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Towards a Cyber-Physical Learning

Factory within the Industry 4.0

Armando Roman, Carlos Vázquez, Adriana Vargas.

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501,
Monterrey 64849, NL, México.

{armando.roman, cvazquezh, adriana.vargas.mtz}

* The correspondence should be addressed to: Dr. Carlos Vázquez

This work aims to present a Roadmap towards the Cyber-Physical Learning Factory
implementation of the Monterrey Institute of Technology. This document describes the approach
to conceptualize, design, and implement a Cyber-Physical-Factory that fulfills the Paradigm of
Industry 4.0.
This implementation has the following benefits: 1) The Cyber-Learning-Factory that emulates a
real, controlled, Industry 4.0 workplace, 2) It allows the students to design a solution to
manufacture and assembly a product from a realistic product specification 2) It allows the students
to play roles for real industry positions, to develop the required skills they will need to apply to a
similar position, varying from design, engineering, logistics, marketing, etc.
This Physical-Physical-Factory, whose implementation is called the Drone-Factory here, integrates
autonomous, industrial and collaborative robots, Product and Process Digital Twins, flexible CNC
machinery and Additive Manufacturing, Simulation stations and CAD/CAM/CAE applications,
Horizontal and Vertical Integration (MES and ERP), Augmented-Virtual and Mixed Reality aids and
all the IT infrastructure and applications supporting IoT, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing and Big
Data & Analytics.

Learning Factory, Industry 4.0.

1- Introduction
This work presents the main concepts of a learning factory within the Industry 4.0
approach and its implementation process within the Monterrey Institute of
Technology, Campus Monterrey, so it could be used as a roadmap to further
implementations in another schools or universities.

Learning Factories can take advantage of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
and MES(Manufacturing Execution Planning) to build up the cyber-physical
factory around this requirements, so the main figures (suppliers, clients, students,
professors) are all interacting and connected. Figure 1 depicts a summarized model
of the proposed Learning Factory.

ERP is a reporting technology that allows the Enterprise to store and share
information related to planning, management, resources, costs, capabilities, etc.

MES is a computer-based system used to track and monitor the product from the
raw material to the final product, on every step of the production process. It includes
supplying and raw material tracking, dynamic programming production, dashboard
generation with current and precise data, etc.

Both MES and ERP give managers, engineers, operators, and stakeholders a
personalized and a clear vision of what they need. ERP and MES improve
performance as they build up and digital ecosystem in which performance can be
compared against actual production plans.

Figure 1. Cyber-Physical proposed model for the Learning Factory

In this model, The Cyber-Physical learning factory is constructed around the ERP
and MES data, so the information is used to keep Chain supply, Delivery, the
factory itself and clients (mainly students) connected.

The drone factory offers an approach based on hands-on learning. This proposed
concept is based on three pillars:

1. Self-learning is not enough

2. Students benefit from hands-on activities
3. Teamwork involving students, teachers, and industry, enriches the learning
process and offers benefits to all the players.

The pillars are detailed on the concept section. In the following paragraphs some
definitions and related work is presented.

A learning factory is a concept introduced in 1994 by a group of universities,

including Penn State, Puerto Rico-Mayagüez University, Washington University,
among others [1].

The learning factory is defined is a place or environment for instructing or learning

a wide range of abilities required as a professional in manufacturing. Before,
learning factories were thought as physical manufacturing infrastructures that could
manufacture physical objects, but more recent definitions consider the
implementation of virtual environments with the same purpose as learning factories
too [2].

A collaborative Working Group on Learning factories for future-oriented research

and education in manufacturing was created with the main objectives being to:
Organize knowledge and research on this topic globally, help form a joint
understanding of relevant terms, gather new information, among other tasks [3].

A Digital factory makes use of 3D resources and virtual reality to create a digital
environment that can provide the user an immersive experience. By displaying
simulations, digital factories give the user a chance to experience everything, from
normal scenarios they would find in their manufacturing complex, to even
dangerous scenarios that they would not get to see in a real factory. Giving the
chance to the user to develop to a new level and be ready for every possible
occurrence they may find in a real factory. This way it can improve the efficiency
of production and training [4].

The Industry 4.0. concept was introduced during the 2011 Hanover Fair in
Germany. It was officially adopted by the German Ministry of Education and
Research in 2011. The German document recommendations to implement the
Industry 4.0 strategic initiative [5] defined this industrial revolution as the one based
on Cyber-Physical Systems.

According to Erboz [6], there are nine pillars of industry 4.0, as depicted (as pillars
and stories) in Figure 2.

Big Data & Analytics

Cloud Computing


Industrial Internet of the Things

Autonomous Robots

Augmented Reality
V&H Integration



Industry 4.0

Figure 2. Pillars and stories of Industry 4.0

A brief description is given bellow.

1. Big Data and Analytics
Analyzing big data enables the organization to retrieve benefits from the
information, not only the production processes, but management and logistics.
Some Machine learning techniques allow the company to predict performances
and facilitate the decision-making process at different levels.

2. Autonomous Robots
Flexible manufacturing is one of the main components of the industry 4.0
approach, the use of new autonomous and collaborative robots empowers the
approach allowing the production of new products with some degree of

3. Simulation
Design, manufacturing and Computer Aided Engineering are previous concepts
to industry 4.0, Nevertheless, the use of them is now common and generalized
this lowers the design time, analysis and systems implementation.
However, a new concept on simulations, is the digital twin. The integration of
cyber-physical systems includes those digital systems that allow the
optimization of the business performance as Deloitte states in its concept on
the digital twin [7], this concept is detailed later on this document.

4. Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Systems

According to [6], vertical integration means the integration of the flexible and
reconfigurable systems within the enterprise to achieve agility in the
processes. Horizontal integration means the integration of company with the
external partners and specialized industries.
The Horizontal and vertical integration on industry 4.0, considers more
aspects according to [8], for example on the vertical integration the human
factor, organization, teams, processes and products are considered. In the
horizontal integrations, goods, planification management and administration
of the client services is considered.

