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Uso de must, may, might y will

Write what the modal is expressing.

Obligation- prohibition- deduction- possibility- permission- probability- future

spontaneous decision

Recuerden que la probabilidad es mas fuerte que la posibilidad en cuanto a


a) You must tidy your room every day._________

b) Don’t do that!! You mustn’t walk on that area___________
c) I don’t know yet but I think I will stay at home today._________
d) John must be at school now. It is 10: am._________
e) John may be at school now. I am no very sure._________
f) John might be at school now. I am not very sure._________
g) You mustn’t talk to me like that. I am your friend._________
h) The future is uncertain but I think I will travel a lot.________
i) May I give my point of view? ________
j) Look at the water of this river. It must be the wastes of that factory. We
must do something._________, _________
k) Things might be different after this pandemic. For better I hope._______
l) If you want I may go and ask him about the things we should
do.________, _________
m) Children must wear a uniform at this school.__________
n) It may be sunny tomorrow. I know it is cloudy now but let’s see what
o) It is not that I don’t like the colour of the room but I will change its colour

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