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ECSE 340 Intervention with Infants

Joint Plan

Name: Breanne Livingston Home Visit #: 4 Date: 12/7/2019

Child’s Outcome: Rue will identify her parents by using words and gestures during play time 3 times a day
for three weeks. 

Coach/Interventionist: Breanne Coachee/Parent: Ashley and Ryan

Review of Previous Joint Plan Report of what was tried or accomplished.
The previous joint plan both parents were Ryan and Ashley both let me know that every
encouraged to practice signing “Mom” and “Dad” time they have been saying, “Mom” and “Dad”
anytime while saying, “Mama” and “Dada” to they are signing the words to Rue. Even since the
Rue. Ryan and Ashley both let me know that even last visit (two days before) Rue has signed “Mom”
since the last home visit (two days before) Rue and said, “Ma-ma-ma.” Rue will lift her hand up
has been saying, “Ma-ma-ma” and has even tried to her face (not spread her fingers yet) but she
the sign for “Mom” herself. Ashley mentioned does the motion that Ashley had showed her
that Rue will put her hand up to her face just like during the previous intervention visit. Both
Ashley does when saying and signing “Mama” to parents will continue working on this outcome.
Rue. Rue does say “Da-da-da” a lot and did not This is great progress since the start of our home
sign dad this time, but they are continuing to visits with Rue and her parents.
practice it with her.

Coach: Breanne
Between Visit Plan: (Who is going to do what by when) (Home Strategies from Intervention Plan)
Who: Ryan and Ashley

What: Have Rue sit in your lap or stand at the table in the living room and practice pointing to Mom
and Dad in the two pictures I printed out and the ones you have around the house.

When: Ryan and Ashley will both practice this strategy with Rue right before they put her to bed.

Coach: Breanne Coachee: Ryan and Ashley

Next Visit Plan: This is the last one What they want to try to accomplish between
What activity setting will serve as the focus of the conversations, schedules next visit and
next visit. determines focus of the visit.

This is the last visit. Continue practicing each of Today is the last home visit. Continue
the strategies given over these last past weeks. implementing each of these strategies into your
Practice peek-a-boo with different toys and daily routines with Rue. This week especially
ECSE 340 Intervention with Infants
Joint Plan

Name: Breanne Livingston Home Visit #: 4 Date: 12/7/2019

Child’s Outcome: Rue will identify her parents by using words and gestures during play time 3 times a day
for three weeks. 

blankets, practice having Mom pop out from before bed time, have Rue sit in your lap or stand
behind the door saying, “Mama!” Continue at the table in the living room and practice
practice signing “Mom” and “Dad” with Rue and pointing to Mom and Dad in the two pictures I
also encourage her to use gestures such as printed out and the ones you have around the
pointing to pictures of both Ryan and Ashley and house. You could also use the strategy of sign
saying, “Ma-ma-ma” and “Da-da-da.” language in this activity because you are pointing
to who Mom is and who Dad is Rue seeing the
sign more will help her to recognize it too.

Personal Reflection: (Complete this portion after your home visit. Do not leave this portion with the

Answer the following questions in fully formulated, well-worded paragraphs. Each paragraph should
contain 4-5 sentences and convey a complete idea.

1. What have you learned about helping a child progress from one point of development
to the next step?
Something that I have learned about helping a child progress from one point of development to the next
step is that it is going to take time and that is okay. I think sometimes we expect the goal to be reached
within the two or four weeks, when really it is most likely going to take a lot longer than that depending
on what it is. However, working with Rue on my goal I saw major progress and I hope that the strategies
I taught the parents are helpful and that they will continue to use them. Especially because Rue is saying
“Ma-ma-ma” now since the last two visits. I’ve also learned how important it is to think of activities that
the infant will like and how the activities can be used in their daily routines.

2. What have you learned about implementing the Coaching Model? What went well and
what didn’t go as well?
Something that I learned about implementing the Coaching Model is to be really clear about what I am
modeling and then have the parents practice what I am modeling. I learned that I should be saying
everything out loud that I am modeling, that way when it is the parents turn they will understand how
to do it. Something that went well was that Mom participated a lot in the activity and did a great job at
modeling exactly what I did. Something that didn’t go as well was dad also doing the activity. I didn’t
invite him to try (except maybe during the 2 nd and 3rd home visit). I could tell he was interested but at
the same time, I kept on thinking about my goal and how it was very mom centered. Especially since Rue
already knows the word, “Dada” and uses it all the time.

3. What is one thing you will take away from doing Home Visits?
One thing that I will take away from doing Home Visits is the relationship that was built with Rue and
her family. After the first visit it felt welcoming to come into the home and Rue started to warm up to us
more and more. She was so interactive the last couple visits and often times completed the activities
that we wanted her to. We were able to build that relationship with her and work on her outcomes at
ECSE 340 Intervention with Infants
Joint Plan

Name: Breanne Livingston Home Visit #: 4 Date: 12/7/2019

Child’s Outcome: Rue will identify her parents by using words and gestures during play time 3 times a day
for three weeks. 

the same time. This was a great experience altogether and I am excited to work with children and their
families more.

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