5. Industrial Internet of Things

Sensors, controllers, robots and every component in a production process can
be connected on an industrial network. Manufacturing, maintenance, logistics,
management, etc. are communicated an integrated using industrial networks.
The information is available, and it does not depend on a single device or a
specific platform.

6. The Cloud
This concept is very wide, it is not constrained to share information with the
stakeholders (for example, inventory with suppliers), but it includes leasing of
computer services ranging from office software to computer processing power
or extensive simulations (e.g. AWS, google cloud).

7. Additive manufacturing
Flexible and additive manufacturing is especially important on the Industry 4.0
approach. Additive manufacturing is an important player that allows to
reconfigure in a very fast way the production chain or to attend specific client
8. Augmented Reality
Training and remote support are two areas that benefit from Augmented and
Virtual reality. As training and support personnel are not on-site dedicated,
they can attend more cases. Using augmented reality (A virtual object
superposed on a visualization of the real world), it is possible to follow pre-
programmed instructions, repair failures, learn how to use a new equipment,
etc. by using a proper virtual reality viewer, being displayed on the actual
equipment. All data source may be local, or cloud based.

9. Cyber Security
The Cyber Security is a priority on any process connected to the network. A
cyberattack is a major concern that may be accomplished not only from the
exterior, but from the interior of the institutions. Firewalls and rules based on
Artificial Intelligence are some of the most used Cyber Security tactics used

The Industry 4.0 attempts to offer a digital image of how a manufacturing

environment works. Based on this information the Industry 4.0 helps to transform
technologically advanced workplaces into sensor-assisted networked settings [9]

Currently, there is not one official definition for Smart Factory. Although there
have been attempts to define it, they end up changing too much and not staying
consistent. The only aspects that Smart Factory do stay consistent on are, they have
machines equipped with advanced sensors and actors, able to collect, send receive,
process data to get real-time information. The information is retrieved, analyzed
and used to generate improvements to the processes as well as to generate
knowledge [11] [12].

The Smart factory is a very important part of the Industry 4.0. They involve the
combination of information and communication systems, data, and services in
network infrastructures, among others. And it is with implementation of these that
factories become smarter, more efficient and environmentally sustainable [13].

A Cyber-Physical System is that automated system that can be connected to perform

physical operations through a computer and communication infrastructures [14].
This allows not only to activate the process remotely but retrieving important
information in real-time also.

Related work can be found in different universities around the world, for example,
that of EAFIT University, which is one of the learning factories with a broader
variety of products [15].

Although cyber-physical systems can create many great opportunities of

development, they are not perfect and can represent a risk at a certain point. Mainly
the possibility of a security risk is what professionals are more worried about. Since
the more a cyber-physical system is used and connected to more elements if one of
these gets breached, this point will now be a backdoor into all the other parts of the
network [16].
From the combination of the learning Factory paradigm, and the Industry 4.0
approach, the following model for a Cyber-Physical learning Factory is presented.
The model is detailed later in the next sections.

As described by David Garza [17], The Tec 21 model is focused on enhancing the
abilities and develop the skills of the 21st century students. This model is based on
Flexibility Challenging education and Inspiring Faculty: Flexibility in how, when
and where the teaching-learning process is done. Challenging, engaging classroom
experiences for students and Inspiring Faculty, leaders in their fields and with
experience in the practice of their profession.

Within this model, courses and practices are merged on Blocks. Blocks will last a
period with certain learning objectives. To achieve those objectives, students must
complete some challenges and modules. Challenges are hands-on activities where
the students get practice, and the get theoretical contents on the modules.
Challenges are the key learning element that promotes the interaction of student -
professor – environment. Some challenges have already given some positive results,
as the ones presented in [18], where a group of researches of the Tec developed a
challenge find and apply engineering solutions to improve the use of energetic
resources on a local beverage factory.

According to Roberto Saracco [19], a digital twin is a software representation of

assets and processes to understand, predict and optimize performance for improved
business outcomes.

The author [20] distinguishes six stages in the maturity of a Digital twin. In the
following table, a summary is presented.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6
Description Status Only Simulation Operational Twins Operational Twins with Autonomy
Twins and/or with Events and business
Operational Simulation models
Twins Twins
Maturity Low Intermediate Intermediate- High On Expected
Level High development
Value Low Medium Medium-High Medium- High High
Capabilities Asset Models of Labeled events Physics and People and On-Prem
Registries Original database Process Financial Execution of
Equipment Asset Models analytical
Manufacturers Models Models
and/or or
Asset Graph
Enables KPI’s and roll- Physics Machine learning Month- Business Knowledge
ups Simulations Ahead Operations Capture and
And/Or Predictions Optimization management.
Advanced + AR/VR

Table 1. The stages of maturity for Digital Twins.

The technologies and capabilities of each stage are described by [21], identifying
three basic Digital Twins: Status twins, Operational twins and Simulation twins.

Status twins are those who obtain and store data, mainly shop floor operations and
quality assurance. A process that is routinely performed, during the past by hand
retrieval and stored in spreadsheets, and nowadays whit automated systems
connected to the Internet of Things to be later displayed on dashboards,

The second type, the operational twin factories, are those that accumulate and use
the data to improve operation activities. Such as maintenance,

On the third type, Simulation twins replicate equipment/device behavior and

contain built-in physics models and even process models for what is connected to
the equipment.

With the expansion of digital degree and focus within factories, the data collection
from the physical manufacturing site strongly depends on intelligent numerical
control (NC) equipment itself or using intelligent data acquisition devices with the
corresponding automatic acquisition technologies [22].

Learning factories, though a relatively recent phenomenon, are increasingly being

employed as an effective knowledge and competence platform for the purposes of
education, training, and research within industry and academia, where many of
them have sprung up across the world in the last decade [23], which allows a
collaborative area of opportunity for its own development, research and

Industry 4.0 integrates smart sensors, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to
upgrade production in real time. Supervising manufacturing processes represents
the smoothest degree of managerial capacity attainable with technologies and
resources associated with Industry 4.0. [24].

Developments in data and communication systems provide massive prospects for

supply chain intelligence and self-determination setting up means of advancement
for Industry 4.0 supply chains [25]. Interconnections between intelligent devices
within the supply chain improve the overall production rate and have a positive
economic impact in the long term.

