When Non-Engineering Students Work On An International Service-Learning Engineering Project - A Case Study

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When Non-Engineering Students work on an

International Service-Learning Engineering Project –

A Case Study
Kenneth W.K. Lo1, C.K. Lau2, Stephen C.F. Chan3, Grace Ngai4
Office of Service Learning, 4Department of Computing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
{kenneth.wk.lo, chi-kin.lau, stephen.c.chan, grace.ngai} @polyu.edu.hk

Abstract — Service-learning has been proven to be a high- Since the 1990s, universities and engineering organizations
impact educational pedagogy in many disciplines. It addresses have developed engineering-related service-learning projects
human, and community needs through engaging in community that often bring students from first world countries to serve in
activities. With professional engineering expertise, integrating developing regions, particularly first-year design course or
engineering into service-learning not only can make particularly
capstone project [4,5,6]. For example, in 2013, a freshman-
impactful community service, especially in developing countries
where engineering expertise is not always available but also level mechanical engineering course was offered at
provides an effective way for students to apply their theoretical Mississippi State University in which students were required
knowledge to solve real-world problems. Service-learning in to participate into one of the five engineering projects [7].
engineering has been documented in the last 20 years, and it was Also, Gannon University integrated service-learning into the
implemented as extracurricular activities followed by integrating first-year seminar in engineering [8]. Service-learning has also
into core curriculums. However, most of the programs are only been used in a course at George Washington University [9],
offer to the engineering students and less consider implementing Purdue University [10] and University of Massachusetts [11].
as a form of general education with applying multidisciplinary Riding on the success of the positive experiences, substantial
literature exists on the student learning outcomes [4,6],
This research examines how to integrate students from very community impact [12], pedagogy design [9] and integration
different disciplines into the same project. Our case study is a of service-learning into engineering education [4,13]. Also,
credit-bearing service-learning subject offered by the research has shown that one key element to maximizing the
Department of Computing which is open to all undergraduate student learning outcomes and the community impacts, is to
students and the projects were conducted in Rwanda and involve different disciplines in the same project [14,15,16]. In
Cambodia in 2015 and 2016. engineering service-learning, multidisciplinary approach not
only enriches engineering projects with complementary skills
Keywords— Education; Service-Learning; Training.
such as community assessment but also empowers non-
I. INTRODUCTION engineers to work in engineering projects, which is
particularly satisfying for non-engineers who thought such
International service-learning is defined as a structured skills are beyond them. However, existing programs are
academic experience in another country in which students generally carried out by engineering students trained in
apply theoretical knowledge and exploit hands-on field relevant skills.
experience to address human needs in an organized service
activity [1]. These projects require students to leave their In our case study, we implemented the service-learning in
communities and be immersed in a different culture and engineering programs in general education approach which is
environment for a period [2]. Together with structured available to all undergraduate students. Challenges that we
reflection and direct interaction with others, students can not encountered are discussed, followed by the outline of the
only reflect on the experience, gain further understanding of course model and the involved teaching activities. We believe
course content, global situation and intercultural issues but that our experience will be of value to other educators in
also appreciate their discipline [3], and improve their developing a course to maximize students’ potential in
awareness of community-civic responsibility. In engineering international engineering service-learning programs. To
terms, integrating appropriate technology into service-learning compare the learning outcomes of engineering and non-
projects can bring in different engineering solutions in a engineering students, a series of paired-sample t-tests were
global and societal context. Also, it helps the engineering conducted to examine if there were any significant differences.
students to develop a greater sense of professional skills and Finally, we conclude this paper with the benefit of integrating a
ethical responsibility, especially about use and deployment of multidisciplinary approach into an engineering service-learning
technological solutions. project.

