral, Lledo,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 5,000 80,000 50,000 4,000 5,000 17,000 9,000
Realization on Loss 60,000 (80,000) - - (10,000) (4,000) (6,000)
Balances 65,000 50,000 4,000 (5,000) 13,000 3,000
Payment of Liabilities (50,000) (50,000) - - - -
Balances 15,000 4,000 (5,000) 13,000 3,000
Right of Offset - (4,000) 4,000 - -
Balances 15,000 (1,000) 13,000 3,000
Deficiency of Suico is
absorbed by Cabral and Lledo
on the ratio of 2/5 – 3/5 1,000 (400) (600)
Balance 15,000 12,600 2,400
Payment to Partners (15,000) (12,600) (2,400)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 43

Requirement 2:
1) Cash 60,000
Suico, Capital 10,000
Cabral, Capital 4,000
Lledo, Capital 6,000
Non-Cash Assets 80,000
2) Accounts Payable 50,000
Cash 50,000
3) Suico, Loan 4,000
Suico, Capital 4,000
4) Cabral, Capital 400,
Lledo, Capital 600
Suico, Capital 1,000
5) Cabral, Capital 12,600
Lledo, Capital 2,400
Cash 15,000

5-5 Capreso – Tao Partnership

Case 1:
Carpeso – Tao Partnership
Statement of Liquidation
40% 60%
Non- Carpeso, Tao,
Cash Cash Liabilities Capital Capital
Balance before realization - 120,000 40,000 60,000 20,000
Realization and Gain 130,000 (120,000) - 4,000 6,000
Balances 130,000 40,000 64,000 26,000
Payment of Liabilities (40,000) (40,000) - -
Balances 90,000 64,000 26,000
Payment to Capital (90,000) (64,000) (26,000)

Journal Entries
1) Cash 130,000
Non-Cash 120,000
Carpeso, Capital 4,000
Tao, Capital 6,000
2) Accounts Payable 40,000
Cash 40,000
3) Carpeso, Capital 64,000
Tao, Capital 26,000
Cash 90,000

Case 2:
Carpeso – Tao Partnership
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
40% 60%
Non- Carpeso, Tao,
Cash Cash Liabilities Capital Capital
Balance before realization - 120,000 40,000 60,000 20,000
Realization on Loss 70,000 (120,000) - (20,000) (30,000)
Balances 70,000 40,000 40,000 (10,000)
Payment of Liabilities (40,000) (40,000) - -
Balances 30,000 40,000 (10,000)
Contribution of Tao 10,000 - 10,000
Balances 40,000 40,000
Payment to Capital (40,000) (40,000)

Journal Entries
1) Cash 70,000
Carpeso, Capital 20,000
Tao, Capital 30,000
Non-Cash 120,000
2) Accounts Payable 40,000
Cash 40,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 44

3) Cash 10,000
Tao, Capital 10,000
4) Carpeso, Capital 40,000
Cash 40,000

5-6 Sambag Refrigeration Services

Requirement 1:
Sambag Refrigeration Services
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
20% 50% 30%
Non- Accounts Delantar, Delantar, Gabriel, Padul,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 20,000 250,000 156,000 4,000 (5,000) 65,000 50,000
Sale of non-cash assets and
Distribution of loss 200,000 (250,000) - - (10,000) (25,000) (15,000)
Balances 220,000 156,000 4,000 (15,000) 40,000 35,000
Payment of Liabilities (156,000) (156,000) - - - -
Balance 64,000 4,000 (15,000) 40,000 35,000
Right of Offset - (4,000) 4,000 - -
Balance 64,000 (11,000) 40,000 35,000
Deficiency of Delantar
Absorbed by Gabriel and
Padul (5/8 – 3/8) - 11,000 (6,875) (4,125)
Balances 64,000 33,125 30,875
Payment to Gabriel (33,125) (33,125)
Payment to Padul (30,875) (30,875)

Requirement 2:
Journal Entries
1) Cash 200,000
Delantar, Capital 10,000
Gabriel, Capital 25,000
Padul, Capital 15,000
Non-Cash Assets 250,000
2) Accounts Payable 156,000
Cash 156,000
3) Delantar, Loan 4,000
Delantar, Capital 4,000
4) Gabriel, Capital 6,875
Padul, Capital 4,125
Delantar, Capital 11,000
To record capital deficiency of
Delantar absorbed by Gabriel
and Padul.
5) Gabriel, Capital 33,125
Padul, Capital 30,875
Cash 64,000
To finally distribute cash to

5-7 Saberon and Lopez

Requirement 1:
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
80% 20%
Non- Accounts Saberon, Saberon, Lopez,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Capital Capital
Balance before realization 3,000 55,000 20,000 5,000 8,000 25,000
a) Realization and Loss 40,000 (55,000) - - (12,00) (3,000)
Balances 43,000 20,000 5,000 (4,000) 22,000
b) Payment of Liabilities (20,000) (20,000) - - -
Balances 23,000 5,000 (4,000) 22,000
c) Right of Offset - (4,000) 4,000 -
Balances 23,000 1,000 22,000
d) Payment to Loan (1,000) (1,000) -
Balances 22,000 22,000
e) Payment to Capital (22,000) (22,000)

(Note: The balancing amount of P55,000 is non-cash assets)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 45

Requirement 2:
Journal Entries
a) Cash 40,000
Saberon, Capital 12,000
Lopez, Capital 3,000
Non-Cash Assets 55,000
b) Accounts Payable 20,000
Cash 20,000
c) Saberon, Loan 4,000
Saberon, Capital 4,000
d) Saberon, Loan 1,000
Cash 1,000
e) Lopez, Capital 22,000
Cash 22,000

5-8 Badoy, Licayan and Bargayo

Requirement 1:
Badoy, Licayan and Bargayo
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
40% 20% 40%
Non- Accounts Badoy, Badoy, Licayan, Bargayo,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before realization 20,000 122,000 5,000 20,000 24,000 16,000 37,000
Realization and Loss 10,000 (122,000) - - - (22,400) (44,800)
Balance 30,000 5,000 20,000 24,000 (6,400) (7,800)
Payment of Liability (5,000) (5,000) - - - -
Balance 25,000 20,000 24,000 (6,400) (7,800)
Right of Off-set - (4,800) (6,400) 6,400 -
Balance after the rights of offset 25,000 15,200 17,600 (7,800)
Deficiency of Gulane
Absorbed by Badoy & Licayan - (5,200) (2,600) 7,800
Balance 25,000 10,000 15,000
Payment to Badoy and Licayan (25,000) (10,000) (15,000)

Requirement 2a:
Journal Entries
a) Cash 10,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 40,000
Accumulated Depreciation 5,000
Gain or Loss on Realization 112,000
Accounts Receivable 42,000
Merchandise Inventory 30,000
Equipment 95,000
Sale on non-cash assets.
b) Badoy, capital 44,800
Licayan, Capital 22,400
Bargayo, Capital 44,800
Gain or Loss on Realization 112,000
To distribute loss on realization.
c) Accounts Payable 5,000
Cash 5,000
Payment of liability.
d) Badoy, Loan 4,800
Badoy, Capital 4,800
Right of Off-set.
e) Licayan, Loan 6,400
Licayan, Capital 6,400
Right of Off-set.
f) Badoy, Loan 5,200
Licayan, Loan 2,600
Bargayo, Capital 7,800

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 46

Requirement 2b: (Bargayo is solvent and pays deficiency, same entry from a to f)
g) Cash 7,800
Bargayo, Capital 7,800
Cash payment of deficiency.
h) Badoy, Loan 10,000
Licayan, Loan 15,000
Cash 25,000
To distribute cash to partners.

To distribute cash to partners

Badoy, Licayan, Bargayo,
Loan Loan Capital
Balance after right of Offset 15,200 17,600 (7,800)
Cash payment to Bargayo - - 7,800
Cash payment to partners (15,200) (17,600) -0-

5-9 LJ Enterprises
Assumption 1:
LJ Enterprises
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
65% 35%
Caminade, Caminade, Tormis,
Cash Non-Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital
Balance before Liquidation - 200,000 91,000 19,000 59,000 31,000
Sale of Non-cash assets and distribution of Loss 110,000 (200,000) - - (58,500) (31,500)
Balance 110,000 91,000 19,000 500 (500)
Payment of Liabilities (91,000) (91,000) - - -
Balance 19,000 19,000 500 (500)
Absorption of Tormis deficiency - - (500) 500
Balance 19,000 19,000
Payment to Laguna, loan (19,000) (19,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 110,000
Caminade, Capital 58,500
Tormis, Capital 31,500
Non-Cash Assets 200,000
b) Liabilities 91,000
Cash 91,000
c) Caminade, Capital 500
Tormis, Capital 500
d) Caminade, Loan 19,000
Cash 19,000

Assumption 2:
LJ Enterprises
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
80% 20%
Caminade, Caminade, Tormis,
Cash Non-Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital
Balance before Liquidation - 200,000 91,000 19,000 59,000 31,000
Sale of Non-cash assets and distribution of Loss 110,000 (200,000) - - (72,000) (18,000)
Balance 110,000 91,000 19,000 (13,000) 13,000
Payment of Liabilities (91,000) (91,000) - - -
Balance 19,000 19,000 (13,000) 13,000
Right of Off-set - Caminade - (13,000) 13,000 -
Balances 19,000 6,000 13,000
Payment to Loan – Caminade (6,000) (6,000) -
Payment to Capital - Tormis (13,000) (13,000)

Journal Entries
a) Cash 110,000
Caminade, Capital 72,000
Tormis, Capital 18,000
Non-Cash Assets 200,000
b) Liabilities 91,000
Cash 91,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 47

c) Caminade, Loan 13,000
Caminade, Capital 13,000
d) Caminade, Loan 6,000
Tormis, Capital 13,000
Cash 19,000

Payment of Loan to Caminade and capital to Tormis.