Cyber-physical factories also work along energy-based technologies. In smart grids

based on intelligent, communicating ProStumers – entities that can serve as
producer, storage, and consumer - cyber-physical compressed air systems may
contribute to stable power grid operation. Within this grid, all devices in the electric
energy system are being interconnected and include a microcontroller which has
interfaces to all measuring instruments and control units [26], allowing a
multisensory and data measuring macrosystem.

Internet of Things is the fundamental basis for the current Cyber-physical Factory
Model. IoT allows to embed the information of physical objects into virtual world,
and in the end brings with the merging between real and virtual systems. Therefore,
IoT is to somehow foundation for the construction of Cyber-Physical Systems. In
other words, IoT is the technical infrastructure for the realization of Cyber-Physical
Systems [27].

Nowadays manufacturing systems are subject to a permanent adaptation, involving

frequent reconfiguration during their life, characterized by several stages start from
the initial system design, and proceed through its implementation, operation, and
subsequent re-design or reconfiguration. Every enhancement within the Cyber-
physical transition involves the analysis and evaluation of the system performance
and the examination of several alternative solutions to support optimal design
decision-making [28].

2- Roadmap
The main objective of this work is to present a roadmap to implement a learning
factory within the Industry 4.0 approach. This learning factory t will be used to
set-up the challenges for the Tec 21 Model.

2.1. Roadmap for challenge implementation

The goal of the learning factory is to expose the student to a controlled - Real
world work experience. Where the student can learn by doing, applying
theoretical knowledge, disciplinary and transversal competences.
There are six milestones defined to accomplish a complete implementation of the
learning Factory, before the learning factory is ready to deploy the challenges with
large groups of students. They milestones are listed below:

M1: Design and purchase of equipment of the Learning Factory.

M2: Commissioning, Programing, test, and initial validation of the learning


M3: Debugging, measurements implementation for quality control and CPK


M4: Improvement exploration and initial challenges launching

M5: Challenges evaluation and debugging.

M6: Standardization.

Milestones one to three are related to the learning factory design and set up.
Milestones four and five related to initial tests on control groups, to validate
challenges duration and complexity. Milestone six is related to the documentation
and standardization for further launch deployment.
To accomplish every milestone, certain activities must be achieved. The following
graph depicts the roadmap as a plot of the milestones vs main implementation
Operation Infrastructure Challenges Process Product
There are not Material selection and Draft of the challenges include The selected process consists on Product Selection: For this M1
operation activities concept engineering design, drone design and assembly a drone assembly, based on implementation, a Micro-
during this phase it includes robotic cells, process design based. three main activities; soldering: Drone was selected
mobile robots, vision screwing and manual assembly.
systems (industrial Part of this process includes
cameras) Work Instructions Design.
Tests of installed Install the equipment, to Test Challenges launched: Initial Assembly tests, based on Improvements on the M2
equipment. overcome this milestone, at Drones Assembly Fixtures manual assembly with the use of product for ease of
least, 80% of the critical design, Computer vision soldering stations and electronic assembly.
equipment must be installed Inspection Bench, Mobile robot screwdrivers.
and tested. for material handling.
Trials on the Install and set-up 100% of Tests challenges based on Basic Statistical process control Document product M3
assembly line the equipment. It includes operation and quality launched. design. It includes basic performance for continuous
overcome. It includes connectivity to the server implementation and definition improvement.
Dashboards generation.
assembly under for Big Data and Analytics. of The Manufacturing
specification and Execution System and
tolerances. Enterprise Resource planning

Challenges Evaluation of current Challenges on process and Document process performance Document product M4
developed on early infrastructure for further product design and for continuous improvement. performance for continuous
phases are tested improvement. implementations are launched. improvement.
here with larger Metrics to evaluate
control groups performance and scope are
Evaluate stability of Evaluate Infrastructure Evaluate performance of Evaluate Operation performance Redesign the product if

Table 2. Roadmap to a Learning Factory Implementation.

the process during capabilities, decide if student and goals achievements (Cpk) needed depending on results
operation conditions scaling is needed within the proposed time.
Document and Justify new acquisitions and Modify Scope of the challenges Modify process if needed and Modify product if needed M6
standardize request new materials, if needed. standardize. and standardize.
3- Concept
As it was previously stated, the Drone Factory lies on three main components for
Industry 4.0 implementation, listed below:
1. Flexible and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
2. Digital Twin, Simulation and VR/AR
3. Big data and Analytics and Cloud Computing

Figure 3 resumes the concept and the classification above. In the following
paragraphs, a detailed description of every item is given.

Client services

Vertical Integration

Industrial Networks

Cyber-Physical Learning Factory


PLC Control &


Augmented and Virtual Reality


Horizontal Integration
Simulation and Digital Twin
Big Data and Analytics

Cloud Computing

Internet of Things
Cyber Security

Flexible Systems





Supply Chain

Figure 3. Learning Factory Concept based on three fundamentals.

3.1.Flexible and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

Within this category, the following elements are considered:

1. Flexible systems
- Autonomous Robots
- Additive Manufacturing
- CNC Manufacturing
- PLC Control and Modeling
2. Intralogistics
3. Metrology
4. Internet of Things
- Industrial Networks

In the following paragraphs a description of them within the Learning Factory is


3.1.1. Flexible systems

Flexible and reconfigurable systems are those that can be programmed to

manufacture a new product, allowing a wide variety of part numbers within the
same production line, typically, for low volumes. To achieve this flexibility, some
enablers are listed below: Autonomous Robots

Modern Robotic applications (for fixed robots) include vison and Force to guide the
manipulators. Those robots can adapt their movements and positions to a new part
without human intervention (previously programmed). Additive Manufacturing

3D printers are a good option for rapid prototyping and to produce very low
volume parts. While they are very flexible, they lack strength for certain
applications. They are part of some of the state-of-the-art manufacturing
applications including a wide variety of materials, from edible, to electricity
conducers or isolators materials. CNC Manufacturing

This is the most flexible manufacturing industrial process. Used mainly in metals
and some plastics. It allows to manufacture a wide variety of parts, with superior
quality and high strength. It can be easily programed using modern CAM
programs, but the cost of these systems is high. PLC Control and modeling

PLCs are traditional controller that allow a great flexibility. They can be easily
programed, and some models are relatively cheap (less than 100 usd). That allows
those devices to be the standard controllers in the industry.
3.1.2. Intralogistics

This is an interdisciplinary field, it includes robotics, control, logistics,

optimization, among other disciplines. Within the drone factory, intralogistics
includes the use of a fleet of robotic robots to feed lines and transfer arts between
collaborative stations. Robots are connected and their status is available on-line.