978-1-5090-6046-7/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

II. COURSE DESCRIPTION & PROJECT DESIGN which were implemented in Cambodia and Rwanda. In total,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has a long 85 students (36%) were involved. Out of 85 students, 51
tradition of organizing engineering-related service-learning (60%) of them were from year 1, 30 (35%) of them were from
projects in local and offshore communities. Since 2005, our year 2, and the rest 4 (5%) of them were studying in year 3.
students have contributed over 15,000 man-hours of services Among all the students, only 32 students (38%) were from
to underprivileged communities, serving in China, Cambodia, engineering while the rest were from a variety of disciplines
Rwanda, and Myanmar. Since 2012, service-learning has been including health sciences, pure sciences, and the humanities.
implemented as a mandatory general education requirement at Table 1 shows the distribution of their academic discipline.
the university. Since then, there have been increasing numbers This diversity poses extra challenges to the running of this
of non-engineering students taking service-learning subjects project but also makes possible additional learning gains to the
offered by the engineering departments, and working on students.
engineering-type projects alongside students majoring in
engineering. This is especially significant for international
projects working in developing regions. Total
number of Department
Our case study is a 2-semester service-learning subject students
offered by the Department of Computing named "Technology
Faculty of Engineering 29 (34%)
Beyond Borders: Service Learning across Cultural, Ethnic and Engineering-
Community Lines" which is open to all undergraduate related 32 (38%%)
Faculty of Construction
students and enrolls around 120 students each year. The Discipline
and Environment
3 (4%)
objectives of this course are:
Faculty of Business 18 (21%)
1. To increase our students’ awareness, and knowledge of
communities that are cultural, ethnically or socially Faculty of Applied
15 (18%)
distinct from their own; Non- Science and Textiles
53 (62%) Faculty of Health and
2. To acquaint students with significant issues of social related 11 (13%)
Social Sciences
needs, justice, and ethics related to the information age, Discipline
such as the concept of the information divide and how School of Design 5 (6%)
technology may be used to meet these needs;
Faculty of Humanities 4 (5%)
3. To cultivate an awareness of information ethics and
professional responsibility in our students; Total: 85

4. To nurture a sense of civic responsibility and

engagement in our students. Regarding the project design, the main goal of this service-
learning project is for the students to bring aid to the local
In 2015 and 2016, 237 students enrolled in this subject Cambodians. This initiative has two principal and correlated
and classified into two teams, STEM-related teaching projects aims. First, our students provided solar power to rural
in primary or secondary schools, and infrastructure villagers, a task that involved building the panels themselves
improvement projects in rural villages. Since the project and wiring up homes with necessary electrical appliances.
nature, course outline and learning outcomes were different, in Second, the team built a zero-carbon community learning
our case study, we only consider the infrastructure programs

Figure 1 Solar Charging Station (Left) Community Learning Centre (Middle) Computer Library inside the Learning Centre (Right)
center and computing lab for a local Cambodian school learning project, and reflects on the linkage between the
besides in a local school. observations from the service project and the academic topic.

1. Solar Energy System for villagers: Following the Some key challenges for teachers throughout the project
principle of appropriate technology, the solar power include:
solutions took the form of a public charging station
shared between a group of nearby households. 1. Equipping students with the necessary knowledge,
Families could recharge their battery from the station, technical skills, and hands-on experience. Since most of
and each station could charge up to 6 batteries at the the students were not from engineering disciplines and
same time. Our students assembled the solar panels did not have any technical training before, the teaching
and wired up homes with basic electrical appliances. context must start from elementary level. With the time
Also, with using the local sustainable materials, such limited and the technical gap within the team, training
as coconuts or palm branches, we assembled LED must be practical.
lights for the villagers.
2. Empowering the non-engineering students to work on the
2. Community Learning Centre: The objective of the different aspects of the projects, such as product design
community learning center is to provide an informal and system testing, that are more human-oriented and
learning space for village children and youths, both to multidisciplinary.
supplement their regular school education, as well as
to serve as a resource for continued education and 3. Strengthening the teamwork between students from
self-guided study. Two 20-foot-long empty recycled different disciplines and cultural background. Since the
shipping containers were transformed into a computer working practices and way of communication can be
learning center and library respectively. This learning different from one discipline to another one, conflicts
center, placed on the playground of a local school, may easier happen. Therefore, how to develop their team
have improved the educational facilities of the school. spirit and encourage them works on the same goal is
We anticipate that the community learning center will another trial for the teaching team.
also provide a platform for the local people and
enhance the cohesion of the community. A rooftop IV. COURSE AND TRAINING OUTLINE
photovoltaic generator, a rainwater collection system, Recent observation suggests that the typical lecture-based
and ten low-cost computers were installed. In learning as a teaching method seems not to be the most
conjunction with the learning center, students effective and efficient way to equip students, engineering or
deployed a customized computer library with otherwise, with the necessary knowledge and hands-on skills
electronic learning resources to teach the local within a short period. Therefore, problem-based learning
children about science and engineering. pedagogy has been used. It is an instructional learner-centered
approach that encourages the students to conduct research,
To emphasize the long-term gain and ensure the project integrate theory, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a
sustainability, we involved local institutes from Cambodia and solution to resolve a defined problem [17]. For example, when
Rwanda. Orientation and intensive training were provided to we taught students about the abstract concept of electrical
them before working on the field. We have managed to circuits, such as series and parallel connection, students were
empower local youths with the relevant skills, transferring easily confused by the concepts of voltage and current.
such skills to communities where skills are scarce and sorely However, students could easily associate the characteristics
needed. with the phenomenon of light after experimenting with real
circuits and real connections.
A service-learning project can be divided into three phases: Therefore, apart from the lectures, different components
preparation, execution, and evaluation. Prior to going on their were integrated into the training, for example, discussions on
project, students will study the situations of the communities various case studies, practical workshops, site visit and
involved, and prepare project proposals. The training usually intensive training. The training was carried out in a group
starts at the beginning of the preparation phase and is a critical approach; students were divided into groups by the teaching
factor that directly affects the results of the project, especially team, and each group consisted of students from different
when engineering solutions are involved, and non-engineering disciplines, nationalities, and seniority. Hence, each team
students are participating. included students with an engineering background, which they
acted as a mentor to the others. For those students without
Throughout the project execution, students would reflect technical experience, they contributed to the other aspects,
upon their experience in discussion groups and required to such as community assessment, system testing, product design
write three reflective journals. After the completion of the or preparation of the training material. With clear
projects, students were required to write a reflection report responsibility and task allocation, each member can
that summarizes their personal impact from the service- complement the others.
solar panels. Since the international students arrived in Hong
Kong 2 weeks before the project, they only participated in the
2-week intensive training and completed the eLearning
module. During the intensive training, with the guidance of
instructors, each group attended five sessions, during which
they implemented, tested and evaluated their design of the
solar charging system, LEDs and learning center accessories.