5 - 10 Digos Trading
Requirement 1:
Digos Trading
Statement of Partnership Liquidation
June 30, 20A
30% 30% 40%
Non- Apolinar, Apolinar, Guiamad, Paclijan,
Cash Cash Liabilities Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balances before liquidation 13,000 70,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 23,000
1st Installment:
a) Realization and Loss 10,000 (30,000) - - (6,000) (6,000) (8,000)
Balances 23,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 (1,000) 19,000 15,000
b) Payment of Liabilities (20,000) - (20,000) - - - -
Balances 3,000 40,000 10,000 (1,000) 19,000 15,000
c) Right of Off-set - - (1,000) 1,000 - -
Balances 3,000 40,000 9,000 19,000 15,000
d) Cash Payment (Sch.1) (3,000) - - (3,000) -
Balances 40,000 9,000 16,000 15,000
2nd Installment:
e) Realization and Loss 4,000 (6,000) (600) (6,00) (800)
Balances 4,000 34,000 (600) 15,400 14,200
f) Right of Off-set - - (600) 600 - -
Balances 4,000 34,000 8,400 15,400 14,200
g) Cash Payment (Sch.2) (4,000) - - (4,000) -
Balances 34,000 8,400 11,400 14,200
3rd Installment:
h) Realization and Loss 30,000 (34,000) - (1,200) (1,200) (1,600)
Balances 30,000 8,400 (1,200) 10,200 12,600
i) Right of Off-set - (1,200) 1,200 - -
Balances 30,000 7,200 10,200 12,600
j) Payment to Loan (7,200) (7,200) - -
Balances 22,800 10,200 12,600
k) Payment to Capital (22,800) (10,200) (12,600)

Requirement 2: (1)
Schedule of Cash Payment
30% 30% 40%
Total Apolinar Guiamad Paclijan
Balance after 1 Installment
Capital and Loan 43,000 9,000 19,000 15,000
Less: Theoretical Loss (40,000) (12,000) (12,000) (16,500)
Cash for Distribution 3,000 (3,000) 7,000 (1,000)
Deficiency of Apolinar and Paclijan
absorbed by Guiamad 3,000 (4,000) 1,000
Cash payment to Guiamad 3,000

Schedule of Cash Payment
30% 30% 40%
Total Apolinar Guiamad Paclijan
Balance after 2 Installment
Capital and Loan 38,000 8,400 15,400 14,200
Less: Theoretical Loss (34,000) (10,200) (10,200) (13,600)
Cash for Distribution 4,000 (1,800) 5,200 600
Deficiency of Apolinar absorbed by
Guiamad and Paclijan (3/7 – 4/7) 1,800 (771.43) (1,028.57)
Balance 4,428.57 428.57
Deficiency of Paclijan absorbed by Guiamad 4,000.00 428.57

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 48

Requirement 3:
Journal Entries
a) Cash 10,000
Apolinar, Capital 6,000
Guiamad, Capital 6,000
Paclijan, Capital 8,000
Non-Cash Assets 30,000
b) Accounts Payable 20,000
Cash 20,000
c) Apolinar, Loan 3,000
Apolinar, Capital 3,000
d) Guiamad, Loan 3,000
Cash 3,000
e) Cash 4,000
Apolinar, Capital 600
Guiamad, Capital 600
Paclijan, Capital 800
Non-Cash Assets 6,000
f) Apolinar, Loan 1,200
Apolinar, Capital 1,200
g) Guiamad, Capital 4,000
Cash 4,000
h) Cash 30,000
Apolinar, Capital 1,200
Guiamad, Capital 1,200
Paclijan, Capital 1,600
Non-Cash Assets 34,000
i) Apolinar, Loan 1,200
Apolinar, Capital 1,200
j) Apolinar, Loan 7,200
Cash 7,200
k) Guiamad, Capital 10,200
Paclijan, Capital 12,600
Cash 22,800

Requirement 4:
Digos Trading
Cash Priority Program
Loss Absorption Balance Cash Payment
Apolinar Guiamad Paclijan Total Apolinar Guiamad Paclijan
Capital and Loan Balances
before realization 15,000 25,000 23,000
Profit and Loss ratio 30% 30% 40%
Loss absorption ability 50,000 83,333 57,500
Excess of Guiamad over Paclijan (25,833) 7,750 - 7,750 -
Balances 50,000 57,500 57,500
Excess of Guiamad and
Paclijan over Apolinar (7,500) (7,500) 5,250 - 2,250 3,000
Balances 50,000 50,000 50,000 13,000 - 10,000 3,000

Cash available in excess of 13,000(P/L Ratio) 30% 30% 40%

5 - 11 Paramount Company
Case 1: Paramount Company

40% 40% 20%

Non- Accounts Clarin, Namoc, Clarin, Namoc, Martinez,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before Liquidation 8,000 136,000 44,800 2,000 3,200 24,000 32,000 38,000
Realization and Loss 74,000 (136,000) - - - (24,800) (24,800) (12,400)
Balances 82,000 44,800 2,000 3,200 (800) 7,200 25,600
Payment of Liability (44,800) (44,800) - - - - -
Balances 37,200 2,000 3,200 (800) 7,200 25,600
Right of Off-set - Clarin - (800) - 800 - -
Balances 37,200 1,200 3,200 7,200 25,600
Payment to Loan-Clarin & Namoc (4,400) (1,200) (3,200) - -
Balances 32,800 7,200 25,600
Payment to Capital-Namoc &
Martinez (32,800) (7,200) (25,600)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 49

Case 2: 40% 40% 20%
Non- Accounts Clarin, Namoc, Clarin, Namoc, Martinez,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before Liquidation 8,000 136,000 44,800 2,000 3,200 24,000 32,000 38,000
Realization and Loss 68,000 (136,000) - - - (27,200) (27,200) (13,600)
Balances 76,000 44,800 2,000 3,200 (3,200) 4,800 24,400
Payment of Liability (44,800) (44,800) - - - - -
Balances 31,200 2,000 3,200 (3,200) 4,800 24,400
Right of Off-set - (2,000) - 2,000 - -
Balances 31,200 3,200 (1,200) 4,800 24,400
Cash contribution by Clarin to pay off
deficiency 1,200 - 1,200 - -
Balances 32,400 3,200 4,800 24,400
Payment to Loan - Namoc (3,200) (3,200)
Payment to Capital-Namoc &
Martinez (29,200) (4,800) (24,400)

Case 3: 40% 40% 20%

Non- Accounts Clarin, Namoc, Clarin, Namoc, Martinez,
Cash Cash Payable Loan Loan Capital Capital Capital
Balance before Liquidation 8,000 136,000 44,800 2,000 3,200 24,000 32,000 38,000
Realization and Loss 68,000 (136,000) - - - (27,200) (27,200) (13,600)
Balances 76,000 44,800 2,000 3,200 (3,200) 4,800 24,400
Payment of Liability (44,800) (44,800) - - - - -
Balances 31,200 2,000 3,200 (3,200) 4,800 24,400
Right of Off-set - (2,000) - 2,000 - -
Balances 31,200 3,200 (1,200) 4,800 24,400
Deficiency of Clarin absorbed by
Namoc & Martinez on a 4/6 and
2/6 basis - - 1,200 (800) (400)
Balances 31,200 3,200 4,000 24,000
Payment to Loan - Namoc (3,200) (3,200)
Payment to Capital-Namoc &
Martinez (28,000) (4,000) (24,000)

5 - 12 Star Hardware
Requirement 1:
Star Hardware
Cash Priority Program
Loss Absorption Balance Cash Payment
Corpuz Cuidadano Luntao Total Corpuz Cuidadano Luntao
Capital and Loan Balances
before realization 65,000 80,000 70,000
Profit and Loss ratio 30% 40% 30%
Loss absorption ability 216,667 200,000 233,333
Extinguishment: Excess of
Luntao over Corpuz - - (16,666) 5,000 - - 5,000
Balances 216,667 200,000 216,667
Excess of Luntao and Corpuz
over Cuidadano (16,667) - (16,667) 10,000 5,000 - 5,000
Balances 200,000 200,000 200,000 15,000 5,000 - 10,000

Cash available in excess of 15,000 (P/L Ratio) 30% 40% 30%

Requirement 2:
Computations: 30% 40% 30%
Corpuz Cuidadano Luntao
Cash available for distribution – P8,000:
1 cash available of P5,000 is given to Lunato 5,000
Remainder of P3,000 (P/L Ratio) 3/6 or ½ to Corpuz 1,500
3/6 or ½ to Luntao 1,500
1,500 -0- 6,500

Computations: 30% 40% 30%

Total Corpuz Cuidadano Luntao
A per program 15,000 5,000 - 10,000
Excess (P/L ratio) 5,000 1,500 2,000 1,500
Cash available for distribution 20,000 6,500 2,000 11,500