3.1.3. Metrology

There is a principle that states that a process cannot be controlled if there are not
measurements first. It is important to measure the produced parts to validate
correctness of the process, within the learning factory, computer vision tools are
used to perform this task, with minimum human involvement.

3.1.4. Internet of Things (IoT)

Every device in the process connected to an Industrial Network, all data available,
all products tracked. Those are some of the principles of the Internet of Things.
On the Learning Factory, Robots, PLCs, Mobile platforms, are connected and
available 24/7/365.

3.2.Digital Twin, Simulation and VR/AR

3.2.1. Simulation and Digital Twin

Simulations can be used to predict the behavior of a system (process or product).

Within the industry 4.0 approach, they can be used to create a virtual (digital) twin
of the system, starting with 3D models, they can be as complex as physical
representations that include forces, stresses, strains, heat, etc. to intelligent
representations of the system that use Artificial Intelligence to extrapolate future
behaviors. Simulation

Within the Learning Factory, the product simulation includes the use of CAD tools
to model the components, CAE tools to simulate the features and CAM tools to
simulate and create the machining program of some components. Simulation

Within the Learning Factory, the process simulation includes the use of CAD tools
to crate the models of the equipment and components of the manufacturing cell.
Once the models are created, they are integrated on a Process Simulate software,
where robots are programed, and PLC programs simulated.

3.2.2. Virtual and Augmented Reality

A useful tool for training and guidance is the use of Virtual and Augmented
reality. Virtual Reality is used here to train the students offline, mainly in the
process operation, while Augmented reality is used to have an online guide for the
operators while working in some process tasks.
3.3.Big data and Analytics and Cloud Computing

This category has three main components:

• Big data and Analytics

• Cloud Computing
• Cybersecurity

The following paragraphs describe each concept within the drone factory

3.3.1. Big Data and analytics

This element is proposed to meet the ERP & MES connectivity with the Drone
Factory. The general idea is to have all system connected (IoT) to have a massive
information from the process, regarding the process itself and the features of the
product. This information is stored on distributed databases, so data can be analyzed
to identify patterns, predict equipment malfunctions, or even control the process.

3.3.2. Cloud Computing

Mainly used in the learning factory to process big data using Machine learning
algorithms. It includes the use of AWS, Microsoft Azure, among others. The
objective is to take decisions from data regarding manufacturing and Enterprise
complex tasks.

3.3.3. Cybersecurity

This is the only item within the industry 4.0 that is not implemented in this project,
Security rules are defined and standardized by the institution, so at least, in terms
of cyber security, the task within the learning factory, is to follow and observe the

4- Implementation
The Drone Factory is the of the Cyber-Physical Learning Factory. The following
concepts are to be evaluated during the validation process:

• The simulation of a real work environment

• The execution of work roles
• The final product must meet client specification

In the following paragraphs, each concept is detailed, and the validation process

4.1. Simulation of a Real Work Environment.

The first job of a student may be distressing when the subject has never been in a
similar situation. A realistic simulation of the real work environment is a key factor
that may offer a student a space to learn, practice, make mistakes, get experience,
and get confident.
For this concept, a manufacturing factory is simulated. The following images depict
the manufacturing cell and assembly line used for the drone Factory.

Figure 4.Intelligent Manufacturing Cell.

Figure 5.Collaborative Assembly Line.

The depicted assembly line is part of the manufacturing process, which is completed
by the following processes and equipment:

1) Thermoplastic injection: This is used to manufacture the propellers of the

2) CNC milling: This is used to create the molds to inject the thermoplastic.
3) 3D printing: This is used to create supports for the battery and motors.
4) Soldering Stations: used to fasten some of the electronic components of the
5) Screwing Stations: used to fix the supports of the motors to the PCB.
6) Collaborative Robots: Used to aid on soldering and screwing operations, as
well as for packing.

4.2. Execution of work roles.

The roles described in this section; are the roles the students must assume to achieve
a final product (the drone) by the end of the activity. The list below describes every
role according to different fields:
4.2.1. Management Roles
Management Roles are performed by the Teacher and training personnel, as well as
some students assigned as project managers. It is responsibility of the teacher, to
define product specifications, assign the tasks to the students and evaluate the
progress, completeness, and quality of the final product. The project managers are
the ones in charge of coordinating individual activities of the team to finish up the
product on time, budget and specification.

4.2.2. Engineering Roles

Engineering Roles can be divided according to some areas of specialization. Since
this Learning Factory is a Multidisciplinary project, many engineering branches are
involved, in the following paragraphs, the activities are presented:
4.2.3.Design, simulation, and integration of the manufacturing and assembly
This is the activity in which the students are focusing on during the first stage of
development of the Drone factory project. The roles within this activity are:

1) Design of the collaborative robot processes

2) Simulation of the processes
3) Integration of assembly fixtures
4) Design of Dashboards for Data Analytics
5) Design of Virtual Reality scenarios for training
6) Design of augmented Reality scenarios for assembly aid.
7) Design of Work instructions for assembly processes
8) Design and validation of the assembly process. This involves:
• Soldering of electronic parts
• Assembly of motors
• Assembly of propellers
• Assembly of batteries
• Quality inspection
• Drone packing

4.2.4. Six sigma and continuous improvement

4.2.5. Development of the product using CAD/CAE/CAM tools and

4.3. The product that meets the client specification

The roles the students assume must be focused on the client requirement, therefore,
a strict design process is undertaken, that includes, but it is not limited to:

• Use of techniques of design for Assembly and Manufacturing.