Taking the Cambodia project as an example, in summary,

46 hours of training were conducted in Hong Kong while
another 39 hours of preparation were completed in Cambodia.
For the training in Hong Kong, the lectures, eLearning
module, workshops and case studies were conducted between
February and March, which was 3-4 months before the
Cambodia trip. The outline of the training for the students was
shown in Table 2.
Figure 2 Intensive Training and Preparation at the University in
Cambodia Once the team got onto the ground, the second phase
training was put into motion with the local students. In 2015
Regarding the lectures, apart from including the case and 2016, 11 and 33 Cambodian students joined the team
studies from the university and international organizations, the representatively. Their major was either in English or
lectures covered the topics of the digital divide and development studies. Even though they did not previously
appropriate technology followed by the cultural, social issue have contact with the team from Hong Kong, working in the
and history of the service location. These educated the same group for 7 hours a day and participating in various
students on the social aspects of the project and provided them orientation and site visit activities strengthened the team spirit
concrete ideas and reasons of conducting the projects. At the and helped them to understand the situation in the target
same time, to help students to understand the concept and community. The team spent four days testing and training in a
practices of service-learning, and to equip them with the local university to finalize the design, assemble the solar
knowledge and attitudes for planning and conducting the systems, LEDs and test all the deliverables. This on-site
projects, a 10-hour eLearning module covered these general training allowed the Hong Kong students to transfer the
background concepts. Starting from March to May, six knowledge and skills to the Cambodian students.
workshops were conducted, focusing on the technical
knowledge and hands-on skills as follows: TABLE II.  OUTLINE OF THE TRAINING SCHEDULE

Hong Kong Cambodian

1. Usage of power and mechanical tools; Students Students

2. Basic electronic circuitry; Lectures & Case Studies

(6 hrs)
3. Laser cutting skill, soldering skill and assembly of LEDs;
eLearning module

Hong Kong

(10 hrs)
4. Safety precautions on conducting engineering project in
rural area, for example, risk assessment; Workshops