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 50

*** Multiple Choice Problems ***

5–I Ibañez, Langbid and Pedroño

Q–1 Ibañez Langbid Pedronio
Agreed share 40% 35% 25%
Capital balance before realization 80,000 70,000 50,000
Share of realization gain of P50,000 20,000 17,500 12,500
Balance after effecting the gain 100,000 87,500 62,500 (A)

Q–2 Ibañez Langbid Pedronio

Agreed share 40% 35% 25%
x Loss on realization 30,000 30,000 30,000
Share of the realization loss 12,000 10,500 7,500 (A)

5 – II S&R trading
Q–3 Partners’ Equity
Gabuya P 105,000
Cadeleña 120,000
Total P 225,000
Less: Write-off 4,000
New Partners’ Equity P221,000 (B)

Q–4 Cash P 60,000

Add: 90% collection 36,000
Total P 96,000
Less: Payment of Liabilities 80,000
Cash Balance P 16,000 (A)

5 – III Manila and Torralba

Q–5 Total Partners’ Equity P105,000
Add: Liabilities 145,000
Total Assets P250,000 (B)

Q–6 Book Value of Non-Cash Assets P 250,000

Proceeds from Sale 180,000
Loss on Realization P 70,000
P/L Ratio x 70%
Share of Torralba on the Realization Loss P 49,000 (C)

Q–7 Rosada, Capital P 50,000

Share of the Realization Loss
of P70,000 (P70,000 x 30%) 21,000
Share of cash distribution P 29,000 (A)

5 – IV Ambrosio, Rada and Pateño

Q –8 Non-Cash Assets P 490,000
Less: Realization Loss ( 340,000)
Realization of non-cash assets P150,000 (A)

Q–9 All accounts with credit balances:

Liabilities P 105,000
Ambrosio, Capital 180,000
Rada, Capital 150,000
Pateño, Capital 120,000
Less: Non-Cash Assets 490,000
Cash balance before realization P 65,000 (B)

Q – 10 Ans. C - P3,000 capital contribution is equal to her capital deficiency.

Q – 11 Ans. A - Ambrosio, P2,000 and Rada P1,000.

5 – V Southexpressway Hardware
Q – 12 Total partnership interest P 60,000
Less: Allow. for Doubtful Accounts 5,000 P 55,000
Merchandise 80,000
Store Furniture and Equipment 90,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 60,000 30,000
Book Value of non-cash assets P165,000 (C)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 51

Q – 13 Ans. A
Cash P 186,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 5,000
Accumulated Depreciation 60,000
Accounts Receivable P 60,000
Merchandise 80,000
Store Furniture and Equipment 90,000
Gain or Loss on Realization 21,000

Q – 14 Realization Book Gain

Value Value (loss)
Accounts Receivable P 56,000 P 55,000 P 1,000
Merchandise 85,000 80,000 5,000
Store Furniture and Equipment 45,000 30,000 15,000
P 186,000 P 165,000 P21,000 (B)

Q – 15 Ans. A - P7,000 for Tao and P14,000 for Alegado

Q – 16 Ans. B
Gain or Loss on Realization P 21,000
Arib, Capital P 7,000
Zaragoza, Capital 14,000

Q – 17 Ans. B
Accounts Payable P 15,000
Cash P 15,000

5 – VI Miranda and Leon

Q – 18 Proceeds from sale of non-cash assets P 140,000
Non-cash assets ( 200,000)
Loss on Realization (P 60,000) (C)

Q – 19 Loss on Realization P 60,000

x P/L ratio of Leon x 40%
Share of Leon on the realization loss P 24,000 (B)

Q – 20 Miranda, Capital P 36,000

Leon, Capital 24,000
Gain on Realization P 60,000 (B)

Q – 21 Miranda, Capital P 30,000

Share of Miranda on realization loss ( 36,000)
Capital debit of Miranda (P 6,000) (B)

Q – 22 Ans. C - The amount of Miranda, loan that is off-set against capital deficiency is P6,000.

5 – VII Sabado, Gregori and Gadia

40% 20% 40%
Total Sabado Gregori Dequito
Capital balances 65,000 (4,000) 63,000 6,000
Loan balances 5,000 5,000
Combined Capital & loan balances 70,000 1,000 63,000 6,000
Less: Theoretical Loss Q – 23 (A) (20,000)
Q – 24 (A) (8,000) (4,000) (8,000)
Total 50,000 (7,000) 59,000 (2,000)
Deficiency of Sabado and Deriquito
Absorbed by Gregori 7,000 (9,000) 2,000
Q – 25 (B) 50,000

5 – VIII Espocia and Malquisto

Q – 26 Cash Non-cash Liabilities Espocia Malquito
Balances before realization - 510,000 120,000 240,000 150,000
Realization and Loss 450,000 (510,000) - (240,000) 136,000
Balances 450,000 120,000 216,000 114,000
Payment of Liabilities (120,000) (120,000) - -
Balance 330,000 216,000 114,000
Payment of Capital (330,000) (216,000) (114,000) (A)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 52

5 – IX Java and Constantino
Q – 27 Total Assets P 55,000
Less: Cash 10,000
Non-cash assets (P 45,000) (C)
Q – 28 Realization Loss (P 15,000)
Add: Non-Cash 45,000
Cash Proceeds from Sale (P 30,000) (A)

5–X Patosa, Juinio and dela Cruz

Q – 29 Other 50% 30% 20%
Cash Assets Liabilities Patosa Juinio dela Cruz
Balances before realization 60,000 540,000 140,000 280,000 160,000 20,000
Realization and Loss 400,000 (540,000) - (70,000) (42,000) (28,000)
Balances 460,000 140,000 210,000 118,000 (8,000)
Payment of Liabilities (140,000) (140,000) - - -
Balances 320,000 210,000 118,000 (8,000)
Absorption Loss of dela Cruz (5,000) (3,000) 8,000
205,000 115,000 (D)

5 – XI Villacampa, Kudemus and Puno

Q – 30 Other 50% 25% 25%
Cash Assets Liabilities Villacampa Kudemus Puno
Balances before realization 28,000 265,000 48,000 95,000 80,000 70,000
1st Installment - - - - - -
Realization and Loss 70,000 (150,000) - (40,000) (20,000) (20,000)
Balances 98,000 115,000 48,000 55,000 60,000 50,000
Payment of Liabilities (48,000) - (48,000) - - -
Balances 50,000 115,000 55,000 60,000 50,000

SCHEDULE 1: 50% 25% 25%

Total Villacampa Kudemus Puno
Balances before realization 165,000 55,000 60,000 50,000
Less: Theoretical Loss (115,000) (57,500) (28,750) (28,750)
Cash Distribution 50,000 (2,500) 31,250 21,250
Deficiency of Villacampa absorbed
by Trinidad and Puno 2,500 (1,250) (1,250)
Cash Payment to Trinidad and Puno 30,000 20,000

Chapter 6
(Definition, Nature and Formation)

Test I – True or False

1. true 8. false 15. true 22. False 29. true
2. true 9. true 16. false 23. true
3. true 10. false 17. true 24. true
4. false 11. true 18. true 25. false
5. false 12. false 19. true 26. true
6. true 13. true 20. true 27. true
7. true 14. true 21. true 28. true

Test I – Multiple Choice

1. D 4. A 7. A 10. A
2. C 5. D 8. C 11. B
3. B 6. A 9. B 12. A

Chapter 7
Accounting for Share Capital Transactions

Test I – True or False

1. false 7. true 13. true 19. true 25. true
2. false 8. true 14. false 20. true 26. false
3. false 9. true 15. false 21. true
4. true 10. true 16. true 22. false
5. false 11. true 17. true 23. false
6. true 12. true 18. true 24. true

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 53

Test I – Multiple Choice

1. A 4. A 7. A 10. A
2. A 5. A 8. A 11. C
3. D 6. C 9. D


7–1 Sarangani Marketing Corporation

Journal Entry Memorandum Entry

July 2
Ordinary Share Capital
Unissued Ordinary Share P1,000,000 Authorized to issue 10,000
Authorized Ordinary Share P1,000,000 shares at P100 par value

Subscription Receivable P 250,000 Subscription Receivable P250,000

Subscribed Ordinary Share P 250,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P250,000

Cash P 62,500 Cash P 62,500

Subscription Receivable P 62,500 Subscription Receivable P 62,500

July 15
Organization Cost P 15,000 Organization Cost P 15,000
Cash P 15,000 Cash P 15,000

July 16
Subscription Receivable P 10,500 Subscription Receivable P 10,500
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000
Share Premium 500 Share Premium 500

Cash P 4,500 Cash P 4,500

Subscription Receivable P 4,500 Subscription Receivable P 4,500

July 18
Subscription Receivable P 11,000 Subscription Receivable P 11,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000
Share Premium 1,000 Share Premium 1,000

July 20
Cash P 15,000 Cash P 15,000
Unissued Ordinary Share P 15,000 Ordinary Share P 15,000

July 25
Cash P 15,000 Cash P 15,000
Subscription Receivable P 15,000 Subscription Receivable P 15,000

Subscribed Ordinary Share P 20,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 20,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P 20,000 Ordinary Share P 20,000

July 27
Land P 40,000 Land P 40,000
Unissued Ordinary Share P 30,000 Ordinary Share P 30,000
Share Premium 10,000 Share Premium 10,000
(fair market value of land is given)
July 29
Organization Expense P 35,000 Share Premium (Organization Cost) P 35,000
Unissued Ordinary Share P 30,000 Ordinary Share P 30,000
Share Premium 5,000 Share Premium 5,000
(par value is used)

July 30
Cash P 35,000 Cash P 35,000
P 35,000
Subscription Receivable Subscription Receivable P 35,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 54

July 31
Cash P 6,0000 Cash P 6,000
Subscription Receivable P 6,000 Subscription Receivable P 6,000

Subscribed Ordinary Share 10,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P10,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P 10,000 Ordinary Share P 10,000

7–2 Dadiangas canning Corporation

Requirement 1:
Memorandum Entry Journal Entry
Sept. 1
Ordinary Share .

