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Airplane Design Part VI: Preliminary Calculation of Aerodynamic, Thrust and Power Characteristics Dr. Jan Roskam Ackers Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering The University of Kansas, Lawrence 2004 11440 Wakarusa Drive, Suite 500 ¢ Lawrence, Kansas 66049, U.S.A, PUBLISHED BY Design, Analysis and Research Corporation (DARcorporation) 1440 Wakarusa Drive, Suite 500 Lawrence, Kansas 66049 US.A. Phone: (785) 832-0434 Fax: (785) 832-0524 e-mail: Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-68580 ISBN 1-884885-52-7 In all countries, sold and distributed by Design, Analysis and Research Corporation 1440 Wakarusa Drive, Suite 500 Lawrence, Kansas 66049 USA The information presented in this book has been included for their instructional value. They are not guaranteed for any particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties or representations, nor does it accept any liabilities with respect to the information. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance of an appropriate professional should be sought. Copyright © 2004 by Dr. Jan Roskam. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First Printing, 1987 Second Printing, 1990 Third Printing, 2000 Fourth Printing, 2004 Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of DARcorporation. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without, written permission of the publisher, DARcorporation. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF SYMBOLS xiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT xxix 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2, IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS 3 2.1 FLOW REGIME DEFINITIONS 3 2.1.1 Subsonic Flow Regime 3 2.1.2 Transonic Flow Regime 5 2.1.3 Supersonic Plow Regime 8 2,2 IMPORTANT GEOMETRIC DEFINITIONS 8 2.2.1 Wing Planform Geometries 8 ° 2.2.2 Empennage Planform Geometries 1 3. SUMMARY OD DRAG CAUSES AND DRAG MODELLING 13 3.1 PHYSICAL CAUSES OF DRAG 13 3.2 DRAG BREAKDOWN METHOD 16 3.3 DRAG MODELLING FOR PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS 16 4. DRAG POLAR PREDICTION METHODS 21 4.1 DRAG BREAKDOWN PROCEDURE 21 4.2 WING DRAG COEFFICIENT PREDICTION 23 4.2.1 Subsonic Wing Drag Coefficient 23 Wing zero-lift drag coefficient 23 \ Wing drag coefficient due to lift 27 4.2.2 Transonic Wing Drag Coefficient 28 Wing zero-lift drag coefficient 28 Wing drag coefficient due to lift 34 4.2.3 Supersonic Wing Drag Coefficient 36 Wing zero-lift drag coefficient 36 Wing drag coefficient due to lift 40 4.3 FUSELAGE DRAG COEFFICIENT PREDICTION 44 4.3.1 Subsonic Fuselage Drag Coefficient 44 Fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient 44 Fuselage drag coefficient due to lift 46 4.3.2 Transonic Fuselage Drag Coefficient 48 Fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient 48 Fuselage drag coefficient due to lift 49 4.3.3 Supersonic Fuselage Drag Coefficient 49 Part VI Contents Page i Part VI Fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient Fuselage drag coefficient due to lift 4.3.4 The Area Rule Concept EMPENNAGE DRAG COEFFICIENT PREDICTION 4.4.1 Subsonic Empennage Drag Coefficient Empennage zero-lift drag coefficient Empennage drag coefficient due to lift 4.4.2 Transonic Empennage Drag Coefficient Empennage zero-lift drag coefficient Empennage drag coefficient due to lift 4.4.3 Supersonic Empennage Drag Coefficient Empennage zero-lift drag coefficient Empennage drag coefficient due to lift NACELLE/PYLON DRAG COEFFICIENT PREDICTION 4.5.1 Isolated Nacelle/Pylon Drag Coefficient Nacelle drag coefficient Pylon drag coefficient 4.5.2 Installed Nacelle/Pylon Drag Coefficient Increment Wing/nacelle interference drag coefficient Puselage/nacelle interference drag coefficient Cooling drag coefficient increment 4.5.3 Windmilling Drag and Propeller Drag Coefficients Windmilling drag coefficient due to jet engines Windmilling drag coefficient due to propellers Drag coefficient due to a stopped propeller LAP DRAG PREDICTION +6.1 Flap Profile Drag Increment +6.2 Induced Drag Increment due to Flaps +6.3 Interference Drag Increment due to Flaps LANDING GEAR DRAG PREDICTION CANOPY/WINDSHIELD DRAG PREDICTION 4.8.1 Canopy Drag Prediction 4.8.2 Windshield Drag Prediction STORE DRAG PREDICTION Fi 4 4 4 49 52 57 66 66 66 67 69 69 70 70 1 1 12 73 13 15 15 17 19 19 19 cr) 81 81 82 82 86 86 90 98 98 98 103 Contents Page ii 4.10 TRIM DRAG PREDICTION 104 4.10.1 Trim Drag Due to Lift 104 4.10.2 Trim Drag Due to Profile Drag 105 4.11 INTERFERENCE DRAG PREDICTION 107 4.12 MISCELLANEOUS DRAG PREDICTION 107 4.12.1 Drag Due to Spoilers (or Speed Brakes)107 4.12.2 Drag Due to Surface Roughness 110 4.12.3 Drag Due to Other Causes ali 4.13 DRAG ADJUSTMENTS FOR LAMINAR FLOW 113 5. AIRPLANE DRAG DATA 117 5.1 DRAG POLARS 317 5.2 EQUIVALENT PARASITE AREAS 128 5.3 OSWALD'S EFFICIENCY FACTORS 128 5.4 EXAMPLES OF WETTED AREA BREAKDOWNS 128 5.5 VERIFICATION OF REALISM OF COMPUTED DRAG POLARS 135 6. INSTALLED POWER AND THRUST PREDICTION METHODS 139 6.1 POWER EXTRACTION REQUIREMENTS 141 6.1.1 Piston-propeller Driven Airplanes 141 6.1.2 Turbopropeller and Jet Driven Airplanes 145 6.2 INLET SIZING AND INTEGRATION 347 6.2.1 General Inlet Arrangements 152 Piston engine inlets 152 Turbopropeller inlets 152 Jet engine inlets: subsonic 152 Jet engine inlets: supersonic 159 6.2.2 Inlet Sizing 165 Piston engine installations 165 Turbopropeller installations 167 Jet engine installations: subsonic 168 Jet engine installations: supersonic 170 6.2.3 Inlet Pressure Loss Estimation 173 Piston engine inlets 174 Turbopropeller inlets 114 Jet engine inlets: subsonic 175 Jet engine inlets: supersonic 177 6.2.4 Inlet Extra Drag Estimation 180 Piston engine inlet extra drag 180 Turbopropeller inlet extra drag 180 Jet engine inlet extra drag: subsonic 180 Jet engine inlet extra drag: supersonic 181 6.3 EXHAUST OR NOZZLE SIZING AND INTEGRATION 183 6.3.1 General Exhaust/Nozzle Arrangements 183 Piston engine exhausts 183 Turbopropeller nozzles 184 Part VI Contents Page iii Jet engine nozzles: subsonic 184 Jet engine nozzles: supersonic 184 6.3.2 Exhaust/Nozzle Sizing 184 Piston engine exhausts 188 Turbopropeller nozzles 188 Jet engine nozzles: subsonic 189 Jet engine nozzles: supersonic 189 6.3.3 Estimation of Exhaust/Nozzle Extra Drag 190 Piston engines 190 Turbopropeller engines 190 Jet engines: subsonic 190 Jet engines: supersonic __ 192 6.4 PREDICTION OF INSTALLED POWER AND THRUST 193 6.4.1 Propeller Driven Airplanes 193 Piston propeller driven airplanes 193 Turbopropeller driven airplanes 195 6.4.2 Jet Driven Airplanes 198 Subsonic operations 198 Supersonic operations 198 7, INSTALLED POWER AND THRUST DATA 203 7.1 PROPELLER DRIVEN AIRPLANES 203 7.1.1 Piston Propeller Driven Airplanes 203 7.1.2 Turbopropeller Driven Airplanes 204 7.2, JET DRIVEN AIRPLANES 208 7.2.1 Subsonic Operations 208 7.2.2 Supersonic Operations 209 8, LIFT AND PITCHING MOMENT PREDICTION METHODS 213 8.1 PREDICTION OF LIFT COEFFICIENT VERSUS ANGLE OF ATTACK 214 8.1.1 Airfoil Lift and Maximum Lift: Flaps Up 215 Airfoil zero-lift angle of attack: ¢ 215 1 Airfoil lift curve slope: c, 215 @ Airfoil linear range of angle of attack: a* 218 Airfoil angle of attack for maximum lift: « 218 °L max Airfoil maximum lift coeffi- cient: cy 218 max Construction of airfoil lift curve: flaps up 225 Part VI contents Page iv 8.1.2 Airfoil Lift and Maximm Lift: Flaps Down 226 Airfoil lift increment due to flaps: Ac) 226 Airfoil lift curve slope due to flaps: (c, 5 238 a Airfoil maximm lift increment due to flaps: Ac, 238 max Construction of airfoil lift curve: flaps down 243 8.1.3 Wing Lift and Maximm Lift: Flaps Up 245 Wing zero-lift angle of attack: op 245 Ww 8,1,3,2 Wing lift curve slope: C, 248 w Wing linear range of angle of + attack: a,* 248 Wing maximum lift coefficient: c, and wing angle of attack ‘max, w for maximin lift: (ey 256 ‘max Construction of wing lift curve: flaps up 257 8.1.4 Wing Lift and Maximum Lift: Flaps Down 259 Wing lift increment due to flaps: AC, 259 w Wing lift curve slope due to flaps: (Cy ), 259 a, w Wing maximum lift increment due to flaps: AC, 262 max, Construction of the wing lift curve: flaps down 264 8.1.5 Airplane Lift and Maximm Lift: Flaps Up 265 Airplane zero-lift angle of attack: a 268 L Part VI contents Page v Airplane zero-angle-of-attack lift coefficient: C, ‘0 Airplane lift curve slope: C, 272 a Airplane linear range of angle of attack: a,* 275 A Airplane maximum lift coefficient: ¢, and airplane angle of attack hax 268 for maxim lift: « 275 %, ‘max Construction of aizplane lift curve: flaps up 215 8.1.6 Airplane Lift and Maximm Lift: Flaps Down 211 Airplane lift increment due to Flaps: AC, 277 Airplane lift curve due to flaps: (Cy), 278 a Airplane maximm lift increment due to flaps: AC, 280 ‘max Construction of airplane lift curve: flaps down 280 8.1.7 Airplane Lift in Ground Effect 281 High aspect ratio configura- tions: transports 281 Low aspect ratio configura- tions: fighters 283 8.1.8 Power Effects on Airplane Lift 286 8,2 PREDICTION OF PITCHING MOMENT COEFFICIENT VERSUS LIFT COEFFICIENT 289 8.2.1 Airfoil Pitching Moment: Flaps Up 289 Airfoil zero-lift pitching mo- ment coefficient: cn 289 ‘0 Airfoil aerodynamic center: x, 291 and airfoil center of Pressure: Xo, 291 Airfoil pitching moment varia~ tion with lift coefficient: do,/dey 295 Part VI Contents Page vi Part VI Airfoil linear range for pitching moment: c,” 295 Construction of airfoil pitching moment curve: flaps up 295 8.2.2 Airfoil Pitching Moment: Flaps Down 297 Airfoil pitching moment incre- ment due to flaps: 4c, 297 Construction of the flaps-down airfoil pitching moment curve 299 8.2.3 Wing Pitching Moment: Flaps-Up 302 Wing zero-lift pitching moment coefficient: ¢, 302 b my w Slope of the wing pitching moment curve: (dc, /dc, ) 305 mn! yy Prediction of stable or unstable pitch break 310 Construction of the wing pitching moment curve: flaps-up 310 8.2.4 Wing Pitching Moment: Flaps-Down 311 Wing pitching moment increment due to flaps:Ac,, 311 w Slope of the wing pitching moment curve, flaps-down: (dC,/dC,),,, 317 Prediction of stable or unstable pitch break: flaps-down 317 Construction of the wing pitching moment curve: flaps-down 8.2.5 Airplane Pitching Moment: Flaps Up 317 318 Airplane zero-lift pitching moment coefficient: Cc Bo Airplane pitching moment coef fi- cient variation with lift coef- ficient: dC,/ac, Calculation of the aerodynamic center shift due to the fuselage: Ax, 320 324 325 ac. £ Prediction of stable or unstable pitch break 326 Contents Page vii Construction of airplane pitching moment coefficient versus lift coefficient 328 8.2.6 Airplane Pitching Moment: Flaps Down 329 Airplane pitching moment coeffi- cient increment due to flaps: acy, 329 Slope of the airplane piching mo- ment curve flaps down: (aC, / AC.) 5 330 Prediction of stable or unstable pitch break: flaps down 330 Construction of the airplane flaps down pitching moment curve 330 8.2.7 Airplane Pitching Moment in Ground Effect 332 Ground effect on downwash and on upwash 333 8.2.8 Power Effects on Airplane Pitching Moment 337 Power effect on pitching moment at zero lift coefficient: aC 337 