• Use of six sigma techniques like a house of quality.
• Sign off the project based on client specifications like the Project Scope

The selected product for this implementation is a micro-Drone (quadcopter), as the

one depicted on Figure 6. This microdrone is a teleoperated unmanned aerial
vehicle. A drone is considered a micro drone when its weight is lower than five
kilograms, according to the general direction of civil aeronautics of the SCT in
Mexico CO AV-23/10 R4 [29]. But, if the drone weight less than 200 grams, it can
be considered a nano drone, a complete classification can be obtained in [30].

Figure 6. Micro-Drone used in this project.

4.4. Challenge Deployment

Section 2 described the way the learning factory is set-up for challenges
deployment. During the development phase, some thrills and small connected
projects were presented to the students to evaluate the level of complexity of the
tasks, during the challenge deployment, those evaluated activities become
challenges that full size groups must accomplish within a limited period of time.
The Sequential Function Chart depicted on Figure 7 resumes the core activities for
the challenges launching, deployment and evaluation withing the Cyber Physical
Learning Factory. In the following paragraphs a description of every activity is

1 Challenge Launching

2 Product Design
Product Approval

3 Process Design
Process Approval

4 Evaluation of the Process Capability Index

Cpk NOK Cpk OK

5 Operation

Not Ready Ready

6 Challenge Evaluation

Figure 7. Sequential Function Chart for the Roadmap Definition

4.4.1. Launch the Challenge

Multidisciplinary teams get their challenge according to field of interest, as

described on the previous paragraphs, one of the pillars of the learning factory is
the execution of work roles, for that reason, the challenge is focused to integrate a
number of teams within certain profile whose competences must be developed.
Challenges are designed in coordination with modules, modules offer the
theoretical contents the students need to overcome the challenges.

4.4.2. Product Design

One of the main challenge is about designing the product, this challenge is assigned
to a group of mechatronics students, Whit a product design profile (for example
Mechatronics students), some of the disciplinary competences, required for a
certain industry work may include the competences described on Figure 8.

As the challenge has been tested before (during the challenge design process
described on section 2), the students can work on the product design under certain,
safe, and controlled circumstances. Now, challenge and modules complement each
other to assure the student develops the disciplinary and traversal competences
required to fulfill job requirements on the area of product design engineer.

CAD- Design Engineer

Primary Responsibilities
To have knowledge for Design SW as Catia/NX/Creo, as experience in
Quote phase, program development to meet customer requirements to
ensure the Product Design.

Typical Duties
• Experience on Product Development process under the Automotive
• Review and Evaluate mechanical requirements for design and
Provide feasibility study of proposed concept by providing the
MBOM (Mechanical components assumptions).
• Develop mockup CAD design, manufacturing, and assembly
sequence assumptions with input from Advanced Manufacturing
• Translate styling data into product design that meets functional,
quality, and financial targets by Conducting feasibility study.

Figure 8. Example of an actual job description

During the modules, students learn CAD/CAM/CAE tools, students must be able
to define a product, without ambiguity, creating Mechanical Drawings, Electrical
Schemes, flow control tools for discrete events modeling and Automatic control
for Mechatronic devices. Mechatronics design is the most important module for
this challenge.

4.4.3. Process design

This is the second of the challenges whose importance is high enough to have its
own section. The main objective of this challenge is to design the Manufacturing
and assembly process the set the product (Drone) ready for Mass Production.

Figure 1 depicts an example of a job for which the candidate competences must be
developed within this section, the process design. Challenges here, include, but
are not limited to:
1) Design the proper process to manufacture the drone
2) Design the proper process to assembly the drone

Both processes must be autonomous or semi-autonomous to reduce the labor

during the operation process. Specific competences that the students must acquire
during the challenges are:
a) Understand and apply automation concepts, including PLC and Robot
b) Understand and apply manufacturing concepts, including CNC machining,
Additive manufacturing, injection molding, among others.
c) Understand and apply assembly concepts, including fixtures, robotic
assembly based on force and vision, among others.
d) Understand and apply Six Sigma and lean manufacturing concepts,
including statistical control of the process, Kayzen, Five S’s, among
e) Understand and apply discrete event processes modeling, including State
Machine diagrams, Sequential Function Chars, Petri nets, among others.

Modules like Automation of manufacturing Systems, Industrial Networks,

Industrial Robotics are critical to support the challenges.
Automation Engineer

Position Description:
Research, develop, design, maintain and integrate industrial automation
and robotics applications with processes and equipment’s in
manufacturing lines

1) Automation and Robotics Project Management

− Integrate with LSS & Manufacturing teams to review, analyze and
define process automation requirements
− Project Management for Robotics Implementation
− Review designs, calculations or cost estimates with suppliers
− Business case development & review for robotics implementation
− Develop electrical design, schematics and drawings
− Interpret mechanical design drawings for electrical requirements
− Research supplier products for assembly equipment’s
− Assure that after final deployment the system continue delivering the
KPIs that justified the investment

2) Hands over the project to final user

− Define & document the training process
− Train final user

3) Automation and Robotics Maintenance Management

− Define & document corrective and preventive maintenance
− Train maintenance technicians team
− Support maintenance team to minimize the impact to manufacturing
team because of downtime
− Document system application development, maintenance or changes
and create back-ups of system programs

Figure 9. Example of an Actual job for an Automation Engineer

4.4.4. Evaluation of the Process Capability Index

As a result of a good product and process design, the assembly and manufacturing
processes of the drone must assure a good quality product (Drone). To evaluate
the product, some quality inspections are added as new challenges for the
The first of them is about specific defects as bad quality soldering, missing parts,
and other defects that can be inspected an industrial camera. This challenge
includes the design of the program to inspect parts using Computer Vision,
including lens selection, working distance, FOV, among others.
The second challenge consists on the use of professional 3D scanners, for
noncontact metrology. This challenge includes automated metrology coining
scanners and robots.
The Process Capability Index can be obtained on minimum thirty pieces, and
previous production and product challenges approved if the Cpk is at least 1.67 for
those parts.

