SAMSON Enrichment Exercise No. 3

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Name: Frances Carriaga Samson Time: MWF 10:30-11:30 Score: _______

Enrichment Exercise No. 3

Problem Solving Exercise. Now that you have learned the nature, scope, functions,
and process of communication, how will you handle the following situations? Consider
the TLPR Process of Communication.

a. Handling a difficult customer who insists to see the manager without previous

I would let the customer talk to me about what his/her grievance is.
After he/she is done talking, I would then, offer my assistance.
However, if he/she insists that she sees the manager, I would calmly
explain to the customer that appointments are necessary since the
manager’s schedule is hectic and that for the meantime, I would render
assistance the best that I can.

b. Reminding your manager/ boss of an important appointment while he/ she is

in the midst of a serious conversation with very important guests.

I would catch the manager’s attention by first knocking gently at any

hard surface, and then respectfully excusing myself for the interruption.
I would then patiently wait for the manager’s attention to shift to me.
When he/she does, I would then approach the manager and

c. Your close friend posted offensive statements in Facebook because he is

angry with somebody.

I would engage in a private conversation with my friend and ask why

he/she is angry with such person. When she expresses his/her anger, I
would then let him/her know how I understand the frustration caused by
such person while letting his/her know that what he/she posted may be
regarded as offensive and may cause trouble.

d. Pacifying an angry client who was insulted by some clerks in the office

The first thing to do would be to ask the client what happened. I would
then calmly apologize to the client for the behavior of the other clerks
and let him/her know how willing I am to assist him/her. I would then
give the client some complimentary goods to show how sincere I am
with my apology.
e. You were not able to take an examination because you were absent for a
valid reason, how will you approach your terror and inconsiderate professor?

I would approach my professor when he/she is not busy and

respectfully ask for his/her time. When he/she agrees, I would then
inform him/her of the circumstance. At the same time, I would also
present a letter to my professor with an attached document proving my
absence was for a valid reason. When he/she accepts the document, I
would then sincerely thank him/her for the consideration.

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