Power effect on longitudinal stability: A(dC,/dC,)., 340 8.3 PREDICTION OF TRIMMED LIFT AND TRIMMED MAXIMUM LIFT COEFFICIENT 344 8.3.1 Stable Airplane with Stable Pitch Break 347 8.3.2 Unstable Airplane with Stable Pitch Break 352 8.3.3 Stable Airplane with Unstable Pitch Break 353 8.3.4 Unstable Airplane with Unstable Pitch Break 353 9. AIRPLANE HIGH LIFT DATA 355 9.1 AIRFOIL HIGH LIFT DATA: FLAPS UP AND FLAPS DOWN 355 9.2 AIRPLANE HIGH LIFT DATA: FLAPS UP AND FLAPS DOWN 355 9.3 MACH NUMBER EFFECT ON HIGH LIFT 356 10, STABILITY, CONTROL AND HINGE MOMENT DERIVATIVES 371 10,1 STEADY STATE COEFFICIENTS 371 10,2 STABILITY DERIVATIVES 376 10.2.1 Speed Derivatives: C) . C, . C, 7 Cp and ¢, 376 u "ry Part VI Contents Page 10,2.1.1 Aerodynamic Speed Derivatives: cy. ¢, and C. 376 By’ SD, M8 Sm, 10,2,1,2 Thrust versus speed derivatives: cn, and Cm 317 a a 10.2.2 Angle-of-Attack Derivatives: C, , and C, 319 Ty a Aerodynamic angle-of-attack de- rivatives: Cy . cy and Cy 379 a lg a 10,2.2,2 Thrust versus angle-of-attack derivative: C 381 a 10.2.3 Rate of Angle-of-Attack Derivatives: °p," Cus and Cn 381 10.2.4 Angle-of-Sideslip Derivatives: Cy c, and ¢, n n, 8 T, 10.2.4,1 Aerodynamic angle-of-sideslip derivatives: Cy» Cy B B 5 and Cn 83 10.2.4,.2 Thrust versus sideslip deriva- tive: C, 398 B 10.2.5 Rate of Angle-of-Sideslip Derivatives: Cys. “, and ong 401 10.2.6 Roll Rate Derivatives: C, , C. and ¢, P 417 n, 10.2.7 Pitch Rate Derivatives: Cy , C, and C,, a “dq 424 q 10.2.8 Yaw Rate Derivatives: C, , C, and C, © 428 ed 10.3 CONTROL DERIVATIVES 435 Part VI Contents Page ix 10.3.1 Stabilizer Control Derivatives: C) . Cc, and c, iy 435 Ly *h h 10.3.2 Elevator Control Derivatives: C, o, and om, 437 'e 'e 10.3.3 Canard Control Derivatives: cp + ¢, and C i 438 Ly my c © © 10.3.4 Canardvator Control Derivatives: Cy + Cy and C, 440 Ds hs mM c c c 10.3.5 Aileron Control Derivatives: C, c, and ¢, %e 442 1 n, ‘a 8 8 ‘a ‘a 10.3.6 Spoiler Control Derivatives: C , c; and ¢, Ys 449 ae ny 's 's 's 10,3.7 Differential Stabilizer Control Deriva- tives: C. oC and C 456 yi Ty ny h h h 10.3.8 Rudder Control Derivatives: C , Cy; and C, Ys, 461 8 8 r rc 10.4 HINGEMOMENT DERIVATIVES OF CONTROL SURFACES 463 10.4.1 Two-Dimensional Control Surface and Tab Hingemoment Derivatives about the Control Surface Hingeline 466 10,4,1,1 Two-D control surface hinge- moment derivative due to an- gle of attack: o, 466 a 10,4.1,2 Two-D control surface hingemo- ment derivative due to control surface deflection: c, 414 6 10,4,1.3 Two-D control surface hingemo- ment derivative due to tab deflection: c, 478 6 t 10.4.2 Three-Dimensional Control Surface and Tab Hingemoment Derivatives 481 Part VI Contents Page x 10,4,2.1 Three-D control surface hinge- moment derivative due to an- gle of attack: C, 481 a Three-D control surface hingemo- ment derivative due to control surface deflection: C, 484 8 Three-D control surface hingemo- ment derivative due to tab deflection: C, 485 8, t 10.4,3 Two-Dimensional Tab Hingemoment Deriva- tives about the Tab Hingeline 486 10.4.4 Three-Dimensional Tab Hingemoment Deri- vatives about the Tab Hingeline 487 11. STABILITY AND CONTROL DERIVATIVE DATA 491 12, USER'S GUIDE 505 12.1 USER'S GUIDE FOR DRAG POLAR ESTIMATION 505 12.2 USER'S GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF INSTALLED THRUST OR POWER 506 12.3 USER'S GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF LIFT VERSUS ANGLE OF ATTACK 507 12.4 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF PIT- CHING MOMENT VERSUS ANGLE OF ATTACK AND THE TRIM DIAGRAM 508 12.5 USER'S GUIDE FOR THE DETERMINATION OF STA- BILITY, CONTROL AND HINGEMOMENT DERIVATIVES 508 13, REFERENCES 509 14, INDEX 513 APPENDIX A: STANDARD ATMOSPHERE, SPECIFIC WEIGHTS AND CONVERSION FACTORS 519 APPENDIX B: FORMULAS FOR COMPUTING CIRCUMFERENCES, AREAS AND VOLUMES 525 Part VI contents Page xi BBLLINWOD SNOLLWIINdaY SYALNA AVST i ae! VSYN Wd Page xii Part VI TABLE OF SYMBOLS The Table of Symbols is organized as follows: Page 1. General symbols xiii 2, Stability, Control and Hingemoment Derivatives xxi 3. Greek Symbols xxv 4. Subscripts xxvii 5. Acronyms xxviii 1. GENERAL SYMBOLS Symbol Definition a speed of sound acc. aerodynamic center A= b/s Wing aspect ratio 2 A, = b,7/8, Canard aspect ratio . 2 Ay = by Sy Vert.tail aspect ratio Inlet capture area et? Inlet area et? Cowl cross section area ft? at de AR Nozzle (exit) area ft? Ag Internal area et? AR Cowl cross section area ft? at d mn AR Nozzle throat area ft? b wing span ft by canard span ft be inboard flap span, p.89 ft Part VI Symbols Page xiii Part VI outboard flap span, p.89 ft tire width ft vertical tail span, see p. 387 ft Compressible sweep correction factor, see Eqn. (10.64) 9 ----- chord ft chord with flap extended £t mean geometric chord ft control surface overhang, see p.471 ft crossflow drag coeff = ----- elevator chord ft canardvator chord ft flap chord ft two-dim, hingemoment coeff. about control surf. h.l. ----- two-dim. hingemoment coeff. about tab h.1l. wooo airfoil lift coefficient at et ne airfoil pitching moment coefficient about a.c. ----- airfoil zero-lift pit- ching moment coeff. == ----~ wing chord at wing pivot ft also: engine sfs lbs/shp/hr tip chord ft cy in Ch.10 also stands for tab chord, see p.473 ft root chord ft mean geometric chord of exposed wing ft Airplane drag coeff. = ----- wave drag coefficients ----- see p.49 and 52 symbols Page xiv Part VI interference drag coeff. ----- see p.52 base drag coefficient = ----~ Drag due to lift coeff —----- Viscous drag due to lift coefficient = 2 2 22 --=-— Drag coefficient at C, — ----- ‘min Wing minimm drag coeff. ----- Wing induced drag coeff. ----- Zero-lift drag coeff. —----- Profile drag coefficient ----- turbulent flat plate friction coefficient aaa turbulent flat plate friction coefficient of the wing ----- Three-dim. hingemoment coeff. about contr. surf. h.1. Three-dim. hingemoment coeff. about tab h.1. airfoil lift coefficient airfoil lift curve slope ----- section lift curve slope with the flaps down 1/deg, 1/rad derivative of airfoil lift coeff. with flap deflect. ----- aerodynamic rolling moment coefficient ~---- Airplane lift coefficient - Lift coefficient where drag rise due to separation begins Canard lift coefficient Hor. tail lift coeff. = ----- symbols Page xv Part VI Lift coefficient for zero angle of attack Lift coefficient at minimm viscous drag due to lift Wing lift coefficient Airplane lift curve slope i/deg, 1/rad Wing lift-curve slope 1/deg, 1/rad Aerodynamic pitching moment coefficient Airfoil pitching moment coefficient at zero lift coefficient - Aerodynamic yawing moment coefficient base pressure coeff., p.52 Ram recovery factor Aerodynamic side force coefficient equivalent base diameter cowl diameter at inlet area ft diam, of exhaust nozzle in exhaust stack diameter in equivalent fuselage diameter -- max. inlet diameter ft max. cowl diameter ft maximm nacelle (equi- valent) diameter ft distance of thrustline to center of gravity, see Figure 8.126 ft Drag ibs Propeller diameter ft Max. tire diameter ft span efficiency factor Symbols Page xvi Kaw? Kye and L/D Part VI (Also called Oswald's eff. factor) equivalent parasite area ft Pactor in Eqn. (6.51) incremental eq. par. area ft? Aerodynamic side force lbs. incidence angle deg Rolling moment of inertia in 5 body axes slugft XZ Product of inertia in 2 body axes slugft Piching moment of inertia in body axes slugét Yawing moment of inertia in body axes slugft? ratio of airfoil 1ift-curve slope to 2x, also: equivalent sand roughness - correction factor for non- linear effects - interference factors, see pages 277, 278 -- empirical constant, see p. 86 ~ factor in Egn. (3.6) factor in Ean. (3.6) factor in Eqn. (3.8) flap span factor for swept wings, p.313 flap span factor, p.313 constant in Eqn. (6.50) wing-fuselage interference factor: see Eqn. (8.44) reference length ft fuselage length ft distance in Fig.10.34 ft distance in Fig.10.27 ft Lift lbs Airfoil thickness location parameter Lift-to-drag ratio symbols Page xvii Aerodynamic rolling mom, engine massflow bleed air massflow combustion massflow cooling air massflow Free stream Mach number Aerodynamic pitching moment Crossflow Mach number Critical Mach number Ibs slugs/sec slugs/sec slugs/sec slugs/sec Drag divergence Mach number --- airplane load factor no. of blades per prop. Aerodynamic yawing moment local static pressure also: planform shape pa- rameter, p.40 total pressure Factor in Eqn. (6.51) Power available Extracted electr. power Extracted power Extr. fuel pump power Extr. hydr. pump power Extr. mechanical power Extr. other power Extr. pneumatic power Power required Symbols hp hp hp hp hp hp Page xviii Scan Part VI free stream dyn. pressure Reynold’s number Lifting surface correction factor Wing/fuselage interference factor Wing planform (ref) area Fuselage base area Max, fuselage cross section 2 Canard area Max. frontal area of canopy Flapped canard area Flapped hor.tail area Fuselage side area as defined in Fig.10.28 Flapped wing area Horiz.tail area Max. frontal area of nacelle Vertical tail area, see p. 387 Nozzle cross section area Total wetted area Wetted area of fuselage Wetted area with laminar flow Wetted area with turbulent flow Wetted area of wing symbols psf ee ft ft ft ft ft ft Page xix tle T reqd U, or U < *acy, acy! cp ref Part VI thickness ratio (at ¢) = ----~ Temperature of air deg F Thrust available lbs Remnant thrust lbs Thrust required lbs Steady state airspeed ft/sec induced drag factor due to twist Velocity at sta. A, fps Velocity at sta. A, fps Canard volume coefficient, see Eqn. (10.74) Hor. tail volume coefficient, see Eqn. (10.23) = Required electrical power hp Hydr. fluid flow rate gpm Average nozzle flow velocity fps zero-lift drag factor due to twist = max. fuselage width ft Airplane weight lbs position of a.c. on wing mgc, ft position of aerodynamic center on wing mgc, fr.c position of hor. tail a.c. on wing mgc ft position of hor. tail a.c. on wing mgc, fr.c - position of wing center of pressure on wing ngc ft position of reference point on wing mgc ft Symbols Page xx Xee"%reg/& position of reference _ ref “ref point on wing gc, fr.¢ NOTE: see Figure 8.114 for illustration! x distance of wing quarter chord w mgc to c.g., see Fig.10.39 ---- y spanwise coordinate ft z vertical height of fuselage at wing root chord ft 2 distance in Fig.10.34 ft zy distance in Pig.10.27 ft 2, wing distance to fuselage cen- w terline, see Fig. (10.9) ft 2, STABILITY, CONTROL AND HINGEMOMENT DERIVATIVES NOTE: All derivatives are presented in the airplane stability axes system. See pages 371 and 372 for a definition of axes. STABILITY DERIVATIVES symbol Definition Dimension Sp, acpfa(u/dyy eee om acfa(al0y) eee Cn, ac /@(u/0y) eee cn, Cy (9 (u/0y) sate u ¢, acy /8(u/U,) te Ty my! 2 (08 acy /aa raa? acp/ae rad? ac,/aa rad? 2 ec /aa rad ™y acy/a(ac/2u,) rad? ac, /a(ac/2u,) rad? ac,/8(ae/20,) raa* Part VI symbols Page xxi ¢, acy/ap Ys “a, 0C, / ap Cap acy! -1 ¢, ac, /ap rad "ty ™P : -1 2) %y, acy/a(bb/20,) rad a, ac, /a(bb/2u,) rad . 