Authorized to issue 30,000 Ordinary shares Unissued Ordinary Share P3,000,000

at P100 par value share Authorized Ordinary Share P3,000,000

Subscription Receivable P 750,000 Subscription Receivable P 750,000

Subscribed Ordinary Share P 750,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 750,000

Sept. 2
Cash P 187,500 Cash P 187,500
Subscription Receivable P 187,500 Subscription Receivable P 187,500

Sept. 5
Organization Expense P 20,000 Organization Expense P 20,000
P 20,000 P 20,000
Cash Cash

Sept. 10
Subscription Receivable P 22,000 Subscription Receivable P 22,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 20,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 20,000
Share Premium 2,000 Share Premium 2,000

Cash P 4,400 Cash P 4,400

Subscription Receivable P 4,400 Subscription Receivable P 4,400

Sept. 14
Cash P 148,500 Cash P 148,500
Subscription Receivable P 148,500 Subscription Receivable P 148,500

1,980 x 100 per share P198,000

Partial Payment 49,500
Balance Collected P148,500

Subscribed Ordinary Share P 198,000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 198,000

Share Capital P 198,000 Unissued Ordinary Share P 198,000

Sept. 19
Cash in Bank P 50,000 Cash in Bank P 50,000
Ordinary Share P 50,000 Unissued Ordinary Share P 50,000

Sept. 24
Land P 95,000 Land P 95,000
Ordinary Share P 94,000 Unissued Ordinary Share P 94,000
Share Premium 1,000 Share Premium 1,000

Sept. 30
Cash P 17,600 Cash P 17,600
Subscription Receivable P 17,600 Subscription Receivable P 17,600

Subscribed Ordinary Share P 20, 000 Subscribed Ordinary Share P 20, 000
Ordinary Share P 20,000 Unissued Ordinary Share P 20,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 55

Requirement 2-1:

Shareholder’s Equity (Memorandum Entry)

Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
Ordinary Share, P100 par value, 3,620 shares issued 362,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share 552,000
Less: Subscription Receivable 414,000 138,000
Share Premium 3,000
Issued and Subscribed Ordinary Shares 503,000

Shareholder’s Equity (Journal Entry)

Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
Ordinary Shares authorized, 30,000 shares at P100 3,000,000
Less: Unissued ordinary shares 2,638,000
Issued Ordinary Shares 362,000
Subscribed Ordinary Shares 552,000
Less: Subscription Receivable 414,000 138,000
Share Premium 3,000
Issued and Subscribed Ordinary Shares 503,000

Requirement 2-2:
Aug. 5 Unissued Preference Share P 1,500,000
Unissued Ordinary Share 10,000,000
Authorized Preference Share P 1,500,000
Authorized Ordinary Share 10,000,000

Subscription Receivable – Preference (14,000 x 30) P 420,000

Subscription Receivable – Ordinary (27,000 x 100) 2,700,000
Subscribed Preference Share P 420,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share 2,700,000

Cash P 3,120,000
Subscription Receivable – Preference P 420,000
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 2,700,000

Organization Expense P 25,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P 20,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 5,000

Aug. 10 Subscribed Preference Share P 420,000

Subscribed Ordinary Share 2,700,000
Unissued Preference Share P 420,000
Unissued Ordinary Share 2,700,000

Aug. 15 Subscription Receivable – Preference P 7,000

Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 105,000
Subscribed Preference Share P 6,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share 100,000
Share Premium – Preference 1,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 5,000

Cash P 22,400
Subscription Receivable – Preference P 1,400
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 21,000

Aug. 20 Land P 315,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P 300,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 15,000
Aug. 28 Subscription Receivable – Preference P 64,000
Subscribed Preference Share P 60,000
Share Premium – Preference 4,000
Cash P 64,000
Subscription Receivable P 64,000
Subscribed Preference Share P 60,000
Unissued Preference Share P 60,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 56

Aug. 29 Cash (105,000 – 21,000) P 84,000
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary P 84,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 100,000
Unissued Ordinary Share P 100,000

Share Premium-Preference Share Premium-Ordinary

15) 1,000 15) 5,000
28) 4,000 20) 15,000
5,000 20,000

Share Premium:
Share Premium – Preference P 5,000
Total Shareholder’s Equity P 3,705,400

Unissued – Preference Unissued - Ordinary
1,500,000 420,000 10,000,000 20,000
60,000 2,700,000
1,020,000 300,000

Authorized - Preference Authorized - Ordinary

1,500,000 10,000,000

Subscribed Share - Preference Subscribed Share - Ordinary

420,000 420,000 2,700,000 2,700,000
60,000 6,000 100,000
60,000 100,000

Subscription Receivable –Preference Subscription Receivable - Ordinary

420,000 420,000 2,700,000 2,700,000
7,000 6,000 105,000 21,000
64,000 60,000 84,000

Share Premium - Preference Share Premium - Ordinary

4,000 5,000
5,000 15,000

7–3 Cebu Centennial Hotel

Requirement 1 and 2:
Aug. 5 Unissued preference Share P 1,500,000
Unissued Ordinary Share 10,000,000
Authorized preference Share P 1,500,000
Authorized Ordinary Share 10,000,000
Subscription Receivable – Preference (14,000 x P300) P 420,000
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary (27,000 x P100) 2,700,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 420,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Ordinary 2,700,000
Cash P 3,120,000
Subscription Receivable – Preference P 420,000
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 2,700,000
Organization Expense P 25,000
Unissued Ordinary Share P 20,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 5,000
Aug. 10 Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 420,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Ordinary 2,700,000
Unissued Preference Share P 420,000
Unissued Ordinary Share 2,700,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 57

Aug. 15 Subscription Receivable – Preference P 7,000
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 105,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 6,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Ordinary 100,000
Share Premium – Preference 1,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 5,000

Cash P 22,400
Subscription Receivable – Preference P 1,400
Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 21,000

Aug. 20 Land P 315,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P 300,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 15,000

Aug. 28 Subscription Receivable – Preference P 64,000

Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 60,000
Share Premium – Preference 4,000

Cash P 64,000
Subscription Receivable – Preference P 64,000

Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 60,000

Unissued Preference Share P 60,000

Aug. 29 Cash (105,000 – 21,000) P 84,000

Subscription Receivable – Ordinary P 84,000

Subscribed Share Capital – Ordinary P 100,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P 100,000

Requirement 3:

Shareholders’ Equity (Memo Entry)

Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
10% Preference Share, P30 par, 50,000 shares authorized,
16,000 shares were issued P 480,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 6,000
Less: Subscription Receivable – Preference 5,600 400
Issued and Subscribed – Preference P 480,400

Ordinary Share, P100 par, 100,000 shares authorized

30,200 shares were issued P 3,020,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Ordinary 100,000
Issued and Subscribed – Ordinary P 3,120,000
Total Issued and Subscribed – Preference and Ordinary P 3,600,400
Share Premium – Preference P 5,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 20,000 25,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P 3,625,400

Shareholders’ Equity (Journal Entry)

Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
10% Preference Share, 50,000 shares at 30 par value P 1,500,000
Less: Unissued Preference share, 34,000 shares 1,020,000
Issued Share Capital – Preference P 6,000
Less: Subscription Receivable – Preference 5,600 400
Issued and Subscribed – Preference P 480,400

Ordinary Share – Authorized 100,000 shares at P100 par value P10,000,000

Less: Unissued Ordinary Shares, 69,800 shares 6,980,000
Issued Share Capital, 30,200 shares P 3,020,000
Subscribed Share capital – Ordinary 100,000
Issued and Subscribed – Ordinary P 3,120,000
Total Issued and Subscribed – Ordinary P 3,600,400
Share Premium – Preference P 5,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 20,000 25,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P 3,625,400

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 58

7–5 Color Quick Corporation
Error: 500 shares issued instead of 50 shares

Requirement 1: Land P 45,000

Discount on Ordinary Share 5,000
Ordinary Share P 50,000

Requirement 2: Cash P 5,000

Discount on Ordinary Share P 5,000

Shareholders’ Equity (Memorandum Entry)
Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
10% Preference Share at P100 par value, 10,000 shares
authorized and 3,600 shares issued P 360,000
Subscribed Preference Share 500,000
Issued and Subscribed – Preference P 860,000

Ordinary Shares at P100 par value, 30,000 shares

authorized and 8,500 shares issued P 850,000
Subscribed Ordinary Shares 100,000
Issued and Subscribed – Ordinary P 950,000
Total Issued and Subscribed – Preference and Ordinary P 1,810,000
Share Premium:
Share Premium – Preference P 58,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 5,000 63,000
Accumulated Profits (Losses) 85,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P 1,958,000

7–7 Farmingstone, Inc.

