Ultimate Limit State Shear

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Lecture 5 :


Ref: Marshall and Robberts / van Metzinger / Parrott


The strength of concrete in a prestressed concrete element for a combination of

shear and flexure is not easily determined because of the multitude of variables. The
shear resistance of prestressed concrete has the advantage of the axial
compression of the concrete improving its shear capacity. Empirical (experimental)
evidence has indicated that shear failure is as a result of tensile stresses produced
by shear. This is known as principal tensile stresses.

This experimental evidence has identified two types of shear failure that exist, web
shear and flexural shear.

Web shear – starts in the web due to high principal tensile stresses.

Flexural shear – where flexural cracks occur first and then develop into inclined
shear cracks.

The development of the formulae for the design of shear is discussed at length in
Marshall and Robberts, chapter 7.

Note : Shear is always checked in the ultimate limit state only and the maximum
shear stress is limited to the lesser of 0.75√fcu or 4.75 MPa. (

5.1 Sections Uncracked in Flexure (Vco) (

The ultimate shear resistance of a section uncracked in flexure Vco, is based on the
assumption that the shear capacity of a beam is reached when the principal tensile
stress at the centroid of the section reaches the tensile strength of the concrete ft.

SANS10100 expresses Vco as :


b = width of the web

h = overall depth of the section

fcp = compressive stress at the centroid of the section due to prestress only
(always taken as positive).

ft = 0.23√fcu , always taken as positive.

Inclined tendons assist in shear resistance – the vertical component of the

prestressing force (after losses) must be algebraically added to Vco ( Pe x sinα , as a
positive value) to obtain a total design shear resistance.

5.2 Sections Cracked in Flexure (Vcr) (

SANS10100 expresses Vcr as :

Where ,

Mo = (decompression moment) moment required to produce zero stress at the

extreme tension fibre of the section. Always positive and tension face is the face that
would be intension from applied load only.

d = distance from compression face to centre of steel area

Note : Vcr min value of 0.1bd√fcu

Note : Vcr is taken as constant for d/2 from midspan of a beam.

The formulas for Vco and Vcr can be used to check the ultimate limit state for shear
at critical point along the beam eg support, midspan and intermediate points in order
to develop a full shear resistance profile :

The shear resistance Vc (without reinf’t) is indicated in the shaded area.

5.3 Shear Reinforcement (

Reinforcement can be omitted when V < 0.5Vc , otherwise minimum reinforcement is

supplied when :

Vc > V > 0.5Vc => Asv = 0.4b

Sv 0.87fyv

When V > Vc shear reinf’t is required to resist the shear in excess of Vc ie V-Vc :

Where :

fyv = characteristic strength of shear reinf’t

Asv = area of two legs of a link

Sv = link spacing

dt = depth from extreme fibre to tendon centroid or longitudinal bar around which
links may pass.

b = web width

Spacing of links : Ensure that the spacing of links along a beam does not exceed 0,75dt or
four times the web thickness for flanged beams. When V exceeds 1,8Vc, reduce the
maximum spacing to 0,5dt. Ensure that the lateral spacing of the individual legs of
the links provided at a cross-section does not exceed 0,75dt.

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