1 Sng ac,,/2(sb/20,) rad “1 ac, /2(pb/20,) ad °y, Cy 2 (pb/20, ra cy ac, /0(pb/20,) rag? P 7 ¢ ac_/a(pb/2u,) rad? ny n/ 2 (pb /20, %, acy/a(qe/2u,) rad - -1 “14 ac,/a(qe/2u,) rad = m1 ong ac,/8(qe/20,) rad 1 @ 2) Sy acy /a(rb/20,) rad cy ac, /2(rb/20,) raa? r c, ac,,/8(rb/20,) raa7? : ni CONTROL DERIVATIVES acy fai raa* p/*tn ac, / ai, aa? 1/?4n r ac, / a4, raa* n/?4y aCp/ 28, a7? Dee r symbols Page xxii aC, /08, rad ac, /a8, aa"? Cyl 2be r acy /ai, aa7* p/ ete r acy, /2i aaé* p/h r “1 acylig rad ¢ rad? c rag? rad? Part VI Symbols Page xxiii Cy aC y/ Pip rad h a1 a a6 cy, C128, rad © -1 ey acy /28, rad r -1 on, ac, /25, rad © HINGEMOMENT DERIVATIVES a evati symbol Definition Dimension ¢ zero-angle-of-attack, zero-con- ‘0 urface-deflection, zero- le-deflection hingemoment coefficient - acy, /da rad 8c,/08 raa”? ae, 128 raa? hy t symbo. Definition Dimension cy zero-angle-of-attack, zero-con- ‘0 trol-surface-deflection» zero- tab-angle-def lection hingemoment coefficient - oy, acy /aa rad -1 oy, acy /as rad -1 Sh, AC) / 08, rad fa NOTE: Control surface hingemoment derivatives defined sofar, are taken about the control surface hinge- line. Tab hingemoment derivatives taken about the tab hingeline are defined in a similar manner but carry the superscript ‘t’ as in ct, and ct, x x Part VI Symbols Page xxiv 3,_GREEK SYMBOLS Symbol APhydr Part VI Definition )imension airfoil angle of attack deg, rad airplane angle of attack deg, rad with subscript w, h or c, the symbol indicates the an- gle of attack of that component linear range of o deg, rad airfoil zero-lift angle of attack deg, rad airplane zero-lift angle of attack deg, rad derivative of angle of attack w.r.t. surface deflection angle a- m2 )2/2 eee also: sideslip angle flight path angle dihedral angle pressure ratio, also: flap or control sur- face deflection flap defl. angle deg, deg, increment change in angle of attack due to ground effect difference in stall angle of attack between wing and canard, depends deg, rad see p.280 incremental coefficient incremental coefficient incremental deg, airfoil lift due to flaps -- airplane lift due to flaps canard lift rad coefficient to trim, based on wing area, S incremental tail lift coefficient to trim, based on wing area, S = incremental airfoil pitching mo- ment coefficient due to flaps - incremental airplane piching mo- ment coefficient due to flaps - change in tail downwash angle due to flaps deg» rad hydraulic pressure differential psi Symbols Page xxv “inl “inl/com “inl/ine "p “shock Aca Part VI shift in aerodynamic center due to the fuselage, fr.c leading edge shape parameter downwash angle at the ho- rizontal tail upwash angle at the canard wing twist angle span fraction, or see p.46 ratio of canard to wing dynamic pressure pressure recovery through diffuser fuel pump efficiency gearbox efficiency generator efficiency ratio of hor.tail to wing dynamic pressure hydr- pump efficiency inlet pressure recovery inlet pressure recovery, compressible inlet pressure recovery, incompressible propeller efficiency pressure recovery through shock semi-chord sweep angle quarter chord sweep angle leading edge sweep angle taper ratio coefficient of viscosity for air area ratio AQ/A, 3.14 air density Symbols deg, rad deg, rad deg, rad deg, rad deg, rad deg, rad slug/tt? Page xxvi bal bw can cg co cool cw eff emp flap fus gear int ke lam lef LE, le max misc np P plf prof rated ref reqd sf 8p Part VI sidewash angle deg, rad effective turning angle deg, rad trailing edge angle deg, rad steady state aileron available Airplane base balance basic wing canard canopy center of gravity cut-off cooling canopy/windshield elevator effective empennage friction, sometimes: flap flap fuselage ground effect landing gear horizontal tail interference krueger flap laminar leading edge flap landing leading edge maxim miscellaneous (at a given) Mach Number nacelle nacelle/pylon pylon planform profile rudder rated, usually SHP reference, usually the wing, or a point on the wing required slat (ted) split flap spoiler (speedbrake) symbols Page xxvii std store T TE, te TL Ts turb TO trim w wave wb wet we wing wmprop ws S._ACRONYMS AEO APU AWACS b.l. BPR CBR c.g. FRP hl or hel. ive. lee. gc or m.g.ce gr RAT SHP t.e. W.R.P. weret Part VI standard store(s) thrust or power effect trailing edge thrustline offset effect propeller slipstream effect turbulent take-off trim wing wave (drag) wing-body (same as wing-fuselage) wetted wing-fuselage (same as wing-body) wing windmilling propeller windshield All engines operating Auxiliary power unit Airborne warning and control system boundary layer Bypass ratio California Bearing Ratio center of gravity Fuselage Reference Plane hingeline id est (that is) leading edge mean geometric chord one engine inoperative Ram air turbine Shaft Horsepower trailing edge Wing Reference Plane with respect to Symbols Page xxviii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Writing a book on airplane design is impossible without the supply of a large amount of data. The author is grateful to the following companies for supplying data on airplane drag and on airplane stability and control characteristics: Cessna Aircraft Company Beech Aircraft Corporation The Boeing Company McDonnell Douglas Corp. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Gates Learjet Corporation Northrop Corporation SIAI Marchetti A significant amount of airplane design information has been accumulated by the author over many years from the following magazines: Interavia (Swiss, monthly) Flight International (British, weekly) Business and Commercial Aviation (USA, monthly) Aviation Week and Space Technology (USA, weekly) Journal of Aircraft (USA, AIAA, monthly) The author wishes to acknowledge the important role played by these magazines in his own development as an aeronautical engineer. Aeronautical engineering students and graduates should read these magazines regularly. This part of the Airplane Design series presents ra~ pid methods for estimating drag, lift, pitching moment, installed thrust and power data as well as stability, control and hingemoment derivatives. In preparing this part much use has been made of the USAF DATCOM, a most impressive and useful document which should be available in all aeronautical engineering design offices and libraries. Part VI Page xxix SSS wWaynos *ZS3iunNd> x» XX“ H3NHOS Page xxx Part VI 1, INTRODUCTION The purpose of this series of books on Airplane Design is to familiarize aerospace engineering students with the design methodology and design decision making involved in the process of designing airplanes. The series of books is organized as follows: PART I: PRELIMINARY SIZING OF AIRPLANES PART II: PRELIMINARY CONFIGURATION DESIGN AND INTEGRATION OF THE PROPULSION SYSTEM PART III: LAYOUT DESIGN OF COCKPIT, FUSELAGE, WING AND EMPENNAGE: CUTAWAYS AND INBOARD PROFILES PART IV: LAYOUT DESIGN OF LANDING GEAR AND SYSTEMS PART V: COMPONENT WEIGHT ESTIMATION PART VI: PRELIMINARY CALCULATION OF AERODYNAMIC, THRUST AND POWER CHARACTERISTICS PART VII: DETERMINATION OF STABILITY, CONTROL AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: FAR AND MILITARY REQUIREMENTS PART VIII: AIRPLANE COST ESTIMATION: DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURING AND OPERATING The purpose of PART VI is to present a systematic approach to the prediction of drag, installed power and thrust, lift, pitching moment and other important stabi- lity and control data needed in preliminary design. The methods presented in this volume are meant to be used in conjunction with Preliminary Design Sequence II as outlined in Chapter 2 of Part II of this series. For that reason these methods are sometimes referred to as Class II methods. The preceeding Class I methods are co- vered in Part I and Part II of this series and are meant to be used with Preliminary Design Sequence I as outlined also in Chapter 2 of Part II. In Chapter 2 some important definitions relating to flight regime and reference geometries are discussed. Chapter 3 presents different ways by which airplane drag polars can be represented by simple mathematical models. Several examples are given. Chapter 4 presents a method to predict the component drag breakdown and the total drag of airplanes. Example drag data are given in Chapter 5. Part VI Chapter 1 Page 1 Methods for predicting installed thrust and power characteristics are presented in Chapter 6. Example thrust and power data are given in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 contains methods for predicting lift and pitching moment characteristics of airplanes with and without (mechanical) flaps. Example data are given in Chapter 9. Prediction methods for stability, control and hinge moment derivatives are presented in Chapter 10 with example data provided in Chapter 11. To make the use of this book easy on students, a USER's GUIDE is presented in Chapter 12. Aeronautical engineering students should use this guide to prevent wasting a lot of time chasing non-existing problems. Appendix A contains data on the atmosphere. Appendix B contains data needed in the estimation of areas and volumes. Part VI Chapter 1 Page 2 2, IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS In this text frequent use is made of: 2.1 Flow regimes defined in terms of Mach number 2.2 Reference geometries defined in terms of areas and lengths The purpose of this chapter is to define the physi- cal and the mathematical meaning of these terms. 2,1 BLOW REGIME DEFINITIONS In this text the following flow regimes are used: 2.1.1 Subsonic Flow Regime 2.1.2 Transonic Flow Regime 2.1.3 Supersonic Plow Regime 2.1.1 Subsonic Plow Regime In terms of Mach number the subsonic flow regime is defined as: SUBSONIC: 0 < M < 0.60 It is assumed that in this flow regime all compres- sibility effects are negligible. The reader should keep in mind that whether or not compressibility effects are negligible depends not just on the free stream Mach num- ber but also on thickness and on angle of attack. Where the subsonic flow regime ends depends on the values of critical and drag divergence Mach numbers: The critical Mach number is that free stream Mach number for which a condition of M=1 is first reached somewhere on the airplane. Figure 2.1 shows how the critical Mach number varies with airfoil shape and with airfoil lift coefficient (or angle of attack). The drag divergence Mach number is that free stream Mach number for which: Boeing definition: the drag coefficient first reaches a value of 0.0020 above that in the subsonic flow regime. Part VI Chapter 2 Page 3 oF My ow eg ore =NZa 0 SLNNOD 02 os) LNVLSNO) = 7 ANWVISNOD = 00 TSQUMN YOeH SSUSHISATG BIT Uo t t T » ny neces, Pr ee a o_o “aoa o_o veg 7 79% ‘donwon } ro Wau NS eax |" ixsaLeno3, foro wou YN eco te ineved vue ah Ap 212 hg ~~~ aay _ Saguinny omH Ee eel A nN St 7 TSS vo i go-%9 1a | aL wend ‘T a To wo Page 4 Chapter 2 Part VI Douglas definition: the slope of the drag coef- ficient versus Mach number first reaches the value of 0.10. Figure 2.2 depicts these definitions graphically. Experience shows that there is no significant difference between these definitions. The following equations may be used to estimate the drag divergence Mach number for airfoils: For modern (aft-loaded) airfoils: Mpp = 0-95 - (t/edga, ~ ©4/10 (2.1) ‘DD x For NACA airfoils: Myp = 0.90 ~ (tle) a, - ¢,/10 (2.2) Figures 2.3 may be used to estimate the drag diver- gence Mach number of uncambered wings. For wings with camber, determine the lift coefficient for zero angle of attack, C, . Then use Figures 2.3 with: ‘0 =¢ +, (2.3) & “Factual Yo Reference 8 contains a wealth of information on the effect of the geometry of fuselages and wings on critical and on drag divergence Mach number. 