Assumption 1 Organization Cost P 60,000

Ordinary Share P 50,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 10,000
250,000 shares x P200 = 50,000
P 60,000 – P 50,000 = 10,000
Assumption 2 Organization Cost P 62,500
Ordinary Share P 50,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 12,500
250 shares x P250 = 62,500
250 shares x P200 = 50,000
250 shares x P50 = 12,500
Assumption 3 Organization Cost P 50,000
Ordinary Share P 50,000

7–8 Monte Alegre Development Corporation

Assumption 1 Land P 550,000

Preference Share (5,000 x P100) P 500,000
Share Premium – Preference (P550,000 – P500,000) 50,000
Assumption 2 Land (5,000 x P110) P 550,000
Preference Share P 500,000
Share Premium – Preference 50,000
Assumption 3 Land P 500,000
Preference Share P 500,000

7–9 Mandarin Corporation

Instruction 1 Land P 50,000

Ordinary Share P 45,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 5,000
Organization Expense P 30,000
Ordinary Share P 28,000
Share premium – Ordinary 2,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 59

Cash P 20,000
Discount on Ordinary Share 4,000
Ordinary Share P 24,000

Instruction 2 Ordinary Share P 97,000 = 970 shares

÷ par value P100

7 – 10
Assumption A
1) Cash P 15,000
Ordinary Share P 10,000
Capital in Excess of Stated Value – Ordinary 5,000
2) Cash P 8,000
Discount on Ordinary Share 2,000
Ordinary Share P 10,000
3) Cash P 10,000
Ordinary Share P 10,000
Assumption B
1) Cash P 15,000
Ordinary Share P 15,000
2) Cash P 8,000
Ordinary Share P 8,000
3) Cash P 10,000
Ordinary Share P 10,000

7 – 11 Diamond Corporation
Requirement 1 - Froilan Ampil
Requirement 2 - 100,000 shares
Requirement 3 - Subscription Receivable P 500,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 500,000
Cash P 200,000
Subscription Receivable P 200,000
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 300,000
Subscription Receivable P 300,000
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 21,000
Cash P 21,000
Cash P 321,000
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 321,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 500,000
Ordinary Share P 500,000
40,000 shares for Ampil
60,000 shares for Lopez

Requirement 4 - Treasury Shares P 321,000

Receivable from Highest Bidder P 321,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 500,000
Ordinary Share (for 100,000 shares) P 500,000

7 – 12 Raja Buayan Marketing Corporation

Requirement 1
Ordinary Share .

Authorized to issue
2,000 shares at par value of P1,000.
March 20A
3 - Subscription Receivable P 500,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 500,000
Cash P 125,000
Subscription Receivable P 125,000
(500 x P1,000)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 60

5 - Cash P 225,000
Subscription Receivable P 225,000

Subscription Payment Balance

Tano 200 x 1,000 = P 200,000 - 50,000 = P150,000
Santos 100 x 1,000 = 100,000 - 25,000 = 75,000
P 300,000 - 75,000 = P 225,000

- Subscribed Ordinary Share P 300,000

Ordinary Share P 300,000
6 - Subscription Receivable P 30,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 30,000
Cash P 6,000
Subscription Receivable P 6,000

15 - Receivable from Highest Bidder P 24,000
Subscription Receivable P 24,000

16 - Receivable from Highest Bidder P 5,000

Cash P 5,000

20 - Cash P 29,000
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 29,000

21 - Subscribed Ordinary Share P 30,000

Ordinary Share P 30,000
Baugbog 25
Yao 5
Requirement 2 - Treasury Shares P 29,000
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 29,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 30,000
Ordinary Share P 30,000

7 – 13 Duhat Corporation

Requirement 1
a) Subscription Receivable P 10,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000
b) Cash P 3,000
Subscription Receivable P 3,000
c) Receivable from Highest Bidder P 7,000
Subscription Receivable P 7,000
d) Receivable from Highest Bidder P 500
Cash P 500
e) Cash P 7,500
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 7,500
f) Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000
Ordinary Share P 10,000
Sabado - 120 shares
Esparaguera - 80 shares (balance)

Requirement 2
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 7,000
Subscription Receivable P 7,000

Receivable from Highest Bidder P 500

Cash P 500
Treasury Shares P 7,500
Receivable from Highest Bidder P 7,500
Subscribed Ordinary Share P 10,000
Ordinary Share P 10,000
(100 shares are issued to the corporation)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 61

7 – 14 Yummy Cakes and Pastries

a) Accumulated Depreciation P 20,000

Accounts Payable 40,000
Receivable from Corporation 150,000
Cash P 40,000 No entry
Merchandise 70,000
Furniture and Equipment 100,000
To transfer the net assets of the
Partnership to the corporation.
b) Unissued Share Capital P250,000
Authorized Share Capital P250,000
No entry To record authorization
5,000 shares at P50 par
Value per share.

c) Subscription Receivable P175,000

No entry Subscribed Share Capital P175,000
To record subscription
at par value of the

Share Subscribed Amount

Casulla 1,000 P 50,000
Landicho 1,200 60,000
Supapo 800 40,000
Beltran 250 12,500
Eno 250 12,500
3,500 P 175,000

d) Cash P 40,000
d) Casulla, Capital P 50,000 Merchandise 70,000
Landicho, Cpital 60,000 Furniture and Equipment 80,000
Supapo, Capital 40,000 Accounts Payable P 40,000
Receivable from Corporation P150,000 Subscription Receivable 150,000
To finally close the partnership To record receipts of
book. assets and assumption
Of liabilities of the

Casulla P 50,000
Landicho 60,000
Supapo 40,000

e) Cash P 25,000
Subscription Receivable P 25,000
To record collection
from subscription of
the ff:
Beltran P 12,500
Eno 12,500
P 25,000

f) Subscribed Ordinary Share P175,000

Unissued Ordinary Share P175,000
To record issuance of
Certificate to the
Shares Amount
Casulla 1,000 P 50,000
Landicho 1,200 60,000
Supapo 800 40,000
Beltran 250 12,500
Eno 250 12,500
P 3,500

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 62

7 – 15 Kalahi Store
Book of Partnership

a) Corpuz, Capital P21,000

Ciudadano, Capital 21,000
Salazar, Capital 21,000
Income and Expense Summary. P63,000

b) Salazar, Capital P48,467

Corpuz, Capital 48,467
Ciudadano, Capital 48,466
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts P30,000
Merchandise 95,400
Accumulated Depreciation 20,000

c) Receivable from Corporation P521,600

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 60,000
Accumulated Depreciation 40,000
Accounts Payable 400,000
Corpuz, Loan 30,000
Cash P170,000
Accounts Receivable 300,000
Merchandise 381,000
Furniture and Fixtures 200,000

d) Share of Stock-Corporation P521,600

Receivable from Corporation P521,600

Book of the Corporation

a) Subscription Receivable P521,600

Subscribed Ordinary Share P521,600
b) Cash P170,000
Accounts Receivable 300,000
Merchandise 381,600
Furniture and Fixtures 160,000
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts P60,000
Accounts Payable 400,000
Corpuz, Loan 30,000
Subscription Receivable 521,600
c) Subscribed Ordinary Share P521,600
Ordinary Share P521,600

*** Multiple Choice ***

7 – I Negros Sugar planters, Inc.

Q-1 8% Preference Share P400,000
Subscribed Preference Share P300,000
Less: Subscription Receivable-Preference 75,000 225,000
Ordinary Share 700,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P100,000
Subscription Receivable-Ordinary 50,000 50,000
Legal Capital P1,375,000 (A)

Q-2 Contributed Capital:

Share Capital
8% Preference Share P400,000
Subscribed Preference Share P300,000
Less: Subscription Receivable-Preference 75,000 225,000
Ordinary Share 700,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P100,000
Less: Subscription Receivable-Ordinary 50,000 50,000
Share Premium
Discount on Preference Share ( 2,000)
Share Premium-Ordinary 40,000 38,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses 1,835,000
Other Components of Equity
Revaluation Increment of Property 15,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P3,263,000 (A)

Q-3 Same as in Q-1, P1,375,000 (A)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 63
7 – II Davao Metro Stars Corporation
Q-4 Answer (A)
Preference, 2,000 shares x P100 = P200,000 Ordinary Share, 5,000 x P150 = P750,000

Q-5 Answer (A)

Preference,2,000 x 25% = 500 shares Ordinary Share, 5,000 x 25% = 1,250 shares

Q-6 Answer (A)

Preference P2,000 x 25% x 25% = P12,500 Ordinary Share, P750,000 x 25% x 25% = P46,875

7 – III Madraza Corporation

Q-7 to Q-8
Debit Credits
Cash Land Discount on Ordinary
Organization Expense Share Capital Share Capital Share Premium
1) P11,040 P 960 P12,000
2) 50,000 38,000 P12,000
3) 25,000 20,000 5,000
Q – 7 (B) P70,000 P17,000 Q – 8 (A)

7 – IV Dumaguete Jewelry Corporation

Q-9 20,000 Shares x P100 par value = P2,000,000 (B)

Q-10 P300,000 (B)

Q-11 P1,200,000 x P100 = 12,000 shares (C)

7 – V Davao Metro Sales Corporation

Q-12 Number of shares authorized to issue 400
x par value per share P 100
Authorized Share Capital P400,000 (C)