4.4.5. Operation

Once the process/product has been approved, operation of the cell starts, new
challenges arise, including maintaining a long term CPK of at least 1.33.
Challenges here include six sigma yellow and green belts formation, among

4.4.6. Challenge Evaluation

Finally, professors must evaluate the whole set of challenges, assigned to different
teams to assign a grade based on the competences, for both, disciplinary and
transversal ones. That means, the students are declared either competent or not
bases on their capability to successfully accomplish the task applying the
knowledge acquired during the modules, and the soft skills like teamwork,
resilience, problem solving, leadership, etc.

5- Results
The project is a work on process, still being developed. This section presents some
of the partial results achieved at this point.

5.1. Infrastructure

This section depicts some of the results regarding infrastructure, as mentioned

before, there are two main spaces devoted to the learning factory, the manufacturing
space, and the collaborative assembly space. To prepare the space for challenges,
the following equipment has been acquired and enabled:

5.1.1. Manufacturing Space

The manufacturing space depicted in Figure 4, is equipped with the following


1) A metrology station: Based on a Universal Robots UR5e, an ATOS system and

a Cognex Industrial Camera; this station computer vision inspection and inverse
engineering. This station is currently a collaborative station where the robot can
hold the pieces and move them, while being inspected, while the operator is
capturing the pictures using the ATOS to generate the cloud of points.

This station has a safety mat to assure slow speed movements of the robot while
the operator is working inside the working are of the robot. Compliance of the
ANSI/RIA standard is observed, and challenges are being developed to
integrate the robot and the ATOS system for autonomous inspection.
2) A Robot based 3D printing station: This station uses a Kuka KR6 R700 sixx
Robot, an inspection Cognex industrial camera (In-Sight 9000), an Allen-
Bradley PLC, Allen-Bradley HMI, configurable safety relay, Industrial
communication Switch, a turn table, and a 3D printer extruder.
Safety consists on interlocked doors to keep operator outside the working area,
and an emergency stop.
Challenge consist to integrate the equipment, simulate, and print some parts
using the robot, PLA is used to print, and the camera inspects and Geometric
validation of the created part.
Early results regarding this station includes partial integration of the extruder
and the robot arm. Some simulations have been crated to use STL files to print
the parts.

3) A Robot based Machining station: This station uses a Kuka KR6 R700 sixx
Robot, an inspection Cognex industrial camera (In-Sight 9000), an Allen-
Bradley PLC, Allen-Bradley HMI, configurable safety relay, Industrial
communication Switch, a turn table, and an electric motor spindle.
Safety consists on interlocked doors to keep operator outside the working area,
and an emergency stop.
Challenge consist to integrate the equipment, simulate, and machine some parts
using the robot, is used to print, and the camera inspects and Geometric
validation of the created part.
Early results regarding this station includes partial integration of the spindle and
the robot arm. Some simulations have been crated to use STL files to machine
the parts.

4) A mobile robot for material handling and transfer: This is an Omron mobile
robot MD 50 and a Techman Collaborative Robot TM5M-700 installed on the
mobile platform, as depicted on Figure 5 (The robot is loading material at the
left side of the conveyor). This robot includes an integrated vision system that
allows to move material from different points using landmarks and/or patterns.
Challenge has three steps. The first step is to cerate a program to achieve
communication and synchrony between the Mobile and the Collaborative arm,
the second step is to program the robot to pick material from the manufacturing
line (Number 1 in Figure 10 right) and the assembly line (Number 2 in the same
figure) and to move some material within the two different areas and other
intralogistics operations.

F F 2



Figure 10. left) Layout of the Machining line, Right) Map generated by a Mobile Robot.
Figure 10 right, is an actual map created by the robot to navigate. The third step is
to crate a graphical interface to manipulate the robot wirelessly, the blue boxes in
Figure 10 right, are some goals pre-defined the operator can use to send the robot
to, paths are automatically created by the robot, safety, and obstacle avoidance are
some of the functions the robot offers but they must be handled by the programmer
as part of the challenge. Additional operations include translate the material from
the manufacturing line to the metrology station for a full quality and dimensional

5) An Automated Manufacturing Line

Figure 10 depicts a layout of the line. This line consists of two identical conveyors
(Letter C), Two identical magazine part Feeders (Letter F), two identical 3 axes
Hass mini milling machines (Letter M), a m10iA/12 Fanuc Loading Robot (L) and
a Deburring station with a Kuka KR6 R700 robot (Letter D).

The process is the following:

a) Blanks (raw material to me machined) are introduced into the magazine part
feeder manually or autonomously using the mobile robot.
b) A two degrees of freedom arm takes the blank and transfers it to a conveyor.
c) The conveyor moves the blank to a picking position,
d) The loading robot takes the blank and loads the milling machine.
e) The mill machines the blank according to the loaded program.
f) The loading robot removes the machined part from the milling machine.
g) The loading robot loads the deburring station
h) The deburring robot finishes the part.
i) The loading robot takes the part from the deburring station and places it on
the conveyor.
j) The conveyor transfers the piece to a laser etching module where traceability
data is engraved.
k) The conveyor transfers the piece to a computer vision module, where a
Cognex Industrial Camera inspects the piece and registers the code for part
quality traceability.
l) The conveyor transfers the part to the end of process point.
m) The feeder arm moves the piece to the exit material part of the magazine.
n) Once on the magazine, the part can be unloaded manually or automatically
with the mobile robot.

The Challenge consists on modeling the discrete event process based on Petri nets,
the activities described below, is a sequence that can be modeled using a Sequential
Function Chart, but modeling the operation of the two concurrent conveyors and
mills with the shared robot resources, need a more complex modeling methodology.
Once modeled, PLC and HMI programs are parts of the challenges, every individual
conveyor has its own PLC so two different teams can work together and
synchronize their sub-process.
As this line is much more complex than the stations described before, a risk
assessment was developed to assure ANSI/RIA compliment. The following table
depicts the results of the risk analysis and the safety measurement taken within this
line. Writing a complete risk assessment is part of the challenge.
Task Operation Hazards Solution



Seq. No.