2.1.2 Transonic Flow Regime In terms of Mach number the transonic flow regime is defined as: ¢, TRANSONIC: 0.60 ¢ M ¢ 1.2 Mathematically speaking, the transonic flow regime starts at the critical Mach number. Physically speaking, the transonic flow regime starts at the drag divergence Mach number. In the transonic flow regime compressibility effects cannot be neglected. The reader should keep in mind that compressibility effects in this flow regime are a strong function of thickness ratio (for lifting surfaces such as wings, pylons and tails) and of cross sectional area dis- tributions. The sweep angle of lifting surfaces is also an important parameter. Part VI Chapter 2 Page 5 FOR UNCAMBERED WINGS ONLY ! FOR CAMBERED WINGS SEE EQN. 0 10 Fs Part VI Chapter 2 Page 6 0; FOR UNCAMBERED WINGS ONLY | FoR CAMBERED WINGS SEE EQN.Z3 dMeg AMeg Part VI Chapter 2 Page 7 To reduce drag in the transonic flow regime the con- cept of area ruling plays an important role. Reference 8 contains information on the variation of drag with Mach number in the transonic speed regime below =1. Reference 9 should be used for the estimation of drag in the transonic flow regime above M=1. For applications of the area rule concept, ref.10 should be consulted. 2.1.3 Supersonic Flow Regime In terms of Mach number the supersonic flow regime is defined as: SUPERSONIC: 1.2 FROM REFLIZ COURTESY : L. NICOLAL 0 02 04 06 08 10 12 © a ee ee o 4 8 i 1 20 24 Ls 344 =: Part VI Chapter 3 Page 17 does not occur at C, = 0 and it becomes necessary to represent the drag polar as: 2 2 cS + RING, - C7 + KIC, G.6) DP nin Lo Tnin u Note that minimum drag in this case occurs at a lift coefficient of C, = (K'/(K''+K IC, a Tin The Lockheed C-141 Starlifter is a cambered airplane despite the fact that its wing uses symmetrical airfoil sections (average section is NACA 0011). Since the wing is installed at an incidence angle of 3.2 degrees the airplane acts like it is cambered. Figure 3.4 shows the €-141 low speed drag polar. Note that: C) " = 0.0140, ‘min which occurs at C, = 0.27. Unin Note, that for an uncambered airplane Eqn. (3.6) reduces to Eqn. (3.5) since in that case: C, = 0 and: ‘n in K'' + K' = 1/nAe (no camber only!) (3.7) For airplanes flying at relatively high angles of attack, the drag polars deviate significantly from the parabolic shape. This is caused by flow separation re- sulting in a steep rise in pressure drag. In that case the polar is modelled as: cy +k min + Kg (Cy - o, (c= 2 (3.8) Figure 3.5 illustrates a drag polar with this type of behavior. C, is the lift coefficient for which the steep drag B rise due to separation begins. The factor K, is called the break drag-due-to-lift factor and is defined as: K, = 0 for C, < ¢, o Lots (3.9) Ky > 0 for > cy Table 3.1 presents a summary of important lift-to- drag ratios based on the drag polar models of Eqns 3.5 and 3.6. These lift-to-drag ratios and the lift coeffi- cients at which they occur are used in the performance calculations presented in Part VII. Part VI Chapter 3 Page 18 OTP M M¢ 1.2 this drag coefficient Part VI Chapter 4 Page 48 may be determined by extrapolation, using the ‘fairing lines’ shown in Figure 4.21. = the fuselage wave drag coefficient waves,, which follows from Figure 4.22. p Bigure 4.23 illustrates how the transonic fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient is built up in this manner. NOTE WELL: The wave drag component of zero lift drag can be much higher than predicted here if the cross sec- tional area distribution of the wing/fuselage combination is not ‘smooth’. Sub-section 4.3.4 defines what is meant by ‘smooth’ cross sectional area distributions. The transonic fuselage drag coefficient due to lift is found from: 2 ¢ -os, /s (4.39) >, Peus ‘fus with the angle of attack in radians. 4.3.3 Supersonic Fuselage Drag Coefficient The supersonic fuselage drag coefficient is given as: ¢, c + (4.40) D, D, eae °eus Zeus where: Cy = fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient, fug 8ee = fuselage drag coefficient due to lift, see ‘fus Puselage zero-lift drag coefficient The supersonic fuselage zero-lift drag coefficient follows from: ce OS, Senet Cp +Cp + D, £ wet, ‘fus ‘D, ‘D, sus fus ‘fus Ny A MSeu,)/8 (4,41) ‘fus +o +c, anc) OF Part VI Chapter 4 Page 49 Coy Gy COPIED FAom AEF. EXAMPLE? ASSUME Dede 5 o/s 5 THE PROPER FAIRING LINE TO 03 BE USED 15 _—____ 2 TT maci— + jwomneR aod Pot ul | COPIED FROM REE.@ 1.05 i wave 16 DRAG. hon ‘COEFFICIENT Yon _| 73 os ‘ 1 [ “t ot : . * 68 0 6 © w FUSELAGE FINENESS RATIO, Le/de 4422 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 50 FAIRING DUE TO POSSIBLE MISMATCH BETWEEN TRANSONIC AND SUPERSONIC BASE DRAG ESTIMATES PRESSURE DRAG sore 2 WAVE DRAG Reproduced from Reference 9 SKIN FRICTION 10 12 MACH NUMBER, Note: 2 is the nose diameter of forebody or base diameter of afterbody dg is the maximurr diameter of forebody or afterbody | FOREBODY, Treverscoy : r bk + Part VI Chapter 4 Page 51 where: Ce = turbulent flat plate skin-friction fus coefficient of the fuselage, determined as described under Egn. (4.30). Cy and C) are the wave drag coefficients of the A fuselage nose and afterbody respectively. These wave drag coefficients may be deter- mined from Figures 4.24 and 4.25 respecti- vely. If the fuselage does not have a circular cross section, the respective equivalent diameters should be used when using Figures 4.24 and 4.25. NOTE WELL: The wave drag components of zero lift drag can be much higher than predicted here if the cross sectional area distribution of the wing/fuselage combina- tion is not ‘smooth’. Sub-section 4.3.4 defines what is meant by ‘smooth’ cross sectional area distributions. cy = interference drag coefficient acting on ‘ACNC) the aft-fuselage due to the center-fuse- lage. This coefficient may be found in Figures 4.26 or 4.27. = fuselage base drag coefficient. For fuselages with an approximate circular cross section this coefficient may be read from Figure 4.28, provided the fuse- lage has no appreciable base area. ‘fus Note: if the fuselage has an appreciable base area (and this almost always is the case in fighter airplanes), the value for the fuselage base drag coefficient may be obtained from: 2 “Dye Sp, (ap! de) (4,42) 5 where the base pressure coefficient, & fs follows from Figures 4.29. Puselage drag coefficient due to lift The supersonic fuselage drag coefficient due to lift depends strongly on the fuselage cross section: 2 = F(Qa Ss, /5 + 65 (s 18) pP) (4.43) Deus 6. “pleas ce Chapter 4 Page 52 Note: © athe now diameter of forebody or bee diameter of alerbody 4 Gtne masintim aameter of forcody o alerbody ‘ ay AK 22 oo ee «, A 4.25 Afterbodies COPIED FROM BEF.9 as + 20 1 y—op— hb cul!) Part VI Chapter 4 Page 53 wouseHAN HON ‘ , © eww “aldo NJ a On Chapter 4 Page 54 Part VI 5 TACT TESTUOY STRUT ROTAAY JO t 6t vy ——- p aay —- p~p v TWoys G3id05 Chapter 4 Page 55 Part VI 643ad *Wous T3160) WWaGRAN HOV sTT pep Yap 'ano09 Kou 91948 Pain 2a pious 2) HwOrHoH pa MAL 21] remy oe P ‘nag Kath 1849 Pon 2a preys out RWotvon amved 2k 210 BON 521 © Chapter 4 Page 56 Part VI For a fuselage with circular cross section: F = 1.0 For a fuselage with elliptical cross sectio: F = ((a/b)(cosw)? + (b/a) (sinw)?} (4.44) where: a is the major axis of the elliptical cross section. b is the minor axis of the elliptical cross section. » = 0 with the major axis horizontal. ® = 90 deg. with the minor axis horizontal. Values for cg are found in Figure 4.20. 4.3.4 The Area Rule Concept The methods for predicting wave drag in Sub-sections 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 are valid only if the wing/fuselage/en- pennage combination has a ‘smooth’ cross sectional area distribution. Figure 4.30 illustrates how a cross secti- onal area distribution of an airplane is obtained. Whitcomb showed in Reference 17 that the wave drag of an airplane in the transonic speed range is roughly equal to the wave drag of its ‘equivalent body of revolu- tion. Figure 4.30 also shows the equivalent body of re- volution for the same airplane. Note the irregularities in the equivalent body of revolution. Minimum wave drag can be achieved by designing the wing/fuselage/empennage cross sectional area distribution in such a way that its equivalent body of revolution ap- proximates the so-called Sears-Haack bodies. This design concept (due to Whitcomb) is referred to as area ruling. Three types of Sears-Haack bodies are depicted in Figure 4,31: Type I: used to minimize wave drag for a given length and volume. used to minimize wave drag for a given length Type I and diameter. Type III: used to minimize wave drag for a given diameter and volume. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 57 CONSTRUCT 'EQUIVALENT! BODY OF REVOLUTION SO THAT S; = rr AIRPLANE EQ. 3 4 2 Zs ZZ COPIED FROM: REF.18. COURTESY: B-NELSON, NORTHROP TPE! C= $ #(L)? GEN enctH avor Tren Gy» (2)* — uenartaon rem cys see(<)* maven Part VI Chapter 4 Page 58 The wave drag coefficients and volumes for the three Sears-Haack bodies are also given in Figure 4.31. Note: these wave drag coefficients apply to super- sonic Mach numbers only! To a first order of approxima- tion these supersonic wave drag coefficients are indepen- dent of Mach number. It is clear that to minimize wave drag it is essen- tial to distribute any given volume over as much length as possible. However, in airplane layout design several constraints are encountered. Typical constraints are: a) the airplane may not exceed a given length: this constraint is nearly always encountered in carrier based airplanes. Supersonic transports may encounter length limitations for reasons of ground maneuvering, gate space restrictions and hangar size limits. b) the airplane must have a minimm total volume: this constraint comes about because of the need to carry fuel, payload,, fixed equipment, landing gear and engines. Even airplane structures need a minimum amount of volume. c) the airplane must have a minimm outside diame- ter: this constraint arises because of the need for cabin volume, engine size and/or payload size. Because of these constraints on length, volume and diameter it may be necessary to strike a compromise in the layout design of transonic and supersonic airplanes. From the previous discussion it is obvious that ear- ly knowledge of volume requirements inside the airplane is essential. The airplane layout design procedures of Chapters 4-9 in Part II must be augmented with the fol- lowing step-by-step procedure: Step 1: Tabulate preliminary volume requirements as indicated in Table 4.1. Tables 4.2 give data for the volumetric requirements of the elements listed in Table 4.1. It is essential that the ‘critical’ (= minimm required) length for all elements is identified. The reader should use judgement in deciding where element critical lengths may overlap. Step 2: Prepare a preliminary airplane layout which includes all elements listed in Step 1. Do not forget to cross-check with the design layout procedures of Chapters 4-9 of Pt.II. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 59 Table 4.1 Critical Volume and Length Requirements Airplane Elenent critical Critical Volume Length cet?) (et) Eorebody: radome, avionics, cockpit, nose gear Mid section: gun or weapons bay, main gear, avionics, control runs, body fuel, fixed equipment, wing sweep mechanism, inlets Aft body: engine bay(s), tail- pipes, nozzles, afterburners, body fuel, empennage carry-through Wing: total wing volume outside the body. : if required, this normally resides in the for- ward part of the fuselage. Empennage: total empennage volume outside the body. Streamtube: that volume taken up by the inlet, engines, tail- pipes, afterburners and nozzles. Inlet stream tube: that volume taken up by the inlet up to the engine compressor faces. Note: This table can be completed only after a prelimi- nary layout of the airplane has been prepared. Chapters 4-9 in Part II provide step-by-step pro- cedures for preparing such a layout. Tables 4.2a and 4.2b should be consulted for preliminary data on volumetric requirements of airplane elements. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 60 Table 4.2a Critical Volume, Cross Section and Length Data Notes: 1. Data given are minimm data for fighters. For transports the volume needs follow from layout design results of Chapters 4-9 in Part II. 2, All data refer to ‘installed’ volumes, not to actual volumes. Data based on Reference 18. Element Volume Cross Section Length (et?) cee?) (et) . 4 2 Radome: 0.2214, 44 + 0.33) (14) ag) Cockpit: today 70.0 14,0 upright future 50.0 11.0 upright 7.0 semi-supine Nose gear: 15.0 3.0 (fighters only!) Weapons: see Part IV, Chapter 3 for dimensioned data on weapons and stores. Some statistical data ar conformal carriage: 1.5 £t°/1,000 ibs 3.0 internal bay: 7 tube launch: 20 £t3/1,000 lbs weapon ejector launch: 33 £t3/1,000 bs weapon Guns: Mk61 20 mm 14.0 gun +2 Oerlikon 30 mm 4.8 gun +2 Ammunition: 20 mm 0,013 £t3/round 30 mm 0.052 £t*/round Main Gear: (9 + 10°6(2,56CBR - 4, 86)Wyo(1.924cBR) °° 158 For CBR (California Bearing Ratio) definitions and its relation to airfield type, see Ref.19. For fighters: CBR = 3.0 - 5.0 | For transports: CBR = 12 Arresting gear: 4.0 Hydr./pneum. systems: 0.00046W,, Electrical systems: 4.0 (for fighters only) Armor: 1.0 Environmental system: 15.0 (for fighters only) Part VI Chapter 4 Page 61 Table 4.2b Critical Volume, Cross Section and Length Data Element Volume Cross Section Length cet) (ee?) (ét) Oxyaen system: 6.0 per crew member for fighters Auxiliary gear: 0.00005HnG Control runs: 1.0 £t? between the cockpit and empennage Fuselage structure: 0.13(1,/d_)S, ££) Svete Wing: volume outside the body, computed from the wing layout drawing of Step 6.13 in Part IT. i 4 2 Wing sweep mechanism: 0.4(c,)7(t/c), We » C\= chord at ef pans ey pivot. Body fuel: use a volumetric efficiency of 85 percent for fuselage tanks. Refuelling system: 2 £t*, normally in the forebody Empennage: volume outside the body, computed from the empennage layout drawing of Step 8.7, Part II. Streamtube: that volume taken up by inlets, engines, tailpipes, afterburners and nozzles. Wasted volume: it is not possible to package a fuselage without wasted volume. Many system components require accessibility: this adds volume. The following equation is suggested for computing wasted volume: 1/2 v = 0,212{3 (Vol. gyg/lg) + 2.7(Volgygle) 7} waste where: Vol,,, = sum of all previous volume requirements. 1g is the overall fuselage length Total_volume: = Vole. + Vyaste’ Inlet stream tube: that volume taken up by the inlet up to the engine compressor faces. This volume is subtrac- ted from the total volume in arriving at the net cross- sectional area distribution. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 62 Step 3: Translate the preliminary airplane layout into a cross sectional area plot as shown in Figure 4.32. Make certain that all volume- tric and critical length requirements of Step 1 are satisfied. Step 4: Decide which of the Sears-Haack bodies of Figure 4.31 best fit the cross sectional area plot of Step 3. Overlay the selected Sears-Haack cross sectional area plots. Step 5: Adjust the fuselage geometry until the air- plane cross sectional area plot MINUS its inlet capture area conforms to the selected Sears-Haack shapes. Figure 4.33 shows an example of a cross sectional area distribution of a fighter airplane. Figure 4.34 shows several critical cross sections. Note that the ‘bump’ in the area distribution due to the canopy are eliminated by indenting the local fuselage cross section. The Dassault Rafale is an example of a fighter airplane where this has also been done. Note that the ‘bump’ in the area distribution due to the wing has been eliminated also by indenting the local fuselage cross section. The result is a ‘coke-bottle’ shape. Further examples of this coke-bottling are shown in Figures 3.54 - 3,56 in Part II. Airplanes which fly at high subsonic Mach numbers may require so-called ‘local’ area ruling. Examples of ‘local’ area ruling are found in the Boeing 737-300 wing/ nacelle region, in the Northrop F-5 wing/tiptank region and in the DC-10 center-engine/vertical tail region. In using ‘local’ area ruling, only local cross sec- tional area distributions are constructed. When these local cross sectional area distributions are ‘smooth’, no major problems in dragrise at high subsonic Mach numbers should be expected. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 63 £.63 STEPS VERT. TAILS LOWGMTUOMAL STATIN COPIED FROM BEF.18 COURTESY = B-NELSON Ni 2 (fswell* emetewl{ fee P.63 STEPH \ sii, BE | mn “ Soest [RST STAGE AIRPLANE CROSS SECTION DEFINITION (TAROET) 32 i a foaee a 4 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 64 ‘CROSS-SECTIONAL AREASO IN, 5 ‘DENSITY APPROK.§ LICUBIC FT CCARTURE AACA = 00 $0N. REMOVE 5 SEARS TED 3 wing w =) ‘SEARS TYPE 3 ana 78 A aso (og Soa 00 S00 800) S00 a5 FUSELAGE STATION-NCHES COPIED FROM: RERIS COURTESY: B.NELSON (NosTHROP) 1 70 4.33 COPIED FROM: REF IS COURTES' B.NELSON CNOBTHROP) £ Foe L Part VI Chapter 4 Page 65 4.4 EMPENNAGE DRAG COEFFICIENT PREDICTION 4.4.1 Subsonic Empennage Drag Coefficient The subsonic empennage drag coefficient is found from: ¢ = SUM, ((Cy + (C, ) (4.45) emp 0, L ‘emp ‘emp where: (C) ), = empennage zero-lift drag coefficient ee, of the number i empennage surface, ™® see empennage drag coefficient due to lift of the number i empennage surface, see Empennage zero-lift drag coefficient The empennage zero-lift drag coefficient, (C) © onp may be computed with Equation (4.6) after replacing the appropriate wing parameters with those for the empennage. It is assumed here that any airplane may have the following empennage surfaces: * horizontal tail surface(s), * canard surface(s) and * vertical tail surface(s) How many of these surfaces an airplane has and where they are located depends strongly on the configuration of the airplane. Chapter 3 of Part II presents more than 180 airplane configurations with different approaches to empennage layout design. Chapter 8 of Part II as well as Chapter V of Part III contain methods and examples for the sizing of empennage surfaces. NOTE: For each of these empennage surfaces Eqn. (4.6) must be used with the following substitutions: s, = 8, ) wet, Wet emp i Rye = 160 Rpg = as determined from Figure 4.2, but using the individual empennage surface sweep angle. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 66 Ce = C, which follows from Figure 4.3 at the ap- fy ft omp propriate empennage Reynolds number computed with as cha- racteristic length, Cenp » the exposed mean geometric e chord for each empennage surface. L! = as determined from Figure 4.4, using the maxi- mum thickness location associated with each empennage airfoil. (t/c) = maximum thickness ratio associated with each empennage airfoil, taken at its expo- sed mean geometric chord. The empennage wetted area, (8. y will normally emp be different for each empennage surface. ici i The empennage drag coefficient due to lift, (c, ), may be computed with the following method: Most canard and horizontal tail surfaces develop lift in a steady state flight condition. This lift causes induced drag. In this text, the lift carried by empennage surfaces is split into two components: 1, Lift caused by the reference incidence setting of any empennage surface: the induced drag caused by this lift is accounted for in this paragraph. 2. Lift caused by the requirement to ‘trim’ the air- plane at a particular center of gravity location: the induced drag caused by this lift is referred to as ‘trim’ drag: see Section 4.10. If the empennage employs the so-called butterfly arrangement, the projection method of page 206 in Part II may be used to arrive at the ‘equivalent horizontal’ and the ‘equivalent vertical’ tail surface. The amount of lift on a horizontal tail surface can Part VI Chapter 4 Page 67 be computed from: = (a - (4.46) by, ‘Sh *h with: oy, a(1 - de/da) + in (4.47) The amount of lift on a canard surface can be computed from: C=C, (ay - ) (4.48) L L c °, © c be with: a, = a(1 + de./da) + i, (4,49) Methods for predicting downwash ¢, upwash e, and the zero lift angles of attack, a, anda, , are presented L in Chapter 10. ° In airplanes with a fixed horizontal tailplane, i, is usually zero. In airplanes with a fixed canard, i, is normally set to assure that the canard stalls before the wing. In preliminary design it is acceptable to set: in +3 (4,50) ipsa -a + stall, ~ “stall, * “w where the values for a and a are taken as the stall, stall, airfoil stall angles of attack at the m.g.c. of their respective surfaces and where the wing incidence angle, i, may be found from Tables 6.7 in Part II or from page 197 in Part III. Since horizontal tails and canards are normally not twisted, their drag-due-to-lift may be computed from Eqn. (4.8) with e,=0, to yield: cp = (Cy ‘emp This equation applies to an airplane equipped with one horizontal tail and with one canard. If more empen- nage surfaces are present, they must be accounted for in a manner analogous to Eqn. (4.51). 