Q-13 Authorized Ordinary Share P 400,000

x Subscription Requirement 25%
P 100,000 (A)

Q-14 100,000 x 25% = 25,000 (A)

Q-15 Equivalent to the subscribed Share Capital of P100,000 ÷ par value of P100 = 1,000 shares (A)

Q-16 1,000 shares were issued

- 970 shares outstanding
30 shares in the treasury (A)

7 – VI Dadiangas Farmingtown Corporation

Q-17 10% Preference Share authorized to issue P1,000,000

÷ par value of P 100
No. of preference share authorized to issue 10,000 shares (A)

Q-18 Authorized Ordinary Share 15,000 shares

x par value 100
Authorized Share Capital - Ordinary P1,500,000 (B)

Q-19 Preference – 10,000 shares x 25% = 2,500 shares (A)

Ordinary - 15,000 shares x 2 5% = 3,750 shares

Q-20 Preference – 2,500 shares x P100 par value = P62,500 (A)

Ordinary – 3,750 shares x P100 par value = 93,750

Q-21 Share Subscribed - 100 shares x P105 P10,500

Share Subscribed at par -100 shares x P100 10,000
Credited to share premium P 500 (A)

Q-22 Shares Subscribed – 100 shares x P105 P10,500

Less: Share Premium 500
Credited to share capital P10,000 (B)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 64

7 – VII Valencia Fruit Processing Corporation
Q-23 300 shares were declared delinquent (C)

Q-24 Dagohoy (C)

Q-25 Subscription of Monta (300 x P150) = P45,000

Subscription balance (unpaid) = 27,000
Payment made by Monta on her subscribed shares P18,000 (A)

Q-26 Due from Highest Bidder P27,000

Subscription Receivable P27,000 (A)

Q-27 130 for Monta and 170 for Dagohoy (A)

Q-28 Treasury Shares P27,560

Due from Highest Bidder P27,560 (A)

7 – VIII Davao Grains, Inc.

Q-29 March 10 (25,000 x P20) P500,000
March 25 (1,000 x P40) 40,000
Sept. 17 5,000 x P60) 300,000
Share Premium at Dec. 31, 20A P840,000

7 – IX
Q-30 Land P350,000
Ordinary Shares P300,000
Share Premium 50,000 (B)

Q-31 Since the cost of the service is not known, the fair value of the share is used, P130,000 (1,000 x P130) (B)

7 – XI
Q-32 Authorized Ordinary Share P5,000,000
Less: Unissued Ordinary Share 2,000,000
Issued P3,000,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share P1,000,000
Less: Subscription Receivable 400,000 600,000
Share Premium 500,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses-Unappropriated P 600,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses-Appropriated 300,000 900,000
Total P5,000,000
Less: Treasury Shares ( 100,000 )
Total Shareholders’ Equity P4,900,000 (A)

7 – XII
Preference Share, P100 par P 2,300,000
Ordinary Share P10 par 5,250,000
Subscribed Ordinary Share 50,000
Legal Capital P7,600,000 (B)

Q-34 Answer A
Preference Share, P2,550,000 ÷ P15 par = 170,000 shares
Ordinary Share 3,000 ÷ P50 par = 60,000 shares

Chapter 8
Accumulated Profits (Losses) Dividends
Treasury Shares

Test I – True or False

1. True 6. True 11. False 16. True 21. True 26. False
2. False 7. False 12. False 17. False 22. False 27. True
3. True 8. True 13. True 18. True 23. True 28. True
4. True 9. True 14. False 19. True 24. True 29. False
5. True 10. True 15. True 20. False 25. True 30. True

Test II – Multiple Choice

1. D 3. D 5. B 7. A 9. B 11. B
2. C 4. C 6. B 8. D 10. D 12. D

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 65


Requirement 1:
Accumulated Profits and Losses balance – Jan. 1, 20B 165,000
a) accrued salaries not recorded, understate expenses and
overstates Profit (15,000)
b) understatement of ending inventory, understates profit 4,000
c) overstatement of depreciation, understates profit 2,000
d) expense portion of prepaid insurance not recorded,
understates expense and overstates profit (5,000)
Corrected Acc. Profits and Loss-Jan. 1, 20B 151,000

Requirement 2:
a) Accumulated Profits and Losses P 15,000
Accrued Salaries P 15,000
b) Merchandise Inventory P 4,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses P 4,000
c) Accumulated Depreciation P 2,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses P 2,000
d) Accumulated Profits and Losses P 5,000
Prepaid Insurance P 5,000

8–2 Bacolod Sugarland Corporation

Requirement 1:
Income and Expense Summary P 170,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses P 170,000

Requirement 2:
Accumulated Profits and Losses P 350,000
Acc. Profits and Losses Appropriated for Plant Expenses P 260,000
Acc. Profits and Losses Appropriated for Treasury Shares 90,000

Requirement 3:
Accumulated Profits and Losses P 100,000
Cash Dividends Payable P 100,000

Cash Dividend Payable P 100,000
Cash P 100,000

Requirement 4:
Bacolod Sugarland Corporation
Statement of Accumulated Profits and Losses
For the year ended 31 December 20A

Accumulated Profits and Losses P 950,000

Add: Profit for the year 170,000
Total P1,010,000
Less: Cash Dividends Declared and Paid P 100,000
Current year’s appropriation:
For Plant Expansion P 260,000
For Treasury Shares 90,000 350,000 450,000
Acc. Profits and Losses Unappropriated or Free, Dec. 31 P 670,000
Acc. Profits and Losses Appropriated:
For Plant Expansion P 260,000
For Treasury Shares 290,000 350,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses, Dec. 31, 20A P1,020,000

Requirement 5:
Acc. Profits and Losses Appropriated for Plant Expansion P 260,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses P 260,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 66

8–3 Marco Polo Corporation
a) Issued and Outstanding Shares 5,000
Less: Treasury Shares 200
Issued and Outstanding after treasury shares P 4,800
P1,000 x 20% 200
Amount of Dividends Declared P 960,000

Accumulated Profits and Losses P 960,000

Cash Dividends Payable P 960,000
Cash Dividends Payable P 960,000
Cash P 960,000

b) Issued and Outstanding 5,000 shares

Less: Treasury Shares 200
Issued and Outstanding after treasury shares 4,800 shares
x cash dividend per share P 25.00
Amount of Dividends Declared P 120,000

Accumulated Profits and Losses P 120,000

Cash Dividends Payable P 120,000
Cash Dividends Payable P 120,000
Cash P 120,000

c) Issued and Outstanding 5,000 shares

Less: Treasury Shares 200
Issued and Outstanding after Treasury Shares 4,800
10% x P1,200 P 120
Amount of Dividends Declared P 576,000

Accumulated Profits and Losses P 576,000

Share Dividends Distributable P 576,000
Share Dividends Distributable P 576,000
Share Capital P 576,000

d) Issued and Outstanding 5,000 shares

Less: Treasury Shares 200
Issued and Outstanding after Treasury Shares 4,800
20% x P1,000 P 200
Amount of Dividends Declared P 960,000

Accumulated Profits and Losses P 960,000

Share Dividends Distributable P 960,000
Share Dividends Distributable P 960,000
Share Capital P 960,000

8–4 Casablaca, Inc.

Aug. 1 Acc. Profits and Losses P 18,000
Cash Dividends Payable P 18,000

Sept. 1 Cash Dividend Payable P 18,000

Cash P 18,000
(1,500 x P12)
Dec. 1 Acc. Profits and Losses P 19,500
Share Dividend Distributable P 19,500

Share Dividends Distributable P 19,500

Share Capital P 19,500
(P130 x 10% x 1,500 shares)

8–5 Negros Grains, Incorporated

Requirement 1:
Upon Declaration:
Acc. Profits and Losses Pxx
Cash Dividends Payable-Preference Pxx
Cash Dividends Payable-Ordinary xx

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 67

Upon Payment:
Cash Dividends Payable-Preference Pxx
Cash Dividends Payable-Ordinary xx
Cash Pxx

Requirement 2:
a) Preference Shares are Non-Cumulative and Non-Participating
Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Dividends:
Current year: P100,000 x 7% x 1year 7,000 7,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Balance, all to ordinary 73,000 73,000
Dividends as distributed 80,000 7,000 73,000
÷ Shares issued 2,000 3,000
Dividends per share 3.50 24.33

b) Preference Shares are Cumulative and Non-Participating

Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Dividends:
Arrears: P100,000 x 7% x 2 14,000 14,000
Current: P100,000 x 7% x 1 7,000 7,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Balance, all to ordinary 59,000 59,000
Dividends as distributed 80,000 21.000 59,000
÷ Shares issued 2.000 3,000
Dividends per share 10.50 19.67

c) Preference Shares are Non-Cumulative and Fully-Participating

Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Dividends:
Current year: P100,000 x 7% x 1 7,000 7,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Current year: P300,000 x 7% x1 21,000 21,000
Balance for Participating, P52,000
Preference – P100,000/P400,000 x P52,000 13,000 13,000
Ordinary – P300,000/P400,000 x P52,000 39,000 39,000
Dividends as distributed 80,000 20,000 60,000
÷ Shares issued 2,000 3,000
Dividends per share 10,000 20,000

d) Preference Shares are Cumulative and Fully-Participating

Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Dividends:
Arrears: P100,000 x 7% x 2 14,000 14,000
Current: P100,000 x 7% x 1 7,000 7,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Current year: P300,000 x 7% x1 21,000 21,000
Balance for Participating, P52,000
Preference – P100,000/P400,000 x P38,000 9,500 9,500
Ordinary – P300,000/P400,000 x P38,000 28,500 28,500
Dividends as distributed 80,000 30,500 49,500
÷ Shares issued 2,000 3,000
Dividends per share 15.25 16.50