(15 hrs)
5. Installation of solar system; and
Intensive Training &
6. The introduction of Raspberry PI, a single-board Preparation √
(15 hrs)
computer was used as a server hosting e-Learning
resources such as electronic books. Orientation
√ √
(3 hrs)
During the workshops, instructors presented a problem

statement to the students first, followed by 30-45 minutes of Site Visit

√ √
lecturing. Then, each team had 90 minutes to conduct (4 hrs)
experiments or practice the skills. For example, for the solar Intensive Training &
panel tutorial, after introducing the installation procedures and Preparation √ √
presenting the basic construction of the station, each team had (32 hrs)
to identify the flaws and problems of the station and come up 85 hours 39 hours
with solutions that used local resources, such as using palm
leaf mats to prevent rain water contact; and using water pipes
to construct a frame to direct rainwater off the surface of the
The training was followed by the project in which the personal and academic. For the social impact, data and
deliverables were deployed, and the target community was examples were presented to illustrate the community impact
trained to use the new equipment. The community was pleased while students needed to have self-reflection on their personal,
with the project and they were put to use almost immediately. social and professional changes in personal dimension. In the
During the project execution, Hong Kong students worked academic dimension, they reflected on the linkage between the
along with the local youths to install the solar system or setup observations from the service project and the academic topic,
the learning center. Through teaching by demonstration, most such as digital divide or appropriate technology.
of the local students can master the technical skill and some of
them was able to help on maintaining the equipment with the TABLE III.  DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS BETWEEN ENGINEERING STUDENTS
local NGO in the long run.
Std No. of Cronbach’s
included in Group1 Min Max Mean
the study
The student learning outcomes were fully evaluated in GRADING (Scale from 1-4)
three approaches, including grading by the teaching team E 1.70 4.00 3.11 0.65
according to the subject rubrics, self-reported post-experience Preparation
NE 1.30 4.00 2.97 0.68
- -
survey and reflective journals which submitted after the E 2.45 4.00 3.15 0.44
completion of the projects. The subject grading was divided Execution
NE 1.70 4.00 3.07 0.53
- -
into three sub-grade corresponding to the three phases of the E 2.25 4.00 3.11 0.51
services, preparation, execution, and reflection. Each student Reflection - -
NE 2.00 4.00 3.00 0.52
was accessed by the two subject teachers and two tutors
E 2.38 4.00 3.13 0.39
individually, and a meeting was organized to finalize the Overall - -
NE 2.02 3.90 3.02 0.47
overall grade.
LEARNING OUTCOMES (Scale from 1-7)
Additionally, a standard course post-experience survey was Application of E 4.50 7.00 5.71 0.66
administered at the end of the course. This survey comprised knowledge and
NE 4.00 7.00 5.64 0.61
4 0.70
two sets of questions that are pertinent to the research Understanding E 4.00 7.00 5.53 0.78
questions, including: of the linkage
between SL 4 0.75
and academic NE 4.00 7.00 5.67 0.86
• One set of questions in a pretest-posttest design asking learning
students to indicate their level of agreement on a seven- E 3.67 7.00 4.93 0.62
Self-reflection 3 0.58
point scale (1=strongly disagree; 4=neutral; 7=strongly NE 3.67 7.00 4.93 0.56
agree) with 15 statements which are pertinent to the four Demonstration E 4.50 6.75 5.73 0.67
4 0.81
common intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of SL at of empathy NE 4.25 7.00 5.68 0.65
PolyU: E 4.25 7.00 5.96 0.72
Intellectual 4 0.85
NE 4.75 7.00 6.04 0.68
1. Apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired E 4.00 7.00 6.09 0.77
to deal with complex issues in the service setting; Social
NE 5.00 7.00 6.24 0.66
2 0.65

E 4.40 7.00 6.09 0.58

2. Reflect on their role and responsibilities both as a Civic 5 0.86
NE 4.20 7.00 6.09 0.71
professional in their chosen discipline and as a
E 4.00 7.00 6.22 0.79
responsible citizen; Personal 1 -
NE 5.00 7.00 6.32 0.64
3. Demonstrate empathy for people in need and a E – Engineering; NE – Non-Engineering
strong sense of civic responsibility; and
The descriptive statistics of the variables are summarized
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the linkage in Table 3. Cronbach’s alphas were computed on the question
between service-learning and the academic content sets of the post-experience survey to check for internal
of the subject. consistency [18], and the results are shown in Table 3.
Demonstration of empathy, intellectual and civic learning
• One set of questions asking students to rate, on a seven- outcomes scales were found to be highly reliable, with alpha
point scale (1=very little; 4=a fair amount; 7=very values ranging between 0.81 and 0.86 [19] while Application
much), their attainment of the intended learning of knowledge and skills and understanding of the linkage
outcomes relating to their intellectual (4 items), social (2 between SL and academic learning can be classified as having
items), civic (5 items) and personal (1 item) development an acceptable reliability. Two of the learning outcomes (Self-
as a result of attending the service-learning subject. reflection and Social) had an alpha value below 0.70,
suggesting that the reliabilities of those subscales are barely
Also, students were required to submit a reflection report acceptable.
which summarized the services in three dimensions, social,
Among the grading, engineering students received a students. Results depicted in Table 4 show that the two-tailed
slightly higher point than the non-engineering students with value of p is between 0.24 and 1, which is greater than 0.05,
the different ranged from 0.08 to 0.18. However, the standard and so there was no statistically significant differences in the
deviation in all aspects of the non-engineering group is higher. grading and learning outcomes between the two group of
Among the top 20% of the students, 11 of them are non- students. Furthermore, the effect size of all the dimension are
engineering students while 6 of them are engineering students. less than 0.14 which represents a small effect [21]. From the
This situation also happens to the bottom 20% of the team, above results, subject result and learning gain are independent
which 3 students are non-engineering background and 14 of to the disciplines of the students in an engineering service-
them are technical students. learning project.