2 2 MimdyeyISy/S + (Cy I IAALe IS—/S (4.51) ‘h Part VI Chapter 4 Page 68 and C, follow from Eqns (4.46) and ‘h ic (4,48) respectively. Values for C, values for A,, A,, S, and S, follow from airplane threeviews as developed in Chapter 13 of Part II. For the Oswald efficiencies e, and e, the fol- lowing values are suggested e, > 0.5 for fuselage mounted tails 0.75 for T-tails 0.5 c Vertical Tail Surface(s) Vertical tails are normally installed symmetrically so that the vertical tail drag contribution due to lift is usually zero. If the airplane is sideslipping over an angle 8, this angle p should be considered as the angle of attack of the vertical tail. A modified version of Eqn. (4.51) may then be used to calculate the drag due to lift (in sideslip) of the vertical tail. 4.4.2 Transonic Empennage Drag Coefficient The transonic empennage drag coefficient may be found from: c : (4,52) emp L, where: (Cy 4 7 empennage zero-lift drag coefficient 6, of the number i empennage surface, aod see ), = empennage drag coefficient due to lift ‘em of the number i empennage surface, os see Empennage zero-lift drag coefficient In the transonic speed range the empennage zero-lift drag coefficient is found froi Part VI Chapter 4 Page 69 + (Cy dts d,/S (4.53) mi em yave el at M=0.6 where: (Cy i 7 empennage drag coefficient due to © emp friction of the number i empennage surface at M-0.6. It is obtained from at M=0.6 Eqn. (4,6) with the same substitutions as noted in (cy ), = empennage zero-lift wave drag coef- emp, ficient obtained with the procedure wave of but with the appropriate substitution of empennage (emp) pa- parameters for wing (w) parameters. To achieve acceptable wave drag characteristics, the entire configuration, including its empennage surfaces must be ‘area-ruled’. A procedure for ‘area-ruling’ any configuration is given in Sub-section 4.3.4. 4.2.2 The transonic empennage drag coefficient due to lift, (C) , may be computed from Eqn. (4.18), as long Lemp as the following substitutions are used: jl 2 : To find (Cy /C,"Jeqp, from Figures 4.13, use the appropriate transonic similarity parameters for the number i empennage surface. For C, use either C, as in Equations c (4.46) or (4.48). 4.4.3 Supersonic Empennage Drag Coefficient The supersonic empennage drag coefficient is found from: Spy 7 SUM: at ©, 4.54) ‘mp ‘emp ‘emp where: (Cy j 7 Zero lift drag coefficient of the 0, number i empennage surface, emp see Part VI Chapter 4 Page 70 = drag coefficient due to lift of the number i empennage surface, see The supersonic empennage zero lift drag coefficient is found fro + (py , (4.55) (c, dj, =, D. i Demp. i i emp mee em wave where: (Cy), = (C 46S, is (4.56) 5 emp, femp f Wetemp i where: (Cp), may be found from emp Fig.4.3 at the appropriate empennage Reynolds number computed with as cha- racteristic length, ¢ » the exposed emp, mean geometric chord of each empennage surface. (Cp )4 = wave drag coefficient of the number em aye i empennage surface. This wave drag coefficient may be determined with the method of as long as the appropriate empennage para- meters are substituted for their wing counterparts. Empennage drag coefficient due to ft The supersonic empennage drag coefficient due to lift is found from: 2 2 (c, dy = py 1,792, CC, ) (4.57) ‘D, D, ‘L ‘emp, ~L, Lemp L ‘i emp 2 values for (Cy iC, empi TY be obtained from the method of, as long as the appropriate parameter substitutions are made. Values for (C, ‘emp follow from either Eqn. (4.46) or from Eqn. (4.48). Part VI Chapter 4 Page 71 4.5 NACELLE/PYLON DRAG COEFFICIENT PREDICTION Methods for predicting nacelle/pylon drag are presented as follows: 4.5.1 Isolated Nacelle/Pylon Drag Coefficient This method is applicable in all speed regimes considered in this text. 4.5.2 Installed Nacelle/Pylon Drag Coefficient Increment This method applies only in the subsonic speed regime and provides the ‘interference’ drag increment due to nacelle/pylon instal lations. It is assumed that this ‘interference’ drag increment is independent of Mach number as long as the appropriate area ruling is used in the transonic and supersonic speed ranges. See Sub-section 4.3.4 for details on area ruling. 4.5.3 Windmilling Drag and Propeller Drag Coef- ficients This method provides the drag increase caused by engine and/or propeller stoppage. These methods should be applied as follows: 1: Determine the subsonic installed drag incre- ment due to the nacelle or the nacelle/pylon combination from Sub-section 4.5.2. Again: this drag increment represents the interfe- rence drag of the installation. Step 2: Determine the drag increments due to tran- sonic and supersonic operations from Sub- section 4.5.1 which assumes the nacelle/py- lon to be isolated. 3: Add the transonic and/or supersonic incre- ments from Step 2 to the nacelle/pylon in- terference drag obtained in Step 1. 4: For windmilling and/or propeller drag incre- ments use Sub-section 4.5.3. Add this drag increment to the drag obtained in Step 3. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 72 5.1 tol led The nacelle/pylon drag coefficient may be computed from: = (4,58) Pap where: C) = nacelle drag coefficient, see n C) = pylon drag coefficient, see P Nacelle drag coefficient The nacelle drag coefficient is found from: Cy = SUM, (Cy ) (4.59) Dy Sopa The number i equals the number of nacelles on the airplane. Each nacelle drag coefficient, (C, ), is com ‘n puted with the method of Section 4.3. This assumes that a nacelle can be treated as if it is a (small) fuselage. Note: nacelles will generate lift when placed at an angle of attack. Local nacelle angle of attack should be expressed as: +a, t ey (4,60) wing angle of attack i, = nacelle incidence angle, see Pigure 4.35. nacelle upwash and downwash angle. This depends on where the nacelle is intalled on the airplane. Figure 4.36 illustrates two possibilities. €, > 0 for upwash and €,< 0 for downwash. The nacelle up- or downwash angle follows from: ®n =(de,/da)a (4,61) where: de,/da is computed with the methods described in Chapter 8, Part VI Chapter 4 Page 73 WING CHOBD LINE a) NACELLE ON WING UPWASH! (6, >0) DOWNWASH (En <0) b) NACELLE — KS oN = Crs FUSELAGE 4.36 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 74 Engine Inoperative: In addition to the drag given by Eqn. (4.59) there will be extra drag caused by engine or propeller wind- milling. If a propeller is stopped, there will be extra drag due to that. Sub-section 4.5.3 deals with such cases. Pylon drag coefficient The pylon drag coefficient may be found from: “py = SUM; (Cp 4 (4,62) It will be assumed here that the drag behavior of a pylon can be modelled as that of an empennage. For this reason, values for (C, ), may be obtained by using the method of Section 4.4. For vertically installed pylons (see Figure 4.37), the pylon should be treated as a vertical tail: the drag prediction method of Section 4.4 may be used. For horizontally installed pylons (see Figure 4.38) the pylon should be treated as a horizontal tail or as a canard: use the drag prediction method of Section 4.4. NOTA BENE 1: Nacelles installed in the proximity of wings (see Figure 4.37a) must be installed so that they are at zero local sideslip angle in the local flowfield. This results in the need for ‘toe-in’ for nacelles such as in the Boeing 747 series airplanes: see Figure 4.39. NOTA BENE 2: The methods of and ap- ply to all speed regimes. However, in the transonic and supersonic speed regimes the method is valid only as long as the nacelle/pylon combination is included in the area- ruling process described in Sub-section 4.3.3. Note: the nacelle stream tube should not be included in this area ruling process. 4.5.2 Installed Nacelle/Pylon Drag Coefficient Increment Sub-section 4.5.1 provides a method for predicting the drag coefficient, C) due to isolated nacelle/pylon combinations. np In the following, a method for computing the interference drag increment caused by a nacelle/pylon Part VI Chapter 4 Page 75 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 76 installation is presented. The method is broken down into three parts: :5.2.1 Wing/nacelle interference drag coefficient Puselage/nacelle interference drag coefficient Cooling drag coefficient increment Which drag increment should be accounted for depends on the airplane configuration. For turboprop and for piston-prop nacelle/wing installations the interference drag coefficient is found from: i (4,63) = 0,036 (cb /s)(Ac, + Ac. nn 1 1. Mint 1 2 where: c, and b, are defined in Figure 4,40, Ac, = 0.2 for a nacelle on top of the wing 1 = -0.3 for a nacelle below the wing Ac, = 0.056(i,) (4, is in degrees) 1, n 1 7 Racelle incidence angle defined in Figure 4.35. For jet-driven airplanes the wing/nacelle interfe- rence drag coefficient is found from: ¢, =F D. (4,64) int where: (AC) /C) ) follows from Figure 4.41 at the Mach non numbers indicated. C) = nacelle drag coefficient as determined nin = 1.0 for M << 0.5 1.0 for M > 0.5 and no local area ruling of the nacelle/pylon/wing intersection. 0.5 for M > 0.5 and a locally area ruled nacelle/pylon/wing intersection. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 77 Mon [cp = drag coefficient of free nacelle Dn Ap = drag coefficient including interference Gor i | sid Pb a2 % 04 NO [s. 18 | Xs | | eee 40 > Note: 1, For definition of geometric parameters, see b) 2, Valid for a st¥aight ving only os | | | | | 48 “0h a2 ° an oy es fe fairing , e080 Tee +06 04k x z Note: Valid for swept wings only COPIED FROM: err 4.41 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 78 Fuselage/nacelle interference draq coefficient The fuselage/nacelle interference drag coefficient may be found from: c = FA UC D, Mint 2 Pn where: (C, )' is found from Figure 4.42 n yt ~ 0,05}(S,/8) (4,65) Sy = maximum frontal area of the nacelle, excluding the pylon: see Figure 4.38. " . = 1,0 for fuselage/nacelle intersections 2 without local area ruling 0.5 for fuselage/nacelle intersections with local area ruling. Cooling drag coefficient increment The cooling drag coefficient increment for radial air-cooled engine installations may be estimated from: Cy = (acy cool where: AC follows from Figure 4.43. cool )tn(a,)?/48) (4.66) cool = the maximum nacelle diameter as shown in Figure 4.38. 4.5.3 winamilli sed The following cases should be considered: n 1.) Windmilling drag coefficient due to jet engines: see 4,5,3,1. 2.) Windmilling drag coefficient due to propellers: see, 3.) Drag coefficient due to a stopped propeller: see 5.3.1 Windmill ffici 4 . The incremental drag coefficient due to a windmilling jet engine may be estimated from: Part VI Chapter 4 Page 79 ot, |__ en of te oactte Sladen Seertrence) nj 4 ee | AA Ns we “S G0 eto or A h ra FV Sos 8 § 5 z i : = ° 1 + | sSCtaeSStSSt*CtC COPIED FROM: Hoc: 1. 