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What you need:

1 - Google Chrome
2 - USA Proxy (you can use free vpn softwares like Psi Phon)
3 - One .edu email compatibile with AWS (you can crack them via
combolists or you can order 1 at or other shops which they
sell it for 1$ - it's worth it cos you can create tens of rdps on 1
account since you have 100$ credit)
4 - As I promised: NO CC, NO PHONE NUMBER
5 - Just the name of the student (you can find it inside the inbox of
student email).


First step - Go to

Second step - Click Join AWS Educate and choose Student
Third step - On School or Instituion name put the faculty name
compatibile with email. Note: Before you buy the student
email from xleet or crack it, make sure it's compatibile with AWS. For
example you start typing the university name and see if it is listed.
If it doesn't show like a dropdown menu in the AWS page, you choose
other EDU email.
Fourth step - Complete all needed info until you come to Graduation
Month and Graduation year. Always choose DECEMBER as month and 2020 as
Graduation Year and to Birth Year always choose 1994/1995.
Fifth step - You click Next and Agree with terms of conditions.
Sixth step - Login to your email and click the Confirm link.
Seventh step - You will receive the login info on your email within 10
minutes (sometimes little longer) and then you can login via same info
you choose above. It will redirect you to but you
will click AWS Account and it will give you 100 Credits for your use.
Eighth Step - Other steps are normal. Just go and Launch and instance
and enjoy. NOTE: You can spend your credit in every Amazon AWS
products (except SES)
If you want to use it for SES, I got another tuto but you need to
change some settings.

Appreciated by Jeronim

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