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BÜCHI Sepacore C-600

Prelim. SM 96080, chapter 1

General Information
BÜCHI General Information SM 96096

Service Precaution

1. This Service Manual is part of the Operating Instruction and the notes and
warnings described therein must be respected. Please read chapter 2 of your
Operating Instruction!

2. Only qualified service persons or specialist staff authorized by Büchi AG should

handle wires, electrical components, PCB’s, mechanical components or
assembly units!

3. Turn off power and withdraw the mains lead before opening and repairing
instrument. It is essential to be aware of the danger that can arise especially
with low voltage (230V/120V etc.). The staff will use their own initiative to grasp
the necessary protective measures.

4. This is a very complex instrument and we recommend replacing PCB’s only!

5. If replacing PCB’s, new calibrations on instrument may be necessary.

Please follow the Calibration - and Test Instruction in this Service Manual.

6. To localize the fault to one particular PCB, use the abound information in this
Service Manual and the Fault Finding Chart in your Operating Instruction!

7. Care should be taken when replacing PCB’s to avoid deforming and cracks.

8. If, when fault finding, all PCB’s of the instrument have been replaced without
success, do not replace more PCB’s, check equipment for short-circuits or
over-voltage first!

9. If handling a PCB, care should be taken to avoid electrostatic voltages.

Especially C-MOS components have to be treaded carefully.

10. To detect logic levels, we recommend logic-probes. Low cost multi-meters

may load the C-MOS circuitry excessively and cause malfunctions.

11. Use only original Büchi spare parts when repairing Büchi Instruments!


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BÜCHI General Information SM 96096

Connection designation codes of IC’s

A/AD Address-bus
ALE Address-latch enable
C/D Control/Data
CE Chip enable
CLK Clock
CS Chip select
CTS Clear to send
D Data-bus
DSR Data set ready
DTR Data Terminal ready
GND Ground
AGND Analog ground
DGND Digital ground
HEIZ Heating
INT Interrupt
P Port
PSEN Program store enable
R*C Receiver clock
RD Read data
R*D Receive data
RST Reset/Restart
RTS Request to send
R/W Read/Write
T*EMP Transmitter empty
T*C Transmitter clock
T*D Transmitter data
T∅ Counter input
T*RDY Transmitter ready
VCC Supply Voltage
WR Write

Selection only

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BÜCHI General Information SM 96096

Color-code for electrical conductors

Farbe C-code Color (Din 47002)

schwarz sw black
braun br brown
rot rt red
orange or orange
gelb ge yellow
grün gn green
blau bl blue
violett vi violet
grau gr grey
weiss ws white
rosa rs pink
türkis tk turquoise
hellblau hbl light-blue
grün-gelb gnge green-yellow

zweifarbige rtsw two-colored

Adern rsgn wire

Ader-Paar rt/sw pair of wires

Ader-Dreier ws/bl/or triple of wires


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BÜCHI Sepacore C-600

General Information

General Information are supplied with the printed Service Manual only!

Please see the list of contents (chapter 0) for General Information available!


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SM 96080-1-00
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