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and Mid-Career Salary for 150 State Schools

Top 10 Mid-Career Salaries


Bottom 10 Mid-Career Salaries


© 2020 Mapbox © OpenStreetMap

The map above demonstrates which regions of the country tend to have state schools that result in the highest salaries and identify the specific
schools with the highest salaries. The largest dots represent the Mid-Career Median Salaries of $112,000, while the smallest represent average
mid-career median salaries of $60,600. The color of the dot identifies the average starting median salary, with the darkest color signifying
starting salaries of $59,900 and the lightest signifying starting salaries of $34,800. Additionally, the map contains sliders which can be used to
identify the regions and specific schools that have the Top 10 Mid-Career Salaries and the Bottom 10 Mid-Career Salaries.

Linear Scatter Logarithmic Scatter

Mid-Career Median Salary

Mid-Career Median Salary

100K 100K

80K 80K

60K 60K

35K 40K 45K 50K 55K 60K 35K 40K 45K 50K 55K 60K

Starting Median Salary Starting Median Salary

The scatter plots above use trend lines to identify which types of regression might be the best fit for the data. Based on the above scatterplots, it
appears the logarithmic is a more accurate representation of the data and a better fit. The logarithmic scatter appears to be a more highly
correlated to the data due to the fact the data appears to begin a steep curve and then flatten out towards the top right of the plot. The graph is
demonstrating that starting median salary has a positive impact on mid-career median salary. The school with the highest mid-career salaries are
located towards the top of the graph, with the lowest mid-career salaries being towards the bottom. Additionally, the lowest starting median
salary is located at towards the right of the graph while the highest median salary is located towards the right. Therefore, the school with highest
starting salary and the highest mid-career salary is located at the top-right corner of the graph.

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