1 Cell Loading Pinch risk by the feeder S2 E2 A1 R2A Use of fences and light E1 A1 S2 R3B
mechanism curtains at the loading area.

2 Cell unloading Pinch risk by the feeder S2 E2 A1 R2A Use of fences and light E1 A1 S2 R3B
mechanism curtains at the loading area.

3 Milling Loading Robot Material Hit by a robot S2 E2 A2 R1 Use of fences to enclose the E1 A1 S2 R3B
Manipulation robot on the cell

4 Deburring Robot operation Hit by a robot S2 E2 A2 R1 Use of fences to enclose the E1 A1 S2 R3B
robot on the cell

5 Program the CNC Hit by Loading Robot S2 E1 A2 R2B Interlocked gate to drop E1 A1 S2 R3B
robot servo power

5 Program the CNC Hit by Deburring Robot S2 E1 A2 R2B Interlocked gate to drop E1 A1 S2 R3B
robot servo power

6 Program Milling Loading Robot Hit by Loading Robot S2 E1 A2 R2B Only one person using teach E1 A1 S2 R3B
pendant when entering the

Table 3. Example of some of the risks and solutions

6 Program Mill ng Loading Robot Hit by Loading Robot S2 E1 A2 R2B Use of interlocked doors to E1 A1 S2 R3B
force manual mode

7 Program Deburring Robot Hit by Loading Robot S2 E1 A2 R2B Only one person using teach E1 A1 S2 R3B
pendant when entering the
7 Program Deburring Robot Hit by Loading Robot S2 E1 A2 R2B Use of interlocked doors to E1 A1 S2 R3B
force manual mode
Additional activities included in the challenge are creating the 3D models of the
part, traditionally using a program like Autodesk Fusion 360, this CAD tool is also
valuable as a CAM tool used to generate the code to machine the part using the mill.

5.1.2. Assembly Space

The Assembly space depicted in Figure 5, is equipped with the following

equipment: a Baxter collaborative Robot, an ABB YuMi collaborative Robot, A
UR5e collaborative robot from Universal Robots, A conveyor with manual
assembly stations, 3D printers and quality inspection .

The general process in this line is the following:

1) Parts are introduced manually or automatically using a mobile robot from

the loading point (see Figure 5).
2) The first station uses an assembly fixture to assembly the motors (This can
be collaborative using a YuMi robot).
3) The second station uses the soldering fixture to solder the components on
side one of the drone circuit (This can be collaborative using a robot).
4) The Third station uses the soldering fixture to solder the components on
side two of the drone circuit (This can be collaborative using a robot).
5) The fourth station assemblies the rest of the electronic components on side
one of the drones, an assembly fixture is used.
6) The fifth station assemblies the propellers and some electronic
7) The sixth and last station is a quality inspection and packaging station
(This can be collaborative using a YuMi robot).
8) Once the drones are packed, they are sent through a slider where a Baxter
robot takes the packages and place them on a box.

The challenges here are diverse, and they include a set of activities on multiple
disciplines. Industrial Engineers oversee process definition, Work Instructions,
times, and motions, as well as some quality, lean manufacturing, defining logistics,
intralogistics, Manufacturing Execution Systems variables, Enterprise Resource
Planning, and continuous improvement aspects of the product/process.

The following tables depict part of the Work Instructions for the assembly process
of the drones.

Version Code Part Code Part description Qty

00001 000001 PCB 1
00001 000002 Left Propeller 2
00001 000003 Right Propeller 2
00001 000004 Brushless Motor 4
00001 000005 Lower Motor Support 4
00001 000006 Upper Motor Support 4
00001 000007 Bolt 8
00001 000008 Nut 8
00001 000009 Battery Support 1
00001 000010 Battery 1
00001 000011 Wi-Fi Module 1
00001 000012 Inertial Measurement Unit 1
00001 000013 Altimeter 1
00001 000014 Battery DuPont Connector Male 1
00001 000015 Battery DuPont Connector Female 1
00001 000016 Male Pin Header 1
00001 000017 Female Pin Header 1
00001 000017.1 Female Pin Header 1
00001 000018 Step Up Voltage Regulator 1

Motor Assembly

000001 PCB
000004 Brushless Motor
006 000005 Lower Motor Support
000006 Upper Motor Support
000007 Bolt
001 000008 Nut
Motor Assembly Fixture

1. Insert motor (004) into the lower motor support (005) ->

2. Assemble the PCB (001) and the upper motor support (006)
on top
3. Repeat the process for all 4 rotors
4. Insert the nuts (008) into the fixture

5. Insert the PCB (001) with the rotor components in the fixture

6. Screw the bolts (007)

Electric Component Soldering

000001 PCB
000018 Step Up Voltage Regulator
000016 Male Pin Header
000014 Battery DuPont Connector Male
000017 Female Pin Header 1
000017.1 Female Pin Header 2
000018 Step Up Voltage Regulator

Soldering Station
PCB with assembled motors

1. Insert the electronic parts (018, 016, 017) upside down

018 into the fixture (pins pointing up)

016 017 2. Insert the PCB (001) on top of the electronic

components in the designated shape

3. Solder the parts

4. Take out the PCB and insert the electronic component
intended for the other side of the drone (017.1)

5. Insert the PCB upside down

6. Solder the electronic component and the motor

connector cables fixed on the clamps
7. Test continuity with the fixture probes

Electronics Components Assembly side 1

000001 PCB
000012 Inertial Measurement Unit
000013 Altimeter
000009 Battery Support
000010 Battery

1. Insert the Inertial Measurement Unit and the altimeter

(Subassembly) into the Pin header

2. Clamp the battery base to the PCB (Poka-Yoke)

3. Insert the battery (Poka-Yoke)

Electronics Components Assembly side 2

000001 PCB
000002 Left Propeller
000003 Right Propeller
000011 WiFi Module


1. Insert the Wi-Fi module into the PCB

2. Insert the left and right propellers (Poka-Yoke)

3. Turn the drone off

4. Insert the Battery DuPont connector

Challenges for Mechatronics engineers include fixtures design, Inspection stations,
collaborative robots programming, design, and manufacture of robot’s tools for
soldering and screwing operations.