8–6 Cagayan de Oro Motorama, Incorporated

Requirement A – Preference Share is Non-Cumulative and Non-Participating
Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Share Dividends:
Current: P90,000 x 10% x 1 yr. 9,000 9,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Balance, all to ordinary 61,000 61,000
As distributed 70,000 9,000 61,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 68

Requirement B – Preference Share is Cumulative and Non-Participating
Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Share Dividends:
Arrears: P90,000 x 10% x 1 yr. 9,000 9,000
Current: P90,000 x 10% x 1 9,000 9,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Balance all to Ordinary Share (70,000-P18,00) 52,000 52,000
As distributed 70,000 18,000 52,000

Requirement C – Preference Share is Non-Cumulative and Fully -Participating

Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Share Dividends:
Current: P90,000 x 10% x 1 9,000 9,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Current Year: P100,000 x 10% x 1 10,000 10,000
Balance all to Ordinary Share, P51,000
Preference – P90,000/190,000 x P51,000 24,158 24,158
Ordinary – 100,000/190,000 x P51,000 26,842 26,842
As distributed 70,000 33,158 36,842

Requirement D – Preference Share is Cumulative and Fully-Participating

Total Preference Ordinary
Preference Share Dividends:
Arrears: P90,000 x 10% x 1 yr. 9,000 9,000
Current: P90,000 x 10% x 1yr. 9,000 9,000
Ordinary Dividends:
Current Year: P100,000 x 10% x 1yr. 10,000 10,000
Balance for Participation, P42,000
Preference – P90,000/190,000 x P42,000 19,895 19,895
Ordinary – 100,000/190,000 x P42,000 22,105 22,105
As distributed 70,000 37,895 32,105

8–7 Musuan Agro-Industrial Corporation

Requirement 1:
No. of Shares issued and outstanding 8,000 shares
x Par Value per share P 100
Par Value of issued and outstanding shares P 800,000
x Rate of Dividends declared 10%
Dividends Declared P 80,000
÷ Par Value P 100
Equivalent Share to be issued 800 shares

Requirement 2:
Dividends P 80,000
÷ No. of shares issued and outstanding 8,000
Dividends per share P 10

Requirement 3:
Upon Declaration:
Acc. Profits and Losses P 80,000
Share Dividends Distributable P 80,000

Upon Distribution:
Share Dividends Distributable P 80,000
Ordinary Share P 80,000

8–8 Valencia Frutti Corporation

Requirement 1:
Treasury Share P 5,500
Cash P 5,500
Requirement 2:
a) Cash P 5,500
Treasury Share P 5,500
b) Cash P 6,000
Treasury Share P 5,500
Share Premium-Treasury Share 500
Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 69
c) Cash P 5,000
Share Premium-Treasury Share 500
Treasury Shares P 5,500

8–9 Macopa Corporation

Requirement 1:
Treasury Share (1,500 x P24) P 36,000
Cash P 36,000

Cash (900 x P30) P 27,000

Treasury Shares (900 x P24) P 21,600
Share Premium-Treasury Shares 5,400


8–I Cabana Corporation

Q–1 Income and Expense Summary, credit P 1,800,000
Income and Expense Summary, debit 1,050,000
Profit P 750,000 (B)

Q–2 Income and Expense Summary P 750,000

Acc. Profits and Losses P 750,000 (B)

Q–3 Acc. Profits and Losses Balance, Jan. 1, 20A P 100,000

Add: Profit of 20A 750,000
Acc. Profits and Losses Balance, Dec. 31, 20A P 850,000 (C)

8 – II Misamis Oriental Ferries, Incorporated

Q–4 5,000 shares x P100 P 500,000 (Share Capital)
Dividends to be declared 10%
Amount of dividends declared P 50,000 (C)

Q–5 Acc. Profits and Losses P 50,000

Cash Dividends Payable P 50,000 (C)

Q–6 Prepare a list of shareholders on record (A)

Q–7 Cash Dividends Payable P 50,000

Cash P 50,000 (B)

Q–8 Current Liability (B)

Q–9 Cash Dividend P 50,000

÷ Share Outstanding 5,000
Cash Dividend per share P 10.00 (B)

Q – 10 1,000 shares x P10,000 dividend per share = P 10,000 (A)

8 – III Metro Cebu Central, Incorporated

Q – 11 Authorized Share 3,000 shares
- Issued Share 1,000
Unissued Share 2,000 (C)

Q – 12 Issued Share 1,000 shares

Less: Treasury Share 200
Outstanding Share 800 (A)

Q – 13 The free or Unappropriated portion of Accumulated Profits and Losses – P60,000 (B)

Q – 14 1,000 issued shares less 200 treasury = 800 shares outstanding x 10% = 80 shares (A)

Q – 15 Shares to be issued as share dividends 80

x Par Value (par value is to be used
because the market value is not given) P 100
Amount of Acc. Profits and Losses to be capitalized P8,000 (A)

Q – 16 Total Shareholders’ Equity before share dividends P 160,000

Less: Decrease in Acc. Profits and Losses
upon declaration of Share Dividends 8,000
Total P 152,000
Add: Increase in capital upon distribution of
share dividends 8,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity after share dividends P 160,000 (B)
(No effect on Shareholders’ Equity)

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 70

Q – 17 Proceeds from the sale of Treasury Share (200 x P105) P 21,000
Cost of Treasury Share acquired 20,000
Gains to be credited P 1,000

8 – IV Dapitan Motors Corporation

Q – 18 Revenue P 4,500,000
Expense 3,800,000
Profit P 700,000
Acc. Profits & Losses 650,000
Profit 700,000
Total P 1,350,000
Dividends Declared and Paid ( 500,000)
Acc. Profits and Losses P 850,000 (A)

8–V Visayan Corporation

Q – 19 Under Cost Method of Accounting for treasury share, the re issuances would result in a credit to:

Cash P190,000
Treasury Share P120,000
Share Premium-Treasury Share 70,000 (D)

8 – VI Gazebo Corporation
Q – 20 Market Value (8,000 x 6% x P500) = 240,000 (C)

8 – VII Dreamboy Corporation

Q – 21 4,000 shares/20,000 = 20% share dividends
Acc. Profits and Losses before share dividends P1,500,000
Less: Share Dividends (4,000 x 100) 400,000
Acc. Profits and Losses after share dividends P1,100,000 (A)

To record the declaration of share dividend:

Accumulated Profits and Losses P400,000
Share Dividends Distributable P400,000

To record the issuance of share dividend:

Share Dividends Distributable P400,000
Ordinary Share P400,000

8 – VIII Dreamboy Corporation

Q – 22 30,000 x 15% = 4,500 x P120,000 = 540,000 (B)

(When a corporation declaring stock dividend is with listed share, we used the market value when
the declaration is less than 20%, and if the declaration is more than 20%, we used the par value.)

Q – 23 30,000 x 25% = P7,500 x P100 = P750,000 (A)

Chapter 9
Corporate Financial Statements

9–1 Beleleng Corporation

Requirement 1:
Beleleng Corporation
Shareholders’ Equity
December 31, 20A
Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
Preference Share, 3,000 shares issued at par, P50 P 150,000
Ordinary Share, 7,000 shares at par, P100 700,000
Share Premium
Share premium – Preference 2,000
Share premium – Ordinary 5,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses 400,000
Other Components of Equity
Revaluation Increment on Property 10,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P 1,267,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 71

Requirement 2:

Beleleng Corporation
Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
For the year ended 31 December 20A

Share Capital Share Premium Accu. Revaluation

Preference Ordinary Preference Ordinary P&L Increment Total
Jan. 1 Balance P 150,000 P 700,000 2,000 5,000 150,000 10,000 P1,017,000
Add: Profit
for the year 250,000 250,000
Dec. 31 - Balance P 150,000 P 700,000 2,000 5,000 400,000 10,000 10,000

9–2 New Era Corporation

New Era Corporation
Shareholders’ Equity
December 31, 20A
Contributed Capital:
Share Capital
10% Preference Share, P50 par value, 6,000 shares issued P 300,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Preference P 100,000
Less: Subscription Receivable – Preference 60,000 40,000
Ordinary Shares, P75 par value, 4,000 shares issued 300,000
Subscribed Share Capital – Ordinary P 37,500
Less: Subscription Receivable – Ordinary 10,000 27, 500
Share Premium:
Share Premium – Preference 4,000
Share Premium – Ordinary 8,000 12,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses 520,000
Revaluation Increment on Property 30,000
Total Contributed Capital and Retained Earnings P 1,229,500
Less: Treasury Shares at Cost 8,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P 1,221,500

9–5 Iligan Water Spring Resort Corporation

Requirement 1
Ordinary Shares at par value, P100, 4,000 shares are P 400,000
Share Premium 10,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses 180,000
Less: Treasury Shares at cost (10,000)
Total Shareholders’ Equity P 580,000
÷ Shares Outstanding 3,900 shares
Book Value per Share P 148.72

