Rapid Determination of Terpene Lactones in Ginkgo Biloba Commercial Products by HPLC With Evaporative Light-Scattering Detection

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456 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 22 NUMBER 5 MAY 2004 www.chromatographyonline.


Rapid Determination of Terpene

Lactones in Ginkgo Biloba Commercial
Products by HPLC with Evaporative
Light-Scattering Detection
A rapid, sensitive, and reproducible high performance liquid chromatography
gradient method has been developed for the measurement of ginkgolides A, B, C,
and J, along with bilobalide, in a Ginkgo biloba commercial product. The separation
was achieved in less than 14 min, employing a water–methanol–trifluoroacetic acid
mobile phase and an evaporative light-scattering detector. No sample clean-up
procedures were used with the methanol extraction of the Ginkgo biloba dietary
supplement. The detection limit (signal-to-noise ratio  5) is less than 125 ng on-
column for each terpene lactone on a reversed-phase C18 column. Both intra- and
interday reproducibility were evaluated. Four brands of standardized Ginkgo biloba
herbal supplements were assessed for their terpene lactone content. This method is
applicable for analyzing a Ginkgo biloba dietary supplement in capsule, tablet, or
liquid form.

he world’s most ancient surviving herbal supplement worldwide. Therefore, a
tree, Ginkgo biloba, originated rapid and reproducible method for extract-
more than 200 million years ago. ing and determining the active constituents
Ginkgo, sometimes known as the in Ginkgo biloba is very desirable in industry.
maidenhair tree, has an average life span of
1000 years and can grow to 20–40 m in Experimental
height. A monotypic tree with broad fan- Reagents and chemicals: Methanol (high
shaped leaves, Ginkgo biloba has been valued performance liquid chromatography
for its medicinal properties for many cen- [HPLC] grade) was purchased from Fisher
turies in Asia, where it is used to treat dis- Scientific Co. (Fair Lawn, New Jersey).
eases such as asthma, tuberculosis, and arte- Deionized water was obtained with an in-
riosclerosis. In western medicine, its leaves house U.S. Filter Service Deionization water
and extractions are used primarily to treat system (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). Trifluo-
demential disorders such as concentration roacetic acid (99%) was acquired from
difficulties and memory impairment (1). Aldrich Chemicals Co. (St. Louis, Missouri).
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract has been shown to Bilobalide, ginkgolide J, ginkgolide C,
possess antioxidant, anti-ischemic, and neu- ginkgolide A, and ginkgolide B standards
roprotective properties (2), and has been were obtained from Alltech Associates, Inc.
Tim Herring shown to improve mental capacities in (Deerfield, Illinois). Several brands of
Alltech Associates, Inc., 2701 Alzheimer’s patients (3). Ginkgo biloba supplements were bought
Carolean Industrial Drive, State The pharmacologically active terpene lac- from a local department store. Supplies for
College, Pennsylvania 16801, tones selectively inhibit the platelet-activat- the preparation of standards and samples
e-mail therring@alltechemail.com ing factor, preventing thrombus formation included 5-mL Luer tip plastic syringes;
and bronchoconstriction. Bilobalide is nylon 13-mm diameter, 0.45-m porosity
reported to possess neuroprotective proper- polypropylene-encased syringe filters; 0.45-
ties (4). Figure 1 shows the structures of the m porosity, 47-mm nylon filter mem-
terpene lactones in Ginkgo biloba. branes; and 4-mL HPLC vials with caps
In the U.S. market, Ginkgo biloba prepa- (Alltech Associates).
rations were the top-selling nutraceutical in Chromatographic Conditions: The
1998 and 1999, comprising more than 20% HPLC system was assembled from an on-
of the total sales in the herbal–nutraceutical line degassing system (Alltech Associates), a
industry (5). Today, it is still the best-selling model L-7100 quaternary gradient HPLC
www.chromatographyonline.com MAY 2004 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 22 NUMBER 5 457