6, ia-bat gm sarin maces frontal ene = R21 2. drag coeffictent of the free nacelle 48 0.05 4.42 = ®@/|® o]® r © DAF Ty fe Pp, a t | ¢ 0 b Y WA vA x AS hana igr=n7e 178 762 1s 163 163 463 | 3,62 + t FZ =2.53] ass | 059 | 063 | 066 | 0,66 | 066 | a6 \aG=ar| go7s| 0/0 | a07 | 206) g08e| a2zrz | arse COPIED FROM BEF. ZI "scp BASED ON: zat 4.43 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 80 2 AC, = 0,0785(d, 17/8 + Diymj 2 + (2/2 + 0,26M7 93 (V9 /04) A ~ Vigg/Uy)Spog/S (4.67) where: dj,, = engine inlet diameter Snog * Rozzle cross section area Vno2/U: moz/U; = ratio of average flow velocity in the nozzle to the steady state flight speed The following values are suggested for this ratio: Vnoz/Us = 0+25 for turbojets and turboprops = 0.42 for low by-pass ratio jet engines = 0.12 for the primary airflow of high by- pass jet engines = 0,92 for the fan airflow of high bypass jet engines Windmilling drag coefficient due to propellers Reference 20 provides a method for estimating the windmilling drag due to a propeller. In absence of that reference it is suggested to use: acy = 33(1/qS)SEP. (4.68) ‘wMp Op where: SHP ratea/U1 = maximum rated shaft horsepower of the engine in the flight condition being considered. Note: use hp! rated 4, = Steady state flight speed, in fps. The incremental drag coefficient due to a stopped propeller may be estimated from: 2 ac, = 0,00125n_ ¢ h 4.69 in, (D,)°/S ( ) Pprop where: n, = number of blades per propeller D, = diameter of the propeller Part VI Chapter 4 Page 81 4,6 FLAP DRAG PREDICTION The assumption is made that flaps will be deployed only in the subsonic speed regime. For the effect of flap drag at high speed the reader should consult reference 9. The drag coefficient due to flap deflection may be estimated from: Cp = ACh + Ac, + Cy (4,70) ‘flap Prof cap i evap interap where: Cy = the flap profile drag increment, Profe;,, see 4.6.1. = the induced drag increment due to the flap, see 4.6.2. = the interference drag increment due to the flap, see 4.6.3. The following method applies to wings with sweep angles up to 40 degrees. For higher sweep angles the reader should consult Reference 9. The flap profile drag increment may be found from: Pocot - (eg, (COAG 4) Sye/S (71) flap Rey 470 where: AC, = the two-dimensional profile drag P,_, no increment due to flaps. ‘c/4 AC, This increment depends on the type of flaps used: For plain flaps: use Figure 4.44. For split flaps, use Figure 4.45. For single slotted flaps, use Figure 4.46. For double slotted flaps: use Figure 4.47. For Fowler flaps: use Figure 4.48 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 82 y 8 Db. ° 00 =! Yos GIWA S wo) Fo fe ° a Soe: ia " F T FT osrnh 7 Tateowes WY <= | e t% i a rb ve 1 « ! oo, 4 weedy ean : ° | wor? i ,* A 3 ! s & ° I & r + ° sense ots x, ' Poy ove wo9 2fy cbupuey || 00 ore 5 t 2 l2°s3a Wodd T3Id0D oro Z | | 3 “oro=($) vara Py ™ SORTI PSIFOTS STqNOT % 20 = VY Bos AWA wT 702 by wos CWA ore = Yh Py Aah LZ A ° oev= HA 7 Pog wo loro = 1 12°43% WO¥s G31Z0d UL 8 = %, sdvrg poxiots o18ur5 oro Page 84 Chapter 4 Part VI i |) (7 lier [8 corleD FROM: ard i / REF. 21 mal 1 eas ao VALID FoR: 203 Agyz2 2.028 t 3 A xase Jease [rear / Jaase fra 20) ease xv ote : a ow 2 30 40 50 —-F Part VI Chapter 4 Page 85 For Krueger flaps, use: aa. =p, (ege/e 4.72) Roya? i where: C) is obtained from Eqn. (4.6). ow Cy~/c = ratio of wing chord with Krueger flap ex- tended to that of the wing with the Krue- ger flap retracted: see Figure 4.49. For slats, use: Acq = Cp, (eg/e? (4.73) Pacs4=? Md where: c,/c = ratio of wing chord with slats ex- tended to that of the wing with the slats retracted: See Figure 4.49. Figure 4.50 illustrates these various flap types. Agj4 = wing quarter chord sweep angle. S¢ = the flapped wing area: see Figure 4.50. we 4.6.2 Induced Drag Increment due to Flaps The induced drag increment due to flaps may be estimated from: - 2 ac, = K? (AC, Pcoshe 4 (4.74) “eiap Telap where: AC, = the incremental lift coefficient due to ‘flap the flap. This quantity follows from comparing a flaps-up with a flaps-down C,-versus-a curve: see Figure 4.51. Chapter 8 presents a method for con- structing Pig.4.51. an empirical constant which follows from Figures 4.52 and 4.53. 4.6.3 Interference Drag Increment due to Flaps The interference drag increment due to flaps may be estimated from: Part VI Chapter 4 Page 86 TAAILING EDGE FLAPS Puam\ sr = a, pol rower, Part VI LEADING EDGE FLAPS. Oo Chapter 4 Kaiecn sust t A8ve i i 4 y eLAP 4.44 — 48 FLAPS UP ACD = Rint tCp (4,75) int erap PEF tap where: AC) follows Sub-section 4.6.1. Profeiay Kint 7 7 0-15 for split flaps = 0 for plain flaps = + 0.40 for slotted flaps 0 + 0.25 for Fowler flaps 1 + 0,10 for slats and for Kruegers Spamviae Uninterrupted Pape eh pao Fifs* For definition of by see Figure 453! 1s cOrIED FROM: BEF ZI Eigure 4.52 Induced Drag Factor for Uninterrupted Flaps Part VI Chapter 4 Page 88 as eS a3 0.2 of O46 03 4 0.3 4 6 Cm so 12 A —- 4.53 Part VI Chapter 4 + t— 1.0 FROM: Lit ji tp py KER 2I 4 6 8 10 12 | = 4/6 7 —t_| o,6 & 5 4, —t=04 b Pee + td oe T 40 — 4 é 8 10 a N bs /e Poet ee be 0.6 | | 10 byt ic iecarp Page 89 4.7 LANDING GEAR DRAG PREDICTION The assumption is made that landing gear deployment will occur only in the subsonic speed regime. The method presented here applies only at low speed. The landing gear drag coefficient for an airplane with i landing gears may be computed from: ¢ = SUM; LL(C, + PCy) (Sgeqp)g/S} (4. 76) Pgear i Pgeary 7 i ivL geari L where: Cp = the zero-lift drag coefficient of the geary landing gear based on its own refe- rence area, Figures 4.54 Sgear' through 4.60 provide data from which the zero-lift drag coefficient of the landing gear may be determined. = reference area for the zero-lift gear drag coefficient. This reference area is defined in Figures 4.54-4.60. For most landing gear types: S,.,, = byxD,, where Sgear b, is the tire width and D, is the tire diameter. p = a factor which accounts for the variation of gear drag with lift. Figure 4.61 gives a me- thod for determining this factor p. Airplanes can have a number of different types of landing gear. The summation over i landing gears in Eqn. (4.76) indicates this. Figures 4.54 - 4,60 should be used as follows: 1 Figures 4.54 and 4.55 apply to non-retractable (= fixed) landing gears attached to wing or fuselage. Note that these drag coefficients are based Ont Soar = DyxDy- Figure 4.56 applies to non-re- tractable (= fixed) landing gears attached to nacelles. These drag coefficients are based on: 8.4, = D,xD,- Important note: The data in Figures 4.54 - 4.56 ap- ply to the entire main gear which is assumed to consist of two of the legs shown in these figures. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 90 Note: 1. All C, values are referenced to bxD, and are valid for C,=0 2, All landing gears shown in this figure are assumed to have streamlined tires such as shown in Figure 4.57 y L, Zz 3 y Dy Effect of streamlining Effect of wheel fairings Non streamlined strute : Cy=2.56 #8 shown in Figure 4.57 Streamlined struts tCyel.11 Fatring type A: Cy=1.15 Struts also streamlined : C,=0.93 Fairing type B : C,=1.05 at intersections A and B Fairing type © : C,=0.71 Struts also streamlined : C,=0.85 at intersections A, B and C COPIED FROM REF. 2! Without wheel fairing : C,=0.565 With fairing type Bo: C,=0.54 With fairing type C : Cy0.49 98 Shown in Figure 4.57 4.54 : = i 1-2 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 91 Without wheel fairing : Cy=0.62 With fairing type A: C)=0.46 as shown in Figure 4,57 46 ha Type 4, narrow strut, no fairing : Type 4a, Narrow strut, small : fairing Type 4b, strut and wheel faired : C completely COPIED FROM GEF.21 With wheel fairing type C, according to Figure 4.57: C= .68 Without wheel fairing 2 Cy=1.05 4.55 : =: i 3-5 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 92 A11 C, values are referenced to kx of one wheel, but apply to the entire landing gear, including interference draj Not COPIED FROM BEF ZI ©, = 0,45 - 0,74 [; } 0,45 - 0,60 { 0,60 - 0,90 C, = 1,85 - 2,10 Valid for ¢,=0 only 4.56 : = Attached to Nacelles Part VI Chapter 4 Page 93 : Figure 4.57 applies to wheels with and without streamline caps (fairings). Note that these drag coefficients are based on: §,,,, = byxD,. For nose gears: Figure 4.58 applies to nose gears with closed nosewheel doors. Note that the reference area is agai = byxD,- Sgear For retractable landing gears: Figure 4.59 provides the data. Nota bene: these data are based on the reference area: (axb) as defined in Figure 4.59. The drag coeffi- cients again apply to the entire gear which is assumed to consist of two legs. Figure 4.61 shows a relationship between Af, and Wr gear for different types of landing gear. From these data: ¢, is (4,77) Pgear SE gear Many airplane configurations employ ‘landing-gear- bulge-fairings’. Many examples of this are depicted in Chapter 3 of Part II. The extra drag created by these bulge fairings should be accounted for in the the esti- mation of fuselage drag: see Section 4.3. Note that a bulge fairing will add to the cross sectional area of the fuselage and therefore will reduce the ‘effective’ fuse- lage slenderness ratio parameter l¢/dg. This causes an increase in fuselage drag as given by Eqn. (4.30). Part VI Chapter 4 Page 94 be Streamlined |Low Pressure | Very Low High Pressur Tire Tire Pressure Tire|Tire 7 ” ” ” Dibe27x9'/4" | Dab 25x8} D.be19,5x9" | D-b=26x5' Cy = 018 [C,= 0,25 | c, = 0,18 Cy = 0,30 Dy Standard Tire D.b=20x4" et = 0,25 Drag Coefficients of Wheels COPIED FROM fer. 2! S46 B Wheel without ,¢ 2 0,24 0,24 0,24 fairing D Wheel with - . 0,22 0,19 |fetring Cy= 0,12 - 0,14 Drag Coefficients of Wheels With Fairings 4,57 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 95 COPIED FROM: BEF.2! ra) NOTE: 6 GEAR CAVITY ae CLOSED! on ae Tiewae ° | | G ° 7 2 Ly) 4,58 ooo 24 tb (5 NOTE: S * ~ | Jt gf 4° GEAR CAVITY we LI . OFEN ! }— - 4, ge Lime fentat ane “ fa CorieD . She FROM: ‘ a Ber. Z1 a Lf a fa Id 96 2 |_| % ° | cy oa 48 “4 as a6 a Note: ALL Gp values are referenced to xb of one gear, but apply te she entire Landing gear, including interference de 4,59 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 96 80, Of ah 60 COPIED (Cr) Tricycle ROM: be v AEF. 22 20| f Bicycle Tail wheel ° ! ° 50 100 150 200 250 300 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT~ Wy, /jo00 nt. c Pm cegligible Pm -0425 6, COPIED FROM REF 21 4.61 Part VI Chapter 4 Page 97 4,8 CANOPY/WINDSHIELD DRAG PREDICTION The following method applies in the subsonic speed range. In the transonic and supersonic speed ranges the wave drag generated by canopies and windshields can be significant. In these speed ranges it will be necessary to employ area-ruling to cut wave drag to a minimmn. Sub-section 4.3.4 presents a discussion on area-ruling. The drag coefficient due to a canopy and/or a wind- shield may be found from: G =¢ +¢ (4,78) Pow Pecan Ps where: C) = drag coefficient due to a canopy, can see 4.8.1. = drag coefficient due to a windshield, Pys see 4.8.2. 4.8.1 Canopy Drag Prediction The drag coefficient due to a canopy may be estima- ted from: ¢, Scan/S (4,79) = (ac Pecan Pcan can where: AC) = the incremental drag coefficient due to can the canopy. Figures 4.62 through 4.67 provide data from which this increment may be found. Note from Figure 4.67, that this increment varies with Mach number in the subsonic speed range! Scan the maximum frontal area of the canopy as shown in Figure 4.62. 4.8.2 Windshield Drag Prediction The drag coefficient due to a windshield may be determined from: Cy = (Cy Spy 6/8 (4, 80) Dis Dyg fus where: AC) = incremental drag coefficient due to a ws windshield: see Figure 4.68. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 98 0,500, T 44 can { 4400 cer 4200 r* Po L 1A S. 44 ea weber p00 | F f= 934 we Tela] mas COPIED JX Streantined canopy Yeap PON | FROM: 100 . a 3 ale ‘Ac, = canopy Drag Coettictent Referenced to Frontal Area of canopy, Scan can 4.62 on Canopy Drag awo be, LT] r [a nae 100 Megas wtf ; ae { - ae REF. 21 9200 t a0 ° ° 92 46 96 98 40 Rk Ac, = Canopy Drag Coefficient Referenced to Frontal area of Canopy, Seay Part VI Chapter 4 Page 99 om 5 RS : "0 COPIED 006 ! me *]_: L 7 Conseal aft End | | “| goe Le J , 2 3 4 5 ° 7 2 —e ale Ac, = Canopy Drag Coefficient Reterenced to Frontal Area of Camopy, Scan an 4.64 yon Canopy Drag a0 A ocan Lob. ea { oo] | yt 2 453 3 —] sO 41 cored 9300 «1X 2 sO a1 oo! | Ld EE ei a ae L3.Q <0 Ler T r er GS AT 1 Ruse taste of arcack = Canopy Drag Coefficient Referenced to Frontal Ares of Canory, S OSH ‘can Figure 4.65 Effect of Cross Section on Canopy Drag Part VI Chapter 4 Page 100 T |_"(ar je] an? 9080] | a1 Ry find C, from Figure 4.3 If R, « Ry, find C, from Figure 4.3 Neut-ort a at the ‘cut-off’ Reynolds number. Step 6: Substitute the appropriate value of C, for C_ in Eqn. (4.6) or for Ce in Eqn. (4.30) fus w and proceed with the determination of the desired zero-lift drag coefficients as indi- cated in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. 