Requirement 2
Profit P100,000
÷ Shares Outstanding 3,900 shares
Earnings per Share P 25.64

9–6 Surigao Bus Line Corporation

Requirement 1:
Ordinary Shares, par value of P100, issued share 6,000: P600,000
Subscribed Share Capital P100,000
Less: Subscription Receivable 50,000 50,000
Share Premium 4,000
Accumulated Profits and Losses 250,000
Total Shareholders’ Equity P904,000
÷ Shares Outstanding 6,000
Book Value per Share P 150.67

Requirement 2:
Profit (P250,000 – P150,000) = P100,000
÷ Shares Outstanding 6,000
= P16.67

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 72

9–7 Metropolitan Corporation
Requirement 1:
Preference Shares Equity:
Liquidation Value, P200 x 2,400 shares P480,000
Dividends in Arrears, 6% x P360,000 x 3 64,800
Current year dividends, 6% x P360,000 x 1 21,600
Preference Shareholders’ Equity P566,400

Requirement 2:
Ordinary Shares Equity:
Total Shareholders’ Equity P883,000
Less: Preference Shares Equity 566,400
Ordinary Shareholders’ Equity P316,600

Requirement 3:
Book Value per Preference Share
Preference Share: P566,400 ÷ 2,400 = P236.00
Ordinary Share: P316,600 ÷ 2,350 = 134.72

9 –8 Metro Cebu Corporation

Requirement 1:
Preference Shares:
Liquidation Value, P180 x 5,000 shares P900,000
Current year dividend, 10% x P500,000 50,000
Preference Shareholders’ Equity P950,000
÷ Shares Outstanding ÷ 5,000
= Book Value per Preference Share P190.00

Ordinary Shares:
Total Shareholders’ Equity P1,330,000
Less: Preference Shareholders’ Equity 950,000
Ordinary Shareholders’ Equity P 380,000
÷ Shares Outstanding ÷ 5,000
= Book Value per Ordinary Share P76.00

Requirement 2:

Preference Shares:
Liquidation Value, P100 x 5,000 shares P 500,000
Current year dividend, 10% x P500,000 50,000
Preference Shareholders’ Equity P 550,000
÷ Shares Outstanding 5,000
= Book Value per Preference Share P 110.00

Ordinary Shares Equity:

Total Shareholders’ Equity P1,300,000
Less: Preference Shares Equity 550,000
Ordinary Shareholders’ Equity P 780,000
÷ Shares Outstanding 3,000
= Book Value per Preference Share P 260.00

Chapter 10
Presentation and Analysis of Financial Statements

10 – 1 RFM Corporation
Requirement 1a:
Current Assets 507,000
Less: Current Liabilities 130,000
Working Capital 377,000

Requirement 1b:
Current Assets 507,000
Current Liabilities 130,000

Current or Banker’s Ratio = 3.9:1

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 73

Requirement 1c:
Quick Assets 265,000
Current Liabilities 130,000

Acid-Test Ratio = 2.04:1

(Mdse. Inventory is excluded because it takes time to sell and collect account sales. Prepaid expense is also
excluded because when it expires it becomes expense.)

Requirement 2:
For every one peso of obligation, it has P3.90 of current asset to pay. The same interpretation as in acid-test ratio.

10 – 2 R. Kudemus Co. and Baligala Co.

Requirement 1:
Kudamus Co. Baligala Co.
Working Capital
Current Assets 320,000 234,000
Less: Current Liabilities 50,000 40,000
Working Capital 270,000 194,000

Requirement 2:
Banker’s Ratio
Current Assets 320,000 234,000
= =
÷ Current Liabilities 50,000 40,000
Banker’s Ratio = 6.4:1 = 5.8:1

Requirement 3:
Acid Test Ratio
Quick Assets 185,000 160,000
= =
÷ Current Liabilities 50,000 40,000
Acid Test Ratio = 3.7:1 = 4:1

(Merchandise Inventory is excluded because it takes time to sell and collect the receivable. Prepaid expense is
also excluded because when it expires it becomes expense.)

10 – 3 Reyes Corporation
Reyes Corporation
Common-Size Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended December 31, 20A

Sales 105%
Less: Sales Returns and Allowances 5%
Net Sales 100%
Less: Cost of Sales 75%
Gross Profit 25%
Less: Operation Expense 20%
Profit 5%

10 – 4 Vismin Jewelry Store, Inc.

Vismin Jewelry Store
Comparative Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the months ended 30 November and 31 December

Amount of
Increase % of increase
December November (Decrease) (Decrease)
Sales 100,000 90,000 10,000 11
Sales Return & allowances 1,000 2,000 (1,000) (50)
Sales Discounts 500 - 500 100
1,500 2,000 (500) (25)
Net Sales 98,500 88,000 10,500 12
Cost of Sales 45,000 50,000 (5,000) (10)
Gross Profit 53,500 38,000 15,500 41
Operating Expenses 19,000 20,000 (1,000) (5)
Profit 34,500 18,000 16,500 92

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 74

10 – 5 S. Bolivar Enterprises
Requirement A:
Receivable Turnover = Credit Sales = 200,000 = 4 times
Average Capital 50,000
Requirement B:
Average Collection Period = 365 days = 365 = 91.25 days
Receivable Turnover 4 times
Requirement C:
Inventory Turnover = Cost of Sales = 210,000 = 3 times
Average Inventory 70,000

Requirement D:
Average Age of Inventory = 365 days = 365 = 121.66 days
Inventory Turnover 3

10 – 6 Dreamworld Corporation
Requirement 1:
Dreamworld Company
Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 20B and 20A

Amount of % of
Increase Increase
20B 20A (Decrease) (Decrease)
Cash P 150,000 P 130,000 P 20,000 15.38%
Accounts Receivable 120,000 80,000 40,000 50.00%
Inventories 90,000 70,000 20,000 28.57
Plant and Equipment (Net) 360,000 300,000 60,000 20.00%
P 720,000 P 580,000 P 140,000 24.14%

Accounts Payable P 100,000 P 80,000 P 20,000 25.00%

5% Bonds Payable 200,000 200,000 -0- .00%
Share Capital (P10 par) 260,000 200,000 60,000 30.00%
Accumulated Profit 160,000 100,000 60,000 60.00%
P 720,000 P 580,000 P 140,000 24.00%

Requirement 2:
Dreamworld Company
Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 20B and 20A

Sales 100.00% 100.00%

Cost of Goods Sold 55.56% 58.33%
Gross Profit 44.44% 41.67%
Operating and Non-Operating Expense 27.78% 25.00%
Profit before Income Tax 16.1% 16.67%

Requirement 3A:
Credit Assets 360,000
Current Ratio = = = 3.60
Current Liabilities 100,000

Requirement 3B:
Quick Assets 270,000
Acid Test Ratio = = = 2.70
Current Liabilities 100,000

Requirement 3C:
Credit Sales 360,000
Receivable Turnover = = = 3.60 times
Average Receivable 100,000

Requirement 3D:
No. of days in a year 365 days
Average Collection Period = = = 101.39 days
Receivable Turnover 3.60

Requirement 3E:
Cost of Sales 200,000
Inventory Turnover = = = 2.50 times
Average Inventory 80,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 75

10 – 7 Bluemoon Trading Corporation
Requirement 1:
20A Sales and Cost of Sales
Sales = Accounts Receivable Turnover x Average Receivable
= 8 x P 80,000
= P 640,000

Cost of Sales = Inventory Turnover x Average Inventory

= 6 x P 100,000
= P 600,000

Requirement 2:
Expected Sales and Cost of Sales for 20B
Sales = Average Receivable x Receivable Turnover
= P 130,000 x 12 times
= P 1,560.00

Average Collection Period = 365 days
Receivable Turnover

30 days = 365 days


Receivable Turnover = 365 days = 12 times


Cost of Sales = Average Inventory x Inventory Turnover

= P 100,000 x 9
= P 900,000


No. of days Sales in Inventory = 365 days

Inventory Turnover

= 365 days

Inventory Turnover = 9 times

10 – 8 D&T Shafer Corporation

Requirement 1:
20B 20A
a) Gross Profit Percentage
Gross Profit 610,000 320,000
= 41.78% = 29.09%
Net Sales 1,460,000 1,100,000

b) Rate of Return on Sales

Profit 360,000 20,000
= 24.65% = .01%
Net Sales 1,460,000 1,100,000

c) Rate of Return on Investment

Profit 360,000 20,000
= 30% = .01%
Ave. Investment 1,200,000 1,500,000

d) Inventory Turnover
Cost of Sale 850,000 780,000
= 4.04 tomes = 4 times
Ave. Inventory 210,000 195,000

e) Accounts Receivable Turnover

Credit Sales 1,460,000 1,100,000
= 5.03 times = 5.78 times
Ave. Receivable 290,000 190,000

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 76

10 – 9 Krizzie Corporation
Current Assets
a) Current Ratio =
Current Liabilities

= = 3.6:1

Quick Assets
b) Quick Ratio =
Current Liabilities

= = 1.4:1

c) Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

= 1,080,000 – 300,000 = 780,000

Total Liabilities
d) Debt Ratio =
Total Assets

= = 40%

Accounts Receivable Credit Sales

e) =
Turnover Ave. Receivable

= = 18 times

Cost of Sales
f) Inventory Turnover =
Ave. Inventory

= = 6.2 times

Solution Manual in Partnership and Corporation 2014-2015 77

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