pump (Hitachi Instruments, San Jose, Cali-

fornia), a model 7125 manual sample injec-
tor (Rheodyne, Cotati, California) with a 5-
L PEEK flex-connect sample loop (Alltech
Associates), a model ELSD 2000 evaporative
light-scattering detector (Alltech Associates),
and a PeakSimple chromatography data sys-
tem (SRI, Torrance, California). The detec-
tor was operated in the impactor off mode
(no aerosol splitting). The drift tube tem-
perature was 110 °C, and the nitrogen gas
flow was 3.1 L/min.
A 100 mm  4.6 mm, 3-m dp Alltima
C18 column (Alltech Associates) was used
for all separations, and they were done at
ambient temperature. A binary mobile phase
was used with mobile phase A being 0.1%
trifluoroacetic acid in deionized water and
mobile phase B consisting of 0.1% trifluo-
roacetic acid in methanol (6). The gradient
was 10–55% B over 15 min. All runs were
baseline-equilibrated before the initiation of
the next run. The flow rate was 1.3 mL/min.
All HPLC injections of standards and sam-
ples had an injection volume of 5 L. All Figure 1: Structures of the terpene lactones in Ginkgo biloba. (Courtesy of the Institute for Nat-
ural Products Research.)
mobile phases were mixed, degassed, and fil-
tered before use.
Standard Solution Preparation: 1.017 ginkgolide A, and 1.004 mg of ginkgolide B 10-mL volumetric flask. Methanol was
mg of bilobalide, 1.011 mg of ginkgolide J, were weighed accurately on a microscale and added to volume, and the compounds were
1.025 mg of ginkgolide C, 1.031 mg of quantitatively transferred into a clean, dry dissolved. From this, a subsample was
458 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 22 NUMBER 5 MAY 2004 www.chromatographyonline.com

obtained from the Brand A (capsule) over

three days (n  18, each injected in tripli-
cate) for the reproducibility study. The ter-
pene lactone content was also evaluated in
brands B (tablet) and C (capsule) (n  6,
each injected in triplicate). The standard-
ized liquid extract (Brand D) was injected
six times to obtain Ā. A solution of stan-
dards was injected seven times to obtain Ā
for the terpene lactones.
1. The average concentration (micrograms
per capsule or tablet) of each terpene lac-
tone (for example, BB) is:

Note: The last conversion factor (10

mL/capsule or tablet) is not used for the liq-
uid extract because it is unaltered.

2. Converting into milligrams per gram:

Figure 2: Separation of terpene lactones in (a) Brand A capsule, (b) Brand B tablet, (c) Brand C
capsule, and (d) Brand D liquid extract. See the text for conditions. Peaks: 1  bilobalide, 2 
ginkgolide J, 3  ginkgolide C, 4  ginkgolide A, 5  ginkgolide B. Reproducibility and Sensitivity: The
precision of the method was assessed by
examining sample-to-sample and day-to-
syringe-filtered through a 13-mm, 0.45-m The content of the vial was allowed to settle day reproducibility. Run-to-run repro-
nylon-syringe filter into a 4-mL HPLC vial for 10 min, and the supernatant was trans- ducibility also was evaluated for the stan-
that was capped tightly and stored at 4 °C. ferred by pipette into a 5-mL syringe fitted dards. The limit of detection for the
Sample Solutions Preparation: Four with a 13-mm diameter, 0.45-m porosity evaporative light-scattering detector was
Ginkgo biloba herbal supplements were ana- nylon syringe filter. The liquid extract was measured for this HPLC method by dilut-
lyzed. Samples of the supplements in cap- filtered into a clean, dry, 10-mL volumetric ing the standard sample until an S/N greater
sule form were prepared by emptying the flask. For each solid sample, the extraction than 5 was reached.
content of single capsules into clean, dry, was repeated two more times, and the com-
and tared 4-mL vials. Each vial was weighed bined extracts were brought to volume with Results and Discussion
accurately to determine the mass of the methanol (7). The samples were capped Evaporative light-scattering detection
sample. Samples of the supplements in tightly and stored at 4 °C. (ELSD) was chosen over other methods of
tablet form were prepared by thoroughly The commercially prepared liquid detection for this analysis for several rea-
pulverizing single tablets with a mortar and Ginkgo biloba extract with 2 g of leaf sons. Independent of functional group
pestle. The powders were transferred care- extracted into 1 mL of deionized water and properties, it produces a response that gives
fully into individual clean, dry, and tared 4- ethanol (1:1) was analyzed directly by a closer estimate of the true sample mass
mL vials. Each vial was accurately weighed HPLC with no sample preparation. when compared with UV detection, which
to determine the mass of the sample. Quantitation: Determination of the depends upon the optical characteristics
All solid samples were extracted as fol- ginkgolides (A, B, C, and J) and bilobalide (extinction coefficients) of the analytes. The
lows: 3 mL of methanol was added to a vial (BB) present in the standardized Ginkgo terpene lactones in Ginkgo biloba are poor
containing a solid sample. The vial was biloba supplement was as follows: Average chromophores with weak absorption in the
tightly capped and sonicated for 10 min. area counts (Ā) for these constituents were 200–220 nm range. Refractive-index detec-
tion was considered and rejected because a
stable baseline is more easily attained with
Table I: Terpene lactones in standard solution (n = 7) ELSD, resulting in faster equilibration. In
addition, ELSD is gradient compatible,
Bilobalide Ginkgolide J Ginkgolide C Ginkgolide A Ginkgolide B
whereas the refractive-index detection is
Area count 55.843 55.933 55.722 97.761 78.198 not. Gas chromatography with flame ion-
Concentration 101.7 101.1 102.5 103.1 100.4 ization detection is a reliable and sensitive
(g/mL) way to perform this analysis, but the process
RSD 4.22% 5.08% 6.66% 2.86% 6.73%
requires time-consuming sample prepara-
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dependent upon the gas flow rate used in

