Jaisy Alfaliq Tisara - Claims The Key Elements of Reasoning

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The Key Elements of Reasoning

“Impressive claims are made far more impressive by making them exact.” (Cloude Chopkins)

Objectives : to learn how to use reasoning more effectively in order to make ourselves smart thinkers
to improve our awareness of how we are actually doing reasoning

Focus : Claims
Significances : We be more aware of what we are already doing.

Gilgamesh Beowulf Odysseus

What mythology is Gilgamesh is from Sumerian mythology Beowulf is from Geats, southern Odysseus was a hero from Greek
Gilgamesh/Beowulf/Odysseu Sweden mythology.
s from?

What does Gilgamesh is represent a rich in religious Beowulf represent a link between two odyssey portrayed Odysseus as a
Gilgamesh/Beowulf/Odysseu symbolism, because Gilgamesh use both traditions, the old pagan traditions man of outstanding wisdom and
s represent? Why? Sumerian and Akadian names for the god. and the new traditions of the Christian shrewdness, eloquence,
Its combine from two religious tradition. religion. resourcefulness, courage, and
What specific characteristic Gilgamesh is a mighty warrior, he stands Beowulf’s most important traits as an Odysseus has an indomitable will
do they have as a hero? Give up to a terrible monster. But he epic hero include bravery, loyalty, that always shows his
the case/facts for each by discovered his human limitations that honor, superhuman physical strength determination against any
referring to the event. makes him truly heroic. circumstances especially the
difficult ones. He also has clever
intelligence that he uses to outwits
and outlive any obstacles. Beside
that he has nobility, confidence,
and strength traits that make him
How are they considered to Gilgamesh defeated Humbaba and Beowulf fight against dragon and he When the goddess, cyclops,
be different in facing their Enkidu beaten the holy heaven animal lost the battle from the dragon, witches, giant, and siren, trying to
battle? then he cursed by goddess Ishtar because his friends leave him intercept odysseus in his journey.

What were they looking for in Gilgamesh was looking for an Beowulf want to beat a dragon who Odysseus is avenging the suitors
the end of their journey? immortality, but he didn’t get it. try to destroys the city because they have harassed his
family and he is also murdered the
servants because they did not
helped his family and neglecting his
office and his property.

What values are they trying Every people can be a better if he meet  don’t betray your friend for a We must have clever if we meet
to share? Support your somebody to change him. And friend is treasure.be cause how we live the any obstacles
claim(s) with lines or parts of better than a girl life with your friend is more
the epic important than any treasure

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