4.12.3 Drag Due to Other Causes Other causes for drag may be items such as: struts, antennas, surface gaps, extra drag caused by inlet air spillage and by exhaust nozzle integration. Strut and antenna drag may be estimated by assuming these to be like small wings. For surface gap drag the reader should consult Ref.8. For estimation of extra inlet drag the method of Sub-section 6.2.4 may be used. For estimation of drag due to exhaust nozzles, see Section 6.3. Part VI Chapter 4 Page 111 ADMISSIBLE ROUGHNESS afk tl 4 i 9 mM na g & 2 E 3 3 is 4 Neo CUTOFF REYNOLDS NUMBER, R Page 112 Chapter 4 Part VI 4,13 DRAG ADJUSTMENTS FOR LAMINAR PLOW During the 70's and the 80's it has become increa- singly evident that natural laminar boundary layer flow (instead of turbulent boundary layer flow) is practical in many instances. The resulting reduction in friction drag is very significant and should be accounted for in any realistic drag prediction procedure. The methods presented in Sections 4.3 through 4.12 assume that the boundary layer is turbulent. To adjust the airplane zero-lift drag coefficient downward due to the existence of laminar flow, the following procedure is recommended: If laminar flow is expected to occur naturally (natural laminar flow, also called NLF) start at Step 1. If laminar flow is being forced, by suction or by blowing, start at Step 2. Step 1: Determine which components of the airplane are likely to experience NLF. In preliminary design the following criteria for the existence of NLF may be used: M < 0.65 Ap < 15 degrees c, « 0.65 Ry < 107 design Note: by careful design it is possible to extend these criteria. Use of advan- ced airfoil design codes is recommen- ded to verify that NLF is practical. Step 2: Divide the surface area of all airplane components which according to Step 1 will have a certain amount of NLF in two parts: s., and S, . wetiam wetturb Figure 4.78 shows how these wetted areas are defined for a wing and for a fuselage res- pectively. Step 3: For a wing or for an empennage surface, use Equation (4.6), but replace the term: (4, 86) (Cy 8. 18) by £,, wet, Part VI Chapter 4 Page 113 CWwram 7 LAMINAR FLOW | UPPER SURFACE ——- 1 TRANSITION TURBULENT Flow t LOWER SURFACE TRANSITION TRANSITION WETTED ABEA OF THE WING IN THE LAMIVAB FLOW BESION Swetgy, = WETTED ABEA OF THE FUSELAGE tAM IN THE LAMINAR FLOW REGION 4,78 Lengths and Reference Areas Part VI Chapter 4 Page 114 «uc, £, Whi Por a fusela: the te: uc, feu (c, -¢ £, £. £05) 35 fusiyy where: Ce with: Se with: te s, NOTES: 1, This p speed Part VI Ry, fUSj am + (Ce DS, £, Ww, us wet, am “eur “lam ‘cur © fuselage or for a body similar to a ge, use Equation (4.30), but replace rm: d 8 s 18) by: (4.87) wettus ds, Ws wet. £08) am +(e 8, Feus, Weteus tur is the turbulent wing skin fric- tion coefficient as found on p.23 ‘tur of this text. 1/2 c. £, Wlam =1.328/R, Ny lam fw (4, 88) Ry (4,89) “lam = pUjc, am ¢ wy... 48 the wing reference length of lam the laminar part of the wing: see Figure 4.78. Syet, = the wing wetted area part “lam exposed to laminar flow, see Figure 4.78. is the turbulent fuselage skin fus friction coefficient as found turon p.44 of this text. =1.328/ (Ry ae 'fUS) am (4,90) £08) a5 (4,91) is the fuselage reference lam length of the laminar part of the fuselage: see Figure 4.78. wet, = the fuselage wetted area £USj an part exposed to laminar flow, see Figure 4.78, rocedure applies in the subsonic range only! Chapter 4 Page 115 2. This procedure applies only as long as any surface irregularities (steps, wavi- ness and roughness) are within the limits defined in Reference 23. By using laminar flow control (sucking and/or blo- wing) it is possible to achieve laminar flow under con- ditions where natural laminar flow cannot be maintained. References 24 - 26 provide some data on the types of sys- tems needed to achieve controlled laminar flow and on a number of operational considerations. Once such systems are in place, the procedure given above for the adjustment of friction drag would apply ex- cept for the need to account for compressibility on the equations for skin friction coefficient. Reference 27 should be consulted for replacement of Eqns (4.88) and (4.90) by equations which account for compressibility ef- fects in the transonic speed range below M=1.0 This text does not provide a method for accounting for laminar flow in the transonic speed range above M=1.0 nor for the supersonic flow regimes. This does not mean that laminar flow in these speed ranges is not feasible. Research in progress at NASA Langley indicates that in particular in the supersonic flow range extensive laminar flow may be possible. The conditions for which this can be achieved have not yet been firmly established. References 28-30 provide some data on the design of fuselage shapes which are conducive to NLF. Design de- tails such as inspection covers, doors and windshields must receive very careful attention, if laminar flow ca- pability is to be retained after the airplane has been in service for some time! Part VI Chapter 4 Page 116 5. AIRPLANE DRAG DATA The purpose of this chapter is to present a range of actual airplane drag data. These data are given in the form of: 5.1 Drag polars 5.2 Equivalent parasite areas 5.3 Oswald's efficiency factors 5.4 Wetted area breakdown examples Finally, once drag data for a new airplane have been computed, they should always be ‘verified’ by comparison against known drag data for similar airplanes. A method for verifying drag polar predictions is given in: 5.5 Verification of realism of computed drag polars 5.1 DRAG POLARS Figures 5.1 through 5.19 present examples of actual airplane drag polars. The information is organized in the following manner: Figure 5.1 Cessna 177: includes flap drag Figure 5.2 Cessna 310: includes gear and flap drag Figure 5.3 Gulfstream I: includes gear drag, flap drag and drag due to a feathered engine Figure SAAB 340 5.4 Figure 5.5 Fokker F-27: includes gear and flap drag Figure 5.6 Lockheed C-130H: includes ground effect and compressibility data Figure 5.7 | SIAI-M S-211: includes gear and flap drag Figure 5.8 NAA T2C: includes compressibility data Figure 5.9 Convair F-106: includes supersonic drag 5.1 5.1 Figure 5.10 McDD AV8B: includes compressibility data 1 Learjet M25: includes compressibility data Figure 5.12 Boeing 727-100: includes compressibility data Figure 5.13 Boeing 707-320B: incl. compressibility data Figure 5.14 Boeing 747-200: includes compressibility data Figure 5.15 Boeing B-47B: includes compressibility data Figure 5,16 Boeing B-52A: includes compressibility data Figure 5.17 Lockheed C-141B: incl. compressibility data Figure 5.18 Lockheed C-5A: includes compressibility data Figure 5.19 Boeing SST Design: includes supersonic data The reader should note that the wing (or reference) area, S, upon which the drag and lift coefficient data are based, is indicated on all Figures 5.1 through 5.19. Part VI Chapter 5 Page 117 LIET COEFFICIENTS C, “02 0406 RatC( tid LIFT COEFFICIENT ~ C, ° 02 04 06 ot le 14 DRAG COEFFICIENT~ Cy 5 I 310 Part VI Chapter 5 Page 118 ct LIFT CORFEICIENT~ © = LET COEFFICIENT ~ Cy Part VI _GEAR DWN “LAPS 185" ou 08 ~—=CGSSC SSC DRAG COEFFICIENT ~ Cp 5.3 2 Sa W5OFTE. 2 Ludo . Aw tho i 7 02 104 06 08 lo 2 NG AAG COCFFICLENT~ Cy Figure 5,4 Drag Polar: SAAB 340 Chapter 5 Page 119 3 a5 ~INaaaa03 SvEE 2 or go’ 90" ho” 2 | Soo W “ONT LYS 1 SANI9N 2 Vw nwa + bi aaa O00 tay) ) , S¥¥IOd Nu daan7ONt (SANWL) Wawalxa + | soley. 2h SAL eS INaaa3a07 13M W orm oo on a oe we ab aad sone t-saom 00 lo At” + Page 120 Chapter 5 Part VI L LIFT COEFFICIENT ~ C GEAR UP S136 FT* FLAP met =k Az 5.08 2 a Ses 265 Fr? Az 5.62 ob ° CLEAN €=0.816 4 M<0.6 2 0 1 1 ° 02 +04 -06 DRAG COEFFICIENT ~ Cp Rigure 5.8 Drag Polars: NAA Rockwell T2C Part VI Chapter 5 Page 121 ° vez 70%, "6 coo PAAG COEFFICIENT ~ Cp Part VI Chapter 5 Page 122 oS S= 2732 Fr? J Az5.01 vi 2 | 8 2 wl re y CLEAN - z| 6 M~or 36 | -80 w 4 4 KH c a 2 o 4 ° 06 S.11 2 . MACH NUMBER <.70 7% 82 40 24 2 eaeemn 9} —T Im 88 By 30 > 3 go | 5 q A, 4 Ayo 20 a Vv J PEN 4 Nore : a 1 FLAPS UP ge GEAR UP J 2 S= 1560 FT® | iy= Se -0 q 3. Ay= alo Als 767 2016 018 020.022 02H 0G 028 TOTAL AIRPLANE DRAG COEFFICIENT ~ C, Bigure 5.12 Drag Polars: Boeing 727-100 Part VI Chapter 5 Page 123 im LIET COEFFICIENT vO, T — ° 02 +04 06 DRAG COEFFICIENT~ Cy Rigure 5.13 Drag Polars: Boeing 707-320p “7 s.gscort? May? - 7 As 6.96 Spots +90 + CLEAN, 5 LIFT COEFFICIENT ~ C, » & Part VI Chapter 5 Page 124 hy LIET COEFFICIENT~ C, ew NO EXTERNAL TANS INCLUDED LIFT COEFFICIENT ° 02 04) 06 CbEF! =fp 5,16 i i = 5.2) Part VI Chapter 5 Page 125 Part VI LIFT COEFFICIENT~ C, LIET COEFFICIENT C, Foe Meek ob OT ag TT ga a2ee ert Az Taz. CLEAN Ea 5:54 x Ee = 6200 FTE As 115 — — Tyga 28? ° 02 04 06 DRAG COEFFICIENT ~ Cp Figure 5,18 Drag Polars: Lockheed ¢-sA Chapter 5 tS KInsas807 SVEE to" 20° 90" nwaid+ ald 6105 85 Page 127 IS FINS I1ag500 Lari Chapter 5 Part VI 5.2 EQUIVALENT PARASITE AREAS Figures 5.20 through 5.22 provide data on the rela- tionship between total airplane equivalent parasite area, ‘£", the equivalent skin friction coefficient, Cy and the total airplane wetted area, S,.,. The zero-lift airplane drag coefficient C, is related to the equivalent para- ‘0 site area, ‘f' and to airplane wing area, S by: cp = £/s (5.1) ‘0 The airplanes for which data are included in Figures 5.20-5.22 are described in some detail in various issues of Reference 31. Wing areas, S, are also given in Reference 31, 5.3 OSWALD 'S EFFICIENCY FACTORS Table 5.1 provides data for Oswald's efficiency factor 'e’ in the simplified airplane drag polar equation: 2 Cyn Cp, + (Gy) /ane (5.2) Note that high values of 'e’ are rare, but they do occur. The reader may ‘reconstruct’ a value for ‘e’ from any drag polar by matching the polar to Equation 5.2. 5.4 EXAMPLES OF WETTED AREA BREAKDOWNS Tables 5.2 and 5.3 present example data for wetted area breakdowns of fighters, commuters, transports and a business jet. Table 5.3 also includes data on the breakdown of equivalent parasite area with the corresponding value of average skin friction coefficient. The reader should always verify any computed wetted area breakdown with known breakdowns for similar airplanes. Any significant differences should be explained! The reader is also reminded of the correlations between total airplane wetted area and airplane take-off weight, provided in Chapter 3 of Part I. These data should be regarded as a source of comparative information. Part VI Chapter 5 Page 128

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