the analysis. The optimum gas flow rate will
produce the highest S/N. In this study, the
gas flow rate of 3.1 L/min gave the highest
S/N. Then the mobile phase evaporates in a
heated stainless steel drift tube, leaving a
fine mist of dried sample particles in the sol-
vent vapor. The optimum tube temperature
will produce the most stable baseline with-
out compromising sensitivity (S/N), which

The HPLC method

was applied to
Figure 3: Separation of terpene lactone Ginkgo biloba Figure 4: Limit of detection of terpene lac-
standards. See the text for conditions. Peaks: 1 tones. See the text for conditions. Peaks: 1 
 bilobalide, 2  ginkgolide J, 3  ginkgolide standardized bilobalide, 2  ginkgolide J, 3  ginkgolide C,
C, 4 ginkgolide A, 5  ginkgolide B. 4  ginkgolide A, 5  ginkgolide B.
supplements in
tion and derivatization, which potentially capsule, tablet, and collection (9).
introduces more errors into the method (8). The HPLC method was applied to
The unique detection principle of ELSD
liquid form. Ginkgo biloba standardized supplements in
involves nebulization, evaporation, and capsule, tablet, and liquid form. The ter-
detection of the remaining nonvolatile in this application was 110.0 °C. Detection pene lactone peaks were identified by direct
solute particles. Inside the nebulizer, the occurs inside an optical cell, where non- comparison of the retention times of the
column effluent passes through a needle volatile sample particles interrupt a laser peaks in the standard chromatogram with
and mixes with nitrogen gas to form an light beam. The scattered light is detected the peaks resolved in the sample chro-
aerosol consisting of a uniform distribution by a silicon photodiode, producing a signal matogram. The order of elution is as fol-
of droplets. The size of each droplet is that is sent to the analog output for data lows: bilobalide, ginkgolide J, ginkgolide C,
460 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 22 NUMBER 5 MAY 2004 www.chromatographyonline.com

account in the quantitation listed on the

product label, often leading to an underesti-
mation of the amount of the total terpene
lactones in the Ginkgo biloba supplement
when the leaf is present, as Brands A and C
indicate. Brand B, which contains no leaf,
contains approximately 69.1% of the total
terpene lactones it is purported to have
according to the label, while Brand D, the
liquid extract, contains 103.6% compared
to its label claim, which is within experi-
mental error. The low amount of total ter-
pene lactones in Brand B relative to the
label claim could be attributed to label inac-