Figure 11 depicts the result of Challenge whose objective was to design and
integrate a Soldering Fixture for manual/automated assembly with an Artificial
Vison system to immediately detect defects on the soldering process.

The idea behind this is that an operator places the components into the fixture. The
part that needs to be detected must me correctly placed according to the right pattern
for side 1 or side 2.

The values for the inspection of the different parts must be set in a way, that bad
soldering spots will not be detected, while good soldering spots will be detected.

The left pictures on Figure 11 depict the images obtained form the Cognex In-Sight
camera, they can detect the pattern to locate the part only, as there are not soldering
points already. The Top Right picture is the whole system, on the table the fixture
with the PCB is placed, the camera is above the Fixture.

Two screens are used, the first one is used to show the result from the vision system
showing al the details of it (soldering points, misplaced parts, etc.) and the right
screen is the HMI of the PLC that controls the inspection and synchrony with the

The image on the bottom right depicts a CAD model of the soldering fixture, notice
that Poka-Joke slots and low-relief numbers to identify the components to insert
according to the Work Instructions.

Figure 11. Top Left) Picture of side one of the fixture Top Right) Inspection station, Bottom
left) Picture of side two of the fixture, Bottom Right) CAD model of the Fixtures.
5.2. Process - Product Simulation and Digital Twin

In this section, the results of some previous Challenges created on preparation of

the Digital Twin for the Drone Factory Simulation challenges are presented.

Figure 12 (top left) depicts the result of a challenge consisting of the process
simulation of the drone assembly on the assembly space. The result is a simulation
of both humans and robots. This was simulated using Siemens Tecnomatix Process
Simulate, which has an interface to the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality device, to
visualize the scene, it allows very basic interaction, mainly 360° immersion on the

Figure 12 (top right) depicts the result of a challenge consisting of the process
simulation of the drone assembly using a soldering station on the assembly space.
The result is a simulation the robot and its soldering tool. This was simulated using
ABB RobotStudio, which has an interface to the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality device,
to visualize the scene, it allows very basic interaction, mainly 360° immersion on
the scene.

Figure 12 (bottom left) depicts the result of a challenge consisting on the creation
of an interactive space within the manufacturing space.

Figure 12. Top Left) Simulation of the process using Siemens Process Simulate. Top Right)
Simulation in ABB RobotStudio, Bottom Left) Virtual Reality scenarios for training Bottom
Right) Augmented Reality scenarios for assembly aid.
This application for off-line training purposes, was programmed on Unity
completely by students. The challenge consisted on the virtual manipulation
(jogging) of the robots and the CNC mills. There are three different robots which
can be jog jogged, a Kuka KR6 R700 sixx robot, a UR5e robot and a Fanuc
m10iA/12 robot using a Virtual Tech Pendant (or programming unit) that can be
grabbed and its buttons pressed as depicted on the image. Furthermore, the table of
the milling machine can be jogged in the X, Y and Z directions.

The Virtual Reality device used here is the Oculus Rift, it allows interaction with
the robots and CNC milling machine using the left- and right-hand controllers,
visualization and 360° immersion on the scene.

Figure 12 (bottom right) depicts the result of a challenge consisting on the creation
of an interactive Augmented Reality application for on-line training and support
that allows the students learn how to assembly the drone by following on-line
instructions displayed either on a table, or on Epson AR glasses. This challenge
was developed by a student using Unity and Vuforia.

5.3. Big Data and analytics

All the equipment described on the infrastructure section, is connected to the

network, that way, all data is available to be stores and processed for further
necessities. A partnership between the institution and OSIsoft LCC, enables the use
of an industrial system for Big Data and sequential analytics.

The challenge here is to create the dashboards to Visualize current state of the
sensors and actuators, the Data (History mainly) and sequential analytics. Figure 13
depicts an image of a Dashboard created on PI Vision, a tool of OSIsoft that display
data from the cell on real time, and date stored on the PI Server which can be used
for sequential analysis. The image displays some gauges displaying real time
information and a graph of stored information, that can be selected according to a

Figure 13. Example of a Dashboard for Big Data and Analytics Visualization.
6- Conclusions
This work presented a Roadmap towards the Cyber-Physical Learning Factory
implementation of the Monterrey Institute of Technology. This document
described the approach to conceptualize, design, and implement a Cyber-Physical-
Factory that fulfills the Paradigm of Industry 4.0.

This implementation has the following benefits: 1) The Cyber-Learning-Factory

that emulates a real, controlled, Industry 4.0 workplace, 2) It allows the students to
design a solution to manufacture and assembly a product from a realistic product
specification 2) It allows the students to play roles for real industry positions, to
develop the required skills they will need to apply to a similar position.

An important remark is that the main objective of this work is not to build a factory
to produce parts. But to create a methodology to recreate this factory creation
process under a structured environment, that can be repeated over and over again,
as a continuous improvement set of Challenges for students, That means, the
objective is to create an even better factory every period, applying new technologies
and knowledge.

Results were presented for some challenges already tested to normalize and define
further challenges. With a combination of new infrastructure, and a set of
challenging hands-on projects, the scenario is being prepared for the adoption of the
Tec 21 model in our institution.

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Dr. Armando Roman obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from
the University of Waterloo. He is currently an assistant professor and Chair of the
Mechatronics Engineering Department at Tecnologico de Monterrey, in Mexico.
He is the faculty advisor for student groups in automotive competitions and his
current research focuses on hybrid manufacturing, 3D printing and Industry 4.0.

Dr. Carlos Vázquez obtained his Ph.D. degree in Advanced Automation and
Robotics from the Polytechnical University of Catalonia. He is currently a
professor on the Mechatronics Engineering Department at Tecnologico de
Monterrey, in Mexico. His research interests include Industrial Robotics,
Computer vision and Automation.

Dra. Adriana Vargas obtained her Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences from
the Tecnologico de Monterrey. She is currently assistant professor and Associate
head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department at Tecnologico de Monterrey,
in Mexico.

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