Among the eight learning outcomes, personal aspect has

the highest mean for both engineering students (6.22 on a 7-
point scale) and non-engineering students (6.32) whereas self-
reflection has the lowest (4.93 for both groups), which is still
significantly higher than the mid-point 4 (a fair amount). The
standard deviations of the scores ranged from 0.58 to 0.79 for
the engineering group and 0.56 to 0.86 for the non-
engineering group. Four learning outcomes have a higher
rating from non-engineering students while two outcomes
have a higher rating from engineering students. However, the
differences are small, ranging from 0.05 to 0.14.



Variables Std. Figure 3 A student from Faculty of Business was teaching a local
Sig. (2- Mean Effect volunteer to install a solar controller on the charging station
included in the t df Err.
tailed) Diff Size
study Diff
GRADING (Scale from 1-4) From students’ reflective journal, it reflects the advantage
of integrating a multidisciplinary approach into an engineering
Preparation 1.18 68.49 0.24 0.17 0.15 0.14 service-learning project and how this can benefit the students.
Execution 0.72 83.00 0.48 0.08 0.11 0.08 Many of them suggested that the tangible nature of the
Reflection 0.93 66.72 0.36 0.11 0.11 0.11
engineering-type project was rewarding and this can motivate
them to continue working on the engineering project:
Overall 1.09 83.00 0.28 0.11 0.10 0.12

LEARNING OUTCOMES (Scale from 1-7) “As a physics student, I learned circuit diagram before.
If I had not participated in the SL, I would never know how
Application of the circuit diagram is different from the real situation. In
knowledge and 0.53 83.00 0.60 0.07 0.14 0.06
skills the diagram, all I need to do is to draw lines to connect
electronic elements in series or parallel as long as it will
Understanding not lead to short circuit. When I did the indoor wiring for
of the linkage
between SL -0.74 83.00 0.46 -0.14 0.19 0.08 a house or solar panel installation, I realized the real
and academic situation was much complicated. The diagram is only two
learning dimensional, but the indoor wiring is three dimensional. I
Self-reflection -0.03 83.00 0.98 0.00 0.13 0.00 had splitters, wires, clippers, lights, displays and switches
on my hand, some of which I even hadn’t heard in electric
of empathy
0.34 63.87 0.73 0.05 0.15 0.04 diagram before. I needed to design where I would place
this stuff and connect them together to make all the lights
Intellectual -0.53 83.00 0.60 -0.08 0.16 0.06 function.”
Social -0.90 83.00 0.37 -0.14 0.16 0.10
The engineering students felt that they had learned more
Civic 0.00 83.00 1.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 about the human factors aspect of technology:
Personal -0.65 83.00 0.52 -0.10 0.16 0.07
“We were acting as a human factor in three layers:
utilization, development, and popularization. First, to act
the utilization layer, we were trying to adapt the
A series of independent t-tests were conducted to examine technology into a practical form that can benefit the
is there any significant differences in the grading and learning villagers. Secondly, I had a responsibility that I should
outcomes between the engineering and non-engineering help develop the current technology to make it become
friendlier and bring more benefit to us. The last point, outcomes followed by presenting the students' reflection. In
which is also the most important thing is that this factor concluding, statistically, no significant differences exist
should help ordinary people who have no engineering or between the group and from the reflection journals, it shows
science background understand how to use those the multidisciplinary approach can benefit both the
technologies properly. The last step is the most important engineering and non-engineering students.
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