Figure 5: Comparison of terpene lactones in commercial Ginkgo biloba standardized hydrolyzation,
determination of the
flavonol glycosides is
ginkgolide A, and ginkgolide B. Figure 2 125 ng on-column for each of the five ana-
shows the chromatograms of each of the lytes. Quantitation of the terpene lactones impossible due to
samples. Figure 3 illustrates the separation was straightforward using equation 1, and the different sizes of
of the terpene lactone standards. The the results reported in Table III. Table IV
methanol extraction was exhaustive, which summarizes the amount of the total terpene sugars that are
was verified by analyzing the third extrac- lactones per serving size for the Ginkgo
tion in which no measurable amounts of the biloba herbal supplements.
otherwise bound to
terpene lactones were found. A direct comparison illustrating the each of the flavonol
Table I lists the average area counts with absolute and relative amounts of terpene
the corresponding concentrations and the lactones present in each of the four Ginkgo glycosides.
run-to-run relative standard deviations (n  biloba supplements is shown in Figure 5.
7) for each of the terpene lactones in the Both the amounts of the Ginkgo biloba
standard solution. For the reproducibility standardized extract and leaf content vary curacies by the manufacturer. Perhaps less
study, Table II reports the Brand A sample widely from brand to brand, as evidenced in relative surface area is present after manual
area counts along with the standard devia- Figure 4. The extract portion is standard- pulverization in Brand B, which is in a
tions (SD) and relative standard devia- ized to  6% total terpene lactones. How- tablet form along with fillers and binders.
tions. The relative standard deviations for ever, the amounts of the terpene lactones are The whole product of Brand D liquid
intraday samples (n  6, each injected in unregulated in the leaf material. Moreover, extract is standardized, leading to a more
triplicate) ranged from 2.31% (bilobalide, the terpene lactone content in the leaf can accurate quantitation, as opposed to the
day 3) to 9.22% (ginkgolide J, day 1). Day- vary considerably depending upon the sea- capsulated brands A and C, where the leaf
to-day relative standard deviations ranged son and the geographic location of cultiva- portion is neglected for quantitation. As a
from 1.31% (ginkgolide A) to 11.09% tion (10). The total terpene lactones, the result, the total terpene lactone content dif-
(ginkgolide J). As depicted in Figure 4, the ginkgolides A, B, C, and J, along with fers extensively from brand to brand, as
limit of detection (S/N  5) was less than bilobalide, in the leaf are not taken into Table IV summarizes.

Table II: Terpene lactones in standard solution of brand A

Bilobalide Ginkgolide J Ginkgolide C Ginkgolide A Ginkgolide B

Day 1 (n = 6) 27.31  1.32 3.47  0.32 21.92  1.39 124.88  7.22 77.17  4.67
Intraday 4.84% 9.22% 6.35% 5.78% 6.05%

Day 2 (n = 6) 30.32  1.25 3.02  0.20 21.78  0.61 126.80  5.25 75.34  2.34
Intraday 4.12% 6.55% 2.81% 4.14% 3.10%

Day 3 (n = 6) 29.79  0.69 2.79  0.15 19.67  0.55 123.55  4.00 65.80  1.73
Intraday 2.31% 5.53% 2.77% 3.24% 2.63%

Overall (n = 3) 29.14  1.61 3.10  0.34 21.12  1.26 125.08  1.63 72.77  6.10
Interday 5.52% 11.09% 5.95% 1.31% 8.39%
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This HPLC method is 40% faster than Table III Determination of Terpene Lactones (TLs) in Ginkgo Biloba Supplements
other methods reviewed. Separation of the
five terpene lactones occurs in less than 14 Brand A Bilobalide Ginkgo. J Ginkgo.C Ginkgo. A Ginkgo. B Total TLs
min. Both Polymer Laboratories (Amherst, g/capsule 541.6 55.9 388.5 1319.1 934.3 3239.4
Massachusetts) (11) and Ganzera and col- mg/g 1.40 0.145 1.06 3.41 2.42 8.43
leagues (7) managed to resolve the lactones %(w/w) 0.14% 0.014% 0.11% 0.34% 0.24% 0.84%
within 25 min. In addition, only three ter-
Brand B Bilobalide Ginkgo. J Ginkgo.C Ginkgo. A Ginkgo. B Total TLs
pene lactones were assessed in the Polymer
Laboratories study (11). The binary mobile g/tablet 44.4 15.9 149.1 1480.5 798.1 2488.0
phase, comprising methanol, water, and tri- mg/g 0.14 0.050 0.47 4.67 2.52 7.85
fluoroacetic acid, is much simpler in this %(w/w) 0.01% 0.005% 0.05% 0.47% 0.25% 0.79%
method. A ternary gradient is used in the
Brand C Bilobalide Ginkgo. J Ginkgo.C Ginkgo. A Ginkgo. B Total TLs
Polymer application, while Ganzera and his
colleagues (7) used a buffer, an acid, two g/capsule 790.1 91.7 639.4 1923.2 889.3 4333.7
alcohols, and water in their mobile phase. mg/g 2.88 0.335 2.33 7.02 3.25 15.82
%(w/w) 0.29% 0.034% 0.23% 0.70% 0.32% 1.57%
Sample preparation is simpler when com-
pared to other published methods. Li and Brand D Bilobalide Ginkgo. J Ginkgo.C Ginkgo. A Ginkgo. B Total TLs
Fitzloff (6) attempted to determine both the
terpene lactones and flavonol glycosides in g/mL 4993.1 511.6 2320.8 1644.5 471.6 9941.6
mg/g 5.24 0.54 2.44 1.73 0.50 10.5
Ginkgo biloba simultaneously. Their sample %(w/w) 0.52% 0.05% 0.24% 0.17% 0.05% 1.03%
preparation involved a liquid–liquid extrac-
tion, subsequent evaporation, and resuspen-
sion. In addition, the flavonol glycosides flavonol glycoside (12). Conclusion
were not acid hydrolyzed into their respec- The limit of detection for the terpene lac- The total terpene lactones present in the
tive aglycones. Without hydrolyzation, tones using ELSD is 125 ng on-column for Ginkgo biloba supplements analyzed ranged
determination of the flavonol glycosides is the terpene lactones. This is much lower from 0.79% (w/w) for Brand B to 1.57%
impossible due to the different sizes of sug- than both Polymer Laboratories’ (11) and (w/w) for Brand C. The concentrations of
ars that are otherwise bound to each of the Ganzera and colleagues’ (7) limits of detec- the individual terpene lactones varied from
flavonol glycosides, resulting in numerous tion, which were 250 and 203 ng on-col- 0.005% (w/w) for ginkgolide J in Brand B
peaks with varying retention times for each umn, respectively. to 0.70% (w/w) for ginkgolide A in
462 LCGC NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 22 NUMBER 5 MAY 2004 www.chromatographyonline.com

Table IV: Comparison of total terpene lactones (TTLs) (9) Alltech Associates, Inc., Alltech ELSD 2000
Evaporative Light Scattering Detector Operating
Brand Serving Size (SS) ActualTTLs (µg/SS) Label Claim TTLs (µg/SS) Manual (2001).
A 2 capsules 6478.8 2400.0 (10) T.A. Van Beek, H.A. Scheeren, T. Rantio,
B 1 tablet 2488.0 3600.0 W.C. Melger, and G.P. Lelyveld. J. Chro-
C 2 capsules 8667.4 7200.0 matogr. 543, 375–387 (1991).
D 1 mL 9941.6 9600.0 (11) Polymer Laboratories, Inc., The Application
Notebook, LCGC, 44–45 (February 2003).
(12) D. McCreary, personal communication (2002).
Brand C. References
The HPLC method described here allows (1) A.Y. Leung and S. Foster, Encyclopedia of Com-
analysis of Ginkgo biloba much more mon Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs,
rapidly than has been reported previously and Cosmetics, 2nd ed. (Wiley & Sons, Hobo- Tim Herring is with Alltech Associates, Inc.,
without compromising sensitivity and ken, New Jersey, 1996). 2701 Carolean Industrial Drive, State College,
reproducibility. As a result, routine quality (2) C. Mar and S. Bent, Western J. Med. 171, Pennsylvania 16801, e-mail therring@all-
control in high-throughput laboratories 168–171 (1999). techemail.com.
within the nutraceutical industry can be (3) P.L. Le Bars, M.M. Katz, N. Berman, T.M. Itil,
performed much more efficiently. A.M. Freedman, and A.F. Schatzberg, J. Am.
Med. Assoc. 278, 1327–1332 (1997).
Acknowledgements (4) P.F. Smith, C.L. MacLennan, and J. Darling-
The author would like to thank the follow- ton, J. Ethnopharmacol. 50, 131–139 (1996).
ing employees of Alltech Associates: (5) M. Blumenthal, Herbalgram 47, 64–65 (1999).
Michael Li, Stephen Liu, Dennis McCreary, (6) W. Li and J. Fitzloff, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.
Sharon McKinley, Gary Nixon, Cary 30, 67–75 (2002).
Thrall, Mark Waksmonski, Bob Wiedemer, (7) M. Ganzera, J. Zhao, and I. Khan, Chem.
and Bob Ziegler. He would also like to Pharm. Bull. 49, 1170–1173 (2001).
thank all of Alltech Associates for their (8) E. Lolla, A. Paletti, and F. Peterlongo, Fitoter-
invaluable contributions to this project. apia 69, 513–519 (1998).

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